sickonthedancefloor · 3 months
All Hands On Deck - part 2
Sickies: OT7 Caretakers: Themselves + Managers
Part: [one]
Hoseok didn’t think he was ready for this. Here he had Jungkook, weirdly both pale and green-tinted, in a wet, vomit-sprayed tee and looking on the verge of crying. Before Jungkook could even consider apologizing, Hoseok merely shushed him softly, reaching a hand up to swipe his cheeks in comfort before tears could even begin to fall. His youngest dongsaeng, despite being taller and more muscular than him already, looked so small standing next to him with how sick he was. There was something about his big eyes being so watery and upset that pulled at Hoseok’s heartstrings immediately.
He was very weak for his members.
“It’s okay, Jungkook-ah, let’s get you changed and in bed. Sound good?”
He received a small hum in agreement, as the younger dancer dropped his face against Hoseok’s shoulder. Oh no… not vomit on the Balenciaga… It was honestly inevitable. He’d definitely have to ask one of the managers for their cleaning trick to get it out later for sure. But first… His hand rubbed small circles on Jungkook’s back as he walked him away from the bathroom, away from the new noises of vomiting from behind the door. It seemed to upset Jungkook further to hear it, and the last thing Hoseok wanted to do was have him sick again, and in the hallway where the clean-up would be harder. The two shuffled awkwardly and slow, but it didn’t seem to nauseate the youngest further, so Hoseok was alright with the pace.
“H-hyung,” Jungkook murmured. “Jin-hyung’s—”
“Hm? Jin-hyung?”
Jungkook pointed at the door. Ah… that made sense.
“Oh, you mean Jin-hyung’s room?” Hoseok guessed. That got a soft laugh and a thumbs up. Perfect, honestly; Jin’s door was closer, anyway. Hoseok merely shuffled to Jin’s room, leading Jungkook inside. Jungkook looked at the bed, but Hoseok merely held onto him, grabbing his shirt. “Come on, let’s get you changed into something cleaner. Okay, hands up.”
Jungkook looked so little. As Hoseok pulled the shirt from him, he couldn’t help but coo at how he scrunched his face. Once off, Hoseok just turned it inside out and dropped it near the door, before helping Jungkook out of his baggy jeans. He was like a child again, like that young teen who was so shy but still crawled into their beds when he felt too lonely or upset or just wanted comfort. Cute. Once in just his boxers, Hoseok led him to sit on the bed, ruffling his hair affectionately. “Stay right here, I’m gonna see what Jin’s got that you can fit.” For good measure, he moved the desk trash can next to the bed.
Hoseok tossed Jungkook’s pants, and his own sweatshirt (feeling too warm for it now anyway, he guessed someone turned the heater up for one of their sick members) to the pile and went to rummage through Jin’s closet for something light. He managed to dig up a simple dark tee and basketball shorts, and dressed Jungkook quickly as he noticed his eyes shutting. He was more than thankful that Jin and Jungkook fit the same clothes; it made it easier, for sure. Hoseok tugged the blanket back as he eased their maknae to lay down, then just ran his hands through Jungkook’s hair until the younger fell asleep.
Once he seemed settled, Hoseok sighed, leaning his head on the side of the bedframe. What a day… It was already giving him a headache, but he was glad to at least be helpful.
In the bathroom, on the other hand, Jin wished for peace. But all he received was a sharp stench of putrid, vile vomit that seemed rather discomforting being two distinctively different scents of yuck. He honestly didn’t think puke could have identifying smells, but whatever Taehyung was expelling before him had some odd, creamy scent to it that made his own stomach feel uncomfortable. But just taking a sharp breath upward, he merely continued to rub Taehyung’s back, thankful that his curls were at least short enough to stay out of his face.
Taehyung’s vomiting was calmer than Jungkook’s in a sense. Less loud, bouncy motions but more harsh, almost twitching gasps as he coughed up whatever wanted to make its way up his esophagus. He had tried to speak twice, barely getting out Jin’s name, and a broken apology, before he merely gave up. Taehyung had a shaky hand braced on his knee, fingers white-knuckled gripping his sweatpants as if it was the only lifeline he had between staying upright and falling into the porcelain nightmare (oh god, Jin realized, that was going to be a nightmare to clean).
“It’s okay, Taehyung-ah,” Jin said calmly. His hand on Taehyung’s back formed a fist and he rubbed his knuckles with a little more force on Taehyung’s back. Something more of a sensation, hopefully a bit of a distraction. “Try to take a breath now, hm?”
Taehyung coughed up a mouthful and then spit. Jin took the opportunity to flush, hoping to reduce some of the smell. But ever the diligent dongsaeng, Taehyung tried to take a breath. His shoulders slumped and he eased back. And took a second breath.
“I’m here, Taehyung-ah. You’re okay. Just keep breathing—or… that, I guess.”
On Taehyung’s next breath, he gagged and immediately lifted himself back to the toilet, regurgitating out another thick mouthful of sludge. His hand on Jin’s hand merely loosened his grip and he swatted at him, albeit shaky and weakly.
“I know, I know. Not funny. But you always laugh at my jokes.”
Taehyung swatted him again, and coughed. He heaved again, but nothing came out.
“See, my jokes cured you.”
But another heave, and a mouthful of pure bile escaped. Taehyung was running on empty, and Jin could see it. He continued rubbing his back, encouraging him to take another breath. It took Taehyung another few minutes of dry heaving before he managed to sink back, forehead dropping on the toilet. Jin smiled.
“Good job, you stopped. Let’s wait a few minutes before we move, just in case.”
Taehyung just nodded as his eyes closed, his body trying to succumb to at least a few moments rest before Jin made him move. Jin let him have these extra moments in peace, just keeping one hand rubbing his back but now in slow circles. It gave Jin time to send a one-handed text message to Namjoon, letting him know their second youngest was also ill. This was already proving to be a disaster. They were going to need back-up, that was for sure.
From his spot on the couch, Yoongi looked towards the bathrooms on the left. He’d begun rubbing the sleep from his eyes when he heard Jungkook, but he was wide awake the moment Taehyung also disappeared. This already wasn’t good, and they hadn’t bought that much juk. They’d need more… and given whatever the two had, Yoongi figured he may as well begin messing with inventory.
He yawned as he stood, stretching his arms upward. The noise was enough to have Namjoon looking at him with a frown. “You’re not sick too, are you?”
Yoongi shook his head. “Wouldn’t dream of getting sick before you, Joon. I’m just going to make some juk. I have a feeling we’re going to need more, if Hobi-ah hasn’t come back from checking on them.” He really, really hoped Hoseok wasn’t also sick; that man hated throwing up, the last thing they really needed was an anxiety attack flaring up from anyone over illness. At least, for now, Namjoon and Jimin seemed alright, so after reassuring their leader that he was okay, Yoongi merely trekked his way into the kitchen and went to pull out the big pot. He’d make enough juk to last them a few days; thankfully it wasn’t hard at all. Opening the kitchen, he went to work, glad that Hoseok had organized their kitchen prior.
As Yoongi began cutting green onions, he realized he wasn’t alone. Despite seeming exhausted, Namjoon was out standing by the counter, frowning at his phone as he reread Jin’s updates. “Ah… Hyung, what can I do to help?”
Yoongi smiled. “Can you go check on Hobi and Jungkook? Hobi might need some help. Juk should be ready within the hour.”
An easy task. Namjoon gave a thumbs up and headed down the hall to peer in Jungkook’s room, then Hoseok and Jimin’s, only to find both empty. He just decided to search each room to find them, peering briefly into Yoongi’s empty bedroom before he landed on Jin’s. And there he saw Hoseok running his hand through Jungkook’s hair, Jungkook curled up next to him with his head in his lap on their oldest hyung’s bed. When Hoseok spotted Namjoon in the doorway, he smiled, holding a finger to his lips.
“Did he just fall asleep?”
Hoseok nodded. “I wanted to wait a little before giving him medication in case he could eat anything.”
“Yoongi-hyung’s making juk.” He wheeled over the desk chair to sit in, so he wouldn’t move the bed. “He thinks we’re going to need more.”
With a sigh, Hoseok nodded again. “I wouldn’t be surprised… Someone else is going to get it, I bet. When it’s done, let me know?” It only took a few minutes more before Jungkook began snoring, and the two sighed in relief. He was out. The rappers spent a few moments discussing their gameplan on if more of them came down with this—double line the trash cans, keep their two sick members comfortable, try to keep their medications on schedule. Check everyone just to be safe. Hoseok texted the managers their update while Namjoon headed out to give Jin and Yoongi their new update. The juk would take a bit, so he didn’t rush.
As he made it to the bathroom closest to his room, he knocked lightly. “Jin-hyung? You in there?”
“Ahhh, Namjoon-ah! Yeah, I’m in here. Careful if you open the door, Taehyungie’s legs—”
Namjoon was not careful. Upon immediate push of the door, he immediately knocked the wood onto Taehyung’s legs. Similar to Hoseok and Jungkook, Taehyung had taken Jin’s lap as a pillow, but with a damp towel over his eyes. He groaned but otherwise did not move, and Jin immediately began to fuss as Namjoon apologized.
“Is he sick too, Jin-hyung?”
“He spent ten minutes vomiting and now he won’t get up. And he won’t let me get up. Joon-ah, I can’t help him from down here! We don’t even have a traditional Korean bathroom, I could have just hosed down the mess but no, we have to clean it up! I could have just hosed Taehyung off of me—”
With that, Namjoon laughed, squeezing in and kneeling next to them. Taeyhung, while not as tall as Jin or Namjoon, had put on a significant amount of muscle on his frame, rivaling Jin in terms of weight already. And so much of it was muscle; but his reluctance to move overtook Jin’s attempt to keep him from the floor. It was a lose-lose situation for Jin. Taehyung’s button-up had vomit stains all along the front, and was damp with sweat. Jin had wiped his face already, but the younger vocalist seemed comfortable with the cloth blocking the light.
“Headache, Tae-yah?” Namjoon asked.
He received a mumbled ‘yes’. Fever confirmed by touch. Chills, possibly from the floor, possibly the fever. With a sigh, Jin rubbed his back again.
“Come on, let’s try to make it to the room with Joon, yeah?”
Taehyung grumbles again. “’m dirty…”
“It’s okay buddy, you’ve been sick. You want to try and take a bath?”
That gets the young singer to groan, his hand reaching up to press the cold cloth over his eyes. “I don’t want to move… Every time I move I get woozy.”
Jin sighed, stroking his hair. “Well, let’s at least try to get you changed and clean so you’re more comfortable.”
“Not… not yet.” Taehyung grumbled. He kicked a foot lazily to the side, but it bumped Namjoon’s leg—exactly what he was planning. “Go ‘way.”
Namjoon chuckled softly, patting Taehyung’s shoulder from where he sat. He was pretty sure Jin would catch it, being in proximity of now two vomiting members, but he wasn’t going to stress out over it. As Jin leaned his head back against the wall, he reached a hand over to swat at Namjoon too.
“Just bring him some fresh clothes? We’ll be out when we can, okay?”
Namjoon nodded and scurried out, returning five minutes later with a fresh pair of pajamas. On his way out, he added: “Oh, Jungkook’s taken over your bed.”
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sickiesope · 1 month
Hello!! Huge fan of your work! Thanks for all the amazing stories:)
Could I request a sick Yoongi and Hoseok who came down with a sneezy cold after a photoshoot in the rain. It is autumn and both are feeling cold. They kind of take care of each other. Yoongi wakes up with a fever as Hoseok slips under his blankets. He welcomes the younger warmly.
Omgg this request is soo cute! 🥰 I'm uhhh, still not that good at writing snz but I tried my best here! 😅
Autumn night
Sickies: Yoongi and Hoseok
Caretakers: Yoongi and Hoseok
Hoseok and Yoongi stand in front of the trees with orange and yellow leaves. They're wearing all black and sporting long wool coats. They both embrace each other and the photographer loves their acting. "Yes, that's perfect! Take a few more like that!"
But Hoseok and Yoongi aren't acting; they're actually getting cold and huddling together. But if it also fits the theme of their photos, then that's a nice bonus. The rain came down more than predicted and they just did a fall themed photoshoot.
"Alright, that's a wrap! It's coming down pretty hard."
Yoongi and Hoseok both sigh in relief but also can't wait to see how the pictures turn out. It's been a long day but that's the life of an idol.
"Well my hair got wetter than I wanted" Yoongi sighs. "But it was still fun!"
Hoseok takes off his wool coat that's now quite damp. He's feeling cold and that wasn't helping. His voice sounds a bit funny "I think my nose is kinda stuffed." *sniffle*
"Yeah, I'm not feeling so hot either" Yoongi is also sniffling to his own dismay.
"I think we were outside for a little too long.. I can't believe we did that in the rain!"
Hoseok and Yoongi help dry each other off. Hoseok pat dries Yoongi's head with a soft fluffy towel, careful not to mess up his hair more. Yoongi gently pat dries Hobi's face. The younger kept looking up and getting rain in his eyes, which Yoongi found hilarious. After a long day outside they're both ready to hit the hay.
Yoongi is trying to get comfortable in bed but having great difficulty. He keeps randomly waking up and his head feels warm. He's certain that he's catching some kind of cold. He also keeps sneezing and blowing his stuffed up nose, which has been quite annoying.
Hoseok lightly knocks on Yoongi's door that's ajar. "Hyung?" he murmurs.
Yoongi gets startled at the sudden noise but once he sees it's Hoseok he relaxes his shoulders. "Hoba, you're still up too?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry hyung but I can't sleep..and I'm not feeling too well.." the younger says in a small voice.
Yoongi looks at him understanding "awwh, I know what you mean Hoba. Come lay in bed with me, I'm so cold." Yoongi lifts up the blankets and shifts over a bit. Hoseok smiles happily taking the invite. He joins Yoongi in bed and they cuddle together for warmth.
"Hyung, I think you have a slight fever" Hoseok notices. "I think--" he's cut off by a loud messy sneeze. "Ugh, oh my god" Hoseok takes several tissues, not wanting to be seen. Hoseok lost count of how much he's blown his nose. "My nose is a runny faucet. We're gonna need another box!"
When Hoseok gets up to find a new one he's tiptoeing and trying hard not to sneeze too loud. He feels another one coming and tries to muffle it hiding in his arm but doesn't go too well. Hoseok looks at his other members' doors, worried that they'll come out and scold him for making too much noise. But surprisingly no one does to his relief.
While he's up Hoseok makes them both chamomile tea. "Here, hyung" the dancer hands him his mug. "This should help warm us up."
"Ah, thank you Hoba" Yoongi murmurs, smiling cordially. He takes small sips and likes the warmth of it going down.
"I took out the extra blanket. Its fleece so it's soft and comfortable." Yoongi wraps it around Hoseok and himself and they snuggle. "I hope we didn't wake anyone with our sneezing."
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comfortjoonie · 8 months
Snowed In -- PART ONE
sooo excited to share this with you guys! this is part one of my collaboration with the incredibly talented @crystalsnow95z ! Please go check out her page too if you like this, her works are amazing!
Anyways, I'm really sorry for the delay, I've been super busy, but I hope you guys enjoy. This one is really long!
TW: Vomit, fever, sickness
"Woah, too fast! Too fast!" Taehyung squeals, holding onto Jungkook tighter afraid to go flying off the sled. 
Jungkook is having the time of his life, giggling. "It's okay Hyungie."
Jimin flies past them. "Looks like I'll win!" He sings the words, teasing the others.
"No you won't!" Jungkook tries leaning forward to try to go faster, his competitive nature shining through.
Namjoon runs a hand through his hair, wishing he’d brought a hat.  It’s freezing and he was forced to sit here and watch all his members sled down a hill with no end in sight. He wished he just stayed behind, but he didn't want to make the others suspicious and ruin the trip.  How are they not freezing? It's only 10 degrees out. He takes a deep breath as his stomach cramps and watches as Yoongi and Seokjin come up the hill.
“You ok, Joon?” Seokjin asks.  
“I’m cold, hyung,” Namjoon says, taking an opportunity to go home as the snow starts coming down harder.  “Can we go back?"
“...” Seokjin looks at Yoongi. 
“You look sick,” Yoongi says.  “Did you eat anything today?”
Namjoon pauses.  The answer is no.  But he doesn’t want to stress anyone out if they find out he’s not feeling well.
“Of course, hyung.  On the plane, when you guys were asleep.”  Yoongi looks suspicious.
“What’d you eat?”
“A bagel.  Can we please go back?  It’s freezing.”  Namjoon watches the other members come up the hill holding their sleds.
Yoongi looks at the sky.  “It is snowing pretty hard.  Maybe we should head back to the cabin?”
Seokjin shrugs.  “That’s fine with me.  The wind seems to be picking up, too.”  Namjoon sighs in relief.  He was starting to feel really nauseous, and the cold wasn’t helping.  “I’ll go tell the others.”
The cabin isn’t as peaceful as Namjoon had hoped.  In his and Jimin’s shared bedroom, there’s peace, but he can still hear the chatter in the living room and kitchen.  It smells like hot chocolate, which would usually be a great thing, but it’s making him want to throw up now.
His stomach clenched when he heard the door open, Jimin bringing a cup of cocoa into the room. "Hyung, I brought you some cocoa. I wish you would've told me sooner how cold you were.."
"I didn't want to ruin your fun." Namjoon forces himself not to react when Jimin shoves the cup into his hands.
"It'll help you warm up." Jimin smiles warmly.
"Thanks Jiminie…" Cocoa was the last thing he wanted. Namjoon takes a sip, instantly regretting it, his stomach nearly pushed to it's limit, the cramps getting worse. "I was going to take a nap.. I'm still feeling jet lagged from the trip." It took all the strength he had to keep his voice steady.
"Oh, alright then.. I'll let you sleep then. Rest well hyungie." Jimin eyes Namjoon, wondering if he was really okay. He didn't want to bother him though. Not if he wasn't feeling well. As soon as Jimin leaves the room and he hears his footsteps get farther away, he rushes to the bathroom connected to the room, dropping to his knees in front of the toilet, gripping it tightly.  He couldn’t bother to shut the door in his rush.  He breathes for a moment before he starts vomiting.  He can hear some faint yelling over his gagging, but can’t decipher what anyone is saying until a voice gets closer and he hears footsteps coming towards him.  He smells Taehyung’s cologne, and it makes him more nauseous.  He subconsciously pushes the younger away, but he’s too weak to move him anywhere.  Taehyung’s hands go to his back and hair, holding his bangs back and patting him comfortingly.  He hears another pair of footsteps come in the room.  Seokjin, who joins Taehyung on the floor next to their leader.  Namjoon finishes and flushes the toilet, exhausted.
“What happened, hyung?” Taehyung asks.  “How long have you been feeling sick?”
“A few hours…” Namjoon wipes the sweat off his forehead and accepts the cup of water Seokjin hands him, taking a sip.  It makes his stomach cramp instantly as soon as he swallows.
“You should get some rest.”  Seokjin holds out his hand to help Namjoon up, but Namjoon's stomach has other plans, already gagging out the water he just swallowed.
"Are you gonna be sick again?" Seojin asked with a worried expression. Namjoon shakes his head. I don't have the energy..
Seokin trusts his word, helping the youngest rapper to bed with Taehyung's help.
"I wish you told us before we went out.." Taehyung frowns as he watches Seojin strips off Namjoon's sweat soaked shirt.
"I didn't want to ruin everyone's day.." Namjoon says softly, shivering despite his rising fever. "It's cold hyung…"
"I know, I'll get you changed okay?" Seojin quickly goes into Namjoon's suitcase looking for something breathable to put him in.
Taehyung cuddles against Namjoon in the meantime to try to ease the chills, smoothing down his sweat soaked hair. "Hyungie you should know you're more important than some silly snow day."
Taehyung please.. I don't want to cuddle you right now.. Namjoon covers his face, stomach churning at the scent of Taehyung’s shirt.
Taehyung takes the hint, moving away from him, trying to hide his hurt expression. "I'm sorry Hyung.." 
"Namjoon-ah just doesn't feel well right now, don't take it personally Tae.." Seojin gently redresses Namjoon, covering him up with just the top sheet.
"Is Namjoonie hyung okay?" The soft voice of Jimin is heard in the doorway, Jungkook peering over him.
"He'll be fine, don't come in, and take Taehyungie with you."
 "I just wanted to help Hyung.." Taehyung says looking down at his hands. But Namjoon doesn't even want me near him..
"You can help. Why don't you see if you can find any medicine?" Seokjin gives him a task to try to ease Namjoon's rejection.
The three youngest leave together, the room getting quiet again. "Try to get some sleep for now.." Seokjin traces small circles across Namjoon’s stomach.
"I don't know if I can..it hurts.." Namjoon groans softly as his stomach gurgles again. 
"Just try for me okay?" Seokjin runs his fingers to Namjoon's hair. "What if I sing for you?"
"What..? I'm not a child.." Namjoon considered it for a split second before feeling embarrassed.
"I know.. but it might help you sleep."
Namjoon wondered if Seokjin was lying to make him more open to the idea or if it was true, but before he could ask Seokjin started singing softly to him, gently drawing shapes on his bloated middle the youngest rapper falling into a restless sleep.
"Hyungie I can't find any tummy medicine but I found pain pills for headache.." Jungkook entered the room, freezing in place when he sees Namjoon's eyes flutter open.
"Shh Jungkook.." Seokjin narrows his eyes, stroking Namjoon's back softly to try to get him back to sleep, but it was too late.
"Sh*t.. I'm sorry Hyungie.." Jungkook bows, guilt gnawing at his belly.
Namjoon groans in pain and Jungkook winces.  “Hyung,” he mumbles, looking at Seokjin.  “Hurts…”  His stomach is killing him.  He can’t remember having something like this before.  The pain is horrible.  Seokjin puts his hand over Namjoon’s stomach and rubs it lightly, but Namjoon pulls it away.  “Ahh…” he grimaces, frowning when he sees Jungkook.  “Jungkook-ah…” he mumbles before another cramp hits him, twisting his stomach and making him moan in pain again.
“I brought some headache medicine.  Does your head feel ok?” Jungkook asks cautiously.  Namjoon blows out a breath slowly, controlled.
“It hurts,” he says softly.  It’s not a terrible headache, but the pain in his stomach might get better with painkillers.
Jungkook approaches the bed and hands Namjoon two red pills, which he puts in his mouth and takes the glass of water from the bedside table and drinks it.  He instantly regrets it, feeling nausea rise up his throat.  He’s freezing cold again, which doesn’t help.
“You’re shivering, Joonie,” Seokjin says softly, putting his hand on Namjoon’s forehead.  “You’re burning up…”
“I’m freezing,” Namjoon says.  “I need more blankets.”
“We can’t do that, Namjoon,” Seokjin says.  
“We can give him a hot bath so he can sweat the fever out,” Jungkook suggests.
“Does that work?” Seokjin asks.
“My mom used to do it for me,” Jungkook says.  Seokjin sighs.
“I don’t know if I want to risk it.  It could just make his fever way higher,” he says.
           "We have to try something.. we can take him out if it looks like he's doing worse.."
“Joonie, how does a hot bath sound?” Seokjin asks.  Namjoon nods.
