#wait how is it spelled
splinnters · 1 year
could you do lava or glacier? typical ask probably but i love them
ah yes what better way to start off than with one of my favorite ships! I'll possibly do glacier later, but without further ado...
lavashipping pride month headcanons!
before they "officially" started dating, Cole and Kai were basically already a couple, they just refused to acknowledge it. it drove Nya and Jay insane especially
PDA, pet names, sharing a bed, everything and they STILL convinced themselves they were just friends. it took Zane bluntly calling them a couple as if it was a fact for them to actually wrap their heads around dating each other
once they finally acknowledged their feelings, they had a period of embarrassment where they could barely talk to each other without getting extremely flustered, but soon they realized that it really wasn't so different than how they were before and things smoothed out
both their elements and their personalities are very compatible, so they tend to balance each other out pretty well. Cole feeds off of Kai's energy and Kai finds it easier to relax around Cole. Kai forces Cole to get up early, Cole forces Kai to go to bed on time, etc, etc
they sap off each others warmth and it makes the other ninja so mad during movie nights because while Cole and Kai are cuddling on their own perfectly warm, everyone else is freezing their asses off
they're both big on physical touch. Kai likes to hang off Cole's shoulders at all times and Cole will rest his cheek on Kai's shoulder or head
around the others, they act like their normal selves with each other, but in private, they're a lot quieter and softer. nobody would believe that was Kai Smith himself silently putting tiny braids in Cole's hair and smiling so tenderly at him
they fight over who gets to be the big spoon (Cole usually wins)
Kai lets Cole draw all over him. flowers, dragons, even little ninjas are all over his arms, legs, and back. Cole thinks it's hilarious when the ink gets on Kai's face
they like to use sickly sweet nicknames in front of the other ninja (namely Jay and Lloyd) to gross them out but if either of them use them seriously the other is a mess instantly
also, just because I live for the dumpster scene in crystalized, they definitely kiss to shut each other up. in the middle of conversation. in the middle of a fight. all the time
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lastprairiepirate · 7 months
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imagine being the one to open the door and seeing the stoats. imagine. how would you tell anyone that.
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sillylotrpolls · 2 months
Bonus internet points will be awarded to anyone who actually tries this exercise before voting.
Assume you need to get the spelling at least somewhat close, and if a character has multiple names, only one counts. Also, if a character doesn't have a canonical name, I'm sorry, but "that guy's wife" doesn't count.
For reference, if you can name the 9 members of the Fellowship, the eponymous Hobbit and his 13 dwarf buddies, 3 prominent women, and the guy who runs the Rivendell B&B, that's 27 characters right there. And you probably also know the name of a dragon.
For further reference, Tolkien Gateway has 637 (!!) pages dedicated to Third Age characters. (Don't click that link until you've voted, of course)
Edit: Your humble pollmaker gave this a try, and got as far as 73 before deciding she was too tired to keep trying to remember dwarf and Silm names. If you also want to share (and don't mind people being incredulous at your having forgot ____), pastebin allows you to paste text and share it for free. :)
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delirisse · 11 months
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Different approaches to defeating your god
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samble-moved · 1 year
rb to cleanse your followers' soul gems
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in-the-multiverse · 5 months
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(extra stuff under the cut)
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I realized halfway through line art that BigB’s face would be covered up so here he is :> and the hidden eyes!
I chose the border flowers (pink ones are swamp milkweed and the yellow ones are black-eyed susan) mainly because they can be found in frog habitats but they also symbolize freedom and encouragement
In double life they weren't satisfied with their soulbound, to say the least. The universe tied them to certain people and they ended up against it. In limited life, they were free to choose alliances again. They chose eachother when they noticed that the rest of the server already found their groups. Every session, every hour mattered and they kept choosing each other. You're free to come along with me. You're free to share this home with me
They encouraged each other throughout the season, each problem felt easier to deal with when they were side by side. Pearl welcomed him with open arms. At last, here was someone to laugh with, and create schemes with again. Together, they could face anything. And Pearl's confidence in BigB’s abilities helped strengthen that belief in himself, that he could stand against Jimmy and win. He could win these brutal death games. Doesn't matter if every odd is staring at you, you can change the game in the next second
You can do it, I believe in you
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political opinion: fingers should have more joints
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sleepypandaarts · 1 month
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Sketch of Lilia doing the thing from the Yuusha mv. I’ve been playing that song on repeat for the past couple of hours and it’s not getting old. I love it.
Also the new chapter my god Idia. I woke up and saw the video and thought I was having a fever dream. Then I saw a few more leaks and I thought wtf is going on.
Someone translate the chapter plssss.
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p4nishers · 10 months
no really ALL im saying is if aziraphale was infront of ME and me only and even gave me a smallest amount of attention i would've already confessed right there. wouldn't have taken me 5 minutes let alone 6000 YEARS. nuh uh. especially if he slutted me out while dressed like THAT in 1793 or rizzed me up in 1941. i may be oblivious but im not dumb as fuck and i would've taken THE FUCKING HINT. unlike SOMEONE. ugh if only i was in crowley's place this shitshow wouldn't have taken more than aziraphale's eyelashes to flutter once and i'm done for the wedding is already in full swing oh lookie here a priest appeared completely out of nowhere how odd how mysterious!! anyway we must not waste this opportunity let's just get over w it for completely normal regular reasons YEP!! nothing to see here just a perfectly regular every day wedding !! like come on man atp u gotta blame urself for wasting opportunities like that
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sepia-stained-sunset · 10 months
You know what, we deserve a Brentwood Academy Reunion mini comic where Tim brings Bernard along and all the other guys keep sending him pitying looks because they think the poor guy should be warned that Tim will never catch onto his feelings for him.
And Bernard is like, "um, why is everyone giving me so much sympathy?" And Tim's like, "what are you talking about?" And then people literally pat him on his shoulder and tell him that they "get it" and they've "been through this too"
Bernard: What are you talking about??
Some guy from Brentwood: It's okay, man. It's practically a rite of passage at this point. You're here with Tim Drake as just a friend, right?
Tim, who heard that: Um, no? Bernard's my date
Literally everyone there: What.
Tim: Uh...yeah? He's my boyfriend
Everyone: *squeeze their wine glasses so hard they literally shatter*
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im finally reading mahoyo and wow they really threw him to the wolves huh
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ride-a-dromedary · 7 months
Things about Halsin that are rarely mentioned but fascinate me: he's slept with a Nelanther pirate which means he's either been to the Nelanther Isles (and survived) or to one of the ports a ship of theirs docked in, and he's firsthand encountered a haunted doll.
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pyjamacryptid · 9 months
me surrounded by all of my medical paperwork that disability services deems “not enough evidence” to claim support, after applying for the 5th time:
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cloudyvulpine · 8 months
hate when i'm info dumping about a *FICTIONAL* villain and someone has the audacity to be like "but they've killed people" or "but they've committed crimes"
i know
but they aren't real
i still want to make out with them
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buttfrovski · 7 months
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my dumbass thought they spelled detective wrong
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jolluxiscool · 3 months
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shitpost i mafe a while ago
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