#thanks to math that i did a few days ago
the-2nd-random-kid · 1 month
oh. my god.
i have the most horrible HORRIBLE THOUGHT.
what if yuujis interpretation of sukunas slashes/ct (shrine) was like this--
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with the scissors and cutting lines and everything-- WAS BECAUSE OF NANAMI BECAUSE OF HIS RATIO TECHNIQUE--
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sweetsreverie · 10 months
could you write a drabble where darry’s girlfriend is totally adored by the rest of the boys and she’s almost motherly to them?
bro... thank you for planting this idea in my head ♡︎
pairing: darry curtis x f!reader wc: 972 warnings/notes: none
You met Darry six months ago while you were at the grocery store. You were clearly having trouble trying to reach something on the top shelf and he offered to help you, retrieving the item and handing it to you with a charming, kind smile. The two of you ended up talking in the spice aisle for nearly ten minutes before you both realized that you had places to be. Darry had scribbled his home phone number on your grocery list before leaving. Since then, you mostly saw him on the weekends when he wasn’t working, or on the rare occasion that he wasn’t totally exhausted after work, you would see him for dinner.
It took a while for him to introduce you to his brothers, and eventually the rest of their little gang. But when he did, he came to notice that the boys treated you differently than anyone else. They seemed to respect you, and they didn’t really pick on you or mess with you like they did other people. That was also partially because you seemed to take care of them, and honestly you didn’t even think much of it. You just found yourself doing little things for them here and there. It started with you cleaning up Darry’s work boots one night, and then you ironed Sodapop’s work shirt one day while he was running late for work, and you’ve helped Ponyboy with his homework on multiple occasions when he was struggling through his math homework. 
It made Darry’s heart swell, especially when you took care of Ponyboy and Soda. Ever since their mom died, they haven’t had a female, or even somewhat of a motherly figure in their life. Darry could be tough on them, so having your gentle nature around was almost comforting for them.
Today you had the day off of work so you spent some time at the Curtis’ house. Darry was working so you tried to clean up the place to take it off of his shoulders. Besides, you sometimes spent the night with Darry and ate dinner with them, so you figure you might as well pull your own weight and treat the place as your own. 
“You know Y/N, this ain’t even your house. You don’t have to clean up after us.” Pony says while he sits on the couch and Johnny sits on the floor near the coffee table, and the two of them were playing ‘go fish’.
“Well- I stay here enough and eat enough of yall’s food, I might as well. And I don’t want Darry to have to worry about it when he gets back from work.” You explain as you wipe down the kitchen table with a damp cloth.
Ponyboy smiles softly at that before he looks down at the cards in his hand. “Well… I know that Darry really appreciates it. He probably don’t show it or say it, but… I know he does.” Pony tells you with a little nod.
“I just know he’s got a lot on his plate, and I don’t see you boys helping him clean up much.” You say, the teasing tone clear in your voice while you grin over at Pony. Pony’s expression turns sheepish immediately, and Johnny even chuckles at your playful scolding.
Later that evening when Darry comes home, you stand in the kitchen with him while you two wait for dinner to finish cooking. After a few moments, Darry turns to you as you’re leaning against the counter.
“You know, Ponyboy told me you scolded him like a mother today.” Darry says, and you groan and shake your head.
“I did not! I was just messing with him-” You insist, and Darry laughs.
“He knows that, doll face. I just… think it’s funny. You really do take care of us.” Darry says with a little smile while he reaches for your hand.
You think about it for a second, and you realize that you really do take care of these boys.
“Well… you’re my boys. And someone’s gotta keep some order around here.” You tell Darry with a grin. You hear the front door open, and you poke your head out from around the doorway to see Sodapop and Steve.
“Aht aht, don’t bring them dirty boots in the house. Leave ‘em on the porch.” You tell the two of them, and Ponyboy laughs as they turn back around and begin to take their boots off on the porch.
When you turn back to Darry in the kitchen, the man is just grinning from ear to ear.
“What were you saying about keeping order around here?” He asks jokingly and you can’t help but laugh.
“Hell, even Dally listens to you. You must have instilled some kinda fear in him or something.”
You laugh at that and shake your head, and you move closer to Darry so you’re tucked in his side.
“But… really. Ever since our folks passed, Pony and Soda haven’t really had… a woman to care for them, or like.. A mother figure. If you know what I mean.” Darry tries to explain, and you nod while giving him a little smile.
“I understand, Darry. Really- and… I’m happy to be that for them. I know I can never replace your mom, and I don’t want to- but… I’m happy to look after them. I know it's hard for you to do on your own.” You explain to Darry, and he lets out a quiet sigh while he looks down at you with an expression of admiration.
“Have I ever told you that I love you?” Darry asks, and you laugh softly.
“Yeah. Once or twice I think.” You tease him lightly before the two of you carry on with making dinner before the boys in the living room start getting too rowdy.
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maeumi-jng · 5 months
hiii!! i love ur writing it’s absolutely adorable 🥹🫶 i was wondering if you could write something about riki & reader and maybe the reader is just a little older than him like a few months to a year? and they are very adamant on giving him his space especially since he has dealt with… so much from older fans. but riki rlly likes the reader and he’s frustrated because he doesn’t want her to think of him like a kid maybe 🤔 but reader likes him back she is just scared bc she feels like what if she makes him uncomfortable? but then it has a happy ending because they talk it out & jungwon helps them 😭🫶 totally understand if u don’t want to take this request! even if u don’t, it’s alright i love ur writing sm
kiss her you fool
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pairing: idol!riki nishimura x idol!fem!reader, childhood bsf!yang jungwon x reader
synopsis: riki likes you. you like him. if the maths is right, you should be together. but riki left one variable unaccounted for. or in which riki must get to the bottom of why you are withholding your feelings for him if it's the last thing he does
warnings: reader is a year older, ANGST, mention of c-19, DISGUSTING OLD CREEPY FANS, mentions of sexual harassment, insecurity, problems of young debuting and discrimination, and crying, jealousy, swearing, appearance of riize's anton, riki being an absolute menace but a communication king 😤, romantic confessions, cringe but fluffy, proof-read before dinner soooo ☺️
word count: 2k+ library: enhypen bookshelf
author’s note: it's my first request 😭 i got youuuuuuu. i didn't mean for this to get so um well sappy and sad, got a bit carried away with the 'older fans' thing, but thank you so much for requesting! i hope this is up to par ♡︎ // song rec is titular but not really incorporated
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You had made a mistake.
A very big mistake.
Liking Riki Nishimura.
How exactly that happened... well almost four years ago now, in 2020.
The practical shut down of all things physical in the industry. No concerts, no fan meetings, no live performances, restricted filming... the entire world had gone quiet.
Yet, as humans had done since the dawn of time, there was adaptation. Online concerts that were pre-recorded and emphasised stage performances, masked filming with very few staff, well.. masked everything...
And in the midst of all of this, was I-LAND. The survival show that would form a new boy group. The same show that your childhood best friend, Yang Jungwon, was participating in. As his friend, former label mate, and a representative of BigHit, you were very enthusiastic, promoting the show when you could on your lives and consistently voting for him, producing the theme song, even coming on the last episode with your seniors.
Jungwon did it. He got first place. With almost 1.5 million votes. To withhold all your tears that day was a heavy task. You didn't want anyone to think that the votes had been manipulated due to your influence so you had kept a bit quiet about your relation to Jungwon. But you were just so proud.
People eventually found out soon though. Months before ENHYPEN was to debut with the claims that it just made sense that you two were childhood friends.
Along with him came six other people that you would soon make lifelong friends with, Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, and Niki. You debuted quite early and despite being the youngest leader ever to debut and the maknae, friends were hard to come by (surprise surprise). So you welcomed these with open arms. Any friend of Jungwon was going to be a friend of yours.
You cherished all the members in their own ways but you couldn't lie and say Riki wasn't special to you. He reminded you of yourself. So young yet so passionate. Furthermore, he was Japanese. Living in a foreign country by yourself at such at such as young age... it had to be tough.
So in a way, you took him in. By that you meant your mother had basically accepted him as her son and you took care of him as if you were his older sister. You helped him with his Korean, your mother invested into learning Japanese cuisine so he didn't feel too homesick, always sending you with tiffins of food to the company or to the dorm, you stayed by him during the tough times... you made sure that he never felt alone, even for a second. You promised him.
The thing about debuting so young was that it often attracted the wrong type of people. You had gone through it and were still going through it despite turning twenty soon. Older fans... they seemed to love you. Especially, older men. From shouting your name loudly and asking for cute poses at fan signs to genuinely asking to marry you and specifically positioning their cameras at a certain angle to capture under your skirt... It was beyond you.
And Riki was going through the same thing, primarily with older women. Asking to marry him, seeing him shirtless, inappropriate fan fiction... the list of crazy was endless.
But your group and especially ENHYPEN wasn't having any of it. You all tried to the best of your ability to protect Riki but it just never seemed to stop. There were just so many weird people out there. It was infuriating.
You stuck to your promise. You made sure Riki felt safe and you could tell it was working. He was always honest with you, at his most vulnerable. He could share anything with you and he'd feel comfortable. You were the one person closest to him, there was no doubt about it.
But then you had to fuck it up. You got feelings.
You didn't realise it at first. But by the end of last year, you were sure. The long hugs, the stares that lasted a second more than they should've, Riki's abrupt clinginess... all of the mundane things were suddenly making you flustered and open the opportunity to having arrhythmia with all your fluctuating heartbeats.
You weren't sure what to do. It terrified you. How were you any different from the older fans? Well, of course there was a difference. But that year difference between the both of you... it was imposing.
So you did the only thing that made any sense to you. You gave him space.
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You thought the space you were giving wasn't too obvious. You just wanted Riki to feel lighter and free.
But he noticed.
Riki noticed your wide smiles were now brief, the fewer texts you shared, the pathetic excuses you made to not hang out as much, the way you never sat with him to eat your mom's food... that the space you gave him was also physical given that you no longer sat right next to him but opted to sit diagonal to him (that way you weren't invading him too much).
Riki wasn't the type to beat around the bush. He directly confronted you. A trait that came naturally to him but was only furthered by the ever so direct Jungwon.
When you told him that you just wanted to give him a bit of space, given that he was older now and the whole plight of dealing with his 'fans'... Riki was in turmoil.
On one hand, an ever small part of him was touched that you cared so much. Not that was a surprise. You had the biggest heart he had ever seen.
But for the most part, he was frustrated. See, the thing was... he liked you too. A lot. Maybe too much for a normal human. It wasn't that you took care of him like a sister (if anything that combination would've made him throw up), but it was just you.
You entirely made him like you. Before he debuted, Riki was a big fan of you. He admired your work and passion, especially for as someone as young as you. Not to mention, he's pretty sure that you're the prettiest person in the entire universe. Never did he think he'd actually meet you. But then you visited I-LAND, twice. Once for the theme song and second for the last episode. And Riki was in awe of you. He couldn't believe it!
But that was nothing in comparison to finding out that he was debuting with ENHYPEN, a group that so happened to have Jungwon, your childhood best friend, and would often meet you to have their songs produced and composed.
And then you took him in.
He remembered it like it was yesterday. Heck, he could never forget it even if he tried.
You found Riki head down, crying alone in the dance practice room and you were immediately by his side. He was having an internal crisis.
It had been a few months since he had debuted and everything was going so well. ENHYPEN was popular. But his Korean was barely up to par, he couldn't keep up with everything that was going on, it was fuzzy in his head, people were commenting on his ethnicity and his looks in ways that discriminated him, he missed authentic Japanese food, he missed his annoying sisters, he missed his dad, his mom... he missed home. God, in that moment, he just wanted to go home.
You sat next to him, listening to all his worries quietly. By the time he was finished, he looked up at you with puffy red eyes that made your heart ache and apologised for burdening you with his problems.
He actually apologised.
For a moment, you were speechless.
So being an experienced person (well a year by age and a few more by career), you did what anyone else would do. Well, you hoped.
You wiped the remaining tears off of his face with your thumb and held his hands with yours. You looked him directly in the eye and told him, "You having nothing to be sorry about, Riki-ah. This... this is all normal to feel. To some extent, I know how you feel. I promise you that you'll get through this. I'll be by your side the entire time, hmm? I'm won't leave you alone. I promise."
With that, you brought him into a hug that he reciprocated. And this was the very moment Riki began to have feelings for you. After all of that and with everything you had done for him, how could he not like you?
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Riki's frustration was beginning to peak. Ever since you told him you were giving him space, he had decided to the complete opposite. He was going to be up in your business 24 fucking 7 (if he could).
If you were going to sit away him, Riki would make his hyungs move so he could sit right next to you.
You were too far from him? He'd drag your chair close to him.
Your poor text response rate? Unannounced, Riki would walk into the room, rest his head on your lap, and scroll through TikTok, showing you all the videos he found funny.
But he needed to up his game. They say that flirting is a mastery of sort. It takes time, skill, finesse, if you will. Riki, however, is a fast learner.
"Cute hoodie, noona. But you'd look better in mine."
Backstage, you found him waiting outside your dressing room, on his phone. You sighed, shaking your head. "You're a living nightmare, Riki. You know that?"
Riki looked up from his phone, a smirk tugging away at his lips. His eyes grinned at you with their hanging lids. "So you do dream about me? That's nice to know."
When you gave him your most miffed expression, a soft laugh fell from his lips. "You look so cute when you're mad, noona."
The other time you were at HYBE cafeteria. You had finally given into your stomach's needs after slugging away for hours at a song. You spotted a nice yellow iced cupcake... it was calling your name. Just as you went to pick it up, Riki's hand intervened. His fingers brushed against yours, making you immediately retract your fingers. "R-Riki... yah, I was going to get that."
"I know," Riki said, amused by your flustered expression. "I'm going to get it for you."
Then came RIIZE's Anton. An idol who happened to be the same age, also produced music, also spoke English, had the most softest voice known to mankind, devilishly handsome, tall without stupid vitamins... and happened to be shipped heavily with you by everyone and their mother.
Also known as: Riki's worst enemy.
You were both coming out of the studio when Riki had caught the both of you on the way. From how he saw things, he didn't like it one bit. He didn't like the eye-smile Anton had when he looked at you nor did he like the smile you had at the poor joke he had cracked.
Hands shoved in his pockets, Riki stopped in front of you, interrupting your conversation. "Oh, hey, noona."
"Hmm? Oh, hey, Riki. Anton, this is–"
Completely ignoring the Boston-born but moved to New Jersey whatever-the-fuck guy, Riki just smiled at you. "Noona, you look so pretty today. What's the occasion? Me?"
You went home and screamed in your pillow that day (and apologised profusely to Anton (he said it was okay because anyone with a single brain cell could tell you and Riki were close)).
You had had enough.
The next day you had stomped into the dance practice room with Riki and Jungwon following after you because you had met them just as you were entering. Closing the door, you turned to your childhood friend who was placing his bag down.
With one hand pointing to Riki, "Tell him to stop it."
Jungwon raised a brow, looking at you incredulously. "Stop... what exactly?"
"I– stop... stop this," You stressed when Riki shuffled closer to you.
Jungwon looked at you helplessly. He knew how you felt. But he also know how Riki felt. In fact, he was the one who suggested him to be more obvious with his feelings... resulting in this. Clearly, Riki had misunderstood being obvious with being a bit more invasive. Probably, Jungwon's fault... What you two needed to do was communication.
Just as Jungwon opened his mouth again, he watched you push Riki so he stood a metre away from you. "Stay over there."
So much for communication.
Riki pursed his lips, pretending to ponder your suggestion. He took a step closer to you. "But I want to be next to you."
Your eye twitched in frustration. "Riki!" You cried out, balling your fists around the invisible air with annoyance. "Can't you just stop? I told you... you need space. With everything that's being going on for three years... I'm worried about you."
All the humour that was sported by Riki had disappeared in the matter of seconds. He chewed down on his lip, eyes darting around the room, registering what you had just said. He sucked in a sharp breath. "I'm not a kid, noona. Not anymore. I'm older. I have thoughts. and... I have feelings too."
You blinked, letting out an exasperated sigh. "I know but... I just... I just wanted you to gave some space. Some time to think for yourself as a person. It's important for you."
Riki's tongue poked the inside of his cheek. His eyes fell to you, meeting your tired gaze directly. "You said you'd never leave me alone."
Your eyes suddenly softened at his words while your heart ached. "Riki-ah, I'm not–"
"You promised, noona," Riki whispered, a flash of hurt crossing him. He took a step closer while you took another back. "You're afraid of something."
You furrowed your brows. "W-What? I'm not afraid–" You started to defend yourself but Riki cut you off again, not heeding to the warnings Jungwon was calling out.
"No, you are. What are you so afraid of, noona? Tell me... we can fix together. This time I'll help you," Riki persuaded, still inching towards you.
"Riki," You breathed out. God, you were a mess. All you emotions were everywhere. You didn't know what to think... what to say. "Why are you making this so difficult?"
Riki's hands stretched out, encasing yours with his. "I'm not making anything difficult. I think you're just in denial. In denial that I really like you. In denial that you like me just as much."
Your heart skipped a beat at the sudden confrontation. The guard you had built for the past few weeks had come flying down after taking every hit from Riki. "I... I don't wont you to feel uncomfortable," You confessed, "I don't won't you to feel pressured because I'm older than you... because of everything we've done together."
"Noona, I–" Riki's shoulders fell at your admission. God, the fact you were even thinking of that was entirely disheartening. "I don't feel pressured at all. You could never make me feel uncomfortable. I– you're the only person in the universe who actually makes me feel comfortable. No offence, hyung."
Jungwon raised his hands, gesturing his acceptance and dismissal at the same time.
Riki kept his eyes on you, hands tightening around yours. "I'm grateful for everything you've done for me but that's not the only reason I like you. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. You might not know it but you welcome everyone with open arms, the most beautiful woman I know, but don't tell my mom that, you're so smart, hardworking, caring... you make me want to be a better person. You make me happy, noona."
You blinked rapidly. Were you dreaming right now? Was this a prank of some sort? You removed your hands from Riki's, using the tips of your fingers to pinch your skin of your wrist. A small yelp slipped past your mouth.
Riki jumped slightly, startled. His hands immediately returned to yours, gently rubbing the affected area. "Noona," He chuckled, "This is real. All of it's real. My feelings for you are real."
"Just making sure," You laughed softly before sighing. A wave of heat washed over you and your mouth felt dry. What were you to say now? How do you respond to something so silly yet so valid?
"You can just say you like me, noona," Riki said, eyes beaming down at you in amusement.
Of course you had said that out loud.
You sucked in a sharp breath, slowly exhaling. "I... I like you, Riki," You mumbled.
Riki narrowed his eyes. "I can't hear you," He teased, grinning from ear to ear.
"Nope, nope." You retracted your hands. "I take it back. I'm taking it back... right now."
Riki laughed, reaching out for your hand, only to pull you into a hug. He lifted you gently, spinning you around with pure happiness rushing into his brain.
"Riki," You cried out, "I'm going to feel sick," You said, even though a full blown smile was on your face.
"It's okay," He retorted back, slowly coming to a stop and putting you back on the floor. "If you do..." His hand darted out to push back your hair behind your ear. "I'll take care of you. I promise."
After a brief minute, Riki turned to the empty area where Jungwon once stood. "Where did hyung go?"
"I think he left after you said I was beautiful," You cooed.
A flush of red tinted Riki's ears and cheeks. He folded his arms, getting defensive. "I... Well... it's true!"
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© maeumi-jng | do not copy, post (repost is fine!) or translate anywhere else! thank you ♡︎ requests here!
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
teamwork (makes the dream work...?) pt. 2
summary: miles is not exactly a productive work partner
wc: ~800
A/N: not much plot movement here, but a tiny bit of exposition sort of. Miles will calm down in the following chapters...maybe 🥴
prev. next
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"Oh Miles? He's in some of my AP classes. Honor student," Your friend's voice filtered through your phone speakers while on the FaceTime call. She popped a potato chip in her mouth as she sat in bed and sniffled, at home with a nasty cold.
"I've heard his name before. I think his dad died, that true?"
"Yeah, a couple years ago. Say he used to be really sweet, and now he don't talk no more."
"That's sad," you remark. "Maybe that's why I'm only seeing him now."
"You actually saw him in class?!?"
Your friend's face was the picture of disbelief, eyes wide as saucers as if this was a rare event.
"Yeah, he's my partner for the week cuz you decided to go and get yo ass sick!" you explained, dramatically jabbing a finger at your phone screen.
"It's not my fault that kid from AP Chem sneezed on me, damn!"
"He's really smart, but his attitude fucking sucks. He draws good, though," you think out loud.
“It’s just a week, sis, give it four more days, you’ll be fine.”
“You’d better hope so, for your sake.”
The following afternoon saw you asking around, trying to piece together a picture of this kid that everyone simultaneously knew and didn’t know. By the time lunchtime ended and Ms. Jones’ calculus class rolled around, you had heard the following:
‘Almost flunked out of school…on purpose’.
‘Did graffiti on the school walls once.’
‘Freakishly quiet’.
‘Secretly joined a gang’.
That last bit made your stomach turn a little as you approached your new temporary seat. Sure enough, Miles was already slouched at his desk, twirling that same pen between his fingers like a drumstick. You didn’t bother to say ‘hi’ this time. He didn’t bother to look up, either.
Miles didn’t say a word during the lecture portion of class, not even to answer questions. Would explain why you’d hardly noticed him until this week.
As the heavy-set math teacher scanned the classroom, she frequently craned her neck and made brief eye contact with Miles, but never cold-called him.
Her skin was a chestnut shade, and she kept her dark hair pinned back in a tight, slick bun. The way she pressed her lips together as she moved on suggested that they’d been through this before, and she'd be sorely disappointed.
When her lecture ended, Miles suddenly stood to his full height.
You weren’t able to tell by the way he sat, but the boy was quite lanky. Even with his awkwardly-broad shoulders slumped, he likely was a half a head taller than you. Ms. Jones stopped her slow pacing around the classroom and sighed.
“Miles, sweetie, what did I say yesterday?”
Miles looked up at the ceiling and sighed in exasperation before plopping back down into his chair. He raised his hand as if it pained him to do so.
“Yes, Mr. Morales?”
“May I please use the restroom?”
A few snickers could be heard erupting around the classroom, and the woman rolled her eyes. An innocent smile was plastered over Miles’ face, revealing two deep dimples in his cheeks. If the smile had actually reached his eyes, you would’ve thought he was cute.
“Go ahead,” Jones relented.
The boy dropped the smile and noisily pushed his chair aside; As he shot back up from his seat and strolled past your desk towards the door, Jones narrowed her eyes at him.
“Hold it. Sir, where are your glasses?”
Miles stopped in his tracks, groaning loudly.
“Oh my god, I don’t need glasses to go potty, Ms. Jones. I can aim, I promise.”
“Make sure you put them on as soon as you get back, your mother told me to remind you. Go,” Jones said, waving her hand dismissively.
“Uh-huh, thank you, ma’am!” The boy was already in the hallway, letting the door slam behind him.
Today's partner work was just a packet of long equations to simplify, so you were only mildly irritated that Miles never seemed to return from his impromptu bathroom trip until the last fifteen minutes of class.
You looked up as he sauntered over to his desk, hands in his pockets.
“Where were you? Class is almost over,” you demanded.
Miles ignored you and sat down, picking up his pen to work at a long string of equations at lightning speed.
Suddenly, you reached over and snapped your fingers in front of him. The boy looked up with his lips curled into a grimace.
"What's good witchu? You got through the work, didn't you?" Miles hissed in a low whisper to avoid catching Ms. Jones' attention.
You frowned deeply. "And what if I didn't? I'd be struggling while you were off running around the damn school-"
"I needed time to myself," he interrupted. "To think."
" 'Think' about what?"
"Personal shit," Miles resumed his problem-solving. "Any more questions, officer?"
The school bell rang, pulling from you a sigh of relief that you wouldn't have to see him again for another 24 hours.
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rxmqnova · 5 months
Can I request a Wanda and daughter reader.
Both Wanda and Natasha are teachers at readers school.
Reader is excited because her and mommy are sleeping over at Natty's house.
Reader is horrified to learn that the school bully Yelena is Natasha's little sister !
Scared of being picked on, reader sticks by Mommy's side.
But it turns out Yelena's actually not scary and really nice to reader.
She even plays tea party with reader before bed.
Please and thank you 😊
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Y/N: 6 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV "Mommy and I are having a sleepover at mommy's girlfriend's house!" Y/N says to her best friend excitedly, both walking to the direction of Wanda's office.
"That's so cool! I love sleepovers!" Y/N's best friend exclaims, making Y/N smile and nod in agreement.
