#there are like 0 gifs of him on tumblr so
lucretiaadventurezone · 6 months
TAZ Balance Dashboard Simulator
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💪 bagnus-murnsides
↻ lactosewarrior5000 Follow
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💪 bagnus-murnsides
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happy rise and grind reclaimers wednesday monday
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✨ you-know-from-tv Follow
its literally friday ?
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🔥 lup-da-lup Follow
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👖 lactosewarrior5000 Follow
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#the additions are KILLING ME #laugh rule #tumblr days of the week #scheduled
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📔 sheesh-creesh
#bureau business #inoculated #txt
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🔎 ango-mcdango
↻ you-know-from-tv Follow
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🌱 merlehighchurch1
give me that username lup. stop impersonating me
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🌱 merlehighchurch Follow
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🍵 potion-master-69
so im not trying to start anything, but it has to be said. garfield has been collecting blood from various people and using it for nefarious purposes, as well as just kind of being a dick.
receipts under the readmore vv
Keep Reading
#callout #gore tw #lilian don’t look
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🔎 ango-mcdango
↻ lesbian-orc-lover Follow
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👁️ hungry-hungry-hunger-deactivated20170817 Follow
Life is meaningless and nothing matters. Everything sucks and we should all just give in. Submit to the Hunger.
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🌱 merlehighchurch1
this is exactly what ligma was saying a few years ago
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👁️ hungry-hungry-hunger-deactivated20170817 Follow
What is Ligma? Some minor god you think will save you when your plane is consumed?
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🌱 merlehighchurch1
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✨ you-know-from-tv Follow
ohmygod you killed him
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🍑 juicy-wizard-official
↻ 7-bird-watcher Follow
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🚀 cap-n-port Follow
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A picture of the moon I took with my new camera! If you look really closely, you can see the B.O.B. on the left side.
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🌱 merlehighchurch1
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🚀 cap-n-port Follow
You can't do that here
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🌱 merlehighchurch1
↻ merlehighchurch Follow
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🌱 merlehighchurch Follow
hey guys! it's me, merle hightower highchurch. just wanted to come on here and say that i'm a total loser and lup is the coolest bitch alive
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🌱 merlehighchurch1
#this is elder abuse
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💀 reaper-kravitz-official
#my coworkers are driving me CRAZY rn #what do you mean it was 'just a little bit' of necromancy #WE ARE LITERALLY REAPERS LIKE HELLO #and now rq will be pissed at me. great #vent #do not rb
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🕸️ krav-dementia-raven-way
i fucked up i fucked up i fucked up i fu
#ohhhhh my god accidentally posted on the wrong blog #i didn't realize until BOTH of my coworkers had seen it fuck me #i am dating one of their brothers as well so #dreading our next work meeting and my date plans tonight
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🌈 lucretiaadventurezone
i need to pick up taako by the scruff of his neck and shake him around
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charmedreincarnation · 5 months
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Hey guysss! A lot of people have been asking for me to make a challenge for a while now. I honestly didn’t want to, not because I’m against them or anything but because the law will be different for everyone. Sometimes, it feels like tumblr needs a reminder - you are the only person who knows what you need to do to succeed. I wish I could imprint this realization on everyone's minds. I’ve also gotten so manyyyy asks about things that genuinely just feel like your doubts repeating in your mind constantly so I’m gonna talk abt my beliefs bc y’all are spiraling really hard. I get it you want your desires for Christmas and new years. It’s okay take a breath, you're alive and will be okay.
Firstly: at the beginning I used to spend countless time spiraling into depression, constantly changing my methods every time I saw a new success story, and every time I found a new foolproof' tumblr method. Methods that were supposed to guarantee results in a day so when they didn’t I felt rlly useless. It was annoying, to say the least, and I don’t want to help others do the same thing, but really all I can do is reiterate what I always say and hope you apply it to everything!!
A lot of you guys wanted something that didn’t involve the void state, so that’s what this will revolve around! But feel free to make this void orientated if you desire, and I’ll also add a void section so all my babies can eat!
Ok so you’ve over consumed, you have dropped the void, and now have switched to just assuming and knowing that you would wake up with your dream life - embracing states. Great! At first, it will seem like you're doing nothing but you aren’t! For example, I knew I was dwelling in the state of wish fulfilled when I went to work without shedding tears, when I looked in the mirror and didn't think I was ugly because, well, I'm beautiful! I didn't care abt not performing well on a test because I could revise my past etc. this isn’t to say ignore the 3D: don’t do that, please try and make sure you’re safe and okay. But know life is malleable. Slowly, things that used to bother me—my parents, grades, anxiety, self-deprivation—started to fade away. Even though my dream life hadn't reflected in my 3D yet, I felt the switch. That's when I decided, I know what to do.
I also remember finding this cute website a long time ago that I want to share that summarizes it in such a great and simple way.
So Before I knew or understood what LOA was, I found this gem of an article on I am Love'- "How To Shift Into A State & Stay There". I think I have a post abt it somewhere on my blog but I’m too lazy to find it so here it is again.
Basically it explains that the essence of shifting into a desired state and staying there. What resonated with me was her choice to dwell in the state of knowing that her desires are hers, no matter what.
The way she used colloquial language made the content relatable and easy to understand. It's like having a conversation with a friend who's guiding you through hard concepts with “dumbed down” language because at the beginning states made 0 sense to me.
Posts like this really helped me particularly because when I discovered Neville, it required three attempts on my part to not only intellectually grasp his teachings, but also to truly comprehend him as a whole, given his non-contemporary speaking tbh.
I recommend it if you find yourself stuck or not really grasping the law yet (which is more than okay) but, if you're looking to understand the loa better or just learn more give this article a read.
There’s also a particular quote from Neville that really got me to dive into his work after finding this article and it was- “The being that you really are, descended to the weakness of the flesh, causing you to experience the state you are now in. Contemplate another state, and the same being who brought your present form into being will restore and make alive the other state, the state desired. This he will continue to do until his purpose is fulfilled. That purpose is to follow a certain pattern back into the unity of being. You see, in the beginning we were drafted. We did not volunteer to fall into these states. We were made subject into futility, not willingly but by the will of him who sent us. But when we return we will discover that we are the very being who subjected us. We are now the sons, destined to return as God the Father!”
Now that you understand and are ready to apply state, Here’s a routine I’ve created to hopefully help you guys! It is very simple and not time consuming at all.
Scripting and writing: I love writing and feeling like the author of my own story, literally bringing my creation to life. I would write when I felt like it. Whenever I wanted to dwell in my state, I would simply write, "I have my dream life." It's so simple, yet it embodies everything I need. If you’re more of a picture girl, use Pinterest instead. Or both if you prefer it doesn’t matter.
Edward arts' "I am creator meditation": Again, do this whenever you like it. It's one of the few meditations that didn't bore me to death and seemed to work with my ADHD. I also love reading, so I would read his pdf whenever I felt like it and take mental notes. Reading his work was a reminder I was doing everything right, it resonated with me very well.
During doubt and overstimulation: When things get overwhelming, close your eyes and let the emotions pass. They’re just thoughts! repeat the words "I am" until your heart returns to its normal rhythm. It's a simple yet powerful way to ground yourself amidst the whirlwind of emotions. And guess what? You can use this technique for doubt too! So the next time you're feeling overwhelmed, remember the power of "I am". It's a gentle reminder of your existence, your resilience, and your capability to be whatever you want despairs any emotional turmoil.
Thank god: (yourself!!) When reminded of your desires. Thank you god. When you see your desires, (eg:Pinterest, online or you’re just reminded) thank you god! When you see an image of your desires, thank you god! When you dream or think about your desires. Thank god! Always thank the person fulfilling it aka you ;)! If you’re religious just thank the god you actually follow.
Nightly reflections: At night, ask yourself , "What would I do if I woke up in my dream life right now?" repeat this question throughout the night. Then, imagine whatever scene you want. What would you do if you could not fail? What would you do if you had all the money in the world right now. What if you looked in the mirror and saw the most ethereal being and it’s just you? What about if you woke up in your dream house with your dream family and pets? This is inspired by one of the first shifting methods I created that helped me fulfill my imagination before I knew what that meant. When you’re ready to sleep just remind yourself it is done, and drift off into your desires.
As I've always said, I've been a great daydreamer. I knew exactly what I wanted my life to look and feel like. I envisioned my walk-in closet filled with luxurious outfits, waking up in my dream room on a soft mattress with my pets purring nearby. I saw the decor reflecting my personality in every corner of my large, and pretty room. I imagined walking into my bathroom, seeing all my cool Sephora products lined up for my skincare and shower routine. I love taking care of myself because I know I deserve it. I saw myself looking in the mirror, knowing I'm "that girl" who turns heads wherever she goes.I visualized going downstairs in my boujee dream house,and seeing my family stress-free, smiling, and eating well. I saw plans being made on my phone, my friends were excited to see and talk to me. I went to my kitchen, filled with expensive ingredients ready for me to cook meals for my loved ones - because I love cooking. I saw myself checking my bank account and seeing multiple seven figures in my savings, checking, and investment accounts and opportunities easily presenting myself to make more if I wanted. I saw myself running errands in my car, shopping, getting Starbucks, having expensive lunch with friends, and making a trip to Target. Despite the simplicity of the day, I would come home and be like, "Ugh, what a long day!"like that one khloe kardashian meme. What if all this happened today? Visualize and feel the scenes so clearly that it felt like it's already happening.. not just in your imagination.
Most importantly: Define the law for you! Stop parroting bloggers and intertwine your own beliefs with the law. The only principle of the law is that through persistence assumption will harden into a fact. Other than that anything goes except for facts that are wrong.
Here’s old notes I found in my phone lol just so you know what I mean by define the law for you: ignore the writing I was kinda dumb and new to the law 😭😭
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Now this is for my void babies if you made it this far.
Read this post.
This is it copied bc the links are wonky sometimes
“My previous method is based on the persistent assumption, which a lot of people don’t know how to do right and it might take some time even for those who have the right self-concept and the mindset, so today I was in the process of manifesting this method.
And I was successful!
This method is for everyone. It’s the easiest Void method.
Do you know that you get into the Void state at night automatically? At that time the whole perceived world disappears for you. Every single perception and assumption you have disappears while your consciousness in the calm and natural Void state.
Use it to your advantage. Now that you know about the Void that you enter when you sleep, the perfect state to manifest anything that you wish to perceive, with no “resistance”, no illusions of annoying solid things around, you only need to remember your scripted starting point in your DR and practice watching it all coming out of the Void.
Practice that scene with your eyes closed, say to yourself:”That is what I perceive. Next time I’m in the Void, I’ll experience this”. You won’t even need to be fully aware of yourself that way when you get into the Void while you are asleep. Your subconscious would do all the work as it now would have the instruction and a clear image of you expecting it.
Personal experience: as I was receiving information on this method, I almost stepped into my DR! I wasn’t even in the absolute void state, I was only creating the scene for this method and I felt it materialise with my senses!
I have great feeling that it’s going to give fast results for others! Try it, teach your subconscious what it needs to bring forth while in the Void, let it do your work for you!”
Lastly, I’m gonna talk abt my beliefs real quick bc the fear of shifting vs manifesting makes me sad for y’all. I understand you don’t wanna leave behind the people you love and that’s not fear to feel ashamed of having! I personally hate the npc mindset a lot of have people have adopted. The only thing we know for sure is that assumptions create realities, and consciousness is the real reality. Everything else boils down to assumptions, except for principles. For example, shifting is not lucid dreaming, even if you assume it to be. That is the principle. I’m just going to copy what I told my mutal bc I’m lazy and need to finish Christmas stuff 😭😭 but Our imagination and the 4D realm are products of our consciousness, which is indeed real. Our view of reality is shaped by our consciousness, since we can't experience everything all at once.
Unless, of course, you shift into a super omnipotent god. Even then, you’d probably still struggle with the concept of infinity because, well, infinity is infinite. And it’s constantly a never exnding expansion. As humans, we're finite beings, and our understanding of the infinite is naturally limited. Because you can’t and won’t ever experience everything at once, infinity is always expanding. Our awareness can be thought of as fragments of consciousness; it's like being a drop of water in a massive ocean. Even though our perception is limited, the infinite is always there, always existing. We simply adjust our awareness to perceive this infinite reality.
And through our consciousness, we are able to tap into other realities or 'multiverses', which give us a broader understanding of existence. This exploration of consciousness and the multiverse is a significant part of my journey into the world of manifestation.
The law of consciousness explains why, when you "shift" or change your perspective, you don't physically move. It's all about altering your state of awareness. This is also why time doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. You can become aware of any time or day you want, as long as you choose to be aware of it. It's like having a mental time machine. This law is why infinite universes exist. As long as you can be aware of it, you can assume and embody the state of that person. Whether that's someone with a billion dollars on Earth, or a person who lives in the Attack on Titan world, it's all about your awareness.Our awareness is just a fragment of the larger consciousness – hence the idea of the multiverse. Each universe is a different fragment, a different state of awareness. And we have the power to “shift” into any of these states, therefore shifting into any of these universes.
I’m telling you this bc there’s no need to be afraid of manifesting or being in a reality with robotic versions of the people you love. Ariana grande and Marilyn Monroe for example talk about loa without acknowledging it and we see their success. Neville Goddard and his followers saw each other’s manifestions and I manifest for my friends and they mnaifest for me.
Take a deep breath and let go of the tik tok clone mindsets y’all have they don’t exist. You can manifest and assume anything you want in your imagination. Y’all literally want to manifest things like millions of dollars, revising deaths, living in new countries, having immorality in your waiting rooms, and never aging which is all possible of course. So be for real, why assume and know that you can achieve all that, but it won't manifest exactly how you want? I've also wondered about what happens to the "old version" of people when they manifest their dream life. As far as I'm concerned, they dont exist because you choose not to be aware of them.
I really want to talk about this too, as I've received similar questions and, oh my god, I thought I was alone. I've always been a bit delusional and lived in my head, but when I became conscious of the law, did anyone else feel a sense of self-embarrassment? I don't know what that was, but I'd genuinely feel my soul wanting to throw up envisioning my desires that aren't mine, even though I've always been a daydreamer. It's kind of like when you feel you can't have them or it's strange to envision yourself with something you can't have, so you just purge yourself. 😭
I was thinking back to why that happened and laughing at myself because we need to be serious right now. Why are you getting sick by your own mind? Imagine if Van Gogh, anytime he pulled out a canvas and held a brush, was jump-scared by the brush. Picture him holding out the brush and just staring at the canvas crying because "well, the painting is going to suck 😐," "I don't know what to paint☹️☹️," "I already know it won't be like what I envision in my head 😡😡." Like, bro, the canvas is blank, just fucking paint. That’s why I really like his quote that's like...
“If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” So If you’re scared of failing, if you’re scared of your desires, or scared of how it will come to fruition, for that reason alone is more so to and manifest it anyways.
But happy holidays guys! make some tea, scroll through Pinterest, read a good book and watch some Christmas films and remember if you can imagine/think your desires you can embody them bc where are you getting it from??
Here are some helpful documents I have read plus a cute vid I saw on insta reels : (let me know if the links are being weird)
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transmascaraa · 3 days
hi! guess who's returned after finally graduating :)
can i request a drabble where our bsf (lyney/wanderer/gaming) goes to prom with us + slow dances with us? maybe a little confession too..
i sincerely apologize if you've already done a fic like this already! i haven't opened tumblr for a while now—
— 🧷anon (p.s. how are you :0?)
multiple characters headcannons!
prom confession.
characters: lyney, gaming, wanderer, xiao x gn!reader
author's note: added xiao js because🤷‍♂️ ANYWAYS congrats on your graduation!! mine is like the 14th of june so i still have a bit left but yeah! i've been alright these last few days i guess, nothing special going on really lol i hope you've been well too :p also the only SIMILAR thing i did was this with gaming, but it isn't exactly like what i'm gonna write now lmao so i hope you enjoy these hcs^^
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☆ Lyney
-lyney, as your bsf, is like a really trustworthy and loyal one, PLUS interesting af
-and as you HAD to have a dance partner at prom, you chose him because he was the only safe option, really.
-you asked him if he wanted to dance with you and he was a bit surprised at first but agreed after a bit. SO the music started, and you started dancing together.
-y'know, that waltz dance pose.
-and it was peaceful enough for lyney to be honest with you about something.
-he didn't care about your answer anymore, he just had to get it off his chest
-no more "magician lyney", no more "fatuus lyney".
-just "lyney".
-so when there was a pause in the music, he pulled you closer and whispered in your ear:
-"want to try and be lovers?"
✷ Gaming
-like any time, any day.
-he was also a very good bsf, definitely always something interesting to hear from him
-AND it's entertaining to spend time with him in the first place lol
-so being that close, you decided to dance together for prom since neither of you had another choice.
-and he put one of his hands on your waist, and the other intertwined with yours, as you started dancing together.
-peaceful as well.
-adoring each others presence in the moment.
-sharing a few compliments here and there, making eachother giggle and smile and blush
-when nobody was looking, and nobody could hear either of you—
-"i love you." you both said at the same time.
-it was awkward, but it worked out just fine^^
✧ Wanderer
-uh kinda difficult to become friends at first lmfao
-but you definitely manage to do it after a while and even become bsfs
-and like originally he wanted to go to prom alone
-but he felt bad for you just standing in the corner while everyone else danced with others so he just kinda dragged you to dance
-no words exchanged, only his embarrassed face not wanting to look at you directly.
-his heart was racing and he was doing his best to not fuck up the dance
-not until you pulled him closer and smiled warmly at him.
-he was flustered, but still looking you in the eyes, despite wanting to seem unbothered and uninterested.
-you kissed him on the cheek while whispering:
-"do you want to be more than friends?" to which he embarrassedly nodded, not keeping any eye-contact with you after that.
✿ Xiao
-so uh you'd HAVE to be the one trying to become friends with him at first (but it kinda js works out even tho it's difficult since he doesn't understand mortals)
-although, with your help, he understands humans AT LEAST a BIT more than he used to.
-he went with you to prom because you had told him that you have nobody to dance with, so you decided to ask him.
-he didn't really get the concept of prom but he did it anyway.
-of course, while you were dancing with the music playing in the background, he felt a lot more open.
-so he started telling you in detail about how he felt about you. he didn't know it was love.
-he told you about how pretty/handsome/fabolous you were in his eyes, how he wished to spend all his life AND afterlife with you, how important you were to him and that he'd protect you if he had to—
-"i love you too, xiao." and he didn't know how to function properly after that.
just yes i love it
it was really interesting to write ngl i had such beautiful scenarios in my head smh
| 🧷anon | @mariaace <3
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
HI there, hate to bother you but i was wondering if you could do the amazing digital circus head canons for a gn! reader who acts a lot like ena
if you have never heard of it you can check on the ena wiki but i would really love if you did something like this so thanks
TADC x ENA type!GN!reader
typically i would do all the characters in one post, but its starting to get late and tumblr wont let me save half answered asks in my drafts for some reason TToTT so im gonna split the cast in half, if you want the rest of the characters you can send in a second ask so i can remember to do everyone else :0! also my apolocheese for any personality mistakes, i think i watched ena a long time ago but was confused/didnt watch the whole thing so uh uh!! relying on a character wiki for this (on that focuses on season 1 so uh uh, idk if that will impact anything) little bonus bonus incorporating enas color thing into this cuz uh we can say its digital world stuff ooo that gives me an oc idea; oc whos like the mayor from nightmare before christmas who has a spinny head/face thing that relates to their emotions
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caines is going to be shorter because hes just your number one fan regardless of your personality, in fact he probably has a silly shirt with your face on it somewhere
will do everything in his power to make sure youre happy and content, and will do everything to cheer you up when you switch over to your sad side
takes you to wherever it is that he 'sleeps' when you get overwhelmed by stuff and keeps you there until both of you are sure that youll be okay and your blues are long gone
you and him easily match energies, sometimes he will even try to one up you with using fancy intricate words
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writing pomnis part first but oh funny is it that pomni and ena have the same VA
absolutely loves you, but she is so so worried about stressing you out and switching to your 'sad form', tries to (often times unsuccessfully) cheer you up
honestly you both need a break, things in the circus are hectic and insane, and considering pomni just got here she is going to need your help to get used to things
not much to be said since i think pomni is another character i struggle to write
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initially teases you for how fast you switch up, its almost like gangle being more upbeat with her comedy mask and more sad when its broken
tones it down a little when you explain you cant really control it whereas gangles case is just her being more confident with the comedy mask (at least thats my hc)
sometimes give you weird looks when you use an unnecessarily long set of fancy words to describe something mundane
bro is fighting the urge to mimic it
surprisingly does the kind thing, he takes you off to the side when something stresses you out so you can have a minute to compose yourself
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optimistic sweetheart meets ray of sunshine, you two are an unstoppable force of good and kind of rub off on some of the others
similar to jax when you get stressed out or upset about something, usually when its an in house adventure, she sweeps you to the side and helps calm you down. she probably knows some breathing techniques, i think
ignoring the fact they probably dont need to breathe but thats asides the poin
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satorubi · 1 year
𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄 - toji fushiguro
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· ₊ ⊹ SYNOPSIS — toji knows just how to get back at your ex.
「❀」 pairing : toji fushiguro x black fem! reader
「❀」 content warning : minors do not interact ! dad’s bestfriend toji, age gap ꒰ toji is forty and reader is in her late twenties ꒱ missionary, fingering, use of the word bitch - during sex - just once, use of pet names such as ꒰ sweetheart, pretty, slut ꒱
「❀」 word count : 3.6K whoop whoop !!
