#therapy tools
lemonsharks · 5 months
Yeah I feel personally spoken to. Original/downloadable video at Instagram.
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moonlit-positivity · 2 months
Preparing for a Crisis Situation
[Disclaimer: I am not a therapist. I am just some rando on the internet with way too much time on her hands (😭). Contrary to what I've written, the advice in this post is not a substitute for real crisis support. If you are feeling actively suicidal and unsafe, please contact your local crisis unit and take your health & safety seriously.]
This is going to be a long post. Heads up for that.
So you're having a real bad panic attack & contemplating suicide. Your body is activated, your head is spinning, you're gonna reach for the knife. What can you do to make it better? Let's talk options outside of crisis support.
But first, let's talk about why there is a need to address options outside of crisis support in the first place, and why I feel the need to write something like this to begin with. Because yeah, ultimately, this is such a tricky topic to talk about and it's not something to be fooled around with. But for some of us who are actively fighting these types of thoughts on a daily basis, I hope this post can give you a sense of how to imitate a safety zone for when it goes from bad to worse and you feel like there's no one to call.
Suicide awareness is the issue of how to cope with stress. How to cope with the panic and anxiety and hopelessness of when it gets too big to handle by yourself.
The issue with crisis support, is that there is such a huge problem around institutionalization that forces people into a situation with unsafe mental health professionals and abusive staff. And it's incredibly dehumanizing to be forced into the equivalent of an adult time out in a facility that may or may not treat you like you're an actual human being in a safe, clean, and humane facility.
Lets not pretend that people arent still being forced into hospitalization as a form of control and punishment and abuse and subjected to abuse and unsanitary conditions. It still happens. Yes. Even in 2024, this is still an every day occurrence.
So when the panic hits, let's talk about what you can do to plan & prepare for a real crisis situation.
Preparing for Crisis: Safety Plan
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Ah yes, the grippy sock vacation ole' reliable. The safety plan.
It may feel dumb & stupid to fill this out, but the purpose is to become aware of what triggers your panic and anxiety, and also what helps vs what makes it worse. That way you can counteract it with your favorite soothing methods. This helps so you can also gauge it on a scale of "yeah I can coast this out by myself" vs "nah fam I need help".
Here is an example of mine:
I feel unsafe when: My alters are too loud, I'm being talked over, not being listened to, the neighbor is outside yelling, I'm having flashbacks, anxiety, triggered, being looked at by others, breathing too hard, breathing too fast, body feels heavy, body feels frozen, can't move, can't breathe, crying a lot, body convulsing, racing thoughts, paranoid thoughts, fearful, heart beating too fast, etc
My triggers are: talking too loud, talking too soft, talking at all (I am nonverbal sometimes), flashbacks, anxiety, yelling, emotional abuse, personal space, privacy, being told what to do, loud noises, can't control my environment, being looked at
What would help: space to be alone, throwing a tantrum, coloring, ripping up a cardboard box, puzzles, activities, video games, teddy bears, comfort items, talking w my therapist, looking out a window, daydreaming, singing, humming, music, warm blanket, juice box, snacks
What would not help: looking at me, direct eye contact, yelling, screaming, accusatory language, demeaning me, being mean to me, hurting me, physical touch, comfort
Who can I call: my therapist, my cat, my teddy bear, my case manager, my neighbors, warm line, etc. Talk to your favorite fictional characters. They are there for you.
Where can I go: outside, the park, local burger joint, my kitchen, the bathroom, the spare bedroom, etc.
Preparing for Crisis: Remove The Weapons
Quarantine any and all unsafe items. Knives, guns, medicines, needles, extension cords, etc. Throw them out, lock them up, or give them to someone safe to hold onto. Remove them from the house entirely.
We can go deeper with this. Kitchen knives got you feeling stabby? Replace them with plastic kitchenware. Razor blades & meds? Disposable razors & medisets.
Spend some time considering what changes you can make around the house. Make your home feel safe.
