#super excited! i'll share when we bring them home
sofipitch · 2 years
Can i see your pets?
Yes! These are my cats, the tabby is Kiwi and the charcoal is Owen (This is my fave picture of them it's both my lock and home screen)
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These are Buffy (brown) and Louis (white and cream, although you can't see the cream). Their names are based on the one BTVS Ep where Buffy is turned into a rat and it actually follows rat!Buffy and she almost gets caught in a rat trap 😱 That's high quality entertainment. Louis is obviously named as revenge against the biggest rat eater himself. I think it would make Louis uncomfortable to know there is a rat named after him after the thousands he has killed (EDIT: The rats are in a room the cats don't have access too, I would not recommend having cats and any small creatures without either a dedicated room or for non small mammals/birds a glass locked enclosure)
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Kirby the axolotl! (Named after the Tumblr post of the axolotl with the caption "Kirby inhalation noise")
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Goob the crested gecko
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I also have a 29 gallon freshwater tropical community tank. It's pretty densely planted so it's hard to see fish (which is good they need hiding places!) My Pearl Gourami named Percy can be seen in the upper right corner, one of my school of diamond tetras is in the front. I also have an albino bristlenose pleco named Pancake hiding in there somewhere (also excuse the waterline I need to do a water change)
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Also he's the family dog (really my mom's) so I don't live with him but I love his crazy ass: Bowie
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darkbluekies · 4 months
This is going to be interesting fr, like how much differently do your ocs treat the reader if they were childhood friends. I’m super excited! Also can’t wait to see Jerry again ❤️
Warnings: violence, murder, unstable home life, bullying
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Being Silas's childhood friend guarantees you a bodyguard. He doesn't let anyone get close to you. You don't ever have to worry about the fact that anyone will bully you, because Silas will obliviate them. He's the type to let you lean on his shoulder in class whenever you feel tired. He will ditch school with you and go to the zoo if you want to.
People around you will try to separate the two of you. “Silas isn't a good influence”, they say, and doesn't want his behavioral problems to rub off on you, or for you to get in danger. There are speculations that Silas is involved in criminal gangs — and if someone asks you, you won't deny it. But Silas won't let anyone take you from him, won't let anyone touch you. You always have his arm wrapped around your waist or shoulders, always claimed by him.
“I'm going to bash that kid's skull in, I'm not fucking joking. If they dare to to touch you — no — if he as much as breathe near you, I'll send them to the nurses office. Lean your head on me, Y/N, its okay. Does your hand still hurt? I cant believe that he fucking stepped on it. It doesn't matter if it was a mistake. I'll cut his off.”
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Dr Kry:
There is something off about him, and everyone can see that. He sits back straight, hands together, and always in clean, ironed clothes. His hair is always brushed and fixed, he hates germs and people. And he hates it all, he really does. The only friend he has, is you. The only one he doesn't think is dirty, is you. You know that the reason he sits and talks like a robot is because of how strict his parents are. There has been multiple times where he has dirtied his clothes while playing with you, and has panicked. You help him clean them before going home, and when touching him you make sure to wipe your hands with a cloth — even if you know that he doesn't mind your germs. You know how he doesn't like to be touched, so you never hug him or linger on too long, which is just why Kry likes you so much.
You are the only one who knows about his author's dreams. His parents want him to become a doctor, or a lawyer, and you know he's interested in medicine, but he wants to be able to write. He wants to write sci-fi stories, and you are the only one that knows it.
You get teased by others for being with the “clean freak” but it doesn't bother you. However, it does bother Kry. After someone has been mean to you, they always end up in the hospital, one way or another. You can't help but wonder if it's your shy, sweet friend who's behind it.
“I like having picnics with you. Oh, you forgot the other fork? No, don't apologize, I understand that it was a mistake. We can share a fork, I'm okay. Yes, it's fine, I don't mind … you're so nice, wiping the fork for me, you don't have to do that ...”
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King Edmund:
If you are Edmund’s friend while he's the crown prince, you need a lot of patience. He is spoiled rotten, entitled and unpleasant to be around. Everything is on his terms. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't value you. He is locked in his room day in and day out with a private tutor, completely isolated from everyone else. He will throw fits and threaten not to do his classes, unless he is allowed to play with you. So, they bring you to the castle where you get to live from now on.
Edmund absolutely loves to spend time with you. You ride horses together, torment the staff, play pranks and read. When he can't sleep, he walks into your room and crawls under the sheets.
You're with him when his parents are murdered. Edmund's first instinct when the castle is attacked is to run to your room, wake you up and hide the two of you. He is equipped with a sword and will protect you to the last moments.
Although the two of you are isolated, there are people in the staff making fun of you, or talking bad. Edmund doesn't even hide the fact that he orders for their deaths.
“I fucking hate classes, and I hate that tutor. It's so boring. I wish you could take the classes with me, it'd be so much more fun. After class, can't we do something? Can't we go down to the fountain and read? I want you to read for me. You're the only one that reads the story right, that does them justice. Everyone else sounds like fucking donkeys.”
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Jerry goes to an all girls school in South Korea. You don't go to the same school — which is probably for the best. Jerry is the leader of her little gang, and they are notorious for their bullying. She is a bully for fun, but won't allow any of her friends to make fun of you. If they do, she will ruin their lives. You do know about her life outside the school though, you have been with her when she steals from stores (often makeup stores). You often meet her after school and go to the mall or amusement parks together. She's a very sweet person to be around when it's just the two of you.
You're friends with her before she starts to call herself ‘Jerry’ — when she's still ‘Yubin’. She had seen the name in a TV series and liked the character. She says that she is going to move to the US, and then she wanted an english name.
You're often with Jerry's friend group on weekend nights, often strolling around the town with alcohol and cigarettes, sometimes breaking stuff. Jerry makes sure that if they're ever caught, her and you slip away. She finds it all extremely exciting.
Jerry escapes to you when she gets to know that her parents (and perhaps sister if i want to give her one) have been murdered by a rival, when she has involved herself in criminal activities for real. It's the first time you get to see Jerry break down. She's in your arms, crying heavily, admitting how scared she is and how much she misses her parents. She loves her family, and now there is nothing left of it. She says that she died that day, and that whoever is inhabiting her body now is a fraction of who she once was.
“You're such a fresh wind from that fucking girl school. Why do I have to go there? Why am I not allowed to join a coed school? What? Why my nails have blood under them? No, I didn't get into a fight again. I didn't. I promise. Get up, let's go get sushi, I'm starving.”
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If you're a childhood friend of Hedwig, you're basically a family member. You go on her family's expensive vacations, just because Hedwig doesn't want to be alone.
You play every day and go through all stages of life together. Hedwig has always been the sweetest human you've ever known, and it surprises you when you see her angry. The many, many years you've been friends, you've only seen her angry a handful of times. You go to summer camps together, share beds, share everything. Teachers ask for the other when one is gone (which is rare).
Being childhood friends with Hedwig would most likely end in romance at one time, so she would win without having to do anything harsh. But if you started developing crushes other than Hedwig before, she would ruin their reputation until you wouldn't want to look at them anymore, but no one would know that it was Hedwig.
Hedwig has always been very popular, both for her money and looks, and by default, you've been too because you're her best friend. Hedwig likes to see how nice everyone is to you, because they know better than to upset you. No one wants to get out of the magical bubble that is Hedwig’s popularity.
“We will be friends forever, won't we? I don't think I could live without you, Y/N. You're the other half of my soul. If I don't have you nearby, I can't breathe.”
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Dad! Atsumu and Dad! Bokuto:
Domestic Life with Their Partners
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Dad! Bokuto Kotaro x Male! Reader and Dad! Miya Atsumu x Male! Reader
Warnings: pure fluff
A/N: This is a request from Dragon Anon!
🏳️‍🌈 Please Like, Share, Comment to support my writing 🏳️‍🌈
Bokuto Kotaro
Bokuto will be one of the best, if not the best dads in the HQ world 🤚🏻
I said what I said 😤
Honestly, he's basically a child himself for like- what else would you expect?
He's totally the dad to just sit and stare at his sleeping baby, being like "I helped make that" 🥺
You and Bokuto have three kiddos *currently*
I say currently because Bokuto could never have enough
Whether you adopted, birthed your own or fostered, Bokuto is all about that life
Let's just say, you stay home with the kiddos
Bokuto is busy with training and you both decided you wanted one parent at home
Needless to say, by the end of the day you are exhausted
Raising three demon spawn is exhausting
I should know, I keep two alive on the daily 🤚🏻
"Dad, when is daddy coming home?"- your oldest asks you
"Soon my love, I hope VERY soon"- you, about to lose your last bit of patience
When you hear the door open, chaos ensues
Not from you or the kids, oh no
From the giant owl man on the other side 🤣
"DADDY'S HOME"- Kotaro screams as your kiddos rush to hug and jump all over him
Finally, YN some breathing time
Bokuto doesn't forget about you tho, oh no
On top of being an amazing dad, he's also an amazing partner
"Hey my wonderful husband"- Kotaro says giving you a sweet kiss 🥰
"Ko you are sweaty and gross. Go shower"- you say
Bokuto 👉🏻🥺 so you don't love me if I smell??
"I'll love you more if your clean"- you 😁
Bokuto 👉🏻🥲 pain
Bokuto runs to shower while you start dinner
This man will fully come out of the shower, in a towel and start playing with his kids
Because he's that amazing!
"Ko get dressed! Dinners almost done"- you shout
"Why can't I just eat like this?"- Bokuto
"Can I eat in my underwear too?"- your middle child shouts
You 👉🏻😐 that's why Ko
"Lets just all eat in our underwear!"- Bokuto yells
Everyone including Bokuto screams in excitement
You 👉🏻😐 absolutely not
"Baby- why??"- Kotaro 🥺
"Because I wad planning a trip to the park after dinner but if we are all in our underwear, how will we go?"- you
Bokuto and the kids all look at each other 👀
"Ok kids let's get dressed like dad said!!"- Bokuto shouts
A resounding "HEY HEY HEY" reverberates from down the hall
You just smile to yourself because your life is so perfect 🥰
Miya Atsumu
Atsumu is one of those dads who tells dad jokes all the time
Like the minute he becomes a dad, it's like a transformation
But he's also like the super hot dad
Like the dad that carries his babies in baby wraps
He also is that dad who will totally help with night feeds but he doesn't so diaper changes 🤚🏻
I stand by that ok
You and Atsumu have twin boys and man, is it a blast 🤣
I say that because Atsumu is finally understanding what it's like to raise a mini him and Osamu
You are at work one day when your husband calls
"Babe! The boys are driving me insane! One of them hit the other one with my volleyball and now they are both crying" he says as the boys scream in the background
"Sumu give them a treat and I promise they will stop crying"- you say
"Dear husband, I DID! I called Samu to come help and he's bringing onigiri. The boys can have that right?"- Atsumu
You 👉🏻😐🙄 yes darling
"Do I have to cut it up for them? Omg what if they choke??"- Atsumu says panicking
"Sumu chill out"- you say trying to keep your husband calm
"Omg YN how do you so this when I travel? How do you survive?"- Atsumu says
"Well- there's always booze"- you say shrugging and typing on your computer
"YN seriously"- Sumu says, his voice saying all that needs to be said
"Is that YN?"- Osamu says entering the house
"Yeah, omg where is the second one??"- Sumu says panicking
You 👉🏻🤨 the second one?
