#they think kori is literally so much better then she is
bamboozled-distress · 9 months
every time I see people hate on Barbara because apparently her whole character has been simplified to just be a love interest for dick because they like him and kori more, all I think is that audio thing where it’s like “you are a GIRL why are you hating like a MAN”
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c-nstantine · 6 months
I'm on a random Roy Harper and John Constantine kick rn so I need literally anything with them and black batsis😭🙏🏽❤️
i need to write more for roy and black!batsis. they have my heart. there are some brief allusions to roy's background as an addict
@blckbarbiedoll let me know what you think!!
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"Roy, you hate these things," Dick spoke while standing next to his best friend. Dick's eyes scanned the crowd of older people at the annual Wayne Holiday Gala. He was on older brother duty and making sure the younger siblings didn't completely destroy them even before everyone went home.
"Yep," Roy sighed sipping apple juice from his champagne flute. His eyes, however, were trained on the person. Y/N Wayne walked and talked on the arm of her father as they made their rounds. She looked gorgeous in that red dress with a high slit and her knotless goddess braids were pulled into a half-up half-down fashion. She looked up and saw him staring and gave him a soft smile that he quickly returned.
"You hate suits," Dick said plucking hor d'ouevres off a waiter's tray as they walked by. He didn't get it, Roy was so utterly devoted to Y/N. Dick was raised with her and knew all her faults and flaws but none of that mattered to Roy.
"Yep," Roy pulled at the collar of his tux at the reminder of the stiff contraption that he was wearing. Y/N had it custom-made for him so it was as irritable and it matched her dress. His hair was slicked back with one or two strands falling to frame his face.
"So, why are you here?" Dick couldn't fathom being in love with one person this much. Sure, he'd put himself through hours of torture for Kori or Babs but something so minuscule in the grand scheme of things seemed a bit tiring.
"I'm your sister's date," Roy shrugged. She asked if he wanted to come and said he didn't have to but the way her eyes lit up when he said yes made it all worth it.
"You know you don't have to do everything she asks," Dick stated. Roy considered it for a second. Sure on the surface it did seem like Roy mindlessly followed Y/N around but there were things she did for him that no one could fully understand even if they tried and he loved it. She was more than Bruce Wayne's daughter that everyone tried to make her out to be.
"I know but look how happy it made her. I'd do anything for her to be happy, you know that, right?" Roy stated clearly without hesitation.
"You're a good man, Roy," Dick patter his friend on the shoulder before going to take a knife from Damian.
"Roy?" A voice called from behind him. A voice that he'd recognize from anywhere.
"Oliver," Roy turned to the older man. The two had fallen out of contact in the past five or six years. Not because of bad blood or anything but the two had simply stopped talking. It was a little odd how the man he considered to be a father figure just disappeared but it was okay. Roy was going to get better regardless of whether Oliver was there or not.
"I didn't know you'd be here," Oliver wasn't clear on what to say. What do you say to the person that you raised as a child but abandoned because of a drug problem?
"I'm Y/N's plus one," Roy continued to sip his apple juice.
"Right, Bruce talks about how happy he is to have a grandkid. How is Lian?" Roy smiled at the mention of Bruce and Lian. The old Bat had enjoyed babysitting whenever Y/N and Roy needed a day off.
"She's good. She adores Y/N." It was true. Lian and Y/N were basically inseparable at times. It felt like Lian preferred at times but Roy would never have it any other way.
"Good, that's good. Why don't you, Y/N, and Lian stop by for dinner sometime?" That sounded like an empty offer but Roy would follow up with Dinah nonetheless to at least say he tried.
"Yeah, yeah" Roy was this close to breaking his champagne glass but if he learned anything from Y/N, it was to smile through the pain.
"Nice seeing you," Oliver disappeared into the crowd of rich people. Roy sighed with relief. His mood cheered when he saw Y/N walk towards him. She wore a bright smile on her face and seeing that smile made the painful interaction with Oliver so much more worth it.
"Hey, babe. Thank you for being here. I know you hate these things," Y/N pulled him close and inhaled his cologne. Her social battery was almost at zero and she wanted nothing more than to be cuddled on a couch with her boyfriend.
"You're welcome, sweetheart." He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. There was nowhere else he would rather be as long as he was with her.
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celaenaeiln · 9 months
can i know your thoughts on the “typical” nightwing ships (him with wally, roy, slade, kory, babs, apollo/midnighter, etc etc)?
ofc! <333
As a multishipper I literally love almost all of these
The softest ship ever! Reading about them is so cute. All cuddles and snuggles, and full on comfort.
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It's the best friends to lovers trope
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Haven't read about them in a really long while but they used to be my comfort ship. Like these two are so soft each other that they just make me feel warm inside.
Roydick is my spicy birdflash ship. Their chemistry was more heated with them constantly getting into arguements but falling together again. Going back to the comics I realize that Roy hero-worships Dick and that's why they get into so many fights. Roy literally thinks Dick is too perfect
There's this post about them which provides comic panels about Roy constantly comparing himself to Dick
But mostly Roy wants all of Dick. He wants Dick's 100% attention of them and he hates-HATES-that Dick gives everything to Batman. It drives him so mad because he thinks Batman doesn't deserve any of Dick's attention.
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Literally tells Batman- you ain't shit. I feel bad Dick had to deal with you. He doesn't deserve it for all the greatness he is.
Roy wants all of Dick and that's where I ship them including their complicated issues. What makes their relationship so great is their problems. Neither of them will compromise (Dick won't let go of Bruce and Roy won't let go of that issue), but after all the screaming and fighting they still fall back together.
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It's Dick that Roy goes to every time he has to deal with Cheshire.
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>:> hehe
Ollie has the biggest grin on his face XD
Bruh I am so into them.
My post on why they were made for each other
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Slade literally used the steam of Dick's shower to write a message in his bathroom mirror.
I am obsessed with Slade's obsession with Dick.
I love how in one comic Dick is literally just listing everything that's wrong with his life and Deathstroke is just standing there actively listening with his arms crossed.
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He's never gonna give up that apprentice agenda.
When I think of love, they are the epitome of it. I didn't know it was possible to feel love through paper until I saw them. One look at the chemistry is overwhelming.
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"Questions about what's right and what's not, I'll always have them. Questions about my loving you? No! I do. Very much."
Dickkory love is stronger than Dick's moral ethics and Dick's moral ethics?
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I've never seen Dick love anyone as much as he did Kory. There are issues that came up ofcourse. I'm pretty sure there was an anti-alien sentiment among the general public (real life?) that affected them and on top of that the Batman office wanting Dick back so they just ripped him away from the titans and rewrote a whole new love story for them while trashing Kory for it but when the public's reaction and Dick's "he's so perfect everyone wants him so let's play around with love interests for him" aside, they were the king and queen of love.
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What I love about their relationship is Dick loved Kori for who she was, not how she looked. And Kori loved Dick for who he was and not how he looked. On both sides, sometimes all people see of them are their beauty not their personality or strengths or being.
Barbara. The reason I held off on writing this.
My feelings about Barbara are complicated.
She and Dick used to be my OTP. I loved them so much I actually hated Kori for a bit, thinking that Barbara was so much better-when I was solely in the fandom. But oh how the table have turned. Very recently the feather broke the camel's back so my feelings about the two of them have changed.