Warning Signs: Change Your Environment
The quickest way to ground and self soothe is to make an immediate change in your environment. If the room is dark, turn on the lights. Open the windows. Open the doors. Step outside. Step into a different room. If there's no sound, turn on the TV. Put on a podcast. YouTube white noise and soundscapes.
This can work in other ways too. Grab the headphones. Grab a peppermint or a lemon drop or something spicy/sour. Grab something to drink. Grab a stim. Slime, play doh, something with texture, something you can fidget.
Take some time to think about what you'd like to use. You can put together a lil box full of trinkets and odds and ends for quick access. Control your environment to simulate what you'd imagine your ideal safe space to look like.
Warning Signs: Reconnect with Reality
Stand outside. Seriously, just do it. It helps. Open a window. Get some fresh air. Just do it. 5 minutes. Just 5 minutes.
Take deep breaths and ground yourself. Focus on something around you. Anything. What is it? What color is it? How big or small is it? Can you touch it? Is it cold? Is it warm? Can you squeeze it?
Warning Signs: Disconnect From The Stress
Put the phone down and get into an activity. Play a video game. Make some art. Draw your feelings. Color. Crochet. Anything hands on. Step away from the situation and do something relaxing or fun or otherwise stimulating for ur hands and brain to focus on.
This sucks. Yeah. But you're gonna make it worse by continually interacting and engaging with whatever it is that's stressing you out so big and hard that you're spiraling.
Even just 5 minutes will help. But it's a good idea to try for longer. Do you ever really consider how much stress you take in from other people's bullshit on the internet? Think about it.
Crisis Mode: Shut Down & Nest
One way to coast through a massive panic attack is to bunker down somewhere safe and sweat it out. So make a nesting space for you to crawl to while your body cries it out.
This can look like crawling in bed with the lights ON so you can still see and ground yourself through it, or laying on the couch with the lights ON and other comforts around.
Nesting is also good for recovery as a whole. Nesting can give us that sense of safety, that sense of comfort we're missing out on. It's a good idea to consider what areas of your home feel safest for you, and how you can make a lil nesting hole for you to run to. Make it safe, make it private, make it all your own.
Crisis Mode: Human Interaction
It's important to know when you can't coast it out on your own. Seek a human interaction. Any human will do. Neighbors, friends, family, warm lines, support groups, etc. Call someone. Inbox someone. Talk it out. Take a walk. Look at humans. Be human and be around humans.
If none of those apply, here's a really niche thing to try: Podcasts, let's plays, and YouTube videos are seriously goated for the friendly and warm atmosphere of having a conversation with someone.
But please remember if that is not enough then you should really consider reaching out to someone who knows you exist.
Crisis Mode: Where To Find Support
National suicide hotline: call or text 988
Reddit: r/adultsurvivors, r/C-PTSD, r/traumatoolbox
Discord: Trauma Survivors
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Aftermath: Self Care
Look, nobody likes this okay and that's fine. Shower, or take a sink wash up. Baby wipes. No clean clothes? Go naked. There are no rules. You deserve to feel human again.
Do one good soul cleansing thing for yourself. This can be anything. Even just saying it out loud, "damn that was rough. I'm glad I made it." Self care is a mindset. It doesn't have to be big. Take some care for your self, however you need it.
Aftermath: Emotional Regulation
Take a deep breath. Soothe your nervous system. Roll your shoulders, wiggle your body, and breathe. Yes, there is actual science behind this shit. I have a longer & more in depth post about it here.
Final thoughts
Please remember that none of this is actually acredited or liscenced or anything at all. These are just things I've personally gone through that have helped me coast out massive panic attacks that had me spiraling into unsafe territory.
Hope this helps 🌸
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bluekazoogames · 11 months
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uncanny-tranny · 16 days
I recently had to do a project in one of my psych classes, and man, I knew that CBT was used for every little thing, but seeing over and over, "do CBT! CBT is the best for every mental illness!" was so jarring. I'm absolutely biased because of my own experiences, but I just don't think it's as universal a treatment model as it's touted.