Y/N's smile fades when she hears cries followed by laughing. She knows exactly who's that… there's this one older girl at Y/N's school that everyone fears.
"Wait!" Y/N whisper shouts, catching her best friend's hand and stopping her from walking.
She peeks her head from behind the corner, spotting the school bully just like she expected. There's also a boy from her class. He's sitting on the ground, his cheeks stained by tears.
Y/N's heart is pounding in her chest like if she only just ran a marathon as she's watching the older girl breaking the smaller boy's pencils.
When the bully finally walks away, Y/N and her best friend slowly walk out from behind the corner, wanting to help him but the poor scared boy just runs away when he sees them.
The two girls say their goodbyes at the exit from the school and Y/N's best friend leaves. But luckily Wanda's office isn't that far away from there, so Y/N sprints to her mom's office immediately, hoping she won't meet the bully on the way.
"Hi, mommy" Y/N smiles after stepping into the office, a sigh of relief escaping her lips as she closes the door shut.
"Oh, hi, sweetheart. Did you have a good day today?" Wanda asks, her smile widening when her daughter crawls on her lap and cuddles up to her.
"Mhm. I can't wait to have a sleepover with Natty, mommy!" The tiny girl grins, making Wanda chuckle while she's running her fingers through Y/N's hair.
"Well, we should go home and get ready then" Wanda says, scrunching her nose and receiving cheers from her daughter.
"Let's go then, mommy!" Y/N immediately jumps off of Wanda's lap, holding her hand out for her mommy on which Wanda can't help but chuckle.
"Natty!" Y/N shouts, letting go of Wanda's hand and immediately running to greet Natasha with a tight hug.
"Hi there, tiny!" Natasha smiles, lifting Y/N up and giving the her a cuddle, pressing a kiss to the little girl's cheek.
"Hi" Wanda smiles, joining her favorite girls and pecking Natasha's lips with a kiss.
Wanda and Natasha have been together for a few months, ever since Y/N started school and Wanda started working as a teacher at her daughter's school, just like Natasha does.
That's how they met actually, though they only told Y/N about their relationship just a month ago as Wanda was a bit scared about Y/N's reaction. Wanda wasn't really dating after Y/N's father left which was even before Y/N was born, so Y/N didn't have to share her mother with anyone which is why was Wanda scared. But luckily it all turned out well in the end and the little girl loves Natasha so much which makes Wanda really happy.
"Natty, I got A from math today!" Y/N says happily, holding her mommy's and Natasha's hand while walking to the kitchen.
"Really?" The redhead gasps playfully, making Y/N smile widely and nod her head. "Wow. I'm so proud of you" She smiles warmly, making the little girl blush a bit. "Y/N/N, this is my little sister Yelena" Natasha gestures to the girl that's sitting at the table, Y/N immediately dropping Natasha's hand and clinging to her mother as she locks eyes with the school bully.
"Hi" Yelena smiles with hope to finally find a friend, giving Y/N a friendly wave.
"What will you say, hm?" Wanda asks as soon as she sits her daughter on her hip, raising an eyebrow.
"Hi" Y/N says back before burying her head into her mommy's neck on which Yelena looks down with a sigh.
"Y/N/N's just a little shy, I'm sure you two will be such good friends" Wanda assures the little blonde, giving her a smile. "How about you draw here with Yelena while I'll help Natasha with dinner?" Wanda asks, not giving her daughter time for answer, and just sits her down on a chair next to Natasha's little sister before disappearing to the kitchen with her girlfriend.
Y/N sits on the chair with her head low, avoiding eye-contact with the girl next to her.
"Which color do you want? Do you want pink, blue, red or different color?" Yelena asks, placing a paper in front of Y/N and showing her all the crayons, so she could choose one.
"Pink" Y/N mumbles, adding a small 'thank you' when Yelena hands her the crayon.
The little girls draw quietly, Yelena trying to start a conversation, but always getting only a few words in response.
Once they eat their dinner, they all move to the living room, Y/N immediately sitting down next to her mommy and clinging to her.
"Do you want to see my room, Y/N/N?" Yelena asks with a smile, walking closer to the younger girl on which Y/N clinges to Wanda even more.
"Okay, honey, go with Yelena, yeah?" Wanda stands Y/N on the ground, giving her daughter's shoulder a little rub to encourage her.
Y/N knows there's no point in trying to get her mom to let her stay here, so she accepts Yelena's hand and walks with her to the blonde's room.
"I have lots of toys! Do you want to play with me?" Yelena asks nicely, earning a small nod from Y/N.
Yelena hands Y/N some dolls and the two start playing, Y/N finally getting more comfortable around Yelena when the older girl keeps being really nice to her.
"Do you like playing tea party?" Y/N asks, still a bit shyly, but Yelena nods immediately which makes Y/N grin.
The two prepare everything they need. They prepare the teddies, dressing them properly for the game and then dress up themselves, both applying some of Natasha's lipstick, so it would be perfect.
They sit the teddy bears on the chairs, then sitting down themselves and starting to play, pretending to drink their tea like ladies.
The room is soon filled with laughs of both girls which is heard through the entire house, making Natasha and Wanda smile widely.
Unfortunately, it's getting late, so both girls need to go to bed. That's why Wanda and Natasha walk upstairs, stopping at the doorframe of Yelena's room, watching the two play with huge smiles on their faces.
"Girls, it's time for bed" Natasha speaks up, receiving whines from both kids. "Oh, come on. You can play all day tomorrow"
"Can Y/N/N sleep here with me?" Yelena asks with hope, Y/N gasping on that idea.
"Yes, mommy, can I?" The tiny Maximoff asks, pulling out puppy eyes on which Natasha and Wanda share a smile before nodding and making both girls cheer in response.
Well, it looks like Yelena finally found a real friend she's wanted for a long time, maybe even best friend which will only time show up.
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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imnotjaesblog · 8 months
Part 3: The Gamer
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Quick Summary: Haechan is an arrogant gamer. He's won many challenges regarding his online persona however there seems to be one thing in his real life he just can't seem to beat. One day while he plays online looking for someone to chat with he comes across a female character who sparks his interest. She's extremely good at the game and seems to know all his moves before he does. Out of curiosity, he turned his mic on to speak to her, inviting her to a room. She accepts his request and when they play alone together he instantly recognizes her sweet voice. And finally is able to over come that challenge, only to realize new ones arise.
Warnings: Smut lots of it. Cybersex, Physical intercourse, Oral sex (F.m receiving) Fingering, Degarding, Haechan gets smacked in the face but likes it, Haechan is also pussy whipped and Cursing.
Words: 9k
I did not mean to write so much I just got carried away.
Enjoy :)
Lee Haechan was not on the top of your list of types of men you wanted to date. You imagined yourself with someone who was physically taller than you, attractive, and humorous. You pictured someone who saw you as their equal and not their success to be placed among the trophies on their wall. You knew what this life had in store for you, your physical attributes being both a blessing and a curse. You wanted to change that for yourself.
So you parked your Mercedes just outside PCBangs where Haechan currently sat skipping his late-night math class. Like many just beyond those doors sat a bunch of gamers addicted to the sound of their fingers typing on the keyboard. Haechan sat amongst those same gamers fingers pressing into his keys and clicking his mouse eager to win whatever online game he was playing.
Stepping out of you're car you stepped towards the small building. You eyed it up and down scoffing. You have never been to this place like this before. You've driven past this specific place so many times, but you've never stepped inside. You pulled out the folded piece of paper from your pocket reading the name of the place under Haechan's name where Jisung wrote it.
Looking back up and seeing the name matched the place you folded the paper back, placed it in your purse, and stepped inside PCBangs.
You looked around noting the place was much bigger in the inside than the out. Rows and rows of people sitting in small cubicles. Face illuminated by computer screens. You walked further inside looking for Jisung who worked here, serving food and drinks to people.
You found him just behind the counter on his phone. Assuming he was just waiting for someone to place an order you walked over to him. "Hey," you said catching his attention. He nearly dropped his phone. Clearing his throat he sent you a shy wave. "Hey. I didn't know you were coming over here," He said surprised you spoke to him. You usually avoided talking to him in public to avoid questions. You figured in this dark room with everyone's eyes glued to a screen you had a chance to speak to him, besides it would only be brief. He's not what you are here for.
You shrugged placing your purse on the table and pulling out the list. Without saying his name you pointed to it. Jisung nodded handing you a pink juice. "He ordered this about two minutes ago. You can bring it to him," he said. You nodded with a cheeky smile. You folded the list away placing it back in your bag.
"You know what?" you asked looking at the drink and then Jisung. He wasn't following you at all. "I got a better idea," you said sipping his drink.
Walking past a few people you avoided their eyes, keeping your sunglasses on. Once you reached Haechan you tapped him. He only turned for a second jerking his head to the right. "You can leave it there. Thank you," he said. You assumed he believed you were a waitress. You chuckled placing the drink down. Staying behind him you slid your arms around his frame taking your sunglasses off and placing them over his eyes.
Confused he took them off turning around only to be met with your eyes. His chair spun his body sat in the chair meeting yours. You let your arms fall back into place. Hand holding your shoulder bag tightly a grin on your pink glosses lips. You stood before him. His confusion instantly morphed into joy. Putting your frames back on and leaning up to kiss you. With a smile on your lips, you turned your head, and he placed a kiss on your cool cheek.
"I didn't know you came here. Let alone play video games," he said in the form of a question. You shrugged taking off your bag and placing it on the small desk where the computer sat. He followed your eyes like a lost puppy waiting for you to respond to him.
"Only recently," you said in response a teasing undertone when you spoke. He didn't question any further. You grabbed onto the arm of his chair pulling him from his game. He smirked seeing you turn him away from the desk making room for you to step inside the small space.
You step inside your arms pulling his chair closer to you as you squatted sitting on his lip. He felt his throat tighten, his lips becoming dry. He licked them repeatedly as you sat down clearing his throat. He tried to control himself. He couldn't lose his mind right now, not here. The feeling, the underlying fantasy to push his hips up, pressing his semi-hard-clothed dick into your ass was building inside him. You shifted around swinging your legs so they'd be under the desk. He thought right then and there he'd lose all sense.
"Are you okay?" you asked shifting again just to hear his small reactions. His breath hitched and small noises left his plushed lips inches away from your ears. It was nothing but music to you. You were getting exactly what he needed. He let out another groan. He tried to cover it with the fact his character got shot in the game. The boy next to him with half a headset on looked over concerned. Haechan looked over at him hearing the boy's chair creak as he tried to take a peek at what was going on.
Haechan gave the boy a weird, awkward smile. The other boy raised his brow completely lost. "I've been at this all day. I've just been losing," he excused. The boy just nodded slowly and was slightly uncomfortable. He turned away fully placing his headset on his ears.
"How does this game work?" you asked a mischievous smile on your lips, a moan escaping past them. You let your hands ghost over him. Hovering over his right hand, he clicked slowly on his mouse, trying to regain focus. You leaned forward placing your elbow on the desk and chin in your hand.
You pushed your ass back further onto him planting itself right on top of his dick. He blinked a couple of times, unsure what to do with his free hand. He didn't know if you were pushing up on him on purpose, but what he did know was it felt good, too good. He was afraid he'd cum in his pants. He placed a hand on your hip trying his best to adjust you, but he couldn't deny how good the pressure felt.
He leaned close to your ear lips barely touching your skin. You could feel the faint of his warm breath tickling your skin sending a shudder down your neck. He smirked enjoying the feeling of you so close to him. Being this close to you he could smell your perfume. It fogged up his senses slowly turning him into a madman. Becoming addicted to being this close, being able to smell and taste you. He placed a small wet peck just under your ear on the back of your warm neck.
"I know what you're doing," he whispers laced with lust. The hand on his keyboard finds itself comfortably on your hips. He gave your waist a gentle squeeze. You could hear the grin on his lips the more he felt you apply pressure to his cock.
"Fuck baby your being such a bad girl, Rubbing your ass on my cock in front of all these people? You just want all these horny little boys to see you get off on my cock, huh?" he said surprising you for a moment. You moaned low letting your head fall back on his shoulder. He scoffed help you fix your body. The other hand that was on his mouse's left, bringing itself down your neck. Sliding down the rest of your body, however, he stopped at the button of your pants.
You moved back a little, letting your ass rest just on his pelvis. Your clothed clit rubbed against his clothed dick, searching for any kind of friction. He groaned deeply into your ear, eyes fluttering shut for a brief moment then opening again. Haechan having enough of your behavior stilled your hips.
You chuckled listening closely as you heard Haechan slowly start to fall apart. He was trying to control you, he'd probably try and make you get on your knees under his desk and suck him off then maybe if your good he'll reward you. God knows he was imagining it, maybe he should tell you more of his dirty little thoughts revolving around you.
While this sounded delicious, you had overheard a story about the pretty boy once. At one of Jaehyun's many parties. You recall being in someone's bedroom playing truth or dare. One of the girl's truths was to tell her most embarrassing hook-up story. You didn't know the girl very well but you know an unsatisfied girl when you see one.
She said how "Haechan loves to claim he's a dom," making all the girls giggle and gush in that random boy's bedroom. Based on the alcohol smell it was most likely Yuta's. You looked around his bedroom not paying much attention to the story, but you did remember one, now important part of the story.
" He claimed he loves "being in charge" and "taking control," she said sarcastically. One of the girls had scoffed, "So what? You're saying he's a pussy?" she asked causing some of the other girls to laugh. She shook her head lips pursed. "Nope," she responded. The girl across from her straightens up now interested in the story. "Then what is she?" she asked eager to hear more. You continued looking around the room picking up a basketball trophy barrier under some tank tops, from a few years back.
"Worse, I can deal with pussy though," she joked causing everyone to laugh. You even giggled placing the trophy back. The other girl who asked the original question tapped the girl's arm who you assumed was her friend. She tapped her trying to grab hold of her attention again. "What is it then?" she asked. Once the laughter died down the girl with the long brown hair spoke.
"He lies about fucking girls but the only girls he fucked is online," she said causing some's eyes to widen and other blinked confused. "So what he has a lot of phone sex?" another girl asked. The brown-haired girl nodded her head. "It's easy to pretend to fuck and be a dom when you don't have to see the person and they don't have to see you. The little arrogant prick is a virgin," she said crossing her arms over her chest. She wasn't upset though, she was more annoyed them anything. You all had found out she had found out this news earlier in the night.
That party was only a few weeks ago, no way he lost his actual virginity during that time spent.
Hearing him being so nasty to you now on the phone was perfect. He told you he had only imagined you on his lap while he slid past your pants and pushed his thick fingers into your tight hole fucking your wet pussy so well and soo deep. He currently sat in PCBangs legs spread and hand squeezing his dick underneath his desk with you on the phone. You knew by the sound of his voice he was close to coming so you stopped.
"Haechan," you called through breaths. "Yes?" he asked a sigh escaping his lips.
"Come over, I want you to fuck me for real," you said a breath leaving your lips smirk forming. You heard his cough a couple of times before the phone hung up. You chuckled to yourself sitting up on your bed and walking over to your bathroom not too far from your desk. As you stepped inside you removed your silky pajama set stepping out of your shorts. You placed off to the side fixing up your hair to take a shower.
The shower water is turned on, and you let your hand go past the glass feeling the warmth of the water. You adjusted the heat testing again. You smiled once the water felt just right. You stepped inside the shower closing the glass that covered your naked frame. You hummed letting the warm water touch your skin. You felt the steam calm down your body, the hot water relaxing your muscles. This was always your favorite part of the day. You closed your eyes taking in the warm water wishing this peaceful moment could last forever.
After some time the water ran cold. You sighed opening your eyes annoyed you had to step out. You look down and see the wrinkles in your hand. "I'm pruning," you said jokingly to yourself. You chuckled turning the water off and pulling the glass back. You stepped out on your bath mat drying yourself. You wrap a towel around your body and walk into your bedroom shutting the light off in your bathroom.
You walk over to your walk-in closet. You didn't have to walk too far in, on the left hung your pajama sets. You skimmed through an array of sets. Some blue, green even a couple of pink sets. Your eyes landed on the lilac set. You took it off the track changing into the garment. You checked yourself in your full-length mirror, twirling around and swaying from side to side you hummed satisfied with your look. You left the closet closed the light and walked to your vanity.
You sat down in your white cushion seat pulling out all your lotions and creams. You applied the vanilla-scented lotion to your warm skin. The lights from the mirror illuminate your face. You turned to the mirror applying some creams to your face. Your skin glowed under the light. "This feels so much better," you commented your skin feeling less dry and tight. You smiled clapping your hands together. "Where is my phone?" you asked out loud searching for the piece of technology.
You spotted it on your lamp desk. You walked over picking it up and switching to your camera. You snapped some shots of yourself seeing Jisung's name show up on your screen.
"How did everything with your plan go? You left before I could ask what it was," he asked you leaned over switching off your LED mirror. You stood up pushing in the chair. "It went as well as I expected it to," you said walking over to your room light switch. You flicked it off hearing the sound of your dog plopping on your bed. She walked in circles paws digging into your mattress before she found a comfortable spot to lay.
"Also you never told me Haechan is a virgin. I mean I already knew but it seems like a pretty important piece of information," you commented calling Jisung out on his poor skills in being your spy. He chuckled you could hear the mattress dip from the other side of the phone. He played around with the strings on his hoodie as he listened to your voice. He didn't mind you talking about a whole other boy while on the phone with him. As long as he got to talk to you, that was alright with him.
You sat back on your pillow on your bed pulling your covers back. Hand reaching out to touch your real pillow princess. She snuggled up to your hand. "He is? He told everyone he wasn't," he said genuinely surprised. He sat up on his bed a bit Yangyang turned to him taken back by the boy's reaction. Jisung brushed him off with his hand motioning for him to leave. He rolled his eyes but listened to the younger one closing the door behind him.
You chuckled on the other end. "Even if I didn't hear the story of how he lost his phone virginity I would have known. Man, you are such a dork," you teased hand pulling back from petting your now sleeping dog. The same hand crosses over your chest. Your elbow leaning on your free arm. Jisung frowned but didn't pay much attention to your comment. You usually joked with him that way, kind of like everyone else. At least you knew when to stop the jokes or the appropriate time to make them.
The guys at the house only ever spoke to him when they needed someone to throw jokes at. It used to be Taeyong whom they picked on, but after he moved in along with Jaemin and Haechan it seemed like he was their new punching bag. He shrugged off most of your jokes as just jokes. Unlike his so-called 'friends' whose jokes felt more like insults. He didn't mind when you called him a dork, it came off more as an endearing nickname than a petty insult.
"Whatever," he chuckled a little after your laughter died down. "At least I provide you with good information," he threw back confidently. You nodded pursing your lips. "That you do," you answered unable to deny his skills.
"So tell me who else," you said. Jisung raised a brow getting more comfortable on top of his sheets. "Who else what? Is a virgin?" he asked just making sure he heard you right. "No, I want to know who else has a dog. Of course who else is a virgin!" you said licking your teeth. " I wanna know who else is a liar," you said checking your nails your eyes rolling in annoyance. Jisung sighed thinking about it for a moment.
"Okay from what I know Haechan is a virgin-,"
"Yes, yes we know that already," you said cutting him off annoyed he just wouldn't get to the point. He sighed letting out a sarcastic laugh. "If you cut me off again I won't finish," he said.
"Just go!" you shouted through the phone emphasizing the O. He sighed shaking his head not believing for a second he was having this conversation. "Well Mark, Doyoung, and Taeyong are virgins,-"
"We know that," you said cutting him off again.
"That's it I give up!" he said hearing you whine. "I'm sorry I'll shut up," you promised. He sighed a smile on his lips. He shook his head looking up at his ceiling and then back at the spot on the wall in front of him in his dark room.
"This may come as a surprise but I know for a fact Jeno is a virgin," he said causing your eyes to widen almost throwing yourself off your bed in shock. Next to Jaehyun, Yuta, and Johnny, you would have bet money, confidently Jeno wasn't a virgin. Captain of the hockey team with girls constantly throwing themselves at him and he's never fucked any of them. It just seems too hard to believe.
"No way. How do you even know?" you asked still shocked by this information. Jisung recalled the moment he discovered his friend claimed he 'lost his virginity'. Telling their friend group he lost it to his high school girlfriend when he first joined his high school basketball team. He claims they broke up once he started college and switched to hockey which is why no one had ever seen her or met her. Privately Jisung questioned this and in a future moment he and Jeno brought up the topic again.
"He asked me if I was a virgin. I didn't respond and instead asked him. I think he knew that I knew he was lying and told me the truth. He did have a girlfriend during high school, but once they graduated they split and he went to college a virgin," he said thinking about how he never thought he'd ever share this story.
"Wow," you said through a small gasp. "And you?" you asked. Jisung caught off guard stilled for a moment. He felt his breathing begin to pick up the sweater starting to make him hot and uncomfortable. You waited for his response but it never came. "Jisung?" you called tilting your head unsure as to why he didn't respond. He cleared his throat removing his sweater.
"Yes?" he asked again.
"Are you okay?" You asked. He nodded unsure what to do with his hands. He swallowed hard before he responded trying to cleanse his now dry throat. "If you nodded I can't hear that," You commented noticing he took too long again. "Sorry, I'm fine," he responded through nervous blinks.
"Good. So are you a virgin?" you asked. He went to respond but you received a notification. "I-" he began but was cut off by you. "I'm sorry Haechan is calling me I have to go," you said apologetically. You were genuinely sorry. You discovered after becoming closer to the boy you enjoyed his company. You liked talking with him, he made you feel so normal, so comfortable. You felt like you could tell him. anything and he'd never judge you. I mean how could he? He was helping you ruin the people he called his friends.
"It's fine," he said a mixture of disappointment and relief in his tone. He wanted to keep talking to you. Heck, he could go on for hours just listening to your voice alone. He enjoyed the sound of your voice being his lullaby and sometimes morning call. He assumed you liked talking to him as well. You call him a lot and invite him over, sometimes even letting him stay in your spare room. However, he didn't know where the topic of him not being or being a virgin was going, and that made him nervous. He doesn't want to ruin the relationship you two have, it's truly special to him. You are special to him.
"I'll make it up to you tomorrow," you said wearing a weak smile. Your phone continued to ring as you hung up just as Jisung was saying goodnight.
"Hello," you addressed Haechan. You could hear loud wind coming from the other side of the line. "Hey I'm outside your place," he said arms crossed over his chest. The cool fall air nibbed at the parts of his skin left exposed. He zipped up his sweater to his chin, the cool wind under the night sky nipping at his skin.
You pulled your covers back your fluffy, beige dog picking her head seeing you put on your white slippers. You walked over to your rack picking off your lilac robe. You slid your arms through the holes, tying the fabric that hung around your waist.
The lilac robe with black feathers at the ends and collar kept your body warm as you stepped out to your living room. "Come upstairs. Fedrick knows you are here for me," you said resting on your couch. You let your slippers slide off your feet landing on the white carpet. You turned on your electric fireplace not too far from where you sat, just beyond the coffee table.
"Stay on the phone with me?" he asked walking inside your building. You nodded gleamful eyes watching your fireplace. Your couch was placed a few feet away from your door, perks of having such a large living space. The giant flatscreen mounted on the wall a few inches above the fireplace.
Your kitchen is a few feet behind you, with a dark marble island, and a small bar not too far from the fridge. "Sure. Just let me know when you are here so I can open the door," you responded a teasing undertone in your voice. Haechan let out an airy chuckle. You could hear his heavy boots as he stepped into the elevator.
You heard a scratch from down the hallway that led to a few rooms like the guest room, a bathroom, your office, and your bedroom. You didn't think much of it hearing small clicks on the floor. You heard a plop next to you. You looked over seeing your dog's tail waging back and forth. You smiled petting her head. You heard the elevator ding indicating he was close. He like some others knew where you lived since you were known for having small get-togethers inside your apartment various times throughout the year.
"I'm heading down the hallway now. I should be there soon," He said making his way down the brown velvety hallway. "Haechan can you hurry up? I miss you," you pouted. You smirked once you started to hear his pace pick up. His breathing quicked and footsteps became heavy as he rushed across the beige carpet floor. You looked towards your door. Silence washed over your entire apartment. You saw when two feet stopped in front of your door. The silence still made itself known in the room. You could only hear the small faint breaths of your pet.
