#take my voice box out whenever i dont feel like it
foxyfexyll · 3 months
if i were a robot i would have such a fun time picking myself apart and putting myself together
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xviiigumix0 · 4 months
1097 words 𓆏 gn! reader fluff, cursing, no use of capital letters.
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megumi had a big fat crush for you. and the idiot didn't even notice until nobara pointed it out.
''i don't know...'' fushiguro mumbled as sank into the couch ''everytime I see them i feel...nauseous, as if there's something on my stomach'' he closed his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest ''those are called butterflies, you dumbass'' kugisaki's voice rang from the kitchen, as she finished cooking her breakfast ''hey!'' megumi frowned ''those cannot be butterflies, y/n is my friend'' he protested against nobara's teasing before quickly being cut off by her, yet again 'yeah, a friend you have a big fat crush on.' she sat on the dining table, in a way she could be seen by megumi and yuji who were on the living room across, as the first cheeks grew crimson.
''i dont wanna agree but, nobara's onto something, actually'' yuji chimed leaning forward on his seat towards fushiguro, who covered his face with one arm, shifting in the sofa ''well, even if i did like them, the fuck would i do about it?'' megumi exclaimed in annoyance. he had known you since he entered jujutsu tech, you've always been friends, but lately, something had changed. whenever he saw you he felt a fever incoming, he felt his hands trembling and and something similar to a wave of nausea, what is wrong with you he thought, all of a sudden things were just different around you, or even at the thought of you. he couldn't shake you off his mind, but yet, he did not feel so good around you, physically.
''tell them.'' nobara and itadori chimed in unison. and all of a sudden fushiguro's face flushed hot, quickly sitting up and shaking his hands ''no, no...i cant do that, were just friends and what if...'' he trailed off, his words becoming more of a ramble to himself. because, to be honest, he has thought about telling you, he has thought about it a lot, megumi already had every single scenario meticulously organized from bad to worst in his head, in his mind there's no way you like him.
''oh my god, fushiguro can you shut the fuck up? y/n likes you, i would know.'' nobara argued, taking another bite of her waffles. ''just go for it, fushiguro'' yuji encouraged, standing up next to megumi, tapping his shoulder ''and if they reject you, we can cry together'' he reassured.
''i won't cry'' megumi rolled his eyes.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
''how did i agree to this?'' he thought to himself and sighed, bouquet in one hand, chocolates in another. someway, somehow, kugisaki and itadori brought him into this. ''maybe i should just text them, tell them it was nothing...''
the three of them had organized a perfect plan for fushiguro to confess, at the end of the day, you and megumi would meet up in an empty classroom under the excuse of megumi having a plan to prank nobara (she did not agree to that). and as the sun set, he would tell them everything he felt, they even wrote script which took hours to complete since fushiguro wasn't exactly fond off his friends teasing him for his feelings for you. nobara and maki managed to discover your favorite flowers, and itadori interrogated you about the food and specially sweets you liked, saying one day he'll invite you out to eat. the plan was perfect, totally foolproof, except for one detail.
megumi's heart was pounding in his chest, cold sweat down his face, his cheeks kept getting hotter each step he took towards the classroom you two would be meeting in, his mind was going a hundred miles per hour. until he stood in front of that door. he suddenly forgot about everything he was thinking about, his mind going totally blank.
he silently opened the door, and closed it behind him as he made his way over you, holding the flowers and the chocolate box behind his back, quickly going over everything he wanted to tell you. ''y/n'' he said in his usual, stoic tone, giving no signs of nervousness or doubt. you turned around, facing him. good lord. just in that moment, he totally processed why he liked you, the way the sunset hit you skin, your eyes, your hair, it was simply perfect. and the way you spoke to him, always so nice and sweet, can a man ask for more?
''fushiguro!'' you smiled so brightly when you looked at him, there's no question of why he loved you.
he took a deep breath at his own lack of words, flushing at your sight.
''is everything goo-''
''i love you''
''what?'' you softly stuttered
''i always had, i... i planned this for you and...'' he stumbled over his words, forgetting the whole script he had planned and bringing both his hands closed to his chest as he held your flowers and chocolates. ''its not going how i planned to'' he finished, looking at you, almost vulnerable as he poured his heart out.
'' fushi, i...'' you found yourself blushing as you stared at him in surprise
''this is your you'' he extended his arms, offering the gifts, you gladly accepted them
''i thought you were avoiding me.'' you stated taking the gifts with both your hands ''i thought i did something wrong''
he opened his eyes wide, fuck.
he took a deep breath, thinking how he could explain it to you, i love you so much it makes me sick didn't seem like the best option right now.
''i'm an idiot y/n, i'm an idiot that didn't want to accept how much he like you'' he stated, putting his brows together as he leaned in closer to you, the sunset making his eyes shine ''i did avoid you, i didn't know how to...react to my feelings so i...i'm sorry, im stupid'' he shifted his eyes towards the floor, now avoiding your sweet gaze
''i...love you too, idiot'' you said, smiling to yourself, managing to get a gasp out of him. you placed the box and the flowers in a desk, and stepping closer to him, you cupped his face with both of your hands, making him look at you ''you're really stupid, but its a part of why i like you so much'' you laughed, making you touch your foreheads
megumi closed his eyes and took each wrist on his hands lovingly ''are you not mad at me'' he mumbled after some seconds ''i couldn't be'' you answered softly.
''can i be your boyfriend?''
''i would be glad to accept you as my boyfriend''
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haaiii:3 this is kinda risky to post since is my first writing post, but fuck it im doing it. also, im sorry if anything i write sounds kinda weird or out of place, english is not my first language and it was just kinda implanted into my brain in 6th grade so i never truly 'learned'.
anyways, i hope you liked it !11!!!1!
-kat / gumi :3
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hollyseb · 5 months
FIGHT FOR ME - oneshot
Avenger!Bucky x reader
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MINORS DNI, dont copy or translate my work :)
Warnings; violence, sexual language
just a quick one as i’m in the middle of my exams. let me know what you think :)) requests are open!
You’d assimilated fairly well, working alongside the avengers. Being a PR agent meant you could do influential work, while remaining on the sidelines, just as you liked.
It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that you realised how dangerous positioning yourself next to the avengers would be. You became a target.
You very slyly missed an attack on your way home, a member of hydra waiting on your backseat with a knife and a plan to hold you hostage. It was only when Nat caught wind of the man on the tower cameras that she dragged him out and almost ate him alive.
The air had changed in your workplace since the threat. You felt paranoid, constantly looking over your shoulder. Steve was sending you pitying looks, his eyes raking your features for signs of fear. Nat hovered over you, making far-too-frequent visits to your office.
You didn’t like the extra attention. It was nice that they cared, really, but you didn’t know how much longer you could stand it. So when Bucky stalked to your office, advising you to take some self defense lessons, you saw a way you could get everybody off your back.
You and Bucky had a… strained relationship.
His natural distaste towards PR, and your overly positive attitude. He didn’t quite know what to make of you. Too many tense smiles, drawn eyebrows and whispered curses to count.
You couldn’t deny, you found the soldier sickeningly attractive. Broad shoulders, sculpted face, gruff voice. You swallowed those thoughts whenever he neared you. No. You didn’t need this messing with your head.
He was angsty, sarcastic, and only close to those he really trusted. Exactly your type.
He found you attractive too. Breath catching when you wore a slightly-too-short skirt, jaw clenching when he saw that you’d scheduled a meeting with him.
He felt bile rise in his throat when he heard about the attempted attack. His chest tightening with panic and anger. So, it was only natural for him to want to give you some self defense lessons, to be your sparring partner.
He knew he was crossing the line of professionality. He didn’t care. His top priority was making sure you could handle yourself in a fight long enough to stay alive.
So when the moment came, for you to tentatively step into the shared gym, you were nervous.
”H-hi James”, your voice quieter than you would have liked.
He nodded curtly in response, as you scoped out the room. Weights upon weights lined the wall, with a boxing ring in the middle. You let out a shaky sigh.
You followed him to the ring, eyes drinking in his tight Lycra shirt and gym shorts. You liked seeing him like this, casual. You couldn’t help the way your eyes fell to his defined back muscles.
He positioned himself opposite from you in the ring, his eyes trailing up your sport leggings and tight tee. You had your hair pulled into a ponytail. He licked his lips, keeping a large distance from you.
“What would you have done if Nat hadn’t of spotted that man?” Bucky asked you, his voice gruff.
”W-what?” Confusion gripping your features.
”Knife pressed to your throat. Locked in a car with your captor. What’s your next move?”
You started to feel panicked, not only at the mental image of the scenario, but at the way Bucky was intimidating you.
“Bucky, st-“
“You would’ve died”, his breathing ragged, his shoulders tense, “all because you didn’t lock your fucking car”.
You wanted to sputter out an apology, your colleague making you feel stupid for your mistake. He is correct though. It could’ve cost you your life.
Bucky sensed your animosity. He reached out and touched your shoulder, breaking you out of your spiralling thoughts.
“I want to make sure that nothing like that'll ever happen again, okay?” His voice gentle, his eyes soft.
You nodded in response, smiling tentatively towards him.
”Okay so, you need to understand that when someone wants to take you down, they will use whatever tactics they need to. You need to be ready for anything. Lift your arms and block your face.”
You followed his instructions obediently, hanging from his every word.
He circled you, before effortlessly grabbing your arm and twisting it behind your back, not enough to hurt, but enough to let you know you weren’t alert properly. He had trapped your arm between your bodies as he pressed himself against your back.
“C’mon, you don’t want to make it easy for them”, his mouth near your ear, his stubble pricking your neck.
You could feel yourself becoming irritated with his condescending tone, and the way he so easily overpowered you.
You leaned forward slightly, before picking up your leg and driving your foot into his knee, kicking him back. You twisted around fast, smirking at the way his mouth fell open in shock.
He quickly recovered, sending an open hand towards your wrist in an attempt to grab you. You ripped your hand away as he stalked towards you. You stepped back, your movements fuelled by adrenaline. Unfortunately, Bucky had placed a foot behind yours, causing you to tumble backwards. You grabbed his shirt, arms flailing to prevent you from hitting the ground. He landed on top of you.
You tried to shove him off, believing you could roll him onto his back and pin him down, but he had your arms pinned above your head within an instant.
You were frustrated, desperately trying to free yourself from his grip.
He was enamoured. Staring at the way your baby hairs were clinging to your hairline, the bead of sweat running down your neck, the way your chest was rising and falling rapidly, how your mouth hung open in concentration. Fuck. He could feel himself becoming hard at the vision of you.
It was fun for him, seeing you like this. Not in your office clothes, not stressed out with your workload.
He wanted you like this in his bed, messy hair and swollen lips.
