#really she is iconic even without mentioning all the things she says
blush-and-books · 1 day
Also thoughts on finale!!!!!
1. Yes, felt a bit like a rushed finale, trying to tie up loose ends and whatnot. It is what it is, but in the 16-episode seasons the writers definitely were able to pace things insanely well, so you feel how clipped they are in this 10-episode season.
2. I was totally misled by fics and other posts that Harvey like pressured her into marrying him and that he had decided to move to Seattle without us getting to see them talk about it, but I was pleasantly surprised to not feel that way about how it went down!! When Donna brought up the concern that their families weren't there, he instantly said they'd do it again, and IDK something in Donna's vibe was just giving of crazy "yes I need to marry you right now" energy. The man she's been pining after for years is literally proposing to her with his grandmother's ring THAT HE WAS KEEPING IN HIS POCKET!!!! yeah i would fold and have an impulse wedding too. she got her bag!!
about Seattle, I made a post about this but lowkey it felt like an idea that Donna had, knowing that Harvey was leaving the firm and that with everything that's happened, they both needed a change of pace and a support system in Mike and Rachel. Huge bummer that we don't get to see how the decision was made, but her adamant behavior in telling Louis that they both want to leave and also her checking in with Harvey and asking HIM "are you sure you want to do this" felt very much like she was checking in because he had agreed to HER plan, not the other way around. She's very clearly comfortable and happy with the decision. We love to see it.
3. When Louis mentioned (before the Faye takedown) that him, Donna, and Harvey were all that was left of PEARSON HARDMAN, I fucking cried. I hadn't heard any of the characters call it PH in so long and it was a crazy realization that they really were the originals from before the series had even started.
4. Donna's dress was so beautiful at the wedding I kept looking at it like 🥹
5. Donna saying in her vows that 100 years would never be enough time with Harvey.... Yeah I felt that. They wasted so much time not being together that now, no amount of time is enough.
7. I wish after the wedding they were at least a little more affectionate with each other and we got one more "my wife"/"my husband" (DONNA DESERVES TO FLAUNT HER BAG!!!! (her bag is harvey <33)). Like I wish we just got a little more juice or something about them being excited to do this next chapter together or whatever. But oh well that's what fanfiction is for
8. When Donna instantly went to hold Lucy first and Harvey was just smiling at them.... Oh my mind was at WORK!!!
9. As iconic as it would have been for darvey to be walking out of the offices together, I actually really appreciated that last moment between Donna and Louis, because their friendship is incredibly strong and I liked that it was acknowledged!!! And having Harvey be the last one out was just very iconic like yeah I ate that up that's our man
10. name partner katrina bennett my beloved <333
Sorry for the long post!!! Thank you for asking about my thoughts I'd love to hear how you feel about any of the bits and just how the episode goes overall
(I also cannot wait for Netflix to finally drop season nine so I can get more darvey stills at last)
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one-squash-one-end · 1 year
ok so I have a lot of thoughts about Ianthe
this was originally notes i turned into a verbal monologue for a friend but I wanted to share with the class how much i love the existence of that creep; only goes up to htn because I haven't read Nona yet
disclaimer: i do in no way ship harrianthe
and I do not like Ianthe's character
HOWEVER, I do like that her character exists
she's horrible and despicable and does not do good things, but she is great to have in a scene because she is truly unhinged
like outright insane
and a super funny character, but there's a lot of those
she is not even the sexy villain trope because
corona is the sexy one while Ianthe is canonically a wet rat
she's not even a villain, she's just beefing with the main characters, who don't like her because that woman is unhinged
she's not that charming, manipulative person, more like despicable and therefore not really succeeding in manipulation
this bitch essentially figured out the entire lyctoral process on her own
that bit in htn where she gaslit harrow about cytherea's body being underneath her bed just for funsies, like she had no reason to do that
she has about zero good traits and I love tamsyn for writing that character
THE GOLD ARM (like yes, harrow made it, bit consider, she is a flesh magician, she could have slapped some meat on there but chose not to because she knows fashion)
just outright iconic, a horrible cannibalist with main character syndrome
like that's her main motivation, that and pursuing her love interest, who is in fact an unlikeable goblin
we deserve more unhinged women
this won't make sense to anyone but her diet (red meat and apples) correlates with what my bonkers history teacher deems healthy
feel free to add on to this in the tags because Ianthe is such a phenomenon
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lazycats-stuff · 4 months
Remember when u wrote batbro who's Australian? Now u HAVE TO do Italian! This time with Italian toddler batbro, please little Italian people with their small hand gestures are so funny and so fricking adorable to me I'm tearing up just thinking about it
Yeah, Italians are funny and adorable, but I think it would work better if it's a teen instead of a toddler, so I have to modify that part, I just think it would fit better. Also, 1.3k, thank you guys and yes, I know this is a little bit short, but I do want to get this out for you guys. Also, Italians are my neighboring country lol, so if any Italians are reading this, hi!
Summary: (Y/N) is Italian. The family can't deal with him.
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Bruce, yet again, found out he had another biological child. Another son. Bruce loved his sons, but he could get a daughter for once. Someone who was less chaotic to a certain degree. Turns out, when Bruce had a one night stand with an Italian model, she got pregnant and she didn't say anything to Bruce about his son for 13 years.
Bruce found out when she was put in jail. Bruce didn't know what happened, but he was more numb from the news that he has another son. Not to mention, man with a heavy Italian accent calling him in the middle of the night telling him about his son and Bruce having to call his lawyers...
The amount of paperwork that it took for Bruce to bring (Y/N) to America is nuts. Sure, you have to make sure that both governments know where the child is. The amount of connections Bruce had to pull just to get (Y/N) to the USA is actually insane. Thankfully, (Y/N) would soon get his citizenship and he would be able to keep his Italian citizenship.
Thankfully, both the US and Italy allow people to have multiple citizenships so (Y/N) could go back to Italy without any problems. Bruce and the others need to get visas. (Y/N) laughed at them when he heard that.
But hey, when they go to Italy, they will have a translator. And it's incredible to listen to (Y/N) not knowing English really. They weren't mocking him by any means, but they were crying of laughter a few times when there was some English problems.
But there were another things they didn't know about Italians. For example, (Y/N) was touchy in conversations. And he was closer to them, more in their space. None of them minded them, it was actually nice how closer he was to them because Americans prefer to keep their distance it seems.
And a thing that seemed like are they European or gay thing is the fact they have their little pecks on the cheek. It wasn't anything intimate by any means and it's a way to say hi to guests. Men do it as well so it wasn't gay per say... But then again... Bruce knew that Italy had a different way than Americans.
And by God, (Y/N) had so many cultural shocks. So many. The sizes of food in America... And (Y/N) will forever fight the notion that pineapple belongs on the pizza. He shall defend his Italian heritage and cuisine.
Also, while on the topic of the sizes, everything in America is huge. Cars, buildings... (Y/N) thought that in a way it lacked warmth. And (Y/N) didn't even want to think about the prices of medication and healthcare here. He knows that Bruce is rich, but still... My God.
Another thing was the fact that kind of annoyed Bruce and Alfred was the amount of espressos that (Y/N) can drink in a day. Tim loved him a lot for it, but Bruce and Alfred weren't so happy. So many espressos wasn't really helpful. But hey.
But one iconic thing that can make you tell who is an actual Italian or not, is the famous hand gesture. They still remember the time when (Y/N) was talking on the phone with a family member who lives in Italy and it seemed that the entire family was on the other side of the phone.
He was talking fast, phone on his ear while he was going to the kitchen to drink some water and get some snacks. They all watched in silence as (Y/N) talked loudly, even as he was opening the fridge for some snacks.
And that's when they saw it. The famous hand gesture, in between some passionate talk about something and yelling over the phone. He seemed annoyed, but there was a smile on the teen's face as he was talking.
Once he was finished, he joined his family at the table. Jason has decided to learn Italian. Bruce has silently agreed. Damian was already prepared to learn. Basically, the entire family has decided to learn Italian and help (Y/N) with English in return.
Another thing that made adapting to the American culture more difficult was the fact that talking and kind of interrupt one you are talking too. In Italy, that is not really considered rude since they are passionate about talking and just overall talking over.
In America, that is considered rude. He didn't like it that much, but understood. People won't like him that much and he would be considered a rude person if he interrupts other people. His family understood that it's not easy, but hey. You adapt to the culture and move on.
But still, it hurt a little bit.
And (Y/N) never understood one thing as well. Something called Italian Americans. He couldn't comprehend calling yourself Italian American, but you don't speak Italian and you are not connected to the culture of your other part. It was weird to him. No hate towards them, but to him it was weird. How can you call yourself a person who belongs to a certain culture if you don't know it?
But hey, no hate. As long as they don't insult Italy and the Italian culture, no hate.
And one more thing that no one prepares you for is the fact that you miss your home country. Despite Alfred doing the best Italian dishes known to men, but it just didn't taste the same. It didn't have that taste of Italy. Yes, it sounds weird, but it's true. Italy is one hell of a country with a rich history.
Oh the nostalgia is a worst feeling ever. Sure, it makes you feel happy and remember the great times you had., but sad at the same time. Bruce saw it, he wasn't blind.
He was sad for his son. So what does Bruce do? Summer holidays are approaching and Bruce had one great idea for everyone. 2 weeks in Italy, all paid for. He just needed to tell (Y/N) when and where they will be going.
And Bruce told him a few moments later, (Y/N) screamed from happiness and jumped into Bruce's arms, hugging him like a koala bear.
" Grazie Bruce! " (Y/N) screamed. Bruce didn't mind the use of his first name because (Y/N) was still getting used to the fact that he has a dad.
" Ti amo Bruce. " (Y/N) said as he stood back down at the floor. Bruce smile widely as he knew exactly what first two words meant.
" Love you too son. "
(Y/N) let out a woo as he went back to his room. Oh he will stuff himself with all of the Italian food he can eat and find. And he will go to Rome and the Vatican. No one is going to stop him. And not to mention, he will have to visit his family. They would never forgive him by any means and you don't want to piss off an Italian family.
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sunkissed-zegras · 1 month
Omg omg omg I just thought about uconn wbb team with their manager on live moments. Can we get a headcannon or fic for this?
I like to think that despite being the manager, she is best friends with the team and tends to be with them (they totally didn’t pull her from her work cuz she works so much noooooo, not at all)
(^ this could also possible be why people are suspicious of she has something going on with one of the team members cuz she’s almost ALWAYS with them even outside of school and it’s to a point where ppl are like “um🤨 she’s around y’all a lot to JUST be a manager.”Just food for thought👀)
BUT IN THIS CASE, as i mentioned before we can’t expect manager-baby to be in tiktok’s and other videos and just (somehow) not being pulled into their live shenanigans.
BUT this is where people see a. just how done the manager is with the girls and b. THEIR PERSONALITY
I guarentee the girls always say how the manager is like “she’s very witty/sarcastic/a smartass/sweet/hyper.” and ppl at first are like “??? you mean that manager with a mean ass death stare?? no way.” And this is where the live moments come through.
You can really see how much she cherishes the team and her bond with them, and no matter how much they may bicker and tease eachother. They love one another.
There’s 100% a tiktok compilation of the manager being sassy/a smartass in lives you cannot convince me otherwise. Also I think manager has a MEAN ass side eye.
Along the sweetness you can also see how much they fuckin bicker.
“KK, you’re delulu with or without a man involved.”
KK: “Okay you’re off the live.” *shifts camera*
“Paige you have the confidence of a much taller woman.”
Paige: “Bro I’m LITERALLY taller than you.”
“That’s what makes it more embarrassing.”
Also, THE TEAM PULLS OUT MANAGERS SOFT SIDE!!!! Manager may be strict but is very sweet and loving. I also personally headcannon that they’re one of those people that call their friends pet names like “baby” “babes” “darling” “love” “sugar” “pumpkin” etc. on instinct cuz of their sweet nature. And it’s not like they’re TRYING to fluster people, it’s just what they do. Manager loves platonic love!!!! They’re also the girls safe place.
Manager can’t help but melt when it comes to the team because she just cares for them so much and they just easily take away her tough guy mask.
Also more rare clips of manager lowkey (high key) flirting with the team, which is something she tends to do off camera but sometimes slips out when the cameras rolling. (There’s 100% someone on the team that calls the manager their wife. The “yall argue like a married couple.” people)
yes, nonnie!! manager is really close with the team because she's known them for so long and she spends sooo much time with them, it's kinda bound to happen
at first i feel like people would not like manager just because she's the friendilest (AT FIRST!!!!) but when they begin to make tik toks/do lives with her, everyone falls in love with her!!!!!!!
she's very much the glue of the team and like, she has a dynamic with everyone on the team. her and nika are like BEST friends, kk and her have a little/older sister dynamic, paige and her have an old married couple dynamic, so on and so forth. every loves a good dynamic so everyone just falls in love with her!!
oh my god, YES. she becomes a staple in UConn "fandom" bc like, she's just so iconic like??? there's like a million compilations of manager side eyeing people bc its sooo funny
the whole petname thing is SO real, thats also why people start to believe that she's dating one of the players😭😭 ALSO, when she meets fans and stuff, she will call them petnames (again cus it's like normal for her) and again people just fall in love w her
there are more random manager headcanons coming soon promise 🫶🏼
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Assorted Batkid Headcanons
During the middle days of Damian being Dick’s Robin, he was still figuring out how to show affection in a nonviolent way, so he just kept getting Dick fish. His logic was ‘Grayson has issues taking care of himself, so I will get him a pet that even he will find easy to care for’.
As a result Dick has an entire tank of various fish, all named Jim after Jim Gordon.
Dick finds this hilarious. Babs finds this hilarious. She’ll casually mention something ‘Jim’ did in conversation with her dad and watch as he bluescreens.
Tim has the pallet of a five year old. All he likes are exceedingly sugary sweet foods everyone else wants to puke while eating.
As a result, all he drinks are those stupidly sugary energy drinks that leave you seeing god after a few minutes. Is this unhealthy? No, it’s a liquid, therefor water, therefor good - Tim Drake.
Duke has purposefully broken his wrist to see if he would light up like a glowstick before. It didn’t work.
Cass shows her affection through objects, so a Batkid will often walk into their residence to find something like a metal bottle cap or a feather neatly placed on their table, without any security triggered or any other indication anyone was ever here. They all know to treasure these, no matter what they are.
Jason, given he’s built like a tank, will often hold things out of reach from people just to Be An Asshole. He loves it.
