#these are formatted very ramble-y
junosartsthetic · 2 years
If it's not too much, L, P, Y, and Z for the beloved—Polnareff! : ) or you can pick and choose lol
L. Love
Is it easy for them to say ‘I love you?’ do they love easy or do you have to really work on it?
It depends on the situation for him—he loves his friends a lot though he doesn’t say it out loud. It’s pretty obvious they mean the world to him. I feel like it takes him a while for him to say the words, but it doesn’t take him long to get attached to people.
The same goes for falling in love with somebody—he’s something of a hopeless romantic, so it’s pretty easy for thoughts like love to cross his mind. 
I imagine he just blurts it out whenever he feels especially giddy with someone. He’ll probably realize and panic, but who doesn’t love the big idiot back? He’s like a weed—he grows on everything, or in this case, everyone. His charismatic personality always draws people in. 
P. Pranks
Do they love pranks? Is that all they do? Or do they hate them?
I’d like to imagine he was quite the prankster during his adventure with the crusaders. It was never anything to jeopardize anyone’s safety or their overall goal, but it was always mildly inconvenient. 
Using Silver Chariot to poke a hole in Kakyoin’s plastic cup, causing his drink to leak out and mess up the poor teens uniform? Peak comedy.
I just know he’d get a laugh out of switching Jotaro and Joseph’s hats whenever he gets the chance. 
He always made sure to apologize if he ever overstepped, but he honestly just wanted to lighten the sometimes crushingly serious mood. 
Y. Yelling
Do they yell? Like when excited? Mad? No inside voice in general?
He’s got a naturally loud voice. It’s just part of his personality. Half the time he doesn’t realize it. If someone comments on it he’ll lower it for a time, but it always ends up loud again. He’s terrible at sharing secrets because everybody in the surrounding area hears it anyway. 
Z. Zzz
Do they sleep a lot? Not enough? Night owl or early bird? Light sleeper or heavy?
This man can sleep like a rock if you give him the chance. Especially when he gets comfortable. He basically goes into hibernation. You could throw him into a lake and he’d only wake up after his lungs completely ran out of oxygen. There are occasions, like when stressed, where he’s a light sleeper. He tries to get a solid 8 hours of sleep. He can be kind of cranky if he doesn’t get enough sleep. He also enjoys napping every once and a while. He also snores like crazy when he falls into a deep sleep. 
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Some fantasy traveler inventory details (like what they would carry in their bags), based on two of the recent costumes I did.. love finding random little scraps and items and putting them together lol
#it's obvious who's is who's since they match their outfits HOWEVER.. consider if they were switched lol#evil villain looking man carrying around pressed flowers in a cutesy lacy pouch#fantasy costume#what's in my bag#actualyl that would have been funny to make a video. I should make a video#I'm sure someone else has already done this#but like.. lifestyle vlogger type content however I'm dressed in fully costume as some weird elf or something#pulling things out of my bag and showing them to the camera and talking about how they're useful for whatever#but it's all fantasy scenarios and talking like it's very common#'and of course. i know it's a bit cliche#EVERY traveler has one of these. but you know. theyre just useful! thats why everyone has one!' *pulls out a completely unrecognizable item#thats like some weird fantasy world prop and doesn't even explain it because In-world it's normal and wouldnt need to be talked about*#'room tour' video and it's just like 'yeah I sleep on this mat under a bunch of trees uh.. over here by these rocks. at least right now. I#kind of wander around a bit. so'#Like a clothing haul but it's a potions shop haul or something and they ramble about some obscure drama in the potions community and how the#y hard to barter and steal and entire flock of sheep or something just to get one of them. etc. etc.#I could do ones for different characters too like. multiple people from different walks of life showing what they carry around with them.#just like this but more interview sort of vlog format instead of photos#This is where not having much money and not having my own house with land becomes an issue though#I think it would take you out of the illusion if the background was always the same. I can make small sets because there's one blank wall in#a room that it's easy to move all the stuff away from in front of and clear a spot and like hang up fabrics or whatever but still.. hmms#So one of those 'fun idea but dubious about handling the execution' things. also One Of Those Things where without looking it up you're 100%#sure it's already been done and you don't want to look weird since it's vaguely niche. Like if 100 people have done something it's fine but#if only like 3 other people have then you look weird maybe ghhjbj.. or only one other person gods forbid. looks even weirder potentially#Or do people not care about ''copying'' anymore?? idk. I'm not updated with the internet's changing culture. I just have a fear of accidenta#lly doing something like that and then people getting mad even though it's really just that I competely had no idea it had been done because#again.. I live under a rock and am unaware of everything lol. ANYWAY. also would require my face being on video which I don't like. Though I#would be in costume so that helps. I think to be fully comfortable I'd need light modifications to make my face look different. which isn't#hard but is more effort when it has to be translatable in multiple angles. ANYWAY. ghjbhj... Now I think it would be funny actually. maybe#one day. I haven't made any videos (aside from on the gameplay/sims channel) in a long long time actually. hmm'st
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afuntimepartyy · 2 years
Troubled cycles
So, before i get into the meat of this idea you guys NEED context for this version of silver- its kinda important to know so you’re not clueless in some aspects. 
Context for this version of silver: 
Silver, as we know it, no matter what version of them is there? has always been destined almost to save the future. Regardless of timeline and or universe. This iteration of silver is one of many that has decided to save their future. There has been MANY silvers before them that have taken on this role and each time, without doubt, they “failed” to do that in some way.  06 silver? technically DID save the day, but it wasnt to enough to end the “cycle” of which theyre stuck in. each time they die, or a timeline is horribly skewed causing a ‘not quite dead but technically could be dead’ situation, they always reset basically. born into a different bad future and has to try all over again to save this timelines/universes future. This has been going on since the times of sonic cd, silver only just now showing up in big view since 06 and onward.  this silver isnt aware of these pasts, at least not fully. The most silver in this universe gets is small glimpses of those pasts and how each one died or “failed” , and its not all at once either- they tend to come at the most inconvenient times when awake. Sometimes, if lucky, they will show up in dreams instead in the form of silver having to live through them again, despite never PERSONALLY experiencing it before. Dreams usually mean great value to silver and so do the occasional glimpses of past lives memories, in which they tend to think of as visions. Either both are guiding silver, or warning silver... and its up to silver to try and decipher which is which- as the memories and dreams never directly tell silver what they are.
(Bonus context that this version of silver will be using she/her from now on, this version of silver is a trans girl, so if you’re confused about the ussage of she/her pronouns? that is why!)
the meat of it all
silver has these strange dreams. obscure, and surreal dreams; sometimes they are a guide to what to do next, and other times? they’re a warning. What silver does not understand though, is that sometimes the memories she remembers from past lives, were just... a burden on the past life’s thoughts, and a heavy one a best. She wanted to make points and reason for everything horrifying or ominous thing she saw in her dreams, especially things she hated seeing most. Sometimes... the memories she saw were just nothing she would’ve expected, nor something she would even think about happening. One of the more stronger set of memories she’s seen glimpses of was one of her more recent past versions of herself. This one came from a place of ash, and huge flames that covered the entire surface of that world. Molten magma and melted metal was everywhere. She didn’t know much about it, she didn’t know what caused that past versions bad future... She did not like it though. She only knew of certain things in this one’s life, she assumed she was missing a lot, but that’s the same for every life she’s seen bits and pieces of.  This one was just the most prevalent and the one she knew most of.  Silver was close to blaze. Blaze was the princess of the sol dimension, she was fast and powerful, but used those things in such grace, and despite her rough start with sonic and his group? she has shown herself to be quite a good friend.  While blaze is the princess of the sol dimension, to silver? she was just blaze, her best friend. The two were close! they were like family almost, something silver lacked for a while. Everyone silver has met in this past- as made her feel... wonderful, blaze has been a big contributor to that too. The two were almost two peas in a pod! they worked together well and enjoyed taking care of their own little garden together. They did a lot of stuff together, and ever since they’ve become friends they were basically attached to the side for a bit! silver was like a younger sibling to blaze, and she looked after them as much as silver looked after blaze.  ...visions are haunting though, and so are bad dreams. They stick in one’s brain sometimes and paralyze you from the neck down. Functioning as some sort of tranq-gun. Silver, like said.... didnt know much about her past lives, and she kept that pretty much between herself too. Nobody knew of the things silver was seeing and she did that to keep it simple. Seeing these things were just. part of her job in saving the world, plus, it wouldn’t benefit anybody to know! there was just no point in sharing it.  One night though, she would encounter a nightmare she just wouldn’t forget....  The more recent of her lives had this very... distinct bad memory. One that would be passed down onto this silvers shoulders as well.   Blaze was gone. She sacrificed herself, and she was gone.  Silver didn’t know why it was happening, as far as she was aware they were simply walking towards blaze. Blazes mouth moved, but no words could be heard... only the increasing ambience of silence. Silver herself, in that dream.. tried to grab blaze, stop her, confused on what was going on? what WAS going on?  just get any sort of answer, just SOME answer....  But blaze was gone, and in one failed attempt to grab her friend again, maybe see why this was happening and see if it’s something she needed to keep an eye out for- she fell. she plummeted, before she could feel any of the pain from whatever that would’ve caused? she woke up.  That night, silver was left confused- startled, and in distress. She was by herself that night, huddled into a corner with her blue cloak acting as sort of a blanket. She tightened it around herself even more. For a moment, she didnt know what to think- that was- vivid! she scrambled to make sense of what she saw, what it could be a warning for and what not... but her mind just kept racing and her chest hurt more and more as she heaved.  Eventually, the following hours after silver calmed herself and reason with herself... she went to find blaze, talk to her, just.. to remind herself that it was just a nightmare, blaze is still here. Some sort of.. remnant guilt though plagued her mind, something.... must’ve happened there, something that gave her this guilt. Guilt she shouldn’t have on her own because that was very clearly not her memory. Still, was what she saw anything she would have to stop? or just another thing caused in that timeline.  She would ponder it, along with other info she’s received in the past...  She will save everyone, no one will die and the future here will be saved. thats what she told herself. She would do it, and nothing would stop her from doing it.  <+>
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pangolin-404 · 5 months
I think I will ramble a little bit about the Minotaur while the brainrot is fresh in my brain
It's a House of Leaves reference. All of it. In House of Leaves, every single mention of the Minotaur and its surrounding mythology is written in red and struck through. And, in House of Leaves, there are a lot of recurring labyrinth motifs. The book's a maze to read in of itself, with literally hundreds of footnotes, several different narrators/layers to the stor(y/ies) told, and text turned sideways, upside down, and generally formatted like the book wants to fistfight you for DARING to try to read it.
In House of Leaves, the Minotaur is at points an allegory for some maybe-real, maybe-not monster in the house in question. Maybe it was always there, maybe it was given life by the fear of it, maybe it was never real. But also, as one of the frame tales spins off into a rant about its mythology, the Minotaur of Greek mythology is treated as a misunderstood, mistreated character (specifically, it is proposed the Minotaur, "Mint," was a deformed child rejected and locked away). The Minotaur is cut down and slain, still, but it is a tragedy, and he is mourned by Minos while the ignorant people celebrate.
At some point the main character of the book even has a nightmare that he is the Minotaur, wandering dark damp halls, cut down in cold, drunken blood just as the Greek Minotaur was slain.
The Minotaur in Ultrakill is a discarded entity. It wanders the labyrinth, abandoned by its owner. It was dangerous, yes, powerful, as was Mint of House of Leaves. But it, too, was cut down by a blood-drunk entity. Its terminal entry is struck through in attempt to erase the Minotaur from history, as if it was a mistake.
The whole of 7-1 feels very House of Leaves-esque. It is a maze; at some points the halls are black. The labyrinth is intentionally crafted to punish those who try to escape it, just as the lonely house grows more hostile the further it is explored. The house on Ash Tree Lane would be proud. It's probably coincidence, but the square drops into darkness remind me of myhouse.wad.
There's deeper comparison to be dug up from that, I think. Seeing House of Leaves in Ultrakill made me really happy and I'll be thinking about this for a long while.
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seelestia · 2 years
SUMMARY. some headcanons about sumeru men as your boyfriend in the modern ages. (teyvat who? we only know earth.)
CHARACTERS. tighnari, cyno, alhaitham, kaveh, scaramouche/wanderer.
GENRE. fluff, crack, modern au.
CW. lowercase intended, use of pet names, written before kaveh and wanderer's release, scara is referred to as kunikuzushi.
THOUGHTS. this format is a bit different than my regular ones, but i hope this is still able to tickle a little laugh out of someone <3
✰ masterlist.