“Let’s go,” Seokjin helps Namjoon up and to the bathroom, starting to run the water.  Namjoon leans against the wall with his arms across his stomach and eyes shut.  His stomach hurts so bad, and the nausea from taking the pills is getting worse.  He doesn’t know if this bath will upset his stomach more.  He’s too freezing cold to decline it though.  He’s shirtless and only wearing his pants and boxers, but he’s sweating like crazy.  He sits back and tries not to throw up for the time being until he hears Seokjin turn off the faucet.
“Stand up, Joonie, let’s take off your pants.”  Namjoon follows, standing shakily and placing a hand on the wall to hold himself from collapsing.  Seokjin gently pulls his pants off, leaving his boxers on.  Namjoon always prefers to be modest, even in a situation like this, Seokjin knows he’d rather keep his boxers on.  Seokjin guides the younger into the bathtub.  Namjoon visibly relaxes at the heat of it, but Seokjin can hear his stomach make an uncomfortable gurgling sound.  Namjoon places a hand over it and leans back against the edge of the bathtub.  He’s absolutely exhausted.  The hot water feels nice on his shivering body, but he’s worried it’ll make his temperature rise.  Seokjin cups water in his hand and gently pours it over Namjoon’s hair.  Namjoon jolts in surprise, his stomach gurgling audibly again, and his eyes fly open.  He looks nauseous again.  Seokjin strokes his hair.  “You’re okay, Joonie, he says.”  Namjoon shakes his head, panicked.
“Hyung–I’m gonna be sick.”
“Just breathe, Joonie,” Seokjin says.  “In…out…in…out…” Namjoon follows, relaxing a bit.  “Good job.  Just relax, I’ll wash your hair.”  Namjoon shivers visibly.  Seokjin puts a hand to the younger’s forehead.  “Sh*t…I knew it.  Your fever is getting worse.”
       Seokjin washes him up as quickly as possible, but he wasn't fast enough.
        Namjoon tried to warn him, his stomach forcing out the water he used to wash down the pills, covering his mouth to keep from getting sick in the water, desperately leaving the water to reach the toilet, soaking the floor in the process.
       "Sh*t..Namjoon-ah.." Seokjin wraps a towel around his shoulders, gently trying to dry him off as the pills he just swallowed come back up, splashing into the water.
      Namjoon continued to dry heave until more sick comes up, making his abdomen throb painfully.
       "You need to breathe..Namjoon.. take a deep breath for me."
        Namjoon takes a deep breath, then another, relaxing when the dry heaving dies down, just laying on the wet tile floor.
      "You need to get properly dried off." Seokjin urges, trying to get Namjoon to sit up, but Namjoon flinched away from the olders touch.
       "Just..just a minute..please…?" Namjoon's head was spinning, the nausea still swirling in the pit of his stomach.
       I knew it wasn't a good idea..Seokjin sighs, getting another towel to do his best to dry Namjoon without him moving, fluffing his hair against the towel.
       "I'm so tired…" Namjoon says between deep breaths, trying to keep his stomach under control.
        "I know. Let's get you to bed. Okay? You can't sleep here.." Seokjin once again gently pushes Namjoon to sit up, relieved when Namjoon doesn't fight against him.
        "Did it work?" Jungkook asks, his heart tightening when he sees Namjoon. Oh no.. I made it worse…
         Namjoon was hardly awake his cheeks flushed with fever shivering violently, Seokjin basically dragging him to the bed. 
           "Find me clothes for him." Seokjin orders. "Please.."
            Jungkook ruffles through Namjoon's suitcase, pulling out a pair of sweats and a plain white t-shirt. "Here Hyung.."
          "Is..is there anything else I could…could do to help?" Jungkook felt his throat tightening, his emotions threatening to spill over.
          "No. I got it from here." Seokjin dismisses him, wishing that he didn't try his idea. He didn't want to take his frustration on the young maknae. All he wanted to do was help. One of the others will comfort him. 
          Jungkook nods leaving the room.
          "Cold…" Namjoon mumbles as Seokjin takes off his wet undergarments.
           "I'll get you warmed up, just try to work with me for just a minute." Seokjin struggled to lift him enough to get the sweats on. "Namjoonie you aren't making this easy.." 
              "I'm sorry.." Namjoon says softly, trying to help by holding himself up with one arm as Seokjin gets the shirt on him, only lasting a few seconds before another wave of dizziness washes over him, making his stomach woozy one more. "Hyung.. dizzy.." He softly moans.
           Seokjin stops what he's doing to hold Namjoon close to him, wincing when his bare skin touched his arm. "I got you, you're okay.. you're okay.." Seokjin strokes his damp hair.
             "Make it stop.." Namjoon whines softly.
             "I would if I could baby.. just bear it a little longer. It'll pass.." Seokjin speaks softly, running his hand down Namjoon's back lightly scratching.
Namjoon held onto Seokjin tightly until the feeling passes, collapsing into him when his body finally relents.
            "Are you okay Joon?" Seojin asked barely above a whisper, getting no response. "Namjoon?" He repeats a little louder, gently moving Namjoon away from his chest biting his lip when he sees the unconscious rapper in his arms, unsure on if Namjoon simply fell asleep, or if he fainted. I need to do something..
           Seokjin looks up home remedies for fever on his phone, willing to try anything to give at least a little relief to his leader. Luke warm water. I need to use luke warm water…
          He leaves the bed as quietly as possible, going to the bathroom to get a washcloth, using a cup to fill with water, returning to the bed, folding it neatly across Namjoon's forehead, jumping with Namjoon twitches. 
           "Aiish.." He covers his mouth, not meaning to make a sound. Good..he's still out.. Seokjin sighs, refreshing the cloth everytime Namjoon's feverish skin made it warm again. 
        I'll have to see if I can get him to drink water when he's up again.. Seokjin makes a mental note.
         "How is he?" Hoseok whispers, peeking into the room. "Jungkookie was really upset.."
           "I'm not sure.." Seokjin sighs. "Is Jungkook okay? I didn't mean to be so harsh on him. I'm just stressed out.”
            "Jiminie and Taehyungie are cheering him up. They were driving me up the wall with all their concerns. I'm glad they're distracted now.." Hoseok couldn't look at Namjoon. Seeing his members in pain broke his heart. "Is there anything I could do to help?"
              "He's sweating so much, he's going to dehydrate.. could you see if we have anything like vitamin water?"
“Sure.  I’ll be right back.”  Hoseok leaves the room and Seokjin brushes the blonde hair off Namjoon’s sweaty face. 
“Joonie, wake up for me, please,” he says softly, patting Namjoon’s cheek gently.  Namjoon’s eyes flutter open and he groans in pain.
“Hyung…” he mumbles.  “It hurts…”
“I know, Joon.  Where does it hurt?”  Namjoon rips the towel off his forehead and turns to his side.
“Stomach…head…” Namjoon groans again and wraps his arms around his stomach.  Seokjin rubs his back gently. 
“You’re okay, Joon.  You need to try and drink a little, or you’ll get dehydrated.”  Seokjin can already see Namjoon is sweating heavily again.  “Let me rub your stomach,” he says, placing a hand on Namjoon’s belly.
“No, hyung…” Namjoon mutters, pushing it away.
“What can I do to make you feel better?”
“Nothing,” Namjoon says.
“Can I hold you?” Seokjin asks.  Namjoon shakes his head furiously.  Seokjin feels useless.  He knows Namjoon isn’t a fan of physical affection, but usually when he’s sick he’ll tolerate it.  This is different though.  Seokjin hasn’t seen Namjoon this sick in a long time.  Seokjin sighs as he hears a whimper and sees a tear running down Namjoon’s cheek.  “You’re okay, Joonie,” he says softly, wiping the tear off Namjoon’s face with his sleeve.  Namjoon winces at the texture on his sensitive skin.
“Hyung…” he whines.
“Sorry, Joon,” Seokjin whispers, pressing a chaste kiss to Namjoon’s forehead.  He’s still burning hot from the fever.  “Can I put the wet towel back on you?” he asks, and Namjoon nods.  Seokjin gently places it back on the younger’s forehead, rubbing his back.  He feels bad for being snappy with Jungkook, but he’s frustrated at how much worse the maknae’s idea made Namjoon’s fever.  He doesn’t know what to do.
“Hyung?” Hoseok walks in with a bottle of Pocari Sweat.  “I have this…”
“Perfect, Hobi.  Thank you.”  Seokjin takes the bottle and hands it to Namjoon.  “Sit up, Joon.”  Namjoon weakly pulls himself up, moaning at the pain it causes.  He puts the bottle to his lips, slowly drinking the gel inside.  It tastes awful and makes him feel even more nauseous despite how nice it feels on his scratchy throat.  After emptying a quarter of the bottle, Namjoon hands it back to Seokjin.  
“H-hyung,” Namjoon mumbles.
“What is it, Joonie?”
“I’m so cold…”
“Can I hold you?” Seokjin asks again, and this time, Namjoon nods.  Seokjin lays down next to Namjoon, pulling him close and rubbing his back slowly.
“Aish…you’re burning,” he says.  “I don’t know what to do with you.”
“Is there anything else you need?” Hoseok asks.
“We’re okay, Hobi.  Thank you.”
“Hobah..” Namjoon says.
“I’m here, Joonie,” he says.
Namjoon whines softly.  “Don’t go.”
“You…want me to stay?” Hoseok smiles, but Namjoon doesn’t respond.  Seokjin feels Namjoon’s body go limp in his arms, his breathe getting slower.
“He’s sleeping now,” Seokjin whispers, rubbing Namjoon’s back.
About 30 minutes pass by with Hoseok sitting on the chair in the corner and Seokjin cuddling Namjoon.  “What time is it, Hobi?” Seokjin asks.  Hoseok looks at his phone.
“It’s 6:00, hyung.  I’m really hungry,” Hoseok responds.
“Me too…”
“We should go have dinner,” Hoseok says.  Seokjin hesitates. 
“I don’t wanna leave Joon here by himself…what if he wakes up and panics?”
“Hyung, he’s dead asleep.  We both need to eat.” Seokjin nods and pulls away from Namjoon slowly, being careful not to wake the leader.  The two go to the kitchen where they find that Taehyung has cooked dinner for them.
“How’s Namjoon-hyung?” Jungkook asks.  His eyes are red.  He’s been crying.
“He’s…he’s sleeping,” Seokjin says honestly.  “Jungkook…I’m sorry I was so harsh with you.”
Jungkook smiles.  “It’s okay, hyung.  I’ve already eaten.  I can go check on him,” he says.  Seokjin nods.
“Let me know if he’s doing bad again.”  Jungkook nods and walks over to Namjoon and Jimin’s room, sighing as he sees his leader shaking in his sleep.
           "I'm sorry Hyungie.." Jungkook whispers softly as he checks the cloth on his forehead, already warm again from Namjoon's feverish skin. I made it worse.. Jungkook sniffles, forcing his tears away. I don't have time to feel bad.. I need to do something..
         Jungkook wets the washcloth again, slowly running it over Namjoon's skin, wiping down his arm then across his exposed collar bone.
         "Mn…Hyung..cold…" Namjoon complains softly in his sleep voice coming out in a low husky tone.
          Jungkook stops in his tracks, putting it back in place on his forehead. I don't want to wake him up, but I can't just sit here and do nothing.. He sighs in frustration, gently playing with Namjoon’s soaked hair.  Namjoon’s face twists in discomfort and he rolls onto his side.  Jungkook can tell Namjoon is about to be sick by the sounds his stomach is making and how pale he’s getting.  He rubs the older’s back, hoping for it to maybe, just maybe go away after a few minutes.  Namjoon’s back is burning hot.  Jungkook wants to take his shirt off, or pull the blankets off, or something to help reduce his temperature.  He knows it’s his fault that Namjoon’s fever got even higher, and the guilt is killing him.
            He rubs Namjoon’s back comfortingly as he hears the leader groan in discomfort.  Namjoon’s eyes open, and Jungkook can tell he’s about to pass out, throw up, or both.
           "Hyung, do you need help up?" Jungkook asks in a small voice when he notices Namjoon sitting up, but he doesn't answer, trying to rush to the bathroom, staggering towards the bathroom.
          Jungkook tries to help, trying to grab his arm to help lead him, but Namjoon pushes him away.
           "No.. go.." Namjoon manages to force the words out hoarsely. He had already gotten sick in front of Taehyung. He wasn't going to add Jungkook to that list. 
             Jungkook watches him shut the door, hearing Namjoon heaving from the other side of the door. I need to get Seokjin-hyungie.. He rushes into the kitchen where the older boys were eating.
           "Namjoonie-hyung is getting sick again. He shut me out, I need help!" Jungkook says without taking a breath. Seokjin went to get up from his half eaten meal, but Yoongi stops him. 
            "I'll go. You eat. I'll handle it hyung." Yoongi rushes to the bathroom, going to Namjoon's side, rubbing his hand across Namjoon's back as he heaves.
             "Jun…Jungkook I said-" His words are cut off by another round of sick spilling into the bowl.
             "Namjoon-ah, it's me and I'm not leaving." Yoongi tells him firmly. 
Namjoon relaxes a little, feeling comfort from Yoongi's presence. "It'll be over soon. Just try to breathe Namjoon."
Namjoon takes deep breaths between gags, collapsing against Yoongi as they die down.
           "Sh*t Namjoon, you're burning up.." Yoongi swears, grabbing for a piece of toliet paper to wipe across the edges of Namjoon's mouth. "I need you to drink some water for me Joon."
 Namjoon shakes his head. I don't want to throw up again.
            "I know it sucks, but you'll only get worse if you don't. Come on Namjoon.." 
Yoongi gently props Namjoon against the bathtub, quickly moving to the sink to get a cup of water. 
            "Yoongi-yah…no…" Namjoon argues when Yoongi puts the cup by his lips.
            "Namjoon please, just try." Yoongi tried to hide the desperation in his voice. It's been years since he's seen Namjoon this bad. "Just a sip."
Namjoon takes a few sips, washing the awful taste from his mouth and soothing his raw throat, but it already felt like a stone in his stomach, turning his head away.
"Good job Joon, that's all I wanted.."Yoongi gently pulls Namjoon to his feet, struggling to move him forward. Namjoon was hardly conscious, being mostly dead weight. "Stay with me a little longer okay?" 
Namjoon tried his best to stay up, but he used the last of his energy. The older rapper just barely makes it to the bed before Namjoon stopped holding onto him, almost making both of them topple to the floor. "Fu*k Namjoon..you're heavy.."
Namjoon murmurs an apology. Yoongi takes off Namjoon's shirt, taking advantage of his lack of power to fight against him, finding the rag and wiping it across Namjoon's scorching back. 
Namjoon had his eyes closed, but he didn't look anywhere near peaceful. His breathing was labored and his hand was still wrapped tightly around his lower abdomen, an upset gurgle coming from it the sips of water sitting uncomfortably in his stomach.
"Poor Joon-ah.."Yoongi whispers, wiping the cloth across Namjoon's shoulders, across the back of his neck then going down his arm. I need to get his fever down…
"Hyung..will you lay with me?" Yoongi jumps in surprise when he hears the hoarse whisper of Namjoon.
"Sh*t..you scared me.. i thought you were out.."
"I can't sleep.. it hurts.." Namjoon whines.
"I know, I know..Let me wash you up first, okay? I need to cool you down first. ." Yoongi does the best he can to wash off the sweat, his heart tightening when he sees Namjoon trembling, despite his high fever.
"It's cold.." Namjoon grabs onto Yoongi's wrist to stop him. "Please Hyungie.." Namjoon's voice comes out sounding much younger.
Yoongi stops in his tracks. "You're really sick Joon-ah.. Alright.. come here.." He takes a seat next to him, holding out his arms.
Namjoon cuddles up to him, Yoongi forcing himself not to flinch when he feels his hot skin brush against him. He's already sticking to me.. He couldn't recall the last time Namjoon cuddled up to him. He wasn't known for being the cuddly type like Taehyung or Jimin. It just made him worry more.
"It hurts Hyung.." Namjoon whimpers, clutching his stomach when another ripple of pain tears through his stomach.
Yoongi reaches slowly, rubbing his hand across Namjoon’s stomach to try to ease the pain, feeling it tightening underneath his palm. 
Namjoon moans in time with a harsh cramp, and Yoongi shushes him.  “You're ok, shh, Joonie,” he says softly.
“Ahh…hurts…” he whines.  Yoongi presses down harder, trying to work out a cramp, and Namjoon curses under his breath.  “Hyung…f*ck, it hurts so much.”  Yoongi can see Namjoon starting to shiver.
“What should we do, Joonie?”
“Don’t know…” Namjoon sighs.  He’s too weak to even sit up.  His brain is foggy and he has no idea what would make him feel better.  The pain is getting worse every second and he’s not sure how much longer he’s going to be able to take this.  Barely anything works on his sensitive stomach.
“I can get some painkillers for you, Joonie, but I really don’t know what to do beyond that.”
“Get Jimin,” Namjoon says, his speech slurring.  Jimin always knows how to cuddle him just the right way when he’s sick, just the right sweet things to say to make him feel a little less miserable and get his spirits up a tiny bit.
         "Alright Namjoon." Yoongi gently escapes from the sick rapper, leaving to get Jimin. 
         "What's wrong? Has he gotten worse?" Jin asks, ready to spring up to go back to Namjoon's side.
          "He has, but he wants Jimin.." Yoongi states. 
           "What? He asked for me?" Jimin's eyes widen in surprise. 
          "I think he just wants to be comforted. I'm not the best at that.." Yoongi scratches the back of his neck shyly. "I tried my best. It's your turn now."
Jimin gets a water bottle to take with him, hoping he could get him to drink at least a little bit."Hyungie, I'm here.."
            "Minah…" Namjoon's voice comes out soft, the first part of his name getting cut off by a whimper.
Jimin puts the water down, curling around Namjoon. I don't want to stress him out more. He wanted cuddles, that's what I'll give him. He's so hot though..
          "My poor Hyungie, it's okay.. It's okay.." Jimin runs his hand up and down Namjoon's side with his gentle touch, leaning his head on him. "We'll get you feeling better soon.." 
Namjoon wasn't processing what Jimin was saying to him, but he enjoyed Jimin's soothing tone.
          "We'll think of something to make you feel better. Maybe we can find a good mix of herbal tea.." Jimin continues just saying sweet nothings, gently rubbing his face against Namjoon's cheek. He's hardly conscious.. Jimin bites the inside of his cheek, just barely letting his fingers brush against Namjoon's belly, smiling softly when he feels some of the tension in Namjoon's body let up. "That's it Hyungie, relax.. I'll still be here when you wake up, just try to sleep for now.."
Namjoon relaxes, and after some time, he falls asleep.
Jimin leaves when he sees that Namjoon is comfortably asleep, going into the living room and seeing all of the other members.
“How is he?” Seokjin asks.
“He’s asleep.  I think we should take him to the hospital, though.  He’s burning hot and in a lot of pain.”
“I don’t think we can, Jiminie…” Seokjin says.  “It’s a blizzard outside.  We can’t even see five feet out of the window.”
“And our cell phones aren’t working.” Jungkook frowns, empathizing his point by showing Jimin his phone.
           "We're lucky all this snow hasn't knocked the power out.." Yoongi adds in.
            "Yoongi-hyung, don't you jinx us!" Taehyung frets. "We're having enough trouble already.."
            "We have to think of something.."  J-hope sighs in frustration. 
             "We're doing all we can. At least he's sleeping.." Seokjin looks around the room at the members. I have to do something. Everyone's stressed..
               "Maybe, maybe we can go out on our own. If we drive really really slowly. It's better than just sitting around watching him slowly get worse." Jungkook whines desperately, staring at the flurry of snowflakes out the window.
               "You know we can't do that.." Seokjin tries to comfort Jungkook, but be jerked away from his touch.
"But Namjoonie-hyung needs medicine..he's burning up with fever and he can't even sleep with his stomach constantly making him feel sick. We have to try!" Jungkook says with frustration, clenching his fists together. "We can't just do nothing!"
"We're doing all we can, there's no way we can drive in that storm. You can't even see the trees right outside the window. It's too dangerous Koo." Jin tries to calm Jungkook by stroking his hair, this time accepting his touch. Jungkook sighs, taking a few breaths to calm himself. 
"What if we walk?" Jungkook looks hopelessly at Jin, already knowing the answer, tears swelling up.
"No way." Yoongi answers for Jin. "Are you trying to get lost in this mess? The nearest town is miles away. You'll end up with hypothermia before you even get halfway." 
The boys stop their arguing when they hear Namjoon heaving again, Jin rushing back into the bathroom, kneeling beside Namjoon who had his head in the toliet bowl. "Namjoon-ah, it's okay..it's okay.. Hyung is here." Jin rubs his back and Namjoon spits into the toilet, only saliva coming up. Hyung, make it stop, it hurts so much.. Namjoon couldn't get the words out, only a small whimper coming as he holds his sore middle, his muscles finally pushing up acid, burning his throat.
"I know, I know, just try to breathe for me okay?" Jin scratches his nails lightly across Namjoon’s back.  Namjoon tries, but he’s too distressed to breathe properly.  Namjoon gags empty, whimpering.
“It hurts,” he says softly.  
“Shh…I know, Joon.  You’ll be okay.  I’m here.  I’ll keep you safe.”  Namjoon finds comfort in that, calming down a bit.  Seokjin puts his hand on Namjoon’s forehead.  Sh*t.  You’re even hotter than before.  I don’t know what to do…” he says softly.  “We might have to give you a cold bath.”
“No…” Namjoon says.  “Please, no…”
Seokjin is about to say something, but suddenly, the lights start flickering. 
“Hyung?” Namjoon’s voice is deep, but he sounds scared.  The lights shut off, and Seokjin can’t hold back a curse under his breath.  He hears footsteps come to the bathroom and Yoongi shines his phone’s flashlight at them.  “Sh*t…you guys too?”  Namjoon winces at the light and Seokjin nods.
“There’s some candles in the kitchen…” Taehyung comes up behind Yoongi.  Namjoon turns away from the light.  His head is hurting again, the bright lights not helping.  
“Let’s get him to bed,” Seokjin says.  Taehyung comes over and helps Namjoon up, the two of them bringing Namjoon to his bed with Yoongi behind him.  Namjoon instantly rolls to his side, completely exhausted and still feeling nauseous.  Taehyung lays next to him and rubs his hand up and down his hyung’s burning back.  Namjoon sighs at the feeling of Taehyung’s hand.  It feels nice, but he’s still not comfortable with his stomach rolling and head pounding.  
“Do we have medicine?” Yoongi asks Seokjin.
“Namjoon might have some Ibuprofen,” he says.  “For his migraines.”  Namjoon shakes his head hard.
“I’m not taking anything…my stomach is killing me.”  Taehyung puts his hand on Namjoon’s stomach, feeling it tense and cramp every few seconds.  “Poor hyungie…” he says softly, rubbing gently.  Namjoon seems to relax at the touch, breathing more slowly.
“Your fever is gonna make you worse, Joonie.  You could pass out.  Or start hallucinating,” Seokjin says.  “Just try to take some and don’t throw up for an hour or so and you’ll start feeling better.”  Namjoon doesn’t want to.  He doesn’t want to faint or start hallucinating, but he really doesn’t want to throw up again.  Everything hurts and he’s exhausted, but he can’t sleep with how uncomfortable he is.
“Please, Joonie-hyung,” Taehyung says, and Namjoon shakes his head.  Jungkook comes into the room with two lit candles and places them on the dresser.  “What’s going on?” he asks.
