#this layout came out so weird
bambiraptorx · 1 year
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Draxum's hands were shaking. Badly, Raph noted, staring at the noticeable tremors in the yokai's hands.
[TW: self-destructive behaviors, eating issues/implied disordered eating]
He'd seen Draxum's hands shake before, back in his own time, when the Hidden City was first discovered by the Kraang and quickly overwhelmed with all the hounds and mechs and zombies they could throw at it, and the Resistance had to declare the ruins unsalvageable, not worth trying to win back.
He'd seen them shake when Casey had returned a month after being declared missing in action (declared dead in all but the use of that word; all M.I.A. meant anymore was that there was no body to bury), not only alive and minimally injured, but hauling a four-month-old baby in a makeshift sling.
He'd seen them shake when he'd woken up from an artificial, anesthesia-induced slumber, a grey, lonely night with no stars, to see the face of the man who'd had to amputate his hand and tell him, "you barely survived as it is, Raphael," a heavy guilt weighing down his shoulders and carving new lines into his face.
He didn't know why they were shaking now. He focused on the vials Draxum held, ingredients for some chemical or other he needed to synthesize, seemingly vibrating as a result of the trembling hands that held them. Was it exhaustion? When did Draxum start working today?
When was the last time he had a meal?
Raph voiced his thoughts.
"I'm not hungry," came the answer, not enough in and of itself to give Raph what he needed to know, if not for everything he knew about the person Draxum was. Is. Would one day be?
"Draxum. That's not what I asked you." Raph reached out hesitantly, ready to withdraw his hand if it was rejected. The scientist didn't respond, at least not immediately, his back to Raph even as his hands still shook.
Something in Draxum's shoulders relaxed--not truly relaxed, so much as lost the tension holding him stiff and upright--and he sighed. "I can't stop now. There's too much I still need to do." His hair lay limp and matted against his back, greasy from lack of washing.
How long had Draxum been doing this? Destroying himself? How long had Raph not noticed it?
"Just a quick break," Raph tried. "Get a small meal in and get back to work after that."
A sharp headshake. "I can't--I can't. If I stop now, I'll lose all momentum--I have so much I need to do tonight--and I've gotten behind over the last few weeks, I can't fall behind my schedule any further, and besides, I haven't earned it yet--"
Suddenly Draxum whirled around, the vials in his hands dangerously close to spilling. "All of yokai-kind is depending on me. I can't let them down. I can't let more lives be lost! Too much is at stake here to simply take a break!"
The picture was familiar, heart-achingly so. It only took a flicker of imagination to superimpose Raph's own brother, to replace Draxum's desperate, bloodshot eyes with Donnie's wide, worried ones. The concerns were practically identical: the certainty-laced fear that rest now would be paid for later in agony and blood.
"What's yokai-kind gonna do if you work yourself to death?" Raph replied, as gently as he could, reaching out for the vials Draxum gripped so tightly. "Whatever you're doing here, who's gonna do it if you can't? Me? You know I'm not a science guy, Drax."
There's so much weight on your shoulders, Dad, Raph thought. Let me help you carry it.
Raph took hold of one of the vials, tugging gently. At first, it seemed as though Draxum wouldn't let go, that he would hold on even tighter, chase Raph out of the room and return to killing himself slowly. But after a few seconds, the scientist's trembling hand loosened, allowing Raph to slide the glass from between his fingers and set it back in the holder. He took the second with no resistance, and did the same.
Raph allowed himself a small smile, a tiny flicker of the ever-present tension between his shoulders melting away. "Okay, Draxum. Let's get you some food, maybe a nap, and see how you're doing after that."
This mad scientist at least, he could help.
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slayter-kinney · 4 months
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ssspringroll · 2 years
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hi 😳
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cozycottagetarot · 1 month
Random Things About Your Person
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From Elle: Pulled This One From The Drafts... wasn't going to post it but maybe there's something useful in it for someone. It's a chill one ✌️
Definition of 'Your Person': At this point, I'm not sure how I personally define 'Your Person', so I guess I'm leaving that up to you're interpretation. For now, let's just say someone you'll have an impactful connection with.
Reading Layout: This reading is done in a brain-dump style where the info is just bullet as it came to me and less organised.
Dividers From X
Reading Masterlist | Patreon | Paid Readings -- Open 🥂
This person is such a loving and nurturing person… they could even help heal your inner child. If you want kids then this will transfer over to how they parent and it's very heartwarming.
They give off ethereal vibes. Very in tune with their intuition or have a strong sense of knowing
They could be your 'perfect match'
Someone you 'grow old' with or could envision yourself 'growing old' with
They could have a diverse friend group or their friend group is very important to them.
Night and the moon could be super important. They could be born at night, you meet at night or you communicate with them through your dreams.
They’re very abundant. Regardless of how much money they make, they just have such a rich life that you can see they are without want.
They’re very calming. They could calm your nervous system.
You’re going to have a very passionate/intimate relationship
There could be a 1-3 year age difference between you two (this is more so if you're interested in age differences... I don't why but I ended up reading those here)
They’re trustworthy and reliable
A very strong, gentle and protective person
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Could live by the water or be very emotional.
They’re your heart, your everything. It might be hard to deny your attraction to them… but not physically. More so like a knowing once you meet this person that they play a significant role in your story
'Lionheart'... Regal energy
Lots to learn from them... So much that I actually wrote it twice lol
Kind of exotic… very beautiful
They don’t bark, they bite
They're someone who makes things happen
Very quiet…. It makes me think of something that I saw that goes along the lines of "You're harmless, not peaceful. If you’re peaceful you’re capable of great violence" or something like that. This is not meant to say that they're this aggressive/violent person. I feel like it's quite the opposite really.
I kept seeing this image of coming across a wounded animal, a wolf to be exact. You can see they've been in a fight/injured and are on guard. They're not going to hurt you but you can see that they are alert and will attack if you show you mean harm. A case of survival...
I feel like they hold the key to your happiness in a way
Something angelic about them… it could be their mind too
3 to a 8 year age difference (this is more so if you're interested in age differences… I don't why but I ended up reading those here)
An unexpected meeting
Beauty in darkness. Easily stressed or anxious. It feels very tense compared to pile/group 1
They’ve overcome a lot… flexible at a cost
One of you is further ahead in life than the other
Protective of their energy. Loyal, ambitious.
Overstimulated frequently or easily
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They may be big on naps. Like napping together is their love language
They may be a little weird
Grumpy x sunshine vibes
Whimsy or connected to their inner child, youthful vibe
Very calm and peaceful
You two could be polar opposites but you work well together.
Their appearance can change a lot... I think more so through them willingly changing it. Really, don't be alarmed if you come home and they look completely different. I feel like they're mischievous and would get a kick out of your reaction
You could have a 2-6 year age difference (this is more so if you're interested in age differences… I don't why but I ended up reading those here)
They've managed to maintain a positive disposition despite the hardships they've faced
They could give off a met you in a past life vibe
Either good at helping you relax or they easily get stressed out but then can just as easily relax themself
Could be very creative or artistic... muse energy
Could like to take their space/time alone.... but could get lost in their head if not careful.
"Living in alignment" could be important to them... they may have a set of personal values or principles they really like to adhere to.
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
Crackling Flames and Humming Electricity
Prompt courtesy of @stealingyourbones Jason gets his neck sliced by Bruce’s batarang. It irreversibly damaged his vocal cords.
Pros: He can still use ghost speak
Cons: None of his family knows ghost speak (as it’s sounds aren’t for living men to understand)
It had been an accident when it happened. That’s what Bruce had said anyway. He had been so focused on saving Joker from being killed by Red Hood that he hadn’t even realized what he had done to his son . That he had permanently disabled Jason in a way that could never be repaired.
The slice to his throat had destroyed his vocal chords. He hadn’t been able to say a single word in over a year now. After a year of vocal therapy, Jason had learned how to do these strange chirps and growls, these weird noises that didn’t seem to come from his throat at all but moreso his very being let out the noises. The only problem was that no one understood what he was saying.
Cass had been a blessing and had taken the time to teach Jason how to successfully sign. She had taken it on as her mission as the only other person in the family who was mute to make sure that Jason could effectively communicate.
He hadn’t been back at the manor since the accident, hadn’t been around Bruce since it happened. But each of his siblings had come to check on him, they checked in on him every so often and they had even managed to develop their own way of understanding the strange rumblings that came from Jason’s body that were now his only form of vocal communication.
A chirp meant that he was happy.
Two chirps was a yes.
A short growl was no.
A long snarling growl? He was pissed and you better leave him the fuck alone.
It wasn’t the best, but it worked when they spoke with him on comms. They couldn’t understand any of the other noises that came from Jason, the wails, the crackling of fire that somehow espaped him sometimes. A sound that could only be described as the sound of smoke itself slipping through the air. They were sounds that didn’t have names, there were no true words to describe the noises that would come from Jason at times.
His family tried. Oh his siblings desperately tried to understand this new way of communication with their brother but none of it was effective. No one truly understood him anymore. Not even Cass could always understand what Jason was trying to explain in his broken sounds and strange chirps.
That had all changed one fateful day, though.
Jason had gone to pick up a coffee from the only functioning shop in Crime Alley. It had just opened a few weeks before and he had been meaning to try it out. Wanted to see the brave bastard willing to open up such a pretty coffee and tea shop in the middle of Crime Alley of places. Something had been tugging at Jason’s gut about the place, almost as though it was calling Jason here, like he needed to be at the coffe shop.
Seriously, though, as he inspected the layout, it looked like the kinda place to be opened in one of the fancier neighborhoods in Gotham, not Red Hood’s home.
Red Hood had managed to keep his operations running even after the accident. If anything, it had made his people even more loyal to him. Those closest even taking the time to learn sign language just so that they could communicate and translate. They had all seen the way he had tried to take down Joker, only for the fucking Batman attempt to murder him just to save the very man who tormented the people of Gotham. Of course, the people of Crime Alley were more commonly his victims, less likely to be noticed if they were murdered, less likely to be taken seriously.
So it had come as a personal offense to all of them when Red Hood had been nearly killed. They had all respected Red Hood even more after it had happened, realizing that not only had he gone against the bat, but he had done it and lived out of pure spite.
Jason slipped through the door of the shop, Phantom’s Oasis it was called and looked around. Dark black metal chairs and tables lined the walls, Boston ivy grew along the charcoal grey walls. Any parts that were not covered by ivy were covered by bookshelves overfilled with books. And while tables and chairs lined the walls, comfy, overstuffed chairs filled the corners with small coffee tables, the middle of the area sat large velvet green couches. It was like it was the perfect oasis for Jason.
He made it up to the back counter where a single employee stood cleaning the counter. He was young, probably just a year or two younger that Jason. He was tall and lanky with deep black hair pulled back in a pony tail, showing off the shaved sides of his head. Cosmic themed earrings hung from his lobes and cartilage and when the man glanced up, Jason was also surprised to find a ring on either nostril in the man’s nose along with a septum piercing. For all that his looks screamed edgy, though, he exuded nothing but safety and warmth. Something in Jason’s very being ached to be close to the man.
Unable to stop himself he released a soft sound, the sound of walls breaking under strong flames. The man’s head shot up and he smiled at Jason before releasing a sound of his own.
It was the sound of the stirrings of a storm. Hello, it said. How are you?
“You know what I’m saying?” Jason asked, only the words came out in the sound of a roaring flame, those of a bonfire finally growing higher and higher. He signed the words as well causing the barista to grin in response.
“Of course I do, we’re the same,” he explained through sounds of a building creaking against harsh winds.
A childlike peel rang from Jason’s mouth unable to stop himself. It was the laughter of a child who thought Robin was magic. The laughter of someone who had finally found someone who understood him.
“How?” Jason asked, tilting his head to the side, his heart racing.
The barista smiled and a single black painted finger nail beckoned him closer.
In English the man whispered in Jason’s ear once he approached. “Because just like you, I died wrong and came back wrong,” he murmured before he pulled away and took in Jason’s form. “It’s why you were drawn here.”
Smoke crackled in the air showing Jason’s curiosity, his confusion.
The barista smiled. “You don’t know what you are, do you?” after a shake of Jason’s head the man smiled. “Jason Todd, you are an extraordinary being that is both of life and death. A being that has lost more than he ever gained but continued on stubbornly, refusing to back down. You were called to Phantom’s Oasis because your core heard my ghost speak and like calls to like.”
Ghost speak? Is that what the sounds that escaped Jason were? A language of those who had died and come back wrong? Or didn’t come back at all judging by the name. The sound of fire crackling filled the empty coffee shop.
“I’m Danny, by the way. Now, what would you like to drink? I can make it real quick, close up shop and we can talk.”
The crackling of a sparkler escaped Jason’s being causing Danny’s noseto wrinkle in amusement. “You’ve got yoursel a fire core, huh?”
Pops and crackles slipped from Jason, showing his curiosity.
“Order first, then I’ll answer your questions,” Danny said in the form of the sounds of electricity crackling through the air.
Jason frowned and started to sign his order only for Danny to push his hands down. “Use your words,” he said quietly. “I’ll understand.” The sounds that came from Danny were reminiscent of an old generator turning on for the first time in years, the electricity hummed the words out for Jason to understand.
Rustling and crinkling of a fire’s flames going out sounded throughout the room. “Vanilla late with sweet cream,” it said to Danny.
The hum of white noise came through in response, telling him that Danny understood as he got to work. He waved a hand causing Jason to look back as the door to the shop locked itself.
“I’m a halfa,” Danny told him through the sizzling of lightning that had just hit the earth. “You are what feels like a revenant. Someone who died a brutal death and came back to seek revenge. You have someone we ectoplasmic entities call a core.”
Jason listened as Danny spoke in sounds of crackling electricity and quiet hums of white noise as he explained ghost cores to Jason. Ghost cores were their very being, they were created in result of the person’s death. In their examples, Danny had died by electocution, it was why his ghost speak sounded like electricity coursing in the air and lighting crackling angrily and wildly. He didn’t need Jason to confirm before he had said that the revenant had died in a fire of some sort. He explained that all ghosts had the basic chirps and growls for ghost speak but that the rest was specific to their cores as they were all different.
It wasn’t Jason making the noises that came out of him but his very core himself. For the first time in a year, though, Jason was finally able to speak to someone without sign, to use his words to explain what happened to him, the pain he had gone through when realizing that his father would rather kill him than let him get revenge. He had finally found someone who understood the ache of not being able to exact revenge on the person who had killed him.
For the first time in Jason’s life, he had finally found someone who understood. Danny had sat there drinking his own London Fog as he listened to Jason’s tell. Responding in chirps, whistles and a gentle hum of running appliances. He gave insight and advice, had even given Jason his number explaining that yes, they could use ghost speak over the phone as well.
He had never felt so seen in all of his life.
Maybe that explained why he kept coming back to the coffee shop. Every day he would come, order his coffee, using a language that just he and Danny knew and curled up on a couch and read for hours, feeling at peace in a way he hadn’t experienced since he had died.
Maybe it explained why he went out on a limb and asked Danny on a date, demanding that the halfa come over to his place for dinner.
Of course, Danny had only agreed if Jason promised to make the halfa’s favorite. The night had quickly ended with their cores singing for one another as their legs tangled together under the safety of Jason’s blankets.
Rustling and crackling of a candle flame sounded through the room as electricity hummed along with it, creating a symphony of white noise that Jason loved more than anything in the world. The noises provided a sense of comfort and safety unlike anything he had ever experienced. He wanted to drown in the sounds, drown in the sounds of Danny’s crackling electricity that whispered promises of happiness and safety. Just as the whispering flames of Jason’s core told Danny stories of love and promises of companionship, holding him close, wrapping around him in a warm comforting blanket.
The air crackled around Jason as he stood in the kitchen quietly making breakfast, revelling in the feeling of Danny surrounding him from all sides.
His fire chirped at the halfa in curiosity. One or two it asked him.
Two, electricity said with a charged hum, thin arms snaked around Jason’s waist.
“I think you’re going to have to invite me over more often,” lightning crackled, a crash exploding from Danny in a way that made Jason shiver in delight.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let you leave,” fire roared, flames licking high in the air, causing wood to shatter and break under the heat. Danny just chuckled and kissed the side of his neck softly.
Electricity flowed from Danny along with a series of chirps, whistles and growls, telling Jason he had no problem with staying by Jason’s side.
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coelii · 7 months
*a catgirl doom scrolling on her phone, trans flag un-ironed on the wall behind her*
"Every single hour on tumblr, a mutual is violently ignored..."
🎵in the aaaarms offf the angellllllll🎵
*a puppyboy stares into the camera as it zooms in*
*a fangirl slowly clicks reblog on a homestuck infodump*
🎵fly awayyyyyyyy from hereeeeeeee🎵
"Over 3,000 mutuals were rescued last year..."
*another trans girl, violently deprived of water, continues choosing not to drink*
"For hundreds of others, help came too late..."
