#tauriel headcannon
vee-vee-writes · 2 years
They are forbidden in the room (shelves with wine, food😁) where there is little light + the room is cold (Beorn, Legolas, Fili, Kili, Tauriel)
A/N: Sorry for the long wait! I hope you finally get to enjoy this :) Beorn's blurb is a bit smaller than the others just because I have never written for him before but I hope you like it none the less.
The room was off limits to all but the King but when she had seen the door open Tauriel knew that she had to investigate
She told herself that it was to make sure that all was well with the royals she was sworn to protect but in truth she knew this was a lie
Every elf in the kingdom was curious as to what the King kept behind lock and key
She had thought that perhaps it was a private store of fine wine, his private thoughts, or jewels of great value
What she had not expected was to have come across a shrine to the late Queen of Mirkwood
While there were some Elven delicacies (fine wine and long-lasting foods) littering the shelves around the room, a statute of the lady stood proud in the middle of the room and Tauriel moved closer to take in more of the Queen's face when suddenly the door slammed behind her, snuffing out almost all light
Panicked Tauriel rushed back towards the door, only for the knob to be stuck in place locked
Taking a deep breath Tauriel stepped back to collect herself
She would have to find another way out in the dark
The last thing she wanted was for the King to catch her in here
While Thranduil was typically reasonable, the entirety of the Elven race knew to avoid bringing up his wife around the Elf
However, after hours of searching in the dark she had yet to find a way out
Cold and hungry Tauriel tried not to think of the fineries within feet of her
She was sure that Thranduil would have accounted for anything to be found in the room
Yet within the next hour her stomach had trumped her logic and she found herself scoffing herself with scrumptious bread and guzzling wine as though she would not see the morrow
As she revealed in the warmth spreading within her full belly as the wine began to take effect, she heard a cough interrupt her
Eyes snapping up to the door she found a bemused Legolas perched in the doorway
"Come on then before my father finds you" Legolas mused nodding towards the door.
Fili was cursing Kili as he found himself trapped in the room - it was cold, dank, and the young prince could hardly see his hand in front of his own face
Convinced that his brother needed a break, Kili had led Fili to the room to show him something then promptly shoved him in and locked the door behind him
Hesitantly walking forward, Fili used his hands to guide himself to a table amid the darkness- looking for anything he could use to escape
Instead, the Prince found a flint and steel and further along an oil lamp which he promptly lit
Now that the room was more illuminated, Fili could see the barrel of ale and feast laid out
While he was still frustrated with his brother, Fili felt his spirits lighten significantly
It had been a while since the darrow had a good drink
So, he served himself, drinking mug upon mug of ale - using the cold as reason for his excessive drinking
Half a barrel in Fili began to panic
Undoubtedly by now Thorin would be looking for him and the last thing he needed was a lecture from his uncle about drunkenness and the responsibilities of an heir
In a bid to somewhat sober himself up he began to scoff handfuls and handfuls of food down his gullet
Surely that would help to absorb some of the alcohol in his system, but he knew his uncle was no fool, he would smell the ale on him
Pacing back and forward Fili began to argue with himself as he reasoned through what would be the best explanation to give Thorin
His thoughts were interrupted by the cackling of his younger brother, "I thought you'd tuck into everything, but I didn't expect you to take it to this extent Fi."
