#seriously that last point... guys i am very serious
max1461 · 2 days
My first encounter with the broad concept of "people who want to live in the woods" came in the form of seeing people, online and in media, actually living in the woods, in one capacity or another.
As a teenager I watched Ray Mears' Bushcraft. It's a really good show that I would strongly recommend to just about anyone. Ray Mears (who in fact popularized the term "bushcraft") is a British wilderness survival/outdoorsmanship expert, and in Bushcraft he travels around the world, meeting with people who still practice some form of traditional subsistence-off-the-land, and documenting their knowledge and techniques. He shows traditional bushcraft in the Amazon, among aboriginal Australians, etc., and talks to the people who practice it about their way of life.
This show had a pretty big impact on me as a young person. I was already avidly interested in nature and the outdoors, and I had been intrigued by the concept of "wilderness survival" since watching Survivorman as a kid. There was something very appealing about the idea of placing oneself in nature with as few barriers as possible; getting to experience the natural world not just in a removed, "sightseeing" way, but in a real, engaged and "tactile" way. But what Mears presented added an additional layer of appeal: "wilderness survival" not as a chaotic fray to stay alive, but as a body of skills, refined over the centuries, which can be taught and learned. A mature art, something sophisticated and deep, in which one can become a practitioner. Something, in other words, a lot like mathematics, which I already knew that I liked, and a lot like language, which I had just recently become aware I was fascinated by. This inspired in me a much more lasting and serious interest in bushcraft. I began reading about it more seriously, and practicing as much of it as I could (not very much) in my parents' back yard.
I still count "becoming truly proficient in bushcraft" as one of my life goals, although I am not anywhere near that point yet.
A further point stressed by Ray Mears was that these traditional bushcraft techniques are a dying art. As people's lifestyles change, they are not getting passed on, and soon they may be lost. I want to stress here (because I'm on tumblr, where Big Ideas and Grand Narratives rule) that I have no desire to chastise people for living a different lifestyle than their grandparents! That's fine! I do not believe that, I don't know, the children of bushcraft experts should be forced by government decree to live in the woods or whatever. I have to make this clear, because "what should we force people to do by government decree?" seems often to be the only level at which tumblr discoursers are willing to think. What I am claiming is that this loss of knowledge is sad, it is unfortunate, and being that I and others (including most principally many of the practitioners) would not like to see these arts die out, it would be nice if they continued to be taught and learned and thereby passed on into posterity.
There need not be some kind of Decree! Maybe people just do some kind of outreach, as Mears himself did, and get more people interested in these things. Maybe, if you're an Amazonian guy or an aboriginal Australian guy, you do that outreach in a community-internal way, because your desire is principally to increase interest community-internally. I don't know; my whole point here is that I'm not really trying to get into the political dimension of this. That's not where my interests lie. Other than expressing a general sentiment that "bushcraft is cool and readers of my blog should think it's cool", I don't have any particular agenda here.
Anyway, this is the sum total of the context in which "people going out and doing shit in the woods" existed for me until just a few years ago. Then I came into the internet discoursosphere, around 2020, and I realized two things very quickly:
everyone was debating the relative merits of living in the woods
no one seemed to have any interest in or experience with anything even passingly related to living in the woods on a practical level, either first- or second-hand.
It was all, all this purely abstract, "theory"-based, grand narrativizing politico-philosophical debate. Nobody gave a shit about friction fire-lighting or shelter construction at an object level. Nobody gave a fucking shit!
This is a microcosm, and in fact not just a microcosm but perhaps the type case, of why I hate the discourse. The discourse is insistent on taking everything real in the world, everything that is (permit me to get a bit philosophical myself) vibrant and living and actual, and turning it into this dreary, sterile, empty word game. Are the Marxists the True Leftists or are the Anprims the True Leftists? Which one is it? I don't know and I don't care. Why is our interest in being in nature mediated by meaningless word game abstractions? Why must our interest in science or history be reduced to meaningless word game abstractions (shape rotator/wordcel discourse)? Why must our interest in, say, video games be reduced to meaningless word game abstractions (any of the thousand video game discourses)? Etc. etc.
It's actively, fucking, toxic to the idea of just being a person in the world. Everything you do has to be some symbol in a bullshit fucking symbol game. Worse, everything everybody else does becomes to you a symbol in a symbol game, even if they aren't playing.
I am dedicated to an alternate project. I want to be in the world and I want to be in it with others. In fact, I am so dedicated to this, that I can appreciate the reality of others' lived experience and actions even in spite of the symbol games they might be playing, even if I think these symbol games might be a little bit bullshit. This is a plainly virtuous way to be. This is the way I was raised to interact with people; it is parablized in various different ways, we're told (among other things) "everyone has a story", and "everyone is valuable in their own way", and so on. And these things may seem trite but they are true, they are obviously fucking true and many people in "discourse" have forgotten.
There are some anarchists who are really into urban community gardening. They're into it for various reasons. Some feel that it gives them autonomy over and knowledge of their own food in a way that buying things at the grocery store does not. That's fair, and kinda cool. If you're into that I support you. Some of them think that the whole economy could be replaced with urban community gardens. That's a bit silly. But I will come to these "silly" anarchists' defense every single time without question, because, fuck, they're doing something. I mean they're fucking doing something, ya know? They see meaning in this thing, and they're doing it, and that's cool! I would rather go to the overly idealistic anarchist community garden than the just-the-right-tendency Marxist reading group or whatever the fuck every single time.
Buncha "got lost in the world of symbols and forgot what they signify" mfers on this world wide web of ours istg.
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mannatea · 1 year
Hi! For the ask game: 🌈 💞 🪄
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
Hoo boy. Yeah. Three fics.
Fireside Dreams. The original was written in 2008 and this rewrite done in 2020. The rewrite was extensive and I DO MEAN EXTENSIVE. In 2008 I was well into adulthood already (lol) but I didn't have a great grasp of who I was as a person yet. I don't mean this in any sort of negative way, but Oscar as a character always spoke to me deeply and it wasn't until I rewatched and reread RoV in 2020 that it hit me square in the face why that was. In my rewrite of this story, I managed to convey a lot of themes I was incapable of putting words or solid feelings to back in 2008, and I wrote Oscar as asexual. I never outright stated it in the story or the notes (because I wanted my readers to feel they could kind of choose that specific for themselves) but that was where my mind was when writing it. Also, I very much wanted to hint at The Incident Scene being as complex as I view it, so I was able to do that too, something I could have NEVER put into words in 2008.
If It Takes a Lifetime. I was actually very happy with the original story, also posted in 2008. The original was more or less a cathartic love letter to the fans; it was my definitive proof that the author knew what she was doing by ending the series the way she did. When I reread it to work on, though, I found that the original was a classic example of what a friend criticized my writing for, once ("too emotional"). I reread it in 2020 as my first foray back into writing after some time away, and it was my first RoV rewrite. I found the story felt underdeveloped and a bit uninspired-feeling, and there was a lot of emotion that didn't really feel real or earned (which is something I've trained myself to notice; I did not have this skill in 2008). I also Get the characters in a way I did not in 2008 which helped a lot. In the rewrite I tried to mimic the manga tone more; the French translation (which is all I had until recently lmao) has this sort of...waxing poetic narration and I needed it for this story to work. I also had to retool basically the whole thing due to the PoV moving from omniscient to limited and the aforementioned issues. Rewriting this damn thing was a labor of love if ever there was one. I was so happy with this rewrite that in my notes I said it felt more like a Rose of Versailles fic than any other RoV story I wrote.
A Rose Is a Rose Is a Rose. I probably should not have labeled this a romance; it's more character study + friendship than anything but sometimes I'm stupid. Anyway, this was the first extensive rewrite I did since 2020 and it was pretty much a complete retooling of the original story, which had a fun premise but was way too short to make the idea work properly. This one was another serious labor of love; the story concept was good but the actual structure had to be tossed out, so I had to more or less just write a whole new story while still keeping the parts of the original that worked for me. And while I was at it I made certain it acted as a bridge to Raine's skit with Regal (where they agree that Lloyd surviving is of the utmost importance) as well as an easier segue into her ending, since I felt the game did a poor job of getting us from "she lied about her identity" to "she's so comfortable with it now she's out trying to end discrimination." (Not that the game did a great job with like, any of the character endings save a few, though lol.)
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
This is tough because it depends on the story.
Short pieces: Characterization > Metaphors Make Sense > Technical Stuff > Plot > Worldbuilding
Longer works: Characterization > Plot > Worldbuilding > Technical Stuff > Metaphors Make Sense
Like obviously if the technical stuff is dogshit people won't read the story at all, but if we're just talking a few nitpicky details, they matter a lot less in a long fic than in a short one. In a short story you're presenting a bite-sized (or like, cupcake-sized) piece for your reader, and the things that matter in the short-term have to be the most important (like, it's a short story...please edit it before posting, it takes a few minutes to look for typos). I think having a technically sound story is important no matter what but sometimes in long stories you do miss a small thing here or there.
I don't think a short story needs much or any real worldbuilding to be great. Obviously these details are nice in short bursts and fun to see, but they can also REALLY bog down a story if you include too many or the intention is to present something short & punchy. For a long story though, you DO need it, and depending on the canon you're writing for, you may need a lot of it to keep your readers engaged, to help your characters feel more grounded in the world, and/or to help the world feel real.
Metaphors making sense is ranked higher in the short story section because this is where they are most often encountered. It's very very noticeable if you make a terrible metaphor and that metaphor is the crux of the whole 2,000 word long story you're writing. In a long fic you don't see a lot of metaphors generally (and I find most of them just make the story a slog to read) so it's not that big of a deal because you probably won't even use them.
Plot ranks high with longer works because it's literally the second biggest reason people are reading the story. For shorter pieces it's quite low because there is always an audience for pwp and WAFF, which oftentimes have little or no plot.
Characterization remains #1 because nothing jolts me out of a story faster than characters feeling unlike themselves. I understand that sometimes people do drastic AUs and that's great, but if a character I love doesn't feel like the character I love anymore, then I'm out; it's just a personal preference for me. That said, in most situations, characterization makes or breaks any story. Plot matters a lot in a long story but the characterization will always matter more. I'd rather read a basic bitch plot with great characterization than a god-tier plot with mediocre characterization. Also, I do not think this can be overstated, but this is fandom and people are here for the characters; they should ALWAYS matter the most in this medium.
🪄what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you've finished a fic?
I tried to take a break since I finished writing Break Open the Sky and I've just been bored out of my damn mind, honestly. Started planning the sequel because I can't take it.
Usually when I write something and post it, I just do something else for a while: watch a movie, play a game. I'm an idiot who can't stop working on things to do simple tasks like eat or shower (hyperfocus or die), so usually when I finish something extensive I go look at something that isn't a screen for a while and shower, put in eyedrops, do a load of laundry or vacuum, and get myself something to eat.
Also my biggest writing care tip is CUT YOUR FINGERNAILS. Especially if you're a fast typist like me or if you have arthritis—or there's a history of arthritis in your family (osteo or rheumatoid). Got this advice years ago from @kippielovesyou, I think before a NaNoWriMo; it had never really occurred to me before but now if my hands hurt too quickly I cut my nails and feel like a brand new person again. It's truly wild.
Most touch typists like me use touch so extensively that when our nails get too long we have to use more pressure to feel. To be clear, I'm worse off than most people because I have the aforementioned arthritis + nerve damage in my hands (I have very very little feeling in the tips of my fingers), so I notice the extra pain in my joints very quickly BUT!! It could be a gamechanger for anyone, so I like to pass the knowledge on.
If you DO have the start of carpal tunnel or arthritis or tendonitis PLEASEPLEASE for the love of God don't overdo it. You WILL NOT get your hands back. Please. I'm literally begging. I fucked up my hands and arms in a factory years ago and I am not even 40 and have the hands of a 70 year old woman and permanent restrictions to keep my tendons from rupturing. Don't push through pain; it will not get better. I learned this the hard way and I am passing that knowledge on to you guys. Stretch, drink a lot of water, and give your hands a break when you need it!!!!
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taurussbabe · 8 months
give you my wild, give you a child
note: it's been so long since i've posted anything, missing posting and you guys, so here it is a charles fic 🎀🫶 word count: 1,3 k
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You stared at the test in front of you. Two lines. This is it. You were pregnant, you were going to have a baby, with charles. The adrenaline of the situation got to you and you started crying. Your heard immediately thought ‘hormones’ following by a thought of the amount of times you were going to be able to use that excuse. You laughed at that, but also laughed of happiness, your hand coming to rest on your stomach as you looked down.
“hi baby” you whispered ever so gently.
You wanted to tell charles, you wished he was here, next to you, but he wasn’t, he was in Italy. This weekend was going to be special for charles, it was monza, everyone knew how much monza meant to Ferrari. You though about calling him but decided against it, after all, it could affect his racing or his focus and that was the last thing you wanted.
Keeping it a secret from him was harder than you expected, every time he’d call, you had to bite your tongue not to say it. You had decided you were going to plan something special, not telling him over the phone.
You sat on your couch watching the race, on the edge of your seat, charles had managed to snatch P2 yesterday and you were so proud of him, but you knew he wanted more. Luckily for him, the monza curse struck again and Verstappen had to retire the race, leaving your boyfriend in P1.
You didn’t want to get very excited because it was Ferrari, a simple strategy mistake and charles could loose the highest place on the podium, but he didn’t. you watched proudly as you boyfriend lifted his champagne bottle, spraying all the tifosi there watching him.
You had tried to stay awake till he got home, but sleep got the best of you, because when you woke up, you were no longer in your couch, wrapped around your blanket, you were in bed, charles arm wrapped around your waist, his hand stroking you back and his eyes glued to yours.
“good morning, mon ange” he whispered and you swore you felt butterflies in your tummy, you wondered if the baby feels it too, or something like that.
“good morning, I’m so proud of you, like bursting out of pride” you kissed him fearlessly, pouring out every bit of your love for him
“wow, if you’re like this when I win, then I should win more often” he joked “did you watch me?”
“of course I did, you were so great” you placed your hand on your stomach but quickly realized your mistake and placed it on his cheek
He kissed you again before he quickly sat up “I am making YOU breakfast” he brushed your leg softly and disappeared down the hallway.
After eating breakfast, you were going to finally tell him, but he had other ideas “I’m gonna shower, I didn’t do it last night because you were asleep, but I smell like champagne” he gave you a peck on your lips and left without saying another word.
You heard the shower stop as you sat anxiously on the bed, a small box next to you. He finally came out of the shower and you couldn’t help but eye him up and down, I mean, the guy looked like a Greek god, water still dripping and his chest fully exposed with a towel hanging around his hips
“oh, I didn’t know you were here” he leaned down to kiss the top of your head “are you ok? What is that?” he pointed to the box
“sit” you said seriously and he chuckled gently before realizing your tone was serious and sitting down, his face immediately dropping
“are you ok?” he grabbed your hands and gave them a tight squeeze “please talk to me”
“I have something for you” you handed him the box, and watched closely his reaction while opening it
Inside, he found a small Ferrari onesie with the name Leclerc on the back. You hoped for any kind of reaction, anything really, but he only smiled at you.
“aw, you bought something for Chiara? It’s cute but I think it’s a bit too small for her” he said and you were a bit incredulous how he didn’t got it but still managed to pull a laugh at his assumption that it was for his best friend’s baby.
That was the thing with charles though, no matter how scared or nervous you were, he always found a way to make you laugh, and you loved it.
“the thing is.. this is not for Chiara” you placed his hand on your stomach and a tear escaped your eyes
“wait.. really?” he asked, his eyes getting full of tears now “like, really?” those were the only words coming out of his mouth and honestly you couldn’t judge because you couldn’t say anything, you could only nod at him
Next thing you know, charles was pulling you in for a kiss, one that left you breathless. He picked you up and spun you around, pulling you up so your legs wrapped around him. Both of your hands came to his face and cleaned the few tears that laid on his cheeks and he mimicked your movements by kissing every inch of your cheeks til there was no tears
“Are you sure?” he asked and you climbed out of his arms to show him the test you had in your bag
“pretty sure” you both stayed still for a moment, this was going to happen, you and charles were going to be parents. As you both started to realize this, you couldn’t help but wonder how you had gotten so lucky in life. “Are you happy?”
He took a few steps in your direction and pulled you in close to him, close enough that you could feel in breath on you “of course I am, you make me the happiest, I love you so much, mon amour, and I promise, I will be the best father”
“I know” you whispered, only loud enough so he could hear.
“no, I mean it, I’m gonna be the best, I’ll always be there and I’ll never, EVER, gonna let anything happen to the two of you, ever, you’re my world” he walked with you so your back fell into the mattress, his fingers playing with the hem of your (his) shirt, lifting it up enough so that he could see your belly, reaching to touch it, kneeling in front of you, his lips connecting with your stomach, whispering something to the baby, something you couldn’t even hear yourself. You immediately started crying when you saw him shed a tear, him immediately rising up to his feet, his hands on your shoulders “why are you crying? Are you okay, mon ange?”
“Yes, yes, I just… I was so scared of how you were going to react and… you know” you moved your hands around, stopping when he started laughing. “Why are you laughing?”
“Because you’re adorable, and I love you too much” you simply smiled and let him kiss you, for a second there you forgot he was still in a towel and just realized how gorgeous and hot the man in front of you was, you must have been staring because you noticed him smirking at you, kissing you, letting his hands wonder around you, but you couldn’t help but notice how he was being a little more careful with you, too careful.
“what are you doing?” you pulled back
“kissing you…I’m sorry, did I misread the signs?”
“no, I want this” you point up and down at him “but I don’t want you to hold back”
“I’m sorry, I’m just scared to hurt you or the baby” you smiled fondly at him and kissed his jaw
“that’s cute, but I want you, and I don’t want you told back, please”
“I won’t, then” he picked you up, his towel dropping when he got the both of you in the bedroom. You didn’t know why you were so scared, this was charles, it was always going to be okay”
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kithtaehyung · 11 months
seven days (m) (teaser) | jjk
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POSTED HERE JULY 22ND, 2023!!  upcoming series: seven days (m)  pairing: fuckboy!jungkook x reader(f) genre/rating: m (18+) ; angst , fluff , smut ; roommates to lovers au  summary: you dump yet another guy that wasn’t up to your “ten day standards,” which leaves your cocky ass, very off-limits roommate to tease your single status yet again. but the teasing is always expected. what’s not expected, is the bet that you make without thinking. the bet that even though you give ten days, he wouldn’t even last seven. warnings: cursing, alcohol/vape mentions, parties, he wears glasses sometimes😔👍, chains bc it’s tradition atp lmaooo, cocky!jk, feelings🤕, big big big jk, flirty!jk, baddie!reader😌, multiple explicit scenes🫠, jk constantly in grey sweatpants and nothing else :))), full lists to be revealed each chapter! notes: …so this song called seven dropped and— notes 2: but really there was a fic that had been in the wips for a minute, and i just so happened to have a burst of energy to expand on it so here we are! making it a series to allow myself time to dedicate meaningful energy to each scene and not rush them💕 est. chapters: prologue | mon | tue | wed | thurs | fri | sat | sun | seven days est. running dates: july-september 2023 taglist: sign up here (i check every entry so read the rules!) teaser: below the cut if you want a taste 🩵
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“Sure did,” Jungkook puffs before stepping away, taking all the tight space with him and letting you breathe again. “But all I’m saying is, you gotta lower your standards or—” 
“Or,” he continues, giving you a look, “Not complain if they’re too high.” 
“Well, thank you.” With your nose grazing the sky, you point out, “I’d like to think they’re just right.” 
“What even are they anyway? All you’ve said is something about ten days.”
“That’s basically it,” you murmur, resting your arms on the island as to not have your chest in full view. “If I still like someone after ten days, I know I’d be fine dating them for real.” 
There’s silence when you finish. When you finally look, the gawk you’re getting in return almost makes you laugh. “What?”
“You mean those days are only a trial run?” 
You do break into laughter this time, burying your face in slight shyness. “And what about it!” 
“Are you serious—?” Jungkook rounds the island so that he can speak directly at your hidden features. “Has anyone even gotten past all ten with you?”
You pause, breath fanning the granite top beneath you and wisping around your face. When you lift your gaze above your arms, you keep it trained on the countertop instead of his curiosity, 
He doesn’t say a word. 
“Not since my standards changed.” 
And you think that’s the end of this conversation. Because what else is there to say? You know your expectations are impossible but you think this is a hell of a lot better than—
“I could do it.” 
“What.” A glare is shot. “Absolutely not.” 
“Why not?”
“You? No.” You shake your head. “You wouldn’t even last seven.” 
“Try me,” he challenges, and you still can’t take him seriously despite the fire in his eyes. “I’ve lasted a lot more than that as your roommate, right?” 
“But that’s—this is—this is different! Be for real, Kook.” You vacate the island and head to your room, having enough of his teasing for one morning. 
But you get stopped at the doorway, a bare chest and chains blocking your vision and sending your mind into a frenzy. When you flick your gaze to his face, he simply says, with the straightest expression,
“I am.”
tbc. :))
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🦋 soooo how do we feel !! | wanna be tagged? 🩵
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a/n: yeah idk what happened to me. one moment i was saying i wasn't gonna get bitten by the seven bug, and the next.. well. this happened lol. anyway! taglist is on a form so that i can easily keep track of who to tag. pls make sure to either tell me ur age in the survey or to have it on your blog bc i check all entries when tagging. prologue is already written and will be up soon! ++ ⇥ masterlist
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bro-atz · 1 month
freesia [flower garden — wooyoung]
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inspired by: stranger than friends — webtoon
in which: all wooyoung wants is someone to love him.
pair: college student!wooyoung/gn!reader
word count: 1.6k
content: fluff, childish and immature (but trustworthy) wooyoung, a lot of drunk wooyoung, mentions of alcohol and drinking, a lot of swearing
rating: PG/PG-13 | safe for work!
flower garden masterlist
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"I'm so over this! I hate love!"
"Jung Wooyoung, I swear to God—"
"No, Kang Yeosang, you don't understand! I am tired! I am tired of being alone! I'm tired of seeing the four of you dating and having the time of your lives while me? Wither poor fucking Wooyoung," a very drunk Wooyoung exclaimed at the top of his lungs.
"I think you're going to have a hard time because of, well, this," San pointed out— he thought he was being helpful, but he most certainly was not.
"Shut the fuck up, Choi San," the drunken boy mumbled before taking a giant swig from the shared vodka bottle sitting in the middle of the group.
"Sure, because none of us wanted more vodka," Yunho grimaced.
Wooyoung shot the boy a stink eye before falling to the ground. He was fine— he was just being dramatic and falling to the ground like a damsel in distress. The boys knew this routine of his at this point, and instead of console him like the had done countless times in the past, they just ignored him.
"Seriously, Wooyoung. I didn't find my significant other by acting like this," Mingi said with a gentle sigh. "You gotta change this attitude of yours."
"What attitude?"
"This one! This childish and immature ass of yours!" Yeosang blew up; he was honestly extremely tired of hearing Wooyoung sing the same fucking song over and over again for however long they had been friends.