"They are identical YN!"- Sumu says running around
"Give me the phone ya idiot"- Osamu says ripping it from Sumu's hands
"Samu... is everything ok?"- You say
"Don't worry YN. I got this. I'll make sure they nap"- Osamu says
"Make sure Atsumu naps too"- you joke
"I DONT NEED A NAP"- Atsumu yells as you hear the twins yell "no nap, no nap"
Unsurprisingly, you come home to find Osamu cooking and Atsumu asleep with your twins on the couch
"The nap was a good call YN"- Osamu jokes
You smile as you get your phone out to take a picture
"Yeah yeah it was" 🥰
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comfortjoonie · 10 months
Snowed In -- PART ONE
sooo excited to share this with you guys! this is part one of my collaboration with the incredibly talented @crystalsnow95z ! Please go check out her page too if you like this, her works are amazing!
Anyways, I'm really sorry for the delay, I've been super busy, but I hope you guys enjoy. This one is really long!
TW: Vomit, fever, sickness
"Woah, too fast! Too fast!" Taehyung squeals, holding onto Jungkook tighter afraid to go flying off the sled. 
Jungkook is having the time of his life, giggling. "It's okay Hyungie."
Jimin flies past them. "Looks like I'll win!" He sings the words, teasing the others.
"No you won't!" Jungkook tries leaning forward to try to go faster, his competitive nature shining through.
Namjoon runs a hand through his hair, wishing he’d brought a hat.  It’s freezing and he was forced to sit here and watch all his members sled down a hill with no end in sight. He wished he just stayed behind, but he didn't want to make the others suspicious and ruin the trip.  How are they not freezing? It's only 10 degrees out. He takes a deep breath as his stomach cramps and watches as Yoongi and Seokjin come up the hill.
“You ok, Joon?” Seokjin asks.  
“I’m cold, hyung,” Namjoon says, taking an opportunity to go home as the snow starts coming down harder.  “Can we go back?"
“...” Seokjin looks at Yoongi. 
“You look sick,” Yoongi says.  “Did you eat anything today?”
Namjoon pauses.  The answer is no.  But he doesn’t want to stress anyone out if they find out he’s not feeling well.
“Of course, hyung.  On the plane, when you guys were asleep.”  Yoongi looks suspicious.
“What’d you eat?”
“A bagel.  Can we please go back?  It’s freezing.”  Namjoon watches the other members come up the hill holding their sleds.
Yoongi looks at the sky.  “It is snowing pretty hard.  Maybe we should head back to the cabin?”
Seokjin shrugs.  “That’s fine with me.  The wind seems to be picking up, too.”  Namjoon sighs in relief.  He was starting to feel really nauseous, and the cold wasn’t helping.  “I’ll go tell the others.”
The cabin isn’t as peaceful as Namjoon had hoped.  In his and Jimin’s shared bedroom, there’s peace, but he can still hear the chatter in the living room and kitchen.  It smells like hot chocolate, which would usually be a great thing, but it’s making him want to throw up now.
His stomach clenched when he heard the door open, Jimin bringing a cup of cocoa into the room. "Hyung, I brought you some cocoa. I wish you would've told me sooner how cold you were.."
"I didn't want to ruin your fun." Namjoon forces himself not to react when Jimin shoves the cup into his hands.
"It'll help you warm up." Jimin smiles warmly.
"Thanks Jiminie…" Cocoa was the last thing he wanted. Namjoon takes a sip, instantly regretting it, his stomach nearly pushed to it's limit, the cramps getting worse. "I was going to take a nap.. I'm still feeling jet lagged from the trip." It took all the strength he had to keep his voice steady.
"Oh, alright then.. I'll let you sleep then. Rest well hyungie." Jimin eyes Namjoon, wondering if he was really okay. He didn't want to bother him though. Not if he wasn't feeling well. As soon as Jimin leaves the room and he hears his footsteps get farther away, he rushes to the bathroom connected to the room, dropping to his knees in front of the toilet, gripping it tightly.  He couldn’t bother to shut the door in his rush.  He breathes for a moment before he starts vomiting.  He can hear some faint yelling over his gagging, but can’t decipher what anyone is saying until a voice gets closer and he hears footsteps coming towards him.  He smells Taehyung’s cologne, and it makes him more nauseous.  He subconsciously pushes the younger away, but he’s too weak to move him anywhere.  Taehyung’s hands go to his back and hair, holding his bangs back and patting him comfortingly.  He hears another pair of footsteps come in the room.  Seokjin, who joins Taehyung on the floor next to their leader.  Namjoon finishes and flushes the toilet, exhausted.
“What happened, hyung?” Taehyung asks.  “How long have you been feeling sick?”
“A few hours…” Namjoon wipes the sweat off his forehead and accepts the cup of water Seokjin hands him, taking a sip.  It makes his stomach cramp instantly as soon as he swallows.
“You should get some rest.”  Seokjin holds out his hand to help Namjoon up, but Namjoon's stomach has other plans, already gagging out the water he just swallowed.
"Are you gonna be sick again?" Seojin asked with a worried expression. Namjoon shakes his head. I don't have the energy..
Seokin trusts his word, helping the youngest rapper to bed with Taehyung's help.
"I wish you told us before we went out.." Taehyung frowns as he watches Seojin strips off Namjoon's sweat soaked shirt.
"I didn't want to ruin everyone's day.." Namjoon says softly, shivering despite his rising fever. "It's cold hyung…"
"I know, I'll get you changed okay?" Seojin quickly goes into Namjoon's suitcase looking for something breathable to put him in.
Taehyung cuddles against Namjoon in the meantime to try to ease the chills, smoothing down his sweat soaked hair. "Hyungie you should know you're more important than some silly snow day."
Taehyung please.. I don't want to cuddle you right now.. Namjoon covers his face, stomach churning at the scent of Taehyung’s shirt.
Taehyung takes the hint, moving away from him, trying to hide his hurt expression. "I'm sorry Hyung.." 
"Namjoon-ah just doesn't feel well right now, don't take it personally Tae.." Seojin gently redresses Namjoon, covering him up with just the top sheet.
"Is Namjoonie hyung okay?" The soft voice of Jimin is heard in the doorway, Jungkook peering over him.
"He'll be fine, don't come in, and take Taehyungie with you."
 "I just wanted to help Hyung.." Taehyung says looking down at his hands. But Namjoon doesn't even want me near him..
"You can help. Why don't you see if you can find any medicine?" Seokjin gives him a task to try to ease Namjoon's rejection.
The three youngest leave together, the room getting quiet again. "Try to get some sleep for now.." Seokjin traces small circles across Namjoon’s stomach.
"I don't know if I can..it hurts.." Namjoon groans softly as his stomach gurgles again. 
"Just try for me okay?" Seokjin runs his fingers to Namjoon's hair. "What if I sing for you?"
"What..? I'm not a child.." Namjoon considered it for a split second before feeling embarrassed.
"I know.. but it might help you sleep."
Namjoon wondered if Seokjin was lying to make him more open to the idea or if it was true, but before he could ask Seokjin started singing softly to him, gently drawing shapes on his bloated middle the youngest rapper falling into a restless sleep.
"Hyungie I can't find any tummy medicine but I found pain pills for headache.." Jungkook entered the room, freezing in place when he sees Namjoon's eyes flutter open.
"Shh Jungkook.." Seokjin narrows his eyes, stroking Namjoon's back softly to try to get him back to sleep, but it was too late.
"Sh*t.. I'm sorry Hyungie.." Jungkook bows, guilt gnawing at his belly.
Namjoon groans in pain and Jungkook winces.  “Hyung,” he mumbles, looking at Seokjin.  “Hurts…”  His stomach is killing him.  He can’t remember having something like this before.  The pain is horrible.  Seokjin puts his hand over Namjoon’s stomach and rubs it lightly, but Namjoon pulls it away.  “Ahh…” he grimaces, frowning when he sees Jungkook.  “Jungkook-ah…” he mumbles before another cramp hits him, twisting his stomach and making him moan in pain again.
“I brought some headache medicine.  Does your head feel ok?” Jungkook asks cautiously.  Namjoon blows out a breath slowly, controlled.
“It hurts,” he says softly.  It’s not a terrible headache, but the pain in his stomach might get better with painkillers.
Jungkook approaches the bed and hands Namjoon two red pills, which he puts in his mouth and takes the glass of water from the bedside table and drinks it.  He instantly regrets it, feeling nausea rise up his throat.  He’s freezing cold again, which doesn’t help.
“You’re shivering, Joonie,” Seokjin says softly, putting his hand on Namjoon’s forehead.  “You’re burning up…”
“I’m freezing,” Namjoon says.  “I need more blankets.”
“We can’t do that, Namjoon,” Seokjin says.  
“We can give him a hot bath so he can sweat the fever out,” Jungkook suggests.
“Does that work?” Seokjin asks.
“My mom used to do it for me,” Jungkook says.  Seokjin sighs.
“I don’t know if I want to risk it.  It could just make his fever way higher,” he says.
           "We have to try something.. we can take him out if it looks like he's doing worse.."
“Joonie, how does a hot bath sound?” Seokjin asks.  Namjoon nods.
“Let’s go,” Seokjin helps Namjoon up and to the bathroom, starting to run the water.  Namjoon leans against the wall with his arms across his stomach and eyes shut.  His stomach hurts so bad, and the nausea from taking the pills is getting worse.  He doesn’t know if this bath will upset his stomach more.  He’s too freezing cold to decline it though.  He’s shirtless and only wearing his pants and boxers, but he’s sweating like crazy.  He sits back and tries not to throw up for the time being until he hears Seokjin turn off the faucet.
“Stand up, Joonie, let’s take off your pants.”  Namjoon follows, standing shakily and placing a hand on the wall to hold himself from collapsing.  Seokjin gently pulls his pants off, leaving his boxers on.  Namjoon always prefers to be modest, even in a situation like this, Seokjin knows he’d rather keep his boxers on.  Seokjin guides the younger into the bathtub.  Namjoon visibly relaxes at the heat of it, but Seokjin can hear his stomach make an uncomfortable gurgling sound.  Namjoon places a hand over it and leans back against the edge of the bathtub.  He’s absolutely exhausted.  The hot water feels nice on his shivering body, but he’s worried it’ll make his temperature rise.  Seokjin cups water in his hand and gently pours it over Namjoon’s hair.  Namjoon jolts in surprise, his stomach gurgling audibly again, and his eyes fly open.  He looks nauseous again.  Seokjin strokes his hair.  “You’re okay, Joonie, he says.”  Namjoon shakes his head, panicked.
