#wandanat text post
unholyhelbig · 9 months
Y/n: *sobbing incomprehensible nonsense*
Wanda: Honey, we can’t understand you
Y/n: *sill sobbing*
Wanda: Are you physically hurt?
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mamaspidershit · 1 year
Natasha: Any other questions?
Peter: *raises hand*
Natasha: Ah, yes. Peter?
Peter: Uh, you’re bleeding through your shirt.
Natasha: *looks down at her bloodstained side* How embarrassing…
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lowkeyerror · 3 months
The Family Business Ch.4
WandaNat x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Chapter Notes: Brief mention of the red room nothing crazy
Summary: Natasha is nervous about finally having some personal time with Wanda’s family. You help her fight through those nerves. Meanwhile Wanda struggles to come to terms with how much of your growth she missed.
An: Posting consistently again got me feeling in my prime. No promises, but might post chapter 5 later this week instead of next monday.
Series Masterlist| Masterlist
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Once you were done with work, and had your flowers for Flora, you were ready to go to the Maximoff’s house. You’d sent a quick text to Dragos telling him that you’d bring Natasha with you, to save them an extra unnecessary trip.
You pack your things quickly and head to the car, Natasha follows behind you. When you get in the car, you finally notice the subtle nervousness of Natasha.
“Are you scared to meet Wanda’s mom?”
Natasha nods a little, “It’s more than that. You guys are the most important people in her life. She told me so herself. Dragos doesn’t like me yet, Pietro and I really just looked at each other, and I heard Flora’s got high standards when it comes to partners.”
“Well, they are the kindest people you could ever meet. All they'll care about is that you keep Wanda happy,” you insist.
“I think the kindness goes out of the window, when you find out your daughter got married to a Russian spy that tried to kill her,” Natasha mumbles.
 You try to offer her some comfort, “I’m not going to argue with that but, you’ll get a little break, when I tell them I like you.”
“If Wanda told you all about me, then you should know they've got a soft spot for me,” you’re a little embarrassed when you say it, but it’s the truth.
If Natasha notices your embarrassment, she doesn't bring it up, “Wanda says you’re basically a Maximoff every time she tells a story about you.”
You smile, “I like to think of them as my family too. There’s been plenty of times where I want to call Dragos, papa. That means there’s even more times when I want call Flora Mama.”
“What’s stopping you?”
“I don’t want to take the chance and ruin our dynamic.”
The Russian sighs as the house comes into view. “I think they’d both love it. The way Wanda tells it, they feel as though you're one of their kids.”
You park the car before answering Natasha, “Maybe one day.”
With the hydrangeas in hand, you head to the front door. Natasha tries to walk behind you, but you pull her forward so she’s next to you.
“This is a family you have to face head on. Those uncertainties you have, keep them close to you. Don’t let them see your nerves because they’ll pounce. Just remember that you love Wanda, and she loves you too,” your attempt at a pep talk seems to calm her nerves a bit.
“You said they were nice people. Nice people don’t have warnings.”
You roll your eyes, “Natasha you secretly married the daughter of a crime lord without ever meeting the family, there’s a shitload of warnings.”
The door swings open before you have the chance to knock. You find yourself being pulled into a warm hug. It’s only a moment before Flora’s hands land on your face. She turns your head a couple times checking that you are fine, before planting a kiss on your cheek.
“Y/n, where have you been sweetheart? Too old to come see me anymore, huh? You’ve got bags under your eyes Malysh, have you been sleeping ok?”
You smile warmly at her antics, “I’ll never be too old to come visit my Flora. As a sorry, for being away I brought you these.”
Flora takes the flowers from you. “Always knowing how to get into my good graces, these are beautiful Y/n.” Her eyes dart to Natasha and you watch as her features go neutral.
 “You must be Natasha.”
The red head extends her hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Maximoff.”
Flora shakes her hand, “Yes, if only we could've done this sooner. “
Natasha doesn’t shift at the words, but you can feel her nerves from besides you. Flora beckons you both into the house and you follow her into the kitchen. She grabs a vase for the flowers and begins to fill it with water.
“So, why Natasha?” She says as she places the flowers in the vase.
“I’m sorry?” Natasha is confused by the question.
Flora keeps her eyes on the flowers, “Why’d you pick the name Natasha? Natalia is a fairly pretty name, why not keep it?”
You weren't surprised that Flora had done some research on the woman. However, Natasha was taken aback by the question. She wasn’t expecting it, so it took her a moment to respond.
“As a spy, I have many aliases. However, Natasha never felt like an alias, she just felt like me. My parents and sister call me Natalia often just to tease me, but even they seem to like Natasha better.”
You decide to help the Russian out, “Are you close with your family, Natasha?”
She nods, “Very close. My parents took Yelena and I when we were very little. They saved us from some terrible people, I owe then everything. Though they'd never let me repay them.”
“Reminds me of us,” you say to Flora, who has now softened her gaze on the redhead.
Flora had a soft spot for children in tough places. You knew that's why she originally gravitated towards you, when Pietro first brought you around. This was the perfect topic to get Natasha on Flora’s good side.
“If we found you any younger you would've had our last name,” Flora places the vase the table. She eyes Natasha for a moment before asking about her childhood, “Foster care?”
Natasha stiffens a little, “Worse. Young girls all taken and trained to be weapons for whatever they needed.”
Flora’s eyes become glossy, “The red room.”
Natasha’s gaze was locked on the floor, “Yeah.”
It is a quick turn of events when Flora wraps her arms around Natasha. She holds the woman firm as she begins to speak in Russian. You don't understand all of it, but it seems that Flora was intimately familiar with the place.
“You two go and make yourselves comfortable while I start dinner,” she says finally releasing Natasha.
“You don’t want help?”
Flora shakes her head, “Go, relax malysh. I’ve got it covered in here.”
Instead of leading Natasha to the living room, you take her to the backyard. There is a beautiful large grass area, with a nice garden space in the corner. The patio has the perfect view of the sunset. You sit on one of the patio chairs and Natasha sits beside you.
“I think that went well,” you say to her.
“Thanks to you, it went really well,” Natasha looks at you gratefully.
You shake your head, “I didn’t do much.”
Natasha argues back, “I see why they call you the glue. If you hadn’t made your comment, she would’ve slighted me all night.”
“Don’t give me too much credit, you would've had her the moment you asked how many people she killed,” you joke, and Natasha gets a bit embarrassed.
“Sorry, I guess I just- “
You stop her, “It’s fine, Nat. I’ve been underestimated all my life. My first kill is symbolic to me, even in that pitiful state, I was able to snap someone’s neck. I remember all of them, though it’s not a lot, I also remember each one getting easier.”
She looks at you, “The longer it gets, the less you remember, and then one day you’re left with the memory of how you used to feel about it. Maybe it fills you with pride in the beginning, but eventually killing just leaves you feeling empty.”
Wanda comes into the backyard before you could answer the Russian.
“She’s not giving you too much trouble is she, Y/n?”
Natasha sends her wife a pointed look. You laugh at the interaction.
“She’s a pleasure to have around. I can see why you married her, regardless of the assassination attempt.”
Wanda tilts her head but keeps a smile on her face, “Telling our love story without me, my love?”
“It just came up. How was the meeting?”
Wanda plops down next to you before leaning back, “Apparently Kingpin is looking to expand his control. At least that’s what Hammerhead said.”
You clench your jaw at the mention of the large man, “He’s such a greedy bastard. He has the second largest market besides us. Which means he thinks he can take over us. I couldn’t imagine being a guy that big with no fucking brains.”
Wanda shakes her head and chuckles slightly, “You sound just like Papa. He was pissed when he heard.”
“How is he now?” You ask knowing he could get a little reckless when he was angry.
“For now, he’s alright. I told him we could use Kingpin’s greed as an example. We can crush him and in turn teach the others not to try to cross us.”
Your hands reach to rub your temples, “You make it sound so easy.”
“It will be,” you can hear the determination in her voice.
Natasha interjects, “I think Y/n has a point. It’s definitely easier said than done.”
You keep your composure, “Kingpin selling is a problem in itself, but the people should know better than to buy from him. Whoever is making purchases with him is not being loyal to us. That means he’s making allies, or rather he is taking our allies away from us. It strengthens his numbers while diminishing ours. He’s trying to start a revolution.”
Before it could be discussed any further Dragos appears, “We can discuss it more tomorrow. Tonight, we celebrate Wanda’s homecoming… and marriage. Dinner is ready.”
You’re the first out of your chair and into the house. It leaves Dragos some time with the couple.
“Remember we only talk business outside of the office, if it is absolutely necessary,” he reminds his daughter.
“She still gets that way?” Wanda asks referring to you.
He shakes his head, “She’s just started brainstorming and it’s hard for her to put it aside. She’s not that timid little girl anymore.”
Wanda lets out an irritated sigh, “Why does everyone keep saying that? I know her just like everyone else, papa. I’ve cared for her, I’ve trained her, and- “
“You missed 5 years of her life; you missed her graduation, you missed her putting all of her training to practical use, you missed her joining the family business. No one is saying that you didn't know her well, but you can’t act like you witnessed her growth.”
“It’s not my fault that I wasn’t there,” she speaks through gritted teeth.
“No one is saying it was, malysh.”
Natasha grabs her wife’s hand, “We’re celebrating you tonight like your father said. Let’s just enjoy this and eat. You never stopped talking about your mother’s cooking and the longer we spend out here, the colder the food gets in there.”
Wanda gets up from her seat, “You’re right. I’m sorry Papa, I’m just not used to being home yet.”
“It’s alright, her growth is startling. I still remember how I felt when Pietro told me she killed a boy. It was a shock; I didn’t want to believe it. She was so delicate that I couldn't picture her doing it.”
“Y/n killed somebody?”
Natasha nods, “She told me about it. Y/n actually has a little ledger, 8 people.”
Wanda’s eyes widen, “She told you about it?”
The conversation stops there, when you come back, “Flora said if you guys don’t come to dinner now that Piet and I can have your plates.”
“You’d eat Wanda’s welcome home meal, that’s pretty criminal even by our standards,” Natasha says pulling her wife along into the house.
“Oh 100%, you would too if you had Flora’s cooking.”
The playful banter continues, even once everyone is sat at the dinner table. Conversation flows freely, but Wanda doesn't contribute much. All that circles her mind is you.
Her father’s words echo in her head. She had missed some of the most important moments of your life. Wanda was scared to admit that she hardly recognized the woman you’ve grown into.
It bothered her. She was jealous that everyone got to see you blossom, but her. Even Wanda’s wife seemed to know things about you that she didn’t. It was a pill that she didn’t want to swallow.
Her little Krolik wasn’t so little anymore.
