#so i settled for heros since i played it befor
tenderleavesbob · 2 days
When Time walked into the ranch with Malon, everyone was quiet. He reached for his sword before remembering it was in their bedroom. Why would he wear it on the ranch, after all?
Malon frowned beside him but didn't seem too worried. She let go of his arm to put her hands on her hips. Time was almost distracted by the lingering flush on her cheeks and the hay still in her hair. "That's odd. Where is everyone? We weren't gone that long, were we?"
"Hey," Time said mildly.
Malon winked at him before turning back to the ranch. "I thought they were playing a game in the living room, but they're so quiet."
This group wasn't quiet. Not even when they were sleeping. Time tilted his head and twitched his ears. He heard soft voices. "In the kitchen."
"Oh..." Malon hurried away. With a slight limp, Time noticed. Still concerned but also a little smug, Time followed.
Time wasn't expecting anything to be on fire. It was far too quiet for that. There was a higher chance of finding the boys hovering over a corpse and discussing how to hide the body. With that in mind, it was disturbing to find Warriors slumped on Legend's shoulder while everyone else whispered around them. Legend was frozen, expression almost frightened in a way Time didn't see even in battle. Twilight and Wind looked worried, Hyrule was kneeling beside Warriors and studying him, Sky was sleeping opposite Wars with his head on the table, and Four and Wild was quietly discussing something over Wild's slate. Everyone paused and looked at Time and Malon when they entered the room.
Except for Legend, who was still frozen under Warriors. Now that Time knew no one was dying, Legend's expression was funny. When Time smiled, everyone's shoulders slumped with relief.
"I wondered when he was going to collapse," Time murmured. He gestured for Hyrule to pull back. With a frown, the younger hero did. Magic still flickered on his fingertips. "He's been having problems sleeping lately. Legend, breathe. You aren't going to wake him up."
Legend narrowed his eyes but otherwise didn't move. Perhaps he thought that Time was pranking him. Time enjoyed the occasional prank, but he wouldn't do one like that. It was adorable to see how worried Legend was that he would disturb Warriors.
It was also easy for Time to prove his point. With slow, gentle movements, Time slid an arm behind Warriors's back and under his legs and hoisted him into the air. His brother was always lighter than he liked, but it made it easy to lift him. Time shifted Warriors so his brother's head settled on his shoulder.
Warriors was fast asleep in his arms. Time monitored him for a moment to make sure Warriors was just asleep. His brother hadn't been sleeping well since Twilight's near-fatal injury, and Time felt guilty for letting it go on this long.
He could help his brother now. Time held him close and smiled at the other boys. All except Sky watched him anxiously. Time nodded at Sky. "Twilight, can you...?" Warriors wasn't the only one who had been stressed the last few weeks, after all. It was just more unusual for Warriors to fall asleep like that, especially on Legend. Legend watched Time with Warriors, expression tight with anxiety and adding years to his young face, but he seemed more relaxed without the worry of waking his brother. Time offered him a warm smile.
"Got him," Twilight said quietly, picking up Sky. Sky murmured in his sleep and snuggled against Twilight. Time knew that Twilight was going to have trouble putting him back down.
His family was fine. Stressed and tired and worn, but everyone would be all right.
Warriors was warm and limp in his arms, breath slow and steady against Time's neck. Fast asleep. Time waited until he had left the room with Warriors before he rested his cheek on Warriors's head. Warriors still didn't stir. "Sleep well, big brother," he murmured.
Maybe after falling asleep in public and scaring his brothers, Warriors would be more open to help. Time could only hope.
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tired-teacher-blog · 3 months
Let's talk about attention seeker Bakugou for a moment.
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You were lying on the couch one evening, eyes focused on the TV ahead when Bakugou suddenly appeared, shuffling your way before collapsing on top of you.
He did it so casually— like he does all the time, and you actually missed his intention at first. It's always the same with this man, since he hates you getting engrossed in something other than him, he's like a grumpy little cat who's constantly craving your attention, and sometimes you wonder if he's actually unaware of his massive stature when he carelessly traps you underneath himself.
He said nothing as an exasperated puff of air left his lungs, but instead settled for staring at you with a grumpy expression plastered across his face.
You still failed to acknowledge him though, as your favorite show was rapidly nearing its climax, which obviously displeased him greatly.
He started sighing and whining softly against your chest, nuzzling you there and squeezing you between his arms a little too tight for your comfort, until you finally let out a little "uh-huh" while moving one of your hands to absentmindedly play with his unruly hair, but that was still not enough.
_ "Hey, look at me will ya!"
He was pouting as he rasped the words, pouting and glaring at you with an accusing scowl, one that would easily frighten anyone unlucky enough to be on the receiving end of it, but not you.
In fact, this desperate state of his is always amusing to witness, even more so, because you're the only one allowed to see it.
_ "I got it, I'm so sorry sweetie, I'm all yours now." you cooed with a warm smile before switching off the TV to give him your undivided attention, you will have to watch the rerun of your show some other time but it's alright, because this is more important, he is more important.
You were fighting the urge to burst out laughing at his pathetic attitude, but you feared upsetting him further, so you didn't.
_ "What is it then?" you ran your fingers along his cheeks before pinching him playfully.
_ "Nothing, just keep your eyes on me." he demanded with a menacing groan, but his eyes were actually pleading for your attention.
_ "Of course my hero, you're my number one after all." you reassured him with a smile, coaxing a smug one to appear on his gorgeous face.
_ "Well I better be." he murmured back, shifting slightly until reaching your lips to peck them once and then another, before deepening the kiss and stealing your breath away.
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Divider by : @/saradika
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clownwritesfanfic · 1 month
I Could Be A Good Mother, and I Wanna Be Your Wife
Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Class 1A is given the surprise task of caring for baby dolls. Everyone is randomly paired up in two’s, and it’s just your luck that you get your crush as a partner.
Warnings: Bakugou may be a little ooc but I don’t care
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 6,512
Disclaimer: Reader is kept as diverse as possible but wears a skirt, uses the girls locker room, has long enough hair to run fingers through, calls herself ‘mother’, being able to birth a child, and was originally written with a fem aligned person in mind. This is safe for poc, and plus size readers. The majority of the fic is also safe for trans women readers but the bonus at the end is not. (Y/N) is used only once.
Important info before you read‼️
This fic was written originally with an OC of mine in mind, however, most people don’t read Canon x OC and while I normally wouldn’t care and wrote one anyway, I am very proud of this and want as many people to read it as possible and hopefully enjoy it. So with that in mind, I took out any describing factors and her name but I did keep some of her backstory and her quirk. If that bothers you, you can move on but I hope you read it anyway because I’m very proud of this.
Also, there is another OC of mine in this story, Usagi. She’s not integral to the plot and has no speaking roles. I had to add her to keep the class even, otherwise someone would’ve been a single parent.
Any feedback is very welcome and appreciated!
Title is inspired by ‘not a lot, just forever’ by Adrianna Lenker but the fic is unrelated.
It was a Monday, a few weeks after the majority of Class 1A got their provisional hero licenses when Midnight and Recovery Girl entered the classroom. Aizawa had taken it upon himself to snuggle up in his yellow sleeping bag and take a nap after introducing the two women, leaving them to explain what today’s class is.
The students expected Midnight, considering she had taught a few of their classes before, but there were murmurs of why the school nurse was there.
“Listen up boys and girls! We have a very special and unique class for today!” Midnight announced as she raised her hand in the air, her leather whip clutched in her hand, catching the attention of everyone (who was awake) in the room.
“Today isn’t about hero work or everyday schoolwork. This lesson is special, it will help you all later in your lives if you choose this path. The path being….PARENTHOOD!” She exclaimed while striking an enthusiastic pose.
“Wait, what?!” “Seriously?” “What do you mean?!” A series of voices could be heard throughout the classroom.
“Settle down!” Midnight got the attention of the students. “This lesson is the most important lesson anyone can learn. Whether you want to become a parent or not, learning how to care for babies and children is a vital and selfless aspect of life.”
There were a couple hushed protests among the class but Recovery Girl talked over them. “You will have one week to care for these babies.” She explained as she pulled out eleven baby dolls of various genders and races. “These dolls are specially made for things like this. These babies will cry, make noises, “sleep”, “eat”, and soil its diaper like a real baby. They’re also able to record and grade you based on how quickly you can figure out and resolve its problem. And be careful what you say around it and how you say things. They can detect anger and verbal abuse which will drastically affect your score. Now…any questions?”
A bunch of hands were instantly raised. But that didn’t matter since Bakugou stood up and slammed his hands onto his desk and yelled. “WHAT THE HELL DO WE HAVE TO RAISE SOME DUMB BABIES FOR?! THIS IS THE HERO COURSE NOT A NURSEY COURSE!”
“Sit down.” Midnight said sternly. She took over the conversation. “While this lesson isn’t exactly meant to play into your hero work, this knowledge can be beneficial out in the field. For example, in some rescue operations, it can take hours for a child to be reunited with their family. Most of the time, medics will take the child and work with police to try and reunite them with their parents, but there are times where a hero must step in and care for and comfort the child. With older children around three to five years old, they’re easier to calm down. You can talk to them and explain the situation and reassure them. But babies and younger children are harder to console in high stress situations. If you learn these things now, you won’t be stressed if you ever get caught in a situation where you’re in charge of a small child. A lot of heroes are inexperienced with child care unless they are a parent themselves or have young family members. Think of this as getting ahead of a problem before it even starts. Make sense?”
Bakugou grumbled and sat back down.
“Eeeee This is going to be fun! We get to take care of cute babies!” Ashido squealed.
“I don’t think it will be that fun, Mina. Babies are a lot of hard work and dedication.” Asui chimed in, a finger lifted up to her lips. She had two younger siblings, so she knew a thing or two about raising kids.
“Correct you are, child.” Recovery Girl said. “The infant stage is one of the toughest stages of child rearing since they can’t communicate their needs and wants with words. It’s a lot of guessing and paying attention to their body language. However, these dolls do not move so you will have to rely on audio cues to guess what the child needs.”
Midnight spoke up. “You will be split up into groups of two all determined by a random draw. Because there are more boys than girls in this class, some of you will end up in a same sex partnership. You do not have to act as a real couple so don’t freak out if you’re partnered with someone you don’t have romantic feelings for. What’s important is teamwork on taking care of the baby. You are in charge of the child for the rest of this week, including the weekend. You may chose to either take turns or to split responsibility evenly. You will be given all the supplies you will need, if you end up needing more, Recovery Girl will help you. At the end of the week you will return the dolls and we will tally up the scores and see which couple has the lowest score. The lowest score is the winner since each mistake is marked based on how severe of a mistake it was. The higher the score, the worse you did. Any more questions?”
Iida quickly raised his hand. Midnight gestured for him to speak. He stood up and loudly asked “If we are to have the baby all day for the rest of the week, what do we do with it while training? You can’t expect us to take the baby with us! That’s highly dangerous and immoral and I would expect better from such a prestigious school!”
“Yes, you’re right. We don’t expect you to keep the doll with you while training. That’s why each of you will have to figure something out. One of you will have to sit out of training unless you can find a better option. Leaving the child in your dorm and hoping for the best is not an option and neither is bringing it to training and leaving it off to the side. It’s like real life. One of the parents has to stay home and care for the child. Sometimes they will get a babysitter but that is not an option for you since the scores need to come from you and your partner only for you to pass. If you really want to train that day, you’ll either have to talk it through with your partner, or train later in the day during your free time.” Midnight answered.
“Thank you very much for clearing this up.” Iida said, bowing deeply before taking his seat.
Midnight clapped her hands. “Alright! With everything out of the way, let’s draw for your partners.” She held up a blue plastic box. “In this box is twenty-two coloured tokens. There are eleven pairs. Each one of you will reach into this box and pull out one token, when everyone has a token, you will be given time to find the person with the same colour token. They will be your partner for the rest of the week. You may not switch partners. Each colour is already assigned to a baby as well, so you don’t get to chose that either.” As she finished explaining she walked around the room letting everyone reach in and pull out a token. When the box was empty she returned to the front and allowed the class to find their partners.
Midoriya and Uraraka had the yellow tokens, Shouji and Asui had the purple tokens, Mina and Kirishima had the red tokens, Kaminari and Jirou had the orange tokens, Hagakure and Yayorozu had the light blue tokens, Sero and Mineta had the black tokens, Usagi and Tokoyami had the dark blue tokens, Todoroki and Ojiro had the pink tokens, Iida and Aoyama had the green tokens, and Satou and Kouda had the white tokens.
You looked down at your brown coloured token and looked back up to scan the room. All your classmates were already paired up and either happily talking about how it would be to raise a baby together or complaining about their partner. You could faintly hear Mineta crying about not being paired up with a girl. You look across the room at Bakugou who was still sat at his desk, glaring at his token.
Upon closer look, you could see that it was the same colour as yours. You sighed, already accepting that you’ll basically be a single parent as you can’t imagine he’d want anything to do with this. You reluctantly stood up and made your way across the classroom to him.
“Um…hey. Looks like we have the same colour. Guess we’re partners for the week.” You said, gently.
“I can fucking see that. I’m not blind, dumbass.” He retorted.
Ah, it seems he’s decided to take on the verbally abusive and absent father route already. You’ll have to do your best to make sure you get a low enough score. You’ve never taken care of a baby before. You had baby dolls as a kid but they’ve never graded you before. This was a whole new challenge and you could feel the anxiety pooling in your stomach.
“Right…well. We should talk about how we want to do this.” You started. “I think we should take turns each day. I could take it today and you take it tomorrow and repeat. I know you probably don’t want to skip a day of training so I can take it during training even on your days. There’s not much really for me to train anyway so I can afford to lose a week of it.” You let out a weak laugh.
Bakugou growled. “Do whatever you want but don’t be stupid. You can train on the days I have it. Don’t stop your training over some dumb doll.”
“But…you would be stopping yours if you-“ You get cut off by the blonde.
“I’m already the best in this whole class! Missing a few days of training isn’t going to do anything. Besides, you’re weak and you need to be at your strongest so I can beat you and prove that I’m the best in this entire school!” He yelled. You think that was a compliment albeit he put it weirdly.
“Ha…yeah…okay.” You replied. Just then the bell rang and everyone started to put their stuff away. You went over to your desk to do the same.
“Please return your tokens to the box! And before you leave, pick up your baby with the matching colour onesie and the bag of necessities. You have the rest of the day to yourselves.” Said Midnight.
You slung your bag onto your back and walked to the front of the room and dropped your token back into the box. You waited for your classmates to fizzle out a bit so you could get your baby. The dolls were all lined up in car seats. You found the one wearing a brown onesie, a girl with blonde hair. You chuckled to yourself at the resemblance to your partner.
You grabbed the handle of the car seat and went to grab the big duffel bag next to it when someone grabbed it before you. You look over to see Bakugou standing over you, glaring off to the side.
