#regulus x kreacher
No 11 of the new asks
11. A ship that makes me want to look into the camera like I'm on The Office
Many come to mind. I am very much a canon shipper.
But anytime I see any human character paired with a house elf...no. Just...just no. No. No.
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swiftiereg · 6 months
Regulus was Sirius‘ favorite cousin.
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manwrre · 3 months
every time i’m reading a hp fic and they mention regulus and kreacher, my chest hurts because i love them your honor. they mean the world to me. a boy and his fucking house elf have killed me, i keep thinking about that ‘my baby my baby you’re my baby’ song by mitski and listen, i know it’s mainly fanon but they’re everything TO ME
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binvibin · 2 months
kreacher and regulus are just alfred and batman
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wizarding-world-povs · 3 months
Just something about reading Harry Potter.
For the first time you read it, you go through a whirlpool of emotions, the characters you were rooting for die, the number of events that happen, etc, that just shape you in a way.
However, the next time you read it, you encounter the characters all over again. You understand them all over again.
You understand Snape's resentment to Harry.
You understand that Petunia still loved Lily even though she denied it.
You understand the lengths Snape went through to protect Harry.
You meet Sirius Black. You meet Remus Lupin. You meet Peter Pettigrew. You meet James Potter. You meet the Marauders.
You meet Ron, Hermione, Harry. You meet Draco, Narcissa, Andromeda. You meet Molly, Arthur, Tonks. You meet those who sacrificed themselves, you meet those who've been so changed and altered by the events that took place, they're almost unrecognisable. You meet those who lived to tell their tales.
And you meet the people you hate — Umbridge, Fudge, Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Parkinson.
You meet so many people, you form so many relationships — you love some of these people, and you hate some of these people.
The first time you read Harry Potter? The emotions you feel are of hope, of happiness, of a childish innocence.
The second time you read it, however? You are filled with longing, a yearning, a dread for all the lives lost that you cannot save, that you cannot bring back. You've matured now, and you know what will happen next.
You are filled with a sense of home for what would never be.
And the next time you read it, the same emotions conflict you. You feel a sense of love, laughter, happiness, joy, mourning, grief, yearning, loathing... you feel a sense of home, a sense of love, a sense of warmth.
Just like Harry did at Hogwarts.
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 1 - Rugby
@jegulus-microfic March 1 Word count 999
This is a continuation from last month.
Previous part First part
James took his hand, and they entered the cave. It was black as pitch in there. The light from outside barely illuminated the entrance. They carried on towards the back of the cave with their wands lit.
“There’s a safe house in Rugby set up for us to go to once we have whatever’s in there,” James said as he inspected the cave wall. 
“It’s just a cave.” Regulus peered around the gloom, looking for any sign that there was more, only half listening to James’s words. 
“It’s not. Can’t you feel that?” James had lifted his hand to the back wall. “There’s dark magic here.” Regulus moved closer and pressed his hand next to James’s on the icy cold stone. 
It was too cold. Colder than it should have been. He closed his eyes and felt the dark magic marbling through the cave wall. 
“You’re right,” He took out a small dagger and sliced a long, thin line down his palm.
“What are you doing!” James watched, horrified. 
“It’s blood magic. You need to give blood to open the secret passage.” 
As soon as the blood touched the wall, a cracking groaning echoed around the cave as a secret passage opened before them. 
James grabbed Regulus’s hand and performed a simple healing spell to erase the cut. 
Before them lay a huge Cavan, so tall their wand light was lost.
They stopped before a vast lake that covered most of the cave floor. 
“Nox,” Regulus whispered, extinguishing the light at the end of his wand before casting another spell that shot a glowing orb of light into the darkness above them. It lit more than their wands had. 
They could now see an island in the middle of the lake. “Kreacher said there’s a boat somewhere along here.” He walked along the edge of the water until James yelled.
“There’s something here!” They grabbed ahold of the invisible chain and pulled. It was just as icy cold as the cave wall had been. Regulus tapped it with his wand, and the thick chain appeared before them, attached to a tiny boat. 
They carefully got into it and waited. Nothing happened. Regulus tapped it and tried a few spells, but nothing. 
“I think it’s because there are two of us.” They were cramped in the boat it was clearly made for one. 
James pulled something out from under his robes and swung it around himself, disappearing. The boat started moving. James’s invisibility cloak had hidden enough of his magical power to trick the boat into magically escorting them across the mirror-still water. James tried to see the bottom, but Regulus pulled him back. 
“Kreacher said to be wary of the water.” 
The boat bumped gently against the island, and they clambered out. 
They climbed up the steep slope to the top, where a basin stood filled with a glowing green potion. Sitting at the bottom was a locket. 