Through the light of the doorway Fili could see the true extent of the mess he had made in his panic
Flushing with embarrassment he grumbled crankily at Kili to help him back to his chambers without Thorin seeing the two of them
Rohan was very different from what the Elven Prince had expected
He knew humans tended to be obnoxious, especially after a victory, but he had underestimated the extent
Escaping their madness he wandered the halls of the Kingdom looking for the kitchens
Instead he came across a door with a sign forbidding entry to anyone except for the royal family and their direct servants
Pushing it open Legolas stepped in only for the door to latch closed behind him
Shoving against it with his inhuman strength did little to budge it and he began to make peace with the fact he was stuck until someone came to let him out
He used his elven eyes to adjust to the darkness, scanning his surroundings
A storeroom
Shelves lined with wrapped cakes, breads, and fresh fruits sat neatly on the hanging shelves with the barrels of wine and ale perched beneath them
While he typically wouldn't help himself to someone else's property, Legolas smiled at the thought of having a quiet feast by himself
So he pulled up and empty barrel to perch himself on and loaded up an empty serving dish with delicacies
Finally he poured himself a goblet of wine, inhaling the aroma and guessing at where the wine had originated from
It certainly didn't smell as sweet as Woodland wine but he couldn't rule out that it hadn't come from the likes of Imladris
Settling down Legolas filled himself on his "borrowed" goods, humming to himself in enjoyment as he supped
Eventually, he found a corner to curl up in, drifting off on a full belly in a locked room certainly wasn't the worst situation he had been in
The shapeshifter cursed himself at his foolishness, how could he have locked himself in his own storeroom
Contemplating on whether he should smash the door down, he angrily decided not too
He knew that he would only have to fix it the next day and there was a chance that his animals would make themselves at home in there in the meantime
The hobbit and the wizard were due to visit him any day now on their way to visit Erebor, he could stick it out until they made their appearance
Aratar knows that he certainly had plenty of food and wine to keep him well for more than a few days
So, Beorn made himself comfortable, pulling straw and old flour sacks from the corner to shape into a makeshift bed
After he was done, he helped himself to some of the goat’s cheese he had freshly made and wrapped
It was the first time he had attempted to make such a thing, so he deserved to sample it and see how it had turned out
After a few pieces Beorn decided it was good but needed something else with it, a glass of wine maybe?
Bending under the tap of a wine barrel he let the wine flow into his mouth before trying another piece of cheese
It tasted much better this time around and he silently praised himself with a grin
Perhaps waiting in the storeroom for a few days wouldn't be so bad.
Thorin had strictly forbidden Kili from the storeroom after the incident with Fi
It had only made him more rebellious so when Thorin and Fili were stuck in a small council meeting he had snuck down
What he had not expected was for the door to lock behind him, trapping him inside
"You want to do the opposite of what your uncle says then you can stay the night in there" his mother’s voice called out from the other side of the door.
"Amad please! Let me out, I won't do it again!" Kili pleaded.
Dis said nothing but Kili heard her footsteps fade as she got further away.
The cupboard was cold
He supposed a storeroom was supposed to be so that the food wouldn't go off, but he still cursed bitterly at the cold
Until of course an idea popped into his head
Storerooms typically contained ale
Scrambling around in the dark Kili felt around for any sign of wine barrels
After several minutes of stumbling around in the dark he came across a barrel
Moving on he found several more empty barrels until he came across a full one
Rebelliously he thought if he was going to be stuck in here for an entire night he may as well enjoy his time
Tilting the barrel to rest against the wall he lay on the floor beneath the tap and lesisurely let the liquid flow down into his mouth as he pleased
While it probably wasn't his smartest idea to get himself locked in the storeroom and the impending lecture from Thorin loomed, Kili was certainly enjoying his time for the moment
After half an hour the young dwarf found that he had drained the first and moved on to his second
But the second he lay back on the ground to resume his drinking after propping the next barrel up he conked out, loud drunken snores escaping his parted lips, drool pooling on the stone floor beneath him
He certainly was a sight to behold when Dis led her brother down to the room to catch his nephew defying his command
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clovenly · 1 year
𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐍 ; a poem they'd recite to you ── elven edition!
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𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐒: ᵃʳʷᵉⁿ, ᵉˡˡᵃᵈᵃⁿ, ᵉˡʳᵒʰᶦʳ, ᵉˡʳᵒⁿᵈ, ᵉʳᵉˢᵗᵒʳ, ᵍᵃˡᵃᵈʳᶦᵉˡ, ᵍˡᵒʳᶠᶦⁿᵈᵉˡ, ʰᵃˡᵈᶦʳ, ˡᵉᵍᵒˡᵃˢ, ˡᶦⁿᵈᶦʳ, ᵗᵃᵘʳᶦᵉˡ, ᵗʰʳᵃⁿᵈᵘᶦˡ
[ A THING OF BEAUTY ] of noble natures / of the gloomy days / of all the unhealthy and o'er-darkened ways
elrond, galadriel, thranduil
[ LOVE'S PHILOSOPHY] all things by a law devine / in one another's being mingle— / why not i with thine?
erestor, elladan, glorfindel, lindir, legolas
[ HOW DO I LOVE THEE? ] how do i love thee? / let me count the ways / i love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach
arwen, elrohir, haldir, tauriel
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sanisse · 1 year
Literally BEGGING for your sapphic Tauriel sfw and nsfw hcs *please* 🥺
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Sapphic!Tauriel Headcannons:
knife wife
srsly she'll stab u <3
but on a more serious note she's a very protective and caring partner! She always wants to check up on you, know that you're okay, and often offers to walk you places :) It's not that she's possessive/jealous etc. etc. she literally just wants to make sure that you get from point A to point B safely and happily.
always super involved in her girlfriend's interests! She loves hearing you talk about what you're currently interested in and will ask lots of questions and try to get involved with your hobbies.