Long story short, they're better off friends. But my favorite moments come from mostly short haired Barbara comics.
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This Barbara was AWESOME. She was so chill and cool and funny. She would be smart but not in a demeaning way to others.
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Also Batgirl 2000 comic Dickbabs was so sweet (below)
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love them!
I think Midnighter would totally seduce Dick into a frenemies with benefits arrangement. I mean he's halfway there.
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But aside from the usual flirting, Midnighter really, really, REALLY respects Dick's fight skills. I'm sure you've seen the panels of that already but since posts have a 30 image limit I'mma skip over that to the other reason: his greater-that-meta-human tenacity. Things and circumstances that take out metahumans, Dick surpasses through sheer will power and dedication.
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So I mostly ship Dick/Midnighter but Apollo would probably join in too at some point.
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Never getting over how John-I don't do things I don't have to-Constantine saved someone because their body was hot and and their butt looked good. But later on in the comic he talks about how cool he was and what he describes Dick as is when asked about him is:
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His relationship with Tiger is AWESOME!!
It reminds me of his batman Dick relationship with Damian. Snarky and affectionate.
I ran out of image space :'0
But Dick basically gets Tiger-Spyral's number 1 and most loyal spy-to abandon the agency they work for, turn coat, and hunt them down to burn the oragnization into the ground instead. They're literally so funny. I loved Dick and Damian's cute banter and Tiger is just Damian aged up but meaner lol.
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lothirielswandc · 1 year
Superman & Batman
Bruce Wayne: You're really asking us that question?
Clark Kent: I think it’d be nice to have Raven as a daughter in-law. 
Bruce Wayne: You can't have her, Kent. She’s too cool. And she fits our aesthetic better.
Clark Kent: You’re Batman: you literally adopt everybody. You tried to adopt Barry once. And you already have Kory, you can't take Raven, too!
Bruce Wayne: She’s already hitting it off with our villains.
Clark Kent: Raven and Luthor could get along; they both meditate and share a genuine disgust towards people.
Bruce Wayne: I can already hear the future screams ringing out from that scenario. 
Nightwing & Starfire
Dick Grayson: Yeah, Damian’s just a more decent human being around Rachel, so...you know. 
Koriand'r: You know, if I married you, and Raven married Damian, we could both have a double wedding AND we’d be sister in-laws. *gasps* We could take one of those family photos on the beach together, where we’re all in the white shirts and denim and we’re jumping! Wouldn't that be so amazing? 
Raven & Superboy
Rachel Roth: Um…
Conner Kent: You're really being put on the spot here.
Rachel Roth: I am. 
Conner Kent: I can make a suggestion, if you like, milady.
Rachel Roth: Thanks...milord. *shakes head and bites back a smile*
Poison Ivy & Zatanna
Poison Ivy: Ugh, it's such a hard decision! Raven and Robin have so much in common—and if Raven started dating him, she could stay in Gotham more. But Superboy has a much sweeter personality.
Zatanna Zatara: I know! And they’re both so good-looking.
Poison Ivy: Oh yeah, they’re heart throbs.
Zatanna Zatara: If I were a teenage girl, I would probably be obsessed with them.
Poison Ivy: Creepy, but relatable. Who would you choose, then?
Zatanna Zatara: Oh boy. Um...I think I would go with Damian. He’s so dark and mysterious. And Raven told me that he lets her cut bagels with his samurai swords.
Poison Ivy: He's a keeper.
Zatanna Zatara: Yep. Plus Conner’s advanced hearing would make me feel so uncomfortable. What if he hears me crunching on potato chips a room over or something? 
Poison Ivy: I don't think I could date someone who could hear everything. 
Harley Quinn & John Constantine
John Constantine: Superboy. He'll be easier to kill if he breaks my kid’s heart.
Harley Quinn: Aww. Dad goals. 
John Constantine: And he’s nice and all...also it would really piss off Clarky to have a closer relationship with me. 
Harley Quinn: So, basically, Team Superboy for revenge and spite. I LOVE it! 
Cyborg & Shazam
Billy Batson: Team Jacob :D
Victor Stone: Dude. No. 
Beast Boy & Blue Beetle
Garfield Logan: You know, I actually used to have a HUGE crush on Raven.
Jaime Reyes: Seriously? Wow, it's hard to imagine the two of you together. Is this the hidden ship? It would be super weird if, after all of this, she ended up with you.
Garfield Logan: HAHAHAHAHAHA......yeah.
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ravensvirginity · 2 months
I think Titans #10 actually exemplifies a lot of what has weakened about Raven's character over the years. Take this panel:
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This would be shocking if NTT Raven said it! Her pacifism is so well established that this would be an immediate glaring red flag that something is wrong with her! It is meant to be out of character for her here, as this is her demon side speaking, but it loses a lot of impact because there has been no attention paid to Raven's pacifism. We don't even know if she's even meant to be from Azarath in this current run.
Because they've distanced themselves so much from Raven's original backstory and vital parts of her characterization, this moment falls flat. While what she did (cutting her brother's arm off) is more brutal than her usual attack style, there's been nothing in this run to suggest she shies away from offensive attacks. It's not even particularly egregious by superhero standards: he's a demon, and we can assume his arm will grow back or otherwise be magically healed, and he was threatening a lot of people when she attacked him. It's even less dramatic than NTT's ongoing conflict of Kory thinking the Titans should kill their enemies and everyone else having a more merciful approach.
Then there's the distancing of actual Raven (I refuse to call her Rachel) from anything her demon side does. She's literally imprisoned in a gem. It isn't even her body committing these evil acts. A lot of the impact in the original Terror of Trigon arc is that it really is Raven doing all this; Raven, who's been worn down for years both in universe and out of it, finally snapping and becoming a villain.
This, in contrast, has about as much impact as if Trilogy was the main villain of this story. I do like the angle this comic is going of having demon Raven pretending to still be her normal self among the Titans, but having normal Raven be a physical separate person who's in magic prison really weakens it. It's not as far as I can tell that it's meant to be a trapped aspect of her soul, it seems like she's just an entirely separate person from her evil self. Demon Raven even calls normal Raven her sister.
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It's meant to be more figurative (at least I sure hope it is) but it just drives in how severe the degree of separation between normal Raven and demon Raven has gotten. Nothing about this story would change if demon Raven was Raven's shapeshifting half-sister. Contrasted to something like Terror of Trigon, where Raven being the same person, just corrupted into something unrecognizable, is so central to the entire plot and theme, it feels a lot cheaper and less impactful.
I just think this arc could be so much better without the weird complete division of Raven and demon Raven as separate people. Instead of having both Raven and demon Raven be physically separate people, they could've still gone with the gem thing as a sort of projection in Raven's mind, with her good side locked up in it. They still share the same body, it's just different aspects of her soul fighting each other.
I don't hate this story, but it's frustrating because it feels like it could be so much better if just more care was put into it. I wish there was more time to show the Titans' friendship, so the betrayal of Raven siding with her father could be more devastating. I wish they'd paid more attention to Raven's pacifism earlier, so this issue would actually be jarring. I'm interested in Trilogy, but they haven't shown us enough of him to really get any feel for his personality and motivations other than a vague jealousy over Raven being Trigon's favorite. Hopefully more will be revealed in the future, but with the way this comic has been going so far I'm not too hopeful.