Damian used the same method of affection on Steph when she was his Batgirl, but had a bit more faith in her ability to not let something die, so he kept getting her small rodents, like hamsters and rats. She named them all after characters from Supernatural.
Stephanie had a huge Supernatural phase when she was 13 and never really grew out of it. She’s tried out summoning rituals from the show before.
Every single Batkid had a Warriors phase. Every. Single. One.
Dick was SO FUCKING HAPPY when Duke showed up because he finally had a brother who would happily give him a hug without having a panic attack due to TouchFuckery.
Steph has referred to the Batfam as “Furry Touchfucked McNuggets” before. No one questions it because she’s right.
Babs has designated snacks for every occasion. Program Taking Too Long To Load is Cheetos. Bruce Being a Bitchass On the Comms is popcorn. Done With This Bullshit For Good, I Swear is Twix.
Tim’s Notes app on this phone is entirely filled with sleep deprived 4am rants about why Star Trek is the superior franchise. He’s very passionate about it.
One time Bart was bored so decided to raid the pantry and he found Damian crouched on one of the top shelves, hissing like a cat and clutching a box of Weetabix. He took a picture and now it’s the YJ discord group icon.
Not exactly Batfam but the YJ Core Four + Cissie have a discord group chat and Tim’s the mod.
Damian loves Weetabix. Idk if anyone else knows what that is but that shit was my fucking childhood so he loves it.
Duke has tried and is currently trying to unionize all the kid sidekicks. They’re getting there.
Jason’s favorite authors are Mary Shelley and Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice is his comfort book that he often reads after patrolling as way to wind down. He fucking hates Edgar Allan Poe with a passion for reasons he refuses to explain.
Cass will sometimes teach some dance moves to little kids while on patrol. Sure, she knows it’s not stopping violence, but when she sees another little girl with scars on her palms and wary eyes light up as she twirls in the air and laugh as she leaps, she thinks it’s worth it. More than worth it.
Jason’s found her doing this sometimes. Neither of them say anything.
The Batkids all love Jon. Yeah, move over Damian, don’t keep him all to yourself. They may have their own supers/alien besties, but Jon is just adorable, and they all want to smoosh the cheeks of a kid who won’t attempt to stab them for it. Look, he’s so cute. The day anyone bullies Jon beware, because the entirety of Gotham’s vigilante force will be there to wreak havoc upon you.
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non-stop-imagines · 10 months
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On Display
From this request 💖
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x Black Younger!Reader (10 years difference) (Taylor Russell face claim)
Word Count: ~4.6k words w/ 1 smau post
Warning: Porn with a plot somewhere in there, Dom!Daniel, Brat!Reader, p in v, Exhibitionisn (sex against a window), overstimulation, an attempt at writing dumification, Humiliation, brief breeding kink moment, mention of food, one mention of birth control, The word "slut" being used quite a bit 😵‍💫Minors DNI!!! 18+
A/N: Writing smut is always an adventure and this is no different. The funny thing about this is that I used writing this to destress from work all week so have fun imagining writing this while on my lunch break in the break room 👍🏿. But really, thank you for the request, all of the requests I've done already and the requests I've recently gotten that I can't wait to do. You guys are crazy creative and I love to see what you guys come up with it if literally my favorite. 😁💗 Anyway, hope you guys like this. Let me know what you think. Like, reblogs, reply, send asks, talk to me!♥️ Love you all!! 💖💛💖💛💖
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Liked by yukitsunoda0511 and 501,288 others
danielricciardo Yn sent me random pictures of her and then started crying when I didn't immediately post them. I'm such a bad boyfriend 💔
imynbitch tagged
View all 927 comments
imynbitch I stopped crying, didn't I? 😘
> danielricciardo I'll do better in the future
user Yn is That Girl and she just wants everyone to know
yukitsunoda0511 Yeah, you messed up 🤷🏻‍♂️
> imynbitch Thank you, Yuki. I don't know how much longer I can handle such a lack of attention 🥺😔
> danielricciardo Both of you shut up
user All of her looks are so iconic I can't choose which is my fav 😍
user Daniel is the only person that can handle an attitude like YN's. I'm glad they found each other 🥲
 Thursdays were boring when it came to race weekends for you, but you loved to tag along, staying around your boyfriend when you could and hanging out in the Alpha Tauri motorhome or next to a window in the paddock building that had a view of the track, which was where you were today. Both Alpha Tauri drivers were taking some lucky fans for a spin in a Honda, of which you were oblivious and uncaring of the model, around the Silverstone track. You would look up from your phone every once in awhile, whenever you heard the the roar of an engine approaching or squealing wheels, but one fateful time caused you to put your phone face down on the table you sat at and stalk to the large window, close enough to see the atrocity happening. It was the last fan Daniel had to drive around the track, a girl around your age, 24, maybe a bit older, whose hands were all over your boyfriend's arms, and your brain went haywire when Daniel's hand ventured to the girl's lower back, which for him was instinctual as he guided her into the car. You didn't even watch them leave the starting line before you picked up your things (your phone, smaller purse and garage pass) and headed down to the garage, crossing the people filled pitlane and ending at the pit wall, placing your face in a window of the fence without chain link. You wanted to love the smile on Daniel's face when he gets out of the car after his trip around the track and sees you, but your view was interrupted by "her", who meets Daniel halfway at the front of the car, giddily hooking her arm around Daniel's as he walks her your direction.
   "Hey, baby. Uh, this is Jennifer, one of the lucky winners of a trip around the track with me." Daniel unhooks his arm from the brunette, stepping to the side a bit as she greets you.
   "Hi! Ugh, I just love you! You're one of my favorite wags." She holds out her hand for you to shake, and at first you just scowl at the outstretched manicured hand, but after a brief glance at Daniel giving you a stern “What do we say?” look, you take hold of the hand, shaking hers with little to no tension in your hand.
   “Thank you. I, uh, like your nails. They’re my favorite color, light blue." There was absolutely no feeling in your voice, but the compliment you gave was like a diamond ring to Jennifer. You cut your eyes over to Daniel, who gets the hint and begins to lead Jennifer away, that blasted hand on her back, a little higher this time, but still there.
    “How about you head back over to the group? Let them know I’ll be over in a moment. I’ll be sure to get an extra picture with you, okay?” That smile. It flashed only at “her”, and you could see the slut’s knees get weak. You wanted to cry, seeing that flirty demeanor from Daniel that reeled you in day one, but focused toward someone else.
   "Okay! It was so nice meeting you!" She waves back at you, you responding with a constipated grin, before heading towards the group of fans waiting to take pictures with their favorite drivers.
   "Are you okay?" Daniel had an amused grin on his face. This isn't the first time you've acted like this. He knew exactly why you were pouting and had glossy eyes.
   "I'm fine" You refuse to look at him, instead watching as "Jennifer" walked up to a member of the media team, probably to tell them that Daniel would be over in a minute. You knew that one glance at Daniel would send the tears you were currently holding back cascading down your face.
   "You sure?" Daniel reaches to your face poking through the window in the fence, using your chin to turn your face towards his.
   "I said I'm fine!" One tear escaped your eye and was wiped away with Daniel's thumb.
"Okay, okay, baby. I know." He looks at his watch, then over at the group of fans, then back to you. "You head back to the hotel, okay? I'll be done in a couple hours. Make sure you eat something, too." You nod hesitantly at his orders then pucker your lips for him to place a kiss on, which he supplements with another, more tongue involved kiss. When he pulls back he looks at you, eyes shifting back and forth and lips grinning at your still glossy eyes. After one last kiss, this time on your forehead, he finally jogs back over to the group, and though the petty, irrational voice in your head is telling you to stay and keep an eye on "Jennifer" around your man, you follow Daniel's instructions and head back through the garage so you can leave the paddock and head back to the hotel.
   "A couple of hours, my ass." You mumble to yourself as you exit the bathroom of the hotel suite. It's been nearly 4 hours since you left the track, and the nagging explanation that you had for Daniel’s tardiness was Jennifer and the "Fuck me" eyes that you felt she was giving Daniel. You wanted to feel happy when you heard the mechanical click of the hotel door unlocking, and deep down you were, you loved to have your boyfriend around. But instead you stayed planted in the armchair next to the large window.
   "Still mad, huh?" Daniel plants a kiss on the top of your head despite your attempt to move out of the way.
   "Well, huh, I don't know. How would you feel if some slut kept making 'fuck me' eyes at your boyfriend and you had to just watch?" You don't look up from your phone as you rant, tapping through Alpha Tauri's Instagram story getting small glimpses at the slut in question.
   "Really?" Daniel's words came out as a chuckle that irritated you enough to make you get up and stomp over to the bathroom with him.
   "Don't laugh at me! It's like you never take me seriously!" Daniel continues with what he was doing, removing his shoes and placing them in the closet and then removing his shirt to hang it up.
   "I'm laughing because I know you're serious, and it's ridiculous." There's a hysterical laugh behind his words that gives you the impression that he's poking fun at you, which he was, but not in the negative way you thought that prompted tears to your eyes. “Don’t cry.”
   “No, you think it’s ridiculous for me not to want to share my boyfriend!” You whine, stamping your foot on the ground, the childish act finally making Daniel turn around and take hold of your face. You looked pitiful with your cheeks squished and eyes red from your crying tantrum.
   “No one is asking you to share me.” You let out a defiant grunt to his nonchalant response and he shakes your head with the firm grasp he had on your face. “Why would I want to go anywhere else when my dumb, little baby has the best pussy in the world. Only an idiot would give that up.” He finally lets go of your face and walks back into the bedroom, and you just silently follow him out, but stay by the bathroom door. You watch him pace around the front of the bed, frustrated with your attitude, running his hands through messy curly hair, accentuating the tone of his slim, tattooed, bare upper body. “No, don’t shut up now. Where’s all that whining?” You stayed still, pouting and crossing your arms. “Come here.” You follow directions, walking slowly to Daniel, arms still crossed in attempted defiance, knowing that any action of Daniel's, punishment or otherwise, would break down your defenses. You don't know what you expected, but you know the last thing was the tattooed hand at the junction between your neck and your chin, roughly bringing your face up to meet a sensual, sloppy kiss. It was as though you were magnetized to his movements, having no hesitation in accepting the tongue he presented the first kiss, meeting each entanglement and the amount of force transferred between your lips.
   "Look at my sloppy little baby. So eager for me to show her that I only have eyes for her." Daniel moved his hand from your neck to just at your jawline, using his thumb to wipe the residual saliva from your lips and then, from spontaneous thought, pushes his thumb into them, to which you willingly accept the appendage into your mouth, earning a twisted grin from your boyfriend. He just watches as you suck on his thumb, head bobbing slightly as if you were giving him a blowjob. One of your hand begin to move on their own down to Daniel's jeans to unbutton them, but it's captured in his other hand as he removes his thumb from your mouth and smears the spit that you lathered on it along your lips. "Ah ah ah. Whiny little brats don't get to touch their boyfriend's dick." 
   "But-" Daniel uses his grip on your face to bring it back up so he can kiss you again, a light one this time, short in duration that made you lean forward once it was done, aching for more
"No, buts." With one hand on your face and the other grasping the fiendish hand that tried to get into his pants, Daniel takes a step back, admiring your attire. It was simple. A tight, white cami and baggy plaid pajama shorts. But it was what was underneath, or rather what wasn't underneath, that sent him reeling. “You’re not wearing anything underneath this comfy, little ensemble, huh? Did you do that for me?” You don’t answer, just hold the intense eye contact with him, a subtle scowl on your face. In response to your persistent defiance Daniel moves the hand that was on your face back to your neck, applying enough pressure to make your head feel lighter and for you to take a small gasp of air. “Use your words.”
   “Yes. Yes.” You words came out breathless and panicked, to which Daniel removed his hands from your body, satisfied with the small answer you gave.
   “And you called that poor girl a slut.” Daniel chuckles, and you just look at him with scrunched eyebrows, upset at the fact that the girl you were worried about was brought up again.
   "Because she was." You grumbled this to yourself, since Daniel had already made his way to the unobstructed window.
   "Whatever you want to believe, sweetheart." He only partially turned his head back towards you to respond to your rebuttal then turned his attention back to the window. "You think anyone can see us up here?" You shrug and hum your unsureness, making your way over to where Daniel was, standing just behind him.
   "I mean, maybe if they're trying to look. We are pretty high up." You answer quietly. Daniel stays put, looking out of the window, but eventually turns around, that twisted grin back on his face.
   "Good enough." He takes a step towards you and you tilt your head, confused with the implication hidden in those two words. "If I'm gonna show my cute little brat that she's the only one for me, might as well show the world that I only have eyes for you, cutie." Daniel gives you a quick peck between your raised eyebrows, then one to your lips, a preliminary kiss that preceded a second, more desperate kiss, which was repeated with increasing desperation, only being interrupted for mere seconds to remove articles of clothing, and in no time you and Daniel were completely bare to each other, making out and slowly moving toward the window. "You're fucking gorgeous." Your back was pressed up against the cold glass of the window, the change in temperature causing a combined gasping moan to come from your mouth. "And you make the prettiest noises, my love." You want to take in the glorious sight that is your boyfriend completely naked, tattoo sprinkled around his body that you love to kiss. You wanted to touch him, give him pleasure, but the coldness of the window, the sensation of Daniel's tongue now swirling and lips sucking at one of your nipples, physically feeling yourself get wetter, took that desire and tossed it to the side, and now you were chasing your own pleasure. Daniel's hands had pulled you in, one squeezing your ass and the other on your middle back, trying to bring your boob further into his mouth while using his body to continue to push you into the window.
   "Danny…" You moan out his shortened name, tossing your head back, some of your gathered up hair springing free from confinement.
   "Shh, dumb little babies don't speak unless they're spoken to." Daniel moved away from your chest back to your lips, swallowing the whine you let out from the loss of contact and then the moans you let out from the kiss. "Do you know how much I love your tits? They're absolutely perfect." He swoops his head back down to kiss your breasts, just the tops and in-between, slowly, sensually. "Let's just show the world how perfect they are." Daniel grasps your hips and spins you so your front pressed against the glass of the window, the abruptness of the action making it easier for him to do so because you had no chance to resist. You both knew the window was tinted, sure to a certain extent, but with tint and the fact that you two were mere floors away from the top floor, it was highly unlikely anyone saw you. But you could see out, clearly, and just the feeling of you being bare and open to the world like this makes you hornier than you even expected. Daniel comes up behind you and presses his body into your's, a hand at your pelvis and a hand grasping your hand that braces you against the window, fingers intertwined, placing his head on your shoulder. "What was that you were gonna say earlier?" As Daniel waits for your answer, he takes his socked foot and widens your legs ever so slightly.
