#tbh not completely happy with how this turned out but i feel like i learned a lot
gingermaple · 5 months
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scott mean gills smajor
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taesankisser · 5 months
bf!leehan thoughts <3
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warnings: fem!reader implied, i am DELUSIONAL!!!, comforting (no serious content warnings!)
song rec: take my hand by zerobaseone
writing under the cut!
bf!leehan, who is so observant when it comes to you and your emotional needs. he’s always there for you when you need him, and can always tell when something isn’t right. it can sometimes catch you off guard with the way he’s learned to read you, but it’s become one of the many ways he makes you feel loved. he can see through even the thickest of your masks, and it makes you treasure him even more because he can see you in a way that most people can’t.
bf!leehan, who is the best at listening because he’s invested and nonjudgmental as well as really focused on your needs in the moment. he’ll let you talk forever if that’s what you need and it’s so endearing because he’ll watch you with the most engaged puppy dog eyes, paying attention to everything you said. he’s one of those people where when you talk to him you actually feel genuinely heard and not just listened to, he makes you feel seen and valued. he radiates quality time energy, so this is also be super beneficial in the sense that it satisfies that social part of him as well as his need to spend quality time with his lover. talking things out with him is genuinely just all around beneficial to your relationship because you both feel loved through it.
bf!leehan, who is so easy to love because of how laid back and calm he is. he has that silly/goofy side to him, but at the same time he’s quite calm, which causes him to be such a safe haven for you. when things get hard and stressful, he’s right there waiting for you with open arms. he’s reliable in the way that when it feels like everything in your life is falling apart, he isn’t and he’s by your side through everything. he makes things a lot more bearable through the hardest of seasons.
bf!leehan, who loves doing skin care with you. by the time you’re well into your relationship, you’re practically a beauty guru with the way he’s taught you everything. he makes sure you do it every night, even when you’re tired. you always opt to do with him so it’s not as tedious or boring. you two share products and he loves doing masks with you. you get into the routine of doing a face mask at least once a week as a way to bond, while also taking care of your skin! he’s so cute in the way he’ll look out for new products and share new tips he learns. overall, the cutest self care bf ever!
bf!leehan, who turns into a completely different person when you agree to go look at fish with him. if you initiate an aquarium date, he’ll literally look at you with the biggest heart eyes ever. you go to the aquarium at least once a month (sometimes different ones too to explore and see more fishies) and it almost becomes like a regular date you two have. you love going with him, even if you’re not the biggest fish enthusiast like your boyfriend. you love it because he gets so excited, it’s such a simple thing that makes him light up, which makes your heart happy just like his in those moments. you two really thrive off making the other feel happy, comfortable, and cared for in your relationship.
author’s note: this was requested by a sweet anonie so i hope you all enjoy! i cried on the inside while writing this tbh because i am madly in love with him… we’re not getting into it so BYE! have a great day/night!!
- lots of love, solar!
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xjulixred45x · 4 months
Your platonic yandere fics are so good. I wonder what other JJK characters are like as yanderes. Can I request for Yandere choso hcs. I wonder how unhinged is he
Choso is baby Even as a Yandere tbh but it's too cute to not do it🥺 thanks for the Request
Yandere Choso Kamo: General Headcanons
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: neutral
OK! To set the stage, Choso is an overprotective, clingy, and somewhat obsessive yandere. with both a romantic and platonic Darling. just in different ways.
I think that regardless of the type of Darling Choso has, some characteristics remain. such as, for example, that they meet randomly.
What do I mean by this? You see, Choso does not understand the bases of normal human relationships, his relationship with his father is unstable at best and although he did not know his mother he knows that he loves her, so if we add Yandere to the mix it turns out that It turned out something quite... strange.
Darling can know Choso from literally anywhere, from having seen them on a mission, from having interacted with them on an outing, from being part of the school of wizardry and an ally later, etc.
Any of these scenarios can unleash Choso's interest and his growing obsession, but they have their bases in common.
I think Choso would be attracted mainly to a maternal Darling, precisely because of the lack of a maternal figure in his life and at the same time the love he has for his own mother, a Darling like that brings him a nostalgic feeling.
Choso tries to get close to his darling in a "normal" way when he realizes that this could help them not to be afraid of him, generally by having certain "casual" encounters (which is actually Choso stalking them and following them to meet them).
In this way he establishes a certain bond of trust between him and Darling, he wants to be seen in the light of friends. That is until he realizes that it is not enough for him. who wants more.
That's when the obsession becomes more dangerous, he starts wanting to be around darlings almost all the time but settles for stalking them, thus learning more about them.
This way he can also get rid of what he considers threats to Darling, other harassers, annoying coworkers, certain people who discovered him, etc.
Eventually Choso would discover (probably through Darling) the concept of a couple. which for simplicity is someone you LOVE very much and with whom you spend a lot of time. someone you want to make happy and protect.
Choso realizes thats what he wants to make it happen between him and Darling, that they be a couple. but at the same time he has NO IDEA how to do it.
although I can see Choso eventually becoming bolder with his advances on Darling, which purely based on her reaction, he may continue or stop completely.
things like holding hands in groups of people, giving a one-armed hug, saying goodbye with a hug that lasts a long time...
His attitude and predisposition depends a lot on Darling's reaction to his advances and attempts to start something else.
If Darling is within the scope of agreement, then Choso's questionable attitudes increase by 130%.
He insists on being with Darling absolutely all the time, whether it's going out, going to buy something, even when they want to be with other people.
His more obsessive side comes out, now that he and Darling are together he wants to be aware of EVERYTHING he can and has been missing.
He's surprisingly good at manipulating Darling into doing what he wants, and he doesn't do it on purpose! He just wants them to be with him and sees it as "a means to an end." He doesn't like the manipulation process.
He can begin to share more personal things apart from what we already know, like the death of his brothers or how horrible a person his father is, the discrimination he feared from humans but that Darling fortunately didn't give him and instead I give him love... those kinds of things usually come out so that you see him as someone more innocent than he really is.
In this way he makes Darling go through some other red flags, such as his clinginess, his need to know everything about you, the fact that he mysteriously knows where you are all the time...
clingy AF, he really likes having physical contact with his Darling, hugs especially. although he is not against kissing in the least.
Although in general it is usually the most pleasant case, just don't do anything that scares him or endangers your life and he is putty in your hands. damn You could even manipulate him back into abandoning some of his most annoying tendencies. It would take time, but it would be worth it.
If we go to a case of a less confident Darling who doesn't know if they wants a relationship or not, Choso is a little confused about what to do. Because he knows he loves them, but what to do if they don't know what they want?
show them what they want maybe?
Not by kidnapping, but probably giving them a good scare and making him jump before it gets out of control. Choso is not a fan of hurting Darling, quite the opposite, but they have to learn that he is what they need to be safe.
With this type of Darling he would be considerably more manipulative (intentionally even) and would try to make them see that everything he does is for their own good, that they justify it themselves.
In this scenario Choso would be more honest with his yandere tendencies. more terrifying.
now...if we go to a completely unwillingy Darling scenario...things get bad.
Let's say Choso disappears from Darling's life for a while, much to Darling's relief because it would be pretty awkward to talk again right away after being rejected.
But what they don't know is that Choso would probably be stalking them even more than before, yandere tendencies aplenty.
Choso would be aware that there is something that prevents Darling and him from being together, so he stalks them to "protect" them and know what causes this. Where does this attitude come from?
If Darling already had a partner before all this...not anymore. I'll just say that.
Choso is jealous, but his jealousy, rather than being directed at Darling, is directed towards the people who take up his time. How dare they have Darling's attention and manipulate them to stay away from him?
Darling is innocent in his eyes and can do no wrong.
I think he would use kidnapping as a last resort or if he feels that the current situation is too dangerous for Darling to be out on his own, and yet he (completely unintentionally again AND sometimes Intentionally) manipulates them into believing just that and that it is better to stay with him.
no matter how much Darling screams, cries, etc. They are not going to leave.
Although Choso offers them emotional and physical comfort, he knows that what he is doing is not entirely right, but he prefers this to Darling getting hurt in some way.
is JJK's yandere from whom Darling is most likely to develop Stockholm syndrome.
and if he does, Choso would be quite confused but at the same time very happy! He sees it as confirmation that he was fine all along.
ROMANTIC Yandere Choso tends to be more clingy than PLATONIC Yandere Choso, who tends to be more overprotective.
The case of a platonic yandere is much more limited than a romantic yandere. and I dare say, better.
Choso is one of the few Platonic yandere who doesn't really have any problem with his Darling living his life as long as he is there, although of course, he is still very creepy and overprotective and clingy to an unhealthy level.
He is more likely to meet you being your part of the Sorcery academy, for example.
We could say that he is the archetype of mama friend taken to the extreme. He wants to know where you are going, with whom, at what time, for how long, why-
apart from the fact that he takes great advantage of his "big brother rights" so that Darling has no privacy. Things like "door privilege" or being alone with someone for a long time is a big NO NO for him.
He says that it is to avoid possible unpleasant scenarios, he genuinely believes that if he leaves Darling alone something bad will happen to them. very paranoid.
Escaping from him in any case is quite complicated, he is with you 25/8 and even if you manage to get out of wherever he has you, he will most likely catch you in less than 1 hour, him being a nervous wreck.
He is stronger and more resistant than the average human being so it is no use hurting him, he regenerates super fast.
I don't think I've made this clear enough, but I'll do it now, Choso would never ever EVER hurt Darling, not even when they try to hurt him or when they've had many escape attempts, just NO-
He has suffered because of someone horrible in the past himself, he does not want to feel like that person but above all he does not want to make Darling feel the same as he felt in those moments. so it doesn't matter if Darling throws him, he'll put up with it, he can't get hurt conventionally so it's fine.
Regardless of how you ended up as a sorcerer, you are now under his charge, according to Choso. You need someone to guide you and he will be that someone.
In part you probably reminded him of his brothers, either the ones he hasn't been able to meet or even Kechiku and Esou. which causes overprotection to skyrocket.
There's no way he's going to let darling know the curses he work with, especially Kenjaku and Mahito. If any of those two try to get close to Darling Choso is prepared to fight LIFE for them.
If Darling wants more independence, it will be quite complicated, not only because Choso makes it difficult, but because in general he tends to leave Darling quite incapable, that is, to depend on him.
but at the same time it is easier to handle it with a platonic Darling, because sometimes if Darling just wants time alone you just have to give him a few cuddles and ask him with big doe eyes and a lot of please. eventually Choso relents.
or, as I said before, use your own mind games against him to get him to give you what you want! It doesn't mean you could convince him to let you go free. But at least you would get more freedom.
In general, regardless of what type of yandere he is or what type of darling you are, Choso is quite soft as a Yandere, he genuinely doesn't know that what he is doing is wrong a lot of the time.
He wants to protect you and take care of you with all his heart, even if you don't want it or don't think you deserve it, Choso will take care of you. He loves you after all.
That's what you do for the people you love, right?
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
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weskin-time · 1 year
listen, i'm throwing this request in here because we frankly don't get enough of this in the x reader tag, character x injured/sick!reader. it doesn't even have to be anything super angsty if you don't want it to be. like i just want the fluff of an overwatch character fretting over reader with a sprained ankle lmao
(any characters are okay tbh, write for whoever you have ideas for!)
Hello anon!! i hope this works for you! i had a lot of fun writing this and i might make more later on. >:3
please give me more OW requests. mm brain rot <3
TBH i don’t really like genjis one i might rewrite it later on so keep an eye out for a post
D.Va, Genji, Ramattra X GN!Hurt/Sick!Reader
Not beta read
cw- injury, pain,
Hana “D.Va” Song
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gaming with your girlfriend was almost mandatory as you started your relationship
you were fine with that, in fact you were happy to join in her streams and hang out with D.Va and finish to get some quiet time with Hana.
But. you two played different types of games.
You loved character driven story games, open worlds and side quests
and she was a world champion, mmorpgs, real time strategy games, fast paced games you never really tried
But she asked one day if you wanted to play LOL with her on stream you said yes of course
but wow was it a learning curve, and a new thing you had to adapt to. fast paced clicking and key mashing hurt your fingers and wrists.
you have no idea how Hana doesn’t have wrist problems worse then she does if you just played for a few days and your pointer finger felt stuck and pain would throb in your forearms.
Hana ended stream that night and took a breath to regain her self. You were chilling in the same room as her, her set up more impressive than yours as you turned off your own PC and turned your chair to face her.
Getting up from your semi uncomfortable office chair you walked over to her as she stretched, you went to grab her water bottle to refill it for her but as soon as your hand grabbed the bottle pain shot through your forearm and wrist making you involuntarily wince.
Her eyes shot to you in worry before she completely understood what happened, “Aww I hope i didn’t push you too hard that last round.”
You chuckled and shook out your arms, it really didn’t do much. “It’s hard to keep up with you in these games Ms Professional ESports World Champion.”
It was her turn to laugh, “Get good.” She got up and grabbed the bottle herself and shut down her PC. “You good though? Got Gamers wrist?”
“Up my forearms and everything, clicking finger is sore too.” You flex your fingers trying to get the stiff feeling out.
“Didn’t you used to play a religious amount of Cookie Clicker back in the day, without auto clicker?” She points out as you follow her out of y’all’s gaming room and to the kitchen.
You have a scoff, “My child self didn’t know what that was, i was rich on cookies. And it didn’t hurt all this bad.” You rested against the island.
She paused by the fridge, filling her bottle up with the water. “I have some extra wrist braces if you’d like, they work wonders.”
“Please.” Your response came instantly before you could even process the last part of her sentence. It made her snort with how desperate you sounded and she almost overflowed her bottle.
“Come here, give me your arms.” She turned around and leaned against the other side of the island in front of you.
You did and held out your forearms to her with a confused look.
She wrapped her hands around for forearms and began to squeeze them, massaging them firmly, perfectly in the place where it hurt the most. A whine left your throat at the feeling of sore pain meeting soft comforting pain. Her fingers dug into the meat gently as she circled the muscle, slowly making her way down to your wrists where she provided the same treatment. Your head rested on the island counter as you slumped over, heaven was in her hands.
“Thank you Hana.”
“You’re welcome bunny.”
Genji Shimada
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sleep deprivation sucked.