*footage of a tumblr user adding ‘hornyposting’ to his filtered tags*
*yet another trans girl hugging her blåhaj*
*a queer boy wearing a collar with big eyes in a new fandom and he seems afraid*
*another trans girl opening a monster but refusing to drink*
🎵from this darrrk cooooold hotel rooooooom🎵
"Hi. I'm Coelii. Will you be an angel for a helpless mutual? Every day innocent mutuals are ignored, under appreciated, and neglected. And they are crying out for help."
*a trans girl clicks reblog on another trans girl’s post, the other trans girl’s phone vibrates as the notification comes in. She stops hugging her blåhaj just long enough to check the notification. A very small smile crosses her face*.
"Please reblog this post."
*a femboy scrolling his dash is visibly elated as a new notification appears on his screen somewhere I don’t fucking know where and even if I said where it was tumblr will just change the layout again anyway so it could be fucking anywhere at this point*
*a girl wearing cat ears and a collar meows at her screen….weird but it’s fine she’s allowed to do that*
"Join in with a monthly gift right now. For just 18 interactions a month."
*a rescue volunteer DMs a mutual who hasn’t received a DM in months*
"Less than one a day. You'll help rescue mutuals from their loneliness."
*a trans girl is pinged in a reblog game title ‘tag the mutuals that make you smile’*
"You'll provide mental health care."
*another trans girl receives a ping to play a game with a person they’ve been following silently for 6 months*
"But not, like...real mental health care"
*yet another trans girl is just happy, idk maybe she’s just having a good day*
"We’re not professionals so if you’re going through something major a tumblr mutual can’t help you as much as a licensed therapist."
*this post appears and states ‘End Mutual Cruelty’ even though that text only appears here in the post, but like is a screen from higher up in the post so that doesn’t make much sense??*
"You’ve stopped reading by this point and either liked and reblogged or scrolled on."
*image of a final catgirl hugging her blåhaj and finally at peace with the world*
“But if you made it here to the end please, take care of your mutuals. They’re all that make this dumpster fire of a website worthwhile”
🎵you’re in the aaaarmmmss of the angelllllll🎵
*fade to black*
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trashytoastboi · 3 months
Hi, it's me again could you do a super lovely and shy and cold as they are, do a headcanon of Zoro, Ace and Law confessing their love to S/O as a Strawhats member?
Hiya! I feel like every one of my replies are going to be apologizing for the long waits •_•; But I hope you enjoy ~ 🍀 I'm experimenting with formats and layout at the moment so if my things look a little skwonky I apologise 🤣
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Headcanons: Zoro, Ace, Law confessing their love to Straw-Hat! Reader
> (Gender Neutral) <
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Roronoa Zoro
⚔️ Zoro wasn’t one too fixated on appearances, that wasn’t the greatest source of attraction to him. It’s more of having the sentiment that his partner would be the most attractive person to him. He could appreciate humor, stubbornness and strength. Maybe it was the drawing point for him that {Name} possessed all these qualities. Sure with their first meeting he found them annoying, occasionally a bit invasive till he realized it was concern that drove them to always check up on him. Zoro likened his feelings to “Just another crewmate” “Just thinking of them like everyone else.” Zoro was dense at the best of times, other times fiercely intuitive and he was the former, until it dawned on him. Hitting him violently when Zoro finally identified these feelings as something more than just loyalty, it was more affectionate. Scarier yet simultaneously more gentle. 
⚔️  Zoro took a long time working up to the decision of confessing. I mean, they belonged to the same crew. Would this affect or change anything? He racked his brain, day in and day out. Going for the occasional brooding session while looking out into the vast ocean. Searching his thoughts and fears for any answer they could provide. Zoro figured this wasn’t in his nature, brute force was best. Just going in head first regardless of the outcome was best. So that’s what he decided he would do. 
⚔️ The day was good, relaxed. No marines, no enemies nor outlandish happenings. The day was just an eventful, jovial day on the sea. Sailing and navigating through to their next destination. Zoro thought other than chaos this would be the best time for his confession. Zoro called {Name} out, gruffly and abruptly. One might have thought he was challenging them to fight rather than getting ready to confess his feelings. It was not graced by flowery words, nor roundabout explanations of how he got to that point. A simple straight forward confession where he simply said “I love you.” 
⚔️  {Name} looked surprised, stunned even. They mouthed a slight ‘Ah’ as if some question had been answered. They’d long realized his unusual behavior, or the lingering stares when he would get caught staring. Never a glare, they sensed no anger from it. It had always been a look of affection and warmth. {Name} realized his weird behavior had been because of his crush. They smiled, they’d have to answer his passionate and curt confession. With the look of confidence, {Name} knew Zoro well enough that they could tell he dwelled on this. Giving plenty of thought to his confession. 
⚔️Zoro said it, he said it with all his resolve. He didn’t exactly want to shout at {Name} so while all his passion was in it, it came across nonchalantly. Zoro kept a brave face, holding back his anxieties until an answer had been given. Every second only served to heighten his anticipation. Zoro let out a nervous chuckle, was this the end of the friendship they cultivated? Would this be an awkward encounter that leaves things strange between them? He didn’t know. Zoro had many questions, with no answers. 
⚔️ Accepting the confession: {Name} kept him waiting with bated breath, seeing his anxiety they had to put Zoro’s worries to ease. They smiled, took a deep breath and told him the truth of their own feelings. Not as daunting as being the one to make the first move but still took courage to reciprocate. {Name} felt an overwhelming joy when they saw how Zoro’s face washed over with the brief respite of relief before converting into happiness. He had a smile that he couldn’t hide. Not his usual little smile but something that indicated his true happiness. Zoro acted on his feelings and pulled {Name} into a hug. 
⚔️ Denying the confession: {Name} felt a sinking in their hearts, they looked at Zoro with a sad smile that said everything. Zoro attempted to hide his expressions of disappointment. Maybe his face kept a neutral expression, one that said he didn’t mind. The subtle drop in his shoulders and his bolstering confidence that dissipated into something more meek spoke volumes. He chuckled saying not to worry, probably just the alcohol got him saying crazy things. They both knew that wasn’t the case but to spare each other it was going to be the cause. 
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Portgas D. Ace
🔥 Ace is one of those people who finds it relatively easy to get along with others. Some might accredit this to his bright disposition and easy going nature. Ace generally took care of new recruits to Whitebeard’s crew, especially those in his own division. After reuniting with Luffy, Ace got to spend time with the Straw-Hat crew. Politely thanking them for taking care of his troublesome little brother. Ace enjoyed spending time with the crew, learning about the people who Luffy had taken as his chosen family, though amidst them, there was one person that stood out in particular and that is {Name}. Ace couldn’t really list a happening, a reason why or how. It just happened. He found them intriguing, and his curiosity blossomed into fondness until he realized that maybe his feelings had dug themselves deeper than he realized. 
🔥Ace really sat on his reasoning, pondering and continuously trying to think about whether or not he should confess. They aren’t part of the same crew and that alone could cause some issues if {Name} agreed to his confession. He knew that they were loyal to Luffy, and wouldn’t leave although the same could be said for Ace and the Whitebeard pirates. Ace hated the ambiguous feelings of discomfort it stirred in him, should there be a clear distinction, a clear line drawn to find where they stand. Should issues be faced only after they have arisen? Where there was a will there was a way and Ace decided no matter the outcome, he wanted to assure himself that he did what he could with what he has. 
🔥 As with everything, Ace decided to go in with all the passion he has. Not to be mistaken, he bolstered himself with confidence, yet found himself unable to completely calm the raging nerves. Sweaty palms, shaking hands, the ideal starter pack for a low simmering anxiety. Ace swallowed the fear and doubts before telling {Name} about his feelings. It became an onslaught of words and praises, non logical, highly emotive reasoning that truly came from the heart. The purest form of honesty that [Name} had ever seen with Ace’s confession. Even watching how his face increasingly grew more red with every passing moment of him becoming more bashful when listening to himself. Though he still did not stop. 
🔥 {Name} needed a moment to process everything that Ace said, they easily understood the gist of it. Ace liked them, bordering love. The word itself was never mentioned, Ace’s actions spoke volumes however and seemed to confirm the fact. He never once turned away and faced them head on, his courage and confidence both were highly commendable and likable. {Name} wanted to answer him properly. To return Ace’s confession with as much sincerity that he had confessed with. They asked for a moment, apologizing for the underlying stress they notably caused Ace. He smiled, the idea that {Name} was willing to put so much thought was already promising enough. 
🔥 Ace acted as if he was alright and while he told {Name} to take whatever time they needed, he still felt it was a tortuous wait in the meantime. He upheld his promise and refused to pressure them unnecessarily into a half hearted decision. {Name} looked as if they were ready to respond and Ace drew in a deep breath to steady himself. He never wanted his worry to show on the surface and always tried his hardest to only show the happier, stronger side of himself. 
🔥 Accepting the confession: {Name} was not dense in the department of things like crushes nor love, however even they didn’t really notice the depth of Ace’s feelings. At least not until moments ago when he lay bare every thought and emotion he felt for them. {Name} was so touched and thankful that their own feelings were in fact mutual, Ace was hard to dislike, easier to like and probably a natural heartbreaker. Without the intention of course, {Name} inwardly laughed at the thought of the amount of people that easily fell in love with Ace’s lovely personality. “I feel the same way” {Name} admitted, the words sent Ace soaring. He honestly didn’t expect {Name} to feel the same but felt an abundance of thankfulness. Ace wrapped his arms around them in a tight hug. 
🔥 Denying the confession: {Name’s} eyes seemed to reflect a world of sadness, Ace felt his heart drop. He knew this would be a refusal. He promised himself he would not be upset, and even so, it hurt more than he realized. {Name} turned him down gently, explaining that things and circumstances didn’t really allow the two of them to explore something that may or may not work out. {Name} reiterated that they appreciate Ace, and do find him pleasant to be around however not to the extent of a romantic relationship. Ace forced out a bright smile that could deceive anyone looking at it. He gave them a pat on the back telling them not to feel guilty over his one sided feelings. 
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Trafalgar Law
🍄 The insufferable atmosphere of the Straw-Hat crew…Law honestly thought he would lose his mind before long. They weren’t bad people and that was part of the problem, they didn’t fit the word PIRATE. At least in his mind, Law admits he finds himself moved when listening to Luffy’s definition of a true pirate. The only place Law found any solace happened to be the crows nest. Sure he’d lose a good night’s sleep but he’d gain a few hours of peace and quiet, all to himself. Which was the plan, though {Name} had elected to take over the crow’s nest to make sure everyone could adequately rest. Including Law. Needless to say, he’s not happy about losing his only quiet spot so {Name} put forth a preposition to at least split the times. Each would take half the watch while the other one rested. Law found {Name’s} presence oddly soothing, they were a tiny, clear patch in the hurricane of the Straw-Hats. The only person who didn’t rile Law up in the wrong way or exhaust him. Spending all the time together gave Law and {Name} an opportunity to get to know one another. Law learned of their hobbies, tiny quirks and the things that they liked. 
🍄 When did he start paying so much attention to them? When was the moment when Law could easily and confidently recite their favourite things? The things they dislike? When did he begin to look forward to spending time with {Name}? Law couldn’t answer these questions, it happened. Slowly, silently, until the obvious realization hit him all at once. He sighed, everytime he tried to find an answer. Every instance of that tightening sensation in his chest and the nervous feeling that churned up his stomach. Law tried again and again to diagnose himself with SOMETHING. Avoiding the obvious, the glaringly obvious answer. His ‘symptoms’ only ever flared up in {Name’s} presence. To say that this pretty much sent him into a mild existential crisis would be putting it lightly. 
🍄 He had to treat it somehow, had to settle things. Well, Law desperately grappled with logic and reason against emotion that wracked his whole body with their outcry. He cursed at himself, how deeply {Name} invaded his thoughts and feelings. How they made him unbearably nervous, yet warm and comfortable all the same. The feeling of being at peace. Law hadn’t felt that in many years, he was swayed by emotions. Somehow he had enough reasoning to say confessing was the only way to clear this up. He would expose his heart and give it to {Name} (he spoke himself out of doing it literally). Surprisingly Law’s face stained red with a burning blush that coloured his ears, face and even the back of his neck. He forcefully pushed out the words of his love, and the struggle he faced when holding the feelings in. Seeing Law so fired up and ruffled felt foreign but all more genuine. 
🍄 {Name} listened patiently to everything Law had to say, every word of honest thought he uttered. Some words made him seem clumsy, others poetic. {Name} had to gather themselves after such a passionate confession and insight into Law’s mind. They spent so much time together, and got to know one another in a deeper sense than most. The most unsuspecting place, the crows nest. Who ever thought it would become a place to lay everything in the open. A quiet place where their true thoughts arose in the night amidst the steadily swaying sea. 
🍄 Law silently begged for {Name} to give him an answer. {Name} sat on it, thinking about it. Law all the while looked cool yet under the surface he slowly lost his mind when trying to hold it together. {Name} looked at Law and could see the subtle twitches and fidgets, how he picked at his fingers, or shifted his weight from one foot to the next. They didn’t want to keep him in suspense any longer and opted to give him a clear answer. 
🍄 Accepting the confession: All of those late night conversations really gave {Name} a deeper insight into Law as a person. His insecurities, his goals and ambitions, his insecurities and what he fears. The reverse was true for {Name} as well, they told Law so much about themselves that they often stressed about if they had overshared or not. Gradually the way Law looked at them changed, the way {Name} viewed Law changed as well when a warmth and fondness grew from the comfort of his company. {Name} accepted. They wanted to pursue this, whether it was a short lived passion or a long romance, if it was with Law they needed to see where it ended up. They teased Law asking if he ever anticipated he would date a Straw-Hat. 
🍄 Denying the confession: The time spent with Law had always been an honor. {Name} felt respect for the man, and companionship to the degree of being allies. They always thought they could be great friends with him. They didn’t realize the extent his feelings for them had grown or that they were romantic in nature. {Name} mustered the softest tone they possessed but clearly, and concisely turned him down with no room for reconsideration. The razor sharp blow cushioned by gentle words was another aspect of theirs Law liked. He didn’t think it would be used on him but he could love them secretly until his feelings faded. He accepted their decision and still remained at their side, even continuing the crows' nest shift sharing.
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halfmoonshines · 1 month
soft spot
damon salvatore x reader
summary; you're injured in a fight with a rogue vampire who breezed into town, and Damon is being weird about it
You tried to stay hidden in the shadows outside of the streetlight, but your rapid heartbeat probably would've given you away either way.
"Who the hell is this guy?" You heard Damon mutter from the spot he was tossed just a few feet away from you, dusting the dirt from the trash cans he'd squished like cardboard. His ice blue eyes spared you a quick glance but didn't say a word, trying not to draw any attention your way.
Damon intervened as Caroline was struggling to grapple with the stranger. In the span of a moment, she was on the ground groaning with a broken arm and he had launched the assailant to give them a chance to regroup - right toward you.
You couldn't help the little gasp that you emitted, no matter how much time you spent around these creatures this was a vampire. One in particular who would have no hang ups about snapping your neck.
Per their supernatural hearing, it didn't take long for the mans vicious senses to find you, and took half as long for him to have a bruising hand around your neck.
The sound of Damon yelling your name was distant in the background, you were focused on the threat literally snarling in your face.
"Don't you smell good?"
That was as far as the stranger managed to get before Damon had the broken handle of a broom protruding from his back. His grip slipped off your throat as his body slid sideways and you toppled to the ground, heading bouncing off the pavement hard enough for you to see stars.
Damon's voice was faint to you again, but you could hear him begging for your attention. Caroline was in the background too, in panicked discussion with someone over the phone. You couldn't get your eyes to focus though, hair becoming wet and warm.
The eldest Salvatore's touch on you was feather light, his mouth still moving with words he wanted you to latch onto but you had already lost the dance with consciousness.
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
The first thing you were aware of when you woke up in a bed was that it was decidedly not yours. The next thing you noticed was that you weren't in any pain, just a bit stiff when you went to sit up from the bed. Someone had definitely given you blood, which was against every rule her and her friends had discussed, but from the smell of the sheets behind you - Damon wouldn't have cared either way.
You made your way out of the room and down the stairs, vaguely knowing the layout of the boarding house from your handful of times actually coming inside. Over the last few months you had become dangerously intertwined in Elena's grapple with the supernatural, despite Bonnie's vehement advice to go as far as possible. You were emancipated, you could switch schools and move to Pennsylvania.
No, you couldn't. Once your conscious had been opened to everything around you, once you were aware of the dangers of the dark - you could never ignore that. Better the evil you know.
Speaking of.
You came upon Damon in his favorite spot, a tumbler of bourbon in his hand while he leaned up against the fireplace. The suit jacket he had been wearing earlier that night was discarded on the couch behind him, a small amount of blood on the collar of his shirt still.
