#vitamin A best sources
qteeclown · 4 months
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my @astralwhat Terror shirt came in the mail and I bought an orange (#noscurvy) to make earl grey orange and chocolate challah babka
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transmalewife · 2 years
lyme anon here, thanks for the explanation! i really appreciate how detailed you were, i didn’t take it as a traumadump at all. my joints actually do crack really loudly and i find myself having considerable joint pain (esp fingers and knees) especially in the winter, but i don’t know if that’s lyme or something else. i’m american and my insurance sucks so i probably won’t find out anything until i get one that’s better lol, but thanks again for sharing your experience :)
I'm glad I could help. I realised i didn't really go into how chronic fatigue and brain fog actually feel, and I know that's often confusing, so the first, for me, is often feeling like I'm heaver or gravity is stronger. Like I can't lift my limbs because it takes so much effort, and my knees threaten to give out if i stand. or like when you wake up in the morning without getting enough sleep and for a few minutes your whole body is weak, you can't even properly tighten your hand to unscrew a jar lid, you drop things because your muscles give out, but all day. The mental side is similar to normal exhaustion, but without the sleepiness, if that makes sense. just lethargy. you feel slow. this blends into brain fog, which is actually pretty self-explanatory. you literally feel like there's cotton in your mind. I saw a pic of an art instalation years ago that was a circle of thick, transparent vinyl that encased you completely, so sights and sounds were muffled, and that's exactly how it feels. but not only between you and the outside, but also inside your brain. like you're in the center, and the thought/memory/knowledge how to do something are behind a wall that's just opaque enough to blur it, just smooth enough and thick enough that you have to scratch and fight to get ahold of anything on the other side, and it only makes you more tired.
And yeah, unfortunately lyme is ridiculously expensive, and I can't even imagine how it is in the us. you can't get chronic cases treated under free healthcare in poland, but private doctors here are cheaper than insured ones there, as is medication. good luck.
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fortis025 · 23 days
Vitamin E: Beyond the Capsule – Best Food Sources
Vitamin E often takes a backseat to its more popular counterparts like vitamin C or vitamin D. But this powerhouse nutrient plays a crucial role in supporting our overall health and well-being. While vitamin E supplements are readily available, getting your daily dose from natural food sources is not only delicious but also offers a range of other essential nutrients. Let's delve into the world of vitamin E-rich foods and discover how you can incorporate them into your diet for optimal health.
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Understanding Vitamin E:
Before we dive into the food sources, let's understand why vitamin E is essential for our bodies. As a potent antioxidant, vitamin E helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, thereby reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and cognitive decline. It also plays a crucial role in immune function, skin health, and eye health.
Best Food Sources of Vitamin E:
Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds are some of the richest sources of vitamin E. Almonds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, and peanuts are particularly high in this nutrient. Snack on a handful of nuts or sprinkle seeds over salads, oatmeal, or yogurt to boost your vitamin E intake.
Vegetable Oils: Vegetable oils like wheat germ oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, and olive oil are excellent sources of vitamin E. Use these oils for cooking or drizzle them over salads and vegetables to reap their nutritional benefits.
Green Leafy Vegetables: Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are not only packed with vitamin E but also offer a host of other vitamins and minerals. Incorporate these nutrient-rich greens into your salads, smoothies, or stir-fries for a healthful boost.
Avocado: Creamy and delicious, avocados are not only a good source of healthy fats but also provide a significant amount of vitamin E. Spread avocado on toast, add it to salads, or blend it into smoothies for a nutritious treat.
Fortified Foods: Some foods, such as certain breakfast cereals, are fortified with vitamin E to enhance their nutritional value. Check the labels when purchasing these products to ensure you're getting added vitamin E benefits.
Shellfish: Shellfish like shrimp, lobster, and crab are rich in vitamin E, along with other essential nutrients like protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Enjoy shellfish in moderation as part of a balanced diet for a diverse array of nutrients.
Fruits: While fruits generally contain lower levels of vitamin E compared to nuts and seeds, some fruits like mangoes, kiwis, and papayas are decent sources of this nutrient. Incorporate these fruits into your diet for a refreshing and nutritious snack.
Tips for Incorporating Vitamin E-Rich Foods into Your Diet:
Snack Smart: Keep a stash of nuts and seeds on hand for convenient, nutrient-rich snacks. Mix them with dried fruit for a tasty trail mix or sprinkle them over yogurt or oatmeal for added crunch.
Power Up Your Salads: Boost the nutritional content of your salads by adding a variety of vitamin E-rich ingredients like nuts, seeds, avocado, and leafy greens. Drizzle with a healthy oil-based dressing for extra flavor and nutrients.
Cook with Healthy Oils: Use vitamin E-rich oils like olive oil, sunflower oil, or safflower oil for cooking and baking. These oils not only add flavor to your dishes but also provide a dose of essential nutrients.
Blend It Into Smoothies: Incorporate vitamin E-rich foods like spinach, avocado, and nuts into your smoothies for a nutritious and energizing drink. Add some fruit for sweetness and enjoy a vitamin-packed pick-me-up.
Experiment with Recipes: Get creative in the kitchen and experiment with new recipes that feature vitamin E-rich ingredients. From stir-fries to homemade energy bars, there are countless ways to incorporate these nutritious foods into your meals.
Vitamin E is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in supporting overall health and well-being. While supplements are available, incorporating vitamin E-rich foods into your diet offers a host of additional nutrients and benefits. From nuts and seeds to leafy greens and avocado, there are plenty of delicious and nutritious options to choose from. So, next time you're planning your meals, remember to include some vitamin E-rich foods for a tasty and healthful boost.
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helseform · 23 days
Call : +91 7997101779 | Whatsapp : https://wa.me/917997101779 | Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@Helseform
About Video : Nuts and dry fruits are not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients that benefit our daily lives. Here's a detailed description of some of the best nuts and dry fruits and their health benefits . Incorporating a variety of nuts and dry fruits into your daily diet can provide a wide range of health benefits, from supporting heart health and brain function to boosting immune function and promoting overall well-being. However, it's essential to consume them in moderation as they are calorie-dense foods.
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captainershad-blog · 2 months
Banana Nutrition Facts: Why should you have a banana every day?
Please, visit for more info:
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Health benefits, side effects, source and intake of vitamin b1 (thiamine)
Health benefits of vitamin b1 Thiamine is required for metabolic reactions including the breakdown of glucose and amino acid. thiamine helps to prevent complications in the stomach, small and large intestine, heart, muscle, nervous system and brain. Vitamin B1 may involved in and out of electrolyte flow in muscle and nerve cells and helps prevent beriberi , which involves disorders related…
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curaehealth · 2 years
Looking for the best meals and beverages that keep your skin glowing & healthy? We have the whole list of everything you can eat to embrace your skin health.