“Kreacher said I need to drink it.” He walked forward, took a small goblet out of his pocket and scooped some of the potion into it. James grasped his wrist before he could take the first sip. “James, I have to. It’s the only way to get the locket out.” 
“No, Reg, there has to be another way. We don’t even know what it is, what it does.”
“We do know what it does. It causes pain. James, I must drink it all. Even if I beg you, I can’t. You have to make me.” James looked deeply into Regulus’s eyes, his jaw quivering. His hand tightened momentarily on Regulus’s wrist before he let go and nodded. 
Regulus took a sip. It was icy fire coursing through his body. It was as if someone had hit him with the cruciatus curse. He yelped but drained the goblet and refilled it. 
Again and again, he drank. He was starting to see things in the shadows. His mother and father loomed over him. Sirius on the night he left Grimmauld Place. A fake James telling him he hated him. If James hadn’t been stroking his back, he’d probably have fallen for the fake James’s words and broken down. 
He dropped to his knees, unable to stand any longer. James took the goblet from his hands and refilled it. Regulus drank and drank and drank, and just when he thought if he drank another drop, he’d break from the pain, it was over. 
“Reg—Reg, you did it. We have the locket.” James exclaimed.
“I’m so thirsty, James.” Regulus croaked. 
“You can have all the water you want as soon as we get out of here. You just need to wait a little longer.” James said soothingly as he transfigured an old necklace of his mothers into a copy of the locket they had just taken. 
He was putting it in the basin and watching the green potion refill when he realised Regulus was no longer at his feet. “REG NO!!!!” 
Regulus dipped his hand into the lake, and the water erupted with movement as though it was boiling. 
Inferi crawled to the surface, grabbing at Regulus. James rushed forward and dragged him away from the water’s edge. The Inferi kept coming. James panicked and threw the invisibility cloak over them. The Inferi paused, unable to tell where they had gone. James shuffled them into the tiny boat and waited for it to move. But it didn’t. It didn’t know anyone in it. James made a decision. He put the locket into Regulus’s robes and removed himself from the cloak.
The Inferi surged forward again, grabbing at the boat and rocking it. 
“Incendio—Incendio—Incendio!” James cast repeatedly. It kept them away for seconds before the hands crawled back along the boat’s sides. 
The boat crashed into the side of the bank, throwing James into the damp sand. He scrambled to his feet as the hands scratched at his ankles. He grabbed hold of Regulus and fled the cave, leaving the inhabitants far behind.       
Next part
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Make Something Good from Something Bad
Summary: Orion Black has died. Now it's time for Regulus to take his place as the head of the family.
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: T
You stood outside of Walburga’s sitting room looking down at your feet. A temporary darkness had fallen over the household and left everyone in a state of confusion. What had started as a peaceful morning turned into a nightmare when you received a telegram stating that Orion Black had died.
When the telegram arrived via owl, you hated waking Regulus up. While he needed to know, you didn’t want to be the one to let your husband in on the disaster at hand. You wanted to protect him as long as you could but you knew that you couldn’t wait long. Protecting Regulus was your reason for everything. You knew that he wouldn’t be a bit sad over the loss of his father. Their relationship was horribly toxic and abusive. The pair hadn’t even said a word to the other in at least six months.
After your wedding and some time in a “sane and loving” household, Regulus truly began to see how bad off his family was. He broke off a lot of contact with his parents unless he absolutely had to. When he did have to contact his parents, it was Walburga…and she was enough!
The two of you had cultivated a happy and quaint life on the opposite side of London. Everything was going wonderfully…until today. Now…you were afraid to think of how everything would be. Orion’s death meant that Regulus was now head of the Black family. Did that mean that the two of you would have to live in Grimmauld Place? You certainly hoped not. You had never told Regulus but Grimmauld Place gave you the creeps. There were too many dark corners and it was always too cold.
You also worried that being back in Grimmauld Place for any length of time would cause Regulus to retreat back to the cold shell that he had made for himself. You had grown up with Regulus being dark and grumpy. Once the two of you married and moved away, you saw another side of Regulus. He smiled more and his sense of humor reminded you a lot of Sirius. Seeing your love come alive was all that you could possibly want
…please don’t let it be ruined.
You silently prayed as the sitting room door opened. Walburga walked out with Evan behind her. Your mother-in-law gave you a cold frown before stomping down the hallway to her bedroom. Shaking your head, your eyes rolled up to meet your brother’s face. Evan gave you a wink before leaning close.
“I gave the piranha a sleeping pill. You won’t be hearing from her for some time. You’re welcome.”
You smirked. Yet again, Evan proved that you could always count on your older brother.
“Piranha, huh? Very fitting comparison.”
Evan was clearly pleased with himself. He smiled before his face became serious.
“Reg needs you. You are all that he wants.”
Evan patted your shoulder before going off in search of a drink. After a day like today…he needed booze.
