#reacting out of blind frustration
randomfoggytiger · 6 months
X-Files IWTB: First Time React (Part III)
Wherein my anger overcomes my will to finish.
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Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we go, Part III. 
*Disclaimers*: I separate art from artist, acting was great, DD and GA did their best, my reaction is exaggerated for comedic purposes, etc. etc. etc.
Scratchy beard is over, and there is only pain, I presume, from here on out. 
I’m going to try to keep this short and sweet because:
I don’t care about the plot much. 
The characters are going to break apart whatever investment I have left in it. 
…There’s nothing really compelling about anyone else but Mulder and Scully. Maaaaaaaaaaaybe? I’ll like Pedo Joe’s stand-off with Scully? Doubt it. 
I am going to finish this movie with LIGHTNING SPEED because I caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan’t stand it, despite DD’s comedic timing and Mulderness (that is butchered by the script) and GA’s balanced grace and angst and Scullyness (that is butchered by the script); and honestly don’t think marinating in the details would be worth my time, despite the glorious opportunity to snark. 
I was trying to get back to where I left off and skipped to this image of Pedo Joe: 
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I believe it represents my viewing experience quite accurately. 
Back to it:
This scene’s not so bad: Mulder gets up to shave, working on Scully’s “scratchy beard” hint as an opportunity to free his unconscious mind by doing repetitive movements, eg. moving a razor up and down instead of quoting along to a tv. AND THAT’S A NICE TOUCH: it’s that domestic softening, that hinting at Scully’s lectures (in a good way) about tv being bad for his sleep patterns and Mulder learning to do other odd things with his hands instead. 
And Scully trailing him in and beginning to change her tune when Mulder mentions the tears of blood, etc. It’s nice, it’s them. So far, so very good. 
Nooooooooooooooow she’s gonna get uber jealous of Dakota Whitney 
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and reinterpret everything Mulder does through this stupid lens: shaving while thinking about the crime scene, letting (which he didn’t) Dakota take the fluff off his face, hanging around the FBI instead of following her back to a cozy, domestic life (which he CAN’T do because he’s tied to the case for good or ill no matter what-- they know where he lives, after all.) 
Hoooooooooooooooooooooooow does Scully conclude this is about him finding his sister, hooooooooooooooow. She wasn’t even there for the longing gazes he exchanged with Drummond’s? photo, the implication being his behavior is a long-standing pattern of behavior. But as established in the last two parts, it ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSN’T.
“We need those men back!” Mulder yells-- and he is the only person doing the right thing now. And the movie will punish him and his motives for it. 
The writers have unironically turned into early seasons' Syndicate men by depicting Mulder as an egomaniacal, unbalanced man on a mission… and Scully is giving him less grace and understanding than her own self how many years ago on their first case in Oregon. 
“What are you doing?” asks Scully. 
PEDO JOE JUST STOOD THERE FOR HOURS WHILE THE FBI DUG AROUND; AND ONLY STARTED FOLLOWING HIS HUNCHES WHEN MULDER ASKED HIM A FEW QUESTIONS??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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I don’t know why, but that insignificant detail broke me. 
I’m done. Skipping to parts now. 
I skipped to the breakup. 
“You asked for me to get involved, Scully, now I’m asking you to stay involved.”
“You helped them already, you broke the case for them, why don’t you let the FBI deal with it?” …Scully, the case isn’t broken. I understand you need support because of Christian and Mulder is completely dropping the ball there; but Scully, your medicine has done what it can (or would if you didn't give up on him as well for some reason) for the boy but there are REAL people whose lives are in danger, right now, and need to be rescued. 
Scully gave up because Mulder wouldn’t let this go. This COULD, COULD have worked if Mulder was pushing her to join him back at the FBI; but that’s not the case here. What’s going on here is the fact that he’s on a high, he’s saving lives, he needs HER help that she promised to give (and hasn’t); and yes, this is hard, yes, this is inconvenient, yes, she feels like Christian is getting second-best; but this is her partner’s freedom, his LIFE (and hers) he is winning back. Just a bit longer and they can breathe freely. THEN they can fight about the FBI, to return or not to return, etc. THEN this fight can and could happen. 
Would Scully still leave then? Apparently she did in the Revival; but here and My Struggle I posits it would have been a permanent rift and not a temporary one that was later written in (or hinted at) to blur the lines of the bad writing choices. 
Here’s why this scene doesn’t work: Scully’s writing is already so thoroughly broken (written about extensively here and here) that her declaration makes no sense: 
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she was off-put by pedo compound but on fire while she and Mulder bounced theories after scratchy beard but off-put firmly after Whitney touched his face but then was-- you get the point. On top of that, Mulder-- for as narrow-minded as his focus tends to be-- ALWAYS checks in with Scully’s emotional well-being; and it’s usually her that sets her feelings aside so they can plow forward. If Scully has an objection, Mulder will pause or come at it from another angle that will appeal to her. Scully here cannot be appealed to or reasoned with; and Mulder is only “inconsiderate” in his drive because he’s, again, WINNING HIS FREEDOM. The very thing that's kept them from meeting their son again, etc. 
Mulder is STILL giving her an out: he understands she’s a doctor now, that that isn’t her life anymore (BECAUSE IT’S NOT HIS), and just needs her help ON THIS CASE. 
Scully: “I cannot look into the darkness--” PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT, get that writing out of my ears, blegh, blegh, UCKCKCKCKKCC, it’s chocking me, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
“The darkness” is so wattpad, my word. 
“I’m fine with it, Scully, I’m okay, I’m good.” …WHAT sort of response is that? It makes it seem like Mulder’s addicted to this-- and in a way, he can be. But the PROBLEM is he’s now addicted at the expense of Scully???? Even though Scully has ALWAYS been addicted to it, TOO???? But she’s not now though she still is at times in the script(???) because… beeeeeeeeeeeecaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaause????????????????????????????
Mulder: “Where else would you want me to look to find these women alive?”
Scully: “I’m asking you to look at yourself.”
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Exactly, Mulder. (Unironically the Windows crashing noise… meme. Whatever.) …Scully, you’re setting yourself up for the “unreasonable little woman at home” jokes and you’re SCULLY and why are you like this.
Mulder: “Why? I don’t think I’m the one that’s changed.”
Based. Like… you pulled a “based” out of me, wow. 
Scully doesn’t want the darkness (UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK) in her home anymore. Fair. But he’s not bringing it into the home. Also, insert "there are people DYING, Kim" meme. 
Another thing: “This is who I am. This is who I’ve always been” true-ish, Mulder, but not true enough. It implies you cut out her emotional needs-- which you haven’t since SEASON. TWO.-- for your quest… but also, she accepted that about you IN ALL THINGS, WHICH WAS IN SEASON SEVEN. YET. HERE WE ARE. 
Wait, okay, so, this broke them up and Mulder learned how much he and Scully needed x/y/z for their relationship (despite how STUPID this is); and she explained how she’s at her limit and she doesn’t know what else to do, etc……………. And history repeated itself in a couple years because Mulder got depressed and gave up on them and just… didn’t… do… things. 
Sidenote: I HAVE THOUGHTS about the Revival breakup that I’ll talk about sometime (that CC blamed Mulder’s depression on Colonization’s failure when, in reality, he went on the run because of other men who feared Colonization and if it DIDN’T come to pass Mulder would have been TRULY free and he and Scully could embrace life and meet William and etc. etc. etc. but instead Mulder just flogged himself becaaaaaaaaaaaaaause reasons despite winning and, yes, William was given up HOWEVER they'd now have the freedom and opportunity to meet him, etc. And yet. And yet. ANYWAY.) 
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I will say: IWTB Mulder hair supremacy. My favorite of all his looks. Hands. DOWN. 
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Too late for this joke-- this movie’s Scully didn’t earn it. 
“HEY” Scully yells; and waits for the villain to turn around before whacking him in the head with a VERY big and probably VERY heavy axe instead of, I don’t know, shooting him. “But she’s a doctor now” I say to myself-- erecting a straw man just so I can wear off my aggressively angry energy by beating it do death. I didn’t know that doctors, I counter to myself, who were former SPECIAL AGENTS ANNOUNCE WHEN THEY’RE GOING TO HIT THE BAD GUY WHILE BEING 5’2” AND HEAVING AN AXE OVER THEIR HEAD AT SAID BAD GUY. 
Honestly me at this point:
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Scully walks in and sees a woman in the midst of being chopped into sell-able body parts; 
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and it just… hit home to me that she wanted Mulder to give up on this case, this lady, and the other women, DESPITE being on fire for other cases relating to women in the past, ala Excelsis Dei, Unruhe, Small Potatoes, etc. etc. GOOD GOING, CHUMP. 
Also, Mulder’s still tranked outside in the freezing cold, despite there being a team with Scully and Skinner (I think?) and… why didn’t she yell for the team to come help Mulder? Or someone? Or, I dunno, do that NOW rather than just send Skinner out to cuddle him??
Though that’s a nice moment, to be honest.  
WAIT, IT’S LITERALLY JUST THE TWO OF THEM-- y’know what? Forget. It. Why isn’t there backup? No, NO, I am not rewinding to find out. 
Skinman Cuddles, ™. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I'll take it.
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I was showing my sis a pic of the house and she had the audacity to say “Oh, how very unremarkable” to my face before making her version of a smug face. 
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I’m too amused to be annoyed; but it’s that thin sibling line, y’know? 
I fully support Mulder here: I’d be this annoyed, too. …I’m so tired. 
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His sarcastic eyebrow twitch made me bust out laughing. 
Is he still going to take the majority of the blame that should not be his at all. If so, I’m. gonna. riooooooooooooooooooooooooooot. 
Mulder pauses and asks Scully if she’s seen the story: that the FBI blamed Pedo Joe for the case-- and even though the guy was a pedo, this wasn’t on him. And you know what that means?????
….dEEP breaTHS.
Mulder wanted to at least clear that part of Pedo Joe’s name because it is an injustice… buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut Scully doesn’t care about justice now, even though she actively saved the lives of eviler men to later put on trial. Y’know, because they were facing JUSTICE. 
Oh, the pain and the torment of Scully not caring because he was a pedo and then denying that she believed him ‘cuz he’s dead now and she doesn’t have to face the fact she was a SNIVELLING COWARD who had to be motivated to do what’s right BY A PEDO. 
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Isn’t this just a beautiful movie. 
And Mulder is willing to let it all go if she tells him what she believed-- y’know, like they used to do back in the day-- but the movie wants you to think this is new character growth for him when it’s very obviously not for even the most casual of X-Files watchers. 
She has the gall to deny him his request… after she put him through SO MUCH in this movie by… I’m not reiterating, I’m tired, again. 
The movie is trying to say that Scully directly contributes to Mulder’s cave troll lifestyle by not communicating with him; which would be cool if the Revival didn’t loom over the horizon, or, more precisely, IF THIS MOVIE DIDN’T BUTCHER THIS INTERESTING IDEA. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANYWAY. 
Wait. So, Scully gave up on Mulder to do her job... but was ALSO giving up on her job ala Christian becaussssssssssssssssssssse until the pedo priest told her to keep going and it saved Mulder’s life and Christian’s……………………………………………………..
Please end. PLEASE, please end. 
1:38:00 of 1:48:00 left.
Mulder: “Father Joe’s prayers were answered, after all.”
wOW. Pedo Joe has been made into a saint I guess because he didn’t give up. And I guess that’s supposed to be comforting for Scully because she didn’t give up, either, even though she did. 
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Okay, see, Mulder was wildly out of character this movie, too; but the above realization is… not even Pilot Mulder because Scully didn’t have to say a word in the Pilot for him to read her moods. He’s always been in-tune with her (despite profiling, yadda yadda yadda); so, to suddenly put on blinders to hide away that "ability" just so the writers can extend that miscommunication over the ONE aspect they “get” about each other is laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy, and baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad, and INFURIATING. 
I just realized this movie is completely my vibe and that’s why I’m so passionate about this. 
Mulder: “If Father Joe were the Devil, why would he say the opposite of what the Devil might say?”
I. Died. on the spot. 
Look, you don’t have to have a religious background to know that this is the most brain-dead, stupid, inane take ever: cult leaders and other villainous exploiters have used this to their advantage, masking their motives behind religious speak.
(Sis--I’m fake crying from frustration and she’s nearby-- says: “Because he’s the Devil.”) 
Why does Scully get weepy after Mulder says “Don’t give up” and STILL. INSIST. ON LEAVING HIM??? EITHER PERMANENTLY OR TO DO THE SURGERY OR BOTH????? UNTIL HE GIVES HER A HUG, I GUESS??
i. loathe. this. movie. 
Now Mulder’s sayin’ “hey, ‘bout that kid? If you don’t feel like doin’ the surgery doodad, then we can bounce to vacay and let him deal, yo yo.” Again, Scully wasn’t the only character butchered in this movie. Was this nice of him to say? Yes. Is this a Mulderism? NO. A Mulderism would be to encourage her to do the right thing and promise a vacay AFTER. 
1:40:25. Eight minutes left. 
Okay, you had your pretty romcom moment, can this END NOW????
I can live with the chest pat. It’s fine. But, again, it’s sort of… a moment from a better movie. 
...Credits? CREDITS??? Where's the vacay??????????
(There was a perfectly comedic moment when the music was just kicking up and then POW Chris's face was just THERE while I was trying to figure out what in the world was going on.)
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I’m so, so glad I skipped around. 
I. despise. this movie. 
I knew it was bad; but I thought it would be inane, boring bad. 
No, no, my fellow philes: it’s cold-sores-and-orange-juice bad. 
(Now, to figure out how to write a cool meta from this mess. I have a few ideas, no worries there~.)
Thanks for reading~
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bueckers · 6 days
a/n | heavily inspired by that clip of caitlin & gabbie LOL. kind of a blurb
summary: paige gets caught looking at you a certain way on camera while you’re practically fuming during a game.
warning(s): just sexual tension & out of pocket comments, suggestive
pairing: paige bueckers x teammate!reader
The game against NC State was remarkably close, an unexpected challenge for only the second game of the season. As the third quarter dwindled to its final minutes, a sense of frustration began to set in. You found yourself doing everything in your power to gain composure.
The same girl had been targeting you all night, her aggressive play becoming increasingly blatant as the game progressed. Your patience was wearing thin, and when she charged at you once again, a surge of anger propelled you forward, ready to confront her. However, before you could react, Paige, Aubrey, and Ines intervened, stepping in to hold you back before you did something you’d regret.
Geno had benched you, which only added more fuel to the fire. When the other team called a timeout, the rest of the team was sent to the benches, but Paige was quick to run over to you. As soon as the whistle blew, you got out of my seat and jogged over to the referee, determined to explain that he had made the wrong call. He had been the entire game. Your frustration, however, got the better of you, and your words came out heated. The referee was clearly unimpressed with your complaints and wasn’t budging.
Paige stepped in front of you, concluding your one-sided heated conversation with the referee. She grabbed your arm with one hand and placed the other on your lower back to guide you away. “C’mere,” she mumbled, steering you back to the bench. You sat down, a little calmer than before but still huffing and puffing that you hadn’t gotten to say everything you wanted to.
Paige sat next to you, her entire body turned in your direction as she nearly fell off the seat. This wasn’t the first time this had happened, and she knew exactly what to do to get you to calm down. “Talk to me,” she threw out huskily, knowing you had to actually get what you had to say out before resting. You were already on it.
“That girl has been all over me all night,” you began, words tumbling out in a rush. “Do you know how many fouls I’ve been cheated out of? It’s like she’s got it out for me. And the refs are fucking blind to it—this is bullshit..”
