#the little ones i nanny for enjoyed the bright pink !
roselise · 3 months
On a much more cheerful and somewhat silly note ..
The pink in my hair has faded considerably! I am genuinely wondering if I should dye it bright pink again or simply keep it like it is c:
My roots not included — currently I would call it a light blonde with a soft pink tint ? ♡
(This faded color is honestly *so* pretty I have not felt the urge to touch it up at all! I will put up pics if some would like and I feel well enough later maybe .. I am just thinking out loud and musing at the moment though!)
🎀 ⊹ * ˚ . 🤍
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tsxkkis · 10 months
# nishinoya yuu - nail polish
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a/n = not exactly happy with this one, but i feel like it suits noya a lot ^^ also i just installed the my little pony mobile game if u know which one i'm talking abt and it brought sm happiness to me istg T-T
summary = nishinoya is eager for you to paint his nails.
warnings = noya being overly clingy as per usual, also nishinoya being an ipad kid
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you could see nishinoya's bright smile the moment you opened the door to your house, his short figure standing on your doorstep with sheer excitement beaming from him.
it was pretty understandable. after all, you were his first girlfriend. he was excited every single time the two of you hung out. and you loved it about him. he was like the sun; bringing the positive energy into your life, the smile on his face brightening up your day every single time.
the boy trapped you in a tight hug, his hands wrapped around your waist as he squeezed you tightly, your hands over his arms. as he loosened the hug, his eyes caught a glimpse of something.
he looked down, focused on your hands, more precisely, your nails.
"ohhh, new nails?" his eyes sparkled, gently grabbing your hands to take a closer look. they weren't anything too special; you decided to try out the new technique you saw on the internet a few days ago, and even though they didn't come out perfectly, you were still satisfied with the results. and nishinoya seemed to be thrilled as well.
"i painted them yesterday." you smiled, taking in nishinoya's enthusiasm. "what do you think?"
he looked up at you, grinning from ear to ear, looking as if he was going to combust from happiness at any given second.
"they're so cool! i can't believe you did that yourself." his words echoed through the hallway, the boy jumping around. as his frame appeared in front of you again, he gently grabbed your face, peppering it with kisses as he spoke. "my girlfriend is so talented."
"you know, i could do your nails if you want to." you giggled at the boy, your cheeks turned a bright shade of pink.
even though you thought one could not be more excited than nishinoya was just a second before, he had managed to prove you wrong.
his eyes widened at your words, the almost exaggerated look of shock on his face making you laugh yet again.
"of course i want to!" his voice was suddenly an octave higher than before, sprinting towards your room as if he was speeding to the barbecue after a tiring volleyball practice.
you followed shortly after him, seeing his body already sat in front of your desk, waiting impatiently. you didn't bother cleaning after doing your nails the day before, so everything was already set up for you. only this time you weren't doing your own nails, you were doing nails of the boy who couldn't sit still for five minutes even if his life depended on it.
this is going to be tough.
"noya, you are aware that there is no chance you're going to sit through all of this." his head turned to you, curiosity painted on his face. "doing all of your nails would probably take over an hour."
"oh." his smile dropped, his eyes locked with yours, mind trying to find a solution for it. an idea quickly popped into his mind, his face lighting up yet again. "you can do only one on each hand, then. ooh, and can you do them in karasuno's official colors?!"
you agreed to his solution, seeing it as the best one in this situation. to your surprise, nishinoya wasn't even moving that much while you painted his nails. he was a little impatient with the uv lamp, of course, but that was inevitable. to calm him down a bit more, you got your ipad out, putting on a tv show so he can focus on something else. it was a bit funny; you had to act like somewhat of a nanny of his. but you secretly enjoyed how much you had to baby him sometimes.
as you turned off the uv lamp, after applying the top coat on nishinoya's nails, you looked at your work with a bright smile, brushing the hair falling on your face behind your ear.
"it's done." your words catch his attention immediately, his head turning from the ipad and towards his hands. you laughed at his reaction, his eyes sparkly and wide as he stared at the nails with his mouth agape. "noya, it's just nail polish.."
"AHHH I LOVE YOU!" the confession sounded more like a scream, his figure throwing himself onto you, almost pushing you off of the chair. "i love you, i love you, i love you. it's amazing."
the familiar feeling of butterflies in your stomach appeared at the sound of his words, a smile on your face as the boy hugged you tightly.
"you're overreacting a bit." you mumbled, trying to get out of noya's grip. he shook his head immediately, moving so that he could look at you now. he had the brightest grin painted on his face, the one you were so familiar with and loved so much.
"nuh uh. i just love you a lot."
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taglist: @ox1-lovesick @moonswolfie @wyrcan
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crazyunsexycool · 2 years
Is it a crime?
Chapter 1
Pairing: Mob boss Bucky Barnes x Mob boss Reader
word count: 3.7k
Warnings: Character deaths, gun violence, blood, little bit of fluff, angst, physical abuse, threats of sexual assault. If I missed anything please let me know.
Special shout out to @cats-and-sheep for letting me annoy her by asking for her opinion on everything 😂
A/N: I hope you enjoy chapter 1, this chapter is really going to show more of how Bucky and reader met and how their relationship developed. There is a link towards the end of the fic this is so that you see the style of dress I envisioned for that particular moment I am not using it to represent the reader. This fic was going to be a one shot and it was super different but then I started changing the plot a little and now we have this. It was originally inspired by the this song:
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Series Masterlist:
6 years old
A black dress had been laid out on your bed, a stark contrast to the pink princess theme your room had been decorated with. With some help you put on your dress, black shiny shoes and a bow in your hair to match. Once you were  ready your nanny brought you down stairs and out to the waiting car where your father was sitting in. The drive was silent but you were busy playing with the doll you had brought along to notice your fathers red rimmed eyes. 
You cried during the service as you asked if you could go find your mom. That only seemed to make the others around you more upset. She was gone, your mother had been taken from you and you barely understood what it meant. Alex, your father’s right hand man, had to explain it to you. He pulled out a locket from his pocket as he knelt down in front of you. 
“This used to belong to your mother. She never took it off,” He said as he undid the clasp and placed the locket around your neck. “Now it’s yours.” he caught a stray tear with his thumb and gave you a small smile. You went back to your father’s side and held his hand as he spoke to everyone that came up to him, you ignored them though instead you kept looking down at the picture in the locket. 
Your home was full of people and it was all so overwhelming, your nanny taking you from the living room and into the play area you had outside. It’s where you first saw him, the little boy with raven hair and bright blue eyes. You had been sitting on the swings looking out into the rest of the yard when you heard him behind you.
“I can push you if you want.” 
“No, thank you.” 
“Oh ok. Can I use the other one?”
“Yeah.” You tell him as you watch him hop onto the swing next to you. 
“I’m Bucky.”
“I’m Y/N.”
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10 years old
Your finger lays over your lips signaling for Bucky to stay quiet. Both of your backs pressed against the wall as you wait for your father’s men to walk past you. As the footsteps fade down the long hallway Bucky sticks his head out making sure the coast is clear. 
“Let’s go.” He whispers. Your steps are as quiet as possible as you make your way down the hall. Pushing one of the double doors open you look inside.
“Come on.” You push the door open and let him pass before slowly putting it back into place.
“Keep a lookout by the door Bucky, I’ll be right back.” You order in a hushed tone before disappearing further into the room. It only took a few minutes but you returned with what you came to find. 
“Ready?” He asks with a grin on his face.
“Ready, let’s go.”  
He pushes the door open and walks out first. You retrace your steps back down the hallway and out to the backyard. Safely making it to your play area and away from all of the adults. 
“Hey Becca,” you call out to Bucky’s 6 year old sister. She hops off the swing and rushes over to you. “Here you go.” You hand her and Bucky a cupcake.
“Becca no one can know we went into the kitchen and got these ok?” He tells his little sister. “Promise you won’t say anything?”
“Pwomise.” She grins, her face already full of frosting before you and Bucky take your places at the swing set.
“Best heist yet.” He says lifting his hand in the air waiting for yours.
“We’re the best partners in crime.” You say as you high five him. 
Footsteps creep up behind you as you enjoy your cupcakes.
“Well what do we have here? A couple of thieves I see.” 
“Alex!” Your father’s right hand man. “We didn’t steal anything.” You argue.
“Really? Not even cupcakes from the kitchen?”
“No, sir.” Bucky speaks up from beside you. His tongue darted out and over his lips to get rid of the crumbles that were left.
“You know I would believe you if you didn’t have frosting on the corner of your mouth.” He says with a laugh. “Don’t worry princess, your secret is safe with me. But let this be your first lesson. In our line of work you have to make sure you’re paying attention to the little things and don’t get caught.” 
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15 years old
“What?” Your eyes were wide as you looked at your best friend. You stood in front of your lockers at school, having completely forgotten that you were putting in the combination for the lock to get your next set of textbooks. Your hand instinctively goes to your locket, it’s what you did when you got nervous. 
His cheeks were pink as he averted his eyes. The thought of having to repeat himself was mortifying. “I said, 'Would you like to go out?’ as in on a date, with me.” 
“Me?” There was no denying that you had a crush on Bucky but you never thought he felt the same way. So it felt like a dream when you heard him ask you out. 
“Of course you. I’m asking you aren’t I?” 
“Yes! I mean yeah, I’d like to go out with you on a date.” You say with a coy smile. 
“Cool. I’ll uh- I’ll see you after class ok?” 
“Ok.” You respond before he leans in and gives you a quick kiss on your cheek. For the rest of the day all you can think about is the date. Although you never talked about it you missed your mom, especially in times like this. Your father never remarried and there was a lack of a motherly presence in your life. 
It had been an awkward moment when you got your period for the first time. He didn’t know what to do and one of the maids, Rosie, had to help you. That’s what you thought would happen this time too, you’d go to Rosie and ask her about it. 
That afternoon you were in the Library with Bucky and Steve, the newest addition to the school. He was bullied a lot so you and Bucky stood up for him, and no one dared to go against the kids of the two most feared mob bosses in New York. He was quiet but sweet and loved art. It was nice having more friends because again you were the daughter of a mob boss and people would stay away from you. Steve saw past that and soon the three of you were inseparable. It was another afternoon of working on a group project for the three of you but this time you and Bucky held hands whenever you could. Stealing glances at each other  and giggling like the teenagers you are. Steve scoffed and said he was leaving stating he would only come back when you were done being gross.
Before you knew it the day for your date arrived, Saturday morning was spent with Rosie talking about what you were going to wear. You were still nervous though there was still that longing to have a mom with you. Not that you didn’t appreciate Rosie but she did have an actual job to do. That’s why you were caught off guard when she said you had a guest.
“Mrs. Barnes?” you asked as you walked into the living room.
“Hi sweetheart. How many times am I going to tell you to call me Winnie?” She smiles at you, “Now, how are you doing?” The older woman had always been kind to you, taking time to check in and make sure you were doing well.
“I’m good. Nervous actually.”
“Does it have anything to do with your date with James?” she teased.
You nod and she smiles. 
“He thought you might be so he asked if I would come over and help you out. Becca’s here too.” The younger Barnes pops her head out from behind her mother smiling brightly up at you. The younger sister you always wanted.
“He did that for me?” 
“Of course, now come on, show me what you are going to wear.”
She spent the rest of the afternoon helping you with your nails, your hair and changing your outfit like three times. Giving you advice and even telling you that if Bucky did something you didn’t like to tell her and she would take care of it. It was nice to have her with you and it only made you miss your mom more.
The date was great, even though you had known Bucky for a long time this was a different side of him. He was sweet and almost bashful but finally being able to tell you how much he liked you and you tell him that the feeling was mutual was a huge change in your relationship. 
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18 years old
Bucky climbed in through your window, your father had wanted you to have time away from each other but it was impossible. He wasn’t only your boyfriend, he was your best friend. You both had just graduated high school and had decided on taking a year off before going to college. Your father resisted at first but ultimately allowed you to do so with the condition that you would go to the house in Boston and spend time learning the business there as well. Mostly so that you would spend time away from Bucky but it wouldn’t matter. Bucky had been your first everything and you knew he would be your last everything as well. 
So here he was walking through your room the night before you’re supposed to leave since his father was also sending him off to who knew where with Steve, who was also involved with the mob life but due to his fragile health his father had tried to keep him away. You wouldn’t get a chance to say goodbye the next day, both of you knew it was your fathers trying to give you both space since you were attached at the hip. It didn’t matter, you always found your way to each other. He kicks off his shoes before laying down. His head resting on your chest as one of your hands starts playing with his hair. 
“I’m gonna miss you, lovebug.” 
“I’m gonna miss you too, babe.” 
“How much longer before our dads realize we aren’t going to break up?”
“I don’t know, Bucky but I’m getting sick of their shit.”
“Me too, the minute I get the chance I’m making you my queen.” He says as he lifts his head in order to kiss you. As he pulls back he gives you a sad smile.
“I don’t understand how we can learn to shoot and run a criminal empire and that’s ok with them but to say we are in love with each other is crazy.” You sigh as you kiss the top of his head.
 “Once we take over they won’t be able to keep us apart though, I promise.” You laid in bed in comfortable silence after a while you thought he had fallen asleep. Letting the comfort of being with Bucky lull you into a drowsy state, you begin to fall asleep before he speaks up.
“Are you going to hang out with JJ?” 
You laugh, “Of course I am. His parents help maintain the house.”
“I don’t like him, I don’t trust him either.” he grumbles.
“Well you’ve said you trust me and that should be enough.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” he peppers your face with kisses until you can’t hold back your laughter. 
“I love you James.”
“I love you too Y/N.”
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20 years old
There had been a shift in your life a while back. Your father had gotten sick, his right hand man took some of his responsibilities while you had taken others. Some that weren’t as dangerous but just as important. School was on hold for you until your dad was better. But the longer you kept working the worse he got and the more discrepancies came to light, with money, guns and product. Your first thought was the lower level thugs that had started working for your father were trying to steal but you needed more proof.
 In the small amount of time you had been helping with your father’s dealing you had quickly learned who to trust. Aside from Bucky and Steve, you had become best friends with Sam and Sarah Wilson. The siblings that had to step up when their parents had been murdered. Although they had started with shipment and transport they were quickly moving up in the criminal world and they were part of the few that could be trusted. The next generation is what you were called by your parents. It was a small but strong group, which also included the Romanoffs and Starks. 
You had been with the Wilsons on the fateful night when life as you knew it ended. They had helped you find who was the one that was betraying your father and you went home to put an end to it. As soon as you crossed the front door you knew something was off. Your first instinct was to go into your father’s office and that was your first mistake. As soon as you opened the door you came face to face with your father on his knees with his hands tied behind his back. His face was beaten beyond recognition and you were frozen in place.
“Oh princess, you should have stayed out longer. I would have spared your life. But I guess that option is out the window.” Alex, your father’s right hand man since you were a child, stood on the opposite end of the office with a gun in his hand.  
Before you could take a step back you were shoved into the office, it was hard enough that you fell onto your hands and knees. 
“My, my don’t you look pretty like that.” The man that shoved you said.
“Rumlow, back off.” Alex growled.
“What, can’t we have a little fun before we end her? Maybe have daddy watch? Sounds like fun Tuesday night to me.” He smirked once he looked back at you, noticing you were glaring back at him. 
“That’s enough!” Alex turned to you with a scowl on his face. “Kneel next to your father, princess.” 
You did as he said, trying to buy some time to figure out how you would escape. “Why are you doing this?” 
“Why do you think I’m doing it? Do you really think I’m going to sit by as this lazy fuck you have as a father hands the keys to an empire to you?”
“I was born into this. It’s my right to take over, not yours.” You glared at him, already thinking of all the ways you’d make him pay for what he’s done and that’s not adding on the beating your father took. 
“Look at that, the little puppy wants to play with the big dogs.” Rumlow mocks.
“Rumlow shut the fuck up.” you spit back at him. He doesn’t like it and in a few quick steps he’s in front of you and  his fist connects with your face.
“You hit like a bitch.” You spit out some blood as you look up at him with a smile. 
“Sweetheart please don’t.” Your father begs from beside you.
“Listen to daddy, will you princess? Now,” your eyes are fixated on Alex as he closes the gap between him and your father. Gun in one hand and some documents in another.
“Sign the papers and I’ll let you both live.” Another of the men that had betrayed your father cut the rope that had been used to restrain him. He signs quickly and hands everything back to Alex.
 “That wasn’t so difficult now was it. Say goodbye to your dad princess.” You hear the shot and you’re immediately on your feet running out of the office with your father’s blood on your clothes. 
There’s no time to process what happened, you need to escape and the closest house is Bucky’s. So you rush out of the door as some of the men try to catch you, others turn away. They had seen you grow up and they didn’t want to hurt you but the fact that they did nothing hurt just as bad. 
Adrenaline is what had pushed you to make it to his house and it seemed like they knew what was happening already. Their guards are already on high alert. Before you even make it to the front door it flies open. He stands there, concern written all over his face as he takes you in. Bucky rushes towards you, trying to find where the blood is coming from.
“It’s not mine. It’s not mine.” You say over and over again as you begin to sob. 
“You’re ok, you’re safe bug. I’ve got you.” He says into your hair as you cling on to him. He’s all you have left, the last person that truly cares about you. 
“How did you know?” you look up at him with tears in your eyes.
“Rosie, she had a chance to leave when Alex first attacked your dad. Come on.” Bucky pulls you into the house and you see Winnie coming down the stairs with the same pained expression on her face as her son’s. 
“Oh sweetheart. I’m so sorry.” She says as she tries to comfort you.
“Get her out of this house. NOW!” Mr. Barnes’ voice booms as he makes his way into the hallway.
“Dad please, you heard what happened, we have to help her.” Bucky pleaded with his father.
“We both heard the same thing, she isn’t our responsibility and having her hear means war. Get. Her. Out.” 
“No. She’s my girlfriend and she needs help. I’m not turning my back on her.” 
You could only stand there, held up by Winnie as you watched the exchange between father and son. All too quickly things got worse as Mr. Barnes’ fist connected with Bucky’s face knocking him down. 
“You had a deal.” You speak up although your voice is shaky. “With my father, if anything ever happened to either of you, the other would protect their family. Please, I don't have anywhere to go.” You didn’t like to beg him but you had nothing left. “Just for a few days.” 
He gets in your face, close enough so that you can feel his breath on your skin. “Well your father’s dead isn’t he. No need to keep up my end of the deal. Get out.” 
He gets pulled away from you. “Leave her alone.” Bucky says as he punches his father right back making him fall against the wall behind him. Mr. Barnes pulls out a gun and points it at Bucky’s head. 
“Your choice.” He says to you. 
“No, please. I'll go, just don’t do this.” You cry out as Winnie holds you back. She’s crying out to her husband but her pleas are ignored. 
The door opens and Sam rushes in not expecting to find the scene he walked in on. He had made his way over as soon as he got word from Bucky.
“Sam, take her. Make sure she’s safe.” Bucky practically demands as he glared at his father. 
“I’ll keep her safe.” He reassures Bucky as he grabs your hand and pulls you out of the house and into his waiting car. 
Everything else about that night is a blur. You don’t remember Sam or Sarah packing you a bag of clothes and money and putting you on a bus to a random city. The next few months would be the worst of your life. There couldn’t be any contact with anyone from New York or from the life you knew before. The one thing you did know was how to survive, your father did this to you multiple times once you were old enough. Drop you off in a random city and you would have to figure out how you would make it back home so that’s what you did, you survived and made a plan. 
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You returned to New York 10 years later. Ready with new business deals and a crew you could trust. Surviving for 10 years almost on your own while the man that took everything from you got to live the high life. That was all about to come to an end for him. You had snuck around, stuck to the shadows but now you were going to knock down his door and make him pay. You survived and you made a plan and now it was time to put it into action. 
You stepped out of the car with the assistant of your date. Your dress fit just right, your hair was just how you liked it and the red lipstick you wore was perfect. It was time for you to make your presence known to all the families and what better way than by going to a party where they would all be attending. Your hand wrapped around your date’s arm as you make your way up the steps to the venue. The music was way too loud and there were too many people, but that’s what you get when you’re part of the mob. Everyone wants to know more about you. 
As you get to the door you’re stopped. You take the invitation out of your clutch to show the attendant and he lets you in.  As soon as you step into the main room, the whispers start but your attention is elsewhere. Suddenly you’re nervous and you aren’t sure if you want to do this. It was a good idea in your head. 
“You look amazing, you’re a badass and you’re not alone.” You hear in your ear, you look up at those comforting cerulean eyes. 
“Thank you.” You take a deep breath, “Alright let’s do this.”
The closer you get to the front the more familiar the faces become. You recognize them before they recognize you. Even though the greeting line is long it’s moving quickly and it seems like you’re the last person, perfect. When you finally get to the front the longing you’ve felt all this time comes back, but those emotions won’t work for you anymore. You had a mission to complete and nothing or no one would get in the way. 
“Y/N?” Surprise flashes in those steel blue eyes you’d dream about almost every night.
“Hi Bucky, congratulations on your engagement.”
Ch. 2
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Series Taglist:@snufflet @impala1967666
Permanent taglist: @kunaikunari @rebekahdawkins @cjand10 @nalny5 @oliviafc15 @sturchling @angywritesstuff
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Headcanon that Patches is a babysitter for Adelo and Adrul
I literally can see the 2000’s style sitcom where Admin told Patches to keep an eye on them and its end up total mayhem
[Oh, I adore this.]
The Staff as babysitters
Some staff members were initially blacklisted from nanny charges, like Vinnel and Morell, but actually- Most of the team isn't half-bad at this?
Vinnel is, although sometimes a bit too violent with others in front of the princes, very entertaining! They love seeing jester man juggle random (preferably sharp but he's been whipped warned about that) things and tell dumb jokes. He's really perfect for cheering up the little lads and making sure they still see the bright side of things. Adelo's going to absorb some of his mean-spirited humor.
While most people thought Morell would get weird, maybe have some odd urge to cook a god's offspring, he's actually very protective of the kiddos, and determined to cook for them. They're not allowed to enter the kitchen at random however, as no one wants them entering and seeing fresh kills. He would like to teach them how to make animal traps. Adrul specifically loves the chef's baking and has made cakes with him before. Adelo is surprisingly the one with the bigger stomach.
Patches is a nervous, nervous man. While initially a bit awkward, if not fearful regarding his lord's children, he tries to do his best. Problem is, the pumpkin-headed man is at times a little too lenient, and allows the siblings to touch lab equipment they shouldn't while he screams inside. If nothing else, he can take them outside, to one of the nearby stables, and tickle them pink with random horse facts. It would be his pleasure to teach them to ride. Although he sometimes enters long-winded rants that have Adelo groaning and Adrul's eyes twinkling.
Grimbly* knows about as much on how to take care of kids as he knows on how to build a spaceship, which is to say he's got no fucking idea what he's doing. So he settles for buying the princes pretty things and taking them out for ice cream. Because kids like shiny things, right? And sweets? Yeah. Adelo always manages to put a dent in his wallet (now he knows how Santi feels) and Adrul mostly just enjoys it when the bat tries to doll him up, as his centipede-like body is hard to work with.
(*By this point, he has transformed into his older form.)
Santi actually just straight up vomited when he felt Adelo's presence, Adrul's makes him enter a panic... Yeah. Even if direct contact with them is off the table while they grow, the incubus does feel fondness for the princes and occasionally sends them whatever children's toy is most popular these days.
