#spolier imagine
fandom-go-round · 2 years
Any head cannons for what type of monster/cryptid Duke and Stephanie would be? I don't really see a lot of them in cryptid batfam AUs. Plus any other member of the batfam you'd like to add!
I won’t do major head cannons for everyone else but I will list them out!
Duke Thomas:
There isn’t really a word for what Duke is but the closest comparison is the Michigan Dogman. He’s not a werewolf; his transformations aren’t tied to the moon or cycles or anything like that. When he transforms it’s not bloody or violent, it’s more like his body is just slowly filling out. Like a balloon that only just realized it was half filled with air. Compared to the rest of the Bats he feels a little lack luster and doesn’t bring up his abilities much, leading to the other sometimes forgetting he can transform at all.
Because he’s not a werewolf, the common ways to kill a werewolf don’t work on him. Silver isn’t a big deal, unless their bullets because bullets can kill Duke no issue. That’s just because they’re bullets. Duke is torn between thinking it’s funny and thinking it’s annoying that everyone seems to forget he’s not a werewolf but he ignores it.
It’s a long time before he feels comfortable transforming in front of everyone else. Things are always less dramatic with Duke and he feels a little guilty that everyone else has to suffer. The thought quickly leaves his mind as they start to prank him and then he’s over it. The first time he transforms in the cave it brings a lot of stares, the others knowing that he can but having never seen it firsthand. It’s a huge show of trust and it’s treated as such.
Stephanie Brown:
Stephanie would be a banshee. She has a habit of being very loud and very firm about what’s right and wrong. She’s not the only banshee running around Gotham (Blank Canary hint hint) but she’s rare enough that people don’t always know what she is. It makes it easier to blend it and be ‘human’ but she can get sick of it.
Her abilities are very powerful and it causes a lot of tension between her and Bruce. He firmly believes that people should have control of their powers all the time but it’s hard for Stephanie, especially because her powers are fueled by her emotions. It’s one of the reasons that she doesn’t last long as Robin; her emotions are her strength but they aren’t Batman’s. They get along better now that Steph is doing her own thing but it’s still a sore spot.
She’s only completely lost control of her powers once, becoming the horror stories that most people think of when they hear banshee. She lost all physical form and was constantly howling, running around downtown and causing issues. It wasn’t her fault (a villain of the week got lucky) but it takes most of the other Bats to get her under control. She’s really embarrassed about it after but Tim and Cass are very impressed. They can tell she cares because she holds back. Even if they’re going to need a hearing test after that.
Alfred: Drider
Bruce: Vampire
Dick: Incubus (R.I.P Boy)
Jason: Werewolf
Tim: Dream Demon (Sheep)
Damian: Half Vampire
Barbra: Harpy
Cass: Shadow Creature
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burts-baked-bees · 9 months
OPLA Sanji x Fem!Reader
{masterlist for OPLA Sanji ongoing story}
Tags: Slight angst to fluff, slight pining, Sanji and reader are close friends and have truama bonded, Sanji has no clue he's in love with reader the poor sap
CW: Launguage, mentions of abuse, slight WCI spoliers, mentions of drinking
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“I swear I’m one shift away from throwing myself in the godforsaken ocean.” Sanji huffed angrily as he threw himself down in a nearby booth. The Baratie had cleared out for the night leaving the cooks to clean the line and the waiters to clean the dining room, but halfway through the dreaded cleanup Sanji had both metaphorically and physically thrown in the towel. The dish cloth he had been holding went flying across the room as he put his feet up on the booth he was in and groaned indignantly.
“That old shitbag won’t so much as let me breathe on the line! I’m a cook! Not a fucking waiter!” He yelled, turning his head back towards the kitchen, as if Zeff could hear his complaints.
“You think maybe it has something to do with the fact that you call him an ‘old shitbag’?” A voice came from the other side of his booth. A small smile curled his lips as he sat up some and peeked over the rounded edge of the red leather seat.
“Oh I’m sorry, did I interrupt your nap time madame?” Sanji laughed as he took in the sight of Y/n laying on her back with her eyes closed in the opposite booth. “So sorry for the inconvenience, but aren’t you meant to be cleaning tables?” He teased as Y/n cracked an eye open and glared at him.
“Aren’t you?” She asked with a sly grin, earning an eye roll and angry huff from the blonde.
“Seems the only thing I’m meant to do is slowly die from boredom in this trash heap of a restaurant.” Sanji sighed as he fell back into his seat, pulling out his lighter and messing with the lid. Y/n laughed softly before sitting up and resting her arms on the dividing seat. She placed her head atop her arms and looked at him with a mock pout.
“Awww is the best chef in the East Blue all bummed that his dad doesn't like his cooking? Again?”
Sanji snapped his lighter closed and raised a finger at Y/n, pointing aggressively at her with a snarl.
“I am the greatest chef in the East Blue. Even if that geezer can’t see it.” He stated, earning a chuckle from Y/n as she sat up and raised her hands in surrender.
“Easy now, no need to shout at a lady.” She cooed as Sanji chuckled and gave her an angry smile, hanging his head.
“How dare you throw my own principles back in my face.” He chuckled as he began fidgeting with the silver ring on his finger. Y/n sighed and rested her chin on her folded arms again, smiling softly at the mop of blonde hair in front of her. She reached over the divider and brushed some of his hair from his face, earning a soft hum from Sanji as he closed his eyes.
“I think we both know he’s only doing and saying these things because he wants the best for you. Though I’ll be the first to admit, his way of going about it is absolute shit.” She laughed as she watched his lips curl into a smile. He looked up at her, her fingers brushing against his cheek as he moved.
“Yeah, I know…” He sighed as he leaned his head back against the wall. She pulled her hand back and looked at him with sympathetic eyes. “But you're a stowaway as much as me.” Sanji joked, “And yet I’m the one being treated like a sniveling child every fucking time I step foot in that kitchen.” He huffed as he looked over at her through his bangs. She chuckled as she hung her arms over the back of his booth and cocked her head to the side.
“My dumbass thought I could be a pirate and got stuck here paying off a debt cuz’ my ship damaged the hull of this ‘trash heap of a restaurant’.” She fired back, using his own words. He opened his mouth to speak but soon closed it again as he shook his head.
“Yeah that was pretty dumb.” Sanji joked as he pulled his jacket off and tossed it to the seat beside him. Y/n gawked at him before laughing and reaching forward to hit him softly on the shoulder. He leaned away from her and shouted
“Oi! Don’t damage the goods!”
She looked at him with mocking wide eyes and barked a laugh,
“Both Patty and I would have to disagree with you on that one, lover boy.” She snarked as Sanji rolled his eyes. A calm silence filled the space as Y/n sat up on her knees and looked at Sanji. She could see something was going on inside his head, and she knew him well enough to infer that he wasn’t going to say a damn thing. She studied the way his brow furrowed and noted how his eyes seemed more gray then blue in moments like these.