“We’re trying to get Namjoon to take some medicine but he won’t..” Yoongi says.  Jungkook frowns in sympathy, then sits on the bed facing namjoon, running a hand through his sweaty hair.
“Can you please try to take a little, hyung?” Jungkook asks, looking at Namjoon with round worried eyes.  “You’ll feel better if you do.”  He knows Namjoon and his soft spot can’t say no to him, even when he’s feeling like this. 
Namjoon sighs. I can't say no when he looks at me like that.. "Alright..I'll try.."
Seokjin brightens up, quickly getting medicine from the bottle before he changes his mind. "Here Joon." He places the pill on Namjoon's tongue, quickly getting him a sip of water to help swallow it down. Please just drink a little more…
Namjoon takes a few mouthfuls of water before turning away from his eldest hyung."No more.."
"That's okay, you did good.." Taehyung smiles softly, gently rubbing his fingertips across Namjoon's cramping stomach.
"Thank you hyung." Jungkook says softly.
"I'm so tired.." Namjoon says in a hoarse whisper.
"Then we'll let you sleep.. Do you want me to take Taehyungie with us?" Seokjin asks, ready to remove the clingy vocalist but Namjoon shakes his head, still feeling guilty for how he treated him earlier.
"He's okay.."
"Get me if there's any change Tae. Take care of him." Seokjin gathered up the others and leaves the two alone.
Namjoon slowly started to drift off, his migraine becoming more manageable. Taehyung was humming as soft as he could as he continues to make feather light touches on Namjoon’s cramping belly. 
Taehyung stops when he hears Namjoon start to snore. He's finally asleep, but for how long? He uses his sleeve to try to wipe some of the sweat off of Namjoon's brow. He's still sweating..
Taehyung reaches for the wet cloth slowly, fearful that the slightest wrong move would wake him, just barely grabbing it from the tag, wiping it gently over Namjoon’s body.
Just when Taehyung thought Namjoon was finally starting to recover, he felt his muscles tensing up again, the older quickly sitting up. "Taehyung.." His voice came out as a pained groan as another wave of nausea hits like a tidal wave, making him gag, mouth filling with hot sick, his cheeks puffing out.
 "Hyung hold on I'll get-" Taehyung was too late, as he rushed to get the waste bin from the floor Namjoon had already started trying to scramble over him as his body pushes up more sick than he could hold down getting it on Taehyung, the side of the bed, then finally the bin on the floor, trying to prop himself up by his elbows. The pressure he was putting on his own stomach only worsened the pain, causing tears to run down his cheeks.
"Oh no Hyung.." Taehyung runs his hand down Namjoon's spine, feeling it arch as he continues to heave.
"Se-seokjinnie-hyung!" Taehyung yells coming out shaky with panic. "Yoongi-h-hyung!"
The two eldest run into the room Yoongi slowly lifting the bin from the floor keeping it by Namjoon’s face as Seokjin helped him sit up again. "Aiigo Namjoon-ah.. you're okay, you're okay.."
"N..no.." Namjoon sobs, all the stress on his body catching up with him. "I..i..can't do..do..ev..ev…" Another heave comes, cutting him off, only adding to his frustration causing even more tears to flow.  Seokjin rubs his back gently.
“You’re okay…”  Namjoon wipes his eyes and leans back.
“What happened, Taehyung?” Yoongi asks, taking the bin from Namjoon.
“He just woke up like this…and started vomiting.  I have no idea what happened.”  Seokjin uses a tissue from the side table to wipe Namjoon’s forehead from sweat.
“You’re burning hot, Joonie…we’re gonna have to give you a cold bath…”
Namjoon shakes his head.  “Please…no…I’m freezing…” Namjoon’s eyes look glassy and his usually tan skin is pale.
Seokjin glances at Yoongi, who shrugs.  “I think we have to…”
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mikrokoskooks · 10 months
Hii could you write Namjoon with a high fever and vomiting and caretaker of your choice?
Sorry the request took so long but here it is :).
Sickie: Namjoon
Caretaker:Yoongi and slight Hoseok
From the moment Yoongi woke up this morning he knew there something was wrong with Namjoon. Now yes that may sound weird or slightly rude but the rapper had his reasons, You see Namjoon and Yoongi have known each other and have been roommates for ages. For so long in fact that they know each others sleeping positions.
So when Yoongi noticed his dongsaeng twisting and turning uncomfortably in his bed the night before, he knew something probably wasn't right as Namjoon sleeps still and spread out in the sheets. 'What could be up with him' he wonders, pulling the covers over his head to think before dozing back off.
*Beep beep beep*
namjoon's alarm goes off shocking the older man awake, he looks down at the time it's 7:30 everyone needs to be up and ready before eight or they'll be late to dance practice. He stretches and makes his way to the bathroom, he glances over at Namjoon's bed to see it empty, he must have woken up before the alarm so he's probably downstairs.
Or at least that's what Yoongi thought before he opened the bathroom to see Namjoon's pale figure hunched over the sink. "Joon? Are you okay?" Yoongi asks in concern gently placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. The sudden touch makes namjoon lurch forward causing him to spit a string of yellow bile into the sink.
The younger rapper wipes his mouth and points to the thermometer on the counter, "I think I'm sick" he mumbles in response. Yoongi grabs the small device and reads the temperature, "38.5 degrees. That's not good buddy.." Namjoon moans softly in agreement before letting out another mouthful of vomit.
Before yoongi can ask his next question the bathroom door suddenly swings open, it's Hoseok and he doesn't seem happy. "What are u guys doing up here we have to leave in 10 minutes and you're still not-" Namjoon bends over the sink again throwing up his dinner from last night. "Woah, Namjoon are you okay?" his tone instantly changes.
"Sorry Hobi, I think he's caught some kind of bug?" Yoongi states in all honesty he's not entirely sure what Namjoon's got but he knows it's not good. "Oh no my poor Joonie," Hoseok coos though his tone suddenly becomes a bit more serious "Do you think you'll be able to come to rehearsals and that today?"
" 'M really sorry but I don't think I can hyung, I really don't feel good at all," Namjoon says through a grimace. Hoseok nods and kisses the poorly boy on the top of his head "I'll go tell the others okay, Yoongi can u stay back and look after him?"
Yoongi smiles before answering "Sure I'll take care of him and I'll let the managers know we won't be there as well"
"Alright see you later then hyung " Hobi smiles back and feel better soon Joon!"
"Thanks, Hobi hyung"
Before the other boys leave for dance practice they come to the leader's room and give him goodbye hugs and squeezes, wishing for him to feel better soon and to not get sick anymore.
After they're gone Yoongi brings the sick man a cup of water and some pepto bismol, "Here you go, hopefully, this will calm your stomach down a bit" A small grin spreads across Namjoons face, "I love Pepto Bismol" he mutters. "I know u do silly, Yoongi chuckles, now drink up so u can stop puking every 5 minutes"
"I do not!" Namjoon protests his cheeks and ears lightning up with a tinge of red as he says so.
"Yeah? Well your ears and frankly your stomach says otherwise"
Namjoon laughs and rolls his eyes "Whatever"
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Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I took so long to write this!! Please forgive me and I'm sorry if it wasn't worth the wait! 🙏🏾💜
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sicjimin · 1 year
— Jiminie Face Off —
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a.n : hii ! my first writing after so long .. tbh i feel so rusty, so i apologize if this story isn't any good and just meh. i lost touch to my writing hejsjdjks anyway you all must have know already that this based on jimin's last live. ( i hope he's feeling well already :(( ) anyway .. enjoy !
"Do we still have schedule after this?", Jimin asks as soon as he finished changing his clothes—throwing himself to the couch, closing his eyes, as his hand weakly move to remove his eyeshadow and eyeliner , at the same time still trying to catch his breath and calmed down the adrenaline that's rushing in his body after the recording. His head pounds rhytmically to his heartbeat.
"No .. we're done for today", The manager cleared it, gaining a hum from the artist. "Are you okay, Jimin-ssi?"
"Mhm", Jimin slowly pushed himself up, with a low groan, as his muscles starts to ache. He really pushed himself hard the last few days. Good thing today is the last schedule of his promotions. "Can we go home now?", he asked, blinking rapidly to refocused his sight.
Why is the room spinning a little?
"Yes yes, we can"
The manager stood up from his seat on the couch next to Jimin, holding out a hand for Jimin to take. It takes him few seconds before he finally takes it, standing up on his own two feet. The world was spinning again. He squeezed his eyes shut once more, leaning his forehead as he gently massaged it—can't help a low whimper escapes his mouth.
“Jimin-ssi .. what's wrong?”, the manager asked, concerned. Jimin shakes his head, pressing his lips together.
“No no .. it's fine, just stood up too fast“, he mumbled, not looking at the other man. The manager nods in understanding and guides them to the parking lot of the building.
Jimin leaned on his seat when the security opened the car door for him, immediately closing his eyes yet again—feeling exhaustion hits on him in a full blast. His body starting to hurts—as he plans to catch a good few minutes nap until he arrived to his apartment. It's an hour and half drive anyway, that's good enough to sleep.
He could feel a small headache starting to build at the back of his skull. He sighs deeply, bringing his hand to massage around his temple, feeling the car starts moving. He makes a mental note to take medicine as soon as he arrived—preventing it to become a full blown migraine that he should have seen it coming after working himself to exhaustion.
He has been on it for a month full, without a break if he thinks about it. Completing the album, prerecording then and there, photoshoots, etc etc. Truthfully speaking, it wasn't that hard. Just in some days like this, when everything is almost over, it dawned on him—like his body finally let it to get loose. And he knows he gonna fall sick sooner or later. It always been like that for him.
The manager didn't say much on their drive. It doesn't surprise Jimin in anyway. They were used to such silences between each other—the driver was just too focused on driving to really talk. Sometimes the silence will stretch, sometimes they'd be having some quiet conversations but mostly, it's just a silent ride. Jimin usually can't stand it—most of days he attempt to make few conversation, either it's about his schedule, or asking about his manager's children. Even it didn't last long, they still have talked. Anything. But now he's grateful at his manager silent demeanor. He's just exhausted, mentally and physically drained. He's not sure if he can let out anything other than groan or a whine.
Jimin had no idea where are they right now and how long it have been, when the familiar nausea creeps onto his stomach. He groans quietly, as his hands moves from his head to clutch at his stomach—his breathing getting shallow as he gulps the bile that starts rising in his throat. He tries to breathe evenly and slowly through his mouth—remembering his doctor instructions, while cursing himself to overestimated his motion sickness—hoping it'll keep it away. He didn't want to accept defeat and vomit right now. That would just be embarrassing.
"Hyung", He croaked out after taking 5 consecutive deep breaths, but get a futile results as saliva keeps filling his mouth. Making his tongue thicker and bland. It's uncomfortable.
He squints his eyes, as the light from the outside becomes too bright for him. "Yes? Do you need anything?", the manager said, turning around to look at him. Jimin blinked his eyes, "Do you have mint candy?", He tried to hide a grimace when another wave hit his guts, forcing him to bite his lower lip to keep his lunch in bay.
His manager—has been working too long for him— frowned. Knowing that the question usually meant nothing good. "Are you feeling sick?", he inquired, voice laced with worry as he rummages over his bag, and hands the artist few candies.
Jimin quickly plops one to his mouth, and taking a deep breath. Letting the fresh minty and sweet flavor filling his mouth to battle against the bland one. There was no point to lie, since the manager knew him that well anyway. "Just a bit", he muttered under his breath. "It's fine"
"Want water?", Jimin shook his head, the thought of drinking making his stomach swirls and bloated. "I will just sleep, wake me up if we're arrived", he whispered, and he heard the older sigh heavily. "Okay"
It didn't take long for him to fall asleep—but also didn't take long to stir awake as nausea looming again. Harder this time. He purses his lips, tried his best to sit up—but the motion made his head spin even more. He took a deep breath and try to ignore the painful throbbing behind his eyes as his heart started pounding erratically against his chest. He felt like he's going to throw up.
Jimin squeezed his eyes again as he pressed his fist against his lips. Trying his hardest to stay calm and collected, taking a few controlled deep breath. But the car isn't stopping yet and with his half awake state—his body reacts faster than his brain. Before he could hold it, a burp that he wants to let out, turns wetter than expected, followed by something burning his throat. He can feel the hot, sour liquid traveling up.
Jimin gasps, quickly tighten his hand around his mouth, as he sits up straight. A wave of nausea hit him when he tries to swallow the bitter taste. He sucked a deep breath.
It feels like he's locked in.
He is dizzy, nauseous, and his stomach clenching painfully. "Hyung?" His words came out muffled due to the grip around his mouth. His manager turned towards him, startled when he sees the younger. He didn't need anymore words, quickly rummaging the dashboard and fetch a plastic bag that they keep for time like this. He quietly swats it open and hands it to Jimin. Jimin shakily takes it, holding it against his mouth, trying his best to hold himself as his vision is already blurry from all the movement of the car.
"Do you want us to pull aside?", The latter speaks carefully. He didn't get an answer—but a quiet moan followed with a burp, and sounds of puke comes to the bag. He winces, then instructing the driver to pull aside as he could hear a new gag from the younger.
A tear ran down his face—"Jimin-ah"
Jimin feels awful. His stomach aches badly as the sickness continues climbing higher. He feels like throwing up over and over and sobs. He hates being sick—feeling the pain in his muscles and back from the long hours he put in adding to the cramps, as his stomach contracts again, sending more of his lunch up to the bag. Putting more weight of everything inside to the mix.
It's awful.
"Here", his manager says, handing a bottle of water which Jimin gratefully takes, taking a small hesitant sip as he could feel his stomach still upset on him actually. He barely aware the weight of the bag has gone from him when the manager quietly takes it. His head is too fuzzy to process anything. "Feel better?", the older asks again, taking the bottle as Jimin hands it to him, slumping over the seat.
He didn't even realized the car has stopped. He weakly lift his head, still hesitant to let go the bag as his manager open the door, letting the fresh air come rushing in. "You want to come out?"
Jimin is not sure if he can stand up right now, so he settles facing outside with still holding the bag tightly, as a new wave of vomit comes rushing up his throat. He coughed and gagged a couple of times before his inside calmed down.
"Yeah". Jimin murmurs, closing his eyes. "Thank you hyung". He feels the manager patting his back softly, before he ushered the younger in and hears his door close again.
When Jimin opened his eyes for the second time, the car has stopped. "Jimin-ah, we're arrived", the older informs, and Jimin hums, rubbing his eyes and yawns as the exhaustion hit him again. "Do you need my help?"
Jimin looks up at his manager with a small smile on his face, "No, thanks hyung. I got it. Go home. Have a good night", he said with a little tired voice.
"Alright", the manager replies with a small nod. "Call if you need anything"
Jimin gave him a small nod before pushing himself off the seat. "Thank you," he says, bowing a little, before the car drive off. He sighs, dragging his body up to his unit, still feeling dizzy as his eyes are a little clouded from sleep. He reaches his floor and enters the room, immediately collapsing on the couch. He falls into it, not bothering to take off his shoes, jacket, or even cleaning up before lying down. Closing his eyes.
He's not sleepy, but he's just too tired and worn out to care about anything. And the pain behind his head and the nausea hasn't gone too. Not even slightly.
He lays down like that for awhile, starting to feel his muscles relaxing, despite there's still cramps then and there. He looked at the clock, it's already 9—and he hasn't eat dinner. He's tempted to skip it and just go to his room to sleep. But there's this lingering hunger in him, as he already let out all of his lunch and maybe even breakfast earlier in the car. He needs to eat something. He huffs, can't help a loud whine that escapes his lips, as he pushes himself to clean up and find something to eat.
He finishes the food in no time, ditching the dishes for him to clean up in the morning, and retreats to his room. Throwing himself up to the bed with ease. He closes his eyes, and lets out a slow heavy breath.
There's only ramyeon. And some egg, that's enough as a complimentary. It wasn't a lot, but its food nonetheless. As he starts eating, he notices that his appetite hasn't gotten any better—even though he's hungry and doesn't have an option but to eat. But he can't really focus. His head feels heavy and he has never felt more tired.
He needs to sleep. No. He wants to sleep.
He's tired. Just...really tired. He feels his whole body slowly drifting off. Maybe sleep will come soon. His hand reaching his forehead, as he rubs at his temples. His entire body is sore and he can feel all the pains from the day weighing upon him. He curls himself small, tucking the blanket up high under his chin as he rests on his side and drifts to dreamland, feeling warmth seeping through his body.
Jimin know he's sick and fucked right then when he stirs awake in the middle of the night—if the darkness of his room is a right indicator—feeling a prickle burn all over his body, but his hands and feets are freezing cold as he curls it further up. He can barely breathe with his nose clogged up. His throat itch but coughing making him nauseous. His muscles aches especially around his neck areas, and his stomach .. the worst of it all—churns painfully. It feels like his guts lodged up around his diaphragm, in his middle, but also filling around it with gas that makes him feel bloated. Jimin whimpered softly.
He huffs when he suddenly feels like he'll vomit anytime soon, feeling a tightness in his chest and the knot tightening, as he feels his stomach twist and turn in protest. He coughs harshly once, trashing his arm to cover his mouth and nose. His dinner was making a jump to the back of his throat.
It feels like he's in the car all over again. Like someone shaking his bed, swaying it left and right, and spins it as nausea batted at him wave by wave. He keeps on rubbing and control his breathing—the thought of waking up and search for something, medicines, or even just candy ; slips through his mind, but he's too dizzy and weak to actualized it— hoping that this simple act could subside the waves of nausea that crash inside him.
He tries to turn to his back, but finds the sudden movement is causing more discomfort and make the headache worse. With a gasp and a low groan, he tries to relax against his pillows. It's awful.
He shifts again, while trying his best to keeping his stomach in bay. He sneaks his cold ice hands under his shirts, and bites the urge to curse as he feels it gurgle beneath his palm. With a wince, he moves his palms in circle motion, careful to not give too much pressure as he's currently trying not to throw up all over his own sheets.
He's tired. Tired enough to finally give in to sleep and allow himself to drift off to unconsciousness for a little while.
And it does. It takes time but it does.
After few harsh wave that sending him gagging all over his palm—threatening ramyeon he just ate to come up. Slowly but surely, the nausea disappears. He stops shifting, letting his hand rest on his stomach—which still feels heavy and tight, but now less painful.
The second time he stirs awake, Jimin assumed he already got enough sleep—if again, the faint sounds of bird and a dimness in his room is anything to go by. But he didn't get to ponder over what time is it or even think where his phone is like he usually did if he wake up, as he already got his mouth full and his hand gripping tightly around it. Brain screaming at him to run run and run, as he tries to untangles himself from the blanket, almost hitting the floor in the process as his dizziness hasn't easing up and standing up too fast is not helping his case.
He barely register anything when he throws himself over the toilet, and hear a splash of mouthful of sick hitting the bowl. He blinks. Taking a deep breath before curled over the toilet with gag, trickles of his dinner flowing freely from his mouth. He shuddered as it burns with the taste of spice. But he didn't get to whine when he burps, then the floodgates opening as a thick stream of undigested noodles plops into the toilet.
Jimin grimaces, squeezing his eyes as tears prickling over it with the horrible sensation filling all his senses. He pants, spitting the thick saliva that dangles over his lower lips, before caught on a deep belch, and a bigger stream coming up and splattering all over the rim of the bowl. He pulls his hand away, coughing hard afterwards and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, wiping away the tears running down his cheeks, the stench of sickness wafting through the bathroom.
He groans, shifting on his heels to get more comfortable as he knows this gonna be a long one. He drag himself to sit straighter before his breath hitched with a sour burp, that continued with deep, strong heaves—pushing all his dinner to come out, mouthful after mouthful, until his stomach was painfully empty and only discolored liquid gurgled up his throat.
Sighing, he drags himself up, ignoring the way his muscles burn and complaint with each movement he makes. He takes two steps towards the sink, turning on the tap before swirling some water into his bitter taste mouth, and throwing it away. He turns off the faucet and looks at himself in the mirror. His face still wet with sweat and red from the fever that still burning on his skin. His hair is sticking to his forehead and his eyelids. His whole person looks terrible as he stares back at his reflection.
By the time he's done, he barely have any energy to flush the mess and clean up himself as he feels weak. He sniffles.
Everything hurts.
With the last remaining energy he had, he curled himself back into the blanket—know well that his fever spikes up yet another notch. He shuts his eyes, and lets himself fall back to sleep.
Jimin grunts loudly, as there's a loud ringing—that he knows coming from his phone— that wokes him up. His room is no longer dim, but full of brightness as sunrays seeping through the curtain. He squints his eyes, the bright light piercing them as he tries his best to open them wider. There's an ache in his head too, probably caused by how his body kept tossing and turning throughout his sleep. He groans again, rolling to his side. His body aches, protesting as he tries to move. He pats his bed blindly, wanting to navigate where his phone is.
The ringing doesn't stop and he opens his mouth as his voice comes out hoarse and scratchy, sounding as rough as the sand in an hourglass after being thrown against a stone and repeatedly hit. "What."
"Oh my god, you're finally awake!" Hoseok's cheerful voice filters through the speaker.
"Mhm", Jimin hums, his brain coming empty with the response.
"Let's go out for lunch! Hyung will pay. There's this restaurant that hyung want to try—", Jimin tunes out as his hyung loud voice continues on, talking about food.
His eyes slowly adjust to the light that streams in through his curtains. "Hyung .. i can't", Jimin mumbles weakly when Hoseok stops on the other side.
"Why? Do you have any promotions left?"
" 'm sick", Jimin replies simply, wincing as his voice cracks from dehydration.
All Jimin remembers were Hoseok's loud gasps, he hang up the phone, and he fall asleep again.
He awakes to a banging sound of his apartment door along with the buzzing of his phone. Jimin's eyes flicker open, adjusting themselves to the bright light streaming in. He blinks rapidly, trying to adjust to the sunlight. His vision is blurry. He blinks again.
Everything is fuzzy. Too blurry. But there's someone that waiting at the door, and he should open it to make the banging stop.
He tries to push himself to sitting position, but his body immediately gives up on him; collapsing on the bed as everything swirls around his mind. He groaned, closing his eyes as he tries to focus his gaze somewhere else. It took him another few minutes before he could stand on his wobbly feet, and slowly tracing the walls to keep himself steady as he walks to the door.
"Hobi hyung?", Jimin croaked, his throat scratchy and dry and raw. He cleared it roughly, making it hurt.
"Why—", he's interrupted by a familiar shriek. And the next thing he knows, there are arms around him, and then palms all over his flushed cheeks and forehead as the older fusses over him. "Oh my .. Jiminie .. you're really sick", Hoseok mumbles, worry laced with panic in every words. He holds him close, his palms still pressed onto Jimin's cheeks as Jimin leans against him, and closes his eyes again. It felt warm. It's safe. And he's warm. "I know"
Hoseok shrieks, chattering as he guides him and the younger inside, "How long have you been sick? Have you eat anything? Why don't you call hyung?"
Jimin gulps at the concern. He presses his fingers faintly to his lips as liquid creeping up—"Hyung", Jimin mumbles, tugging the older sleeves to slow down his pace as he halts on his. Hoseok stops his rants about what he's going to make and to do to take care of the younger. "Yeah?"