2-3 hours a night was all you were going off of. it wasn’t enough to keep your brain healthy or your body.
constant headaches, unfocused eyes, micro sleep, confusion, it all was ass
but there was nothing you could do in the moment to fix it, you just kept staying awake at night to either game or finish work projects and paperwork.
sickness sometimes finds you when you’re like this, nauseous from lack of sleep, headaches making your eyes hurt.
you tried your best to fight back the sleep that demanded itself, but failed.
Genji was silent in his approach to your desk, you knew he was there, you could sense him.
Your laptop was too bright, your eyes were unfocused and you could barely feel yourself slowly lean forward to the desks surface. A hand on your shoulder wakes you up enough to realize you were holding down a single key on your keyboard and the open document on your screen now had a long line of Vs.
“Hiya Genji.” you slur almost, as you closed your eyes only for the entire world to pulse around you, sounds were too sharp and too dull at the same time, breathing in and out seemed to take all your strength, but your strength was elsewhere trying to fight off sleep.
“You don’t look too good.” He stated flatly, his helmet off as he rested in comfortable clothing.
You glance up to see him, eyes focusing on his face, “Thanks.” was all you had the energy to respond with.
He looked at your laptop, reading what you were writing but telling by his confused and concerned face you think you just wrote gibberish that your brain thought sounded like a normal sentence.
“How long have you been awake?” His voice dripping with concern but his voice buzzed in your ears and bounced around your head for a second before you could process what he said.
“I’ve had 5 hours of sleep this week.” You yawn and look away from his wide eyed expression.
It was Saturday. 11pm.
Your body didn’t have enough energy to even move it felt like.
“Okay,” he dragged out the word and closed your laptop. “Let’s get you to bed yea?” The way he said it made you know there was no changing his mind.
You didn’t want to admit you needed sleep but at the same time your head was throbbing and the thought of cuddling with your Genji was enough to perk you up more.
You mumbled out an okay before trying to stand on wobbly knees, your body feeling light yet heavy at the same time. A flesh hand came to steady you and hold you before you heard a sigh and suddenly you were swept off your feet and being carried to the bedroom.
“You need to take better care of yourself.” Concern laced his words as he placed you on the bed carefully.
“I know I know,” you made a grabby hand motion at him and he smiles, soon making his way to the bed as well, cuddling up beside you. You used his still flesh side as a pillow as he laid on his back. “I’m sorry Genji.”
He ran fingers along your scalp, scratching softly, putting you in a trance. “I know you don’t do field work anymore but you still need to rest.”
“I will, I will.” Was all you could mumble out before almost instantly falling asleep. the last thing you felt was his lips against your forehead.
The next morning Genji barley let you leave the bedroom after you slept for nearly 14 hours. He made you food and sat and ate with you in the bed while the two of you watched Cowboy Bebop. Your work could wait till monday, you just wanted to enjoy the last day of the weekend resting with him.
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you were out for a walk with Ramattra
the spring air buzzed with life as you two passed by trees, bird song filling silence, bees resting on flowers as they bumbled their fat little bodies around
it was a nice walk, one to clear your mind and his systems, just to think and be together
you didn’t see a tree root and you fell and ate dirt, twisting your ankle
“oh ow ow ow ow ow.” you let out a string of curses from behind clenched teeth.
Your ankle throbbed, it felt warm and tingly at the same time, pain shooting through your foot and up your shin. You do what your dumb brain tells you to and you roll it to make sure it’s not broken, thankfully it isn’t but the pain takes the air from your lungs with a sharp gasp.
Ramattra stared down at you on the ground, unmoving as he studied you. He watched as you tried to get back up with only the use of one leg, holding onto a tree for support as you stood with your leg raised like a dog that’s paw got stepped on.
“Fragile things you humans are. You tripped and now you can’t stand?” His voice wasn’t as harsh as it once was many moons ago, but he still said it with some form of exasperation.
You set your foot on the ground, testing it and instantly regretting it as pain erupts again.
You ignore his comment, “Oh gods I don’t know if i can walk back.”
“Weakling.” He said but held out his arm for you to take. There was no malice in his vocal synthesizers.
You did, leaning against him. Thanking him as you both turned around and took a step to head back to base. As you tried to put weight on your ankle you winced and let out a hiss.
“I really fucked myself up good.” You laugh a little as you stare down at your feet.
“Do you need me to carry you?” His voice buzzed with slight concern, you wouldn’t have noticed it unless you had spent enough time with the Omnic, and you have.
You look up at him with a smirk, a look that pokes him, “You goin soft on me Ram?”
He tenses a tiny tiny bit more than he already was, “No!” He said a bit too quickly. “It would take us ages to get back with your condition and I am not going to wait on you. It would be faster for me to carry you there. Simple.”
You ponder for a second, before nodding your head. Why would you ever give up the opportunity to be carried by this giant?
Ramattra let’s out a fake sigh and grabs you by the midsection, lifting you up and placing your butt on his right shoulder. You were expecting to be carried in his arms but sitting on his shoulder was way more fun already. You felt like a bird resting on his broad shoulders.
“Thanks, you big softie.” You pat his head to make your point.
He moves his right arm to hold your hips, keeping you stable and you use his arm as a grip. “I’m not doing this for you.” He grumbled but the way he made sure you weren’t going to fall off said otherwise.
He waited for you to give the word and he started to make his way back, you on his shoulder and enjoying being really tall.
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larcenywrites · 7 months
Could you write about how Tony is with a younger gf that's like half his age? And maybe a lot more energetic than him if you know what I mean 🤭 I understand if age gaps make you uncomfortable and you don’t want to write it though!
I’m into age gaps given the right circumstances, and I completely understand the appeal! I wasn’t quite sure what to write since it’s not something I really put much thought into anyway, but I think it turned out okay and pretty cute :)
Warnings: 18+ for sexual references and themes | mentions of Dom/sub stuff | age gap obviously | like two feminine/she/her pronouns used
💠 Tony doesn't particularly mind either way that his s/o is (a lot) younger than him, but admittedly, he didn't expect that he'd end up with someone younger! He figured he'd prefer someone closer to his age, with whom he could share similar experiences of life...
💠 But the world works in mysterious ways! And it definitely works in mysterious ways when you find yourself in a loving relationship with Earth's grumpiest Avenger! Well... one of Earth's grumpiest Avengers 🤭
💠 It's partly his older age and partly his stressful job that has him tired and irritable, but lucky for him, you found this grumpy old man sweet and handsome 🥰
💠 And now he’s your grumpy old man 🥰
💠 He’s always had a thing for being the more dominant one. He wants to be bigger and stronger, the protector and provider, and his older age helps play into that!
💠 He definitely loves to spoil you! Anything you want!! He just loves spending money on his lovers, but in a way, he’s kinda showing off 🤭 not necessarily to you, but to prove that him being older still has its advantages 😉 a much younger man probably couldn’t treat you this well 💅
💠However… there’s often a difference between how much a person in their early 20s works and how much a person in their 40s works. You may not be used to your boyfriend working like 8-9 hours a day nearly every day! It might be quite the learning curve not having him around as often as you’d be used to :( Tony does feel pretty bad about it, he can remember being much more free and clingy too, so he cuts you some slack when you wanna bother him at work or in the lab 😉🩵
💠 He loves when he can teach you new things! He has a soft spot for it 🥰 even if it’s just the cleanest way to separate the egg yolk or just, like, how to do taxes, he enjoys being helpful and teaching you new things :) it’s cute tbh 🥰
💠 And he also loves getting to watch you practice things and keep learning things!! Are you cooking a ton of new things every day? Awesome! Even if it’s the same stuff or doesn’t always turn out good!! If you’re a college student, he’ll adore watching you work and read!
💠 You’re also from a whole different generation than him, so you’ve probably got a few things to teach him, too 😌💅 From new music to social media! While he’s still not really into the latter, he does enjoy all kinds of music!
💠But because you’re from different generations, his gestures may feel a bit more… old fashioned? But they’re classy! Always bringing flowers, always kissing your hand, always offering his arm for you to hold onto on a walk, offering his coat— it’s enough to make you feel like royalty honestly 🥰
💠 Though, it may feel a bit weird at first hanging out with his little social circle? They’re pretty much all Tony’s age, so you may feel a little out of place. Rhodey is actually quite welcoming though! Well, you weren’t there when he teased Tony about it a little 😅 but it wasn’t aimed at you! Honesty he was just happy to see his friend going out again :) in fact, Rhodey is probably the first person you’ll meet! After all, Tony’s parents aren’t around, and there’s no one else quite so important and close to him 🥲
💠 But don’t worry, Tony feels just as awkward with your similarly-aged friends 😅 and he was very nervous to meet your friends and/or family! Shit, he’s likely the same age as your parents 😭 while that might make things a little awkward as well… it’s actually pretty nice that they can share and bond over their very similar experiences and childhoods!
💠 Sometimes he wonders what his parents would think… but he’s pretty sure his dad was older, too! He likes to talk about them a little bit, and about his younger years. It probably kinda reminds you of how your own parents talk about how they grew up and how different it was from how you did, but it’s much more cute to hear Tony talk about it 😘
💠 Obviously loves to be called Daddy, but the age gap really has it driving him up the wall 😈 it's an authority thing, a power thing, and definitely a Dom thing 😏 and plus, you’re probably more, uh, innocent than he is 😏
💠 Bunny, princess, little deer, sweetie— he has all sorts of pet names to remind you of not just the age gap, but the gap in your power dynamic, too 🥴
💠 He definitely also loves teaching you new things in the bedroom 😈 there’s gotta be something you haven’t done yet if you have been sexually active before, and he’ll be sure to figure it out and teach you right 😌😉
💠 But he is still older, probably a lot older, and that does come with some… differences. Sure, he can go for a while, but once he cums a time or two 😮‍💨 he’s down for the count! So when you still want to go for another round, he’ll probably just have to hype you up while you touch yourself, or you’ll just have to settle for his hand 😅 it is kinda cute, the way you can tire him out 🤭 and he does find your high sex drive pretty hot 😘 he can go again as long as you can wait like an hour or two! The cuddles are great, though, if you do fall asleep 🥰
💠 He calls you the Energizer Bunny since you can go for so long 🤧 but he can remember being like that, too, when he was younger 🥴
💠Sometimes he (maybe a bit sad or insecure) jokes about if only you’d been able to meet him when he was younger, but give him a little kiss and remind him how glad you are to have met him now 🥰🥰🥰🥰
💠 He never thought he’d be insecure about his age, but… he is a little :( especially if you do comment on a picture of a younger him about how hot he was 😔 young age had him so naturally sculpted and more physically inclined. He was very pretty, huh! And while he’s obviously still strong, he’s got a little bit of tummy, and scarring, and crinkles in the corners of his eyes— a shame you didn’t get to see him back then!
💠 “You’re so silly, Tony~” you scold lovingly, interrupting his reminiscing of the past. You enjoy hearing his stories, but not when he starts to beat himself up! Another quick kiss shuts him up 🥰 And eventually he stops worrying so much about it 🩵
💠 But… Tony Stark dating someone younger? Possibly someone even like- half his age or more? It’s bound to gain traction in social media. Of course, some are positive, some are not, but either way, he really doesn’t want to deal with it :/ and he really doesn’t want you to deal with it :( and it kinda makes him feel worse that you have to :(
💠 But he’s gotta admit: your brighter mood and energy has made him happier, even at work! He wants to do stuff again! Like take you to his favorite cities and go on picnics and to the aquarium! Like the dates he took plenty of exes on when he was your age and loved 🥲 sometimes he even comments about how you make him feel young again 🥰
💠 And when he says stuff like that, you’re probably like “🙄 You sound old when you say stuff like that 🤭” but without skipping a beat, he makes sure to correct you.
💠 “I am old 🤨.”
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leincendiaire · 8 months
anyways salty thoughts. dont expect me to be nice
this is the one problem not exclusive to the finale, god ed's character arc just. didnt do it for me at all. I excused it before cuz I thought it would pay off as the season went on but nope. he never had a genuine apology moment, just that youtuber apology like gag and the cat collar joke. like they literally show us how the crew was completely scarred by his actions but theyre later just completely fine with him on board???? and stede keeps being his biggest stan when I think he would have been like hey what the fuck!! im sorry I hurt you but I am not responsible for your actions and you hurt my crew whom I hold very dear!! I love ed but Fuck he really went too far those first episodes and he never makes up for it. they only ever focus on His Own self journey, not how he hurt and traumatized practically every other character.
"well, I think narratively izzy's death made sense but—" no!! no it fucking didnt!! im sorry but it was just lazy writing!! they didnt know what to do with him so whoops he gets shot in the dumbest way possible. like, this aint my first rodeo, it aint the first time ive seen a character start off on their character journey to happiness only for writers to give up on it and kill them off. it's a tiring fucking trope tbh and I really wish they hadnt fallen into this trap. like his death scene wasnt good either, if youre gonna do it at least focus on his relationship with the crew, you know, the people he came to accept as family? not the man Who Shot Off His Fucking Leg And Almost Killed Him? I know they had an important relationship but that shit should have been talked about way beforehand, it deserved closure. they should have acknowledged they werent good for each other and made peace with it. izzy deserved a death with people who actually made him happy. ALSO THEY BURY HIM ON FUCKING LAND?????? he spent his life at sea!!!! he is the most devoted out of everyone to being a pirate and you bury him next to your fucking inn???? fucking twats istg
lastly I swear they forgot stede is the main character. they forgot literally everything about how to write him. he gets No Focus in the finale, and every scene he is in is bullshit. I actually wanted to punch my screen every time there was a joke about him being incompetent or whatever. like, hello??? thought we left that shit in s1??? he had Multiple Episodes about learning to be a pirate and adjusting to his new life and gaining more skills but no. he is just silly old loserboy for his cool war criminal boyfriend now. literally no skills or experience whatsoever. ok sure yea thats totally how he acted the rest of the season. also the fuck is it with him staying behind to run the inn with ed?? wasnt the whole conflict last episode their different desires out of life, with ed wanting to start a normal life and stede wanting to be a pirate?? when the Fuck did he change his mind. who are you and have you done with my boy
honestly I feel bad because jenkins is actually a good writer and the whole fandom really expected a lot from a man making his second show, and I think there were a lot of budget cuts and production issues so I can see why it turned out this way. he is probably mad about this too, I bet the cast also, like even the acting in this episode didnt feel passionate, and thats saying a lot since these actors really love this show. im just frustrated. man. time to write fics ig
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galacticseonghwa · 7 months
dangerous - Jeong Jaehyun
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INCLUDES: angst, no real plot, 3am writing, break up, it's messy writing tbh, based on madison beer's song dangerous. a/n: not proofread yet wc: 661
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the love story of you and him was one most of your family and friends wished they had. you and him were so happy together, you two did almost everything together. from just sitting in each other's company, to grocery shopping to even attending work functions together.
then one day it all just stopped. he left faster than you could comprehend, leaving you with “i swear to you that it has nothing to do with you. but i just can’t do this anymore.”
your perfect love story was broken in half so quickly that you had no time to dwell and really feel your heart fall apart, not until mark pulled you to the side and asked you how you were holding up.