Nebul is a great monster to pair the princes with when Belo's not around. Due to his increased sensitivity to other people's emotions, the wraith can more easily detect when one of the siblings is feeling depressed or anxious. Both kiddos think he "talks funny", his monotone voice being a source of great amusement apparently. The wraith is generally witty and good at showing them interesting new things. While they may never set foot in the shop for obvious reasons, Purpur is often brought out to play with them. Adrul likes to give the tentacle ball rides on his back.
Gallon is exasperated with the amount of times Adrul and Adelo ask to drink alcoholic beverages. One of them almost got his hands on an unsupervised Willow Twister and the slime's heart nearly stopped. He makes iced tea for them and says it's whiskey. It works for now. Adelo is very amused by the way he can stretch, so the angel will sometimes just run off with a tendril and she how long he can make it before Gallon pretends he's in great pain.
Fank-e is another one the little princes like a lot. Probably because he's loud and constantly decked in shiny weird stuff. Plus, he has a seemingly limitless supply of old Internet jokes and forgotten media. It's safe to say both Adelo and Adrul leave his hands covered in stickers, with three new bracelets and maybe a little too hyper for their own good. Nobody wants to deal with two hyper and powerful monster kids.
Sybastian's got a bit of experience from handling mimiclings, unfortunately Admin and Belo don't like it all that much when he tries to put either one of the siblings in his mouth for carrying. Even if both of them seem to have a lot of fun. The mimic is not the best for conversation, and maybe he shouldn't be trusted with cooking either, but he can keep the brothers safe in the garden while they play and torment Hellion.
Ludwig is a honorable mention, because after he gets serious help and becomes functional again, Admin does want the demon to be a part of her life and will let the children have contact with him. Lud is happy for her and treats the kiddos with nothing but love. He's a decent babysitter but he does need more of a filter when it comes to swearing. Adrul and Adelo call him "uncle Ludwig", and that makes him sentimental.
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nighttimescribbles · 2 years
my 🍬 nonnie...
i've had to make a separate post to answer your ask bec the tumble space did me wrong and deleted the post (with your lovely ask and my answer) when i tried to add a video to it 😭 i only wanted to show you my pinterest food board 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 maybe i'll post it separately instead
fortunately, i was able to save what i'd typed up, so it seems we haven't lost the thread of our conversation after all! 😊 this is what i wrote before tumble space decided to make a huge snack out of it:
nonnie!!! 💕 NEVER apologise for taking time to respond! you've got so much on your plate omg please relax and know that you're always welcome to come on here to talk/vent/chit-chat in your own time and at your leisure ❤️
so coincidental that you mention brown butter cookies because i just saw a recipe for it not too long ago! i can't remember if i saved it (prolly not) but i have been hoarding quite a bit of cookie recipes these days on the excuse that i need to "expand my reliable cookies portfolio" 😂
and are you me @mayo??? because. i, too, am a mayo fiend! over here we have a popular brand that sells sandwich spread, the original flavour of which is like a cross between mayo and ranch dressing 😂 i am soooo addicted to it (it's tangier than mayo and has chopped pickles) but even then, sometimes, a girl just needs good ol mayo! i keep trying to think beyond tuna mayo and always come up with nothing, so i'm super stoked to have mayo mashed potatoes to add to my roster of mayo-able food! thank you for sharing your mum's secret! 🥰
AYOOOOOOOOOOO how cute is that cat???? and so clever, too! and the way he kneaded his tail? which looked like it kept trying to escape??? 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 ngl the bg music + the face of that kitty KILLED me 😂😂😂😂😂 little naughty's nanny cajoled me into buying him socks some time ago so we came home from our walk bearing the cutest little itty bitty polka dot socks. unfortunately, they were displayed stretched around cardboard so when i unpacked the socks they turned out just a wee bit too small. didn't stop us from putting it on little naughty anyway. he was sooooooo weirded out he bucked around like a kid goat and kept trying to shake free of his socks. it was sosososooooo funny i have to see if i can still scrounge up that vid to show you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
cats make lovely companions for the right person! before we had a dog, i used to have de faco cats who came over for mealtimes and treated our place like their bed and board hostel 😂 one of them gave birth underneath our outdor sink and was so comfortable with us she let us handle her kittens all the time. one of those kittens was a super sweet black and white one who liked to sleep inside a laundry tub. when i got home and called his name, his tiny head (and tiny ears and bright, bright eyes and pink nose 😭) would pop up over the rim and he'd let me turn him on his back for belly rubs. 🥲 he was suuuuuuper warm, too, and a purring machine. by the time we finished with our nightly belly rub, my legs where he lay on would be toasty! i miss that smart alecky boy and will be over the moon happy for you if you ever wind up getting a cat. they adopt the people they like so quickly, even if they're not "officially" pets 🥲
i've never heard of memrise but good on you for learning and askjdfasduf for your trip!!!!! SK is beautiful and the food is gooooooood (especially their strawberries!!!). like istg i don't think i had a single bad meal there! most memorable one is prolly the grilled chicken. it's like samgeupsal but the tenderest, juiciest chicken with the most addictive dipping sauce. ❤️ i hope you're able to try it (and lots and lots of other korean food) when you go! ((their convenience store ice cream is also gooooood))
after your bakefest, mystery man better prepare himself and his heart for a siege! bet he'll be so inundated with goodies he won't know what hit him! 😂 but joking aside, please take those birthday days off to treat and enjoy yourself! just a little over a month's wait and then ✨rest and relaxation✨ i wish you a beautiful birthday week full of loved ones and great adventures! ((and when it's all over, come back and tell me all about it so you can relieve it all over again! 🥰))
//and now i'm gonna post this before it meets with any other unpleasant accidents
0 notes
fairyaali · 3 years
felix and luka ( separately ) with a fem! s/o who has that pastely soft aesthetic and has the matching personality to go with it ! ( naive , kind , caring etc etc ) but can get very very bitchy when angry!
 HELLO! I’m super sorry about the wait but here it is hehe <3 i tried to make it as accurate as possible so i hope you like it ! 
Pairings: Luka Couffaine X Reader , Felix Graham De Vanily X Reader.
Warnings: swearing! 
 Felix Graham de Vanily has never imagined the day when he would be actually in love - but it actually happened and he wasn’t even prepared for it.
Needless to say, it hit him like a truck and sent him to heaven.
This was his heaven, being on a big bed with you and playing with your hair while you watched your favourite show on Netflix.
“I told you he was going to be the bad guy! I knew it all along!” You exclaimed and jumped up, startling him but ultimately, making him smile.
“It was quite obvious my love.” He chuckles and you pout, crossing your arms while you plop back down next to him.
“But he was my favourite character Felix! And he’s probably going to die now too.” You look up at him and he can’t help but smile at your adorable, pouting face.
He cups your face in his hands and you instantly smile when you see his smile. It was contagious. He rarely smiled so you just feel so much joy bubbling inside of you when the blond smiled at you and you couldn’t help it.
He quickly kisses the tip of your nose and you giggle before crawling on his lap, peppering his face with kisses and completely ignoring the show you were watching.
The room was filled with little kissing noises and giggles coming from both of you.
His hand moves from your waist to your thighs, caressing the fabric of the white thigh high socks you were wearing beneath your pink tennis skirt.
His touch comforted you and you close your eyes, resting your forehead on his and humming gently.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers out of the blue and you gently open your eyes, staring right into his.
A blush creeps on your cheeks and you part your lips, inching closer to his face to kiss him.
A thought bursts through your head move your lips could touch and you smile brightly.
“Can we go feed the ducks again?” You ask him, your eyes bright and excited at the memory of the last time you went with him.
He took you to the park last time and you fed the ducks together because it was something he enjoyed doing as a child with his nanny. You didn’t know that such a simple activity could bring him so much joy and you were looking forward to the next time you two did it.
His face lights up and he nods, “Of course darling.” He replies and you excitedly hop off of his lap. “Wait you meant right now?” He asks, furrowing his eyebrows.
You were already lacing up your boots so you look at him over your shoulder and pout. “Yes?” You question.
“I thought we were going to..you know..” He looks away sheepishly.
You smirk at him. “Don’t worry Felix, you can have me all to yourself later, I promise.” You say and finish with a wink.
He nods and blushes, letting out a small chuckle.
You finish up putting on your boots and wait for him to get ready before the two of you head out of his house hand in hand.
You two walk through the park, his hand in one of your hands and in the other hand you held a small paper bag full of bread for the ducks.
Children were playing all over the park and people were chatting around you. It was nice to get out of the house with him sometimes, even if he does prefer staying at home.
“Oh look it’s Felix.” A male voice said which was followed by laughter.
You feel Felix tense up and he freezes.
You were quite confused as to what was happening so you decide to turn around and see two guys around the same age as Felix and you.
“Please ignore them my love, let’s go.” He whispers to you and you furrow your eyebrows at them before nodding to Felix.
“I see you got yourself a little girlfriend.” They speak again and you can hear their footsteps behind you. “You’re making a big mistake dating that little pansy babe, come with us and we’ll show you what a real man is like.”
You were livid.
You couldn’t control yourself so you turn around, letting go of your boyfriend’s hand.
“A real man huh?” You say and cross your arms over your chest, walking up to them. “I’d rather die than date one of you hideous mother fuckers.”
They were taken aback, wide eyed, probably not expecting you to talk back.
“Felix is more of a man than you ever will be.” You stare right into the bully’s eyes. “When was the last time you ever got some huh?” your lips curl into a smirk.
“I-i…uhm, well..” he stutters and the other nudges him, mouthing something.
“That’s what I thought.” You say and turn around. “Don’t ever come for my boyfriend again.” You state and grab felix’s hand, looking up at him.
His face was beet red, his eyes were wide and you couldn’t help but grab the back of his head and kiss him right then and there.
He smiles against your lips and you pull away before the two of you walk away from them.
“That was..” He clears his throat. “hot.” He blurts out.
You cover your mouth with your hand and giggle.
The two of you continue your day near the lake, laughing and throwing bread for the ducks to eat.
He made you feel safe and now you were at peace knowing you did the same to him too.
 You’ve been waiting for this night for a long time.
Your boyfriend’s first opening gig with his band.
It wasn’t something grand and big – I mean, it was just a small pub downtown but you knew this was a big night for him and so it turned out to be a big night for you too.
You were ready to show him all your support and love, wearing your favourite flowy dress and his lucky guitar pick hanging on a silver chain around your neck.
Your friend Marinette was by your side, she even designed the costumes for everyone so both of you were super psyched for what was happening.
You made your way to the back stage and saw your boyfriend, Luka, sitting down on a chair and tuning his guitar, nodding his head to the beat.
“Luka..” You whisper and tap his shoulder.
He opens his eyes and looks at you, a smile instantly making it’s way on his face.
“There’s my favourite girl.” He says and gets up, hugging you tightly while you giggle. “I’m so glad you could make it.” He says quietly.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” You say and kiss him on the cheek.
He kisses you on the forehead and pulls away from the hug, wrapping an arm around your neck.
“Hey Marinette.” He says and smiles at her.
The bluenette grins at the two of you. “Are you excited?” She asks.
“More like nervous.” Luka replies and let’s out a heavy breath. “I’m not usually this nervous but damn, I can’t believe we finally got a gig.”
You look up at your boyfriend with adoring eyes. “Don’t be nervous Luka, I know it’s going to go great.” You reassure him and he smiles down at you, nodding.
Luka is a really calm person so seeing him nervous means that this really means a lot to him. He has been practicing for weeks and you couldn’t be more proud of how far he’s come.
You gasp at the sudden realisation of something and move away from his grasp, rummaging through your little back pack.
“A-ha!” You say and pull out a blue bracelet that you made yourself.
You look up at Luka and smile before handing it to him.
“I made this for you and I want you to wear it tonight for goodluck.” You say, your cheeks heating up when you look at him as he stares at the bracelet you made. “Since you gave me your lucky guitar pick for me to wear, I thought I should give you some luck of my own.” You look down at your shoes sheepishly.
“You’re an absolute angel, have I ever told you that?” He says and grabs your hand, making you look up at him.
You glance down at his wrist and see that he already put on the bracelet.
You get on your tip toes and give him a small kiss on the lips.
“Thank you.” He whispers and tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Guys get ready in 5” Someone says from the curtains and Luka instantly stiffens up.
You give him one last kiss on the cheek before walking next to Marinette.
“Goodluck.” You say and give him a reassuring smile as you wave at him.
He nods at you and runs a hand through is hair before grabbing his guitar.
You and Marinette leave back stage and make your way to your seats.
The pub was small so it easily got crowded with people.
You sigh and play with your hair. “I’m so nervous for Luka, Mari.” You tell Marinette.
She rubs your shoulder to calm you down and shakes her head.
“He’s going to do just fine girl, you’ll see.” She says and gives you a bright smile which comforted you.
The background music playing in the pub fades away and the lights start to dim.
“La bulle proudly presents, Kitty Section!” A voice says over the speakers and whistles and claps fill the room.
The curtains open and it reveals the band in their designated places.
You glance at Luka and smile at him before the music starts.
Rose was in front, singing her heart out to their original song and Luka was behind her, nodding his head as he played the guitar with passion.
You admired him and his talents, he used to write and sing so many songs for you, little did you know that one day he would actually be performing in front of a real audience.
Luka was vocalising to the chorus with rose and his eyes suddenly find yours.
He looked amazing.
The clothes that Marinette styled them with, his skin glistening under the lights and a few strands of hair stuck to his forehead because of the sweat.
You bit your lip as you kept looking at him. He was so into the song, so immersed in everything and it was so fucking hot to you.
He noticed this and his lips curled into a small smirk.
“Wow.” You breathed out quietly.
Marinette was beaming at the band and clapping. “I know right!” She laughs happily.
You grinned and sat up as they ended and clapped.
The whole pub was clapping for your boyfriends band and you were so happy for them.
Everyone was walking to talk to them of greet them and all you had on your mind was Luka, you just wanted to hug him and congratulate him and maybe even make out with him in the bathroom.
“Excuse me.” You mutter as you try to make way towards him.
Your eye catches a blonde girl in front of him, talking to him and laughing.
You freeze and something bubbles inside of you.
You weren’t the type to be jealous but you couldn’t help the feeling.
You decided not to think much of it and gulped, continuing to make your way toward them.
“Can you like, sign my boobs?” You hear her say and giggle.
“Pardon?” Luka blurts out, looking at her with wide eyes.
Nope. That was it.
You quickly move between the last few people and walk up to them.
The girl started to unbutton her shirt and you furrowed your eyebrows.
Before anything else could happen you made your way to Luka and grabbed his shirt, kissing him.
The girl stopped her movements but held her hand on the buttons of her shirt.
You pull away from Luka and watch him as he blinks a few times, dazed as to what just happened.
“go show your boobs to someone else you skank.” You spit out, narrowing your eyes at her.
She scoffs at you and flips her hair before walking away from you guys.
You clench your jaw and Luka grabs your hand.
“Hey, are you okay?” Luka says and you huff.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You look away from him and frown.
“You know, I wasn’t going to sign her boobs.” He says and shrugs.
You look at him and roll your eyes. “Yeah.” You murmur.
“Didn’t know you could be so jealous.” He says in a teasing voice.
It was your turn to scoff and you look at him. “I wasn’t jealous.”
“Uh-huh.” He says and you stare into his eyes for a moment.
He was smirking at you, so calm, while you were red and angry inside at the thought of some bitch showing her boobs to your boyfriend.
Next thing you knew though, you were sitting on the sink of the pubs bathroom, making out with your boyfriend.
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missluckycharms · 3 years
What is grief, if not love persevering?
Anon asked: heyyy! i love your writing sm💕 can you write angst please? make it hurt☹
Summary: in which Harry is a single Dad due to losing his wife five years ago just shortly after their little love was born. Y/N has been there through it all. Harry has a rough night filled with whiskey and tears for his late wife.
A/N: this one is full of Angst and light hearted jokes to not get you too sad … sorry in advance, it’s a real tear jerker. Enjoy!!
Warnings: Angst, mentions of death, talks of alcohol and drug abuse, talks of depression and very low mental health, curse words.
Five years.
It’s been five years since the passing of Myla Styles, the woman who granted Harry a wish he always wanted, the woman who loved him beyond all the galaxies and the woman who never saw any wrong in anyone, not even the worst of people, she always used to say “deep down, their heart is just aching” and Harry always admired that about her, she always looked on the positive side of life.
She held that same attitude as he held her hand in the hospital room, her fragile and pale body laying on the white bed as she peered up at him, oxygen tube in her nostrils and too many machines to count hooked up to her body, she was a shell of a woman, but she still had a heart of gold, the same hear Harry fell in love with when they were sixteen years of age. He hated seeing her this way, especially when their nearly one week old baby was resting in his other arm, fast asleep as her Mum clung to every bit of life she had left, but not once did her smile fade.
It all happened so fast, one day she was pushing life into the world and eight days later her life was being taken out of this world. There was complications with birth, the doctors and nurses finding undiagnosed ovarian cancer in her ovaries when they had to send her in for an emergency c section. Myla confessed she felt off, her body didn’t feel right, but she knew if something was seriously wrong, she wouldn’t risk the life of her baby getting treatment, she would rather her baby live over her. Doctors and nurses tried their best, trying to refer her to new hospitals to get stronger chemo if she wanted, but Myla refused, she told them to let her go, she was tired and she couldn’t stick around long enough to see if these treatments would work — she knew she was dying but Harry refused to believe it.
The day she left, was the day Harry felt like his whole world stopped, like the curtains were shut and he was left in a dark room with no way out. He promised Myla he would do his best to take care of their love, who they named Honey. He was dealing with the loss, Honey taking his mind off it a little and giving him reasons to pull himself from bed even on the days when he wanted to lay around and wallow in his own darkness — she pulled him out of those days, but two months later it all came crashing down on top of him.
He slipped into a wrong mind set, immediately knowing that Honey had to be taken away from him because he was living in fear he would hurt her, one day he woke up and he looked at her and just cried, he held her and he felt nothing, he didn’t even sympathise with her when she would cry for food, he felt nothing towards Honey and this scared him, terribly. Anne, his Mum took Honey in, letting Harry to relax and blow off some steam and get some help, his and Myla’s family all agreeing and saying he needed help and it wasn’t something to be ashamed about — he just lost his wife, they can’t lose him either.
Harry took the wrong route of clearing his mind and getting help, he found his therapy at the end of a bottle and a line of cocaine. He slipped into an endless spiral of week long benders and debts for drug money along with risking losing his home due to him quitting his high up job at his Fathers Law firm, he completely crashed and burned, he couldn’t live without her, he couldn’t stop his mind racing and the only way for it all to stop, and let him feel numb — was when he was drunk and high, passing out in every room of his home and in his garden, the neighbours finding him sometimes in their yard in a mess. They were the ones who got him help, they called up his family and they all rushed him off in an ambulance to get him sober and conscious again. Here is where he made the decision to sign himself into rehab, accepting the help the hospital offered and a few months later, he was out and clean, he stayed with his Mum until Honey turned one and that was the year Harry found his smile again, found his life and purpose again.
Looking back now, he doesn’t know how he ever made himself believe it was Honeys fault Myla was no longer here, he doesn’t know how he’s even alive because of all the drugs and alcohol he ingested every single night for three months solid, but he knows why everything turned around, it was his Angel looking down on him, guiding him and kicking him in the ass to get up and look after their little love, just like she asked him to do before she left, always look after himself and Honey.
It’s been five years since her passing, Harry is doing better than ever, he started working for his Dad’s company again and now he’s the president of the law firm, alongside his Dad who is the CEO, Harry being second in command and then being the CEO when his Dad retires from the firm. They kept their family home, even if it was just the two of them, they loved the home and it still felt like Myla was living here, her makeup still tucked away in her unused vanity in Harrys bedroom and her favourite paintings still hung up around the home. Harry even hired a nanny, she has been working for him for two years now, she’s even working alongside Harry in his office being his receptionist during the day and she’s Honeys afternoon and night nanny when she’s done in work and Honey is home from school.
Y/N is Honeys nanny, she takes care of the little lady and feeds her daily, even taking her to the playground and to the movies when Honey asked her could she go. She would do anything for Honey and Honey loved her endlessly, she loved the way she would allow her to eat sneaky chocolate bars after dinner every now and then and how she would always play dollies with her, kneeling down on the floor of the den and playing with the small girl until they were both in fits of laughter. Harry also adored Y/N, her passion for her job at the law firm along with her passion for looking after Honey is something he admires, she never once complains about being exhausted even though he can tell when she is, she didn’t have to think twice when Harry offered her the job as Honeys nanny, she knew the little one from her being in the office every now and then, and Honey was instantly drawn to her, the way she was so kind and the way she cared for Honey.
Tonight is a hard night for Harry, it’s Myla’s death anniversary and he’s been having a bad day, his mind racing and his heart breaking all over again, but this time he’s stronger, he’s able to power through until he could be alone and just let his emotions go, have a glass of whiskey and just cry a little flipping through old photo albums — he does this every year on her anniversary. Honey is tucked up in bed and he’s sat alone in the den on the sofa, the photo albums on his lap and his hand clutching a small glass of whiskey as he sips on it flipping through many photos from their wedding and from when they were teens and drunk in love in high school — so many memories can be attached to one person, and Harry knew one day they would be memories, but he didn’t know it would be so soon.
“Honey is fast asleep, left her door cracked open so she can shout if she- Harry? Are you okay?” Y/N stops suddenly, her eyes landing on her boss who was hunched over a photo album on the sofa, curtains drawn and the only light coming from a lamp beside a framed wedding photo of him and Myla on the table by the sofa.
“Yeah, thanks for putting her to sleep” Harry says weakly, not turning around which alarms Y/N, she’s seen him like this last year, she let him be as she was only new to it, but this year she’s determined to sit with him all night if he needs — he needs to have some company.
“That’s you?” She asks sitting next to him, Harry not moving or telling her to leave, he accepts her company as she looks down at the photo his eyes are laid upon — two teenagers at a party.
“Yeah, m’hair was a curly mess” he says with a low laugh, looking over the photo of a seventeen year old version of himself, smiling cheekily clutching a red solo cup and Myla wrapped under his other arm holding him around his waist, both their smiles wide and cheeky and their cheeks flushed pink from the alcohol in their bodies.
“I think it looks cute, pitty it’s not as curly now” she says with a light laugh, watching as his ring clad fingers turn the page, taking a sip from his whiskey as he goes.
“This was our prom, she made me wear a pink fucking bow tie — absolutely hated it” he laughs, the crinkles by his eyes evident as Y/N laughs along, looking down at the curly headed teenager in a black suit, white shirt and a bright pink bow tie, matching Myla’s floor length dress next to him, a shawl over her shoulders matching as the corsage around her wrist match the pink of her dress also.
“She hated that dress a year later, she was packing up for college and I was helping her when she found it, immediately burst out laughing” he says laughing loudly, remembering back at the memory he has, Y/N beside him happy at how joyful he sounds speaking of the memories.
“Oh here we go, Frat boy Harry!” Y/N says with a loud laugh, pointing down at a shirtless twenty year old Harry, backwards cap on his head and “Myla’s Bitch!” Wrote on his stomach in paint, two beer bottles in his hands and Myla on his shoulders cheering with her hands up in a red bikini, matching his swimming trunks and baseball cap.
“Some of the best years of m’life, raging parties and no more curfews, we were two hormonal teens absolutely smitten for one another” he says shaking his head with a laugh, his eyes bright as he flicks them over the photos ranging from Harry dancing, Myla being pushed into the pool by him and Harry passed out with a mustache drawn on him with Myla next to him holding the marker with a bright smile mid laughter.