You waited a few seconds before going into the sitting room and closing the door. Regulus sat looking out the window with a frown on his face. You didn’t move to say anything or go to him too quickly but stood silently watching him.
My poor darling…
You thought looking at him. Regulus looked exactly as he had an hour or so ago when Walburga shut the sitting room door to exclude you from the conversation. Forget that you were Regulus’ wife and a member of the family now. Walburga hated you and she would make sure that you knew it. piranha
The old bitch really will get what is coming to her once Regulus takes things over. If he doesn’t lock her in a home someplace with other mentally deranged adults I will totally be surprised.
You thought as your attention turned back to Regulus. Even in the face of turmoil, you couldn’t help but fall deeper in love with him. Everything about Regulus was perfect. From the way, not a curl was messy or out of place, to his perfect posture, to his perfect jawline down to his hands. He sat toying with one of the rings on his left hand as his grey eyes looked out the window, not a word being said.
“They’re gone.”
You commented finally. Regulus didn’t say anything as you approached him carefully. You breathed in his expensive-smelling cologne before he turned to look at you. Regulus was exhausted and you could clearly see it.
“Good. Those two know how to suck the life force right out of you.”
Regulus hated being this moody, especially to you. You deserved nothing negative, in Regulus’ mind. After all, you were the one that saved him. You had singlehandedly saved him from the disaster known as his family. Now, unfortunately, the two of you were being thrown right back into it.
Being thrown back into it…
That was the LAST thing that Regulus wanted. He was completely happy with life away from his family. Being in a loving home was what he wanted to spend the rest of his life in…to raise his own family…not be back into the seventh layer of hell.
“I’m sorry, Y/n.”
Regulus didn’t see the confusion on your face. Now that he was the head of his family, he was afraid that you would leave him. He was afraid that with you knowing his family’s history, you would have enough. It wouldn’t matter if Regulus would protect you from Walburga. Eventually, you would have enough and want someone else.
You, meanwhile, moved to sit on Regulus’ lap. Reaching out, you tucked a curl behind his ear before leaning in for a kiss.
“Why are you apologizing?”
Regulus sighed. He took your hand in his and brought it to his lips. Nuzzling his face into your skin, he closed his eyes savoring the moment. This one peaceful moment could get him through the upcoming circus of days.
“Because I am dragging you back into this bullshit. It's only a matter of time before you are tired of it and leave.”
Your mouth dropped.
“Regulus, it will take a lot more than your devil of a mother to scare me away from you. I’m your wife. I love you. I also know that you will never let your mother treat me badly. When I married you, I took a promise for better and for worse…this is our for worse but surely we can make something good of it.”
Regulus leaned back in the chair feeling somewhat better. He reached out and stroked a hand over your cheek. You really were something...and he would never let you go.
“Yes…we can make something good of it.”
@amelie-black @jessyballet @knreidy1 @georgeweasleydumbhoe @justfinishthis @acciosiriusblack @siriuslyceleste @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @darkenwolfie @ell0ra-br3kk3r @stelleduarte @millies0bsimp @coffeeaddictednymph @rogue-nyx88 @readtomeregulus @starsval @daddyslittlevillain @panpride @saramaple @missgorldafirst @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @f4iryluvy @s-we-e-t-t-ea @i-love-scott-mccall @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @quinis @padf00ts-l0ver @goldensunshineshit @haroldpotterson @aurorasnape12 @ad-astra-again @dumybitch @mentally-unstable-hoe @yousmellllikecaca @lostarc24 @play-morezeppelin @ravenhood2792 @un-lovesherself @rubyroscoe1 @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @melaninnbarbie @criminalyetminimal @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @summer-novak @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032 @untoldshortsofthefandoms @deanwherescas @sprnaturallover @wontlookaway @shitfaceddaniel-blog @knight-of-gleefulness @li0nh34rt @tas898 @mycuddlycorner @marichromatic @mycuddlycorner
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cressthebest · 3 months
Art Heist, Baby! thoughts pt. 11
another single-chapter post
chapter 29:
1. i’m so ready for regulus to get fussy over james’ fun wound. like, maybe it’s just me, but i see this as an opportunity for reg to dote all over james and make sure he’s okay.