“Hyung–I’m gonna be sick.”
“Just breathe, Joonie,” Seokjin says.  “In…out…in…out…” Namjoon follows, relaxing a bit.  “Good job.  Just relax, I’ll wash your hair.”  Namjoon shivers visibly.  Seokjin puts a hand to the younger’s forehead.  “Sh*t…I knew it.  Your fever is getting worse.”
       Seokjin washes him up as quickly as possible, but he wasn't fast enough.
        Namjoon tried to warn him, his stomach forcing out the water he used to wash down the pills, covering his mouth to keep from getting sick in the water, desperately leaving the water to reach the toilet, soaking the floor in the process.
       "Sh*t..Namjoon-ah.." Seokjin wraps a towel around his shoulders, gently trying to dry him off as the pills he just swallowed come back up, splashing into the water.
      Namjoon continued to dry heave until more sick comes up, making his abdomen throb painfully.
       "You need to breathe..Namjoon.. take a deep breath for me."
        Namjoon takes a deep breath, then another, relaxing when the dry heaving dies down, just laying on the wet tile floor.
      "You need to get properly dried off." Seokjin urges, trying to get Namjoon to sit up, but Namjoon flinched away from the olders touch.
       "Just..just a minute..please…?" Namjoon's head was spinning, the nausea still swirling in the pit of his stomach.
       I knew it wasn't a good idea..Seokjin sighs, getting another towel to do his best to dry Namjoon without him moving, fluffing his hair against the towel.
       "I'm so tired…" Namjoon says between deep breaths, trying to keep his stomach under control.
        "I know. Let's get you to bed. Okay? You can't sleep here.." Seokjin once again gently pushes Namjoon to sit up, relieved when Namjoon doesn't fight against him.
        "Did it work?" Jungkook asks, his heart tightening when he sees Namjoon. Oh no.. I made it worse…
         Namjoon was hardly awake his cheeks flushed with fever shivering violently, Seokjin basically dragging him to the bed. 
           "Find me clothes for him." Seokjin orders. "Please.."
            Jungkook ruffles through Namjoon's suitcase, pulling out a pair of sweats and a plain white t-shirt. "Here Hyung.."
          "Is..is there anything else I could…could do to help?" Jungkook felt his throat tightening, his emotions threatening to spill over.
          "No. I got it from here." Seokjin dismisses him, wishing that he didn't try his idea. He didn't want to take his frustration on the young maknae. All he wanted to do was help. One of the others will comfort him. 
          Jungkook nods leaving the room.
          "Cold…" Namjoon mumbles as Seokjin takes off his wet undergarments.
           "I'll get you warmed up, just try to work with me for just a minute." Seokjin struggled to lift him enough to get the sweats on. "Namjoonie you aren't making this easy.." 
              "I'm sorry.." Namjoon says softly, trying to help by holding himself up with one arm as Seokjin gets the shirt on him, only lasting a few seconds before another wave of dizziness washes over him, making his stomach woozy one more. "Hyung.. dizzy.." He softly moans.
           Seokjin stops what he's doing to hold Namjoon close to him, wincing when his bare skin touched his arm. "I got you, you're okay.. you're okay.." Seokjin strokes his damp hair.
             "Make it stop.." Namjoon whines softly.
             "I would if I could baby.. just bear it a little longer. It'll pass.." Seokjin speaks softly, running his hand down Namjoon's back lightly scratching.
Namjoon held onto Seokjin tightly until the feeling passes, collapsing into him when his body finally relents.
            "Are you okay Joon?" Seojin asked barely above a whisper, getting no response. "Namjoon?" He repeats a little louder, gently moving Namjoon away from his chest biting his lip when he sees the unconscious rapper in his arms, unsure on if Namjoon simply fell asleep, or if he fainted. I need to do something..
           Seokjin looks up home remedies for fever on his phone, willing to try anything to give at least a little relief to his leader. Luke warm water. I need to use luke warm water…
          He leaves the bed as quietly as possible, going to the bathroom to get a washcloth, using a cup to fill with water, returning to the bed, folding it neatly across Namjoon's forehead, jumping with Namjoon twitches. 
           "Aiish.." He covers his mouth, not meaning to make a sound. Good..he's still out.. Seokjin sighs, refreshing the cloth everytime Namjoon's feverish skin made it warm again. 
        I'll have to see if I can get him to drink water when he's up again.. Seokjin makes a mental note.
         "How is he?" Hoseok whispers, peeking into the room. "Jungkookie was really upset.."
           "I'm not sure.." Seokjin sighs. "Is Jungkook okay? I didn't mean to be so harsh on him. I'm just stressed out.”
            "Jiminie and Taehyungie are cheering him up. They were driving me up the wall with all their concerns. I'm glad they're distracted now.." Hoseok couldn't look at Namjoon. Seeing his members in pain broke his heart. "Is there anything I could do to help?"
              "He's sweating so much, he's going to dehydrate.. could you see if we have anything like vitamin water?"
“Sure.  I’ll be right back.”  Hoseok leaves the room and Seokjin brushes the blonde hair off Namjoon’s sweaty face. 
“Joonie, wake up for me, please,” he says softly, patting Namjoon’s cheek gently.  Namjoon’s eyes flutter open and he groans in pain.
“Hyung…” he mumbles.  “It hurts…”
“I know, Joon.  Where does it hurt?”  Namjoon rips the towel off his forehead and turns to his side.
“Stomach…head…” Namjoon groans again and wraps his arms around his stomach.  Seokjin rubs his back gently. 
“You’re okay, Joon.  You need to try and drink a little, or you’ll get dehydrated.”  Seokjin can already see Namjoon is sweating heavily again.  “Let me rub your stomach,” he says, placing a hand on Namjoon’s belly.
“No, hyung…” Namjoon mutters, pushing it away.
“What can I do to make you feel better?”
“Nothing,” Namjoon says.
“Can I hold you?” Seokjin asks.  Namjoon shakes his head furiously.  Seokjin feels useless.  He knows Namjoon isn’t a fan of physical affection, but usually when he’s sick he’ll tolerate it.  This is different though.  Seokjin hasn’t seen Namjoon this sick in a long time.  Seokjin sighs as he hears a whimper and sees a tear running down Namjoon’s cheek.  “You’re okay, Joonie,” he says softly, wiping the tear off Namjoon’s face with his sleeve.  Namjoon winces at the texture on his sensitive skin.
“Hyung…” he whines.
“Sorry, Joon,” Seokjin whispers, pressing a chaste kiss to Namjoon’s forehead.  He’s still burning hot from the fever.  “Can I put the wet towel back on you?” he asks, and Namjoon nods.  Seokjin gently places it back on the younger’s forehead, rubbing his back.  He feels bad for being snappy with Jungkook, but he’s frustrated at how much worse the maknae’s idea made Namjoon’s fever.  He doesn’t know what to do.
“Hyung?” Hoseok walks in with a bottle of Pocari Sweat.  “I have this…”
“Perfect, Hobi.  Thank you.”  Seokjin takes the bottle and hands it to Namjoon.  “Sit up, Joon.”  Namjoon weakly pulls himself up, moaning at the pain it causes.  He puts the bottle to his lips, slowly drinking the gel inside.  It tastes awful and makes him feel even more nauseous despite how nice it feels on his scratchy throat.  After emptying a quarter of the bottle, Namjoon hands it back to Seokjin.  
“H-hyung,” Namjoon mumbles.
“What is it, Joonie?”
“I’m so cold…”
“Can I hold you?” Seokjin asks again, and this time, Namjoon nods.  Seokjin lays down next to Namjoon, pulling him close and rubbing his back slowly.
“Aish…you’re burning,” he says.  “I don’t know what to do with you.”
“Is there anything else you need?” Hoseok asks.
“We’re okay, Hobi.  Thank you.”
“Hobah..” Namjoon says.
“I’m here, Joonie,” he says.
Namjoon whines softly.  “Don’t go.”
“You…want me to stay?” Hoseok smiles, but Namjoon doesn’t respond.  Seokjin feels Namjoon’s body go limp in his arms, his breathe getting slower.
“He’s sleeping now,” Seokjin whispers, rubbing Namjoon’s back.
About 30 minutes pass by with Hoseok sitting on the chair in the corner and Seokjin cuddling Namjoon.  “What time is it, Hobi?” Seokjin asks.  Hoseok looks at his phone.
“It’s 6:00, hyung.  I’m really hungry,” Hoseok responds.
“Me too…”
“We should go have dinner,” Hoseok says.  Seokjin hesitates. 
“I don’t wanna leave Joon here by himself…what if he wakes up and panics?”
“Hyung, he’s dead asleep.  We both need to eat.” Seokjin nods and pulls away from Namjoon slowly, being careful not to wake the leader.  The two go to the kitchen where they find that Taehyung has cooked dinner for them.
“How’s Namjoon-hyung?” Jungkook asks.  His eyes are red.  He’s been crying.
“He’s…he’s sleeping,” Seokjin says honestly.  “Jungkook…I’m sorry I was so harsh with you.”
Jungkook smiles.  “It’s okay, hyung.  I’ve already eaten.  I can go check on him,” he says.  Seokjin nods.
“Let me know if he’s doing bad again.”  Jungkook nods and walks over to Namjoon and Jimin’s room, sighing as he sees his leader shaking in his sleep.
           "I'm sorry Hyungie.." Jungkook whispers softly as he checks the cloth on his forehead, already warm again from Namjoon's feverish skin. I made it worse.. Jungkook sniffles, forcing his tears away. I don't have time to feel bad.. I need to do something..
         Jungkook wets the washcloth again, slowly running it over Namjoon's skin, wiping down his arm then across his exposed collar bone.
         "Mn…Hyung..cold…" Namjoon complains softly in his sleep voice coming out in a low husky tone.
          Jungkook stops in his tracks, putting it back in place on his forehead. I don't want to wake him up, but I can't just sit here and do nothing.. He sighs in frustration, gently playing with Namjoon’s soaked hair.  Namjoon’s face twists in discomfort and he rolls onto his side.  Jungkook can tell Namjoon is about to be sick by the sounds his stomach is making and how pale he’s getting.  He rubs the older’s back, hoping for it to maybe, just maybe go away after a few minutes.  Namjoon’s back is burning hot.  Jungkook wants to take his shirt off, or pull the blankets off, or something to help reduce his temperature.  He knows it’s his fault that Namjoon’s fever got even higher, and the guilt is killing him.
            He rubs Namjoon’s back comfortingly as he hears the leader groan in discomfort.  Namjoon’s eyes open, and Jungkook can tell he’s about to pass out, throw up, or both.
           "Hyung, do you need help up?" Jungkook asks in a small voice when he notices Namjoon sitting up, but he doesn't answer, trying to rush to the bathroom, staggering towards the bathroom.
          Jungkook tries to help, trying to grab his arm to help lead him, but Namjoon pushes him away.
           "No.. go.." Namjoon manages to force the words out hoarsely. He had already gotten sick in front of Taehyung. He wasn't going to add Jungkook to that list. 
