#the delusions are loud today
intravention · 11 months
Higuchi's age is unknown, right? So is her ability, backstory, etc., and. And a lot of information (side character type beat).
I'd guess that she's somewhere in her young 20s at oldest. Given how young the main cast is, I'd be more surprised if she was older.
She seems very. Normal? Compared to the rest of the cast, I mean. Just a girl and her gigantic guns. Decently well put together as a functioning member of society if you ignore all her quirks regarding Akutagawa.
Kunikida was a math teacher/tutor, alongside part time work at the ADA before he officially began full time employment at the Agency.
You follow me?
I'm just saying. Kunikida could've taught Higuchi math. It's possible. You gotta believe me here. It could go something like this ->
A younger Kunikida, to a younger Higuchi (and whoever else was in the classroom): -given this diagram, now derive the double angle formula for sin, cos, and tan. This will be important for tomorrow's test.
Younger Higuchi, who still doesn't understand how to calculate percentages: Do what for what.
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melancholyhigh · 9 months
Happy trail obsessed reader waking up early to make leon breakfast only to have him come downstairs in the middle of it shirtless and happy trail of display? PLEASE I NEED IT 😘😘😘😍😻😻😻😍😘 (i would prefer if it was fluff but smut is just as good 😍)
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content. 0.3k words. js fluff ‘nd some domesticity, mentions of sex. i'm sorry if it's too short.
note. grrr. i love his lil happy trail sm. ty for feeding the delusions <3
masterlist. requests & feedback are welcomed!
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You hadn’t meant to wake him up. Leon was a light sleeper, so when he heard the commotion you were causing downstairs, he couldn’t help but stir awake. He was grouchy, not because you had woken him up, but because you weren’t next to him when he did rouse awake.
A creek in the floorboard alerts you he’s nearing your position in the kitchen. You felt guilty for waking him up, but who puts the utensils so high up on the shelves? Leon, because he thinks it’s cute when you ask him to get them down. It isn’t so cute when they’re falling onto the floor.
“Mornin’, baby. Why are you up so early?” he asks, his voice gruff as he calls you out.
“Can’t I treat you, sweetheart?” you reply. You’re always treating him, he supposes. Usually, you’re both in bed together, spending the morning away before performing daily responsibilities. He doesn’t know why today’s different, but Leon can’t complain. He does love getting spoiled by you.
You observe as he walks into the dining area, shirtless (you’re wearing said shirt) and stretching his tired muscles. You admire the veins that trail down into his shorts and the fading pink bruises that follow them. Most importantly, you marvel at the dark curls that lead down his abdomen from his belly button into his shorts, which were very low on his hips.
You don’t know why it makes you so hot and bothered. It drives you insane, and Leon isn’t even doing anything sensual. He’s drinking orange juice for crying out loud.
Leon also doesn’t understand why you’re obsessed with his happy trail. But he does love the look you give him. He loves it when you stop what you’re doing just to gaze at him as if he hung the stars just for you.
“You’re not treating me to burnt eggs, right?”
“Shut up, Leon.”
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roanniom · 1 year
feeling absolutely unhinged tn just wanna be eddie’s little HOUSEWIFE more than i wanna BREATHE
Come Home
Mechanic!Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, PIV sex / unprotected sex, oral sex (m receiving), titty fucking, recreational drug use and alcohol consumption, dirty talk
It’s a role playing thing more than anything else. You are a teacher and, as such, are very busy and a far cry from a stay-at-home anything. Hell, you’re not even married to the man.
But ever since you and Eddie had moved into the little third floor walk up in what could laughingly be called Downtown Hawkins (really just the overgrown main street), Eddie had been jokingly calling you his little housewife. It’s a title that sends shivers down your spine and a smile spreading across your face any time he utters it. And he does so jokingly, of course. You know how much Eddie respects your ambition and your hard work, so you’ve never had to worry that he truly wanted to see you barefoot and pregnant, stuck in the kitchen for the rest of your days.
But some days that idea is way more appealing than you’d like to admit.
On this day in particularly, you find yourself fantasizing about it more than normal. In the morning you’d woken up earlier than usual, roused by the loud thunk of a garbage man tossing a can recklessly back into place. Unable to go back to sleep, you’d extricated yourself from Eddie’s arms and tiptoed into the kitchen where you’d whipped up a batch of pancakes, scrambled eggs, and fresh coffee. Way more than your usual weekday toast or cereal, mainly because you wanted to give your tired brain something to focus on in order to wake up more fully before work.
Eddie had stumbled into the kitchen, stretching and in his mechanic coveralls, with a massive grin on his face.
“What has my little housewife been up to this morning?!” His voice had bellowed through the small space and you’d dropped the spatula in order to walk over to him.
“Thought my big strong man could use a hearty breakfast before he has to go to work for the day,” you’d said with a humorous lilt, wrapping your arms around his neck just as his hands come to rest on your waist, pulling your body to his. Your words and actions made his grin grow even bigger.
“You’re so beyond good to me, you know that? What’d I ever do to deserve a babe like you, huh?” he’d asked, sliding his hands down and around to squeeze your ass. You’d squealed and pushed yourself further into his body.
“You treat me right in the bedroom, so I treat you right in the kitchen. Those are the rules.” You’d said it primly it as if reciting a gospel. He’d laughed and shoved his face into your neck, peppering kisses against your throat and cleavage till you’d screamed about not wanting to burn the last batch of pancakes.
The two of you had sat together at your shitty linoleum dinette set eating breakfast way too fancy for a Thursday. Eddie had insisted on pulling his chair right up against yours and keeping his hand on your thigh even while he devoured forkfuls of eggs and pancakes with abandon.
By the time you were driving home from work, however, the phantom feeling of the weight of his hand on your thigh from the morning still hadn’t dissipated. It had been a half day, allowing the students to leave early in order to theoretically study for finals (but you heard tell of a bonfire that was going to be happening down by the lake so you held no delusions that the free time would be utilized by any for actual academic purposes). So this meant you were going to be home way ahead of Eddie today.
Your first thought upon waking through the front door is that you should masturbate. You’d been feeling so confined by your clothes all day and had been feeling needy since you’d kissed your boyfriend good bye on your way out the door.
So you march right into your shared bedroom, strip down to your sensible underwear, light a candle, and lay across your bed. You hadn’t had to get yourself off in a good long while. Eddie kept you good and satisfied, the insatiable man that he is. You do your best to get in the right mindset, breathing deeply running your hands along your body.
You catch a glimpse of yourself, however, in the mirror across the room and you frown. Maybe your underwear is too sensible. Gliding to your dresser you dig in one of your drawers and pull out the lingerie you’d been planning on surprising Eddie with on his birthday. It’s lacy and see through and your heart rate kicks up just at the thought of the way you know his jaw will drop and his eyes will widen at the sight of you.
Once your curves are encased in the fine fabric, you lay down on the bed once more. Hands slide up to you with your nipples through the fabric and you sigh. It feels good. Not as good as it would if it was Eddie touching you…but good.
You roll onto your stomach and look at the clock. 2:00 pm.
Eddie wouldn’t be home for hours. The injustice of that fact makes you pout and roll petulantly back over onto your other side. This new position gives you a straight line of sight to Eddie’s old black lunch pail and you perk up. This might be your best bet to loosening up and finding pleasure on your own. 
It’s 2:45pm when the shop phone rings. Eddie doesn’t look up from the car that he’s working on, instead ducking his head further under the hood and squinting at the engine that’s been giving him a hard time. 
“Eds! It’s your girl calling!” 
Eddie stands up straight so fast he bangs his head hard on the underside of the hood. 
“Motherfuck,” he mutters to himself, rubbing a grease-stained hand on the part of his head that was sure to soon form a bump. He makes his way over to the little office of the mechanic shop and takes the phone from his uncle’s outstretched hand with an appreciative nod. 
“Baby? What’s up? Is everything okay?” Eddie’s apprehension is clear. You never call him at work. Not because you don’t want to but because your days are usually both so busy there’s barely any chance to do so. 
“Eddie!” you cry out over the phone, your voice high and bright. “I miss you. Come home.”
Eddie’s a bit startled by your demand, immediately checking his watch. Just as he thought, it’s still really early in the afternoon. 
“Why are you home so early? Are you sick?” His heart starts thudding over the possibilities when he hears your musical laugh. 
“No it’s a half day at work, silly. Remember?” 
Eddie shakes away his fears and laughs along. 
“Oh sorry sweetheart, completely forgot.” He tosses a glance back into the shop at all the cars he still has to get to. “Must be nice. Getting into any trouble with your free time?”
He asks the question lightly. Joking. Fully expecting you to say you’re about to go grocery shopping or you’re watching a shitty movie on tv or reading one of your paper backs. But then you mumble.
“Well...maybe just a little.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline and a huff of a chuckle escapes his lips. 
“Oh yeah? What’s my girl up to, huh?”
There’s the rustle of fabric over the line and then your voice is low. 
“I’ve needed you since you left this morning Eddie. Can’t take care of myself as good as you can,” you say, practically moping. Eddie’s stomach flips and he slams his back against the wall next to the phone, making sure he can no longer be seen in the doorway from the shop. 
“Oh fuck, sweetheart are you...are you touching yourself?”
“I was trying to. It’s getting a little easier now that the edible is kicking in,” you say, sounding far off for a second like you’re thinking real hard about it.
“Now that the…” Eddie’s face splits in a massive grin and he rubs a hand over his eye. “So you’re telling me you’re high right now?”
“It’s kicking in, yeah,” you whisper cheekily and he can guess you’re smiling.
“So you mean to tell me that you’re high…and horny…and calling - begging - for me to come home and fuck you?” Eddie closes his eyes and squeezes the phone cord so tightly that he’d worry it would snap if he actually gave a fuck. His low, almost growling words cause you to moan over the phone and his knees go weak.
“Yes, Eddie. Need you so bad. Can you come take care of me? Please?”
Eddie doesn’t reply, not directly to you. Instead he turns toward the shop and cries out, loud enough that you hear it and descend into giggles.
“Uncle Wayne, I’ve gotta go. Gotta…take care of something at home!”
When Eddie thunders up the stairs to your shared apartment, he doesn’t know that you can hear him coming from inside. You laugh at the way you can hear his enthusiasm in his rapid steps and adjust yourself, waiting for him to reach the door.
When you hear him step onto the welcome mat you wrench the door open and lean against the frame dramatically. Just on cue, Eddie’s jaw drops to the floor.
“Welcome home, baby,” you coo handing over the glass of whiskey you have in one hand. His eyes are so fixed on your lingerie that he barely notices what you were holding in the other hand until you busy yourself with it.
You bring one of his pre-rolled joints up to your lips and light it with his favorite lighter, puffing a bit to bring the burning end to life. The lap of Eddie’s mechanic coveralls immediately tightens as he watches your plush lips work around the joint.
“Fucking Christ…” Eddie mutters to himself before knocking back the entire glass of whiskey in one go. You pull the joint from your lips to laugh at his reaction, squealing when he slams the door and grabs you around the waist, dragging you into the apartment. “Where have you been all my life?”
You giggle and bring the joint up to his lips, delighted when he takes a grateful drag. 
“I’ve literally been right next to you your whole life,” you respond, referring to the friendship you’d shared since grade school, long before you both admitted your feelings for one another. 
“Well fucking stay right next to me, okay?” Eddie gruffly asks, burying his face in your neck. You hum your approval and wrap yourself around his tall, lanky frame. 
“That depends.”
“Oh? On what?”
“Can you fuck me now?” you ask breathlessly. Eddie pulls back to look at you, laughing, but you’re not joking.
“Of course, baby. But I just got in the door. Let me shower and - ,”
“No!” you say petulantly, holding onto him as he tries to step out of your grasp. “I want you like this.”
You begin kissing up his neck and he attempts to extricate himself. 
“Sweetheart, I’m covered in grease and sweat...” Eddie shakes his head but you’re nodding so profusely he stops in his tracks. 
“’s what I’ve been fantasizing about all day,” you clarify, biting your lip and looking up at him through dropping eyelashes. Eddie’s cock hardens that much more and soon you’re pressed up against the closed door to your shared bedroom, his thigh fitted between yours in a way that has you panting.
When Eddie finally pulls away from the act of devouring your mouth, you sag against the door to catch your breath, watching as he pulls from the joint that he must have miraculously continued to hold onto as you’d made out. He looks like sex on a stick as he stands there, propped up by the arm against the door beside you, joint between his lips, tousled hair sticking up in every direction from the impatience of your hands. His coveralls have been zipped open and pushed askew by those same impatient hands and he smiles under your scrutiny. 
“What brought this...enthusiasm on, babe?” he asks lowly. “Not that I’m complaining of course.” 
You wriggle under his gaze. A little embarrassed, but also wholly aware that it’s Eddie. Your Eddie. So you’re honest. 
“Wanna be your little housewife,” you admit shyly. His features crumple for a split second as he is entirely unable to handle how fucking adorable you are. But just as quickly he’s grinning. 
“Of course you do,” he says confidently. He places the joint back between his lips and presses his thumb against the plush of your lower lip. The tip of your tongue darts out automatically to lick at the pad of his thumb and Eddie’s breath catches. Your pupils are blown wide. You’re properly horny (and properly stoned) and a deep seeded desire to care for you bubbles in his abdomen. “Can you get on the bed for me, princess?”
Like a gentleman, he opens the door you’d been pressed against and bows you inside. You do as you’re told and immediately drop down onto the mattress, looking up at him expectantly like a puppy who is awaiting further trick instruction. Eddie wants to laugh, but his dick also twitches impatiently in his coveralls, reminding him action is probably the best next course. 
“Undress me?” he asks as the next part of his plan. You get up on your knees on the bed and drag him to you by the fabric of his coveralls. Tongue placed between teeth, you stare him in the eyes as you zip him down all the way, pushing the sleeves over and off his shoulders. The garment drops to gather at his hips where it tented at the crotch, catching on his hard dick. You whimper and reach for it but Eddie grabs your arms and winds them around his neck, pulling you in for a kiss.
When he pulls back, he has a smirk on his lips.
"Alright. Time for a shower."
Your brows knit together immediately in betrayal and your arms tighten around him, trying to keep him grounded against you.
"But I - !"
Eddie shushes you and steps out of his coveralls. His boxer-covered dick prods insistently against you and it makes you whine more, rubbing into it as much as you can. But Eddie's having none of it. He pulls you off the bed, dragging you alongside him on his way to the bathroom.
"Shhh, sweetheart. You're gonna help clean me up. That's what a good housewife would do, yeah?" He comes to a stop in front of the sink, leaning you against the counter so he can pull back the shower curtain and turn on the water. You brighten up a little at his words.
"Yeah..." you agree tentatively. Eddie rewards you with a massive grin and before he can stall any longer, you strip down his boxers and nudge him into the shower. You tear off your lingerie and step in behind him as fast as you can, pushing your way into his waiting, dripping arms.
"There's my baby," he coos. The longer the two of you stand in warm embrace beneath the steaming shower head, the more his erection flags into a contented, semi-hard state, however, and you aren't having any of that. So you are the one who pulls away and gets to work.
You clean your man. Well.
Soap up and down the length of his body. Shampoo in his hair - which you can only access efficiently once he leans down to help you reach. He hums and groans as you massage the shampoo and then the conditioner into his scalp and the sound makes your entire body sing. There's so much intimacy in the act, and if you weren't so turned on that every nerve in your body felt like a live wire, you probably would have enjoyed it more. Once he's started rinsing off, however, you attend to your favorite part. Running your hands up and down his abdomen and tugging at his cock without preamble.
"Baby..." Eddie reprimands, his eyes closed against the spray of water as he rinses conditioner out of his sopping curls. He doesn't open his eyes or move to stop you so you take that as your cue to continue. You get him nice and hard again, aided by the shower water and saliva that you spit into your hand.
"Sweetheart," Eddie tries again, chuckling this time and grabbing at your wrist. "I'm supposed to be getting clean."
"I don't care," you answer petulantly. "You've kept me waiting."
Eddie's laugh is full-bellied this time. He turns the water off and slaps your ass lightly, stepping around you to get out of the shower.
"I know, baby, and that was cruel. Why don't you get dried up and put on another one of those little get ups for me. I'll get us another drink and we'll do whatever you want, okay?"
You fight the urge to groan in frustration that you're being made to wait yet again, but a good housewife wouldn't do that. So you nod and wrap yourself in the towel he offers you, bouncing back to the bedroom on impatient feet.
Eddie had gotten the upper hand on you, that much he knew. Making you wait had been cruel, but he knew it was better then getting you - and the bedroom - all covered in grease. He makes a mental note, however, to fuck you on his work counter at the garage one evening next week after closing time when Wayne was out of town. He's nothing if not attentive to your wants and needs.
He whistles as he walks back to the room, a glass of water and two cold bottles of beer in hand. He's expecting you to be waiting patiently - maybe even already at the door. But he stops short the minute he sees you.
You're spread out on the bed in a different lingerie set, this one somehow even sexier than the last (the second part of the birthday present you're giving him early) and he feels his entire body flush a deep red. You watch it spread down his neck and chest and rub your thighs together.
"Eddieeee," you call out, letting the second syllable become a whine. You might still be begging, but you're the one in power now, as far as Eddie is concerned, as he moves on autopilot towards you. You get up onto your knees and accept the bottle of beer from him, wrapping your lips around it lasciviously. Eddie chokes as he takes his own sip.
"Can I have it?" you ask, gazing up at him from beneath your eyelashes. Eddie swallows thickly.
"Can you have what, princess?" he asks. He knows what you want. He's just a teasing asshole and needs you to say it.
But you are tired of playing the game so you don't play fair. Instead of answering him you pull at the towel tied around his waist till it falls to the floor, exposing an erection so proud your mouth positively waters. You make eye contact as you reach for it, practically daring him to get in the way of what you want again. But Eddie's resolve is completely gone at this point, and he lets you have it, letting his eyes fall closed at the sensation of your hand wrapping around him.
You tug at him. You let your thumb ease over the thick vein that you so enjoy licking. You flick your wrist when your fist encases his mushroom head, coaxing a bead of precum out the slit just as you'd hoped.
Eddie takes one final swig of his beer before grabbing your bottle from you and placing both it and his on the night stand. You whine when the motion pulls his cock out of your grasp, but you’re placated when he climbs onto the bed and grabs you by the thighs, pulling you roughly under him.
“How do you want it, baby?” He asks, kissing a trail down your neck from your ear to your clavicle. “What’s my girl been fantasizing about in that little head of yours?”
A tiny half sober part of your brain finds humor in the phrasing of the question. You happen to know Eddie finds you to be the smartest person he’s ever met, so the diminutive nature of his words tickles the part of you that longed for role play like this. Tired of being the smart girl, the serious girl, the strong girl, right now you just want to be this. Eddie’s girl.
“I just want to make you feel good,” you coo. You can see the conflict play out behind his eyes at your response. On one hand he’s so fucking turned on by you wanting to please him. Like he can’t fucking stand how turned on he is. But he also gets off on you getting off, so he’s not sure how to proceed.
