#sorry if there are any mistakes or if i forgot anyone im.....worked so hard on this aksdjfgjdxfg
miuszn · 1 year
HII!! i love your writing sm, so i wanted to send in a request. I KNOW THIS IS SO CLICHÉ AND OVERDONE 😭😭 BUT could you possibly write a seven minutes in heaven scenario with ellie or abby. maybe reader n ellie/abby don’t really like each other, or they have tension ?? idk
seven minutes
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SETTING : college / modern au
WC : 3120
WARNINGS : not beta read , fingering , cunnilingus ( r!recieving both ) , kinda vanilla again ( sorry ) , top!ellie , one-sided rivalry , intentional lowercase , this might kinda seem like dubcon but it’s not reader is just shy , english isn’t my first language and i’m not perfectly fluent so there might be mistakes ( lmk if there’s any )
A / N : hii everyone !! aaa im so glad i finally finished this 😭😭 i love these corny cliche scenarios soooo much but only when it’s w women otherwise it’s just so bleh . women do everything better so true !! anywhooo i hope u guys enjoy this and tysm for requesting this bc i wanted to write something like this but didnt think anyone would want it .. ALSO IM SO SORRY I FORGOT TO INCLUDE ABBY WHEN I STARTED WRITING BC I SAVED THE ASK TO DRAFTS TO KEEP IT THERE N ONLY NOTICED NOW JFJDHDKDJ pls forgive me .. ill include ellie & abby tension over reader in the future i promise 🙏🙏
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
“dina, i’m not going.”
you had no idea how many times you told her this, but you weren’t planning on changing your mind. you had gone to a few parties here and there, sure, but it wasn’t really your thing. you enjoyed going to them every once in a while to go out and loosen up, get your mind off of stress, but that was it. you weren't particularly crazy about it at the same level of other people your age, not even as much as dina, who’s considered a more casual partygoer. you had given her some excuse about having a project to work on, but the truth was, that wasn’t your concern. in fact, you didn’t have a project to work on at all. you made it all up. you even considered going to that party when dina first told you about it, but a few days later you overheard some classmates talk about how ellie williams out of all people would be going.
ellie ellie ellie. she drive you nuts for all the wrong reasons. you could tell she disliked you from the start, which that in itself made you dislike her as well. you wondered what you could’ve possibly done to anger her. but your dislike for her only grew when you realized just how irresponsible she was. she slept in, often came hungover to class, and yet she still scored the highest. even higher than you. and that really set you off. you had been an overachiever all your life, and all of a sudden some loser who doesn’t even put any effort into anything is beating you at everything. but most of all, it intrigued you a little more than it did anger you. you wished you could take a peek into her brain and see how the hell she managed to do it. your first thought was she copied answers off of people. seemed the most logical, right? but she was scoring the highest. how the hell could she score higher than anyone that she could even copy off of? hell, she even answered open-ended questions more detailed and well-written than you did. it didn’t make any sense. that’s the worst part of it all. you couldn’t even come up with a logical explanation as to how she could even do this.
little did you know, though, she was completely aware of your one-sided rivalry, and she found it adorable. she never tried to compete with you, but she thought it was hilarious watching you try so hard to compete with her. the first time she saw you, she was immediately drawn to you. your spotless image, valedictorian from your high school who had a perfect gpa and perfect test scores. you were perfect. but she wanted to see you crack. she wanted to see what was under all those layers (both figuratively and literally) and see what you were truly like. she knew you seeing her put in no effort into school yet still doing better than you would anger you. that’s exactly what she wanted. sure, she was in a way getting you to hate her, but it was a risk she was willing to take just to get a reaction out of you. and little did you know, you were attracted to her. and she was aware.
“come on, i don’t know why you’re acting like this all of a sudden,” dina whined. “you said you’d come along when i first told you about it.”
“i said i’d think about it,” you corrected her. “i’m just not really feeling it. besides i already told you i have this project to work on.”
“what’s it for?”
“it’s, uh..” you tried to come up with a lie on the spot. “it’s for calculus.”
“no way, we have a project in that class?” she asked, surprised, “i can’t believe i had no idea! when is it due?”
shit. you forgot you had that class with her.
“it’s for tomorrow, i think..” you kept going along with your lie.
“bullshit,” she laughed, “if we really had a project due tomorrow you would already have it done. and there’s no way i’d miss a project for that class!”
“fine,” you sighed, “i just needed an excuse so you’d leave me alone. but i really don’t want to go.”
“nope, because you lied you have to come.”
“because it’s fair!” she said, “besides, you definitely owe me one for going to that stupid concert with you the other day.”
you rolled your eyes. “you said you enjoyed it.”
“yeah, well, i lied. do you seriously think i’d ever like-“
“alright that’s enough!” you sighed. “i’ll go. but we are leaving early that night”
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
“dinaaa, hurry up!” you knocked on the bathroom door. the main downside of sharing an apartment with your best friend was the fact she took forever to get out of the bathroom. you both decided it would be a good idea, you found a nice complex near campus and the rent was almost the same as a dorm room, so it was a no-brainer.
“five minutes!” she yelled back. five minutes my ass, you thought. at least this time you thought ahead of time and got in there before her. your outfit wasn’t anything fancy, of course, but you still wanted to dress cute. you had a black tube mini-skirt and white baby tee, just something you threw on that was comfortable but still looked alright. you had struggled a little to decide what to wear, you didn’t want to stand out too much but you still for some reason wanted to impress ellie deep down. you just brushed this off as an unwanted thought and ignored it, but it continued to linger in your mind. why do i even care what she thinks of me? you asked yourself.
about fifteen minutes later, dina finally came out of the bathroom.
“you said five”
“well, i still look good, don’t i?” she jokingly posed.
“yeah, yeah, whatever. let’s get going.”
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
if there was one thing you could absolutely not stand about house parties, it was the stench inside the house. god was it awful. half of these people were frat boys who didn’t know what deodorant was and had been sweaty all night, and all this mixed with the smell of alcohol just made matters worse. most of the people were inside the house enjoying the music and the drinks, but you simply hung outside with dina chatting while drinking out of those cliche red cups you see in movies. you really couldn’t wait to get out of there, but yet again, that little voice in the back of your head made you think about ellie. you thought it was good you didn’t see her, but at the same time, you wanted to see her. it was a strange feeling. you couldn’t tell if it was curiosity, intrusive thoughts, or attraction. whatever it was, there was no way it was the last option.
about an hour passed and you were starting to get bored. just as you were about to suggest to dina you leave, a group of 8-ish people came out of the house to the backyard. among them was ellie. the moment you saw her you realized just how attractive she is. you had never looked at her enough to tell, but now it was evident. now you were even more confused. but you simply told yourself you can think she’s attractive and not be attracted to her.
you were so lost in thought you didn’t even realize one of the guys was talking to you and dina had to hit you on the shoulder to get your attention.
“is this chick high or something?” one of them laughed.
“uh- no- sorry. just kinda pensive.” you tried your hardest to avoid eye contact with ellie, and luckily this time you managed to do so. it just would’ve made things way more awkward.
“anyway-“ one of the guys started. “we were thinking since none of us wanna be with those people inside the house, we could just do something else to have fun.”
“what’re you thinking?” dina asked.
“7 minutes in heaven.”
you and dina were both a little stunned. you would’ve thought about some other thing, but you decided to go along with it anyway. not like anything could go wrong.
you all sat in a circle, and one of them began explaining the rules.
“simple, you spin the bottle, whoever it lands on, you have to go in the shed for 7 minutes and do any romantic or sexual act. kissing, making out, having sex even. but there has to be some proof you did something. if you didn’t do anything in the 7 minutes or refused to do anything in the first place, you take a shot. everyone got it?”
everyone nodded, and the game began. most people took a shot, about half an hour of the game went by and not a single person had gone into the shed. you landed on a few of the guys and vice versa, and while most of them were totally down to go in the shed with you, you most definitely weren’t. you weren’t sure if it was just you imagining things, but you felt you saw the slightest bit of anger and jealousy in ellie’s eyes anytime the bottle landed on you and the guys wanted to go in the shed with you, and she was relieved any time you took a shot. you found it strange. why did it matter to her? but you were sure you were just making things up.
you were starting to feel more and more tipsy from the drinks, standing on the line between drunk and sober. you were self-aware enough to tell yourself to not have any more drinks. one more spin, you told yourself. that was it. you spun the bottle, and surprise surprise, it landed on none other than ellie herself.
there was an awkward silence for a moment. you didn’t know what to do. it would be super awkward if either one of you accepted and the other declined.
one of the guys broke the silence first. “sooo.. are y’all going in the shed or not?”
“depends on her.” ellie smirked.
your face got a little hot. a soft red tinted your cheeks and you nodded, accepting in the heat of the moment. you were sure it was just your drunk mind making the decisions for you, but it wasn’t. you were very aware of the decision you had just made. but it hadn’t hit you yet. not until she walked behind you into the shed and shut the door.
“didn’t think you were into me like that,” ellie broke the silence. “i always thought you hated me or somethin’.”
you didn’t really know what to say. you mumbled some nonsense trying to come up with something fast.
“do i make you nervous?” she asked.
“sort of..” you were able to respond.
“ohh, i see,” she interrupted. “you just pretended to hate me for whatever reason.”
“no!” you protested. “i wasn’t pretending- i mean, i don’t hate you, it’s just. ugh.”
you gave up on trying to explain yourself when you realized just how childish and irrational you acted. seriously, disliking someone for outperforming you at your big age? the more you thought about it, the more embarassed you were about it. was it the alcohol doing this to you? it was all so confusing.
“why’d you accept to come into the shed with me?”
you didn’t respond, just shrugged. you didn’t know. you must’ve woken up on the wrong side of bed or something. you were acting very irrational today, and it’s like someone else was making decisions for you.
you didn’t realize she had pretty much backed you against one of the walls of the small room until now. this feeling, that you couldn’t quite put a name on, was so sudden and so foreign. did you have feelings for her that you had just been pushing away all this time because of jealousy? if not, what the hell was it?
her hand wandered up your skirt, stopping right before reaching your cunt. she looked up at you as if asking for approval, and although you hesitated for a moment, it’s as if your body made the decision for you and you nodded.
she didn’t waste any time and dipped her hand in your panties, rubbing circles on your clit to tease you, causing you to whimper and moan softly.
“so classy and put together whenever i see you, but look at you right now,” she teased. “no one would ever think you’d be whimpering for me like this.”
you blushed and looked away in embarrassment. you didn’t get why that made you blush. so many thoughts were racing through your head, so many conflicting feelings. yet you didn’t try to pull away, even though you had many opportunities to do so.
her touches weren’t enough and you were starting to get desperate, causing you to lightly buck your hips back and forth trying to feel her more.
“oh? someone’s desperate,” she chuckled. “alright, princess, i’ll give you what you want.”
you weren’t sure what she meant by that or what she was planning to do, but, for whatever reason, you trusted her.
she pulled her hand out of your panties, making you whine at the lack of contact.
“don’t worry, baby,” she said, getting down on her knees, her face at the level of your cunt. “i’ll take care of you real good.”
she started pulling down your panties and threw them somewhere on the floor, motioning you to put your leg on her shoulder. you seemed hesitant, thinking your leg might be kind of heavy for her to support on her shoulder. but she assured you it’d be fine.
her mouth was now millimeters away from your cunt. “if it’s too much, tell me to stop.” she looked up at you. you nodded, a little scared, but you still wanted to trust her.
she gave a long lick along your slit to tease you, making you gasp from the contact. she started mercilessly licking and sucking on your clit a little more intensely than you’d like her to, but at the same time, you liked it. you couldn’t tell her to stop. whimpers and moans came out of your mouth, being all that could be heard inside the small room aside from the wet sounds of ellie’s mouth on your cunt. you struggled more and more each second to stand as your legs wobbled and trembled from the sensation. she slid a finger inside you with ease, thrusting it in and out of you at a rapid pace which made you struggle to contain your moans that you started trying so hard to conceal since they only kept getting louder and louder. you had only been in that shed for about 6 minutes, but you were already about to reach your climax. and ellie was aware of this. she sped up her pace a little more, slurping up your juices like it was nothing.
after a moment, she lifted your leg from her shoulder and held your arm while getting up to make sure you could stabilize your footing.
“you okay?”
you nodded, and suddenly you realized what had just happened. ellie williams ate you out. you let the girl you swore you hated so bad eat you out, and you enjoyed it. you didn’t know what was the most shocking; that she didn’t hate you too, that she was even attracted to you, that she wanted to eat you out, or that you just let her. you weren’t sure wether you regretted it or not.
“what, you’re surprised you liked it or something?” she laughed, as if she had read your mind.
you felt your cheeks tint a slight red, and looked away in embarrassment, confirming she was right.
“shut up.” you rolled your eyes, turning to leave, but she grabbed your arm and stopped you.
“listen,” she looked into your eyes. “if you want, we can just forget about this. we don’t have to tell ‘em what happened.”
you nodded, and you both awkwardly walked back to the circle.
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
when you sat back down, dina looked you up and down and giggled.
“why’re you looking at me like that?” you whispered to her.
“you think we’re dumb?” she giggled. “there’s a reason neither of you had to take a shot. like for example, your messy hair.”
you realized it was obvious, and you wanted the ground to swallow you whole right there. you had a lot of different feelings about what just happened, but the main one was embarrassment. it would’ve been one thing if it happened and you didn’t like it, but the fact that you enjoyed it was humiliating. not only did you like it, but you wanted more. you started to take a liking to her, and you hated that.
after about 15 more minutes, everyone got tired of the game and decided to end it. you and dina decided to just go home now, although it was a little early, since you hadn’t been enjoying yourselves much.
as you waited on the front lawn of the house for your uber to get there, you heard a voice calling from behind.
you both turned around and surprise surprise, it was ellie.
“what is it?”
“can i talk to your friend real quick?”
you and dina looked at each other, and you sighed and decided to talk to her. you thought it’ll be quick, and if anything, when the uber arrives you can use it as your get out of jail free card.
you walked over to her and she seemed to be abnormally tense.
“i just, uh. i wanted to ask if you were fine after all that.” she mumbled with a genuine expression on her face.
“ellie, it’s fine.” you sighed.
“are you sure?”
“yes, don’t worry about it. seriously.”
you thought that was it, but she clearly had something else on her mind.
“ellie, spit it out.”
“well, also,” she looked up at you, “i wanted to ask you for your number. i don’t think i’ve ever actually talked to you aside from today.”
you chuckled in disbelief at the audacity this girl had. clearly she knew you’d say no, and just wanted to rile you up. but you wouldn't give her that satisfaction, so you dropped the expression immediately and instead had a calm look on your face.
“maybe some other time, babe”
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
A / N : u guys know i don’t rlly like adding notes at the end of my fics but i felt i must clarify the last sentence isn’t reader having a complete 180 change of personality all of a sudden rather just acting different than she was right before leaving to sort of leave ellie stunned if that makes sense but i didn’t know how to end it and clarify that eheh also i might make a part 2 of this after i finish my next fic and the part 2 to my other fic if u guys want it <3 also ONCE AGAIN english is not my first language i’m not completely fluent yet and i write as a way to practice ++ i don’t have a beta reader sooo if u guys find mistakes PLEASE let me know !! thx for reading <33
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bluehourbucky · 1 year
Moving on
pairing: matt murdock x f!reader; exBucky x reader
summary: what happens after the break up <part 2 of  Question...? > little bit of Buckys side how he's feeling ; reader moving on; happy ending?
tw: cheating, f bomb <few times but oh well>
a/n: really wanted to write part 2 for Question... so here it is!!!  but this can be read as a standalone/ sorry this is my first time writting for matt I hope I did him justice!
[ masterlist ]
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It's been a bit over a year since Bucky and you broke up, and Bucky has been miserable.
Ever since you two had broken up the team had been giving him a hard time, especially Natasha, she has  unfortunately lost a good friend.
You didn't want to stay in contact with anyone since everyone pretty much knew that he was cheating, but didn't bother to tell you. To be fair, they did try to make Bucky confess,  and he said he would, but that didn't happen.
It was for the best to leave everything behind that connected you with Bucky, including people, no matter how much it hurt you.
2 months after the break up
"This isn't what I signed up for."  Sharon says, while putting on her clothes back on.
Bucky stands up from the bed, grabbing her hand to stop her from leaving. He stupidly said that he wanted an actual relationship and not whatever they were doing was.
"Even If I wanted a relationship I would be with someone else. You're just a good fuck nothing more, thought it was obvious." she pulls out her hand out of Buckys.
"Besides, your performance has been lacking since you've become single, liked you more when she was waiting for you and you were in my bed."  
The doors close behind her, and Bucky gets a flashback of you leaving. He remembers your teary eyes, broken state, which he has caused. There's nothing more that he regrets more than hurting you.
Bucky, only when you were gone realised what he had lost. You had taught him what it feels like to be loved unconditionally. And he fucked up, majorly and he won't ever forgive himself. But oh, if he could, he would've turned back the time and prevented himself from making the biggest mistake of his life.
Now he lays in bed alone, wallowing in self pity, wishing he could hold you just  for a minute even though he knows he doesn't deserve it.
present day
"Guess who?!" you ask while covering your boyfriends eyes, leaning on his shoulders. He was waiting for you to arrive to pick him up for date night in front of his office.
"Darling, I don't know if you're aware, but im blind so you don't have to bother with covering my eyes." Matthew, let's out a laugh and removes your hands from glasses.
You knew you had no chance of surprising him, so this was more for your entertainment only. When he turns around, he hugs you and gives you a quick kiss, and your heart does a little flip that you didn't think you'd feel again.
"Thank you for not turning around even though you knew I was coming from miles away." Matt could sense you from afar because of his senses, he could've turned around any time, yet he didn't, which you appreciate.