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vanteguccir · 3 months
Best friend's plan | Chris Sturniolo
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Chris Sturniolo x reader
Summary: Where Y/N has a secret crush on Chris, not imagining that the feeling is reciprocated. But her best friend, Nick, has a plan to put them together.
Warning: None.
Requested?: Yes, by anon.
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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"Nick, stay still! I have to spread this mask very well. Otherwise, the pores won't absorb the vitamins." Y/N complained, slamming her clean hand against the blonde's covered shoulder before holding the region firmly, in an attempt to stop the boy's movements.
Nick gave her a dramatic deep breath as an answer, opening his eyes briefly.
The girl straightened her spine momentarily, feeling a slight pain from the position as Nick was sitting on the toilet lid and the girl was standing between his legs, curving her spine and spreading the face mask over his cheeks and forehead.
The bathroom counter in Nick's room was full of the skincare products that Y/N left there - since she didn't like the hassle of bringing the ones she had in her home every time she went there. Nick's hair was tied back with a pink cotton headband, preventing the strands from interrupting the girl's work.
The two were having a "girls night". Y/N and Nick were best friends, the two having met in Los Angeles after the triplets moved there.
She and the blonde quickly exchanged contact information after bumping into each other accidentally on Target, only then discovering that they were neighbors. Their connection grew almost automatically, being called the platonic soulmates by the Sturniolo's fandom.
"What's in this thing? Are you poisoning me?" The blonde frowned, feeling his skin itch. His expressions changed from second to second as he wrinkled his mouth and nose, trying to get the excess out of the places that burned.
"I hope this has some kind of poison in it and is poisoning you at this point, just because you keep stopping me from-"
The sound of the bathroom door opening abruptly cut Y/N mid-sentence, the girl jumping in place in fright as she quickly turned towards the source of the sound.
She had her right hand - the one full of face mask - raised so that she didn't spill the product on her pajamas. Her eyes were wide, and her heart racing.
"Hey, do you guys want McDonald's? Matt and I are going to order delivery." Chris asked, smiling in amusement after seeing their reactions to the loud sound he generated.
"Um, I... Yes, please... I'm kinda hungry." Y/N stuttered, clearing her throat and quickly turning back to Nick, trying to hide her stumble over her words. She felt her cheeks burn, and she was sure that a reddish color was taking over the area, closing her eyes tightly in embarrassment.
Nick frowned at her before looking at his brother, rolling his eyes, already used to his childish actions.
"Yes, you can order what I always get, but double." The blonde responded, raising his right hand and waving it in the air as if to say "you can leave now".
Chris raised his arms in surrender, sticking his tongue out at his brother before quickly shooting a glance at Y/N's back, finally closing the door again.
The girl shook her head, trying to shake off her embarrassment, returning her attention to Nick. She sighed while raising her right hand, bringing the contents close to his face again.
"He's a child, I swear." Nick rolled his eyes, frowning when he didn't receive a response or laugh from Y/N, as always happened.
His blue eyes ran over her face, noticing the reddish tone in her skin.
"Are you blushing? Because of-" He interrupted his own sentence, eyes widening in realization. "What, do you have a crush on Chris or something?" His tone was disgusted, wrinkling his nose.
"No?" Y/N responded slowly, catching her bottom lip between her teeth at Nick's reaction, stopping her hand in the air, knowing that he would stop her if she tried to apply the face mask on him at that moment.
"Oh my God, you do have a crush on Chris." Nick opened his mouth in surprise. "Ew."
"Shut up and stay still. Otherwise, I'll get real poison and throw it on you." Y/N fumed, finally going back to applying the product to the clean spaces on Nick's face.
"Ouch, you're going to rip my skin off like that."
"Hello, good evening. Reservation in the name of Nicolas Sturniolo." Chris asked the assistant at the front of the restaurant, smiling kindly.
Nick apparently had spent the day at the mall shopping. At the end of the afternoon, he sent a text to Chris asking him to meet himself at an Italian restaurant that the triplets already knew very well.
Chris was surprised that the blonde had just asked for his presence without Matt, but he quickly dismissed any suspicion, imagining that Nick needed to vent about something since the two had become closer lately.
"Follow me, please." The woman smiled in greeting, turning and walking towards the designated table. Chris quickly accomplished, looking for the blonde figure over her shoulder.
The boy frowned as he saw the woman stop near a specific table and point at it silently, smiling one last time before walking away, returning to her post, leaving a very confused Chris behind.
In Nick's place sat a female figure.
Chris slowly approached, walking around the table until he had a full view of the girl, his eyes widening when he realized that it was Y/N.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" His tone was one of surprise, his blue eyes traveling across the table quickly before returning to her.
The girl looked up from her phone abruptly, her eyes widening equally as she saw Chris instead of Nick.
"Chris? I..." She shook her head, confusion settling into her thoughts. "I came to have dinner with Nick." Her eyes went behind Chris, as if she expected to see her best friend there. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to have dinner with Nick." The boy spoke slowly, his hands moving nervously inside the front pockets of his sweatpants.
"He asked me to meet him here. Oh my God, that must be so awkward." Y/N smiled apologetically, grabbing her purse from the chair on her right side, lightly pushing back the one she was sitting on, ready to stand up. "I'm sorry, I'll leave-"
"Wait, no." Chris quickly stopped her, raising his hands momentarily before lowering them, his eyes traveling across the room in sudden shyness. "Have dinner with me... As a date."
"As a date? What...?" Y/N sat down again, placing her purse on her lap and watching Chris's expression, raising her eyebrows in surprise.
"Y/N, look." He sighed, finally pulling out the chair facing her seat, sitting down quickly, pressing his lips into a thin line nervously. "I've had a crush, a huge one, on you for a long time. But I never had enough courage to talk to you about it and ask you out, out of fear." Chris explained, playing with his fingers above the table, his eyes fixed on the candle decorating the surface. "Maybe, I don't know... Maybe this thing that Nick did was a good thing."
"Oh, Chris." Y/N sighed, taking her purse to the free chair on her right side again, bending her torso slightly over the table. Her hands traveled to Chris's, wrapping her fingers around his, stopping his anxious movements.
Her heart was beating so fast that it seemed to vibrate her whole body, her chest burning with nervousness and excitement. She was sure that her cheeks and neck were red with embarrassment.
"I feel the same." She told him, her tone was gentle and calm, very different from the madness of emotions surrounding her.
Chris looked up quickly, his blue eyes meeting hers, and Y/N swore she could see when his pupils dilated.
"Really?" His tone was full of hope, his fingers squeezing Y/N's weakly, ignoring the trembling of his own.
"Really." Y/N nodded, smiling widely while watching his reactions.
Chris swallowed hard, returning the smile and finally intertwining his fingers with hers, lifting her hands and bringing them close to his face, sealing the soft skin, exhaling the aroma of the lotion that emanated from there.
"Let's have this date."
From: Chris
To: Nick
"I owe you one"
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My asks are always open. Feel free to send requests or anything at all 🩷💋
And remember to treat people with kindness always!