And you know this. You know your Eddie is the most selfless, generous lover you’ve ever had and you know that it must kill him to think of putting his pleasure first. But you furrow your brow and give him the biggest puppy dog eyes possible in an attempt to telegraph the fact that you need him to play along. That him taking what he wants will be giving you everything you need.
It’s clear the moment this clicks in his mind because Eddie’s features go soft. He rubs a knuckle lightly against your temple and smiles.
“Of course my baby wants to make me feel good." The kiss he places to your forehead and then the tip of your nose makes your eyes slide closed. So it's soft he wants, you think to yourself. Your heart rattling around in your ribcage doesn't exactly feel ready to slow down enough to match a soft tempo, but you'll work with what he wants to give you.
At least that's what you're thinking when suddenly you feel the bed shifting away from you and your world upended when Eddie flips you over onto your hands and knees. You scramble for purchase against the sheets and yelp in surprise, but you don't even have a second to get situated before Eddie is dragging you back against him by your hips.
"Gonna do so good for me, aren't you baby?" Eddie asks, deep and low from behind you. His voice makes you shiver, as does his hand which slides from between your shoulder blades, down the line of your spine, ultimately delivering a light slap that has your ass bouncing. He groans at the visual of his own making, gripping your hips with two hands again. "Fuck that's the ticket right there, huh?"
"Let me be good for you - oh!" You start off trying to incite him to finally do something but break off in a gasp when his cock begins sliding through your pussy lips, getting your slick all over his hardened length. The tip prods your clit and you buckle inward, so turned on and edged from the events of the last few hours. Eddie laughs and the sound goes straight to your core.
"My little wife that sensitive? Worked yourself up so much for me, huh sweetheart?"
The whimpering inhale to take in in response to that statement makes his cock pulse.
"Need you, Eddie," you whisper. Eddie hums behind you before pushing at your hip to flip you over once again. You're more disoriented this time, even more so when Eddie moves from his place between your thighs in order to straddle your stomach.
You gaze at him above you from your new position on your back and...fuck it is glorious. You try to make grabby hands at him but he ignores you, leaning over instead to the nightstand where you'd left his other pre-rolled joint. He lights it and resituates himself over you, taking a deep drag and dropping his head back as he holds the smoke deep in his lungs while stroking his cock over you with his free hand.
"Jesus Christ..." you mutter to yourself at the debaucherous image above you. You lift up onto your elbows to get closer and he rolls his head back toward you, opening his eyes half mast to blow smoke in your direction. When the cloud clears you see his lazy grin, red-rimmed eyes sweeping up and down your figure.
"This do it for ya?" he asks, playfully. You nod forcefully, unable to take your eyes off the head of his angry red cock disappearing and reappearing in his fist. The slide is loud and fast and wet. Wet from your own slick, your realize with a lurch of your stomach. Fuck you want him inside you. Reaching out a hand towards him, you tear your gaze away from his dick and bring it back up to his overly amused face.
"Can I help?" you ask, way too innocently for the context of the situation. Eddie pretends to mull it over, joint elevated in his free hand as his tongue slides over his teeth.
"Yeah, I think there's something you can do..." he says vaguely. You're unsure of the implications until he moves forward, pushing the straps of your lingerie off your arms, and it is suddenly abundantly clear what he is angling for - and you couldn't be more excited.
As Eddie brings the underside of his cock to rest against your sternum, you lift your breasts up on either side to sandwich his length between. Eddie watches you from above, his grin indicating how proud he is that you're playing along so quickly.
"There you go, that's perfect. Now could you just - oh fuck." Without him even having to complete the request, you spit on his cock, adding to the wetness still present from your slick, reaching up and spreading it over his erection in a way that has him biting his lip in seconds. "Look at you, knowing just what I need."
You smile up at him and push your breasts together again, moving slightly to let him feel the drag of your plush skin against him. Eddie places the joint back between his lips and leans forward to grip your shoulders for leverage. This allows him to fuck his hips back and forth, creating the friction he was seeking.
Though this act doesn't directly stimulate any of your erogenous zones specifically, the sounds it pulls from his lips and the look on his crumpled face as he watches what you're letting him do to you - it's got your pussy practically weeping.
"You're so fucking hot, princess," Eddie says around the joint before taking one last long hit and reaching over to stamp it out in the ashtray on the bedside table. With both his hands free, he returns to you with renewed attention, dropping his palms to circle lightly over your nipples. Your eyes widen at the stimulation and Eddie grins. "Like it when I fuck your tits?"
"Yes," you breathe out in response immediately.
Eddie pinches your nipples as a reward and your hips stutter upwards into nothing behind him. Eddie laughs and begins thrusting a bit harder, wrapping his big hands around your smaller ones to help crush your tits even tighter around his cock.
"Fuckin' yeah you do. My perfect girl. Oh shit, just look at you," he practically grunts. You stare heart eyes up at him, watching him take pleasure from your flesh in the most selfish way while still somehow making you feel like you're god's gift to earth. The image of him - eyes blown black and lips red and swollen from biting as his cock moves in the valley of your breasts - has you letting out an unfiltered moan. Eddie's brow twists in mock sympathy. "Need something, princess?"
Your hips buck again and Eddie chuckles, reaching a hand behind himself and down between your legs to play with you where you need him most. He jaw drops at the feeling of your excessive arousal.
"Fuck, sweetheart, you're soaked. I've been neglecting you, haven't I?" he frowns down at you in faux commiseration. You shake your head but your eyelids flutter at the feeling of his fingers against your clit.
"No this is - oh. This is about y-you," you respond, squeezing your breasts tighter to try and get him to fuck them faster. Eddie ignores your statement and instead sinks a two fingers into your heat. Your body tightens and your eyes slam shut. The feeling of his fingers inside you and his thumb on your clit have you neglecting your goal and after a few minutes your hands drop entirely from your breasts in favor of fisting the sheets. Eddie's dick slides up and down your slicked sternum along to the rocking of your body. Watching it rub against your wet skin, watching your tits bounce freely while your cunt squelches loudly around the in and out motions of his fingers - it all has Eddie feeling higher than any strain ever could.
After a few minutes more of the best show Eddie's ever seen in his life, he eases his fingers out of you and brings them to your lips, pulling the bottom one out from between your teeth. The action has you opening your dazed eyes to peer up at him, breathless.
"Let's take care of that pretty pussy now, alright?" Eddie prompts, easing himself back to sit on the bed between your legs. You seize the moment, however, and disentangle yourself from him, dropping down to take his cock in your mouth. Eddie's hands immediately find your hair and he chokes on air. "Hey, hey, stop that, I said we're taking care of you."
"This is what I want," you try to say, but your mouth is a little preoccupied with his cock. You run your tongue up the vein you love so much. You let his fat tip tap the back of your throat, gagging eagerly when you feel his hips press forward just that tiny bit more as he loses himself in the feeling of you.
It's messy. Absolutely filthy, exactly how you like it. Exactly how you know he likes it. With your hands on his balls and elbows and knees digging into the mattress, you arch your back and make sure your ass sticks up that much more with each bob of your head. Eddie certainly takes note. You know because eventually his hand slides back to get a big handful of one of your cheeks before raining down a slap on your backside that has you slamming forward and choking on his length even more. Your eyes water and your throat burns. The guttural moan he lets out in response, however, is priceless.
You're more than a little disappointed when he pulls you off of him finally, holding you back with his hands under your arms like you're a child he doesn't trust to behave correctly.
"Now are you going to let me fuck you or not?" he asks, his voice absurdly tired as if he's suffered some great inconvenience.
You feel inhibition-less, both from your nice high and the result of being absolutely cock drunk at this point, so you giggle and draw a line down from his jaw, over his neck and clavicle, and down to circle one of his nipples.
"You've already fucked me," you tease with a voice hoarse from his dick. You lean forward in spite of his hold on you and lick a stripe from peck to peck, kitten licking his other nipple and up the expanse of his tattoo. "In two different ways, actually."
Eddie, now fully riled up and aching, has had enough of your teasing (though to be fair he's done much worse to you so far today). He pulls you back into sitting position and grips your jaw lightly to force your roving eyes to focus on his.
"I want to fuck you properly now," he enunciates dramatically. You nod his grip and he nods along with you, trying to hide the grin growing on his lips. "What'll it be? Back or hands and knees?"
Before he's even finished asking, though, you've pulled out of his light grasp and scrambled around on the bed, dropping to your forearms and presenting your ass to him. Eddie groans, deep and low, and squeezes at your hips and waist almost too tightly. Almost. Instead you moan at the bruising feeling and wiggle your ass to beg for more.
The sight of you in front of him, primed and ready and all covered in lace has Eddie's mouth positively watering. He realizes, however, that you're still trussed up in your lingerie. The straps are down and your tits are out, and he'd moved the gusset of your panties to the side to finger you, but there are still parts of your body obscured by fabric. And that just doesn't sit right with him.
There are a few ties in the back that he attempts to fidget with, but his impatience gets the better of him after just a few moments. He grips two handfuls of the material and wrenches the body suit in two, straight down the middle.
"Eddie!" you chastise, high and loud. It ends on an incredulous laugh because, regardless of how absurd and immature the action was, it's also incredibly hot. "This was supposed to be a birthday present for you!"
"Well fuck, baby. I had to unwrap it first, jeez," Eddie laughs right back. He pulls the tattered remains of the ruined garment off, tossing it away from the bed, before grabbing you by the front of your thighs and slamming your body back against him. The two of you let out twin moans at the impact. His cock slides around in your slick for a moment, but you're no longer waiting around. You reach down and guide him inside you without any further preamble.
The stretch is still immense, regardless of the excessive foreplay. He's always been a lot to take, and your body is somehow always still shocked by his sheer size. But Eddie anticipates this, of course, so his finger is on your clit within seconds, working you through the initial ache and bringing you quickly into a throbbing, expectant pleasure.
"This pussy's been waiting for me, hasn't she," Eddie whispers right in your ear. His chest is on your back as his hips begin rolling, bringing him in and out of you.
"N-needed you for so long, Eddie," you whimper, cheek pressing into the sheets. Eddie tsks and places kisses to the base of your neck and shoulders.
"I know, baby. You've been so good, waiting for me to come home and take care of you."
“Always waiting for you to come home,” you whimper. Eddie knows it’s just part of the role play. He knows you have work and your own hobbies and friends and a life on top of the one you share with him. Realistically you aren’t sitting around at home waiting for him. But the memory of your voice so sweetly begging him on the phone and the memory of you greeting him at the door in lingerie mixes with the sensory overload he’s experiencing inside you. It makes his cock twitch and his fingers grip your waist with a bruising pressure that you love.
“I know, princess,” he hums, dropping down over you again so that his chest is to your back, hands propping him up on the mattress on either side of you. With one hand Eddie pulls your hair aside so he can pepper light kisses to the back of your neck. A stark contrast to the unforgiving, pendulous thrust of his hips.
“Maybe I should just keep you here,” he says breathlessly after a few minutes that are silent save for the wet slap of skin on skin. He feels you shudder beneath him and continues, lips catching your earlobe. “Keep you naked and wet and waiting on this bed for me at all times. Filled with my cum. Covered in it.”
You inhale sharply at his words and your lips pull into a dramatic o. Eddie feels you clench around him and is more than aware of what this is doing to you.
So of course he continues.
“That’s what you want, isn’t it? To be my pretty little thing?”
You nod your head erratically into the mattress, practically beside yourself at this point. It’s exactly what you want, at least for the purposes of this fantasy. The weight of Eddie against you and the steady way his cock pummels that sweet spot inside you has your eyes rolling back in your head as your lids drop. It has your toes curling and your brain going fuzzy, like static with an untuned radio station. Every nerve ending in your body has evaporated save for the ones between your thighs which receive all of the attention they could ever need.
“Tell me you’re mine, baby,” Eddie says abruptly. Your hazy mind struggles to comprehend his words but understanding seeps through, as does the memory that for as much as you love praise, your man feeds off it as well.
“I’m yours, Eddie Munson,” you gasp, the words twisting in a whine. His finger has found your clit again and it’s just unfair how ducking good it feels. You arch your back into the feeling, widening your legs to encourage him even deeper. The sight and your words has Eddie gritting his teeth.
“Oh fuck this,” he says suddenly, abruptly pulling out and flipping you onto your back. The sudden motion and the unwelcome emptiness has you dazed and your stare at the ceiling in confusion, blind to the way Eddie adjusts you. He lifts your hips up to slide a pillow under the small of your back, elevating you and extending your legs. In this new position the backs of your thighs meet the tops of his, your knees hooking on his hips while his knees dig into the mattress.
Hearing a shick shick shick sound that doesn’t correspond with the feeling of his dick re-entering you is both disorienting and upsetting, so you tip your chin to your chest in an effort to get a glimpse of him tugging on his slicked cock. However, that’s the exact moment that Eddie leans over you and fills your field of vision with his beautiful face.
“Sorry, princess. Needed to see your eyes while you said you were mine.” His words are so sweet, but he subverts the sweetness by choosing that exact moment to breach your entrance again.
“Oh god. Eddie - oh.” Your eyes slam shut to keep from crossing while you struggle up fathom the deliciousness of his first inward thrust. When his rhythm picks up, however, you feel his big warm palm press against your cheek before giving it a feather light tap to gain your attention.
“Eyes on me, pretty girl,” Eddie coos. You do as he says, squinting up at him to take in his massive, pleased smile. His hair is stuck to his temples, whether still wet from the shower or sweaty from exertion you’re unsure. All you are sure of is that fact that he is gorgeous. His eyes that shine down on you with so much love, the dimples that sink into his cheek to make space for his joy, his lips that move as they say your name. The whole picture has your brain screaming mine mine mine mine.
“That’s right, pretty girl, all yours,” Eddie agrees with a smirk. Your brain and drug addled brain must have caused you to speak your thoughts out loud but you can’t bring it in you to care. Not when Eddie is hoisting you up even higher against his elevated lap, causing your back to arch off the bed, your head and shoulders pressing down against the mattress for leverage as you bounce in his grasp.
“Jesus Christ, I want it. I want it, I w-want it Eddie…” You’re positively rambling now, scrabbling against the sheets for purchase. Seeking out your organs with legs that shake as the squeeze against Eddie’s narrow hips.
“And I want you. Wanna fuck you on the washing machine. Bend you over the - fuck - the kitchen counter while you wear one of those aprons and nothing else.” If you’re rambling, so is he. He’s so far gone in the fantasy at this point, so overwhelmed by everything he never thought he, the town freak, could want let alone have, in any capacity.
The gravel tone of his voice and the fucked out look on his face are what do you in ultimately. You squeeze down on his cock and cry out, wide eyes blind with pleasure and fingernails digging into any part of him you can reach.
“Oh god, oh Eddie!”
“Fucking shit, princess. You’re so tight, that’s - fuck!” Eddie has lost all intelligibility at this point. But that’s just fine by you, because you’re miles high now. Body tingling and seizing and floating, both from the weed and the strength of your climax.
You fall boneless back to the bed and register the fact that Eddie’s still teetering on the brink, every muscle tensed and shaking as he chases satisfaction. Your body is pushed higher up the bed with each of his escalating, punishing thrusts. He seems lost, and that’s what gives you the instinct to ground him.
Grabbing at his neck and shoulders, you pull Eddie down to you, causing him to catch himself on the mattress on either side of your head while you kiss him. It’s extremely one sided with his fat gone he is and with how much energy he has focused on pistoning into your soaked pussy. But it feels good nonetheless and you know it’s doing something for you to slide your tongue into his slack jawed mouth because it causes him to let out a groan from deep in his chest.
When you pull away you place your hands on both sides of his face and hold him there to make eye contact. His gaze is incredibly unfocused, and his brow is twisted in agony, but you keep the eye contact and make sure to enunciate when you speak.
“I’m yours, Eddie Munson,” you repeat the earlier sentiment, this time staring straight into his soul. Eddie’s entire body convulses then, just like clock work, and he buries his face into your neck and clings to you while hot ropes of his cum paint your walls. You hold him through it, even as his hips continue to rock. “There we go. That’s it.”
It takes him several moments to come back to earth, aided in his return only by the gentle feeling of your hands caressing his back and sliding through his hair. He hums into your neck, pressing a kiss to the sensitive skin there before finally pulling back to look at you.
Your kiss swollen lips are still wet. Your eyes are much to bright and your hair is positively bedraggled. All surefire proof that you have been well and thoroughly debauched. Pride swells in his chest at the sight, but it also swells in his dick, causing it to twitch inside you in spite of softening, and you inhale sharply at the feeling. Your features settle back into a relaxed smile though and Eddie kisses beneath your eye.
“That do it for you, baby?” he asks, voice ridiculously smug. You reward him with a massive smile, but your shrug throws him.
“Yeah, but we’re just getting started handsome. We have the rest of the day. Thought you wanted to keep me in your bed, filled and covered in cum?”
A deep blush stains Eddie’s cheeks and chest as you quote the dirty talk he’d spewed in a moment of passion. But, not one to back down from a challenge, he pulls his softened cock out of you slowly, pleased by the way your smirk crumples st the loss.
“You’re right, princess,” Eddie says with a grin. He drags the reddened head of his cock up from your slit over your pubic bone and to your lower belly, sure to catch it on your clit on the way up to elicit a gasp from you. He smears the mixture of your cum and his there on your belly before leaning down and licking a stripe up through the mess that has you clenching around nothing.
When Eddie looks up to find you gazing at him with mooning eyes, he takes pity on you and leans back up for a kiss. A sweaty, salty, cum-flavored kiss that’s everything you, the freak’s lover and a freak in her own right, could ever want.
It doesn’t take long before wandering hands and massaging tongues lead you to feel something stiff digging into your hip again. You reach down and graze your fingers over his leaking tip and bite your lip.
“Make me yours again, handsome, and if I can still walk afterwards I’ll make you dinner.”
Eddie shakes his head deviously at your proposal.
“We’ll be having take out.”
You frown up at him.
“But I thought you like it when I make dinner,” you begin to argue, but then you’re crying out because Eddie sheaths himself back inside you with one thrust. Your pliant, wet, satiated body welcomes him without protest this time. Eddie grasps at your curves and nudges his nose against yours before moving.
“I do love it when you make dinner, baby. But the way I intend on fucking you, you sure as hell won’t be able to walk tonight. That’s a promise.”
And your Eddie is a man of his word.
Hope you enjoyed ♥️
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chuuyascumsock · 10 months
Hop On That Delulu Train Bestie || Minors DNI
Summary: HOOOLY S H I T. WHY. DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF? May you all find peace one day and cure your chronic horniness and delusions for men who would never want you irl <3 (Just like me fr). Anyways, this has been sitting and gathering cobwebs for weeks now, but I’ve decided to finish it in honor of chapter 109. Keep being delulu babe.