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Taglist: @natashaswife4125 @autorasexy @alexawynters @blkmxrvel @toouncreativeforausername @likemick
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wandanatsgf · 3 months
Sugar, Sugar Part 2
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Pairing: WandaNat x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: You, Wanda, and Natasha go over your sugar baby contract and you experience what it's like having the two women please you.
Warning: This contains smut and the following kinks: degradation, praise, thigh riding, daddy kink, mommy kink (I think that's all of them, but let me know if I missed one)
Author's note: I meant to post this last night, but I ended up falling asleep. Anyway here it is now! I decided to add smut, but since this is the trios first time I kept it pretty tame (at least according to my standards its pretty tame lol)
Part 1
After your little date with Natasha and Wanda, you go home with Kate. You climb into bed, surprisingly happy about how today turned out. You never thought being a sugar baby was something you would ever do, but the prospects of being able to afford rent and bills was just too tempting. And it helped that two of the hottest women in the world wanted you. All of your previous reservations about being a sugar baby had practically vanished after your meeting with the women.
You spend your night texting Natasha and Wanda, just getting to know them. You learn about their lives and they learn about yours.
The next morning arrives pretty quickly, and you're excited because you know it means you get to talk to Nat and Wanda some more.
You check your phone and you see that you have two new messages in your newly made groupchat.
Nat: Good morning hon! Text us when you're up, we wanted to meet today and draft up a contract.
Wanda: And have a good day! Talk to you soon baby!
The messages bring a smile to your face, and you quickly text the two women, telling them you can meet them whenever. They decide to pick you up at 1 and to bring you to their home to have this conversation.
The two women arrive at your apartment promptly at 1pm, just like they said they would. Natasha is in the driver's seat, while Wanda is in the drivers seat. Wanda get out when she notices you approaching so that she can open your door.
"Thanks Wanda," you say, blushing over the fact that this beautiful woman is opening the door for you.
"You're welcome darling," she says back. She makes sure that you're buckled before she climbs back into her seat. Once she's situated Natasha takes off to their house.
The three of you converse the throughout the whole drive. You talk about your school, your friends, their work, and more. Pretty soon Natasha is pulling up to a gated driveway and punching in a code. The gate retracts and lets the car in.
As the car pulls into the driveway, your mouth drops open. You knew the two of them were rich, but you didn't realize just how rich they are. Their house is massive, with it's pool and basketball court and tennis court. From the looks of it, the house has everything you could ever need.
"You might want to close your mouth baby," Natasha says with a smile, glancing back at you in her rearview mirror.
"Sorry," you say. You glance down at your lap, hoping to avoid eye contact with either of the women.
"You don't have to apologize baby, she's just teasing. Aren't you Natty?"
Natasha nods in agreement before saying, "You're just so cute when you're embarrassed honey." Natasha throws the car into park and walks around to open the door for you this time. A blush is gracing your face, and you think in the presence of these two, it's never going to go away. She helps you out the car and leads you into the house, with Wanda right behind the two of you. Wanda goes right, while you and Natasha goes left, where she leads you to a home office.
You sit down in a chair while Natasha sits in the one of the left of you.
"Where'd Wanda go?"
"She just went to get some drinks," Natasha says. "She'll be here soon." As soon as those words left Natasha's mouth, in walks Wanda carrying three bottles of water, a laptop, and a stack of papers. She gives one set of papers and water to you and one to Tasha, leaving one for herself.
Wanda sits down on the seat to your right and then she starts talking.
"I know this can be a lot to take in," Wanda says. "But we just wanted to go over everything and make sure you understand what you're getting yourself into. And if you decide to change your mind, you can back out at any time," Wanda assures you.
“Ok so what’s first?”
“First we wanted to talk about what we’re expecting and maybe tweak some things if we need to,” Natasha says. “The paper we gave you is just an example of a contract and what ours could look like.”
“We’re looking for someone to go to events with us when the other can’t go and to keep us company whenever we want. Are those things you’re okay with sweetheart?” Natasha asks you.
“Yes I’m fine with all of that,” you say. “I’d be more than happy to spend time with the two of you,” you say rather flirtatiously.
“Look who’s getting all courageous now,” Wanda lightly teases.
“I guess the two of you are just rubbing off on me.”
“Mhm,” the woman says, agreeing with you. She eyes you up and down, and you can see her pupils dilating, but the look in her eyes disappears just as quickly as it appeared.
“What’s next?”
“So allowance. We were thinking $2000 a week. Is that enough?” Wanda asks.
Your mouth drops open.
“What is something wrong? Do you need more?” Natasha asks, noticing your shocked expression.
“No! That’s more than enough,” you assure her. “I’m just not used to that much money,” you explain.
"It's no problem baby, you deserve it." Natasha's words bring a smile to your face.
"Next thing we need to discuss is sex, we can put off this conversation until later or we can have it now, whatever you want baby," Wanda says.
"We can talk about it now," you say, a shy smile gracing your face. Even though you were experienced in the bedroom, the topic still made you embarrassed.
"So you know that we're both doms, and I'm guessing based off of that cute, little smile and blush on your face, you're a sub?" Natasha asks. You nod your head in conformation.
And do you know about the traffic light system?"
"Yes, I've used it before."
"Okay good. If you ever need to safe word for any reason whatsoever, just say red and everything stops. We promise we won't be mad," Wanda says.
"Thank you, I really appreciate that, you two," you say.
"You don't have to thank us honey. We're just doing what all doms should do," Natasha says. Her words give you a sense of comfort. You had never been with someone who cared about your wellbeing like the two of these women did. And the crazy thing is, you had just met these women, but you still felt safe with them.
“And aftercare. What do you like?”
“Cuddles, baths or showers, cuddly naps,” you say.
"Okay that’s actually perfect, that’s what we like too. And now we just need to go over some kinks, and you can just tell us if you like them or not, okay sweetheart?" Wanda asks.
"Okay, that sounds good."
"You're a dirty little thing, aren't you baby? It'd probably be easier for us to just ask what you aren't into huh?" Wanda teases you.
"Yeah, unless you'd like to be here all day," you say.
"I'd have no objections to that," Natasha says, making you giggle. "So what aren't you into baby?"
"Blood, scat, feet, extreme pain, ummm," you say, trying to think of more. "I think that's it, or it's all I can think of right now."
"I knew you'd be a dirty little thing," Wanda tells you.
"How do you feel about calling Wanda mommy and me daddy?" Natasha asks, slightly changing the subject.
"I'd really like that," you say. You can already feel your pussy starting to drip just talking about all of these kinks, and your neediness is starting to get to you.
"It looks like you really like that princess," Wanda says, her eyes trained on your lap, where you had been trying to subtly adjust yourself, trying to relieve the pressure in your core.
A whine is the only thing that leaves your lips, and it surprises the two women.
"Sounds like you need some help baby," Natasha says.
"Please," you beg.
Natasha gets up from her chair and goes to stand behind you. She leans down, her lips lightly grazing you ear. "Are you sure baby? I know we said we'd ease you into this, and if you don't want to do anything sexual right now we don't have to," Natasha says, wanting to make sure you're alright.
"I'm sure, please touch me, I need you," you beg both of the women. Before the words had barely left your mouth you're being attacked by two sets of lips and hands. Wanda pulls you onto her lap, she lifts your skirt up a bit, adjusting you so that your panty covered mound is against her thigh.
Wanda's lips attach to the side of your neck while Natasha moves to stand behind the two of you, so that you are face to face with her. She tilts your head up so you can look at her. She presses her lips to yours and her kiss is surprisingly gentle.
Wanda's hand go to your hips, adjusting you so that you're straddling one of her thighs. Her detaches her lips from your neck so she can speak to you.
"Be a good little slut and ride mommy's thigh, baby," the woman says to you. You moan into Natasha's mouth, as she continues to kiss you while you start to slowly grind your hips.
"Come on baby. I know you can do better than that," Natasha says, encouraging you. You start to grind harder on Wanda's thigh, while Natasha's left hand makes it's way to your hair. She threads her fingers through your hair and tilts you head up. Wanda's hands stay on your hips, pushing you down onto her.
"Daddy knows you can go faster than that. Don't make me punish you," Natasha warns. Your hips speed up, your clit bumping against Wanda's thigh with every thrust. You can feel your high quickly approaching, your senses just so overwhelmed by the two women. Natasha's hand slips from your hair to your chest, her hand slipping underneath your shirt and bra, so she can pinch your nipples. The feeling almost sends you over the edge.
"Please, please, please," you beg, the need to cum approaching. The women's touches are overstimulating, it's like you can feel them everywhere.
"Use your words sweetheart. What's my little slut want?" Wanda says.
"Please mommy, please daddy, let me cum," you beg, your thrusts starting to get sloppy as you start to lose control over yourself.
"Cum for us baby," one of the women say, although you're not sure which one it is, too caught up in your pleasure to notice.
Your loud moans fill up the room as you cum all over Wanda's thigh, your panties becoming soaked and sticky as your cum leaks out of your pussy and into them.
"You did such a good job baby," Wanda says. She moves you so that your arms are wrapped around her neck and she presses gentle kisses to your face.
"You're such a good girl, doing everything we asked so perfectly," Natasha praises. The praise makes you cling onto Wanda more, making you more needy than you already are, but the two women don't mind. 'Do you wanna go shower sweetheart?"
"But what about you two?" you ask, referencing the fact that neither woman came.
"This was just about you baby. You can help us out some other time," Wanda says.
"Then can I take a bath please?"
"Of course angel, anything for you," Natasha says.
The three of you make your way to the bathroom, passing through what you think is Natasha and Wanda’s bedroom to get there. Natasha grabbing soap and a wash cloth for you while Wanda makes the bath for you.
"Bubbles or no bubbles?"
"Bubbles please," you say. Wanda grabs her favorite bubble bath and pours some into the tub for you. Soon the tub is filled up and the two women go to leave when you stop them.
"Can you join me please? Unless you don't want to, which is fine," you say quickly, your voice trailing off at the end.
"Of course we'll join you honey," Natasha says. Pretty soon the three of you are sitting in the massive tub, bubbles surrounding the three of you. You’re cuddled in between the two women, while they both bath you.
“Okay are you right to get out now?” Wanda asks. You nod yes and let the two women help you out. They dry you off and give you some of their own clothes to wear.
“Thank you,” you tell the two women once you were dressed, sleepiness lacing your voice.
“You’re welcome sweetheart,” Wanda says, leaving a gentle kiss on your nose.
“Of course, honey,” Natasha says, gently kissing your cheek. “Do you need a nap baby?”
“Yes please,” you say. Hearing you say yes please melts the two women’s hearts, not that they would tell you that though.
The two women take you to their room and lay you gently in the bed. They crawl in too, surrounding you on both sides.
“Go to sleep honey. We’ll be here when you wake up,” Wanda says. The two women leave kisses on your head while you cuddle into them, eventually drifting off.