In his distraction, you managed to wrap your leg around his neck, rolling him over. Within an instant, he had you ripped from his body. Disorientating you. Flipped over onto your stomach, your hands pinned behind your back.
He lifted your head by tugging on your ponytail.
“Don’t make it this easy for them, doll” His accent drawled with cockiness.
Why were you enjoying the way he was pushing you around, teased you? The way he could control you with a singular movement.
“You know…”, you managed to grunt out, “I could assume that you like to see me like this”. You smirked at that, feeling the way his grip loosened in shock.
“Yeah doll, whatever makes you feel better about your subpar self defense skills”, he recovered, changing the subject from your confrontation.
He hadn’t seen you like this before, teasing… unprofessional.
Fuck… you were only making him harder.
You bucked your hips gently, ever so slightly breezing across his cock. Yep, you thought, feeling the hardness. God, he was so big. You could hear Bucky take a sharp intake of breath.
He leaned back over your body, teeth grazing the side of your neck. He could barely restrain himself from tearing you apart.
Instead, he ripped himself away from you, exiting the ring and slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder as his chest fell and rose dramatically.
Not like this, he thought. He might be a modern man but deep down, he was still from the 40s. You deserved better than this.
Fuck, you thought, had you read the signals wrong? No, no, no. A PR worker making a move onto an avenger. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Hastily, you collected your things, regretting your bold decision. As you opened your phone to book an Uber home, you read a text from an unknown number.
Same time tomorrow, doll. Bring a spare change of clothes, I want to take you out after.
@scott-loki-barnes @kandis-mom
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jadeddangel · 3 months
Headcanons for Sun and Moon having unrequited crushes on the same person?
I'm literally gonna cry! Why sun?! WHYD YOU DO THIS TO MY BABY
Sundrop x Reader x Moondrop
Unrequited love from Sun and Moon
Unrequited: not requited : not reciprocated or returned in kind
Art is not mine
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Sun at first really doesn't get it
He just wants to be around you all the time
He doesn't really know what the feeling is called
He tried to describe it to you and tried to ask if you felt the same
This poor baby doesn't understand why you don't feel the same
I mean he thought you did
You were always nice to him
You always colored with him and him gifts when you thought of him
He hadn't really accepted it and started distancing himself from you
Even when it came to taking care of the kids
He started to hate puppet shows since he worked with you for it
He brought up to the staff that he was thinking about getting a different daycare helper
"Mx. Attendent? Can I talk to you?" Sun asked, skipping towards you
You turned your head, giving sun a smile. "mhm! Sure thing sun what's up?"
Sun smiled and sat down in front of you "Well uhm there's this feeling it's weird it makes me feel weird around you, like I never wanna leave you and I just wanna be around you all the time.. do you uhm feel the same?" Sun asked, stumbling over his words a bit.
"Oh.. oh no.. Sun I'm so sorry.. I really dont.. " you whispered
"Oh, uhm.. It's ok, dear friend! Thank you for listening to me, " Sun said, getting up and using his tether to go up to the room above the ballpit
He didn't leave the room to help you clean and only came out to play with the kids and then went back
Oh boy
Instead of having to describe what he was feeling he did research and found the word that describes it best
He was hesitant to tell you
He mostly started hanging out with you more
He tried giving you gifts and tried being nicer to you
He told you after attempting to "court" you for a few months
He waited until after hours to tell you
he set up a nice late night dinner with whatever he could find
It was some pizza and some flowers somebody had forgot
Moon stood waiting by one of the tables standing straight waiting for you to turn around
You turned around. "Hey Moon, I'm done with the...tables?" You slowly stopped speaking
Moon cleared his voice box slightly. "I was wondering if you would have dinner with me as a date?" Moon said hesitantly
"Oh moony.. I don't really see you that way.." you said softly
Moon put the flowers down. "I was playing with you, ugh. I can't believe you fell for that. How dumb"
Moon was, in fact, not playing, and he purposefully avoided you whenever you were alone..
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catboyfics · 10 months
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Giving Chocolates To The OM Brothers
i wasn't sure if you wanted them to be separate fics or all together, so i took a guess :) hope you dont mind!! i had to write satan and levi twice because it deleted :(
𝑷𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮: lucifer x reader, satan x reader, beel x reader, belphegor x reader, asmo x reader, levi x reader,
𝑮𝑬𝑵𝑹𝑬 & 𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺: fluff; gn reader; no warnings i think except for tooth rotting sweetness
𝑾𝑶𝑹𝑫𝑺: 2.6k
He hadn't been expecting gifts or anything
You were dating but he didn't think that gifts meant everything
So when you gave him home-made chocolate for valentines, he was pretty surprised
Very happy surprised though
He had a really bad habit of overworking himself, but whenever he ate one of your chocolates, he remembered to take a break, have a stretch and drink some water
You knocked on the door to Lucifer's office, anxiously holding a little basket. There was a warmth in your cheeks and you looked at the floor. In the basket, there were a bunch of boxes of little chocolates, all made by you.
You were very proud of them, but Luci never asked for gifts and you were nervous that he wouldn't like them.
A voice echoed from inside his office, saying "Come in." You carefully opened the door, doing your best not to disturb him.
"Oh, darling, what do you need?" He said gently once he realized it was you, a smile lighting up his face.
"I made you something." You said sheepishly, feeling guilty for disturbing his work. You knew he had a lot of work to do and you didn't want to drag it out for him.
You gently placed the basket on his desk, telling him what it was.
"I made chocolates for valentines day. I heard your brothers talking about it so I assumed it was celebrated here." You told him with a little smile.
He stood up and walked over to you, wrapping you in a warm hug. You sheepishly hugged back, still feeling guilty for disturbing him.
"I love it, my dear." He said confidently, holding your hands gently and looking so sincerely into your eyes.
He could tell that you were nervous about taking this step in the romance, and he was so proud of you for it.
"How about you sit with me for a bit and we can eat some of these delicious chocolates together."
When you first gave the chocolates to him, he was actually pretty surprised and very thankful
He quickly turned pretty cocky about it, though, saying things like "I know you love me, you're obsessed." and the sort
This is teasing, of course, and if it makes you uncomfortable he'd stop immediately
He likes to go gambling and when he does he always brings your chocolates because it feels like you're there with him
They're gone pretty quickly cause he eats them all the time.
"Hey, Mammon." You called into his room, walking through the open door.
"Oh, human! Ooh, what's that you have with you? Is it for me?" He joked, sitting up on his bed and putting his phone to the side.
"Actually, it is." You replied with a little smirk, making him blush a bit.
"Really?" He asked, jumping up from his bed like an excited puppy and walking over to you.
"Yeah, I made chocolates for you. You know, because it's like, valentines." You said, warmth making its way to your cheeks as you smiled sincerely at him.
He grinned, grabbing your cheeks and kissing you. "Thank you!" He chirped before snatching one of the boxes out of the basket you'd brought him.
He wandered over to his desk, opening the box and popping one of the small chocolates into his mouth.
"It's good!" He exclaimed, grinning. You were frozen by the sudden turn of events, but glad he liked your gift.
"Hey, come look, I found a video I think you'd like!" He called across the room, jumping happily into his bed with the box as he beckoned you over.
You grinned, wandering over and crawling into his bed with him, getting comfortable as you grabbed a chocolate from the box and popped it into your mouth.
He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer into him, clicking play on the video. You rested your head on his shoulder, eyes fluttering as you watched with a smile on your face.
He would be too busy in his games to realize you'd entered his room
When you tapped his shoulder though he would feel really bad that he forgot about Valentines. He wouldn't admit it though
He'd say that he was too busy with his game because it had a Valentines event and he wanted to get all of the good characters that were time limited
He'd calm down eventually though and would ask if you needed anything from him
When you show him the chocolates, he'd get really happy. He'd quickly go back to being a tsundere though and say that you didn't need to do anything for him, he didn't even like chocolates that much.
If you didn't know him so well, it might make you sad, but you know that he just has trouble admitting his emotions.
He'd invite you to play games with him and that's how you guys would spend the rest of valentines day.
"Hey, Levi? You busy?" You asked quietly as you knocked on his door. There wasn't a reply, so you assumed he was consumed in his game. You opened the door, careful not to startle him.
You walked over to his desk, smiling sweetly and you held the basket full of chocolates in one hand and tapped his shoulder with the other. He jumped a bit, clearly surprised by your presence.
"Ah, human." He said once he had calmed down a bit. "Oh, it's Valentines day, isn't it. I completely forgot." He said eventually with a slight frown, looking down at the floor dejectedly.
"It's no worry, I just wanted to do something for you." You said with a comforting smile.
"What do you mean? Is there anything you need from me?" He asked, brows furrowing. You shook your head no, lifting up the basket and presenting it to him.
You saw his face light up, a smile gracing his features. His eyes crinkles and you thought you could see them sparkling. You grinned at him, but when he looked up at you he realized he was being very expressive with his emotions and looked away.
"That's really nice of you but I don't need them. I don't even like chocolate that much." He said, avoiding eye contact. You could tell that he was lying.
"Dork." You muttered lovingly, patting him on the head before gesturing him over to the multiplayer console.
From the beginning, he would be very sweet about it
He would have been reading his book before you arrived
He would take a bite of one of the chocolates and feed you the rest
Gives you a bunch of little kisses
He would've bought his own gift for you
He wasn't the greatest cook, so he would've bought you something instead
If you had mentioned wanting something to him, he would've gotten you that
Otherwise, he would've gotten you a book that reminded him of you
He would say how much he loved you and how perfect you were for him
"Hey, can I come in?" You called through his closed door, knocking gently with your free hand.
You heard a hum from the inside and opened the door gently. Satan peeked up from his book, smile forming when he realized it was you.
"My love, do you need anything?" He asked gently, grabbing a bookmark to keep his page as he placed the book on the bedside table.
"No, I wanted to give you something." You said with a smile, watching him come over.
"For me? That's so kind of you." He whispered as he reached you, grinning at you. He looked down into your hands, seeing the tweed basket
"It's no problem. I wanted to treat you for valentines day." You said with a gentle smile. He nodded, turning suddenly and walking over to his bed.
"I actually got you something as well." He said quietly as he reached under his pillow. He pulled out a small box, cupping it gently in his hands as if it were so delicate that it would break if anything happened to it.
He gestured you over and you obeyed, sitting next to him on his bed. You handed him the basket and he handed you the box. You looked one another in the eyes before looking down to open your respective gifts. You opened the small box and your eyes lit up.
You'd been going shopping with Asmo a couple weeks ago and you'd seen something in a shop window that absolutely dazzled you. Once you'd gotten home, you'd told Satan about it.
You hadn't realized that he would get it for you as a gift, you just wanted to share your day with him.