「❀」 author’s note : hiii !!! here’s me re-uploading this edited version of tastiest revenge - apart of my friendship is magic series - bc tumblr took it down the first time :/ i wanted to put out the gojo fic first but due to school starting, i realized how busy i’ve become :0 please enjoy & interactions n reblogs are always loved <33
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you were taken aback when toji answered your call. not only was the time 10:56 PM, but it was also the middle of the week. you ought to been fast asleep in your apartment by now, getting a good night's rest for whatever the world had in store for you tomorrow. but, alas, you were slouching on toji fushiguro's porch, your clothes drenched from the light rain and your makeup smeared from all the tears you'd let fall down your pretty face.
toji stands up from his recliner and looks around before hurriedly opening the door. his heart nearly bursts from your change in vigor. the hesitant, kindhearted disposition you always possessed seems to have been lost just about now; you have a slight pout on your face and stare up at him with imploring eyes.
he swiftly draws you into the warmth of his chest and shut the door behind him without you having to speak another word. his contact causes your body to tremble, and the rumble from his chest doesn't do you credit. all you could hear was him repeatedly mumbling phrases like ‘speak to me’ and ‘i’m right here.’
he allows you a brief minute to collect your thoughts as your nose started to run due to all the sniffling you'd been doing. as he goes into the kitchen, you take a seat on one of the three cushions, letting your head rest against the seat. toji could be seen pouring tea into a lovely glass mug out of the corner of your tearful eyes.
“you wanna’ tell me what brings you here?” he asks, settling into the couch and leaving you both with just enough space. you were completely silent. that bubbly, talkative spirit you usually had was much more comforting compared to the silence he was experiencing right now. you looked completely drained— almost as if someone had completely stripped you from your joy.
“im sorry, toji. i didn’t mean to impose l-like this,” you utter and he chuckles. he gathers the remote in his hand and turns the tv down, figuring you were ready to vent.
“it’s not a bother at all, yn. y’know that.”
you weakly smile, taking a sip of the warm liquid given to you. a deep sigh leaves your lips, “he cheated. like.. a lot.”
before you finished speaking, you could see toji clench his jaw. your former boyfriend, or ‘a fucking bastard,’ as toji used to describe him, was a dumbass. toji wasn't surprised when you discussed this matter, given that the kid was well known for his horrible reputation with the ladies at your uni. since the minute he shook his hand at your birthday all those months ago, he was able to tell that the youngster was a jackass.
the son of a bitch was disrespectful when toji first met him. he spoke of you as if you were merely an item on his arm or a tool at his disposal. he was a real asshole and a heartbreaker; he wasn't your typical old bum of a man, and toji could read him from a mile away.
the kid wore a smug look on his face, only a look of someone without pure intentions would have. he was playing you the entire time and it was easy to see from the eyes of someone who was once a player his damn self.
you see, toji was irritated by the notion that someone could be so foolish as to lose a woman like you. someone who was so understanding, determined to get what she wanted, clever, and humorous in response to everything said to her.
blind. he had to be blind is all.
“a video was posted of him today. he was kissing another girl at some party,” yet another stray tear fell from the brim of your eye and there toji was to wipe it away, “i’m such an idiot.”
no you aren’t.
“nah, he’s a dumbass, and i’ll be damned if i have to sit here and watch you cry over something that isn’t your fault.”
you take a tiny pause in an effort to contain the tears that were on the verge of escaping. of course, none of this was your fault, but for some reason, you felt that you had to bear some responsibility. you made a foolish decision by disobeying all the guidance you had been given, and as a result, you are again stuck with the consequences. given that your father and toji had warned you about the man from the start, you were surprised that he had the strength to even talk to you about it.
“i just- i just should’ve listened to you, that’s all.”
toji sighs, grabbing ahold of your hands and squeezing them gently, “it’s a bad time to say i told you so, so i’m just gonna’ say i’m glad that you’ve come to your senses. he was a dickhead.”
toji noticed you smiling for the first time tonight, so his clumsy joke must have succeeded. genuinely. after your brief burst of laughter, you kept your gaze fixed on toji’s flatscreen without saying a word. the house's four walls reverberated with the faint sound of a local broadcaster's voice as the two of you sat in quiet comfort.
he hopes he won't have to be the one to break the news by asking, “does your father know?” he despised doing things behind his back, but if you wanted him to, he could keep a secret. you admired that you could talk to toji about nearly anything, which was one of his best qualities. he wasn't patronizing or disciplining like your dad.
yes, you adored your old man dearly, but there are instances when hearing someone else's point of view than that of a parent can be quite beneficial. toji. would undoubtedly advise you of right and wrong, but he would never make you feel bad about yourself.
we’re human beings and we all make our fair share of mistakes.
by this time, you were no longer sobbing and you were getting a little bit closer to the man. his side profile is followed by your suckling eyes as you savor his sensitive features. even though you've known toji since you were in your early twenties, you've always thought he was gorgeous, but time has been kind to him. as excellent wine ages, so was he. hell, he probably tasted as delicious as he appeared—
toji starts, somewhat unexpectedly, “y'know, for what it's worth, i think you're an amazing woman." he fumbles with the silver chain dangling from his chest before saying, “you’re pretty, you're smart, and you make a mean pho.”
pretty. he called you pretty.
toji’s solemn face prompts you to hastily cover your smile as he adds, “you didn't deserve to be treated that way- and i hope you know that.” you could feel a hand gently caressing your arm. his calluses brushed against your skin as he held it in a warm, rough manner. the gesture almost made you want to pant like a bitch in the heat, even if you had no idea why or how.
he murmurs, “i don't ever wanna' see you cry like that again,” as his dark irises finally contact yours and you two exchange a soft look. unknown to you at the time, something was causing you to approach a little bit more closely than you had intended. you long for a kiss as your gaze moves from his lips to his eyes and back again.
as you prepare to make what would likely be one of your biggest mistakes yet, you close your eyes. you decrease the distance between you two to just a few inches by placing your lips on his. toji ought to have pushed you away at the first moment, but he was driven to submit. the way your mouth felt against his was just so effortlessly natural.
perhaps the novelty of being alone or the warmth of his body against yours is responsible for you feeling this way right now, but all you want is to continue feeling him like this forever.
toji grabs the nape of your neck while you moan into the kiss, luring you in. you take the initiative to straddle his lap as you start to feel a pool between your thighs, your covered pussy pressing on his crotch as you exchanged saliva.
to your surprise, toji pulls away when you ask for more by licking his bottom lip. even before returning to reality, you managed to feel the remorse beginning to rise in your stomach.
“m’ sorry. i don’t- i don’t know what i was thinking,” you mumble, quickly climbing off of his lap and back into your previous position. “i’m sorry. fuck- i’m sorry. i shouldn’t- we shouldn’t-“ you go on, but all that came out of your apology was a weak, anxious whine. toji simply sits there, likely attempting to process what just happened.
you were scared, but you were also humiliated. toji was not only your father's closest friend, but also his business partner. this could endanger his friendships, family, and profession.
you can't bring yourself to say anything else. you start to gather your things and get ready to go to the door, but just as you stand up, a hand delicately grabs hold of your wrist.
“you want me?”
“toji- i didn’t mean to-“
“yes or no?”
as you swallow, your chest rises and falls from the kiss's delirium. toji manspreads while keeping his hands on his lap and waiting for your response, tapping his foot on floor. he did have an issue with staring. his eyes gave off the impression that they would cut straight through you.
you say, "y-yes," but it sounds more like a moan. when toji hears this, he gets up from his chair and approaches you slowly. his hands were in the pockets of his gray sweats, and he had a smirk on his face. he continues moving until he is directly in front of you, his shirt showing his hardened nipples.
“say it with your chest, yn. did you not just kiss me? or was i imagining things?”
his taunting tone of voice not only annoyed you, but it turned you on too. he tilts his head to the side and looks you up and down, eyes following your curves, “toji, i want you.”
that was all he needed until it was his turn to attack your mouth with pecks. pecks turned into drawn out kisses and those eventually escalated to biting and sucking on one another’s lips. your noses chafed together as toji groans into your mouth. while your tongues danced to the rhythm of desire, toji’s hand came between your pants and the waistband of your pink panties. he shoves his palm inside the lousy fabric to cup your cunt in his hand.
he flicks his middle finger at your folds as you whimper, "want more, please." he can feel your lust on the tip of his knuckle. “i need you,” your nails skim the happy trail under his shirt, causing toji to grunt. the poor guy had no idea how much power you had over him.
“are you gonna’ regret it?” you ask, and yes, it was blunt of you, but you wondered if he was truly aware of the consequences of this action. you had to think of it from his perspective too.
toji was currently obtaining a happy life. he lived a peaceful existence with just him and his son and had a profession that was more than well compensated, but you? you were a grown woman—twenty eight, to be precise—and although you may have acted impulsively, it may have been just what you wanted. but want eventually turns to greed, and you’d hate to do damage to his conscious over your behavior.
“why would i regret you?”
you wanted to spend the evening lusting over his wonderful words— hearing him tell you the sweetest things, but no matter how sincere and charming his question was, your thoughts were elsewhere.
toji and you each had the ability to choose your own paths. everything you've done up to this point has been deemed inappropriate, and even if he were to stuff you full of his cock, it wouldn't matter. this was already out of line as is.
you make the decision to take matters into your own hands and carry on the passionate makeout session by encircling his neck with your arms. you can feel toji's hands pinching your ass cheeks as he begins to cup them to enfold you in his arms. he sits down on the sofa with you still in his grasp, allowing you to straddle his lap as before.
the hard cock sitting pretty in his sweats did nothing but rub up against you. as much as you wanted to take it slow, you couldn’t suppress the urge to let him have his way with you.
“‘ima fuck you so good, princess. so much better than he ever has,” he utters. you lift your hips up to give him room to finally take his aching cock out of his sweats. while doing so, he doesn’t dare take his eyes off of you.
"look at what you do to me, love," to put it mildly, you were in wonder as he grabbed hold of your chin and lowered your head between you both. first the middle, then the base was displayed. the thin pubic hairs that were still attached to his skin were somewhat cut, lying flat against his shaft as the tip of him flashed a brilliant pink.
as his cock stood up, toji flexed his lower abdomen to move it a little. each time he did this, his cock tapped against your belly, creating a pat.
“big huh? it’ll fit, don’t worry,” he ends his sentence with a wink and grasps on to your ass cheeks again, this time, parting them slowly. as you lift up, his cock aligns with your hole, leaking and eager for some attention.
“please be careful. it’s been a while,” you mumble. you turn to look away but he only comforts you, “i will. i promise.”
as toji entered you, your pussy revealed how horny you truly were. your sopping cunt slobbered around him inch by inch, little by little. your juices had covered his cock and made it easier for your walls to expand, adjusting to his size.
the burn causes your mouth to hiss. feeling him wriggle his way in like this made you feel like a virgin all over again. he had the kind of dick you had to mentally prepare yourself for; the kind that, after only two or more minutes, would have you crying and trembling in his hands.
“focus, yn. just focus on us, for right now.” he didn’t have to tell you twice. how could you not focus on just this? toji had your head spinning and your insides bubbling like never before. it’d be hard to think of anything or anyone else other than him, “you’re so deep- shit!” mushing your ass in his hands, he lifts you up and down his cock, making you feel each and every bit of him. toji bites back a moan when you start to become more comfortable— hips moving with his and your ass melting in his palms.
arms incoherently wrap around toji’s neck as he digs deep, moaning into your ear, “you don’t understand how good you feel. can i go faster? wanna’ make you cum all over my lap like the good girl i know you are.” you practically scream yes and immediately after, you hear a clapping sound.
your ass slamming against toji’s thighs was the cause of the ruckus, you realize as you turn to face the source of the noise. as you watch toji’s cock slip in and out of your pussy, he raises his head to stare at the side of your face, getting excited at how hard you clenched down in him as you watched him fuck you vigorously.
“look at how good you’re doing. takin’ that dick like it’s yours. you look so pretty like this.”
his encouraging words appeared to have given you self-assurance. using both of your forces to fill yourself, you start to slam down on him. you felt as though you were handling a lot at once, but you hardly cared enough to flee. god, did it feel wonderful to be taking dick like a pro.
“ooo- it's stretching me, toji! feels so fuckin’ good. i love it so much.” one thing toji picked up from this was how much of a screamer you were. every thrust ended with another high-pitched moan grumbling from your chest.
“you’re a loud lil’ thing, aren’t you? hope the neighbors don’t mind too much, but they’ll understand, right? i’m fuckin’ you so well they’ll have no choice but to understand.”
it was so easy for him to utter such derogatory phrases knowing the conditions his life would be in after— but he felt like he was compelled to. he loved the sensation of listening to your pussy becoming wetter with each passing stroke. incredibly responsive— his favorite.
his thoughts began to flow as a result of your hands grabbing at his shoulders. you were so desperate that you were delighted to accept whatever he was putting down, “i can’t believe mr. ln’s daughter is such a dirty little bitch. how do you think he’d feel knowin’ i’m ruining you like this, hm?”
that was when you came. something about the secrecy just made you all the more ablazed. although this might’ve been just a temporary feeling, you clamored for more— hollering his name and the curses that trailed behind it.
“m’ cumming! m’ cumming- fuck me, toji!”
he laughs, “how good is it, slut? tell me, how’s it feel?”
you could barely produce a single sound. you could only hold your mouth ajar and let out broken whines. your body was drowning in a sheen coat of sweat and your pussy was a bit sore, but you wanted to cum again.
“it feels a-amazingh,” you babble, unable to even utter the pronunciation of your words as he continues to poke at your g-spot. he was fucking you through it, talking you through it, and pulling you right into his grasp to swallow your whines with his mouth.
after he wrung out the last of your juices, he quickly lifts you up and places you on your back. he could now see just how pretty your pussy truly was. two plumped folds sitting on either side of a puffy clit that was in need of some sucking and a cute hole that ached for good dick.
a dream. a dream indeed.
toji wasted no time slipping it in, feeling your walls comfort his cock like a warm hug. every stroke was tender, but he was so slutty. the chain dangling from his neck beamed in your face and out of instinct, you tug on it a little to pull him down. taking a second to indulge in his features. he was so fucking sexy, especially like this— jet black hair sticking to his forehead, muscle tee drenched in sweat, and his small, hidden whines slipping in every now and then. you couldn’t believe you hadn’t done this sooner.
“i-i love this. love your dick so much- makes m-me feel so happy, toji.” now it was your turn to make your words dig deep, bringing him to the checkpoint with just a few praises.
“don’t say shit like that- fuck.”
you bring your hands to his face to cup his cheeks. you gently press your forehead against his and continue whispering sweet nothings against his lips.
“i can’t believe you’re fucking me like this— like you’ve wanted me for so long. you must love this pussy, huh? love when i take you like this?”
you take note of his sudden shudder, his strokes slowly becoming harder as his breath hitches near your ear, “yn, you better fuckin’ stop.”
“i can’t help it, toji. you just fuck me so much better,” you gasp and reached your arms around his neck, burying your head in his neck. you clench around him, and toji nearly loses it. the knot was finally beginning to unravel, his stomach was fluttering, and he was a bit tired, but he was so close— and you were too, again.
“where do you want me, sweet girl? i’m gonna’ to cum,” he asks, and you answer with a stream of yeses and ‘inside inside’. on command, you feel the wave of toji’s cum filling you full. your pussy wet him up with yet another orgasm and you practically collapse.
toji continues to fuck you through your climax, as well as his own. he was being nothing but dirty, yet a hint of weet. whispering things like ‘good girl’ and ‘i’m so proud of you’ over and over. your head was empty and so was your energy scale. you wanted nothing more than a nice soak in a warm bath to attend to your sore figure.
toji pulls out of you, leaving a airy noise being him when he does. his dick was coated in white, and he was still hard as you were wet, but you were both far too exhausted to give it another go.
he sees some of his cum dripping from your pussy and scoops it onto his index finger. lifting that same hand to your mouth, your lips immediately part to taste the mess the two of you made, “revenge tastes sweet doesn’t it?” he asks as you suck on his fingers until completely clean, letting out a moan while doing so.
as he stands to his full height, he stares down at your limp limbs and shakes his head in disbelief, “i didn’t kill ya’ did i?” he breathlessly laughs. you weakly smile and flip him off as he heads down the hall.
eventually toji returns, watching quietly as your lashes kiss your cheeks with exhaustion. still under a trance, he takes a towel he’d gotten from the bathroom to smooth your back and thighs, making sure to get between them as well. as he finishes, you could feel a delicate kiss being planted behind your ear.
his act as a caretaker drove you into a deep sleep, and he was left to reflect on what took place night. he might be jobless, and friendless in morning, but for right now, he’d rather fall asleep to the sound of your breaths as you lay your head on his chest— dreaming of the life you deserve.
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©️ SATORUBI 2023 please do not copy, repost as your own, or translate any of my work without my knowledge <33
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2K notes · View notes
takiflirt · 8 months
EEEK another &team writer mwahaha please spare some jo thoughts :0 what kinks do u think he'd have 😇
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— kinks jo would have.
hii fellow luné writer, how are you doing? i don’t even know if half of these are considered kinks but whatever. hope you like this one. word count: 0.3k
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fingering. have you seen his long slender fingers? he’s good with them. loves when you cum on his fingers too. just know damn well he’ll be licking everything off of them too. loves fingering you to prep you for his monster cock. (bc literally all of luné smut tumblr agree he has one) (i don’t make the rules here)
size kink. he is a giant. an 188cm giant if you wanna be specific with numbers here. would love anyone smaller than him. he would feel so much more dominant with you lying under him looking so much smaller. he would also like how much stronger he is with you because of your size.
hairpulling. (giving) 100% loves pulling your hair, especially when you two are rough fucking. he would also like pulling your hair when he’s about to cum.
overstimulation. he loves seeing you fucked out and whining for him. he’ll keep going till there are tears in your eyes and the only word you can moan out is his name. he also loves watching your cum dripping out of you afterwards as well.
face sitting. absolutely loves eating you out. also loves massaging your thighs while doing so. he is a master at giving you head. and yes, he can and will go at it for hours, even if you’re crying and begging him to stop. sooo.. long night ahead of you i guess.. ;)
© takiflirt. all rights reserved
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factual-fantasy · 10 months
24 asksss :}}} ⭐⭐⭐
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You are my favorite person
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Cassie does not exist in my AU. But hypothetically-
If Roxanne found this lost child she would report it to Vanessa and have her help Cassie. As is the protocol for children that are found on the premises after hours.
If Roxy found her while she had the "bug" in her system? She would have attacked and maybe even killed Cassie :x
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Had to google what that was, <XD It looks beautiful! And I image that he has seen it before yeah :)
As for their favorite songs, I'm not sure :0
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That's.. actually a really good idea.
For a long time I never went back to the comic because the writing I did was awful. Everyone was acting out of character, it was SUPER dramatic. I wrote Peso's character all wrong. Uhg, awful awful awful.
And then I was kept away from going back because people would not stop asking me to finish it. "Why did you abandon this comic?" "Are you gonna finish it?" "Why did you stop drawing it" "Go back and finish the crab comic" Like, it was so frustrating.
...Buuuuutt,, rewriting it? Hmmm... I'm way too wrapped up with projects to start this anytime soon. But I wont lie this ask really got me thinking about it-
Also thank you so much! I'm glad you like my art!! :DDD
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@smilegirl64 (Post in question)
Thank you! I'm so glad you noticed! That was my favorite detail to add XDDDD
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I dug into the series a bit and took a look around the fanbase. And I decided that it just wasn't really my thing.
Although I did love the character designs and I think they'd be really fun to draw, I didn't think I'd get along with the fandom. I can see myself huddled in my own little corner with all my headcannons and stuff, and I wouldn't really want to interact with anyone else. :/
Also my favorite character is probably Julie or Howdy XDD
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I use an XPPen Artist 13.3 Pro. Its a tablet with a screen! :))
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As for my drawing program I use FireAlpaca. Its free and really good for beginners and pros! Highly recommend if you're just getting into digital art. Also thank you!! :D
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I disagree actually. The "bug" aside, they are in no way programed to hurt anyone. They are programmed to have full obedience to staff and Managers.
They could try to stop them, and they could physically stand in their way. But you wouldn't see Freddy straight up punching an employee to keep him away from Bonnie.
Now with the bug in their systems? mmm.. Okay yeah they would. BUT ONLY WHEN THEY'RE NOT IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS-
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XDD Offended Bibi noises can be heard in the background
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<XD I'll do my best!
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I feel that my responsibility as an artist on this platform is to tag my art appropriately. Tag it for blood, gore, injuries, things like that. So that people who are disturbed by those subjects don't have to stumble upon it and have their day ruined. :(
What is NOT my responsibly is to prevent little kids from seeing my bloody Octonauts artwork. That's the parents job. XD THEY should be keeping an eye on their kids and making sure they're not browsing sites like Tumblr XDD
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Tangle and Lolbit are not a part of my AU actually.
But Mangle? Just because she hasn't made an appearance of any kind yet, doesn't mean she wont in the future.. 👀
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Thank you! :DD
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Thank you! I'll try to not rush through my projects so much <XD
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Thank you for respecting that! :D
Also uhg. I hate pinterest. I would rather people just never found out about me then find me through a pinterest post with my stolen artwork.
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YEESSS!!! I always love it when people decide to give Octonauts a try :))) Its a really neat show!
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XD My first thought was Peso or Shellington for some reason. They're just too polite to make a fuss XDDD
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Wanna know a good place to start if you genuinely struggle with that? Make 1 character that is based off of you. And then make a second character that is based off of someone in your life that you have 0 romantic interest in what so ever. Like your Mom, or your Dad, siblings, Uncle, dog literally anyone. It should be impossible to twist those 2 characters together because they are modeled after you and ur mom. You should look at them and say "thats me and my mom" or "thats me and my brother" Those 2 should then be characters that are 100% protected from becoming a ship. :0
This actually reminded me of my transformer ocs. I modeled the characters after the drivers/owners. And people wanted to ship them together and I was like "for 1 they are my OCs so thats kind'a odd but 2 those two characters are based off of siblings. They absolutely should not- in ANY universe, be paired together"
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Personally not a huge fan of the bright blue color he has. Seeing his Bonnie Bowl artwork everywhere I expected him to be his usual purple..