“i’m trying my hardest to just exist at this point. he left so suddenly i didn’t really have a chance to grieve so to speak. i’m not too sure exactly how i feel.” you spoke, your voice shaking and tears spilling over your cheeks and onto the sleeve of the jumper you were playing with.
mark looked at you with the saddest look anyone had ever seen on him. he knew how much you both loved each other, so he was just as confused as to why jaehyun had left you when everything was going almost perfectly.
jaehyun on the other hand, was hurting just not as much as you were. he had no idea why he chose to leave you. he thought it seemed like the right thing to do at the time, he didn’t want to drag you down with him.
but a few days later you two sat before the other, your heart shattering more than you thought possible. his hands sweating and heart racing as he looked at your shallow eyes. the sparkle he had learned to adore more than words was gone.
“y/n i…” he trailed off as your eyes met his. you didn't look like yourself. you were still eating and sleeping properly, you weren’t going to let a man hold that much power over you but to him, he couldn’t just figure out what had changed.
you scoffed quietly as he couldn’t finish what he was saying. you wanted to know, you needed to know why. “tell me the truth, jaehyun. what did i do?” your voice came out shaky, but you coughed to clear your throat.
jaehyun looked at you with a sad frown, his mouth opening and closing before turning away from you with tears in his eyes. “look at me! why can’t you tell me?” your voice grew harsher as he continued to stare at you.
“i’m sorry y/n” the tears finally left his eyes and ran down his cheeks as he looked at you, all the feelings rushing to the surface and choking him from the inside out.
you weren’t ready to give up the upper hand that you had at this current moment. “no, it can’t be this easy to let me go.” tears ran down your own cheeks as you scoffed. you tried to hate him for how he left you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do so. you still loved him.
“it was at first, it was so easy.” that was his first mistake. you stared at him bewildered, his eyes widening as the gears in his brain finally started churning. “wait baby, no! i will admit it wasn’t hard for me at first because i just up and left but after a couple of days of realising what i’ve done to us, to you. it’s been so hard.” his second mistake.
“if you say so, guess i make love too dangerous for you.” you spat at him, before getting up and storming away from him. after jaehyun watched you walk away he threw his head into his arms and cried.
clutching his chest as he struggles to take in normal breaths.
he had completely lost you. and for what cost?
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stonertora · 1 year
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Hawks with a dragon hybrid s/o
minors dni! NSFW
warnings: creampies, anal, pp in v, bloodkink (ig?), squirting, choking, spit
i feel like his favorite bodypart would be your wings, simply because they are way bigger than his own, at least twice his size
your wings would be made of skin, he loves touching them, they're so soft and warm
he also loves stroking your horns, they’re so colorful and match your tail
speaking of your tail, he loves it when you two cuddle and you wrap your strong tail around his waist or leg, it makes his feel safe, he’s used to make others feel safe, so it was new to him to be the one feeling safe
he just thinks you look so cute but majestic at the same time, he’d treat you like the goddess you are
would definitely show you off to everyone
your eyes have the key to his heart fr, man was totally flabbergasted when he first looked at them, feeling completely lost and devoured to you
he loves watching you eat or laugh, tbh everything you do that shows your fangs, which have a weird influence on him, but in a good way,man’s totally obsessed with them
usually you’re the dominant, at least in your past realationships, he’d be the only one to dom you, for sure
the first times having sex with him were weird to you, being the submissive one was completely new and unknown to you, you definitely needed some time to get used to that
but you learned to completely trust him after some time, but that didn’t mean that you would make it easy for him tho 😏
jokes on him, he absolutely loves it when you ride him and choke him tho. it drives him insane, letting you have control of his breathing, his life at the very moment
he’s also so in love with your lil plump ass, you can’t get away without 2 spankings a day, at least. he mostly likes it covered in his cum
he’s always down to fuck your tight lil asshole tho. Man’s not horny rn? jus turn around and shake your cute lil ass for him, and he’s ready to to
don’t you dare tease this bird man though, he will 100% pin you down the same moment and will happily put a dildo in you pussy, a butt plug in your lil hole and a vibrator on your clit. he won’t fuck you tho. he’ll tie you up to your shared bed and leave you there for hours, and prolly watch tv while he eats sum nuggets he got from kfc later that evening
being a dragon hybrid you also have something similar to his mating season, but it’s more about fucking than love , at least it’s also about spring time. when this time comes, you two always take at least two to three weeks off work
he’s a whore for your wet cunt, he’d always tell you about how ,,it’s just made for me” or how it’s like ,,your cunt is shaped for my cock”, he’s also cumming in you a lot, cause it feels like you’re closer to each other, or maybe just because you look just so pretty, face all red from crying, his big cock fully inside your throbbing pussy, clit all swollen from the circles he rubbed in 10 mins earlier, his cum dripping out of your stretched out hole, ruining the sheets
you’re a whore for his neck kiss sessions, soft lips caressing the flesh of your soft skin, short little moans leaving your throat, just so desperate for him, hoping for him to cover your soft flesh in purple love bites for everyone else to see ❤️
once he bit down you neck a little too hard, making you bleed, he felt so bad and kept apologizing for hurting his princess, but at the same time it made his blood flush to his cock, he was ashamed about it at first, who would like seeing his s/o hurt or even bleed? jokes on you, it’s him, he does. it drives him crazy seeing how the thick red liquid matches with your pale skin, he can’t explain it
let’s not forget about that he has to work a lot, due being the number 2 pro hero of Japan, so when you get home all stressed about work and he’s not able to just fuck you, he’s always more than happy to help you realax. just sit on his face, and don't you worry about your weight, he would die a happy death, if he would suffocate between your thic thighs. he just wants to please his princess
one time he wouldn't stop fingering you, even tho you told him that you actually had to pee. long story short, you couldn't handle another orgasm and started squirting. the sheets getting covered in hot liquid, you were so embarrassed, Keigo on the other side, just unlocked a new kink.
he loves to spit in your mouth, your pussy or on your tits or stomach, but mainly in your mouth or pussy, it’s something that shows how intimate you allow him to be with you, how much you trust him
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teopatra · 9 months
💋✨Pick an aesthetic🎀🔮
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What is going on around you?
Have you been having dreams you want to decode? Sensing an energy that you can’t quite put your finger on? Are you feeling a shadiness from people causing you to question their weird intention? Choose one or more or all three of these piles to give you secret messages from my highest self to you X0
Pile 1️⃣
❤️‍🔥 everything is a friggin joke to someone and that ish is annoying the helck out of you!
❤️‍🔥 you’re not crazy you’re just right and someone has been making you feel crazy for feeling that way wen n reality you’re 💯 % right for feeling the way you do bc tbh muggs just act STOOPID sometimes.. no a lot of times
❤️‍🔥 it’s one thing to be lighthearted and youthful, but it’s some traits someone had that is turning you offffffff like ew 🤧
❤️‍🔥 the only reason you may feel on edge is because someone is an actual joke and it’s P’d you off bc you’re trying to be nice abt it butttt 😐 you have no issue having a good time or cracking you a jokey joke but let’s bffr shall we??
❤️‍🔥yes you absolutely can bet that so far this pile has been about other people , you wanna know why? Bc for so long you’ve made excuses for others. But didn’t you already heal that aspect of yourself? So then why are you allowing yourself to believe that it’s not them it’s you? And even if it’s both of you, take accountability for yourself by asking how did you even allow this type of energy back into your auric field?
❤️‍🔥there’s a lesson to be learned here with the super full (blue) moon being conjunct Saturn in Pisces, meaning, there is a LESSON to be revisited.
❤️‍🔥 Pisces is notorious for illusions, delusions, and the ✨unknown..✨ BUT Pisces is ALSO known for “the undoing”
❤️‍🔥 do you know what that means? If you don’t, that’s your problem LOL jk no but really if you haven’t heard this before then I’m glad you’ve become enlightened just now. But fr figure out what the “undoing” means to you; it’s so eerie🤩
❤️‍🔥MONEY will be the death of someone or a situation..LITERALLY please remember not only are we in mercury retrograde ♍️ but Mars just moved into it’s detriment ♎️ so people are just saying AND doing ANYTHING .. if you as a light being feel on edge, JUST IMAGINE what’s going on inside the mind of an unhealed mfa.. so crusty, disgust me
❤️‍🔥 MAJORITY of society values material things and money, I mean cmon it makes sense right bc how else are we gonna survive and live comfortably happy lives? Cool, but at the same time, money RULES the mind of those who deem it the highest value compared to those who value love, peace, happiness, unity, and divine consciousness.
❤️‍🔥 I mean who wouldn’t want money or someone to just give them money just bc but the point I’m making is that money in this earthly plane in this 3D dimension has in fact become (one of) the roof of all evils…
❤️‍🔥anyhoo continue to mind your business as you always do and just let what anyone has to say roll off your shoulders; focus on maintaining balance whatever its mentally or physically
❤️‍🔥remember strategy against an opponent always isn’t about strength or blows, but about you yourself. You are the avatar of YOU, the master of elements📿
🌸you are 2 sides of a coin. On one side you peep everything without trying ; big Virgo and Scorpio energy. Most of the time you don’t consciously consider what you’ve noticed bc you know you’ll hyper fixate on it in the moment so you like to keep n the back of your mind until later to really decide what the heck just happened.
🌸 on the other side you are almost completely oblivious to the shade around you bc you’re a very sweet person and you just enjoy happiness. You have a lot of gratitude which protects you from low vibrational entities. It reminds me of a baby in a movie seeing a scary monster and wanting to pet it.
🌸based on that last example lol there may be blatant disrespect and shade that people are displaying towards you and eventually you’ll peep and try to self deprecate. Please don’t do that, that’s what they want.
🌸that (Blue) super full moon we just had conjunct Saturn wants you to work on your root chakra and heart chakra and to stop blaming yourself when people are mean or cruel. You are perfect there’s nothing wrong with you and if you are being ganged up on that’s bc you’re a strong force to be recockned with.
🌸you bother lame weak weird bishes soooo much, it makes you not want to be around others sometimes especially during this Virgo season bc Virgo is the hermit. And you’re all too familiar with going off the grid for your own peace and self discovery.
🌸you have a lot of self control and have been, will be, and or ARE purging anything that isn’t aligned with where you want to be. You may look at your social media timeline in annoyance or disgust and may just unconsciously take time away from media instance all together bc it’s getting kinda crazy out here.
🌸 I see you trying to spread the word of truth and divine consciousness to others and they’re just not getting it thru their thick skulls. It’s making you feel like your wasting your breath.
🌸 practice breath work and mind to muscle connection whether that’s pranayama breathing, yoga, Tai-Chi, reading, expanding your vocabulary, and picking up a new language. This will balance your brain hormones to gain back total self control and awareness .
🌸 you aren’t too intrigued and impressed with what the current state of the world has to offer nowadays. You’re really rare (as affordable health care lol like big Sean said 🤭)
🌸 you dress really nice and have a style of your OWN. Some people wear what they like and some wear what feels comfortable, you do both but not the way everyone else does. It’s hard for me to explain, but even if you’re wearing some of the most basic pieces of clothing, due to your personality, your sense of humor, your magnetic aura, and that je ne sais quoi you are alluring, magnetic, captivating, and radiant.
🌸 everyone is looking to be liked or accepted bc they’re finding themselves and most don’t like theirselves or are looking for the next person to be like. Be careful bc you attract energy vampires and weak spirits that look to leach off you.
🌸 anyone in a toxic energy especially new people you meet or randoms love bombing you are conduits for past life energies you’ve slain or have overthrown due to survival of the fittest. These entities are possessing these unhealed people to come back for vengeance but honestly as many times as you’ve overthrown those demons they can’t even compete with you; just keep alert you’ll probably laugh it off
👁️ this is so funny because you’re always here for a good time not a long and bc of that you are being picked apart. Everyone wants to be weird towards you yet always wants you around bc you’re the main character and you’re the most interesting person in the room. So if you’re not around it isn’t the same, people need you to feel more secure, but in way that’s toxic to you.
👁️‍🗨️you have been actively pushing the boundaries just to see who has your best intentions. You have released fear and anxiety in attempts to fully live in your truth for yourself. Life is too short to live it for people who don’t want to accept you for you who are but instead try to fit you inside a box of their own standards. Continue to push the envelope of others standards even if it may start something bc that’s what happens wen you stand up for yourself against weak minded i individuals.
🧿 say “I live for my destiny. I release fear of judgement. I am focused on my highest good. I release attachment to whatever is causing me to second guess myself. I know what is best for me.”
👁️in the dreamworld you’ve been having those funny dreams again where you see people you haven’t spoken to or seen and probably have forgotten about. You’ve aligned somehow but the astral plane is a reflection of reality. The impression you leave is everlasting to where you’re reminisced about believe it or not. This is a way for people to spy on you, but a lot of people wear masks and wouldn’t openly tell you how great you are, how you inspire them, or how they truly felt in injustices of injustices against you due to their insecurities.
👁️‍🗨️protect yourself from the suns rays and mosquitoes, you are being spiritually attacked, anything will be used to weaken your defenses. Pay attention to esoteric and spiritual symbolism like random bugs n your house or flies and dead insects. One time I woke up and looked on my front porch there was a squirrel carcass. Protect your front door frame with salt.
🧿 everything you do is being criticized and although you may not care , it’s like an animal stalking it’s prey n the night, don’t find yourself slipping stay on your P’s and your Q’s. If you get into moods that aren’t normal like randomly feeling lethargic, sad, lonely, etc know this is how you’re being attacked and use selenite and quartz crystals, salts and salt baths to clear your energy.