Once you’re asleep the two women share a look and they both know what the other is thinking. They like you a lot, way more than they’ve ever liked a sugar baby before, and they don’t know what it means yet. But they will gladly find out.
taglist: @alexawynters @marvelwomen-simp @tobiaslut @flositaa
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toournextadventure · 20 days
Since I've posted very little OG writing lately, here, have a few (background) hcs for the new WandaNat x Doc!R oneshot
When an emergency comes in and patients need to be triaged, you end up with the bottom of the list. Not because you're no good, and not because the team wants you to fail. They just know you're the only one up for the job
And if the patient dies, you can just bring them back
With a lot of practice (and the ancient texts Wanda and Nat found for you over the years), you're able to bring the dead back at 92% normalcy! Quite a feat, if you do say so yourself
Sure, someone might come back left handed instead of right, and their eyes might be brown instead of blue, and MAYBE you once brought someone back and they were suddenly comedians (although, tragically, not funny). But they were mostly normal!
Hell, you brought Nat back after the soul stone was returned and she's perfect! You think! You're actually keeping a pretty close eye on her, but she seems to be perfectly normal
Wanda loves practicing magic around you. Yes, you both practice different things, but that's just semantics. She doesn't really care anyway, she just likes having a practice buddy
Nat just loves having you around. You're naturally cold, and Wanda is naturally hot, and she loves having the mix of both of you near her. She really couldn't ask for anything more
Except for maybe having you patch up Yelena. And Clint. And now Kate. And maybe you might as well patch her up too, since you're already working
Natasha's parents LOVE you and Wanda. Magneto TOLERATES you and Nat. It's the perfect family dynamic!
Much to Wanda's and Nat's dismay, you're team Magneto all day every day. Non-mutants can get out of your way
(Except for Nat, whom you love dearly)
They both manages to snag you a job with the SHIELD medical team even though you weren't too keen on patching up superheros. Your skills could be better served to civilians, but you managed to do that on the weekends so it wasn't awful
Nat 👏 is 👏 the 👏 little 👏 spoon 👏
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Stomach Struggles Pt.2
Pairings: Wandanat x R
Word count: 1.2K
Summary: R struggles while her girls are away, chronic stomach aches are no fun and r just wants her girls
TW: anxiety, past trauma (mentioned), stomach ache, crying, vulnerability, vomiting, fever, embarrassment
|| Part 1 || A/n hehe i had already written part 2 before I posted part 1 lol
Its fair to say the pepto did absolutely nothing for your stomach it was about a half hour later when you shot up out of Wanda’s grip, effectively startling her and nat who was dozing beside Wanda and you.
The nausea was peaking fast as Wanda scrambled to find a sick bag for you. Your stomach had other ideas as you proceeded to throw up in your lap and on the bedsheets. Tears pricked your eyes from both embarrassment and pain. You held your stomach as the stabbing pains returned.
When your brain began to process things again you heard Wanda talking to you.
“Shh shh baby its ok it happens. Got it all up bubs its alright we can always wash the sheets.” She said rubbing your back. You gagged and tried to hold it back not wanting to make the mess any worse than it already was.
“No no baby none of that.” She said feeling your body tense under her hands as you fought it back. “Let it out love its ok. We’ll fix the mess my sweet, just get it all up love.” She said still running her hand up and down your spine. You choked on a sob and finally gave in. Throwing up again and starting to cry all over again. Hiccuping sobs shook you as you laid your back against Wanda’s front. You were still between her legs and felt awful about making a mess. Wanda frowned as her eyebrows pinched together and her lips thinned looking at the mess and you felt guilty only crying harder. Wanda realised she had upset you and held you closer.
“No no baby im not mad. Shh shhh. Im just concerned baby you only brought up bile sweets. How long has it been since you have eaten love?” She waved her hand and the magic removed the puke from the bedsheets and you sighed feeling less guilty.
“Not since yesterday.” You said quietly and Wanda clicked her tongue.
“Baby I’m gonna text natty to bring you back some food.” You whined half from realising nat wasn’t with you and half from the idea of eating anything you knew you would throw up again. “Ill make sure its something light for your stomach my love how does that sound?” She said rubbing her hand over your stomach as they glowed softly as her magic created a soft heat that soothed the muscles. You moaned quietly.
“Ok.” You whispered
“Good girl baby I’m so proud of you.” She said and texted nat with one hand.
“Why did natty leave?” You asked as tears gathered in your eyes at the thought of your girlfriend leaving because you were gross. Your thoughts were loud and Wanda looked down at you shocked.
“No baby natty doesn’t think your gross. Never. Never ever. Who told you that?” Her eyes flashed red slightly and you hung your head. “Who.” She said stern but soft and you knew she wanted a name.
“One of my toxic friends from high school”
“Oh baby well their wrong and I’m glad you recognise they were toxic my sweet.” She wrapped you in her arms. “Come cuddle with me until natty gets back with some food.”
You whined softly at the idea of food. “Hush bubs and I’ll tell you where natty went.” You went quiet and Wanda chuckled softly. “Natty went to get some things for you. She is more of an active comforter than a soft comforter baby, thats my job. She try’s to find solutions. She went to get some more supplies. Sick bags, a thermometer just in case, a flavour of pepto that wont make you gag and so on.” Wanda rambled and you had begun to fall asleep when you felt a hand stroking your cheek. Carefully you cracked open an eye.
“There she is. Hello sweetheart do you think you can eat something for me and wands baby girl?” Nat asked leaning down in look into your eyes. You nodded softly and noticed a tray with all the things Wanda had listed and more. A pack of saltines, a steaming mug of tea and the heat pack that was shaped like a smily face. You grinned softly remembering when nat bought it for you the first time you had gotten sick around her. The first time in year someone cared for you. With shaky hands you began to eat some of the soup nat placed in your lap. Wanda took note of your shaking hands and took the spoon from you gently. You didn’t have the energy to protest as she began to feed you. Nat sat by one side taking not of your slightly flushed cheeks and the glossy look taking over your eyes. Nat put her hand on Wanda’s arm as she lifted the spoon to your open mouth again stopping her.
“Baby that should be enough for now. We don’t want to make her sick again.” Wanda nodded and placed the food on the bedside for later.
“You did so good my love.” She said rubbing you arm as your eyes fluttered shut.
“Can you open one more time?” Nat asked and you did as you felt the thermometer you hated so much enter your mouth, you tried to spit it out but Wanda closed your mouth around it by tapping the bottom of your jaw with her finger. You frowned at her and pouted leaning further into her front. Nat cooed and Wanda smiled down at your sleepy form. After a minute you were almost asleep when it beeped and you groaned. Nat took it swiftly from your mouth and you turned into Wanda more to snuggle up.
“What does it say nat?” Wanda asked seeing nat frown.
“Shes got a decent fever love.” Nat said. “Here have her take these.” The next second you felt Wanda pressing a pill to your lips you took them and then swallowed the water from the glass that was pressed to your lips next as your eyes were still shut. Carefully Wanda lay back down and pulled the sheets over the two of you as you slept on top of her. Nat pressed into Wanda’s side as the three of you cuddled. Wanda ignored the warmth radiating from you knowing the meds would help.
The three of you slept into the afternoon as your fever broke while you slept and the next time you woke the pain was less. Wanda pressed a kiss to your forehead as you sleepily came to.
“Afternoon baby girl how are we feeling now?” She asked her voice slightly deeper from sleep.
“Better.” You mumbled “need more sleep.” You said snuggling into her and relishing in the way her chest vibrated against you face as she laughed.
“No baby you need some lunch. Natty went to get food for us.” You whined. “Come on baby I’ll even carry you.” You snuggled into her neck as your front was pressed into hers as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and placed a hand on your butt to stabilise you as you wrapped your legs around her waist. Your face still pressed into her neck smelling her perfume. You felt safe and loved. Knowing they would always be there for you. Knowing they would drop everything to make sure your were ok was something that made you want to cry from joy. Knowing how much they loved you.
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itshouldvebeenme30 · 2 years
Freaky Friday ||18+||
Pairing/s: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader, Wandanat x Fem!Reader
Warnings/Genre: ||MINORS DNI|| explicit language, attempt at humor, penis, smut, threesome, sex pollen, and penis
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: I got busy and still be until next month. I still lurk on tumblr and read stuff but my focus isn't on it so I can't exactly post very often. I have an upcoming exam this week so I'll just leave it here. Thank you for checking this out and happy reading! (Also, I don't know how to feel about this one andddd happy 200+ followers to me! I can't thank you enough so y'all need a head? Kidding, but srsly, thank you sm!)
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*gif obviously not mine*
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"This is boring, Wanda." You mindlessly flip through the channels as your best friend sits on the floor, reading some kind of voodoo book she got from that Strange guy in relation to her powers. It was part of her training to gain knowledge and control of her ability. Wanda just rolled her eyes while her focus remained on the book.
"I specifically told you that I'd be studying in my room and nothing more. Why don't you go out and bother someone else? You're distracting me. " She sighed and rubbed her fingers on her temple. The texts are giving her headaches, and your constant whining adds to them.
"There's no one to bother because they're not yet home. Steve doing some grandpa shit wherever he is, Sam and Bucky doing god knows what but they're not here, Pietro got a date with Monica, Banner would hulk out if I broke his equipment again, and Tony is spoiling Peter somewhere, and - " You ranted off and Wanda could only use her powers to slam the pillow on your face.
"What the hell, Wanda?" She closed the book and turned to face your annoying ass.
"What the hell, Y/n?"  Wanda mockingly counters back. "Why don't you go and bother your favorite person then? I have to practice my magic here, Y/n."
"Who? You're my favorite person." Your face scrunched in genuine confusion, and Wanda couldn't help the blush becoming prominent on her face. 
"Aside from me, you idiot. I'm talking about Natas- " You defensively sat up straighter at the mention of the name. 
"Woah, woah. Hold your tits, Maximoff. Why would she be my other favorite person aside from you? She hates me! And I don't even like her!" Wanda just raised her eyebrows in amusement. Your loud thoughts of each other, as well as the longing glances you throw when you believe the other is not looking, beg to differ.
"When are you gonna stop denying your obvious boner to each other? Honestly, it's getting annoying at this point. I've shipped you two since- " This time you jumped off of the couch and started pacing around the table.
"I'm gonna stop you right there, Maximoff. Have you seen her? She had done nothing but constantly aggravate me and make my life miserable! I swear if she- " Wanda couldn't help the few tears that escaped as she laughed so hard at the scene before her. She loves teasing and riling you up whenever she's bringing up the redhead in the conversation.
"Okay, geez. You have to relax. I was just kidding. I know how much you supposedly hate each other." Wanda calmed down from laughing too hard and wiped her eyes. She just shook her head at you and opened the book to continue where she left off.