"You really thank me for the littlest things, sweetheart." he gets a hold of your hand and gives it a squeeze.
You don't know what it is but you might be a magnet for superheroes. When you moved to a shitty apartment to get away from super heroes you didn't expect to move right next to one. But you couldn't complain Matthew has been an incredible friend and boyfriend. Soon it's going to be 7 months of you being together and you couldn't be happier. When you think about how you felt when you first met him, and how you're feeling now, it's so different. You can't help but feel lucky that he's in your life.
"What are you thinking so hard about now, it's date night and you know the rules of date night."
"Nothing. Let's go I'm starving, and I know for a fact you forgot to eat, and you said you would work on it!" you scold him for who knows what time. Matt is a workaholic and you're okay with that, he makes time for you always but what bothers you is he sometimes forgets to take care of himself.
"And how would you know that, darling."  right after he says that he follows it up with "Foggy told you didn't he."
"Maybe." you teasingly say even though that's true, you occasionally check up on Matt when he's not responding to your calls.
It doesn't take long for you two to arrive to the restaurant, the route had been taken countless of times. As the door opens, you smell all the delicious food you're about to devour. Your stomach grumbles at the smell, and Matt chuckles, running a circle on your hand with his thumb.
"Wanna take it home? I know it's a lot." you whisper, knowing that a lot of noise and smells can make him feel overwhelmed, that's why you usually eat at home.
"If you want we can stay. I really don't mind it's just couple of hours." Matt the sweetheart he is, always puts you first.
"Nah, it's fine I'd rather we eat at home."
As you were waiting for you food to be prepared you talked about how your day was, asked about his, you weren't big on pda but you sneaked in a few kisses because how could you resist this beautiful man.
Once the food is ready, you take it and as you leave the restaurant you crash into someone.
And when you look up you just freeze.
Even if Matt didn't have super senses, or hear your heart beat he would know something was wrong. He didn't sense any danger but whatever or whoever was in front of you was making you upset.
"Uh hi." Bucky awkwardly says, It's been over a year since he last saw you and he was having trouble processing what he was seeing.
As soon as you noticed that he was looking at your interlocked hands, you quickly dropped Matts hand. You don't even know why, you weren't doing anything wrong.
"Hi, how are you?" you awkwardly said, picking up Matthews hand once again for comfort, he instantly sqeezed it letting you know that he was there.
"Fine. You? Team misses you." Bucky cringed at his words.
"All is well. Thanks for asking. The team has chosen the side when they decided that I didn't deserve the truth." you flinched, remembering how no one bothered to tell you what Bucky was doing, even though they knew. It's not like you blamed them for his cheating, but you didn't need friends who let you get cheated on for months.
Matthew could tell from the short interaction that this was your ex-boyfriend, the asshole who cheated on you.
"Hey. I'm James." Matthew knew that James had put out a hand to shake, but he didn't bother shaking it.
"Yeah right uh I better get going." Bucky scratched the back of his head with the hand he reached out to shake the obviously blind man's hand. He needed to leave as fast as he could to stop embarrassing himself.
"You okay?" Matt asked you when you got further away from the restaurant.
"Not really, but I will be. I was just surprised you know, I didn't expect to see him. He really hurt me and I haven't talked to him since I left and I-" you took a deep breath trying to calm yourself not wanting to cry in the middle of the street.
"He hurt me so much, and I'm unable to hate him. He was my first real love, and what he did made me feel awful about myself, but I can't bring myself to hate him. What's wrong with me? "
Matt was the first person who was there for you after the break up, and you didn't really expect to date so soon after having,who you thought was the love of your life, break your heart. He was a stranger, first, neighbour, then a good friend and finally someone who you now called lover.
"Darling... Nothing is wrong with you. It's okay to have so many mixed feelings. The thing he did is really fucking shitty, but that's not the only thing he did. You two had been together for a long time and been through so much, he's not just some guy you never cared about so you could hate him."
Matt wipes a tear from your cheek and you look up at him, both because what he's saying means a lot and because he swore and you don't hear him swear that often.
"I do hope he knows what he lost. You're such an incredible woman, a force to be reckoned with. And the love you offer is not to be taken for granted. I know we haven't been together for long, but It was so easy to fall in love with you."
By the time he's finished your fully crying into his chest, because you really needed to hear that.
"Thank you for saying that. I really appreciate it. I'm sorry I can't say it back right now." You liked Matt a lot you really did, but you weren't ready for the L word yet.
"No need to thank me. And that's okay I'm not going anywhere, I understand. Now let's go home our food is getting cold." Matt takes you by the hand and leads you home.
Bucky walks home the long way. He really wasn't ready for seeing you. He didn't realise how much he missed you and didn't expect that it would hurt so much seeing you with someone else.
Worst of all, he could tell that the guy you were with meant a lot to you, and that he was your safe place. When he saw how you reached for the guy when you needed comfort. That's what you used to do when you were with him too.
Bucky wondered if that guy knows how lucky he is to have you because Bucky didn't know until he lost you. He'll never forgive himself for letting his insecurities make choices for him. If he had only believed you that you wanted him forever. If only he didn't let himself spiral and convince himself that you would leave, maybe, just maybe he would still be the one holding you.
[The End]
a/n: I really hope you enjoyed reading this I had fun writing it <3 Let me know your thoughts! How are you feeling!
tags: @pattiemac1
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aritsukemo · 2 months
Heyyy! I hope the requests are open and im not putting too much work on your shoulders...
Anyways, this is my first ever time requesting... ANYTHING at all so i hope this is a not-so-hard or something that i shouldn't request (if not or you just don't feel like doing this request do NOT respond/do this request. I don't want to cause you burnouts or anything...)
Okay.. so...
May i request OMORI main gang x reader (all separate ofc) how long did it take for them to get comfortable around their s/o fully and how do they act in the developed relationship?
Thank you for your time! ^^
How long would it take the Omori Gang to become comfortable with their s/o? Well..
( @weed-stoner )
Warnings: Spoilers ahead! ( Implied in others and blatantly stated in Aubrey's part )
A/N: I AM SOOOOO INCREDIBLY SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!! I started this shortly after you requested it but then things happened and I had a little dry spout with Omori and forgot about it completely. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this! ( And again, I am SOOO sorry, love! 😅)
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I'd say, based on their level of openness, the ranking of how quickly they'd become comfortable with their significant other would look something like this..
And here's why..
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Kel is the type of person who can vibe with anyone as long as they aren't a horrible person. ( Or act like Mikhael. Even then there's a chance. )
I'd say give it maybe a couple weeks? He's never been in any kind of relationship like this one so he may act a little different than usual for a while. Once that's over though, he's pretty much the same eager ball of sunshine! He'll always want to nag them to come out and enjoy the world with him and will do everything in his power to be around them! After all, it's way more fun hanging with them than being at home..
Now this can be up for debate, but I think Mari wouldn't take long at all to grow comfortable with her significant other. In her opinion, communication and trust are key parts to any lasting relationship so she doesn't mind coming to you when she's a little bothered by things. ( Which happens more times than one may think )
I see her taking maybe around a few months ( like three to four ) before completely letting the person in. It's nothing personal, she just wants to gauge their personality and see whether or not this relationship will be able to last.
Now, Mari doesn't act much different when she's comfortable with people. Subtle things do change though. For example, her smile seems more relaxed and she gets less upset when making mistakes around that person. Their presence soothes her and as a result, she's less uptight around them.
For Hero, it really depends on when he got into the relationship. If it was before his relationship with Mari, which is not likely, he's not that much different to Kel. He'll spend a lot time with the person and pretty much tell them anything and everything. If it's after his relationship with Mari, which is more likely, it'll be much different.
You see, Hero has experienced heartbreak in one of the worst possible ways and it'll take time for him to heal. That being said, I really don't see him dating anyone until that happens, but let's say that he does. Realistically, it take quite some time which can vary from a few months to a year to way longer than that.
Now, Hero is still Hero so he'll treat whoever he dates with the kindness and respect that they deserve and will do everything he can to make sure they're happy and healthy, ( both physically and mentally ) however when it comes to verbalizing his own emotions, that's where we hit a nail. Whoever he dates would have to be very patient with him otherwise it may cause him to put even more walls up.
When he's finally comfortable around them, it'll show. He'll start telling them things he wouldn't before and'll even rant to them about his problems occasionally. He'll be way more open with his partner and'll be just a tad bit ( a lot ) more clingy than he used to.
Aubrey is a rather tough cookie. Ever since Mari died and everyone distanced themselves, forcing her to cope with everything alone, she has never truly let her walls down in front of others. And, if someone attempted to break down those walls, she'll grow defensive and even violent towards that person.
How long it would take Aubrey to even be comfortable enough to date someone really depends on the personality. Like, I see her letting her guard down quicker if the person is more kind and patient with her like Mari rather than someone's who's short-tempered or rough around the edges like her.
When Aubrey is comfortable around her significant other, she'll be less afraid to tell them how she feels. She'll vent to them, but because of that, she'll be more shy towards them. Aubrey'll also hold that person in higher regard than others and'll hold them close to her heart. When they scold her, she actually listens and tries to do better. If they're upset, she'll be the first to notice and'll be there to listen to them rant/help them out in any possible way. And, she'll always try to make sure that her little fights and other violent affairs never mesh and disturb the person's daily life. In a way, she sees this relationship as a way to pay them back for putting up with her for so long so she'd pretty much do anything for that person.
Sunny's next and oh boy..
I honestly don't see him indulging in any kind of romance with anyone unless him and that person were like childhood friends—I'm talkin' never leaving each other's side, seen everywhere together type of close childhood friend with someone—and even then, it's hard to imagine post-traumatized him feeling comfortable around anyone besides his former friends, let alone a relationship. But for the sake of this, let's say he does..
I can't put a time limit on how long it'll take him simply because I see it depending on which ending we're talking about. Obviously if we're talking about any of the bad endings, he's pretty much a lost dead cause. He's not going to make any attempt to open up to them and no matter how much they may try, there will always be distance between them. Now, if we're talking about good ending Sunny, the person actually has a chance.
There will be a lot of trial and error simply because Sunny's used to keeping things bottled up. He's not used to being upfront and truthful and he's only used to running away and not facing his problems. That being said, I see the process quickening a bit if the person he's dating is super gentle and patient with him. If they just gave him time, and a tiny push here and there, he'll come around. And when he does, he'd be stuck to them like glue.
I feel like he'd make it known with his body when he's truly comfortable around his partner. Whether his shoulders noticeably slump in their presence or maybe he lets his guard down enough to hold you or lean on you. Just something that'll let the person know that he feels truly safe around them! I see him being sorta touch-hungry and expressing it once he's comfortable with that person by giving them a bunch of hugs and cuddles and such.
And hey, maybe he'll even talk! ( Nah I'm playing BAHAHA- )
Finally, we have our sweet boy Basil. The gardening genius that carries a ginormous bouquet of trauma wherever he goes..
It's easy to say that whether the person was his friend prior to the incident or not, it'll take forever for Basil to truly feel comfortable around them.
If they were his friend prior to the incident, well, it all really depends. Was he close ( closer than he was with the others ) with them before the incident occurred? Did they distance themself from the group like everyone else? Did they stick to him and never let him go? Depending on what the person does all depends on how long it'll take. To me, I definitely feel like Basil would spill everything eventually if the person decided to stick with him when everyone grew apart and, as a result, would become sort of this unhealthy lifeline to Basil. Since they'd be the one he confides in about everything, it would grow to the point that they'd be the one thing keeping him together. He'd be at their mercy, and in a way, they'd be at his and nothing would really change until probably after the truth comes out ( if it were to come out ) and Basil got the proper help he needs.
If they weren't his friend before the incident, good luck. They'd be lucky enough to even get a full conversation from him, much less get him to be their friend and harbor any kind of romantic feelings for them. But let's say that is the case. Let's say that through some stroke of luck they managed to befriend Basil and eventually end up in a relationship with him. The person is going to have to put up with a lot. Basil is a very sensitive person and all it takes is one bad interaction for him to completely shut them out. They'd have to tread very lightly ( but not too lightly; if they don't try enough, the relationship's not getting anywhere ) or else they'll end up back at square one. I see this taking years ( specifically four or more ) and really, I only see him completely growing comfortable with the person after some extensive therapy.
When he's finally, fully comfortable with them, he'll be way more verbal and open. The fear of being rejected/judged would've been less apparent and slowly pushed to the back of his mind. Being with them for so long, ( and having gotten at least some bit of therapy since I literally don't see this happening otherwise ) he's grown to trust them to some extent. He's also grown to love rambling to them about whatever's on his mind. Whether that be about flowers or things much darker. I see him craving their touch and he wouldn't mind asking. ( But not too many times, he's still Basil after all ) I see those two spending so much time together that Polly would see them as an extension of the household. ( She'd fix them dinner every evening and would grow concerned if they didn't show up to get it and say hey to Basil. That's how much they'd be together. )
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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triggerghoul · 2 years
Poly!Dewdrop x Poly!Rain x Poly!Reader
A/N: Okay so this is strictly 18+ Minors DNI Please and thank you Since this is Smut.  It is also the first smut piece i will be posting on this account an I hope it is enjoyable.  Again please Minors DNI even though I know this will not stop most of you and if I forgot any warnings I am very sorry.  Also I did proof read this like 7 times but there probably still mistakes because I am very blind.  - Trigg
Warnings: Poly relationship (between Reader and ghouls), Blood, Voyeurism, Double Penetration, Hair pulling, Oral (kind of?), Fingering, Edging. 
You had found yourself in this situation beause of an innocent gesture.  You had accidentally gripped onto Rain’s tail spade when watching a horror movie with the others.  You had gotten scared and it was the first thing avaliable.  But little did you know, the Spade of the Ghouls’ tails were sensitive, like really sensitive.  Once you grabbed it Rain jolted up immediatly and at first you thought you hurt him, until Dew spoke up for him
      “Oh sweetheart you’re gonna regret that later” with the biggest shit eating smirk.  
     You looked back at Rain, confused, when a flash of light from the movie lit up the dark room you noticed that he was flushed a darker grey.
     “Rainy im so sorry.  Did I hurt you?” you whispered only loud enough for him to hear.  He was quiet for a second. 
     “No, love, you didn’t hurt me but umm, you’re definitly going to help me with what you did after this is over”  Rain also spoke at a whisper but you could tell his voice had gotten a bit deeper.  You guys were sat in the back of the room so no one could see what you three were up to, and Rain took advantage of this.  He pulled you up into his lap but made sure you were facing outward so you could still watch the movie.  Dew had scooted over to your spot, next to Rain and gave him a questioning look, and to which was only responded with a nod.  Rain was no longer focusing on the movie but on you, sitting in his lap with his growing cock giving his intentions away.  He started to kiss your neck, and he ground you down into him and then you finally understood what had happened.  Your cheeks flushed as you thought about it, you felt so bad about doing it in a room full of his bandmates.  Your lovers were silently planning something without you knowing even what had happened.  You felt so stupid for not realizing, but all of these thoughts faded away as soon as you felt Rain’s teeth nip at the spot below your ear.  You had to stop yourself from making any noise as to not draw any attention from the others.  Because you already knew that Dew wasn’t going to ever let you forget this but his teasing would worsen if anyone else found out. 
As this was unfolding, the credits started to roll and Rain immediatly flipped you around in his lap and very quietly whispered to pretend like you were asleep, so that he could play off getting out of there as soon as possible.  You obviously complied without question, excited for what was to come.  
And now here you were, striped down to your panties with Rain working dark bruises and the occasional nip into your chest.  Dew had decided to sit back and watch, like the voyeur he is.  He liked getting off to his two lovers like this.   Rain had started to move his kisses and marks down your body until he reached the hem of your panties, to which you raised your hips a bit so that it would be easier to slip them off.  You got a small smile from your lover before he dipped down, spreading your thighs. 
You let out a whine as the cold air hit you cunt, and Rain nipped at your thigh, just hard enough not to draw blood.  He leaned back then kissed the reddened skin before licking a stripe up from your hole to your clit making you involentarily buck your hips up into him.  He snaked one of his arms up to hold you down and he used thie other to stick a finger into your hole while his mouth worked wonders on your clit.  Soon he added another finger and started to curl them to hit the spot that had you seeing stars.  You were trying so hard to buck up into him but his grip on your hips made it nearly imposible.  Your hands had moved from gripping onto the sheets, to gripping his hair, you weren’t trying to pull hard but at least you knew he liked it from the noises he would make from it.  The pressure was starting to build and rain must of noticed from the way your walls were fluttering around his fingers, and just before you toppled over the edge he pulled away.  
You let out a long whine at his actions and looked over at Dew sitting in his chair.  He was intently watching you and stroking himself.  He gave you a smirk and motioned for you to continue with Rain for the time being.  
     “Rainy why did you stop?” you whined as you looked back at Rain giving him a pouty face.  
     “Hmm Dew was right, you do get whiney when denied” Rain snickered back at you.  “ Just want to make it more powerful when we do let you cum” he continued.  Did he just say ‘when we let you’? Oh this was going to be something.  You must of been thinking a little too much because a touch on your thigh made you come back to your scenses, you might of jumped a little bit because Rain spoke up again,
     “Easy love, sorry I startled you, everything okay?”  
     “I-um.. Yeah im perfectly fine just..” you started before getting cut off.
     “Thinking about what he said Sweetheart?” Dew pipped up from his chair.  You looked over at him again only to find your gaze being pulled back to Rain by his fingers which were hooked under your chin.  
     “Focus on me, not him.”  Rain growled now growing impatient with his own actions.  He leaned down to start kissing your neck and then all of the sudden he bit down, putting his fangs into your neck, it hurt, but you loved it judging by the moan you let out.  He pulled back to admire his work, watching the blood drip down only to lean back down and lick it up.  He took his hand back to your warmth and stuck his fingers back into you, pumping them a couple times, enough to get you worked up again then pulled then away.  Again you whined at the loss of contact as he went to sit up so he could get his boxers off.  His cock sprung up to his stomach as he pulled them down and then he kicked them off once he got them down far enough.  This wasn’t the first time by any means that you’d seen him naked but each time he still surprises you with it.  