If you didn't benefit from CBT, it's not because you're lazy or didn't try hard enough or lacked intelligence or foresight into your own needs. Frankly, it's a therapy model that (I think) shouldn't be the only readily-accessible model and among the only therapy models covered by insurance. Some of us should not be treated in a CBT model and that's okay. It's not a sign of poor character or unreasonable demands, and if you don't think it's a model that works for you, then it's your right to express that!
#mental health#mental health advocacy#it was just so annoying because every resource i could access for this project often ONLY recommended cbt and#that just doesn't seem helpful for a good chunk of people#because i know i never benefitted from that model of therapy#obligatory: i am not against this therapy. me having a negative experience with it is not indicative that i believe it should be abolished'#if it works for you: KEEP DOING IT. cbt is not inherently harmful for MANY people and it's a good and valuable tool for many#but the overemphasis of cbt as the Only Therapy Model You Need sends this message that YOU failed...#...if you don't miraculously recover with that therapy model. it often feels like you'll Fail Recovery/Therapy and you're now a Bad Person#i've tried for over a decade to stick out cbt with a dozen therapists to boot. so i think i know a thing or two about my experiences with it#and overall its an unimpressive model (for me) as someone whos had a history with abuse and miscellaneous mental knickknacks rattling around#it's also frustrating because i genuinely like psych and i love learning about people#it's just. i'm tired of only being exposed to cbt (because i hate it honestly)#i feel similarly about cbt as i do with sigmund fucking frued#anyway i just want other insane people (affectionate) to remember that they deserve to not beat themselves up over this#if you're an insane person reading this: i love you i love you i love you i love you#i will share a slice of cake and homemade bread with you <3
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heatherchasesyou · 8 months
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Every time I'm sad i go and sketch super sad James, it's hella therapeutic n makes me feel way better, love this dude to death 😖💕
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myebix · 9 months
I saw a tiktok today and I immediately needed to use this audio for these two
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lyselkatz · 6 months
You wrote your name in invisible ink • But the scars they left, they were loud and clear • Weren't they? Weren't they?
And you're angry, and you should be, it's not fair
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Who cares if one more light goes out • In the sky of a million stars? It flickers, flickers • Who cares when someone's time runs out •If a moment is all we are? Or quicker, quicker? • Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well, I do
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Can I help you not to hurt anymore?
It must be so hard, in the mess you're always cleaning up • To believe in the ghost of unbroken love • But I promise you • The truth is that you're loved, so loved
You're loved, so loved
One More Light - Linkin Park
Silhouettes - Sleeping At Last
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aj-thegreatest · 8 months
Me: I could technically rewrite the LO therapy episodes, since I’m actively learning counseling skills in my masters program
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magz · 11 months
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Post Banner Image: Magz art of a black angel. Icon Image: Art by かめぱすた of Cirno the ice fairy as a Fumo plush. Edited with Disability Flag.
Introduction Post
Magz / Entropy. 👤
Mid-20s. Mixed Black. TME. Taken.
Mute / Non-Speaking / Non-Verbal*.
"Third World". Multiply Disabled. Pro-Palestine 🇵🇸.
About Page. | Links Page.
Support: Main Financial Stability Fund Post.
[hiatus] Art Livestreams, Wednesdays (sometimes) ~3:30pm AST - Youtube & Twitch.
For safety: Because of neuro-cognitive disability - will not spread personal donation posts from people we don't know / don't recognize / not vetted by others, anymore.
More Helpful Links And Resource Below.