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sleepingontheclouds · 1 month
i did a rant for Jason, now I’m doing a rant for my favorite superhero and occasionally morally grey person <3
I’m going to put a trigger warning here and now for the majority of this post. Discussing Dick Grayson for me means talking about very sensitive moments for his character, I will be mentioning and talking about some non-consensual events that happened to him in certain comic canons and one underage event. Please if this can/will trigger you, click off or skim over the parts where I mention it. I will highlight the parts where I actively speak about situations like that in red. Thank you.
I’ve watched to season 3 of Titans so far and I just gotta say, Dick’s character got a downgrade and an upgrade. Let me elaborate.
Firstly, I love what the writers did and how they characterized the boy wonder in season one. He was an authority figure, a protector. Literally the first time we are introduced to Robin and the first time we see Dick in the Robin suit, he’s brutalizing child abusers.
Throughout the entire first season there are multiple instances of Dick being very protective towards children and very aggressive with people he believes to hurt children.
In a later episode of season one, Dick tracks down a man with Kori after Rachel runs away with Gar. Once he realizes that the man has seen Rachel, let alone in the woods, he immediately goes into attack mode. At that point he believed that Rachel was alone, he didnt know about Gar and he didn’t know that she was with anyone. He punches the man and starts asking if he did anything to her, he goes protective and is very close to breaking that guys nose before his daughter runs out of her room and sees what’s going on, making Dick stop.
Personally, I loved that aspect of his character. It’s not only foreshadowing at the fact that he’s going to become an older brother, I personally think it also hints at a very traumatic event that happened to him in the comics.
It made me so sad to see him lose that aspect of himself after season one. I suppose the overprotective violence faded along side his other more regular violence.
I loved his violent characterization throughout the first two seasons, it really helps understand his character and him as a person.
In the first season, whenever he’s wearing the Robin suit he’s physically incapable of stopping himself from getting too violent, no matter how much he may want to without the costume on.
He stabs people, breaks peoples noses, nearly makes people bleed out, stomps peoples faces in, everything under the sun except kill them. That’s the whole reason he left Gotham, that’s the whole reason he held a grudge against Bruce in season one.
The journey we go through with Dick in season two is an amazing depiction of his character.
The literal order of events just screams mental breakdown to me and the episodes following made me think he had a psychological break, then we find out that he’s just like that.
The events go like this. First Dick starts seeing hallucinations of his father figure which he hates and that’s apparently just a normal thing that happens in Dick’s day to day life? Then he goes Robin mode, hurting a man he used to work with because he’s annoyed with the hallucination of his father. Then he goes to a dance club and nearly kills a man that works with Slade because he has a secret he needs to hide?? Then his traumatized nineteen year old brother tries to kill himself and what does Dick do? He trauma dumps all over Jason hoping that it’ll make him feel better and not want to die. (It doesn’t) then everyone he loves leaves him. He then decides to go visit the mother of the kid he thinks he got killed and finds himself talking to Slade. My guy then books a flight across the world because the fucking assassin with one eye who killed his own son said that he needed to repent by being in isolation?? You know what this dude does instead of going to Japan like he’s supposed to? He assaults two police officers to get himself seven years in jail. You know who he doesn’t tell? Gar. The teenager he left in charge of watching Superman’s clone with no other orders than, ‘call Bruce if he wakes up’ when he knows Bruce will not answer.
Then the dude breaks these gang members out of jail so they don’t get deported, that gets him thrown in solitary. You know what he does in solitary? Hallucinates his dad, fights him in his imagination, and then breaks out of jail.
When Dick eventually grows into his own person after all that insanity, when he becomes Nightwing— he forgives Bruce. It’s another aspect about his characterization that I love. Dick is forgiving, in a good and bad way, until he isn’t.
Dick doesn’t care what people do to him, it’s one of his biggest flaws. He lets himself get hurt over and over again and he just takes it. He lets his peers absolutely bash him and openly hate him, but he’s always still there for them. He always still supports them.
He knows Bruce turned him into a weapon, but he still went back. He went back and tried to ignore everything and forget about all the awful things Bruce did to him. He never directly talks to Bruce about it, sure he’s passive aggressive during [redacted’s] funeral dinner in season 2 but he never actually talks about anything.
The only time he snaps at Bruce is after Jason dies.
After his brother, who he didn’t treat like a brother, dies, he’s trying to cope. Everyone is. He knows Bruce copes in a different way and he respects it, what he doesn’t respect is the fact that Bruce is trying to rope in another child to be Robin. He’s trying to replace Jason right after he dies. That’s when Dick loses his temper.
Even after everything, it takes someone else being hurt for Dick to speak his mind. He never really stands up for himself, he stands up for other people and bottles in his emotions.
In the comics, Dick is much similar. He bottles up his emotions until he physically can’t.
He’s always trying to be happy, even Nightwing isn’t serious. For Bruce, Batman is a way to let out his true self. Batman is the real Bruce, Bruce Wayne is the mask he hides behind.
It’s exactly the opposite for Dick. Dick Grayson is the caring older brother who has no trauma and exists to help, Nightwing is the funny vigilante, he’s the protector of Blüdhaven who cracks jokes and never breaks a smile while fighting. Either way, Dick just trades in one mask for another.
The only times it’s genuinely him, is when he’s at his most vulnerable. When he isn’t around his family, his brothers, Bruce. That’s when the real him can come out, his real genuine emotions.
In a certain comic run that I’m unsure if it’s still canon or not, Dick gets assaulted. It’s before he has his facade, it’s right when it’s starting to develop. He’s sixteen.
Dick gets in a horrible fight with Bruce, it results in him either running away or getting kicked out, either way he isn’t with Bruce. The sixteen year old is left to fend for himself, then a 21 year old woman who’s targeting Wayne enterprises comes along.
She manipulates Dick and takes advantage of him (along with her husband I think) all to get to Bruce.
He never talks about it.