He brought your attention back once again with a possesive kiss to your lips.  you took one of your hands down to touch him but before you could he grabbed your hands and held them above your head without breaking the kiss.
He pulled away shortly after, “Think you’re ready?” 
     “Yes.  Please Rain, Please.” You were begging and you weren’t even sure what you were begging for.  Was it a release?  Was it for them to wreck you?  Was it too much to ask for both?
     “I think so too, but let’s make sure your ready for this” He said as he gathered some of your slick and rubbed a few circles into your clit.  He pulled his fingers away and brought his finger to his mouth and licked away your juices.  He finally took his painfully hard cock into his hand and lined himself up to your entrance, making sure Dew was getting a show, before he pushed himself in.  You both let out a moan as he bottomed out inside of you, letting your hands go as he went to hold your hips.  He started off at slower pace until he knew you were ready for anything rougher.  And as soon as he sensed you were ready he picked up his pace and went deeper inside of you.  You had moved your hands to grip on his biseps.  With every thrust he was hitting your g-spot, which was drawing you closer and closer to that cliff of pleasure.  Rain had bent down and had his head against your shoulder, tail wrapped around your ankle, and had started to rub tight circles on your clit.  You let out a pornographic moan as he did this, you were getting so so close to your peak, and Rain had once again noticed because he pulled himself out right before you toppled over again.  
Now Dew had made his way over and whispered something to Rain, which made him smirk.  This made you both nervous and excited for the idea he posed.   
“sweetheart, get up for a second so Rainy can get positioned” Dewdrop had said in a low voice.  You hesitated for a second but you pulled yourself up without having to be pulled up by one of them.  With you out of the way, Rain scooted up to rest up against the headboard, and once he was situated he motioned for you to come over to him.  You crawled over to him and he told you to turn around and sit in his lap.  He helped you into his lap and guided his dick back into your needy hole as Dew had crawled over to you guys.  You let out a whimper as this new angle had him imposibly deeper inside of you.  You reached out for Dew and he came closer and gave you along with Rain a kiss.  It was firey, like him.  Rain had started to thrust up into you softly as Dew spoke.
     “Do you think you could try to take both of us? like we’ve been practicing?” He asked.  
     “Oh fuck yes, Please Dew” you half moaned, earning a chuckle at your eagerness.  Dew then got off of the bed to go over to his nightstand and grab the lube bottle, so it would go a little smoother.  He walked back over and popped open the cap and squired some onto his dick and stroked himself a couple of times before tossing the bottle on the foot of the bed, crawling back up to you and Rain.  He loved how you looked with Rain spreading you in his lap.  He leaned down a bit and kissed you again. 
     “I’m gonna try to push in now, stay relaxed for us Sweetheart”  Dew said, in a semi nice sounding way, as he took his dick and sloted it up against Rain’s.  He was going slow, pushing Rain’s cock farther back into you as he tried to enter you.  You tensed a little as his tip had made it’s way through and he stopped his movements.
     “You’re doing so good for us sweetheart, stay relaxed, I know it hurts at first”  He reassures you, before slowing continuing his movement.  You tried your best to keep your muscles relaxed as he had gotten almost all of the way in you.  He made it all the way in and you let out a whimper and dropped your head back against Rain’s shoulder.  They were still for a little bit while you were adjusting to the stretch.  As soon as you gave the signal that you were ready for them to move.
Dew started moving first, and then Rain started to thrust up, they still went slow even though you said it was okay to go harder.  You felt so full, and it felt so good.  
“Please, Faster, Harder, Please, Please”  You were begging now.  And they wasted no time complying now.  Harder and Faster, You weren’t the only one making noise, Rain was letting out the most beautiful sounds you’ve ever heard with Dew’s occasional grunt or growl.  Dew leaned down and kissed you, while his fingers moved to your clit to rub circles.  After a bit you could feel the pressure returning once more, feeling even tighter this time.  
     “Please, please, need to cum, Please”  You were aching to be allowed to go over the edge.  
     “Hmm, what do you think Rainy?  Can she”  Dew asked Rain in a teasing tone.
     “I think so, I’m not going to last long either Dewy” Rain whined.  
     “You heard him Sweetheart, let go for us” Dew said between thrusts as his fingers worked faster on your clit.  And you wasted no time with letting yourself go.  Your walls squeezing around your two lovers inside of you.  Your pulsating drew Rain over the edge too.
     “Oh god i’m gonna-” Rain cut himself off with a long whine as he came, deep inside you.  He rutted himself up and held himself there as your cunt along with Dew’s cock sliding against his was milking him dry.  Dew thrusted a few more times before cumming with a groan.  He stilled as well, and leaned down and put his forehead against yours.  He stayed like that for a second before leaning back up, and slowly slid his softening cock out of you.  
You let out a whimper at his actions, “Shh, i know, I’ll be right back” Dew said as he found his boxers and left the room.  Rain let you know that he was going to lift you off of him with a kiss to your neck.  He layed you back against him with his cock now out of you.  The mixture of Rain and Dew’s cum dripping out of you.  You grabbed Rain’s head and gave him a quick kiss as Dew came back with a wet cloth and three bottles of water.  he carefully sets the bottles down as to not drop one of them and he brings the cloth over and crawls back onto the bed.  
     “I’m gonna clean you up, okay?  I’ll be gentle” Dew had said as he started to clean up the mess you guys had made.  After he got you cleaned up he left the bed and handed you and Rain a bottle of water and were instucted to drink.  Dew had already drank part of his and he left the room again for a second.  He came back with one of his shirts and a new pair of panties for you, along with a pair of boxers for himself and Rain.  
     Dew helped you up off of the bed so he could help you put on the fresh pair of panties, allowing Rain to also get up so he could change too.  Once you all had fresh clothes on and Rain had changed the sheets, you all got back into Rain’s bed.  
You were in a happy sandwich between your two favourite ghouls.  You nuzzed into Rain and Dew scooted closer to hug you tighter from behind as you all had fallen asleep after the eventful evening.  
A/N: I hope you all like it even though it is probably shit lol   - Trigg
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pansear-doodles · 9 months
Twitter doc version (which is slightly longer and more detailed)
I reflected a bit. I kept insisting i would change and stop making mistakes. However, some individuals made me snap to the reality that I have not been doing it, and they were right.
I realized that I have been blurring this line of something for myself and something for my standing. I kept telling myself that there aren't any true stakes when this blog is made for me and my twitter is made for me. I'm no longer in the area where I can wholly express my emotions (well, i still could, but with a limit), and I would constantly create posts that exhibit that I'm emotionally vulnerable, which to many, including Wayne, finds wrong and upsetting.
I have not been understanding my true needs and have been essentially denying it. I have mangled my love of art and something between personal and something thousands of people can see. I have been undermining how far my signals can reach, believing that "this is my art blog, so i do whatever i want", that's true, but i never really understood its limits.
Some of you may find me gross after the revelation. I suppose it was the manner of opinions from that topic. While it's wrong to leak private information, especially when you're not up to date with said information, the very information itself is not a matter of technicalities- that would be something that is up to you on deciding who i am as a person from there forward. I'm sorry you had to discover it. Everyone has a bit of their strange side. And I'm starting to accept that not everyone is going to agree or support me on this. It was an uncomfortable change. I'm going to miss some people. But holding onto this baggage will not do anything for me. I must carry on. Yes. I did draw those things. So what? I know it was a mistake to draw that very specific part and I'm sorry for that; I learned of it long before the rumors started to appear and I have stopped doing it since. Do I have irrefutable proof? Of course not, unfortunately. But I am telling the truth here.
People can absolutely choose to decide their opinion of the idea of it, and if you decide to see me as a bad person for it, that's okay, but I never intended to harm anyone with it. Nobody was harmed. It was only exchanged between consenting adults and nothing more.
I never asked to be popular, but i subconsciously rode that wave. If Wayne is correct on one thing they said about me, it's that i let these conflicting emotions control me. For years i have been doing this because I grew up in bad environments where stuff like this was desensitized. I thought Wayne wanted me gone because they hated me. Well perhaps, some of it is true. Even back when we were friends, it was hard to read them, which made me walk eggshells. But nonetheless I do think Wayne did it out of care, but they did it in the worst way possible.
I didn't have the best reaction. I was too hasty because I panicked. I should have made a document that really details things that's been going on between us and the other things Wayne's done in SC (im doing that actually, one step at a time). For now though, I want to make this post for the purpose of saying that- yes, I haven't been innocent and I have been constantly hurting myself, in front of so many others nonetheless.
You would see me vent. You would see me make "pity parties". You would see my emotional vulnerability. Again, i thought with this blog and my twitter account, since it is my personal spaces, i thought it was fine. But of course it wasn't. I forgot that there are thousands of eyes, even minors who aspire from my work.
I haven't been good to myself. I made things worse and worse. I didn't know how to handle it despite dozens, if not, hundreds of people telling me. And now after realizing it, I wanted to take it to my own matters, for my own good and safety, and for the safety of others and people who worry for me and care about me. Despite all the damages, if I really want to make a change, I must really show it.
From this day on, I'll be making different blogs. One is a more personal, smaller blog where I can really express myself and would not use primary popular tags. One where i dump all of my negative emotions that are private and overlyvulnerable. And one blog- this one- where I can show my art to the world. It was stupid of me to not have thought of this solution before, but it's better late than never. I would only show these side blogs to my friends and the people who are genuine with me rather than those who idolize me only for my art. I should really make a clear boundary between the me on the fandom side of things, and the me on the myself side of things.
I plan to make my twitter inactive. I don't know why I've been insistent on keeping it up, but now i know and it's an ugly side of me i denied constantly: I kept it up for fame, because I equated fame to my self importance- which isn't good. You would see it evidently when I get upset about the numbers. It was easier for people to access my stuff. This amount of attention has become a detriment to my mental health but, back then, shutting it down would subconsciously mean that "the bad people won". Throughout growing up on the internet, I'd see these artists back away from their popular accounts. I didn't really understand why. I never did. But now I really know. A sacrifice has to be made, and it would be something that helps me most of all. Plus, twitter is too negative for me. I would really only use it to look at art and news, but all the other drama sticks and paparazzi and blegh- no man i think id rather sit here.
I *may* still occasionally post things there, but I'd primarily post on tumblr, where things are more relaxed.
So what did I want? Fame or comfort? My comfort was entangled in fame and it became an uncomfortable experience. What I desired to draw became also the desire from others. In truth, i definitely enjoy making rain world art. I love making my anthro au. The very reason why I made Rain world fanart in the first place was because I was sad and drawing the characters where they were happier and loved helped me cope. I anthromorphize the characters with this empathy. I believe this was the biggest reason why the anthro au was made. It was made because of the high empathy, which is why it was meaningful and closest to me- and I loved when other people understood and loved it too. My feelings were understood. I surrounded myself with friends and people and took great comfort when they shared this experience with me. And I was touched every time someone else showed their anthro au, with or without my influence. I never felt alone in these moments. I felt like I was seen. But i know not everyone is going to be my friend and not every output everyone makes is for my own likeness. There were those who wanted to be my friend for my fame and nothing more. And those who expressed that they didn't like my anthro au, i unfortunately took them as personal attacks. This is definitely not the case at all, and I'm sorry for invalidating any forms of critiques. This was an awful thing for me to do and everything got carried away in the end. I likened my au too much to the point its starting to become something that controls my judgement.
The matter of filtering what I post isn't censorship. It isn't invalidating my feelings and it isn't the matter of controlling out of fame. It is a matter of defending myself and in turn keeping others safe. The very reason why my insecurities kept getting enabled was because of me and not what other people do to me (well, it can be, but i admit I'm not completely clean from it). If people truly want to empathize with me, it should really only be my loved ones and me taking alone time like watching yt videos or taking walks.
As for the frequency of updates, people take issue with my lack of time and breaks. Admittedly, I have been having issues of time senseless for the past months and amnesia. A whole week can feel like a few days, a single day can feel like a whole week, two weeks can feel like a month. So on. These are side effects of my mental illness and I should work on it better. Like making alarms.
I thank everyone who has been very patient with me throughout my time in this fandom. I thank my followers who stuck by me despite everything. I thank my friends who cared for me and remained my friends throughout it all. I'm sorry I haven't been the best artist to those I have affected. I'm sorry I haven't been giving great examples. I'm sorry for being stuck up on believing that whatever I'm doing is correct and have been avoiding the criticism of it. And most of all, I'm sorry to everyone whose advice I ignored, even Wayne.
Overall, I'm taking one step at a time for these things. Block people liberally- that's something I've been avoiding because it felt mean, but I should utilize more. Of all of my ignorance, emotional breakdowns, the wrongs i did upon myself which then to others, I never meant any of it maliciously. There is no black and white here. Only gray morals. Wayne was a shitty person, but I was a shitty person too. I haven't been nice to myself, but starting now, I will be a little bit more selfish (in a way that helps me and doesn't hurt other people). How you evaluate me as a person is up to you. I'll welcome anyone who's nice to me in my specific spaces regardless.
But no matter what happens, I'll push forward. Because I love art and I love my friends, and I'll keep fighting for it and against the horrors that keep me from self-respect. I should focus on the things that make me happy.
Thank you, everyone. I truly mean it.
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oh god you have foolishly provided me a chance to dump the contains of my soul and heart out in the open through throwing all my favorite songs to listen to and think of Muriel at you in this essay i WILL
ok first i know its on his official playlist already BUT i feel a need to emphasize just how much it is ABsoLUTEly HIS song most of any of them: drumroll please::: 👏Wolf👏 by 👏First Aid Kit👏 any muriel simp reading this right now i am pounding you with my brainwaves of intent to go listen to it Right Now and Read those Lyrics and just try to tell me its not literally about him god if could draw id be doing such a cool animatic about it but alas it dies with me anyway WAYWARD WINDS!!! A VOICE THAT SINGS!!!! OF A!! FORGOTTEN!!!! LAND!!!!!!! SEE IT FALL!!!! CHILD OF WAR!!!! OH LEND!!!! A MENDING HAND!!!!!!!!!!! i believe ive made myself clear kbgxkyhfhkvd
i dont know if links work on anon but i had to try gjzghfdtomfg our wedding song straight up this is in my language and also like. about a girl but the words are easy to switch around so it fits lol it basically just goes like "you just had to know (to do something? like in a you know how to work me way lmao linguistics hard), that i cant forget you at all/i forgot my mother and father/my sister and my brother but i cant goshdarn forget you" and i dont know i probably cant translate that so it hits right but god its absolutely perfect to me cause like I DIDNT! FORGET HIM!! MC REMEMBERS HIM AT LEAST A LITTLE BIT!!!! EVEN WITH THE CURSE I DONT KNOW LET ME HAVE THIS ITS TOO GD ROMANTIC I CANT BELIEVE HE GOT ME ACTING LIKE THIS AGHGF im sorry for yelling i got excited
NEXT a classic we gotta pepper some hozier on this thing so here goes Nothing Fucks With My Baby cause thats my ultimate serenade for him in my head especially the "if i was born/as a blackthorn tree/id wanna be held by you/felled by you/fuel the pyre of your enemies" part as it perfectly describes my sentiments towards my man: hes my bby i will kill for him👁️👁️
theres Always Forever by Cults, i dont have that much to rant about it i just always think of him when i play it lol theres hozier again It Will Come Back which is on his official playlist too but i play around with perspectives in this one cause i put myself in the "it" position, like. im chasing here bro👀 oh my god i have got to shut up this is entirely tmi
i made a whole post about this one its a whole thing lmao long story short muriel on a murderous revenge quest au MOVING ON
OH i remembered another folky one
its SUCH a banger and i love it and it goes like i saw a Wolf a Fox a Rabbit so i just imprinted on it with Muriel Asra and MC respectively cause i dont know i had a phase where i decided mcs spirit animal is a rabbit cause of that scrapped introduction chapter with the labyrinth thing i guess idk im scrambling here ngfsfugc anyway it slaps listen to it and imagine a bangin tavern party and maybe youll calm down /meme
ohh ok we're on a folksy roll thats probably because i just mostly associate old timey sounding songs with arcana in general lmao i mean its like middle ages over there right
this ones in my language again i know annoying but i found a translated version look!!! AND theres a bunch of people correcting the mistakes in the comments too if you were wanting to get deeper into research hkdggjyecb and its white voice style so depending on your taste it might sound silly but yeah this ones got some fitting lines too tying up with Murmur and its so cute and so cheesy and hopeful and sappy and it cheers me up aw
oh my god i wonder if anyone gets this far reading this ever if youre seeing this its probably during a scroll roll slow just enough to make out the letters Hello godspeed you continue on your journey with my blessings cause im noT EVEN DONE YET HAHAHAHAHAA
Motha Motha! Problems! nuff said
this ones gonna take explaining gjxgkhpgz but maybe not that much
i just had a eureka moment one day and so another animatic concept to take to my grave was born lmao but mostly its just playing into Muriels & MCs "nO i cOULd hUrt YoU Go aWaY" + "ayo hold my flower ima kill them real quick" dynamic theyve got heehee like the whole "~Dangerous~ ooh that sounds good ya" bit and also yes im in your house no im not leaving jgdghkfhgd and like i just imagined the song fitting the vibe of the whole murder lucio quest road trip with MC all "yo we Getting this shit DONE dont fuck around w my crew" (The Crew: feral milf & bear with anxiety) AND LIKE i always get to the "party like we all gon die tonight" basedrop part with the whole visual montage of us finding khamgalai and then the graveyard fight and Absolutely Everything Going to Shit and the mood shifting to "well fuck maybe we do not in fact got this" but its good we kick lucio all the way to hell at the end we good💕
MMMMMMM THIS ONEE AWW im literally just scrolling through my endless unsorted playlist to find these gdiyyfgfz this ones just cute it doesnt really relate to anything at all actually when i think about it but its nice so here
.....nope i got nothing on this one just plop it right in here
oh my god. its over. weve done it. we're free
man i hope those links work. definitely not on mobile lol whatever
Hi! and oh, WOW, this was one of the most delightfully wild essays I've ever read for Muriel and I loved it. Especially describing the dynamic on the trip south as "feral milf & bear with anxiety" XD
I've found that links don't work in asks, even with the media option turned on, so I'll include them below. Thanks for your suggestions, anon, I'll put them on the tag! ^.^
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etoiile · 7 months
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𝑾𝑹𝑰𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑹𝑼𝑳𝑬𝑺 i am currently taking requests!