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boyfie!tighnari whose unofficial job is to cook meals for the both of you; he actually doesn't mind, but what worries him the most is if you step into the kitchen — unless you manage to prove the existence of your culinary skills to him, that is. (#y/nramsay??)
"nari, i'm home!" you chirp, closing the front door behind you. the smell of something tasty wafts through the air and you peek into the kitchen like a curious kitten.
immediately, you are greeted by the sight of tighnari at the stove with your favorite apron on (yes, it has "kiss the cook" on it but tighnari would throw a ladle at you). it doesn't take long for him to notice your gaze lingering on him. tighnari doesn't even have to look back as he hums, "welcome home."
you lean against the wall with an impish grin on your face, "so... what's cookin', good lookin'?"
your boyfriend shoots you an unimpressed look, "...go take a shower, (y/n)."
boyfie!tighnari who combs your hair for you when you're half asleep in the morning. he takes care of his hair very well, so he might as well help you while he is at it. tighnari reasons that he does this because you look too sleepy to function normally… but maybe, he just likes admiring your sleepy face. (that trail of dry drool, though, not so much.)
"hey, hey, stay still," tighnari huffs an exasperated sigh when you start to lean forward in your sleepy state. he puts a hand on your forehead, stopping you from moving any further. "i can't brush your hair properly if you keep nodding off," he shakes his head.
you mumble, "so... tired..." his eyes soften slightly at the sound of your light-headed tone, "yes, i can see that. now, stay still."
boyfie!tighnari who tells you lots of unnecessary botany facts that you don't really ask for, but he looks cute nerding out, so you just listen without a clue.
"unnecessary? you might need these facts in the future," tighnari frowns, clearly taking offense when you throw his botany facts into the "unnecessary" category.
you snort, "yeah, for what?"
"for the possibility of me disowning you and leaving you to fend for yourself in the jungle one day," he says that so flatly that you almost do a double take.
he sounds like he's been planning that for years but he is just joking, obviously.
boyfie!tighnari who chides you when you get sick. no, he isn't mad, he is just very concerned... and disappointed. so, you get a nagging boyfriend with a mix of both.
"...are you mad at me?" you ask through sniffles and a runny nose. "no," tighnari replied as he places a neatly folded and soaked cloth on your forehead.
"you look mad," you point out with a pouty look. "no, i'm not," he responds with that dry tone again, trying to hush you by gently shoving a thermometer into your mouth.
"...i'm sorry," you mutter.
"if you are, then don't do that again. i thought i told you that—" and off into a ramble he goes. (in his defense, he cares for you so it only makes for him to worry... and nag like a mom.)
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boyfie!cyno who clings to you like a koala when you wake up. you're like a source of comforting warmth that he can't help but snuggle. who would've thought that a scary fellow like him can be seen literally melting into you?
"cyno, i can't move," you utter quietly. as much as you'd like for him to cling onto you longer, one has to rise and shine eventually.
"...sorry," your boyfriend mumbles into your back, slightly muffled but audible and coherent enough. great, now you feel bad for telling him that.
boyfie!cyno who leans against you when he plays a game on his console. or, have you sit close to him when he is playing a card game because you're his "lucky charm".
"are you sure you'd win if i stay here?" you lay your head on his shoulder, peering into the console he is playing in his hands.
cyno nods without tearing his eyes off the screen, "even if i lose, i still want you here, anyway."
(is he... flirting? does he even realize he is flirting? yeah, he probably doesn't and he's cute for that.)
boyfie!cyno who puts little candies in your pocket for you to munch on when you feel bored.
you can't help the sneaky grin that makes its way onto your lips as you ask, "are you giving me these so i'll think of you when i eat them?"
this catches cyno by surprise. he almost splutters into a fit of flustered coughs, but he manages to hold his composure. "well, i-if you want to," he says meekly.
well, sort of managed to, anyway.
boyfie!cyno who scowls back at anyone looking at you the wrong way. scary bodyguard privilege, maybe?
"cyno, what's wrong?"
you raise a confused eyebrow at the stern expression on your boyfriend's face. he is looking at something behind you, but that deadly glint shines in his eyes already speaks volumes.
his arm sneaks around your waist to pull you closer, "nothing. somebody was just staring at you."
is he possessive or just protective, who knows? perhaps, both.
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boyfie!alhaitham who sneaks glances at you from over his book when he is reading. he denies it, though.
"you really think you're sneaky, huh? i can see you looking at me from all the way over here," you laugh.
with how much time alhaitham has spent rolling his eyes, you would've thought he lost them by now. but your lover doesn't look ready to give up.
"are you sure you weren't just seeing things? i was too immersed in the book, if you haven't noticed," he responds to your daring statement (which contains the truth, actually).
you hum sarcastically, "sure, sure."
"think whatever you want," there he goes rolling his eyes, again — but he is fooling no one with that little smile on his lips.
boyfie!alhaitham who predicts the plotlines of every single movie when you two have a movie night.
"it's getting too quiet. i reckon it's probably time... and..."
you are quite literally spooked out of your mind, holding onto the pillow in your chest like it's a lifeline. but alhaitham can't seem to relate; with the way he leans back to take in the scene on the screen, he looks more bored than anything.
"—there goes the jumpscare. i saw this coming from twenty minutes ago."
you scrunch your nose in annoyance and throw him a light scowl, "can you, at least, pretend to be the least bit shocked?"
alhaitham scoffs before letting out the fakest noise of fear, if you've ever heard one. "...ahh. there, are you happy now?"
"this is why i hate you."
"what a roundabout way to say i love you, i appreciate it."
boyfie!alhaitham who acts irritated when you want to use his shoulder to sleep, but he lets you anyway, albeit he does so very grumpily. (indirect reference to a previous work i wrote!)
the weight of your head on his shoulder doesn't bother him that much, but he can't have you getting used to this. certainly not.
alhaitham sighs tiredly, "my shoulder isn't a pillow, you know?" you nod, yet you don't move an inch as you reply, "i know."
"i assume you also know that neck pillows exist? and for a very cheap price?"
he almost wants to push you off and throw a blanket over your head. not that it'll shut you up nor would he actually do that, but a man can dream about peace.
"well, if you know, then act like it."
"no, ignorance is bliss."
alhaitham hates that philosophy but he likes you; so, he doesn't really have much of a choice, does he?
"you little... ugh, fine."
boyfie!alhaitham who quizzes you on random facts. he doesn't expect you to get them all right, of course; let's just call it "sharing is caring" but with the concept of knowledge.
why are you even subjected to this? you've asked alhaitham this before, but he tells you every time that this is just his definition of 'fun'. (and that if you love him, you'll indulge. talk about affectionate blackmail.)
"...do i look like albert einstein to you?" you gape at him, crossing your arms against your chest in disbelief. how are you supposed to answer that isaac newton level question?
"if you do, then i wouldn't have asked," he smiles. a smile that you don't think you feel relief upon seeing, you can just sense that there is a hint of sadism somewhere in his expression.
"what do i get from this?" you are ready to whine your way out of his little game, but his answer to your question has your interest marginally piqued.
alhaitham affirms, "anything you want."
"...a kiss?"
that is alhaitham's way of saying yes; well, granted that you can somewhat answer the question, anyway.
"—and don't you even think about using google," he adds. darn it, looks like you're not gonna get that kiss.
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boyfie!kaveh who just feels his chest fluttering, his stomach exploding butterflies, his legs weakening every time you call him "your boyfriend". (he is the biggest simp for you, naturally.)
"kav, you're so old-fashioned for liking that type of sappy stuff," you stifle a laugh behind your hand. kaveh feigns a dramatic gasp, "ah! old-fashioned? i am not." he speaks again, but with a sulky hint to his tone this time, "being called yours and calling you mine are not sappy, is it not the truth?"
okay, he looks proud for saying that.
"flatterer," you roll your eyes. but then, you grin wide as you add, "my flatterer."
and only by doing that, kaveh swears you just shot an arrow through his heart. oh my gosh, you're so unfair, but you're also so cute that he wants to kiss you and smother you and— ahem, moving on.
boyfie!kaveh who always tells you that you're his only last thread of sanity whenever he deals with alhaitham.
"can you believe it?! that was what he said to me, word for word, verbatim! that jerk, i'll hide his work phone where he can't ever find it."
"good luck on that. he is about the same height as you, babe."
"[y/n], my love, you were supposed to be on my side!"
(okay, maybe you just wanted to tease him a little but god, that pout on his lips is beautiful.)
boyfie!kaveh who immediately keels over the spot every time you wear his clothes. how you look so adorable, how you smell like him... his one weakness.
"oh. my. days."
standing in the kitchen and that is the first thing you heard. not even a "hello" or a "good morning, love". you turn around, the shirt you stole from your boyfriend's corner in the closet on your figure, with a hand on your hip.
you frown confusedly, "what? what happened?" why, did the toothpaste run out again? you are about to ask until you see kaveh pointing a finger at you like a madman.
"my clothes. you're wearing my clothes," he stammers dramatically. you tilt your head questioningly, "...yes, and?"
"what do you mean, and? c'mere—"
boyfie!kaveh who kisses your hand as a greeting, as a habit, and as a hobby. he denies it but he really is into that old-fashioned thingy, huh?
"that tickles," you giggle when kaveh's lips brush against your knuckles. "a fitting greeting for my beloved, of course," he plants another exaggerated kiss on the back of your hand.
"if you like my hand so much, you might as well put a ring on it, then."
"wha— wait, did you just— did you just beat me to it? are you proposing to me?!"
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boyfie!kunikuzushi who always gets blushy-angry whenever you compliment him for literally anything.
you already know that your boyfriend is a man of many talents, if only he were willing to show them more often. this time, though; you somehow manage to persuade him into being the cook for tonight. don't ask how, you have your ways.
you bring a spoonful of food to your mouth, "mm, kuni, this actually tastes pretty good!"
you hear a gasp, an offended one.
"what do you mean, actually? of course, it'd taste good," he shoots you a glare, holding back an insulted snarl in the back of his throat.
"pfft, okay, okay. you should cook more, embrace your malewife side."
"my what— i will throw this plate at you."
yep, totally worth it.
boyfie!kunikuzushi who suffers because kids love flocking around him. he can't believe he is doing this, but he has no choice but to send you a desperate look that says "help".
this sight in front of you right now is far beyond priceless. seeing your grumpy lover being surrounded by enthusiastic children tugging on his sleeve is too good, too good.
you wonder what exactly attracted them to him? he isn't really someone who looks welcoming — but eitherway, you are enjoying this.
way more than you should, actually.
"d'aww, kuni, the kids love you!"
"...i wanna go home," he deadpans at you lifelessly while the children continue to jump around him.
boyfie!kunikuzushi who snorts when you accidentally hurt yourself but he still cares, at least. (he finds amusement in your clumsiness, one hundred percent.)
"so, i wasn't paying attention and walked into a glass door today—"
"...did you just laugh at my pain?"
"no. anyway, let me see the bruise. put some ice on it."
(at least, he cares.)
boyfie!kunikuzushi who grumbles every time you give him affection like an automated puppet (pun intended).
"ugh, stop doing that," kunikuzushi mumbles through gritted teeth; but not in a hostile way, he looks more... grouchy than anything. as per usual, of course.
you're merely holding his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze, he looks annoyed. but the funny thing is that he is barely resisting your affection at all.
you poke at him jokingly, "what? i'm just squeezing your hand. not like i was trying to squeeze the life out of you."
"it's annoying..." he scoffs before trailing off into a quieter voice, "do it again."
(is this what they call hypocrisy at its best?)
─ ⊹ ⊱ ・・・・・・☆・・・・・・・⊰ ⊹ ─
✰ TAGLIST: @meimeimeirin @hcikazu @tsuk4sa-yug1 @catcze @semi-orangeapple @yuuki4646 @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n @dearmarri @omgscaramouche @coquettemaiden @lemontum — [ bolded names are unable to be tagged + register here to be a part of my taglist! ]
© SEELESTIA, nov 2022. do not repost, plagiarize, translate nor claim as your own.
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deltaromeo3 · 1 year
𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎..? ⋆ Charles Leclerc
requested by: this ask!
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
summary: in which the reader does not recognise the famous Monegasque Formula 1 driver; the very same one that was about to change her perspective on the sport and also her life.
↪ you can find part 2 &3 here! : #2 #3
“You should really watch where you’re walking.”
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You were out grocery shopping in Monte-Carlo, peacefully minding your own business when suddenly someone bumped into you. You turned to tell them off but before you could say anything the stranger immediately apologised.
“Oh gosh I’m so sorry! Are you alright?” The man asks, holding your sides.
