#imagine trying to kill someone and the person who helps her defeat you is YOUR MOM.
testing-reblogs · 4 months
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Stirling and Emilia!!!!!! I am normal about them I promise
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lycheeloving · 1 month
ANOTHER MULTIVERSE FIC because I can't stop myself, apparently. An injustice!Superman one, this time. I imagine you were a small-time hero/vigilante in this one, so Superman knew (and liked) you before he turned bad, but you weren't super close, before.
-You wake up in an unfamiliar room, tied to a chair, not knowing how you got there. Kal doesn't ever let you leave the fortress. But you don't know how anyone else could have gotten in to take you here, wherever here is. Maybe it was Kal? But why would he do that?
-You spot a woman tied up in another chair next to you, it seems like she also just woke up. She reminds you of someone, but you can't remember who exactly... You want to ask her if she knows more about what's going on, when you realize you're both gagged. Shit. You can't even communicate with her!
-A man comes in, rambling something about how he's glad you're finally awake and about his plan finally taking shape. You feel like you should know this guy, but can't quite put a finger on it...
-Being unsure if you know who he is, as you're "not from here", he introduces himself. He's Lex Luthor.
-Wait. Lex Luthor? The Lex Luthor? The dead one, who was killed by Superman? Is this a prank? Because if so, it isn't funny at all. And quite dangerous for everyone involved.
-Luthor (if that is his real name) then focuses on the woman next to you. He addresses her as "Mrs. Lane".
-Lane as in Lois Lane? Like, Lois Lane from the Daily Planet? Clark Kent's, Superman's wife? Now you know something is extremely wrong. She's dead, too, and everyone knows not to mention her name unless they want to face Superman's wrath... You make a few muffled sounds beneath your gag, itching to ask about just what is going on here.
-Luthor says he's going to explain everything, don't be so impatient! He has a machine that can open portals to parallel universes, which is how he got you here. His plan includes kidnapping the person that is most important to Superman in his own universe (Lois Lane), the person most important to Superman in a second universe (You!) and then making the Supermen fight each other by threatening your lives. The only way to save you is if one Superman dies. This room is Superman proof, he can't hear or see anything that's happening in here, so they can't just swoop in and save you. After the fight, he's going to let the winning Superman enter this room, promising him that he can rescue Lois or you. Except not really, because he's going to try to kill the winner too, because that should be easier after he just fought another Superman, right? He hasn't opened a portal to let the Superman from your universe know about how he can save you, yet. He closed the portal he got you through immediately after kidnapping you, so he had more time to prepare everything. How he found you? Something about being able to detect kryptonian dna residue on you. And you were in Superman's fortress. Easy to combine that you must be important to him.
-That's... actually not a terrible plan! Sure, it might not work out exactly the way that Luthor is planning, but beating Superman with Superman is a great idea! Actually it'd be great if Luthor got a third one here. Two Supermen should definitely be able to defeat one Superman, right? Unfortunately you can't communicate any of this through your gag. Damn, you'd love to help him improve his plan...
-You wonder if he chose your universe completely randomly, or if he chose an evil Superman on purpose. You don't think he did, he didn't mention the regime with one word, and if it existed in this universe he wouldn't be working on this stupid plan. And Lois wouldn't be alive, probably.
-Before you can let your thoughts spiral even more, Luthor falls over. Huh? Is he unconscious? You spot Batman coming towards you. Ah. That explains that, then. Man, you haven't seen Batman in such a long time...
-"Are you two alright?" He quickly cuts through the ropes tying you to the chairs, freeing you. "Good thing you used your bat emergency-signal, Lois. I was able to get to you before Superman could fall for Luthor's trap." Wait, why would Lois contact Batman? Oh, right, sometimes you forget that he and Superman used to be friends, so obviously his wife would trust him too.
-He takes off both of your gags and then turns to you. "We figured out you're from a parallel universe, but don't worry, Nightwing is currently working on a way to get in contact with the Superman from your dimension, so-"
-"NO!", you scream, making Batman look at you in confusion. You quickly tell him to contact Nightwing, to make him stop trying to open a portal or god forbid, contact Kal!! Noticing the urgency in your voice, Batman quickly complies and lets Nightwing know to stop what he's doing, before asking you to elaborate. Phew! The last thing you need is an angry Superman wreaking havoc in a second universe.
-You start explaining to Batman about how your Superman started changing for the worse after Lois died (sparing the details, as she's kind of sitting right next to you), started to get darker, kill villains, everyone who did something bad, people who disagreed with him. Other heroes, even. People he used to be friends with. How everyone who didn't agree with him and join his regime, including you and Batman, had to go into hiding, trying to find a way to stop him. Clark, no KAL-EL found you at some point, but instead of killing you, he unexpectedly took you, basically imprisoned you. Kept you like a pet who's not smart enough to make their own decisions. (You never even knew he liked you like that at all, before that. Sure, he was always nice to you, but he had Lois!)
-Lois seems visibly shocked, whereas Batman just listens to you stoically. "All this to say, it's good to see you alive, Lois!" You smile weakly. She tries to smile back, but before she can respond, Batman cuts her off. "We should leave this place. I doubt it's very safe here. We should return to the Batcave, think of a plan." You spare one last glance at Luthor, who's still lying on the floor (Are we just going to leave him here? Huh. Ok.), then follow Batman outside.
-As soon as you're out of the building, something rushes past you. "Lois! Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Not something. Someone. You try not to flinch as he fusses over her, while she reassures him that she's fine multiple times.
-After he's convinced she's not hurt, he turns to you with a gentle smile. "Hello! So you're close to the Superman in another dimension, then?" As he takes a step towards you, you instinctively take a step back towards Batman. Clark frowns at him quizzically. It's funny, he almost looks like a confused puppy. You would smile if you didn't know that this is all a facade to distract from his god-like, destructive powers.
-"Turns out the other version of you is some kind of evil dictator." Well, leave it to Batman to get straight to the point. Clark opens and closes his mouth a few times, thinking about what to say. "Well, I can assure you that I'm not like the Superman you know. I promise you, I'm a good person! At least I try my best to be one. You don't have to be scared." His voice is getting increasingly gentle, trying to reassure you.
-"Oh yeah? That's exactly what the Superman from my dimension would have said, before..." You don't mention his wife's death, not wanting to anger him. "The same thing could happen to you. You might be nice now, but who knows what the future holds?" As you're saying this, you slowly move slightly behind Batman. Just in case. He should have some kryptonite on him, right?
-Superman just frowns harder, then turns to Lois. "We should go home." He picks her up and turns to Batman. "Contact me as soon as you have plans for... handling the other me." With that, he takes off.
-Batman ushers you into the Batmobile, where Nightwing (another ghost, to you) is already waiting. You keep turning to look at him during the drive to the Batcave, while Bruce explains the situation to him. If they notice your weird looks, they don't mention it.
-You allow yourself to feel some hope. Maybe you can contact your Bruce? Help him out! Send a few still good Supermen! Your head is spinning with ideas, and you're sure Batman can come up with even better ones. You can't help but smile, your nightmare might finally be over...
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 5 months
Male Yandere Adventurer x Female Magical Maiden Reader
Just imagine a man who’s on an adventure or is like a hunter or something, coming across a magical maiden bathing in a body of water, and he just has to make her his
I was inspired by all those beautiful water nymph/maiden oil paintings that I thought this would be a cool concept if reader darling was the magical one for a change. Or what if yandere also secretly had some magic blood in him!?
Thanks!!! 💝
Yandere! Male! Hero! Isekai'ed Adventurer x Fem! Elementalist mage! Reader
💝 ANON! I love this request so much because I love worldbuilding. Making your own lore to magical worlds is just-- ack!
This time, this world will be the same as Yan! Villain's world. Hope you don't mind me putting more elements to the fic.
Also, my ask box is going to be open again! Finally. Lol. :3
Yan! Isekai'ed Adventurer's name: Aeron
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A great Adventurer. Someone who defeated the Demon King by his own hands without any help.
From a nobody to the Hero everyone looked up to, Aeron shot up through the ranks of the Empire.
Charismatic, brave, strong, and determined, Aeron was somebody people underestimated before.
After all, he just suddenly appeared one day. In the middle of the throne room, nonetheless.
Begging for his life, Aeron pleaded the Emperor to not put him in jail for trespassing the palace. So, with the Emperor looking to take advantage of this man, he assigned Aeron to kill the Demon King by himself.
"Isn't that suicide?"
Yes, it was.
But Aeron is desperate. So he agreed to the quest and set off with only a few copper coins, a sword, bow, shield, stale bread, and the clothes on his back.
He's legitimately sent to die.
Only a human. Without any powers, nor he didn't go to the gym that much to have the physical prowess to even have a chance of fighting back.
He was so scared. So small, so powerless in a world filled with unknown magic that he didn't encounter back in earth at all.
He's someone who hopped from party to party, as people only saw him as fodder, or they just scammed him of free labor. Then abandoned once they realized he's off to kill the Demon King.
He tried so hard.
So hard for people to take him seriously.
But all he received was ridicule, harsh words, and spits or beatings for the people who went too far.
Humans, all they cared about are themselves and nobody else.
Selfish, hateful, and evil.
Are they sure the Demon King is the evil one and not them?