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Percy,Miles and Jason are very important to me as the 'los tres amigos' trope because it's exactly a dynamic that fits and benefits all three of them
Miles is a soft sunshine boy who's clearly trans and autistic and a troubled kid so Percy would date adopt him as her little brother within three days TOPS of knowing him like she does every other character like that she meets in canon and Jason and her are the perfect setup for her classic enemies to frenemies due to being forced to work together to ride or die best friends she had with Thalia,Clarisse,Zoe and more and Miles is so sweet but has the same mouth running she does and Jason shares it too but he's got the same mean attitude she does so it's a perfect balance and she's got nothing to do with Bruce because they met straight after Utrh as a metaphor for Jason letting Bruce go for people he actually needs and wants and she ends up being part kryptonian because of old Jackson interdimensional shenanigans so Clark's her new dad instead of Poseidon's deadbeat ass and she can actually enjoy the revelation after processing it because it's a Sally thing
Miles never gets included in crossovers despite his whole franchise being about interdimensional hoping and making platonic soulmates along the way and the most recent installment having him break canon word for word because he knows better and i think we all know WHY the DC fandom obsessively ignores him despite their famous motto and why him and Percy have zero content together despite all their parallels but as someone who's read everything Jason's in and watched and played most of his adaptions and games,i know for a fact he's the only male superhero Jason would instantly like and that Miles would be fond of him back and there's good angst and darker storylines potential with Jason not outright telling him what he does for a living and the leadup and aftermath to the reveal and Percy being willing to kill too from the start makes things all the more interesting and on a lighter note,they'd give him special treatment 24/7 and initially only stick to eachother for his sake and their influence makes him tougher and more self-confident and he gets a Blue Lantern ring and Apollo's Blessing out of pure awe at his sheer artistic talent and love for his craft
And Jason gets an actual legit canon team,something DC has NEVER given him the grace of and yeah that's a pun but fr his and Artemis' dynamic and her lore remixes are literally the only good thing to come out Rhato.Instead of the Roy and Kory fuckery,Jason gets Miles,who he genuinely likes as a person and loves hanging out with and he fumbles sometimes but is good older brother at the end of the day and Miles makes him be good again without even trying just like he does pretty much everybody he interacts with that's got some fucked up shit going on and Percy,who's allowed to be not just a female lead but a trans woman one and is on equal grounds with him because again,he actually likes who she is and loves spending time with her inspite of their bickering and Miles and Percy get powerUPS instead of powerDOWNED and are allowed to be just as their own as him instead of walking talking props that aren't even good for him,much less him them.Also,Spider Mutant Jason that ended up that way because of constant exposure to Miles' spiderperson dna + Lazarus Pit dna + Middle name is deadass 'Peter' and he learns how to make special greek mythos items for backup
It's such a random ass crossover on the surface but there's a reason it's and they're called The Anomalies!!!They're supposed to be weird,not fuckass sanatized fandom tropes,they're supposed to find home in eachother,they're supposed to be stories told in the form of characters and sick as fuck powers and layered jokes and wholesome cheesiness that feels genuine because it IS genuine on my part and everybody else i've gotten into it has the same feelings on them i do!!!!Call me Odysseus the way i care them so much🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾
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pluckyredhead · 11 months
Red Hood and the Outlaws #1 (2011)
It's been a while since I've read RHATO, so I figured I'd reread it - and if I'm doing that, why not make you all suffer with me? I will probably get tired of this before I finish all the various series, but let's see how far we get.
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Roy, that would probably work better if your bow had a string.
The issue begins with Roy in a prison in Qurac for trying to overthrow a dictator. He's rescued by Jason, in disguise as a pastor in a fat suit (sigh). There's so much wrong with these opening pages: the fat suit, the writing off an entire Middle Eastern nation as evil and corrupt, the fact that there's no way even a collapsed bow would fit inside a hollowed-out bible, the lazy way the panel layouts waste space...and yet. And yet.
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These pages. THESE FUCKING PAGES. "His name is Roy Harper. He's an idiot. Nice guy, but an idiot." "His name is Jason Todd. A lot of people say he's crazy...Let's just say the Red Hood is my kind of crazy!"
This kind of parallel narration always makes me think of the 2003 Superman/Batman comic, which used it extensively, to extremely (and likely unintentionally?) homoerotic effect. After I read this issue, I told a friend that I got it now: Red Hood and the Outlaws was Superman/Batman for edgelords.
Which is to say, I'm pretty sure I started shipping these assholes just from these first terrible pages.
(But seriously, there are three pages up there and only five panels. Five panels! Plus some pointless maroon boxes that don't do anything! I want my money back.)
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This panel is super misleading, because it implies that Roy and Jason know each other well enough for Jason to tease Roy about being a chatterbox, but later issues will show that barely know each other at this point. But then, trying to keep the backstories straight in this or any Lobdell book is like watching sand run out between your fingers.
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And again here, it implies that they were already friends, a team, partners...something. But later we'll learn that they only met once, and it was years ago, when they were kids, so...what gives?
(This page is actually interesting, because Jason is constantly saying playfully mean things to Roy and Roy never seems to mind, but here he clearly hurts Roy, and he knows it.)
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To add insult to injury, Jason immediately announces that he's fucked Kori. You'll notice I aggressively ignore this in every fic I've ever written. Part of that is because I love Secret Virgin Jason, but also it just doesn't mesh with his and Kori's relationship throughout the rest of the series or his hilarious lack of game in general, and it's also so inextricably part of Amnesiac Sex Doll Kori that I just want nothing to do with it.
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HATE. HAAAAAATE. The devious smile on Jason's face in the bottom row and Roy's calculating expression are so deeply disgusting to me. "This woman can't meaningly consent! She's like a cave fish with a vagina! Sweet!" Scott Lobdell is a vile human being and so is everyone who signed off on this piece of shit. (Fun fact: this was a HUGE controversy when the New 52 launched and the outcry was so loud they walked it back in a later issue when Kori tells Roy she...just lied about all of that for no reason? Okay.)
Also, "ask her about the gang you used to hang with." Uh...what gang is that, Jason? Because Donna didn't exist at this point, Wally was 12, Garth was a literal baby, Vic joined the League immediately upon getting his powers, and Gar was a child being tortured in a lab somewhere. So was it just Roy, Dick, and Raven? And they certainly weren't the Titans, because Tim's team was the founders in this continuity...which Lobdell should have known, since he was also writing that book.
The person asking to speak to Jason is Essence, his ex, who tells him something cryptic about murder victims with missing organs.
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YOU DON'T KNOW MOST OF THOSE PEOPLE EITHER, ROY!!! "Remember Garth? The baby?" (Literally, he is a baby who shows up for one panel. In Atlantis.) And who the fuck is Dustin?
Anyway, Kori propositions Roy and he's like "Sure, why not." Did the target audience actually think this was hot? It's so depressing.
Essence tells Jason that something called the Untitled has attacked something called the All Caste, and Jason makes a surprised Pikachu face.
Elsewhere, a guy in a basement looks at a picture of Kori online.
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I will admit to liking two things about this page: the fact that Jason's helmet is in the nightstand implies that Roy and Kori fucked in Jason's bed, which is either hilariously rude or an invitation that sailed right over Jason's head, and the red hand print on Roy's chest. It's the first glimpse of a recognizable Roy in this book; he did always like getting manhandled by scarily powerful women, pre-Flashpoint.
Jason goes...somewhere, to a temple of sorts with a lot of vague cultural appropriation going on, and kneels over the corpse of an old lady. "I'm sorry I wasn't here for you, Ducra," he says, before a bunch of people attack him. END OF ISSUE!
And that's Red Hood and the Outlaws #1! It's confusing, misogynistic, lazily drawn, and not very funny, and there's no reason to be invested in whatever the fuck happened at the end because I know nothing about Ducra, Essence, the All Caste, or frankly, this version of Jason. And yet I am absolutely going to read nine more years' worth of this shit. See you in issue #2!
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fancyfade · 9 months
Could I trouble you for an extended take on Kory and Dick's NTT relationship?👉👈 Curious after seeing one of your posts.
hmm so I was debating whether to re-read any comics and initially i was gonna say I wasn't, then I did anyway so :P re-read 2 scenes for panels and the whole NTT 28-34/NTT annual 2 b/c I had the scenes where they start dating less in my memory, and have screencaps for it.