There was a profound sadness in him that she had only caught glimpses of in her three years aboard this ship. A profound sadness that he had more or less shared with her one drunken night in the bar when they should have been sleeping. A profound sadness that she wished every single day she could lift from him. The two sat in silence as the ship rocked softly under them; Y/n felt compelled to speak, to do anything that might help ease his overactive mind.
“Still, knowing what I know, having Zeff treating you like this can’t be good for the ole’ psyche…”
Sanji tensed up slightly at her words and Y/n mentally kicked herself for making that insinuation. She wanted to help him, but after the words left her mouth she felt a heavy guilt fill her bones. She watched as he shut his eyes and took a deep breath before smiling ever so slightly.
“Trust me, love. I may complain like this from time to time-”
“Almost ninety-five percent of the time."
“Ooookay. Almost ninety-five percent of the time, but nothing is worse than… what I came from.” He gave her a somber smile and pulled out his lighter again, flipping the lid open and closed in an almost rhythmic pattern. She returned his sad smile and pushed her baby hairs from her forehead.
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have mentioned that.” She spoke softly as she looked out at the empty dining room; the tables were cast in an eerie candle light and the china adorning the tables glimmered like stars. Sanji looked at her, as her attention was placed elsewhere, and smiled fondly. He felt a warmth rise in his chest as he took in the curve of her profile. The slope of her nose, the length of her eyelashes, the round of her cheeks. The candle light of the empty room cast dancing shadows on her face that made her look otherworldly; he felt his smile, and eyes soften as he looked at her.
“Y/n I wouldn’t have told you about my shitty past if I didn’t trust you to check in on me like this every now and again.” Sanji spoke softly as Y/n turned her gaze back to him. She was almost stunned to see the expression on his face. The look in his eyes was, most of the time, reserved for the elegant ladies that entered the restaurant day in and day out. And yet here he was looking at her like that. She brushed the fond gaze off and swayed her head back and forth while giving him an apologetic look.
“I know, but it’s still not my place to dredge up old memories of abuse when I don’t even know the full story.” She responded, playing with the ends of her uniform shirt.
Sanji smiled at her and leaned forward in his seat, one hand braced himself on the seat top while the other reached forward and pulled her towards him. Y/n closed her eyes as she felt his lips press against her forehead.
“I appreciate you checking on me. It shows that you care.” He said softly, his words muffled seeing that his lips were still connected with her forehead. She smiled softly as he placed a loud exaggerated kiss to the skin there before pulling away and holding her face in his hand. “Okay?” He asked with a huge smile. She laughed at his theatrics and moved to stand up, leaving Sanji sitting alone in his booth as he looked up at her standing form.
“Whatever you say-” She began as she reached out a hand to help him up. He took it with a laugh and allowed Y/n to pull him to his feet. “-My favorite Baratie waiter.” She finished as she dropped his hand and started walking away from him, stifling her laughter. Sanji stood there with his jaw dropped as she walked away from him, his shock soon turning into a smile as he watched her shoulders shake from holding in her laughter. He let a chuckle slip out as he pushed up his sleeves and made a beeline for her.
“How DARE!” He yelled as he grabbed her from behind and lifted her off the ground slightly laughing as she yelped and then dissolved into laughter when she broke free. She began running to a nearby table to put distance between herself and him as she pointed at him,
“Not fair!” She yelled, watching as Sanji pointed back at her.
“Don’t you dare get me started on ‘fair’!” He responded as he laughed.
Zeff stood in the doorway to the kitchen watching as Sanji ran around tables with that wannabe pirate waitress. He observed in silence as the pair laughed and threw dish towels at each other instead of cleaning tables.
The small boy he once knew, terrified of making connections with those around him due to some dark past he kept to himself, was smling and laughing as he chased around what could only be discribed as a friend.
A small smile curled his weathered lips as he shook his head and walked away, the sounds of youth fading into nothing.
“Not bad, little eggplant… Not bad…”
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damon-loves-pie · 2 years
Girls Talk Boys
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"Girls Talk Boys."
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader.
Word count: About 3,200 words
Warnings: 18+, Some ‘smut’ not much though kissing, talking about sex, some touching, but nothing too vivid. Talks of sexual relations, hidden relationships, sex toys implied. Henderson reader, and of course Eddie and Max never got hurt. 
ANOTHER WARNING: Max does imply asking about sex toys and how people are in bed just like most teenage girls I know, I know she’s young but going off how I was at 14/15 I was buying them already and experimenting with things like that. She DOES NOT DO anything sexual, she just teases Nancy and the reader and asks about their sex life. But if it’s going to bother you I ask you please to not read it, or hate on it since again I am writing based on how I have experienced life.
Summary: After defeating Vecna the party has made it mandatory to have dedicated hang out days. It is boys/girls night at Steve and El/the byers. Eddie and the older Henderson Sister have a secret relationship while people ask why they aren’t together. 
Author’s note: Hello everyone! I am back with another story! I feel great to have been able to write not one, but two stories! Especially after not having had motivation to do anything in months. I had gotten inspiration for this actually weeks ago but just couldn’t find a way to put it in words. I was driving and girls talk boys by 5sos came on off my playlist and it got me thinking. And yes I did listen to the song 10 million times while writing this. It is 3 AM where I am, so I have not proofread and don’t want to wait to post because I was excited about this. I hope you all enjoy! 
Writing Masterlist
Summer of '86 was unlike any summer before. It felt like there was more pressure to make it as normal as possible for all of us, especially after what we've been through the last couple of years. We all realized after the final battle against Vecna we were bonded for life and needed to make sure we took care of each other.
Which is why that March after the government somehow cleared Eddie's name, we started having dedicated nights for the party outside of our usual hangouts. The second Saturday had became movie/game night for everyone. While the 4th Saturday of the month was dedicated to boys/girls night.  
It was something that was all agreed upon. We would switch out homes, parents fully understanding the need of it. (Well besides Mr. Wheeler of course, but Mrs. Wheeler is quick to put him in his place.) Though it seems the usual hosts tend to be Steve and El/Byers. Steve's parents still don't seem to care to be home and Joyce somehow convinces Hopper we're all grown enough to be alone and that if anything were to happen, it would somehow happen even with them there by reminding him of high school.
All the parents knew of everything though. After the upside down broke through to the real world, there wasn't anyway of hiding what we all had been dealing with the last couple of years. Steve's parents just wanted to make sure their house was okay, while the Sinclair's were pissed to find out both of their children had put themselves into dangerous situations.
Dustin and I's mom wasn't happy with us, after having lost our father she didn't want to experience the loss of someone else important to her. (We didn't have the heart to tell her what happened to Mews though, that will forever be a secret.) Max's mom couldn't believe she had moved her daughter to a place more dangerous than California, when she moved here in hopes of keeping her safe.
Mrs. Wheeler and Mr. Wheeler didn't have a lot to say, Mr. Wheeler still doesn't believe that we've spent the last couple years actually fighting these things. He claimed we all had great imaginations, while Mrs. Wheeler was in shock but made us promise to tell her and the other parents if anything were to ever happen again.
Wayne didn't care about the upside down, or the monsters. He was just happy his boy was safe, and had gotten cleared of all chargers. He claimed to have known the government was hiding more than the masses were being told of. Said if they had just been honest, maybe none of this would of ever happen.