Knock Knock
"I'm outside," he said. You hung up standing up from your place on the couch. You walked over to the door fixing up your top, pushing your breast up with your bra. Undoing the knot just slightly so the robe would expose more of your cleavage. You pulled the robe back inches from your shoulder so the bottom would ride up. You smiled satisfied with yourself. Until you realize you have forgotten your perfume. Lucikly you always kept a spare in your-
"What the fuck?" you cursed to yourself searching through your bag. You pulled out your wallet, gum, and lip gloss. You dumped the whole bag next to the table where your keys were placed and found nothing. You let out a sigh in disbelief. Another knock on your door caught your attention. You turned your neck to the door. "Just a minute!" you called turning back to your dissolved purse. You never take that small bottle out of your bag. There's no way you just lost it. You placed everything away wishing no one had stolen it.
Instead, you went to your room quickly running down the glossy wooden hallway. You grabbed the larger bottle from your nightstand spraying it on your wrist, neck, and chest. You twirled around and rubbed it into your skin. Then you placed down running quickly back to the door. You let out a breath as you placed your hand on the knob then, like an actress slowly opened the door.
Haechan stood there hands stuffed in his sweater pockets, jeans touching just slightly past his ankles, and boots on his feet making him a few inches taller than he normally was. His head lifted from his boots that dug into the carpet to meet your frame. He couldn't see the way his eyes scanned your body. Your warm, soft skin is on display for him to see. Your fingers graze over the slit of your silky robe playing with the hem. Haechan sucked in a breath a vibration against his teeth.
Curious eyes wandered your skin imagining sinful thoughts. His mind clouded with lust picturing you above him straddling his waist aligning his thick cock at your entrance and pushing it past your tight hole and into your velvet walls. He wanted to know what sounds you'd make when he thrust upwards into your hole. What sounds would your pussy make when you swallowed him. Would you whimper and moan? Or would you groan chasing after more?
Skin on skin, your sweat dripping down your body and mixing with his creating a mixture of heat. He wanted you to fuck him raw and dirty, pull his hair and grab his neck cutting his airflow.
He felt the strain in his pants the more he thought of you. He mustered up some courage to speak to you, say anything to you. He didn't know what to do with himself in front of such a pretty girl.
"You look nice," He said with a shy smile fiddling his thumbs in his sweater pockets. The sweater brings him comfort in this moment. Taking another glance at you he regretted hanging up earlier. He wanted to hear what you sounded like when you cum. You smiled taking his arm and pulling him inside. "Why don't you take to me like you do in your games," You said guiding him down the hallway with a sway of your hips when you turn the corner to your bedroom. He licked his dry lips simply nodding his head and letting out a breathy, "Okay"
You pushed him onto your bed a mischievous smile on your lips. You raised a finger to him. "One second," you said turning away and walking to your dresser. Haechan watched your every move making sure to not miss a single step in your walk. Haechan's hand traveled from his sweater to the print on his jeans.
You hadn't done much but guide him to your room, touching his hand, he might have also caught a whiff of your addicting perfume. That was enough for him to lose his mind. The dirty boy squeezing himself over his jeans his lip caught between his teeth. He couldn't help it anymore, letting his hand unbutton his jeans and pull out his dick.
The tip angry and red in his fist precum spilling out the tip. His cock is in pain and in need of being touched. He fisted himself slowly at the thought of you on your knees in front of him. Your hand replacing his spreading his creamy juice all over his throbbing dick. The way it would twitch in your hand as you jerked him.
His head was thrown back in pure bliss thanking the Gods for this moment as you placed him flat on your wet tongue. Hearing your saliva mixture with his cum, the squish sounds it would make as you bobbed on his cock so dumb on his shaft. His hand comes up to your head holding your hair in his grip the harder you took him. The moans you make vibrating his dick. It was too much for him he was gonna cum-
"Having fun?" you asked arms crossed over your chest. You had already grabbed what you needed but upon arriving back you saw the perverted boy's legs spread out, mouth open, eyes shut closed with his cock in his hand covered in cum. He panicked adjusting himself and removing his hand from his dick. You had removed the robe left in the silk top nipples peeking from underneath and shorts barely covering your thighs giving Haechan something else to think about.
"I'm sorry," he blabbed eyes glossy and lips tinted red from how hard he bit them. "That's okay my love. Since it's your first time I'll be nice," You said walking over to him. Without a thought, he slowly laid back the closer you got. Your hands find his zipper and pull it down his frame. You took it off his shoulders yanking it down his torso. He watched in awe as you underdressed him listening to every command and order you gave. He pulled his t-shirt over his head watching as you pulled down his jeans and boxers leaving him completely naked in front of you.
"Sit right," you demanded seeing him straighten himself up. Your demands going straight to the head of his dick. Precum leaking through the tip and seeping past the cloth. His hand sliding to his cock again like the perv he is. He squeezed himself the precum shooting up past a small opening by his tummy. Droplets settling on his stomach.
You pouted mocking him standing in between his legs you took the hand that was on his dick and brought it to your clothed pussy. He watched you with wide eyes letting you use his fingers. He groans slipping past his lips once you let his hands explore without your help. Slipping past your shorts and finding your wet folds he groaned cock twitching a gush of cool air hitting his skin making him rut his hips upwards.
"Fuck your so wet," he praised circling his fingers around your clit. His fingers coating in your clear juice. Dancing around and collecting as much of you as he could. You dripped down your thigh, forming a puddle on your sheets. You yanked his hand away. Feeling cocky he brought his fingers to his nose sniffing you. Then he let his glistening fingers slip past his pink lips.
He bit lips head falling back at your scent. Your pussy almost as addictive as your perfume. He hummed at the taste, his digits still past his lips savoring your sweet taste on his tongue.
You pulled a red ribbon out of your short pockets snapping your fingers to get his attention. He opened his eyes quickly finger slipping from his lips. Already drool forming at the corner of his mouth. In a matter of ten minutes, you had made him completely pussy whipped making the rest of the night just too easy. "This is for you," you said placing the ribbon over his eyes. He was confused but let you do your thing. He didn't mind exploring new kinks if it meant he got to fuck you in the end.
"This should help," you whispered to him. "Leave it on," You said sternly. You pulled down your shorts throwing them to the side as well as your top standing naked before him. He whined at your loss a few seconds away from pulling up the ribbon to see where you went. But he listened to you.
Your fingers danced on his thighs, and he shuddered at the sudden contact. "Haechan," You called sitting on your bed, sitting behind him. Your legs wrapped around him. His hands grazed your skin, up and down your thighs. You leaned your head on his shoulder tilting it to the crook of his neck.
"Talk to me baby," You said. It finally clicked in his head what you were doing. You knew he was a virgin, you must have heard the infamous story of him thickening out at Jaehyun's party. All because he wanted to stop the teasing he received from his friends. He had spoken to many of the girls he met online while gaming every night. And with Jisung showing up to the house less and less it made it easier for him to talk to the girls in their room.
He'd talk to them through his headset creating a private room for just the two of them. He didn't want their numbers, or socials he just wanted to cum and go. Until you found him in one of his games. You had Jisung play for you while you spoke to Haechan. He knew your voice the minute you spoke to him and was more than willing to give you his number. That's how he ended up here, he considered himself so lucky. So now to make this moment worth it, he was going to say exactly what he always imagined to you.
"What do you want to do to me? Show me," you whispered to him touches lingering on his skin as you faded away leaning back on your pillows. His ears followed the distance you created. He sucked in his teeth but turned his body to you.
"First I'd touch you here," He said hands reaching your neck and caressing the warm skin. He leaned down closer using his other senses to find you. "Then I'd kiss you," he said pressing his lips onto you. The kiss was passionate and wet. Tongues mixing and exchanging salvia. Your hands tangling in his hair yanking on his locks. Who knew he kissed so well?
He let go catching his breath, chest rising up and down. "Then," he said through his pants, hair starting to fall in front of his face. "I'd touch you," His fingertip dragged down your skin, down the valley of your breast, just past your belly and to your pussy.
“Here," he said gathering all your wetness on his finger and spreading it throughout your folds, coating it on your clit. You couldn't deny the way he was making you feel. The warmth he created throughout your body was incredible and the attention he paid to your clit with his fingers felt heavenly. He was being selfish with you, all because he had something to prove to the world. A virgin can fuck and feed like am an experienced man.
"Then I'd put my tongue here," he said leaning down to your chest. You could feel the strains of his brown locks tickle your skin. He used his head to feel around your skin stopping once he found your left breast. His mouth engulfed your nipple sucking on the hard bud.
You let out a moan going straight to Haechan's ears his cock twitching as it pressed against your inner thigh. You let out a few more moans as he speeded up on your clit. He loved the sounds you made for him only encouraging him to go faster.
Your back arched off your bed mouth falling open as he released from your breast. "Then," he said a smirk on his lips his fingers slowing down making you whimper at the sudden loss. You reached your hand up slapping him across his skin. His head turned to the side red print on his face, but he wasn't mad. The little perv liked it letting out a pleasurable groan dick thrusting forward. "Don't get cocky," You said sternly. He nodded bowing his head wanting to mess up again just so you'd hit him again.
"I'm sorry Mommy I won't get carried away again," He said body moving downwards. He leaned down to your belly. "How about I make it up to you?" he asked pressing wet kisses on your soft skin his hair tickling your tummy. He moved his head to look up at you even though he couldn't see you.
He pictured what you look like right now. Probably sweaty, hair sticking to your forehead and neck. Chest rising up and down. Nipples hard shuddered everything you felt a cool breeze on your skin. The thoughts encouraged him, kissing his way down your body.
He sucked your clit then pulled away. You let out a loud whine making him groan mouth falling open. "Then I'd take you in my mouth and give you everything you deserve. I'd suck you so good Mommy, make you cum so hard," he said sinful acts clouding his judgment. His mouth engulfed your clit tongue flicking the bud quickly. You moaned an earthy moan bringing your hands to his hair gripping tightly on the locks.
“Fuck your doing so well baby,” You praised looking down and seeing his head completely disappear between your thighs. His tongue lapping between your folds. More of your white, creamy juice slipping past your hole onto his thick tongue. The scene made you moan out loud seeing his hips flexing into your mattress fucking your sheets. You allowed him to fuck your sheets seeing him get off was hot.
He brought his finger up your hole feeling the way your juice dripped out of you. He caught the drop on the tip of his finger circling it around your hole then pushing was remaining back inside you curling his fingers upwards. Your back arched using your elbows you tried to pull yourself away but Haechan didn't let you.
Arm wrapping around your frame pushing your stomach down and other fucking into your pussy so well you could cry. He pulled away for a second still fucking you so well and deep with his fingers. "Just wanna be good for you," he pleaded got mouth sucking your clit again. You lifted yourself on your elbows watching the boy completely turn into an animal on your pussy. Your hands pushing his face further into your core. Flexing your hips, humping his tongue the point of his nose meeting your clit.
You felt your whole body vibrate the pleasure becoming to much for you. You tried to push him away again but he didn’t let you. Using his big hand to hold you down pushing your stanch and yanking you forward. You squirmed under his touch feeling his fingers explore places no one have ever reached. Curling up inside you motioning a “come here” with his index and middle as he grazed your happy repeatedly making your mind run wild.
He felt himself on the brink of cumming again once you flexed your hips into his mouth, but he didn't want to cum like this. He wanted to cum once he got to fuck you. Spilling his creamy, thickness into your pussy. So to his shame, he pulled away making you whine after being denied another orgasm tonight.
"Haechan," you whined but he shushed you with his lips. Only finding your mouth when you released faint little breaths. "I haven't fucked you yet Mommy," he said above your lips. His mouth covered in your slick. You turned your head, arm extending to open your dresser to pull out a condom. You sat up opening it up and sliding it on him. He groaned at the feeling of your hands on him.
You sat back spreading your legs and pulling his waist towards you. You aligned him at your entrance helping him slowly push his cock inside you. He felt the groans get stuck in his throat. He had never been inside a woman ever but something about you felt different, so special.
Haechan looked a mess. Fat cock jerking in his hands as he prepared himself to fuck you. Mouth and fingers still shiny with your juice. Precum stains on his thighs. Drool falling from his lips. His hair stuck to his forehead but also different parts pushed back from how hard you pulled on his hair. He looked totally fucked out. He palmed himself slowly aligning himself at your glistening hole.
"Then I'd push my cock into your tight hole," he said letting out a groan as you squeezed around him. He gripped your waist using it as support holding himself straight. The squishing sound he heard when your juice formed at your hole, pushing it back inside you sent him into a frenzy. His head fell hair dangling on his skin. You moaned, him filling you up so deliciously you could cry. He pulled his hips back out and gripped your waist tightly making sure he wouldn't fall.
"Then I'd fuck you so well," he said plunging himself back into you. You let out a loud, earthy moan coming deep from the back of your throat. He was so snug inside you reaching places no one had reached before. Haechan was losing himself above you eyes squeezed shut underneath the red ribbon. His mouth open spilling thousands of curses from his dirty mouth. You were taking him so well, being so good for him. He needed you to feel how good you were making him feel.
"Fuck princess your pussy's swallowing my cock up so well. I could fuck you all day. Just imagine what I could do if I had this pussy every day and night. So tight around my dick, I could practically feel you're dripping down my cock," He spat praise after praise from his plumped red lips. You whimpered at his words, no one ever said such dirty things to you before. Maybe after this, you could still keep Haechan open for a future fuck.
"Fuck baby you squeezing so hard around my cock," he said pushing his chest out and flexing his biceps around your waist pounding into your small wet hole. "Fuck Haechan you feel so good inside me," you pleaded a moan escaping your lips. Your head falls back on your soft pillow the headboard smacking into the wall. Thank God your neighbors were on vacation.
You continued to clench around the boy squeezing him so deliciously tight he couldn't stand straight. He fell forward rutting his hips into you like a dog. Vigorously he kept his pace loving the way you moaned his name loud enough for everyone to hear. You wrapped your arm around him pulling him close to you his mouth wrapping around your nipple sucking on the hardened nub.
"Fuck princess you're doing so well for Daddy," he praised against your skin. The praise was getting to your head and going straight down to your pussy and the cocky mother fucker knew it too.
You caught his devilish smirk. You couldn't let him think he had you, you had to remind him where he was and who he was fucking. You pulled his mouth away using all your strength to flip him over slipping out of him. He let out a small whine disappointed, he was so close.
You straddled his waist aligning his cock at your entrance. You leaned down body slightly hovering over his. You licked a strip on his lips catching his focus. His chest rose quickly up and down slight pants in every breath he took. Sweat glistened all over his body under your dimly lit bedroom light. His tone, honey skin just barely shone courtesy of the moon.
His brown locks in all different places pointing to opposite sides of the room. Parts of his skin, including his face a burning red color from all the grabbing and smacking. The imprint of his fingers is still on your waist and arms. When you stood up high above him you could feel your juice run down your leg. When you leaned forward you could feel it drip onto his leg.
So you gathered so of it on your index finger trancing it over his lips. He puckered his lips trying to suck your finger between his teeth. You chuckled pulling your finger away. Your fingers came together grabbing onto his chin and holding him in place.
"You seem to have forgotten who's in charge here. I'd hit you again but I think you liked that," You said Haechan felt his cheeks warm up a blush rising on them as you spoke about his secret kink. You lifted your hand the other and placed it on his hard chest right where you could feel his heartbeat quicken. He was hoping you were doing what he believed you were.
You played with the fabric around his eyes. "You have a lot to say when you can't see me. But how about when I take this off," you said barely above his face. "Can you still talk as good as you fuck when you can see me?" You asked just above a whisper. He nodded slowly hoping anything he'd say would just get you to remove the blindfold. You smirked moving back taking the ribbon in your eyes and slowly peeling it from his eyes.
His eyes fluttered open widening the minute he saw you. Straddling his waist, naked and wet just like he dreamed. He reached out his hands needing so desperately to touch you with with his eyes. He groaned at the sight pulling you forward watching your pussy slide against his cock jerking it on his tummy.
Brows furrowed and hands tight on your waist he let his tip touch your clit and pussy jerk his shaft. He couldn't put his thoughts into words. He couldn't even feel you all that well, the condom in the way. But still, we are so intoxicated by you, the woman he dreamed about. Obsessed with the very idea that you wanted him this close.
You brought your hand stopping him. You pulled back rising high. He stammered his words a part of him not ready to see you fuck him. But the other half screaming at him to just let you do what you needed to do, you were already giving him everything and he wanted it to continue that way.
"Y/n can we- Oh Fuck," he cursed feeling you push into him sucking his cock so well. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck," he cursed as you rutted your hips against him. His eyes jumped out of their socket and his lips formed an O as he reached so far into you. His hands help you thrust forward.
“Fuck you feel so good," he groaned his head falling back on your pillow. You slide your hips up slowly and then let your ass fall back on to his lap, your bubbly flesh rippling as they slap against his thighs. There’s a faint slick noise in the background. Your pussy leaking all over his fat cock. Creamy white slick dribbling down his shaft and to his balls.
His chest rising up and down sweat dripping down his chest. "You doing so well for me baby," you praised hand sliding up his chest and wrapping around his neck giving it a gentle squeeze causing a choked moan to spill from his mouth. His lips pouted whimpers fell from his throat. You continued flexing your hips into him quickly chasing your high.
"Fuck baby," He cursed trying to get the words out but your grip on his neck was too tight. "I'm gonna cum," he coughed. You released some of the pressure you had on his neck watching as he gasped for air. But he didn't stop nor push you away continuing to pull your hips forward. He felt his climax approaching quickly, he wouldn't be able to hold on much longer.
His whole body twitched his mouth falling open and back arching off your mattress. "Fuck baby I'm cuming," he groaned snapping his hips into yours. He spilled into the condom legs shaking and toes curling as he came.
Your clit rubbed against his pelvis chasing after your high that was so close you could taste it. "Fuck me too," you moaned the knot in your stomach bursting coating his cock. You both caught your breath before you slipped out of him. You lay on your back chest rising up and down. Haechan leaned over to wrap his arms around your wiats but you stopped him.
"You can go. The door will lock itself when you leave," you said turning your neck to him his hand still placed on the curve of your hip. He raised a brow scoffing. "What? You kicking me out?"
You chuckled villainous smile on your lips. "What did you think was gonna happen? Don't your friends do it all the time? And so do you when you hang up on those girls and ghost them," you retorted with a shrug of your shoulders. With wide eyes, he looked so offended. "So this was all what some stupid lesson? he asked showing his defense.
You leaned up to him placing a soft peck on his cheek. "Better?" you asked. He huffed standing up from your bed. He gathered his clothes and got dressed. He kept looking back at you but you hadn't even turned to face him just playing with the blanket that covered half your body. He scoffed shaking his head feeling used and not in the way he intended to be.
"So that's it?" he asked hands snapping at his waist now fully dressed minus his black boots. "You take my virginity and kick me out like some slut?" he asked motioning to your bed. You sighed turning to him and pulling the blanket to cover your body. You sat up on your pillows supporting your back and turning to your side to pull out your baby wipes. You cleaned yourself as you spoke to him.
"Haechan don't make me explain it to you. You and your selfish little dirty friends do this to girls all the time. Whether you fuck them in person or online so what makes a difference if I do it?" you asked him. He remained shut knowing deep down he couldn't fight back. Everything you were saying was true. But it made him think. Could this have something to do with Si Cheng?
"Is this because of Si Cheng?" he asked. He picked at your wound and it stung. You hid the hurt on your face. You coudln't let him see you as weak. You straighten yourself throwing away the baby wipe keeping your cool.
"You think I wanted to fuck you because of your idiotic friend? Regardless if I told you if I fucked him or not you wouldn't believe me. So I think it's best if you keep the questions out of your head and don't worry about my business. I fucked you right? Isn't that what you always wanted?" you asked a sly smirk on your lips. You couldn't help but smirk, you had hit another nerve.
He scoffed shaking his head unable to spit anything back at you. Even if you fucked Si Cheng or not he still got to fuck you and that's what mattered. He turned away opening your door but before he could leave you stopped him.
"Oh Haechan," you called. He stopped his hand on the doorknob. He turned his head slightly the corner of his eyes watching you from over his neck. "Yes?" he asked laced with attitude.
You made an o shape of your lips pretending his word stung. You wanted to laugh but you'd save it for Wendy. Instead, you shook your thoughts clearing your throat to speak.
"Tell anyone about this and I'll have my father cut off your dick and have it mailed to you by Christmas," you warned. His heart rate quickened. Men, and women, anyone for that matter who messed with you never returned once your father was involved. All he did was nod, he even turned and bowed to you as he left.
"Would you like this open or closed?" he asked.
"Closed is fine," you responded. He nodded quickly waving, "Have a goodnight," he said closing the door behind him. You could hear him quickly run down the hallway. Then a few minutes later a shut and lock of your door. You stood up out of bed to handle your business. When you returned to bed in fresh clothes you pulled out your list crossing off Haechan's name.
"I have to be careful," you said warning yourself. Yangyang may not have questioned you but for a moment of weakness, Haechan did. You were able to save your ass this time, but next time you have to be more careful.
You looked down your list seeing who was next.
Na Jaemin
The campus dealer.
This should be real fun you thought to yourself smiling at your list as you folded it back off. You clapped your hands together light shutting off completely. You put on your sleeping mask, pull it down your eyes, and turn to your side falling to sleep.
When Haechan arrived home that night Jisung waited in his room seeing the boy stumble in. Based on his face your plan worked. Jisung smiled to himself catching Haechan's attention.
"What's got you smiling all stupid like that?" he asked. Jisung scoffed, he was taking his attitude out on him like always. He shrugged, "Life has been going well for me. Made some new friends," he responded watching Haecahn flop on his bed. "Lucky you," he said face in his pillows. He remained there for a few seconds before he pushed up.
"Bad night?" Yangyang asked. Haechan sighed running a hand throw his hair.
"It seems like it's not gonna work between me and that girl I was telling you about," he said disappointed. Yangyang sighed, "That makes two of us," he responded trying to make him feel better.
Jisung pulled out his phone to text you.
Sung- He's pissed lol
He waited for your response. He placed his phone down looking towards the right. Right next door was Yuta's now shared room with Jaemin. He smirked knowing Jaemin was probably going to be one of the easiest yet.
You couldn't wait for Jaehyun's party this Saturday.
To Be Continued...
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Thank you all so much for reading Part 3 of my 10-part series Easy A. I really hope you enjoyed Part 3: The Gamer and I truly didn't mean for it to be so long. Overall thank you so much for reading a staying tuned for the next part of my series. Part 4: The Supplier!
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Tags: @sexygrass @jakiki94 @90s-belladonna @soobiverse @ethelia @notevenheretbh1 @scarfac3 @toroufriteh @renyoungrecs @yumekowhore
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waitimcomingtoo · 1 year
Part Of Your World ~ p.p
chapter two: kiss the girl
series masterlist
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The next night, as soon as the sun began to set, Peter snuck out to the ocean to see you. He had spent the day studying the travel log of Tony’s boat to see exactly where he had been thrown overboard the day before. With a little math, Peter was able to use the wind speed of the day before to figure out which way the waves would’ve been moving. He estimated how far the waves would’ve carried him and eventually estimated the coordinates of the rock he washed up on. It was a leap of faith, but he took it anyway. He swung as far out as he could and saw a flat rock that reminded me of the one he saw the day before. It was a little far, so he decided to jump. He landed hard on his side and winced as he rolled over.
“Ow. Owie. I definitely have nerve damage now. Ow.” Peter whined and rubbed his side. He jumped when he heard water splashing beside him and watched you emerge from below the water.
“You came back?” You asked with a surprised smile on your face. Peter forgot all about his pain and moved closer to you.
“I had to see you.” Peter said simply. “You’re stuck in my head. I’ve been thinking of you ever since we met. I spent all day trying to find out how to get back to you.”
“You did?” You sighed happily and rested your chin on your hand.
“I don’t have a lot going on.” Peter admitted.
“But how did you get back to the rock?”
“I swung. I’m sort of a superhero. No biggie.” Peter shrugged and checked to see if it impressed you.
“You’re one of those super humans? The ones that save the city?” You gasped.
“I might be.” Peter played coy.
“Like the Iron Man?” You asked in excitement.
“Even better. I’m Spiderman.”
“Who?” You tilted your head in confusion.
“Okay. That hurt. You were my dream girl up until two seconds ago.”
“Sorry.” You laughed. “I don’t know much about the human world. I only learn about what’s above the surface if it falls into the water. I’ve seen the Iron Man flying above me a few times. He dropped a couple parts into the ocean once. I kept them for years and they still haven’t rusted.”
“Are you not apart of the human world?” Peter laughed in confusion.
“No. I wish to be. But I’m not.” You sighed and flicked your iridescent tail above the water. Peter jumped in surprise and suddenly, it all clicked for him.
“Oh shit. You’re a mermaid. How did I miss that?” Peter wondered, mostly to himself.