"What, so I should act like fucking Mr. Prim-and-Proper over here? Or like Mr. Humble-Gentleman over there? I'm not a fucking flower boy," Wooyoung frowned as he pointed to Yunho and San respectively.
"No, you don't have to change who you are, but you could maybe try not acting like a spoiled brat and more like a grown adult," Yunho explained.
"But I'm not a grown adult. I'm a college student. We all are college students. You guys need to act your age."
Then, Wooyoung launched into one of his long rants, making the other four boys officially give up for the night. Talking to a drunk Wooyoung was like talking to an annoying, drunk wall. They just let him burn himself out and continued drinking peacefully amongst each other the second Wooyoung passed out for the night.
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The next morning, Wooyoung woke up with the most insane hangover— he had never had a hangover before, so he was honestly shocked and scared.
"I'm gettin' too old for this crud," he started that morning as he plopped himself in the barstool near the kitchen.
"Shut the fuck up. You're a college student," Yunho, who was the first one up that morning, retorted while making his morning coffee. "But you could ease up on the alcohol."
"Gee, you think?"
"Anyway," Yunho side-stepped Wooyoung's heavy sarcasm. "Do you remember anything from last night?"
"Of course I do," Wooyoung said without a hint of sarcasm this time around. "I always remember. I may be drunk, but I'm still mentally there."
"Right. Well, consider it. If you seriously want to be in a relationship, then not acting like a kid may help. People like more mature and serious guys."
"As if you know dating culture so well," Wooyoung scoffed.
"Mmm, considering I've been dating my significant other for five years, I'd say that I know how dating and relationships work by now. More than you for sure."
Wooyoung glared at the tall boy as he smiled smugly at him before heading out of the kitchen to start his day. Checking the time, Wooyoung grumbled to himself as he got himself ready for class. As much as he would love to skip the class he had, it was a lab, and he didn't want to screw over his lab partner. He might've been childish and immature, but you could always trust him to be there at least.
And thankfully for him and his blinding headache, this lab was a darkfield microscopy, which meant that the entire lab was going to be dark. Right before class, he popped a couple of painkillers and stepped into the room to see that they were assigned new lab partners. At first, Wooyoung was resentful because his lab partner was the literal best in dealing with him and his shenanigans, but the second Wooyoung saw who his partner was, he was thanking all the immortal entities in the universe.
He thought it could've been his drunk mind, but you were the most stunning person he had ever met. You were gorgeous with your hair tucked back, and even with the lab goggles on, you had the most beautiful eyes that Wooyoung could spot from miles away. Every single thing you did was so elegant and so graceful, and even though all you were doing was dropping blood onto the slide, it was the most magical thing he had ever seen in his entire life.
What he loved even more was that you would play into his antics. The lab was pretty quiet, so Wooyoung would whisper random jokes here and there to you, and you would respond with the most beautiful chuckle that made his heart swoon over and over and over again. Wooyoung was smitten, obsessed, and dare he say it—
"I'm in love!" Wooyoung cheered at the top of his lungs.
It was boys night again, and this time, Wooyoung was drunk, but he was happy.
"You're weirding me out, lowkey," San watched Wooyoung with wary eyes as he twirled around the dorm.
"San, you don't understand," Wooyoung sighed blissfully. "My lab partner is just... God, my lab partner is perfect. Also! Also, their name!"
He repeated your name, the syllables rolling off his tongue smoothly, your name leaving his lips like a knife cutting through warm butter. And for the rest of the night, that's all he could do. He just kept saying the name of the person he was completely in love with, pissing off his friends in a new way.
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Alas, the lab had to end, and Wooyoung feared that you would never speak to him again. You had shared a microscope for a solid two weeks, but neither of you thought to ask to exchange phone numbers. Wooyoung wanted to, don't get him wrong, but every time he thought about doing it, he would chicken out because his heart would be racing at a million miles an hour, and he didn't want you to reject him or for him to have a heart attack just because he was going to ask someone out.
"You just need to ask. It's so simple," Mingi tried helping Wooyoung before he had to go to class.
"Wow, it's as if I didn't consider doing that. Thanks," Wooyoung, using his signature sarcasm, replied.
"Just rip the bandaid off, dude. I don't know what else to tell you. If they reject you, then you just move on. If not, then hooray, your efforts paid off."
"Also, you usually have no shame screaming at the top of your lungs while we're out in public drinking, so why are you finding it so hard to ask someone out?" Yeosang asked.
"Are you saying I should drink then ask them out?"
"No!" both boys chorused at the same time.
"Fucking— Just be yourself, Wooyoung," Yeosang said with a deep sigh. "Just give them a fucking flower and tell them you like them with a dumb joke that you usually make."
"But, I thought you told me I should change? That I should be more mature because people don't like childish, immature guys."
"Don't make me punch you. Get the fuck out, go to class, and for the love of God, just ask."
With Yeosang's words in mind, Wooyoung did exactly that. He was confident and outgoing, so asking you out shouldn't have been as big of a task as he was making it. So, he summoned up all of the courage within him, and he vowed to himself to do it that day.
"Wait! Wait," Wooyoung stopped you after class one day. "I... I want to ask you something."
"What's up?"
"So... Oh my fucking God, I don't know how to say this," Wooyoung muttered to himself, unaware that you could hear him. "Why the fuck is it so hard for me to tell you I like you?"
"I like you too, Wooyoung," you helped him out.
"Oh fuck, you heard that?" Wooyoung covered his mouth, his face turning bright red. "I'm going to jump out the window I'm so embarrassed!"
"Oh my God, Wooyoung! I said I like you too! You don't need to do that!" you couldn't help but laugh when Wooyoung actually turned to look for the nearest window to fling himself out of.
"W-Wait... You like me too?"
"Yeah, I do," you shot him the cutest smile that made him clutch his chest and nearly fall over. "I just didn't want to say anything because... Well, I was unsure because you seem to be like this around everyone, and—"
"No! I'm glad that... That you like me too... And I was wondering..." Wooyoung started mumbling again, his nerves taking over once more despite knowing that his feelings were mutual.
"Here's my phone. Give me your number," you stepped in again, making him wonder if you were reading his mind or if he was talking loud enough under his breath or if you were his freaking soulmate.
Wooyoung's fingers trembled as he typed in his phone number and handed your phone back to you.
"I'll text you," you said, that beautiful smile of yours only getting bigger, your face only getting more sparkly. "Maybe you'll find better words over text."
God, Wooyoung was ready to fall over when you giggled and waved good bye to him, the lovestruck boy motionless in the classroom as he watched the actual love of his life glide out of the room.
"I'm so in love! I love love!"
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flower garden masterlist
flower garden taglist: @eyeryis @sinnarols @k-hotchoisan @khjoongie98
networks: @atzhouse @cromernet @cultofdionysusnet @newworldnet @wonderlandnet
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cheezbites · 9 months
Dating Ghost
✎: I wrote this very late at night (4:38 am) or very early in the morning - when I was motivated by the sheer amount of notifications from my inbox, ty all sm for the love and support💕!!
♡Summary: Head cannons of dating Ghost <3
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Bf!Ghost has always been a black tea person, either he drank it alongside his breakfast or to calm him down on a rainy day. You were a coffee girl, you would go all out making them - milk, hazelnut syrups, whipped creams… You name it. And from this, another one of your childish inside jokes was born. You were conveniently in the kitchen at the same time as him, making your morning beverages.
“Hm,” you silently thought to yourself, contemplating if your idea was rational enough to act through with.
“Hmmmmm,” he jokingly imitated you, wondering what was on your mind.
You got a separate cup and mixed some of his tea with your coffee. You took the first sip and scorned your face at the unfamiliar yet vaguely distinguishable taste.
Soon he followed, not seeming to be too fond of it at first yet still drinking every last bit.
“Not too bad,” he silently muttered.
And every time you guys were in the kitchen making your daily beverages, the ‘CoTea’ (Coffee and Tea) inside joke was repeatedly brought up.
Bf!Ghost heard a sudden shriek from your bedroom, causing his heart to sink. His thoughts raced faster than the speed of how fast he was approaching your room, desperate to know what it was. What if it was an invader? He wouldn’t be able to live knowing that he wasn’t fast enough to save you from a serious threat, he’d hate himself and feel guilty every single day.
His breathing pattern returned to normal as he sighed in relief when he realised that it was just a spider on your bedroom wall.
“It’s going to kill me!” You sputtered inattentively as you backed away as far as possible from the ‘murderous pest.’
He stacked a mount of tissues in his hand and effortlessly scooped it up, crushed it into remains of spider limbs and a brown fluid before tossing it in the bin. Shooting you a look that you swore said: ‘Seriously? All that commotion over that?”
“My saviour,” you quipped as you ran up to him and braced him in a tight hug.
Bf!Ghost was used to receiving the “Your eyelashes are so long!” ‘compliment’ from people, mainly from you. It always confused him as to why you pointed it out - maybe it was just a ‘girl thing’ he didn’t understand.
Bf!Ghost was sleep-deprived, sick and unwillingly glued to his bed after days of working, so you took care of him. (At night, when he was complaining about being too cold, you snuggled up next to him and fell asleep in his arms. Maybe he was faking it as an excuse to cuddle you, maybe…) You knew he had an energy drink addiction and some bad eating habits. Since quality meals require time, you poured that time into cooking for him. His gratitude toward you was beyond words, appreciating the care and effort you put into taking care of him. Your cooking not only filled his stomach but also warmed his heart, making every bite a taste of your love.
Bf!Ghost worked out often; so did you. You enjoyed each other's company at the gym, immersing yourselves in the shared playlist and the post-workout rush. His concern for you couldn't be contained. During some weekly sessions, he taught you self-defence techniques, a thoughtful gesture for times he couldn't be by your side.
Bf!Ghost loved making you say ‘please’, even after the smallest of favours. You tried to open your water bottle, but the lid seemed super glued on, you tried repeatedly but your attempts were in vain. You asked him to help you, forgetting one thing:
“Want me to feed you the water as well?” He sarcastically quipped with a shit-eating grin.
“Oh come on babe,”
“And what’s the magic word?” He asked expectedly.
“Please,” you stretched out your ‘please’ jokingly for the sole purpose of teasing him.
He seamlessly removed the lid which astonished you before handing you your water bottle. After all that effort and failed attempts, he made it look so easy.
Bf!Ghost Loathed being away from you; and you felt the exact same way. When he needed to leave or when you were gone, he would try to do things that reminded him of you. When you were teaching him how to cook your signature meals in the kitchen, he was picking up rapidly, improving and learning - soon enough he surpassed you in culinary skills. He remade your recipes to remind himself of you when you weren’t there, and you ‘borrowed’ a few of his hoodies, which were pleasantly engulfed in his scent.
Bf!Ghost Noticed you fell asleep during the horror movie you watched, the last thing he wanted to do was startle you or wake you up. He turned off the TV before heading to your room and placing your favourite blanket over you. He kissed your cheek gently and muttered a silent, “I love you.” Before calling it a night.
Bf!Ghost left wholesome notes for you to discover around the house; the messages were cheesy in the cutest way possible. Either him making you food after a long day of work and leaving it for you in the fridge with a brief note next to it, or a corny compliment stuck on the bathroom mirror for only you to see. It would be something along the lines of:
“Start your day off with a smile love, like the one you never fail to give me♡” (And I feel like this dude would have very messy handwriting, but when writing these notes he tried his best).
Bf!Ghost made most of the decisions in the relationship, you were very indecisive. This is probably the only thing he mildly dislikes about you - you were going through the trials and tribulations of a lifetime over picking between KFC and McDonald’s, you were persistent about what to order too, so he recommended stuff to you or sometimes ordered for you.
(I just know if you both got drinks, he specifically requested only one straw so you guys could share it).
Bf!Ghost was the “‘Scuse me, she asked for no pickles,” boyfriend, who would secure you a refund and a newly made burger, (mainly due to how intimating he gets at times).
You thoroughly enjoyed him looking out for you, though, knowing that he cared that much about you made your heart flutter only from thinking about it.
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König Version
Price Version
Gaz Version
Soap Version
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callmelola111 · 1 year
color me purple ♡ part one
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 ✄ - - - -   part 1 , part 2 , part 3   - - - - soundtrack - - - - ♡
synopsis: it’s summer and you’re back at camp stillwater. as a counselor you mean serious business and you’ll do whatever it takes for your cabin to come out on top. the only thing in the way of that; ellie williams and her crazy antics. 
      | 𓆣 | pairing & wc: ellie williams x reader. wc: 3.3k
      | ❀ | cw (by part): 18+ themes (MDNI), modern au, fem reader, some fluff + some angst (for now), marijuana use, pet names (doll, princess, hun), light sexual themes, swearing, mentions of blood (reader gets bloody nose), mentions of age (reader and ellie are both said to be 20 but feel free to change it in ur head lol)
a/n: feeling so summer lately i just had to write this. living vicariously through reader cause like why tf am i not having a summer camp gay awakening. this series is just 3 parts but it is sweet as pie so pls enjoy!!! i love you all dearly ♡~ lola
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The blinding sun beamed down on your bare skin. Normally the sweltering heat would bother you more, but the excitement of your first day back at camp was more than enough to distract you from the outlandish temperatures. You barreled down the grassy hill, duffle bag in hand, revealing the large wooden arch that spelled out the words CAMP STILLWATER.
The grounds were bustling with counselors and caretakers preparing for the arrival of campers later that evening. Everyone was dressed in color coded garments that signaled what cabin group they belonged to. You were dressed in red, head of cabin 12. Your sheer, white ringer tee read “Staff” and was hemmed with strips of crimson. To match, a pair of red booty shorts with white stretching down the sides. They were just long enough to cover your plush cheeks until naturally riding up as you walked to reveal the crease where ass meets thigh. To top it off, knee high socks striped with the same exact red. You were fucking adorable.
Nature crunched under your sneakers as you practically skipped down the trail headlining it to your cabin. As you reached the steps a very familiar voice called out your name.
“Well, well, well, look who it is. Cabin neighbors, once again. Did ya miss me doll?”
“Ellie fucking Williams, don’t flatter yourself. I’ve been praying all week that I wouldn’t get stuck with your dumbass again. But, here we are.” You rolled your eyes in a dramatic fashion putting an emphasis on your obvious sarcasm. This would be your 3rd summer bunking next door to your biggest rival Ellie Williams.
Although you and Ellie weren’t truly enemies, she did get on your nerves, and you got on hers. This fed into a mutual sarcastic bit that you guys have continued to carry out for years. You’d think by 20 years old the two of you would’ve grown out of these childish antics, but it was secretly one of your favorite parts of the summer. 
Ellie gave a half-assed chuckle, “you can never escape me.”
“Oh yes I can!” You whipped your head around, excusing yourself from the conversation and climbed up the weathered steps of your cabin. Ellie gawked as she watched you depart, your thighs giggling with each step. Her piercing green eyes always found their way to your body, but only when she thought you wouldn’t notice.
You entered the barren room and didn't even take the time to unpack before you started adorning the walls with themed decor and tying red ribbons in your hair. Cabin 12 always thrived with spirit when you were there. You took your role as camp counselor seriously and took the competitiveness even more seriously.
Camp Stillwater ran on a point system, and at the end of the summer the cabin with the most wins a trophy. The girls from your cabin were always finishing first in the tournament games, but when they didn’t, it was Ellie’s stupid blue campers who were swooping in to steal the victory. It drove you crazy. Last summer you came second to her and you were determined to never let it happen again. You began speaking to the empty room as if trying to somehow manifest these dreams into reality.
“This year cabin 12 will finish the summer with the most points.”
“Talking to yourself again?” You jumped at the sound of Ellie, not noticing that she had been lurking in the doorway. She was only there for a moment, but didn’t feel like announcing herself, too busy enjoying you running around like an excited puppy, spouting off about victory. Ellie had always admired your high spirits and go-getter attitude. A ray of light emitted from you constantly and she loved to bask in its glory. But, of course, she’d never let it be known.
“God Ellie you can’t just sneak up on me like that!”
“Sorry princess but the warden wants everyone at the mess hall like now. Come on slacker!” You noticed the change of clothes on Ellie, she was now adorned in a T-shirt just like yours but with blue details rather than red. Her auburn hair was pulled into a messy half-up, half-down, she always wore it like that when it started getting hot.
“Shut up, I'm not a slacker!! I’m just busy going above and beyond for my campers.” you argued, a pout forming on your lips. Ellie always knew how to press your buttons.
“You really wanna win this year huh?” She moved into your space, tilting her head with a cocky smirk. 
“Yeah, yeah I do.”
“And you really think I’m gonna let that happen?” she teased.
“You’re so annoying Ellie. You can do whatever you want, but I will be winning” You jutted your head forward dramatically in an attempt at intimidation. Ellie rolled her eyes.
“Right… let’s just get going before we’re late and they don’t let you counsel at all” Ellie grabbed your hand and pulled, urging you to follow. Feeling her warm, calloused hand in yours, you almost didn’t want to let go. But, you did.
The mess hall was lined with strings of wooden picnic tables, all connecting to create a sense of community when it was filled with campers. Flags cascaded the walls, each a different color with a number, representing the teams. A large case expanded across the back wall, filled with trophies from years before. The corners of your mouth upturned with anticipation of the summer to come. Your thoughts were soon interrupted by an amplified voice booming from a megaphone. Holding said megaphone was the warden, Mrs. Campbell.
“Alright ladies! Tonight is the night! You all know what to do so go ahead and file out to find your campers!!” You and Ellie exited out the back of the building, heading to the camp entrance. A swarm of girls’ chatting and screams grew louder as staff united with them. One of your favorite parts about Camp Stillwater was the lack of boys. You felt safe, and you loved the idea of getting to empower all these young impressionable women.
You held up a sign signaling your cabin number and a single file line began forming in front of you. You handed each of your girls red ribbons (matching the ones in your own hair) as a personal touch, trying to foster a bond right from the start. Meanwhile, Ellie stood around for her campers dapping them up, giving off the perfect “chill counselor” vibe. You found the lack of discipline a little obnoxious but to each their own. 
That night Stillwater kicked off camp with a bonfire complete with goodies for smores. You sat, knees together on the rough log, feeling as it left imprints of the bark on your bare thighs. Ellie sat just one log over goofing off with some other staff members, shooting an occasional glance at you.
The plastic bag of graham crackers crinkled as you ripped it open to begin assembling your late night snack. The hot air had turned cool with the lack of sun, but the preceding heat lingered in the melted chocolate you attempted to pass out. You stared as the sticky mallow and sweet liquid coco coated your fingers, inviting golden crumbs to join in. Ellie observed you deciding how to handle the mess, and with just a few seconds of thought, watched you stick your sugary soaked fingers straight in your mouth. A surge of guilt hit Ellie, noticing how much your licking troubled her. She clenched her thighs together and decided sweets just weren't for her.
With your hunger satisfied, the bonfire burned bright and you droned off getting lost in the flicker of the flames. Just then, you see a familiar Ellie in your peripherals wandering to the woods. Curious, you peeled your sticky legs from where you sat and got up to follow. You trailed behind her struggling to conceal your presence due to the snapping twigs under your feet. Ellie snaked her body back to acknowledge you and your obviousness. She loved to tease.
“Stalker much?” 
“God, you wish I was stalking you, Williams.” 
“So why are you following me then? Trying to catch me breakin’ the rules?” she questioned, half joking, half not. Continuing your follow, the two of you reached a more secluded part of the forest and Ellie halted.
“If you don’t want me to catch you, then maybe you should stop breaking rules. Ever think of that?” you taunted.
“Whatever Nancy Drew.” And with that, Ellie reached into her pocket pulling out a freshly rolled joint.
“You gonna bust me?” she teased before you quickly slapped the drugs out of her hands and into the moist dirt below.
“ELLIE!!!” you scolded her like she was a camper.
“Hey what the hell dude?!” she reached down to retrieve the now dirty joint and began to light it. A panicked look washed over your face and your eyes darted around, surveying for any possible company. God forbid you let this girl get you in trouble.
“I should be saying what the hell to you! Smoking on the job? So much for setting a good example… God, Ellie!” You palmed your face not sure how to proceed. In spite of your make believe beef, Ellie was your friend and you didn’t want to tattle. On the other hand though, the goodie two shoes and competitive freak inside wanted so badly to expose Ellie's naughty behavior. With her out of the picture, you could finish this summer out with a win. But, if you were being honest with yourself, camp wouldn’t be the same without her.
“Sorry, sorry. I know” Ellie shook her head at the ground pretending to be ashamed but she couldn’t have cared less. She knew you’d never tell, so on she went with her scheming.
“You wanna hit though?” 
“Ellie!!” This time you gave a blow to her exposed bicep, really trying to lay the guilt on thick.
“Come onnnn. This is your 3rd year here, you’ve gotta loosen up at some point. Just one hit? Please, for me?” Ellie flashed you the most annoying puppy dog eyes and a devilish smirk already anticipating your answer. Growing up you found it easy to resist peer pressure, you’ve always thought of yourself as a rule follower, but when it came to Ellie she always knew what to say to push you to the edge. She was such an instigator and you fell for her act every damn time.
“Fine… one hit.” She practically shoved the weed in your hands in excitement as you reluctantly gave in. Ellie always had so much fun chipping away at that good girl exterior you worked so hard to uphold. You then took a slow drag and passed it back to her. You fixated on her wet lips as they placed themselves around the joint. She took a quick inhale before an amused look spread across her face.
“Cherry?” Already feeling the high, you gave Ellie a puzzled look, not understanding what she meant. 
“Your lipgloss hun” She gestured to the pink stain rimming the tip of the joint.
Your face flushed red, “shit sorry.” You dug your foot into the ground and gave your lips a lick, recalling the fruity flavor.
“S’all good, I liked the taste” She replied, making your face turn a shade redder, almost matching the shorts that hugged your curves. Ellie would remember this moment, the taste of your lipgloss felt like a brush with destiny. Already assimilating the flavor to memory, she imagined her lips on yours and that cherry taste lingering in an exchange of saliva. God Ellie!! Stop being a perv and shut the fuck up!!
As one of the few masculine girls at camp, she was practically drowning in women, but her fixation with you prevented anything past a casual hook up. And casual hook up she did- with at least a fourth of the staff. Understandably, things got desperate being stuck at camp for 2 months straight. It’s not like you had the privacy to rub one out while sleeping in a room full of occupied bunk beds. But, with Ellie being a known player, you personally hadn’t thought twice about getting involved, despite the occasional butterflies. Bullying each other was more fun anyways.
Finally, Ellie finally finished off the joint, letting you take a couple more hits in between hers. She stomped the roach out into the moist ground making sure to put out any remaining embers. Her long stride pointed in the direction of the light filled cabins before you stopped her. With weed now rampant in your system, you weren’t ready for the night to end. 
“Waitttt, stopppp, we can’t go nowww!” You grabbed Ellie’s wrist leading her back into the darkness, straight towards the lake.
“What? You wanna hangout with me all of the sudden?”