As you rambled on, Paige couldn’t tear her eyes away from you. She was perplexed at how you could look so good even while angry. Her eyes darted between yours and your lips the entire time, her lips slightly parted. Though you were loud, she barely heard a word, her ears blocking out all of the trash talk you let flow. Paige was captivated, caught between her desire to comfort you with reassuring words and letting you take her in the locker room after the game, which seemed to intensify with every fiery word you spoke.
Her head rested in one of her hands, and just as you finished speaking you turned to her, catching her lingering gaze on your lips. This out of all things made you crack a smile. “Paige,” you snapped her out of her short daze, her eyes averting back to yours.
“Yeah?” she mumbled, sitting up straighter now as she reached her hands behind her head to adjust her ponytail.
Your eyes followed her without your head moving for a moment, your smile only growing bigger as you realized why she was staring at you that way. “What?” she questioned, her smile being heard through it, faking her oblivion as she looked at you.
“You’re so fucking horny, bro.” you shook your head, smiling bright at her as she threw her head back, laughing, but she didn’t disagree. What you didn’t know, was that your interaction was caught on camera being televised—and of course screen recorded.
user1. lip readers get on this 😭
user2. Paige is down bad CONFIRMED
user3. The way she’s looking at her omg I physically can’t
user5. are they dating?
user6. No
user7. I hope so
user8. nooo way this is real LMFAOOO
user9. her eyes shifting between her lips and eyes ohhh she’s so down bad
user11. wouldn’t be surprised if they’re fucking
user12. these comments are crazy as hell 😭
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mytheoristavenue · 28 days
How MHA Guys React to Fangirls
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Summary: Dating a pro hero can be a challenge, especially one so handsome, with so many rabid fans.
Warnings: jealousy, fluff, gn!reader, very little angst
Katsuki Bakugo:
Bakugo has never been into having fans as he is just being all together admired. Not one for social interactions, he tends to clam up and become defensive when asked for an autograph, so when he's approached by a fangirl, he wants nothing to do with them. Especially if he's out with you, off duty. If one does happen to approach, and ignoring them doesn't do the trick, he'll make sure he's not their favorite hero anymore by the end of it.
"Do I look like I'm on duty to you? Can't you see I'm out with my partner or are you fucking blind? Piss off, I ain't signin' any damn autographs."
Izuku Midoriya:
Izuku totally understands how it feels to be a hopelessly obsessed fan, so he cuts his fans a lot of slack- sometimes too much. Though he rerfused to admit it at first, he has a lot of fangirls. and he's never the type to hurt someone's feelings on purpose, so he almost always stops for free autographs and photo ops. It can be sometimes frustrating how much of a people pleaser he can be, but rest assured, if he feels like you are getting too uncomfortable, or a fan is becoming too bold, he politely and swiftly ends the interaction.
"Hey, thanks for the support! I'd love to stay and chat, but it's actually my day off, so me and and my partner here are gonna move along. Hope to see you at the next event I attend, though!"
Tenya Iida:
Iida does truly enjoy interactions with his fanbase, but he considers that part of the job, and he's very strick about working off the clock. Because of this, he declines nearly every interaction if he's off duty. He absolutely has no tollerance for being flirted with, either, especially in front of you.
"I appreiciate your enthusiasm, but I and currently off duty and will not be indulging in fan interaction at this time! Please feel free to catch me anytime you see me in uniform! Good day!"
Shoto Todoroki:
Shoto doesn't beleive he has fans, genuinely. He can't quite wrap his head around having a fanbase, or being a fan of a celebrity in the first place, due to how he grew up. It tends to bewilder him when strangers approach him on the street wanting autographs, even more so when they try and put the moves on him. It just goes in one ear and out the other.
"You want an autograph? Why? Well, okay, I guess, but then we should get going. My partner and I are busy."
Eijiro Kirishima:
Kirishima tends to have a very healthy balance of pleasing fans and knowing when to say no. He loves giving out autographs, taking selfies, and giving hugs to all his fans. He especially loves interactions with child fans because it reminds him of how he idolized Crimson Riot, and he hopes to inspire someone like that too. He is, however, very aware when he's being flirted with or sexualized, and has no issue with promptly, albeit politely shutting it down.
"Alright, ladies, I understand someone as manly as me attracts a lot of attention, but my partner here is the only one I've got eyes for, and I ask that you please respect that."
Denki Kaminari:
Unfortunaely for you, Denki loves attention from fans, especially from his fangirls. He never turns down a signing or photo op, posing with girls however they want, even if it means something suggestive. To his credit, he will stop if you ask him to, but you still have to ask.
"Oh, what's that? Okay. Sorry ladies, we gotta run, but catch me at the next meet and greet!"
Hanta Sero:
Like Kirishima, Sero seems to have a pretty healthy mix of reactions. He loves his fans to death and would do most anything for them, especially kids. He lets his fangirls sexualize him to a small extent, knowing they probably don't totally realize he's a real person, but if they come to commenting on his body, or touching more than his shoulder, upper back, or elbows, he puts a stop to it.
"Now, that's enough, ladies. I appreiciate the admiration but even us celebrities have to set boundaries. It was nice meeting you, but it's actually my day off so me and my partner are gonna get, have a nice day!"
Minoru Mineta:
Like Denki, Mineta unfortunately lets his fangirls do whatever they want to him, short of carry him off. He actually does sometimes feel guilty for hurting your felings, however. He just doesn't realize how his flirting can affect you at times. He hopes you know that, even if he does flirt back, it's you who he truly loves!
"Awe, babe, I'm sorry! They don't even matter to me, I swear! It's you that I love, not some silly fangirl!"
Tokoyami Fumikage:
Tokoyami for the life of him does not know how to interact with his fans. He gets overwhelmed by crowds, but can usually handle interactions if they come one or two at a time. He typically caters to most requests, unless they happen to be personal questions, or something embarrassing. He doesn't like the idea of some fans being attracted to him, as he's only attracted to you, and he feels guilty beign someone's unrequited love. Due to this, he doesn't entertain any kind of flirting from any of his fans, no matter what gender.
"Sorry, I'm not comfrotable signing that for you, can you pick something else? My partner here is my only love, so it wouldn't be right of me to sign your photo with anything romantic."
Mezo Shoji:
It took a lot of convincing to get Shoji to understand that he had fans, let alone ones that were attracted to him. he's just not used to people other than you thinking of him that way, with his mutations and all. You actually had to show him all of the fan works of him online to get him to believe you. That being said, Shoji loves his fans, but he tends to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of them, and the fact that the can forget he's a person, not a character. In the past, he's had issues with fangirls stroking his muscles during photo ops, squeezing his pecks, and one even tried to yank his mask down. Luckily since then, he has learned how to manage fan interactions much better.
"Hey, don't do that. I'm a person, just like you, please treat me how you'd want to be treated. And don't disrespect my partner by tyring something inappropriate right in front of them."
Mashiroa Ojiro:
Like Shoji, Ojiro had a hard time accepting he had fans, but took much less convincing on your part. What he really struggled with was coming to terms with some of his fans liking him romantically. He doesn't typically turn away fan interactions, even on his days off, but he does cut them shorter that he would if he were working. If someone tries anything inappropriate, he ends the interaction right there.
"Sorry, I don't appreciate what you just did. Besides, it's my day off and I'd like to spend it with my partner here. I forgive you though, and hope to see you again at a meet and greet in the future!"
Tamaki Amajiki:
Tamaki appreciates the thought of having fans, and when standing intront of a cheering crowd, he can soemtiems handle it, but he really hates fan interactions. He never knows how to handle them, and many end up with him just nervously standing by while a stranger takes pictures with him, many times without his permission. Many times, you have to step up from him and ask the person politely to move along, which he always appreiciates.
"T-Thanks, babe... They were making me really uncomfortable but I didn't wanna hurt their feelings..."
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moonstruckme · 9 months
Olá, adorei sua escrita, peço desculpas por quaisquer erros de digitação (inglês não é minha primeira língua).
Gostaria de solicitar algo com poly!marauders reagindo a eles no meio de alguma discussão, e quando levantam a voz ou fazem alguma movimento repentino ela apenas se encolhe de medo
(só escreva se você se sentir confortável com isso, peço desculpas se for um assunto delicado)
No worries, sweetness! I worry I don't communicate this very well on my requests page, but so long as any abuse is in the past and not still happening while the story takes place, I'm totally good! Thank you so much for requesting, hope you enjoy it <3
cw: implied past abuse
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
Your face is burning hot, and you’re hoping no one can tell it’s from how hard you’re working to hold back tears. 
“I’m telling you,” James says with a severity that doesn’t suit him, “they’re not good for you. You need to stop hanging around them.” 
“You have no idea what you’re talking about.” You wave him off, relieved that your voice comes out as even as it does. “They’re my friends.” 
“They don’t fucking act like your friends.” Sirius is looking at you like you’re stupid, and you try not to tremble in the face of his anger. Every muscle in your body had tensed at the first show of frustration, an exasperated huff from Remus nearly ten minutes ago, and it’s only gotten worse since. You know, logically, that this situation doesn’t call for fight-or-flight, but there’s no telling your nervous system that. “They left you drunk and completely alone in the middle of the night. They’re assholes.” 
“What, just because you don't like them?” You glower at Sirius from across the room, and James shakes his head disappointedly from the couch. “You don’t get to dictate who I hang out with!”
“You’re completely blind to it!”
“You’re being ridiculous!”
“That’s enough!” Remus roars, and everything else ceases to matter. 
Your shoulders hunch in to protect your middle, one hand coming up in front of your face instinctively as your eyes squeeze shut. 
It’s only an instant of terror, shooting through your nerves like a lightning strike, and then your heart starts beating again, now at double time. You raise your head to find Remus looking cracked open, mouth parted in silent shock and anguish. 
“I’m sorry,” you say quickly, holding up your hands as if to ward off the effects of what you’ve just done. You’re trembling all over. “I’m sorry, that was—I didn’t mean to.” 
“Sweetheart.” James starts to reach for you, then stops, wrapping his arms around his torso like he’ll lunge for you if not restrained. His voice is so quiet you can barely hear it over your own heartbeat. “Don’t apologize, please. Are you okay?” 
You nod, fighting the urge to shake out the adrenaline still working its way through your body. “Yeah, I’m fine. I didn’t mean to react like that. It wasn’t you guys, I’m sorry.” A traitorous tear skids down your face. You brush it away. 
“No.” The word sounds like it’s hooked from inside Remus’ throat and scraped forcibly out. “I shouldn’t have yelled like that. I’m so sorry.” He looks at you, eyes imploring. “Do you wanna sit down?”
“I’m fine,” you say again. 
“Angel.” James’ eyebrows come together in pity. “You’re shaking all over. Come sit, we don’t have to fight anymore.” 
You blow out a frustrated breath, ignoring the warm wetness on your cheeks as more tears escape. “I’m not—I don’t want to stop fighting just because of this. I feel like I’m manipulating you,” you say, tone edged with bitterness. “I’m not trying to, though. Can we just forget that happened?”
“Hey,” Sirius says, uncharacteristically firm, “stop that.” You’d been afraid to make eye contact with him before, but now you turn to find he’s looking at you like you’ve clawed his heart right out. You’re all the more miserable for it, for the pain you know you’re dredging up for him. You both have experience with raised voices and forceful gesturing. Both harbor old and unreliable notions about what those lead to, instincts you can’t shed. “You can’t manipulate us by accident, understand? You don’t always have control over reactions to things like that. Just…” His forehead creases with a helplessness you recognize. “Just take a breath.” 
He waits, eyes boring into yours, until you do. It shakes on the way out, but it feels good. 
“Okay. Do you want a hug?”
Your throat clogs so no words can pass through, but you nod, and Sirius steps toward you. His arms come around you slow but solid, feeling out how much you want. You press your face the juncture of his shoulder and his neck, hands clutching at his back, and he tightens his grip on you. Under your hand, you can feel his heart beating almost as desperately as yours. 
Sirius doesn’t quite release you as he walks the both of you to the couch, folding you into his lap, but you pull away once your tremors ease. James looks miserable with worry, and you take his hand, squeezing reassuringly. “I didn’t mean to scare you guys,” you say. It’s as close to an apology as you expect they’ll allow you. 
“Don’t worry about that,” Remus insists. “I mean it, I shouldn’t have raised my voice that way. Regardless of your history, it was uncalled for, and I’m sorry.” 
You give him the best smile you can offer at the moment. “It’s okay, really.” 
“You’re not manipulating anyone,” Sirius says, hand still tight around your waist, “but let’s save the rest of that conversation for another time, yeah?”
You nod reluctantly, and James gives Sirius a pleading look until he lets you go, nudging you into James' side. “I’m fine,” you insist again as he presses his lips to the top of your head, rubbing your upper arm. “Don’t worry about me.” 
He scoffs lightly, kissing downward to your forehead, the tip of your nose. “I always worry about you. Nothing you can do about that.” 
Some of the tension clears from Remus’ countenance as he watches you. “I agree, let’s pick that discussion back up when we all have clearer heads. Dovey, can I make you some tea?”
“I don’t need to be coddled,” you argue as James moves his attentions to your cheek. 
“Oh, let him,” Sirius says, rolling his eyes, “it’ll make him feel better. You can make me some tea, Moony.” 
“I’ll take some, too,” James says. “If it’ll help, of course. Actually, do we have any biscuits?” 
You laugh as Remus sets off happily for the kitchen.
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monster-disaster · 9 months
[elf] Everen
elf!Everen x human!Reader Good to know: smut
Summary: Your boss demands you to go after him into the woods.
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For long seconds, the ringing of your phone seems unreal and far away. It needs time to break through your dreams, and when it does, you can't help but groan into the darkness of your room. You are disoriented and confused. Your phone doesn't stop vibrating on the nightstand next to you. The bluish light of the screen illuminates the ceiling. It blinds you for a second as you turn on your back and grab the small device. You have to force yourself to stay awake even though tears gather and escape from the corner of your eyes because of the sudden light. You can barely see the picture of your boss with his name at the bottom. You groan again.
"Mad?" His voice breaks the silence of your room. You can see him frowning on the screen. His thick, almost white brows cause a deep wrinkle between them. "It's me," you croak out. You don't even have enough energy to react to the stupid nickname he gave you years ago. Reaching out for the small lamp, you turn it on. "Did I wake you?" You glance up at the clock in the corner of your phone. It's almost one o'clock. "What do you think?" "You look like shit." "What do you want, Everen?" You ask him impatiently. Your voice is still hoarse with sleep but more steady and strict. "I need you to come here." Long seconds pass in silence before you snap. "What do you want now?" "I'm going crazy here," he says, looking around wherever he is. The only thing you can see behind him is a window with curtains. "You can't be serious," you breathe out your frustration. "You are barely there for twelve hours." "So?" You groan. "Then come home!" "I can't," he argues. "I need this." "Then why do you want me there?" You snap at him again. "You are my personal assistant, no?" He asks. "You have to do what I say." Your resignation is at the tip of your tongue, but you gulp it down at the last moment. "You are five hours away, Everen. You can't be serious." "Do I look like I'm joking?" He asks back. You don't even have to look at him to know he is not joking. You are not even sure if he can do that. "You can be here by the morning." You have to close your eyes to keep your calm. "I arrive when I arrive!" "Fine," he grunts, and you end the call.
Fucking unbelievable!
You met Everen when you finished college. He needed someone he could order around, and you needed a job to keep a roof over your head. It was a match made in hell.