“I’m not sure.” You laughed and and hopped up on the rock to sit beside Peter.
It was the first time he had gotten a real look at you in the light. Your tail was shimmery like sequins and changed colors when Peter looked at it from different angles. It was an array of pink, purple, blue, and green that illuminated in the setting sunlight. Peter got a better look at the rings you had braided into your hair. On top, you had two starfish covering you for modestly. Peter thought all of you was beautiful, but he could not take his eyes off your tail. The way it blended into your torso seamlessly was unlike anything he had ever seen before.
“Wow. It’s beautiful.” Peter said breathlessly.
“You think?” You asked skeptically and flicked your tail again.
“I do. Everything about you is beautiful.” He said sincerely.
“Thank you.” You smiled warmly and looked down at your tail with a newfound appreciation. You had always hated it for the way it restricted you, but Peter made you look at it differently.
“Can I touch it?” Peter asked, catching your attention.
“If you want.” You agreed. “But under one condition.”
“Which is?”
“I get to touch something of yours afterwards.” You said and scooted closer.
“Okay. Deal.” Peter smirked and held out his hand. You looked at it skeptically before shaking it. You still weren’t used to the way another persons skin felt when you weren’t underwater. You’d only ever touched other mermaids before, never a dry human.
At the same time, Peter was experiencing something new himself. He reached out and put his hand on your tail, feeling the warm scales beneath his fingertips.
“How does it feel?” You asked him. It was a strange moment of intimacy for you. You never thought you’d ever get to talk to a human, let alone let one touch you.
“Like a big warm fish.” Peter answered honestly.
“I mean, I kinda am a big fish.” You chuckled.
“Well, you’re the prettiest fish I’ve ever seen.” Peter flirted. “And I’m not just saying that because your only competition is my childhood goldfish and the lobsters they keep on display at grocery stores.”
You threw your head back and laughed because even though you had no idea what a grocery store was, the way Peter said it was funny. You liked the way he talked even if it was nothing like you imagined humans would sound like. You thought they were all scary and mean like the way your father had described them all your life. Peter didn’t fit the evil narrative your father had created for humans. Peter seemed genuine and kind.
As you laughed, the two starfish you were wearing as a bra caught his attention again and he titled his head.
“Whats the deal with these guys? What’s their story?” Peter asked and pointed to your starfish.
“They’re star fish. They just suction on.” You shrugged and pulled one off to show him. Peter turned bright red and quickly turned away to give you privacy.
“Oh my. So you just whipped your boob out. Just like that. Okay.” Peter nodded to himself and kept his head turned so he wouldn’t freak out.
“Are you okay?” You laughed and put your starfish back on.
“No.” He squeaked.
“Humans go into the water naked all the time. I didn’t think it was such a big deal.”
“That’s called skinny dipping. But what you you just did, my dear, was called changing the trajectory of my life forevermore.”
“Haven’t you seen them before? I thoughts humans had the same anatomy up top?” You genuinely wondered.
“They do. We need to change the subject. I’m about to pass away.” Peter said with a wave of his hand.
“Then I’d just have to save you again.” You smiled flirtatiously and scooted closer to him so that your shoulders were touching.
“I’m not opposed to that.” Peter smiled back. “Wait, what thing of mine did you want to touch?”
“Oh, right.” You smiled shyly. “If it’s all right, I’ve always wondered what dry hair felt like.”
“That’s it? You just want to feel dry hair?” Peter laughed in surprise. You looked sad for a moment as he laughed at the thing you’d been dreaming of for ages.
“That’s a great idea.” He quickly followed up. “Here. Dry your hands off on my shirt so you can get the real experience.”
You smiled in excitement and did as Peter suggested. Once your hands were dry, you ran them through his messy brown curls. You gasped initially and withdrew your hand as if scared they were sharp. But once you felt how soft they were, you put both hands back in and played with his hair.
“Well? Is it everything you imagined?”
“It’s even better!” You gushed. “It’s so soft. I’ve never felt anything like it.“
“You can touch it as much as you want. I don’t mind.” Peter smiled softly. Your hands traveled from his hair to his face, then down to his clothes. You were both silent and you felt all the new textures and materials for the first time.
“Wow. Amazing.” You whispered to yourself as you touched the leather part of his shoe.
“I feel like if I showed you what hand cream felt like, your mind would be absolutely blown.” Peter chuckled.
“Hand cream?” You asked him.
“Oh, yeah. It’s also called lotion.” He explained. “You put them it on your hands to make them softer.”
“You just use it a lot. Your hands are very soft.” You noted as you held his hands in yours. The touch of another humans skin was enough to make you want to abandon your home and stay on land forever. Peter could see the longing in your eyes and reached out to brush the wet hair off your face. You looked up into his eyes, then down at his lips. You felt yourself start to lean in, then pulled away.
“So, have you recovered from your little drowning incident?” You changed the subject.
“I coughed up a couple gallons of sea water and nearly blacked out when I had to close my eyes to wash my face but other than that, I’ve been okay.”
“I’m so glad you’re okay. It felt like fate when you dropped into the water. I’d been watching you all day when you were with your friends. When I saw you plummeting towards the bottom of the sea, I knew I had to save you. Even if I was breaking every one of my fathers rules.”
“I’m glad you did it. I would’ve died down there and become fish food.”
“The fish are my friends. I wouldn’t have let them eat you.” You laughed and playfully shoved him.
“Aw.” Peter smiled at the sentiment.
“But the sharks are kinda rude so they definitely would’ve gobbled you up.” You said out of the corner of your mouth.
“There’s sharks in these waters?” Peter gasped and pulled his legs to his chest.
“Yes. But don’t worry. They don’t come around here.” You assured him. “They got annoyed by me sitting on this rock and singing all the time.”
“Well, then they’re missing out.” Peter smiled coyly and leaned against you.
“I’m the ones who’s missing out. I didn’t even know what hand cream was until a few minutes ago. There’s so much of the world that I’m never going to see.” You sighed wistful and looked away.
“I promise, hand cream is not that exciting. You can’t use doorknobs for like a solid throat minutes after you put it on. I’m sure you’ve seen way cooler stuff under the sea.”
“Maybe. But it’s all I’ve ever known, so it doesn’t excite me anymore. There is so much I want to see and know. I have so many questions and no one to answer them. If I were in your skin, I’d treasure every moment out there. I’d give anything for just one day. Just one perfect day.”You pleaded with no one in particular as you looked up at the sky. Your eyes fell on Peters legs and you put a hand on them. You smiled a little, thinking of all the things you’d give to have a pair of your own.
“So mermaids don’t turn into humans when they dry off?”
“No. That’s a myth. We stay as mermaids on land or at sea.”
“Hm. So H2O is a bunch of bullshit?”
“What’s that?”
“I’ll never be able to watch Aquamarine the same way.” He whispered to himself.
“What is Aquamarine?”
“Nothing. Never mind. Don’t worry about it.”
You continued looking at Peters legs before running your hand down your tail and flicking the end with a sigh.
“I envy humans. I envy how versatile your lives are. You can jump into the sea any time you want, but then you can leave it. You can walk and run and dance all the way down the- what do you call it again?”
“Yeah. That.”
“You knew the word versatile but not street?” Peter mumbled out of the corner of his mouth.
“All I know is the sea. I’ve seen all the coral reefs and I know all the fish. I know my cavern and the things I’ve collected. But I want more.” You professed and looked longingly at the shoreline in the distance.
“What’s stopping you?”
“My father.” You admitted and looked down.
“You mentioned talking to me was against his rules. Does he have other rules?”
“He has many.” You nodded. “No swimming beyond the old ship wreck. No going above the surface. No talking about going above the surface. And absolutely no interacting with the humans.”
“Sounds like a fun guy.” Peter said sarcastically.
“He is very closed minded. He doesn’t think humans and mermaids can coexist.” You frowned. “He thinks if humans knew about us, they’d hunt us down and mount us on their walls.”
“Not to take his side here…”
“Peter.” You warned.
“I’m sorry. But I have met a lot of men who would 100% mount you on their wall if given the chance.“
“What about you? Are you like these men you speak of?” You smiled teasingly.
“No. As much as I would love to see you everyday, I’d rather it be because you’re living with me as my beautiful mermaid girlfriend and not my wall decor.”
“Girlfriend? Is that like a wife?” You asked him.
“Yeah, kinda. It’s the title you hold before wife. We also call them significant others.”
“Oh. I get it. So like a partner? But the most important partner you have?”
“We don’t have that down here. My father chooses who each of my sisters marrys and we have no say in the matter.”
“Has he chosen for you?” Peter gulped.
“Not yet. I’m not of age yet. But on my next birthday, he will.” You sighed and played with one of the rings in your hair.
“Oh.” Peter said quietly and put his hand over yours to comfort you. You turned your hand over so that you could hold his and stayed like that for a minute.
“I wish that wasn’t his way. I want to fall in love. I want romance and chivalry. And I want to make my own choices.”
“I want that for you too.” Peter said sincerely. You looked at him and smiled sadly, appreciating the sentiment but knowing there was nothing he could do to help you.
“What would be the first thing you’d chose if you could make your own choices?”
“I’d want to be where the people are.” You said without hesitation.
“And then?” Peter asked. You smiled shyly and looked at him again.
“I think I’d like to be your girlfriend.” You used the new word he taught you.
“I can’t give you the first thing, but I can guarantee the second.” Peter said and squeezed your hand.
“I don’t know. We don’t know each other, Peter. We’ve only just met.” You replied as you stared at your intertwined hands.
“So we’ll get to know each other. By going on dates. Do you have those down there?”
“Uh uh.” You shook your head.
“Then I’ll be back tomorrow to show you.”
“At this time?” You asked hopefully and Peter nodded.
“Then I’ll see you tomorrow, Peter. For our date.” You grinned. Before Peter could overthink it, he threw his arms around you and pulled you into a hug. You froze before hesitantly wrapped your arms around him as well.
“What are you doing?” You whispered into his ear.
“Hugging you.”
“This is a hug?” You asked and tightened your grip around him.
“Yeah. It’s meant to comfort people.”
“I think I like it. It comforts me.” You smiled as you pulled out of the hug. Peter smiled sadly, knowing you must not get any affection under the sea.
“I’ll be back tomorrow. I promise.”
When tomorrow came, Peter had an easier time getting back to the rock. He landed gracefully and put his hand into the water to let you know he was there. Soon enough, he could see you swimming up to the surface before emerging from the water.
“You had be worried for a second. I didn’t think you’d come back.” Peter smiled in relief as he helped pull you up onto the rock.
“It’s getting harder to sneak away from my dad. He’s getting suspicious about where I’m going all the time.” You sighed.
“What did you tell him?”
“That I was having a girl issue. That shut him right up.”
“Does your mom care about where you go?” Peter wondered as he set up the picnic he had brought. He had promised you a date, so he filled his backpack with things you’d eat on one.
“She was killed when I was little. Humans found her.” You admitted without meeting Peter’s eyes.
“Oh no. I’m so sorry.”
“That’s all right. It’s not your fault.” You smiled sadly.
“I lost my mom too when I was young. I know how it feels. It never gets easier. I’ll always miss her.” Peter said and put his hand over yours. You looked down at your intertwined hands before pulling him into a hug.
“Am I doing it right? Does it comfort you?” You whispered in his ear.
“You’re doing it perfectly.” He laughed and hugged you back. When you pulled apart, he finished setting up the picnic. He had two plastic cups that and a bottle of cranberry juice.
“What’s this?” You wondered as he poured it into your cup.
“Cranberry juice. I got it cause it’s called Ocean Spray.” Peter admitted as you took a sip. Your eyes went wide and then you grimaced.
“It’s so sour.” You said and wiped your mouth. Peter was about to apologize but then you downed the rest of the cup.
“I love it. I’ve never had cranberry juice before.” You smiled at the cup as of it was a diamond that Peter had gifted you. Peter smiled in surprise, loving the way the simplest things delighted you.
“I don’t know if you eat human food, so I only brought things that are ways to digest.” Peter explained as he took a few things out of his picnic basket. He laid out two apples, a loaf of Italian bread, ritz crackers, and pretzels. You were immediately drawn to the apple and picked it up to examine it. Peter watched you roll it in yours hands and look under it, gasping when you saw the stem.
“What is this?” You asked in bewilderment.
“That’s called an apple. It’s a type of fruit. They grow on trees. Sometimes people pick them when the summer ends.”
“This grew on a tree?” You smiled in delight as if that was the most amazing news you’d ever been told.
“It sure did. Although, I personally retrieved it from my fruit bowl.”
You took a bite of the apple and your eyes went wide. Peter watched with amusement as you savored every bite like it was the last time you’d ever get to eat. When you were done, you looked at the core and gasped.
“Wait a second. I have seen these! It’s a thingmabob.”
“When I find something but don’t know the name for it, I make something up. I’ve seen these a few times at the bottom of the sea. Humans usually throw them in the water.” You explained.
“Oh. Did you find these down there too?” He asked and touched the rings in your hair. You nodded proudly and showed him your collection.
“Girls lose these all the time. I don’t know what they use them for on land, but I think they’re beautiful.”
“They’re called rings. You wear them on your finger, like this.” Peter explained as he slipped his finger into one of the rings. You watched him curiously before taking a ring out of your hair. You put it on your finger the way he had and gasped.
“That’s amazing! I love it even more now. Thank you, Peter!” You gushed and hugged Peter again. He laughed and wrapped an arm around you. He took his time explaining all the food he brought and let you try them one by one. He loved how amazed you were by all of it and reminded himself never to take the simple things like fruit for granted again. If it was enough to make you smile, it had to be special.
Once you finished eating, you laid on the rock together with your head on Peters chest. He told you about his life on land and told you him tales from under the sea. Peter could tell that being in land was something you’d been thinking about for a long time. You lit up when you talked about it and made it seem like it was the most magical place on earth. Peter didn’t have the heart to tell you he had seen a rat eating a diaper on his way to you.
“So you still want to be with the humans? Even after what they did to your mom?” Peter asked quietly.
“Yes. I do. That was a couple of bad men. I don’t let them speak for all of human kind.”
“I hate to tell you this, but there are a lot of bad men out there.” Peter frowned as he looked down at you.
“I know. But I don’t think you’re one of them.” You shrugged, making Peter smile.
“I try to be good. I don’t know if I always am.”
“I think you’re good. I can feel it.” You sighed and nuzzled your cheek against his chest. You laid quietly for a moment and just enjoyed each others company.
Peter returned the next night, and the night after that. Instead of rushing out of school to go on patrol, he was rushing to see you. Each night, he brought you new foods to try and little things you’d always wondered about. Your mind was blown when he showed you a spoon for the first time and you nearly passed out when he brought you Sour Patch kids. Every night, rain or shine, Peter came back to you. You spent all day looking forward to your nights with him.
“Why’d you really come back here, Peter?” You asked him one day as you ate the strawberry he had brought for you.
“I said I’d show you what a date is.” He shrugged.
“Two weeks in a row?” You teased him.
“That’s what happens after you go on a date. You go on another one, and then another one, and then another one.”
“I like you, Peter. And I can’t deny that I’ve been hanging around this rock all day in case you showed up again. But we would never work. It’s a nice thought. And one that I’ll hold on to forever. But it’s not meant to be.” You said without looking at him. Peter moved closer to you and tilted your chin up with his thumb.
“But what if it is? What if you hate it down there because you’re meant to be up here?”
“I do want to be up here. More than anything.” You admitted. “I’m so sick of swimming. I’m ready to stand.”
“I know some people. Maybe we could make that happen.”
“Really?” You asked skeptically. “What kind of people?”
“Witches and wizards and sorcerers.”
“Oh my.” You smiled in surprise.
“Maybe if you can come on land, we could go on a real date.”
“Is this not a real date?” You teased him.
“A real date involves me buying you real dinner and giving you a real kiss at the end.” Peter said without thinking about it. He blushed when he realized what he had said and looked away from you, but you weren’t letting him off the hook that easily.
“A real kiss?” You played dumb and leaned in.
“Yeah. Don’t you have those down there?” Peter rubbed the back of his neck and felt his face burn. He wanted to lean in and kiss you. He’d been wanting that every since you met. But he was far too shy. He wasn’t gonna kiss you.
“I think so. It’s this, right?” You asked innocently before lightly smacking him across the face. It wasn’t enough to hurt him, just enough to surprise him.
“That was definitely not a kiss.” He laughed as he held his cheek.
“Oh, wait. Now I remember.” You said and tapped the side of your head.
Before Peter could respond, you closed the gap between you and kissed him. It was your very first kiss, and Peters too. His eyes initially flew open but then fluttered shut as he melted into you. He brought his hands to your face to kiss you and felt a mirage of fireworks going off in his stomach. For you, the excitement of kissing a boy for the first time mixed with the adrenaline of doing something that would shock your father made the kiss that much better. You kissed Peter until you ran out of breath and rested your forehead against his once you pulled away.
“I’m gonna get you legs one way or another. I promise.” Peter said softly as he stared into your eyes.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
“I won’t. Not to you.” Peter assured you. You leaned in and kissed him again before hopping off the rock.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Peter.” You waved to him before disappearing under the water. Peter reached his hand into the ocean and swirled it around, trying to understand what it felt like to be you.
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mouschiwrites · 7 months
Hi! I absolutely love your writing (It's very tasty /pos) and I was wondering if I could request one where Movie!Lloyd (pre-movie events) had a bad day and he calls up reader to come comfort him and they're best friends but they're pretty obviously crushing on each other but they're just too shy to admit it? Thank you!
Yes!!! Awkward unspoken mutual attraction>>>
Word count: 721
Ninjago - Cheering Up Lloyd After a Bad Day
You rapped your knuckles against the door. It was open in a matter of seconds, and you were greeted with the bright face of Lloyd’s mother.
“Y/n! Come in, come in!”
She stood aside, allowing you to enter the apartment. As you passed she leaned forward to whisper in your ear. “I’m glad you came.”
You nodded knowingly. Lloyd had texted you half an hour ago to come over, and, judging from his miserable look at school that day, you had a pretty good guess as to why.
You made your way to his room and knocked. The door flew open before you could even land your fist on the wood a second time.
Lloyd’s brows were furrowed slightly, creasing the skin between them. His jaw was tight, too.
You plopped down on his bed, putting the plastic bag you were holding next to you.
He closed the door, keeping his back turned to you for a moment longer.
“I woke up late,” he began. He did—you remembered that. “I slipped and fell on the way to math class, I forgot my lunch, so I went hungry,” he was walking towards you now, counting off the unlucky instances on his fingers, “and I just know I flunked that history test.”
He planted his face into his pillow as he jumped onto the bed with an audible whomp.
You couldn’t help but crack a smile at his dramatic gesture. Patting his back good-naturedly, you reached for your bag. “Well, I don’t know about that other stuff, but I can remedy a hungry tummy.”
Lloyd turned his head just enough to peek at you. You whipped out a bag of gummy bears. Lloyd immediately scrambled into a sitting position and snatched it, tearing it open so violently that a few spilled into his lap.
“You are the greatest person in the world.”
You blushed a little, waving your hand dismissively. “Just some sweets for a sweet boy.”
Why did I say that. You turned away to hide your burning face. Staring out the window, you didn’t notice the way Lloyd’s face turned just as red.
Changing the subject abruptly, you plunged your hand into your bag again. “I brought something else.”
“Is it—”
At the same time you both said “comics” with huge grins. You pulled out a small stack and splayed them across the bed.
Lloyd gasped. “These are all brand new!”
You nodded. “That’s why it took me a minute to get here; I stopped by the comic shop on my way. I thought we could read them together.”
Lloyd nodded, scooting closer after taking his pick. He opened it, letting one page rest on his knee and the other on yours.
You subconsciously leaned in gradually as you read, and by the end of the comic you were literally cheek-to-cheek. You both bolted up, blushing furiously.
“That one was pretty good,” Lloyd murmured, a little dazed.
“Uh, yeah. I liked that one girl’s outfit.”
“The one in the crazy chrome suit?”
You nodded vigorously, eyes shining as you began to gush. You flipped back through the comic, pointing out all your favorite parts, making sure to let Lloyd interject his own opinions as he pleased.
You spent hours going through the comics in this manner. You were only called out of your stupor when Koko walked in, two plates of food balanced on one arm. She brought her free hand to her lips as if she’d stumbled upon a secret meeting.
“Oop! Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you two. I’ll just leave these here.”
You looked at each other and giggled, turning at once back to your comics.
It was several more hours before you had to go home. It was getting dark, and you knew you’d get in trouble if you weren’t home soon.
“Hey, Y/n,” you heard Lloyd say just before you passed the threshold.
“Thanks.” He grinned, clearly having forgotten his bad day. “For being so awesome, I mean.”
You smiled. In the warm light of his lamp you couldn’t see the blush on his cheeks, nor could he see the blush on yours.
Your heart thudded as you walked home. He thinks I’m awesome, you recalled euphorically. I’m so glad we’re best friends. Your smile wavered a little bit. Best friends. Yeah.
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Yay! Thanks for reading, and thank you for your request!! Take care honey bunches <33
(divider by saradika)
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nomazee · 2 months
hiii! congrats on 1k! may i pls have alma from gokurakugai w friends, amusement park n 22:22?
this was so cute i loved this prompt. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! hope u enjoy :*
my 1k event!
Alma's hand is warm, almost too warm against yours. His fingers are intertwined with yours, scratchy and calloused. The summer heat has gotten to the both of you, and you hope that the sweat collecting in your palm doesn't bother him as he drags you around the park.
It's late, and the sun went down a few hours ago, but the heat of it still lingers on your skin. Your feet are aching and you think if you walk around for any longer, your legs will crumple underneath you like paper. But Alma's so—warm, and kind, and he looks back at you with this stupid beaming smile as he leads you around all the corny games and rides. Your stomach is still swirling from the last rollercoaster you went on, and your pockets are very light from the sheer volume of money you’ve lost to ball-toss games. 
"There's— oh! They're selling takoyaki over there," he points out, attention moving rapidly from you to the food stands to the crowds of people around you. "You know, we tried making takoyaki ourselves once, at the agency with everyone, and it was pretty good! I wish you were there for that."
Wish. He wishes you were there. There's a stirring in your chest at the thought of being wanted by a friend.
Unfortunately, the sight of the long, winding line in front of the takoyaki stand mixed with the darkening sky reminds you that you do have responsibilities. Like the math homework due tomorrow that you've neglected for the whole week, and the dreadful bus that you have to catch at seven tomorrow in order to even make it to school on time.
"Alma," you call for him, and he whips his head back to look at you. His smile falters. Your expression must give you away, then—the guilt, the frustration, the ache.
"I have school tomorrow," you explain with nothing short of dismay in your voice, "It's— it's pretty late right now. I have to go. I'm so sorry, it was really fun, seriously—"
"Hey!" he cuts in, already grinning again and pulling you close to him with the hand still wrapped in yours. "It’s seriously fine! I did keep you out pretty late, huh. I didn't even notice."
And he looks around—at the people still walking and wandering and having fun, and your heart sinks. You're a buzzkill, and you know that, but you're already failing a class and you can't risk missing any more days of school. Alma—you don't think he really gets it, and that makes it worse. In the grand scheme of things, you don't know too much about Alma—how he works—but you know that he doesn't go to school the way that you do. Every time you've hung out on a weekday, it's been cut short by a call from home or your own consciousness screaming at you to get back and do your work before you flunk out.
"I really am sorry," your hand squeezes around him, breath stuttering in anticipation as you mentally beg him to squeeze back, just to signal that he's not so upset about this. "I would— I would stay out for longer, but… Alma, really. I’m sorry.”
“You apologize way too much,” he says, earnest and honest and still smiling the way he always does at you, with something warm between his lips. “Hey, um, can we go on one last ride? I’ll pay for your ticket. The— the ferris wheel?” 
He’s so stupid, and it’s corny and cheesy and ridiculous, but you see the heat of hope on the apples of his cheeks and his eyes dart around from yours to the flickering lights behind you. Your lungs squeeze, and so does your hand around his. You’re a weak person, too weak against Alma and the fond feeling in your chest. You relent easily. 
“Okay,” you agree, lips curling in giddiness and wonder. Alma laughs a little bit, breathy and relieved, and promises to take you home after this one last ride, and you can’t find it in yourself to feel guilty when you get home late, math homework untouched, responsibilities replaced by the fluttering in your stomach.
fill out my event taglist (pinned) to be tagged in works for this event!