I don't really know what happen with Argyle’s parents, to be honest I'm not even sure if they know, with him being 18 when the events happened. Robin's parents at first wanted to move her away, to shelter her from all of this. She was supposed to be focused on graduating and band, not getting involved in this mess. But she convinced them to stay since she was already 18 and an adult, plus since she only had a few months till graduation.
Which talking about graduation; Nancy, Robin, and Eddie managed to graduate. Nancy and Robin were a given but Eddie got through with a loophole. After the 'earthquake' ruined half the town, they wanted to push out all of the students to make room for those who needed shelter. So basically everyone got passed for the remainder of the year.
But the weirdest thing to have happened since Vecna is Eddie and I. After Eddie almost got killed in the Upside Down, I couldn't keep my feelings a secret anymore. Little did I know before speaking out to him about it that night in my house, he himself was preparing to tell me how he felt.
Both of us couldn't imagine having not told each other how we felt and didn't want to risk another moment. That night lead to where I am today, pinned under Edward Munson as he begs me to skip girl's night.
It was June 28th, 1986. The last Saturday of the month and instead of getting prepared for going to El's, I was listening to Eddie's excuses.
"Come on sweetheart, do we really have to go tonight?" He teases against my neck, lips loosely moving against my skin while he leaves small, sweet kisses. The air was thick and heavy as he held me beneath him, letting his rough hands hold my hips in place while his lips explored my body.
My body ached with desire at the thought of staying in the sheets with Eddie. With my hands running beneath his shirt, nails lightly scratching into his back as he bites my earlobe slightly, causing me to gasp softy.
"No," I moan lightly, his tongue swirling around my collarbone before he bites the sensitive skin. "B-But, I think it would make everyone question where both of us were." I stutter, feeling his hands roam up underneath my shirt onto my stomach, shivering from the touch.
"We can just say we forgot," He breathes, continuing to work on my body. His lips trailing kisses up my neck to my lips, connecting his with mine. My brain fogged as his tongue traced my bottom lip before entering my mouth. Moaning into the kiss, I roll my tongue against Eddie’s, his hands moving to feel under my breast, cupping them slightly.
Part of me wanted to say fuck the others and stay right here melting beneath his touch. But I can't, we can't. Pulling away, I set my forehead against his. Both of us breathing heavy as we look into each other's eyes.
"Eddie, till we tell everyone, we can't risk anyone asking anymore questions than they already do." I tell him, feeling my chest move up and down heavily. Eddie nods slightly, understanding.
We both had wanted to keep it a secret because we hadn't wanted to give our friends another big change to deal with. We felt like it wasn't fair to them especially after everything that had happened, given we didn't expect to keep it a secret for so long. But the town was finally getting back to normal.
"We don't have to sneak around much longer, I promise." I smiled at him, pushing back his hair out of his face.
"I know, (Y/N). The town has almost everything rebuilt and people are finally starting to move back into their homes." He nods, leaning over to grab a cigarette off the nightstand. I watch as he sits up, lighting it before leaning against the wall of his bed.
Wayne and him had gotten a good amount of hush money from the 'misunderstanding' and bought a nice little house for the two of them here in Hawkins. People were fleeing after having realized Hawkins was more 'cursed' than they thought. But that meant that Wayne finally had his own room ever since having taken Eddie in when he was a boy. I hated how it had to of happened, but I was happy they were able to make the best of things.
I smiled at him as he offered the cigarette to me, taking it between my fingers. Bringing the cigarette to my lips, I inhaled deeply picturing the reactions of everyone once they knew.
"Do you think they would find it weird? Even though they keep asking why we aren't together yet?" I look at him, watching his eyebrow furrow as he takes the cigarette back between his fingers.
"Why would they find it weird?" He asks, blowing smoke out of his lips. Shrugging, I blush slightly.
"Because it actually happened? And maybe they will find it weird because they didn't expect it to." I tell him nervously.
"Do you think dating me is weird?" Eddie teases, passing the cigarette back to me.
"No," I laugh as the smoke bursts out of my mouth.
"Well then they shouldn't think any different." Eddie reassures me placing his hand on my knee, giving it a light squeeze before handing me the cigarette with his other hand.
"It's just this will be big news to them, especially Dustin. He looks up to you so much." I sigh, putting the cigarette out in his ashtray.
"I know sweetheart, but I don't think them knowing would change anything, hell like we said they keep asking both of us when it's going to happen." He reminds me, drawing circles on my knee with his finger lightly.  Eddie chuckles, causing me to smile I turn towards him.
"What?" I laugh lightly.
He smiles slightly, shaking his head.
"It's just you've never actually told me what the girls say to you." Eddie tells me, eyes sparkling with curiosity.
I felt my face redden as he looked at me, knowing there was a reason I never told him about what goes down at girl's night. It's the same reason I try to not pry about boy's night.
Pulling my hands to my face, I feel a nervous laugh escape my lips.
"They just ask the normal things. Like what I think of you, if would I date you," I tell him, as my voice trails off " or If  I would uh um sleep with you." I mumble, hoping he didn't hear the last part.
But unfortunately Eddie did, causing a grin to spread across his face, brown eyes shinning.
"Oh and what do you say? Would you sleep with the freak?" He teases.
"Wouldn't you wish to know." I laugh, shoving my shoulder against his.
"Well I tell the guys I think the world of you." Eddie smiles knowingly, connecting my hand with his.
Girls night has been a on full spring, El and Max shoving Chinese takeout into my hands as soon as I walked through the door. We watched some movies we all brought since we couldn't check out movies from Family Video after it had been destroyed. We also painted our nails, and even convinced El to let me pierce her ears after watching Grease.
It had been a fun night so far. Which is why at 1 am when we ended up laying around the living room, I knew it was far from over as our monthly talk was executed.
As always Max started the conversation, turning towards Nancy.
"Okay, so Nancy we need to know. How is it with Jonathan being back?" Max asks innocently, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth, watching as Nancy smiles. "Leaving your bedside drawer alone now?" Max continues, getting straight to business as Nancy's eyes widen while her face goes red.
I laugh, as Nancy gasped.
"Max," She laughed nervously, tossing some popcorn at her. Giggling, Max puts her hands up in defense.
"Hey, were were all thinking it." Max shrugs as Robin chuckles at the sight.
"You still didn't answer her question Wheeler." Robin smirks making Nancy glow more as she pushes her hair off her shoulder nervously.
"It's uh- um been nice." Nancy admits, "And yes, I've-um been leaving my bedside drawer alone more often now." She said sheepishly, bringing her hands to her face as we all erupted in a howl to her response.
Still giggling Max turns towards me, still wanting to start off tonight's talk headstrong. I raise my eyebrow at her in challenge as she grins in acceptance.
"Now enough about Nancy, how about you (Y/N). Have you found someone to take place of the box in your closet?" She questions, making all the girls turn towards me.  I shake my head, popping a few M&Ms into my mouth.
"I think you need to stop snooping through our rooms and take a look under your boyfriend's bed." I laugh, leaning back into the couch.
