#positive change podcast
smallsies · 1 year
Podcast Book Club!
alright, everyone, here's the invite link for the podcast book club discord: https://discord.gg/kYPBtaGYgc
looking forward to listening with you all!
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gideonisms · 1 year
And it's also like. if you have no internal sense of your own gender, and you're just gnc sometimes because traditionally feminine stuff is simply harder to do. At what point do you just flip to a different gender in the minds of everyone around you and then if you've basically outsourced your gender to everyone else does it just change? if I started acting feminine would it change back? is it different on different days? how is a person supposed to form a coherent identity in this world
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sodalite-lite · 11 months
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Some silly doodles + a cropping of one because I think it's actually good.
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chiropteracupola · 2 years
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bees, wheat, bertrand.
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harmony-and-peace · 6 months
Hejka 👋🏻
Chciałabym się dzisiaj z Wami podzielić pewnym wartościowym podcastem, który wczoraj otrzymałam do obejrzenia od mojej mentorki. Sama bardzo dużo słucham podcastów, jak tylko mam wolną chwilę lub podczas robienie makeup'u, sprzątania, gotowania… To naprawdę wzbogaca, pozwala szybciej zmienić mindset na bardziej pozytywny i przede wszystkim poprawić wiarę siebie. Jest też zdecydowanie lepsze od bezsensownego scrollowania tiktoka.
Jeśli zdecydujecie się go przesłuchać i jesteście mniej cierpliwymi ludźmi to polecam zacząć od 5 minuty 😉
Pragnę też podzielić się paroma wnioskami, do których doszłam po przesłuchaniu podcastu i później zamierzam je zapisać w swoim journalu, a wstawiam je poniżej ⬇️
• Sukces odnosi tylko ta osoba co wytrwale realizuje wartościowy cel. Ustala, że będzie pracować, by być taką, a nie inną osobą i wytrwale dąży do tego więżąc, że jej się uda.
• Nie podążaj ślepo za tłumem. Nie popadaj w konformizm. (Jest to zmiana zachowania pod wpływem innych ludzi).
• Dzisiaj tak naprawdę nie ma konkurencji, z wyjątkiem tej, którą sami sobie stworzymy. Zamiast konkurować z innymi, powinniśmy zacząć kreować siebie, swoje, życie i swoją przyszłość.
• Szczęście można przyciągać. A mianowicie stajemy się tym, o czym myślimy. Musimy tylko z pełną premedytacją myśleć, tak jakby nasz cel był już osiągnięty i zachowywać się jak osoba, która już go osiągnęła.
• ✨Działaj tak, jakby porażka była niemożliwa - moje nowe motto #1✨💎
• ✨Zachowuj się jak osoba, którą chcesz być, a staniesz się nią - moje motto #2✨
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ghosty-schnibibit · 1 year
me finishing the new graphic novel like on the one hand yes the art is gorgeous as always yes the chalice scenes were handled well yes the lunar interludes got included in a cool way but on the other hand me looking at ren (and also a bit at taako by proxy) like
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dargonpoop · 11 months
loving all this strike action while pluto is stuck in retrograde at the anaretic degree of capricorn sometimes it really is too uncanny
#and while venus is stationing retrograde at 28° leo!!#forming an inconjunct between leo venus and capricorn pluto damn#capricorn representing of course overarching structures and power#pluto associated with wealth and exchange of power and transformation#venus the planet intrinsically involved with social relations#and in the sign of leo which also governs authority but also self expression#self expression such as the expression of ones needs falls under here in my interpretation#which actually side note that makes sense? never made that connection#moon being the nurturer and intuitively understanding others needs vs sun being the expression of ones needs#hence why sun can have a reputation for being self centered#anyway also#retrogrades are times of review#i think chris brennan mentioned that venus retrograde in leo has previously brought about political changes#gay marriage legalization was one such#(in the us specifically but i think a number of other countries too but icr which ones)#idk this is just fun and cool to witness and make the connection!#if anything it implies that this is THE time to be engaging in strike activities#hoping that itll actually bring about positive changes before pluto moves back into aquarius and startd dealing w other themes#capricorn is the economy sign pluto entered cap in 2008 aka when the big recession hit#i hope the astrology podcast mentions all the strike activity next time they talk about transits im curious to know more#neptune and saturn are also retrograde in pisces and neptune is sextile pluto + inconj venus so theres a yod too#which puts a looot of pressure on venus#oh and cant forget the square to uranus which will become exact twice during the retrograde cycle so that might be interesting#astrology#dargonpoops#sorry the special interest kicked in#lots of connections to be made and analyzed
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I was told I should post this on here. Friend said you guys might enjoy it.
