#beorn headcannon
vee-vee-writes · 2 years
They are forbidden in the room (shelves with wine, food😁) where there is little light + the room is cold (Beorn, Legolas, Fili, Kili, Tauriel)
A/N: Sorry for the long wait! I hope you finally get to enjoy this :) Beorn's blurb is a bit smaller than the others just because I have never written for him before but I hope you like it none the less.
The room was off limits to all but the King but when she had seen the door open Tauriel knew that she had to investigate
She told herself that it was to make sure that all was well with the royals she was sworn to protect but in truth she knew this was a lie
Every elf in the kingdom was curious as to what the King kept behind lock and key
She had thought that perhaps it was a private store of fine wine, his private thoughts, or jewels of great value
What she had not expected was to have come across a shrine to the late Queen of Mirkwood
While there were some Elven delicacies (fine wine and long-lasting foods) littering the shelves around the room, a statute of the lady stood proud in the middle of the room and Tauriel moved closer to take in more of the Queen's face when suddenly the door slammed behind her, snuffing out almost all light
Panicked Tauriel rushed back towards the door, only for the knob to be stuck in place locked
Taking a deep breath Tauriel stepped back to collect herself
She would have to find another way out in the dark
The last thing she wanted was for the King to catch her in here
While Thranduil was typically reasonable, the entirety of the Elven race knew to avoid bringing up his wife around the Elf
However, after hours of searching in the dark she had yet to find a way out
Cold and hungry Tauriel tried not to think of the fineries within feet of her
She was sure that Thranduil would have accounted for anything to be found in the room
Yet within the next hour her stomach had trumped her logic and she found herself scoffing herself with scrumptious bread and guzzling wine as though she would not see the morrow
As she revealed in the warmth spreading within her full belly as the wine began to take effect, she heard a cough interrupt her
Eyes snapping up to the door she found a bemused Legolas perched in the doorway
"Come on then before my father finds you" Legolas mused nodding towards the door.
Fili was cursing Kili as he found himself trapped in the room - it was cold, dank, and the young prince could hardly see his hand in front of his own face
Convinced that his brother needed a break, Kili had led Fili to the room to show him something then promptly shoved him in and locked the door behind him
Hesitantly walking forward, Fili used his hands to guide himself to a table amid the darkness- looking for anything he could use to escape
Instead, the Prince found a flint and steel and further along an oil lamp which he promptly lit
Now that the room was more illuminated, Fili could see the barrel of ale and feast laid out
While he was still frustrated with his brother, Fili felt his spirits lighten significantly
It had been a while since the darrow had a good drink
So, he served himself, drinking mug upon mug of ale - using the cold as reason for his excessive drinking
Half a barrel in Fili began to panic
Undoubtedly by now Thorin would be looking for him and the last thing he needed was a lecture from his uncle about drunkenness and the responsibilities of an heir
In a bid to somewhat sober himself up he began to scoff handfuls and handfuls of food down his gullet
Surely that would help to absorb some of the alcohol in his system, but he knew his uncle was no fool, he would smell the ale on him
Pacing back and forward Fili began to argue with himself as he reasoned through what would be the best explanation to give Thorin
His thoughts were interrupted by the cackling of his younger brother, "I thought you'd tuck into everything, but I didn't expect you to take it to this extent Fi."