   "I need you. So bad. Please, fuck me." You were already breathing deeply from your arousal, and also partially due to the limited range of motion for your expanding lungs due to your current position against the glass.
   "Wow, that was much more than I expected. I just thought my dumb little slut would just say 'Fuck me' and that's it. But that was fucking poetic." You could hear the frantic slight annoyance in Daniel's voice as he removes his hand from your pelvis to grasp himself, placing his dick between your legs right at your pussy, fucking your thighs a couple of times to lather up the wetness practically leaking from you before pulling all the way back and placing himself at your entrance. "Brace yourself." You did somewhat, but you wished you took his words more seriously because the force at which pressed his dick inside of you wasn't harsh or too fast, he knew better, but it was steady and gave you little time to adjust to having him inside your pussy as he bottomed out just as quick as he entered you. You simultaneously let out a moan that rivaled a porn star's as your face hit the glass, the abrupt sensation making your mind do cartwheels. Daniel's hand that had a hold on yours snaked away from your hand and under your, now back to, outstretched arms to reach under your chin, guiding your face up so he could give you another frantic, sloppy unfocused kiss before kissing your forehead. "Sorry, baby." 
   You didn't care. Even while he was apologizing for making you hit your face on the glass, Daniel continued to move his hips, thrusting slowly in and out of you, still causing you to let out lewd whiny moans. "Yes, baby. Keep making those pretty noises for me, okay? No one can make me go as crazy as you do with just a moan. No one. Fuck..." A harsh sting on your butt presents itself after Daniel's rambling of words, to which he responds by slowly massaging the the location at which his hand landed on you and proceeding to kiss your neck, happy with the mild scream you let out from the spontaneous action. He keeps thrusting into you at a steady, forceful rhythm. Snapping his hips into your ass and then dragging his dick out of you. Snap. Drag. Snap. Drag. He knew he wanted more from you, so he brought his left hand that was at your pelvis down to your clit, using the juices squelching from your pussy as lubrication for the fast, circular rubbing of the nub.
   "Aha, shit. Danny…fuck." You blindly reach behind your head with your right hand, knocking into Daniel's solid right arm that was back against the glass, clumsily finding its way to the back of Daniel's head, which he nuzzles further into your neck for easier access to the location, moving your hands up until you reach some curls to grasp.
   "You like being on display for everyone? Everyone seeing exactly how much of a slut you are for me?" He takes a small step forward, pushing your tits into the glass of the window more, changing the angle of your bodies slightly so his dick runs along each spot inside of you longer with each drag. "Answer."
   "Mhm. Ev'ryone knows I'm yours. And you're mine." Your words don't match the innocent face  that you give him, eyes wide and lips pouting and somewhat parted, shiny and swollen from the incessant kissing.
   "Still so bold even when I'm fucking you against the window for everyone to see. That's why I love you." He flashed a giant smile at you before capturing your lips again at the same time as a harsh snap of his hips, producing from you a loud startled moan. He keeps thrusting and rubbing your clit, both paces steady. He can feel you go slightly limp from exhaustion due to how quick the intensity of the act got to maximum, so he adjusted, taking a step back so you were no longer against the window and bringing the arm previously holding him up against the window to reach across your torso, hand coming up to roll your nipple between two fingers.
   " 'm gonna cum. Can't hold it. Feels too good." You keep your grasp on Daniel's head but look away, dropping your head down, getting a somehow X-Rated view of Daniel's tattooed hand rubbing your clit. As you said, it was all too much and soon your legs were giving out and trembling beneath you, to which Daniel takes a step forward again to brace himself on the window again, moving his other hand to your abdomen.
   “That was a big one. You okay?” He turns you around and holds you steady by your ass, searching for your eyes and waiting for your answer.
   “Mhm.” You look up at him, eyes blinking lazily as your mind swirls around with the pleasure you just received. Your out-of-it response, which was adorable to Daniel, earned you another batch of sloppy tongue filled kisses.
   “Good, cause we’re not done.” Before you could protest or retort, Daniel’s lips were back on yours, your bodies slowly making their way over to the bed, the back of Daniel’s legs hitting the structure being him you guys' only indication that you made it to your destination. You were chasing his kisses now, so he had to put you at arms length again to speak. “Ass in the air, my love.” You didn’t follow directions, just stood on your tiptoes, puckering your lips for another kiss. “If I give you a kiss, will you follow instructions?” You nod and then climb in the bed kneeling on it so you were eye level with him, then bring him in from the back of his head, you now dominating this kiss, subconsciously showing anyone that has shown any remote interest in your boyfriend exactly who he belongs to. Once you pull away, a string of spit briefly connecting you two, you slowly get into position, wiggling your ass as you wait. The lack of sight was exhilarating, making you even more wet when you felt the bed dip and Daniel rub his dick along your highly exposed pussy. With a hand on your lower back, Daniel pushes inside you and you groan into the pillow you had your face buried in. 
   “Fuck, you feel so good like this.” He starts with a gentle pace, allowing your juices to really coat his dick to help it slide in and out better, and as his pace quickens, your groans prolong, still feeling sensitive from your earlier orgasm. “Ha, I can’t believe you thought I would even think about getting rid of this pussy. You really are just a dumb. Little. Brat.” With those last three words, harsh thrusts were supplemented with some more sharp smacks on your butt. His own carnal sensations take over for a moment, just focusing on chasing his own climax, but at a certain point he tilts to the side to look at you, still thrusting. He smiles at the picture of beauty in front of him, your drooping eyelids, slightly parted mouth with a small bit of drool falling onto the pillow, unsecured curls sticking to your sweaty forehead, and exhausted whimpers falling from your mouth. “You look so pretty, baby, all fucked out from my cock.” He keeps moving, speeding up as he gets closer and you also get wordlessly closer to another orgasm, but once Daniel feels himself get more frantic, more animalistic, he stops and pulls out of you, to your dismay, and flips you over onto you back. You kept the same face, brain clouded by desire for another orgasm, and your chest heaving from deep breathing as Daniel worked to get you in position. He kneeled between your legs, pushing them up toward your head, hooking your knees in the crooks of his arms, letting go just so he could guide himself back into you, then continuing the same brutal pace that shocks you for a moment, but then your brain goes numb, mouth hanging open, allowing whatever noises you make to come out uninhibited. “Look at that pretty face you're making for me,” He reaches down and squishes our face, abandoning one of legs to do so. “You think I would want to leave this face?” He bends down to kiss you, stretching your hip and pushing his dick deeper inside you to do so. You had no choice in the matter to kiss him, your lips were already puckered from his hand squeezing your face and your brain couldn't think of anything past cumming again from your boyfriend’s cock, but you still let out a moaning gasp from the intense mixture of sensation. Once Daniel pulls back, he seems to put complete and utter focus on fucking you, hard. “Do you know how much of a brat you were today?” He took your legs and wrapped them around his waist so he could bring his hands down next to your head and get a clear view of your face. “All because you didn’t want to share. And now here you are, being fucked in front of windows, from behind, just so you know that there is no other pussy I would rather fuck. My poor insecure little brat.” You couldn’t respond. You wanted to. Wanted to be snarky back, but everything felt too good, sensitive, and you were too close to cumming  to think of anything to say except warning him of your upcoming climax.
   “Danny…cum…” You held eye contact with him for the first time in a while, biting your bottom lip hard and begging him with glossy eyes. He just smiles maniacally at you and makes his thrusts rougher, knowing that he was coming close to his own end. 
   “After such mean words, too? You really are just a little slut for me.” He moves his arms around so he could be stable on one arm in order to reach down and rub your clit, causing you to make the loudest, unabashed moans until you finally got over your hump and came, hips bucking into Daniel’s, back arching, and hands bundling up what you could of the bedding. The rhythmic convulsions happening inside you during your orgasm were working to bring Daniel closer to his own, evident in the groan that he let out just as they started. He continued to fuck you through your climax, but purely for the sake of cumming too, his steady rhythm becoming frantic and unpredictable. “Why don’t we try out that implant, huh? I’m gonna cum in you so much it’ll be leaking out and we’ll see if you end up all round from me. That sounds fun, huh?” You weren’t listening at all, brain going haywire from the continued stimulation to your sensitive pussy, so Daniel’s words were truly just to bring him up and into his own climax, fucking into you wildly as he came inside your pussy, bending over to kiss all over your fucked out face as he did so. Once he came down a bit he removed himself from you and found enough strength to prop up onto his side in order to watch his cum leak from you, gently caressing your aching pussy to help you come down. “You did a good job. I hope now you know that I’m yours forever, okay?” He looks up at your face to see that you seemed to have fallen asleep, unquestioningly exhausted from the night's festivities. Daniel just chuckles and kisses your forehead. “I guess we’ll talk later.” He does what he needs to clean you and himself up enough to sleep comfortably, then climbs back into bed and rolls you into him so that your head is on his chest, and caresses your back until he falls blissfully into sleep with you.
   When you finally woke up it was nearly 10:30 in the morning. The room was quiet and the curtains to the windows were drawn so very little sunlight made it into the room. You reach behind yourself to the nightstand beside the bed, finding your phone that was conveniently plugged in and now fully charged. There was a text from Daniel.
Had to leave for the track pretty early. There's donuts out in the kitchenette-thing and iced coffee in the fridge. Make sure you eat real food when you get here. 😘
   You smile coyly to yourself, then type out an answer you knew he wouldn't see until after you got to the track anyway.
Thank you, baby. See you soon 💗
   You take a moment to fully wake up, stretch out your body, then get up to find and put on the pajamas that were carelessly tossed to the side last night before tiredly stalking out to see a rectangular box of 3 assorted donuts and a white tulip next to them, your favorite flower. You then make your way over to the refrigerator, flower in hand, opening it to see the aforementioned iced coffee, pulling it out and then grabbing one of the donuts before heading back to the bedroom to get ready for the rest of the Saturday.
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les4elliewilliams · 4 months
Ellie is away... // e.w
chapter 1 – 2002, Senior year High school
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a/n: helooo:)) okay so this is my first series and first time actually writing something, i'm aware its not the best but its just for fun so idrc. im new to tumblr and i'm still trying to figure everything out so, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated. this is based off the game emily's away. also i know youtube wasn't really a thing back in 2002 but for my own sake, please, lets pretend it was. wc/cw: 1.6k. swearing, mention of drugs (just ellie saying she wants to get high) loser!ellie(??) don't know but anyways they're both simps but too scared to make a move on each other. no smut but still MDNI.
summary: a time before skype and facebook, windows xp just came out and Windows Messenger was the thing of the moment. you just got a new computer to chat with your friends
➥ part two
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since windows xp came out everyone's been talking about this new instant message thing that lets you chat with your friends, everyone had it, your friends, your whole school had made an account on it, hell even your teachers used it, everyone except you and that was because you didn't even own a computer in the first place. you've begged and begged your parents until they got you one, you didn't care what kind of computer it was, even the cheapest and the shittiest worked for you as long as you could chat with your friends it was safe to say that they bullied you into getting one you made an account and signed in, typing in the search bar their weird usernames to add them to your 'friends list'. you made sure to write all their usernames down on a piece of paper before you rushed home, Ellie even had to explain to you how to do it. you picked a random icon for your profile and tried your best to pick a not so stupid and childish username who thought that picking a username for your account would be so hard? shit, you swore you probably spent more time picking a user than on your math problems and you weren't even that good in math.
you made sure to include your name in it so that your friends would recognize you and not freak out when they saw a friend request from a certain somebody
dinathedrummer ⇨ friend request sent.
jessescool ⇨ friend request sent.
brickmaster ⇨ friend request sent.
now you just had to wait until they accepted your request. meanwhile you just navigated on the internet, trying to learn a thing or two about your new computer, it was so odd but addictive.
you nearly jump when you hear a sound coming from your computer and something popping up in the right corner of your screen
brickmaster has accepted your friend request!
you eagerly click on it and it immediately leads you to the chat, your fingers aggressively hitting the keycaps almost too enthusiastic to chat with your friend Ellie (as if you don't see her daily)
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brickmaster has signed in.
ynshere: Ellll!!! hiii
brickmaster: aboutt freaking time ynshere: right ynshere: but hey ynshere: better later than never, right?
brickmaster: yeah yeah brickmaster: nice icon by the way brickmaster: so, whats up??
ynshere: nothing really, just talking to you ynshere: what are you up to?
brickmaster: nothin, just listening to music :)
ynshere: ew what's that
brickmaster: rude brickmaster: it's called smiley face brickmaster: i really gotta teach you everything don't i?
ynshere: shut up ynshere: i know what it's called, i'm not stupid
brickmaster: you sure about that?
ynshere: positive :P
brickmaster: ooooh brickmaster: look at yn go
ynshere: shut it ynshere: so what are you listening to? ynshere: your depressing music again?
brickmaster: you're one to talk brickmaster: my grandma got the same music taste as you brickmaster: even Joel got better taste than you
ynshere: okay and
brickmaster: and you'd be nothing without me brickmaster: let me educate you brickmaster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vabnZ9-ex7o
ynshere: not bad
brickmaster: told you brickmaster: it's one of my favorite
ynshere: not that good either
brickmaster: now you're just being delusional brickmaster: remind me why we're friends again
ynshere: because i'm great and you love me
brickmaster: don't know about that
ynshere: and because i let you copy my homework every single day
brickmaster: yep, that's the one
ynshere: i hate you Williams
brickmaster: sorry can't hear you over my depressing music
ynshere: i hope Joel takes your computer away again
brickmaster: oh hell no brickmaster: it took me 2 weeks to get it back brickmaster: you have no idea of what i had to do to get it back
ynshere: lmao now i really wanna know
brickmaster: had to spend time with him hiking and watching action movies with him brickmaster: i even had to help out the neighbor, take care of his garden and all that shit, even take care of his goddamn dog (nothing against the pup he was such a good boy) but still brickmaster: he's so against technology he really expects us to live like dinosaurs and those primitive dudes
ynshere: lol yeah my mum's the same way ynshere: are you going to Jesse's party tonight?
brickmaster: of course i'm going brickmaster: his parties are always fun brickmaster: and i really wanna get high tonight brickmaster: are you?