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honeytonedhottie · 13 days
lets talk skincare⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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disclaimer i am NOT a dermatologist so to create this post i did LOTS of research and i'll link all of my sources at the end of the post. i just wanted to kind of put everything that i found in here so i hope its helpful 💕🗒️
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wash ur face with a gentle cleanser, pat dry and wait for about 30 minutes. if ur skin appears shiny throughout then u have oily skin, if ur skin appears tight/flaky then u have dry skin.
if u notice a slight shine on your nose and forehead then you have normal skin. if you have a combination skin type, then the skin will get oily around the t-zone.
for skin with acne -> salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur and mandelic acid.
for dry skin -> lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, ceramides and glycerin.
for pigmented skin -> mandelic acid, niacinamide, vitamin C, and arbutin.
mixing retinol and vitamin C causes irritation, mixing vitamin C and glycolic acid results in over-exfoliation, mixing AHA and retinol causes extreme dryness.
hyaluronic acid + ceramides = repairing skin barrier. niacinimide + salicylic acid = healing acne. retinol + niacinimide = collagen production.
use a cleansing balm to cleanse ur face to remove all the impurities from ur skin
use serums to hydrate ur skin
lather on moisturizer, dont put too much to the point where ur skin cannot produce its own oils, but you MUST moisturize
apply sunscreen everyday, not only on ur face but also on ur neck and hands
face masks 1-2x a week
get enough sleep, drink enough water, and steer clear of overly processed foods
its important to take care of the skin on ur neck for SO many reasons because skincare doesnt stop at ur chin. ur neck reflects the first signs of aging, and its most susceptible to sun damage so show it some love!
use the same products that u use on ur face on ur neck also, moisturize ur neck and always apply sunscreen, lastly, use some retinol to build collagen.
when applying retinol, use a pea sized amount. avoid application around ur eyes and the openings in ur nose, and use retinol in ur night skincare routine only.
retinol should be used nightly (1-2x a week for beginners). hyaluronic acid should be used (2x a day). salicylic acid should be used (1-2x a week). sunscreen should be applied daily, no need to apply it at night and if u can, you should reapply it every 2-3 hours. vitamin C (1x a day in the morning).
for oily skin use -> salicylic acid, niacinimide and mandelic acid.
for dry skin use -> hyaluronic acid, ceramides and lactic acid.
for normal skin use -> vitamin C, glycolic acid, and retinol.
for aging skin use -> peptides, retinol and vitamin C.
for acne prone skin use -> salicylic acid, retinol, and niacinimde.
for combination skin use -> mandelic acid, niacinimide, and glycolic acid.
cream masks are good for all skin-types and it soothes and moisturizes. clay masks are good for oily or acne prone skin and it absorbs oil and controls shine. charcoal masks are good for oily or acne prone skin, and it deep cleanses and unclogs.
sheet masks are good for all skin-types, it nourishes and hydrates. enzyme masks are good for all skin-types and it gently exfoliates and brightens the skin. bubble masks are good for all skin-types and it hydrates and soothes.
gel masks are good for all skin-types and it provides a cooling effect. exfoliating masks are good for all skin-types BUT if u have sensitive skin then exfoliating masks are not for you. exfoliating masks remove dead skin cells and debris.
in the morning (cleanser + toner + hydrating serum + vitamin c + moisturizer + sunscreen) in the evening (double cleanse + toner + hydrating serum + retinol + moisturizer)
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
The Neighbor (Joel Miller X Reader)
Pairing: no-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, sweet joel, domestic joel, rom-com
Summary (Series): reader as Joel’s neighbor. Joel’s wife left him so Joel asked his neighbor for help in babysitting Sarah. 
Summary: You came across your ex on your morning walks with Joel and baby Sarah. Is Joel just your neighbor or is he your fake husband?
Words count: 2k
A/N: I’m trying to make this as a rom-com, hope you like my new series! This is part 2 of Where It All Starts. I'm happy that many of you liked it so I hope you enjoy the next parts. Love you!
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
It had been a few days since you babysit Sarah and you started to grow fond of her. You tried your best learning about babies and what was good for them. 
"I read that it's good for babies to get early morning walks." You told Joel as you put Sarah to her crib.
"Yeah?" Joel raised his eyebrows.
"Uh-huh. They said it’s a good source of Vitamin D." You stroked the baby’s head adoring her.
"Okay..I'll take her for a walk tomorrow then."
"Can I come? If it's okay with you. Of course." 
"Sure. No problem." 
You woke up earlier that day and got ready. You knocked on your neighbor's door.
"Mornin'." Joel opened the door with Sarah in his arms. 
"Morning." You waved your hand. 
"Come in." Joel invited you inside his house. 
"Hi sweetie, ready for a walk?" You caressed baby Sarah's cheek who was still in Joel’s arms. 
"I need to get the baby stroller ready. Can you hold her for a while?" Joel asked you for help.
"Sure." You opened your arms and took Sarah. 
Joel went to get the baby stroller and got it ready. He placed it beside you and you put Sarah in the stroller. 
"Okay. All done." 
"Let's go." You took the stroller and pushed it. 
"After you." Joel opened the door for you. 
The weather was nice. It was sunny but not too hot. It was the perfect weather to have a morning walk. You were happy you brought up the idea to Joel. 
"I'll do it." Joel slowly moved your hands from the stroller so he could push it. 
The three of you walked around the neighborhood looking like a real newlywed with a newborn baby. You liked the idea of thinking of having a family but deep down in your heart you weren't ready to start a new relationship. Joel probably wasn’t ready too.
"Thank you by the way." Joel suddenly thanked you.
"For what?" You tilted your head and faced him. 
"For this. For carin' about Sarah's health. I didn't even know babies need vitamin Ds from sun and everythin'." He scoffed. He looked like he was guilty of being a bad father. 
"Oh! Well, you're welcome. I'm trying my best to be a good babysitter." You joked. 
"I'm sure you'll be a good mom." He smiled at you. 
"Thank-" You couldn't finish what you wanted to say as you saw someone familiar across you. 
"(y/n)?" A familiar man called your name.
"Chad? You live around here?" You were shocked and startled to tremble because of arising anger inside you.
"No. I-uh- I didn't know you had a baby." He pointed at baby Sarah who was sleeping in the stroller. 
"Do you know this man?" Joel looked at you confused.
"Yeah, he was-uhm-my ex." 
Joel nodded. He opened his mouth wanting to say something but closed it again. 
"What are you doing here?" Your voice was shaky trying not to cry. 
"I was visiting my girlfri-" Chad answered but you cut him.
"You mean the girl you cheated on me with." You scoffed and rolled your eyes. Joel’s eyes widened and he crossed his arms to his chest.
"(y/n), I'm really sor-" You cut him again.
"Save it, Chad. I don't want to hear anything from you again. Let's hope we won't cross paths again." You wanted to yell at him, hit him, slap him but you couldn’t. Not in front of Joel and baby Sarah.
