#so i can’t hate them for not knowing how to be parents. they never stood a chance
inuiiwonderland · 21 hours
Change my future
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Azul x fem! Reader
Words: 2.4K
You knew your husband didn’t like you.
Since the day he met you. He never liked you.
And it wasn’t like it was entirely your fault. The marriage between the two of you wasn’t even on you. It was your parents' idea.
Both of your mothers have been good friends since they were children. One of their biggest dreams since they were young teens was for their future children to get together and marry.
So there was no stopping them once they made up their mind.
You vividly remember the look on your husband's face when he first found out about this arrangement.
It was over dinner. His mother invited your parents over to “catch up” as she phrased it. Of course your mother was thrilled the moment she got the text. You remember how she dragged both you and your father out of bed as she told you two to get ready.
Both you and your father had to sit there for a good 15 minute drive while your mother yapped and yapped about her best friend and how she was so excited to see her again.
You were rather upset about being interrupted from your sleep.
The house was nice. It was big, beautiful, and well furnished.
Dinner was great. His mother is an excellent cook. You remember complimenting her when you first tasted her food. The woman blushed as she thanked you.
Telling you that you were such a sweetheart
And that’s when you also met him. He was nice at first. He welcomed you into his home and introduced himself.
Azul Ashengrotto
You wouldn’t lie, he was beautiful.
Pretty bluish purple eyes, soft looking hair, and a cute mole underneath his bottom lip.
He looked perfect
And you wouldn’t lie that you didn’t feel butterflies when he smiled at you.
That sweet smile
But that sweet smile soon turned into a scowl. The moment his mother uttered those words, he stood up from his seat as he looked at his parents in disbelief. Especially his mother.
“I’m what?!” Eyes wide and brow furrowed.
“Azul! Don’t raise your tone at me!”
“I’m sorry mother, but I’m NOT going to marry her! I don’t even know her!”
“That’s why the two of you are going to get to know each other! C’mon Azul y/n is a sweet girl!”
“I’m sorry mother…but I can’t” Once those words left his lips, he stormed out.
“Azul!!” His mother called out, but he ignored her.
You vividly remember his mother apologizing to you and your parents that night. Her face flushed in embarrassment after the scene her son caused.
“No it’s fine Mrs. Ashengrotto! I understand why he acted that way”
“No it’s not fine! I’m so sorry sweetie, I promise he’s not always like this!” She says as she continues spitting out apologies.
That was during your 2nd year of high school. After that night, your mother told you that you and Azul are engaged and that the two of you will soon be married after graduation.
You tried to look excited. But you just couldn’t. Ever since Azul found out about the marriage and how you weren’t against it and didn’t say anything to both of your parents, he hated you.
When you would come over for dinner at the Ashengrotto house or just a simple hang out, he would ignore your every attempt of you trying to get to know him.
You would ask about his hobbies, his interests, favorite color, favorite food, etc. but every attempt will lead to you being ignored.
He will tell you to go away. Do not talk to him and that you were annoying.
But you didn’t let that phase you. You wanted to get to know him. After all, the two of you will soon get married.
You remember asking his mom about the type of food Azul likes. She squealed when you asked as she dragged you to the kitchen and proceed to tell you about all the different dishes azul liked.
You remember spending hours trying to make him the best meal so he will at least warm up to you a bit. But all you were greeted with was your food being thrown away.
But you still didn’t let that phase you.
You soon learned that he goes to night raven college and that he’s a dorm leader. You also learned that he has his very own restaurant in said dorm.
You tried getting him to tell you all about it. How he’s doing in night raven and how he is able to handle a business while in school.
But nothing. He would just grip his pen and tell you to be quiet and to leave.
But again, his harsh words didn’t get to you one bit.
The news of his overblot had you worried sick. You quickly made your way to the isle of sages when you heard about the news. Walking down the halls of night raven as you demanded to know where your fiancé was at.
That’s the first time the tweels ever saw/heard about you.
Azul fiancé? Interesting.
You sat next to Azul in the nurse’s office. Heart beating at a fast rate as his eyes were closed.
“Azul…please wake up” The twins eyed each other as they continued to watch the scene in front of them.
You quickly sat straight when you saw azul slowly opening his eyes. Grabbing a hold of his hand as you bombarded him with questions and asking if he was okay.
He was confused about his surroundings but the moment he heard your voice and the feeling of something touching his hand. He screamed.
You and the tweels eyes widen at his outburst. The tweels being confused and you feeling a bit embarrassed.
“A-azul there’s no need to yell! You have just woken up-“ But before you could finish your sentence, the sound of the door slamming opened caught everyone's attention.
“Yuu?” He said. You turn to look at azul as a light flush appears on his cheeks.
That’s when everything clicked
Azul didn’t just hate you for no reason. He hated you because now that he’s tied to you, he won’t be able to be with the one he truly loves.
You watch as this yuu person checks up on him before scolding him about being trouble for them and their friends.
After the scolding, they turn to you with a surprise look on their face.
“Oh! I’m sorry I didn’t notice you there! What’s your name?” They looked…so nice.
“It’s nice to meet you y/n! I’m yuu! Are you a friend of azul?”
“No I’m actually-“
“Personal nurse” You looked at azul with a hurt expression. But he didn’t even look your way. His full attention was set on yuu.
“Right…” You excused yourself before getting up and leaving.
Trying to ignore the tears sliding down your cheeks
You noticed how slightly happier azul looked when he was near yuu or even hearing their name. You tried to pretend like it didn’t do anything to you. Like you didn’t feel your heart get stabbed and crushed every time you visit night raven only to see that he was with yuu.
It was like that for a year. Until the tragic news came out.
Yuu finally found a way back home. Everyone was devastated but also tried to be happy for yuu. After all that was their goal since the very beginning.
To go home
Azul hasn’t been the same after that. He started to overwork himself. Barely eating and leaving his office. You would bring him food in hopes that he would at least eat something.
Two years after yuu left twisted wonderland. It was graduation time. You were excited, happy! You finally did it. You remember the happy look on your parents' faces as they watched you walk that stage.
You were happy
That soon went away when you remembered. Your wedding. Of course, how can you forget that in a few months, you're going to be married to azul.
And he wasn’t happy. And he showed it.
When you would ask him about his opinions on a dress or venue. He would just scoff and tell you to figure it out yourself. That he didn’t care.
After an attempt of trying to get his opinions for the wedding, you left all the planning to his and your mother.
The day of the wedding. You didn’t feel the happiness that many brides have described on their special day. You didn’t feel beautiful with the dress that you had on.
It’s not because the dress was ugly! Oh no not in the slightest. In fact, the dress was gorgeous!
But…YOU didn’t feel beautiful at all. Like you didn’t belong in it.
The wedding venue looked absolutely breathtaking. Everything looked perfect.
The Moment you walked down the aisle. You could see that azul was not paying attention at all. He looked like he was spaced out. You tried not to let it bother you.
This wasn’t like the fairy tales
You were supposed to be happy! Feel beautiful in your dress and having your groom crying in the altar because of how stunning you looked in your dress!
But no. No crying, no happiness, just an empty feeling.
During your vows. You can tell that azul didn’t mean any of it. It was just empty promises.
When the words “you may now kiss the bride” came out. He looked…disgusted almost.
It was a quick peck. So quick that you didn’t even feel it.
Everyone cheered as they all congratulated you two.
This isn’t like the fairy tales at all
4 years
4 years after you and azul became husband and wife, nothing changed.
The two of you slept in two completely different rooms. Two rooms that were far away from each other. After graduating from night raven, he opened up an even bigger and better mostro lounge near the beach.
And that’s where he spends most of his time at. He’s barely home and when the rare chances he is home, he’s locked away in his office.
In those rare days he’s home. You will cook for him and place it in front of his office. Telling him that his food was done.
He would either throw it away and order take out or sometimes when he’s really hungry and doesn’t feel like waiting, he eats it.
You did everything a perfect wife would do. You would cook for him, do the laundry, clean, grocery shopping, care and pay attention to him even if he doesn’t like it.
You did everything
But it still wasn’t enough
You still tried to get him to open up to you. You would try to start conversations even when he ignores you. You would talk about your day when he doesn’t want to tell you about his.
It’s alright. He’ll warm up to me soon. It’s alright
You try to tell yourself that everything is alright. That he will soon change and the two of you will live life like a normal happy couple.
But that hope was soon crushed when one night, when you were coming back after using the bathroom, you heard sobs and cries coming from azul office.
In a flash you made it to the front door. You were about to knock and open the door when you heard him say a familiar name.
“Y-yuu….come back…please”
Your heart broke that night
You quietly walked away from the door and made it to your room.
You silently cried yourself to sleep. Asking the great sevens why you had to suffer like this.
This wasn’t the kind of life you wanted
A few days after that incident, Azul invited the twins over. You welcomed them with warm smile and told them that azul was in his office waiting for them. They greeted you with smiles before walking off to azul office.
As they made their way upstairs, you didn’t notice the pair of mismatch eyes watching you as they soon disappeared upstairs.
You decided to make some snacks for them. You prepared them with love and once you were done you made your way upstairs to azul office.
Just when you were outside the door, you heard your name being mentioned.
“Y/n? She’s so annoying! I can’t believe my mother made me marry her! Sevens she never leaves me alone. Always asking me about my day when I don’t even want to talk to her” You can hear him let out a frustrated sigh.
You try not to let that get to you. You knocked before coming in.
“I made you guys some snacks. I hope you like them” You bowed before walking out.
I can’t do this anymore
You quickly walked to your room before packing some of your stuff.
I can’t I can’t I can’t! I can’t live like this! Being stuck in a love less marriage that I didn’t even want in the first place!
Your hands were shaking as you grabbed the last of what you needed.
You looked at the ring on your finger
A ring the doesn’t mean anything
You took it off and threw it on the bed. You quietly walked out of your room before heading downstairs. Azul and the twins were busy talking about whatever kind of business they talked about.
Besides, azul wouldn’t even care
You look back at the house that you used to call home one last time before never looking back.
You wished that’s how it ended. But no
Your life couldn’t get any worse could it? Because just when you thought you can start fresh….Your life was over.
You didn’t know how it happened. One second you're in a taxi and the next everything goes black.
The last thing you hear is police and ambulance sirens coming from the distance.
And everything goes silent.
You wake up
You don’t know how but you wake up.
“Y/nn!! Get up you have to get ready! My friend invited us over for dinner!”
“W-what?” You sat up and you ask the great sevens if this is a joke.
Is my eyes flashing before my eyes or something?!
“Dear get up and get ready! Your father isn’t awake yet either jeez the two of you are going to be the death of me”
“Yes sweetie?”
“What year is it?” She looks at you dumbfounded.
“What…year is it?”
“Honey are you okay? Are you feeling sick?”
“Please answer” She looks at you worriedly before answering your question.
“It’s 20XX, why? Oh my sevens don’t tell me your on drugs?!”
This can’t be
Did you just…wake up in the past? Exactly 6 years ago? When you first met ….azul
“Yes honey? Are you okay?”
“I don’t feel too good. I think I’m just going to stay home”
EWWW I FEEL LIKE THIS IS CRINGE😖😖 anyways here some angst🤍 not proof read im literally half asleep rb🫠
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imflyinoveryou · 3 months
living with em just has me in this irrational , constant oscillation of idealization and genuine resentment and it’s not fair to them nor myself.. i can’t wait to put space between us ! and i can’t wait to have clarity that brings far more love into my relationships with them.
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drudyslut · 19 days
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— summary: kook princess. kook prince. perfect match, right? wrong. you hated rafe cameron and everything he stood for. and he hated you. so when your fathers spring it on the two of you that they’d arranged for the two of you to be married, both of your worlds are flipped upside down.
— CW: strong language, forced/arranged marriage, kissing, slight sexual tension, alcohol consumption.
— note: so sorry for how long this has taken me. i’m still unsure how i feel about it but i refuse to scrap it again. feedback is very appreciated! likes, comments, reblogs!
prev parts: one, two
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2 days later…
It’s been two days since the encounter with Rafe at the Country Club, and it’s all I’ve thought about. He was drunk, that’s what I’ve been telling myself. He was drunk, and he didn’t actually mean any of the shit he’d said to me. Rafe hated me, just as much if not more, as I hated him.
I needed to shove his face, and the way he looked at me that night, down. I needed to get my head on straight, because tonight… Tonight I had to glue myself to his side and pretend to be happy. Pretend that I was madly in love with my future husband, pretend we didn’t despise one another.
But as much as I tried, I couldn’t. I couldn’t get the look of pure lust he’d had on his face that night out of my head. I couldn’t get the way his hands grabbed at my body out of my head. I couldn’t get the things he’d said out of my head. He was stuck there… Almost like he’d wanted to insert himself deep into my mind and make me trip over myself, wondering, waiting… Did he mean what he said?
I squeeze my eyes shut, hearing his low and raspy voice at the back of my mind.
“Baby, you’re going to be crawling on your hands and knees begging for me to touch you. To kiss you. To please you. You can act like you hate me now, Lord knows I can’t stand you. But even I can admit, you’re fucking gorgeous. And I know you find me somewhat attractive.”
Fuck. What is he doing to me? He is attractive, but I’d never admit that out loud. He’s a fucking douche, and he knows that. I just wish this could be easy, I wish I was being forced to marry someone I somewhat like… That would make this a whole lot easier, but no.. Of course my parents would set this shit up with the Cameron’s. My dad and Ward have only been friends for as long as I can remember.
Fuck them, and fuck Rafe. I-
A knock sounding on my bedroom door rips me from my thoughts, and I sit up fully on my bed, crossing my legs and saying, “Come in.”
My door is pushed open, and I’m met by my mother’s eyes.
“Hey sweetheart, you’ve been locked up here all day, are you okay?”
I fight the scoff that wants to come out, not in the mood to fight with my parents today. Instead, I put on a fake smile and say, “Yeah. I’m fine, just trying to keep my energy up for tonight s’all.”
My mother makes her way to the end of my bed, sitting down and placing a soft hand on my leg. I sigh, knowing this is about to be some long lecture I wasn’t in the mood for.
“Sweetheart, I know how you feel about Rafe.. But this is a good thing, okay? I’m sure the two of you can learn to get along, he’s not that bad of a person is he?”
I open and close my mouth a few times, trying to think of what to say, but my mind fails to think of anything. She has a point. He isn’t that bad. He’s just had a shitty life — Well.. To an extent.
His father was known to be a major ass. I’d personally witnessed the verbal beatings he’d given his son, not to mention the few times I’d seen Ward actually lay hands on him. Rafe didn’t know what it was like to be loved and in turn, didn’t know how to love. Maybe things would be different had his mother not passed when he was only eleven, maybe she would have loved him, and taught him how to love. But we’d never know the answer to that.
“Honey? You still with me?”
I lift my head, finding my mother’s worry filled eyes once more.
I nod my head, “Yeah sorry, mom. I’m just tired. How long do I have until the engagement party? I think I might take a nap.”
Standing from my bed, my mom makes her way to my bedroom door, opening it but stopping to answer my question. “You have about three hours, guests will begin arriving in two. Take you an hour nap, then get ready. Your dress is on the back of your bedroom door. I love you.”
“Love you, too.”
She closes the door softly behind her, and I throw myself back into my pillows, letting out a deep breath. I close my eyes, hoping I can take a nap and not dream about Rafe and his fucking hands on me, I don’t want him to have this power over me, but fuck if he hasn’t burrowed his way into my head.
“Rafe, we’re leaving here in twenty minutes!”
I roll my eyes, looking myself over in my bathroom mirror once more and straightening my tie. I just have to get through tonight, and then I don’t have to deal with her again for another few weeks. I could do this.
She’d been on my mind for the last two days though… That night at the Country Club, and how good she’d looked, how her voice sounded. Fuck, how could I have never noticed her like that before? How could I have always overlooked her?
She was fucking beautiful, and fuck her attitude, and the way she looked when she was mad… It had my cock straining for days. I hated her though, and nothing would change that. Not even good pussy would change the fact that I fucking hated her.
I clear my throat, straightening my tie for the millionth time before finally turning away from the bathroom mirror and walking into my bedroom. I make my way over to my nightstand, opening the top drawer and grabbing out the flask I’d had hidden in there.
Quickly unscrewing the cap, I tossed it back, swallowing as much as I could before screwing the top back on and shoving it back into the drawer, closing it. Fuck, I needed to use some mouthwash before I got into a car with my dad. Last thing I need is him bitching me out for drinking before we arrived at the Y/L/N’s house.
After swishing around some mouth wash, i grab my phone, wallet and keys, shoving them all into my pockets before inhaling a deep breath and letting it out slowly. You can do this, Rafe. It’s just the engagement party.. You still have three weeks until you’re officially married off to her.
I make my way down the stairs with one minute to spare, seeing my dad, Rose and two sisters all standing by the front door waiting for me. I meet all of their eyes, one by one taking in the expressions on their faces.
“Let’s go. Don’t wanna be late right?” I say slowly, pushing past all of them and out the door.
We arrive at the Y/L/N’s house within five minutes, their driveway and the sides of the street already filled with cars and the yard all the way into the house filled with people. I swallow nervously, running my hands up and down my dress slacks.
“You okay?” I hear Sarah say from the right of me.
I glance down at her, narrowing my eyes. She never gives a shit about me or how I’m feeling.
“Just peachy, Sare. You don’t have to pretend to give a shit about me.”
She scoffs. “I’m not pretending, Rafe. I couldn’t imagine being in your position, I’m just-”
“Look, I’m fine. Can’t be that bad, right?”
Before she even has the chance to respond, I lean over her, opening the car door and looking at her, my face letting her know to get out of the car. She does just that, exiting the car and smoothing down the front of her baby pink dress.
“If you need anything, you can talk to me. I know we don’t get along, but I am your sister, and I do care.”
It feels like a thousand needles prick at my throat, my eyes stinging from tears wanting to well up, but I don’t let them. Fuck, I need a drink. I nod my head at Sarah, thanking her before climbing out of the Range Rover and slamming the door, slowly making my way toward the front porch steps.
As I enter the house, the sound of music and chatter fills my ears, and I can’t help but wince. I’m used to this sort of environment, lots of people, music, the works. But it’s always people my age, and we’re having fun, not celebrating the engagement of two people who could care less about one another. Every last person here is oblivious to the fact that Y/N and I do not want to be married, fucking ignorant bliss.
I make my way into the kitchen, finding various bottles of liquor on the counter tops. I settle for a bottle of Whiskey, grabbing a small glass from the counter and pouring two fingers, tossing it back and pouring another.
“Do not make an ass of yourself tonight, son. I swear to God if you embarrass our families..”
I roll my eyes, slowly turning to face my father who stands so close to my back I can feel his breath on my neck.
“Don’t worry, dad. I won’t embarrass us. I just need a drink or two so I can get through this shit fest.”
My dad’s eyes narrow, but he keeps his mouth shut, turning and storming off into the house, probably in search of Y/N’s father. Good, hopefully Mr. Y/L/N keeps him off my ass tonight.
I toss back the second drink, placing the glass into the sink before shoving my hands into my pockets and slowly working my way through the crowd of people. A lot of the older men and women stop me, shaking my hand and congratulating me. I guess some people already know why they’re here tonight, shocker.
I approach the foyer of the house, scanning the length of the room when my eyes land on her. She looks absolutely beautiful tonight, shit. She’s making it really hard to not notice her lately. Why? I’ve been around her since we were kids, grew up together, and I’ve never paid her any attention. Why now? Maybe it’s because I’m being forced to marry her, so she’s been consuming my mind, or maybe it’s because Topper hasn’t shut the fuck up about her the last five days, ranting and raving about how “hot” she is, and how I should enjoy her. Maybe he’s right, and maybe that’s why I’ve been so infatuated with her these last few days.
Without even realizing it, I make my way toward her. My soon to be wife. The soon to be Mrs. Cameron, mother of my children.