The book is filled with their college days, to their graduation day from college, their photo in their first apartment, Harry on his first day of work and Myla on hers. They took photos of small things, but at the time they meant the world to them, they were milestones in their lives and they never wanted to forget them. Harry is forever grateful that Myla had an obsession with photography, otherwise he wouldn’t have these to look back on and hopefully show Honey one day what her Mum was like, even if she’s drunk and half naked in some of them at college parties.
Harry and Y/N are in fits of laughter, tears falling from their faces as Harry explains every single memory behind each photo, one photo containing a memory of Myla at her bachelorette party, Harry coming out as a stripper and giving her a lap dance as she slaps his ass and throws money all over her husband — that one will definitely not be shown to Honey. Harry is like a whole different person when he speaks about her, his laugh becomes louder and his eyes become brighter, he even ditched his whiskey after one glass to speak about his late wife, Y/N looking at him with pure amazement and proudness of how far he’s come, how he pulled himself from a hard time and carried on life for the sake of his baby girl. He’s truly inspirational in her eyes.
“It should be easier than this by now, right? Like I shouldn’t be still grieving” he says when their laughs and stories come to a stop, their eyes hooded with sleep and faces hurting from laughing.
“What is grief, if not love persevering? You were both childhood sweethearts, you’ve loved her since you can remember and you always will, she’s your whole world, of course you’ll still grieve her, you still love her, and that’s okay” Y/N blurts out, her words quick as she blabs on while Harry watches her, a smile on his face as she explains and accepts his feelings.
“Never knew you were Shakespeare” is all he says, she rolls her eyes laughing, slapping his bicep a little as he shuts the album, tucking it away in the drawer again before turning his focus back onto Y/N beside him.
“Seriously though, never tell yourself you’ve been grieving for too long, it’s okay to grieve and cry yourself to sleep some nights, I get that, I do. You lost a person who made you who you are, but don’t forget, you still have a little one that will need you to be the person who makes her who she is”
Harry thinks she’s amazing, she’s smart and she’s so empathetic towards everyone and anyone. She has a heart of gold and she will never let anyone explain hers or anyone else’s feelings for them, she always allows people to express who they are, heck, one night she brought Harry to a gym after hours, explaining how her brother is a trainer there and he gave her the keys on the condition that she does his laundry for a month, she let Harry rage out and punch the shit out of a punching bag one night because he was so upset. She cheered him on and he was smiling as he was punching towards the end, she helped him release the emotions that built up and would of lead him back down a dark path.
She’s been an Angel sent from above, he knows Myla sent her to him because of how much they’re alike, Harry knows for sure they were sisters in a past life, their kind hearts and understanding natures alike but they have their differences, Myla was very out spoken and loved to party but Y/N is reserved and would rather stay inside with a hot chocolate and her crosswords while watching TV, but that’s another thing that Harry finds fascinating about her, she’s younger than him by eight years, when he was her age he was partying.
“Thank you Y/N, I needed this tonight” he says with a smile, her own smile on her face as she nods leaning over to rub her hand over his in a comforting manner, the pair looking at one another as they soak in their presences.
“It’s getting late, I should go” she says realising it’s nearly midnight, Harry and her need to be in work tomorrow morning and Harry has to wake up to get his little lady ready for school also. He gets a bit saddened when she says this, he secretly wants to hear more of her own college years and her own prom much like he told her earlier.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow” he says with a smile, watching as she gathers up her bag and throws it over her shoulder, car keys now in her hand as she smiles at him once more before heading for the den door. She pauses and looks back at him, his eyes meeting hers as they hold contact for a few seconds before she speaks up.
“See you tomorrow, Harry”
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sunsents · 3 years
Empty - F.W (1/2)
Gah daym this was a JOURNEY to write. I swore to myself to never write angst because, well I suck at it. But here we are, I swear this has a good ending because my heart can't bear that. I could've written this much better, so I promise to bring my A GAME for chapter 2. Enjoy, also Lee in this is a hate crime. This is very story telling-esk so I hope it flows well.
I wouldn't have written this chapter without the help of my good friend @mochiixjimin she helped me edit and spice up this whole thing so thank you so much to her! She's an amazing writer, go check out her work and show her some big love right now or else!! her wattpad
Chapter 1 out of 2 (Backstory)
Summary —> Life has always been a cruel joke to you, yet you simply play along. Overshadowed by Eva Burke your whole life, watching from the sidelines while everyone flooded each other with love, it would always feel like a joke.
Pairing: fredweasley x fem!reader
Word count: 6.1k
Warnings: ANGST ANGST ANGST (with a fluffy ending in the second part) / One mature scene (18+) and then it's angst again <3 / Some slander / Offensive language
Rating: 18+
You were a bright child.
Beaming bright enough to keep a tight lipped smile during flu-shots, and enough to put on a happy façade when your dad threw away the drawing you had done of your family dog, rather than hang it up on the fridge.
Children have foolish dreams, and that was yours. Your friends in preschool boasted about their pictures being hung like trophies on fridges, with decorative magnets and even bigger pink bow ties.
The fridge in the Y/L/N manor was empty. Always empty, just how Ms. Y/L/N liked it. Empty marble floors with empty rug designs, and empty rooms with even emptier people living in it. They were both empty people. Hollow and void of any emotion, at least towards you.
You were different though. You were filled to the brim with ambition and hope and so many positive emotions that your parents never seemed to reflect on you. You were like those Disney princesses. The princesses always had hope, and when you have hope good things happen.
Your dad never meant to give you false hope. He just wished you’d keep your mouth shut as he worked until late hours. Using big words and having big aspirations, you shouldn’t have.
Mr and Mrs Y/L/N weren't bad people per say, just busy. They didn't know how to raise a child, this was obvious, because the purpose of even having a child was to fix their marriage. But a temporary fix wouldn't do it, it never did. There was always that hole on the roof, leaking rain of despair into their falsely built home that no bucket big enough could hold back. Because it always found a way to overflow.
They didn't know how to show their love, so they did it with money, clothes, toys and crayons that you would later use to draw pictures of your family, only to have them end up in the dumpster once again.
They spoiled you rotten, bought you gifts you never even dreamed of asking. You just shut up and enjoyed it, what else could you do? Whine and demand attention? Risk losing their favor? There was no favor to lose.
You got yourself a fat A plus on your third grade math test. Star stickers on your chest, you entered through the glass double doors of your house with a crooked smile - two front teeth missing of course - making your joy all the more endearing. Your backpack strapped tightly over your narrow shoulders, hanging low with all the crammed books you pushed before leaving school because you were just so excited to show your parents.
You received a big sloppy kiss from your Nanny, who practically was like a second mom to you, and dashed right into your fathers office to show him your new accomplishment.
"Good job, I'm proud of you."
You froze. You found a way to actually get their attention. The attention you so craved, the recognition you would die for. This was revolutionary. Basically a new era for you.
Nanny made you a star shaped cake that night, and sat with you while gently stroking your hair and listening to you blabber about how easy the math questions were. It felt warm, motherly love. Even if it was false, it would never compare to the love of your own mother, a love you would never get.
You spent all your night studying, your eyes burning under the harsh light of your lamp in the early mornings and your pencil, ebbing away over sheets and sheets of blank paper. Writing away your little hands off until they ached, just to snatch another A and get a good job.
This was good, it worked out very well. You became that student who looked forward to class, just to get a good grade and have the validation of your parents. The sight of your father’s lips quirk up even in the slightest, and how your mother’s eyes shone briefly in appreciation of your hard work, even if it was for a quick second, it was worth it.
Until the new neighbors moved in.
Mr. Burke was a round, cheerful man with an even rounder belly, and a big fat pipe that always hung on his lips. Mrs Burke looked and acted like those fairy godmothers you adored. You couldn’t believe such people existed. Mr Y/L/N invited them over for dinner, for courtesy. He was not happy about said courtesy.
He ended up liking the couple, they had a little daughter called Eva, who was small and adorable with round red cheeks and big doe eyes. Not only Mr and Mrs Burke, but the Y/L/N’s adored Eva as well. She was happy, always smiling, and her teeth weren't nearly as crooked as yours, not to mention she had pretty long hair like a princess.
You liked her a lot, took her to pick flowers, showed her the drawings you had prepared for the empty fridge; in case Mr Y/L/N ever had a change of heart and hung them up, you had been trying for three years and weren't giving up any sooner.
Eva was nice, kind enough to share her M&M's and very used to compliments unlike you. She seemed to get a lot from her parents and yours. The adults were so kind to her, always smothering her with love and kisses. You were happy for Eva, happy that Eva somehow managed to gain the favor of your parents before you did.
Little girls tended to be jealous, you weren’t. You were just glad to have a friend so cool, she didn't blush and stutter under praise and apparently her drawings were pretty enough to go on a fridge.
It was a Thursday afternoon when your mom smiled at you for the first time since your last exam grade. "Look, Eva drew us a picture, isn't it pretty?"
The crayola stash under your bed was no longer needed, they appeared clumsily dumped in the neighborhood trash the next day, most of them stomped under the pressure of your little sneakers. And the bundle of drawings you hid under your pillow, wishing on fairy godmother that one day they would be hung up too, were ripped; clearly a struggle given. You had paper cuts on your hands, and your Nanny thankfully applied ointment before Ms and Mr Y/L/N noticed, or rather, stopped to care.
Though you knew that even if you paraded herself with bloody fingers dripping to your elbows, they wouldn't care.
Nanny did, she was there. There when you were haunted with nightmares when the moon was particularly dark, cooing at you and letting you sleep next to her in that small bed of hers. There when you tripped and fell, small scratch resulting in a screaming tantrum. She was gentle, sweet, paid well.
You decided to go and pick flowers with Eva, and make a pretty flower crown for yourself, months after your drawing incident. Of course, you didn't have such silly dreams anymore. You didn’t wish to have your pictures hung, to have your mother wear the flower crowns you made and frankly you didn’t care for the sight of the sparkle in your parents eyes. Nanny’s was enough.
Eva agreed, dressed in a pink tutu Mrs Y/L/N gifted. You didn't comment, though deep down you gazed at the skirt in sparkling envy. Your mother never bothered to get you such pretty things. The two of you gathered saturated petals and nice ribbons while giggling amongst yourselves. Until, you accidentally caused Eva’s flowers to levitate.
Eva ran home, crying and calling you a witch. Mr and Mrs Y/L/N’s dirty looks made her feel shameful, and even dirtier when a letter addressed to her was dropped by a pretty owl you insisted on petting. It was from a school called Hogwarts, in the faraway land of London, and it seemed, not only you but Eva got the same letter the next day.
Though the Y/L/N’s and Burke’s were proud of Eva’s letter. They weren’t with yours.
— — — —
The ride to Hogwarts was interesting to say the least. You had so many questions unanswered, were you a fairy godmother too? Was that your destiny? Was that the reason you never got any attention, because you were destined to give instead of receive?
Eva was cheerful as always, making fast friends in newly bought uniforms and holding a pretty, long and thin wand, with designs flowing across the premise. Your wand was...functional. You were sad you couldn't choose, and that the wand chose the owner. It didn't make sense, what if you didn't want this wand? What if you wanted something charming like Eva’s? It should have been mutual.
It was while trying to find your way to the bathroom that you met the Weasley twins. Quite handsome, a year older and absolute fucktards. A word you learned from the two. Though you always found yourself laughing more at Fred’s jokes, you liked them both equally.
“Hey George! Look.” Fred had exclaimed, clinging onto his brothers shoulder and dragging him across. “Who's that girl?”
You introduced yourself, happy façade on, gentle words slipping out of your mouth like nectar. They had to like you, you told yourself. Just this once, more than Eva.
When sorted into Gryffindor, Eva, you and the twins became inseparable. Your group grew in second year, when Katie, Lee and Alicia Spinnet joined the bunch. You would make fun of the ghastly Potions Professor Snape, and imitate Dumbledore in the hallways to mess with the older students.
You loved your time at Hogwarts, and the adventures that came every year. Especially when Harry Potter joined.
“Hey Fred.”
Fred, who was fiddling with his bracelet you had bought him hummed in response, not bothering to look up.
You sighed, “Do you think the flowers can feel it when we pluck them?”
Fred turned at that, his bracelet was now tightly secure after his struggles. “I hope not.” he smiled, a faraway look on his face whenever he gazed at you. “You know, some people like pain.” he winked.
You merely looked at him confused, clearly way too young for...whatever that is.
He started laughing loudly, slapping his knee and causing you to scoff and slap him on the shoulder.
Third year was when it bloomed. The slight girly attention you gave Fred grew. Fred was...Fred. A handsome ginger, beater for their house's Quidditch team, always charming and charismatic that somehow oozed out of him whenever he did anything really. It was not unusual, every girl in school had a crush on him. That wasn't the case, Fred was one of your best friends, and you refused to entertain the idea of a possible...relationship.
Yet sometimes, you'd find yourself thinking about hugging and kissing Fred like you’d seen couples in your favorite movies did and you’d fall asleep with reddened cheeks and a boy with even redder hair in your mind.
But feelings couldn’t be controlled, nor easily hidden. Eva found out in your fourth year after hearing you mumble his name in your dreams. Fred Weasley was getting more handsome as years passed, and you found it hard to contain your feelings. You were crushing, hard.
Eva was...Eva about it. Happy, but nothing changed. She didn't tease like George did when he found out, nor did she act any differently towards Fred.
“Hey ____!” Fred had sat next to you, shaking the entire couch because he grew that tall during summer. “Got a new girl after me.” he looked at you, almost expectantly, as if you wouldn’t react the way you always reacted.
“That’s great Fred.” you smiled, gulping whatever lump that was forming in your throat and struggling to come out as vulgar words you wished to yell.
“Yeah,” Fred sighed, “It’s...great.”
Fred Weasley was a ladies man, and he wasn't afraid to show it. It was okay, because you were happy enough to be one of his closest, and that was enough. He often boasted about getting girls, and how successful his jokes were, and you always loved snapping back to him cockily, even more cockily than him. Playful banter was easy, comforting between them and when he turned away you would love to shyly entertain the idea of being one of those girl’s Fred talked about.
Fifth year, you had a sudden growth spurt. That was also the year where you discovered Cosmopolitan, Vogue and of course Witch Weekly. Hair no longer in a ponytail, legs shaved and smooth, short skirts with no nylons, you were a new person. After getting your period in third year, your spurt came late, but sudden. Way too sudden in the time of three months. It was hard to handle the changes occurring to your body. It was all too much that you had to become a lady and the fact that you didn’t have your mother to help was a pain you hid deep within.
It was as if whichever god above decided to squeeze your entire life into a summer and call it a day, because it was simply too busy. How ironic. No one saw your growth except old Nanny Gladys. Not Eva, nor her parents considering they went on a getaway and the Burke's, who had gone to Brazil.
But you were over that, you discovered the great telephone, and the great Hermione Granger, package deal with Ginny Weasley. You guys would talk on the phone for hours upon hours, Ginny obscuring your personality and Hermione altering your view on your parents. And Hermione was right, they were assholes. You didn't give a flying fuck about empty praises anymore.
You had become almost too tall for your older clothes, and your breasts were way too big to fit in the training bra you bought not even a month ago. Your hips, now wide and swaying as you walk became graceful, were decorated with long gem bracelets.
You cursed like a sailor that summer, ran around fields with family - your family being your dog, Jambo - bare feet. You stomped on flowers you used to pick as a little girl, stomping on those silly fairytale dreams you used to nurse, and never felt freer. For the first time ever you felt that maybe being empty could be more freeing than having false hope weighing you down.
Returning to Hogwarts was a big deal to students. Who changed, who glowed up after what happened last year - nothing, it was all childish drama.
Before your parents could even see your new self, your escapade to the Granger household was successful. The Y/L/N's didn't care, nor did they write. You knew it should’ve hurt, but frankly, you didn’t think having the pain in your chest was worth it. Hermione was awestruck, of course, after laying her sights on you for the first time since May and insisted on walking into the Entrance Hall, arm in arm with her and Ginny to show you off like some sort of revelation.
It was a revelation all right, at least to the boys, and some girls. It seemed no one saw you as a girl before. George oogled, and Lee was so shocked to find out that you were actually a girl with a pretty figure and an even prettier smile that he stopped clapping you on the back like he always did. Not a girl, you have become a woman. It was far too sudden, new uniforms and a whole new wardrobe had to be bought.
"____? You were a girl?" Fred joked, ruffling your hair like nothing changed between you. And that's when you realized, no slutty skirt, how much pushup your bra, or no matter how pretty your hair looked, Fred would always see you as ____, the girl with crooked front teeth and who once ate a worm in second year. Your teeth weren't crooked at all anymore - thanks to a few years of braces - and finally clear of uncomfortable metals but you felt as if Fred would always see the ghost of them on your pearly whites when you smiled.
He had this view of you that blinded him, caused him to treat you as he treated Ginny while he flirted and played footsie with other girls, including Eva.
That did not stop Eva from giving you false hope, and you took the bait, naive like always. Hope, that's what ruined it all. "You're beautiful now, of course you have a chance!" she said, rubbing your shoulder reassuringly, as if she had warmth to begin with.
It was all false, yet you still believed. You always had. Like a fool.
Ginny didn't like Eva, and maybe that's why you gravitated towards her. She was the first person who had ever met Eva that wasn't charmed by her kind smile and attractive words. Eva was...displeased. She grew up having the attention of everyone around, so when Ginny Weasley told her straight to her face that she wasn't shit, Eva seethed. The attention of Ginny changed nothing though, because Eva was the main character. Everyone - except Ginny, and secretly Hermione (though she would never say it) - loved her, they followed her around like puppies and praised her on her wonky wand work.
The upcoming Yule Ball brought great upswing to Hogwarts.
You were far too busy with her classes to take interest in the tournament - even though the dragon race was the gnarliest sight you had ever seen. Your goal was set, become a badass Auror and move out as soon as possible, so you didn't have to face your parents (except Holidays, yuck.)
But the Yule Ball was your chance. A chance with Fred Weasley.
You could ask to go as friends and maybe, just maybe a little hope and the night would end much more romantic than you had anticipated.
Plucking up courage was the hardest part, you practiced with your bathroom mirror so long that Ginny had to blast through the door and drag you out of her dormitory.
Fred Weasley agreed, why wouldn't he? You, his closest friend, asking to go as a group and drink all night while gossiping? It was a win win. At least that's what you told herself.
That was a lie, it wasn't a win win.
You gave it your all getting ready, dress silk, makeup and expensive shoes. You took a long shower, scrubbing and shaving yourself to a smooth gliding porcelain, only for it all to be washed down with reddened eyes and a boy with even redder hair.
Fred greeted you the same, danced the same, and you chatted the same; you were reminded again, for the second time, that you stood no chance.
Fred told you that he was going to get drinks, a quick trip to the booth and mumbled I'll be back in a second. He was not back in a second. Several minutes passed, and your worries caused your feet to follow after Fred's footsteps.
You ran, trying to find him in the empty corridors of Hogwarts, tears welling in your eyes because he wouldn't. He wasn't that cruel, life wasn't that cruel.
But it was, and in a distant empty classroom you saw Fred Weasley, on his knees and between Eva's legs, groaning and praising her like a starved man. Worshipping her like everyone else had, burying himself in her and completely forgetting the drink he’d bring back in just a second. He’d left you thirsty and alone in the Great Hall and left you to drink from a cup he hadn’t known to be forbidden. Yet Eva did.
Eva's perfect dainty hands tangled in his ginger hair, thighs clamping shut while her high pitched moans flooded your mind and echoed around your head. They were so loud that she couldn’t even hear the loud echoes of your footsteps and the woeful cries that left your lips as you ran. It wouldn’t be the first time she had ignored your pain for her own selfish reasons.
Your heart shattered, and suddenly you were six again, watching your parents praise Eva, hang her drawing on the fridge. A soft breeze tickling your bare toes, dangling from the small cushioned seat you sat on while you watched Eva braid Mrs Y/L/N’s hair. Emotionless, silent, not asking for anything, knowing that you won't receive in return. Eva's small hands carefully placed the flower crown on Mrs Y/L/N’s pool of hair, and she smiled, heart warming and hopeful. Suddenly you remembered the feel of your own hands tangling in between your locks as you stood on your tiptoes, trying to imitate your mothers braid on yourself in the mirror you couldn't reach. You pretended, only for a moment before it twisted into knots.
What a cruel joke, you thought as you watched Eva receive the world from Fred, from your parents, from your friends and from every damn person you had met.
You cried on a big set of stairs that night, your wails echoing as you asked whoever, whatever what you had done. What you had done to deserve such treatment from the people around you. It was rather cliche - and maybe a bit too dramatic. It was an uncomfortable seat of course, and your body, as well as your heart, ached. Pain, misery, false hope and enough hair spray to melt the ozone.
The princesses always cried on big sets of stairs, uncomfortable stone floors causing them to shiver while they hid away their beautifully animated faces in their perfect hands. This was different, there was no fairy godmother to fix your makeup and clone a gentlemanly Fred Weasley, a perfect prince. You knew, because you cried, and prayed and cried and prayed until your throat was sore. There was no fairy godmother, it was all a lie. There was no happy ending. There would be none.
No one came to find you that night either, and you had to drag yourself back to the Gryffindor common room, feet bare, mascara, blush - anything else you put on in hopes of being able to become like Eva even only for one night - practically nonexistent from the way your tears washed them away.
You didn't sleep that night, and your head was unusually clear, pounding, but clear. You laid awake, eyes blood-shot and stinging while your dress shuffled uncomfortably between your sheets. You were too tired to change, and your dress was far too pretty to be worn so short.
Ginny's words replayed over and over again. "They're not worth it." her voice was so clear, and true. Mr and Mrs Burke weren't worth it. Your parents weren't worth it. Fred Weasley wasn't worth it. Eva wasn't worth it. The midnight chirping of bugs invited themselves in from your open window, and blue moonlight streaks beaming down in lines from the tulle curtain flowed with breeze, it was calming.
You felt calm, for the first time in sixteen years. You felt calm.
Fred and Eva started dating that week. Everyone acted like they expected it, and you realized just how blind you had been. Eva Burke and Fred Weasley, golden couple of Hogwarts.
You watched them, emotionless, as they embraced with love and so much passion that you felt embarrassed. Embarrassed at how you’d blushed and squeal over Fred in front of Eva and George and anyone who had found out because now you knew. Now you knew that their amused smiles were probably pitying grimaces because they knew that you two were never meant to be. It was always Fred and Eva.
Fred was an amazing boyfriend, making sure Eva was taken care of, lovingly staring at her whenever and wherever, arm looped around her waist at all times; you realized they were truly not worth it.
"You disgust me."
You didn't mean the words to escape so carelessly, but when you said them, you realized you didn't want to take them back. The growing pit in your stomach felt weightless. "Excuse me?" said Fred, stopping his nibbling on Eva's neck, who was just as shocked. You scoffed, Eva already had enough purple bruises to parade around so why did Fred have the need to add more?
"You heard me right," George, Lee, Ron, Harry, Katie and whoever sitting in their circle stared at you, wide-eyed, Ginny and Hermione, however, were grinning devilishly. Kind ____, wouldn't hurt a fly, quiet at times and didn't know how to stand up for herself. It was shocking, but you were done pretending. You didn't want to be like that anymore, you wanted to say whatever came to mind and not worry about the consequences. "You guys disgust me, I know I should be supportive but you don't match, at all."
You turned to George. "And you, no you can't talk about Katie like that." George went pink. "You're disgusting for sleeping around carelessly and telling girls you'd write, stop giving people false hope. Grow up. You’re nearly an adult and you can’t even treat a girl right."