Tags: Dazai Osamu/Reader, Afab reader, Soft Dom Dazai, Fingering, Cunnilingus (Why Is That Such A Silly Word), Pussy IS Therapy Ig, He Just Seems Like An Avid Pussy Eater Idk, Would Definitely Use Your Thighs As Earmuffs, Sorry Y’all Don’t Get The Dick <3, I Was Too Lazy To Turn This Into A Full Smut.
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The quiet hum of a low light lamp buzzes through your ears as your eyes flicker over the words to the page mindlessly. Reading was boring, watching television was boring, everything was boring.
You look over to the clock on your nightstand and let out a loud sigh. Nearly midnight and he had still yet to walk through the door as he usually does and smother you with sweet nothings and soft kisses. Your gaze falls back onto your book, the romance novel glaring back with the most dull descriptions and irritating plot. You shut the book, tossing it aside as you groan and knock your head back against the headboard of your bed.
Picking up your phone that sits on the nightstand dresser, you note the empty screen with no obnoxious texts from a certain brunette. It was almost worrying not seeing his name on your lock screen with a bunch of random emojis spammed next to it. Unlocking your phone, you re-read your last text sent to him nearly two hours ago— asking when he’d be home.
You start to wonder if he’s late because of another failed suicide attempt, but you quickly let the thought pass when you finally hear the front door open. It closes almost silently, muffled footsteps growing closer to your room. Your eyes focus on your door frame as Dazai finally steps in, his clothes disheveled and hair messy.
“ ‘Samu…” You murmur, slightly taken aback at his appearance.
His warm brown eyes travel over to the bed where you lay and a small smile curls onto his lips as he shuffles over and climbs onto your side of the bed, his face and upper body planting atop of your legs. He heavily inhales before exhaling, his hot breath blowing against the skin of your thighs. Subconsciously, one of your hands makes its way into his hair and begins to comb through his tangled tresses. His arms wrap around under your legs and lock them in place.
“My love…” He whispers back, his body relaxing on you as his feet hang over the bottom edge of the bed. He kicks his shoes off and allows them to thump to the ground.
“You didn’t answer my text, something happen?” Your brows scrunch together in concern.
Dazai sighs, pressing a light kiss against your thigh, “My phone was in my pocket during a shoot out and it was sadly destroyed.”
You wait for him to make a joke about wishing the bullet went through his skull instead, but it never comes to your surprise. “Oh… Well, I guess we can go look for a new one tomorrow then.” You finish unknotting his hair with your fingers as a moment of silence settles over the both of you before you add, “I’m guessing today was rough then?”
He hums in return, enjoying the way your hand runs through his hair affectionately. “Kunikida made me do my paperwork,” He pouts, his chin coming to rest on your thighs to look up at you.
You briefly laugh, patting his head before speaking with a mock-sympathetic tone, “Aw, my poor baby…”
He huffs, burying his face back into the plush of your thighs, “You don’t sound very genuine, that’s very mean you know… He’s always bullying me around.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, knowing full well that whatever shit Kunikida gives Dazai— he deserves every bit of it for his shenanigans. You’ve only met him a few times as well as Dazai’s other co-workers, but it was safe to say that if anyone was being bullied— it was that poor bastard, Kunikida. “Oh, really? And you don’t bother the hell out of him until he loses his shit?” You stop running your hand through his hair.
Dazai gasps, overdramatically, of course, “I would never! Kunikida is my respectable co-worker who I value and treat with the utmost—“
“Then why do I get calls from him begging me: “For the love of God, please come get your terrorizing bastard of a boyfriend, I can’t do it anymore.” Huh?”
Cue another gasp, “You’re talking to other men?! Kunikida no less!?”
You roll your eyes, “It was originally because he called me to come get you every time you decided to take a dip in the canal, now it’s a complaint hotline for you.” You poke an index finger against his forehead firmly.
“Owie…” He brings a hand up to rub his forehead, bottom lip jutting out.
“You’re a handful, you know that?” You grumble, staring down at him, “I deserve a medal for putting up with your shenanigans.”
“Isn’t my love enough?” Dazai whines, making puppy eyes at you.
A sigh leaves your lips, “Yeah… You’re lucky you’re cute.”
His lips quirk up back into a smile and he nuzzles his face back against your skin, placing small kisses to your thighs.You don’t really keep count, but it takes a few pecks until he gently nips at your thigh.
“Hey—“ You squeak, pushing at his head which causes him to chuckle, “You’re doing that on purpose.”
The kisses on your thighs grow sloppy before he moves his arms from around your legs to nudge them apart, his body fitting between your legs. He quickly maneuvers your thighs until the backs of your thighs press against the tops of his shoulders, arms wrapping around your legs to keep you against him. “What? I’m just getting comfortable, my love.” He plays off innocently, his cheek squishing against one of your thighs as he looks up at you.
Your brows furrow, heat crawling up your neck as you glare back suspiciously, “I know what you’re doing.”
“And is it a bad thing?” He chimes back, going back to kissing your thighs.
You shiver, feeling his wet lips leave a trail of saliva to air along the insides of your thighs, “You know I’m—“
“Sensitive? Yeah,” He trails off with a noise that sounds like a groan mixed with a hum.
At this point, you feel a tingle crawl up your spine and warmth spread across your face. A fuzziness begins to form in your mind as his lips grow closer to the edge of your sleep shorts.
He pauses when he gets to your shorts, his face pulling away and his hands coming to tug at the hem of your shorts. “Want these off,” He mumbles, pulling at them.
You’re quick to lift your hips and slip your shorts down your legs, Dazai’s hands fumbling along yours to throw them to the side. He buries his face between your legs once more to press his lips along your inner thighs until he reaches your underwear. His face pushes forward until his lips press against your cunt and nose nudges your clit through the thin fabric.
A strangled moan passes your lips as he meets your flustered gaze, and although you can’t see his mouth with it pressed against you— you can tell he’s smirking through his eyes.
He softly breathes in before placing a searing kiss against your clothed pussy, causing your thigh to slightly twitch in his grasp. “I missed this pretty little pussy— haven’t tasted it in days,” He groans before bringing a finger to pull your underwear aside and reveal your glossy folds to him. His gaze is greedy as he parts your folds with two fingers, mouth watering at your slicked insides.
“Don’t stare…”
“Awe, but I can’t help it— looks so good,” Dazai breathes out before leaning forward to slip his tongue flat between your spread folds, licking up to your clit to collect your taste on his tongue. “Tastes good too…” He groans, lapping his tongue through for a second time, “I could spend the whole day eating this pussy out until you’re quivering and begging for me to stop.”
A strung-out whimper escapes your throat as you watch him. Heat burns the nape of your neck, the dizzy feeling hitting you twice as hard as your eyelids lull.
Dazai is shameless in his sucking and slurping of lips and tongue against your dripping cunt as loudly as possible. He doesn’t hold back any of his needy groans and muffled whimpers as he tastes every drop of arousal you have to offer. He strains painfully against the confines of his pants as he holds back the urge to fold you in half and fuck you on his cock until your drooling cunt is filled to the brim with his cum.
His tongue delves into your tight hole, the warm muscle wriggling against your clenching walls before sliding out. After repeating the process a few times, he moves to suck at your throbbing clit, sighing at the way it pulses against his tongue. There’s a small ‘pop’ when he pulls away reluctantly to replace his mouth with his lengthy, thin fingers.
“I love the way you squirm under my touch— drives me crazy— you know that?” Dazai grins before sinking a finger into your wet hole.
An airy gasp leaves your lips as you try to move away from him in surprise, only to have his grip tighten around your thigh with his free hand. “ ‘Samu, I—“ Your fingers clench into the sheets on the bed.
“I know, my love— feel good?” He borderline coos, eyes glued to the way you sucked his finger back in with every pump. “I bet it does, your fingers just don’t reach like mine, do they?” He adds a second finger, his digits curving into your gummy sweet spot.
Your hips involuntarily buck in to meet his thrusting fingers, your pussy squelching around his lithe digits. He leers at the obscene image of your sweet cunt swallowing his fingers down to the knuckle with a lewd moan.
“Good girl, keep fucking yourself on my fingers like that,” He croons, leaning forward to suck at your puffy clit again.
Surges of pleasure rampage within you as you clamp your shaking thighs around his head, grinding your aching pussy against his mouth and fingers. “M’gonna come, s’too much—“ You whimper.
“Come on my tongue— wanna feel that pussy clench around my fingers,” Dazai muffles a groan against your sensitive clit which has you coming undone and vehemently shivering from the feeling of your climax.
Dazai slides his fingers out of your pulsing hole and presses his tongue against your drenched pussy as you ride out your orgasm— his tongue not missing a single drip of arousal. He sighs quietly when he’s finished and pulls away, your bare sex covered in merely his spit now.
With your chest heaving from the aftermath, your head weakly shifts to watch Dazai sit up on his knees and hover over. “ ‘S-Samu…”
“Shh, I know, my love,” He laughs softly— and you think he’s going to redress you before cuddling into you like he usually does, but he doesn’t. Instead, his hand trails down to unzip his pants, the tip of his pre-cum leaking cock peeking out of his waistband. He pushes both his pants and boxers to his mid thighs before stroking his hard cock.
“You’re tired, so why don’t you just lay back and let me fuck that pretty pussy to sleep, hm?”
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rhadamanthes · 13 days
Mr.Policeman. Sukuna x reader
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word count : 1,7 k words
warnings : officer!sukuna, fem reader, slight yandere reader, handcuff, finger sucking, rough sex, mention of baby trapping, creampie.
author's notes : this was inspired after watching a killer's paradox on netflix, i wanted to fuck that detective so bad... enjoy
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Crushing the butt of his cigarette on the floor, Sukuna takes a deep breath before entering your apartment. Another call from you, urging him to come during his shift. You entered his life a few months ago, crying at the  police station for a stolen purse. You gave an extensive description of the overpriced bag, and everything that was in it. When he found the culprit a few days later you came running to him, hugging him, thanking him over and over.
He made the mistake of calling you with his personal number. Ever since, there was not a single day where you haven't solicited him. A spider on the wall ? you call him. A sprained ankle? you call him. Can't find your keys ? another call. Every single time he denied you, you would come crying at the station refusing to talk to anyone but him. Sometimes he wonders if you have any self respect.  
Earlier today he recieve a call from you, you sounded really panicked this time, you told him to come over without further reason. He did, when he enters your place, you don't come rushing to him like usual. Something off, he calls your name,  A muffled voice comes from your room. Following the sound, he can't believe what he sees with his own eyes. You're laying on your bed, wearing a lacy nightgown as well as a robe. Your hands are tied up to the steel frame of your bed and you're gagged. What the hell happened this time? He sighs walking to you. Taking a seat on the bed he notices the fear in your eyes. Shit it's for real this time.
"What happened ? are you ok ?" he inquires, freeing your mouth. 
"I'm fine Just a bit shocked, untie my wrists please it hurts" you quietly speak.
Sukuna feels bad, something happened to you and he was reluctant just at the thought of seeing you again. Once you're free, he encourages you to tell him what happened. Grabbing the notepad on the side of his uniform he's ready to take your testimony.
"I have a stalker, he was inside when I got there."
Writing down all the information as you speak, things don't add up. How could you call him? You were gagged when he got here but he heard you loud and clear on the phone. Closing the notebook he stares at you. This is the problem, he thinks, he never knows how to deal with you, what is true what isn't ? You look at him curiously when you notice he's not writing anymore. 
"How could you call me if your wrists and mouth were restrained ?" he starts in a calm voice.
"I-i don't know i don't remember... I did what I can '' you stutters, the tears threaten to fall from your eyes, as you sob on his shoulder holding him tight. 
Shit he is definitely acting like an ass today. He still can' shake the gut feeling he has, this added up to all your interaction since he knows you can't be a coincidence. You have a crush on him, worse an obsession could this be one of your schemes ? He needs to be sure. Separating your bodies, Sukuna holds you by your shoulder planting a sweet kiss on your lips, he waits a few moments but you don't deepen the kiss. When he breaks the contact , your brows are slightly furrowed. Could he be mistaken ?
"Officer, I'm not sure what you're doing" your sweet voice reach his ears, as you run your hands up his arms, squeezing his muscles. 
You little vixen, this is all you desire. He should have known from the second he laid eyes on your stupid pink nightgown.
"You're not ?" he asks, locking his hand in your hair. 
You shake your head left to right, looking at him through your lashes. He's going to ruin you, he doesn't want to be gentle. You made him lose so much time and sanity over the past few months. At the same time he also want to feed in your delusion, be sweet with you like the hero you see in him, to fuck you sensually as he saved you once again. 
"Be kind to me officer, i'm still a bit shaken" you purr laying back on the bed.  
"I have a name sweetheart, say it" he decided to play your game today. 
"Sukuna, please make me feel good." Your voice is itching his brain the right way, maybe he should have folded way before today. You look particularly desirable in your little silk underwear. 
"Should I use this?" he says, grabbing the cuffs you were previously tied with. 
"Hmm I'd prefer if you used yours." you say tracing the police badge on his firm torso
"As you wish" he undresses you revealing your naked body under the gown. Of course you didn't bother wearing anything underneath. He huffs through his nose, you're endearing in your own way that's for sure. He taps your hips telling you to turn around. You dramatically hiss at the impact.
"Come on now" he scoffs
"But i want to see your face please" you beg, grabbing on his shoulders tightly. 
"So demanding, is it because you're still scared? I'm here now, nothing will happen to you" he coos stradling your body.
Your lips met his, Sukuna let you lead, you take your time, exploring his mouth with your tongue.  The kiss is so sweet you might actually make him rot. Feeling your hands fidgeting with his hips he grabs it as a reflex, breaking the kiss. His patrol cuffs are in your hands.
"Why don't you tie us together"  you bat your eyelashes and Sukuna really thinks he went mad  resisting you for so long. 
Taking the cuff from your hand he clicks it on your left wrist, you do the same for his right one. A soft giggle escapes your lips once you're linked to each other, you're looking at him with pure lust now. He wants you too, can't wait to feel your warm pussy around him. He quickly kicks off his boots and gets rid of his trousers. He's about to take off his cap when you stop him. 
"It's hot, keep it on Sukuna please" the way his name rolls off your tongue makes him feel like a brand new man. You're so salacious.  
Granting you your wish he brings his cuffed hand to your lips, dipping two of his fingers in your mouth. You happily suck them in, never breaking eye contact. Your tied hand is wrapped around his wrist, keeping him in place. Once Sukuna feels they're wet enough he brings them to your pussy, rubbing your clit a few times before he curls them inside your wet walls. Your moans fill the room and he can't help but groan at the feeling.
"You don't even need it, you're so soaked" he gritts through his teeth, watching his fingers coated with your arousal, mixing with your saliva. 
Jerking his cock he enters your pussy hungrily in one go. You both moan at the sensation. God you're everything he thought you would be, your pussy is squeezing in a delicious manner while you're splayed on your back eyes closed, mouth open.  Sukuna starts with a slow pace until you beg him to go faster.
"You're such a brave girl taking it all like that" he grunts, snapping his hips harder against yours. 
"You're proud of me ?" you mumble, scratching his back with your free hand. 
"So proud" he can't keep his eyes off your breast as they bounce under each of his powerful thrust.
The more he ruts into you, the louder you get, he's intoxicated looking at his cock going in and out of your sopping cunt. It pussy hugs him perfectly and judging by the way you're moaning he can tell you feel good too.  
Sukuna never considered himself a greedy person but for you he might just become one, lifting your legs up on his shoulders, he thrusts deeper in your cunt. As a reaction, you immediately sink your nails deeper in the skin of his back.
"Oh my god i feel you in my toes" you cry, the tingling sensation on your soles making you drunk on the feeling. 
You can only hum in response, air taken out of your lungs. The bedroom sounds like a mess, your excitement makes wet noises under his powerful thrust. Sukuna moans at the way your cunt wraps perfectly around him.  The bed is creaking under both your weights. You've been dreaming about this for so long you can quickly feel yourself reaching your high, you wish your every desire to be fulfilled.
"Sukuna cum inside me please" you beg searching for his ruby eyes. 
Looking down at you he feels his stomach churn. You look so desirable right now, of course he wants to fill your pussy and watch his semen leak out of you, but you're so shifty could you trap him with a kid ? Feeling his hesitation you usher him closer, begging in his ear one more time. 
His resolution easily dies down as your saccharine voice fills his brain. 
"Shit, i'm going to fill you up" he grunts, pushing your gummy walls again and again to satisfy the both of you.  
With one last thrust, the police officer makes you the happiest woman on earth, tainting your insides with his seed as your pussy squeezes him impossibly tighter with sweet release. His sweating body rests on top of yours as he slowly regains his breath. After a moment, he rolls on the side staring at the ceiling, before he can think about anything, you lay on his chest kissing his bare skin.
"I made us dinner if you're hungry I can heat it up" you purr tracing circles on his torso. 
Not saying a word Sukuna wonders if he's ever going to be able to escape you after this. 
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AITA for telling the upstairs neighbor to be a little quieter at night?
I (26nb) live in an apartment complex. I am on the first floor. This apartment has a noise curfew of 10pm. I have a kid (5) who sleeps at 8pm. We have neighbors around us who also have kids around the same age who go to bed roughly around the same time (we've talked from time to time) including a new neighbor with a young autistic kid. My kid is also autistic. I am also autistic and schizophrenic. The neighbor directly next to us has a dog who tends to bark and howl whenever he hears loud noises. These are important to remember.
This girl moved in some handful of weeks ago right above me. Some days during the day I hear her stomping around REALLY loudly like crazy, and at first I thought that's fine because its just during the day no big deal. But then she started doing it late at night. First night I thought maybe she was still unboxing and stuff, nbd. But this kept going on for weeks from 8pm until nearly 2am every single day. And around 10pm-1am she would play loud music with heavy bass. This would keep me awake at night and prevent me from sleeping, and would cause me to have sensory overload very easily. My kiddo said it scared her to hear the banging and stomping and music upstairs late at night. One night at about 9:30pm, she started banging something FIERCE up there to the point where I actually started having an episode. I thought we were being broken into and I fell into a delusion that was remedied by my partner coming home and helping to ground me. That was my breaking point, and I ended up leaving a note saying, "hi! I wanted to ask if you could please keep the noise a little lower at night, we have young kiddos that live here too. Thank you!" I didn't leave anything to indicate who we were.
The next day she brought back the note to MY door saying "I'll try to be quieter. I didn't think I was that loud. I come home late. It was a Friday night and I was banging chicken at 8pm so I didn't think it was an issue. I just moved in and I'm trying to live my life. Sorry" and left two stuffed animals. Weeks passed and she is still, up to today, being loud late into the night and early morning. My partner can also hear it loud and clear and has complained to me about how disruptive she is. Some other neighbors have come forth saying she's so loud THEY can hear her when they come in through the main door. She's so loud that she's been causing the dog next door to bark like crazy, which is disturbing that poor neighbor as well. We are all kind of fed up with this girl.
Recently, there was a bunch of people who got their packages stolen... Her included. She left a note in the main lobby saying to bring her packages back. Today, we could hear her loudly talking on the phone outside while we were also outside, and she was talking to someone about available renting places outside of our city. We think she might be trying to move out already even though she just got here.