His body screamed in pain everyday as he hiked alone and taken advantage of. His wounds severe, his leg cut off. He tried so hard to be so understanding, but what is there to understand of hearts so filled with vile intentions?
Revenge, he was fueled with it.
He wants to see blood, he wants to see them suffering for the suffering he got. Tenfold.
Hero? He was no hero as he cut off the head of the Demon King who was innocent, and didn't do anything wrong.
Does he feel bad?
He feels too bad for himself to feel bad for others.
Waving the head of the Demon King, he trudges back to the Palace. Throwing the head at the feet of the fearful Emperor. Aeron sighs, knowing everything is finally going to his direction as the Emperor grants him Marquess status, after kicking the previous Marquess for corruption.
As the hero, he was regarded as a celebrity. Everyone loved him, and everyone revered him. Those who wronged him before though, now boasts of being his ex-party mates, and that they were the best of friends. Singing praises as if they didn't sling hurtful words to his way before.
Let's just say, they ended up dead the next day for even trying to say those words.
There's only one person who genuinely helped Aeron.
A mage, living alone in the woods on the foot of the Demon King's castle. She's somewhat of an enigma, capable of holding off monsters from trying to invade the Empire, especially the Demon King himself. Sure, the King is innocent, but only because he was not successful in invading the Empire yet due to her.
And she was you.
Truthfully, you were only a bored, overpowered mage who decided to protect the Empire one day. You wield all the main elements in a precision that nobody has topped off before, and sub-elementals in a way that other master wizards only dream of wielding.
OP, sure, but you didn't care about other people's feelings.
So, how did Aeron meet you?
On the way to the top of the castle, he had to take a bath due to being rancid. Showered with monsters' blood left and right, he hadn't had a bath for so long too, focused on killing the Demon King and nothing more. He didn't even care about his leg being gone as he hopped towards the stream.
Then, he saw you. Beautiful, ethereal you.
Bathing under the moonlight, the water cascaded down your skin and onto your curves, and down to the stream once more. Your hair, wet, shines as if stars sparkled within them.
Then your eyes. Deep, sharp, bored.
He was captivated.
"Who are you?" You asked, not even looking at him as you continued to wield the stream's water to make a pseudo shower. "Do not look at me like that, lecher."
Aeron froze, embarassed.
"Ah no, I just... Want to take a bath too when I saw you."
Your gaze looked at him.
"I can see that you really need a bath."
Aeron flushed red once more.
You cracked your neck before standing up. Aeron's eyes followed your every movement as you went up to him.
He could feel his heart beat increase in speed.
Then, feeling an itch on his leg stump, his eyes widened as a grotesque yet mesmerizing event happened. His leg is reforming once more.
"How did you..." He flexed his leg, in awe.
"Take a bath, you smell bad." You dismissed him before going away.
"Your name! Miss..." He yells, eyes erratic.
"Y/N. See you around, future hero."
And you left with a bag of gold, a mana infused sword, bow with mana arrows, and a shield made of obsidian.
The complete opposite of the Emperor.
His heart raced once more as tears fell from his eyes.
The first act of kindness he received in this world.
He vowed to repay you, so he took a bath, and headed straight to the Demon King to fight.
Now, he's here to pay back the kindness you gave him.
And he just hopes you recognize the man in front of you.
Or else.
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After helping the Duke Eros in the war and earning another victory in his belt, Aeron rested his body in his chateau once more.
He placed his arm over his eyes, sighing deeply.
little dancing black sprites danced all around him as the sun filtered through the arched windows. These sprites started following him after he defeated the Demon King, and now he wields them like how a magic user does. He's still completely magic-less, but thanks to the sprites, he got to wield magic.
It was sunset, and Aeron just got back from reporting to the Emperor who gloated about the fact that this Empire just won another war.
"That freak." He muttered.
The current Emperor, who just succeeded the previous Emperor who mysteriously died with black sprites latched on his body, was a warfreak who wanted to spread his territory for fun, and spills bloodshed for the thrill of it. He's just the same age as Eros and Aeron, but god is he a crazy motherfucker.
Aeron stood up, letting the sprites dance around his palm as he casted magic on his hand. The sprite absorbed into his skin, making his arm pitch black with his veins dying the dark color. Creeping up to his arm.
The spatial frame cracked, forming a what looked like a broken glass opening.
It opens to the forest, the foot of the Demon King's castle.
His heart rate picked up once more.
He stepped forward, entering into the portal and being teleported into the forest.
One thing he got from the war he was forced to join is a ring with a jewel the same color as your eyes. One with an intricate carving and a unique design. As if veins popped out of the jewel, which was the centerpiece. It's embedded with fae magic that Aeron hopes is useful for you.
His steps heavy, the crunch of the leaves under you filled his ears. He's quiet, even his breathing light and seemingly not there. His time in the war, and fighting different beasts after the Demon King trained his body to perfection.
He stopped in front of the stream once more, a sense of dejavu knocked into him as he watched you bath once more there.
The moonlight filtered through the much bigger trees and into you below. You were much more magnificent than he remembers.
He gulped, itching to touch you, kiss you, feel you.
He felt pent up. But he knows that he should stop himself.
"*ehem*, my lady." He said, back straight and chest out. His eyes sparkling with warmth. "Remember me?"
You, startled as you didn't feel a presence, whipped your body towards him. A stark contrast to how you reacted before.
But, he felt his stomach drop when you looked at him all confused.
"Who are you?"
He suddenly clammed up.
Sweat started to riddle his face, eyes wide with betrayal.
"I'm the person you helped before, my lady. The one without a leg?"
You hummed.
"I don't really recognize you..."
He started to breath heavily and shakily. His eyes, trembling, he tried to find signs of your form if you were joking.
But no, you were serious.
He took a step forward, his lips trying to say something. Anything.
You shrugged at his reaction.
"I help a lot of people, really. So I don't recognize you. Have I helped you? I assume I did, as you said."
But all he could utter was a helpless, silent cry.
This was worse than being exploited.
The only person who was nice to him when he got isekai'ed into this godforsaken world forgot him.
And you helped other people?
Not just him?
Something unknown bubbled deep into his stomach painfully. It felt like it was wrenching into a boulder he can't seem to lift away.
"My Lady... I..." His mouth felt dry.
You shrugged, snapping your fingers and making you instantly dry after you went up to the shore.
Wearing your clothes, you waved to him before going away once more.
Aeron felt sick to his stomach as he keeled over.
He never cried.
He refused to cry for the people who wronged him.
But now, tears flowed down from his eyes as he started to go under a panic attack.
"My Lady... Why... Why don't you remember me..." He sobbed out, his throat painfully clawing out cries of desperation. The tears soaked his cheeks but he didn't care. "You were so nice to me... Why?"
The fantasy he built inside your mind was now broken completely. He thought you will remember him. He didn't consider that you won't remember him.
He felt so lost.
What's all this for?
What is he fighting for?
When his lady doesn't even remember him?
He gripped the grass beneath him. A strangled cry finally gargling out of his mouth.
Why did he feel so attached to you?
Just because you were the nicest to him?
So what? You chose to be nice in this place filled with vile people.
He just wished you didn't.
He just wished you left him alone, maybe even be rude to him like others did if you would just forget him.
But no, you used your magic on him. A pathetic alien in this grotesque world filled with magic and discrimination.
He just wished he would die then and there.
As negative thoughts filled him, the darkness around him seeped into his legs and arms. Like the sprites, black veins crept around his limbs painfully and into his neck.
What is a hero?
His sclera turned black, his breathing became shorter and shorter.
Does a hero need to be always good?
Something poured inside him, making him gargle in pain. Drool dripped down his chin as he snapped out of it. He writhed in pain from the sudden influx of mana inside his body.
Why was he sent to this goddamn world in the first place?
He curled his toes, his body becoming rigid. Like a leech sprinkled with salt, he painfully clawed at his face as he moved around the place. His heart pounding fast, his mind pulsing all over the place.
Is the purpose of him being isekai'ed here is to save the world?
He hacked up blood, keeling over. The boulder in his stomach now a fiery acid he wished to dispel from his body. He vomits out blood again, but it was pitch black.
But if he was destined to be a hero, why is he suffering so much?
He wants the pain to be gone, he wants it off. He wants to ask for your help, to scream for your name to alleviate his pain like you did before. But no sound came from his mouth. Only black and purple smoke as his body underwent changes he never thought would happen.
Please, will you help this poor man?
After an hour, he shakily stood up. He felt that his senses got more sensitive, tenfold. He can feel every beast's emotion. He can feel overwhelming power inside him, same as authority.
After all, you were the light to his world.
And, as hundreds of beasts surround him, a sprite descended from above and placed a crown on his head. The monsters bowed to him. He numbly stood there, looking so disheveled but so ominous as he took a deep sigh.
Give this Demon King a chance, yes?
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You flipped through your mythology book, lazily drinking tea.
You just finished eating dinner, and is now lounging at the roof of your treehouse. Intaking the mana into your body slowly, you had a relaxed form as you yawned from tiredness.
Then you felt it.
The sudden influx of demonic power converging into one place.
Your body shivered, goosebumps riddling your skin.
Coincidentally, the page you stopped on had the ritual of birthing the new Demon King.