You were taken aback when you were met with a pair of green eyes staring right at you, awaiting a response. Further behind him stood a small group of people, one of which was holding a camera.
You figured he was famous, but you had no idea who this guy was. Clueless. But he was good-looking tho. Good lord.
“Y-yeah, I’m good. No worries.” You smile softly at him and he smiles back at you. You returned to picking out your groceries but in the background you heard him talking to what you assumed was his camera crew.
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“Aw cmon, it’ll be fun!” Emma says, trying to persuade you to come with her to the Monaco Grand Prix.
Her cousin had bailed last minute and Emma quickly took this chance to ask you instead. You had taken no interest in the sport but she didn’t want to waste her tickets; especially if they were paddock passes.
You groaned, “Ugh, okay okay. Just this once.”
Emma jumps with joy, “Really?!” You nod and she squeals, “I’m so excited!”
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The both of you took your seats. Emma was donned in Ferrari merch and she insisted you wore one too.. you reluctantly agreed.
You sat down, the cars now lined up doing their formation lap. You had no idea which drivers were in what teams, but you were happy to be here (because of the free food) with Emma by your side.
“Ooh, there he is. My favourite driver.” She points to the red Ferrari car with the number 16 on the front of the car. You just nodded in response.
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The race finally ends, the both of you were walking home. Emma was rambling on about the race and her favourite driver but you were looking down at your phone, not caring about what she was saying when suddenly you made impact with someone.
“What the hell Em-“
“I’m so sor- eh, it’s you!”
You were met with a familiar set of green eyes.
“M-me?” You point to yourself as you stood frozen, confused.
“Yeah! The girl from the supermarket! Remember me?” He asks. You tried to recall back to the time at the supermarket.
“Oh yeah, I remember.”
Oh. You again.
He lets go of your sides and you say, “You should really watch where you’re walking.”
He laughs, rubbing the back of his head. “Yeah, I really should. Oh, a Ferrari fan I see. Enjoyed the race?” He asks.
“Mm, I really didn’t pay much attention to it. But number 16 did so well though.”
“Oh really? Well, thank you.”
“Thank you? Wha-“
“Hi! Hi, my name is Emma! Nice to meet you. I’m such a big fan.” Your friend interjects, shaking Charles’ hand.
Such a big fan? Who is this guy?
“I’m so sorry, I think my friend here hit her head. She doesn’t seem to recognise who you are.”
“Well yeah, who is he? Please, enlighten me.”
Your friend turns her head, shooting you a glare. “What? Don’t look at me like that! I really don’t know.”
“I’m Charles. Charles Leclerc. The guy who drives the number 16 car.” He extends his hand, waiting for you to shake it.
“Oh! You’re Charles! Yeah, Emma is right. She’s a big fan. Won’t stop talking about you. Anyways, congratulations on your win!”
“Thank you.” He smiles “And you?” He asks.
“I… don’t really watch F1.”
“And by don’t really she meant not at all. She came because of the free food.” Your friend interrupts.
Charles chuckles. “Well it was nice meeting you…”
“Y/N.” You replied
“And you too Emma.”
He walks over to his car. A 488 Pista.
You only took a few steps in-front when suddenly he calls you out.
“Hey! Want me to send you two home?” He says as he drives, the speed of the car matching your walking pace.
You looked over to Emma. You could’ve sworn she was gleaming.
“I’m good, and your car can only fit one more person. Emma, what about you?”
She hesitantly shakes her head.
“Okay!” was all he said before he drove off, revving the car as he drove off.
“I’m going to kill you,” Emma spoke.
“I can’t believe you just said no to a once in a lifetime offer; a ride in Charles goddamn Leclerc’s car.”
“Well you should’ve said yes!”
“Not without you! And shit!”
“What now!”
“I forgot to ask him for a goddamn photo!”
You laughed. “Next time then.”
A/N: ahhh my first ask… I know this isnt what you asked for (or kind of.. along the lines?) but I hope you still enjoyed it <3 thank you for requesting! should i make a part two?🫣
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catboybiologist · 2 months
yo I'm actually kinda curious now I'm not a geneticist and I guess you aren't either to my knowledge but what the hell does the y chromosome do? specifically in trans people on hrt and stuff I mean. to my understanding you said that trans women have everything they really need from one x chromosome, so. what's the other one up to. and also for trans men who lack a y chromosome, are they like. missing anything? hormones do 99% of the heavy lifting, right?
much love and whatnot btw. sorry about the freak in your inbox
Bit tired right now, so I hope this doesn't come out too rambly.
The one function that the Y chromosome has on sex determination is the Sry gene. This gene is responsible for testes formation, and ultimately, testosterone production. That's pretty much it. All of the other genes required to make something male or female are present, but inactive, in everyone. Hormones tell cells which ones to switch on and off, and at what times.
There's no explicit reason why Sry has to be linked to the Y chromosome. Most non-mammalian animals have different methods of sex determination, either from different sets of chromosomes, environmental triggers, or similar sex determining genes associating in appropriate ratios.
Why the Y, then?
All chromosomes, sex and somatic, are paired. Each member of the pair has the same genes on it. This is why you have two copies of most genes, and different "forms", or alleles, of a gene are possible. It's why mendelian genetics works. One of the cleanest examples is blood type. Blood types A, B, and O are all different forms of the same gene. You have two of these genes, and can therefore end up in combinations like AB, AO, etc (O in this case is no protein, A and B are slightly different forms of the same protein).
The Y chromosome is different. It's a shortened version of the X chromosome. So every gene on the Y chromosome has a pair on the X, but some genes on the X don't have a partner on the Y. And these genes have nothing to do with sex determination- the gene encoding for the red-sensitive protein in your eyes is an example of a gene in the part of the X chromosome that is "chopped off" to make the Y, and is therefore not carried by it. Every organism NEEDS at least one copy of these genes- from that point, you can upregulated that one copy and end up fairly normal.
Large chromosome deletions are fairly common, but oftentimes lethal to a developing embryo (not so fun fact, this is why the miscarriage rate is something like 70%, oftentimes so early and invisible that even the mother doesn't notice). While we can't know for certain without a time machine, the rationale is that one of these large chromosomal deletions happened to the X chromosome at some point in mammalian evolution. From that point, the only way that offspring can be passed down with that new Y chromosome in the gene pool is if you have a system that somehow forces every offspring to end up with at least one X chromosome.
Sry being linked to the Y chromosome accomplishes just that. It's an evolutionary band aid, a patch, a bodge, on a deleterious mutation. It forces the XX to XY pairing, ensuring that YY offspring don't happen.
In fact, we can see something similar happening in real time with a population of white throated sparrows: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7725849/#:~:text=Thus%2C%20not%20only%20do%20white,et%20al.%2C%202016).
A large chromosomal deletion is forcing new reproductive rules for pairing, to reduce the number of non viable offspring.
Hope this was somewhat digestible! It's a cool topic, but I'm very eepy atm
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g4l4xy-qu33n · 1 year
Stanford Pines SFW Alphabet
A/N: Pretty much what it says on the tin. These are all my personal opinions and headcanons of Ford, so please don’t come at me saying that somethings not entirely canon! No use of Y/N, and reader is written with female for the gender in mind, but no genitalia or body type is specified, so technically reader can be interpreted as anything.
warnings: pretty much just your basic sfw alphabet fluff, with a tiny bit of smut if you squint
(sorry if this wasn’t formatted correctly, I’m not that sure how to use tumblr properly yet-)
proofread by nobody (and I think the tense changes a bit)
enjoy this brainrot I guess-
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Mostly SFW Alphabet for Stanford Pines
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Ford is VERY affectionate. (More often when he’s tired since he mostly just expresses his feelings through physical touch, and not words.)
Ford shows affection through:
Hugs from behind with his hands wrapped around your waist. He would also kiss softly into your neck with a small smile on his face.
When laying in bed, (when he actually goes to bed), Ford would make sure you face him and then he would proceed to slowly kiss you until you both fell asleep, lips still touching.
Cuddles. This man loves cuddles. Give him cuddles.
If you fell asleep while he was working (on the couch in his office) he would get the most fluffy blanket he can find and tuck you in. He would also mutter a lot of really sappy stuff into your ear he would never admit to saying while he pet your head or caressed your side. This is why you pretend to fall asleep on his couch a lot.
He just randomly hugs/kisses you when he can during the day.
He also would tuck a stray bit of hair behind your ear when he notices it’s out.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Being Fords best friend (and SO) would have a lot involved in it. For example:
Having to listen to his rambling about random science stuff. (You love it tho)
Having to drag him away from his work (literally) when he pushes himself too far and forgets about basic human needs
Having to comfort and stand up for him when he gets bullied about his hands/fingers
Having to help him build his boat (the Stan’O’War)
Having to comfort him after Stanley left, telling him that his brother doesn’t hate him etc.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
As I said earlier, this man LOVES cuddles.
He loves any sort of cuddle position, but spooning will always be his favourite. He likes being the big spoon and smelling your hair (he loves the smell and would sometimes steal your shampoo just for the smell.) He would never admit this, but he also likes being the little spoon, because he feels protected and loved.
His other favourite cuddle position is when you are facing each other and he can kiss you, with one of his hands on the side of your head. 
He liked it when you two cuddled and you were lying on top of him with your head on his chest.
A cuddle position he REALLY wants to try is him lying on your chest. Also your lap. He wants to lie on your thighs and get head pats, he’s just too embarrassed to ask. If he were to ask he’d immediately flush pink, start stuttering and putting his hand on the back of his neck.
He’d also love it when you sat on his lap while he worked, but would get ‘annoyed’ (not really) after a while because he has work he needs to do. Eventually he’ll pick you up and carry you to bed (if you fell asleep or not, it doesn’t matter), but grab onto him when he puts you down on the bed and he’ll give in and cuddle until you both fell asleep. You would have to let go if he really has A LOT of work to do. (like build an interdimensional portal a demon told him to build)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Ford wouldn’t exactly jump at the idea of settling down and having a family, but after a bit of persuasion he would MAYBE adopt a singular kid. Ford knows that he wouldn’t be the best parent, and that he’d probably accidentally ignore them.
Fords skill in cooking isn’t the best, and he usually relies on you to cook meals. If he had to cook, he would either make a frozen microwave meal or something simple like Mac and Cheese.
Cleaning however, Ford would always be the one to clean. If you even so much as pick up a cleaning supply, he would yank it out of your hand and do whatever you were going to do. The only cleaning he would let you do is the dusting. Ford has a dust allergy and will start sneezing uncontrollably. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Even though Ford would hate to do it, if it was necessary it would have to be done.
Ford would probably bring you flowers or chocolate or a stuffed animal of your favourite animal as a goodbye present.
After telling you the bad news, he would most likely just burst into tears and try to get away from you, because it would hurt him too much.
If there was a way to get into a long distance relationship with Ford, he would literally jump at the chance.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Ford doesn’t trust people very easily (obviously, with Stanley and Bill)
He would take a while to propose and commit to marriage, again because of his trust issues
Once it happens however, there is zero going back (unless it absolutely HAS to happen)
Ford would do a small proposal, probably in front of the portal for a cool sciencey aesthetic.
He would probably bring you down there after a fancy candlelit dinner (most likely at greasys diner, which he funded to get it fixed up and made a little more romantic for your guys special night)
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Ford can look quite intimidating, with the weapon almost constantly strapped to him and all, but if you get to know him and grow close to him, he would become really soft and cuddly and overall tenderhearted.
Before you got to know him, Ford would be quite hard emotionally, and wouldn’t like physical contact, and he would also be quite tough and rude, maybe even a bit violent if you rile him up (like he is with most people he doesn’t know). Once you get to know him however, he becomes quite soft with his emotions and get flustered quite easily.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Ford is a sucker for hugs, you hug him and he pretty much melts into your arms (unless he’s quite busy).
Ford tries to hug you as often as possible, wether it be while you’re cooking and hugging from behind, or just a quick hug while he’s working, Ford takes every chance he can for a hug.
Fords hugs are amazing. Since he’s quite strong, (spending 30 years travelling through dimensions and fighting monsters does that to a person) and tall, he has an obsession with picking you up while you guys are hugging, and spinning you in a circle and most likely ending it with a kiss. 
When hugging, Ford likes to drag them on quite a long time, unless of course he’s busy.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
As said earlier, Ford has severe trust issues and anxiety, and will need to get his trust up to be able to say verbally that he loves you. 