Short version: Dick and Kory clearly love each other, but Dick is prioritized by the narrative as the only one Marv is interested in exploring the internal strife of, and often by the fandom as well. Kory is viewed as Dick's gf before she is viewed as a person. In terms of their actual relationship, they are not super great for each other, and have incompatible needs -- Kory is pretty needy, Dick is BAD at dealing with this I see people be like 'oh she taught him to be emotionally free' or w/e but a) she didn't, not really, all she did was take his repression and jerkyness when he was dishing it out and b) not your job to fix your BF. Especially since in canon like I said she doesn't really 'fix' or change him, she just... deals with him being condescending to her and locking her out when he gets mad or angsty, she deals with him telling her she's too much and too bloodthirsty, then she lashes out sometimes as he does.
Long version:
anyway. So. Narratively, Dick is treated as the focal character in the DickKory ship. Marv is obviously way more into Dick's internal strife than Kory's. An especially egregrious example is when after Kory has been kidnapped and tortured for 5 days by the people who enslaved her as a child, the main focus of Dick and Kory's dialogue after that is... Dick saying he's not emotionally open because of Batman, and where their relationship is going. And for disclaimers: this is not a criticism of Dick's character, because it's clearly intended to be read as something Kory's fine with here... it's a criticism of the way Marv frames the two (though there will be some criticisms of Dick in this post :P This one is not)
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The New Teen Titans #26
Anyway so :P there's a reason I did this scene different when I wrote it in my fic (link) and I was like huh I like these two dorks so much better together now.
Anyway, so let's fast forward a minute. There are 2 issues Dick and Kory are dating for during which not much happens, then like.. literally. the next issue, first scene:
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The new Teen Titans #28
anyway, so dick's isolating himself more, wearing himself down, we see an angsty scene in which he is working out DETERMINEDLY to try to get as good as batman (if you believe donna) and she is trying to get him to talk but he doesn't. which again - this (not wanting to talk about his feelings) isn't really a flaw on dick's part; I think part of the frustration of Dick and Kory's relationship is that I relate a lot to Dick and see lots of what i do in him XD like he wants to be alone, kory thinks this means she did something wrong.
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like I am sorry kory i love you but HOW did you get "you'd rather I awsn't here" out of "I like to be alone sometimes"
Anyway, Donna is worried about Kory because Kory is very hung up on Dick pushing himself and not being as available now. Like. Right after the characters start dating, there is a lot of focus on Kory being miserable because of Dick* and I'm like. why is there such a focus on that if the writers want us to actually like seeing these characters together? and like. the writer marv clearly does care a lot more about kory being dick's GF than about her outside of that. There's some good analysis on her character and their relationship here (link)
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NTT Annual 2
anyway so dick is acting emotionally distant and kory is taking it personally, he also gets possessive when Roy hits on her**
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New Teen Titans #29
Like yes, Kory is insecure and thinks Dick is mad at her because of her issues... but he also does sometimes act mad at her!
Dick also may love kory, but he does not really trust her
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NTT #30
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NTT 31
he's also generally pretty dismissive of her. like... how is kory asking aout raven any different from you doing so dick? get over yourself. and why does he leap to assuming she'll do something stupid in the crowd situation? like he in general later in the comics is consistently un-easy with her 'lust for blood' or w/e even though she never kills anyone
anyway, he kind of apologizes but not really - which characterize dicks apologies here. first we had 'i've been acting like an ass but you don't understand what it was like being raised by batman' now it's 'i've been treating you wrong but you don't get this earth custom'. like the apology is always followed by an excuse.
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NTT 31
like yeah i prefer to be left alone when things are going bad too dick! That doesn't make it OK to condescend your girlfriend and get possessive of her!
(also his apology does not result in changed behavior. right after this he ignores kory again)
anyway. so that is the very first full plotline where Dick and Kory are dating, and the issues do go on the back burner but they resurface eventually. the closer we get to terror of trigon the more dick seems wary of kory's 'bloodlust' and she feels as if he is asking her to change who she is. She feels constrained in their relationship.
We get more issues pop up later on after this. Dick is EXTREMELY condescending and bitter and xenophobic to Kory during the Tamaran wedding plotline, where Kory is being pressured into a political marriage to save her planet from civil war. He takes it as a personal affront. And later, it's revealed that Dick was acting bitchy because Brother Blood Brainwashing*** but like... he doesn't really act all that different with kory after he's unbrainwashed? I guess maybe he's less overtly aggressive, but he still has clear resentments towards the situation she was forced into, no perspective.
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New Teen Titans (1984) #34
Dick and Kory are broken up at this time, which is honestly pretty good for them. Dick clearly has a ton of resentments for Kory, and she is giving him no space and thinks if she can just love him enough she can restart the relationship. But like. Kory. He doesn't want to be in a relationship with you at the moment take a hint.
However, since Marv wants the two to get back together, we have this scene (still in the second NTT series #34)
Anyway, Then Dick goes out thinking about how he still loves Kory and sees a man committing domestic violence
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This is how Dick perceives the domestic violence
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a "Dispute"????? Really dick?
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Anyway, the guy is blabbering about how his GF made him hurt her because she cheated on him, Dick is like "You know that's bullshit", but then this is the resolution:
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So just as a recap: Dick saw a man who was going to kill his girlfriend for cheating on him, and thought "Well he loves his GF and seems to regret it, so I'll leave him here with her after I take his gun, surely this will end happily".
(Also he clearly relates to the man and projects his and Kory's problems on them -- where do you even start with this. Do you want to kill Kory, Dick? Do you perceive her being pressured into an arranged marriage to stop her planet from civil war as cheating on you?)
Anyway. I'm not saying people have to perceive this as IC for Dick. I think it's stupid, and if Marv wasn't clearly assuming this situation was conveying a "love conquers all" thing, then Dick probably would've arrested the guy.
So recap:
I perceive their relationship as being a not-super-healthy one in which Kory gives more than Dick, though Dick doesn't ask her to give as much as she does. It makes Kory feel bad, like she's being restrained and useless and she did something wrong. It's that way straight from the get-go, and when Dick is brainwashed and when he is not brainwashed. Dick acts selfishly, and does not understand Kory's situation with her planet (the complex political situation, doesn't like her having tamaranean morals even though she doesn't kill people on earth, her just saying she would be OK with it is something he hates) and generally focuses on himself when he apologizes rather than on her, and it does not result in changed behavior. He is not initially willing to break up with her when a dealbreaker situation arises (her marrying Karras politically), he just acts angrier and angrier at first then I guess eventually they break up. Kory doesn't accept the breakup, she wants to get back together even though he doesn't want to, because she wants love to solve everything and she still loves him and he still loves her. I see people blame bad writing and the wedding being aborted by demon raven crashing it for the dickkory breakup, but like... they were broken up before Dick proposed. They only got back together when Dick proposed. Their relationship was petering out since kory married Karras, they had a brief renaissance spurred on by Dick realizing he still loved Kory via seeing a man want to commit domestic violence on his gf.
I'm not sure if this gave you the recap of their relationship you were thinking about but ... yeah those are my thoughts as far as I can condense-ify them. I think they have the potential to be a cute couple, and they clearly are very important to each other, but that Kory gets the short end of the stick writing wise and from Dick and she does better without him.
*notice I said because of Dick, not that it's his fault - I think some of this is due to Kory's own issues. Some of it is due to his actions, as we'll see later tho.