👁️those who’ve done wrong by you will be receiving karma if they haven’t already bc these people’s hearts are not impure but their challenge was to choose the better path and instead they chose to rest in their lower desires aka demons
👁️‍🗨️you will be slaying alot of demons esp n the dream state and the funny thing is when you think of demon slayers like the anime or shows like supernatural, it won’t be from a dark shadow point of view. It’ll depict everyday life as in a conversation, or dealing with weirdo enemy who want to see you insecure vulnerable and broken
🧿someone was mean to you on purpose, probably bc their jealous. Half of them can’t help it, but at the same time we all have free will. You should check pile 2 bc I made a reference about a 2 sided coin. You have a strategy that others have failed to realize in the past. If everyone was playing a game for the sake of it, you have a game plan and now it’s like wen SpongeBob and Patrick wanted to look at Mr. krabs map. Bc you see the beauty in most things you wield a special power bc you are self led. Your ego doesn’t define you bc you control that bih. You use it to your advantage and no wen to play at the right time and wen to withdrawal. Whatever code they think they’re gonna steal from you it’s too late bc 1. They just can’t perform it properly but atp it’s game over.
👁️ beware of monitoring spirits like flies and gnats. Take note of what animals you come across in nature or constantly see in general, research the meaning of that spirit totem.
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spurgie-cousin · 4 months
I have a 4mth old baby so a bit younger than Gideon. And if my baby reacted to music like Gideon is in that video I would turn it off so fast! Like can't Kaylee read any ques her baby is giving her? I know when my baby likes a piece of music or song because she lights up and smiles, wriggles, giggles, responds positively. I don't know how someone can be so out of tune with their baby. As an aside, my baby LOVES Queen and I find that hilarious and fills me with joy!
Yea I completely agree, that video was kinda jarring to see tbh. because you'd think even new parents with zero childcare experience would understand that loud noise + crying baby = negative emotion so turn off the noise. I mean even older children can understand that babies don't have complex enough feelings to be "moved" by music, like that's why you don't see anyone taking infants to the symphony or opera lol their feelings at that age are very simple. they only know to react to their most basal instincts, so cry = I am NOT happy and there is no deeper meaning.
@filthyfundie had a theory that I've been thinking about a lot: from what we've seen of Jill's parenting, she's very much a 'stuff the bad feelings down and put on a smile no matter what' kind of Christian mother (unless she's trying to put the fear of everlasting hellfire in you). So it could be that as a mother with that mindset, she developed an impulse to ignore or twist negative reactions in kids, almost as a way to try and make it as if they hadn't happened if that makes sense. And so Kaylee is just exhibiting a learned behavior.
Filthyfundie explained it way better lol and this is her example, but it's like when a small child falls and during that little pause where they're deciding whether they need to be upset or not, you laugh and smile at them as a distraction and it influences them to push past the impulse to cry and they laugh or forget what just happened. Kind of like that but to a much bigger extent that covers even necessary negative emotions.
I think an explanation like that definitely makes sense in a culture that rewards pervasive cheerfulness and obedience. And that would make more sense to me than Kaylee just not understanding that babies get stressed at loud noises, which feels like such a basic, instinctual kind of thing to know. But I do think that video is an unsettling peek into the parenting that the Rodrigues kids probably experienced growing up.
Also your baby has great taste, Queen rules 🤘🤘
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capevans3000 · 1 year
Break Up - Bonus Chapter
A/N: Ahhhhh, where do I begin? I promised a bonus chapter months ago and I failed to deliver. I had good reasons though. My health took a huge hit over the last few months, where part of the few months I experienced sudden deafness in both of my ears due to a serious case of infection. The worst is over, although I am still trying to build my health back. Anyway, the bonus chapter is finally out! TBH, I am not too happy with the ending. I was stuck and I couldn’t get the ending the way I really wanted it :( I tried my best. But I am still really excited to hear what you think about it. Leave me comments/suggestions, like and reblog if you enjoyed this! :)
Fic may contain grammar errors. Characters are fictional and not based on any real persons.
TW: Mental health issues, medical emergencies, angst, jealousy
*Photo not mine!
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Based on the following short series:
Break Up
Break Up - Sequel
@ah-ri-young-deactivated20221202: It was midnight and I could not sleep. I was looking for a fic about breaking up and I found your fic and it was exactly what I wanted. You wrote everything very well. I cried while reading it. I could completely understand reader's feelings. Will you write another part for it? I liked Sam And I hated Chris so I thought how good it would be if reader move on from Chris and fall in love with Sam and Chris saw reader in a wedding dress with Sam and the happines in her eyes and the way she looks at Sam. I really want Chris to suffer because of his betrayal to reader. I hope you get this message because my tumblr doesn't work sometimes🎈
@atoosa22 : The Break up fic that you wrote is amazing. I'm team Sam btw. I almost cried and it means you're so good at writing. Will you write another part? I had a thaught that reader come back to Chris but nothing is in the way that it was. And she is in love with Sam. She left Chris and marry Sam and Chris SUFFERRRR and that makes me SATISFIED
You sat at your bed fidgeting with a rose gold necklace in your hand. Chris had given you the necklace during your first year’s anniversary. You had also given him a matching gold necklace, which he’d been wearing everywhere he went. Since that day, you had never once removed the necklace… not until that night when you left his property and left the relationship behind.
 You thought about returning the necklace to him before you left, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to. Your relationship with Chris may have met an untimely end, but it doesn’t negate the once-existence of the relationship. It was a meaningful take-away from the little time you had with Chris, and you wanted to keep it as much as you wanted to forget about it. Turning the necklace around, you traced the engraving with your fingers wistfully. Chris x Y/N. The same engraving sits on the back of Chris’ necklace. “This is so that you will always feel my heart beating next to yours.” Chris had said to you the day he put the necklace on you.
 The necklace had been sitting inside a box since you moved out. But Chris’ sudden appearance at your new apartment three weeks ago had rocked whatever solid ground you thought you had managed to rebuild since the break up. This was the power he had over you. All it took was seeing and hearing his voice again, and all your past resigns vanished like an ice cube on a hot’s summer’s day. As soon as he left your apartment that night, you crashed onto the floor of your room and sobbed. All of that plasters you had pasted over the wounds peeled off in an instant and they revealed each and every brokenness he left you. It was painful to learn that the wounds were nowhere near healed in the first place as you thought they were.
 While you hadn’t agreed to Chris’ preposition to get back together again, you had agreed to co-exist with him – as friends – and maybe see how things go. Sam was worried you’d get hurt by Chris again but he respected your decision. You felt bad for Sam. You knew Sam was interested in you, and you were starting to feel the same way about him. But with the recent turn of events, you had to put a potential relationship with Sam on hold on account of Chris. You didn’t think it was fair to Sam jumping into a relationship with him when you were not in the right mental state to fully devote and love someone else. Despite the hurt, you realized Chris still held a very special place in your heart.
 Chris had been trying hard to fight for you over the last three weeks. He’d put in effort to make small but familiar gestures – gestures that he used make when he was your boyfriend. Sending you texts throughout the day to let you know he was thinking about you, sending you lunch and dinner deliveries, sending you photos and videos of Dodger… He would appear at your doorstep with your favourite tea, wine and snacks. If not for the obvious hurt hanging thick in the air, you might even think nothing between you and Chris had changed. You enjoyed Chris’ company despite the circumstance, but your heart was guarded against him. There was still that part of you that was afraid to accept Chris again. Sam, and your best friend were there too, working as gatekeepers for your heart.
 It had been three weeks since Chris returned to your life, and his ex-girlfriend was never mentioned once. That was until one night while Chris was at your place with a bottle of wine, and the two of you were having a quiet night in.
“Hey, YN, can I run something by you?” Chris asked between sips from his wine glass.
 For some reason, you felt your heart clenched by his question. He sounded so serious all of a sudden. “Sure.” You tried to hide the fear and uncertainty in your voice.
 “[Ex’s name]… she would like to meet you. You know, to explain things with you.” Chris sounded hesitant.
 You gulped down the wine you had in your glass and set it down on the table, almost too hard. Your fear turned into anger. You couldn’t believe what you just heard. The cheek of that girl. She broke you and Chris, and now she’s trying to explain things to you? You can’t think of any reasons or explanations she could have for you that you could actually accept.
 “She feels bad. She just wants to clear the air and apologise to you.” Chris continued when you said nothing. You almost burst out into an angry laughter.
 “I didn’t know you were still in contact with her. And I can hear how much you’re trying to speak for her.” You replied curtly, while pouring yourself another giant glass of wine.  You were not proud of yourself, and you knew how childish you sounded. Chris could keep his contact with anyone and speak for anyone and it was none of your business.
 “No, that’s not –“ Chris stuttered nervously. “We both just thought we should clear the air between us.”
 “We? You mean you and her.” You said again, anger bubbling underneath your breath. Hearing Chris talk about her and referring to the both of them as “we” was rubbing you the wrong way. It shouldn’t as Chris wasn’t yours anymore, and even you knew it was ridiculous of you to be upset over the word “we”. But you couldn’t help it.
 “I don’t mean it that way.” Chris knew he had just made things worse. “I’m sorry. Can we forget about this conversation?”
 You took a deep breath to calm yourself. You tried to rationalized with yourself and the situation at hand. You had given Chris a second chance, and it was only fair for you to give her a chance to explain herself too. Whatever explanation she was going to give you. That was the mature thing to do. Even if you were not prepared to accept her apologies or explanation, the least you could do was try. You agreed to the meeting.
 Sam had learned about the dinner that you were about to have with Chris and [Ex’s name] and he insisted on coming along too. He didn’t feel comfortable about you being there alone. You were thankful for Sam for looking out for you and gladly accepted his offer to join you. You could do with a friendly face at dinner.
 Chris offered to pick you up for the dinner, but you declined. You went with Sam instead. When the both of you had reached the restaurant, Sam took your hand and gave it a tight squeeze. “I’m here, all right?” Sam gave you a reassuring smile. The two of you were led into a private dining room where Chris and [ex’s name] were already waiting. Your eyes met with Chris, and immediately you could feel his posture tense up. Chris didn’t know Sam was coming for the dinner too. He didn’t like seeing you together with Sam and his jealousy and anger was hard to hide. It didn’t help that Sam was holding your hand.
 “Why are you here?” Chris couldn’t help himself scowling at Sam.
 “What concerns Y/N concerns me too.” Sam responded, confident, cool and matter-of-factly, feeding Chris’ anger even more. Without missing a beat, Sam pulled a chair out for you before Chris could do it for you.
 You glanced at Chris and saw that he was fuming. His fist was clenched around his wine glass, his knuckles white. You looked over at his ex-girlfriend and your eyes met. She was smiling at you, but somehow you could tell her smile wasn’t sincere. She broke the eye contact quickly and knowing you were still watching her, reached out to stroke Chris’ hand gently, to comfort him. You wanted to scoff openly at the nerves of her, but you held yourself back. You were not there to fight. She could do whatever she wants with Chris as Chris wasn’t your boyfriend anymore. Although you had to admit that seeing that made your blood boil. Her touch brought Chris back. He fidgeted in his seat to regain posture.
 Chris looked at you and addressed you for the first time that evening. “Y/N, I’m glad we could have this dinner. Thank you for coming out to meet with us.”
 Again, with the usage of the word “us”. You bit your lip to stop yourself from being too sensitive with these pronouns Chris was using to group himself with her like they were still an item. It was just a word and it didn’t mean anything, you had to tell yourself.
 “Yes, Y/N, thank you for coming out tonight. Chris and I are really thankful for the chance to clear the air with you.” Chris’ ex-girlfriend spoke. You might have applauded her for her effort to sound sincere, if not for the fact that her hand was now stroking Chris’ shoulder as she was speaking to you. If Chris had noticed how disrespectful this was, he said nothing.
 “Sure.” You forced a smile. You could hardly believe what you were seeing. Sam was appalled at the nerves of her and he reached out to you and gave your hand another tight squeeze.
 “We’ve already placed our order for food for the three of us, but we didn’t know you brought a guest, Y/N.” The ex said, looking at Sam. “You must be Y/N’s boyfriend?”
 You looked up at her and swore you could almost hear the satisfaction and hope in her voice. Was she hoping you were already attached so she could stop worrying about Chris getting you back? Were you too sensitive?
 “That’s all right, I can order my own food with no problem.” Sam replied curtly. He completely ignored her second comment, not willing to feed her satisfaction.
 “I ordered you your favourite, Y/N. Mid-rare steak with extra spinach.” Chris smiled at you.
“I’ll have two cod fish, and if it’s not too much trouble, could you cancel the order for mid-rare steak, please? Could you also help to ensure that there are no peanuts in the salad as she’s allergic. Thank you.” Sam said to the waiter, who had come in to take his order.
 “Hey, I ordered the mid-rare steak for Y/N. That’s her favourite! What are you doing?” Chris snapped at Sam.
 “I don’t think I owe you an explanation. But if you would like to know, if you were at all observant and concerned about Y/N, you would have known she was advised by doctors to reduce intake of red meat because of her sensitive gastric. Now that you are aware, do we still have a problem?” Sam addressed Chris calmly.
 Chris’ face was distorted in anger and distaste for Sam. He hated that Sam seemed to know you so well, and maybe even better than him. His fist was clenched around his glass again when he saw the smile you gave Sam. Chris’ fear of losing you to Sam was increasing and he hated that. He looked away from Sam, not saying a word, not trusting the words he would use.
 “Oh, you’re allergic to peanuts, Y/N?” The ex-girlfriend asked you, which you nodded awkwardly. You were uncomfortable with her sudden interest in you.
 “Can we get to the point of the dinner tonight, so that we can end this early?” Sam asked when Chris was silent.
 “Yes. First of all, Y/N, Chris and I, we want to explain things to you.” The ex-girlfriend spoke up. You were confused by her words. Chris and her? Wasn’t this dinner supposed to be about her explanation and apologies? When had this become an explanation from “Chris and her”?
 You said nothing and waited for her to continue.
 “It’s a fact that Chris and I kissed and we are sorry you saw that.” She continued, again, reaching out to touch Chris’ hand when she said the word “kiss”. This time, you saw Chris moved his hand away from her uncomfortably. “It was just a kiss, and it didn’t lead to anything else more. You don’t have to worry.” She continued.
 She stopped when the waiter came back in with the food. By the time the food was set in front of you, you had lost your appetite. If that was an apology from her about exactly what she did, you had failed to hear it. All she did was apologise for the fact you caught them in the act. And all the hand touching was leaving a bad taste in your mouth.