The elf writes fantasy. And he is good at them. Really good. He is popular, and his books are bestsellers. Everen is lucky his personality doesn't show on the pages. He is headstrong, mean, and spoiled. Most of the time, you feel like a babysitter.
At first, he only used you to get him coffee, do his shopping, and keep in contact with his publisher, so he didn't have to. As the years went by, he asked for, or demanded, help with his stories. Read them and give them your honest opinion. Point out the mistakes and drag down his ego. Well, he didn't ask for the latter, but you like to do it nonetheless. Besides the salary, this is the only perk of your job.
After sleeping for a few hours more, you pack your things and begin your journey to Ironridge.
Everen decided to turn his back on the city when two months passed without him writing anything. The elf is sure he only needs some solitude and nature to clear his head and finish his book in time. There are two problems, though: he hates being alone, and he has no survival skills in nature, even though you know there is a town just a ride away, and he has a perfectly good cabin in the woods.
"What?" You ask him when you get out of the car, and Everen just stares at you without a word. He sits on the porch with a mug in his hands. "You are here," he states, and you freeze. "You asked me to come, remember?" Gods, if he says he wasn't serious you will kill him. Nobody knows you are here, and the forest is big enough to hide his body. Everen scoffs. "Of course, I remember!" "Good," you nod, grabbing your things to take them into the house. As you stop next to him in front of the entrance of the cabin, you notice what he wears. His boots are too new and useless for the woods, and his jeans are too tight to be comfortable. The red flannel shirt is something you never thought you would see on him. "You look ridiculous," you tell him before disappearing into the house.
The place is small. There is barely enough space for a kitchen and a living room with a couch and fireplace. The bathroom and the bedroom are next to each other at the back.
Oh, right, where are you going to sleep?
"The couch is comfortable," Everen says from behind you.
Right. Of course.
"Always a gentleman."
After putting down your things and grabbing a mug to pour yourself some coffee, you turn your attention back to the elf. "So, what did you do yesterday?" You ask him. "Did you write something or go for a walk?" He looks at you like you are crazy. "For a walk? Outside?" "Yes," you nod, and when the expression on his chiseled face doesn't change, you groan. "Why are we even here if you don't go out?" "To be close to nature." You will kill him. Nobody will know. "Next time just by a fucking plant!" "You are not really nice," he states. "Did you sleep enough?" For seconds, you just stare at him without blinking. "I wrote a few pages yesterday," he adds when he decides to change the topic for safety reasons. "Do you want to read it?" "Do you want to show them to me?" There are times when Everet is really cautious with his work, and despite your odd relationship with him, you don't want to make him do things he doesn't want to. His books and his career are really important to him, and you respect them.
Without saying anything, the elf nods at the laptop on the couch, and you sit down to read it. Long minutes pass by while you focus on the screen, and Everen walks back and forth behind you. His platinum-blonde hair is tied back with a leather stripe. The long, straight locks almost reach his slim waist.
"Holyshit," you break the silence. The elf stops and leans over the back of the couch to see the screen in your lap. The pillow behind your back sinks under his weight. "So?" He asks urgently. "What do you think?" "Since when do you write erotica?" "The publisher told me to spice things up," he explains. "He says it's popular." You frown. "Your books are popular." Everen shrugs. "Is it really that bad?" "It's so dry," you tell him. You can see he doesn't like the publisher's instructions, either, so you try to be nicer than usual. Now you understand why he got stuck with his book. "And you used "member" at least twenty times. It's not a rock band, Everen, it's a dick." You don't even have to look back at him to know he is offended. You just notice it from the way his breathing changes. "Can you do better?" "I mean…" you shrug. "I could give it a try." You are not a writer and don't want to be one, but you can clearly see what's wrong with his work. "Then be my guest," he says. "Do your best."
You spend the next few hours on the couch, adjusting and changing things you don't like in the scene. The only noise in the small cabin is the keyboard's clattering as you write. Sometimes you hear Everen do something in the house, mostly making coffee after coffee. He is lucky elves don't tend to get heart attacks.
"Are you writing a whole book?" He asks impatiently. "I didn't ask you to change the whole book." Rolling your eyes, you push the laptop onto the couch from your lap to stand up. "I'm done," you tell him. "Read it if you want."
While your boss busies himself with the book, you go out with another drink to enjoy some peace and fresh air. You feel even more tired than you arrived. You settle into the rocking chair Everen used when you arrived. The wooden floorboards feel solid beneath your feet as you rock back and forth ever so slowly. As you sip your coffee, your gaze wanders into the woods. Towering trees sway gently in the gentle summer breeze. The sunlight filters through the canopy above, casting a dappled pattern of light and shadow on the lush greenery. The air smells like pine, damp earth, and wildflowers, mixing with the coffee in your hands. Birdsong fills the quietness, a symphony of chirps and trills.
Usually, you prefer the loud business of the city, but if you have to be honest, this is good too. Your only problem is…
Everen almost bursts out of the house. His handsome face is cold and strict. Something burns in his eyes, but you don't recognize what.
"How did you do this?" He demands for an answer. You shrug, sipping from your coffee. "I have a soul." Everen's frown deepens. "I have that too!" "I don't know what to say," you reply. "Did you do that before?" "You mean writing a sex scene?" You ask. "No." "No," he shakes his head. "The scene itself." You almost laugh. "Of course I did." A light blush spreads across his cheeks, and a nagging feeling starts to eat the back of your mind. "You didn't?" His blush deepens. "Does it matter?" "I mean, no," you reply. "But it's really… vanilla." "For who?" "For me? And for a bunch of other people?" "Well," he grunts. "I want it too." You freeze. The swaying of the chair under you stops. "I'm not sure what you want me to do," you break the momentary silence after a while. The words leave your lips slowly and carefully. "I want you to sit on my face," he says. "How hard can it be?" At the word hard, your gaze falls down on the obvious bulge between his thighs. Seeing his erection trapped in his jeans, the new shine in his dark eyes suddenly makes sense. "You got horny because of…-" you point back at the cabin. Surprise shows on your face as your brows draw up in shock. "So what?" He acts like an upset kid. "I'm just surprised you feel anything besides anger," you tell him. Everen just grimaces. "You are funny." His snarky comment makes you think of his request again. Or demand. "So?" He asks impatiently. "Are you coming?" "You mean, right now?" "What do you want me to do? Take you out to pick berries?" He waves at the forest surrounding you. How many times did you imagine shutting him up since your work for him? You can't even count it. "Fine," you grunt, standing up from your seat. The chair creaks at your sudden movement.
Anything to shut him up finally.
"So, what do you want me to do?" He asks when you lead him to the bedroom. It's a mess. His clothes are all over the place, poured out of his bags, and the blanket is halfway down on the ground. "Well," you grunt, looking around. "You could clean up." He stares at you. "You are really wild in bed." "Just shut up!" "Make me!"
"Then take off your clothes," you tell him. "Will you do it too?" He asks, staring to unbutton his shirt. You feel glad when the flannel falls off his shoulders. It really did look horrible on him. "Do you want me?" You ask him. "Naked, I mean." "How will I eat your pussy otherwise?"
Maybe this is a good step. Both of you get over the awkwardness first, so you can move on and enjoy whatever happens next. And still. You feel nothing but impatience and excitement. Your gaze rakes over Everen's naked body. Over the line of his shoulders, the light muscles on his chest and abdomen, and the V line that leads you to his cock between his thighs. He is tall and lean. His posture is confident as he stands beside the bed, watching you. His eyes burn your skin as he looks over you. Your nipples harden into small peaks under his heavy stare. "Are you still angry because you had to come here?" He breaks the silence. The elf doesn't even try to hide the fact that he can't tear his eyes away from your breasts. "Just lay down."
When he does as you say, for once, you are ready to climb up on him when a question stops you. "How do you want me?" You eye his erection. "Do you want me to suck you?" A pained grunt escapes the back of his throat. His cock jerks under your gaze. "I take it as a yes," you grin, getting into position with his hands on your thighs. Everen's long fingers squeeze your flesh, urging you to hurry up. You hover just beyond his reach. His warm breath fans over your wet center. "What did you not understand?" He asks after a few seconds. "I said, sit!" And with that, he pushes you down on his face. You don't even have a chance to keep your balance under his tight hold.
Your moans mix in the quiet room as his tongue licks over your pussy. Everen nibs and sucks on you, exploring your aching wetness. His fingers dig into your thighs, pushing you down even more. "Everen!" You cry out his name in shock. His tongue slides through your pussy, lapping at your juices. His face is already soaked. His senses are filled with your taste and scent. He breathes you in, driving himself to delirium. Your thighs shake at the sides of his head. You try to keep your balance, rocking into him and grinding your pussy against his face. You aren't even sure if the elf under you can breathe, but at this point, you don't even care. Your chase your own pleasure, and the only thing that can keep you afloat is his cock not far from you. It twitches every now and again, and pre-cum runs down on his shaft and a bluish vein under the soft, pale skin. Licking your lips, you lean over his chest. Your nipples graze his upper body.
A dissatisfied grunt vibrates over your pussy, sending shivers up your spine when you lift yourself up from his face. "I didn't tell you to move," he grunts. A breathless grin spreads across your face. "Are you sure?" Your fingers curl around his cock, smoothing up and down on his length. "Fuck!" Everen growls, pulling your back onto his lips. His hips thrust up to fuck your fist. "If I had known I could shut you up like this, I would have done it sooner," you tell him, still grinning. Your words are airy, but the snarkiness still rings clearly. Everen says something you don't understand, and the next moment, a startled cry escapes your lips as your world spins with you in the middle. He finds your entrance. He laps at the juices flowing from your pussy before his tongue plunges into your hole. Your legs quiver at the new feeling. Your muscles twitch and flex as your boss pushes you higher and higher. Your hand around his cock is sloppy. You can barely focus on anything besides his tongue in you. Your walls flutter and pulse around him as he fucks you. Both of you are soaked with your wetness and his saliva. "I'm going to cum," you cry out when you feel the first spasms in your lower abdomen. It strikes through your body, sending stars behind your eyelids as you press yourself even more firmly against his face.
You cum, and he licks up everything you have to offer. And he doesn't stop even when you try to get up. "Oh, no," he growls with a deep laugh. The rumbles shake through your sensitive, throbbing cunt. "I'm not done with this pussy yet." He doesn't let you move. He doesn't let you escape. "Oh, fuck! Everen!" You are so busy with your own body you don't even notice your grip on his cock tightening until you feel him jerk and cum in your hand. His hips push up even more, and his moans and groans shake your body. His tongue strokes into you, licking deep. He devours you with a newfound elan, and you can do nothing but grind against him until you feel your orgasm approaching again. Your breathing gets ragged, mixing with cries and screams. Your over-sensitive pussy sends you over the edge within a few minutes.
When your mind clears a bit, you are already on the bed next to Everen. His hand shamelessly gropes your tits, and his hard cock nudges your thigh. His breath is warm on the curve of your neck. "Have any other ideas for the book?"
- Masterlist Ironridge Masterlist Patreon
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graveyard-stray · 5 months
Me or Her. || Thomas Shelby x f!Reader
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Summary: All your life you’ve loved Tommy, and you finally thought he loved you too. But then, Grace came along and had to ruin everything.
(No hate to Grace. She slays. This is all just for story purposes)
Word Count: 2.5K
Tags: Angst + Fluff, unrequited love, jealousy, Smut. Dom!Tommy, Praise, dirty talk?, Grinding/Dry humping, Lowkey rough sex, loving tho, P in V sex, little bit of oral, lowkey desperate tommy and reader. No use of Y/N!!
A/N: Not proofread! Dont crucify me please…😰
“What is your god damn issue?” Tommy asked you, a frustrated expression on his face. You had run off during the large event the Peaky Blinders were currently hosting.
Ya see Tommy was your boyfriend, or something of the sort- as Tommy wasn’t the kind of guy you really would call a boyfriend. But none the less you were involved and had been for quite some time.
The way you felt about him was strong and undeniable. You had been in love with him for years, you never thought he felt the same. You felt even more sure of that when you saw him with Grace. You could tell clearly there was romance between them, a certain spark. It broke your heart but you would of course pretend to be happy for them.
But, after she had gone to New York you finally had your chance. After some time Tommy finally took some notice to you. It didn’t take too long for you two to start being…involved. Sleeping together, going to all the important events together, spending nights together at his place, the whole nine yards. Everything couples would do.
But the night of this party, no different than the others, who would walk through the door? Grace.
your heart sinks as you see her walking into the party, dressed beautifully and looking around clearly searching for something- or someone.
You moved closer to Tommy’s side and grabbed onto his arm, staying almost attached to him. He didn’t mind of course, simply continuing on with his conversations and dealings.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Grace coming over, in an attempt to make it clear what you and Tommy were you put your face in the crook of his neck, kissing him softly. He didn’t react but, you hadnt expected him too. That wasn’t the goal. The goal was to make Grace back off.
But, Grace came over anyway. Interjecting into Tommy’s conversation. The look on his face when he saw her shattered your heart. AJ mix of surprise and pleasure in seeing her. She asked to speak to him alone and he agreed, he told you to stay where you were and he would be back soon but you just couldn’t. As soon as he went to walk off with her you left the party, ran off to the room you were staying in to cry.
That’s how you got where you were now. Arguing with Tommy in the room that you so often shared.
“What is your god damn issue?” He was scowling at you as you looked at him with a mixture of anger and sadness on your face. “My issue? Your the one who went off with that whore!” You snapped back at him, your voice breaking from your crying.
He scoffed, “is that really what this is about? I was just talking to her calm the fuck down.” He scolded, still clearly annoyed at your reaction.
You stood up and got closer to him, “Oh please Tommy, I’m not blind! I saw the way you looked at her when you saw her. So glad she was back from New York. I mean come on- I just….” You explained, trailing off at the end trying to find the words.
“You just what? Spit it out.” He said demanding, looking down at you as he stepped closer to you, you could feel his breathe on your face. “I just thought you loved ME, Tommy.” You said, coldly. “Bloody hell, your being ridiculous. I do!” He responded, turning around and putting some space between the two of you.
You stayed in your spot glaring at him, new tears pricking your eyes. “No you don’t. You love her. You always have and I should’ve opened my fucking eyes sooner! I should’ve known you would never love me like you love her!” You barked at him, those new hot tears now falling down your cheeks.
“I do! Just calm down and listen to me when I say that I do!” Tommy repeated, an evident tone of annoyance in his words. “Then say it.” You said, wiping the tears from your face.
He looked confused for a moment, “say what exactly?” He questioned honestly, but with his same strong and cold tone.
“Say that you love me. I know you’ve said it to her before so your bloody capable of it. So, if you really do love me, then SAY IT.” You demanded, sternly looking him right in the eyes. Most men you knew didn’t dare look at him in the eyes, but you weren’t scared of him. No matter what.
“Your being insane, I just said it!” He defended, his tone still cold but there was a clear look of searching in his eyes. Like he was struggling to find the right words to say, to find the right way to express what he wanted to. But his avoidance of doing what you asked was a very clear answer to you.
You kept your eyes glued to his and just shook your head disapprovingly, “Whatever Tommy. I can’t keep fucking doing this, I was gonna tell you to choose between me or her but it seems you already have.” The words were like venom leaving your lips. You turned to walk towards the door, your heels clacking on the floor with every step.
Before you could go the sound of Tommy’s voice registered in your mind. It was softer now and more sincere than before. “I love you.” he said, making you stop in your tracks but not yet turn to face him. “I love you so much and it scares the shit out of me.” He confessed.
You turned on your heels to face him, “what do you mean? Why does it scare you?” you asked sincerely, the look in your eyes softer now, and more sympathetic.