I think I might be the asshole because, between my note and her packages getting stolen, she probably felt unwelcomed here. I don't want people to feel unwelcomed, but I also want to be able to exist in my own home safely and comfortably. Maybe I should have left her alone and just dealt with the noise. My family thinks I was being rude to say anything at all, and my mom said I lost a potential friend by doing that. AITA?
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itadorey · 10 months
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pairing: childe x reader summary: in which you, the late signora's apprentice, have been assigned to take over one of the two empty harbinger roles, and childe can't help but worry about you. or alternatively, childe tries to rizz you up in the middle of la signora's funeral. wc: ~1.6k notes: more of a character study based on the "a winter night's lazzo" trailer. reader has a vision but it's only mentioned briefly.
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the air is almost stifling as you look around, trying to ignore the mournful tune coming out of columbina's mouth.
the silvery metal of the coffin at the head of the room catches the light every so often, glinting just enough to catch your eye no matter how hard you try to keep your gaze elsewhere. it seems to mock, you, a reminder of the mentor who taught you so much yet told you so little. you don't miss her, of course you don't. from the very beginning, you knew you were merely another pawn for her to use; someone who she thought was talented, but ultimately disposable. that thought alone makes you feel some kind of morbid pride when you realize that you've managed to replace her.
a low hum comes from beside you, and you refuse to turn when you feel a certain redheaded harbinger lean in closer to you, nudging you with his elbow as he did so. childe lets out a small, frustrated huff when you refuse to meet his gaze, choosing instead to tilt his head down towards you. you can feel his hair brushing against your cheek and breath tickling the shell of your ear, an annoyance so great you finally break and face him, ready to tell him off. pulcinella starts speaking before you can do so.
"we are gathered here today to remember our dear comrade. in honor of her sacrifice, all work should halt for half a day as the nation mourns her passing."
your gaze is immediately drawn away from childe and towards pulcinella, your fingers twitching at his words. the action doesn't go unnoticed by childe, and he reaches over to grab your hand, pouting when you scowl and scoot away. his attention is quickly brought back to the rest of the harbingers, and he can't help but roll his eyes as someone else begins to speak.
"merely half a day?" pantalone says, chuckling lightly as he repeats pulcinella's words. you can't help the shiver that runs down your spine; pantalone's voice alone is enough to instill caution into you. "people may say that the northland bank's rue currencies are blood and tears, but mayor, even speaking as a banker that sounds a little unconscionable."
childe can't help but stare at you, watching as you nod your head absentmindedly. he's interested in your lack of emotion. sure, you're agreeing with pantalone's statement, but nothing about your demeanor suggests that you're actually upset about la signora's demise. you're just bothered with the lack of respect being given to a fallen comrade. a part of him is annoyed, all his delusions about comforting you in your time of grief dissipating in that very moment. another part of him is impressed; he can't deny that the tsaritsa really does know how to pick her harbingers.
"rosalyne died in a foreign land," arlecchino's voice is loud enough to drown out columbina's singing. "but you heartless businessmen and dignitaries always with a convenient excuse to remain in the comfort of your homeland. you couldn't hope to understand, so why don't you keep your mouths shut! we don't want to make the children cry."
there's an almost unnoticeable exchange between you and arlecchino, the two of you nodding at each other before looking away. childe's eyes don't leave your face as you sigh softly, directing one last glance at the coffin before turning your head to the side.
"hey, c'mon now," childe says, his tone a little too bright for the current situation. "even i don't think this is the right time or place for a fight."
there's a brief second in which you whip your head around to meet his eyes, mild surprise visible as you process his words. childe finds himself wondering why he spoke. (he tells himself that it's to respect la signora's memory).
"utterly risible," sandrone says. you can't help but roll your eyes, glaring at her as you try to figure out who her words were aimed at. childe frowns when he notices your attention is no longer on him, and he chooses to burrow into his scarf as he scoots closer to you. he blames it on the cold.
the conversation turns to scaramouche, and you tune out capitano and dottore as they speak. you couldn't care less about the missing harbinger; sooner or later you would catch up to him and take back what the tsaritsa wanted. columbina's singing seems to get louder, almost taunting you as you do your best to avoid looking at the coffin. you're reminded of the day you were called into the tsaritsa's audience room, her hand colder than the snezhnayan snow as she rested it on your shoulder and told you that you would be taking the place of one of the two former harbingers.
"rosalyne would be proud," the tsaritsa had said. "you should feel honored."
your fingers trace the outline of your delusion, catching on the ridges of the gilded metal that keep the gem in place. you know it's almost identical to a vision, but the gifted delusion feels much, much heavier. you think you're going crazy.
childe nudges your knee with his, drawing you out of your thoughts. you look over at him, an amused smile on your face as you notice him snuggling into his scarf. he's closer than he was earlier, you realize, his outer thigh pressed up right against yours. you pretend not to notice, instead relaxing your posture and allowing your leg to fully rest against his. you blame it on the cold.
a soft gasp leaves your lips when childe grabs your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours before pulling you off the bench you had been sitting on. you glance around, watching as all the harbingers approach rosalyne's coffin and take their respective places around it. you stare at your hand, still intertwined with childe's, before you glance up, being met with an infuriating smirk. you huff as he pulls you to his side, grip tightening slightly to make sure you stay in place beside him.
"let every worthy sacrifice be carved in ice, and with this nation endure for all time," pierro's words catch your attention, childe's hold momentarily forgotten as you stare at the first of the harbingers. "in the name of her majesty, the tsaritsa, we will seize authority form the gods. absolute peace; such is the gift from the tsaritsa, such is her majesty's benevolence. now you rest in this coffin, encased in layer upon layer of ice."
pierro pauses to stare down at the coffin, and you find yourself absentmindedly placing your free hand upon the cool metal. there's a slight shake to your hand that makes your brow furrow, unsure as to why. you're not scared, and the nervousness you feel is not nearly great enough for you to be shaking. your muddled reflection stares back at you as you keep trying to discern your emotions, and you're only brought out of your pensive state when you feel childe squeeze your hand. you glance up to meet pierro's icy gaze head-on.
"but rosalyne, i promise you, your final resting place will be the entirety of the 'old world'," pierro finishes, speaking his final words without looking away from you. there's a tense silence that follows, each of the harbingers waiting to hear your response. you glance down briefly, your previously shaky hand having gone still in the time it took pierro to speak. you feel childe fidget, your silence dragging on as a miniscule smile appears on your face. you drag your gaze up to give pierro a firm nod, receiving one in return before he turns and walks out of the room. pulcinella and pantalone are quick to follow, the latter shooting you a curious glance and letting out a low hum before disappearing.
"well, well," childe starts. "shall we go get some food and celebrate?"
at your confused glance, childe simply smiles. "you were so nervous you were shaking! but don't worry, you've proven yourself."
you pull your hand out of his grasp when he begins to walk, your face feeling warm as you realized you had been holding hands the entire time. "no thanks, i have things to do."
childe's eyes follow you as you stalk towards the door, an eyebrow raising when you pause at the exit and turn to face him once more. "and i wasn't nervous!"
"no?" childe immediately responds, a flirty lilt present in his voice as he crosses his arms. "then why were you shaking?"
"because," you start, a dangerous grin spreading across your face. you've finally figured out what you were feeling earlier. "i realized that being a harbinger doesn't make me nervous. it makes me excited."
childe huffs out a laugh as you finally leave, shaking his head in amusement before he runs a hand through his hair. he's left staring at the door until he hears arlecchino's muffled snort, and he turns to her with a warm face as he realizes that she'd heard your entire exchange.
"you don't stand a chance," she says, making her way to the exit as well. "but it'll be fun to see you try."
"fun indeed," childe mutters, glancing at rosalyne's coffin one last time. with a soft laugh, he places his hands into his coat pocket, trudging towards the door and already missing the warmth you had been providing not even ten minutes prior. "this'll be interesting."
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rbs are appreciated <3
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itoshi-s · 2 years
idk if it's your thing but im thinking about noncon or cnc with sae. maybe its something you both agree beforehand. he comes home and he's very rough and hard with you. just what im thinking about today 😌
AAAAAAAAaaaAAa NONnIe pls !!! PLEASE of course this is my thing 😭😭😭😭😃 in fact i might just cream my pants as we speak abt it !
this made me so feral u do not have ANY idea how much i want this man to use me all up . he's fucked up in this head of his ,, i just know it and u all will too after this :')
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nsfw / 17+ only / minors dni !
cw: noncon/cnc (u talk it thru before but there's several mentions of it feeling forced), fem reader, heavy choking, face slapping, degradation, mentions of cervix fucking and bleeding, a lil bit of dacryphilia
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sae, who seems like he’s always in control of everything, but it’s just a delusion that he keeps up as a defense mechanism - something to pull his thoughts away from the many issues that trouble him. sae, who knows just yet another way to let his mind run empty, until the white noise dies down.
you’ve discussed it earlier, obviously, although it did take you a glass or two of wine to admit it - that you really, really wanted to give it a try. him, taking you against your will and despite your cries and begging, handling you however he likes, for as long as he pleases.
you two never really even needed any kind of safe-word before - a simple stop was sufficient enough - but sae was just logical enough to make you think of one, to keep the boundary firm.
that way, he's seemingly not phased at all as he shoves your head in the plush pillows, cutting your airflow with the deathgrip he has on the back of your neck, to silence your cries.
"sae- please, please please," the words come between hiccups, muffled and pathetic between his hard thrusts. "pl- ah- please, d-don' want it."
you say it as if it'd make him stop - as if he cared.
but he doesn't, or at least not the way you wished he would. in fact, hearing the way you sob and how every movement of his hips cuts your breath away gives him the drive to go even harder - rough, until your body slumps in defeat, becomes pliant in his grip.
heat bites at his cheeks, flushed and hued bright pink - just like always when he's this aroused - as he groans, deep in his chest, and lands a hard smack on the fat of your ass cheek. it stings, the lewd sound bouncing off the bedroom walls, and is followed by your wailing into the expensive feathers of your pillows. it hurts - all over the reddened flesh, against your cervix that sae just seems to bully his cock right on with each thrust, and in your chest, as his fingers flex around your neck tighter and make it hard to inhale.
with a shaky breathe, sae gives a slight shove to your head, using your body as leverage to fix his position behind you and push his hips even further against your ass. "stop fuckin' squirming." you'd nod quickly, the demanding tone making you tremble in fear, but he holds you so tight, your head just won't move. "dumb bitch wants to order me around? 's that it?" the mockery forces another wash of tears to soak into the silk sheets - a sob strangled somewhere in your throat, as white starts to seep into your vision from asphyxia.
he pulls his hips just a few inches back, only to push right back inside, until he physically feels it just won't go further, until the blunt head of his cock kisses right at your bruised cervix - until you start crying, proper and loud.
his cock twitches against your walls at the sound, and with a short exhale, he picks up the pace of his thrusts again.
it usually begins just like this, the same way each and every time. a routine, if you will. there's a training bag being dumped right by the front door, a soft thud as he kicks his shoes off, and the harsh echo of keys hitting the glass bowl.
sometimes, the only thing he wishes for on days like this, when there's a turmoil in both his chest and head, eating away at him, is to see your head peek out from your bedroom and feel your arms wrap around him moments after.
you want to talk about it? - you'd ask, and he turns to mush in your embrace.
but then again, there's times when it goes south - and it takes one look at his face as you walk to the front door to make you back away. you know how sae is and how he's not one to tiptoe around anyone else. he's sharp, bitter, and can bring someone to either tears or anxiety with barely a few muttered words.
but he's never like this with you - an exception that makes your hurt flutter.
or, more likely, he wasn't, until you shyly admitted that you just might want him to try and be.
it feels notably real, brings the thrill and puts your mind into fight or flight when you really don't want it. when your day was just as exhausting as his - if not even worse - and the last thing you can think about is his hands on you, touching and bringing pleasure. at the very back of your head, as he manhandles you into any position he wants with no regards to your cries and pleas, there's a thought that in fact, maybe you should be scared. that just maybe, you actually are.
but the heavy, rapid beat of your heart against your ribcage and the heat that pools in the pit of your stomach tells you otherwise - reminds you through the haze in your mind that this is what you want.
"s-sae- sae,"
it's like a broken record, brain turned into mush and tongue thick in your mouth as you babble.
"stop, stop, please, sae please i can't- can't take this."
your knees buckle underneath your weight, wobbly and weak, muscles cramped and tingling from exhaustion, but it spurs him on. that, and the feeling of your pussy throbbing so sweetly around him, squeezing him tight, as he feels the clear nectar trickle down the inside of your thighs, staining his own with filth.
"then tell her to stop fucking creaming on me." it comes out as a breathy laugh as he pulls out abruptly, letting go of your neck and making you wheeze. "third time. you've came all over me, cryin' and whoring yourself out, three times already, and you tell me you don't want this."
the spinning of your vision doesn't let go not even one bit as sae already grabs you by the ankles, swiftly pulling you towards him, flipping you onto your back with ease.
you push at his forearms, sputtering for your breath still and sniffling, pathetic and desperate. he knits his brows together, gives a look that speaks so much disdain that it brings you to look away. he doesn't have any of it, a hand helping him ease his cock back inside of your poor and twitching cunt before it wraps back around your throat - firm and snug, knuckles flashing white at the grip.
you gasp, hands grabbing at his wrist as blood rushes to your face, but then there's a stinging sensation that forces your head to the side - a loud slap and white hot burn on your cheek, where sae's hand has just hit.
"look at me," he demands, and there's a spark of desperation in the heavy and hoarse tone of his voice. he's close - again, having filled you up to the very brim once already - but his mind's so clouded and hazy, all mashed into one, with fucking you into tears as his only objective, he feels like he could go for hours.
well, he already is.
the same hand that delivered the slap grabs on your jaw, thumb digging into the soft flesh of your cheek and forcing your mouth open as finally, you look back up at him. there's tears clinging to your lashline, no thought between those pretty doe eyes, as your nimble fingers tighten around his wrist.
soft little breaths come out ragged and high pitches, squeaky, almost, as you whimper.
"please," the sound makes sae fight back a smirk as your eyes roll back just in time with his thrusts resuming. "pl- please-n'more," it's breathy as you moan, eyes almost crossing from the force of his hips slamming on yours.
he's fucked you so dumb, just the way he wanted to - just the way you look the prettiest, tears clinging to your cheeks, hair stuck to dampened skin, tongue lolling out to catch your breath.
"shut this whore mouth of yours and take it." it's firm, but you can hear his breath hitch deep in his throat, fighting back a groan that'd only sound needier than he intended it to. you go to squeeze your eyes shut, back arching and hips scurrying away as he slams right against your cervix, so deep you're surprised it didn't make you bleed yet - but before you can, there's another slap to your face, firm and heavy, and it brings you back afloat.
that, and the sight of teal eyes staring right back at you, needy and growing softer with every move of his hips as he nears his high again.
"told you not to fucking look away," it's almost a wheeze as he speaks, both hands resting around your throat now, using the hold as support as he maneuvers you to meet his thrusts. "c'mon. make m' cum, i know you can."
your vision nearly tunnels and there's specks of white creeping in, but even as your lids grown heavy, you can still see the desperation on sae's pretty features - teeth sinking into his bottom lip, brows furrowed, and turquoise eyes boring into your face - observant.
he sees you're almost at your limit - but you're a pleaser.
you nod weakly, one hand slipping from his wrist to grab at his bicep instead - dragging him closer, until he has to fix his grip on you to keep himself up.
his eyes look for yours, struggling to focus as he feels the familiar heat pool in his abdomen, muscles tensing and cock twitching inside of you - but he watches your face as you glance up at him through tears. searches for further permission, makes sure you're okay, even if you're still crying softly for him to stop, it hurts, sae please stop.
he reads you so good, it makes his chest swell.
you do not miss the glint of adoration that seeps through the teal irises, or how he moans under his breath at your fucked out expression as his thrusts grow sloppier.
and even if it hurts, makes you ache all over and your chest burn from lack of oxygen - he makes it feel like you deserve it.
even if you don't want it, he makes sure that in the end, you do.
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reblogs are greatly appreciated ! :)
© itoshi-s. do not plagiarize, repost as your own or mention on other sm platforms.
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wintersera · 10 months
wait i’m a little jealous… another anon took my ‘skr wh+re’ anon spot :(
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let me make it up by telling you this is the g!p skr that has college au reader bent in the computer room 🫤
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but then reader got tossed over to this g!p kazuha in the dance studio which was wild but anyways… equally getting that back absolutely destroyed!!
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cw: mirror sex, exhibitionism.
OH yelena is back at it again YES FEED MY DELUSIONS
comp sci sakura inviting you to watch her code in the classroom but you know literally NOTHING about coding so you blankly stare at her typing away. obviously getting bored you decide it would be funny to tease her by running your hands over her crotch, little did you know she was feeling a little stressed today and she needed someone to help relieve!! good thing you were there to help her 🤭 she’s flipping up your skirt and whispering into your ears “lean over the table for me princess” AND PHEW dom skr doesn’t happen often so it’s a very welcome surprise for you. she’s relentlessly pounding into your pussy while her fingers are in your mouth, eyeing the door making sure her teacher doesn’t catch you two in the middle of the deed. disregarding the fact that there’s keyboards and other stuff on the desk, she’s practically shaking the whole table with how hard she’s pumping in and out of you, it’s crazy. she’d finally cum in you, moaning really fucking loud 😭 you swore someone could’ve heard but you really didn’t gaf, you moaning as loud as she is when she bucks her hips into yours once more.
oh and kazuha? she’s invited you to watch her practice her dance for the competition she’s gonna have in a few days. but she’s noticed how weird you were walking, yk that awkward shuffle you do when you’ve just been roughly fucked by someone… yeah. she’s got a sharp eye of course she would notice that. well anyways she’d make up a silly excuse, telling you that she needs you to help her with stretches or whatever, when in reality she’s just trying to get you to touch her :)) PERV?!!?? and she’s not slick with it as well, she’d be pressing her hard cock right against you and ohhh you’d have to help her now because how can she dance with a raging boner? luckily for you she’s got access to the practice rooms keys, locking the doors with a cheeky smile. you’re up against the miror, tits pressed into them as she’s fucking you from behind, much like sakura did. but this time it’s more embarrassing, you could see yourself in the most promiscuous position in this large ass practice room and it doesn’t help that the sounds coming from you and zuha were echoing around the entire place. literally wet noises for minutes on end AND if that wasn’t bad enough, she’d be moaning into your ears telling you that “you’re such a good helper” you couldn’t help but cum at that, saying that in such a lewd way. this time she’s pulling out, cums all over your pussy and on your ass too like wow- and she’s saying that you look so pretty with cum all over your body!!! mmm everyone say thank you zuha for the sex 🤭🤭
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nor-4 · 7 months
Hiii I wanted to ask if you could do a metalhead fem x mike schmidt in a relationship but she is really sweet and mike didn't expert that when they started dating (sorry if there are any spelling errors english isn't my first language)
Hii so about this i might put my favorite band but you guys will probably hate it sorry o/(╥ᆺ╥)\o anyways this is time skipped after the pizzeria thing so mike has better life here!