"And you Lee," Lee went quiet. "What gives you the right to make fun of me like that. I'll wear whatever the fuck I want, just because you don't have the courage to wear a headband. If you can talk about my breasts, I'll talk about your shrimp."
"Ron, you take advantage of Hermione then lead her on. Open your eyes, asshole."
"Harry, you're not the main character. You're not always going to be the center of attention, nor do you have the right to yell at your friends."
"Alicia, god you're so stupid. I'm sorry, you're great but such an airhead. No, you can't ride a Thestral if you can't see them, and stop eating quill ink they're bad for you."
You stood up, grinning proudly, heart loud in your chest you feared someone might hear. "Frankly, I don't wanna be friends anymore. I'm done with this façade, except you two, 'Gin, Hermione. The rest of you are just so fake." she gestured to them. "Boys," she nodded again. "Don't talk to me anymore, and Lee, give me back the money, think it's about time don't you think? I've been paying for you since third year."
And with that, you left. You left Three Broomsticks, grin wide and chest heaving. Hermione and Ginny ran behind, whooping and cheering you on as they laughed.
The news of your outburst spread fast like wildfire caught in wind. That week was bliss, you no longer had to watch Fred and Eva, nor did you have to act sweet to anyone. You didn't have to laugh along Lee's sexist jokes and look away to wince, it was pure bliss. You realized that the feeling of being free didn’t have to be momentary.
Pansy Parkinson was surprisingly a good friend, she didn't have the same fakeness to her, the one Eva had where her smile was too kind. She spoke her mind, though every Slytherin did, and you liked that. Ginny wasn't happy with your new found friends, but she couldn't separate you. You made your own decisions from now on. It was refreshing.
You told your new friends everything, eager to get it off your chest and breathe, and they listened. For the first time, someone listened. You didn't have to get good grades, nor did you have to act like a sweet angel.
You teared up the first time Pansy said; "It's not your fault,". You knew it wasn't your fault, but hearing someone else say it with such genuine eyes made you believe. Actually believe.
It started off with you watching from the sidelines as Draco and Blaise pranked, insulted and shamed whatever your old friend group did. It wasn't unusual for Draco to act this way, but he got especially irritated after hearing what you told them. Blaise, someone usually quiet, had stepped up and decided to somehow release the pent up anger he had for the Gryffindor students.
The year ended, and you had started to sneak in an insult or two towards Fred and Eva. It felt nice, like finally, step by step you were clearing your years of hidden jealousy. But, there was no one to tell you that this simply wasn't the right way.
That summer, you stayed at the Burrow. Ginny had invited you and you were quick to say yes; obviously a fact forgotten. Fred, George and whoever you had insulted last year stayed in the same house. You simply didn't want to go home, and if this meant seeing Fred Weasley then you had to endure it.
Molly Weasley was the sweetest person you could ever meet, and it was genuine. It felt genuine, you feared your teeth might rot if the woman got another word in. Molly greeted you as if you were her own daughter she hadn't seen in years. You felt valued, seen.
Until Eva was there, Fred invited her. You had to watch the only person you were able to love, introduce the only person he was able to love to his mother. It wasn't you. It would never be you.
And you realized, even after everything, Eva had once again found a way to be more loved than you.
The grin Molly broke out was nothing short of beautiful, and you couldn't help but smile as well. The smile wasn't directed towards you of course, and you sat on that small kitchen chair, celebrating a relationship that caused your ruin.
Eva didn't care that your friendship was over, nothing budged in her life. She still got the same attention, still received the same love from Fred. The same affection, the same attention and the same everything. Or so it seemed.
Though unlike Eva, Fred merely watched you with sad eyes.
You stayed clear of the couple and the rest. You hung out with Ginny and Hermione only, ignoring the dirty looks Ron and Harry gave you. The secret, whispered insults Eva threw your way. George didn't say anything, but he didn't object either. This was enough to show how he felt. At this point you really didn't care. Why would you, when they didn’t either?
You held your head high just like Ginny and Hermione told you to, and you spoke in a loud and clear tone whenever asked something. Eva didn't, she stuttered when you spoke to her directly. Her words scrambled against each other when she tried to voice her insults in louder statements than a whisper. For the first time, you felt relief. You felt intimidating, protected by the barriers you had built around yourself.
Longest day of summer hit, and it boiled. Tanning became a distant dream, you would bake in this weather, and you were thankful to the big AC box you had brought from home. You couldn't sleep that night, sweat beads falling down your forehead that was already covered in a thin sheen. You had decided to get a cold glass of water, not sure how you ended up face to face with Fred Weasley. His wand tip shone with blue light, and his freckles were much darker because of the sun. It seemed the sun decided to be cruel to Fred Weasley back and wash Fred over with it's deathly heat. He was sunburnt, this was an understatement. He was burnt.
You couldn't help but start laughing when you met, ignoring the proximity, ignoring the sleeping house, dead silent and a big leap from the lively Burrow, ignoring Fred's soft breaths he let out every other second. You couldn't live off on false hope anymore.
Suddenly it wasn't so funny anymore, and your face quickly fell. You took a big step back and inhaled, ready to ignore him like you had been doing for the past year. But Fred Weasley was a persistent man, and he gripped your arm and looked at you with determined, doe-like eyes. "Tell me what I did wrong." he said, adamant on fixing this, whatever this was. You both didn't know.
You stood silent.
"Please flower,"
"Don't call me that." you said, stern and gaze sharp. Fred didn't react, he kept on insisting.
"Please, tell me how to fix this. I can fix it," he pleaded, a plethora of empty promises fell out of his lips like nothing. He lied like it was nothing, he was oblivious to everything he and everyone around them had put you through. It was infuriating.
You didn't say anything. You knew he would not fix anything but maybe staying silent would give him the false hope that spinned mockingly in your head for the past eighteen years.
"I'm sorry, just please. I can fix this, I promise, don't be like that." empty tears fell down from his eyes. He looked empty, tired. They lacked the charm they usually shined with and you wondered if it was only you that caused such dullness. Eye bags prominent that you never noticed before. It all felt like a lie, a cruel joke.
Fred Weasley was simply a cruel joke. His presence could only be compared to a shot of whiskey, especially when you down it like how Hagrid nurses a Firewhiskey filled pint glass. You never know how it will hit you. But in the end, you'd always find yourself curled next to the toilet, crying your eyes out because your headache was simply too much.
He was sobbing now, hanging onto your waist like you would simply vanish and you let him. The grip he had on was like steel vice - almost concerning - but you didn't touch him, didn't say anything. You just let him be, like he did to you. Allowed him to hopelessly hang off you before you would eventually leave him alone, like he did to you. "Where did I go wrong? How could we end up like this? What went wrong?"
‘You’, but your voice couldn’t be found.
Questions were useless when the answer was already right in front of his eyes. You didn’t let a single tear fall, you wouldn't forgive yourself if you cried in front of him.
You blinked, and that night was over. Summer continued on like nothing happened, like it didn't leave you heart broken and in such shame yet again. You continued on ignoring Fred as he looked at you with sorrowful eyes. Looked at you more, with more than he did his own girlfriend.
You blinked and the school year started again with another terror looming around the corner. There was simply no need to keep up anymore, because school was easy. You attended classes, got good grades, a few scar here and there from Umbridge's torture chamber, a woman who stood at a whopping five foot three yet still teriffied an entire school.
You blinked and you had already become a proud member of Draco's insult the Gryffindor's club. You didn't even feel bad, being horrible to the people you hated for years felt like a breath of fresh air. You didn't go as far as physically hurting any of your old friends, but coming up with damaging insults was such fun. A lot more fun than sitting around with a fake smile.
You blinked, and you were already moving out from your childhood house. Mr and Mrs Y/L/N were unusually happy, this was a given. They would have a new empty room and make another office, like they didn't have enough already. You feared they would start getting rid of bathrooms once too into their work, and they would have to do their business in bushes or buckets. Scratch that, you didn't fear that, it would be fucking hilarious.
You blinked, and when had time passed too quickly? Where did all those empty childhood years had gone? You were already graduating, on your way to become an Auror. You had lost contact with all your old friends now, regretfully Ginny and Hermione too.
The war had hit too quickly, luckily you survived, so did your friends. Unluckily, it left you with a nasty scar right across your left brow. It looked sick, but the hit wasn't worth it. It hurt like a bitch. You could see, it was a close call but vision wasn't an issue. The trauma though, god did Bellatrix's breath smell bad.
When it was all over, you had seen Fred hugging his family tightly. It seemed the Weasley's all survived, and you gave them each tight lipped smiles while holding a bunched up rag to your head to stop the blood gushing out. This wasn't the reunion you wanted to have with Ginny, but hey, you take what you can get after a revolutionary Wizarding war you barely made out alive.
Before a franticly running Fred could reach you though, you apparated to your flat in Diagon Alley, ignoring the thrumming of your heart, and how you practiced in front of a mirror to congratulate their successful joke shop that morning.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 10) - Take Care
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Summary: The reader gets to meet Danneel’s parents in a somewhat unorthodox way but receives a warm welcome to her surprise. Meanwhile, a minor medical scare makes Jensen anxious that he takes too much and doesn’t give enough to the reader...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Square: Playing With Their Hair
Word Count: 4,800ish
Warnings: language, minor frightening situation, minor medical situation, anxiety
A/N: Please enjoy! Also written for @supernatural-jackles​​ Tell Me A Story Bingo...
One Week Later
“Y/N, can we get orange?” asked Arrow from where she sat in the shopping cart. She pointed at the tubes of frosting and you took one off, handing it to her as you went back to searching for a box of red velvet mix. 
“Come on,” you sighed, squatting down. You saw one shoved in the back and you bent down, reaching back to get it. You huffed when you pulled it back, the expiration date still plenty good. “Score. Okay Arrow what other color…”
She wasn’t in the cart anymore as you stood, her bright pink shirt and shorts nowhere in sight. 
“Arrow!” you shouted, people from the farther end of the aisle turning to look at you. You breathed hard and spun around, exiting the aisle and looking at the checkouts. “Arrow!”
“Mam,” said a man in a white dress shirt and slacks, walking over with a headset on.
“I had a little girl with me and she’s missing and she was in the cart and I would have heard her climb out,” you said, walking quickly, the man following with you as you checked down aisles. “Arrow!”
You heard the guy talk into his headset when you caught pink and a guy near the front of the store. She spun around and you ran over, the manager not too far behind you. You didn’t say a word when you kicked the back of the guys knee and grabbed Arrow, picking her up.
“What’d I do?” he said, Arrow turning away. He looked more angry than you were expecting and you swallowed, the manager urging you back. “She’s the one that took my granddaughter!”
“She’s not your fucking granddaughter, pervert. I’m her nanny and soon to be step-mom so you can back the fuck off.”
“Step fucking what?” he said, his face going blank. 
“Grandpa I told you Y/N’s my friend,” said Arrow. You blinked and stared at the man.
“Prove it,” you said. The man angrily pulled out his wallet and ripped out a picture, turning it around. It was a large group photo but you could clearly see Jensen and the kids in it along with… “You’re her father. Danneel.”
“Who the fuck are you,” he said. You took out your phone and went to your pictures, showing him one of your backyard bonfire from the weekend before. 
“Is there a problem?” asked the manager. You shook your head and he rolled his eyes and left.
“Sir, I’m so sorry,” you said. He nodded and glanced down. 
“Well, I can’t blame you. I understand the feeling,” he said. 
“Can we...talk?” you asked.
“I think that’d be best before somebody else gets their ass kicked.”
Fifteen minutes later you had your bag of baking supplies in your trunk, Arrow was playing on the jungle gym and you were sat at a picnic table with Danneel’s parents.
“You guys came down early for JJ’s birthday, huh,” you said.
“We had to come down this weekend instead. Something came up last minute next week,” said her mom. You nodded and took a deep breath. 
“I am so sorry. That is absolutely not how Jensen and I wanted to tell you both.”
“I’m old but I’m tough. I’ll survive,” said her father. You looked over to where Arrow was playing, gnawing on your bottom lip. “You said you were the nanny and soon to be step mom. Mind unraveling that for us?”
“I uh, I started working for Jensen in January as a nanny to help with the kids. The relationship part came a few weeks later. We’ve been engaged very briefly. Don’t even have a ring or anything yet,” you said, shaking your head. “Please don’t be mad at him. It’s taken him so long to stop feeling guilty for having feelings for me. Please don’t be upset with him. I don’t...I’m not trying to replace anyone or anything. I didn’t want to like him. But I did and I love him and he deserves to be happy again.”
They looked at one another and back at you.
“Good,” they both said. 
“Excuse me?”
“We think he deserves to be happy too. He was in such a bad place after the accident,” she said. “He’s sounded like himself again recently.”
“Plus if you’re willing to kick my ass for thinking I took Arrow, that gets you some brownie points,” he said with a smile. You nodded and looked down at the table, swallowing. “Not what you were expecting?”
“Your daughter’s husband is engaged to a younger woman. I wouldn’t blame you at all for whatever you might think,” you said.
“He’s got a lot of time left,” he said. “He doesn’t have to be miserable for it. We don’t want that for him. It’s not what she’d want. He’s doing exactly what she’d want from him and that’s all we can ask of him. Well and maybe stick around the country for a bit so we can see the kids some more.”
“Yeah, no plans to be anywhere but home right now,” you said. You looked over at Arrow and watched her jump off a high platform. She fell down to her knees but got up and brushed them off before she was running again.
“She’d like you,” you heard, your attention going back to the two of them. She was staring at you and you smiled.
“You don’t know a thing about me mam.”
“I think we know the important parts,” she said. You nodded and glanced down. “What do Jensen’s parents think of all this?”
“They know he’s dating but that’s it. I’m supposed to meet them next week,” you said.
“We’ll keep our lips sealed for the time being then,” she said. “What about your folks? What do they think of Jensen and the kids?”
“The kids probably haven’t met either parent yet, right?” he said. 
“It’s kinda complicated...I was adopted. My mom died a long time ago. I don’t have a dad or family really,” you said. You pursed your lips and picked at the corner of the table with your fingernail, the air heavy. 
“Well we approve of him,” he said. “He’s a good kid.”
“I know. He’s very special,” you said. “I just wish something so horrible didn’t have to happen to him and your daughter in order to meet him.”
“We can’t change that fact,” she said. “She’d want you to take care of him, keep an eye on him. Oh and remind him to take a break and slow down every once in a while. He always gets so caught up in work and being on the go. She had to calm him down sometimes.”
“I have noticed that trend,” you said. “I hope you don’t feel like he’s going to forget-”
“No we don’t worry about that. If we learned anything from this it’s just that you have to live while you have the chance,” he said as Arrow ran over.
“Y/N, I’m hungry,” she said. 
“Alright, munchkin. Why don’t we head home and maybe your grandma and grandpa will have lunch with us?” you asked.
“We’d love to,” they said. “We’ll meet you two there.”
“That went shockingly well,” said Jensen late that night when you were having an extra slice of JJ’s early birthday cake. “Those guys loved you.”
“I think we both got a little too worried over the parents situation. Dee’s parents were great, especially considering I nearly broke his knee. I’m really excited to meet yours next weekend.”
“It’s not too long of a drive up there. I haven’t been home in a long time. I’m looking forward to it too,” he said, a big smile on his face. “I’m really glad they liked you.”
“What’s not to love?” you said, Jensen smirking around his piece of cake. “You’re so hard on yourself. I’m really happy they like me too but even if they didn’t, there’s no problem there. You’re allowed to live your life. Dee wants you to keep living it.”
“I still wonder if she was just like ‘this boy is driving me nuts again, he needs a girl,’ and somehow shoved you into my life,” he said.
“Maybe. I mean, it was good timing that I was looking for a new job the same time you were looking for a nanny.”
“Did you ever report that last guy as an inappropriate employer?” he asked.
“I tell the agency but nothing criminal no. I mostly feel sorry for the families. Nannies are stability in the kids lives and leaving them isn’t easy. Unless they’re little shitheads but even then I don’t blame them, it’s the parents that turned them into it,” you said. 
“What’d you think of those three, when you met ‘em I mean,” he said.
“They’re all a little shy like you but they open up if they like you. They’re pretty damn funny. They got wit and sarcasm, even if they don’t know it yet. They’re kind and intelligent and they look to you in how to act like most kids. I knew they were good kids from the start.”
“You’re gonna be a great mom,” he said. You smiled and watched him eat a piece of cake, Jensen tilting his head. “You know they have called you mom before. All three of them. Accidentally but still.”
“Being a nanny has some of the roles of a parent but there’s still a difference,” you said.
“Yeah but you’ve never just been the nanny,” he said, scraping up some frosting with his fork. “Speaking of your sudden thrust into motherhood, the whole kids thing...how many of your own were you thinking of?”
“I don’t know. I don’t need to make a baby to love it. I was adopted and my mom loved me so much. I mean there’s already three of ‘em to chase after.”
“I’d like to have a baby with you. Someday,” he said. You dabbed your finger across some frosting on the plate and sucked on it, staring at him. “I know you do. Y/N there’s no more secrets. There’s never gonna be a secret between us ever again. Sometimes you get nervous but we have to talk about these things and everything. The big choices and the little ones we make together.”
“Honestly? I don’t want you to think I’ll love them less than a kid I make. I won’t. I will treat them all the same but I don’t know how to prove that to you.”
“You told me the day I hired you that I needed to hire someone I could trust, that trust was going to be so important. Y/N, I’ve never doubted your feelings for them. Shit, I’m pretty damn sure you were in love with them before me. And I get it because they aren’t scary. They can’t hurt you like the adults can. We wouldn’t be having this conversation if I had a shred of doubt.”
“I gotta think about kids more I guess. How many, when. I don’t know that right now.”
“We’ll figure out all that when we’re ready. Just let me know and we’ll come back to this conversation,” he said, wrapping an arm around your waist. “You know...hearing about what you did at the store...that’s kinda super attractive you know.”
“Uh what?” you said, Jensen pulling you into his lap.
“You, going protective badass...that’s very, very hot you see,” he said. 
“You’re such a guy,” you said while he picked up the last piece of cake on his fork. 
“Well we-” he said as you leaned forward and wrapped your lips around the dessert, pulling back with a smile. “Oh you shouldn’t have done that.”
“What are you gonna do about it?” you smirked. He narrowed his eyes and set his fork down before he was standing and flipped you over his shoulder. “Jensen! Put me down!”
“Do the crime, do the time!” he said, walking over to the stairs. “Hm...what to do with you...ah I know…”
“You know…” you said before he flipped you down onto the couch and plopped down on top of you, catching most of his weight on his hands on either side of you. “Troublemaker.”
“You love it,” he said. He leaned down and kissed you, your hands wandering to his hair, holding him close. You grinned and wrapped your legs around his waist, Jensen kissing you sloppy and cheeky and like a teenage boy making out for the first time. 
“Dad,” said JJ, rushing down the stairs. He dropped this forehead to yours and sighed.
“What is it?” he asked. He sat up and you both looked at her, spotting the pale tint of her skin. “Feel okay?”
“Jensen call an ambulance, now,” you said, pushing him off and going over to her. He sat up and you kneeled down next to her, her lips slightly blue. You put a hand on her chest and felt the labored breathing. “Did you eat something new tonight? Or did a bug bite you?”
“I stepped on a prickly in the bathroom a minute ago,” she said.
“Jesus,” said Jensen as he rushed into the kitchen. “She got stung by a scorpion.”
He grabbed a bottle from the cabinet and started unscrewing it.
“Jensen go see what the scorpion is and get rid of it before the twins find it,” you said. He left the bottle with you and shoved the phone against your ear. “Hi, sorry how much of the anti-venom do I give her?”
“There should be a child dosage on the bottle, half the cap,” the person on the other end said. You unscrewed the lid and poured some out, having her swallow it down. She whined and you didn’t blame her based on the smell. “An ambulance will be there shortly.”
“Thank you,” you said, spotting Jensen at the top of the stairs. He was holding his wrist and had a slightly smushed object in one of the clear plastic cups from the kids bathroom. “We have the scorpion.”
“EMT’s should be able to identify it,” she said, Jensen walking down slowly. He took a seat on the bottom step and shook his head. 
“Jensen?” you said, his hand reaching for the bottle. You moved his hand from his wrist and saw two dots there. “Shit. My fiance was stung too.”
“There’s a nest in the bathroom vanity,” he said, pouring himself a dose and knocking it back. “I blocked off the door but get the twins out of there, please.”
“JJ,” you said as you saw her color get better while Jensen was getting paler. You took your phone out of your pocket and dialed, handing it to her. “Tell Uncle Jared to come over right now.”
Five minutes later Jared was there, JJ and Jensen sat in the back of an ambulance, Jensen getting a shot of something in the leg.
“We’re taking them to West County,” said a paramedic.
“I’ll see you guys soon,” you said, JJ staring worriedly at Jensen who has holding his wrist again. Jared looked around as they took off and you sighed. “Hey.”
“JJ said she and Jay got stung by a scorpion?” he asked.
“She got one as far as they can tell. Jensen got three. There’s a nest in the bathroom cupboard,” you said.
“Idiot,” mumbled Jared. You raised and eyebrow and he shook his head. “He forgot to get the pest spray done this year I bet. Dee always handled that kind of stuff. They’ve had a scorpion problem before when they first moved in.”
“I’m gonna take the twins and stay the night. I’ll call and get the spray guys in first thing in the morning. You go take care of those two,” he said. You nodded and he grabbed your arm when you headed for your car. “Wait five minutes to calm down.”
“Jared I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. You just don’t know it. Go inside, get your purse, Jensen’s wallet, take a beat, okay?”
“Okay,” you said. “Make sure-”
“I got it. Go on,” he said. “Make sure he’s not freaking out. Last time he was at a hospital it wasn’t good.”
“Right. Okay. Call me if you need something. And stay away from the kids bathroom.”
“Y/N. I know. It’ll be alright, I promise.”
One Hour Later
“Is dad okay?” asked JJ from where she sat in your lap. Jensen peeled an eye open and smiled. 
“I’m okay. Sleepy is all. We’ll be home in a few hours,” he said. His wrist was bandaged and he had an IV in his arm but he’d taken the anti-venom soon enough that they had enough time to get the proper medication in both him and JJ. She was already discharged but you didn’t want to leave Jensen by himself.
“Mr. Ackles,” said a doctor when she walked in the room. “Your bloodwork came back and everything looks good.”
“Awesome,” he said, sitting up in bed. “Can I get out of here?”
“You got about fifteen minutes left on that IV drip but I’ll let the nurse know to start the paperwork. I want you to take it easy tomorrow. Nothing strenuous.”
“I got it,” he said with a nod. “Nothing strenuous.”
“Jensen,” you said around noon the next day, catching him unloading some wood from the back of his truck. “What are you doing?”
“I was gonna work on those shelves for the kid’s playroom,” he said. You crossed your arms and he threw his head back. “I feel fine. The nest got cleared out and the house got sprayed. I wanna work on this.”
“You have all the time in the world to do it. Work on it tomorrow,” you said, picking up the wood plank. He tried to take it out of your hands and you growled. 
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
“Please do what the doctor said and rest today,” you said. He bit his lip and you moved the pieces of wood into the garage, Jensen leaning back against the side of the truck when you shut the trunk. “You’re scared, aren’t you.”
He nodded and glanced at his wrapped up wrist, then down to the ground.
“Hospitals freak me out now,” he said. “I don’t like bugs. My body hurt and knowing I forgot to do something so simple put them in danger sucks. Knowing if she hadn’t come downstairs it might have been real bad sucks. If you hadn’t noticed I don’t know if I would have and it scares me not knowing.”