When you looked over to him to see how he liked the chocolates you'd made him, he was looking at you, eyes glimmering with happiness.
You grinned as he pulled you into a hug. He already had one of the small chocolates in hand, taking a little bite out of it. His eyes went wide as the flavors spread around his mouth, holding it out to you for you to try.
After you'd both finished eating the chocolate, he pecked you on the forehead, lying back into his bed and taking you into his arms.
He would be quick, he'd get to you before you were even finished making the chocolates pretty
He'd come into the kitchen right as you were finishing making the chocolates complaining about why you weren't in your room
Then he'd see you making chocolates and stop before grinning at you like "are those for me?"
When you tell him that they are he'd be so happy, but also super proud of you.
He'd be like "look at my amazing partner spoiling me and making me chocolates for valentines day"
He would absolutely have bought something for you
He would also have an entire date planned
He would stay in for breakfast but take you out for an amazing brunch and go shopping with you all day
Then he'd take you out to your favorite place for dinner.
"My dear..." You heard Asmo whine from just down the hall to the entrance of the kitchen. You jumped and tried to hide what you were doing just as he was coming in.
"Why are you down here and not in your room?" He complained, eyes still closed as he leaned against the fridge. "Oh? What's this?" He asked as he opened his eyes and saw the setup laid out before you.
You opened your mouth to reply before he realized. "Oh! You're making chocolates, aren't you!" He exclaimed, and loving sparkle decorating his eye. "Are these for me?" He asked sweetly, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You nodded, going back to finishing up the last few chocolates. He plucked one from their tray on the counter and popped it in his mouth. He hummed in approval, smiling. Once he was finished chewing, he kissed the top of your head sweetly.
"We have a busy day, my love." He told you, unwrapping his arms from around you to grab another chocolate. "I've planned a lot for us. First, we can go out for a delicious brunch, then we can go shopping all day. Then, we'll go to your favorite restaurant for dinner!"
"Mmm, okay." You said with a lazy grin, smiling back at him. "Just let me finish up here."
He would know immediately that you were making chocolate. He would be able to smell it.
He'd go down to the kitchen and start "helping"
His help consisted of taste tests
By the end of it, you had only two or three proper chocolates.
He had eaten everything else
He ate one of the actual chocolates and his face lit up
He was like "this is amazing"
Thought you were actually a sorcerer and you used magic to make the chocolates taste so good
He'd let you have one of the chocolates even though it made him a bit sad
Then he'd take you out for dinner
"Ah, Beel!" You jumped, looking over your shoulder as he wrapped his hands around your waist.
"Why are you making chocolate?" He asked, brows furrowing as he fought not to taste anything on the counter in front of you.
"For you, silly." You said with a sweet laugh. "It's Valentines day, remember?" You said as his eyes lit up. He'd forgotten, but plans for dinner were already forming in his head.
"Oh." He said in realization, but quickly elaborated. "We should go out for dinner." He grinned at you. You couldn't say no to that.
You nodded, smiling back at him before returning to the chocolates you were making. He grabbed a clean spoon from one of the drawers and took a relatively big spoonful of the chocolate you were tempering. You looked back at him in surprise as he stuck the entire thing in his mouth, humming contently.
"Beel!" You quietly scolded, though you were grinning. His antics were always fun. He shook his head apologetically, but when he was finished eating the chocolate he seemed very happy.
This continued on until you were finished making the chocolates, only having two because of how much Beel "tasted". You sighed, though you weren't upset. You saw Beel's big hand reaching for one of the chocolates and watched as he put it in his mouth. He lit up and his eyes widened as he stared at you. He looked bewildered, still finishing the chocolate.
You chuckled, looking at him lovingly.
"I love you, Beel."
"I love you more."
He really wouldn't like it when you wake him up
He'd be like "what do you wantttt" not realizing it was you
When he realized it was you he'd actually sit up and stuff and chat
And when you told him you'd made him chocolates he'd be really happy
He'd be like
"You didn't have to do that for me, these are amazing, you're amazing."
He'd drag you into the bed and cuddle you
He'd sleep on you like you were a pillow after.
You knocked gently on the door in front of you, checking if he was awake. As you suspected, he wasn't, so you slowly pushed the door open. He was sleeping in his bed, swamped in blankets and clutching a pillow to his chest.
You walked over to the side of his bed, gently shaking his shoulder. "Belphie, wake up." You said quietly, receiving a grumble into the pillow he was hugging. You shook him a little more, trying to wake him before his eyes cracked open and looked up at you.
"Oh, human." He said in a whisper, smiling at you and moving over in the bed to make space for you. He looked down and saw the basket in your hands, brows furrowing. "What's that?" He questioned.
"I made you chocolates because it's Valentines day." You said with a bashful smile, making his face light up. He motioned for you to sit down next to him on the bed and you did as he propped himself up against the headboard.
You plucked a chocolate from the basket and handed it to him, watching his face as he bit into it.
"These are amazing." He said in awe. "You're amazing. I can't believe you made these for me." He said before finishing off that chocolate. "You didn't have to, you know. I don't need anything for Valentines."
You shook your head. "No, I wanted to. I love you, you know." You said with a sweet smile.
He smiled bashfully and hugged you, burying his head in the crook of your head.
"You're so amazing. I don't understand how some people aren't in love with you."
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Killer Cookie
A/n: I finally finished and I don’t know what else to say but I hope you love reading this since it’s the last part
Word count: 3.3k
summary: You get into a fight at school and Hailey helps you and your brother to stop fighting
———————————————————————— It was a chilly, no… freezing day in Chicago. It was snowing but not as much currently because the storm is supposed to hit later tonight.
You decided to walk to the firehouse instead of riding the bus because you didn’t feel like hearing everyone screaming whenever the bus would almost crash, even though you were one of those people with your friends.
Your class won a food party because they collected the most votes on the door decoration contest. Luckily none of the food had strawberries. Because you are deathly allergic to strawberries and always needed an EpiPen with you just in case.
Which reminded you to tell Will or Jay that you needed a new one since you lost your last one when you went out sledding with them.
But when you opened your locker to get your backpack and Jacket there was a box of chocolate chip cookies.
~inside the box
don’t worry there’s no strawberries, 
-secret admire ;)
You screamed internally because you lived  for Chocolate chip cookies, and you had a secret admirer?
On your way home you were starving since you didn’t eat much at school, only really some fries from the restaurant.
So you decided to eat 2 cookies and let everyone else fight for the rest, they were yours after all. 
Opening the box carefully so you didn’t drop the box and whatever was in your hands.
You shoved the whistle cookie in your mouth. You may do girl things but you eat like a grown man, especially a football player.
Not even 10 seconds after swallowing the cookie your throat started to feel dry and you couldn’t breath 
(Give me a break today this is all going to be in mine right now)
“Shit. There’s no strawberries in these, unless.” You picked up a cookie and broke it in half. “What kind of psycho put strawberries in chocolate? I- I need to get t-to the house”
You basically pushed everyone aside who tried to greet you and rushed to the kitchen.
“Ayy, Y/n how’s my favorite Halstead sibling doing” Kelly joked
Jay hit Kelly in the elbow hard. “C'mon man it was a joke, I can have favorites”
“Nah, I see how it is, guess I’m never bringing food over here again. And you can keep Y/n forever then” Jay shrugged.
“I was just trying to cheer her up, she looks upset” Kelly usually payed attention to
Your face whenever you came in. He would know if it was ok to make jokes or he needed to pull you to the side and talk to you. Right now you are upset but that’s because you weren’t processing anything.
But clearly ignoring everyone was for nothing because you barely made it to your drawer of the kitchen before you fell and your backpack cushioned your fall.
At least you didn't  hit  your head.
“Y/n you good?” Jay stood up from the chair he was sitting at. This was so unlike you. You always came in and said “Hi” or “Hello” to everyone whether or not you were having a bad day
“Y/n?… SHIT Y/N!”Jay screamed 
“Take her back pack off,” Matt said. “What’s wrong with her? She turning blue”. Someone else’s voice came out from the other 10 voices.
“Give her CPR or something” Jay spoke as Kelly was rubbing your sternum.
“Jay we don’t know what’s wrong with her let alone why she’s turning blue it could be the cold” Kelly said “cmon y/n come back to us”
Hailey practically runs in due to all the commotion with Stella and Sylvie right behind her
Sylvie and Stella ran over to you and started assessing you while Stella started CPR.
Hailey walked over your bag which was thrown a few feet away from you and decided to go pick it up, to help out.
Hailey picked up the box and your backpack so it was out of the way but when she looked in the box she saw something that she thought you wouldn’t have. 
“Shit, where does Y/n keep all her stuff in here” Hailey was looking at both Sylvie and Stella but she hoped at least both of them would answer.
“Uhh bottom drawer far left”
Hailey rummaged through the draw until she found a tube with a bright orange tip. And sprinted to you and pushed everyone out of the way.
As everyone was yelling at Hailey like she was crazy she rolled up your pant legs and Jabbed the Epi Pen in the middle of your thigh.
“Strawberries- she had strawberries” She sighed
My head feels like it’s underwater
Everything seems so muffled 
What-what happened?
Your eyes flutter open and immediately shut them due to the light.
“C'mon y/n come on back to us” a soft voice says
“Give her space guys” as time goes on the voices get louder and it forces you to open your eyes. 
“Just rest, we’re not gonna push you to talk, we’ll talk at home. We’re gonna leave soon”
Hailey had to go home while you were passed out because she had an early shift tomorrow so Will drove over to the firehouse to come and get both you and Jay.
“How is she?” Jay looked in his rear view mirror to see you guys.
Will checked your pulse again and looked at the watch on his wrist “her pulse is better but her breathing is slow, I might give her oxygen when we get home”
“Why would she eat strawberries?” 
“They were cookie Jay, maybe she didn’t know. It happens” 
“Well it better have been an accident or me her are gonna have a serious talk” Jay grumbled 
“Don’t be to harsh on her”
You woke up around 5:30 am and couldn’t go back to sleep, and the one thing you hated the oxygen.
You’d much rather have the nasal one but you can’t exactly argue with adults on what’s better for your health so you just have to deal with the mask. 
Eventually it got hot and you got bored since you couldn’t find your phone. You assumed it was still at the firehouse or Jay had it.
You dragged your little tank/ machine across the room and grabbed your comforter (the very top blanket on your bed) and your pillows and one stuffed animal  and stuffed them into the bathtub and you found your laptop and you put on your favorite show.
This was better than being in your bed. 
Will woke up to the sounds of Jay screaming in his ear. So much for trying to sleep in.
“Wake up, Y/n’s gone she’s not in her bed” Jay almost screamed at the top of his lungs.
“Are you crazy? Check her bathroom, I found her sleeping in there one time after a reaction and I heard sounds coming from there this morning” Will turned his back to Jay.