After defeating the previous Demon King, a person experiencing the worst grief there is, someone who only received harshness and no kindness in his life, will be able to become the Demon King if a trigger happened. May it be betrayal of feelings, or if one act of kindness inside his unfortunate life suddenly turned sour. Creating the Ultimate Grief, the catalyst of the demonic power to surge inside that person.
Will you run away, or investigate, or stay?
You froze, not knowing what to do.
The only person inside the forest is the Empire's Hero earlier, who introduced himself to you.
What happened?
Is this related to you?
But you seriously don't remember him.
Or did you, and just don't want to acknowledge it by some reason?
Your trembling hand reached for your bag and hastily packed up your stuff. The previous Demon King was weak, somebody who lived for so long that his negative Demonic Powers were slowly depleting.
And the birth of a new Demon King is never a good sign.
This is one of the few times you cursed yourself for not learning how to do teleportation.
Two bags. Not enough but will do for now.
You need to warn the Empire.
As you grabbed the bags and tried to get out of your house, you stopped in your tracks when black veins crept on the floorboards, trying to reach your legs.
Heart rate picking up, you got up the couch.
You just knew that if these veins reached you, you are a gonner.
You clutched your bag, hearing a sorrowful moan outside the treehouse.
"My Lady... Why don't you recognize me?"
You're powerless against a newly awakened Demon King.
You can't escape him.
"You're my light, why did you forget me..."
Your walls creaked and moaned under the intense pressure Aeron was emitting. As if they were yelling at you for forgetting him.
"Was it because I was scrawny and dirty back then?"
He continued to wail outside of the treehouse. You tried casting light magic and dark magic, but they didn't do jackshit on the veins. They continued to try and wrap around your legs.
"My lady... Should I bathe myself in blood for you to recognize me?!"
Powerful wind blew away your front door as you screamed in terror.
Aeron stood on the archway, eyes bloodshot and crazy as his handsome visage was filled with grief, longing, love, anger, sadness...
"You're the same as them my lady..."
You searched his face, trying to recognize him. Your body was struggling to stay standing from the amount of pressure being pressed on your body.
Wait, something's coming in your mind.
As an attempt to speed up your memory, you hit your head with the heel of your palm. In a state of panic of wanting to remember immediately.
The floorboards groaned under his weight as Aeron stepped forward to you.
"Remember me, my lady. Please." Dark tears fell on his cheeks. "Please..."
"Ah! You... The man with the bloodiest stench, with the leg stump that I fixed!"
You spoke so fast that Aeron almost didn't catch it.
The wind stopped howling.
"You... You remembered me..." Aeron laughed, his eyes wide with manic desperation. "Oh my god, you do..."
Aeron slumped down, hugging your waist as he wept.
"My lady, you're too much! You should have told me that you remember me sooner!" He laughed lightly, holding your hand as he buried his face on your stomach.
The sudden shift in mood sent you into a harsh whiplash.
"I-I'm sorry." You whispered, not getting this man in front of you at all.
"I forgive you." He whispered, hands wrapped around you tight.
He feels so good now. No more grief, no more crying.
He just knows you remember him now. Nobody matters but you, and your recognition of him.
"My Lady, i'm here to propose." He suddenly said, making your blood run cold.
And, as he separated himself from you, he kneeled down on both knees, as if pleading you to say yes.
This man, the greatest hero of the Empire, was now kneeling in front of you. Awakened as a Demon King from the grief you caused. His eyes hooded, dripping with overwhelming affection for you.
What have you done?
You've condemned the Empire, this world to a Demon King once more.
"My life here in this Empire was the worst. Everyone hated me, took advantage of me, stole from me, abused me in every way possible. I lost hope, and was driven with revenge. But you, my lady. You showed me kindness when no one did, and I knew you are my soulmate." He confessed passionately, his voice dripping honey sweet with delusional feelings for you. "So, be my wife, my marchioness, my queen..."
You've got the Demon King and the Greatest Hero wrapped around your finger.
Be proud.
And, as you nodded hesitantly, he slipped in the ring he was fidgeting with earlier.
You flinched, feeling it tighten around your digit. Spikes digging slightly, making sure you cannot take it off of you no matter what.
You want to scream at him for this absurd ring, but the ominous smile he had made you clam up.
You are his salvation, and he would die without you.
So chin up, and hold onto the leash tight,
You won't know when this rabid dog will bite the hand that feeds him.
And you don't intend to fuck around and find out.
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marycorcaroli · 8 months
yandere!zoro x inventor!reader.
req: hiii 🙈 maybe you can do yandere zoro x inventor! reader hcs. the reader is basically the inventor of the crew, she can make stink bombs, explosives, and overall, just great gadgets. the reader can't fight with swords or do hand to hand combat but uses her inventions to help her out, zoro kind of becomes protective of her. this is so long whew!!
mary♡: thanks for the request 🌷, i hope you enjoy it, i tried really hard💗 ! iapologize for my mistakes, english is not my first language 🤧
zoro loves you infinitely much, you are the perfect girl for him, but he is just a traumatized asshole who is afraid to make the first move and show his love, but there is one problem, zoro won't let someone hurt you verbally or physically, he would go crazy.
you were beautiful in everything, you could do everything he couldn't and teach him to be better. i think zoro could spend hours watching you do something useful to protect the team, your graceful hands going through what seems like such heavy and hard elements, but you still look beautiful. you can't even imagine how proud zoro was of you when you unveiled your new bomb or explosive that could defeat anything and everything. zoro would never say out loud how wonderful you are, his ego wouldn't let him, but if someone else did, i'm afraid that person would be dead in seconds.
zoro knew you couldn't defend yourself with your hands and was always afraid that you would be found by other pirates who wanted to avenge themselves and you wouldn't be able to beat them, it breaks zoro into tiny little pieces, he thinks about it every night or even every night he thinks about you and how he wants to have you all to himself.
zoro is very possessive, he won't let you go anywhere. you want to go with luffy to help him? nah, how about you stay here and just be quiet with zoro? simple, he's very scared for you and himself too. zoro can't see his future without you, he'll be a literal monster if he loses you, his brain will stop functioning properly and he won't be able to see anything but the blood of the people who took you from him.
it was his biggest mistake, to try to hurt you, to make you cry and leave you bruised in a horrible shade of purple. god, everyone knew zoro was crazy when he saw the pirate next to you, trying to hit you and take the key to the cabin where all your inventions were.
zoro ran towards you, imagining the most horrible ways to kill this fearless pirate who was trying to touch you. zoro was at your side in seconds and threw the man away from you to the farthest corner of the ship, odd that he didn't die from that.
"are you okay? did he hurt you? where did he touch you? " zoro said all this out of breath, he was short of breath from the anger he was feeling, his eyes were running all over your body and face, he was trying to make sure you were okay, but the bruise on your face said otherwise, zoro's eyes were even more aggressive than they had been in a couple seconds, he was literally on fire, his hands were tense and veins were showing on his forehead from how hard he was squeezing you and he didn't want to let go but he had to.
"zoro, it's okay, it doesn't hurt, don't worry about me, h-he wanted to steal all the things i've been doing for so long, but-he didn't have time, i-i wanted to fight back but nothing would come out, i'm sorry, please."
zoro didn't hear your voice, he was terrified of what he wanted to do to that pirate and then keep you all to himself.
zoro will start with something small, just beating him until he hears him begging for forgiveness, but he doesn't care anymore. he hurt you and made you feel fear, which means zoro will do the same thing to him, only a few thousand times worse, he will make the man feel the fear he never felt.
at the end when you ask zoro to stop, he will, but stop for a couple seconds to do something else.
"no one can touch y/n and survive after that, no one. " zoro said it with the coldest look, "you tried to take her from me, but it didn't work and it never will. my face is the last thing you'll see before you go burn in hell."
zoro's words left you shocked, he had never said those words before, you had no idea how he really felt about you, but now it all fell into place.
you are his treasure, his air, his life, you are his completely, not from that moment but from the moment you first met you have always been only his. today, zoro made it obvious to everyone here. you don't have to worry anymore, no one will dare to hurt you or just come near you, zoro won't let them. he will kill them all and spill all that blood for you, he will do anything to keep you with him. and if you think he is too aggressive and you don't want to be with him, he will make you.
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charmixpower · 8 months
got any future plans for adding to the child Valtor au, because the more i think about the more i wonder about how his age changes the way he interacts with the characters and vice versa
I cannot tell you how much I've been thinking about child Valtor ever since I made that post
You what a bunch of hcs??? You get a bunch of hcs!!!
Like Winx says that Valtor was made by the ancestral witches, he wasn't born, and he actively trashes against the control the ancestral witches have on him and they straight up help Bloom kill him for the kicks?? And it's like, just there? I love it but it's so easy to kill off Valtor bc he has control over his actions and he's an adult and you don't get to sit with these uncomfortable implications due to that. The tragedy has already happened, it's passed, you don't have to look at it. You know??? Not anymore, we all hurt forever
Can you imagine being Daphne??? Seeing Valtor hiding behind Belladonna's leg, this child. Can't be older than 11. Fighting your fellow Nymph's, and you can't even think about that, pay attention to that, because you need to fight Belladonna and protect your planet. This wasn't a priority, that child those evil women created wasn't a priority. How would you ever recover??