“Hey.” I say lowly, my eyes scanning the length of her body in the tight fitting white dress.
She flicks her gaze up to my face, her eyes searching mine.
“Hi.” she responds.
I swear I see a blush cross her face, and I don’t miss the way she shifts back and forth on her feet, her white strappy heels clicking against the tile floors.
“So, we’re supposed to stay glued together tonight, shall we?” I ask, holding my arm out for her to take.
She hesitates for a moment before finally linking her arm with mine. A weird feeling erupts in my chest, and I shake my head, trying to shake the weird feeling.
We begin walking through the crowd of people, all eyes on us as we try and find our parents, knowing they wanted to go ahead and announce the engagement and wedding date so everyone can enjoy the rest of their night mingling and drinking.
Finally finding our parents, we slowly step up the stairs and onto the landing, standing between our parents — Ward and Rose beside me, her parents beside her.
Ward clears his throat, clinking a small fork on the side of his whiskey glass and getting everyone’s attention.
Fuck, there are so many fucking people here.
“Thank you for coming out tonight everyone. We have a very big announcement to make.”
He stops speaking, turning his attention to Mr. Y/L/N and letting him continue.
Y/D/N places a loving hand on his daughter’s shoulder, clearing his throat and speaking. “We have invited you all here tonight to announce the engagement of our two eldest children, Rafe and Y/N. We wanted to throw this party in their honor tonight, to celebrate two people becoming one.”
I discreetly roll my eyes. Two people becoming one my ass, more like two being being forced together so two companies can become one…
“The wedding will be in three weeks. Saturday June fifteenth. We hope to see all our friends and family there.”
The room erupts in gasps and cheers. A fifty-fifty of mixed emotions throughout. I notice Y/N’s hand tighten around my arm, her eyes scanning the room quickly. I take note of a few girls I’d slept with in the past, glaring at her. Fuck. I need to do something, these girls will eat her alive, they’ll know this is all bullshit. I need to try and make it seem real, but I don’t think Y/N is going to like my plan very much.
I slowly unlink our arms, turning her so she’s facing me and I cup her cheeks in my hands. She sucks in a sharp breath, narrowing her eyes on me.
“Trust me, okay?”
Her chest rises and falls quickly, but she squeezes her eyes shut and nods her head.
Without a second thought, I dip my head down and capture her lips with mine. The kiss is slow and soft at first, but I quickly deepen it, shoving my tongue into her mouth and feeling her body tense up underneath my hands.
She kisses me back, her body relaxing and melting into mine as the sound of the hoots and hollers slowly fade. There’s no one but us in this room. Shit, she’s a good kisser.
She finally pushes me back, wiping the corner of her lips with her hand and staring up into my eyes.
“What… What was that for?” she asks.
I glance behind her, seeing Jessie and Caraline rolling their eyes but stomping away. I can’t help but smirk at that, Y/N is the only girl I’ve publicly shown any affection towards, and they all know that.
I shrug. “I was saving you from being eaten alive by the bitches of my past s’all.”
She rolls her eyes. “Well, thanks. But I think I can handle a few girls.”
I can’t help but smile at that. She’s strong, she’s tough, and in three weeks, she’s all mine.
“I bet you can, but, you’re welcome.”
Her eyes continue to search mine, her hands shaking at her sides as she continues to stare up at me. God, my cock is painfully hard right now. I just want to take her up to her room and ruin her innocence, but I won’t. I’ll wait until the wedding night, I can wait three more weeks.
“Now, let’s go enjoy this party. It’s gonna be a long night, baby.”
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RAFE TAGLIST: @drewstarkeyslut @princessslutt @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @sturnioloshacker @starkeysprincess @rafescurtainbangz @atorturedpoetx @redhead1180 @jjsmarijuana @romaescapes @kisses4angel @lovelysturnioloos
series masterlist | rafe cameron masterlist | taglist form
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sanjisblackasswife · 11 months
……we’re gonna need a fic about y/n leaving dickies on the monster trio….. and law…. Pretty please….😀🥹😙😙😙
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𝔾𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℍ𝕚𝕞 𝕒 𝔻𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕪
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If yall dont know what a dickey is its a hickey on a dick.
Ft. Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Law
Blk Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Dick sucking.
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It turns him on in the worst way.
The first time you sucked his dick you overstimulated him to the point he was blabbering between “Please stop” and keep going.
The day after that he woke up to do his usual routine of getting ready when looking down to pee he noticed a small bruise under his tip.
Like a child running to their parent’s room to tell them they three up he stood by your sleeping body and tapped your shoulder in a small panic.
“Y/n…baby…baby lookit.”
You were still half sleep, so turning around to see a naked Sanji with his semi- hard cock dangling 5 inches from your face made you peer up at him.
“Sanji, I told you if you wanna use me while i’m sleep use me.” You tried turning over, voice still sleepy, he wanted to laugh a little at youur drowsy voice but shook you some more.
“N-no Y/N. It’s this. This bruise you left. I think you left a hickey on me.”
That woke you up.
Sanji was shocked, and excited all at once he nearly forgot he had to get dressed to start cooking. He couldn’t stop praising you for leaving your mark on him.
“Y/N can…can you do this again”
You on the other hand couldn’t be more embarrassed. You didn’t mean to suck his dick THAT hard. You probably should have stopped the first time you heard him scream.
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It’s very hard to leave a hickey on him at all with his rubbery ass body, you have in the past but it took A LOT of trial and error.
When you did finally pop off and away from your boyfriend’s pelvis you felt a little pride erupting from your stomach seeing a tiny little purple spot form on his shaft.
“I did it!”
“Did what.”
You never really told Luffy you wanted to leave a dickey on him. You kept it as your own personal goal so you didn’t know how to properly explain it to him
“You can do that?!” Luffy immediately sees the hickey on his dick and starts CRACKING UP as if he didn���t just cum like a whiney slut a few seconds ago.
“You’re like a puffer fish!”
“Shut up, Luffy!”
It just tickles him to know you sucked on his dick so much just to leave such a small mark. It wasn’t bad at all, but funny none theless. Now he actually expects a dickey from you.
Have fun with getting lock jaw everytime you go down on him now.
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Didn’t even know it was possible and neither did you so when you when to experiment Zoro damn near started actually moaning and whining due to overstimulation.
“O-okay okay okay fuck—you tried long enough! We can’t—FUCK—-!”
You were determined to leave that damn hickey, your mouth was wet and covered in drool, his cum, and your lips started to swell a little. Luckily you loved sucking him off anyways so this was just another Tuesday for you.
You really wanted to leave a pretty mark on his tip.
And that you eventually did.
“HA!” You smile, face wet, teary eye’d and flustered. You rub your thumb on the tip of the sensitive dick and it causes Zoro to grab your wrist.
He was absolutely exhausted.
“You got it. Please….fucking stop.”
“You’re so lame. But look! I did it!” 😁
Zoro just doesn’t understand you or the point of why you had to damn near suck the soul out of him for a bruise that’s ganna wear off in a few hours.
….He does like looking at it though. It reminds him of his slutty little girlfriend.
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He bruises very easily.
So this wasnt too hard you actually leave him in dickeys all the time
and everytime you point it out he hates it.
“I hate that fucking word.”
“I think it’s cute. Like your dick.”
Doesn’t get the point of it, he thinks you’re a sadist for it. You tend to bruise him up a LOT when you both get intimate.
He does get a little shy when you point out how good of a boy he was taking it. It’s almost as if he loves being praised and marked by you.
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cumikering · 6 months
Ex bf John Price x reader 2
2.6k | soft smut, angst, comfort Your closure (part 1)
You fiddled with the simple gold band. You hadn’t expected to see John, especially not there of all places. You didn’t know why you even said anything. You should have walked past.
But you remembered how you shook that afternoon in Hereford, gripping the edge of your seat and how you broke down as the train departed. You didn’t care what you looked like. How could you when you’d just ripped your heart out.
For days you holed up in your childhood bedroom, where you’d taken him into countless times. Your bed didn’t dip the same way without his weight. When you unwittingly pulled out one of his shirts from your wardrobe, you sobbed into it. You lived out of your luggage until you got your own place.
Perhaps you were desperate, or just silly, that you wore his gift as a wedding ring. That way maybe you could rationalise the hole in your life was from losing your husband, not just a boyfriend because dear God, he was so much more than that. As a sick vow that you’d never want to lose him to war, so you’d never crawl back. You had wanted to so many times.
You wrote John letters the nights you couldn’t sleep. Some mornings in the haze of slumber, you’d wake up to your empty bed thinking he’d left for the day. It took another second for it to dawn on you that he was never there. You took 10 more minutes to get up.
Sometimes you grabbed plates, one too many, and cooked four eggs instead of two. At the supermarket you’d reach for his favourite crisps before realising you didn’t have to anymore. Some nights you left the door unlocked out of habit.
The sun promised yet another day. The tears grew fewer and further between. Spring came and you found the box of letters you wrote. You counted - there were 56.
You’d never forgotten about him, even that the memory had loosened its claws on you. Despite the gnarly scar, the wound had dried.
But that day, after not speaking to each other for years, something crumbled in you. Was it his tired eyes? The way he stood, his weary smile? His beanie?
John Mother Fucking Price.
Did he hold onto the memories like you did too after all?
That evening, you laughed at yourself as you drove to his parents’. Knuckles white over the steering wheel, you stared at the front door as your heart raced. You rested your forehead against the wheel with a heavy sigh.
Why did you even come? What were you going to say? Did he even want to hear whatever it was you had to say?
You heart almost stopped when there was a tap on the passenger’s window.
It was John. Of course it was.
You unlocked the car with a shaky breath. He slipped right in and shut the door, rubbing his hands together and blew into them. The distant streetlight cast a soft glow on his face as he held your gaze.
“You alright?” he rasped, breaking the long silence.
You gave him a crooked smile, shaking your head. “I don’t even know why I’m here,” you muttered, more to yourself.
His eyes flicked to your hand. “I think you do.”
“It’s from you, John.” You held it up to him. “The last one.”
His breath caught, blue eyes searching yours. “Tell me you hate me before I do something stupid.”
You wrapped your arms around him over the console. He took a frantic breath of your hair, and you almost whimpered at the way your face still fitted so perfectly in the crook of his neck. He smelt the exact same.
“I can’t hate you,” you sighed. “Believe me, I’ve tried.”
You told yourself if you shut your eyes tight enough, the tears wouldn’t spill. They did anyway when you heard the choked sob from him. His beard tickled and it didn’t take long for his tears to dampen your neck.
“Love, I’ve- Fuck. Nothing has ever hurt this much.”
Your fingers ran through his soft hair, right above the nape of his neck the way he liked it.
“If call it quits… If I give up everything, would you have me back?”
“You wouldn’t,” you whispered. The truth still tasted bitter despite the years.
He gripped your shoulders. “Each time I come knocking with someone’s tags, a part of me dies too. I never want it to be you. I’ll never let it be you breaking down at our door.”
“Don’t do this to me, John.” Your face twisted. “Don’t… Don’t say all these things when-“
“You gave up your life for me. It’s my turn to do the same.” His thumb caressed your cheek. “I’d follow you anywhere. You just have to ask.”
You sobbed. He stroked your hair, your face pressed onto his shoulder, leaving dark patches on his sweater. His cheeks were still wet when you cradled his face.
In his steady arms, you could never be safer. As the windows fogged up, you wished the night was as endless as your kisses.
The streets of Liverpool had settled when John closed the door to your apartment. His eyes remained a little puffy, but his smile was brighter than when they were dry.
You’d missed that. The way his warm eyes crinkled, how his lips curved.
He tentatively pulled you by the waist, pressing your body against his. You never thought you’d feel those sturdy hands on you again.
You led him to your bed and flicked the bedside lamp on before pulling him on top of you. He stilled over you, the warm light illuminated the lines of his face. You traced the shape of him, his lower lip, his faint freckles, his tired eyes. He shut them with a shaky sigh. He was perfect.
“I’ve missed you,” you whispered.
“I can’t even begin to tell you how much I miss you,” he rasped, grasping your waist as his lips closed over yours.
He licked along your lower lip, nipping on it. The small gasp you let out allowed his tongue to slip past your lips, brushing against your own. When you arched your back, his hand slid under your top, kneading your hip.
“John,” you breathed against his lips, tugging on his shirt.
With you between his hard thighs, you watched with lidded eyes as he pulled his shirt off. His muscles weren’t as defined as they once were, but the same strength under was evident in the way his chest and arms flexed. You wasted no time running your hands over him, from his happy trail, partly hidden under the low hanging waistband, up to the darker fuzz of his chest. His abdomen rippled under your touch, bulge forming in his sweats.
He leaned back down and you palmed over the stretch of his back. There were raises you swore weren’t there last time. As you ran your fingertips over the scars, his lips didn’t relent against yours. Your tongues swirled between the nibbling and sucking. It surprised you how you were still in sync, not missing a beat despite the years.
He was still yours.
“Want you, John.”
“Anything for you, sweetheart.” He helped you out of your clothes before himself. Kneeling before you, he parted your thighs and settled between them.
He exhaled, a rough hand trailed from your knee along your inner thigh. Your skin pulled as he squeezed the flesh at the thickest part, giving him a peek of your slick. He licked his lip.
His eyes flicked up to you, watching as you bit your lip, chest rising and falling, your nipples at attention. He climbed over you, licking a stripe up your breast before his hot tongue flicked over your nipple, rolling the other between his fingers.
Your fingers ran through his hair, clutching his roots. You hummed in pleasure when his mouth switched with his hand, teeth playfully grazing against your hardened nipple. Your back arched, yearning for more and more of him.
He sat back on his haunches, wet lips parted. Your hips bucked when his thumb swiped over your needy clit. The motion continued as his fingertips trailed from your waist down to your knee. His eyes transfixed on you as you shut your eyes, your breath shallow.
You gave a small nod when his finger circled over your opening. He barely had to push before slipping right in. He curled his finger, building his pace as he leaned over, planting kisses across your chest up your neck and jaw before meeting your lips again. The noises filled the dim room.
Your hand ran down his side, to his fuzzy pelvis and heavy balls. Your fingertips traced along his length and he twitched when you got to his leaking tip. You stroked his desperate cock, spreading the wetness it over him. You moaned into his mouth when he added another finger.
He pumped faster as he licked along your neck, his tongue grazing the cuff of your ear. Your arm slung over his neck, your nails digging into his flexed bicep as he held his weight up, clinging onto him.
“Always so good for me, love,” he breathed, his warm breath making you shiver.
Your back arched to meet him, hips rolling. His long, thick fingers grew urgent, thumb rubbing your swollen clit. The squelching merged with the sounds of the wet kisses your neck.
The familiar pressure settled in your core. Your breathing quickened, your moans shallow as he relentlessly hit the right spot.
“John- ah- Don’t stop, John,” you whined.
“Wanna make you feel good.” He nipped at your lobe. “Let me hear you.”
You unravelled with a moan, your head thrown back. Your trembling thighs closed around him.
“That’s it. Such a good girl for me.” He sucked on your exposed throat as his pumping slowed down to deep, long strokes, stretching the rest of your high.
He lied on his side facing you, rubbing your thigh as you caught your breath. He sucked his fingers clean with a deep sigh, eyes closed.
“John,” you began when you realised. “I don’t have any condoms.”
You tasted yourself on him as he leaned over to kiss you, his cock still hard and wet against your thigh. “We don’t have to. It’s all you tonight.”
“Has there…” It was irrational but jealousy crept up. “Have you been w-“
“Never.” He shook his head. “No one else since you.”
You felt like crying. “Please,” you whispered against his lips, cupping his face. “Need you.”
He kissed you once more, kneading your hip up to your breast before crawling between your legs. His eyes lidded, breathing shallow like he was delirious. He stroked himself a few times, as if his aching cock wasn’t ready enough.
A hand on your waist, he rubbed himself along your glistening slit, biting his lip as he watched. His tip circled around your opening. “Ready, love?” His eyes met yours.
When you nodded, he eased the first inch in with a groan, making you moan with the delicious stretch. He held your gaze, taking his time pushing further and further before he stopped with a teasing smile.
“John,” you whined, legs hooking around him.
He lifted your hips off the mattress and slid his last inches into your sopping pussy. The sensation of him bottoming out in you always intoxicated you. Your breath hitched as he grinded deep against you. Nothing ever felt a good as him.
His grip tightened before his hips moved. He reached to rub your clit with the pad of his thumb, making you whimper. He always knew how tilt his hips the right way, to reach that deep and undo you. The way he fucked you, sometimes you thought he knew you better than you knew yourself.
You fisted the pillow under your head, jaw slack. His eyes flicked to your tits as they bounced with each thrust.
“Fuck, it’s been forever,” he grunted.
He leaned onto his forearms to kiss you as his fingers laced with yours above your head. His body flush against yours, his breath warm. His scent carried a touch of smoke as always.
His thrusts were deep and languid, pulling out all the way until only the head of his thick cock remained before burying himself to the hilt again in smooth strokes. He fucked you into the mattress like he wanted you to remember every drag, ever curve of him. Only he could make you feel this way – nothing ever came close. It was your sentence for stealing his soul.
“Want to make you come again, love.”
You weren’t sure it was muscle memory or what, but the intensity of his gaze, the way he rocked against you and the way he surrounded you made the heat pool deep in your belly again.
He tilted your face away with his nose, allowing him access to suck on the base of your neck. The way you tightened around him was his que to pick up his pace. He pounded into you, his balls smacking against your ass. He groaned, his breath searing against your skin. Each thrust pushed a huff of breath out of you.
Your fingers squeezed his. He knew what it meant.
“Don’t ever leave me,” he panted against your ear. “Oh God, never leave me again, sweetheart.” His voice cracked.
His wet eyes bored onto yours. You couldn’t help the tear that slipped.
“I promise, John. I promise I won’t.”
He lifted your waist, angling himself to reach even deeper. Your moans grew louder, your fingers pulling on his hair.
“Come for me,” he said with urgency. “Let me make you feel good, love.”
You moaned, legs tightening around his waist as your second orgasm washed over you. He thrusted faster into your fluttering pussy, his breath heavy against your ear. He kissed you again, tongue dragging against yours.
In a swift motion, he pulled out and came on your stomach, moaning into your mouth. You reached down, milking the rest of him, his hot come ran between your fingers.
He peppered kisses all along your jaw as his breath evened out before cleaning you up. You wiped away his tears with your thumb, giving him a peck on the lips. With a grunt, he lied on his back as he pulled you against him. He clasped his hand over yours, resting it in the middle of his chest, pressing kisses on your forehead.
“Love, can we have a bath?” There was a tinge of embarrassment in his voice. “My joints hurt when it gets too cold sometimes.”
Your heart wrenched. He’d made you feel so good despite the pain. When he followed you off the bed, you shook your head.
Moments later, you led him to the hot bath you’d prepared. You knelt by the tub and as he hunched over his bent knees, you helped him wash his hair and body. In the light, the scars he’d acquired since were clear, but it wasn’t what caught your attention.
For your last anniversary, he got a tattoo of your favourite flower on his back. After an array of art, it was easy for one to be just another piece, but this... He never covered it up.
Your finger traced over it. “You’re beautiful, John.”
He let out a deep sigh.
His head tipped back against the tiles as he soaked. Your arms folded over the edge of the tub, your head resting on your forearm. With a soft smile and lidded eyes, he gave your hand a squeeze.
The dark didn’t have to be endless tonight. Because there was going to be a tomorrow, next week, next month, next year.
You believed him this time.
@glitterypirateduck @sofasoap @shadofireshinobi @tiredmetalenthusiast @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot @two-gh0sts @rowanyaboats @rainybubbles @erinfern0 @devcica @sacr3dm1lk @esthervalea @katz-chow @captainjamster @aethelwyneleigh27 @thatgoblin @rennroo
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wutheringcaterpillar · 5 months
A Lesson Learnt
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Summary: After dressing provocatively to the golden globes much to Cillian’s surprise. He becomes immensely irritated with how you’re acting, flirting with other men and having no public decency, leaving him no other choice than to put you in your place.