"You always look so broody." Poking fun at him might not be in your best interest, but you figured you'd give it a go. Over the last few months, your and Damon's relationship had morphed into something you couldn't quite understand, but moments like these had seemed to become more comfortable between you.
"I believe you're confusing me with my much broodier younger brother." Damon's words were laced with sarcasm, but his tone didn't have a hint of amusement.
You felt suddenly awkward, in his space and home. Just because you had gotten kind of comfortable lately didn't mean he wanted to be around you.
"Well, thanks for the whole life saving thing." You began to babble nervously, a faint pink glow to your cheeks. "I'll get out of your hair. Sorry for taking your bed, I don't even know what time it is-" You had begun turning toward the door, making to just leave and find a way home. How you could this age and still flustered in front of attractive men, especially murderous ones was beyond you.
Damon appearing in front of you almost made your heart stop, hair stirring at his incredibly fast movements. He was barely a foot away, his piercing gaze holding your confused one. From this close you could smell just how much he had probably drank.
"Are you... okay, Damon?" Your voice wavered a bit under the heat of his stare and you saw the muscle in his jaw working overtime while he looked like he was debating whether or not he wanted to actually say anything to you.
"You don't have to thank me for saving you when you were in danger because of me." His eyes had drifted from your eyes to your neck, voice whisper quiet.
Vulnerability was the last thing you expected from the man standing over you. "What do you mean? It wasn't your fault. Just wrong place, wrong time and I so happen to be the weakest link." You hoped your voice conveyed even a bit of humor.
His eyes snapped back up to yours, head tilting slightly while he assessed you. Damon's hand rose to grab a lock of your hair, twirling it around his finger in thought. Your breath caught in your throat, feeling like you were on the precipice of something.
"My weakest link, maybe. Have I told you how much I like your hair?" His voice was still quiet, an innocent lilt.
Your mind was reeling, half drunk on his closeness and hazed by confusion. Where was this coming from? Had he drank a small liquor store and now he was confusing her for her much more appealing best friend?
"Damon, I'm not sure how much you've had to drink, but I'm happy to brew you a pot of coffee. Does that even work for vampires?"
You had started to pull away, making to turn toward the kitchen but Damon was infinitely faster than you. His drink was discarded, one hand going to your upper arm and the other to your waist, tugging you back into his vicinity.
"On the contrary, I don't think I've ever been so sure minded, sparrow. I'm sorry for not protecting you tonight." His voice was tight now, the warmth of his hands tingling down your body.
"It's not your fault, or job, Damon." Your voice had quieted to match his, all humor leaving. You didn't know where this guilt had come from, but it was misplaced. Since you'd met Damon he'd made some bad decisions, but you had also seen his sacrifice so much for the sake of the team. Even if others didn't acknowledge it, he didn't need to add anymore to his plate.
"I'd like it to be. My job." His reply was lightning quick, eyes pinning yours in place.
Were you dreaming?
Damon's signature smirk was visible for a split second, telling you that your confusion was written all over your face. "I think that I'm asking you, in the most coming of age movie way, if you'd like to go steady?"
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
send any fic requests here!! all comments/criticisms/requests welcome
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aidansloth · 5 months
Coffee and Chamomile
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Summary: Hitoshi can’t sleep (again) so he decides to get up and make himself some good-ass coffee ‘cause he’s smart. When he reaches the common room, he realizes he’s not the only one who wanted a hot beverage.
Warnings/Things to keep in mind: slight hurt/comfort, swearing, suggested low self-esteem on Shinsou’s side and some dirty jokes because they’re teens. And adorably cute. Reader is referred to as they/them or ‘you’, this takes place in the dorms and Shinsou is part of Class 1-A (or 2-A, whatever you want). Also I don’t remember perfectly the layout of the dorms so pretend. I’m not up to date with the episodes (stuck on season 4) so please no spoilers! Last disclaimer: this is KIND OF self-indulgent and I’m autistic so if you think the reader is acting weird, that’s why.
Words: 2.3k
Posted this on AO3 too! You can find it here.
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Hitoshi turned in his sheets, covers uncomfortably sticking to his form as he sank his face into the scrunched-up pillow.
An exasperated groan escaped his lips, half suffocated by the cushion; his arms wide around the mattress and his breathing deep and empty.
That’s it. He’s getting up and making himself some damn coffee or whatever the others left in that poor kitchen. His sheets are hurled carelessly as his feet instinctively find their place in his cat-shaped slippers. Trying not to make too much noise (an act he had mastered by now) he opened the door and made his way to the common room. His phone, used as a make-shift torch guided him across the corridors; as he got closer and closer he noticed light becoming brighter, when he finally reached his destination the realization dawned on him. Someone else was up.
He quickly turned his phone-torch off before turning the corner, to find one of his new classmates dancing (or whatever that was) with their back turned to him, hands busy with what looked like a cup of tea.
It wasn’t long since he joined the Hero Course but he was starting to remember some names and whatever faces he didn't remember from the Sports Festival. Unfortunately, he wasn’t that good with names. No one talks to him anyways, why should he care?
While he did recognize you from behind he did not remember your name. You were nice to him, he thought. Nicer than the rest at least. That Denki guy seemed nice too- a bit too intense though. You lent him a pencil- or was it a tissue? No mind that, what was he gonna do now? Leave? No, you’ll turn around and notice him and think he was spying on you. Did you even want company? You seemed pretty busy. On the other hand it’s his common room too- but has he been there long enough to intrude on your private moment like that? He might not be here to make friends or be nice but that doesn’t mean he has to be an ass.
That’s when he realized you hadn’t noticed him yet. Ah. So aware of their surroundings for a hero.
He decided that grunting awkwardly was the best course of action. Bummer, you were wearing earphones. He tried a louder cough, but you only noticed him once you found yourself face to face with him. A loud curse left your lips and your hands instantly slammed against them as instinct. Hitoshi’s eyebrows raised and he pressed his lips together to suppress a chuckle. Good thing you placed your tea down earlier. Their eyes were now staring straight into his.
“Ehm- hi.” You licked your lips, saliva suddenly missing.
“Hi.” He managed to grunt out. Now this was awkward. He watched your eyes dart back and forward before settling back on him. He really wanted to say something, anything to get this uncomfortable feeling out but that little voice at the back of his head held him back.
“You here to make yourself some tea too?”
His mouth opened slightly, the careless innocence of the question taking him aback. Still, no words came out. He nodded. He actually wanted coffee but he didn’t think himself able to explain that through words now.
“Cool. I boiled extra water accidentally. What kind of tea did you want?” Your smile looked so genuine and again, careless. Like you didn’t think he was dangerous. Out of habit he was about to nod again but stopped in time to force some words out.
“Is there carcade?”
“Yep!” You were definitely too chipper for this hour in the morning. He tried not to think too much about the fact that you answered his question with no hesitation. He watched as you moved your hands swiftly along the mugs and tea bags, your movements rhythmic, like you do this a lot. In no time your teas were ready, so you placed yours in front of your stool and in front of his. Not that he sat down yet, no. His eyes were too busy watching you. The tea caught his attention quickly enough. Sitting down his hands snaked around the mug, his hoodie sleeves just a bit too long.
A string of silence hung.
“I guess we’re both awake for the same reason.” Hitoshi was glad his voice was back, though the ever-lingering anxiety stayed. He actually didn’t know why they were up but he thought this was a decent conversation starter. His gaze was too occupied marveling at the tea to notice your tilted head and dog-like expression.
“You’re writing fanfiction too?”
Well, he certainly wasn’t expecting that.
“Ehm- no- no I’m not.” Suddenly he felt weird and sorry he wasn’t writing fanfiction. His classmate nodded understandingly while taking another sip off their mug. Looking back at the kitchen island he felt particularly stupid for not noticing the laptop with an open Google Document page open. There was a small beat of awkward silence before the next sentence.
“Then why are you up?”
Ah. There it is. What was he supposed to respond now? Oh yeah, basically I have insomnia, meaning I get no hours of sleep and I do manage to miraculously fall asleep I’m awoken by nightmares and now, as our new guest of honor, the gracious sounds of the guys’ snoring which breaks the laws of time and space by getting across all those walls!
“Just- stuff.”
He thanked every god in the universe that they didn’t ask anything surrounding his very weird and suspicious answer but opted for a simple nod and a ‘cool’. Clinging his fingertips against the mug he realized he should try to keep the conversation going as well; you probably thought he didn’t want to talk to you with all his dry answers. His grip tightened and his teeth sank into his bottom lip.
“What- what is the fanfiction about?” He swore he never saw someone’s eyes light up faster, their lips immediately stretched into a painfully wide smile.
“Basically, you know ‘Lord of the Rings’, right? The fantasy book? There are these two characters, a dwarf and an elf. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, these two races have a really tough history which led to prejudice and hate on both sides. But for this certain world-saving quest they have to interact with each other, trust each other, you know? For the first quarter, maybe, of the quest they don’t get along very well. I mean, not trying to kill each other or anything, but petty threats and jokes are thrown around. At a certain point in their journey they have to take a break in this elven kingdom and by the end of it they are the best of friends! Now, I ship these two characters together, so, I’m writing a specific fanfic that takes place during their pause there and since Tolkien didn’t really go into detail with what they were doing during that time I have lots of creative freedom,”
Hitoshi’s lips pressed together as he watched them gesticulate their way through what could only be defined as a speech; his half-open eyes never left theirs while his chin rested on his hand. His eyes lingered from one feature of their face to another, still listening of course: he was good at that. Though his eyes may have lingered a moment too long on their lips.
“-not even mentioning their relationship later on at the end of ‘The Return of the King’, commenting on Minas Tirith’s architecture like a bunch of housewives! Really, in the middle of a war ‘This place needs more trees!’-” Their face dropped and Hitoshi’s heart with it. Did they notice him staring too much? He did that, didn’t he? Fuck. He made them uncomfortable-
“I’m sorry. I’m boring you.” They say huffing out a half-regretful chuckle. It nearly tricks him.
He stared just a little bit longer before talking.
“You’re not.”
He watched as their lips turned into an awkward smile, like they thought he only said it to be nice. The silence slowly crawled back. Hitoshi didn’t know what sudden urge slapped him in the face enough to have the courage to speak, but he did.
“Your voice is relaxing.” Good job asshole, now they think you’re a creep. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from your surprised one, which quickly turned into one of joy. And now he was blushing. Might as well dig my own grave with that one. Fingers tapped on mugs. Their mouths opened once, closed and then opened again.
“Do you mind if I- we move to the couch? I hate stools.”
“Sure- yeah.”
And moved to the couch they did. Fanfiction-writing long forgotten, they placed their teas on the small table in front of them; Hitoshi was surprised when they got blankets for the both of them and instinctively covered him too but he wasn’t about to complain about it. For a little while they sat in comfortable silence, only sounds of breathing and sips were heard. Just for a little while though. Until he noticed they kept yawning and their head dropping a bit every couple of seconds. His eyebrows scrunched up.
“You tired?”
“Meh, just a bit.”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“Why are you up? I mean, we’re not that busy right now with school, you could write during the day and not in the middle of the night. Unless you can’t sleep but it doesn’t look like you can’t.”
“Well-” They huffed out a smile. “-it’s not exactly about having time. It’s a bit more complicated. Like-” They exhaled again, squeezing their eyes shut and then reopening them. “There aren’t enough hours during the day to- to be. The whole day feels like a dread and the only thing I look forward to is those hours in the night where I can do anything I want without that senseless guilt. The night is the only time I feel free to be.”
Hitoshi stayed silent for a moment, elaborating every word meticulously.
“That’s- that’s-”
“Sad? Pathetic? Depressing?”
He chuckled. “I mean- a bit.” Their soft laughter mixed together. “What I meant to say was, that’s- relatable.” A simple shared look was enough to fill the silence between them.
“So, why are you up?” Before Hitoshi could excuse himself again they stopped him.
“Don’t you dare say ‘just stuff’ again to me, I just gave you a tear-ripping, punch-to-the-face, gut-wrenching speech.” With their index finger pointing at him he let out a soft laugh, though his eyes lost a bit of their shine for a second when he started speaking.
“I have insomnia.”
“Ah. So you got up to make yourself chamomile or something?”
“Well, I wanted to make myself some coffee.”
“And you let me make you tea, why?”
Hitoshi adjusted himself quickly and cleared his throat. “You looked happy.” He felt their eyes stare through his soul, he felt naked.
“Is this helping?” God thank you for changing the subject.
“Is what helping?”
“Talking.” He thought for a moment.
“Maybe. I’m not sure. Don’t usually talk to people.”
They smiled. “I noticed.” He grinned.
“Are you going to go back to sleep then? Well, not sleep- you get it.”
“Don’t know. This couch is very comfortable.”
“Oh yeah?” You said, raising your eyebrows with a shit-eating grin. A wide grin grew on his face and he let out a laugh.
“Yeah.” You nodded again.
“You know, I won’t get offended if you want to go back to sleep- or to your fanfiction.” He said.
You shook their head. “I’m fine here.”
He gulped, praying that the low light won’t show his blushing cheeks. Their conversation went on for another half an hour at least, Hitoshi couldn’t tell honestly. Their teas finished and mugs cold, they got up (mostly because they realized the time). Cups in the sink, they began talking again once Hitoshi yawned.
You chuckled. “Is my voice that relaxing?”
“Incredibly so.” He grinned seeing them laugh again. He cleared his throat.
“So, you going to sleep?” Hitoshi watched them as their shoulders dropped.
“Yeah- yeah, is that okay? I don’t mean to leave you alone but-”
“Yes- yes it’s fine don’t worry about me, I won’t die,” he grinned, his hands in his pockets “sleep, you need it.”
“Oh, and you don’t?”
“No, I’m like Batman.”
“Are you implying he doesn’t sleep because he calls himself Batman?- He’s not even- He doesn’t have super powers like that, you are aware-” Their soon-to-be ramble was interrupted by his laughter.
“Sorry, sorry, I’m not mocking, promise.” He bit his inside cheek, clenching and unclenching his fists in nervousness. “I just- like how passionate you are.”
“About Batman?”
“About Batman.” They looked at each other for a second before you nodded.
“Alright… Well, I’m off to bed. Nice slippers by the way.” Hitoshi grinned like a lovesick boy at your comment.
He nodded smiling and moved away a bit from the entrance of the corridor to let you pass. They smiled and wished each other a good night. It only took a few steps before you stopped and whipped around.
“Wait!” You ran and before he knew it they had plunged into him, his torso wrapped nicely within their arms. His body froze at first but quickly came back and wrapped his own arms around their frame. Hitoshi could feel his muscles relax. It wasn’t long before they moved away leaving an empty feeling in both of them.
“Goodnight!” They said and Hitoshi swore that was the sweetest smile he had ever had the luck of witnessing.
“Good- goodnight.”
As if he was able to sleep after that.
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Thank you for reading! Constructive criticism/advice is welcomed.
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shmaptainwrites · 4 months
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PAIRINGS — James Wilson x single mom!Reader
SUMMARY — James moves into a new apartment and finds a new friend in his neighbour across the hall
WARNINGS — mild descriptions of blood and injury, hospitals/hospitalization, a little angst and hurt comfort
NOTE — Guys this was supposed to be out Monday, I am so sorry, life is just not life-ing (ie. its midterm season) so enjoy this being posted as I am fighting for my life in cell bio. Also this has only been minorly edited by me so if there's any weird wording ot typos I apologize in advance
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If no one had told you someone was moving into the apartment across the hall from you, you probably would have gone months without noticing anyone in there. You weren’t sure if your schedules were just not in sync or maybe he never really left his place. Regardless, it took at least two months before you met your new neighbour. 
When you did, it was a coincidence. You were leaving and he was coming back home. 
You both paused and stared at each other for a moment before rushing to introduce yourselves, only to accidentally talk over each other. 
After you both stopped, he motioned for you to go first. You gave him your name and made a stupid comment about how you hadn’t met until now. Maybe it wasn’t stupid because he laughed, or maybe he was just being nice. 
“I’m James,” he said. “And about not seeing me, well it probably doesn’t help that I leave at the crack of dawn and usually come back late.” 
“Oh, let me guess, doctor?” you asked and he nodded. “It was either that or day-shift stripper so I figured my odds were pretty good.” 
That made him laugh again and you smiled. 
“I hope you rest well before your next shift. Unfortunately, I have to head out. Duty calls.” 
“I’ll see you around,” he gave you a small three-fingered wave which you returned before jogging down the stairs. 
You didn’t think you’d have much reason to see him again, but accidents do happen. 
You knew sometimes you’d have the tendency to be a bit clumsy, but this was beyond that. Dropping your knife down next to the half cut vegetables, you looked around for something to wrap your hand in to stop the bleeding. 
You thought about your options, you could call an ambulance and pay the ridiculous fee, you could drive yourself to the ER and risk getting into an accident, or you could knock on your neighbour’s door and hope he was home. 
You sprung for option three, seeing as it was most immediate. 