✧ as of right now, i will only write for blue lock or haikyuu. ✧ i do not write dark or yandere content. i also do not write incest, gore, or any similar topic. ✧ i do not write fantasy content. (for ex: vampire characters or fairy readers) ✧ i do not write non-realistic au's. (for ex: mafia boss character x reader. something like college student character x reader works well) ✧ i do not write anything nsfw. i will do suggestive or steamy, but i don't write outright smut. ✧ i do not take emergency requests. i'm sorry, but that just scares me and makes me feel really uncomfortable. you may request things that are mental health-related such as anxiety, but i can't write about anything about panic attacks, suicidal characters/reader, self-harm, or any other topic i consider triggering or uncomfortable for me to write. not only am i uneducated on the topics, and therefore unable to properly describe and write about them, but if it's so uncomfortable for me that i can't write it, it is also likely very triggering for my readers. i'm sorry and hope you understand. ✧ i reserve the right to change the reader to gender neutral if i'd like. (they/them) i may or may not do so, but it is up to me. ✧ i only write character x reader. ✧ i do not write platonic ✧ characters i literally cannot (like idk how to) write for: (bllk) any of the side characters that got eliminated quickly, shidou, igarashi, barou, kunigami, isagi, aryu, tokimitsu, karasu, and characters not shown in the show. im so sorry for this, but i literally cannot give you the absolute garbage i write for these characters. i dont understand them well enough to write for them well. im sorry. ✧ i absolutely do not have to write your request if i don't want to. requesting is a privilege. please respect that. ✧ on that note, however, if you don't receive a private reply telling you that i can't/won't write your request, i probably either forgot about it or am taking a long time to write it. if your request fits the criteria, there's a small likelihood i've turned it down. :) (however sometimes i might tell you that i can't write it because it turned out really bad and i'd be doing your request an injustice if i were to put it out into the world :( im sorry if this happens!)
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𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒅𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖...
✧ are -13 or 30+ ✧ are an entirely nsfw blog (some is ok, but please keep in mind that i am a minor)
𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒅𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖...
✧ are racist, sexist, homophobic, etc, yk the drill. essentially, you must treat everyone equally regardless of their social identity! ✧ believe that its funny or quirky or cool to send hate to me or other creators. ✧ are just generally a hateful person. i can take a joke, but don't expect me to just take your insults.
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𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆!
✧ i can and will block anyone who fails to meet the criteria or respect my rules. ✧ on that note, if i make you uncomfortable, feel free to block me as well. ✧ if you wish to break a mutual, please hard block me. if you don't, i might mistake it as an accident, and i really dont want to make you uncomfy! ✧ i feel highly uncomfy with trauma dumping. by all means, come to me if you're feeling sad or need a shoulder to lean on, but it scares me when people just pour out their trauma to me. im sorry for the situation you may be going/have gone through, but not only am i uneducated and unqualified to give you proper advice, it's just scary for me. ✧ i know that everything above may look a bit scary and strict, but i'm just trying to make my blog a positive space. please reach out to me if you'd like to be mutuals! i swear i dont bite and im always happy to make new friends :)
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𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐈𝐈𝐋𝐄 ©𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 please do not copy or repost my work on any other site. interactions appreciated! 🤍
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kits-ships · 1 year
I'm sorry for the stupid question but how do you send yourself asks ? I want to try it out for myself but can not find the button to
its not a stupid question at all! i'll show you how on mobile since its the most difficult, but if anyone needs help for desktop lmk!
before this ask, i actually had no idea how to send yourself questions on mobile- ive used the desktop version for so long so it was never an issue i ran into!
i will say its a bit difficult to do so on mobile, but it's not impossible! you just need a lil work around
the first step is to just make sure your ask box is open! i personally forgot to do this before i reblogged my first ask memes (hehe)
all you have to do here is click the cog in the corner and scroll until you get to these options! anon questions is completely optional- i just prefer to send myself stuff by anon!
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after this, i would suggest opening your preferred browser of choice (firefox, chrome, safari, etc) and logging into the tumblr website (if it keeps opening in the app, search just 'tumblr' into google before long-pressing the link to open in a separate tab)
once you're logged in through your browser, type your blog into the url bar and type /ask after it! (ex. https://kits-ships.tumblr.com/ask)
from here, you should be able to send yourself whatever you want!
i know it's not the easiest/most direct way, but i hope this helped!! tumblr always makes everything so hard >:'(
also sorry for any spelling mistakes- im so sleepy
0 notes
arimendoza · 7 years
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so as the season is about to end, and i recently changed my url (prev. cedricdiggoury), i thought it would be a good time for me to make my second follow forever! i just really wanted to take the time to thank everyone i follow for making my dash such a brighter place. you guys make logging onto this hell site worth it.
also @deamvs: “remember to credit me for the shitty banner” <3
mutuals are bolded and i didn’t italicise any “favorites” because you’re all my favorites!!
@2jaejpg // @335pm // @7kb // @acekeith // @actuallydrarry //@adamnslynch //  @adamperrish // @adamparrsh // @agustd-93 // @aki-sae // @alexfieri // @alicelongbottom // @ameliaadriannabooks // @aminyrd // @amyypond // @anakinskywkler // @andrewesninskis // @andrewminyarid // @andrewnminyard // @andrreil // @angrysmols // @annakeranina // @annalightwood // @antari // @anteihku // @antikevriko // @archeaologies // @aristotiemendoza // @arrgorns // @ashryverism // @arteims // @artmides // @arwwenn // @asterallis // @asthreria // @astoriamalfxy // @astraera // @astralwren // @astreriea // @athaenae  // @avdrewminyard // @azareth // @backliners // @baeonia // @baenakinskywalker // @beautiful-as-endless // @beckendorph // @beingintheflesh // @bereniceii // @biharryjamespotter // @bisexual-nishinoya  // @blcise // @bleuczerny // @blondekimseokjin // @bluesev // @bramlouisgreenfeld // @breisls // @bvggart //
@caceothes // @calxypso // @captainpoe // @captivekings // @captiveprince-s // @cedrcdiggcry // @cedricdiggory // @charlesxaviers // @chaseannabeth // @chasing-the-booty-gone-wrong // @chillsuho // @cho-chang // @chochangdiggory // @chttaphn // @cigarettesmokeandexyracquets //@cinnamonmouth // @cisheterosexual  // @clvssical // @cobaloway // @commoncrows // @constllations // @coolvilles // @cordeliacarstairs // @cuipid // @cutiekeiji // @cypherslut // @czernys // @czrenys // @daphnegreengrass // @dawnisgone // @deadravenkings // @deamvs // @deanthomaas //@dearanemone // @deararchimedes // @debnaam // @deerlily // @delfeur // @diivinations // @do-not-go-gentl // @dracovmalfoy // @dreamingcourt // @drerry // @elfishmaiden // @elfmaidens // @elioperl // @elvensansa // @emilykaldiwn // @eriklose // @escarletes // @etoilies // @evenaeshxim // @exy-king // @exyjunkies  // @feinris // @feistiest // @finchboy // @fleurrdelacour // @flntwood // @floralhobi // @florascarrow // @flower-crown-royalty // @foxicology // @foxway // @foxyneil // @ftsiyeon // @fuku-shuu // @gabrielledelacour // @gael-garcia // @gahfa // @galacticparrish  // @galangrants // @gcdblood // @ginnys // @ginnyweaslsy // @glendowers // @goldveines  // @greyhwaren // @greysummers // @greywuren // @gryffyndor // @gwenllian //
@h-enrywinter // @halseycon // @haumeas // @hawthorwn // @hearmyvoiceoftreason // @heaurent // @henryvcheng // @here-be-fangirls // @herimone // @hermioneggranger // @hermionevgranger // @historyy // @hlfbloodprxnce // @honqseok // @horcrurx // @huffelpuff // @hynpos // @hyosjong // @hyoudov // @ibuzoo // @idontlikeyoupersonally // @illuminosity // @ilovebooksandshit // @ilovna // @ilyiad // @inejgaffas // @insrgence // @instiqator // @itsthegameilike // @iwaizumi-hajimie // @iwatobihomiesorhomos // @jakeperaltas // @jamespottver // @jcstcns // @jeanmreau // @jeansmoreau // @jeonrude // @jerejeahn // @jeremyknoxz // @jeremynox // @jespvrfahey // @johnslupin // @julietcapulaet // @juqheadjonesiii // @jungkooksympathizer // @kagehina // @kaiivinsky // @karasuno // @kate-writes-fluff // @katie-bell // @katiebells // @kayleighsday // @kazbreekkerr // @kelly-severide // @kerouc // @kettersdam // @kevinday // @kevindcys // @kevinsday // @keyneki // @khione // @kickfoxing // @killemdillem // @kilornwarrcn // @kingsrising // @kira-sputnik // @kirschtein // @koiveu // @korakos // @krvm // @kvndreil // @lady-gryffindor // @lancemcclains // @larajeansong // @larklight // @laurxnts // @lennisterr // @lesbiancordelia // @library-mermaid // @lilyevane  // @lipasdua // @literateure // @litpan // @liuvega // @lordzuuko // @lotrlorien // @lotusinuff // @lunavlovegoods​ // @lynchmatthew //
@maliayukimura // @manibxs // @marchandd  // @marlenemckinnan // @maravder // @matsboyd // @mavencalore // @mcttbcyd // @medaeas // @mellonjin  // @mgician // @michelangehoe // @minjard // @minrd // @miny3rd // @minyardjostenn // @mishacolins // @mivyard // @moonrivier // @mxrcusflint // @myexalted // @nasalesbians // @n-wesninski // @nargles // @neiljonsten // @neiljosn // @neiljosthn // @neiljxsten // @neptcnes // @newtemotions //@nickyhemmick // @nickyhenmick // @ninczeniks //@ninyard // @njmphadora // @noaheczrny // @noahnczerny // @noahsweetwne // @nomaj // @nooreva // @nvckyhemmick // @nymphadorcas // @nymphhadora // @officialscreaming // @ofpipedreams // @ohczerny // @ohmoreau // @opheliai // @orlandobloom // @orpheaus // @oscarwlds // @oylmpians // @padmepatil // @parrishi // @patrochilles // @patroiclus // @patronus // @peachestrovosky // @percyjakcson // @persesphne // @persephony // @persesphcne  // @persrephone // @petermaximoff // @petuniaevans // @phillipaso // @philukas // @plisesky // @poemsforpersephone // @poethry // @polyhymina // @ptg // @puceyadrian // @pureblud // @purseus //
@queenkevin // @queerksilver // @radicalproductions // @rafaellcasal // @ravenboyparrish // @remembrd // @remusluvpin // @reneevvlkr // @reneewvlker // @reynaarellano // @rhysahd // @richordgansey // @rileysblve // @riseofbangtans // @robotbees // @rondonalds // @ronweasiley // @rosesau // @rosepctals // @runningwithhellhounds // @sallyjacson // @sapphoa // @sarrgentblue // @scamader // @scottfitzgerald // @sehunned // @seijiou // @selinaskyle // @sevenyearsdead // @sex-tumsempra // @sirxusblack // @skywalkcrs // @snatchersunite // @softadam // @softcarlos // @softghafas // @softhelga // @softjungkookies // @solistude // @solidsnake // @sonorvs // @splititopen-keith // @stevegansey // @stuckwith-harry // @su-majestad // @sukuaaro // @sunalina // @teuhyung // @thaleias // @thelance // @thetrojanwars // @theveretianprince // @thiccboyd // @tinygayminyard // @tiredpassion // @tkimjennie// @tragedics // @txmhanks // @tyblacktorn // @tzaritsa //
@underwcrlds // @velaeris // @vergilsbee // @victorkrvm // @victorvalc // @viktvr-nikiforov // @voldemxrt // @vvinterhayle  // @wadamaximoff // @warriorzelda // @walfllower // @welcomehomeneil // @wesawbears // @wileyblues // @williamherxndale // @willsollace // @winonaryder // @winterblues​ // @wizcrd // @woozeok // @yigrittes // @zeinik // @zeues //
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For Young Royals ff writers
I started reading YR fanfiction and I noticed people using Spanish in several occasions. Since it’s canon from the show I think it’s amazing authors are trying to incorporate it but sometimes it doesn’t sound as natural. As a writer I know is really hard and also brave to work around something you don't know. That being said, I hope this guide is helpful.
1. I want to address something important because it is kinda offensive: they’re not Spanish. There’s a difference between language and nationality. Since both Omar and Carmen -Linda- have Latino heritage, is proper to assume the family comes in a way or another from South America. I read a bunch of fics in which people referred to them as Spanish, but they are Latinos. Spanish music, culture and cuisine are rather different. Please take this into account.
  2. Pet names: really cute but also kinda cringy when it's not well executed. 'Mi amor' means my love. It's normal from a parent, it's serious coming from a 16 yo boy to another. I would use it when the relationship gets serious and try to not overuse it. If they are older and married, go for it. An older Crown Prince Wilhelm would totally make his husband blush by calling him mi amor.   Mi vida (my life) is not frequent coming from a parent, less serious believe it or not and really nice. But also I wouldn't use it if you are trying to make one of them swoon for the other. It's not as romantic as it sounds in English. Bebe means baby, of course. I think it's cute, this one you can totally overuse. Sounds fresh and young, I think Simon would go for bebe and Wille would die every time. I know darling it's pretty normal in English, but cariño sounds way too motherly to me. I would only use it between Willmon if they are older and married. Cielo means sky, which sounds weird, I know.  But some people use it as a pet name. Mi cielo - my sky- as well. In a way, it means 'my everything'. Idk why. Maybe bc the sky covers everything. Who knows. I like it but it's a personal opinion. Mijo means my son. It's pretty common in Latinamerica. Parents use it all the time. Maybe try not to overuse it. Not because it's wrong, but it often feels like you´re trying too much to make them sound bilingual. Good alternatives are: hijo, amor mio, mi amor, cariño, mi cielo. 
Te amo and Te quiero are not the same. Te amo is I love you, but Te Quiero means I love you (chill version). Linda tells Simon both 'te quiero' and 'te amo' at some point, which works because it's normal from a parent or a son/daughter. Te quiero is less serious, works great between friends. Some people say te quiero when they aren't ready to say Te amo, but I wouldn't use it coming from Simon to Wille. It would be out of character. Use it between Sara-Simon-Linda.
Te adoro means I adore you. Is not common but is CUTE AND ROMANTIC. This one is completely personal, take it with a grain of salt.
Mi principe means my prince, but sounds cringy. His mom could say 'tu principe azul' which means 'your prince charming' while trying to embarrass Simon. He would blush, cute. 
Well written-normal phrases: 
'¿como estas?': How are you?
 'bien, ¿y tu?': well, and you? 
 'Como te fue hoy?': how was your day?  
'Todo va a estar bien': everything will be fine. 
 '¿Necesitas algo?': Do you need something?
 'No, gracias' 'Si, gracias': No and Yes, thank you.
‘Perdon’: Im sorry
‘Te extraño’: I miss you
 '¿Qué quieres cenar?': What do you want for dinner?
'¿Tienes tarea?': Do you have homework?
 '¿Cómo está Wilhelm?': How is Wilhelm?
‘Mamá’: Mom (Wille calls his mom ‘mama’ or ‘mamma’, but it’s a different pronunciation. I believe Simon says ‘Si, mamá’ at some point. That’s spanish.) 
‘Mami’: Mom but cuter
‘Má’: Mom but shorter. 
‘Madre’: Mother
If you have any other suggestions for pet names/words/phrases and how to apply them, send me a message!
3. Common phrases: it's important to notice that only Linda and Simon talk to the other in spanish. Unless Wille learns spanish and it's part of the plot, Simon would never say something in spanish to him - besides pet names- This includes Sara, she seems to understand but replies in swedish. I read that the actress used to work in Barcelona, Spain, so she probably understands the language. That means the decision to make her respond in swedish has something to do with her character. That being said, we don't really switch between languages if we know the other person can't understand. It's rude. I would never go and say 'como estas? ups, Im sorry, I forgot. How are you?' But something that happens A LOT is that I forget words or phrases and try to remember them by saying them in the other language. For example 'and she went to the... mierda, como se dice... aeropuerto... oh! airport!'. Or the other way around, I forget words in my mother language but I know them in english. It doesn’t seems to happen to Simon, but it’s fairly normal.  Also, and I'm sorry if this is getting too long, Simon and Linda talk to each other in spanish as a way to express how close they are. It's part of the characters and their relationship. Simon is clearly more in tune with his Latino heritage, which comes from his mom, and he shows it by using the language fluently with her. -'Como estas? -Bien, como te fue en el trabajo?' he is asking about her job and her day. It almost sounds like a conversation between a married couple. Is not meant to be weird, is meant to express that Simon feels like he has to replace his father. So maybe take this into account and don't throw spanish phrases between them just for the sake of it.
  4. If Wille learns some Spanish for Simon he would totally explode. He is clearly really proud in general and the fact that the Prince of Sweden can speak spanish because of him would kill him. In the best way. This has nothing to do with the language, but I'm just saying. Bonus points if he uses spanish to make Kristina feel left out. That would be a nice rebellious act.