“Move it.” He gruffed out as he slung the bag over his shoulder.
You left the classroom with Bakugou trailing behind you, still scowling. You turn around and start walking backwards to face him and hold out the car seat so he could see the doll nestled inside.
“Look. She looks like you.” You giggled. He glanced down at the blonde doll and huffed.
“Watch where you’re going, idiot.” He grumbled. You rolled your eyes and turned back around and followed your classmates to the dorms.
Back in the dorms, everyone was changed out of their school uniforms and gathered in the common room with their new kids. Everyone of course…except for Bakugou, who very grumpily went to his room after dropping the bag of things off at your room.
You had went through the bag and found loads of diapers, clothing, a carrier that strapped to your chest, bottles, a pacifier, and some baby toys. You weren’t exactly sure why you would need toys, considering the baby isn’t actually real, but you guessed you’d find out the reason sooner or later.
You decided to change her out of her boring brown onesie so you picked out a cute outfit from the ones provided. You undid the buckles holding the baby in the car seat (why it came in a car seat when you don’t even know how to drive a car, you will not know) and gently and carefully lifted the little girl out of the seat, making sure to support her head.
As you laid her on the ground and started to undress her, she started making cooing noises.
“Oh! Hello….you must be awake now I guess.” You spoke to the baby as she cooed in reply. “Ha…I guess you are kinda cute.” You felt as if you were talking to yourself.
When your new daughter was dressed, you decided to go to the common room since you thought everyone would be there, and right you were. As you went down the hallway you could hear the excited chatter of your classmates getting louder. When you were in sight, Mina noticed you and waved you over.
“Hey! Come over here! We’re all showing off our babies!” She excitedly exclaimed. As you walked over, Kirishima stood up from his spot beside Mina and offered the space to you. You thanked him as you sat down and readjusted your baby in your arms.
“Course! What kinda man would I be if I didn’t offer a seat to a lady with a baby!” He replied. Ever so chivalrous, he is.
“Ha! That rhymed.” Kaminari pointed out.
“Awww you got a girl? How lucky!” Mina squealed. “Kirishima and I got a boy. We named him Kenji.” You looked down at her lap where the doll was laid on its back.
“You named it?” You asked.
“Well yeah! We can’t just keep calling him “it” and “the baby”.” She explained as if it was obvious.
Iida then chimed in, his baby tucked securely in one of his arms. “Yes, I suppose it would be beneficial to name the child. This is supposed to be taken seriously and we can not leave a child unnamed!”
There were murmurs of agreement throughout the room as everyone talked with their partners on what they should name their baby. You looked down to the small blonde doll in your arms that let out another coo and softly smiled.
“Riki…” You thought to yourself. “I’ll call you Riki.”
“Riki?” Bakugou gawked. “You gave it a name?”
Bakugou was helping with making dinner, well, it was more like he forced everyone to let him do most of it because “no one was doing it right”. You were stood out of the way but within talking distance, your newly named baby in one arm and holding a bottle up to her mouth as she “ate”.
“First off, she’s a she not an “it”. Secondly, everyone in the class named their baby. We have to take this seriously and I’m not going to call her an “it” the whole week. Besides…I thought Riki would be a good name. It means “strong”….and since she kinda looks like you, I figured you’d want your kid to be strong like you so…” You trailed off looking down at the doll in your arms. “We can change it though if you really don’t like it.”
Bakugou huffs. “No…call it-…..call her whatever you want.” He continues to cook in silence. There’s a faint blush on his cheeks. You smile softly at him. Maybe you won’t have to do this alone after all.
The first day goes by smoothly. You had a bit of a learning curve with changing the diaper but you managed after help from Yayorozu. Who knew she’d be so good at something like that?
You had just settled down into bed after putting Riki to “sleep” and were scrolling on your phone. It was about 10pm, most people were still awake but you knew the person you wanted to talk to most more than likely wasn’t. He went to bed at 8:30pm every night, even on weekends.
You stared at your screen open on Bakugou’s blank private messages page. UA made an app for the students to contact each other and teachers with. It worked like a regular texting app, every class had their own group chat and you could private message each other, even students from other classes. All of them were accessible to staff if needed though.
You didn’t know if you should even bother asking him if he’s still going to take Riki tomorrow. Plus you didn’t want to wake him up. You were about to turn your phone off when you got a message from Mina. You open up her message and see a picture of Kirishima with his hair down, asleep on one of the couches in the common room with their baby on his chest. You laughed quietly to yourself and responded with a cute reaction meme. You thought they would make an interesting pair for this project.
You turned off your phone and plugged it in to charge and set it on your bedside table. You got comfortable in bed and closed your eyes. It would take you a while to fall asleep so you started to let your mind wander. You realized that tomorrow Bakugou will miss out on training if he takes the baby. He already told you earlier today in class not to worry about it and to focus on your own training…but you genuinely couldn’t think on how training would benefit you.
Your quirk has always been more of a supporting quirk rather than one that could do well in a fight one on one. Your quirk is called Cheer, by speaking words of encouragement to someone, you can make your target stronger both physically and emotionally. The reverse also works, if you berate someone it makes them weaker. You can use it on more than one person but its effects get weaker the more people you use it in at once. There’s also a major weakness to your quirk. Anytime you berate someone, you gain confidence, but when you encourage someone, it takes away your confidence. Because of this you feel inferior to everyone else in your class. Even Mineta has a more useful quirk in combat than you do. You’re basically forced to sit on the sidelines and watch people fight. It helps in rescue operations but you still wished you could fight like everyone else. You only managed to get into the hero course because you racked up enough rescue points and got lucky with a three pointer.
It’s ironic that someone with an inferiority complex got paired up with someone with a superiority complex. It’s even more ironic that you managed to gain a crush on the bastard too.
It was now Tuesday morning and Bakugou was sat in his room staring at the doll in its car seat.
You had entered the common room already dressed in your uniform with Riki in the seat. Hero training was the first class that morning so anyone who was in charge of their baby that day stayed behind and would join everyone later for normal classes. Your tie wasn’t done yet and your skirt was pulled up a little too high, showing off more thigh than you usually do, as you were in a rush since Riki wouldn’t stop crying and you couldn’t figure out why. She had finally managed to settle down when you gave her the included pacifier.
You weren’t much of a breakfast eater, especially if you were training in the morning so you didn’t go to the kitchen. You noticed Bakugou sat on one of the couches drinking something out of a mug. He was wearing a simple black tank top and sweatpants.
“Oh Bakugou! There you are. I’m guessing since you’re not in uniform you’re still taking Riki today.” You sat the car seat on the floor near him and started doing your tie. You knew you were just going to have to take it off soon to change into your hero costume but you still wanted to show up looking like you at least tried. “So I figured out that she makes different noises depending on what she wants. Most of the time she just wants to be held or given a pacifier so she makes really whiny sounds that almost sound like a cry. She was just crying now and the only thing that made her stop was the pacifier so she might start up again soon. I made a smaller bag of her things like diapers and her bottle just so you’re not carrying a big ass duffel bag later.” You were almost rivalling Midoriya with how fast you were muttering, you didn’t mean to but you didn’t want to be late and you kept fumbling with your tie.
As you were smoothing out your front, you felt a pair of hands grab the bottom of your skirt and start to pull down. You shrieked and smacked the hands away and turned around to see (to the best of your ability) Hagakure behind you.
“Oh my god, Hagakure! I had no idea who was behind me! You scared me thinking it was Mineta pulling at my skirt.” You laughed and grabbed onto the girls arms.
“Ahhh I’m sorry! I just noticed your skirt was up a lot higher than normal and you almost showed off a bit too much.” The invisible girl explained as you fixed your skirt. “Come on, we got to get to class!”
“Right, yeah, I’m coming.” You responded as Hagakure held your hand. You quickly turned to Bakugou again who once again had a faint blush dusting his cheeks. “You sure you’ll be okay? I know it’s only for an hour before I see you again so if you want to pawn her off to me next class then that’s fine.”
“Tch…how incompetent do you think I am? Of course I can take care of some stupid doll for an hour!” He barked back at you.
You felt Hagakure pulling you towards the front door. “Ok, well…see you later then!” You said as you finally took off with your friend, leaving Bakugou and a few others scattered around the common room.
“Heyyy, Bakugou! You get stuck on babysitting duty too?” Kaminari taunted, his baby settled in a carrier strapped to his chest.
Bakugou growled. “It’s not babysitting when it’s your own kid you idiot. And you look dumb with that thing on.” He stood up and grabbed the handle of the car seat and went off to his room. He could hear Kaminari complaining as he left.
Now here he was, in his room having a staring match with a doll. He wasn’t sure what to do for an hour, let along with a baby. He glanced up at some math homework left on his desk and decided to finish it up so he was ahead of everyone else in class. Ten minutes past when his concentration was interrupted by whining. He looked over at the car seat that was faced away from him at this angle and sighed. He reached over and turned it around.
“Jesus. She didn’t mention how fucking annoying it would be.” He muttered to himself as he undid the straps and lifted the baby out. “What the hell is your problem, huh?” He asked, surprisingly not as loud as he normally would. He thought maybe she was hungry and remembered you said something about a small bag with her bottle in it. He looked around but couldn’t find it. In fact, he didn’t remember seeing any bag with the baby anyway. He grumbled as he picked up his phone and opened up the messaging app and sent you a private message.
In the locker rooms you heard your phone buzz and decided to look at it as you were changing. You saw a notification from Bakugou and quickly opened it.
Katsuki Bakugou: hey, dumbass. she’s crying but I can’t find that bag you were talking about
You winced as you remembered that you never actually grabbed the bag in your rush to get downstairs.
You: damn I must have forgotten it in my room, sorry. feel free to go and grab it. my room code is 6678 it should be on my desk. you know which floor I’m on right?
Bakugou scoffed.
Katsuki Bakugou: yes I know. I’m not stupid.
You: never said you were <3 have fun lol
You didn’t realize you sent the heart. It was muscle memory from texting with your friends, but it sent Bakugou for a loop.
After he had quickly made his way to the second floor and grabbed the bag you mentioned, he went back to his room where he had left the baby on his bed. Her whining had turned into crying by now.
“Alright, Alright! I got your damn stuff.” Bakugou sat on the floor and settled the doll into his arm. He removed the pacifier and held the bottle up to its mouth. He felt relieved when the crying stopped. “This is fucking ridiculous.” He thought out loud.
He rested his back on his bed and started to drift off in to thought. Why did you send that heart? Did you mean to do it? Was it a reflex? Were you making fun of him? No…that couldn’t be right. You were one of the few that took him seriously. Sure you teased him sometimes, but not as much as the others. He thought back to a time where he accidentally overheard something he probably shouldn’t have that still made his heart feel weird.
Bakugou was making his way to the kitchen to get something to drink. He could hear you and the other girls of Class 1A giggling and talking about random shit.
He was going to ignore the group when something made him stop in his tracks right before he would be seen.
“Sooo, who do you like?” Mina asked with a teasing voice.
“Who, me?” You asked as Mina nodded. All eyes were on you and you felt yourself blush. “Well…I guess I kinda have a thing for Bakugou…” You answered shyly, playing with the hem of your shirt.
“What?!” “Wait, Bakugou?!” “Really?” The girls cried out in unison.
“Why is that so shocking? You guys seriously don’t think he’s at least a little bit attractive?” You inquired.
Bakugou stiffened at the confession and he felt his heartbeat speed up. You…had a crush on him? Someone actually was interested in him romantically?
“You don’t think all his yelling and name calling is a turn off?” Uraraka asked.
“Hm…not really. Sure he says some mean stuff but…he doesn’t actually mean it.” You reasoned.
“I don’t know…he always seems to be serious about it. I mean he doesn’t even know our names.” Jirou huffed.
“Yes he does!” You laughed. “He’s not stupid. He’s a lot smarter than I think any of you give him credit for.”
“He is in the top our class academic wise as well as hero wise.” Yayorozu chimes in.
“Exactly. Have none of you realized that a lot of his plans actually work? He may seem like he’s rushing into things but it’s obvious he’s put clear thought into his plans. And the fact that he can make one up that quickly is impressive. He’s also more compassionate than you’d think.” You said, leaning back on the couch.
“Well I think you’re wrong with that.” Tsu replied.
“Because you guys are only seeing the surface level. You’re not reading in between the lines. For example, remember when we just moved into the dorms, the talk Mr. Aizawa had with us outside?” They nodded. “When Mr. Aizawa left, you could feel the uncomfortable tension in the class at being reminded of what happened. Bakugou grabbed Kaminari and made him go all dumb because he knew it would make everyone laugh. And it did! The tension was gone instantly! Bakugou really does care, he just doesn’t know how to show it like other people. And remember the school festival? He totally could’ve refused to play the drums but he did it anyway! That’s what I like about him. He’s not a cold hearted asshole, he just wants you to think he is. I use to be like that too.” You trailed off, looking ashamed.
“Wait. YOU were an asshole?” Mina prodded.
You sighed and nodded. “Yeah, back when I first got my quirk. I realized that putting other people down gave me a lot of confidence. I went on a power trip and started bullying everyone. I started to realize that the “friends” that I did have were only my “friends” so they could escape my words. Made me feel like shit when I found out. Now I hate using my quirk like that unless absolutely necessary. But yeah….I see through Bakugou’s walls and I guess it just made me fall for him.” You changed the subject.
“Wow…you’re whipped for him, aren’t you?” Mina teased.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just don’t tell him that. I don’t need him on my ass about it.” You blushed and waved her off.
“You sure you don’t want him on your ass?” Mina teased again.
“OH SHUT UP!” You threw a pillow at her as the girls laughed.
Bakugou had zoned out at that memory. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, it’s your fault for being so damn loud and talking about him in the first place! It’s been a few weeks since that and it’s still fresh in his mind. Did he like you back? He wasn’t sure. On one hand he was pissed at how you managed to figure him out so easily, but on the other hand…he felt comforted knowing someone understood him and didn’t make fun of him for it. He will admit that you weren’t that bad looking or as stupid as everyone else. He did wish you would see the potential you had with your quirk, though. He could feel his cheeks start to heat up and he scoffed, snapping out of his thoughts and looking back down at the doll in his arms.
“I guess…she’s not so bad…” He said softly to Riki.
Training had finished and you and the rest of your classmates were on your way to your next class.
Upon entering the classroom you noticed everyone that had skipped out on training standing around, babies either in their arms, strapped to their chest, or in the car seat. Bakugou was sat in his spot, chin in his hand looking out the window to his left.
You had a few minutes to spare before class started so you walked up to your partner. “Hey! How’d it go? Was she fussy?” You asked as you squatted down to see Riki, who was in her car seat on the floor next to his desk.
“Tch, no. I told you I know what I’m doing.” He grumbled.