Warnings: daddy!kink, degradation, jealousy, Cillian is single in this with no kids, you’re his adopted daughter, brat!reader, smut a tremendous amount of smut, dumbification, ass slapping, age gap (reader is twenty one, cillian is 48)
sidenote- i may have gotten a bit carried away but seriously it’s a lot of smut. I am not an Yvonne hating person and respect his family. This is purely fiction and has no relation to Cillian’s real life. Don’t like the warnings, don’t read this.
There you were, standing there in a black skin tight dress that hugged your sides quite firmly, complimenting your hips. Your father stood there hand at his hip completely astounded, apalled that you would wear such a revealing outfit to such a prestigious event, if he were to take a guess you were taking a note from the book of Kylie Jenner.
Meeting his gaze, his eyes protruded dominance, his once baby blues eyes turning into a devilish shade of the cavernous ocean as he watched you walk down the stairs toward him.
Diamonds covered the top of your dress, curving elegantly over your revealing cleavage, just hardly holding them in place. 
Greeting the security guard who attempted to look anywhere but you, Cillian leaned up from the wall, holding out his hand for you to take like the gentleman that he always was.
“What the fuck are yuh wearing? This is an award show not a fucking playboy mansion.” You rolled your eyes and walked with him hand in hand to your designated table.
During the evening waiting on nominees and winners, he couldn’t help but notice the glances and innapropriate exchanges you had been making with Leonardo DiCaprio, it fueld his anger even more, knowing you were in this man’s age range of women.
Taking a cherry off of your desert, you popped it in your mouth, seductively tying the stem in a knot never breaking eye contact with Leo, whom was focused on your cherry red lips, imagining what they’d feel like wrapped around his cock.
Cillian had enough of this, he knew what you were up to, a not so poor attempt at getting under his skin. Clenching his jaw, he balled his fists under the table, when he locked eyes with Leo the man looked away, still smirking at the idea of all the positions he could have you in tonight.
Attempting to keep his composure, you felt his hand latch onto your thigh harshly, his knuckles turning white. You held back a yelp from the sudden pain, just barely keeping your knee from hitting the table. Turning to him with a playful grin, you raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong daddy? Can’t a girl have some fun?” He leaned ever so close, his lips just barely touching your ear, whispering in a harsh tone for nobody to hear.
“This is a televised show, I don’t need you flaunting yourself and acting like a whore for everyone to see. Cut the shit before I do for ya” Someone was feisty, just as you had planned. 
Cillian believed the problem to be your lack in parents growing up, no discipline whatsoever, and he was guilty for giving you anything you ever asked for, now he was reaping the consequences.
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“And the winner is Cillian Murphy!” As he took the stage and began giving his speech, his tongue lapped over his teeth in irritation when he noticed instead of listening to him, you were biting down on your bottom plump lip, before sucking the chocolate syrup of your dessert off of your finger, never once breaking eye contact with Leo.
He stayed composed finishing his speech, trying to not even look at you and your slutty shenanigans.
He didn’t talk to you the rest of the night until you were back at the hotel.
“What da fuck was dat eh? Did you even care about how long I waited for this moment or were you too lovestruck by a man nearly three times your age. You hurt me tonight Y/N.” Kicking off your heels, you approached him like a lion approaches its prey but in a teasing way, a clear note of sarcasm in your voice.
“Sounds to me like daddy’s jealous.” You batted your eyelashes innocently at him, pouting, mocking him with his emotions.
“Enough!” The back of his hand intertwined with the strands of your hair instantly, you let out a yelp, lips quivering in pain.
“You want to act like a whore, I’ll treat ya like a fuckin whore.” He bent you over the dresser aggressively, your chest slamming against the wooden surface nearly taking the breath out of you.
His chest heaved rapidly, adrenaline rushing through his blood when he lifted your dress, seeing the black laced thong that was barely even covering your asshole.
Scoffing, he moved the thin, soaked fabric to the side, only to reveal your little hole dripping, he could swear he could see a small heartbeat atop your clit.
“Well, well would you look at that?” His hand slapped your folds, your slick painting your thighs from how wet you were. You squirmed underneath him in a desperate attempt to crawl out from underneath his arm.
A stinging pain shot up your back when his hand collided with the fragile skin of your ass.
“Daddy!” Cillian shook his head, pulling your hair back, his hand wrapping around your throat in a deathly grip.
“Don’t you daddy me. Do I sound like I’m fucking around Y/N?” His fingers slid into your dripping core effortlessly. Your mouth dropped open from the sudden intrusion, the feeling of his thick fingers filling you causing you to moan desperately, needing more.
His fingertips curled up inside of you, making you gasp in pleasure. Your juices coated him instantly, it was pathetic to him how needy and impatient you were. “Be. Patient? Understand?” You moaned a yes, pushing yourself back against his fingers, grinding your pussy down the entirety of his lengthy fingers. He rolled his eyes in annoyance with you getting far too much enjoyment out of this. When he removed his fingers you whined, and he wasn’t having it, sending another sharp slap to your ass, stoping your crying immediately.
Unbuckling his pants with his other hand, his thick length slapped against your wetness, resting in-between your folds, sliding it up and down agonizingly slow. You released a whine, the anticipation getting the best of you.
“Please. The worst punishment you ever gave me was taking my phone away for a weekend in high school. You’re not going to- Ah!” He plunged his cock full throttle into your tight walls, causing your body to tense from the pain.
Flipping you over, his hands held your wrists at both sides of your head, his nails digging into your skin rather violently, surely to leave marks.
“What’s da matter? Daddy’s cock making yuh too dumb to speak?” At this point your boobs had fallen out of your dress, like Cillian expected them too.
Your round globe-like nipples hardening from how turned on you were in that very moment.
“Pl-please daddy I-“ Grabbing his tie, he shoved it in your mouth, shutting you up.
“Do yuh want the fuckin neighbors to here? Are yuh going to bed a good girl for once in yer life?” You nodded up at him with pleading eyes. 
His hands released your wrists, grazing over your thighs, holding them tightly as he fucked you mercilessly. The sight of your tits bouncing up and down consumed him. He couldn’t resist from latching his lips around them, biting down on one of them, making you release a desperate, muffled moan.
He’s pumping in and out of you at vigorous rate as your hands glided to the sides of the dresser, holding onto them for dear life.
Sweat began to form on Cillian’s pale skin, as he watched his cock disappear in your luxurious, dripping hole. The sight sending him into overdrive.
Ripping the tie out of your mouth, he lifted you up, slamming you up against the wall. 
“Lucky I’m even fucking you with whadda fuckin brat you’ve been. That all it takes is my cock for you to behave?” Your hands searched every inch of his back, pushing his jacket off, undoing the buttons frantically.
You pressed your boobs up against his chest as he drilled into you, the feeling of being so full, so completely fucked out taking over you.
The sweat causing your mascara to run down your cheeks in a beautiful, fucked out mess.
The sight of you so needy for him, so quickly submissive to his every demand turned him on immensely. He watched you with deep intent, paying close attention to every single facial expression with such precision.
He could tell you were close from the way your thighs were twitching around his waist.
Turning you around to face the mirror while his back was toward it, he wanted you to see how desperate you looked, how well you were taking his cock and how he was capable of taking complete control of you.
“Go on sweetheart, do what you do best and cum on my cock. Go on with da slut you are. My good little slut.” The way he spoke with such dialect, his voice as smooth was the wind in a warm summer day had you clenching around his length hard. Moaning and groaning loud enough for the whole hotel to hear.
“Daddy, daddy I- I’m gonna-“
“Cum on my cock, darling. Show daddy how well he treats his princess.”
Your body convulsed as you crumbled in his arms, losing yourself, fully releasing your hot slick all over his magnificent cock.
Cillian kept going, holding you up with a single hand while the other moved your chin up, forcing you to look at him with your fucked out eyes that were just rolling back down from the back of your head.
“Should I come in you? I’m not sure if you deserve it? You were such a bad girl tonight?” You nodded frantically, still hardly able to form words, feeling like you could potentially pass out from the over stimulation of his cock still hitting that sweet spot.
“Pl-please. I’ll be good. No- no more flirting.” His eyebrows raised, his lips curving into a smile, satisfied with your response before he released himself, painting your insides with his seed as his moans filled the room.
When he let you down, you would’ve fell to the ground if it weren’t for his arms catching you, helping you up onto the bed, tucking you in gently.
“Have you been taking your pill?” He asked, caressing  the side of your face with such care.
You nodded sleepily, making him smile softly at the sight of his sweet little girl. You may have drove him crazy at times, but with a little guidance he knew you’d straighten out. Seeing his cum drip out of you, he pushed it back in, making you moan tiredly.
“I have to go and do the closing photos. I’ll be back soon.” He kissed you on the forehead, already sound asleep like the angel you were.
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When he took the photos, he didn’t seem to notice how his collar was disheveled, not neat like it was during his speech, but he hadn’t cared.
When his assistant had pointed it out and offered to fix it, he waved her off kindly, repeating the fact he did not care, he just wanted tonight and this award show event to be over.
It was a small reminder to him of how much you needed him in every, aching way.
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mvltisstuff · 8 months
HI!! i was wondering if you could do a buck fic to where they’re working at the 118 and he just randomly starts getting really needy - like arms wrapped around reader’s shoulders and walking (waddling rlly..) while still holding onto them. then like a cute little cuddle session at home where he talks abt how he wants to marry reader and just talks about the future.
clean - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
gif from @housewifebuck
a/n: guys!!! i love this i can’t wait for a new buck in s7 :)) anyway, 1989 TV SO SOON GUYS WTF, it feels like yesterday was red tv 😧
the lightning had taken care of the other fires in buck. he was different, and he couldn’t tell if he hated it or loved it at first.
the man he was was reckless and like a shiny new toy for someone to play with. he allowed people to string him along and pull at his arms until he did what they wanted. it almost felt like his purpose, to be a prop for everyone else.
he thought y/n would leave him soon after the strike. everyone else liked to do the same thing. his parents giving up on him after his youthful mistakes, abby fleeing because he wasn’t enough for her, aly fearing her future with him. he thought y/n would crack under the pressure of almost losing someone like buck, now he hates himself for second guessing her.
he started to appreciate the smallest things in his girlfriend. the softness of her words, the light reflection of sun in her eyes, the cotton-like skin on her hands as they grazed over it. he almost didn’t want to face her after the accident, but she was clutching onto his hand when he woke up. and, there hasn’t been a day where she hasn’t reminded him that she’s going nowhere.
she knew bucks scars as she watched them all get handed to him. she knew how silently fragile he was. he could see it clearly in her as well, noticing each fear of hers and the love she’s pushed away. it was foreign to both of them, the tenderness of each other.
it’s been years since they began dating, and somehow every day is brand new with them. y/n doesn’t ever believe that buck has something to make up. but, he thinks so. he’s been spending years begging for love, and now he has it. now, he wants to show the world what he has after it tried to strip him of everything.
it doesn’t matter how long a shift was, when buck was back to work, every free moment was spent on her heels. he used to go through work, only looking around to see who maybe looked at him. now, he looks forward to see his girl waiting for him wherever he may be.
today was no different, y/n was stocking the engine full of brand new supplies from the new shipment. the trucks glazed red popped out from her perfect polishing on the sides.
“this truck looks almost as good as you,” buck whispers, placing his hand on the side of her waist, making her jump in place.
“and what are you supposed to be doing right now?” she teases back.
“taking it easy, like you and bobby told me!”
“so you come and flirt with your already girlfriend? professional hours baby, remember?”
“those are boring, though. i just want to take you home and never leave.” he sighs, placing his chin on her head.
“just a few more hours, i believe in you!” she encourages, making him smirk and land his lips on her cheek, running away like a little kid.
y/n stood with buck at the island of the kitchen, smelling over bobby’s new dishes that he had prepared for the team. he made several things for a feast amongst everyone, getting a well deserved break.
she could practically feel buck breathing on her neck as he peered over her shoulder. normally, someone doing that would be insufferable, but buck makes it seem normal. it makes her smile, knowing how close he always wishes to be.
“if i didn’t know any better i’d think you were conjoined twins.” chimney takes a turn at his own joke, trying not to laugh at himself. he gets a smile from y/n, but the fakest look you ever did see from buck.
“i’m gonna slap you and i hope it shocks you.” buck snaps back, half joking but also half annoyed as well. chimney takes his plate and scurries away.
buck makes two plates as y/n grabs them drinks from the fridge, moving over to place it in the seat next to her. before she can even think about sitting, buck slightly runs into her with his hip. he places the plates down perfectly on the mats before pulling her chair out. she gazes at him, noticing the cheesy grin on his lips. the team stops to notice his abruptness on pulling out her chair, and kissing her head as she sits.
as the dinner closes, and the sun dips lower, the calls come in slower. luckily, the shift is just ending, so it’s just buck and y/n left in the kitchen as she scrubs away at a bowl. he sneaks up behind her, grabbing a dish to dry from her.
“hi, honey,” he says, looking down at her.
“hi, buck,” she smiles back, noticing the excitement on his face just getting to be near her. “do you wanna talk?”
“about what?”
“i just want to make sure you’re okay, baby,” her kindness and concern comes through her angelic voice, buck almost getting distracted by the sound of her.
“i’m fine!” he replies. “just been thinkin’”
“we can talk about it if you’d like.”
“maybe later, i just can’t wait for us to go home together.” he dries the plate as y/n scoops them all up, buck wrapping his arms around her waist and tucking his face into her neck. he locks his fingers together and rests them on her belly. she just giggles, waddling over to the cabinet where she slides the dishes in. it would’ve been easier if she wasn’t like a tree to a sloth, but easier isn’t always for the best.
the car ride home in his truck was nothing less than romantic. his hand was rested on her thighs the whole time if it wasn’t on the gear shift or the wheel. she practically had to keep touching him somehow to make him keep his eyes on the road.
when the duo finally arrived at home, she looked over at buck and could tell how sleepy he was. his eyes told her everything, and she can read him like a book now that she’s admired him for so long. “hey, go shower and come back down here.”
buck agrees, taking a quick shower and changing into some more comfortable clothes. when he walks back down the stairs, he can smell the sweetener of his favorite tea wafting through the living room, as y/n sits down in her soft sweater and places the mugs on the couch. they’re matching LAFD mugs that y/n’s parents bought for them. she turned on reruns of new girl as she moved to grab a blanket from the basket, leaning against the arm of the couch.
“come on,” she sweetly curls his lips up at him, signaling for him to come lay with her. he happily obliges, going to sit between her legs on his side, the side of his face buried into y/n’s warm chest.
the tightness of her arms wrapped around him eases any weight of the day or stress on his body. he lets himself relax in her hold, knowing she’ll keep him safe from whatever might come his way next.
one of her arms is rubbing his back as the other cups his face as he appears to be intently watching the show, but he’s not.
he thinks of small y/n and buck mixes running around a small house in los angeles, the sun shining through the curtains early in the morning. he thinks of the smell of ice cream and the reflection of the moon on the windows as they get ready for bed. he thinks of a warm vacation with a shining rock on her ring finger.
“i can’t wait to see you in a big, white dress,” he mumbles into her shirt, smiling just at the thought of seeing her on a carpet, walking down an isle to greet him.
“what is going on in that mind of yours?” she teases, brushing her fingers through his hair.
“i just- i don’t want anyone else but you,” he begins. “you could’ve ran. you could’ve left me in the dark, but you didn’t. you’re the only person who hasn’t done that to me. i trust you, and i know you won’t. it’s my turn to show you that i’m here to stay, and that we’re forever.”
“listen,” she starts next, the clear adoration in her eyes. “i would lay on this couch, all day, every day, if it meant you’d come back to me. id do anything, and literally anything, to spend the rest of my life with you. im sorry for every other woman who can’t be with a man like you.”
he doesn’t know how to compete with sentences like that. it feels brand new, even though she tells him all the time. it feels different after the lightning strike. someone above tried so hard to ruin the best things he had going on, but he pulled through. he wants to think he’s strong on his own, but buck knows he wouldn’t be here if y/n wasn’t next to him. if she hasn’t picked up the pieces that everyone left behind, if she hadn’t taken the time to put him back together.
now, buck barely thinks of all the shit that’s happened to him. how could he, when the future is definite right in front of him? he used to just assume his life would be the same forever, but y/n’s flashlight guided him out of the cave he was in. he sleeps in her arms without a fear that she’ll disappear from him, and without a fear that things are out for him.
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sserajeans · 9 months
kim minji x fem! reader
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synopsis: you both knew love came with downhills, but neither of you thought it'd get that bad. you made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter, and she's the best thing you could ever call 'mine'.
genre + others: non-idol reader x idol minji, goes over the ups and downs of their relationship, semi angst but fluff end TRUST ME
notes: (TW: implied suicide of minor character) , y/n has been through so much pls give her a break, idk if either of them were toxic, but they work around it bc love >>>, not requested, i was just listening to the album and got an idea that made my soul go WHOOSH hehe, THIS IS A VERY LONG ONE
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you were in college, working part-time, waiting tables. left a small town, never looked back. i was a flight risk, with a fear of fallin', wondering why we bother with love, if it never lasts.
you and minji were your friend group's favorite couple. almost anyone would agree, actually.
you met in high school when you transferred from a smaller, almost unknown town under a merit scholarship sponsored by the school. you were your family's pride and joy, the eldest daughter and older sister to two siblings. your parents weren't born with the same comfort they provided you and your siblings, or any comfort at all. it took a lot of work for them to get to where they were, and even then they still work day and night to give a life better than theirs for their children.
being born first, you witnessed everything. the blood, sweat, and tears your parents poured into everything; their failed start-up business, their multiple part-time jobs, and the low-paying wages they'd get in return. but above all this, you also saw how your parents did it all for love. love for you, love for their kids, love for the family they made. and so you swore, as an adorable 8-year-old, that you'd work your hardest and earn enough money to get your parents to rest comfortably once they were of age. you were raised in a struggling house, but a loving home. you knew love. you weren't a stranger to it. you loved love and the power it held.
minji, on the other hand, didn't. when you met her in your first year of high school, her parents had just signed divorce papers after her dad caught her mother cheating. she was only 16 at the time, and her parents were her role models of love. to her, they represented what love would, could, and should be. she believed in love, until she grew to hate it. she hated the way it hurt her father, she hated the way it hurt her, but most of all she hated the way it pulled her mother away from her. minji knew love. she wasn't a stranger to it. but she hated love and the power it held.
because of the stark difference you two had with your outlooks on love, it was a shock to everyone when the kim minji agreed to not just being your prom date, but to you courting her during your junior year of high school as well. 
“kim minji is this really you?” her best friend at the time, seol yoona, waved her hand in front of the raven-haired girl’s face. she was trying to finish an essay in english, one of their final requirements for the semester. “what’s different about park y/n?”
minji sighed and closed her notebook, finally facing the rest of her friends who sat crowded around her.
“look. she was nice to me at prom and she’s…” her friends’ eyes widened in anticipation. “cute, i guess.”
“oh come on minji that can’t be just it…”
“yeah you rejected like a quarter of the student population! i’m sure there were a few nice and cute ones!”
“they all…” minji started as she stood up from her desk and began packing her things in her backpack. “i’m just more comfortable with her, okay? we’ve been friends a while, and she’s patient about everything right now because she knows about…”
the rest of the table nodded their heads in understanding. there was no need for her to expound on that. 
meanwhile, in the complete opposite side of the school campus, was where you and your two closest friends ate lunch. under the shade of the courtyard’s largest tree.
"you're fucking playing with me..."
"i'm not! she said yes! she really did!" you exclaimed, mouth full of the school's spam and kimchi kimbap. 
"you better not mess this up y/n... you're like the first person i know of that she's ever said yes to." your other friend commented, playfully shoving your upper arm.