Through the light of the doorway Fili could see the true extent of the mess he had made in his panic
Flushing with embarrassment he grumbled crankily at Kili to help him back to his chambers without Thorin seeing the two of them
Rohan was very different from what the Elven Prince had expected
He knew humans tended to be obnoxious, especially after a victory, but he had underestimated the extent
Escaping their madness he wandered the halls of the Kingdom looking for the kitchens
Instead he came across a door with a sign forbidding entry to anyone except for the royal family and their direct servants
Pushing it open Legolas stepped in only for the door to latch closed behind him
Shoving against it with his inhuman strength did little to budge it and he began to make peace with the fact he was stuck until someone came to let him out
He used his elven eyes to adjust to the darkness, scanning his surroundings
A storeroom
Shelves lined with wrapped cakes, breads, and fresh fruits sat neatly on the hanging shelves with the barrels of wine and ale perched beneath them
While he typically wouldn't help himself to someone else's property, Legolas smiled at the thought of having a quiet feast by himself
So he pulled up and empty barrel to perch himself on and loaded up an empty serving dish with delicacies
Finally he poured himself a goblet of wine, inhaling the aroma and guessing at where the wine had originated from
It certainly didn't smell as sweet as Woodland wine but he couldn't rule out that it hadn't come from the likes of Imladris
Settling down Legolas filled himself on his "borrowed" goods, humming to himself in enjoyment as he supped
Eventually, he found a corner to curl up in, drifting off on a full belly in a locked room certainly wasn't the worst situation he had been in
The shapeshifter cursed himself at his foolishness, how could he have locked himself in his own storeroom
Contemplating on whether he should smash the door down, he angrily decided not too
He knew that he would only have to fix it the next day and there was a chance that his animals would make themselves at home in there in the meantime
The hobbit and the wizard were due to visit him any day now on their way to visit Erebor, he could stick it out until they made their appearance
Aratar knows that he certainly had plenty of food and wine to keep him well for more than a few days
So, Beorn made himself comfortable, pulling straw and old flour sacks from the corner to shape into a makeshift bed
After he was done, he helped himself to some of the goat’s cheese he had freshly made and wrapped
It was the first time he had attempted to make such a thing, so he deserved to sample it and see how it had turned out
After a few pieces Beorn decided it was good but needed something else with it, a glass of wine maybe?
Bending under the tap of a wine barrel he let the wine flow into his mouth before trying another piece of cheese
It tasted much better this time around and he silently praised himself with a grin
Perhaps waiting in the storeroom for a few days wouldn't be so bad.
Thorin had strictly forbidden Kili from the storeroom after the incident with Fi
It had only made him more rebellious so when Thorin and Fili were stuck in a small council meeting he had snuck down
What he had not expected was for the door to lock behind him, trapping him inside
"You want to do the opposite of what your uncle says then you can stay the night in there" his mother’s voice called out from the other side of the door.
"Amad please! Let me out, I won't do it again!" Kili pleaded.
Dis said nothing but Kili heard her footsteps fade as she got further away.
The cupboard was cold
He supposed a storeroom was supposed to be so that the food wouldn't go off, but he still cursed bitterly at the cold
Until of course an idea popped into his head
Storerooms typically contained ale
Scrambling around in the dark Kili felt around for any sign of wine barrels
After several minutes of stumbling around in the dark he came across a barrel
Moving on he found several more empty barrels until he came across a full one
Rebelliously he thought if he was going to be stuck in here for an entire night he may as well enjoy his time
Tilting the barrel to rest against the wall he lay on the floor beneath the tap and lesisurely let the liquid flow down into his mouth as he pleased
While it probably wasn't his smartest idea to get himself locked in the storeroom and the impending lecture from Thorin loomed, Kili was certainly enjoying his time for the moment
After half an hour the young dwarf found that he had drained the first and moved on to his second
But the second he lay back on the ground to resume his drinking after propping the next barrel up he conked out, loud drunken snores escaping his parted lips, drool pooling on the stone floor beneath him
He certainly was a sight to behold when Dis led her brother down to the room to catch his nephew defying his command
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verkomy · 7 months
How do you or would you headcannon Bilbo and Thorin accidentally proposing or getting engaged and how would they proceed when they find out or the other accepts the proposal?
I love braiding hair as a symbol of affection, so I think of Bilbo wanting to learn how to braid hair during the journey and asking the company to teach him how to do it, but they’d all send him to Thorin for some reason. And after the hug on the Carrock he would finally work up the courage (while they were staying at Beorn's house) to ask him and Thorin would be absolutely smitten, he would teach him how to do it and let Bilbo braid his hair, but he wouldn't tell him what that really meant in dwarven culture out of fear of being rejected.
And I love the idea of them starting their courtship in Lake Town (wearing each others colors, etc.), so maybe they'd finally get to talk and Thorin would finally admit what the braid really means and ask Bilbo if he could braid his hair and Bilbo’d say yes.