 “I feel bad that you and Chris had broken up over this. I mean, I thought the both of you were pretty tight.” She commented.
 You looked at Chris, waiting for him to say something. Anything at all for this evening to make sense. For this “explanation” or “apology” to make sense. For now, you felt as though you were part of a sick prank show.
 “We’re sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry. I can understand you feel hurt and it’s all my fault. I hate that you feel betrayed by me and I take full responsibility for that.” Chris said to you, his voice breaking. You had already heard Chris’ apologies umpteenth times but you had yet to get one sincere apology from his ex. Not that an apology from her would erase the hurt, but it would at least show that she was aware of the damage she had done. Being here at this “apology”, “clear the air” evening was proving to be a mistake.
 “Thank you for the apology, Chris. If that’s all the both you have to say, I think we are done with the dinner.” You waited a while for Chris and his ex-girlfriend to speak and when they didn’t, you stood up, Sam following suit. Neither of you had even touched your food. He took out a bunch of cash and placed it on the table to cover for dinner. Sam took your hand tightly in his hand and led you out of the restaurant. You heard Chris stand up behind you but he didn’t follow after you. You wondered if his ex-girlfriend had tried to hold him back.
 As Sam walked you home, he allowed you time to process the evening in silence. You always appreciated Sam’s gestures like this. When you were almost home, you finally spoke up. “What… happened there? Did you even hear any explanation or apology from her? Or was I just too out of it to hear it?” You almost laughed at the ridiculousness of the evening. It was almost as if the dinner was her excuse to tell you she was nowhere near over Chris and she wanted Chris back.
 “All I can say is… and pardon my language, what a bitch!” Sam rolled her eyes and you burst out laughing. “So I am not the only one who thinks so?” You asked rhetorically, still laughing. You were feeling angry before, but Sam had helped you feel better, as he always did.
 “Let’s forget about tonight. Let’s go have something to eat, without a certain someone spoiling our appetite.” Sam said before leading you to one of both of your favourite hangs.
 “Sam, thank you. For being here with me tonight. I don’t know if I would have been able to do it by myself.” You told Sam when he walked you to your door.
 “I will always be here for you.” He smiled, leaning down to give you a kiss on your forehead. You felt something flutter inside your stomach and your face burning. As you closed the door behind you, you smiled to yourself. When you were finally settled in, you checked your phone and realized that Chris had left you numerous messages. You decided not to read them or respond until the next morning.
 After a night’s rest, it almost felt as if the dinner with Chris and his ex-girlfriend was a dream. That was until you received an unwanted visitor at your door.
 “Hey, Y/N, can I come in?” Chris’ ex-girlfriend stood at your doorstep. You cursed at her timing. Your roommate/best friend wasn’t home, and you knew Sam was out to run an errand so you couldn’t call him to come over. You were shocked to see her, but not wanting to be rude, you let her in.
 “Why are you here?” You asked, as you closed the door.
 “Well, you left dinner so abruptly last night. I thought I’ll drop by to check if you are okay.”
 “I’m fine, thanks.” You replied, without trying to sound too snappy.
 “That’s great then. Anyway, I made some cookies for you.” She said, fishing out a container of cookies from her bag.
 “Err, okay, thanks, but I am good.” You were slightly taken aback by her gift. Was it a peace offering?
 “Take it. I made it for you.” She insisted and pushed the cookies into your hands. “I’m not bragging but this cookie recipe is really good. Try it.”
 “Thanks, I’ll have it later.” You told her and set the container on your kitchen table.
 “No, please try it. At least let me know if they are nice, and I will get out of your hair, I promise.” She insisted again, harder this time.
 You wanted her to leave you alone so you took a cookie and took a bite. “Yeah, they’re great. Thanks.” You washed down the cookie with a glass of water. You didn’t even pause to taste the cookie. You practically swallowed the bite. “You should leave. Sam’s coming over in a while.” You lied.
 “All right then. I’ll go. Say hi to Sam for me.” You nodded and closed the door behind her. You were so weirded out by her sudden friendliness and visit. You took out your phone to call Sam to tell him all about it. Just as you hear Sam’s voice on the other end, you felt a strange tingling sensation around your mouth and throat. “Hey, Sam…” you pushed out the words from your throat painfully. Within seconds, you felt your throat tightening and your tongue felt as if it was bitten by a bee and swelling to twice its size. Your breathing became more laboured and difficult. You looked down and noticed hives all over your body.
 You hadn’t had an allergic reaction since you were a kid but you recognized the symptoms immediately. “Help… Sam.” You managed to call out before you fell onto the ground trying to breathe. You heard Sam calling out your name repeatedly through the phone but you couldn’t respond. You tried to crawl towards your bedroom to retrieve the epi-pen. You don’t remember how far you managed to crawl before you heard Sam’s voice again, this time a lot louder.
 You opened your eyes and saw Sam hovering over you. Worry written all over his face. “Y/N, are you okay?” You managed a weak nod. “Peanut… allergy…”
 “I know. I’ve called 911 and they are on their way. I’ve just administered your epi-pen. You’re going to be okay. I’m here.” You smiled weakly before exhaustion took over you and you passed out.
 The next time you opened your eyes, you were in an unfamiliar environment. “Hey, you’re awake. How do you feel?” Sam asked, as he poured you a glass of water.
 “Like death.” You groaned. You looked around and quickly registered that you were in the hospital.
 “What happened? Who gave you those cookies?”
 “Cookies?” You asked, trying to remember what happened.
 “In your kitchen. I saw it right as the paramedics were tending to you. It didn’t look store bought so I brought it along for testing. They tested peanut contents in it.”
 “Argh. Chris’ ex-girlfriend. She gave them to me and forced me to eat it. Said she made the cookies herself for me.”
 “That bitch!” Sam exploded. This was the first time you had ever seen Sam angry. “She knew you were allergic to peanuts and she gave you the cookies on purpose! I’m not letting her get away with this. If I hadn’t already reached our apartment building when you called, I don’t know what’s going to happened.”
 You rubbed your head, not believing that Chris’ ex-girlfriend had just tried to kill you on purpose. It was almost inconceivable.
 Before you could respond, you saw Chris approaching your ward, his expression grave with worry.
 “Y/N, oh my god, are you okay?” Chris burst through the doors and headed straight for you.
 “What the hell are you doing here?” Sam pulled Chris back from you angrily.
 “Get off me. The hospital called.” Chris tried to fight Sam off to get to you. You forgot that Chris was still listed as your emergency contact.
 “You don’t deserve to be here. Y/N is lying here because of you. Meeting you and your ex was a mistake. You do what you want with your ex, but leave Y/N the hell alone. You brought your ex back into Y/N’s life and now she’s tried to kill her.” Sam roared as loudly as the hospital would allow.
 Chris looked confused. “Tried to kill her?” He’s stopped fighting Sam by now.
 “She knew Y/N was allergic to peanuts. She asked about it over dinner. And the next morning she comes knocking with cookies she made containing peanuts and made Y/N eat it. What do you call this behaviour?”
 “No… no way.” Chris said in disbelief. “She... wouldn’t do that.”  
 “The hell she wouldn’t. She’s not going to get away with this. Y/N almost died because of her, Chris! Do you even understand what’s happening?” Sam was exasperated.
 “Chris. I think you should leave.” You told Chris. While it wasn’t all Chris’ fault and he had no control over his ex’s action, you were tired of dealing with him. Your heart was hardened and cold.
 “No, please. I want to stay. I want to talk about this.” Chris pleaded. His eyes had welled up in tears. “Please, Y/N.”
 You closed your eyes and swallowed the wave of tears that were threatening to crash through your eyes. “Fine.” You wanted to get this over with. You knew this was a conversation you’d have to have with Chris one day if not today. You just wanted this circus to end. Sam looked at you, concerned, worried. “Are you sure, Y/N?”
 You nodded at Sam. “I’ll be okay. I promise.”
 Chris dashed toward you as soon as Sam left the ward and reached out for your hand. You moved away, not allowing Chris to touch you. You were not ready.
 “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I really am. I had no idea she was capable of doing this.” Chris cried.
 You were so sick of hearing Chris apologise over and over again by now. “Stop, Chris. I don’t want to hear any apologies from you, anymore. Aren’t you tired? I’m so tired of hearing the same old apologies over and over. I don’t need your apologies. I don’t need your explanations. I don’t need anything from you. After what happened last night and this morning, I just want you and her to leave me alone. Please. I am tired.” You looked at Chris dead in the eyes as you said those words. You knew you were probably harsh on Chris, but you couldn’t hold it in.
 “I don’t know what else to say, except that I really am sorry that I brought her back into our lives. I had failed as your protector, your boyfriend.” Chris sobbed.
 “Chris. She… she needs help. And I think the only and the best person who can help her is you. I’m going to give her the benefit of doubt about the peanut cookies, and I won’t press charges. But I am sure she did what she did because she isn’t stable. Despite what she did, I shall choose to believe she is a good person who is in a bad place currently. Help her walk through this.” You were surprised, even by yourself that all the anger you had felt about Chris’ ex-girlfriend a minute ago was gone just like that.
 “I love you, Y/N. I don’t want to be with her to help her. You’re who I want to be with.” Chris implored.
 “Chris, maybe over the last three weeks that you were back in my life again, I did think there was a chance that we could be together again. But it is hard to think so anymore. I still love you, Chris. But I don’t think I can be in love with you. I admit that I had missed you so badly. I loved spending time with you over the last three weeks and I even toyed with the idea of us being back together. But I’m so tired.” You bit your tongue so hard to stop yourself from crying that you almost drew blood. “Call me selfish for pushing you away, but I think she needs you more than I need you. Help her get better, okay?” A tear escaped from the side of your eyes. The finality of the words was hitting you. You had made your decisions that you could never get back together with Chris. The pain of what happened, the sabotage from his ex-girlfriend, the whole circus show with her touching Chris at dinner… You just knew you couldn’t.
 “Y/N, no, please. Don’t push me away. I don’t want to lose you.” Chris whimpered.
 You reached out and gave Chris a hug. “I love you, Chris. You’ll always hold a special place in my heart and I know I do too in yours. This is where our relationship ends but I’ll never forget you, okay?” You felt Chris falter in your arms. “I love you, Y/N.” Chris whispered between sobbing. You hated breaking his heart but in the long run this might be kinder to him and yourself. You had no idea how long you stayed in embrace with Chris until a nurse came in and requested for Chris to leave the room so she could check on you. You looked away, refusing to watch Chris’ back as he walked out of the hospital ward. You hoped you made the right choice closing this door on Chris.
 When the nurse stepped out, Sam back came in. When you saw Sam, you immediately felt a wave of calm and security over the uncertainties. You knew you were going to be all right, with Sam there with you.
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coffinsister · 3 months
Hi there!
I just wanted to let you know that I'd never heard of Saya no Uta until I saw you talking about it on my dash and I was like hey I'll look into that!! I had no idea what I was getting myself into, and it was definitely an experience. I've only played the route of choosing Saya and choosing to call Ryoko, so I still have to make the other choices to view all of the game's content, but I just wanted to come say thank you for giving me the second controversial piece of media I've been able to consume without my ocd throwing a bitchfit, because the whole story is fascinating from a psychological standpoint and that definitely drew me in.
I just wish the story was a little more 3D, I guess? Like the writing is overly descriptive of things it doesn't need to be descriptive of and underwhelming with the actual voiced dialogue. It's an extremely bizarre contrast. And from what little Japanese I've learn over the years out of SpInterest there are some translation points that aren't entirely accurate.
A big one is the fact that Saya speaks in third person which is a common cutesy mannerism for small children in Japanese media. In fact, she speaks super similarly to Maria Ushiromiya from Umineko ( complete with using 'uu!' for emphasis too ) which caused me to attach quickly to her for it. While it's true that this doesn't translate well into English, it does lose in translation just how young Saya really sounds while speaking. Because in Japanese she's saying things like 'Saya did this for Fuminori because Saya wants to be with Fuminori forever!' and it's getting translated as like 'I did this to make you happy. So you'll stay with me forever, right, Fuminori?' and those are two completely different tones. In fact, it's so overlooked from the English translation that this trope of hers isn't even mentioned on the The Song of Saya tvtropes page and that's wild to me.
Sorry, I didn't meant to turn this into a rant in your inbox asjklhd. Thank you for bringing this intriguing piece of media to my attention. 💖
Hiii, I'm so sorry for taking so long to reply to this ask but it was lovely getting it, so please don't apologize! We love getting long asks, and talking about our interests <3 And I'm really happy me basically screaming into the void about it, got you into it! That's great, that's exactly why I post about the things I like.
This was very interesting to read so thank you for sending it.
Side Thought: TV Troupes actually really really sucks for this kinda thing, it is widely innacurate with big media, and incredibly lacking for small media. So personally, I would not chuck TV Tropes lacking this as much to the (very bad, like super bad) official translation, as much as I would to the site just kinda sucking.
I'm sorry if I sound harsh, the website is fun, like any other wiki is, I just have personal beef against it, do not mind me, old man yells at cloud.
The first route I finished was also the one with Ryouko, and tbh, in my opinion that's the best one, but obviously seeing the other endings gives a lot of extra information, and character depth, so I hope you play through them and enjoy them too.
And yeah, I feel you, I wish it was more 3D and that I could have cared more about the characters, the writing definetly feels too much like purple prose, and way too descriptive about meaningless things sometimes, while also compeltley glazing over others.
Also big big same about the translation, I already posted my long rant about it, but it's really such a shame, because Nitro+ is actually so good at conveying character through dialogue, like actually reading some of the VNs in Japanese is a whole new experience on its own
And exactly as you said, it would have been far easier to understand Saya is a literally preubecent child if the translation had shown how childishly she actually speaks, or another big one, we would have gotten to see more of just how badly Fuminori wants to show off in front of Saya and Yoh, if the translation had actually shown him avoiding being fully honest with Saya.
Like there's so so many moments in Japanese of him just going, Well, about that, you know... to Saya when she's asking him about their plans together, and he's very reluctant to ask her for help, even when he really needs it, until she blatantly offers it, and he takes it.
In the Official English version he literally just goes "Well, the thing, Saya is that I failed to kill Koji, any ideas about that?"
So much character missed there, I feel like also missing the honorifics isn't helpful or good, like Yoh calling Oumi, Oumi-chan makes them feel way way closer, than just college friends who hang out between classes. And it gives you a better sense that they care for each other.