"It's the truth!" You slumped back down on the couch and groaned. Even when Natasha is not here, she always manages to give you a headache.
"If you say so. Now, are you up to be my guinea pig? Because I'll kick you out if you start whining again. At least you could help me while you're here. " You nod and agree eagerly just to whisk away the thoughts of the redhead that are starting to consume you. You do not fear Wanda's powers, unlike the others, because you trust your best friend with your whole life. Thus, this became the reason why you two were inseparable; you know you've got each other's back.
Also, you're not afraid of anything because you're somewhat immortal. If you die, you just come back again from whatever horrible, or even the silliest, reason you died. You learned you're different when you died for the first time in a car accident. It freaked your whole family out, and Nick Fury had to step in from the hospital where you miraculously resurrected. The journey of becoming his precious agent started there, until you became an avenger.
During the first few months of being Natasha's teammate, you tolerated each other, and you even befriended the redhead. It all changed when you first died on a mission in front of her to save her and the children. She wasn't aware of your special ability, so imagine her surprise when you came back the next day and greeted the team like you hadn't just died. You apologized of course but Natasha was furious, and that started the day when you two would just constantly be in each other's throat.
"Never ever try to save my life, again." You think she's being ridiculous. Of course, you'll give your life for your teammates, especially those who were very dear to you. What else could this gift- or curse- be of use if you don't try to save everyone? Even though your ability is still a mystery, you strive to use it in the way you believe is fitting. However, it does not imply that you are reckless, despite Natasha's daily assertions to the contrary. You are simply unlucky in those situations because of your desire to protect everyone.
"So, are you feeling anything?" It's been two hours since Wanda starts practicing spells on you and nothing special yet to happen. 
"Uh, sleepy. You sure you read those correctly?" You yawned to emphasize your point, and Wanda couldn't help but yawn, too. Her eyelids were drooping in tiredness, so she decided she was done for the day.
"I think? Well, nothing happened so there's no win or lose here. I wanna take a nap." She stretches before making her way on the bed. "You coming?" 
"Of course, wouldn't miss to cuddle with you." You joined over to her side and spooned her smaller frame. Another reason why she loves being beside you because you give the best warm cuddles in her opinion. The two of you ended up napping the whole afternoon.
"Y/n... Y/n... Wake up." You feel someone shaking you and you just groaned in response.
"You have to scoot over. Something's poking me." Wanda mumbles sleepily but still shakes you a bit stronger because the thing is starting to bother her. When you just grumbled, she turned to face you and covered your mouth and nose. You jolted awake at the sudden lack of air and confusedly sat up. 
"Why are you trying to kill me?" When you sat up, an obvious tent was formed in the crotch area of your sweatpants. Wanda just curiously stared at it.
"Did you wear your special toy or something?"
"What?" You followed her line of sight and were even more confused. You don't remember wearing anything because you had no plans, or whatever.
"I didn't- What the hell?" It shook you to the core when you peeped inside. There's no toy, only the real deal. You have a penis. YOU HAVE A PENIS?!
"Wanda! What is this?" You shrieked and Wanda has to peek what you saw. Her eyes widen comically and before she could muster a word, you sprinted to the nearby bathroom. 
You pulled your sweatpants down and it sprung proudly. You hissed when the cold air hit and it stiffened even more. It's huge and very real. You thought you must be dreaming, but when you pinched your arm, it was still there.
"Y/n, you okay in there? I'm coming in." You're head is all over the place so you come to pay no mind to Wanda coming in to see you.
"What the hell is this? How the fuck did this happen?!" You faced Wanda and the poor girl was met with your additional appendage situated very proudly between your thighs.
"Woah, that's- uhm, uh. I can't. I have no clue and I got no words." You feel no shame at that moment because you're freaking out.
"Did you just give me a penis? Get this thing off!" You hysterically said and Wanda did not hesitate to approach and give your shoulder a light squeeze.
"Okay, first of all, calm down. We'll figure this large- uhm I mean this huge- uh problem. Take deep breaths with me. 1... 2... 3... " You followed the brunette and slowly, you calmed down. 
"Is this thing permanent? Is it ever going away? " You couldn't stop the questions running through your mind, and Wanda hadn't had the slightest clue.
"Honestly? I have no idea. Let me check the book real quick. Wait here. " It's absurd that she thinks you're going anywhere with your pants down and this thing on you. You could only put your head down with your hands on your face on the counter. It's stressing you out, and why does this thing hurt?
"You want the good or bad news first?" Wanda came back with the book on her hand. Seeing your defeated face, she chooses the good news first. "Good news it is. Well, it's not permanent. It's gonna go away eventually." You sighed in relief. You raised your brow urging her to continue what the bad news was.
"The bad news is... it didn't indicate for how long." You take a deep breath and another whip of cold air hits. You lightly hiss when it twitches. Wanda notices your pained expression.
"You okay? I'm really sorry- "
"It's okay, Wands. I just freaked out. I'm not mad or anything. Its just... hurts. And I don't know why it won't go down!" You frustratingly huff. Wanda has to bite back a giggle.
"You think I know how it's supposed to work? Perhaps we should ask for someone's help... " She wiggles her brows suggestively, and you instinctively know what she's up to.
"Absolutely not. I'm just gonna go... jerk or something to make it go away. I'm going back to my room. Not a word to anyone." You start pulling your sweatpants up and walk to the door. Wanda tries to open her mouth and suggest another thing but you already made your way outside.
"If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me, okay?" You could only nod defeatedly.
All throughout the dinner, you were silent. Natasha is perplexed because usually when she opens her mouth, you already have something to snark about. She couldn't help but feel concerned when you didn't merely cast a glance at her or everyone at all. Wanda's concerned look being thrown at your way didn't alleviate the worry rising up.
"Something happened, Y/n? You're unusually quite. Natasha here looks like a kicked puppy because you won't pay attention to her." Tony playfully asks, but you know he means well. Wanda elbowed you lightly to get your attention.
"Huh? Oh, nothing." You continued poking the food with your fork.
"Trouble in paradise, sis?" Pietro teasingly says and the others starts to giggle while the three of you, Wanda and Natasha just merely frowned.
"We're not- "
"It isn't- "
You and Wanda spoke at the same time, and Natasha couldn't help but feel jealous of your closeness. She starts to get up from her seat.
"Well, I hope everything's fine because I don't want both of you to get distracted on the mission tomorrow." She missed the shared knowing look between you and Wanda as she left the room.
"We have a mission tomorrow?"
"Can I have your jacket, please?" You whisper beside Wanda. The mission has been successful, and all of you are going home safe. Well, except for the fact that you were exposed to an unknown gas in there. There hasn't been any drastic effect, and you're immortal, so you just shrugged it off. 
And out of all the places to get an unwanted boner, it proudly made its presence known. You have your legs crossed and your hands over your crotch, and Wanda sees this.
"Are you okay? Do we need to check you for any side effects? " She reaches for her jacket and puts it over your lap. You're sweating profusely and your stomach coils unpleasantly.
"I- I think so. I feel very weird... " Natasha watches you both in the corner and has to bite back the ugly feeling at the back of her mind.
You were quickly put in the med bay for a check up, only to have them diagnose you that you had been exposed to a sex pollen type of gas. When your teammates suggestively tell you to hook up with someone, you just flip them off and go back to your room alone. You shut your door and failed to notice Wanda and Natasha following you. They were at your door at the same time, and they looked at each other. Clearly, both of them wanted to help you in any way they could.
"Wanda, I- " Natasha doesn't know what to say, and she feels like she has just overstepped some boundaries. After all, she thinks you and the brunette are together.
"Nat, I have something to tell you. It's really important." Natasha closed her mouth to listen as Wanda's voice held some urgency to it. "I made a mistake and I think it's greatly affecting Y/n."
"What did you do?" She stood up straighter and her stance made Wanda cower a little.
"So yesterday we were practicing spells- "
"Just get straight to the point Wanda. Y/n's hurting in there." 
"Iaccidentlyattachedapenistoher." Wanda says in one breath. She promised not to tell anyone but she can't help but feel responsible and your loud thoughts of being in pain adds to her guilt.
"Say it again?" It was too fast to understand but she gets the gist of it. She just wanted to make sure if she heard it right.
"I said, I accidently attached a penis to her." Wanda says in a hushed and hurried tone. Her face blushed in confession, whether it was from the embarrassment or something else.
"Oh... " 
"Yeah, so we need to help her. She's grunting in pain in the bathroom, Nat. I have to unlock this door because she's not in the right headspace." Natasha just simply nodded and let the girl do her work.
The cold water did nothing to alleviate the pain and hotness you currently feel. You grip your cock and try to relieve yourself, but it's painfully hard and you're crying to get some relief. A dark thought crossed your mind. But before you could materialized it, your bathroom door burst open and you were too shock to cover yourself.
"Whatever you're thinking, Y/n, please don't. We're here to help you." Natasha and Wanda stood in front of you, and slowly, they approached you. Natasha grabs the nearby towel while Wanda turns your shower off. Your brain is too puddled with arousal, so you let them dry you off and lead you to the bed.
"What are you two doing?" You look at them with wide eyes and your cheeks are slightly puffy. 
"We're here to help, detka. It's going to be fine." You couldn't help but lean in to Natasha's touch as she caressed your face while Wanda starts slowly undressing herself.
"I- You don't have to do this... " You reluctantly looked at the two but Natasha held your gaze. 
"I want to kiss you. Is that okay?" You whimpered in response and uttered a soft yes before her lips surged forward to meet yours. Her lips are inexplicably soft and tasted sweet. Your hand went at the back of her head and pulled her closer in a bruising kiss. Wanda moaned loudly at the sight and situated herself on your side as she finished undressing herself. When air became an issue, you both drew back to catch your breath, and Wanda softly pulled your face to hers and whispered on your lips.
"I've been meaning to do this for a long time." Your heart soared at the confession and let her devour you with her intoxicating mouth. Natasha undresses and slowly wraps her hand around your painfully erect member. Wanda detaches her lips from yours but quickly latches onto your neck as you gasped. Everything feels too much, but at the same time, you need more.
"P-please... I need you. Both of you." Tears escaped your eyes and Natasha wiped them gently with her other hand while the other pumps you in a delicious pace.
"Anything you want, milaya." Wanda's hand gently pushed you until your back hit the mattress. She didn't waste anymore time on latching and sucking your breast and you tangled your hand through her soft locks.
"O-ohh... " Natasha took your length into her mouth and she starts bobbing her head up and down. You nearly cum at the sight of your cock disappearing into her mouth. She struggles and gags for a bit due to its size. Something switched inside of you and you forcibly detached yourself from both of them and got up. They looked at you confused, but you simply pulled Natasha to her back before climbing on top of her.