"Bathroom", Jimin whispers. Feeling nausea licking the back of his throat, and he's pretty sure its bile.
A look of understanding flashes across Hoseok's face, "I'll take you." He grabs Jimin's arm, gently leading him towards the bathroom—and rub his back along with massaging the younger tense nape as he jerks out tons of water the moment they stepped into the bathroom. When he's finished, Jimin slump against Hoseok's chest, breathing heavily as he's still shaken up from the previous bout of nausea. "Here," the older says, placing the small bottle of water on his chest, "Drink up."
Jimin scrunched his face, "I will throw it out again"
Hoseok nudges the bottle toward him, "Take a small sips, Jiminie, slowly. You're dehydrated", he coaxed quietly, rubbing the younger's shoulder. "And let's rest on the couch? Or do you want to go to your room? I will make something for you to eat. I bring medicine too"
Jimin huffs, nodding along. His brain is too fuzzy to argue or make any comment. He just know the feeling of relief that flood his body—that his ex-roommate is here. And he's not alone.
"Hyung ..", Jimin calls out as he curls on the couch, listening to the clattering of pan and plates from the kitchen. "Hm?", Hoseok hums a bit loud. "Are you okay, Jimin-ah?"
"Mhm .. hyung .. you're staying, right?"
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whats-k-popping · 2 years
Hey I have a request💜
Jungkook with a bad and sneezy cold and fever, he become sad and cry a little bit, while the members take care of him making him soup and clean his nose for him. I would like Jungkook with stuck sneezes and cant sneeze so the members make him sneeze to help him in many ways.
Ps: Im italian so english isn't my native language Im sorry😅
Grazie per la richiesta! 💜💜 Mie piaciuto scrivere questo!
Sono felice che ti piaccia i il mio lavoro da un altro paese. (Il mio italiano non e buono. Non lo uso piu molto. Scusa!)
Pairing: OT7 - platonic intentions but ship how you want.
Words: 2684
Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Cold Symptoms || Illness || Snz Content || Congestion || Graphic Descriptions of Snot || Induced Snz Content || Sick Member || Snzing on Members
See Also: @sneezyminniejo did a very similar fic recently to nearly the same request. It can be found here. They also did such a good job with it and it's such a pleasure to read! Please make sure to read that fic as well! <3
Jungkook's been fighting a cold for three days. It’s a brutal battle; there are empty blister packs and crumpled up tissues strewn about as evidence that Jungkook’s holding his own. But when he wakes on day four, it seems the cold is coming out on top. The combined efforts of cold medicine and nasal spray prove useless. He can't breathe at all though his nose, and he's hacking merciless coughs that tear through his chest. In these minutes of misery, he believes being mauled by a bear would hurt less. 
He stands in the bathroom white knuckling the edge of the sink. After a round of wet coughs, he spits the phlegmy remains down the drain and sniffles harshly. But nothing moves in his sinuses. It's an impenetrable wall of snot. He tries forcing air in, he tries forcing air out. It's all ineffective. He whimpers pitifully, splashing warm water over his face hoping that might help. Still, nothing changes. He momentarily contemplates using that neti pot that Namjoon swears by. 
The six members can hear Jungkook hitching and sniffling heavily from the bathroom. But they give him space. Jungkook was adamant from day one that "it's not a big deal" and “It’s just a small cold” and the ever so mature "I can take care of myself." So they wait. They agreed to let Jungkook come to them, when he needs it. They try not to coddle him too much, unless that's what he wants. So they are seated around the table, breakfast served, listening to Jungkook lose another battle with his nose. 
It goes on for a while and Jungkook's not coming down to eat. Seokjin cracks and stands from the table. Hoseok immediately interjects, "He said he doesn't want any help." 
"And I'm not going to help him," the elder answers nonchalantly, "I'm just feeling a little warm." He casually goes over to the home thermostat and lowers the temperature a few degrees. There’s a mischievous look in his eyes as he presses the down arrow repeatedly. The other members seem to understand what their hyung is up to. They nod collectively around the table, Seokjin retaking his seat. They don't need to speak about it, everyone already knows there’s a plan. 
There's another round of painful sounding coughs followed by throat clearing and spitting. Then they finally hear footsteps walking toward the staircase. Seconds later, Jungkook joins them at the table. His food has already gone cold. 
"Bornin, hyunds" Jungkook greets, pushing the plate aside and resting his head on the table. Maybe if he hits his head hard enough against the table, the snot clogging his sinuses will finally shift. It's a fleeting thought, and he ultimately decides not to act on it. Instead, he just sniffles thickly again. 
"Still got that cold, JK?" Jimin asks, hoping maybe Jungkook would admit that he's feeling bad. They don't have anything to do today, so what's the harm in seeking a little attention? 
"Yeah," he sniffles thickly as if to prove his point. "I dink id's gettig wordse. Id anyone else cold?" His teeth are chattering as he wraps his arms around his upper body. 
Sure, they know Seokjin lowered the temperature a few degrees in the dorms. But Jungkook makes it seem like he's sitting in a winter storm without a coat. There's several replies around the table that all convince Jungkook he's alone in feeling cold. He kind of suspected that was the case. 
Hoseok leans over uninvited and presses a hand to the maknae's forehead. Surprisingly Jungkook doesn't pull away; instead, he leans further into Hoseok's touch basking in the memory of what warmth feels like. 
"Aigoo, you feel a bit warm, bun." The dancer announces to the table. Jungkook groans in response to the news. Instead of pulling his hand away, Hoseok uses it to stroke gently down Jungkook's cheek as a comforting gesture. 
Jungkook melts at the touch. It's just the simple comfort he's been denying himself for the past three days. The same comfort he's been craving, but has been too ashamed to ask for. But now he's feverish and stuffy and miserable. And he just wants to be cuddled. 
"Hyunds," the maknae's eyes begin to water as he looks at them. He can sense their pity. He knows they won't be mad. "I deally don'd beel good." 
Jimin stands from his seat and wraps his arms around the sick maknae, pressing a long kiss to the crown of his head. No one else moves, they don't want to smother him. Besides, Jimin is the best when it comes to physical comfort. "That's okay, Jungkookie. Hyungs are here to take care of you." He reassures, wiping fallen tears off his fellow vocalist's flushed cheeks. 
Despite Jimin’s soft tones and gentle touches, Jungkook breaks down into hysterical sobs. He knows he’s been a jerk to his hyung for days and they didn’t say anything to him about it. He feels bad, physically and emotionally. And he can’t help but think that maybe if he would have let his hyungs help days ago, he wouldn’t be feeling so badly now. “Hyunds, I’b dorry. I’b do dorry.” He repeats through broken, hiccuping sobs. 
Jimin repositions so he’s sitting on Jungkook’s lap. He pulls the maknae in and buries his face into his own shoulder, petting his damp hair slightly. He doesn’t care about the mess it will make. He just wants for Jungkook to calm down. It hurts his heart to hear Jungkook wail like this. Jimin’s whispering sweet nothing and reassurances into Jungkook’s ears so quietly not even Hoseok, who is seated beside them, can hear. 
As Jungkook starts to finally calm down, Jimin makes subtle gestures to the other members. He’s got Jungkook for now. But they’re going to need a team effort if they want Jungkook to be effectively taken care of. So the table disperses to various areas of the house. Jungkook doesn’t even hear them leave. 
When he looks up, Jimin’s holding a napkin toward him encouraging him to blow his nose. Jimin doesn’t let go of the napkin, and when Jungkook turns away Jimin’s hand follows. Eventually, Jimin just cups the napkin around Jungkook’s nose and squeezes. The napkin fills, now sticky and wet against Jimin’s fingertips. But there’s room for more. And from the sound of Jungkook’s sniffling, there’s definitely more. “Good, now blow for real this time,” Jimin commands in a low assertive voice. It’s eerily close to Yoongi’s tone. Jungkook doesn’t mess around when Jimin deepens his voice. He knows it means he’s serious. Jungkook blows hard, relieved that crying had loosened his sinuses. He files it away as a quick fix should he feel stuffed up again. 
Jimin pulls the napkin away, wiping at any left over on or around Jungkook’s nose. He puts the napkin on Jungkook’s untouched plate of food and goes back to coddling. Jungkook’s on Jimin’s shoulder again, the one that’s not soiled with tears and snot, and Jimin’s rocking them from side to side. It’s a peaceful few minutes of comfort. Then Jungkook’s breath hitches and he scrunches up his nose. “Hhe- EHet-” He anticipates a sneeze and points his face away from Jimin. But he loses it as soon as it snuck up on him. “Ghuh” He sniffles and shakes his head, trying to will the sneeze back. The need is still there. Less urgent, but it will happen sooner or later. He prefers sooner. 
Jimin chuckles at the disappointed and determined look on Jungkook’s face. He knows how annoying it can be to feel a sneeze that’s not ready to come out yet. “Ah, Kook-ah, let hyung help you.” Jimin pulls Jungkook’s face back, brushing longer strands of hair against the edged of Jungkook’s nostrils. The thin strands tickle at Jungkook’s nose. And the residual chemical smell of hair dye from Jimin’s new color is strong enough for Jungkook to sense. The combination does wonders for Jungkook’s stuck sneeze. 
It’s a matter of seconds before Jungkook’s hitching and pitching with a flurry of sneezes. “Eh-NgtCHI, Heh-PFTIchu, HEI-gnxtch” He tried to turn away, but Jimin kept him tucked in. The sneezes sprayed against Jimin’s neck, some of the dampness getting in the short vocalist's hair. But Jimin doesn’t flinch or cringe. He doesn’t pull away. 
Jimin waits patiently for the fit to end and then looks at Jungkook’s face. His eyes are red rimmed, nose dripping with fresh snot that he tries to sniffle back. There’s a small pout on his lips. And the maknae’s breathing is labored, like the force of the sneezing took his breath away. He smooths over Jungkook’s hair. “Feel better?” he asks softly, reaching around the table for an unused napkin. He wishes they were closer to a box of tissues. 
“A biddle,” Jungkook replies, already wiping the drippage on the back of his sleeve in the interest of time. “I wadda sleeb,” he admits.
Jimin chuckles. “Okay, baby. The couch should be all set up for you now.” He leaps off Jimin’s lap and offers the maknae a hand. Jungkook accepts the hand and allows Jimin to guide him to the living room. Like Jimin alluded to, his personal bedding is set up on the couch. It’s clear now Jimin’s affections were meant to bide time. 
Jungkook makes himself comfortable on the pillow that’s leaned up against Hoseok’s lap. He knows Hoseok is a bit of a germaphobe, but he can’t resist getting as close to the dancer as possible. He assumes it’s okay when Hoseok coos and starts rubbing Jungkook’s arms over the blanket. 
Before he gets too comfortable, Seokjin and Yoongi emerge from the kitchen. Seokjin’s holding a steaming bowl and Yoongi’s got a small pharmacy in his arms. “You’ve gotta eat something before sleeping, JK.” Seokjin advises, “And take some medicine.” 
“Bill you feed be?” Jungkook asks in a small voice as he sits himself up. He continues to lean against Hoseok. Seokjin isn’t going to say no to such a precious request. He sits on the floor in front of Jungkook and spoon feeds him. Jungkook eats half the bowl before he says he’s full. Jungkook’s not usually the type to get full, especially on less than one serving; but Seokjin doesn’t argue it. When Seokjin steps away, Yoongi approaches with blister packs of cold medicine. 
“Do you want daytime or nighttime?” Yoongi asks before he opens anything. 
“Night,” Jungkook pleads. He just wants to be asleep. Yoongi pops the pills and hands them to Jungkook. While the maknae works to dry swallow those, he’s pouring a dose of cough medicine which Jungkook takes with only a few complaints. “Cab I dleeb now?” He’s still making a sour face from the taste of cough syrup. Yoongi smooths a fever patch into his forehead. 
Yoongi nods and settles nearby. One by one all the members come to rest around the couch. There’s a movie playing in the background but no one can give it much attention. With Jungkook’s constant thick sniffling and wet coughing, everyone’s attention is on the sick maknae. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to try the neti pot?” Namjoon offers, as is standard everytime one of the members has a cold. The answer is always a resounding no, but he’ll make the suggestion until the day he dies. In line with the tradition, Jungkook cringes at the mention. He’s terrified that he’d drown or his brain would fill with water. It’s not logical, but neither is pouring water up your nose. 
“What if we make you sneeze?” Taehyung suggests mischievously. There’s a silence among the members. Taehyung feels judged for even suggesting it, so he elaborates, “If you sneeze, you might clear up your sinuses. And finally be able to sleep.” 
Jungkook’s entranced by the idea of sleep. He’s beyond drowsy and sapped of energy since he took the night med. He’d be asleep if it weren’t for the heaviness in his chest and head. His only reservation is that he doesn’t think he has the stamina to sneeze. Each one rips out of him with such force. He doesn’t have the energy for that. But he’s willing to try. “Led’s try id.” He admits. 
Taehyung’s up and out of the room at light speed. He doesn’t tell anyone what he’s planning. The other members look around and try to come up with ways to make Jungkook sneeze. Jimin stays silent. He’d already been sneezed on today, he feels it’s someone else’s turn. Seokjin makes the first move. He blows in Jungkook’s face, a slow stream of air directed toward the top of Jungkook’s nose. It makes the maknae’s nose twitch. He hitches once. But nothing productive. 
Namjoon instructs Jungkook to look at the light, hoping that might trigger something. But the cool lighting of the dorm isn’t bright enough to trigger a reaction. Still his nose itches and he scrubs at it. Hoseok grabs a candle sitting on the side table. But when he looks at it, he notices it’s unscented. Of course all the candles are unscented. Scented candles make Jungkook sneeze. So they don’t keep them in the dorm. Yoongi shrugs and jams a finger under Jungkook’s nose.  
“Hyung, that’s how you stop a sneeze,” Jimin remarks with a chuckle. 
Yoongi stutters embarrassed, “Ya, maybe it works both ways. You never know.” Jimin raises his hands in surrender. Yoongi’s finger doesn’t have any effect on Jungkook’s stuck sneezes. He hitches again gasping for air, desperate to relieve the tickle in his nose. 
Taehyung runs back into the room with a shaggy throw pillow in hand. He shoves the pillow against Jungkook’s face. The surrounding members can clearly smell the strong cologne that Taehyung wears to award ceremonies. It smells as though he dipped the whole pillow into the bottle. 
Jungkook inhales a heavy dose of the cologne and is immediately thrown into a sneezing fit. “hep’tehCHU, hmf’NXTchi, he-eh'HXTt, HA’tichu, hpti’atCHI, HXTngt, Hi’TISHuu” He sneezes relentlessly into what he knows if Taehyung’s favorite snuggle pillow. Each sneeze is louder and messier than the next. They are hard on his throat and they hurt in his nose, but it’s working. He can feel mucus shift with each sneeze. He can tell just from the stickiness alone that the pillow is now covered in his snot. 
He wants to pull it away. The heavy scent of the cologne is still attacking his nose. But he doesn’t want the others to see the mess he’s made. After 13 harsh sneezes, Namjoon rips the pillow away and tosses it onto the reclining chair in the corner. “Alright, Jungkook. I think that’s enough.” He tries to keep it lighthearted, but he’s seriously concerned about Jungkook’s vocal cords after all the sneezing. 
Jungkook’s left with nothing to hide his messy face. There’s snot glistening his skin all the way down to his chin. He hastily rubs the sleeves of his sweater against his face to clean himself. He’s tearing up at the same time, embarrassed. Seokjin’s got a box of tissues in his hands. He grabs three and approaches the maknae. 
“Jungkook-ah. Don’t use your sweater. That’s not clean.” His voice is calm and sweet. “Here, hyung has tissues for you.” 
Jungkook grabs them hastily and finishes cleaning up. He throws the balled up tissues on the same chair as the pillow. He figures they should keep all of his mess together. “More, please.” Jungkook asks, his voice a lot clearer than it has been all day. Seokjin just passes the whole box. 
Jungkook blows his nose loudly three more times before he finally feels empty. Or emptier, at least. He’s now able to breathe better through one nostril and his head feels less heavy. And as expected, the sneezing fit wore him to bits. He finally feels like he can sleep. He nestles back in against Hoseok who accepts him with open arms. 
Taehyung smiles, reclaiming his previous seat. “Sleep well, Jungkookie.” He rubs the maknae’s calf. 
Still no one can focus on the movie over the sounds of Jungkook’s congested snores.
A/N: As always, thanks for reading to the end! Feedback is always appreciated. And please let me know if I missed any tags or TWs. Please call me out for any errors you notice!
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
How about one where Jungkook end up so hungover after Hoseok's party he can't even walk and is laying on the floor singing laughing so drunk
Hoseok takes him to Jk house and there he tends to a drunk boy puking all the alcohol all night long, juts to wake up to him having horrible stomach ache after the alcohol had burned his stomach, and also being nauseous with headache all day long
This is another really good one. Just like the other one I could see this happening after the party. Thank you for requesting!
Sick: Jungkook
Caretaker: Hosoek
Tw: V****, nausea, hangover, mentions of emeto
Word Count: 1k
Rating: M ( alcohol and drunk jk)
The party had already begun. The music was loud, and there were crazy lights going on. Hosoek was inviting others to dance with him as he stood on stage. After a few drinks jk was dancing, geting his hyungs to join, and having a good time all around. Drink number 5 jungkook was alittle more than tipsy. He was laughing hard at hoseok, jungkook was out of it but having the time of his life. he heard his hyung say something funny and he almost falls to the floor. Drink 7 was far too much. he resigned on the floor. He heard his favorite song come on and he sang to it. To his ears, he sang it perfectly, to hobi's it was slurred and unclear.
The party ended and the floor he stayed on. After congregating and saying his goodbyes to his guest he goes to collect jungkook. He found jk with his eyes closed singing and rolling back and forth. Hoseok takes his hands and begins lifting the boy. " Hyunnggggg, jk giggles, that tickles " words slurred. Hoseok " jkkk, you partied a little too hard didn't you," hoseok says. jk doesn't answer he just keeps singing. Jk didn't use his legs the entire time hoseok held him, he was practically carrying the younger. Hosoek put jk in a chair, jk was very heavy and he need to grab a few things. Hosoek comes back to jk laid back and humming a song in the chair. " come on jk let's get you home" hoseok didn't expect a response" YoU kNoW i gOt tHaT HouuUUouUUoooUUOoome." jk sings hsoeok laughs and guides jk outside. Hosoek drives jk home. hoseok Diggs into jk's pocket looking for his keys. He found it and took it out as he carries jk to the door. Hoseok props jk on the wall and unlocks the door. hoseok gets it open and is about to look inside when he sees jk falling to the floor. He hurries to catch him. he manages to get the drunk boy before he faces plants into the ground. " jk simply giggles and says nIcE CaTch hYUngieeeeee." Hosoek smirks and pulls the younger inside closing the door behind him.
Hoseok takes jk to jk's bedroom. he flops jungkookie onto the bed. . Junkook lays down on it. " AHhHHhh so sofFtT," jk says. hoseok shakes his head as he looks for a clean shirt that doesn't reak of alcohol. He pulls jk's shoes off then his weird-toe socks. He sets the shoes off to the side and goes for his black shirt. He puts jk on a fresh shirt from his closet. Afterward, hoseok was going to go to jk's kitchen to find him some water but he was stopped when he heard jk say. " hYuNgie? I-I m-my stomach." jk musters. " what's wrong with your stomach jungkookie?" " it's hurting me," jk says. hoseok looks back and walks back to him. " do you feel... sick?" hoseok asks. he's a bit worried. hoseok doesn't wait for an answer he gets jk up and heads to eh bathroom. " just in case jk" He sits jk in front of the toilet and opens the lid. jk starts rubbing his stomach. He lays his head on the toilet seat. jk turns pale and sweaty. " my stomachs' full hyung and I-It hUrTsssSSSSss." jk moans out to his hyung." hoseok starts patting jk's back. " I know I know, hyungs here," hoseok says. he doesn't know if the boy understands him but he still wants him to feel comforted. Jk sits his head up fast. He gags dryly, and lurches over the toilet. " oh hyunggg, I feels- sick" jk says pipping his down. "It's ok jk, do what you have to do, I'm not going anywhere." hoseok pulls the drunk boy's long hair back. " *huff* I'm kinda di-" is all jk could manage before throwing up on the side of the toilet and falling over. " JUNGKOOK" hoseok shouted. He picks up the boy and guides him to the front of the toilet. Jk throws up inside of the bowl. he'll have to clean that when jk's stomach lets up, hsoeok thinks. " hyunggiEsss," jk says in between retches. " don't speak, " hoseok says. Hoseok sits there holding the boy up, with his arms around his stomach. " HyUngie, you're To tiGhT..." jk says before projectile vomiting, mostly missing. hoseok lets up on jk's tummy, he didn't mean to make the younger feel worse. " sorry jk" Jk coughs, and sick comes out in response. Even though he's being much more gentle on jk's stomach he can still feel his muscles hard a work. It feels pain like it's painful. After several rounds of vomiting, jk finally began letting up. It was extremely late in the night. Siting up with him and hearing his gags echo in the bathroom walls made hoseok a little queasy but he powered threw. He was tired, and he was sure jk was too. Once JK gave his last dry heave and sat back hsoeok began geting up to take the younger to bed. Jk had no complaints he could barely keep his eyes open.
hoseok drags him into bed and puts his cover over him. Jk turned over and began falling asleep. Hoseok goes back to eh bathroom and cleans up the mess jk made. He found cleaning supplies in jk's cabinet below the sink. He gagged a few times from the smell and the tight but other than that there were no problems. Hoseok plopped in jk's bed and began sleeping next to his younger brother. jk was already asleep by now. They slept the rest of the night, then all morning. hosoek woke up sometime around 12 hoseok felt someone shake his body. "hyung, hyung" jk says trying to wake hobi. " hoseok opens his eyes. " hobi hyung, my stomach hurts bad and my head is killing me." hoseok slaps a hand to his head he has a headache as well. " do you want to eat to help your hangover," hoseok says sleepily. " nooo," jk gags dry in his hand at the thought of eating right now. hosoek could barely keep his eyes open his still so tired. " I can't right now hyung" " then sleepppp jkkkk" hoseok says. jk rests his head back on the pill and watches as hobi falls back asleep. Jk can hear his hyung snoring, and jk giggles.
I hope you enjoy it's kinda short but it's really cute to me.
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the comforts of creatures (1)
creature comforts:
↳ material/bodily comforts, such as food, warmth, or special accommodations, that contribute to physical ease and well-being
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→ pairing: ot7 x fem.reader
→ genre: fantasy!au, soulmate!au, angst with a happy ending, fluff, hurt + comfort + recovery, eventual smut
→ word count: 2.1k
→ summary: you’re a prisoner here, but you can’t remember why. you can’t remember much of anything. not where you came from, not who you are, not even what you are. what happens when a pack of terrifying monsters breaks into the facility where you’re being held. not to kill you, but to...protect you?
→ content warnings: captivity (including forced sensory deprivation, effects of dehumanization), soul bond, violence, low self-worth, memory loss, protective!jin & jungkook
→ a/n: a completely self-indulgent hurt + comfort story that I wrote (and will most likely continue to write) in a frenzy because I wanted to read it :) if you’re excited to read more of this series please reblog and share your thoughts!!
series masterlist → next part
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part 1: the rescue
Something seizes inside your chest. That’s the only word your sluggish brain can muster to describe it: something, foreign yet familiar at the same time.