My hot take about translations is that they shouldn't just accomodate to what's most familiar to the target audience, in this case USA people, it should just make the media more accesible. It isn't a failure of art if it is a bit of a struggle to engage with it, it's good to make an effort to try to understand foreign art, even when the way the text is presented, isn't super familiar or relatable to you.
This is basically what everybody who isn't from an English speaking country already does lol
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k-s-morgan · 1 year
Ur sebaciel fic is such a good read, and there's relationship is explored in such detail.
When looking at their relationship, I think of how different yet similar they are and how they are learning from each other. If they had met each other previously I think they would be disgusting with one another. Ciel would be his innocent, naive self and Sebastian would be a regular terrible demon.
I think Sebastian still is evil and terrible, he is a demon ofc. However, we see Ciel is not put off by that as he found the plague incident funny. However, I think Ciels perception of Sebastian is still misconveived, just like many readers when we see him being a charming butler. I think if Ciel knew that he enjoyed watching him be tortured and assaulted, he wouldn't be able to look past that. Ofc sebastian doesn't enjoy it anymore as u mentioned, but I think that he still is an awful person, who could enjoy seeing a child violated and tortured? I think Ciel needs a reality check tbh.
I think if Ciel were to know the depths of Sebastians evilness, he would not be so trusting of him, and I think Sebastian is aware of this. I know Ciel has a dark side to him, but under no circumstances is it comparable to that of Sebastian, and he can only relate to him so much. However I think this is good character development for Sebastian since he will learn how to be less evil I guess, at least in front of Ciel.
Is there anything Sebastian won't do or lines he wont cross? Or is he just a immoral, evil, demon? I kind of like the latter more, it makes his progression more impactful.
Thank u if u read and respond 🥰 ik it's long rambling
Hello! Thank you so much, I'm glad you've been enjoying this twisted story!
Your question is very interesting. On the one hand, I think there are no lines Sebastian wouldn't cross as a demon. He has no morality, he thrives on darkness, pain and suffering as it's in his nature. On the other hand, he does seem to have some principles, which distinguishes him from other demons. For example, he's genuinely distraught when he fails at his duties. He is authentically respectful to Elizabeth and some other characters sometimes, and like he himself admitted in the anime, he grew tired of mindless destruction a while ago. If Sebastian has to torture and murder a child, he will do it without blinking, but he won't go out of his way to do it just for the sake of it. He finds the concept of pure evil boring, and this gives him depth.
In the context of his relationship with Ciel, I think Sebastian becomes even more interesting. Now it's not only about his instincts, it's also about meeting the needs of a person he cares about. I was recently discussing one of my favorite ships, Buffy/Spike, and what I said about them fully coincides with how I see Sebastian/Ciel: when it comes to love, Sebastian is a morality chameleon. He'll be as good or as evil as his beloved wants. If Ciel goes full-on villain who plots the destruction of the world, Sebastian will help him. If Ciel decides they'll be the saviors of every miserable person, Sebastian will follow him into this with no questions. Naturally, his own nature will shine through occasionally, but it'll be pretty tame, and most importantly, he won't mind. He'll be happy to do what Ciel wants (But Ciel will also never expect him to turn into the opposite version of himself - they are drawn together for a reason, after all).
Right now, Sebastian has an instinctive understanding of what Ciel finds acceptable, and his feelings have affected some of his perceptions of violence. The Sebastian who watched Ciel being tortured and violated with pleasure no longer exists: if he was in a similar situation now, watching some other child, he'd either feel indifferent or maybe even interfere because he'd immediately associate the victim with Ciel.
Regarding Ciel, I think he knows very well that Sebastian is a complete monster, but because of how Sebastian acts with him, Ciel's perception is indeed altered. The important thing is that he knows it - he even acknowledges it sometimes. He realizes that he's biased and that he's too used to Sebastian being his, which is one of the reasons why he usually doesn't want to know the details of his past life. Ciel would be shaken if he witnessed some of the grotesque acts of violence and pleasure Sebastian engaged in before, but it wouldn't change much in the long run. Ciel knows he shouldn't trust him, but his feelings are stronger - he's in too deep now.
I think Ciel and Sebastian could still grow interested in each other if they met earlier, at least in my story. The anime likely wanted to present the pre-fire Ciel as a totally innocent angelic boy: in this case, yes, he and Sebastian would be disgusted with each other. But I have a head-canon of Ciel always having some traces of darkness (hence the story of him almost getting Edward killed), and if Sebastian noticed him, he could be curious; he'd be intrigued by Ciel's potential, his cunning and his creative mind. Ciel would experience natural curiosity toward him, and who knows, they might have become some semblance of weird friends! Sebastian was an oddball even before they met, so this could be an interesting experience for him.
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ The Art Exhibit (Chapter 6)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count- 5k
chapter warnings!- swearing, alcohol, this is kind of a fluffy ass chapter, but the end is a little frusterating. NO BAD VIBES THOUGH! reader is finally happy rn. tw: annie.
a/n- Hi guys! first of all, HAPPY SPRING! Also happy Ramadan to anyone who is celebrating!! I really wanted to publish this by last Monday at least, but I ended up getting a cold, and then I had an exam this week too that I crammed studied for. I wasnt happy with the ending of this chapter and wanted time to fix it up a bit!! we are getting to the good stuff now so I really hope you enjoy! (ps. another thanks to all the likers, rebloggers, commenters, it means so much to see feedback, ily guys.
The song of this chapter was on repeat while I wrote it !!
This week had been good.
For the first time in what seems like forever, life was actually giving you a break....sort of.
"Kwan, cmon! I promise French isnt that hard if you just sit and let me teach you!" you exhale with a wide smile, looking at the 6 year old who was now running around the living room.
Since Tae quit his job, you decided to start picking up after school shifts to tutor your neighbor, Mrs.Chin, and her bratty 6 year old. You used to tutor her other child, Mimi, who was always well behaved, but she went to study abroad, leaving you alone with the devil reincarnated.
"I dont wanna! its stupid!" the younger child yelled back, making you take a moment to breathe before responding. "Kwan, I would appreciate if you let me teach you, or at least if you even sat down and listened to me read." you said calmly.
You looked over at the pouting boy and his action figures, arms now crossed over his chest as he glared. You sighed and ran your hands over your face, lets just say if the pay wasn't $90 an hour, you probably wouldn't submit yourself to this.
"Kwan." you said, getting up with your textbook and sitting on the floor next to him "your mommy hired me to help you learn, I really want to be able to teach you something here, because whether you realize it now or not, learning a second language is a really beautiful thing" you show him all the pages of notes youve taken from your own classes, watching him view it over.
"I wanna be here for you, we can be buddies, ok? no more fights, no yelling. How about this-" you turn around to him "If you let me teach you for a half an hour, 30 minutes, you can have 20 minutes of playtime, yeah?" you spoke softly
"mmkay.." he looked at you, nodding gently.
"aw, see, you are a good boy I knew you were, cmon, sit and i'll teach you how to introduce yourself in French, so when you go to daycare tomorrow, you can show it off to everyone" you smiled and gently tickled the boy, making him giggle loudly.
You really did enjoy teaching and learning, something about it just made you feel incredibly intelligent, and yes, you loved acting too, but the idea of being able to offer something new to someone genuinely got you excited. If you could go back and change your major to anything, It would probably be French or some other foreign language, teaching abroad doesnt sound too bad.
At the apartment, Tae had been cleaning a little bit more. He figured if he was going to have more free time, then he needed to learn to help out around the house....He also needed a distraction from the fact that tomorrow night is the art exhibit, and to say he was nervous was a complete understatement.
The work he'd been creating is done, but like always, he wanted to change it last minute. You sat with him last night and explained that it didnt need to be changed, and he needs to be more confident with himself and his art.
His thoughts were interrupted when you walked through the door, offering a quick smile at him before walking off into the kitchen. He put down his broom and walked over to you, "How did tutoring go?" He asks softly, watching you pour coffee into a mug. "It was okay" you shrug, looking at the clock and internally sighing, it was dinner time and you hadnt prepared anything.
"You okay?" he asks
you look back at him and lean against the counter, "yeah...Kaito was supposed to pick me up at 8, and I sat outside texting and calling him until 8:30, when I decided to just get an Uber home"
"why didnt you call me? I would have drove over there" he frowns, leaning against the opposite counter. "ah, didnt want to bother you" you shrug.
He sighed and looked down. "I made you dinner, by the way" he spoke, making you look up at him warily. "by made, I mean bought, dont worry theres no food poisoning here" he rushed, making you giggle.
"thank you tae, I really appreciate that" you walk over to hug him gently, telling him you were gonna wash up and shower before eating.
He finished cleaning the living room before finally crashing on the couch, watching as you left your room with a towel on your head, making him laugh. "are you gonna tell me my fortune"
You scoff and grab your bulgogi, sitting onto the couch next to him.
"yummy?" he asks, searching for something to watch, "mhm" you smiled and offered a bite which he gladly took.
"oh also, Because tomorrow night is the art show, I was thinking afterwards we should get dinner or something..." he trailed off, avoiding eye contact.
you turned your head to him, smiling softly, "hm that sounds fun. are we thinking Mcdonalds?" you giggle, making him laugh as well.
"nooo, no" his head shook, "I dont know yet, I'll look around."
"we can go to that Korean barbecue place that just opened, and celebrate your win" you shrug
"we dont know if Im gonna win, there are many talented artists participating. I have like no chance, y/n."
you scoff and shake your head, "you are telling me, that THE Kim Taehyung has no chance? I dont believe this!"
He smiled and watched as you rambled about how he has worked for this and deserves it, laughing quietly.
"yeah...I dont even care for the money to be honest. I Just want to go to Paris again...it was fun when we went last time" he sighed.
You chewed your food and nodded, standing up in front of him with your hands on your hips, "Mr.Kim, I am putting it into the universe now, that if somehow you dont win, I will make sure we both go to Paris once more"
"really?" he spoke after a moment, unable to take you seriously with the towel head.
"I dont think Kaito would like thattt" he sung jokingly, getting up and grabbing the blanket from the other side of the couch, covering himself in it.
"I dont careeee" you sung back before jokingly jumping onto him, squeezing his face as you continued to speak. "I dont even know where he is right now, probably drunk or something"
"does he get drunk a lot?" tae asked, smiling as you poked around his face with your hands. "yeah....kinda. He can handle it most times but.." you cut yourself off, not wanting to say anything else.
"but what?" tae asked, head turning to yours as you laid on him. Your eyes simply scanned over his face as he did the same with you. The urge to kiss him was there, but you knew better.
You got up and off him, making him sit up and look at you. "but what?" he repeated
"nothing" you smiled before stealing his blanket and running off to your room, making him get up to chase after you.
You were both laughing, but Tae was still catching his breath. You looked like you wanted to kiss him, no? His mind ran around in circles, ultimately convincing himself that he really does need to drop this and stop over analyzing everything.
He sat into his bed that night, looking over at his painting which leaned against his desk. He so desperately wanted tomorrow to be perfect, he wanted to win, but he also wanted to impress you.
His mind wandered down the rabbit hole. was it too clingy to ask to go to dinner after? was he annoying you and you didnt have the heart to tell him?
He rolled his face against his pillow, sighing heavily as tannie ran up and jumped on the bed, cuddling with him.
Across the hall you paced your room, glasses on as you tried to memorize your studying and figure out an outfit for tomorrow.
You gently hummed to yourself before moving the coat hangers around to see what you had, you dont exactly have 'art show' worthy clothes. You knew that ultimately it didnt matter, it wasnt about you, it was about him.
You climbed into bed and wrapped up your homework, deciding to pull your phone out and see if your boyfriend called or texted.
0 notifications
you sighed and opened up messages, texting him quickly.
you: hey....I hope you are okay? You havent texted or anything, im a little worried. you were supposed to pick me up today and then go for like coffee or something. did you forget? its okay if you did, just hope you are safe.
you bit your lip as you sent the message, waiting for a few minutes for a possible reply, but ultimately receiving nothing.
"ah, Yun Y/n, you really have impressed me, this is amazing"
you looked at your theatre teacher with hopeful eyes, glad that she appreciated the project script you stayed up to finish last night.
You bowed politely, "thank you so much, that means a lot"
"of course" she responded, taking her glasses off, "I really do hope you decide to take this class next year, you are one of my best students and I think the incoming freshmen would love to learn from your writing skills"
you smiled and nodded, "I dont see any reason why I wouldnt stay" you laughed lightly, making her nod, "good!"
she handed you your papers back with the received grade, allowing you to walk out into the hallway to see a certain someone.
"um...hello?" you spoke, aggravation evident in your voice. Kaito looked up from his bag at you, a guilty expression now showing.
"y/n, baby im sorry about yesterday"
"Look, I dont care about the pick-up thing, why couldnt you text me this morning even? I thought you died or something"
he laughs yet you were not amused. "My phone broke" he cleared his throat. You sigh and look around. "you know how many phones are on campus? you also have so many classes with Chae, would it kill you to relay the message?"
"im sorry, ok?"
you glared at him. 'Sorry' had become his broken record repeated phrase lately, and honestly, it didn't sound all to genuine anymore.
"yeah" you shrug and begin to walk away before he stops you. "Oh, are you free tonight?"
you stop and turn, shaking your head, "no, I have plans"
He scoffs, "doing what?"
"I have an art show with Taehyung and its late, we are going right home after"
"I see" he nods sarcastically, obviously pissed off. "are you going to the party that Jungkook is throwing at least?" he adds
"oh yeah....Dahyun invited me, I'll be there I guess" you mumble
"good" he smiled and held your cheek, making you look up at him. "dont bring him, okay?"
you look over his face before rolling your eyes and turning to walk to your next class.
Things lately with Kaito havent been as well as you had planned. When you two first started dating, the romance was there, there was a spark within sharing similar interests and likes, there were cute dates, late night conversations. As you find yourself walking down the hall, you wish that perhaps you never got to know the quiet boy in your acting class. You ponder about what would have happened if you two just remained friends, strangers, even.
His drinking was something you had been made aware of by a few classmates, but you can only blame yourself for ignoring them. As much as you hated to admit it, you didnt care in the moment. You are a young girl, who has vulnerabilities and of course wishes to find someone that makes her feel special....but given that....you also deserve pride, and the power to know, or to walk away from situations that arent helping you grow.