“I’m pretty sure none of us know what we’re doing but it’s nice to know that you’re taking this seriously.” You replied standing back up.
“HA? YOU THINK I WOULD’NT? YOU THINK I’M NOT CAPABLE OF THIS?” He yelled as he let off small explosions.
“Course not. I did kinda think you would end up leaving most of this to me though. But it’s nice that you’re playing along.” You smiled sincerely.
Iida started ushering everyone to their assigned seats as class was about to begin. You patted Bakugou on his shoulder and left to your seat near the back of the class.
He clenched his fists and glared down at his desk, he could feel his heartbeat going wild again.
A few days had passed and it was now Friday night and you were at your wits end.
It was your day with Riki and she had been crying non stop for thirty minutes now. You were pacing your room with her in your arms as the doll “sobbed” louder and louder with each agonizing minute. You had no idea what was wrong; you tried feeding her, changing her diaper, holding her, giving her a pacifier, you even tried the toys that they provided but nothing was working!
You were close to tears yourself as you thought about how this would affect your grade and how pissed Bakugou would be if you ruined it. The whole week went by just fine, it never took this long for her to settle down. You had gotten lucky with the baby you were given as she was so easy to care for, but this moment right now was proving difficult.
Feeling like you had no other choice, you left your room with your still wailing daughter in your arms and quickly made your way up to Bakugou’s room.
You knocked on his door while still trying to shush Riki. When Bakugou opened the door, he looked like he had just woken up which made you start ranting.
“Bakugou, fuck, I’m so sorry to bother you right now I know you like to go to bed early but she’s been crying like this for like thirty minutes now and I’ve tried everything but she just won’t stop crying and I don’t know what to do and I’m probably gonna make us fail cause I can’t get her to fucking stop and I just…” You panted “…can you please help me?” You nearly whined.
“Give her to me.” Bakugou reached out as you transferred her into his arms. He walked away with the crying doll, leaving his door open. You decided that was an invitation so you slipped into his room and gently closed the door behind you. You watched as Bakugou gently bounced the doll in his arms and started petting its blonde head.
You stared in awe as Riki started to finally quiet down until she was silent. You breathed out a sigh of relief but tears started to quickly gather in your eyes. Bakugou had opened his balcony door and stepped outside to the cool air. You ran a hand through your messy hair and followed them out onto the balcony. The not quite freezing but cold air nipping at your skin. It felt nice as you didn’t even notice that you were sweating from the stress. You bent over and rested your elbows on the railing and placed your head in your hands, trying to hold back your tears.
“She had been crying for so long…I tried everything but nothing worked. But the minute you have her she finally stops. What the hell am I doing wrong? Why am I such a bad mother?” You muttered more to yourself but your partner could hear you anyways.
A minute of silence went by as you tried to not let your tears fall when Bakugou finally spoke up, surprising gently. “Don’t beat yourself up over something you barely know how to handle.”
He leaned his back against the railing next to you. His arm barely grazing against your shoulder, his way of trying to comfort you. You sniffed and dropped your arms from your head and looked forward out into the dark courtyard.
“She’s been perfect this entire week. Nothing I couldn’t handle…but she just had to act like a total brat tonight.” You sighed.
“Hey.” Bakugou said sternly. “Don’t call our daughter a brat…that’s my line.”
You laughed at that, completely overlooking the fact that you called the doll “our daughter”. Bakugou softly smiled at your laugh, also not realizing exactly what he said. But her certainly felt his heart flutter as he looked down at the baby in his arms.
Bakugou decided he’d take her for the rest of the night so you could get some sleep. It was his turn tomorrow anyway.
Monday had come by quickly, thus, ending the project. Recovery Girl had collected the dolls, and you couldn’t lie, you felt a little sad at the fact that you won’t have Riki around anymore. The class waited in anticipation to see whose grade was the lowest.
When the results came in, Midnight stood at the front of the class once again and started to call out the grades.
“Coming in last place is Sero and Mineta with a sixty-five.” Mineta started screaming about how unfair it was and that they got a faulty doll. “Todoroki and Ojiro have a score of thirty-four, Kaminari and Jirou have a thirty, Iida and Aoyama a twenty-seven, Usagi and Tokoyami with twenty-five, Shouji and Asui with twenty-one, Hagakure and Yayorozu with twenty, Mina and Kirishima with an eighteen, Satou and Kouda with a fifteen, Bakugou and (Y/N) with a score of eight, and lastly, coming in first place with the best score is Midoriya and Uraraka with a three! Good work everyone. I hope you all learned some valuable lessons from this experience!” Midnight finished.
There were high fives and cheers coming from the people with the lower scores and talks of what they could’ve done better from the people with higher marks.
You stared down at your desk smiling. Eight wasn’t so bad, right? Much better than what Mineta got.
At the front of the class, Bakugou has turned his head back to look at you and softly smiled to himself when he saw your relief. He turned back around to look down at his hands as he played with his pen. He could hear Midoriya and Uraraka being congratulated for the lowest score and for once in his life….he didn’t mind coming in second.
Twelve years later, Bakugou had established himself as the number two hero with his own agency. You worked along side him as his number one sidekick. You both grew a lot since high school and grew closer from the experience. You managed to get rid of your inferiority complex and become more comfortable with using your quirk against villains rather than standing by and cheering on the heroes. You can also hold your own in combat pretty well now and you have a slew of support items to help.
But instead of kicking ass on the street you were laid out on a hospital bed after the longest 7 hours of your life. You were sweaty and exhausted, but it was all worth it as you looked at the little bundle in your arms. A head of blonde hair was peaking out of the blanket.
“What should we name her?” You whispered to the person leaning over you with their hand on your head and looking lovingly down at the newborn.
“…..Riki.” Bakugou said softly.
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tootiecakes234 · 7 months
First Kiss
Your first kiss with Katsuki was overwhelming…
The two of you have been friends since U.A. You’ve gotten so close over past couple years to the point where if your friends saw you they expected him not to be far behind and vice versa.
Best friends, that’s what you’ve settled with because you know Kat had 0 interest in you outside of that. You’ve seen the girls he’s hooked up with and you did not fit that type at all.
And don’t get it wrong, you loved being his best friend. He taught you stand up for yourself and you’d taught him how to speak to people with some level of respect. You guys were good together… yin and yang you liked to think
One night, you’re leaving a hangout you guys had at Mina’s place and Kat is walking you home. It was cool out that night and the moon was shining so bright you could still see the clouds in the sky. Apparently you had been gotten lost looking up at it.
“Oi, earth to y/n…. Get your ass moving. I’m exhausted and I’m ready to get home.”
When you come back to reality and look at him, he does look tired. It was almost 11:30pm and Kat had a strict bed time of 9:30…. 10 if he was feeling frisky.
“You do realize I don’t need you to walk me home. I’m a pro hero. I think I can take care of myself”
“Psh…. It’s not a criminal I’m worried about taking you out. It’s your clumsy ass coordination. You’re going to end up offing yourself if you don’t learn how to walk like an adult”
Ok so yea… maybe you had sprained your ankle last year while walking up some stairs. That’s wasn’t your fault tho… it was the stair ‘s fault.
“Are you ever gonna let that go?? Isn’t it getting a little old?”
“It still makes me laugh so nope…”
You rolled your eyes at him. He’s such a dick.
You were now walking up the same previously mentioned stairs to your apartment with Katsuki on your heels.
“ Are these the tights you were talking about the other day?? The ones that make your ass look “the best it’s ever looked””
“ Yea!!! Doesn’t it look amazing??!? I gave Mina the link while we were at her house because she mention how fantastic they looked on me”
“Sure I guess. I ain’t seen anything your ass doesn’t look good in but whatever you say”
You didn’t know what to say to that. He was just upfront like that. The man had little to no filter. Thank god you were at your door. You were unlocking it and about to go inside..
You turned around to look at him.
“What’s up”
“I uhm… well….”
“Come on, spit it out. I ain’t got all night”
He stared you directly in your eyes and said
“Fuck it”
Before you had time to react you were pressed up against the wall and his lips were on yours. Calling what happened a kiss seemed to be a real understatement. It was more like he was consuming you. More so than he already had. You got lost in him. Your hands were in his hair and his arms were around your waist pressing you against him.
When he pulled away you found yourself chasing his lips because you were afraid if it stopped, it might never start again.
“Next time, instead of bitching to raccoon eyes about how you don’t think you’re my type, just come straight to me dumbass. Since when do you keep secrets from me?”
You were really trying to pull your train of thought together but it was really hard when his lips still looked so inviting.
Kat realizes you’re not paying attention to him and flicks you in the forehead.
“Hey asshole. You know I hate when you do that”
“Then pull yourself together. I know I kiss like a god but that doesn’t mean you get to space out.”
He was smirking at you. Katsuki Bakugo had just kissed you and was now standing in front of you looking all suave and handsome. If you died here, you’d die a very happy person.
Your brain started playing catch and you realized something
“So you were eavesdropping on a private conversation?? And I wasn’t bitching… she was asking about you and me yet again and I was explaining to her that I didn’t think it’d ever happen”
You said the last part a little softer because you were embarrassed talking about all of this
“I wasn’t eavesdropping… it was shitty hair. Idk what you think my type is but apparently you got it all wrong”
He does not elaborate or tell you that you are his type. He just leaves it at that so you side step it
“I’m gonna kill Eiji…”
You guys sit there for a second until
“Anyways I’m tired . I’m going home to salvage the little bit of sleep I am going to get tonight. See ya later.”
And he turned to leave. Just like that.
“So that’s it… you kiss me, reveal my biggest secret and leave”
All you can do is sit there befuddled and confused.
“Yep. See ya tomorrow”
Katsuki actually leaves after that. He was not playing about his sleep. You do get a message about 10minutes later letting you know he’s home and also requesting the link to the tights you had on that night.
You ask him why he needs that and all he says is that you need them in more colors than just black… ha! You knew your ass looked good in these!
*you do not know until weeks later that in his head, that kiss was the start of y’all’s relationship. Asshole never does actually ask you but what else do you really expect from the angry Pomeranian?🤷🏾‍♀️
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igotanidea · 4 months
Weekend came early: Jason Todd x reader
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A/N: I wish you all happy, evenful weekend ;)
It was just teasing. Nothing more. She really didn’t plan for it to end up like this.
Given how good she knew Jason’s tendency to get jealous easily--
Maybe she actually did?
It was Friday evening, the best day of the week, since there was two free out-of-work days on the horizon. Days Jason and Y/N were supposed to spend together for the first time in forever. He promised her that – no fighting, no blood, no patching up injuries and no vigilante bullshit.
His promise only encompassed Saturday and Sunday, never including Friday.
Friday was the day when – as usual he was going to go on patrol and beat the shit out of some thugs, while playing the anti-hero.
And that left Y/N forced to tend to herself. To take care of herself in every possible meaning  of the word.
“What are you up to?” he peeked into the bedroom, observing his girlfriend, who was currently sitting in front of the mirror putting on her makeup and doing her hair, which was surprising to say the least. Ever since they met each other, years ago, dolling up and Y/N were two words that had rarely fitted in one sentence. Of course, since she was a woman, mascara, eyeshadows, lipstick and all other  make-up stuff Jason didn’t know the name of, was coming in handy sometimes, but--!. What the hell was she doing dressing up while he was about to go out?! Why was her hair shiny and flowing down her shoulders and back like a waterfall giving away the most intoxicating smell of her shampoo? Why were her lips red and her eyes so fucking seductive, highlighted by the distinct make up he never saw her wearing before!? And that look she gave him upon hearing his words? That teasing smile that adorned her face?!
What?” she teased turning towards him with a glint in the eyes. “Can’t a girl look good for herself? Am I supposed to wear sweatpants and have tear stains on my face just because you are out red hooding?”
“YES!” he had to put a hell lot of effort to prevent himself from bursting out with all the rage boiling inside him. Instead he settled on clenching his fist as a substitute for punching the wall. “Yes, you’re supposed to be pretty only for me!” Jason couldn’t care less that he was sounding like a male chauvinist.
“Now that’s a little mean, don’t you think?” she grinned innocently, batting her eyelashes freshly mascara-painted “I thought I was pretty all the time, not only when—“
“DO NOT FUCKING PLAY WITH ME Y/N!” it was so hard to hold back all that rage, jealousy, fear and the sudden feeling of betrayal. Almost as if the upcoming taking on the role of the Red Hood was influencing his behaviour as Jason Todd, the boyfriend¸ who was  always caring and gentle and loving.
Huh, apparently not anymore…..
Y/N only rolled her eyes in response, absolutely unfazed by the sudden change of tone, quickly putting finishing touches and getting up from behind the dressing table. Allowing Jason to see her fucking dress for the first time.
That piece of material was barely covering her, but perfectly accentuated her body, all those ideally shaped curves in all the right places.
His curves.
Fuck, he could already feel himself growing, the tactical pants becoming tight in the places they were not supposed to at the moment. She was doing it on purpose cause it was impossible that after all those years together she was oblivious and this stupid.
“Something wrong, baby?” her hips swayed when she took a few steps forward and put her hand on his bare shoulder. Right, cause he was only wearing his pants and no chest armour and jacket when her unusual preparations caught his attention, causing him to emerge from the bathroom.
“Where the hell are you going?!” he hissed  moving away from her touch despite all the instincts telling him otherwise.
“Oh, you know it’s nothing, just—“
“I told you to not play with me.”
“And I told you repeatedly that I am not intimidated by –“
‘Well maybe you should be.”  Just one move of his almost got her cornered. Almost, being the key word here, since the girl saw right through him, capably sneaking away.
“Don’t act crazy Jason. I’m just going out to have some fun.”
“Yeah.” she said in a completely innocent tone reaching for her coat “with my other boyfriend”
Jason froze.
Only for a second though.
And then his blood boiled.
She said other boyfriend.
“What did you just say?” the atmosphere in the apartment turned from playful and teasing into serious and heavy in a blink of an eye. “How many other boys do you have?!”
“Three, currently. “
“Had more, but cut down when we started dating. Besides you’re still my favourite so I don’t understand why you’re so angry about it. You’re the best in bed and -“
“WHAT?!!”  Was she even serious!  If Jason was the best that meant she had something to compare. Which could have only indicated that Y/N-. “You slept with someone else other than me!?”
Just the thought of other man kissing her in a way only he was allowed to, was too much. And there was a clear indication that there was more than just kissing. Other man- men- touched her. Traced her body, felt her moving underneath him, heard her calling- moaning- his name, had her hands all over him. Tasted her in a way that was reserved only for him. For Jason Peter Todd. Her fucking boyfriend.  
 “No.” he hissed grabbing her wrist and spinning her to him before she reached the door. “No.” Y/N met with eyes filled with lust and rage.
“What are you--?” she stuttered feeling him press her into the wall, not doing anything explicit, yet, but observing her like a prey, leaving minimum space between their bodies, once again trying to intimidate her and making it work this time.