The first time Ford said it was in college (Backupsmore), in your shared dorm after getting a little tipsy. You were lying in bed holding each other close and kissing each other wherever you could reach. You kissed him, and a sleepy Ford whispered “I love you.” Then immediately passed out. He acted like he forgot the next morning (he definitely remembers). This is a moment that you hold dear to your heart, and being able to hear those words again while Ford was in the portal was pretty much the only thing keeping you going. (Damn that got dark- also lil’ mini fanfic)
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Ford doesn’t get jealous easily, but he can if:
Somebody flirts with you. (If the persons drunk or not, Ford would come over and roast the shit outta whoever it is.)
But yeah, Ford doesn’t get jealous very often.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Fords kisses are amazing. They’re so good you could easily kiss him forever with no breaks
His kisses vary from really rough (with tongue and teeth) to just a soft peck on your cheek or forehead
Ford could spend at least a day just listing his favourite places to kiss you (everywhere) and why, but here are his personal favourites (in no particular order) :
Lips (obviously). He thinks your lips are super soft, no matter how little lip balm/chapstick you use
Forehead. He likes giving you forehead kisses because they’re quick and he’s tall, so your forehead is easily accessible for his lips
Hands. He loves hand kisses, because there’s so many places on your hands he can kiss. There’s the knuckles, palm, the back of your hand, the list goes on.
Stomach. This is rare, but when you two are cuddling (him on top of you), he loves lifting your shirt up just a bit to kiss your stomach area.
Ford likes receiving kisses just as much as he gives them, since they make him feel loved and cared for.
He loves to get kissed mostly on his face. Like lips, cheek, forehead, jawline and neck. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Let’s just say, Ford is indifferent about children. He loves them (especially if they’re his) sure, but he thinks kids are just so much work and get in the way of his concentration and scientific discoveries. Especially babies and toddlers. 
If you two were to have kids, he would still love them unconditionally, but he would most likely end up ignoring them, and leaving all the parenting for you to do. He doesn’t mean to hurt either of you if he does this, and it’s always partially or mostly an accident.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Ford are usually rushed, since the both of you would have work to do you.
He still tries to cherish mornings though.
If he wakes up before you, then he likes to sit and watch you sleep (not in a creepy way).
He WILL NOT get out of bed until the both of you are awake, just because he likes spending as much time with you as possible.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Ford vary from stressful/chaotic to calm and relaxed.
Stressful nights are the nights that he’s working a lot, meaning that you’ll probably have to go to sleep hugging a pillow or go and physically drag him away from his work. The latter will be hard, the man’s heavy and determined to work.
Calm nights with Ford are the ones you both cherish the most, since they’re not very frequent, because he’s always busy.
On calm/relaxed nights, the two of you just cuddle and savour the time with each other.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
As said many times, Ford has horrible trust issues, and will not tell anyone anything personal about his life until he trusts them. Not even his last name.
If you are close to him and he trusts you, then he will start opening up about things slowly. Very slowly.
It took him months to prepare himself to tell you about Bill, and most of that time he worried about what you might say about him or think of him.
When Ford is hiding something, he becomes distant and only gives vague answers in response to questions.
It’s very obvious to you when Ford is hiding something because of this.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Fords patience levels are quite high actually, being a scientist and all.
He does easily snap though, if someones pushed him too far. 
It’s very rare he snaps at you, since he loves you and is aware of triggers and past trauma that you may have. He mostly just yells and snaps at his brother, because of too many reasons to list in a singular post.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Since Ford’s a busy man, so he doesn’t remember every single little thing you tell him, sadly.
He does however, remember the important things, like your birthday or your favourite of something (food, drink, song, place, etc.)
Since he can’t remember much, don’t question it if he writes in a little notebook while you talk to him about something.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Ford cannot choose a favourite moment in your relationship. There’s just too many! But if he had to pick, these would be his favourites:
He loves the time you told him about your feelings and he told you about his, and you shared your first kiss on the half finished Stan’O’War. (Stanley ruined the moment by going “ewwww” though.)
Ford actually holds one moment in his heart and thinks about it every day:
When, after 30 years of not seeing each other, you kissed him, and held him and cried happy tears onto his shoulder.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Although Ford is very scared of losing you, he doesn’t protect you all that much. The only things he really protects you from are Bill, and how dangerous Bill can be when in his mind.
He would protect you any way he can, at one point he even considered you getting a metal plate installed in your head just to protect you.
Ford doesn’t feel like he needs protection exactly, only support and love from family and friends. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
It really depends on the task if Ford actually puts effort into it.
When it comes to dates with Ford, it’s usually just a nice meal he’s had help with cooking, and then watching your favourite movie or show.
Your anniversary is usually the same sort of thing, but he really splurges with a gift. It’s usually your favourite flowers or chocolate or a plushie.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Ford has a few bad habits. Some of the more notable ones are:
Overworking himself. This one is the most common of all of his bad habits.
Not taking care of himself/ignoring his basic needs. Usually when Ford’s working, he will forget to eat, sleep, drink water, shower and even use the toilet. You will have to remind him to do these things, or else he will die. Man’s like a sim sometimes honestly.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
If you think this man would be concerned with how he looks on a daily basis, think again. (He literally uses fire to shave, what did you expect?)
If you two were to go on a date or something important however, he takes a little more time than usual to get ready.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
The easy answer to this is yes, Ford does feel incomplete without you around.
He would and has admitted this before when you asked him why he was so desperate for cuddles one night.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Now I know this isn’t exactly a headcanon for Ford specifically, but this extra space will be for what the Pines and others think about you and Fords relationship.
Now Stanley’s opinion on his brothers romantic life isn’t really that bad. In actual fact, Stanley could care less about Ford’s love life. The only thing he dislikes about it is the fact that his nerdy six-fingered brother gets the girls, and not him, the ‘cooler’ one.
Dipper doesn’t really care about you guys being together, as long as it doesn’t get too much in the way of science. He does like you though, because you guys can rock out to Icelandic Pop Sensation BABBA together, and there’s also one more person to play D&D& More D with.
Now (as everyone knows), Mabel is a shipper. Mabel is obsessed with the fact that her great uncle Ford is in a relationship, because of many reasons. She has someone to go to relationship advice for, she has someone she can organise dates for and she has someone to just obsess over and ship. (She’s maybe too obsessed, sometimes.)
Soos and Wendy
I put these two together because they have very similar opinions on the relationship. The opinion is: they really don’t mind that you two are together. Of course, Soos is excited and happy for Ford and you, and Wendy just likes it because she gets ‘a cool new old person friend’, but neither don’t think it impacts them that much.
Fiddleford McGucket
Fiddleford is actually very happy for the two of you, and has been since college. He’s happy that you two have been together for so long (unlike him and his wife), and calls it true love. He was Ford’s best man at the wedding that happened after college. (It wasn’t Stanley because, well you know, the Highschool Science Project Incident.)
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Ford will accept you for whoever you are, wether you’re bubbly, bouncy and easily excited, or dark, quiet and withdrawn, (or literally anything else) he will love and respect you. There’s only one type of person he wouldn’t date, and that is a bully. Someone who makes fun of others just because they can. Someone like the Sibling Brothers (from the Lost Legends book), or Crampelter and his friends.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
No. Just no.
Man doesn’t sleep, like at all, and he’s a very light sleeper anyway.
If you were actually to get him to sleep, I think you deserve an award. 
Ford always only sleeps 4 hours maximum at a time, and constantly has nightmares that he wakes up from. 
He also struggles to actually get to sleep (or get back to sleep) in the first place.
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venture4treasure · 20 days
A relationship with Venture
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Words: 784
Premise: Fluff headcanons about a relationship with Venture
Warnings: None
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Venture is very confident in their relationship. Nobody is going to be able to sway them, any kind of excessive flirting instantly gets shut down. If you’re around, they like to kiss or hug you to prove a point – and because they’ll run with any excuse to be affectionate.
When Venture returns to you from an expedition, they are super clingy for the first couple days. They miss you so much. 
Archaeology isn’t a field known for making money, but it’s Venture. Sloan Cameron. They’re insanely gifted and talented at their craft, a one of a kind person. They get to be an exception to the rule. 
They also don’t pay rent or bills because their job covers them when they’re away on expeditions. So, they like to spend their money on you. It’s nearly impossible to pay for something if Venture is out with you. 
They definitely don’t grasp the concept of money like most people do, having been with the Wayfinder Society since sixteen, they never really experienced necessary expenses or a shortage of money. 
They’re not financially illiterate – they save and go through the motions of being responsible with money, but sometimes you might have to step in and call them out if they’re being a little too much.
No idea where Venture picked up sleight of hand tricks, but it proves to be incredibly useful for them when you’re out shopping or on a date. They can swipe your phone or card without you noticing until it’s time to pay. And when you can’t find it, they’ll offer to pay with the smuggest grin. 
Despite how active Venture’s job is, they actually prefer to laze about all day with you when they’re home. They want to cuddle, drape themselves over you whenever you’re doing chores, or lay on your lap when you’re watching a movie, scrolling on your phone, reading, etc. 
Please mess with their hair. They love having their hair brushed by you. If you comb your hand through their hair and scratch their head, they will melt. Also, please help them get out any knots or mats from expeditions. 
When you’re working, Venture will be by with gifts. Your favourite drink, takeout, or flowers. They leave it at your workplace with a sweet note. Your coworkers are definitely envious. 
And after you clock out, Venture is there to pick you up. Offering to take you out for dinner if you don’t have anything else in mind. 
Venture is pretty emotionally intelligent. They can tell when you’re not feeling well and they can read a room well. If you’re upset, you cannot hide it from them. They will be onto you instantly and do anything and everything to make you feel better. 
However, Venture struggles with expressing their own emotional conflicts to you. They don’t want to give you the idea that they’re incapable or overreacting. Thankfully, they’re super bad at hiding when they’re upset and you easily catch on. 
They really want to involve you in their passion for their work, but it’s too dangerous to take you with them. You’d be a liability as much as they don’t want to admit it. 
They do like taking you to national parks and tour caves. At first, they take you on guided tours because they don’t want to stress you out with the prospect of getting lost in a cave – even if they’re confident that’d never happen. Later, they take you on self guided tours because they want to ramble about certain structures and formations without a crowd of strangers and the urgency to move to the next area. 
When they have to leave for a project, they will always make sure to let you know if they’ll have cell service or not. 
They’re very focused and diligent when they’re working, so they don’t check their phone until they’re done with the day. But when they’re done, their time is yours. They’ll respond to any text or call instantly. 
They insist you update them everyday, they want to make sure you’re around and doing well. If you don’t send any update after they worriedly spam you, they are not sleeping well that night. 
Sometimes their coworkers catch them smiling at their phone. And when asked, they’ll gush about you and how you’re just the best. They talk about you like you hung up the stars in the sky for them. 
Their coworkers are mostly older than them, and they’re all very glad Venture has you to return home to – they’re exceedingly fearless and brave to the point of stupid. With their line of work getting more and more dangerous, your presence gives them something to value returning home to. 
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Author’s Note: There was no setting or scene provided in the ask so I went with what we know as canon in the Overwatch universe and subtracted the whole Null Sector ravaging cities thing. But Talon does exist, that’s why Venture’s work is getting more and more dangerous. Pure fluff is not my thing, but I do try!
Link to request by @f3r4lfr0gg3r.
Because of the order of these posts, these headcanons kind of foreshadow other works I’ve drafted :9
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cursedcola · 2 years
Synopsis: They say something hurtful to their s/o and make them cry 
Characters: Ace Trappola, Jade Leech, Leona KingScholar, and Riddle Rosehearts 
Warnings: This is MUCH longer than part one. 
Part (2/2)
Read the first half: here
{A/N: Hi everyone! Here’s the second edition, as promised! This took 3 sittings to write lol. Sorry for the boring formatting but I don’t think I have the guts to deal with tumblr today.} 
Ace Trappola 
Ace doesn’t have the guts to seek you out immediately
He’s too busy holing himself up in his room. Likely wasting hours laying down; either staring at the ceiling or tossing a baseball in the air. 
His braincells are working overtime (a very rare occurrence in his case), and he’s got the classic ‘Angel vs. Devil’ advocate on each shoulder 
Ya know, think Kronk from Emperor’s New Groove 
According to his Angel, you’re better off alone. He’ll just make things worse and that’s the last thing he wants. The best option is to let himself brood and you have your space. He can wait for you to come to him, and then he’ll apologize. He needs to reflect to be better for you.
As for his Devil, he’s pissed that you ran off without him in the first place. It whispers that the issue wasn’t big enough to warrant a scene. It was only some mindless teasing, and telling him off would have been better. 