If you'd rather she not get involved with your hobbies that's ok, but you'll need to make that clear. She'll be sad about it but she also will totally understand if you want space.
Curious! So curious! Wants to know all about you.
This comes with the caveat though that she's bad at talking about herself and has to be coaxed.
Touch-starved but not a natural cuddler. It'll be a bit awkward to start but once she feels comfortable with you then she'll get softer :)
Soft touches soft kisses soft everything
Especially if you're human because she's worried she'll break you tbh
Sparring is a love language. Please let her slam you into the mat. It gets her going ;)
doesn't much care about topping or bottoming she's just happy to be here! But she will lean toward topping. She just likes both.
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Tauriel mocks the shit out of Legolas 24/7/365, and so does Thranduil.
You are correct and you should say it.
I've always headcannoned that part of the reason he was so weird and intense in the Hobbit movies was because he was constantly surrounded and bullied by ultra-badass elves, and with the Fellowship, the only person who can really compete with his skills is Aragorn—who is busy looking like a disaster and running away from his responsibilities (we still love him)—so Legolas transcended and became the far more zen but cool pretty boy that we know.
(That, and he was quickly introduced to pipeweed after leaving Mirkwood.)
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Here’s the Gigolas OTP questionnaire for my ship headcannon, as I promised (threatened? Lol)
1. What is their love language?
They enjoy teasing and one-uping each other. They are both of the “No one picks on him but me!” mentality.
Very close friends get a pass on this, such as Aragorn, Tauriel, Eowyn and Pippin. But not family. Fili, Kili, Thorin, Gloin and Thranduil get scolded if they say something smart.
2. Who confessed first?
Legolas. I consider his fierce and instantaneous defense of Gimli, against Eomer’s threat of beheading, to be an unconscious declaration of devotion.
Gimli’s shocked expression in that scene is the pinnacle of adorable and a total bonus.
3. Who plans the dates?
Gimli. He loves to plan trips or special occasions, and to share neat stuff he’s encountered.
Legolas prefers to wing it. He does whatever takes his fancy at any given moment. The type to toss a stick in the air and start exploring in whatever direction it was pointing in when it landed.
4. Who is the better driver?
It’s cannon in both the books and movies, that Legolas ‘drives’ and Gimli rides ‘b~tch‘ whenever they ride the same mount lol.
5. Who likes to be the ‘little spoon’?
It seems to be a trend with me, that one part of my OTPs are always considerably shorter than the other, and therefore resigned to be the ‘little spoon’ in this question. 😅🤷🏻‍♀️😜
In of that, I still think it’s cute to imagine Legolas wrapping his long legs and arms around Gimli and drifting off to sleep like a hug-happy spider with a stout fly.
6. What’s their stand on PDA? (Public Displays of Affection)
Legolas has no reservations when it comes to PDA and loves to embarrass his Dwarf. Also, I think it’s his goal in life to make Aragorn one day role his eyes so hard that they stick that way, or make their fathers choke on a beverage at least once every visit.
Gimli isn’t against PDA, but he’s actually rather shy for a Dwarf. He likes it, but he’ll never initiate it and it makes him blush as red as his hair.
7. Who shows their affections with words?
Gimli. Never mind silver, his tongue is pure Mithril.
Legolas thinks he does a good job of hiding how it affects him but anyone, especially their loved ones, can see his soft smile and downcast eyes.
8. Who shows affection through touch?
Legolas more so than Gimli, but even then he’s not real big on it unless it’s a type of prank as mentioned in question 6. He prefers actions to express his love, see question 14 for elaboration on that.