As for my Bonnie I think he'd get along pretty well with his Glamrock counterpart! But when it comes to the Bowling ally they'd be rivals. >:)
Also thank you! :DD
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aaaa thank you so much!! :DD I'm so glad to hear that you've liked my Mario artwork!! And that you read the info aaaa!! I spent a lot of time writing all that so I'm glad to hear that you read it! As for your questions,
1: Yes! My Peach, Daisy, Wario and Waluigi are all the same species, which is not human. They are this incredibly tall elf like species that closely resembles humans and has many biological similarities.. but ultimately they are very different species.
2: Its hard to say.. I've been known to change my mind a lot so maybe? Honestly I hope that someday these feelings towards fanart will vanish and I will be able to engage with my fans more. But for now,, noooo fanworks :(
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OH MY GOSH I LOVE THAT FNAF VIDEO XDD Very well animated and funny! Here's the link in case anyone is interested!
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I drew it myself! :)
360 notes · View notes
is-the-owl-video-cute · 2 months
Hazmat Hole 1: Overture
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I went back and forth on whether to do the pilot or not, but ultimately decided not to. Pilots are meant to be an episode 0 that isn’t necessary to understanding the plot. I may go back to it after episode 8 if I’m not completely sick of this.
It starts off with a story book narration about how hell started because Lucifer was a rebel or something and just states very vaguely that he had big ideas heaven didn’t like. Also Adam was the first man, Lilith was the first woman but she didn’t like Adam and liked Lucifer better they fell in love or whatever and Lucifer gave Eve the apple and he and Lilith were banished to hell. I wish I could lie and say I was skipping over details but they used more words to explain that in about as much depth as I did there. Anyway. The important part is that Charlie is a princess of hell as the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith and the angels go down to hell annually to purge excess souls.
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These two start off annoying and by god I do not see them getting any less so. Charlie is legitimately the most generic Disney Princess rip off I have ever seen in my life, complete with reading books aloud bursting into song. It’s genuinely jarring to hear her swear because you can tell the voice director basically just told her actor to pretend she’s auditioning for the little mermaid. Vaggie is annoying because she’s written like a middle schooler’s first “strong female character”. She’s the emo love interest in a B movie that was straight to video and made by people who don’t actually know what emo is.
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Appropriation Deer is literally just here to make wise cracks and occasionally move in ways that make animators cry and deviantart users in 2010 scream in joy.
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They could probably cut the budget in half by not having him in the show. Anyway no he is not here to do anything besides whine about how television sucks and emphasize that he’s only there at all because he’s into watching people fail and cry or whatever. He’s very flat as a character since he’s just there to be tumblr bait.
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Angel is here and spends the entire episode being sexually aggressive to the point of making everyone there uncomfortable and that’s the entire joke. That’s it. He’s a gay man who says penis and wise cracks and sexually harasses the men in the hotel. Because that is how vivziepop writes her mlm characters.
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We get a two for one easy joke with these two. Haha gay man is harassing a man who isn’t gay as well as haha asexual gets hit on but he says no way.
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Angel is here because “crack is expensive” and they don’t charge him rent there.
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Which he says while drinking a whole bottle of liquor to establish he’s an addict because vivziepop is as subtle as a bull in a China shop.
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And thus we are taken to our first musical number. It’s very underwhelming.
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Also Vaggie sings like she’s getting over a cold and plugging her nose and trying to do an impression of a duck.
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The opening number also leaves me with a perplexing question. Can you die in hell? Do you go to super hell if you die in hell?
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And we get our first real sexual harassment/assault joke from a giant slug flasher trying to make Charlie touch him in the middle of a musical number. I’m sure this bodes great for how angel’s abuse will be treated.
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I hate that I know this but as someone who did shamefully hate watch sausage party twice I have to point out that Adam here is literally just a rip off of a sausage party character.
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Everything down to the voice direction is literally just a rip off of the main antagonist of Sausage Party, the douche. This is probably somewhat intentional as vivziepop was a massive fan of that movie when it came out, but if you’re going to make an homage that borders on plagiarism (this is a joke I’m not accusing her of plagiarism here but it’s giving original character, donut steel), does it have to be from sausage party? Does it really? There’s other movies. Anyway he doesn’t say much, just establishes himself as a douche.
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Back at the hotel they start filming a new commercial since Alastor intentionally made their first commercial bad because he wanted to make fun of them and hates TVs just that much. Nothing very interesting happens. Angel is hot horny. Husk doesn’t want to be there. Alastor makes a deal with Vaggie to help as long as she never makes him go on TV again.
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We go back to Charlie begging Adam to stop coming to hell and killing demons by the hundreds every year and Adam says no in frankly one of the only songs that I like from this series. Sadly, it’s still terribly annoying and repetitive.
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Viv posted meme please clap.
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Isn’t this the homophobic character from the pilot? Didn’t realize she was given a male voice to imply she’s either a drag Queen or trans I guess. Great. I’m sure it’s a very artistic and respectful choice and not every other more likely reason this was the casting decision.
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The episode ends with the discovery that an Angel was killed during the last extermination so they plan to come back in just six months to kill every demon in hell. I might care if any character established themselves as anything other than a vessel to spout boring exposition and sex jokes for twenty minutes.
And that’s episode one. It’s honestly just boring and all of the explicit language sounds extremely forced and awkward.
0/10, the one okay song wasn’t enough to save it. Too much exposition dumping.
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buckyalpine · 2 years
18+ Minors dni
Bucky x f reader 
A/N: self indulging here with how we ended up down this rabbit hole. A lil cocky Bucky. 
Warnings: Dirty talking, a little smut, illusions to smut, swearing
The TikTok that started it all: https://www.tiktok.com/@hungrymathi/video/6948835965326707973?_t=8Tqbk2XuzbB&_r=1
Word count: 1.2k
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You looked around you, sighing contently seeing no one else in the shared living room. You plopped down onto the large couch, snuggling into the cushions, pulling your phone out.
The holy trinity; your latest guilty pleasure and favourite place to be. It all started with a tiktok.
Avengers walking in on you naked
You snickered at the accuracy of how each person would react; Tony, Steve, Sam, Peter but then the next avenger made your stomach clench. The one and only James Buchanan Barnes. The other avengers would run away or sneak a little glance. Bucky on the other hand, flicks his eyes over your body, licking his lips before walking in and shutting the door behind him. Sure, it was someone else pretending to be Bucky but that did it for you, you had entered a very interesting rabbit hole. You let curiosity get the best of you, searching his name and finding hundreds of TikToks. Some were some rather spicy edits of him working out or pictures of him shirtless. Those were nice, but what really sent you into a spiral were the stories.
It felt wrong but so right. He was your co-worker (disgustingly hot co-worker) for fucks sake but…
The first video you came across made you blush like a little school girl, momentarily confused about wtf y/n stood for. It was an elaborate story about you and Bucky pining for each other, classic idiots in love, there were almost 50 videos for the one story. It was sweet. Wholesome.
And then there were the ones where you were apparently Tony’s daughter (not too different from reality, Tony was very protective over you, more like a brother) and you were caught hooking up with Bucky. It started off with him teasing you, then you sat on his lap and then…. Butterfly emoji. You can imagine the rest?
You huffed because it was never enough, the videos always hinting to sexy times but with 0 details and fuck you wanted to details! You scrolled through the comments, seeing a number of people recommending Wattpad and AO3 stories that had all the details.
You figured just a peek wouldn’t cause any harm, you’d see what it’s about and it’d scratch the itch. You were so fucking wrong because with each story you read, you only wanted more. You allowed your mind to explore all the fantasies you always had, your heart racing and stomach erupting into butterflies with each spicy detail.
It didn’t help that all the fics were all so accurate. They all nailed Bucky’s personality and you were able to imagine everything perfectly. You did your best to hide your filthy little secret from everyone but it was becoming more and more difficult.
Which led you here; to this very moment. You kept the phone extra close to your face so no one would be able to sneak a peek at your screen, immersing yourself in the smuttiest of fics. Your heart was racing as the plot line was reaching its climax with Bucky ramming his cock into you against a wall.
“Whatcha reading there y/n?”
You shrieked, throwing your phone across the room, looking back to see Bucky with a smirk, his head cocked to the side right behind you.
How long had he been standing there?!
“N-nothing! I- cookies! It’s a cookie recipe!” You grabbed your phone and headed straight for your room without looking back, feeling his eyes watch your flustered form run away.
“Cookies my ass” Bucky smirked to himself, his cock stirring in his jeans.
You slammed the door shut, throwing yourself onto your bed to scream into your pillow. Ugh, why were you reading that in the middle of the living room like a perv. You had no idea how you were going to face him again, deciding to take a very cold shower because your entire body felt like it was on fire.
You let the cold water shock you, your mind racing hoping to Bucky didn’t actually see what you were reading but who were you kidding. He had super everything, hearing, sight, stealth, he was probably able to smell how aroused you were too. You shook your head, contemplating on sending Tony a resignation letter, maybe moving to Switzerland, live out your days as a cow on a nice pastoral farm. You switched off the water, grabbing a towel to wrap around you. You stepped out of the bathroom, your soul leaving your body; towel almost falling in the process.
Bucky was lying on your bed, casually scrolling through your phone, a shit eating grin on his face; how the hell did he know your pass code?!
You gripped onto your towel, bolting towards him, straddling him, trying to grab your phone, struggling as he grinned holding it out of your reach.
“Bucky!! Ugh, give it back! That’s private, you can’t just scroll through someone phone like that!” The towel nearly slipped off as you momentarily let go of it, squirming on his hips, your face flushing as you clutched it again.
“I thought we were friends doll, friends don’t hide secrets”
He continued to hold the phone out of your grasp, his eyes trailing the water droplets that were running down your neck, past your collarbone and into the valley of your breasts. He let out an involuntary groan each time your hips clumsily rocked forward, your breasts bouncing in his face, inching closer to his mouth.
“There are no secrets, you’re just being a creep right now, give me my phone back!” You huffed, crossing your arms across your chest, sitting back right on his crotch, your eyes growing wide as you felt his clothed cock pressing into your ass.
“Maybe you can tell me what you’ve been up to on your phone then, been noticing you’ve been glued to it recently”
Bucky grabbed your hips to sit right above his achingly hard length, moving you to grind on him. You gasped, unable to process anything that was happening right now, as he licked his lips, watching your mouth gape, your brain glitching. You could feel your core clench around nothing, arousal pouring out of you. Bucky gripped your ass, flipping you around, trapping you under him, his metal hand holding both of your hands pinned above your head.
“Tell me what you were reading”
Bucky smirked, watching the way your eyes flicked between his eyes and lips, moving closer to your face so his lips would brush against yours as he spoke.
“You like imagining all the dirty thing’s Id do to you?”
You nodded, whimpering, your legs spreading apart further allowing him to rut his clothed throbbing length onto your desperate core.
“You like imaging me pounding you against a wall, wrapping my metal hand around your throat while I fuck your brains out?”
You moaned, squirming under him, trying to rub yourself on him, the growing ache between your legs was becoming unbearable. Bucky reached between your bodies, ripping the towel off you, leaving you bare underneath him. He sat up, tugging his shirt off before laying back on you again, his hand making its way down, teasing your folds while he kissed your neck.
“You don’t have to imagine babydoll, I can just show you”
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Tags:  @glxwingrxse @hungryyeyes @sebsgirl71479 @beabutterfly987​ @teambarnes72​
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americas1suiteheart · 4 months
This is also another one that hasn't been requested, but the FOB brain rot is real guys. Anyways, this one isn't exactly age accurate I guess?? More so of an AU if anything.
This is also on Ao3 if you want to read it there (This is the link)
How Misery Loved Me
[Patrick Stump x Fem! Reader]
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[Tumblr did it again and ruined the quality of my gif..]
[Summary; I don't know how to write summaries for works that aren't requested, my bad, guys this is my own fault, especially when I know I have asks.💀
[Notes; I'm sorry it's another fem reader but school is piling up and finals week is coming up and I still want to write, but fem readers are easier right now. I also just gave the girl that went to the dance with Pete a random name. (This is one of the corniest and most cliche things I've ever written).
[Warnings; Mutual pining, foul language, some angst, and there's multiple pov changes.
[Word Count; 10,307
<Now playing - Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy>
0:54 ──ㅇ─────── 3:00
"So, which one do you think looks better?" You ask, turning around to look at Patrick, who was sitting on your bed.
"That one's nice, but I think the second one you wore was better. But seriously, I think you should pick which one you want."
"That's the thing though; I don't know which one I want to wear because I like three of them," You say, falling face down onto the bed in the spot where all the previously discarded dresses were.
"Then take all the other dresses out and pick just those three, and then we can narrow it down to what you want," Patrick says, looking down at you.
You groan and turn over, then get up again, beginning to pick all of the other dresses except for the three that you liked, hanging all of the other ones back up and putting them into your closet.
You take the three other dresses with you behind the divider you had in your room, changing into one of the dresses and walking back out.
"Okay, this one has a pretty colour and it's comfortable, but I think it's just a little too short for my liking, so I think this one can go." You say, looking at yourself in the mirror, smoothing out the dress.
You walk back behind the divider, changing into the second dress and hanging the other one back up.
"This one is a perfect length, and it's a nice colour but the straps constantly fall off my shoulders, but I think if I were to sew them to fit me, or even just safety pin them to my bra, it would probably be okay."
You do the same as you did before, going back to the divider, changing into the other dress, and walking back out.
"This one is comfortable, and it fits good, as well as a good length, but I'm afraid that it's going to end up being too much." You say, looking at yourself in the mirror and turning around.
"That's the one that I liked. I don't think it's too much, though. It looks nice on you," Patrick says, scooting farther back onto the bed.
"So, should I wear this one or the other one?" You ask, looking down at yourself, feeling the material of the dress in between your fingers.
"I think that one,"
You nod, smiling as you go back to behind the divider, changing into your pyjamas this time and laying the dress down nicely for Friday's dance, then putting the other one away into your closet.
After doing so, you close up the divider and lay down on your bed halfway with your legs dangling off of it. You close your eyes and listen to the music playing from your CD player, nodding your head to the song.
You open your eyes slightly, looking up at Patrick and admiring his features. His hair was medium length, with those sideburns that you adored so much. Oh and his smile, he could light up a room with that smile. His eyes were such a pretty blue.
You see Patrick look down at you and then quickly look away when he sees that you were staring at him, you doing the same.
You quickly sit back up from your bed and walk to your player to change the CD.
"I still haven't completed the math homework that's due Thursday and was thinking about what other ones I still had to do. Have you done them yet?" You say trying to get rid of the awkwardness, taking your Catalyst CD by New Found Glory out of its case, then taking the other one out of the player and replacing it, pushing the play button and turning up the volume dial.
You turn back around and see Patrick's eyes widen.
"Oh shoot! I forgot about that! What was it again?" Patrick asks, his hands covering his face.
"We just have to do the problems on page 27 from our books, it's not that hard but I can let you copy mine if you want, I'm not done with it yet so you'll have to finish the rest." You say, walking over to your bag to get your book out.
"That would be awesome, I'll just copy them down on a paper if you don't mind it,"
"Knock yourself out, 'Trick,"
You place the book down onto your small desk in the corner of your room. The desk had scattered sheet music, old graded history and english papers, a table lamp and pencil jar placed on the left, and your closed laptop sitting in the middle of the desk.
The wall it was facing was decorated with old concert tickets and wristbands, framed pictures of you and your family, as well as unframed pictures of you and the rest of the boys, most of them of you and Patrick.
Patrick walks to the desk, sitting down in the chair and grabbing one of your blank lined papers from a spot where more sheet music books were stacked up.
You sit back down onto your bed, humming the beginning of All Downhill From Here to yourself and picking at the fibers on the plush throw.
"Has anyone asked you to homecoming yet?" Patrick says, still looking at the book and copying it down.
"No, not yet. I honestly wouldn't mind not getting asked and just hanging out with you and the rest of the guys though,"
"Really? I'm surprised no one has yet. But Pete has a date to homecoming now actually so I think it would be just me, Andy, and Joe together," Patrick says, placing the pencil down and turning around in the swivel chair.
"Pete got a date? Did he finally ask that girl?" You ask.
"Yup, he lit her yard on fire with the word "homecoming?" and she said yes," He explains.
"He lit her yard on fire?! I don't know about her but if someone lit my yard on fire to ask me to some dance saying yes would be the last thing i'd do, I think that's just common sense though, or at least it should be, but apparently not for her!" You exclaim, looking at Patrick in shock.
"Yeah, I told him it was a bad idea too and he still did it. I've got to give it to him though, at least he was confident enough to do that and it actually got him a date," Patrick laughs.
"Are you going to ask anyone to the dance?"
"I want to ask this one girl, but I don't think I'm going to end up actually doing it, I'm not as confident as Pete is when it comes to that sort of stuff," Patrick says, spinning around in the chair.
"Anyways, I should probably get going now though, it's going get dark out soon and my curfew is coming up, I don't need my mom yelling at me again," Patrick says, getting up from the chair and walking over to you.
"Oh shoot, have you really been here that long? I didn't mean to keep you here that long, sorry about that," You say, getting up.
"Don't apologise, I like hanging out with you, it's much better than just sitting in my bed reading comics the whole time. I mean, I love those comics but again, I much prefer hanging out with you instead," Patrick says awkwardly.
"Okay, get going though, it'll be too dark for you to walk home soon enough," You say.
You give Patrick a hug, him leaning down a little bit as he was just ever so slightly taller than you.
"Alright, bye Y/n, I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you for letting me copy, you seriously just saved my ass," Patrick says, opening your door and leaving the room.
You close the door and sigh, sitting at your desk, finishing the last three problems you had, then turning off your lamp and CD player.
You get your bed ready to sleep in, putting the extra pillow on the floor and get under the covers.
I'm so stupid, he's nothing more than a friend and it's always going to be that way, stop creating these stupid thoughts in your head.
You sigh and close your eyes, falling asleep within a few minutes.
-Patrick's POV-
"Dude just ask her. If you don't ask soon then some other guy will. There's only two days until homecoming, she's going to get asked, Patrick, believe me." Pete says, leaning against the lockers next to mine.
"I don't know, Pete. I mean, if she says no then it's going to be awkward between us or something, I don't want that." I say, rummaging through my locker for my math book.
"Believe me, Patrick, she'll say yes." Pete puts an arm on my shoulder and gives me a look.
I sigh and close my locker, not being able to find the book. It's fine, I didn't need it right now anyways. I'll have to look for it when I get home though.
The bell rings and I walk to my class with Pete, him departing ways with me shortly after as he had a different class this period.
God I really don't want to be here right now.
Ding! -"Good Morning everyone! Today is Thursday and it's currently 20 degrees out. The yearbook club is meeting today during lunch, as well as chess and game club. Those that need to retake their photos have today and tomorrow to do so, and those that need to retake any midterm tests will do so next week on Tuesday in the Algebra classroom or room B213. And now for the most exciting announcement; homecoming is coming up tomorrow and tickets are still being sold during lunch time, so maybe get yourself and a special someone a ticket as they won't be sold at the door. Those that are helping plan the dance will need to meet in the student lounge until Friday. Have a great day, and once again buy those tickets!"- Click!
'Ugh. Another reminder that I still don't have the balls to ask her out to the dance.' I think to myself, pinching the bridge of my nose and getting all of my things out for the class.
I sit through the class, taking notes as the teacher talks, ignoring the balls of scrunched up papers being thrown across the classroom. The class seemed to go on so much longer than it usually felt like it did, but maybe it might be the rowdiness of my classmates.
I finish the class and continue to go to all of my other periods until lunchtime. Finding my regular table with everyone else and place my bag down and head to the lunchline, which was almost always shorter except for Wednesdays as the food tended to be much better then everything else all the other days.
Honestly though, most of everyone's lunch breaks are just spent waiting in line unless you either got lucky enough to be first or if you brought your own lunch for the day.
After standing in the line and finally getting my tray, I head back to the table.
"...No, no, no, no, no. You don't understand guys, this is like, the first time I've ever been asked to any kind of dance ever. This is huge for me!" Y/n exclaims, slamming their hands on the table.
"I don't know man, the guy that asked you is kind of an asshole," Andy says, everyone else other than Y/n agreeing.
Shit, I should've listened to Pete.
"Come on dude, you're really gonna ditch me, Patrick and Andy for some guy that you've never had a conversation with?" Joe says as he continues chewing on his sandwich.
I place my tray onto the table, sitting down in between Pete and Y/n in the seat that I was always in.
"Pat! Hold on I was looking for one of my CD's this morning when I was getting ready and found this under one of my blankets I had on the floor. I think you might've left it the last time we studied together." Y/n says, pulling a large math book out of her bag and handing it to me.
"Oh shit, thanks, Y/n. I was looking for this earlier this morning," I say, taking the book from her hands, looking at it for a second and then placing it inside my bag.
"Yeah no problem. Oh, oh! You'll never guess what happened during the second passing period," She says excitedly, grabbing my left shoulder and shaking it slightly, then patting her hand quickly on it.
"What happened?" I ask, taking a bite out of the sandwich on my tray of food.
"So, you know that guy Mark in our chemistry class right? He kinda has like this dark brown semi-curly hair, the one that always wears that letterman jacket,"
"The guy that pushed me directly into that one girl because I wouldn't give him my notes?" I say, swallowing the bite of my sandwich and opening my carton of milk.
"He did that to you?" Y/n asks, gently placing her hand on my back.
I dismiss her hand, "That doesn't really matter, did he ask you to the dance?"
Y/n's face had a hurt look, one that I couldn't quite place my finger on. Her face then softened, continuing with what she was saying.
"But uh, yeah. He asked me if I wanted to be his date to homecoming and I said yes. He's not a bad looking guy so I figured why not," She finishes, giving a small shrug.
I nod slowly, staying silent as I continue taking bites out of my sandwich, listening to everyone else talk about their own things for the remainder of the lunch period.