“After what happened with Grace? Why the hell wouldn’t I be frightened. I didn’t wanna put myself out there again just for ya to bloody leave as soon as things got good, or worse for you to be put in danger cause of me.” Tommy explained, looking away from your gaze.
He felt your soft hand on his cheek, his rough skin contrasting your own. He looked at you and quickly plunged his lips onto yours. You were a bit taken aback but quickly reciprocated.
The kiss was deep and passionate but also had an energy of desperation in it. Tommy wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him, your body flush against his own.
It didn’t take long for the kiss to develope into his tongue exploring your mouth, heavy breathing and soft, muffled, moans filling the otherwise silent room. Tommy eventually grabbed you a bit roughly and pushed you down onto the bed, crawling over so he was hovering above you, doing his best not to break the kiss in the process.
Your hands found his hair and you pulled it softly, how you knew he liked, and he groaned softly into your mouth. He ground his hips against yours, his clothed crotch rubbing against yours, which was also still covered by your formal party wear.
Tommy continued to softly grind against you for a moment as the kiss continued hastily, before you pulled away to whine, “Tommy. Need you.” is all you could muster out, the feeling of desperation making you practically squirm beneath him.
He just nodded before sitting you up and pulling your dress up and over your head with ease. You felt the cold air hit your now almost bare upper body and you could feel your nipples harden under the fabric of your bra.
You felt his mouth attach to your neck, kissing and sucking on the skin softly as his hands snaked around your back and undid your bra quickly, it was pretty clear he was experienced with this but you tried to ignore that fact as it is kinda related to what started the argument to begin with.
His lips continued to kiss and nip at the skin of your neck, shoulders, and collarbone before you placed your hands on his chest and started gently tugging at his suit jacket, attempting to get it off. He chuckled and pulled away, quickly taking off his jacket as you worked to unbutton his shirt. It wasn’t long before his top was also completely bare.
Tommy took this time to admire you, his eyes trailing down your neck and shoulders seeing the marks he left they would definitely be noticed tomorrow, and then to your breasts. He smiled a bit and kissed right above your chest before looking back up at you.
“s’beautiful” Tommy mumbled before putting his hand on your cheek and pulling you into another heated kiss. His other hand now groping your boob, causing you to moan into the kiss and grind your hips up into nothing.
He noticed your actions and chuckled, “someone’s needy.” He teased and you nodded quickly. “Let me show you how much I love you.” He whispered softly into your ear as he laid you back down on the bed, placing a pillow underneath your back to make you more comfortable.
His hands slid down your sides, eventually reaching your panties and pulling them down your legs. He leaned down and kissed your clit softly before licking a stripe up your cunt. “Fuckin’ delicious” he practically moaned before coming up and kissing you again so you could taste yourself on him.
your hands reached down and messed with the waistband of his pants making him chuckle once more, “So desperate, So needy, it’s adorable.” Tommy sweetly. “Just need you so bad Tommy. So pretty…want you.” You praised him as your hand cupped his cheek and you kissed his lips softly. “Please” you practically begged.
A smiled played on his lips as he undid his belt and unbuttoned his trousers. “How can I say no to that beautiful face?” He whispered.
It wasn’t long at all before he had taken himself out of his boxers and was lining up with your entrance. He smiled down at you reassuringly “you ready love?” he asked, he would ask if you were ready when he was feeling extra loving, because he was generally quite large and he knew this- so he wanted to make sure. You simply nodded and this enabled him to slowly push inside of you.
The soft hiss that left your mouth soon turned into a pleasurable moan as he pushed inside of you until he was all the way in. He looked down at where you were connected and groaned, titling his head back. “Fuck baby. You take me so well.” He praised sweetly.
after just a moment of letting you adjust he started moving in and out. His pace started off slow, pulling out a bit and slowly easing back inside as far as he could go. But the pleasure was just so good as he slowly fucking into you, he needed more.
“So good f’me. Taking me nice and slow.” He praised once more. Starting to slowly pick up speed. You nodded, as any time you tried to speak the words became muffled by moans and whines.
“More..please.” You were able to mumble out, a whiney and desperate tone in your voice. Tommy groaned and bit his lip at hearing you beg for more of him like that. “If you insist sweetheart.” He responds rather quietly before picking up the pace.
He steadily builds up speed till he is at the point where he is quickly pulling all the way out just to thrust back into you as deep as he can before pulling out and doing it again and again. The room is filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin. Your moans and mumbles and his quiet groans accompanying them.
You could feel yourself getting closer to your climax, and he could too as your walls began to clench around him causing him to let out another moan. “Fuck.” he moaned under his breathe. “I’m close sweetheart.” Tommy said quickly, his hips still pistoning into you.
“Me too.” You moaned back, your head nodding feverishly. The feeling in your lower stomach was burning and you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge.
What finally threw you over the edge was when his hand went down and found your clit, rubbing quickly circles onto it. The sensation of his rough calloused fingers on your sensitive clit, combined with him roughly fucking into you was enough to have you coming undone.
You squirmed beneath him as your walls clenched around him and you came while moaning his name loudly, causing him to let out another deep moan. “Fuck. Yes cum all over my cock. Good girl.” Tommy muttered as he kept pushing in and out of you. As you rode out of your high you grabbed his face in your hands, “cum inside. Please.” You asked him, a desperate look in your eyes.
This alone was enough to send him over the edge. He nodded as his hips stuttered and in just a few more thrusts he was filling you up, spilling his seed inside of you, this just caused another moan of his name to fall from your lips.
As he came you could hear him mumbling, “fuck. So good. Love you. Love you so much.” Where all the words falling from his beautiful mouth as he came inside of you.
You both took a moment to catch your breathes before he carefully slid out of you, causing an involuntary and sorta strange noise to leave you. He got up and kissed your forehead before grabbing a damp towel and using it to clean you off gently, dabbing your skin with the nice cool water.
After he finished cleaning you he climbed back in bed, still naked and pulled you into him. You snuggled close and rested your head on his chest. You two just sat there for a moment. Enjoying each other.
“I love you so much.” Were the words he said to break the silence. “And if it takes me never so much as looking at Grace again to make you happy then I will do it.” He promised, kissing the top of your head gently.
You leaned your head a bit and placed a soft kiss on his chest. “Thank you. I love you too.” You said dreamily, snuggling closer into him.
He wrapped both arms around you and held you close. You both had honestly forgotten about the party that was still going on downstairs. You couldn’t seem to care as you just held each other and enjoyed each other presence.
You fell asleep together that night, both naked and holding one another. The next morning when You and Tommy went to go get breakfast and were once again interrupted by Grace who attempted to speak him. Tommy just continued talking to you. He didn’t even look at her.
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chososlittlecrybaby · 11 months
Scenario: You and them were training and you couldn’t find an opening to strike them leaving them multiple chances to strike you and you got so fed up and you threw your wooden sword on the floor and started shouting at them letting your anger issues get the best of you.
(Went over board with my baby obanai 💔)
NOT proof read.
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Gyomei ‘looked’ at you in confusion trying to figure out why you were acting like this. He tried his best to calm you down, saying things like— “Calm down, Im sorry. I didn’t realize how hard I was being on you.” or “This behavior is really unnecessary. Calm down.” Either way you had a snarky remark.
“I don’t fucking care, how about you shut the fuck and let me think for a second.” You said , pacing around. His eyebrows furrowed, his anger slowly rising trying to be patient with you.
Unexpectedly, Gyomei grabbed your upper arm and faced you to him. Your face hitting his chest as he lowered himself to your level. Not being able to look at you in the eyes directly because he’s blind. “Breathe.” Is all he said. You took deep breaths trying to calm down.
Once you finally calm down and lean into his touch you whispered an apology. “Sorry master Gyomei.” All his anger suddenly evaporating as he felt your breathing even out. “Its okay.”
You felt his hands travel down to your waist and grip it. “Although, that type if behavior comes with consequences.” He said, voice deepening. You gulped. Scared of what he had in store for you.
He just stared at you. He was never good when it came to handling people’s emotions. “It’s never that serious.. Y/N calm down.” You heard him faintly say. His voice low. “Don’t you ever, and I mean ever tell me shits not that serious.” You say, angrily. Walking up to him, dangerously close. “I suggest you back up if you know what good for you.” He said. Locking eyes with yours.
You scoffed, getting closer than you already were if that was even possible. Giyuu felt like you were testing his patience, he felt as if you thought he couldn’t touch you.
He gripped your face, squishing your cheeks together. “Watch who you’re talking to Y/N. You’re acting like a child like every other day I don’t have you laid up in my mansion unable to move.” Giyuu said, his mouth so close to your ear.
“ m’sorry..” You said, closing your eyes out of embarrassment. “gimmie a kiss baby.” He said, pulling away from your ear, giving you the sloppiest kiss ever.
“Oh my, whats the matter?” She asked, taking a few steps back. “This shit is frustrating! I cant get a hit, im getting fucking mad.” You yelled, kicking the dirt. “Hey its okay really.” She gave you a weak smile. “Its not, I-its not!” You said, tears began to fall. “Y-You’re so mean shinobu! “ You yelled, attempting to slap her arm.
She stopped the slap by grabbing your wrist, applying pressure, making you wince. “Calm down. You should know better than to hit a hashira let alone your trainer.” She said, eyes piercing through you.
“sorry master koucho..”. you said weakly, before she let go of your wrist. “thought so.”
She didn’t know what to do, she was confused and panicking. She tried her best to calm you down. “Im sorry! Im sorry!” she said, hugging you.
You calmed down and melted into her touch. her fingers caressing your arms. “you have to try okay my love? You can’t expect to just be able to land a hit on me without training.” she said, her voice soft and smooth. She calmed you down so fast as if this was a everyday occurrence.
He stared at you blankly. just letting your tantrum run through. He had no idea why you were acting like this and didn’t really want to know.
“Pick your sword back up and stop procrastinating and come on.” He said. Your blood started to boil. He was making you angry. “Im not going to put up with your temper tantrums. So come on” He said once more. He was starting to get mad.
“Im not! Im going to quit for today.” You raised your voice. “No you’re not come on.” His voice starting to rise. You turn back and said something along the lines of, “im not gonna sit here and have you throw me on the floor for fun muichiro. You making me mad.” You started moving your hands when you were talking.
“Does it look like I care? stop acting like a child and grow up!” He yelled, which took you back.
“excuse me?” You said, wanting him to repeat what he said.
welp in the end the two of you bickered until the sun set.
He got angry before you could even get angry. “You could’ve hit me right there. why are you so slow?!” He yelled in your face. You put your hand on his chest and pushed him away. “Boy back the hell up!” You said.
He was took back by the base in your voice, glaring at you. “Watch who you talking to.” He said, gripping your upper arm. “OW NIGGA!” You yelled, hitting him trying to get the grip to let up.
“quit all that fussin.” He said,pulling you closer. “We are going to try again, and this time you better knock me in my head.” He said , being dead serious “Yes sir.” You rolled your eyes. He snapped his neck towards you and gave you a look immediately shutting you up.
“Shut the hell up with that whining shit. You know I don’t like that.” He hissed. “b-but master! I can’t do it!”You whined. He always felt sorry for you when you couldn’t get something down and you’d stress about it.
“What did I just tell you?” He said, eyes slanting a little. Earlier today Tengen told him that he was babying you too much and now he can finally see that.
“You’re going to keep trying until you get it right. You’re so damn spoiled, I see what Tengens talking about.” He said from across the field. You got offended wanting to say something back but Obanai knew you better than yourself.
“I dont want to hear you saying anything. Come at me again.” He said. You refused. Not moving a muscle. Why should you have to listen to him? “No.” You said, sweat starting to form. “You’re literally shaking. Im not going to hurt you.” He said once again, but you didnt budge. “Go talk about me to Tengen I can train myself.
“Thats what youre mad about?” Obanai has venom in his voice. In a blink of an eye he was right in front of you. A hand was wrapped around your throat. “Lose the fucking attitude.” He whispered. “I hate when you whine about stupid shit. If I tell you to do something then you do it.” He continued. “Isn’t that right mama?” He looked at you. “Y-yes iguro.” You hate when he had full control over you but you loved it so much.
“Get your shit together and come on ‘for I fuck you outside.”
“yes master iguro.”
Like Mitsuri, he started panicking. “Okay okay! I realized this is way beyond your level lets start slow!” sweat coming down his face.
“NO! I wanna do it till i get it right. Stop treating me like a baby!” You yelled and picked your wooden sword back up.
“Well you are getting angry so maybe stop!” He said, still keeping his cheerful expression. Your rolled your eyes and got into stance knowing that your attitude was going to get nowhere with him.
“well that’s really unflashy.” He said, one hand on his hip. “Will you shut up?” You said, voice very low. “What was that? Speak up. I couldn’t quite catch that.” He said, sarcastically. “I said can you shut up?” You said louder, making sure he heard you.
“Hey you know thats kind of rude for someone who keeps falling on their ass.” Tengen said. “Maybe if you stop fighting me like I was a damn demon then maybe i wouldnt be falling on my ass all the time? I dont know just a thought.” You said. “Pick up your sword and stop being a baby.” He said, smile plastered on his face.
You grabbed your sword coming at him with full force, faster than before catching him completely off guard. He grabbed both of your arms and pinned them behind your back. “You need to calm down” He said, voice laced with shock and slight anger.
You rolled your eyes knowing that he won’t be nice with you anymore while training.
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islayhawkin · 5 months
Capable of love
Ominis Gaunt x f!reader
Summery: Ominis tried to kiss you but it didn't go as planned which brings up insecurities in him.
Hurt/comfort with bit of angst?
Art by @boxdstars
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Ominis burst into the dormitory room. "Sebastian." He snapped. He started to pace nervously around the room.
Sebestian looked at his friend startled. "Oh no. What did I do this time...?" He asked hesitantely.
"For once you didn't do anything. I did. I think I did something very wrong." Ominis couldn't stop his pacing. Self doubt prominent in his voice. Dragging a hand across his face.
Sebastian stood up with a sigh. "Wait ominis. Relax. I'm sure you haven't done anything that severe. Just tell me what happened."
Ominis pinched his eyes. "Promise you won't laugh." He ordered.
There was a moment of silence.
"Sebastian?!" Ominis turned to him in disbelief.
Sebastian took his hands up in defence. "Okay okay. I won't."
Ominis breathed out. "I- I pressed my lips to hers..."
Sebastians eyebrows shot up. "And...?" He asked excited. Ominis could hear the smirk on his face.
Ominis stopped pacing. "And what? Was I supposed to do something else too?" He whispered almost panicked. His usual confident voice had turned into a insecure one. Sebastian wasn't used to seeing him this way.
Sebastian couldn't stiffle a smile forming on his lips. "I can hear you smile sebastian." Ominis said irritably. "This is not funny."
"Sorry. Wait let me get this straight. You tried to kiss her. So you put your lips on hers and did nothing else?"
"Yes? But I think I did it utterly wrong because she didn't react. God I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't have done it." Ominis scrunched his brows in frustration. Sebastian took his friend by the shoulders. Stopping his pacing.
"Okay listen. That's not how kissing works. You have to move your lips. You could suck at her lip and I guess you could stick your tounge into her mouth...that's great..." sebastian trailed off with a smirk.
I look of disgust crossed ominis face. "I don't want to hear about your sexual fantasies sallow. So I did it terribly wrong didn't I?" He went through his hair with his hand. "What should she think of me now?" Sebastian clapped his hand on ominis shoulder. "No. No. Don't worry. I mean you did it wrong..." "not helping." Ominis quipped in. "...but that's no problem. I'm sure she doesn't care."