It’s a game of tug-o-war between the two. Ace’s pride doesn’t want to admit that he’s in the wrong, and wants you to apologize to him. It wants to march over to Ramshackle, demand you talk to him, and to keep going like nothing happened 
The Devil nearly wins, but somewhere in the back of his mind the Angel has an ‘ace in the hole’. One holding back that sinful pride 
It says that this fight, while small on the surface, is one that would repeat itself if left alone. It’s not the first time Ace’s teasing has gone too far, and he knows it. He has always chosen to ignore it, thinking that you can handle it. He projected himself onto you in many ways, and that’s the real problem. 
If he wants you to stay with him, then it isn’t the teasing that needs to stop. It’s the projecting. He needs to try listening more and treating you like his partner rather than a friend with benefits. 
In the end, his Angel wins
Yet he is still Ace. Patience is not his virtue, so the Devil will have his advocate. 
The fool bolts to Ramshackle, ignoring the protests of his upperclassmen and his dorm’s curfew. Not wise, considering the punishment awaiting him, but he’ll deal with that tomorrow. 
For now, all Ace is concerned with is getting to you before he passes out or does something stupid again 
Without concern for your sleep schedule, he’ll bang on the door “Oi! Open the door (Y/N)! We gotta talk,” 
If you don’t respond, he’ll keep banging until you do. It will progressively get louder and he won’t let up for a moment. It is in your best interest to open it and let him in 
When you do choose to open it, you’ll find him a mess. He didn’t bother to clean himself up after his little existential crisis. 
Once inside, he at first gets cold feet. He initially planned this long ramble about how he would be better, but one look at you makes his thoughts become static 
In the end, all he can manage is to pull you into a tight hug. One he hopes conveys how sorry he is. For earlier, and for overlooking your feelings 
If you hug him back, he’ll calm down significantly. Ace won’t want to go back to his dorm in fear of riddle so perhaps offer him merciful refuge. Give him a glass of water and let him go wash his face. 
You can sentence him to the couch, or spend some time together. He’s okay with either, but you can’t go to bed just yet. Now that he’s calm, he’ll try to scrounge pieces of what he wanted to say earlier but couldn’t.
“Hey,” he starts, facing you with his characteristic determination, “I’m gonna be better. I don’t know how just yet, but that’s my problem to figure out. Just know that I'm gonna do better by you. The next time I make you cry, it’s going to be because you’re so damn happy and can’t help it. I won’t accept nothin’ else, alright?”
Will you give Ace a second chance? 
Jade Leech 
Jade is not one to act on impulse. Every move he makes is done with intent.
Every word is weighed against all others in his vocabulary
Every step is taken considering the optimal route 
Every hour is maximized, even for personal affairs and hobbies 
Jade has always been this way ever since he was a child. How else does a person become so meticulous in everything they do? You noted his behaviors early on, surprising him.
Drawing conclusions based on past experience, deducing his nature should have labeled him as cold-hearted -unapproachable- in your eyes.
 Definetly not someone to be loved or admired 
Yet, you remained fond of him. Finding security in his planning and trust in his words. If he always chose his actions carefully, then he would never lie or hurt you. He found the refreshing point of view charming, agreeing with it.  
“Many may try to harm you, but I am the least likely to,” is what he said. However, even then his words were picked selectively. Even then, he secured himself. 
‘least likely,’ is not definite. If you noticed, which he is certain of, you had not commented and instead played along. 
That conversation had been months ago, yet Jade found himself reflecting on it more in one day than during the timespan between. 
After your argument, he had steeled himself to forget his emotions until your ‘situation’ was taken care of. He met with Floyd and Azul in the VIP lounge, quickly informing them of your whereabouts and why he would be working the night shift. 
As always, he spoke guarded. Only reassuring that you would not be leaving the dorm for the rest of the night and leaving out information on the ‘lovers spat’. Utterly useless, since Floyd and Azul knew Jade well enough to sense there was more. However, neither pried.  
Instead, they readjusted the system. Now Floyd would accompany you through the day, Azul would escort you home, and Jade would personally track any abnormal behaviors from a distance. 
Needless to say, the targeting did not last much longer. Floyd may be decent at tracking, but he’s always been the one to strike in a hunt. Now Jade? He was still on your schedule, yet not bound to your side. With Floyd on guard duty, he was easily able to follow the clues after every ‘accident’. 
Two days
Two days and it was done. He had a hunch before, but it turns out that multiple people with grudges teamed up for this plan which is why their tracks were covered well. Jade still found them though, and his brother was just itching for a good squeezing. 
Unfortunately, Jade held no pity for them. Though he did offer them one last solace. 
“You have succeeded, albeit only temporarily. I grant you the mercy of this knowledge. You have also hurt someone precious, and so I will let my brother here handle your punishment. I have some loose ends to tie in the meantime,” 
With that, he leaves and lets another important issue cloud his mind. 
Jade had lost his composure with you, which normally wouldn’t be too harsh since he does have his moments. They normally appear as taunts or light teasing, but that is not the issue 
Even if he lost control over his voice, he still could have acted.  He hurt you, but instead of fixing it he chose to use the situation to his advantage. Using your moment of distraction to handle the more pressing issue, and letting your emotions fester. He also made you feel unsecure by lying though omission, despite doing it for your own safety 
Now Jade wonders, how well can you truly predict him? Enough to know he did not mean what he said? Enough to understand why he did not resolve your misunderstanding promptly? 
He first finds Azul near your dorm, who informs Jade that you’ve gone to the botanical gardens to relax. The two experience a silent communication, and Jade knows his absence has hurt you. Likely more than his words or lie. 
He finds you seated on a bench, laying back and watching the wind sway the trees. You are unsuspecting, calm, and now Jade understand why you were targeted over himself. 
“If you stare hard enough, perhaps the trees will bend to your will. Although you will then no longer need Grimm for magic lessons...” he permits himself to sit next to you without asking. You glare at him from the corner of your eye, and Jade deflates slightly. 
Something tells him that you know everything. That he spoke impulsively, that he purposefully ignored you, and that someone was after you because of him 
Yet something itches, that you do not want an apology for those issues. His only clue is how you haven’t left, and merely sit defiant as a way to say ‘we’ll? I’m waiting...’
“I suppose that an apology is in order,” he breaths, reaching out to lay a hand over one of your own, “If I am correct, you are already aware what I spoke the other day is not true,” you nod, “that I purposefully distanced myself,” you nod again, “and that I withheld knowledge concerning your safety” you nod for a third time
“I am sorry for hurting you, but not for trying to keep you safe. I do not regret that and never will. Yet -above all else- I am sorry for being distrustful and leaving you alone,” 
Will you accept Jade’s apology?
Leona KingScholar 
The moment the door slams, Leona is out and chasing after you. If his underclassmen know what’s good then they won’t get in his way or spread anymore gossip. They are the reason he’s in this mess anyways. 
He tried fixing one problem, but ended up with one much worse. Leona could handle your anger. He’s not the type of guy to hold his tongue, and that gets you both in many fights or troublesome situations. 
Yet those are petty fights. Normally about how he talks to your friends, skips class, or carries you around like a rag doll. He could brush them off and so could you, because deep down you were aware that he never actually aims to do harm
When it matters, he’s straightforward and heartfelt. You believe that when things get serious, he would never ditch you. Not for a moment has he lead that trust astray, until now 
In your eyes, he put his “ pride” over your trust. The initial plan was to brush his dormmates concerns off, but Leona took it too far. Though this isn’t the first time one of his schemes evicted bad karma 
Leona catches up quickly. No matter how fast a human you may be, speed is a lion’s game. 
He grabs you by the bicep just before you are able to enter the travel mirror and leave Savanaclaw. 
“Quit running before you get hurt...” he trails off, the scent of salt hitting him again except more powerful than before. Without letting go, he reaches out his other hand to wipe your tears, only to get pushed away 
While he’s startled, you rip your arm from his hold and push through the mirror. Leaving him with a last warning.
“Go away! I never want to see you again!” the command rings in his head. His arm drops limp to his side, before he growls and punches the rim of the mirror in frustration. Leona curses under his breath, before turning around and letting you go 
He can’t chase after you now, no matter how much he wants to. There is a reason Leona did not want his underclassmen to think your relationship is serious- why he told such an abhorrent lie. 
In his culture, the most respected person in an individual’s life is their partner. The moment you accepted his companionship, you became important to Leona. Which means that if you want it, then it happens. He may complain, he may groan, whine, talk back, etc. 
but whatever power he has, is now yours. You just don’t realize it. 
The same cannot be said for others. People that have bad motives. So, he lied as a preventative measure. Used his pride as a scapegoat, asserted his dominance, and planned to brief you in later. 
He tried to set things right before matter became worse, and failed. Now Leona needs a loophole. Some way to fix this without confusing you or overstepping a boundary. A way that involves a medium. 
More like an errand boy. Leona can’t send Ruggie, because the hyena by default is required to respect you as much as Leona. Jack Howl? No ties. Hates drama. No ulterior motives. 
A quick bribe, pull at the heartstrings, and before Jack realizes it he’s already delivering a penned note to your dorm. 
“The house-warden is pretty bent out of shape these days. Snappy, moping, and honestly a real pain in the ass. Give the letter a chance, maybe he’ll surprise you,” Jack said upon leaving the note
Refuse him or not, you will take the letter. It’s enchanted to keep reappearing until opened by the intended recipient
 If you ask why Leona has not come himself, Jack will simply emphasize the letter again with a huff 
“Your word is binding, understand? I can claw, scratch, scream -do whatever other stupidly desperate thing you’re picturing right now- but I can not come near unless you say so. Now that you know this, let me explain everything first, and if you still want to run away then go ahead. Just know that if you don’t show up, I will keep hassling your bushy-tailed friend. Maybe I’ll enlist the gluttonous cat? All the tuna in the world in exchange for the stubborn prefect; what will he choose?”   
Will you return to Savanaclaw?  
Riddle Rosenhearts 
Riddle tries to follow you. He screams in his head to move, find you, explain himself, and bring you back 
Trey is looking at him expectantly, as are the rest of his dormmates. In his frozen state, his eyes scan their faces. Some of sympathy, others withholding frustration, and a few near ready to go after you in his place 
Riddle understands, you are beloved by all. You have a place here. A place with him. 
Resolving to move, he pushes his chair back to make haste. Yet, he pauses midway in a panic to stabilize himself against the table. It’s then he realizes how his legs are like jelly, and how afraid he is to speak with you again. 
Riddle nearly falls over, with Trey steadying his shoulders at the last second. He hears his name being called, yet is too absorbed in his thoughts.  
Most specifically, the voice whispering for him to let you go. 
It is no secret that Riddle has changed since meeting you. He’s become more sympathetic with his peers, and has somehow managed to become more than just respected in their eyes. He is grateful for the impact you’ve made on his life, and only a fool would not notice his adoration...
What has he done? What can he offer you? He has joked many times that you will find no better in all of Twisted Wonderland 
Does he truly believe that? No, and now you have the chance to go home. A world he has never seen before, where you can be happy. If he lets you go now, then it will make separating much easier. There will be no goodbye. He will simply return home to his mother, and when the new year begins it will be like you never entered his life. You can be free from everything-
His face stings. Riddle’s sight finally focuses on those around him, specifically on the rageful freshmen glaring daggers into his skull and with a hand raised
“Just shut up already and go after them! You’re such a big baby- ‘boo hoo I'm holding them back. My name is Riddle and I talk superior but really I’m just afraid of everything’,” Ace mimics Riddle’s voice, pretending to sound like a crying toddler, ”that is what you sound like. Damn straight you aren’t good enough for them, but you better finish what you started or someone else will,” at the end of his lecture, Ace points towards the rest of Heartslabyul’s residents and nearly all agree aloud. 
Riddle goes red, all self-deprecating thoughts vanishing at the taunt and mixing with embarrassment. Ace tries to push past him yet gets halted. Not by a collar, but merely Riddle standing in his path. All signs of jello-legs gone, as he looks his underclassmen in the eye. 
“That,” Riddle says through his teeth, “is not necessary. Rest assured that they will not be leaving Twisted Wonderland. I swear it on the name of Rosehearts,” he dismisses the final unbirthday party of the year and sends Trey to retrieve some spare stationary. Once received, he bids all a goodnight before returning to his bedroom. 
The next day arrives, and Riddle is carrying his suitcase to where he’ll be staying over summer break. On the way there he stops to release a messenger crow, one carrying a very important message. 
He walks up the steps to the house, nervous about the previous day’s events and his mother’s reaction. Waiting for a response letter will also be very stressful. The list seems to only grow...
He takes a moment to steel himself, and knock on the door. Once. Twice. Three times. As the rules dictate. 
He hears steps grow close and clutches his suitcase firm. When the door opens, he offers a meek smile, “may I come in?”  
Too surprised to speak, you step aside wordlessly and usher him inside Ramshackle dorm. 