“You won’t allow anyone to do what I do to you.” He leaned to whisper in her ear, hot breath laced with possessiveness hit her face “You understand me princess?” the unexpected grip and caress on her hips caused a little shiver to run through her body. “You’re mine. M-I-N-E, baby…” 
“You’re—You’re not the boss of me—“ she whimpered making it a little less firm than intended.
“Oh, I am not the boss?” he smirked tightening the grip on her, running fingers over her side, hooking over the hem of her short dress, tracing over her smooth thigh. “Maybe I should show you otherwise then?”
“I’m going—“ Y/N squirmed reaching for the doorknob
“Oh baby, I’m not really letting you.” Her wrist was gripped and pinned back to the wall next to her side stopping her from any movement.
“Good luck stopping me-“
There was really no space for her to fight him anymore, with those vigilante eyes tuned in on the slightest change in her expression, but she was trying nonetheless.
“You really want me to let you go, baby?” his lips brushed her cheek, his body pressing more into her. “Let another man touch you? Kiss you? See what belongs to me?” Jason’s thigh pressed between her legs causing her instinctive reaction in the form of grinding on it. “are you going to sleep with him?” he lifted the hem of her dress, reaching fingers to the inside of her thigh getting the exact shiver he craved.
“Yes!” she squealed even though her behaviour didn’t match the words at all.
“No, baby.”  He smiled softly, but his eyes were brutal and it wasn’t hard to guess what was coming for her if she kept on pushing and defying any longer.
She never finished that sentence, getting pressed into the wall as Jason’s strong body claimed hers. He was done being gentle, biting her bottom lip, lifting her dress all the way up, instantly tearing off her little fancy panties, grabbing the back of her thighs wrapping her legs around him.
Grinding into her heat with the urgency and power of a predator brought to extreme.
The kiss was brutal to say the least. Almost violent. Boosted by the thought of her in the arms of another man. He won’t ever let it happen. She was his.
His, his, his. Only his.
And he was not going to share.
“Jason—“ she whimpered, but he didn’t listen. He was already ripping the upper part of her dress of, biting her neck, moving lips over her collarbone, kissing the part of her breast that weren’t covered by the bra. Marking the soft skin, making sure to leave a reminder who she belonged to. In case she forgot.
“Shit…” she moaned pulling at his hair, tightening her legs on him, leaving a wet trail on the pants he still had on.
Those actions only spurred him on, pushing him to rip off her bra, not caring whether it might have been expensive or her favourite, it had to go. Her breasts and those already stiff, pebbled nipples being the main object of his interest at the moment.
“Mine.” He hissed with voice hoarse, deep, full of uncontrollable lust for her body, grabbing onto the soft bosom, palming it and squeezing mercilessly in primal need to see the hand-shaped bruises all over it. “mine”. The other breast was devoured with his lips and tongue that was capably tasting her nipple, flicking and licking in that perfect way that never failed to make her melt into him. He knew exactly where and how to touch to elicit the perfect sounds and turn them both on to the extreme. For example, he was fully aware that tracing one finger at her sensitive spot, just at the swell of her chest, close to the side would make her cry out in pleasure and get even more wet. Making it so much easier to slid inside later.
“Jason!!” she grinded on him, raking nails down his back, scratching and leaving red marks in their wakes. Her back arched to him, wanting rather to feel his warm, broad bare chest rather than cold hard wall he was relentlessly pressing her into, getting possessive, dominant in the need to trap her.
His mind was screaming with simple thoughts: Possess her. Own her. Devour her.  Fuck her brains out.
They were already high, not even getting to the best part yet. And damn, she was dripping from the need of him.
“Yeah?” he gasped pulling back only to resume his touches, tracing over her thigh getting another string of desperate mewls, smirking in complacency. “what did you want to say princess….?”
“I’m listening….” His lips moved higher, brushing over her breast, neck, jaw, moving towards her earlobe, which he bit lightly. “You have my whole attention…”
“Mhm…” she tried to reach to his zipper, but Jason couldn’t let her have what she wanted just yet. She need to be taught what exclusivity meant. “Need you—“
“I know baby…” he smirked again, grinding his hardness more into her. Her sobbing and pleading didn’t do much to change his mind
“Please!” she sobbed, trying once more to free him, but ending up with hands pinned above her head completely helpless and at his mercy. She awoken the animal.
“Say my name princess.”
“who do you belong to!?”
“You!” she moaned through the tears of need, burning from the desire to feel him, touch him, aching for the sensation only he could bring her.
“That’s fucking right. ME.”
One movement and one scream later she finally got what she wanted. It was just so easy for him to claim her given the fact she was already dripping with arousal.
At this point control was out the window.
Pushing, pulling, moving.
Lips clashing, teeth biting, hands exploring each other's bodies like they were meeting the soft skin and defined muscles all over again. Building the intensity and pleasure as never before.
Pain and pleasure.
Possessiveness and softness.
Almost there!
She was so soft, so warm, so fucking delicious and wet.
He was covered with sweat unable to hold back grunts and squeezing her body, hurting her and adoring all at once.
So close...
Yes, yes, yes!
When she screamed his name one more time, digging nails into his back with the force she didn’t know she had, he had no choice but to follow right after.
Never ever before falling into the bottomless pit were so good.
Becoming one.
“Was I too rough?”
They vaguely remembered the moment when Jason, with the last of his strength, filled with care and bliss, cradled her in his arms carrying to the bed.
Silkiness of the sheets, gentle kisses and caresses, devoid of rush and voracity were the most stark and the most welcomed contrast to what they did against the wall some time earlier.
“No.” she smiled at him, their blissful eyes meeting. ‘I mean, maybe a little, but no.”
“Well in my defence—“ he started, the guilt upon seeing all her bruises and bite marks taking hold on him.
“There’s no one else but you.” Her soft voice and subtle touch on his cheek cut him off.
“I lied.” She sighed, not apologising about it.
 “What? Why?”
“I don’t even know now.” Y/N rolled on her back, stretching herself without covering her body testing Jason’s self-control once more.
“Is there a possibility you missed me that much it forced you to push me past my limits?” he smirked, tracing one finger over her exposed belly in a very suggestive manner.
“You’re such a prick Jason Todd. I’m not adding to your blown up ego…”
“Maybe not with words—“ he laughed not stopping his actions, enjoying the Goosebumps that covered her body. “Admit it. You did miss me.”
“Mh. It’s impossible to wait till Saturday and Sunday to have you all to myself” She muttered
“Well I suppose the weekend came early for you baby.” He rolled on top of her starting another round.
Red hood, duties and that little dent in the wall that would cause them to say goodbye to the deposit money, has just became meaningless for the upcoming two and a half days.
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wandascrush · 2 months
Let the light in
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Summary: The Avengers are separated after being hunted down and forced to live life on the low, causing a painful break up with the love of your life. What happens when she finds you again? Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!reader
A/N: Based off of this request
Warnings: Angst, violence, loneliness, blood, breakup, team separated, depression, kissing, comfort
Song: Let the light in- Lana Del Rey
The team sat around the dark living room, the familiar voice of one of New York's most famous news anchors echoing in through the air, “Good evening New Yorkers, today we open our headline with some shocking news:  Former Stark enterprise building, located on the upper east side, exploded earlier today by a missile attack on the Avengers. Sources say Tony Stark was currently using it to house new plans for an updated Avengers training arena and larger compound.  Two architects, three investors, and one security manager was injured. Two of the victims later succumbed to their injuries after the explosion. Reports confirming the source of the violence are still unknown, however the Avengers were believed to have been inside the building at the time- hence the attack. The founding members of the Avengers Initiative such as Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Thor Odinson, Y/N L/N, and Clint Barton have yet to speak out. This marks the second targeted attack on our world’s heroes in nearly a month since the Maximoff twins incident in Barbados, where Pietro Maximoff was nearly assassinated. It raises the question for us all: Are our heroes being hunted?” 
The screen went black, bye bye news lady. The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. “What’re we gonna do Tony?” You got no answer. 
For the first time in the decade you’d known the team, (except for the Maximoffs & Peter) you saw uncertainty in all of their eyes. Tony threw his classic sunglasses on the couch, squeezing the middle of his nose in a useless attempt to massage an oncoming headache away, “Fury… thought it’d be wise if we split up for awhile-,” he was quickly shut up with protests from the group.
“It’s too dangerous. This isn't easy for me, but we're facing a threat that's beyond anything we've encountered before. I've crunched the numbers, run simulations – the Avengers need to disband temporarily. We scatter, go off the grid, and regroup when the dust settles.”
“This is bullshit, Tony. You know it is. This is exactly what they want-” 
“Tasha,” your gentle touch on her back always softened her heart, but not today. She didn’t even look at you. 
“It’s not the end, Nat. It’s like a strategic retreat. We're ensuring we'll live to fight another day. For once, I’m with Stark on this. We play it safe, keep low profiles, and spread out,” Steve sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees and taking a hard look at everyone, “we’re family, we keep each other safe. And this is how we do it.” 
As much as the idea made your stomach churn, he was right. He always was. This was your family. Every holiday, happy memory, laugh and cry and battle and bruise was all with them. This team is how you met the love of your life. You loved each other, and if this is what needed to happen, then you’d do it. 
But that didn’t sit well with your girlfriend. 
“No, end of story. We’re not separating.”
“You know I don’t think it’s just you’re choice, Natasha. I mean we have to decide this together,” your fingers lightly brushed the edge of the bed, nervously playing with the soft sheets you had just bought.
“Exactly, and I. Said. No.” She was acting like a stubborn toddler that didn’t want to eat her veggies, crossing her arms and raising her voice an octave.
It was then when you saw something different in her eyes, those beautiful green orbs that held so much sadness and joy at the same time. But today they were cloudy, like a storm was brewing in her mind. You gently slipped off of the bed and stood in front of her, pressing your forehead to hers, “You know it’s going to be okay, right?” soft palms caressed the side of her cheek, immediately feeling her sigh into your touch. “It’s going to be okay, you’ll see.” You wish your words were true. 
    Two months later the Avengers were spreading out all across the U.S., saying choked up goodbyes and packing your things. It was agreed upon that there’d be a team meeting once a month, every month, for the next year until you could figure out who the threat was, and how to eliminate them. You thought San Francisco sounded nice, fresh, and a little more peaceful than the hustle and bustle of New York. And it was, for a time. You got a haircut, dyed your gorgeous h/c locks to a rich h/c shade. You bought a sweet little home with a bay window over looking the Golden Gate Bridge, started building an in home gym and library, and kept an extremely low profile. You finished file work and other Avengers paperwork at home, with a high security grade laptop. Natasha on the other hand, refused to dye her hair, or keep a low profile. She didn’t want to admit that she was depressed, but it was glaringly oblivious. Being thrown out of her comforting routine put a wrench in Natasha’s life that not even you, her beautiful girl, could fix. All day she would do her paperwork, workout, and just keep to herself. It was like you weren’t even girlfriends anymore. Finally, in the fifth month of living “undercover,” she finally agreed to go on a low key date with you to a small, cozy bar on the outskirts of the city. You got dressed up for the first time in what felt like forever, did your makeup real pretty, and even did braids on Natasha’s silky hair. She looked happy, finally. Adorning a brown leather jacket, dark blue jeans, and a low cut green top- her classic silver arrow necklace sitting pretty on her chest- your girlfriend looked like her old self again...absolutely perfect. 
“You look gorgeous, baby,” swift arms swept you into a gentle kiss, smirking against your lips and pulling you close to her waist. 
You thought that night would be perfect, but by 11 pm you two were home and icing her bloody knuckles, static tv voices echoing in the background. You felt hot tears rising to the surface, but you never let them fall. It’s not like you were just mad or angry or disappointed…no this was something more. You were embarrassed. Embarrassed by Natasha. You thought you’d never say that sentence, but then there you were, apologizing to the bartender for your girlfriend's rowdy behavior, and throwing $20 to the guy she completely knocked out before nearly carrying her out of the bar and into a cab. Within the next two weeks she packed her bags, and your home was changing once again, now empty. 
  8 months later 
    The team said that you’d only be separated for a year, or less, but you were coming up on a year pretty soon and none of you were any closer to figuring out who the threat is. But you, you moved on, strived forward, and kept going. Your breakup with Nat had been one of the most painful moments of your life, but you didn’t let it stop you. These days you hardly cried over her at all, never even thought of the old days. Well, except for last Tuesday, when you saw one of her old sweaters and lied in bed for the rest of the day, or on Thursday when you heard her favorite song and- well, never mind that. You were at the top of your fucking game. 
  Ms. Romanoff, on the other hand, had moved out of San Francisco completely and settled in Washington D.C. from the last you heard. She attended the monthly zooms, same as you, but you two never addressed one another. Natasha pushed all of the heartbreak she harbored deep, deep down until she would lie down for bed and reach out next to her…but you were never there. 
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
𝐈’𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐈𝐭 𝐔𝐩 𝐓𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮
Part Two
Pairing: Eddie Munson x (female) Reader
Summary: Eddie’s been self conscious about his body ever since the bat incident in the upside down, so you take it upon yourself to show him just how beautiful he is
Warnings: spoilers for vol.2, fluff, angst, smut, mention of scars, praise kink, body worship, insecure Eddie, bit of sub! Eddie, oral (m receiving), penetrative sex (m+f), minors DNI
A/N: this follows straight on from part one so I’d definitely recommend reading that first, the link is just below! I hope you guys like this <33
Read Part One
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This is for people 18+ only. Minors do not read on. By clicking ‘keep reading’ you are hereby agreeing that you are 18 or older.
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“Eddie, please...” you plead with him sadly. “It’s okay” you try to reassure him gently. “Just let me in. Let me see” you whisper.
“I can’t,” he breathes shakily, “I just can’t.”
You can feel the tremble in his fingers as they squeeze yours tightly, keeping your hands firmly in place.
“Okay, okay,” you whisper gently, defeat etched on your face.
You untwist your fingers from his shirt, signalling to him you were gonna let go. He swallows a shaky breath, his jaw visibly tensing before he gives you a quick nod and lets go of your hands. You sit back on your heels, your hands folding in your lap. Eddie sighs deeply before pulling himself upright, moving to sit against the headboard. You shuffle forwards, moving between his legs. You see a twinge of fear gloss over his eyes as you move to basically straddle him again.
“Shh, it’s okay” you tell him softy, holding up your hands. “I’m not gonna touch you, I just want to be near you. Is that okay?” You ask gently.
Eddie simply nods but you can see his shoulders relax slightly. You nod back at him and you let your hands fall into your shared lap where his own hands were anxiously playing with one another. You place your hands in his, letting him absent-mindedly play with your fingers instead. You give him a moment before you speak up again.
“Eddie...” you start and you can immediately see the tension settle in his shoulders again.