ynshere: well if you’re going i am too ynshere: it’s crazy we’re already having end of school parties
brickmaster: dude brickmaster: can't wait for highschool to be over
ynshere: ahh same here ynshere: i'm so over this school
brickmaster: yeah same brickmaster: you know Cat from our math class? brickmaster: she won’t stop messaging me brickmaster: we've been messaging for days
ynshere: what does she want?
brickmaster: nothin she just wants to talk brickmaster: she said she thinks i'm cool brickmaster: like i don't know that already
ynshere: you're so damn cocky ynshere: you ain't even cool
brickmaster: what? brickmaster: jealous?
ynshere: of what? ynshere: there's nothing to be jealous of
brickmaster: cause i'm the coolest and you're just a loser
ynshere: yeah yeah keep talking ynshere: so you like like her?
brickmaster: she's pretty and all but i don't know brickmaster: too clingy
ynshere: wait ynshere: is it THAT Cat ynshere: the girl with the tattoo?
brickmaster: yep brickmaster: the one Dina hates
ynshere: oh yeah ynshere: don't like her either
brickmaster: now you're just being mean
ynshere: bitch you're the first who called her clingy
brickmaster: i was describing her
ynshere: and i was just telling you how i feel about her
brickmaster: uh oh someone’s mad
ynshere: you're making me regret getting a computer in the first place
brickmaster: i'm kidding i'm kidding brickmaster: you're just so easy to mess with
ynshere: uh huh ynshere: fuckk just one more month to graduation brickmaster: man don't remind me brickmaster: we're getting old brickmaster: did you pick a school yet?
ynshere: didn’t get accepted into my reach school :( ynshere: so i'm just going to one of the others ynshere: i don't mind though, anything’s better than high school. where are you gonna go?
brickmaster: aw man i'm sorry, i remember you telling me how bad you wanted to get into that school brickmaster: going to art school :)
ynshere: yeah makes sense ynshere: you always liked drawing after all ynshere: and you're also very talented
brickmaster: thank you brickmaster: took me some time to convince Joel but eventually he gave in ynshere: i'm glad he did ynshere: would've been a waste of talent ynshere: i still have the drawing you made for me two years ago  :) brickmaster: lol really?? brickmaster: i wasn't even that good back then but i got better
ynshere: dude you joking right ynshere: it's literally so accurate and you even managed to make me look pretty
brickmaster: lol i'm serious brickmaster: i can do so much better now brickmaster: maybe i should draw you again sometime
ynshere: i mean i am an excellent muse so why not
brickmaster: totally brickmaster: can't believe you kept it
ynshere: of course i did, it's so pretty ynshere: no one has ever made me a drawing before lol
brickmaster: glad to be your first ;)
ynshere: god that thing is horrendous
brickmaster: you literally used it a few minutes ago
ynshere: maybe Joel was right ynshere: technology really is bad for you ynshere: are you starting to see things, Williams?
brickmaster: oh please brickmaster: this is why no one likes you
ynshere: seriously though ynshere: you promise to be there for me even if we won't see each other everyday? ynshere: you're my best friend i don't wanna lose you  :(
brickmaster: shut up you're literally one of my best friends brickmaster: nothing could ever keep me from talking to you brickmaster: who’s gonna annoy you when i leavee
ynshere: right ynshere: i’d be miserable without you ynshere: asshole
brickmaster: here we go with the pet names again brickmaster: stop flirting its working on me
ynshere: see what i mean ynshere: i could never go without all this ynshere: you're like one of the few people who made high school tolerable
brickmaster: same goes for you stupid brickmaster: you made it fun
ynshere: i know ynshere: who's miserable without me now?
brickmaster: shut up you dork brickmaster: Dina’s coming over in a few so we can head to the party together
ynshere: alright so i'll see you two there?
brickmaster: yep i'll see you there brickmaster: think Cat is gonna be there too? brickmaster: what if she wants to hang out with us
ynshere: don't know El ynshere: she’ll definitely be there ynshere: you don't want her around?
brickmaster: i mean, i don't know brickmaster: i don't wanna be a prick
ynshere: you are a prick ynshere: just tell her you're not interested
brickmaster: yeah i think i will brickmaster: or i could just avoid her, she’ll get the hint, right?
ynshere: or you could just tell her ynshere: why so scared?
brickmaster: i just don't wanna be mean and hurt her i guess brickmaster: but it's whatever. i'll tell her i don't like her that way brickmaster: it's better than leading her on
ynshere: mhm ynshere: look at you being mature
brickmaster: shut up brickmaster: shit, Dina’s here brickmaster: see you soon?
ynshere: see you soon ;)
brickmaster: oh look you just did it again
ynshere is away. brickmaster: of course you'd do that. brickmaster is away.
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¡! daily click・palestine masterpost・do not buy any game from naughty dog, neil druckmann is a zionist・more daily clicks. ¡!
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sylvies-chen · 7 months
I love the ballad of songbirds and snakes, don’t get me wrong. but the streets are comparing coriolanus snow to anakin skywalker and I just… somebody get me a gun! I need to buy a gun!
and listen, I totally get the idea behind it. they’re both young formerly promising men who spiralled downwards into violence and authoritarianism and, as a result, betrayed their best friends and the women they care for. on a basic level, they have some similarities. but again, it’s like… the most BASIC and SURFACE LEVEL comparison to make!
snow is not a fallen angel or tragic doomed hero. the entire point of the book + film was that he was always prone to thinking manipulatively, to being selfish, to being violent, to liking the system too much, to letting not just anger but genuine hatred inform his decisions. HE IS THE VILLAIN. and vader is a villain too— the most iconic villain of all time— but anakin is a whole other story, and coriolanus doesn’t hold a candle to anakin when you compare some deeper elements of their motivations.
first off, you only need to look at how they treat their ladies to understand what I’m saying. everyone loves the heartbreak of anakin and padme just as they love the heartbreak of lucy and snow, but that love for their tragic story seems to blind people to the absolute insanity that is snow’s thoughts about lucy. he lies to her, thinks she’s trying to kill him, her song doesn’t satisfy or please him, and in the books he even goes so far as to say she isn’t even that good looking??? anakin, on the other hand, delivers a minute-long monologue about how deeply in love he is with padme, how a single kiss from her haunts him, how he is willing to utterly devote himself to her and fulfil her every demand because there’s nothing else he can do. he expresses his love in a very immature way at times, but it is real and genuine. tbosas makes you question at times whether coriolanus really loves lucy, or whether just this idea of “taming” her seems appealing.
even their downward spirals are vastly different in nature. coriolanus snow becomes more paranoid in an attempt to maintain his image, in order to keep lucy under his spell. his ambitions are nuanced, not black and white by any means, but they are selfish. anakin’s spiral, though there’s no denying the horrific acts he commits, begins from a place of fear and love. he is so genuinely scared of losing his wife and his unborn children that he becomes susceptible to an outside force manipulating him towards the dark side. anakin also fulfils that element of the shakesperian tragic hero in that there’s this idea of potential that we see so present in him. he’s introduced as the one who would bring balance to the force, someone powerful beyond comprehension, a saviour of sorts. snow was never shown to have that level of promise. he was just a man who existed in a system and it is about him grappling with that system until eventually that disgusting fascist mindset takes over.
and lastly, of course, you can’t ever mention these two in tandem without remembering the fact that anakin did the right thing in the end! and coriolanus did not! luke fought to bring anakin back when vader had taken over for so many years, and in the end it paid off. anakin does the truly selfless thing in sacrificing himself to save luke. he lets love inform his decisions, as he once did before, only the fear is gone and so that love orients him towards good instead of darkness. anakin is a fallen angel, but he’s also a man who loved too much and didn’t know what to do with it. snow, comparatively, admits he isn’t above killing children and then laughs in the face of the masses he’s worked to oppress for over half a century right before his death.
anakin skywalker’s story is of the destruction and reconstruction of his good heart, of light, of balance, of love. it is cyclical, and it is tragic. coriolanus snow’s story is not. it is a story not of something sinister growing in an otherwise good heart, but a story of something sinister unravelling and revealing itself.
they are not the same.
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bestygogirl · 4 months
Match 2
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Isis Ishtar
gorgeous, very caring sister, strong duelist, and the only woman to ever make Seto Kaiba squirm
anyways. not only as mentioned above is she the first woman to make kaiba squirm, but she was by all means going to beat him if not for the millennium rod's millennium interference. yami marik admits that she's a strong duelist with a strategy that's been working for literal years-- and given that she's not like, a professional duelist, thats pretty impressive
she also recently got some really cool meta bumps and let me point out that an "ishizu deck" now includes obelisk the tormentor-- which we knew she had prior to giving it to kaiba, but i think it only solidifies my opinion that she very much could wield an Egyptian God Card, an exclusive little club for top tier duelists
as a character she presents herself with an amazing amount of poise and grace, shes compassionate and kind and stays with mai and serenity even though she only just met them. shes struggling through living the past 5 years of her life drowning in guilt for her family's tragedy just because she wanted to make her little brother happy and shadi is a fucking liar. shes foretold her own death and marches towards it grimly but with so much love in her heart. and even then shes 20 years old and holds an important position in the egyptian government that typically requires a doctorate degree AND has been dealing with mariks off-and-on bullshit entirely by her lonesome. she also likes to flex her fortunetelling a little which is awesome i think she should do that more that scene where she tells the guy exactly how the stele is being transported was so everything
speaking of shes got such an attitude. "is it your destiny to waste my time?" iconic. never seen before will never be seen again. watch the duel between her va and joeys its so fucking funny
shes excult. shes doesnt flinch in the face of god nor death. seto kaiba and yami marik respect her. shes so sad and so sweet and battle city couldnt have happened without her.
also her parallels with kaiba are what motivate kaiba to give yugi the card he needed to beat marik.
kaiba, in duelist kingdom, was ready to jump off a ledge if yugi didnt let him through to face pegasus while trying to save mokuba out of sheer desperation to save his little brother. he KNOWS what that dedication feels like and the iron kind of will you need to have to make that kind of gamble. isis is being so fucking legit with what shes saying and he respects that and her judgement enough to change his mind and not only watch the duel, but give yugi a card that eventually helps him win, even if he has no real confidence in the odds. but theres a CHANCE, which is the same thing he taught her when he beat her in a duel. the layers its her faith that moves him to act. which is so crazy
anyway vote isis shes my best friend forever and a real rep for all the 20 year olds who honest to god did not sign up for this bullshit
Aki Izayoi
An abuse victim who isn't the perfect passive figure but gets to work through her complicated feelings about power, agency, and family. Even with Yusei's help, she is the star of the show when she learns to control her powers and reconciles with her father, it is so fun that a ygo heroine gets to take such an antagonistic role bu not be shamed for her anger
please vote for my main girl, aki izayoi. aki was led to believe she was a monster from a young age by her father, who treated her powers like it made her unworthy of love. as a result, divine was able to swoop in and take advantage of aki's low self esteem. for years, aki believed herself unworthy of love and was molded into a living weapon at the hands of authority figures in her life. she was taken advantage of, and thus when she finally comes face to face with yusei, she refuses to believe he could provide her with unconditional friendship. who would want to be around a monster, after all?
aki also nearly beats yusei TWICE in a duel, bringing it down to a single turn difference. she comes toe to toe with him, and it truly is the result of who dueled better. she remains a fierce duelist, btw. the second season, aki gets her duel runner license, and immediately nearly beats the ass of a tournament winning turbo duelist - to the point where once again, a single card is the deciding factor. that's right: she nearly won. if not for a single trap card, aki izayoi would've won.
a fierce duelist who was shaped into a loving, caring woman despite years of being beaten down by the world: aki izayoi. vote for her now on your phones.
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heyybaejjk · 1 year
pairing. human!aonung x human!fem reader
summary. modern au, ao'nung in highschool + boyfriend headcanons
notes. boyfriend ao'nung headcanons, human & in high school. ao'nung & reader are both 18.
warnings — swearing, mentions of blood! making out, implied smut but nothing too far
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masterlist. pt. 2 pt. 3
A lot of his peers from school assume he's just some muscular, hot headed guy with an ego so big, when in actuality he's not.
He was, until he met you.
People change, people don't change. He was the first factor.
People naturally assume Ao'nung is the type to just buy you expensive shit that have no meaning, but he really puts thought into every little thing he buys or crafts himself.
Also assuming that your relationship with Ao'nung was going to end after one month.
How could that possibly happen if he is head over heels for you?
Mans is caught off guard by the thought of you, even when you're not there with him physically
Brags about you, his kind and sweet girlfriend 25/8 just because.
"Bro my girl is so fucking cute, she met my mum yesterday and brought her flowers. like??? if you want me to get on my knees, just say so babe. My dad and Tsireya love her already... AND OH MY GOSH, my baby sister, Luna, Y/N held her for five seconds and Luna was already so smiley and giggling. Like yeah Luna, I get the same feeling,"
"We've heard this shit for the last 10 minutes" his friend rolls his eyes playfully.
When he's playing basketball with his friends, he's the type to shout "Oi, this is for my missus" before shooting the ball, and making it in.
Laughs at Lo'ak when he attempts to shoot for Tsireya but misses the hoop completely 😹
"Mean ass airball" is all Ao'nung says while chuckling
Bites back to the mfs who want him, even when they know damn well he's got a girlfriend
He posts about you every hour of the day, how could anyone not know ☠️
rayraybae has sent you a message!
rayraybae: hey you got some fine ass back muscles
m.nung: i will literally make a film of my girlfriend leaving scratch marks all over my back, back the fuck up.
Ao'nung says before blocking the user that texted. Rolling his eyes, he places his phone on the night table of yours. Sitting up from his position, his arms wrap around your waist as you sat on the edge of your bed. He lifts you easily on his lap as you let out a soft squeal. "Ao'nung!" you softly say, blushing intensely.
"Let me hold you, baby," he says smirking into your neck, pecking along your shoulder trailing up. Whispering into your ear, "I want us to try something."
Grabbing your phone and press onto the camera icon before hitting record. Placing your phone on the side table while his phone lit up with notifications. Getting the perfect landscape angle of the both of you, as he lays on top of giving your neck slow and sensual kisses. From the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of his phone repeatedly turning on and off, yet he ignored it as he was too busy with the lovemaking you were about to do.
That little thing he said before was half true and half untrue.
Truthful to making you scream his name while scratching his back, recording it all
The untrue factor was sending it.
He respects you and knows your boundaries (every relationship has boundaries ofc) he only really said it to her because bro just loves to argue and brag about his girlfriend
Every recording you make, whether on his or your phone stayed between you two.