Opening your door, barely even bothering to close it behind you, you knocked on James’ door, praying that he was home and would be able to help. 
It seemed as though your prayers were answered because you heard the lock click and the door open to a very confused looking James. 
“I am so sorry to bother you,” you started, “but I was making dinner and the knife slipped-,” 
“You cut yourself,” he filled in the blanks himself and you nodded, biting down on your tongue from the pain. “Come in, let me see if I can get you sorted.” 
He opened his door wider and you stepped into his apartment, an identical layout to yours, but differing in decor and furniture. 
He pulled back a chair at his small dining table for you to sit at and went to another room to grab something. 
He came back with a first aid kit and sat down in the chair next to you, opening the kit and grabbing a few things he knew he would need before pulling back the towel you had wrapped your hand in and examining the cut. 
“Wow, this is really deep,” he remarked. “You must be in a lot of pain.” 
“Yeah, trying really hard not to pay attention to it right now,” you nodded through gritted teeth. 
“Look, I don’t have a lot of stuff with me, but I think this lidocaine numbing spray should help a bit, but it will sting first,” he warned you and you nodded. 
He used the spray and you winced, but just as he said the pain slowly dissipated and soon all you could feel was a dull ache. He started by cleaning the wound and flushing it with some water and alcohol. 
“So what were you cooking?” he asked. 
“Trying to make just some chicken and potatoes, but of course my hand and the knife decide to slip at the same time,” you sighed. 
He pulled out a needle and some surgical thread next, determining what the best way to stitch you up was. 
“Do this often?” you asked. 
“Unfortunately for you, no I don’t,” he shook his head. “I work in oncology so I have to think a little harder about my stitching.” 
“As long as it’s free, take all the time you need,” you joked. 
“Oh, no one told you, my rate is 500$ a minute, I take cash or cheque,” he teased right back and you chuckled a bit. 
“How about I do you a favour when you need it and we call it even?” you asked and he nodded his head. 
“Seems equivalent. Alright, you’re gonna feel a light pinch,” he said and saw your face contort in discomfort and he quickly apologized. 
He tried to do the stitching as quickly as possible, and then covered it up with gauze and tape to make sure the stitches were protected. 
“You should probably come by again tomorrow so I can take a look and make sure everything’s okay and it isn’t infected,” he said. “I should be back around six.” 
“Sure, thanks again for this. It’s handy having a doctor next door,” you smiled. “Now I should probably go and clean all the blood off my counters and order something to eat.” 
“Hey, why don’t you just have a plate of food here before you go back?” James suggested. “I made extra.” 
“You sure? You already stitched me up and now you want me to eat your food?” 
“It’ll be nice company,” he assured you. “Unless you have someone you need to get back to.” 
“No, it’s just me right now,” you nodded. “I’ll stay, the blood can wait.” 
James served you a plate of the food he had made before grabbing his half-eaten dinner and joining you again at the dining room table. 
“So, um, you know what I do for work first hand now,” James started. “What about yourself?” 
“I like to say I’m a constant student of the world’s universal language,” you smiled to yourself, “but people don’t really know what I mean by that so usually stick to saying I’m a professor of mathematics.” 
“Wow,” James looked impressed. “You don’t really look like a math professor. All of mine were a little…crazy. I never would have guessed.” 
“Unfortunately not everyone can have Einstein’s hair,” you joked and James laughed. 
“Do you teach at Princeton then?” he asked and you nodded. “What a coincidence. I work at the teaching hospital.” 
“Oh, you must know Lisa then,” you grinned. “She’s a good friend of mine.” 
James nodded, “Such a small world.” 
“You’re telling me.” 
You continued to eat dinner and chat about various things, most pertaining to the school or your mutual connection through Lisa. By the end of the evening, when you wished him a good night and went back over to your apartment, a part of you was happy your hand would give you an excuse to see your neighbour once more. 
James stared blankly at his fridge wondering how he’d managed to go this long without buying any groceries. He could just eat out and put off shopping for another day, but he had time off and he probably should take advantage of it. 
Without much more thought, he grabbed his house key and his coat, deciding to go to the grocery store just down the street, it would be a nice walk in the afternoon sun. When he opened his door, he saw you standing outside with a few empty grocery bags in hand. 
“You heading down to the store?” he asked and you nodded with a smile. 
“You too?” 
“I don’t have the hardware,” he pointed to your bags. “But the fridge is empty, so yeah, I figured it was about time to do a grocery run. How’s your hand doing?” 
“A lot better than last week. Thanks for asking,” you looked down at your bandaged palm. “Excited to be able to take this off.” 
Just as James was about to say goodbye and wish you a good rest of your afternoon, your door opened and a young girl stepped out. 
“Mom, I can’t do up my zipper, it keeps getting stuck,” she grumbled. 
“Here, let me give you a hand with that,” you bent down and put the grocery bags to the side, helping her out with the finicky zipper. “Maybe we need to get you a new jacket, this one’s starting to get a bit tight, huh?” 
The girl nodded and thanked you for your help by giving you a kiss on the cheek. 
“Mom, who’s that?” she pointed to James and you chuckled a little. 
“I was just about to introduce you two,” you said. “Nadia, this is James, James this is Nadia. My daughter.” 
“Nice to meet you, Nadia,” James waved and she waved back. 
“Are you friends with my mom?” she asked. 
“I-I think so,” James nodded. 
“Yeah, we’re friends,” you agreed. 
“If he’s your friend can he come over for dinner tonight?” Nadia asked. 
You looked in between your daughter and James once a few times before saying, 
“You know, I think it’s his day off, I’m not too sure if he had plans already.” 
James shoved his hand in his pockets and asked, 
“And what if I don’t have plans?”
You bit back a small smile, “Then I would say, do you want to come get groceries and have dinner with us tonight?” 
“I’d love to.” 
“Nice,” Nadia grinned. “That means we get dessert.” 
You scoffed and looked down at your daughter, “Is that what this was all about?” 
“I don’t know,” she shrugged her shoulders innocently and you shook your head, locking the door behind you and beginning to walk down the stairs, Nadia leading the way and James at your side. 
“You never mentioned you had a daughter,” James said quietly while you walked down the sidewalk, Nadia running ahead to press the button for the crosswalk. 
“Never came up,” you shrugged. “She was with her dad both times you saw me before.” 
“She’s cute,” James said simply. “Looks a lot like her mom.” 
“Thanks,” you smiled, trying to ignore the warm feeling rising up in your cheeks. 
You watched as Nadia came running back up to you both and tapped James on the arm. 
“Do you like apple crumble and ice cream?” she asked. 
“I do,” James nodded. “I used to make it with my mom when I was around your age.” 
“My mom makes it with me too,” Nadia grinned. “Can we have that for dessert tonight?” 
“Sure, if they have the granny smith apples, if not maybe we can make a peach cobbler instead,” you suggested and Nadia agreed, taking your hand and dragging you towards the store so you could get the ingredients faster. 
You and James did your shopping in parallel and would both send Nadia on small quests to retrieve some things you needed to keep her busy. 
“You’re pretty good with kids,” you commented after he had told Nadia about her next ‘top secret mission’. 
“Comes a bit with the job,” he said, sifting through the peppers on the produce stand to find a few good ones. “It’s nice to be reminded every once in a while that not all kids are going through treatment.” 
“I don’t know how you’d be able to see that every day,” you shook your head and sighed. “I would be a wreck if Nadia was in the hospital.” 
“Well, let’s hope that never happens.” 
“James! I got the berries!” Nadia came speeding back and handed him the basket of strawberries before taking a moment to catch her breath. 
“Wow, that was fast,” he grinned. “Come on, I think it’s about time we go pay for all this stuff.” 
You weren’t sure whether it was slight of hand or if James had an in with the cashier, but he managed to pay for the groceries, insisting it was just paying for dinner, so to even it out you slipped 50$ to the cashier to pay for his things. 
“It’s not really letting me pay for dinner if you just pay for my stuff too,” he teased you as you walked home. 
“If you’re really that set on paying me back you can come help me and Nadia cook. Maybe make sure I don’t cut my hand again,” you waved your bandaged hand in the air. 
“Alright,” he conceded. “I’ll be over as soon as I drop these off.” 
When you got home, you and Nadia quickly cleared up a few of her toys from the living room and a few minutes later, as expected, James’ knock echoed through the apartment. Nadia beat you to the door and grabbed James’ hand, bringing him to the kitchen and shutting the door behind them. 
“Since you know how to make the crumble you can wash and peel the apples,” Nadia instructed. 
“Is this okay with mom?” James asked. 
“I’ve tried your cooking before, it’s okay with me,” you nodded. “Nadia, hon, do you want to help with the salad? Like I taught you?” 
She nodded her head and went to wash her hands quickly before standing up on a stool so she could reach the counter and cut the vegetables. 
“Be very careful with the knife, okay? Don’t make the same mistake mom did otherwise James is gonna start asking for our medical insurance,” you teased and Nadia gave you the classic, 
“I know, I know. I’ve done this like a million times.” 
“Well, let’s make it a million and one without accidents,” James added and you mouthed a thank you to him. 
Nadia was chopping away and bossing all of you around like she was head chef at a restaurant, all the while interrogating James about his work at the hospital and how he ended up in the apartment across the hall. 
“Where did you live before?” she asked. 
“Uh, kind of close to where your mom works,” he said. “In a house with a nice apple tree in the front yard.” 
“So why did you move to an apartment then?” 
James chuckled. “Good question. I um, I used to be married, but I’m not anymore so I decided to move somewhere different.” 
“Like mom and dad,” Nadia nodded her head in understanding. 
“Yeah, a bit like your mom and dad, I guess,” he agreed. “Do you like it in this building?” 
“Yeah,” Nadia nodded. “And mom cooks better than dad, but don’t tell him that.” 
“It’ll be our little secret,” James winked and finished mixing the apples with cinnamon, sugar, and a few other spices and ingredients. 
Dinner was ready within the next hour and dessert followed soon after, much to Nadia’s excitement. 
“Okay, moment of truth,” James sucked some air through his teeth as he served Nadia a plate with some ice cream on the side.
She dug into it and put on her best thinking face before giving a big thumbs up and a smile. 
“Phew,” James sat back down in his seat and Nadia giggled at his exaggeration. He finished serving you and himself before putting the ice cream back in your freezer so it wouldn’t melt. 
“So, did you enjoy your day off?” you asked. 
“More than I was expecting to,” he nodded. “Thank you guys for having me over.” 
“Maybe you can come again next time I’m back with mom?” Nadia suggested. “Can we have dinner with James?” 
“I mean, if he wants to I have no objection,” you agreed with her. 
“I’ll mark it in my calendar.” 
Nadia quietly celebrated and said something about having dessert every time and you gave her a warning look that only encouraged her to continue to be cheeky. 
Dessert was followed by a sugar rush, and crash and while Nadia snored on the couch you were saying goodbye to James and thanking him for spending the day. 
“She really likes you,” you looked over at your sleeping daughter on the couch. 
“Feeling’s mutual,” he smiled softly. 
“You know, if you ever want company or a friend, my door’s always open,” you told him. “Even if it’s just someone to sit in silence with you at the end of a long day.” 
“Thanks, I appreciate it.” 
“And I’m sorry about your divorce,” you said. “If I can say one thing it’s just that it gets better. Eventually.”
He nodded his head and gave you a sad smile. 
“Helps when you have a friend who understands,” he patted your arm and wished you goodnight walking across the hall and disappearing behind the door. 
The couch was your favourite place to grade assignments and midterms. Final exams needed something a little more substantial considering how long they’d take when you didn’t have a teaching assistant helping you. 
You didn’t know how many cups of coffee you’d gone through when you heard the knock on your door. 
“It’s James,” you heard through the other side. “A little birdy told me you were stuck grading all day.” 
“Come in,” you called back and he opened the unlocked door and slipped inside, coming to join you on the couch. 
“I brought you a pick me up but I see that may send you into cardiac arrest,” he looked over at your many mugs littering the table. 
“I have a weird thing about making coffee in the same cup,” you shook your head. “And I will take that,” you grabbed the to-go mug out of his hands, taking a sip of the piping hot drink. “God, sometimes when I’m writing these tests I forget I have to grade them too.” 
James chuckled and looked over at the papers laid out on the coffee table. 
“Why don’t you take a short break. No one expects you to get all the exams back the day after midterms,” he said. 
“Yeah, but my TA expects me to grade all the long proofs so that they can do their part and grade the short answer stuff,” you sighed. “But you’re right I should take a break before I start taking marks off for using a weird letter as a variable, or something more complicated than that, I don’t know I can barely think straight anymore.” 
James took the coffee and midterm out of your hands, putting them on the table, letting you lean back further into the couch and close your eyes for two seconds. 
“Is Nadia with her dad?” he asked. 
“Yeah, visiting her grandparents,” you nodded. “I hope they don’t fill her head with too much nonsense.” 
James looked at you a little confused so you explained further, “They hated me, don’t know why. Maybe because they expected Mike to have a stay at home wife, but after we graduated I wanted more.” 
“So you went to get your master’s and doctorate,” James filled in and you nodded. 
“They thought I was trying to make their son look stupid, but they grossly overestimated my motives,” you chuckled humourlessly. “I’m just really nerdy and like math. I wanted to learn more so I did.”
“And what did your ex think?” he asked. 
“Mike…he’s an interesting guy,” you shrugged. “I don’t think he’s a bad person, he was just a bad husband for me. He’s a decent dad, he’s there for Nadia, but he wasn’t there for me when I needed him to be.” you shared. “What about you? What went wrong there?” 
“The first time or the second?” he asked with a sigh, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“No kids I’m guessing,” you said and he shook his head.
“First time, I was working two jobs to keep us afloat while she was at an unpaid internship. We both had terrible communication skills, and shouldn't have been married in the first place. The second time, I think I screwed that one up.” 
He ran a hand through his hair before letting both his hands rest in his lap. 
“Marriage is hard as hell,” you sighed. “I mean I wasn’t much of a picnic for Mike either.” 
“You don’t have to try and make me feel better,” he assured you. “Although I appreciate the sentiment.” 
“I’m serious. A marriage goes two ways and yeah sure, one person can screw up bigger than the other, but it’s not that one person is perfect and the other isn’t,” you said. 
James pursed his lips and leaned forward, his arms resting against his legs. He wished it was that simple. 
“Okay, my goal was not to bring down the mood,” James finally said. “This was supposed to be a fun work break.” 
“I hate to tell you you’re failing miserably at the fun part,” you teased. 
“Alright, then tell me why you decided to study math, of all the things you could have learnt about, why did math speak to you the most?” 
“Katherine Johnson,” you said and yawned, rubbing your eyes. “I read about her in some random book in the library and I realized that numbers are what make everything in the world work. If she could send a rocket ship to space using math, then she had a superpower and I wanted a taste of it.” 
“Did you get a taste of it?” 
“Did my master’s degree research while jointly working with NASA, so yeah, I did,” you nodded with a smile. “And unfortunately, I have to use that superpower to finish grading these. You can stay if you want, I don’t mind.” 
James looked at his watch and sighed, 
“I have a meeting scheduled with the hospital board tomorrow morning. I should probably go get some sleep. Don’t stay up too late, okay?” 
You patted his leg and assured him you’d be in bed within the next few hours whether you liked it or not. Your body probably wouldn’t let you stay up any longer. 
James gave your hand a gentle squeeze and said goodnight, showing himself out. 
The sound of the phone ringing echoed through the house and you called for Nadia to pick it up, busy washing dishes. When she didn’t respond, you sighed to yourself and quickly turned off the water, wiping your hands and going to pick the phone up yourself. 
“Hey, it’s James.” 
“James, what’s up? Aren’t you still at work?” you asked, looking over at the clock. 
“That’s actually what I’m calling about, I don’t think I’m going to be able to make dinner this week,” he said. “Something’s come up and I’m going to be here late.” 
“Oh that’s too bad. We’ll just have to reschedule,” you assured him. 
“Can you put Nadia on the line? I wanted to apologize to her myself.” 
“Sure,” you chuckled and called Nadia again. She came out of her room, rubbing her eyes and you told her James was on the phone asking for her. She took the phone from you and said hello, talking to James for a short while. You could see she was disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to make it, but you heard him promise to make it up to her with a movie night one weekend instead.
“Bye James,” she said and nodded her head in response to something he said before hanging up. “He says bye to you too.” 
“Thanks honey,” you patted her back. “Are you feeling okay?” you asked. “You’re looking a little tired.”
“I feel tired,” she confirmed. “Can I go take a nap?”
“Sure,” you rubbed her back. “Do you want me to come and stay with you?” 
“I’m okay right now,” she yawned. 
You nodded your head and watched her make her way back to her bedroom. That evening you had a quiet dinner, deciding maybe to make soup in case Nadia was coming down with something. She didn’t have much of an appetite, only eating half of her bowl before beginning to cough, one of those deep chest coughs that made you feel a little worried. 