“Baby, we need to talk about this” you tell him gently, his eyes still refusing to meet yours. “You need to let me in. You need to let me see.”
“See what?” He bluffs weakly.
You let out a small sigh of frustration.
“You know what, Eddie. You’re hiding yourself from me. And I don’t just mean emotionally speaking. You practically run away anytime you need to take your shirt off to change or whatever. You freeze anytime my hands go anywhere your stomach. Jesus, Eddie, you won't even let me just hug you” you croak through the tears that were threatening to spill again.
He just sits there silently, his eyes still firmly trained on where his hands played with yours in his lap.
“Do you think I’m gonna judge you or something?” You ask, hurt twinging your voice.
“No,” he stammers quickly. “No, not intentionally.”
He swallows before he continues, his chest rising and falling with another shaky breath.
"But you won't be able to help it, whether you mean to or not. These... scars...” he was hesitant to even say the word, “they’re hideous, y/n. No matter how much you love me; they’re horrible to look at and I just- I don’t know. I don’t want you to see me any differently because of them.”
“Of course I’m going to see you differently because of them,” you tell him, moving your hands to cup his face. “Those scars mark you as a fucking hero, Eddie Munson. A survivor. A fully certified badass. I mean, I knew those things about you anyway, now we just have proof. Certified proof of how fucking incredible you are,” you stroke his cheeks lightly as you smile softly at him.
You see Eddie swallow hard as a tear leaks down his cheek, which you quickly wipe away with your thumb.
“Eddie, I will never see you as anything other than beautiful,” you tell him earnestly. “Not just because of your pretty looks, which do help,” you laugh softly, eliciting a small smile from Eddie, “but because of who you are. You got that?”
Eddie gives a small nod as he sniffs lightly.
“Good” you whisper, giving him a soft kiss on the nose.
You lean your forehead against his, just holding his face and stroking his cheeks, just letting him take his time. His thumbs start to slowly stroke your hips where he held you. His grip starts loosen as he relaxes a bit, the tension melting from his body slowly.
“Please. Just let me see” you implore him after a few moments, releasing his face and sitting back on your heels again.
Eddie clears his throat and quickly wipes away another tear that had escaped his eye. After a moment’s contemplation he gives you a small nod. You return his nod before gently reaching out to grab the hem of his shirt. You keep your eyes on his, keeping your movements slow and gentle, waiting for any signal in case he changed his mind. You slowly lift up his shirt as he raises his arms to let you pull it over your head. Once it’s off you toss it to the side. But Eddie immediately locks his arms around his body, trying to hide as much of himself as he could.
You have to choke back the sob that threatens to rack through you. Not only at the sight of this beautiful boy so self conscious, but from the small peaks of scars that you could see through the gaps in his arms. You take a deep, steadying breath before you tentatively reach out to touch his arms. You can see his body shake as he takes a deep, trembling breath before he lets you slowly unfold his arms.
His eyes look anywhere but at you as yours rake over his body. Tears well in your eyes as you take in the angry red gashes that tainted his sides. The scars were mostly healed now but you could tell they were deep and permanent. They looked terrifying only in the sense that they evoked the memory of when you’d almost lost him. But there was also an odd comfort in them, a reminder that despite this, despite these scars, he had pulled through. You go to reach out a hand before you stop yourself quickly.
“Is it okay if I...” you trial off, reaching your arm forwards but not touching him yet.
He takes another shaky breath before he nods again, his eyes still not meeting yours. You tentatively reach out your hand, letting your fingers lightly brush one of the scars, your touch feather light. You see as well as feel Eddie tense as your fingers slowly but surely explore the contours of the raised skin.
“Do they still hurt?” You whisper.
“Not really. Not anymore” he shrugs sadly, sniffing as he tries to keep his own tears contained.
Your hands slowly but surely start to roam all over his torso, his sides, his stomach, tracing over the lines and swirls of each scar. You then let your hands slowly travel up his body, across his chest and up further until you were cupping the back of his head, your fingers curling into the hair at the nape of his neck. You gently pull until he turns his face to look at you at last, his sad glossy eyes finally meeting yours.
“Eddie” you whisper sadly, your voice threatening to break with tears. “You’re so beautiful” you tell him earnestly.
His eyes look at you quizzically, his mouth opening as he fumbles to find a response. But you don’t give him the time to.
“You’re so fucking beautiful” you say in a firmer tone.
You start peppering his face with kisses, murmuring soft praises as your lips blaze across his skin, going from his cheeks, to his jaw, to his neck, his throat, collarbones, anywhere you could reach. He lets out the quietest of groans as you kiss him all over.
“But these scars...” he trials off and you can hear the insecurity in his voice. “The scars... they’re...”
“They’re a reminder that you survived, Eddie” you sit back up to look at him. “They’re a reminder that you made it, that you came back to me. That you fought a bunch of fucking supernatural bats and lived to tell the tale. They’re fucking metal, babe,” you laugh softly through your tears.
Eddie returns your chuckle with a small, shy smile; “you think so?”
“Oh yeah, super metal” you nod your head. “Totally rad” you joke with him softly.
The two of you both chuckle lightly and you can feel him slowly start to relax again. When your giggles die down you look at him earnestly again.
“Seriously Eddie, you’re beautiful. And these scars are beautiful simply because they’re a part of you” you tell him as you give the back of his head light scratches with your nails.
You lean forward to press your lips against his. You kiss him softly, letting him warm up to your touch again. Slowly but surely he starts to lean more into the kiss, his lips moving with more enthusiasm against your own. You sigh contently as he kisses you back more fervently, gently pushing his tongue into your mouth. His hands seek out your hips and he pulls you into his lap.
When your bare pussy meets the crotch of his jeans you can feel he’s started to grow hard again. You whine into the kiss as you start to grind down on him, encouraging him to grow even harder. He groans softly into your mouth as his hands move with your hips, helping with your bucking motion.
You kiss him hard for another second before you take your mouth off of his and begin your trial of kisses down his face and neck again. Eddie leans his head back against the headboard, letting you access his neck better. You gently bite, kiss, and suck at his skin, leaving your own marks across his flesh. You listen to the soft and gentle sounds of his whimpers and groans as you mark up his skin, slowly making your way further down his body.
You shift your hips back, arching your body as you kiss further down his chest. As you approach his stomach he starts to tense again, his fingers digging into your waist.
“Wh- what are you doing?” He stammers.
“Shh, it’s okay,” you whisper against his skin, continuing to kiss him. “It’s okay baby. I’ve got you. You’re okay. You’re safe with me,” you murmur gently. “And... you’re... so.... fucking... pretty,” you place a kiss between each word.
When you reach the top of his stomach, just above where the scarring starts, you stop and lift your eyes to meet his again.
“If you want me to stop, just tell me okay?”
He looks at you nervously but nods, letting you continue your movements. You shift on the bed, moving yourself back a bit so you could better reach his stomach. You duck your head again and resume your kisses along his chest. At the same time you let a hand slide up his thigh until you find your mark at his crotch. You palm him gently as you slowly move your lips lower down.
Eddie flinches when your lips first make contact with one of the scars. He tenses briefly but he doesn’t stop you. You can feel and hear his shaky breathes as you gently trace your lips further over his scars, placing the softest of kisses to his skin, your mouth brushing featherlight across his body. You hum gently against his skin, moving your way across his stomach to his other side where more scars adorned his skin.
“You’re so beautiful,” you repeat, murmuring against his body. “Such a pretty, pretty boy.”
He groans softly at your words, his hips starting to buck up into your hand where you were still palming his crotch, feeling him steadily grow fully hard beneath your touch. He lets out a breathy “fuck” as you kiss lower down his stomach, making your way down to his belly button. You kiss across his hip bones, the fabric of his boxers skimming your bottom lip. You raise your eyes to meet his, again just checking in with him. He looks down at you, his bottom lip between his teeth, and nods lightly. You smile and give his lower belly another a quick kiss before you go to undo his jeans.
You unzip his jeans, pulling them off him as he shifts in the bed. You kiss your way up his thighs, enjoying the way he was now squirming under your touch. This boy was just as aching and desperate for touch as you had been. You kiss up his inner thighs until you reach the shorts of his boxers. He’s fully hard now, his dick straining in the confinement of his underwear. You smirk lightly at the wet spot where his pre-cum had leaked. You place a kiss to clothed cock, revelling in the groan that sounded from Eddie. He bucks his hips up again, desperately seeking your mouth, seeking to be free from all this pent up tension.
You sit up lightly as you finally slowly drag his boxers down his legs, shucking them off and tossing them aside. His aching cock springs free, slapping against his stomach. His tip was red and swollen, wet with his pre-cum. Eddie’s hands ball into the sheets at his sides when you lean down and lick a gentle stripe on the underside of his cock, right from the base to his tip.
“Oh fuck,” he whimpers so quietly you almost don’t hear it. “Please, please,” he pants inaudibly.
“Shh baby, it’s okay,” you hum, placing a kiss to his swollen head. “I’ve got you. I’ve got you,” you whisper gently before you take his head into your mouth.
He gasps and shudders at even the smallest sensation of having your mouth on him. You swirl your tongue around his tip, letting it dart into his slit, tasting his pre-cum. Eddie tosses his head back, pushing back against the headboard as he squeezes his eyes shut in pleasure.
You slowly sink your mouth down his length, taking your time to ease him into your mouth. It was more for his sake than yours, you didn’t want to overwhelm him too quickly. You set a slow pace as you bob your head up and down on his dick, letting your tongue flatten against his base as you suck softly. You look up to see Eddie a mess above you; he’s panting, red in the face, his stomach raising and falling rapidly with his heavy breathing, fists balled into the sheets desperately. Fuck, you’d missed seeing him like this.
“Fuck,” he whimpers, running a hand through his hair. “Oh shit, shit your mouth feels so fucking good,” he groans as you steadily increase your speed.
His body coils and tenses as the sensations take over his body. You knew he probably wasn’t going to last long himself, seeing as he was just as touch starved as you had been.
“Wait wait. Stop, please,” he suddenly pants, his hand coming to cup your jaw and gently pull your mouth off him.
You look at him with a silent question in your eyes, worried that this had become too much for him now, that maybe he needed to stop.
“I- I just- I want- want to finish inside you” he whispers breathlessly, his thumb stroking your cheek.
He moves his hand from your cheek to gently cup the back of your neck, pulling you back up towards his face. You smile up at him as you crawl over his body until your lips crash against his again. You both moan into the kiss as his tongue invades your mouth again. He kisses you fervently, breathlessly, his hands flat against your back, pushing you tight against him.
You grind your hips down and feel the tip of his head brushing against your folds. Eddie moves one hand off your body to grab his dick and line it up with your entrance. When you feel his tip push just inside your entrance you sink down onto him, sitting down until he filled you to the brim. Both of you moan sinfully load at the feeling.
“Oh fuck,” Eddie exclaims at the feeling of finally being inside you. “Fuck, you feel so fucking good. Can’t believe I almost forgot how good you feel. So warm and so tight for me” he rambles incoherently, his fingers squeezing your hips roughly.
You moan at his words, your own mind foggy at feeling so full again. So full of him. Eddie throws his head back again, his eyes screwing shut, his mouth twisting. It was as if it was taking every ounce of his self restraint to not blow his load immediately just at the feeling of your warm cunt wrapped around him. You give him a second to compose himself, busying yourself with kissing all over his face and neck, your hands tangling into his hair as you cup the back of his head.
After a moment Eddie’s hands land on your waist, slowly starting to guide you as you rock back and forth on his cock. A string of soft moans and sighs leave the both of you as you gently start to to ride him. He grunts with the effort of restraining himself, trying his best to work you towards another climax before he let himself finish. His eyes bore into yours, watching you intently as you grind onto his cock.
Your eyes search his in return as you slowly bring a hand down his chest. You see his breath hitch and feel him tense again. But he doesn’t stop you; he lets you trail your hand down his chest until you reach his torso, your eyes following the movement of your hand. His hand comes to grab yours suddenly, stopping your movement. You look at him briefly again and see the panic in his eyes, his breathing getting heavier from more than just the effort of fucking up into you.
You look at him gently, trying to convey all your thoughts and emotions through your gaze. I love you. You’re beautiful. You’re safe. We’re okay. You’re beautiful. You’re beautiful. You’re so fucking beautiful.
After a moment he gives you a tiny nod, releasing your hand. You place a quick kiss to his lips before you carry on with your movements. You gently skip your fingers over his stomach, over his sides, feeling the rough bumps of the scars there. You watch the way the skin flexes, rising and falling with his heavy breaths.
You bring your other hand down and gently hold onto his sides, using it to help gain momentum as you pick up your speed. Your fingers skim over the raised skin and you’re careful to keep your grip gentle, not wanting to hurt him or push him too far. Eddie stays tensed for a moment but is quickly lost again in the feeling of you riding him, of being so deep inside you after not having felt your perfect pretty cunt around him for so long.
He tilts his head up to look at you, his nose brushing yours again as your breathes mix.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry for everything” he whimpers in a ramble.
You shake your head at him; “no, it’s okay baby. It’s okay” you whisper back, your hands stroking the back of his neck again.
“I love you, I love you so fucking much” he whines as he tips his head forwards to rest his forehead on yours.
“I know, I love you too Eddie” you smile gently, kissing the tip of his nose.
Eddie’s pace then starts to quicken, his thrusts getting sloppy and desperate. His one hand finds it’s way between your bodies, his fingers feverishly landing on your clit as he starts to rub circles around it. His grunts were getting louder and more frequent, his telltale sign that he was getting close. He was desperately trying to get you closer to your own climax so that you could cum together.
“Please,” he pants incoherently again. “I need to cum... I need you to cum with me... please baby, cum with me... cum with me,” he rambles as he rubs your clit even faster.
Hearing him begging for release sent a fresh surge of arousal through you, your pussy clenching around him.
“Oh fuck,” he cries as you feel him twitch inside you. “Fuck, fuck, holy shit,” he whimpers as he fucks up into you a final few times before you feel his warmth flood your insides.
His trembling fingers keep rubbing your clit fervently, which paired with the sight of him coming undone beneath you, finally tips you over the edge yourself.
“Shit, Eddie,” you squeak as your third orgasm of the night rocks through you.
You and Eddie both shake lightly as he slowly fucks you through your highs. A months worth of pent up anger, stress, sadness, it all washes away as pleasure courses through both your bodies. As you. both slowly start to come down you brush some of the hair out of his face and look down at him softly. His big dark eyes stare back into yours. His eyes are alive, looking at you with awe and adoration, the way he used to look at you.
There, you think to yourself. There you are, there’s the boy I know and love.
