#transphobic florida
Tw: menstruation, vent post, parents.
Thinking about how when I was a teen, I had really painful menses. At times, it was so bad that my legs felt like they were tingling, and standing was difficult. I was sent home from school on a number of occasions due to vomiting during my menstruation.
Overall, a really shitty time.
Not only was I frequently told I was being over dramatic, that I just needed to "walk around," eventually restricted from going home or seeing the school nurse... But I was told because I'm trans, it shouldn't be an issue.
My mother told me on a multitude of occasions, "If you're a boy, then you shouldn't be having these issues, huh?"
"Boys don't have these problems."
I hold so much bitterness over the fact that no one ever took me to the doctor for my painful menstruation. My mother told me years later that she didn't believe cramps actually happened during menstruation because she had never had them before. She only began to believe people get cramps when she had some herself, years after I was now missing menses all together.
Sometimes, that bitterness of feeling pain that no one believed me for, out weighs being invalidated. Other times, like now, I see the whole picture and feel so much anger.
The same adults who told me my pain was a lie, told me I was just trying to get attention, or get out of school, are the same ones who told the doctors, "She has a really high pain tolerance, we just know something is wrong when she complains about the head aches!"
Why is it that no one took me to the doctor? Why is it no one believed me when I never complained about pain before? The years of perfect school attendance suddenly questioned when I couldn't stand up from the desk. Was it all for nothing?
Why is it that the people I was supposed to trust the most were the ones who never listened?
Maliciously never listened.
I was punished for having a body that I didn't ask for and feeling a way I couldn't control.
I'm allowed to struggle with my anatomy, trans or not. I'm allowed to feel pain.
To be told I wasn't allowed to express the physical pain I was dealing with because I am transgender is heinous. They laughed when they would say it. I don't care if they thought it was funny. It was a mockery, and they knew it.
I should have been given some support. I should have been given at the VERY LEAST a supportive pat on the back.
I could have dealt with the pain on my own if they had just given me the space to do it. Without the shame and mockery.
Just before my menses went away, they started to believe me. I guess because it had been years at that point.
Even though the only change was that they would let me go lay down rather than be forced to socialize or do their activities. It really made a difference. Sure, it was painful, I was sick and couldn't eat. But it was a million times better than being made to continue as usual and burden everyone with my inability to function.
It still irks me.
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politijohn · 1 year
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Let’s go, Gen Z
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birdmomblogs · 1 year
Content Warnings: This post discusses or mentions capital punishment, child abuse, execution, fascism, genocide, homicide, Nazis, politics, prison, and transphobia.
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"The Lemkin Institute [for Genocide Prevention] believes that the so-called “gender critical movement” that is behind [USA anti-trans legislation] is a fascist movement furthering a specifically genocidal ideology that seeks the complete eradication of trans identity from the world."
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As I write this on April 22nd 2023, a total of 498 anti-trans bills have been introduced in the USA during 2023 alone. 19% of these bills have failed (96/498). 9% have passed (43/498). 72% of these bills are still being actively considered (359/498). This is already 286% more anti-trans bills introduced in 4 months than in the entirety of 2022 (176 bills were introduced in 2022). These bills affect;
ability to change sex marker on legal documents
preferred name usage
personal pronoun usage
access to gender-affirming care
student athletes
student bathroom usage
drag performers
and more!
This puts parents of trans children, educators, health care providers and more at risk for simply advocating for trans children. This puts trans adults and drag performers at risk. This puts trans children at risk.
Punishment for breaking anti-trans legislation is at risk of being as worse as imprisonment for life or the death penalty.
Example 1: Bill amendments HB - 4257, would define any person (including parents, doctors, coaches, teachers, etc.) involved in the gender transition of a minor as a child abuser, punishable by imprisonment for life. This bill amendment proposal has been continuously reintroduced with no sign of stopping until passed.
Example 2: "Drag ban" bills such as SB - 1438 and SB - 1698 broadly label drag as sexual conduct to "protect minors" from them. States then proceed to pass bills such as SB - 1342 that can allow sexual crimes against children to be punishable by death. Do you see the connection and how uncanny the timeline of the introduction or passing of these bills is? More than 4% of those executed are innocent but this percentage is likely higher in reality due to racial bias, economic inequality, etc. This number will only increase with prejudice against the LGBTQ+ community being legalized.
There are only 3 other accounts of trans genocide that have occurred globally:
During Nazi Germany (1920-1945), the Institute for Sexual Research was looted and destroyed. The Institute worked toward improving gender-affirming surgery and advocated for trans rights. Trans and gender non-conforming individuals faced forced detransitions and sentences to concentration camps. In 2022, Germany ruled that claiming trans people were not targeted by Nazis as denial of Nazi crimes, which is punishable by a prison sentence.