Sarah suddenly cried. You immediately moved to lift her to your chest and pat her back gently. 
"Shh..Shh..I'm here, I'm here sweetie. You want to go home, don't you?" You cooed as you tried using Sarah to get out of the situation. 
"Come on, Joel. Sarah wants to go home.” You put your hand to Joel’s upper arm.
You left your ex without explanation of who Sarah was or who Joel was, on purpose. You didn’t mean to use Joel and Sarah this way but you needed to. You wanted your ex to know that you were doing well without him. You wanted him to believe that you were happily married with a handsome husband and a beautiful baby even though it wasn’t the truth. If you had to be honest, you were still heart broken. You had trust issues with men since you got cheated on twice by the same man.
“You okay?” Joel was concerned because you were quiet the whole way back to Joel’s house.
“Hmm? What did you say?” You got back to reality.
“You okay?” Joel repeated.
“Yeah, yeah. Why am I not okay?” You scoffed trying to play it cool.
“Okay.” Joel was curious about you but he didn’t want to cross the line. 
“So, will you be home as usual?” You took Sarah from the stroller and moved her to the carseat.
“Uhm..I was thinkin’ about eating out for dinner. The three of us. If you want.” Joel’s cheek redden. 
“Of course. That’s a great idea.” 
“I’ll drive you to work today. Then I’ll pick you up at 6?” Joel suggested.
“Sure, thanks.” 
Joel dropped you off at work. He got out of the car just to help you with the baby stuff so he didn’t go inside the cafe to introduce himself because he was late to work. He kissed Sarah’s forehead before he drove away. You waved him goodbye and went inside your cafe.
“Is that the dad?” Your co-worker asked.
“That’s “the neighbor”?” Flo giggled and pushed you teasingly.
“Yep, that’s my neighbor, Joel. Sarah’s dad.” You crossed your arms to your chest.
“Your neighbor is freaking hot.” Flo shook you excitedly.
“I agree.” Your other co-worker added.
“Stop it. You guys.” You shook your head.
“Wonder why the baby’s mom left.” Flo wondered. 
You had told her what you heard the other night when Joel had a fight with his wife. Joel hadn’t told you anything about his wife or what happened. And you had never asked him about it. You knew it was something private and you would wait until he decided to open up to you. Because if you were in the same position, you also needed time to open up. Just like your random meeting with your ex this morning, you weren’t ready to talk about it. And Joel didn’t ask you a thing so you understood why he hadn’t told you about his wife. 
“I’m sure they have a reason.” You replied.
“Has he told you?” Flo asked.
“No. It’s not our business, Flo. Let’s get back to work.” You squeezed her shoulder and got back to work.
It was finally 6PM and you were waiting for Joel to pick you and Sarah up. You checked everything and left the rest to your employees. 10 minutes later Joel’s truck was parked in front of your cafe. He got out of the car and went inside. 
“Hey.” Joel greeted you.
“Hi.” You smiled.
“You haven’t met my friends. Guys, this is Joel. My neighbor.” You introduced him to your employees whom you considered your friends. You widened your eyes telling them to act normal.
“Hi, I’m Joel. Nice to meet you.” He shook their hands one by one. 
“Okay, I’m going now. Don’t forget to lock the door, okay?” You reminded your employees.
“I’ll see you guys later.” Joel took the baby bag and Sarah who was in the car seat. 
You and Joel went inside the car and you could feel that your employees were making heart gestures behind you. You looked back with two fingers pointing to your eyes then to them. You swore to God if Joel saw them, you would kill your employees for making you embarrassed. Thank God they acted normal when Joel and you got in the car facing them. 
“Do you have something you want to eat?” Joel started the car.
“Hmm. Let me think.” You put your hand to your chin.
“How about Mexican?” You suggested.
“I know a place.” Joel nodded and started driving.
You suggested Mexican for dinner so Joel drove you to his regular Mexican place. Joel and you were already comfortable enough with each other so you didn’t feel awkward with him. You two talked about different things but again, not relationship stuff. He didn’t even bring up what happened that morning and you were glad because you weren’t ready to open up.
“Hmm, this is so good. Why didn’t I know about this place?” You mumbled as you munched your empanadas.
“I’m glad it suits your taste.” Joel smiled.
*Sarah cries*
“Oh baby, you’re hungry too, aren’t you?” You cooed.
“Come here, come here.” You lifted Sarah from the car seat and brought her to your chest.
“Can you pass me her bottle from the bag please?” You pointed at the baby bag next to Joel.
“I’ll feed her.” Joel took the bottle and opened his arms for you to move Sarah to him.
“No, no. It’s okay. I’ll feed her. You must be tired from work.” You insisted.
Joel passed you the feeding bottle and you fed baby Sarah. She immediately sucked the bottle and drank the baby formula. 
“How do you know right away?” Joel was amused.
“Know what?” 
“That she’s hungry.” Joel rested his chin on his palm.
“I don’t know. Maybe we’re telepathic?” You shrugged. 
“You’re a natural.” Joel chuckled as he shoved a spoonful of his food.
Your stomach growled and you remembered you needed to eat too. So you put the baby bottle on the table for a second to eat. But when you grabbed your empanadas and just got only one bite, the baby in your arms snuggled her face to your breast. 
“Nuh-uh, Sarah, babygirl, don’t do that. That’s inappropriate.” Joel moved his index finger as a gesture of saying don’t. 
“Oh my God! What’s she doing?” You burst into laughter.
“Ugh-Sarah..baby..” Joel was embarrassed by his daughter’s actions.
“You’re funny, little girl. But, I don’t have any milk in my boobies sweetie.” You caressed her head.
“Here you go.” You put the baby bottle for her to suck.
“I’m sorry.” Joel apologized.
“It’s okay. I wish I could breastfeed her. I’m sorry.” You felt bad for the adorable baby girl in your arms for not being able to be breastfed. 
Joel spaced out for a while. His eyes were glistening with tears while watching her daughter in your arms. You looked at him and your heart broke for him. He was probably thinking about his wife or his daughter who should have had a mother.
“Joel?” You called him and he didn’t answer.
“Joel..” You called his name again.
“Huh?” He looked at you. A tear fell down to his cheeks and he wiped it hurriedly.
“You okay there?” You were concerned.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m good. You haven’t eaten yet. Let me help you.” He offered to feed you.
“No, no. It’s okay. I can eat later.” You were afraid he could see you blush when he fed you.
“Come on. Don’t want you to get sick.” He insisted and fed you.
You didn’t have a choice. So you opened your mouth and let him feed you. You were blushing. You hoped he didn’t realize your cheeks redden because of him. 
“Thank you.” You chewed as you fed baby Sarah.
Joel helped you eat until you finished feeding Sarah. You felt taken care of even when you had to take care of someone’s baby. You had never felt this way towards a man. Maybe..Maybe Joel was different. Different from your ex. Maybe he was a good guy. 