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onyourhyuck · 2 years
Sweater Weather. | J.JH (M)
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prologue- “Sorry I talk too much didn’t I?” + “No no no, Not at all. Keep talking.”
tw- friends brother x fem y/n , sungchan is Jaehyun’s younger brother. y/n is tutoring Sungchan. fluff. Y/n has a big crush on Jae and he finds it rly cute. Hyper talkative girl x boy who always listens. Potential smut in part 2 if this fic does well.
notes- tbh I was listening to sweater weather and I thought about a sweet shy girl who’s acc talkative and has lots to say but nobody ever listened to her </3
You’re a freshmen at uni, a quietly soft spoken young student who wants to at least survive first year without dying from stress.
Everyone at campus knows how smart you are, hell you’re one of the students who gets full hundred on every subject, it shocks many to see your report card every year. Teachers love you and adore you.
Which is why when Sungchan one day approaches you by the lockers he immediately pleads for your help to solve his one life crisis problem— calculus class.
He said he will pay you fifteen a hour and that is why you agreed, but then something else played a huge part in your decision. It was his older brother who graduated this year, Jung Jaehyun. You never met him, but you surely heard a lot about him despite Jaehyun graduating not that long ago. The man was practically a legend at your campus. He had perfect grades, perfect attendance, he got all his degrees and ended up becoming really successful at whatever he’s doing now. Teachers go absolutely mental about him. He was a prodigy. Jaehyun even won a champion cup for the team’s football.
Now you weren’t going to lie, he was attractive, his face school photos were posted on the wall students of honour with every year a new student was picked out. Y/n day dreams about meeting such a perfect guy, hell now’s her chance. Sungchan needs her help and well Y/n can meet her idol..if that’s what you could call him.
So now you’re sitting on Sungchan’s bed composing yourself because you are settling into the background fact that you are— in a boy’s house for the first time since you could remember. You clear your throat when Sungchan comes back with a glass of cold iced water, he sits down on the bed next to you as he hands you it.
“Thank you for tutoring me y/n, I know it was really weird to ask because we aren’t close at all.” The boy tells and you shake your head politely sipping the cold beverage down. “I’m glad to help you out so it’s nothin’ don’t worry about it.”
He smiles nodding. “Thanks again.”
“So… what exactly are you struggling in calculus?” You put the glass down on the beside table so it wouldn’t bother both of you when studying. Y/n crawls on the bed crossing her legs as you watch Sungchan who opens the math text book rubbing the back of his long mullet hair from behind.
The boy looks like a confused lost bambi who knows nothing. Which wasn’t a good sign for Y/n but nothing hard can’t be overcome without practice.
“How about, everything?…”
You bite your bottom lip watching the boy who smiles dumbly. You nod slowly looking down at the identical text book except that one was yours. Your voice croaks out into jambles. “Well let’s start from the very beginning then.” This was no ordinary task it seems.
Sungchan nods with a grin. “Alright professor y/n.”
The two kept themselves busy talking amongst themselves solely about the subject. The girl was quite firm with her way of teaching though she never meant to be harsh and blunt, there wasn’t any way to put out and explain such a subject in nicer terms. In other words, there wasn’t any way to sugar coat it. Calculus was a very blunt subject, not everyone will be guaranteed to get it on first try— Y/n was simply just one of the few percentages who did get it by a click of a thumb.
It was fascinating though. Sungchan could start to get the areas he struggled with and that was definitely an improvement in this long session. There was something about the way that he found Y/n teaching was way more easier and simpler to understand than half of the teachers actually teaching at the campus. He felt truly relieved to see him figuring some of the problems on his own.
“I think I’m getting it.” Sungchan exclaims loudly with a vicarious smile, standing up from his bed and stretching. “Let’s take a short break, I really need to go to the toilet.”
Y/n nods as she looks at the time on her phone screen. 5.00pm. You could sacrifice three more hours here before going home. You let out a sigh as Sungchan opens the door.
“Oh by the way y/n if you need anything just ask. I’ll be right back okay?”
Sungchan left the room and this was probably where you’re trespassing on grounds you shouldn’t be. You stood up from the bed and left the bedroom, you make your way into the kitchen to explore. I mean surely, a little exploring wouldn’t hurt right?
Plus it’s not like you’re up to no good. You’re innocently wondering about to stretch your legs. Yes that was exactly it.
“You’re Sungchan’s friend right?”
A deep voice struck you from behind causing your feet to slip and turn on the heels, immediately met with a familiar face you could only see on picture but now it was face to face. He was breathing the same air as you. Y/n raises her eyes in surprise.
“O-oh.” You stutter out, mind went blank and you were unable to think of what to reply. Jaehyun closes the front door as he took his shoes off, seemingly back from work it looks like. Jaehyun turns to face y/n again. “You’re y/n I believe?”
How does he know my name, you exclaim in your head. Your idol knows your name. Y/n practically felt her legs tremble a little, she’s more than sure jaehyun took notice of that too.
“Uhm, yeah that’s me. Hi.” You awkwardly wave. He gives a kind smile at your very visible abnormal gesture.
He looks around loudly speaking in the hallways. Their modern apartment complex was really spacious but closed all in together making it perfect to make short trips between each room, it never felt claustrophobic. “Sungchan! I’m home.”
Jaehyun reveals. The door slams open with Sungchan running out the bathroom with wet hands as he dried them on his shorts.
“Hyung! Hey, you met y/n.” He grins ear to ear as he wraps an arm around your shoulder on the side. You give a soft smile as Jaehyun looks at his brother and you looking real comfy in the embrace.
“I did meet y/n. You never told me she was really pretty.” Jaehyun trails and Sungchan looks at y/n with one eyebrow raised. “I didn’t really pay attention to that. Uh hyung!” He calls out again.
“Did you know y/n is a prodigy in my class just like you were?”
Jaehyun stops midway as he turns to eye y/n up and down. He visible could see right through your body as if it was an open x-Ray for open visiting to view. You mentally could curse out Sungchan because the title enough was as pressuring to keep up with standards but nevertheless, to be called a prodigy was also really a knockout for y/n.
She wasn’t really successful she was just doing good at classes. In other words she’s a big geeky nerd who has no life but to study so she’s doing what she has to do to make her parents proud. Since she never came from a rich family she doesn’t have much hope from other people’s expectations. So might as well make it big career wise.
Especially if she cannot get a boyfriend… hell even a girlfriend alone itself. Y/n truly believes she’s destined to be alone and die alone. She even told herself that she will end her family’s bloodline because she’s an only child and there’s no way she will get married with the amount of social skills she has let along flirting skills. She has no bitches.
Plus. No one has ever called her pretty before. Jaehyun was the first one to ever do so. You grit yourself teeth together forcing out a soft laugh as you spat words of confusion at the boy only audible to him.
“What. Are. You. Saying. Sungchan-”
The boy clears his throat. “It’s true. Your report cards are seriously the best of the best in our year.” Jaehyun hums walking forward as he leans down to take a closer look at y/n. The girl took one step back slowly to keep a decent distance gap between the tall man who was eyeing her out of sudden.
“It’s really nice to see another prodigy other than myself.” Jaehyun softly tells. He reaches his hand on your head petting it down the head lovingly, with a praise leaning his soft pale baby pink lips. “Good job y/n, keep up the good work for four years and you’ll definitely get somewhere.”
No one has ever praised you before, not even your parents, at least not in a way jaehyun just did. usually you’d get a good work or well done, but nothing so detailed to the point it made your body shut down as well as your brain. You felt your eyes eyelashes curl, your lips prickle with excitement unable to hide the happy smile because when those words hit your ears they begin to perk up like a happy dog would when wagging their tail. Your round apple cheeks squirm, the way your voice increased up one or two octaves.
Jaehyun saw light enter your light amber brown eyes and he just knew from the moment he complimented you, you were probably the most happiest human.
Sungchan clears his throat bringing Y/n into reality where she broke eye contact with the older man to look at the boy who had his hand wrapped tight. “Y/n you might need to help me with English too..I’ll pay you extra.”
you hawk your eyes at Sungchan. You were sure if you could stay for that long, but if the boy was really struggling then there was little to no choice here. You mutter.
“Okay but i’ll need to let my mum know about that.” You nervously smile. “You see I was supposed to home by at least round 7.00”
Jaehyun scolds the young boy quick. “Yah don’t tell me you didn’t think about her personal life.” Sungchan clears his voice. “Of course I did…I really need help with English too I just realised.”
You were quick to defend Sungchan even though staying over at Sungchan’s house any longer was surely going to kill you inside and out knowing that jaehyun is home now; your heart wasn’t sure if it could handle being anything near the man now. “I- I mean I can handle it.”
Jaehyun would tut his lips sealing them together. It looks like he had a lot to say but he didn’t bother speaking it out freely. Sungchan drags you back into his room where you two started working on English. Knowing the amount of time you guys have spared before you had to go was enough to push the younger boy to his limits to know the basics.
As you were working with Sungchan your thoughts were flooded with many distractions; all of those happening to do with Jaehyun, surprising right?
The boy murmurs a few nonsense lines that you blocked out of your head until Sungchan was constantly shouting your name now.
“Y/n? Helloooo, earth to y/nnnn.”
Nothing but a dazedly eyes looking in the distance with a lovestruck smile and heart eyes growing back to the moment jaehyun seemingly praised you for your hard work that you were blindly doing just because it seemed like it was the best choice.
Sungchan exclaims loudly. “Y/n! Wake up.”
Y/n flinches at the raise of his voice turning round to him with a soft ‘huh’ coming out your lips. You blink a few times as Sungchan motions to the English text book and you clear your voice.
“God y/n what were you deeply thinking about?” Sungchan scolds quietly. You rub your neck anxiously, couldn’t help but think to yourself, your hot ass brother.
“I was just dozing off into dream land. Anyways, that word means beautiful.” You trail pointing your thumb on the textbook. Sungchan would ‘ooh’ as you silently go back to teaching him again. Until a knock would be heard and Sungchan turns to the door, groaning. “Come in hyung.” He tells.
the door creams half ajar open before slowly revealing the tall figure in a white tank top revealing his muscular arms as well as broad shoulders, grey sweatpants that were loosely fitting round his crotch and legs area. He had messy brushed out hair and his face was hauntingly gorgeously pale with soft pinkish lips and brown piercing eyes ready to launch and pierce y/n’s heart in half.
Jaehyun leans on the doorframe with one hand as he relaxes the other under his tank top shirt, scratching his milk-chiselled abs he slowly reveals.
“So since y/n is staying over for tonight. What do you guys want to eat?” He really pin printed the conversation on you to be honest, jae knows well Sungchan would eat anything. Sungchan looks over at the girl who shyly looks down.
“I’ll eat anything that Sungchan wants to eat.” Y/n mentions. Jaehyun hums. “Don’t be shy if you want something you can go and get it. I’m already grateful for the fact that you’re taking your entire free day to tutor my helpless brother.”
Sungchan pouts hearing his brother as he immediately shoos him out. “Ah hyung you really don’t need to mean smack talk me with her.” Jaehyun grins as he pushes Sungchan out of his way. “Ay come on, also go and make something to eat then because y/n will eat whatever you’ll eat.”
Sungchan nods as he left without a complaint to go and sort something out for dinner. This means that jaehyun would be left alone with y/n. Just the thought of this left the girl wondering scenarios… so many scenarios in her head.
The man slowly approaches on the edge as he sits on Sungchan’s bed with y/n next to her. He grabs with his hands softly y/n’s english journal where she keeps all her work from classes in. He would flicker through the pages as he was analysing everything from the first page to the very last which would be recent.
The handwriting was pretty cursive and jaehyun couldn’t help but think that the girl was really organised, pretty handwriting and hella smart. He had to admit she was determined and for someone who’s lived in America for four years, she was pretty skilled in English— especially because she never been to America once in her life.
Y/n shyly looks down at her fiddling thumbs before jaehyun puts her book down. He soon expressed approval in his lingering deep husky voice.
“You’re really impressive you know that, y/n?” He turns to the quiet girl who said nothing but nod. Jaehyun couldn’t help but be intrigued and pulled further to getting to know the young girl. “What do you want to be when you’re older?”
He asked such a long deep question that y/n herself was still trying to figure out. She just wants to be someone successful maybe someone important too. Because if anything she didn’t feel special once in her life until she met jaehyun,
He makes her feel good inside and outside. He saw y/n start to contemplating the question as her voice begins to waver.
“Uhm well, someone successful and important I guess.” She murmurs. “I guess I’ll be whatever my parents want me to be.”
Jaehyun tilts his head. “But won’t that be your parents and not yourself?” The man guessed and the girl lightly shrugs.
He was right in many ways. It wouldn’t really be her dream or her life if she was to follow her parents choices. She sits up straight and Jaehyun was quick to ask again, another deep question.
“I’m going to ask again. What do you really want, yn?”
“I want to be someone’s special someone. I never really experienced a relationship and it would be nice to have someone that loves me as much as I love them. Plus, i was alone most of my childhood so it wouldn’t hurt to have a person who’s sorta like my safe place..?”
In reality you really only need someone who would understand you on an emotional level that you could spend the rest of your life with. You’re an old child with busy parents who always worked to make a living for you. Growing up poor was hard enough. Now you’re doing everything to become rich but in all Saint truth,
You were really just needing someone to love you. Jaehyun gives a reassuring smile as he reaches to softly stroke your head as you look down unable to make enough of a long eye contact with Jaehyun. He hums in awe.
Then you realised that you basically dumped your deep rooting problems on a guy you just met. Y/n was quick to turn to Jaehyun with defensive hands shaking them softly.
“Sorry I talk too much didn’t I?” Y/n insists forward as her eyes were droopy eyed feeling like a massive burden. Jaehyun was quick to protest as he wraps his hands with y/n’s interlocking them. Reassuring her slowly.
“No no no, Not at all. Keep talking.” Jaehyun smiles watching the girl slowly come out of the shell. She might seem like a timid little fragile thing, but he swears there is so much more underneath the first impressions he’s getting. People just haven’t been making effort to get to know this wonderful person.
You felt as if jaehyun just understood you. You didn’t feel judged and this made you feel…so much more comfortable round him.
There was something so pleasant to hear her speak and jaehyun for a moment believed he were bewitched by your sweet longing voice.
“How do you feel about going on a trip with me and Sungchan down to my family’s private villa?”
Y/n blinks looking forward at the man in front, half confused if she heard him correctly but when her eyes didn’t deceive her she slowly gasps. Jaehyun couldn’t help but chuckle hearing her reaction as well as seeing it. It was..innocently cute.
“I- me? At your private villa? Oh no that’s… too much to accept.” You mutter out confused. He scoffs gently. “Who said so? Plus I want to get to know you more. I promise it’s not going to be intimidating.”
You purse your lips into a thin line. “If..Sungchan says yes then I’ll go.”
Jaehyun smiles ear to ear. “Deal.”
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank youu<3 pls reblog this fic it helps a girl out and follow me for more to stay updated for more fics.
I’m sorry but shy girls who are actually super hyperactive and talkative when comfortable are the cutest. I don’t make the rules up. Who else wants a PART 2? If you do Lemme know bc I actually enjoyed writing this <3
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harryforvogue · 1 year
hello. here she finally is, the harry and mia blurb (which i also offer as the 200k reads celebration story). i hope you like her. she's like 7k words so she DID take some years off my life but it's okay. as long as YOU guys are happy hehe. there is basically no smut in this, but i like to think it's quirky and funny. happy reading! and thank you, as always, for you patience <3
i literally cannot come up with a synopsis for this so. yeah. just read it THANKS LOVE YOU BYE!
Just two weeks ago, Harry and Mia had been invited to a birthday party.
To be specific, which is very necessary in this situation, they were invited to a kid’s birthday party. Harry had promoted one of his employees to a high position, and as a thank you, the woman had invited Harry and a plus one to her child’s 6th birthday party. Harry had looked down at the invitation wondering if there was a typo. He couldn’t fathom the idea of going to a regular birthday party, much less a kid’s one.
But his employee had insisted. And Harry had hinted that taking him out for lunch or something would be even better in his books, but the women refused to budge. So a few days later, Harry and Mia stood in a venue with drinks in their hands, dodging children left and right.
His arm was slung around her waist. Mia was quiet for some time, a pensive look on her face as she watched the child who was “it” bellow, “CHAAAARGE” before sprinting to tag the other kids. Usually, something like this would make her twitchy, but something about her still figure and soft brown eyes made him ask, “What do you think? Should we get one?”
Mia had blinked at him. “A kid?”
“No, a bouncy house.”
“Oh. Um. Well, I wouldn’t be opposed, but…”
“Mia. Never mind. Yes, a kid.” He sighed deeply and slanted his head towards her, his brows raised. “Thoughts?”
“I mean…” They’d talked about it before. And both of them wanted children. But it seemed like something that would happen after the wedding. But even that was really close – in three short months. “You know I want your kids.”
Harry laughed softly and shook his head. “You always emphasize that they’d be mine as if I’d expect them to be somebody else.”
“Well, you know,” she smiled back, nudging his shoulder with hers. “I have to remind you that they’ll all have your big head.”
“You love my big head.”
“I do.” She took a sip of her drink. “And you? Think we should get on it?”
If it were up to Harry, he would have liked to wait just a year more. He wasn’t in a rush. Though recently he had been enjoying the idea of having a baby to erase, and the feeling was always tainted by terror. “Maybe when my job is a little…”
Mia nodded. “Yeah.”
Harry had been so busy recently. His father’s company had just bought another, right before the end of the fiscal year. They had so much to work on for reports. It was driving him insane and causing him to work overtime. He just needed to get over his hurdle. And then he’d relax. He’d come home on time. He’d have more time to take Mia out rather than force her to attend a birthday with him. This felt like work anyways.
“But I do look forward to it,” he’d insisted, kissing the top of her head. He watched as two kids ran into each other and began sobbing on the floor. “Well. Mostly.”
A week later, Mia had come out of the bathroom at night with a pregnancy test in her hand. Her eyes were wide, hesitant. “I thought it would be funny,” she said, “if it was negative because I missed a period and–” 
She handed him the test. “You said you wanted kids a little later… what if we had one in nine months?” She looked at the wall, dazed. “Well. Seven months really, if I’m doing the math correctly. Which I’m probably not. You know what? It doesn’t matter. I think you get the point.”
Harry peered down at the test. It was a very solid positive. He’s silent for a moment. Then – “Holy shit.”
“I know,” Mia whispered, joining him on the bed. “It’s a lot. But we’ve talked about it, right? And we’re getting married and you know it was gonna happen eventually. I mean–”
“-- I’m just saying that with the amount of sex you and I have, protected or not, it’s totally a miracle that we haven’t gotten pregnant already. And yeah I know we ditched the protection, and birth control doesn’t always work but–”
“--what I’m trying to explain is that I’m totally okay with this. I might be freaking out a little bit and I might have had a mini panic attack in the bathroom but I really just–”
She buried her face in her hands. “What?”
“I fucking love you.”
He’d taken her wrists and tugged. When she gave up and let him, he grabbed her face and kissed her so hard, she squeaked in surprise, steadying herself with a hand on his chest. “That,” he murmured through the kisses, “was such a Mia way of telling me. You are unbelievable. I’m never going to get used to you.”
Her eyes had immediately welled with tears. “Yeah? This is all right? We can work with this right? I mean, I’ll likely have to get the dress tailored again but I don’t think I’ll be showing that much in two months.” She leaned in and kissed him again and again until he felt her tears on his own face.
“This is perfect,” he’d whispered, holding her tight until she was gasping for breath. “I fucking– Mia. Mia. You make it so hard when you give me all these gifts.” And then he was grabbing her again, making her straddle him. He kissed her again and again, unwilling to take breaks in between even when his lungs were aching for air.
“You,” he said softly, “are everything. Listen to me. Everything. And we’re going to celebrate tomorrow, okay? Anything you want. All day. Nobody can bother us. How’s that sound, hm?” He kissed her. “I love you. I love you so much I can’t think straight.”
When Mia fell asleep on his chest that night, his mind was racing with ideas on what they could do tomorrow. What could he do that could compare with the things she’s done for him? He held her tight. He was going to be the best damned father anyone had ever met. He couldn’t be anything less than that.
The next morning, Harry’s phone begins to ring. And it continues to ring until Mia groans and reaches over him to grab it. She looks down at the caller ID with squinted eyes. It’s as if a bucket filled with ice water has been thrown over her.
“Hey,” she whispers to Harry, pushing his shoulder to wake him. “It’s your father.”
He tucks his head against her neck. “Ignore it.” His voice is raspy.
She lets it ring until it stops. “You already have two missed calls from him. What if something happened? Like the company suddenly went bankrupt overnight? Like something with the stocks. Like the Great Depression? Do you know how bad the Great Depression was?”
“Then I guess I’m unemployed. I’m so sad.” He doesn’t sound sad at all. His arm that’s thrown over her waist tightens and he pulls her back down until she’s against the pillows again. “Go back to sleep.”
“Fine, but don’t blame me when you wake up destitute.” She closes her eyes when Harry’s warm body begins soothing her back into a peaceful state. Her eyes are heavy again. Nothing is more comfortable than Harry’s hold lulling her to sleep.
And then Harry’s phone rings again. It rings and rings until Harry finally raises his head and swears under his breath. He grabs his phone and puts it to his ear. “Hello,” he answers in a very not so kind voice.
“Harry,” Mia hears his father’s voice through the phone. She opens her eyes and glances up at Harry. “Why haven’t you been taking my calls?”
“It’s 5 in the morning on a Sunday,” Harry replies tensely.
“You will be having dinner with your step mother and I tonight.”
He doesn’t even bother asking. He just demands it. Mia watches Harry rub his eyes and sit up, turning away from her onto his side. “I’ve got plans tonight. Maybe another night.”
“No, tonight. I’ll be out of the country next week.”
“I can’t tonight.”
“You may bring Amelia as well.”
Harry pauses. He doesn’t correct him about her name as he always does. “I’d have to ask her.”
“I need to speak to you urgently about a matter regarding the company.”
“We can do this over a video call.”
“Harry, I’m not asking you. I will send you an address and you will show up. With your girlfriend or not, it matters little to me. This is an important conversation we must have.”
“Fiancée, actually. Which I’ve told you,” he says. He takes a breath and pinches the bridge of his nose. Mia knows Harry’s getting angry at his father from the long pauses he keeps taking. She knows he’s trying to calm himself down before he says something completely out of turn. She sits up and rests her head on his back, holding onto his arm.
“It’s okay,” she murmurs, rubbing her hair against him. “We can go.”
He turns his head to look at her, his eyes wide. He pulls the phone away. “I wanted to celebrate with you.”
“We can do it another time.”
“No. This needs to be celebrated immediately.”
She smiles sleepily, raising her head to look at him. “We have, like, seven months to celebrate.”
His jaw tenses as he brings his phone back to his ear. She nods encouragingly and then lays back on her side, tucking herself under the warm sheets. She feels him staring at her a few seconds before she hears his soft voice say to his father, “We will be there.”
“Good,” his father says. “I will send over the details.”
“All right. Bye.”
She hears him turn his ringer off and then set his phone to the side. He gathers her into his arms and holds her close. His lips press to the top of her head. “I’m really sorry, Mia.”
“Don’t be,” she laughs softly. “Nothing we haven’t done before.”
“I know. But still.” His voice is quiet and sad. “I wanted to celebrate.” His hand slides over her stomach. “Take you somewhere nice.”
“I’m sure the restaurant your father picks will be nice.”
“I wanted to take you somewhere nice and alone.”
“We can do that any other day.”
He’s quiet again. “Yeah.” Before she falls asleep, she hears Harry apologizing again, barely audible.
Mia walks in on Harry pulling his freshly tied tie off his neck. He mutters a swear and tosses it on the bed and unbuttons the top two buttons of his shirt, pulling his collar open. With a deep breath, he makes eye contact with Mia through the mirror. She’s in a long summer dress and white sneakers, pulling her jacket on. She’s done her hair in loose curls and pinned the front pieces out of her face. She smiles at him, but he doesn’t smile back, clearly lost in his thoughts. 
“Hey,” she says, frowning. She takes his hand and walks around to stand in front of him. “It’s okay.”
His eyes are distant. “I want a day off with just you and me. I’ve been working so much, I feel like I’ve barely seen you. And we live together.”
Mia presses his hand to her cheek. She feels his knuckles gently caress her skin upon contact. “I know. But things come up. We can have a day to ourselves next week.” She frowns deeper. “Oh wait. We promised Amara and Zack we’d do a double date.”
At the reminder of the plan, Harry looks pained. “We can just not show up.”
“That would piss him off.”
“Who cares? I’m pissed off right now.”
Mia stands on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around his neck. A smile takes her face again, and she’s suddenly leaning in to gently kiss the corner of his mouth. “Well, I hope you know that you’re so cute when you’re pissed off.”