Posts a lot about you. His insta story, his tiktoks, twitter acc = all about you. Lets you make tiktoks on his account to show you off
But sets his comments only for his mutuals, he doesn't fuck with the comments that talk about you as if you aren't his.
Hell, his bio on everything is "@y/nnnnn 💓" or "i love my girlfriend."
Trusts you 100%, doesn't force you to give him your passwords to anything nor asks to check your phone
Spams your camera roll so much, like a lot.
Once he sees your phone without you around, he's already on your camera roll
"Mama. Mama, come. I got y/n's phone, she's in the bathroom. Pose with Luna. Smile Mum." he says with a hushed tone, smiling with his arm around his mother's shoulder. Ronal chuckles at her son's actions, the newborn baby in her arms, she lays her head on his shoulder as she sees in the camera her newborn baby lying against her chest.
"Hey! Let me be in it!" Tsireya quietly whispers before making her way beside Ronal, kissing her cheek as Ao'nung presses the shutter button.
That happened last week because now Ao'nung was smothering kisses all over your face while you giggled after he saw your new lock screen.
He loves to send paragraphs
Loves typing (even writing letters) paragraphs all about you. From the way your laughter sounds like a melody from Eywa, how your smile along with your pearly white teeth make him also smile, how your soul ties him in.
He loves pda, but not the type where you both makeout with each other's tongue down your throat
(i have a couple from my school who does this & it makes me wanna cry cos literally stop & go to class pls.)
Holding hands, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, hugging, kissing your knuckles (uses you as an armrest to tease you but stops when you elbow his side.)
Forehead kisses, kisses on the cheek & pecks, that's how far he'll go in public.
"Nung," you let out a breathy laugh as you feel your boyfriend trail kisses from the side of your mouth down to your neck.
"Hm?" he mumbles, lightly sucking and licking the sweet spot of your neck. You moan lightly, too immersed in the pleasure. "O-oh!" you gasp slightly, your hands now on the back of his head, bringing him closer.
"Nevermind, keep going," you say as you feel Ao'nung smirk into your neck.
Loves to spoil you.
Whether it be with clothes, makeup, shoes, stuffed bears. Anything.
But his most favourite are handmade gifts
He loves it when you shyly hide your squeal of excitement to everything, but when he pulls out an origami rose that he sprayed with your favourite perfume rather than an expensive stuffed bear, he loves seeing the glimmer in your eyes
Since you're his baby, he's already got both the handmade and the expensive shit hiding in his bag.
As he pulls out the bouquet of paper-coloured flowers from behind his back, he watches as you hide your squeal with your small hand, a bright blush appears on your face as you bring him into a tight hug, your head on his chest. You pull away before rocking from side to side shyly as you look to the ground, hiding back a smile as you hold onto the bouquet softly.
"Thank you, Nung, they are absolutely cute. I love them," you say politely, your nose slightly red. You stand on your tippy toes as you kiss his cheek. He smiles gently at you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, walking with you. "Well, I love you."
He will fight for you, doesn't care if the person is taller or more muscular (as if he's not already the tallest mf in school 🧍‍♀️)
Will never, ever bring up the fact that he got his ass beat by Lo'ak when he was 15
If Lo'ak were the one to bring it up to you, he'd definitely tell Tsireya about all the stank ass piss stains he used to leave on his bed when he was sixteen.
Neteyam told Ao'nung this because he just felt like it. Or maybe Lo'ak just pissed him off that day, who knows.
Safe to say that if they sparred now, Lo'ak's ass is 6 feet underground.
But they're best friends now, won't ever happen.
"He what? Where the fuck is he?" He angrily says, throwing his bag off his back harshly. You look around frantically, "Nung, really. It's okay," you calmly say as you grab his bag before following behind him, trying to grab one of his arms.
"No, no, no, he touched your thigh when you told him to stop."
He walks around the halls and finally spots the guy he was searching for. Rushing up to him as you call out his name from behind, stopping as you figured it was no use. Grabbing him by his collar, he harshly throws the guy up against a wall. As people surround the two, you can only watch as his friends try and pry him away from the poor, shaken up boy. Lo'ak who made his way beside you, grinning at the sight.
"I would've gotten my ass beat if I tried to intervene," Lo'ak snickers. You roll your eyes before push his shoulder roughly as a joke.
Both your faces cringed and heard the crowd grow loud as you heard something from the crowd crack. A few seconds later, you see Ao'nung being pulled away from the crowd as the guy on the ground holds his nose, blood staining his hands.
You look over to your boyfriend who had an angered expression on his face, his shirt being pulled at as four of his friends pushed him back. His shirt slightly riling up, revealing his define V line and toned abs. "Touch my missus again, I'll fucking knock you out." You hear him yell out.
"He deserves some good head," you blurt out. Lo'ak side eyes you so fucking hard.
He walks you to class <333
If you have a class together, best believe mans is seated next to you
But if he knows one of your best friend's in the same class, he rather you sit with them
He feels like you spend a lot of time with him & rarely with your friend group, so he feels slightly guilty
Although you feel the opposite as you've sorted a way to spend time equally with both him & your friends, you give him a soft peck on the lips for the lovely thought
If you do sit together though, it doesn't necessarily mean he'll be distracting you with kisses and secret whispers of affection
He knows education means a lot to you and knows when and when not to be affectionate
You do still hold hands under the table often, or link arms.
You both take notes, help each other out, ask each other on what you've misheard from the teacher
He does give your thigh or hand a comforting squeeze when he notices your brows furrow or a slight pout on your lips form, an overwhelming feeling taking over your body as you look stumped on a certain task
You both are mature people and can communicate, so he lets you speak your thoughts rather than going ahead and helping you immediately, if that makes sense
Only when you really feel like something is too much and you can't talk or communicate properly like you both usually can, that's when he drops his shit and soothes you.
"Would you like some help, baby?" he whispered soothingly, his hand comfortingly caressing your thigh, as he notices your confused expression. The rest of the class was too focused on their sheets of paper. You were too caught up in your thoughts that you let your hands massage the temple of your head. You shake your head, signalling no.
"It's okay if you don't know the answer immediately, sweets. You don't need to rush," His hand now on your back, sliding up and down slowly.
For a few seconds, he lets you take a breather, and you finally answer with a broken voice and a small whisper. "Can you help me please?"
"Of course, lovely," an arm around your shoulder and he kisses your temple. "Which part are you stuck on? We can break it down and solve it."
Doesn't give any care about who you're friends with, even if they're a guy. Will warn you or hint if he knows something is up with certain people.
Is protective, will always be there behind your back to defend you.
He has friends that are girls, but aren't close with them either. Even if he is close with another girl, bro never touches her. Just a simple dap is good enough to him.
As soon as he gets the "I got something to tell you." text from a girl.
Blocked. Sorry, but he literally blocks them.
He knows exactly what that six worded sentence means because those were the exact words he said to you before confessing.
He has a girlfriend and only has eyes for you, they should know better than to pull shit like that 🤷‍♀️.
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my fingers hurt... from typing of course 🧍‍♀️ ANYWAY thats all i got, im tired LOLOL <333
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shieldofiron · 2 months
Pretty Boy Live in Santa Fe, 1977
Part 1/3 Also on Ao3 here
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For @harringrove-relay-race. Very happy with how part 1 turned out, and there will be more to come. Thanks to @foxxtastic for the intro and next up will be something stunning from our fearless Relay Race leader @half-oz-eddie
Rated M / 5k words / Part 1/3
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Part 1: Into Hades
Rolling Stone Magazine - May 2002
Billy Hargrove arrived after I did, in his lovingly maintained blue Camaro, the subject of his song, “Lady Blue.” “Lady Blue” was recently named #93 on Rolling Stone’s Top Love Songs of the Century.
“I wrote, ‘She’s the wind in my hair, the rumble in my soul.’ I thought it was so obvious,” He laughed, his blue eyes still boyish. “My niece made it her wedding song, I said ‘Really? It’s about a fuckin’ car!’”
He showed me several pictures of his niece, the supermodel Tyler Sinclair. It seems good looks run in the family. He suggested the diner and he ordered waffles, winking when I mentioned that we’ll be here a long time.
The decades have been kind to him, maybe a few more lines. It’s not hard to imagine him stepping right back onto the stage, as if no time has passed at all.
“A little extra glitter on the eyes,” He said with a smile, “to hide my crows feet. That’s all I need.”
I ask what he’s going to wear to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony for Kaleidoscope's induction and his smile dims only for a moment.
“I think I should pull out some old costumes. You know, the butterfly still fits.”
He was referring, of course, to the sheer butterfly cape costume that nearly had him thrown off the stage in Houston Texas in December 1976. He caved to putting on a pair of silvery shorts rather than the nude underwear it was designed with. He later wore it with the nude underwear on the inside cover of Kaleidoscope, the album that will be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in just a few short weeks. Kaleidoscope was his last album with the iconic Glam Rock band Pretty Boy, which famously broke up at the height of their career while touring for the album, onstage.
It’s not often that a band is inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and there’s a question if all of them will even show up.
“I’ll be there,” Hargrove said, fiddling with the silver band on his middle finger. “I have no problem with seeing him.”
The him is, of course, the lead guitarist and other lead singer of Pretty Boy, Steve Harrington.
Steve Harrington invites me to his oceanfront house in Malibu later that afternoon.
“I haven’t decided if I’m going to go,” He said thoughtfully, his brown eyes darting around the room.
When I mention that Billy is going to go, he seems surprised.
“He didn’t say he was going to punch me, did he?” Harrington smiled, but it doesn’t seem like much of a joke.
For one of the most famous rock stars of the 70s, Harrington is shockingly low key. He wears a t-shirt and slouchy linen pants, and he jokes that he ought to have shaved when I take out my camera. The house is stunning but empty, with miles of blank white walls and overstuffed white furniture.
“I’m looking for a little peace,” He shrugs, “I used to have all these pictures up, all this furniture… It was too much.”
It was hard not to see him as an artist without a muse. He drifted listlessly, picking things up and putting them down as we talked. So it was a surprise to me to hear that he’s been recording.
“I may never release it but… Yeah,” He laughed, “Music. After all this time. Bet you didn’t know.”
He picks up a rare photo from the piano. It’s from the early days of Pretty Boy, before Billy Hargrove. Harrington has his arm around his bandmate, Eddie Munson. Their drummer Chrissy Cunningham is balanced precariously across their shoulders, laughing and cringing at the same time. Bassist Robin Buckley smirks from the corner of the frame, messy bangs in her eyes.
“Who knew, right?” He asked no one, shaking the frame a little.
There are no pictures of Billy Hargrove.
“That’s a… a long story,” He said, when I asked.
But I have time. I tell him Rolling Stone will pay for it. At least that makes him laugh.
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It was just by chance that Pretty Boy’s last concert was filmed.
“We were meant to just film in Vegas,” The director, Argyle Molina-Zapata, sat down with me after a private screening of Pretty Boy Live in Santa Fe, 1977, “But there was a freak rainstorm, and I couldn’t get my camera’s out of the back. The crowd was digging it, refused to leave. I remember when Billy hit the high note for ‘Mother Make Me,’ there was this lightning crack… brilliant.”
Molina-Zapata shook his head, “But the footage, what I got of it, was awful. Awful! So I begged Murray to let me come with them to Santa Fe.”
Murray was Murray Bauman, famed tour manager, who handled the Boys, later Pretty Boy from their first album Starfire, all the way to Kaleidoscope.
“And I was lucky,” Argyle nodded, “They had that extra tour bus.”
The tour busses are featured in the first few minutes of the film. They roll around the corner, one reading Billy Blue (Billy’s original stage name was  Billy Blue before he dropped the Blue), and the other, Steve’s Six (Named after Steve’s best friends from his hometown.)
“They were nightmares,” Murray Bauman’s voice crackled over the phone, “Nightmares on tour. Separate buses. Separate hotels. Fuck me, I swear to god at one point they wanted separate stages. And the label caved on almost all of it. Fucking nightmare.”
It’s almost impossible to imagine it when you see them on stage together. There’s something electric that passed between Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington, something that drove crowds wild. They gravitate towards each other on the stage, orbiting like planets until they can share the same mic. They can’t seem to stay apart.
It’s hard to see exactly what happened that night.
“I’ve watched it a million times,” Argyle laughed, “But the only two people who can really say what happened are Billy and Steve.”
What you can see is this: Steve tearing into “Pride & Prejudice”, the lead off Kaleidoscope and the last song of the night.
Billy was trembling, visibly shaking as he sang and Steve harmonized along.
What can I say, if you ask me to walk away?
Baby, there’s no words for you.
Baby. I don’t know what to do.
Billy danced closer, joining Steve, his handheld mic loose at his side.
Can you ever put away your pride?
Is it worth it to not have me at your side?
I guess it must be, because I’m yours,
Billy leans in, sharing Steve’s mic for the bridge.
Is it really a mystery?
What I mean to you, and you mean to me?
Is it really, baby?
Billy shook his head, curls bouncing. He looked into Steve's eyes. He smiled. Steve looks at Billy, and Billy looks at him. It almost looks like Billy mouths something, but bootleg footage also has appeared where it looks like Billy just nodded. Steve goes a little shell shocked, hand freezing on his guitar, falling out of sync.
And then Steve turned away and left the stage, handing his guitar to a stagehand. Billy turned to the crowd, his expression strangely triumphant. He was always magnetic on stage, but this moment transcends that. It somehow feels like he’s getting everything he wants.
So I guess I’m losing you,
You promised me you would and it’s true.
Baby, there’s no words for you.
Baby. I don’t know what to do.
Steve Harrington hasn’t performed in public since 1977.
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“None of us knew what was going to happen that night,” Chrissy Cunningham curled up next to her husband, Eddie Munson, on the large white couch of their Seattle home.
They’re a handsome couple still, draped in rock and roll finery. He toyed with the edge of her scarf, and she curled his long hair around her long fingers.
“We had some of our own shit going on at the time so…” Munson shrugged, “Maybe we were distracted.”
Their living room was crowded and verdant, every spare flat surface covered in plants. Their partner, former record executive Jason Carver, puttered in the kitchen in an apron that read Plant Papa.
“Yeah,” Chrissy smiled, “We had some stuff going on at the same time. But still… It seemed like they were getting better. Didn’t it seem like they were getting better?”
Munson shrugged, “The thing about Billy and Steve… they were soulmates. You don’t write music like that and not… it was like they had a second language, just for them. They were soulmates, I really believe that. Everything they did, everything that happened… they could only hurt each other that badly if… yeah.”