“Check, please.” Joel raised his hand to call the waitress. 
The waitress came to your table and gave you the check. Joel read the receipt and took out his wallet.
“I’ve been looking at the three of you and I wanted to say that you’re a really cute family. You two made a really beautiful baby.” The waitress said as she smiled at the baby. She was a bit older, in her 50s maybe.
“Oh! I’m not his wife. We’re neighbors.” You chuckled.
“Thank you.” Joel didn’t say anything but only a thank you. He gave the money to the waitress and she left with a shake on her head.
“She’s funny.” You shook your head.
“How much do I owe you?” You took out your purse.
“Oh, no. My treat.” Joel stopped your hand.
“Yes, it’s nothin’ really. You did a lot for me and Sarah. Don’t worry about it.” 
“Okay. Thank you though. For dinner.” You smiled.
To be continued…
@lovelyygirl8 @skysmiller @moonlightdivine @crocodiile @angie2274 @pulchritudinousrogers @peqchsoup @msecho19 @happinessinthebeing @nyotamalfoy
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breelandwalker · 9 months
Simple Spell - Full Moon Wish Jar
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Intent: To harness the power of the lunar cycle for the manifestation and fulfillment of wishes.
Small Jar with tight-fitting lid
Chime candle & fire source
Oil for sealing
Herbs and Items representing your wish
Ideal Timing: Waxing or Full Moon
Find a clear space to work. Make sure it’s free of fire hazards. If possible, try to work near a window through which you can see the moon. (If you don’t have one, that’s all right too, since you’ll be setting the jar out for the moonlight when finished.) Light your candle, focus your intentions, and get to work.
Select herbs and trinkets which fit inside the jar to represent your wish. For example, if your wish is for money or prosperity, you might include coins or small craft gems. If your wish is for health, you might include vitamin pills or a charm representing medicine. Check your books for herbs or crystals that correspond to your wish as well. This is your wish - make the spell your own. The contents of the jar can be whatever you want.
Use the materials that resonate best with you, but remember that your focused intention is the most important component of all. If desired, you can write your wish on a dried leaf or a piece of paper to give the spell a clear direction to work in.
Some common plants associated with wish-making include:
Bay Leaf
Blue Violet
Dandelion Seeds
Dogwood Petals
Sage Leaf (any color)
Sunflower Petals or Seeds
Once your jar is complete, drip three drops of wax from the candle into the jar and circle the mouth of the jar three times with the oil to seal the charm. Then cap the jar and seal it with wax. Leave your thumbprint in wax on top of the lid. Place the jar somewhere that it will be touched by the light of the full moon and leave it overnight.
The jar should work for about a month, or slightly longer if you’re working with a supermoon. When the next full moon rolls around, you can recharge the jar by leaving it out overnight again, or make a new jar with a new wish.
Recipe suggestions under the cut. (And if you like this spell, you'll love my books!)
Happy Witching! 🌕💜
Health, Wealth, & Happiness
Bay Leaf
Juniper Berries
Apple Wood Chip or Apple Seeds
Seal with Breath
Sea Salt or Table Salt
Holly Leaf
Juniper Berries
Seal with Sage or Dragon's Blood Oil
Seal with Basil Oil
Luck & Success
Clover Blossom
Galangal Root
Allspice Berries
Seal with Amber Oil
Orange Peel
Juniper Berries
Seal with Orange Oil
Rose Petals
Apple Wood Chip
Cherry Blossoms or Cherry Stones
Seal with Rose Oil
Jinx Remover
Sea Salt or Table Salt
Coffee Grounds
Sage (any type)
Black Peppercorns
Seal with Vinegar
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skin-care-news · 9 months
The 13 Best Foods For Healthy Skin
Your skin is not only the body's largest organ but also a reflection of your overall health. Maintaining healthy and radiant skin requires more than just external skincare products; it begins with the nutrients you provide your body from the inside. A well-balanced diet rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can do wonders for your skin. In this article, we'll explore the 13 best foods for achieving and maintaining healthy, glowing skin.
1. Salmon:
Salmon is a fatty fish that's high in omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats help keep your skin moisturized and supple, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Omega-3s also have anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
2. Avocado:
Avocados are packed with healthy fats, vitamins E and C, and antioxidants. These nutrients help keep your skin hydrated, protect it from UV damage, and promote collagen production, which is essential for skin elasticity.
3. Sweet Potatoes:
Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that can give your skin a healthy glow by protecting it from sun damage and preventing premature aging.
4. Berries:
Berries like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are loaded with antioxidants, particularly vitamin C. Antioxidants help combat free radicals, reducing skin cell damage and promoting a more youthful appearance.
5. Walnuts:
Walnuts are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, which help maintain the skin's moisture and protect it from oxidative stress.
6. Spinach:
Spinach is rich in vitamin A, which is essential for skin health. It helps repair skin tissues, prevent acne, and maintain a healthy complexion.
7. Green Tea:
Green tea contains polyphenols and antioxidants that protect the skin from UV radiation and reduce the risk of skin cancer. Drinking green tea regularly can also help combat inflammation and keep your skin looking fresh.
8. Tomatoes:
Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, an antioxidant that can reduce the risk of sunburn and skin aging. It also promotes collagen production and skin elasticity.
9. Dark Chocolate:
High-quality dark chocolate (70% cocoa or higher) is rich in antioxidants, specifically flavonols, which can improve skin texture, hydration, and blood flow, giving your skin a healthy glow.
10. Almonds:
Almonds are rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect your skin from harmful UV rays and environmental damage.
11. Yogurt:
Yogurt is packed with probiotics, which can promote a healthy gut. A balanced gut microbiome can lead to clearer skin by reducing inflammation and preventing acne.
12. Carrots:
Carrots are another great source of beta-carotene, which can help reduce skin dryness and promote a more youthful appearance.
13. Oats:
Oats are a good source of complex carbohydrates and fiber. They can help stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of acne and promoting clear skin.
While these foods can be a valuable addition to your diet for healthier skin, remember that no single food can work miracles. A well-rounded diet that includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods, along with proper hydration, is essential for achieving and maintaining radiant skin. Additionally, don't forget to protect your skin from excessive sun exposure, get enough sleep, and maintain a consistent skincare routine for the best results. Healthy, glowing skin is the result of both internal and external care, so make these foods a part of your daily routine and watch your skin thrive.