Pairings - Mike Schmidt ft. Metalhead!Reader
Abby clings to you as you are with her on the field trip to family day farm as both you are picking fruits. "Can i go to my friends over there?" abby asked as she looked up to you as you nodded on agreement telling her to be careful.
As on the background there are fathers who are with their kid talking on the background, "Yeah i heard that's only her sister." That one creepy dad said as his friends agreed with his delusion.
"Careful she might bite" The other one said as they laugh out loud making you look at them as if you will bite them as they stopped laughing.
Mike gave his nod on the lady guard as he knows her for a bit long time from constantly dropping abby off the school. As he easily saw you as he sneakily walked on your back, "Hey miss can you name five type o negative songs?" mike asked as you turned around sassily facing him as he chuckled sitting down beside you.
"i bought you your favorite flowers darling. I'm sorry i was late." He excused as he kissed you on your head before sitting down, "It's fine i know you're a busy man now." you smiled at him.
"Yeah she's a really cool woman. I sometimes call her mom cause she is cool." abby show off said as she was playing with the toys you bought her just yesterday because it's shopping day, "Really? I wish i had someone like her!" her friends bickered as they look at her mom gagging over the thought of her white boring mom.
"Darling it's already time to eat." You said as they were surprised seeing you beside them as abby took your hands walking happily with you, "I'm so inlove with her.." one of abby's friend said kicking over his feets.
"Hey abs did you enjoy playing today?" Mike asked as abby sat between you and mike, "Yeah even though it didn't start yet, can you please help us pick fruits?" abby asked as she is starting to chug down the food that mike had just bought as you hold her back.
"Hmm yeah sure why not??" Mike said as both of you enjoyed the day taking abby on a family day like her own parents.
It was already time to go home as expected abby became a little bit sassy as she was already tired and sleepy so you hugged her on the back seat so she will have a support as mike played a song of one of the bands you like same goes abby's.
Abby is really new to your taste in music and she was really amazed, after hearing all your favorite songs it surprisingly calms her down on this kind of episodes. So mike bought cd music's so abby can play music on her own for sometimes.
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reginaaxxwrites · 10 months
It Took Time (Fred Weasley)
This was been in my draft for months already. I decided to finally post it. This story contains 6.2k words. Enjoy!
Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader (With a little bit George x Fem!Reader)
Warning: IT CONTAINS SMUT (Guys, I know this is the first time I released smut fanfiction. I just hope this one is good enough. I did not intend this story to have smut, but there you go. Enjoy your meal.)
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How do I start this?
I am madly in love with George Weasley. Yes, the famous George Weasley who always gets into trouble along with his brother, Fred Weasley. It was hard liking someone inside your circle of friends.
I tried not to be obvious about my feelings for him. I try to act casual because it's my way of controlling myself to burst my emotions when I'm with him. But sometimes I just can't help myself from showing him.
George would always sit beside me and talk about everything. Like his favorite spell or his memorable pranks. With every word he says, I can't help but get lost in it. I stare at him with dreamy eyes. And even if I get lost in his words, I still understand everything he said and it always piques my interest. I'll never get tired of his stories.
Unlike his brother, George seems to be more reserved. I don't know how to explain it but without Fred, he wouldn't be as chaotic as he is today. I guess they just complete each other.
"I think he fancies you," Angelina whispered beside me. I nudged her and rolled my eyes.
"I think not. Now, shut up and let me do homework." I continued to write on my parchment paper.
"Boringgg." She yawned.
I would be lying if I say I didn't think that he fancies me. I mean, it's possible. Or maybe I just like to assume things and feed my delusions. Because there are times he would flirt, but I don't know if that was intentional or if it's not.
"Damn you, Angelina." I glared at her. She looks confused as to why I cursed at her.
"I am mad. I really fancy him. And I can't do something about it." I buried myself on the table.
"Then confess to him. You'll never know until you initiate the move to tell him." She's right but what if I have been wrong all this time? That he simply just sees me as his friend.
George Weasley, why are you so hard to read?
"So... Any ideas how will you confess to him?" Angelina leaned on the table with a teasing smirk placed upon her lips.
"Shut it." I tried to ignore her but she was too clever to know it'll just keep bothering me and in the end, I would talk about it.
"Oh, I don't know, Angelina!" I slammed my quill and looked at her. I noticed that the Common Room went silent, so I looked around. They were all looking at me.
Okay, maybe I slam my quill too loud and too hard. I gave them my apology look and went on about what they were doing a while ago.
"Whoa, calm down, girl. You know I think it's unnecessary to confess--"
"But you just said a while ago?!" I am upset. Because it's been frustrating since then when I started to like him.
"I know. But listen to me. Everyone in this room knows you fancy him. Even his twin teases you about it. I'm sure George knows it too somehow. Maybe he just acts dumb because like you, he doesn't want to assume things."
"So, I should confess to him?"
"It's not like it's your obligation to do so. But if it's what you want. If it's the only way to stop you from overthinking then go. Take the risk or lose the chance, they say." Angelina smiled at me. She just knew the right thing to say.
I'm scared.
As the day goes by, I intend to show that I like him. But I'm not sure if he can tell. I'm not good with words. Never was. I'm starting to stutter, I can't even look at his eyes when I talk to him. I'm nervous whenever he's around.
Poor George doesn't know what I was feeling. How I was acting weird when he sits beside me during class and in the Great Hall.
If I don't tell him sooner, I'll forever look dumb in front of him.
"I can't tell him," I whispered to myself. Maybe it's because it's too soon. George and I recently got close this year because he joined me in playing exploding snaps during the first day of our sixth year. Ever since then, we just talk and talk.
"Hey, Longbottom." I knew I recognized that voice. I looked to see George making his way beside me.
"George." I greeted with a faint smile.
"I was looking for you."
"You are?" Why was he looking for me? Millions of possibilities went through my mind about why he was looking at me.
"Yes, I am. Lee was telling me about our paper and told me to get you so we could start at the Library." Oh. Of course, our research paper.
"You? When did George Weasley suddenly talk about boring stuff? What piques your interest?" I teased him and he just laughs.
Damn, his laughter. It's making my stomach churn or whatever it is.
"Well for one, Lee wanted to finish this paper so he could still be commenting in the upcoming Quidditch. Because Godric knows how bad his marks are."
"Aren't yours bad as his?" I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Rude but yes. That's one, no, two. And lastly, we know the kind of nerd you are and how you like to finish the given tasks as soon as possible. Aren't we making this easy for you, Longbottom?" He was grinning and looking at me. I swear I could feel my whole face turning into a beet red.
"Fine, Weasley." I took my stuff as he leads the way through the Library where Lee is waiting for us.
Once we entered the Library, Lee waves us over to the table where he was and books are already opened. I sat beside him while George took the seat in front of us.
"You do realize we still have a month to do this paper, right? We don't have to start right away." I told him while I bring out my notebooks and quills and ink.
"Who are you and what have you done to Y/N?" Lee acted surprised as I rolled my eyes at him.
"I mean, the sooner we finish this, the better. Don't you agree, George?" He looked at his best friend who nodded and grinned like an idiot.
"I feel like you two are messing with me." I glared at them.
"Never," George answered.
I didn't push the subject any longer and started to skim the books Lee placed on our table. I guess, it is better to have this paper finished.
Later that night, I told Angelina how my day and her day went like we always do before going to bed.
"Have you decided?" Angelina asked while she was helping me brush my hair. We were both looking at each other in our reflection in the mirror.
"It's only a month since I started liking him. Don't you think it's too soon?" I was already playing with my necklace's pendant which was given by my mother. I did this a lot of times whenever I'm nervous.
My best friend held both of my shoulders and gave me an assuring smile.
"Then take your time. I'm sure you'll get the courage to tell him. I mean, we're Gryffindors, are we?"
"We are."
It was getting worst.
Exams are coming soon and I cannot focus. His image comes into my mind and I can't focus. I really need to tell him. I should, it would help me clear my thoughts. It was now or never.
I grabbed my sweater before leaving the Common Room and looked for the red-haired male almost everywhere in the castle. Then, I remembered they were supposed to be at the Courtyard today.
When I finally saw the guy I was looking for, I didn't waste any moment and grabbed his wrist. I heard some of the students whistling and teasing us, including his brother while I look for a quiet place where we can talk.
"Is something the matter, Y/N?" He looked into my eyes, his eyebrows furrowed.
"I... I--there's something I need to tell you..." I could faint at any moment because my hands were cold and shaking.
Deep breaths, Y/N. You can do this.
"I like you. It's bad, I know. We became friends not long ago. It was getting worst and I can't just sit still and do nothing about it. You don't have to like me back. And I understand if...if you don't want to be friends with me anymore..." I could feel my cheeks getting wet from my tears.
Ha, why am I crying?
I'm frustrated and confused because, for the first time, he's the first guy who is gentle toward me. I couldn't look at him even though I want to see his reaction. I'm scared.
"I don't know what to say... It's not like every day I received confessions like this. But..." He took a step closer to me. "Could you give me time? To think about, I mean."
I didn't answer him instead, I nodded. I tried to wipe my tears but a hand stopped me and gave me a handkerchief.
"Here. Don't cry."
I went back to the Common Room and saw Angelina waiting for me. She saw how red my eyes are and quickly went over to me. She embraced me, comforting me in her arms.
"How did it go?" She asked as we enter our dorm room. We sat in my bed and she tried to fix my face.
"I do not know. He told me to give him time. But Godric knows he won't talk about that conversation again unless I initiate it."
I tried to avoid George every time we cross the hallways, Angelina would sit beside me during classes and never left my side. 
I was fixing my things when suddenly the door slammed hard. I turned to look around to see Angelina panting hard as if she had run all the way into our dorm room.
"Angelina! Are you all right? You look like you ran--"
"That's because I ran all the way in here." She took off her scarf and throw it on her bed.
"You need to talk to him." She firmly said to me. I looked away.
"Y/N, it's more painful to leave a question not answered than get rejected. I cannot stand my two best friends avoiding each other when they only got to be friends before the term started." She took my hand and helped me to stand up.
"I don't want to get your hopes up. But I heard him and Lee talked about you. He told Lee that you had a chance but--"
"Nothing comes good after 'but'." I joked.
"I know. But he's scared, Y/N. He doesn't want to hurt you. If you talk to him now... You might help him to chase away anything that scares him from being with you. You need to take another risk."
Another risk...
"He's in the Common Room. Talk to him, Y/N. If it doesn't work out then I'm here for you. Always." She kissed my cheeks and pulled me out of the room. We took downstairs and saw the three of them.
He was laughing together with his best friends, Lee and Fred. Angelina went over to them and the two boys stood up. They both looked at me and smiled. The boys and Angelina left the room, leaving me and George.
"Am I an idiot for liking you this much? Because if I am, then I must be the most idiotic of all idiots." I fake laughed but he didn't. His face showed an expression I'd never seen before. It was dark. It feels like he took my breath away.
He took steps closer to me.
"I'm sorry. I don't think I am ready to be with someone. I don't want to hurt you because you are one of the most important people in my life." I saw how he wanted to touch me or take my hand. But something was stopping him. It's like he can't take the risk of touching me like I'm fragile. He thinks that once he touches me, I'm going to break. He is scared of hurting me more.
"I'm sorry for making you wait for nothing."
"No, I get it. And I'm sorry... For avoiding you, for acting like I didn't know you, or pretending like we weren't friends at all after I did something that made you feel uncomfortable." I gave him a faint smile.
"I hope we can still be friends."
"We are friends, George. We always will be." our eyes never left looking at each other until the clock struck midnight.
"Good night, Weasley. I'll see you tomorrow." I started to walk away. I didn't bother to wait for his response.
"Good night." I heard him say before I reach the top of the stairs to look at him one last time before entering into my dorm room.
The rejection helped me to calm my thoughts. To stop me from assuming but the sudden actions from him never stopped. How he makes sure I don't get sweaty and hot from the sun's heat. Or when it rains he casts a spell to make an umbrella and we would share it.
I don't get him.
How can I move on when his words are contradicting his actions? Why does he keep making me a fool?
"What're you three doing?" I saw the twins and Lee brewing something in their cauldron. Potions ingredients were everywhere. If McGonagall saw this mess they would've been sent to detention straight away.
Newt Spleens
An orange snake.
A green leaf.
"Fred and George Weasley! You're making an aging potion! And you, Lee Jordan, tell me why am I not surprised that you're also a part of this?" I know what they're trying to do. They're going to try and trick the Goblet of Fire.
"Of course, you could tell by looking at the ingredients. Brilliant, isn't she?" Fred grinned like an idiot.
"No need to state what's always been obvious, Forge." He commented on his brother. They continued to mix the potion as if I wasn't there to scold them which I am debating on it.
"Have you decided?" Lee asked.
"It's painful to look at you when you're trying to decide whether to tell McGonagall or you'd rather help us finish this potion." He explained.
"Actually... I'm not. Because this is stupid. Dumbledore cast a spell around the Goblet. You cannot trick the Goblet of Fire or Dumbledore." I lectured them but they just snickered.
These boys.
"No wonder Hermione worships the ground you walk, Longbottom." Fred teased me as I rolled my eyes at him.
"You three are going to regret it," I warned them but they just seem not to care.
"And thank you for the warning." The twins said in chorus.
"you know us--"
"breaking the rules." They gave me their most mischievous smiles.
I looked at Lee and he just shrugged. "What they said."
The next day, we were in the Great Hall during our free time. Hermione sat beside me, reading her book while I helped my brother with his assignment.
"You're joking," I told my brother. He looked at me, confused.
"You don't need my help in Herbology, Neville. You have high marks than I was when I'm in your year. Have confidence in yourself."
"Really?" I pinched his cheeks as I nod at his question.
Suddenly we heard laughter and looked to see the three pig brains. They went over in our direction while holding a small bottle containing the potion.
"Done it." Fred showed us the potion. I rolled my eyes at him while Hermione was trying to stop them.
"Honestly, don't even try," I whispered to her but she continued.
"It's not going to work." Hermione sang the words as the twins went closer to her. Fred looking at her, closely as well as George.
"Oh, really, Granger?" Fred smirked at her. Hermione tried to explain what I already told them last night.
And of course, they didn't listen to her and drank the potion. She looked at me, annoyed at the three boys. I mouthed her 'I told you, so.' before she went back to her book. Harry and Ron seem to be fascinated by the trick.
After they drank the potion, they stepped inside the circle and the students clapped and cheered them on.
Oh, now I'm curious what's going to happen. I watched them put their paper in the Goblet. We saw nothing happen to them so the students clapped in amazement. Of course, I believed that something is still going to happen.
And something did happen.
"Argh!" Lee, Fred, and George flew out of the circle as they aged into an old man. Peals of laughter filled the entire Great Hall. I couldn't help but also laugh. They tried to punch each other and put the blame on one another.
Later that day, Angelina and I decided to visit them in the Hospital Wing. They were finally going back to their age. Well, almost.
"I'd say a beard looks good on you, Weasley." I joked as I sat beside his bed. I touched his beard as he chuckled.
"I still look like a thirty-year-old man." He smiled.
"Better than looking like an eighty-year-old man."
"Ouch. I expect to still look handsome at that age." He placed his right arm on his left chest as if he was struck in the heart.
"Are you? I didn't take a good look. I was busy laughing earlier." I teased him and Godric, I hated when he gave me that smirk on his lips. I want to rip it.
Calm down, Y/N.
"At least tell me I made a perfect potion. Don't want to disappoint a potion master."
"You... You were never bad at potions, George Weasley." I gave him a gentle smile and he just kept quiet looking at me.
"I was already rejected and yet I still hope for us to happen." I buried my face in my pillow. My best friend sat beside me.
"Why do I feel like you're about to try and confess to him one more time?" I know she was teasing but damn her because she is giving me an idea to do so.
"Oh, no. I am only joking, Y/N! Don't even think about it." She said, firmly. "I swear I'm this close to swinging a bat on a bludger and then aiming it in his face."
"Please don't."
"I won't. Only because you said 'please'."
"What am I supposed to do? I expect these feelings would go away after getting rejected. Now, I'm only falling deeper." I'm starting to cry again out of frustration.
"Nothing. Just nothing." She looks at me as I sat down properly at my bed.
"You are not the problem here, Y/N. He's the one to blame. Putting you in this position where you should be moving on. Because Godric's sword, if only you know how boys from Durmstrang and Beauxbaton look at you every time you walked past them."
"See. You don't need to set your eyes only on one boy who rejected you but proceeds to act as if he fancies you. Find other guys. Move on."
"But what if he does like me? He's just not ready like he said..."
"That's bullshit. It doesn't matter whether you're ready or not. If you like someone, you'd still pursue them, take the risk even if it's scary. Just like you did. Clearly, he's giving you mixed signals." Angelina sounded angry. She was annoyed like she wanted to punch George if she ever saw him.
"Would you get mad if I told you that I just sent him a letter? Confessing to him the second time?" I pout as she turns her face into a sour one.
"Y/N LONGBOTTOM!" She was angry. Really angry. "What exactly did you write in that letter?!"
"That I still fancy him. That if I didn't receive an owl from him later this evening, it means... All he did meant nothing to him."
"Please swear to me that this will be the last thing you will do." She just sighed.
"I promise."
"Then, are you sure you're ready for whatever response you receive from him?" Angelina looked worried for me. That's why I am lucky to have her by my side.
As expected from him, I didn't receive any owls from him. I slept through the night so I don't have to cry until it reaches morning.
My best friend and I went to breakfast, avoiding that one Weasley. While I was eating and chatting with Angelina, someone poked my sides. I look to see Fred, grinning as he sat beside me.
"Morning." He greeted us.
"Is there something you need, Fred?" Angelina raised an eyebrow at her friend.
"Nothing. I just wanted to eat breakfast." He shrugged his shoulders while placing a toast on his plate and into mine.
"I can get my own toast." I sounded mean but I didn't mean to.
"Looks like someone had a bad sleep."
"She did, Fred." Angelina rolled her eyes at him.
"I see... Well, let me just enjoy my breakfast, at least." Fred grinned like an idiot.
The twins were a bit mean when they started a bet between Harry and Cedric. Poor Harry seemed to look like he wants to drop out of the Tournament. Sadly, he can't because it's part of the rules.
And then there's Fred, who would always pester me around. He would poke my sides, even if he goddamn well knows that's my tickle spot. He would open up to me easily, telling me how he had a crush on Angelina during our 4th year. But stopped pursuing her because my best friend clearly doesn't look interested in dating him.
We became closer. We became more than acquaintances. We were close friends.
We became inseparable.
Angelina noticed it. How happy I am. I was blooming, she said. She never saw me this happy. And she was wondering why but didn't bother to have it answered because all she cares about was my happiness.