5. Again, they are not spanish. People from Spain use 'vosotros' instead of 'ustedes'. Both of those word mean 'they', but in South America we don't use vosotros. This is just ONE example. I know spanish is confusing and has millions of variations; don't worry about the specifics. But try to be respectful when referring to them as spanish/latinos.
That's it for now. I'm sorry if it's not perfect. I'm from Argentina and our spanish is the messiest. But I tried to keep this guide as neutral as I could. Also also, I'm sorry if my english grammar isn't the best, this took way too long and I don't have the energy to check my mistakes. And that's okay, because languages are meant to be used and be confused. I make mistakes and that's fine. I'm not judging anyone. Please be kind to yourself. Please don't refrain from writing in spanish, this guide is meant to help you if you want to, but just the fact that you are writing anything is brilliant. Thank you for sharing your work!
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
Pairing: Chris Evans x F!Reader
Genre: nothing but floofy-floof
Warnings: none
Requested: nope
Summary: in which you can hear the voice of your soulmate in your head and Y/N's soulmate is someone really special— her celebrity crush.
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! do y'all know how long ago I wrote this fic, like— at least 2 years ago. damn. so in advance, im sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes or bad punctuation in the fic that I forgot to correct (apology for bad english 😌)
oh and
bold/italics - chris
only italics - y/n
Hey, you still there?
Y/N snapped out of a trance and focused on the voice. Yeah, yeah I'm still there, she thought to herself. She was hearing the voice of her soulmate, or rather, was speaking to him, telepathically. The thing is, you could hear the voice of your soulmate in your head. You could talk, hold conversations, but the only thing was that you couldn't ask for their name.
You had to guess. Most of the people made plans, like let's meet here or there and concentrate hard enough, I'll see your name written on a paper. It was a thing, I mean, if you concentrated hard enough, you could see what your soulmate was doing. It was like a cheat code of sorts. Most of them found their soulmate in that way.
You see, Y/N loved surprises, so she wasn't going to find her soulmate just yet. Y/N wanted to figure it out for herself. Your soulmate couldn't hear every single one of your thoughts, though (which was how she had zoned out mid-conversation). Listen, we should meet up sometime.
Aw, already? she thought with a pout on her lips. Yes, I'm very excited to meet you, I've been waiting for too long, the voice replied, chuckling. It was a manly voice, really deep and raspy. She loved it. When Y/N was small, about 4-5 years old, all she could hear were swear words and dirty thoughts; characteristics of a teenage boy.
From that, she inferred, that soulmate was much older than her, about 8-9 years older than her. She didn't mind, She was kind of into older guys anyway… But I like this game we have! Why do you want to ruin it? she asked, shaking her head. Alright, sweetheart, just for you, I'm holding back. But I don't have much patience, the voice laughed. Y/N smiled.
Without even meeting her, Chris loved the voice in his head. She sounded so sweet and welcoming, maybe she was younger than him. He couldn't wait to meet her. Chris had tried to plan their meeting for so long now, but she just wouldn't give in. She was also a feisty one. He smiled to himself as he walked down the street, engaged in thoughts about his soulmate.
In his haste, he accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry!" he blurted out, instead hearing a soft ouch, shit in his head. His brows furrowed. The lady he had bumped into just kept on walking. Are you alright? he asked his soulmate in his mind. Yeah, just bumped into someone while walking.
I bumped into someone just now too! he told her excitedly, still staring at the lady who had now stopped in her tracks. She turned around, scanning the crowd. Then she looked at him, but maybe she didn't realize that she had bumped into him. Holy shit, I see— Then it all went blank. See what? Chris questioned desperately.
He still wasn't sure whether the woman he had just bumped into was his soulmate or not.
Why can't I say the name of the guy who played the role of Captain America?
Chris froze and stared at the lady, jaw dropped. She was lost in her thoughts, confused. He slowly walked to her and stood in front of her; she stared back at him, her heart racing. This was her celebrity crush, who was currently looking at her as if she hung the moon. But why? Why was he looking at her like that?
"You can't say his name because that's me, you technically can't say his name because you aren't allowed to," Chris whispered to her, smiling softly. Her eyes widened.
"You! You're the voice I hear in my mind! Chris freaking Evans is my soulmate?! How did I not realize?!" The woman exclaimed, shocked. Soon though, she got a wide smile on her face. His eyes widened too, hers was the voice he heard as well! "What's your name?" he asked her as they hugged. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N," she replied, smiling.
"Wanna join me for a coffee?" he offered, holding his hand out. She put her palm on top of his and nodded. Both of them entered a nearby coffee shop. "So, what do you do?" he asked her after ordering two coffees. "Nothing. I'm unemployed right now, just got out of my last job. I gave an interview yesterday at Ralph Lauren, just waiting for a call back," she shrugged.
"Oh, into fashion?" he asked her, smiling. "Yeah, got my degree and all. Just needed a job, Ralph Lauren offers a good amount of money," she chuckled. Chris smiled again. "Reminds me of Rachel Green." She laughed more, which warmed his heart. Her laugh was adorable. Suddenly, her phone rang and she looked at him, wide-eyed.
He nodded dismissively and she picked up the call. She spoke for a while and when she ended the call, she had the biggest smile on her face.
"I got the job at Ralph Lauren, I'm starting tomorrow!" Y/N squealed. They couldn't have picked a better timing. "Congratulations, Y/N!" he told her, grinning. After spending some more time at the cafe, they parted ways. She went home while he went back to the sets where they were filming Avengers: Age of Ultron.
"Hi Chris, you were out for a long time, what's up?" Chris Hemsworth asked, smiling at Chris Evans as they stumbled upon each other. "Nothing, just met my soulmate, had a cup of coffee with her." The older Chris feigned nonchalance. "You what?! That's awesome, man! So, how is she, what does she do?" Hemsworth asked him excitedly as both of them walked inside.
Robert and Scarlett were there, talking. "She's so beautiful, I stopped functioning when I saw her. She works at Ralph Lauren, she's a fashion designer," Chris told him with a smile. Robert and Scarlett looked up. "Who?" Scarlett questioned. "Y/N," he said simply, sitting beside Robert. "Who's that?" Robert inquired. "My soulmate." Chris smiled, as if in a trance.
"Boy, you look like you're in love," Scarlett laughed. "Because I am, she's that beautiful," he told her adamantly. "Whoa, did you ask her out?" Robert snorted. "I'm back from our first date." We had our first date right now, didn't we? he asked her in his mind.
Of course we did, I loved it. Hope to meet you again soon, her voice replied and he could practically feel her smile.
Sure, I'm in town for a few more months, I'll mind-text you as to when I'm free, he told her, sporting a smile on his face. She outright laughed in the comfort of her own home. Mind-text? Sounds fun, she agreed and focused on the Netflix series she was watching, turning off the "magical telepathic link" between them.
Chris, too, focused on the others only to see them smiling at him. "Talking to her?" He nodded at Scarlett. A few minutes later, all of them went to another room to begin with the shooting of a new scene.
Y/N danced as she prepared dinner, singing along to You Don't Know Me by Jax Jones. It had been a month since she last saw Chris. He had promised her a date, but he didn't get time. She couldn't blame him, he was a busy man. Y/N was shouting the lyrics of the song in her head, unaware of the fact that Chris was snooping in on her mind.
Hey, calm down, she heard Chris chuckling in her mind and shrieked in real life. What are you— are you snooping on my mind? Chris! she thought, scandalized. He laughed more. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I wanted to ask you out. Are you free right now? We could meet in the same coffee shop, he asked. She grinned and nodded to herself. Of course, I'll be there in 15.
She quickly got dressed, wearing a pair of track pants and a t-shirt (like she was wearing on their first date). She didn't bother with her hair or makeup, it looked good anyway, she just bolted out of the house. Y/N entered the coffee shop to see Chris already sitting there, wearing a suit. She cursed herself mentally, making Chris look up.
He stifled a laugh. She went and sat in front of him.
"I'm so sorry I look like a single mother of two kids who hasn't slept in a year," she moaned, "I didn't know you were gonna show up in a suit." She facepalmed for good measure. "It's quite alright, you look beautiful. I wouldn't have you any other way, I should say. I'm coming back from a party right now, therefore the suit."
She blushed softly at his compliment. He ordered two coffees for them and they started talking. "So, how's your job at Ralph Lauren?" Chris asked, smiling at her. "It's amazing, I got promoted. Now I'm the head of the department, with my own office and all," she told him, smiling back. "That's great! Oh, congratulations, honey," he grinned.
"Thanks," she muttered, blushing slightly when he called her a nickname. "You look cute while blushing, has anyone ever told you that?" Chris winked as their coffees arrived. "No one, ever. I don't interact with people much, it's a tedious job," she half-joked, smiling.
"Really! So who are the people you talk to?" he joined in. "Well, there's my assistant, my mother, my bro and you. That's all. I've got some friends, but I rarely talk to them, only on the phone while texting, that is," she shrugged. "Nice, nice," he nodded as they finished their coffees. "Allow me to drop you home," Chris offered, taking out a key which she found out was for his bike as they left the café.
"No it's alright, I'll go," she refused immediately. "Nonsense, you're practically my girlfriend! I'm going with ya," he shook his head. They looked like an odd couple; one wearing a suit while the other looked like she had just woken up. Surprisingly enough, the one who looked like she just woken up had the best fashion sense among them. "Hop on," Chris grinned.
She sat down behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Both of them chatted for the 2 minutes that took them to get to Y/N's home. Once they reached her building, she got down from Chris's bike and turned to him.
"Thanks, Chris, this has been an amazing second date. Can't wait for the third," she told him with a smile. "Me too," he smiled back. A few seconds later, she turned to leave but Chris suddenly grabbed her hand, turning her around. "Wha—" She didn't get to finish her sentence as Chris pressed his lips to hers. She kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I just had to, sweetheart," he panted as they pulled away from each other, breathless. "Wow," she breathed out as Chris rested his forehead against hers. "So, um, see you on the third date, yeah?" Y/N giggled as they stepped away from one another, smiling. "I'll make it as quick as possible. Can't stay away from you, darling," he winked.
"How flattering," she winked back and turned to leave, purposely adding a sway to her hips knowing that he was watching. And fuck, was he watching. "Oh, the things you do to me, my dear Y/N."
"I heard that!"
A/N: Thanks for reading, leave a like if you enjoyed!
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diavolosthots · 3 years
Hey, I'm here again requesting the continuation for yandere!Belphegor, in which the reader almost scapes from him, but is caught by him in the very last second, like in those very dramatic movies?
Im so sorry it took literally forever for this. I aint gonna lie when you requested that second part and even messaged me about it before, I STILL forgot and now this has been in my ask box for ages, too.
Anyway this is a DIRECT continuation of "Can't You See" so i suggest you read that first.
Warning: mentions of non-con/r*pe, kidnapping, manipulation, yandere
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He kept you there for what felt like forever. The dark, cold look of the shed brought you little to no comfort. Where even were you? You vaguely remembered being dragged down the Devildom streets into this… abandoned structure. Had he planned this out? You used to ask him these questions, and he would always laugh at you. “I’ve had you for a lot longer than you realize, (Y/N).” Is what he would always say. The way he said it would keep you up at night, unable to sleep, not that you could even if you wanted to. He’d whisper constant reminders in your ear about how he is the one keeping you alive and around, he is the one caring for you, and he is the only one you could rely on. Belphegor tried, as much as he could, to be with you, but he can’t be too suspicious. Yet, when he did leave, you still couldn’t let out a sigh of relief. He tied you to the old, rotting couch on most days and you’d lay there in an uncomfortable position for hours until he decided to return. You didn’t know what was worse, seeing his face all the time, feeling his hot breath on your skin as he simultaneously mocked and comforted you, or being alone in an unfamiliar location, never fully certain that not some random demon would drop by and have their way with you too. 
Belphegor forced himself on you a lot. He’d satisfy his needs, exclaiming love and passion for you, but you knew better. Every once in a while, when he deemed you well behaved, he would drag an orgasm or two out of you as well, and yet, you hated the feeling. Something that is supposed to be pleasurable and exciting only brought you tears and hate toward yourself. How could your body betray you like this? You never once thought that Belphegor learned from you, although he was using all your techniques. Punishment from him was the worst, in your opinion. He’d give you scraps instead of a real meal, barely any water, or sometimes he would play a prank on you. But the worst was when he just left. No words. No disgusted look toward you. Nothing. Just silence and then you’d watch as his silhouette disappeared into the dark of the Devildom, leaving you to yourself with your thoughts. 
That’s also where he made a mistake, though. You see, being alone used to make you cry. You used to beg for him to stay because being alone was worse than being with him, in a way, but that was before you figured out how to undo the rope. Somehow, someway, after a lot of pulling and tugging, you found a way to slip one of your hands out and after that, everything else was easy. You only needed one hand to untie the other one, but there was one problem: You didn’t know what time of day it was. For the past few months, you tried to remember when Belphegor came back but your internal clock was off and you just didn’t know. The room was mostly dark and even when Belphegor opened the door to come in, you couldn’t see anything outside. You even begged him one, “Belphie please… I don’t like the dark….” but he would gently mock you and cradle you up in his arms, “awe… poor baby…. I’ll keep you safe.” Running out would be a risk and you actually didn’t leave the first time you got the ropes untied, instead pushing your hands back in. You needed to at least try to figure out when he comes and goes, and thus you started to count, in intervals of 100, and if he didn’t come back by 500, well, that’s when you knew he would be gone for at least 100 more. Or at least, that’s what you told yourself. You did this for a couple of days to see if you were correct, and on the 3rd day, when he still didn’t come back, you took that opportunity, and you ran. 
You ran out into the streets, carefully checking behind you and making note of every noise you heard. It’s been weeks, at least, since Belphegor dragged you down these streets and you couldn’t remember the way back to the House of Lamentation, “Lucifer…. I need to find Lucifer….” but you couldn’t. No way. The risk of getting lost, or caught, on your way back to the house was too big and what if Belphie was at the house? “No… he’s surely there…” So you took the back alleys, trying to sneak your way to the castle instead. All of this would have been easier with a phone but Belphie took yours and destroyed it right in front of you, which still makes you mad, but it’s whatever. “Maybe they have a payphone…?” If they do, it would be downtown and you don’t know if you can risk that. 
“I have to…” You ran around for a while, out into the main street where you saw a bunch of demons. There were street lights and you’re not quite sure if this is a smart idea on your part, but you needed to try and call Lucifer, or Diavolo, or literally anyone responsible and sane enough to safe you. “Here goes nothing…” You took a deep breath and then started walking, hoping the shredded clothes and tousled hair wouldn’t let you stand out too much. You tried to stick between bigger groups of demons, getting weird looks, but you didn’t care. “The payphone….” there was one ahead, you can see it, and a small sliver of hope rushed through you as you tried to remember Lucifer’s number. “Hey! Watch where you’re going!” You didn’t notice but you ran into some demon and he didn’t appreciate it, glaring down at you, “I-I’m sorry…!” And quickly ran off. He didn’t look very friendly and if you were to die today, it surely would’ve been by his hands, “scary…”“I know.” You paused, a cold shiver running down your back. That voice…. “Belphegor…”
He didn’t sound happy, either, but you didn’t dare turn around, keeping your eyes on the payphone ahead. Quick. Run. That’s what you thought, and that’s what you did. You ran ahead, pushing through more people and mumbling more sorrys while a deep growl erupted from behind you, “a few more steps….” You could get there and then lock yourself in. You could, you really could. “Oh no!” But you really couldn’t. Belphegor’s tail pushed out and wrapped around your neck, tripping you and you fell face first on the ground. Before you knew it, he was on top of you too, growling right next to your ear, “I know you didn’t think of running away, (Y/N).” Fear rushed through you and hopelessness, too. You were so close. Even now, you could still see the payphone; it was right there! Tears started forming in the corners of your eyes and you heard Belphegor’s familiar chuckle, “awe.. Are you sad it didn’t work?” You nodded slowly, wishing the earth would just swallow you up. 
He laughed louder, pushing your face hard against the ground before leaning in to whisper, “you’ll never escape me, (Y/N).... You didn’t think I didn’t see what you were doing, did you? Undoing the ropes… calculating how long I’ll be gone…” No… how could he know? He wasn’t there… How? He could sense your questions and he hummed softly as if he was thinking about them. His tail slithered up your leg before moving around to caress over your face, all while his hand patted through your hair roughly, mockingly, almost as if he was praising his pet. “You see… the good thing about the Devildom is that it’s always dark, and don’t you know…..
Monsters hide in the dark.” 
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barsformars · 3 years
reaction: when you bite them out of the blue; ateez
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req: can I request for a ateez reaction where you randomly bite them and then giggle if they get surprised? :D thank you!
a/n: thank you for requesting! hope you enjoy it even though they are more like word vomits rather than reactions. also i tried working the giggling part into some but some don't have it, hope you're fine with that!
taglist: @closer-stars @jeongyunhoed @fairyofdusk
genre - fluff, suggestive | pairing - ateez x reader | warnings - food mention (yunho), bathing together (mingi), mention of a possible zombie apocalypse (jongho)
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⭒❃.✮:▹ seonghwa
you were on the subway with seonghwa after a long day doing whatever couples do and you were just, plain exhausted. seated right next to your lover, and with his broad shoulders poking into your 'territory', you had two choices in your mind.
do you want to lay your head on his shoulder, or do you want to chomp on it? unfortunately for seonghwa, you find resting your head on shoulders rather uncomfortable. so, without a care in the world for the other commuters around, you leaned down and caught the edge of your lover's shoulder with your mouth, causing him to jump a little in his seat, his attention now drawn away from his phone.
"what are you doing?" seonghwa didn't mean it in a hostile way, he was just surprised, and very rightfully so.