“Close your eyes for me,” you said. He shut them and took a deep breath, letting you take his hand and walk around to the back of the house. You spun him around a few times stopping him so he was facing the pool about twenty feet away. “Know where you are?”
“Somewhere in the middle of the backyard,” he said. “What are you doing?”
“You said not knowing scared you. Lots of times you don’t know. It’s kinda just how life works,” you said, dropping his hand and moving a few feet away. “Take a big step forward.”
“Y/N, I don’t like this,” he said, fidgeting his hand along the bottom of his shirt. 
“I know you don’t. But would I hurt you?”
“No,” he said. 
“So listen to me. Big step forward.” He took a step and you looked around. “Jump backwards.”
“Jump backwards.” He frowned and took a small bunny hop back. “Again.”
“I feel ridiculous.”
“Says the guy who plays pretend for a professional career. Now hop back and then step to the right,” you said. He groaned and did as asked. “Jog forward until I say stop.”
“Are you trying to kill me out here cause I feel like I’m about to break my neck slipping in the pool.”
“I’m trying to get your anxiety out in a non-life threatening way, okay?”
“By having me jump around the backyard like an idiot.”
“By having you get comfortable with the fact that most of life is spent not knowing and you can’t change that fact. You can’t see it all coming.”
He threw his head back but kept his eyes shut. He stared to run towards you and you wrapped your arms around him when he got there, Jensen peeling them open slowly.
“See? I wasn’t gonna let anything bad happen,” you said. He nodded and rested his forehead on your shoulder, pulling you into a squeezing hug. “You okay?”
“I’m sorry for being short and not doing what the doctor asked,” he said.
“Hey, it’s alright. I got scared too last night. Everything is fixed now so no need to worry over it. Why don’t you take a nap and maybe we have a real quiet lazy day while Dee’s parents got the kids for the day,” you said. “Sound fun?”
“Okay,” he said. “I’ll take quiet today.”
Three hours later Jensen was curled up with a blanket, his head resting in your lap as you watched a movie together. You played with his hair, Jensen turning into the touch every so often. 
“I know you’re worried about me,” he said. He turned and faced up at you, your fingers swirling in his strands. “I know I’m kinda clingy today which I’m normally not.”
“You can cling all you want, honey,” you said, stroking his cheek with your thumb. “I wish life would give you a break for a second. No work, no badness. Just some peace and quiet for you.”
“My parents lived here after the accident. For a few months. They were here, Jared and Gen were over every day, my siblings would stop down every week. The first few months I understood. I had an injury I had to recover from. But I felt like a child those few months once I recovered. Everyone taking care of the kids, of me. I was barely a father to them. Playtime. A story at bed. Someone else made most of their meals, did everything for them.”
“You’re a father but you’re still someone’s child,” you said. He blinked and you shrugged. “You were hurt, possibly the worst out of anyone. I know taking care of everyone else is your default but people get to take care of you too. I get to take care of you.”
“I feel like all I do is get taken care of by you,” he said. “I never give it back.”
“You’ve given me a family again. You take care of me every single day.”
“I never see you getting upset. It’s always me. I’m always the fuck up,” he said. You slumped down and took a deep breath. 
“I get upset Jensen. I got upset that very first time we fought, that night with the ice cream. I got upset when you got jealous of that nanny in Canada and we saw my father the first time. I got upset telling you the truth of it all because you of all people don’t need problems like that dumped at your feet. I got upset when we saw him again because I was scared and I was scared he might hurt you too. I got upset when we fought when you got home and I got upset when you proposed because you were so scared and I get upset Jensen. I get upset when you’re hurt. I get upset when I hurt. But I don’t have all those safety nets under me that you do, remember? I just got a couple right now and you’re my last resort. I’ve been my own support system for so long that I can’t undo that all overnight. I know it’s been months but the fact I even let you see me cry, the fact I can even talk about this stuff with you and know all you’re thinking about is how to make me feel better...I still need to heal too. You’ve done so much already. I’m gonna have my moments where this is switched, believe me. But today’s not my turn for that, it’s yours.”
“I love you,” he said, staring up with the softest green eyes you’d ever seen on him yet. “Even more than five minutes ago if that’s possible.”
“I love you,” you said, bending down and kissing him. “You’re the expert on the falling in love stuff though so I’ll leave that up to you.”
“It’s very...it’s what you think it is and it’s not at all what you think. There’s falling and nerves and then calm and then falling and calm and you spend the rest of your life doing that. It’s not magic and it takes work to keep it alive sometimes but all you gotta do is talk. Just talk and it always seems to work out for me,” he said.
“Can I tell you a secret?” you asked. He nodded and smiled as you went back to playing with his hair.
“You know I really like when you do that,” he said.
“I know you do. It relaxes you,” you said.
“Makes me feel safe too,” he said. “But what’s your secret cause eventually I’m gonna want to know them all.”
“I was very attracted to you when we met. But that kinda freaked me out a bit. I found myself liking you a lot that first day I was here. You got me a birthday cake. I realized how kind you are that night. It wasn’t for anyone’s benefit other than my own. I had a crush on you, even though I knew it wouldn’t go anywhere.”
“I had a crush on you from when you made me a cup of coffee. You’re so good and kind yourself,” he said. He reached up and cupped your cheek. “I’m really happy you had your mom eventually. I would have liked to have met her.”
“Maybe she and Dee are hanging out wherever they are.”
“I hope so. She won’t mind sharing me with you,” he said.
“You honestly think so?” 
“You gonna mind sharing me with her?” he asked.
“I’ve always shared you. Just hope that wouldn’t bother her.”
“I used to think maybe it would but no, she wants me to be happy and that’s you so you got all eternity to get to know each other eventually if you think about it.”
“Well when you put it that way we got nothing to worry about,” you said.
“Oh don’t worry about that. I think your mom was right. I get to have two people is all, kinda like she did,” he said. 
“She would have liked you. Would have said you’re a little old for me but she would have liked you.”
“Wasn’t she older than Ray?” he asked.
“Yeah. She was. She was only fifty,” you said.
“You grew up too fast,” he said quietly.
“Maybe. But it got me here and I don’t think I would have done anything different. I wouldn’t want to screw that up. Well I’d do one thing different.”
“Drop by this house, have a conversation with a certain someone.”
“Say hypothetically you had that ability, you’d really do that knowing what you’re giving up?”
“I’d give her back to you right this second if I could.”
“I appreciate that, really,” he said. He let his hand fall down and reach around your back, curling around your waist. “But she’s not more important than you are. I miss her. Everyday. But I lose one of you either way in that scenario. And I can’t choose. I’ll never be able to. If she were here and you weren’t, I’d still be just like this. It’d still hurt.”
“Make me a promise. I keel over early, you try again. Try for both of us.”
“I will if you will,” he said. He held up his pinky finger and you grabbed it with yours. “But he can’t be hotter than me.”
“Equally as hot?”
“Slightly less hot but that’s my final offer,” he said. 
“Eh, fine,” you said. “You’ve worn me down.”
“Always words I want to hear,” he chuckled. You slid further down the couch until you were practically laying back, your arms wrapping around him. He got up and lay down with you on the wrap around side of the couch, pulling you into his chest. “Can I take you to dinner tonight? Just us.”
“Yeah. I’d like that.”
“Okay, honey,” he said, kissing your forehead. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Just thanks. For what you said. What you did earlier, just being with me,” he said.
“Lucky for you I like being with you a whole lot,” you said.
“Very lucky for me,” he said. “Very lucky indeed.”
A/N: Read Part 11 here!
419 notes · View notes
My dearest bouncey! I have a prompt for you if you like: Witchers as a 90s/2000s boyband 😂🤷‍♀️💖💖💖
Ellie, darling, this started as 500 words and turned into like 3.2k words and also a piece of art so... thank you so much. also shout out to my amazing art pal @mawbwehownets for the little comic!!
this contains lots of 90′s/early 2000′s nostalgia so there is also that
tw: hornyish, smooching, perilous music video situations (corny)
“Do I have to?” Geralt groans, letting his forehead thud down against the linoleum surface of their tour bus’s shitty dining table.
“Yes,” Vesemir says. His tone leaves no room for argument or whining. “But what if I let you pick the winner personally?”
“There have to be like fifteen thousand letters to go through! How will I manage that in less than two days?”
“There were a few more than fifteen thousand applications, Geralt. There were probably closer to five hundred thousand.”
Lambert wolf whistles and Aiden claps.
Geralt grimaces and keeps his face hidden against the table, releasing a slightly muffled: “Fuck.”
“Language,” Vesemir frowns. He tugs gently at Geralt’s loose ponytail and the singer lifts his head up from the table again, looking at his manager with beseeching eyes. “Anyway, we’ve narrowed it down to about fifty. You can go through those and choose whichever person you’d like to play your love interest. But you have to give me an answer by Friday. The shoot is in three weeks and whoever wins this stupid competition will need time to make arrangements.”
“I thought we were footing the bill for their food and their hotel room,” Geralt raised an eyebrow. “What would they need to arrange?”
“Not everyone can board their pets at the flick of a wrist, dude,” Lambert scoffs from his seat on the couch. Aiden lies draped across his lap, as usual, and the two of them are halfheartedly watching The Lion King. They can only watch movies when the bus is stationary, otherwise the VHS player might move too much while running and damage the film inside the cassette. Even taking advantage of such a rare opportunity, Lambert and Aiden still seem more interested in each other than Jonathan Taylor Thomas’s voice acting. 
“Lambert has a point,” Vesemir sighs. He scrubs his hand over his lightly whiskered face like a tired grandparent and sighs again, more heavily. “It’ll be good for you boys to have a normal person around for a few days. Maybe they’ll be able to put some things into perspective.”
Geralt can only roll his eyes a little bit and thank his manager regardless of his own feelings; he and the rest of TW5 owe the seasoned musical expert their entire careers. Without Vesemir’s help and mentorship they would never have made it past their first disastrous record deal. They certainly wouldn’t have reached the heights they’re at now, enjoying international fame and recognition. 
The begrudging frontman accepts a heavy plastic bin of file folders from Vesemir and sets them down next to his bunk. “Are these organized in any particular way?”
Geralt digs his hand into the pile and pulls out a piece of pale-pink stationary, eager to get started and, by extension, get finished. He can already tell that it’s going to be a long couple of days.
“I want this one, please, Ves.”
“Huh?” Vesemir looks up from his palm-pilot. Geralt is standing in front of him and trying to hand him something. 
“I want this guy to be in the music video with me.” Geralt holds out the letter again, fingers trapping the accompanying polaroid headshot with great care. A pair of bright blue eyes stares up from the photo, highlighting the subject’s bright smile and unruly mop of messy brown hair. Vesemir tries to hide his amusement; totally Geralt’s type, if the big oaf could admit to having one.
“Alright. I’ll get everything in order. We start shooting in two and a half weeks so get your asses to the gym, please.”
“Yes, Ves,” all five young men chorus. 
“Tomorrow,” Coen mutters a moment later than everyone else, not glancing up from his composition notebook. Vesemir nods in understanding. Coen is the best lyricist of the lot and it’s easier to let him work when inspiration strikes than beg him to focus when he can’t get a solitary idea to stick.
“So why’d you pick that one, Ger-bear?” Lambert drawls. Aiden nods and leans against Lambert’s side. Geralt can’t help the mild jealousy that overtakes him every time he sees his bandmates touch each other with such casual affection. He wants that intimacy, that softness behind the veneer of famous indifference. He wants someone to hold. 
“Yeah. What drew your attention to that poor unfortunate soul. Was it the floppy hair, the big blue eyes, or the dopey grin?” Aiden smirks.
“Fuck you,” Eskel sighs, looking between the two troublemakers with the tired gaze of an eldest sibling, “Fuck you for even asking in the first place and expecting a straight answer.”
“Straight is the furthest thing from his answer,” Lambert chuckles. He is promptly smacked in the head with one of the couch’s hideous throw pillows. The youngest member of the band rubs the side of his face and chuckles, “Alright, I deserved that one.”
“Holy shit!” Jaskier practically screams. “Holy motherfucking shit!”
“What!?” Yennefer comes flying around the corner. “What’s wrong!?”
“Nothing is wrong, Yenna! Everything is awesome! Everything absolutely fucking rocks!”
“Did you get hit on the head by a falling branch between here and the mailbox or what? You were whining about your finals work not five min-”
“Look at this!” Jaskier shoves an open envelope into her hands and cuts her off. Yennefer reads the watermarked documents once. Twice. Her eyes almost pop out of her head when the words and their meanings finally sink in. 
“Are you fucking with me right now?”
“No, I am absolutely not!” her giddy roommate cheers, bouncing up and down in place. “I did it! I won!”
“Holy shit.”
“I know! I get to kiss Geralt deRiv!” he practically cackles. Then freezes. “Holy fuck I get to kiss Geralt deRiv.”
“You said that already,” Yen teases. She shoves the paperwork back into his hands and grabs a takeout menu from the junk drawer near her hip. “Since you won the makeout lottery, you get to buy lunch. Lucky bastard.”
“So this will be your dressing room,” someone’s underpaid PA says, ushering Jaskier into a small, bright room. “Priscilla will be here shortly to get you into hair and makeup.”
“Oh, uh- thanks!”
And with that, the young man disappears back down the hallway toward the sound stage. Jaskier jogs his leg anxiously as he waits for Priscilla to arrive, nervous and otherwise totally alone in the huge grey building. As the minutes tick by and his heart rate rises, Jaskier’s intrusive thoughts make an unwanted appearance: What if they forget about me being here? What if there’s been a mistake and they accidentally hired two love interests and I just sit in here for hours all alone while-
“Hi!” a bright, peppy blonde woman flies through the door and startles him back to reality. “Nice to meet you, I’m Priscilla! You can call me Priss; I’ll be doing your hair and makeup for the video this week!”
“Oh… hi. I’m Julian, but I prefer Jaskier.”
“Lovely! Well, Jaskier, is your hair naturally this color?”
“Perfect! I don’t want to mess with such a lovely shade of natural brown, but do you mind if I give it a bit of a trim? I have a few ideas for styles right here in my book- How do you feel about some feathering back here? I think-” she fluffs a few of the hairs around the nape of Jaskier’s neck “-I could really bring out the curls if I adjusted the length a bit and used some product.”
“Just, uhm, go for it, then! Feel free to make me as pretty as possible!” Jaskier declares. He’s committing to this experience wholeheartedly, determined to allow himself every opportunity for positive change. He wants to really let himself enjoy it, and he needs a haircut anyway. Priscilla spends an hour washing, cutting, drying, and styling his hair into a lovely fringed sweep across his forehead. It ends just above his brows, giving his face a slightly softer shape than usual. He grins over his shoulder, “I love it! I’m going to miss you when I’m back at Oxenfurt. Good stylists are so hard to find.”
Priss blushes and nudges against his shoulder, “Oh, you little charmer.”
“I mean it,” he says, examining himself in the mirror. “I look like I could really be worthy of a heroic rescue! This is going to be such a fantastic memory, and I appreciate it. Thank you so much.”
Priss bites back a genuine tear and smiles, “Now that your natural prettiness has been mildly enhanced, let’s get you over to wardrobe, shall we?”
“Wardrobe? Do I have, like, a costume? What’s the music video even about?”
“They didn’t tell you any of this when you got here?”
“Not… not really.”
“Well, my darling, I think you’re really going to like it; they’ve got you in Versace for the first scene.”
Then Jaskier is being ushered into a bright, colorful room full to bursting with grim-faced, middle-aged women and he loses track of his only braincell for the rest of the morning.
“You must be Julian!” Lambert declares, bounding up to him and grinning. It’s a feral, animalistic grin and Jaskier resists the sudden urge to take a step back.
“I prefer Jaskier, if you don’t mind too much,” Jaskier corrects him quietly. Lambert rolls his eyes in a long-suffering kind of way and throws a meaty arm around the shorter man’s shoulders, completely ignoring the wardrobe technician’s wincing as he wrinkles the expensive silk jacket. 
“No need to be quiet and polite around here, my dude. We’re just a bunch of rowdy idiots, aren’t we, guys?” 
“Hell yeah!” Aiden calls back. Eskel sighs like the put-upon nanny in a Victorian Redanian comedy. 
“Speak for yourself,” Coen barely lifts his frosted tips up from his book long enough to speak. Geralt is-
Holy motherfucking Britney Spears on toast.
Geralt is the hottest thing Jaskier has ever seen in his short, unfulfilled-until-right-now life. Forget Ralph Macchio. Forget Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet and Winona Ryder. This man is… Geralt deRiv is… he’s the picture of perfection. And he’s right there, standing in front of an elaborate party set with his thick, beautiful arms crossed over his chest and his eyes trained on the floor, as if willing it to swallow him whole. Jaskier realizes that he probably didn’t have any choice in the matter; maybe this was just as awkward and uncomfortable for Geralt as it was for Jaskier. 
“Ger-bear!” Lambert whoops, yanking Jaskier closer to the brooding frontman. If only he were brave enough to struggle for escape; alas. “This is your boy-toy for the week. Goes by Jaskier, apparently.”
“Nice to meet you,” Geralt manages to grunt. “How did you like the script?”
“I haven’t uh- I haven’t actually seen it?”
“Shit. Fuck. One second,” Geralt huffs, disappearing into the crowd of technicians and machinery operators and PAs. Jaskier loves him already, for real. Sure, he was pretty in the music videos and promo material, but the way he said fuck like it was the noblest word he could think of… Geralt interrupts his train of thought by coming back with a sheaf of papers clutched in his hand. He shuffle-shoves them into Jaskier’s arms immediately. “There you go.”
“Thank you!” Jaskier smiles. It’s genuine and shy, more tenuous than his usual goofy grin. He flips through the pages, glancing between the script to his expensive suit, “So I’m guessing we’re at a party for this scene? Or something?”
“This is… where we meet. This is where… you and I uh…”
Jaskier’s eyes scan the page as Geralt’s ability to speak slowly leaves him. 
Lover ENTERS LEFT, dressed to the nines. Lover adjusts their tie/boa and takes a look around the room. S/He looks sad and a little hopeful. PULL BACK to Geralt, who approaches slowly. Their eyes meet. HOLD SHOT. PULL BACK as they move towards each other. Geralt pulls Lover into his arms and they begin to dance.
“Oh, wow.”
“I hope it’s okay! If you’re not comfortable with that kind of thing we can-”
“I’ll be alright, thank you. I came here to put my acting chops to the test. Well, that and meet my favorite band, of course. Thank you again, by the way. It’s been wonderful so far and I really appreciate you allowing me to be here.”
“Allowing? Psh. Geralt ha-” Lambert is cut off by Aiden, who elbows him sharply in the side. “Ow! What the fuck, babe?”
“I knew it!” Jaskier crows, distracted. “I knew you two were an item!”
“They’re not exactly subtle.”
“They never confirm anything either,” Jaskier retorts. Geralt shrugs his acknowledgement and moves back towards the set. Jaskier follows after the taller man like a lost puppy, eyes flicking from one thing to the next, hungry for detail even in his anxiety ridden state. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and he doesn’t want to waste a solitary second of it. “This is incredible, really just...wow. You guys do this all the time? You get to make tiny little movies for already great songs that you get to perform for millions of adoring fans? And you get paid!?”
Geralt hadn’t ever really thought about it like that. He’d been raised in the industry. He’d signed to Kaer Morhen Records as an early teen because his mother was a member of the Board of Directors and he’d been making music ever since; an outsider’s perspective to things was… new. A little strange. “Yeah, I guess that is pretty much what we do.”
“It’s not that exciting, I promise.”
“Have you ever written a fifteen page paper about the history of lute-string design and manufacturing?” 
“Then kindly shut the fuck up about what I should consider exciting,” Jaskier grins. Geralt is immediately and irrevocably smitten. Fuck. It hasn’t even been fifteen minutes! “So, which door am I entering from?”
“Left,” Geralt points. Jaskier skips over and begins to introduce himself to the sound and lights crew. His smile seems to be as infectious as his cheer and soon the entire set crew is smiling at one another. There’s been a literal shift in the atmosphere; if he didn’t know any better, the TW5 frontman thinks Jaskier might be some kind of magical creature, because he can’t just be human. Geralt is well and truly fucked, and everyone in the band already knows.
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“What do you think?” Jaskier asks, slipping anxiously from behind the changing screen. The Versace is gone and in its place are a pair of tight, high-waisted blue pleather pants and a billowing white shirt, which has been strategically ripped in several places to reveal slivers of the lightly tanned skin that lies beneath. He looks like he’s in desperate need of rescuing. He looks like every fantasy Geralt has ever had about the perfect guy. He looks like a fucking dream.
“Nice,” he says.
Lambert and Aiden wolf-whistle and cheer as they approach. Aiden claps twice, loudly, and shoots Jaskier a set of finger guns, “Hot damn, baby. You single? You lookin’ to mingle? Because I am bi and spoon like a Pringle.”
“First of all, babe, I love you but that was the most horrific combination of words yet known to man. Second of all, yeah, I’d dump Aiden for you for sure,” Lambert adds. Jaskier is at a total loss for words. His mouth hangs open and his breath comes in uneven little gasps for a moment.
“Uh… I- Thank you?”
“Oh god, Eskel! Eskel, he’s short circuiting, do something.”
“You absolute-” Eskel groans and makes his way over to the gathered group. He tugs Jaskier away and over to the other end of the set, where a comically huge rocket/bomb (Jaskier can’t tell) is standing at the center of a vaguely science-themed room. A laboratory, maybe? Or like, a really weird spacecraft? A hospital run by rocket scientists? It doesn’t matter, it’s the Evil Lair of the Villain and that’s where Jaskier is being held captive. “Here, Cameron and Elise will help you get set up for the next scene. I’m sorry about the boys they’re... gay?”
“I understand,” Jaskier nods sagely and Eskel relaxes. Then for comedy’s sake he adds an equally dramatic, “I too am... gay.”
The set dresser, an electrician, and a few specialists (likely a rope rigger among them) come over and tie Jaskier to the bomb/rocket/villainous mechanism, ending his conversation with Eskel, who is now in a much better mood than he was before. 
Jaskier is told to make sure his hands are crossed behind the small of his back and the director instructs him to wiggle back and forth “as convincingly as possible without actually getting loose or moving the ropes too much”. Which is manageable, he supposes. 
“Then, when the chorus comes up, we’ll get a few shots of the boys dancing in front of you,” the director continues to explain. That’s… kind weird, but okay. I’ve seen weirder. “Then we’ll do the action shots, with Geralt rescuing you. Are you okay to do the kiss, or would you rather not? We have dynamic shots with or without, so it’s totally up to you.”
“I’m fine with that,” Jaskier smiles shyly. “I consent to be smooched.”
“Adorable,” Lambert calls. Jaskier blushes and the director shoots Lambert a glare. 
“He’s already pink enough, don’t make me change my gels you little shithead!”
“Sorry, Pierre!”
“Fucking sorry my ass,” Pierre grumbles beneath his breath. Then he smiles at Jaskier. “Do something nasty to him for me, will you? Not too nasty but… just a little?”
“I’ve got your back,” Jaskier winks. 
“No plotting! Not fair!” Aiden whines.
“You have a team,” Pierre retorts. “Now I have a team.”
“Rules are rules,” Eskel sighs. “Now can we please shoot this damn video?”
“Right,” Pierre claps, getting everyone’s attention. “Places!”
Geralt races up the stairs, trying to keep the long sleeves of his black mesh shirt from catching on any of the set pieces. The solid black t-shirt he’s wearing underneath makes his arms and back look bulkier than normal; it’s a visual technique to make him look larger than Jaskier, whose billowing white shirt will hide how wide his shoulders actually are. Fuck, those are some nice shoulders. And the smattering of dark chest hair that peeks from the front of the college student’s shirt? Geralt wants to bury his face in it.