“I’m serious.” His voice loses a bit of its agitated tone. He holds her waist.
“As am I. Now come on. Stop brooding and look a little more happy. I’m having your child, after all. You owe me smiles for the next seven months.”
At that reminder, his eyes light up and one dimple appears. Then another. He holds her face and tugs her closer. “You’re absolutely right.”
She grins and then melts into the embrace when Harry kisses her. “I am always right.”
Mia doesn’t know how some people are able to keep the news as a secret until their partner is ready to take it. When she looked down at the positive pregnancy test last night, her first thought was to tell Harry. There was no way she’d be able to keep it to herself.
She lost count of how many times he whispered “thank you” and “I love you”.
Harry was in such a mess, they weren’t actually able to make love like she thought they would. Every time Harry would hold her face to kiss her, he’d tear up again and drop his head, whispering the words again, mixed with a healthy and colorful amount of soft, incredulous swears.
“I was thinking, actually,” he murmurs once he pulls away. He twists a strand of her hair around his finger. “We should go for a vacation. To celebrate, I mean.”
Mia says, “You know I am always ready for a getaway.”
“Mhm.” He kisses her again. “And when we come back, we can start telling people? Is that a thing that you do so early?”
“Well, I don’t have any other children so it’s hard for me to know.”
“Then maybe we wait until the second trimester.”
“Should we do a gender reveal party?”
Harry thinks about it as he kisses her once more. “Dunno. I mean, I would totally be okay with finding out the day off.”
Mia’s eyes light up. “I was thinking that too.” She slides her hands down his shoulders, fixing his collar along the way. “I would be happy with a boy or a girl.”
“Me too.”
“And should we do something like a big reveal for our friends and parents? No wait. I’d actually rather tell my parents in person.”
“Is that where our vacation will be? Staten Island?”
She fakes a shudder. “Don’t even joke about that.”
He kisses her for a final time, a very long kiss that has her pressing herself against him, his hands on her waist, feeling the warmth of her skin. And when he pulls away, Mia laughs softly and wipes his mouth. “Lipstick,” she whispers. Harry cleans up the corner of her mouth with his own thumb. “We should head out soon.”
Harry sighs deeply and nods. “Let’s get this over with, hm?”
Despite having been with Harry for four years, it still shocks her whenever they go out to a place as fancy as this. Because although Harry and her do go to expensive places, they’re never as high end as the ones his father picks. Harry complains that the super expensive places don’t have edible food, which she has to agree with. Looking at the menu in her hands, she scans it for anything that she even recognizes.
Most of the time, she has to elbow Harry gently and ask him what these dishes are. Unfortunately, Harry is having a discussion with his father about the company, something she usually just tunes out.
At least she’s decided what drink to have. And the post dinner dessert.
Harry jokes with her that she should listen to how the company is run or at least know its primary functions. He says that if he ever got sick, she’d have to step in to run the company for him. Mia’s not all that sure how much of that is the truth. They wouldn’t just give the company to anybody, right? Harry reminds her that his father handed a large part of the company over to him despite Harry not having the experience. Mia argues that that is a classic story of nepotism. Harry argues back that him giving her his job is also nepotism.
You really can’t win with rich people, Mia says, ending the conversation there.
After they’ve ordered (Mia playing it safe by ordering exactly what Harry does), they sit in relative silence until Harry’s father clears his throat and says, “Well, I have news to give you, Harry. In fact, tomorrow morning, we can start on the paperwork.”
Harry says, “Paperwork?”
“Yes. I’m sure you know of all the board meetings we’ve been having over the course of the past two months, and there have been rumors here and there, but I’d like to actually come straight to you to say it. I am stepping down as chief executive officer.”
Harry takes a sip of his water. “Great. Who’s the unlucky fellow that gets to take your place? Is this about voting? I told you having an even number of board executives was a bad idea for this very reason.”
Something flashes over Harry’s father’s face. Surprise, perhaps. “Well, I wouldn’t just hand the position over to just anybody.”
“Right. Do you want me to look over performance reviews and applications?”
“Harry,” Mia says softly.
He glances down at her and then his father. Then his step mother. Realization dawns. “Oh.”
“Yes. I will be passing duties over to you.”
Mia watches the expressions pass over his face. Confusion, surprise, then… something else.
“It was always set in stone that I would pass the company to you, son. I did think I would continue to be CEO for at least another 2 years, but I think it’s an excellent time for me to retire. The company is stable. The revenues have increased every year, our profit margins are better than ever. There are few fires to put out in distinct subsidiaries, but this previous quarter has been exceptional.”
“It is not only because you’re my son. It’s also because of your commitment to the company. You have been strict in hiring and following the companies values. Your negotiating skills have never been more excellent. We gained a new subsidiary that brings in massive amount of profits because of you. The contracts you’ve renewed this year alone are commenable. You’ve put in the work and you deserve this position.”
“We will start the paperwork tomorrow.”
Mia realizes what’s on Harry’s face. Dread.
Because Harry’s never wanted that position. She knows it. Sometimes, he’d reveal to her that it was the only position left for him if he were to excel past his current one, and that he wasn’t sure how he’d react to the news. They all thought it would be a couple more years until this discussion was brought up.
But now it’s here. Harry is reaching for his water again, taking slow slips in thought.
The silence is unnerving. Mia puts on a bright smile and exclaims, “This is wonderful news! Congratulations, Harry!”
His step mother raises her glass in a toast and everyone except Harry clink theirs together. “Congratulations!”
“I understand it’s a shock,” his father says after drinking his wine. “But it is for the best of the company. I leave it in good hands.” He glances up at the waiter. “Thank you.”
As the plates are getting set in front of them, Mia puts her hand on top of Harry’s under the table. She notices that his fingers are cold, so she rubs them softly.
“You know what?” Harry suddenly says when the waiter leaves. He pulls his hand out from under hers abruptly. “I’ve got to get some air. I’ll be right back.” He pushes his chair out. “Excuse me.”
Mia watches him quickly walk out of the restaurant while undoing one more button of his shirt. Normally, she’d be annoyed that she’s been left with the shark of a father he has, but now, concern runs through her. She’s already on the edge of her seat when Harry mutters an apology to the host and exists.
She glances back at his father and step mother. They don’t actually look perturbed.
“I would have thought he’d gotten used to all this,” his step mother says, cutting into her steak carefully. “Does it always take him time to get used to something?”
“Yes,” his father says, chewing already. “He’ll be fine.” He looks at Mia. “How have you been, Amelia? The wedding planning is complete, yes? How’s the job going? You know, my offer at the company still stands. Well, now it’ll have to go through Harry, but I’m sure that the position he can get you would pay far better than the one you currently h–”
“Actually,” Mia says, standing up. She winces at the way her chair screeches against the floor. “I am so sorry. I’m, um, I’m going to check on Harry.”
His father waves his fork in the air. “Go on ahead. Talk some sense into him.”
She offers a nod of some kind and then walks out, trailing after Harry. She also apologies to the host and promises her return.
He hasn’t gone too far. In fact, he’s right out the restaurant, pacing with his hands tucked into his pockets. 
“Harry.” She jogs over to him, grabbing his blazer sleeve, stopping him in his step. “Hey. Hi.”
He looks at her with frantic eyes. “I’m not taking that job. I can’t take it. I can’t.”
“Okay. That’s okay.”
He stares at her for a moment before wrapping his arms around her, hugging her tight against his front. His heart is beating fast. “Mia. I don’t– Mia.”
“It’s okay.” She feels him drop his head to her shoulder. He takes a deep, shaky breath.
“I don’t want to be the CEO.”
She rubs his back. “I know.”
“I always thought it would be fine, yeah? Take on a few more responsibilities. But…”
“It’s just not what you want.”
“Is it wrong? I’ve always known, so is it cheating by refusing now? I mean. I know people who would kill for this job. My father probably thinks I’m being ungrateful.”
Mia shakes her head. “Well, you’re not. You’re trying your best, and this just doesn’t interest you. You don’t want it.”
“Maybe 5 years ago it’s what I would have wanted. I wanted to prove that I could be something big. Prove it to my dad. But things are different now. I don’t want to prove anything to anyone. I feel as if I’m different. You and I are different.” He squeezes her. 
“I understand,” she whispers. “I know.”
“What difference will it make anyways? We’re more than comfortable right now. I’m miserable at my job and I will be miserable as CEO.”
This is news to her. “I thought you were enjoying it a bit more.”
“No.” His voice is muffled against her dress. “You think I like a job that doesn’t allow me to see you?” He suddenly lifts his head and holds her waist tight. “Mia, this past week alone, I’ve come home so late that you’re already asleep. I don’t want that.” She sees something like fear in his eyes. “I didn’t pay attention to you the first time. And look what that did to our relationship. It was entirely my fault. I can’t do that again. I can’t handle that. I won’t ever show up. But that’s what we agreed on all those years ago, right? That I’d be there?”
“I’ve been so good at showing up and that’ll all change if I take the job. There’s a reason why my parents never worked out. Why I never had a good relationship with my dad.” His eyes are wide, frantic. “I can’t be my father. I don’t want to be. I would never want to be. I can’t do that to you. I can’t do that to…” He puts a hesitant hand on her stomach. “God, I’d hate myself if I did that.”
“Harry…” Mia surges forward and throws herself at him, hugging him so tight, she feels her own ribs hurting. He holds her just as tight, head against her shoulder once more. “Oh, I love you, you beautiful person. I love you so much.”
“Yeah?” he whispers, turning his head to kiss her cheek. “Is that all right, then? If I say no?”
“I think you should say no, then quit your current job and let me be the income earner for the rest of the year. Won’t be able to pay for the wedding though. You’ll have to chip in. A lot.”
Harry chokes out a laugh. “We’ll honeymoon for the rest of the year.”
“As long as it’s not in Staten Island,” she giggles, planting kisses after kisses on his jaw. “I love you. Got that? I love you always.”
He pulls away slightly to look at her, apprehension in his eyes. “Always? Are you sure? It’s…it’s not easy loving me.”
Harry’s never been the type to ask Mia to remind him she loves him. She knows he knows that she adores him more than anything. But now, he’s asking, and he’s looking so hopeful with his pretty green eyes under the golden lights outside the restaurant. He’s looking all over her face, his gaze often lingering on her mouth.
“Are you kidding me?,” she suddenly laughs. “Harry. You know loving you has never been difficult for me. And not to mention, you’re kinda stuck with me. We’re reproducing after all.”
Harry groans. “Is that how you’re going to break the news to everyone? Hey guys, just wanted to say that my fiancé and I did have unprotected sex—“
“Wait! That’s basically what people say when they’re like oh yeah we’re trying. Like hmm okay, but we know exactly what’s going on no matter how cute you make it sound!”
“And yet it’s still better than we banged and here we are.”
Mia smiles. “But we did bang and here we are indeed.”
“Listen.” He takes her clip out of her hair and fixes her short strands back again. “Tell your friends however you’d like. But my family will be told a very specific, expensive way.”
“Like a party? You don’t like them.”
Harry shrugs. “I don’t seem to oppose the idea of celebrating such a big thing, though. As long as I get to kick people out on time.”
“But with Amara and Zack—“
“I give you full control.”
“Good. I want to make them cry.” She looks very determined. “I want them to be fighting for their life. Choking, even.”
Harry says, “Er, yeah. Whatever you want.”
“Maybe we can tell your father and step mother right now.”
Harry drags the back of his hand against her cheek. “Yeah?”
“I mean, you’re going to have to give a reason why you’re declining. And you can’t just say it’s because you love me so so so so so much.”
“Oh yeah? And why not?” He squishes her face, pulling her close, his voice tender. “Why can’t I refuse on the basis of loving my fiancée so so so so much?”
Her eyes light up. “Because that’s super out of character for you. He might think you’re sick. Although I’d love to see the look on his face.”
“Me too. He might have a heart attack at the idea of his son being happy.”
Mia suddenly frowns. “Don’t say that. That makes me really angry.”
“I know. Hey. We should go and make him angry instead, hm?”
“I like the way you think, Styles.”
He smiles and kisses her quickly. “Come on.” He takes her hand. “Let’s ruin their day.”
They share one more look before they head back inside. When they reach the table, they’re not surprised to see their plates untouched and the others nearly finished. They sit back down. 
“Have you finished with your dramatics?” Harry’s father says calmly.
“I will be refusing the promotion.”
Well, shit, Mia thinks. Just getting straight to it then.
His father’s eyes narrow as he slowly puts his fork down. He then takes a sip of his wine. Finally, he clasps his hands on the table. “And why, might I ask?”
“I have other priorities I need to focus on.”
“Something that is more important than your career?”
“There is nothing more important to a man than his career.” His father shakes his head. “I’m disappointed. I wish you’d have learned this by now. You should take time to think this over. It won’t even be such a big difference.”
Harry says, “I have a different future in mind for myself. Something I think is more worthwhile.”
His father’s eyes narrow some more before they turn on Mia. “And I assume this decision is due to your influence as well.”
“I don’t think I influence Harry to do anything. I like to think I just encourage him.” Mia hates how she doesn’t sound confident in herself. “This is something we both happen to believe in.”
“He would not make this decision if it weren’t for you.”
Mia catches the bitter, criticizing tone, and so does Harry. She can tell by the way he tenses.
“Do not,” he says tightly, “speak to her like that. I am refusing the position and that is my final answer.”
Mia’s surprised when Harry’s getting up to leave. She scrambles to do the same, taking his outstretched hand. “Um. Goodnight,” she says even though Harry’s already dragging her away. The look on his father and step mother’s face is priceless. Mia wishes she could photograph it, blow it up, and put it on a blanket. It would make for an excellent anniversary gift.
Harry’s walking so fast, she needs to jog a little to keep up with him. When they get to the car, he stops and looks up at the sky. He laughs a little, but Mia’s sure he’s not finding anything particularly amusing. “Well, shit.”
“Uh, is he going to come after us?”
“Of course not.”
“Right.” She needs to say something to make him feel better. Anything. Anything ridiculous. “I wished we packed up the food. It looked really good.”
It works. He snorts and unlocks the car, releasing her hand. “Relax. I’ll feed you. Let that be the least of your worries.”
They sit in the car, but Harry doesn’t start it right away. Instead, he holds the steering wheel and takes several more deep breaths. After a moment of silence, Harry puts his head on the wheel.
Mia rubs his back. “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay.”
Harry doesn’t reply for some time. His eyes are shut, his eyebrows furrowed. She continues to rub his back and lean over to kiss his curls.
Finally, his eyes open and he sits back up. He secures his seatbelt and then starts the car. “Okay. Let’s go home. No wait. We have to feed you first. Then we go home.”
“We can place an order for pickup.”
“An excellent idea. Let’s do that.” He gives her a pointed look. “Pick a place and order from it. Without any fuss.”
Mia smiles. “Yes, sir.”
His eyes narrow and he leans in for a kiss. “Good.”
He puts the car in drive.
“Should we buy a baby name book? I saw one the other day that had a thousand in them.” Mia bites down aggressively on her crouton.
“I’m pretty sure we can agree on a name collectively,” Harry answers.
“We don’t ever agree on anything collectively.”
“This is really good. Are you sure you don’t want to try it?”
He looks at the monstrosity in front of her. A caesar salad but she’s coated it with pickle relish instead, and her pasta is covered with so much cheese and oregano, he can barely see the pasta underneath. She twirls her pasta on her fork and then stabs her relish covered romaine lettuce, shoveling it all into her mouth.
“No, thank you,” he says. “I’m sure it’s…very delicious.”
“Not even my drink?”
She’s having orange Fanta to top it all off. “I’m okay, baby. You know, if we weren’t sure that you were pregnant before, we’re definitely sure now.”
“You’ve gotta remind me that I need to get a doctor’s appointment. I can get it for Friday afternoon if that works for you.”
She says it so casually, it makes him pause, his drink half way to his lips. He puts his glass down. “No. I’ll get leave for it.”
She glances at him. “You don't have to. I mean I’m sure you've got a lot to talk about with your dad and taking off in the middle of the week won’t be so good.”
“It doesn’t matter.” He frowns. “It’s time your schedule stopped depending on mine. You know what? I should start taking three days off a week.”
“You already come home early on Fridays.”
“They can survive another day without me.”
Mia shoves another crouton in her mouth. “You know I love having you in the house. Maybe if you can't get another day off, you can work from home.”
“Yes.” His mind is spinning with possibilities. “That’s a good idea too.”
“I am full of them.”
Harry takes his napkin and leans over the table, gently wiping the corner of her mouth. “You sure are.”
Mia quickly finishes up her food. Harry passes her water to have insead of the Fanta and she drinks it down quickly before getting up and walking over to his side. He spreads his legs when he sees her coming, patting his thigh. She falls into his lap easily.
“Hey,” she whispers, tucking her head against his shoulder. “I’m a little scared.”
His arms are tight around her immediately. “Of my father? Don’t worry about that. I’ll handle it.”
She holds his shirt tightly. “No it’s not that. I know you can deals with him.”
“Then what is it, baby?” He kisses her forehead and runs his fingers through her hair. “Tell me.”
She’s quiet for a moment until she says, “What if I’m not a good parent?”
“Oh, Mia.”
“I mean, I wasn’t even around kids at any point in my life. And I don’t have young siblings. I’m going to have to buy a ton of parenting books. I don’t even know anything. Did you know that you’re not supposed to warm milk up in the microwave for babies?”
Harry gently tugs her chin up so she can look at him. “Mia, between us, I think I should be the most worried about being a bad parent.”
“Harry, I know you’re going to be the best dad, and I’ve never been more confident of anything in my life. But me? I don’t know. I just learned how to start caring for myself, and sometimes it feels like I’m still learning. You’re going to be perfect though.”
He shakes his head. “There’s no such thing as a perfect parent. There’s a big difference between a good parent and a bad one though.” He takes a breath. “We are going to try our best. Right? Isn’t that all we can do?”
“Right,” she whispers, turning her face against his neck, her nose against the column of his throat. “Together.”
“Always. You said it yourself.”
She sniffles. “Are you scared too?”
“Absolutely fucking terrified. But I’m also excited. And also very relieved that it’s you I get to share this with.”
She raises her head. “Me too.” She sits up, blinking her grey, teary eyes at him. “ But I’m also sad. You’re going to be such a hot dad.” Her lip begins to wobble. “And I’m going to have to pry all the women off of you when you drop our baby off at daycare.”
Harry tries very hard not to laugh. It doesn’t seem like the appropriate time. “I will not even give them the time of day.”
“I should get a shirt that says That DILF is Mine!”
“As long as I get a matching one.”
He wipes her tears away, ruining her mascara in the process.
She sniffles some more. “I really wanted to have sex tonight but now I can’t stop crying.” She buries her face in her hands and cries harder. “This is r-really,really bad.”
Harry can’t help laughing then. He clutches her close to his chest and rests his head on hers. “Exactly how I felt yesterday.” He rubs her back as she’d done to him in the car. “It’s been a long day. It’s going to be okay. I know it’s very overwhelming.”
For some time, he lets her cry, thinking of ways to make her feel better. “Hey, I was thinking,” he finally decides, “if it’s a boy, maybe we can name him Axel.”
That gets her to stop crying. She immediately says in an icy voice, “I will divorce you.”
“Well, how about something classic like Bobby.”
She pulls away from him quickly. Her eyes are dark and annoyed, eyelashes still wet. Her nose is red, her cheeks pink. She looks like a vision. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“No?” he says innocently, wracking his brain for another terrible idea. “How about Clover for a girl?”
“You’re messing with me.”
She growls, “What is this – the early 2000s? I’m buying that baby name book tomorrow. You’re terrible at this!”
“I will admit I’m not the best at naming things. I named my cousin’s dog Pikachu.”
“You’re lying.”
He wipes her face gently. “Nope.”
“I will be naming this child.”
“I absolutely refuse to give you that right. Are you angry? Now you won’t have sex with me because you’re mad, right?”
Her eyes narrow. “On the contrary. I want to have sex with you even more now.”
Harry laughs and gathers her close, standing up. Her legs immediately wrap around his waist. “So romantic. Well, since you insist.”
She’s still going on about how terrible his name picking skills are when they arrive in their bedroom and Harry gently puts her in the middle of the bed.
He sighs dramatically, unbuttoning his shirt with one hand as he looms over her. “Well, it seems like I’m really, truly wrong. I guess the only thing I must do now is apologize.”
Mia bites down on her lower lip as Harry drops his shirt on the floor and slides his hands up her legs under her dress. She parts her thighs instinctively and tilts her head back against the ceiling. “Yes. You must.”
He hums, pushing her dress up until she grabs it from him, letting it bunch at her waist. He kisses her hip bone, then her thighs. Slowly, taking his time. He gently bites down on the flesh, growing harder at the sound of her gasp. He presses a feather light kiss to the waistband of her underwear before slowly tugging it down.
“Mia,” he says softly, slotting himself between her legs. “My sweet girl. When did you get so wet?”
She glances down at him. “Um, when you were being super hot and angry at your father in the restaurant.”
“Which was well over an hour ago?”
“Well, I wasn’t going to jump you in the car!”
“I wouldn’t have minded pulling over. Or doing this first.” He emphasizes the word when a careful lick against her. Her hands immediately fly out to grab his curls. “You know I never mind. Now.” He holds her thighs open. “Let me apologize properly.”
His fingers dig into her skin as he slids his tongue over her again. He relaxes into the mattress, encouraged by her strained groans and tight hold on his hair. He knows Mia well. He could do this in his sleep. He knows exactly what types of touches she likes, when she likes it rough, or when she prefers to be teased. He could stay here between her legs for hours, days even, submitting to her in whichever way she pleases. His heart thunders in his chest at the promise of forever. He’ll have her like this, exposed, and he’ll be at her mercy. All that she’s done for him, all that she’s tolerated. How much she’s fixed him. If only he could repay her.
“So good,” she whimpers under him, raising his hips against his mouth to create more friction. He focuses his attention on her clit and then slowly presses two fingers into her, listening to her gasp at the penetration. “I love you. Oh I love you. I love you. I love you-”
All the discomfort he’s felt today is suddenly gone. All he’s aware of is Mia. He’s wrapped up in her. He’s all hers. Hasn’t he always been? He closes his eyes and loses himself in the sounds she’s making, her heavy breathing, and the taste of her on his tongue. He’s never had any issue in losing himself in Mia.
It’s just him and her. 
He couldn’t be more happy.
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mashbrainrot · 9 months
Henry Blake in 'The Interview'
In 2006, Larry Gelbart wrote dialogue imagining Trapper, Henry Blake, and Colonel Flagg had featured in the M*A*S*H episode 'The Interview'. Here is Henry's, with the original available to read here via Google Groups.
REPORTER: How does it feel, having the responsibility for saving such a great number of lives? HENRY: We just take ’em one or two, sometimes maybe twenty at a time. The big trick is not to start thinking of ’em as numbers – as just so many stats that go into a report that winds up in somebody’s filing cabinet under “out of sight, out of mind.” You’ve gotta always remember that what you’re dealing with is hurt people, people that have been run over by a war. REPORTER: And not just – HENRY: You gotta remember to take a peek at the odd dog tag now and then and remind yourself that that dangling leg or busted gut you’re going to try and put back together again is somebody’s dad or son or boyfriend – that all that blood and guts soiling your linen belongs to somebody that’s got a name attached to him.