9. How do they like to initiate intimacy?
Gimli with sincere sweet talking and gifts he crafted himself, or perhaps simply by showing interest in whatever Legolas is doing and tagging along like a puppy. He’s usually content just to be near his Elf, very easy to please.
Legolas does whatever he feels like doing such as stealing kisses or casually playing with Gimli’s hair and/or beard (he pretends to not know any better but is fully aware of how scandalous this is in Dwarrow society). Though, if Gimli is in a vulnerable state, he will ask permission first.
10. Do they have a dream wedding planned?
Legolas is fine without a ceremony. It’s cannon in Professor Tolkien’s works, that Elves consider private vows and/or the act of sex to be a valid marriage bond. But he’s willing to go along with nearly whatever his Dwarf wants.
Gimli absolutely has a wedding planned, a grand one with all their loved ones in attendance and an abundance of ale, food and music. The after party should last for days and end with practically no one remembering most of it if all goes according to his plans. Mostly it’s Dwarrow style but he does have a handful of Elven traditions he is adamant must be honored, to show Legolas he pays attention and his Elf’s happiness is important to him.
11. How do they comfort each other?
Despite what people might think, Legolas is a great listener and has a great deal of common sense when the situation has need. He’s like a grounding presence for Gimli when life gets stormy.
The fact that Gimli is endlessly loyal and brave for his loved ones is canonical a comfort to Legolas. He actually says as much in as many words
“But you comfort me Gimli, I am glad to have you standing nigh, with your stout legs and your hard ax.”
12. What’s an ideal evening for the two of them?
They’re not the type to sit idle for long, for one thing they’re both very important people post-fellowship and if they stay in one spot for too long someone finds them and gives them work to do.
Secondly they both love to explore and learn, so it’s no surprise when they spirit each other off to have their own mini-adventures/field trips.
13. Who’s more playful in bed?
Given the way he conducts himself in his friendships, his chivalrious admiration for Lady Galandriel, and his obvious but low key affection for Legolas, it’s firmly ingrained in my head that Gimli is shy, easily embarrassed and does not love lightly. If he loves you in any way, then you have his whole heart. Pair this with the fact that Professor Tolkien’s Dwarrow are canonically monogamous, and I can’t help but be convinced that Gimli is hard to get going but passionate once you get him started.
Legolas, however, is cocky (pun FULLY intended, thank you very much), energetic, flexible and always up to trying something new. Not to mention he loves to get a rise out of Gimli (boy, the double innuendos are flowing like Mirkwood wine tonight), so I can easily imagine him doing/suggesting some extra kinky stuff just to fluster his Dwarf.
14. Who shows affection through gift giving?
Gimli. He enjoys making things for Legolas to use and/or wear such as arrowheads, tackle and shoes for their horse, or jewelry and belt buckles.
Legolas is more of a ‘acts of service and/or loyalty’ kind of fellow.
15. Who’s the first one up in the morning?
Gimli. Having grown up poor in the Blue Mountains then later living in Erebor, which needed every able set of hands working at all hours to restore it to its former glory, I’m sure his parents instilled in him a firm belief that the day is not to be wasted lounging in bed. Side note, he gives me strong ‘cheerful morning person’ vibes. The kind of guy who rises early and cooks a fantastic breakfast while singing a jaunty tune and wakes you with a sincere “Good morning my love! It’s a beautiful day!” leaving you struggling to decide weather to murder him or love him all the more.
Meanwhile Legolas, while certainly not lazy, is still a Prince and gives me the impression that waking him before the sun’s properly visible invites bodily harm.😅 I can easily see him trying to drag Gimli back to bed for sleepy morning cuddles allowing them to ease into their day.
16. Were they friends before they were lovers?
Again, like Bilbo and Thorin, I have to answer both yes and no. They run the full gauntlet of rivals to friends to lovers. Though the animosity between Legolas and Gimli didn’t last nearly as long as the one between the couple that came before them. I attribute this to Gimli winning Legolas’ respect quicker, due to his brash yet pure hearted approach to their quest and life in general.
17. Who’s the better singer?
Nether, they’re both $£¥% for singing lol! I refuse to believe everyone on Middle Earth is a good singer, by law of averages someone has to suck at it and since they’re both so good at so many other things, I decided in my head cannon they’re both terrible singers lol.🙅🏻‍♀️🎵😖👂
18. Who has the best jokes?
Traditionally speaking, Gimli. He has a wealth of antidotes ranging from suitable for all ages to some only to be spoken in dark corner booths of pubs with no ladies present lol.