**which I don't think is OOC to previous stuff, because when she was in another relationship and he was not jealous, they weren't dating and hadn't been dating so... that doesn't really prove that he wouldn't be possessive/jealous
***1 of the most frustrating parts of NTT is Dick's ambiguous brainwashing, which is retconned to be like. 'he was brainwashed since issue 20 something and nothing bad he ever did is his fault'. it's terrible terrible writing.
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katmaatui · 8 months
WAIT i forgot if i asked or not but. ARISIA for the ask game!
First impression
The first I heard of her was someone going ugh that that plot with Hal and Arisia is so gross and I didn't really know what it was and was concerned to check it out.
Impression now
She's so interesting!!!! She's so deep and complex and I love her so much. She thinks that she's not worthy of being a green lantern, she wants to be trusted, she wants to be worthy. She's a model, she's great and complex and she's grown so much, she's so ahh. She's almost my favorite gl character and that's a very impressive achievement given me and hal.
Favorite moment
Probably this particular panel
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This is my favorite panel of her I think. This is the culmination of the halarisia plot where she realizes she deserves so much better than Hal. She's a model, she has her own money, she doesn't deserve someone who yells at her, who doesn't treat her right. She's worth more and she realizes that and I love it so much.
Idea for a story
I have a lot of a thoughts on her. My biggest one is an deconstruction of what happened, maybe having her preboot and postboot characters being two different people who have to meet and deal with what happens, postboot Arisia is horrified at what happens and preboot Arisia saved herself but she's so alone, none of the other gls stood up to her and several fought to be with her (the kilowog has a crush on arisia plot exists and it is horrible) and I just want to see it actually acknowledged what happens and what it means for her.
Another idea I have is her becoming Ion because glc literally said she was going to be Ion and then got passed up for Sodam Yat and I hate that so her becoming Ion and super powerful rotates in the back of my head.
Unpopular opinion
Oh um. No one thinks of her out of that relationship which like I don't like Englehart's breakup, but the action comics run and through a bit of rewriting could be salvaged on her in (I mean not on everyone else's but whatever).
Favorite relationship
Ummmm I really love her friendship with Kilowog. The panel where she learns about Kilowog's death....
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Favorite headcanon
She still models sometimes! Also she meets Kory at a modeling thing and they bond over being alien models <333
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roseworth · 1 year
Opinions on Rose's Ravager outfits? Personally I always feel like she gets screwed over when it comes to outfits. I thought her original outfit was bland, but I'd rather have that than the weird pirate motif DC keeps putting onto her now.
HEAD IN HANDS i just wrote a whole response to this with details of every single one of her costumes then i pressed the wrong button and accidentally deleted ALL OF IT im gonna cry. so im sorry if i forget something because this is the second time im writing this whole thing :(((((
anyways overall i agree her costumes are usually bad. they either dont really fit her vibe or theyre boring or they have way too much going on. there are only a handful that i actually consider Good and most of them are really bad or just kinda nothing
but i put under the cut what i think of all of them:
original costume: BAD
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this one falls into the bland category and its just.... not good. like the boob window is so unnecessary, i dont like the mask, and the colors are so nothing, and every detail sucks. i like the boots tbh but other than that. bad.
the same costume but different: better
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i like this because it takes some of the good aspects of the other one and keeps them, but then makes it all a lil brighter and gives some more orangey accents. i wish she didnt have the mask at all, i hate it. but when she does have the mask i prefer it when her hair is sticking out the bottom, i dont like it when its all tucked in like in the first pic
the same costume without the mask: <3
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im counting this as its own costume just because in the middle of teen titans she goes a while just not wearing the mask at all <3 its so disappointing when she puts it back on after going a bit without it
ok. new 52 time :/
NOWHERE fits: so fucking awful
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technically not even ravager outfits but still. everyone point and laugh. the white and green does NOT look good on her and both of these costumes look terrible. especially the first one bc what the fuck is going on with that skirt thing
the ravagers: unfortunate serve
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i fucking love this costume, i think this is actually one of my favorites of hers. i think it combines costume + armor really well, and i think that the color scheme really suits her. the art in this book was so fucking pretty and she looked so good every time she showed up. the unfortunate part was every other aspect of this book :/
her worst look: literally fucking terrible no redeeming qualities
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girl take that shit off right fucking now i cant be seen with you wearing this. there is not a single part of this fit that looks good. i said the color scheme looked good in the last costume bc the red was kept to accents. there is so much red going on here and thats FAR from the worst part. lets go from head to toe. that mask is literally a travesty, i dont know who thought it was a good idea. the weird collar thing she has going on is so????? then she has the skulls on her shoulder pads, which are bad enough on their own. and why does she have a bazooka on her back. and why does she only have a skull on one knee?????? this is a fucking mess. kory attacks her on sight in this book and i fully believe its because this costume is so ugly she couldnt hold herself back. um. i like the fingerless gloves though i guess
rebirth: hesitant slay...
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i hate the mask but other than that its?? fine???? this one used to be my favorite but i dont really like it as much anymore, idk why. i think its trying too hard to be armor and casual at the same time and ends up not looking good. i hate this mask soooo much though, i think the weird thing going on with her eyes makes this the second worst mask behind whatever was going on in the last one. and like you said i think this one relies too much on the pirate motif??? like i appreciate the reference to the eyepatch i guess but i would rather they just give her an eyepatch. like the skulls and the pirate thing seems way out of place and doesnt fit her vibe or the outfits vibe at all and it just looks weird. but other than that this look is. Fine.
defiance: eh
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this one isnt technically ravager either but its still a rose costume so im rating it. its very ,,,, fine. like i dont have any problems with it but there isnt anything i particularly like about it. the whole point of the white costumes in this arc was because they were supposed to look wrong and out of place and all so i cant fault it for that, but theres just not really anything going on here its fine for what it is and thats all i can really say about it
willow: SLAY &lt;3 <3
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i love this one, probably another one of my favorites. once again the black with red accents suits her so well. and the artist draws it so it doesnt even seem that horny despite the fact that its a lace up crop top and booty shorts <3 she looks so nice and i love the fit thats my girl (gn) ❣️❣️
stormwatch: yeah &lt;3
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two screenshots just to point out the fact that she changes costumes halfway through this issue and i want to bully her for it. but this one is nice, its really simple but i think it works, plus shes drawn like an actual adult instead of a 15 year old so i cant complain <3 the skull imagery is very small and doesnt seem to piratey so i still dont love it but i forgive it. this costume is pretty good and i like it overall, its one of her better costumes
and yeah <3 i hope i didnt forget any but uh rose babygirl we have got to get you better costumes. i think the best color for her would be like a reddish orange bc i like the red for her but the orange is kind of Her Color (even though its only because of slade) and i think she should never wear that mask
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disco-troy · 10 months
Titans Knight Terrors 1
The first issue of Night Terrors doesn't really give us a lot to sink our teeth into, but it has some interesting comparisons that could be more interesting in future issues down the line.
Though this plotline is wrapped up fairly quickly, thoughout the story we see the titans go through a form of loss of identity and transformation into monsters based on this loss. This is interesting because these titans have all had struggles with identity that vary and they've never been able to be foils to each other. This allows us to contrast the way titans struggle with their sense of identity.