AND the acorn scene when Bilbo says "Thorin, I…" I'm sure he was going to confess his love to Thorin and you can't change my mind.
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danger-xylophones · 1 year
Hey! I hope you're having a good day/night <3 I had a LOTR and/or The Hobbit headcannon request but if you're not taking those rn I understand <3 How various characters would react to a friend (reader) who is very emotional (like, the type of person who when they find something funny they LAUGH HARD, has deff. been kicked out of public places for fighting people who made them angry, and gets teary eyed even over the death and suffering of animals and total strangers) Any character is fine, I love them all, but please include Gandalf (he's SO COOL! and I feel like he doesn't get included in hcs enough but idk-) Thank you <3 :)
Howdy, I am still taking requests it just takes me awhile to get around to them.
I also agree Gandalf should show up more.
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Gandalf adores you
You are unequivocally one of his favorite people
And that's saying a lot considering he's been around for centuries
He loves how expressive you are and wishes more people were as free with their emotions, he thinks that maybe some problems in middle-earth could be solved if people were just more open about how they're feeling
Of course, he acknowledges that your propensity for expression can be a danger at times
He would never wish for you to stop being so expressive, but he does wish you'd quit getting kicked out of bars
It makes it hard to go get a drink with you because you're banned from a lot of places for 'roughhousing'
He's keen to have you meet Radagast, he thinks the two of you would get along swimmingly
I will add he's hesitant to smoke anything other than pipeweed with you - I mean, you're already prone to heightened emotions when sober, he's a bit scared to see what happens when you've got some for of recreational substance in you.
You're the first person he wants to show any new fireworks he learns to make to because you let your enchantment with the party favors shine through unabashedly
Beorn was initially a bit put off by you
He's very quiet and used to the company of animals who normally don't laugh when he cracks a joke to himself
But he warms up to you when he sees just how deeply you care for anyone and anything
He took you on a walk one day and you started crying because you found a tree that'd been scorched by a lighting bolt
And again when you were so gentle and tender with one of his horses that suffered a bad scrape on its side
He starts to open up a bit when you're around
It's not that noticeable but the jokes he normally cracks to himself are now loud enough for you to hear
He looks forward to your sporadic visits now
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Being an elf who was raised to keep a stoic countenance, he finds your expressiveness odd but a welcome change
The first time he cracked a joke that made you laugh he was worried you'd asphyxiate
Gandalf had to be the one to explain that you were just like that, that you felt things a bit differently from others
It takes Legolas a bit to get used to just how strong your emotions are
He happened to be in a bar with you when you got kicked out once, he was worried he'd be helping you bury a body before the end of the night
He understands your empathy for animals though, as that is something he can say he feels deeply
Elves share a special bond with all life and though they are often spared by death, that does not mean witnessing it ever gets easier
He eventually learns to appreciate your expressiveness as a gift few can claim to have
Galadriel is very fond of you
You remind of her of her younger self who was more wild and willing to let her feelings shine through
She loves it when you tell her stories of your life
Your still just as emotive while recounting your journeys with Gandalf to her as you probably were while traveling
She's a bit jealous of you though, as she wishes she could show her emotions as freely as you do
You're a breath of fresh air for her
As the Lady of Lothlorien, she has a certain countenance she must uphold and that stoicism is often repaid with aloofness from her fellow elves
But you remind her she is also a person, same as you, and that she feels too
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Whenever you get tossed out of a bar, Gimli's often right there with you
He's also loud and expressive
You can hear his laugh through the clamor of a filled tavern and his temper has also gotten his name blacklisted at a few mead halls
He thinks of you're pretty dwarvish, which is high praise to him
Dwarves are passionate folk and that passion is celebrated because it takes great emotions to ring art from stone
He does feel a bit awkward if he sees you cry only because it takes a lot to make dwarves cry
So he's a bit clumsy if he tries to comfort you
But he loves that he can find you in a crowd if he pauses to listen for a laugh
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Bard doesn't know how to feel about you, if he's perfectly honest
You remind him of his children who are still learning how to control their temperaments
And his initial thought is that you're too immature
However, when he does finally sit down and talk to you he's quick to realize that this supposed 'immaturity' is something he completely fabricated
You're incredibly intelligent, emotionally and intellectually
And he soon realizes he made a grave mistake judging you so early on
He comes to love just how boisterous your laugh is
It becomes enough for him to start laughing just hearing you laugh
He's still learning how to handle you're more fiery emotions
But he's a loyal friend who'll stick with you even when you get the both of you kicked out of the bar
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sorchathered · 2 months
Sarah my lovely, might I send in some thoughts/thots on this lovely evening?? I apologize for not popping in as often, it's been a rough two weeks but I'm getting through it.