"Erica has said some things." I tell her as she shakes her head in disgust.
"Uh gross, I don't care to know what boys look at. They go feral over a piece of bread." Max shudders. Making us all snicker at her sudden repulsion.
"But let's be real, has anyone caught your eye yet?" Robin continues for Max, making eye contact with me. As I shake my head, shrugging.
"I'm just not looking to get into a new relationship." I admit, telling partially the truth. El furrows her eyebrows at me.
"Don't you want to be happy?" El asks, making me shake my head at what this poor girl has been taught.
"You don't need someone to be happy, and my box in my closet takes care of me very well." I tell them, pointing at the other three. They all share a glance before Nancy turns back towards me.
"You know who I think would be okay with your box?" Nancy says, making me hum in response as she gains confidence.
"Eddie." She smirks as Robin claps in excitement.
"Oh yes defiantly! Remember when we were in his room and saw the handcuffs on his wall!" Robin reminds Nancy. Causing Max to smile in response.
"He defiantly is a freak for reasons people don't know." Max nods as the older girls nod in agreement. Poor El looked confused, not understanding how far sex can actually go.
"Why would he have handcuffs in his room? He's not a police officer." El asks, causing all of us to laugh nervously.
"That's a conversation for another day honey." I tell her as she nods, understanding I'll explain it to her a different day. I was trying to not let my face redden at the conversation at hand, because I had defiantly used those handcuffs on multiple occasions; on me and Eddie.
"I still haven't heard a no, have you ladies?" Robin raises a eyebrow, glancing at the girls.
"I have not either Robin." Nancy agrees as all their eyes go back on me causing me to laugh lightly.
"Eddie is just a friend." I lie causing all of them to roll their eyes.
"So was Jonathan." Nancy states.
"And so was Lucas." Max reminds, making me feel defensive.
"That doesn't mean me and Eddie are going to become anything." I point out.
"But he likes you." El states, not understanding why we wouldn't date each other.
"What?" I choke on my drink, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.
"He likes you, I can tell." She tells me.
"He most defiantly likes you." Nancy agrees.
"And you like him too." El points out.
"I don't think you guys know what you're seeing." I roll my eyes, throat starting to tighten under the pressure of the girls.
"(Y/N) will you please just admit you're into him." Robin begs. As Max fights herself on sharing a piece of information, before deciding to share it with the room.
"You're over there almost every night for some reason." Max speaks up.
"You pay attention to when I'm over there?" I look at her, raising an eyebrow.
Eddie's home hadn't been the only one available in the neighborhood he moved to, just like his trailer wasn't the only one to get ruined. Max once again had became his neighbor as her mom had to find a new place to live.
"Funny enough the nights you aren't there, Eddie doesn't seem to be home either." Max smirks, knowing she connected the dots a few months ago as the girls soak up the information.
Nancy's face lights up as she realizes what she just heard.
"OH MY GOD." She says sitting up, slamming her hands on the floor.
"OH MY GOD!" She squeals, "You two are already dating!" She points at me as my face turns red, not knowing how I could get out of this.
Everyone jumps up slightly at my face turning red. Sighing, I pick up a Twizzler.
"You can't tell anyone." I point it at them as they scream. After everyone calms down Max leans forward.
"So does he really live up to the freak title?" Max asks, causing a laugh to escape my lips.
Eddie's P.O.V
Instead of being in bed with (Y/N), I'm stuck here listening to Dustin give Steve Harrington love advice. Not that I don't find it amusing that King Steve is now needing a 15 year old to tell him what to do to find a girlfriend.
"I'm telling you that you need to find your Suzie dude." Dustin tells Steve while all of us guys lay in different parts of the living room. Steve looked annoyed with the young boy, wondering why he always felt the need to help him.
"How come you don't bug Eddie on finding his Suzie." Steve says defensively, wanting not to the the topic of conversation.
Curiously I glanced at Dustin, wondering why I haven't heard him bug me on finding someone for a few months actually.
Anyone could tell that Steve's words had taken Dustin aback especially by the way Dustin goes to speak and then pauses for a second when he realized all the eyes were on him. Putting his hands up in defense he goes to speak.
"Okay it's not my place, but I think Eddie has already found his Suzie." Dustin tells us, making my throat turn dry.
"What do you mean?" I ask, rubbing my neck slightly. Dustin turns to me, raising an eyebrow.
"I mean, I hear you sneak into my sister's room every other night." Dustin reveals, causing everyone to gasp. "My mom might be deaf but I'm not, and those walls are thin." He tells me.
"Hell yeah man, you found the girl of you dreams. Good for you dude." Argyle smiles, lifting a his drink at me in cheers. While I nod, before turning to Dustin.
"Dustin I don't know who you're hearing but it's not me." I shrug, trying to keep my cool as the boy rolls his eyes.
"How many other people roll up listening to heavy metal? Plus you park right down my alley." He tells me. "Also, I'm not stupid." The younger brother reminds me.
"I park down your alley at midnight, why are you out at midnight?" I question him, leaning towards him.  
"Why are you down my alley if you're not dating my sister?" He challenges, leaning forward as well.
"Hold up, hold up. You're telling me Munson here is screwing Henderson?" Steve asks. "How the hell did that happen?" Causing a chuckle to escape my lips, I always knew he had a thing for her, it's probably why he was nice to Dustin in the first place.
I watch as Dustin physically gags.
"Ew dude, don't say that. She's still my sister." He shakes in disgust.
"Well it sounds like you've been listening to it for a few months." I laugh, pulling my beer up to my lips.
"They make Walkman's for a reason." Dustin shivers.
While everyone else caught onto the words that just left my mouth.  
"Months?" Mike and Lucas's eye's widen.
"Months," I nod.
"Now that's not fair, I thought she was off limits." Steve shakes his head in annoyance.
"She was supposed to be, but it looks like someone didn't listen." Dustin eyes me, causing a chuckle to escape my lips.
"Okay, to end on a serious note. I am going to need you guys to not say anything because your sister will kill me if she knew I told." I explain to them.
Thank you!
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ughdontbeboring · 2 years
I know Con La Brisa is a love song and everyone is using it ship Namor and Shuri but actually looking at the lyrics and realizing it’s a love letter from Namor mothers perspective! I’m fucking screaming, it’s so heart wrenching I’ll never be the same again. WHAT. THE. FUCK.
Yo the opening line
“I will give my whole life To get you out of the gloom”
y’all….y’all!!!! I can’t
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immult · 23 days
accidentally thought about ashton saying they were a pinata once during childhood, bullied. now thinking about ashton saying crafting art from loss is a Thing in greymoore academy.
do you think a kid ashton was crafting by their lonesome whenever there were craft nights at the greymoore's? is that why he's always been excited about craft nights with the hells? is that why ashton is good at scraping materials for crafting bc the other kids won't share? is that why they were so so gentle with little matilda who was on the barn floor doodling by her lonesome? ugh, ashton. ashton who sobbed when laudna gave him a craft doll.