The company of light is made up of educators, people who dedicated their life to children. A stutter, a small child's eyes winding in panic. None of them could follow though. It was safer to kill him, he was made, he doesn't have a soul, it was the right option. They send him to the Omega dimension instead
He wakes up from the ice to see Belladonna's cold eyes staring back at him. She doesn't look the exact same but he knows that smile and he knows those eyes. He'd recognize his mother anywhere. He does what he's told for new Belladonna too, not that he knows why. Icy has plans, plans he's supposed to help out with
He clings to Bloom. Her magic feels like his, she's the only person who could begin to understand how he feels. She was chosen too, right? She gets it doesn't she? How could she not. He just wants someone, anyone to understand him, to help him. He couldn't tell you what he wants help with. The Ancestral Witches say he's loyal to them, and he's never been able to disagree with them before
He doesn't like the winx, he's never shared in his life and is loathed to start now. He plays tricks and schemes and never kills them. He mains, he disables, he distracts. This is fun. He's never had a true enemy, rival. The company of light wanted to defeat his mother's, these are his fights. It's fun, he wants to keep them
(You ever think about the amount of times Valtor could of straight up killed the winx or put his mark on them and he just kinda doesn't and then gives their romantic rivals a love potion??? Bc I do. That was weird and the entire reason this au exists. Like Valtor basically made the perfect opportunities for the winx to get their Enchantix by never directly trying to kill them. It's almost funny)
Valtor is completely incapable of free will but he does experience desires and he has the ability to think for himself. One of the winx asks him why he's doing all of this and he literally can't answer, he doesn't want to, he doesn't want to be here, but he does? That's why he's doing it, right? And the girlies get a front row seat to a child gaslighting themselves to cope with their inability to control their own actions
He wants to be powerful! The most powerful person in the dimension! Then he could do whatever he wants! Then he would be free! At least that's what he tells himself (he knows it's not true, but children are allowed to have their fantasies)
They could extinguish kill. He barely came up to Bloom's chest, and they could just extinguish him. If Bloom pulled at the fire element in his body and Aisha the water they could pull him apart. Making a soul sounded impossible and has never been done before but that's the only way to release the Ancestral Witches control on Valtor, so they'll do it
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jiniwae · 6 months
According to LoreMaster (the person on the Just dance team who answers the lore of some dances) Chitsuki (Kill Bill) possessed Michiya (Zenit) to purify his soul. Night Swan probably learned from Chitsuki how to have coaches
I really like the lore in general, so when I saw the story of 24 I was very happy, but at the same time with a feeling of trepidation And honestly, I hope the ending is a season, I don't want to wait a whole year to see how it ends -
I think that in Just Dance 2025, Jack Rose will somehow try to contact Wanderlust's father (since Traveler can travel through the Danceverse) to warn him of what happened to his son and they will both go after the mother of Wanderlust and a few other Just dancers.
I still think that if wanderlust's parents stay together for too long their power could collapse the danceverse they are in (which didn't even almost happen in save your tears)
I literally couldn't sleep with this hook that Ubisoft made in JD2024. I imagine that in JD2025, Jack Rose will actually be able to find someone to help him save everyone. But here come two of my theories: Either the story ends in JD2025, or Ubisoft makes another cliffhanger in JD2025, continuing the end of the story only in JD2026. That's what I say
I had understood from the director's interview with Dina that she tore up the poster at the beginning because only she and Nightswan have the ability to use flow, but Nightswan decided to use this for evil, which disappointed Mihaly, implying For me too, in the past they were united in some way
I think that Night Swan was actually famous in the Danceverse, and that's why Jack rose there has this desire to be famous, because his mother inspired him by being
I have to say the betas Sweet Dreams and Lose Yourself that were removed would have gone well with the lore
-Usually, Odette (white swan) and Odille (black swan) are played by the same dancer. Sara and Night Swan are played by the same dancer
-The wizard Rothbart bewitched Odette to become a swan. In you should see me in a crown, Night Swan bewitched Sara to become evil
-It might just be a coincidence, but Sara has four letters and starts with "S" (swan)
-Sara in Hebrew means "lady, princess, noble woman". Odette is a princess
-Odille pretended to be Odette to deceive Prince Siegfried and get his hand in marriage. In Canned Heat, Night Swan pretended to be Sara to trick Wanderlust (who also has the title of prince) and steal the Discoball.
Ending 1-Siegfried dies trying to defeat Rothbart and Odette remains with the swan curse forever
Ending 2-Odette and Siegfried drown together, their souls are freed from the curse and they can finally be together in the afterlife
Ending 3-Siegfried defeats Rothbart, Odette has her curse broken and they get married
Which ending do you think you will choose for Just Dance 2025?
I would choose 3, the happiest ending. Night Swan defeated once and for all, the Danceverses at peace, and Wanderlust abdicating his responsibilities as the
"Chosen" to live happily on Earth with Sara.
So, I think a song that would go super well with some music for 25's lore would be 'Swan Song' by Dua Lipa, it would be awesome
Yesssss! This song is an anthem, one that Ubisoft could use. I imagine it as being a new solo map for Siha Nova, sad and horrified by what happened with Wanderlust but little by little finding the courage to face her own son and break Night Swan's spell over him.
I still can't believe that the rock your body coach brutalized the levitation coach and left
Went to get a cigarette and disappeared lol
Next year the story should start with lose yourself and after this song he tries to recruit more people in eternyx even maybe
 think that in jd25 the first two songs will show that jack rose became a drug dealer lol with lose yourself and the next one (or even before lose yourself) is sweet dreams showing the past of night swan and the next ones I don't know
which is also part of the story, but this song is the beginning of the future, so I don't know if it will be in the continuation of the next game or if it is part of this one, because there are also 2 more songs from the lore
I saw a theory that says that in Just Dance 2025, Jack Rose will save the other coaches with the help of The Traveler (Rock Your Body) and Si'Ha Nova (Levitating). Or maybe with a new coach maybe Jack's father
speaking of which, another theory is that Jack Rose's father is Crimson (Sail).
-They both have red hair
-They have similar dance moves (Jack may have learned from his father)
-Probably he and Night Swan had a very troubled relationship and they separated....
I have a theory that's a little heavy but it's valid, at the beginning of sail Crimson wakes up tied to the ground and following this theory maybe the night swan trapped him in the boat and also towards the end of Sail the boat starts to pick up and he wasn't the one who put it since he was dancing so maybe the night swan wanted to kill her own
what happened to Night Swan trying to kill her own husband?
I think it's because Crimson and Night Swan had different dreams and goals and he didn't agree with her plans to dominate the
Danceverses and create a perfect universe
What I think could happen: Jack Rose finds three more powerful coaches to defeat Night Swan
I've seen two theories:
-The Traveler (Rock Your Body) and Si'Ha Nova (Levitating) will help Jack
-Jack will have the help of his father (probably Crimson de Sail, but it has not been confirmed until now who his father is)
I think Wonderley's father will come back The way Ubi likes to recycle, they will probably come back
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blues824 · 2 years
hiii hii !! I hope you’re doing great and taking care of yourself! I actually wasnt sure if requests were open but if by chance they are, could I request all the brothers from obey me and their reaction to a shinobu!reader?? It made upset seeing mc being killed in lesson 16 but imagine before belphie could even lay a finger on them, he suddenly cant move because of the poison mc sneaked in
thank you so much and im super sorry if requests arent open ^^”
This is an awesome idea! Thank you for your request!
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He’s taken aback by your friendly and cheerful personality. Until he finds out it’s a facade when you start teasing Mammon with a cheerful tone. Nice one, Y/N. You tend to mislead others by your little trick and tend to go in for the kill when they’re at their weakest.
However, when the events of Lesson 16 occur, your true colors show. Your intense hatred for demons of any kind comes through. Before Belphie could even lay a finger on you, you used your sword before he had any chance to register. After you slashed and paralyzed him, you told Lucifer that you specialize in poisons and antidotes and when Belphegor calms down, you would gladly give him the antidote.
He notices that your hatred goes so far that you are always in a constant state of anger and pain. You went to a Devildom therapist to talk about it and possibly try and help your mental state. You told them that you lost your sister, your parents, your students, and the families of the employees of the manor. Of course, since you are an exchange student, the most important pieces of this info go to Lord Diavolo, who then tells Lucifer since you are staying with the brothers.
You are then forced to tell Lucifer all about what you were like when you were younger. He loves hearing the stories, especially with how soft and airy your voice is. Your temper seems to be through the roof when someone makes you get to that point of irritation, though. More times than one, Lucifer has had to pick you up and carry you out of the room so you would have a chance to calm down.
Now, for your Demon Slaying abilities, Lucifer stands intrigued. Your sword seems to act as a stinger and inject poison into your opponent. He will definitely ask you a few questions here and there. You explain that you makeup for your lack in physical strength by putting some type of lethal poison on your blade to kill a demon.
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Mans was completely fooled by your sweet and kind demeanor. He wouldn’t suspect anything was going on because he’s kinda dumb. He will find out after you literally pick on him for messing up on something supposedly easy to do.
When the events of Lesson 16 occur, Mammon sees who you truly are. He sees that you show no hesitation when it comes to defeating demons. Of course, you didn’t kill Belphie, you left him paralyzed with the poison you selected. 