2. i love the quiet background rosekiller. god i love them <3333
3. hell yeah! i was right about reg being doting. he called james “love”. the domestic bits will only last so long though
4. kreacher is back babey! i love the way they worked him into the ahb universe
5. i’m so worried about how the police found out and if someone betrayed them, and who
6. reg is crying over james. while this is so sad, i’m actually so excited for the potential angst and all the domesticity this will bring
7. “James put his life in Regulus’ hands a long time ago; he would go happily if that was what was required of him.” 😐 god he’s such a fucking simp
8. james is being held while being comforted for the first time in his life. because he always comforts others. and now reg is comforting him. this fic is destroying parts of me, and healing other parts
9. euphemia thinks james got mixed up with the wrong sort of people, but james knows that he found people he loves and who loves him. and i’m sobbing. the people on the bus see me sobbing
10. thank fucking god that reg realizes it’s not sirius. (but that only further hints at it being peter)
11. 😳 reg is threatening murder on the mole
12. i love how in this scenario, reg takes guilderoy lockheart’s identity like lockheart would always do in canon
13. i love to know that reg was panicking in the other car during the chase and only pulled himself together for the team, and was otherwise a complete wreck
14. siri and reg are 100% a team again fuck yeahhhhh!!
15. nooo this is so funny. reg and james have finally gotten over the shock and reg is asking him to join the mile high club. 😭😭😭😭 he’s so desperate, jesus
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hxuse-xf-black · 1 year
George at any pivotal moment in his life:
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Sirius, defending himself to Kreacher:
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Bellatrix when Regulus is sent on missions:
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Tonks explaining to Mad-Eye how she's gonna take down a criminal:
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Andromeda when Ted gets called mudblood:
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Barty describing Narcissa:
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Regulus and sirius fight like sisters. In the sense that they will go from calling each other horrific names and airing out their dirty laundry to bullying a house elf to take them to McDonald’s. I think it’s beautiful.
Sirius: Stop being in love near me you dumb bitch (reg was playing with the promise ring James got him)
Regulus: oh sorry you are an emotionally constipated slut who cant tell Remus you love him
Sirius: ohhh look at you mr james did all the courting
Regulus: well that’s because i deserve to be treated like a princess 👑
Sirius: the only type of princess you are is a pillow princess
Regulus: ahh you cunt
*queue shovinh and slapping fight*
*30 mins after they left to there rooms*
Sirius: you want to ask Kreacher to get is Mcdonals for dinner
Regulus: you want your usual
Sirius: yes pls 🙏
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starchaserdreams · 8 months
So basically I need someone to read what I have of this fanfic All For You to tell me if it's worth continuing to write.
It's only like 17k so far so idk if it's worth working on until the end
I have two other big projects that I could work on instead if not this one. It's not really polished enough for ao3 yet, but it'd get the idea across.
Anyway lmk if you'd be interested. It's the Kreacher Saves Regulus fic (but I'm nowhere near that far into it, they're still at school), James/Regulus, canon until it isn't, no mcd or warnings apply other than maybe bad parenting from the Blacks.
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
Meet my Harry Potter oc C.O.B
Cassiopeia Ophelia Black
Age: 36
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(Has a faded four clawed scar across her right eye to her lower left chin from her Hogwarts years)
Personality: clever, calculating, kind, observant, caring, loyal, intelligent, resourceful, crafty, creative, patient, artistic, protective, determined, strong-willed, courageous, polite, serious, sarcastic, playful, ambitious, resilient, independent, cunning, confident, motherly, compassionate, generous, strategic
Family: Walburga (mother/dead), Orion (father/dead), Sirius (older brother), Regulus (younger brother/dead), Kreacher (house-elf), Edmund Avery (husband/dead), Rhea (daughter), Perseus (son/twin to Rhea), Severus Snape (friend/brother figure/ her children's godfather), Lucius (cousin in law), Narcissa (cousin), Draco (cousin), Bellatrix (cousin), Andromeda (disowned cousin), Nymphadora Tonks (cousin)
Species: Witch
Blood status: Pureblood
School: Hogwarts School of Magic and wizardry
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Patronus: Black Swan
Animagus form: Raven
Love interest: Remus Lupin
Title: Lady of house black (formerly), Head of house Black (currently)
Occupation: Lawyer at the Ministry of Magic
Classification: Death eater (formerly), Phoenix order (now/double agent)
Extra: Cassiopeia was born a few months after her older brother Sirius, but she was premature and almost died as a baby until the healers of St.Mungos helped with the situation. Growing up, she was always known for her beauty and intelligence. She was more beautiful than all the women in her family, including her mother, but she could never surpass Sirius's beauty, but she could always be a few steps ahead of him. When she went to Hogwarts, she was sorted into Ravenclaw, which caused some distress in her family, but both her parents agreed that it was slightly better than being a "weak Hufflepuff" or an "idiotic Gryffindor" and she was slightly in her parents good graces. Cassie was always top of her class (except in flying) and even became best friends with Severus in her mid 2nd year. After she graduated, she married Edmund Avery, joined the death eaters, and had her twins during the war. She also became a spy for the Phoenix order alongside Snape and is the head of House Black.