You quickly got her changed in her pyjamas and had her sleep in your bed for the night so you could keep a close eye on her. 
Your instincts that something was wrong ended up being right, as Nadia woke up with a continuing cough in the middle of the night and she felt hot to the touch. 
“Nadia, honey are you going to be okay here for two minutes? I’m gonna go see if I can get some help,” you said and she nodded her head while continuing to cough. 
Quickly, you ran over to James’ place and knocked on the door, an arm wrapped around your stomach while you chewed on your fingernails. 
James opened the door wearing a college t-shirt and sweatpants, immediately taking in your concerned features and asking what was wrong. 
“Nadia got sick and I think she’s getting worse,” you bit your tongue. “I’m so sorry to wake you up, but could you come check on her for me?” 
“Of course,” James nodded, placing a hand on your back as he stepped out of his apartment, closing the door behind him and walking back to yours. 
You led him over to your room where Nadia was laying down and he took a seat next to her on the bed and placed his hand on her arm, letting her know he was there. 
“James?” she coughed. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” he gave her a soft smile. “I heard you weren’t feeling too good.” 
She nodded her head. 
“Is it okay if I do a quick check up to see what’s wrong?” he asked and she nodded again, letting him help her sit up. 
He first touched her forehead with the back of his hand to feel her temperature and then placed his ear to her chest to listen to her breathing. 
“Thanks, Nadia, you can lay back down now while I talk to your mom, okay? Try and stay on your side, it'll help with the cough.” 
James motioned for you to follow him just outside of the room so he could tell you what he thought was going on. 
“I think she’s caught some kind of bug that’s causing pneumonia,” he said. “Her breathing didn’t sound too great so I think it’s a safe bet to take her to the hospital, but I’d say you still have time to pack a bag with a few things and I can get Nadia ready and drive you guys.” 
“James, you don’t have to do that,” you shook your head. “I already woke you up and-,” 
“I insist,” he said. “You walk with me into that ER and I’m allowed to boss around the nurses and call the best doctor in pediatrics.” 
“Okay,” you nodded your head and took a shaky deep breath. “She’s gonna be okay, r-right?” 
“They’ll give her an antiviral or antibiotic and keep her for a few nights to make sure it doesn’t get worse and before you know it she’ll be good as new.” 
You chewed on your lip and went to go pack a bag with a few of your things and Nadia’s while James helped Nadia get out of bed and into some shoes and a warm jacket with a hat so the cold air didn’t bite at her. 
“Are you coming with us?” Nadia asked James after a string of coughs. 
“Sure am,” he nodded. “I’m gonna drive and your mom’s gonna sit in the back with you.” 
“Why do we have to go to the hospital?” she asked. 
“Well, sometimes when we get sick at night that’s the fastest way to see a doctor and get the right medicine to get better,” James explained, opening his arms up for Nadia to climb into them to he could carry her to the car just as you had come out with a packed duffle bag. 
“We can take your car,” you said. “I’ll find my way back tomorrow to get mine.” 
James nodded his head and quickly went into his place to grab his keys and lock the door behind him. 
He drove as fast as he could while still being within the speed limit, keeping an eye on his rearview mirror, seeing Nadia huddled up into your side. 
“Mom, my chest hurts,” Nadia blinked back a few tears. 
“Hold on, hon, we’re almost there,” you squeezed onto her a little tighter. 
James pulled into the ER parking lot and grabbed Nadia while you got your things, walking into the hospital together. 
“Dr. Wilson, what are you doing here?” one of the nurses asked, confused. 
“I’ve got a young girl, seven-years-old with pneumonia symptoms, we should get her on oxygen, do a test for bacterial and viral infections, and get a chest x-ray as soon as possible. And call Dr. Herberts, tell her I’m calling in my favour,” he instructed while placing Nadia down on one of the beds. “Nadia, this is my friend Alice,” he motioned to one of the nurses, “She’s gonna be with you while we figure out what’s going on.” 
“What about you?” she asked while James grabbed the oxygen mask from one of the nurses. 
“Your mom and I need to deal with a few other things before we can come be with you, but I promise Alice is going to take really good care of you. She’s really nice.” 
“Promise you’ll come?” she asked and James stuck out his pinky for her to link with her own. 
“Swear it,” he nodded. “Now can you put this on for me?” he asked, showing her the oxygen mask. “It’s going to help you breathe.” 
She nodded her head and let James slip the mask over her head before the nurses wheeled her off to get the tests done. 
James turned around and saw you finishing giving your information to one of the attendants and she was about to inform you where to go wait, but James motioned that he had it covered and she nodded. 
Your exhaustion and worry had become all muddled together and you couldn’t hold back your tears anymore, covering your mouth with your hand while James came and wrapped you in his arms. 
“She’s gonna be okay,” he assured you. “You did the right thing.” 
You nodded your head and reciprocated the hug, burying your face in his shoulder to hide your tears from the onlookers. 
After a few more moments, you pulled away and James quickly helped you wipe away your tears with the heel of his palm before wrapping his arm around you and leading you to radiology where Nadia would be getting her chest x-ray done. 
He sat with you in the waiting room chairs until they brought Nadia out and told you that you could follow them to her room in the pediatrics ward. 
By the time you got there and were settled with Nadia, James looked at the clock and noticed his shift would be starting in around an hour. 
“You didn’t have to stay,” you said, quietly, gently brushing your fingers against Nadia’s cheek. 
“Of course I did,” James smiled. “I pinky promised.” 
Nadia looked up at you and nodded, making you chuckle. 
“Nadi, can James go home so he can get ready for work?” you asked. 
“I’ll come back and see you later after you’ve rested,” he assured her, “But nobody's gonna believe I’m a doctor dressed in these PJs.” 
Nadia giggled, “You can go. Mom says you work here so you have to come back.” 
“Bingo,” James snapped and gave her a thumbs up. “I’ll see you later sweetheart.” 
He bent down and pressed a small kiss to her forehead, wishing her to get better before reaching for your hand and giving it a squeeze. His signal to you that everything would be okay.
You pressed your lips together, knowing you were on the verge of tears again, but begged them not to leave your eyes. Instead, you watched misty eyed as this man who you didn’t even know only months ago cared for you and your daughter without question. It was something you hadn’t felt in a long time and so you let yourself soak in it for as long as it lasted. 
After James had left, you called your ex and explained to him what had happened and he came to join you and Nadia at the hospital. The morning passed without much eventfulness and the doctor and nurses came to periodically check on Nadia, adjusting her medication and seeing if her symptoms were changing. 
You left her with her father so that you could grab a cup of coffee from the cafeteria, barely having gotten a wink of sleep last night. When you returned, you couldn’t see Mike in the room with her, assuming he’d just made a run to the washroom, but instead you saw James sitting on the side of her bed talking to her. 
He was dressed in his white coat, his hair a little scruffy and messy like it normally was. It looked like he was playing some sort of game with her because you could hear laughter and teasing through the glass walls and you decided to give them a minute alone together. 
“Who’s that?” you could hear Mike’s voice ask as he walked up next to you. 
“Dr. Wilson,” you said absentmindedly, smiling to yourself while Nadia laughed at James’ defeat in a thumb war. 
“Acting more like a candy-striper than a doctor,” Mike muttered. 
You continued to watch as Nadia pointed to the IV in her hand and James examined it for a moment, explaining something to her before pressing a gentle kiss to the affected area and telling her that he unfortunately had to leave, but he’d come again later and see her. Nadia pulled him in for a hug and they exchanged cute kisses on the cheek. At least it was cute to you, but to Mike who had no idea what was going on they looked a little suspicious. 
“What the hell is he doing with my daughter?” he asked you, pushing past to try and give him a piece of his mind. 
“Mike, wait!” you ran up to him, but he wouldn’t stop. “Mike, would you stop and listen to me for a minute!” 
He stopped and turned to look at you, “You have an explanation for this?” 
“Yes, I do,” you scoffed. “He’s my neighbour. He drove Nadia and I here last night. Just lay off. He’s a friend.” 
Mike didn’t seem entirely convinced, but he listened and as James came out of Nadia’s room he pushed past him to go be with his daughter. 
You rolled your eyes at his actions while James came to stand with you. 
“I take it that’s Mike,” he said and you nodded your head with a chuckle. “Nadia looks a lot better.” 
“Yeah, doctor’s said they want to keep her under observation one or two more days just to make sure everything is all okay and then they’ll send us home with some antivirals since they don’t think it was caused by a bacterial infection,” you explained. 
“And how are you?” he asked and you took a deep breath, prompting him to reach for your hand that was by your side. 
“I’m tired, I’m worried, I have to deal with Mike, I just…” you shook your head. “I’m happy you’re here.” 
He gave you a half smile and brushed his thumb across your knuckles.
“You need anything and you call my pager. I’ll be right over,” he insisted. “And if you need a moment alone you can sit on the couch in my office.” 
“Thank you,” you said. “I’ll see you later.” 
“Yeah, see you.” 
His hand slipped out of yours as he walked away. You were just about to go back into the room with Nadia before you felt someone tap on your shoulder. 
When you turned around you saw Lisa there with a small teddy bear in her hand from the gift shop.
“Hey,” you smiled and wrapped her in a hug. 
“How’s Nadia? Wilson told me you had to bring her here last night.” she asked. 
“She’s doing okay, a lot better than yesterday,” you shared with your friend. 
“Will she be fine in there with Mike for a bit if I steal you?” she asked and you nodded your head. “Let me go in and say hi and give her this then we can walk.” 
You went in with her and gave a kiss to Nadia whispering to her that you were going to go for a walk, but would be back soon. 
“Mike,” Lisa gave him a curt nod which he returned before she turned her attention to Nadia, the expression on her face changing from one of neutrality to a smile while she handed her the gift and assured her she was gonna get better so fast and be out of the hospital in no time. 
“I’m just gonna take your mom to make sure she gets something to eat so she can keep taking care of you. Does that sound good?” Lisa asked and Nadia agreed. 
“James said you’d do that.” 
“Oh, did he now,” Lisa placed her hands on her hips. “I’ll have to have a little chat with him later. You know I am his boss,” she winked and Nadia giggled. 
You stepped out of the hospital room and once you were a bit of a distance away Lisa looked over to you. 
“What was all that about right before I came?” she asked. “With Wilson?” 
“James? Oh he was just checking in on me and Nadi,” you shook your head. “It was nothing.” 
“Didn’t look like nothing,” Lisa raised her brows and you rolled your eyes. 
“We’re not in high school. It was a rough night and he was there for it. That’s all.” 
“And what did Mike think about that?” Lisa asked. 
“He wasn’t impressed,” you sighed. “But he doesn’t really know how much time we’re spending together and he doesn’t need to because he’s not in charge of me.” 
“He is half in charge of Nadia though,” Lisa said, making a fair point. “Just be open enough with him that it won’t be a headache when it comes to her.” 
You nodded your head, and didn’t argue with Lisa when she offered to buy you something for breakfast. 
“When was the last time you ate?” she asked. 
“Last night, dinner,” you sighed, Lisa took the coffee out of your hands saying you shouldn’t be drinking the caffeine on an empty stomach and you chuckled a little at her motherly attitude. 
You sat down at one of the tables and began to eat with her lightly chatting about a few things that had happened since you had last seen each other. 
“You know, if anyone gives you trouble you can just call me,” she said. 
“Is that an abuse of your power as Dean?” you asked, with a slight air of teasing in your voice.
“Not really,” she shrugged. “I’m just trying to make sure the patients here get the best care possible.” 
“Especially when that patient is your unofficial niece,” you winked and she kicked you lightly under the table. 
When you finished eating, Lisa walked you back to Nadia’s room before going to the clinic. Nadia was sleeping now and Mike was reading a magazine in the chair next to her bed. 
“Thanks for staying with her,” you said. “I hadn’t eaten since last night.” 
“No problem,” he said without looking up from the book. 
You took a deep breath and sat down on the chair on the opposite side of Nadia’s bed, twiddling your thumbs. 
“She talked a lot about Dr. Wilson,” he said, finally breaking the silence, putting the magazine off to the side. 
“Yeah, she likes him a lot,” you nodded. 
“Do you like him a lot?” he asked. 
You shook your head at his question, “Mike does it matter what I feel? We’re not married anymore. I can understand your concern for Nadia, but I can tell you with certainty that he’s shown us nothing but kindness.” 
Mike looked at you for a moment with a piercing stare before backing off and leaning back in his chair, opening the magazine once again. 
You rarely liked the idea of being away from Nadia, but tonight you were feeling grateful she was at her dad’s place. The furnace had broken in your apartment and the only thing warming it was a small space heater you had in your room that was doing a job it was not built to do. 
You were huddled under blankets wearing a hoodie and two pairs of pants, still feeling the cold air cut through somehow. You were just about to give up any hope of sleep when you heard a quiet knock at your door and curiously you made your way there, grabbing your housecoat as an extra layer.
When you looked through the peephole you saw James on the other side, just as bundled as you so you quickly opened the door, wondering if he was in a similar circumstance to you. 
“Hey, I-I’m sorry were you asleep?” he asked and you shook your head. “My furnace broke and it’s absolutely freezing in my place, can I sleep on your couch tonight?”
“Talk about coincidence, mine’s broken too,” you chuckled. “I do have a space heater in my room, it’s not much but it’s better.” 
“I-I wouldn’t want to-,” 
“James, we're both freezing our asses off. Come inside.” 
He didn’t argue with you and followed you over to your room. When you got there, you both stared at the bed like maybe something would change to make the situation less awkward and when it didn’t you took the lead, climbing into one side and getting under the covers. 
James looked a little nervous, but he followed your lead, getting in on the other side. 
It felt weird to talk so you both stayed silent, turning your backs to the centre of the bed and trying to focus on curling up to stay warm. 
Unfortunately for you, you could feel your body start to move the blood away from your extremities in order to keep your core warm. It came with light shivering and some chattering of your teeth that you desperately tried to stop until you felt a hand on your arm. 
“Turn around,” James said and you listened, maneuvering yourself so you were facing him, your bodies just a few inches apart. He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you fully into him, letting his legs tangle with yours. 
You could feel your heart beating in your ears while he brought your hands up to his chest, holding them in his slightly warmer ones, using a bit of friction to help them regain their heat. 
“Better?” he asked and you silently nodded your head. “Good.” 
Eventually you had regained enough heat that your body felt well enough to let you fall asleep and you could feel your eyes slowly begin to close as your head rested against James’ chest. He made sure you had enough room to breathe, but kept a tight hold on you until sleep came for him too. 
“You slept with him?” 
“I did not sleep with him,” you emphasized, pacing your office. “I slept with him. In the same bed. Together.” 
“And you are freaking out about this, why?” Lisa asked. 
“Because you don’t sleep in the same bed as your neighbours, Lisa!” you insisted. “But we did, a-and I was cold and he held me and…I liked it,” you finished in a whisper. 
“What’s stopping you then?” she asked. “He’s cute, he’s a doctor-,” 
“He’s divorced.” 
“You’re divorced,” Lisa countered. 
“Exactly,” you nodded. “He’s divorced twice. I’m divorced with a kid. That makes things… complicated.” 
“Are you trying to stop Nadia from getting hurt, or are you trying to find an excuse to stop yourself because you’re too scared to see where this goes?” she asked you and you sighed. 
“I don’t know,” you shook your head. “How can I tell that everything won’t just fall apart if I do something?” 
“You can’t,” Lisa stood up and put a hand on your arm. “Just try to trust your gut, that’s all you can do in situations like this.” 
“My gut is telling me to kiss him and run away,” you shook your head and Lisa nodded, 
“Yeah, you probably shouldn’t do that.” 
“I’ll figure it out though, right. Eventually.” 
Lisa didn’t say anything, simply giving you a hug, knowing deep down you knew what the right thing to do was and like you said, eventually, you’d come to the same conclusion. 
Hearing the knock at your door, Nadia bounced off the couch and raced to open it, knowing what was awaiting her on the other side. 
James leaned into the doorway when Nadia swung the door open and said, 
“What night is it again?” 
“Movie night!” Nadia cheered and jumped into his arms, her eyes growing wide when she saw the assortment of treats he was holding. 
“It’s not a movie night without snacks,” he said and Nadia agreed with him. You came up towards them and snatched away two of the bags of candy. 
“She just got a hundred percent clean bill of health from her pediatrician, you really wanna go and mess that up with all this candy?” you asked. 
“Come on, I’m a doctor, I know what I’m doing,” James assured. “We’ll be reasonable, right Nadia?” 
The young girl nodded her head and swore on her allowance that she wouldn’t eat all the candy. Hesitantly, you handed the bags back and gave them a skeptical look while they walked over to the couch to get things started. 
You finished what you were doing in the kitchen and brought over a bowl of popcorn with you smiling to yourself when you saw Nadia sitting in James’ lap and telling him how to use the remote for your TV. You placed the bowl on the table and went to change into something a little more comfortable for the evening, hoping that by the time you came out they had picked something to watch. 