             Jungkook watches him shut the door, hearing Namjoon heaving from the other side of the door. I need to get Seokjin-hyungie.. He rushes into the kitchen where the older boys were eating.
           "Namjoonie-hyung is getting sick again. He shut me out, I need help!" Jungkook says without taking a breath. Seokjin went to get up from his half eaten meal, but Yoongi stops him. 
            "I'll go. You eat. I'll handle it hyung." Yoongi rushes to the bathroom, going to Namjoon's side, rubbing his hand across Namjoon's back as he heaves.
             "Jun…Jungkook I said-" His words are cut off by another round of sick spilling into the bowl.
             "Namjoon-ah, it's me and I'm not leaving." Yoongi tells him firmly. 
Namjoon relaxes a little, feeling comfort from Yoongi's presence. "It'll be over soon. Just try to breathe Namjoon."
Namjoon takes deep breaths between gags, collapsing against Yoongi as they die down.
           "Sh*t Namjoon, you're burning up.." Yoongi swears, grabbing for a piece of toliet paper to wipe across the edges of Namjoon's mouth. "I need you to drink some water for me Joon."
 Namjoon shakes his head. I don't want to throw up again.
            "I know it sucks, but you'll only get worse if you don't. Come on Namjoon.." 
Yoongi gently props Namjoon against the bathtub, quickly moving to the sink to get a cup of water. 
            "Yoongi-yah…no…" Namjoon argues when Yoongi puts the cup by his lips.
            "Namjoon please, just try." Yoongi tried to hide the desperation in his voice. It's been years since he's seen Namjoon this bad. "Just a sip."
Namjoon takes a few sips, washing the awful taste from his mouth and soothing his raw throat, but it already felt like a stone in his stomach, turning his head away.
"Good job Joon, that's all I wanted.."Yoongi gently pulls Namjoon to his feet, struggling to move him forward. Namjoon was hardly conscious, being mostly dead weight. "Stay with me a little longer okay?" 
Namjoon tried his best to stay up, but he used the last of his energy. The older rapper just barely makes it to the bed before Namjoon stopped holding onto him, almost making both of them topple to the floor. "Fu*k Namjoon..you're heavy.."
Namjoon murmurs an apology. Yoongi takes off Namjoon's shirt, taking advantage of his lack of power to fight against him, finding the rag and wiping it across Namjoon's scorching back. 
Namjoon had his eyes closed, but he didn't look anywhere near peaceful. His breathing was labored and his hand was still wrapped tightly around his lower abdomen, an upset gurgle coming from it the sips of water sitting uncomfortably in his stomach.
"Poor Joon-ah.."Yoongi whispers, wiping the cloth across Namjoon's shoulders, across the back of his neck then going down his arm. I need to get his fever down…
"Hyung..will you lay with me?" Yoongi jumps in surprise when he hears the hoarse whisper of Namjoon.
"Sh*t..you scared me.. i thought you were out.."
"I can't sleep.. it hurts.." Namjoon whines.
"I know, I know..Let me wash you up first, okay? I need to cool you down first. ." Yoongi does the best he can to wash off the sweat, his heart tightening when he sees Namjoon trembling, despite his high fever.
"It's cold.." Namjoon grabs onto Yoongi's wrist to stop him. "Please Hyungie.." Namjoon's voice comes out sounding much younger.
Yoongi stops in his tracks. "You're really sick Joon-ah.. Alright.. come here.." He takes a seat next to him, holding out his arms.
Namjoon cuddles up to him, Yoongi forcing himself not to flinch when he feels his hot skin brush against him. He's already sticking to me.. He couldn't recall the last time Namjoon cuddled up to him. He wasn't known for being the cuddly type like Taehyung or Jimin. It just made him worry more.
"It hurts Hyung.." Namjoon whimpers, clutching his stomach when another ripple of pain tears through his stomach.
Yoongi reaches slowly, rubbing his hand across Namjoon’s stomach to try to ease the pain, feeling it tightening underneath his palm. 
Namjoon moans in time with a harsh cramp, and Yoongi shushes him.  “You're ok, shh, Joonie,” he says softly.
“Ahh…hurts…” he whines.  Yoongi presses down harder, trying to work out a cramp, and Namjoon curses under his breath.  “Hyung…f*ck, it hurts so much.”  Yoongi can see Namjoon starting to shiver.
“What should we do, Joonie?”
“Don’t know…” Namjoon sighs.  He’s too weak to even sit up.  His brain is foggy and he has no idea what would make him feel better.  The pain is getting worse every second and he’s not sure how much longer he’s going to be able to take this.  Barely anything works on his sensitive stomach.
“I can get some painkillers for you, Joonie, but I really don’t know what to do beyond that.”
“Get Jimin,” Namjoon says, his speech slurring.  Jimin always knows how to cuddle him just the right way when he’s sick, just the right sweet things to say to make him feel a little less miserable and get his spirits up a tiny bit.
         "Alright Namjoon." Yoongi gently escapes from the sick rapper, leaving to get Jimin. 
         "What's wrong? Has he gotten worse?" Jin asks, ready to spring up to go back to Namjoon's side.
          "He has, but he wants Jimin.." Yoongi states. 
           "What? He asked for me?" Jimin's eyes widen in surprise. 
          "I think he just wants to be comforted. I'm not the best at that.." Yoongi scratches the back of his neck shyly. "I tried my best. It's your turn now."
Jimin gets a water bottle to take with him, hoping he could get him to drink at least a little bit."Hyungie, I'm here.."
            "Minah…" Namjoon's voice comes out soft, the first part of his name getting cut off by a whimper.
Jimin puts the water down, curling around Namjoon. I don't want to stress him out more. He wanted cuddles, that's what I'll give him. He's so hot though..
          "My poor Hyungie, it's okay.. It's okay.." Jimin runs his hand up and down Namjoon's side with his gentle touch, leaning his head on him. "We'll get you feeling better soon.." 
Namjoon wasn't processing what Jimin was saying to him, but he enjoyed Jimin's soothing tone.
          "We'll think of something to make you feel better. Maybe we can find a good mix of herbal tea.." Jimin continues just saying sweet nothings, gently rubbing his face against Namjoon's cheek. He's hardly conscious.. Jimin bites the inside of his cheek, just barely letting his fingers brush against Namjoon's belly, smiling softly when he feels some of the tension in Namjoon's body let up. "That's it Hyungie, relax.. I'll still be here when you wake up, just try to sleep for now.."
Namjoon relaxes, and after some time, he falls asleep.
Jimin leaves when he sees that Namjoon is comfortably asleep, going into the living room and seeing all of the other members.
“How is he?” Seokjin asks.
“He’s asleep.  I think we should take him to the hospital, though.  He’s burning hot and in a lot of pain.”
“I don’t think we can, Jiminie…” Seokjin says.  “It’s a blizzard outside.  We can’t even see five feet out of the window.”
“And our cell phones aren’t working.” Jungkook frowns, empathizing his point by showing Jimin his phone.
           "We're lucky all this snow hasn't knocked the power out.." Yoongi adds in.
            "Yoongi-hyung, don't you jinx us!" Taehyung frets. "We're having enough trouble already.."
            "We have to think of something.."  J-hope sighs in frustration. 
             "We're doing all we can. At least he's sleeping.." Seokjin looks around the room at the members. I have to do something. Everyone's stressed..
               "Maybe, maybe we can go out on our own. If we drive really really slowly. It's better than just sitting around watching him slowly get worse." Jungkook whines desperately, staring at the flurry of snowflakes out the window.
               "You know we can't do that.." Seokjin tries to comfort Jungkook, but be jerked away from his touch.
"But Namjoonie-hyung needs medicine..he's burning up with fever and he can't even sleep with his stomach constantly making him feel sick. We have to try!" Jungkook says with frustration, clenching his fists together. "We can't just do nothing!"
"We're doing all we can, there's no way we can drive in that storm. You can't even see the trees right outside the window. It's too dangerous Koo." Jin tries to calm Jungkook by stroking his hair, this time accepting his touch. Jungkook sighs, taking a few breaths to calm himself. 
"What if we walk?" Jungkook looks hopelessly at Jin, already knowing the answer, tears swelling up.
"No way." Yoongi answers for Jin. "Are you trying to get lost in this mess? The nearest town is miles away. You'll end up with hypothermia before you even get halfway." 
The boys stop their arguing when they hear Namjoon heaving again, Jin rushing back into the bathroom, kneeling beside Namjoon who had his head in the toliet bowl. "Namjoon-ah, it's okay..it's okay.. Hyung is here." Jin rubs his back and Namjoon spits into the toilet, only saliva coming up. Hyung, make it stop, it hurts so much.. Namjoon couldn't get the words out, only a small whimper coming as he holds his sore middle, his muscles finally pushing up acid, burning his throat.
"I know, I know, just try to breathe for me okay?" Jin scratches his nails lightly across Namjoon’s back.  Namjoon tries, but he’s too distressed to breathe properly.  Namjoon gags empty, whimpering.
“It hurts,” he says softly.  
“Shh…I know, Joon.  You’ll be okay.  I’m here.  I’ll keep you safe.”  Namjoon finds comfort in that, calming down a bit.  Seokjin puts his hand on Namjoon’s forehead.  Sh*t.  You’re even hotter than before.  I don’t know what to do…” he says softly.  “We might have to give you a cold bath.”
“No…” Namjoon says.  “Please, no…”
Seokjin is about to say something, but suddenly, the lights start flickering. 
“Hyung?” Namjoon’s voice is deep, but he sounds scared.  The lights shut off, and Seokjin can’t hold back a curse under his breath.  He hears footsteps come to the bathroom and Yoongi shines his phone’s flashlight at them.  “Sh*t…you guys too?”  Namjoon winces at the light and Seokjin nods.
“There’s some candles in the kitchen…” Taehyung comes up behind Yoongi.  Namjoon turns away from the light.  His head is hurting again, the bright lights not helping.  
“Let’s get him to bed,” Seokjin says.  Taehyung comes over and helps Namjoon up, the two of them bringing Namjoon to his bed with Yoongi behind him.  Namjoon instantly rolls to his side, completely exhausted and still feeling nauseous.  Taehyung lays next to him and rubs his hand up and down his hyung’s burning back.  Namjoon sighs at the feeling of Taehyung’s hand.  It feels nice, but he’s still not comfortable with his stomach rolling and head pounding.  
“Do we have medicine?” Yoongi asks Seokjin.
“Namjoon might have some Ibuprofen,” he says.  “For his migraines.”  Namjoon shakes his head hard.
“I’m not taking anything…my stomach is killing me.”  Taehyung puts his hand on Namjoon’s stomach, feeling it tense and cramp every few seconds.  “Poor hyungie…” he says softly, rubbing gently.  Namjoon seems to relax at the touch, breathing more slowly.