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beenbaanbuun · 3 months
seventeen maknae line’s reaction to their youngest member not taking care of themselves
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genre - fluff
warnings - talk about unhealthy eating habits, diet culture, sleep problems
lee seokmin
would anyone be surprised if i say that dk would be on you like a fucking rash if he notices a single thing out of the ordinary with you
like even if it’s just you being forgetful, this absolute angel of a man will 100% take the time and effort to seek you and and check on you
so when you sleep through your alarm and forget breakfast one morning, it’s no surprise when you wake up to seokmin’s face
“are you feeling alright?” he asks, voice gentle as he studies your sleepy face, “you missed breakfast…”
and of course you nod, because you’re feeling fine, but it doesn’t stop him from being concerned
“late night,” you reply as you sit up on your bed and rub your face, “must’ve just slept through my alarm, minnie.”
you say it to calm him down and stop him from worrying, but you only make it worse
“late night?” he sits down on your bed and grabs your hand, “couldn’t you sleep? is something on your mind? do i need to talk to someone for you?”
and you can’t help but laugh because trust seokmin to blow it out of proportion
you just lean into him and hug him as you tell him how grateful you are to have someone who cares so much
“i’m fine though, minnie,” you squeeze him, “i just needed to beat wonwoo’s high score in mario kart…”
kim mingyu
he’s someone i can see accidentally taking care of you
like he hasn’t even noticed the fact that you’ve started to be a little too strict with your diet and yet somehow he’s managing to make sure you’re eating enough
like i can see him cooking a meal and without even realising you haven’t eaten yet, he calls you over to try it
and the big baby blows on it and feeds it to you like to overly attentive friend/self-claimed big brother that he is
“open wide, kiddo,” he grins as you follow his instructions, “here comes the aeroplane!”
he only narrowly dodges the kick you aim at his shins…
and you have to admit that the food is good, and even if you don’t necessarily want to eat, you’re in a difficult situation
you can’t say it’s bad and deny it because then you’ll upset him, but you also can’t say it’s good and deny it because then he’ll make you take it anyway
best thing for you to do is just accept the food and move on
you promise you’ll try harder with your diet tomorrow
but as you walk away with the bowl of food, you know you won’t be able to - not with mingyu around
xu minghao
i mentioned minghao briefly in the hyung line one and i stand by what i said
this man monitors your diet like a hawk!!
not in a weird ‘you shouldn’t eat too much’ sort of way, but he likes to make sure you’re treating your body kindly
like he watches that you’re not eating too much of a bad thing, but he also likes to check that you’re not eating too little
literally follows you around with a piece of fruit in his bag for when you inevitably complain about being hungry
“oranges are a great source of vitamin c,” he says when he sees you pout at the fruit, “and i know you don’t get enough of that. now eat up!”
and if he sees you even eyeing up an energy drink, you best prepare yourself for the lecture of your life
“do you know how much caffeine is in one of these?” he hold the half drunk can in your face, “too much! if you’re tired, sleep more. god knows you need it…”
little do you know, he monitors your sleep too…
drags you out to do meditation with him if he sees that you’re up too late, knowing that by the time he’s finished you’ll be completely knocked out
he’ll complain about having to drag your tired body to bed yet again, but you can’t see the smile he wears as he tucks you in and wishes you a good night
boo seungkwan
i can see seungkwan as being very overly-attentive to your mental health more than anything else
like sure, he wants to make sure you’re taking care of your physical health too, but he knows that if you’re not there’s probably a deeper reason
so when he sees you arrive at practice one morning with deep eye bags and a frown, he is all over you in minutes
“bad sleep?” he asks as he ruffles your hair. you shrug, but he doesn’t mind. you don’t have to agree for him to know that he’s right, “want to talk about it?”
you sigh, knowing there’s no way of escaping his line of questioning
“i thought it was about time i went on a diet,” you say simply as you drop your bag in the corner, “i was up late researching what diet would be best.”
he scoffs and rolls his eyes, clearly dismayed with your words
“and why do you think you need to diet?” he says with a stern look on his face and you realise you’re not going to get out of this easily
all you can do is explain your thought process, and while he listens to every word you say, it’s obvious he’s more than upset
“if you want to do this, i cant stop you,” he says when you’re finished, “but i want you to do it for the right reasons, and i want you to do it healthily.”
chwe hansol
i think vernon would take care of you a lot, but you might not always notice since he does it silently
like this man will not express his worries about you not looking after yourself, he’ll just try his hardest to solve it
you’re not eating enough? he makes sure to put more meat on your plate during meal times
you’re not sleeping enough? he puts some melatonin gummies on your nightstand
you’re not drinking enough? you’re the first person he seeks out during breaks to offer a bottle of water to
it might take you a while to notice just how much he’s taking care of you at first, but when you do you always go out of your way to thank him
but you take a leaf out of his own book, and do it a little differently
“someone gave me some melatonin,” you say to seungcheol, but just loud enough that vernon can hear, “it helped so much! like, whoever it was is a hero.”
your eyes keep flickering over to vernon the whole time you’re talking, just so he knows that you know it’s him
and sure, he doesn’t do it for the praise, but he can’t deny it’s nice when you’re hyping him up anonymously to the other members
lee chan
this man will be your partner in crime and i guarantee he can and will absolutely use that against you if he needs to
like he insists on you two doing everything together and if you say you’re not doing anything? well neither is he!
and of course, when chan says he’s not going to eat dinner because you’re not, you feel so incredibly guilty that you decide that you decide maybe you shouldn’t skip the meal
“if you’re not hungry, then i’m not hungry!” he folds his arms and stares you down
“chan, that’s not how it works,” you scoff as you scan over some lyric sheets you’d been tasked to memorise, “if you’re hungry, go eat.”
he shakes his head and stays glued to his chair with a smirk
“we do everything together,” he says, “and if you’re being irresponsible and skipping meals, then we’ll do that together too!”
and whilst his logic makes no sense, you know he means it
so of course you push your work to the side and follow him out of the room to get dinner together
and when you’re up too late working too hard, chan is right by your side throughout the whole thing, refusing to sleep until you do
and it’s frustrating because you want to take care of chan just as much as he wants to take care of you
so you eat all your meals, and sleep a healthy amount, and drink as much water as you can and it’s annoying, but if it’s keeping chan healthy then you’re happy
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helseform · 24 days
Call : +91 7997101779 | Whatsapp : https://wa.me/917997101779 | Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@Helseform About Video : Nuts and dry fruits are not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients that benefit our daily lives. Here's a detailed description of some of the best nuts and dry fruits and their health benefits . Incorporating a variety of nuts and dry fruits into your daily diet can provide a wide range of health benefits, from supporting heart health and brain function to boosting immune function and promoting overall well-being. However, it's essential to consume them in moderation as they are calorie-dense foods.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Tips To Relieve Everyday Bloating
As someone who has dealt with chronic bloating for a lot of my life, here are some of my thoughts, observations, and recommendations. HUGE disclaimer: I am in no way an expert on this, a medical professional, nutritionist, or anything of the sort.
Especially for women, bloating can be a sign of gynecological issues (endometriosis, PCOS, hormone imbalances like estrogen dominance, and even a warning sign of ovarian cancer). So, if you experience constant bloating that doesn't get better with improved digestion, schedule an OB/GYN appointment ASAP to ensure that everything is okay on the women's health front.