"You're an idiot, Fred." I scold him. "And stop that betting game you and your twin started. It only brings war upon Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors."
"You know, I've noticed you kept saying 'your twin'." He changed the subject. I looked away and watch the birds fly into the gloomy sky.
We are both in Black Lake to get some fresh air.
"I do not know what you mean."
"Damn, I know he rejected you. But I get it. You see, the problem with George is that he's afraid of women. He once liked Angelina but he did nothing about it." I was surprised that George liked Angelina. This is the first time I am hearing this.
"You both liked the same girl?"
"It always happens. A bit frustrating, honestly. But at times like that, I'm willing to give up the woman I like for him. We're twins but he's the younger one so..."
"You let go."
"Always. For my twin's happiness."
"What about yours?" I felt pity for him. I know I shouldn't because he wouldn't like that.
"George's happiness is my happiness." He smiled at me. But I know it was a sad one. I leaned my head against his shoulder.
"A true Gryffindor." I felt him chuckle.
"So are you."
Oh, no.
No... I can't possibly be falling for him now. This would be an outrage. I can't.
It's only been three months ever since I stopped liking George. Three months since then I have not talked to him.
"You and Fred seemed gotten closer. Both of you suited more perfectly." Angelina, once again, I know she's joking but she isn't helping.
Does she need to know? Must she know? I don't know. She might make fun of me.
Godric, it feels like a sin to fall for Fred.
"Oh, dear... I know that look. You like Fred." She placed her hand on her lips and went beside me. "Tell me everything." She doesn't look disgusted. Instead, she looks like she's excited.
I told her everything I know and she can't remove her smile ever since I started talking.
"Godric! I knew it!" She was giggling. "So what do you intend to do?"
"Nothing. I can't let him know. He can't know. I won't confess. I won't tell him anything." I mumbled.
"Right. Let him be the one to develop his feelings for you. You don't have to do anything this time." She smiled and pulled me into a hug.
"You should never feel guilty for liking someone. I pray that this time, Fred will do exactly the opposite George did to you. You two suit together, really."
"Thank you, Angelina. For everything."
"What friends are for?"
Professor McGonagall announced that there will be a ball. The ball is only exclusive for the fourth year and above.
Our head of house started to prepare us for the ball. She called all Gryffindors from the fourth year and above to practice our dance steps. So we don't look stupid on the day of the event.
Ron and his friends joked about something while looking at Eloise Mignon. I felt my insides get irritated and then McGonagall called him over for a dance. Fred and George made fun of their brother as well as Harry.
"Now, boys. Find your partners." I saw my brother the first one to rise on his chair. I smiled at him and asked Hermione to dance with him. She gladly accepted my brother's offer.
The other boys finally went to our side. Fred reached my wrist and pulled me on the dance floor.
"Really? No asking but pull the woman you see first? How gentleman of you, Weasley." I joked as he laughs at my words.
"Pleasures all mine, Longbottom." He winked at me as he spun me and then dipped me down while his hand was on my waist and the other one on my hand.
I saw George looking in our direction while he was dancing with Angelina. I immediately broke our eye contact and focus on Fred.
"Smooth." I smiled. "Who do you plan to ask on the ball?" 
"Maybe Angelina? Or some girls from other houses." He answered. I got to admit that it broke my heart a little. I thought that it might occur to him that he can ask me.
"And you?" 
"No one." 
"I thought you were waiting for George to ask you." He teased but ignored it.
"Well, you thought wrong." I didn't mean to sound annoyed but I am. I don't why my mood changes suddenly. "Sorry..." 
"Hey, don't be. I heard girls tend to get stressed on upcoming occasions like this." I unbelievably looked at him. "What? I mean, has anyone asked you?"
"That's a bit rude to ask a girl." I raised my eyebrow at him.
"So, no one--"
"Fred!" I playfully hit his arm. "Of course, someone had asked me. But I turned them down."
"May I ask why?"
"I'm waiting for someone to ask me." I could feel my cheeks burn from embarrassment.
"George, then." He continued to tease me to his twin.
"Please stop." He just laughs at me and continued to dance me away.
The day of the Yule Ball came.
The person I wanted to ask me, is going with someone from Beauxbaton. While my best friend is going with George. 
"Stop fussing over your dress, Y/N." Angelina scolded me while she tries to adjust the back part of my dress.
"Must I attend?" I groaned.
"Yes! Because this might be the last time you'll experience this as a teenager. Now do me a favor and have fun." She finished fixing my dress and place an accessory on my hair.
"You look beautiful."
"I look like a clown." 
"I know you feel bitter because of him but please don't let it ruin your night. Besides going without a date has its perks." She winked at me while I got up and took my white shawl to keep me warm for the night.
"Like what?"
"You can flirt with any guy!"
"Funny. Because you know exactly enough that I can't flirt." I rolled my eyes. "So...you and George?"
"It was a last minute. He just happened to ask me in front of Lee and Fred just to prove to Ron and Harry that they can ask any girl to the dance. We're going as friends." I can't help but smile when Angelina told me what happened.
"Idiots." Both of us giggled the way out of the dorm and went downstairs. 
We saw George patiently waiting for his date, together with Lee. George's eyes were on me instead of Angelina's. I immediately looked away and pretended that didn't happen.
"You look stunning." He complimented her. I went beside Lee who smiled at me.
"Who's the lucky girl?" I asked Lee. The two started walking and we followed.
"Oh, I'm going alone." 
"I'm having trouble who to ask. So, I decided not to come with a date." I immediately understood what he meant.
"How about you? I heard you received a lot of requests and yet you rejected every one of them." Lee gave me his playful smirk as I rolled my eyes at him.
"Piss off, Jordan. Maybe I decided to come alone just like you did." 
"An answer that I'll never believe it's true." I slapped his arm, and we laughed it off as we reached the Great Hall.
Students are already interacting with each other. Giving compliments on how they looked good and the dress robes they were wearing. Some were already dancing while others are eating appetizers and drinking butterbeer.
While Lee keeps talking about asking the girl from Beauxbaton to dance and telling me exactly how he will approach the girl. A tall red-haired caught my gaze. Even though everyone can't tell who is who. I know and I can tell.
He looks handsome in his robes. That long hair he tried not to cut for a new look. But he looks good whether his hair is long or short. I pray not that he will not look in my way. Because I know what he'll do if he does. And I am not yet ready.
"Why don't you go and ask her already? I'm thirsty so I'll go fetch some drinks, okay?" I push my friend towards the girl. He didn't utter another word so I made my way to the tables.
I wasn't feeling to drink anything but water. After I got myself some water, I went further away from the crowd and the dance floor. I hid from my friends because I didn't want them to adjust to me. I want them to have fun without feeling obligated to make me feel better.
A famous band, Weird Sisters, started to take the floor. All of the students laugh and dance the night away. I saw two familiar Gryffindors, who also seems not to enjoy the event.
"And here I thought you went for the evening." I look up to see him lending his hand to me.
"And I thought no one will ever notice that I'm gone." 
"It's already impossible to not notice you, love." He was still waiting for me to take my hand. I was hesitating, scared even. 
"Were... Were you looking for me?" I asked.
"From the moment the ball started. But it seems you were hiding from the crowd." He answered. I took his hand and then led me to the dance floor. 
"I might start to think you fancy me." I joked. He pulled me closer, placing his hands around my waist. His face was close to mine. I could smell his cologne, his breath. I could feel him, his warmth. My heart was racing. 
"What if I am?" He answered in his low voice. His forehead rested on mine, never breaking his gaze on me.
"You're playing pranks on me." 
"Maybe I am." 
"Then stop."
"I can't." 
His eyes kept looking into mine and my lips. He was moving closer as if he was about to kiss me. Maybe he was. When the music stopped playing so did he.  
"I'm sorry." He gently pulled away from me.
"What for?"
"This." I felt sharp in my gut. "Shit. That's not what I meant."
"Clearly, it is. Good night, Fred." I turned my back on him and ran outside the Great Hall. I didn't expect him to follow me through the Courtyard.
"Y/N, please. Listen to me."
"I get it. I know you feel sorry for me. I know that the girl you asked should be the one you held earlier like that. So, why did you even bother to look for me, Fred? I am just your friend, aren't I?" My face was burning in anger but it was also cold because it was snowing. I was stupid for forgetting my coat in the Great Hall because I tried to run away from him.
"You are my friend. And you like my brother. So, you see? I'll be damned if he knew I was about to kiss you." 
"George made it clear he didn't like me. But I know it's also wrong to like you after George." Tears started to fall on my cheeks. "Merlin's beard, you are his brother, his twin. What will they think of me once they know I like you when not long ago I was trying to chase your brother?"
"We can't argue again because of a girl. I like you. Hell, I dreamt about holding you close to me, kissing you. Some of it came true, it was enchanting while it lasts." He tried to laugh it off. There was pain in his voice, his eyes were longing for me.
"I think I'm in love with you. You saw and accepted me. Understood me and my messy life. You have been patient with me. But I can't be with you when I know he's starting to fall for you." 
"That's not true."
"It is. You don't have to believe in me. But you will when he tells you. I'm encouraging him to. So, please. Let all your feelings for him fall back in."
"No. You don't get to decide for me. And you don't get to set free all the things so that your brother could get it. You may care for his happiness, but I care for yours." I stomp all my way to him. It was hard to walk wearing my gown and the heavy snow on the ground.
"George had his chance with me. He took that for granted. You don't have to fix things for him. I understand you love your brother, unconditionally. Because I also have a brother that I'm willing to bet my life on. But I know he can take care of himself. He can make his own choices. I guide him but that's just it. His actions, his consequences to face." 
"You're a good brother, Fred." I smiled at him.
"She's right, Gred." Fred and I turned to see George walking toward us.
"It turns out this potion worked." He showed us an empty bottle of invisibility potion. 
"I'm sorry for making you feel like you don't deserve anything at all you have to give everything so that I could have it. You don't have to sacrifice everything." He placed his hand on his brother's shoulder.
George then looked at me. He removed his coat and placed it on my shoulder.
"I guess I liked you a little too late." He placed his hand on the top of my head and when closer to my ear.
"Thank you." He messed up my hair and left the two of us.
Fred took my hand as he removed his brother's blazer. We followed him when Fred threw the coat on him.
"She doesn't need it." He said and he led me somewhere more quiet. I heard George laugh as we disappear in his sight.
We entered an empty classroom. He closed the door behind him and muttered spells on it. I was starting to get nervous. 
He turned to look at me. It was like seeing a whole different version of him.
"Sorry. Are you still cold?" He went close to me and held both sides of my arms. Caressing them to make me feel warm.
"A little." My eyes found his. 
We were about to kiss and this one would be it.
His lips found mine. He was gentle but started to get rough when I kissed him back, trying to follow him as if he was leading me. He lifted my weight which I was surprised by because I have a plump body. I don't have a toned and thin body like any other girl. And yet he still managed to lift me up as he placed me on a table. His rough, huge hands roam and grabbed my thighs. A moan escaped from my mouth.
"Don't hold it back in." He whispered between our kisses.
"Someone could hear us." 
"I cast a spell, love. No one can hear you. So be loud as you can be." He bit my lip and then his kisses went down on my neck. I could feel he was trying to hold back leaving me marks.
His body rested between my thighs. I could feel him getting hard every time he pushed his body while he kissed me. He was trying so hard not to undress me so he stayed his hands on my bare thighs.
"Tell me to stop. Tell me to go on. Whatever you want. I'll do it. Tell me." He stopped kissing me. His lips were plump and had lipstick stains. My hand went over to his buttoned shirt and unbuttoned the first one.
"Do not stop." With that, his hand on my thigh went higher to grab my ass. I grabbed his wrist while my other hand tried to mess up his hair.
"God, you're breathtaking." While kissing my neck, he slowly unzipped the back of my dress. I felt the warmth of his hand on my bare back. I wasn't wearing any bra so it was easy for him to access my breasts.
He grabbed my breast while his tongue played with my nipple. I arched back in pleasure, making it easy for him to do what he was doing.
"Be patient, darling." He pulled away from me and completely removed my dress, leaving me only with my undergarment. He also removed his top as I was still sitting on the table. I was awed to see him topless. Quidditch training did his body justice.
He went over to me once more to kiss me. 
"Open your legs." His voice filled with such dominance that I didn't hesitate to do what I was told. He continued to kiss me, massaging my breasts. Those kisses slowly went down my neck, chest, stomach...and down to my...
"Do you want to stop?" He asked. I was thankful for making sure I still want to continue.
"It's just..."
"What is it, love? Tell me." 
"Must you kiss me down there?" I looked away because I just asked a dumb question. I heard him chuckle and placed his hand on my chin to make me look at him.
"Do you trust me?"
I nodded at him and he smiled, kissing my forehead for assurance.
"I'm preparing you so you won't have to feel pain."
He slowly removed my undergarment and kissed my pelvis as he went down to my womanhood. As soon as I felt his lips and tongue on my folds, I arched back. The empty classroom was filled with my moans and his kisses. I was starting to feel like I'm going to explode so I grabbed his hair. He stopped.
"Not yet." He licked his lips and unbuckled his trousers. I saw how huge he was. I was starting to get scared, wondering if it'll fit inside me.
"Do you still want to continue?" He asked one more time.
"Will it hurt?" 
"Maybe. You have to tell me. May I have your permission?"
He slowly entered his length inside me. I winced in pain but knew Fred that was trying to be gentle as much as possible. When the whole of him was already inside me, he kissed my cheeks and tried to whisper sweet nothings. He was slowly thrusting, making sure I was feeling all nothing but pleasure before fasting his pace.
He continued to kiss me as his pace started to go fast. My moans were getting louder as well as his groans. He keeps kissing my neck and shoulders, hugging me ever so tightly. We were both close to our climax. And when he did, he pulled it out.
He kissed my forehead and went over to pick up my clothes. He helped me to clean up before we put our clothes back on.
"Can you walk?" He asked when he saw me struggling to stand straight.
"It's a little sore down there," I tell him. He looked like he was sorry for what he did. I smiled and tiptoed to kiss his cheeks.
"I'll be gentle next time. I promise." He said and then placed his coat on my shoulder. "Warm enough?" He smirked at me.
I knew it was a lie when he told me he'd be gentle. Because he never was. Can't blame a man with this amount of energy.
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How about some hurt/comfort about a sleep-deprived villain?
Convincing themselves that they were fine was easier than accepting that there was something unhealthily, severely and unmistakably wrong with them. In the back of their mind, it was normal to stay up for 22 hours a day. Not to mention that this had been going on for months.
What should’ve been a wake-up call left them yearning and moody. One time they’d seen the hero break into their apartment, their fingers sprinkled with blood, their suit glued to their muscles. The villain had wanted to jump up and confront them but they’d been much too flustered to do anything.
As if they were living together, the hero had taken their clothes off. They’d kissed the villain. Pushed them into the pillows. Gotten on top.
Two days later, the villain had mentioned it. And as the hero stared at them, blushing from head to toe, muttering that they were out with friends at that time, the villain noticed that there was something terribly weird going on. It had been a hallucination. A good one. So good that they wished it was real.
Some sick part of their brain thought that if they slept less, they’d get more of these. But they didn’t. Slowly, they found themselves hallucinating more. Creatures in the dark corners of their rooms, their food rotting in their fridge after a day, dead animals on their balcony. The villain considered doing some extreme things, going as far as using alcohol to end their suffering.
Eventually they didn’t. They deserved this.
One restless night, the hero showed up on their porch and in all their delusion, the villain was sure they were a hallucination, too.
The villain didn’t answer.
“You lost your weapon today.”
“When we were fighting in the parking lot. You lost it.”
“That’s why you’re here?” the villain asked, still not entirely convinced that this wasn’t only happening in their mind. They imagined what it would feel like if the hero pushed them against the door in this very moment.
The last months had been ridiculously lonely. A single one-night stand was all the physical touch they’d gotten over this time. After that they’d felt horrible. Sleeping with a stranger didn’t feel at all like they’d expected.
“No, actually…what you said about me coming over to yours brought me here.” The villain looked up from the spot they’d glared at.
“Forget about that. It was just a silly dream.” They were about to throw the door into the hero’s face but their enemy stepped into their house, foot holding the door open.
“I know you’ve lost your sidekick,” the hero said.
A punch to the throat would’ve been less painful. The villain’s grip on the door handle tightened until their knuckles turned as white as chalk.
Pushing it away was hurtful but not as hurtful as this. Confronting it. Thinking about it. It was so real yet so difficult to grasp. Understanding that someone is gone needs time and the villain simply hadn’t allowed themselves to take it.
They’d been so young.
“I…” A headache formed behind their forehead. “I’d rather not talk about it.”
“I lost my first sidekick, too. It broke me,” the hero said. “I did some…questionable things while I was grieving. I’m not proud of it and they certainly didn’t help.”
“I’m okay,” the villain lied. “Don’t worry your pretty little head.”
“I can’t watch you destroy yourself.”
“Why not? Goal achieved.” The hero took another step and walked into the villain’s house faster than the villain thought to be possible.
“Because I save people. I don’t want to destroy them.”
Then where were you when they died? The villain didn’t say it out loud. Accusations wouldn’t bring them back.
“Please let me help you,” the hero whispered.
“Is this to clean your own conscience?” the villain asked.
“Actually, it’s because I like you.”
The villain froze.
“I can’t sleep,” they confessed. “I get two hours per night if I’m good.”
“Alright, I’m gonna run a bath for us. You need to relax,” the hero said, inviting themselves in. The villain could only stare as they walked past them.
I’m gonna run a bath for us.
For us.
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fanficsformyfaves · 10 months
Hallway Crush
Kirby Reed x Fem!Reader
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WARNING: SMUT 18+, Loss of Virginity, Oral Sex (R Receiving), Fingering (R Receiving), Strap On Sex (R Receiving), Hickeys, FLUFF, Mutual Pining
PREFACE: Reader has always had a crush on Kirby, but what she didn't know was that the feelings were mutual
A/N: I'm appalled by the lack of stories for my wife
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As if today didn't start off shitty enough with me being late, I completely forgot my laptop on the kitchen island.
"Are you fucking serious?", I whisper to myself,
Before zipping up my backpack and slightly slamming my car door closed. I start walking towards the building, when I get ambushed by Robbie and Charlie. I let out a surprised gasp and clutch at my chest.
"What's your favorite scary movie?", Charlie questions,
Pathetically attempting the Ghostface voice.
"What the fuck is wrong with you guys?", I scold,
Shoving past the two and making my to the front doors.
"You look good, (Y/N)!", I hear Charlie call out to me,
To which a return the favor with a middle finger.
"Oof, harsh", Robbie mocks,
Watching me walk away.
"Completely uninterested in your existence"
"No, man, she wants me", Charlie replied,
Unashamed of his delusion.
I finally make it inside and head straight for my locker. I take out the books I needed for my first class and shut it close.
"(Y/N)", I hear a familiar voice call out to me,
I turn and felt my heart drop to my stomach. I had a crush on Kirby Reed since I first moved here. From her blonde locks to her piercing eyes and rosy lips, it was next to impossible for me to think straight with her around.