"im tired," you answered with a slight giggle. this made the boy furrow his eyebrows in confusion, which only caused you to giggle even harder, turning some heads in your direction.
"are you trying to eat my shoulder to gain some energy then?" seonghwa laughed, finding your actions rather adorable.
you shook your head. "no, im asking for some attention so i don't fall asleep right now." seonghwa rolled his eyes playfully at your reply, knowing just exactly what you meant, and went in for a peck on your lips. he would stay there for a little longer but it would be rather rude for the people witnessing it.
"now, that should keep you awake."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ hongjoong
hongjoong's always busy. if he's not in the practice room dancing to the same few tunes up to ten hours at a time nearing comeback week, then he would be in his studio pressing on the many buttons that even after months you still can not tell apart its functions. if even that was not it, he was in his dorms, cooped up in his room, either playing around with some old clothes at the corner of his closet or reading a new book he had picked up at the bookstore down the street of where he gets 45% of his fashion accessories from.
"so when do you have time for me?" you asked with a pout, rather upset that even after inviting you to hang out in his studio he was still caught up with work.
"just five more minutes, i promise," hongjoong said, cupping your face with both of his hands, the cold metal rings adorning his slender fingers almost causing you to shake him off.
"you said that five minutes ago." you shot a glare at him before turning your head slightly to the side, and without warning, bit gently on the fleshy part of his right palm.
his eyes opened wide at you, that was the last thing he would ever expect anyone to do. "babe, what..." he tried to pull his hand out but you refused to let go, not until you heard what you wanted to hear.
"okay, okay, im sorry. ill stop work now," hongjoong finally relented. your bite wasn't painful but he would rather you not. he sighed as he saved his work and got off his chair, extending out his hand to help you off the couch.
"next time i want something, im using that back on you."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ yunho
you and yunho have a movie night together once every two weeks, regardless of what the both of you actually get down to that night, the movie night will always happen. usually, yunho would grab a few snacks and drinks from the convenience store just right below the company but he had completely forgotten that it was movie night until he was already on the way back to his dorms. so not only was he late to arrive at your place, he also came empty handed.
"im hungry," you whined, your stomach growling. you couldn't focus on the movie like that, but you didn't have any food at home and the nearest convenience store wasn't really at a convenient distance.
"im sorry about that, let's get food delivered." yunho was quick, his food delivery app already opened, the wide array of choices displayed on the screen.
"i might just pass out from hunger by the time the food arrives," you sighed, laying your head on his abdomen. it was currently the peak hour for food delivery.
yunho was just about to pat your head lovingly when you went ahead and bit down on his lean abs, surprising yunho so much so that he pushed on your forehead so that you were now staring at him in his eyes. "do that again and you might pass out from something else."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ yeosang
yeosang was scrolling through twitter while you were on tiktok, watching videos after videos of horror tiktoks. you can't say that you aren't deathly afraid of them, but you're always too intrigued to not watch them. yeosang, on the other hand, would just prefer seeing what his fans were up to. but being as sweet as he is, he offers you a hand to hold as emotional support. said hand went from simply being held, to getting squeezed, then pulled, dug in with your fingers, all as they slowly travelled up to your chin. he doesn't mind, after all, he likes it when you fiddle around with his hands.
but what he didn't expect at all, was for you to bite on his fingers. it was definitely a mistake on your part, you had meant to bite on your own fingers but forgot that you were holding his hand. yeosang yelped out in pain, quickly pulling his hand away from you, who was looking at him quite guiltily.
"oh my god, im so sor-"
"oh my god." yeosang stared down at his phone screen, eyes even wider than when you had bit him as his pupils dart around, unsure of what to do now.
"what's wrong?"
"i liked a fan's tweet by accident...." this was exactly why you had told yeosang to stop using the official ateez account.
"quick, unlike it!" you told him as you burst into laughter at his carelessness.
"hey! it's your fault, you don't get to laugh!"
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⭒❃.✮:▹ san
with his hair being too long to be let down comfortably, san has started to tie it up into a little ponytail whenever he can. you find it adorable, there really was a reason why people call it the 'apple hair'. everytime you walk past him when his hair is up, you can't help but to smack the ponytail. you have done it so many times that san has absolutely no reaction to it anymore, just letting you do as you please.
however, while walking pass him today, you felt this urge to bite, not the hair, but his head. don't ask questions, it happens. you hesitated for a moment, wondering if you should just do the usual and then leave. but once you saw how his little ponytail shook, you couldn't stop yourself. you leaned down and bit on him softly.
now, that, that gave san the shock of his life. he whipped his head around and gave you a questioning look. it didn't hurt, but..."why did you do that?" it made you giggle.
"nothing, i just wanted to." you shrugged your shoulders before patting him gently at the spot you had bit him. right as you were about to leave, he gripped onto your wrist and pulled you back.
"you bend down," he ordered, his other arm holding onto the chair as he twists his body towards the back.
"w-what?" but you bend down anyways, only to feel a bite on your head as well.
"i wanted to as well," san said as he broke into a smile, the corners of his eyes lifting up to resemble a cat eye eyeliner. "nyam."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ mingi
"hey, would you scrub my back for me?" mingi asked rather shyly, handing you the body scrub without turning back too much.
"yea of course." the two of you were too close to even be shy over something like that, but leave it up to your soft-hearted giant to feel so.
once you were done helping him, you passed the body scrub back to mingi so that he could place it on the shower rack, pressing your chest onto his back. "you smell so good," you told him, burrowing your nose into his neck as your arms wrapped around his waist.
"good news is, you smell the same," mingi chuckled, his hand going up to caress your face as he tilts his head to rest it on yours.
"i wanna see you."
well, if he doesn't want to turn around, you will make him. with that, you gave him a quick bite on his shoulder, one that wasn't too hard but enough to leave a slight impression on his skin. it made him yelp out in pain, and more importantly, whip his head around to see what you were up to. then, you swooped in and landed a wet kiss on his plump lips. you merely saw the opportunity and took it, he can't blame you for that.
"i-" he was at a loss for words and that made you giggle, the giggles becoming louder the more he struggled to form sentences.
"oh no, you're going to get it from me, babe."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ wooyoung
you have been eyeing him since this morning, and if you think he hasn't noticed, then you're the stupid one here. wooyoung also knows exactly why you were staring at him like a predator to its prey. he was wearing a tank top, his biceps on full display. it has become a more common sight in their recent stages but he never wears them around you, whatever his reason was.
"you want to touch it, don't you?" he said in a teasing tone as he flexed his arm muscles right in front of your eyes. it took every ounce of energy in you to not nod, not wanting to give in to him that easily. he would never stop teasing you. "you're acting indifferent but you looked so, should i say, hungry, the whole day."
"i have better things to do than to stare at you." you turned away from him and his muscular arms. it was the best thing to do right now, for both his and your sake.
"better things as in, imagining how it would feel, i bet."
"jung wooyoung,"
"bring your arm closer."
"see, i knew it." no he didn't, because he almost sent a punch to your face when you chomped down on his biceps. and he probably would have if you weren't looking at him with such innocent eyes.
"that's what you wanted to do?" wooyoung asked in disbelief. he had totally underestimated you and your, 'thirst'.
"okay, pay back time. give me your arm."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ jongho
"are you busy right now?" you asked as you entered his room, not knocking since the door was already wide open.
"not really, just doing some online shopping," he replied, his eyes still not leaving his screen. he has been stuck in his seat for a few hours already. you shook your head, not knowing how he could even shop for so long. "do you want to get something too?"
"no. and that's lame-" you dragged his chair away from his desk-"come do something fun with me." jongho narrowed his eyes at you, your definition of fun was not the same as his. you tend to have some bizarre ideas on how to entertain yourself. but he couldn't refuse you, besides he probably should get out of his seat by now.
"what do you need me for?"
"just stand back facing me," you directed before you went on to explain. "so i was watching some zombie apocalyptic movies, right?" jongho already had a bad feeling about this but he won't even try to question it. "we have similar pain tolerance, correct?" he nodded. "okay good, i just want to know how painful my death would be in a zombie apocalypse."
jongho really wanted to put you on pause and question just what was going through your head at the moment but you were too fast, already biting down on his shoulders, more specifically his trapezius muscles. it hurts, and it hurts bad. you did not show mercy at all, it was as if you had turned into a blood hungry zombie yourself.
"what the f-" he held himself back from spitting vulgarities out at you. because he has a much better plan on how to get back at you.
"i want to try something out as well...." oh no, you better run for your life.
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insert-cleverurl · 3 years
solaine copies her dsmp meta twitter part one
preface: i wrote this on february 13th and am now archiving it over here on tumblr before i get around posting it to the actual archive (of our own). i'd like to clean it up before i go there, becuase i wrote this at like one am lying in bed and typing on my laptop that was sitting on my stomach. it's a lot of rambling. i go on a lot of tangents. it is not the cleanest nor likely most accurate meta you will ever read.
how characters (children) on the smp learn from history rather than repeat it: a thread
aka: stop liking the other one you fucks i opened the wikia so i actually know what happened now /lh
context here is that i had earlier made a much less coherent thread (not that this one is very coherent) with the caveat that i was going entirely off memory
this thread is mainly going over how tommy + tubbo both emulate and turned away from wilbur + schlatt respectively, and how i think that's going to reflect in ranboo's arc
"as long as i can't be the next jschlatt, you can't be the next wilbur." okay we all know this. it's obvious from this point on that both tubbo and tommy saw or had fears of how they were each developing into scarily familiar people - schlatt, a dictator, and wilbur, a madman.
starting with tommy, the parallels between his exile arc and wilbur's pogtopia arc are immediately, and glaringly, obvious. paranoia, trust issues, "maybe i'm actually the bad guy here", and most notably, intense loneliness. wilbur made it obvious he believed pogtopis's allies would all abandon them in the end (them being he and tommy, though how much he trusted tommy by the end is also up in the air), and he was completely prepared to kill anyone he had to in order to secure pogtopia's victory, despite also preparing himself to be the one to end it. wilbur gave up on l'manberg, at the very end. he believed tyranny was all that would ever reign, so he blew it up.
tommy, in his exile arc, was also despairingly lonely. he hallucinated tubbo, grew attached to dream, etc etc. tommy was very very close to "becoming" wilbur here (god i'm sorry this is so long already and just me summing things up we already know it's to keep my thoughts in order + satisfy my inability to shut up and use too many words)
where wilbur and tommy go their separate ways is when they were given an out. dream gave wilbur tnt + for tommy, he was. you know. gestures vaguely at logstedshire. wilbur took the out - he gave up. he gave in. we know he had moments of clarity (when niki was in danger) and Maybe this was one he could've had too, but he didn't. he took the tnt.
tommy decided enough was enough. so at a crucial moment in time, tommy turned away from being wilbur. he did not repeat history.
onto tubbo; admittedly i know much less about his arc as president so this will be less outlined. tubbo,,,, acted very similarly to schlatt. probably moreso than tommy and wilbur! strange new laws, ignoring his cabinet, execution, generally appearing to lose his care for the world and the opinions of others. i'd argue the thing that separates him from schlatt is the most important part of this thread, because it proves my point: he remembered.
i just want to clarify here: by "proves my point" i mean this is the clsoest we get to an agreement of the ideas i'm putting out here in canon?? ig?? as in like. this is the most on the nose way to say it. similarly in recent days to quackity consistently referring to his treatment of dream as torture, which seems to be a very "I Am Not In Character" move but is definitely meant for us, the viewers, rather than character dream or character quackity themselves. tubbo's is a little less like that but still it's kind of like pointing at the X on a map for us the viewers. ok tangent over
tubbo lived under schlatt's rule as one of those people he treated extremely shittily. he lived under schlatt's rule as that person he executed. and tubbo remembers all that! tubbo remembers how schlatt's rule played out, and he looks at his own uh, less than stellar time in office, and he admits this out loud (to ranboo, according to the wikia. i am getting all of this off the wikia. i did not watch any streams during this arc.) that he can See himself becoming schlatt.
and when quackity tries to execute ranboo for being a traitor, tubbo stops him.
onto dream and ranboo! dream is a special case in that we never get to see his perspective of things and are rather left to play fill in the blank, and this whole arc is special (in terms of this thread) in that it isn't over. so i will be doing a lot of extrapolating here.
dream starts out as a generally ambivalent character who has very few rules that he pretty much never bothers to enforce anyways (i think? i don't remember).
by this i mean, this is all stuff i heard secondhand in recent months and can no longer remember what it actually was because i never went back to check. i'm pretty sure, but just a disclaimer. i don't wanna get hit with an "um, actually
his villain arc starts very very early - two whole seasons before he really became one. in the war, he is the antagonist and he plays up to it! most of the war is from l'manberg's pov (or that's how we look at it now, at least) so obviously he is the Bad Guy here.
ranboo griefed a house like two days into the server. 'nuff said /lh
ranboo + dream are both heavily vilified characters from the get-go - dream's part should be fairly obvious (uh, the everything leading up the exile arc where he actually did villainous things), whereas ranboo's is most notably during the second festival's aftermath. taking the blame for blowing up the community house, wanting to "pick people not sides" (he wants all his friends to be happy - sounds familiar, right?), etc etc, and now he's with techno and phil, the former of which is Definitely considered a villain for working with dream
now many many parallels are being drawn between he and dream, especially with the whole enderwalking thing. in the aftermath of everything happening, he chooses to stay out of all conflict, until Something Happens and forces his hand. (the egg!) he wants peace for everyone, which again, sounds very familiar, right?
(slight tangent: yes, the griefing was forcing dream's hand. it's nigh impossible to construe it as anything other than a political attack - the vice president of l'manberg griefing the home of the greater dream smp's king? dream looks weak + open to attack if he lets it slide)
this was a bad way to put it but the spirit of it gets across i think. fuck character limit on twitter
that catches us up on all current lore. where do i think dream and ranboo are going to split? dream has been alone in his decision-making basically since the very first war. not once has he (successfully, we don't know if he tried) gone to fall back on his friends' support and ask for their help in making these hard decisions (of which there are many). he severs his final connections ("i don't care about anything on this server") and cements his place in history as a monster.
i think it is very likely that we are getting a ranboo "friendship and relying on other people" arc here. there are other ways they could go with it, obviously, but given his current arctic anarchist ties and what appears to be other friendships developing. hmm! i'm interested. this part is entirely speculation/extrapolation. point being. the kids on the smp do, in fact, learn from history. they still make mistakes sometimes, but past a certain point, they're always different mistakes. they learn, and they almost always get happier endings for it
i don't know if it's a coincidence that it's the three lore-relevant kids who are the ones doing this. i don't think it is, because this is a very well-written and clever story. the younger generation is the one learning and fixing past mistakes and leaving the world better off for it. that's very neat! i like it a lot. also now that purpled's becoming lore-relevant, goddamnit if i don't want to see next season being his "learning from history" arc. punz vs purpled, maybe? that'd be neat. who knows. ok i think im finally done lol ty for reading :)
caveat I forgot to add last night: obviously ranboo and dream start out in very different positions, moreso than both tommy and tubbo. but at the end of the day, all three of them are their own people who just happen to take after other people in some ways :)
again, ty for reading! here's the original thread. i'd like to add that this is probably out of date and i may come back to it some day but who knows. maybe this will just be a relic of before Now (may 25)
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crescentsteel · 4 years
Just Friends - Part 7
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plot: fubu set up with Kuroo , model fem reader warnings: sexual tension, slow burn word count: 7.2k 
- Finally!! I'm so glad to finally release this. October was so hectic and I'm a very slow writer. - I'm so sorry for the mistakes on the previous chapters. No one beta reads for me. So I went back and edited Chapters 3-6. - So sorry for the word vomit on this chapter. I was out of control. - Thank you for all the nice comments!! I swear. They keep me fired up and inspired.  - As always, lmk if you want to be tagged in any of my works,
Part 6 | Part 8 |  m.list
“No! It’s not what you think!”
Kuroo almost laughs at how cliche you sounded, a typical response of someone who’s been caught red-handed. You’re about to chase Kenma, but he grabs your wrist to stop you.
“Maybe you should wear your shirt before you go after ‘im.” He tries to hide the mirth in his expression and tone. Your face is so red, you look like you’re about to burst. He also doesn’t want to add up more to the awkwardness you might feel later, so he’s gonna let this one slide. He’ll just pretend that the massage thing was as harmless as it should be. 
You put your shirt in a jumble and walk briskly to Kenma. He follows at his normal pace, settling behind you when he catches up to you and Kenma.
“Sorry about that,” you laugh nervously. “He was just giving me a back massage.”
It was kinda the truth, but Kenma looks dubious. 
“It sounded more than a massage.”
He covers his lips with his back hand so he wouldn’t laugh. Although his rascal self wants to tease you more, he can’t let you feel any more embarrassed than this. He looks at Kenma and shakes his head minutely with a knowing look, hinting not to push the subject any further. 
“Naah. Y/n here is just really stressed so she moans like she’s being fucked.” Okay, maybe he couldn’t completely let it slide after all. 
You irritatedly look at him and punch his arm with more force than usual. “Piss off,” you hiss. 
He dramatically rubs the arm you just hit. “Ow! So violent.”
Kenma ignores the antics and just passes by you two. He’s about to plop himself on the couch, but pauses. He instead gets a chair and seats himself there.
You couldn’t overlook that. Obviously, in Kenma’s mind, you and Kuroo were doing something indecent there so he doesn’t want to be in it. You want to clear it up to Kenma that you really weren’t doing anything of that sort. Well, you were about to pounce on Kuroo, but still, it didn’t actually happen. 
In a way, you’re relieved that Kenma interrupted at the right time. You might have done something you will harrowingly regret afterwards.