I get up and throw my tray with everyone else, grabbing my bag and waiting for Y/n at the table so we can walk to class together.
How come you always have to chicken out on things like this? If you don't start saying something soon to her she's going to-
A sudden light punch on my arm brings me out of my trance, I turn to see Y/n and gently punch her back, smiling at her.
"You okay, Pat?" She asks, a soft smile on her face.
I nod my head, starting to walk with her to our next class together. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just got lost in my head for a second there". Y/n hums and continues walking, pushing past everyone else in the crowded hallway.
Does it make me a bad friend for not being completely happy for Y/n, anyone would be but I can't seem to shake off this feel of jealousy in my body.
Me and Y/n enter the classroom, going to our shared work table and place our bags down on the floor next to it and take our seats.
"What did we work on yesterday in this class? I dozed off," Y/n whispers.
"Oh, I could tell. Did you know that you snore?" I say jokingly.
"Oh shut up, I was out for forty minutes, but can you please tell me what we did?" Y/n says sarcastically, giving me a light punch in the arm.
"We just had a study hall for class. Mr Hadford didn't feel like teaching so he just told us to do whatever, so you're fine unless you absolutely needed to work on something else,"
"Good to know," Y/n places her head onto my shoulder.
-Reader's POV-
"Come on, Y/n. Are you sure you really want to go with Mark Anderson? The guy is a douche, you've seen how he treats people like us!" Pete exclaims.
"What do you mean by people like us? Pete?" I ask, turning around from my desk to look at Pete.
Pete was over at your house because you two wanted to hang out together. He was in the same spot that Patrick sat in your bed the other night. You couldn't help but feel slightly upset with yourself that you agreed to go with mark instead of asking Patrick to go with you. Or instead, hoping Patrick would ask you.
Sure, it'd always been fun just going with the rest of them, you guys just did your own thing and stayed together, dancing how you wanted without caring if other people thought it was odd, because all five of you always had fun.
But for once someone had actually asked you, wanted to go with you, and to be honest, some terrible part of you wished that Patrick would get jealous and ask you to go with him instead.
"You know what I mean by that, Y/n. We've always been the geeks no one else really hangs out with, we've always been the only ones that hang out with each other, because be honest with yourself, when was the last time we ever talked with other people for more than a class period?" Pete explains.
You turn away, going back to what you were doing before. You hated that he was right. Why would some asshole jock ask you in the first place, you'd never even talked to him until earlier, and the conversation lasted 2 minutes at most.
"I didn't mean to be mean, well, maybe just a little, but I have a bad feeling that Mark didn't have good intentions when asking you." Pete says, getting up from the bed, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"But what if Mark is being genuine? What if I said no and missed out on something that could be serious?" I sigh, turning to face Pete.
"But Mark really isn't the best person at all. I mean, he's done something shitty to most of us by now, who knows if he'll do it again, or to you.. As your friend, I don't want you getting hurt, and neither would the rest of the guys, especially Patrick, and you know that. At least I would hope you do,"
"I know, I know.. It's just, ugh god. I mean, you can't say anything, you asked that poor girl by lighting her front yard on fire!"
"So? At least I'm a better guy than Mark Anderson. The guy is notorious for being a douchebag, don't compare me to him." Pete says, falling down onto my bed dramatically.
God, Pete is starting to make me question my decisions, maybe I should listen to him, what if Mark really does have bad intentions.
"I can't believe you didn't ask Patrick to go with you. You know he wouldn't have said no, right?" Pete says, his arm over his eyes.
"When he was here the other night I asked him if he was going to ask anyone to the dance and he said that he wanted to ask this girl. I didn't bother after that, if he already had someone in mind I wasn't going to ask, I don't want to be that type of girl. I've seen other girls do that to guys and it either makes them feel like they're being pressured or in an awkward sort of position." You sigh, finishing organizing the plethora of loose sheet music on your desk and placing it in a folder.
"Whatever man. All I'm saying is that you could've said no to Mark and hung out with the rest of the guys. You didn't have to go with him."
"Piss off, Wentz. I don't want your shitty advice, it's just making me feel worse," You say annoyed.
"I had the balls to ask someone I liked to homecoming, you didn't. You made a mistake and still insist that 'oh come on Pete, he can't be that bad, even if he made your guys' lives miserable, I'm pretty sure he'll be nice even if we haven't ever talked to each other, I want to give this dumb asshole a chance.' And to be honest Y/n, you're kind of a dumbass for that." Pete was now standing up, stopping in front of you two feet away, rolling his eyes and mimicking you.
"Get the fuck out of my room, Pete.." You say, your voice starting to get that raw feeling and tears threatening to form in your eyes. You felt stupid for starting to cry over something you started.
Pete storms out of the room closing your door, you could tell how annoyed he was by the sound of how loud his footsteps were, then leaving your house with a slight slam of the door.
What he said hurt. A lot. And just as before, you hated how right he was, how he was able to tell you every single thing you could've and shouldn't've done and he was still right. He acted like an ass but you knew it was with good intent and that he didn't want you to have the possibility of getting hurt, he was like an older brother in that way, but it pissed you off that he felt the need to scold and talk to you as if you were a child. How did something as simple as hanging out with each other turned into an argument so quickly?
You were too frustrated at that point, and on top of that, homecoming was the next night. God I'm an idiot, I need to sleep..
-Timeskip the next day-
The girls in the hallway giggled and talked to their friends about how excited they were for homecoming. How they were going with their boyfriends or how someone cute or popular asked them.
Despite how excited everyone was around you, you remained nervous and the feeling of anxiety only grew stronger every step you took down the hallway, finally making it to Patrick's locker where Andy, Pete, Joe, and obviously Patrick were standing.
"Good morning, Y/n, or not such a good morning..? Are you okay, man? You look like shit," Joe says, reaching across to examine your face.
"Thanks, Joe. Good morning to you too, I'm just fine," You say, swiping at his hands to get them off of your face.
"Hey, Y/n," Patrick says, giving you a small wave with a smile on his face. Gosh he was always so cute without even trying.
"Hey, Patrick, good morning," You say, mustering a small smile despite how you currently felt. "Good morning, Andy. How are you guys feeling other than excited like the rest of everyone else?" You ask, letting out a sigh.
Groans emit from everyone except Pete, one would know exactly why.
"I don't know, man I'm pretty excited, shouldn't you be too, Y/n? Are you excited to go with Mark?" Pete says, looking at you with a grin on his face.
"Sure, whatever you say, Wentz." You say, glaring at him.
The bell rings throughout the hallways, everyone starts to scramble to their classes, seemingly still talking to their friends about the dance as they do so.
"Me and Andy gotta go to pre-cal, we'll see you guys during lunch. Try not to die from excitement," Joe says, walking down the hallway, giving a monotone "woo-hoo".
We all depart and walk to our separate classes. Math was probably one of the worst first classes to have, or more specifically Trigonometry. It wasn't even that you hated it, but rather the kids in it. They were loud and were often rowdy, and the teacher didn't care enough to say anything about it, and today you knew it was going to be much rowdier than most days. And when you walked in, you were exactly right.
You sat at your desk, placing your bag down and grabbing your book out of it. One more day until winter break starts, just one more day until you don't have to be around this chaos and sleep in.
The class went by quicker than it usually did, you just finished some problems in your workbook and listened to music on your iPod to drown out the sound of your classmates not very quietly talked to others.
After finishing your other two periods you walked through the hallway to get lunch.
Someone from behind grabs your shoulders and gives them a squeeze, "Boo," the voice says quietly. You turn around to see Pete standing in front of you
"Oh uh, hey, Pete." You say, adjusting the straps of your backpack awkwardly.
"Hey, Y/n. I'm sorry about last night by the way, I was kinda being a dick to you and said some things to you that would've been better if they were left unsaid. I don't want our friendship to go to shit so I wanted to apologise." Pete says, looking at you sympathetically.
You sigh and look up at him, "I'm sorry too, Pete. You were right and it upset me that you were, I also don't want there to be any sort of tension between us. I'm honestly kinda glad we resolved it,"
"What's that supposed to mean?" Pete asks, smiling as he begins to walk with you to the lunch line.
"Well, I mean I could've totally lived without being your friend, you're not all that important or whatever," You sarcastically reply.
"Pfft, I think I can say the same for you too, L/n," Pete says and gives you a small punch to your arm.
Both of you get lunch and then head to your usual table where just Andy was sat, reading an issue of Uncanny X-Men with one of his earbuds in.
"Hey, Andy. You're not gonna get any lunch?" You ask, placing your tray onto the table and sit next to Pete.
"Nah, not right now. I'm gonna wait for the line to clear up so I can finish this," Andy replies, taking his other earbud out and wrapping the cord around his iPod.
"Where's Joe and Patrick? Did they come by yet?" Pete talks with his mouth full, shoveling the spaghetti on his tray into his mouth.
"No, they haven't come by yet, I'm assuming both of them got stuck in computer lab, I heard the teacher's an ass so I wouldn't be surprised if they did. Hey, does the spaghetti come without the meat in the sauce or is it just that?"
"Ah okay, thanks, Andy. Yeah they have just the tomato sauce, the meat is an add on type thing," You reply, taking a bite of your food.
Andy gives a nod of affirmation and continues to read the comic in his hands.
You and Pete continue to eat, Andy soon finishes his comic to go get lunch and comes back shortly after.
"Have Patrick and Joe still not come by yet?" Andy says, as he sits back down in his seat and sets his tray down.
"Nope, nothing yet," Pete replies.
Worry began to set in your stomach, nothing could've happened to the two, except maybe Joe getting in trouble and dragging Patrick along with him.
You decide to pull your phone out and ring Patrick and after a couple of rings it goes to voicemail. You hang up and look at your phone for a moment before closing it.
"Patrick leaves his cell on silent during school, try Joe instead, or you could always go look for them." Andy says, swallowing a bite of his pasta before talking.
Shoot you forgot about that. You open your phone back up and dial Joe's number, it doing the same thing as when you tried Patrick's number.
"I'm gonna go look for them, do you guys wanna come with?" You ask, getting up from the table.
Pete looks at Andy then back at me, "Nah, I think we can just stay. Me and Andy still have to finish our food,"
You nod and walk out of the lunch hall, heading down to upstairs building C to get to the Computer Lab. Once you were at the classroom you knocked on the door, not long after the teacher opened it.
"What is it you need?" The teacher says seemingly annoyed.
"Have you seen Patrick and Joe? I believe they have you as their 3rd bell and I haven't seen them." You ask, slightly intimidated by the teacher's height and demeanor.
"They're in lunch detention right now, actually."
You let out a small 'oh' and thank her before walking back to the lunch hall. Wow, Andy must've been right about her being mean.
You return back to your table and sit back down next to Pete, sighing. "They got themselves stuck in lunch detention,"
"What? How did they do that?" Andy says, Pete snickering next to you.
"I don't know! I went to the computer lab, knocked on the door, then asked the teacher if she'd seen them or knew where they were and she just told me that they were in lunch detention," You explain, running your hands through your hair.
Pete is now laughing even louder and so is Andy, now you can't help but laugh a little with them too.
Lunch finishes and all three of you dump your trays. You grab your bag and start walking to your 4th bell History class.
As you walk in you see Patrick sitting at the table you two share with his head down. You walk to it and place your things down and sit next to him.
"What happened, Stump?" You say, placing a hand on Patrick's arm.
"I don't wanna talk about it." Patrick says with his voice muffled from still having his head down.
"Alright, I won't pry about it, but you have to put your head up so that way we can work. I can't have a partner if he's got his head buried in his arms the whole time." You chuckle, taking your hand off his arm and getting your things out of your bag.
The rest of the day went by and soon enough you were in your room blasting AFI's Sing The Sorrow album as you got ready for the dance.
You had the dress that Patrick helped you pick out and some simple makeup on, just a little bit of eyeliner on your waterline and a light coat of mascara on your bottom lashes, just leaving your top lashes curled.
You pause your music and put the CD back into its case, grabbing your phone on your way out of your room.
You spot your dad sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal, "Hey dad, how do I look? Does it look okay or should I change something about it?"
"Hey, kiddo. You look nice, that looks just fine. Let me take a picture before you head out, okay." Your dad gets up from where he was sitting and gets the camera out
You stand in front of an empty space where paintings he made were the only thing that adorned the walls behind you. You smile and he takes the picture, then he comes next to you and takes a picture of both of you.
"Alright, have fun and don't do anything stupid. Take your coat too, it's cold out." He says as he gives you a hug.
You grab your coat and tell him bye before going outside. Joe was your ride to the dance, so you waited outside for him to come. In a few minutes he pulled up with his hand me down 1998 Toyota Corolla, Andy sitting in the passenger seat.
"Hey, Joe, thanks for taking me. Hi, Andy," You say, getting into the backseat of the car.
"No problem. You stoked for it? Your date is that Mark guy, right?" Joe asks as he begins driving.
"Yeah, I guess."
"You seemed to be stoked about it yesterday, what's wrong now?" Andy asks.
You shrug your shoulders and sigh, regardless of the fact that they couldn't see you. "I dunno, I just- feel bad about leaving you guys, we've been going with each other the past two years now. And on top of that Pete won't be there either because he has a date too."
"Don't worry about us, Y/n, we'll be fine, and you can always come with us and hang out if you get tired of Mark," Andy says and Joe nods in agreement.
"It's not really that, I guess. I mean, I didn't get to ask the guy I wanted to and just kinda said yes to Mark even though I didn't want to go. To be honest the guy is a dick and I've seen how he reacts to other girls rejecting him, and I just didn't want him to spread gross lies about me like he did with the girls that said no to him."
I was stupid for saying yes, but I would've also been stupid if I said no. It was a lose, lose situation and my grave was already dug when he asked me. I'm hoping that he just ditches me and says that it was a joke that he asked me, that no one would ever ask me. You wanted to get out of that situation even if it meant him humiliating you in front of a crowd of other people. You knew that's exactly what would happen if he did do it.
"Why didn't you ask the guy you wanted to before? We had like, two weeks to do so." Joe asks, his eyes still focused on the road.
"Honestly, Joe, I don't know."
Other than the soft music coming from the radio, the rest of the ride to the school was quiet. All of you get out of the car once you make it to the car lot and park. Joe locks his car and you guys walk to the building that leads to the gym, all three of you giving your tickets to the teacher that had a table set outside.
You head into the hall and tell Andy and Joe to go on ahead while you wait for Mark. You felt uneasy about it, just as you thought on the way here, hoped that he would come to say something about you and ditch.
Mark arrived and greeted you and walked next to you until you were inside the gym. You see Pete and wave to him, then spot Joe and see Patrick peeking over to wave to you. You smile and wave back to him but it was cut short as Mark took your arm and pulled you to a spot where other guys and girls he often hung out with were standing.
God, this is not gonna be a fun night..
He introduces you to his friends. Some waved but most of them snicker and sneer at you. You shuffle in your spot uncomfortably as all of them talk to each other, not really knowing who they were and not wanting to be included in the conversations.
The band that was supposed to start the dance off with one song started to play and everyone began to clap to the beat of the beginning.
'She says, she's no good with words but I'm worse. Barely stuttered out a joke of a romantic stuck to my tongue,'
These guys are pretty good, holy shit.
'Way down with words too over dramatic. Tonight it's "It can't get much worse," Vs. "No one should ever feel like"'
You would like to dance and enjoy the music but it just wouldn't feel like it does when you were with the guys. You had no clue what to even do, you just kinda, stood there as everyone in the group just continued talking to each other.
'Dance, dance. We're falling apart to halftime. Dance, dance. And these are the lives you love to lead. Dance, this is the way they'd love, if they knew how misery loved me,'
"Hey, uh, I'm gonna go to the food table, alright?" You tell Mark awkwardly.
"Yeah, uh-huh, whatever, go do what you need to." Mark says, dismissing you with his hand and immediately going back to his conversation.
'Why don't you show me a little bit of spine. You've been saving for his mattress, love,'
You walk to the table, having to push past the crowd before getting there. You grab a cup and pour some punch into it, then grab one of the dessert cups and a spoon.
You sit at the bleachers to eat the dessert and drink your punch, throwing the empty cups and spoon into the trash once you were done and grab a dessert cup for Mark then head back to where he and his friends were.
You tap Mark on the shoulder and raise the dessert cup to him, motioning that you got it for him. "I got you one of these while I was over there."
Mark looks at you with a look on his face you can only decipher as disgust and destain. "I don't know how someone such as you can think that anyone other than your weird little friends would actually want to be next to you. I thought you were supposed to be the smart girl and somehow you still didn't get it." Mark says, laughing at me. His friends doing the same.
'Why don't you show me a little bit of spine. You've been saving for his mattress. I only want sympathy in the form of you. Crawling into bed with me,'
You look at him for a brief few seconds with a blank look on your face before shrugging. "Yeah, that's fair enough, but if you wanted a reaction out of me like all those other girls you could've at least tried a little harder. Thanks, man." You say before walking away, the dessert cup in your hand. You walk back to the table to put it back so it wouldn't go to waste and head to the bleachers. You see Andy sitting, reading one of the comics he brought with him.
You head over and sit next to him. "Hey, Andy. What are you doing here by yourself? Where's Patrick?"
"I could ask you the same. Patrick's in the mosh pit." Andy says, pointing to the pit that formed in the middle of the crowd.
"He's what? How'd that happen? He's not one for that sorta stuff. I'd expect that from Pete," You laugh.
"I think I saw someone drag him in. He was just kinda dancing by himself, I saw some girl slap Joe in the face earlier too, we can only guess why," Andy sighs, setting his comic down.
"So, what happened with Mark?"
'Dance, dance. We're falling apart to halftime. Dance, dance. And these are the lives you love to lead. Dance, this is the way they'd love,'
"He asked me just so that he could embarrass me in front of his friends," You shrug.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry that happened, dude." Andy says.
"Oh I'm fine, it only bothered me a bit but most of it was because he included you guys into it. I'm glad it happened, I get to hang out with you guys now, that is if Patrick comes out of that pit alive." You say, laughing at your own words.
"That's good, I'm glad you're okay," Andy says, picking his comic back up and continuing to read it.
'Dance, dance. Dance, dance. Dance, dance. Dance, dance.'
The song ends and the dance circles and small mosh pits begin to empty, most of everyone else going to their own group as the band starts taking all of their stuff down.
Joe makes his way to where you and Andy were sitting, a glass of punch in his hand. "Oh hey, what's up, Y/n?"
"Nothing much. What earned you a slap on the face by the way?" You ask, Andy snickering next to you, his nose still in his comic.
"We're not going to talk about that, okay.." Joe responds, rolling his eyes and taking a sip out of his cup.
Pete makes his way towards you guys with his date and introduces her to you guys. You wave and say hi, introducing yourself to her as well. She seemed like she was a nice girl.
"Y/n, what happened to Mark?" Pete asks, his hand holding the girl's.
"He just asked to try and embarrass me in front of his friends. It didn't bother me though, I was kind of expecting it honestly. I just walked away after telling him it didn't and came over here and just hung out with Andy," You explain.
Pete gives you a knowing look as a way of saying "I told you so," without saying anything. You roll your eyes at him in response and look at Amy. "So, I'm just curious, what made you say yes to Pete when he asked you to homecoming by lighting your front yard on fire?"
Pete looks at me and then back at Amy. "You don't need to answer that, how about we go and get some punch?" He says. Amy giggled as he began to pull her along with him. He glared at you before he walked away with her.
You stand up and groan a little from your aching feet that the heels were causing, turning around to look at Joe and Andy before telling them you were going to look for Patrick, earning a thumbs up from Andy.
You push past a few people to try and look for him, finally spotting him talking to some girls and then them walking away giggling and whispering to each other.
You walk up behind him and cover his eyes with your hands. "Guess who?" You whisper into his ear.
"I guess Y/n." Patrick chuckles.
You remove your hands from his eyes and he turns around, adjusting his glasses a little bit.
"You look good, Pat." You say, smoothing out his suit jacket with your hands.
"Thanks, so do you." Patrick responds. Both of you look at each other for a few seconds, not paying attention to anything else going on around you. You look away in slight embarrassment, stepping back a little and clearing your throat.
"How was your first mosh? And how did you not die?" You laugh.
"I was just kinda thrown into there unwillingly but I guess it was cool, a little more aggressive than I thought a mosh pit would be, especially for a high school homecoming pit, and I fell once and then left after that happened," Patrick says, looking at his shoes.
There was another awkward silence. You'd known each other for almost 4 years and this is probably the one time where you two didn't know what to say to each other.
"If you guys are done being weird, we were all going to get the picture taken before it starts to get too crowded," Joe says, standing in front of you two and motioning to go with him. You thanked him in your head that he broke that silence
You and Patrick follow Joe to the wall that had a fancy background for students to take pictures, where the rest of the guys, including Amy, were standing waiting for you.
"God, we've been waiting ages for you guys. What were you doing that took Joe so long to find you two?" Pete scolds. He sounded like a mother that had a teenager stay out too long after their curfew and was upset with them. Pete was just always kind of the parent of the group, though. Surprising for someone that acted like such a child sometimes.
"Shut up, Pete. We have people behind us that want to take a picture too, just get the picture taken and then we can do whatever we want afterwards." Joe says, pushing you and Patrick forward to the area as Andy hands the teacher his digital camera.
Everyone gets into their spots, Pete was next to Amy and had his arm around her waist, Joe and Andy stood next to each other smiling, and you put your hands on Patrick's left shoulder and leaned on him like you always did with these photos and smiled. The teacher counts down and takes a couple pictures to get some good shots.
"Do you guys want to do a silly one or are you all too old for that?" The teacher asks.
Everyone says yes and we all get into a new position. Andy and Joe made a heart with both of their hands and leaned towards each other like they were going to kiss, Pete and Amy had their tongues sticking out, and Patrick was holding you bridal style and you put your right arm up in a sort of cheering motion. The teacher then took those pictures and when she was finally done you all got out of position and thanked the teacher as Andy got back his camera from her.