Vic loses his humanity - becomes a shell of himself. He loses his bodily autonomy and his sense of self that he's afraid of losing. While I will say I find this theme for Vic overused in general, it is true that it is a central theme of his character (and especially on the bodily autonomy side something which he deserves to have affirmed for himself)
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Donna fractures into her many selves and identities. She's had to live with her story literally changing around her, being erased and reinvented such that it becomes impossible to know where lies the truth.
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Kory.... (i am reaching for this one I am aware). the things in pods are could be other tamarans. its about Kory reflecting on her sister and the role shes had in tamarans downfall. by existing shes stopping kom from having the childhoos she should have had, by not being a proper "princess" shes abandoning her people, and even tho she did everything her parents wanted even being a slave it wasn't enough Tamaran was still destroyed.
This can tie into identity issues - Kory's fear of not being nor Tamaranian nor human enough - shes too much of a monster to be human, and too much of an outsider to be Tamaranian. She's holding them back.
"all that she is" is a monster for humans standing in the way of a better Tamaran
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And finally Gar, with his "I've watched too many episodes of TMNT" look, takes his shapeshifting to the extreme. With a power that allows changes to appearances Gar has struggled with some of his more powerful and frightening versions. He's changed physical appearance a lot
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I will say kinda disappointed in the look. Personally really prefer the throw up monster ntt look, would have served the horror aspect way better.
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At the end of the day, a mysterious lady with a mirror is able to send each titan back to their regular outward appearance.
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They are able to reflect (pun intended) on what it was like losing their identities, losing themselves in a monster.
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Now, the mirror though an interesting metaphor - allowing the titans to perceive themselves from the outside instead of the idenity being lost as it was profoundly internalized. However it still lacks narrative depth as it takes just a glance into the mirror for the titans to solve their problems (its a 2 issue arc I guess they didn't have much time)
And there are still interesting ways to tie back in and explore the struggles each titan has with their identity in the future issues, such as having the mirror only be a temporary solution, and the titans needing to themselves through the other titans eyes.
Something that is also I hope the mysterious woman is revealed to be another form of Donna to tie back into the idea of ego death and the need for Donna to reconcile who she is, or maybe raven so we can get a black haired raven again (please dc). I think most likely she would be the spirit of the actual tower since that's been teased a bit.
Overall I wish these ideas had actually been explored more, as the mirror, though interesting for symbolism provided no more insight into each titans mental state. Not having Raven and/or Joey in this issue is also a major oversight because those two have so much capacity to be foils to each other and to the themes presented. Who thinks themselves more of a monster than raven?
It could have been nice to explore each of the themes in one of the three issues. I would have done a Donna-Joey parallel (too many fighting forms of identity) a Gar-Vic parallel (powers losing identity) and finally a Kory-Raven parallel (self loathing and isolation due to being the only one of a kind).
That being said I hope the next few issues of titans are able to dig more into what has been set up in this issue!
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simpingforblackfire · 4 months
I was thinking about it and if I was in like the DC universe and like involved with superheroes somehow I just know I genuinely fear for the person I would become because there are so many out of this world (sometimes literally) beautiful women like I just know I would turn into the biggest pick me.
Like you'd catch me shoving batman out of the way just to talk to Catwoman, like holy fuck that woman is a fineeee type of fineee, like we got loads in common I love pussy too yk-
Straight up even if I was like the best of heroes I'd probably be kicked out of the Justice League the way I'd be trying to instigate fights between Diana and Bruce to hinder and chance of something developing like "You're just such a natural born leader you know it should really be you and if I were you I'd spend my time more around people who appreciate that about you- you don't need Batman all he is is a rich guy with a lot of angst and a goth wardrobe. You can find all those qualities at an expensive mime show"
Don't get me started on Blackfire like the way I'd be an absolute simp like if I was with the teen titans or whatever when she was coming down to Earth acting like a menace I'd be like "no you guys I'll fight her, you just don't understand her like I do you know"
Barbara Gordon- straight up ignoring the presence of Nightwing because excuse me that is the Barbara Gordon. He acc doesn't deserve her or Kori anyway I could treat them both so much better. "Are you okay babe you look a little sad? I don't want to get between you or Dick or anything but it just seems like he doesn't pick up on these things. Just know you can always come to me I'll always be there for you"
I would probably be responsible for Superman murdering someone the way I'd be chatting up Lois Lane like "he just goes off and disappears all the time I mean if that were me with you I'd respect your time you know I'm just saying"
Like I would be the most universally disliked character the way I'd be such a pick me lol
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celaenaeiln · 6 months
I don't wanna complain about what other people love to them but I ended up reading New Order yesterday after seeing your recommendations and... Honestly, I didn't vibe with it and I wanted to see what you think? The entire premise seems flawed to use Dick of all people for (and his attitude through it is just... way beyond regular asshole Grayson), I'm tired of DC giving Kory children but taking her away from them, yet another "let's ruin Dick and Kory" adventure is going on and it's just... Rushed. Especially the ending where it pulls a teen movie that's like "DAVE ENDED UP MAJORING IN LAW AFTER HIGH SCHOOL AND BECAME A JUDGE" and seems to just skip over so, so much interesting stuff that way.
HOWEVER. I also want to say I can't entirely hate the comic because the dialogue is pretty solid at most points and Jake really is an amazing character with such a great heart. I honestly like him more than Jon Kent.
Honestly I really loved the comic but a couple points you brought up are hitting me hard. The first being Kori. It's getting on my nerves how DC for some reason keeps breaking up Dick and Kori after they've been married and for what? I get why here but in Mar'i's comic? There's literally no reason!!
Secondly I don't believe Kori would just abandon her kid. She gave birth to him, she loves him. Why on earth would she just leave him? Maybe it's because it's DC and they really need to break up Dick and Kori because "dick and barbara are the dream team." Puh-lease.
However I did think it made sense for Dick to be at the center of it all. Dick has always been accepting of superpowers and he even said "I like a woman who break a battleship with her bare hands" when talking about Kori. Which says a lot about what he thinks. But I also believe he would he would eradicate them for one reason - superpowers killed Bruce. And he loves his father.
He also did it to save the world and it's unarguable that he did and the people loved him for it. He has the capability to both destroy the league and rebuild the world and this comic is just proving that which is why I don't think there's anything wrong with Dick.
As for his stubbornness, maybe! Honestly at this point I'll accept anything about any character unless it's wildly inaccurate. I don't know if Dick is a jerk or not because my impression of his jerk levels have been obliterated by the Cassandra Batgirl comics. After reading that literally everything else seems normal. I am struggling so hard to understand what's going on with Dick in those comics. Is it bad writing? Is it the writer? What was he facing during that time that made his act like that? What am I missing? I'm still reeling from that so I'm completely out of it lol. Still too flabbergasted to comprehend so you may be right but my mind has just accepted almost every version of Dick now as long as he stays true to his motivations and acts reasonably.
I really did like the ending but totally understand what you mean. I guess it's because the author didn't want to drag it out and turn it into a whole 500 issue comic so he skipped to the end.
I love, love, LOVE the comic for Jake! Jake and Dick's relationship?? I-I'm ENTHUSED!!! They have the best father and son relationship ever and I'm never getting over the two of them. I like him better than Jon too and Jon's amazing! Jake's just absolutely fantastic!! The best, best, BEST kid ever.