“I- I wanna swim…” you mumbled, almost afraid to hear it come out of your mouth. One of the most important rules at Camp Stillwater was no swimming after dark. Ellie almost gasped hearing you propose such a mischievous idea. 
“Rulebreaker! Rulebreaker!” she chanted, almost falling over with laughter. Inside though, Ellie was kicking her feet at the thought of having a late night swim with her favorite girl. 
“Come on Els, you’re the one who told me to live a little. Pleaseeee!!” You bat your long lashes like a cartoon character but there was no need to beg as Ellie was already on board. She loved corrupting you.
“I’ll race you!!” She shouted before dashing through the trees, kicking up dirt with each long stride. Of course she turned it into a competition, and you bolted right after her trying to catch up.
Neither of you even stopped to breathe as you reached the edge of the lake. Instead shirts, shorts, and shoes all flying off your bodies landing amongst the greenery, desperate to get your sweaty bodies into the cool, evening waters. As you dived in, a sense of euphoria washed over your body along with the deep blue ripples of H2O. Ellie’s head rose out of the water 2nd. She slicked her wet hair back and gave you a toothy smile that was to die for. You giggled at the sight, everything seeming a bit more silly while under the influence. 
“Having fun princess?” she questioned, cheeks full.
“Yeah I am,” you smiled back, “I don’t think the fact that I’m breaking like 5 different rules has hit me yet.”
“Enough with the rules, let's have fun!” Ellie dove back into the water circling around your smooth legs. She took ur skin between her pointer and thumb, giving you little pinches like some sort of sea creature. You kicked and squirmed in reaction causing Ellie to shoot back up from her underwater adventure.
“Fuck off!” you shoved her bare shoulder with a teasing force. She put her hands up surrendering to your irritation. Her veiny arms glistened with lake water and your eyes wandered before getting stuck on the large tattoo adorning her forearm.
“Hey, that wasn’t there last summer.” you gestured to her.
“Yeah, uh, I got it a few months ago”
“It looks good,” you paused, “can I touch?” Ellie offered out her inked limb to you. It rested in your left hand and you used your right to trace the linework. Water droplets collected with each gentle brush of your fingertips. Goosebumps followed your delicate touch and Ellie's face turned red with enjoyment. 
“S’pretty” you said, noticing a blush growing across your own face. You glanced off into the distance at the silence. The thick forest trees and bright stars urged you to take in a deep, pollution free inhale. Ellie broke the moment of zen to speak.
“Turn around.” she demanded. You obliged immediately despite her unknown intentions. You felt her hot breath on your neck and sudden skin-to-skin contact. She hooked her long fingers around your wet locks of hair, moving them across your back to one side. A chill radiated down your spine
“What are you doing Ellie?” you whispered. The closeness you shared and the now still lake, cloaked with haze, sent a hush over the both of you. 
“Guess what I’m drawing” she whispered back. You scrunched up your shoulders in response to her vibrations hitting at your pulse. The feeling of her rough fingers met your back and began tracing symbols. You attempted to focus on her movements but it proved hard to decipher the message when she felt so close. Despite knowing Ellie for a long time, the two of you had never had this much prolonged touch. It ignited a feeling that you weren’t sure how to get control of. The silence hinted at your cluelessness.
“Here I’ll do it again,” she said, drawing out "I ♡ U” once more across your back.
“Fuck, I dont know. A dick?” You turned back to face Ellie questioning her with a giggle. Her face was littered with disappointment before quickly concealing it from you with a big splash of water. The tender moment was lost. She went along with your answer, lying through her teeth. 
“Fine, you got me freak! It was a dick.” You splashed Ellie back harder, amused by her childish humor. The water slinging continued until you both became absolutely winded and ready to climb in bed. Oh fuck, bed...
“ELLIE, OH MY GOD, CURFEW!” you practically squealed before switching to breaststroke and heading towards land. Ellie snapped out of this little dream and followed after you.
You frantically threw on your clothes over your now soaked bra and panties. Wet spots began seeping through your shorts as you fiddled with your sneakers. Your wet feet swirled in the dirt below, caking them with the mud of your making. You vetoed the shoes and bolted towards the cabins completely barefoot. You were so focused on getting back that you hardly even noticed the branches and rocks assaulting your skin.
“FUCK WAIT UP!!” Ellie yelled, just feet behind you. As you looked back to acknowledge her request your ankle caught on a huge log that littered the forest's path. Your balance was thrown and your face went plummeting straight into the ground, hitting a dull rock on its way down. Ellie’s pace doubled as she jumped to your rescue. She fell to her knees by your side giving you support as you lifted yourself up. Looking down, your hands were dirty, stuck wood chips pressed into the skin. You dusted them off against each other, seemingly fine.
“Bro, oh my god, are you okay??” Ellie pestered, worried out of her mind. 
“I think, yeah. It was honestly more embarrassing than painful.” you gave a light chuckle before looking up from the ground when suddenly a gush of liquid escaped your nose. Your finger dipped into the steady flow and you took note of the deep red now covering them.
“Just great.” you rolled your eyes. Ellie had the most concerned look on her face despite your injury being a simple bloody nose.
“We’ve gotta get you to the nurse like now!”
“Ellie chill, I’d rather not have an encounter with authority while I'm high as fuck and out past curfew.” You never thought you'd be saying that sentence.
“Fine, at least take this.” Ellie handed you a crumpled up tissue she had retrieved from her athletic shorts and you shoved it up your nose halting the flow.
Returning to the main area of the campgrounds felt like a walk of shame. You were drenched, muddy, and decorated in your own blood, and Ellie looked just as bad. Eventually the two of you reached your neighboring cabins and there waiting in between the steps of 11 and 12 was Warden Campbell. Fuck.
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 ✄ - - - -   part 1 , part 2 , part 3   - - - - masterlist - - - - ♡
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harrysmimi · 6 months
Harry From Bar
Synopsis: One where YN is conflicted but Harry is there to support her.
Ps. Mentions of abortion and religion pls do not read if this is smth bothers you. And if you are planning to read it, keep an open mind and spread no hate. This is just a work of fiction and NOT real life.
More of my work
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YN was sat on her bed in complete and utter and disbelief with her head in the palms of her hand. It is horrible.
"YN!" Her friend, Brielle yelled from her bathroom. "Who's is it? Do you even know?"
"Of course I do, I do not sleep around!" YN defended herself, crying like a baby.
Look, don't take her too seriously. YN doesn't judge other people and their life choices or even let other people do the same in front of her, but she is certainly not the one who would be going out of her way to do the same. She was completely sober when she slept with this guy (so was he) she met at the bar and had a nice two hour chat with. One can say, she let her intrusive thoughts win that day. They very carefully used protection during the entire time.
She quite took on a liking on him. He was charming, adorable and caring most importantly. It is something she was drawn towards. They even exchanged their numbers before she left his place, he texted her to make sure she reach home safely.
His last text read: Perhaps we can meet again?
And her reply was a simple yes to which he reacted with a red heart. And was the end of it. Yes she went down into spiral of the weird betrayed feeling for the first time from someone who she started to grow immediate romantic feelings for. It went on for about a month, she couldn't bring herself to text him. Now this is the third month.
You see YN missed her period for the second time and it did not take her long enough to put two and two together before she was calling her best friend over. This is something serious and had her going down yet another spiral that she had to take two days off work. That isn't like her at all, she loves her job and she hardly ever takes a day off from work. The entire point of her moving to a completely different country was her work.
"Then who is he?" Brielle asked, pulling YN back down to earth.
"The guy I met at the bar three months ago." YN let out a sigh and quickly added, "I haven't dared to sleep with anyone else, before you say anything!"
"Oh okay!" Brielle sighed, "do you want to keep it?"
"I, I, I honestly don't know." YN shrugged, "I mean I am certainly not ready for it and my grandfather and dad and brother will have me buried alive if they find out."
"Who cares about them!" Her friend sighed again and sat down next to her, "it's your body, do whatever the fuck you want to!"
"I know Brielle, but..." YN stopped herself, "I need to talk to him. But I don't know if I should call him or text him."
"Duh! Call him over!"
"I am scared, what if he thinks I am just to trap him? I quite liked him, we were going to see each other again soon but it never happened." And it started, YN cried her eyes out for next hour and half.
It's not a challenge for her to bring a human into the world and raise it, she is definitely financially capable of that, but she is not mentally or emotionally capable to do so. She still has so much to grow in her life and having a baby was further down her list of priorities, most probably after marriage.
Truth is, YN had been sulking around for about a week think the same and a pink plastic stick just brought her fears into reality for her. She's been contemplating her entire life since then.
"He is not going to think that." Brielle assured her friend, "if he does, we're going to kick him to the curb where he belongs and move on."
"It's not that easy." YN shook her head still sniffling on her tears. "I, I, I am going to text him, I can't talk right now."
"Okay, let's do it." Brielle urged her and YN finally texted the guy. Just by the start of the morning three days later she got a reply back.
Harry from Bar
- Hi, this is not Harry.
- I am Jasmine
- This number doesn't belong to him anymore I recently got this :)
That made her heart drop to her stomach. And she was all alone. Her best friend had gone home. It was luckily a Sunday for her and she had to go grocery shopping, even though she didn't wanted to she's still got to eat. She still got her reusable bag and drove to the grocery store.
She has been asking her pregnant cousin what she can eat and can't eat indirectly because she has no idea what to do.
It's just so confusing!
She picked out mostly junk food which she found appetising, which contained chips, ice cream, bread and butter and some other healthier options too. Lately she has been too exhausted to even cook herself meals for the whole day.
Just as YN was loading her bags in the back seat of her car she saw the guy from the bar walking into store with a girl. He had his arm around her shoulder. Now YN knew who it was, the girl was his sister. He'd shown her the pictures when he was sharing his weekend's experience with her that night.
Just as she was about done he saw her and approached her excusing himself from his sister. Luckily she had her sun glasses on to hide her swollen eyes from crying so much. Though her red cheeks and nose would be pretty evident.
"Hey, YN!" He chirped.
"Hi." She smiled shutting her car door.
"Haven't seen you in a long time." He started, "actually, let me rephrase that I wasn't in town for a few months so couldn't get back to you."
"Oh, I, I texted you yesterday." She started, still sniffling from her tears from three hours ago. "You changed your number."
"Oh, yeah." He smiled sheepishly, "I lost my phone and we couldn't find it. They gave me a new number, also lost all of my contacts. You sound sick, you alright love?"
"Yeah, I, uhhhhh, I actually wanted to talk to you about something."
"Yeah, what is it?" Now she had his undivided attention, which intimidated her even more to approach the conversation.
"Not, not here please. Can we like go somewhere private?" She could hear her heart thump in her ears.
"Okay, you wanna go to mine?" He asked.
"I, I have groceries in my car. It's not that urgent anyway." Harry could tell it is indeed something urgent and she is making excuses.
"Then we can go to yours." He announced, "I will tell my sister she can take my car, we can go to your place and talk."
YN just nodded in agreement. He just walked over to his sister for a minute meanwhile YN got herself a few seconds to gather herself up. She's been going through a shit ton of emotional turmoil and, balancing a very demanding job with very little food and nutrition was never a challenge for her but with a growing fetus inside in a different story. Her lifestyle works for her, but it is not working while she is clearly pregnant. She knew she shouldn't have gotten that ultrasound there it's fucked her up emotionally even more.
"Okay shall we go?" Harry came back to her.
"Mhmm." She nodded. She some how managed to drive to her place and Harry carried all her groceries upto her flat for her. "You want water? Or tea, or coffee?"
"Water is fine, thank you." He nodded.
"Please, have a seat." She insisted as she reached for a glass. He watched her as he sat on the bar stool behind the kitchen counter. The flat with a loft bedroom was small yet incredibly lavish and luxurious looking, maybe it's the way she has it all set up. He also noticed she haven't taken off her sunglasses yet. She sat the glass of water in front of him and walked around the country. "I will be back, just a second." She went into her bedroom upstairs and came back down with a with a blue folder and without her sunglasses.
"You alright YN?" He asked, now clearly worried seeing her red puffy eyes.
"I don't know how to tell you," her voice cracked as she tried not to cry but her eyes were pooled up with tears.
"Hey, what happened?" He was quick to get off his seat and go hug her the first thing. "It's okay. It's okay, I promise!" She wrapped her arms around him. "You can tell me, that's okay." He caressed the back of her head as she had her face buried in his white shirt.
"I, I, I am pregnant and I don't know what to do!" She cried out in muffles, "it's yours I promise!"
"Hey, hey, hey I want you to take in a deep breath for me, okay?" He guided her through the breathing exercise to get her to calm down a little. She just looked at him with guilt and hope in her eyes, "look, I trust you. Look at you, you've gone all pale come and sit on the sofa." He walked her to the sofa quickly fetched her a glass of water. "You need time to gather yourself?" To which she nodded.
Harry sat there in silence. Well, this wasn't the first time for him to go through a scare like. Certainly his past girlfriends went through similar situations but all of those have turned out to be negative, this time it turned out to be positive with a girl he knew only for two hours.
Well, he was quite smitten by her. And to be honest he really couldn't stop thinking about all these months, if it weren't for his phone getting lost he would have asked her out. He even visited the same bar a couple of time hoping to see her there, but he didn't and he eventually had to go on the tour in America. He'd nust gotten back home a two days ago and now he's gotten the news that he could potentially be a dad now.
But, whatever YN wishes to do. She seems very conflicted to him. If she choses to not keep it, he'd support her. If she choses to keep it, he'd support her anyway and step up to be a present dad regardless of where his relation with her leads.
They both sat there for what seemed like to be hours but in reality it's just been ten minutes. "Can you please fetch that folder?"
"Yeah." Harry quickly got up and brought her the blue folder, from which she took out a few reports.
"Got these pictures yesterday when I went for the appointment." She showed him the grainy ultrasound pictures, a seahorse looking silhouette was the cutest thing ever, it took his breath away.
"Oh, I see them!" He whispered, pointing his finger to the obvious human fetus silhouette. His eyes pooled up with tears.
"Yeah." She nodded and they both sat in silence again, or at least Harry could feel his heart thumping in his ears.
"Oh my god!" He took in a deep breath to face the conversation, "you want to keep it?"
"I don't know." She looked down at her hands in her lap, "I don't know honestly. But if you don't want to have to do anything with this matter, I understand."
"Don't say that." He moved closer to her carefully, "I want to be there to support you, no matter what your decision is. At the end of the day it's your body you're going to house a human for nine months in."
"Do you want it?" She asked, "don't give me a diplomatic answer please."
"I do want a baby, I want to be a dad one day or other, yeah. I think I'd want this little one." He admitted after yet another silent pause from him. "I don't want you to base your decision on what I want YN."
"I know." She nodded, "I know I will be a bad mother, I am not emotional there to be a parent plus I'd have to deal with my family for getting pregnant like this. But I don't want to get rid of it, I know this will sound stupid but I don't think that's the right thing to do with an innocent life. I don't want to kill it."
"It's not stupid, your feelings are valid." He took her hand in his into a gentle hold, "if you don't feel ready for it, I say don't do it. Even though you'd have plenty of time to prepare, but if you really think you can't, then you shouldn't have to."
"You are not helping." She started sobbing again.
"Hey, can I hug you?" He asked carefully approaching her to which she responded with just curling up next to him, he wrapped his arms around her. "What do you want now? And be honest with me, please."
"I want to focus on my career." She shared, "it sounds mean, but I am really not ready. It's going to be a big conflict as well because I am not married I just don't know what to do!"
"Hey, first off all, your feelings are not stupid." Harry corrected her, "you don't want the baby?"
"I don't know, but I know if I have this baby I won't be able to be there for him or her. I am not ready!" She sobbed again.
"Hey look, you don't have to." He announced, "you want me to go with you?"
"You will?"
"Of course, I would!" He squeezed her in his arms gently, "look you shouldn't feel guilty for putting yourself first. It's very important you that, yes it is difficult to make these kind of decisions. But put yourself first."
"Okay." She nodded, now slowly pulling away from him not wanting to make things awkward. "Did the condom really broke?"
"You want me to be honest?" He asked with a guilty look on his red face, she nodded, "I don't know honestly, got in bed immediately after we cleaned up. I swear I would have told you."
"I trust you." And to be fair she does, the man was asking for consent at every little thing. She was also fully present in the moment.
"Did you eat something?" He asked just to get a nod of her head in answer in disagreement, "you want me to make you something? Did you get pasta?"
"Yeah." She sniffled.
"I'll go make you some pasta." He placed a delicate kiss on her head before he was off to kitchen.
"Wait, you can cook?"
"That's sounds surprising doesn't it?" He chuckled, "well, turns out I can't keep a cook as I travel so much so had to learn to cook for myself." She just gave him a small smile.
In no time Harry was done with some delicious pasta, he plated up two plates and brought them back to the sofa just to run back and get water. YN honestly did not feel like eating but she felt too guilty to let all of his hard work go to waste. It was pretty good actually, she liked it.
"I, I, will make an appointment for Tuesday then." She spoke breaking the silence between the cutlery clinking on the ceramic plates.
"Sure!" He agreed, "I will give you my new number you can text me, I will come and pick you up."
"Mhmmm." She nodded again.
That was about it for the afternoon. Harry did gave her his new number and promised not to loose it or have it saved somewhere so if he looses it he can reach out to her this time.
Tuesday rolled around and Harry was anxiously waiting for YN's text. It was way too early in the morning, but he was still ready for her text whenever she is.
To be honest, Harry really never got over the fact he still wants to see where things would go with YN if they both gave it a chance. He is just not so sure about how she would take it now given the situations. He is really smitten by her, so much, he will admit it shamelessly. He still finds himself grinning like an idiot when he thinks about their first interaction.
How she thought he was his own doppelganger, how she mocked him for solid fifteen minutes with an untouched wine glass in her hand. In her opinion she'd rather spend four pounds on the cheapest glass of wine even if she doesn't drink to keep the creepy men away from her.
She talked to him, apparently he wasn't being creepy and did not ask to buy her a drink. And most probably because she was having so much fun mocking him and laughing. He still doesn't know how that night happened honestly. It was blissful.
To pull him out of his day dreaming his phone started ringing, it was of course YN.
"Hello love, good morning!" He said as he answered the call, sounding way too excited.
"Hey, good morning." Her morning did not sound so good, "I called in the clinic yesterday after work they said they couldn't fit me in, and I like already took next three days off. Do, do you think you can me out here? Now I know I should have called them earlier but I had to run in early for work, there was this important thing I had to get to which I had been putting off..."
"Hey, look you don't have to explain yourself." He assured her, "let me make a few calls and we'll take care of it okay?"
"Okay." He let out a sigh, "please call me back, I'll call my friend too."
"I promise, will call you back. Give me half an hour." He reassured her again before the call was ended.
He called in his manager, and the hardest calls to make were to his mum and sister. He needed their opinions okay. He doesn't know if either of them have been into this situation but he hoped they could help. His sister told him about her friend who is a doctor at this private clinic, who she had referred her other friends too. Luckily both, his mum and sister were so nice and cool about it. To ease his nerves, it was good. Amazing actually!
He had called in the clinic and they actually had few slots open for an appointment, he made sure with YN first before booking one. Rest assure he wasn't ready for the questions she bombarded him with when he went to pick her up. The clinic wasn't so far away from her place actually.
Harry spent his entire Sunday night and all Monday researching about the pregnancy and everything which came with it. And everything about the abortion.
"Harry, it is a private clinic, I really can't afford it. Do you think they'll charge to cancel the appointment?" She panicked when he told the name of the clinic.
"Don't worry about it, we'll take of it."
"No, no, nope! I really can't afford it." She started to get stressed.
Actually she had spent more at hospital these past few weeks than she had her entire life. She had to actually dip into her savings which she was going to use to buy the flat she is living in. Maybe in a couple more years, or at least before he lease ends as her landlord was really looking to sell the property. And it was eating at her that a huge chunk of her savings went to something she could so surely avoided from happening.
"Let's just go in okay, let's just see what they say first." He parked his car and got out to get the door for her. YN was clearly nervous the whole time.
She had gone in for the procedure alone actually, she could apparently go home by the evening they said. If things seem good, or they'd have to keep her in for the night. Which none of them were prepared for. Harry had to wait outside for about an hour before he was told he could see her in the recovery room.
"Hey love, you doing alright?" He asked as he carefully entered the room. A nurse was checking up on her there.
"She is a bit drowsy, let her sleep if she wants to." The nurse informed, "she is doing well, you can probably take her home by evening." He smiled at Harry before he was out.
"Thank you." Harry acknowledged the nurse and carefully sat beside YN on the edge of her bed.
"You are blurry." She shared.
"You are under a lot of meds right now love." He shared, "you want to take a nap?"
"Mhmm." She nodded, "I, I want to lay on my side but I can't move."
"You want me to help you?" He offered already helping her to lie on her side, well, she did it on her own anyway, "is it better now?"
"I'll wait here for you, okay?"
"Thanks." Her eyes were already closed shut.
Harry sat right next to her for next three hours as she took a much needed nap. He found some old magazine to keep himself occupied, he read almost every little gossip and random facts column. He got to know ketchup was once used at medicine and shrimp's heart is in it's brain. Totally weird as fuck!
None the less YN was up in a couple of hours. She was doing well.
"Hi!" He greeted her as he placed the magazine down.
"Hi." She smiled back.
"How are you feeling now?" He asked watching her carefully, her forehead was all sweaty.
"I am warm, I don't know." She yawned.
"Want me to turn up the AC?" He asked to which she nodded in yes, he did so after he found the remote, "you need a minute or do you want me to call a nurse?"
"I don't want to see anyone right now, there were like five people there." She shared.
"Mhmm, do you need something?"
"Nope, I am good, thank you!" She smiled again now lying on her back.
"You did so great, the nurse said you can be discharged by evening hopefully." He shared, "what do you want for dinner, it's my treat."
"Oh, can we get burgers? I am really craving those I don't why!" She chuckled weakly making him grin showing off his dimples.
"Sure, anything you want, love." He carefully leaned down to press a kiss on her forehead. It felt natural in the moment but he felt awkward real quick. "Hey, can I ask you something real quick? I don't know, it might be a bit of a wrong time to do so."
"What is it?" She let her hed relax more into her pillow, still teensy bit drowsy from the medications but technically sober and in her consensus. Harry took a hold of her hand, the pad of his thumb rubbing over her knuckles.
"How, how about after you're feeling better and have rested well enough, we, we— I mean you and I can go grab dinner sometime?" He asked nervously, he is a little scared to be honest but he's trying his best to act cool. "I mean like a date. I've always wanted to ask you out to be honest!" A soft embarrassed chuckle left his mouth.
"A date?"
"Yeah, only if you want it to be." He added quickly.
"You, you sure you want that?" YN asked, her eyes welling up with tears in instance. In her defence she was starting to get cramps now, bht it was just the partial reason of her getting emotional.
"Why wouldn't I be?" He announced more than making it sound like a question, "was going to ask you out the same day but got a last minute call from my manager and then shit happened. Hey, why are you crying?"
"You're asking me for a date, I just got rid of your and my baby." She pointed out feeling guilty.