“Don’t sweat it, y.n. He just misinterpreted it.” Kuroo’s unusually magnanimous today. It’s strange. He wouldn’t have lived this down on a regular day. Maybe it's because of your no sex relationship? Still, this is aberrant of him. He shouldn’t fail to notice how that last  moan of yours was not of comfort. 
“Right?” He adds, his eyes gauging your own.
So that’s how it is. He is aware. But he’s giving you the option to disregard what just almost happened. You’re relieved, but also confused at the tiny shards of disappointment prickling in your chest. This is what you wanted, for you to avoid sex and Kuroo in the same room. It shouldn’t be confusing.
You look down and break away from the eye contact. You put a hand on your hip and the other on your temple, which then moves to brush your hair back.
With a long, audible puff, you speak.
“Of course, it was nothing,” you return to his gaze with a dry expression to camouflage the lie behind your words. But at the same time, you also wait for him to say something or for his eyes to show something other than indifference. You don’t know what it is you want or expect, but you wait for it. You’ll know it when you see it. 
It doesn’t come though as he shrugs it off like it was nothing. 
Disappointed, that’s what you are. You don’t like the feeling, but you are.
You ring your driver again, hoping that this time he’ll finally answer. If he doesn’t get to you any soon, you’ll be late for your shoot. You can’t be late for this shoot in particular. Mitsuki’s the creative director. She’s a very pleasant one, but she absolutely hates tardiness. No exceptions. She gets all sour and crank when someone’s late. 
The other end of the line picks up. “Ms l/n. I’m so sorry. One of the tires got flat. I need to change it, but I’m still stuck in traffic.”
Of all the days to get a flat tire on a heavy traffic, it had to be this day. You exhale heavily to clear the irritation getting under your skin. 
“How long before you’re here?”
“I think about an hour, Ms.”
You aren’t the type to get mad at hired help, but you’re really in a pinch. In an hour, you should be in hair and make up already, not arriving only then. Mitsuki gets enraged when someone’s 15 minutes late. To be late an hour, you can’t imagine how she’d be. There’s no way you’re going to wait here for an hour.
“Don’t come anymore. Just get it fixed.” You say coldly before you end the call. It wasn’t the driver’s fault. You wouldn’t bother getting a driver if your car hadn’t been acting up recently. Being dumb this morning, you forgot about your busted car and was late in this morning’s meeting with a client. You found yourself brisk walking in heels at the hotel’s lobby earlier just to save yourself from any more delayed minutes. And now, even your driver’s car is jacked up. 
You turn around at the recognizable calm voice you heard. It’s Kenma, except he wasn’t alone. Kuroo is right there beside him. It was kind of weird to see them together at this place and both in business wear. 
“What’re you two doing here?” 
“I’m working with Kenma here to sponsor our next promotional video.”
You just stared at the two of them. You’re used to the three of you just fooling around when you’re together. Meeting like this when you’re all in the middle of doing your jobs is something new to you. 
“And who might you be giving a hard time on the phone, hmm y.n.?”
They heard that? They must both be near while you were getting bummed out from being late this morning and potentially late this afternoon. 
“Ah! I need to go. My driver can’t make it. I’m going to be late,” you spiral back to your hectic schedule. “Bye.” You give them a quick wave, and despite your heels, you walk as fast as you could towards the entrance of the hotel. 
You try to hail cabs that were passing by, but almost every cab was occupied. And for some reason, someone always managed to get the empty cabs before you can even spot them. To worsen your luck, it began to rain. You frantically tap your left foot on the concrete as the panic sets in you.
Mitsuki’s gonna kill me.
You bite your lip and contemplate how you’re going to arrive in the venue on time. The answer you found made you turn back on your heels to go back inside the hotel, only to find them already there behind you. 
“You’re here,” you exhale, relieved that they haven’t gone anywhere out of your sight. “I’m in a bind. Can anyone give me a ride?” 
The two men exchanged pithy looks, but you don’t bother figuring out what that could’ve meant. You just need the help you typically won’t ask for since you’re always doing things on your own.
“I can’t. I have a stream coming up. Sorry, y.n.” Kenma first spoke. You shift to Kuroo, hoping that he can give you the time of day. “Yea, sure. Am free for the rest of the day actually.” He says with a brief smile. 
“Oh, thank God!” The panic and nerves were clearing out of your system. Despite the awkwardness of your previous massage fiasco, right now, you’re glad that he can help. 
“Bye, then.” Kenma quickly took his leave as the hotel valet stepped out from his car and handed him his keys. 
“Should we go now?” Kuroo asked. “Aren’t we waiting for your car?” “No. I don’t want strangers handling my car.” “Then why did you go here?”
Amusement shows on his face at your question. “I saw your cute attempt to hail a cab. Is that how rich kids do it? Let someone else steal their ride for them?” You smile sweetly, disgustingly sweet, then roll your eyes before saying, “Let’s just go.”
You told him the location of the shoot. The drive was comfortable as you both share work conversations with your usual banters on the side. Being friends with Kuroo is confusing and reassuring at the same time. With the history you two shared, you need to tread the waters of your friendship carefully every once in a while. If it wasn’t the sexual tension, it was the affection you felt towards him that would sometimes seem like resurfacing. Even with all that, you can’t bear to walk away from what you presently have. You feel like you really found genuine company with him and Kenma.
“We’re here. Let me just get an umbrella.” He looks back to the back seat and stretches his right arm to reach for it. The current angle of his face emphasized his sharp jaw and the length of his neck. You were just thinking how you need to tread carefully, but easier said than done when you know exactly how your fingers have grazed that jaw, how your tongue has tasted that neck, and much more. 
“What’s taking you so long? I might as well get drenched from the rain,” you snap because you can’t stand your own indecent thoughts. 
“Found it.” He says and returns to his normal sitting position. “Why the hell are you suddenly cranky? Geez.” You feel bad for being suddenly grouchy. He was just being nice and you were being nasty for reasons you can’t tell him. “Sorry. Just don’t want to be late,” you apologized.
He shrugs it off nonchalantly. “Hey. Where’s my umbrella?” You ask when you see him reaching for the door with only one umbrella in his hand. 
“We’re sharing this. I only have one.”
You purse your lips to the side and sharply avert your eyes elsewhere, your irritation resurfacing again. You feel uncomfortable with the idea of being that physically close to him. You’ve pushed the massage incident behind, but that doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten about it. 
“What is up with you? What are you so pissed about?”
“Nothing. Can we go now?”
He stares at you for a good 3 seconds before getting out and opening his umbrella. He moves to your side of the vehicle and opens the door. You get out and try to avoid any raindrops. He closes the door and presses his car keys to lock the vehicle. 
You both start to walk towards the entrance of the place. You’ve never felt more awkward in your life. You’re avoiding getting past the edge of the umbrella while also avoiding Kuroo’s body. 
“Why is your umbrella so small?” 
“The heck are you talkin about? This is the standard size.”
You don’t answer him. The umbrella isn’t small. He’s just huge and his whole body occupied almost all the space under the shade. You flinch when he suddenly grabs you by the shoulder and pulls you close, so close that you can feel the firmness of his body pressed onto yours. 
You raise your gaze to him with a raised eyebrow. 
“You’re gonna get wet if we don’t huddle closer.” You could accept his reason, if only you didn’t catch the miniscule curl of his lips and the skittish glint in his eyes. It was so typical of him really. Maybe you should stop being so worked up all the time. 
“Fine.” Even though he was messing you, you can’t deny that it’s much more comfortable. You’re safe from the rain and his body provided heat from the coldness of the downpour.
He doesn’t do or say anything more as you both get to the doorway of the bar where the shoot will be held. He puts down the umbrella when you reach the shade of the building. Before you’re able to get away from Kuroo’s hold, the door opens. Mitsuki was holding her phone to her ear when she met your eyes. 
“I was calling you and you weren’t — oh.” Her eyes flew to the hand on your shoulder and traveled to its owner. “Well, well, y/n. You leave for a good while, then come back loaded.” You can always count on Mitsku to not hold her tongue. You gently release yourself from Kuroo’s hold to avoid looking defensive. “It’s not like that,” was your thrift reply. 
“Kuroo, this is Mitsuki, my creative director for today, sometimes my friend too. Mitsuki, this is Kuroo.” 
Both of them exchange casual greetings for meeting the first time. 
“How come you mention our relationship, but not yours?” referring to you and Kuroo. You sigh. “He’s also a friend.” You turn to Kuroo and thank him for the ride and his time. 
“Is your driver picking you up?” he asked.
You seal your eyes shut at your own stupidity. Because you were panicking and irritated, you sent your driver home. You open them again and purse your lips in a straight line. “No. I’ll just take a cab.”
“With your cab-hailing skills in this rain? Good luck with that.” he snorts. “Haha. Real funny.” From the corner of your eyes, you see Mitsuki with an entertained grin on her face, obviously enjoying the exchange between you and Kuroo. 
“Call me when you’re done. I’ll come pick you up then.” You want to protest but it will just drag on. You don’t want Mitsuki seeing more of the dynamics of your relationship, so you thriftly say “Okay.”
“Kuroo-san, right?” Both of you shift your attention to Mitsuki. “Actually, we need a male model because the scheduled one today is a total wimp and cancelled last minute.” She shamelessly eyed Kuroo from head to toe. So that’s why she was about to call you. The shoot was cancelled. 
When she looks at you, you mouth the word “no” to let her know that she shouldn’t do what you think she’s about to do. The reaction you got was her smiling widening before speaking to Kuroo. “Do you have an agent? Can we talk over the phone right now to discuss?”
That’s when you step forward. “Uhhh. He’s not a model. He used to be a volleyball player, hence the height and build.” You say defensively. You nudge Kuroo with your elbow so that he’ll back you up, but he doesn’t say anything. He’s just there waiting for Mitsuki’s next words. 
“An athlete, I see.” She nods approvingly. “That’s perfect! I don’t have to talk to anyone. It’s completely up to you then.”
“Errr. I don’t really know anything about modeling. Sorry.”
Your relief was short-lived when she tugs you to her direction and grips both of your shoulders. “Then your friend here can guide you. She’ll be your co-model anyways.” 
He probably figured out by now why you were so apprehensive during the conversation just now. You don’t want him as your co-model. 
His grin just confirmed your thoughts. “I’ll go for it then.” His eyes sparkling with mischief made you surrender. You already admit defeat in your head even though the shoot is just about to start. 
You both get in hair and makeup. Being a woman, you take longer to finish. The clothes the stylists are arranging on you are taking while as well.  They let you wear a very long, elegant gold dress that fits your upper body like your second skin, but the material is flowy from your waist down. When you arrive at the set, he’s already there talking with Mitsuki while waiting for you. Mitsuki notices you first. “Alright! We’re good to go.”
When Kuroo faces you, you almost don’t recognize him. His usual emo bangs were gone. They brushed his hair up cleanly. The suit he was wearing earlier was replaced by gray slacks and white long sleeve polo that has two top buttons open. You have conflicted feelings towards the hair and make up staff that did the work. They did a remarkable job with his overall style. He does look like a model like this. But also, why the hell did they make him look this damn good? The regular Kuroo was bad enough for you.
“This feels weird. I feel like I have too many things on me.” You scowl at his remark. “Too many? Wanna try being a girl?” He’s about to retort but Mitsuki claps twice which calls both of your attention.
“So our client is a liquor brand and the theme is something like wild love at the bar. What I want is you two giving the impression of having a passionate first encounter while you’re out drinking. Give me something and we’ll work it out as we go on, mkay?” 
You knew you’d be working with a male model for this brand, but you didn’t expect that they’d go with something like this. You thought it was just going to be glamour shots to showcase the drink.
But what Mitsuki said, ‘Wild love at the bar’?? That is not something you’d want to be doing with him. It reminded you of the first night you met. 
“I’m all ears on what to do, y/n” His haughty smile doesn’t help the situation one bit. You take a deep breath. This is not the time to muck around. You’re the experienced one, so you’ll be taking the lead. “Swear to me that you’ll take this seriously.” You glare at him, no trails of humor apparent. The change in his demeanor surprised you. You forgot how intimidating he can get when he’s serious. You’re so used to him being an idiot all the time that it catches you off guard. But for today, you’re glad to have it.
You explain to him how the whole shoot will go. For the first shot, you ask a staff member for a chair and tell Kuroo to sit on it. “Get the glass with the liquor and look at the camera while holding it.” He did as you told, except he has this perplexed look on his face with a noticeable discomfort from the way his lips curled in a corner. 
“On second thought, maybe this is a bad idea,” he said after trying the first time. You want to agree with him, but the shoot is already happening. You just want to get over it already since you’re already there. “Nooo. Uh-uh.” Mitsuki’s tone took a sharp turn. She wasn’t happy with what Kuroo said. “Just imagine you’re in a bar, chilling with your favorite drink and you just snagged the hottest girl in the place.” 
“Hottest girl aka me,” you comment on her instruction. That seemed to work because he changed back to his normal self and looked at you with amusement. “Just like the night we met, huh?” He said it low enough for only you to hear, but you still glanced nervously to Mitsuki if she caught any of it.  
“That’s a nice expression, Kuroo! Keep looking at her like that.” You ease up since it looks like she didn’t hear it. You put your elbow on his shoulder and tilt your hips to give your waist an S curve while angling your body towards him at the same time. You lift your chin up a bit and look at the camera with parted lips.
“Yep. Looking good dear.” Mitsuki signals the photographer to start taking the shots. You both slightly alter your angles so the pose will have variations. Sometimes you look at Kuroo, smile flirtatiously at him, or look at the camera in a sultry way. Every time you two would look at each other, you’d ‘cheat’ and look at the bridge of his nose to give the illusion that you’re actually looking at his eye. 
While looking at the shots from a separate screen, she suddenly asks the photographer to stop. You both straighten your bodies while awaiting instructions.  “It looks nice,” she said before looking at your direction. “But it’s boring. There’s nothing wild about it.”  You space out for a bit because for the first time, you don’t know how to proceed. You’re used to fashion shoots and runway. You’ve never had an ad with this theme. “Y.n, dear, can you be a bit aggressive towards him?”
You raise your eyebrow from disbelief. “A-aggressive?”
Mitsuki nods. “Throw yourself at him, dominate him, take control. mkay?” You feel a bit pressured when she’s just looking at you two and waiting for you to start posing for the camera. You don’t have a solid idea in your head, but you just go for it. You try to prop yourself up on the bar counter, but your dress won’t allow you.
Kuroo notices your dilemma and gets up from his seat. “You could’ve asked for help, you know.” He positions himself in front of you and grabs your waist. His hands were strong yet gentle. With your palms still on the surface of the counter, he lifts you up while you put weight on your arms so you can usher yourself properly. You’ve been deliberately avoiding his gaze, but right now, your eyes are glued to his face. 
“Yes. Like that.” You both flick your gaze towards Mitsuki. “Do that.” She instructs the photographer to move the side so the angle of the shot captures you both without him blocking you completely. You realize the position you two have. “I agreed to this to make you uncomfortable, but I’m not gonna lie. I’m the one extremely uncomfortable right now.” Kuroo whispers with a hint of regret on his face. The camera flashes start going off but something clicked between the two of you that you two end up laughing. It’s probably the awkwardness and the nerves that’s been hanging on the air that something so shallow as Kuroo admitting his uneasiness, cracked you both up.
It was just a brief exchange of laughter but you feel relaxed. Even though Mistuki is pretty cool for a creative director, she’s still as serious as any professional. So when you see her smiling as you apologized for the delay, you’re a bit shocked.
“No worries dear. Let’s continue then.”
You feel more confident now. You’re you. The reason you became successful on an international level is because of your professionalism and ability to produce quality results.
From being seated on the counter, you’re a few centimeters taller than Kuroo. That completed the idea in your head. You took the glass drink and placed it on your right hand. “Put your hands on my hips,” you tell him then lightly lift his chin with your index finger, “and look at me like you worship me.” The command earned a raised eyebrow from him but you pay no heed to it.
You extend an arm over his right shoulder, the glass dangling on your fingertips. With your index finger on his chin, you look to the camera with provocative eyes. If anything looks wrong with Kuroo, you’ll just let Mitsuki handle it. After all, she’s the one who asked him to be a part of this. 
“Oh yea! That’s really good.” Compared to before, she looks pleased with the shots now. The pose was captured a few times before she speaks again. “Instead of using your finger, grab his hair to tilt his head back.” You comply immediately and tugs his locks downwards. You might’ve done it a bit rougher than you wanted because you heard a raspy grunt from his throat. You got distracted, so instead of looking at the camera, you look at him. 
You regret it. When you said he should look at you with worship, you didn’t think he’d do it this well. Because his hair is pushed completely all the way back, you see every aspect of his face. Nothing was blocking his eyes that were full of yearning and desire. He’s looking at you like you’re not just the hottest girl in the bar, but the most beautiful person he’s ever laid eyes one. 
“Pull him closer and look here y.n.” You do as you’re told, thankful that you needed to look somewhere else. “Damn. You two look so good right now.” She gently claps her hands while looking at the monitor.
“I’m already satisfied, but let’s just do one more for another option. Umm, Kuroo. You be the aggressor this time. Y/n, …. you know what to do.” She winks after.
Well, not really you don’t. She just wants you to do the thinking on what to do. You put the glass down and put both your hands on his shoulders. “Help me down?” You ask with an easygoing smile. You don’t want to ruin the momentum of the shoot, so you decide to be nice to him for now. 
 “You got it,” then his hand travels up your waist and guides you down back to the floor. You tell him to lean on the counter. He follows with no complaints. You get his arm and ushers him to wrap it on your waist. When he goes along with your silent instruction, you raise your leg to his side.   
“Tug my skirt up to my thighs.”
He doesn’t react and just squints at you.. “Huh?” Since he did not grasp what you meant, you take it to yourself to do it and slowly gather the material at the ends. Then, you yank it up to your thigh. “Get it?” He whistles as he gets the cloth from your hands. “Hey. Don’t do that. If you’re a real model, you’d be in trouble if I report that behavior.”