After so many days—days? hours? weeks?—of feeling nothing but drowned sensations, it feels like a sledgehammer to the gut.
The sheer force of it wrenches a choked gasp from your lips, and it’s the loudest sound you’ve heard in a long while. One hand reaches up to clutch at your heart, the other gripping your forehead where a violent throbbing pounds at your skull.
The intensity makes you scramble along the stone floor until your back hits the wall, the only other thing in the room that can be used to ground you.
This...thing, it grips you harder than the cold, tighter than the hunger in the pit of your stomach.
Stinging tears brim in your eyes. Even though you’re alone in the room, something else, a deep something, tells you to choke them back before someone sees. Before the pain that always follows when you let them fall past your lids.
The thing feels like hope, desperate and burning white-hot. It feels like warmth and a sigh of relief.
It feels like something he would punish you for. Because things like you aren’t meant to feel things this good.
What sounds like an explosion reverberates through the thick concrete walls. The floor trembles. You can hear people screaming, guards shouting orders over the pound of footsteps.
The sensation in your chest continues to build, unbearably so, until the tendons in your lungs feel close to tearing.
The sound of shouting and fast footfalls begins to fade, moments later replaced by ones much louder, heavier, faster.
Gunshots in the distance, one after the other. Then a deafening roar. A nonhuman roar.
It’s all so loud. The noise presses against you from all angles, closing in until you can almost feel its weight.
You cup your hands around your ears, squeeze your eyes shut, curl into a pathetic ball but it still thuds in your head. Sharp and bruising and loud loud loud.
Not that you realize it, but you’ve been without light and sound for six days.
Your brain is slow to process what’s happening, struggling to make sense of the impossible.
Because he always said that no one knew they were there, that the wards were impenetrable. Even if someone got through the wards, who would be stupid enough to attack them at their own home base?
No one is coming for you, his voice slices through your thoughts. Why would anyone ever come looking for you? You are nothing.
The heavy footsteps draw closer, along with the sound of doors banging open.
You curl further into yourself, trying to block it all out. One of those disgusting creatures from the outside must have gotten in. It’s in their nature to seek blood and destruction, after all.
Maybe you’ll be lucky enough for a quick death. But...you’re not sure you deserve it.
You are nothing.
With a horrible creak of bending metal, the door is ripped off its hinges.
The sudden flood of light makes you flinch back and shield your face. The feeling in your chest thuds against your rib cage, like your heart is trying to escape your body.
You don’t move, can’t move. Not until a deep growl puts the fear of god in your bones.
It makes you peek through your fingers just enough to see what has caused the sudden flood of light.
The shape in the doorway is anything but human. Massive and powerful, it’s too big to be fully visible through the doorway. All you can see is four muscle-corded legs that end in clawed feet, trailing red behind them. The thing’s fur is matted with something dark and wet.
The creature bends down to peer into the room, exposing a skeletal head and sharp, dripping antlers.
You meet it’s black eyes, and something akin to recognition glints in the glassy surface. Your heart thuds almost painfully.
The creature tips it’s head back and howls, flashing several rows of wolf-like teeth.
It’s much too big to fit through the door, but it rams it’s head into it anyway. Distressed whimpers fall from it’s mouth as it bucks and charges at the wall. It dents the metal, desperate in it’s attempt to get to you.
Frozen. All you can do is shrink further into the corner of the room, closing your eyes and awaiting the inevitable. Hoping it’s quick, hoping that whatever happens afterwards is better than staying here.
The metal groans, beginning to warp and buckle under the force of the creature’s antlers as it slams into it harder and harder.
A beat of silence.
You open your eyes to find the creature stepping back as much as the hallway allows. It stomps it’s feet, flexing it’s hind legs.
Huffing out a grunt, it lunges forward to charge with all it’s might.
The metal finally gives out, tearing in jagged shards so the doorway is now a giant hole.
Your stomach drops as the creature lunges straight for you, too terrified to even close your eyes for the end of it all.
But the creature doesn’t rip you to shreds with it’s teeth, or maim you with it’s claws, or impale you with it’s antlers.
It nuzzles into the crook of your shoulder, a soft whine leaving it’s panting mouth. You feel it’s wet nose nudging you all over, sniffing like it’s searching for something.
Wet against your cheek. You realize that the thing is licking your face like a dog that’s been reunited with it’s owner.
Frozen, still. You can’t make your limbs move an inch, icy fear still stiff in your veins.
The creature retreats from poking and prodding you, still panting and mewling like an excited puppy. It hops a little on it’s strong legs, nodding it’s head at you expectantly.
You...have no idea what’s going on.
You should be dead by now. The beasts from the outside are supposed to kill anything and everything that crosses their path. They’re not supposed to yip playfully and nestle their huge forehead against yours.
The creature perks it’s great head like it senses something.
You assume that it must’ve realized that you’re prey, an enemy. Pinching your eyes shut, again, you wait for the end. Hopefully it’s a merciful one.
A moment later, you feel cold hands cradling your face.
Your eyes pop open.
You can’t decide if the man leaning over you is a corpse or a god. At the same time, wondering how beauty and death can exist in the same face.
A god, from the way his brown hair is pushed back from his forehead, the way his eyes are slanted so prettily. A god because he’s tall and demands respect with his presence, those broad shoulders and sharp jawline.
A corpse, from the was his full mouth drips with blood, running down his chin and neck. Two sets of yellowed fangs peek over the plush flesh of his lips. Dark purple veins peek through his almost translucent skin, showing the shadow of his skeleton underneath.
You feel his thumbs stroking your cheeks. Tears pool in his red, bloodshot eyes.
“Oh baby,” he says sadly, looking down at your flimsy clothing, at the fresh wounds covering your body.
It makes something burn in your heart, something like pain and healing at the same time.
The corpse-like man draws you closer, hugging you to his chest as he whispers out soft hushes and sweet nothings that sound like cotton in your dull ears.
And the more he touches you, the more the feeling flares. It’s close to unbearable, stealing away your breath, vision swimming.
The other creature shifts to the ground, curling around you in a way that’s almost...protective?
A name you don’t recognize falls from the man’s mouth, and just like that, your consciousness winks out like a flickering candle flame.
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They found you. Months of desperate searching, following any and every lead, no matter how small or fleeting. Days at a time without sleeping, without eating. 
Weeks of Yoongi locking himself in his room, tearing apart his grimoires, carving runes into his skin, trying every locator spell he knew to get even a whiff of your location.
After months of feeling empty, feeling like a piece of them was dead, they finally found you.
Once Yoongi broke through the wards, storming the facility wasn’t difficult. They may have technology, firearms and sheer numbers, but they don’t have primal fury.
Because their person, their final piece, was stolen from them.
As soon as they crossed the threshold, they felt it. A sudden pain in their chest, sharp and heart-wrenching.
She’s here, and she’s hurt.
They tore through the place in a feral rage, cutting down anyone that tried to obscure their path, because they did this. They’re the ones that kept you from them.
Jungkook plowed through the outer gates, the inner gates, the front doors. No one tried to hold him back as he sprinted through the storm of bullets.
Namjoon’s smoke shielded him, not that he needed it. The frenzy of finally being close to his mate after all this time would’ve made a few bullets feel like pinpricks.
He must’ve caught your scent, because the next moment he’s rearing his head back and roaring like he’s just been struck by an arrow.
Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung all hear it, shifted into their full forms throughout the facility.
The human part of them, the animal part of them, aches with the urge to seek you out themselves. But they have to take care of the ones who did this to you, because they’ll do it again if given the chance.
Jungkook will find you, he has the best nose out of all of them.
Bounding through the halls with renewed urgency, all that fills Jungkook’s head is she’s close she’s close where is she oh god where is she?
He can smell you, or he can smell your panic, and all he can think is don’t worry, I’m coming. Just hold on a little longer.
He comes to a hallway that reeks of pain and sorrow. It’s lined with bolted doors all the way down, each filled with prisoners that stink with lingering wounds.
Tearing the doors away one by one, peering into each room, he doesn’t stop until he reaches the end of the hall.
When he looks into this room, he sees a lone figure huddled in the darkness. A wave of fear floods his nose, then the stench of infection.
He howls. A bitter, provoked howl. The sound of a creature who’s mate is in danger.
Adrenaline pumps through his veins, fur bristling as he rears and charges at the doorway with all his might.
It takes several tries, but eventually he breaks through.
He doesn’t understand why wave after wave of fear is radiating off of you. He expected you to be relieved, to jump into his arms the second you saw him.
You’ve been their mate for years. Why are you shying away like you’re afraid of him? 
When he finally breaks through the walls, you shrink so far into yourself that it looks like you might disappear.
Jungkook crowds you, sniffing you all over, searching for injuries.
He finds too many. Before he can let out another pained howl, he catches a whiff of another one of his mates.
Jin crashes into the room, looking furious and determined.
The same pleasant pain surges in the taller man’s own chest, stronger than it’s burned in months. The bite mark on his left wrist burns with it.
Jin drops to his knees in front of you, breathing in your scent for the first time in months.
Filth is smeared all over your skin. Your hair is shorter, much shorter. It looks as if it’s been cut with a blunt knife.
He too smells the infection. And the blood, of course he smells the blood.
“Oh baby,” he breathes out. “I’m so sorry. We came as soon as Yoongi found you.”
You’re staring up at him with wide, terrified eyes. And it looks like there’s nothing behind them. No relief, no recognition. Just confusion and panic.
“Baby?” Jin whispers, giving your shoulders and gentle shake, but you look as if you didn’t even hear it.
What the fuck did they do to you?
He hugs you close, your body feeling cold and weak in his hold.
He mumbles out apology after apology. I’m so sorry it took so long. I’m so sorry for what they did to you. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to stop them. I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.
Something flutters in his lungs. When he looks down, he sees you take a sharp inhale.
He hangs onto that breath, waiting for you to say something, do something, anything other than sitting there shivering like you’re too scared to even flinch.
He calls your name, and you collapse in his arms.
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next part →
a/n: thanks for reading!! thoughts??
taglist: @btsiguess-kpop​
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bultaoreunheyyy · 21 days
Title: Sleepyhead
Word Count: 2261
Summary: Nothing can wake a sick Taehyung up when he’s sleeping, except for maybe a sneeze. 
Sickie: Taehyung (snz/cold/flu)
Caretakers: Jimin, plus the others 
A/N: I wrote this with Taehyung as the sickie, since he was #2 in this poll, and also wrote it with Jungkook (#1 in poll) for an upcoming scene in long sickfic w/out title so stay tune for that soon!
Jimin’s legs are falling asleep.
He shifts a bit back and forth on the couch, testing how much he’s going to be able to move without waking Taehyung, who’s currently using his lap as a pillow, but Taehyung only keeps snoring and doesn’t react in the slightest.
Jimin sets his book on the arm of the couch and slowly unfolds his legs from their crossed position. He stretches one foot out in front of him, then the other, pointing his toes forward and sighing in relief at the pull in his aching muscles. He shifts again, leaning slightly to one side until he feels a satisfying pop in his back. He rolls his shoulders a few times for good measure and then carefully palms Taehyung’s forehead.
Taehyung is still warm, still feverish, but it’s to be expected. Jimin cards his hands through the sleeping man’s hair, smoothing it all back from his face until it’s fanned out around his head. 
Suddenly, Taehyung’s nose twitches, and Jimin sighs because he knows what’s coming next. He reaches over and plucks two tissues from the box that’s resting between Taehyung’s arm and the back of the couch, bringing them up to Taehyung’s face as he waits for the inevitable.
Taehyung’s current snore breaks off into a half-snort, half-cough, and his eyelashes flutter. His nose twitches again, his reddened nostrils flaring wide, and then Taehyung sniffles hard enough that his nose scrunches up.
“Poor thing,” Jimin murmurs as he watches Taehyung’s struggle. “Can’t even get a nap in without needing to sneeze.”
Taehyung’s lips part and he sniffles again, the sound more insistent this time. Jimin tucks the tissues around his nose and Taehyung’s eyes open just a fraction.
“Hhng,” he whines softly, congestion stopping the sound from coming out fully. 
Jimin peers down at him. “Hey, Tae. Go ahead and sneeze. I’ve got tissues.” 
“Huh?” Taehyung’s brows furrow.
Jimin pats him on the chest. “Go ahead.”
“Go…” Taehyung pulls in a shaky breath. “Hhg?”
With a soft laugh, Jimin nudges the tissues against Taehyung’s nose, but the sneeze never comes. Instead, Taehyung lets out a tiny, weak cough and then blinks hard several times, trying to keep his eyes open for long enough to focus on Jimin’s face. 
“That tickles,” he whispers, bringing one hand up to paw at his nose. His hand bumps Jimin’s hand and he whimpers when he can’t push the offending ticklish tissues away. 
“Oh,” Jimin chuckles, quickly pulling the tissues away from his nose. “I thought you were gonna sneeze. Sorry. Go back to sleep.” 
After a long pause, Taehyung tries to open his eyes again. “Don’t wanna…sleep.” 
“Do you want to blow your nose first? Here, go ahead.” Jimin situates the tissues around Taehyung’s nose once again. “Blow.” 
Taehyung snorts and sniffles but does not blow his nose.
Waiting patiently, Jimin pats Taehyung on the chest again. Taehyung doesn’t respond. With one hand, Jimin fishes his phone out of his pocket to text Jungkook, asking him to bring a cool compress and some other supplies.
Just when Jimin thinks Taehyung has fallen asleep again, he turns his head just slightly and sniffles wetly before he murmurs, “Jimin?”
“I’m right here. Go ahead and blow your nose.”
“Wanna go on a walk,” he murmurs instead after another full minute of silence.
“A what?” Jimin laughs. “Taehungie, dear, you can’t even stand right now. No walks today, okay?”
Taehyung doesn’t hear him. He’s already asleep again.
He doesn’t truly wake up after that for a few more hours, instead drifting in and out of consciousness, feverish and exhausted. 
During that time, Jungkook brings a new fever patch and a cool compress along with a much needed cup of coffee for Jimin.
“You’re a lifesaver,” Jimin moans into his coffee cup. 
“You’re gonna get sick too, you know,” is Jungkook’s reply. While he’s been very attentive to both his and Taehyung’s needs, continuously checking on both of them and bringing anything Jimin asks for, he’s worried about germs and he’s sure to let Jimin know everytime he comes near.
“I have a great immune system,” Jimin counters. 
Jungkook nods knowingly and leans on the back of the couch, his hand traveling to the back of Jimin’s neck. He massages there for a few minutes, and Jimin moans because he’s been sitting on the couch for the entire day and Jungkook’s strong hands know exactly how to find the knots in the neck.
When he’s done, Jungkook reaches down and briefly runs his fingers through Taehyung’s hair in a comforting gesture, but he’s quick to pull away. 
“I’m gonna go wash my hands,” he says. “And go breathe some fresh air. Text me if you need anything.”
“Will do,” Jimin replies, smiling gratefully. 
Taehyung doesn’t move a muscle, staying sound asleep throughout the entire exchange.
It’s a little while later when Seokjin brings Taehyung’s next dose of medicine out to the living room. 
“Has he been this warm this entire time?” He asks Jimin, hand on Taehyung’s forehead.
“No.” Jimin shakes his head. “It’s just in the past fifteen minutes or so that he’s been pretty hot. It’s definitely time for more meds.” 
Seokjin slides his hand down to cup Taehyung’s cheek. Taehyung’s eyelashes flutter, but he doesn’t wake, and Seokjin just doesn’t have the heart to wake him up. “He still has fifteen more minutes until he’s due for another dose,” he reasons, pressing the backs of his fingers to the side of Taehyung’s warm neck with a frown. “I’ll go grab him some water first.”
Seokjin brings water and then leaves after about ten minutes, promising to return soon but letting Jimin have the task of waking Taehyung up. 
“I just don’t have the heart to wake him,” is his excuse when he looks at Taehyung’s flushed, sleeping face.
“I understand.” 
After Seokjin leaves, Jimin realizes he’s starting to sweat under the warmth of Taehyung’s body. He also needs a bathroom break, so he eases himself off the couch and stretches his arms above his head. Taehyung snuffles but otherwise remains asleep. When he returns from the bathroom, it takes Jimin another five minutes to properly coax Taehyung awake, and he only stays awake long enough to let Jimin prop him upright and tip the medicine into his mouth, and then he swallows one single sip of water before he’s out again. 
Taehyung is still snoring away in Jimin’s lap when Hoseok and Yoongi return home from their long meeting. 
As soon as Hoseok is through the door, Jimin can hear him loudly explaining something to Yoongi, boisterous and full of energy like usual. When Yoongi spots Taehyung asleep on the couch, though, he puts a finger to his lips. It takes Hoseok a second to see him, and when he realizes he spins around.
“Oh! Sorry,” he whispers when he sees Taehyung and Jimin on the couch.  
Jimin just smiles and goes back to his book, tightening his arm around Taehyung protectively. Taehyung doesn’t even stir. 
When Namjoon comes to find Taehyung, he’s still sleeping in Jimin’s embrace.
“I was thinking of making him a doctor appointment,” Namjoon tells Jimin, keeping his voice low. He settles on the arm of the couch and reaches down, rubbing his hand up and down Taehyung’s arm. “I don’t really want to do it without his input but I haven’t been able to catch him awake all day.”
Jimin chuckles and sets his book down. “I say go ahead and make it. Earlier he was agreeable to the idea of going to get shots and maybe an IV if he wasn’t feeling better. 
Namjoon nods. “Okay. Will do. We can always change it later.” Glancing down at Taehyung, fondness mixed with a bit of worry in his expression, he sighs. “And how are you feeling?”
“So far, so good.” Jimin gives a thumbs up. He reaches down and brushes his fingers over Taehyung’s forehead. “Hopefully I’ll avoid catching this. He’s been having a rough time.” 
Taehyung murmurs something in his sleep and Jimin draws his hand back. Taehyung remains asleep, though, and soon he goes back, cupping his face and rubbing his thumb back and forth across his fever-hot cheek. 
“I’ll text you the details in case you want to share with Tae when he wakes up and I'm not here,” Namjoon says, and then he leaves to make the phone call. 
Jimin picks up his phone and sees that he has three texts from Jungkook, all asking if he wants something: want me to pick up more tissues at the store? and want to go to the movies on saturday if tae is better? and I’m by the cafe do u want another coffee?
He’s replying to the texts– yes, sounds fun, and YES PLEASE– when he hears a sound across the room.
“Oh.” Yoongi’s standing in the space between the couch and the kitchen, a cup of steaming hot tea cradled between his hands. “I didn’t realize he was still sleeping.”
“Poor thing is so tired,” Jimin confirms.
Yoongi walks over and sets the tea on the coffee table and then disappears back into the kitchen. A short while later, he returns with two more mugs, one for himself and one for Jimin.
They sit and sip on their tea. Taehyung sleeps on. Even when they’re done, and Jimin is ready to get back to his book, Taehyung is still asleep, snoring away with his head in Jimin’s lap. 
“I’ll make him more when he wakes up,” Yoongi says with a small smile. He picks up the mug, freezing when Taehyung suddenly sniffles.
Jimin looks down and sees Taehyung’s eyelashes fluttering. He reaches down and rubs his chest, waiting for him to fall back asleep or wake up. Yoongi sets the mug back down on the coffee table in case it’s the latter, and Taehyung’s lips part with a small whimper.
“Hey,” Jimin says, rubbing his chest some more. “It’s okay, Tae. You can go back to sleep if you want.”
Taehyung’s eyebrows furrow. “Nnndhh.”
“Shh, you’re okay.” 
Taehyung’s nostrils flare, and Jimin’s eyes widen. “Oh!” He quickly grabs a tissue and holds it up to Taehyung’s face. Nose twitching, Taehyung sucks in a breath, and then his eyes flutter open only to slam shut in the next second as a massive sneeze barrels out of him.
The sneeze is so loud that it makes Jimin’s ears ring and Yoongi, despite having seen it coming, clasps a hand to his chest in surprise. 
A minute later, Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin all come out to check on Taehyung.
“Sounds like someone is awake,” Namjoon says with a smile.
“That was some sneeze, Tae,” Hoseok comments. “Bless you!”
Jimin and Yoongi chuckle and watch as Taehyung sniffles and paws at his nose, eyes half closed. 
“Still waking up,” Namjoon amends his earlier statement.
There’s a sudden loud knock on the door– it sounds more like a kick– and Seokjin hurries over to check the peephole. He opens the door immediately to reveal Jungkook standing there with two trays filled with various to-go beverages. 
“Sorry,” he grins. “I didn’t have any hands to knock.” He looks past Seokjin and spots Taehyung sitting up on the couch, hair sticking up in all directions as he scrubs at his red nose. “Oh, shit, did I wake him up?”
Seokjin shakes his head. “Nope, he just woke up a few minutes ago.” He takes one of the trays and carries it into the living room.
Jungkook passes out iced coffees to everyone, and a cup of hot tea to Taehyung. “The barista said it’s sweet, but good,” he says, and Taehyung smiles blearily up at him before taking a sip. He still looks half asleep, and a minute later he’s handing Jimin his cup and sliding back into a reclining position. 
“Anyone want to keep me and Taehyungie company?” Jimin asks the room. “We can put on a movie?”
Jungkook nods and chooses the seat furthest from the pair. He pulls his knees to his chest, sipping on his iced coffee and giving a pleased hum.
Taehyung is asleep again before the movie even starts. They keep the volume low, but Taehyung is a dead weight against Jimin, snoring softly and not so much as flinching even when one of them laughs or the movie gets loud. As the movie is ending, though, he moans softly, his eyelashes fluttering. Jimin runs his fingers through his hair and smiles down at him.
“You waking up, sleepyhead?” He asks.
Taehyung’s face scrunches up. He doesn’t open his eyes, but he rolls over halfway until he’s on his side, nuzzling his nose against Jimin’s stomach. He sniffles, a low whine in his throat when Jimin pats his hip.
“Let’s get you to your bed, hmm?”
Very slowly, Taehyung opens one eye, then the other. He peers up at Jimin and hunches forward like he’s trying to curl up into a ball. He starts to move one hand up towards his face, but it smacks into Jimin’s elbow. He whimpers congestedly in frustration.
And then, he sneezes.
It’s not particularly loud, as far as a Taehyung-sneeze goes, but it is aimed directly at Jimin, completely uncovered, and forceful enough that it shakes the entire couch. 
For a moment, there’s nothing but silence.
“Wow,” Jungkook eventually says from across the room. He has a blanket wrapped around his entire head and body like he thinks it might help shield him from the germs. “Ohh, yeah. You are so gonna get sick, Jimin.” 
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sickonthedancefloor · 27 days
Going Home Early
Prompt: Hoseok goes home far earlier than expected from work, where his confusion becomes everyone else's confusion.
Sickie: Hoseok Caretaker:  Yoongi Content: emeto, fever, nausea, disoriented, m/m
The last thing Yoongi expected at eleven that morning was for Hoseok to return home. It was their average Tuesday, with Yoongi working on some music for the label he wanted to turn in later that week, and Hoseok heading to catch up on paperwork before the youth dance classes that afternoon. Hoseok had woken up worse for wear according to Yoongi, but he said he was fine, so Yoongi made him coffee and left him at it. He’d barely gotten into the groove of a solid EDM beat before the door to the studio in their apartment opened, and the light of the hall behind him had him turning around.