“I am aware you may not wish to see me after yesterday,” he begins, setting his suitcase down to take your hands, “but I cannot let that be our last meeting. If visiting home is what students do over break, then I will be staying here. I want you to stay in Twisted Wonderland. I want to spend time at your side, and I am sorry for leading you to believe otherwise. I am willing to spend the entire summer earning your forgiveness, but do not leave. Please,”
Will you remain in Twisted Wonderland with Riddle? 
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dellalyra · 1 year
satoru with little megumi and tsumiki is so cute!! i also can't stop thinking about how funny the reader and Satoru would be juggling trying to have "that conversation" (sex) with the two of them, i swear in my head this scenario was very funny
A/N: OMG this was so fun to write, I had such a giggle writing it THANK U SM also thank u all sm for ur requests, expect them posted throughout the week!!! Ily all
CW: SEX, sex talk, sexual content, mom and dad are cringe and try to talk to the kids about the birds and the bees, talks of sexuality and bodies etc, mdni, I’m bi so I asked my amab gay pal for help writing some parts so I hope I did okay!!!
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Family Formations - Birds and Bees.
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“SATORU” A yell sounds as you come crashing through your bedroom drawer.
“Y/N!” The white-haired man currently lounging on the bed replies.
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Then you start rambling so damn fast that even he can’t keep up with the speed of your words.
“Princess. You’re gonna need to start that again. Maybe throw in some breathing this time round.” He smirks.
“Satoru. Tsumiki - she’s gotten her period. I’ve explained it to her but ‘Toru - we’ve never given them THE TALK. The birds and the bees.” You scramble to sit on the bed with him.
“Baby, they know what birds and bees are,” Satoru says, completely confused as to why you think they need a nature lecture.
“No, ‘Toru. THE TALK. The horizontal tango, matrimonial polka, a bit of how’s yer father, squat thrusts in the cucumber patch, creaming the twinkly.” You stare so seriously at him, his hands clasped in yours.
He just blinks at you.
“Y/N, are you okay? Are you like… malfunctioning?” He asks, genuinely concerned.
“Jesus ‘Toru! Sex!” You say, shaking his shoulder.
His eyes light up.
“Hell yeah, just lock the door.” He says as he begins to unbutton his jeans.
“No! Well, yes! But later! Satoru – we’ve never spoken to the kids about sex, that kind of talk! They’re 12 and 13! They’re gonna start hearing things in school, and they’ll have questions about their bodies – I don’t want them to have an unhealthy relationship with sex! Or their bodies! We’ve spoken to them about the basics, they both know about periods, what boobs are, how to keep yourself clean, what touch is good and what is inappropriate, and that they can say no to someone wanting affection. We’ve done all the basics, but what about like – the sexual parts, like they know what sex is, we’ve talked to them about the physical side of things, like what goes where –” You were just babbling again, you and Satoru were only 24 – how the fuck do you parent teenagers?
“Oh my god, I’ve never explained wet dreams! He’s gonna think he’s dying!” Satoru has realised that this is an issue.
Maybe in 10 years, you’ll realise how badly you’re both overreacting.
But probably not.
“Tsumiki knows there are 2 separate holes – I taught her that when her first period came. Megumi knows what a period is, we’ve never hidden any bodily functions from them – they know the logistics of everything. Wait, what else do we tell them?” You were so close to ripping out your hair.
“Condoms!” Satoru exclaims, and points at you.
“Condoms!” You agree.
“Do we have any? We need a banana – or maybe a cucumber?” He begins searching the bedside tables.
“Satoru we’ve never once used a condom, I’ve an IUD! Oh god, we’re such bad role models.”
This frenzy goes on for another hour before you both have a basket of stuff, and you call the kids into the living room. You already know that you might have to pin Megumi down, so he listens. You both decided that there were no questions off limits, 12 and 13 were tricky ages, and you both decided you wanted them to go into the world armed with healthy, positive information instead of keeping things secret and them finding out stuff from friends or porn.
“Is everything okay?” Tsumiki smiles, as she takes a spot on the cosy sofa.
“I was reading – what do you both need?” Grumbles Megumi – those teenage hormones reminding you why you’re here.
“So! We wanna talk to you guys about, drumroll, please… BOINKING!” Satoru says, with jazz hands for panache.
“What the hell is boinking?” Megumi asks, already disgusted.
“Exactly why we’re here! Your mom and I want you both to know all about the human body and the delightful pleasures it can bring. Your bodies are growing and changing, and soon enough you’re going to start feeling some funny things!” Satoru has sat on the opposite loveseat, with you beside him.
“Oh. My. God.” Tsumiki’s mouth drops open.
“What?” Megumi asks, suspiciously.
“Oh no. Why? Why me? Why today?” She laments.
“Can someone tell me what’s happening?” The young boy grumbles.
“They’re giving us the talk.”
“Oh, please God no.”
“Yes!” Satoru smiles, slapping his knee.
“Guys – I know how much you two are gonna hate this. I hated it when my mom did it too, but this is us keeping you two safe okay? Plus, wouldn’t you rather have all the facts, Megumi?” You knew that appealing to Tsumiki’s emotions and Megumi’s practicality would at least make them sit for a while.
“We’re not getting out of this, are we?”
“Make it quick.”
“Okay! So you guys know what sex is – two people expressing emotions, physically. If between a man and a woman, it can create a baby. But there are loads of types of sex, and it doesn’t have to be between a guy and a girl.” You start.
“Yeah! Like your mom and I are both bisexual, so that means we’ve both – too personal, point taken” Satoru was cut off by both of them glaring.
“So if a man and a woman are having sex…” You begin the explanations of what goes where, the changes that will happen once they start to get older, the science behind things, the fun stuff – masturbation is okay – and healthy! Then that sex can be lots of different things, never feel rushed to do anything with anyone, a quick (and very painful for the kids, possibly scarring) demonstration from you of how to put on a condom (thankfully, you had bananas), different forms of contraception and safety.
All in all, you and Satoru thought it went great
By the end of everything you could think of, Megumi had a pillow on his face and Tsumiki’s eyes seemed glazed over. That means it sank in.
“Okay! So if you guys have questions, never get scared to ask us! Believe us, we’ve probably done way worse!” Satoru says.
“That’s very true! And if you guys don’t wanna ask out loud you can write us a note, maybe?”
“Oh! Important! Megumi – you don’t just gotta ask me, you can ask mom too because believe me she knows her way around a male –” You slap your hand over his mouth. His big, idiotic mouth.
“That’s true though, just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I can’t answer your questions, and the same goes for you Tsumiki with dad, okay?” You softly smile at them, you’re aware that pretty much everything you and your fiancé do is utterly chaotic - it’s in both your natures, but you hope that maybe – them both knowing that you guys are also absolute messes will make them feel better about coming to you. Because no matter what, you’re their mom and dad.
“Do you guys have any questions?” You ask.
“No holes barred! Ask away!” Satoru chimes in.
“I do. Ehm… can you get pregnant from a toilet seat?” Tsumiki asks.
“No – you can’t. It’s gotta get right up there.” You reply.
Tsumiki giggles at this and proceeds to ask a ton more –very clever, questions, ranging from who grows hair where to do boys have a clitoris.
Tsumiki then excuses herself to the bathroom, and you glance at a squirming Megumi.
“Nothing off limits, ‘Gumi. Promise.” Satoru smiles at him.
“Um… if a guy does… that… with anyone guy – how do they know who, oh my god I hate my life, howdotheyknowwhoputsthepenisinandhowhasitinthem.” He couldn’t have spoken faster. Physically.
You take a second to try and decipher his words.
“Well, that’s an individual thing! It depends on the couple, it alternates sometimes, and sometimes there’s one person who prefers each type of feeling. The best thing to do is just ask and communicate and read the situation.” You speak.
“It’s different for every couple kiddo – and that’s what makes it all fun because what you will have with each person is gonna be unique. Just talk shit out, and see what the vibes are like. Explore different things too.” Satoru says, leaning back on the loveseat, this is a side of Satoru you absolutely cherish – you love all of him, but this vulnerable, soft, honest side is reserved for those he loves the most.
Tsumiki comes into the room. Her face was white as a sheet.
“You okay, ‘Miki?” You ask.
“The sound. The banging sound I heard, when we were on vacation. That wasn’t the pipes hitting the wall, was it?” She asks as if asking if the ghost in her room was real.
You couldn’t help but laugh, because no – it wasn’t. Your rooms in your cottage were all soundproofed, the hotel in Okinawa, not so much.
“So you see Tsumiki – when a mommy and daddy love each other veryyyyyy –” Satoru says with a huge evil grin on his face and you laugh yourself into knots beside him.
“No! Shut up!” They both run like the wind down the hall.
“Parents boink too, Tsumiki! It means we love each other so much we just –”
“STOP PLEASE STOP!” You hear coming from the kid’s rooms. That was them locked away for the night.
Maybe the teenage years will be kinda fun, if you get to keep messing with them. The title of embarrassingly in love parents fits you guys after all.
“So you know earlier… I said ‘later’?” You turn to your fiancé, resting your hand on his thigh.
“Yeah, princess?” He smirks, tilting your chin up with a long index finger.
“It’s later.” You giggle, grabbing his hand and running down the hall with him to your – thankfully – soundproofed room.
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islandofsages · 4 months
darling heart.
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summary: in which you are someone who participates in/identifies with jirai kei culture.
characters: heartslabyul boys x gn reader
tags: relationship not specified, fluff, imagines format
warnings: mentions of mental health, mentions of self-destructive tendencies
author's notes: hiiii this is very self-indulgent bc i am a jirai kei babe,, im specifically a jirai danshi <3 i might do for other dorms too, depending on my motivation lol you can find out more by searching up jirai kei tho dont just read the jfashion wiki for it, it's more than just a fashion style. also beware of potentially triggering stuff since it deals with mental health and all
Riddle Rosehearts
He’s intrigued by this subculture that you participate in and he’d ask you more about it, if you don't mind telling him - he’ll do his own research too anyway
When he finds out it's basically a subculture consisting of people with emotion dysregulation issues and is generally controversial, he checks up on you and asks you if you're okay or not
You laugh then – you’ve had your ups and downs but really, so has everyone. You hope reading about it hasn't scared him off
He’d feel like calling you a “landmine type” is too insensitive but you assure him that there's nothing to worry about and that people who participate in the subculture has reclaimed such stereotypes and fully embrace it
He’d really enjoy seeing you decked out in jirai kei fashion; he may want to try it himself but he’d insist that it's not in his place to participate, only support from the sidelines
You do get him to try out clothes that are similar to or inspired by the culture though – he seems to be comfortable in the style and you're happy that something that you enjoy can also bring the same joy to him
You’ll also recommend some songs to him, especially ones that you think would help him in studying despite the sometimes concerning lyrical content
If someone tries to bully you for identifying with the subculture, he’d step in immediately and defend your honor
“What right do you have in deciding what (Y/N) identifies with? That's what I thought. I’m always in the right.”
Through your downs and ups, Riddle will always be there for you.
Ace Trappola
He has heard of it before but he thought it was only a type of fashion, not a whole subculture with more substance to it than clothes
You’d infodump to him all about it and your journey with it, whether you just discovered it or have been identifying with it for a long time – he listens to you curiously all the while
He’s caught off guard for a moment by the more controversial and depressing part of it but he quickly recovers
He’s happy for you and glad that you’re comfortable having such a culture define a part of you
Though he implores not to do all the self-destructive stuff if you could and he’ll look out for you more just in case
He definitely thinks you rock while wearing your jirai kei outfits; it’s not his style but he wouldn’t mind trying it once, just to get a feel for the style
“Yeah, this is definitely not my thing… you, on the other hand, look pretty awesome.”
You’d give him a link for your playlist (or a playlist you’ve saved) and he’d listen to it when he’s bored – ends up adding a few songs to his personal playlist
If he finds anyone stereotyping you unnecessarily, he’ll call them out, saying as if they’re any better
Despite everything, you are still uniquely you in his eyes.
Deuce Spade
He apologizes for not knowing too much about it when you bring it up and you tell him it’s okay because it gives you an excuse to ramble about it
You tell him what it entails and how you’ve come to find out about it, sifting through your past experiences both good and bad
He tries very hard to be understanding, even if he doesn’t really get it. You’re just grateful to have his support
“I don’t really get it but it gives you a sense of community, right? I think that’s pretty cool!”