I have a headcannon for Rhett that once again has been shared around, but I thought you might wanna hear it too since it's one of my favorites.
When Rhett was really little, Royal would be dog tired at the end of the day from working the ranch and dealing with Perry's behavioral bullshit, but he still made time for Baby Rhett and gave him as many before-bed snuggles as he wanted. Rhett would grab his favorite book off the shelf and climb into Royal's lap so he could read to him and it always put Rhett to sleep quickly.
But what was that favorite book you may ask?? None other than "The Indian In The Cupboard".
When you two ended up moving in together, you, Rhett, Royal and Cecelia were all going through some old books to put in the newly built book barn on your property and Rhett found the copy of "The Indian In The Cupboard" that still has Royal's chicken scratch writing in it and it says "To Rhett James on his third birthday 01/29/1996, Love Daddy". Not only does Rhett read it to Amy (you two adopted her from birth) but both you, him and Royal continue that tradition and read it to the other little ones in the house.
When Royal read "The Hobbit" and "The Lord Of The Rings" Amy and the others will beg him to do the character voices (which he does scarily well) and they always giggle about how "Papa sounds like Beorn, the bear man" (lol).
I freaking love this!! I imagine one day Rhett and his family of little ones sit down every night to go through his favorite stories with him, his wife leaned against the doorframe as she watches him fling his arms animatedly and do all the voices, falling more in love as she watches him be such a good dad.
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Lindir, Elrond, Bilbo and maybe Beorn with an S/O who breaks horses? Like she has been thrown off the meanest horse into a bush and she just a get up likes it no problem- because that is me 😂
Of course aha I hope you’re okay when you get thrown
(I do not own LoTR or The Hobbit or it’s characters/ gifs not mine)
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It’s a funny story actually the first time you met was when you were breaking in a horse and got thrown right at his feet. He thought you would’ve at least had trouble getting up from a fall like that but you sprung right up apologised for practically landing on his feet and got back to the horse
He knows you can deal with some of Rivendell’s or even Middle Earths meanest horses but he still worries endlessly for you especially if you’ve been asked to help break in a horse what if you fall and seriously hurt yourself? What if no ones there to help you? Sometimes Elrond needs to remind him that you’re very capable and that it’s rare an elven horse acts up
You got thrown into a bush once and no elf had ever seen Lindir run faster you came out with a few bruises and cuts here and there but no matter how much you told him you were okay he didn’t let you back on instead Lindir carried you inside got you some ice and cleaned your cuts, you couldn’t help but feel bad he was rushing around practically panicking
He’s really good at easing your tense or sore muscles you’re pretty sure it’s an Elven thing Lindir is so gentle and caring he will give you so many small kisses and lots of praise for being brave like that. There’s an unspoken little thing in your relationship: if you get thrown and it’s not bad he lays down next to you for a little bit on the floor where you fell to give you time to recover without looking lonely, he’s so sweet
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He’s just as worried as Lindir but not panic-y he knows you can handle getting thrown but his heart is always in his throat when it happens and secretly he always send the horse off for other elves to ride to help break it in more before you go on it again that way there’s less of a chance of you getting thrown
Elrond has made some pretty good saves which surprised you a lot you knew he was strong and calculated but he managed to catch you right before you hit the ground on more than one occasion part of you still hit the ground but no where near as hard than if Elrond didn’t catch you. How? He doesn’t say but you’ve caught him watching you before
He admires your strength to get back up after being thrown right into a bush in fact he’s rather astounded you you can casually exit the bush and get right back on the horse sometimes he even laughs with you but he makes mental note to check you over and be gentler when holding you the next day or so