"do you guys not have like... the teeny-tiniest bit of faith in me?" 
they looked at you for a solid minute before nodding and shrugging. jokes aside, you were a selfless and caring person, and every one that has ever gotten to know you was sure of that.
and fair enough, by your first year of college which was also minji's first year as newjeans' leader, after almost 2 years of courting her, you asked her to have things official, and she said yes.
do you remember, we were sitting there by the water? you put your arm around me for the first time. you made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter. you are the best thing, that’s ever been mine.
it had been just over a year since you two started officially dating, and nothing much changed since you put a label on it. you were now in your second year of university, simultaneously maintaining a part-time job at a local restaurant. 
it didn’t take an idiot to know that dating an idol was hard. and it also didn’t help that your schedule wasn’t the most flexible either. there were even some days where minji had more time in the week to spend than you did. the both of you hated that, and it frustrated you two to the point where there were times you’d take it out on each other.so when you and minji had your first big argument, it was a shock to none of the peers who knew of your relationship.
you sighed deeply as you unlocked the door to your apartment. it was the middle of midterms week, and you had just finished an evening shift. you didn’t even want to think about studying for your calculus exam tomorrow, but you knew you had to if you wanted to keep your gpa up to the scholarship’s requirements.
“park y/n.” minji’s voice interrupted your brain’s train of thought. you were so busy trying to figure out the most efficient way to spend the rest of the time between the present and your exam. 
usually, minji’s voice calling your name would be warm and sweet. you talked about it to your friends one time, describing it as melted chocolate, and she gagged at how cheesy you were being. but god forbid you speak the truth.
but now, her voice was neither warm nor sweet. it was cold. it was cold and sharp. if you had the time to process it you’d probably describe it as ice shards, rather than melted chocolate.
you hesitated to face her, because you knew exactly why she was here in your apartment at 11pm in the evening instead of her dorms, fast asleep. you couldn't count how many times you cancelled a date last minute within the last month, and minji was tired of you not explaining properly.
you heard her stand up from the living room couch and walk towards you in the dining table. 
“what is it, minji?” you spoke, leaning your forehead against your palm as you brought out school textbooks and worksheets.
“what do you mean ‘what is it, minji’? you know why i’m here, y/n.” 
she wasn’t lying. again, you knew why she was here with you, which is why you dreaded the conversation that was about to come.
“this is the 4th date you’ve cancelled this month without telling me why. if you wanted to break up i’d much rather you tell me directly…” the last sentence felt like a stab to your chest. the cold and sharp dagger that was her words, taking one large hit.
“what the fuck? no, okay! no i don’t!”
“then for the love of god would you at least tell me why you’re being so fucking distant?!” 
you kept silent. eyes avoiding hers as you internally debated on whether you wanted to burden her with your struggles or not.
“see? you can’t even say it.”
“fucking hell. my sister is sick, minji.” 
you let out a shaky exhale as you spoke, finally gathering the courage to face her.
“she has pneumonia. she’s sick. she’s in the hospital. and i-“ you cut yourself off as tears made its way down your face. the cold exterior on minji’s face dropped almost immediately at the sound of your voice breaking. your breathing remained shaky as you tried your best to verbalize everything that has been piling up over the past few weeks.
“medical insurance isn’t enough to cover it. my parents are working endlessly, but they’re getting older and i don’t want them to overwork themselves or they could get sick too, so i asked if i could pick up more shifts at the restaurant because that’s really all i can do right now. it just breaks my heart whenever i visit her because she’s always telling me that she’s sorry for causing trouble when none of it was her fault. and fuck, as if it doesn’t get any worse it’s midterms week, and if i fail just one exam it’s enough to bring my gpa down for the school to drop me.”
you gasped for air.
the girl sat beside you and rubbed your back, reaching over for your water bottle and offering it to you. you muttered a thanks as you gulped down half of the water inside and gave yourself a few seconds to speak again.
“and i know what you’re thinking. ‘why didn’t you tell me? i could’ve helped.’ but minji please. you’re an idol. you’re a celebrity. fuck, you’re the leader of one of the biggest group’s right now. you have enough on your plate. i don’t want to add to that.”
minji nodded to show you she was listening despite not saying anything since you started letting it out.
"let's take a walk." 
you were shocked by the suggestion, and minji could tell. she would be too.
“but won’t people recogn-“
"more air to breathe, more space to think. come on." she got your coat for your and brought your most comfortable pair of shoes over.
you weren't agreeing, but you also weren't objecting the idea. from what could've been a fight to this, you were just glad you had the warm minji with you right now.
she dragged you along by the hand, just a few steps ahead of you. it didn't take too long until you two found yourselves sitting on the park bench facing a small river. it wasn't too far away, just a couple meters from your apartment building.
“can i ask you something, y/n?” there it was. the warmth, the sweetness in her voice. 
she turned to face you. “do i bother you when i tell you about my problems? when i talk to you about how i worry for haerin not opening up, or when i tell you about how hanni might’ve bothered me on a certain day. does that burden you?”
you looked up at her shaking your head, your eyes still red and puffy. 
“w-what? no. never. i like that you let me know. i like knowing you have some type of output for it."
"well if it doesn't burden you then what makes you think you'd burden me?"
you slowly looked away, eyes busy gazing the clear water and the rocks that laid under.
she moved to wrap her right arm over your shoulders, and slowly reached for your left hand to hold if you'd let her. after all, she didn't expect to be comforting you when she planned on seeing you.
"i may be an idol. i may be a celebrity. i may be newjeans' minji a lot of the time. but i'm also your girlfriend, park y/n. the one you met in high school whose life you changed forever the day you asked me to prom." you leaned against her when she pulled you closer as she spoke.
"i stopped believing in love when my parents split. remember when i told you that? but you were there every step of the way. you understood, and you were fine with waiting." minji took a pause to make sure you were still with her, listening. 
your eyes were heavy, but your brain couldn’t be more alive. 
“y/n, i don't want to be the person that makes their partner feel like they can't talk to them. let me be there for you too, okay? i may not be able to do a lot to fix it, but i'll be there because you shouldn't be facing things alone. not when you have me."
you nodded, letting out the last of your tears on her shoulder while she ran her fingers through your hair. 
“so next time, please, please tell me what bothers you.”
you never gave a clear response, just your sobs slowing down as she held you. minji would later on regret not noticing this.
a few minutes later, after you calmed down, you pulled away to finally fix your eyes on hers.
"thank you. and i still owe you an apology. for how i was the past couple of weeks.”
“you really don’t have to y/n.”
“well, you say that now after i told you. but what i did was still such… an ass move, and i should’ve told you what was going on because you deserved to know with the way it affected you too.”
minji gave you a smile. a small smile that held the largest emotions a human could ever feel. she leaned against your side, head on your left shoulder with her arm around your waist.
“it’s okay…”
“i love you.”
three words. eight letters. the first time it was ever said between the two of you. 
on the inside, you were a little shocked. if your relationship was a sports game, no one would bet on minji saying it first. but she did. and that just made those special words mean a little more than they already did.
you wrapped your left arm around her shoulders and rested your head on hers, giving the top of her head a kiss before saying it back.
“i love you too.”
flash forward and we’re taking on the world together. and there’s a drawer of my things at your place.
a couple months later, you felt on top of the world, and so did minji. you found a higher paying stay-at-home job, your sister got better miraculously quick, and your grades were stellar. for minji, newjeans had just released another hit mini album, and it was played everywhere you went. in the store, at the mall, on tiktok, on the radio. everywhere.
eventually, you two found a free spot on both of your schedules, and used it to have sleepovers at your apartment or her dorm. she’d always prefer staying at yours though. one of the few times you stayed at hers, the second you left, hanni and hyein were teasing her endlessly about… well, usual couple stuff.
this night was one of those sleepover nights. the two of you just finished dinner and were cuddling on the sofa, trying to decide on a movie to watch.
“mean girls?”
“didn’t we watch that last week?” minji reasoned out, looking at you with a questioning face.
“uhm… horror?”
“i don’t mind.”
you hummed and browsed through the horror collection your streaming site had. it took you a while to find a movie, you and minji each always had a minor problem with whatever came up.
“oh hey this one looks fun. zom-“
“did i ever tell you the full story of my parents?”
you looked at her with a rather surprised expression on your face. sure, she’s told you all about being a child of divorced parents and how it affected her. but you never bothered to ask more about it in fear of her discomfort.
“well… no. i wanted you to bring things up at your own pace.”
it felt like a silent agreement that maybe you two were going to drop the movie for a little “deep talk” moment.
“my dad went m.i.a., well, sort of did, on my mom.” she began, you sat cross-legged beside her, reaching for her hand to play with while she muttered a quick ‘thanks’. it was your little show of comfort. 
her parents was a subject that you two didn’t bring up very often. she’d mention them once in a while, like when you were preparing a dish that reminded her of her mom’s cooking, or when you came over to help fix hyein’s bike like her dad used to do for her. but it was never in the subject of the divorce. you two always had more to talk about when you were together anyways.
“he lost a lot of the money in their savings, and he’d never talk to my mom about it thinking he could cover it up soon enough. mom was convinced he was cheating and was sending money to another girl. even after my dad explained everything she just… went and did what she did. until he caught her and… well, you know the rest.”
minji was surprisingly calm throughout the whole storytelling. you figured it must’ve been from keeping it in for so long, finally letting the old wounds heal.
“yeah, ‘wow’.”
“i’m sorry, i just…” you paused and grabbed her other hand, holding them both closely within your palms. “do you think if your dad was honest from the beginning things would’ve been different?”
“i-… well…”
“nevermind, sorry that was int-“ you dropped her hands and ran yours through your hair, the other covering your mouth in disbelief.
“no no, it’s okay.” she reached for your hands and they were intertwined once again. “i think things would’ve turned out the same. it probably would’ve just… took a longer time.”
“i guess… since your mom practically ignored your dad after he explained…”
“yup. i believe things happen for a reason.”
“really? i’m 50/50 on that.” you looked up at her with a questioning look.
“well, for one, it led me to you.” she gazed in your eyes, her hands soft and gently cradling yours side to side. you looked at her with amazement. since when was she making the moves with all the cheesy lines?
“okay… so i’m not 50/50… maybe 70/30.” “dork.” “your dork?” “…” “sayyy it…” “…” “you know you wanna…”
“my dork.”
with a victorious grin on your face, you pinched her right cheek, something she both hated and loved. rolling her eyes, she positioned herself to lay her head on your crossed legs while your hands automatically fixed her hair to keep her face clear.
“god you’re so-“
“lovable? i know… it’s crazy.”  
“oh, we were serious?”
“yes, seriously, y/n. there are times i think about that night by the river.”
“that night by the river…”
“when i told you i believed in love again, after my parents. because of you.” she opened her eyes and looked up at you like you were a constellation in the night sky. eyes wide and full of wonder.
“i know what you’re talking about, i didn’t forget, don’t worry.” you smiled, tucking a strand of hair that went astray behind her ear.
“when things get hard i think of that night, and how… i don’t know. you know that feeling when something means so much, and it’s so good, feels so right, almost too perfect, you’re just scared it’ll slip away?”
“mmhm. of course. that’s how i felt about this book i was reading. things were going so well at the beginning, like it wa-… continue though.”
“sometimes i’m scared we’ll slip away.”
“i mean like! it’s just a tiny… irrational fear in the back of my head.”
“ell… good thing that won’t happen!”
“how are you always so sure about things?”
i tell my secrets and you figure out why i’m guarded. you say,
“i get why you’re worried, okay? but we’ll never make your parents’ mistakes.”
she sat up straight to give you a proper hug, or, well, she more or less just threw herself on you. not that you were complaining, you loved her bear hugs.
“you and i… we talk things out. we work well that way, right?”
“i love you. and thank you for letting me love you.”
“i love you too. so so much.”
and we got bills to pay. we got nothing figured out, when it was hard to take, this is what i thought about. 
throughout your relationship, you two came across a couple, or well, several bumps along the road. but it was always something you two had dealt with before. even if it wasn’t, you were beginning to feel comfortable sharing the weight you carried on your shoulders with minji; talking about the usual late night shifts, a terror professor, etc.
communication was one of the last things your relationship with minji lacked.
until one fateful evening, you received a phone call from your brother. one you wished you never had to hear. one no one ever deserved to hear. 
before he spoke, something about it already felt wrong. the combination of muffled sirens, crying from who you surely knew was from your sister, and conversation between who you assumed were adults, was straight eery. a shiver ran down your spine, realizing the nature of the news.
and you were right. 
you could feel your hand shake as he spoke with a stutter,
“noona… it’s about… about d-dad… h-he… he… did it to hims-himself… he-he w-went out… and to-told us not to follow. a-and, and then we- we heard… we heard a r-really… r-really loud noise… n-noona… wh-when… when are you coming b-back?”
your father. he shot himself in your neighborhood’s park.
and you’ve yet to understand why. why he’d choose to abandon his family. why he suddenly switched from the hardworking man who’d endure hell for his family, to a man who chose to escape his troubles.
after consoling your brother and the rest of your family on the phone, you packed your bags and took a taxi the next day. heading straight back to your hometown, a much smaller and rural area compared to the skyscraping city of seoul. 
you ran straight to your parents’ room as soon as you arrived, your bags dropped and forgotten by the conjoined living room and kitchen. there was no time to reminisce the warmth, comfort, and love that came with the childhood home you haven’t seen in years. 
as soon as you stepped foot in your parents’ room, your younger sister, who was much taller than the last time you saw her, ran straight into your arms, almost knocking you over. it didn’t take long for your younger brother to follow, his added weight finally pushing you to fall butt first to the fortunately, carpeted floor.
you rubbed their backs as soothingly as you possibly could while they started dampening your shirt with tears. in a way, having them in your embrace comforted you the same way you comforted them. you shed your own fair share of tears, hugging them even tighter when they’d take deep breaths and wail.
you also needed to process whatever the hell just happened.
a few minutes later, once your siblings had calmed down, you slowly stood up from the floor and approached your mother who was sorting out papers on what used to be your parents’ shared bed. the mattress dipped as you sat beside her. you wrapped your arms around her frame, giving her a warm hug. 
her pain was silent, and you wished it wasn’t so you’d at least know she had an output, but at the same time, you both knew she held it together for your siblings’ sake. she gave your forehead a kiss and ruffled your hair, muttering a soft “you’ve been eating well.” 
she was just happy to see her baby home.
the next couple of days were dull and grey. it was the only word you could use to describe it. your mother would head out to deal with government papers, your siblings stayed at home with modular work as permitted by the school after what had happened, and you picked up a small full-time job at a bakery as a cashier.
in a private conversation with your mother, late at night when your siblings were fast asleep, she explained to you the law of debt and inheritance in simple terms. it was difficult, but most definitely much needed for you to at least grasp understanding on why your father did what he did. 
“i know what your first thoughts were going to be. and he wasn’t being a selfish person, y/n. he never was and he never will be. in this province specifically, debt isn’t passed down to your heirs. your father… he… he borrowed a lot of money, y/n. and we thought we could pay it back over the agreed 3 years. it was taking longer than expected, and they began looking for your dad with threats that… i’d rather not share with you.”
“wait what? what about the money i’ve been sending? did it help? did you use it?”
“of course we did, y/n. we don’t want your hard work going to waste. we used it for yoonseo and junseo’s tuition. there was an increase that wasn’t in our… scope.”
“fucking school…”
“hey… listen. do you understand things a little better now?”
“repeat to me what you understand.”
“dad… didn’t want them coming after me… us.”
“i… i don’t understand how you’re so… calm about it right now, ma. did you know? did he tell you he would?”
“he didn’t. we fought about it, actually. i couldn’t believe all that… nonsense he was saying.”
“oh… i’m sorry. i’m sorry i thought he-“
“it’s okay, y/n. and i know you. i know you, yoonseo, and junseo. it’s okay to not be okay right now. i want you to feel that. let it out. cry, scream, take a walk, do anything. let the pain pass through. i’ll be here to make sure you’ll be alright.”
“but we want to be here for you too ma…”
“you will be there for me when you feel better. but right now, you’re my children, and i’m your mom. i want to make sure you’re okay first.”
and for the rest of the night, you silently wept against your mother’s shoulder as she held you tight against her chest, the same way she did the day you were born. you were always your mother's child at the end of the day.
since the day you left til that night, your focus was on yourself and your family. comforting your siblings when your mom couldn’t, helping around the house, and searching for more jobs dirt-paying jobs you could take, for you didn’t care as long as it’d help fill the gap your father left.
your focus was solely on the grief held over yourself and your family, that somehow, you had completely forgotten about your life in the city.
the life with kim minji in it.
on her side of the world, minji was struggling. newjeans was still a popular and well-received group with global success, but their growth was exceeding expectations, and that meant that the hate wave had only gotten stronger.
as their leader, minji was the supporting pillar, the foundation of sanity for the rest of the girls. when one of them had the need to cry or rant, they’d go to her, and she’d hold that responsibility willingly out of love and care for them.
but newjeans’ leader minji, is human. 
newjeans’ leader minji, is kim minji. 
a 20-year-old girl facing the world’s backlash and carrying the weight of her members’ hurt alongside her own on her back.
she wasn’t meant to deal with all of that alone.
where was kim minji’s supporting pillar? where was her foundation of sanity? 
where were you?
where were you when she needed you the most?
and i remember that fight, 2:30 am, ‘cause everything was slipping right out of our hands. i ran out, crying, and you followed me out into the street. 
things have calmed down a bit. you and your family decided it was best for you to go back to the city as it was where you’d earn the most for your work. you hated saying goodbye to them, especially at a time where it was best where you were all together. but you and your family didn’t have the luxury of choice. you and your family couldn’t afford to lose the opportunity.
on the 2-hour long taxi ride home, you finally decided to charge your phone. you hadn’t realized how you completely deserted it the moment you arrived at your childhood home. leaving it on the car seat, you decided to take a nap to get rid of the headache that was building up. whether it was from the anxiety of being away from your family after what happened, or the pressure of having your family’s financial support come mostly from you, you needed an escape, even if it was just for 2 hours.
you weren’t sure how or what you felt. you knew most would be sad. grief-struck and lost. and you did feel that in a way, when your family held a small ceremony at the memorial center because it was all you could afford. it was just you, your mom, your siblings, and a few neighbors who knew your parents.
that was the hardest you ever let yourself mourn, the loudest you ever let yourself cry, and after that, you felt empty. your chest and your stomach ached, but there was nothing else to feel. your head, on the other hand, felt heavy. like it was rammed against a cement wall and forced to carry the weight of hardbound books. 
the moment you picked yourself up from your wallowing in sorrow, the weight of responsibility crashed into you all at once. like being thrown anvils to carry on your back, every step you took wherever you went. your father wasn’t just one of your family’s sources of income, he also stood as a figure of support for your siblings and your mom while you were away. you were angry at him for leaving you, but you beat yourself around into understanding that it wasn’t an escape.
it was about 2am by the time you arrived at the small apartment complex. an inconvenient decision that may have seemed senseless, but before you insisted in spending as much time as you could with your family before you were required to report to work the next day.
and so here you were, backpack in hand, unlocking the door to your apartment late at night.
seeing the living room and kitchen lights on alarmed you. you were sure you turned everything off before you left. your electricity bills were going to be horrendous that month.
you settle your bag down on the floor and bent over to untie your shoes.
“oh… you decided to come back?”
that voice.
kim minji.
hearing her voice again felt fresh. but it felt fresh for only one reason.
you ignored her the whole time you were away. you didn’t tell anyone anything, not even you friends in the city.
minji’s tone was firm. it wasn’t sharp and cold like the time she came over to confront you about missing your dates.
it was firm, but it was also vulnerable. the night she confronted you her voice lacked all the emotion in the world. tonight, it was full of it. you couldn’t tell if she was worried, angry, disappointed, sad, maybe everything and in between.
“where were you?”
there it was. the burning question of the night. 
unlike last time, minji didn’t bother approaching you. she stayed seated on the living room couch, her head turned to face you at the front door.