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glass-oranges · 5 months
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Stirling and Emilia!!!!!! I am normal about them I promise
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multi-fandomfuckboy · 2 years
Stranger Than Fiction
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Part 4: Deja Vu
Billy Hargrove x Reader (Slowburn)
Part 1, ...(Masterlist)... Part 5
A/N: Back at it again with another chapter! I hope you are all ready for some tension! Kind of sad I have to go back to work soon, I won't have time to post as regularly as I have the past week. I hope you guys like it! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag-list!
Word Count: 2,000
Warnings: Swearing
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As August approached its final week, the reality of returning to school truly set in. Your mom gave you money for school supplies and even gave you extra to buy a new outfit. While she was asleep, you slipped the money back into her purse. You never liked spending your mom’s money. It was what had driven you to first start babysitting. She already did so much for you and worked so hard. It didn't feel right. 
You hadn’t worked since you had gotten out of the hospital but you had a bit stashed away, just in case. If you needed school supplies or clothes you would be using your own money. 
Unfortunately, there were some things that were not open to negotiation with your mom. One of them being your transportation to school. You lived off the school bus route and your mother insisted that the 10 miles was too far for you to bike every day. You didn't bring up the fact that it was never a problem before. You knew that it had more to do with the fact she was terrified something would happen to you again. So instead, you relented. She wanted you to take her car but you insisted that she might need it at home if something happened during the day. The two of you eventually came to the agreement that you would either get a ride from Hopper or Steve. 
Around this same time, you would have one of your last conversations with Billy that summer. 
You were walking in the neighbourhoods on the west end of Hawkins. You didn't come to this area often. The homes were small and slightly run down, not much better than your own. You were heading to the West Point Lookout, it was outside the quarry and was one of the few places in this area that offered the type of solitude you were looking for. The view was an added bonus. 
As you walk, your attention is drawn by the sound of raised voices. 
“Fucking piece of shit!” You slow your pace, finding the source of commotion. A little ways ahead of you and across the street you can see Billy and his father. You watch as his father angrily tosses a hammer to the ground. “I need to pick up more studs. I want this porch painted by the time I get back,” You hear him yell, climbing into the camaro and slamming the door. “Or it’s your ass!” he adds, jabbing a finger in Billy's direction before pulling out of the driveway. 
You come to a complete stop as you watch the car disappear around the corner. You turn your attention back to Billy as he stands on the patchy grass of the front lawn. He looks so tense you are surprised he doesn't snap in half. In a burst of movement that causes you to jump, Bully lunges forward, swiftly kicking a metal paint can across the yard, letting out a frustrated scream.
You avert your eyes, planning on continuing on your way, hoping to avoid any heated interaction with Billy. But something stops you. Looking back to Billy you watch as he rakes his fingers roughly through his hair, taking a seat on the porch steps. He pulls out a cigarette, lights it, and takes a long drag. He inhales the smoke deeply, like he needs it more than oxygen. You aren't sure, from how far away you are, but you think you see his hands shaking. He looks very alone… and scared.
You take a moment to curse yourself for feeling so empathetic towards a practical stranger. But, the whole situation feels vaguely familiar to you, you can't seem to put your finger on it, like the worst kind of deja vu. 
“This is so stupid…” You grumble to yourself before taking a deep breath and begin walking towards Billy. As you approach, his head is down, one hand rubbing the back of his neck the other rolling the lit cigarette between his forefinger and thumb. 
“The place looks pretty good.” You comment as you draw closer, approaching the steps from the driveway. Billy’s head snaps up, clearly surprised to no longer be alone. Seeing you at the bottom of the steps his expression quickly shifts into a hard scowl.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” he asks, taking another pull of his cigarette. Trying to remain civil, despite his hostile tone, you reply evenly. 
“I was on my way to the quarry, I happened to see you and decided I would stop by. Say hi.” You shrug your shoulders, idly putting your hands in your pockets as you stand at the base of the steps. He chuckles without humour, a malicious smile pulling at his lips as he stands. The flash of his teeth as he advances on you reminds you of something dangerous. 
“Well that’s just great! The village crazy showing some neighbourly hospitality.” There is a pause as he stands in front of you. He takes another pull off his cigarette exhaling the smoke directly into your face. The smoke stings your eyes making them water but you force yourself not to cough as he leers down at you. His tongue darts out over his teeth, like a wolf baring its fangs. “Now get the fuck off my driveway.” he spits venemously, dropping the cigarette butt inches from your sneakers before stepping between your legs snuffing out the embers with the toe of his boot. 
You can barely breathe with how close he is to you. Thankfully, he turns sharply and walks over to a workbench grabbing a new can of paint. You watch his back as he uses a flathead screwdriver to pop the lid off the can, pouring the white paint into a roller basin. 
Every rational part of your brain is telling you to walk away, to listen to him and turn around, to go back to your walk, back to your solitude. But, the stupid, kind, and stubborn part of you makes you stay. Walking forward you grab one of the paint rollers off the ground and move to stand next to Billy. 
“I want to help.” you say simply. Billy turns to you, anger burning in his eyes. 
“I don’t need your damn help, loca! I said get the hell out of here! You have a death wish or something?!” He growls, threateningly taking a step towards you. You try to keep your expression neutral as you meet his eyes. Internally you can feel your heart racing and grip the paint roller with both hands to keep them from shaking. 
“According to you? That’s exactly what I have.” you respond coolly. Billy’s eyes scan your face, the tension between the two of you sparking like electricity. After what feels like an eternity Billy finally relents.
“Fine.” he barks, turning to grab the other paint roller. “I don't have time to argue with some crazy bitch.” He grumbles, dipping his roller into the paint. “But if you fuck something up, it’s your ass.” he says, moving to one side of the porch. You quickly follow after him. You can't help but feel a small sense of victory as he explains exactly what needs to be done and how to do it. 
Then, the two of you begin. You work in silence for roughly 10 minutes before Billy disappears inside. He emerges with a boombox. Inserting a tape he presses play. You aren’t sure who the artist is, but it's the kind of rock music Hopper claimed was rotting kids' brains. You didn’t mind it. 
The two of you work diligently and in an hour you finish the first coat. Deciding to take a short break before starting the second, Billy retrieves two water bottles from the porch, handing one to you as he takes a seat on the steps. You both sit for a moment, drinking your water as you allow the breeze to cool the sweat that covered your skin. It is strangely peaceful. 
“Can I ask you something and you give me a serious answer?”  Billy’s voice breaks the silence. His question catches you off guard, surprising you. You take a moment to think before responding.
“Only if I can do the same.” You reply. You watch as Billy thinks this over, taking another swig of water before shrugging his shoulders.
“Fair enough, I guess.” he reasons.
“Then shoot.” You say casually. There is a pause before Billy asks his question. Like he’s trying to figure out exactly how to word it.
“I see you walking almost everyday. All over the place. Always someplace different. Sometimes even late at night.” he begins. “Why are you always outside? Are you like… homeless or something?” Your eyes turn to him, expecting it to be a joke but there is no teasing in his tone. Normally you would brush him off, but he had specifically asked for a serious answer. So, you give him one. 