When I ask what they did to each other, Eddie and Chrissy just scooted closer together, like teenagers in a slasher, hiding from the killer. She laid a hand over his leg, her two stone diamond ring catching the sunlight.
“Steve never wanted Billy to be in the band,” Eddie shook his head, “but Jim had a soft spot for Billy. And Steve had… I mean Jim was…”
“Jim was like a father. To all of us.” Chrissy’s knee jiggled.
“We were this little tiny band from Nowhere, Indiana,” Eddie nodded, “And Jim believed in us.”
“I was just a junior exec at the time. I was put on the Kaleidoscope tour in case of catastrophic failure, which by the way it was,” Jason Carver is making risotto while we speak, the steam curling the lock of hair that falls over his face. “But it wasn’t my fault although I was high as hell on coke half the time. I guess I deserved to get fired. But Jim was the real deal. Gold records out the ass, best wife in the world, and his daughter, I mean… she was something else.”
They’re referring, of course, to Jim Hopper, producer on Kaleidoscope as well as Billy Blue and The Boys’ records, and the father of pop superstar Eleven aka Jane Hopper.
“Jim was…” Steve Harrington’s eyes always got a little misty talking about Jim, staring out over the ocean. “Yeah, I guess he was a little like my dad. My own parents were always gone. Which is like… I grew up so privileged so like I’m not saying… I just mean I grew up mostly by myself. And we were just so lucky he even agreed to listen to us when we got to LA.”
“I remember that night,” Joyce Hopper’s voice was raspy, cigarette-y in the way only old movie stars are. She’s a gorgeous woman in jeans and a gardening hat, speaking to me while she tends to her garden at her home in Castellammare. “He came home and said, ‘I have the next ones, the next big ones. Fuck, Joyce, they’re brilliant. Unpolished, but brilliant.’”
When I ask about when Jim discovered Billy Hargrove she just laughed.
“If Steve and the rest of The Boys were unpolished, Billy Hargrove was a fucking ten carat diamond,” She said. “But Steve’s band was Jim’s, and he could polish them up how he wanted. And then when he thought they were just right for it… he set the diamond.”
Jim Hopper was a big man, larger than life both in appearance and in personality. His fingerprints are all over some of the best hits of the decade.
Watching him on old interviews, there’s an immediacy to his presence that leaps off the screen.
“My daughter is the one who really found him. She snuck out with her sister and wandered God knows where. And she just… found him. Called me the next morning, saying ‘Dad, you have to hear this guy.’ He was playing in this… terrible club,” Jim said, tapping his cigar on the table of Merv Griffin’s set. “Absolute shithole, pardon my french. And he’s got a great voice, you’ve heard his voice, right?”
“I have,” Merv said.
“I had to get him out of there. He was a star.”
Billy Hargrove was a teenage runaway from San Diego when he came to LA in 1971.
“I had a girl’s backpack from my stepsister, eight dollars, and an extra pair of underwear. By the end of the next week? I had two more dollars,” Billy laughed. “But I got lucky. I met Heather.”
Heather Holloway was a showgirl at Wildwoods, a nightly revue. She found Billy at the backdoor, and took him to her apartment.
“She saved me,” He frowned. “Whenever I needed her most.”
Heather Holloway, Billy Hargrove’s first and only wife, died in 1979. 
“I got a job singing at Sugar, this great gay club downtown. It was in the late afternoons, so I had a crowd of about… two. But those two brought two more,” Billy smiled, “Heather would talk me up to all the promoters. He’s a singer, he’s great, you’ll love him, he’s so cute.”
“He was an instant hit,” Sugar’s manager, Bob Newby, tells me by phone as well. “I did have to keep a couple of creeps off him, when he just started he was only nineteen. But even if you closed your eyes… he was a hit.”
“Guys used to think that because I was a part of the entertainment, I was fair game. And let me tell you, the novelty of that wears off mighty quick,” Billy shakes his head.
He shares a diary entry from his late wife of a night in April 1972. He came to her home with blood all over his face.
“Some guy thought because I was a fag…” Billy’s mouth twisted, but he went on, cradling the little marble notebook in his hand. “He could do whatever he wanted to me. When I fought back… he cracked a bottle over my head.”
He’s not just a piece of meat. He’s a person. I don’t understand these people. I just don’t understand, Heather Holloway wrote. I cleaned him up and he’s sleeping now.
The next diary entry is from a day later. April 12. Billy and I drove to Vegas and got married. When we spoke in the morning he said he was afraid for me too, even though I’m careful with the girls. He’s afraid of the cops trying to bust up the Wildwoods and picking me up. At least this way, he says. He and I can come home to each other. Look out for each other. Always. The groom wore band aids and his great velvet pants. The bride wore lavender. It was perfect.
“And lucky too. Because within a month… I met Jim,” Billy smiled. “And my whole life changed.”
Upside Down Records signed Billy Blue, unagented, in1972 and he spent the next year working on his debut album with Jim Hopper.
“I didn’t even realize, when it happened,” Billy shook his head. “A couple of girls came by after a show, wanting to talk to me, wanting to meet me. That wasn’t that unusual. But they were young, far too young to get into the club. And the little one, she was asking all these weird questions. Did I have an agent? Did I know if I had enough songs for an album? Weird fuckin’ questions. And then she said I have to meet someone. To be honest, I thought she was coked out of her mind when she said, ‘You have to meet my dad.’”
“I was not,” Eleven promised me, “coked out of my mind. But that’s just Billy.”
Eleven aka Jane Hopper, meets me backstage at one of her shows. She’s dressed in slouchy leather pants, to match her sister and drummer Kali Hopper.
“I knew he was something special. My dad was always talking about the IT factor. That thing that made a person something special. But I didn’t get it until I saw Billy Blue singing on that tiny stage,” She smiled. “He didn’t just have the IT factor. He was IT.”
It’s odd then, that Billy Blue’s first album had a surprisingly tepid response. His first single, in 1973, “Let Alone,” came in at only 26th for the month of April on the pop charts.
“People liked it,” Billy shrugs, “But I don’t think they knew what to do with it. You have my songs, these like… little pop love songs and ballads. I wasn’t that strong of a writer at the time. It was like half my songs, half covers. And so they’d book me, expecting fucking… Peter Frampton. And here comes this big queer with glitter on his nipples.”
But the lyrics of “Let Alone” would hint at his later songs, a hallmark simplicity that shone off his raw voice and poetry that hinted at a troubled past.
And if you were meant to care for me
You would, and that’s how it has to be
You said I couldn’t go on without you
Ha, look at me, looking brand new
At the same time, The Boys’ song “Paper Girl,” penned by Harrington, was number one.
She’s my paper girl
She’s my paper girl
Wakes me up every morning, right on time
She got me smiling, got my head in a whirl
Picture perfect, paper girl
“Billy didn’t have much commercial appeal. Sex appeal, yes,” Jason laughed, toying with Chrissy’s hair. “But for sales? That’s where The Boys came in.”
“I hated that name,” Eddie said, “To start with we were half girls.”
The Boys had already had a somewhat successful tour under their belt by the time Jim suggested a collaboration with Billy Hargrove.
“It was a nice, short tour,” Steve Harrington glances away when I ask about the first tour.
“It was a nightmare. Balls to the wall nightmare,” Robin Buckley’s voice is a warm crackle over the phone. “Steve went on like thirty overlapping benders at once.”
Her partner, soap actress Vickie Carmichael cackles behind her, at their home in Salt Lake City.
“The thing about Steve is… well… he’s never found a good way of coping with himself,” Robin huffs. “Music was about as close as he ever got. But in those early days, he just kept looking for more and more.”
“You don’t think it was about-” Vickie asked, just barely into the phone.
“It was about Nancy,” Eddie said confidently when I mentioned their first tour. “Nancy, Nancy, Nancy.”
The Boys got their start in the late sixties, beginning with Eddie and Steve. Eddie gave Steve guitar lessons, which turned into some talent show performances. They used to practice at Eddie’s Uncle’s trailer.
“That’s where we got the name,” Eddie nodded, “My uncle used to just call us that, and it stuck.”
“I don’t even remember,” Chrissy said.
“That’s not how we got the name,” Steve shook his head, when I mention Eddie. “It was our first gig, after we got Chrissy and Robin. Robin put it down after the headliner kept asking when ‘you boys’ would go on, and kept addressing it to Chrissy’s chest. She blew him out of the fucking water.”
Nancy Wheeler was there that night, writing about local bands for a tiny column in the school paper.
“She was beautiful. Smart. So smart. Could hear her talk forever,” Steve said, eyes falling.
Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler were married in 1972 after they graduated high school.
“Steve made his own choices,” Chrissy shook her head.
That summer, the Boys plus one drove to LA and Nancy Wheeler took a job at Women’s Day Magazine and later, Rolling Stone. Steve Harrington and The Boys got a “steady gig” at La Bonita Rosa on the strip, playing for drunks every night from seven to eight.
“I really liked playing at La Bonita,” Steve said. “The audience, right there. You could smell the sweat. You could see on their faces if you were bombing. And we used to bomb. A lot. But it was a great place to try things. Experiment. We played there for about a year but… it felt too short.”
Within the year they had met Jim Hopper, who got them into the recording studio and sold their demo nearly on the spot to Upside Down Records.
“They had a great sound. They had got this way of playing. Smooth like a polished stone. Everything sounds good sitting in a frame like that,” Jim said in an interview with Rolling Stone in 1981. “Their songs were… catchy, but basic. But they had the sound.”
Upside Down records set the Boys on a US tour after “Paper Girl,” and “Joy to Love You,” both charted.
“It was like… overnight. One day we’re in a studio, messing around. Kid stuff. I was nineteen,” Steve Harrington shookhis head. “But…”
“That tour,” Chrissy trails off, playing with her ring again.
“I…” Steve Harrington scratched his nose. “I was losing it. Majorly losing it. It felt like we had just moved to LA and we were already neck deep. I mean, I had a number one fucking song. And for some reason I got it in my head to call my mom. She told the maid she wasn’t home. And I could hear her over the phone. My mom. So yeah. I lost it. Lost about half my damn mind on that tour. And people will say it was because of Nancy, because we got married just out of high school, and she wasn’t supportive… but that wasn’t true. Nancy saved me.”
“Nancy never wanted him to be in the band. But… she also didn’t seem to care that much either,” Eddie shook his head, “It’s… complicated. Love is supposed to be. Simple. Like the chords of a song. 1-3-5.”
Jason Carver rolled his eyes at that, “Then what are we?”
Eddie grinned, “We’re a band.”
Nancy Wheeler met me on a Thursday in New York City, slim sunglasses dominating her small porcelain face. We get lunch at her favorite deli shop, and she perches at the counter, loafers dangling. She’s an editor at The New Yorker now, but she still has a soft spot for rock and roll, as evidenced by the Grateful Dead t-shirt under her blazer.
“That tour. I didn’t even know anything was wrong. He just came home with a funny look on his face, saying, ‘We’re headlining.’ So I said, ‘That’s great, Steve.’ He just kept… saying it. It was starting to piss me off, if I’m being honest,” She shook her head. “I should have known something was wrong.”
“I wish she had stopped me. But how could you know right? Hindsight is always 2020,” Steve Harrington said. “I mean, she was my wife. How could she not want me home? But that’s just… sorry. That’s not fair to put on her. I chose to go.”
“I flew out to meet them when they were in Indianapolis, visited my family, and I came a day early to see him,” She smiled warmly, and then it fell. “He was… Well, first, Eddie Munson tried to intercept me at the hotel, so I wouldn’t see him. I told him, ‘I’m here to see my fucking husband.’”
Steve Harrington didn’t add any more details about the tour, just shrugged when I asked.
“He was coked up like you wouldn’t believe,” Robin scoffed. “She walked in on him with two girls and coke all over his… well.”
“I just asked him. Do you want to come home? Do you want to get help? Or not?” She purses her lips. “And so he came home and we found a rehab place near Hawkins.”
“The tour kind of… fell apart. Obviously. We had lost our lead singer and guitarist to fucking… Hawkins, Indiana,” 
Everything stopped for the Boys. Upside Down offered to let them out of their two album contract, but Steve couldn’t afford to pay it down.
“Rehab,” He shrugged. “Is expensive.”
Right as it seemed that everything would be over for the Boys, things were looking up for Billy Blue.
“Jim was always saying, ‘the record is selling alright, the songs are getting there but he needs a… push,’” Joyce said. “‘He’s so close. So close. He’s a star.’”
“He always believed in me,” Billy smiled, toying with his ring again. “Always. Even when I threw a jug of milk at his head.”
Joyce laughed when I asked about that moment, “He came home saying, ‘He milked me, Joyce. But he’ll fix the song tonight.’”
“And I did,” Billy said. “And the album was going alright. I did a little tour, socal and the southwest. And then one night, Jim brings me this song. He said, ‘I want you to tell me what’s missing from this.’”
The song was, of course, the Boys’ biggest hit, “Hades.” Steve Harrington’s first version was called, “To Orpheus” and the chorus goes:
Don’t turn back don’t look behind you baby
I’m close, I’m right behind
The future's so bright, and I want you to take me
Wanna be holding your hand when I make it across the line.
“It was fine, but just kind of… nothing. It was supposed to be about Eurydice, but it was so… nothing. She just loved Orpheus and that was it. There were no insides to her. She was going to follow him to her doom,” Billy shook his head. “That’s not right.”
This was not the version that made it to the recording booth, of course. The Boys’ single, “Hades featuring Billy Blue,” came out in 1975. The actual chorus goes: 
Turn back on me and I won’t forgive you baby
Don’t want you to see me like this
Up ahead is bright, and I want you to take me
If you’re strong enough to cross that finish line
“‘Hades,’ was a real step forward for the Boys. Gone were the teenybopper tunes,” Steve Harrington’s biographer and personal friend Dustin Henderson wrote in his book The Pretty Boy. “Their first album got the kids dancing. But the second proved that they actually had something to say.”
“Still hate it,” Steve Harrington said. “I wrote that song in rehab. It was deeply, deeply personal to me.”
“He came out, all ready. He wanted to start recording right away,” Robin sighed. “Like I mean the next day. All these songs, just pouring out of him. But the label had lost faith in us. And they certainly weren’t going to let us start recording with a guy who had only just earned his thirty day sober chip.”
“The song wasn’t ready,” Billy shook his head. “But I guess he was. Jim said he needed this. So Jim asked if I would come and like… pitch some stuff as a personal favor. Songwriting credit, that’s all it was supposed to be. Get the songs moving, get them going.”