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swiftiereg · 8 months
This is my Roman Empire:
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myoddessy · 2 years
the new world. regulus black.
pairing(s) —regulus black x fem!reader
note —this is kind of a sequel to this fic but you don't have to read it to understand
A CHILLING FEAR GRIPPED Regulus the second he saw the caves over rocky waves. Anxiety curled and clawed in his stomach the closer he got, until he was forced to dig crescent moons into his palms to force back the bile that threatened to escape. Kreacher kept looking back at him as the boat swayed, hoping against hope that his master would change his mind and go back to where he knew you'd be waiting.
Kreacher wasn't fond of most, but he couldn't deny the way he reluctantly cared for you. In the limited time he had spent with you, you'd been different to the others. You'd been kind to him, civil, shown him a warmth and care he wasn't sure people apart from Regulus possessed. He was, however, smart. He knew the risks that came from this task. He knew full well that he might have to return to you with a near empty boat and an empty hand.
Regulus didn't take heed of the time that passed with every move he made, everything a dazed blur until he found himself no longer of treacherous seas, but instead treading over rocky path. His breath froze before his face and his cheeks were stained a cherry-red. A pebble fell from one of the rocks behind him and echoed throughout the cave as it plummeted towards the clear water below. Regulus swallowed thickly, knowing he'd meet a similar fate if he didn't care for his steps.
With no words exchanged, Kreacher allowed Regulus to pull him towards the rowboat resting before them. Regulus' mind was blank as he rowed, arms burning as the journey dragged and the oars hit of things he could only pray were stones. Despite the worry, he couldn't help but stare at the waters below. Such a peaceful thing where the only disturbance was the ripples the boat cast as it pushed forward. He wondered if the seas in France and Greece were much the same, hoping to see this through to take you there some day.
Kreacher's blood ran cold when Regulus drank from the bath, stomach and heart turning when he saw the unstoppable agony his master was put through. His clammy hands shook as he raised the final shell to Regulus' lips and dashing to fill it with water as soon as it was finished.
What happened next happened so quickly, Kreacher couldn't recount it if he tried. All he remembered were five distinct things.
One. The screech that came from the bony fingers of the inferno scraping along the stone they stood one.
Two. The panic on Regulus' face as adrenaline shoved fatigue and anguish from his body.
Three. The strength the boy had when he pushed Kreacher to the boat and on his way to safer waters.
Four. The cold slap of guilt that struck after realising that his worst fear had come true.
Five. The demand in Regulus voice when he yelled one final command.
"Make sure she's safe!"
Regulus knew long ago that the world was ending, but when he look at you, it all faded away. Like you were the new world. Like you were his world. And you were, all that and more. You had bewitched him, body and soul, and he loved you, to quote that muggle novel you'd read to him aloud one candlelit night in the common room. And as the skeletal hands of the inferni clawed at his legs and torso, dragging him down until he was submerged is the crystalline waters of ice he'd previously admired, he channelled his mind to serenity.
This was the end for him, this was where he left, but only with the hope that you'd know that when the sun rises in the morning, the tide of a new future would be rushing forward. Know that he always had, and always will, love you. And that this was all for you and your dream, his lovely star.
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 29 - Address
@jegulus-microfic February 29 Word count 918
Previous part First part
The meeting was in an hour, and still, Kreacher hadn’t returned. Regulus was getting worried that the house elf never would. 
“Regulus, it is time for us to be leaving.” Walburga was suddenly in front of him. He’d been so lost in his thoughts he hadn’t even heard her approaching. That had been dangerous and foolish. 
“Yes, Maman, I’m coming.” Walburga grasped his arm with her claw-like fingers, digging the nails in more than was necessary. 
They apparated outside the gates of Malfoy Manor. Regulus followed Walburga, who swept into the grounds as if she owned the place. 
“My dear Lady Black,” Voldemort swooped over to address her as soon as she’d entered the drawing room. She held out her hand, and Voldemort lowered his lipless mouth to it, kissing her knuckles. Regulus had to hide his sudden nausea. 
“I hope Kreacher is serving you well, My Lord.”
“Yes, though I am afraid the elf blundered at the last moment and didn’t survive the task given to it.” Regulus gulped. Kreacher couldn’t be dead! 
“I apologise profusely, My Lord. Kreacher has always been a loyal, diligent servant.” Even Regulus caught the slight tang of fear in his mother’s words. Voldemort peered at Walburga before his strange smile crossed his face. 
“I do not blame you, Lady Black. It is hardly your fault that the elf was unable to perform the task I asked of it.” Regulus spotted Evan and Barty and took a step towards them. “Regulus, do not stray. We must greet your cousins.” Walburga hissed at him before he could go any further. Reluctantly, Regulus followed his mother around the room, making small talk with the country’s worst, the entire time worrying about Kreacher.
Once he’d been around the entire congregation, Walburga allowed him to greet his friends while she took part in a side meeting with Lucius and Narcissa.  