From then on, he notices the slight strain on your everyday smile. You will poke at and tease him to have a bit of an outlet of your anger. After you get further into your relationship, you tell him all the pain you went through to get to where you are today. You tell him that you’re always so angry, and it’s not very healthy for you.
When you tell him of all the pain and suffering you went through and how you bottled it all up with a smile, he hugs you. He’s glad you told him, because now he can help. As rude as he can be, he will be genuinely kind to you and you alone. 
As for your demon slaying abilities, Mammon first wanted to make a profit off of them. Then you held your blade at his neck with an intimidating smile on your face and politely said no. He had never been so scared of you before. But he is impressed by your outstanding abilities.
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You remind him of the insect hashira from the anime ‘Help! Rip-off Michael Jackson turned my sister into a demon and now I’m trying to find a cure for her!’ You even look like the character! You act the exact same, so he can predict what’s going to happen.
Nothing could prepare him for the events of Lesson 16, though. One second, he saw Belphie go for your neck, the next he saw you with your sword out and Belphie was on the ground paralyzed. You told everyone in the room that the next time something like this occurs, they will wish that they were only paralyzed.
He already knows about your hidden rage. He will become a tad more understanding whenever you tease him because his brothers tend to do it whenever they are upset. After you get far enough into your relationship, you tell him about all the excruciating pain you went through. He can tell you’re always so angry, so he suggests video games as an outlet.
He will hold you in his arms while whispering to you about how proud he is of you and how much he loves you. It will be one of the few times where he puts his insecurities aside and focuses on someone else. He knows that right now you need him, and he will do his best.
As for your demon slaying abilities, he’s not jealous. I mean this seriously. He will definitely record your training because he finds it so cool. He will edit a photo so that the background is blurred and will put it as his lock and home screens.
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He knew there was more to your story than you let on. However, he had trouble piecing together what it could be. You were good, Y/N. However, it was his move to get you into an impossible checkmate. He noticed how your mood always slightly wavered when something upset you.
When the events of Lesson 16 burst in like the FBI, he was able to catch a glimpse of all the pent up rage and anger. He could always sense it, being the Avatar of Wrath and all, but he never got a sense of how much. Even he has never been so angry. You leave his youngest brother paralyzed and you have your sword out… you also have an eerily calm expression on your face.
Once he gets a sense of how deep your frustration and anger is, he tries to give you different options as an outlet. Often, he will read you into a peaceful sleep as a way to calm you down. When you tell him about all the pain you went through, he will also be angry. Angry that someone as sweet as you had to go through so much character development.
He will, like I said, read you to sleep. You will lay your head in his lap as he reads in a soft voice and runs his fingers softly across the back of your neck. There will be times where he uses magic to recreate a mini version of the story.
As for your demon slaying capabilities, he stands very impressed. He never knew humans could do something like that. The more you know. He will definitely bring his hobby of photography along and take pictures of your training. He will most definitely save them as progress pictures.
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He loves your style! The haori and the inspiration from butterflies! It’s so elegant in such a cute way! He will definitely create his own haori to match you. That aside, he is completely oblivious to what lies underneath that happy and cheerful mask.
When the events of Lesson 16 play out, Asmo couldn’t believe you were capable of something like this. One second, Belphie was lunging out towards you, the next, you had your sword out and Belphegor was paralyzed. Asmo could only stare in absolute shock.
When he gets a sense of all the rage you hide within you, he will suggest spa days to try and calm you down. He will give you soft shoulder massages to relieve all the tension from the day. He will put Lo-Fi on in the background to set a relaxing atmosphere.
When you tell him about all the pain and suffering you had to go through, he’s not too surprised. Everyone has dark secrets. However, he will not allow you to blame yourself for anything. He will hold you in his arms until you feel better (although he might not let you go even when that happens).
As for your demon slayer abilities, he finds them so awesome. You look so graceful while training and he can’t help but take a few pictures of you for Devilgram. He would totally make matching workout outfits and he will be doing a few workouts with you. He hates sweating, but he likes the long-lasting effects.
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Mans is oblivious to the true beast that lies within you. You are a very good actor, with a great fake smile, and he’s kind of naive. He often teases his brothers too, so he might join you every now and then. He has no idea that you take your anger out on those close to you.
When the events of Lesson 16 unravel themselves, he’s torn. He loves you, but he loves Belphie too. As his twin lunged at you, you took your blade and slashed at him. And then he couldn’t move. Beel didn’t know how he should feel at this moment. 
When you calmly tell everyone in the room that if something like this should happen again you’d dip your blade in a more lethal poison, he finally sees all that you hide. He gets a sense of all the anger you keep hidden away from everyone. It’s not healthy to bottle it up, Y/N! :(
When you tell him about all the pain and suffering you went through in your life, he will hold you closer. He will whisper sweet nothings into your ear whenever you wake up from a nightmare to get you back to sleep. He knows what it’s like to lose someone close to you, he used to have nightmares as well.
As for your demon slaying abilities, consider Beelzebub your new training partner. He sees that your training uses exercises that work out muscles that he’s never considered before. Plus, he sees how graceful you look when training and hopes he could do something like that.
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He knows that you are hiding pure hatred behind your smile. He did the same thing to you, after all. You are essentially the same. He tricks you by reading you like an open book. He will let you rant on and on and you will help him escape.
When Lesson 16 occurs, he feels betrayed because you betrayed him after he betrayed you. Like, you weren’t supposed to do that. You paralyzed him with your sword so fast he never stood a chance. Then you whisper that you knew he was going to betray you at some point in such a chilling way.
After all of this is ‘resolved’ (we never forgot, Belphegor), you both kind of just trauma dump. You tell each other the pain you both have gone through. The loss of his sister and falling from Heaven. Your sister dying at the hands of a demon and the loss of all your friends’ families.
You two can often be caught wrapped up with each other in a peaceful nap. Each of the brothers have at least 17 pictures because it was too cute to pass up the opportunity. He will hold you close and use his powers if you have a nightmare. He knows how your past can haunt you.
As for your demon slaying abilities, he stands impressed. When he finds out the extent of your capability aside from paralyzing him, he will be intrigued. He won’t participate in your training, but good for you, Y/N.
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What if you gave Edward from Twilight the Auryn and a responsibility to reimagine Fantastica, because I feel like the end results would be hilarious. And also do you think any of his family is coming to rescue him when he's lost all concept of who he is?
I mean, that's the thing though, Bastian's father in the real world was becoming increasingly worried his son was missing for several hours but a) didn't know his son was in a book b) probably couldn't enter the book if he tried.
Going to Fantasia is a solitary journey that's just you and your imagination, I was never given the impression that you could go after anyone or that someone could travel with you. The only people that can help you are yourself and the friends you make along the way during the journey (e.g. Atreyu).
As for Edward, we'll have to back up a bit. We know the Neverending Story changes per whoever is reading it, as it's intended to draw you in and sus out who can add to the world and save them from a lack of existence.
In Bastian's case, it was the tale of a boy he would always have wanted to be, Atreyu, who is kind, brave, a heroic warrior, who undergoes many trials as expected in a fantasy novel. It's the kind of story that Bastian not only loves to read and escape in, but wants to be himself (hence, when he goes to Fantasia himself, he immediately starts transforming himself into someone much closer to Atreyu: handsome and skinny, brave, heroic, a warrior, wise and charming).
What I'm getting at is that this has to be a book that engrosses Edward so that by the time he meets the Childlike Empress, he's invested.
I imagine it's the story of fantasy Bella Swan. (We'll place Edward before he actually meets Bella Swan).
The Neverending Story for Edward opens up on a beautiful young woman in a poor provincial town who believes she's very unordinary, plain, and isn't like the other girls. She's kind to others to a fault, sacrificing her own needs and wants for the sake of others, and is overlooked by everyone.
One day, her father falls ill and so she goes on a journey to seek the Childlike Empress who is the only person left who may be able to save him. When she reaches the Ivory Tower, Bella is devastated to hear that the Childlike Empress is ill herself and seeing no one. She is told that there is a person that Bella must find who can save both the Childlike Empress and then her father. Bella goes on a perilous journey to find said person, nearly losing hope several times along the way and growing as a person as she faces dangers she never imagined.
In despair, Bella returns to meet the Childlike Empress in defeat, noting she found no such person, "oh but you have" the Childlike Empress says and then Edward gets the truly surreal experience of being talked to by a book.
Like Bastian, it won't shut up until he gives the Childlike Empress a new name, which he eventually does, at which point he finds himself in Fantasia.
There, similar to Bastian, some of his first efforts are to change himself. He becomes human again, gallant, handsome, wise, a prince in every aspect, everything that is worthy of Bella in the novel (losing bits and pieces of himself along the way of course). To his dismay and anger, Bella doesn't love him, seeing that he's losing himself constantly and that what's left of him is a caricature of a man. Edward, too, forgets why he ever thought he loved Bella or the idea of this woman, and gets high on a power trip.
"I will declare myself emperor!" Edward says and... I imagine Bella does try to stop him but I'm not sure raising an army as Atreyu did is in her wheelhouse.
Edward might just kill her to obtain his goal at which point he damns himself and becomes one of Fantasia's many emperors.