I eventually snap out of my haze and look around to make sure she was actually speaking to me. I point to myself and she chuckles.
"Unless there's another (Y/N) I'm unaware of, then yes, I'm talking to you", she reassures,
I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding and walk towards her.
"Hi", she greeted sweetly,
I smile nervously, pulling up the strap of my bag that was slipping off.
"What are you up to tonight?", she asks,
"Um, just studying. The calc quiz is coming up and I wanna make sure I ace it"
"Oh, pretty and smart. Good combo", she compliments,
Looking me up and down. I could feel my cheeks heat up at her comment.
"Jill and I are having a party tonight and I was just wondering if you'd like to come"
I hesitate for a moment.
"But, if you're busy, I totally get it-"
My suddeness catching her off-guard.
"I mean, I don't...have to study"
She raises her eyebrows at me.
"It's more of a refresher thing, but, I could always just skip it"
"Ooh, I like bad girls", she teases,
Was she trying to make me explode? Cause god-damn, she didn't need to try very hard.
"Sooo, I'll see you tonight? Eight thirty?"
"Yes", I replied,
Holding back a squeal that was fighting to escape me.
"Great. See you there", she bids farewell,
Walking off.
Did that actually just happen? Or did the crush I had on her for months finally start getting to me? Either way, I was definitely going to that party to find out.
The second school was over, I rushed home and immediately started getting ready. I showered, did my hair, make up and picked out an outfit that would definitely get her attention. I settled on a maroon bell sleeve top that perfectly showcased what it needed to, low waist jeans and converse.
Once I did a purse check, I head out and got in my car. I knew I got the right address, when I saw all the people hanging out on the front lawn. That and the loud music I could hear from the inside of my car.
Taking in one last deep breath, I parked and got out. With each step I took towards the house, my heart started beating faster and faster. The moment I opened the front door, I was instantly faced with a sea of people from school.
Being a freshman, I didn't know that many people yet, especially the seniors, who I was now surrounded by. I didn't particularly enjoy big crowds, so it came as no shock when I felt my anxiety kick it into high-gear. Maybe I should just go home-
Fuck, too late.
I carefully turn around and see Kirby nodding her head at me from the couch with Jill and Olivia.
"Come on", she says over the loud music,
I walk over to them and the three girls scoot over to make room for me.
"Glad you didn't skip out on me", she teased,
As I took a seat next to her.
"Of course not", I replied,
Shaking my head. She smiles and sips from her drink. All I could focus on were her lips and the way the wrapped around the cup. The same blush spreading across my face as before.
"You look really good", she says,
Dragging her eyes up and down my body, as I fought back a scream.
"You know, we've passed each other in the halls a bunch of times, but we've never actually spoken before...why?", she questioned,
It's not like I could've just admitted about being madly in love with her.
"I'm just naturally shy", I opt for the less embarrassing response,
"Well...you have no reason to be", she replied,
Raking her eyes up and down my frame once more, as I held back another scream that almost found its way out of me.
We spent the next hour just talking and stumbled upon our shared love for horror movies.
"Okay okay"
"What the fuck is up that Chucky doll?", I ask,
Making Kirby almost spit her drink back out from laughing.
"Sorry!", I exclaimed,
Taking a napkin and wiping the corner of her mouth.
"It's okay, you're just really funny"
She looks back at me and it was only then did I realize just how close we had gotten. Inches barely keeping us apart.
"Boo! Get a room!", Olivia teased,
Causing us both to look over at them, whilst Jill burst out into laughter. Kirby shakes her head and turns her attention back to me.
"Ignore them"
I smile and discard of the used napkin.
"Well, I definitely need a refill, wanna come?", she questioned,
We navigate our way through the drunken crowd and found ourselves at the kitchen island.
"Want some?"
"Oh, I can't. I'm driving myself home"
That's when she pulls out a carton of fruit juice. I give her a confused look.
"You didn't think I'd be wasted, did you? Someone's gotta keep everyone in check. My parents would kill if me if anything happened to the house", she explained,
Pouring herself a new glass.
"Come on, indulge me", she jokingly challenged,
I grab one for myself and she did the same. I was now hyper-focused on her hands and the way they moved. It made my stomach flutter. I couldn't help, but chew nervously thinking about all the ways they could touch me, ruin me-
Her words ripping me out of my explicit thoughts.
"Sorry, what did you say?"
"You totally spaced just now. What were you thinking about?", she sets her cup down,
Leaning closer towards me.
"Nothing", I say,
She tilts her head, unconvinced. My heart was beating so loud, that it was all I could hear.
"Are you sure?", she pressed on,
Taking my hand in hers.
I couldn't hold it in any longer. From the way she was looking at me to her thumbs rubbing up and down the back of my hand, it all became too much too fast.
Not wanting to prolong the torture any longer, I lean in and finally press my lips against hers, just waiting to see if she would kiss me back. Any doubts that I had left disappeared the moment I felt her free hand grab my waist to pull me in closer. Our lips moving in perfect sync.
It was even better than I could've possibly imagined. It felt like everyone else around us disappeared and we were in our own little world.
Eventually, she pulls away, biting back a smile.
"Finally", she whispered,
Making me chuckle to myself.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for that", she admits,
Tucking a lose strand behind my ear. If she only knew. She takes a moment to scan the room, before looking back at me.
"Hopefully, I'm not being too forward, but...would you wanna go somewhere more private?"
I nod and she takes me by the hand, leading me up the stairs and towards her room.
The moment we step foot inside, she pins me to the door, using my body to shut it closed. We pick up right where we left off, only this time, our hands roam each other's bodies. I help her out of her jacket and she tugs at the bottom of my blouse, almost as if to ask for permission to take it off.
"Wait", I exhaled out of breath,
"Is everything alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just..."
She gives me a worried expression.
"I've never...like..."
That's when it hit her.
"You're a virgin", she relaxes,
I nod shyly.
"We don't have to do anything, if you're not ready", she reassured,
"No, I am!", I say,
"I just have no idea what I'm doing", I confessed,
She cups my face.
"Do you want me to show you?"
I felt myself melting at how soft she was being with me.
"Yes...please", I pleaded,
"Okay", she smiles,
Continuing to kiss me. Her pace was now tender and slow, not that I was complaining.
I pull my shirt off over my head, leaving my top half completely exposed for her to see.
"God, you really are perfect", she praised,
As I grinned in excitement.
I unbutton my pants and drag it down my legs, along with the underwear I was wearing. I'd never felt more vulnerable than I did in that moment. My arms instinctively go to cover my body, but she stops them, before they had the chance.
"Don't do that", she says,
Gently moving my head to face her.
"You don't have to hide anything from me"
She kisses me and her hands leave my face, finding their way down the rest of my body. They settle on my bare chest, squeezing my mounds, as I quietly whine against her lips.
Kirby chuckling at how sensitive I was.
Eventually, her kisses trail down my cheeks, till they met the skin of my neck.
"So good for me", she mumbled,
Going lower and licking circles over my now hardened buds, as I sigh in satisfaction. She then made her way down my stomach, till she was on her knees, spreading my legs apart.
"Can I?", she questioned,
As her hungry eyes stared up at me in anticipation, to which I nod.
"I need to hear you say it", she whispers,
The things she did to me by simply just talking was more than enough to make me come undone right then and there.
"Yes", I answer,
Causing her to flash me another one of her signature smirks, before diving into me. Her lips wrapping around my pulsing bundle of nerves, as I gasp at the contact. She slides her fingers up and down my slit, spreading the mess she was making of me.
I could already feel my knees going weak.
"You taste so good", she praises.
Finally having had enough with the torturing, she gently slips her digits into me, pressing earnestly against where I needed her most . A surprised gasp fleeing out of me as a result.
Not wanting to risk hurting me, she started of slow and cautious. Treating me like like a fragile piece of glass that could be shattered even with the slightest touch.
"Y-You can go faster", I reassure,
Making her look up at me. Her eyes were filled with so much tenderness, that I couldn't help but fully surrender myself into her hands.
That was all she needed to hear.
She picks up the pace and began to go faster and faster, as my fingers intertwine themselves with her golden tresses. Each moan and whine only encouraging her to continue her ministrations.
It didn't take long for my knees to start buckling from how weak they were. Noticing how my legs were about to give out, Kirby pulls away, making me whine at the loss of her touch.
"Come here", she says,
Taking me to her vanity and sitting me down, before getting back to what she was doing. Eventually, my walls begin to tighten around her and she went harder and faster.
"You're so close, baby. Do it for me", she whispers.
It was like a knot in the pit of my stomach just snapped apart, as a flood came rushing out of me and onto her welcoming tongue. I've had orgasms before, but...nothing like this. Maybe it was the fact it was someone else and not just myself or maybe she was just that good. Either way, I wasn't gonna complain.
I take a moment to catch my breath, while she swallows me down and wipes off the rest. Kirby then gets back on her feet and kisses me.
"You are the sweetest person ever...literally and metaphorically", she teases,
Making me giggle against her.
"Feel free to say no, but...would you wanna try something else?"
"You mean like...return the favor?", I ask,
About to go down on my knees, when she stops me with chuckle.
"No, trust me...we have all the time in the world for that", she says,
"But for now, I was thinking..."
She takes my hand and led me to her closet. She slid the door to the side and dug through her clothes to find a box. Once she opened it up, a delicious chill ran up my spine from what I found, waiting inside.
"Is that-"
"Jill and Liv got it for me as a gag-gift for my birthday", she explained,
Taking the strap on out.
"But what they didn't know was that I would be putting it to good use"
I bite back a smile and look back up at her.
"Do you want this? Cause, if you aren't ready-"
"I am", I cut off,
"I trust you"
She grins and I eased any remaining doubts she might've had with a kiss.
"But...", I pull away,
"You're wearing too many clothes for my liking", I joked,
Making her laugh to herself.
I helped her out of the shirt, bra, jeans and thong she was wearing, before tossing the items of clothing into a pile in the corner.
She was breathtaking, almost...unreal. Every dip and curve on her body made my heart beat even faster than it had before.
"Nothing, you're...beautiful, Kirby", I say nervously.
She smiles and takes my hand.
"That makes the two of us", she smiles,
Taking me to the bed and carefully laying me down.
"If at any point, you feel uncomfortable"
"I won't", I promised,
"But if you do, please let me know, okay? You're gonna feel pressure for the first few seconds"
"I know. I trust you"
"Okay", she says,
Leaning down to kiss me. As we did, she settles between my legs, before wrapping them around her waist and reaching down to grab the toy. Her free arm going under my back to scoop me up and pull me in closer.
She rubs up and down my slit and eventually pushes in slightly with her hips. The sensation making me tense up as a response.
"Don't do that", she whispers,
Soothing me with soft circles she would draw on the skin of my spine.
"It'll make it hurt", she warns,
"Deep slow breathes, baby"
I do as she says and finally relax in her grasp. She continues to push deeper into me and eventually found the sweet spot waiting for her. I let out a gasp and cling onto her for dear life.
"There she is", she praised.
She gives me a moment to adjust, burying her face in my neck and kissing the warmth of my skin, while mumbling sweet nothings into my ear.
Once I was ready for more, I let her know.
"Y-You can move", I whine.
She nods against me and slowly starts moving her hips back and forth. It was a feeling unlike any other, but it wasn't painful, like I thought it would be. It was actually quite the opposite.
Finally getting used to the feeling, I urged her to go faster by bucking my hips up.
"So needy", she teased,
Picking up the pace and thrusting into me faster and harder.
With the long-forgotten party carrying on outside, the desperate moans and sounds that escaped me were all disguised by the chaos from beyond the door, as the smell of sex filled the room.
As it was only my first time, it came as no surprise to me when my orgasm began to build up quicker than I wanted, which Kirby obviously noticed by how much harder she had to ram into me with how tight my walls were wrapping around the strap.
She hurriedly reaches down and rubs fast circles on my clit, only making me cry out even louder.
"So fucking cute like this. Let me have it, baby. Cum"
Those words were the last thing I heard, before I was thrusted over the edge and consumed by the warm embrace of my climax. I let go, screaming her name over and over like it was the only thing I knew how to.
She gently pulls out, as the new-found emptiness left me wincing.
"Shhh", she comforted,
Laying back down and pulling me onto her bare chest. We laid there for a moment, catching our breaths and using the sound of each other's heart beats to ground ourselves.
It wasn't an uncomfortable silence that took over.
It was the kind where there was so much more being said without words, than if there were. From how her fingers lightly traced my spine to the kisses she would press against my cheeks and the way she held me like I'd slip right out of her hands said more than any superficial post-sex conversation ever could.
"Think you could spend the night?"
"My parents are out of town, so I don't see why not. Why?", I asked,
"Well, it's pretty late and um...I wouldn't want my girlfriend to be home alone", she replied,
Causing my eyes to widen, as I sit up to look at her.
"What did you say?"
"I don't want you to be home alone?", she tried to play off,
"No no no no no, you called me something"
"Oh...you mean my girlfriend?", she admits,
"Well, don't you wanna be?"
"Yes!", I squeal,
Diving down and crashing my lips onto hers, as she laughs at my excitement.
"About time, don't you think? I mean, I've spent years obsessing over you", she smiles,
Tucking my hair behind my ear.
Unbeknownst to Kirby, the feeling was always mutual.
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strawhbrrries · 11 months
All That Matters, i.
pairing: cocky!tattoo artist!frank castle x afab!reader
summary: working with a world renowned tattoo artist who knows his own beauty has more cons than pros. the main one being that he's infuriating and it turns you on.
warnings: mentions of female masturbation, general banter between frank and reader, jealous reader??, mutual pining but they're both idiots, cocky frank duh!, tattooed frank with long hair!!, no use of y/n or descriptions of reader, not proofread
word count: 920 words
authors note: this was supposed to just be a fic but i couldn't help myself but tattoo!artist frank is so yummy and I think about him all the time!!
find the masterlist here! read the next part here!
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The blacked out camaro pulled into the parking lot, your eyes rolling the instant you could hear the bass from inside the shop. He never even had the windows down, that was the worst part, it was just that loud. He had no care for anyone else, he was arrogant and just overall a cunt. You hated working with Frank Castle. 
You always heard him before you saw him, whether it was his car that gave away his presence or his voice. You were astonished that his hearing wasn’t damaged, if you could hear the bass of his music from inside the shop you couldn’t imagine how loud it was inside the car. Thankfully, his booth was quieter than his car. Aside from his voice. His voice was deep, raspy, and it carried. Carried itself all the way to the reception desk where you sat, annoyed you had to listen to it. 
It was sexy, you couldn’t deny that. You often came to the thought of him whispering dirty things in your ear, calling you a pretty girl. 
“What song is it today?” You asked as the bell above the door rang, indicating the biggest nuisance in your life had entered the building. 
“Pills and automobiles.” He answered, leaning over the counter to try and look at his schedule for the day. 
“Thinking of how many girls you get wet?” You teased, handing him the clipboard of clients he should already know about. 
“You know it, baby.” He winked, scanning the names to see his first appointment and handing it back to you. 
“Fuck off.” You rolled your eyes, kicking your feet up on the desk and watching him walk away. 
You were one of those girls, no matter how much he irritated you after every conversation with him there was a small wet patch on your underwear. Maybe that was why he infuriated you so much, because he seemed unreachable. You were sure most of the girls who came into the shop just wanted to get a good look at him, his clientele was mainly women. Sure, they paid well and he appreciated the attention but nothing got him as hard as the woman who didn’t want him. You.
His cocky attitude was, mostly, a front. He knew he looked good and felt it would be a crime to withhold it from the world, all the ladies seemed to enjoy it. He wasn’t the fuckboy you thought him to be, sure he flirted with any woman who threw herself at him. But he couldn’t remember the last time he had sex, not since you started working at the shop. He’d been trying to earn you over since the second he sat in on your interview and officially became the receptionist. He needed you.
You scrolled the yelp reviews, scrunching your nose at every one that mentioned Frank and how attractive he was. There were so many, you did this almost every day. And for what? To torture yourself. Obviously. What else was there to do when every artist was busy for the next few hours?
“Excuse me.” The voice snapped you out of your annoyed delusion, causing you to snap your eyes upwards to the man standing on the opposite side of the counter.
“What can I do for you?” You smiled, admiring the brown fluffy hair the man had, tilting your head at the red tinted glasses he was wearing.
“Is Frank in? I need to speak with him for a minute.” The man responded, looking right through you. 
“Give me a second.” You smiled, getting up from your seat and making your way to Frank’s booth.
You slid the curtain open and rolled your eyes at the girl who was trying her absolute hardest to get his attention but failing miserably, his expression was blank and frankly he looked bored.
“Some guy with red glasses is here for you, Frankie.” You mocked the girl in the chair, maybe it was because you were jealous of her proximity to him or maybe it was something else.
Frank muttered something about taking ten to the girl and placed his equipment down, giving you a confused expression, and making his way to the lobby. You gave the girl a smile and followed after him. If you couldn’t have him the next best thing was to cockblock him, you were amazing at that. By the time you reached the front the two men were in a deep conversation about something you couldn’t hear, they were talking in hushed whispers.
You sat back down at your desk and busied yourself in busy work, trying to listen in but failing. Every time you looked up Frank was looking your way, turning back to the mystery man every time you made eye contact. You watched him run his fingers through his hair, watching it fall back into place neatly, his tattoos stretching around his bicep as it flexes. 
“Thanks, Matt. I’ll get back to you about it all later. Just give her your number and we’ll be good.” Frank spoke calmly, motioning towards you but you weren’t entirely sure the man could see it, turning away to get back to his work.
“I’m Matt Murdock, by the way!” He introduced himself once he made it back to the desk, putting his hand out to shake after you introduced yourself.
He gave you his number and was on his way back out the door, just as he did your phone buzzed.
He’s blind, quit staring.
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not-goldy · 4 months
Goldy I woke up today & it hit me. I've been kinda down since enlistment cause I miss Jikook, but there I was driving, blue skies, fluffy white clouds, windows down, blasting music & it hit me even tho I miss Jikook, I have something antis/tkk don't & that is PEACE. Something antis not had since Chapter 2 & been yanking their grey hair out over ever since & unable to be happy & enjoy anything. See, they tell themselves Chapter 2 showed the real close duos, but in reality, Chapter 2 knocked their delusional lights out. Between Paris, Tae/Jennie and Jikook's Silver Day date, Letter together, dedicated lives, their private ALONE trips, possible travel show & now Jikook enlisting together, its been a non-peaceful year for antis. Tae ruined their delusions when he went to Paris to be with Jennie & confirmed all those hacker leaks were real. Then Jikook ruined their Thanksgiving by traveling to Tokyo together & had them crying in their cranberry sauce. Then hit them with enlisting TOGETHER right before Christmas & they couldn't even enjoy opening their stockings full of coal. No matter what Jikook are to each other. I sleep at night & wake up knowing Jikook are together. When I get worried about them in there, I remember they have each other. Antis can't do that.