You dont ask much of kaito, he couldn't even pick you up on time and let you know why. It was borderline pathetic. He was pathetic, and the marks still evident on your wrist were enough to prove it.
you dont know what you had done in a past life to get such shitty treatment from men, but you could only pray that either the universe sends you in a different direction, or fixes the broken path you are currently trying to fight through.
"I called the restaurant, they take walk ins" Taehyung cheerfully spoke, barging into your room to see you sitting with your back towards him, papers sprawled around your desk surface.
"thats good" you mumble, refusing to turn around at the excited boy.
Taehyung notices the shift in your voice, the way your back is slumped over as you hid yourself in the piles of paper and homework. As he walked over, small droplets of tears resting on the wooden desktop below you are visible. You had been crying. A gentle hand comes up to graze against your back, remaining still for a moment before he spoke. "Y/N, whats going on?"
You sniffled, wishing that you could just be alone but also refraining against sending the boy out, he just wanted to help. "Im just stressed" a simple shrug and a blow of the nose make taehyung sit on the end of your bed as he faces you, deciding its enough distance from you, but not too much. "do you wanna talk about it?" he asks softly, his hair resting in front of his eyes, its grown so long these days.
You looked back at him and remained quiet for a moment before opening your mouth, "no" you shook your head. "I just....I just want tonight to be fun, I want you to have fun, I want this for us, just one day without anything pulling us down, okay?"
Taehyung nodded slowly, not sure what could have sent you into a spiral like this, but respecting your decision to not speak on it. "Okay, yeah, we will have fun okay?" he whispers, hand now holding yours as he got closer to you, wiping away your tears. "don't cry, everything will be alright sweet girl" he brings you into a tight hug as his words are close to brining you to cry again. You can blame it on being hormonal, but something about the comforting nature of the boy in front of you made you just want to constantly be there, support and love him for what he is. You would cling to him like a koala if you had the chance.
but he wasn't yours, and you were not his.
You had not been the best friend to taehyung for the past few weeks, something youve tried to make up for by either cooking, or buying him new art tools. You even stayed up late with him a few nights ago just letting him rant about all the shit on his plate. It made you realize that this boy would tell you every little detail about his life, he trusts you so much, yet you couldnt even be honest about the kaito situation.
Guilt was the best emotion to describe the feeling in your chest.
The best thing you could do tonight is to treat him like he were king of the world, he deserves a break, and it would kill you to have to be the one to ruin it again.
You sniffled and looked back at him, "so are you gonna show me the menu of the restaurant or what?"
Taehyung laughed lightly, squeezing your hand as he helped you up and led you out into the living room with him.
Every time Taehyung see's you upset, he feels as if those emotions transfer to him. If he could snap his fingers, or wave some magic wand, he would make it so you never cried again. A part of him was upset that you didnt feel comfy enough to open up about what exactly was bothering you, yet at the same time, he was able to understand your reasoning. You two fought more in the past few months than you have in your entire lives, it felt like walking on eggshells every time he spoke, he was fearful of losing you as a friend, so he made sure each word that came out of his mouth was nothing but delicate, kind, and loving.
He buttoned up his suit, smiling at himself in the mirror as he sprayed on some cologne you bought for him last Christmas. He remembers how much you loved to cuddle up to him when he got home from work, hiding your face in his neck, complimenting how good he had smelled.
Seems like those memories are so distant, in a way he almost mourns them. He is grateful to even have you at all, but as time goes on he truly believes he may never get over you, that you will always just be the one that actually got away.
He looks down at his drawer in his bathroom, the drawer that had been shared by you whenever you had used his bathroom. It hadnt been open in a while, but as he looked through it, he couldnt help but laugh.
purple nail polish.
You asked him if you had left it in his bathroom and he told you no. He thought it was cute that its the shade youve always worn. He even bought you a new bottle just so he could keep the one you left behind.
His mind flickers back to when you had begged him to let you paint his nails, after about 30 minutes of pestering, he finally gave in, letting you give him the full spa treatment.
He softly smiled as he examined the polish, carefully putting it back before walking out and into the living room.
"AHH you look so cute!" you giggled and ran up to him, squishing his bread cheeks. Tae had never worn a suit before, but you took him shopping a few days ago and convinced him he would look really good in one, and he has to admit he feels pretty well fit in it.
You fluffed his hair up and smiled softly, watching his eyes scan over you, something that made you blush. "You look really good, is this a new dress?" he asked quietly
"wow you noticed" you teased
"Of course, you look so pretty in it" He wanted to go on, he wanted to tell you how beautiful your smile looked and how it didnt matter what you wore, because in the museum full of brilliant art, he probably would only be able to look at you tonight.
"thank you" you shyly spoke, "are you ready?"
He held up his canvas, smiling brightly and nodding. "Here" you placed a plastic bag over the art so it wouldnt get destroyed or ruined in any way, especially since it was raining out.
"thank you" he spoke, lifting it up again before grabbing the umbrella and walking towards the door. "Lets go win that prize and rub it in everyones face" you tease, cheering as you made your way down the hall, tae walked behind and watched your childish nature, giggling to himself.
It was crowded.
You didnt even know there was this many art students in your school.
"just stay with me, its okay" Tae whispered to you after dropping off his artwork at the front table so they could enter it into the contest. He noticed your fidgety state, gently grabbing one of your hands with his own. You offered a light squeeze in acknowledgment.
You both turned around to see Annie running up, smiling brightly with a glass in her hand. "Uhg Im so glad you made it, did you submit your work??"
"yeah I just gave it to them" he pointed at the adults working the table. "great, I seriously cant wait to see your work hung up, I know whatever it is will be beautiful."
"ah thank you, you are too kind" he spoke softly, feeling your grip on his arm tighten.
"Hi Annie" you spoke, annoyed that she chose to ignore you. "Oh hi!" she waved. "Im sorry, I forgot your name, what is it sweetheart?"
Taehyung scoffed quietly, stopping you from speaking before him "Her name is Y/N, I only talk about her all the time" he looked down at you, offering a reassuring smile.
"Oh, I forget everything im sorry" she giggled loudly. "cmon, lets go get something to drink" She tugged on his other arm eager to get him away from you.
"do you want anything?" he mouthed to you, making you shake your head. "no, go have fun" you offer, watching him give into annie's aggression with a sad smile, walking away.
You took your time walking around the exhibit, stopping at each frame to read the small descriptions and notes. You were never super artsy like Taehyung was, but it was impressive to see how dedicated he was.
you made your way through the large crowds of chatter, searching for taehyung before spotting him in the corner by the food stand. You walked over and gently hugged him from behind, it wasnt an act of anything, you just hated being in crowded areas, so you clung to him as best you could. His hand gently grazed along your arm before turning, a audible scoff from Annie is heard as he turns to face you.
"Hi sweet girl, You okay?"
"yeah" you nod, "I was just looking at all the art, which is beautiful but I think they have nothing on yours"
"Youre biased" he chuckled
"tsk tsk, I tell the truth" you giggled, hugging him as you rested your head on his chest, his arms around you loosely. To any onlookers, you two were a couple.
You both are naturally cling people, perhaps it can be to blame for how you both fell so easily into the friends with benefits thing.
"I didnt know you guys were dating" annie took a sip of her wine, gesturing between the both of you.
"oh no, we arent" you quickly spoke, "we are just really close"
"ah..." she trailed off and gave a knowing look to Taehyung, making him shrug. He didnt like to be mean, but he also liked seeing how jealous she got of you. He would never date Annie, and he felt guilty for maybe leading her on, but he feels pride in knowing that shes jealous of you.
you are his girl whether you were dating, friends, anything, everyone knew that.
"they have food if you are hungry" he suggested, patting your back to get your attention.
"Oh, thats okay, im saving room to stuff my face with Tteokbokki later" you both giggled,
"lets go look around, yeah?"
you nodded and grabbed his hand, leading him away from the judgmental girl watching you both like a hawk.
You noticed his frown as you sat in front of a canvas filled wall, "whats wrong, tae?"
"these are all....amazing..." he gestured towards a few, head lost in thought and self doubt.
"bubs, i promise you, yours is just as good if not better. remember what I said, no matter what happens, the outcome will be okay" you rubbed his shoulder, watching a small smile appear on his face.
"everything will be okay" he whispered to himself, taking a deep breath before nodding
As the night went on, guests were informed that the ranking and award ceremony would be taking place in just 15 minutes. Taehyung had been wrapped up in conversation with another one of his classmates, eyes absent mindedly searching around the banquet hall for you.
You told him a bit ago that you were gonna go grab a drink, and its been 10 minutes.
Across the room, little to his knowledge, you were wrapped up in your own conversation with a boy who caught you admiring his own work. "It took me a few months" the boy spoke softly, both of you standing in front of his painting. "You didnt want so submit it into the competition?" you asked, watching him shake his head. "I dont need people judging my art, it doesnt matter what they think. I like being able to just put it out into the world for what it is, I dont need a prize for that"
You were taken back by how well and soft spoken he was, unsure how to respond, "Whats your name by the way?"
"My name is Jung Hoseok" he bowed his head lightly, smiling brightly at you. "Ah nice to meet you Hoseok, Im Yun Y/N"
"pleasure meeting you" he spoke, shaking your hand. "so are you here tonight for your own art?" he added
"oh no, no, I am definitely not an artist", you giggled. "Im here with my best friend, he is the one participating tonight"
Taehyung finally found an out in the conversation and began his search for you, pushing through the room to see you standing next to some stranger. He would be lying if he said he didnt like to see you with other men, especially Hoseok, who was in his art class. He would rather you be standing with Kaito at that point.
"Oh taehyung!" Hoseok greeted the man you didnt even know stood behind you, making you turn and smile. "Sorry, I got lost" you giggled, taking his hand as he moved beside you. "Hello Hoseok" tae bowed his head.
"Y/N told me you are trying for the contest, good luck, I heard the judges tend to pick favorites" he laughed and tapped his arm, making him awkwardly smile. "I think he will be ok, wait until you see his painting, its beautiful" you spoke up
"Im sure" he looked at you both, bowing politely before walking off into a new conversation with his nearby friends.
"dont let his charm get to you, he isnt the nicest person" taehyung turns and speaks, gently leading you back to the front of the banquet hall.
"What? he seemed so sweet" you spoke
"I heard he is kind of....you know....like, he likes to play with multiple women at once" he explained as best he could, making you smile, "a man whore" you suggested, making him laugh. "yeah, a man whore"
"dont worry, Im not interested. Ive had enough boy drama to keep me away from any penis within a 5 mile radius" You spoke, watching Taehyung burst out in laughs. "speaking of him, is kaito mad you are here?"
"If he is, I dont care, tonight isnt about him, only you"
A few moments later, everyone had gathered into the front of the banquet hall, a panel of 3 judges proudly standing on the small stage ready to reward the prizes in rankings of the top 5 works of art submitted tonight.
"I am so nervous" Taehyung whispered, not directly at anyone but himself. You looked back and smiled, grabbing his hand and entwining it with your own. "Stop stressing, your hair is gonna go grey." you both quietly giggled before the lady on the mic began to speak.
"Thank you all so much for coming to our annual art banquet show, this is the 11th year we have been graciously welcomed back and we could not be more excited as the number of participants grow each year." she adjusted her glasses before speaking again. "Tonight is not about winning, or being the best, it is about recognizing talent of all unique levels, seeing things from other peoples eyes, its about the beauty of art"
The audience clapped lightly, making you smile as you looked around at everyone piled up together in anticipation.
"With that, I believe we are ready to begin the gift ceremony. The other judges and I graded on not only the art itself, but the impact received through it, we were looking for those who went outside the box, and we are happy to say we were not disappointed."
Taehyung looked at the black cloths that hung over the art work that was pinned on the wall up front, unsure if his was one of them or not.
"I'll remind everyone of the prizes, 5-3 place recieve a generous cash prize, as well as a discounted art session for next semester, 2 place recieves a larger amount of cash, while 1st place gets a visit to the Louvre Museum in Paris France, fully paid!"
The crowd happily cheers, the excitement in the room can easily be felt. You were nervous for Taehyung, not because you didnt think he could win, but you knew how much he wanted this trip. You wanted to see him happy, and most importantly, you wanted him to be proud of himself.
"We will now begin" The older woman walks to the lined up art, standing in front of one. "In 5th place, we will happily be awarding this to...." she gently pulled the black sheet off, revealing the art as the crowd clapped happily.
"Seo Yoon, with 'a walk with existence'"
you looked around to see the girl stand up and go to collect her certificate, bowing and thanking the judges.
"4th place, goes to.... Park Jimin, with 'serendipity'"
Everyone cheered as the younger man walked up to join the others.
You felt taehyungs hand squeeze yours lightly, as the 3rd person was revealed and it wasnt him, now he was eager. He either got 2nd, 1st, or none at all.
you gently rubbed his back as the woman went to reveal 2nd place. "In 2nd, we have..." the painting was revealed, "Kang Annie, with 'daydream'"
You both looked at eachother, "I didnt think her art was that good" taehyung claps but whispers in your ear, making you giggle and hold his arm for support. The tension in the room grew as the judge made her way to the remaining painting, the cloth gathering in her hand.
"and for first place, we, the judges have decided to reward...." the curtain felt like it fell in slow motion, taehyung quite literally on the edge of his seat.
"Kim Taehyung with 'Forever and a day'"
You jumped up immediately as his name was called, his beautiful painting on display for everyone to see as claps and "congratulations" were gifted his way.
"I won?" he mumbled, standing as you grabbed him close, hugging him tightly. "I fucking knew you could win!!! Im so proud!!!' you cupped his face and smiled, making him smile as well.
"get up there and claim your prize" you mumble, urging him up to the stage where he went to collect his prize and certificate. "Congratulations to everyone who won, and everyone who participated! lets get a round of applause for all the talent here tonight"
The room clapped loudly as you caught his eye, smirking and chanting loudly, maybe a bit too loudly for an art show. He laughed and congratulated the other winners, giving annie some bullshit answer when she joked about being his Paris plus one.
"You have no fucking idea how proud I am, Taehyung" you hugged him once more as you two started to get ready to head out. He made sure you took 10 million photos of his painting on display, making it your lock screen on your phone.
"I still cant believe I won.....it doesnt feel real" He joked, linking your arm with his as you both made your exit after saying goodbyes to everyone.
"wait until it hits, you are gonna be so proud of yourself. Paris....PARIS, taehyung, this shit is huge. Im not gonna lie, I almost cried when I heard your name"
"you did not!" he chuckled as you both walked to your car.