Meanwhile, if you want zingers to flatten egos, Legolas is your guy.
19. Who’s the better cook?
Gimli. With Hobbits in the family and his own mother to teach him good, hearty Dwarrow recipes, Gimli enjoys cooking and is rather good at it (though he’ll readily admit, he can’t compare to cousin-in-law Bilbo and friend Bombur, they are fantastic).
Legolas is a Prince and never had to cook a day in his life, thus he’s comically bad at it. He can hunt and fish, and is more than willing and skilled enough to dress his kills and clean the fish, but to turn the fruits of his labor into an edible, let alone delectable, meal takes a different skill set entirely.
20. What is their stance on having kids?
Gimli loves them, of any/all races, he has a knack for parenting and would adopt his own mini-army if he had the time to take care of them.
With Legolas, it depends on the child. As a general rule he likes them and if he forms a bond with them, it’s like he transforms into a mischievous kid himself lol! He’s the bad influence parent.
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awkwardkindatries · 2 years
Short one rn because I'm really busy with life stuff Mon-Thurs. Might submit one more if I have time/energy.
Best hair to pull--Thranduil, Glorfindel
Most into pulling hair--Thranduil, Celegorm, Tauriel?
Most into having hair pulled--Legolas, Lindir, Eowyn
Most into ass: all hobbits, Beren, Tulkas
Self-proclaimed best ass: Celegorm, Nessa
Real best ass: Luthien, Feanor (best at everything, including ass), Maedhros (Well-Formed), Nessa (best ass and knows it)
Thankyou for contributing!🙏 please take care of yourself first🖤
All absolutely solid Headcannons and picks
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rensraptor · 2 years
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the ask box is open,, taking requests :)
i’ll write for,,
joel miller, tommy miller, tess servopoulos, (the last of us) will only write for the game version of joel, will write all of the according to HBO’s portrayal otherwise;
loki, brunnhilde (valkyrie), bucky barnes, wanda maximoff, pietro maximoff, stephen strange, shang-chi,  (preferably andrew garfield’s) peter parker, clint barton, scott lang, eddie brock/venom, thena, druig, etc, (marvel) there’s too many others to list, dont be afraid to ask!;
kylo ren/ben solo, rey, poe dameron, din djarin (the mandalorian), fennec shand (the mandalorian/tbobf), boba fett, obi wan kenobi, darth vader/anakin skywalker, (star wars);
remus lupin, severus snape, sirius black, bill weasley, fred and george weasley, xenophilius lovegood, lucius malfoy, narcissa malfoy, james potter, (harry potter) marauder’s era too; 
steve harrington, robin buckley, jim hopper, dimitri antonov (enzo), billy hargrove, henry creel, (stranger things);
william afton, michael afton, (five nights at freddy’s);
tauriel, legolas, thranduil, kili, thorin, bard, aragorn, (lotr & the hobbit);
(and some other miscellaneous characters…)
javier peña narcos, 
javi gutierrez the unbearable weight of massive talent, 
sheriff hassan, father paul midnight mass, 
adam only lovers left alive,
10, 11 doctor who,
possibly some others within the same franchise...
i will write,,
angst? i don’t like it that much but we’ll see :)
yandere! & stalker! au’s that don’t violate the criteria below…
in headcannons, blurbs, full fics, preferences, etc etc
generally only ‘x reader’ fics but i could try some ships??
i will not write,,
smut involving minors;
anything for actual celebs atm,, sorta depends who;
r*pe or SA scenarios;
hate of any kind will not be tolerated, you will just be blocked <3
thanks y’all,,
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/YGtQRuT
by TicciTavvi
Ori dies in The chamber Mazarbul at the side of a tomb, the sound of drums his funeral rites, His masterwork a stack of obituaries.
Ori wakes up in a child's body, 2 years before the quest to Erebor, and 48 years before Balins' expedition to the cursed mines of Moria.
It's clear what the young dwarf must do- he just wishes the gods had been a bit more specific about how he was actually supposed to go about it.