You heart swells and you lean forward to give him a gentle and tender kiss, his lips reciprocating your action, moving with a soft fervour against your own. He kisses you for while as the two of you catch your breath, coming down from your climaxes. Eventually he bumps your nose with his, his go to signal that he was gonna move to get the two of you cleaned up. He helps lift you off him and gently places you back onto the bed beside you. He flashes a soft smile before he gets up and heads to the bathroom, grabbing a fresh pair of boxers on his way.
You hear water run as he gives himself a quick rinse down before he comes back to the bedroom, boxers back on and a wet towel in hand. As he makes his way back over to you he scoops up the shirt he’d been wearing and a small flare of fear shoots through you. No, he’s going to hide from me again, cover himself up.
But instead Eddie sits next to you on the bed, guiding you to lift up your arms so that he could drape the shirt over your body. He pulls the shirt down your torso and gives you a quick boop on the nose. You feels tears spring in your eyes again, but this time, they were tears of joy. He wasn’t hiding from you anymore.
Eddie quickly but thoroughly wipes you down, cleaning your skin from where both yours and his cum had stained it. He strokes your skin softly with his other hand, following the trail of where he cleaned you with the towel. This, this was the Eddie you knew. The soft and tender boy who was always so lovingly gentle and considerate, so heartbreakingly intimate regardless of how hard he’d fucked you in the past. Once he’s finished cleaning you up he strokes down your nose with his little finger, another signature Eddie move, before he gets up to toss the towel into the laundry basket.
He comes back to the bed again, this time grabbing you a fresh pair of panties from the drawer for you to sleep in. He slips them on you, guiding them up your legs and over your hips. He kisses each of your hips tenderly before he climbs into the bed next to you and lies down on his back. You lie down next to him gingerly, careful not to touch his torso. You were still cautious of not pushing him past his limit.
But not a second later his arm reaches out for you and pulls you against his body. You smile into his chest as his arm wraps around you, his fingers playing lightly up and down your back. The two of you lie in comfortable silence for a while. His hand stroking your back, your fingers dancing across his chest lightly.
“I didn’t even realise just how much I missed this” Eddie hums quietly after a moment. “You were right here beside me this whole time but I was miles away.”
You don’t answer him save for turning your head to place another kiss to his tummy.
“I’m sorry” he croaks and you can hear that he was close to tears again.
You shake your head as you twist to look up at him.
“I was never looking for an apology Eddie. I just wanted you back.”
He gives a small nod before he leans up to place a quick kiss to your forehead.
“I’m here,” he whispers, “I’m here now.”
You kiss his chest and let your fingers trace over his scars once again, content that he was no longer flinching from the touch, no longer hiding from you.
You give him a small smile; “I know.”
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A/N: as if I was originally gonna put both parts into one fic, that shit would’ve been ridiculously long!! anyways I really hope you guys liked this, both parts took me a looong time to write so yeah I really hope you guys enjoyed them <33
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grandline-fics · 2 months
Hi! Can I request OP men (monster trio, Ace, Law, or anyone ur comfy with doing!) reaction to reader becoming self conscious and suddenly anxious when there are too many ppl around and they try to ground them? It could be a crowd or even members from the ship! Thank you ^^
DESCRIPTION: You’re anxious when there’s too many people around
WORDS: 1,318
A/N:  Thank you for this request. I wanted to do more scenarios with some of the other OP men but could only manage two this time. I loved this idea so there'll be a part two in the future. I hope you like what I came up with for this
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Wherever Luffy goes, a crowd is sure to follow. Whether its civilians drawn to his free and infectious nature or rivals getting into his face as a challenge that he doesn’t back down from the end result is always the same; very little breathing room because of the mass of people. For the most part you were used to this constant buzz of noise and cluster of presences but tonight it was getting to be too much for you. After a long battle of fighting groups of enemies to be immediately dragged into an all out celebration, you were reaching your limit of what you could take. 
You didn’t want to be rude to the people who were grateful for you playing your part in securing their freedom and leave the conversations or festivities too early but when eyes weren’t on you, you were definitely searching for something that could allow you to disappear without drawing too much attention or cause any offence. You breathed a sigh of relief when the current civilian you were talking to left you to grab something to eat. Idly sipping at your own drink you inched further away from the main hub of people, trying to feel some sense of security in a quieter section.
Suddenly from above you heard the loud and all too familiar laughter of your Captain that was already causing an infectious smile to pull at your lips before you had even looked up. Perched high on the town’s clocktower was Luffy, using the stone lion fixture adorning the rooftop as his own personal seat to look over the entire town’s celebration. Because your weren’t amongst the crowd you were easier to spot and when he saw you smiling up at him he grinned wide. 
Immediately he launched his arm out towards you and without waiting for your response he took your arm and pulled you through the air to land safely on the roof with him. Now out from the almost suffocating crowd you finally got a moment to breathe and look down at the view of the town now far enough away for you to appreciate the atmosphere and beauty of their joy. You smiled and settled down to sit next to your Captain, finally able to relax. “So why’re you all the up here in the first place? Would’ve thought you’d have more fun down there with the people.”
“Started to get annoyed when they kept calling me a hero, all I wanted was to eat.” Luffy explained with a grin, moving his enormous hoard of food back onto his lap to continue eating. “Besides when I saw the lion up here it made me think of the Sunny.” You smiled at the simplistic answer and looked at the fixture in question. As nice as it was, it paled in comparison to Sunny. You couldn’t help but let out a small sigh which didn’t go unnoticed by Luffy. He recalled how you hadn’t be with anyone before he brought you up here. “You not having fun?”
“Not exactly.” You shrugged, unable to lie to someone so open and honest with their feelings as Luffy was. You could always trust him to listen and not dismiss your feelings. “It’s just been a lot since we landed here. The people are friendly but it was beginning to feel like I couldn’t breathe around them. It was just getting to be a bit much.”
“How do you feel now?” Luffy asked curiously, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable either. 
“A lot better, definitely like I can breathe again.” You reassured with a bright grin that Luffy returned while also reminding himself to always check on you while in a crowd like this from now on. 
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Why did you have to land on an island that was virtually a Marine base in its own right? As much as you and some of the others wanted to leave and journey to the next island, Luffy’s orders were final and he wanted to stay. Just because there were a ton of Marines stationed on this island and lived here with their families, why should he change what he wanted to do. As much as you wanted to protest your Captain you knew no amount of logic or begging would change his determination to explore freely. 
The most everyone could compromise on was the promise to keep as low a profile as possible and only engage the Marines if-and only if-your cover was blown. To ensure that disaster of a situation didn’t happen, the more level-headed members of the crew paired up with the more instinctual and chaotic members. Today you were left to walk the town with Zoro, the added element of ensuring he didn’t wander off into areas that would certainly spell trouble meant your worries were doubling. Every step you made through the streets, you swept a nervous glance around trying to keep track of anyone in a Marine uniform while also trying to pinpoint escape routes if the worst did happen.
“You need to relax.” Zoro muttered from beside you and you flinched, your already tense body coiling even tighter. You looked up at him with widened eyes. “You’re going to draw their attention and blow our cover.” At that you bristled but then panic set in and you couldn’t help but look around you again. With a sharp sigh, Zoro turned his body so he was blocking you from view and more importantly you could only look at him. “If you’re getting nervous about keeping a low profile but keep looking around the way that you are, people are going to end up taking notice and cause suspicion.” You opened your mouth to argue but you couldn’t, not when he was making sense. Still you couldn’t just relax the way he was telling you to. Zoro watched you carefully and frowned. “What’s got you so wound up anyway? What’s your biggest worry here?”
“Look around you!” You whispered. “Everyone is either a Marine or related to one. If we get caught-”
“We’ll deal with it as a crew like we always do.” Sometimes Zoro’s clear cut view of a situation was a reassurance but other times it was annoying. Dealing with a situation that could have been avoided in the first place was not what you wanted and wouldn’t necessarily work out as perfect as it would in his head. 
“I just don’t want to be the reason one of us gets hurt when fighting didn’t need to be an option.” You shrugged helplessly. You didn’t want to seem weak, especially not to someone like Zoro but you couldn’t change how you felt in that moment. “I can’t be so laidback like you, sorry.”
Zoro rolled his good eye but threw you a small smirk to show he wasn’t annoyed. Silently he took your arm and swapped your original walking position. While he managed to keep one arm lazily around your shoulder, he also managed to be just ahead of you enough that his three swords were in front of you, almost like a shield. “As long as you’re part of the crew we work together and do our part to protect each other, yeah? So until someone spots us just relax and try not to look so panicked otherwise it looks like I’m kidnapping you.” 
At that you laughed for the first time since arriving on the island and nudged his side while making no move to step out from his arm. It was strange how just being like this managed to calm you immensely. “Let’s hope Sanji doesn’t see. He’ll attack you on the spot and that’ll definitely blow our cover.”
“Yeah…would be worth it though.” Zoro grinned only to wince when you nudged his ribs a little harder. “I was kidding!” Well for the most part he was. 
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sorbetisfruity · 1 year
I feel like Vil would be LIVID if he found out you were friends with Neige, hell he’d be even more pissed if he found out you’ve been friends with him for a while!!!
Let’s say Crowley gave you the week off because god damn do you need a break. And you went walking in the forest for some much needed silence and you time.
And while walking, you bump into someone. And it’s the whole cliche thing where you bump into them and you fall on top of them and your lips are nearly touching andddd-
YEAH!!! You both scramble up and your faces are brightttt red!!
You don’t recognize him, you’ve never seen him before.
But, he knows who you are.
He’s seen you in papers and the news and heard your name all throughout RSA.
You’re the person who has stopped all the overblots and fights and drama.
You’re a hero!!!
He immediately introduces himself, shaking your hand gently. Not before apologizing of course for, ya know, almost KISSING you.
And as soon as you smile, it’s love at first sight.
I hardcore believe that Neige believes in soulmates and love at first sight, and he thinks you’re the one for him.
And that’s where your friendship starts!! You guys keep in contact and hangout on rare occasions you two are free.
And absolutely no one except a couple RSA students know because imagine how much havoc that would cause??
It’s a wonder how he hasn’t posted any of the millions of pictures he’s taken of you (he’ll post them after the VDC).
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Anyways the VDC comes up and that’s when you really get close with Vil. And you learn how much he HATESSSS Neige.
So, now you’ve gotta keep your friendship with Neige quiet.
Though that’s pretty hard when he delivers baked goods and flowers to your house every so often.
And when everyone’s wondering who “Prince Charming” is in your phone after Rook peeked over your shoulder one day.
We get to the day of the VDC and you’re backstage trying to calm everyone down and hopefully settle their nerves and BOOM!!
You get tackled to the ground by all the dwarves.
They’re all happy to see you, after all it’s been so long since you’ve hung out with them!!
And then here comes Neige.
Vil is FUMING.
All the dwarves get off you and Neige hugs you tightly, sitting you down immediately and playing with your soft hair.
He tells you how much he missed you and how pretty you look and how excited he is to see your group perform.
And it’s insanely clear to everyone that he’s in love with you, but whateverrrrr!!!
And his flirting continues until he has to go up and perform.
That’s when Vil confronts you and pretty much screams about how you could do so much better and that you never told him you were soooo close with the enemy.
And that’s what causes him to overblot instead of the whole almost poisoning Neige and Rook stopping him thingy.
Because he’s so upset that you are friends with Neige, and you are so close with Neige, and Neige clearly thinks you’re the love of his life.
And everything gets too much and he just, explodes.
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tired-teacher-blog · 4 months
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Listen, Dabi couldn't care less if you were a hero, a villain, or even a regular civilian, since he would treat you the same way regardless.
You had been stuck -for the longest time- in a whirlpool of doubt and self pity, wondering if you actually meant anything at all to the infamous villain, a question that had proven to be hard to answer due to the man's stoic and aloof personality as well as his rare showcase of emotions, and athough it is true you were his first and only woman, the awkwardness and rift that loomed over for weeks following your first night together, did nothing but confirm your doubts.
Not so much as a glance or a how-do-you-do, as if regretting the night of passion he had with you, no explanation whatsoever, none when he shunned you, and none when he sought you out again.
Yeah, you were a play thing to him, as worthless as you had always anticipated yourself to be.. or so you thought.
You once found yourself caught in a ferocious battle between the two parties, and while falling to the ground barely conscious, all you could think of was him.
_ "Get up! Get the fuck up do you hear me?! Come on what the hell!" the words themselves were nothing you hadn't heard him yell out before, however the look on his face while he gently cradled your head and caressed your cheeks, while he kissed your forehead and carried you to safety, that look was something new.
It was fright, pure and evident, but also a softness that you had never witnessed before, so maybe, just maybe, you weren't just a nobody to him.
For days after that fateful one, a glimpse of hope appeared within you, and a determination to have an answer settled in your mind.
_ "You.. you were worried about me that day.. weren't you?" you struggled between labored breaths as he finally pulled out of your sopping heat.
_ "Would you let it go." he flumped back into bed, pleading with his pulse to settle, and placing his forearm over his face to escape your interrogation, despite that, there was no vexation to his words, it was more like he was.. bashful?
You remained quiet but only for a moment, a smile adorning your face as you watched him fidgeting nervously.
_ "I can't help but wonder though, why did you start avoiding me after our first night together?" you turned on your side to face him, placing both hands under your cheek as you waited.
_ "Are you fucking kidding me woman? I lost my virginity to you! How was I supposed to act around you after that? I needed some time damnit."
You were stunned witnessing his outburst, his forearm no longer covered his flushed face, and his typical relaxed expression was replaced with a twisted one. It was honestly comical.
_ "So that's what it was.." your words were no higher than a whisper as you allowed his own to sink in, "you do like me then, right?"
_ "What kinda' stupid question is that? Nothing is forcing me to be with you, okay?" and his frown only deepened as he attempted to keep his guard up.
You weren't as cool though, and hearing his distorted confession gave you a boost of confidence to comfortably divulge your own at last, "I like you too, I really do!"
You jumped to his chest and hugged him tightly, giggling and kicking your feet while he growled in annoyance.
_ "Yeah okay, I get it, now settle down." his grumpy expression remained, but his arms had moved to wrap around you while he kissed the top of your head.
Dabi couldn't care less if you were a hero, a villain, or even a regular civilian, because regardless of that, his feelings for you will remain sincere, even if he fails to declare them properly.
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Divider by @/saradika
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underscorewriting · 8 months
stupid bracelet.
König x reader
Warnings: fluff, maybe a little angst
Hope you enjoy! :)
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It was amusing to him how such little pieces of thread could calm him down. But they did. And here he was, his fingers mindlessly fidgeting with the thread of a bracelet. A red bracelet to be specific. One he would’ve called „stupid“ not too long ago. But now, could he even call it stupid if it had become a part of him in such a short time?
In the military many men and women had something that reminded them of home, of who they’re here for, who they’re fighting for or want to return home to. Some had photos. Yes, König did also have them, he had his pockets filled with small things that reminded him of her. Others had small stuffed animals laying in their rooms back at the base. And again, König, of course, had them too.