"Let's see, did they get the pictures better than they got them last year..." Andy whispers to himself, but just audibly enough to where people next to him could hear.
You laugh to yourself as you recall last year's pictures. The teacher that was taking them took nothing but blurry pictures or ones where some of us had our eyes closed, there was only one picture that was decent enough that we printed out for ourselves.
You all look over Andy's shoulder or arm as best as you could as he went through the pictures, deleting a few blurry or bad ones here and there, and laughing at the shots of the funny ones.
"We actually got good pictures this year, guys. I'll look through them some more and print out the best ones for all of us." Andy says, turning off his camera and putting it with the rest of his stuff.
"Are you gonna want some prints too?" Andy asks Amy.
She looks at Pete for a second, and then back at Andy, "Yes please, that'd be great."
Andy sends back a thumbs up to her, and Pete takes her back to the "dance floor". That is, if you could even call it that.
"Alright, I'm gonna go find a girl to dance with, maybe more than just to dance with if I'm lucky. Peace!" Joe says before walking away.
"I don't know about that, but maybe you'll be lucky enough to earn a punch to the face this time," You call out, earning a glare and an angry grumble from Joe.
There was a silence for a minute or so after you laughed at what you said and the reaction you got from him. But it wasn't an awkward silence, just one where there was nothing to say afterwards.
Patrick takes a long and deep inhale, not letting it out before saying something. "Maybe I'll find a girl to dance with." Patrick clears his throat and and adjusts his glasses as he turns to look at you.
"I'm sure you will, Patrick. Go to the floor and ask someone." You say, smiling as you encourage him.
Patrick lets out a sigh and looks down at his feet, then back up to you, avoiding your eyes as he speaks. "I'm trying to.. What I'm trying to say is do you want to dance with me, Y/n." He stutters out at first, speaking a little faster as he says the rest. His cheeks and the tips of his ears were flushed red.
You freeze in shock and stare at him with wide eyes, your mouth was slightly agape and you would only assume that your face was probably the same shade of red, if not darker than Patrick's based off of the way you can feel your cheeks starting to burn up rather quickly.
"Um, uh, y-yeah. I'd um, I'd love to, yeah." You stutter out awkwardly, smiling at Patrick.
You look out of the corner of your eye to see Andy with his face in his hands, shaking his head as he does so.
Patrick awkwardly holds his hand out, looking everywhere but at you. You take it and walk with him to the dance floor, and just as you do, a sappy slow dance song comes on.
How on earth could this be one of the only times that a slow dance song comes on? You would've assumed that Pete might've been up to it, but it was probably some unlucky 1 out of 1,000 chance.
"Uh, Y/n? Can I please have this dance with you?" Patrick awkwardly asks. You turn your head to look at him then quickly look at your shoes after a few seconds out of embarrassment.
"Yeah, that'd be great." You say quietly with a smile. You laugh to yourself, glad that you weren't the only one that was nervous. And you had no idea how, but you felt your cheeks getting even hotter than they were before.
You and Patrick face towards each other and you awkwardly place your hands on his shoulders. It was especially awkward when Patrick asked if he could put his hands on your waist.
You both stayed silent and avoided eye contact for the first couple of moments of you dancing together. And no matter how much you were enjoying it, how euphoric it felt, you just couldn't look at him. Though not in a bad way.
You finally look at each other and Patrick gives you a nervous smile, his cheeks still a reddish tint.
You smile back at him and wrap your arms loosely around the back of his neck, pulling him closer to you. It was a bold move even for yourself, and you quickly regret it, wondering if it might've been too bold of a move.
Patrick stiffens a bit, but quickly relaxes and proceeds to dance with you, slowly swaying with you to the music.
"Hey, Patrick. Can I tell you something?" You say, your voice shaking a little.
"Yeah, go ahead." Patrick says just as equally nervous, or at least it sounded like it.
You think for a moment, debating whether if you should tell him what you were going to say or not, then finally deciding you should.
"You can't laugh at me or anything, please." You hesitate for a second. Patrick looks at you with his brows furrowed, what seemed to be a confused look.
"Um, I like you. More than one should be for being just friends with someone. I- what I'm trying to say is that I like you romantically." You admit, shutting your eyes closed in fear for what his face would turn into.
Patrick stops dancing, yet not letting go of you and stays silent for a few moments. You open your eyes to look at him, knitting your eyebrows together to try and pinpoint what exactly his expression was, but not being able to.
Patrick pulls you closer and gently places a shaky hand on your cheek and leans in to kiss you, his lips touching yours.
You freeze for a moment in shock, but ease into it and kiss him back, wrapping your arms a little more tightly around the back of his neck to pull him down, deepening the kiss.
It was definitely an inexperienced kiss, not that you would know that, being this was your first, but it soon turned into a more enjoyable one.
You two pull back, breathing just a little heavier than you normally would. You two looked at eachother, laughing lightly to yourself as you feel the high of exhilaration.
Both of you don't say anything the rest of the song, you just continue to dance holding each other closely, your face buried into his neck and his cheek pressed to your hair.
The song ends, too quickly for your own liking, and another upbeat pop song starts to play.
You hold onto each other for a while longer.
"Do you wanna go back to the bleachers?" You ask, finally pulling away from him.
"Yeah, there's not really much to dance to with this music, it's kinda weird when everyone else isn't with us." Patrick replies, adjusting his glasses.
You smile and slip your hand into his, walking with Patrick to the bleachers where Andy was.
Patrick stops when you two were a few feet away from the bleachers. "Am I just going insane, or do I see Andy making out with that girl over there."
"I was just thinking the same thing." You say, your mouth slightly agape at the sight.
Someone from behind grabs your shoulder, you turn around to see who it was and to no surprise, it was Pete.
"Hey guys, what are you two doing standing here like weirdos? Why aren't you guys dancing together?" Pete says, shaking both yours and Patrick's shoulder gently.
"Because we were just looking at that." Patrick says, briefly pointing at the scene happening on the bleachers.
Pete looks in between you and Patrick to look. "Oh wow, they're really going for it, huh? When did that happen?" He says, seemingly having the same reaction as you and Patrick did.
"We have no clue. We came here to plan on sitting with Andy and it was just already kind of happening. Oh, by the way, where's your little girlfriend, by the way?" You ask, teasing Pete.
Pete rolls his eyes at you and his face quickly turns into one of what you immediately recognised as mischief, one that induced fear upon you. He was about to say or do something you knew you wouldn't like or be happy about.
"How was that kiss by the way? It looked like you two really enjoyed it, me and Amy are happy for you! Maybe we should tell the guys so they can congratulate you guys too!" Pete says enthusiastically with a shit eating grin on his face.
Patrick looks at you with a mortified look, you mirror his expression and turn back to Pete. You couldn't find any snarky remark to say back to Pete, you were just completely speechless after what he had just said.
Amy walks up to Pete and taps him on the shoulder and puts her hand in his when he notices it's her.
"Hey guys! Are you having fun! I saw you two dancing a little while ago." Amy says, a sweet smile on her face.
"Oh uh, hey Amy. Yeah, yeah, we're having fun. Um, what about you?" You ask, stumbling over your words a bit, still thinking about what Pete said.
"Thats good. Me and Pete going to go back to dance, do you guys want to come with us? The dance is about to end in 15 minutes."
You open your mouth to talk only to have Patrick beat you to a response.
"No, we're alright. But thank you for asking, Amy." Patrick replies.
"Alright, have fun! If you need us we'll be somewhere in there." Amy says, grabbing Pete's arm and dragging him to the dance floor. Pete looks over his shoulder and sticks his tongue out at you and Patrick.
"Do you wanna go outside?" Patrick asks, a small smile on his face.
"Yeah, yeah. It's kind of noisy in here." You respond, following along with Patrick. You slipped your hand into his as you continued to walk with him.
You now realized just how sweaty you were. You don't know if it was because of how hot it was inside of the gym or if it was because you were with Patrick. Now that you think about it, it's kind of gross.
As you walk out the doors, you feel the cool wind blow on your face, immediately cooling down how hot your cheeks felt. You both sit down on the grass.
There was a calm silence around you, only having faint music playing from the gym and distant chatter of students and teachers keeping the noise present.
"I would've never thought that would've ever happened." Patrick says, a faint blush on his face as he looked in the distance.
"What? Pete finally getting a girlfriend or Andy making out with that girl?" You snort.
Patrick looks at you and rolls his eyes. "Well, yeah maybe the Pete part, but I mean us. It sounds so cliche but I wouldn't think that I would ever get to, well y'know.." Patrick shrugs.
The way the moonlight illuminated his face made the light freckles peppered across his face more visible, and the way it made the colour of his eyes look all the more beautiful. The chill of the wind made his nose slightly red, and his cheeks had a flush to them.
You smile and look at him. "Honestly, me either. But I'm glad it did."
"I don't know what they put in that punch because I do NOT remember being that confident or bold." You add on, laughing a bit.
You lay down on the grass and look up at him, admiring his features like you did the same way you did the day he was helping you pick out your dress, except when he looked at you this time, you didn't look away.
"It's kind of cold." Patrick says, rubbing the tip of his nose.
You smile and laugh, getting up. "Do you want to go back inside?"
"No, I think I'm ready to go back home. It's too crowded and hot in the gym and too cold out here." Patrick replies, getting up off of the grass and offering you a hand to pull you up from the grass.
"I agree with you there. Do you think you can drive me to my house?" You get up, brushing your dress of from any dirt of dead grass that may have stuck onto the fabric.
Patrick nods and you both walk to his car.
"Should we say bye to the guys before we leave?" You say, getting into the passenger seat of his car and closing the door.
"No I think they should be fine. And Pete would probably just tease us." Patrick says and starts his car, pulling out and exiting the car lot to get onto the road.
The drive to your house was almost the same as the ride Joe gave you to the school, but it wasn't an awkward silence that filled the car but rather a pleasant and calm one.
After about 10 minutes of driving Patrick pulled into your driveway. Both of you got out, as Patrick had insisted on walking you to your doorstep.
"Thank you, Patrick. I had fun with you tonight."
"Yeah, of course. I had fun with you too." Patrick smiles.
You grab onto Patrick's shoulders and lean towards him, gently placing a peck on his cheek, pulling him into a hug after.
"Goodnight, Patrick. I'll talk to you later on, okay?" You say, burying your face into his shoulder.
"Goodnight, Y/n. I'll talk to you later." Patrick says, placing a kiss to your temple.
You two break the embrace and you turn around to open your door, walking into your house and closing the door.
All of the lights were off and it was silent, so you would only assume that your dad was already asleep.
You take off your shoes and take them in your hands and walk into your bedroom.
You close your door and change out of your clothes, throwing them into your hamper and changing into your pajamas.
You smile to yourself as you recall the events of the night, only to be interrupted by a knock at your door.
"Yes?" You shout before opening your door.
"Your friend Andy is on the phone right now, he wanted to talk to you. Here, can you bring it back to me when you're done?" Your dad says, handing you his phone.
"Yeah, of course, dad. Thank you." You say before going to sit onto your bed.
"Hey, Andy, what's up?" You say, holding the phone to your ear.
"Where are you? We've been looking for you for like 15 minutes now." Andy says worriedly.
"I'm at home right now, Patrick drove me. Why didn't you call my cell?"
"Because when I called you I heard your phone ringing in your bag. You left your bag and jacket over here and we thought you were still here because it was left here on the bleachers." Andy scolded.
"Shit! I'm sorry, dude. I didn't mean to worry you." You apologize.
"It's fine. But I'm kind of upset you didn't say bye to me. Do you want me to drop your stuff off later?"
"I'm sorry, I should've said bye. I'll make it up to you, Andy I promise. But if you could bring my stuff for me later on tomorrow that would be awesome."
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight, Y/n."
"Goodnight, Andy. Thank you."
"No problem." Andy says, hanging up.
You shut the phone and get up, walking to your dads room to put his phone onto his nightstand and walk back to your room.
You close your door and pull your covers up and slip into your bed, immediately falling asleep due to the exhilaration of the night wearing off.
<Now playing - Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy>
3:00 ─────────ㅇ 3:00
AN; I think I started this in early December and now it's already the third of February so it's been a process. I'm sorry this took me so long to post but it's probably one of my longest works and because I also kept hitting parts of the story that I had no clue what to write. I do hope that you enjoyed it, though. I also have another Patrick Stump x Reader fic that you could find in my masterlist. Sorry for any spelling mistakes and such, I'll be editing it soon.
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one-green-frog · 5 months
Post Surgery Cuddles
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Hobie x ftm!reader
Thank you for requesting anon, and sorry this took so long as you know tumblr isnt really nice to me rn :)
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Y/N spent the day sitting on the couch and being pampered by Hobie, his lovely boyfriend. Just a few days ago, he finally got his top surgery, after many long nights working overtime and saving like a mad man. Hobie, the supportive boyfriend that he is, also occasionally contributed to the funds and Y/N luckily decided not to comment on the not so legally acquired money. Right now Hobie is in the kitchen preparing a neal for both of them, the surgery was draining for both of them. He was worried that soemthign might go wrong during it, but luckily Y/N came out drowsy and disoriented .
"They took my boobs" will forever be ingrained in Hobie's mind, and nothing will stop him at reminding his boyfriend of the many, many embarassing things he said while doped up on pain medication.
Y/N couldn't wish for a better partner in life, Hobie always prioritized him, he even "neglected" his Spider-man duties for him. The pre-surgery anxiety really hit him hard and he is so thankful that Hobie stayed with him all the time. Late night movies that turned into a cuddle session, home-cooked meals that turned into an eating contest, it didn't matter, Hobie was always there to take his mind off of any bad thoughts.
While this was great for Y/N you needed all the support and kind words Hobie offered his absence in a certain HQ caused some troubles. Especially for Miguel. But let's be honest, Hobie wouldn't care what Miguel thinks of him, his boyfriend needed him and that was all he could think about. Although he did forget to mention his leave to a certain group of spider-teens, who decided to take matters into their own hands.
Miles, Gwen and Pavitr all came to Hobie's dimension and started to look for him at their usual meet-up spots, but unfortunately they couldn't find him anywhere. As they ran out of places to look, Pav suggested tracking his watch, Miles was hesitant at first but he didn't have a better idea and they wanted to make sure that Hobie was actually alright. When they pinned down his location and arrived they weren't expecting to look through an apartment window at a romantic Hobie spoon feeding who was presumably his partner.
Sensing some eyes on them, both Hobie and Y/N turned to look out the window and saw 3 pairs of eyes looking back at them. Not wanting to force them to stick on the wall outside, Hobie opened the window for the teens to crawl inside. They stood there, embarrassed for being caught, but also glad that Hobie was still alive and well, the uncomfortable silence growing larger by the second as Hobie just sat down next to his partner again, a smug look on his face.
"Sooo.... uh, we didn't mean to..to interrupt you two, " Miles said awkwardly, removing his mask. "We were just worried since you didn't show up... for quite some time, 0" Gwen chimed in, all the while Pavitr used the time to admire the appartement and talk about how great it was decorated.
"Sorry, but my boyfriend here needed mew and thinking that my sudden absence would also piss of Miguel I killed two birds with one stone. Although I did seem to forget to tell you lads. "
Realizing that Hobie was alright while also hinting for them to leave so he could spend some quality time with his boyfriend, the teens left. Through the window.
Finally getting the peace and quiet back into the apartment, Hobie began to tell Y/N some stories about the gangs adventures while feeding Y/N, who still persisted that he didn't need that much help. The rest of the day was spent with his and cuddles and the occasional pill when the pain from the surgery intensified.
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Again I'm sorry this took me so long to finish, i hope you like it.
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ifwebefriends · 27 days
Hellaverse Tumblr Simulator part 2
Part 1 here
TW: unreality, mentions of drugs, blood, death, sex, unwanted sexualization (with consequences)
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🦾 clownofass Follow
Callout post
I’ve come to make an announcement. Blitzø the imp is a bitch ass motherfucker, he pissed on Stella’s fucking husband, that’s right, he took his imp fucking spotty dick out and he said it was this big and I said “that’s disgusting,” so I’m making a callout post on my
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🎩 eggoverlorddeactivated02012024 Follow
I’m gonna tell my crush I love her wish me luck everyone!
🪢 bondsoflove Follow
Oh my god she killed him
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🎟️ princesscharlieafterdark Follow
Hey guys! Just checking in! How is everyone doing today?
💝 whoreofsilk Follow
🍾 drinksonme79 Follow
🐎 sluttykiller830 Follow
🎟️ princesscharlieafterdark Follow
10,093 notes
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🍆 ogcock4000BCdeactivated02012024 Follow
Unpopular opinion but the exterminations are actually really good for you all you’re so caught up in the panic that you don’t realize that it makes it so much easier for you since it’s less populated after that. You all need to stop bitching and complaining about it.
🎟️ princesscharlieafterdark Follow
❌ descendedlesbian Follow
💝 whoreofsilk Follow
🍾 drinksonme79 Follow
🎞️ dancingqueen117 Follow
🎩 eggoverlorddeactivated02012024 Follow
🍖 soulchomps48 Follow
🧨 imthebombau Follow
🐎 sluttykiller830 Follow
🌹 rosebudchomper Follow
🥩 mmmmsouls02 Follow
🐍 itwasjustanapple666 Follow
👁️ cleanfreak57 Follow
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📺 tuninginfordrama Follow
Holy shit you guys actually killed him
💝 whoreofsilk Follow
But we lost a fellow soldier along the way 🫡 rest well brother
📲 digitalbitch1337 Follow
15,878 notes
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🚛 pavementbed22 Follow
Remember guys! Asking someone how they d*ed and why they’re in h*ll is really rude and invasive! Don’t do it unless you know them well!
🏹 arrowtotheknee Follow
How’s the reception from heaven bitch?
🚛 pavementbed22 Follow
🥜 immunevalhalla Follow
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383 notes
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📸 pervofalltimedeactivated05092024 Follow
Alastor kinda a hot twunk ngl
💊 percsonpercs97 Follow
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💳 laundermyslaughter Follow
You really think Alastor would kill someone with a bleeding fetish?
💊 percsonpercs97
a what
🪢 bondsoflove Follow
Aaaaand he’s gone. RIP OP
📻 smilingdemon Follow
Do not forget what you’ve seen here today.
🪢 bondsoflove Follow
406 notes
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📖 agonizedhoot Follow
Kinda feeling like this rn
🐎 sluttykiller830 Follow
Yeah I want a number 9, a number 9 large, a side of small fries and a large Mount And Do
📖 agonizedhoot Follow
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fly-pow-bye · 25 days
The Lost Blossom Shampoo Commercial
During my very early days on Tumblr, I was loving all the GIFs and I wanted to join the community. Along with my love of video games, I love animation and I love Cartoon Network, and I wanted to contribute even if my main Tumblr, which is all that I had back then, wasn't animation focused. I wanted to give something that nobody else has posted. I knew non-American commercials have unique animation not seen anywhere else, so that felt like a good idea. I decided, to add some unique Cartoon Network GIFs to Tumblr, to look through various Cartoon Network commercial reels on YouTube and Vimeo. One of the videos I found on Vimeo was this reel from Brendan Rogan, a producer at Cartoon Network Latin America. I found a clip of the Powerpuff Girls I had never seen at 0:32.
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Wait, is this...a shampoo commercial? Seems really fitting considering the Blossom hair wave scene in The Mane Event, and I shouldn't be surprised someone decided to use something inspired by that scene in advertising. Not going to lie: I was intrigued.
After the break, my entire history of my attempt to track down this commercial.
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Right after this part of Blossom that I made the GIF from is this clip of three superhero-like mascots flying around three different bottles of different hair products. The one on the left has a bubbly hairstyle that is the same color as the bubbles shown in the Blossom part, suggesting that these two clips are from the same commercial. I did not want to believe it at first, but it did fit pretty well. The Powerpuff Girls are 6 years old at the most, and they could still be using baby shampoo.
After my searches went nowhere, I e-mailed Brendan Rogan back in 2015, who was pretty much my only lead at the time, about it. Rogan asked me why I wanted to see the "full spot". I immediately recalled one YouTube video about people trying to find the guy from Active Enterprises of Cheetahmen infamy only to be met with an all caps "WHY DO YOU WANT TO KNOW THIS INFORMATION" and no further replies, and I was hoping it was not going to end like that video. I did e-mail him with honesty, saying I just wanted to see the context of the full spot, and I'm a big Cartoon Network and Powerpuff Girls fan.
Rogan did not reply back.
I did not e-mail him again because I did not want to pester someone about a baby shampoo commercial, and I was holding onto the hope that it'll appear in a upload of commercials on YouTube so I do not have to test my anxiety. Of course, it'd be in way higher quality if I got it from someone who worked on the commercial rather than a VHS recording of commercials, but I was not thinking of that at the time. At least he indirectly confirmed a full spot exists.
Years later, I found a promotional reel based on the Toonix era of Cartoon Network Latin America, dated to 2011. It advertises The Amazing World of Gumball and Johnny Bravo Goes To Bollywood, both from 2011, so I can believe the year. It seemed to be made for investors and advertisers, showing off Cartoon Network's programming, and how they can have synergy with other brands. This includes a bunch of cross-promotion. Showing up at 4:52, to my surprise, is the Blossom ad. It was almost the exact same clip seen in the Rogan reel. The keyword is "almost." I got out my video editing software, and this is what I can see:
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The Cartoon Network reel does have more of the commercial we did not see in the Rogan reel, though it's just more of the mascots flying in from outside of the frame and a little bit less of Blossom waving her hair around. This does confirm to me that neither reel was showing a single clip from the full spot, but two clips from different parts of the spot, showing the Cartoon Network character and showing what that Cartoon Network character was advertising. It also reconfirms that what I am looking for is not a Cartoon Network promo, but a baby hair product line commercial.