Okay, focus. 
He reaches the top of the set and rushes towards Jaskier, ripping the ropes from around his torso and pulling him close. He cups the back of Jaskier’s head with his upstage hand, framing the slightly smaller man for the camera and making him seem even shorter, another trick of angles and body posturing. Geralt plays Jaskier like an instrument, bending him back by placing his downstage arm around Jaskier’s waist, pressing their mouths together and holding them still for as long as it takes the director to yell, “Cut!” with a satisfied tone of voice. 
Geralt’s suspicions are confirmed when Pierre laughs and claps some more and cries, “Print it, lads! That was a one-take wonder!”
He tries to ignore the way Jaskier’s shoulders slump as if disappointed. “Good job,” he manages to say.
“You, too.” Geralt wishes he could keep a picture of Jaskier smiling in his back pocket forever. No other sight could light up the world so effortlessly. “Thanks for being gentle.”
“I’m trying to sweep you off your feet,” the singer shrugs. Jaskier wiggles his eyebrows and follows Geralt down the narrow set stairs.
“Are you, really?”
“Is it working?” Geralt asks, turning to look up at Jaskier. The student pauses to look at him and his foot catches on an uneven board. He topples forward with a short cry of surprise and seems surprised when Geralt reaches out to catch him. “Jaskier!”
“Oh my god!” Lambert races over, Aiden hot on his heels. “Are you okay, dude?”
“I’m fine,”  Jaskier laughs, a little breathless. “Just a little shocked.”
“You should take him to get a snack or something,” Eskel says, nudging his shoulder against Geralt’s. “He’s been busy all day and hasn’t even been to craft services.”
“You haven’t eaten?” Geralt asks, honestly baffled. Jaskier shakes his head, face heating once again. He wishes he could stop blushing, but Geralt’s presence seems to make it impossible. He wraps one arm around the younger man’s temptingly slender waist and leads him towards the food carts. He shoves a couple of sandwiches and a bottle of punch into Jaskier’s hands, not giving him a chance to argue. “Here, I’ll have something, too.”
“Thanks,” Jaskier smiles, understanding that he is, in turn, being understood. They sit comfortable folding chairs off to the side, food spread across their laps. Jaskier laughs and chats around his mouthfuls, pulling things from Geralt like his favorite color and his least favorite nicknames. Songs he liked and dances he disliked. 
“You made it fun again, today,” the singer smiles. “Thank you for that. I wish you could be here for every video shoot.”
“Looking for another member of the band?” Jaskier jokes, doing some half-hearted jazz hands. Geralt shakes his head and laughs. 
“I wish we were,” he sighs. “But I guess five is the magic number.”
“Makes the dances look cooler,” Jaskier nods. “I agree with whoever made that decision. I wouldn’t dare ruin the aesthetic.”
Geralt laughs again and Vesemir turns to look, honestly shocked at the volume of the sound. 
“Plus, you can’t be the frontman if there’s no front.”
“Shut up,” Geralt chuckles, still grinning broadly. 
Vesemir makes a phone call.
2 Weeks Later, Backstage in Kaedwen
“He’s been sulking like this ever since Jaskier went back to Oxenfurt,” Lambert whines. “C’mon Vesemir, do something.”
“What do you want me to do, make Geralt’s boyfriend appear out of thin air?”
“Not my boyfriend,” Geralt growls, stomping past his bandmates and manager. He can’t help but feel grumpy. Jaskier had been like the sun, bringing light and wonder to everything he touched, and without that joy around it doesn’t seem worth the extra effort to smile. So he’s been moping. 
“Fucking hell,” Vesemir sighs. “Thank goodness I thought ahead.”
“What do you mean?” Eskel asks, joining the little group in the hallway outside the dressing room. “What did you think of?”
“Three,” Vesemir smiles, glancing at his watch. “Two… One…”
“Boooooys,” echoes a high tenor. “Where’s my welcome wagon, Vesemir?”
“Jaskier!” Aiden practically screams, leaping out of the dressing room and flying down the hall. Lambert follows at a sprint and Vesemir hears the resounding oof oh fuck of both giddy musicians hitting their mark. 
Geralt comes back down the hall at a jog, eyes searching frantically. “I thought I heard-”
Vesemir’s heart clenches in his chest at the way Geralt’s face lights up. At the end of the hallway, surrounded by spilled luggage and apologetic boyband members, is Jaskier. Geralt floats to him, it seems, like he’s dreaming the whole thing. Jaskier takes his hands and then releases them and wraps his arms low around Geralt’s hips instead. 
“I missed you the most,” he whispers, just for Geralt to hear. “Couldn’t sleep without listening to your CD. I know it’s silly but I really like you.”
“Jaskier,” Geralt whispers reverently into his shaggy brown hair. “What are you doing here?”
“I was going to do my thesis on pop culture’s relation to music history,” he says. “And then the manager of TW5 called Oxenfurt and offered me the opportunity to do some… first hand research while I worked on finishing the paper.”
“R-Really? You’re going to be here… every day?”
“Do you… do you not want me he-”
Geralt kisses him before he can even finish the question. It’s a stupid question anyway, of course Geralt wants him here. Wants him right here, kissing him silly. The singer presses his lips desperately, crushingly against Jaskier’s; he never wants to part from this man again. He never wants to be without that glorious laughter and contagious liveliness. Who knew that life could be so full of delight and happiness if he only let it? 
He kisses Jaskier for all he’s worth and more, pouring his heart and soul into it. When they pull apart, both gasping for air, Geralt asks, “Stay with me, Jaskier? You don’t have to do anything I just-”
“I’d love to be the big spoon,” Jaskier winks, whispering again. “Thank you, Geralt, for the rescue.”
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3rdgymbros · 4 years
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— pairing; gojo satoru & reader
— summary; headcanons of reader as gojo’s mother
— manga spoilers
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❋ It's common for clan heads to have more than one wife, and you're just one of the many wives in the Gojo clan until you give birth to your son, which instantly propels you into a more prominent position of power.
❋ You call your son Satoru. His face is bright pink and crumpled-looking, his eyes grayish-blue and perfectly round. Hair covers his head like the pale feathers of a wet chick. And he's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
❋ The other elders probably want Satoru to be cared for by an army of nannies and wet nurses, but you insist on taking care of him yourself. You nurse him, bathe him, change him, all the while relishing the solid weight of your son in your arms. He's yours, and you don't want to let him go.
❋ Not to mention the fact that Satoru throws a literal fit whenever he's held by someone unfamiliar, or when he's held by someone he doesn't like. His little face turns bright red, and screws up into a tight little ball of anger with an open toothless mouth. He’s also not above spitting up on people, which hastily prompts a change in arms, and you swear you see a hint of satisfaction in Satoru’s eyes whenever this happens.
❋ Satoru cries a lot as a baby, due to the overwhelming sensory input from his Technique, but calms right down when you rock him in your arms or talk soothingly to him. He also enjoys listening to you sing. Even if you have the voice of a drowning cat, Satoru still stares at you in myopic wonder whenever you croon out a lullaby.
❋ You're reluctant to be apart from your baby for long, so you strap Satoru to your back or to your chest in a sling, and complete your daily chores with him by your side.
❋ You rarely throw your weight around, but you don't back down when it comes to your son. The elders are keen to start his training early, but you fight them every step of the way, saying he's a child, he's my child, and I won't let you treat him like this.
❋ You're not above taking your son and running away, if that's what it takes. Once you make that clear, the elders soon back down.
❋ As your son grows older and becomes swamped in lessons of etiquette and learning about the world of Shamans and Curses, you try to be there for him in all the ways you know how. You sneak him out of the estate and into the bustling city for short excursions and breaths of fresh air, letting him experience a sliver of normalcy before you're inevitably hustled back to the family estate once someone notices you've disappeared.
❋ You've learned to tell whenever someone dangerous is in the vicinity – Satoru tenses like a small, angry cat, and his fingers tighten around yours. You probably can't fight, but you swear to yourself and to him that you'll do whatever it takes to protect him, and even to an outsider, it's clear that you can and will kill to keep your son safe.
❋ You're also probably the one who introduced Satoru to sweets. It starts off small, with you teaching him how to bake. The two of you pick out recipes you like, and you'll spend the whole day in the kitchens. When Satoru grows up, he practically badgers you on a daily basis to make him his favorite cookies and cakes, because he's much too busy to make them himself.
❋ Once he becomes head of the Gojo clan, Satoru probably gifts you with a house of your own on the very fringes of the estate. He isn't trying to push you away, but is all too aware of your need for privacy, and how you would be happier away from the main house. Of course, your house includes a bedroom for him, in the event that he decides to drop by.
❋ As busy as he is, Satoru still makes time to try and see you, even if it's for a quick lunch or a snack. Sometimes, he'll just bury his head in your lap like an overgrown cat, and he’ll stay there while you pet at his hair – but that's only when he's really upset or stressed. If he has time for it, he'll definitely ask you to dress up, and he'll bring you out for a night on the town.
❋ All in all, a good, if slightly spoiled boy!
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passivenovember · 3 years
Another stupid Harringrove HC bc I'm full of them! Billy being the kind of obnoxious ass who will be pouring you a drink all 'tell me when to stop' and everytime Steve gets distracted or looks away he just keeps pouring until the drink is overflowing and spilling out of the cup and all over the table and he'll still keep going until Steve says 'Stop!', meaning, 'what the fuck, Billy!?' and 'WOAH' and 'knock it off!' are not accepted.
I'm so sorry this took so long!!
When you sent me this I was over the moon because this?? Is Billy's humor exactly. I thought for so long about the perfect universe to build for you, but instead put it in one of my WIPs.
This is a snippet from chapter seven of If Snow Loves the Trees and Fields. I hope you enjoy it.
"How many bottles of this shit do you keep on hand?"
"Cosmo says we should drink a glass of wine a night, so." Billy counts on his fingers. "Four? Seven? I dunno." He giggles. "Is there something in there you like?"
Steve hiccups, moving to cover his mouth with one hand but giggling when the hiccup beats him to it. He looks at Billy with wide, playful eyes. "How many bottles have we had, then, is anyone keeping count?"
His cheeks are so pink.
Billy's never even seen a shade of pink that vibrant, that lovely, and he feels like it could be a fluke because he works in a kindergarten classroom, for Christ sake. Some of his kids have the big pack of Crayola with everything from bubblegum to magenta wasted on cheap construction paper, but Steve.
He has them all beat, the way his tongue pokes out to put a glaze on his lips.
Pink pink pink.
Billy pours them each another glass, leaning heavily on the coffee table to keep from tipping over. "Where did the other bottles go?" He whispers.
Steve looks around wildly, shifting on his haunches to look under the coffee table. When he pops back up he nearly knocks the glass over and that sends them rolling down the hill. Clutching their sides in laughter.
"I love wine." Billy says, finishing his glass. "I love spilling stuff, too. Creating puddles to jump around in."
"I didn't mean to spill."
"You didn't, but you could." Billy slaps a thick, heavy hand on the hardwood below him. "Just dump the whole fuckin' bottle out, if you want to. These babies are indestructible."
Steve gasps, leaning all the way across the coffee table until Billy thinks maybe his head has filled with helium. "My friend just had a baby."
Billy wants to throw up. "Congratulations."
"Babies really are indestructible," Steve says with a voice full of glittering wonder. "The baby will crawl the fuck around sometimes, and I'm always worried his little arms will break when Robin swaddles him because it looks uncomfortable--"
"I like being swaddled." Billy says. Matter of fact.
But Steve isn't listening. He makes a bowl shape with his hands, like, "And his little noggin' just finished growing, like. Yesterday." He folds his arms, frowning. "I'm surprised Robin and her nanny haven't dropped him yet."
Billy leans back on his palms. "What about her husband, does he have a hand in all this?"
"She's raising the baby on her self."
"Like, on her tit? Breastfeeding?" Billy whispers, nearly dying when Steve's wine comes out through his nose.
They spend the next five minutes cleaning up peach scented snot with a paper towel, joining each other on the floor in front of the couch. Almost touching but not quite, as Billy gets the last of it, his fingers gentle on Steve's chin to hold him still.
Billy likes touching Steve.
Billy wants them to be like this forever, and for always. Drinking wine on his living room floor in damp, distant candle light. Steve's eyes have gone heavy lidded, like he's bare-knuckle boxing to stay awake. Billy runs his thumb over Steve's mouth, pretending to dab away the last bit of boogers.
Steve leans into the touch.
Billy keeps touching him. "Maybe you should lay down," He says. "Does your head hurt?"
"My nose burns. It feels like sizzling bacon." Steve wines, and.
It's adorable. Billy pulls Steve to his chest on impulse and Steve doesn't think twice about it, laying down with his head in Billy's lap once he manages to slide from collarbone to hip. His nose is red.
Pink and red, like valentines day.
Billy plays with Steve's hair, winding strands around his fingers and tugging until Steve bats at him, lazy and slow. "Don't pull my hair out of my head, Bill."
"I won't."
"I need it."
Billy grins. "For what?"
"For love. And Sex. And engagement photos, when he finally puts two and two together."
"When who puts two and three--"
"Can we stop talking about math?" Billy whines, tugging on Steve's hair again. "Jesus, I feel like I've done more math today than I have in fucking years."
Steve giggles, high and light like a baby. "God help the youth of Hawkins."
"Gee, thanks."
"You're cute." Steve pouts, turning until his nose is buried in Billy's stomach. When he speaks again the words are all muffled. "I should help you find a wife."
Billy doesn't even want to get into that. The impossibility of it all.
"Oh sure, maybe I'll date your friend with the baby," Billy teases, smirking when Steve bites him. "I'm not so good with babies but once the kid can shit in a toilet we'll be best pals."
Steve sits like the ground is on fire, getting right up in Billy's face. "You can't marry her." Steve says triumphantly.
Billy tucks the hair behind Steve's ears. "Why not?"
"Because she's a lesbian." Harrington pokes Billy's nose with his finger, and then with his own nose, like, "Ha-ha, you little cherub asshole, I foiled your plan!"
Steve giggles.
And rocks them back and forth.
And keeps staring at Billy with those eyes. All soft, so.
Billy moves away. "You getting sleepy?"
Steve cranes his neck to stare at the half empty bottle of Boone's on the floor next to them. He raises his eyebrows once, twice, three times, until Billy shakes his head.
"You need water, Harrington."
"I want wine."
"You're gonna hate yourself in the morning."
Steve gets on his haunches, finally pulling away from Billy to grab their empty glasses. He holds them over his head, like, "I'd never hate waking up here." And the glasses make little lady bug antenna's on Steve's head, so.
Who is Billy to argue.
He grabs the bottle and sets up shop, telling Steve to put the glasses on the coffee table so they won't spill.
Steve's lips form a pout. "You promised me a puddle to jump around in."
"I didn't--"
"You mentioned puddles to a drunk bisexual, Billy." Steve says, the picture of resolve. "What else is a gay to do? Forget about it? Move on?"
Billy shakes his head, putting the spout of the bottle over Steve's wine glass. "Tell me when to stop, pretty boy."
Steve nods with his whole body as the glass turns orange in the candle light.
Billy glances at Steve, watching him watch the bottle drain. "Um, Steve?"
"Yeah?" Steve says dreamily.
The glass starts to overflow.
Harrington jolts into action, like, "What are you doing?"
"I'm getting you some wine."
"It's spilling all over the place--"
"I thought you wanted a puddle, Steve."
"I was joking."
"Well you have to tell me when you stop." Billy says, almost bored. Like this is something he does everyday.
"Okay," Steve says, as if gathering his thoughts.
Billy keeps going.
Steve swats him, like, "I said okay, what the fuck--"
"Yeah, but you didn't say stop."
"Well fucking STOP, Billy." Steve laughs, loud and bright. "You're crazy, you know that? Like an apple falling from the tree or whatever it is they say?"
And that's not at all what they say, but.
Steve's fingers make little splashes in the puddle Billy creates for them, anyway, until the room seems to disappear.
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 7
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1896
Warnings:  Pregnancy, smut (MF, oral sex, vaginal sex, electrostimultion).
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 7: Glass Making
Our honeymoon was spent between the bed, the beach, and the pool.  Everyone went into full time, holiday mode for once. We were relaxing and just enjoying each other.  I was proud of them for just being able to turn off the way they all did.  I thought Steve would keep checking in with Hill and Fury, but I never caught him doing that once.  Instead, he was mostly out in the ocean with Thor, Clint, and Wanda, or at the bar with Tony and Sam.
There were a few small complications.  Bucky was having a little bit of a problem with sand and the salt air with his arm, but Tony would use an air compressor to clean it out when he needed it.  Mornings could be a little rough with Wanda’s and Natasha’s morning sickness, but with the right combination of ginger pills and bland food it usually passed before lunch and we’d spend the rest of the day sunbathing, swimming, going to the spa, or fucking.  Most of the time we were just relaxing and having fun.
There was a buzz of excitement about me getting pregnant too, and Tony was extremely protective of me, which I found very funny.  There was a firm rule; ‘the only dicking down Elise gets is his’.  He seemed to really want to make sure that baby was biologically his.
It wasn’t until the second week that Tony wasn’t just hovering over me all the time, ready to try again at a moment's notice.  I was taking the time to just relax on the beach, stretching out topless on a rug and getting some sun.  Thor came striding down the sand wearing nothing except a pair of dark blue swim trunks.  He had a bright pink frozen cocktail in one hand and Mjolnir hanging from the other.
“Elise,” he boomed, coming over and sitting beside me.  “You are without your shadow.”
I chuckled and lowered my sunglasses, looking at him over the top of them.  “Mmm… it’s nice isn’t it?”
Thor placed the glass down in the sand and Mjolnir above my head on the rug.  He leaned down on his elbow so he was hovering over me and looked down into my eyes.  “Very nice,” he agreed and brought his lips to mine.  His hand ran up my side and caressed under the curve of my breast.  I moaned softly and arched my back so my breast pushed up into his hand.
“Is Tony not being here a big turn on?” I giggled as he broke the kiss and began to kiss down my chest and latched on to my breast.
“My wife lying half-naked on the beach is a turn on,” he said looking up at me as his fingers danced down my stomach and slipped into my bikini bottoms.
I moaned and reached down and palmed his cock through his trunks.  “I’ll have to do it more often then.”
“It is just good to see your inhibitions dropped,” he said as he slowly fingered my clit “There are always so many people to worry about doing such things.  It is exciting, is it not?”
“Oh yes,” I gasped, rolling my hips up against this hand.  His cock hardened under my hand, and I outlined it with my palm as I stroked it up and down.
Thor chuckled and pushed my legs apart before kneeling between them.  “Try not to attract too much attention,” he teased before pushing my bikini bottoms to the side and running his tongue up in a wide swipe.
I hummed and closed my eyes, tangling my hands in his hair and tugging on it lightly.  He began to slowly and methodically lap at my cunt.  I rolled my hips against his face as he very gradually increased his pressure and pace and became more focused.  Despite his warning not to attract attention, he was in no hurry to get this over with.
My cunt tingled and my toes curled.  I gripped his hair and pushed him harder against my cunt grinding it against his face.  He groaned loudly and pushed two fingers inside me.  He twisted them inside me and spread them, adding a burn to the buzz traveling through me.  I rocked my hips faster and faster as I got closer and closer to the edge.  Just as I was sitting right there on the edge, Thor pushed his fingers against my g-spot and I came, bucking up against his face.
He groaned drinking up the fluids that gushed from me.  He started to crawl back up my body, pushing down his trunks just enough to free his cock.
“Woah,” I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.  “Where do you think that’s going?”
“You don’t want it, Elise?” He purred, kissing my neck and palming my cunt.
“Thor,” I moaned, rolling my hips against his hand without even meaning to.  “Not until I’m pregnant.”
“But you are, my queen,” he said, his hands still sending waves of pleasure running through me.
I froze and looked up at him.  “What?”
“I just noticed as I came over, mea vida,” Thor whispered.  “You are with child.”
Tears pricked my eyes and I pulled him down into a deep and passionate kiss.  As his lips caressed mine and his tongue flicked into my mouth, he sunk his cock deep inside of me.  I moaned into the kiss and wrapped my arms around him, holding him close as he rolled his hips with mine, pulling himself up so that the base of his cock rubbed against my clit.
I raised my hips and pulled my knees up and he moved to his knees and pulled me up more, starting to fuck me hard.  He leaned down, his spine curving, and his muscles flexing as he pounded into me.  I reached my hands over my head and my hand wrapped around Mjolnir’s handle.  A crackle went through both of us.  It made my muscles clench and my hips buck up hard.  I cried out and lightning started to dance on our skin and blue plasma leaked from our eyes.
“My goddess,” Thor groaned, looking down at me.  I cradled his jaw and we began to move as one.  He leaned down and kissed me deeply.  Everything was intense, there was no thought of no longer attracting attention, we were loud and bright.  Electricity danced along the sand, turning it to glass as we got closer and closer to our orgasms.
“Oh god,” I mewled, arching my back up.  He angled his cock so the head hit my g-spot again and again.  “Thor, Thor, I’m so close.”
“I am with you, lover.  With me,” he groaned and picked up his pace.
We came as one, I cried out arched right up off the rug and Thor roared and he jerked inside me and released.  A crash of lightning exploded out of us and burst up and along the sand.
As everything settled, I collapsed back panting.  The ground was hard under me and when Thor rolled from on top of me onto his back he started to laugh in a soft deep rumble.  “I think we marked our spot,” he chuckled.
The gate that led to our bungalow opened and Clint and Steve came out.  “Well, well, well, what have you two been up to?”  Clint teased.
“That thunderclap scared the shit out of me,” Steve added.
“Sorry,” Thor laughed as he got up and I put my bikini top back on.  “We were taking a moment and Elise took hold of Mjolnir.  Two thunder gods coming together like that will always make a mark.”
“Jesus,” Clint said, coming over and kneeling beside us.  He brushed the sand away from the glass on the ground.  “You can say that again.  You made a sex sculpture.”
I got up and moved the rug.  Beneath where we had a thick piece of glass had formed.  Branching out from the large center where we lay were long tendrils of glass that resembled the roots of a tree.  “That is beautiful,” I said.  “Can we keep it?  I bet it would look amazing in a fountain.”
“Yes, that’s what we need, El,” Clint teased.  “A big ol’ sex sculpture.”
I pouted and Steve sighed.  “Thor and I will dig it up and put it on the jet.”
I ran over and kissed his cheek.  “Thank you, Steve.”
He wrapped his arm around my waist and drew me close.  “Weren’t you supposed to be holding off on penetrative sex until we knew you were pregnant?”
I smiled up at him.  “I am pregnant.”
Steve’s eyes went wide and then softened.  “Really?”
I nodded, tearing up again.  “It is true,” Thor added.
“Oh, El,” Steve said and leaned in and kissed me deeply.  Clint moved up quickly and when Steve pulled back, Clint pulled me into his arms and kissed me too.
I pulled back and leaned against Clint as his calloused fingers brushed over my stomach.  “El, I think there’s someone you need to go tell before everyone else.”
I nodded.  “Yeah. Yes.  I’ll go do it.”
“And tonight we’ll have a nice family meal on the beach to celebrate,” Steve said.  “Four new children.  This is going to be interesting.”
“You’re telling me,” Clint said.  “Thank god we’re getting nannies.”
I flicked through the threads, locking on to Tony’s and I followed it to where he was sitting at the Bar with Sam.