He’s also a little concerned about the mental illness part so he’d regularly check up on you to make sure you’re doing okay
He’d ask you to tell him more about your experiences with the subculture if you have any more and if anything exciting happens, you go to him first
Such as acquiring a brand new article of jirai kei clothing for example! He thinks the style is super pretty and fits you really, really well
He’d listen to the music together with you, sharing earphones and all – maybe he would even listen to them while he tries to do anything
He’ll be your guard dog and bite back whoever dares to make fun of you for being part of the subculture’s community you’ll have to calm him down sometimes
You couldn’t ask for a better cheerleader than him.
Cater Diamond
He’s always known about the subculture and although he doesn't participate in it, he thinks it's really neat
You tell him more about it and about the misconceptions people have about it so that he doesn't misunderstand
He’s super stoked that he knows someone in real life who actually participates in the subculture since he gets to see how it actually is in reality
He mostly knows about the fashion and when you come rocking up to him wearing the classic jirai kei look, he tries his best not to fanboy
He compliments you then proceeds to ask you where you got it – though cute styles like it aren’t his thing, he feels like he can give this style a try
He’d match with you on days he doesn’t feel too uncomfortable with more cutesy styles and snap pictures of you two to post on Magicam
He’d also go scouring for the music online to add more songs to his already rapidly growing playlist. He’d share some recommendations with you too!
Unintentionally got you more jirai kei friends since some people saw his posts about matching with you on Magicam; even people you already know commented on his post
“Look at us, (Y/N)! We’re totally Magicam-famous now~”
You laugh with him, head thrown back while the seeds of your relationship bloom behind where the two of you sit.
Trey Clover
He doesn’t know too much about it so he’ll ask you to explain to him what it is – to which you excitedly agree to
You tell him everything from the origins to how you’ve come to participate in the subculture – he nods patiently all the while
The mental health part of it has him questioning you a bit but he has no ill intention, he’s simply looking out for you and is worried about you
He’s supportive all the way and thinks it’s nice that you have something you’re passionate about. He’d even do his own research when he has the time
He’s pleasantly surprised when you show up wearing jirai kei fashion one day; he definitely thinks you look striking in the get-up
He wouldn’t mind going with you if you were to shop for more jirai kei-related things – he would joke you’ll have to repay by helping him out another time though
He’ll listen to your song recommendations and if he likes them enough, he’d listen to them while he’s in the kitchen. He likes that they remind him of you
“Oh, this one’s pretty catchy. …These lyrics though…”
Going places with you certainly catches attention sometimes but he doesn’t mind, as long as you’re happy and comfortable in your own skin
His name truly defines him – you sure feel lucky to have him in your life.
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impactedfates · 8 months
JDBJDBDKN i’m new and in the nicest way possible, your fix’s are so TASTY I WANT TO EAT THEM SO BAD.
Not the same anon who requested the Jing Yuan’s child fics but I really loved them sm, could I get a continuation of that AU on more of reader’s divination abilities and antics and come with it? 💕💕
Genre/Trope: Platonic + Mainly just more HCs on reader and their antics in the divination commission with Fu Xuan (Auntie Fu Xuan anyone?)
Format: Head Cannons + Mini Scenarios
Warnings: None
Extra: More Fu Xuan in this then Jing Yuan as we're talking about readers job lol // Not fully proofread, just rambles of this AU // Reader is a teen in this // Original Jing Yuans child fic here
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I feel like how you wanting to be a diviner was when Fu Xuan had to babysit you once when Jing Yuan was busy. During this time she decided to take you to work and show you the magic future things. This sparked you, you came home and told Jing Yuan you wanted to be like Auntie Fu Xuan. He was happy you took an interest but uh *ahem* (Fu Xuan won that day)
On the rare days you do decide to be nice and not trick whoever your doing a divination for, I feel if you don't laugh or do a dramatic wince and you're serious about it. They STILL think you're pretending, thinking something really bad is going to happen.
To be honest, no matter what you do they'll think you're pretending until you're older I feel. If you wince genuinely or not they'll think you're joking as well.
[Name]: Bro your house is gonna get robbed… Random: Yeah right, what's actually going to happen? [Name]: I'M SERIOUS, YOU'RE GONNA BE HOMELESS :fearful: Random: So I'm tripping on a pebble tomorrow?
You usually have lunch with Fu Xuan, she'll probably take you somewhere peaceful where she'll eat lunch by your side...however, if word got to her that you messed with people again during the job? Expect a big lecture during your lunch break.
Qingque loves you, like. She loves your antics so much. She loves hearing them and if she manages to convince you to slack off with her, better pray Fu Xuan doesn't catch the both of you.
As much as Fu Xuan does lecture you, she cares a l o t for you. If anyone tells her you're in trouble with enemies, best believe the person who's the cause of it will be seeing a VERY angry Fu Xuan.
The two of you gossip ONLY if the both of you agree whoever youse just did a divination for was an ass. And Fu Xuan can be s a s s y.
When you were younger you tried to make some food with the things you found in your kitchen and gave it to both Fu Xuan and Jing Yuan for their lunch at work. Sadly...as a child you weren't exactly a world class chef...but they both still ate it to keep you happy.
Fu Xuan most definitely favours you over the other diviners she works with. It's so clear to the others with how she lectures others more harsher then she does you. Also your punishment for misbehaviour or slacking is always so little. But can they blame her? You're her nibling! (GN! term of nephew/niece I think)
You horribly drew her once as a gift when you were like 6 and it's been on her fridge ever since.
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I did add a Jing Yuan header first, but after writing this I realised this is more of a reader and Fu Xuan centered thing so changed it lol. Fu Xuan needs more content I feel, she's so interesting!! My next requests are all fics/mini scenarios so I'll get on those as soon as I can >:D
Also! Recently made an art blog for my ocs and other things, feel free to give it a follow if you want :>>
Art Blog: @argentimybeloved
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lazypanartist · 2 years
Okay I just read the Rottmnt self shipping thing and holy shit I need a continuation plz
Only if it’s okay with you though!
Turtle Teens x Reader
Notes: A continuation of “Pre-Relationship Self-Shipping”!, Kinda comes back where the 1st left off, so you should probably read it first
I’ve gotten so much positive feedback already; it really means a ton to me ^-^
Warnings-ish: a little bit of angst in Raph's part (reader gets overwhelmed n cries),
Word Count: 1500
You’re sweating bullets
Meanwhile Raph is still going through the folder on your phone
You watch his brow crease, squint deepening
“..A lotta these say comfort.. Are you okay?”
At this, you just kinda..
Stop functioning
Give a very unconvincing “I’m fine, Raph” as you try reaching for your phone again
Big Bro Raph isn’t having any of it
Tugs you back into him, arm wrapping around your waist to keep you anchored to his chest
It’s almost like magic, the way you relax into him
He starts petting your head and you MELT
“So.. wanna tell me what all this is about?”
He waves the phone slightly
You freeze momentarily
But figure it isn’t something worth fighting him over
And just start mumbling your insecurities into his plastron
You think you might’ve started crying at one point, but this is Raph;
He just starts rocking you while you ramble, holding you tighter to himself
He wipes your face at one point, leaning down to hold your head just beneath your chin
“(Y/n)? You okay?”
You realize that you’ve stopped talking, and are now just leaning into his touch
“..Yeah, I’m fine..”
He huffs, but seems to accept it.. For the moment
“So, you like me.”
Definitely not expected
But it’s hard to get anything past Raph
Emotionally, at least
“I mean.. The folders? All the lovey-dovey crap? The dudes were.. I dunno. Strong, and brave, and.. You’ve used some of those lines on me.”
Oh dear
“... That’s.. Yeah. That’s fair..”
“So.. where do ya wanna go from here?”
You pause, still tucked beneath his chin
“..I dunno.. If you just want to forget about this-”
“No. No way.”
Okay then
He pulls your head out from under his, locking eyes with you
“How about.. We try this whole dating thing?”
You blinked
Was your fantasy seriously coming true?
(Only in writing format ^-^)
“..Okay.. yeah. Yeah, I’d like that.”
He gives you a snaggle-tooth grin before tucking you back against his chest
Leaning down, he presses a kiss against your forehead
You stare at your phone screen, Leo’s single-word message pinging around inside your head
Of course he’s been described as such
Sometimes jokingly, sometimes seriously
But more important than that, it was the main trait of the character in the fic you had been reading before Leo had borrowed your phone
You figured he had read it
The smirk was enough of a tell
But the response?
You weren’t expecting
Honestly, you’d thought he would forget about it
And a week later, you were proven wrong
“-Ah yes, of course. The most graceful , dashing, suave of all my brothers-”
“Can it, ‘Nardo.”
You could hear the twins arguing even before you actually entered the lair
But Leo’s last comment?
Threw you for a loop
“Suave, huh?”
Trying to play it cool, you leaned against the doorframe
He turned, a mischievous grin crossing his features
“Aww, (Y/n)! I’m hurt, really!”
You chuckled
Normal Leo antics, right?
He leaned over you, grinning back towards Donnie
“I can even prove it! After all, Donatello, what better than a witness?”
Donnie looked between the two of you, sighing
He may not be the best with emotions, but he could tell what was going on
“Don’t do anything stupid.. Nevermind. I’m leaving.”
You could see him leave out of the corner of your eye, just past Leo’s shell.
He chuckled
“Looks like I showed him.. Wasn’t too hard though, huh?”
“..What do you mean you showed him? He left.”
Leo looked down at you, grin still on his face
“Yeah, but c’mon! It was obvious that I was the only one charming enough, huh? See, there it is! You’re blushing already.”
You reached up subconsciously, hands covering your cheeks
He leaned down, snout pressing right between your eyebrows
You gasped, mind going blank with the proximity
Leo just laughed again, the vibrations tickling your brow
“No wonder, huh.. You’re already head over heels!”
It took a few days after the.. Incident, before you went back to helping Donnie in the lab
It was silent the first hour you sat there sweating bullets, save for his occasional requests for tools
But he was.. Touching you?
His whole hand covered yours when he took the tool, lingering touches that, even being so small, made your head spin
He was touching you!
He wasn't just moving away at the first chance!
..why not?
“(Y/n)..? (Y/N)!”
You jumped, almost dropping the part he had asked you to hold
“Sorry, what?”
He sighed softly
“I asked if you were okay. But given the glassy eyes and lack of response, I’m going to go with ‘no’.”
You nodded slowly, still stuck in thought
“Yeah, makes sense.. Sorry.”
He gave you a blank look before sighing again
“Look.. we can have this conversation now or later, whichever makes you more comfortable. But it would probably be best to just get it over with.”
“This conver- really, Donnie?”
He shrugged
“Or you could get whatever else is bothering you off your mind. Your call.”
You shook your head, bringing a hand up to rest against your neck
This couldn’t get any worse, at least..
“Fine. We can have.. ‘This conversation’. You start.”
“Oh..kay then.”
He set his tools down, taking a seat at the chair closest to yours
“We both know that you said ‘you’ instead of ‘he’ when supposedly speaking of a character. Hower, given that you’ve never made such a mistake before, and ‘cold’ being a term I remember Leo using for me.. I’d say that it wasn’t just a slip, and that.. Cheesy romance story you were reading was to compensate for the lack of physical affection you receive from me as opposed to my brothers.”
You blinked.
“Fret not, my friend, for I will try and change my ways!”
“I will do my best to accommodate both of our needs.”
He paused, blinking harshly
It was your turn to sigh
“The reason I was reading those things is because of my crush on you, okay? Nothing’s wrong, but I just- I don’t know. Wanted a peek into what it could maybe be like if you actually liked me back..?”
“..oh.. Well, in that case-”
He stood up, offering you a hand. Tentatively, you took it
He pulled you up, face-first into his chest, and gently wrapped his arms around you
“..Cut down on the cheesy fanfiction?”
“She’s not that bad of a writer, Donnie.”
“Her grammatical structure is TERRIBLE!”
Mikey had been.. Touchier, recently
Offering you a hand to get up
More casual nudges with inside jokes
Even letting you help in the kitchen, scooching around one another
“Wait wait waitwaitwait-'' Leo stopped you as you rambled to him. “He let you help him cook?”
The turtle grinned, leaning back casually
“He’s totally into you!”
“No way.” You deadpan
Leo shook his head, smile still plastered to his face
“C’mon! He doesn’t let any of us help him cook! Face the facts, (Y/n). Mikey totally likes you back!”
You heard something fall the next room over
Both you and Leo ran to the door, peeking in
But all you saw was an empty pizza pan, spinning like it had been dropped
Fast Forward
You were back to helping Mikey in the kitchen, mulling over Leo’s words
The youngest turtle was moving around you fairly quickly, arms brushing against yours with almost every trip he made to the fridge, the oven, dishwasher, stove, whatever
It was.. Almost deliberate
He finally broke the near-silence
“So.. Leo said I like you back.. But the ‘back’ part is what I’m confused about
You blanched, offering him a blank stare
“I mean.. I could hear you and Leo talking then he said-”
“No, Mikey, I heard you..”