He loved having small things to remind himself of her, to keep himself grounded. His friends also knew better than to touch his stuff, especially the one teddy bear wearing small traditional leather pants holding a gingerbread-heart with a writing on it saying „Ich liebe dich.“, like it was tradition in Austria.
When it came to small reminders of his love at home, he was the one that had everything. Of course his friends thought he was crazy, but he needed those small little things desperately to get him through the day. The one little bracelet that had him fidgeting with whenever he was feeling slightly on the edge, as he was now, was one he got gifted early on in their relationship. He hasn’t taken it off ever since.
This little piece of thread, knotted together with some beads, was the most precious thing he owned.
A small smile tugged at his lips underneath his masks as his mind wandered back to how he even got it.
It was a late tuesday evening when she walked in with a bright grin playing on her lips. „Oh no, what’s going on in your head again, Schatz?“ He couldn’t help but chuckle. „We, my lovely boyfriend, will make some bracelets!“ The excitement in her voice was unmatched by anything he ever heard, he couldn’t say no, but he was tired.
König had just returned from one of the first missions he had ever since they got together and all he wanted was to snuggle down with her, have her in his arms reminding him that he’s not all he is out there in the field. He’s not s psychotic insane killer, not like his opposites think. Yes, he might be a war hero, but so we’re thousands of others. Yes, he was good at his job, but he was only as good as the next one.
He knew that whenever he comes home, that that’s where he’s most important and most needed. „Schatz…“ His voice was draggy, hesitant to tell her that he just wants to sleep.
Sleep all the pain and worry off.
Sleep all the nightmares snd blood off.
Sleep off ever needing to be away from her.
A soft smile replaced the overbearing grin on the girls face. „You’re tired, aren’t you?“ Guilt. It was the first thing he noticed in her voice, the quick change from barely manageable excitement to this unsure sound of guilt in her voice, made his stomach turn. He didn’t want to lie to her though, he also didn’t want to pressure himself into staying awake and possibly snapping at her if everything got too much.
He had the tendencies to do so if he was overly exhausted.
With a simple nod and an apologetic smile he opened his arms slightly, making room for her to lean against his chest. „How about that, ja? You can lean against my chest, make your little bracelets, while I hold you, watch you, maybe get a small nap in…“ His smile turning into a soft grin as the girl climbed into his lap.
She didn’t ask questions, she never did. She knew he wouldn’t ask if he wasn’t really exhausted. That’s who he was, he would do anything for her, even put his own needs aside just to make her happy.
Settling down onto his lap the girl took the thread and beads and placed them next to her, before getting to work. König couldn’t help but admire her more than the show she was watching. Small giggles escaped the girl as she bit her lips in concentration, her mind going god knows where.
She was adorable.
She was perfect.
She just fit right in his arms.
Soon his chin found her shoulder as he rested it against her. „Red bracelet, hm?“ His voice was soft, interested in what she was doing and what her beautiful mind had though of as an outcome.
Nodding she leaned towards him slightly, her nose brushing against his as both of them grinned like giddy lovesick teenagers. „It’s gonna look great and you know it.“ Going back to work he couldn’t help but chuckle softly at her enthusiasm.
Her enthusiasm and optimistic being was what he loved the most about her. It was what he admired the most and needed the most.
An hour passed, the loving couple was still all snuggled up. König was resting his eyes a little, he still held her tightly against himself. With a huff the girl threw the bracelet onto the couch after she was done, her movement waking König up.
A frown was settled on her face and he couldn’t help but reach out to caresses her cheek. „Whats wrong, mein Schatz..?“ He was worried, he hated seeing her upset. Anger and disappointment flashed up in her eyes and she shook her head, her hair falling into her face, making her seem even less at ease than before.
„It looks stupid… I made a mistake and now it’s all weird!“ König caressed her hip softly as he leaned over to pick up the bracelet. She threaded all the red beads onto the bracelet. „Where did you mess up?“ With a huff the girl pointed to a place where she knotted the thread wrong, it was barely visible under the beads.
A soft chuckle escaped König as he pulled her closer. „I think it looks great, Liebling… you can barely see the Knoten there.“ He turned her chin softly so she was looking at it and pointed to the at the barely visible know that was hidden underneath the beads.
“I see it, and I don’t like it…”
A moment of understanding silence fell between them. He understood her need to be perfect and to make everything the way she wants them to be.
“I see it and I love it, Liebling.”
His voice held a soothing tone, knowing it would help her calm her nervous mind.
“You do?”
“I do…”
With a soft smile and an encouraging nod he underlined his opinion. He loved it. A lot.
“Can I have it?”
A small smile formed on the girls face, excitement returning. Königs heart swelled up at the sight of her bright eyes searching for his. A disbelieving look on the girls face.
A soft chuckle left König as he kissed the spot between her shoulder and her neck while nodding softly. He knew she could get insecure about things she likes doing and the image she has of things and how they should look in her head, so it’s his job, and always will be, to make sure she sees that its perfect even if it doesn’t turn out how she wants it to be.
“Of course, would you please tie it around my wrist?”
With quick movements the girl tied the bracelet around his wrist, making sure it’s secure and wouldn’t fall off the next time he moved his hand. The bracelet was extremely visible on him,, making her unsure if he’ll actually wear it for a longer time.
A soft kiss on her cheek made her squirm but also cleared her mind from the doubt she was feeling.
He’ll wear it. She’s sure of it.
“Who knows, Liebling. Maybe Ghost or Soap will want one too if they see it, ja?”
A soft and quiet giggle made König smile proudly. The image of him threatening the two men just for them to call his girlfriend and ask her about the bracelet she made, was already imprinted into his mind.
Yes, he would even threaten them with his gun up to their head just to hear the excitement in her voice again, because whenever he heard it he felt like he could breath again.
With every small giggle that left her, he felt like his heart beat again.
With every smile or simple look she gave him, he felt like he was alive again.
On days when he felt depressed, couldn’t leave the bed because of all the things he had been through. She was there.
He’d be damned if he wouldn’t try to do everything to make her even the slightest bit happier.
In their quiet and precious moment, the girl turned towards König, straddling his lap as she wrapped her arms around his neck, hiding her face between it and his shoulder.
“Don’t lose it, okay…?”
It was a simple question, but the meaning behind it was something so deep that hurt his soul. This was one thing, one worry, he couldn’t take away from her. He hated himself for it.
“I won’t.” His hand caressed hee back softly making sure she knows he’s here.
Making sure she knows he’s going to come back home, like he always has.
The voice of one of the recruits snapped him out of his thoughts as he heard their voices all mix together. With a small smile under his mask and a last look down to the bracelet, his eyes softening at the thought of coming home.
“Like I always do…”
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the-modern-typewriter · 2 months
im so obsessed with the touchstarved hero thing that you did ive read it more than 20 times, a very normal amount yes, would you ever think of writing another touchstarved prompt or even a touchstarved villain one? thank you so much for your work
"I don't mind."
"Hm?" The protagonist looked up, brow furrowing.
"I don't mind when you touch me," the villain said. "That is - it's not horrific."
"Well, I'm glad I wasn't horrific. Life goals."
The villain shot them a look.
The protagonist smiled despite themselves. It was too easy to feel lulled, brain at ease for the first time in far too long, buzzing with all the good endorphins. Intimacy. Closeness. It was impossible to dwell on the danger, for as surely as there was attraction, there was danger.
They leaned in, slowly enough to clearly telegraph their intentions, and pressed a kiss to the villain's chest. Half teasing. Half something infinitely more dangerous, like genuine affection for the terrible idea sprawled beneath them.
The villain held their gaze. They almost even smiled back. They tangled their fingers into the protagonist's hair instead, but didn't tug them away. They let the protagonist settle even closer than before, head against their beating chest.
The protagonist was starting to understand that meant something too.
"It's merely that people don't do it very often," the villain said, voice clipped, carefully controlled. "Touch me, I mean. Or when they do, it's with the sort of casual presumption that makes me want to rip their hands off. You do not presume."
"Well, you did look ready to rip my hands off once or twice." They knew what the villain meant though. When the protagonist had touched suddenly, unexpectedly, it had been less about trying to control the villain and more just needing something to hold onto as the villain kissed them stupid. Instinct. Desire. Need. The villain had known that, hadn't they? "But you're welcome. I mean, any time."
The villain nodded. Once. Curt - uncomfortable, perhaps, with such an open and vulnerable emotion. They cleared their throat.
The protagonist felt another stupid swell of warmth. They could hear the villain's heartbeat slowing beneath their ear, trusting, and it felt like yet another giddy thrill for the day. A complicated and tentative privilege.
They lay together, in their stolen moment of illicit peace.
"Besides," the villain broke the silence after a while. "Next time, I can always ziptie your hands to the bed posts."
"Next time?" The protagonist's heart skipped.
The villain shrugged. "You like touching. You'd look adorable begging for it. I think I'd like to see that."
The protagonist was sure they'd gone all wide-eyed again, flushed and flustered, because that time the villain definitely smiled. They hesitated, then tugged the protagonist's hair.
"Come back here so I can kiss you again," the villain said.
The protagonist obliged, even as their brain whirled through all the villain had said.
How long had it been since someone touched the villain like this? Since the villain let themselves be touched? It was clearly something they craved, enjoyed, just as clearly as it was something more complicated than that too.
They stopped thinking as the kiss deepened. They drew themselves a little closer still, ever-mindful of where they put their hands, and only more conscious now because of that of the way the villain's body responded beneath them. The shiver of breath. The thud of their heart. The way the villain pressed in, only to pull back again, like a starved creature that could only sustain itself in small increments before it became too much.
It was intoxicating. It felt just a little like power. A good, perfect, brilliant sort of power.
As they broke apart, the villain studied them for another long moment, expression unreadable, but eyes almost soft.
"Come on," the villain murmured. "Play time's over. Let's go."
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gatorbites-imagines · 4 months
um could I request Conner Kent with a male reader who is just like him. Reader is a clone of another hero made by Cadmus, but the reader is a year or two older. When Conner and their first meet is during his initial escape and him coming apart from the team, and them bonding over them being clones. What would their relationship be like.
Conner Kent x Plastic Man Clone Male Reader
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Reader is a clone of Plastic Man, cuz I love him.
Heyo my Hatchlings, how has everyone been doing? I finally finished up my assignment and I’m finally back. Did you guys miss me?
As a clone of Plastic Man, you put a good amount of people on edge when you appeared. Seeing as Plastic Man is very much immortal and unbeatable in the long game, they feared if you were good or evil, as there wouldn’t really be any way to defeat you if you turned out to be bad.
Luckily for them, you turned out to be as good of a guy as a clone of Plastic Man could be. You weren’t completely black and white, and sure you stole sometimes, and had a habit out of causing problems for corrupt people in power, but who were they to blame you.
You lived with Patrick Obrian, since he’s the closest thing you have to a family, and he never even had the thought of rejecting you because of your clone status. If anybody knows what its like to be judged and struggling to exist, its him.
Patrick plays an active supportive role in your life, and he teaches you how to use your powers. You end up being very skilled at the shapeshifting part of your shared powers. Sure, you still stretched, grew or shrank in size, anything Plastic Man could do, but you enjoyed shapeshifting the most. You even got a hang on switching colors, something Patrick struggled with.
When Young Justice was cooked up, you were one of the first they placed on the team. Mainly because of how powerful you were, and since part of them wanted to keep an eye on you, just in case.
You never took anything too seriously, it just came with the territory of being a clone of Plastic Man. Live life and all that. You did get into some arguments with different members of the team when it comes to morals, but that’s to be expected of a team.
When the team finds and rescues Conner, you immediately feel a level of kinship with him. Your clone status isn’t known outside of the league, so the knowledge Conner was born with doesn’t let him know you are a clone too.
As everyone tries to figure out what to do with Conner, you just settle down beside him, your stretched limbs dragging closer to you until they’re the normal length, where you offer him a snack or something to drink.
“Youd think they’d be better at dealing with clones, huh?” you joke, chewing on your own snack as he just looks at you, still confused and on edge about everything.
At his questioning glance, you lift your goggles and wink at him, pointing a thumb at yourself as you almost proudly declare yourself a clone of the best member of the justice league, if you were to be asked anyways.
As the league tries to figure it all out, you sit with Conner and just talk his ear off, never letting him wallow to far and making it harder for him to overhear the negative things said about him. Only Patrick knew, but the League fearing that you’d turn evil still weighed on you, and you didn’t want Conner to deal with the same thing.
Its only after you’ve made him smile and laugh that you accept that you’ve done your duty. When its time to leave you give him a way to contact you, and give him another cheesy wink before pulling your goggles back on, telling him that you clones should stick together.
Over time you become one of the people Conner is closest too, especially when he isn’t as welcomes by the people around him as he had hoped. This angers you and by extension Patrick, but your father figure just rolls his eyes and says he isn’t surprised.
In the beginning Conner spends a lot of time with you and Patrick, but mainly you, since you are closer in age. To be someone to look up too, you even stop with your petty crime for a while, just so your bad reputation won’t rub off on Conner.
Seeing him mingle better with the team, you take a happy step back and let him build the relationships he craves. Because of your different opinions and looser morals, you never became much more than acquaintances with the team, but seeing your fellow clone happy is enough for you.
But even as Conner gets closer to the team, he still holds onto you, since you were the first person to show him casual kindness without any suspicion or wanting something in return. You also have a lot more life skill than he does, so going to you for advice is normal for him.
When the time comes, you were most likely the one to leave the young justice team first out of everyone. You just don’t fit into their dynamic, and you run best on your own or with your father figure. Its hard to be an immortal who would never get to experience true normal life on a team of people who could.
You don’t leave the league, but you become more of a contractor, someone they call in when they need the help. You keep beating up bad guys, but you also fall back on the familiar feeling of crime. You only steal from those that deserve it though, and use your shapeshifting to easily get away with it.
It becomes a bit of a running gag, as the league always sends the young justice team after you since you aren’t an actual lethal threat. It kinda becomes training for them, and since Meghan can’t ever find you through mind powers, they have to work hard to find you.
When Conner leaves the team you to go out for drinks. Who cares about your ages. Seeing your father figure, you could be thousands of years old and never age physically, so it didn’t matter to you.
If your relationship was romantic, this would most likely be where it developed further, since Conner would be less tied to the team, and he could spend more time with you.
If your relationship isn’t romantic, it would still develop from here, just become more brotherly. You always joke you’re the batman to his superman, always shapeshifting into batman when you do, much to Conners fake annoyance.
Honestly even if it became romantic, youd still transform into batman and make kissy faces at him, since superbat is probably a running gag in the league.
You guys go on dates, even if its platonic, just to spend time together, maybe travel the world a bit, or even travel space, since you could easily survive away from earth. Theres probably also some very deep conversations about existence and your worth, since being a clone and always being treated like one weigh heavy on anyone.