Steve Harrington takes a long time to continue speaking about it. 
“I felt it, writing for that album. I felt proud of those songs. They didn’t belong to anyone else but me,” He toyed with some piano keys while we talked, and then finally sat down and began to play something tuneless and half formed.
“That album was all about Nancy,” Chrissy said. “I mean. I know it. You know it. Nancy knew it. And she kind of hated it. But-”
“You can’t leave your husband right as he gets out of rehab,” Nancy said to me, toying with her wedding ring. “When he writes all these songs about how you’re the only thing… Steve was always like that. Heart wide open. That’s why when he met Billy. I almost thought… it would all be okay. That sounds fucked up but. I thought they could save each other. That the music could save him.”
“It was just a songwriting credit,” Billy raised his hands. “Jim swore up and down. I was just gonna come in there and sit down with this guy Steve. But when I walk into the studio, there’s two mics set up.”
“I was the Boys’ only singer,” Steve Harrington shook his head. “And to be absolutely honest, I was kind of a jackass about it. So to have some guy come in and say he’s gonna sing me my song… well…”
“Steve was the only one who would ever argue with Jim, And he let him have it that day,” Eddie laughed. “He called him the most low down, dirty, rat bitten bastard in California, and that he would die rather than give up his band to someone else.”
“I did not want his band. I did not know his band. And I did not care. And his song sucked. And I told him so. And then I sang it. Better.” Billy smiled.
“Billy was…” Chrissy shook her head. “Incredible.”
I ask Steve what Billy was like that first day in the studio.
“He was,” Something passed over his face. “Alright. He has a great voice, alright.”
“I was good. Better. Best.” Billy smiled.
“But he didn’t understand the song. He wanted Eurydice to… doubt. To think she wasn’t going to get out,” Steve slammed his hands on the keys. “It’s been… almost twenty years. I still don’t understand it.”
I asked why he let Billy stay. But Steve doesn’t have an answer.
“They were like oil and water, right away,” Chrissy said.
“Yeah, but oil on the water can catch fire,” Eddie shrugged.
“Jim asked me to stay,” Billy looked away from me, down at his waffles. “It was a favor to the label.”
“If Billy said louder, Steve said mute,” Robin snickered. “It was kind of great, actually. Finally someone called King Steve on his shit. One day I came in and they were arguing over how close the microphone should be to your throat. Almost got in a physical fight over a fucking microphone. I mean, I love Steve. But he always thinks he’s like… the babysitter. It’s his job to do everything for everybody.”
“Like who was this guy? Really? He came into my studio with no shirt on, most of the time still half smashed from the night before, and he thinks he can make all these changes. But Jim keeps telling me it’s just business, the label thinks it’s good business.” Steve frowned, and then smiled, and then frowned again.
“Yeah, I never wore shirts back then. Or underwear,” Billy said with a grin. “I was a rockstar!”
“Steve fought for every song on that album,” Nancy Wheeler patted her lips primly with a napkin. “He only lost on one.”
“Billy Hargove has songwriting credit and lead vocals on “Hades.” Dustin Henderson wrote.
“Billy was all over that album. He’d make some minor suggestion, maybe this chord instead of that, this word is better. And Steve would flip out, yell at him, yell at Jim, threaten to storm out… and then two days later quietly tell me to change the chord, he’d start singing the new words. Billy was there with us about every single day,” Eddie said.
“Of course, it was our biggest hit,” Chrissy laughed. “Everything but that song, Steve did what he wanted. Oh we had Billy in the studio, making suggestions. But Steve did what he wanted except for ‘Hades.’ Jim said that song is the album, and he wouldn’t cut it.”
“Jim was always right,” Steve closed the piano. “The bastard.”
Hades exploded onto the radio in late 1975. They didn’t have the same distribution as their first record, but the Boys had another hit.
“Billy had this way of singing it. Still does. He broke four mics when we recorded it. Singing so loud I had to keep an eye on the cymbals to stop them from shaking. You can feel him, right in your chest.” Chrissy giggled. “Like he was trying to wake all the dead from Hades. If anyone could, he could.”
“It’s a really, really great song,” Robin said.
This song belongs to Billy Blue, Rolling Stone wrote in 1976. The only question now is, what will The Boys do next?
“I remember that article. Fucking… Harrington said that he basically wrote the whole song. But he said, ‘the label thought bringing Billy in was a good idea,’” Billy gets tense for the first time. “I’m not saying I was like… I just mean. It would have been nice. To treat me like an equal. I’m more than just a singer. I’m not just… a piece of meat.”
“Billy was really pissed about that article. I remember, the day after the article came out, we were getting breakfast at this tiny place off La Cienega. Steve had this car back then, a big maroon BMW, and Eddie had got him a vanity plate when he bought it. Stupid thing it said, ‘BIGBOY.’ Anyway, We’re having breakfast, and we hear this screech outside, like an accident,” Robin Buckley gets uncharacteristically quiet as she goes on through this story. “Billy’s car is parked halfway out of the parking lot, and he comes in like a bull in a charge. Billy… he wasn’t some wimpy guy. He was small, but he was strong as hell… He came right over and grabbed Steve by his collar and lifted him right off the counter. And he said, I’ll never forget it because Steve used to recite it from memory, yell it at me, ‘Tell me I’m not dreaming. Is that Steve fucking Harrington? The lead singer of the Boys. Hey man, I love your song ‘Hades.’ How’d you get your voice to sound halfway decent for once?’”
“I don’t remember that,” Steve Harrington said flatly when I asked.
“And Steve used to be a fucking dick in high school. So he starts getting real bitchy, shoving Billy off him, asking what his problem is, why he’s such a dick all the fucking time, when it’s not even his band. And Billy said something like, ‘No one wants your shit band. Not with you in it,’” Robin paused for a moment. “And they just. Stare at each other. Like… daring each other to do something.”
Billy just shrugs when I ask, “I was pissed. I gave this guy a number one hit, and he still wanted to treat me like some… airhead singer the label brought in as a stunt. I’m not just a singer. I’m not a piece of meat. I’m a person.”
When I ask Steve about that day he’s pretty quiet, deflated at his piano. He only wants to talk about the song. The music. Can’t seem to talk about Billy any other way.
“He sang it like he not only knows Orpheus can’t save him, but that he won’t. It was supposed to be hopeful. A happy ending.” Steve said.
“So you still hate the song?” I asked.
“No, I don’t. It’s brilliant. And that’s the whole problem.”
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To be continued...
Next up is Half-Oz-Eddie's piece at 7:00 pm. GET HYPE!
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(no spoilers)
Starkid nation, you aren't ready.
So let's start with the obvious. Look, I spent thirteen years growing up with Starkid. That initial Michigan gang are deeply special to me and I will always miss Dylan, Brian R., and Corey in any show they aren't in. And this one's no different. But just as Janaya came in and took over Belle from Britney so flawlessly, Curt, Brian, and AJ were all WONDERFUL in their new roles. The gentle-but-high-energy, truly decent, romantic himbo charm Curt brought to our Springsteen boy Jim (you all are going to LOVE Jim, I promise) perfectly offset the defiant, sneering anger of Young Scrooge in "That Scrooge." Brian's reactions (particularly to the "rather take my own life" line) were so funny and some of my favorite parts of the show. And AJ... this is now my favorite thing AJ has ever done. And that's saying something. The smaller casting shake-up moments (Joey as Fezziwig, other little line re-distributions) were so fun as well!
The new act 1 is PERFECTION. I was actually surprised by how absolutely hysterical it was? Like, I won't tell you what was up with that clip on Instagram of Brian, Lauren, and Joey doing a freak-out dance, but I can tell you that their whole Act 1 deal threatened to steal the show every. Single. Time. I already mentioned Curt as Jim, but you will also love Della, who is so funny and real and truly carries us through the start of the show (Janaya is a STAR and she Curt have brilliant chemistry). Ali did a terrific job of balancing the sadness and hope that are both at the center of the devastating little Match Girl. And Jamie's Grandma... well, honestly I have no idea how to talk about Jamie's song without giving stuff away.
But the real star of the show in Act 1, as he should be, was our man Clark. I can't emphasize enough how much he nailed the writing of this whole new act. I mentioned that the new stuff is hilarious, but it's also deeply heartfelt, and also sad exactly when it needs to be. Like, the transition after Jamie's song? I can't really talk about it yet, but what that moment does with emotion is unreal. And, as expected, every song is a banger! My one complaint about this show, and it IS a big one, is that there is no cast recording of the Act 1 songs. I want to listen to them all the time.
But the good news is, I CAN listen to Christmas Carol as much as I want! The classic that started it all is back, with so many people reprising the hell out of their truly iconic roles (God I love the VHS Cratchits), and better than ever. I traditionally hate change, and I love the version of VHSCC Live! we already have so much, but I think I somehow loved this version even more? The staging is alive and clever and there are some additions and changes, particularly in "Final Ghost"/"Christmas Day," that frankly blew my mind and somehow managed to elevate the material even further. I can't wait for the digital ticket to come out so that I can talk about them. To put it simply, James Tolbert mastered his Starkid directorial debut like you won't believe. I'm so proud of him and grateful for the larger role he's taken in Starkid since they moved base to LA.
Also, the Ghost of Christmas Past is extra unhinged this year? Jaime pulled out all of the impish stops and it was the BEST.
Basically, everyone more than delivered. I haven't talked about Meredith yet but she rocked it in the band and continued to validate the hell out of my opinion that "3 Spirits" is the dark horse best song in the show.
And a special shout-out to June Saito for continuing to be a costuming GENIUS. I always love her work and this production is no exception. I honestly wanted to give the return of the Bob Cratchit costume its own round of applause.
You know, the world is a mess and everything is pretty much terrible. It's been a hard year in an impossible decade. But every once in a while you come across some art that takes all of that, acknowledges the truth of it, and somehow pulls back the curtains to harness the joy and hope that's still there under the rubble. To me, Starkid in particular has always been about finding and holding onto the hope and the beauty and humanity that allows us to endure an existence that can so often feel bleak. And VHSCC is maybe the most perfect encapsulation of that idea.
So thank you Clark, James, Meredith, Brian, and everyone who worked so hard on this little bit of magic. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Let's make a little light.
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n2nataliegoodman · 9 months
God every time I watch episode 37 it feels like repeatedly getting stabbed in the gut with a knife. Utena asking Akio out on a date because now that she knows what he’s doing to Anthy she tries to keep him away from while also taking off the ring in place for the sweater Anthy knitted for her. And Akio somehow not getting the hint that she knows who he is. What he is.
Anthy saying all girls are like the Rose Bride before taking Utena’s hand, knowing that despite both of them trying to keep Akio away from the other they’ve both failed and Akio’s abuse has changed both of them.
Saionji and Touga being honest with one another about how they feel and seeing each other as allies rather than rivals, while letting Akio believe that Utena is still completely under his spell.
Anthy echoing what Akio said a few episodes earlier, how she wishes she and Utena can be friends forever and her unchanging slight resigned smile as Utena rips up the letter because, regardless of what Akio thinks, she will choose Anthy and herself over him every time. Because choosing Anthy is choosing the moment she changed her destiny from that of a princess in need of rescuing to a prince. Choosing Anthy is choosing herself.
Juri, the only other explicitly sapphic character who gave Utena the sword to “take back her self”, forcing Utena to confront the fact that she and Anthy are not just friends and that Utena doesn’t even have the words to describe their bond.
Everyone, but most evidently Nanami, believing that Utena is still naive to who/what Akio and, more importantly, Anthy are while she gives them all a knowing smile without actually answering.
Juri and Miki admitting that Utena has caused a revolution for each of them too and that they have been able to change thanks to her.
The Shadow Girls saying they really are “true friends” before kissing paralleling Utena’s inability to truly answer Juri’s question about her feelings towards Anthy.
The car scene showing that, despite everything, Akio has to work harder than ever to keep Anthy under control, and even then it’s still slipping.
The iconic cantarella scene. No words are possible. That scene makes me feel so many things every time. All I’m going to say is that it’s Anthy’s final attempt to try to make Utena run away from Akio, but instead Utena shows she’ll stay no matter what.
And following this, Anthy choosing that, no matter how much pain she’s been in, Akio’s abuse of Utena was the last straw and she would rather die than let it continue. Because if not for her, Utena has no reason to continue down the path towards revolution. And if she can’t make Utena run away she has to try the only other thing she can to free Utena from the duels.
“Whoever believes in true friendship is a fool.” “Didn’t you know? I am a fool.”
Both Utena and Anthy choosing to confront Akio: Anthy through taping the letter back together, Utena by putting on the ring.
Not to mention the fact that this idiot pedophile honestly believed that Utena would choose him over the girl she’d been fighting to protect the entire time, for longer than she even remembers.
No piece of media has ever made me feel the way this specific episode does and I don’t think any piece of media ever will again.
And no piece of media will ever make me absolutely loathe a character the way RGU does with Akio. I have never had a villain turn my stomach the way he does.
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heartkyeom · 1 year
perfect timing
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chwe hansol x gn!reader
word count: 1.7k
tag list: @weakforsvt @junhui-recs @rasparagus @just-here-to-read-01 @baekhyunstruly @enhacolor @yourfavoritefreakyhan @todorokiskitten
warnings: best friends to lovers, mentions of female anatomy, oral sex
notes: hi remember that valentine's thing I made y'all vote on? yeah this is that! this is two weeks late but ... she's still cute! I hope you enjoy it
“Why are you staring at me like that?” Vernon mumbles.
“You paused the movie,” You smack his chest lightly before turning your head back to face the screen.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” He chuckles and finds the remote on his side of the couch and unpauses it quickly. 
You were both typically able to keep your annual Valentine’s Day movie nights lighthearted, and tonight was no different. You would both choose an iconic romantic comedy to watch with tons of snacks and, as you got older, plenty of alcohol to help you process the absurd plot lines and outdated jokes. 
For years, it helped distract the both of you from the suffocating corniness of the holiday. It originated as a way to forget your high school exes that managed to break both of your hearts right before Valentine’s Day in junior year. 
Now, it serves as a chance to set aside your responsibilities to spend quality time with each other. 
As the movie crawls on, you both get progressively more drunk until you’re only paying attention to each other. 
You’ve somehow sat yourself on his lap, pulled against his chest with his arms wrapped around your middle. 
The sensation of his fingers rubbing against your hand with his breath lightly fanning your neck leaves you far more relaxed than you originally intended. 
“Fuck,” You breathe out, eyes fluttering shut. 