Words: 809, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Kíli (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Thorin Oakenshield, Dori (Tolkien), Nori (Tolkien), Ori (Tolkien), Bifur (Tolkien), Bombur (Tolkien), Óin (Tolkien), Dwalin (Tolkien), Thorin's Company, Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf | Mithrandir, Glóin (Tolkien), Balin (Tolkien), Bofur (Tolkien)
Relationships: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Kíli (Tolkien)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Fíli/Ori (Tolkien), Dwalin/Nori (Tolkien)
Additional Tags: Time Travel Fix-It, Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Ori time travels, Ori centric, Ori Is A Sweetheart, Brotherly Love, Brotherly Bonding, BAMF Ori, Ori Is a Little Shit, Havent fully decided on ships, first fic, Like, Ever - Freeform, Bilbo is So Done, bilbo is the only adult, ori has some trauma, though thats probably to be expected, ya know, when you see all your friends die brutally, Canonical Character Death, but only temporary death, Not Canon Compliant, lots of my own personal headcannons thrown in there, Dwarves and Hair, Stubborn Dwarves
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/YGtQRuT
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 1 year
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/D5GLy3v
by TicciTavvi
Ori dies in The chamber Mazarbul at the side of a tomb, the sound of drums his funeral rites, His masterwork a stack of obituaries.
Ori wakes up in a child's body, 2 years before the quest to Erebor, and 48 years before Balins' expedition to the cursed mines of Moria.
It's clear what the young dwarf must do- he just wishes the gods had been a bit more specific about how he was actually supposed to go about it.
Words: 809, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Kíli (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Thorin Oakenshield, Dori (Tolkien), Nori (Tolkien), Ori (Tolkien), Bifur (Tolkien), Bombur (Tolkien), Óin (Tolkien), Dwalin (Tolkien), Thorin's Company, Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf | Mithrandir, Glóin (Tolkien), Balin (Tolkien), Bofur (Tolkien)
Relationships: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Kíli (Tolkien)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Fíli/Ori (Tolkien), Dwalin/Nori (Tolkien)
Additional Tags: Time Travel Fix-It, Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Ori time travels, Ori centric, Ori Is A Sweetheart, Brotherly Love, Brotherly Bonding, BAMF Ori, Ori Is a Little Shit, Havent fully decided on ships, first fic, Like, Ever - Freeform, Bilbo is So Done, bilbo is the only adult, ori has some trauma, though thats probably to be expected, ya know, when you see all your friends die brutally, Canonical Character Death, but only temporary death, Not Canon Compliant, lots of my own personal headcannons thrown in there, Dwarves and Hair, Stubborn Dwarves
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/D5GLy3v
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bryants-things · 2 years
30 day challenge: Day 1 Introduction
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Name: Maharon Lavellan
Age: Born 8319 FA Elven Calendar he is 38 when the conclave explode. And 41 at the Exhalted council.
Height: 4.8 (short for a Dalish due to malnutrition in his childhood)
Eyes: Turquoise after his magic came in but originally brown.
Hair Red, in my headcannon it’s long and he likes to braid it.
Vallaslin: Mythal, he has a full body Vallaslin.
Mahoran Lavellan is a Dalish elf. He is first of Clan Lavellan. He’s a Storm Mage and has inherited magic from both his parents. A magic of connection from his mother that allows him to sense other people or draw mana from the earth around him and in some cases learn spells and information from elven runes. From his father he inherited the electric magic and the ability to use his vallalslin to heal himself and others. He’s the youngest of two. With an older brother named Tauriel. His father’s name is Verion and his mother Alayna is dead. She died protecting him when he was 15.
Maharon grew up in a Tevinter slave camp, that specialized in draining mages of their magic. He has a long scar along his jawbone, from a torture method called silencing. He’s father lost his ability to speak like that, but Mahoran was saved last minute by his mother.
As a result he is slow to trust and is terrified of being imprisoned which can sometimes make him deadly and dangerous. As a person he is curious and surprisingly patient. He’s like most Daslish proud and protective of his heritage however his past is a bit of a sore spot and he can get very defensive.
So do tell us about yourself:
Ehrm Right. (Shifts a bit in the chair wants to be anywhere but here)
Hi I’m Mahoran Lavellan I’m the Keeper of Clan Lavellan but also Inqusitor and Hero of Thedas, and let’s see I am a Storm Mage, which means I’m born with some very old Dalish magic oh and I’m Knight Enchanter. I’m 41 hand I carry Mythal as my Vallaslin which is Ironic because she is the goddess of protection and unity and here I am uniting all of Thedas against a common enemy. (He raises his right hand to let electricity spark between his fingers)
So when you are not off saving Thedas what do you do?