Just who…
“Seokseok-ah?” Yoongi called softly.
Hoseok looked dazed as he made his way over to Yoongi’s mini-fridge, squatting in front of it. He opened the door and glanced around, but his brows furrowed as he scanned the waters and beers Yoongi stashed in there. Glancing at his face in the dim lighting, he could catch a faint sheen to his skin, his bangs already a little damp with sweat. But his studio was usually cold, and it wasn’t a particularly warm day, so it had Yoongi raising his eyebrows.
“It’s not here…” Hoseok mumbled. After a second, Hoseok turned to his boyfriend, who flipped on the desk light. With better lighting, Yoongi could see an almost glassy look in Hoseok’s eyes too. “Yoongi, darling… you don’t have it in here?”
“Have… what in there?” Yoongi questioned him.
Hoseok stared at him for a moment, brows furrowed as if he was concerned Yoongi didn’t just know what he was talking about. But then he gestured to the fridge and said, “face cream.”
“Face… cream?”
With a loud huff, obviously frustrated, Hoseok rose to his feet and left the room. Yoongi let a second pass, then another… but something was completely off about the dancer’s entire demeanor. Yoongi just jumped from his chair and hurried after him, catching Hoseok staring at the pantry in the kitchen, as if deep in thought. It was bright enough in the living room that they didn’t need to turn on the overhead lights, and the natural sunlight brought out the deep flush on Hoseok’s cheeks. His pallor seemed completely off, and he had to be sick. Frowning more, Yoongi pressed his palm over his cheek, feeling the heat rolling off Hoseok in waves.
“Yoongi, I can’t find my face cream. I checked under the juice, it’s not there.”
“Honey, you’re not making any sense. Why would it be in the kitchen? Or… does it need to be refrigerated?”
“No, you melt it.”
Hoseok’s hand pushed Yoongi’s away and the man looked further in the pantry. His hands shook as he pushed aside a bag of chips and pulled out a ramen pack, examining it closely. Or under some sort of scrutiny, as Hoseok had begun to glare at it. He pushed it back into the pantry and moved his hands in again.
“Yoongi-yah, if you’re not going to help me find it, why are you just standing there?” Hoseok complained. But after a moment, he lurched forward, a harsh cough erupting from his mouth. Not even having time to move his hands away, he merely turned his head downward and coughed again. Yoongi’s hand immediately moved to Hoseok’s back, patting his back roughly in hopes of shaking loose whatever phlegm choked him up. As Hoseok finally caught his breath, his he moved back from the pantry, and Yoongi gently moved him over to the kitchen table trying to urge him to sit. Hoseok fought him, albeit extremely weakly, one hand rubbing at his chest while his other tried to shoo the smaller musician away.
Yoongi just moved his cooled hands to Hoseok’s cheeks, thumbs gently stroking underneath his eyes. He turned Hoseok to face him, finally meeting his eyes.
“Seokseok-ah, baby, look at me.” When Yoongi spoke, his voice was low and soft, rather soothing. His lazy time bedroom voice, Hoseok had called it once, something he always seemed to drop into when someone had a bad day and sought out his comfort. Hoseok blinked, but he stopped trying to struggle. “Honey, you’re not making any sense,” Yoongi explained.
Hoseok almost crumbled. His frown grew more intense, his eyes almost welling with tears. Yoongi shushed him softly, thumbs still brushing at his cheeks. “It’s okay, baby, it’s okay. Don’t be upset. You’re just really sick, okay?”
With a small whine, Hoseok nodded. “Explains some stuff…” he mumbles. Things, to Hoseok, make a little more sense now, Yoongi can see it in the slow realization growing on his younger boyfriend’s face. Hoseok immediately looks upset, so Yoongi pulls him in, placing a kiss on his forehead before hugging him closely.
“Let’s go to back to bedroom, Seokseok. Put on some comfy clothes, hmm?” As he spoke, he ran his hand down Hoseok’s spine, listening as his shaky breathing stabilized and grew more slowly. But he couldn’t fall asleep standing up, certainly not. So Yoongi stops, pulling Hoseok back by his shoulders, and begins to lead him back up towards the bedroom. It took some shuffling, Hoseok barely moving his legs and consistently pausing to ask Yoongi about skincare products, but he managed to get his boyfriend seated on the bed. Hoseok was almost like putty, with no fight in him as Yoongi helped him shrug out of his jacket and then pulled his long-sleeved tee off, leaving him in just his undershirt. He cooperated as Yoongi pulled his shoes and then wiggled his jeans from his hips, letting out a small laugh when Yoongi grumbled about ‘unsexy conditions’.
“We can still have sex, I really like having sexy conditions,” Hoseok mumbled, his leg lifting to drop on Yoongi’s arm. Yoongi just laughed, moving his hand over to massage Hoseok’s calf, grinning as Hoseok’s face melted into a pleased, lazy smile. Absolutely like putty.
“Maybe when you’re feeling better. Nap first.” Maybe if Hoseok was lucid by tomorrow, Yoongi would tell him what he said to embarrass him.  Instead, with another kiss to Hoseok’s cheek, he slipped away into the bathroom to fetch the thermometer, returning to slip it into Hoseok’s mouth. The younger man waited patiently for the device to beep, eyelids blinking heavily, and Yoongi frowned as he watched the numbers slowly climb. His heart sank once he watched it move over 38°C. Finally it beeped and Yoongi pulled it from his lips to confirm a 39.5°. That was absolutely no good.
“Come on, Seokseok, let’s lay down, okay?” Yoongi mumbled to him, pulling him to his feet. Hoseok whined at the movement, face scrunching in discomfort at having to move. But Yoongi went slowly, a hand across his shoulders, leading him almost as if he was made of glass. With Hoseok’s condition as it was, he may as well be. Yoongi walked the dancer over to the side of the bed and yanked back the quilt, helping him lay down to rest his head on his pillows. Once he made sure Hoseok was comfortable, which included assuring him he’d definitely go look for the damned face cream, he gave him another pillow to hug and pulled the light blanket over him. Hoseok barely laid down for a minute before he’d already fallen asleep. That would make things easier for him.
With a sigh, Yoongi immediately got to work.
Thankfully, they seemed to be stocked, he’d discovered during an inventory check in the bathroom. The medicine cabinet always had painkillers and bandages, a side-effect of being in Hoseok’s profession, but Hoseok had also purchased a small pack of cold and flu tablets, cough syrup, and allergy medication for the spring months. And, a gem—a package of cooling gel patches. Yoongi wasted no time in hurrying to place one on Hoseok’s forehead, whispering soft apologies as Hoseok whined at the temperature difference. He moved once his boyfriend quieted down again, going back to read the labels on what he figured they’d need.
He then moved to the kitchen, pulling out the leftover juk from yesterday’s breakfast and immediately heated a small bowl. He doubted his boyfriend would eat much, but it was worth trying since he’d skipped breakfast when he left just a few hours earlier. How had Hoseok’s condition gotten so bad so quickly? He must have been feverish when he left that morning, but even in his sleepy haze he seemed plenty aware. Maybe his fever spiked from dancing… He knows his boyfriend is known for pushing himself. As he stirs the warmth from the stove back into the cool broth, he pulls out his phone and makes a quick call to their long-time friend, and Hoseok’s favorite coworker.
Park Jimin answers his phone with a sigh of relief. “Yoongi-hyung, thank goodness! Hob-ah made it home okay? He didn’t answer my texts!”
Yoongi wasn’t even sure if Hoseok had his phone. “He’s back, but he’s delirious with a fever that high,” he mumbled.
Jimin sighed. “I knew I should’ve taken him home… He said he’d be okay, he just said it was low. I’m never trusting him again!” When Yoongi heard a stomp echo in the background, he couldn’t hold back a laugh. Jimin probably stomped his shoes in one of the empty dance halls; Yoongi had seen him do it enough times, often far too childish and absolutely hilarious, and he couldn’t help but laugh over it. It seemed to relieve the tension if anything. “Well, I’m glad he made it home safely. He didn’t seem to be that bad off when he left, just his headache… Just take care of him? I’ll come visit tonight.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll go down and make sure he at least parked in a real spot… What time did he leave the studio?”
“Uh… around nine? He really wasn’t here that long before I kicked him out.”
“Nine? But it doesn’t take two hours—”
Jimin and Yoongi both seemed to have the same realization at the same time. Hoseok’s dance studio wasn’t far from their apartment, around thirty minutes on foot. Sometimes on warm weather days, Hoseok would jog over as his warm-up or walk to one of the nearby coffee shops and take a bus home. Since it’s been chilly, it would have only been a five-minute drive. Yoongi turned down the stove and hurried over to where his boyfriend abandoned his jacket, searching the pockets for Hoseok’s car keys. All the while, he could hear Jimin’s quick huffs as the younger dancer ran outside. When Yoongi didn’t find anything in the pockets but Hoseok’s phone, he hurried over to the clothes to check—
“Hyung, his car is still parked out here.”
“Can you find his keys?”
Jimin sighed as he checked around the car, but soon Yoongi heard him mumble, “Not here, not inside either.” Then, a little louder, “I’ll check inside. They may still be in his office. Did he bring his bag?”
Now that Jimin mentioned it… “He didn’t.”
“Aish, this idiot. Well, I’ll let you know if they turn up here. See you later, okay?”
“Mm. Thanks, Minnie.”
Yoongi returned to the stove and picked up the spoon again, stirring the juk once again. He filled a bowl, grabbed a water bottle, and grabbed an ice pack and headed to the bedroom. Hoseok hasn’t so much as turned since Yoongi had tucked him in. Yoongi just set the items on the bedside table and shook his boyfriend’s shoulder to rouse him.
“Seok-ah, come eat some juk,” he coaxed gently.
Hoseok’s face scrunched in discomfort, and he shook his head. “No… ‘m nauseous,” he mumbled. “Just ‘unna sleep.”
“You’re nauseous?” Yoongi pressed a hand to Hoseok’s neck. “You didn’t eat at all this morning, right? That’s probably why…”
Hoseok barely grumbled in response. But he needed to eat something to take the medicine, or he’d regret it later. Yoongi sighed, patting his shoulder again. “Come on, just a little juk. It’ll help.”
Hoseok whined again, but opened his mouth, as if expecting Yoongi to feed him as he was. Yoongi laughed. “You gotta sit up or you’ll choke, Seokseok.”
“Hyungie, no…” Hoseok whined. He brought an arm to rest over his eyes and just frowned. Yoongi wasn’t going to give him a break, given the gentle patting, but he smiled when he felt Yoongi’s lips press on his cheek.
“Come on, Seokseok-ah… Juk is warm, got chicken in it.”
“I’m gonna throw it up.” Hoseok whimpered at the idea. But he nodded gently at Yoongi’s coaxing and lets the older man pull him to slouch against his shoulder. He leaned forward as Yoongi leaned, and his head almost dropped forward.
Yoongi sighed and grabbed the bowl and spoon. “We’ll try just a little, okay?”
“Just… just a little. Okay.”
Yoongi moved slowly and began to spoon feed Hoseok, giving his boyfriend ample time between bites to slowly chew the soft rice. Hoseok seemed to be enjoying it, opening his mouth first after a few bites before Yoongi managed to scoop the spoonful. Around a third of the way in, Hoseok shook his head, turning his face into Yoongi’s shoulder. Pressing a kiss to his temple, Hoseok smiled. “You did so well, baby. Now, ready to take medicine?”
“Noooo,” Hoseok whined.
With a soft laugh, Yoongi replaced the bowl and instead reached for the water bottle and the tablets, pulling them from the pack. He tapped Hoseok’s cheek, and Hoseok merely opened his mouth.
“They’re going to be bitter on your tongue…”
“It’s okay,” he mumbled.
Yoongi set the pills against his boyfriend’s tongue and lifted the water bottle to his lips, letting him take a cool sip. Hoseok took a second before lifting his mouth, moving his face away. He then went absolutely pale, cheeks puffing as he took a breath. Yoongi didn’t even have time to move, startled that Hoseok was about to throw up on everything—but he soon let out a heavy burp and sighed in relief.
Oh, good.
Yoongi helped lower the dancer back onto the bed and covered him with the blanket again. “Rest, okay baby?”
Humming, Hoseok was quick to fall asleep again. Yoongi took the time to wipe his face and neck with a cold washcloth, whispering soft apologies as he noticed Hoseok’s face scrunch in discomfort in his sleep. His breathing was even, if not a little congested, and Yoongi could only hope he’d stay asleep longer. He left the door open, creeping back to his studio down the hall. He left his own door open, sure he’d hear if Hoseok woke from his nap. Deciding to focus just on quieter tasks instead of turning open the soundboard, Yoongi just made sure to save his work a handful of times before opening his email. He typed up a quick message to his boss to let him know there may be a day or two delay, then began reading through the other messages he’d gotten over the day.
Only a few minutes in and his phone went off, a quick text message from Jimin: ‘He dropped his keys off at the front desk, Suran had them’.
‘Thank god,’ Yoongi replied. Goodness knows he didn’t want to worry about trying to get a locksmith and replacing the locks of Hoseok’s car, so that was one less thing to worry about. Jimin followed up his response with asking if Yoongi needed any errands run, and while Yoongi began brainstorming a gag errand to send him on when he heard a gagging of a different kind.
A loud, pained retch, followed by a splash, and a hiccup. Jumping from his desk, the musician abandoned his phone and ran to the bedroom, grimacing at the sour smell that hit him from the doorway. Hoseok, eyes half-lidded and very much out of it, leaned over the side of the bed and coughed up another mouthful of white-yellow sludge, splashing the blanket and the rug by the bed with it. His knuckles gripped the side of the bed, white from the effort, but the next mouthful splashed on his fingers immediately. Yoongi quickly jumped over to grab the trash can from the bedside table, holding it under Hoseok’s mouth. His other hand reached over to pat his back.
“Oh Seokseok, it’s okay, let it out,” he murmured to him.
Hoseok choked up another wave, barely able to catch his breath before another retch overtook him. His stomach cramped fitfully, and Yoongi could spot tears forming in his eyes from the effort it took just to keep going. He merely rubbed his back, trying to stay comforting as Hoseok rid himself of the little bit of porridge he had managed to take down, along with what looked like yesterday’s dinner. It took a few good minutes longer, but soon Hoseok was merely retching out what little bile he could choke out, forcing himself to spit. He took a deep breath before his head dropped on the pillow, obviously spent by the extra effort.
“Yoongi,” he mumbled, voice hoarse and shaky. “Yoon-yoon, that… that hurt…”
“I know, baby, I know. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
Setting the trash can next to the mess, Yoongi pulled the blanket back before pulling Hoseok to sit up. He took the washcloth he’d used earlier, which had been sitting next to a bowl of warming water, and used it to wipe away his mouth and his fingers of any excess vomit, just for Hoseok’s comfort. His boyfriend needed to change anyway, as he noticed the vomit had gotten on Hoseok’s sleeve as well as the blanket. His shirt seemed damp with sweat anyway, so perhaps a change was in order anyway. Yoongi just tossed the washcloth onto the floor and reached for his boyfriend’s arms, helping lead him off the bed, cautious of the original splash mess on the floor.
“Yoon-yoon… I gotta clean…” The dancer’s eyes watered as he looked down at the mess, color draining from his face save for red splashes across his cheek as he began to work himself up.
Yoongi shushed him immediately. “Let hyung worry about that mess.” Reaching a hand to cup Hoseok’s face, he stroked his cheek gently with his thumb, smiling at him. Hoseok’s breath hitched, but he did his best to try and calm down as he listened to Yoongi. “I’ve made worse messes. You want a bath? Wanna soak a little, or just want to sleep?”
The answer came quickly: “Bath later? I don’t…”
“Bath later.”
It took some maneuvering, but he got Hoseok to sit on his studio’s small couch in just his boxers, a blanket wrapped around him and trash can next to him just in case. Another dose of medicine just in case, a few sips of water, and Hoseok seemed content to doze there which gave Yoongi time to take care of the mess. He carried the entire bed’s linen to the washing machine and shoved it inside, tossing in more soap than necessary and turning it on. The rug went outside for later him to deal with. Then some mopping on the hardwood floor, some spraying down, wiping it down, replacing the bedlinen, and cracking open the window, and within twenty minutes the bedroom smelled normal again. For extra measure, he took the trash bag from the small trash can and put it into their bigger trash can downstairs, spraying that down too. Between every step, Yoongi checked on Hoseok to be safe, rather glad when he realized his boyfriend really had just fallen asleep curled up in the blanket.
Yoongi really didn’t want to wake him up after that, but he knew he needed to. Fetching clean cotton pajamas, he slipped back into the office. Dressing Hoseok was easier than he’d thought, Hoseok’s half-asleep self quite agreeable as he let Yoongi feed his arms through the sleeves, and clinging lazily to Yoongi’s back as he stepped into the pants. Once Yoongi pulled up and tied the drawstring, he led his sleepy boyfriend back to the clean bed and helped him lay down again, stroking his hair gently.
“Mm… Yoongi…”
Smiling, Yoongi stroked his cheek again, before Hoseok’s hand found his. “Yes, baby?”
“Stay?” Hoseok mumbled. With a soft laugh, Yoongi nodded. Anything else could wait, he had his phone with him… but honestly, a nap sounded pretty good too. “Anything for you, Seokseok.” He crawled over Hoseok onto the other side of the bed, pulling the dancer close to him. Hoseok moved his hand to his stomach, and Yoongi found himself rubbing his stomach lightly, soothing his sick boyfriend back to sleep. It didn’t take much longer for him to drift off right with him.
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sneakykpopblog · 9 months
Purple Everywhere
(Inspired by what Hobi said, I’m sorry, I’m on a road trip and feeling very creative)
Sickie: Hoseok
Caretaker: Yoongi
1k words
Warnings: Vomiting, alcohol, drunkenness
Yoongi should have known better than to let Hoseok have “one more sip” (not a sip, and not just one) of wine. Not when his eyes were already that droopy and he had only spoken three words in the past twenty minutes (“yeah”, “uh-huh”, and “yep”, respectively).
Now he looked even more out of it, and Yoongi feared he might not be feeling well because he’d stopped idly snacking and was just sitting there like he was in a trance: a distinctly unpleasant one.
“Are you okay?” Yoongi hardly dared to ask at this point.
Not a minute later, Hoseok bolted up from the table and ran. He disappeared around the corner, but that didn’t stop Yoongi from hearing the sickening splatter that meant he hadn’t quite made it. Yoongi got up as well to find Hoseok braced with one arm against the wall, almost falling into the brightly-colored mess on the floor.
Hoseok heaved again, and Yoongi wrinkled up his nose. Purple, all over his nice rug, and the floor, too. Ha. Purple. And a little on the baseboard, too, how nice.
“Sorry,” Hoseok rasped.
“Are you done?”
“Bathroom.” Hoseok didn’t move. “Bathroom, Hoseok.” Yoongi took him firmly by the arm and half-supported, half-dragged him into the bathroom and lowered him to the floor in front of the toilet. “Stay here. If you need to throw up again, right there.”
Hoseok looked mournful.
“I’m coming back,” said Yoongi, just in case his drunk friend got any ideas of trying to stand up and follow him. “Stay right here.”
It wouldn’t be the fist time Yoongi had cleaned vomit off a floor because someone had overestimated their ability to run to a bathroom in time. (Sometimes that someone had been himself. And poor Jimin after the American Fried Fish Incident)
“I can- I can clean,” Hoseok called from the bathroom in a voice as wobbly as a candle flame on a windy day.
“You’re drunk.”
The floor and the baseboard were easy. The rug… Yoongi didn’t like its chances to not be purple forever, but maybe a thorough deep-cleaning could salvage it. At least it wasn’t white.
Hoseok sounded pretty miserable in the bathroom, and Yoongi stuck his head in to make sure he wasn’t dying. He wasn’t. He was, however, hunched over throwing up again, thankfully over the toilet this time. Yoongi moved the rug to be better dealt with later, threw away his cleaning gloves, and scrubbed his hands like Lady Macbeth. Then he got a cup of water from the kitchen and went back to Hoseok.
“I threw up again,” said Hoseok sadly.
“Yeah.” Yoongi offered him the water. “Rinse your mouth.”
Hoseok shied away from the water and gagged over the toilet again, this time only bringing up a little purplish liquid. It sounded painful anyway. Yoongi rubbed gently between his shoulder blades.
“Ew,” said Hoseok eloquently when he was done.
Yoongi offered him the water again, which he made a face at.
“Just rinse your mouth.”
Hoseok looked bewildered. “Like mouthwash?”
Hoseok struggled to get up, but he didn’t get very far.
“Where are you going?”
“To rinse?”
“Right here.” Yoongi succeeded in getting him to take the cup.
“The sink…”
“You can spit in the toilet. It’s okay.”
Hoseok made a disgusted face at it. “That’s gross.”
“You already threw up in it.”
“You’re right.”
He rinsed his mouth without any further complaint, but Yoongi knew the hardest part was still to come.
“I bet you want to sleep,” he said sweetly.
“Yeahhhh…. I’m so floppy.” Hoseok demonstrated this by flopping over and forcing Yoongi to catch him. Water sloshed out of the cup in his hand. “Oops.”
“Don’t worry,” said Yoongi. “Two sips of that and you can lay down.”
“Don’t wanna.”
“Well, you need to.”
“Can I blow my nose?”
Yoongi gave him a tissue for the purpose and tried to ignore him, which was hard with Hoseok still leaning awkwardly into him.
“Ugh, did I puke through my nose?”
“Probably a little. That’s pretty normal,” he added quickly. “Drinking water helps.”
“Don’t wanna throw up again.”
“You won’t,” Yoongi (probably) lied.
Hoseok looked incredulous, but he was drunk and trusting, and he drank a few sips of water without further argument. After a moment’s thought, Yoongi helped him to his feet and led him by the hand to his guest room, where he made him sit down on the bed and tucked him in in his clothes.
“I can sleep on the couch,” said Hoseok.
“It’s easier to change sheets than to clean a couch. I’m much happier this way.”
“Mmm.” Hoseok snuggled a pillow.
“I’ll be right back. Stay awake.” He brought a trash can to put by the side of the bed and water for the bedside table. “If you need to throw up any more, try to use the trash can.” As a precaution, Yoongi dragged the other rug out of harm’s way.
“Okay. Are you mad at me?”
“I’m not mad. I’d just rather not have to clean my floor again.”
“Okay, thanks. Sorry.”
He was too cute to be mad at anyway. Yoongi smoothed his unruly hair. “It’s okay.”
Hoseok leaned a little into his touch. “Staying?”
He should probably keep an eye on him. “Okay. I need to change real quick.”
He felt a little guilty for making Hoseok sleep in his clothes, but helping someone that drunk change was outside Yoongi’s skill set. He expected Hoseok to already be asleep when he returned, but he was still awake to make grabby hands at him when he climbed into bed. Yoongi indulged him and gave his hand a warm little squeeze.
“You’re so niiiice.”
Yoongi felt a little flash of warmth. “You’re easy to be nice to. Go to sleep.”
“M’really drunk.”
“Yeah. Face that way, I’ll rub your back.”
Hoseok gave him a dopey smile.
“You have to turn around, though.”