You pry her legs open and she just lets you, picking up on what you're about to do. Wanda bit her lip in anticipation as she watched you align your cock for Natasha's entrance.
"Wanda, baby. Go and sit on Natasha's face facing me." She eagerly followed your instruction and adjusted herself on top of Natasha's face. The redhead moaned loudly at the sight of Wanda's dripping cunt and wrapped her arms around the girl's torso. She tugged Wanda down to her awaiting tongue and lapped her vigorously. Wanda moans and proceeds to play Natasha's erect nipples.
Natasha's mouth gaped open when you bottomed her out with one swift motion. You don't want anymore teasing as the coil in your core becomes unbearable. You let her adjust to the size for a moment before slamming back harder and faster with each thrust. Various moans and grunts echoed all throughout the room.
"Fuck, both of you are perfect. S-so good..." You kissed Wanda and swallowed her moans as you fuck into Natasha at a rough pace. 
"I-I'm so close... please. Can I c-cum?" Wanda practically begged, and Natasha suckled her clit very hard. The girl let out a cry as you finally gave her permission to let herself go. She separates herself from the redhead and proceeds to lie down next to her to catch her breath as she finishes. You lifted Natasha slightly with your arm beneath her torso as you rutted into her at a much deeper angle. She must be close because of the way her walls cinch around your cock. You feel your own impending release and Natasha's legs locked around your hips. 
"B-baby, I'm gonna cum. I have to- " You wanted to tell her you wanted to pull out but she only held you closer. Damn her strong thighs.
"C-cum with me, milaya." You both cried out each other's names as both of you came at the same time. She only released you when you finally spurted your remaining seed into her. You planted a kiss on her neck as she closed her eyes, and then you moved slightly towards Wanda, who's still in a daze. You feel your cock harden again as another desire burns brightly within you.
"Baby, on your stomach please." You flipped her over and placed a pillow under her stomach. Her knees were spread lightly as you toyed with her drenched pussy. You teased her entrance with your cock and she let out small whimpers that you have come to love and crave. You slowly enter her when she gave you permission that it's okay and you're rewarded with a contented moan. 
"Oh fuck... Such a pretty g-girl." Your pace is much slower, but you maintained the same intensity as before. Your hands grip her hips tightly, making sure to leave a mark behind. When she finally recovered from the intense orgasm you just gave her, Natasha snaked her hand through Wanda's hair and pulled it back a bit harder to face her. Wanda audibly moans loudly at this, making you smirk to learn this side of her. Natasha connected her lips with Wanda's and they both devoured each other. That turned you on more than before.
You hugged Wanda from behind, your nipples brushing against her back as you desperately thrust into her with vigor. Your hands clasped around her mounds while Natasha's fingers found Wanda's clit and played with it. Wanda cries out that she's close, and she visibly tenses as her walls tighten around you. You whispered praises into her ear and, with one final hard thrust, you released your own load inside of her. Her mouth shapes into an 'o' as she cums around your cock. She slumps as she finishes, and you just stilled there for a few seconds before pulling out and laying between them.
They positioned themselves on your side and you pulled them under your arms. You kissed both the tops of their heads, humming contently as they relaxed in your hold. 
"Feeling better, milaya?" Natasha sweetly asks. You still can't wrap this situation in your head as you dazedly look towards the ceiling. 
"Better? I feel great, Natty. This isn't just a fever dream, right?" Wanda lightly giggles and places a chaste kiss on your cheek before looking directly into your eyes.
"This is very much real, detka. To be honest, I've wanted this for a long time. Both of you." She admitted shyly, and your eyes widened slightly at her admission.
"Really? I didn't know that... " 
"Wait, aren't you two already a thing?" Natasha lifted her head up to look at both of you confusedly. You both giggled and Natasha just lightly pinches you both for making fun of her.
"No. We're only best friends... " You drag out your sentence, seemingly unsure of what to make of it now that you're aware of the predicament you're in. Wanda pried away her eyes from yours, but she stiffened as you went on. 
"Is it wrong that I want to take you both out on a date? I'd like to try whatever this is." They both beamed at what you said, and they hugged you even tighter.
"I'd love to. More than anything." Natasha kisses your cheek while Wanda kisses the other. "Me, too." You just smiled brightly at them and kissed each others forehead.
"I have one last question." You and Wanda looked at Natasha expectantly. "Is this thing permanent? Not that I'm complaining, I very much enjoyed it actually." You tried to hide your face on Wanda's shoulder while she just laughed. Their giggles are music to your ears, even though they're tinted because of shame.
"No, but we don't know how long it'll last. Don't worry, I'll have the spell thoroughly examined and memorized for future references. " Wanda wiggled her brows at the both of you, and you can't help but get excited again. You groaned as it gradually stiffened and the coil in your stomach came back again.
"Aw, well you look at that. This looks like a problem, don't you think, Wanda, honey?" Wanda bit her lip and nodded excitedly. "Then I think it's best we should take care of it." These girls are gonna be the death of you one day, if not today.
"With pleasure." Wanda moves to hover above you while Natasha grabs your cock as she aligns it to the girl's entrance.
Let's just say, the three of you ended up sleeping in the whole next day.
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Taglist: @sayah13 @iliketozoneout @screechcat
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th3-c0rps3-r0gu3 · 8 months
chapter 3
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff X umbrakenetic fem!teen reader, Wanda maximoff X umbrakenetic fem!teen reader, Wandanat, Avengers X umbrakenetic fem!teen reader
A/n: sorry this is late personal life got in the way from posting.
Also •text• will symbolise when the shadows talk. Thought it may be more interesting than italics. Lemme know if not. Also sorry it's so short.
Y/n's pov.
I waited outside. Of course I did. I'm nervous. Of course I am. The shadows seem excited though. But then again the shadows are always excited.
• where are we going?•
•new place•
•ooh new shadows?•
I block out the constant chatter usually but right now it's comforting. It keeps my mind occupied while I wait for Natasha.
Soon a black car pulls up. Inside I see Natasha and another woman. She had red hair and blue eyes. She doesn't seem unfriendly but all the same I can't be sure. Natasha gets out and approaches me.
"You ready to kid?"
She asks. I simply nod. Natasha smiles at me and then leads me to the car. I get in the back and watch the other woman. She seems to notice my staring.
"hello I'm Wanda."
She says. She has a kind name.
"I'm y/n"
I say quietly. I need to be louder.
•ohh pretty!•
•she seems nice•
•hello new shadows!•
•ohh yes new shadows?•
I look down and ignore the extra chatter in my head. Their louder than usual today. But then again we are going somewhere new. We haven't done that in years. Wanda and Natasha are talking. The drive is long. How long has it been since I was last in a car. Too long.
"so y/n Natasha tells me that your sixteen correct?"
Wanda asks.
I respond. Still too quiet though. Wanda doesn't seem to hear but Natasha repeats it.
"oh my apologies"
Wanda says. That seems to be the end of the conversation as neither of them talk to me again. It's a silent ride. I like silence. So do the shadows.
•hmm where are we going?•
•new places.•
The shadows have already mingled with the new shadows from the car. They seem bored now. This is the part where they ask me questions.
•when we be there?•
I don't know
I whisper to the shadows. I can't talk really loud or I'll be looked at funny.
I silently thank the new shadows who start to answer the questions before I have to.
3rd person.
Natasha took note of how quiet y/n seemed. So did wanda. They expected it of course but still.
"she's quiet"
Wanda says. Natasha simply nods and glances back at y/n concerned.
"I don't know if it's concerning or not. She doesn't seem entirely here though. You know what I mean?"
Natasha responds and this time Wanda nods. Neither know exactly what to say. Wanda's attempts at conversation had been bad and so they left it. Y/n didn't make any attempts to talk though either so they were hardly to blame.
All three arrived soon at the compound. Y/n seemed nervous as she looks at the building.
"you ready to go inside?"
Natasha asks looking down at y/n. Y/n doesn't answer. Natasha goes to ask again before y/n finally nods. Natasha takes note if how the girl seems lost in her head.
"let's go in. I don't think anyone is around right now so you can get settled without the hullabaloo of the others."
Wanda says while starting to head inside the compound. Natasha and y/n follow.
Y/n pov
We stepp into an elevator. It's nice. I like it.
"Welcome back miss maximoff and miss Romanoff."
A woman's voice says loudly. I jump and almost hit wanda. The voice had an Irish accent to it. Natasha and Wanda don't seem faded though.
"that's FRIDAY. The compounds ai."
Wanda explains. I nod briefly. So it's an ai. That makes sense.
•new voice?•
•homes ai voice•
•kind voice•
•more new shadows?•
I once again drown out the chatter. I'll talk to the new shadows later. Natasha shoots me a concerned look. I ignore it though. I'm used to looks. But there usually not concerned ones.
The elevator stops and Wanda and Natasha get out. I follow.
"your room is down the hall to the far left. It's right across from mine and Wanda's so if you need us we'll be there. The one next to you is where a woman named Carol Danvers."
Natasha explains. I glance down the hall. Then I nod.
"once your settled well introduce you to the other avengers. Slowly of course."
Wanda says. She seems nervous. I wonder what for. She's not the one who's been offered a new home out of the blue. Wanda and Natasha don't seem to have anything else to say and then they walk into the kitchen. I glance back toward my room. Sighing I walk down there.
The room is nice. Larger than I anticipated though. It's bare and mainly white. I'll need to paint it black. The shadows aren't fond of colour. Even white is a step overboard.
•too bright.•
•needs to be darker.•
I walk over and shut the blinds. At least now it's not so... blinding? Maybe the shadows are getting to me. I look around again to take in the furniture. There's a bed in the corner and a desk opposite. A bedside table with a lamp is in the right side of the bed while the right side is up against a wall. There's a dark wooden wardrobe adjacent from the window. It's nice I suppose.
I walk out to the main area again. Wanda is in the kitchen cooking while Natasha is on the couch.
"food will be ready soon"
Wanda says noticing me standing there.
"not hungry.."
I mumble. I really need to get better at talking. I'm fine with sandra. How are these people different?
•ooh food smell.•
•food smell good!•
I mutter.
•but food..•
I block the shadows. If they start on about food I'll end up hungry.
"I heard you like to read. There's a library in the compound. It's small but I think you'd like it."
Wanda speaks up again. I look at her curious now.
"can.. can you show me?"
Still quiet but better this time. I'm getting there. Wanda smiles at me. That's.. not a expression I'm used to being aimed at me.
"sure. Let me finish cooking."
Wanda says. I nod and walk back to my room again.
3rd person.
Wanda watches as y/n walks back to her room.
"she's.. interesting."
Wanda says. Natasha sighs.
"she is. She doesn't seem to trust anyone. She's.."
Wanda finishes Natasha's sentence. That's become a habit since they started dating.