“minji, listen. i-“ you walked towards her, approaching the living room couch with caution from what you could pick up in her voice.
“y/n i was in pain… did you know that? the past few weeks have been horrible… and before i can even begin to talk about why, i have to worry about whether you were even alive or not!”
“i’m sorry! okay, i’m sorry!”
you were defensive, and it came out like you were throwing around apologies for a band-aid solution, when that really wasn’t the case. you just didn’t have it in your heart to tell her what happened.
“we had to cancel 2 fansigns because of threats we were getting, did you even know that, y/n?”
no, you didn’t. you weren’t aware of how far your girlfriend’s career had gone for the group to be receiving that kind of treatment. even before your dad passed.
“and that’s just… the tip of the fucking iceberg… so i ran here thinking i’d find you. because, y/n, i know for a fact you’re my safe place. but you weren’t even fucking there…”
“i’m sorry…” you muttered, your hands clasped together as you stood in front of her.
“you weren’t answering calls, you weren’t responding to texts. from me or any of the girls! i asked my manager to get in contact with your coworkers! fuck, i even asked some of our high school friends… but none of them knew where you were! do you know how sick my stomach felt?” she looked up at you with tears in her eyes. one of the few times you’ve ever seen her cry, and somehow, it always had something to do with you.
it made you feel sick.
“i’m so sorry…”
“and before you fucking arrived, for a moment i really thought you were going to just leave everything like my dad.”
after all the pain she’s shared with you?
“minji i-“
“but a part of me knew, or wanted to know you’d never do that. like you said, ‘we’d never make my parents’ mistakes’. but in that moment it felt like you did. like we did.”
“i’m sorry… i wasn’t thinking…”
“i think we need a fucking break y/n.”
she stood up.
“w-what? minji what do you mean w-why a-“
“this isn’t the first time you just disappeared on me, don’t you get it? the first time it happened i had to confront you because otherwise you’d just let it slide and it’d probably happen again within the next few months.”
she walked to the dining room, away from the living room. it was closer to the apartment entrance.
“that’s not true.”
“when i told you about my parents, it was because i thought i had finally found something different with you.”
“and we did! we are! we’re not like them…”
she stood by the door, hand on the knob.
“you keep disappearing on me, y/n. i don’t know what to believe anymore.”
and just like that, she dropped the spare keys to your apartment on your kitchen counter, and left your apartment unit. 
you knew better than to let her go. you knew better to let the love of your life go. you knew better than to let her, a celebrity, run out in the middle of the night, with no security, and god knows who or what out in the streets of the area you stayed in.
braced myself for the goodbye, ‘cause that’s all i’ve ever known. 
for minji, she had no idea what she was doing, but she knew couldn’t take another second in your damned apartment. the apartment she stayed in the weeks she was waiting for you to come back. it reminded her of the times she felt like her mom, desperately waiting for her dad to come back to her. it reminded her of how she felt like her dad during the first month of the divorce, and how he kept his hopes high telling her and her brother that things would get better because their mom would always come back, when she didn’t. she hated that apartment because it reminded her of why she hated love. why she stopped believing in love.
she hated that apartment because it was yours, and you showed her how to believe in love again, and you made her believe you two would be different. 
if that was so, then why did you leave her feeling like things were going to end the same way her parents did?
she couldn’t take it anymore. how could she fully commit to someone who’d leave her out of the loop. someone who can’t at least try to share part of their world with her. someone who, after seeing all the sides and versions of her, could still get up and leave without a word.
you cursed under your breath for minji being so long-legged. it didn’t take long for her to get to your apartment building’s lobby, but timing was by your side. for once, it felt like maybe the world wasn’t against you.
the scene was cinematic. you grabbed her wrist from behind her, and pulled her by the arm, back towards you. back to you where you knew she belonged.
“i’m sorry, and i promise i’ll tell you everything. and i know i left with no warning, no sign. i know that it was best to tell you. but i promise i wouldn’t have done it if it wasn’t something as serious as that.”
you gently reached over to hold her other hand in yours. hopefully it was enough to not have her run away again.
“i don’t know how many sorry’s i have left in me, but whatever that amount is, i know, won’t be enough. but please, minji, i’m begging you now, please don’t leave. i know it’s been hard, it’s been difficult for me too. fuck, it’s been hell the past few weeks and not a single second of it has felt real, but i need you. i need you to stay.”
you took a deep inhale. you hadn’t realized you weren’t breathing throughout your mini speech. 
“because right now it feels like i’ve lost everything, and i can’t take it if i lost you. and i know… i know, i sound like a guilt-tripping asshole right now but that’s really... you mean a lot. you mean so much… you mean so fucking much to me, minji, and i know that’s not what you felt when i disappeared, but it’s the truth, and i-“
your legs gave in. you were exhausted, but you weren’t going to stop until you knew she’d stay.
you knelt on the floor, in front of her, holding her hands above your head.
god, you looked so ridiculously desperate. but you didn’t care. not an inch of your body felt a bit of shame. you knew minji was worth everything you had.
“i love you. i love you. i love you so much. and i don’t know how else to say this without sounding like a fucking asshole, but i know you love me too, and i just need you to hear me out, before you decide to leave. and if you still want to go after, then i-. i wouldn’t blame you, and i’d let you, but please… please.” you whispered out the last of your words, your sobs echoing through the empty, dim-lit lobby.
she’d never seen you like this before. 
not once in the several years of being your friend or your girlfriend.
and you were right, she loved you so much. just as much as you did her.
and that was enough for her to listen.
“get up.” she spoke so softly, you could’ve missed it if you weren’t listening for any response.
you scrambled, shuffled onto your feet, and finally came face-to-face with the girl you loved.
it took everything in you to not hold her, kiss her, and comfort her, when you knew you were the cause of her pain and suffering.
but if god made angels roam earth, you were convinced minji was one of them.
she almost catapulted towards you, causing you to stumble backwards until your back met a wall. your arms automatically wrapped around her waist, like it was second nature, or maybe because it was.
you heard her sobs, and you ran your fingers through her hair like she’d do for you. rub her back comfortingly like when you held your siblings in your arms, her tears dampening your clothes the same way theirs did.
you let her be, and waited patiently until she decided to speak. her face rested against your shoulder so her voice was slightly muffled, 
“i thought you’d leave.”
you felt your chest tighten in guilt.
“i thought i did something wrong, or that you were tired of me. tired of dating someone with a job like mine, packed up, and left.”
then, you took me by surprise. you said,
“i’m sorry i made you feel that way.”
you kissed the top of her head and rested your cheek against it.
“never again. i promise, and i say it out loud this time.  i’ll never leave you alone.”
544 notes · View notes
Your assistant?
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Devil!reader/Wanda maximoff
Words: 2,400
Summary: So your typical story of a devil being owed money from a family but instead of paying Wanda’s parents give her to you instead, her first day with you is an eventful one to say the least, I’m sure you two will get along great!
Not a slow burn but we don’t have Wanda in our grips yet, not willingly anyway
Warnings: 18+ only! MINORS DNI swearing, some inappropriate language I think, lmk if I missed any more
You glared at the woman across the table from you, her whole body stiffened when she glanced up and saw you looking, that made you chuckle glancing at the redhead next to you “I think she’s nervous Natty” you chuckled but the Russian just rolled her eyes “you snatched her up from her dorm room before her classes, she’s probably worried about her attendance”
You nodded “I never understood why humans are so concerned with keeping schedules, life is short just go out and enjoy yourself, kill some men and fuck their wives, what else do they need to do?” You looked back at the woman across from you leaning forward to be closer “hey pretty girl, sorry for snatching you up but I really needed to talk to you”. She finally looked up again at you “if this is a way of asking me out then it’s really fucking stupid” you heard Natasha suck in a breath and you smirked knowing full well how Nat gets when someone younger than her swears, she was weird like that “watch your fucking tone miss Maximoff and don’t you dare speak to us like that!” See? Weird, she hates swearing but will swear at anyone who swears at her.
“Natty my aggressive little spider monkey how about you go outside and find Maria, use her body for a little bit to calm down okay?” You patted her slammed fist and she sighed agreeing to leave you alone with the woman, when she exited the room you moved across the room sitting next the woman smiling “little one do you know how much debt your family is in?”
Wanda shook her head “I know mama and papa like to bet on the horses but they said we were okay and had nothing to worry about” you nodded along with her and held out your hand for her take which she did “I understand they told you everything was fine but unfortunately you’re still in debt and as you can imagine I would like to be payed Wanda, be it money or other favours I choose”
Wanda snatched her hand away standing up shocked “oh so that’s why you snatched me?! Am I becoming some kind of prostitute for you and the crazy bitch out there to pay off my family’s debt?!”
You eyes widened and you had to hide your laughter “I mean if you wanted to skip around the place wearing barley nothing while the women here grope and use you then sure you can become our little plaything” her face dropped in horror and she went to speak again but you held your hand up stopping her “no pretty girl I won’t make you become our plaything, but I do need your help, you’ll become my assistant, you know helping with documents and accompanying me to events and meetings, your parents have already agreed”
Wanda was shocked, her parents really agreed to this? How could they, she had to call them.
“You can’t call them honey, from the moment you were taken by my security all communication was terminated between you and them, I can’t have you telling them what kind of activities you have gotten up to”.
“Like what?” She was curious but also nervous, you couldn’t do things that bad right? Also how did you read her mind?
You stood up stalking toward Wanda pressing her against the wall “I need you to trust me Wanda” your hand found it’s way to Wanda’s waist rubbing small circles there “do you trust me?” She shook her head no “I don’t know you, you literally snatched me up from my dorm and now you’re touching me inappropriately”.
You laughed “inappropriately? My fingers are on your waist not inside your pussy so don’t you dare tell me I’m being inappropriate right now, so I’ll ask you again, do you trust me?”
Wanda sighed relenting “sure” you smiled “good, your first job is to accompany me to a meeting in 20 minutes, you’ll stay quiet until I say you can speak, if you step out of line Natty will slit your throat faster than you can say sorry, got it?”
Wanda nodded her head so quickly you thought it would fall off “well done princess now to business” she didn’t have time to do anything before you lent down to kiss marks down her throat, sucking harshly against her skin she tried pushing you away but your hands gripped her keeping her in place “stay.still” you said sternly and Wanda relented standing still and letting you continue, you pulled away admiring the dark purple mark now blooming on Wanda’s neck “perfect”
Wanda let out a breathy sigh “I thought you said I was just your assistant, why’d you do that?”
You smiled kissing Wanda on the cheek “you are, but if I don’t mark you as mine then our conversation about you not becoming our plaything would’ve been for nothing Carol can be ravenous with an unmarked human”
“Why do you keep saying humans? It’s a little strange” Wanda had an idea but she really hoped it wasn’t true, being snatched was bad enough but adding in some weird supernatural thing would be even worse “it’s nothing to worry your pretty little head about, just know that you belong to me and I won’t let them touch your pretty body, now come on my assistant we have a meeting to go to”
**************************************************************************************************************”Took you long enough” Nat looked at Wanda’s neck and smirked “you work quick Y/n, that should keep the others away, maybe Carol will behave herself for once-
The double doors before you slammed open and the before mentioned Carol appeared with dark red eyes honing in on Wanda who quickly moved behind you clinging to your arm “are you our lunch? You look delicious!”
You growled at Carol keeping her in place “she’s mine and if you don’t stay away I will tear you limb from limb and make you eat the limbs” the woman held her hands up smiling at you “I love it when you threaten me Y/n, gets me all hot and bothered” she stepped towards you kissing you and biting your lip
“I miss you baby” she whispered and you rolled your eyes “you can’t say that when I walked in on you eating out Val, clearly you don’t miss me that much” You pushed the blonde away from you and Wanda and laughed at Carol’s expression, “you know she tricked me”
“How? Did she tell you there was candy in there? I’m guessing it was something sour” it was Wanda’s turn to let out a laugh now but she immediately shut up when everyone turned to look at her “was that funny princess?” You asked and she nodded “you’ll fit right in Wanda”
You pushed her through into the room and dragged her to a chair where you sat and she looked around confused “where do I sit?”
You pointed to your lap “either here or the floor” you stated matter of factly and Wanda blushed “w-why don’t I get a chair?”
“Because you’re mine and it’s a great way to keep a close eye on you if you’re on my lap, now sit” you pulled her onto your lap clumsily making the group laugh “god she’s adorable” Carol chuckled making her way next to you “forgive me yet?” She asked kissing your neck “no and I probably never will” she whined sadly “please forgive me I haven’t done anything since-
“Carol sit the fuck down!” Nat shouted jolting both Carol and Wanda “fuck me Nat you need to calm down” Carol scoffed moving away from you and avoiding the angry redhead’s gaze “I’ll calm down when you learn to not to stick your tongue where it doesn’t belong, I had to deal with Y/n’s heartbreak for weeks after she found you”. Carol rolled her eyes “we’re not children okay, how about we just carry on with the meeting”
You laughed “for once being an adult Carol, well done” you turned back to Wanda kissing her cheek “we need you to do something special, will you do that for me?”
Wanda shrugged knowing she couldn’t really say no “sure- she squeaked, when you jumped up with her in your arms suddenly “perfect!” You stood her up pointing to a bag on the table that she didn’t notice to begin with “can you take this dagger and stab the bag?”
Wanda looked at you questionably “what?”
“Just simply take the dagger and pierce the bag like a cook in the bag chicken” you pushed the dagger into Wanda’s hand making her face the bag guiding her hand “there’s nothing to worry about, stab right here” you pointed to a slightly raised part of the bag “what if I don’t want too?”
You shrugged “then I let Carol have her way with you” she glanced over at Carol who had her eyes glued to Wanda’s body and when she met her eyes Carol smiled “I would ruin you-
Wanda didn’t hesitate stabbing the bag but instantly regretted it when the bag spurted out blood and all over her, she heard roars around the room and heard Natasha’s voice “she hit the jugular vein! Like a pro!” Wanda couldn’t move her hand still grasping the dagger and the voices being drowned at by the blood rushing to her head
You cautiously removed Wanda’s hand from the dagger and pulled the stunned woman away from the group whispering in her ear “you did so well princess, what a good girl”.
Your voice went unnoticed by Wanda still shocked at what she did, she didn’t register you took her away until your forced her into a room and she could breathe again
“I can’t believe I did that….I killed someone…I fucking killed someone!” Wanda was shouting and panicking unable to calm herself down until you wrapped your arms around her waist leaning in close to her ear “shh shhh honey I understand come on now…shhh everything’s okay, I’m so proud of you” while your words did calm her down they didn’t stop tears from falling “I hate it here” she whispered and you kissed her cheek turning her around to face you “it’s been 3 hours, give it time”
Wanda had no fight back, instead she fell into you letting you lay her on the bed “rest for a while princess, take it all in”
Nat found you drinking whiskey like a movie villain in your chair in a dark area of the front room “why are you sat in the dark like a movie villlian?”
You shrugged turning on the light illuminating the room and making you squint “why are you dripping blood all over my floor?” Looking at Nat covered in blood wasn’t anything new, in fact if she don’t have blood on her you’d be very concerned “Carol and I went out hunting and she can’t keep things clean”. You nodded along passing Nat a comically small napkin to wipe her face “thanks bud soooo helpful, how’s the assistant?”
“She’s a little upset about killing someone which is typical but I’m sure she’s fine” Nat sat down opposite you taking the bottle from the table and taking a long drink “I guess human’s do struggle with killing another living person, silly really”.
You agreed taking the bottle back and taking a swig sitting in silence with the woman for a few minutes. “I think she’s awake” Nat spoke up, you hummed in response turning your head to the stairs seeing your new assistant standing nervously on the stairs “feeling better Wanda?” She didn’t say anything instead she just walked downstairs and sat herself on your lap “oh? What do I owe the pleasure of this?” She pulled you into a kiss surprising both you and Nat, while you were definitely enjoying this you didn’t notice Wanda pulling a small knife from her pocket and plunging it into your stomach
You both stilled and Wanda’s breathing was heavy while you remained stoic staring into her eyes “did you really think that would work princess?”
Wanda felt a hand grab her hair and drag her off of you and throw her to the floor, when she looked up she saw Nat pointing a gun at her “give me a reason not to shoot you right between the eyes”.
You gently pulled the knife from your body discarding it on the floor and standing up and looking down at Wanda “you kill one person and now you want to kill me? Nat couldn’t even kill me so you don’t have a chance”. The tears gathered in Wanda’s already red and you started to feel bad making Nat lower her gun “Nat give us a minute”
The assassin sent you a questionable look but you just repeated “give us a minute” Nat sighed and put her gun away sparing Wanda one last glare and then she left you two alone “get up” your voice was stern yet gentle and Wanda immediately stood up wiping the tears that had fallen
“I know you don’t want to be here and I don’t want your experience to be horrible but you need to help me too, you’re here because of your parents they’re the ones you should be angry with, not me, if I didn’t step in for you you would’ve been sent to Steve and his group, they wouldn’t of hesitated to make you their plaything”
“I feel like I’m in a bad nightmare”
“Do you like to paint?” Wanda cocked her head to the side at the sudden change in sentence direction “what?”
“I said do you like painting? I have an art studio and it helps when I’m stressed, maybe it’ll help you adjust here”
Wanda gave a genuine smile “I do like painting, that would be nice”
You nodded walking through your house followed by the girl keeping close to you she didn’t get lost, finally coming to a door you opened it revealing the huge room with canvases and paints and even some pottery pieces
“Wow, this is a stark difference to a few hours ago” Wanda commented and you held back a laugh by biting your tongue “well I do have layers to me, take some time to paint or just look at some paints-
Wanda turned to face you stopping you talking
“Are you okay?” You asked and Wanda shook her head “I’ve killed someone, stabbed you, been threatened with a gun between my eyes by a crazy woman and now you’ve given me a nice room to paint in”
You shrugged “I need you be in a good mood to be working with me, otherwise I don’t have any use for you”
Wanda’s smile dropped “oh okay, I thought you were being nice”
Why were you being like this? What is the human doing to you, god Nat would never let you hear the end of it if you started to soften
“I just don’t want you to put yourself in any danger, then I’d have to deal with the consequences”
Wanda have a halfhearted smile and turned back to the room sitting down on the chair “can I have some time on my own, to process all of this?”
You sighed “sure, I need to do things, I’ll have to lock the door though and you’ll stay here for the next two hours then I’ll come and get you, the bathroom is over there” you pointed to a painted door “enjoy yourself, I won’t be this generous again”
You quickly left before she said anything and make you feel weird again, Natasha was waiting for you outside the room making you jump “fuck me nat what the hell?!”
The woman crossed her arms “why didn’t you let me kill her?”
“You could find another one, she stabbed you and instead of killing her you just show her your painting room? Is the devil becoming soft?”
You pushed her hard against the wall and kept her pinned there with your arm “I’m not soft! She’ll break I’ll break her, todays just a learning day”
The Russian rolled her eyes “sure you will-
“Y/n!” Carol ran up to you stopping whatever Nat was going to say
“What do you want Carol?” You sighed and she grabbed you kissing you hard “please take me back! I need you I’m really sorry about Val I swear she means nothing to me”
Nat laughed at Carol’s poor attempts at getting you back but then you did something unexpected “I don’t forgive you Carol but I need to do something stupid and here you are, come on”
You dragged a happy Carol away to your room leaving the shocked demon behind “why do I put myself through this? Take me back to poking humans with a hot poker in hell over this any day”
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
i think we could do it if we tried
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So I misread a prompt, and didn’t realize until halfway through the fic. This was the result and it ended up being weirdly personal? If you hate it or think it’s unrealistic, I know, it’s just wishful thinking, ok?😭
i think we could do it if we tried
You’re sure Jamie’s expression will be burned into your mind forever. After all, you’re the one who put it there. 
“I don’t know why I’m crying,” you say, tears streaming down your face, “I’m the one who’s breaking up with you.”