Everyone's triggers are different, but for me, these are some of the common causes of bloating that I've noticed:
Lack of sleep
Eating too quickly or while stressed
Lack of movement/walking
Not drinking enough water
High-fat meals
Chewing gum
Carbonated drinks/alcohol
Here are some of my best tips, habits, and product recommendations to manage & minimize bloating:
Engage in a 1-minute diaphragmatic aka deep-belly breathing exercise in bed right after waking up and right before going to sleep (place one hand on the middle of your chest and the other in the central "hollow" area right below your rib cage)
Get at least 6-7 hours of sleep a night
Have a bowl of oatmeal (made with plain oats and water) with cinnamon and fruit every morning
Drink water before any coffee in the morning; Only having at most 16oz or one large mug of coffee before breakfast in the morning
Chew my food slowly, taking time between bites
Drink at least 8 large glasses of water daily
Take my Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D supplement daily (I love the Deva brand!)
Have avocados/use avocado oil as my primary fat source (I love nuts/nut butter, but they really bloat me, so find your trigger foods!); I've found a large salad with a romaine lettuce base, some veggies, avocado, and an ACV-based dressing works wonders to settle my stomach or steamed spinach with roasted root vegetables/potatoes
Use digestive enzymes when necessary (These digestive enzymes are my favorites!)
Take at least 30 minutes to walk/move around daily (Pilates, yoga, or bodyweight exercises also work)
Drink ginger tea or some herbal-based tea nightly (my long-time favorite is Bigelow Benefits Calm Stomach Ginger Peach Herbal Tea!)
Don't eat anything for at least 3 hours before bed
For trapped gas: Try lying on your stomach, engaging in the downward dog yoga position or fetal position on the left side, or doing an abdominal massage (rubbing in a circular motion from the right side of your pelvis up through your rib cage down and around the left side) all work well!
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a-d-nox · 5 months
web of wyrd: goals you should set to become your best self
this is just a theory of mine because these bubbles of the matrix should represent your higher self. i feel like it could work for the outside numbers too that changes yearly... anywho - this is not to say that you can't accomplish goals/resolution not listed in your category / under your energetic number nor that your efforts not listed in your selection don't make you a better person. this is simply what i believe people with these numbers would benefit from doing and how they can gain new found confidence in themselves.
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1 - the magician
start a garden, work on passion project(s), read or write a business/self-help books, get a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, study more tarot/astrology/mediumship, complete an art project, make your own soap or candles, start taking vitamins daily, declutter, learn to cook, learn to code, get car detailed, start journaling, do a paid class or certification course, start learning a new language, learn more about heritage, learn how to do nails at home, start a side hustle, learn to knit or crochet, learn how to manage a bonsai, or go to a concert
2 - the high priestess
delve deeper into spiritual practices, eat to support hormones, learn to bake, take a mixology course or find your signature drink (if you are of age), start or restructure a self-care routine, take a beach/cruise vacation, play brain games, learn to makes candles, go to a fondue experience, reset closet or revamp style, try a juice cleanse, take a cooking class, get a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, practice tarot/astrology/mediumship abilities, or take self-defense class
3 - the empress
build up your crystal collection, reset closet or revamp style, go to an art museum, see a ballet or take a ballet class, sketch daily, practice makeup looks, keep a flower garden, get jewelry cleaned or revamp jewelry collection, save for real pearl/diamond/stone jewelry, learn to make your own candy/sweets, start a budget or emergency fund, reset closet or revamp style, save for a designer piece/accessory, start a new beauty/skincare routine, take a trip to a fancy restaurant, learn how to dried your own fruits, start a garden or try to grow something new in your garden, go to a concert/orchestra, read or write a poetry book, go to a play, start wearing lingerie (sometimes it's a pick me up to know you look good for yourself), get a boudoir photoshoot done, go to a vineyard or wine tasting (for those of drinking age), or take a dance class
4 - the emperor
start a new skincare routine, go on a rock climbing retreat, start going to the gym or become a personal trainer, try an adrenaline rush activity (skydiving, bungee jumping, etc), take a wood shop class, get more into your coffee - learn about sourcing/grinding beans, start taking better care of your eyes, start a hair care routine, start an oral health routine, start meditating, or start using time blocking or following a planner
5 - the hierophant
sketch daily, go on an architectural tour, start a beauty routine, go to a history museum, learn how to make pastries/sweets/candies, get your earrings cleaned professionally or save for a quality set, learn how to make sour dough, save for real pearl/diamond/stone jewelry, take piano/organ lessons or give them, take or give singing lessons, or take a class
6 - the lovers
get car detailed, get car license, do a bicycle marathon or learn how to rider a bike, read a set number of books, buy a quality briefcase / work tote, go on a day trip, start a gym membership or soulcycle classes, build up you crystal collection and learn how to use them, upgrade your desk set up, go for hand & foot message, learn how to do nails at home, start reading the newspaper (i recommend the new yorker), take a language classes, learn a new language, take a train trip, learn how to better your communication with others, or start talk therapy
7 - the chariot
start a garden or try to grow something new in your garden, learn how to bake or learn how to bake something new, start a new beauty routine, go on a boat trip / cruise, get car detailed, try a juice cleanse, upgrade glassware, declutter, invest in home, stay at a hotel or bed & breakfast, upgrade kitchenware, go on a lake trip, go tubing, invest in pearls, invest in real estate / land, try a new restaurant, get silver jewelry cleaned professionally, shop your pantry, go on a trip, or start journaling your intentions / bullet journaling
8 - strength
go to an amusement park, work on or finish a passion project, take ballroom dancing classes, learn about tea and tea leaves, learn to read tea leaves, start playing a new game or design a new game, practice vulnerability, go to the movie theater, start a flower garden, or get a pet
9 - the hermit
get a pet, organize bookshelves, try a juice cleanse, upgrade clothing or declutter closet, start an oral health routine, start journaling more consistently, learn more about emergency preparedness, invest in emergency preparedness, learn to cook something new, invest in new dining ware (new plates/bowls, cups / glassware, silverware, etc), try a food subscriptions (home chef, hello fresh, pickle of the month club, bokksu japanese snack box, etc), take care of a bonsai, take supplements, learn to knit or crochet, start an herb garden, learn to dry your own herbs, take a one way trip to anywhere, or go on a hiking trip
10 - wheel of fortune
learn about different incenses/herbs, practice or take a class in archery, plant a tree, invest in land, learn how to dry berries, start a budget, learn how to budget, start going to a gym / exercising, expand religious/spiritual/philosophical knowledge, learn how to play a new card game, learn how to spin your own wool (then you can move to weaving, crocheting, and/or knitting), learn how to make your own clothing, buy a luxury coat, take a trip to a country or place you have never been, start an oral health routine, take an etiquette class, learn about the customs of other countries/cultures, eat more fruit, get a beehive / harvest your own honey, start taking royal jelly, take a horseback riding lesson, upgrade shoes / shoe collection, support spiritual practices / keep learning about what you believe in / trust, or start practicing a positive mindset