“You ok?” That raspy voice of his doesn’t help at all, sending butterflies straight to the pit of your stomach.
It’s moments like this where you’re certain that you’re in love with your best friend. 
You can avoid confronting those feelings most times when you’re not thinking too hard about it, but when you remember the intimacy that’s worked its way into your relationship over the years, it becomes hard to ignore.
You’ve cuddled with him endless times, but this feels unlike anything you’ve done before. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” You shake your head to attempt to force the thought out of your mind. 
“Doesn’t sound like it,” He scoffs. 
“The movie’s almost over, we can talk about it then,” You deflect once again.
“Okay,” You’re grateful that he leaves it alone, focusing his attention back to the screen. You weren’t exactly lying, you knew there were only a few scenes left even in your intoxicated state. 
The final kiss plays on screen and your cheeks burn in embarrassment. You were so close to admitting the truth that it almost left you feeling sick. 
Once the credits roll, he pauses the movie and calls your attention with a gentle hand on your hip. You reluctantly turn around in his grasp and he immediately picks up on your discomfort. 
“It’s okay, love. It’s just me,” His voice lowers to invite you to share. His eyes are so forgiving, that nickname was reserved only for the moments where he needed to be vulnerable with you. 
“I love you,” You say it without thinking. His face remains unchanged.
“I love you too, what’s the matter?” He asks, slightly oblivious to your tone of voice.
“No, Vernon, I love you,” You emphasize quietly, “and I have for a long time.”
“Oh,” He goes quiet. You’re always nervous watching Vernon contemplate his thoughts. He’s always been quite expressive, so seeing him process your statement starts to plant seeds of doubt in your mind.
It’s worse knowing that he’s tipsy as well, but it doesn’t seem to impact his train of thought very much when he locks eyes with you.
“Well, I really love you too,” He offers his hand to you, you grab it without hesitating. He fights a smile, but gives in once he sees your reaction, a mix of surprise and relief that he finds incredibly endearing. 
 “I didn’t think we’d ever get to tell each other that,” He avoids your eye contact with a short smile before looking at you again.
Of course, you’ve both said I love you to each other countless times, knowing that your love for each other has been evolving into something so distinct and fulfilling. It’s often unspeakable, laid out in spontaneous late night road trips, deep talks, holding each other accountable for your individual fuck ups, and countless other events that have kept your heart full.
“Me neither. Sorry it took me so long,” You admit sheepishly. 
“Well, you were brave enough to actually tell me, so don’t worry about it. I was probably just gonna die without saying anything.”
“Vernon, come on,” You try to laugh it off with a playful hit to his chest.
“I’m serious,” He insists, adjusting you on his lap by tightening his grip on your waist ever so slightly. It’s as if your dynamic shifted in an instant.
“I just always figured there would be someone else for you,” He sighs. He wasn’t exactly wrong, seeing as you’ve been in multiple relationships since you’ve first met. Since the last one ended only a few months ago, you’ve finally come to terms with the fact that these people were merely a stand-in to avoid thinking about being with Vernon. 
“That’s fair, but I always wanted you,” You affirm.
“Yes, shockingly, even when you had that weird middle part,” You recall his old hairstyle to his chagrin.
“You’re so mean for bringing that up,” He laughs and traps you in his arms further, pulling you into his chest until you fall on top of him.
“I’m sorry,” You giggle uncontrollably and surrender to his hold, causing him to lay you flat against the couch underneath him. Your mutual tension leaves him hesitant to touch you, but his hands eventually cup your cheeks and it already leaves you flustered. 
Your breath hitches in your throat as he leans closer to your face, finally confronting you with the scene that you’ve dreamt of for ages. 
Vernon is going to kiss you and it’s completely real, the fanning of his breath against your lips brings you back to reality. 
You nudge your chin up slightly and it’s enough for him to close the gap between your lips, pressing against you gently. You can barely register it at first, but the taste of him leaves you breathless. 
You instinctively let him take the lead as he pushes his tongue into your mouth, gladly accepting him with a tilt of your head. He swallows the moans that you let out, absentmindedly moving his hand down until it settles underneath your shirt, resting on your breast. He gently rolls your nipple underneath his finger, forcing your head away from his mouth with a quiet whimper.
“Vernon, don’t tease,” You whine pathetically. He retreats his hand from underneath your shirt and chuckles at you.
“Feeling desperate, love?” He teases you yet again, rubbing your hip with a quiet ease. You can only nod and adjust yourself underneath him, your brain can barely catch up to the desire of your body.
“Let’s take care of that then.”
“Fuck, Vernon,” You moan wantonly, eyes falling shut at the sensation of his mouth on your clit. Your energy is steadily waning, but Vernon’s stamina has kept you in the saddle longer than you expected. 
Your escapades had made it to his bedroom, and he wasted no time spreading your legs open to access your dripping cunt. Your first orgasm was explosive, you held his head against your entrance despite how painfully good it felt. 
His tongue doesn’t hold back as it prods your entrance without stopping, giving you no time to pull back.
You can already feel your second orgasm building in your stomach, and you let yourself whine louder than before. 
He raises his head and moves his thumb to your clit, massaging it faster than you could process.  “Come on, baby, you can give me another one,” He mumbles, keeping his eyes focused between your thighs. 
“I’m so close,” You whine with a hint of exhaustion in your voice. Vernon senses the tension in your voice and places two fingers inside you without warning, forcing a guttural moan from the back of your throat.
He knew he had you right where he wanted you, his fingers working you open steadily while his other hand keeps your clit stimulated.
It’s a perfect storm, letting you whine louder and louder until you can’t stay quiet anymore.
“I’m gonna cum, please,” Your voice tapers off into a whine, you can barely focus on anything except the heat pooling between your legs and the sensation of Vernon’s touch against your skin. 
“Cum for me, beautiful,” He encourages you and it’s only a few more moments before you let go completely, cumming hard around his fingers as your back arches slightly off the bed. 
“Shit,” You slowly come to your senses and notice that Vernon is working you through your orgasm, fingers slowing down until you’re twitching underneath him.
You take a few deep breaths with your eyes closed before looking at him again. He seems willing to let you recover as long as possible, rubbing his hand gently on your thigh to slowly revive you.
“You were perfect,” He kisses the spot on your thigh that his hand has been protecting and slowly makes his way toward your face. 
“You think so?” Your brain is still foggy enough that you can only question your surroundings.
“Of course, you’re always perfect,” He seems nonchalant, but the way his fingers gently rub your cheek says otherwise. He’s fully lying next to you now, his head propped up by his hand. 
“Wanted you to fuck me, but I’m tired,” You rub your eyes as if to emphasize it and he helps you sit up, adjusting your pillow to prop your head up.
“We can do that tomorrow morning,” He giggles and presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“I promise, now let’s get cleaned up, sleepyhead,” He eases you up completely off of the bed and leads you through your nighttime routine.
It’s different now, knowing how often he’s seen you do parts of it, but still knows the entire thing by heart and makes sure you don’t miss a single step. He finds your favorite shirt of his for you to wear to bed, internally knowing that his lingering scent will keep you relaxed. 
By the time you’re out of the bathroom, he’s made sure that you’re both completely sobered up. Once you’ve settled back into bed, you indulge him with some pillow talk that feels more natural than you expected.
Eventually, he lets you cuddle up to him before settling on his back. You’re nearly asleep when you hear him mumble into your ear.
“I love you.” 
You fall asleep knowing for certain that he’s the love of your life, and it’s not a question that the feeling is mutual.
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halfratsalready · 4 months
The Unhinged Jack x Wanderlust Conspiracy Board Explained
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A few days ago I posted this silly conspiracy board I made for a slideshow night with my friends where I talked about how Ubisoft loves to deny Jack x Wanderlust and everyone seemed to like it so here’s an in-depth (and I mean in-depth) explanation of everything on it.
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We start, of course, with Si’ha Nova and the Traveler, and Wanderlust wearing his dad’s cape at the beginning of Canned Heat because it’s super cute.
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And you can’t talk about this ship without the moment from Majesty that perfectly mirrors the moment from Save Your Tears because genuinely why would they do this if they didn’t want people to ship these two? (Rainbow flag added for ✨flavor✨)
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I also thought it was worth mentioning that the only time we ever actually hear any of these characters speak across all 14 lore playlist maps is literally Wanderlust calling out Jack’s name.
And now it’s time for the part that I like to call Ubisoft’s crusade against a monster of their own creation (because look at those last two points and tell me they didn’t do this to themselves. You can’t.)
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Now in making this I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe Ubisoft isn’t being as harsh on the ship as we’ve been thinking, because “they’re such good friends” and “best friends” with a thumbs up automatically reads as very sarcastic and joking to me, like all the memes about “historians will say they were close friends.”
Then there’s the infamous in’s and out’s New Years post, but what I hadn’t picked up on until I saw this screenshot from Twitter is that the inclusion of “normalize being evil” on the in’s list is rather suspicious and that, according to Just Dance, “this was posted by Night Swan’s army.” So I feel like that’s worth mentioning, because it casts a different light on all the other things on the lists. As in including Jack Rose in the in’s list since he’s the only one she didn’t corrupt yet and she wants to do that this year? And putting stanning Jacklust on the out’s because she’s evil and doesn’t want us to have nice things? Not too sure but hey, if someone better at analyzing things wants to look into that, I’d be down to read it.
(I also think it’s worth mentioning that “worrying about getting a Megastar” is included in the out’s list when the tweet just before that one is encouraging players to get Megastar on Zero to Hero, so some more contradictions there, but that might not mean anything, given that Night Swan’s whole thing is perfection and I feel like she would definitely be in favor of worrying over getting Megastar.)
Plus there’s the pretty popular belief that they’re just pointing out how stupid of a ship name Jacklust is, but I’m personally not at all sold on this being the reason, even if Jacklust is a stupid ship name. (I told my friends the ship name during this presentation and one of them said “Really? Wanderrose was right there.”)
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Lastly, I threw Night Swan in there because of the theory that Ubisoft is denying Jack x Wanderlust because the Traveler is Jack’s father. Now, I have opinions about this theory and I hope it’s not true for obvious reasons, but I feel like if it is, it’s a serious oversight on Ubisoft’s part.
Firstly, if they’re half siblings why did they recreate the move from Save Your Tears in Majesty? Seems odd to have half siblings recreate a pretty iconic romantic duet moment.
There’s also the fact that we can clearly see that Wanderlust takes physical traits from each of his parents - his mother’s blue skin and his father’s dark hair. If the Traveler is Jack’s dad, why don’t they share any physical characteristics? At the very end of the beta for Sweet Dreams (spoiler?) we see Night Swan with green eyes, unlike the yellow eyes she has in the rest of the dances we see her in. (While this could just be an older design choice, I personally interpreted this as meaning that her eyes were green before she went evil and then they turned yellow.) In all of his character artwork, Jack’s eyes are green, which I take as meaning that this is a trait he got from his mother. So I personally feel like it only makes sense for his father to have red hair (and we’ve got plenty of options to pick from with that criteria).
But hey, that’s just a theory… I don’t need to finish that part, you’re already thinking it. Thanks for reading my insane ramblings!
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agendabymooner · 10 months
she's beauty, she's grace ! sergio 'checo' p. x ofc (miss philippines!ofc)
summary: the red bull driver sergio perez has married a long-time fan - who also happened to be the miss universe 2018 winner AND the mother to his two kids, carmella 'mella' ayala.
content warning: possible use of explicit language, established relationship, miss universe!ofc, fluff, dad!checo and mom!ofc, mentions checo and his proud bf moment, video clips + tweets and posts, what is proper grammar, mentions of characters from jenson button x ofc work and seb vettel x ofc piece (no storyline involved)
note: i used this face claim because i was one of those people that were screaming "PHILIPPINES" at the tv hoping that catriona gray would win. don't ask me why i made a checo one. there's something about that man that had my internals screaming for a moment so i've been at this thing for HOURS. i should probably update my masterlist soon before i start packing my shit and going 😭🤠 enjoy xx
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[translation: mi rana pequeño = my little frog]
tagged schecoperez
liked by carlossainzjr, danielricciardo, christianhorner
user1 my little frog 😭
carmayalaprz bitzy but he's at the hotel rn 😅 he's taking a break from chiquito
user2 even froggys need a break too 😩🙌
schecoperez what do you mean mr. bitzy's at the hotel 🧐
carmayalaprz what do you mean by that love? 😄😊
schecoperez 😊
maxverstappen1 uh oh. i wouldn't play this game with carma if i were you checo 🤔
redbullracing i agree with max on this one
christianhorner i don't really mind being introduced to bopit and bitzy every time 😕 liked by carmayalaprz
carmayalaprz i hope gp's the same because there's gonna be a lot of that soon 😅
danielricciardo how much plushies does he have for the trip rn?
carmayalaprz without cece's? about seven. apparently the whole pack either come or be left at home but we all know the chances of one being left alone in the cold dark place
danielricciardo i can barely imagine ribb being left alone at home- can you just imagine that poor frog crying for his friend?
carmayalaprz i can never 😔
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tagged schecoperez, artsforyouth, artsforkids
liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton, adaabbott
adaabbott ah yes! the efficient cardboard crafting camp! my favourite activities yet! liked by carmayalaprz
carmayalaprz i had my biggest proud wife and mom moment just watching serg and silas make those houses 🥰
adaabbott haha! i can imagine! poppet and jens definitely tried their best working together!
user1 silas and sergio perez are the most iconic duo since sebastian and michael 😍
user2 i love how hands-on you and checo are when it comes to your little ones!
carmayalaprz thank you so much! us parents are trying despite the busy schedules, you know? 💖
danielricciardo i hope you guys brought earplugs. god knows how much of a screamer silas is 😭
schecoperez daniel for the last time he didn't intentionally try to break your eardrums 🤠
carmayalaprz try babysitting them, you'll get used to it eventually
danielricciardo maybe next time, yes?
user3 danny would probably add more to the noise if anything ngl 😭
schecoperez am i ever glad to take your and silas' attentions away from the stupid frogs 😄 liked by carmayalaprz
carmayalaprz don't say that about those frogs 🤠 i was shedding blood and tears swiping my card after passing by that store
schecoperez maybe next time let's not go to a mall with a build a bear store 🤔
carmayalaprz i agree. we might have pavlov'd our son with the build-a-bear stores we come across to
maxverstappen1 so i should return the froggy i bought him then...?
redbullracing you know the right answer to that max.
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the perez kids
silas milo ayala perez
cecilia morgana ayala perez
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