Jamie just laughs wetly. “Not your fault, though, is it?”
That just makes you cry harder. 
You and Jamie had been friends for a long time, and he’d been in love with you forever. You didn’t return the feeling until you turned eighteen. It was on your birthday, actually. He had insisted on wearing a birthday hat all day, despite that fact that he was at training and you were at home, so you didn’t see each other until the end of the day. Something about seeing the sparkly cone on his head did something to your heart, and there it was; you loved him. 
You suppose the love was always there, lying dormant, but now it had arisen. It took you a week to muster up the courage to tell him, but you did and now it felt like the world made sense. 
Now, a month later, you’re breaking up with him. 
Jamie had been playing football for a while now, and he was really, really good. You were beginning your studies as an undergrad and had your life mapped out until grad school. He was moving away soon and you were leaving tomorrow, but that wasn’t the reason you were breaking up. 
It’s because your parents didn’t approve. 
“I can’t make them understand,” you tell Jamie, willing yourself not to cry. “And… I know I’m eighteen, but they’re paying for university. They said they’d pay all the way through grad school, and I can’t afford it on my own.”
Jamie nods and wipes his eyes with the back of his hand. 
“God, it’s fuckin’ shitty, ain’t it?” he says. “Me ‘n you, finally figuring it out too late.”
You can only nod and sniff. Your parents told you that Jamie was a good friend, but nothing more. 
“You’re only projecting feelings onto him because you know he likes you,” your mum had said. “And besides, he plays football. Can’t support a family on that, can you?”
Any protests you made fell on deaf ears. Your parents never explicitly said they’d pull their financial support, but it was hinted. It hung in the air, poisoning the atmosphere in the house. Your mother’s displeasure saturated the building, affecting everyone inside. 
So here you are, standing in the dim light of Jamie’s mum’s porch, breaking up with him at 10pm. 
He knew it was coming, too. 
“Y’know I’d never want you to put your life on hold for me, yeah?” he’d said two days earlier. 
You just nodded.
“I’ve been thinking about quitting football,” he continued, “Get a real job, stay closer.”
You had protested vehemently. He loved football, and he was good, like really good, and how could you ask him to give it up?
So yeah, it wasn’t a total blindside. 
Still hurt, though. 
You stood there, a long time, without speaking. You were memorizing each other’s faces and the way it felt being together for the last time. 
There’s a light on in Georgie’s room, and you wonder if she’ll still love you despite the fact you broke her baby’s heart. 
Jamie finally breaks the silence. “You should go,” he says, “before your parents figure out you’re gone.”
You don’t trust yourself to speak, so you just reach out and squeeze his hand. He pulls you in for a hug, the tightest one you’ve ever received, and you never want to let go. But you do. 
You fight the urge to say I’ll wait for you. I’ll find you when I’m done with school. We’ll make it work. But you don’t want to give him false hope. You don’t want to hurt him more than you already have. 
So instead, you whisper “I love you, Jamie Tartt,” and force yourself to walk away. 
That was six years ago. You pushed yourself through school, got out with your BA in three and a half years, and scraped through your MA in two. There were times it felt a little like hell, but you persevered. 
You’re pretty sure the worst moment was during your third year, when your roommate, a football aficionado, started talking about Man City’s hotshot new player.  
“Oh my god, he’s like, so fucking sexy. The things he does on the pitch… he’s like, revolutionized the game.”
“Hm,” you say noncommittally, lost in a textbook. 
“Yeah, heard he’s a bit of a prick though. Grew up in Manchester, and he’s about our age. D’you reckon you knew him?”
“What?” you say, finally lifting your eyes from the page. “I didn’t grow up in Manchester, just lived there when I was a teenager.”
Your roommate shrugs. “Did you know a ‘Jamie Tartt?’ Dating Keeley Jones?”
And there it was. The worst moment of your whole university career. 
You turn back to your book in order to hide your face. “Doesn’t sound familiar,” you say, and your roommate doesn’t push it. She’s too busy telling you how Jamie and Keeley are the hottest, most perfect couple she’s ever seen. 
You’re past that now. It still feels like a stabbing pain every time you hear his name or see his face on a screen, but for the most part, you’ve shut down that part of your brain. 
You might have shut it down a little too successfully. 
In the last six years, you’ve been in exactly two relationships. Both short-lived, both leaving you with a sense of apathy. 
But, your parents approved of both of them. Didn’t matter that they were shallow, self-absorbed dickheads; “He’s cute and has a good job!” your mum had said, oblivious to the fact that she was replaying the exact same pitch to you from before. 
You had felt a rush of relief when the news hit that Jamie and Keeley had broken up. You hated hearing about all his escapades, and how much he hurt her. It made your heart ache, knowing he was burying himself in his prickish attitude the same way you were burying yourself in yours. 
Well, maybe that’s too harsh. You aren’t a prick per se, you’re just… cold. Emotionless. You felt very little this days, because every time you felt the tiniest bit of anything, everything threatened to overwhelm you. 
After school, you just… kept moving. No sense in going home, you loved your family but they made you feel like you were drowning. And you couldn’t make yourself go back to Manchester. 
Georgie called you from time to time, checking up on you. Turns out she didn’t hate you. She was actually rather worried. She never, ever mentioned Jamie. 
“You can’t just stop living life, love,” she had said one time. “That’s all it is: love and loss. You just keep moving forward.”
You took her advice literally, securing a good job that allowed you to work remotely. You moved to the east side of London, West Ham, but were never at your flat longer than a week. After all, you were hot and had a good job. Why not travel? You had no strings keeping you anywhere. 
Now you’re back in West Ham for two weeks, getting ready to go to Barcelona. A friend has a timeshare that she can’t make it to, so you volunteered to go. After all, it’s better to be apathetic in Barcelona than it is in West Ham, right?
Whatever the case, you’re here for much longer than you’d like to be, but you’re going to make the best of it. You have a friend from uni who lives near you, so you’re going out tonight. She wants to go to some upscale restaurant a couple minutes from your flat with a few other girls, and you decide that you’d rather not be alone tonight.
You don’t mention that it’s your birthday. You stopped celebrating them at nineteen.
Your hair and makeup are done, you’ve put together an appropriate fancy-dinner outfit, and you’d say you’re looking classy. You grab your bag and head out the door.
It’s only a ten-minute walk, and there are all kinds of people out. You wonder why, then remember it’s Saturday. That explains it. 
There’s an especially rowdy bunch of guys up ahead, seemingly corralled by a middle-aged man with a mustache. As you draw closer, you hear his accent. American, specifically mid-Western. You breeze by them, catching snatches of their conversations and a mix of accents.
Your ear tunes into someone saying, “…not what really happened,” with an accent that reminds you so much of Jamie’s, you find yourself rooted to your spot in the sidewalk, turning around to confirm that it is not, in fact, him.
You make eye contact with the middle-aged mustached man, who smiles at you and shrugs. “Footballers. What a rowdy bunch,” he says, “Wonder where their coach’s at?”
You surmise by his jocular tone that he’s their coach.
You give him a small smile and he comes over to you. Your feet still won’t move, because you haven’t confirmed that the voice was not Jamie. Or maybe because this man is a gaffer, and you want him to say something, anything about possibly knowing Jamie Tartt.
“I’m Ted,” he says, sticking out his hand.
You shake it and give him your name. At this point, his team have noticed that their coach is talking to someone new, and they descend like a flock of curious children.
There’s a chorus of hellos and one hola, but it’s all a little lost because all you can hear is one soft, “hey.”
“Hi,” you breathe. 
One look into Jamie Tartt’s blue eyes and you’re a goner, even after six years.
Ted looks from you to Jamie. “Oh, do y’all know each other? Jamie, why didn’t you say something?”
“Dunno,” Jamie says, keeping his eyes on you.
Ted, great man that he is, assesses the situation with alarming perception.
“Alright boys, why don’t we let Jamie catch up with his lady-friend, and we’ll just text him where we end up, sound good?” 
It does not sound good to them, because they can tell something interesting is about to happen, but Ted and another bearded American herd them away and down the street, leaving you and Jamie alone on the sidewalk.
“How you been?” he asks, looking awkward as you feel.
“I’ve been…” what word is there to describe how you’ve been? You settle for a shrug.
He nods and huffs out a single chuckle. “Yeah, that about sums it up, don’t it?”
“What about you?” you ask, reaching out to lightly tap his arm. “Heard you were some hotshot footballer.”
Jamie imitates your shrug. “Heard you were some hotshot something or the other.”
You crack a small smile at that. “Georgie tell you?”
“Yeah,” Jamie says, “Felt the need to keep me updated. Don’t fuckin’ know why though.”
That hurts a little bit. This is a mistake, you think. You begin to realize, perhaps for the first time, that your pining after him was pointless. And one-sided.
That is, until Jamie says so softly you almost miss it, “Happy birthday, by the way.”
There it is. 
You open your mouth to say, I love you, but what comes out instead is, “I’m sorry.”
“What for?” Jamie asks in surprise.
“I’m just… sorry. For everything. For walking away. I don’t know, I feel like I should have fought it or something… I think about you all the time. I wish that I would’ve done something different, I guess. I know I can’t change it, but…” you shrug helplessly. 
Jamie just looks at you, head tilted. 
You huff out an awkward laugh. “Anyway. I should probably go. Meeting a bunch of girls for drinks and dinner.”
“You hate that shit,” Jamie says, and it comes out the exact same way he would have said it six years ago. Like he’s comfortable with you, like he knows every single tick in your brain.
“I do,” you agree ruefully. “Just couldn’t get out of it, I guess. Didn’t have a good excuse.”
“Go out with me,” Jamie suggests, impulsively. But then, he was never one for forethought. 
Your mouth opens to decline, then shuts.
“You’re done with school, yeah?” Jamie continues, “Mum said you haven’t been home in ages. Said she knows more about you than your parents. What if… what if we gave it another go? We’re fuckin’ adults, ain’t we? Let’s just fucking try.”
He’s looking at you, so full of anxious hope that it makes you want to cry. You can feel a few tears fighting their way forward.
“Jamie,” you say, “Jamie I don’t know. I mean- I hurt you. I knew what I was doing would hurt you and I did it anyway. I could hurt you again.”
Jamie replies, “Weren’t your fault though, was it?” and you’re taken back so vividly to that front porch.
You look at him, really look at him for the first time in six years. He’s older, you realize, and you think that he must think something similar about you. He’s calmer, almost- gentler? Still the same Jamie though, with the blonde highlights and the slit in his eyebrow. Outrageous sense of fashion, one that is no longer dulled by the ominous presence of his father. He’s more sure of himself, you think, and you realize you’re more sure too.
There isn’t anything hanging over your head threatening to take your livelihood away.
It’s poetic, really. You, him, in the dim streetlight. Deciding to begin again exactly six years after it ended.
“Jamie,” you say again, because you love the way his name feels on your lips, “I didn’t ever stop loving you. I don’t ever want to stop loving you.”
He’s taken a step closer, and there’s mere centimeters between you. 
“Y’know I’d never want you to put your life on hold for me, right?” you whisper, “Been thinking about stopping traveling. Maybe settle down closer, focus on my job more.”
Jamie smiles. “Go out with me,” he says. “Skip your dinner. You’d have a shit time, anyway.”
You smile back and reach out for his hand. It still fits perfectly in yours. Maybe even better.
“I would love to.”
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johnsgunbelt · 5 months
Hey love, it's me again! *hehehe*
How would TF141 react to finding out that their girlfriend comes from old money and is filthy rich and her parents are hell-bent on getting her married off to some other old money dude whom she does not like.
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Money problems - 141
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Pariring: 141 x Rich!Fem Reader
Warnings: Violence?,Marriage arrangements,Fluff
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John Price:
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Well First it was the money…How the HELL did he not know?
He always saw you in designer, you always had your nails done and hair done, people always gave you looks in public and whispered.
And you didn’t really go out to eat unless the place was practically empty.
So when he found out to say he was shocked was an understatement he was astonished. But you then had to introduce him to your hell hole family that you hated.
He dressed his nicest and acted the exact way you told him to but your family seemed so bored and unimpressed.
“Right so…This is only temporary because we know a man who has agreed to marry you-” Your mom spoke up and you rolled your eyes tucking your tongue under your lip and Price knew that look he just sat there and let them have it.  “I’m not getting married to some stuck-up rich boy jesus christ! Every time I visit we have this conversation.” Your mom tried to reason with you, “Well we wouldn’t if you had just found a nice man-” You cut her off and practically screamed at her. “I DID HE’S RIGHT THERE!! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU NOT SEE? SURE HE MAY NOT HAVE A MILLION DOLLARS LAYING AROUND-” “Listen ma’am I understand you want your daughter to marry someone with your kind of wealth but rest assured I can take perfect care of her-” You glared at John and he closed his mouth and let you talk. “See my point is I’m happy, how old is he?” “56.” “EXCUSE ME??” You spit your wine back into your glass and John held your hand under the table as he stood up with you.
“Odd, because I actually have a huge announcement.” And that's the story of how he proposed. In front of your pissed off parents and they were even more pissed when you said yes. But when your father got too old and had to pass down the family business to him? Man the look on his face was worth mass amounts of money.
What pissed him off the most is the business has never made so much money until John ran it. And you loved every bit of his sour expressions and dirty looks.
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John 'Soap' Mactavish:
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So it was pretty hard to keep any secret from Johnny, not that he was invasive or over-jealous. No not at all it’s just because he’s so easy to talk to and he’s caring.
So when you told him about your family and money he wasn’t too shocked I mean he noticed the designer stuff and the people whispering, he absolutely adored you though and didn’t wanna make a scene on it.
But when you practically dragged him to a suit store and then made him meet your parents he was shitting his pants.
You all went out to a fancy dinner and he shook your fathers hand and your mother as well but they didn’t seem impressed then you all sat down and looked over the menu.
“So, we found you a man. 56, he’s agreed to marry you.” John looked up from the menu, shocked as he gave you a side-eye of worry. “What? Absolutely not. I took time out of my day to introduce you to my boyfriend who by the way I LOVE. I shouldn’t have even bothered coming, I knew this would happen!” 
John watched you yell at your parents and fight back and forth until he was snapped back into reality. “SO WHAT IF HE’S NOT RICH HE’LL TAKE OVER YOUR FUCKING BUISSNESS ONE DAY!!” And he cleared his throat and grabbed your hand under the table. “Well uhm…Nice meeting everyone here. I think I’ll take my leave with my lovely girlfriend.” And he waved them an awkward goodbye as he took you into the car, opening your car door for you and making sure you were settled as he got into the driver seat and put the car in drive.
“Let me guess..Taco bell and your favorite movie?” “Please. I can’t stand my family.” Tears streamed down your face but he rubbed your thigh and comforted you and made sure you were okay.
And to your word, he did end up running that company about 7 years later.
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Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick:
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Now he knew you were loaded, he just put two and two together and he didn’t care, even if you didn’t have any money he’d still love you the exact same.
So that being said, when you guys had a movie night and your mom called you and you put her on speaker he decided to listen in while he paused the movie.
“Hi mom, what's up?” “Hey sweetie! I have some amazing news!” You rolled your eyes and looked at Kyle but he seemed interested. “What? What is it?” “Well…We found you a husband! He’s 54 and he owns a very nice business-” Kyle’s jaw dropped and you were speechless. “Not that you’re interested in my life unless it benefits you but I have a husband.” “WHAT? And you didn’t tell us?” Kyle choked on air when you said this and you encouraged him to speak up.
“Hello ma’am…I’m Kyle.” He spoke shyly and nervously and it seems like your mother wasn’t impressed. “Well hello Kyle and what do you do for work?” “Oh nothing special..Military.” Your mother gasped and hung up and Kyle just looked at the phone and then you.
“Marry me?” “What?” “I said, marry me. Your mom thinks we're married so let's get married.” You just shook your head yes as he stood up and put his shoes on. “Where are you-” “A ring, What’s your ring size sweetheart?” “Uhm..I’ll just come with you.” You put on some slippers and followed him outside to the car and went to go get a beautiful ring.
You got married officially around a year later and yes he formally met your family and they got accommodated to him and when he took over the business for your dad the family just put up with him for money.
Your sister being the worst constantly asked but Kyle always declined due to the fact you didn’t like her so he listened to you and didn’t ask questions. He didn’t have a death wish. He loves you.
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley:
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He knew about the money, matter of fact he knew your family but did he wanna spoil the fun? Course not.  
So when you told him about the money he told you straight up he knew about the money, but since you didn’t mention your family he didn’t either.
But when you mentioned meeting your family he came clean, told you how he was your fathers security before joining the military. You gasped but you didn’t remember him for some odd reason.
But that’s maybe because he lied, he knew your father because he may or may not have been a hitman back in the day..But we’ll get into that later, maybe.
So when you took him to meet your parents he presented himself nice and your father seemed off, but you decided to keep quiet. But then your mother started speaking about marriage
“Ah, Sucks she’s already married to me.” “WHAT? IS THIS TRUE?” You nodded and showed your ring to her and he showed his wedding band like a trophy.
Was it maybe set up because you knew your parents would go nuts? Yeah but did you guys actually get married a year later? Yeah!
You and Ghost did eventually take over the company but you do most of the work due to his deployments but whenever he’s home he does as much as he can and he does whatever you ask of him.
Did it now come to light about him being your fathers hitman? No. He never told you and neither did your father.
Ghost didn’t wanna see his sweet angel worry about old problems that were already taken care of.
He loved how innocent you were, he didn’t wanna ruin it.
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I loved this so much, your requests always EATTTTT🙈!!
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formulafootball66 · 1 year
delicate -  neymar jr
a/n: oh god, this one contains smut, i’ve never written smut before so, watch out i guess! ps! i snuck in some taylor swift references, from her song delicate pairing: neymar jr x reader warning: language, smut, slight angst (fighting) wordcount: 3000 summary: fake dating with neymar changes into something more
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“Come on, we have to be at the event at 8. Are you almost ready, anjo?” Neymar asked, waiting impatiently for you. He stood in the bedroom of the hotel room, which was attached to the bathroom you were in. You two shared a room for once purpose – being seen arriving and leaving together. You were currently getting ready for yet another celebrity party. He was your date, as always, even though you weren’t really dating.
The reason why you were intertwined in this fake relationship, is that you’re just here to make him look good. It was for your own profit too. Over the years, Neymar has built quite the playboy status. This status, the almost slutty one, made brands not wanting deals with him and gave him a bad reputation. You were the internets good girl, the golden girl. The angel. The sweetheart. You never had been caught in any affair, never had an awful break up and had never had a cheating scandal.
Both of your managers got together and decided it would be good for both of you. He would be able to save his reputation, you gained fame. It felt unreal, now thinking about the moment.
It was 8 months ago, you were just got ready to start your day. Today was not going to be a productive day, you were just going out with your friends. Then you got a call from your manager, asking you to come to the office as soon as possible.
You arrived and when you walked in you saw him immediately. The number one heartthrob of the world. The guy who had a new girl every week. Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior. You looked around you confused. What was he doing here?
“What’s going on?” you asked, looking at your manager. Miss Delara has been here for since the take off of your career. From the first movie to the most recent one. She has grown to be your rock.
“Y/N, please sit down.” A guy, probably Neymar’s manager, said. You do what he asked, but shot him an irritated glance. What was going on? You look at Neymar and give him a nod, not really knowing how to greet him. You have only met him twice and both those interaction were short and just polite. He ignores you, that asshole.
“So Y/N, Neymar, you’re probably wondering why you are here.” His manager said. “Well, that’s because of me. I asked Miss Delara for a favor and she thought it was a good idea.”
You felt clueless, how does this explain anything?
“Cause Neymar, you can’t keep acting like this. Adidas is about the stop your contract with them. You have been getting so much hate on social media and parents don’t want you walking with their kids down the field anymore. I never thought you would let it come that far.” He said following up his earlier statement.
“Eu não me importo (I don’t care)! I’m just living my life and why the fuck is she here?” he all of sudden snapped. Jeez. This guy really had some issues.