“There she is,” Sam said with a slight slur in his voice.  He held out his hand to me, and I took it and let him draw me in against him.
“What was the bang?”  Tony said.  “Gave me a minor heart episode.”
“I was making lightning with Thor,” I said.
“Well, warn a guy next time,” Tony said.  “Were you looking for us?  Ready to try again?”
I smiled and took Tony’s hand, putting it on my stomach.  This was what it was supposed to be like when you were having kids.  People were supposed to be there for you and be excited.  I was so happy to be getting it now and I wanted to drag it out as long as I could.  “I’ll doink you if you want.”
“Doink,” Sam giggled.  “You’re so sexy, princess.”
“I know I am,” I teased.  “We don’t need to try anymore though.  So it would just be recreational doinking.”
Tony blinked at me as Sam wrapped me in his arms and kissed my neck.  “Congratulations, babe,” Sam whispered.
“Seriously?”  Tony asked.
“Yeah.  Thor just told me,” I said smiling and playing with Tony’s fingers.  “You happy?”
He seemed to be frozen and in the moment between heartbeats, I began to panic that he’d changed his mind and he was going to panic again.
All at once, he lit up, a huge smile crossing his face.  He drew me into his arms and kissed me deeply.  His hands going into my hair.  I started to cry as we kissed, my emotions getting the best of me.  I was so happy.  Tony pulled back and brushed the tears from my cheek.  “Why are you crying?”  He asked.
I shook my head.  “I just… can’t believe we get this life.”
He smiled and pulled me close.  “Me either, honey,” he whispered.  “But we do, so let’s just enjoy it.”
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Now who's the stink butt? Part one of two
Not for the first time and certainly not for the last time Zora the bat woke up with a pounding headache and a slightly queasy tummy after a night of hard drinking.
looking up at the ceiling she tried to figure out why she was seeing such bright lights and white instead of her gray ceiling with no lights as she just used a table lamp but gave up trying to make sense of it as she closed her eyes.
'ugh...Ok..not the first time you've crashed at someone else's place while 3 sheets to the wind.. Let's just take a second to make sure whatever the hell we ate last stays down then sit up.' She thought to herself.
The humanoid Bat could of sworn the last thing she'd had was some chilli fries but the less then appeal taste in her mouth suggested something more veggie based and not as appealing to her.
keeping her eyes closed so the bright light wouldn't shrine in them again she slowly sat up, but as she did so she was made aware of a odd crinkling noise and some sort of bulky around her hips. Hands placed down on the sides of her and noticing just how soft whoever's bed it was she had borrowed was, she slowly opened her eyes and looked down.
And then started freaking out.
"WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK AM I FUCKING WEARING!?!" She cried out, showing her strong grasp of the many uses of the F word.
That curse would be justified however as not every 22 year old bartender would expect to wake up and find themselves in a light pink onesie that had 'good girl in training' in silvery text on the front and the crotch of which was puffed out with a thick diaper that based on what was poking out at the leg holes was white in color.
Looking around she realized that the soft and comfy bed she had been sleeping off her buzz in was in fact a freaking crib, with high bars to discourage whoever was in them from climbing out.
"Yeahh asses on this." Zora said and standing up on wobbly legs she started to flex her wings.
Crouching down she prepared herself for a jumping take off and leap up into the air..and then crashed face first into the mattress as he wings fluttered weakly.
'Ok..Clearly whoever put you in here has thought this out and is prepared.. so just bide your time and wait for them to show themselves then give them hell!' Zora thought, pushing herself back up and rubbing her nose.
Just because it was a cushioned landing didn't mean she hadn't hurt her little snout.
right about then a door appear in the otherwise blank walls that made up the room she was in and in walked a steel gray robot but build to resemble a adult woman, and wearing a nurses uniform and having shoulder length red hair in curls.
"well about time you woke up little miss sleepyhead." The tin can said in a pleasure sounds voice. How did our newest widdle one enjoy her sleepy time?"
"..Apparently this 'little one' had her drink spiked and is tripping balls still." Zora said, raising a eyebrow and pinching her arm.
"heh, not at all! you were dropped off last night and signed in by your big sister who was VERY concerned about you.. Your at the Second youth mental institution for adult babies. we'll be helping you come to terms with your big baby needs and desires and finding a healthy way to balance your big and little sides!" The nanny said.
"Uh-huh..Right..I see.." Zora said nodding her head as if accepting all of this. "Oh just one tiny little itsy bitsy question before we go on."
"what is it?" The nanny asked, all smiles and looking pleased the new patient was so accepting.
"...why do -I- always get the stubborn ones?" the Nanny asked and came over, producing a bar of soap from a compartment.
Across town A skunk named Funk (her parents hadn't exactly been witty when it came to naming their daughter) was checking the time on her watch as she had a bowl of fruit loops.
'hmm, widdle baby Zora should be awake by now.. I wonder how many times she's sworn so far?' Funk mused, smirking with a mouth full and getting milk going down her chin.
the 24 year old was technically friends with Zora, best friends however but that didn't mean she wasn't willing to torment and put Zora in her place as she saw fit.
Zora wasn't a fan of the tricks but was always quick to forgive and forget, what with Funk being like a cool older sister to her and even having helped Zora get a job at the same bar where Funk worked as a bartender.
'and then after all of that, that little bitch..ngggh.. Happy thoughts Funk. she's getting her just desserts.' Funk thought to herself.
Sure, maybe setting Zora up to be locked up till either Funk signed her out or Zora passed the therapy sessions that were before her was a little bit over the top but then again Zora HAD stabbed her in the back, so to speak.
with the old shift supervisor giving his two weeks and moving out of the city the bartenders were all given a chance to show they had what it took to step up and get the new opened job. while there was 6 bartenders the position was really only viable for Funk or Zora as they were the most competent and responsible staff members and knew all the in's and outs and Funk had just figured her having worked at keggers longer, she'd be a shoe in.
So picture her shock when she caught Zora giving a big speech to their boss about how she was always covering for Funk's mistakes and how she had to keep reminding Funk to take the medication that kept her from stinking up the bar.
"if it wasn't for me, that stinky butt of hers would have this place looking like a ghost town!" Zora had said.
well, two could play this game and as Zora was undoubtedly learning right this moment, when it came to playing dirty Funk was the mother fucking queen.
One mouth washing later and Zora had bubbles coming out the sides of her mouth and was glaring at the nanny.
"now little one, I know that was unpleasant however you HAVE to learn that that kind of potty mouth will NOT be tolerated." The nanny said, wagging a finger.
"Try that again and I'll ta-" Zora snarled but her threat died off as the bar started for her mouth again. "..whatever.." she huffed.
"Now, we'd like to start you off at the toddler level if that's ok with you, unless your headspace when Little is much younger. the diaper is only so you wouldn't have a big accident and we do have a room with a toddler bed for you."
Zora's ears perked up at the mention of a bed bed, and she gave a little smile.
"oh yeah, totally..I can handle being a toddler. that means panties right?" She asked.
"Well training panties and we'll see how you handle those. I should mention you will be treated as you act, so fussy tantrums and the like will demote you down the age scale. Also violent actions towards the nannies or other little will NOT be tolerated and will earn a spanking, a strait jacket and a extended time out in the punishment room."
"..the what room?" Zora asked, a nervous twinge to her voice and her bladder filling out.
"the punishment room where naughty litle biters and kickers and punchers go..but your going to be a good girl aren't you?" Nanny asked, reaching between the bars and patting Zora's head.
if not for the threat of a punishment room, Zora would of bit the hand but with the threat fresh in her mind, she bite her tongue instead.
"Y-yeah..totally..Uh..can I mayyybe get a potty or something? I have to take a pi-...a tinkle really bad." She said, catching herself JUST in time to avoid anther mouth washing.
The nanny wasn't fooled for a second and the smirk showed it, but since the new baby HAD caught herself it let it go.
"Of course, Right this way." it said and lowered the crib bars and held out a hand.
a fight or flight response swelled up in Zora, but the door that had opened in the wall had closed after the nanny had come in so it wasn't like it would of done her any good.
'Let's just play the long game for the moment, and avoid wetting your huggie like a big baby. there's always a chance to escape later.' she thought to herself.
Belly full and having made use of a potty unlike Zora would be able too (Funk had no illusions that Zora wouldn't be able to maintain potty privileges for more then a hour, maybe 2 at best) and Funk was out the door in her black dress pants and white t-shirt that was the semi uniform for the bar. Zora was suppose to come in and do a prep shift and then work the afternoon but -gosh- the boss had been calling and calling her and getting no answer.
Funk had been called up and asked if she knew where Zora was and naturally lied, but then offered to come in and cover, she wouldn't mind working a bit longer then she had to if it meant helping her boss out, she was JUST that kind of hard worker.
Of course the boss was impressed and made sure Funk knew this really helped her chances with the upcoming promotion and the Skunk was all grins as she made her way into work.
'I wonder how dork for brains is making out?'
Zora was fighting back tears as Nanny gave her a small hug, her diaper was soaked and drooping in the front even though she was RIGHT in front of the training potty.
she had been SO freaking close when a loud crash had echoed though the halls (She'd later find out it was a tower of blocks that two of the boys in the place had built up only for one of them to trip and fall into it) and started Zora's bladder had pulled a Elsa and let it go.
"awww it's ok little one, Accidents happen! we'll still let you try out training panties." The nanny assured Zora.
"I-it's not alright! it's not ok! I don't wet myself! I'm a big girl! I am!" Zora whimpered, realizing just how infantile her whines were and how much they were NOT helping her out, but she just couldn't help herself.
"heh, I know. How about we get that soggy diapie off and you can take a seat on the potty and show me what a big girl you are?" the nanny asked.
"what's the point? I just totally dumped out my bladder!" Zora huffed then her tummy gurgled and a muffled poot came out. "er..On second thought, I'll take you up on that potty time." she said quickly.
"I thought you might." the nanny said and winked a eye at her.
Onesie undone and diaper taken off Zora planted her button the ducky shaped potty and held onto the handles as she shut her eyes tight and unleashed her morning glory with more gusto then she could recall ever doing before, just graceful it wasn't in the back of a diaper.
"oh my! someones a super duper pooper!" Nanny coo'ed, praising Zora and making the bat blush more and open a eye.
"Can..can I just do this WITHOUT the color commentary?" She groaned.
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wayward-riana · 4 years
The Lost Silhouette | Part One | Thomas Shelby
Summary: After Grace’s death, Tommy had closed his heart off but when he marries the new female detective of the Crime Investigation Department of Birmingham only for protection from the law, his cold exterior starts melting.
Thomas Shelby x reader
Warnings: Mentions of murder and violence. Brief mentions of sadness and depression.
A/N: Charlie is 1 and a half years old in this story. Grace died when he was just a couple of months old. The reader’s job in this is not entirely historically accurate. But I hope you enjoy.
Dull blue eyes stare up at the ceiling as pink lips wrap around the white roll of paper. The air is heavy as it has been for the last eighteen months. There isn’t a hint of happiness in this dreadful residence. The only thing that keeps the house from seeming haunted is the rare laughs of the little toddler that Thomas’ lover had left him, before she was shot right in front of his steel blue eyes.
The blue eyes that used to shine so bright once. The blue eyes that used to light up. The blue eyes that dreamed so big. Now those same blue eyes have lost all their light. They hold no emotions. No happiness. No love. Only a little bit of affection for Charlie.
Tommy lost all his ambitions and the only reason why he keeps going on is for his beloved son, who he loves the most in this world. Everything Tommy does is only for the good of his dear son. So when he married Y/N, he told himself he wasn’t betraying Grace, he was doing it for Charlie and for his family. Charlie was only just a few months old and he needed a mother-figure in his life and to Tommy a nanny did not count as a mother-figure.
Y/N was a girl from a noble family, who had a pretty prestigious job. A job that no other woman seemed to have at the time. A detective. When she first met Tommy, she had just been transferred to Birmingham from London. Around that time, the Peaky Blinders were having a lot of issues with the law. The cops made their lives a living hell. He did what he thought was right, he went to Y/N’s superior and asked her hand in marriage. Y/N’s superior was the superintendent, Christopher Holden, who was transferred to Birmingham alongside her. He was a father-figure to her, as her father died in the great war.
Christopher was absolutely appalled by the idea. He wasn’t going to let someone like Tommy marry one of the best officers in the unit. He wasn’t her biological father, but he loved her like she were his own blood and flesh. So. Tommy made a deal that he’ll help them keep all the gangs in Birmingham on a leash if he got to marry Y/N. He knew if he married her, someone with such a big reputation in the police department, no one would be able to even lay a finger on his family and the rest of the Peaky Blinders.
Christopher agreed to the deal only if Y/N did.
Y/N is an independent woman with a job that she absolutely loves. She earns her own money and has saved up enough money that she could buy the city of Birmingham if she wanted to. She didn’t need a man. She was almost twenty-seven but unmarried, which was strange to everyone. She was beautiful, head-strong, classy, smart and rich. Everything a man would want yet she never married. The reasons were unknown.
But she never imagined herself to be in an arranged marriage. Especially, with someone who is always in trouble with the law. She would’ve never agreed to it if it weren’t for Christopher. He put out all the benefits this marriage would bring to the department but he never forced her. But she was smart enough, so she agreed to marry Thomas Shelby.
Tommy’s family was pretty skeptical about Tommy’s decision to marry a cop. But as Polly says, “Tommy knows best.” When he told everyone about the marriage, everyone was...somewhat cooperative.
“She’s a cop?” John scrunched his face in disapproval.
“Yes,” Arthur confirmed. “She’s too pretty for such a disgraceful job.”
Polly wasn’t sure of what Y/N was going to be like. She never approved of Grace but knew how much she meant to her nephew. She knew that Tommy had no liking or feelings towards the detective, but she still held out the hope that he would be happy one day.
Surprisingly, everyone adored Y/N. Her quick-wit, knowledge, and kindness managed to charm the Shelby’s. They were more than thrilled to welcome her into the family.
Tommy didn’t care about that at all. He never knew what she was like and he couldn’t care less. They only had exchanged a few words before they got married. They never even had a proper conversation. She didn’t care either, she was doing it for the good of the city. She only cared about that and Charlie, who she instantly fell in love with when she first met him. The little boy adored her as well, which was a huge relief to his father.
The wedding was a beautiful yet gloomy one. The wedding took place on the edge of a beautiful cliff. The guests were just the Peaky Blinders and some of Y/N’s closest friends.
The altar was decorated with all kinds of flowers. It was the only thing that made Y/N happy.
Tommy didn’t even kiss her on the lips. He just offered her a small peck on the cheek.
The feeling of his lips lingering on her cheek is a feeling that Y/N still remembers every time he walks into her bedroom with Charlie in his arms and a cigarette hanging from his lips. He always stands by the edge of her bed and briefly mentions some business that he needs her help with. He then lets Charlie kiss her goodnight, before he disappears back in his bedroom with the little boy. And that’s the only amount of interaction Y/N has with Tommy, everyday.
However, Y/N feels a little more courageous today. 
She smooths out her blazer, while looking in the mirror for the last time. The light of the early sun makes her navy blue pant-suit a little more bright than it is. Her hair shines underneath the rays of the sun. She walks out of her bedroom door with her suitcase in her hand. Instead of walking downstairs, she takes a turn and walks into her husband’s bedroom. Something, she never does. 
The open door of his bedroom is very unusual, so she peaks her head through the door and sees Tommy rummaging through his drawers, getting ready for work as well. She clears her throat to grab his attention. He turns his head slightly and catches a glimpse of the woman. He raises his eyebrows, expressing his surprise.
“Yeah?” He grumbles.
“Was heading to work, so I thought I’d say goodbye before I leave.” She explains. In the six months of their marriage, this has never happened before. 
Tommy eyes her up and down, taking in the sight. He has seen her in a suit maybe twice, because the only time he ever sees her is when they both get home from work and get settled in their home attires. 
“All right,” He nods at her. “G’bye” 
Y/N bites the inside of her cheek as she nods back at him. Before she heads out, she goes to kiss Charlie as she always does. 
On her way out of the home, a wave of sadness washes over her. She realises that her silly heart has fallen for her husband who she had no relationship with. Other than legal papers binding them together, they were not even acquaintances.
She had not fallen for anyone after she lost the only man she ever loved, to the war. James. Major James Voight was a gallant man who fought alongside Y/N’s father in the great war in France. She lost both of them. She never wanted to love again. She was too afraid to lose someone again.
Tommy didn’t know about this. He didn’t know that she lost her fiance to the war. He never knew how troubled she was, deep down inside. 
Now that she has fallen in love so foolishly, she tells her feelings to shut down like a machine. She has functioned herself to be a machine, to never feel again. But the machine she made, seems to not work anymore. The fear courses through her veins, because she knows...she knows that as her heart beats in her chest, it now only beats for Thomas Shelby.
I hope you all enjoyed this. I’ll be writing a few more parts of this particular story. So, stay tuned for more. R, xxx.
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kth1 · 4 years
Crosscurrents [Hoseok x Reader] Part 1
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Crosscurrents - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Genre: The Little Mermaid AU | Fantasy AU | Series Pairing: Mermaid!Hoseok x Princess!Reader Featuring: BTS Princes Warnings: Angst, fluff, rated G, sorry no smut, mentions of pain, eventual character death, it’s just a fantasy story. W/C: 6k Summary: Hoseok is a carefree middle child among seven princes, each running one of the seven seas. With a curious nature to study the world above, he makes several routine visits to the surface, once even saving an alluring princess who he grows very smitten by. With a strong determination to meet his lovely princess, Hoseok makes a risky deal with the ocean’s enchantress to become human. Author’s Note: This fic is something I was utterly happy and exited to write. Mermaids and fantasy stories, yippee. Thank you all who support me. Portions of the fic is unedited. 🐚🧜‍♂️
Credits: Story includes strong elements from Hans Christian Andersen’s ‘The Little Mermaid’; Disney’s ‘The Little Mermaid’; and Michiko Yokote’s manga ‘Mermaid Melody’. Beta Reader: @shadowsremedy​ has helped me with a handful of passages throughout the course of this story, thank you so much.
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Miles away under the sun-kissed surface of the ocean, where the water is clear as crystal and blue as the contrasting sky above – resided populations of beautiful mythical creatures. Down in the lowest depths, the most scarce of areas that no human would ever dare to scavenge, lived the Mer-people.
Underwater forestry, plants, organisms of wondrous visions illuminating the deepest pits of the oceans. Fishes of all sizes and shapes occupied the area, weaving through the stems and leaves of charted trees along the motion of the currents. Just as birds fly among the surface. Gorgeous sands decorated the floor along with seven separate kingdoms enriched with enchanting palaces, each declaring a claim to their own sea.
Each palace, unique in their own way. Accommodating their surrounding habitats. Each of the seven districts ruled under the marvelous Mer-King, and each sea acquainted a heavenly, handsome prince. Kingdoms decorated with coral walls, sculpted sandstone slates and amber pointed windows. Roofs made from the finest and largest of mussel-shells, clams and hidden glittering pearls and jewels. Stones of riches, easily the most expensive gems that belonged in the pits of the hidden worlds.
The Mer-King seeded the realms with seven little princes who were all very beautiful children in their own distinctive ways. For each Prince, were given a household to look after, to grow up with, and study in practice to control their provinces.
Within the Arctic Ocean, where merfolk varied in shades of murky indigo and dotted with black spots was inhabited by the eldest of sons, Prince Seokjin. The Indian Ocean decorating the waves with scales of vibrant oranges complimented with a singular stripe of white down the backside, consisted Prince Yoongi. The cold of the Antarctic rested Prince Namjoon, along with his kingdom of deep purple-to-silver tailed scaly family. Tails irradiated a glow just like the moon reflecting on water.
Creatures in the North and South Pacific diverse in tropical colors, salmon pink beings belonging to Prince Jimin in the north, and bright crisp yellow folks ruled under the south’s youngest, Prince Jungkook. The last two kingdoms lay in the Atlantic Ocean. Beautiful deep green tails of the north, quipped with touches of holographic shine belonged to Prince Taehyung. Lastly, the region in the South Atlantic was full of rays of aqua blue and speckled with gold – is where Prince Hoseok lives.
Throughout their childhoods, given brief age gaps and the stretch of locations between another, the brothers all grew up together. Frequent visits, family gatherings being a constant presence with the young boys. All merfolk belonged to another, they took after another and populated the sea floor. Fishes would swim up, gently being held, feeding out of the hands of mermaids and mermen. Eventually within a mer-person’s life, they will be acquainted with a creature of any species. A forever buddy that becomes their pet, their friend, and family.
The beauty of the South Atlantic Ocean kingdom with a magnificent palace that had astounding flowers growing between the cracks of the walls in each apartment and room, was decorated with a large garden in the front. Full of dark and iridescent baby-blue trees with fruits that glittered like gold. Matching the specs of gold that embellished the tails of the locals. Flowers blazed with hues of butterscotch yellows, resembling the bright and burning sun from the surface above. Bushes and smaller shrubs matched the color of sulfur.
Hoseok was certainly a singular child, one who was quiet and thoughtful in group settings, but was the loudest and most careless when it came to freedom. His skin was soft and delicate, like the touch of a sunflower leaf. His eyes sparked a deep blue, twisted with an almond mix of brown. His tail was no doubt the most stunning in his sector, outshining others around him, a tell-tailed sign that he was of royalty. But the most notable of signs that screams royalty was the unique earring that never left Hoseok’s lobe.
Each handsome prince was given a dedicated pearl at their coming of age ceremonies, each identifying with their tail color. To which they must protect and kept safe for the sake of their empires. For the fact that these pearls harness great mystical powers, such power compacted within one tiny jewel. But this power could completely destroy a nation if given to the wrong hands, and if their owners neglect their duties.
Nothing pleased Prince Hoseok more than hearing about the unreachable world from above. Human beings who lived on land, not within the sea. Stories fascinated the curious mind of Hoseok, constantly being riddled with tales of these notorious humans. Over time, with the help of Nannies and families, Hoseok’s knowledge grew when it came to the world that was simply out of reach. Ships, towns, land animals, you name it.
Over the course of his younger days, he ventured out into the sea, accompanied by his trusty companion, Kiko – a leafy sea dragon. Together they collected a handful of unknown knick knacks, thingamajigs, and doohickeys that they forged for from shipwrecks. To this day – Hoseok still makes these trips, ventured out further into the sea without supervision, even breaking the surface of the water to catch a glimpse of the amazing world.
Nights where he could sneak away, rise to the surface and lay under the moonlight in the clefts of the rocks. Watching lights from the shoreline flicker dimly, the casted stars sparkling the sky in beautiful constellations.
“It’s so beautiful up here, isn’t it Kiko?” Hoseok spoke towards the leafy sea dragon that circled around his fins which remained dipped in the water. He sighed, breathing in the foreign air, the dryness cutting into his lungs. The wind played with his shaggy hair, his earring dangling along. His eyes set firmly on the coast, waves easing in and out at the ridge of the bay. Everything up here was so unfamiliar to Hoseok, so tempting and entertaining.
“There’s beautiful places all over. And under.” Kiko mused back. Skeptical and cautious as she grew accustomed to Hoseok’s nightly adventures. There was no way she could talk the Prince out of his plans, ever.
“But up here is so – is so,” he pauses. Noticing a small child holding an elder woman’s hand, probably enjoying a nightly walk on the beach. “… Amazing.”
The high church-towers were in view within the town that lined the coast. Carriages and music playing in the distance, even the chime of bells ringing. The simple fact that he could not go there himself caused him to yearn for it more, wish for it to happen in his dreams. This Prince was indeed passionate about the land before him, stretching his hands towards the air.