"Hey, hey, hey that's not why I asked you out my love, it's because I genuinely like you!" He announced to her, "I just want to get to know you, you are the most genuine person I've met in a very, very long time now. And you placed yourself first, don't have to be guilty about it. You know I wish I would have asked this the very morning I booked you that cab back to yours. I wish I wouldn't have lost my phone then."
"Yes!" He chuckled, finding her red nose now adorably funny, "I really do feel that way. Not asking you out just because I got you pregnant, lovie. I really do like you a lot!"
"I qm going to cry, stop!" And her voice was choking already as she spoke, which made Harry pull her in a warm and tight embrace.
"I respect your choice YN, that's the bare minimum I could do, you deserve so much more." He whispered in her ear.
It's been weighing on her heart, when growing up all she was taught that when she finally get married and get pregnant she has to keep that child and care for it, it's her duty to do so. If she felt otherwise, she was being ungrateful of the great gift. Her family is very religious, still. And by-product of that belief is herself and other five of her siblings. Though it is going to take time to get over those internalised misogyny, she hopes she can over come those really.
She really do wants kids, she is not sure how or when yet, but she does. This time felt just way too wrong to her. She can barely take care of herself let alone take care a whole new human and teach it how to go by their day and manage their emotions. It is definitely much more than just being able to financially take care of someone.
After what felt like whole ten minutes but actually had just been a minute Harry tried to pull away but YN wouldn't let him. "No, please don't."
"Oh, no I won't darling." He held her tight again, "you'd still let me take you out?"
"Yes!" She chuckled softly. "I want to get out of the hospital first please!"
"Mhmm, for that you'll have to let me go so I can go and get a nurse." He informed her.
"Oh, yeah..." He let go of him reluctantly.
"I'll give you all the cuddles you want, first let's get you out of here." He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Soon they were out of the hospital and back at YN's. Harry was already planning a perfect date in his mind, given YN was adviced to rest (not bed rest) for a couple of days.
The next night Harry gave up and cooked up a nice and hearty meal for for both of them, they called it a date. According to Harry, that's the most romantic gesture he's ever done for anyone. Everything was starting to look like it was going to be fine.
N O T E:
Okay, so pls bare with me, my brain is a bit rusted lately. I apologise if this one sucks. I tried my best.
Also, pls feel to point out any typos, or not. I do not have time to go ahead and proof read this. I have to catch up on sleep. Hehe.
Hope you like it!!!
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tangledinink · 1 year
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Chapter Twelve of I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? is up!!! It's the moment you've all waited for-- the reveal. :000 They boys discover some things about themselves (things they once knew) and visit an unfamiliar place (a place that was once familiar.) Read it on ao3 or below the cut!
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The group’s shocked silence lasted for two, maybe three seconds before it quickly morphed into chaos.
“That’s him! That’s the goat!” Mikey shrieked, pointing wildly. “That’s the goat who has Dad!”
“Leo! Call 911!” Raph commanded. Leo scoffed loudly.
“No way! I wanna kick this guy’s ass. Make Donnie do it.”
“What?! No fair! I’ve called 911 the last six times! It’s someone else’s turn!”
“You have not! I called 911 last time!” April protested.
“That one doesn’t count!”
“Well someone’s gotta--”
“Enough!” Goatman snarled, absolutely bristling, waving his arm sharply. The air around them suddenly felt colder and stiller, and Leo shuddered, gritting his teeth as his posture stiffened. “I am not here to listen to your silly arguments. I am here to bring you home, so you can finally fulfill your purpose.”
Leo gave a short snort of laughter. “Hm, yeah, tempting, but our Daddy actually taught us not to go with creepy sheep strangers, even if they offer us free candy, soooo…”
“What?! Candy? No! I’m talking about your purpose! The reason you were created-- to eliminate the human threat! Come with me, and I can unlock your full potential!”
“How many divine purposes have we got again? ‘Cause I’m starting to lose track,” Mikey complained. Leo rolled his eyes.
“Eliminate the human threat? Yeah, uh, maybe you haven't been paying attention, but in case you haven’t noticed, we’re literally humans.”
The yokai paused for a moment. His face twisted, and he hunched his shoulders back before he gave a forced laugh. “Humans?” He echoed. “Humans?! Surely you aren’t fooled by those silly trinkets! You can’t possibly, actually believe…”
“Oh my god. This guy is, like, for real crazy,” April observed, raising her brows.
“No, you are fools!” He hissed in return. “Humans?! These ridiculous forms are completely fabricated! These are not your true selves! You are experiments! You are soldiers! You’re mutated turtles-- my greatest creations! The creations of Baron Draxum!”
“Baron Draxum? Okay, well, we’ll deal with him when he gets here… Oh… Oh-ho-ho wait! You’re doing that, like, sinister talking-about-yourself-in-third person thing, aren’t you! Oh my god, that’s rich!” Leo snorted.
“Hey! Only Raph can use the third-person!”
“I’m sorry, did he say turtles?” Mikey questioned.
“Oh my fucking god…” Leo laughed, clutching his stomach. “Turtles? I’m sorry, we’re mutant turtles?”
“This guy can’t be serious,” Raph muttered.
“Uh, yeah, I’m pretty sure we would have noticed by now if we were reptiles,” Donnie scoffed, one hand on his hip. “Let alone subjects of some kind of biochemical experiments. Which I am intimately familiar with, by the way. Do you have any idea how many community gardens I’ve been banned from?”
“This can’t…” The yokai shook his head, a hand on his brow. “How could you be tricked by such simple magic? I will show you if I have to.” 
“Oh, I’d love to see that,” Donnie muttered.
“Come with me--”
“You are out of your damn mind if you think we’re goin’ anywhere with you!” Raph cut in.
“Maybe if you prove that turtle hypothesis thing you have going on, we can discuss it from there,” Donnie laughed, one brow quirked, sounding caught somewhere between exasperated and amused. Honestly, this whole thing was a little bit fucking hilarious. It was also fucking horrible and scary because their dad was missing and a magic criminal had them cornered in an alley, but like. Seriously. Mutant turtles? You can’t make this stuff up, dude.
Draxum sighed very deeply, scowling at their group.
“Very well,” he said, and he snapped his fingers.
Things became unfunny very, very quickly. 
If the air had become cold earlier, now it became startlingly hot, just for a moment, the alley rising up at least five degrees, and Leo heard this choked, startled gasp that he immediately recognized as his twin brother. At the same time, a blinding, almost familiar flash of white light overtook the alley, and Leo hissed, flinching away. 
When he looked back, he was horrified to find that where his brother had been standing just a moment ago there was instead some sort of green, scaled creature, their eyes slitted and their skin leathery and bumped, and he thought, what the hell happened to my brother? And after a moment of silence, all of them staring in dazed shock, the reptile flailed, floundered, held its own hands up to its face as if to examine them, and promptly began screaming. 
And Leo recognized his own brother's screams, so instead he was thinking: what the hell happened to my brother?!
“What did you do?!” Leo shrieked. Behind him, Mikey screamed, too, and he could hear April spluttering out an impressive string of curse words. He just barely resisted the urge to race over to Donnie’s side, to check if he was okay, (he’s not okay, he knows he’s not okay,) to try to help him, to fix it, because he couldn’t just turn his back on the enemy in front of them-- couldn’t ignore the very obvious threat.
“I simply removed the cloaking enchantment as he requested,” Draxum responded calmly. He even looked amused, almost, the very corners of his lips turning up.
“You what!? What the hell are you-- fix it!!! Turn him back!!!” Leo demanded, his voice rising with the very edges of panic, his pulse climbing ever-steadily higher the longer he listened to his siblings scream.
The other sighed deeply, tilting their head to the side. “Do you still not understand? Fine, then. I’ll show you as well.” 
Leo wouldn’t describe the experience as painful, but it really wasn’t pleasant, either. He swore he could feel his skin being stripped away and reforming; it was like his skeleton itself was being rearranged, his entire body becoming fluid for just a split second before solidifying again in new places, new patterns, new spaces. An unfamiliar weight pulled at his shoulders, forcing his spine to bend, and his hands and feet fell in a way that now felt unnatural to him. His skin seemed to lay over his muscles differently now.
He was vaguely aware of Mikey screaming somewhere behind him a second time, echoing Donatello’s continued wails. 
“Guys?” April bit out, her voice high and frightened.
What the hell happened to him?
“What-- what did you do?” Leo repeated himself, his eyes wide, straining, because his vision was ever-so-slightly different than it had been a few seconds ago and he didn’t know how to adjust. He swore to god he was frozen in place. He wasn’t sure when he had ended up on his knees, but he was shaking so hard, he supposed he wasn’t surprised.
What the fuck happened to his body?
“Now are you convinced?” The yokai pressed. “Now, we will be going to my lab whether you want to or not. We can either do this the easy way or the hard way. I would highly recommend the easy way,” he hummed, giving a sharp sweep of his arms. Wind tugged at his back and Leo had just barely the presence of mind to glance behind him, his eyes widening in horror to see this huge expanse of black opening up behind him. 
Mikey-- (Mikey? They were small, they were wearing Mikey’s clothes, it must be Mikey--) yelped loudly, the inky cloud yanking him from his feet. April jumped, attempting to grab her baby brother, though she only succeeded in falling into him-- both of them swallowed up into the portal. Raph gave a strangled howl of protest, diving right after them, and Donnie was sucked up as well, disappearing from Leo’s sight. His heart thudded wildly in his ears. He could feel the magick yanking at him, trying to pull him in as well. 
But Leo had always been the fastest. 
Every shred of him was screaming to follow, to chase after his family, to go with his sister and brothers, but he tensed his muscles, his stance widening and holding firm as he set his sights back on the yokai towering before him. A tiny voice in his head whispered in his ears that following wouldn’t help--
No, he had to move forward. This guy was the one hurting them.
Get him.
Leo wasn’t sure if he had leapt forward or if he simply was there. Everything was moving too quickly for even him to follow, the blinding white of panic and rage eating hungrily at the edges of his vision, threatening to overtake him. Either way, he lunged, a cry of protective fury wringing itself from his chest.
 "Stay away from my brothers," he snarled, his own throat staggering painfully with the force with which he screamed out his warning, his hands flying forward to grab the yokai by his throat, slamming into him at full speed. He felt the alien velvet fuzz of Draxum’s skin beneath the tear of his fingernails (claws) even as the pair of them were flung from their feet. Gravity was stolen from them both, the portal behind them reaching out to consume them. 
Everything went black. For just a second, tumbling through nothingness, floating through the sizzling rush of magick itself, Leo couldn’t see anything. He couldn’t hear anything, all he could feel was the body of the yokai against him, struggling against his grip, attempting to throw him away. 
And then this bright, searing lavender light came singing through the world. It didn’t reflect or bounce; nothing was lit up by it. Leo still could not see himself, could not even find the outline of his own hands or fingers. But this brilliant, complex pattern of the palest, gentlest pastel purple lit up bright before him, swirling and twisting in foreign shapes, and Leo just barely recognized that the ribbon of runes they formed echoed the shape of the yokai he had just grabbed.
The body he was clinging to went limp.
The next second, the wind was knocked out of him as they made impact with stone, light coming streaming back into his universe. Leo found himself landing in a heap in their new location, the portal disappearing behind them. Oddly, however, the crash landing didn’t hurt near as much as he would have expected it to.
“Leo!” He heard Raph cry. Leo groaned, still dazed, looking around blearily. Where the hell were they? He glanced over at the yokai who he had yanked through the portal with them, only to find them in an awkward slump just a few paces away, completely limp and seemingly unconscious. 
“Are you okay? What happened?” Raph demanded, moving quickly to his side. Mikey was already all bundled up in his arms, shaking like a leaf and absolutely clinging to him for dear life like he was going to fall apart if he let go. And Leo couldn’t even blame him if he did. Mikey had always been the smallest of them, and Raph always the biggest, but Leo thought dimly that the size difference between them now was fucking bananas.
Jesus christ. Raph was fucking huge. And… spiky. Was he a goddamn dinosaur? What the fuck.
“I-- yeah-- I-- I think the goatman got knocked out--” He stammered, still reeling slightly, trying to collect himself, to gather himself, adrenaline still rushing through his veins like it was a racetrack. 
Somewhere in the background, Donnie fucking screamed, and Leo immediately forgot about everything else, his head whipping around. 
“Donnie!” He cried, on his feet in a second, rushing over to his brother’s side. He had no idea where they were, not having yet taken stock of the location. He was only dimly aware that they were someplace cold and dark, with stone and concrete above, below, and around them. Donnie had pressed himself up against one of the walls, his entire body rigid and his head bent forward, his arms fluttering wildly beside his head in such a way that Leo recognized he was fighting not to hit himself. Good job, Dee. The screaming continued, but every wail that wrenched its way out of Donnie’s mouth was short and grinding, repeating itself over and over like an alarm. It was fucking terrifying. Not for him, but for Donnie, because he could tell that they were completely, totally not in control. Just panicking.
“Hey. Hey, hey, it’s okay, I’m right here, Don. It’s alright. It’s okay, you’re safe, I’m right here, hermano,” he tried to soothe, forcing his voice down, calm, steady. He knew better than to touch Donnie, but he would reach over just long enough to tap a button on the side of his headphones that he knew would flip the device into white noise mode. Donnie jerked slightly in response, and the screaming stopped, at least, but he didn’t relax. His arms still fluttered and flapped anxiously, and he shifted just enough to begin rocking back and forth, clenching his jaw and grinding his teeth so hard that Leo was afraid he was going to hurt himself. His chest absolutely shook with the panicked, shuddering breaths he was taking, hyperventilating so hard that his entire body trembled in response.
“Come on, Donnie, it’s alright. It’s okay. We’re safe, Mikey and Raph and April are safe, we’re gonna be okay, but you’ve gotta breathe, dude. Can you try it with me? Like this? We’ve gotta calm down a little bit--” Leo pressed on because this was not his first rodeo. He wasn’t quite as adept at handling these things as their dad was, and at this point, Donnie was pretty good at avoiding meltdowns and panic attacks, armed with tools and tricks and years of therapy, but sometimes they were unavoidable and Leo had always known how to calm them down, always been able to step up and help, the same way Donnie could for him--
But Donnie wasn’t calming down. Donnie wouldn’t even look up at him. Rather, Donnie scrunched up harder, curled his lips, and fucking hissed at him.
And, okay, look, it wasn’t the first time Donnie had hissed at them. Donnie used to love to hiss at people when they were little kids, though nowadays he was more likely to express annoyance with declarations such as “groan” or “scoff” or “eye-roll.” But he didn’t hiss like this.
He sounded fucking feral. Even more than that, he sounded fucking terrified. He looked like a goddamn cornered animal, his eyes blown out and huge, the scaly skin that now made up his form stretched tight over shivering muscles and his lips drawn back over sharp, pointed teeth. And Leo looked down at his own clawed, three-fingered hand and came to a horrible realization.
He couldn’t help because Donnie couldn’t recognize him. They were panicking because they were in this crazy, fucked up body that wasn’t theirs, and Leo was in a fucked up body that wasn’t his, and looking at him was just a reminder of everything wrong. He was just scaring them more. His being here was just making things worse, and Leo’s throat tied itself in a knot, swelling up as the backs of his eyes pinched with the thought.
“April,” he called, his voice cracking slightly as he desperately turned to look for his sister. She wasn’t far off, watching from a short distance with obvious worry, and she blinked in surprise at the sound of her name.
“Help me.”
If Leo was being completely honest, he hadn’t even realized that Donnie wasn’t still nearby. The two of them typically stuck together like glue whenever they were at school. Leo would usually lead the way, and Donnie would trail after, with Leo doing most of the talking and socializing for both of them. And once Donnie got sick of whatever they were doing, he would simply drag Leo off to sit and read or work on some project or puzzle for a while, and Leo would oblige and keep him company. Donnie was always close by, and Leo wasn’t even aware that this wasn’t currently the case, too absorbed in his latest arts and crafts project, until he heard a telltale, high-pitched whine from across the room.
He was on his feet in seconds, abandoning the activity and his classmates to scuttle off in search of his twin brother. Luckily, he wasn’t too hard to find. Both because he was pretty loud, and also because their substitute teacher was crouched down next to him. She was nice enough, Leo thought, but not quite as cool as Miss Mitchelle was, and he wasn’t sure if Donnie liked her at all. It definitely didn’t seem like he liked her too much right now with how he was all balled up, and Leo wasted no time at all in planting himself physically between the two.
Donnie immediately gravitated towards his brother and Leo moved a bit closer in turn, giving Miss Substitute (he didn’t remember her name,) a very displeased look.
“He doesn’t like whatever you’re doing,” he declared firmly.
Miss Substitute’s expression twitched and faltered for a moment before it settled back into something patient and pleasant, though Leo still didn’t quite trust it. “Leo,” she said, “I was just trying to talk with your brother--”
“I can talk to him,” Leo assured immediately, not bothering to listen to the remainder of her sentence because he couldn’t imagine it would be all that important or interesting. He turned to face Donnie instead. “It’s okay. I can always understand him, ‘cause we have a secret twin language. We made it up. Only we can speak it,” he declared proudly, crouching down to lean in towards his brother, his arms wrapped around his knees.
Donnie was still whining a bit, curled up into a ball and shoved halfway inside of a cubby, his arms crossed protectively over his head as he rocked. And yeah, he was obviously upset, though Leo wasn’t completely sure why yet. As such, he got to work, conversing with his twin in the previously mentioned secret twin language.
… And.
They didn’t actually have a secret twin language.
But it was close enough! It wasn’t a language, per se, ‘cause it didn’t have words, just noises and chirps and trills and squeaks and babbles. But he still always got the gist of what Donnie was saying, and Donnie would get the gist of what he was saying, too, so it worked. Sooner or later, he could pretty much always get an understanding of what Donnie was meaning based on the inflection or tone of his noises, as well as calm the other down enough so that Leo could coax a couple of signs out of him, so Leo figured it was close enough to language.
Plus, the ‘language’ itself always seemed to kind of settle Donnie down when he was upset like this. Once Leo started humming and squeaking at him, Donnie gradually started to answer with his own chirps and clicks, and, little by little, Leo watched their twin’s body untense and unwind. Leo grinned, moving to sit properly by him, and Donnie moved closer, edging just a bit out of his hiding spot so he could shove himself up against Leo’s side instead, resting his head against his shoulder and settling in there, an indignant scowl still on his face.
Leo grinned, puffing out his chest a bit as he shot Miss Substitute a look. See? He told her so. He and Donnie always understood each other, no matter what, and he could always fix it when Donnie wasn’t feeling good! He was basically the best brother in the entire world. Confident that he understood the problem, he turned back to face Miss Substitute.
“He said you’re not doing the schedule right, and we’re supposed to do math right now,” he announced, crossing his arms over his chest. And he hadn’t even noticed, but Donnie was right, they did usually do math lessons during this part of the day-- not arts and crafts. “And also, he doesn’t like the paper fish we’re doing ‘cause the glue feels bad. So we gotta find something else to do,” he insisted. “‘Cause otherwise Donnie and I aren’t playing.”
Donnie nodded a tiny bit from behind him, and Leo beamed with pride. Understanding Donnie and calming him down wasn’t even that hard. He didn’t get why adults besides Dad had such a hard time with it sometimes. You really just had to listen to him. 
It took a while for April to calm Donnie back down, (or at least get him as calm as they possibly could be in such circumstances,) but she managed after a bit, his panicked breaths eventually dying down into something a bit more even and steady. Thank god. Mikey thought dimly to himself that he had never seen Donnie freak out so bad, but... he supposed he couldn't really blame him. 
He frowned a bit, looking down at his own, unfamiliar hands, and he curled up a bit more, his tail tucking in (oh my god, he had a tail,) as he clung to Raph's plastron (oh my god, Raph had a plastron.) And though it still held comfort, the fold of his biggest brother's arms, bundled up close and held there, this place that he had known his whole life... it suddenly felt foreign, too. Everything was hard and jagged and cold. And even worse-- it was unfamiliar. 
He kept staring at his own hands because he couldn't stop himself, and it made his stomach wobble. He wondered bleakly what his own face looked like because he had no idea. He wouldn't even recognize himself in the mirror. 
 Now that Donnie had finally settled a bit, though he was still curled up and pressed just against April's side, just barely not touching but still squeezed up small against her, Leo finally got up to his feet-- only to immediately lose his balance, falling over onto his back with a loud clunk.
"Leo!" Raph's eyes widened, his muscles immediately bunching up, ready to jump up and go grab his brother. Mikey could tell that he was just barely resisting the urge to scoop up all three of them and bundle them up in his arms and just hang onto them for a while. He had been sitting here long enough for Mikey to notice how fast his heart was beating. Mikey’s was keeping pace. Leo kind of flailed for a second before he managed to redirect the momentum to roll over onto his side, getting himself back onto his hands and knees. A wry, strangled laugh forced its way out of him.
"Alright. Well. Pro tip: center of gravity is weird now," he remarked dryly, his voice strained. "But the good news is falling doesn't even hurt anymore! So that’s great!"
It didn't get a laugh out of anyone. After a moment of hesitation, Mikey slowly wriggled his way from Raph's grip, making his way over to Leo's side. He didn't dare try to walk after watching Leo's attempt, noting that it seemed to be more difficult now without the rush of adrenaline to aid them, so he instead stayed in a crouch, sort of half-hopping-half-crawling over. Raph followed shortly after in a similar manner.
"Can I see?" He questioned softly, and when Leo didn't deny him, he leaned over slightly, moving his hoodie (which was now a very awkward fit,) out of the way enough so that he could examine the edges of his brother's new shell.
(Oh my god. His brother's shell. What kind of a sentence was that? What kind of weird, fucked up make-believe world were they suddenly in? Leo was his brother. He didn't have a shell. He had cool brown skin. He had bouncy blonde curls that Mikey had helped him bleach and dye a red streak in. He had vitiligo 'stripes' over his eyes. He had a bad habit of cycling through boyfriends and insomnia and a shockingly large vocabulary... but he didn't have a shell. He didn't have scales or stripes or claws or a tail.)
He looked anyway, running the tips of his fingers over the top of it, following the curve. He couldn't quite tell if he was feeling the texture of the shell, or just the texture of his own fingers, which were different than they had been; covered in scales, the skin thicker and rougher than it had been before. Bending his joints felt odd, and he couldn't help himself from doing it over and over, as if that might help him get used to it faster. 
 Every part of his brother’s shell was this cool, ocean blue, just edging on teal in some places, and Mikey thought to himself that, in the very least, it matched his life color perfectly. 
He swallowed hard and resisted the tears that were building up in his eyes. He didn’t want to cry right now. He didn’t even know what he was crying about. Because he was scared? Because he was overwhelmed? He wasn’t very good at not crying, but he forced it down, his hands trembling a bit with the effort of it.
 "Does it look the same as mine?" He heard himself asking, his eyes flickering over to meet Leo's (which were now not something he recognized, looking more animal than person, though they still retained the same, familiar almond shape. The color, however, he realized, was slightly different. Leo's eyes were brown. All of their eyes were brown, so dark that they were almost black, but now, instead, Leo's eyes were mismatched; one of them dark blue, like water in a cove, like the sea at night, and the other dark red, like ink with blood, like black cherries.) 