When you stepped out of your room, now wearing a sweater and some flannel pyjama pants, Nadia informed you they were just about to start the movie. 
“Come sit, quick mom,” she patted the spot next to her and James and you slipped in next to them, noticing how James wrapped his arm around you, bringing you in a little closer. You didn’t fight the close proximity and instead leaned into it more, resting your head against his shoulder. 
Nadia had already leaned back against his chest, her eyes fixed on the screen and her hand shoved inside one of the bags of candy James had brought. The top of her head was just resting against the side of James’ chin and when you looked up at him he was glancing down at Nadia, a small smile on his lips. He looked content. 
You could have stayed like that all night, just watching them, but you knew sooner or later you’d have to pay attention to the movie before they started asking questions. 
Around halfway through the movie, James tapped your arm and you looked up at him, seeing him point to Nadia with his eyes, who was now fast asleep on him. 
You chuckled quietly, sitting up a little straighter and saying, 
“I can move her to her bedroom. You don’t have to stay for the rest of the movie.” 
“Actually, I’m kind of invested,” James admitted. “But I will take you up on the moving her option, I’ve had to go pee since like the second musical number and she’s really squeezing my bladder.” 
You bit back a laugh and shook your head, pausing the movie and standing up so you could genty lift Nadia off of James’ lap and carry her over to her bedroom, tucking her under the covers and placing a kiss to her forehead before going back out to the living room. 
James was in the washroom still so you went and made yourself and him a mug of tea. When he came out, he joined you in the kitchen watching as you poured the hot water into the two colourful mugs with math puns on them. 
“You take anything in your tea?” you asked. 
“No, do you?” 
“A little sugar,” you nodded and he offered to grab it for you, opening the cupboard in front of you and placing a hand on your back moving you slightly out of the way so he could take out the box of sugar cubes. Your breath hitched at the sudden contact and you hoped he didn’t hear it, instead masking your desire with small talk. 
“I thought you had a sweet tooth,” you said. “It would explain all the candy.” 
“I have a bit of a sweet tooth sometimes,” he admitted. 
“I think Nadia enables you,” you grabbed your mug and passed James his. 
“Oh she definitely does,” he nodded his head, taking a sip of the steaming hot drink before walking back to the couch with you. 
You fell back into the same positions you were before, pressing play and continuing to watch the movie. After a few things progressed in the plot you spoke up asking,
“You think this movie’s going to have a happily ever after?” 
“Sure, it’s a kid’s movie,” James nodded and looked down at you. “Why?” 
“I don’t know,” you shook your head. “It’s stupid.” 
James rubbed your arm, coaxing you to look back up at him again. 
“You were thinking about something, what was it?” 
“It’s just the happy endings don’t always happen,” you said. “I don’t know if I should let Nadi live in a world of fairytales or destroy all her hope of the future.” 
“Maybe life isn’t all bells and whistles when it comes to love,” James started. “But we win with other things. I mean look at you, you’ve got an amazing daughter and you’re doing something you love with your life, isn’t that its own kind of happily ever after?” 
“I guess it is,” you nodded. 
“And you know, your life isn’t over. Who’s to say love is out of the picture?” 
You were looking up at him and wondered how he could hit the nail on the head so accurately, like he could read your mind. 
Right now, love was pretty clearly in the picture and it was sitting right in front of you. 
You could feel yourself reach out your hand, gently brushing your fingertips against his cheek. 
“And what if I’m not brave enough to go after it?” you whispered, feeling your heartbeat mixed with his and his shaky exhale that came with your touch. 
“Then maybe,” his thumb and forefinger came to hold your chin up, his face inching closer to yours. “Maybe it can meet you halfway.” 
You could feel your eyes flutter shut and his lips just barely ghost against yours when you heard a sound coming from Nadia’s bedroom and the spell was broken. 
You both opened your eyes and after a moment you pulled away, just before Nadia opened the door to her room. 
“Why was I in my room?” she asked. 
You were still too stunned to speak, your mind racing at the idea that you were just about to kiss James, and he was going to kiss you back. You felt like a teenager, not knowing what to say or how to act. 
Luckily, James was a little more composed than you and explained to Nadia that she had fallen asleep and that you both didn’t want to wake her. 
“Is the movie over?” she asked and you all looked at the screen, seeing the end credits rolling. 
“Yeah, it is, sorry sweetheart,” James apologized. “Can I make it up to you and read you a story before you go back to bed?” 
“Sure,” Nadia agreed. 
“Go brush your teeth first,” you instructed. “I’ll tuck you in once James is done reading.” 
Nadia went off to the washroom and before James could say anything you stood up and grabbed a few of the dirty dishes, taking them to the kitchen to clean up. You couldn’t talk about what had just happened, not now at least, not when it was still so fresh. 
 You focused only on the dishes and cleaning the kitchen while James read Nadia her story before wishing her goodnight with a kiss on her forehead and waving goodbye to you and thanking you for the tea. 
When the door closed behind him you let out a small breath that you had been holding and went to tuck Nadia into bed. 
“Mom, are you okay?” Nadia asked, sensing your far off look. 
“I’m fine,” you assured her with a forced smile. “Rest up, I have to take you to your dad’s place tomorrow.” 
“Okay,” she yawned. “Night, mom.” 
“Goodnight, honey.” 
You kissed her on the cheek and stood up, going over to your room and sitting on the edge of the bed. You brushed your fingers against your own lips, closing your eyes you could still feel James pressed up against you, but you pushed it away. 
Clearly, you still weren’t brave enough. Not yet. 
The following weeks were awkward to say the least. You began spending more time in your office when Nadia was with her dad, just for another excuse to avoid James in the hallway. 
He hadn’t made too much effort to reach out, you assumed to give you your space. You knew if you told Lisa she would just say you were overthinking things, but you couldn’t get out of your head, even if you wanted to. 
You felt like you were going to stay in this crippling state of indecision forever, but you couldn’t keep it up, not when Nadia would ask questions, you needed to come up with something or someone needed to come up with something for you. 
You arrived home late from campus today, this time with the legitimate excuse of grading finals. After the long hours of marking that had pushed you to extreme tedium and boredom you just wanted to curl up on the couch with a good book or something that would stimulate your brain. 
Before you went to your room to get changed, you heard a knock at your door. Checking the time you wondered who it could be. It wasn’t often you had visitors past 9PM, that was unless it was James. 
When you checked through the peephole, you could see James standing outside your door, waiting for a moment before knocking again. 
“Come on, I know you’re in there,” he said. “Please, just let me in.” 
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, unlocking the door and opening it, allowing him to step inside. 
“Is Nadia at her dad’s place?” he asked while you were shutting the door. 
“Yeah,” you nodded, still facing the wood door. “She’s at her-,” 
You didn’t have a chance to finish your sentence before James turned you around, taking your face in his hands and pressing a searing kiss to your lips. 
You stumbled back until you were pressed against the door, your eyes now closed while you pulled him closer to you. You let yourself run your fingers through your hair like you’d dreamt of doing the night you almost kissed, his hands moving from your face down to your waist, pulling you flush against him. 
You could feel your heart beating throughout every cell in your body, so loud it almost blocked out your thoughts. Almost. 
You paused for a moment, holding James’ face in your hands and pulling away. Your lips felt swollen from the force with which he had kissed you and you wanted nothing more than to do it again, but you had to ask. 
“Is our history going to make this complicated?” 
“It’ll be complicated if we make it complicated,” he snuck past your defenses and stole another kiss, shorter, softer. “I want this. You. I want quiet nights just the two of us; loud nights with Nadia; breakfast in the early morning; lunches in your office; dinner together like this makeshift family we’ve created. I just…I want you and everything that comes with it.” 
You smiled at his words, bringing him in close to you again for another kiss, this time long and slow like you were dragging out every moment of the future you had together. 
When James pulled away from you, your hands fell from his face, travelling down his arms until they were in his. You looked over at him, blinking a few times until began to pull you towards your bedroom, a small smile coming across your face. 
James sat down on the edge of your mattress and you stood in front of him. His hands were still in yours, looking up into your eyes. You let your hands come back up to his hair, scratching against his scalp. You smiled when his eyes closed and he hummed at the feeling of your touch. 
His hands came back to hold your waist and he brought you closer, his thumb rubbing circles around your skin. 
You bent down and pressed another soft kiss to his lips, causing his eyes to flutter open when you pulled away. 
“What do you want to do?” you asked, fixing his hair you had messed up just earlier. 
“I want to lay down here, and hold you,” he leaned back and pulled you on top of himself, sharing another kiss with you. “And I want to fall asleep knowing you’re in my arms.”
You smiled and nodded your head, whispering a quiet ‘okay’ while you adjusted yourselves to be more in the centre of the mattress. 
And just like before, James pulled you close into him, but this time you didn’t let yourself feel taken aback or nervous, you leaned into his touch, savoured when you felt his lips pressed against your hairline, sighed when you felt his hands slip under your shirt to trace mindless shapes on your back. 
No equation or formula would be able to describe what you were feeling and it made you realize that maybe math wasn’t the world’s universal language after all.
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@cuntyvicodin @paola-carter @shots-of-wilson-and-whiskey
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I like to re-post my houses that didn't sell, but it's so unusual to find one that finally sold. This is one ugly house and I came across it again. It's in Burlington, CO, has 3bds, 3ba, and it sold for $298K.
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The layout is kind of weird. I guess you could call it open concept, but it's kind of of sideways. The kitchen and living room are parallel to one another.
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It's definitely supposed to be the living room b/c look at where the fireplace is.
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The space is very large and dark, even with the lights on overhead. What an expanse of old carpet to replace.
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I have never seen a kitchen with 6 stools around the island/counter. The kitchen's dated, but I think that it can be worked with. Definitely change out the hardware.
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On the other side of this very tall brick planter is a knotty pine dining room.
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Here's a family room. The owners put a flatscreen on the hearth, but that's a stone fireplace wall with niches. The stone is dated mid-century era.
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They sprung for a cool tub, but the bath is carpeted.
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The primary bedroom is sizeable.
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The other 2 bedrooms are clad in dark paneling. The house has a weird vibe. I want to air it out, brighten it up, and tear out the rugs. It's so creepy, I thought those were orbs at first, but they seem to be stuck to the wall.
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I bet you never expected an old bowling alley, did you? I don't know if it still works. Isn't the lane supposed to be shiny? This one looks very dull, almost like carpet.
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There's a large patio in the back.
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It has a single car garage, but a large driveway.
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But then, there's another garage behind that one, it appears to be on the sidewalk and to get in, would require jumping the curb.
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daytaker · 5 months
greetings from clown anon, adored the fic very silly <33
i apologise if i’m filling up your inbox but may i ask for an mc that’s a mortician? that or is just desensitised to death and knows a lot about it, like i imagine whenever the brothers in early season 1 used to do like very specific threats mc would be like “uh actually that’s not how that works” essentially acting like a bit of a smart ass completely glossing over the actual threat
thanksies in advance (´∀`*)
Clown Anon MCs - [ Clowncore MC | Death-Fixated Science Geek MC | LeVeyan Satanist MC ]
(I'll be real I have no memory of the specific threats and I was too lazy to go look for them but I will follow along the lines of the prompt anyway.)
I'm going to do this one in bullet point form. Hope that's okay.
(CW: a bit gross at times. not quite gore.)
Now I Am Become MC, Destroyer of Worlds: A Death-Fixated Main Character in Obey Me!
Read below the cut.
They're extremely curious about demon anatomy. And not in a kinky way. They want to see how similar the structure and layout of demon organs are to human organs. They want to get full body X-rays when those wings and tails pop up. They want to get it on video when they appear and disappear. Because what the fuck. Yeah, yeah, they get it, magic exists, but still, what the fuck?!
They fully expect Beel to keel over and die one day from overeating. There is no way any single individual can consume the way he does and survive. They're actually hoping that if he does, they'll be able to carry out the post-mortem and see what exactly was going on with that stomach of his. I mean, yes, they'll be very sad he's gone, but at least he'll have died as a martyr to science!
Dead shadow hog? Taxidermied. Dead fire newt? Taxidermied. Dead devil zebra? Brought home, dissected, taxidermied. The brothers don't really like to go to their room because of the constant dizzying stench of formaldehyde that comes from it.
Sometimes they'll just sit and stare at one of the brothers. If asked what they're doing, they'll simply say, "Observing." Reactions to this range from Beel's "Oh, okay," to Levi's "I'M GOING TO MY ROOM AND NEVER LEAVING FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE."
So Solomon's immortal, is he? How immortal, exactly? Is it just that he'll never die from old age? Could he die of a disease? Surely he could die from injuries, right? Has he tested this? Can they test it? Please?
Wait, wait, wait. Satan came from where? How? Why? What the hell? Lucifer, take your shirt off, they need to do some investigating. Satan, you too. Lucifer, show them your back. No scars? Not even from ripping your own wings off? Hm. Satan, do you have a bellybutton? ...That's weird, you definitely didn't need an umbilical cord. And you're saying he came out full-sized? Stop telling them it's magic! Magic is just science that people don't understand yet.
Actually, all of you get in here and strip, this has been a long time coming. MC needs to figure out what the hell is happening here.
Why not?
Satan, let's talk about one of your murder mysteries! They do this exactly one time, and never again because MC kept interrupting to point out plot holes and inconsistencies. It was so annoying. It kind of ruined the genre for him for a little while.
Leviathan, MC wants to ask you about how you survive underwater. Levi--- Hey, where are you going? Levi?
They write their paper on comparative anatomy of demons, angels, and humans. Diavolo gets a little queasy after the first page and gives them an A. He doesn't want to read the rest, he trusts they did a thorough job.
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fvckme-sir · 1 year
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𝓂𝓇 𝒸𝑜𝓉𝓉𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒶𝒾𝓁
2.5k words - 
cw; may appear dubcon, but still consentual, talks about 3somes, unprotected sex, sex toys, daddy kink, crying, and bunny as a pet name
the heavy doors slams behind you before you fall back against it, letting out a low huff from you draining day at work, feeling your emotional battery drip out completely when you hear the crinkling noises of plastic bags being crushed over before a new one being pulled open. thank god. you kick off the dress shoes and haphazardly throw your bag next to the door before groaning and meeting your boyfriend in the kitchen. he’s unloading plastic bags from the grocery store, he must’ve gone shopping while you were at work.
“tireddd.” you groan out to eren before leaning over the counter and resting your face against the cool marble, sighing softly before you open one eye and make eye contact with the man as he stores the rest of the fruits of his labor into the fridge. 
“i know baby, i know, just give me a sec yeah? then we’ll relax on tha couch, mkay?” he says, reaching one hand to gently massage the small of your back briefly before he stores the plastic bags below the counter and fixes the small bun his hair is pulled up into before gently placing his hands on your waist. he stands you up and walks you to the couch, steering you clear of all the furniture in the open floor layout of your home before sitting down on the couch first.
a  strong hand grabs you and pulls you down to position you with your head in his lap, the cotton of his adidas sweatpants smooth against your cheek. “blanket or nah?” he asks, one arm on your shoulder and rubbing gentle circles into your sore body.
“nuh uh.” you say and he lets out a low chuckle. he gently holds out the remote to you to let you choose the movie but you shake your head with a yawn. “i feel ya honey, i gotchu.” he says, before selecting tangled from the assortment of your movies. the movie loads up when you tap his thigh. “one sec, bathroom.” you say as you carefully get up and lean down to grab the brunette’s jaw and pull him into a gentle kiss, smiling softly while you walk back the way you came, going to the bathroom behind the kitchen when you notice one last plastic bag on the counter with a bit of pink to be seen through the translucent material.
you step over the cool hardwood, intending to just put it away when you’re surprised of the contents in the bag. a small, silver buttplug with a smull fuzzy faux bunny tail attached to it stored in a small plastic wrapping. you carefully open it, glancing over the counter and see the back of eren’s head tilted down, presumably scrolling through his phone idly bere opening it.
stepping out of line of sight of the living room, you roll the cool metal in your warm hands before curiosity takes over. you shimmy your slacks down, boxers following before you lean over the counter and spread your ass with one hand. you and eren have never discussed any toys, so the sensation was something you couldn’t stop thinking about. after a moment, you finally start to slip the toy inside you, the burn of the gradual increasing thickness of the toy causes you to whine into the counter, and seconds later the burn is gone, replaced by the thinner end of the toy.
your hands reach back to gently feel the fuzzy tail, massaging it gently just to feel it before you’re interrupted by the sound of a throat being cleared. you jolt up, hands knocking the packaging to the ground between you and eren, the universe deciding to incirimate you beyond further repair. “eren… thought you were-”
“you were taking a minute so i wanted ta check on you then i heard a weird noise but i guess i know where it came from.” he trails off, eyes trailing down the curve of your spine to the small cotton tail and he lets out a small groan. “guess you found your gift.”