It took a minute for Hoseok to register what he’d said, but eventually he did flop ungracefully onto his other side. Now hopefully safer from the possibility of being thrown up on in the night, Yoongi lightly scratched Hoseok’s back until he fell asleep, which was only about a minute.
In the morning, a mostly lucid and very apologetic Hoseok offered to get his rug cleaned, and Yoongi took him up on it.
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comfortjoonie · 11 months
Namjoon Sick While Camping
This is a request for @bluepeacelove ! I hope you like it!
Sickie: Namjoon
Caretakers: Hoseok and Seokjin
TW: Emeto, fever, crying, needles
“Namjoon?  You okay?” Hoseok asked, looking over at his dongsaeng.  He looked pale, even in the dim light.  A camping trip was the worst place to get sick, Namjoon decided.  He felt so nauseous, and his stomach cramping was a definite sign that he was about to throw up.  It was just him and Hoseok here, sitting and looking at the stars.  The other members were having dessert, but the two of them didn’t feel like it.
“Yeah.  Just a little nauseous,” he said, putting a hand on his stomach.  “I’ll be alright.”  He felt Hoseok’s hand go to his back.
“Why don’t you go to bed early?”
Namjoon shrugged, running a hand through his hair.  “I don’t know…I feel like I have a fever or something,” he said softly, only so Hoseok could hear it.
Hoseok felt his forehead and winced.  “Ah..Namjoon, you have a really bad fever.  You need to get to bed, honey.”
Namjoon nodded.  “I’ll go.”
But when he stood up, he suddenly felt his stomach’s contents push their way up his throat.  He coughed and doubled over, gagging suddenly.  Tears pushed their way into his eyes and he groaned in pain before gagging again, sending up his measly dinner that he’d barely been able to get down.
Hoseok’s hand rubbed Namjoon’s back as he whispered little reassurances.  “Hyung…” Namjoon said softly.  “My stomach hurts..” 
“I know, let’s go back to our tent.”
“I’m so dizzy,” Namjoon moaned again. “I can help you there, Joon, come on.”  He helped Namjoon to stand and linked arms with him.  His dongsaeng was stumbling, but he was able to make it to the tent and lay down.  He started to crawl into his sleeping back, but Hoseok stopped him.  “You can’t, honey, you have a fever.”  Namjoon was shaking, and again, looked like he was about to cry.
“I’m freezing.”
Hoseok’s heart sunk.  “I know.  I’ll hold you.”  Hoseok lay down next to him and wrapped his arms around the younger.  He could feel that Namjoon was already hotter, but he was still shaking.
Hoseok wasn’t sure how much time had passed before Namjoon started squirming in his sleep.  His stomach was making noises that Hoseok dreaded meant he was about to be sick again.  Namjoon whimpered, and Hoseok pet his hair.  He must be having a nightmare.  Hoseok knew how bad it could get when Namjoon had a fever like this.  He hated to wake his dongsaeng up when he was feeling so unwell, but the last thing he wanted was for Namjoon to make a mess.  Hoseok pulled away from the hug and quickly grabbed one of the metal bowls in the corner of the tent collecting rainwater the previous night.  It was empty now, and it had a purpose.
Namjoon whimpered again, and Hoseok went over to wake him up gently.
“Joonie, wake up,” he whispered, shaking him.  It didn’t take much for Namjoon to wake up.  He instantly sat up and started coughing.  His shirt was soaked with sweat.
Hoseok quickly placed the bowl under his dongsaeng’s chin as he started vomiting.  It was way more violent this time, Namjoon jolting and his stomach visibly tensing every gag.  He moaned, and Hoseok shushed him.  “It’s ok,” he whispered.  “You’re doing great.”
Namjoon whined and spit, his arms crossing over his pained stomach.  Hoseok wasn’t sure how long this could go on.  But Namjoon kept gagging loudly, to the point where he was barely bringing up anything but still trying to.  Tears were streaming down his face, and Hoseok wiped them.  His usually tan skin was white except for a red flush on his cheeks from the fever.  He whispered “done” after several minutes of vomiting, and Hoseok rubbed his back.  “Good job, Namjoon.  Do you feel better?”
Namjoon shook his head.  “My stomach is killing me.”
“Lay back down, I’ll rub it for you.”  Namjoon did as he was told, and Hoseok pulled up his shirt.  Namjoon winced at the cold hand on his bare stomach.  The pressure felt good, but his stomach still hurt so bad.  Hoseok winced as he felt Namjoon’s stomach grumble and tense under his hand.  When he pressed a particularly tender spot, Namjoon cried out in pain.
“Stop!  Stop,” he whined, and Hoseok did so.  But it was too late.  Namjoon was already gagging again.  Hoseok grabbed the bowl again and held it to his dongsaeng’s face, watching painfully as Namjoon’s face turned red with the force of dry heaving.  He finished quickly.
“I’m going to go wash this out in the river, ok?  And I need to get Seokjin-hyung,” Hoseok said.  Namjoon just nodded and laid his head back down.
When he was done rinsing out the bowl, Hoseok went quietly to Seokjin’s tent that he got to himself.  He peeked his head in.  Seokjin was awake, reading a book.  “Seokjin-hyung?”
“What are you doing up, Hoseok?” Seokjin asked, setting down his book.
“It’s Namjoon.  He–he’s really sick.  Something’s really wrong.”
“Does he have a fever?” Seokjin asked.  He came outside the tent to meet with Hoseok.
“Yes, and he keeps throwing up.  I think he needs to go to the hospital,” Hoseok responded.
“We can just try pricking his finger first.  I have a needle in my pocket, I was just fixing Jungkook’s pants.”
“Wait,” Hoseok said.  “What if it just makes him sicker?  He could get an infection.”
“I have a first aid kit with some alcohol wipes.  We can sanitize it first.”  Hoseok reluctantly nodded.  “I’ll meet you at your tent, ok?”  Hoseok nodded again and went back to the tent.  Namjoon was hunched over the bowl, gagging again.  He could barely breathe, his stomach was giving him no breaks.  Hoseok sighed and went over to pat his back.  There was nothing coming up for his dongsaeng but tears, which landed in the bowl.
“You’re empty, Joonie.  You need to stop trying,” Hoseok said, pulling the bowl away and easing Namjoon’s head into his lap.  Namjoon was still crying.  “Just relax.  You’ll feel better soon.”
“I want it to be over,” Namjoon sniffed.  Seokjin walked back in with his needle and alcohol wipes.
“Everything okay?” he asked, and Hoseok shook his head.  “We need to take him to the hospital.  He needs an ambulance.”
Seokjin shook his head.  “We don’t want to make him more stressed.”  He grabbed Namjoon’s hand and put the alcohol wipe over his finger.  “I’m gonna prick your finger, ok, Namjoon?”  Namjoon shook his head.
“No, please, hyung –”
“I promise it’s gonna help,” Seokjin said, pricking as gently as he could.  Namjoon winced in pain.  Seokjin squeezed a little blood out, thinking it would help, but Namjoon just started gagging harshly from the sensation.  Seokjin set the needle down and put the bowl up to him.  Namjoon gasped for air and started vomiting again.  Just bile came out, but he kept gagging nonetheless.
“Hyung, that’s it.  We need to take him to the hospital,” Hoseok said.  Seokjin sighed.
“I’ll call for an ambulance.”
Part two??
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mikrokoskooks · 2 years
Sickies:Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin
Caretakers:The hyung line
TW:Emeto, mentions of vom!t and slight scat.
It was stomach flu season almost half of the country had it. Unfortunately half of the country included Jungkook,Jimin and Taehyung . You see the hyungs,somehow,caught gastroenteritis and the maknaes spent a whole 3 days nursing them back to health with was very sweet but now they were sadly paying the price.
It was 6pm and the members were all sat around the dinner table. Everybody except the three youngest were eating and it wasn't really going unnoticed. "Jungkook how come you're not eating"Jin asks." Not hungry "he mumbles. how odd jungkook's always hungry." You too Jimin.. Are you not hungry?" "Mmm"
"Uhm hyung, Taehyung speaks up, can I please be excused" "Sure but you've barely eaten anything either. Tae, Jimin, Jungkook are you okay" Namjoon questions rasing an eyebrow. "I-I feel really sick" Jimin admits "and I think I'm gonna be sick" Taehyung speaks before making a mad dash to the bathroom. "Are you feeling ok jk?" Yoongi says. "I'm perfectly fine" "you sure?" he nods his head yes and goes to his room
Jungkook was not perfectly fine he was everything but fine. He had a wicked stomach ache and felt extremely nauseous but he was way to stubborn to admit it . Especially with Jimin and Taehyung sick. He didn't want to be a burden to his hyungs and add to the list of sick members. He'd be alright anyway, he was sure he could cover up his sickness, that was something simple. Right?
"I- wow. It's okay kooks you're okay, get it all up"
Wrong. Jungkook couldn't even live up to his statement for 10 minutes. He was managing just fine until Namjoon came to ask him if he was sure he was okay, there was something about those words that made his stomach lurch and he ended up throwing up in a bowl on his bedside table. "Hyung. I feel soo gross" "I know honey I think you Tae and Jimin caught our flu" "uggh"
>>> The next day<<<
Things were even worse today then they were yesterday, Jimin and Jungkook couldn't keep a single thing down and poor Taehyung was stuck being sick from both ends. "Guys I made you breakfast" Jin smiles placing a some bowls of porridge on the table. The maknae line groans, there's no way they want to eat anything now. They couldn't stop throwing up the night before and they aren't in the mood to start again. "You have to eat something" Hoseok says moving the food slightly closer to the ailing men.
Everyone except Jimin had been able to eat at least half of their food. Jimin couldn't even stomach a mouthful the minute he lifted the spoon to his mouth his stomach churned. " I'm going to be sick" He moans Yoongi's already holding a bin for the younger to be sick in.
There was nothing really left for Jimin to throw up since he didn't eat anything. He brought up a mouthful of yellow-ish bile and what looked like some water that he managed to drink the night before.
Jimin's puking had somehow managed to set Taehyung of and he began retching into his own bucket. "This is gonna be a long day isn't it" Namjoon sighs.
Okay I'm gonna end this here because I think it's starting to get a bit jumbled up. I hope you enjoy it <3
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sicjimin · 1 year
Hello! I love your fics, and i'm wondering if you take requests for non mpreg. Something like Taehyung getting sick [emeto] during a Run BTS episode and the members and staff take care of him? Maybe he seems kind of withdrawn during the filming until it builds up into something worse?
— Run BTS Burst —
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a.n : aaah sorry for the long wait TT i hope i can potray what you want :) (sorry for the lame ending heh)
Taehyung is exhausted. Beyond exhausted if he must say. The IV drips he took last night didn't help to energize him at all. If anything, he could tell his body gonna crash soon—Jinny's Kitchen was taking his entire soul. That was the hardest shooting that he ever did, and lots of hours flying back just a cherry on top. He sighs, sluggishly taking a hoodie and sweatpants—shivering a bit as chill run down his spines. Why is it so cold today?—putting it on in one swift motions as his phone vibrates.
His manager must have been downstairs.
At time like this, Taehyung want to say fuck professionalism. He wishes he could just suddenly cancel the schedule and just .. curl in the warmness of his bed—sleep the whole day.
His phone vibrates again. And Taehyung groans—that thoughts were too good to be true. Taehyung quickly snatches his phone, wallet, and another layer of coat, before hurrying downstairs.
"What's the schedule today?", he asks as soon as he's seated in the car. The manager turn around from the passenger seat, "It's just Run BTS shooting, after that you're clear"
Taehyung nods, "Oh, okay". His gloomy heart cheered a little bit at the expense of coming home a bit earlier than usual. And it's a Run BTS shooting—he got to do it with the members ; makes it way more bearable. He shifts on his seat as he tugs his coat tightly, resting his head against the cool window, eyes closing briefly at how soothingly cold it feels. "Hyung, wake me up when we've arrived", he mumbles tiredly, already starting to drift off into sleep mode again.
Taehyung wakes up only when they reach their building—feeling his manager shaking his shoulder with an urgency. He slowly lifts his eyelids, squinting slightly when sunlight hits his eyes, "What's wrong?", he mumbles tiredly. His manager chuckles, "We have arrived", he announces, eyes carefully watching the younger that stumbles over his own feet. "Are you tired? What time did you go to sleep?"
Taehyung grunts, feeling even more groggy and heavy after the little nap he took. He could feel a headache forming behind his eye sockets, "Dunno .. i slept early though, but i still feel tired", he mutters, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
He hears his manager chuckle again, gently guiding him inside, "Let's get inside, then", he says, smiling fondly at the idol.
Taehyung follows beside him, "When is the shooting starts?"
"In an hour, i think. Some of the members still have schedule to finish. We're waiting for them"
Taehyung hums, resting his body agaisnt the lift as it goes up. He gulps when he could feel his stomach moving along with the lift as well. "Can you asks for IV hyung?", he asks softly. He feels so drained. "I think i need one"
The managers eyes narrowed, "Are you feeling sick?", he asks as they stepped out of the lift. "No .. just tired", Taehyung explains. He can practically feel his manager's skeptical gaze as he led him towards the door. He's too tired to explain more.
His manager nods quietly, "I will asks it. Have you eat something?"
Taehyung could feel a scold forming on the tip of his manager tongue, but he's grateful when the latter just sighs and go to retrieve his requests.
He look around—none of the members are here yet. So he took a chance to rest—after softly rejecting the make up artists that offering to do his make up first—the couch look too inviting. After all, his bones felt like jelly right now. He plops himself down on said couch, pulling his legs up to his knees as he curls himself small.
He will wait for the members.
"Aigooo, are you tired, Taehyung-ah?"
Hoseok's cheery voices is the first thing that greeted him. Taehyung grunts, feeling his body even more heavier than before. He blinks. The room has filled with more people—Seokjin, Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok are here. "Hyung ..", he rasps, throat hoarse. "How long have i been asleep?"
"15 minutes? I just arrived", Hoseok shrugs—before he looks down to the younger more attentive, "Are you okay? Your skin kinda flushed. Your manager leave the IV here"
Taehyung hums, hissed when his muscles ached as he tries to lift his body. "I'm just tired", he mutters under his breath. He closes his eyes, breathing in deeply. "Can you help me with the IV hyung?"
Hoseok frowns worriedly—putting his phone down and slowly open the package, "Are you sure? You look pale, Taehyung-ah"
Taehyung slumps his body when Jimin sits beside him, letting his heavy head rests on his friend shoulders. "It's fine. I will feel better after this", he mumbles as he feels the liquid entering his body.
"You're burning up a bit, Tae", Jimin adds, "Sleep more. I will wake you when it's your time to make up"
He nods, eyes closing shut—not actually want to sleep as he feels it gonna make him feel even worst, but he just want to rest. He still can hear Seokjin voices even though the older is meters away doing his makeup, he can hear Yoongi's hushed voice asking Jimin what's up with him, and he can feel Hoseok's gaze at him still.
"He needs to eat", he hear Yoongi says, "His manager left him some, right?"
Taehyung can feel Jimin nods, his head moving slightly against his hair. "Yeah, he is", Hoseok nudges his chin to another plastic bag on the table. The mention of food makes his stomach churn a bit. He doesnt know if its hunger or sickness starts blooming on him. He whines quietly, nuzzling further against Jimin's crooks.
He really don't wanna move at all.
Jimin giggles lightly at the sudden movement, holding on his arm a little tighter. They stay like that for awhile, until Jimin has to shake him awake as it's his turn to do his makeup. He groans, dragging his feet to the chair. He licks his dry lips as he meet his reflection—yeah, he definitely look sick. Pale as hell. He winces, looking away.
"Taehyung, your manager leave you some food. He said you need to it", Hoseok calls from behind. Taehyung answers with a hum, hands slowly moving his hands under his shirt—holding his stomach that feels full— as he let the makeup artist brush eyeshadow on him.
5 minutes later, Everyone is done with the makeup, but still have to wait as the PD prepare the shoot. Taehyung grabs the bowl, hesitantly grabbing the spoon to put some rice in his mouth. He swallows it, grimacing at the taste. He takes another bite, chewing slowly. He can feel his stomach growl—protesting the heavy materials. He quickly shoves few more bites, then drowning the taste with a lot of water, before his hyung notices something on him.
"You're done?", Jimin asks, eyeing the still half full bowl. Taehyung nods. "I'm saving it for later, don't want to eat too much. We're shooting anyway"
Jimin nods, letting the matters go. Taehyung doesn't miss the concern laced within the older, but doesn't say anything.
Taehyung thoughts the IV gonna help him feel better—oh, he's so much in wrong for that. He has taken 2 IV ever since he got home from Mexico, hoping that it would lessen the crash, but his body decides the other way. He's definitely sick right now.
The first bad sign that he notices are how cold the studio is. He looks around—this is the studio they have been use to shoot so many times, either Run BTS, interview, or photoshoot. And he knows that no one ever change the air conditioner temperature there. There's no reason. So why is it so cold today? He swallows the urge to run and take his coat back—instead, listening the PD instruction about today's game. Maybe with some moving, he would feel less cold. Definitely not a sign of fever.
The second sign, is how he has to blinks few times to focus his sight to the prompter in front of him. And the instructions feels too fuzzy for his brain to disgest.
"Look at Taehyung, he doesn't understand", Jimin giggles beside him, definitely teasing, so he can't do anything but chuckles awkwardly and try to once again understand the rules. "Jungkook-ah", he whispers after taking a minute to read, "How is it?"
Of course the mic catch his whispers clearly—he only hopes the viewers gonna take it as a funny moment—and Yoongi teases him now. The games went on when Jimin explains it to him in a more simple manner. Taehyung shakes his head. He needs to get himself together.
The third sign—the worse and the final sign.
Taehyung forgot that now Run BTS has been a bigger show, they starts taking some sponsors. So seeing food or drink on the set isn't a strange sight. He—and the others are usually excited for it. Who's not excited for free food during shooting, right? Yeah, that if he's feeling good. Or not sick, at least.
Today, it's hell for him.
He hopes his acting skill after shooting drama, countless ads and interview, and variety shows can help him to hide the grimaces when he sees the food on the table. He could hear his members excited chatters as they starts spitting the script for promotions—Jimin and Jungkook has chewed some.
"Taehyung-ah, you're not eating?", Namjoon asks, taking a big bite—that get Taehyung gulps as he could feel the taste of grease and spice from it. He coughs loudly and he feels like throwing up. "No, i'm on diet"
"Diet? Hyung .. this is so good", Jungkook teases, taking a piece of chicken and shoves it until it touches his lips. Taehyung chuckles, trying his best not to gag at the smell. It smells good, truthfully. It's just his sick body makes him think otherwise.
"It's good, Taehyung-ah. What's the use for diet", Yoongi mumbles beside him. Taehyung smiles sheepishly—and surrender. He just need to eat one, and it's done. He chews quickly, trying to ignore any possible taste of meat in his mouth.
The shooting goes on, and everything was fine—except Taehyung feel worst. He's not even sure if he's still "there" or not. He takes a sip of water. His stomach hurts now. He feels nauseous. He had taken almost half of the water, to wash the taste from his tongue. But for some reason, it still lingers there, and it falls heavy in his stomach. He can feel his throat getting constricted by every single swallowing. It feels weird. And it makes him feel even worse—feeling his chest rising and falling faster.
Yoongi must've noticed his weird behaviour as he nudges his hand under the table twice. "Huh?"
"Are you okay?"
His stomach growls, it's not loud—but it sends ripple of burp that tastes like chicken and food his manager gave to him. Taehyung presses his fist over his lips hard—as the horrible taste causing his body to flinch and convulse with a gag. He is never a quiet person—so the mic definitely catch his gag, as he could see everyone stops on his tracks. He barely can react or anything, before his stomach turns and throws the food in his hand.
Taehyung is dizzy.
Everything is spinning in front of him—he feels faint already—but somehow manages to nod. His hand starts to feel cold. He unconsciously wrapped it around his middle—as nausea washes him. This time more prominent ; like Yoongi's acknowledgement opened something in him.
Everything is blurry now, he doesn't remember being pushed towards someone, or even hearing someone scream his name, but he does remember seeing their faces as he retches. He can still taste the awful taste of the chicken, as he continues puking in between coughs. He doesn't know who puts trashcan on his lap, and pull his hand away from his mouth—as his head immediately ducked into it, mouth opened wide with a big stream of vomit rushes through it. He shuts his eyes, waiting for the next wave of vomit to come over him. And it does—5 seconds later, with a loud belch. All of water he downed earlier pushing itself up, filling the bin in rapid pace. Taehyung chokes, feeling a burning sensation spread across his throat.
"Taehyung-ah, breathe"
Someone touch his shoulders gently and push his hair back. Taehyung lets out a whimper, as he tries to control his breathing again. He can feel another hand rubbing his back, softly. He keeps on vomiting, emptying whatever's left inside his stomach, his throat and his mouth.
After what felt like hours of vomiting, he finally managed to stop. He feels exhausted, shaking and dizzy. Someone helps him—taking the trashcan away, and gives him tissues and water to clean himself. He wipes his mouth with shaky fingers, taking deep breath again and letting out small groans. He's too warm, too dizzy, and tired—all at once.
"Hyung ..", he mutters as he slumps against someone beside him. Maybe it's Yoongi .. or Jungkook—he doesn't care. "I'm not feeling well"
"Yeah no shit, you just throw up, Taehyung-ah", Someone snickers. Probably Seokjin. "Let's call off the shooting. Get Taehyungie home"
"Can you stand up?", Someone that has been his pillar asks him softly. Taehyung frowns—still not want to open his eyes. "Dunno .. dizzy"
A pair of hands support him as a hand comes to hold his waist, helping him up. A small voice speaks again—"Take it slow. I'll walk with you"
With a groan, he manages to move his body. He holds onto whoever is supporting him and tries to keep himself straight. But his body definitely hits a rock bottom today—he only few steps away from their waiting room, when nausea is starting to grows and so does the dizziness. The floor spins under him. He doesn't get a word, before he jerks forward, and watery vomit sprays out of his mouth.
Taehyung is barely aware of people calling his name—as his stomach rebels against him and convulse, sending the second batch of the vomit flying out, and then another wave. He gasps for air, his arms weakly clutching his stomach—while someone fusses beside him.
" 'm sorry", he chokes out between coughs and groans after the nausea subsided.
He feels awful.
"It's okay, Taetae .. it's okay. Now let's get you clean up and go home, okay?"
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whats-k-popping · 2 years
Hyungs Can Help (Pt. 2)
Summary: “It was just one sneeze, hyungs. I’m fine.” Still, they don’t look convinced. “Come on, we’re going to be late.” He all but pushes them out the door where their ride is waiting for them. 
Pairing: OT7 - platonic intentions but ship how you want.
Words: 2570
Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Cold Symptoms || Illness || Snz Content || Congestion || Snot || Induced Snz Content || Sick Member
See Also: Continuation of this request.
Inspiration: @btsnz so kindly tagged me in an ask they received regarding the original requested fic: "any chance for a part 2 with a still sneezy sick jk and the caring sneeze catching, nose cleaning hyungs. Like maybe he insisted on trying to record a song and he kept sneezing in the mic and the hyungs had to force him back to bed." I hope that anon sees this and enjoys it!
