#signal imaigne
fandom-go-round · 2 years
Any head cannons for what type of monster/cryptid Duke and Stephanie would be? I don't really see a lot of them in cryptid batfam AUs. Plus any other member of the batfam you'd like to add!
I won’t do major head cannons for everyone else but I will list them out!
Duke Thomas:
There isn’t really a word for what Duke is but the closest comparison is the Michigan Dogman. He’s not a werewolf; his transformations aren’t tied to the moon or cycles or anything like that. When he transforms it’s not bloody or violent, it’s more like his body is just slowly filling out. Like a balloon that only just realized it was half filled with air. Compared to the rest of the Bats he feels a little lack luster and doesn’t bring up his abilities much, leading to the other sometimes forgetting he can transform at all.
Because he’s not a werewolf, the common ways to kill a werewolf don’t work on him. Silver isn’t a big deal, unless their bullets because bullets can kill Duke no issue. That’s just because they’re bullets. Duke is torn between thinking it’s funny and thinking it’s annoying that everyone seems to forget he’s not a werewolf but he ignores it.
It’s a long time before he feels comfortable transforming in front of everyone else. Things are always less dramatic with Duke and he feels a little guilty that everyone else has to suffer. The thought quickly leaves his mind as they start to prank him and then he’s over it. The first time he transforms in the cave it brings a lot of stares, the others knowing that he can but having never seen it firsthand. It’s a huge show of trust and it’s treated as such.
Stephanie Brown:
Stephanie would be a banshee. She has a habit of being very loud and very firm about what’s right and wrong. She’s not the only banshee running around Gotham (Blank Canary hint hint) but she’s rare enough that people don’t always know what she is. It makes it easier to blend it and be ‘human’ but she can get sick of it.
Her abilities are very powerful and it causes a lot of tension between her and Bruce. He firmly believes that people should have control of their powers all the time but it’s hard for Stephanie, especially because her powers are fueled by her emotions. It’s one of the reasons that she doesn’t last long as Robin; her emotions are her strength but they aren’t Batman’s. They get along better now that Steph is doing her own thing but it’s still a sore spot.
She’s only completely lost control of her powers once, becoming the horror stories that most people think of when they hear banshee. She lost all physical form and was constantly howling, running around downtown and causing issues. It wasn’t her fault (a villain of the week got lucky) but it takes most of the other Bats to get her under control. She’s really embarrassed about it after but Tim and Cass are very impressed. They can tell she cares because she holds back. Even if they’re going to need a hearing test after that.
Alfred: Drider
Bruce: Vampire
Dick: Incubus (R.I.P Boy)
Jason: Werewolf
Tim: Dream Demon (Sheep)
Damian: Half Vampire
Barbra: Harpy
Cass: Shadow Creature
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