In Indonesia during the 1960s, a Bugis gender identity known as the bissu, faced violent persecution, torture and execution, with sacred ceremonies being banned. Bissu persecution in the Pancasila Republic of Indonesia continues to this day. In 2022, it was declared that these people are close to extinction.
Brazil has experienced the most annual transgender-targeted homicides since 2009. That's 14 years in a row. Many trans homicides go unreported, misreported or uninvestigated. The methods of murder are becoming increasingly more violent and organized. Transphobia continues to run rampant in Brazil due to the lack of legal protections and encouragement from politicians.
The one stage of genocide that the United States has not yet reached, like these other 3 countries, is execution. Do not let it get to that stage.
Anti-trans legislation is not about protecting women, children, etc. Its sole purpose is to silence and control, leading to the erasure of trans identities. The longer this continues the easier it is for transphobes to spread their harmful ideology and get away with it. I am privileged to have the opportunity to live in Canada, but in recent years even I have experienced and witnessed increasing numbers of transphobic incidents. Although not violent, the ideology is there. Hate spreads like a plague.
Be vigilant when following the news and make some noise about this with your own state officials. Even if you aren't American, label it like the genocide it is. Don't be silent about this. I've listed two resources below that I think will be helpful next steps once you finish reading this post. Feel free to also share your own resources in reblogs! Thank you!
***** About me: I am a trans and queer individual with a B.Sc. in Agriculture and International Development. Currently, I am working towards applying for graduate school. Research interests include food security, indigenous peoples, the LGBT community and historical aspects of human rights development.
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
ronald mcdonald desantis dropped out the presidential race. look at god
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mysharona1987 · 10 months
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In my school, the seniors get a trip to Disney. I'm so scared of that trip because I could get legally kidnapped there due to the anti trans bills there. As a non-binary child, the state of Florida can decide that my loving, amazing parents don't deserve custody of me. I'm so fucking scared. I'm so scared that I'll get taken away when I go on that trip. I'm so fucking scared things won't get better before I get to that point. I'm so scared of being taken away from my family and my life all because I'm trans. I didn't choose this. I didn't do anything wrong. And yet I'm in danger. Sorry for venting, I'm just so scared of growing up in a country that wants me dead
Submitted May 18, 2023
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liquid-queer · 3 months
Today, one of my friends, a great dude who is not mean to people nearly ever and if anything is more nice than half of our school, was surrounded by a group of people. His deadname was screamed at him and they kept poking him. He now has a hurt shoulder and probable bruising due to how hard they were hitting him. And why did they do this? Because he’s trans. Because he’s not Christian. Because he is an easy target. You wanna know what happened to those who did it, mind you we only know one of the four because I wasn’t there and our other two friends only recognized one of them, but guess what. THEY WEREN’T PUNISHED! NOTHING HAPPENED, THEY DIDN’T EVEN GET A “Stern talking to”! I’m livid. You wanna know what that was? Assault. Complete with physical evidence. I am going to try to take them to court. Especially if the school doesn’t do anything. That was a hate crime and he didn’t even defend himself. He couldn’t. This is Florida for trans people. This is how we allow ourselves to be treated. I will be taking the evidence of his bruises(only with his consent of course) and with any witnesses I can find. If anyone has any advice I’d appreciate it. At the least I’m getting them suspended.
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nando161mando · 8 days
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More persecution here in Florida. It was never about women’s safety or the kids.
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Friendly reminder terfs don't fucking belong anywhere near my blog, I am a trans homie who loves all his trans homies
Correction transphobes or homophobes don't fucking belong anywhere near here, my LGBTQ+ friends are people and deserve human rights
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Anyways I'm sick of living in Florida lmao, guess who got called a faggot in a walgreens parking lot because of the stickers on his car
And then told "you'll never be a real man!!!!" while walking around in said walgreens
Like damn bruh I'm minding my own business trying to buy bandaids for the scabs on my fingers who shit in your cereal
God I want out of here
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vypridae · 7 days
happy aro visibility day this aro is Fucking Burnt To Shit
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I think Florida has become the most uninhabitable place for transgender people to live. They just threw away our legal rights. Why?
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thatheathen · 1 year
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Fuck Ron DeSantis
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beechersnope · 1 month
are we not forgetting that half these races take place in legalized hate crime zones
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nightly-ruse · 1 year
I have never genuinely wanted to kill myself but honestly the more fucked up Florida gets and the actual danger I could be in is making me feel suicidal. I don’t even know what the fuck I’m supposed to do about it especially as I’m going back to school
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blackgwenstacy · 1 year
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she’s gonna lose it when she finds out about the man dressed as a woman pretending to dress as a man in Twelfth Night
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