Jungkook is on day eight of what he’s affectionately dubbing the ‘cold from hell.’ Thankfully, his fever had broken on day six. He managed to stay fever free on day 7. And he was finally feeling ready to resume his regular schedule. Some of the symptoms still lingered, still sniffling and sneezing more than normal. But that’s nothing that a travel pack of tissues couldn’t manage. 
“Are you sure, JK. The managers said you could have the rest of the week off to let your body recover.” Jimin asks the maknae as he plows through his breakfast. For the first time in days, he feels hungry. He’s glad to have his normal appetite back. 
“I’m sure, hyung. I feel fine.” Jungkook replies proudly, flashing a wide smile. Bits of food are stuck between his teeth, but it only adds to his charm. “Besides, it’s just meetings and recording. I couldn’t overdo it if I tried.” He’s so confident in his statement. He survived the ‘cold from hell.’ He feels untouchable. 
Jimin wants to counter, but Yoongi beats him to it. “Just be careful today. You haven’t flushed it all from your system. If you overwork yourself, you could end up relapsing and getting sick all over again.” It’s not scolding, not meant to sway Jungkook’s decisions. Just fact. He’ll let Jungkook choose how he uses that information. 
Jungkook doesn’t believe it. He beat the pricking fever. He beat the numbing aches. He beat the congestion. Nothing can knock him down again. He still chugs the glass of orange juice Seokjin pours for him. But just because it tastes good. 
“Just promise us you’ll tell someone if it’s too much,” Namjoon sighs defeatedly, recalling how Jungkook poorly managed the early days of his cold. He’d like the maknae to take advantage of the days off he was offered. But they all know how restless they all get when they can’t work. It’s become a reason for their existence. They equate taking time off to be similar to the feeling of having an itch that they can’t scratch. A nagging need that isn’t met. 
“Promise,” Jungkook nods as he takes his dish to the kitchen. As he walks back, he catches a single sneeze in cupped hands. Six pairs of eyes land on him, expressions varying from concern to arrogance. The maknae swipes a finger under his nose, abashed. “It was just one sneeze, hyungs. I’m fine.” Still, they don’t look convinced. “Come on, we’re going to be late.” He all but pushes them out the door where their ride is waiting for them. 
The meetings are boring. He’s usually much more engaged in planning their upcoming projects. But there’s not a lot of room for his input. Decisions are being made for him without asking for a second opinion. He understands the concept’s theme is symbolic to the current phase of their career, but he should at least get a say in something. 
When he realizes that he doesn’t really need to pay attention, he tunes out. He’s a professional. He will do whatever he’s told. So there’s no point in paying it any more attention. When the time comes, he will do what he needs to do. And he will do it effortlessly. He maintains the air that he’s invested and paying attention, but in reality, his focus has shifted. 
He’s currently thinking about his dripping nose. He doesn’t want to sniffle and interrupt the manager who’s explaining things to them. But he also doesn’t want a visible trail of snot to run across his lips. So he pulls out the travel pack of tissues from his pocket and uses it to dab away the moisture. He doesn’t blow, again, to avoid interrupting the manager. But he cleans up enough so it’s not a concern anymore. At least for now. 
In a total of three meetings, Jungkook had to sneeze 7 times and had used up 9 tissues. He was able to hold it off for a while. But every sneezy tickle triggered the fountain that is currently his nose. And every time his nose ran, he felt the itch of a sneeze coming. It’s a messy cycle that he could definitely do without. 
Namjoon notices how Jungkook’s trying so hard to keep his lingering symptoms discreet. He knows how badly Jungkook wants to make it through the day. So he doesn’t say anything. Rather, he enlists the help of a questionably trustworthy Daegu vocalist to help out the maknae. Taehyung is clingy and mischievous by nature. If anyone can secretly watch over their maknae, it’s him. 
After their final meeting, they file into Yoongi’s studio to record. It’s decided that they will record in descending age order, conveniently making Jungkook the final member to record lyrics. It’s their first go at the new song. They haven’t yet divided the parts. So the vocalists will sing all the vocal lines and the rappers will sing all the rap lines, just to see whose voice fits best. It’s going to be a long recording session. 
Jungkook reaches into his pocket for tissues, but finds only empty plastic. He must have unknowingly used them all. He scans Yoongi’s studio for tissues, but finds none. Yoongi is great at taking care of the rest of the members, making sure he has tissues and medicines on hand for them. He’s not as great at making sure he has those things for himself. So he turns to the only other studio holding hyung he could count on to have tissues. 
“Hobi-hyung,” he whispers, knowing that Yoongi is hard at work recording for Seokjin and he doesn’t want to disrupt that concentration. When Hoseok looks at him, he continues in his hushed voice. “Do you have any tissues in your studio? I ran out.” 
Hoseok thinks hard about the question, mentally scanning every inch of his studio trying to remember if he had any tissues. His air conditioning unit usually makes him sneeze, so he really should be keeping tissues in there. But he can’t think of a single place they would be. “Sorry, bun. I don’t have any.” 
Despite their whispered voices, Yoongi hushes them and they both tense up at his stern voice. The conversation ends there. 
Jungkook leans back against the couch in Yoongi’s studio, pulling his knees up to his chest and sniffling loudly. He tries to force all the runniness back into his sinuses. He could rub it on his sleeves, but that would just be messy and irritating. He saves it as a last resort. 
Taehyung settles in next to him, slipping an arm around Jungkook’s waist and pulling him close. His fingers draw meaningless patterns around Jungkook’s face, triggering a few sneezes as he inches closer and closer to the maknae’s nose. Taehyung uses his long sleeve to stop the sneezes from spraying everywhere, 
“hi’NXTCH, EEHtchi’hu” He sniffles thickly after the second sneeze. Some of the mucus runs into his throat, causing him to cough. He just lets it out, not bothering to cover. 
“Silly bun,” Taehyung muses quietly, whispering the words into Jungkook’s ear. “You still have a long time until you record. Why don’t you take a nap?” he asks gently. 
“Need to blow by nose,” Jungkook replies. There’s a touch of congestion coming back to his voice. He thought he’d gotten rid of that. He clicks his tongue in disgust when he hears it. 
Taehyung pulls off the hoodie he’s wearing, revealing a plain t-shirt with a simple logo on the upper right chest. He’s already gotten Jungkook’s snot on the sleeve, so he might as well make it worth the wash. He takes the loose sleeve and gently cups it around Jungkook’s whole nose. “Blow. As hard as you can.” Taehyung smiles encouragingly at the maknae. 
Jungkook looks back questioningly, amazed that Taehyung would sacrifice his sweatshirt for him. He does as he was told, blowing as much snot as he can into the thick fabric. With each blow, he stifles a few sneeze or two into the mess as well. It’s tickling him from the inside. But when he finally pulls his face away, he has to admit that it does feel a lot better. 
Taehyung takes a moment to clean up Jungkook’s face, preventing it from getting too sticky. “There you go, bun. Much better, right,” Jungkook just nods. “Good, now sleep, I’ll wake you when it’s my turn so you can get your voice ready.” 
Jungkook has no trouble falling asleep in Taehyung’s lap as the older vocalist twirls fingers through his hair. Periodically through his nap, he sniffles and hitches. Taehyung uses the sweatshirt to catch and sneezes that sneak up on him. And he’s quick to lull the younger vocalist back to sleep when a louder sneeze shocks him awake. 
Yoongi’s finishing up with Jimin and Taehyung knows he goes next. It breaks his heart, but he told Jungkook he would wake him to prepare for his turn. So he does. At least Jungkook managed to get a few hours in. Classic Hoseok, wanting to redo his parts four times over. It’s shocking that Yoongi agreed to it, though. Taehyung thinks he went along with it just to buy Jungkook more sleep. He nudges Jungkook on the shoulder and plants a few light smacks against his thigh to rouse him. “Jungkookie, time to wake up.” He speaks in his sweetest, softest voice. 
“MMhm, Id’s your turbn already?” Jungkook sounds disappointed when he finally sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. The congestion from earlier is still there; leaving a dissatisfied pout on his lips. 
“Jiminie-hyung’s just finishing up.” Taehyung confesses, grabbing the sweatshirt he’s decided is now a handkerchief. He hears how stuffy Jungkook still sounds. He needs to clear that by his turn. “Here, Kook.” 
Jungkook eyes the fabric scrunches his nose. He’d much rather had a soft paper tissue than that itchy heavy fabric. But he’s punished quite quickly for acting ungrateful. “eh’HIXTchi, he’nftCHU” 
Taehyung must have sensed it coming because again, the fabric is against his face to catch all the spray. “There we go. Now blow for hyung.” He instructs again and Jungkook doesn’t make any sour faces this time. 
“Is he really going to be able to record?” Yoongi asks the room, saving Jimin’s recordings and starting a new line for Taehyung’s. They all eye Jungkook skeptically, waiting for the maknae to answer. No one wants to tell him what to do. 
The heavy tension slaps Jimin as he walks back into the studio. “Did something happen while I was recording?” he asks carefully. He sees the other’s all staring at Jungkook, who still has a sweatshirt covering half of his face. His voice raises an octave in concern. “Is something wrong with Jungkookie?”
Jungkook’s face shines red under all the attention. He wipes his nose on the sweatshirt and then pushes it away. “I’b fibe. I jud beed to mbake ub bore.” He somehow sounds worse and the others aren’t convinced. 
Hoseok leaves the studio and returns minutes later with a cup of steaming hot tea. “Here, drink this while Taehyung’s recording. It might help.” Jungkook accepts the cup gratefully and takes a steady sip. It tinges his tongue a bit, but he feels better already. 
“Thanks, hyung.” Jungkook smiles, able to get the words out less congested thanks to one small sip. He nudges Taehyung to get his recording started. The second youngest leaves and everyone’s attention turns back to the recording booth. Jungkook continues to sip on the tea, hoping that Taehyung won’t take too long. 
Taehyung wraps up quickly, getting through the lines with ease. He’ll be satisfied with whatever part he ends up with, knowing that he’ll re-record more seriously once parts are decided. The cup of tea is now empty and Jungkook makes his way into the booth. 
Jungkook starts singing, beautiful as ever. But midway through the first verse, his breath hitches and he sneezes into cupped hands. Yoongi instructs him to start from the top again, deleting that track. 
So Jungkook starts over, but sniffles heavily when he goes to take a breath. It’s a loud sound in Yoongi’s headphones, he pulls them to rest around his neck, huffing to regain his patience. He doubts Jungkook will be able to make it through a single verse without needing to stop or ruining it with a sniffle or sneeze. Yet he allows him to continue, repeatedly erasing the track and re-recording. And he thought Hoseok took a long time…
After an immeasurable number of takes, Jungkook finally makes it through the first verse. It’s not as great as it could be. But it’s complete and lacking any signs of his lingering cold. So it’ll do for now. So they move into the chorus. 
The guide track plays in the background, but Jungkook can’t get any words out. He’s turned away from the mic with his face tucked into the crook of his elbow. Through the headphones, Yoongi can hear Jungkook’s breath hitching. It goes on for a while. The producer clicks his tongue and presses the intercom, “Kook-ah. I think we should do this another time. Come back to the studio.” He sees Jungkook nod with his eyes squinted shut and his nose still shoved into his sleeve. He enters the studio seconds later, posture unchanged. 
Hoseok pulls Jungkook back to the couch as soon as he enters the room. He coos, “Aigoo, Kook-ah, are you having some trouble?” He tries to pull Jungkook’s arm away from his face. 
Jungkook drops his arm and buries his head into Hoseok’s shoulder. His breath catches again and whimpers. “Hy-hy-hyungs.” 
Jimin envelops Jungkook’s other side, “Oh, Jungkookie, you did such a good job today.” He rubs the maknae’s shoulders. “Now let hyungs take care of you.” 
Jungkook nods vigorously, desperate for relief. The rest of the members chuckle at Jungkook, cooing and crowding around him to offer their support. 
“Turn here, Kook,” Namjoon calls and Jungkook does. The leader presents a twisted piece of take-out napkin. He brushes the pointed end around Jungkook’s nostrils. When Jungkook appears to be okay with it, Namjoon sticks the napkin into one nostril and wiggles it around. 
“Heh’eeh’hee,” Jungkook hitched, but was met with no relief. “Peh-pl-please. More.” So Namjoon switches to the other nostril, twisting aggressively until Jungkook finally pitches forward. “aetch-CHU, nxt’hiCHI, hept’iCHU, eh’tiftHYU.” When he lifts his head, he lets out a relieved sigh. “Danks hyund.” He smiles. 
“You’re welcome, Kook.” Namjoon squeezes Jungkook’s shoulder. 
Taehyung appears with the same used sweatshirt from before. “Your poor nose is so stuffed up, Bun.” He doesn’t even have to tell Jungkook to blow, the maknae knows the purpose of the sweatshirt. He just lets Taehyung press the fabric against his nose and blows as hard as he can. 
“You know, you still have those few days you can take.” Seokjin reminds, “You should take them. Let yourself rest until you kick these lingering symptoms.” 
“I second that,” Yoongi adds. The rest of the members all nod in agreement. 
Jungkook doesn’t have the energy to argue. “Fine, hyungs. You win, I’ll stay back. Can we go home now, please?” He clings himself onto Hoseok and looks longingly at the door. 
“Of course we can,” Jimin starts packing their things and they all move to the door. They waste no time taking their maknae home.  
A/N: Did I accidentally give Taehyung a snz fetish? I could see it. As always, thanks for reading to the end! Feedback is always appreciated. And please let me know if I missed any tags or TWs. Please call me out for any errors you notice!
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Tumblr media
sickie: Yoongi
Caretaker: hoseok
Tw: scat, stomach pain, mentions of nausea, and v****
Word Count: 2,237
I hope you enjoy it! update: Its nice to be back!
Survive this company dinner, yoongi told himself. He just needs to survive this one night and then he could go home and sleep the weekend away.. being around hoseok will give him the energy he needs so that he can survive this company dinner. The only problem is that hoseok can't know he's sick, he doesn't want him to worry...
Yoongi had been feeling sick all day, he had been working at home but came back to grab some notes he had forgotten at his office in bighit, He was told by a coworker at hybe that there was a company dinner tonight and that attendance was mandatory. He noticed hoseok geting in a showfur car. He opted to catch a ride with hoseok to the restaurant. Hoseok greeted him when he sat in the car. the shofer asked if anyone else would be joining and hoseok said no, knowing that this was the last ride for the trip to the restaurant, all the other members had already left and caught the first and second ride. Hoseok was in the last ride because he was cleaning up the dance studio, he was the last one to be in the studio and he hates leaving it messy when he leaves. Once yoongi is settled into his seat Hoseok can feel how warm Yoon's skin is without touching him. " hyung? why are you so warm?" hoseok asked giving a giggle at the end of his sentence. " I'm just a little hot in this car.." yoongi lied. He was freezing and trying not to let his teeth chatter. " would you like me to turn on the ac?" the driver asked. before yoongi could even speak hoseok answered for him. " yes please, thanks" yoongi kept his mouth shut he had to work harder to not let his body shiver against the car's ac on full blast. On top of that, he had to keep his symptoms in check. His tummy at the moment was really giving him some trouble. It had been aching all day. He tried meds, warm foods everything he could think of but the medicine would end up not working and he'd throw up the little amount of food he mustard down. yoongi eases a warm hand onto his tummy, it feels so good. It makes the aching sensation a little bearable. His own hand melted into his angry tummy.
" hey hyung?" hoseok says. yoongi turns to look at hobi. " are you... ok?" hoseok asks looking at yoongi's hand which is obviously rubbing his belly. yoongi stops immediately when he realizes what hoseok means. " oh your talking about me rubbing my belly? I always do that" yoongi tries to play it off. "no, you always do that when it is bothering you, is it.. bothering you? did you eat something with flour or did you not eat at all?" yoongi felt cornered he didn't really care for lying he just didn't want him not feeling well to be a big deal, he was just gonna get through tonight and sleep it off after. the truth is that he hasn't been able to stomach anything and his tummy is achy and sour from puking so much today. yoongi lies once again. saying " I was working all day and eating slipped my mind. I'm just hungry" yoongi regretted using that excuse but he plays along anyways, figuring his hyung needed a good meal. hoseok doesn't accept that excuse. " you'll have to eat enough to make up all the meals you missed when we arrive." yoongi rolls his eyes since when do you tell me what to do yoongi murmurs. " the moment you stopped taking care of yourself" hosoek says back with sassiness. Hoseok knew something was up.
They arrive at the restaurant, and yoongi does not feel any better upon stepping out of the freezing car. yoongi sees a crowd of people he knows from work along with all the members. All socializing, he feels sick to his stomach. He really wasn't in the mood for socializing tonight. They eventually get through the crowd of people, properly greeting everyone. Yoongi's nausea built up during the process it was a lot of moving around hugs and firm handshakes causing shooting movements to his stomach. After they find a seat they pick out a food set on the table. hoseok takes yoongi's plate and adds food for him. It's easy to get food for yoongi he eats practically anything, still, hoseok avoids the foods he knows might have flour in them. He knew yoongi wasn't well and he didn't want him feeling worse. He gave yoongi his plate and begins making his own. Simply looking at the food made yoongi sweat. Once hoseok is done with his plate he sits back and begins eating. hoseok notices yoongi is eating abnormally slow, especially for a person who is quote " hungry" " come on hyung eat didn't you say you were hungry" hoseok is using yoongi's own lies against him. So far, lying was only bitting yoongi in the butt. yoongi begins to take fast small bites. At that same moment, hitman bang's assistant came to the front of the rented-out area and says that in a moment he will be saying a few words. yoongi wants to be respectful and wait till after hitman bang speaks and then leave for the bathroom but he can't. He's barely had a few bites and he can already feel it coming back up. He felt so sick so fast it made him lightheaded. He'd rather go now than stay and make a mess anyway.
yoongi rises from the table. hoseok grabs his arm and whispers," where are you going Mr. bangs about to speak?" yoongi didn't have much time before he'd start gagging he could feel it in his throat. " I really need to pee I'll be right back" he needed to get out fast. " he got up quickly. hoseok feels a bit bad for giving him so much to eat knowing he's sick, he thought it would help. yoongi manages to make it out of the room. He scurries down the hall o the restaurant. He finds a waiter. "Where is the bath-, "yoongi gagged hard and covered his mouth. The waiter points further down the hall. It looked like a long way away. yoongi feared he wasn't going to make it. He goes as fast as his stomach lets him, the food in his stomach sloshes around heavily making his nausea worse. He holds on to the side of the wall for balance. His fever must be getting high he starts to get dizzy. He makes it. he threw up a little in his mouth and hand, but that was manageable. As soon as he nealed in front of the toilet, a surge of sickness came straight out. He was surprised, he didn't gag at all at first, it surprised him when so much sickness came out of his body so fast, that he couldn't keep up. he was panting, dizzy from the lack of air. He remembers that he gagged a lot and partially threw up a little in his mouth in the hall so he panics slightly less. When he felt the stream sow down he thought he was getting a little break but his stomach convulsed inside of him and projectile puke flew past his lips hitting the toilet seat and around the floor. Yoongi gags, he has nothing left to get up, he gagged dryly again, he tried to save himself from a world of pain, his body was going to make him throw up stomach acid which would make his throat even more painful and sore than it already was, but he forced down some big deep breaths. He held his breath for a moment. The nausea subsided, he thought he'd never get out of the bathroom and that he was gonna miss the entire dinner and be in trouble but he was able to get back in time. He rinsed his mouth and washed his face and he was off, back in the room hybe rented out for the night. Just in time, hitman bang was just about to start speaking.
Hoseok couldn't help but notice his Hyung sickly completion. It was worse than before he went to the bathroom. It made hoseok worry. Hoseok was just about to ask yoongi about it but, at that exact moment, Mr. bang began to speak. Hoseok stayed quiet and listened to the speech. yoongi was on the other hand having a hard time keeping up with what Mr. Bang was talking about. Yoongi had yet another problem. His stomach was hurting like crazy. It was to the point where he couldn't help but wrap both arms around his midsection. He hoped it didn't look too suspicious, but with nausea not quite dying down and something new going on with his intestines, he couldn't help but hold his stomach. There was far too much going on with yoongi's body to even bother trying to keep up with the speech. He felt freezing cold yet sweat would occasionally fall from his forehead and is currently damping his shirt, his stomach twisting itself into a knot, nausea constantly building. Even tho it looked like he was listening he was doing what he wasn't. Hoseok took notice of this when Mr. Bang had ended his speech and walked off and yoongi was still looking forward, staring off into space at this point. Yoongi's stomach was so loud and painful. Hoseok tapped his shoulder to get his attention. Without saying a word yoongi got up and started walking to the door again. Hoseok assumed yoongi was headed to the bathroom again. This time hoseok wasn't going to let him go alone, he followed behind. When yoongi began to hunch over and pick up speed hoseok picked up speed as well.
Hoseok watched as the other made haste for what he presumed was the direction the bathroom is in. Noticed how tight yoongi was gripping onto his own stomach and the little pain noises he made as he went along. yoongi must be really sick hoseok thought. They made it to the bathroom, yoongi almost lost the battle he was having with his intestines when he heard extremely close footsteps echo the bathroom walls. Started he turned around to see that hosoeok had followed him. " Hoseok? what are you doing in here?" yoongi straightened up and asked. " you didn't seem ok so I followed you here, I was gonna as-" yoongi curled in on himself again and left in the middle of hosoek's sentence. He went straight to a stall. He slammed the door and hastily got in. Hosoek didn't want to intrude on his Hyung but got worried when he heard painful soft moans coming from the stall, hoseok decide to lock the door before going over to investigate. "Hyung? Are you ok in there?" hoseok asked. " ouuuuwww" is the thing hoseok heard as a reply back. Yoongi sat shaking as everything he'd just had violently left his body. He wished the bathroom was empty but at the same time, he's glad hoseok followed him. His stomach had yet to stop rolling and twisting painfully, while long steams painfully exit his body splashing against the walls of the toilet. It was when his mouth began to water and taste like stomach acid that he began calling hosoeok for help. he asked hoseok in a weak voice for him to bring him a trash can. Due to the other end not letting up. It was the moment that hoseok handed him the trash can that he wonder how he had gotten so sick. His hands touched the small metal bin, it was freezing, and he felt like he'd freeze to death simply from the touch. The bin came just in time, he had begun to cough and retch. with how funny his stomach was it was hard to tell what would happen next but that changed when a particularly painful cough turned into a retch. A little bit of water sick hit the bin causing yoongi to gag even louder than he for shoving his head back in the bin. His intestines not sparing him even once for a break.
Hosoek cringed at the sound of liquid hitting metal. Once yoongi felt like it was safe to lift his head up the madness began to die down. After a few minutes of collecting himself, he was able to clean up and leave the stall. Hoseoko was waiting patiently outside the hall with paper towels and a water bottle. Yoongi didn't even hear the other leave before. Yoongi walked over to the sink and hoseok helped him clean up. " I'm ... going to take you to the doctor." Yoongi had no energy at all to fight or try to make excuses, he simply accepted his fate. As yoongi was sipping on the water hoseok gave him, Hosek sent out a message to the other members explaining what has happened and what he planned to do now. Once They finally exited the bathroom they walked outside, hoseok called the showfer back. While he was waiting for him to pick him up he noticed yoongi aggressively shivering from the corner of his eye. Hoseok took off his jacket and gave it to Hyung. Yoongi was so cold he accepted it gratefully...
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