Send Magz An Anonymous Doodle Here
Organizational Tags (for find posts on magz blog)
magzdpc - Magz 'daily' poems challenge (if want participate)
reminder for magz: tumblr user "kyra45", for identify scams
Useful Posts on Magz Blog:
(work in progress)
Palestine Global Strike January 21 - 28 Masterpost
PaliPunk's Palestine MasterPost
Hussyknee's Palestine Masterpost
SulfurCosmos' "Preserving Gaza's Universities" - Archive Knowledge
LoveLetter2You's Learn Palestinian Arabic Masterpost - Language
DecolonizePalestine.com - Dedicated Debunk and Info Site
GazaESims.com - Donate E-Sims (connectivity)
ProtectPalestine.org - Palestine Activism Resources
#AltTextPalestine - Twitter hashtag for accessible Palestine posts
LetsTalkPalestine Instagram - Palestine Info Breakdown
"Eye On Palestine" LinkTree - Palestine News (can be graphic)
Boycott Divest Sanctions (BDS) - Official Global Boycott Info for Palestine
How To Archive For Palestine - Old Magz Guide (need update)
Samidoun.net's Calendar of Resistance - Pro-Palestine Protests
Palestine Film Index
Magz's "#Palestine" Tag
Customize, Backup, Fixes, QoL
Tumbr Backup Guide (Post 1) (Post 2)
Firefox Customization: Theme, Vertical Tab Sidebar, and Homepage
Fix Tumblr Dashboard Script (not Magz post)
ublock origin fix for youtube (not by magz) - Reddit post
general tumblr fixes - dashboard unfucker (not by magz)
navigate and find posts on tumblr (not by magz)
Digital Literacy, Digital Privacy, Tech
Computer and Technology Basics For Absolute Beginners
"The Art of Invisibility" - Stay Safe In Modern Age
General Digital Safety and Digital Literacy (not Magz post)
Free Curriculum for I.T., Programming, and Computer Science
Internet Privacy, Primer (need to be update)
DNS resolver: easy n free way boost privacy security
How to: Burning / writing DVDS, physical media
Web Dev
Neo-Cities Web Dev Primer (not by Magz. Gif Warning)
Web Dev Basics (not by Magz)
Web Dev Beginner (not by Magz)
Old Web Recreation (not by Magz)
Neo-Cities Accessibility Primer (not by Magz)
General Web Dev Accessibility (not by Magz)
basic web coding site (not by magz) https://progate.com
other than LinkTree for link page
Open Source, or Free Access / "Alternatives to"
Paywal Removal (not by Magz)
Mullvad Browser: Alternative To Incognito Mode
Magz Search Engine (Not Google. Temporarily unavailable/deleted. other public searxng instances until then)
Open Source Note Apps - Alternatives to "Notion"
Home Assistant - Open Source Alternative to Amazon Echo (not magz post)
Google Suite "Free" Alternatives
Free + Free Trial AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) Apps for Android Device
non-social media book tracking app / site: candlapp.com
alternatives to amazon book stuff (not by magz)
Alternative to pantone - amend
- Tips for Google Chrome users to Firefox n de-Google
Disability and Tips
Disabled Cooking and Eating (not by Magz)
Disabled Cooking Book (not by Magz)
Image Description Primer (not by Magz)
Psych Ward Alternatives: Peer Respite and Safer Hotlines List (not by Magz)
"Critical Thinking" Sheet - Transcribed (not by Magz)
Donate Your Voice For Disabled People - VocalID (Clarification Against Misinformation)
"The Long Covid Survival Guide" Book
"How to Adult" when no one taught you - Books
ADHD, Executive Dysfunction. "How to fix 'waiting mode'" (Transcribed)
"Pay the ADHD tax upfront" (not Magz post)
"The Half Year Reset: How to turn your year around" Guide (Transcribed)
Autism Terminology Masterpost (not by Magz)
The People's CDC - International Covid Information And Safety (not by Magz)
myalgic encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue, or ME/CFS. And "pacing" (not by Magz)
Grip toggle aid tool (not by Magz)
mental health - self-care assessment (not by magz)
Tip: easy general cleaner for metal and other material
Art & Crafts
Art References (not by Magz)
basics: draw mobility aids (not by Magz)
make plushie pattern from 3d model (not by magz) / site: https://plushify.net/
"The War on everyone" - Identify Modern Fascism
U.S. and U.K: Join the IWW union
History & Culture
1800s jewish books GDrive (not by magz)
history: sephardic and mizrahi jewish (not by magz)
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giftedpoison · 5 months
watching my sister outwardly preach morality and right vs wrong, not only to me in arguments about things that have nothing to do with her, but also on her social media page where she is very aggressive and vicious towards people who don't share her views or who she perceives to be inherently malicious, and rather than treat them with kindness she treats them with aggression.