“I was in the hospital for 6 months, earlier this year.” you begin to explain. “A lot of that time was spent in a single room.” you can feel his eyes on you as you study the plastic bottle in your hands. “Ever since I came home I can’t stand being inside. The walls feel like they are smothering me. It makes me feel like I can't breath, like I'm… trapped.” You answer honestly, swallowing past the lump that formed in your throat speaking the truth. “So I spend a lot of time outside, walking. It makes me feel calmer somehow.” you pause, waiting for his response.
“I can understand that.” You hear him mumble. You glance at him, his eyes meeting yours. You see the softness in them that you thought you saw the first time you met him. Billy looks away first, clearing his throat. 
“Alright, what's your question?” he asks gruffly. You realise you hadn’t really thought of one to ask him in return. So, you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.
“What do you miss most about California?” Billy chuckles lightly, the corners of his lips twisting upwards. It’s the closest thing to a genuine smile you had ever seen on him. It contrasted starkly with his normal wolfish grin.
“The sunsets on the ocean.” He answers almost reflexively. His eyes settle on some far away place in the distance as he elaborates. “Being here is like being in a box. Always surrounded by trees, you can never really see the sun go down. But on the ocean…” He pauses, his mind going to a specific memory. “It’s impossible to tell where the water ends and the sky begins. Sometimes it's so bright it looks like the world is on fire.” There is silence between you as you take in his words. You never expected an answer like that from him. You want to ask him more but his expression darkens again as he comes back to reality. Back to Hawkins. 
“Doesn't matter now though.” He states, draining the rest of his water and standing up. “I’m stuck here.” He finishes, tossing the empty bottle aside and picking up his roller again.
You don't press him. You simply pick up your own roller and get back to work. The two of you finish the porch before Neil, Billy’s father, gets back. Neither of you say anything when you finish, you just pick up your bag, sling it over your shoulders and offer Billy a kind smile before turning to walk back down the driveway. 
“I’ll see you around, loca.” Billy calls after you. 
“See ya!” you respond, turning slightly to send him a wave as you walk away. 
You wouldn't see Billy again that summer. He and his father had returned to California to begin moving the rest of their things, now that the house was ready. Or, at least, that’s what you heard around town. 
You didn't have much time to dwell on his absence because the next week, classes began. 
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Part 1, ...(Masterlist)... Part 5
A/N: Hope you guys liked it! Let me know what you think, leave a like or a comment! I hope to have the next part posted soon!
Tag-list: @official-starcourt-mall @lem0ns77 @bethii1 @wysteria-arts @fanficfanatic204
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redheadspark · 2 years
Reading by an open window + "what are you reading?" for Eddie
A/N: Awwww This is a great prompt request, dear Ally! Thanks for requesting it!!
Summary: Reading at your windowsill was your favorite past time, and Eddie enjoys watching you do so.
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Warning: Nothing but fluff :)
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One of your favorite spots to read was at your bedroom window.
You would sit on the awning, one foot dangling out and your back against the wooden frame. Only when the weather was nice, but once the temperature dropped, you had to resort to reading inside. It wasn't the same as reading with the cool wind on your face or dancing along the pages to have you hold them down to not loose your spot. Your window faced the west, getting the sunset every time when you would be on your perch and reading chapter after chapter. It was your safe haven, not just for reading but to think and to unwind from time to time.
On this particular fall afternoon, the tree next to your window was tinted with yellow and orange leaves as the sun was shining it in gold, you heard familiar steps across the side lawn right below your window. They were deep and heavy steps, you knew precisely who it would be.
"Ah, tis my Lady at her rightful throne, as beautiful as ever!"
You grinned, closed your book but keeping your finger on your spot as you peered down to see none other than your boyfriend Eddie Munson at the start of the vines that were climbing the house wall. He was sporting his usual Hellfire Club shirt, leather jacket and denim over vest with his long hair pushed behind him and his signature cocky grin on his face.
You beamed.
"Eddie, I thought you had Hellfire today?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.
"We had to cancel since Gareth has the flu and Lucas as another basketball game. Gross," Eddie said in a grumble, you giggled, "I gave the guys the night off. So, I figured you would want to do something tonight with me,"
"Sounds like a good idea," you hummed, Eddie snickering as he started to climb the large branches and trunk on the vine, "Eds! You don't have to do that every time ,you know!"
Ever since he watched you at your window for the first time two years ago when you two were simply friends, he was smitten with the view. He came to get your science notes since he was out sick for two days with pneumonia, wanting to cut through your side lawn to go to the front door. But he saw you there, foot out and dangling along the side with a thick book in your lap and drinking a soda pop through a bendy straw, he stood still in awe.
Maybe it was in the way your overall pants were rolled up to the calve, showing your bare skin that was tinted pink from the setting sun, or maybe how your wavy hair flew across your eyes to make you push them away with your fingers. But he saw you, and he thought you were beautiful in your own world within that book.
He was in love, instantly in love.
A few months later when you two started dating, Eddie found out a way to climb up the vines on the side of the house that ended at the bottom of your window, sneaking his way once or two into your room when it was too late to go to the front door or when your folks were out for the weekend. He thought of it as adventurous, daring even, like the knights who went to save the princess from the fire breathing dragon. But you were finding it amusing yourself as he was attempting to not get a splinter or trip over a vine poking out. There were plenty of kisses held there as he poked his head in the room, or rolled onto your floor with a yelp to attempt to not wake up your mom and dad two doors down.
Your dad caught him one time, hearing the noise outside the living room window that was directly under yours and seeing Eddie scaling his wall. Your dad rushed out, seeing Eddie trip and fall on his back from being up about 6 feet already. Eddie grumbled, back on the ground and facing the sky as your dad loomed over him with hands on his hips and an unarmed look on his face.
"You know, next time you can just knock. I'd rather have to knock on my front door than have you break your neck on my property, Eddie," You dad advised him calmly. Eddie just nodded and gave him a thumbs up.
"Noted, sir," he said in a grimace.
"One of these days you are going to break your neck," You warned him as he was finally to the top and was leaning into your window, you still in your perch. Eddie just chuckled and shook his head.
"Not when I'm agile," He gloated, moving to hoist himself to be perched on the other side of the windowsill. He would sit with you from time to time, either to watch you read as he would smoke out the window to not have it smell in your room, or for either one of you to vent to the other when things were getting too much. He knew it was your spot first, so when you two sat together with your knee caps touching and your fingers dancing together between you two, it was a new heavenly spot for you two to rely on.
Eddie leaned back to fish out a cigarette, then his small lighter to ignite it and taking in a long inhale. As the smoke was exiting through his nostrils, Eddie peered down at the book in your lap, "What are you reading?"
"Catcher In The Rye," You replied, Eddie humming as he held his cigarette between two fingers and you motioned you head to the book, "You would like it. Want me to read you some?"
Eddie's smile was genuine and calm. He loved it when you read to him, whether it was from the textbooks when you were studying together for a test, or from Lord of The Rings book when he got sick and you read to him by his bedside at his trailer. There was something about your voice that reminded him of safety, of peace.
Of home.