Natasha nods.
"yeah jittery."
Wanda and Natasha finish their food. Wanda made sure to make extra and put it in the fridge in case y/n got hungry. The Wanda went to get y/n to take her to the library.
"hey y/n. You still wanna see the library?"
Wanda asks outside y/n's door. The door opens and y/n appears.
"yes please."
Y/n says almost silently. Wanda smiles again and starts to walk toward the library. She stops to make sure y/n is following and when she sees she is Wanda continues.
Y/n pov.
The knock on the door startles me. I'm sitting in the floor conversing with the new shadows. They seem nice. Their better than the alley shadows that's for sure.
"hey y/n. You still wanna see the library?"
Wandas voice comes through from the other side. I get up and walk over and open the door.
"yes please."
I say. That was way to quiet. That's what I get for talking to the shadows too long. Wanda starts to walk off and I follow. When she stops and makes sure I'm following it surprises me. Nobody checks to make sure I'm following. They just assume I am. Wanda walks again and I still follow. I feel like a lost puppy.
We eventually get to a set of doors. Wanda opens them and the library shocks me.
"it's small but it's enough."
Wanda says sheepishly as we walk in.
"this.. this is small!?"
I say. Hey at least this time i wasn't almost inaudible. Wanda smiles.
"well to our standards it is. I'll leave you to read hmm."
I glance back at Wanda and then nod again. I'm eager to explore. So are the shadows. Wanda then leaves me. Leaves me alone in a library. Big mistake.
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olsenmyolsen · 10 months
Lots of Love
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dark master list
Post AoU (WandaNat)
Word Count: 2.9K
TW: Mentions of Hydra, Ultron, Pietro Death
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It has been four months since Pietro Maximoff was killed by Ultron.
In those months, no one had grieved more than his sister, Wanda Maximoff.
Between leaving the only home she'd ever known in the worst state it had ever been in—the culture shock of America. Testing, training, and above all else, trying to live free once again... it hasn't exactly been easy for the young woman.
Sure, the team, The Avengers, have tried to be there for Wanda. Steve acting as a mentor and trainer for her abilities. Sam there for a good laugh when he wasn't tracking down leads for Steve's missing friend. Clint becoming somewhat of an Uncle with trips to the farm to see little fat Nathaniel and is always there to help with any questions regarding her newfound home.
For instance, a few weeks after Clint got Wanda her first-ever phone, she was confused by words and phrases being thrown at her.
"Clint." Wanda, with her accent still heavy, approached the man who had an arm around his wife as the two sat in the living room watching some reality trash. Wanda secretly stayed up late and watched the night before. "Sam texted the chat and said, lol,what does this mean?"
"It means lots of love," Clint responded without a second thought, earning a slap on the arm from Laura. "Not it doesn't." "Yes, it does." He countered. "Wanda." Laura sat up. "It used to mean lots of love. But everyone uses it to mean laugh out loud nowadays."
While Laura's explanation correct. It confused the witch even more. She looked at her phone and back to Laura. "So when I wrote, Sam Clint mentioned he was going to work on the house today and show me how to tend the horses, but all he's done is sit on the couch for the last two hours. Is this normal? He thought I was joking?" Wanda states, deeply unaware of how insulting the text sounded to none other than Clint's one good ear.
However, Laura laughs hard as Wanda stands beside the couch with an awkward feeling around her.
Clint musters up the strength within him to let Wanda know that, yes, Sam thought she was joking and that maybe she doesn't have to be Avengers-level observant when on the farm.
"Anyways, Birdman clearly doesn't understand the amount of work I do, but he will during training on Monday." Clint winks at Wanda, who shrugs. "I guess." Wanda still a little lost answers, honestly.
"Here, why don't you come sit, and I'll get started on those chores." Clint has Wanda take his place while Laura gets ready to start lunch. "You okay, though, right?" The guy with the weapon choice of two strings and stick asks, earning a nod from Wanda.
Truth be told, Wanda was doing better today. She just kept getting lost in her thoughts. She was excited to be an Avenger. To help others. Fight for the greater good. Save people from a cold, abused life she had while with Hydra. But training was exhausting. Especially when her powers grew more and more each day, that just meant pushing herself further and further.
Sometimes it worked. Like when she could lift and move Steve several feet in the air.
But there were still setbacks. And those hurt Wanda. It made her feel small, like no one would trust her if she accidentally threw Vision just a little too hard into a stack of mats one more time.
Thankfully, Vision has an indestructible head.
But you see what I mean? These last four months haven't exactly been easy for the young woman.
"You start with Romanoff this week, right?" Laura asks as she enters the room again.
There was the last little kicker—the Black Widow.
Ever since the red jacket incident, the only women on the team haven't said, well.. anything to each other. But the two women knew why. Natasha intimidated the younger woman, while Wanda's powers frightened and angered Natasha.
Years of trauma and memories were pulled back to the front of Natasha's mind in a snap, and it destroyed her. Days after the fall of Sokovia. No one saw Natasha.
Days turned into two weeks before Steve was surprised to find her alone in the vast training room before sunrise. Knuckles and feet bloodied. However, she still didn't talk. And when she did, it was in Russian. Something the old man didn't know.
The only person on the team to know Russian. To be able to communicate with Natasha was playing host to the enemy from three weeks prior.
And then the witch was back in the compound. Everyone greeted her. Except one. Everyone showed her around. Except one. Everyone apologized and tried to make conversation about the rise and fall of Ultron. Except two. Tony and Natasha. But Stark is a story for a different day.
So those weeks turned into months, and Wanda and Natasha could be in the same room, but whenever the younger one opened her mouth, the older one would leave, not without a glare or longing stare of curiosity. Those became normal.
So when the question was asked. "You start with Romanoff this week, right?" Wanda started praying to everyone and anything that Natasha Romanoff wouldn't kill her.
Wanda and Clint step into the smaller gym reserved for Wanda's training. "Don't sweat it. I talked to her." Clint tried to reassure the enhanced individual, but what he says does the opposite. "Thanks, Clint." She manages to reply through a panic hidden beneath her smile. "Should I warm up-"
"You're late!" The booming voice of Natasha scares Wanda and Clint. "In the future, Clint, if I say I want Wanda here at 7, what time do you think I mean?" Clint rubs the back of his neck, realizing his fuck up. "6:30." Wanda gives Clint a crazy look as he hides his face. "So she's late," Natasha emphasizes. "You can go."
"But I thought I would..." His voice trails off as Natasha raises her eyebrow. She's in a mood already, and Clint doesn't want to end up on the inside of a punching bag. Again. "Good luck, kid. I'll see you later." Clint frantically leaves Wanda without any protection.
"Alright. Stretch. Let's go." Natasha doesn't give Wanda any time before she's already in the middle of the floor doing a pose Wanda has never seen before.
Wanda tried her best to follow suit, but she can't bend like Natasha can. Natasha knows this, too. For the last month since Natasha got the word she'd be training Maximoff, she started doing expert-level training poses three times a day. Even on the days when she was busy, she would find a way to excuse herself to train.
So, as Nat does her moves flawlessly, Wanda falters at every step. Making a smile crack onto the Russians' face. So the little witch needs more help than she thought. Excellent.
"Am I really going to be a pretzel when I'm doing stealth missions, or is this just to punish me?" Wanda complained 45 minutes after Clint left. "It's not called the pretzel." Natasha quickly warns, making Wanda roll her eyes. "Doing stretches like this will make you more nimble." Natasha stops doing her pose and lets out a big breath before standing up in front of Wanda, lying on her back.
"You know I can move things with my mind, right?"
Now Natasha rolls her eyes. "Using your powers won't mean anything if you can't fight or escape a situation using your body. Get up."
Wanda groans, completely tired at Natasha, who hasn't even broken a sweat. She knows I'm not a widow, right? I can't just do what she does? Wanda thinks to herself as she follows Natasha across the room.
However, Wanda goes from thinking about all the stupid poses she just did, to pretzels, to watching Natasha. She walks with pressure on the front of her feet. It makes her silent, Wanda realizes. Wanda's eyes move up Natasha's legs covered by fabric, but the toned muscle underneath can still be seen. The higher Wanda goes, the more her breathing picks up.
Natasha walks in front of Wanda, aware of the wandering eyes behind her. She can sense them from miles away if she wanted to. But here, right now, Natasha feels Wanda's eyes scanning down her back to her butt. Again.
Stop staring
Wanda lifts her face to see Natasha stopping and turning to face her with a smile. Those thoughts weren't Wanda's own. Were they Nat's?!
Wanda goes to open her mouth, but Natasha stops her with a punch thrown to her hip. Not using ALL of her strength, but the Russian could've been kinder.
"Ow fuck!" Wanda screams, using her favorite American curse word. "What the hell?!" She lifts her eyes up to see Natasha with a smirk on her face in a fighting pose.
She's such a poser, Wanda thinks as the pain in her hip subsides.
"You need to be ready at all times. Observant always." Natasha takes a step towards Wanda, who puts up her hands. "So instead of staring at my ass, you could've been assessing threats!" Wanda's cheeks go red. She was caught. And those thoughts she heard were Nat's. Shit.
"Oh please, you're not the first person to ever look." Natasha snarks, dismissing Wanda's embarrassment. "Now, will you try to train or think about me some more? I can do both. Can you?" This makes Wanda want to fight. She doesn't like being called out for a mistake like this one. She didn't even mean to stare at her ass that second time! (She did.)
Plus, seeing Natasha saying this many words in this close proximity is throwing Wanda for a loop. If she didn't know any better, Wanda would think Natasha was being friendly.
"No powers. Remember." Wanda nods. "You should speak up when I talk to you, Maximoff." Wanda glares daggers that bounce off the redhead. "Yes. No powers."  Natasha smirks. This the first time she's been able to get under the skin of the person that sent her spiraling.
After circling each other once more, Wanda tries to make the first move. But Natasha was counting on it. When Wanda lunges forward, she fully extends her arm—mistake number one. Romanoff grabs Wanda's bicep and pulls her off balance before Nat sweeps Wanda's legs, causing the younger woman to fall face-first on the mat.
"Wow. Are you sure you've been training with Steve?" Natasha mocks with a smile. Whether it was her intention or not, Wanda is getting upset. But when her face, back, and ass land on the mat in succession, followed by mocks, Wanda thought she went from being upset to pissed.
It didn't help that every time the Widow got the upper hand on Wanda, she could hear Natasha's thoughts.
Red jacket
Should've grabbed here instead of here
"You're trying to fail."
Green eyes
She can't rely on her powers
"You're made of marble."
Like I said. Wanda thought she was pissed. So when she got up from the mat quicker than Natasha anticipated and charged, Natasha couldn't do anything but take the hit as the two fell to the mat again. Wanda quickly holding Natasha's hands above her head. "Finally!" Natasha exclaimed through the tiny amount of pain she felt. "It's about time you got that emo anger back."