Jay ran into your bathroom which was connected to your bedroom and what he saw made his heart melt. 
“Here’s the real story, the PTO had a cookie drive where you could buy cookies for your friends and stuff like that and they would put it in your locker and we would find them, mine had a note that just said that “thanks for being great friend, don’t worry there’s no strawberries” Okay, so maybe you lied a little but it’s better than jay beating up some poor boy.
“Did it say from who?” Jay asked in his detective tone
“Nope, and I’m pretty sure Hailey told me she threw the box away while I was passed out” you shrugged.
“I guess it’s fine, maybe the PTO forgot. It’s not like anyone hurt you on purpose so it's fine. Right jay” Will sent Jay that look to just drop this subject this one time.
“Yeah right…” Jay picked at his pancakes. He wanted to look into it more but Hailey would kill him.
But… the laughing and the image of you guys faded into his mind.
Flashback end… (WHAT?!??)
Will realized it, it was Milly. Milly was somewhat an old friend of yours and he remembered the day you said you told her that you were allergic to strawberries when she was over. You’ve only been allergic for around a year and half. There hadn’t been anyone else you told. 
Except for Milly…
Will shot up from the couch, grabbed his keys from the bowl and ran outside to his car.
Will attempted to call Jay but he didn’t answer. So he was probably out with Hailey. 
“Jay when you get this meet me at the Jail they have Y/n immediately. There’s not a lot of time” 
“Uhh yeah, I just opened my locker and they were there. I didn’t think anything of it, I guess I was just excited” You shrugged.
“Did you tell anyone else about your allergy other than Milly” Jay spoke
“No, not until after the incident, I honestly don’t remember much from that day, but I don't really care to be honest.” You shrugged once again.
“Y/n listen to me, you’re going to have another court date. You’re going to tell everyone exactly what you told us. We’ll get security footage from the school and we’ll also get statements from everyone at the house” You’re lawyer was pretty strict and prescient on getting you out.
It wasn’t the first time someone has gone against Milly in court and you’re lawyer had won 4 cases against 2 
1 year and 7 months ago
“Well well well isn’t it the detective's little sister?” 
“What did I do not milly?” You sighed.
“Nothing, I just wanna make your life a living hell. Your brother is horrible and if I can’t do anything to him I might as well hurt what’s best to him, his little sister-.” Milly had a smirk on her face.
“Please Milly, I’m just trying to fix my makeup” you rolled your eyes and looked back at the mirror.
“Let’s see if make up can fix this” before you could ask her what she meant when you felt stinging on your right eye.
“It’s not you I have a problem with. It’s your brother's little squad.” She spits as the rest of her group come in and corner you.
A kick from behind throws you to the ground. 
As you try to fight back Milly and get friends they overpower you as it’s 1v5 
(And yes this happened at my school but in the hallways❤️)
After a few more kicks to the stomach one of the girls speaks up. 
“Let’s go, don’t kill her.”
“You’re off the hook for now Halstead.” She kicks you once more in the stomach and you cry out in pain.
As soon as you got home you peaked behind the wall to see if Jay was watching Tv to make sure the coast was clear. Nothing 
You ran to your room and to your bathroom.
You pulled open your draw of Makeup and crabbed your concealer. 
(I don’t wear much makeup yet so give me break on how it works😭)
“Y/n? Are you good in there?” Jay knocked on the door
“Yeah, yeah just fixing something” you replied 
“Alright, Will called and asked if you wanted to go out for dinner” 
That made you freeze. You can’t go out like this… Will and Jay could tell the signs of when you used too much makeup. 
“Uhh, I don’t really feel like it. Can her just pick up chick fil a or something” 
“Are you ok? You love going out” Dam it Jay, did you really have to pick a being detective as your job.
“Yeah, I rather just hang out with you guys tonight y'know”
“Alright I’ll call him”
“Y/nnnn… Y/N”
“Is this one of those seizure things she used to have when she had that head injury?” Jay whispers to will
“No, it doesn't look like it. I’m hoping it’s not because I will sue this place down if they let her get a head injury and didn’t let any of us know.” Will grits that last part between his teeth.
“Y/N!” A voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
“Yeah, tell them in court got it. I gotta go bye”
“Alright, call me if you need to schedule anything or if anything happens” your lawyer stood up from the chair.
“Yeah thanks Chris” both Jay and Will got up and shook his hand and walked out.
“What was that about” Will mumbled
“I don’t know, Y/ns strange but you never know what’s going up in that head of hers.” Jay shrugged as he walked down the steps.
Just three weeks left Will said to himself, three weeks. And then you could go back to school. You missed a whole school year so you would be a year behind all of your friends. 
How could Jay not care, he hadn’t fought or visited you as much as he did. 
He would talk to him when they got back to his apartment. This was gonna be another fight 
“Yes will”Jay hummed
“You seem to not care about y/n all you do is sit her all day and watch these stupid games” 
“First of all the games aren’t stupid, and second of all how dare you say that I don’t care about her. It seems like you don’t care about her”
“ME? Oh no you sit here and go to the district come back home and drink like your Addict” 
“And you? Don’t act so innocent. You’ve been sitting there on your couch rotting away when you’re not at work” Jay scoffed
“At Least I’m trying to help, I’m trying to read about how we can help Y/n. Do you ever use your brain or are you so fucked up inside? You gonna turn up like dad if you don’t check yourself” Will shoved his finger in Jays chest.
Jay flung wills hand away. “Watch who you’re talking to. Don’t bother  coming over. And you can have y/n when she gets out since I don’t care about her. Now get the hell out of my house”
Like I said, the Halstead siblings are falling apart.
January 29th 2024
Court date
“All rise” Everyone stood up as the judge walked into the room
Will,Jay and your lawyer Chris had given you a talk on behaving and doing exactly what they said.
You were gonna follow through with those rules but you had something else in mind to add. A way that everyone would see the true face of Milly.
“I have a question for my client”
“During your first court, Ms. Taylor accused you of abusing her over the months, and looking over CCTV footage from your so called confrontation Michelle walked over to Ms Halstead instead and she threw the first punch. If you had looked at the cameras you would have seen it”
Milly looked astonished that someone had said her real legal name and not Milly. 
“MR. Olsen, I did look at the security cameras and I saw what I saw” The judge shrugged.
You had enough, the judge kept lying, Milly kept telling fake stories and everyone wans´t helping.
“I’ve had enough” You stood up. “Y/n what hell are you doing sit down” Jay yelled in a whisper.
“Back off Jay, Your name isn’t Milly Parker. It's Michelle. Isn’t that right? Ms, Taylor? There’s video proof of everything and every single one of your group of friends. You think I haven’t had an outsider for months? Giving me all the information I know right now. I knew it was you who tried to Kill me with the cookies. I got video permission and I saw it. Best part is I didn’t even have to wait for you to be proven wrong in a couple of years because IT'S ALL HERE. YOUR A FUCKING SNAKE, A LIAR AND BITCH”
Jay and Hailey got up and pulled you out of the courtroom before security did it themselves. 
“Y/n are you crazy, you’re going to end up getting more Time in jail” 
“You don’t understand Jay, she’s the one who hit me first. She’s the one who gave those strawberry Cookies” You cried.
Jay pulled you into a hug, so you wouldn’t run off and he could comfort you. “It’s alright, you’re ok. I’ll figure it out.” “Go get that footage on that screen, if they try to stop you someone named Harrison Butler will help you” Jay whispered to Hailey and she nodded back.
“Y/n I’m gonna leave you with Kevin for 5 minutes while I talk to Will about something really quick. Is that ok?” He could feel you nodding in his chest. 
“Natalie, It’s Jay. I need you to send Y/ns medical records from when we came for a check up after she had a reaction”
Jay kept humming in response when Natalie kept asking questions
“Alright thank you” 
“I’m getting super tired of the crazy shit” Jay mumbled to himself. 
“You need to listen to me. When you go in there don’t get up and scream, don’t accuse, don’t exaggerate. Stick to what Voight told you” Jay was on your level giving you a pep talk. This was the final court session. It would be decided who was guilty and who wasn’t. “Do you understand?”
“Yes. If I get to go home can I get McDonald’s?” It was worth asking.
“Of course y/n. I’ll buy you all the McDonald’s you want and whatever you want.” 
“Y/n it’s time, let’s go” Your lawyer Chris came out.
“Can Ms. Y/n Halstead come up” The judge “would please tell your side of the story to settle this once and for all.”
After the longest speech of your life which was almost 40 minutes. And other people are coming up to talk. A decision was made.
“I sentence Michelle Taylor 30 years for attempted murder, 10 years for fraud and 3 years for assault.” 
“For Y/n Halsted, she and her family will be compensated 10 thousands from the star and 25 thousand from the Taylor family from what she has been through.” You looked at Jay with a shocked face, that was a ton of money. “Case closed.” The Jude spoke. Everyone around you started clapping and cheering. 
People from your school who had also been affected by Milly were there, News stations, Your family from Med, Fire and Pd. The whole state had heard about your story and it finally worked, people came out told their stories with Milly and this Past year of Hell was over. 
You won
Now in the car With Jay and Will you guys were one of the last to leave since people were interviewing you guys like crazy. You were starving for something, not prison food. 
“Can I have McDonald’s now?” 
Jay and Will looked at each other and then looked back at you “taking that as a yes, I’m tired of prison food so let’s go”
IT'S OVER, I don’t know if I’m gonna pick this up and add to it again but I want to say I’ve been adding to this every now then since late December early January ish.
I love this and now I can focus on working on some other stuff I have to write😁
Sorry it took so long as well. I wanted to make it good but I got tired of writing this like 2 weeks ago so it’s kinda bad.
Love yall so much and thank you for all the support
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asakiooi · 1 year
Hey idk if you take writing requests so if not. dont read this and have a nice day :)
But however if you do-
I been dieing for a reader x josiah from overtime. I was wanting somthing on the more wholesome side. As a simp I played that game solely for him and ended up hitting the wall running to fast to his desk. So I'm asking for something like that where the reader is like ya know always happy to see him. Maybe even buys him monsters often, watches him play his game and quietly cheers for him. Ya know like a little wife who just wants him happy. (And obviously that he kills ofc)
(And unless you keep it gender neutral, can the reader be a short fem? I'm 5'1 and would tremble under his look lmao)
and take ya time if ya make it and get good rest :)
Overtime Headcanons | Josiah X Short GN! Reader
M sorry op, once again I have fumbled with my ask box but yes here you go bc I love all of you overtime lovers <3
In the form of Hcs unfortunately, I just pulled a whole fic earlier and I needa break. Also I’m writing this as pre extension demo, where Josiah works as an IT alongside you (mc).