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millylotus · 1 year
So I reblogged a lot of your stuff as you probably saw. I love how everyone acts in your idea of the rise verse but I always wondered this. Since it’s the same voice in both the scroll and shredder. I think saki was feeding information on how to defeat him to his family hoping someone would free him and now his ghost hangs around as benevolent grandfatherly ghost.
Imagine if he and karai could inhabit suits of armor maybe donnie and Draxum made together and Inter at with everyone. Like someone announces grandpa is coming to visit and it’s a soft looking shredder coming to gift toys and snacks to CJ and Sheldon while 2012’s jaws are on the floor.
Yes I did notice the reblogs and kudos, thank you so much for them!!! :D
I can't say that everyone works in my version of canon, I just tend to have pretty general headcanons, flattered that you think so though :)
Anyway back to your absolutely wonderful headcanon!
The idea of Oroku Saki fighting back against the Krang's corruption to help his daughter and remaining family. Just for the slim chance for the world to survive his impending Krangification. A tragic sort of last recorded message that Karai had to have gotten, having to listen to this fragment of her father try to guide her to kill the rest of him. It's heartbreaking really.
But also the idea of Saki and Karai going all fmab and staying by their descendants and protecting them. Karai getting the chance to have her dad back, uncorrupted and happy. And for Saki to fully become a father and his own person outside of the Shredder, doting on his grandchildren like he always wanted to, when things where normal.
Now they walk the world again possessing suits of armour to be there for their family. Maybe even Atsuko[Splinter's mom] and Sho[Splinter's granpa] show up every now and then in little toy armours made to be taken over every now and then.
The fam can learn about the Hamato family history and stuff.
Angsty moments between Raph and Saki as they bond over both being Krangified.
Karai and Leo getting through their very suicidal self sacrificial tendencies together.
Things like that would be nice.
Course all that is like a lot to explain to the 2012 gang and all they really see is a supposedly smaller and less dangerous Shredder who never took off his armour.
Or even the 2003 gang, cause their Shredder was Krang so not completely filled suits of armour as like really bad for them. And 2003 Karai betrayed them a few times if I remember correctly.
But also like soft and oblivious Rise gang not noticing the others discomfort right away.
Splinter talking happily with Saki, Saki pats him on the back and 2012 immediately tense.
Everytime Mikey goes to hug Granpop Saki, the others would pause and watch waiting for something to go wrong.
CJ and Shelldon hanging out with Granpop alone and 2012 is confused and concerned with the Rise gang just letting their youngests members be alone with him.
Just Gosh all the subtle discomfort of the other turts about the Rise fam. Ya just love to see it.
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smartycvnt · 6 months
Three Steps Back
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Title: Three Steps Back Pairing: Claire Redfield x Jill Valentine Prompt: 1. "There's too much at stake for me to let you be this reckless." + 2. "You're selfish. I am too, but at least I can admit it." NR WC: 767
Jill was going to kill whoever told Claire what happened. The mission was supposed to be completely confidential, but somehow, her girlfriend found out exactly what had happened and gone wrong. TerraSave wasn't clued in on anything that went down, all thanks to Jill. She had pretty much singlehandedly saved the day with little more than bullet would and a couple of scrapes to remember the mission by. She had sustained worse injuries during her training to become a BSAA agent, but nobody seemed to care about that. They were all insistent, including Claire, that Jill had just strolled into open fire wanting to get shot down like a rabid dog.
"Are you even listening to me!" Claire's anger was briefly masked by her concern as she stared down at Jill. It made Jill sick to know that Claire didn't believe that she was okay. Jill had done the programs and talked to someone. She was cleared to do her job, but nobody ever believed that she was suited to. Jill just wanted everybody to stop underestimating her abilities for once. She never wanted to just be the things that had happened to her, she was meant for more than that. Claire had even told her so, but it seemed like that just wasn't true anymore.
"I'm fine. I just need everybody, including you, to get off my dick," Jill grumbled out her answer. Claire pinched the bridge of her nose as she turned away from Jill. It was so frustrating trying to get through to someone who just refused to listen or get help when they needed it. Claire had tried to be patient with Jill, but the woman was very obviously drowning without even knowing it.
"Did you ever think that maybe it's just because we care about you?" Claire had not meant to raise her voice at Jill, but it was too late. Jill was ready for it, and pounced on the opportunity for a fight. All she had been wanting since she got back and out of her meeting with the chief was to rip someone apart. Usually, Jill wouldn't have targeted Claire, but Claire seemed content with pushing and pushing until Jill pushed her back.
"That's rich coming from you. How many stories have you chased down that have almost gotten you killed? You and Leon used to care about each other, didn't you? That is what really happened, isn't it? Ada had nothing to do with the way you ran away from him when he stopped fitting into the box you wanted him to. The danger was okay whenever it was the two of you chasing your rebellious truths, wasn't it? You're selfish, Claire. You don't want anything that doesn't fit the image you've created of yourself. You're selfish. I am too, but at least I can admit it." Each of Jill's words felt like a knife in Claire's heart. She knew that she had never been perfect, but Claire had been working on herself for such a long time. The things she had lived through created layers of trauma that were being pulled back and revealed as the driving force behind some of Claire's more reckless personal missions. Claire could only imagine the things that Jill's past experiences were doing to her.
"It's not like that anymore, Jill," Claire said, defeated. Jill's face fell as she looked down at Claire. She looked so small and scared, just like the teenage girl that Jill remembered from the ride along. "I've made mistakes, but you told me that you didn't care about that. Yes, I am selfish and I don't want you to die because I love you so fucking much. There's too much at stake for me to let you be this reckless. If I lost you, I'd lose myself too, but if that's the way you feel about me, then I think I should leave."
"You're leaving me?" Jill's throat felt dry, but when she tried to swallow, it felt like she was trying to swallow pins and needles. "Claire, don't go."
"It won't be permanent, but I think we need some time apart. You need to talk to someone who can really help you, and maybe I do too. Neither one of us was ready for this, and that's why we can never move forward."
"Don't do this to me," Jill pleaded. Claire had heard her, but Jill knew better than to think her words would make a different. Claire had made up her mind, and she'd stick to her decision until it proved to be the wrong one.
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rainecloud020604 · 1 year
@doomed-bythe-narrative some silver propaganda and a proper essay about my favorite guy ever
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first of all, I am the one and only submitter of silver and you should just vote for him <33 just for getting in
Second! everything that is going to be below this cut. a brief summary of what this contains; the plot of sonic 06 (i know i know) Silver is so doomed you have to believe me he was manipulated so hard using his ultimate goal against him and his big heart and the only time he is in the plot is because his world in the future is in danger and heavy turmoil and whatever friends hes made in Sonics time he cant even see at will unless something bad is happening and it needs to be fixed!!! No I wont be talking about the comics because i havent read them n i think this game is enough to explain how doomed he is
we are absolutely talking about Sonic 06 because as much as it is the worst game ever it is silvers first appearance! Silver's first scene he mentions finally finding the iblis trigger, which Sonic is ,supposedly, who he is after to kill and destroy iblis in his timeline 200 years in the future, Sonic is obviously not the iblis trigger but Silver is being manipulated into believing such by Meplilis. When Mephilis first met Silver and Blaze he talls them to stop The Burning Flames he must kill The iblis trigger; Sonic. Which then he takes both Blaze and Silver to present time and separates them from one another and Silver is on his own to hunt down Sonic, but when he spots sonic Amy hugs him and mistakes him for Sonic! and they quickly become friends and Amy promises to help Silver find who he is looking for, though when it is revealed to be Sonic she gets upset that hed think Sonic would destroy the future and leaves Silver :(
Later he reunites with Blaze as he asks her if this is right if he should be doing this to save their future and being met with this;
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CAN YOU IMAGINE YOUR BEST FRIEND TELLING YOU THAT???? "I'm not really sure if this is okay but we have to try and kill this guy" GUYS YOU ARE 14 PLEASE STOP TAKING THIS MUCH RESPONSIBILITY,,
So obviously Silver is still convinced this is all fine and he is doing the right thing and is still convinced he needs to kill sonic to save the future! He then is told by Mephilis that he needs to head to this location because sonic is there, which he proceeds to almost kill Sonic before he is saved by Shadow. Silver mistakes Shadow for Mephilis and Shadow corrects him before they fight themselves which Shadow just stops time to get the underhand on Silver and then they use chaos control to go 10 years into the past to witness how Mephilis and Iblis was released and get some answers.
As Shadow seals the original Mephilis, Silver finds out how to defeat Iblis!! They have to seal it inside someones soul and make the person a vessel. And also he realizes hes being tricked and manipulated in this whole thing and tada !!! he's a pawn right now. When they get back to the present Silver tells Blaze about what he now knows and about his change of heart, before they set off to try and save Elise. which in short well they see eggmans ship explode and her die so they have to go back into the past to save her and then Sonic gives Silver the chaos emerald to go in the future and save his time. Which he and Blaze both do, though silver is unable to use himself as a vessel as he finds out trying to do so..Which results in Blaze being the ultimate sacrifice sealing herself and Iblis to save silver and their world, this OBVIOUSLY upsets Silver he just lost his best friend someone close to him and light returns to his world as he is stuck there wondering if it was worth it and why it couldnt have been him!!!