“But I’m not a real model, am I?” You glare at his provocation. You won’t be having any of his crap at your workplace. “Kuroo,” you say with a menacing glare and he immediately gets the threat behind it. “My bad, my bad. I’ll behave again, kay? Stop scowling now.” You relax your face and take a deep breath. “Moving on then.” You enclose your left arm on his neck while you plant your right on his chest. You don’t want to direct him any further than this. If this is unsatisfactory, Mitsuki will say something. 
Aaaand she does. “Kuroo-san. Aggressive please. Own her. You don’t want her to get away from you.” Upon hearing Mitsuki’s additional instructions, everything about him intensifies three folds. He pulls you even closer, causing your breath to hitch when his face is dangerously near yours all of a sudden. His sleeves don’t do anything to mask the firmness of his arms. And even with the velvet fabric, you can still the strength of his thighs as they’re pinned on yours. The heat of his hand ignited the skin of your thigh as he clutched the fabric and your flesh forcefully. And his eyes, they no longer worship you. They spoke of something similar, but not quite. 
He wants to devour you whole. 
It was too overwhelming for you, so you look away and close your eyes dramatically to make it seem like you’re being swept away in the moment. After one camera flash, “Okay dear, but I need you to look at him this time.”
The few seconds of breaking away from his fiery stare did you some good. You were able to collect yourself again, but not enough to truly look at him. You just focus your gaze right between his eyes as you did earlier.  
“Nooo. When I said look at him, I meant really look at him. Respond with your own passion. You’re looking a bit of a scared vegetable right now, honey.” You’ve never had feedback like that in forever. Maybe when you tried modeling the first few months, you received something similar to that. But never when you started doing it full time. 
You don’t want to, but you have to. You finally meet his gaze and tap into something inside yourself that you’ve been holding back. You let your desire for him deluge you, let it surge through your veins until you’re aching for him. You push yourself even closer to him, not allowing even air to pass between your bodies. 
“Yes! YES! You want him so much, but you shouldn’t.” 
It was just as she said. You want him so much, so much that it almost hurts. You part your lips slightly as you get lost in the moment.
“Oh my God.” Her words sounded distant. It was there. You can hear it, but what clouded your senses was your heart pounding hard against your chest, his hot breath mingling with yours, and the way his eyes are now devoted to your lips. Not long after, he angles his face so that your lips are almost touching. Just a tiptoe and a kiss will already take place. You clench your fingers on his shirt, holding yourself back from that one tiny push that will allow you to feel his lips on yours again. 
“Holy Shit! HOLY SHIT! That was it. That was the money shot.” Mitsuki’s shrill voice which was followed by her squeal broke the trance you were in. You know what she meant. The shoot is done. Yet, you still feel hot. The heated atmosphere around you two still hasn’t caved in. He let go of your thigh as you put some space away from him. You settle your hands on his shoulders while you rest your forehead on his chest. He doesn’t move either. His hand remains on your waist, but without the force this time. With his other hand, he caringly skims the curve of your shoulder. 
“You okay, kitten?”
His voice is so gentle, you nearly convince yourself that it sounded loving. You nod weakly before heading back to the dressing room without saying anything. 
Kuroo’s gaze followed your back as you disappeared. He was amazed but also bothered at what just happened. You looked really into it, like you really wanted him. If the shoot didn’t finish any sooner, he might have closed that tiny gap that separated your lips from his. He’s been aching for you for so long that his control is slipping inch by inch every time there’s an opportunity to cross that line of friendship you set. When he saw you let go and completely relent within his hold, it was maddening at how he couldn’t have you at the moment. What’s worse is that even without the glamorous set, he knows you’re still not his to have. 
He walks towards the room where his clothes were hung and changes back to his usual suit. He asked the make up staff to remove everything on his face. He doesn’t like the feeling of having a layer of cosmetics on his skin. The hair they couldn’t do anything about because they used a lot of product to fix it up. 
When he gets out of the room, Mitsuki approaches him with a satisfied look on her face
“You did so well for someone with no experience at all. Do you have a card? I can hook you up for other gigs. You’ll do great.”
He smiles graciously at her generous offer, but he doesn’t want it. “Sorry, but I’m not really interested. I only did it cause it was her.” He said truthfully. Mitsuki’s mouth curled in amusement. “You know, y.n’s really good to work with. She always had this cool facade that never went down, and it works for her. We love her for it. But today,” she pauses as she gives him a meaningful look. “I’ve never seen her show such vulnerability and rawness. It was,” she sighs with admiration for you.
“Beautiful, wasn’t it?” He knows exactly what she’s saying. After all, he has seen several times how captivating your authenticity can be. 
“Soo, are you two dating or what?” Her eyebrows twitch up and down from anticipation at what he’s about to answer. He badly wants to say yes, but he doesn’t have that luxury. “Naaah. Like she said, I’m just a friend.”
She’s obviously dissatisfied with his response. He is too, but that’s the lousy truth. Out of the blue, she takes her phone out. “Too bad though. You two looked really good here.” She showed him the photo and it was you and him earlier. You were seated in the counter with your arms on his shoulders and his hands on your waist. It was when you were both laughing at his stupid statement.
“Can you send me that photo?”
“Why should I?”
He’s well aware of what she’s trying to do. It’s a business transaction, except for the lack of formality. She wants to get something in return, and he knows exactly what it is. 
“You’re good.” He admits with an impressed glint in his eyes.
“I am. So what’ll it be?” He knows that she knows she has the upperhand of the negotiation. She could probably tell that there’s something going on with the two of you. It’s just a matter of deciding which information to give her. But he didn’t have the fortune of having too many options. He didn’t want to reveal the nature of your relationship before. He wasn’t sure of your feelings for him. He can only speak for himself. 
“Fine. I sorta like her.” 
Her eyes brighten up. “Aha! I knew it. You should totally ask her out, kay? You’re gonna have tall and beautiful babies.” She put one hand on her cheek and closed her eyes while screeching at her own daydream of you and him getting together. When she calms down, she sends you the image file. “For real though. I’ve never seen her like that,” she points to your dazzling face in laughter in the photo. 
“Hey. What’re you two talking about?” You’re back to your normal clothes, but your hair and makeup was still there. 
“Nothing. Let’s go now?” He spoke immediately before your nosy director could say something. He walks to your direction before heading out together. “Bye! Update me, Kuroo-san!” Mitsuki said as she waved goodbye. You couldn’t help but be curious on what he should update her about. 
The rain stopped so no more umbrella horseplay. When you both get inside his car, you immediately ask him, “What was that about?”
“Uhh. She asked if I wanted to do other modeling projects.”
“Do you?”
He didn’t hesitate before answering, “No. That sort of stuff is not for me. I only did it to piss you off.” He starts the engine, then pivots his body to face you. “I must say though. I enjoyed seeing you eyefuck me.” Just when you are getting used to the peaceful, non-smug Kuroo, his true personality kicks right back in. Good thing you took your time getting changed and basically just calmed yourself down. 
“Glad you did. That’s the most you can get from me after all.”
His smile turned upside down at your remark. “Tch.” Your lips tug upwards at the side from his lack of retaliation. 
“I haven’t told you yet, but it wasn’t my first modeling experience.” 
You’re a bit surprised. Even though he has the appearance of a model, you didn’t think he’d do it. You agree with what he said just a while ago. It wasn’t for him. He’s best at his job right now. 
He gets his phone and scrolls up. He must be looking for a photo to show you as proof. When you see his screen, your heart swells. It was you and him a year ago. The neckline of your shirt was pulled to your shoulder for a makeshift off-shoulder while he knotted his t-shirt to form a crop top. You two wore large smiles while posing silly in front of the cam. It was right after when you told him that you’re a model.
“I- you... umm. You kept these?” You swipe the screen and see every single photo you took that day. Not one was deleted. You remember the laughter and absurd joy behind each frame. 
“Yea. Why wouldn’t I?”
One more swipe and there’s no other photo after yours. That’s when you notice that the photos are in the Favorites album. You felt like you were about to tear up. You’ve never felt so cherished in your whole life. Even though you left without saying a proper goodbye and no indication of going back, he still kept them. You tried so hard to forget about him, yet there he was, keeping these small tokens of what you had - proof that you really had been a part of his life.You felt something inside you crumble piece by piece. You should be scared, but at the moment, you don’t feel any fear. Instead, you were enraptured. 
You can feel your cheeks hurting from how wide your grin is. You don’t bother hiding it from him. 
“Can you send these to me?” You turn to him with the smile still plastered on your face, but he frowns at your question. 
“Those photos came from you.” 
You look back at his phone, your big smile reduced into a faint one that’s traced with melancholy. “I deleted them when I went to the US.” If he asks why, you wouldn’t know how to answer. Fortunately, he doesn’t. He gets his phone back from your hand and fiddles with it a bit. A few seconds later, you hear a notification from your own phone. When you open it, all the photos are sent to you. 
He looks at you warmly, his face devoid of anything but heartfelt fondness. “There. Like you never got rid of them.”
You lie on your bed with bottomless thoughts that night. Kuroo’s words weighed more than they should in your head as you stare at the photos. 
You deleted them to completely erase any trace of his existence in your life. Now they’re back in your phone with not a single photo missing from the stack. Ironically, it’s also you who asked for them back. Yet, you don’t mind. You came to accept that those memories existed. They happened. There’s no use trying to forget they did when he’s already back in your life anyways.
Looking at you and Kuroo in the images, you can’t avoid thinking how simple those times were. You were just two cool people who had sex for fun. You had no clue things would happen as they did - falling for him, leaving, and for some reason - destiny or whatever, meeting him again. The past you tried to leave behind crept up to you and there wasn’t anything you could do about it.
You thought you’ve moved on. You’ve thoroughly convinced yourself that you’ve disposed of all unnecessary emotions that involved Kuroo. You thought that whatever it is that you felt when you met him again was just remnants of yesterday. You were so wrong. That‘s just what you tried to tell yourself, repeating the idea over and over in your head until you believed it. 
But it never really happened. You haven’t forgotten about him. When you went on dates in the U.S., you’d remember him. So you stopped trying to see anyone and attributed that to being scared of getting hurt again. Hence, you shut yourself out to anyone until you no longer found dating to be interesting. You told yourself getting in a relationship would just get in the way of your career. 
That wasn’t true. 
The truth is just as he said. Your feelings for him are still there, you never did get rid of them. The question now is how to proceed from here.
You jerk when your phone rings right at your hand. 
You don’t want to answer it. You basically just admitted to yourself that you’re still in love with him. Hearing his voice right now would be dangerous for your fragile heart.
But it might be something important. He doesn’t usually call.
You press the answer button. You were about to say hello, but your heart was beating so fast that you were unable to get any word out.
You swallowed the lump in your throat so you could speak. “Yeah?”
“Is something wrong? You sound a bit off?” How he could tell even through a phone call is unbelievable. “Everything’s fine. Why’d you call anyways?” You do your best to sound normal. “Block your Thursday next week. I’m throwing a party.”
“What for?”
“Mmm. Just felt like having one.”
You minimize the call to check your calendar if you had any plans that day. “Alright. I have an event in the morning, but that night’s free.”
“Nice!!” He sounded a bit too glad. 
“Is that why you called?” It’s a bit suspicious that he rang you just for that. It’s just a party. He could’ve texted you instead. 
“Why? Am I not allowed to call when I want to?” Your heart skips a beat from the playful tone in his voice. You picture him smirking on his phone while he’s lying in bed. You bite your lip at the image in your head. 
Screw you and your stupid imagination. 
“Good night, Kuroo.” You said dismissively. It doesn’t seem like he’s going to say anything else important anyways. He chuckles from the other line before speaking so ever softly with tenderness that gives you butterflies in your stomach.
“Good night, kitten.” 
It was just a simple good night but you were reeling. You fight the smile that was forcing itself to form on your lips. You look at your photos one more time and sigh. 
You are so in love with him. 
On the other end, Kuroo is all smiles to himself. Nothing beats hearing your voice after a long day. Once again, he stares at the photo Mitsuki gave him that afternoon. He wishes it was real. He wishes you were smiling for him, laughing with him, and happy with him. If only you gave any indication that you like him more than a friend, he would’ve made his move. 
Even though he knows you still desire him, he wouldn’t settle for just sex. He doesn’t want a repeat of the past. He wants something further than that and more importantly, you deserve better than that. But so far, he could tell you were enjoying the friendship and companionship only. Even if he wanted to take things forward, he’s not sure that that’s what you want. You haven’t given anything away for him to make his move. He doesn’t want to risk it and have you running for the hills. 
Will he ever make you fall for him? Should he just leave things as is or do something bolder for you to realize that to him, you’re not just a friend?
He sighs. 
He’s so in love with you.
Part 6 | Part 8 |  m.list
taglist: @lia-faerie-queen​ @mkkhaikyuu @fastidious-and-precise @winunk @feelkindahorny @cece-lives-here @babythotshq​ @arendizzle​
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Hello, maybe you coukd give me some tips. I send you that ask already but it means ght be deleted by tumblr and it was all messy and ugly.
So I have one childhood friend, we used to do everything together till highschool. Often she was my only friend, like now. We slowly started to distance from each other sonce she has a boyfriend. For all those years I did my best to accept him and all, told myself that duh she is not obliged to spent time only with me even in situation when she spent less and less time with me. Sometime I had a bit trouble to fully accept bf because sometime when they argued she was venting to me and I felt like his is hurting her but she refused to break up with him. Boy eas very insecure, no friends and so on and one day around graduating junior hight school she wanted to break up with him but he said something like he is gonna hurt himself if she will, or just drop out the school. So she wanted to wait at least until he graduate, but she waited longer. Then just after we graduated hightschool she broke up with him like she had enought. It was prolly a mistake but after she vent I said one or two things about him concerning past events and I said 'wow finally'. After a while they made up and she said she just missend him. I promissed mtself I will never comment whatever she tell me about them, unless in a good way.
Well... the point is that I am probably jellous, that she doesnt want to spent time with me anymore. Alway if I ask her out I give her to eventually pick the date, if nit today then maybe tomorrow etc y know introvert way :D And im trying to save this friendship? She is not the person busy 24/7, unless maybe when she is in uni or we count playing games as being busy. I play games too sometime.
Sometime it seems like she tries to avoid me and dont want to tell me anything. One day I was talking to her in cafee and she was just fidgeting with her phone. She didnt even like heck the socialmedia, just switching between random (system?) folders on the phone. When I asked abt it why she doesnt listen, she said she wanted to do sth but forgot what. Another time I havent seen her for months and she alway soent holidays 1 month her bf comes to her (he lives abroad already I guess) and I dont want to disturb them of feel like third wheel and the other month she come to him. So like week before she pnanned to go I asked her to go out next day. She said she cant. So asked another day, she answered : but I go to my bf. So I surprised that its that soon and sad I missed the oportunity: oh really? When? She: on Friday me: but its Monday(?)(no answer) so...? She: ught I know ;;; but lately I dont really feel like going anywhere :(
Well... maybe I'm childish but I felt sad.
I'm also jellous that they even celebrate each others bdays altought she never do that bc of religious reasons and I've always respected that.
Once I asked her what is with us, we barely talk for last few years and I feel like she is avoiding me. She had no Idea what I was talking about, she felt like everything was the same.
I was told to not have much hope or expectations toward her bu maybe try to text her or maybe arrange a meeting once in a while and try not to become bitter.
The other one sait that that how adulthood looks like, we become busier with private issues and so on and I may act childish and selfish, but as far as I know except for time she go to uni or to her bf she is not that busy, definitely not that busy not to have time to meet with me more than once in a whole year (or none) when we live ~20min apart by foot. I dont want to be burden to anyone or feel like third wheel so I dunno what to do. I have problem with finding friends, she was my only one friend (?) for years. I dont trust ppl easly
I wanted to do more things together outside since we both used to or still do soent too much time on the computer but well... you know, together is easier.
Since I have to do it on my own maybe you have some ideas? Thats stupid wuestion I guess since you dont know my environment. Jogging and biking wont work I guess since I dont have proper bike. I wanted to plant some flowers but I was afraid I screw everything up since im kida kid who grow up in the bubble and Im not sure how to do basics and nobody wanted to help me and its too late already... Walk is fine but I prefer places far from road and since I'm not supposed to go to the forest that I love I dont have many spots to go.
I am sorry for long post. Any even tiny help would be appreaciated. I hope thats not much of the problem, have a nice day or night :)
I do think that it's time for you to let go of the friendship. I know that's hard to do but people grow apart and that's okay. It's okay. You'll be able to make better relationships and move forward but you have to learn to let go and keep walking forward. It sounds like you're holding onto this friendship because you want to keep going on like it's the past but...
It doesn't work like that. Change happens. It hurts sometimes but it's not a bad thing. You can reflect on this with time and learn how to be able to accept it. You need someone that wants to hang out with you and relax with you. It's not childish to be upset but it's important to see when people just... don't have time for you anymore and feelings change.
It just seems like you both have a fundamental misunderstanding and if you can't talk that through, then it's not working. You can try to talk about it but it seems like it'd be better to just let go. She doesn't think there's something wrong but you do. If you feel stress around her instead of friendship, it's not great.
But, that's up to you, you know? You decide your relationships what you want them to be.
I don't really have great advice for making friends as an adult. I'm not exactly going out and interacting with people. I can suggest finding a new set of friends online by joining Discords and interacting with the fandoms you're in because that's how I've made friends. It's easier to do that if you're anxious about making friends outside.
Try new hobbies. Take a deep breath. If you want to garden, try it out. You're not going to be perfect the first time. It's a learning process at anything and you have to just try. You don't get to live it if you don't try. You have to consider your limits and reflect on what is going to be the easiest thing to try.
It's never too late.
Try to start small and work your way up.
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