I also notice that even with these two different appearances, we only have 2.5 seconds of what could be a 15 or 30 second commercial. That alone does make that intriguing even with the possibility that Blossom only appears for that one second and the rest is just a generic baby shampoo ad. I hope that's not it, but it would explain why the full spot was not uploaded.
I did find one other piece of this campaign. It's not from the commercial, but it is related. Maybe it was an extremely lucky Google Image Search, or I just somehow stumbled across it in one of my searches. This was from a company named Bau Print, who specializes in different kinds of printing, including printing on vehicles, and, hey look!
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There they are! It's even a photo taken from a camera that wasn't edited, meaning I could see from the metadata that it was taken in April of 2010. That does narrow down the beginning end of my search, though I had no doubt that the spot was at least post-Powerpuff Girls Movie. It also made me realize a bit of lore about these three super obscure mascots: they each represent the three different kinds of intense hydration: shampoo, conditioner, and combing cream. There are no Powerpuff Girls, showing either these superheroes were not just made for the commercial, or they wanted to use them without having to contact Warner Bros. or Cartoon Network.
This picture does prove that this campaign, at the very least, got to the point where it was advertised on trailer trucks. I did have a feeling this was a part of a scrapped campaign; maybe Johnson's got cold feet for having their clean baby shampoo brand be associated with girls that have beaten monkeys, criminals, talking dogs, and clowns to a pulp. However, wouldn't it be false advertising if a campaign that fell through ended up in a video that seemed to be made for advertisers?
And that's where my search runs cold. I have searched a lot of Cartoon Network Latin America commercial breaks on and off over the years, and I even used Filmot to search YouTube's subtitles for phrases that could be a part of it, like that "salud es belleza" tagline on that truck, and the full spot remains elusive after years of searching. I guess I could just imagine what the rest of the commercial could be.
The City of J&Jville, where our heroic trio responds to a dis-tress call: Blossom, superheroine of Townsville, is having a bad hair day and won't have the confidence to beat up Mojo Jojo and stop his "turn everyone into chickens with his chicken ray" plan. Lather, Rinse, and Repeat are called to action, and with their ultra-cleaning powers, they go into Blossom's hair as she stares at the mirror, and her hair magically turns luscious again. With her newfound confidence, Blossom flies to Mojo Jojo, and knocks his teeth out, bruising him with all of her techniques, her flurry of punches, her eye lasers, and the dreaded ponytail whiplash! The day is saved thanks to Blossom, and Johnson's Baby Hidratación Intensa! (Warning: Baby shampoo will not give your baby superpowers, do not let them fight crime.)
...okay, maybe that violence wouldn't have happened, but there is only one way we can find out for sure, and I can only wish I could find that way. So uh, here's another shampoo ad starring Hanna-Barbera characters that appears to be unrelated. Yes, the Powerpuff Girls are technically Hanna-Barbera. Bye.
< n/a - Part 2 >
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secretaccountlol · 2 years
Peter is a teasing man.
Hii loves, I think you’re really gonna like this one
Virgin! Cocky! (afab) Reader x Peter.
Summary: You and Peter have been friends for a while now. He offers to help you with your the “problem”
Cw time!!: teasing and ALOT OF IT!!safe word mentioned not used, overstimulation, toys!!(vibrators and dildos), pussy eating, a bit of switch! Peter and reader, pet names, unprotected sex! uhm and maybe typos? Lol. Formats off I’m sorry, tumblr ruined it ;0;
You can imagine any Peter you'd like darlings!
Also requests are open, loves!!
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“Peter.” You mumbled, staring at your best friend of 2 years now. “What- what are you doing?” His arms caged you between the door. “Isn’t it obvious?” He tilted towards your face, nipping at your ear, “I’m about to fuck the shit outta you.” His voice didn’t waver at all, it was crystal clear, you shuddered. You start to call his name again but a laugh stops you, “And that’s how I’d initiate sex with someone I like” he pulls back gripping your shoulders, his face big with a smirk, yours with an attempted scowl as your cheeks heat.
“That’s not funny!!” You push him away, stomping into the living room, Peter trails behind, before you could plop down on your couch, he pulls you to his chest. “Nooo, don’t be mad at me, you're the one who asked, sweetheart.” He rocks both you and himself side to side in a soothing motion. “Exactly! Asked! Not show! Two different things, Parker.” This earns another chuckle from him, as he bends down to kiss your cheek. “Mm, you’re right firefly, I’m sowwy for teasing you.” You grunt, pulling your way out of his arms and finally sitting on your couch as he stares at you, delighted.
“Stop staring at me you creep.” You cross your arms, you’re still scowling, but now it’s actually believable. “But you’re sooo pretty!” You hated when he got like this, the constant teasing. His teasing fits were always random too, like one time you came back from the gym and he couldn’t stop cracking sex jokes much to your dismay, or the time your skirt ripped and he had to patch it for you he had a field day with that one.
“It’s really your fault for asking though” Peter chatted at your side, his shoulder leaning on you pushing into the couch slightly. “Move over, Parker. You’re squishing me!” You try scooting him away but he just lets all of his body weight drop on you, “Now I’m actually squishing you.” Peter's voice was full of shrillness. “Peter!! Get off!” You whine as his weight sends you flying on your back, his sadistic laugh fills your ears. “Ugh, you’re so annoying!” You grumped as Pete finally got off of you. “Aw you don’t really believe that Firefly” he pouted, he tried his best to give you puppy eyes. You avoid the manipulation by getting up and heading toward the kitchen. “God I wish I never moved in with you!” you move about the kitchen, opening and slamming the fridge to get juice before spinning around and dropping the carton, which Peter catches without flinching, his eyes just searching yours, as he holds your juice hostage in his hands. “ You don’t mean that right?” Peter's head cocked to the side, reminding you of a dog. “Mean what, Peter..” You try playing it cool but it’s a bit hard when Peter is unconsciously backing into a wall. “What you just said..You wish I never moved in?” You felt a ping in your heart, shit. “Aw no Pete, I was just fake mad, I’m glad we live together, I promise.” You push your hand into his chest slightly, his boyish charm is instantly rebooted, a Lil smirk plays on his face, he gives a small “yay” before turning around.
“Peter, my juice?” You said curiously as he pulled a glass from the cabinet. “I know I’m pouring it for you to save you the trouble, clumsy.” Peter chuckled as you huffed. “You’re so meaaan to me!” You snatch the glass away from him as soon as he’s done pouring, sticking out your tongue. “Mm, careful I might tongue kiss you if you do that too much,” Peter stated as he got another cup to pour some for himself. You burn red “I-you-..you can’t just say that stuff, Pete!!” You blurt out, Peter spins around to face you, collectedly sipping from his cup.
”Why not?”
“Y-you- Ugh! You just don’t say that type of stuff to close friends- or girls for that matter it makes people think you’re ....Y’know. Crushing on them!” You whisper that last part into your cup, taking a sip at the end to chase the squirmy feelings. You never had great dating history, you were pretty inexperienced, dating, kissing, sex, all of it. Much to Peter's delight, he lovingly made fun of you for it, because of course Mr.Igetbitches24/7 would find your misfortune funny.
You hear the click of Peter's cup being sat down. Suddenly your chin was being pulled up to face his, “Oh? Really? I didn’t realize that.” He scoffed. His thumb ran over your bottom lip as he studied your face, you stared back at him silently. “Firefly.” Peter's eyes still bore into yours, half-lidded leering at you. “Yes, Peter?” You squeaked out, as Peter grabbed your drink you were desperately gripping behind you, not once taking his eyes off you. He tutted, “I knew you were a virgin, but I didn’t think you were this bad.” You frowned, here we go again. “Pete. Please don’t tease me like that ..“ you bit your lip, looking away before being jerked back towards him.
“Peter-!” “Sh- I wanna help you.” You blink, “Help me?” You said gradually, he nodded. “Mm-hm. First lesson is, did you ever once think I said those things because maybe I was crushing on you? Hm? Beautiful?” Peter pushed your body into the counter until you were flat against it, and his body was practically crushing you. “N-no.. I didn’t” You whispered back, he chuckled cynically, as he leaned down. “How about we go to the bedroom for lesson two, okay?” He pulls back and with a twink in his eye, as you nod slowly, he links arms with you as he rushes to the bedroom with you.
“Pete-Ah!” Before you could finish your sentence you were off to his bedroom, Peter chucked you on the bed, you giggled. “Peteerrr!!” He snickered, “So sorry ma’am!” He plopped down next to you. You stop giggling and start fidgeting, “Sooo, why are we in here now?” You look up at him, his eyes are unreadable to you, you’ve never seen this emotion on him before. “Mm, I really have to phone it in for you huh, firefly?” Peter pushed you softly onto your back. You grimace. “Stop with the crypt stuff, Pete obviously I don’t know!” Peter nodded, “Ok, well. I’ve been thinking recently of helping you out with your dating AND sex problem.” You nod, “Yes and how will you do that Mr. Genius man?” He smiles brightly at the term. “Well, by being your first experience, of course.” It took a bit for you to realize what he meant by “being your first”. “Pete- you’re not serious, it’s- not okay to joke-“
“I’m not joking, firefly. We both know I have a plethora of experience, and we know each other very well, plus I want your first time to be amazing, you deserve that.” You blush, that last part really got to you. “I- what does that have to do with the dating part?” You question. “Well, you’d have at least some experience with sex, which will hopefully carry over into your dating life.” He stated a bit too matter-of-factly. “I see” you shook your head.
“O-Okay, but do you promise this won’t change stuff between us? I-I watch romance movies a lot. The best friends always end up-“
“Sh, you and I both know we aren’t movie characters, firefly, okay?” You nod. “Okay,” he smiles.
Peter sits up, “Wait here one moment, Okay?” You watch as he walks out his door, you hear a bit of rummaging from your room before he comes back with a little black box, your black box!? You grab it instinctively, covering your arms around it. “H-how did you?” Peter laughed. “You’re not very quiet, bug..” you were mortified, all your sex toys were neatly tucked away in here, hidden (so you thought.)
“Hey, it’s not really a big deal I masturbate too.” Peter tried to reassure you but the damage was already done, you hugged your knees in shame. “L-let's just start lesson three!” You squeak out as Pete sits next to you, you unfold yourself putting your box on the dresser. “Before we start I want us to have a safe word, okay?” Peter softly grabbed your hand. “Have anything in mind? Or should I explai-“ you cut him off
“I- I know what a safe word is Uhm..Pineapple!”
Peter smiles, “Pineapple it is!” You smile back, Peter's face softens like butter.
“ I’m gonna start talking dirty now okay? Just relax, you don’t even have to do anything this round, let’s just focus on what you want and what you like, yeah?” You nod again, your voice escaping you. “I need verbal communication, princess.” Peter softly prodded you. “Okay. I u-understand.” You bashfully looked at him. “Good girl. I’m going to kiss you now, okay?” Peter questioned, you managed to let out an “okay” as he crawled to you.
His lips were soft, slightly chapped as they pressed gently on yours, “Mm here tilt this way this time” he instructed you, you definitely getting the hang of it now, your kisses became less sloppy and more passionate. You started exploring his mouth, clashing teeth a bit still, but it was pleasant, it was hot- it made you feel hot, you pulled away panting. Brown eyes stared deeply into yours. “That.. was good.” You breathe out. “Mm. Just good?” Peter replied, “Okay no it was amazing” you quickly grabbed his collar and pulled him into another kiss, his hands languishingly roaming your body. He pulls away this time,
“I’m gonna start - uhm..”
“Peter, it’s okay.. just treat me like any other person you’d sleep with.. you don't have to explain everything.. J-just do it.”
You were surprised you could even talk, you were so flustered, Peter gazed at you. “Are you sure?” He bit his lip, thinking. “I don’t want to-“ “Peter” you lay your hands on his face gently “You won’t. I trust you.” Peter for the first time blushed, and he blushed hard. He stammered, running his hand up the back of his neck and into his hair. “Haha, what’s with the shy guy act, anyways? You were the one to suggest this!” You ruffle his hair. “Like you said, you’re Mr.BigDick!” Peter's breath choked up as he started to laugh, your plan to loosen him up was working. “C‘Mon Parker!” You giggled. “ I’ve heard how the women you bring to bed moan, I wanna be one of them.” You pull his face up so you can look into his eyes to savor his reaction, you pull a pouting but innocent face. While you were inexperienced, it didn't mean you didn’t know how to dirty talk.
“A-are you tryin’ to seduce me right now, hon?” Peter's eyes squint, his grin wide. “Maybe. Maybe not?” You slyly replied back, he nuzzles your nose, chuckling before grasping your top. “May I, princess?” You nod whispering yes as he gently tugged the shirt off your figure, his fingers traced around your breast, you hum.
“God. So so so so pretty.” He’s straddling you now, looming over you as he gets a nice view of your pink bra. “You’re too cute, firefly.” His hands toyed with your strap, snapping it against your skin. “Pete! Ow!” You pout covering the straps, he only laughed “Intrusive thoughts won, sorry princess, I’ll make it up to you promise” he crossed his heart, you smiled as his hands cool dip under you to unhook your bra. you whip your head away, as you rest your hands above your breast, resisting the urge to cover yourself up. His hands slide down your torso to your leggings, you lift yourself a bit to help him shimmy them off along with your underwear.
“You are so..breathtaking.” You shift to see him looking down at you in awe, you bite your lip. “I-really?” He nods, ghosting his hands over your body. “P-Peter?” He hums in response, trained on your body still. “C-can you take your clothes off now too? T-this is embarrassing.” Your lip quivers, he nods slowly, sliding off of you. “So desperate to see my naked body hm?” He strips slowly as his eyes are locked on yours. “I- no-! I-I just-!” He grinned. “God, I tease you 24/7 and you still fall for it every time.”
You frown as he hovers over you again. “You’re so mean to me, Pete!” You fold your arms across your chest, you scowl though it isn’t very scary. “Ohh, baby I can be meaner, so so so much meaner.” His fingers ghosted over your cheeks, “Is meaner even a word?” You stick out your tongue, he sucks on your tongue, you quickly retract it back into your mouth, stunned. “Pe-“ “I told you If you keep doing that I’d kiss you.” His thumb swipes against your lip. “Now open up, sweetheart.” You bite your lip before, closing your eyes as you feel his lips on yours, his moans are enticing.
His hand his way under your arms to caress your tits, “Mm, so soft.” His buttery voice made you hot, he moved down pushing your boobs together before motorboating them, you can’t help but giggle maniacally, he pulled back his boyish charm smirk plastered on his face.” Couldn't help myself” he shrugged before, flicking your nipples once, you give out a little “hey!” Before the stinging sensation is cooled with his warm mouth, a satisfying “oh” leaves your mouth as you close your eyes. His hands traveled down your sides before stopping to rub circles at your hips. “Feel good?” He gives your nipple one last lick before sitting up, as you nod.
“Now let’s see what’s going on down here” he parted your legs as you looked away embarrassed.
“I-is there something wrong-?” You spoke softly, Peter hums a no as you finally get the courage to look back at him, his eyes were glossy and his jaw tightened. “Please stop st-staring then!” His thumb grazed your clit as you spoke, you buck up immediately. “Mm sorry you’re so, enticing had to” he cleared his throat as his thumb stroked you causally, his gaze finally met yours, as you held your tongue to keep your noises at bay. “Collect myself, if I didn’t I might’ve just fucked you right now.” Your jaw hurt from clenching trying to keep your moans at bay, Peter’s words made it even harder for you to keep it together.
“Why are you being quiet, baby?” Peter pouted, his thumb stroking your clit faster as you squealed inside your mouth.
“Come on, I wanna hear that pretty mouth, can I please?” Peter's voice coaxed you to submit. “S-sorry force of ha-habit! Ah-! From ..yknow” you pant slightly. “From what baby? Tell me what you do alone, do you touch yourself hm?” you blush and nodded slowly.
“Oh, good girl” you shiver. His voice was like sugar, your eyes widened as you felt his fingers ease into your hole. “Peter!” You whimper, grabbing his hand. “Oh, she can moan?” He chuckled, you sulk. “Do-don’t tease!” You mutter out before moaning as his digits curled into you.
“Mm, there she is” His eyes were low, drinking you in, as his fingers pumped inside you. “You’re already in shambles, love.” He teased, You whine grinding against him.
“Peter, please..!” You threw your head back in frustration, you were so so close, and he was making sure you wouldn’t reach it. Your eyes roll back as you feel his cool tongue lick your aching clit, “Oh god” you breathe out, Peter gives you a lick.
“Mm no god just Peter.” His fingers speed up as he sucks on your nub, your hands grip his hair. “P-Peter! Shit.. I’m - hnn” you hunch over him as he pushes himself deeper into your pussy, soaking up as much as he can, you fall back, you were content just like this somewhere between dazed and happy. “Tsk firefly, no sleeping yet” Peter sat you up on the headboard as you watched him get up, sneaking a peak at his package as he grabbed your black box.
“Why are you grabbing th-that?” Your back straightened as he carefully laid out your toys in front of you. “Oh? Uhm I’m gonna make you cum a second time.” He waved his hand around like it was a simple question on your homework.
“B-but. Y-you already made m-“
“I know, but I’m gonna do it again to make sure you’ll be nice and wet for me, plus it’ll make it much more enjoyable. Now pick which one you want today.”
You look down at all the toys lined up in front of you. You had your regular bullet vibes, your bigger vibrator, clit sucker, and your two dildos, one vibrated the other did not. You gulp, thinking about your decision definitely no more clit stimulation you’d probably pass out so that meant the two dildos were your best bet.
You put your hand on your chin, this was a big decision, your thoughts were thrown away by his laughter. “Having trouble there, bug?” He hummed, you scowled. “No! Shush it, Parker! I’m trying to decide which one! You’re messing up my process!” You throw your hands up in a fit as he doubled over laughing. “Okay okay I think I’ll go with my dildo” you pick up your non-vibrating one, Peter sat back up staring at your choice.
“Hm but, that one doesn’t vibrate” he frowned, you tilt your head. “Yeah? What’s wrong with that?” You question as he pouts playing with the vibrating dildo you abandoned on the bed.
“Mmm, not as fun.” He bit his lip as he stared at you, curious, you let out an “oh” and he gives an “Mmhn” and a nod, before clapping his hands together.
“I omit your choice, let's use this one!” Peter stacked your other toys up including snatching the one you picked outta your hand, you give a Lil “hey!” and an expression of “wtf” before he gives you a kiss on the lips and you can’t help but smile.
“What’s the point of saying I can choose and you choose for me “ you point out as his lips grace your skin, kissing down your body, he shrugs. “The illusion of choice” you complain as you ruffle his hair, you tug on it when you feel the slick sensation of your dildo probing your hole. You shift as it eases into closing your eyes as Peter kisses your stomach, “Feel ok, baby?” Peter's voice sent a shiver down your spine, your head moved slightly, a whimper passed through your lips.
You look down to see him staring at you with a twinkle in his eye. “You’re.. so cute like that. I wanna- see more of you looking like that.” He confessed as he pumped into faster, “P-Pete. Oh-..” you hum as you feel a familiar build-up.
“I haven’t even turned on the vibration, you’re so sensitive.” He chuckled, as you muttered “shut up” and “be quiet”.
You whine and thrash as he switches on the vibration, your hips move up as he drives your dildo deeper.
“Look at me, baby”
Your eyes flutter as you glance at him. His grin is lazy as you struggle to not close your eyes in bliss. His eyes stay on yours as his mouth creeps towards your slit, you shake your head furiously before he presses your hips down with his free hand as he sucks on your sweet spot. You chant his name over and over again as you let yourself go again, panting.
Peter kissed his way up your body finally reaching your lips to give you a big kiss on the lips.
“You’re pretty sexy for a virgin.” His grin is goofy as you puff your lips out. “S-shhhut up!” Your voice weak from all the yelling you just did. “Mm, you're soundin’ pretty tired, firefly. Are you sure you wanna continue?” It was a question but you knew what answer he wanted, what you were gonna answer. ���Ofc’ you ass! I’m up for the challenge, plus you didn’t make me scream like your other girls yet.” Your eyebrows wiggled as Peter's eyes darken. “Oh? But I’m pretty sure you were just chanting my name just a second ago.” Peter licks his lips and you laugh to his dismay. “Mm yeah but I didn’t scream now did I?” Your hands pet his hair, “Fine. I’ll make you scream, but don’t say I didn’t warn ya” You scoff as he sits to ogle you, pumping his cock
“God, I feel like I’m gonna bust right now just from lookin’ at you.” Your eyes widen, blushing at his comment. “T-thanks” you squeak out as you feel his tip probe your hole, you look down to see his cock.
It’s big, like bigger than big, biggest, your dildos were puny compared to his johnson.
“You okay there? Been staring at my dick for like five minutes” Peter snickered, you snap at it before looking at him again.
“I-I’m fine! You’re just.. big.” You gulp and he smiles. “Don’t worry I’ll go slow” though that sentence was supposed to be comforting, coming from him it sounded like a threat.
“I’m ready!” you bit your lip as Peter primed himself again before stopping, “Are you sure, you..want me to, y’know?” His eyes were soft as they bore into yours. You think for a moment before taking his soft face into your hands. “Peter, Peter Parker, you are my best friend. There's no one I would rather have than you. I don’t want it to be some random guy or even.. a boyfriend. It’ll always be.. special, with you.” You
Peter's eyes crinkle with love as he slowly slides into you.
Your eyes close as the unfamiliar pressure fills you up, “Feelin’ ok?” You suck your teeth at his question, “You can move, Pete.” You grip his shoulders as you shakily breathe out, as he gently pulls back and pushes into again. “Oh- Mm. You- feel great- shit” You stare at Peter, his eyes closed, eyebrows knit together in concentration, “That good huh?” You smirk as his eyes pop open, curious, your smile widened before moaning loudly as he pumped into harshly. “I-oh! Pe-Pete Mm- “ you tried to call his name but the pleasure was too much.