Oh, no one ever asks that, let me think:
I like to read and work out new spells. And well spending time with my Warrior princess although don’t tell her I called her that. Ha! You do not want to be at the pointy end of a sword with Cassandra. I love my Clan and am honored to be their keeper, I will use my influence as Inqusitor to make things better for the Dalish. But of course do the right thing and protect all of Thedas.
Right that’s it I think I’ll think of more as we go along yes? Smiles one of those famous cheeky smiles of his.
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erosofthepen · 3 years
Okay, so I had a thought, everyone bear with me.
SO it’s widely head cannoned that dwarrow have a one, and usually some ✨magical ✨ moment happens when they recognize their One. 
That being said, Dwarrow don’t really know how elves work, especially not elven healing magic. 
SOOOOO my thoughts are that when Tauriel was healing Kili, and he saw her glowing, he believed that he had found his One.
And maybe he did. 
Maybe he didn’t.
I’m saying that while there definitely was attraction and some flirting, they didn’t have a whole lot of special moments and time spent to know each other and actually fall in love.
So this theory would explain why Kili became devoted to Tauriel so soon, because he believed he had found his One, the love of his life, and was willing to sacrifice everything for her, even his life, so quickly after they met.
In this essay I will--
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wtfhasmy-lifecometo · 2 years
Stephen Strange
Stressed Out
Let Me Sing to You
Otto Octavius
Surprising Otto with b-day Cake
Torn between
Part one
Part two
Part three
Loki Laufeyson
Wanda Maximoff
Bucky Barnes
Natasha Romanoff
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Norman Osborn
Torn Between
Part one
Part two
Part three
Peter Parker/Spiderman
Good Omens
Star Wars
Armitage Hux
Your Scars Don’t Define You
Kylo Ren
Hello loves! This is my current masterlist as of right now, when I start writing more stories, it will get updated each time!
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sanisse · 2 years
It’s NOT a kinktober request but I am a firm belief that Tauriel would be into blindfolding. So would soft, sweet, dorky LotR Legolas. It’s just a Silvan thing 🤷‍♀️😂 Thranduil, Arondir, Celeborn etc. May not be their primary kink, but it makes the list. (Esp with your headcannon that Celeborn is into restrains)
You’re so correct honestly. 
With Thranduil he’s into it but not on himself, only on his partner. He absolutely despises loss of control in bed. But Celeborn, Arondir, Meludir, Legolas, Tauriel??? Yeah. 
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Hello! Sorry if this is messy, I just wanted to lay down some ground rules! If you have any questions or asks, then feel free to let me know!
Tumblr media
Napstablook (PLATONIC ONLY)
Frisk and Chara (PLATONIC ONLY)
Annoying dog/toby (PLATONIC ONLY)
Roulx Kard
Tasque Manager
The Addisions
Dream Daddy
Detroit become human
Stardew Valley
Literally all of the bachelors
Resident Evil Village
Alcina Demitrescu
Karl Heisenberg
Donna Beneviento
Hanzo Shimada
Genji Shimada
Cole Cassidy (Mcree)
Gabriel Reyes (Reaper)
Lucio Correia Dos Santos
Hana Song (D.Va)
Lena Oxtan (Tracer)
Jack Morrison (Soldier 76)
My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugou
Shoto Todoroki
Izuku Midoriya
Tenya Iida
Denki Kaminari
Ejirou Kirishima
Ochako Uraraka
Tamaki Amajiki
Togata Mirio
Toga Himiko
Mina Ashido
Shota Aizawa
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Seven deadly sins
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
Aoi Akane (the time keeper)
Seduce me the Otome
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy
Professor Snape
Tom Riddle
Glamrock Freddy
Montgomery Gator
Glamrock Chica
Roxanne Wolf
DJ Music Man/tiny music man
Wet floor sign bots
Map bot
TMNT 2012
April O'Neil
Big Mama
TMNT Bayverse
Mr. Sacks
Casey Jones
Hellboy (2004-2008)
Abe Sapien
John Myers
Johann Krauss
Liz Sherman
Prince Nadja
Princess Nuala
✨Lego Monkie Kid✨
Red Son
Sun Wukong
Ao Lie
Azure Lion
Spider Queen
✨Sparkles✨ mean I'm currently hyperfixating on this topic at the moment and will have a higher chance of writing for this/these one('s)
While these are not all the fandoms I'm in, these are the ones I'm most comfortable with writing about
Some rules:
I may or may not write smut? I'm not sure since I haven't really done it, but I will NOT write smut for characters under the age of 21