“No Neymar, you’ve let it come to far like I said. We need to change your media presence. I want a positive, happy and loving Neymar in my twitter feed. I don’t want to see another article about you leaving a club with 5 girls.”
Neymar is clearly upset and about to go of about this shit.
“Uh, I’m sorry, but what am I doing here?” You asked carefully. You just felt like you didn’t belong in this conversation.
“Y/N, you have a perfect reputation, right?” He asked and you nodded not really knowing what to do. “You might be able to save his. Miss Delara and I had this idea, where you just go out for a while, go in public, let the paparazzi take photos of you. Let Neymar build this perfect boyfriend reputation, let you gain fame from all of this-“
“No fucking way,’ Neymar said, cutting his own manager off. “No fucking way,” he said once more.
“Please Neymar, you’ll gain so much from this. You’ll gain the old love and affection back. On the pitch, off the pitch. Just think about those days.”
This clearly made Neymar rethink it, the three of you could clearly see that he relived those glorious memories again. But how did you feel about it? You just felt confused. Sure, gaining more fame from dating him would be nice. But staying around him all the time? You’d rather not.
“Do you both agree?” Miss Delara said, but she was mainly looking at you. She really knew you. She noticed the way you were more quiet than usual.
“I do agree. My reputation never been worse, so.” He said, clearly having his mind made up already.
Now all their eyes were on you. “Well I’d rather not date him, even if it was fake.” You said. Had you really just said that in front of him? But then again, it was kind of his own fault for acting like a douchebag.
“So much for being the sweet golden girl, huh? Is it all an act? You’re not an angel at all, are you?” He said seductively, implying something you don’t want to think about. You felt your cheeks getting hot.
“That’s enough. Y/N, you need this. You’re new movie just came out and extra promotion is always welcome. You have to agree.
So you did.
You finished your makeup, realizing you had been lost in your memories for a minute. You almost couldn’t believe why you almost said no to this deal. He treats you well, is respectful and occasionally buys you gifts. He is good to you, even when you are in private.
“Damn, I’ve never seen that color blue. Looks good on you.” He says in admiration. His eyes scanning over your body, which looks great in the light blue dress. The lower neckline shows your chest off nicely, but was still classy. The slit went all the way up your leg and made your legs look longer then they are. You looked stunning.
He clearly agreed, he thought you look so pure, so perfect and most of all so delicate. It was the perfect way to describe you. Delicate. Like a flower. Just so beautiful and he was afraid to shatter it. He almost zoned out thinking about you, but he made himself snap out if of it.
“We should just stay here, querida, I don’t want to share.” He suggested.
You let out a slight chuckle. “Let’s keep it professional, shall we?”
“Well, we should.”
You look at him confused. What does he mean with ‘should’? You decided to ignore him and grab his hand. “Let’s just go to the party,” you tell him.
“No staying here then?”
You gave him a knowing look and shot you a defeated one back. “Fine, we’ll go.”
At the party, the both of you just fell into your usual routine. When you arrived you posed, when you stepped in the club you hold each other close, and a while later you do you your own thing. Then you reunite and dance with each other. While dancing, he whispered his usual sweet talk in your ear and due to the drinks you had you gave in. The look on his face was priceless when you said something not even remotely similar back.
The rest of the evening you hung out with your friends and soon the party came to an end. You got invited to the after party. You told your girlfriends you would let Neymar know you were going to the party and they were excited. You usually went straight home after the real party.
“Hey,” you said, pressing a kiss on his cheek.
“Ei bêbe, ready to go home?” he asked you. He put his glass back on the bar and already signed to the barman that he wanted to pay. He then pointed at you, signaling he was paying for you too.
“Actually, I’ve got invited to some kind of rooftop after party, the girls and I were planning on going. Are you okay with that? Or do you want to join?”
“Oh. You really want to go?” He said, his voice sounded mildly disappointed.
“Yeah, it’s been a while since I have been out on a girls night.”
He tried to fake a smile, but failed miserably. “No, it’s okay! I just don’t feel like another party, so I’ll go home, alright? You stay safe, meu vida.”
“I’ll see you at our room again. Drive save!” You walked of happily, pleased with knowing he was okay with it. You were happy that you finally went out with your girls.
What you didn’t notice was Neymar’s sadden stare following you all the way out of the door.
It was about three in the morning, you were exhausted, but happy to be back in your room. It was a good party. Good people, good music and overall good vibes. You had a great night.
“Ney, I’m back!” you yelled, not caring that there are probably people sleeping in this building. When you didn’t get a response, you were confused. “Ney?” you tried again, no response. Shit, he was probably asleep. You walked over to bedroom hoping you’d find him there. You did.
He was laying on the bed, with his headphones on. Even though his eyes were closed, the expression his face portrayed looked almost angry, but you thought he maybe was deeply focused on his music. You went to sit on the end on the bed. You tap twice on his leg and he removes his headphones.
“You should turn down your volume, dumbass! I was yelling the other second and I got no response!” you fake scolded him.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, not really making eye contact with you. You ignored him, you figured he was just mad about you ruining his song.
“You really missed out on this party, Ney! At some point, Riley got so drunk she was jumping from float to float in the pool! Then Ariel was flirting with the bartender and got us all free drinks-“
“Am I a fucking joke to you?” he interrupted, tone much harsher than usual.
You looked at him confused. “What the hell are you saying?” You felt yourself getting mad at him, how dare he raise his voice to you like that? Where was his respect?
“I asked, do you think it’s fucking funny to tell me you’re going out with your friends?” He asked again, clearly angrier too.
“I was out with my friends? What are you on about?”
“Stop acting dumb. We both know that was just an excuse of yours to grind down on this assholes dick!” He yelled, almost scaring you. You weren’t scared though, because you knew you were in the right. You’d never do anything like that, even in this fake relation. You knew how important it was to make this relation seem perfect, 24/7.
“What are you talking about?” You yelled back at him. He threw to you his phone and you saw Twitter opened. You clicked on the video and your friends. You also saw the guy dancing with your best friend, who you were according to Neymar grinding on, being a respectful distance away from you.
“Is this what you’re dramatic about?” You asked and raised an eyebrow. He looks at you like your some kind of ghost. “He’s touching you!”
“It was merely a touch Neymar! Our shoulders brushed once!”
“Yeah, and then he looked at you!” Now he was really pushing it. He was making such drama over a guy looking at you! What had gotten into him?
“If you make this big of a drama about some guy looking at me, you have a lot of issues, Ney. And if I did dance with somebody, why would you care? We’re only dating for our business life, for fucks sake!” There, you finally said it. Why was it bothering him so much?
Living in an illusion was fun, until you couldn’t see the difference between reality and fantasy anymore.
That’s how you felt right now.
“Because Y/N! Because it drives insane knowing other men look at you, because the idea of any other person touching you makes me crazy. I get so jealous. I don’t want to imagine someone else with what is mine. I am sick of only pretending your mine all the damn time. Acting like I don’t want that to be the truth. But what drives me the most mad of all of these things? That you still haven’t realized that I’m madly in love with you,” he let out, finally spoken his truth. The words that he had been holding back for months now.
“You love me?” was the only thing you were able to say, not knowing how to react. But you already knew what you wanted to say. When he said how he felt about you, all the puzzle pieces fell into place. So did the feeling you have been keeping to yourself for months now. The warm, homey feeling he bought you. The ultimate comfort you found in him, the way your heart fluttered when he smiled and the way he could give you everything by just being there for you.
“I do, Y/N. I’m sorry it took me a douchebag to realize that.” He said, finally looking in your eyes. You saw a glint of hope, but a lot of fear in his hazel eyes.
“Kiss me, please,” you simply said. You weren’t able to express any of your feelings right now. You felt overwhelmed by everything happening. He didn’t take long to realize what you said an scooted closer to you.
He cupped your jaw softly, looked at you with adoration and passion. His other hand in your hair, which was already messed up by a long night of going out. He pulls you closer and your you can feel his breath. He finally kisses you, but this time it was not one of your quick kisses, just for the photos. No, this time, he wanted to feel every part of you. He took his time, slowly pulling you on his lap.
You felt the kiss grow more heated as his tongue slid in your mouth. Your tongues found their own rhythms. His hand that was holding your jaw gently, moved to your ass and gave it a squeeze. Not expecting this actions, you let out a slight moan and accidentally grinded your hips on him. Earning a groan from him, you felt his dick under you grow harder.
He broke the kiss and let his forehead rest against your head. “Fuck baby, look what you’ve done.”
You looked down a saw a slight wet spot on his pants. “You want to fix that for me, anjo?”
You nodded and got off of his lap, getting on your knees in front of the bed. He kicked out his sweatpants and got rid of his boxers. You looked a little too long at his cock in full glory, it standing up proud and in full glory.
“Fuck, you look so pretty on your knees,” he managed to bring out. You couldn’t respond. “Aw, has my little innocent girl gone a little dumb?”
You nodded again, but now finally taking actions. You hands ran up and down his base and after a few strokes, you began giving him kitty licks all over. Giving more attention to his sensitive red tip, he was a groaning mess for you.
“Stop teasing. I want you. Take it like the good girl I know you are.” He grunted -  wanting more from you then you were currently giving. Those words got him what he wanted; him calling you a good girl clearly affecting you. You did what he requested, you took him in your mouth. Not having that much experience, you couldn’t fit everything you wanted. So, you pumped what you couldn’t fit.
You’re still moving slow, holding that teasing pace. But after a bit of that he grew impatient. He needs to feel you, deeper and harder. Not only sucking him off for the sake of teasing him. He wanted you to make him cum, not make him wait. His hands gripped your hair harshly and he starts fucking your face. While he was doing this, he constantly told you how good you were doing.
This sudden movement from him, caused you to tear up. Gagging on his cock, which was deeper than ever before, you couldn’t the few tears rolling down your face. He kept his fast pace and after a minute or two he starts groaning loudly. This was the signal for you that he was almost coming undone. You put in a bit more effort and tried to suck him harder. You felt his cock twitch inside your mouth.
“Shit, anjo. Is it okay if I come in your mouth?” he asked for permission. You let out an agreeing mumble and nodded. A few seconds later he came with groans you’d swear the whole hotel had heard.
He drops himself on the bed. “You did so good for me.” He praised, making you blush. “Give me a minute and I’ll return the favor, alright?”
You laughed and knew it was going to be a long night.
In the morning you were exhausted, not getting a lot of sleep tonight. But you definitely didn’t regret anything. No, yesterday was a night you’ll never forget. The way he made scream, the way you get slightly wet thinking about it again. And now you were here, held closely by the chest of your boyfriend.
“Hey anjo. Good morning,” his groggy morning voice said. You smiled and said your good mornings back. When you saw him fading to sleep again, you nudged him. “Ney!”
“I love you,” you said softly.
“I know you told me a thousand time while you were having orgasm. During all three of them even.” He said, his subtilty clearly still asleep.
“Way to ruin the moment!”
“You still love me though, that’s all that matters.”
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starysky1289 · 5 months
stepsis + corruption kink? vanessa starts gentle then edges reader?
Ooo I’ve never written corruption kink ( atleast on purpose) so this’ll be fun!!! This is kinda like, soft curruption but it still works
StepSis!Vanessa X Reader. First time for everything.
It had only been a week since your mom had married William. You had gotten to know him better, but he was a quiet man, he never spoke much. His daughter, your new step-sister, she was rather different.
Vanessa Afton, her name was. She was taller than you, with that gorgeous blonde hair that you’d only see on models. She was a pleasure to talk to whenever she was over. But there you where, sitting in your old room at your parents house, you told your mom you’d stay for a bit to get to know Will better, but as of right now neither where in the house right now.
You scrolled through your phone, bored as hell, until you heard a knock on the door downstairs. You got up, and made your way downstairs, looking out the window to check who it was, Vanessa. You quickly opened the door, smiling softly.
“ H-hey! Vanessa! Didn’t expect you over. “
“ wanted to drop by on the newlyweds, where are they? “
“ oh uhm, there out shopping. You can come in though, if you’d like. I’m sure they’ll be home soon. “
You opened the door wider for her, welcoming her in. She kicked her shoes off at the door, and graciously waltzed in. You shut the door behind her, sitting besides her on the couch, only a few inches away, you could feel your stomach twisting almost instantly.
“ s-so…how’s policing been? Anything good..? “
“ it’s been good. Ya know, one minute your putting some drunk dude in a cell, next your handing out parking tickets. Always something. “
You chuckled quietly, staring down at your feet. Something about her made you warm, fuzzy, made you want something more than just a casual conversation.
“ Are you alright Y/N? You’re looking kinda red…”
Vanessa asked softly, feeling your forehead with the back of your palm. You practically squirmed in your seat, god what were you doing? Attracted to your stepsister?
“ I-I’m fine it’s just..warm in here…”
“ Y/N…are you sure you’re ok? “
She held your face with her palm, her green eyes staring into yours. You couldn’t speak, you were too stunned by her, how she held you. All you wanted to do at this point was kiss her, pull her ontop of you and let her have her way with you.
“ i-i….Vanessa I just….i can’t be around you…”
“ why? Y/N what’s wrong…I’m worried…”
“ y-your so..beautiful and gorgeous….i-i…”
You stood up quickly, holding the bottom of your shirt in fisted up bunches. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at her, but you knew she was worried.
“ Y-you should stay down here till our parents come back, I’ll be in my room. “
“ Y/N wait- “
You quickly walked upstaires, your eyes only focused on the ground. This was stupid, how could you let that slip up, she’d hate you now.
You slammed the door behind you, imeadiatly sitting against it. You were acting like a baby, like a child. You shouldn’t grow up and get over your stupid feelings but you let them consume you, let them make you feel these ways over your own Stepsister. It’s not like she was your sister sister, but it still felt just as bad.
“ Y/N…can we talk..? “
It was Vanessa, her voice was hushed, she was trying not to freak you out again. She knocked, and you sighed, getting up and slowly opening the door, just enough to stick your head out.
“ I-I’m sorry..”
“ no, don’t be. Will you explain what’s wrong, and we can talk this out. “
You opened the door more, Vanessa leaned against the doorway, giving you a soft comforting look. You squeezed your own hand, you were in it now, nothing else you could do.
“ e-ever sense we…first met…I..I just…something happens in me around you….y-you’re just so pretty and s-smart…but you’re also my sister s-so I’ve gotta grow up and stop this…”
“…you like me, huh? “
You only nodded, you couldn’t make yourself look at her. You felt her gentle hand pull your face to face her, her eyes gently gazing into yours.
“ you hate me…think I’m weird…”
“ no…i think…”
Vanessa moved her hands down to your side, pressing her forehead against yours.
“ I think you’re charming, and kind, and beautiful…and…I like you too..”
She pulled you into her, and kissed you gently. You blushed profusely, akwardly chuckling as she pulled back.
“ N-nessy I- “
“ you can keep a secret, can you? “
“ yeah..”
Vanessa moved her hands lower, as they gently grazed your rear, and dragging them back up to your sides.
“ then why can’t we just keep this our secret…? “
“ a-are you sure though..? I don’t wanna…make you uncomfortable..”
“ I’ve had eyes on you sense we meet…I just didn’t know you did too…please..”
You smile gently and nod, pulling her in and kissing her again, longer this time. Vanessa stepped into your room, keeping you against her as she kicked the door close. She held your face as you kissed, letting her tongues press against eachothers.
“ O-oh Vanessa…”
“ are you a virgin, sweetheart? “
You felt yourself grow warm again at her question and nodded. Vanessa snickered, holding your face.
“ use your words baby. “
“ I-i am…I’m still a virgin…”
She smirked, pushing you onto the bed. You sat on the edge, your legs instinctively spread. Vanessa sat next to you, kissing you as she worked her hands up your clothes thighs.
“ N-nessy…”
“ shh…breaking a virgins the fun part of all relationships…besides…there’s a first for everything. Even fucking my stepsister. ”
“ you’ve done it before?…t-the virginity thing…“
“ a really old fling. Don’t worry…I’ve got you…”
Vanessa gently stripped you of your pants and undergarments, leaving your lower half bare. You were already soaked as she gently traced your folds, you gripped the bedsheets as she pulled you into a gentle kiss.
“ you’ll be good right? Keep quiet incase they come home? “
“ y-yes nessa…”
“ good girl…”
She gently slid her middle finger into you, holding your hand with her open hand. She would get into a steady rhythm, moving it in and out gently to get you used to her. You let out small quiet moans, trying your best not to show how ruined you already were becoming.
“ is that good? Feel good Y/N? “
“ F-feels…feels s’good. Oh v-Vanessa…”
She slowly gave you another finger, giving you gentle kisses down your neck. You moaned louder, biting your lip to desperately try and appease her.
“ doing so good…taking my fingers so well…”
“ I-i wanna be good…Good for you Vanessa…”
She chuckled, pressing a thumb against your clot and rubbing it gently. You threw your head back, moaning into the open air, eventually Vanessa pulled out, focusing only on your clit.
“ N-nessy no…g-go back…”
“ you’ve waited for me for this long…you can wait a little longer. You’ll still cum baby, don’t worry~ “
She pulled you into her, kissing your neck gently. Her fingers ran through your hair, making you whimper slightly. She was all over you, owning you like a pretty pup.
“ N-nessy please…oh I’m so close. “
“ a bit longer Y/N. I wanna make it feel good for you…cmon..why don’t you tell me some pretty little fantasy’s you’ve had about me. There’s no way you haven’t with how you’re acting. “
You burried yourself into her shoulder with her words. She wouldn’t stop unless you said something, and the build was destroying you.
“ I-I…I fucked my hand the other night…thinking it was you taking me from behind…u-using me…nessy…”
“ aww…I bet you’d love that huh? Just a little more Y/N. “
She slammed back into you, this time with three fingers, and using her open hand to cover your mouth. You could hear your parents pulling in from your room, as you tried to have Vanessa get off.
“ no your not. You’ll get to cum, just a little longer baby come on…”
“ Y/N? Vanessa, you two up here? “
Vanessa cleared her throat before responding to your mother.
“ Yes Mrs. L/N!! Y/N is just showing me something, we’ll be down in a few! “
She went back to you, fucking your throat with two fingers to keep you silent. Your eyes rolled back into your head, and with one finally kiss to your neck, she relaxed you.
“ go on baby, cum for me. Cum for me and be the pretty girl I know you can be. “
You would have screamed in pleasure if you could, but you choked yourself down on Vanessa fingers, groaning as you rode your high out.
“ shh..shh…so good for me…breath honey..”
She removed her fingers from your mouth and hole, letting you lean against her. You felt warm and fuzzy, you wanted to have her hold you all day.
“ so..do i get to take you out for dinner tonight Y/N?“
“ y-yeah…you can…”
Vanessa kissed your forehead, and helped you back into your pants. She stood you up and helped you settle onto your feet.
“ I love you v-Vanessa…”
“ shh…I love you too…you ok? “
You hugged her tightly, nuzzling into her one more time, before standing back up, opening the door and walking out.
“ I’m ok. Better than I could be. “
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izufeels · 2 years
⌕ [ the year of douchebag-ery ] — k.bakugou !
yn met katsuki when she was 14, during their first year at UA. or, as katsukis friends like to call it; The Year Of Douchebag-ery.
it’s really quite a mystery on how yn and katsuki became ‘yn and katsuki’ but it happened.
mina likes to think it happened during their second year, when they all went camping in october.
“here,” katsuki says as he shucks something at yn. “you’re freezing.”
yn unfolds it and sees that it’s an all-might hoodie. she smiles at it a little and quickly puts it on. it’s warm and smells really good. “uh, thanks.”
katsuki hums and sits down beside her. mina and denki exchange a glance, eyebrows raised. bakugou glares at them until they stop.
sero likes to think it was the end of first year when they went to the beach together. katsuki had really mellowed out since the beginning of the year.