“Your fever is gonna make you worse, Joonie.  You could pass out.  Or start hallucinating,” Seokjin says.  “Just try to take some and don’t throw up for an hour or so and you’ll start feeling better.”  Namjoon doesn’t want to.  He doesn’t want to faint or start hallucinating, but he really doesn’t want to throw up again.  Everything hurts and he’s exhausted, but he can’t sleep with how uncomfortable he is.
“Please, Joonie-hyung,” Taehyung says, and Namjoon shakes his head.  Jungkook comes into the room with two lit candles and places them on the dresser.  “What’s going on?” he asks.
“We’re trying to get Namjoon to take some medicine but he won’t..” Yoongi says.  Jungkook frowns in sympathy, then sits on the bed facing namjoon, running a hand through his sweaty hair.
“Can you please try to take a little, hyung?” Jungkook asks, looking at Namjoon with round worried eyes.  “You’ll feel better if you do.”  He knows Namjoon and his soft spot can’t say no to him, even when he’s feeling like this. 
Namjoon sighs. I can't say no when he looks at me like that.. "Alright..I'll try.."
Seokjin brightens up, quickly getting medicine from the bottle before he changes his mind. "Here Joon." He places the pill on Namjoon's tongue, quickly getting him a sip of water to help swallow it down. Please just drink a little more…
Namjoon takes a few mouthfuls of water before turning away from his eldest hyung."No more.."
"That's okay, you did good.." Taehyung smiles softly, gently rubbing his fingertips across Namjoon's cramping stomach.
"Thank you hyung." Jungkook says softly.
"I'm so tired.." Namjoon says in a hoarse whisper.
"Then we'll let you sleep.. Do you want me to take Taehyungie with us?" Seokjin asks, ready to remove the clingy vocalist but Namjoon shakes his head, still feeling guilty for how he treated him earlier.
"He's okay.."
"Get me if there's any change Tae. Take care of him." Seokjin gathered up the others and leaves the two alone.
Namjoon slowly started to drift off, his migraine becoming more manageable. Taehyung was humming as soft as he could as he continues to make feather light touches on Namjoon’s cramping belly. 
Taehyung stops when he hears Namjoon start to snore. He's finally asleep, but for how long? He uses his sleeve to try to wipe some of the sweat off of Namjoon's brow. He's still sweating..
Taehyung reaches for the wet cloth slowly, fearful that the slightest wrong move would wake him, just barely grabbing it from the tag, wiping it gently over Namjoon’s body.
Just when Taehyung thought Namjoon was finally starting to recover, he felt his muscles tensing up again, the older quickly sitting up. "Taehyung.." His voice came out as a pained groan as another wave of nausea hits like a tidal wave, making him gag, mouth filling with hot sick, his cheeks puffing out.
 "Hyung hold on I'll get-" Taehyung was too late, as he rushed to get the waste bin from the floor Namjoon had already started trying to scramble over him as his body pushes up more sick than he could hold down getting it on Taehyung, the side of the bed, then finally the bin on the floor, trying to prop himself up by his elbows. The pressure he was putting on his own stomach only worsened the pain, causing tears to run down his cheeks.
"Oh no Hyung.." Taehyung runs his hand down Namjoon's spine, feeling it arch as he continues to heave.
"Se-seokjinnie-hyung!" Taehyung yells coming out shaky with panic. "Yoongi-h-hyung!"
The two eldest run into the room Yoongi slowly lifting the bin from the floor keeping it by Namjoon’s face as Seokjin helped him sit up again. "Aiigo Namjoon-ah.. you're okay, you're okay.."
"N..no.." Namjoon sobs, all the stress on his body catching up with him. "I..i..can't do..do..ev..ev…" Another heave comes, cutting him off, only adding to his frustration causing even more tears to flow.  Seokjin rubs his back gently.
“You’re okay…”  Namjoon wipes his eyes and leans back.
“What happened, Taehyung?” Yoongi asks, taking the bin from Namjoon.
“He just woke up like this…and started vomiting.  I have no idea what happened.”  Seokjin uses a tissue from the side table to wipe Namjoon’s forehead from sweat.
“You’re burning hot, Joonie…we’re gonna have to give you a cold bath…”
Namjoon shakes his head.  “Please…no…I’m freezing…” Namjoon’s eyes look glassy and his usually tan skin is pale.
Seokjin glances at Yoongi, who shrugs.  “I think we have to…”
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johnny-slaughter-me · 3 months
— “ 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐚𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐬: 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈. ” | Leland McKinney x Female Reader.
Mini Series. Enjoy this fluffy Leland fic because Tumblr decided it was too long for fluff and smut. The spicy bit will be in part II.
Notes. English isn't my native language so typos and grammar issues are likely.
Warnings. This fic is sfw. Slight bug phobia mentioned.
Enjoy. I hope you enjoy the content. Much love, Cherry. 🍒
You stood under the warm water, letting it wash over you. Your hands messaging your scalp as you rubbed the shampoo through your hair, then letting the water clear you once again. You worked your conditioner from the tip of your hair up, then leaving it in a makeshift bun as you continued to wash and scrub your body. It felt so good to just wash and reset. Sunday night's self care was your sanctuary. As you existed the shower and dried off, your put on your favorite pajamas, they were soft and pink with little red strawberries printed all over, pairing it with some of your favorite lace underwear you felt so confident. You proceeded to brush your hair, adding any product you needed before throwing it in your favorite style. Now that you were all cleaned and ready you went downstairs to the kitchen opening the fridge. As you were scanning the ingredients in front of you, trying to decide what you wanted to eat, the home phone loud ringing caught your attention. Since it was just you home tonight you shut the fridge door and hurried to pick up the phone. "Hello?" You said, "hey Y/N! It's me! Leland!" Said your boyfriend, a smile grew on your face when you heard his voice. "Oh my god Lee! Hey! How are you?" You asked in excitement. He and his family went on a camping trip this weekend and you haven't spent as much time with him as you normally would. "Oh camping was great! It was super fun and I even took some pictures for you. Next time I'll definitely be bringing you with me. You'd love it! Minus the bugs but don't worry I'll protect you!" He said and you could practically hear his smirk at the bug comment, but you could only smile at the thought of him. "I'm glad you had fun Lee, and happy you went out with your family, family is important." You told him. "Are your parents still out of town? I can't bare thinking about you being all alone." Leland said, sounding genuinely sad and a bit concerned. "I spent my weekend at Connie's. Julie and Ana joined us and we had a two day sleepover. It was soo fun, we spent all of Saturday at the mall and we had pizza at the skate ring on Friday night with the rest of the group. Though you were missed dearly. But they said we'll go again with you this Friday." You told him. "Sounds like a plan!" He replied, then continued, "hey how about I come over in about an hour with some takeout and we can spend some time together until your parents are back? I missed you hon'". "Hmmm, some Chinese food sounds great, see you in a bit babe!" "See ya!" He said and with that the call ended. And just as promised a bit after the hour there was a Leland at your door step with some Chinese takout. You welcomed him in and after he set the food on the counter he pulled you in to the most comforting hug, followed by the sweet kiss that quickly turned into a makeout session. Oh how you have missed him. Leland pulled away, with a smile and the most loving eyes. He complimented your pajamas and you blushed as you said a thank you. The two of you plated your food and headed towards the living room, sitting comfortably on the couch and eating whilst watching a random movie to entertain you. You both finished your food before the movie. So you snuggled on to Leland's side cuddling him as his hand wrapped around you, and you could feel him rubbing circles onto your back. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the moment, enjoyed his touch, his warmth, his scent. The memory of the kiss you shared not long ago when he set the food on the counter floated your mind. His lips, you wanted to feel them again, all over you; wanting your kissing all over him. You turned up to look at him, the two of you locking eyes, wanting the same thing. "Are you sure? He asks, and you mumble a 'yeah' before pulling his head towards yours and crashing your lips with his.
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anxiouspineapple99 · 1 year
Jango’s Sons
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Summary: This is what I think of when I hear the song ‘I See Fire’ and I decided to write about it.
Pairing: None
Word Count: 875
Warnings: angst, whump, death, war, alcohol use
Song: I See Fire - Ed Sheeran
A/N: Kind of hurt my own feelings with this one. I apologize. Kind of. Once again not proofread. And yes I am still procrastinating on my other works. My creativity has ADHD too, apparently. Reblogs are super appreciated!
Oh, misty eye of the mountain below; Keep careful watch of my brothers' souls
And should the sky be filled with fire and smoke; Keep watching over Durin's [Jango’s]sons
The night before deployment the barracks are buzzing with activity. Shinies group together jittery with anticipation, nerves, some even excitement. The seasoned vets are more stoic. They’re thoughtful, remembering the brothers that didn’t get to come home last time. Hoping more make it back this time. The officers are running diagnostics, completing inspections, revisiting and revising battle plans. It isn’t long before the legions, battalions, squads, and regiments have grouped together and rank, experience, and title don’t matter. Tonight, they are only brothers, Jango’s sons.
And if we should die tonight; Then we should all die together
Raise a glass of wine for the last time
Someone always sneaks in a few bottles of alcohol. It’s part of the unspoken tradition in which brothers of all ranks commune together before forging forth into battle. Sometimes it’s a few shinies who sneak in some cheap hooch, sometimes the vets, and sometimes the officers supply the nicer booze. Some Jedi Generals participate as well. Plo Koon never partakes but always provides. He meditates with the Wolf Pack as his men bond over Corellian wine or Port in the Storm. He makes sure his boys have the best because he loves them each as sons and has immense respect for their pre-battle traditions. Anakin joins the 501st every time. He brings a bottle of the finest liquor Padme has on hand. The 501st is always raucous filled with playful banter, teasing, and pranks. When Aayala Secura brings the libations, it’s always Bly’s favorite. And Bly always brings Aayala’s favorite when it’s his turn. No one complains though. They understand. Master Yoda and Master Windu send bottles to the barracks, but do not leave their personal quarters. There is always an encouraging or uplifting sentiment for their men written on some flimsi attached to the gift. Obi-Wan and Cody share a brandy toast while the 212th play a few rounds of sabbac.
Oh, should my people fall; Then surely I'll do the same
Confined in mountain halls; We got too close to the flame
Eventually the levity dies down. Captains, commanders, vets, and even generals address their men. They acknowledge the danger they are walking into. They remind them that they are brothers always. Remember and honor those who fall. Save those you can. Cover each other’s backs. Generals promise to protect as best they can, commanders and captains promise to lead with integrity. Vets give reassurance to shinies. They raise a final glass to their brothers past, their brothers present, and to the Republic of the future. Live to fight another day, boys.
And if the night is burning I will cover my eyes For if the dark returns
Then my brothers will die
The transport ships approach and the men are silent. Resolute jaws clenched, remembering the night before. Follow orders. Orders keep you alive. Making a silent pledge to have their brothers’ backs. To cover each other no matter what. They stand together or they fall together. That is clone brotherhood. The same hearts, the same blood.