“Fucking hell Reg, you look like shit.” Barty greeted him. 
“Thank you, Bartemius, for your kind words.” He looked around to make sure they weren’t being watched. “Prick,” He smirked at his friend. 
“So why’s Lady Twat still here?” Evan asked, keeping his voice low. 
“The Dark Lord asked for Kreacher to help with something. He’s dead.” He swallowed, biting back the swell of emotions, fighting to get out. 
The meeting took forever to get through. Regulus made careful notes in his mind of the new attacks and raids Voldemort had planned to write in his notebook. 
Walburga escorted him home after the meeting ended. 
“Well, I suppose I shall have to procure a new servant.” She said, making it seem like an inconvenience. “Shame, Kreacher was useful.” She continued on as if he meant nothing to her, which Regulus supposed was probably true as Walburga Black cared for no one but herself. “I shall be leaving for the country estate in the morning. I expect you to be up and dressed to bid me farewell.”
“Yes, Maman.”
“Goodnight, Maman.” 
Regulus waited until he heard her bedroom door close, then raced to his own room. “Kreacher!” He called in his most demanding voice. “Kreacher, come here!” He called, and he called. “Kreacher, I demand that you return to this house!” A sharp crack made him jump as the shivering form of his house elf appeared on the carpet before him. 
He gathered the elf into his arms and let the tears drip onto his limp form. He was freezing cold. Regulus grabbed a blanket from his bed, wrapped it around the elf and placed him in front of the fire to warm.
He must have fallen asleep at some point because he woke to his mother screaming his name. He quickly smoothed his robes and hurried to the stairs. 
“Finally! Well goodbye. I do not know when I shall return next. I shall send word when I am.” And that was that, no heartfelt words. Regulus was just left alone in that gloomy house. 
Kreacher was alert when Regulus returned to his room. 
“Sorry, Master Regulus, Kreacher just needs a moment, and he’ll get your breakfast ready.” The elf croaked, followed by a hacking cough. 
“Don’t be ridiculous, Kreacher. The only thing I need from you is to tell me where he took you.” The elf started shaking as he turned his huge, round eyes to stare hauntedly at Regulus. 
“The Dark Lord took Kreacher to a cave, Master Regulus.” Regulus inhaled. The cave!
He got Kreacher to tell him everything he could, and then he got him to repeat it all again. 
He wrapped the elf more firmly in the blankets and told him he was to stay there and recover, and he was to talk to no one and never repeat what they had just discussed. He pulled out his mirror and opened it. 
“James! James!” A bleary-eyed James Potter appeared. Squinting into the mirror. “James the cave. He took Kreacher to the cave. I think he hid a Horcrux there. James, I need your help.” He blurted out at high speed. James carefully placed his glasses on his face and blinked the sleep from his eyes. 
“Okay, where should I meet you?”
They stood beside each other on the rocks, staring into the blackness of the cave entrance on the side of the cliffs. James took his hand as they prepared to enter.
“Ready, love?” Regulus looked up into James’s warm hazel eyes and felt a bravery he’d never felt before as he turned back to the cave. 
To be continued…
Next part
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Black Heart Part 11
Regulus Black AU
Request: Will you write a Regulus x Reader fic where Regulus is older than the reader? She comes to help the Order and Regulus falls in love with her. The relationship isn’t easy because of the war and Regulus’ denial that he would be a good boyfriend.
Summary: Admitting that he was in love had never been something that Regulus wanted to do. Now that you were in his life, Regulus didn’t know how to react. Should he love you or push you away just like he had everyone else?
Rating: M
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Link to Part 10
The moment Regulus stepped into the room with Ellie, your eyes fluttered open. Regulus had never been happier to see you looking at him. After watching you be taken away from him so fast with little preparation…Regulus was ready to come apart. All of the books that he had read never prepared him for THAT.
Sirius gave you a small nod before moving to sit down in a chair near the window. He wasn’t about to ruin this moment for his little brother. Witnessing it, was more than enough for Sirius.
You smiled seeing Regulus and the small bundle in his arms. Regulus held the baby like the most treasured jewel in the world. All of your hidden worries about Regulus somehow being like his father vanished.
Regulus looked ready to kill whoever may lay a hand on the baby in his arms.
“Are you okay?”
You asked softly. Regulus blinked a few times before quickly coming to join you. He gently placed the baby in your arms before returning to his confused state.
“You just had twins and you’re asking me if I am alright?”
You nodded as you looked down at your baby. Everything about Ellie was perfect.
“Yes, I am. Again, are you alright?”
You asked before stroking a finger over Ellie’s cheek to her little nose. She opened one little eye and looked at you before yawning and snuggling against your chest.