If you ever need to go to the medical wing from being thrown he doesn’t even have to be told what’s happened he already knows he finds it amusing to some degree but wishes you would be more careful or at least pick a calm horse but he praises you and fixes you up himself with plenty of care and some sympathy looks when you wince or seem to ache afterwards
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Good god this hobbit almost had a heart attack he’s not terribly good around horses he doesn’t mind them but when they move suddenly he doesn’t like it so when the meanest horse throws you he’s probably having a meltdown or entering fight or flight mode
110% will not let you back on the horse despite you being able and willing to get back on and ride again Bilbo may be extremely sweet and loving to you but he start a fight over you getting back on the horse. He gets better as time goes on though and only lets you back on after he’s thoroughly checked you’re okay
You got thrown into a bush by none other than his horse during the fight to reclaim Erebor into a nearby bush and Bilbo lost it, you were laughing it off with Fili and Kili before Bilbo was right at your side helping you up and scolding the horse to you it’s a funny story however it is not a funny story to him you almost gave him a stroke and he never trusted that horse the same
Truly though Bilbo cares wholeheartedly when you fall he’s the first one at the scene, he manages how much time you should have off before you get back on the horse again just to make sure you’re okay, he patches you up every time no matter how annoyed he is about it happening again he will never leave you to deal with bruises or cuts yourself
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If you had to choose one person to always be at the scene he’s your best shot Beorn catches you 9/10 times to the point where the only body part likely to hit the floor is your feet and he’s the strongest person you’ve met so it’s no trouble for him
He’s also a master at aiding animals from butterfly’s to wild boars he’s got them Beorn will catch you should the horse throw you and still manage to calm down the horse with you still in his arms it sounds like something straight out of some sort of fairytale but it makes your heart flutter every time
Once he was too far away to catch you but saw you go flying into a bush he was so unsure of what he saw but then pieced together what happened after you poked your head out of the bush inspecting a few grazes that nipped your arm. Beorn has to say he was impressed he’d seen a few accidents in his life and it takes someone pretty strong to walk out of being thrown by a horse
Beorn is a mix of incredibly strong and painfully gentle he treats your bruises and injuries himself, many people would think that would be a nightmare and make it all worse but he is so gentle you barely know he’s there he’s also great for healing remedies you’re up and healed before the sun sets
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You, first meating Beorn: It's a bear! A giant bear!
Beorn: *Inviting you in and treating you to dinner*
Beorn: *gently patting the mouse*
You: Nice bear... Nice person. 'I wonder I if he likes honey'
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ragsweas · 3 years
Beorn headcannons? 🦋
Oooh, this is gonna be fun!
Beorn is very well aware of everything in his bear form. He just likes to pretend he isn't because it freaks everyone out and is super amusing to watch.
As much as he hates Dwarves, he found Bombur extremely cute and often had to stop the urge to tickle him.
He is good friends with Thranduil, and every few decades the two meet in a secret spot under the trees to bitch about the world and hate on Dwarves.
All of Beorn's knowledge of cattle and plants came from pure luck. He kept experimenting until he found what he was looking for.
After the Battle of the Five Armies, Beorn liked to travel around the close-by kingdoms because he knew they trusted him. It was him who first saw Sauron's messenger and sent messages to Mirkwood, Dale and Erebor.
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bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
February 2021 Content Challenge Masterlist
Hello! Here is a collection of the posts + creators from the content challenge! I highly encourage you to check out the content and the blogs :) Let me know if you have questions and be on the lookout for future challenges!