She immediately made this a lesson that Wanda failed to see it was. Even though Wanda used all that she had without her powers, Natasha didn't flinch. 'Emo Anger.'
For the multi-hundredth time since entering the compound, Wanda was hurt. It was written on her face. Natasha could look up and see it but wasn't sure what to do. For the second time since the flight back from Sokovia, Natasha saw Wanda as something other than the opposition. She saw something else. But first...
She was about to see Wand cry.
That chipped away at the rough exterior Natasha had built up since they met. "Hey Wand-"
The tight grip Wanda had on Natasha's wrists melted away as the more petite woman started to cry. Her body sliding off of Natasha's, landing on her side. Natasha quickly and without thinking wraps her arms around Wanda, sending jolts of electricity through their bodies.
It was then Natasha realized that, yes, she was terrified of Wanda's power but not Wanda. For the last four months, Natasha had been observing Wanda. At first, it was a way to protect her team members from an outside threat, but it slowly and somehow became a crush that hadn't made itself known till this second.
As Natasha held Wanda close, the witch cried more. She was mentally tired and physically exhausted. She was sure Natasha hated her even more now, and all she wanted was her brother. She wanted to speak to him one last time. Tell him that he was loved. That her favorite shows weren't the same without his complaints. She wanted to see him.
But here she was, lying on the floor, crying into the arms of the Black Widow.
"Let it out, Wanda... It's okay.." Wanda, through her calming tears, heard the sweet murmuring of Natasha. And through more sniffles and confused thoughts, Wanda couldn't help but say: "Do you hate me?" Natasha peered over Wanda's face.
Green eyes
Pink lips
Wanda's sad-looking eyes opened wider at the sound of the other woman's thoughts. "I don't hate you, Wanda."
"But you did." Wanda counteracts. Natasha thinks as she moves a hand up and down the witches back. "I did. But that was misplaced. I'm sorry for that." Wanda couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her brain was still stuck on the thoughts from earlier.
Natasha is thinking about her.
Natasha doesn't hate her.
Natasha apologized.
Wanda looked up to see Natasha already looking at her. "Are you feeling better?" Natasha asked. "Yes. Thank you." Wanda answered, but neither one moved. Natasha kept her arms around Wanda. While Wanda kept her face near the crook of Nat's neck. "Cinnamon."
"What?" Natasha had a smile people would pay to see. Or would be killed if they saw it. "Your hair. It smells like cinnamon. The great Black Widow uses cinnamon-infused shampoo." Nat rolled her eyes but couldn't help but be happy in this moment. "Lavender." She replied. "That's what you use." Natasha looked down at the smiling teammate, who wiped her eyes free of any remaining evidence of tears.
She saw it—a smile on Wanda's face.
A smile that Natasha made happen.
Wanda pushed her head into Natasha in an effort to hide the fact that she read her thoughts and to not let Nat see her blush.
"Natasha." Wanda's muffled voice hit the spy's ears. "Yes?" Wanda was nervous on what to say next. She hadn't felt this way in a long time. "Your thoughts... I can hear them. I promise I wasn't trying. They were just loud."
When Wanda had the courage to poke her eye out of Natasha's neck, she saw her staring away. "I think we should end training. I'll let Steve know that-" "Wait, Natasha, I didn't mean-" Natasha tried her best to pull her arm out from under the witch, but the Black Widow trained Wanda. So, in one fell swoop. Wanda gripped Natasha's arm back and kicked her forward, so Natasha surprisingly was on her back once again.
In an instant, Wanda was on top of her.
"It's okay," Wanda spoke closer to Nat's face than ever before. "You're not who they made you to be." Natasha's eyes became sad, knowing that Wanda had seen the memories she made her relive months ago. "You're not made of marble, Natasha. You're made of so much more. I like you because of that."
"You like me?" Natasha's voice cracked. She was thankful no one else was around to hear that. "Well, I don't hate you. And you don't hate me." The woman on top spoke.
Slowly and carefully, Wanda began to lean into Natasha more. "Is this okay?" Wanda asked. Natasha nodded and brought her face up until their lips softly touched one another. A quick kiss turned into another and another until the nervousness was gone, and all that remained was the lust for more. "Natasha.." Wanda began to moan as Nat's roaming hands slid down Wanda's back.
Natasha smirked. An accent never made her name sound so good.
In the far corner of the gym, Clint was retracing his steps. It had been over an hour and a half, and no one had yet come out of the room. Alive or dead. So Clint took it upon himself to make sure everything was alright.
But once he saw his two teammates tangled with one another, he decided to exit and text his wife.
"I think I'm going to have to make some upgrades to the guest bedroom on the second floor."
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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puzzlebean · 6 months
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Hi my name is Puzzle or Bean and I'm a 26 year old from the Netherlands and I use they/she pronouns. I like a large number of fandoms and you'll see a bunch of them on this blog though currently Formula 1 has completely taken over my life. My favorite drivers are Max Verstappen, Daniel Ricciardo, Lance Stroll and Charles Leclerc but I like many of the drivers and will post about them too.
I try to tag everything but I might forget sometimes!
I write and I sometimes do art when I have the time. You'll probably see me rambling about this! My fic requests are open and so are my DMs/Ask Box. I love chatting about the things I love so feel free to message me 💗
Formula 1 • Warrior Nun • Marvel • Wednesday • DC • Winx Club • Taylor Swift • Arctic Monkeys/The Last Shadow Puppets • Stranger Things • Nancy Drew • Star Trek • Star Wars • Lightyear • Shadowhunters
4433 • Lestappen • Versainz • Maxiel • Chestappen • Strollonso • Bishlova • Daniel/George • Dewis • Dosh • Wenclair • Spirk • Avatrice • Milex • WinterIron • Stony • CarolMaria • Stucky • WandaNat • JaySteph • BuckyNat • Superbat • FinnPoeRey • Hellcheer & more (especially femslash!)
AO3: hulkling616 (puzzlebean)
Rec blog: @puzzlebeanficrecs
Art blog: @puzzlebeanart
Daniel Ricciardo Discord server:
Last updated: 22nd of May 2024
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softlymaximoff · 1 year
College AU WandaNat
Nat is hopelessly in love with Wanda, however, she doesn't have the courage to say anything to her. They've been best friends eversince in high school and Nat has been bearing this feelings for Wanda for a long time now. Plus, Wanda doesn't show any signs that she could be gay as well cause all she ever talk about are hot boys, to Nat's dismay.
Nat is always there whenever Wanda needs a shoulder to cry on, or whenever Wanda needs someone to listen to her frustrations in life. Wanda also does this to Nat. However, the time came where Wanda has a male suitor and all she ever do is gush about him and tell the things that Vision does for her. Nat has to ear all of this and would just simply smile while listening to Wanda but deep inside, she's hurting. The person that she loves could potentially love someone else.
Nat doesn't want to be a trouble to the growing relationship between Wanda and Vision and she just lets the other girl be with the said boy. There are time where Wanda would not go home to their dorm and would just shoot a text to Nat saying she's staying over at Vision's.
Nat reached her breaking point and just cried all night thinking how pathetic she is for being in love with someone who cannot be hers. But she would still want to be in Wanda's life even if it's killing her inside.
Months later, Nat started to keep her distance from Wanda. But Wanda is the first one to sort be distant with Nat cause she is always with Vision. They are no longer hanging out or studying together at the library. They also rarely see each other and would only meet at their dorm.
Wanda noticed Nat's cold demeanor and asked the Russian if there's something wrong. Of course Nat would not say anything cause she knows Wanda would never understand.
On the other hand, Wanda has zero clue of Nat's feelings and it is uncertain if she could ever reciprocate those feelings cause as far as she knows, she's straight.
Nat would just stand on the side while seeing Wanda and Vision be cheesy and all lovey dovey to one another. A person could only endure so much and Nat can no longer keep what's she's feeling and suddenly walked out.
Wanda followed her and chased after Nat. She's asking what's wrong and why she suddenly changed. She's hurt that Nat is giving her a cold shoulder when Nat is a bundle of sunshine for her.
Nat, out of anger and sadness blurted that it pains her to see Wanda be happy with someone else when she also wants that for herself. She wants to be the one who could give Wanda butterflies on her stomach, the one she will be thinking about the first thing in the morning. The one she would be looking at adorably and could never tired of saying I love you.
Wanda stood there shocked and speechless. Nat chuckled and said nothing matters now and she doesn't want to stand in the way of Vision as apparently, he is Wanda's love of her life.
Sorry for this long ass angsty post on your blog. :(
- ❤️‍🔥❤️
Oh nonnie your heart 🥺 here c’mere *gibs you a giant hug* this lowkey made me a lil sad )))))):
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mamaspidershit · 1 year
Peter: Oh, I see it. Waffle House is right there.
Clint: It’s not a Waffle House. It’s a Waffle Home.
Peter: …Someone just got tackled outside the Waffle Home.
Natasha, smiling: This family is just like mine!
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lowkeyerror · 3 months
The Family Business Ch.6
WandaNat x Raeder
Word Count: 2.4k
Ch. Notes: Rising tensions
Summary: The after math of the fallout between Wanda and her family leads to an all too important business meeting the next day.
An: haha I didn't almost forget to post today... And don't hate me for the next chapter please
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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“What um… what number are you guys staying in? Do you know?”  You ask, finally breaking the silence as you arrived at the building.
“220,” Natasha answers for them.
You nod, “I’m in 216, we’ll be right across from each other.”
The ride in the elevator was as silent as the car ride. The anger that was permeating off of Wanda had slightly reduced, but not by much. When the elevator opens, you escort the women to their apartment.
You point across the hall then say, “Well this is you and that is me if you need anything you can always knock."
You attempt to walk away, but a soft grip around your wrist stops you.  Your gaze slowly rises to meet Wanda’s. She pulls you into her and the warmth of her embrace let’s you know that she’ll be alright.
“Goodnight little krolik,” she kisses the top of your head before making her way into her new home.
“She’s going to be ok right?” You ask Natasha and she smiles softly at you.
“I’ll make sure of it lisichka. Go rest, you've had an eventful day. “
Its like her words trigger a yawn from your lips. Exhaustion is finally catching up to you properly.
“Goodnight, Nat.”
Once you go into your condo you sigh. The quiet finally getting the best of you. Though you were exhausted your mind was racing. Car chase, Wanda, Natasha, dinner, it all hit you at once.  Despite your thoughts you attempt to get ready for bed.
Your phone buzzes on the nightstand as soon as your head hits the pillow. It’s a text from Dragos calling for a meeting tomorrow at 9am. You put the phone back down and shut your eyes. This would all feel easier to deal with in the morning.