Ominis frowned angrily. "She'll think I'm a pathetic blind boy. I'm a Gaunt. I'm supposed to know what to do."
Sebastian sat down on his bed with a sigh. "Just talk to her. Or you could give it another try." He shrugged. Ominis turned his body in the direction of his friends voice. "I can't just give it another go. She probably doesn't even want to see me. I need to...apologize. Maybe she'll be able to forget it and we can go back to the way it was." Ominis rambled his thoughts out.
"Did you like it?" Sebastian quipped in. There was silence that filled the room for a moment.
"...What?" asked Ominis stunned.
"Did you like it?" Sebastian repeated. There was a defeaning silence again.
"Yes." Came the hesitant voice of ominis.
Ominis didn't sleep much that night. He already wasn't the best sleeper but the events of the day and his worry about it kept invading his thoughts. His mind came up with every possibility what could happen and what you'd be thinking about him. To the point that his eyes moisted and he had to blink a few times.
He hated not knowing. Not having control. Not being able to see your reaction. He hated himself in this moment for hoping to be loved when he knew he wasn't capable of love.
So he got out of bed, took a shower and headed down to the great hall. It was really early but by the time he sat down there were already a few students up too.
For once he didn't care about the etiquette his family so hurtfully forced upon him. Right know he forget about them for a moment. About the pain he felt from them. Because what he felt now was a different pain. One that made his heart hurt and he didn't know how to deal with it.
As you came down to the great hall too, you dared to glance at him. You noticed immediately that something was wrong with him.
He sat slumped in his seat. Not the usual straight back he was thaught. His hair was touseled and still a bit wet. And dark eyebags were seen under his eyes. Now that wasn't necessarily out of order- his unkempt hair certainly was. You knew that his parents imprinted for him to always look presentable even thought he couldn't see it.
It did worry you. Yesterday he tried to...kiss you. Well you supposed that's what he was trying to do since it didn't really seem like a kiss but more of a...touch. You weren't sure if his intend was to kiss you or if he tried to do something very different and ended up this way. You were simply confused by his action.
On the other side Sebastian nudged his friend next to him. "She's looking at you since a few minutes already."
"Maybe she's looking at you." Ominis mumbled. A bit of red tinted his skin at the picture it brought in his mind. Sebastian snorted. "After that stunt you pulled yesterday I'm sure she's looking at you for a change."
Ominis rolled his glazed eyes. "Will you stop talking about her?" He grumbled angrily. He wished he could see for himself how she was looking at his direction.
"You need to talk to her mate. If you don't I will. I'm sure she's not angry at you. She doesn't look angry." Ominis' mouth pulled together into a thin line. "You will not talk to her. Just drop it." He snapped.
There was a moment of silence as Sebastian glanced at him.
Ominis mumbled a "Sorry." And hastily got up from his seat. He stormed out of the great hall and ignored Sebastians shouts. He just needed to get out of there. Get away from everything. His heart beat painfully in his chest at the idea of talking to you.
With long strodes he made his way to the dungeon were he cowered down in a notch in the wall. He closed his eyes and listened to the silence of the dungeon. Only small noices from changing walls on the other side were heard, which echoed throught the halls.
The stone wall was cold against him but he liked it. He always felt safe in the cold. It meant the warmth couldn't be taken away from him. It meant he wouldn't get punished. He wouldn't feel pain. The more uncomfortable his body felt the safer he was, which let him rest his mind for a moment. Breathing out a long breath.
What had he gotten himself into? He just should've never engaged with this feelings he felt.
He knew letting him act and accept his feelings would have consequences. But he couldn't help himself. The soft touch you gave him shut his logical brain completely off. Your soothing voice made him believe that he could actually be happy. That he could be safe. That he could be...loved.
The reality of his situation came crushing down on him fast. He was a gaunt. He was pathetic. He didn't even know how to kiss. What could he offer her? A blind broken boy to mend, a family who hated her- possibly could harm her. He didn't even dare think about this possibility.
As you saw him storm out of the great hall you decided to speak with Sebastian. You sat down across from him and leaned closer to him.
"Seb do you know what's wrong with ominis?" You asked concerned.
Sebastians mouth quirked into a smile. "Well he told me that you kissed yesterday...?"
You raised your brows. "So that was- he really wanted to kiss me?" Sebastian snorted. "How obvious does he have to make it. What did you think he was trying to do."
You pulled your shoulders up in defence and talked in a hushed tone. "How was I supposed to know what he was trying to do. Maybe he just...thought it was something else."
Sebastian gave you a look and you had to accept that your excuse was terrible. "Okay well he kissed me then. Why does he look so-" you gestured around your head. "Terrible then?" Sebastians playful expression fell. "I think he's struggeling. I've seen him...insecure yesterday. Going on about how he did it wrong." You sighed. "I'm gonna talk to him." Sebastian nodded. "Thank you."
You gave him a small smile and made your way out of the great hall to search for him. Obviously the slytherin area of the castle would be a good point to start.
The echo of your shoes on the dungeon ground made his ears perk up. The rythm of the steps reminded him of yours.
"Ominis?" You asked softly as you found him crouched into the stone wall.
His body tensed up and he held his breath. He swallowed and cleared his throat. "I am very remorseful about my actions yesterday. I do apologize for my inappropriate behavior and promise this won't occur again." His posh accent was more prominent and his voice sounded distant.
You shook your head slowly and sat down across from him in the small nook. "Ominis..." you touched his knee softly which made him flinch. You took your hand back with a sigh. "You don't have to put that distant attitude on. You don't have to apologize for yesterday. What is going on with you?"
"No Y/N I did something very wrong yesterday."
"Why was it wrong?"
"Wha- I shouldn't have. It was a mistake. I didn't think. And I didn't ask for your permisson. And Sebastian told me that I didn't do it right." He forced the words out. It pained him to speak it out loud.
"Did you want to kiss me?" You asked softly.
There was silence and ominis swallowed the lump in his throat. He couldn't lie to you.
"Yes." His voice was unusually unsure of himself.
"Then why was it a mistake?"
"You didn't want it."
"I wanted it. I like you. Of course I didn't mind."
Ominis put his hands in his hair. Making it more touseled. He shook his head. "No. No. You don't want it. You don't want me."
You were stunned for a moment. "What?"
He stood up in frustration. "You don't want me. I am blind. My family is a danger to you. I am pathetic. I am broken. I sleep on the floor at night because...I'm afraid. I don't even know how to bloody kiss. I can't tell you that you look beautiful. I cannot protect you the way I should. I simply cannot give you what you deserve."
There were tears glistening in his eyes. And he was barely able to choke the words out throught the lump in his throat. His hands were trembeling at his side. His chest rising and falling rapidly.
You stood up as well to get closer to him. "Ominis...what are you talking about. I don't care about these things. I like you the way you are. You don't have to be any other way to deserve me. I will sleep on the floor with you. We'll just put our lips together if you want to kiss that way. I only care about you."
You put your hands on his cheeks. In your own eyes were tears too from the pain you saw him in. He tensed under the touch but didn't pull away.
"Please don't see yourself that way. You are worth so much more Ominis. You are enough. You deserve me." You tried to reassure him.
A tear rolls down his cheek onto your hand. "I'm not capable of love. I will do something wrong. I don't know how to love. How to accept love."
"You love sebastian and anne and you love me. You are capable. I'll show you. I'll show you what love means."
You kissed his nose softly and pulled him into a thight embrace. He shook slightly in your arms. "It's okay." You tried to soothe him. A hand gently caressing over his slender back.
Touch had always meant pain for him. But your gentle touch made him forget about it for a moment. Your touch felt so different. So loving.
Ominis felt utterly loved in this moment.
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azsazz · 6 months
Might Bite Back
Vampire!Azriel x Human!Reader
Summary: Anon Reqs: "how do you think vamp az would react it he lost control of his blood thirst and accidentally hurt reader?" and "OMG a fic where Vamp!Az loses control and accidentally hurts reader and then he realises what hes done!! I LIVE for those fics, we need more vamp az!!!!!!!"
Warnings: Biting, blood, vampire things.
Word Count: 2,544
Notes: This belongs on the vampire Azriel timeline.
Something startles you awake.
It isn’t a noise, it’s the lack thereof that startles you awake. 
There’s an eerie silence to the black consuming the room. You curse yourself for falling asleep when you’ve been so desperately aware of the fact that he lurks at night, watching, waiting.
Your body is rigid, heart stuttering loudly in your chest, and the only part of you that moves is your eyelids as you blink wearily, sleep still clinging to your body, your mind searching through a hundred scenarios, trying to pinpoint what is going on. 
This is different from the silence you’ve slowly become accustomed to, when you were taken in the dead of night by the undead. His fangs had gleamed in the moonlight and you’d screamed so loudly that the trees surrounding the secluded home shook. Crows cawed in warning, flocking from trees and night creatures startled from the woods. Your blood wooshed in your ears like the wind pulling your hair from your nape, carrying your sickly sweet scent to his parted, hungry lips.
Your heart pounds in your chest exactly like that night. When you had felt like nothing more than prey.
Turning your head slowly, as if the slightest movement might make the darkness snap, you look towards the door. The chair you’d stuffed beneath the knob is still in place, and though you know the flimsy construction of wood would not withstand an ounce of his force, it serves as a piece to make noise should it shift, in case you’ve fallen asleep, much like you had tonight.
You force your rampant heart to calm, ears straining over the waves of blood rushing through them as you listen for the silent entity sharing the home with you. You’ve picked up on the noises that you could, trained your ear to hear the signs of the vampire that has locked you in this gothic tower. The whisper of fabric on cold skin, since his silent steps are impossible to pick up. The shifting of the air in the rooms as he moves, growing colder with his menacing presence. The rustle of his wings when he stretches them in frustration. The shivers crawling up your spine whenever he’s near.
But right now, there’s nothing. 
“Azriel?” you ask into the darkness, and you sound nothing more than a terrified child. There are no monsters lying beneath your bed, waiting to snatch you up by your ankles. No, this monster roams the large home freely, sharp teeth on display so that you know exactly what he can do. The only time you’re even a smidge safe is when the sun blinds through curtains you force open daily, but even the sweltering rays are not here to help you now. You are petrified beyond all belief, despite the softer instances you’ve seen of the slightly unhinged vampire who’s trapped you in what you know will be your grave.
There is no answer to your call, but you don’t expect one. He’s a predator first and foremost, and he thrives off of the quickening pace of your heart, the sound of your blood rushing through your body, the shuddering of your bones as you tremble. You catch him sometimes, when you quiver before him, how he licks his lips, fangs pressing into the soft skin of his unfairly luscious lips.
Your mind is screaming at you not to move, not to get up and find out what’s awoken you and has you feeling this unease. Surely, Azriel cannot be in danger. He is the danger. 
No one has tried to breach your room, the chair hooked up against the door, and you wince at the scrape it makes when you pull it away and turn the knob.
The door gives easily, almost swooping in on a phantom wind. It’s not him. Your body is too accustomed to his presence by now. And the lack thereof a darkness that rattles you so deeply it makes your thighs clench, you know he is not near.
The hall is long and dark, freezing cold. So much so that you can see your breath puffing before your face. Azriel doesn’t understand that you need heat to survive in your inferior human body, and you won’t tell him. Maybe it will become so cold at night that you’ll fall into a peaceful slumber, each shallow breath icing over until your heart freezes in your chest. Then, you won’t be trapped anymore.
But there’s a part of you that’s driven down the hall, seeking him out. A part of you that you shove away when you wonder if he’s alright. A part of you that likes knowing that he’s there, watching you when you’re doing the most mundane things to keep yourself from getting bored to death in this hell. When you read in front of the window, or cook yourself something in the kitchen. When you put on a particularly expensive dress for what? For…for him.
Your footsteps are silent against the carpets but to him you know you sound as if you’re stomping around the corridor, making as much noise as possible. It’s normally your tactic during the days, wanting him to know your displeasure for this place. The thought of him being able to hear your soft steps, your hardly there breaths makes you quake in both fear and excitement, knowing how he always knows your location, and can seek you out no matter where you run.
“Azriel?” you call again, softly. It’s hardly a whisper at all, and there is no response.
Your fingers tremble where they’re pressed to the wall, following the darkened corridor. They brush over the frames of artwork curling at the edges, paint dusty and faded with time. You caress the wooden railing, following it down the staircase, ignoring the nagging in your mind that’s telling you to run.
A fire crackles in the hearth and you pause, confused. All this time Azriel has never kept a fire going, not even per your request with chattering teeth and bluish fingers. He doesn’t like them, and you don’t ask why. You don’t care why. At least, that’s what you tell yourself.
You don’t know what possesses you to move closer to it when the popping of logs is a clear warning sign.
Pausing on the last step, foot hovering before the floor, the hair at the nape of your neck prickles. It winds down your spine like an icy rope, settling into the very marrow of your bones. It doesn’t feel right. Nothing feels right.
Before you can whirl around, race back up the staircase to your room, a voice sounds softly in your ear. “You smell impeccable, crow.”
You whirl, a scream tearing from your lips as you tumble from the stair. You catch yourself on frozen toes, staring up at Azriel with wide eyes, who is shrouded in shadow. He’s standing with preternatural stillness, spine tall. His wings are tucked tightly behind his back, and the talons stick high above his head like horns. 
“Azriel?” you ask, taking a step back. Two.
He doesn’t answer, he follows. Azriel takes one step forward for every one you move away, towards the sitting room with the fire. Orange light bathes him, and you can feel it roaring hot at your back.
As the firelight washes over his stoic face, your stomach roils in horror. This is not the Azriel who had stolen you away, who had given you dresses and your own space, who tried to make you feel less like you were robbed of your former life and more like this had been a choice.
But none of it has been a choice. And you are reminded just what he is capable of at the sight of red-rimmed eyes, the lack of color, the baring of sharp fangs that call your name. 
His pupils have swallowed the stroke of hazel completely. You watch as his fingers curl and his nostrils flare when your heart triples in pace. His unfocused gaze sharpens on the column of your throat where your pulse pushes through your skin. 
“Please,” you beg, but he doesn’t seem to hear you. Azriel is no longer there, instead, the very beast that lurks inside of him has taken control and is thirsty for blood.
Azriel lunges and you scream, pivoting on your heel. If you can make it to the iron poker by the fire you may be able to slow him down, stun him as you claw at the front door to try and get away. It’s no ashwood, which would kill the vampire who is much too fast for you to even take a step, grabbing you and pulling you back into his chest.
You thrash, screaming, but your efforts are futile. No one can hear you in the depths of these woods. Your strength is no match for him.
Azriel must be in there somewhere, as he is not crushing your body into dust. No, he wants you otherwise unharmed except for holes in your neck. That, he doesn’t mind seeing, tasting. It’s exactly what he’s taken you for, isn’t it? Just when you’d begun thinking that he might not be as bad as the stories you were told when you were young, tales of bloodthirsty creatures who would tear your throat out to taste your pretty blood.
Now is your time.
His grip is strong around your wrists. You kick back with your leg but can hardly reach him. He is immune to your weak hits. You can feel him leaning over you, closer and closer until his fangs are a whisper against your skin, a tease pinpricking right over your thrumming pulse.
“Devine,” he whispers, and the sensuality of it rips through your body like a lance. As you part your lips to exhale another beg, he bites. You scream.
You tremble in his iron hold. His fingers feel like icepicks as they dig into your flesh. Your scream melts into something long as heat courses through your body, the adrenaline and sting of his teeth burning you to your core. It feels…good. 