Last updated: 2/23 10:00pm (EST)
Day 1: Someone’s jealous
Push in the Right Direction (Saelbeth x Reader) @game-ofthe-company
Dwarf OC art @grunid
That’s Not Jealousy | Sense, Is It? (Nestadion x Reader) @themerriweathermage
Time (Legolas x Female Reader / Light Boromir x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
Unfairness (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Jealous Lindir Headcannons @awkwardkindatries
Cats the Musical
Jealousy (Macavity/Munkustrap // one-sided) @jellicle-blog-for-jellicle-cats
Day 2: Domestic bliss/a day in the life
Home Again (Haldir x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
Toys (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Mithrandir (Elrond, Lindir, Mithrandir) @grunid
OC Moodboard @game-ofthe-company
The Captain of the Kingsguard Part 3 (Feren x Fem Reader) @themerriweathermage (**Check out their masterlist for the whole fic!)
Domestic Life with Elros Headcannons @awkwardkindatries
*Playlist* In Love, Everyday Forever (10 songs for blissful vibes) @the-reformed-ringwraith
Day 3: Injury + angst
Dwarf OC art @grunid
You’ll Be Okay (Eredhon x Reader) @game-ofthe-company
Will You Sing to Me? (Gildor x Reader) @themerriweathermage 
Next to You (Haldir x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
*Poetry* Into Shadow @the-reformed-ringwraith
Hunter (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Injured Reader with Celebrimbor @awkwardkindatries
Day 4: Teaching/learning a skill
Cats the Musical
Teach Me (Cryptid!Misto) @jellicle-blog-for-jellicle-cats
Sign Language (The Company of Thorin Oakenshield, Elrond, Lindir) @grunid
The Spice of Life (Erestor x Fem Reader) @themerriweathermage
Something New (Orelion x Elf! Reader) @game-ofthe-company 
The Love Letter (Haldir x Human! Reader) @errruvande
Preference: Teaching You to Fight @bonjour-rainycity
Learning a Skill from Maedhros @awkwardkindatries
Night at the Museum
Why Octavius Doesn’t Drive the Car @grunid
Day 5: Unrequited love (or, the love is requited, they’re just oblivious)
Cunning Plan (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Oblivious (Heledir x F! Elf Reader) @game-ofthe-company
As Kind as Summer (Elrond x Reader) @themerriweathermage
Late in the Night | Part One (Legolas x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
Iron Hills’ Love (Dain) @grunid
Ghost (Aragorn x King of the Dead) @the-reformed-ringwraith
Oblivious Finrod @awkwardkindatries
Day 6: There’s only one bed
Shared Chambers (Galdor x Elf! Reader) @game-ofthe-company
The Roof (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Above High Waters (Elrond x Reader) @themerriweathermage
Beorn is a Mommy Cat (The Company of Thorin Oakenshield) @grunid
Lost & Found (Glorfindel x Reader) @the-reformed-ringwraith
Lost in the Night | Part Three (Legolas x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
Day 7: Friends have bets on how long it will take the ship to get together
My Sun-Star (Haldir x Reader) @themerriweathermage
Sounds Like a Bet (Legandir x F! Elf Reader) @game-ofthe-company
A Lovely Walk (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Sunset Memories & Hidden Wagers (Glorfindel x Reader) @the-reformed-ringwraith
Secrets (Elrond x Reader) @themerriweathermage
Late in the Night | Part Four (Legolas x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
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clair-void-ance · 4 years
Startup and Guidelines
Here’s a list of the type of content that I’m allowing to be requested for time being (until my no thoughts head empty lookin brain gets its crap together lmao). I’ve listed a few fandoms and the characters in them that I’ll be willing to write for at the moment. I’ll be adding more soon, so keep an eye out for when I do! Even request a few and I’ll say if I can do them or not! (It’ll be based on if I’ve seen or read any of the media suggested, but if i haven’t seen or read it yet I’ll add it to the list!)
Types of Content:
Full fics
Playlists Maybe?
Drabbles (If I can handle writing so little)
Fandoms: (bolded means I write best for those***)
(Will do almost any character and any type of reader! Just give me ideas and a detailed description of what you’d like and I’ll try to get to it :) I may have to do research if I don’t understand a topic, but I’ll try to do my best!)
Buzfeed Unsolved: Shane Madej and Ryan Bergara
Conan O’Brien [cause honestly, why not?]