This isnt over yet though, nono of course not, Silver is brought back to present time by this warp from Mephilis combining with Iblis to become Solaris, also sonic is dead in Elise's arms and as they are trying to figure out how to stop the world from ending the idea Silver had to defeat Solaris is shot down by Shadow because well our main hero Sonic is dead. Though he is revived with the chaos emeralds and.... kissed by elise and turns into his super sonic form. Super Sonic uses his ability to have Shadow and Silver enter their super states as well which they then use to fight and defeat Solaris by destroying its consciousness, streams of light burst from it and suddenly the world is back to normal and all that is left of it is a tiny flame; the flame of hope which in order to kill it she has to extinguish the flame but also this means Solaris would never exist. Though she has to in order for the world to be saved.
SO TAKE ALLLL OF THAT AND THROW IT IN THE TRASH CAUSE THE GAME ENDS WITH THE PLOT DIDNT HAPPEN BECAUSE SOLARIS WAS DEFEATED. NO ONE REMEMBERS THIS, THE BONDING AND DYNAMICS?? GONE. HOW FUCKED UP IS THAT???? Imagine the game you are introduced and you have all of this cool stuff and oh no you lost your best friend but now you dont remeber your NEW FRIENDS OR LOSING YOUR BEST FRIEND BECAUSE YOU DONT GET TO MEET HER??? Silver loses a lot through this, he doesnt even get the little sympathy of remembering Blaze, their dynamic is destroyed along with the other bonds he had formed and he was dragged into this because his world was in shambles and he wanted people to be happy and now a good part of his memories are gone!!!!!
He only gets to appear when his world is in trouble and he has work to do he only has to fix things and he is almost by himself in this because well he and blaze are the only ones coming back in time to fix whatever is wrong to make the future okay and it just repeats over and over and over there is no end!!! He is doomed to have no happy ending otherwise he wouldnt be there!!!! They wouldn't have him show up because well he cant time travel at will and he cant just drop on by whenever he feels like it because the universe and the narrative said no!!! your world has to be FUCKED!!!! or else you can just get comfy there and chill out because you arent going anywhere <3
Please vote for my boy <33 He deserves so much and Sega gives him so little other than a middle finger </3
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hellofa-ride · 2 years
Any tf2 ships that are your personal favorites or that you just like ? (and PLEASE give any hcs you have for them :D)
My favorite TF2 ship:
Okay so...
Do you want me to be honest with you? Because this is REALLY controversial. And also super rare, like almost-never-talked-about rare. It doesn't even have a proper ship name. My favorite ship is:
ALL the mercs in a polyfidelity
You may be thinking "Wait, that means Spy and Scout are dating!?" Yes, yes it does. And before you start typing that rant I just want to specify a couple of things:
I would only ship this in an AU where they AREN'T related. I don't even really like the idea of Spy being Scout's father because that means he was a deadbeat dad. He never did ANYTHING for Scout or Scout's ma, even though he supposedly "loved" her. And, I also know that polfidelity's are VERY uncommon and is usually MUCH smaller than 9 people dating each other. Some of you guys may also be writing a paragraph because I decided to ship Pyro with the other mercs, and they have a child's mind. And to that I say, this is in another AU. Where even though Pyro still does experience hallucinations, they actually know that they are hurting people, they just don’t really care. Also, even though Soldier is still dating Zhanna none of the other mercs are involved with her. And yes, that technically makes it NOT a polyfidelity but, ehhhh, close enough.
Besides, just think about it!
You can take all your FAVORITE ships and have them all happen at once! Also, I can't help but imagine them trying to slip each other kisses on the field while still trying to keep it a secret from the other team. Or the look of heartbreak and defeat on their face whenever they see their loved one get killed, imagine Heavy's reaction to Medic's death happening whenever ANYONE on the team dies.
The pet names, the cuddles, the movie nights! From stupid rom coms to war documentaries, to crappy action movies, to ten-dollar budget telenovelas, to cursed horror movies! By the end of each movie, there will always be someone crying, screaming, laughing, shocked, sleeping, bored, or making out. 
ALSO! Imagine how much better the team would be when it comes to fighting! Not only would the team be battling with genuine RAGE for harming their loved ones, but the communication and cooperation would be SO much better! They might even learn a bit about each other’s “trades” which would make them much more dangerous. Imagine, them all knowing basic first aid so when Medic is busy they can make sure that they all don’t die, or them all learning how to rocket jump or remove a sapper from a sentry!  AND IMAGINE DEMO AND ENGIE AND MEDIC AND PYRO JUST GEEKING OUT TOGETHER! Trying to explain concepts like chemistry and biology to each other and them all just loving each moment of it! And Sniper just holding his hat over his face as the whole entire team just flirts with him as he tries and FAILS to hide how flustered he is! Or Scout and Spy trying to prove that they are in fact NOT gay as the entire team is just like “Bitch what we’ve been dating for like 2 years” 
OH! And them both trying to prove how manly and badass they are but at night they are def the little spoon. OR the team BEGGING FOR kisses from everyone (which they obviously get)The sadists of the team swooning as they watch their loved ones blow the other team up from the inside out, the like three people who can cook on the team desperately trying to stop the entire team coming inside the kitchen to “help cook.” Medic yells at them all to stop smoking but when someone offers him a cigarette he takes it and shuts up. Speaking of Medic, it will actually start being fair about who they heal instead of just following around Heavy the entire time! 
The whole entire thing is funny and chaotic and stupid but so so SO loveable and darling! I know I may get a lot of hate, or I may lose a lot of followers (mostly because of SPYSCOUT, even though in this Au they aren’t related) but you know what? I can’t help it, whenever I see a team of people together I always think “Okay but what if they kissed.” I know I didn’t exactly answer the question but EHHHHHH
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midnightactual · 1 year
Yoruichi as an Embodiment of War
I've been banging on about this on Discord for literally days but the essence without all the supporting evidence and discussion or even explaining what I'm talking about is that Yoruichi is the embodiment of the precepts of war under both Sun Tzu and Carl von Clausewitz:
formlessness through opaqueness or occlusion of intent and capability
unpredictability through randomness, irrationality, illogical behavior, and employment of emotional volatility
cruelty (and kindness) in applying optimally appropriate (not proportional or measured) force and violence
Accordingly, when talking about her everyday interactions with people:
If she presents what seems to be a pattern of behavior amid the noise which you come to believe in through your own sense of pareidolia, it is precisely because she intends for you to come up with such a theory, because your own belief in understanding her can used against you later if and as necessary. (This will also itself help you discredit any actual patterns you do notice.)
If she appears quixotic it is precisely because she intends to be perceived that way so that you not only do not understand her, but that you give up on even trying to understand her, and so you do not notice or do not give credence to any patterns (real or imagined) to begin with.
If she seems mean (or nice) it is precisely to condition you to expect a certain kind of treatment so that when you receive something else you are left confused and uncertain. Speed kills and hesitation means defeat.
She does not want to be known or understood by the average person. She wants you to write off anything and everything she does with, "Well, that's just Yoruichi," without interrogating it or thinking on it any further. She wants you to be confused and befuddled, lost and adrift, having no real concept of her except the vaguest outline of a half-formed notion.
Being an unknowable variable presents a superior tactical position to being merely an unknown variable, for it means she may freely operate in the open, modifying things as she sees fit with no one any the wiser—it is a vastly more utilitous way to be than simply not being perceived at all. It is a position above even hiding in plain sight, and it affords her the ultimate high ground over not just you, but anyone else who would use you to study her. It is the maximal fusion of having and using capability yet not being comprehended.
She is not always picking optimal choices and outcomes precisely because anyone who only ever picks the best available choices is perfectly predictable, and in a conflict of any type, being perfectly predictable makes one perfectly easy to manipulate and thus defeat unless ones has absolute and total certainty of victory. (I will spare you here a lecture about how conflicts of all kinds, but most especially war, are totally illogical and irrational at base and must be such by their very nature.)
When you think about who she is most commonly associated with (Kisuke), a man who is known for his ability to logically analyze a situation and break it down into a series of statistically probable outcomes and follow their causal chains through a decision tree to come to a conclusion about what is likely to happen, this is only natural, because it is the only way to be free of that ability and thus to retain self-determination.
Whether by nature or nurture or both, Yoruichi's entire existence essentially revolves around being free of the constraints of being easily maneuvered by Kisuke or someone like him.
I've sort of already said this before, but to draw upon Yoruichi Is A Killer and Yoruichi Finds Kisuke Kinda Annoying, you must understand that Yoruichi is diametrically opposed to Kisuke along several axes (most notably, irrational vs. logical and professional vs. sentimental) and her "ability" is directly designed to counteract his, hence his "complaints" about her capriciousness and moodiness—he can maneuver her and make her behavior somewhat more predictable only temporarily through brute force methodology such as provocations, but he cannot rigorously or systemically understand her or predict her across any notable given length of time. She exists beyond his system (and of course something must given Gödel's incompleteness theorems) and of course that is annoying to him, just as his (token) efforts to force her to exist within it are annoying to her.