I won't write anything that has to do with the reader being super OP or being half of like, literally everything
When it comes to Y/N being an anthropomorphic animal/human or half of that, if stuff like that is canon in the fandom, then I'll write it (like a half human half monster for Undertale, or a Cat person for TMNT) but if stuff like that just doesn't exist in that world, then I most likely won't write it
I won't write a character being a racist, rapist, homophobic, transphobic or anything like that, those things are fucked up and aren't ok and that character I may write, might be someone else's comfort character and I don't want to ruin a character for someone
I won't write a character as being an abuser, sure, I could say they where abused some way in the past if it is relevant to the fic, but I will not write a character being an abuser themselves, that's just not right
I won't write yandere characters, it just feels to toxic to me to have someone be THAT possessive of someone
If a character is canonically underage, I will not age them up, if a reader or character is being romantically shipped with the underage character, the reader/character must and will be underage as well
(Keep in mind I might add rules or change certain rules)
I can do:
Any gender for reader, if not specified, I shall do gender neutral
I will write angst and mental health related topics of asked
I will absolutely 100% write a character or reader with ADHD and other neurodiversities
I can do shipping fanfics! Although, it depends on the characters, but I may be able to write it, even if I don't entirely agree with the ship! AS LONG as it is not anything like AbuserXvictim or MinorXadult or anything like that.
As a writer, I hope that I may advance in my writing skills, as well as have fun with what I write, so, I ask as many requests as your heart's desire!
Remember, I have every right as a writer to deny a request if I'm not comfortable with writing it.
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whoooooisthis · 2 years
hii, welcome to my masterlist! you can call me kat :) my slavic and paganism dedicated sideblog is @wintersnightt if anyone is interested
rules to requesting:
you may request a character that's not listed, but i might not write that request
please only send one request one time. if you spam me, i'm not going to write it and you'll be blocked
you can send in multiple different requests
i write for female and gender neutral reader, please specify which one you'd like in the request (yes, i write wlw too)
please also specify if you want it to be platonic or romantic
no nsfw for now
other than that, dms and asks are open to everyone who'd like to talk! the tag with my asks will be #wit.asks (short for my username)
headcannons will be with under the tag #wit.hcs and fics #wit.fics, my favourite posts under #wit favs, and there's also #wit writes
lord of the rings / hobbit
[a midsummer night's dream]
aragorn (platonic)
the company of thorin (platonic)
the fellowship (platonic)
harry potter
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Listen I just find that Tauriels existence makes my headcannons go haywire. Her interacting with any First Age elf is insanely funny to me because in my mind that’s the equivalent of a Gen Z kid meeting Chaucer.
Also I like to think that her first meeting with any of the Feanorions was like those animae scenes were they make eye-contact with their soulmate for the first time (but platonic). Just *choirs singing and cherry blossoms blowing in the wind as the camera zooms in* except instead of meeting in a park or something it’s over the bodies of the elves who lost the bar-fight they were both just in.
OH MY GOSH SHE AND THE MURDER FAM PROBABLY ALL SHARE NIHILISTIC HUMOR!! (I always thought that the family has kinda nihilistic and gallows-ey humor) or even better - the same nihilism just a little to the left! And it can have some rather jarring results! Like I’m not saying fingolfin’s 1v1 with morgoth is a big mood but like...
Tauriel: Life is pointless and god is dead.
Maedhros: It’s true, he died along with all our hopes and dreams.
Manwe: I’m,, right here,,,
Seriously, you’re a genius. But. May I propose. They make eye contact above the bodies of the fallen in a State Dinner fight that they were just in (exactly the same as a bar fight but with chandeliers and champagne plus Maedhros doing a face palm in the back ground).
In conclusion, Head cannon anon is now  my favorite. 
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