"Yes, please," he said, you grinning from ear to ear as you opened up to the spot where you stopped. And as you read to him a few pages and he inhaled a few more times, the smoke rising in the air and the autumn night about to come, you both found yourselves not wanting to go anywhere at the current moment. That moment of stillness at your windowsill, everything else slowing down and ceasing to be rushed, is that you both needed and craved.
If only it was like that when it was Spring Break a few months later, when the world went to shit.
The End.
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September Prompts
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goldiebeams · 2 years
Ive been avoiding listening to the last 15 episodes of tma because ✨I’m scared✨, and it’s so funny to watch my subconscious fill in the gaps of what I haven’t seen yet— I just woke up from a dream where, in order to fight back against the fears and restore the world to normal, Jon has to participate in a cosmic gameshow and answer trivia questions about the fears and the personal lives of the other avatars while Martin enthusiastically cheers him on from the audience
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stealthymouse · 9 months
Twisted wonderland Warning
dont look...I warned you
OH GOD....ROLLO .....OMG.....his favorite hobby is cleaning (not sure I can't Japanese ) but cleaning like Levi Ackerman (VC: Hiroshi Kamiya) ps:if you dont know who this VC is look it up
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hellomxmath · 1 year
So, you're me, and you're watching spiderverse. And Jessica Drew gets slammed and attached to a moving bus. Your brain goes "Oh, no! The baby!" But you look at her and realize "wait she isn't pregnant anymore. Her baby hasn't been mentioned since the very first scene with her. did she lose the baby?" And then it makes sense. Jessica had a change in attitude between her first scene and the rest of the movie.
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heartofwritiing · 2 years
idk if they had butterflie clips in the 80s but i can’t stop imagining putting mine in eddies hair.
Like were just sitting on the couch, he’s in between my legs laying back against me and i just start taking them out of my own hair and putting them all over his curls 🥹🦋
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damon-loves-pie · 2 years
“Care to Remake One of Those Scenes?”
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"Care to Remake One of Those Scenes"
Pt. 1??????????? (Let me know down below.)
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader.
Word count: About 2,400 words
Warnings: 18+, Older Henderson Sibling, talks about Erotic writing, mentions of porn, implied sexual relations, and a little choking, talks about worried of mental health. I think that is it, but please let me know in the comments if I missed anything. 
Summary: Older Henderson Sibling had been avoiding Eddie and the rest of their friends since finding a new Erotic book which has taken up all of her free time. Best friend Eddie confronts her, and see’s how dirty his best friend really is when he reads a page from her book. NOT REALLY ANY SMUT, But pretty fluffy. 
Author’s note: Hello everyone I AM BACK! I mean I am still depressed as fuck, which is why I stopped writing in the first place, plus I just had a lot go on in the last couple of months. But I think I’m ready to get back to writing. ANYWAY, moving on, I really wanted to write smut into this but I just couldn’t get myself to because I wanted to get it posted since coming up with the idea yesterday. I really hope you enjoy but please don’t come for me since I know I keep changing between different tenses, I’m just too depressed and lazy to care to go back to change it. 
But I may, and I mean may make a part 2 if it gets requested enough. But enjoy my babies, and hope you are all doing well! 
Writing Masterlist
Eddie and Dustin strolled into the Henderson home after a successful campaign looking for the eldest Henderson sibling, you had been actively avoiding everyone the since Monday. Worried, they wondered why you said you were going to be unable to pick the younger sibling up after hellfire was over tonight, it wasn't like you to not show up. Little did they know it wasn't anything as serious as Eddie thought it was, you were just caught up in a daydream of what you wished your life was.
"(Y/N)?" Eddie called out as he shut the front door behind him, causing a loud bang to echo throughout the living room. Dustin winced as he finger flied straight to his ear to protect his hearing. After having his eardrums basically blew out on the ride here, his ears were sore.
"She's probably in her room, her car is outside." He motions to the hall, setting his bag down as he walked to the kitchen to find something to consume after a long day. He knew you were probably okay, and would come forward eventually if there was anything serious going on. Yeah it was a little weird to him that you would not show up to a place Eddie was going to be to, but he knew it wasn't anything serious.
Hell he's hoping soon you two would realize you were into each other.
Eddie nodded at the younger kid before making his way to your bedroom, wanting to check on his bestfriend. He knows you get like this sometimes but can't help but worry each time scared one time there will actually be something keeping you from him.
You hadn't heard them come in, you were laying comfortably on your bed with a book sprawled out in front of you, and headphones blasting music from your Walkman. The smile on your face was wide as you read one of the best books of your life, legs kicking happily behind you while you chewed on your thumbnail in anticipation on what was going to come next.
Eddie knocked on your door, waiting for an answer or to see the door open. A few moments passed without any acknowledgment, so he pressed his head against the door, hearing the low sound of music playing. Standing there for a few more moments he decided to open the door, praying he wouldn't be intruding in a private moment. Once someone hits middle school, you never know what you're going to get when you enter someone's room unannounced.
Leaning slightly into the room, he spotted you on the bed. You were smiling to yourself as you read your book. He smiled at the sight of you, happy to see you at least looked like you were doing fine. But the smile soon turned to a slight frown as he wondered what was so special about the book that it made you fall away from reality the past couple days. He felt like he's barely talked to you. Every time he's seen you, your head has been buried in that novel.
He was done living second place to a book, he missed his best friend and he wanted to spend some time with you, he wasn't going to let the book take away your usual Friday night movie nights. He survived not seeing you much this week, but he wasn't about to sacrifice a weekend. Sneaking into the room, he quietly shuts the door behind him, trying to not make a noise as he creeps behind you.  
Your mind was still intwined with your book, still not noticing his presence yet. Your smile was  widening more as Christian and Alice sneaked away into the closet of their workplace, unable to keep their hands off each other. Your face reddened as your eyes skimmed over the dirty scene wishing ever so much Eddie was Christian and you were Alice, sneaking into the janitors room between classes. You too understood how hard it was to keep your hands to yourself when Eddie would wear a certain pair of jeans.
You had thought about doing more than friendly things with Eddie so much that your favorite troupe had became friends to lovers, waiting for the day that maybe someday it would happen to you. Almost all the stories you've consumed other than for class lately had been centered around the troupe to help you manage with not being able to confess your feelings to Eddie.
You didn't have time to comprehend as Eddie snatched the book from behind you, making you jump at the sudden action of the stack of paper being ripped from your hands. Realizing what happen, you yank off your Walkman, turning to him as he held your dirty little secret in his hands, slight smirk on his face as he waves it slightly.
Your eyes widened as he went to open it.
"Wait! Eddie please give it back! Please, I don't want you to lose my spot." You reached for it as the metalhead took a step back, waving his finger at you as he tsks, the noise echoing through your brain as your mind races at what he would think if he knew what he was holding in his hands.
"Not till I know what's so great about this thing, and why it's keeping my best friend from me. You had me worried all week." Eddie speaks, scanning the cover for any indication on what it's about, which you thanked a god you didn't even believe in, that the cover looked like a normal book cover.