"I dunno," Leo laughed, though his voice was still shaking. "I don't know what mine looks like."
"They're... kinda the same…" Raph observed from nearby, leaning over slightly to examine them both. His voice sounded kind of hollow, like he wasn’t really there. Sort of far-off. "I mean. The parts I can see. Mikey, yours is more... orangey. And bumpier," he said. "And yours is spotty. Leo's is kinda... stripey." 
"Yours is huge," Leo observed with a chuckle, glancing over at their biggest brother, who was always the tallest and largest by a wide margin, but now absolutely dwarfed the rest of them. "And... spiky. You're all spiky. And… and fucking huge, dude. You look like you have fucking paws. And your mouth is all..." He laughed again, scrubbing anxiously at his face with his hands. "You look like a fucking snapping turtle."
Mikey paused a bit at that, glancing over at the other.
Donnie must have said or signed something that the rest of them didn’t catch, because April spoke up next, clearly addressing him. "Uhm, no, yours is... uh. It's kind of flat? And..." There was a pause. "Oh, oh my god, it's, like, squishy!" She squealed, everyone else in the room jumping in response, before she tamped down the noise, biting her lip and getting a handle on her reaction. "Sorry! Sorry, I just. I just wasn't expecting that texture, that's all! It doesn't... feel like what I thought a shell would feel like, I guess."
"Are we different kinds of... turtles?" Mikey questioned, tilting his head to the side. He wanted to laugh at himself when he said turtles. I mean, seriously, turtles? Of all the creatures in the world, turtles? Why were they turtles?
"I guess we must be," Leo sighed, resting his chin on his knee. "We obviously look different." 
Mikey frowned, and he thought that his lips might be trembling if he had proper lips anymore, but he wasn't sure if he did or if they could tremble or what that would feel like if they did. Okay, fine. Now there were a few tears. 
"Does that mean we're not brothers?" 
A beat of silence followed.
"We're not," Donnie said, and quite frankly, Mikey was surprised to hear him speaking. Small miracles? Kinda…?
"Yeah, we are. Don't be crazy," Raph immediately refuted, his brows (er... brows? Place where brows once were?) furrowing together, and Mikey was desperately relieved to see that the space in between still wrinkled into a crease the same way they always did. "Of course we're brothers."
"Evidently, we're not even the same species," Donnie hissed out bitterly, drawing himself up even closer, even smaller, into a little ball. "It's literally impossible."
"Come on, Dee--"
"We're not even human!" Donnie snapped, hunching up his shoulders. "We're not even people!"
"Hey, look, come on you guys," April tried to soothe, holding up her hands as if to calm the group. "It doesn't matter if you're turtles! It doesn't matter to me. I love you guys no matter what--"
"Oh, wow, what a comfort!" Donnie scoffed, and April bristled.
"Okay, look, I am trying to be helpful! I know that this fucking sucks but you do not need to take out your nasty attitude on me!"
Leo suddenly laughed-- loudly, painfully-- tilting his head back and letting his shoulders slump so he could stare up at the ceiling. "Oh my god. Jesus christ. We're not people," he bit out in between his barely restrained hysterics, squeezing his eyes shut. "We're freaks, dude!"
"Leo, c'mon." 
"We're not even people!!!" He repeated. "Fuck. We never even had a chance, and we didn't even know it!... Oh my god, we’re such morons!!! Hahaha-- welp! This is it! Pack it in, boys, it’s all over!"
"Leo, chill. What are you even talkin’ about?"
"Did you know I was gonna go on T?" He questioned, turning around sharply, suddenly, to face Raph. "Me and Dad were talking about it. For, like, a while now. And I was gonna start T, finally. Do you know how much I wanted to do that? Do you know how long I've been waiting to get to do that?"
Raph frowned. "Leo... This doesn't mean--"
"How the fuck is that going to work now!?" He interrupted. "How is anything gonna work now? We're fucking! REPTILES! Raph!!!"
"I KNOW THAT!" Now Raph was yelling, too, and Mikey flinched a bit, hiccuping softly as he drew himself down, retreating slightly, halfway into his shell (oh my god, he can do that now?) "You think you're the only one who was lookin' forward to stuff? I was--" He cut himself off, breathing in deep and then letting it out slow, his jaw tensed.
"Look. I know this... sucks. But it's not gonna help to just throw in the towel right now and mourn shit that we don't even know is gone yet, alright? We'll... figure it out," he said. "We don’t even know what’s goin’ on, so let’s just… let's just try to figure it out first. Okay?" 
Leo frowned. He looked down and to the side, tightening his hands into fists, but he didn't have any rebuttal. After a moment, he took a deep breath, pulling himself up to his feet for a second time. He tottered for a moment, his arms windmilling until he found his balance and this time he stayed on his feet. He looked around the room for a moment before his eyes fell on the limp form of Baron Draxum, still crumpled in a heap some odd paces away.
"What do we do with that guy?"
All of their eyes snapped over, as though they had all just remembered that he was there in the first place.
"Did you knock him out, dude?!" Raph questioned, his eyes widening slightly. 
"No! I mean. I don't think so. Not exactly," Leo said. "It's, like-- he grabbed me and some sort of mystic-magic-whatever thing happened. He lit up with a bunch of symbols and he just... went down. I dunno what happened." 
"Well," Raph said, sighing deeply before he pulled himself to his feet as well, doing a similar rock and wobble to Leo before he figured out the new balance he had to strike, correcting his own footing. His long tail swung back and forth behind him, assumedly on instinct, to help. "We dunno how long he's gonna stay down, so we oughta find a way out of here and put some distance between us and him ASAP. We already know where Dad is, anyway."
"Maybe we can figure out where we are," Donnie mumbled bleakly, pulling himself to his feet as well. He seemed to struggle much less than his brothers did, and Mikey noted that his back rounded less than theirs. April got up as well, sticking close to his side, but perhaps hovering a bit less now. 
Mikey watched as his family rose up, one by one, finding their feet again. And something in his chest unwound and loosened again. A breath he hadn't realized he had been holding came tumbling out of him.
He didn't know his own face anymore. And he didn't recognize his brothers when he looked at them.
But they were still them. Already, Mikey was completely sure of it. And the change, while still terrifying, felt just a tiny bit less devastating. 
He hadn’t lost them yet.
Bracing himself for the coming challenge, he rose up to his feet as well. The unfamiliar weight on his back was more than he had expected and attempted to drag him down, and he stumbled slightly, nearly toppling over onto his back the same way Leo had the first time-- but Raph grabbed his wrist before he could, pulling him forward and correcting him, and Mikey was relieved to find his center of gravity once more. Usually, he would complain about his big brother stepping in, preferring to do things on his own rather than being 'babied' by his older family members, but...
 Right now, it was actually okay. 
"Okay. Let's do this." 
(They took about three steps before Raph yelped and tripped over his own tail.)
Though they had tied up the so-called "Baron Draxum" with whatever rope and other scrap they could find in this place, (the longer they were here, the more Donnie began to suspect it was a lab of some kind,) none of them were very confident that it would be able to hold him for very long, if at all, and so they all got to work trying to figure out an exit. But to call this place 'maze-like' was a bit of an understatement.
"This is the worst landmark ever," April hissed in frustration as they turned a corner, only to once again be met with a hog-tied yokai, face-down on the concrete. "We keep going in circles!"
"Okay, look," Donnie sighed. "I know we don't want to linger here any more than we have to, but let's look around a bit and see if there's anything useful lying around to get us out of here. Clearly just walking out isn't getting us anywhere." 
There was a chorus of grunts and mumbles of agreement from the rest of his family, and the group slowly fanned out, beginning their search. It was dark here, wherever they were. The ground beneath his feet was cold, with him and his brothers having already ditched and stowed their sneakers and boots after realizing how awkward and painful it was to walk in them with their new wide, two-toed feet. 
The space was wide and almost circular, with various tunnels branching off at different levels, all leading away to who-knew-where. Several desks and tables were scattered about the space, each surface covered in everything from charts to pipettes to oddly-shaped jars filled with oddly-colored substances. Donnie just barely resisted the urge to sit down and start working, or to begin snatching and pocketing things as he found them. Instead, he took a liberal amount of photographs of everything they found on his phone.
 His impulse control could only get him so far, however, and his eyes narrowed as they fell across a small, purpley-pink gem that lay on the desk, suspended within a small glass case. This certainly looked interesting... Geology wasn't really a passion of his, but something about this just seemed... intriguing. He couldn't quite place it...
 Surely no one would miss this, right? It was small! It would be silly not to take it, quite frankly, and he slipped it into his pocket as quietly as he could when he was sure no one else was looking. 
Now, if only he could find some blueprints of the tunnels... But that would be too easy, wouldn't it?
"So," Mikey said after a minute or so of them searching, and Donnie sighed internally. Of course, they couldn't expect him to stay quiet for that long. "If Raph is a snapping turtle, and me and Leo are turtle-turtles, then what kind of a turtle is Donnie?"
Donnie rolled his eyes, scowling. "Okay, well, first of all, do we really have to discuss this?" He hissed, immediately bristling. "I’d highly prefer we not address the proverbial elephant in the room, thank you! Second of all, 'turtle-turtle' is not a species."
"Yeah, but, like, we have turtle shells!" Mikey explained. "But April said yours is squishy. So what does that make you?"
Donnie sighed deeply. Talking about this made his skin itch.
"A softshell turtle, I suppose."
"A softshell?" Leo questioned, raising a brow. "That's a thing?"
"How do you know that off the top of your head?" Raph questioned.
"Some of us actually paid attention during biology classes," he responded dryly. And having a near-photographic memory did, admittedly, help as well…
"Whoa!" Mikey absolutely beamed. "That's so cool! Now we just gotta figure out what kind of turtles me and Leo are!"
"Well, I'd look it up if we had any service. And also if it was even close to being an appropriate time for us to waste our efforts on something like that," Donnie said with a roll of his eyes. He knew that Mikey was just distracting himself, finding a silver lining so he didn’t break down, but Donnie didn’t want to think about it, didn’t want to think about how much of their entire lives was completely fabricated, about how--
He snorted, suddenly doubling over with laughter.
"What?" April questioned, raising a brow.
"I just-- I just realized!" Donnie laughed. "Our... our moms must be turtles! Fucking turtles!"
There was a beat of silence as this sunk in before Raph gave a similar reaction. "Damn! I guess you're right, huh?"
"Do you have any idea how much time I wasted in therapy talking about this?" Donnie squeaked out through giggles. "I spent so much time with Mossy talking about our mom and how she didn't want us or whatever the fuck and about the stuff she did to Dad and how I couldn't remember her, and she-- she was never even real! None of that ever even happened! She was just a fucking turtle, wasn't she!? We don’t even have a real mom!"
"Whoa! Mind... blown. I didn't even think about that..." Mikey gaped, his eyes wide. "This whole time I just assumed that our mom was probably the hotel lady..."
"Yeah, me too," Leo agreed.
Donnie blinked.
"You what?"
"Well, you know, that woman that Dad was datin’ right before he disappeared," Raph said. "And she runs the Grand Nexus Hotel, right? All the articles I ever read always mentioned her."
Donnie's eyes twitched. "You thought she was our mother?" He questioned.
"Well, that's who Dad was datin’ last! And for a long time, too. It'd make sense, wouldn't it?" Raph defended.
"Yeah. You didn't think that?" Leo said.
"NO! Why would I think that?!" Donnie was laughing again.
Leo huffed in offense, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm sorry, do you know something we don't?"
"Apparently!" Donnie exclaimed. "Guys, you've seen pictures of her, right?!"
"Well, yeah?" Mikey tilted his head to the side.
"She's pale as fuck!"
"And our Dad is Japanese!"
"And? Donnie, what's your point?"
"We're black!"
"... Ooooohhhhh," all three of his brothers said, nearly in unison, after Donnie's argument finally sunk in.
"Oh my god," Donnie laughed, covering his face with his hands, scrubbing tears from his eyes. "You're all so fucking dumb..."
"I guess our mom would have had to be black. I mean. We got the Japanese half from Dad, but... I never really thought about where the other half came from..." Raph admitted, his mouth still slightly agape like he was still rolling the thought about in his head. 
"Wait a minute," April said, her hands on her hips. "I mean, yeah, all that makes sense, but if you guys have secretly been turtles this whole time, then why are you black?"
"Dude, are all turtles black?" Mikey questioned, his eyes widening.
"I cannot discuss this any further. I'll get a migraine and furthermore cease to function, as I am, and I cannot stress this enough, just barely suppressing the gravity of this whole situation right now," Donnie sighed, gesturing to himself as he turned back to the desk in front of him. "Did anyone find anything yet?"
"Not yet," April sighed, shuffling through some papers. "What even is all this junk?"
"I'm not sure. Some sort of research, it seems like..." Donnie mused, sort of thumbing through a book as he spoke, reading key phrases and chunks of text as quickly as he could and making mental notes so he could refer back to it later. He was more than happy to have something else to focus on, though this would admittedly be a lot easier with human hands. "But I'm still not sure where--"
Shhhh shhhh.
Donnie paused mid-sentence, his brows furrowed. He hadn't noticed that sound before now. He tilted his head a bit to the side, turning in its direction, trying to zero in.
"... Donnie?"
"What's that noise?" He questioned aloud, though his voice was barely above a whisper.
Shhhh shhhhh.
He knew that noise. He recognized it. Where had he heard it before?
Shhhh shhhhh.
... Water, he realized with a start. The noise was running water. Of course. How had he never realized this before?...
That's what he was hearing. That's what he had heard.
"Dee? You good?"
"Guys," he said, turning just enough to glance over in their direction. His face suddenly felt like glass. It was odd. "I think... I think we're in the sewer," he said. "... And I think we've been here before...?"
Before anyone could say anything further, a new noise filled up the space.
"What was that?!" Mikey shrieked, immediately leaping behind his biggest brother to hide. Leo and Donnie were instantly gravitating to each other as well, falling into stance on instinct as they stood back to back, each covering the other. 
"It sounds like something scratching," April said thoughtfully, and true to her word, the same skritching noise clawed its way through the air a moment later, echoing slightly against the walls. "I think it's coming from over here!"
"April!" Raph hissed off a protest as she took off, heading in the direction of the sound. "We don't know what that is!"
"We will if we go look!" She chirped in reply. I mean, come on, what was the benefit of hiding over here instead of investigating? Weren't they curious either way? Besides, they were stuck here regardless-- maybe they'd find something helpful.
The noise continued as April searched, peering around corners and down tunnels, until, finally, she found her prize. Tucked inside one of the off-shoot tunnels, one of the many dead-ends that seemed to surround this space, was a proverbial treasure trove. A variety of odds and ends filled the space; various amulets and scrolls and chests and even weapons were leaned up against the wall or stacked up on the ground. In fact, a lot of weapons were in here. Was this some kind of a weird armory? Or a trophy room? What kind of sewer has a trophy room?
But most interestingly, she found the source of the noise. Inside a small, dimly lit orb, looking as though it were made of some sort of glass, or perhaps even light, was one of the oddest creatures April had ever seen, clawing sadly at the surface of its prison. It had ears like a chihuahua, pointed and too big for its head, with tufts of fur poofing out from inside, but huge eyes like some kind of a cat. Pointed tusks stuck from its mouth like a boar, but soft, downy yellow-and-blue fur covered its entire, squirrel-like body, complete with a fluffy, wriggly tail.
"AW, you guyyssss!" She called out. "Come look! It's cute!"
"April!" The guys were right behind her, with Raph leading the charge. "You can't just run off like-- jumpin' jack flash! What the heck is that thing?!"
"I dunno!" April said with a shrug, immediately making her way into the room, scooping up the orb so she could examine it, looking for a way to open it up. The little critter inside pattered about excitedly, its claws clicking against the smooth surface. "Help me figure out how to get him outta here."
"Are you sure about that?" Leo questioned. "No offense, but we have nooo idea what that thing is! Maybe it's, I dunno, locked up for a reason?"
"What? C'mon, guys, we've gotta help!" Mikey protested, turning on them with big, pleading eyes. Nice, April thought, with Mikey on her side she had basically already won. Suck it, middle children. "Plus, he was locked up by Draxum. So he can't be bad!"
"Yeah! Ever heard ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend?’" April added in.
"I'm not convinced," Donnie said, crossing his arms over his chest. "I mean, has anyone else noticed that pretty much everything else in this room is a weapon of some kind? Isn't that maybe a bit telling?"
"Aw, come on, Dee. Look at this face!" April insisted, holding up the orb to the others. The creature, to their credit, played their part, pulling an absolutely pitiful face which Mikey immediately echoed, turning to his brothers with watery eyes. 
"Okay, okay, fine. Look, there's gotta be something in here that can help us bust him out..." Leo muttered, beginning to pick his way through the contents of the room with Raph, Donnie, and Mikey following suit shortly after. 
"Here, what about these?" Leo said after a moment, turning to face them with a pair of twin katanas in hand. "Think I could slice that bad boy open with these guys?"
April scoffed, clutching the orb close to her chest. "Uhm, and this guy in half, maybe!" She protested. "Can we try something a little less deadly, please?"
"Aw, come on! These are cool," Leo protested, grinning as he twirled them in his hands with a metallic shwing.
"You just like them because you always win at any swordsmanship event at tournaments," Donnie remarked dryly, grabbing a long wooden staff to hold in his hands, testing the weight of it. "... That being said, should we maybe grab some of these just in case?"
"Whaddya mean?" Raph glanced over at the other.
"Well, we haven't even made it to the Hidden City yet, and we've already been attacked once," Donnie reasoned, placing a hand on his hip and frowning. "So it wouldn't exactly be a bad idea to have some weapons on hand in case of an emergency." He spun the bo staff in his hands appraisingly a few times. "I mean, obviously this is a bit underwhelming, but I'm sure I could make some improvements once we got back home..."
"Sounds like a good plan to me! Look at all the stuff they’ve got!” Mikey cheered, immediately diving in, beginning to sort through all the various options they had in the room. He chuckled darkly, swinging a pair of nun-chucks in his hands. “These’ll do…”
“Yo, guys!” Raph called, waving to get his brothers’ attention before pointing to the very far corner of the room. “If we’re gonna take stuff, why don’t we take the glowy ones?”
There was, in fact, a weapons rack filled with floating, vaguely glowing weapons, tucked away in the shadows, which only made the glow all that much more tempting. They were simply begging to be taken.
Mikey and Leo, almost in unison, gasped, their faces absolutely lighting up as they raced over to join Raph. “Ooh, dibs on the sword!” Leo cheered, immediately snatching up the odachi and repeatedly striking poses.
“Hot soup! Check me out!” Mikey snatched up a bright orange kusari-fundo, absolutely beaming ear-to-ear. Raph was nearly drooling as he laid his claim on a pair of tonfas, beaming as he gave a few experimental swings. 
“They’re perfect! No one’ll mess with us now!”
“What about you, Donnie?” April questioned, tilting her head back to glance at the remaining brother. “Don’t you want a glowy weapon?”
“And add yet another unknown, uncontrolled variable to our current situation? I’m good,” Donnie scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I’ve trained with a regular, wooden bo staff. I’ll fight with a wooden bo staff, thank you very much. You all have fun with your likely-radioactive weaponry,” he said, waving them off. 
“Here, April, I got something for you, too,” Mikey chirped excitedly, scampering over to present his find to her. “Ta-da!!! Baseball bat!”
It wasn’t a baseball bat-- it was a club. But close enough! April gasped in delight. “It’s perfect!” She enthused, immediately snatching it up, rolling it around in her hands and tapping it against the side of her shoe a few times. Ooh, and the weight was perfect, too. “And I think it can help us get little guy out of this ball thingie, too! Leo, come hold it still for me!”
 "Aw man, why do I gotta hold it?" Leo muttered in complaint but did as he was told regardless, kneeling down to hold the orb steady, taking care in the placement of his hands to minimize the chances of broken fingers.
 "Alright," April said, backing up a bit, her tongue sticking out from between her lips with focus. "This won't hurt a bit..." 
She swung the club back, taking care to temper her strength, and brought it down on the little ball prison with a satisfying crunch. 
"Did it work?" Mikey gasped, his eyes wide as he leaned over. The orb was not shattered nor laying in pieces; but the side of it had caved in considerably, a spiderweb of cracks blossoming from it, and a second later, it simply dissolved as if it had never been there in the first place. The creature that had previously been trapped inside cracked one eye open, having squeezed itself into the very back of its cage, flinching at the oncoming impact, gave an absolute trill of excitement, darting about in celebration.
"There we go!" April said, grinning wide, her hands planted on her hips. "See, told ya I'd get you outta there! That's better, right?"
The little yellow beast threw itself into her lap, wriggling with joy and nuzzling at her with an enthusiastic wag of its tail. "Okay, okay! You're welcome!" April laughed, giggling as she allowed the creature to clamber about in her arms, allowing it time to bounce about before it finally began to settle again.
"Any chance you know how to get out of here, little guy?"
Raph looked up from his phone and his tea at the sound of mail plopping down on the table, glancing over to examine the letters his father had just tossed over in his direction.
"For you," Dad remarked, sorting through the remaining mail from the day.
"For me?" Raph echoed, his brows rising up. "Who the heck is sending me mail?" Curiosity took hold immediately, and he abandoned the wrestling video he had been watching previously in favor of tearing open the letters on the table.
He was surprised to find college brochures inside. His father, however, did not seem all that surprised at all, even adding a couple more to the pile.
"It seems you are in high demand," Dad teased, smiling the tiniest bit. "I have received a few emails as well from recruiters recently."
Raph paused for a moment, rolling this idea about in his brain, trying to figure out what it meant and what it tasted like before he forced a small laugh, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"Guess they haven't seen my grades yet," he joked weakly. Dad hummed softly, pulling up a chair so he could sit down next to his eldest son.
"Nonsense," he scoffed. "Your grades are fine, Raphael. You've simply tricked yourself into thinking they're not by comparing yourself to others," he added, giving the other a knowing look. "And besides that, this is hardly the only thing that matters. I have told you many times that grades aren't everything. My grades in high school were terrible!" He remarked with a laugh. "And your career in sports is very impressive."
"I guess," Raph said, wrinkling his nose up a bit as he leaned over the table. Easy for him to say. He had a hard time wrapping his head around the idea of colleges being interested in him when his three younger brothers were right here in the same damn house! Had they really meant to send these to Hamato Raphael?
Dad's hand moved to rub little circles into his back, and he nudged his son's teacup a bit. Raph agreeably took a sip, allowing the warm liquid to trickle down through his chest.
"I know you have not always enjoyed schoolwork, Raphael," Dad finally spoke again. "But you are not stupid. You may very well have the most common sense of any of my children!" He chuckled. "And you have many talents besides that. You are a remarkable athlete, and I know I do not have to drag you over to the trophy wall to prove this to you, but I will if I have to. You are only sixteen and you are already the captain of multiple sports teams... not just anyone could handle that! It is difficult to lead a team. But you have always handled this with grace. And teaching children! That is a talent in and of itself. That is no easy task. Trust me, I know," he said, smiling slightly. "But you are doing so well with your new job. And I am very proud of you."