"Yes I did, you just dont get it" you teased "felt like such a power moment, you just know annie was pissed too....little bitch"
Taehyung bit back his laugh as he sat in the drivers seat, pulling his seatbelt on and resting his head back as you got in. "Thank you for everything, for coming....for just being my support" he spoke kindly, wide grin stuck on his face.
"dont thank me, im always gonna be here for you, seriously. Now, lets go eat until we get full, order dessert we cant finish, take it home and get drunk" You put your seatbelt on, car filled with excitement and giggles as he began to drive to dinner.
He really did feel excited, He was mostly in shock on how he was able to win something he threw together last minute.
Blame it on the alcohol, but some deep part of him wanted to come clean in this very moment, as you were now in the crowded restaurant, music blasted as you sang loudly, you looked so beautiful and alive.
The painting was about you.
Taehyung spent hours dedicating himself to that painting, and it was about you. It seemed like a perfect time to just rip the bandaid off right now, a night where everything was going right.
"y/n..." he mumbled, watching as you happily looked over at him, his heart now in his throat. you stopped dancing and made your way over to where he sat at the bar, your drunken self leaning forward to hear him over the music.
"I just wanted to tell y-"
"youre so handsome, jesus christ I hate you" you interrupt, words slurring as you look at him lovingly.
He knows you are drunk, but the comment still made him laugh, "thank you" he whispered as you walked back out to the dance floor, dragging him with you.
"ah y/n, im not really a dancer"
"you dont need to be, just listen to the music and feel it" you shout, jumping around and holding his hands. He has to admit, seeing you away from your usual tight knit persona was really attractive, of course he admired you always, but he never saw this side before, it was new and exciting.
He allowed himself to relax a bit, taking another shot before finally giving in and dancing with you in the crowded bar. "thats it!" you yell, jumping around with him as you both fell into fits of giggles. "cmere" you turned around and pressed your back to his chest, and even in his drunken state, his heart still fluttered at the sudden contact. You carefully danced against him, not in a promiscuous way, simply just a light sway.
You two ended up spending a bit too much money at the bar, making tae ultimately put a cap on the drinks for the night. You werent ready to leave yet, so he ordered a basket of fries and water, sitting at a table with you in the next room.
"we have to sober up just a little bit, I still have to drive home" he giggled and sat beside you, taking a few fries and shoving them into his mouth. "thanks bubs" you slur, eating the fries and chugging water like you havent had any in weeks.
"are you having the best day of your life?" you ask, making him smile, "yeah, I am actually" he held a fry up and fed it to you. "good, me too" you spoke, mouth open and full of food.
the two of you sat and spoke until you felt some of the alcohol waving off, "hmm, do you wanna go home?" you asked him, noticing how tired you both were getting.
It had been almost 5 hours youve been here, and you didnt want him to only stay because you wanted to.
"yeah...its kinda late" he smiled softly, standing up and helping you.
"youre okay to drive?" you ask, watching as he looked into the next room, listening to the jazz song that was playing.
"tae?" you walk over, watching him turn and smile. "wait, before we leave.." he held your hand and led you into the other room. "dance with me, just one last song" he looked down at you, and there was no way to say no to him.
You two were surrounded by some older couples, all of them turning their attention to you as you made your way into the center of the floor, saxophone blaring through the speakers.
Taehyungs long arms wrapped loosely around your waist, resting just above your butt, your arms reaching up to hold his shoulders as you two slowly swayed to the music.
"Why are you looking at me like that" you mutter, thankful for the dark lighting hiding the current blush on your face.
"Like what?" he smiled
You shrug, giggling softly, "I dont know" you bit your lip and looked at him, alcohol still able to be felt deep in your veins.
"whats so funny, hm?" he teased, looking directly at you with a wide smile, "whats my girl always laughing about?"
you shyly looked down, the weight of his gaze too much. Your head rested against his chest as butterflies filled your stomach. this was wrong.
"you cant say that" you whine quietly
"why not?" he stood back and gently spun you around, making you smile as your hands returned to his shoulders.
"because....im not your girl" you mumble, eyes fixated on both of your feet below.
He sighed and rested his head against yours, words not needed, yet actions saying much more as his hands squeezed your waist gently, rubbing up and down carefully.
you looked up at him finally as the song was coming to a close and allowed yourself to just be, smiling as he looked at you. "You will always be my girl" he whispered so only you two could hear, he quickly turned, grabbing your hand. "lets head home"
You felt breathless, and most of all guilty....but not in the way most would think. You were guilty about not feeling guilty. You had fun, and you werent going to apologize for the mindless flirting that occurred tonight.
The both got out of the car and jumped under the hood of your apartment complex, looking at the rain pouring.
"I had fun, tae..."
"I did too" he looked at you hopefully, his hand returning to yours.
"we need more time for just us, we've been so wrapped in other shit" you sigh, the sound of rain surrounding both of you.
"I agree, I dont care what we do, im always enjoying myself with you"
You smirk and jokingly jump towards him, embracing him tightly "ahhh tae tae...what will I do with you, little art boy" you smile as he laughs.
You both pull away, arms still on eachother as you stood outside your home. There was a moment of quietness, eyes scanning over eachothers faces.
"Tae...." you whisper, gathering your thoughts before he slowly leans in, nose brushing yours. The top of his lip grazes against yours as you lean in, suddenly realizing what was happening as you pull your head away.
He didnt react sharply, just watching you with sad eyes.
"we cant" you whispered, shaking your head
"why not?"
"because we dont know what we are doing tae, we know better than this." you firmly say
"do we?" he spoke calmly, eyes still fixated on you.
He looks down at your hands, squeezing them "please...."
You frown when he isnt looking, dragging your hand to pull his wet hair out of his face. "Im sorry" you softly spoke, rubbing your thumb over his cheek, "lets go get some rest, yeah?"
he waits a moment before nodding, silently following you into the apartment.
You werent sure what exactly was in the air tonight, but you knew something changed, and maybe it was the universe finally answering your call.
A/n: sorry ...
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@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
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chipcheesesandwich · 10 months
Heartstopper S2 finally gave us the queer revenge we were looking for, or maybe at least I have been looking for.
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I've always tended to steer away from queer media these days, because all have been quite depressing. The couple breaks up, one of them dies (or maybe both!), the show gets cancelled after 1 season after promising us with a second (I'm looking at you Amazon and the execs who cut League of Their Own, pay your actors and writers!!!), etc... But what really makes me depressed, is the "forgiving queers" arc.
In almost every queer coming out type story arc in a show, set in the modern day, there is a bully. They will give the characters their first taste of slurs, shaming, and threats to harm them for being openly queer. Through the experiences from the bullying, the coming out character usually becomes tough (maybe after a few mental breakdowns here and there) and fights back the bully, or just ignores them and show that they can live a happy life, or they find out the bully is actually queer too and/or have a reason behind their actions (homophobic home environments and trying to please the people around them, which tends to be the case). And usually, when the queer character finds out about the bully being queer or has their reasoning of "acting" homophobic, they are forgiven. And all I can think watching this unfold, is that is just a load of straight guilt forgiveness smeared on the screen.
Because, tbh, why do we have to forgive them? Why do we have to be the "great learning lesson" for the people who do not have the decency to think of people's feelings? And don't get me wrong, I am not always about this. I have done a fair amount of forgiving in my time of coming out, educating people, being the first contact of this queer world, etc. But it should never be the one and only recommended way of dealing with hate, because those people still hurt us and scarred us for life. It is our life, it is our decision to forgive or not.
So when I saw Charlie, blocking away Harry and Ben's ask for forgiveness with grace, was so, satisfying. And such a great decision in the creatives/writers on this. It was almost like the reverse queer baiting we got from Our Flag Means Death and got slapped into the actual desired direction that no one could dare to wish. It was what I actually wanted to say to those people who asked me for forgiveness after making me think I am not worth living; fuck. off.
As I unravel this love I have for Charlie's queer revenge, I cannot stop thinking of the last moments we had with Ben. As Charlie and Nick walk away, leaving Ben completely alone, the beautiful rainbow colors of the queer art gallery just overflow towards him, just inches away. We see him hesitate to leave, but ends with him fully turning around and walking away in the opposite direction. And as viewers, you cannot help but hear your own heart shatter for him. We all know how he wants those inches to reach the rainbow, but it is just far too wide. It's the biggest leap all queer people have experienced. Charlie and Nick have, and they could be Ben's guide to help him cross this. But at the end, it is Ben's decision to make and how he gathers his courage. And all we can do, is watch.
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fleshing-out-fodlan · 11 months
Crimson Flower vs. Azure Moon Marianne
I think an underrated part of the game is the differences between how the characters change on different routes (tbh I only really see it discussed to trash on CF characterizations when I don’t even think it’s objectively true that all characters are worse off on that route). Since I’m on a Marianne kick I decided to compare some explore quotes from her.
Thesis: While Marianne works to become happier in both routes, in CF she learns moreso to derive this happiness from herself while in AM she learns moreso to derive this happiness from her connections to other people.
Chapter 12
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Marianne’s CF dialogue is obviously more focused on herself than her AM dialogue. In CF she says “what if I have the power to change the world” while in AM she says “surely we can win.” I believe this pronoun change, in CF she is feeling empowered to break free and become her own person while in AM she is feeling like she is a part of a strong group.
Chapter 13
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Both routes here involve Marianne’s father telling her where to go, however I do believe Marianne seems more content with her decision in CF and like it’s something she would want independently of her father, even going so far as to say she would disobey his orders showing her dedication to the cause. On the other hand, in AM she doesn’t say anything about how she feels about the cause and the thing that gives her hope is hearing that someone else who she has developed a strong bond with wants her around. This contrast again shows how AM Marianne places a stronger emphasis on her bonds with other people.
Chapter 13
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Honestly I don’t have much to say here, I don’t feel like the change in this says much about her characterization. You could say CF Marianne is freely volunteering her thoughts without needing prompting like AM Marianne and maybe there’s something too that but it does feel like a bit of a stretch to me so I’ll just leave it at that.
Chapter 14
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As the story progresses, the explore dialogues stop being direct counterparts so the analysis may feel a bit more disjointed but let’s see what we can get from these. This is a scene of CF Marianne deriving happiness/comfort from a support network as opposed to herself (being consoled by Byleth and turning to her faith). In order to be truly happy you do need to be able to derive happiness both from yourself and others so I think it’s good to see CF Marianne relying on other people despite her increased sense of independence on this route. In AM we see a lack of confidence we haven’t seen yet in CF with her directly saying she’s “not very good” at something. She also says she is following her father’s orders which I think helps prove my earlier point that Marianne is more concerned about her father’s opinion on this route than CF. However, we do see her move on quickly from her self deprecation, pointing out an accomplishment she had and using that as a source of comfort which is a healthy approach. No one is ever going to have 0 negative thoughts about themself so it’s good seeing Marianne able to cope with these negative feeling and not just letting them destroy her.
Chapter 15
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Here we do see the self deprecation we just saw in AM Marianne in CF Marianne with her saying she’s weak without the goddess. We don’t see her utilizing any sort of coping mechanism here which, while not inherently indicative of the fact that she has none, is still interesting. I wonder if CF Marianne feels her emotions in more extremes while AM Marianne has more consistent, middle of the road emotions?? Something I definitely want to look out for in the future but not sure if this theory will bear any fruit. Anyways, another interesting thing about CF Marianne is the ways he hangs on to her religion like we saw with her mourning Claude. Her holding onto her faith in CF is remarkable to me because of the environment she’s in. While I know Edelgard doesn’t want to completely abolish the religion, when you’re fighting against members of the church in order to dismantle it, there’s definitely going to be some sort of pressure to abandon your religion and I’m sure you would hear some not so nice comments about religion and religious people form fellow soldiers. So Marianne holding onto her faith shows her strong resolve and how she is willing to stick by her personal beliefs even if it doesn’t fit in with those around her. AM Marianne brings up her dad again, making this the third time compared to CF Marianne only bringing him up once. Marianne does say that she wants him to forget about her showing a desire for independence, but the fact that she continues to worry about her father’s views shows how she has not completely broken free from him.
Chapter 16
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Here we see CF Marianne discussing her religion here and her using it to provide herself with a sense of comfort. Not much to comment on here except that she seems more confident in her relationship with religion here than she did last chapter. I find AM Marianne’s dialogue to be really interesting and I like hearing her reflect on her past perspectives in order to show how much she’s grown. I do think a lot can be said about this dialogue but I don’t think much of it would be related to what this post is about so I’m moving on.
AM Chapters
So as I’m sure most of you know, CF is shorter than the rest of the routes. I’ve gone through all the CF explore dialogues already and still have some AM ones left so I’m just going to go over those ones in their own section now.
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Pretty basic sentiment and I think CF Marianne would feel similarly (replacing DImitri with Edelgard) if in that situation so not much to say here.
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Another mention of her father, AM Marianne obviously is more dependent on her father than CF Marianne. This is likely a result of her spending more time with him in AM than CF. In both routes she goes back to assist him after the initial Garreg Mach battle, but in CF she joins the imperial army in the same year while in AM she doesn’t join the kingdom’s army for another four years. Interesting how she comments on his wellness before her own which again shows how AM Marianne spends more energy thinking about other’s than about herself. 
Her final AM dialogue is literally exactly the same as her final CF dialogue so I feel no need to report it. 
My Verdict: Honestly, I think both Marianne’s are capable of leading a happy and fulfilling life and I can see why someone would prefer either one. That being said, I do prefer CF Marianne. I think AM Marianne’s dependence on her father is a bit much and I think CF Marianne’s lack of concern for that is going to allow her to figure out what truly makes her happy without trying to please him. Also the things I’ve read about Margrave Edmund lead me to view him as a not particularly good father so I think getting some space from him will really benefit Marianne. I also think she seems more at peace with herself. While I would say AM Marianne seems to have a slightly stronger bond with Byleth than CF Marianne due to how she often seeks comfort from them, I do prefer CF Marianne’s stronger sense of independence over that. I honestly love her first CF explore dialogue where she wonders if she also has the power to change the world and if she holds onto that sense of empowerment I really think she can accomplish a lot.
Anyways, that’s my thoughts on CF vs. AM Marianne. I’m interested to hear which version of Marianne others prefer (if you even have a preference) and why so please either leave a comment or reblog with your opinions.
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