Josiah is always delighted to see you whenever you turn from the corner straight to his desk. Sometimes you clumsily run too fast and hit the walls that surround his desk, which leads you to double down in pain once you smack your entire body into it. He always makes sure to crouch besides you and rub your back, making fun of you while doing it but also making sure you’re okay.
He always pulls a chair out for you to sit next him whenever you have time. It’ll be much more comfortable than his, most likely snagged from your manager. He makes sure it has extendable options for height.
When you sit with him, he always leaves options open on what to do without ever saying them. He waits for your lead.
Sometimes you talk, mundane things like that. Or maybe deeper conversations that make you both think. If you were feeling bold, talks about romantic stuff like dates would make him feel flustered. Not in a bad way of course, he truly wants to do a lot with you.
Maybe you’ve gone out together once or twice before becoming an item, but this is different.
If you choose to watch him play games, he happily agrees. He’ll boot up his computer and start up CS:GO while you sit patiently.
When he starts matching, he’ll give you a lil glance and smile.
You watch intensely, looking at everything he’s doing.
He’s really good, you notice. Probably the best in the game honestly.
Every kill he gets, you mutter a “Ooh! Nice!” Which boosts his ego, especially if it was a tricky kill. You might even throw a few more words in to show how much you really pay attention and it makes him smile a little.
When he gets killed though, your quick to comfort him or come to his defense.
If you feel spiteful, you’re going to be quick with calling it an unfair kill. They camped? SMH, they should have been a good sport and played fairly (biased because if Josiah camped you wouldn’t bat an eye).
If Josiah doesn’t make a comment after his character gets killed you’ll fill in the silence.
If you feel chill, you’re quick to comfort him in a softer way. Not in a “You’ll get it next time” way, you already know he’ll go after his killer the moment he respawns.
“Cmon! You got this! He’s at that corner right there!” If you turn into his callout partner, he’ll be immensely happy. Usually he gets distracted when other people disturb him but when it comes to you and your voice, it becomes a guide for him.
He reacts fast regardless, but appreciates your efforts. Every time you tell him there’s a person at the window, near the courtyard, etc, he downs them immediately. Even if you don’t finish your sentences he’ll give you a high five for the teamwork.
He’ll also pat you on the head since your head is most likely chest level for him. How well you both did will show when he’s done ruffling up your hair.
Side thought that might be ooc, but I dare you to poke him when he’s gaming. He might think it’s an accident at first but when you keep doing it he knows it’s to throw him off. His sides are the weakest.
When you poke his waist it does a C curve and you laugh at that. If he dies he will most certainly poke you back in the same spot or any other known sensitive spots tenfold. Don’t mention this to him, but you know entirely that he’s pouting.
If you keep adjusting the chair in order to avoid him while he’s trying to poke you, he’ll set the chair down with both of his hands at the handles to keep you in place. This is your chance to poke him again but at both sides. Or this could be your chance to rizz him up and seduce him out from poking you everywhere.
Good luck soldier, just letting you know that he won’t stop until you’re crying and begging for mercy, which you’ll most likely do if there are other people around. (A/n: help I just realized this sounds suggestive, I assure you it’s all fun and games 😭)
Monsters are his go to. Always. How his digestives aren’t failing is a story for another day.
You always make sure to buy monsters whenever you have time in the morning. There’s almost always a quick trip to the mart just to get them everyday. When you round up the corner with a monster and smile, Josiah always makes sure to return the sentiment as soon as he can.
You’ll get a monster for his morning schedule, afternoon schedule, so on and so forth. Maybe you’ll even take a sip from his can to celebrate whenever he wins a game.
Now for general, many of your co-workers have to look from the side or tip toe and peek over the walls just to see if you’re there. Josiah on the other hand will make crude paper airplanes and send them over your walls. If you ignore his first initial airplane, he’ll make another one and aim for the center just so it can hit you. If you ignore that one as well, he’ll keep making them and wait until you finally come over to him and talk to him. (He will especially do this if you’re mad at him).
When you go to the archives to retrieve something, he always has to accompany you. Even with a ladder, you can’t reach most sections. Josiah, in his petty ways, would use his powers to hide or get rid of the ladder just so you can ask him for help. “Whom, moi?” He would innocently ask.
When you get confused on something during work, you can always ask him. He’s an expert after all.
He’ll explain to you what you need to know with total patience. With his chin resting on your head of course. His body will completely envelop yours while he’s explaining btw.
Show any visible awkwardness and it’s over. (Endless teasing and just to egg you into to saying something to him, he will get even closer).
Remember that Josiah is not a man of organized words. Teasing is his love language but, yeah. That’s all he’s confident in.
When he’s slightly annoyed with you (or jealous) he will stand over you, casting a long shadow and blocking your path. His face is definitely menacing. However you can just laugh with love at his attempt and he’ll laugh with you too, not taking anything he did before seriously.
Sometimes when you work overtime in the dark, he’s either your personal protector or personal devil. Just rest assured that he will never go home without you.
There isn’t a lot to go on about his actual person, but just letting you all know that I write him slightly influenced from Benrey from half life.
Sorry if this seemed short or not what you expected, I hope this will make up for not replying to this sooner !!
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guppybubbles · 1 year
Fake fic title!!!!! :3
The Key to the hole in my heart
yeahh i dont know exactly how to write it down but!!!! here's like,, a bullet list of my idea?
CONTENT WARNING!!!: mentions of ghosts. but thats it
anyway fairy!tommy and human!wilbur lets get it
Wilbur likes going on nature walks
Recently moving to a new place, he ventures through a new forest next to his home and decides to explore for a longer time just to get used to his new surroundings
He finds a music box with a fairy in the middle. Yk those things when you wind up a music box and it plays music and the ballerina spins? Yeah those!!!!
He notices there are missing parts and decides to bring it home just because he’s curious
The winding part of the music box was missing, so Wilbur tried finding an alternative to make it spin. He’s curious to see if it can play music.
Somehow, he manages to wind it up. The music box begins playing a broken tune, and the young fairy starts to spin. a voice starts to sing, but there’s no speakers anywhere so like wtf this is haunted. The song was about wishing to be free, it was almost incomprehensible, but Wilbur could hear the words decently enough. It almost felt like something out of a horror movie, so Wilbur leaves the box in his attic.
Weeks past and his nature walks continue, he finds a part that looks like it belonged to the music box. Wilbur lets curiosity get the best of him and goes back up in the attic and puts the missing part in the music box.
The winding part was still missing so Wilbur uses an alternative again. The tune starts sounding better, less haunting than the first song he heard. The voice was more understandable as well. But he noticed that while the tune was the same, the song was different. This time, the song was about feeling complete, mentions of hurt in the past that led his heart and soul to scatter.
Wilbur, despite being so scared, notes down the lyrics of this song and the last. He assumes it’s a ghost being cursed to be trapped in the music box and… completing the music box would put it at peace?
Figuring that the ghost is very much aware that he's helping him, Wilbur decides to look for music box parts whenever he goes for nature walks.
New parts installed would be the same tune, with different lyrics. There was a song about hurt, a song about being trapped for so long, and a song of the mix of the first two, feeling complete and being free. 
Each time the music box sings, Wilbur would take notes to piece together the ghost's story but with each song, he's gotten inspired and picked up his love for music again. When he finishes writing a song, he sings to the fairy in hopes that this ghost wasn't evil or sumn and make peace with the ghost. 
The last part Wilbur manages to find is the winding part and he puts it together and winds the music box one last time. 
The music box doesn't sing this time, instead playing the tune and letting Wilbur hear the instrumentals.
When the music stopped, the fairy began to move. Stiff and rigid movements at first, until it stretched and got used to moving again. 
This def freaks Wilbur out. 
It wasn't until the fairy, Tommy, started explaining that he was cursed long ago by a witch. 
He stays with Wilbur until he relearns how to use his wings and they become besties. 
Tommy goes and hangs with Wilbur whenever he goes for his forest walks and yh, the end.
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gemstone-roses · 2 years
Tonight I'm on my knees
Eddie munson x reader
Summary: when things get too much, eddie comforts you
Warnings:smoking (eddie and reader),anxiety, sad reader, hurt/comfort. Lots of fluff. Even I am shocked at the fluff in this!
A:N- 18+ only minors be gone! , this got a lil deeper than I planned also please be kind this one hurt to write and is personal so yeah 🥺
Eddie munson requests open and more eddie on my masterlist!!
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since you moved into the trailer park, every night, you'd be found on the bench, you have to weave in and out of a few poorly placed items of furniture and sometimes you tripped and thankfully no one would be awake to hear you curse, huff and then talk to the inanimate piece of furniture well, like it was animate.
The first time you met eddie, it's a picnic box, just in the middle of the path, and you hear a snort, the kind someone tries to stifle.
"that you wayne? Well I meant to do that actually" you nod to yourself.
The first night you moved here, a gruff voice interuppted your once again, raging at an object, this time a lighter.
"For fuck sake, stupid thing, that's the third one this week" you groaned and threw your head back
"You need some help there?" He chuckles, before stretching out his arm, his own lighter producing a flame.
"You new around here?" He asks
"Mmhm, you exhale
"You on your own?"
"Im wayne, live in that one at the front with the band stickers on the door"
Your eyebrows raise at him, but it's dark and you hope he doesn't see.
"I live with my nephew too, the stickers are his" he confirms.
"Right, right" you chuckle.
"anyway, I better get back home, be safe" he nods.
And since then, whenever wayne visited the bench, he'd chuck you a few extra cigs, bring a can of soda with him some nights.
But this night, you were met with someone else, who was trying hard not to laugh at you tripping over a box.
"im eddie" he pushes himself off the table and places his hands on his hips.
"Y/n" you reply.
"Come here often?"
"Every night"
"Huh" eddie says.
And after that, every night eddie waited for you. And you'd talk about everything and nothing and eddie would tell you about his new campaign and eddie would notice that whilst you were interested in what he was saying, there was something more, something reserved, something you were trying desperately to keep down in the darkest corner of your mind. Eddie noticed how when he got there after you, your voice wavered slightly sometimes, and your breath came out shaky.
the air bites at you crueler than normal, it hurts. You shiver as you make your way over to eddie.
"Hey sweetheart" he grins
"hey" you mumble. Hopping up on the bench next to him.
you take out your cigs and lighter wordlessly, Eddie's brow furrows.
"you okay?" He asks and his voice is filled with concern for you
"Mmhm, yep" you don't even look at him.
Eddie takes a drag of his cigarette
"Where's your head at darlin?" Eddie leans forward, placing his hand on your knee.
you shake your head, desperate.
"dont" you whisper
"hey" eddie grips your chin, pushes your face up so he can see you, he feels you tremble under his hand.