meanwhile she has never done a deep reflection on what right vs wrong is, and clearly has a very black and white mentality about it that is inherently distorted because nothing is black and white.
and i refuse to even engage with it anymore because i'm not going to stand there and let someone scream at me and tell me she hopes i die for merely trying to point out her own hypocrisy.
like pick up a book on philosophy i beg of thee. and just sit with it. don't take it as a metric to lead your life by but take it as a theory to mull with and play with. for fucks sake watch The Good Place or The 100 if reading philosophy isn't your thing. or read the Vicious duology by V.E. Schwab, or read Tokyo Ghoul by Sui Ishida. or No Longer Human by Dazi or read anything that remotely discusses the complexities of feeling like a monster or being alienated in society/media about good vs evil. (my examples in media are thin, despite it being my favorite narrative device because i genuinely am blanking)
like learn that right and wrong is fluid and to not condemn people because they do something you personally wouldn't do. it is not your place to dictate how others live, and if you want people to grow to share your opinion you can't force them with vitriol and you most definitely won't be the deciding factor in why someone might come around to your belief system.
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famewolf · 2 months
speaking of ocd, I think I'm realizing that I truly don't have anxiety and it's literally just my ocd. im not anxious about anything until it involves me and suddenly I'm spiraling
#[static]#it's hard to describe succinctly but the anxiety I deal with nowadays is directly related to my ocd and autism#some anxiety is so easy to brush off but the ones stemming from my ocd are extremely difficult to get out from under#i'll spiral for weeks about one specific thing and ruminate on it and mentally worry and pick at it forever#it's utterly exhausting jfkdghdf some days are easier than others#and often that one thing I ruminate on becomes multiple things all stemming from the first thing#like recently it's been my car ... the thing is totally fine ... runs fine drives fine but ive been freaked out by it for the last 3 weeks#every time i go into the shop theyre like ... everything is good in fact its in good condition for its age and they'll mention like#one thing that will need to be replaced to keep it in tip top condition and then my brain will fixate on it and imagine all the ways#something horrific will happen if that doesnt get changed and then that leads to all the other things in the car suddenly freaking me out#i defs used to have general anxiety and depression but those went away literally the day i got top surgery#poof instantly gone it was wild and i kept waiting for the other shoe to drop#never did but now my ocd has been really bad the last 6 months cuz of all the extra horrifying things going on#so i thought it was just my anxiety coming back but this week i realized it was my ocd and have been treating it accordingly#and ive seen some relief but i definitely need to go back to therapy once i get my insurance again#its the only way to get a hold on it and my last therapist ended up moving states so we didnt get to work on tools for it very much#im yapping at this point i just needed to vent for a second about how truly yucky ocd makes me feel
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joux31 · 11 months
Let's Play Daddy. You down? You ready?
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Kik me at yourb00thang (zeros after the letter b)
Instagram m at Samoangoddess_
Feel free to bless your Samoan baby girl $yourb00thang (zeros after the letter b) surprise me and I’ll surprise you back.
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tickleaddictionn · 5 months
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just lay down and be relax honey..
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asocial-skye · 1 year
anti-anakin people say that anakin got off really easy in the narrative by becoming a Force Ghost and should've stood trial or something, but i honestly cannot think of a worse punishment for a dude who wants to die and be free of his pain and suffering than to sit in eternity with people he wasn't particularly fond of and full knowledge of every horrible thing he did so he can watch his family burn to fix the mistakes he made in his lifetime.
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themakeupbrush · 1 year
TLDR: Think twice before you think a product is lazy or useless, it probably solves a problem you don’t have and don’t have to consider.
Also I specifically didn’t use the word disability when writing this except when referring to myself because there are many people who use assistive devices who may not consider themselves disabled.