It feels like you’re walking on flames, yet they aren’t burning you. They’re caressing you in the best way, holding you, cradling you like a babe. For the first time since you’ve arrived at this horrible place, you feel warm. Like Azriel is embracing you, and he is, because you’ve stopped fighting. His hands are around your waist, holding you tightly, and yours are buried in his thick hair. Heat courses through your bones, pooling between your thighs. Your mind whirls with pleasure as he suckles, the hot press of his tongue lapping your skin, mirrored in the pulse of your throbbing clit.
You relish in the feeling. His body pressed tightly to yours, the strain of his cock through the thin fabric of your nightgown. You can feel the way his muscles loosen the longer he leeches from your neck. 
And you enjoy it until you become woozy, when the euphoria seeps from your blood back into his mouth. When his grip feels like each individual finger is imprinted on your bones. Your neck throbs painfully, and your vision is blackening with shadows in the corners. Your head lolls a little, unable to keep it up.
“Azriel,” you choke, but it’s hard to get your lips to form the words. It’s difficult to do anything except lean into him, to let him take his fill. But you have to try, because this is not how you want it all to end. “You’re…” you huff a painful exhale, “You’re hurting me.”
He goes still, bones popping with the effort. His hold on your falters and you sway, and as badly as he wants to pull away, to run and hide in a whisper of darkness, he catches you, because he’s harmed you and the bloodlust has been wiped away by your words alone. Words he swore he’d never pull from you. Words that will haunt him for centuries.
You’re hurting me.
His vision clears, goes sharp, staring right at the two holes in your neck, thick, red blood still dribbling from the punctures. The beast in him rages to lean down and lick you, keep sucking at the marks until your already slowing heart stops completely. He wants to feel the last beat of your heart beneath his hands, his lips, but he forces himself to do the one thing he hadn’t been able to do tonight: focus.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers in horror, when his mind catches up to what he’s looking at. You, looking so broken and fragile in his arms, pale. Your head rests against his chest, eyes fluttering with the strain to keep them open. Your mouth parts but no words come out. 
Azriel wants so badly to drop you, to get away from you, because he’s so stupidly allowed his bloodlust to consume him. He selfishly thought that he would be okay for a few more days, that he wouldn’t have to hunt in the aftermath of a brutal storm because all of the animals would be hidden away. He’s been stupid to think that, and the worst has happened.
He shoves the couch closer to the fire with a shove of his boot. The logs pop and he winces, hating the sound. He’d started the fire as a way to lure you down, the warmth calling to you. It was as much of a present for you as it was a distraction for him. A warning he was giving himself, not to enter the room with the fire roaring in the hearth. He hates the way the flames taunt him. You hadn’t made it to the room before your scent had stuck in his throat and his beast caught a whiff. 
Your body looks frail when he sits you down. Your eyes have closed and your lips have lost color. Azriel knows that if his heart was capable of pulsing, it would be a pounding drum in his chest, beating with worry. He races to your rooms, ripping your blankets from your mattress and is back by your side in a matter of seconds. He tucks you in tight, worrying over you as if you are a sick babe. But you’re not, you’re a pretty little thing that he’d taken in the dead of night for his own selfish reasons. For company, for your heart. But never for your blood. 
This is not how any of this was supposed to go.
Azriel’s mind races with thought. The wounds on your neck have stopped leaking, and they’ll close up quicker if he just licks over it one more time but he can’t force himself, not when he’d violated you like this, hurt you. He needs to leave. He needs to get as far away from you as he can. 
The lethargic beating of your heart tells him that you’re going to be okay. You will be wobbly for a few days, throat in pain, but you’ll live. He didn’t go too far tonight. He didn’t drink you dry.
So Azriel does the only thing that he can. The only thing that he’s ever been good at. 
He leaves.
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cleoluvrr · 7 months
don't fall for monsters (rafe cameron x reader)
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it was the ultimate disguise, i really stayed with such a monster
WARNINGS: dark!rafe, mentions of drowning, mentions of past murder, coercion, domestic violence, manipulation, angst
your eyes burned from the flashing lights of red, white, and blue. neighbors stood on their porches and peeked through the blinds to watch the commotion, nothing better to do than involve themselves in small town drama. you could feel every pair of eyes stuck on your shivering frame; wet hair and tearstained face a sight to see. 
the towel wrapped around your shoulders barely did anything to keep you warm in the cool, fall evening. it was there to keep the water from soaking through your clothes and nothing more. the smell of salt water clung to your hair and the longer you stood there, the more nauseous you felt from the scent.
seeing rafe cameron in the back of a paddy wagon did nothing to soothe your nerves, nor did the distant sound of his father speaking to shoupe just a few yards away. the two men kept sneaking glances at you from afar and made it obvious the topic of the choice happened to be you. rafe, however, never broke his gaze, even when you tore yours away. the fury in his eyes burned through you like a laser and the blowout that would take place at some point or another was inevitable.
you could be sick.
“hey, sweetheart?” a lower-ranked officer approached you cautiously, obviously not wanting to startle you. “do you mind coming with me for a little bit? just need to ask you some questions, is all.” 
the older, blonde female officer came into your view for a moment when you side-eyed her, an unwelcome hand landing on your shoulder. she slowly removed it after feeling your sharp gaze on her. 
“i have nothing to say.” you replied monotonously. your face lacked any emotion and it probably made her feel uncomfortable from the way she swallowed dryly. 
“honey, i know–”
“you don’t know anything, actually.” you cut her off before she could speak any further. “and don’t call me honey.” leaving the cop where she stood, you walked over to the steps of your house and took a seat. she was left standing there like an idiot and you would’ve laughed if you weren’t overcome with the shock of what landed you in this predicament.
rafe tried to drown you.
well, maybe he was just trying to scare you, but there was no arguing against the fact he held you head beneath the water and made sure you couldn’t breathe.
your boyfriend had been lashing out for weeks, taking all his anger and frustration out on you. the only reason you invited him over was to talk about things because you simply couldn’t take it anymore. sure, you two have had rough patches before–but this situation had gotten completely out of hand. you loved him too much to end it, though, so you thought this was the best option.
you expected to get to the bottom of things, not for rafe to confess to you a great sin. 
he told you about what happened on the tarmac, how he murdered sheriff peterkin. the weight was dragging him down and he couldn’t keep it a secret anymore–he had to tell someone. you understood, in a weird way. that wouldn’t be something you could carry around either.
you just wished that someone wasn’t you.
how could you walk around knowing the man you love is a killer? he’s the reason his sister is lost at sea, why the entire town was chasing after an innocent kid and not him. it was a mystery to you why he thought you’d take this information well, but the way he reacted when you said you were going to the cops shouldn’t have surprised you.
the moment rafe dragged you out of the back door to the water behind your house, you were sure you’d suffer the same fate as peterkin. when he threw you to your knees and dug his nails into your scalp, roots burning as he fisted the hair with all his strength. you begged him to stop, told him you loved him–anything that would snap him out of it. at some point you screamed for help, and someone had to have heard you from how loud you were. they had to have heard you because one minute you had a nose full of water, and the next you were coughing your guts out in the grass while two neighbors knocked rafe off of you and held him down.
they were the ones that called the cops, not you. your own phone was sitting upstairs in your room, shattered and unusable after being thrown against the wall by rafe.
so here you sat, a bunch of strangers watching your house as the kook king argues with the sheriff about what to do with his son. ward didn’t particularly like rafe very much, but he’d be damned if he let him go to jail over this. you knew this for a fact.
ward would burn every bridge in the country to make sure his family remained at the top. he was willing to let a teenage boy die before letting rafe take the fall for a murder he committed. ward cameron had the money and influence that most people could only dream of, and he knew how to use it to his advantage. if it meant throwing you to the wolves to save his son, he’d cover you in rabbit’s blood and send you to their den on a platter.
the sound of your name pulled you out of your dazed state, the familiar voice coming from directly in front of you. ward cameron watched you with worry from where he stood, not that you really cared. he could pretend he was worried about you all he wanted, you already knew his true colors.
“are you okay, sweetie? can you tell me what happened?” he lowered himself into a squat to meet you at eye level. his brows met in the middle and he had deep stress lines decorating his aged face. “what’s all this about?”
sniffling, you dropped your head between your shoulders for a moment. you shook it from side to side before meeting his gaze again. he looked confused by the dry chuckle that left your mouth, clearly unsure of how to interpret the reaction.
“what’s this all about…” you laughed humorlessly again, face blank and eyes cold. “your son tried to drown me, mr. cameron–i’m sure you’ve heard what this is all about.”
the silence between you and the older man was heavy with tension. he glanced back at shoupe, who was watching the conversation with scrutiny from afar, and rafe in the seat of the police car. his eyes met yours again, this time worried for a different reason.
you already knew what he was going to say. 
“i’m sure it was just a misunderstanding–”
“a misunderstanding?” you repeated in disbelief. “are you serious? look at me!”
his eyes raked over your dampened, disheveled frame. he ran a rough hand through his hair stressfully before speaking.
“look…i know you’re upset right now. i do, really.” ward's tongue pokes out to moisten his slightly chapped lips as a result of the chill wind gently blowing over the area. “but just think about what you’re going to say first.”
“i’m not gonna snitch, if that’s what you’re so concerned about.” you wave him off annoyedly. the cameron patriarch looked at you in shock, like he couldn’t believe the words that just came out of your mouth.
you were pissed. enraged. you couldn’t believe that rafe tried to drown you and it hurt to think about how he was willing to take you out just to keep a secret you never asked him to reveal in the first place. how ward was more concerned about covering his son’s ass than he was about him trying to take your life.
so many thoughts flooded your mind and you wanted nothing more than to take your brain out for a few minutes of peace. 
even with the anger and fear that consumed you, snitching on rafe was out of the question. not only because it would never go anywhere, but because deep down; you knew you could never do that to him. you loved him too much, and that truth sickened you to admit to yourself.
before he could speak again, shoupe approached the two of you faster than you could blink. his shoulders were squared and his hands rested on his belt as if he was ready for defense. the man gave ward a long, heated glare before he stared down at your seated frame with a sympathetic gaze.
“everything alright over here?” he questions, obviously accusing ward of something along the lines of witness intimidation with just four words. 
“everything is fine, shoupe.” ward doesn’t give you the chance to answer, immediately interjecting as your lips parted to speak. the sheriff cuts his eyes at him momentarily before returning to you.
“i was speaking to the young lady, ward.”
you avoided eye contact with both of the men. you were far too occupied with the chipping polish on your fingernails to bother with whatever strange tension they had between them. the feeling of everyone’s eyes on you made your skin prickle up and you wanted nothing more than to take a shower and pretend this night never happened.
“everything’s fine.” you kicked at the rocks beneath your feet, voice soft and disinterested. 
“are you sure?” shoupe did not believe a word coming out of your mouth. you didn’t either, but there was no point in telling him that. “is there a reason i have three witnesses saying they found rafe holding you under the water?”
“nothing happened, officer shoupe. i fell and rafe was helping me–i’m not the best swimmer.” 
ward maintained a tense posture as he stood beside shoupe and you wanted so badly to roll your eyes–or scream. you almost wanted to say something just to see the man go pale in the face, but you resisted. it wasn’t because you were afraid of ward; the man was the least of your worries. the idea of rafe going free even if you came clean made you sick to your stomach. that was enough to shut you up.
the two men that helped you were giving their statements to some random officer, and you prayed for the pair of them. whatever happened to them after the lights went off wasn’t your problem, but rafe would certainly handle them in whatever way he saw fit. the knot on his forehead and the dried-blood leaking from his nose would serve as a reminder to get his revenge.
“that’s not what those young men told me, y/n. they clearly saw him doing something to hurt you.”
“it’s dark, shoupe. they didn’t ‘clearly see’ anything.” your eyes snapped up to meet him. the agitation was starting to eat away at you and you just wanted everyone to get off your yard. “i just told you what happened, so what’s the issue?”
“sweetie, you don’t need to be scared of anything–”
you stood to your full height abruptly, both of the older men stepping back from the sudden movement. rafe’s staring was turning your stomach and shoupe’s accent was becoming headache inducing. 
“he’s my boyfriend, i’m not scared of him.” you cut him off mid-sentence. it was a lie and you both knew it, but his pushing was irritating you more than ward’s looming presence overseeing the interaction. “i fell, and he helped me. those guys misunderstood–what else do you want me to say? that’s all that happened.”
they watched you closely as you wrapped your arms around yourself protectively. it was getting harder to keep it all together and crying in front of the already unconvinced man isn’t going to help your case at all. 
“you guys can go.” you pulled the towel off your shoulders and folded it into a messy rectangle. the wet hair falling down your back made you cringe internally. “i’m sorry y’all came out here for nothing…i’ll try to stay away from the water at night.”
shoupe’s only response was a reluctant nod, eyes glancing over at ward before he stepped away. you watched as he stalked over to the cruiser holding rafe, releasing him after speaking to the officer keeping watch over him. those steely, blue eyes remained on you the entire time they unlocked his cuffs, jaw locked and shoulders tense with anger.
even though you just saved his ass, although it wasn’t your first choice, he was greatly displeased. if ward noticed the way his son looked at you, he didn’t say anything to make it known. the audience that had gathered looked confused at his release, the men that saved you especially so.
with each step rafe took, you could feel your heart skip a beat. dread washed over you. even though there was nothing he could do with the police watching like hawks, you knew something was coming sooner or later. he rubbed at the red marks encircling his wrists from the tight cuffs, but he was totally fixated on you.
it sent a chill down your spine but you couldn’t show that; not in front of all these people.
“baby…” you said cautiously. stopping in front of you, the heat of his body warmed you from a foot away. “are you okay? i didn’t mean for all this to happen.”
you don’t wait for him to respond. rather, you step forward with open arms and wrap them around his lean body, tightly embracing him. you were sure you heard a few gasps in the distance and ward’s breath hitched from his spot a few feet away. 
rafe doesn’t hesitate to return the gesture, arms snug atop your shoulders as he rests his chin on your still damp hair. he rocks you back and forth, the swaying motion hardly soothing when you feel the bile trying to fight its way out of your throat.
“i know, princess, it’s okay.” his voice vibrated against your scalp. “i’m sorry i hurt you...i-i wasn’t thinking.”
you nodded your head, humming in understanding. you didn’t believe it for a second, but you just wanted to pretend nothing ever happened. it was easier to live when you didn’t have to think about the love of you life trying to drown you in your own house
“rafe.” ward interrupted the reunion with a stern voice. you felt his head raise to look at his father but his arms remained tight around you. “we need to go now. give the girl some space tonight.”
rafe nodded at his father; you could tell from the way his chin brushed against your skull. his hand took your head into their hold as he tilted it up to make you look at him directly. though there was a familiar softness to his face, there was something in those pretty, blue eyes that unsettled your mind. he leaned down to place a careful peck upon your lips, so gentle that it felt like a breeze ghosted across the skin.
“i love you.” he whispered against your slightly parted mouth.
“i love you, too.” you responded just as softly.
he nodded his head, lashes brushing against the tops of his cheeks. he adjusts himself to lean in close to your ear, preparing to say something just from you to hear.