"oh" eddie swipes his thumb at a tear running down your cheek
"C'mere" and he wraps his arms around you
"Talk to me" he whispers, kissing the top of your head.
He feels you shake in his arms and he just holds you tighter
"I got you darlin it's okay" he reassures you, still not letting go.
"it's... its just, it wont stop, my mind it just wont fucking stop and i normally got a handle on it but i dont know its all just too much" your voice is barely a whisper, a sob escaping you while eddie still holds you like he's keeping you above water.
"sweetheart, look at me" eddie places his hand on your cheek, his fingers resting under your jawline
He smiles at you, comforting, you think you might break once more just by the look he has on his face.
"there you go" he says
"It's gonna be okay you know, even if it doesent feel like it today or tomorrow or next week, you got this yeah?" Eddie comforts.
"I mean, shit, your amazing okay?? you are the strongest person I know and yeah sometimes it's all a little much, but you have got this you hear me? Eddie's eyes stare through you almost as he waits for you to respond
"You hear me darlin?" He tilts his head,
You nod
"and whenever your ready, I'll be here when you wanna talk about whats goin on in that pretty little head" he taps the top of your head lightly
"eddie you dont have to-
"No! Stop that! I want to, okay? Let me be here for you" it's not a question it's a statement.
"a-alright, if your sure" you mumble.
Eddie's face lights up, finally, he's broken through.
"One more thing, come on" he pushes off the table walking towards the basket he picks it up and spins round, pointing to the woods.
"im not going in there at this time!" You whispered, shocked
"I'll protect you" eddie says seriously, he comes to wrap his arms around your waist
" you promise?" You cling onto him,
"I promise"
The box shatters against the tree and Eddie whoops.
"Shh you'll wake someone up"
"This needed to be done, we have done a good deed okay I have been tripping over that thing for months" eddie groans
"HA! You tripped over it today didn't you"
"Nope, did not" eddie pouts making you giggle,
eddie sees the way your face lights up, the way your mouth twitches, and he's just happy he's the one that put a smile on your face.
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moonnotfound13 · 2 years
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Silent Love
Ellie Williams X Female Reader (18+)
Warnings: Smut, fingering, praise kink, pet names, cursing
"Ellie" I whispered, gently shaking the girl.
"Ellie, wake up!" I said more urgently, shaking her a little harder.
"What the fuck do you want?" She questioned as she sat up.
She stared at me like I had lost my damn mind. Well it probably made sense. I was crouching beside her while she was sleeping, with my backpack on and a machete in my hand.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" She whisper-shouts at me as she climbs up.
"Clickers" I whisper-shouted back while throwing my thumb over my shoulder.
"Shit" she mumbles, raking her hand through her hair.
God she looked so hot doing it. In fact, she looked hot doing anything. It's just the way she was.
I slowly stand up and she starts to get her gear ready.
"How many?" She turns her head to face me.
"You don't wanna know" I shake my head as my eyes go wide.
"We can't fight all of them. We have to get out of here."
"Figured. Follow me." She jumps onto a box and climbs through an air vent.
I take a deep breath as I follow after her. Being a (lesbian/pansexual/bisexual) was hard. Especially when your best friend is hot as hell.
Of course I couldn't tell her I liked her. I dont want to ruin our friendship.
Ellie has been with me ever since Marlene wanted her smuggled out of Boston.
My mothers name was Tess, so when she told me I was going on a mission with her, I never expected to become so close to a girl that I liked since the first few months.
I climbed into the tall box and through the vent, just as she did. It was a small space. And I hated small spaces.
Just breathe y/n. You got this. I kept telling myself.
"N/n, are you okay?" (N/n-nickname) Ellie asked me, concern lacing her voice.
"I-I'm okay." I breathe out.
"We're almost there." Ellie responds as she continues crawling.
We crawl about 15 more feet before we come to a vent. Ellie some-fucking-how turned around in the small space and kicked it down.
Damn, that was hot.
"I know" Ellie responded, before chuckling and sliding through the vent.
Shit. Did I really say that out loud??
"Come on down, it's clear." Ellie's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
I climbed through the vent, only to fall. Smart move y/n.
Before I could even register catching myself, a strong pair of arms wrapped around mine.
"Woah there, baby" Ellie's voice whispered in my ear. It sent a shiver down my spine, but in a good way.
My body tensed as we stayed in that position, Ellie standing behind me, one arm just below my boobs, and the other just above my heat.
Once we both realized the position we were in, Ellie let me go and turned around to inspect the room.
It was a medium sized storage closet. One wall was filled with shelves. Rows and rows.
The side opposite of it had counters that ran along halfway, the other half consisted of a pile of crates.
The back was flat, nothing up against it. And the front wall, the door was barricaded by two giant shelves. But the bright side was, there was still lighting.
"Just. Fucking. Great." I growled under my breath. Of course this would be a place to hide out while the Clickers found themselves a new place to stalk, or wait until hunters kill most of the Clickers.
"What was that?" Ellie asked from in front of me.
"Nothing, just... Nothing." I sighed.
"It didn't seem like nothing." Her eyebrows scrunched together.
"It's nothing Ellie! Okay?!" I raised my voice at her.
She looked hurt, like she got rejected.
"Okay." Was her response as she kicked one and then sat on it.
Ughh Damn it.
I didn't mean to hurt. I just didn't want to be trapped in a storage closet with my best friend who I obviously have a crush on. On top of that, whenever Ellie somewhat looks at me, I can feel the heat spreading between my legs.
I began to pace back and force, anxiety filling me. I've never been trapped somewhere with just me and Ellie. Joel was usually there, or Abby.
I was pacing for around five minutes before I sighed, finally giving into my desire. I could feel Ellie's eyes on me as I walked in front of her.
"You wanna know why I'm in a mood?" I asked a little softer than earlier.
"Yes. I want to know what the fuck has you on edge like this." She tells me.
Fuck it.
I walk forward slowly. Once I got to her, I gently took her hands out of her lap, as I slid on it. I pulled her hands and sat them in my thighs, as I reached up and wrapped my arms around her neck.
"Ellie..." I whispered in her ear.
"I need you." It was barely audible, but my mouth was right next to her ear.
I pull my head up and as soon as I look in her eyes, she slams her lips on mine. I moaned as she dug her nails into my thighs.
Her tongue brushed my bottom lip, asking for permission.
I opened my mouth just barely and she rubbed her tongue around my mouth, before I opened it more. Her tongue swirled around in my mouth.
I pulled away and lifted my shirt over my head, as Ellie did the same. Ellie's mouth latched onto my neck as she began licking and sucking at it, leaving a mark.
She slowly moved down my neck. My right hand flew up into her hand as my left felt down to grip her right.
Ellie left gentle kisses down my neck and collar bone. She gently reached behind me and unhooked my bra. Quickly throwing it behind me, she latched her mouth onto my right nipple, earning a moan from me.
Her hand flew up to squeeze my left nipple, causing another moan to escape. She worked slowly but efficiently. Like she had done this before.
She gently bit my nipple before switching to my left, whilst her hand worked away at the other. She worked for a little while, before her hand brushed against my heat, making my body tingle.
A moan escaped my lips, and she snatched her hand back.
"P-Please, Ellie" I moaned, my head rolling back.
"Please what princess?" Ellie answers as she unlatches from my boob.
P-Please. Please fuck m-me" another moan.
"What's that? I can't hear you baby, say it louder?" She asks, as shes still rolling my nipple between her fingers.
"Please. Please f-fuck me E-Ellie" I plead, looking her in the eyes.
"Alright. But just because your so beautiful sweetheart." She cooed.
She quickly grabbed under my thighs, pulling me with her as she stands up. My legs instinctively wrap around her waist.
She lowers down to the floors, and she places me on the cold concrete. It was cooled compared to my body temperature, so it felt good.
"God you look so fucking hot like this." Ellie smirks from on top of me.
I feel my face heat up. Even more than it already is.
"All for me..." She says in a lustfull voice.
I try and run my legs together to get some friction, but Ellie's hand stopped my thigh.
"Don't do that baby" Ellie whispers as she kisses trailed down my neck, collar and stomach.
My eyes roll to the back of my head at the pleasure.
Ellie lifts her head up and looks at me through hooded eyes. She smirks before pulling my pants, along with my panties, down to my ankles. She quickly throws them behind her.
Ellie leaned back to look at me, completely exposed to her.
I try to squeeze my thighs together again, but Ellie's reflexes are fast. She grabs one of my thighs, nails digging into the flesh.
"Don't do that princess. Let me look at you." Ellie whispered.
"Please Ellie!" I moaned out.
"Please fuck me." I panted.
"Such a needy girl" Ellie pulled my legs even further apart, gaining even more access to my dripping pussy.
"Fuckkkk" She moaned.
Ellie crawled in between my legs, before wrapping her lips around my clit.
I moaned at the action, my head flying up to enter twine in her hair.
She sucked and licked my clit harshly, almost punching me to the edge.
"E-Ellie" I moaned out.
"Yes, princess?" Her voice muffled.
Before I could even say anything else, I had reached the orgasm. Ellie pulled back as my juices squirted.
She chuckled before looking at me.
"Wow baby, I barely even did anything." She shook her head before lowering it again.
This time her tongue pressed flat against my slit, making me moan.
"You like that baby?" Ellie looks up at me.
"Yes." I gasped.
Ellie smirked before inserting her tongue in my pussy, without warning.
I moaned at the action, not expecting it.
Ellie kept darting her tongue in and out, swirling it around sometimes. I was a moaning mess, my fingers tangled in her hair as one of he arms gripped my hip, and the other my thigh.
My hips bucked against her has she darted her tongue in my hole, hitting my cervix. I moaned against the action, another orgasm building up inside me.
"E-Ellie, I-I'm-" before I could finish, Ellie pulled away.
"Not yet baby." She shushed me.
Ellie lowered her head back down to my core and starting sucking on my clit again, one of her fingers sliding in my pussy.
She moaned against my clit, sending vibrations through my body. She pulled her finger in and out as she continues sucking in my clit.
After a while, she added another finger, stretching me out even more. I moaned really loudly, before clasping my hand over my mouth.
Ellie pulled back and then spit on my clit before going back and sucking on it again. She added another finger in after. I moaned from the feeling of having three fingers inside me.
And not just anyone's. Ellie. Fucking. Williams. My best friend whom I've had a crush on since we met.
I was snapped back to the moment when I felt my legs start shaking. I wrapped my legs around Ellie as I felt my orgasm coming fast. My back arched and my eyes rolled back when I felt my release.
Ellie kept sucking and moving her fingers, helping me ride out my high. When I was done, she pulled back and continued to lick up all my cum.
"You taste so good baby." Ellie hummed before lowering her head again.
"Ellie!" I moaned before she even got close.
"Oh come on princess. You can give me one more, right?" She asked me.