Alright, I just want to talk about this for a second. At CES (Consumer Electronics Show, a huge convention where cool new gadgets get announced) L’Oreal announced two new products, HAPTA and Brow Magic. In case you can’t open the article, here’s how the company describes them, as well as pictures of the products: 
“ HAPTA, the first handheld, ultra-precise computerized makeup applicator designed to advance the beauty needs of people with limited hand and arm mobility; and L’Oréal Brow Magic, the first at-home electronic eyebrow makeup applicator that provides users with customized brow looks in seconds. “
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The number of comments I’ve seen questioning why these devices need to exist is mind boggling. If a product exists, and it strikes you as pointless, lazy, or unnecessary, take the five extra seconds to consider what issue it might solve for someone else. As someone with a disability, I understand accessibility tools and devices sometimes come across at first glance as ridiculous and unnecessary, especially when marketed to the masses (see the snuggie as a prime example). The HAPTA device is clearly assistive, if you bother to read the description, but things like the Brow Magic, which aren’t explicitly labeled as assistive and are marketed to everyone, can be much more of an issue. I imagine if you have dexterity issues and thin brows or even hair loss, this could be a game changer, but most people just see it as an expensive device for people too lazy to do their brows.
The other thing I want to mention is price. The HAPTA is still considered a pilot product, and unlike the Brow Magic, will not be easy to market to the masses who may not require an assistive device. I saw somewhere that this is expected to cost around $200, which obviously is not accessible to most people who need it, but is unfortunately a fair market price in the US. The technology is similar to the one used in motorized stabilizing spoons for tremors, which are around the same price. Hopefully, as these types of tools become more common, the price may come down over time. 
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yooniesim · 6 months
tw: death mention, cancer mention, oversharing, long-winded self-reflection, far too many paragraphs
The strides I have made with my temper in the past year... real talk... I'm proud. It's been hard to manage myself and keep from popping off but I've been making a lot of progress removing myself from situations that get me heated, irl or online, and I'm happy about that. It doesn't remove my feelings or the damage I've caused with my anger in the past but I feel like I'm making real progress. Even though my depression and overall mental health varies, I feel like temper wise I'm in a lot better place than I was a year ago. I've been staying away from people irl that fed into my anger by being neglectful or abusive to me, and tried my best to work on my own actions at the same time.
I'm also proud of where I'm at with my blog comparatively. I've been working hard to focus on the good things and what makes me and others happy, rather than falling into a pit of negativity. I feel like I can still express myself from time to time, while also being better able to know what is appropriate to say and when. Idk if this is just especially ND of me but I feel as if I had the belief that as long as I felt whatever I was saying was the truth, it was appropriate, and that the negativity wouldn't get to me if I stayed by that metric always. But that isn't always the case, and i'm getting better at evaluating that. At realizing that, even with good intentions, getting wrapped up in all the issues of the world and all the negative discussions can be almost a form of self-harm.
Not many people know about this, but the trauma i experienced during the pandemic really affected me and changed me a lot. If you're a long time follower comparing how I was pre-2020 and after, it probably feels like I changed completely as a person, because I did. I don't speak about it a lot, especially now that it feels like the entire world has... moved on, but. Being a healthcare worker then felt like seeing your own slice of hell. Seeing that much death firsthand and being so afraid every single day, being confronted with your own mortality and that of your loved ones, it's extremely difficult. Especially since I lost a very close relative to a drawn out battle with cancer, who I was a caregiver to, as well. Between that and finally being medicated for the first time in my life, i became numb, and at the same time, I became angry. Angry at every little injustice that crossed my path. I wanted to fix something, anything- even in a silly little community for a silly little sims game. I thought, maybe, shining a light on things I saw that were wrong- scamming, doxxing, bigotry- might help. I broke myself apart trying to do that. And... for what, really? I accomplished nothing. And to this day still deal with people that boil me down to just... a hater, I guess. Too annoying for their personal tastes. As if that alone justifies some of the truly vile things that have been said and done to me, publicly and privately. That continue over a year after the fact. Even now it's difficult to think about sometimes.