And as the sky is falling down; It crashed into this lonely town
Boots hit the ground and they’re already engulfed in the cacophonous roar of blaster fire, the clanking of droids marching, the grinding of the joints of the AT-RT, the rotary cannons, rocket launchers, and orders being yelled by generals and commanders. Comm chatter drifts among helmets. HUD sensors alert in a frenzy. Destruction is everywhere already.
And with that shadow upon the ground I hear my people screaming out
One by one, shiny, vet, captains, commanders, they see their brothers falling around them. They hear the screams of the injured. Push forward. Cover your brothers’ backs. They’ll cover yours. Come back for the injured when you can.
Now I see fire Inside the mountains; I see fire Burning the trees
They close in on the those karkin clankers. Fire. Explosions. It would be deafening if their helmets couldn’t be soundproofed. Push on. Cover your brothers, they’ll cover you. Follow orders, stay alive.
I see fire Hollowing souls; I see fire— Blood in the breeze
It’s still now. The Seps pushed out. Another victory, another tally for the armor. Survivors now must collect themselves. Collect their brothers. Shinies, no longer shiny, stare vacantly as brothers offer a comforting hand on the shoulder or back. Medics search for survivors by the lifesigns transmissions coming from their brothers’ armor. Many are found and are placed on gurneys. Some lifesign transmissions stop short of being found, sometimes mere meters away from their rescuers. The dead are quietly mourned by brothers left standing. No one wins in war, least of all clones. Clankers may not be able to think or improvise, but they also don’t bleed.
Oh you know I saw a city burning out (fire)
And I see fire
Feel the heat upon my skin, yeah (fire)
And I see fire (fire)
Transports bring the survivors back to the attack cruisers awaiting in the planet’s orbit. Live to fight another day, that’s what they keep saying. But tonight, Jango’s sons see fire in their dreams.
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studyblrattempt · 3 months
Ok so I went to the library yesterday afternoon and I didn't skipped gym even if I wasn't super motivated. And this afternoon I'll go to the library again. I was initially planning on going earlier but I woke up kinda late and I feel like it would be useless to be there at like 11 am because I would have to eat soon like it seems more practical to just eat at home and then go? There is that and there is the fact that I'm not super excited about the eventuality of having to eat lunch with my friend, I'm still quite mad at her oops. My mom told me yesterday you get angry easily and well maybe she's right but honestly I don't care lol, I feel like I actually rarely get mad at my friends, I almost never had an argument with any of them, I get hurt sometimes but keep it to myself and act like nothing happened lol. So yeah. I'll let myself not wanting to spend time with the girl who likes to make lame jokes about how many hours I study in a day. When she's doesn't even know how many hours I study in a day. I know she's just joking but we have this stressful exam at the end of the year and I think she's being very fucking insensitive actually. Also she's the kind of people who'll say kind people are boring and seriously so many people share this fucked up mentality and I'm tired with this shit. Like I'm sorry you need to be a bitch to feel alive but that's not something to be proud of honey. Anyway she's still my friend and I love her but I'm not in the mood lmao. My mom told me just make the same kind of jokes as her but mom the way I would fucking destroy her without even trying I can't risk it. Like kind people aren't stupid or blind, we see your insecurities, we see when you mess up, we just genuinely don't see the point of using it against you to bring you down. But don't make us change our mind lol.
So yeah lol. Going to the library this afternoon hope I'll be productive and shit. I could be studying more but knowing how bad I tend to feel these days I think I'm being quite disciplined so yeah that's cool.
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drawnbinary · 11 months
It's me again! I hope that you don't mind me chatting you up, just say so if you do, I'll understand! 😅
Do you think that Hassel can be originally from Johto? Since Blackthorn City is a home of probably the most well-known active dragon clan in the series so far (since Draconids, the people Zinnia's from, are mostly gone)? I've seen theories that the little cape Hassel has on his jacket is a call back to the capes "dragon tamer" trainer class has (and I'm mostly agreeing with this). And when I thought about it, I had this idea: What if Hassel's first pokemon wasn't the baxcalibur that's his ace now, but the dragonite he uses in the school champion tournament? Since the dragon clan from Blackthorn mostly uses the dratini line. What if he got that dragonite as a dratini when he was a kid and raised it his whole life, and now kinda retired it after a lifetime of battling? Baxcalibur is his main now during champion assesment, but he brings out dragonite for some friendly competition every once in a while, like the school championship. And, of course, that would mean that Hassel, Lance and Claire are distantly related.
Oh and I think that Hassel is totally besties with Rika. Gay/lesbian solidarity who go to brunches together. I think that it would be a fun contrast between his husband being such a grandiose artistic mind and his bestie being a very grounded and sober-thinking person.
Oh my god, could you imagine if the DLC will allow us to have some kind of a gym leader/elite four doubles tournament like they did in SWSH? If I'll get to see Hassel and Brassius fight together in doubles as partners I think that I will explode.
I'm also super excited to see them both in the anime and maybe, down the line, in masters. And I hope that they will somehow will return/be referenced in the DLCs- the first one is a school trip, so maybe Hassel will go as a chaperone.
And I totally get you about fanfics and such- I'd love to write something for them one day, when I will have a specific concept in mind. I'm thoroughly disappointed that I can't find any character studies for them, my favorite genre 😔 do you have any headcanons you'd like to share? 👀
You're definitely not alone on pretty much all of those >:D
Again, under a cut because I'm long-winded lol
I've got Hassel from Johto, Galar, or a region we haven't been to yet. Regardless of which region, I figure all the dragon clans are connected in some way so he's cousins with Lance and Clair in some sort of way. The childhood dratini -> semi-retired dragonite is definitely one I've seen and discussed before. I think the fic where Hassel rescues/nurtures a sick baby one isn't on AO3 but it's cemented for me that he's had it since he was young <3
The cape is a nice visual to connect him to other dragon tamers and it being short and part of his jacket also separates him from the dramatic looks of Lance and Clair
I think Rika teases Hassel for being old and out of touch but it's just friendly banter. I hope she was the one who told him about "fleek" over a cup of coffee with pastries.
I pray so hard for them teaming up for double battles (my drawing of them in a silly double battle pose) and/or for them to be at the festival at all (I drew them in the outfits from the trailer). I'm hoping for crumbs at most but I definitely want so much more of these two. They're so interesting.
I am so impatient to see Hassel in the anime. Besides that I love him, I also need to see him moving in 2D so I can figure out how to draw him better/more easily because he gives me so much trouble 😅. I want to know what kind of voice they give him too. Brassius' voice surprised me but it worked really well and wasn't distracting
If they end up in Masters, then I will be downloading Masters. God I want to see them put in funky alternate outfits. And whatever else happens in that game.
I'm super self-conscious about writing (and as you can imagine from my drawings, I'm all about that soft, tender shit) so most things I write pretty much live on Discord
I'm a little head-empty right now so the only headcanon that immediately comes to mind is that Brassius being ill and them spending a lot of quiet time together while Hassel helps care for him gave them both time to figure out their feelings and they don't do anything about it until after Brassius is better.
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littlemisssquiggles · 2 years
...Sooo...about that RWBY Volume 9 Teaser Trailer...
I will make the same comments as I did over on Twitter. From an artistic standpoint, V9 looks stunning---possibly the most visually breathtaking RWBY will ever look!
And as a budding 3D artist, I am genuinely excited for that aspect of the season alone mainly because I'm a fan of all the visual development behind RWBY and I cannot wait to see all the hard work the CRWBY put into bringing this season to life. It's all looking super great from the trailer so far.
However…from a story perspective, I don't know how I should feel about V9.
To me, it doesn't feel like an "official" season of RWBY. It feels like filler.
For those of you who used to watch animes like Bleach or Naruto like moi, RWBY V9 feels more like a filler season because despite continuing from the end of V8, it sounds more like its own self-contained storyline that is a part of the main story but is also disconnected from it at the same time? If that makes sense.
I feel like we're gonna end up with an Alice in Wonderland type deal where by the end of it, even when RWBY (and co) return to the Remnant, will they remember their time in the Ever After?
Or will it all feel like one big dream/nightmare they all shared together that greatly impacted them in some way but ultimately doesn't affect the overall story---y'know the one with Salem?
Maybe I'm putting way too much thought into this but I guess what I'm trying to say here is V9 doesn't feel like a traditional season of RWBY.
It sounds like a pit stop or minor detour and at this point in the main storyline with Salem, I don't understand why the showrunners would choose to do this now?
It doesn't even feel like we'll see get to see what happened with Oscar and the others during the aftermath of the Fall of Atlas in the deserts of Vacuo.
Dude, for all we know, V9 could end with RWBY getting zero help from their friends from the other side and just return home to Remnant (through some other out of nowhere magical means) right at the point where the others were fighting to fend the refugees from Atlas in the desert.
Like the whole adventure of V9 takes place in a short space of time between the Ever After and Remnant; y'know like how they had all the events of V8 take place in the span of 2 days in Remnant timeline.
Who's to say V9 won't be the same?
Imagine if…all of us who were hoping for a time skip get bamboozled yet again when RWBY return home from the Ever After and not even a minute of time has passed between their fall into the Ever After and them leaving Atlas for Vacuo because it's literally the same day---the exact moment they fell.
So their friends don't even have a minute to grieve their "deaths" because they came back immediately like they never even left at all.
I'm not saying this will be the case with the season. This is all just speculation from me at this point.
Regardless, I don't know how to feel about V9's "story". I mean…I am curious to see what this season will do for Ruby. She's been in need of proper development for a long, long, LONG while and V8 did not do her justice.
But outside of that, I dunno.
My overall feelings about V9 are more mixed up than a bowl of trail mix.
I guess I'll only know when 2023 arrives.
I will say this though. I do like (Stuart) Little though.
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We never got a Jack Pumpkinhead character in RWBY (which still displeases me) but (Stuart) Little will have to do, I suppose.
For what it's worth, I really, really hope that (Stuart) Little will stay with RWBY even after their adventures in the Ever After.
I would LOVE to see every one else' reactions to a talking mouse back home. That would be hilarious.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2022).
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allylikethecat · 10 months
So... I guess... be on the look out for a nine part (one chapter for each A&E visit mentioned in I Would Go Blind) fic about "Infection Fic Verse" Matty and his many trips to A&E through out his life.
this is the anon from this ask and the SCREM i let out when i read this ahhhhhhhh. I had been checking ur page so often but i worked double shifts and finally got the chance to look and OH MY GOD!!! i am so excited you have no idea.