So no matter why Jikook chose to do what they did regarding each other at the start of Chapter 2 or where Jikook go from after MS. I'll remember when it came down to facing military hell, one of the biggest challenges they'll ever face in their life, that they let their walls down & bravely showed all their haters that they chose each other to get through it with together & NO ONE ELSE. Something BOTH of them have expressed gratitude about recently, when it comes to the other being there with him. Anything else said about their relationship, what it is or isn't, is just outside noise & conspiracy theories. What I know for sure is at this moment Jikook are together by choice & mutually happy about their decision. That is all I need to know. And in the words of Jk, are you jealous, keep being jealous, Jk will keep being with his Jiminie every day until mid 2025, blubblluulblllul.
Now, I'm gonna go hop in my car again, roll the windows down, blast Letter & sing at the top of my lungs, they see me rollin' they hatin' my music so loud & just soak in the peace of mind knowing Jikook are there for each other right now & not letting their haters affect them, therefore I won't let their haters affect me.
Frankly you have more than peace- you have also the beautiful memories of two of the most beautiful human beings on earth and the memories of seven boys enjoying their lives and bringing us along that journey.
Forget the hyper sexualized edits and innuendos, Forget the goofy dorky personalities they both have, Forget that they are bandmates- you have the making a fairytale of pure love pure friendship and the gift of the greatest love story unfolding before your eyes in real time.
If all I had to my ship was a couple hip thrusts at a 45 degree angle, a few dirty jokes, a love story I had to jump through hoops to connect and toxicity I'll be so miserable as a human being.
I'll always be grateful to Jikook for this one in a lifetime experience. If it's a fantasy they made my fantasies come through
Love jikook and love you too babes💜🌈
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yeoja-dream · 4 months
Part 1 Part 2
Pairing: BTS OT7 X Reader 
Genre: Fantasy, Magic, Eventual Smut, Plot, slight slow burn
Characters: Vampire!BTS, Elf!Reader
Content Warning: none 
Word Count: 3.5k
You woke up the following morning to the blaring of your alarm waking you from a restful sleep. Instantly, you are in a bad mood. The post-concert blues were hitting like a truck. How were you meant to go back to regular life after a night like that? 
You pick up your phone, scrolling through work emails. I’ll have the payment for this month’s tuition tonight! The twins will be missing from the 10 am hip-hop intermediate class! Ms. Y/N I really think I’m ready for pointe! You sorted through the usual sort of emails when your eyes landed on a more unusual email. Private lesson request. That’s weird. You muse to yourself, rubbing the last of the sleep from your eyes as you open the request, sliding yourself up into a seated position in bed.
“1 adult lesson, style is hip hop and modern…” You mused out loud scrolling through the details. “9 pm is cutting it a little close 1 hour before closing, but it says you’re prepaid so…” You trail off. “Approved!” You announced out loud before hitting the confirm appointment button through the appointment portal. “What was the name anyway?” you scroll back up and snort at the answer. Kim Seokjin? That had to be a joke or a crazy coincidence. Either way, you were definitely going to have to ID this new client. Imagine if it was him - the thought amuses you as you begin your day, preparing for a day of classes. 
Despite your initial grumpy start, and perhaps it was the thrill of a mystery client who, you admit you’ve been dreaming about being Jin all day, but the day passes you quicker than you first believed. Not even Roberto in your toddler dance class 1, his endless energy typically giving you an endless headache, broke your stride today. 
You waved the last student out, shutting the door and locking it behind you. Can’t be too careful these days. You reminded yourself. You glanced at your watch, 8:15. Perfect, 45 minutes until Mr. Kim Seokjin walks through my front door. You thought to yourself, bemused. 
Putting aside your delusion, you organized the studio for a private lesson, and most importantly, you could slip into the back and enjoy a light dinner. On your phone, you sighed dramatically as you found yourself flipping through photos from last night. When will I ever get to experience something like that in my lifetime? You whined inwardly, bemoaning your modest finances. Maybe in another life 100 years or so, another group will pop up and you will have saved enough to get the same seats. Maybe. Your daydreaming was interrupted, however, by the unmistakable sound of a locked door trying to be opened. 
Your eyes snap to the time. 8:58 pm. Shit. How could I have let time get away from me like that? You snap up from the paper-cluttered desk and run, as fast as your legs will take you through the studio room and into the reception area. It was the person visible through the glass that stopped you dead in your tracks. 
You blinked once, twice, and rubbed your eyes for good measure. Holy. Shit. HOLY SHIT. THAT WAS KIM SEOKJIN. KIM SEOKJIN IS STANDING OUTSIDE MY STUDIO RIGHT NOW. Amidst your internal, slack-jawed panic, Jin stood just outside, black t-shirt and baggy pants hung off him effortlessly. He held up a phone screen and pointed at it, saying something you couldn’t make out through the glass. 
Let him in you idiot! Your inner voice scolds. I can’t give a dance lesson to Kim Seokjin! I should be asking him for advice! You fired back. Let him in, idiot. She says, firmer this time which is enough to break you out of your stun. 
You walk up to the glass door, and with a trembling hand, undo the latch and swing open the door. 
“Sorry, I had a lesson scheduled for tonight, if now isn’t a good time I could reschedule.” He offers politely. He thinks I forgot.
“No, no come in please!” You said as you opened the door wider for him to slip in. “I didn’t forget it's just uh,” He made eye contact with you “...robberies.” It was all you could finish. 
“Right well, no worries!” He said, his disposition relentlessly sunny despite how badly you were screwing this up. 
“Oh sorry before I take you back,” You start, and again the voice in your throat dies into a timid squeak as you finish your sentence “I just really to see some ID and if you would change your shoes I would really appreciate that you see its just house rules and-” 
“Sure. No problem. Here’s my ID,” he said, handing it fully to you. Can I sit here and change my shoes?” He asked, gesturing to the bench next to the reception desk. 
“That is exactly what it is there for. I will sign you into the system so it won’t change you the no-call no-show fee.” You plopped down at the desk, ID in hand. “Is there a reason why there is a sticker over the numbers?” 
“Oh yeah, I have to show my ID sometimes and all it takes is one person with a good memory and bad intentions to steal my identity. I am sure you understand.” He said, slipping on a pair of clean, white sneakers. 
“Oh wow yeah, I guess that’s true. A lot of weirdos out there, huh?” You asked, sliding the ID back towards him. 
“Tell me about it.” He said, picking up the card. “What do you think, more handsome in real life, right?” He asked with a wink. 
As if reflexively, your eyes rolled before you had the forethought to process how rude it might have appeared. Jin laughed heartily. 
“No sorry! Force of habit!” You said, putting your hands together apologetically. “Of course, you’re more handsome in person!” 
“No no!” He said, still laughing. “It was a funny reaction, genuine.” He added, sliding the card into his wallet. “Shall we?” He asked gesturing to the dance studio. 
“We shall,” you said, leading the way. 
The studio lights had been dimmed, the normally bright, overhead fluorescent lights seemed too sterile for a one-on-one interaction. The rest of the equipment had been put to the sides of the room, leaving it completely vacant with the exception of the worn tape on the floor demarking where students were to stand. 
“So let's start with some stretches.” You said, sitting on the floor in the center of the room. Jin followed your command wordlessly. You turned yourself at an angle to him, feeling immediately more at ease. It was easier to deal with him on your periphery. There was a sensation, one that you had been able to ignore on account of your nerves that had been present, you now observed, since he had first arrived. It felt like blue zaps of electricity buzzing through you, and as you spread your legs, lean forward into a split, and feel the stretch, it clicks. This was the feeling you had at the concert. The electric current, the dizzy, hazy feeling that washed over you when you locked eyes with them, it was coming on stronger and stronger, and it was making you bolder. 
“So,” You began. “Let's start with the basics. What brings you to a random dance studio when your company has plenty of dance teachers and choreographers?” You ask, stretching an arm across your chest. 
Jin mirrored you. “Let’s call it happenstance. Besides, the greatest way to learn is to be taught by many teachers.” 
“Okay, Confucius.” You teased. “What did you want to learn today?” 
“I want to learn whatever it is you are learning.” He said matter-of-factly. 
You snorted. “I doubt you want to learn what I am learning.” 
“Try me.” He said, standing up. 
You followed his lead, standing. “If you insist.” You said with a shrug. From the back wall of the studio, you dragged two chairs to the center of the space, about 5 feet apart. “I have been choreographing a routine using this.” You said gesturing to the chair. 
He knitted his eyebrows together in concern for a moment, before the expression dissolved, as did his resolve. 
“Alright,” He began, “Show me first, so I can get an idea of what it is you are referring to.” 
You walked over to the music player, set a 10-second delay, and walked over into position. As the beat hit, you moved your body with long-practiced poise and grace. The routine was like lovers making love for the first time, slow, explorative, and careful to begin. As the song continues, though, the intensity rises before BANG! The finale. 
You lost yourself in the music, whatever high that crept into your system made you carefree and light. You put your everything into every moment, and as you grinded and body rolled, you never forgot whose eyes were on you. You didn’t shy away. 
As the song finished, you let loose the final, explosive move, a visual orgasm to finish the routine. You let the silence hang for a moment while you caught your breath, without the music, shame began to reach through the haze.
“Well…?” You asked, turning around. You weren’t sure what you expected him to look like, or even how you expected him to react, but as you turned, a dark, hungry, and heady expression sat on Jin’s face. Where before he had been kind, respectful, clinical, even, your heart rate rose and a scarlet blush traveled up your face as you couldn’t help but imagine what he was capable of. “Jin…?” You asked again, taking a step toward him. 
As you do so, he blinks and shakes his head. When he looked at you again, his expression was once again as kind and friendly as it had been before. “Sorry.” He said “Got a little lost in thought there. That was amazing, where did you learn to dance like that?” 
“I’ve been practicing my whole life,” You said. “I’d like to think I came out of my mother’s womb dancing.” You said with a chuckle. 
A slightly uncomfortable silence hung in the air before you cleared your throat to speak again. 
“Did you want to learn however much of that we can in…” you glanced at your watch “20 minutes?” You asked. 
“Oh, sure!” He said. “It looks like fun.” 
You walked over to the media player, setting the song’s tempo slower, and began the process of breaking down the dance, beat by beat. Sure enough, being the professional dancer he is, he is an extremely fast learner, never needing to go over the same part more than 3 or 4 times before he has it memorized. You watched him carefully, allowing yourself to be slightly more critical of him than you might be with a more inexperienced student. 
“This part,” you demonstrated, rolling your body with practiced fluidity, “needs to be sexier, more fluid.” 
“How is this?” He asked, his movements still stiff. 
“Not quite.” You said. “Pardon my French, but pretend you’re… well…” you trailed off. 
“Making love to someone.” He finished for you. 
“Right.” You agreed. 
“How about this?” He asked, a perceivable jerkiness still present. 
“Hm.” You mused to yourself. “I think you aren’t using the right muscles. Give me your hand.” 
He offered his hand to you, wordlessly.
You grabbed his hand, opened his palm up flat, and placed it on your stomach. The physical connection sent a strong zap through your body. Focusing on your breathing, you followed through, allowing him to feel the way your muscles were contracting as you did the movement. His expression was hard, unreadable. 
“So… did you feel that?” You asked pulling his hand away. 
“Yeah… I did,” he said, his voice far away and dry. “I definitely did.” 
“So uh, you try now.” You said, feeling shy. 
He did so without comment, and the visual of which causes something to tighten within you. 
“Yeah, that looks a lot better.” 
“Could you,” he began “Ah, never mind.” he cut himself off. 
“Hm?” You ask “I probably don’t mind so ask away.” 
“No, it sounds kinda pervy.” He said, looking down, ashamed. 
“I don’t, uh…” You stammered, unsure how to process what he just said. Was this guy about to ask me to what, take my clothes off so he can see better?? What the hell?
“Oh god that made it sound really bad.” He blurted. “I just wanted you to feel to make sure I was also using the right muscle groups but that sounded kind of weird sorry!” 
“Oh!” You laughed. “You should have said as much. That’s no problem.” 
You walked closer to him, placing your flat hand on his abdomen. You noticed now, as your hand connected with his body, warm tingling spread through your hand. It felt good, you decided, but the unexpected sensation had you pulling back your arm in shock.
“Sorry. “I got zapped.” You lied.
Placing your hand back on his abdomen, through his t-shirt you could feel the hard, lean muscle. The warm, tingly sensation returned, and you watched and felt, mesmerized, as those hard muscles contracted and relaxed through the roll, resisting the urge to cross your legs to relieve some of the building pressure inside of you. 
The proximity, the connection, it swirls through you and you find yourself transfixed, looking up at him. Your breathing is heavy, the current running through you, the haze swirling through your mind, and the tension and heat that was building in your core, it was almost too much to handle. You blinked up at him, his expression dark and unreadable. He looked down at you too, bringing a hand up, cupping your face gently. He searched your expression for a sign of protest, and when there was none, he dipped his head down, and soft, gentle lips met yours. 
You immediately felt breathless, and everything inside you was screaming, chanting at you to keep going. Maybe it was the dizzy way he made you feel, but this all felt so undeniably right. The kiss deepened, your lips parting to one another as you excitedly and feverishly explored one another’s mouth. He didn’t seem to dare to take the next physically, but you needed him. 
You ran your hands up his body and then around his neck, using the new position to press yourself flush to him. He moved his arms down, wrapping solidly around your waist. He backed you up slowly until your back was against the cool mirror of the studio. He pinned you there, placing his hands on each side of your head, against the glass. His arms flexed and relaxed with heavy practiced, restraint, as it took every fiber of his control not to rip your clothes off, take you, and mark you as his on this studio floor. 
He pulled away, suddenly, taking 3 halting, jerky steps backward. “I’m really sorry about this.”
“Wha…?” You ask, dazed and confused. 
“I have to go.” He said, his voice serious and strained. In a flash, he was gone, with the sound of the front door closing behind him the only evidence he was ever really there. 
In the complete silence, the heated haze that filled your mind subsided slowly, and your mind worked in overtime to process the series of events that had just happened to you. An achey feeling blooms in your chest and a different type of heat spreads to your face, embarrassment. What the fuck you thought to yourself, he probably thinks I’m some kind of crazed slut. You allowed yourself to sink to the floor, pulling your knees into your chest tight. What the fuck is his problem anyway, he kissed me first, you reasoned. Maybe I am just a god-awful kisser, you added bitterly. Maybe I took things too far. Maybe I made him uncomfortable. Fuck uncomfortable, he started it! He pinned you against the wall, he absolutely loved it. Two parts of your mine argued back and forth. Whatever the case, sitting in your dim studio feeling bad for yourself didn’t bring you any closer or make you any happier, so you resolved to pick yourself up and bring yourself home. 
You jammed your keys into the keyhole of your front door, unlocking it and entering your quiet apartment in a numb, dissociative daze. If you gave yourself 100,000 guesses this morning to guess as to how your day would end, you still wouldn’t have guessed you’d find yourself in the position you were in. Sleep tonight would be impossible, you decided. You made your way to your bathroom, opening the medicine cabinet, grabbing one of the large, brown, glass bottles inside, shaking it tentatively. The last of the medicine you sighed inwardly, shaking the last two tightly-bundled, pill-sized leaf preparations from the bottle. When the nightmares would keep you awake, Dad would bring you two of these with a glass of warm, cinnamon-spiced apple cider. “These will help you sleep,” He said, handing you the pills. “And this,” he continued, “is full of spices to keep the monsters away.” Handing you the mug of hot, fragrant liquid.
“Like what?” You asked, voice still trembling from crying. 
“Cinnamon.” He told you, climbing into bed next to you. 
“Monsters don’t like cinnamon?” you asked, putting the bitter pills on your tongue, swallowing quickly. 
“Can’t stand it,” Dad said, wrapping an arm around you, holding you close to his side. The contact is comforting. “One sniff of it and they go running for the hills!” 
You giggled at that. “It must suck to be a monster, then.” You decided. 
“Most definitely.” Dad agreed.
The memory was bittersweet. You swallow the bitter preparations, speed through your evening routine, and slip in between your sheets, already feeling the drowsy effects blossom through your body and mind. With the last of your cognition, you grabbed your phone, sending a mass email. You needed a break.
Dear students and families, 
I have come down with something and as such, I will be suspending all classes for tomorrow. The following day, however, classes will return as scheduled. Thank you for your understanding. 
Teacher Y/N
You hit send, and allow your eyes to close, sending you into a peaceful, dreamless sleep. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I can’t get through,” Namjoon said, eyes closed, eyebrows knit together with concentration. 
“Should we go up to her place?” Taehyung asked, looking at the older man, concerned. 
“No,” Jin said, voice stern. “We have done plenty.” 
“We?” Jungkook snorted. “Hyung, last time I checked it was you who planted one on her, not us.” 
Jin shot him a dirty look. “If we had sent you, you would have lost control 30 seconds into being there and we would be having a much different conversation right now.” 
Yoongi walked over to Jin, standing behind him and rubbing his shoulders comfortingly. “You are completely sure?” Yoongi asked, his tone flat, measured. 
“As I have said 100 times over, yes,” Jin said, pushing down the growing irritation in his voice. It wasn’t anyone else’s fault he had gone too far. The way you looked up at him, the feeling of your hand on his body after he had just touched you, watched you move, he couldn’t help himself. He only hoped now that you felt the same way. 
“She could have taken something and that’s why you can’t reach her, right Namjoon-hung?” Jimin asked, running his fingers absentmindedly through the older’s hair.
“Mmm.” He grunted in affirmation. “She could also have a talisman or a barrier spell preventing me from getting in.” 
“So she’s probably fine,” Jimin said, voice calm.  
“Probably.” Namjoon agreed, sighing and allowing himself to slump fully onto Jimin, looking for comfort. 
“Well,” Hoseok chimed in. “Feeling bad or anxious isn’t particularly productive. Jinnie-hyung took things farther than he intended, but it sounds to me like she was probably okay with it. What probably freaked her out was you up and leaving without so much as an explanation like an antisocial weirdo. That would cause anyone to overthink.” 
“He’s got a point,” Yoongi said, his arms now draped over Jin’s shoulders, holding him in a back hug. 
“I know,” Jin said with a sigh. “If I could go back and do it differently, I would. But don’t you think by blocking us out she probably wants to be left alone?” 
“How would she know Joonie-hyung’s powers?” Jungkook said. An obvious question, perhaps, but a brief silence settles over the group. It is a good point. 
“The way I see it, we tell her or we don’t, and we need to decide which pretty quickly,” Hoseok said. 
“I would want to know if I were her,” Taehyung said. 
“Me too,” The group agreed. 
“So we offer a connection,” Yoongi began. “Contact her, apologize for being a weirdo, offer to meet up and explain some things.” 
Jin flinched at the weirdo comment. “Let her decide,” He said, “It’s not a bad idea.” 
“Then let's do it,” Taehyung said anxiously. “I hope she says yes.” 
“We all do,” Jimin said, grimly. “But now, we wait.” 
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