“You know how much I’ve wanted this? Wanted you?” His hips snapped to yours as you felt a tingle through your legs. “W-wha-? Ah-!” You spit out between moans. “Fuck- Like when you ripped your ski-skirt. I wanted to rip the rest of it off and take you right there Mmm, god you feel so good” Peter kisses you hard as tears form in your eyes. “God even that time you came from the gym, your top, a-and leggings shi-shit. They were so see-through I could see your cute Lil bra and panties” His cock slammed into you again as your toes curled and your body was burning from his words. “I wanted to eat you out and make you cry in pleasure” His hands hold yours as you look at him with clouded eyes, his mouth finds your neck giving you a hickey as you wrap your legs around his waist. “You know you’re so fucking loud when you jerk off? I love hearing you trying to keep quiet as you cum.” Peter licked the shell of your ear as you closed your eyes tight in embarrassment. “Don’t think I don’t hear you moaning my name too, tell me, am I as good as you imagined, baby?“ you squeeze him in response “Oh? Does she like that? She likes when I talk about how much of a pervert she is? “ You whine as he talks. “Who knew virgins were so so so dirty” he laughed cruelly.
That was the final straw for you, your head tilted back.
“P-peter!!” You scream his name over and over again, his thumb rubs circles into your clit as you twist and turn. “Shh, good girl..cum for me.” You finally cum your shut your eyes tight, as Peter kisses your lips softly. Pull out of you, you lay there catching your breath as you hear small shuffles, you feel a cold sensation on your pussy, you jolt up. “You remember the safe word, right?” Peter spoke tenderly, you mouth the word as Peter smiles, slipping back into you. He slides in and out of you a feel times before switching on the vibe, you buck up. “I-oh- Pe-mmm, I- im still sen-“ you whine and your frenetic movements are stopped by Peter’s free hand splayed across your stomach. “Fuck, you’re clutching me so tightly. I’m-“ his moans and whimpers fill your ears as you’re forced to take all his cock into you over and over again.
“I’m- fuck I’m cumming, are you gonna cum again? Hm, darling?” You groan, lifting up, “ I know you are, I can feel you trying to grip me tighter.” Peter's voice was rough as his words came out like venom. “Want me to come inside you? Hm? Say it. Say it!” He furiously pounded. “I-I .. Hhh- I-!” You whine as he grabs your arms holding them above your head. “Look at me when you say it baby-Mmm, I wanna see that cute face when you say it.” You gasp as you tilt to look at his face, his eyes were low as they stared into yours. “I-I..o-oh Pete- mm- I- want” you bit your lip to keep from screaming again. “Come on, tell me what you want, firefly. Y-fuck! You- you know I’ll grant your wishes-“ his voice hitches as you squeeze him once more. “C-cum ins-side me! Mm, p-pleas-!” You push the words out of your mouth, cumming hard again. “Oh mmm- I love when you say please- fuckfuckfuck!” You scream as Peter’s seed fills you steadily as his last movements
Peter falls beside you, your vibe discarded somewhere on the floor as you both cuddle together, you look at him with peacefulness as he beams down at you.
“So, how was the service” Peter joked, you giggled a bit. “It was 10/10! Very satisfactory, will come again. If you'd let me..” He tilted your chin up kissing you lovingly.
“Of cours’.. if you’d let me?” He cracked a smile as you shake your head intensely. “Yes please!” You state, shameless. He snuggles you closer, “Well, on one condition.” Your eyebrows quirk up, listening closely.
“I get to take you on a date.” He boops your nose making you snicker,
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Let Your Dreams Be Your Wings | Chapter 16
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Chapters: 16/? Fandom: The Sandman (Netflix 2022, minor content from the Comics) Rating: Explicit Relationships Dream of the Endless/Morpheus x F!Reader  Characters: Dream of the Endless/Morpheus, Lucienne, Matthew the Raven, Mervyn Pumpkinhead, Hob Gadling, Death, Rose Walker, The Corinthian, other minor Sandman characters, Original Characters. Warnings: 18+ content (minors DNI), explicit sexual content, POV switching, very long chapters to read. Summary: You always dreamed of becoming a successful Fashion Designer, sharing your creations with the world and making your father proud. But with him being very ill and so many costs solely weighting on your shoulders, things didn’t go as planned and you had to take a different path instead. An interesting offer led you to the elder Alex Burgess and you were hired as a new housemaid for a very good pay. However, your kindness and outstanding empathy convinced the man to give you an additional task for a doubled compensation; gaining the trust of Dream Of the Endless, held captive into the basement for over a century. Despite the shock of finding such an ethereal entity stripped of all his clothes and contained into a confined space, you had to accept for the sake of your father. But the more you got to speak to the mysterious anthropomorphic personification who didn’t utter a single word, the more you were lost into his eyes that, conversely, seemed to contain the entire universe. A deep connection formed between the two of you, separated only by a thick layer of glass.
Little did you know, what started like a simple housemaid job was about to change your life forever.
Credits: The moon dividers were made by firefly-graphics
Tagging: @number-0-iz, @emarich7, @jaziona92. If anyone else wants to be tagged in the next updates, let me know! I noticed that Tumblr sometimes won't let me tag everyone for some unknown reason, so if it comes to that I can at least send you a message to notify you.
You can also read this on AO3 if you feel more comfortable!
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Encountering your mother for the first time felt like a long-held dream finally coming true, and the success of the Fashion Show further underscored that your life was aligning with your deepest wishes. Then, the opportunity for your first international business trip came about, taking you to Florida.
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The quiet hum of distant voices reached your ears, steadily amplifying as you gradually regained your senses. Even though your eyes stayed shut, you realized you were lying on the sofa, your father's hand gently enclosing yours.
Bit by bit, their words began to sharpen.
"I told you this was a bad idea," he sighed. "I get that you wanted to see her, but, Par, we need to be reasonable.”
Paregoros was striding nervously back and forth, her voice trembling. "I know. I shouldn't even be here, I'm contravening the principles of my realm.”
“Why now, then?”
"Because she knows. I owe her an explanation.”
Your body was rigid, and despite the urge to stir, you weren't quite prepared to confront them.
"Par, she surpassed all our expectations. Rest assured, she bears no resentment towards you.”
"She's my daughter. This is something I need to do. Not only for her sake, but... for mine as well.”
A deep silence enveloped the room as your father drew a deep, resonant breath. The sound of your mother's heels clicking against the wooden flooring reverberated in the room, halting abruptly as she quietly cursed under her breath.
"Are you joking right now? What's he doing here?”
"Eh? Who's here?" Your father inquired.
"Stay with her. I'll return shortly.”
“Wait, Par!”
The heaviness in your head and the numbness in your limbs signaled that your blood pressure was too low to permit any positional changes. All you could do was patiently wait, giving your body the necessary time to naturally readjust, no matter how long it might require.
The rapid, forceful steps of your mother were followed by the door flinging open and subsequently slamming shut with a resonant thud.
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Morpheus stood there, right before your father's dwelling. His face was set in a stern expression, riddled with worry, his hands nonchalantly tucked away in the pockets of his coat.
The moment he caught sight of Paregoros stepping out from the main entrance, he steeled himself for the incoming tempest of fury, her eyes dark and filled with contempt.
"You've got a lot of nerve showing your face here," she snapped. "You deceived me, Oneiros. I put my trust in you, and you betrayed me. I should have known better.”
“I did no such thing,” he retorted.
"Do you take me for a fool? Y/N is aware of my existence now. You assured me she wouldn't be.”
"No, I promised you she would not learn the truth from me.”
She issued a scornful laugh. "How is that any different? You knew precisely what you were doing.”
“Your secret was bringing harm to your family.”
"No offense, but you have no understanding of protecting those you love.”
Morpheus lowered his gaze, conceding that, in a way, she had rightly delivered a hit to his pride.
"Since when do you concern yourself with others and their feelings? The only reason you stepped in was because of your little escapade with my daughter. We both know where this is headed.”
His hands clenched into fists, hidden from her view. "No, Paregoros, you do not know that.”
"Don't misunderstand me, I sincerely wish for you to change. For Y/N. But you won't, you never did.”
How could he make her believe in his sincere love for you? That he would go to any extent to ensure you were the happiest woman in the entire universe?
"You leave destruction in your wake. You may be the King of Dreams, but you can't mold my daughter into one of your creations. She's not a plaything.”
His anger was mounting with each charge she put forth. Though he couldn't completely discount her words as falsehoods, his view of you transcended far beyond the idea of a mere possession.
You were his Goddess, his everything. You were the most radiant diamond amidst an infinite sea of sparkling gems devoid of a soul. You were an angel, his most beautiful dream, one he wished to cherish forever.
Paregoros had no clue of your incalculable value to him. In the end, he grasped the fact that she might never recognize it.
"Please, Dream Lord, just leave. She's well cared for here."
Indeed, you were. But the inner turmoil you underwent when meeting your mother for the first time somehow echoed through the dreamstone, penetrating directly into his realm. It punctured the fragile boundary between the two of you, striking his heart and causing it to tighten.
Nonetheless, Morpheus understood that his presence wasn't required. With your family reunited, even if temporarily, he could afford to step back for a while.
“Very well.”
Without waiting for his departure, Paregoros spun on her heels and retreated back into the house. The door closed behind her, isolating Morpheus on the lonely street just as the first droplet of rain touched his nose.
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You couldn't remember a single occasion when you had passed out from a panic attack. Yet, considering the deluge of revelations you had unearthed in the recent months, it seemed reasonable that your mind opted to shut down, swamped by the sheer magnitude of information to digest.
And now, your mother was there, advancing towards you quietly and with visible hesitance, as if she feared shattering you into a thousand fragments.
Eventually, you mustered the strength to hoist yourself into a sitting position. Your father hurried over to you with a glass of cool water, brushing your hair away from your face as you sipped it cautiously, taking small, deliberate gulps.
As Paregoros knelt in front of you, her beautiful eyes brimming with tears and regret, you found yourself at a loss for words. Faced with what appeared almost like an apparition, you struggled to construct a coherent sentence.
Your father gave your wrist a gentle squeeze. "How are you feeling, lovey?”
You were engulfed by shock, confusion, fear, and uncertainty. Expressing all those emotions simultaneously seemed beyond reach.
You wanted to respond appropriately, to greet your mother in the way she had anticipated. But with your complete focus zeroed in on her, your voice involuntarily adopted a chillier tone. "Why are you here, mum?”
Paregoros pursed her lips, bowing her head. "I understand that I'm likely the last person you wished to see.”
Your heart tightened, making room for an instant wave of guilt. "No... it's not that, I'm sorry. I've been wanting to see you, to speak with you at least once since I was a child. And now that you're here with me, I... I don’t really know what to say.”
With a clear of his throat, your father interjected, "Par, it might be best to delay our conversation. After all, Y/N has a significant event coming up tomorrow.”
Despite the evident concern in your father's voice for your well-being, you chose not to retreat now that you had regained your composure.
"It's fine, dad. I can do this.”
Handing him the now-empty glass, you swung your legs off the couch and rose to your feet. Paregoros was so near now, her breath discernible against you.
You needed a private moment with her, to address the situation directly without your father's excessive protectiveness. As much as you appreciated it, this was something you needed to resolve independently.
"Mum, would you accompany me for a walk?”
"But... it appears to be starting to rain,” Your father expressed.
"We won't be gone long.”
Paregoros inhaled deeply, replying with a confirming nod and a wide, relieved smile. Without giving your father a chance to object, you darted for your jacket and snatched an umbrella on the way. Paregoros mirrored your steps as you ventured out onto the street.
The smell of the rain was perceptible, its gradual fall tapping out a rhythm on your umbrella as you unfurled it to cover both of you. You gently extended your arm, and she accepted your gesture, softly intertwining it with hers.
And thus, you began to stride in harmony.
For a considerable stretch of time, you both meandered in utter silence, tracing the sidewalk without any particular destination in mind. It was Paregoros who took the initiative, guiding you under a porch to provide shelter from the falling raindrops. The ambiance was tranquil, with the vacant roads around providing seclusion.
She was noticeably anxious, seemingly uncertain about where to begin. Her eyes were fixed on your face, as if you were the most precious being in the world.
Without a doubt, you were to her.
"I had so many things I wanted to tell you, but it all seems so insignificant now. I abandoned you, Y/N. It was never my intention, but circumstances forced you to grow up without me.”
You folded the umbrella and leaned against the brick wall. Oddly enough, it mirrored the scene you had experienced in your dream, except that this time, you were more than a simple spectator.
"I won't deny that I was deeply upset when I discovered the truth, but I've come to understand why you had to leave us behind. I am acquainted with the laws of the universe and the workings of the other realms.”
Paregoros wrapped her arms around herself, hugging her own form. “I know, but I wouldn't hold it against you if you resented me.”
"I don't, believe me. I only wish it could have been different.”
The rain intensified, creating a cascading curtain of water beside you.
"Just tell me one thing; had I not been human, what would have ensued following my birth?” You asked.
"If you were like me, you would have stayed in my domain.”
“And what about dad?”
She drew a breath, struggling to deliver the answer. "He would have been oblivious to your existence.”
You visualized it all in your mind, your father living out the rest of his days ignorant of his offspring, while you had to grow up in a different place. You might never have met him, Ella, Hob... not even Morpheus. It was only then that you came to grasp the extent of your fortune.
"Mum, despite all the ups and downs, I am genuinely grateful for the life I've been given."
A rumble of distant thunder echoed in the sky.
"When dad fell ill, I lost a part of myself in a way that I thought I could never reclaim. But things have changed. I'm now living the life of my dreams, quite literally.”
“Y/N, about that….”
"Hard times aren't fun, but they have a way of molding us mortals into better versions of ourselves. There's still a lot for me to learn on this journey, but I don’t feel alone anymore.”
"And I'm in love, mum. I've found someone who understands me and values me in a way I've never experienced before. All this wouldn't have been possible had I not been human.”
Another bout of thunder, closer and louder than the first, erupted around you, accompanied by a flash of light. Your mother's expression turned resolute as she regarded you.
And the prospects were not promising.
"Y/N, to be perfectly clear, I do not support your relationship with the King of Dreams.”
The way in which she conveyed those words was tinged with anger and disgust, causing an immediate contraction of your nerves. “Why is that?”
"My dear, Oneiros is untrustworthy. Everything he does is driven by self-interest, and he brings ruin to those who dare to associate with him. No exception.”
You could feel the fire building and blazing within you. “That’s not true.”
"You don’t know the atrocities he committed. He completely tore apart his own family, condemning his son to a life of misery and shattering Calliope's heart."
You clenched your teeth, intensifying your hold on the umbrella's handle.
"The agony of having to give you up at birth was hard enough for me. I can only imagine how traumatic it must have been for Calliope, upon discovering her son torn apart due to her husband's deeds.”
You rolled your eyes, uttering a grunt and smacking the ground with the umbrella in a display of frustration. "Yes, it was an absolute tragedy, no one is disputing that. But Calliope was the one who chose to leave Morpheus, wasn't she? It was a conscious decision.”
"And it was arguably the best decision she could have made. What kind of future could she have had with someone who condemned their own son?”
"Morpheus didn't condemn anyone!"
Your voice reverberated through the porch, compelling your mother to take a step back.
"He may have overlooked his son's plea, but how does that make him responsible for his fate? Do you genuinely believe he wanted that outcome? Yes, he was negligent. He trusted that Orpheus would heed his advice. That was the true mistake.”
Paregoros pinched the bridge of her nose, "Y/N...”
You were too riled up to stop. You would not tolerate any disparaging words about the love of your life, not even from your own mother.
"You all label him as some kind of monster, but it seems you conveniently forget that Orpheus was his son too. Calliope lost him, but so did Morpheus. Yet, all the blame is squarely placed on him.”
"Are you aware of the significance of a father picking the head of his son on the seashore?”
The torment he endured, the pain he had to bear alone, with no one else there to offer him support through it all.
"He's genuinely making an effort. He suffered through a century of hell, imprisoned and banished from his realm. I wouldn't be the person I am today if it weren't for him. Can't you grant him at least a modicum of recognition?”
She shook her head repeatedly. "It saddens me to have to tell you these things. Calliope attempted to change him, genuinely believing she could. By the time she realized her efforts were in vain, it was already too late.”
You furrowed your brows. "That's precisely the problem, this thing about others wanting to change him. I can't pass judgment on their relationship as I wasn't even born at the time, but if she truly loved him, she would have accepted him the way he was."
Paregoros parted her lips, barely managing to whisper a simple, "I....”
“Mum, honestly, I understand your perspective. But if you find yourself needing to change someone in order to be with them, it means that you're in love with your idea of that person, not the person themselves.”
She was at a loss for a rebuttal, simply unable to formulate one.
"As the Goddess of compassion, I ask you to extend that compassion to him as well. Morpheus has a heart too. It might appear cold to you, but it’s incredibly gentle and riddled with scars.”
She appeared strikingly taken aback, surprised by your words that reflected wisdom and maturity.
She reached for your hand, enveloping it within her warm, velvety ones and gently caressing the back of it. "It appears there's a lot more of me in you than I expected.”
The feeling of her touch, so soothing and energetically satisfying, somehow compensated for all those years of absence, instantly pacifying you.
"You would make an exceptional Goddess, my dear. Even better than me. You’re so empathetic, so kind and benevolent.”
You shrugged. "I'm not so sure about that. I failed to forgive the men who imprisoned Morpheus for so many years.”
"Do you understand why?”
"They hurt him, murdered his raven in cold blood. Alex Burgess never freed him.”
"That means you cared.”
She let go of your hand, only to grasp your shoulders and plant a tender kiss on your forehead.
How many times had you longed for her lips? To receive her kisses, her embraces, and her words of comfort and encouragement?
"Perhaps I judged Oneiros a bit too harshly. Maybe he does deserve a second chance after all. But Y/N, bear this in mind; he's an Endless and you are human. The law prohibits your kind from engaging in romantic relationships with those entities.”
“I know.”
"Your roots may afford you the opportunity to be with him now, but sooner or later, you'll be faced with a decision. You do not possess eternal life.”
Why did you have to be reminded of that fact just when you were attempting to push it away?
"All I care about is your happiness. And I fear that if you remain with him, it will rob you of the opportunity to build a new life with someone else.”
You grunted. "I've had my fair share of human partners and I'd rather not revisit that. Thanks.”
Paregoros looked crestfallen, her hands moving soothingly up and down your arms. "They're not all the same. Just because you've experienced heartbreak doesn't mean it's bound to recur.”
The mere thought of parting ways with Morpheus for another man was inconceivable to you.
"You don’t understand.”
"Yes, Y/N, I do. I was unable to restrain my feelings for your father and because of that, we’re having this conversation.”
You disentangled yourself from her hold, shifting a little to the side. "Yes, and due to those unfair laws, you were forced to abandon both of us. Again, I'm aware.”
Paregoros withdrew, nervously fiddling with her fingers.
"I know that you want me to be safe, mum. But whether I'm making a mistake or not, it's not up to you to determine it for me.”
While the thunder seemed to recede further into the distance, the rainfall showed no signs of abating.
"I just don't want you to endure what your father had to go through with me.”
You shook your head. "I want to be with him. Please, just accept that.”
Your mother scrutinized you, witnessing your sincere emotions reflected in your eyes, and attuning herself to the rhythm of your heartbeat.
"Answer truthfully, Y/N. Does he bring you happiness?”
"Like no one else ever possibly could.”
"Do you believe that he loves you? Sincerely?”
"I'm certain he does. I witness that every single time.”
In the end, all she could do was smile, taking in the profound depth of love radiating from your entire being.
"Fine, you win.”
She let go of the tension, easing her stiff body and offering her hand out towards you. This time, she waited for your move to accept it, and you had no reason to refuse.
"Y/N, just know that I've always watched over you, even during times when you felt you were on your own. I witnessed your struggles and efforts, your sorrow and your joy."
With everything crashing onto you, your lips quivered, but you steeled yourself against the urge to cry.
"Never back down and stay true to yourself. Because I know you're going to achieve so many remarkable things in this life.”
Those words you searched for but never found when you thought she no longer existed, may have come to you a little later than you would have liked, but they were as potent and uplifting as you had imagined them to be.
"And pray, sweetie. Pray, and I will be listening.”
It was her way of assuring you that she would be there in spirit, never once losing sight of you.
You let out a shaky sigh, "I will.”
Somehow, she appeared brighter and significantly warmer, swathed in some kind of celestial energy.
"I cannot stay longer," she declared. "Tell your father that I apologize.”
"Will I see you again?”
"Perhaps that could be arranged. Someday.”
A silent tranquility enveloped the two of you. Neither of you appeared capable of letting the other go, awaiting a move that didn’t come.
And then, your mother posed a final question. "May I embrace you?”
Driven by a sense of desperation as her words unlocked a flood of suppressed emotions, you enveloped her upper body in a warm embrace, tightening your hold while inhaling the pleasant scent of honey and lilies emanating from her hair. releasing a soft sob, she reciprocated with equal grief and intensity, whispering soothing affirmations into your ear.
Your fingers gripped the fabric of her cardigan, feeling the soft material inexplicably thin out and transform. As your hug loosened and you lifted your eyes, your breath hitched. She had morphed into the same awe-inspiring Goddess form that you had seen in your father's memory.
There was nothing you could say that would encapsulate the astounding beauty she radiated.
Gently, she let her hands glide along your face, cupping your cheeks with affection and pride. Reaching for her left hand, Paregoros took off one of her golden bracelets, a shiny bangle shaped like a leafy branch. She raised your sleeve and fastened it around your wrist, lightly tweaking the metal for a perfect fit. Excluding Morpheus’ dreamstone you always wore around your neck, never before had you possessed a piece of jewelry so magnificent.
"A part of me will always remain with you," she said. "I know it's not much, but...”
You moved your fingertips over the cool material, tracing all the intricate details of the bracelet. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”
Paregoros nodded, her lips pursed as she planted a final kiss on your cheekbone. As she left the shelter of the porch, you observed her standing in the rain, shielded by her essence which prevented the falling raindrops from even grazing her.