"Mhm~" I moaned, nodding my head.
Her lips attached to my clit before she began licking and sucking it again, this time harshly.
A string of moans fell from my mouth, as one of my hands flew up to run my nipple and the other one to Ellie's hair.
After a few more seconds, my back arched, my legs shaking even more.
"E-Ellie, I'm gonn-" you moaned again as Ellie inserted two fingers, swirling them around, to get you to your climax.
You let out one last moan as you hit your orgasm. Ellie licked up all my juices yet again, before looking at me.
My eyes traveled down to her pants, where a clear wet stain had made it way into her jeans.
I crawled up before unlooping her belt and pulling her pants down, along with the boxers she was wearing.
"Y/n" she moaned.
I laid back down and motioned for her to sit on my face. She instantly crawled up and lowered herself into my face.
My hands flew to her hips as my tongue darted into her pussy, swirling it around.
Using my hands, I bounced her slightly on top of my face, gaining more access inside her.
I stopped for a moment when I moved my mouth to her clit. I wrapped my lips around it and sucked hard. One of Ellie's hands flew to my hair.
All I heard come out of her mouth were moans. It brought me pleasure knowing I was the one giving it to her.
"Y-Y/n" she moaned.
Hearing her moan my name was almost angelic.
I moved my tongue back to go inside her, she moaned even more as her legs started shaking.
After a few more seconds, Ellie had squeezed her legs around my face. I forced my tongue to go faster as I knew how close she was to her orgasm.
She moaned even louder as she squirted. I moaned, making her whole body shake.
She slowly crawled off me, laying down. I sat up and crawled towards her.
I shoved two fingers inside Ellie's dripping wet pussy, she moaned at the pleasure, before gripping my hand.
I pulled my fingers out before smashing them back in, making Ellie moan really loudly.
"P-Please y/n" her nails dug into my bicep.
I lowered my head down to suck in her clit, whilst my fingers kept pumping into her and curling my fingers inside her.
A few more seconds of just that and I feel Ellie's walls clench around my fingers.
"I hum against her clit, sending a jolt up her body. And a moan out, as her orgasm approached. I keep pumping my fingers into her, helping her ride out her high.
After a few more seconds, I pull my hands out and leaned back, licking and sucking on them.
Ellie just rolls her eyes. She loves how cocky I am sometimes.
"Oh come one El." I laugh.
She leans up and crawls to me, cupping my face in between her hands.
"I love you dipshit" She says before smashing out lips together. After a heated make out session, I pull back.
"I love you too" I whisper.
Ellie looks up at the shelves before standing up and finding a towel, surprisingly not so dirty.
We clean ourselves up and get dressed. After talking for a while, I started to hear Clickers.
"Ellie, shh!" I put my finger to my mouth.
"Clickers" I smiled back at the girl.
"We can go back now" she nodded.
We climbed back through the vent, all the way back to where we were staying. We couldn't hear anymore Clickers. Or any Infected.
I crawled into the so called mattress that lay in the floor and curl up into a ball. Ellie soon walks over and lays down beside me, pulling me closer to her.
"I love you El." I mumbles as I fell asleep.
"I love you too y/n."
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relatableventpage · 2 years
i love you forever and always, I had a this big speech I was going to give you for our 6 month coming up in a few days but now that youre gone I have no one to give it to. I really wish for the best in life and for you to get better with your health. Im always here if you need someone to talk to.
(name), I remember the exact night, time, what I was wearing, what you said to me and the first thing I thought of when we first met. I remember how I literally confessed to you like 4 times and the first 3 you IGNORED ME. But that 4th try was gonna be my last shot and after that I was giving up. (also not to sound salty or anything but you also REJECTED ME FOR VALENTINES DAY) but, Im so glad i tried again bc now ive got to spend 6 months, 6 whole months with someone i just might die without<33. Whenever im meeting new people i cant help but look for the you in them, words cannot express how beautiful you are and nothing will ever change the way i see you and think of you. You genuinely changed my life for the better, you may not have realised it because of the way things happened between everyone, but you helped me understand what real friends are. And the people I was friends with were anything but. You helped me understand the qualities to look for in people, and i really thank you for that. Yes, at times I do miss talking with them and hanging out with them because I mean, I was friends with them for quite a while; but if I had the choice to start over and decide you or them, id choose you again without a second thought, thats how much you matter to me. I know im kinda sucky at conforting people and maybe i come off as i dont really care or cant be bothered, but id do anything for you, if I could stop the world to help you I would. Gosh, if i could stop the world, id stop it just to spend time with you, even if its not in person id stop the world just to talk to you. Just to hear your voice. Please, please, please, if youre ever doubting something or need help, or even just need to get something off your chest, pleeeease know that i will listennnn. I cannot stress this enough aster, i fucking love you so much and I want the best for you. I dont want anything bad to happen. (name), you are the first person to ever make me feel good, about being me. People like that are hard to find and im so lucky to have found you when I did, because if im being honest, before we joined that stupid overly problematic server, i quite literally might have off'ed myself. Youre my first serious relationship and no matter what happens I know I wont love another the way i love you. Also did i mention i love you and if we were stuck in a box I wouldnt just be stuck in a box with you, id give u smooch😚. And that whenever I hear a song remotely related to loving someone you instantly come to mind. Or when i see my favourite flower im like "reminds me of (name)" bc of how much I love it. And when im walking by myself i always think "damn, i could be holding his hand rn to stop my hands from freezing and snapping off." Also you remind me of the song Money, by the drumbs, idk its not the lyrics that remind me its just the tune and instruments? they sound nice and beautiful, they make me happy i guess. Whenever I see a notif from you im like a little kid winning a stupid prize at a carnival, if im laying on my bed i literally kick my feet when im texting you. I dont care how long it takes for us to finally meet but believe me when we do expect the longest hug youve ever had. I know this is already really long but, i will honestly, truely, completely love you, no matter who you say you are. Maybe you feel really masc one day and then really fem, maybe you feel like absoultley nothing another day and all 3 at once the next. I dont care, I love you so much and you mean the world to me. If I lost you, id lose everything, because theres nothing worth more in my life than you. Happy 6 Months my love<33
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j3llyphisching · 2 months
32, 33, 72, 73, 92, and 93?
32. A character you relate to for whatever reason?
You'd think this'd be an easy question, but to be honest there are a lot of characters I've found myself able to relate to. I think if I had to pick one character though, I think it may be Estinien, from ffxiv. I only realized recently but I can see my own struggles in the journey he takes to get revenge for his family, and then move past things once its all said and done. I also think we sort of have a similar brand of dumbassery if I'm being honest.
33. A quote (from anything) you really love.
This was probably the hardedt for me just cause I dont often gravitate towards quotes myself... But i do love music, so hopefully some lyrics will count instead? One of my new favorite bands recently is Castle Rat (you may have seen me talking about them), and their song Cry for Me is really good, I think it went a bit viral on youtube so you may have seen it, but if not please go check it out, its amazing! All of the lyrics are so good, but in the interest of not just putting all of the lyrics right here on this post, I choose this verse near the end of the song.
"There's a red horse pawing at the door
In the hurricane of hands that I've ignored
I split myself six thousand times
To give you each a piece, so I can never die"
The way the singers voice sounds in this part adds so much feeling to it, and its such vivid storytelling, for lack of a better word.
72. In the literal sense, are you an introvert or extrovert?
I'd say extrovert; I value my alone time but I really enjoy being around and meeting other people whenever I get a chance.
73. What's something in your room that makes no sense without context.
Probably the random ass mini bundt cake maker i have sitting in a box on my floor, but to be honest I'm not even sure it makes sense in context. It belongs in the kitchen but it was acquired for me personally, so it exists in a weird state of limbo now.
92. Plain clothes or vibrant and eye catching clothes?
I would choose eye-catching clothes more than likely, but it would depend on your definition of each to be honest. A clearer answer would be more like i prefer dressing fashionably when i can, in whatever way that means to me. I have cried in the past at the thought of having to wear crocs at the grocery store though, so i feel like id be lying to myself if i said plain at this point.
93. Worst date youve ever been on?
I wish I had some fun story to tell about this but I have actually never been on a date, rip me.
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loyalestmunch · 7 months
actually the loneliest ive ever felt. i dont have a best friend. the two friends that i do have both have boyfriends n are preoccupied with them. im always in my room. im always in my four walls. i dont have a life outside of here. and i hate it so much.
i dont have someone i can spontaneously visit whenever i want anymore. i dont have a safe person that will always make time for me. if im sad, i dont have someone to go to. and it fuckiing sucks.
what sucks even more is when i sleep until 5 pm and check my phone to zero notifications. ts makes me go right the fuck back to sleep
i made an editing acc on tt. its cool its got like 70 smth followers so far. i really fucking hope i can make friends on there. but like. everyone in the editing community is like. 15 or 16. it just sux i used to edit at those ages too but now here i am at 18 (almost 19!) crawling back to the editing community to maybe find even a small glimpse of the happiness it gave me when i was younger. but nothing beat the feeling of dreaming of an edit in ur head all day.... waiting till school got out... running (literally) home to whip ts up on video star before i forgot it and then uploaded it and shared it amongst my little editing friends. and then i'd stay up late until 2 am or so watching and saving other edits i thought were cool. even in quarantine, i found joy in editing. november 2020 was actually the worst year of my life but also the best i miss it so much i miss the plethora of friends i used to have fuck. i miss playing identity v otp all night long with ray, i miss playing genshin in vc and doing stupid shit and farming for artifacts for hours on end with jazzy and tason and ray and gabby. my poor ipad wld overheat and my fingerprints would burn from dragging them across the hot screen but i didnt care . it was fun.
edit im not done i have more things i want to reminisce about .
ive been rewatching rick and morty and keeping up with the new seasons in the same sense that i watched it in middle school and now im crawling back to see if it brings me the same joy. and it does !. for the most part. but since justin got fired rip there's new voice actors. and it's fine honestly i dont care that much im still gna watch it but i hate how everythings changing. 13 year old me cldnt begin to fathom rick and morty losing (one of its) most renowned creator(s). like fuck. he voiced RICK AND MORTY. BOTH. like holy fuck. but its fine i guess the writings still kinda the same and the show is funny and makes me happy. i wish i had someone i cld take with me everywhere like my own little morty . i need friends.
i also miss the essence of boxed fettuchine(???) alfredo while watching r/m or camp camp at gammys house. ts was fire
i miss the roblox theme park tycoon and the chocolate cake we made that day and ate. it was so good.
i miss the lego game my cousin and i wld play. we didnt even do anything my mind just couldnt believe an open map game i haad so much fun just walking around and looking and doing absolutely nothing. and eating reheated pizzahut. and mcdonalds cookies. and funfetti boxed cake.
i miss when i had my phone taken when mom and i stayed at gammys when parents almst got divorced and i used her old iphone 5 she forgot she gave me and i had my little fandom acc on insta with my little mooties and friends and the warmth of gammys house in november fuck i miss it all i miss growing up so much i hate being an adult. i cant fucking have fun sober i dont have friends im alone nearly every single day i dont have friends in college i dont ta\lk to anyone i fucking just show up and leave without removing my earbuds.
and i know its my fsult. i know im the reason why i dont have friends. im the only reason why im like this. i only do it to myself.
im so alone and i just keep fucking regressing to find happiness because there's none here in present day thats for sure !