This is intentional and by design. As one of the most important quotes on this blog goes:
If I determine the enemy’s disposition of forces while I have no perceptible form, I can concentrate my forces while the enemy is fragmented. The pinnacle of military deployment is formless: if it is formless, then even the deepest spy cannot discern it, nor the wise make plans against it.
Yoruichi is always the failsafe, the backup, the measure of last resort. If you don't know what she's going to do, or how, or even why, and even someone like Kisuke cannot reliably figure those things out, then everyone else's odds of predicting her and stopping her are very slim indeed. This also makes her the most free of anyone, because no reasonable or cogent expectations can be levied upon her.
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Please elaborate on your timeskip AU, I’m really curious to hear more about it 👀
When the Turtles step back through the portal into NYC, they're met with a war zone. At first they think the Kraang invaded whilst they were gone, but as they make their way through the city, they find no kraang bots.
They decide to return to the Lair and ask Splinter what happened/ see how sensei is doing. If the Kraang have invaded, then it's possible they've not seen any because they came after the intial wave and the Kraang have made their hideout somewhere in either NYC or Dimension X.
When they get to the Lair, it's quiet. Too quiet. The dojo and armoury are empty, but it looks like someone has been in the lab recently. There's also evidence that a person has been in the kitchen, though some stuff is missing. Their rooms are covered in dust.
What they don't know until an hour later is that an alarm had gone off when they stepped foot into the Lair. They don't find out until Casey arrives, wanting to know who the hell they are and what's going on.
You can imagine how confused the turtles are when they see how much older Casey is (he's about 26 now, the last time they saw him he was 16).
Casey's first reaction, after realising who they are, is to give Raph the biggest bear hug in the known universe - Casey missed his best friend a lot the past ten years.
April gets there not long afterwards, and together they fill the Turtles in on what's been happening.
Kraang Prime was defeated about 4-ish years ago and the Kraang have become Utrom again, though there's evidence of an active splinter cell trying to recreate the mutagen.
Shredder and the Foot Clan are still at large, and have taken over the city. NYC has been cut off from the rest of the country for several years now, and the people of New York have been suffering terribly in that time.
Karai has also switched sides. She figured out that she was Splinter's biological daughter and that Shredder had kidnapped her as a baby. This, along with the abuse she'd endured throughout her life, convinced her to leave the Foot Clan and join the Hamato Clan. (This is the sparknotes version of what happened - the actual circumstances were a lot more complicated and messy, but I was worried this post was getting too long as is. Like what happened between her, Splinter and Shredder could be its own post.)
The above made Shredder go even more off the deep end, and the war just escalated further.
It's at this point that the Turtles realise they haven't seen Splinter and neither April or Casey have mentioned him. Cue the boys freaking out and asking if Splinter is dead.
April assures them he's still alive, but their disappearance left a heavy toll. After they disappeared, he took up the fight against the Kraang and Foot Clan, intending to do everything on his own and pushed April, Casey and Karai away. That didn't really work, cause those three are stubborn as hell, but he's still very reluctant to ask for their help in anything.
The Turtles then ask April and Casey to take them to Splinter.
Splinter doesn't beleive his eyes when he sees them - he briefly wonders if he's just seeing things - until he sees April and Casey and realises that these are his boys, back from the dead somehow.
(He'd tried to hold onto hope, he really did, but eventually he'd broke down and started to beleive they'd been killed by the kraang or some other unknown enemy. The thought that they were dead and he'd never know what happened to them broke him all over again.)
The Turtles are just as shocked by what they see. Splinter looks old and tired. He's greying around the muzzle. One ear has a chunk torn out of it, and the other ear is burnt. The tip of his tail was cut off at some point. There are patches of fur that are completely missing. One of his limbs may or may not be a prosthetic. Their dad looks like someone put him through a meat grinder.
After the inital shock wears off, they throw themselves at their father, who doesn't react. At least, not until it fully hits him that his boys are back and he wraps his arms around them and won't let go. The Turtles have never really seen Splinter cry before, let alone sob and wail whilst holding onto them, as if he thinks they'll disppear the moment he lets them go.
The rest of the au after this point would be the Hamato Clan dealing with the Foot clan and the Kraang splinter cell, as well as coming to terms with everything that happened.
Throughout this au the Turtles are also dealing with the fact that ten years of their lives have been taken, they've missed out on so much. The world they once knew is gone and there's no way to get it back. The war with the Foot is so much worse than when they left, New York is ruins, and they feel so unprepared. They barely recognise their friends and father. It feels like even if they win, so much has already been lost.
But those boys are nothing if not determined. Even if their world is on the brink, that still means there's a chance they can save it. Their friends and father are still alive. They have the Mutanimals. Within the rank of the Foot they can see potential new allies.
The Turtles refuse to give up hope.
Thanks for the ask anon! Been having a rough day and thinking about this really helped!
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charmixpower · 2 years
I think Aisha killing Valtor is a funky idea
Do I think It should of happened in canon? Kgjdkd not really. Do I still like the concept? Yess
Valtor royally fucks over Aisha and she never gets to pay him back for that
Maybe Aisha is the only one that can use the water stars bc they exclusively vibe with her
But the main reason I like this idea is bc it robs Valtor of any final victory he could possibly have
The personal victory of being defeated by someone who he considers worth the effort of fighting
He doesn't even get the chance to ask Bloom for help, or try to manipulate his opponent bc Aisha doesn't give a shit about what Valtor is trying to sell
He gets to scream into an uncaring void
She isn't naive and easily confused like Bloom
Plus I think it would be a slight relief for Bloom
Imagine having someone out there that killed your family, and wanted to use you that you were connected to via the thing they stole from your sister (?) that died to protect you. They always knew your location bc they can sense you, and you could never forget about how much danger your constantly in because you can sense them
It would be like being stuck in a room with the walls closing in. You can see doom coming and can't do shit about it
Plus Valtor is a much older and experienced manipulator and Bloom is inherently naive due to the fact that she's only been in the magical world for three years
He can very easily shape the narrative around himself and attempt to control how she feels about him, and Aisha coming between that and protecting Bloom from being gaslit and controlled is a good concept for me
I wouldn't want to confront him either fnsnnsnsns
Give the two opposites (Bloom happy to go from a normal girl to a princess vs Aisha trying to go from a princess to a normal girl + water/fire dynamic) some chances to bond a little
Plus I think that Aisha should of gotten at least a little pay back for being blinded ndskdjne just a little, as a treat
I like Bloom's plan from the og, her off the wall nonsense is so much fun bc no one has any clue what the fuck is going on but her, I just wanted to talk about this concept
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versadies · 2 years
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salutations: rosalynne’s lament (gn!reader)
content: villain!sagau, pre-2.1 inazuma quest, spoilers to mondstadt - inazuma archon quests and la signora’s lore, mentions of injuries and violence, mentions of harassment
note: this is something i’ve thought of whilst battling la signora for talent mats. ty guys sm for the support and love you guys had expressed on my first sagau fic - especially @nicebonescomrade who’s an incredible writer <<3 enjoy !
when the tsaritsa has requested la signora to dispose of a person who has been rumored to be impersonating their beloved divine creator, the harbinger never thought twice about it.
throughout the 500 years she spent as the crimson witch of flames, the woman certainly had heard the tales and legends of teyvat’s most divine creator, a being who’s higher than celestia and made teyvat what it is today.
she respected you for what you’ve done, though she couldn’t help but feel a little bit angry that you let her beloved lover die so early.
so when she heard far and wide that everyone’s after the person who dares to disrespect their creator, she could feel flames surging around her with anger laced within her expression. how dare they mock the divine this way?
after days of chasing after a mere brat who has done the worst sin imaginable, la signora finally cornered you alone in the nation of the geo archon— only to hesitate.
the harbinger never hesitates.
“ple..please,” you whimpered, raising your hand to cover your bruised face from her in fear. “i.. i didn’t do anything. you have to believe me.”
la signora could only stare down at you, feeling her heart wrench at the sight of tears running down your eyes.
you look just like the statues that she saw around the ruins she used to explore as the crimson witch of flames.
she knew you had to be them.
“…my creator,” she whispered, hands shaking in realization as she kneels down to your form. “my divine creator, it really is you.”
your eyes widens from the infamous harbinger’s change of attitude, slowly flinching from her getting closer to you. is this the fair lady’s way of tricking you to come to her and get killed?
“i don’t understand.” you said with furrowed eyebrows.
“you don’t have to, your grace.” she said, standing up from the ground as she lends out a hand to you. “you must come with me. everyone’s a fool to think that our precious creator would be an imposter and treat them this way.”
you stared at her hand reluctantly, unsure whether or not you should trust her.
“allow me help you, your grace.” la signora said so desperately that it almost convinced you. “i’ll take you back to the fatui and have your wounds treated — you’ll be treated with care.”
you would’ve tried to reject her offer and run away— but the fact that you finally met someone who treated you with kindness instead of pain made you feel overwhelmed. who knows if this would be the last time you’ll ever meet someone who’d treat you kindly?
you slowly look up to the woman with hope sparking in your eyes.
“…i trust you.” you spoke up, grabbing her hand in defeat as you try to stand up from the cold hard ground.
for the first time, la signora smiled genuinely.
she turns back to her delusion form before grabbing your shaking hand to kiss it.
“i’ll make sure those wretched fools will pay for what they’ve done to you, your grace.”
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