 Raphael glanced over at his father, for just a moment, hesitating like he wanted to say something, but then biting it back.
"You don't have to go to college if you don't want to," Dad added. "If you decide that is not the path for you, that is fine. I won't be upset or disappointed. I did not go to college, either! But I would hate for you to not even consider it just because you don't think you're good enough for it," he pressed. "I know you've always said you intend to pursue a career in sports of some kind, but this is very much an avenue to achieve that if you'd like. Many professional athletes get their start through college sports, you know. And I can already name half a dozen universities off the top of my head who would be thrilled to have you on their team in a couple of years!"
He sighed softly.
"But you do not have to decide right now, my son. There is still plenty of time for you to consider all of your options."
Raph glanced over at his father, shifting a bit in his seat, before looking to the side.
"Uh. I dunno, Pops. I mean. I'm not good at tests and all that junk. I mean. College football could be good 'n all, but, uh..."
He hesitated a second, sort of scratching the side of his jaw, hesitating a bit. "I dunno. Maybe I could... I mean. We could look at it, at least. I was kind of wonderin’ about, uh. I dunno… Just, lately, I was thinkin' about... studyin' early childhood education, maybe?..."
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j0kers-light · 7 months
Hi! I hope you are good, I don't know if the commissions are open, but if they are, could you do a Ledger!Joker x reader in which the reader tends to go party frequently, have an active and open sexuality, be reckless and have a sassy/funny attitude? (Reference: Tony Stark for example) if you don't want to, that's okay. I just never see female characters/readers like this, usually they are extremely good girls or have the serious Black Widow/bad girl personality, so it's always guys characters who get to be this way without being criticized about it.
I am very curious to know how she would interact and deal with J, since they would have some things in common but be very different and crash a lot at the same time.
Maybe J and the reader have a not serious relationship and they are just messing around, because they don't know how to deal with their feelings yet and are afraid of commitment, so there could be some kind of toxicity between them. J gets jealous of reader sleeping with other people and being so reckles when it comes to drink and stuff since he has found himself having to take care of her in bad situations plenty of times so it's his last straw.
It can lead to smutty angry/possesive sex and then go to some fluff at the end where they manage to communicate better and deal with their feelings at the end.
The plot was a suggestion but if you have a better plot idea in mind with that concept, you are free to change it if you end accepting the request. Thank you!! I love your stories and the way you portray Heath's Joker! ♡
His Lighthouse: Bad at Love (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Bad at Love- Oneshot
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Image credit
August flipping 16th? I'm gonna crawl into a hole and sob cry. BUT wait hear me out! This was an honor to write. As you beautifully said, women are usually depicted as either a damsel in distress or a cut-throat killer. There's no medium for us. Nothing's wrong with that if done correctly, but the minute a female is open about her body (ya know the same way men are celebrated to do) we're labelled sluts and whores. 🙄 Imma try and avoid going on a rant. Moving on...
Heck yeah I will accept this request! And thank you for the kind words! I'm so happy to know you like my portrayal of Joker!
Let's get right into it! I took all your plot points and went to town! Song inspiration is Bad at Love by Halsey! Wow I stayed up too late editing this!! Later loves!
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll @motivation-idontknowher @ins0mniac-whack @spaghettificationandpretzels @reneisance @alittlesmartcookie @ninacutebee16 @carydorse
Let me know if you wish to be added to the official His Lighthouse taglist! 🖤✨
Joker never was one for feelings. They clouded a person's judgement and made them weak; you made him weak. With your flashy personality, confident smirk, and no nonsense demeanor you tore down Joker's way of thinking and ruined him forever.
You knew he was dangerous, you didn't care. You knew the risk of falling into his bed and agreed wholeheartedly because you were only here for a good time, not a long time. If things got to dicey, you could pick up and move on.
Too bad that Joker fell hard and embarrassingly fast for you. He dreamed of a long time with you. These feelings he had for you, they made him weak but he was perfectly fine with that.
He just wished you would notice and take him seriously.
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Joker met you in what would be considered the wrong place at the right time. Rather killing you off after you witnessed one of his criminal activities, you talked... er.. sucked.. your way out of a bullet through your head.
After that, Joker found himself gravitating towards you.
You had a penchant for winding up in bad places and even worse situations. Partying it up at a bash funded by Penguin. Narrowly avoiding being fatally drugged at a rave laced quite literally with Scarecrow's latest neurotoxicants. Almost dying of alcohol poisoning at one of Joker's clubs.
The list could go on and on but with every scenario, you did not care.
It was as if your life was just one big joke. You valued your life, make no mistake, but being in a life or death situation only got a careless laugh out of you. If you died, then you lived a wild life.
Joker was mesmerized by your idealism surrounding death, and it inspired him to offer you protection in exchange for...
"Haha!! Quit foolin' yourself. You just want to have sex with me! That made up protection crap is not necessary. Alright. Where and how do you want it?" You sighed. "I'm a star on my back but whatever suits your fancy."
You began stripping right then and there without a care if someone walked by. He invited you to one of his hideouts and you boldly came, having nothing to lose.
Joker didn't know what to say.
He never met a woman so open about her sexuality and especially one that could see right through his carefully thought out plans. He didn't say no and took you roughly on his desk with the door wide open.
Before Joker knew it, he slipped into a friends with benefits arrangement with you despite neither of you meeting the friends criteria.
He watched out for you anytime you went out to party (which was almost every night) and you paid him back with sex whenever he called.
You could care less about the loosely created agreement. The sex was phenomenal and you acquired a dark guardian angel.
A win is a win, too bad Joker didn't feel the same sentiment.
He wasn't a fool. He knew he wasn't the only one gracing your bed. You constantly rubbed in that fact by bringing men and women into your apartment, posting your conquests on social media, or the worst, extending an invitation for a threesome like it was tickets to a game.
"I don't think Chad, wait what?" Someone shouted at you in the background. "My bad.. Tyler here won't mind sharing." You laughed off Joker turning down your offer before ending the call. "Your loss babe."
It wasn't a loss in Joker's eyes. He didn't want to share.
You were a remarkable woman and he was an overly possessive male. You brought out that nasty trait in him.
Before you, Joker wasn't jealous. He would brush off the hookups he grew bored of but you? You.... you changed something in him. He kept coming back for more.
He wanted so much more with you.
Joker envied each partner you led up to your apartment. Each one got to experience a night with you that should have been his and his alone.
You were perfect for Joker but you made it abundantly clear that you and relationships were a no go.
"Ew commitment? One person for like forever? Ha! Couldn't be me. I like.... variety." You explained as you rolled over on top of J.
It was another late night hookup that progressed well into the pillow talk stage. Joker was glad to know this luxury was reserved only for him.
Others had to be content with just sex before you kicked them to the curb. Joker got the pleasure of sleeping over. Only he could see you in such a vulnerable state. Sleep and looking absolutely soft. You were unaware but you sucked your thumb in your sleep. It was little details like that which made J feel like he was special in your life.
Joker personally wasn't big on commitment but he could entertain the thought if it was with you. Why couldn't you see the potential here? You fit perfectly in his arms as if you were destined to be.
He lived to see your content smile as he held you close, both unconscious and wide awake.
He hummed and dragged his fingers down your spine until you stiffened and moved away. He inwardly sighed. Annnd he lost you. No matter what version he tried, you shut down any romantic advances he made.
During sex he would try and kiss you, you would turn your head and bite the pillow. He tried to hold your hand once and you gave him a bombastic side eye and told him to stop.
You didn't want soft and sweet.
"That's for stay at home wives who crave intimacy with their husbands." You said to Joker once. "They send him off to work with smitten eyes, not knowing he's on his way to see me. He craves raw, primal, hot sex— the kind his wife is terrified of. That's what I want. If you're not going to f__k me Joker, then get out."
He was afraid of offending you so like a love-smitten fool, he gave you what you wanted.
That night your happy moans as he pounded you into the mattress left a sour taste in his mouth.
You spoke your mind and didn't settle for less. It was a trait of yours that he loved to hate. You made Joker fantasize about coming to your apartment, sweeping you up into his arms and making loving to you.
Joker hated the scenario with every fiber of his being but the idea was on loop in his brain every time you were unavailable and he only had his fist for the night.
He jerked himself off to the thought of you on your back, hands enclosed with his as he kissed you softly and languidly rolled his hips into you.
"D-Don't stop, J... I love this." Even in his fantasy you sounded all wrong but it felt so right. A submissive version of you got him closer and closer to his peak night after lonely night.
For once he wanted to cum inside you rather than painting your stomach or back white. You didn't have to be degraded every time he had you.
You deserved to be treated better. He could treat you better. And like a flash of lightning, Joker realized. 
He craved true intimacy with you.
You made him weak. You made him consider bestowing soft and gentle affections upon you in favor of his rough aggressive marking. Joker wanted to cradle the back of your head, not choke you near unconscious.
This had to stop, this toxic relationship he found himself in.
Joker had to get rid of you and these affectionate urges but you were in his bloodstream and he feared you would never leave. He began to loathe when his phone lit up with your contact.
U busy 2nite?😜
He was remiss to reply and he wished that he did. It would have saved him the chaos that soon followed. You were always at the wrong place at the right time.
Neo roped Joker into coming to the club tonight. The top trio noticed how down J was lately and assumed it had something to do with you.
You were like a bad drug and it was time Joker quit cold turkey. Exposing him to someone knew was the best remedy.
Joker wasn't one for public appearances but Neo swore up and down he could chill in the club's dark corner by the cages and people watch without being bothered. Joker still wasn't feeling it however the drinks flowed freely and it was something to do.
Frost became concerned since Joker wasn't a big drinker but the clown was knocking them back with hardly a wince. Frost wisely switched out the shots being sent to J's table with virgin drinks halfway into the night.
Joker could care less. He only agreed to come tonight to distract himself. He needed to get you out of his system.
His green eyes scanned the lively club trying to see the appeal of it all. You once said the too loud music rattled your bones and made you feel alive, possessed almost. You loved the hot humid air and the sultry sway of bodies of the crowd against your own.
It was all sensory. Joker hated it.
He heaved a sigh and waved off the umpteenth female who wormed their way to his booth. Couldn't they see he wanted to be alone?
He didn't want a female in his life if it wasn't you. Then his eyes caught something hypnotic dead center of the club.
Upon first glance, Joker would have never known it to be you, granted the dancer was a blonde but he seen your extensive wig collection. You had every color, texture, and length known to man. Turning yourself into a blonde was child's play and tonight you did just that.
You and your messy space buns defied gravity as you twirled and slid against a pole inside the metal cage.
Joker didn't know whether to look away or kill everyone for staring. He couldn't blame them.
Seeing a dark goddess like you dancing in ten inch heels and practically wearing nothing was truly a sight to see. Your 'outfit' consisted of drapes of silver-like reflective fabric, artistically tucked to cover your breast and pussy and leaving nothing to the imagination.
You were a walking gift just waiting for someone to unwrap. And your eyes lulled potential recipients your way. It was as if the club lights were programmed just for you as they highlighted your body in the best way.
Joker was shaking with pleasure? Anger? He wasn't quite sure. He growled and radioed to Neo. "Why.... is she.... here?"
The club owner's voice immediately sounded in Joker's ear, "Who?"
Joker wished his drinks were actually alcohol. Frost wasn't slick switching them out. "Y/n. In the uhh, dance cage thingy... literally f__king the pole."
Just to prove his point you jumped up and used only your core muscles to remain suspended in air. Your thighs glinted in the club lights and Joker knew you lathered them in that edible body glitter you loved so much. He hated how sticky it was on his tongue but it transformed you into a star dusted beauty so he couldn't complain that much.  
"I didn't invite her! Wait. You sure that's Y/n?" You winked at your audience before flashing them a wide grin as you walked on air, escalating down the pole in a gravity drying spiral.
There was a brief pause before Neo's voice came back over. "D__n, yeah that's her.. Ahem. I uhh, if you want her gone just say the word Boss."
Joker didn't want to dampen your night but he was actively trying to purge you from his mind. Having you dangling right in his field of vision was not helping things.
Joker was about to order you out when a series of gunshot went off inside the club. The fun and jovial air turned into sheer pandemonium in seconds.
You stopped dancing and dropped to your feet to find cover and Joker was quick to spot the shooter aiming way too close in your direction. It only took a second for a seasoned expert to realize the shooter was deliberately aiming at you.
All the breath in Joker's body simply escaped him.
Without thinking, J rushed to your side and tackled you to the floor. Neo and Frost were arguing in his ear but Joker's only thought was you under him going into shock.
Your eyelashes were dusted with silver and chrome colored gems were glued onto your face like intergalactic freckles. You took the club's space night theme very seriously. You never fell short of a perfect club outfit.
In a different situation, Joker would have admired your ensemble properly but right now, the blue and purple strobe lights captured your coloured contacts rounded in fear.
"J.. that's.. That's my ex, Tyler! Why is he?" More pops went off in the background and Joker was pretty sure Frost and Neo were placing bets on who could neutralize the threat first.
Ten grand was a waste of money. Joker wanted this Tyler fellow dead free of charge after hearing your frightened words. Nothing like a bitter lover wanting to get even to dampen a night out.
J moved the two of you behind a wall before he went a step further and shielded you with his body. You were shaking too much to even notice.
There wasn't much protection this far into the club. Joker scanned the area for an exit but that would require walking into the spray of bullets and he would not risk your safety doing that. He spat out orders into his earpiece and he was confident that Neo and Frost would handle this.
For now, Joker turned his focus on you in his arms. "Y/n, doll, look at me. Hey!"
He never seen you so shaken up before. Gone was the reckless and sassy girl that told him where to shove it the first time he met you.
The girl in his arms was afraid and cowering like a baby.
Your stiletto nails bit into his arm but he waited until the strobe lights made another cycle to illuminate a hallway to his immediate right. Joker remembered it led towards the offices and seedy meeting rooms, and subsequently a back alleyway. It was now or never.
"C'mon baby. Let's go." Joker hauled you up to your feet and made a sprint for the hallway.
How you managed to keep up with him in your ridiculous high heels, Joker would study in detail later. The second he hit the back alley, he reported the all clear.
"We're out, me and uh..." J glanced down at you shivering in his arms. "Me and Doll are out."
Oddly Mac's voice sounded over the comms. "Copy. Wheels are nearby, you'll know it when ya see it. We got everything here. Go."
Joker didn't need to be told twice. He found the car with ease and helped you into the back with a gentleness that scared even himself. Hands fastened you into a seatbelt and you swore something tender made contact with your forehead, but it was gone before you could identify what. You were still in shock and weren't aware of anything around you.
You were just having fun like you always did. None of your past flings cared enough to hurt you before but you should've known that Tyler was different.
He was too enthusiastic about being FWB, too eager to stay in touch and when you tried to break things off– the man was too clingy in your opinion– his words haunted you.
"Tch, your reputation precedes you, slut. You just f__k em and keep it movin' but I'm not replaceable sweetheart. Yeah, you'll regret this b___h. I'll make sure of it."
You didn't think he'd try and kill you! Tonight was a harsh wake up call to how your playgirl actions affected others and you obviously couldn't handle it. You failed to stifle your sniffles and Joker wished he wasn't driving so he could hold and comfort you. That is, if you didn't push him away.
Joker made it to your apartment and got you situated. He'd been over so many times, he knew the layout better than his own hideouts. You didn't even bother questioning how J had a key. The less you knew, the better. You were just grateful that Joker took off your heels and got you a glass of water.
"Here uh drinK." You accepted the proffered glass mutely. 
Your hands shook bringing it to your lips but you managed to drink it but not without hyperventilating immediately afterwards.
Joker rolled his eyes but bent down to your eye level to grab your face. Your gems were flaking off due to his thumbs rubbing your cheekbones in soothing circles.
"Look. At. Me. Breathe, doll... ya gotta breathe. See uhhh. Li-Ke this."
Joker exaggerated his breathing hoping you would copy and much to his delight you did– at least enough to calm down. Something in the motion caused you to snap out of your shock. 
"Why are you helping me?" You mumbled.
J echoed your question with a bewildered expression. Why wouldn't he? He was more confused when you jerked your head towards the door.
"You can go. I'll.. um f__k you later." Usually Joker would accept future payments without a second thought however, he was tired of things being transactional with you. Sex wasn't all that he wanted from you.
"Go? I just. Are ya drunk or somethin' doll?" Joker asked. His grip on your face tightened but he would never hurt you. Not unless you asked him to.
"And if I am?" You playfully slurred out. It was common knowledge that you could hold your liquor better than ten men combined. You were mocking him and it was more salt to injury.
Joker stared into your unnatural sky blue eyes. The contacts you wore made it seem like he was talking to a completely different person.
He couldn't understand you and your flippant attitude. It wasn't healthy to brush off near death situations. You stared death in the eye plenty of times for a civilian but you shouldn't have to. You may not reciprocate but Joker cared deeply about your safety. He wasn't protecting you just for sex. He... cared about you.
However, expressing that aloud proved to be quite difficult.
"D__n it Y/n! You act like it's no big deal that you almost died tonight! IT. IS!"
You didn't like Joker raising his voice nor the way he continued to invade your personal space, His hands were too warm on your face and his lips too close to yours. You glanced at them briefly before cleaning your throat.
"Have you forgotten our 'agreement' Joker? You protect me, I spread my legs for you. Simple as that." You said while rolling your eyes. "You never complained before." You grumbled that part under your breath but he heard it clear as day.
Joker didn't know what motivated him to pull the plug but he was done playing games with you. He realized that nothing would come out of this relationship of sorts. You couldn't see what he saw.
"Mm. Then our uh agree-menT is over."
Your lower lip quivered when you felt Joker's hot breath fan over it. It was your turn to be confused. "What?"
Joker clicked his tongue as he let go of your face. Did he have to spell it out for you?
"You are... toxic. A sexy, addictive drug that's more harmful than go~od. You clear-ly don't need meeee when you can have the pick of Gotham to grace your bed. I thought that's all I wanted, a good time. And trust me doll you are very.. very good in the uh fun department but you opened my eyes. I want more."
Joker laughed sharply and patted your cheek, making you flinch. "But you can't handle more. You're stuck in a end-less loop of parties, sex and fleeting moments. There's no rhyme or reason, ya just do it because it's routine. You don't know anything else. You and I are much alike. We hurt people, but your method? Mmm, you leave deep nasty memories that'll never go away. You see, you leave behind glimpses of what could be before disappearing forever. You're an unattainable dream, Y/n. A sweet memory to reminisce on but nothing more."
His words left a bitter lump in the back of your throat. You heard this speech every time one of your lovers realized they deserved better. Joker was breaking things off and you should've been prepared.
They always left.
But you thought Joker was different. You wanted him to see past your party girl façade and save you for real.
"You're wrong.." You mumbled. You could explain if he gave you a chance but it was far too late. Joker turned away from your watery eyes lest he fall back into your manipulative web again.
"I'll uh see myself out." He began walking away and your mind just couldn't take it. You lost count of how many ex's walked out in like manner. Their names were just another blimp in your mind yet you couldn't allow Joker to join their ranks.
He was your guardian; he was supposed to save you!
"Joker?! Please..." Your voice cracked after saying his name again. "S-Stop! Walking!" You finally screeched.
Joker paused his stride and you went on a tangent.
"You're right! I'm toxic and I'm bad at love! I have a reputation in this town as prolific as yours! I party and I flirt and I break people's hearts and move on, all to save myself from heartache! When I fall, I fall hard and I always make the same mistakes. I'm not perfect. Heh.. my ex's will attest to that."
You stalled and didn't notice Joker arching an eyebrow at how you were talking mostly with your hands. Your nails were designed with mirrored chrome polish and more gems.
"If I keep things casual and keep people at arm's length, no one would see me for who I am. Someone desperate to be loved. And then I met you and thought– wow. 'He's gonna break my heart."
You startled J when you raised your head to look him dead in the eye.
"You had me under your spell from the very beginning Joker. I was scared you would break things off or worse– kill me, if I said I liked you. I didn't know what to do so I slipped into old habits. I made sure sex between us was strictly business. You kept me safe and I pretended that each time you took me I wasn't utterly infatuated with you. It worked.. until I saw you on the news with your ex. The blonde one."
Joker was speechless hearing you confess.
All this time you had feelings for him and he ruined his chances for a quick screw (that didn't mean anything) with his psychotic ex. Joker hated the tears that dotted your silver lashes but he didn't rush to wipe them away.
You still had some explaining to do.
"I was jealous! I mean.. you prefer blondes and I'm.. not. So.. ugh. Old habits! I just lost myself in anyone that wasn't you. I successfully pushed you away. You stopped answering my late night texts but I didn't want sex. I just.. wanted you." You sniffed.
It was quiet in your apartment until Joker ended the silence with his unique voice.
"Don'T say stuff ya don't mean doll." Joker uttered.
You could see his labored breathing by the rise and fall of his chest and there was a hungry look in his eyes. It made you emboldened.
If you were sober and perhaps not riding an adrenaline high, you wouldn't have blurted out your desires but you were a bold creature by nature. You loved living on the edge.
So you dropped a bomb that J was sorely unprepared for. "Kiss me."
Joker's eyes widened in shock. He barely heard your demand over the sound of his beating heart. Surely he was hallucinating. You were slowly standing to your feet, mighty and confident with each dainty step towards him.
He failed to turn on any lights when he arrived in your apartment. The moon's glow was your spotlight. You were a vision sauntering over to take what you asked for.
The two of you had never kissed before.
It was the only boundary you set up in this odd FWB situationship you and him agreed upon. In the beginning it didn't bother Joker but as time progressed, he longed to kiss your supple lips.
He yearned to learn the curve and experience the taste of them. Would you taste like your signature lip gloss or a unique flavor of your very own?
He couldn't look away from them now that you asked him to claim them. Your lips parted slowly, as if tempting him further and he almost whined.
"Don't tempt me.." He growled instead.
The only reason why he hadn't jumped on you was the distance you still kept from him. Joker could see a hesitant gleam in your eye even as you stopped to stand before him.
He exhaled the moment your hands rested on his chest. 
"I'm not. I wanna know how it feels, J." You batted your quicksilver lashes and wetted those luscious lips of yours with your tongue. "It's.. it's been ages.."
A lesser man would have died on the spot. Joker was stronger. It only took him a few seconds to lean down to claim his long awaited prize. Joker grabbed both sides of your face and kissed you.
You whined when his teeth caught your lower lip and sank in. The sudden pain startled you but it was welcomed when Joker groaned in absolute bliss.
You kissed others in the past (hence your aversion to the act) but the way Joker claimed your mouth, you realized you've been doing it all wrong for years. With Joker it wasn't just mashing your mouths together and hoping for the best, no.
Kissing Joker was like a forbidden dance rediscovered by mankind.