Your eyes met his as you physically pleaded.
"I'm sorry that I had you worried, but it's nothing special, I promise you. It wouldn't be of interest to you, it doesn't have anything mythical or magical. Can I please have it back?" You asked again, a little more eagerly.
Eddie shook his head no, holding the book in his hand as he took a seat in the desk chair next to your bed. His fingers held the page you were on last as he got comfortable in the wooden chair. He took another look at the book before looking back at your tense body, sensing you were hiding something.
"Come on (Y/N), it has to be somewhat interesting. You're acting like me when I checked out Lord of the Rings. " He argued, making you sigh as you realized there was no way of getting out of this unless you somehow manage to get the book out his ring-covered hands.
You sat up a little taller in hopes of seeming more convincing, as you pointed back to the book.
"It's just some girly book Eddie, romance. All that gooey gross romantic shit." You shrug, which wasn't a complete lie. It was friends to lovers, just he didn't need to know about the erotic portion of it.
Eddie's eyes met yours after you glanced down at the book before bringing your line of sight back to his. He didn't believe you, he knew you were holding something back in order to save yourself. He didn't want you to think you had to hide yourself from him, hell if anyone knows what it's like to be into weird things, it's him.
"What's so great about this romance that you couldn't even pick Dustin up from Hellfire tonight?" He asks, leaning forward as he holds the book out in front of him, the book ever so slightly dangling between his fingers as he teased you.
"Maybe I was too caught up in it because of my lack of one." You shrugged, which is partially true. It's hard to just be friends with Eddie when you want to be more, you needed an outlet.
Eddie watched your body language as he continued motioning the book in front of you like you were an animal he was trying to catch.
"Mmmh, and even though the book is nothing special you want to spend all your time reading it?" He asked as your eyes focused on his hands.
"Yes. Now since I've answered your questions, can I please have it back?" You begged, well  basically yelled as you stood up, flinging yourself at your book, hoping to get it out of his grasp. You just knew Eddie would never let this go if he found out the kind of things you liked to enjoy in your free time.
Eddie was too fast for you though, he knew you too well and could already see it from your body language that you were going to try coming for the book. He had stood up and turned around before you even reached him, chuckling slightly as he shook his head.
Tsking you again, he opened the book.
"You bad girl, trying to steal it back- You can't have the book till I read the last page you were on. Then, and I mean then maybe I'll decide if this book is good enough to have put our friendship on hold." He laughed as he glanced down at the long paragraphs in front of him.
Your voice felt needy as you pleaded for him not to.
"No Eddie, please don't. I'm begging you."  Eddie turned towards you, ready to read what was consuming your free time.
"Come on (Y/N) it's just a book, it can't be that bad." He reassured, eyes darting across the first line as your brought your hands to your hair. Knowing there was no way to get out of this.
Eddie's eyes widen as he read the page, cheeks reddening as much as yours. Not even halfway done with the page he decides he has to say something.
"You're not only a bad girl, you're also a dirty one!" He grinned, he hadn't realized his best friend would read something so filthy. He knew you weren't innocent but god were you more dirty than he knew.
His comment makes you groan out in embarrassment as you sat on your bed while he continues.
"You're not reading a book (Y/N), you're reading porn." He laughed lightly, eyes darkening as he finished the page.
"You literally have dirty magazines in your room." You argued, feeling your body burn as he closed the book to focus on you.
"But that's different, my porn has pictures. Plus I use them for personal pleasure, and I don't read them in public around my friends." He taunts, as his eyebrow raised, "Do you use this for personal pleasure?" He questions, making you turn more red at the conversation at hand.
Why couldn't I had just picked Dustin up, you cursed yourself as you turned back towards him.
"No." You answered, shrugging slightly as he looked at you with a 'really' expression, not believing your words one bit. He knew for a fact you got off, hell just last week you and Robin went to the 'toy store.'
Sighing, you speak because you were already caught. Plus it wasn't like he didn't know about your sex life, or lack there of this year.
"Okay, not like while reading but sometimes after, when I'm laying in bed at night." You tell him, your cheeks blushing as he smiles more.
"How often do you read this kind of stuff?" Eddie asks, taking a seat next to you, deciding it was finally time to hand you back your so called book, which he would claim was porn with words.
"More often than I want to admit," You laughed, looking down worn out pages.  
"God you're as big of a perv as me," He grinned, leaning back onto the bed with his hands behind his head. Catching your eyes as they twinkled down at him.
"I still think you're a bigger one," You joked, setting your book and Walkman down on the dresser before leaning back next to him.
"Hey, at least I'm open about my pervyness." He states, lightly tapping your elbow with his.
"Well I'm sorry that I don't want to shout to the world I like to read erotica." You giggled as you turned to look at him, the rocker licking his lips as his mind races.  
"What do you think about as you read it?"
"What do you mean?" You questioned, feeling your face redden.
"What goes through your head, as you read about Christian and Alice?" He challenged, voice sounding thick. Your eyes flicked across his face as butterflies erupted in your stomach.
"I liked to picture myself as Alice, sometimes." You tell him, as he leaned onto his side taking in your words.  
"And who do you see as Christian?" He hums, free hand moving to push your hair behind your ear before resting on the side of your neck.
"Does it really matter?" You breathe out slowly when you realized how close you and Eddie had actually become on the bed.
"Very." He whispers, hand still lingering on your neck.  
You gulp taking a deep breathe, nervous at the sight in front of you, wondering if you were imagining it.  
"Come on sweetheart, who do you think about?" He asks again, eyes darting between your lips and eyes.
"I-i don't want to say." You stutter, breathing getting heavier as the tension thickens. He chuckles to himself lightly at the sight of you underneath him, basically already falling apart. Your chest moved up and down slowly as he eyed the necklace sitting on your neck, twiring it between his fingers, making you take a deep inhale at the light touch.  
He rolls over leaning more above you, your face just inches from his as he mumbles down at your lips, before bringing his eyes back to yours.
"What would Alice do in one of those scenes of your book baby? I bet she would tell Christian when he asked, wouldn't she?" He hums down at you, looking at you in a way he had never done before.
"You, I think about you." You breathe out, letting out a breathe you didn't even realize you were holding.
A smirk comes across Eddie's face as your necklace tightens around your neck while he brings his face closer to yours, his strong hands holding it tightly.
"Care to remake one of the scenes?" He whispers against your lips, barely brushing against them.
A sigh slips your lips against his.
"Please." You beg, your soft hands moving up to his hair as his lips crash against yours.
You knew just by how he was holding you, this wasn't going to be the last time you begged him tonight just like it wasn't the first.
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quemirabobo · 2 years
Kenjaku is a fool, why you, an evil mastermind brain that's hundreds years old, would do the cut and stitches ON THE FUCKING FOREHEAD???? ABSOLUTELY IDIOTIC MOVE!!!
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postcardowl · 11 months
Rereading The Hands of the Emperor, and imaging the chaos that a confluence of Fitzroy’s friend’s would be
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Do you guys think Papa Titan was a big fan of Eda's before or after she took King in?
Bc I think it's way funnier if it's before.
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