“i love you so much,” his breathe hits the shell of your ear in a way that makes you tingle. “but i will kill you if you tell anyone. i don’t wanna have to do that, but i will…so don’t put me in that position, alright baby? don’t get involved.”
you nearly froze, but with everyone watching your every move you had no choice but to react calmly and nod your head.
placing a kiss on your cheek, rafe pulls away completely. you wait for him to turn his back before you briskly walk up the steps to enter your own house. you were met with pin drop silence and dim lights when you opened the door, immediately shutting it behind you as you stepped inside.
you barely got the door locked before you fell to the floor in anguish. silent shakes racked your body as you muffled the audible cries with a hand pressed tight against your lips. the wooden frame of the front door was hard and cold against your back. you lost your breath from the strength of your heart-wrenching sobs. if someone pressed their ear to the door you were sure they’d be able to hear the pain and fear spilling out of you. everyone had invaded your privacy enough tonight to last a lifetime and you couldn’t find it in you to care.
he put his hands on you. the same hands he used to murder peterkin with. the same hands he used to hold you beneath the water while you beggar for your life. he kissed you with the mouth he used to threaten you with. used that mouth to tell he loved you before saying he’d kill you. violated wasn’t strong enough of a word to describe how you felt.
betrayed? disgusted? 
how could he live a life like this? how could he drag you into his mess and then tell you not to get involved? how could he look in the mirror and not feel like an animal? 
then again, you must ask yourself–
how could you let yourself love a monster like rafe cameron?
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dixonsgirl93 · 6 months
How Daryl Dixon would react to you losing your glasses and now being partially blind:
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- He’d notice how much more you struggled since losing your glasses.
- He’d eventually offer help after watching you growing increasingly frustrated with something.
- He’d flat out refuse to take you on a run, explaining you can’t look out for danger now or do certain things but really he wants to keep you safe.
- He hates that you seem so down since losing them, understanding what you must be feeling: helpless, not useful anymore. Yet he admired that you still tried to help where you could.
- He wouldn’t hesitate to grab you close to him if you came a little too close to danger.
- He’d find himself being more protective of you.
- He’d hope your eyesight didn’t get worse. He wasn’t sure how it worked but thought about it nonetheless.
- He’d find himself watching you a lot more, noticing you in ways he didn’t before.
- He’d start to really admire how brave you were, how thoughtful and strong and helpful. How you always put yourself forward to help even if you struggled.
- After asking what “type” your glasses were, on runs he’d always try to find glasses for you that closely matched your prescription before. It always upset him when every pair he brought to you didn’t work. Yet he kept trying, even after you explaining to him that the type you had, had to be specially made.
- He’d even go so far as to try to find your glasses and repair them.
- He’d ignore all of your protests to his commitment to helping you.
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bothoutsiders · 21 days
Bruce: Jason should be the bigger person.
Tim: The person that was harmed shouldn't have to be the bigger person when they were the one mistreated and neglected.
It made his blood boil. His heart felt like it wanted to get out of his chest and fight the man in front of him with its own fists.
“It has been years, Timothy. He shouldn’t be holding grudges for that long.”
A small sound escaped Tim’s lips. The frustration bubbled from his chest and his limbs felt as heavy as lead.
How dare Bruce speak that way? How could he be so selfish and blind to see that he was in a way worse situation?
“Bruce…” Tim spoke after a big pause, only because he didn’t know how to put everything into words. How to throw it at his face and make him see. How to force him to open his eyes and comprehend what he has done, what he is saying, and what he was expecting from others.
The man across from him kept staring in silence, waiting.
“You can’t expect Jason to not resent you after everything that has happened. He was a kid when he was murdered. How would you have felt if you came back from the death and saw that the only adult who was nice to you and would act like a real parent, didn’t do anything to the murderer? He let him continue planning more crimes, hurting more innocent people. You never stopped him, Bruce.” He frowned, feeling his body stiff from the pent-up anger. “You let Jason rot in that box while the Joker ran free, breathing your same air.”
“Tim, that’s not how–”
“Shut up. Shut up and listen for once.” He pressed his thin index finger against the man’s chest. “Jason came back, and he wasn’t avenged. He saw someone else was replacing him. He believed he had been forgotten and everyone was better without him. Nobody spoke to him, nobody explained anything to him. Nobody has done that yet! And how many years has it been? Seven? And you expect him to just realize by himself and forgive you? Forgive you even when you went to him and didn’t care to expose him to his trauma again only so that he could tell you how he came back from the death? Because you were using him to get Damian back. That doesn’t excuse you. Let’s not forget about the many, many times you have beat him up, but you never do that to criminals…”
“He’s not a child anymore. Once you grow up, you have to heal your own wounds, make yourself responsible for how you feel now. How you react to the past.”
Tim snorted and took a step back. He stared at Bruce but he was serious, there was no hint of him joking, and Tim couldn’t help but start laughing.
“You’re such a hypocrite. Aren't you Bruce Thomas Wayne, the one who still has nightmares about what happened that night with your parents? The one who still holds a grudge since you were eight years old?” Tim got ready to leave. “Grow up, child.”
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Twisted Wonderland Boys x Fem Reader in their respective Fairytales (Series)
(Idia's Part)
Previous part (Kalim)
A/n: Out of every housewarden, I felt like sobbing writing Idia's cause of how fluffy he is, I love him so much. Content Warning: This Fic will be tagged as 16+ since it is a bit suggestive along with mentions of Gorey themes (Azul), it’s very vague. I haven’t finished Book 6 and Book 7 because I’m stuck in Tartarus, but they’re not done here yet. Potential Inaccuracy in Indian Tradition, Indian and Greek clothing, if ever you see inaccuracy about it, please let me know, I only did a bit of research about it. The reason for potential OOC was cause I mixed both the classic Villains with the personalities of our beloved boys. You have a child with Kalim here!
First Batch would be: Riddle, Leona, Azul
Second Batch would be: Kalim, Idia, Malleus
List of Villains interconnecting with each character:
Kalim = The sultan Idia = Hades ─────❅───── Idia: The underworld has always been Idia’s little comfort zone, although at first, he didn’t want to rule it, due to how depressing it gets sometimes, but along with his brother Ortho who takes care of “outside” activities, aka meetings with those overbearing gods and goddesses who think they’re better than anyone, he didn’t mind the work as long as it’s with him. So far, his duties were all just about guiding souls into whatever the fuck they want or are allowed to go, honestly if they all became lost souls, he wouldn’t give a flying damn.
One day, however, an odd discrepancy appeared in the calculations of souls being accepted—an unregistered soul had entered the narrative. Concerned, he strolled toward the portal of Tartarus to investigate. When he peered inside, a sudden flash of blinding light erupted, disorienting him. Before he could react, a heavy force slammed into his body, causing him to stumble.
“What the!” he grunted, feeling a heavy body on top of him, he rubbed his head, opening his eyes, adjusting to the sudden light-to-darkness transition.
You stirred, finding your hands pinning him down. His eyes widened in shock as he pushed you off, scrambling backward so quickly that he hit his back on the wall with a loud slam.
“What In the world?!” he screeched, his hair glowing brightly meaning he was incredibly nervous, while you seemed to be lost, standing up, you pat away the dust off your outfit, taking notice of Idia who still was pressed on the wall.
“Idia?” you went closer to him, he looked like an angry kitten, glaring at you at first but the moment you got closer he stiffens up, pushing his hands to protect himself from you.
“Stay back! You anomaly!” he shouted that it echoed around the empty room, you were taken aback, “Idia, it’s me.” you said, eyebrows knitting in frustration.
“H-how do you know my name?” he asked, looking at you confusedly, were you sent by his other brother who he doesn’t even think of one, Zeus? You look kind of angelic so there’s a suspicion.
“Idia, you’re my boyfriend” Wow point blank you decided to kill him with those words, boyfriend his ass, what boyfriend, all he knows is that he prefers to be single than have a lover, also he wants to add that you are way out of his league, there’s no way you like him that way, and this is the first time you met him, was there a camera around here? The edited laughter? Where is it? He’s waiting for that to come.
Realizing that he was overthinking again, you snapped your fingers catching his attention; stating your name you tried to see if you got any reaction, but nothing. He really didn’t remember you.
You were going to be saddened by this, if it weren’t for the fact that the tips of his hairs had a slight pink on it meaning was still a chance for you to get your boyfriend back.
Okay, you two might be misunderstanding things, while Idia was observant, he can’t think straight when he’s in front of someone, his black and blue robe being a perfect cover for himself, he even had a hoodie knitted for him to cover his hair with.
You noticed that he was taller than before, raising your eyebrow, you grabbed his arm, which made him freeze up, looking at you like you just harassed him, his sweat drops. “What?”
“Since when did you get taller?” you asked, he slides your hand off of his arm, rubbing it a bit, “I don’t know?” he answered confusedly, before waving his hand dismissively, “No more questions, I’m bringing you back to Zeus” he grumbled, his stupid brother playing pranks on him again.
“What? Zeus?” you walked faster to catch up on him when he started speedwalking away, “Y’know, God of Olympus?” he said, weirded out why you didn’t know Zeus, everyone knows him.
“Wait, Zeus as in the God from long ago?” you asked further, which made Idia stop his tracks, turning to look at you, his figure looming, he looked like a grim reaper when he stands with you before, but now it’s more evident.
“What do you mean long ago?” he asked as bewildered as you are, why are you acting this way anyways? Anomaly that popped out of nowhere and almost giving him a concussion and right now you’re giving him a migraine, what’s next huh? brain aneurysm?   
“Are you not my Idia?” you frowned, looking at him closer, he exhibited a different style, he was taller, slightly shorter hair, bluish skin instead of pale.
“Your” Idia? What does that mean?
The more you open your mouth the more questions pop out, sighing he decided to cover your mouth with his hand. “Please… just shut up for a minute”
Okay, first theory! You’re not from around here, I mean you just got spat out like trash by the Tartarus and suddenly proclaiming that he’s your boyfriend, he feels bad for you, your standard is in hell if you’re dating him, you’re pretty too, a disrespect to your face really.
Second theory, which he’s leaning on more, you’re a spy sent by his brother Zeus; to make him fall for you and you break his heart and upload it to magicam or something.
If you think he’s self-deprecating too much, please, he’s just being realistic with the situation.
“First off, I am not yours” he clarified, lifting his hands as if he’s surrendering to you. “I never met you in my whole life, you’re cute but no”
Rejected by your own boyfriend, you wanted to pinch his cheeks for it, you were going to be hurt by this, but the thing is, the way he acts reminded you of the first stages of your relationship with him, he wasn’t the best with it.
“Okay,” you said, being short with him, for some reason that made him feel bad, scratching the back of his neck, he wanted to hold your cheek or hand to comfort you, an odd feeling.
“Sorry- I mean if you want to, I can act like your boyfriend or something” he murmured, his voice gradually decreasing to the point you barely heard the last words.
“It’s fine Idia, no need” not wanting to force him into that kind of thing, however, you noticed that his little fire hair started to fizzle out, panicking a bit you touched his hand, holding it, “wait I mean, okay, sure we can act”
Phew, that got his fire back up, lucky you. “Okay…” he said awkwardly coughing as he uses his tech to call for Ortho. “Ortho, can you come here?”
Ortho was impressively fast with going back to the underworld, looking the same except his clothes or rather his cyborg parts looked Greek like, it explains why you were wearing a tunic.
“Scan her” Idia said, using his eyes to signal ortho who to scan, in which Ortho grins brightly. “Okay!”
You stayed still as Ortho used his eyes to scan you, it was something that came natural for you, especially since your Ortho does that often.
“So?” Idia asked, leaning on the wall, Ortho shook his head, looking conflicted. “Nope, she doesn’t have any data around Ancient Greece, or anywhere”
“Huh” he didn’t seem surprised. “Are you sure about this?” he asked, patting Ortho’s head. “Yeah! I did another scan but there’s no indication of her presence anywhere.
So, you really were just transported by Tartarus to Ancient Greece, connecting the dots, that means Idia here is…
Noticing you staring at him in deep thought He smiles a bit, you looked funny thinking like that, pouty and all. “Since you’re really not from here, my name is Idia, God of the Underworld, and this is Ortho, my brother.” Ortho waves at you enthusiastically and he was genuinely surprised that his brother introduced him instead of himself.
“I know” you hummed, crossing your arms. “I told you already, we’re dating- “
Idia tried to cover your mouth before you spout that out but failed as Ortho’s eyes widens. “You’re dating my brother in the other world?! You mean there’s another version of us in your world?”
Oh dear, you’re in it now.
Ortho basically asked you plenty of questions, already happy that his brother pulled someone like you, you were gorgeous!
Idia was a bit happy you got along with his brother, he sometimes feels bad that he keeps Ortho in such a depressing place instead of being a normal kid outside and playing.
Also he can’t help but get flustered whenever you randomly get physically affectionate with him, he’s been trying to find a way to get you back in your world, but it’s proving to be difficult since Tartarus maybe his domain, but it’s a system that’s entirely independent from him, think of it as the pity system in his gacha games, even if you hit enough 80 pulls, it doesn’t guarantee the limited character you want.
But, as long as he can, Idia tries to make sure every time he hangs out with you is worthwhile, it’s the first time he made effort to spend time with someone, when he’s off work, he finds himself going to the guest room, asking if you wanted to come eat with him and Ortho, or sometimes, you end up in his room, playing a two-player game with him.
Ever since you came into his life, he started going out of his room more, back then he usually just… does his work and go to his room. That’s all Now he’s trying to go outside more, especially when Ortho told him that to get you back faster was by “thinking outside the box” which just meant that he should go touch some grass and let the gears in his brain think of a solution.
He didn’t really know when he fell for you, but he noticed it when you were outside with him, in the largest field that had nothing but nature around. The outfit that Ortho lend you fits your palette so perfectly, it almost made him want to take a picture.
You were admiring the view while glancing around, picking up flowers.
Confused with what you were doing he walked to you. “Hey what-“ getting cut off as you shove a bouquet of flowers on his chest, a ribbon clumsily wrapped around the stems of the flowers.
“For you” you said, smiling, making his heart skip a bit, he accepted the gift as Ortho called out for you, giving him a glance before you grab his collar, pulling him down to kiss his cheek before walking away.
That got his hair to burn bright pink, shaking from the adrenaline, he coughed awkwardly, hopefully, Ortho didn’t see what you did.
Well, he’s having a hard time finding a way to send you back home, so… it might take a while.
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thesecretwriter · 6 months
how each moon boy would react to an argument with you – part 2. 
summary: what the title says!
warning: fluff – like I said in part 1!
word count:
a/n: okayyyy, i saw the impact of part 1, i’m sorry for the angst! so here is some fluff to make it all better
minors/ageless blogs dni.
part 1
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Steven Grant:
It was a sleepless night for him without you.
He laid in bed and stared at the ceiling aimlessly as he though back to the argument.
You were right, he shouldn’t be going to his ex-wife about issues in a private relationship.
He looked over to his nightstand and saw that his alarm clock read 2:35am.
He groaned in frustration and got out of bed to get dressed.
He had to make things right, tonight.
The corner store on your street was thankfully opened and he went into the store with the determination to get your favourite snacks.
The store had flowers, which he of course bought and in the corner of his eye he saw something shiny and knew he had to get it too.
You awoke from your sleep groggily when you heard constant knocking at your front door.
Upon opening it, you saw Steven standing there with his hands full and his hands full.
“What’re you doing here?” you ask feeling the emotions from hours ago resurfacing.
“Uh… well I came to apologize,” he said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
With a roll of your eyes, you stepped aside to let him in.
He walked in with a small smile, behind him were helium balloons which said, ‘happy birthday’ and ‘congratulations’.
You couldn’t help the small smile that made its way to your lips, but you maintained a neutral expression and locked the front door to join him in your living room.
His posture was tense as you watched him leave the contents in his hands on the nearby table. He still held the flowers in his hands as he walked to you.
“I’m sorry for everything I said and previously did. You’re absolutely right in being upset,” he said and looked at you with sincere eyes.
You knew he meant the apology, but his words and actions still tugged at your heart.