You were drowning, he was on cloud nine. Your lips were soft and unsure whereas his scarred ones molded itself against yours in the most sinful way. When he moved, he guided you where to go. He smirked when he ran his tongue on the crease of your lips, asking for permission.
He didn't blame you for being hesitant but he did reward your bravery with each new sensation.
Joker sucked on your tongue, licked the roof of your mouth– giving a new definition to making out. It was eye opening.
You were a fast learner and Joker was glad when you jumped up and wrapped your arms and legs around him to deepen the kiss. He didn't waste a second carrying you both to your bedroom.
And the tango only got better. His lips broke away from you to travel the column of throat to nibble and lick at the perspiration collected there. You gasped and tugged at his hair noting it wasn't in its greasy state. You drew back to take Joker in.
The two of you locked eyes at the same time. He breathed in the same air you did and the lustful gaze you sent him went straight to his head.
If he didn't have you now, he'd go insane(r).
He dropped you on the bed and you bounced twice before coming to a rest in the center. You had yet to catch your balance when Joker crawled on the bed to hover above you.
You f__ked Joker numerous times but never did you feel so demure under him. Maybe because he knew your true feelings the atmosphere changed? Your heart was in your throat as he drank you in.
"Look at youuuuuu. A sweet little gift for me. All mine to mmm... unwrap." Joker murmured as his hands roamed over your exposed skin to find the knot that would reveal you to his gaze.
You squirmed with each playful caress and tug. "Is it here? Ah! Noooooo maybe... here?" He cooed.
"Joker.. don't tease!" You whined. J was smart and already examined your 'outfit' back at the club. His eagle eyes noted it all unraveled at your hips but where was the fun in removing it properly?
His dark chuckle made your eyes fly open, "Ohhh you poor thing. Who said I was teasin' ya yet?"
The material was reduced to shreds in Joker's strong grip. Your jaw dropped in disbelief as he cast the remains aside and smirked at your nude body finally accessible for him to fondle.
"That was custom made.." You mumbled. None of it mattered when Joker dove down and captured a pert nipple in his mouth.
You arched into the touch and combed your fingers into his hair. Each of your breasts were lathered in his spit and love and you twitched in need when Joker didn't advance lower. He kept a usual predictable path in bed but he wasn't sticking to it tonight. So of course you got a little testy.
You yanked his hair so he could lock eyes with you. His green eyes were so expressive. "Go lower!"
J just grinned at your sassiness and resumed licking and biting your breasts. He reveled in your frustrated groan until you tried reaching down to touch yourself. Now that was a big no no.
In a blink of an eye, Joker had seized your hands and pinned them above your head. You tried to break free but he just growled at you until you stopped.
"It's not nice to touch other people's things, Y/n. Keep your hands to yourself till I tell ya other-wise." He left open mouth kisses down your neck and ground his erection into your core. It wasn't fair that you were nude while he was still fully dressed.
Joker hadn't dressed up for the club's nightly theme but he looked delectable in all black.
You were staining his suit pants with each rock of your hips, not that he minded. He just angled himself better to stimulate you more. The friction of his pants brushed against your clit and you moaned out loud.
"Give me what I want Joker!"
Of course the idiot ignored you in favor of teasing you further with his warm hands. It amazed you how hot Joker's body temperature ran. He was like a furnace pining you to the bed.
Out of nowhere he smacked your thigh. You yelped at the sudden sting.
"That ain't how ya ask." His long fingernails dragged into the slope of your inner thighs and you sobbed. He was so close to where you wanted him, yet so far away.
You don't know how you managed to keep your hands put above your head with the constant writhing your body made on the bed sheets. Every fiber of your being was urging you to touch Joker.
You knew where this was going. Joker wanted you to beg.
You never caved before but tonight's events and spoken words had you desperate and ready to abandon all of your morals. You knew it and Joker knew it.
He also knew you were as stubborn as an ox.
"I want your cock!" Another slap rang out in the bedroom. This one was way too close to your clit and you choked back a moan. You were practically throbbing in need.
"Anngg wrong, doll. Try ooooooone more time." Joker slid his hands to your knees and parted your legs like the Red Sea.
The treasure that lay between them shined like gold. He stared like a dying man who found an oasis.
How could you be so wet when he had yet to touch you? He watched your opening clench around air as a trickle of juices dampened the sheets underneath you. As if he could quit this cold turkey. You were a treat wasted on lesser men.
Joker looked up from your sopping wet pussy when you finally cracked under pressure. He could hear the want in your high pitched whimper. "Please daddy! Please touch me! N-No more teasing!"
He was not expecting that.
You were in-tune with your sexuality and prowess in bed, it was a trait that Joker admired about you. He loved how you knew what you fancied and didn't, although he was wise to notice that you never relaxed and let him fully be in control.
There was always a piece of you that remained assertive during the exchange. Joker wanted to help you embrace being more submissive in bed but he never imagined that you would take the initiative yourself.
He faltered seeing you pout your lip in want. He wasn't sure if this was an act or a genuine desire that muddied your thinking.
Joker was gonna eat you out. His plan was to wring out as many orgasms from you until your mind crumbled into mush but something about hearing a strong, assertive woman like you whimper and call him daddy?
Joker snapped.
The chime of Joker's belt coming loose sent molten lava straight to your pussy and the sight of him fumbling to remove his clothes made some of your natural cocky attitude return. You snorted at his frantic movements but your smirk was smacked right off your face when Joker grabbed ahold of your jaw.
"Look. At. Me. That's it. Look at me when I slideeeee in deep."
Lord knows you tried but your eyes fell closed at the heavy weight of Joker's cock resting at your entrance. The feel of it there had you needy for more.
Joker had forced you into a dry spell by not answering your texts and calls. He was unavailable so you called up your past lovers to assist but they couldn't get you off like Joker could. It was frustrating to suffer through their attempts only to scream and kick them out when that big O alluded you.
Not being able to cum was an insult and a blow to your reputation, so you stopped seeing partners until you figured out the problem.
You hadn't cum in weeks going on a month but you had an answer to your problem. Joker ruined your mind, body, and soul and no one else would do.
You were crying tears of joy as Joker slotted his cock in between your puffy lips to lubricate himself.
In the same instance, his grip slid down from your jaw to your throat. He didn't squeeze too tight but just enough to get the message across.
"What did I just say, doll?"
You forgot you had closed your eyes against his instructions! You flung your eyes open to apologize however J snarled at the foreign color staring up at him. He wanted tonight to be perfect and your dumb icy blue contacts weren't meeting his idea of perfection. He spoke his thoughts aloud.
Joker tapped your temple. "Take these out. Now."
Basic hygiene didn't matter. You nodded and reached up to remove your contacts, flicking them somewhere off to the side. You'd mourn their loss later. You needed Joker's dick more.
Joker watched you blink a few times before fixing him with a timid look. He groaned seeing your natural e/c eyes, blown out in lust, staring at him.
His smile took your breath away.
"There's my girl. No one else's ya got that? This pussy is.. all mine now. If I catch ya giving it to someone else. Well." Joker shoved his dick into you in one smooth thrust.
You screamed at the sudden intrusion with tears dotting your eyes. Joker gave you no warning as he quickly pulled out before ramming his cock back in as deep as he could go.
"Haha.. I'll ahh yes, I'll kill 'em doll. No one. No one touches what's mine!" His eyes rolled back when your pussy squeezed tight around him.
You felt so good he swiftly lost himself to pleasure. His hands flew to the headboard for balance so as to not marr your beautiful skin with his vice-like grip. His neon eyes narrowed when you tried moving yours from above your head.
And so they stayed.
Each cant of his hips bullied his dick deeper and deeper into your pussy as he set a fast and rough pace. It was nothing different from any other late night booty call the two of you shared and you welcomed the pain his dick left inside your walls. It was no secret that you loved it rough and that's what made Joker stop moving all together.
Joker all but froze inside of you and you immediately protested with another frustrated wet sob of his name.
"Shush shush shush I know. I know." Joker hushed your hiccups with a mocking tone. "I want you to feel it sooooo we gotta go slow baby doll."
You let out a shaky moan as Joker began churning his dick in your pussy, unbearably slow. His hands let go of the headboard to grab a hold of your hands still positioned above your head.
He applauded you for listening to his instructions this long and kissed your forehead in gratitude.
You whimpered again when he laced his fingers with yours. "You feel that?" He asked. He stirred his dick deeper with a weak moan of his own.
"Yesssssss you're so deep, J!" You replied back.
He nodded listlessly and scanned your face in awe. You were cock drunk already and barely thinking straight. All those nights jerking off and daydreaming about you underneath him was finally coming true. It was better than he could ever fantasize. Until you just had to ruin it.
"Ah! Please f__k my pussy, J! I wanna cum.."
You were still defiant and that just wouldn't do. He sighed out, "No."
You cried out more pleas but Joker ignored each one to rest his weight completely on you. All the air in your lungs escaped you.
J was heavy in the best way; not too heavy where you couldn't breathe, but just enough to make your head swim. A dopey smile spread across your face.
Joker enjoyed it too since he could make you feel dainty and small like this. You deserved that. You didn't have to be strong all the time and especially not in bed with someone you cared for.
You wanted him and Joker would give you everything. All in due time. He shifted his hips and all but humped you.
Each roll of his hips was like a bolt of electricity to your clit. He filled you perfectly and it teetered on the verge of being too much. You didn't know how much more of this torture you could take.
Tears were running down your face and you knew you were drooling. You were so close to that blessed edge but still far from its reach. You were reduced to babbles when Joker's cockhead tapped against your cervix. "Ow ahh! Yes! Joker, please.. I'll be good just please... mmm! G-Go faster!"
"No. I– nghh.." Joker thrusted too sharply and it made the both of you moan out.
He took a second to catch his breath. He wanted this just as much as you, but he had to be patient. "I won't give in until you give me what I want."
"I don't know!!" You sobbed while squeezing Joker's hands. It was nothing compared to the death grip your pussy had around his cock. If he was going insane, he could only imagine how you were fairing.
So he took pity on you. How could he not when you looked so miserable underneath him?
He licked your tear stained face before whispering in your ear. "You don't know? Awww, you poor thing. I'll help ya. Say it. Tell me you're mine. The moment you do, f__k, I'm gonna breed you, doll." You gasped and Joker laughed at your stunned expression.
"Yeah, I'll turn ya into that smitten wife waiting at home for her husband. Don't ya want that? I know you secretly do, Y/n. Aren't ya tired of playing games, breaking hearts, makin' me so f__king jealous?!"
You clenched around his cock, hearing his words and the feeling made him falter.
Joker squeezed your hands tighter and dropped his head in the crook of your neck. This was torture for him too. You were wetter than you'd ever been and grinding into your pussy was driving him wild. He couldn't stop talking.
"Ahh you r-ruined me doll! I can't get you out of my he~aaad. Your eyes. Your smile... Those stupid funny jokes you make when ya think I ain't listening.. S__t, your pussy! I want it. I want it all. Give. It. To. Me." He bit your neck to stifle his groans.
You almost ruptured Joker's ears screaming so loud.
"Say. It." Each word was punctuated by hard thrusts into your cunt and you grew hoarse trying to fix your lips to voice J's desires.
You couldn't feel your toes anymore but somehow your legs were still wrapped around Joker's waist. It was maddening being dominated in such a way but a small part of you loved it.
You had grown tired of the same routine. Party, flirt, f__k, sleep, repeat.
The idea of submitting to Joker was somewhat appealing. You wouldn't be settling down in the traditional sense, he was The Joker after all, (as if he'd take responsibility if he actually knocked you up) but being content with one partner, to this outstanding man who was pinning you down and groaned in your ear— was making you crumble under peer pressure.
You might be bad at love but now was the perfect time to give it a try. And who knows. Joker might actually be the one that could finally fix you. You found the strength to give into his demands.
"I'm yours! Only yours Joker! Please take me! I want ahhhhhh!!!"
The rest of your sentence was irrelevant. Once you said his name, the last shrivel of his patience evaporated.
Joker folded your thighs up to your chest and delivered on his promise. He said your name like a forbidden secret and snapped his hips into yours with no intention of stopping. His thrusts were unyielding into your sopping wet pussy and your screams drowned out Joker's hushed declarations into your ear.
The weight of each vow grew too much to bear and you fell apart when Joker's dick stroked your g spot one time too many. You swore you fainted, the pleasure was so intense. 
Joker watched your eyes roll back before your pussy sucked him in with frantic pulses.
He lost it too and rammed his cock as far back as he could before emptying everything that he had inside of you. There was just so much to give and judging by your legs spazzing, you took every last drop like a pro. He was floating on the fact that you let him cum inside.
This had to be a dream but your broken moan confirmed this was very much real. You were trying to say his name.
Joker panted and helped lower your legs before rolling the two of you so you could rest on his chest.
Not once did he let you go, not even you jerked back to consciousness, hiccupping. You tried pulling away but Joker wasn't having it.
"Stop. Moving. Ahh lemme stay where I belong." He lazily thrusted up to return back to his original position. You whimpered at the full feeling. Cuddling was.... kinda nice.
You hummed and nuzzled up closer in Joker's arms. "You know normal couples just ask, 'will you be mine? Not bust a nut into their partners."
Joker chuckled hearing your funny personality coming out to play. You were slowly turning back to normal.
He kissed your forehead, sighing. "Mm, I'm noT. Normal. But.. yes. You're mine if that's what you're asking. Annnnd it works both ways."
You peeked at him with hooded eyes. "You're mine too?"
Joker groaned your name and you both felt when his dick twitched inside your pussy.
"Whaddya think, doll? He ahh likes the sound of thaT."  You slapped his chest and J rolled his eyes.
Of course you noticed him dodging the question. He sighed and swept a strand of your hair off your forehead. The blonde wig was pretty but he longed for your natural curls that lie underneath.
"Yes, Y/n. You have me. And not just for the night.. but until ya no longer want me. Mkay?" He bopped you on the nose.
"I might keep you forever." You warned.
You squealed in delight when Joker flipped you over onto your back with a mischievous grin. "Sounds like a plannnn but let's see if you can, uhh, survive the night, yeah?"
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frociaggine · 5 months
Your last rb on the John Gaius post how much John is the OPPOSITE of what that reblogger implied. Because like - we rag on him for not using his magical girl powers for C--'s "Good Wizardry", but it's specifically because he *doesn't* want to rely on a new untested "technology". He tries to incorporate it into the old project, make it better, make people trust it and give him money. Slow down the people who are trying to actually do the "promising new technology" bit without proof of concept.
It's "We all came up with trials to figure out what I could do, what I couldn’t do" vs
"...they were taking one discovery and acting like it changed the whole ballgame when really we now needed ten years of funding to discover whether it was any use, i.e., academia functioning as normal."
And I think that's neat, actually.
[post for context]
Ok actually #discourse aside, I think a lot about how John WAS a scientist, and that was the approach he used in his cryo project, and that was ALSO the approach he used when he started displaying magic powers. He tried to do experiments. He tried to make up scientific terms. He tried to write papers.
And nobody would listen and then he had to cosplay a wizard on youtube.
I think about that SO MUCH. Like... I think John never had a high opinion of the "cultists." He's obviously annoyed that one of the first guys who gave them attention was a flat earther. He only started calling himself a necromancer so that people would listen. It was a last resort and personally, I think he wasn't keen on it.
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Like... I think John, an educated scientist who has successfully pioneered a potentially revolutionary new technology (the cryo project, not the magic!) AND is also an indigenous man of colour, might have felt some kinda way about putting on a cape and eyeliner and recruiting a gullible cult of followers because he wasn't being taken seriously in ~intellectual circles. I know we make jokes aboout God being a twitch streamer - Taz put that in for a reason! I think it's funny, I think the cult aesthetic is fun, I think the pre-Res gang HAD fun with it, eventually. But I also think that there's a lot to unpack about John going from the lead research on a project that had serious corporate and government backing ("We cannot keep diverting three percent of the country’s electricity to your vats") to putting on a cape for the memes.
Also! You're absolutely right that the FTL fleet IS "the special technology that shows no promise." John, Mercy AND Augustine all it as hooky because it's SO new that it can scale up to what they need, if it even works as advertised. I'm very curious if / how / on which scale it was tested, and I think Augustine was right to suspect that the FTL propulsion was just an initial kick and the fleet was gonna generation-ship it and never come back.
Also speaking of people wanting an "immediate fix" - John also explicitly brings up that some of the cryo project backers nagged at him because they though an imperfect technology was good enough but the team thought the chance of damage was too high, and worked to reduce it.
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Like, the whole point of the cryo project is that it worked, but it wasn't an easy fix, it required literally global cooperation, and there was no priority access for first-class passengers.
I am once again pointing a huge neon sign in John's direction that says HE ATE THE SUN!! That's plenty enough! We don't have to directly contradict canon to sue him for ethics breaches.
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Connor and Gavin Besties Dynamic would include
Connor trying to be the one above the call-outs and banter that Gavin throws at him in the workplace, for the sake of professionalism
but the second he's off the clock it is ON
Connor also being petty at work in retaliation
they have the dynamic of that one tiktok where this guy is cooking fried chicken in the bathroom as he's taking a shower so that his friend wouldn't steal it, and then his friend breaks in with a screwdriver and and still steals it.
Gavin would take a picture of Hank's living room and use it as his background during FaceTime calls
"Hey... hey Connor come here, i need to tell you something."
"I don't trust you."
"No seriously, I promise I'm not gonna do anything it's for the case."
"......Fine... what is it?"
*burps in his face*
"....... I swear to-"
Connor gets one of those ice cream quart padlocks and locks Gavin's ice cream at the precinct
Gavin just saws off the bottom of the container and eats it like that out of spite.
* Connor and Gavin at a bar*
Gavin: you better step down, son, taking this whole thing too far. Hold me back, Connor. I'm serious, hold me back, Connor! I'm seRIOUS HOLD ME BAC-......... why aren't you holding me back?
"Excuse me, Gavin but i have those reports for the Carey case right here for you on my desk."
"I ain't falling for my own joke, tin can."
"No, I am serious. And even if i was trying to pull the same joke, i am incapable of eructation."
"Oh... well okay the-"
T̶̝̳̍͛͜H̷̨̻͕̪̣͗Ę̵̬͔̬̹̄͜ ̵͙̫͇̰̺̗̈́̎̍̅̕F̷̧̼̟̪̱͕̑Į̶̟̖̠̮̈́́Ţ̵̲̯̤̪̄̄N̴̳̍Ẹ̷̅̈́̌̉̊̚͜S̸̨̰͔̿̄̀̿͝S̶̲̳̲̑̌̔ ̸̮̓̇G̵̪͖̥̖̯̈͌̐̿Ṝ̷A̴̧̢͂̊̏̾M̵̟̥̹̥̝̖͒ ̴̧̩̯̿̽͑P̶̮̪̿̌̈̽̋̀Á̸͇̭̈́C̸̩̠̀̇͛͠Ẹ̷̪̱͇̼͊R̶̥̦̫͑́̓̅͗̈́ ̶̩͍͍͓̞̔͌̋̎̓̈́T̸̛̬̟͐̀͛̈́̈Ę̴̜̟̜̹̿̿͗S̵̛̩̝̩͗͊͆̄͛ͅͅT̷͚͒ ̴̗͌ͅI̶͖͒̓́̏S̷̤̞̻̟̅̂̄̎ ̴̨̉̾̐̀͛͋Á̸̝̫̋͑͠ ̷̨̘̠̦͕̅M̶̜̬͍̼̗̬͗̏̊̈͝U̸̫̯̩̬͛͝Ĺ̵̜̼̜̦̀̇̆̕͘T̶͔͉͗̈́Ḯ̴͙S̴̯͙̣͓̫̀̈͜Ṯ̷͎̥͓̌͐̎͑Ą̴̳̖̓͆̀̄̀͜G̷̻̯͎͒̑̉̓E̴̗̭̒ ̷̡̺̮͚̞́̽̈́̈́̕A̴̠̝̿͒͂̕ͅĘ̴̠̮͌̐̒R̷̠̼̙̉̒O̸̼͍͗̈́͗̃̃B̵͍͈̪͖͎̔̓̅̇͘͘I̷̝͉̪̍̔C̸̖̘͙̆͗ ̴̣͉̝̳͖͋͜͝Ç̵̨̹͗A̵͉̺̟͇͠ͅP̷̪͕͔̱͙̬̓̄A̶̟͖̯̹͎̒̎C̵͔̮͍͗̂̌͊̿͝Ī̵̤́͊͆̀͊T̷̙͉͖̙͜͝ͅŸ̴̖͈͚̜͓̱́̾ ̷̘͆̂̄͗͝T̶̻̿Ę̷̢̬̔̒S̷͔͙̹̪̉͑̃͌̀Ṭ̵̓̏̅̉-"
Gavin: god I fucking hate that guy, he's such a prick
Coworker: why don't you just stop being friends with him then?
Gavin: FUCK NO! He's already agreed to be my Best Man
*Connor working silently and diligently*
*notices Gavin staring at him from across the bullpen*
"..... what?"
"You're ass is grass and I'm gonna mow it."
Gavin punching in the teeth of xenophobes. Or at the very least cussing them out because no, Gavin, you already have enough write-ups and complaints as it is, you gotta stop it. Yes, i appreciate the intentions, but the means are getting you in trouble.
Old Cop Acquaintance: Last time we hung out you hated androids. You've gotten soft.
Gavin: No, i've gotten hard. Because he's my best friend, he's my pal. My homeboy, my rotten soldier; my sweet cheese, my good time boy
the newer cops in the precinct start spreading a rumor that Gavin and Connor are dating, and when Connor brings it up with Gavin to see if he wants to do anything to dispel the rumors he just says "If you don't have rumors going around that you and your best friend are dating, then you aren't real best friends."
that's basically how Connor realizes that he has a best friend for the first time.
Gavin: Connor, would you ever bail me out of jail?
Connor: Bold of you to assume I'm not in jail with you
Gavin: bro
Connor: Nines would be the one to bail us out of jail.
Gavin: aw fuck, no, come on! Nines would give us the Look of Disappointment
Connor: Better than the Dad of Disapproval
Gavin: fair point
Tactical Training Day is full of chaos because Gavin makes a bet that he'll do better and while Connor doesn't outright agree to it, you can tell he's playing along because he's putting more effort into the simulations than normal.
Gavin: Okay, run it by me one more time. What do you do if i get shot in the field?
Connor: well, I was programmed to immediately get you clear of the line of fire and then provide medical assistance until back-up or an ALS unit arrives.
Gavin: but?
Connor: ...but you've asked me to cry out "MMMMMM WHATCHA SAAYYY!" and then proceed with my protocols.
Gavin: exACTLY
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My thoughts on Spy x Family Chapter 82
Needless to say, (some real serious) manga spoilers alert
Oh, boy, I'm gasping for air. I'm panicking, and I've not panicked this much about Spy x Family since Anya's last hijack incident (which my heart has not recovered yet). Mr. Endo, may you, please, pay my cardiologist bill? I'm not joking, I'm hyperventilating, and my chest is TU DUM, TU DUM.
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The mole was discovered! Poor guy (or not, who knows?). I wonder what SSS will do to him. How far will the organization go? I believe we won't even know.