“why aren’t you swimming?”
katsuki looks up from his phone for a second to see yn standing beside him. “don’t feel like it.”
yn nods and sits down beside him.
he looks over at her and raises his eyebrows. “why aren’t you swimming?”
“uhh,” she stalls for a second before sighing dejectedly. “i can’t swim. my parents never taught me.”
katsuki stares at the side of her face for a moment before laughing.
yn wants to tell him to stop, but she can’t bring herself to say the words. “your laugh is nice. you should do it more often.”
he stops laughing and gives her a small smile. “thanks.”
denki says it was during second year at the school dance. yn’s date stood her up.
“it’s fine, he’s ugly anyway!” mina said with a wide, hopeful grin on her face. “it’s not like you guys were dating!”
denki cringed at her words. their whole friend group was bad at comforting people.
“mina, you can’t say stuff like that-”
“why not?”
“because it makes you sound like a dick-”
“no it doesn’t!”
katsuki grabbed yn’s elbow and pulled her back, away from mina and denki. “come with me.”
yn nodded and followed him out of the building. they got in his car and sat there for a long time.
“do you want me to beat his ass?” katsuki asked her, very seriously. he was smiling a bit.
“god, no,” yn laughed, “it’s- it’s ok. i um, didn’t even like him i just wanted a date to the dance so we could match and be cute and stuff,” she shrugged.
“you could have asked one of us,” katsuki said.
yn shrugged again and stayed quiet.
katsuki started his car and pulled out of the parking lot, not saying a single word.
“um, where are we going?”
“we’re going to get ice cream,” he said, glancing over at her quickly. “do you not want ice cream?”
yn faked an offended look. “i will always want ice cream.”
but, like a true friend, kirishima knows when they became ‘yn and katsuki.’ he knows that it was during first year, in october, at the haunted house held by the 1-B kids.
“i hate all of you,” yn whispered as they walked through a dark hall. the only light was the very dim lights on the ceiling. they looked like they hadn’t been cleaned in 20 years.
mina snickered and glanced back at her. yn was glaring at the pink girl.
“just hold someone’s hand and you’ll be good,” denki said as he held onto sero’s arm tightly.
the person in front of her was katsuki. “yeah right,” she mumbled, hugging herself.
katsuki looked back at her, face void of any emotion.
an actor popped out of the wall, “come play with us!” and yn shrieked, curling in on herself even more.
“jesus christ,” katsuki said, rolling his eyes. he grabbed her hand and interlaced their fingers. he dragged her forward, catching up with the group.
yn stared at their hands for a long time, barely flinching when something popped out.
when they got out, finally, yn didn’t let go and neither did katsuki. kirishima looked at their hands and smiled to himself. he didn’t point it out to anyone else.
they held hands until they got to mrs. kaminari’s car. and on the way back, katsuki let yn lay her head on his shoulder as she took a short nap.
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queensunshinee · 9 days
Time Of Our Lives || Part 5
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Patrick is not stupid. He knows what he feels for everyone in his life. For example, he kind of hates his parents. And he knows it’s privileged to hate your parents when you’re a rich, white man in your early twenties. But he hates the fact that there was never any laughter in his house. The meals were always quiet. The stories were always boring. The people who came to visit were always the same people. That's why he clung so much to summer vacations at Art’s place. In Art’s house, there was warmth that wasn’t in his own. In Art’s house, there was sophisticated humor and lightness that his parents couldn’t provide. In the moments he didn’t hate them, he thought they wanted to give him that too, they just didn’t know how.
Patrick also knows that every relationship in his life is temporary. Because Patrick can’t love anyone the way he loves Liana. It’s something he knows from the second his eyes met her green ones. It’s an integral part of his personality. There’s who he is in front of the whole world and there’s who he is in front of Liana. And he can’t explain it. Not really. Because if he tries to be objective, Patrick knows Liana isn’t the most beautiful girl he’s met. Tashi, his current girlfriend, is the most beautiful girl he’s met. Liana isn’t the most special girl, not the prettiest, not the most charismatic. Nothing about her is flashy or something that demands his love. But her silence grounds him. While he can break racket after racket on the court and fight with Tashi for hours about moves, argue with his parents about the direction his life is going, it takes one phone call to Liana and he remembers who he wants to be. He’s not there yet; he’s not who he wants to be. Not even close. But he’s trying to be on the right path. Anyway, Patrick knew his relationship with Tashi was temporary. It was situational at best. He didn’t deceive her, he told her from the beginning where it was going. He didn’t explain why, just said he was looking for something light. Tashi made it clear to him that she doesn’t do anything lightly. She made it clear to him again and again but Patrick chose not to listen. That’s how he found himself lying beneath her in her room, while she whispered dirty words in his ear and his hands held her ass. His eyes were closed. All he wanted was to relax and release some steam from the last few months. “I think Art and Liana are fucking,” she said suddenly, while her hand gently held his dick. She looked at him with scrutinizing eyes, seeing how his body tensed and his eyes opened. “Why do you say that?” he groaned as her hand moved faster. “I see them every day in the cafeteria. It’s cute, the way he touches her sometimes and thinks no one notices.” She continued, her lips kissing his neck with small kisses. “Where does he touch her?” Patrick found himself asking. He closed his eyes, imagining what would have happened if he had gone to Stanford too, if instead of Art, he was the one touching Liana. If Liana’s lips were the ones kissing him now. “They always sit next to each other and his hand is always on her thigh.” Tashi said, her lips merging with his, she knew he was close. His fingers automatically went to her thigh, nearing where she really wanted him. “I always think that if no one were there, Art would bend her over the table. To show her who she belongs to.” Tashi said and his fingers were already inside her, moving erratically. “Fuck, Liana.” Patrick said as the viscous fluid came out of him and Tashi quickly stood up, looking at him in disgust. “Tash…” he mumbled. Understanding what just happened now. “I should have chosen Art. But we both know who chose him instead.” She said, putting on a shirt and continuing to look at him with revulsion. “Tash, I’m sorry. You talked about her and-” “I don’t care, Patrick. You and Art need to sort your shit out and leave me alone.” She said and he nodded in response, quickly gathering his things and leaving her room.
“Okay, you look miserable. What happened with Tashi?” Art asked as they sat in the park drinking cheap beer. “Do you think I should have come to college with you guys?” Patrick responded with a question, not wanting to tell his best friend about the fiasco that happened just hours earlier in Tashi's room. “Honestly? No, Patrick. Of course not.” He chuckled and examined Patrick, who looked unsettled, a bit like a kicked dog. “It’s not that I’m stupid, I would’ve managed to finish a degree, Art,” Patrick felt the need to defend himself. His life choices so far didn't seem impressive. “I didn’t say you’re stupid, Patrick.” Art sighed, not wanting to burden his friend even more than he was burdening himself. “Honestly? It’s tough here. My schedule is crazy and now before exams, I really don’t understand why I did this to myself.” He shrugged. He wasn’t lying. This period was truly exhausting. “Your tennis has improved,” Patrick stated. He had watched part of Art’s practice earlier. Another thing that unsettled him, Art was playing much better than he did six months ago. He couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if he had gone to Stanford too, instead of insisting on playing professionally too early. “The training here is insane, Patrick. Even Liana’s tennis would improve if they pushed her like this,” Art tried to lighten the mood. He started to worry. Patrick’s current mood didn’t characterize him at all. Patrick just sighed and leaned against the tree behind him. “You want to talk about it?” Art asked, running his hand nervously over his own neck. “Not really.” Patrick shrugged and closed his eyes for a second. “How is it? being here with Liana?” He dared to ask after a few seconds of silence. The two boys looked at each other. Neither of them knew how to approach the subject. It wasn’t like talking about Tashi. They talked about Tashi lightly. They both wanted her. They both were attracted to her. They both saw her as an unattainable woman. Someone who wasn’t in their league but for some reason looked their way. Threw them a bone, and they were hers. Talking about Liana was different. Neither of them wanted to talk about her with the other. “You know how it is. We’re closer than we were before. You saw yesterday, in her room.” Art said and swallowed, examining his best friend. Every movement in his expression. “Yeah, Tashi mentioned something like that…” Patrick tried to gather more details. “What did she say?” Art was curious. “Something about cafeteria meals.” Patrick’s smile wasn’t genuine; it was the kind that hides all his emotions. All the flame burning beneath the surface. “Oh, I always have extra credit in the cafeteria and Liana loves the pie they serve there.” Art smiled a similar smile. And he didn’t take his eyes off his best friend. Not fully understanding what was happening right now, but knowing that any game Patrick played, he could play too. It was a competition. It was another competition between them, only Art didn’t fully understand all its layers while Patrick knew since he was twelve. From the first time his eyes landed on Liana’s green eyes and Art stood between them. Patrick wasn’t the only one in love with Liana.
Patrick wandered around her room while Liana sat on the bed with her laptop on her lap, almost ignoring his presence but fully aware of him. He looked at the books she had on the shelves, at the gray synthetic carpet, the maroon curtains. Her room had character. “Leave my drawers alone, Pat,” she said without looking up from her computer. “Can you pay attention to me?” he asked, sitting on the chair and dragging it closer to her. “No. We had a deal. You’re supposed to be good and I’m supposed to study,” she said. In moments like these, he wondered if she knew how sexual she sounded. How dirty the things he wanted to do to her were. How many things he wanted to teach her. “I’m bored,” he found himself restraining from bluntly responding to what she said earlier about his behavior. About how bad he could really be. “Go to Tashi,” she sent him away, still not looking at him. He snatched her computer away. “Patrick.” She looked at him, furrowing her eyebrows. “Fifteen minutes of your time, Amanda. Fifteen minutes,” he smiled a smile he was pretty sure she couldn’t resist. “Fifteen minutes.” She surrendered and he moved from the chair to the bed. “Talk to me, what’s going on? Tell me about the university,” he requested, making circular motions on her arm while she let her head rest on his shoulder. “You know how it is, Patrick, I study all day. I don’t have much time for anything special.” She shrugged. “You sound worried,” he shifted a bit, making her lift her head so he could examine her closely. She looked even more exhausted than yesterday if that made sense. “Shit, Liana, you remember these exams are bullshit, right? You can’t kill yourself for a grade.” He stated. “Isn’t that exactly what you do for tennis?” she asked defensively. “It’s different.” He protested. “How is it different? You devote all of yourself to something important to you. Why can’t I do the same thing? Just because I don’t know how to hit a ball, my ambitions aren’t important?” her nerves were frayed. He didn’t understand how the conversation had heated up to the point where she raised her voice at him. “I didn’t say that,” he said quietly. “I’m supposed to choose my major. You don’t understand the level of the entrance exams for architecture. Sorry, Pat, I have to keep studying, I can’t babysit you. Go to Art if you fought with Tashi.” She took the computer and moved to the chair, ignoring his presence. “Liana, I didn’t mean…” he felt defeated, not understanding what he had done wrong. “You never mean it, Patrick. But just because I don’t play tennis doesn’t mean I’m not important.” She looked at him with those big eyes of hers. He knew her frustration wasn’t necessarily directed at him and bit his tongue. nodding in her direction. “I’m leaving tomorrow around 10 AM if you want to say goodbye…” he mumbled before leaving. Feeling a bit pathetic. But how was he supposed to explain to the girl in front of him that she and tennis weren’t even on the same level of importance in his life? How was he supposed to explain to her that she was the most important thing, when he still wasn’t the person she deserved him to be?
To all the Patrick fans of the story, how are we doing with this chapter? I really love hearing what you're thinking about this 'cause I'm obsessed with all of them. Tashi included, even if she doesn't have a big role in it. By the way- what are your thoughts about Liana in general? Art? Patrick? OK, I'm over doing it Again. Ask box is open as usual ❤️
taglist: @swetearss ganana yoitsme-04
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i'm not me without you
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Kook!Reader
Warnings: drinking mention
Words: 1.8K
You sat on the couch fiddling with a bracelet you stole from JJ years ago while your mom stood in front of you, in the middle of another lecture about you being friends with the pogues.
Coming from Figure Eight, you were introduced to the pogues through Kiara when you were kids, and it felt like your mom had something new to say about it every week.
“You should really stop seeing them.” Your mom continues, crossing her arms over her chest as she looks down at you.
You stay quiet, hoping she’ll get bored and find something else to complain about if you just sit there and take it long enough.
“I don’t believe they have your best interest at heart!” Her words make you frown, and you glare up at her.
“Are you kidding me? They’ve always had my best interest at heart!” You can’t help but argue. So much for staying quiet.
“Did they have your best interest at heart when they made you sneak out and I only found out you were gone when I got a call from the hospital that you sprained your ankle?”
You roll your eyes. She loves using that night against you.
The truth was you were the one that suggested sneaking out. You were bored all week, so you texted them to pick you up. It was all going perfectly fine until you jumped down a slight cliff, landing wrong and spraining your ankle. When you couldn’t walk, the pogues went into panic mode, and John B drove you to the hospital.
“We don’t mix with the pogues.” Your mom continues, clearly not letting up anytime soon.
“What about Kie? She’s friends with the pogues!” You try, but from the way your mom sighs, you realize you shouldn’t have said anything.
“And her parents are very disappointed in her. Is that what you want? To be a disappointment?” She says, making you freeze.
“Kie is-” You hesitate when you see the look on her face. Part of you wants to fight back, defend your friends like you know they’d defend you, but another part of you knows it’ll be easier to just back down.
“Well?” Your mom looks at you expectantly.
“…No, I don’t.” You mutter, staring hard at the ground.
“They don’t care about you.” She says, so casually that you have to blink a few times to even realize what she said.
“Yes, they do.” Despite how defeated you feel, you can’t help but speak up. “They care about me.”
Your mom rolls her eyes. “Oh please, I thought I raised you to be smarter than that.”
Without another word, she walks out of the room, leaving you frozen solid on the couch. Instinctively, you take off your bracelet to turn it over in your hands. It was a simple beaded bracelet, one you snatched from the guestroom at John B’s, which had unofficially become JJ’s room.
You couldn’t help but let her words sink in, the shred of insecurity within you building the more you stared down at the bracelet.
It wasn’t intentional, but you felt yourself distancing from the rest of the pogues. Your resolve was weak, and you let your mom drag you to every dumb kook party she found out about.
At first, JJ texted you every day. His texts started out asking when you were free, telling you about times to meet up with the rest of the group. Slowly, they transitioned into asking if the two of you could talk, or asking if you could make time to see the pogues. Then, the final text he sent you was one you stared at for hours.
I miss you.
You wanted to respond, but the guilt was overwhelming. Every part of you was convinced that they hated you, that you could never come crawling back to the pogues.
So you turned off your phone, shoving it into your purse as you continued to get ready for whatever event your mom was bringing you to this time.
You didn’t enjoy any of them, and you just spent the entire time standing in the corner. Every time, you’d start the night off by grabbing a drink, and the adults would look away. After all, a kook can’t do anything wrong in their eyes.
After being forced along to enough parties, there was a small group you’d become acquainted with. They were a trio of kook girls who would rather talk about their status and which boy they want to take to Midsummers rather than anything of substance, but you made do with what you could.
It took almost two months before JJ even saw you again.
Someone had thrown a party at the Boneyard, and of course, it was packed. There were kooks, tourons, and pogues all mingling. It was the kind of night that ended in a fight half the time, but it seemed to be smooth sailing for now.
JJ stood with Kiara, Pope, and John B with an untouched drink in his hand, turning when he heard a crowd of people cheering.
It was a circle of kooks, and he frowned when he noticed what they were all focused on.
In the middle of the crowd of people, you were stood, chugging a beer faster than the rich kid in front of you.
JJ’s grip on his drink tightens, and he can’t take his eyes off you. He couldn’t help but remember the way you used to be, and wonder what went wrong.
“Is that your first drink?” JJ asked, wrapping an arm around you.
You laughed, raising the still nearly full cup. “Yep.”
“Wow,” He drawled. “Look out, we got a party animal on our hands!”
You shoved him playfully, smiling from ear to ear when you heard JJ’s laughter. “Someone has to be sober enough to drive you idiots home!”
JJ nodded, looking over at John B who was shotgunning a beer, then to Kiara who had convinced Pope to smoke a joint with her.
“You’re probably right, princess.”
“What’s got you all riled up?” John B asked, noticing the way JJ’s jaw clenched.
Kiara and Pope turned their attention to him as well, the three of them all following his gaze to you.
“Oh.” Was all Kiara said, her heart dropping at the sight of you. The two of you had been best friends, and she was beyond hurt by the distance you put between them.
“Didn’t know she could drink like that,” Pope said quietly, glancing at Kie.
More than anything, JJ wanted to go back to the party, and hanging out with his friends, but once he took a few steps, he knew there was no turning back.
He barely got away from the group before Kiara grabbed his arm, pulling him back slightly. “JJ, she left for a reason. We shouldn’t meddle.”
He looked at her for a moment. The concern in her eyes mimicked his own, and he knew she was just as worried about your new drinking habits as he was. Still, she was stronger than him, and when he looked back at you and saw you losing your balance, he shook his head.
“There’s no world where I’m leaving her alone surrounded by kooks when she can barely stand.”
Kiara lets him go, knowing it was no use, and he shoves through the crowd, ignoring the glares and whispers from the kooks as he does. When he manages to get to the front of the circle they made around you, he sees you talking to a kid named Brian. JJ had only interacted with him a few times, back when he had a shitty waiter job at a fancy restaurant on Figure Eight. The kid never tipped, and always treated the waitstaff – especially JJ – like they were less than scum.
You took a step back, tripping over your own two feet and almost falling over.
JJ rushed forward, catching you just before you hit the sand.
“I got you.” He whispers, helping you stand back up.
The second his arms were around you, steadying you, he could feel you leaning on him for support. It took a moment for you to look up at him with tired eyes, brows furrowing when you saw his face.
He nods, forcing a smile. He shifts so he has an arm around your waist, helping you along. “Let’s get you outta here.”
You want to protest, especially when you hear the kooks whispering as you walk past them, but you don’t have the strength as he walks you to the Twinkie.
When he opens the back, gently helping you onto the floor of the van, you feel tears sting your eyes. It had been so long since you’d been in John B’s car, and it was almost too much for you.
JJ searched the van quickly, grabbing his backpack off one of the seats and fishing through it until he found a water bottle, handing it to you.
“Here,” He watches you take it with a small smile on his face. “Let me help you.”
You take a long drink, gulping the water down before looking up at him, tears in your eyes.
“You shouldn’t have to.” Is all you could say, eyelids heavy when you hand the water bottle back.
“I know.” He whispers, gently setting the water bottle down and climbing out of the van. “I’ll be right back.
You sit in silence for a few minutes, feeling warm and tired from the alcohol. A tear slipped down your cheek, and you quickly wiped it away, trying hard not to cry.
Just being back in John B’s van was enough for everything to come back to you. Everything you’d told yourself you’d be better off without was confronting you dead on now, and you couldn’t hold back.
By the time JJ got back, you couldn’t stop crying.
“Alright,” He climbed into the driver’s seat, turning to look at you before he froze. “Whoa, hey, are you okay?”
You barely nod, trying to wipe your tears away.
Quickly, he moves to the back of the van again, kneeling in front of you.
“What’s wrong, princess?” His voice was impossibly gentle, in a way you didn’t realize was reserved just for you.
“I missed you.” You say quietly, voice breaking painfully.
He reaches forward, wiping away the tears on your face. You lean into his touch, closing your eyes.
“I missed you too.” The crack in his voice makes you open your eyes, seeing a tear slip down his cheek.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper, sniffling.
In an instant, JJ’s pulling you close. You wrap your arms around him, burying your face in his neck. When he pressed a kiss to the top of your head, you were half convinced you’d hallucinated it.
“I shouldn’t have left.” You say, voice muffled by his embrace.
“I know, sweetheart.” He whispers back like his words are meant for you and you alone. “I know. Just don’t do it again, okay?”
“I promise.” You say, feeling a weight leave your chest. It feels like you can finally breathe again. “I promise.”
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