11 - justice
go to a ballet or an art gallery, start using or invest in an air purifier, learn how to take care of house plants, buy a house plant, take a spa day, go to a spa, reset your cosmetics (please clean your brushes and sponges), wearing lingerie (sometimes it's a pick me up to know you look good for yourself), get a boudoir photoshoot done, organize your closet, declutter your closet, start a capsule wardrobe, learn how to make pastries/sweets, invest in diamonds, propose to your lover, buy a dress that makes you feel good and take yourself on a date (fancy diner and a play/opera/ballet), go to a fashion show or exhibit, buy yourself flowers, start a flower garden, invest in a luxury chair (a chaise, reading chair, gaming card - whatever your thing is, justice person), declutter your jewelry, invest in luxury jewelry, get your jewelry professional cleaned, go to a concert, read or write a poetry, buy yourself chocolate dipped strawberries, get hair extensions (i know you want to lol), do logic puzzles, or go to an escape room
12 - the hanged man
take a mixology course or find your signature drink (if you are of age), learn how to better decode angel numbers, look into / practice natural medical remedies, take a ballet class, go to a ballet, revamp your self-care routine, go on a beach vacation, try a new tea or coffee, learn more about tea or coffee, practice photography or start a photography side hustle, take a dance class, read or write a smutty/romance/fantasy book, make a fairy garden, get a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, practice your tarot/astrology/mediumship abilities, start budgeting, try a new makeup look or practice your makeup skills, go to a concert, paint something, read or write a poetry book, take a swim class, make a poppet, or practice meditation
13 - death
start practicing or expanding homeopathic cures and remedies, learn more about meat sourcing, purchase/invest in half a cow or pig, learn how to cook and trim meats, try to be a vegetarian or a vegan for a month or longer, do a colon cleanse, read a philosophy of death book, expand your knowledge of magic, try a new period product, learn more about poisonous plants, make a frog pond, buy a scorpion/snake/snake, gift someone something unexpectedly, or declutter your space
14 - temperance
go on a hunting trip, take an archery class, read a book on religion or philosophy, start a devotional journal, read the book of your core religion or philosophy, purchase a book on dream meanings and keep a dream journal to reflect on your dreams, take a certification course or college class, take a horseback riding lesson, go on a horse drawn carriage ride, do logic puzzles, or learn how to better decode angel numbers
15 - the devil
invest in a fan or air conditioning unit, if you have the land for it - buy a cow/horse/goat, learn how to use kinetic tape, start dry brushing, invest in diamonds / diamond jewelry, propose to your significant other, invest in a luxury clock or watch, practice/learn better nail care, invest in room darkening curtains, invest in and use a happy lamp, start a lotion/cream skin routine, learn how to knit or crochet, invest in hair products (extensions, shampoo subscription, etc), start a hair routine, invest in leather fashion-ware, start a garden or try to successfully grow something new in your garden, invest in an ice maker or ice molds, or try a juice cleanse
16 - the tower
practice yoga, take an acrobatic/gymnastic class, learn about and practice homeopathic cures and remedies, take a first-aid course, learn how to bake, learn how to season and marinate your meats, get a bad haircut or shave your hair off, learn how to use a straight razor, learn knife skills, get a custom metal works done, take boxing lesson, go to a boxing match or monster truck duel, learn more about meat sourcing, purchase/invest in half a cow or pig, learn how to cook and trim meats, try to be a vegetarian or a vegan for a month or longer, take a wood shop class, start a cactus/succulent garden, buy a cactus or succulent, learn how to cook something from scratch (and be okay with failing at it multiple times), invest in pocket knife / knife set /leatherman / multitool and learn how to use it, invest in a tool kit, read or write a comic or graphic novel, take a mixology course or find your signature drink (if you are of age), listen to more rock music, invest in a vinyl, go to a rock concert, maintain a pepper plant, or build a lego kit
17 - the star
learn how to make friendship bracelets, invest in a fan or air conditioning unit, take a flight lesson, use compression stockings/socks, take an architectural tour, read or write an astrology reading, get car detailed, get a club memberships, invest in an electronic device brand, collect movies, watch a new movie, invest in a camera, film a short film or practice photography, start a photography side hustle, practice shadow work, get rid of unused subscriptions, take an acting class, read or write a book on health or mental health, or read or write a book on positivity
18 - the moon
make a piece of abstract art, take a mixology course or find your signature drink (if you are of age), pay a fish, visit an aquarium, go on a fishing trip (for the dads), watch a fishery documentary, read or write a book of conspiracy theories, learn how to read a crystal ball, buy a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, practice your tarot/astrology/mediumship abilities, invest a camera, practice photography or start a photography side hustle, read or write poetry book, attempt hydroponics, practice bluffing, take an acting class, invest in new shoes, start using a sleeping eye mask, invest in silk pillow cases, buy yourself new quality bed sheets, start using a bonnet, invest in a typewriter, practice shadow work, buy a puppy, or purchase a book on dream meanings and keep a dream journal to reflect on your dreams
19 - the sun
read an autobiographical books, take ballroom dancing lessons, start an oral health routine, try a new card game, make your own chocolates, take an artistic/creative class, get new jewelry or an engagement ring, buy yourself flowers, start a flow garden, start a herb garden, learn how to dry your own herbs, go to a race of some sort (cars, horse, etc), invest in sporting equipment, buy and maintain an ivy plant, take a pottery class, or work on your passion project / hobbies
20 - judgment
buy an ant farm, practice astral projection, learn more about emergency preparedness, invest in emergency preparedness, practice illusions and slight of hand, buy and learn about poisonous plants, read the divine comedy, do a puzzle, buy a bubby, or wearing lingerie (sometimes it's a pick me up to know you look good for yourself)
21 - the world
start a garden or try to grow something new, take or give a guitar lesson, invest in air conditioning or fan, take an architectural tour, make your own teddy bear (literally sow one), buy a pair of quality/luxury boots, keep a calendar or planner, practice sun protect / use sunblock products, convert to wooden kitchen supplies (cutting board, spoon, etc), buy a luxury carpet, make a clay house guardian, invest in a luxury clock or watch, use compression stockings/socks, collect coins, learn how to use kinetic tape, build up your crystal collection, start a budget tracker, start a lotion for dry skin routine, learn to knit/crochet, start a hair care routine, invest in an ice machine or ice making trays, learn to make ice cream, take a pottery class, invest in real estate or land, keep a zen sand garden, or invest in a sculpture
22 - the fool
take flight lessons, take a flight to anywhere, get car detailed, get an astrology reading, practice your astrology reading abilities, learn how to ride a bike or do a bike marathon, go to the movie theater, invest in a luxury clock or watch, start a club memberships, take a train ride, take motorcycle classes, do something impulsive, filming or recording something and upload it online, learn to cross stitch / knitting / crocheting, invest in a camera, practice photography, watch a new movie / tv show, invest in a new tv, or take a class
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