When your alarm rings at 7 am, you are quick to shut it off. Your sleep had been restless, and you feel the previous nights events weighing heavily on your shoulders. Nonetheless you stumble out of your bed.
After you brush your teeth, you throw on a pair of sweats to get your morning run in before the meeting. Usually, you’d do a run followed by a more rigorous workout, but you were short on time.
Your mind is clear as you begin to run away from the condo. Your only thoughts are focusing on your breathing.
Gloom hadn’t yet left the city. Though it wasn’t raining yet you wouldn’t be surprised if it started up later. Traffic seemed light, not a lot of cars were passing you on the road. The cool air was welcomed against your face as your body temperature slowly rose with each stride.
For a small moment in time, you were at peace. Part of you wished to skip the meeting and just take a lazy day. However, that wasn’t an option because you didn’t work in a regular job field. The non-negotiables of your profession were few but harsh. While you knew the Maximoff’s were lenient with you, you never craved to take advantage of that.
When you arrive back to your building, you quickly shower and dress. You had just finished doing your hair when your doorbell rang. Opening the door, you are met by a familiar red head, who seems to be in a better mood than last night.
“Morning little krolik, I come with coffee and a bagel.”
You smile, “The occasion?”
“I was hoping we’d carpool to work.”
You nod a few times, “Of course, just let me grab my coat and we can head out.”
Quickly you grab your belongings and follow Wanda to her car. You quietly munch on the bagel during the car ride.
“No Natasha today?”
She shakes her head, “Papa is still unsure of her role in the company, so he doesn't want her at the meeting.”
“Speaking of Dragos, are you feeling any better from… yesterday?”
Wanda takes a deep breath. You see her hands clench around the wheel and her demeanor shifts slightly.
“I assume the meeting will further address what happened last night,” she speaks flatly.
“Wanda, you have to keep calm.”
You see her jaw clench, “I will reflect whatever mood is brought unto me.”
You shake your head, “You and I both know that nothing gets solved with that kind of behavior.”
“So, what, you want me to bow down and apologize?” The irritation in her voice doesn’t phase you.
“That’s not what I said. I’m saying you can’t get into a yelling match, and you can’t put your hands on anyone.”
“If they were honest with me from the beginning I wouldn’t have-"
You cut her off, “I didn’t ask for an explanation Wanda. I’m telling you something that I know you are already aware of. If you want to head this organization, you have to keep your emotions in check.”
She mumbles underneath her breath. You raise an eyebrow at her childish antics, “What was that?”
“I said, it’s easier to keep my emotions in check when the lies aren’t about you.”
You fumble with your words briefly before speaking, “Well I told you truth, didn’t I?”
“Yes, but- “
“Well, there you have it. If you want to know something about me, it’s best to ask me. However, if I tell you, and you don’t like what you hear you have to deal with that on your own time,” you glance at her.
She chuckles softly to herself, “I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to how much you’ve grown.”
You smile, but then it falters as you recall the argument from last night. Wanda had made Pietro and Dragos retreat instantly when mentioning something that revolved around you. You want to know what it is.
“Wanda, what are they hiding from me?”
You can visibly see the woman pale, “Do you trust me Y/n?”
You nod slowly.
She sighs, “When it’s the right time, I’ll tell you.”
You want to argue more, but you don’t. You trust Wanda, you know she has your best interests in mind. So, you fight the urge to be upset for the rest of the car ride.
When you get to the office, the two of you ride straight to the top floor. Dragos, Pietro, and Flora were already there. The room is tense as you both sit across from them. Usually you’d sit by Pietro’s side, but you weren’t going to let Wanda feel alone in this.
“You can disagree with me if you want, but your actions yesterday proved why keeping you in the dark about the situation with Y/n was the right thing to do. You’re hot-headed now, but back then you were even worse,” Dragos looks his daughter in the eye when he speaks.
You can feel the anger radiating off of Wanda’s body and for a moment you think she is going to have an outburst. Instead, she puts her elbows on the table and leans forward, never breaking eye contact with her father.
“We are a family and I thought that we agreed on having no secrets from each other. In this business a secret is the most dangerous weapon that could be used against us. My potential reaction aside, keeping this secret from me is breaking the rules you set in place. Or do the rules only apply to me?”
Wanda’s response was damn good in your opinion. Although she was angry you saw her hands clasping each other for dear life as a sign of restraint.
“Can we just move on from this? It was 5 years ago, and Y/n is fine now,” Pietro tries to defuse the tension.
Wanda shakes her head, “As much as this is about Y/n, it’s also about not respecting me enough to keep me properly informed about our family and our business. It’s unfair for you all to sit here and claim that I’m solely in the wrong. We can’t move on until all parties take responsibility for their part in this,” Wanda holds firm.
It's weird being in a meeting about yourself, but almost having nothing to do with anything being discussed.
“Have you ever considered the possibility that Y/n didn’t want us to tell you?” Dragos states and your body tenses.
“No,” Wanda says nonchalantly, as if his question was unimportant.
“What if she…”
Wanda’s glare hits her father like an ice pick to the back, “This isn’t a hypothetical, papa. If in some universe out their Y/n wanted you to keep it a secret from me, then that would be fine. However, this isn’t that universe, now is it Y/n?”
She doesn’t look at you, but you answer her question firmly, “No, it isn’t.”
“The best way to move forward from this is an apology from both sides. Wanda has just returned and we’ve dwelled on this matter for too long,” Flora stops the argument in it’s track.
You thought it was a civil solution. It would be for the best, but just by taking a quick glance at Wanda you can tell that she doesn’t want to apologize. It was her rigid posture and her hardened eyes. She felt like she did nothing wrong, but you were hoping she would stand down for the greater good.
“Wanda, I’m sorry we intentionally kept this from you. It is not the way we do things around here. Forgive me, docha,” Dragos speaks sincerely as he looks at Wanda.
She doesn’t seem to be budging. You make the judgment call by discreetly placing your hand on her thigh. This causes her to look in your direction and you speak to her with your eyes. Your features are telling her to apologize. You see her posture relaxes and her eyes soften a bit.
“I’m sorry for the way that I acted last night. It was uncalled for, regardless of my feelings,” she speaks with an equal amount of sincerity.
“Good, now that we’ve settled that I’m going to cut to the chase. Natasha, what assets does she bring to the table?” Dragos moves on to business fairly quickly.
Wanda follows his suit, speaking highly of her wife, “Natasha is a hands on kind of employee. She thrives being where the action is and that doesn’t just mean in a fight. She’s a highly trained assassin, her accolades are insurmountable, and there’s quite literally nothing that she can’t do.”
“She can start as head of security, and we can see what she can do from there,” Dragos offers, but even you think the role is undercutting Natasha’s abilities.
Wanda seems frustrated, but she is going to agree to these terms.
You speak up, “I think she should be in charge of field operations.”
“You and Pietro handle the field operations just fine, why add a third?” Dragos questions with curiosity not animosity.
“To avoid things like what happened yesterday with Mr. H. Right now, the way we operate is that Piet comes and gets me when needed and we just go from there. It’s not strategic at all, I’m usually in the car before I know what exactly it is that we’re doing,” you argue your position.
“It always works out,” Pietro fires back.
Your eyes lock on his, “But it could work better. With me running numbers for the company and for our business, I don’t always have the time to sit and plan out these operations. We all know that Piet doesn’t believe in planning. It’s field operations, it shouldn’t always just be Piet and me. We should have men out there with us incase things go south, but there’s never a plan for that.”
“And you think the addition of Ms. Romanoff will add…” Dragos leads off his sentence.
“She’s going to add structure and power by organizing this department into an actual department rather than just Piet and I doing deliveries in car. She’s experienced and we should be using that to our advantage, especially with us potentially being undercut at the moment.”
Dragos ponders, which is a good thing. It means he believes there is something to everything you’re saying.
“Give her a week on field operations and if you don’t see any type of benefit, she can be head of security,” Wanda offers a compromise.
“Only a week?” His disbelief is hidden in his voice, but you know it’s there.
“It’s all she needs,” Wanda says with confidence.
“Alright, that’s everything for today- “
“We’re not going to address the Kingpin situation?” You stay planted firmly in your chair.
Dragos sighs, “I will deal with Kingpin personally.  I had Kate set up a meeting at neutral territory.”
You shook your head knowing what Dragos was insinuating, “You’re trying to have a one-on-one meeting with this bastard? Everyone in this room knows that idea sounds like shit.”
“It’s not an idea, it’s happening in a few hours,” Dragos counters.
“Papa you’re going to have someone tailing you right? You don’t trust him to keep true to his word,” Pietro looks at his father in disbelief.
Dragos’s hand trails through his thick gray hair, “I’ve dealt with Kingpin before. I’ve known him for a long time, and I will be prepared for whatever he has coming.”
“Papa you can’t be serious?” Wanda has features akin to Pietro.
The arguing is about to continue, but then Flora speaks up, “Your father knows what he’s doing kids. Have some faith in him, he’s got a lot of experience for all of you. If he thinks this is the right call, then it has to be. Now, you’re dismissed.”
Suddenly there was no room for arguing with her. You try to keep calm but your feelings on the matter aren’t well hidden as you storm out of the room. Wanda and Pietro leave after you, both with the goal of trying to comfort you. However, their moods weren’t much better than yours.
When it was just the husband and wife in the office Flora let her nerves show. She was unsure about this plan. The lack of support from the group only heightened her anxiety for her husband’s well-being.
“You better prove them wrong Dragos. If anything were to happen to you I-"
The older man is gentle as he reaches for his wife’s hand, in the way he is always gentle with her. He places a kiss to the back of her palm, “Nothing is going to happen to me, moya lybov. I’m going to take car of this business and this family like I always have.”
Dragos wasn’t going to show his nerves. He never did, but to think they didn’t exist would’ve been ignorant. There wasn’t a reality that Dragos saw where the meeting went sideways. It had to go well, or a war would tear across the city. That thought protected him like a bullet proof vest. He was going to protect the industry he worked to build because that was the only option.
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Taglist: @natashaswife4125 @autorasexy @alexawynters @blkmxrvel @toouncreativeforausername @likemick @sgm616 @bstvst @dorabledewdroop @sapphic-simp4015 @natty-taffy
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athenaskiddo · 2 years
If I post a text asking for a girlfriend what have I to put? I'm asking for a girlfriend who likes Wandanat and enjoys reading and writing and be aware about climate crisis? Or should I write about myself and that I'm learning English and I love learn languages and I'm studying Environmental engineering?
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swords-are-cool · 2 years
wait girl, you jumped fr? haha yeah bitch lol
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anyone interested in a avengers texting fanfic but theyre all in high school and sambucky r oblivious? bc like im debating on posting but if ppl r actually interested than im definetly posting
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