“...gift?” you whimper out, feeling tears start to well in your wide eyes. your boyfriend had gone out of his way to get you a small surprise to try and expand your horizons in a way you’d like, and you just had to spoil it. you sniffle a bit, letting your face fall down against the cool counter as you feel the tears start to roll. “‘m sorry rennie.” you sniffle out, completely unsure what to do while you cry.
“nah nah baby, ‘s ok, was gonna give it tomorrow, one day aint gonna kill us.” he says, stepping forward to trail his hand up and down your back, hushing you quietly. his hands seem to have a mind of their own though, seeing as they travel past the small of your back to your ass, grabbing the tail on the toy and giving it a little tug. 
you sobs are choked off by you letting out a yelp and shooting back up to stand, face heating up as you stare straight ahead at the chest of your boyfriend. “t-that wasn’t-”
“ahh, so yer fakin it hm? didn’t sound super upset, moanin n shit” he says, thumb idly prodding gently at the tail still while you were still unable to meet the eyes of your lover. you shake your head quickly, opening your mouth to protest before its choked off by yet another gasp, one your hands grasping onto the tile that has had many a love filled, home cooked meal rest on it. he lets out a low groan before stepping forward to press your bodies together so you can feel his hard on through his sweats against your own.
you shudder as eren grinds his crotch against your own, the fabric creating a strange friction between the two of you. the man leans forward, bending himself down to suck on your neck, other hand tangling in your hair to lean your head away to give himself more of a canvas to paint his hickies onto.
“j-jesus- rennie,” you start, feeling your knees go weak from the strong sensations on your neck but his hand held firm around your waist, forcing you to stand straight up and endure the assault on your throat.
“g-god…please ren” you stutter out, your own hips rutting against his, but you just couldn’t stop, not even if you wantrd to… but jesus fucking christ, why would you ever want to? 
moments pass as your pleasing goes right to his cock, making him throb before he just cant take it anymore, his self restraint just shattered away. he leans you over the counter again, pressing gentle kisses to your cheek, the back of your neck and anywhere he can reach, whispering sweet nothings to you as he’s tugging the waistband of his pants down. he frees his cock, tip red and already leaking precum which he swipes away with his thumb before he slides it between your soft lips, often adorned with cherry chapstick which your lover kept supplied for you. you suck obediently on his thumb as he taps the head of his dick against the tail.
it takes a few moments for you to come out of your haze before you realize his intention. see, and this was a common fact between the two of you, that nothing made you happier than having something in your mouth, and that was almost what made you fail to realize that your boyfriend wanted to fuck you with something else besides his dick. “m-mmf!” you whimper out, letting out a low whine before he removes his thumb from your mouth. “a-at least use something a little safer…” you whisper out bashfully before eren’s face breaks into a smile.
“aww, mr cottontail needs more? aight, i gotchu sweetheart.” he says in a mocking tone before tugging his pants back up and smacking directly against the plug and making it fuck up into your hole, eliciting a gasp. after a moment, you hear him tuck his dick away and walk away with a sweet chuckle. a minute or so passed with you still in the same position, legs spread and leaning over the counter before you hear a satisfied hum behind you.
“ooh, see thats a sight i fuckin love to see.” he says, before droppin the toy on the counter next to you and you look at what he had haphazardly dropped next to your crossed arms; a dildo that was on the bigger end of the toys you owned. as much as the idea frightened you, the curiosity that got you into this situation triumphed.
he smirks at you before kneeling and smacking your ass, letting out a satisfied grunt at the jump the sudden impact causes upon you. moments pass before he reaches forward and wraps his fingers around the toy and fucks it into three times before tugging it sharply out of you. you reactively clench around nothing before relaxing a bit, chest heaving as the man staring at your hole lets out a chuckle. your hole winks at him, clenching around nothing before he rests his arm across your asscheeks before leaning in and giving your hole a sloppy, open mouthed kiss. 
“rennie!” you gasp out, quickly looking back at the pair of green eyes meeting yours over the curve of your ass. the sight alone makes you clench around the tip of his tongue, watching his eyes as he kissed your hole the same way he’d kiss you; nothing but sheer dominance and utter need.
after another minute or so of pure filthy kissing against your ass and you squirming, pushing back against his mouth before he pulls off with a pop, spitting for good measure before he stands back up behind you, rock hard dick visible as his thumb swipes some of his own drool from his lower lip before aimlessly wiping it over his sweats. “see, this is what nosy lil bunny boys get, they get bred and made squirm and cry since they wanna fuck around n find out.” he grunts out before he grabs the base of his dick and giving it a rough shake for emphasis. he tugs down his pants after a moment, chuckling at the way your ass pushed back a little, searching for contact before eren’s hand rests on the top of your back and applying a bit of pressure before grunting out a “hold still, bunny boy.” 
his deep voice reverberated into your bones, feeling it in your core as you do what he says before you hear his pants be tugged down again and you feel the fat head of his dick tap against your hole. once, twice before it starts, the initial, first push into your insides, feeling the slow burn as your let out a whimper, holding tight onto the counter before every inch was inside. once you feel his dick fully push into you, you let out a loud, sinful moan of relief before its cut off by the fat head of the dildo pushing against your lips. 
“cmon my lil bunny, suck on this cock for papa, yeah? suck it for daddy? what if daddy wants to show off how good you are to his friends, like you remember jean right? i’m sure you wanna show off for him, so practice right now.” eren says mockingly, slowly pushing the toy down your throat, careful whenever you choke and sputter, drool dripping past your shiny lips onto the well loved marble below you. a split second after the silicone balls rest against your lips, his real cock drags out of your ass before starting a gradual pace, speeding up.
every time eren’s balls slapped against your ass, he tugs the sillicone cock out of your mouth before fucking it back down your throat and then his own cock pumping into your insides. you writhe under his touch, ass clenching around his dick as he pumps in and out of your guts, whimpering each and every thrust you received from behind, moaning and sputtering around the toy. 
“cmon bunny boy? what if armin wants to join or something, or even mikasa? you gotta get you work in babyyyyy.” he says in a teasing sing song voice, making you clench around his cock even more like a vice before eren lets out a low his, obviously a result from your bodies natural reaction to his girthy cock pummeling your insides. your hear his own grunts above you, right against your ear as your body bounces forward, ass jiggling from his pelvis hitting your asscheeks, as you sob and squirm while you try your best to relax your throat.
after a few more minutes of his brutal assault on your insides you feel it, the tight coil tightening in your stomach and threatening to bring you release, making you see stars and sob out against the toy louder. “fuuuuuck… i feel that baby, y’gonna cum? wanna cum thinkin about daddy and his friends spit roastin this pretty ass and sweet lil mouth? wanna suck daddy’s friends off while he pounds ya, or would you rather suck daddy’s fat dick with his friends hittin ya from the back?”
that was it, the damn had broken and you let out a sob, whimpering and sputtering around the toy as you cum, it shooting from your cock and painting the pretty wood cabinets and dripping down. moments after, he slows down the toy in your throat but the sensitivity causing your hole to clench, making the man above let out grunts and thrust, once, twice, and a third time before he groans, shooting a huge load into your insides. you feel the white paint everywhere, your stomach filling with the unnatural yet comforting worth as your lover leans down, muscular chest against your back and he pants, catching his breath while pressing breathless kisses to your cheeks and temple while the toy was pulled out of your mouth.
you let out an exhausted groan as eren lets out a breathless chuckle, sweetly kissing the nape of your neck as you sleepily yet happily hum as he carefully pulls out of you with a hiss, your hole yet again clenching around nothing as he chuckles. “i know youre sleepy, but we gotta get cleaned up. what do you say we get in a bath then order some takeout? i’ll hold you if you wanna sleep in there. anythin you want, anythin you need, you name it my little bunny boy, anythin for you.”
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writinginthetwilight · 3 months
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Knock, knock.
Neighbour! Eddie Munson x Neighbour! Reader
Chapter Warnings: 18+ for smut in later parts if you are under 18 you do not belong here, be gone. AFAB reader. Stress. Strong language. Nightmares. Sleep paralysis. Horror-esk/creepy vibes.. Hopefully. See Masterlist for full list of warnings.
Authors note. Thank you for all the love on the first part of this fic. This story is feeding my creepy brain and I'm truly loving it, all my love to @bettyfrommars @allthingsjoeq and @somnambulic-thing for writing the original prompt that birthed this weird little world I'm making and them all being so supportive of it.
6. You move into a new apartment and soon discover that you share a wall with a very noisy neighbor. Loud laughter, talking, and music are a constant companion. When you decide to go over and knock on their door to confront them in person, you find that the apartment is unoccupied and has been for months.
Reblogs and comments are much appreciated. Love you bye.
Part 2: Whispers from a shadow in the walls.
The building was too quiet.
The rain tapping lazily at your window and the muted hush of early morning traffic on the wet street below did little to distract you from it.
There's something tangible to the silence, one that can only be felt at this time of day, like your consciousness is disturbing it.
Headphones are quickly vetoed, the lack of awareness in your surroundings they created leaving you skittish in the still unfamiliar space.
So you work softly around the unpacked boxes, slowly searching your way through them until you find your old squat plastic CD player, adorned in peeling band stickers and Sharpie drawings. It's a relic from your youth.
A sigh of relief leaves you when it hums to life, filling the space with the low murmurs of a local early morning show, the silence crawling away to the recesses of where it came.
You lean against the kitchen cabinets, linoleum floor cold against your bare feet as you breathe for what feels like the first time since you woke.
You'd ripped yourself from a dream that left you drenched in sweat like you were purging a fever and eyeing the closed bathroom door like it was the gate to hell.
Footsteps had rung out from it, whispers reverberating out through a gap that crept open just enough to see through from where you were trapped in bed. Shadows morphed into faceless entities that watched you. Unable to look away, neither did they.
So when you had checked the time after falling out of bed to turn on the light and it showed 5 am, you had decided that the risk of falling back into that far outweighed the extra few hours of sleep.
There was little to do with your life in boxes, the disarray making you itch.
The stains on the walls for the most part had been superficial, easily removed with dish soap and rags, but it was made increasingly obvious the more you scrubbed at your bedroom walls, green fibres clinging to it and ruining another scrub pad, that the ‘no previous smokers’ on the lease was another lie.
So you cleaned.
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The walls were more solid, so were the bathrooms, obviously part of what was once the original layout, they hold the telltale sticky yellow nicotine stains that had once crawled up your late grandmother's living room walls.
You take another picture to send off to the lease agency as daylight starts to creep in through the broken blinds. Another bargaining chip in your case against the ‘neutral paint colours only’. The tin of dark blue calls to you from the corner.
Soon my love.
Once the sun's fully risen you make the most of the limited gas left in your rental, badly navigating unfamiliar streets for necessities before rushing home to let the removal men ferry the last of your belongings up.
Items that had laid in storage since the day you bought them dust-covered and unloved now in a place where you could enjoy them, the green couch that sat still covered in plastic because it was too garish, the bed frame stuffed back in its packaging because it creaked too much. Your black desk showed too much dust.
Tvs, lamps, rugs and bookshelves.
Were all unneeded in a house which was never really yours.
But it didn't matter, it was all here now.
You're knee deep in baffling instructions surrounded by screws and wooden slats when you hear it. The distinct sound of somebody in the next room.
You arm yourself with one of the bed slats and creep through ready to try and disarm the intruder when you're met with an empty space.
The clear sound of footsteps and muffled voices rounds you, making you turn in place before they recede into nothing and all is quiet again.
You pad forward, makeshift weapon still raised and round the kitchen quickly only to see half unpacked boxes of utensils.
You allow yourself to sag a little, silently scolding yourself at what you were expecting to do with a plank of wood when music comes from behind you making you jerk backwards, the wooden slat flies from your grasp crashing into a pile of boxes.
You rush pointlessly towards them in an attempt to stop them falling and the music pauses as they crash to the floor loudly. You eye the room as you crouch to scoop up your belongings but just as you relax it's flaring up again.
It sounds tinny, far away and you rise cautiously like you might startle it out of existence, eyes trailing to where the music might emanate but it seems to travel unnaturally from no one source.
It gets clearer as you approach the far wall and when you press your ear against it you can hear humming which turns to the mimicking sounds of a guitar solo in time with the music. The voice gets closer before it rings out behind you, distant like before and it mingles with the sound of music and footsteps.
It's disorienting and your eyes trail around before they're drawn up to the scar. You quickly climb the back of the couch precariously balancing as you stretch up to it fingertips grazing the rough edges.
Found it. The sound trails through what you assume must be a space between the floors and you wonder if he has a scar like yours on his side too.
You camber down and make your way to your room. The sounds are still audible but muted and you thank whatever residential overlord that they didn't knock down the walls in here too.
You had lived in dorms, shared houses with noisy flatmates and a house that creaked because it had ‘character’.
You push in your headphones, deciding that you don't want to be that neighbour who nags on the first day.
Bleary eyes open as light casts over you, the couch below is soft if not still a little musty from the dust that made its way under its plastic wrap.
You will get used to it.
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You don't remember falling asleep, you only sat down for a second, but the early morning must have caught up with you. The music has stopped and you let yourself bathe in the silence for a moment staring at the scar on the ceiling above.
Disorientation sets in, time is a mystery, and you shift to retrieve your phone which digs into your side from where it's slipped out of your pocket. The lifeless black screen stares back at you and you let it drop to your chest as you stretch out.
You double take a glance to the room as soon as you turn, sitting quickly to take it in.
The space is filled much more than seems possible, your furniture fused at odd angles with items you don't recognise, posters and pictures overlapping, like a bad AI generation where nothing quite looks right.
Light catches everything from angles with no source and it sprawls to the wall in front of you dancing over the plaster like its fabric caught in a breeze.
A sense of panic rises in you, the hair on your neck standing on end and you slowly turn to look behind you, scrambling to a stand at the sight of the darkness that shrouds the opposing side of the room, barely a yard from where you had been sleeping.
It seems to hum as you take a tentative step forward.
You have no doubt that if you were to step into it, it would swallow you, there's no gradualness to it, just a cliff edge into nothing. Your ears catch the only sound that echoes unnaturally around you and it drags you away from the abyss.
A drip.
You follow it, dodging items until you find your kitchen where black liquid is pooling on your countertops, spreading with every moment and soaking into the carpet beneath. You look up to the scar above it which weeps down feeding the puddle slowly.
This isn't real. You just need to wake up.
You try to peer out the windows but it seems the abyss lies there too, matte black with no reflection.
Your bedroom is oddly unchanged as you squeeze past a bookshelf that has become one with a suitcase. Everything as you left it. Your hand hovers over the handle of the bathroom door but you think better of it.
Whatever is in there can stay there.
The wall of light still flutters and you press your hand to it, it's plient and gives a little against your touch and you go to step through.
The voice sounds solid and real and your drawn forward.
The sensation of rushing to the surface of water overcomes you, blood pounding in your ears and you wake eyes wide and gasping, a small yelp leaving you as you crash to the floor below you.
There's ringing in your ears but everything is exactly as it should be.
No abyss.
No lights.
No amorphys drip.
No disembodied voices.
A curse comes from the other side of the wall, then mumbles echo from above you.
The rest of the week passes quickly, your new neighbour's presence hadn't gotten under your skin all that much, granted you'd never had a neighbour that sounded like they were living in your fucking apartment but it was fine.
Well almost none.
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Ear plugs, headphones and you assumed his odd work schedule meant moments of peace came relatively often.
The apartment got painted.
Dinners were made.
Nightmares were kept to a minimum, it probably wasn't safe the amount of string lights that now adorned your bathroom but all in all, you got settled.
Carved out a space for yourself.
But then you started work.
The first night you come home late, overwhelmed by paperwork and HR ‘welcoming packages’ that were basically instruction manuals on how many ways they could fire you.
You collapsed with exhaustion face down into your comforter, body spent with the anxiety of first impressions and grappling with the ins and outs of office life. Wriggling out of rigid clothes that had suffocated you all day, you prayed for an interrupted sleep.
Only to be woken a few hours later at 3 am as loud laughter came from behind your bedroom wall as your new neighbour spoke loudly and animated on the phone for almost an hour.
It set the tone for the rest of the week.
You weren't an asshole, you weren't, but even without the thin walls and gaping peephole that left you involuntarily privy to the musing of another human being's life.
Music was constant but there was also the TV or singing, at the top of his lungs, talking to himself, always moving footsteps back and forth, back and forth, belonging crashing to the floor, cursing when said items fall.
He was just fucking loud, and Friday was the day that it broke you.
The day was a cluster fuck from the go, you forgot your lunch, got your period at work, forgot the password to your laptop and got locked out, had an unannounced team building afternoon and by the end of it, you just wanted to crawl into sweats, eat chips and drown your sorrows in cheap wine.
It all started surprisingly well, there wasn't the usual screech of guitar and one man karaoke show rattling your walls when you came in.
It only lasted an hour before you heard him come in, just enough time to relax and it wasn't just him, it was a group of them.