I love your writing and your niche and it makes me sad you were feeling unsure about them :( i lurk on your ao3 and (as of recent) tumblr all the time but im always very quiet lol
Hi Anon!! Welcome back!! This fic is all your fault 😂 I hadn't even considered it until I got your ask, and as I said my instinct was to be like "nope" (this was during the peak of my being emo about my writing episode lol and also i have too many WIPS RIP) but then I held onto it for a few days and ended up writing some words and now its happening- hopefully I'll have the first part / chapter up this week! (And hopefully it lives up to your expectations!) So thank you very much for your message and the inspiration 🥰
Thank you so much for your kind words oh my gosh 🥺 I'm so happy that my weird little niche brand of angst has found a home and an audience and that people are enjoying it! I know I've pushed the envelope in this fandom a few times (sometimes well received, and sometimes not!) but for the most part everyone has been so kind and accepting and welcoming and I hope to continue bringing forward the ~good vibes~ even if we are making Fictional!Matty have a bad day! Also! If you ever want to chat about fic - feel free to send me a DM I promise I'm friendly! 😊
And I'm sorry again for being so dramatic earlier this week! I was feeling super emo about my writing and insecure and therefore oversharing about it on the internet I'm so sorry if I came across as whining or ungrateful- I never intended to make anyone sad and I'm so sorry that I did! I'm so thankful for your continue support and kind messages like these! Especially ones that give me ideas for new fics that I can't wait to share 😉 Thank you again!
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runicmagitek · 2 years
Do you have any Natsuno/Keitaro's children head canon?
I most certainly do!! 😍 I've rambled about my thoughts on their kids on Twitter, but I'll share them here, as well. Thanks so much for the ask, anon!
I feel they would be one of the last couples to have kids. It's not exactly something Natsuno wants or ever cared for. That plus the nature of what they're "expected" to do post-canon, she has even more complicated feelings about it (lots of lack of agency and too much pressure when all she wanted was to make some alien friends and live a cool sci-fi life). Keitaro, on the other hand, was ready to have kids with her like two seconds after meeting her, but he's also a respectful polite boy, so he'd never ever pressure her about it. Whatever Natsuno wants is what she gets, in his mind.
They'd have lots of chats about having kids, mostly Keitaro double-checking with her. Natsuno has a few "I don't know if I can actually do this" moments; she worries she'll be a terrible mom and not be able to deal with it or whatnot. Keitaro, like always, is super patient and keeps reassuring her he's there to help and if she changes her mind? That's ok too. But also Natsuno keeps seeing him interact with the other kids and sees how amazing he is with them and is just like, "damn, he'd be a really good dad... if we had kids, they'd love him.... crap, I really want his kids now."
Anyhow, they wouldn't have kids until after they're married (honestly, she probably gets pregnant on their wedding night). They have two kids: a girl and a boy.
The oldest is Keiko. She has long brown hair and silver eyes. She's quiet and shy, hiding behind her parents a lot when others are present. She likes to hang out with her dad while he does his own quiet work. Her favorite thing is painting and drawing; she loves to show them to her parents and they love to plaster the fridge with her art. Of the other compatibles, Keiko likes Ryoko the most. Konatsu thinks Keiko is super cool and drags her around everywhere and Keiko is just glad to have an extrovert friend to cling to when social situations are super scary.
The youngest is Naoki (I imagine there's roughly a three-year gap between them). He's a spitting image of his mother. He gets excited about everything and anything and always wants to play outside. He loves bugs and animals and is always finding something he wants to bring home as a pet. Keitaro and Natsuno build him a treehouse at some point and he legit wants to live in it forever. He's perpetually the kid who is asking a million questions and always getting in trouble, whether he tries to or not. He loves it when his mom goes on nature explorations with the other kiddos and tries to show off a bit with all the neat things he can do (help this poor child, he has so many bruised joints). Of the other compatibles, he loves to hang out with Tamao and Megumi, because they cook up the best treats.
Keiko and Naoki get along relatively well, though Keiko is perpetually worried about her little brother running off all the time. Naoki also gets frustrated about Keiko worrying about seemingly nothing or just the fact she's an introvert and doesn't want to run around and play with him all the time. They bicker as siblings do, though they do care for each other. Naoki loves all the cool art she makes and is always asking her to draw up the random stories he comes up with. Keiko loves hearing about his bug facts and nature journeys. I like to think as they get older, they hang out in his treehouse whenever one of them is having a bad day and just vent and support each other.
Both Keitaro and Natsuno are extremely supportive in their own ways for their children. Keitaro is the more grounded of the two, having more patience than Natsuno when their kids are being... well, kids. He probably shoulders more parenting than necessary just so Natsuno doesn't have to stress about it. Natsuno wants her kids to enjoy life and pursue whatever they love, but also worries constantly, especially when Naoki starts taking after her and doesn't show up for dinner. She has bouts of "oh no I'm the worst mom ever" and "they must hate me for being so strict why am I like this", but Keitaro always reassures her and it always works out in the end.
And they love their parents a ton! Natsuno is actually a super cool mom, hosting weekly movie nights and telling the best bedtime stories. She wants to know everything about whatever they're interested in at the moment so she can supply them with everything they need to pursue said interest. Keitaro just rolls with the punches; he's firm, yet extremely compassionate. They don't have dad wrapped around their fingers like Natsuno does with him, but he does whatever he can so they can have the life he never had growing up.
I'm sure I have more thoughts, but this is what I got for the time being. Hope you enjoyed them and thanks again for the ask! 🥰
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sargassos · 2 years
I've been avoiding doing this, cause I'm not the best at sharing, and cause its the suckiest life update ever. Obviously, this is not an art post.
I'm gonna make a short thread of photos out of this, so, hope im doing this part right, but CW: animal death, pet death ahead, in case you dont block those tags already.
Just under 8 years ago, I adopted the best dogo I have ever known. We had ranch dogs when I was a kid, so I've had a LOT of dogs; Tsavo was something super special. I mean, kid leash trained himself an hour after I adopted him. He had zero trouble learning new things, from go.
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He was great with our other animals, tho he ate my favorite feather pillow and carried my not yet planted flowers around like a trophy.
And he was tiny tiny when he first came home; I was told he wouldn't get very big (i did not believe them one bit.)
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Apparently neither did he. In fact he took it as a challenge. He capped out at 102 pounds at his peak, and healthy. He was a hiker, a camper, and a lake dog (tho he didn't swim well. Imagine, a lab who can't swim??)
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He would sit with me when I was gardening, hang out in the garage when we were working, would lay around and watch the chickens...his second name was "In-The-Way", but in a good way.
He even helped fetch tools when we were working (nothing sharp or too heavy, he knew his limits)
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He was always patient with us taking photos (of which there were so. Very. Many.)
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In spite of my best attempts to socialize him, he never did quite get the whole, personal space & canine body language thing. But luckily he made friends pretty easily.
Which was helpful when we brought home a kitten who decided "slow introduction" was too slow for him.
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He was an all season idiot, and made everyone happy with his persistence in fetching items when requested; bags, tools, shoes (matching pairs!)...And if he didn't know the item you were requesting by name, he would bring you every single sock he could find to make up for it.
He helped me come down when I came home in tears from work, when I was stressed from a nightmare, or if i woke up in a panic after an episode if sleep paralysis.
He was, inequivically, the absolute best dogs I've ever known, and could have asked for.
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Now the sad part. I posted recently on Twitter that Tsavo hasn't been doing great. He developed a limp in late October. I took him to work for a checkup.
We thought it was a torn mcl, that would heal. It might not even need surgery, since his xrays weren't showing much.
We were wrong. It was cancer. And by the time we realized it, it had already spread from his leg into his chest.
I was not mentally prepared for how fast everything went downhill from there, but given the tone of this post, and the censor, I suppose its obvious where this goes.
He stopped eating. He couldn't get comfortable, even with pain meds. His leg seemed dead and cold below the knee, and he started coughing only days after we got the results back.
We opted to euthanize Tsavo last Thursday, the 1st of the month.
I am very very not ok right now.
I'll get another dog. I know I will, I've proven in the past I dont like not having one around. I love dogs. I'm going to meet one this weekend. I feel selfish being excited when I'm still this broken, but this last month has been a nightmare in itself, so I want to be happy too.
But I firmly believe getting a new pet is never a replacement for an old one. And it couldn't be anyways. There will never be another Tsavo like my great, amazing boy was.
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I can never be grateful enough for what this big, stupid, idiot goofball brought to my life.
And im just as grateful for my friends, who have been helping me deal with this for over a month now.
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I love this dog, with my whole heart and everything I have, and I will miss him forever.
He really was the bestest best boy ❤
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cypheroo · 3 months
Hello! I saw that your character matchups are open and I'm interested in one, if that's okay with you! c:
It's my first time doing something like this so pray for me lol
Series: Jujutsu Kaisen
Matchup tone: Romantic
My pronouns: she/her
My likes: sports, writing, exploring/hiking/discovering new places/traveling, sightseeing, hanging out with people i cherish, dogs, reading, studying whatever sounds interesting.
I'm honestly not sure what to write in terms of personality, so i'll just drop in a few words that describe me, and if it'll help you some of these:
I'm a virgo & ENTJ.
Sincere, adventurous, dedicated, flexible, confident, cautious, straightforward, sometimes moody, sometimes can come off as closed off or defensive (only sometimes), and afterwards people usually discover that i mean no harm.
I'd like my partner to: bring out the fun & adventurous side of me, be a little more open than me, be rather similar (but obviously not completely identical) to me so we don't clash often, be athletic & energetic.
No-no characters: Cursed spirits (ex. Mahito, Sukuna), women (I'm romantically interested in guys), Panda (we chill but only platonically ykyk), Ijichi, Gakuganji.
And that's about it! Hopefully it wasn't too much hah, I tried keeping it short. I also hope I didn't mess up anything, but if I did, please let me know! It might take some time for me to answer but I certainly will. Super excited to see who I got!
Thank you! :D
HUH? THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME?? YOU DID AMAZING! gave me all the info I needed as well! So tysm! Hope you enjoy the matchup! It was as so hard bc I was thinking about gojo or yuta working well with you (for different reasons lol)
Your match up isss....
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It was either an accident him telling you he had feelings for you or it was you who told him ill be fr.
Both you and yuji bounce off each other super well! Both of you aren't perfectly the same, but that works even more considering he's a lot more extroverted and out there while you're more there to bring more logic to the table.
Yuji and you probably work out or go on walks together a lot. He finds working outore enjoyable with you, and it makes for more time he can also spend with you!
As much as hed love to go out often and share time under the sun he also understands and urges your to let him know when you really want a home day. He'll gladly oblige! He just needs you to tell him.
While most times are good, we can't deny arguments and disagreements are bound to happen l and when they do yuji is often the one who apologizes, but he does actively attempt to learn and grow the relationship.
Istg this man has brought a stray to your shared apartment at least twice, the reason being he couldn't just leave the little dude there!
I do feel like he wouldn't really call you pet names other than the normal babe every once in a while, but he usually prefers your name.
He also will go out of his way and learn a few things from whatever you're currently studying interested in so he could talk to you about them
He'll usually follow your moves if you need to run errands or head to the store he wants to come with you
Adding on to the one above he likes following behind you when it comes to shopping or being in busy places.
He'd definitely get you a bouquet that has more wild flowers in it, because those bouquets remind him of you.
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pvccblog · 11 months
We can't believe that today is our final day here in Elk Creek! It seems like a long time ago that we got here, but at the same time it feels like it was just yesterday. We've developed some great friendships and will treasure them always! This morning at sports camp we received thank you cards from some of the kids and it was super special. They really had a great week and so did we.