REPORTER: You can’t afford to lose your sense of humanity. HENRY: There’s just so many senses you can lose over here. REPORTER: Humor not being one of them, obviously. HENRY: Around here laughter’s just crying without the tears. REPORTER: You have a family back home, sir? HENRY: In Bloomington. The one in Illinois, not in Indiana – unless things have changed since I went away. REPORTER: You keep in touch with them, of course, your family. HENRY: We write, we phone. Far apart as we are, I don’t think we’ve ever been closer. REPORTER: Would you like to say hello to them on television? HENRY: Be better if this was kissovision, but, yeah, can I? REPORTER: Go right ahead. HENRY: Lorraine? Hi, honey. Hi, kids. I got your report cards this morning and I had Radar go out post ’em on the bulletin board here so everybody can see why I’m so darn proud of you. Especially how you’re doing in math. You must get those brains from your mom. Got to be. Old as I am, I still don’t know how many tens to give someone for a five-dollar bill. (TO REPORTER) Thanks. REPORTER: That it? HENRY: That’s it. (TO CAMERA) Except I’m counting the days till we’re back together again. REPORTER: You have any idea when that will be? HENRY: I try not to have too many ideas. There’s always someone who ranks you who’s sure you’ll agree he’s got a better one. REPORTER: When you do finally get home, what are you going to tell your children is the biggest lesson being over here has taught you? HENRY: To always try to work things out, I guess. Whatever those things might happen to be. You don’t make your point killing the other guy. Even if you do it’s kind of wasted if the other guys not around to get the message. REPORTER: You seem – if all may so, Colonel – you seem near exhaustion. HENRY: What I am mostly is tired of being tired. We’re supposed to be a hospital but it’s more like a chop shop around here. We’re up to our elbows in people that other people are doing their best to chop down. REPORTER: That doesn’t lead to a lot of sleep, I would imagine. HENRY: I used to think of sleeping in terms of hours. How many did I get last night, how many will I get to steal tonight. I’m down to minutes now. It’s like somebody broke one hand off the clock. REPORTER: Does that ever affect your performance? HENRY: I fell asleep a few weeks ago in the middle of resecting a patient’s bowel. How’s that for exhausted? REPORTER: Does that fishing hat mean there are those times when you do get to get away from it all? HENRY: What it means is that I have to fish for those times. And let me say, the biting’s pretty poor. REPORTER: Business is too good around here. HENRY: Let’s just say it takes a whole lot longer to take a bullet out of a belly than it does putting one into one. REPORTER: Thank you, sir. HENRY: Can I say one more thing? REPORTER: Of course. HENRY: I just want you to know we all here are grateful for this visit you’ve paid us, this attention you’re paying to the job we’re doing. You get the feeling sometimes, being over here that, aside from our families, we’ve kind of dropped off the planet, that we’ve been kind of disinvited to the party – like everyone back home is busy living their real lives and for us to give them a call when we get back to town. (TO REPORTER) That sound too preachy? REPORTER: It sounded just fine, Colonel. HENRY: Henry. I’m a lot more a Henry than I’ll ever be colonel. REPORTER: Thank you, Henry. HENRY: Tell me the truth: didn’t that feel better? REPORTER: You’re an excellent doctor. HENRY: Hey – that’s why I’m over here getting 300 hundred dollars a month.
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ilygetou · 2 years
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pairing 𓏲 𓏲 nerd! armin x fem! bully reader
content + warning 𓏲 𓏲 reader is mean, kinda of sub! armin, teasing, edging, reader flashing her ass, armin obsessed with reader’s boobs, you sit on armin’s face, creampie, overstimulation, armin doesn't have any self control, unprotected sex, hand job during class, reader is mentioned to have big boobs, mommy kink, armin wears glasses, kinda clothed sex, reader rides armin/cowgirl style.
tag; @vampfuyu make sure to check her version of this but with dominant armin :D
navi. m.list
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Armin was walking to his next class, books in his hands, his hair being messy, eye bags under his eyes, and his glasses is on the tip of his nose. poor armin has been studying none stop last night, he basically pulled an all-nighter! you can’t blame him though, finals are close and he needs to pass all of his exams since it's his last year of high school.
As armin was walking through the hallways, he then passed by you, and as soon as you saw him you went and stood in front of him, "y/n..." armin muttered your name, "did you finish it?" you asked, armin took out your notebook from his bag.
"yeah, I also wrote today's math notes since you weren't there," a small smile formed on the corner of your lips, "perfect! I also need you to write me the physics notes, and, don't forget the assignment that is due in a few hours" armin just nodded his head though he didn't catch what your last words were, he decided to move on since they were probably not important.
A few hours later, you found armin beside the bathroom stalls, "armin! perfect timing! did you finish the assignment?" armin looked at you confused, "what assignment?" your smile quickly dropped, "my English assignment? the one i told you about two days ago?"
  armin started sweating, ah, that assignment, how could he forget? you have also reminded him earlier today, "i...i didn't finish it.." armin starts fiddling with his fingers, he was scared and nervous.
"why not!? i reminded you to finish it earlier! how could you forget?? are you trying to get me to fail this year??" armin looked at you surprised, "no of course not!"
you let out a scoff, "then what? how could you forget armin!" you began moving closer to the blonde-haired boy, "i-its... it's because..!" armin couldn't let a word out you were distracting him, you were moving closer & closer to armin which made him nervous, especially since your boobs were out & your cleavage was showing.
you noticed armin getting hard from your boobs, "what a fucking pervert" you angrily held armin's wrists and dragged him into a bathroom stall, you made sure to lock it too, "y/n...??" you ignored armin and cupped his crotch, armin lets out a yelp, as you kept rubbing it till you felt it fully get hard.
"hmm...armin, do you want me to help?" armin covered his face and looked away, as you started unbuckling his pants, this was normal for armin it would happen every time he forgot to do something you requested, it's not a bad thing, he did enjoy it after all.
armins dick sprung out of his boxers, it was very pretty, & it was average sized, which was perfect for you.
you peppered the tip with kitten kisses which made armin let out a whimper, you then fully took him into your mouth, not trying to waste any time.
armin‘s eyes fluttered, trying to keep them open to watch as you sucked him, his glasses falling to the tip of his nose as he let out quiet moans.
"y/nnn...p-plea–fuckk-!" you constantly kept sucking on armins tip since it's his most sensitive spot, & it made armin let out loud moans & whimpers.
"nghh–! m-mommy!" armin’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as his cock twitched in your mouth.
you suddenly stopped your movements, which made armin let out a low groan, "why'd you s-stop?" armin questioned & you didn't reply.
"'min...you really think I'd let you cum? after you forgot to write my assignment? 'min y'know that I'll fail if i didn't finish the assignment" you get up & pat your skirt, armin looks at you with half-lidded eyes, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.
you left the bathroom stall, leaving armin all alone, dick still hard, you just ruined his close orgasm. armin let out a quiet whimper but then he tucked his dick back into his pants, he could use his hands to finish off but he was already running late to class.
armin was in class, taking notes while also paying attention to what the teacher was explaining, you were seated next to him, you were so bored! there was nothing to do and the teachers explaining was so boring! you took a glance at armin and saw him so focused, an idea popped up in your head, you pushed your pencil (which was on the edge of the table) till it fell on the floor, you acted like you wanted to pick it up.
but then sneakily you went under the table and in between armin’s legs, armin still didn’t notice you, until you touched his thighs, armin gasped, all of his attention is now on you, he’s staring at you with a red face, “y-y/n?? what’re you doing?” he asks, obviously nervous and embarrassed.
you ignore his question and tug down his pants, his hard dick sprung out, you licked your lips at the sight of his pre-cum dripping from the tip of his dick.
your small hands wrapped around his length, stroking his dick & rubbing his tip with your thumb, armin quickly covered his mouth with his hands, trying hard not to let a moan slip out.
"h-hey y/n you should stop, someone might see you..." armin whispered to which you replied by squeezing his dick, which made armin let out a quiet yelp.
you stroked his dick slowly while armin was just shaking in his place, he can't continue holding his moans any longer, his dick twitched in your hands meaning armin was about to cum.
you panicked a little but then took armin's length into your mouth, & that was it for armin, the feeling of your warm mouth made him cum, ropes of thick salty cum filled your mouth.
once you made sure to swallow every drop of armins cum you tucked his cock back into his pants, armin stared at you, tired, you stared back at him & smiled at him before returning back to your seat as if nothing had happened.
later today your teacher assigned you & armin to do a group project together, which you were happy to accept, knowing you were going to make armin do all the work.
you & armin were bound to meet at your apartment, you suggested it because it's bigger & because your parents are out of town, meaning you two will be alone.
once armin arrived you greeted him with a grin, "make sure to take off your shoes" you said to which armin nodded to.
hours & hours have passed & armin was still working on the project, alone of course.
you were starting to get bored, you let out a long sigh until an idea popped into your mind.
"armin..." armin stopped what he was doing & gave you his full attention, "armin come with me i want to show you something" you continued before getting up from your place, armin tilted his head in confusion but decided to follow you anyways.
you headed to your closet, it was so big & had a lot of space despite it being full of your clothes, it can probably count as a bedroom.
"armin! 'm gonna try on new outfits that i bought & you're going to tell me what you think about each one!" armin blushed & looked away, "but what about the project...?" you shook your head, "it's going to be okay! we've been working on it for a looong timee."
yeah right, "we."
you later came back with a tight pink t-shirt with a short that wasn't even your size, "what do you think?" you said as a huge grin covered your face.
armin stood there speechless, what is he supposed to say? you look so fucking hot, that's for sure, but he doesn't know how to put it in words.
you also stood there patiently waiting for armin‘s answer, you stood there for a while as armin kept stuttering & avoiding eye contact.
"do you not like it?" a fake pout covered your face as you stared at armin with doe-eyes.
you were doing this on purpose. armin is sure of it.
you let out a sigh, "onto the next outfit," you walked away from armin to get changed, armin let out a sigh of relief, if this keeps going on for any longer armin doesn't know if he'll be able to hold back.
you came out again, but this time with a white crop top & a really short black skirt, "what do you think about this one armin?" you said as you twirled around which flashed your white panties to armin.
armin gulped as he felt his cock throb in his pants, he has to do something about it.
you started getting closer to the blonde boy making armin nervous as he started to sweat. fuck this, fuck you, armin doesn't care anymore, he can‘t control himself any longer.
armin suddenly groped your breasts which made you let out a gasp, "armin! what're you doing...?" armin ignored you & continued toying with your tits.
you suddenly pushed armin off making him fall on the floor, "y/n...‘m sorry...i-i just don‘t know what came over me...I j-just–" armin kept stuttering which annoyed you, "shut up! 'min if you were getting turned on you could've just told me," you stood in front of armin & if he looked just slightly upwards he'd be met with your clothed cunt.
& that‘s exactly what happened, once he saw how your panties hugged your pussy lips so well, so good, he couldn't help but mutter 6 words.
"y/n...p-please sit on my face..." you just stood there, dumbfounded, did what you hear was right? yeah, you definitely heard armin say he wants you to sit on his face.
you smirked & slide your panties off, "armin are you sure?" you asked armin as you swung your panties & spread your legs to give armin a good view of your exposed pussy.
"yesyes! p-please sit on my face!" armin didn‘t have to say it again, you immediately seated yourself on his face, your folds brushing on armin‘s nose, making you let out muffled moans.
you suddenly felt armins tongue lapping at your cunt, forcing his nose against your clit, you were letting out small cries of armin‘s name as he worked his tongue.
armin was hiccuping against your soft skin, while your hands were running against his blonde locks, tightening your grip on his hair every time you feel his nose brush against your clit, "'min...hnn–!! f-fuck...!" whines & moans of armin‘s name making the blonde boy cock twitch in his pants, his pants getting too tight, making it uncomfortable to move.
"arminnn ‘m cumming...ngh..!!" you came all over armin‘s face, covering his face with white sticky cum.
once you moved away from armin‘s face, you saw as tears pricked on the corner of his eyes, cum covering both his nose & lips, as armin was breathing heavily.
you noticed armin‘s very visible bulge, you cupped his crotch & tucked down his pants, his rock-hard dick hitting you on the face, armin‘s tip was flushed with an angry red color & pre-cum coming out of his slit, veins running alongside his cock.
you felt your pussy clench at the sight, "‘min ‘want to ride you...please..?" you stared at armin with doe-eyes, & he couldn't help but say "yes" you were just so hard to resist.
you positioned yourself on top of armin, sliding his cock slowly before you fully pushed it in.
shaky cries of your name filled the room as you moved your hips, armin thrusting his hips into you, "a-ahh y/n...! your pussy...s-soo good..!" armin couldn't even say one word without stuttering.
your gummy walls clenching on armin‘s cock making it hard for him to move, but instead, just let out shaky moans.
you moved your hips so good, so well & so fast, bouncing on armins cock with your head thrown back & muffled moans being heard from you.
armin‘s hands suddenly reaches your breasts & started squeezing them, twisting your nipples which made you let out a yelp.
you‘ve always known that armin was so obsessed with your tits, he loves them so much, they‘re his favorite thing to play with, but you always bully him for being so desperate to suck on them or to just touch them.
"momm–ahh..! f-fuuuck–!" a moan interrupted armin once you suddenly pinched his nipples making armins eyes roll to the back of his head.
"‘m close! ‘m cumming! y/nnn..! ’m cumming..!"armin‘s dick twitched inside you & started filling you up with his hot sticky cum.
that‘s also all it took for your walls to spasm around his girth as you began to milk his cock, moaning at the feeling of hot spurts of cum filling you up to the brim.
once you & armin settled from your high orgasm, you got up & as soon as you did, you & armin‘s semen started dripping out of your hole.
you let out a sigh, "a-armin we should clean," you felt so hot & sticky which was uncomfortable, armin stared at you with half-lidded eyes, he was too tired to move.
armin once again looked at you, tears in the corner of your eyes, hair messy, your breasts drenched with sweat, & lastly, his cum still dripping out of your hole.
you let out another sigh & bent down to armin’s level, "listen, just because we fucked doesn‘t mean you’d get to do as you please, got it?" armin gulped & because he was too tired to even speak he just nodded his head.
"now hurry up & follow me to the bath" & armin did as he was told, he followed you to the bath despite him being too tired to move.
to be completely honest...you actually quite enjoyed armin’s company, you loved having him around.
maybe...you do have feelings for the blonde boy after all...?
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lilacsbeeswax · 3 months
happy birthday to your account!! for your writing event, can I please have Lilies 🌺 with work song by hozier and sirius black? thank you🖤
Work Song
Part of my 2 year milestone event!
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Boys, workin' on empty
Is that the kinda way to face the burning heat?
I just think about my baby
I'm so full of love I could barely eat
Work, work, and work Sirius swore these days it’s all that he did. Back when his dream of running his own tattoo shop was nothing but that he had had no idea what it would entail.
For the past week, he had been clogged with appointments. So many people had wanted custom tattoos, so he was drawing constantly. Then, it came to actually doing the pre booked tattoos which could take hours. As well as, walk ins that paid well, but took just as much time. Even when sharing the work load with James it was hard. Remus was out on vacation meaning Sirius had to take over bookkeeping and running the business. He swore he’d never have to do math, but there he was doing basic algebra at 8 am.
In short, Sirius was absolutely swamped. He had even been sleeping (albeit only a few hours) at the shop. His overfull mind only becoming more painful in the hours away from her.
Her. His only paradise. His pretty baby. The only girl for him.
He got small tastes of Y/n throughout the day, but it didn’t satiate his desire for her. Everyday at 11:30 am, she would bring him lunch during her break at her own job. She could be doing anything else, but she wanted to spend her rest time on him. Sirius loved it so much he felt sick. Often, he would be thinking about her so much that he wouldn’t be able to eat. He was unable to stomach the sweetness that he felt he never deserved.
There's nothing sweeter than my baby
I'd never want once from the cherry tree
'Cause my baby's sweet as can be
She give me toothaches just from kissin' me
Sirius walked into the apartment on Saturday night exhausted. Y/n called out to him, “Siri? Is that you?”
He didn’t respond quietly slipping off his shoes and coat. She turned the corner, running up to him and nearly sliding on the laminate floor. She wrapped her arms around him, placing her forehead on his.
“Hey baby,” Sirius sighed. “I missed you.”
She leaned away and smiled at him. That sweet smile that made him feel like he was going to faint. “I missed you more!”
Sirius moved to brush a thumb against her lips relishing in everything about her, before his gently pulled her into a kiss. It was soft and sweet and if he didn’t know better, Sirius would suspect he was going into cardiac arrest.
Boys, when my baby found me
I was three days on a drunken sin
I woke with her walls around me
Nothin' in her room but an empty crib
And I was burnin' up a fever
I didn't care much how long I lived
But I swear I thought I dreamed her
She never asked me once about the wrong I did
Y/n and Sirius had met many years ago, back when he was a self-described man whore and carried way too much trauma to hold on his own.
He had been a mess. Drinking constantly, using, and not being able to hold a stable job. Despite all of his problems, she had pulled him up and out of it.
Sirius had lost yet another job the day he had started that fateful drunken binge. Maybe, it was the cheap vodka or the combination of it and the weed, but he had called her.
When she arrived at his place after a very concerning phone call, you had found him on the floor half dead. From then on she never stopped taking care of him. She never asked what really happened.
My babe would never fret none
About what my hands and my body done
If the Lord don't forgive me
I'd still have my baby and my babe would have me
When I was kissing on my baby
And she put her love down soft and sweet
In the low lamplight I was free
Heaven and hell were words to me
Y/n and Sirius got ready for bed and laid down on their soft shared mattress for the first time in what felt like weeks.
She ran her fingers over his scarred up arms and chest. She kissed his lips, while caressing the marred skin. Sirius pulled away and kissed down her neck, nipping at all of the places he knew she liked. Out of the corner of his eye he could see her smiling under the dim lamp light.
“Fucking hell, you’re heaven.” He chuckled, saying a word between every soft peck of her neck.
“I could say the same about you, Siri.” She giggled, pulling him close to her, not planning on letting go anytime soon.
When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I'll crawl home to her
Lying there wrapped around the love of his life, Sirius couldn’t help but smile, knowing no one and nothing could take him away from his baby.
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zorosq · 1 year
date gone wrong ; asl
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↻ fluff, chaotic brothers, law kinda ooc, sabo being overprotective, ace being extra, luffy is emotionally intelligent, modern au, grammatical errors
↻ pairing ↬ asl x (platonic) fem!reader! x law
anonymous asked: Hello!! I'd like to ask if I could ask you for a modern!au where the reader as Asl's little sister dating Law (I'm sorry, I just really love this emo doctor hehe) and spends time with him and they follow them to watch their date! if you don't like it, please just ignore it). thank you in advance!!
a/n i really love all these asl requests 😭
the sun was high in the sky. it was the perfect day for a date with your beloved boyfriend. you gave yourself a quick touch up before leaving the house with a huge grin on your face. as usual, he looks at you with the same blank expression.
if it wasn’t for the light pink that tinted his cheeks, you would’ve thought he doesn’t actually love you. “ace, sabo, luffy! i’m going out!” you notified them before closing the door.
“sabo,” ace spoke in a serious tone, giving sabo the ‘look’. the blond nodded as a response while luffy looked at the two of them in confusion. “huh? am i missing something?” he tilted his head.
law had been such a gentleman throughout your date. although he doesn’t show it, you knew that he was enjoying the date too. unknown to you though…
ace, sabo and luffy sat in the coffee shop across the ones that you were in. sabo acted naturally, ordering a drink for him while enjoying it as if he wasn’t stalking his sister’s date. “luffy, what do you know about him?” sabo asked in a quiet tone.
even though the two of you had been dating for a few years now, you had only made known about your relationship to your brothers a few months ago.
“tra-guy is really smart. he helped me with math but he always calls me stupid,” luffy laughed.
sabo’s gaze only hardened. “smart, huh… but not smart enough to stay away from our sister,” he frowned, crossing his arms together as his eyes met with ace. “should we keep moving?” ace asked in a secrecy tone. sabo nodded.
the two of you moved to your next dating spot. law had promised you last week that he would be the one to do the planning for your date this week.
so when he asked to for you to close your eyes, you were a bit skeptical. he had never done this before throughout the few years the two of you had been dating.
you felt his hand intertwining with yours, enveloping your hand in that familar comforting warmth. “where are you taking me?” you asked quietly. “it won’t be a surprise if i tell you,” law mumbled under his breath.
the trio looks at the two of you suspiciously. “where is he taking her?” ace asked, his eyes slowly filled with panic. “oh, i bet he’s going to propose!” luffy said in a quiet excited tone. the two brothers snapped their head towards luffy. “what?”
“isn’t it obvious?” luffy tilted his head at his brothers. “he looks nervous,” the younger male pointed out.
“you can open your eyes now,”
slowly, you opened your eyes before adjusting to the lights around you. he had taken you to the park where the two of you first met. “is this a special occasion? why did you take me here?” you asked, smiling softly at him.
“i just, feel like it,” he cleared his throat, looking away from you. before you know it, your three brothers suddenly jumped into the open, standing right in front of you. luffy has a big smile painted on his face, ace's expression was as if he was about to cry while sabo...
well, he looked quite angry.
“what are you guys doing here?!” you scolded. “he’s going to take you from us!” ace argued. you looked at them in confusion. “what are you talking about?”
“he’s going to propose to you,” luffy chimed in, his smile stretching even wider. your eyes widened and you quickly looked at law. “i... wasn’t,” the male said in confusion. “then why did you look so nervous?” luffy frowned, now even more confused by law's confession.
“i was... going to ask her to move in with me,” before you could answer to that, sabo had already raced you to it. “no, you’re not going to take her away from us,” he crossed his arms together, looking at law up and down skeptically. “oh, i thought that you were going to be my brother,” luffy frowned. you could hear ace’s sigh of relief beside you.
you put your hand on sabo's arm in hopes to calm him down slightly. “sabo...” you gave him a pointed look. “i’m a grown adult! how long are you going to see me as your baby sister?” you sighed. “i can make my own decision,” you crossed your arms.
“fine,” the blond male sighed, looking away from you with a pout present on his face. you shook your head lightly, chuckling at his childish behavior. you knew that he only worry about you. a little bit too much.
but you still love all your brothers the same.
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avis-writeshq · 1 year
DETENTION — Damian Wayne 
inspired by ‘detention’ by melanie martinez
a/n: HELLAUURRR!! returning with a damian wayne fic, how typical of me hehehe >:D i actually wrote + worked on this fic for a while now, maybe two months ago? so i'm glad i've been able to post it!! i haven't edited it that much aside from the times i had to reread it to continue writing, so if there are any issues, lmk!!
tw: guns, stalking, kidnapping, s3xual assault, blood, psychopathic tendencies (not by reader or damian), arson, prayer talk, if there’s more lmk!
rating: 16+ for mature themes, coarse language, and mutual pining
wc: 6k
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“Morning, Damian!” You smile, waving in greeting as you fell into step beside him. “Did you finish the maths homework?”
He nods, muttering a quiet greeting before fishing his exercise book out of his bag. “Of course I did.” He relishes in the way your eyes lit up as you grabbed the exercise book, quickly turning to the current chapter you were on. “How are you never able to do your homework on time but–”
“– But you’re the one protecting Gotham, yes, Damian, I know.” You roll your eyes as you finish his sentence, having heard the ‘lecture’ one too many times. “I was busy providing sanctum to the sad citizens of Gotham through cheese, garlic, and tomato.”
Damian was well aware of your job at Maria Pizzaria, one of the best pizza places in all of Gotham, and he was happy that you were enjoying your job — even if it did mean you couldn’t do any of your homework for the next day.  
“Alright, hurry up and finish your homework,” he says, chuckling at your frantic scribbling. “What time did you sleep last night, anyway?”
You groan, not ceasing your writing as you respond, “you don’t want to know. Ms Sanders decided to give me a one-thousand-word essay to complete, so estimate on that.”
Silence settles between you for a few moments before you snapped the books closed with a grin. “... and done! Thanks, Damian, you’re a lifesaver – literally. Oh! Did you hear about the new student? Her name’s Lilith, I think. I’m surprised you didn’t tell me about it earlier.”
Strangely enough, the name didn’t seem to ring any bells in his head. Maybe this student was incredibly new, but it’s weird that he hasn’t heard about it from his role as vice president. 
“I actually wasn’t told about any new students,” Damian remarks as the two of you enter the classroom. 
“That’s… weird.” Your brows furrow in confusion. “Did you turn up to all the meetings? Read all the emails?”
“Who do you take me for, of course, I did,” he huffed, taking his usual seat beside you in the centre of the class. “I never heard anything about it.”
You hum, taking in his words with full confidence that he was telling the truth. If there was one thing Damian never did to you, was a lie (aside from when he hid the fact that he was Robin from you – but that was on Bruce’s call, not his). 
“Alright class, can I get your attention please!” The teacher claps their hands with a broad smile. “Everyone, we have a new student today! Lilith, why don’t you introduce yourself?”
A girl, mousey looking with dark brown hair with blonde ends, piercing brown eyes, and she looked innocent enough. Just your average high schooler. But her eyes seemed… off. It was almost like she wasn’t all there. At least, it looked like that to you. Nevertheless, you were never one to judge a book by its cover, so you quickly offered to show her around the school. 
Lilith, as the girl was named, took the offer happily, saying in her thick Maine accent, “thank you, Damian. Oh, and Y/N.” Which you thought was weird, seeing that neither of you have introduced yourselves yet, but you figured that if she talked to the student council, they must have mentioned the both of you at some point. 
“No problem!” You smile, but Damian was unmoving, his eyes narrowing at Lilith and you notice the way his jaw clenches. “Damian…” You hiss under your breath, “welcome the new student.”
He doesn’t say anything, instead choosing to nod in acknowledgment. He moved his seat so that it was almost as if the two of you were sharing a table while Lilith sat in front of you. 