You paused
“..So.. that means you like me.”
He grinned when you asked, nodding
“I mean, yeah! Leo was right about the kitchen thing.. So-”
“He was right about the ‘back’ part, then..”
You mumbled, a small smile crossing your face
“So, you like me.”
“Yes, Mikey.”
“And I like you.”
“As far as I’m aware.’
You chuckled
“So… I think we should date.”
You started at him momentarily before your face broke out in a grin
You two just looked at each other for a moment, still grinning
Finally, he reached out, offering you a hand as if he was pulling you up from the floor
When you took it, he pulled you into his chest, arms wrapping tightly around your shoulders
“Wow..” He giggled
So, the endings are There I Guess. Requests still open, love y’all, see ‘ya later. Ciao!
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vylithscat · 1 year
coming to meet your parents - obey me! hcs
trying to be a little more consistent with posts, so here's a couple thoughts that came to mind when discussing families with a friend! {also, don't mind any format changes, trying new things!}
prompt: you've got a visit with your parents coming up, but you're not sure who'd be a good choose to bring.. genre: general, you/your pronouns, gn!mc pairings: bros + dateables (minus luke)
You were visiting home soon, very soon actually, and your family wanted to meet these new brothers. After you said that you met them on an exchange program, they were all very sweet towards you.. And who knows what else you spurted out when rambling on and on about them. Your parents always gave you weird looks when you talked about how good they were, and you never realized when you talked about it until they cut in, “Are you sure they’re everything you say they are?”
With a pounding headache creeping up at the thought of all seven of them coming up with you and causing chaos in your parents home, you snapped your pencil lead and cursed under your breath before looking through your bag for your sharpener, only for a familiar hand to appear beside you with one in his palm.
“How’s my favorite student doing?”
“Oh, haha,” You dryly responded, your nose scrunching up at Solomon as you took his sharpener, “You only said that because I snapped my pencil, huh?”
“You were also staring rather intensely at your paper beforehand.” You let out a sigh and began explaining your situation to him, his face beamed and you couldn’t help but worry at the look of pure joy on his face as the two of you approached..
He didn’t like the idea when it came from Solomon
But then he saw your pleading eyes,, He can’t say no to you,,
When going up, he goes by Lucien around family
He doesn’t need to act any different really, but he doesn't exactly go with the flow, so..
But for the most part, you’re fine sending yourself up with Lucifer!
Don’t stumble over his name though, he might correct you incorrectly
Your parents will most likely enjoy your time with him
Well spoken, good manners, and looks put together when he first steps in the house
I mean, have you seen his outfit in the human world? C’mon..
Bring him along for some tea, lunch, really anything involving food and drink and a quick chat, he shouldn’t be a problem
Just be sure somebody will be able to check on his brothers while you’re gone
He doesn’t like being called Mason
But if it’s you, he might give it a chance..
Don’t go out somewhere, he’ll somehow end up blowing his money and setting a bad first impression
Leave any money at home, seriously..
Away from gambling, he’s a great time!
Good humor, really chipper and generally a good man
Just don't let ANY bets get on the table no matter what, please..
Keep your time busy with eating and chatting
Follow it up by some board games or card games if you’re up for it
You could be up late at night, fucking around, and your parents would get a nice impression
As long as you keep bribes and bets out of the photo, you’re fine
Unlike everyone else, he didn’t need to go by anyone else, so slipping up wasn’t a worry!
But getting him to even come with you?.. Good luck
He’ll be practically begging you to think it over, invite someone else
Literally anything to get out of it.. He loves you, but not other normies
He’ll be beyond nervous meeting your parents
You don’t have much to worry about unless somebody brings up anime or TSL
Really quiet, nervous shuffles while you eat
Find a way to include games into the bonding, one that he could pick up as easily as any other game
Although he might get a little ramble-y in his explanations, it shows he’s very passionate!
Your parents most likely will find him sweet, a bit on the quiet side though
And, praise him afterwards.. That was a lot for his shut-in otaku self..
If you call him ‘Sully,’ even for a joke, he’s gonna lose it. So, Samuel it is! (please..)
He’s well spoken and usually doesn’t cause problems, unless he’s pissed, so really do anything
Best bet would most likely be a café, cat themed, maybe with books and actual cats
He’ll be in absolute BLISS
But save it for the end, especially if your parents like cats too, just to end it off on a high note
Will be fine with giving book recommendations to your parents
He can do most other things though, that’s just your best bet
Parents want to have a chat over some coffee? Sure, about what?
A dinner? Fine by him, he’ll try anything
As long as they don’t get under his skin too much, he won’t have a problem
And your parents didn’t have a problem either, they find him knowledgeable and friendly
And if they saw him with cats, they believe he’s more gentle when alone with you, so they're happy
He finds his human name of Atlas to be very alluring
So he doesn’t mind, but you need to make it up to him
Fuck, good luck with him though..
He’s really bad at holding his tongue about you and anyone who’s attractive to him
Not to mention he’s an influencer, so he may care about photos before touching any food
And you can’t really take away an influencer’s phone..
But, if your mom enjoys makeup and nails, they’ll get along fine
And if you’re dad’s open minded, they’ll get along fine
It all depends on what your parents are like, really
For the most part it can go super well, or super bad!
Not saying to not to pick him, just,, know it’s a dice roll
He didn’t understand the whole human name thing,,
Beel isn’t a bad name is it? Regardless he’ll go along with the Bryan thing
There’s no way your parents can hate this gentle giant
I imagine he looks terrifying but then he starts talking and you can’t feel anything but safe
Just be careful on the food wait and how much he eats, or he might get bad looks from your parents
But for the most part he’s a safe choice!
Big ol’ sweetheart, you can’t go wrong if you’re careful
If you’re ever nervous about how he might react to waiting, bring a few snacks
Just explain he’s a sports guy and maybe they’ll look past the absolute speed at which he eats
Overall, your parents will probably feel good about Beel
Just,, warn them if he’s coming, so they can cook some extras or cancel the outing plans,, please.
He was half asleep when you explained meeting your parents and the whole him being called Beau for the day..
He shrugged, “Okay.” Slept again.
When he realized how soon it was coming up..
He didn’t get enough sleep for him to stay awake really
Best to go to some sort of observatory with stars so he can point out anything he knows, either directly or indirectly to your parents
He is practically falling asleep on you though, so good luck
When he is asleep, just explain he’s been working hard and must’ve exhausted himself
Parents will be concerned, but understanding (hopefully)
When he is awake though, let him enjoy the stars and the silence
You may need a few more visits for your parents to form a proper opinion, though..
A chance to go to the human world and avoid his work!?
Sign him UP!.. Oh, a new name? Damien? Okay!
He’s gonna accidentally introduce himself of Diavolo, no matter what
Your parents are,, confused to say the least
I mean, you’re with a man who owns a HOTEL? Definitely hit high, kiddo..
Good news, you don’t have to worry about stumbling over things!
Bad news, Diavolo wants to experience so many new things in the human world that it may slip he wishes he had it back home
Even simple things, like certain fair foods,, like hot dogs.
It confuses your parents beyond belief but you can play it off that he was sheltered (I mean, he was..)
Overall, they have a fun time! Taking him to an amusement park was a great idea
They saw a great man who was willing to experience new things, aside from thrill rides..
Bring the man back, he really wants to experience that again :(
His duties should take priority, but Diavolo gave him permission to go for the day
With a cleared schedule and a carefully picked out outfit,, fuck does he make a good impression
But, he’s stiff and really wants to help out, especially with things like teas
To a point your parents are furrowing their brows at you
And you aren’t about to force Barbatos to not be a butler, it’s in his nature by now
Once he does sit, he doesn’t answer much about him
But he always smiles when he responses, is quick to refill drinks and checks on you often if you seemed stressed or tired
It’s a great impression, showing he deeply cares for you
And that he comes off as hardworking or at least caring for others
So, you really can’t lose unless your parents have problems with not knowing everything at once
Just,, know if you fall asleep at all, he may lightly tease you with your parents
Seriously, how can you fail with bringing him?
When he found out from Solomon you needed a plus-one, he offers to join you if nobody else can
Accept on the spot or later, he’ll manage to bring something for your parents
Usually some food, like his sandwiches, or something Luke made with proper praise of the boy
Your parents do accidentally assume that Luke’s your son though..
Consider dismissing that before Simeon starts joking at having kids
Aside from the first-first impression, he’s overall very sweet
He can talk about anything for a good amount of time, and always has honeyed words about you
If your parents manage to bring up TSL, slip in that he wrote it
It’s good praise, albeit a bit embarrassing for Simeon
But if your parents enjoy the series, meeting the author would be nice!
They feel blessed to have him in your life,,
(Regardless if they know he’s an author or not)
Yeah, this was his idea, but after all the trial and error..
You invited him instead of the demons, for your own sanity
His title carries some weight, so there’s no doubt he’s known by your parents
But you assure them he’s not as bad as the rumors say
Get used to him intentionally trying to embarrass your ass, because he will do it ALL the time
If you’ve told your parents about your training, he’ll non-stop praise you and your skills
If not, he’ll praise your general learning skill and how you’re a great listener
In any sense, you’ll be very embarrassed by the end
Your parents will give you many smiles and laughs about it too
He does say some stuff weird, and dances around personal questions, but that's about it
He’s not a bad choice at all, just a little odd for a human
Your parents will get a good impression of him and (hopefully) change their views about him
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✧ crimson-stained padisarah ✧ extra ✧
pairing - al-haitham x f!reader a/n - some bonus conversations after the events of this fic (if this is your first time reading ‘crimson-stained padisarah’ , i’ll suggest reading the main part first) content notes - ooc haitham??? inconsistent format cause these are brainrots that i had while writing the fic and i just wanted to throw them out :)
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i. you meant to say how long?!
yn: how long? haitham: hm? yn: have you known that you like…? me..? haitham: shortly after we joined the akademiya. yn: what?! that long?! how tf did you not get hanahaki????? haitham: i’m not weak lik-
yn: hey!  (yn yeets a pillow at him, which he just grabs it.)
haitham: i’m jesting. (closes his book and walks to where she was standing) you have always been more sensitive when it comes to the feelings of the heart. and it’s worse with your tendency to jump to conclusion right off the bat. (brushes her hair from her face) but, who knows. maybe years of being around you, i have gotten soft. yn: you? soft? hah. impossible. haitham: is that so? (takes her hand and place it on his chest, right above his heart, catching her off-guard and very obviously flustering her) can you feel it?
yn: y-your chest? (ogling)
haitham: my heart, you idiot. (sighs)
(upon realizing that it wasn’t just her whose heart is racing, she lift her gaze to meet those turquoise hues that were gazing upon hers with such gentleness. surprise fills her features when she notes how pink dusts his cheeks and the tips of his ears tinge with red.)
haitham: do you feel the effect you have on me?
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ii. the possessive childhood friend.
in a coffee shop,
kaveh: yn, your definition of perfect is truly terrible. (points a fork towards said-female’s direction) yn:  kaveh. u of all people shouldn’t be criticising me on something that’s subjective.
kaveh: but, seriously. yn. al-haitham? perfect? you could do better.
yn: there’s no one better. haitham is perfect. and there’s no one else i would want.
haitham: you hear her, kaveh. stop pestering my lover with your nonsense. (pulls out the chair next to her and takes a seat)
yn: haitham!! (her eyes lit up in joy at the sight of the acting grand sage) 
haitham: i came here when i heard that you’re here at the coffee shop. (his lips curve upwards into a small smile for a moment before returning to neutral when he gives kaveh a side glance) but, i didn’t expect that there would be another person with you.
kaveh: (scoffs and rolls eyes) archons. now he’s going to be even more insufferable. yn, what have you doneee.
yn: ??? (stares at the whining kaveh, her eyes blinking innocently at him)
kaveh: you don’t know? really? (in disbelief as the female shakes her head) no one’s allowed to speak ill of you lest they wish to cross him. (points forks at al-haitham’s very-unamused face) he has always being possessive of you, his childhood friend. now that you guys are officially together, no one can even lay their eyes on you.
yn: (turns to her grey-haired lover, her eyes wide in surprise) 
haitham: don’t listen to him. kaveh’s just rambling. (wipes a crumb from the corner of her lips with his thumb and then, licks his thumb all the while looking into her eyes)
cue the fork in yn’s hand dropping onto the table with a loud clank and her face turning beet red, while a loud, exasperated groan could be heard in the background. 
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