0 notes
vent-my-woes · 7 months
Just more shit that doesn't belong on main or vent chat
||i hate venting here||
||its nothing to do with the people. Im the problem.||
||I know what im thinking is wrong. I know it, but i dont *know it*.||
||I constantly fight between a need for attention and a need to be independent.||
||I need attention, because I was trained to believe no attention meant I did something bad. That *i* was bad. I was conditioned to *fear* and *hate* being "wrong". She put that fear in me to control me, I know that, but it still hurts like being ripped to pieces and a voice in my head wailing "WRONG WRONG WRONG WE'RE WRONG!"||
||On the other hand, she made me despise and hate needing people. She made me feel unworthy of the attention, and hate needing it. I **hate** that I need attention and others love to feel "right". I *hate* how she made me feel like a product, and how easily I fall back into that pattern. I hate the part of me that snarls and snaps whenever we get attention as a "product", demanding to be *more*. Not just an animal in a cage but a fellow human being.||
|| I hate how I feel like I'm taking time and energy from people whenever I ask for help, but I'm not *wrong*. People have their own issues, and don't need me adding to it.||
||I hate that I'm afraid of people who could help me. I hate that I'm afraid of people who care. I hate that she made me afraid of some of the only places I belonged. I'm terrified every time I reach out. A voice screaming that I'm wrong and bad and should stop stop stop wasting people's time. Another voice shouting that these people will only hurt us the way she did, we should leave and get rid of the danger.||
||I'm trying so, so hard, but I don't know what to do. I don't know who I am, I don't feel like me. I feel like the person she created. I *know* I'm the person she created. I'm terrified of my own hobbies. I'm terrified every time I go to talk about my interests. My own opinions bring me fear whether I keep them to myself or not. She took so much away from me and no one even notices.||||All I am is the *thing* she created. All I am is the confused child who wanted a friend, who thought they could trust this person, and was betrayed. Betrayed, and controlled, and manipulated, till all I was was a product of her influence.||
||I don't hate her, I can't no matter how much I want to. She hurt me so deeply and badly that I can't exist without being reminded of how damaged I am, but I can't hate her. I don't know why. Maybe because I was conditioned to need her. But she was a child. We both were. It's partially my fault, I guess.||
||Im never "damaged enough", though. Not "autistic enough", not "depressed enough", not "in pain" enough. She always had it worse, or so she said. So here i am. Stuck. Damaged, but not enough to get help. Not enough for people to understand. Not in a way that matters.||||I hate who she made me, but it's all I know how to be. "But you're you" who the fuck am I? No one knows, because my entire personality is based off of avoiding being "wrong" and pleasing people and being helpful because that's when I'm worth something.||||I'm too much for people, she always made that *very clear.* But again and again and again, she's been right. I've been too much and people have left me and she's *right*. I don't need those people who leave, I co I couldn't care less, but the fact that she's *right* makes me want to curl up and die.||
||I'm not worth attention. I'm not worth help. I'm not worth sticking around. Im comedic relief. I'm the friend you can drop and easily pick back up whenever because they'll always say yes to you.||
||I heal the hurts, I give hugs and kisses, I make you feel better, then I'm shoved in my box till I'm needed again. ||
||I don't mind it. I know my job, and I know no matter who I am I'll always love people and care for them. I just wish it felt less like programming and more like my own free will sometimes.||||There's so much more, and I'm probably gonna delete this later, so it's whatever.||
||Time to put on my happy face.||
(Was in the vent chat but immediately deleted afterwards)
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catncore · 9 months
"So it's finally time for me to meet the man, the myth, the legend~" A familiar tone of voice drifted in from the figure coming in from around the corner and propping himself up in front of the elder counterpart. "A-pi-chi-si~ Or at least, that's what I hear they call ya. Pleasure to meetcha, boss."
But despite the familiar frame and the similar eyes, this was clearly no Decaf. What stood before the resident Hanekoma now was a Composer, with a brilliant spirit that reached out loudly to touch anything he could. And this human-born Composer was clearly looking as deep into his Producer counterpart as he could, trying to see and get a feel of the original angel's own soul.
"Name's Sanae Hanekoma, but you knew that," he purred. "In fact, I've already had the distinct pleasure of meeting your own Composer. Beautiful soul on that one. So many goddamn colors it puts a rainbow to shame hehe. Folks around the multiverse call me Espresso. An' I've been just dyin' to meet you~ Meow."
Espresso had begun to gather that there were not a whole lot of his kind that were Composers, making him something of a diamond in the rough. But what else was new? He already knew how special he was, what a gift to the world he was. Now he hoped this quality cold help him get closer to these angels that Decaf had struck out so hard with. Learn their souls, take some of those qualities into himself. He wondered if he could become some sort of little godling for real if he managed to recreate the qualities of their souls.
It would be an interesting experiment, at least.
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❝  well if it ain' my own reputation preceding me, once again. ❞ it was always a curious situation whenever he met another of his own breed. he'd seen his other selves take up the mantle of composer before, but it was never a permanent gig. usually it was holding fort down or something to give the current composer some breathing room. to see one secure in place, while not entirely surprising, it was different. sort of in a good way.
it was nice to see a situation where they weren't just shoved into one box, even if the composer morality rate was higher than most other positions. he had faith that this one would be just fine even if he didn't know him personally. just a bit of intuition.
he looks at this underling composer and gives a coy, amused sort of smile.
❝ i'm only apichisi if i am in trouble.  ❞ he laughs a bit, which makes the lines in his face a little more prominent; showing slight dimples. ❝  expresso, huh? seems we're going a bit more thematic with the nicknames, huh? i like it. ❞ first decaf, now expresso. if he meets one of them that goes by frappuccino, he's going to bully them so hard.
❝ i don' really have anything you can call me, so ill leave th' names up t' you. jus' dont use my full name, humans ain' supposed t' know it. ❞ he winks down at the other before pocketing his hands. he'd known joshua had seen this hanekoma before. his composer, uniquely, did more travel than he did. a bit of trust between them, and it kept the city happy when they got one on one time.
❝  well, ain' you sweet. yeah, he's real vivid; but i don't gotta brag about that. he does all the work. i jus' provide th' tasteful lighting. ❞
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kidkintsugi · 1 year
another epic transmasculinity moment in combination with everything that went to shit recently.
tw for below cut: dysphoria, slight n/s/f/t topics
aye so this week was absolute bullcrap?
i started hating my flatmate with a burning passion. i tried to excuse his laziness multiple times but ive given up on him. hes just an ass and a useless one at that.
i usually dont talk about other people like this because it makes ME feel bad because im being "mean" or whatever but with him? holy COW hes crossed multiple lines. very little to no remorse on this one.
he does not clean his shit and makes me buy things that are shared, like soap for example. i bought a new container of soap once i noticed that were running low, not ONCE did he make the effort to get some soap himself. its like this with other things as well.
his only humour is making a fool out of me (which i can handle. its just annoying) or sexual shit (also mostly involving me) and since im running a 2 person household on my own essentially i had some type of meltdown/breakdown this last weekend. developed a nervous tic because of it too which gets worse the more tired/frustrated i am. i also seem to have some stomach problems whenever im out of it nowadays and its gotten to the point that people asked me if im hungry because its just. that loud. REALLY uncomfortable especially in class.
today he overslept, which happens multiple times, but today was also the first day he actually had some consequences due to it which i like! but THEN he has the audacity to ask if i "tried to wake him up" which, to me, implies that he thinks im obligated to. almost yelled at him right then and there i had to leave the fucking room.
its also kind of my fault i guess? i could just communicate my problems with him more openly, directly order him to clean/buy/whatever but then i remember.
this guy is as old as i am.
i am NOT his fucking dad or something he should be doing these things UNPROMPTED when living together with someone he barely knows!!
on another note, the guy that realized that im trans is spending more time with me recently and i genuinely enjoy spending time with him as well, hes one of the very few people that doesnt get on my nerves. he plays my favorite videogames with me which are my special interest :)
this comes with a problem however: were both mlm and openly mlm at that, so people began "shipping" us (eugh. hate to use this word in this context).
usually i would find it funny, he finds it funny too because we both know that its not gonna happen but this comes with a certain problem.
people begin putting you in boxes, whether conciously or unconciously. especially with gay relationships, a lot of people seem to be fascinated by the idea that same sex couples still somehow have to fit into heteronormative "standards" (stuff like "who wears the pants" "whos the woman" "who takes it up the ass")
obviously im in a bad position. next to my friend, i am smaller. have wider hips, the face of a twelve year old and when i get nervous my voice goes higher in pitch.
if we WERE in a relationship, i would be percieved as "the woman".
that is so, so painful. no matter how hard i try, unless i end up with a super feminine twink bf (lol purposefully exaggerated im sorry), im gonna be the more feminine one and that is extremely shitty when it comes to passing in public.
had it happen today: i go out to grab boba with my friend.
this might just be my paranoia, but i have a feeling that for mlm couples, due to the way that society is, we dont really look like couples to the average heterosexual because unless we were to make out right in front of them homosexuality just isnt a possibility that comes to mind.
so we go up to the counter to place our order and the guy asks if "my friend is paying for me". nothing unusual BUT my language uses the same word for friend platonic and boyfriend/girlfriend romantic in some cases, meaning that it was very, very ambiguous, but to us it sounded like he meant it romantically.
my friend of course just laughs it off and i would like to be able to laugh too, but the truth is that HE was the one referred to as my "boyfriend". what does that make me in the eyes of a heteronormative society? with wide hips, a high voice and a babyface?
exactly. the girlfriend. checkmate.
dysphoria has been bad in general this week and in combination with all the other shitty feelings i couldnt shower. lower body dysphoria reached its peak too.
people joke about me being the bottom, stereotypically the more feminine one in the relationship and its beginning to hurt because they dont even KNOW. i just kinda wish i could talk about it, say that it makes me uncomfortable but that would make me suspicious and everyone in my class is already suspicious enough.
theres nothing i can do. i will have to live like this forever probably. i think i need to readjust my personality again just so i dont come across as androgynous or whatever. i also really need to get rid of my customer service voice, as i like to call it.
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