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Andrew taught the lesson today and it was about the end of Moses' life and the Israelites eventually making it to the Promised Land. He did a great job and the kids were paying attention and answering questions. They've been very respectful during the lessons this week and that is always helpful.
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BARF Night was also super fun. The final night is usually more like a party and we're all just kind of being wacky and having a great time. That meant that tonight was a perfect night for Kiana to share her testimony - because she's kind of wacky! In fact, if you saw the picture of her in the last post, that picture was taken when she got a hold of my phone and took some pictures. I decided that a good "punishment" for stealing my phone was that her picture ended up on the world wide web!
Like this pic from today:
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In all seriousness, Kiana did great and she has become a leader within our group and also with the people here. Everyone loves her, she brings the energy and excitement and loves to have fun. I'm blessed to have known here forever and watching her grow makes Nicole and I super proud! Way to go Kiana!
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I'd like to thank the people of Elk Creek for welcoming us this week. We love this town and it will always have a special place in our heart. This week random people were dropping off desserts and beverages at the church just to show appreciation. We even received some monetary donations from a couple people! So cool!
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Elk Creek Community Bible Church is also a great church. Pastor Joe is leading well and it's so cool to see a healthy church in a small town like this. Village Missions is a great organization and Pastor Joe and his family really fit in to the ministry of Village Missions. Pastor Joe preaches the word and loves the people. It is so obvious that he does and it is so obvious that they love him back. The other day, I thanked Pastor Joe's wife Ana for letting us come to their awesome town, and her reply was amazing - She said, "Thank God that he put us in such a wonderful town!" They totally love it here!
Please continue to pray for this church and the Levesque family as they minister here. They have a very important role in building God's kingdom!
Over the next week or so, I'll be posting some more pictures and videos of our trip. I have some great tubing footage and other stuff. Goodnight all, thanks for your support! We head home on Saturday!
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cythoughtsnmemories · 2 years
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So glad bf acc me to go shopping before I meet my sis for dinner. Treat me unagi rice bowl at Wheelock but we both find it meh. I think bf brought me to d place at Clark Quay is so much better. We went for a glass painting event by my sis FC. I decided to draw Santorini, and I'm so proud of my result!
Meet up w SSC for lunch at a Mexican restaurant, super loco. I shared my issue w them for their opinion. They encourage me to just get paperwork done n hold d banquet 3 yrs later. I got worried if *choy choy* anything bad happened to our marriage due to marrying before 3 years then I'll regret and confirmed kena nag rest of my life. So I told babe abt it.
Met babe in d evening. So excited that he bringing me for the intertidal activity, which I mentioned before I'm interested. I would say we are quite lucky to see many intertidal wildlife.
Period decide to come at wrong timing. Luckily I brought my pads. The hotel room was at lvl 2, boring. It was quite late after our supper and I saw a glass of red wine in d room. Omg, bf still rmb that I said I want to try drinking 11% n above alcohol until I toh hahahaha
After shower, we watch Netflix movie while I target myself to drink as much within an hr. After 3rd glass, I could feel d room spinning a bit. Stopped at 5th glass. Puke after awhile...think 2 glasses of wine wasted lol
I KO after puking and I tot I'll wake up late, nope, i woke up ard 5+ after peeing...feeling hungry too~ that's 4hrs of sleep only.
I scroll my phone till 7+ and wash up. HAHAHAHA~ I saw the balloons at the windows. I asked bf when he got it. So it's been there since ytd, but I not tempted to open d curtains ytd when bf hinting me to look at d view. Poor bf, got to open to show me. Felt so wasted cos I only see that few hours. So that a picture to rmb!
Tried a vegetarian oyster omelette for lunch before we went for a bridal shop for consultation. Everything was okay until we decided not to sign any package that day. When I ask for contact person if I would like to engage them, d sales staff just rejected me n say 90% of customer won't return w/o discount price. How rude!
Morning also kena say as siao when I gave $50 note, and just nice d lady infront also gave a $50, so no more small change. Why? Bday purposely took leave, still kena nag.
Bf sent me home after a long day. I was craving sashimi and mum accompany me to have sushi for dinner.
Oh there was a cake and a tart box delivery from Grace and sup. Wee~ so sweet of them!
0 notes
sir-rosie · 2 years
Block "#super long" cuz I don't have a way to make it a read more post
"Mr. Wright, I have some very exciting news!" Athena barged into the agency with spark in her eyes, Widget glowing bright green. "You'll never guess what happened!"
Phoenix raised his eyes from paperwork and smiled seeing her enthusiasm "What's going on?"
"Oh, let me guess!" Trucy peeked her head from the main room "Did you win a lottery?"
"I wish that was also a case, maybe we could renew the office, but nope! Keep guessing!"
"Junie's moving!"  Widget excintingly exclaimed, not letting Trucy finish.
"Yeah! Junie's moving! Moving in with me! She's gonna be here by tomorrow." Athena smiled brightly. "In celebration of that, why don't we have a take-your-best-friend-to-work day?"
"That's great! Let's do it! I got to prepare a magic show for her! Apollo, I need your assistance."
"Sorry, but I think I'll pass. By the way, why exactly is she moving here?" Apollo asked. "I thought she liked her home. Whenever she'd visit us she always brought with her all those nice plants from her garden..."
"Well, I know... She's not very fond of the thought of moving, but she got an internship recently near my home, and it would be inconvienient for her to travel such a long way every day." She set some items laying around all over her desk aside, trying to clean at least a little bit "But I can't help but be excited for being roommates with Junie!!"
"Is that why you were late?" asked Phoenix calmly.
"Oh. Yeah, sorry Boss." She laughed nervously. "O-of course that's why. Sorry!" It was partially a reason, so that's not a lie, right?The rest of the day passed not so far from usual, with Apollo involuntarly becoming Trucy's assistant for a new trick ("Come on Polly, we have to help Athena with the bring-your-best-friend-to-work day! Your lawyer stuff can wait."). Athena took it as her goal to clean the office; she tried just focusing on her work, but she couldn't help but think about Junie's arrival. Everything needed to be the perfect, and if that includes making sure every single floor tile is shining, so be it. Plus, seeing the agency clean for once was sure to make Mr. Wright happy. As she sweeped and scrubed, thoughts kept coming through her head. Technically it was the case ever since she offered Junie the whole roommates thing, but the volume of them felt much stronger when her mind wasn't occupied.
What if Junie will hate living here? What if something happens in their apartement and their friendship will fall apart? What if she'll get accused of murder again, and this time she'll fail to defend her? What if she...
"Athena, is everything okay? You look a little...pale." Athena wasn't exactly hard to read when she felt distressed, as not only Widget eminated blue light, but her eyes were anxiously looking at the ground, almost spaced out. While Phoenix couldn't listen to someone's heart like she could, but even he could tell the discord was there. "Do you want to talk?"
Athena looked up and sighed. "Well... It's just... It got to me that it's a big thing, you know, Boss? I'll be spending more time with Juniper then ever, and it makes me more happy than you can imagine, but that also means I'll have more, well, chances to disappoint her." she stopped, almost like she was out of breath. "I always make such impulse decisions when I'm with her. Something about her, about our friendship, just makes my heart act, without a second thought. Isn't that weird?..."
"Not really." Phoenix smiled, holding back a chuckle. "Well, you two clearly are very close. If many years without eachother didn't broke you two apart, I doubt sharing a home will. Also, I think Juniper cares about you a lot too, you know?"
He saw the blue light fade out and a small, soft smile appear on Athena's face.
"Thanks, Mr. Wright."
"Daddy! Athena! Come check out the magic show me and Polly prepared for Juniper!"
Hearing Trucy's enthusiastic voice, she stood up energically, completely changing the mood.
July 19th, 2029
Dear diary,
People are always amazed with how I can manage things even when there's little space. However, tomorrow is going to be a big day, and I want to take so much things with me, but no matter how much I try, I just can't fit it all into my valise. Isn't it curious? The one time I try especially hard for everything to be perfect, it doesn't come out that way, no matter how neatly organized my baggage is. And that's the thing, ever since I was a little girl, I expected my life to be put in place and sorted out, but if it was, only for a moment. And moments don't go on for long. I learned the hard way that isn't possible, even if we all try for it to be. But it's not necessarily a bad thing! While I wasn't plan to move in with Athena, I'm very happy I decided to do so. It was a long time since we had some time purely for ourselves, so it's about time I make up for it!
Athena... She came a long way. I really look up to her, staying so strong through all of... You know. Everything. I wish I was as strong as her, instead of just being a coward...
I like thinking about her. She gave me so much hope, more than I could have ever dreamed of without her. She makes me so happy.
Seems like this entry ended up being longer than I expected, and I'm still not even done preparing everything, so it's probably better if I end it here. Tomorrow is after all a special day, II certainly don't want to be late and keep Athena waiting! (She waited enough...)
- Juniper ❁
Of course the one time Athena arrived early, the train was delayed! Well, at least she could take more time to prepare herself on what to say and do so their meeting will go perfectly (and without any murder charges).
She wanted everyone to come, but Phoenix and Apollo had a trial to attend to, luckily she still got to pick up Trucy.
"If the train is going to arrive in an hour, maybe we could go shopping? I need some water balloons and lemons for my new show!"
"I guess it's not a bad idea. You know, actually, I planned to go buy groceries with Junie after she arrives, but on a second thought, she'll probably be tired after the journey."
"You could also buy her a surprise welcome gift, hm?" Trucy winked, making Athena a bit flustered in response.
"What was that wink for?!... Anyway, let's go, we have to mind the time, you know!"
Trucy, arms full of packaged balloons, came up to Athena who standing over an isle full of confections, reading labels of every single one, with a bag full of fruits and vegetables laying next to her.
"What are you doing?" she asked, leaning over to the other girl's shoulder.
"Choosing a gift for Junie, like you suggested!" she smiled, Widget lighting green, "I want to make sure it doesn't have any of Junie's allergens. You can't make them disappear, can you?"
Trucy tilted her head slightly.
"I can't make them disappear, but I can make something appear..." she said as she pulled out a box of snacks, seemingly out of nowhere. "Ta-dah!"
Athena took a look at the ingredients, and her eyes lit up.
"Wow! Those are perfect! How'd you do that?"
"A magician never reveals their secrets!" she giggled "Actually, I have a friend who's also allergic to almost everything too and I always used to get her these when we hung out."
"Thank you!" she happily hugged Trucy and got hugged back.
"We might want to get going soon, it's almost nine."
"Oh! Yeah, come on!" They both hurried to the register.
As soon as they got there, the train arrived.
"So nervous..."  Widget muttered, which Athena shushed it for.
"I'm sure everything will be alright." Trucy reassured her as people begun to exit the train.
And there she was. Pale face, lovely highlighted by the sun, beautiful brown hair styled carefully and with attention to detail, an amazing hat full of sunflowers, and a small, pastel pink valise with a floral accents.
Athena's eyes widened.
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