So generally I love the comic but my biggest point of contention is separating Dick and Kori for no reason. Also whatever's going on with Kate was far more distracting than Dick for me lol. But I liked the art and dialogue too and overall I really enjoyed it. Liking comics is just a matter of preference after all ;)
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garchel implications aside ( i am sobbing, i am screaming, i am scared ), what are your thoughts on season 4 from what we've seen / know so far???
it looks like we're getting gar, rachel, & dickkory stories ( which. thank GOD ) so what do you think / want to happen?
also the mother mayhem clip kinda reminded me of your purifaction series ngl
I didn't get to fangirl and analyze right after because it was late and I had to get up early for work but you're giving me a perfect opportunity to gather all my thoughts together in one place, thank you.
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I am choosing to IGNORE any implications of this shot whatsoever until we get a concrete confirmation (and we better not). I hate the dread this one damn picture caused all over the fandom and overshadowed the hype BUT I'm choosing to remain reasonable and not assume the worst. This picks up literally right after S3 so Rachel has been back for what, 2 days? She's allowed to catch up and cuddle with all her family members, something tells me she will be glued to Dick and Kory as much as she is to Gar here. It doesn't need to mean absolutely anything deeper than that.
And if it does, if they are really going to screw us over like that... Well, we have to prepare. Because I am NOT abandoning my babies, I will keep watching the show even if they are going to shove this thing down my throat. I love this family too much to leave it.
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Teagan confirmed this is platonic. We're safe.
Some things we found out before the panel actually made me really excited. First Brenton confirmed some season 1 villains are coming back + at the panel Greg added to this that death isn't an issue in this case, so I'm hoping for Adamson or Angela and The Nuclear Family.
Then Joseph Morgan said this
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And it's REALLY INTERESTING how he only mentions Dick and Rachel specifically. This is giving me hope for some good moments with my father-daughter duo! My mind was overflowing with theories throughout the weekend and if it goes how I'm thinking it might go, it's going to be absolutely GLORIOUS.
(I wish they didn't waste half the panel on talking about Lex and actually discussed Brother Blood instead but it is what it is)
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Everything Ryan said about Gar's trauma coming back and how it's a good thing for the character makes me so happy. It's about time this is addressed. It's Ryan's and Gar's time to shine!!!! Also THE SUIT. I am in love with that suit!!!!!
And DICKKORY! Brenton, our King, our Captain, finally pulled through. I love watching that clip, he's blushing like crazy hahahaha. "You're on HBO MAX now" "We're allowed to do some things, yeah" I love that man. It's going to be hot as hell in there!!!!
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Now, that fight with Mother Mayhem. She kicks their asses, leaves them licking their wounds - they said that, we've seen that. And as badass as it is to see the team finally together like this, the whole thing seemed pretty... stupid.
Because are they seriously taking turns going at her while there rest just stands and watch? Dick really thought it's a good idea to charge at the woman only with his escrima sticks after two (TWO!) of the most powerful team members got knocked out in seconds? Are they all really that stunned by the fact a magic wielder is attacking them?
So these are my thoughts on what we've seen and learned. I will be watching the panel again after work and maybe come to some other conclusions.
As for what I want to happen?
I hope they won't waste too much time on Lex. We don't need another Crane situation.
I want a lot more family moments, that tight knit vibe. What we got is a pretty good start.
Obviously the most important thing to me here is my father-daughter duo, so I'm gonna say this: I'm expecting some protectiveness right away because for god's sake Rachel passed out after that attack - I better see a concerned father in action.
Also this makes me wonder if this the reason for the whole white hair/no gemstone thing:
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Mother Mayhem sucked in everything Rachel gave her in that clip, drained her basically. Will this be the after effect? Ever since I saw those pics I thought something big and painful is going to happen and it will be sudden, but maybe the change is gradual? Her her starts fading, gem either falls out or melts into the skin - and they rush back to Star Labs to get help. We'll see.
Then there's Joseph Morgan saying his "sweet and innocent" Sebastian is on first name basis with Dick and Rachel specifically which makes me think - Dick is going to trust that man with Rachel's wellbeing and he will DEEPLY regret it later.
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I'm curious about the relationship between the OG Titans and the Omega (og including Raven, Gar, Vic and Kori)
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Lol 😂 honestly for Raven that definitely tracks. They’ve got a few hotheads on the team so she’s a very calming presence. Even Damian rarely argues with her, which more than one person asked if there was dark magic involved. She just understands what it feels like to grow up with someone controlling you.
Gar is the goofy uncle that they can talk to, but when he’s tells them to do something they usually listen. He’s definitely close with Jai, Lian, Mar’i, and Irey (the pranksters and the alibis 😂) I think he and Damian would get along pretty well, especially as Damian gets older. Omega is really good friends with their twins, Elijah and Emerson.
Victor babysat Mar’i a bunch when she was a kid. He told her that “Booyah” was a phrase people said when they were angry. Dick was ready to smack the bastard the first time Mar’i said it in a super angry voice. He has an adopted son, Parker, who’s dating Emerson and close with the team
Donna Troy is Godmother to Lian, with Jason as her Godfather. She is the go to for Mar’i when it comes to strength training. The girls all adore her, especially when she does their hair for the day. Honestly, Donna is that chill aunt we all love.
Garth doesn’t see them too often, but he’s friendly with them. I think Mar’i is afraid of the ocean as a kid, so he spends some time getting her comfortable with it. Again, not super close, but they all like seeing him.
Kory passed before Omega formed (it’s why Mar’i was sent to Earth). I think she would have adored Omega squad. I had this heartbreakingly sweet idea of Zachary using his magic to access Mar’i’s memory, letting them see her mom interact with Mar’i. It’s just so obvious when they see how Kory looks at her that Mar’i is her whole world. (Kory would also put the fear of X’hal into Jon, warning him not to break her daughter’s heart.)
Then there’s the teams favorite supervising trio—Roy, Dick, and Wally.
Roy is obviously Lian’s dad, but I think he’s actually close with most Omega squad. Like the twins and Mar’i were over all the time, Milagro is best friends with Lian, he practically adopted Colin, Jon and Damian remind him of their dads but with some of the…less flexible personality traits still in the works. He and Lian are incredibly close. Like when all the families are together, it’s easy to see how much she’s like him. His house is open when someone is in a crisis and doesn’t want to be alone.
Wally’s in the same boat as Roy. I don’t think he’s as close to Jon, but will go to bat for him without hesitation. Wally definitely didn’t like Damian, especially when he first started dating Irey, but I can see that relationship becoming more love-hate as time goes on. He loves Mar’i like a second daughter, takes care of Lian after Roy and Jade die, helps Colin when the venom makes his body burn, listens to Milagro talk all about her latest fashion stuff, and just…he’s a good listening ear.
Dick, obviously, is close with Mar’i and Damian. He made damn sure Mar’i could defend herself without her powers. Made sure he was a better brother to Damian than he had been to Jason, reminding his youngest brother it’s okay to be a kid. Jai, Irey, and Lian are his niblings, he literally watched them grow up (which yes, was weird for a bit when Irey and Damian started dating). He and Colin bond over being orphans, Colin able to ask him some hard questions he didn’t feel comfortable asking others. With Milagro, he was one of her biggest supporters with her fashion design, even offered to get her in touch with some people. He calls Jon his future son-in-law constantly 😂
I had a fic idea involving Roy, Dick, Wally, Linda, and their kids if you’re interested!
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