“Steven… “ you said tiredly, “I don’t know if I can-“
“No, please don’t say that,” he knew the words that were waiting to be said.
He couldn’t bare to hear them.
“I hurt you, and I shouldn’t have an I know asking you to stay with me is a lot. I just… for the first time in my life I have something I’m genuinely happy with,” he said with that all too familiar smile.
You understood his reasoning, but you needed him to understand yours as well.
“Communication in this relationship isn’t the strongest, and we need to work on that,” you said to him.
He heaved a sigh of relief.
“Tell me what I can do, and I’ll do it,”
“Layla… “ you said her name softly.
“She’s gone, I-I realised that it was extremely wrong of me to talk about you to her. I feel as though I had an obligation to compensate for the sadness I brought her previously, but i cant do it at the expense of you. it also not my place to do so,” he said truthfully.
You listened to him intently.
“Doing all of that made me blind to the fact that I was hurting you. I’m sorry, darling, so so sorry,” he made his way to you and grasped your hand with his free one whilst the other held the flowers.
“I can’t say that it’s okay, but I hope you don’t repeat this,” you said looking at him with unshed tears.
“Of course, I would never hurt you like this again,” he said honestly.
“You better not,” you say sternly but with a hint of humour.
With that being said, Steven held you close to him and didn’t want to ever let go.
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Marc Spector:
He waited a few days, watching you from afar to make sure you were okay.
You were functioning well and doing things you’d usually do, but Marc could see through the front you were putting for everyone to see.
Pushing you away seemed like the best thing to do at the time, but having you away was like living without the sun in his dark world.
He needed you.
Which is why he found himself sitting in your apartment and waiting for you to come home. He’d entered your apartment by using his spare key.
It had since been 2 hours since you were supposed to be home.
Marc knew your schedule by heart.
He was about to go out and look for you when he heard the keys being put into your front door along with your muffled voice.
“Thanks for the chat, I really needed it,” you bid goodbye to whoever was outside and locked the door behind you.
Your apartment was still dark as you move around to leave your daily belongings in their respective places.
Upon turning the lights on, you saw Marc’s figure out of the corner in your eyes sitting on the couch.
You turned to him with a frown.
“If you’re here for your things, they’re in that box on the kitchen counter,” you said in a monotone, wanting to speech through the process of this one last meeting.
Marc wordlessly awoke from where he was and walked to you, the entire time he maintained eye contact with you.
He stopped walking till he was right in front of you, a hairs width away.
“What makes you think I came here for my things?” he asked in a hushed tone.
“What else would you be here for?” you said to him challengingly.
He smirked and looked to the side before looking back at you.
“You think I’d let you go that easily?” he said with a raised brow.
“You did that night,” you scoffed and folded your hands, causing him to step back.
He nodded with a clenched jaw.
“You know I didn’t mean anything I said,” he stated with sincerity.
“Sure you didn’t,” you breathed a sigh and walked away from him to the box on the counter.
He followed behind and trapped you between him and the counter before you could reach for the box and hand it to him.
“You wasted no time in gathering my things,” he said with a humourless chuckle.
“Hmm, I wouldn’t want you to deal with me any longer,” you used his words from that night.
“Y/n… “ he said trying to make you understand.
“No Marc, I can’t keep playing this game of push and pull,” you admitted, sounding tired.
“I’m not playing games,” he said offended.
You turn to face him, his body still trapping you between him and the counter.
You raised a brow at him.
“Okay. I admit, I’ve made mistakes and I’m sorry for that. Very sorry. But you’re the one thing that grounds me. I know what I said that night was out of line,” he finally apologizes.
You look at his expression intently. You can tell that he means his words.
“I need more than an apology from you,” you stated.
“Name what you want and I’ll do it,”
“I want you to be careful and take care of yourself. I know in that mind of yours you don’t care about your wellbeing, but if you care for me then you’ll take care of yourself,” you move your gaze to your hands as you talk to him.
“Of course I care about you, and if that is what you want, consider it done,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead and brought you in for a hug.
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Jake Lockley:
“Mi corazón…”
“Go away Jake,” you said as you exited the grocery store.
He had been trying to make you speak with him for the passed week and all you’ve been doing is ignoring him.
Serves him right for what he did.
What you didn’t understand was why he was trying to talk to you.
“Just one moment, please,” he said sounding exhausted.
“Go bother one of your many girlfriends,” you said bitterly.
“You’re the only one,” he grabbed your shoulders and turned you towards you and hindered you from walking away.
“Jake,” you say in a warning tone.
He looks up and down the street before pulling you down an alley way. You try to protest, but he puts a hand over your mouth.
“You will listen to me,” he snapped.
You nodded tiredly and his hold on you loosened but it remained there.
“I was on Khonshu’s orders to get important information the night you came into the bar,” he said with annoyance.
Even though Jake had been the most easy to work with when it came to Khonshu, he maintained hostility when it came to you and Khonshu.
He knew you wouldn’t like Khonshu’s request, but he had to comply since it was part of the deal.
“That woman who was with me is the daughter to a man who is an avatar,” he explained further, hoping you would understand.
You studied his stoic expression. He was being truthful.
“Why didn’t you tell me before doing it?” you asked feeling hurt that he didn’t seem to trust you.
“It was too dangerous to tell you and I needed you to be safe, mi luz,”
“Well, look at the outcome of you not telling me,” you said with sadness.
Jake looked at you with equal sad eyes. The week spent without you was torture, he had an argument with Khonshu and wanted nothing more than to seek comfort from you.
“I know, mi corazón. I’m so sorry,” he said and pulled hugged you tightly.
It was rare to see Jake be so affectionate, but you know your time apart had affected him. It did the same to you.
You melted into the hug and wrapped your arms around him.
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tagging those that commented on part 1:
@milkypompon @hellomynameisells @brighterthanlonelywords @the-witheredroses @secretdazeobservation @stressed-cherry
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peachsayshi · 1 year
How would your yandere version of gojo react to someone who’s being sneaky to reader? Or just to someone who constantly messes with her? Have a nice day btw
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ minors / ageless / blank blogs dni
gojo notices that you've been uncomfortable lately. he can't quite pinpoint what's bothering you, but he definitely can't keep ignoring the helpless look in your eyes.
"baby, what's wrong?" he asks one night.
you were peeling carrots, quietly preparing a delicious dinner to share with your lover. you started making these slow cooked meals about three weeks ago. comfort food, satoru thought to himself, but your dwindling enthusiasm over one of your favorite hobbies chips away at his heart.
you give him a small smile. "there's nothing wrong" you chirp, but your boyfriend grits his teeth at your pathetic lie.
you turn to glance back at the discarded orange ribbons, only to pause once again when you feel his large hand slowly caress the back of your palm.
"c'mon, you've got me all worried..." he insists, trying his best to reign in his frustration.
the front of your brows lift with concern, and he immediately leans forward to kiss away the tension. you breathe out a heavy sigh, carefully placing the peeler onto the cutting board before turning to face him. your fingers shake when you reach for the fabric of his shirt, and the pace of satoru's heart quickens at your odd behavior.
his mind runs rampant with the worst possible scenarios, but what he finally hears from you only fuels his anger.
he didn't know that you were being harassed by your new boss.
"he's just awful," you complain, shaking your head out of frustration, "he makes all these inappropriate comments, completely disregards any personal space that I have and leers every time I'm alone in the room with him. the whole thing makes me uncomfortable and I don't know what to do about it. I'm up for a promotion soon - I'm...worried if I say anything, then...then it might ruin everything I worked so hard for."
satoru's blood boils. his entire body feels unnaturally hot. he doesn't like that your voice sounds so small, so uncertain, and it blinds him with absolute rage.
the thought of another man having the audacity to ogle what belongs to him makes his stomach flip.
when your panicked eyes glances up at him from underneath your pretty lashes, is when he feels your grip tighten around his shirt.
"it's fine, satoru," you plea out of desperation, "I didn't want to tell because I don't want you to get upset about this. I'll be out of this department once I get my promotion. I just have to put up with his crap for a little while longer."
satoru doesn't have anything to say- he just stares at you with dead, cold eyes. his body is stiff when you stand on your tiptoes to brush your lips over his, and he only relaxes when he parts his lips to invite your tongue.
"you're not mad at me, are you?" you murmur, and he instantly shakes his head no.
"I'm just upset that you're having such a hard time," he exhales, and finds your waist to give you a reassuring squeeze. "I promise I'm not mad."
he eased your mind, however, it didn't stop the war waging inside his own.
unfortunately for him, he is still satoru gojo - the man has so much power and influence as the head of his clan, that he can't exactly just walk up to the piece of shit and knock his teeth out.
after all, he had to play by the rules of dealing with a non sorcerer.
one call to the ceo would easily solve the problem, but that option felt far too easy for him. instead, he spent every spare moment digging deep into the man who was stupid enough to fuck around with you. he gathered every ounce of information that he could find to potentially ruin his life, and then used it.
an envelope sent by an "anonymous" person was dropped off to your boss's home, revealing to his wife the series of texts between him and his many, many mistresses. satoru delighted in finding out that he was soon kicked out and living at a hotel.
that's when satoru began the fun little mind games. he would show up in the middle of the night knocking on the door of your boss's room before disappearing. he did it repeatedly for days, until the man began looking visibly distressed.
satoru would randomly appear at the foot of his bed, standing there like a ghost in the night until the man would wake up in sheer terror, but by the time the lights were on, the sorcerer had already vanished.
satoru would call him rat all hours but would never speak a word. he smiled with amusement when the man eventually broke down, begging to whoever it was on the receiving end to please leave him alone.
satoru would follow him from the office back to his hotel room every single night, keeping a safe distance to ensure he remained hidden in the shadows, all the while gleaming with pride as he watched the man shake with fear.
you were none the wiser to your boyfriends menacing shenanigans.
you came home one evening with a smile plastered on your face, a smile that satoru missed dearly, and he pretended to act pleasantly surprised.
"did you have a good day, angel?" he asks with a gentle kiss.
"I did actually!"
"that asshole isn't giving you a hard time anymore, right?" your boyfriend questions, embellishing his concern while feigning ignorance.
"actually, he backed off, but I definitely think it's because he's preoccupied with his upcoming divorce. he's been in really terrible shape lately..."
satoru shrugs his shoulders with indifference, "can't say I feel sorry for him..."
"I heard through the grapevine that he's submitted his resignation letter. although, it could just be petty office gossip..."
the corner of satoru's mouth twitches into a grin. he playfully taps the tip of your nose before leaning down to kiss your cheek. "well, all I can say is good fucking riddance."
please check pinned for requests x
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batwritings · 8 months
Kinktober Day 5 - Dry Humping
Lt's turn now! >:3 Sorry for the wait for all my Ghost lovers lol. Enjoy!~
Warning! This piece does involve a few drops of degradation! Please be warned before reading! Thank you!
To say the mission went well…wasn’t exactly true. A few more things exploded than need be and your target nearly escaped right through your fingers. But Ghost had your back as he always did, making sure the mission went off without too many hitches. 
The only problem now that you were back at base now was the adrenaline coursing through your veins. You were doing this weird power walk that you did when you were on a mission through the halls of base. You remember hearing “Where’s the fire mate?” from Soap as you passed him, but gave him no response. 
Your feet didn’t stop until you made it to Ghost’s office, rapping your whitening knuckles on the door three times. “Permission to enter Lieutenant,” you said, voice clipped and rushed.
A heavy sigh before you heard, “Permission granted.” from the other side. You quickly slipped into the masked man’s office, shutting the door nearly silently. You shut the blinds to ensure whatever went on in that room going forward, was entirely hidden.
Ghost didn’t miss your actions, but kept silent, trying so hard to actually finish his paperwork for once. It was a rare occurrence these days, with back to back missions keeping his plate rather full. Yet he knew, oh this man knew that you weren’t here to help, but to fully distract him. It was a war in his mind on whether or not he’d let you.
Before he could make a decision, you were in his lap, straddling his hips. “Adrenaline’s still pumping boss,” you advise him. Yours and Ghost’s relationship had fairly recently taken on a more physical tone, so the contact wasn’t entirely unwelcome or unexpected. 
“Take it out in the training room,” Ghost tells you bluntly. “I need to get this work done.” Now, if you had heard this before you starting worming your way closer to the stressed lieutenant, you would’ve thought he was genuinely frustrated with you. But no, this was Simon’s way of telling you “keep pushing and you’ll either regret it or I’ll make it worth your while”.
You wrap you arms around his neck and hug your body close, letting your eager sex come in contact with his clothed one. “Please Si~” you whine, voice low and in his ear. You hear the pen stop writing and his member twitch, but otherwise Ghost doesn’t react. “C’mon, a little distraction won’t hurt that much.”
Before you get a verbal response, you’re being pulled back by the collar of your shirt. “If you’re so desperate to get off,” Simon growls, masked face inches from yours. “Why do you prove how bad you need it? Get yourself off on my thigh like a good whore.”
Your face flushed a bright pink at his demand, but you got the assignment quickly. You used your knee to nudge Ghost’s legs apart so you could sit your sex fully on his thick thigh. Just that little friction left you whimpering for more. “C-can I move, Sir?” you asked, voice now soft so he could focus. 
“Go on,” he told you, eyes never leaving the work in front of him. You don’t waste any time, slowly beginning to rock yourself forward, dragging your sex along his thigh. You sigh in relief at the pleasure that courses through you, even through the durable fabric of your regulation cargo pants. 
“Such a pretty little thing,” Simon hums, still not turning his burning brown eyes to watch you. “Always making such beautiful noises for me.” You whimpered a little louder now at his praise, trying to keep yourself from falling apart immediately.
“I’ll bet you just can’t wait for me to be done with this paperwork can you?” The man says, this time sounding more like a growl than his usual teasing hum. “Can’t wait to feel my thick cock inside you huh? Pinned to the bed and nowhere to go but where I tell you.”
“S-Simon–” you gasp, hips rocking harder and faster with each word that he spoke. It took some coaxing from you to even get Ghost to speak up in bed. He wasn’t exactly sure how to even commence dirty talk until you gave him a bit of teachings on what you liked. After that it felt like you couldn’t get him to shut up, not that you were complaining of course. 
“What love?” He asks, so mischievously it hurt. “Can’t handle a little dirty talk? Don’t lie to me slut, I know you love it. Almost as much as being face down in your cot.”
Your nails were practically digging into the back of his t-shirt now, your sex making an absolute mess beneath the fabric of your uniform. “G-gonna come, please–” Your mind was so fuzzy, you nearly forgot to let him know of your impeding orgasm. 
“Go on love,” Ghost tells you. In a move you hadn’t expected in the least, you hear fabric moving and then a bruise being sucked into your neck. “Make a mess for your lieutenant.” 
Something about the way Ghost’s growl was unfiltered and the sudden contact had your peak practically punching you in the gut as you doubled over with a loud moan. Your sex pulsed against the inside of your underwear and uniform pants. You hid your face as best you could against Simon’s neck whining loudly as you finally finished. 
You nearly went limp before strong hands caught you to hold you steady against Ghost’s chest. “That’s it love, good job,” he praises, rubbing your back. “D’you need water? Anything?” That was another learned thing that the lieutenant picked up on quickly; aftercare. He had no clue what it was previously until you walked him through it after a particularly nasty subdrop. 
You shake your head, finally starting to calm down. “Thank you Si,” you mumble against the fabric of his shirt.
“Don’t thank me yet sweetheart,” the blonde chuckled softly.  “You’re still getting punished for interrupting me.” Your eyes went wide as Ghost continued on writing his reports calmly as if nothing happened.
Well…not the worst way to end a mission you supposed.
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