Ghost [the band]: Cardinal Copia, Papa Nihil, Papa Emeritus II, and Tobias Forge
Good Omens [book and movie]: Crowley, Aziraphale, Gabriel, Anathema Device, Newton Pulsifer, Hastur, War, Death, Famine, Pollution, and Beelzebub
Harry Potter [books and movie]: Severus Snape, Cho Chang, Barty Crouch Sr. and Jr., Cedric Diggory, Amos Diggory, Albus Dumbledore, Argus Filch, Hermione Granger, Rubeus Hagrid, Viktor Krum, Tom Riddle, Silvanus Kettleburn, Neville Longbottom, Golderoy Lockhart, Luna Lovegood, Xenophilius Lovegood, Remus Lupin, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Alastor Moody, Garrick Ollivander, Poppy Pomfrey, Harry Potter, Quirinus Quirrell, Newt Scamander, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Aurora Sinistra, Sybil Trelawney, Blaise Zabini, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley, Percy Weasley, and Ginny Weasley
Joker: Arthur Fleck and Sophie Dumond
Law and Order SVU: John Much, Olivia Benson, George Huang, Odafin Tutuola, Melinda Warner, Sonny Carisi, Rafael Barba, Ed Tucker, William Dodds, Mike Dodds, Carl Rudnick, and Greg Yates.
Network: Max Schumacher, Howard Beale, Diana Christensen, and anyone else you want
Sherlock Holmes [books, movie, or tv show versions! I love them all!]: Sherlock Holmes, Moriarty, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Philip Anderson, Molly Hooper, Irene Adler, and Charles Magnussen
Sofia the First [kinda cringe, but let ya boi live man]: Cedric, Greylock, Baileywick, and maybe Roland
Stephen Colbert [Because, again, why not?]
Supernatural [sort of? I haven’t seen it fully yet, but I got a feel for the characters!]: will list later (way too many characters; gotta love them tho)
The Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit [book or movies. I write pretty decently for all of these and maybe a few more]: Boromir, Pippin, Gil-Galad, Bilbo, Gandalf, Aragorn, Arwen, Elrond, Lindir, Galadriel, Eowyn, Faramir, Grima Wormtongue, Haldir, Saruman, Denethor, Thranduil, Radagast, Ori, Bofur, Thorin, Nori, Tauriel, Beorn, etc.
The Matrix [currently watching, so hopefully I’ll get a good grasp of the characters: Agent Smith, Morpheus, Neo, and anyone else I suppose
The Office [U.S. version, although I may do the U.K. one if I watch enough of it]: Toby Flenderson, Dwight Schrute, Andy Bernard, Darryl Philbin, Gabe Lewis, and Michael Scott
The Thick of It: Glenn Cullen, Hugh Abbot, Malcolm Tucker, Peter Mannion, Phil Smith, Emma Messinger, Jamie, Cliff Lawton, and anyone else I suppose
Top Gear [UK]: James May, Jeremy Clarkson, and Richard Hammond
Twin Peaks: Dale Cooper, Audrey Horne, Jocelyn Packard, Andy Brennan, Lucy Moran, Laura Palmer, Leland Palmer, Tommy “Hawk” Hill, Lawrence Jacoby, Albert Rosenfield, and Gordon Cole
Watchmen [movie and comic for now until I finish the new series!: Walter Kovacs, Jonathan Osterman, Daniel Dreiberg, Nelson Gardner, Byron Lewis, Hollis Mason, Ursula Zandt, Adrian Veidt, and Moloch
To Be Continued....
Will do:
The best that I can with what is asked! I’ll even write for super old or niche media as well if I know it; asking would probably be the best option though :)
Will not do:
To sum up: anything offensive or that is morally wrong. If you aren’t sure about something, just ask! I’m down to answer questions! :)
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*pats your face* I love your writing and it melts me every time- especially your Beorn stuff- is request something but i don’t have ideas
Aw thank you if I can I’ll try and include him into a fic or headcannon Beorn really doesn’t get enough love in my opinion. I hope you stay on my blog and take care of yourself. Sending many hugs your way 💞💞
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