“Anyway,” You turn your attention back to Lilith who was staring a bit too hard at Damian for your liking. “I can show you around the school after class. Can I see your timetable?”
“Sure,” Lilith pushes her glasses up, digging into her bag. “Here you go.”
You read through her timetable, humming and nodding at the subject choices. “I have a few classes with you! That’s good, I can show you around then as we head to class. What do you think?”
“Is Damian coming with us?” She asks, raising an eyebrow. 
“Uh…” you falter, trying to ignore the small stab in your heart the statement made. 
“I’ll be there,” Damian cuts in quickly, and you don’t miss the way he brushes his pinky with yours from under the table. 
You notice how her smile widens at his announcement, and you shift awkwardly in your seat. There was one thing you knew for sure – 
“I don’t like her,” you announce to Damian over the phone, “she seems sketchy.”
“What happened to ‘I never judge a book by its cover’?” Damian snorts, and you hear a page being flicked in the background. “But, I do agree.”
“Maybe she’s just nervous,” you say, more to yourself than to him as you move to sit on your bed. “I mean, she is at a new school. Maybe she just feels awkward about it.”
You can practically hear him nod as he reads his book. Today was one of the rare times he didn’t have a patrol. Instead, Dick decided to take his place, saying that ‘a kid like him needed some down time’ which, to be fair, you couldn’t deny. 
“I agree with you,” Damian says before continuing, “give her a few days though to adjust. We can see her true nature then.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” You say, eyes glancing at the digital clock that was glaring at you from your bedside table. “Sorry. You’re probably tired. You go get some sleep – you always sleep past midnight.”
“Coming from you that means nothing,” Damian remarks, and he laughs when he hears you groan in frustration. “Okay, I’m going to bed soon. I just have to change Titus’s litter box and finish the physics homework Mr Daven gave me.”
You grin at his words, “imagine taking physics. And you’re supposed to be the smart one.”
“Why do you think I’m taking physics?”
“Shut up.”
You hang up on the phone a few moments later, falling backwards on your bed with your back against the pillows. What you didn’t know – and who would have thought – were two brown eyes who stared into your window. 
“I didn’t know you work here.”
A familiar – albeit, annoying – voice enters your ears and you do your best not to cringe. Lilith seemed to be following you everywhere. The mall, your classes, your hangouts with Damian, and now here. At Maria Pizzaria. When you saw her at the doorway, you felt the bile in your stomach begin to rise.
This has been happening for weeks now and you doubted that it was a coincidence. Damian understood your worries, saying that he’ll do a background check on this so-called Lilith Hart-Stone. So far, nothing. He did checks on her family, on her previous schools, on her life in general and it all points to one thing: completely and utterly normal. Even still, you couldn’t shake the uneasiness you felt every time she walked into the room. Damian would do his best to reassure you every time saying that she was ‘harmless’ and that he ‘wouldn’t let her hurt you if it came to it’. 
“Aneko can you take her order, please?” 
“No problem, do you mind sending this over to table 5?”
You nod, wordlessly taking the margarita and pepperoni pizzas to the table. You feel a sinking feeling in your chest, and you really hope that this ‘bad feeling’ is just you being paranoid. 
Your shift continues, long and dragging, throughout the night until 10:30PM sharp. Grabbing your bags and leaving through the back alleyway exit, you make your way to the main street. 
“So, you really do work here.” 
You flinch, spinning around to meet eye to eye with the one and only Lilith Hart-Stone, the very person you were told not to worry about. Her hair was put into two messy space buns, and an eerie grin stretches across her face. She reminds you of someone – some anime character or something – from the way she’s dressed. It’s nothing too crazy or abnormal: just her school uniform with her skirt rolled up a few times too much so that it rests a couple of inches above her knee. Even still, she looks weird. Scary, even, and you remind yourself to be on your guard.
“What about it?” You ask offhandedly, taking a step back. Bad move.
The twisted look on her face seemed to grow, and you do everything you can to not show fear, but the look on your face must have translated what you were feeling. 
“Oh, come no, Y/N. No need to be aggressive.” She giggles, high-pitched and jarring, and it takes everything in you to not cover your ears. “Don’t worry, Y/N. It’ll only hurt for a minute.”
And before you could question it, you feel a harsh blow to the back of your head, and everything fades away into yellows, greys, and blues. The last thing you see before fully slipping into unconsciousness is the evil glint in her brown eyes as she steps toward you. 
Damian doesn’t see you the next day in school. He waits outside the school gates well into the first period, and when you don’t arrive by the second class, his stomach doesn’t settle. Lilith didn’t come to school either, he notices, and he feels the burning in his chest worsen. Something was wrong – very wrong – and he pulls his phone out to call his father. Bruce answers immediately, knowing full well that Damian never calls during school hours. 
“Father, I fear something happened to Y/N.” Damian is running now, away from the school, ignoring one of the teacher’s cries of disapproval. “It might have something to do with Lilith Hart-Stone–”
“Talking about me, are we?”
Damian spins around, his eyes meeting the sinister eyes of the girl he was just enquiring about. 
Bruce asks through the phone, “Damian, what is going on?”
But he doesn’t respond. Instead, he focuses on the girl in front of him. The mousey, innocent-looking girl who didn’t seem to pose a threat. But, of course, nothing is ever as it seems.
“What did you do to Y/N?” He demands, eyes narrowing to slits as he slips his phone into his pocket.
“I’m insulted that you’d think I’d do anything to little Y/N.” She smirks. “Not that you’re wrong.”
Damian clenches his jaw, balling his hands at his side, ready to strike. His tone is dangerous as he demands, “What did you do to her?”
“Temper, temper,” she cackles before clicking her fingers, the smirk on her face never fading.
In an instant, two men are at Damian’s side and he twists around to land a sharp punch to one of their faces, and a harsh kick to the other’s torso. The men retaliate accordingly: one aiming for Damian’s head and the other aiming for his side. ‘They’re amateurs,’ Damian scoffs to himself, jumping out of the way and landing a blow on one of their necks, effectively knocking him out. The other man was not happy over the fact that a kid – even if he is almost 18 – knocked his partner out in the time span of five minutes, and aimed for another blow to Damian’s head. But Damian was quicker, and smarter, too. He grips the man’s fat wrist, pulling him down and socking him in the nose. 
Easy. Too easy. Something was amiss. Then he feels it. He swings around, just in time to dodge another attempted blow to his head, but not in time to dodge the knee that hit his stomach. 
Damian chokes, falling back on impact, his school bag as a cushion. The one who hit him in the stomach takes a hold of Damian’s collar, punching him across the face (finally landing the blow), before pinning him to the floor, face first, while another man pins his legs to the ground. There’s no escape. 
Lilith fishes his phone from his pocket, eyes flashing with excitement. Bruce, on the other end, is chanting, “Damian? Damian?” To which she responds with pure malice:
“Damian is a little busy right now. This is Lilith, by the way, but I’ll call you back soon. See you, Batsy!” She hangs up. 
“What do you want?” Damian asks from the floor, cheek scraping against the gravel with each word. “Unhand me!”
“I don’t think you’re in the position to be making demands, little bird,” Lilith squeals at her own words before nodding to the men. “You know what to do.”
Damian feels the pressure on his legs leave, and the man who gripped his collar lifts him one more time, and he takes in the smell of chemicals on cloth.
The cold air whips Damian’s face as he awakes, his eyes blinking as they adjust to the bright city lights. It is dark now – around 7, Damian figures – and the bright city lights flash in his view. Lilith stands over him, grinning ear to ear. It is only then that he realises the situation he is currently in: wrists chained to a pole on the roof of some skyscraper, and you sat in front of him, seeming to be in the same position.
“So the little bird finally decided to wake up after all.” She shrieks with delight as his eyes open. 
Damian grits his teeth as he fights against the metal chains. “What are you trying to do?”
Lilith hums sadistically, playing around with the gun in her hands. “You know what? I’ll amuse you. I’m doing it because I’m in love with you.”
Her words make him sick. His stomach churns and he tries not to gag. She thought that he’d be in love with her too? After all the stunts she’s pulled? What kind of person did she think he is?
“I know, I know… ‘I don’t even know you’ and all that.” She rolls her eyes, flicking her dyed hair over her shoulder. “But what you don’t know, my love, is that I know plenty about you – everything – about you. I know what time you go to sleep, what your hobbies are, how many pets you have, all your brothers, and where you came from. I know the exact route you take to get home, I know your favourite food, your secrets, everything.”
She lets out an almost sad sigh as she says, “I just don’t know how you feel.”
“That’s an oxymoron,” Damian scowls, eyes narrowing to slits, “and I feel disgusted.”
Lilith laughs, and the sound is like nails on a chalkboard. “My naive little bird. I mean… physically.”
She’s close to him now, her face was in front of his and their noses are almost touching. Her free hand tiptoeing up his chest. He pulls away, baring his teeth in retaliation. 
She scoffs, “you put me on too low a pedestal, Damian, while you make her out to be an angel. Tell me, Robin, why is that?”
The boy spits back, “Someone like you could never understand.”
She scoffs in surprise. “Don’t tell me… you’re in love with her! Big, bad, Damian Wayne – Robin himself! – is in love with poor, little, Y/N.” Lilith laughs a manic, psychopathic laugh, and Damian suppresses every feeling of wanting to lash out and yell. She continues, “and to think of all the trouble that could happen if this little… scandal came out.”
Damian doesn’t hold back as he tries to lunge at her in anguish, the cold metal chains digging into the flesh of his wrists. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh, but I would,” she smirks mockingly, and Damian watches in horror as she lifts your chin with the barrel of her gun. “Y/N was so nice to me, too… but she’s the one who’s taking you away from me.” Her eyes flash dangerously, “But if I can’t have you, no one can.”
She drops your chin, and Damian sucks in a breath of relief – at least now he had a little time to come up with a plan. His father should be here any minute, but she’s armed and dangerous. She has two hostages, himself and you. There’s a fire escape on his left, but it seems to be barred and chained, preventing any sort of escape. Damian swears silently to himself. He should have seen the signs. He could have prevented all of this but he didn’t. He knows exactly what you would say to him if you heard him – “it’s not your fault” and “you couldn’t have known”. 
Lilith chuckles darkly, “you should see your face! Your look of regret…” With a powerful swing, the hilt of her gun made contact with the side of Damian’s face. “Pathetic,” she muttered, and Damian watches as she checks her watch, a sinister smile stretching across her face. “Oh don’t worry. I’ll be back soon. I just have to get your father’s permission to be yours.”
She snorts, “not like it matters! You’ll be mine either way – especially if you value your life.”
His eyes widen, Father. Of course, all his father was doing was buying him some time. He watches as Lilith skips away, swinging the gun haphazardly as she leaves the rooftop. Now was his chance. Pressing a button on his watch, letting out a breath of relief at the feeling of the machine turning on, preparing for usage. Seconds later, he was free from his bonds, and he shook out his wrists, muttering quietly to himself, “thanks, Pennyworth.”
He rushes over to you, shaking your shoulders in an attempt to wake you up. “Come on, Y/N…”
A quiet, almost inaudible, groan squeezes past your lips and Damian’s heart relaxes. He got to work at your bonds, and they gave way relatively easily – the chains that were wrapped around your wrists were rustier than his. You fall forward into his arms, shaking you awake, and you grunt in discomfort. 
“Y/N…” He lets out a breath of relief, helping you up to your feet as you massage your temples. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” You mumble, clutching your head as you adjusted to the bright city lights. “What’s- what’s going on?”
The boy pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, his gaze shifting to the barred fire escape. “You remember your friend Lilith?”
Your expression changes with the blink of an eye. “She did this? Are you okay? What did she do to you? Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine,” He says gently, brushing some hair out of your eyes. “But that’s the least of our worries. We have to get out of here.”
“Damian, wait. You have to know what I heard.” You let out a breath, catching his arm. “When she knocked me out, she didn’t do a very good job at it. I went in and out of consciousness and- and I could hear everything.”
“What are you talking about?” Damian demands, holding your arms as he searches your eyes for an answer. “What do you mean?”
“She’s going to set the whole building on fire. She’s going to–” the words get caught in your throat and you shake your head in disbelief. “She’s going to burn us alive. Damian, there are people in here – civilians.”
The vigilante freezes at your words as he processes the severity of the situation. How many people could be in this building right now? There are around fifteen stories, from what he could tell, but it was already past the average working hours. Maybe five on each level? That’s still seventy-five people inside the building. He had no way to contact his father – Lilith and her lackeys decided to take his phone – and from the looks of it, you didn’t have anything on you either. 
From down below, he could hear the commotion of police officers with their loud sirens and bright lights. One of them was holding a megaphone, ready to state their claims, while firetrucks and police officers readied themselves if anything were to go wrong. 
“We need to get out of here and evacuate everyone,” Damian says, eyes flitting from the locked door and the officers on the ground. “I’m going to jump off the building.”
Your eyes budge out of your head at his words, snapping your head to look at him so quickly you got whiplash. “What do you mean you’re doing to jump off the building?” 
“There’s a hose next to the fire escape, we’ll use that. It’s bound by a metal fire reel and you’re going to hold onto it. I’ll scale down to the floor below us and break the glass. Then I’ll open up the fire escape.” He lets out a breath, blue-green eyes looking at you intently. “(Y/N), can you do that?”
“I-” you stammer, head reeling with the fact that you needed to support Damian, an almost 18-year-old who was mostly muscle and reached six foot two last Tuesday. “I- I don’t know, I’ve never–”
“(Y/N).” He says your name in a way you’ve never heard him say it before; with a softness and a kindness that sounded strange coming out of his mouth. “You can do it.”
You exhale, eyes shifting from the ground, to the hose, and finally to him. “Okay.”
He smiles, and you can tell it’s meant to be reassuring, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Okay.”
In moments, he’s attaching the hose to his belt loops and you’re testing the strength of the hose. The thick plastic is enough to give yourself a heart attack – what if itsn’t stable? What if it breaks? What if it unties? – but you have faith in Damian. He’s Robin; he can do this. You can do this. 
“On the count of three,” Damian says carefully, standing on top of the balcony wall. 
“One…” He tightens his hold on the hose. 
“Two…” You widen your stance against the brick safety wall that separates you and the 150 feet fall. 
He begins to fall, and on his command, you grip the hose as tightly as possible, your feet digging against the wall. You feel him come to a stop and your heart lurches as you feel the pressure sink into your stomach. 
“I’m going to swing now!” You hear him yell and you wonder how his voice doesn’t waver. 
“Okay!” You scream back and your grip tighter. 
He swings, and you can feel weight of the hose shift with each movement. You’re praying now, you don’t know who’ll hear you, but you’re praying that he’ll be okay. 
Once, twice, three times he swings and finally, the fourth time you feel him swing back towards the building you hear a shatter. The glass gave way. He’s in the building. 
You’re still gripping onto the hose just in case until you hear him call, “I’m in!” 
The adrenaline is still pumping through your body, and you release the makeshift tether, collapsing backwards onto the harsh floor of the rooftop. ‘He’s okay,’ you repeat in your head, trying to calm the quickening pace of your heart. ‘He’ll be here soon. He’s going to evacuate everyone then we’re free. We’ll be okay. We’ll be okay, we’ll be okay, we’ll be okay…’
The rattling of the lock on the fire escape snaps you out of your thoughts and your heart quickens in your chest. ‘Please, please, please…’
Your gaze doesn’t shift from the door, begging to whatever higher entity there is that it’s Damian. And when the red metal door finally swings open so that your eyes meet with blue-green ones, you’ve never felt more relief in your life. 
“You’re okay.” You breathe, and you shake as you get back onto your feet, stumbling towards him. “You’re okay, you’re okay…”
He chuckles, reaching out and bringing you closer to his chest. “I’m okay. You did good.” His lips brush against your forehead and you can feel the tears in your eyes begin to fall. “You did really good.”
He pulls away from you, his gaze softening and he cups your face in his hands, swiping his thumbs over your cheeks. “We have to get out of here. I don’t know how long father can stall her for.” He pauses before continuing, “are you okay?”
You nod, head still spinning and heart still pounding in your chest. “I’m okay.”
“Let’s go.”
He doesn’t risk using the elevator, instead choosing to run down each flight of stairs and ordering for everyone to leave before the building to erupts into flames. The loud screams of the workers fill your ears as you continue to go down each floor of the skyscraper, but when you finally get to the lobby, everything seemed to be eerily quiet. 
“There’s no one here…” you pant, hands on your knees as try to catch your breath. From the corner of your eye, you can see the civilians running outside and being questioned by the police. Luckily, all were safely escorted outside while you and Damian trailed behind just in case someone was forgotten.
The crashing of a vase makes you whip around behind you, only to be met with the sinister eyes of Lilith herself. She lets out a strangled scream, her hands pulling at her hair as scrunched up her face. Her breaths heavy and her eyes narrowed dangerously into slits, she whips the gun from her belt, pointing at the two of you.  
“You!” She screeched, hands trembling. “You little bitch. You always want to make my life miserable!”
Damian pushes you behind him and you know what he’s really trying to say. Get out of here. But you know better than to leave him here by himself. 
“Always getting in my way,” Lilith rattles on, glaring at his actions. “Always acting as if you’re better than me. Well jokes on you! This building is going down, and you’re going down with it!”
“Lilith, let’s talk about this…” Damian says slowly, and he side eyes the exit. “You don’t have to do this.”
Another scream of anguish escapes from the girl, and she fires a shot into the air, hitting the ceiling. You jolt at the sound, eyes widening at the hole in the roof. 
Damian’s gaze darkens. “Drop the gun, Lilith.”
“I have to do this!” She screeched, hands trembling. “The building is about to catch on fire anyway! Burn in hell!”
“Lilith, you don’t need to do this!” You try, “we can–”
She lets out a laugh at your words. “There is no ‘we’ in this equation! And you’ll never understand because you get everything you want in life! So shut the fuck up!” 
The sound of something exploding from the floor above you makes you jump and you feel your heart jolt in your chest. Damian’s hands find yours as another explosion sounds. Bigger this time, and Lilith’s lips stretch to a wide grin. Smoke begins to billow from the doors and so does the fire. Another bang! on your left near the exit, and it promptly lights up with reds and oranges. Waiting area is quick to catch flames and the smoke fills your nose and lungs. 
“Ooh, it’s almost done! A few more explosions to go! You know, I thought you were going to be on the roof by the time I was done, so I rigged the whole thing to start at the top floor but…” She trails off, swinging the gun around again before meeting your eyes, “now I can watch you burn.”
Damian scoffs and he pushes you towards the exit. You start running just as he speaks, “Over my dead body.”
Lilith shrugs, lifting the gun and aiming it directly at the Wayne heir. “That could be arranged. But…” the smirk returns. “I’d rather kill her.” 
She doesn’t. Instead, she points the gun at you and fires. You try to move, you try to get out of the way. Your mind is screaming at your legs to do something – anything – to avoid getting shot. Damian is running after you, trying to take the bullet, but it’s too late. 
A searing pain burns through your abdomen and you press a hand to where the pain sits. Crimson stains your shirt and you look up. Your head is spinning and a metallic taste settles in your mouth. You stumble backwards, just in time to fall into Damian’s strong arms. A sharp beeping sound starts screaming in your ears along with Lilith’s loud cackling. In a quick movement, he picks you up and starts running out the door, only for the building to erupt in flames seconds later. Black spots line your vision and you see people in dark blue uniform surround you. Damian is yelling something, you can’t make sense of it, before he presses his forehead to yours. 
“You’ll be okay,” you hear him whisper, “I’m so sorry.”
You want to ask, ‘what are you sorry for? It wasn’t your fault.’ But as the noise starts and you feel someone take you away from him, the only thing you can do is close your eyes. 
“Thank you…” you mumble, taking the glass of warm water from Alfred. 
He smiles in return, “of course, Miss (Y/N). Let me know if there is anything else you require. I understand it must be difficult to be here.”
Your current situation involves one of the many spare rooms at Wayne Manor after your surgery, and despite how loud the manor usually was on your visits, the area Alfred placed you in was all too quiet. In fact, you would think that the entire family was avoiding you – best friend included. 
“It’s okay. Thank you for letting me stay here.” 
“It is our pleasure to have you here,” Alfred responds graciously, and you know he isn’t lying. “I’ll have Miss Barbara change your bandages tomorrow if that is alright. Ring the bell if you require any assistance.”
“Thank you, Alfred. And you know you can just call me (Y/N) right?”
He chuckles, shaking his head. “I am aware. However, I believe that calling you Miss (Y/N) is more suitable.”
With that, he bids you adieu, and you’re once again left to your own devices. The silence of the room has you shivering despite the warm cup in your hand. The books you half-finished lay haphazardly on the bedside table, and the tv on the other side of the room deemed itself to be useless when you’ve watched every good Netflix show in the past two and a half weeks. 
You glance at the clock; fifteen past one. You would usually be asleep at this time, but it hasn’t always been easy. The pain medications make you drowsy, sure, but the feeling of sleep doesn’t wash over you like it once did. Before Lilith. 
The newspaper sits on your bed, the front cover bearing words you so desperately wanted to read. ‘The perpetrator who kidnapped the youngest son of Bruce Wayne alongside local teenage girl pronounced dead in skyscraper fire’. To you, those words released the weight from your shoulders. You didn’t have to be scared anymore. You shouldn’t have to be scared anymore. But you were. No one in the Wayne family, except for Alfred and Barbara, have spoken to you since the incident. To be fair, Dick was in Bludhaven and was probably still caught up in his work to even notice what was going on in Gotham. Jason hasn’t been to the manor in a while doing some sort of undercover mission. Tim was with Stephanie on a mission (to Greece, of all places!) while Cass came and went as she pleased. But out of all of them, you would have at least expected for Damian to show up – even if it was just for a moment. 
The quiet creaking of the door lulls you out of your thoughts, and your eyes widen at the sight of the person in front of you. 
He doesn’t say anything for a moment. Neither do you. But like everything, the silence must be broken. 
“You should be asleep,” Damian says curtly, stepping out of the doorway. 
A scoff exits your voice. “You shouldn’t have to wait for me to fall asleep to visit me.”
He flinches at your tone, a tone that you’ve never taken with him, and he closes the door. “I didn’t think you would have wanted to see me.”
Anger replaces your faux disappointment and you shoot him an icy glare. “I was knocked out, kidnapped, almost a victim of arson, shot, and you don’t think I would have wanted to see you?!”
You throw the covers off of you, stumbling as you stepped over to him. “I almost died, Damian, and you didn’t think I wanted to see me best friend?” Your chest aches and you can’t tell if it was from the gunshot or from your heart. “You thought I didn’t want to see the person who went through the same thing as I did?!” 
You jab a finger at his chest, tears falling down your face, blurring your vision; you can’t see his reaction. “I saw you jump off the fucking roof! You jumped off the roof and- and-” you swallow the lump in your throat. “You could have died! We could have died and you avoided me! I haven’t seen you in weeks, Damian! You could have been dead for all I know! And the last time I saw you was the second before the doctors took me and-”
He gently brings you into his arms, effectively rendering you speechless with surprise. With his arms wrapped securely around your waist and his nose against your jaw, you wonder if this really is the same Damian you knew before the incident. 
“I’m so sorry,” He breathes, pulling away to look you sincerely in the eyes. “This never should have happened, I– (Y/N), I failed you.”
“You didn’t fail me–” he scoffs in protest but you continue, “–you saved me.”
He shakes his head adamantly, squeezing his eyes shut before opening them again. “You shouldn’t have needed saving in the first place. You got hurt out of my own inadequacy and my own misjudgments. You got shot because of my incapabilities and foolishness. None of this should have happened.”
“No.” The word comes out harsher than intended but you speak nonetheless. “Lilith fooled everyone. It’s not your fault she did what she did. And you saved me, Damian. You saved so many people that day. Without you, none of them would have made it out of the building. We wouldn’t be here right now. You got us out of that mess – a mess that you didn’t make.”
He’s quiet for a moment, gently leading you to your bed to sit down and he sits besides you. He dries your tears with his thumbs, cupping your face gently with his palms as he does so. 
“You shouldn’t have to look at a failure.”
“Dames, you’re the furthest thing from a failure.” You rest a hand over his, gently stroking the back of his hand with your thumb. “You’re a hero.”
You press your forehead against his and you feel him lean into your touch. “I love you.” He whispers, not an ounce of shame or guilt or embarrassment in his words. “I love you so much.”
You smile, your heart bursting in your chest at his words. “I know. I love you, too.”
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reblogs are always appreciated!!
no hate to people who have the name lilith 😭😭
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