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I'm seriously nervous for him. Twillight is used to things getting on his way, with minimum complications and this situation is definitely not it. Of course, he could figure things could go bad, since It's a really risky operation, however, I feel his frustration in not getting much time to secure the real wheeler.
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Damn, my heart is not surviving till the end of this chapter.
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Our man got ✨ The Skills ✨ Still, all this shooting is getting me pretty nervous. I'm immediately getting my anxiety meds. Endo, what the actual f-
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Yeah, Twilight is The Man! Still, my hands are trembling and so is my apprehensive cardiac organ. This is sure to be qualified as torture.
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He is quite wise disguising as Yuri. Haha, got it? I'm not okay, Christ.
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Damn, Yuri is very intelligent, as well. The brains had to go to one of the Briar's, am I right? (Poor Yor, I love you, It's not personal. Bad comedy is my coping mechanism when I'm nervous. I'm so sorry!)
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He is right about that. Twilight is nervous. And I wonder why. Maybe because there's more on this game than before? He is a father. A husband. He worries. He is not the same he was before, as much as he tries to convince himself that he is not attached to his fake family dynamics.
I can clearly imagine his thoughts racing. He's thinking about Anya, about Yor, about WISE, while trying to run and get these thoughts away from him in order to not commit mistakes, like leaving a footprint behind. Just saying.
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Oh Yuri, you are so sweet, in a way. And you know absolutely nothing.
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The panic™  on his face. Poor Yuri, I'm truly divided right here. See? I'm calmer, not panicking at all, this is certainly my clonazepam working.
Quick (but important) writer's note here, I'm actually diagnosed with intense anxiety and use prescribed medication, I joke about it, cause It's better to laugh than cry on the reality of my condition, however, never use anxiolytic/benzodiazepines drugs without valid prescription and conscience, it might cause long-term dependency and tolerance. My Pharmacy academic self felt the need to point this out. Moving on!
By the way, have you noticed the "waver"? Twilight is hesitating, deeply, which makes him more prone to aiming wrong. Haha, ha… I'm okay, I swear 😰
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Okay, two theories. I'm okay, I swear, my blood pressure is just fine.
Theory number 1. Twilight gets Yuri shot on some of his limbs, probably one of his legs, so our spy can buy time, run to encounter the others Wise's agents and hide. Gladly, he can aim just on the spot when no much damage is made to Yuri, even though the spy is extremely nervous. Twillight was totally not expecting to find him on that corner, and he knows that doing something so serious like UNALIVING HER WIFE'S BROTHER will tear her apart. Why else he would waver? He is the best spy of Westalis. He doesn't hesitate, but this is different.
Theory number 2. Which I believe is less likely, but still possible, Yuri gets our incredible Spy shot on some area of his body where the disguise falls off, and he realizes Twillight and Loid are the same person, but he does nothing about it, at least not for a while. Making him and the spy share this major secret for a while, due to numerous reasons, but mainly to protect Yor and take her out of her position as Loid's wife safely. But as I said, I find unlikely to Yuri shoot TwiTwi, even though the latter is quite nervous and might not dodge the shot. Besides the fact Loid has his arm aimed at Yuri first, while Yuri has his arm sideways, which gives Twilight an advantage in time.
Be sure to talk to me in the comments, I would love to hear what you guys think. Moving on to the last past of the chapter.
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Lady Yor! Our grownup baby! She is still with the same outfit and hair down, so I assume it's late at night or afternoon, maybe Anya is already home or at a sleepover with Becky? Not sure.
Our poor girl is nervous due to Yuri filling her thoughts with the possibility of Loid cheating (which is dumb as floof, because he is a loyal boy) but still, even sober, Yor is worried. She cares about this family so much it probably hurts and confuses her. Her face on the left gave me chills, so much is going through her mind, almost if she senses something is wrong.
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So. Much. Blood. I'm. Nervous. I. Can't. Breath. Properly. What. Was. This? Whose blood is this? (Not Yor's, I assume). I always count the days till the next chapter, but for this one, I'll be in severe mental pain until its release date. My mind racing like Yor's, wondering if Loid will come home late or come home at all.
I keep imagining scenarios where one of the boys gets shoot and the aftermath of that, Loid or Yuri at the hospital or being held by their organizations in order to get intel from them, Yor drying with worry, there are so many possibilities. This arc has been the most intense so far, for me, at least. I don't know how I will cope till June 26th.
What do you guys thinking? If my heart survived until now, yours will! Make sure to like, reblog and support my work here on Tumblr, I really appreciate it. Now I will rest, cause that chapter was (hell) difficult 🌹 (this post will be reviewed soon, so if you encounter any grammar or spelling mistakes, forgive my bilingual mess self)
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personasintro · 1 year
I would like to express my genuine and serious opinion about MH and the relationship between Y/N and JK. Let's start with the fact that this book needs to be reread few times, to understand better the dynamics between the main protagonists. I'm convinced that reading it one time it's NOT enough to understand what's actually happening. MANY and MANY people comment on it about JK seeing Y/N as a fuck buddy at this point, and nothing more. That he will never see her as a potential girlfriend. The first time I have read it, I got really annoyed and frustrated about this slow burn, like many others who write you these annoying asks. I thought that after so many chapters, basically nothing really happened, that he wants her for sex only. HOWEVER, when I started ready it for the second and third time then + read MH JUNGKOOK'S POV, my jaw dropped, because I began seeing and understanding things I never noticed before. My perspective of the situation COMPLETELY CHANGED . Now, I don't know if you study psychology/are interested in it, or if all of this is just a coincidence made up me and my analysing everything habit, but rereading it carefully, we can notice how well, subtle but clear you're trying to portrait the feelings of both of them towards each other. Let me explain it better.
(THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS) Correct me if I'm wrong, but now that my perspective changed, I see MH JK as a guy who basically craves for reciprocated love, cuddles, attention and mostly important, who can't stay single or alone for too long. Not because he's desperate, but because he's a hopeless romantic who likes to give and receive love. The thing is, if in the very beginning I found very annoying his obsession with Kiko, now I think I understand what actually happened. He is attached to her for the good, old memories she brought him. He wants to bring the nice feelings he had back. In which he truly felt loved and understood by someone. But this doesn't mean he needs specifically Kiko. He loves her, is attached to her, but it's not the same as before. Sometimes we want our ex back because we want the good memories with them back and not specifically them now. More specifically, we want their old selves with us because we romanticise the memories a lot, but in reality we don't want to be with the person they are now. Does it make sense?
Why am I so convinced about this? Because of the fuck buddies deal thing. If he truly still loves Kiko and wants nobody else, in his mind NEVER EVER would have blown up the idea of having sex, and more over, REALLY ENJOYING it with his best friend. If someone is THE ONE for you and you're 100% serious about them, you don't act like a freaking husband with your bff. You made very clear his feelings by his actions. His actions and words speak for himself. He's attracted to Y/N right now, mentally and physically. He doesn't have romanticised old memories with her, so this means he's living the moment NOW and the feelings towards her are new. I can't say he's in love yet, because again, if you're in love you don't go to your ex. However, I'm truly convinced that in the last chapters we can absolutely tell he likes her now. Seriously likes her, but still denies it to himself, because he deeply knows that Y/N is his dearest best friend. It would be messy to date her, because this implies ruining the friendship in case something goes wrong and also she is in his main group of friends. Can you imagine breaking up with her and seeing her in your homies circle? And not having her as your beloved best friend anymore ? Hell no. And mostly important, she NEVER explicitly said to him anything about even the slightest possibility to want him a boyfriend. The dude basically automatically suppresses the thoughts about dating her, because unconsciously he knows it's not worthy and that he still receives the love he craves for from Kiko. She's basically the "comfort zone". Why risking to lose it to try dating someone who doesn't guarantee you anything (for now at least) . But objectively speaking, his words and body already behave like they are almost in love. I'm 100% sure that if Y/N confesses now, he would accept right away to date her. He's too whipped for her. Can't say the same about Y/N, who is the less considerate about her own feelings. No, SHE IS, because she overthinks it A LOT, more than him, but she's worse than him in suppressing the feelings for the same reasons. She tries to gaslight herself even when she perfectly knows it , and she literally goes to tue swimming pool.
that's it for now. I have more things, but let's stop here.
HI you again!
This will be nothing new for some readers, especially to those who have been here from the beginning and has read my responses for quite sometime now (you guys can skip this response because you probably know it all by now hehe) ; you're right. I think too that for some people, it might take more reads to understand the little things that are not so obvious. Again, I'm gonna repeat myself but MH is a story where you should read between the lines. Not everything is clear and obvious. There are little easter eggs throughout the story. It causes people trying to get answers directly from me, since they haven't gotten it in the story. But I do not want to spoil anything, I prefer readers knowing the real stuff from the story. Until the story is not finished, I'll keep my mouth shut and enjoy the chaos 😁
I actually did study psychology, had it as a subject in my school and it was my favorite one. I think my writing mirrors me. I do tend to get very deep and analyze certain situations and people. I think that's what's happening in this story as well (and in my other ones too). That's a very good guess you made here!
It is a very interesting take that you have of him and the situations in the story! I cannot confirm nor deny. All I can say is that Jk really did love Kiko. I've seen in my life people that started hooking up with someone else after their break-up. That's how some people cope with it. Or even if they're fine after break-up, mostly men, think of sex a lot. It's a part most of them do not let go. So in this case, I wouldn't exactly say he didn't love her because he came up with the idea of them hooking up. We all know it was way deeper and complicated than this. It's also fine to enjoy the sex with someone that isn't your partner + when you're still heartbroken and love with someone else. He was surprised himself that he truly enjoyed it. But then again, he didn't exactly tell her to have sex. It's something that happened naturally and overtime. It showed off the beginning of their chemistry.
You've made some good points! I truly liked this analyzation (it's one of the best things about writing, to receive long messages/ask with analyzation!!) and I enjoyed reading it very much! I do have to stay neutral though and I hope you understand that 😁 Thank you again for this message/feedback. It was truly fun to read (I did read it the first time when I was on a walk with my dog and I tried not to trip 🫠). I had some cool responses prepared but I forgot them lolol but I think I covered everything I wanted!
Thank you, sending you lots of love and a huge hug, July! 🩵🫶
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earthtoharlow · 2 years
Ick Couples Challenge
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AN: hi hi hi this just a small fic about Jack & reader doing the ick challenge from tik tok hope you all enjoy
OH MY GOD?! Do you seriously have a whole notebook???” You exclaimed
Jack stood there with a smirk on his face trying not to laugh. You and Jack were about to film a tik tok trend where couples say their icks about each other.
“Let’s just get this started, you're already making me mad” you say with a roll of your eyes before setting up the phone to record.
“Ok, Hello everyone! We’re gonna be doing our icks about each other but here’s the thing, he wrote a BOOK and I told him to write down five of them and here he comes around the corner with a stupid ass grin saying he wrote TEN!” You begin to speak into the phone and then make a face at Jack who immediately starts laughing with a shake of his head.
“Hmph, so I’ll let Jack go first since he has so many apparently!”
Jack jokingly clears his throat before looking down at his notepad.
“Ok my first ick about you is that you always ask for the last bite of my food—“ Jack says before you try to cut him off
“are you being serious—“
“No, hush! Let me finish, why don’t you ask when I first start eating, I could be eating 15 wings and you’ll wait till I’m at the very last one to ask for some! It’s so annoying” Jack exclaims
“I’m your girlfriend, you’re supposed to share with me! What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is still mine!” You say giggling
“Ok ok this is a big one, I hate when we’re in the car together and you want to drive in silence with no music!” You say looking towards him with a pointed look. Jack just shakes his head
“If I’m in the studio all day I don’t want to listen to more music!”
“It doesn’t matter, only psycho’s drive with no music.”
Jack looks down at his notebook with a shake of his head and begins to read off the rest of his list. “Ok fine, my next ick is that I’ll get up real early and cook you breakfast and you won’t even eat it!!”
“Jack!” You said hitting him in his chest with your hand lightly. “That’s not even fair! You like to get up at the ass crack of dawn, no one wants to eat a 3 course meal at 6 o’clock.” You try to explain
“Yeah maybe but you’ll wake up and want to eat spaghetti leftovers! Who eats spaghetti at 10 am! Crazy people!” You couldn’t help but fall back laughing at this
You could hardly get out your next ick without laughing “my 3rd ick is that your name starts with a J.”
“WHAT?! How is that even my fault?!” Jack looks at you with his mouth wide open
“I mean, it’s not but it’s still problematic” you say with a shrug.
“I’ll make sure I scold my mother and father about this when we see them next” Jack says with a pout and crosses his arms
“Oh god are you seriously pouting? What a baby.” You say trying to hold on to your laughter.
Jack rolls his eyes before looking at his notes again.
“I have a ton more but this one is a big one! My ick is when you let one ripe while you sleep!”
“JACK!!!” You let out a loud gasp before you try to reach for the phone to cut off the video. Unfortunately Jack’s reflexes are faster and he grabs the phone before you can to continue talking
“Bro, it smells like human remains and sometimes it’ll be so loud it’ll wake your ass up!” Jack says laughing while trying to get away from you as you try to grab the phone once again
“YOU’RE SUCH A FUCKING LIAR!!!” You bark out a laugh. Once you’re finally able to grab the phone from his hands and end the video, you toss the phone to the side and proceed to tackle Jack on the couch, childish giggles ring through the house as you guys play fight.
Once you guys finally calm down there’s a few moments of silence before you both turn your heads to look at each other.
“I hate you so much”
“Yeah yeah yeah”
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surftrips · 1 year
butterflies — part three.
pairing: rafe cameron x female reader
summary: after returning home from college for the summer, y/n runs into rafe cameron and the two form an unlikely relationship.
word count: 2043
a/n: little bit of a longer chapter, but i am having so much fun with this series! let me know what u think in the comments or my ask box :) masterlist.
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You couldn’t believe what you were looking at on your phone screen.
Incoming call… Dylan.
Was your ex seriously calling you now, two months after the breakup? Weeks after you had begun spending nearly every single day with Rafe Cameron? 
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” Rafe asked, sensing the anxiety coming from your body. 
You two were sitting in his car on a particularly hot day trying to cool down when the sound of your ringtone interrupted the comfortable silence. 
“It- it’s Dylan,” you responded, voice shaking. 
“Dylan? Like Dylan, Dylan? Dylan, your ex?”
“Yeah, yeah. Like my ex, Dylan. What do I do?” 
“Don’t pick up. Nothing he says can be good.” 
Even though you were the one to break up with him, you admittedly had moments where you found yourself close to pressing on his contact in your phone and apologizing. Part of you wanted to make amends, the other part of you was screaming to move on. 
Rafe agreed with this other part of you. After you had told him specific details from your relationship and how he treated you, he wanted you far away from him. 
You two continued to sit in silence as you stared at your phone and waited for it to go to voicemail. 
“Do you think he’s leaving a message?” you asked.
“Who cares? Come on, let’s go get dinner somewhere.” 
You hesitatingly agreed, but as you pulled into the drive-thru of a local burger joint, you couldn’t help but feel disappointed at the lack of a notification alerting you that Dylan had left you a voicemail. 
I care, you thought. I care if he still cares about me. I loved him. 
Rafe dropped you off at your house a little after 11 pm. You waved him off and started to head inside. 
You walked upstairs to your bedroom, ready to take a shower and settle in for the night. 
However, as you were about to turn on the water, the familiar sound of your ringtone broke the silence for the second time that day. 
You looked down at your screen, heartbeat picking up at the words.
Incoming call… Dylan.
What do you do? Rafe had made it very clear he didn’t like the guy. But this guy was the same person you had spent the last year and a half with. Maybe he deserved some closure after you had left him so abruptly? 
Suddenly, all of the bad things he had done to you were irrelevant. You couldn’t seem to remember why you were unhappy with him in the first place.
So, you told yourself it must have been muscle memory that you hit the accept button and pressed your phone to your ear, eager to hear a familiar voice. 
“Y/N?” he said. 
“I didn’t think you would pick up.”
“I didn’t think I would either. What’s going on?” 
“I just… uhm.” You heard him cough on the other side. “I just wanted to see how you were doing, that's all.” 
“Oh.” Rafe would kill me if he knew I was talking to you right now. “I’m alright, how’s your summer going?”
“Good, good. Pretty boring, actually.” 
You sighed. He was never a good communicator. Rafe was always straight to the point. You liked that about him.
“Dylan, what do you want?” 
“What, I can’t call my ex and ask her how she’s doing without having an ulterior motive?”
You could tell he said that as an attempt to lighten the mood, but you were in no such state to joke around with him. 
“No, not really, considering we didn’t end on the best terms.” 
He was silent for a moment. 
“Okay, fine. I was thinking we should get back together— and before you interrupt me and say no, hear me out.” 
“Dylan, are you serious right now?” 
“I said, hear me out! You said you broke up with me because I was too attached to you, right? I was too codependent or something?” 
When you didn’t respond right away, he continued. 
“Well, I think I can be better now. Now that I’m back at home, I’m a different person. I think school was just making me stressed and I feel like I wasn’t in the right state of mind to be in a relationship.” 
“What happens when we go back to school then? You’ll go back to your old ways?”
“No, Y/N. I know better now. Look, I’ve realized what I lost, okay? I’m not stupid, I know how lucky I was to have you. I know that I wasn’t the perfect boyfriend, but please, give me another chance. I promise I will be better.” 
Again, you were silent. 
“Y/N?” he said after a while. “You still there?” 
“Yeah, yeah. I just… don’t know what to say. I mean, I broke up with you, why would you want to get back together? I thought you would hate me or something.” 
“I could never hate you, love. You know that.” 
Shit. That name always worked on you. 
“Can you just give me some time to think about it?”
“Yes, yes of course,” he said, relief evident in his tone. “I love you, Y/N. You don’t have to say it back or anything, but I do. I always have.” 
After you hung up, you allowed your body to crash onto your bed. 
Oh my god, what am I doing? Am I seriously considering getting back together with my shitty ex-boyfriend? He can’t be serious about trying again? 
On the other hand, you didn’t feel like there were many options for you. Clearly, your fling with Rafe was not going to end up in a committed relationship before the end of the summer. And back at school, well, you felt very insecure. 
Dylan was your only chance at any sort of social life at Duke. Without him, you would probably be in your dorm room every night watching shitty romcoms and eating takeout. Being with Dylan made you feel special, he made you feel seen. 
You remember how hard it was to make friends when you started college. How you found yourself struggling to keep up with frat parties and sorority recruitments, always feeling one step behind everyone else. 
What would life be like when you got back to school in the fall? You were ashamed to realize that many of your friends were Dylan’s first, and none of them had hesitated to take his side in the breakup. 
And he did say that he loved you. No one outside of your family had ever said that to you, let alone show you any form of affection. All throughout high school you watched as all of your friends began dating people, wondering where you went wrong. Were you not deserving of love as well? 
Dylan was the first person to make you feel loved and supported. 
Oh god, I fucked up, didn’t I? I ruined the one real thing I’ve ever known. 
Hey, wanna hang out today?
You were typing a response to Rafe’s text when you heard the doorbell ring. 
“Rafe? What are you doing? My birthday already passed!”
“Y/N, I know when your birthday is. Today is another special day, and I’m surprised you don’t know it.”
You racked your brain for all the possibilities: birthdays, anniversaries, holidays… 
“Oh god, it isn’t your birthday, is it?” 
“No, it is not. But that makes me sad you don’t know my birthday.” 
“Rafe, please just tell me what day it is.” 
“Why, Y/N, it is July 17th. It has been exactly three months since you broke up with that pathetic excuse of a man.” 
“Oh, oh wow.” 
“I know, right? Time moves fast when you’re single and thriving! Look, I even got you a little cake.” 
He presented you with a mini cake decorated with yellow flowers that read Congratulations! in blue icing. 
“I couldn’t find one that said ‘Congratulations on being single!’ at the grocery store so I settled on this one. They really need to start expanding their selection,” he said. 
“Rafe, I don’t even know what to say.” 
If not for last night, you would have been swooning over this gesture. It was quite literally one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for you. 
However, last night did happen and you felt awful. Here was wonderful and caring Rafe Cameron at your doorstep presenting you with a cake for breaking up with your shitty ex, and now you had to tell him you had decided to get back together with said shitty ex. 
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” 
Rafe was always so good at sensing when you’re off. You hated that about him. Dylan could never read your feelings, and maybe it was because you didn’t want him to. 
“I’m sorry, is this too much? Am I overstepping? I thought it would be a fun little thing to do, but—” Rafe was beginning another one of his apology spirals and you weren’t going to let him continue. 
“No, please. This is amazing of you and I genuinely appreciate it so much. I appreciate you, so much. I’m so grateful for our friendship…” 
“But?” Again, he could tell that something was wrong. 
“But, I’ve decided that I’m going to get back together with Dylan.” 
Now, he was speechless.
You continued, “He called again last night. We talked, and he said that he’s going to try and be a better boyfriend. He’s had some time to reflect this summer, and he really loves me, and I don’t know I…” 
Now it was Rafe’s turn to interrupt you. 
“You really believe that?”
“You really believe that he’s going to be better? That he’s going to be any different from how he was to you last year?” 
Rafe Cameron, always straight to the point.
The thing about being straight to the point is that it sometimes feels like a shot to the heart. 
“I’m not naive. Or stupid,” you said, anger growing in your voice. “Yes, I really do believe him. Because I know him, and I know he loves me and I’m sorry if that’s so hard for you to believe, that I can be loved, but it’s true!” 
“Y/N- that is not what I was implying at all.”
“Then what were you implying?” 
“I just mean,” he sighed. “I know guys like Dylan. They don’t change, ever. They talk a lot of shit but their actions stay the same. You deserve someone so much better.” 
You scoffed, “Don’t you see? There is no one better! No one else is going to want me or love me the way he does! Before him, no one ever looked at me! I was invisible!” 
Rafe’s face was beginning to break. His facade was cracking. 
“You call how he treated you love? Y/N, he wouldn’t let you go anywhere without him! He pushed you away from all your friends and family, and now, now he’s manipulating you into getting back together with him!” 
Tears were beginning to stream down your face now, but you didn’t care. You never wanted to see Rafe again. He made you feel like a little girl again, someone who couldn’t make her own decisions or take care of herself. He had diminished your feelings and cast them aside, for what? Because he didn’t like Dylan? 
Well, he didn’t know Dylan like you did.
“Can you please just leave?” you finally asked. 
Rafe Cameron always knew when to stop pushing. “Y/N, I just want you to take some time to think about this. Text or call me tonight, okay?” 
You nodded silently, having already made up your mind. 
Surely, they are just friends. Rafe would never do anything to jeopardize his relationship with Y/N. She has come to mean the world to him, and losing her would be like trying to breathe without air. 
As he walked off from her house that morning, frustrated at himself and at the world, he thought I care, I care about you so much, I might even care about you more than you care about me. 
Then, I wish I could tell you.
TAGLIST: @holy-macncheese-balls @everythingmarveltopgun @maybankslover (let me know if you want to be added!)
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