"Look after your father," she told you.
"He's the one who's always taking care of me, actually.”
"And he does a remarkable job.”
You noticed the melancholy in her demeanor, the anguish in her eyes as she mentioned him.
"Do you still love him?" You ventured to ask her.
Paregoros nibbled her lower lip, clasping her hands together. "I always have.”
Knowing that their love was destined to last until their final breath, going through the torment of being separated and unable to stay together, was just unbearably painful to you.
"Goodbye, my dear daughter. Hopefully, I'll see you again very soon.”
You remained still under the porch, watching as your mother vanished down the serene street, surrounded by the mystical barrier. Remarkably, she went unnoticed by everyone else, the passing cars cautiously navigating the wet pavement, their drivers remaining entirely unaware. In a split second, she had disappeared entirely, leaving you alone and isolated, consumed by your thoughts that echoed louder than the storm.
If only you could travel between realms at your own convenience, not confined by the stringent rules of the universe. Being a mere mortal, you were bound by your limitations and the unbreakable laws you had to follow.
As you mulled over it in defeat, hearing nothing but the rush of water, a mighty figure took shape behind you. Gauging by the sound of his boots and the faint shadow casting on the ground, just like before, it was easy for you to discern his identity.
And your smile was uncontrollable. "Did you hear all of that?”
"No," Morpheus' voice was deep and resonant, immediately penetrating your heart and causing it to melt.
When you swiveled to face him, you were laughing in delight. "You're not a good liar, you know.”
Concerned about your potential disappointment, the Endless averted his gaze, uncertain of how to respond.
Truth be told, it didn't faze you. The knowledge of having him beside you, invisible, ever ready to support when called upon, instilled an unwavering feeling of safety in you.
With a gentle touch on his elbow, you subtly indicated that you had absolutely no issue with him eavesdropping on you. Your only regret was that he may have overheard snippets of conversation that could potentially upset his mood.
Refocusing his beautiful eyes back on you, he confirmed that by saying, "You defended me.”
He sounded surprised and puzzled, considering your reaction to be unexpected. How many times did you need to validate just how much he meant to you? It distressed you to see him with such low self-regard.
"Of course I did. I won't stand for any of that nonsense about you.”
The corners of his lips twitched upwards slightly, indicating his genuine pleasure, perhaps even happiness, at your protective stance. This only fuelled your desire to safeguard him and be the anchor he could depend on, just as he was for you.
Looking at the pouring rain once more, your mind drifted to your father and the worry he must have been harboring for you. In your haste to leave with Paregoros, you hadn't even considered to bring your phone along.
Yet, for an inexplicable reason, you were mesmerized by the incessant splash of water. The rainfall held a peculiar charm, luring you like a siren's enchanting melody.
"My love?”
Sporting a grin akin to a playful child, you began to move backward. "Would it bother you to get wet?”
Morpheus looked perplexed, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "What?”
Upon reaching the edge of the porch, you stretched out your arms, the yet-to-be-unfurled umbrella gripped in your hand. Morpheus stuttered out your name, understanding your intentions, but that did nothing to stop you. Whether it was the pre-show adrenaline or the surging cocktail of feelings, you felt compelled to act on a wildly irrational impulse.
And so, you leapt into the rain, allowing its cold droplets to cascade over you. As you looked up at the cloudy sky, you felt your hair and clothes becoming drenched and clinging to you almost instantly.
Morpheus watched in silent astonishment, observing you relish this instance of unbridled freedom. To him, it seemed as though you were washing away all that was superfluous in your life, allowing past sufferings to flow out of you and dissolve into nothingness.
And it was a sight to behold. You were stunningly beautiful, surrendered to your instincts. Wild.
He remained before you, under the porch, pulling his hands out of his coat pockets. You slicked back your wet hair, indifferent to the makeup that was surely smudging and streaking down your face. You knew that he wouldn't fuss over something so insignificant.
The rain was exhilarating and revitalizing, yet something was lacking. Cautiously, you searched for his hand, brushing against the cold fingertips before confidently seizing it and drawing him out to where you stood.
Morpheus offered no resistance, allowing you to draw him into the rain with you. His hair darkened and fell limp against his forehead as it got wet, with trails of water cascading down his face, tracing the lines of his nose, mouth and jawline.
Like the heroine from a movie, you rose on your toes and pressed your lips against his, kissing him with all the passion that was raging in your chest. The contrast between his skin and the chilly water was striking, his tongue warm and coarse. The rain had a slightly bitter taste, but it didn't bother you.
His fingers firmly grasping your lower back served only as motivation for you to persist. Amidst the flurry of kisses, you took brief pauses to breathe. Finally, when you found the strength to pull away, you looked at him, your face filled with adoration.
Morpheus was making a valiant effort to suppress the smile that was steadily emerging, failing to do so. Subsequently, he bestowed upon you another kiss, this one more profound, his arm cradling your shoulders. As he leaned in, your back curved slightly in a graceful arch as he gently bent you over. You felt your surroundings shift dramatically in a quick whirl, the water suddenly ceasing and the temperature around you becoming warmer.
To say you felt like the girl in the iconic Kissing Sailor photograph, captured at the culmination of World War II in Times Square, would be an understatement. Except in your case, there was also an added element of magic. The moment you opened your eyes and he let you go, you found yourself in what appeared to be your old bedroom, meticulously kept by your father for your overnight visits. Your clothes and hair were completely dry and back to their original state, even Morpheus appeared untouched by the raindrops.
Setting the umbrella aside, you started to question the rashness of your actions, perhaps needing a bit more consideration. Yet, Morpheus seemed far from perturbed by it.
"I’m sorry for the impromptu shower," you joked, "I've always wanted to do that.”
"You must take care, my love. I would not want you to fall sick.”
"Fortunately, I have a supernatural boyfriend always ready to rescue me.”
Despite the joyousness of the situation, Morpheus had reverted back to his somber state. He seemed immersed in contemplation, his eyes drifting until they finally settled back on you.
Without saying a word, his hand touched your cheek. He skimmed your skin with his fingers, delicately tracing paths along your chin. How could your mother ever doubt his sincerity? The way he made you quiver with a mere touch, the thoughtfulness he invested in each gesture, every small gift, every compliment and sweet word.
The way he revered both your body and heart. How he gradually tried to share more of himself with you as time progressed.
Engrossed in your romantic moment, you were startled when the bedroom door abruptly swung open. Your father stood there, holding the doorknob tightly, an eyebrow raised as he looked at the two of you. Clearly, he had expected you to return with Paregoros, not a male entity who seemed quite preoccupied with his hands on you.
With a hint of nervousness, you gulped audibly while Morpheus slowly distanced himself from you. Your cheeks flushed as if you were a teenager caught red-handed, and all you could manage was to stutter your words in an attempt to diffuse the tension.
"Uhm.... dad, have you been introduced to Lord Morpheus, the King of Dreams?”
This was far from how you intended to formalize your relationship to him.
Well, oops.
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The Fashion Show was unquestionably the most phenomenal event you had the privilege to participate in. You had always speculated on what it would be like to witness your creations springing to life on the runway and to gauge the attendees' reactions. Now, as you found yourself incessantly answering questions, posing for pictures, and receiving praises from the company's sponsors and directors of fashion magazines, you could affirm that the experience was utterly extraordinary.
That evening, London seemed more beautiful than ever, almost akin to an entirely different city as you took in the skyline from Oliver's car. Your phone vibrated incessantly, filled with excited messages from your father and Hob who had watched the entire show broadcasted on TV, endlessly lauding how fantastic you looked on camera.
Catching your reflection in the window, you contemplated the dramatic transformation your life had undergone in a relatively short span of time. You recalled the weary, desolate, and drained look that used to reside in your eyes during your tenure at the Burgess mansion; the woman you were then bore almost no resemblance to who you were now.
You transitioned from being despondent to the most successful version of yourself. From a state of loneliness and depression to being encompassed by the finest companions and feeling as happy as you could possibly be. Juggling your time between the Waking World during the day and the Dreaming at night, you were essentially leading two distinct lives, each of equal magnificence. You cherished your friends in the human realm just as much as you cared for the ones you made in the land of dreams.
In the succeeding weeks, the workload at Corbyn&Jones had noticeably escalated since the show, with an influx of requests from organizations and influential individuals seeking new exclusive designs for their impending events. This was in addition to the rapid rate at which most of your previously released collections appeared to be flying off the hangers, shelves and mannequins in local stores. Without a doubt, it was the most frenzied period you had ever experienced in your career. But as exhausting as it could be, you were absolutely thrilled and over the moon about it.
And just as Ella had predicted prior to the night of the show, your fame was soaring.
Your name began to surface in various articles and was highlighted in various shops as the leading figure of the brand. Your friend had stayed true to her promise, giving you all the credit and recognition you rightfully deserved. You were incredibly overjoyed to read numerous testimonials from teenagers and adults alike, claiming that your creations had boosted their confidence. The fact that numerous influencers were now donning your company's attires and promoting them on social media only drove an additional surge in sales. Eventually, Oliver had to contemplate launching an official online store, which recorded thousands of visitors within just a day of its inception.
If someone had foretold all this to you just a few months prior, you wouldn't have believed a single word.
As your days became full of non-stop activities, eight months had officially elapsed since the end of the Sleepy Seakness. Eight remarkable months filled with dreams, wonders, and mysteries, eight months of love for Morpheus.
The fact that your father was now aware of him brought such relief to your heart. You lost count of the number of times you had to explain that Dream of the Endless couldn't just accept an invitation for a human dinner at his house. Despite his initial apprehensions about the challenges you might encounter with an eternal being, in the end, your father couldn't resist continually inquiring about him.
It was truly endearing, although you were aware that Morpheus probably didn’t know how to deal with it.
One day, Ella summoned you to her office for a matter of utmost importance. You didn't have time to fret about the possibility of bad news because her radiant smile and gleaming eyes practically blinded you the moment you walked in.
"What's going on?" You asked her. "You seem extremely cheerful.”
"Oh, actually, this isn't about me at all," she responded.
"What do you mean?”
"Y/N, do you recall my college friend, Andrew Rake?”
That name immediately struck a chord.
"I believe so. Wasn't he the one who aspired to relocate to the States?”
Ella nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! We stayed in touch. Guess what? He's now the owner of his own small enterprise in Florida.”
You smiled genuinely. "That's amazing!”
"Right? But here's the best part; ever since he saw our collection on the runway, he's been keeping a close watch on our company, and you in particular.”
You were taken aback. "Me?”
"Yes, sweetie. The fact of the matter is, he wants you on board for a new project he's undertaking.”
"But... Ella. You said he's in Florida. How am I supposed to assist him?”
Ella chuckled, tapping something on her phone which subsequently sent a message to your device. Upon opening it, you discovered a PDF document containing details of a plane ticket, complete with a specified date and time for a trip that had been booked under your name.
“Ella, you can’t be serious.”
"Of course I'm serious! He's an old friend, and I'm more than willing to share your creative talents with him for a while.”
You rubbed your forehead. "We have so much to handle here. Can I really travel abroad at a time like this?”
"You have both Oliver's and my full blessing. The trip is planned for two weeks, so please, consider some of those extra days as a bonus vacation. It's a gift from us.”
Ella clapped her hands together in jubilation. "Oh please, just bask in your success! We wouldn't be in this position without you. We can certainly manage to let you go for a few days.”
You couldn't recall the last time you had taken a plane for travel, let alone when you had even left the city of London to venture anywhere else. For at least two years and a half, arguably the longest and toughest of your life, your father had been the sole thing that occupied your thoughts.
Perhaps this blend of work and relaxation wrapped into one trip was precisely the respite you needed to unwind.
"I don't know what to say, really. You guys are the best.”
Ella playfully blew a kiss in the air. "Hush, you are the wonderful one here. So, take some well-deserved rest and start packing your bags; Cape Kennedy awaits you!”
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Being on a plane seemed unreal, but you were truly leaving your country and gazing at the white clouds below.
You had always harbored a desire to traverse the globe, and thanks to your job, that opportunity was now within your grasp. Andrew, despite crossing paths with him at various social gatherings, never became a close friend. He was, nevertheless, always pleasant to be around and had an undeniably unique sense of style.
The information Ella provided about his requirements and the project were rather vague. All you knew was that he was in need of your design expertise for a task he seemed unable to accomplish on his own. His business was modest in size, with a minimal workforce. He was the sole brain behind every fresh concept, crafting each new article of clothing, which he would also proudly wear himself and display in public.
You were indeed intrigued by this collaboration, as it marked your first venture working side by side with another creative mind.
Soothed by the tranquil hum of the plane, with the gentle white noise permeating the cabin, your eyelids began to droop as you succumbed to sleep. Your head gently swayed to the side, giving a slight bump against the window.
Your body felt weightless, drifting, until the familiar beach in the Dreaming materialized before you. The sea breeze was as enchanting as ever, with its authentic salty aroma pervading the surroundings. You settled onto the sand, the grains soft and shifting around to create an impromptu pillow for you. Your blue gown shimmered like a starlit sky and flowed around your legs.
You had never seen that dress before, it would be wise to remember such a striking garment for inspiration.
Morpheus was absent, but it didn't bother you. You knew that he was still busy with the final refurbishments of his domain, keeping track of all residents and constructing new areas for the humans to revel in. Even in his physical absence, his presence was felt all around. Your Moonstone necklace glowed once more, illuminated by an enchanting blue light that danced in a rhythmic circle.
If only you had an inkling of what was happening before you, in a dream that seemed no different from any other.
A distant figure began to take shape along the seashore, steadily advancing in your direction with a measured stride. The beach land was a private corner of your consciousness, a fragment of the Dream World that Morpheus had set aside exclusively for you. Never had you seen another entity traverse it, other than Morpheus.
As you became engrossed in the vistas of the ocean ahead, a voice emerging beside you caused you to slightly jump.
“Uhm…. hello…?”
You noticed a young girl with an impressive array of black dreadlocks, punctuated by a few strands in gradient hues of blue and lime, standing right beside you. She was dressed in a long-sleeved black pullover with a striped shirt peeking from underneath, complemented by a pair of dark trousers and white sneakers.
She bore a gentle appearance, her face marked by a bewildering expression that was difficult for you to interpret.
Hi," you replied. "May I know who you are?”
After a brief pause, she introduced herself by sharing her name with you. "I'm Rose. Rose Walker."
Rose Walker? How strikingly human a name for a dream, you mused.
Despite your thoughts, you presented a warm smile. "I'm Y/N Y/LN, it's a pleasure to meet you.”
Rose nodded her head, casting a curious glance around. "Where exactly are we?”
How odd…
"This is the Dreaming. Or at least, a portion of it.”
"Wait, am I asleep?”
Was she merely a strange manifestation of your mind, or had another human somehow intersected your dream?
Regardless, you chose to go along with the unfolding scenario.
"Where do you hail from, Rose?”
"I come from New Jersey, but I'm travelling in search of my brother right now.”
A brother? What was going on?
"Do you have any idea where he might be?”
"I actually do. He’s in Florida.”
Florida, go figure.
"I'm sure you will find him, Rose," you said encouragingly, unsure of what else you could possibly say to a figment of your imagination.
The girl’s eyes lingered on the sea line in the horizon. “We got separated a long time ago… and our mother passed away recently.”
Your heart sank. "Oh no... I'm truly sorry.”
"Thanks. We have a great-grandmother now. She's assisting me in my search.”
There was something profoundly unexplainable about the dream you were experiencing. The tale she was recounting, though it could potentially be drawn from your own familial experiences and anxieties, somehow rang incredibly true.
"Family is the most precious thing, isn't it?”
Rose's lips stretched into a soft smile. "It is. I really need to find Jed. Without our mother, I want to be sure he’s okay, look after him.”
"You know, Rose," you began, "One valuable lesson I've gathered is that your tenacity and determination have the power to lead you to any destination.”
More than anything else, this was a deep self-realization.
"If it's your aim to locate your brother, there won't be any hurdle capable of thwarting your efforts.”
After a moment of evident consensus, Rose exhaled deeply, "Not even foster agencies?”
Despite the peculiarity of your dream, you asserted, "Not if you refuse to allow them.”
The girl appeared to ease at your assertion, nodding and letting out another breath. An uncanny ambiance started to envelop the surroundings, contrasting the usual tranquility of the beachfront.
You couldn't quite put it into words, for when you looked at her, you had no negative perceptions whatsoever.
When she joined you on the sand, you had the sensation that a distant rock split in two, but you dismissed it because oftentimes, elements in your dreams could morph into something bizarre for no apparent reason.
And thus, the two of you struck up a friendly conversation, which effortlessly flowed with random talks, jests, and laughter. A sudden impulse to protect her welled up within you, despite the awareness that she wasn't as tangible as you were. But then again, what if she was indeed real?
You inquired about her dreams and ambitions. She wanted to repair what remained of her family, secure a job to support herself and her brother Jed. She aspired to write, to weave a narrative that was uniquely hers to tell.
You became so engrossed in her life's story, that you quickly grew fond of Rose and the purity of her spirit.
Yet, something was amiss. It was as if the Dreaming was crying out in the distance, rumbling and fracturing.
Then, a chorus of assorted voices started to materialize and reverberate around you, signifying that your in-flight nap was nearing its conclusion.
Rose seemed to hear them too, her eyebrows furrowing as she looked around in puzzlement.
"It's been wonderful meeting you, Rose," you expressed, rising from the sandy cushion and allowing the fabric of your celestial dress to billow and expand. The moonstone was radiating intensely, so much so that you momentarily wondered if it carried any special significance.
"Who knows, perhaps our paths will cross again in my dreams?”
Rose said something, but as her lips moved, you couldn't hear any word. The Dreaming became hazy and remote, almost spiraling before it vanished.
Upon opening your eyes, you saw the flight attendant strolling down the aisle, instructing passengers to fasten their seatbelts. As she passed by your row, slowing down slightly, the man in his 50s next to you took off his earbuds, and you immediatly complied with her request despite your drowsiness. Throughout the entire landing phase, you gazed out of the window, despite the slight discomfort of your ears popping and feeling plugged. It was pleasant to watch the water glistening under the sunlight, a sight that transported your thoughts back to the Dreaming, and your intriguing encounter with a gentle, enigmatic girl named Rose Walker.
But why did you sense such apprehension, with a gut feeling of some looming event? While a part of you was tempted to dismiss it as a byproduct of your travel, you were all too familiar with your own instincts.
No, you couldn't let that cloud your mind before you even set foot in Cape Kennedy. What could possibly go wrong?
As soon as you were able to stand up again, you waited patiently for the queue of people disembarking the plane, retrieved your luggage, and expressed gratitude to the flight attendants for their service. Finding yourself in a foreign country was extraordinary, the thrill coursing through you profoundly invigorating.
You made the choice to release all worries, and the unsettling feeling in your stomach receded, making room for optimistic thoughts and anticipations.
Extracting your phone from your bag, you promptly switched off airplane mode and shot a fast text to Andrew to let him know you'd arrived. Given his kindness in offering to pick you up from the airport, you didn't want to keep him waiting any longer than necessary.
With your attention absorbed in the screen, grinning at the cheerful, amusing emoji Andrew sent in response, you failed to spot Rose Walker in the midst of the bustling crowd.
What was supposed to be a business trip was about to unexpectedly evolve into an extremely perilous journey.
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 (currently reading) Go to Chapter 17 ->
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drakaripykiros130ac · 8 months
Breaking down the kid fight in Driftmark:
I will keep score of the wrongs done by both parties in this fight.
Aemond claimed his dragon, good for him. Still messed up to take the dead woman’s dragon the day of her funeral, but whatever. Vhagar was grieving herself since she is the one who actually killed Laena, which puts into question whether her accepting Aemond was truly because she wanted him as her rider, or simply because she was in pain, old, grieving and in desperate need for companionship. I personally think it’s the ladder.
Rhaena and Baela, still grieving their mother, confronted Aemond about Vhagar, as is their right. At the same time, Jacaerys was grieving Harwin Strong.
When questioned by Rhaena, Aemond insulted her and Laena’s memory, showing nothing but cruelty through his words.
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In response, Rhaena lunged herself at Aemond, which resulted in Aemond pushing her to the ground.
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A grief-stricken and angry Baela punched Aemond in response, and Aemond in turn, threw an even greater punch her way.
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In response to the girls being hit, Jacaerys and Lucerys joined the fight against Aemond.
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Eventually, Aemond has his hand clasped around Luke’s throat with a rock above his head. In addition to this, he makes death threats (mentioning the fire at Harrenhal - which ironically - his own mother is responsible of) and utters the word “bastards”, which is not a simple insult but rather a direct treasonous act, if spoken without concrete evidence. An act which in itself threatens the lives of Jacaerys and Lucerys. All this makes an additional 3 wrongdoings.
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In response to all this (his life threatened, mention of Harwin’s death and the “bastard” comment), Jacaerys pulls out a knife and starts fighting with Aemond.
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Aemond has Jacaerys trapped and it is clear that he intends to bash his head with that stone - a clear intent to kill.
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Lucerys, frightened for the danger his brother is in, picks up the knife and slashes Aemond’s face in self-defense.
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Bottom line: If Aemond hadn’t been so cruel from the beginning (after all, Baela and Rhaena had done nothing to him. They barely knew each other.), and hadn’t shown clear intention to murder (foreshadowing for the future), he would have still had his eye right about now. He alone is responsible for his downfall.
I see him as a pathetic human being, filled with hatred and gossip by his mother (a true momma’s boy), lacks intelligence to rise above childish pranks (he is an adult who rides the biggest dragon in the world and is still acting like a pissed little kid. Daemon himself sees right through him and is amused) and as a wise Tumblr once said: his entire personality is based on the eye he lost.
Brynden Rivers (Bloodraven) lost an eye as well many years later, in the first Blackfyre war. But he wore the scar with pride, and never let it define him.
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