Regulus was sitting in silence for a moment. He was partially taking in your concern about him and partially loving watching you hold his baby. Regulus wanted to sit and just watch you for as long as he could.
How did his father not enjoy this?
It was the only thought that Regulus could make. He would never understand how Orion wasn’t with Walburga when he and Sirius were born. How could he not look at his children and feel some form of paternal love? Regulus couldn't even think about Ellie or Emmy growing up the way that he did. There would be no way that he would let that happen! Emmy and Ellie would always know that they were loved and wanted.
The same question could be said for Walburga too. How could she not care more about her children? The best Regulus could come up with was that he would never understand them or their thinking.
Your soft voice pulled Regulus from his thoughts. He leaned forward taking your free hand in his.
“I’m fine now. You scared me nearly to death. How are you feeling?”
You squeezed his hand as Regulus moved to sit closer to you on the bed.
“I’m feeling much better now. She’s perfect, you know.”
You said turning your attention back to Ellie. The baby had opened her tiny eyes and you were delighted to see that they were the same shade as her father’s.
“Of course, she’s perfect.”
Regulus replied before letting his mind go back to Emmy. He automatically frowned as the panic began to surge back. Remembering that his other daughter wasn’t 100% was now Regulus’ thing to fixate on. What if she wasn’t okay? What if she was born too early and something happened?
I can’t think like that.
Regulus muttered quietly to himself before taking a breath.
“Did the doctor talk to you about Emmy?”
You nodded, automatically picking up on your lover’s worry.
“She will be fine, Regulus. This is normal with twins…”
“Yeah, but those twins aren’t our twins.”
Regulus interrupted. You again squeezed his hand, hoping to calm his raging anxiety.
“Yes, the statistics aren’t our twins but I can assure you that our Emmy will be fine. I have taken care of many sets of twins. The healers are going to have her working just fine. There are some potions and spells that they are doing.”
“See Reg, I told you that everything would be okay.”
Sirius commented. Regulus only nodded as a healer came in. You were instantly relieved to see that she was holding what had to be Emmy in her arms.
And not a moment too soon…
You thought with a pleased smile. Of course, you were worried about Emmy but you knew medically that everything would be okay. Regulus didn’t have that knowledge. He only had what information that you gave him. Squeezing Regulus’ hand, you motioned to the doorway. Regulus immediately stood up to take Emmy from the healer. Coming back to join you, the both of you sighed in relief to see that Emmy was just as perfect as her sister.
Sirius had gotten up from his place and came over to join the two of you. He smiled looking at the baby in Regulus’ arms and the baby in your arms.
“Yep, they are identical. I think the both of you literally hit copy and paste.”
(2 weeks later)
Sirius stood outside Grimmauld Place with a frown on his face. Glancing over his shoulder, he made sure that he wasn’t being followed. Sirius had been taking a lot of extra care when he came for a visit now. Call it nervous jitters or whatever you like but Sirius was worried about some death eater following him to where his nieces slept. As far as Sirius was concerned, he was ready to take out any fucktard that looked in Ellie or Emmy’s direction.
That is partially why I am here.
Sirius thought. He was there with news that Regulus may or may not like. Only time would tell on that one.
Regulus opening the door pulled Sirius from his thoughts. He automatically smirked at his younger brother’s rather disheveled appearance. Regulus was normally always put together and tidy. Today, he looked exhausted with his shirt sleeve rolled up and nearly untucked.
“You look…well.”
Sirius commented as he stepped in. Regulus gave Sirius a glare as he shut the door.
“I look like stomped over crap.”
Sirius grinned as he looked around the neatly maintained house. He was thankful that you had brought some life into the place. It didn’t necessarily look like a haunted house anymore.
“Did the little angels keep you awake?”
Regulus yawned before nodding.
“They have been up since four. I swear for them being identical they do nothing identically. When one is asleep the other is awake. When one’s hungry the other needs a change. I’m exhausted.”
Sirius laughed to himself as he went over to where the twins lay.
“Awe, I think Daddy will be just fine. Daddy just needs to get over himself don’t he?”
Sirius commented in a high-pitched voice. Ellie gave him a little frown while Emmy just blinked.
“Daddy is going to kick you.”
Regulus grumbled. Sirius again chuckled.
“That one is always scowling at me. Which one is that?”
Regulus commented before motioning to the little blanket the baby was wrapped in.
“If you could read then you would notice that the blanket says their names on them. Molly dropped them off.”
Sirius frowned before looking down at the blankets closely. Sure enough, both blankets had each baby’s name neatly embroidered on them.
“Well, would you look at that? Apparently, Uncle Sirius is a big dummy. I have come to the conclusion that Ellie is your mini. She scowls at me just like you do. Emmy is Y/n’s mini. She’s just peaceful and calm.”
Regulus moved to sit down.