You deflate at the sound of their laughter and hate yourself for it, because who gets angry at the sound of laughter? You plug your headphones in but before long the laughter gets loud, dispersed with yelling, cheers and heckling audible over the sound that's being directly fed into your ears.
You're trying to keep a lid on it, but even moving to the bedroom, a sanctuary where the world is usually a little more your own doesn't seem to work as the sound travels in from outside the door.
And why should you have to hide yourself away? This was your home too and if you wanted to watch TV without headphones plugged into your Xbox pad then why was that an issue?
But you don't need to make a scene.
You make it to 11pm.
When the sound of them leaving is only followed by the start of his music you snap.
In all your crumpled band shirt and sweatpant glory you match out hammering on his door.
There's no music and you start to fidget when he doesn't answer, eyes searching the empty hallway, you assume he's got the message without you cursing him out.
But you're barely in the door when it starts again.
You rip the drawer of your desk open hastily scrawling a polite shut the fuck up note through gritted teeth.
Shoved it under the door, another knock that goes unanswered.
The musics gone.
It doesn't start up again and you crawl into bed smugly for the first uninterrupted night's sleep you've had in a week.
When you wake a note sits halfway sticking out under the door.
Hey sorry!
Didn't mean to be loud.
If we could keep this between us that would be cool.
I'll keep it down.
Eddie. No 5.
You instantly regret the email to the landlord asking about a way to close up the gaps in the ceiling due to being able to hear no 5’s entire life.
You stress about it all day, a good night's rest and a day sat vegetating in front of the TV making the whole ordeal feel like it got blown way out of proportion. By the time your phone lights up with a reply, you've come up with a way to cover your tracks so you don't get the poor guy evicted.
But it doesn't really matter.
Because the landlord's reply makes you run cold.
Nobody lives there
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ellephlox · 8 months
Lights Out
Summary: You’re touring a haunted house with Matt, and the entire building loses power when a thunderstorm arrives. On the bright side, you’ve got Matt to lead you out (when he’s not taking advantage of your inability to see). 
Pairing: Matt x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Creepy haunted house imagery, swears
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The sign for local attractions on the highway was battered and scratched, bearing the words HAUNTED HOUSE — EXIT 64. Rain pounded on the windshield as you drove; it was a long seven hours from the weekend holiday you’d taken with Matt back to Hell’s Kitchen, and you were only halfway done the drive. There was obviously no way for Matt to switch off with you, so instead he kept pushing for rest stops so that you could stretch your legs from the driving, despite your assurance to him that it was okay. 
You pulled into a parking spot outside the attraction, mud and dirt grinding under the tires. Once the key was out of the ignition, the silence of the engine was eerily fitting for the view of the haunted mansion in front of you, especially with the pounding of the rain on the roof. 
“Wow,” you said, peering up at it. “This thing’s actually pretty big. It looks Gothic — there’s a rounded tower-like part on the left, with bay windows, I think. In the center where the roof is highest, it’s pointy and there’s a weathervane with a skull on top. The outside is painted a really ugly purple. Oh, and the decorations are awesome. They look genuine, too; gravestones, a body sticking out of the chimney, blood splattered all over the front porch. Ha. There’s even a hearse parked next to us.”
“Scary or corny, overall?”
“It looks pretty good. I’d say it’s scary but you’re here with me,” you said, grabbing his hand. “Ready?”
You paid at the ticket booth and then entered the mansion. Only once you were safely inside, far from any of the workers, did Matt drop his hand from your arm. “There’s no one else here,” he said. “Just you and me.”
You nodded at a skeleton sitting at a piano. “And Mr. Bones right there.”
Matt tilted his head. “There’s a motion sensor ahead. Probably there’s going to be a jump scare.”
“Well, it’s not a jump scare anymore,” you said, rolling your eyes. “How much of this can you sense, anyway?”
“It’s... kind of a confusing influx of sensory details. Different machines behind the walls for all the animatronics and music, weird smells coming from everything, and I can feel the shifts in air pressure when something’s moving. It’s all kind of a... bonfire of input.”
Sure enough, a vampire sprung out of a coffin moments later, and even with Matt’s warning you still flinched, heart skipping a beat when it shrieked at you. The layout of the mansion was narrow and winding; different hallways took you through a variety of different rooms and scares. Some of the sights were admittedly scary; an animatronic girl with stringy hair and an axe came flying out of the shadows, and even the floorboards and doors beside you would buckle unexpectedly as you passed by them. To your delight, one of the picture frames turned to life and even caught Matt off guard — you felt him stir slightly beside you. The path through the mansion took you up two flights of stairs, all the way to the top floor of the house. 
“It’s a kitchen!” you said, admiring the decorations. “With — ew. Blood coming out of the faucet. And fingers baking in the oven.”
But Matt had his head tilted slightly towards the window. “Lightning’s about to strike,” he said suddenly, and true to his word, a massive flash lit up the entire room only a second later. The clap of thunder that followed was nearly simultaneous with the lightning, and rattled the mansion so hard that the window shook. 
And that was when the mansion lost power. Everything, all at once, fell silent as though it had been muted, and you were plunged from shadowy, dim lighting into absolute pitch blackness. 
“Matt?” you said uncertainly, reaching out for him and only finding empty space. The thought of all the things around you — amusing only moments ago — suddenly made your heart spike. 
“Right here.” Matt grabbed your hand and squeezed it. “Any light coming in at all?”
You waved your hand in front of your eyes. “Nothing. It’s like a black hole in here. And of course we left our phones in the car,” you grumbled, shifting closer to Matt. “A flashlight would be nice.”
“No light is coming in through the window?”
“Only when there’s lightning. And I don’t think there are many windows in this labyrinth.” Gingerly you stepped forward. “This is... not fun.”
“I’m personally very offended by how opposed you are to being visually impaired.”
You frowned. “You make fun of my bad hearing all the time — which, by the way, is not bad hearing, it’s simply normal-person hearing.”
“I think it’s bad hearing.”
“We’re allowed to make fun of each other’s senses,” you continued. “That’s the most important tenet of dating someone.”
“Oh, really? Then I’m free to tell you that you’ve got absolutely terrible common sense?”
“Ha, ha. You’re so clever,” you deadpanned. “Are we out of the creepy kitchen yet?"
“Yeah.” Matt nudged you to the right. “This way.”
“Are we close to the exit?”
“No. It’s probably another ten minute walk, at the very least.”
“Lovely. Why doesn’t this place have a generator?”
“It should. This could be a huge liability. If someone got hurt and decided to sue, the owners could easily get in trouble.”
“Only someone who had to endure the trauma of a bar exam would think about liabilities when the power goes out,” you said appreciatively. “So... we’ve got two flights of stairs to go down?”
“Three. The exit’s in the basement,” Matt said. “Watch out. There’s fake cobwebs ahead of us.”
You were glad for the warning, because the revolting sensation of gossamer threads brushing against your face would have otherwise been disturbing. Lightning flashed again, illuminating the hallway, and for a moment you were face-to-face with a ghastly clown that was grinning beside you. You yelped, nearly falling backwards into Matt. Adrenaline soared through you, and you couldn’t help but squint through the darkness in an attempt to make sure the clown wasn’t moving. It was to no avail — when the lightning was gone, so was any visibility.
“Take a deep breath,” Matt said, nudging you with his shoulder. “Your heart’s going a hundred miles an hour.”
“There’s a clown, Matt.”
“And he’s made of rubber, wood, and plastic.”
Lightning flashed again, and you winced at the clown’s companion, a bloody jester gloating on your left. “Are the haunted house workers coming in to help?”
“No. There’s only one worker, and based on the way her heart jumped with the power going out, I highly doubt she’s going to walk alone into a haunted mansion with all the lights off. Careful, the hallway twists a bit right here.” Matt gently guided you to the left. You went forward reluctantly, feeling that you were about to walk into something at any second despite your trust in Matt. “And there are two steps down right here.”
“Right where?” you asked, slowing to a halt.
“Right here, in front of us.”
Anxiously you edged your toe forward, feeling for the drop of the step. “This is incredibly creepy.”
“I’ll tell you when to step. Just keep going, and step downward when I say.” Matt tugged you forward, and you resisted, moving as carefully as possible until you were down the steps. 
“I don’t like this,” you informed him. “Because I know for a fact that there are probably zombies or vampires or something in here.”
“Dolls, actually.”
“Oh, God. Are you serious?”
Matt laughed. “At least, I think they’re dolls. Ceramic faces, stringy hair, small size.” He took your hand and guided it in front of you. “Here. Want to feel one?”
“There are lots of dolls in here. And it feels... dark. Wait.” Matt’s hand suddenly held yours more tightly.
“Well, I could’ve told you it’s dark in here.”
“No. I mean... a different type of dark.” Matt was silent, and you imagined he was cocking his head. 
“What is it?” you asked, squinting around as though it would suddenly help you to see the surroundings. 
“Something’s moving,” he whispered. “One of the dolls.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“I mean a doll is moving,” he repeated. “Wait here—”
And then he pulled his hand away from yours, lost in the blackness of the house.
“Shit!” you yelped, hugging yourself. “Matt! Don’t leave me here!”
There was a small crash to your left, and then footsteps, slow and creaking, from behind you. Holy shit holy shit fuck fuck fuck fuckkkkk—
“Matt!” you shrieked. “Come back!”
And then, you felt something behind you, and the warm exhale of someone breathing near your ear. “Boo,” Matt said, in a low voice, and you automatically swung around so quickly with your fist that you would have socked him in the face, had he not caught your wrist first. 
“Shit – sorry, I didn’t mean to almost punch you—” You stopped yourself, mid-apology. “What the hell, Matt? You’re awful! How could you do that to me?”
To your indignation, he actually chuckled, sounding so damn pleased with himself that you would’ve marched away and continued on your own if you could actually see. “You know, I think that’s the fastest I’ve ever heard your heart go.”
“Yeah, because you almost gave me a heart attack.”
“I’m sorry.” Matt wrapped an arm around you as he continued steering you forward. “But you must have known that this was coming, sweetheart.”
“Um, no, I didn’t think I had it ‘coming’ because I thought I could trust my boyfriend to lead me out of a freaking pitch-black haunted mansion without trying to prank me like a five-year-old—”
“I couldn’t resist.”
“You couldn’t resist. Oh, well, that justifies it,” you grumbled, pushing at him again. “How much longer until we’re out of here?”
“Stairs to the first floor are right in front of us. Then we’re almost to the basement.” Matt dropped one of his hands so that it was on your lower back. “Your eyes haven’t adjusted at all?”
“I think the clouds are too thick for any moonlight to come through. And, of course, the lightning now decides to not flash at all.” You wished you could simply sense your surroundings like Matt could. “You’re amazing.”
“Weren’t you just saying I was awful?”
“No, really. I mean, the fact that you’re able to do all that you do, considering you can’t see; and me, the second I can’t see, I’m completely useless. It just makes me admire so much more the way that—”
“Stairs,” Matt warned. “Thirteen steps.”
“Thanks. But it just makes me admire so much more the way you... honed your senses, I guess. I mean, how many girls can brag that their blind boyfriend easily led them out of a haunted house with the navigation skills of someone with night-vision goggles?”
“It’s easier than you’d think.” Matt stopped suddenly, his fingers lightly raising to brush your upper arm and spin you so that your back was pressed into his chest. “Listen.”
You obeyed, falling as quiet as possible. Even this close to Matt, though, you couldn’t hear his heartbeat. “Matt, I’m not going to magically have your ability to hear well—”
“You don’t need my level of hearing,” Matt said. “Sometimes you just need to listen more closely. Hear that whistling?”
You focused. It was faint, but audible. “Yeah.”
“What’s that coming from?”
“Sounds like the wind coming through a vent.” Realization dawned on you. “Which means that there’s a wall in front of us.”
“Exactly. And did you hear that scuffle above us?”
“Yeah, that thump?” You hadn’t even paid attention to it until now. “It was probably that worker, right? Which means... we’re in the back lefthand corner of the house.”
“See? Easier than it seems,” Matt said, leaning in and kissing your temple. “You’re a natural, sweetheart.”
You smiled, feeling heat rise up your neck. “That’s really nice of you, but I know what you’re up to. You feel guilty for scaring me earlier and now you’re trying to make up for it with flattery.”
“Floor gets squishy right here,” Matt said suddenly, and you were glad for the warning as the wooden floorboards beneath your feet unexpectedly transitioned to foam. “They really went all-out with this haunted house.”
“Too bad we’re missing most of it. And... Matt, I love you for guiding me, but can we please slow down?” you said, leaning backwards to reduce the speed Matt was leading you at. “I feel like I’m about to walk into a wall.”
“Sorry.” Matt slowed his pace. “We’re almost out. You know, I’ll miss this a bit.”
“What, me being temporarily blind?”
“Yeah. Because you can’t see things like this coming.”
“Things like what—?”
But then Matt’s lips were on yours, passionate and hard, as he pressed you backwards into what was presumably a normal wall and hopefully not an upright coffin or anything gory. You made a small sound of surprise and kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. Matt’s left hand cupped the back of your head, and his right groped underneath your shirt on your lower back; goosebumps ran up and down your arms.
And then, without warning, the lights flooded on, machines and animatronics beside you whirring to life. You jumped, heart skipping at the massive demon leering on the ceiling above you. Painted flames danced on the walls and a horned mannequin, eyes blinking and head rotating back and forth, grinned at you deviously. “Oh, God. We’re in Hell, I think.”
“We are? I wasn’t really paying attention.” Matt leaned in and kissed you one more time. “Your body was just a bit distracting.”
“Okay. New idea, Matt,” you said, staring at the fiery devil as it continued to sneer at you. “I see a really, really, really amazing photo opportunity. If the attendant lets me, I’m going to run and get my phone from the car quickly, then I’ll be back.”
“You’re going to abandon a blind man in a haunted mansion? How will I ever know where to go if you’re not allowed back inside to guide me?”
You laughed. “I’ll convince her to let me back in.”
And that was how, a week later, you happily received a photo print in the mail: Matt standing beside an animatronic devil, pointing at it with his thumb and smiling widely.
A/N: This is based off of a really neat haunted mansion that I visited on Prince Edward Island awhile back. Happy almost Halloween, everyone!
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fuxuannie · 11 months
❥ . until the end, forevermore
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✦. synopsis — stargazing with leon brings a sense of comfort and room for laughter, however oddly enough, it leads to a conversation that you or him needed to hear.
✦. love mail — 💌 ignore the 100th layout change pls i'm very indecisive ;_; eeuuueeuu... i really like soft leon can u tell uwjehejr I REALLY HOPE PEOPLE LIKE THIS i love it sm personally
✦. tags — fluff, comfort-ish, ooc.. possibly, soft leon, re4 remake leon, idk what i was doing with this, g-neutral reader, one tiny suggestive joke doesnt rlly matter
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Laying uncomfortably in a patch of grass and staring at the sky wasn't exactly LEON's idea of a fun time, but when he's actually there in the moment - he doesn't realize how calming it really is. It's been a rough couple of days.. weeks, years - life. Something as simple as stargazing, it made him feel at ease.
Of course, you holding his hand next to him and hearing to your heart-warming laughter was an added bonus.
"Look, I don't know how much longer I can pretend I can see the shapes you point out and not think you're crazy." Leon teased, turning his head to you as your eyes were still fixated on the stars. You don't reply, but he doesn't complain, gives him more time to admire you.
Sometimes he feel like he doesn't do it enough, spending his time to look at you, then on the other hand it feels like it's all he ever does. You're the first thing he sees when he wakes up and the last person on his mind as he drifts to sleep, he's so inlove with you but never in a way that it hurts, but that it lets him feel at home.
You make him feel like he's home.
"You know you're supposed to be gazing at the stars, right?"
He's so lost in thought that he doesn't realize you've turned to face him, a look of warmth that he always sees in your eyes. "Well I've found myself something prettier."
"For you, always."
You chuckle a little at his one-liner, squeezing his hand as you do. It's always the little things that you do that make his heart race.
You then spoke;
"I had a weird thought." "Oh? In public?" "Shut up."
"This life.. it's really screwed us over."
"Yes, it has."
You move a little closer to lean your head on his shoulder, looking back up at the stars that seemingly shone brighter just for this moment.
"I think in our next we should just become like.. I dunno, cat owners."
Leon smiles.
"Nah.. You sound stupid."
"I'd rather have a dog."
You gasp in fake offense, jolting up immediately. "How dare you-" But he easily pulls you back in, landing on his chest as his arms wrap around you and essentially trap you in the most comfortable way ever. You're about to protest, but he adds;
"I promise that in our next life, if your little.. ideas about reincarnation are real, then I'll love you as I did in this life and the lives after that. Because for however long there is a (name) and Leon, there will be (name) and Leon. That's how it works, I don't make the rules.
You blinked a few times in surprise, but eventually nuzzle against his chest. "You stole that one from a book you read?"
"I hate reading."
"It means it came from my heart you asshole!"
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