“Careful yourself, Hoseok.” Kiko warned. “It’s late, shouldn’t we be heading back before someone notices your disappearance?”
He nodded, with his eyes still trained on the silhouettes of the strolling humans. Watching them turn up a set of stairs and disappearing behind the curve of the walkway. He was fascinated, the kinship between humans wasn’t much different from his to his folks. Humans were so distant, but they seemed so similar to him.
A small tug on his fin caught his attention, seeing his little buddy pulling him. “Let’s go, you have a busy day tomorrow.”
On the swim back, descending down into the dept of the sea, Hoseok reminisced his favorite times above water. The early mornings, the midday views of seagulls flying high above in flocks, the sunsets were clouds scattered the sky and painted in violets, reds, and oranges. Watching the Sun extinguish into the horizons plane as the cool of the night sky took over.
Hoseok loved the upper world and all its inhabitants so very much.
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Daybreak tickled the waters, reflections of lights bouncing and refracting off another in the clear-cut liquids. It shined through Hoseok’s large amber window, casting a ray on his slumbering face causing him to wince. His body curled tighter in his clam-based bed; a thicket of woven blankets made of the finest kelp keeping him comfortable. Bio-luminescent decorations that drifted within his quarters losing their dim glows.
Shortly, his door would be knocked upon. Guards prepared to assist him along his daily routines, breakfast, taking a swim through the gardens, fitting for dresswear. Today, his brothers were due for a visit – since his kingdom was hosting the annual Festival of the Arts this year, as the event rotated between each realm every year.
It was always a delight to seek comfort from his siblings, to talk among another with similar thoughts and feelings as each and every single one of them were in the same shoes – in this case, fins. They were close to another regardless of the actual distance of their homes. And he was more than happy to celebrate the festivities and provide his best hosting service.
Prince Jungkook was the first to have arrived along with his party, very atypical of the youngest who outshines the mer-world quite frankly with his beaming yellow tail and natural abilities. His excitement to see his older brother urgently was overwhelming as he searched throughout the Aqua realm’s palace for Hoseok. Wittingly enough, he knew Hoseok’s patterns, the layout of the entire home.
“Hyung!” Rang through the water – not sounding quick enough for Hoseok to process before the bulldozing clash of his body into another’s. Tough arms circled Hoseok, tightening in a rush just in time for him to tilt his head to catch the sight of jet-black hair and a flash of canary yellow.
“Ah, Jungkook. You nearly gave me a heart attack!” Hoseok hollers. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”
Jungkook laughs, holding his brother tight and against his will, “I’m sorry Hobi – it won’t happen again.” The scrunch of Jungkook’s nose and the teasing smile made his quick apology sound completely fake.
“You’ve filled out more I see.” He notes the stature of Jungkook from the last time he’s seen him. Chest expanding further, his hair longer and pulled in a half bun with loose ends spilling out around his fringe. The twinkle of Jungkook’s yellow pearl lays just between his clavicles on a threaded necklace. But his youngest brother still adorned his childlike smile, large eyes popping out with animation.
“Indeed, I have.” Said the yellow tailed man.
“Have you prepared well for the ceremony tonight?” Hoseok questioned while shifting out of the other man’s clutch, fluttering his fingers through his case of human books. Careful not to tear the thinned papers that were not made for the water.
They were in the secondary study – dedicated to Hoseok’s cherished collectibles of human items that drifted down to the sea floor. It was a private area, filled with wonder and intertwining plants. So many new and beautiful objects decorated the interior of the room along with the drifting innocent fishes that floated around like fruit flies.
Jungkook grabbed hold of his brothers’ hand, tearing him past the seaweed curtains and out of the room. “I need help with a part of the choreography – I’m not sure what to do.”
Each of the seven princes were a part of the annual festival, performing their own pieces of art. Music surrounded their lives, and each prince specialized in one of the three professions: Singer. Dancer. Composer.
In tune with another – they create a perfect melody, a rhythm they cast into the waters. And all together they grow stronger with the help of their pearls.
“Let’s not head to the ballroom – I’m sure they are still setting up.”
“Jungkook! Sir!! Prince!” A peep of a scream came from the corner, a frantic Moorish Idol fish bee-lining towards the two still Princes. “Don’t you bolt off like that again! I can’t catch up with your speed!” it pants as it swarms around Jungkook’s face.
“Gotta be quicker, Pip!” Jungkook giggled, using his fingers to brush against his tuckered-out buddy.
Pip eyed Hoseok, recognizing the older Prince and jumped in embarrassment. “Prince, I apologize! I didn’t greet you properly, please I am so dearly sorry!”
“No need for formalities.” A wave of Hoseok’s hand hushed Pip’s words. “It’s nice to see you again. Now – about that choreography…”
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The rooms were lit to the high-nine. Capacity of several variations of flourished colored tails decorated Hoseok’s palace – events like these are his favorite. Not only is he surrounded by his school, he’s encircled by his glorious brothers. The only thing that stressed out the aqua tailed prince, wasn’t the planning of events, fitting for costumes, dresswear, or deciding the best dishes to cater. The performance he practiced for day in and day out alike his brothers – what stressed Hoseok out was the company of his father, the Mer-King himself who only showed his presence for special occasions.
Each Prince were presented in front of the crowd of hundreds, their titles in all. Dolled up to accommodate the affair with engaging chains that wrapped around their waists and wrists, extra clam and shell accessories added to decorate around their loose arms and tail. Designed capes, hip skirts, and sheer fabrics that moved with the waves as they would do with the wind from above. Crowns made from wreaths of white lilies with bejeweled opal white pearls dangling down the band.
One by one they presented their acts along the stage, an entertaining uproar surpassed through the crowds from the Royal’s concert. The dancers who weaved like fluid coil to the cords of music were nonother than the feisty topaz yellow Jungkook, the carefree aquamarine dazzled Hoseok, and the flirtatious yet ditzy salmon pink royal, Prince Jimin.
Contrasting the dancers were the stunning vocalists of the group, Seokjin and Taehyung. Together they crafted a harmonious aura with their lyrics and tones. Entreating voices far sweeter than any human or mer-folk around.
Princes Namjoon and Yoongi of the Antarctic and Indian Oceans were strong composers, masters in a range of musical instruments. Their wits, knowledge, and pure love for the magical symphonies poured out of their bodies through devices and tools. Drafting tunes for songs every breathing moment.
It was late once again as Hoseok frustratedly swam up to his usual cove. Hoisting his body up on a smooth rocky islet that broke through the surface. Up here, Hoseok felt light and at ease. Repressing the tensions that bellowed below in the pit of his realm. The breeze was steady and refreshing, toying with the stands of his dampened hair and drying off the droplets of water that trickled down his skin.
He shed the tokens that deemed his high rank prior to wondering off from the palace, only keeping his stationary earpiece securely in. The clouds floating are coated in golden and rosy shades, evening stars piercing the sky in the dimming east. The nearing night looked extraordinary in Hoseok’s eyes.
A large ship with three white masts settled still on the water with only one sail unraveled. People littered the deck, music and song resounded from the vessels, and soon after when the night casted over the sky, the light of hundreds of lamps burst into view.
It was odd for a ship to be sailed far out during this time, even more peculiar to have a scatter of lights beaming from floating lamps that hovered into the air.
He swam close to the captain’s cabin being cautious to stay low in the water, and with every rock of the waves Hoseok was able to look through the clear windowpanes. Kiko stayed close to Hoseok, wiggling herself into his hand for security as they drawn near the scary object that rested on the water.
There were many richly dressed humans within, gowns and suits decorating each member in a fashion. The most bewitching of them, a person who stood out of the crowd and stared into the far distance of the water was a young princess with flowing thick hair. No doubt in Hoseok’s mind that this beauty was no younger than him, and he felt completely captivated by her looks.
A festival was being celebrated on the same day Hoseok’s home celebrated his. In honor of this princess’s birthday the crew were dancing and singing on the upper deck, similar to how Hoseok’s family just partook on a stage deep below. It was fascinating his wondering eyes, activities so alike to his own. And the moment the princess appeared among the lively bunch, rockets shot up into the air, turning the night into day.
The loud boom of cracks sizzling into the air scared Hoseok and Kiko, forcing him to dip his head back under the surface.
“Let’s go back! This isn’t safe!” Kiko chimed in, shaking her frail leafy body.
Hoseok looked up through the plane of water, eyes wide with shock. Not once has he ever seen this lightshow before. These weren’t cracks of blue zigzags that dressed the sky like lightning, theses were bright loud bangs of noise that sparked fire.
Through his perception, he watched the glows vanish. Until another boom ripped through the air along with another flash of light. “Hold on.” He says.
The curious merman raised his head above water again to witness a scene of falling stars upon him. A fiery shower he surely has never seen before tonight. It was like large suns revolved around his head, the brightest of fishes swam in the air that reflected on the clear glass-slate of water of the sea. Who knew humans could have such power.
The princess could be seen distinctly throughout the sailors that laughed and jested with glee. Her face adorned with a wide smile, one that shined so bright. “Oh – she’s so beautiful, isn’t she?”
It was later now, but Hoseok couldn’t take himself away from the ship and the beautiful young princess. She remained looking through that cabin window, rocking to and fro by the motion of the sea. He was enchanted by her, charmed by this unique being. There was something about her.
“Would you look at her?” Hoseok examined, smiling to himself. “She’s breathtaking.”
Kiko fluttered around Hoseok, a nervous wreck of a fish as she sensed an unnerving suspicion. “Please, we must go back. We’ve overstayed too long.”
“Oh poppycock. The palace is in perfect condition. Nobody will notice me missing.”
“Sir – “
There was foaming and fermentation in the depths beneath causing the ship to tilt faster. Waves rose high and violent in a span of minutes. Sails were spread, a commotion coming from the desk resounded. A distant thunder was heard, rumbling through the space above.
“Ah – father…” Hoseok snapped his head, “He’s angry.”
“I told you we must go!”
Hoseok and Kiko both swam a few meters down after once last glance at the ship that furled their sails once more. Until a sudden pound echoed through the waves. The great vessel tossed and turned on the volatile waters like a rowboat as the waves rose to an extreme height. It towered over the ship, clashing forcefully into the deck and submerging the manmade object. Water filled the cavities of the deck, the stout masts bent under the swirling billows.
“Hoseok!” Kiko shouted at the stunned merman who watched with wide eyes. An internal struggle inside him to tell him to go back to the Mer-King or to help the sinking ship. “We need to go!”
“I can’t! It’s going to turn over into the sea!”
Just as he guessed, the crew among the vessel was in terrible danger; since he himself had to beware the shattered beams that tore away from the vessel and splashed down above him. Wreckage both floating and sinking, causing hazards to think twice about.
“Get him to stop Kiko, tell him I’m fine! Just stop the storm!” Hoseok shooed his seahorse away, heading himself to the surface and ignoring the pleading screams.
It was pitch dark above, so dark that he could not distinguish anything until a flash of lightning disclosed to him the whole of wreck. Burning flames above the water. Hoseok only felt urgent for his wondrous princess as he sought her out the instant the ship kissed the bottom of the seafloor.
Hoseok knows no human can breathe underwater, he knows the only times he’s seen a human up close were the bodies of corpses that drifted down into the depths. He did not want that fate for the princess.
He dove himself through the shards and fragments that sprinkled within the water regardless of the danger he was inducing but with his steady swim he found the princess having difficulty holding her head high. Her eyes already closed while clutching her frame around a piece of driftwood, inevitably would have drowned completely if it wasn’t for the aqua blue merman who came to the rescue. Bearing the force of the heavy current, holding the princess above the water’s surface.
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The sun rose in the horizon towards morning, by then the ongoing storm had seized and there weren’t any traces of remains from the shipwreck. Rays of lights restored color to the princess’s cheeks, though her eyes remained closed. Her dampened dress riddled with sand and stray leaves of seaweed.
They lay off in a secluded cove far from the casually populated beach. Surrounding cliffs hiding them away. Hoseok laid gazing up at the arresting princess, stroking the strand of wet hair away from her face. Her skin was soft like a rose petal, and a slight pink undertone hid beneath its expanse. “Please wake.” He whispered as he studied her features.
This was the first time Hoseok laid about the land, just shy of the waters reach. He could see the dry green wood that extended along the coast, cliffs and mountains drawn clearer. Firm quartz sand which he now occupied along with his new companion. He turned her face towards the rising sun that was illuminating the world.
A quiet sound escaped the mouth of the princess, surprising the merman suddenly. He leaned back, head blocking the sun from direct view of her face while she sleepily opened them. The haze of her eyes coated her sight, looking at the figure that was in view. She grumbled, blinking rapidly to readjust the image before her. A stranger hovered over her, a concerned look across their handsome face as they looked down at her in curiosity. Golden brown hair flowed around; a glint of blue entrapped into his brown almond eyes.
“Hello,” Hoseok whispered, lifting the corner of his lips up.
Hoseok shifted the moment he heard of loud barking noise coming from the side of a cliff. His movement caused the piercing rays of light to shine into the princess’s eyes, blinding her some more.
The merman jolted away from the shore in a panic, hiding behind some stones further into the sea. Hoseok watched from afar with unyielding attention, a black four-legged being running towards the reviving princess. A small group of men followed suit to the black figure who alerted the humans of its findings.
“Oh Princess!” one shouted as they ran over. They smiled kindly down at her, assisting her off the sands and into a blanket. “Princess Y/n, are you hurt?”
She was dazed and confused, checking her surroundings for the other person she just saw. Did she see someone or was it her imagination? Who had saved her from the previous night? “Where’s the man? The one who saved me?”
The surrounding men gave another a questioning look, looking quite confused when they eyed the area around them. “Miss, nobody is here besides us? You must have swallowed too much seawater – it’s a miracle you survived.”
The black hairy creature spotted Hoseok out, yapping towards him and trying to get the humans attention. The animal saw him, no doubt, and Hoseok ducked for cover under the waves as they passed, waiting for his moment to come back up.
The princess was taken back onto the land with the assistance of the furry creature and humans, leaving Hoseok distraught behind the stones of the bay. But he was relieved that she survived, her beauty could live on longer, and he couldn’t wait to share his story about how he saved a human. Immediately, when the princess was finally out of view, he plunged beneath the water to return back to his palace.
“Y/n…” He hummed, repeating the sweet name that rang his ears. “Her name is Y/n.”
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“Where did you go last night?” The Mer-King shouted in the dining hall. Hoseok floated in front of his father, eyes trained to the seabed below their fins. The six other brothers hovered off to the side in a stationary line, motionless as they watched the scolding unfold. Each accompanied by their personal pets who too drifted in the silence of the water.
“Answer me, Hoseok!” the King’s voice resembled the same boom of the magical fire show from last night.
“I – I was… I went...”
“Don’t you dare tell me you escaped up to the surface.”
Hoseok fell silent. His words lost in his throat when he made eye contact with his father. The King stood still with the length of his graying hair exceeding past his shoulder blades, a crown sat atop his head made out of coral and angulate wentletrap shells. Spikes of eelgrass flowing from the tips of the multicolored crown. His slimy tail was ombre from a berry red into a sandy brown – dorsal fins displayed wide and drifted just how a beta fish would, flared up just how a beta fish would. His steel gray eyes stared down at Hoseok with intensity, waiting for a response.
Voiceless silence. Hoseok could not speak another word without distressing his father any further. In defeat he hung his head down to the floor, sinking his shoulders.
“You are not to leave the palace.” The King’s voice broke through. “You are not to enter the surface of the water. Do I make myself clear?”
“But Fath –“
“Am I clear!?” He shouted. Voice echoing through the quiet halls of the palace – hand clutching his beloved trident tight.
“Yes, Sir.” Hoseok grimaced. Kiko fleeing into the middle of Hoseok’s back.
The Mer-King departed the dining hall, leaving the seven brothers to themselves. It was when Hoseok looked up seeing the concerning looks crossing each of his brothers, did he feel guilty for his actions.
“What are you doing? You know you shouldn’t meddle around up above. What if someone saw you?!” Namjoon spoke, the cool tone of his voice chilled through the water. The purple scaled man swam closer to Hoseok, the slate of silver shining through his hair and the tip of his fins. His purple pearl shimmered in the arm cuff on his right of his crossed arms, his crab responding in the same gesture. “Hoseok, think of the dangers.”
“I know. But hear me out – I did something so amazing last night!”
“Namjoon’s right, you know this.” Seokjin stepped in with a pointing finger embellished with his pearl, “And to pull that stunt, especially when father is visiting, you’re asking to be yelled at.” His small, very animated manta ray wiggled around Seokjin’s mannerisms, copying the same movements as he did.
Hoseok’s mouth formed a triangle frown. Resentment settling in the pit of his stomach along with a mix of emotions. “Can you just listen to me?”
“Then speak.” Heads turned over to the aloof green merman who seated himself on top of the turquoise sea-glass table. The side of his hair clipped back with a white barbed clam, allowing the rest of his deep brown wavy hair to flow naturally. Under his ear shined the dark pine colored pearl, just how Hoseok’s did. Taehyung’s fingers twirled around his pale jellyfishes’ ruffled tentacles, staring off into the distance in deep thought. “What was amazing?”
Hoseok scanned the eyes around him, taking in a strong breath before telling his otherworldly experience. The merfolk knew of legends, myths and facts about the land above. Artifacts that fallen down into their domains created curiosity but there were fears of the stories about merfolk traveling far too close to the coastline. Humans may be mystical to mer-people, but it was never wise to breach the surface to study them.
“And the lights started falling down after the loud bang! Fire burning and sizzling out in beautiful streams! It was so bright!” He exclaimed with his audience listening in. “But then the storm demolished the ship! It happened so fast!” Hoseok continued his dramatic story with such immense passion, comparing how humans and merfolk celebrated in similar ways.
It infatuated the listening ears, well, some more than others. “And then I saved her from the wreck! I saved her guys! I brought her to the shore and – “
“You what?”
Yoongi, with a tail of vibrant marmalade orange cut his younger brothers train of thought. His narrow coal cut eyes shot angry towards Hoseok. A menacing stare emitting from the shaggy dirty blonde-haired male, questioning his brother’s reckless behavior. “You went on land?!” His pet lionfish flared its fins at the tone of his owner’s voice, grumbling something about idiocy.
“She lived because of me!” Hoseok retorted, leveling up to the stinging tension that was rising quickly.
“You’re troublesome, really.” Yoongi chided. “She would have been fine if you were here in your palace! That storm wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for you!”
“You’re setting a bad example for the younger ones.” Seokjin nodded towards the wafting men who innocently drifted in the background of the conversation.
Hoseok fumbled over his words, mouth gaping open looking for words to fill into it. He knows his brothers aren’t wrong, they were just being cautious. But Hoseok felt like they looked down upon his widened spectrum, his drive to expand the knowledge about the world above. It wasn’t fair with all the limitations merfolk had, and even more restrictions for a Prince.
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Hoseok grew quiet and reflective as days passed by. Obeying the tolls and jobs of his prince duties, being kind to other fish folk and leaning a helping hand for many in need. He stabilized his environment, praised the coral reefs that skirted his territory, even assisted with gathering the ripened fruits that sprouted from the gardens’ trees.
Though each and every day Hoseok pondered about the princess who lived above. Questioning to himself about her whereabouts, how she was doing and what she was doing. He dared to stare at the new statue that became his favorite décor in his luxurious field of flowers. A beautiful stone chiseled and sculpted to look like the princess, partially broken from the wreck of the ship, now stood in the middle of his oyster paddock.
When Hoseok wanted to be a daredevil, he succeeded in slipping away from the eyes of his staff and even his personal buddy. Rushing himself back to the surface where he loved so dearly to catch the linger of the air that dried his face and scales. Many times, he rose to the place where he had last seen Princess Y/n, where he left her on the sands before scurrying away. He always returned to his subterranean abode with a bit of sadness when he never saw her.
It was dawn when the first light creeped through the panels of Hoseok’s second study where he was toying around with one of his thingamajigs, trying to understand the use of it. He had an unexpected visitor in the middle of the night, a slither of a reflective shine catching his eye. An oily slick tinted film in the moonlight when he angled his tail in the right way.
“Taehyung.” Hoseok breathed, “You should have told me you were heading here; I would have arranged a genuine greeting for you when you entered the gates.”  
He seemed cheerier during the night hours, maybe it was the relaxation of the disphotic zone or the cool temperament of fishes relaxing. Whichever excuse it may be, Taehyung always glowed better during the evening. “I’m sorry hyung – I wanted to check in on you. I was worried.”
They spent the entire night in deep thoughts, conversing to another about their worries and provinces. A few discussions about trades between regions, assembling plans and arrangements for brotherly gatherings. Taehyung found a fascination with a particular utensil from Hoseok’s study, a metal tool that had spikes at one end and a smooth handle on the other.
Throughout the night Hoseok confessed his sorrows to his younger brother, revealing his secret about the princess he had saved. How her beauty enchanted him, imprinting on his mind, how her statue now lays in the greens of his garden. The embarrassment crept up to him, distracting himself from his feelings as he showed Taehyung around his collection of human things.
“If my memory is correct, I believe I might know who your princess may be, because I have seen a castle above the waters.” Taehyung twirls the man-made gizmo around his fingers as he speaks. “When you mentioned her before in your story, I grew curious.”
Hoseok was caught off-guard from Taehyung’s words, stunned even. “Y – You know where she lives? You need to show me!” The aqua tailed man fluttered around with a sense of emergency, he held Taehyung’s hand pleading to him. “Please brother, show me what you know. It’s a wonderful morning already, the current is leveled, and the waters are clear!”
Embracing their arms together, Taehyung and Hoseok swam out past the palace walls into the blue of the ocean. Together they rose out of the water after miles of swimming, just in front of a tall bend in a cliff. They remained far off from the cost, deep enough to be unnoticed from the naked eye. But from their point of view they were able to see a castle with bright yellow stones, a flight of marble steps that led straight into the sea. Statues topped the pillars that outlined the walls, the building crowned with a Caspian blue. A great bay window faced toward the sea, the windows expanding long and wide.
The area was farther out from Hoseok’s natural comfort spot, he would pass this sector many times when he would visit up north to Taehyung’s realm.
From a closer look the two mermen can see silken curtains that hugged the frames of large bay windows, the walls inside decorated from top to bottom with magnificent paintings. Blurred bodies of servants walking across the tiled floors and expensive rugs. Deep within one of the larger rooms there was a fountain glittering with dancing water which sprouted from several areas surrounded by long stems and tendrils of plants.
“It’s so beautiful.” Hoseok whispered, creeping himself closer towards the castle that was built on the edge of the cliff. It was a real delight for the royal mermen to witness an abode so lovely, so riveting.
“This is the only castle I know of. I’m hoping this could be her palace.” Taehyung swam down, toying around with his small jellyfish in a fit of giggles. Dangling strands of seaweed around as if he’s forging the same motion as his buddy’s tentacles.
Hoseok dipped his head under, meeting up with the green tailed strides. “Thank you, Taehyung!” Hoseok’s arms entangled around Taehyung’s waist, spinning the two mermen in circles.
“It’s not far from the area where I saved her. Oh, I do hope this is her home!”
Taehyung beamed back a boxy smile, noticing the wild spirit of Hoseok shine. He was aware of the consequences of going to the surface, aware how enraged father could get when the sons acted up. But he was very happy to help out his brother – he saw something in Hoseok that he didn’t see in the others.
“Please, whatever you may do. Just be safe.” He petted the side of his brother’s hair, flicking his finger over Hoseok’s pearl earring.
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