When it truly hits Conner how much you struggle with your own role as a clone, he’s a bit surprised. Hed never imagined you were just completely fine, but you had always seemed to let the comments and suspicion roll off your back.
All in all, you two have each other’s back, always. The bond you have is deep in the way only two people created the same place for the same purpose can have. So, no matter if its romantic or platonic, you two become a familiar sight on and off the battlefield.
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not-fortune-cookie · 3 months
Hey just saw your writing and I adored it and I had an idea for a story drabble or if you like it enough...a series...basically y/n is a person who loves playing cookie run kingdom but wishes to live among them. Kinda like your...special cookie story but can imagine they are transported into the game as like a weak cookie...like a common cookie. Bet that would make the cookies VERY protective of them if they like y/n lol! As y/n just lives their life and wanders around...possibly even taken on some of the adventures to see more of the world by gingerbrave and his friends, they meet more cookies who adore em aaaand want to protect em!
Bonus if ya want: reader is like...an absolute shy bean who either has no idea how to fight oooor is a pacifist.
𝐍𝐨𝐭-𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬:
Spoiler Alert— That's actually my concept on my story, "Wished Fulfilled". [Y/N] is called the Ruler; or most authors put it-- Baker. But in my story, they're just [Y/N] Cookie. Unique category but the weakest among the Cookies. Also, thank you for the compliments! I appreciate your kind words. I'll try finish the story soon!
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                You love to decorate the [Name] Kingdom. You are their Ruler after all even it's only a day when you transmigrated into the game. However, since you didn't know how to be a cookie, there are some downsides. Especially that you're the weakest among the kingdom and its residents.
                You are quite a crumbling little thing. Your dough hasn't baked into a crispy one and your soul hadn't settled yet with your vessel. You're not allowed to be up and about yet, your legs are shaky and you're like a newborn.
                Don't worry your pretty little head, Pure Vanilla Cookie is kind and gentle with you. Standing by your side every step of the way as you practice. You're so shaky and weak, you easily fell down flat on the grass whenever you let go of your trusty staff. No wonder some of the Cookies have them—
                Every step you injure yourself, the Healer cookie never hesitated to erase each scratch from your dough. He watches your every move and even offer a hand when you need to. Eventually you'll get accustomed to your body soon enough.
                But that doesn't mean the Ancient hero will not be so protective. The young cookies can be rambunctious and run to you out of excitement to finally meet you. So he is alert and telling the young ones to not overwhelm you so much.
                Just don't traverse too far from him. He can't afford you to get injured without him to aid you. But he trusts Espresso to handle your curiosity of your Kingdom.
                This situation made Espresso Cookie appoint a research for you to easily maneuver your new body. For such a Cookie like yourself, someone who the Ancient Cookie cares for, the scientist had made sure of it that you are well taken care of.
                Despite his busy schedule, Espresso Cookie uncharacteristically dropped his current research to leash you near him. He constantly has to panic whenever his sight isn't on you. He is already disheveled and in distress before he can finally find you among the deep forest that leads to adventure to Crispia.
                But the leash he had on you won't let you travel far. He can't let you go deep in dangers out there. The Kingdom is nothing without their ruler and you had just get here.
                He has to get the best distraction for you. Do you like shiny things? He has some trinkets you can play in his laboratory. Despite not wanting anyone to disorganize his tools, he may allow you to clean up his equipment as long as you don't get far from the premises of the Kingdom.
                But eventually you got away and curiosity got the best of you. What danger lays outside the Kingdom that made Pure Vanilla Cookie and Espresso Cookie forbid you to get far?
                That's when Red Velvet Cookie find you. He lost chiffon one time and some of his cakehounds when he encountered the frail you.
                Red Velvet Cookie knew the cookies that built a kingdom for the Ruler to arrive. He was expecting someone so powerful and as vile as the residents of [Name] Kingdom that harm his precious hounds. But the way you let the little ones cuddle up to you and hesitate to even have a thought of laying a hand of them. The cookie of darkness is intrigued by your pacifism.
                So he approached you, promising himself to protect you from harm as you adore and spoil the cakehounds that refused to leave you.
                You're part of his family now, despite being on the 'good' side.
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I hope this is satisfactory for a drabble :]
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reverie-starlight · 2 months
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jk I watched one of my favourite keigo edits on insta and I got inspired. happy birthday 2 me 🫶🏻 (the main fic I was working on is still coming, but idk when exactly 🥹)
fem!reader, no physical descriptions. pure birthday fluff with tiny little minuscule amounts of angst sprinkled in bc. well. it’s a birthday. I’m sick for my 20th, so reader is too 😔
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you wake up to the sound of squeaky bedroom door hinges and a quiet but still enthusiastic rendition of happy birthday.
barely awake but just alert enough to realize what’s going on, you smile and turn over on your side to face keigo. he walks in slowly with a large bag around his wrist and a cupcake with slightly squished frosting in his palms.
he sits on his designated side of the bed (the one closer to the door since he insists on being your hero at all hours of the day) and waits for you to sit up against the headboard before sticking a candle into the dessert and lighting it for you.
“make a wish, baby,” he says. with how dark the room still is in the early morning, his face is lit up from the soft glow of the flame. warmth settles in your stomach as you watch the flickering reflection in his eyes and you can only think of one thing worth wishing for.
please let this last forever. don’t let me mess it up.
you blow out the candle and he cheers, moving to sit right next to you against the headboard. you lean your head on his shoulder and he happily feeds you pieces of cupcake, feathers working overtime trying to catch all of the crumbs before they reach the bed.
when you finish chewing a piece, he says, “how are you feeling?”
you shrug. “okay today, I think. better than yesterday, for sure- I feel like I can breathe again.”
you don’t miss how he winces at your voice, definitely less congested than the last few days, but sounding even more rough from lack of use overnight. you try to clear your throat, but it turns into a coughing fit. “drink some water, angel, don’t strain yourself.”
the stream of water soothes the itch and you sigh in relief. keigo, not phased one bit by your sickness, kisses your cheek, your nose, and then your lips. “I’m sorry you’re sick on your birthday, sweet girl.”
you shrug and try to play off how his nicknames are affecting you so early in the morning. “it’s okay, keigo, it could be a lot worse. a cold on my birthday isn’t the end of the world.”
his eyes soften. “yeah, but I know you were feeling more hopeful about things this year… it’s not often you get like that about your birthday, so I just wish the universe was on the same wavelength as us about that.”
you look down at your lap and pick at a loose string on the comforter. he must see your lips wobbling, because he slings an arm around your shoulders and pulls you closer.
it’s quiet for a second, but soon enough you’re sniffling in his arms and he knows it’s not your cold acting up.
“it’s okay, sweetheart, let it out.”
he understands birthdays are hard for you. he’s never pried into it, but he has his suspicions.
he could push, but he knows that your issues with your own birthday are far too deep-rooted to unpack in one morning before work. he’ll save it for a later date. right now all he wants is to see you smile again, so he’ll have to distract you from your thoughts.
“baby, you deserve the whole world. you know that, right?”
you shake your head. “I don’t, though. I don’t do anything deserving of what I’ve gotten so far… I don’t work hard enough, I don’t always make the best decisions for myself, I guess I’m a good person, but I could do so much better… I’m just so average. I barely even deserve-“
you end your rant with a half-hearted gesture in no particular direction, but he gets the idea and he frowns in concern.
“me? you don’t think you deserve…me?”
guilt keeps you from meeting his gaze again and he sighs.
his angel, his baby, the love of his life. the one. he just wants to take it all away.
you take things to heart too easily sometimes, so this moment might just be things you’ve let bubble up more recently… but his instinct and familiarity both tell him that these aren’t new feelings.
“sweet girl, I think it’s the other way around. I don’t think I’m very deserving of someone as incredible as you.”
you blink and finally meet his eyes again. “but…”
he doesn’t let you continue. “I would give you anything you asked for just for existing, baby. you don’t have to do a damn thing for my love.”
reaching over to grab the bag he had around his wrist earlier, he presents it to you with a wide grin and an excited glint in his eyes. “but I’ll start with this.”
you take the bag and pull out what looks like a scrapbook. the cover is decorated with foam stickers that spell out both of your names and badly cut paper hearts that look to be taken from sparkly card-stock. the book itself is made from faux-leather in your favourite colour.
your eyes travel up from the photo album to keigo, curiously. he’s happy to see a small smile forming on your face and he wipes away the last of your tears with a feather. “keigo, did you-“
he chuckles a little nervously. “I know it’s not the best work you’ve ever seen, but I wanted to make something by hand for you. I, um, I’ve never really done arts and crafts before.”
he recognizes the sound that comes out of your mouth to be the same one you make when you see a stray animal. he’s not sure if that’s a good thing or not, but the smile on your face as you examine each page (twenty pages total, all hand decorated with printed pictures of you both documenting significant moments over the course of your relationship) makes him think the latter.
“I have other gifts for you, of course, but I know you’ve been talking about having a physical photo album instead of a digital one for a while now, so I thought I’d try it. If you don’t like it, that’s totally okay we can-“
you cut him off by throwing your arms around his neck and kissing him. “keigo, shut up, this is the sweetest gift I’ve ever received. there are songs associated with every picture. you’re literally so cute, where did you even get the idea for that?”
he laughs against your lips when you say that and shakes his head. “you’re joking, right? you always have a song for every occasion, how could I pass up on the opportunity?”
you press your lips against his again and he melts into it, relived that you like his first (of many) gift.
he watches you flip through it a couple more times with a smile before taking it and placing it on the nightstand. “alright, birthday girl, you can go back to sleep if you’d like.”
“you’re going to work?” you try to keep the disappointment out of your voice, but he hears it anyway and he’s so happy he planned for this.
“nope! I’m all yours today. I booked it off months ago, I just want you to rest up a bit more. you’re still sick, remember?”
he snickers when your hopeful smile drops at the mention of your cold. “ugh don’t remind me. but if I’m going back to sleep, you’re coming with me. you don’t have an excuse anymore and it’s my birthday, so I have some sway.”
“you always have sway, baby,” he says while getting under the covers with you.
“yeah, but I’m extra convincing today,” you argue, and he knows if he doesn’t curb the conversation right now, you’ll never fall back asleep.
“alright, alright, come here. just rest,” he tugs you down to lay on his chest and reaches under your shirt to caress your back.
“hey keigo?” you ask after a minute, voice once again riddled with sleep.
“when you eventually get sick and I have to take care of you, can we add to the scrapbook some more?”
it’s a given that you would continue it together, but he doesn’t say that because he knows you’re too tired for the realization to hit you yet. so instead he presses a kiss to the top of your head. “of course, angel. that sounds great.”
you’re lulled to sleep a few minutes later to the sound of his voice whispering the sweetest of sweet nothings.
“happy birthday, baby.”
okay this is unedited bc it’s not even 7 am while I’m typing this and I don’t have time later to change anything, so I’M SORRY 😭
the other bday fic is coming I swear 🥹
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kimberly-spirits13 · 1 year
When Bruce Introduced You to the League
Batman x reader
No warnings
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• You were a big part of his life for a long time
• When the Justice League was being built you weren’t going to immediately be part of the team
• You two decided that it would be best if there was an available hero internationally and one for Gotham
• You chose to stay back in Gotham when the Justice League needed something but you were involved in helping build the league equipment
• This included the computers, software, the orbiting justice league headquarters, and the other things used for the league
• You didn’t really start hanging out with the league until long after you had met everyone at one time
• They had asked Batman to get you to come to the tower since something had stopped working
• Bruce knew how to fix it but he wanted an excuse to bring you up there and everyone was eager to meet you
• Once he knew that they were worth trusting, he didn’t mind exaggerating one of the problems with the main computer
• You were suspect about it but agreed to come anyways
• Bruce had already left for an early morning meeting with the league and you’d be coming later
• You came in full gear, using the zeta tubes in the cave
• When you walked in you were greeted by one of the managers that maintained the tech
• “So what seems to be the issue?” You were given a tablet with the electronic schematics of the satellite base
• “There seems to just be a loose connection in the mainframe. Probably a coding error with the new update to the system that someone added.” They walked you towards the room where the rest of the league was waiting, “Not sure why someone here couldn’t handle it, but they wanted you to come check it out.”
• “I’m sure it’s nothing major, thank you.” You smiled and nodded at the manager who did the same and walked off to attend to other work
• You walked in the room and was greeted by Green Lantern and Flash bickering over a basketball game while Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter were working over some mythology connections that they had made
• Superman and Bruce were busy talking about missions when you caught Bruce’s eye
• Flash was first to greet you, asking to settle the dispute between he and Lantern
• Bruce’s glare in the cowl got him quite again
• “Everyone this is Y/H/N, I assume some of you have met them before.” Bruce introduced you walking over to where you were standing, leaving Flash to retreat
• They were quick to greet you while Lantern was quick to flirt with you
• “I’ve come here to fix a systems issue, not court you.” You started walking towards the computer and have Bruce a look
• “So it’s a basic computer issue. And you called me to fix it?” You raised a brow challengingly, he knew you had caught on to what he was playing
• “Well, I wanted to make sure it wasn’t something more serious.” He gave the batsmirk causing Flash to give him a suspicious look
• “Well I better make sure this thing isn’t about to drop out of the sky” You elbowed him kiddingly causing him to break a chuckle
• They all exchanged glances at each other before Lantern gave a huge sigh
• “Tell me you two aren’t dating?” He was exasperated
• You shrugged and started working on the code that was supposed to be fixed
• The rest of the team started doing their own thing again and Wonder Woman came to sit with you while you worked
• “I don’t suppose you’ve known Batman for a while?” She asked you, “It is none of by business but I am curious if you’re willing to answer.”
• “You’re fine. We’ve known each other since we were kids. Nothing much to it.” You were hunched over going over the treacherous line, “My only gripe against him is that he called me in to fix one line of code that I know for certain he could have done himself”
• This caused Diana to laugh, “I’m sure he was eager to introduce everyone formally.”
• “Apparently so”
• You two talked for the duration of your stay, which wasn’t meant to be long but you decided to stay longer to hang out
• Superman was there too talking and there to offer a coffee
• Despite his efforts, you could tell he was from Kansas based off of that little twang he had
• When it was time to leave, Bruce was there to see you out
• “I assume that the problem wasn’t hard to wrangle.” He said with a smirk in his voice
• “Oh it was terrible, I definitely see why you called me out.” He gave you a nudge
• “I’ll see you in an hour for the WE meeting.” He said
• You bid each other a goodbye
• Once you left he could hear the snickers of Flash and Lantern before Lantern started off, “BATSY HAS A GIRLFRIEND/ BOYFRIEND” “NEVER IN MY LIFE DID I EVER THIN-“
• And that’s when the usual brooding started again, scaring Lantern off for a bit
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