I've made many mistakes here. Being an inexperienced and flat out incompetent server owner, to start. But with that, too, I've made progress. I'm so grateful for the mod team I have in Sutopia now. For the loving community that's risen from the ashes of what was once an overly negative space. For me getting a handle on my own love of petty gossip, a fatal flaw. For me learning how to ban instigating and toxic parties instead of naively giving them the benefit of the doubt. I still struggle- because as much as people might think I'm harsh, seeing as I try to put up that front as much as possible, I'm actually far too forgiving to the point of stupidity at times. I've been paralyzed by indecision in the past, not wanting to hurt anyone by mistake with the wrong call, and wound up hurting everyone involved with my inaction instead. But I know now that I have a more experienced team beside me that helps so much with these decisions and ensuring a safe place for everyone. And that's taken a weight off of me for sure.
Occasionally, still, the anger gets to me. I see someone that I know for a fact has scammed someone, or hurt someone, or flat out lied, or harassed me in anons or said something racist about me in private that they have no idea I know about- and they're just continuing on, getting love and adoration over their sims or cc or something, and it gets to me. I want to post, I want to blast everything on here and say, look! They're not what you think! Look what they did! Look who they really are! But then I breathe, and I think. Would it really help? Would it really do anything? Would I be opening myself up to be attacked and hurt for nothing? And I come to the humbling conclusion that it's not worth it. Not worth it for them to come back in a month with a new name and all their friends welcome them back like nothing happened and so simblr continues on as it always has. And I'm just a "hater" that's probably jealous of how many friends they have or how much money they make whatever other egotistical explanation they'd spout after everyone inevitably forgot what really happened. Occasionally, it makes me feel a little sick.
But, I breathe through it. I'm getting better at that. Sometimes I write something long out in the drafts- like I'm doing now- and delete it right away instead of posting it. It helps. Even though sometimes I feel guilty. I think about the anons I used to get, the people saying they were too scared to call out certain creators for certain actions because of how big they were and how much hate their followers would send, I think about the asks I still have in my inbox of screenshots and proof. About how sometimes people would thank me for saying things they couldn't bring themselves to. That I was the only person doing it. The only person who wasn't afraid. Even though I was only "unafraid" because I could barely feel anything at the time. And I don't even have that "advantage" anymore. But it weighs on me thinking that I should be trying to help them still. But how can I help anybody? I'm biased, too. I make mistakes. I've made so many mistakes. What gives me the right to say anything? Being put on that pedestal and having that responsibility on my shoulders- stupid as it was from the bigger perspective of life- hurt me, too. Because no one has the right takes every time, and having the wrong one on occasion doesn't automatically make you a terrible person. But it's extremely difficult for people on the internet to understand that. Sometimes I feel used when I remember those times. Chewed up and spat out, once the flavor wore off. And violated, not by the anons or anyone that disliked me, but by people I thought were friends. That's always the worst part to think about.
.....Until I decide it's time to leave, anyway. Then you're all going down.
It's better not to expose myself, or others, to that again. Is that growth? I don't know. I still struggle with so many emotions. The anger, and the guilt. Regret and sadness. But then, I've also felt so much joy from here, too. When I talk to people in the server, when I help people here with their cc projects/requests, when I read people's stories, when I talk to nice anons. I still love talking to anons so much, and want to have in-depth, rambling discussions with them again! I love to laugh with my mutuals and share our silly little sims together. And, god, sometimes I feel relief. Like, there's nothing for me to prove, no one for me to impress. I can do whatever I want and not worry, because well- so what if I get blocked? Or talked about? Like what else is new lol. I don't need to focus on the community. I just need to focus on me, my posts, my mutuals I already know are kind people. It's a freeing feeling. And it makes continuing to express myself here worth it. I want to concentrate on that. The positivity, the love. The creativity. The people here that warm my heart with their kindness. So I think, as we continue into December and into the New Year, and every year I'm here beyond that, that's what I'll do. Continue to grow, and share the love.
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