“Yeah, she’s calm alright. Just wait until it's 2 am and she has a loaded diaper.”
Sirius winced.
“Ew, not my thing. You, on the other hand, look like you were born to change dirty diapers.”
A small smile formed on Regulus’ face.
“I suppose so. I’m almost positive that Kreacher is now in hiding. He heard the two of them screaming at the same time and ran for it. I haven’t seen him in days.”
“He may have died.”
Sirius interrupted. Regulus gave him a displeased look.
“Mate, don’t.”
Sirius held a hand up ready to defend his thinking.
“Reg, he’s like a million years old. He was old when we were kids.”
Regulus rolled his eyes.
“Don’t let Y/n hear you say that. You know that she adores Kreacher besides…she’s a little sensitive right now. She’s bursting into tears at the smallest thing…thankfully Tonks and Andromeda showed up like god damned fairy godmothers to help out. They’re in the kitchen having tea. Anyway, what are you up to today? It's early for you to make an appearance.”
Sirius’ smile fell as he, once again, looked over his shoulder.
“I have something for you. I was going to take care of it myself but I figured that you would want to join in. I didn’t want you getting jealous because…”
“What is it, Sirius? I am going on three hours of sleep and don’t want to play charades.”
Regulus interjected. There were just times, like today, when Sirius could be exhausting.
“First, off interrupting is rude. Second, I have Pettigrew tied to a chair in my flat. I wanted to see if you wanted to get a few hits in before I finished him off.”
Regulus nearly broke the chair that he was sitting in to get up. Had he heard Sirius correctly? Did he really say that he had the one man that Regulus wanted to choke? He was almost 99% positive that he had heard his older brother correctly.
“How did you get him?”
Regulus questioned as he moved to make sure that you were still eagerly talking to Tonks and Andromeda. When he was sure that you hadn’t heard anything, Regulus turned back to Sirius.
“It's fine, she’s busy.”
Regulus replied, giving the go-ahead for Sirius to speak.
“I ran into him in a dark ally way. He tried to run, I hit him over the head. As much as I wanted to finish him off for James and Lily… I knew that you would want to get a hit in for how he threatened Y/n and the twins.”
Regulus immediately looked furious. His attention went to the twins who were now cuddled together sleeping. Sirius was right. Regulus did want to kill Peter. He wanted to make sure the other man downright suffered!
Regulus focused his attention back on Sirius. He wondered just how dirty Sirius wanted to get his hands. Regulus knew that Sirius was definitely capable of killing Peter himself. There was no questioning that but the question was, would he?
“I nearly killed him last night but I thought that was too good for him. The worm doesn’t deserve an easy way out.”
Sirius replied, feeling the rage over losing James and Lily return. Peter’s deception and betrayal were still “a cut” that never healed itself. Sirius did well at hiding his true feelings most days but when Peter came back to endanger Regulus’ family’s lives…everything was torn right back open again.
“Did you leave him alone?”
Regulus questioned. Sirius shook his head.
“Remus is with him now. He wanted to get a few punches in too.”
Regulus had already pulled his coat on. He was going to do more than punch Peter. Regulus was going to make damn sure that Peter regretted ever mentioning a word about any member of the Black family.
“I’ll be doing more than that. Excuse me for a moment.”
Regulus turned and went into the kitchen where you sat with Tonks and Andromeda. He felt guilty leaving you immediately even if it was only for a few hours. Regulus knew that you were as exhausted as he was. He justified it, however, by telling himself that he was getting rid of the waste of space…a cowardly, useless waste of space that no longer deserved to breathe.
“Love, can I talk to you for a moment?”
You immediately got up and followed Regulus into the study. Something on Regulus’ face made you nervous.
“Is something wrong?”
You asked. Regulus shook his head, trying with everything he had to appear normal.
“Love, I’m going out with Sirius for a bit. He needs my help with something.”
You raised an eyebrow before glancing to where Sirius stood. Even his expression seemed “off”
“What does he need help with? Both of you seem off. Regulus, what are you doing?”
Regulus took a breath before moving forward to pull you into a kiss. His hand didn’t leave the side of your face.
“I can’t tell you right now. I need you to trust me and know what I am going to do is for the best. It's for the best of all of us. Can you do that?”
Regulus was relieved when you reluctantly nodded. He knew that he would have to tell you the truth soon enough. Until Peter was dead, however, he wanted you to stay in the dark. There was safety in the dark, especially now.
“Just be safe and come home to me. The girls and I need you.”
You said, hoping that Regulus wouldn’t be doing anything too dangerous. The main thing that you wanted to do was plant the seed that not only did the twins need Regulus but you needed him too.
Regulus kissed you again softly.
“I promise, I will be just fine. The three of you are my everything. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
Regulus kissed you one final time before following Sirius out the door….
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