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trans-xingqiu · 2 years
I've been listening to welcome to night vale for a week now and i've gotta say my life? I feel so much better about my life funky chefs
i am being filled with more positivity and happiness and smiling and laughter and love. I jus cried out of happiness for the very first time in my life over this podcast- this experience of being a dear listener and hearing comforting words every night and thinking on them, mulling them over and accepting them. It's been a week but i've gained two very valuable life lessons from it, which is
- to let the past be, since it won't be something you can change and regretting what could have been is relatively futile in retrospect;
- some things will seem as if they're all that matters at the time, but it might be a good idea to take a step back and see if it really is, and decide where to go from there
It's also really exciting to know that there's still SO much for me to learn from this series and i'm really glad i picked this up.
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toni-onone · 8 months
Unleashing the Power Within: Mastering the Art of Anger Management
Inspire Hour Podcast Introduction: In the journey of life, emotions guide us through each challenge and triumph. Among them, one powerful emotion often arises: anger. Anger is a force that can be both destructive and transformative, but it is how we handle this intense energy that truly defines our character. In this blog, we will explore the art of anger management, uncovering the wisdom and…
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kajmasterclass · 10 months
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rlewisphilly · 1 year
You run into this lately?
You hit the wall?  It happens to the best of us.  In life, our jobs, workouts, any diet, in our creativity.  We “hit the wall”.   Let’s whine together about how this mental drama affects us all and share a few things you can actually do to get over it. Street Curb Curiosity – The Podcast Listen on Apple Podcasts: CLICK HERE(Spotify link below)
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i99zhuo · 3 months
A routine inspired by thewizardliz ? She has skin care hair care routine reads motivating books
How to live like thewizardliz 🧚🏼‍♀️🪄⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ quit your lazy girl era!
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This is a guide on daily routines inspired by Thewizardliz! This routine is perfect to stop being lazy and pathetic and finally start taking care of yourself!
content list (routines):
shower + self care
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✸ ꒰ morning routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
🧼 First things first, after you wake up make sure to drink water to boost your metabolism throughout the day! Also, create a mind movie so you can watch it everyday after you wake up.
Now, take your journal and start writing about your dream, ideal higher self, ask yourself questions like ‘What reality do i want to create?´ 'Who do i look up to?’ ‘What is the behavior I need to change about myself?’ ‘What's a new habit that I would like to create?’ ‘What is a thing I can focus on right now?’. After we have in mind who we want to become, it's important that every little decision you make today is centered to achieve your goals, and become your dream self. You can listen to a podcast while doing this so you get motivation!
💶 Then, head to the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror and start repeating positive affirmations, such as ‘I am so beautiful’ or ‘My hair looks so pretty today’, even if you don't believe it, having a positive mindset is going to help us to stay in track with our goals!
Take care of your teeth, Liz says that our smile is one of the most important things in a person, and one of the key things that is going to make you more attractive! so, make sure to brush your teeth, floss, clean your tongue, etc.
🛣 Liz has a rather simple skincare routine, since her skin is so sensitive, it only consists of using a foam cleanser, moisturizer and eye cream to help with her eye bags.
Next step is to research and find our own personal clothing and makeup style, find out your body type, personal color, face shape, etc. It doesn't matter if you have to mix multiple styles that already exist to make your own! The most important thing is to feel comfortable while wearing those clothes or having that type of makeup on your face.
🏔 Liz doesn't like to force herself to have breakfast, she just dont eat if she's not hungry, however if you are hungry rather than focusing on calories focus on how nutritious your meal is. Whatsoever if you are not hungry and you are not going to eat, make sure to always take your vitamins and supplements!
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✸ ꒰ study routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
Yes, it's time to drink a little more water!
⛰ Liz doesn't have a settled study routine but, it's important to spend our time wisely, if you can finish an assignment way before the time it's due, DO IT! Also, she emphasized that knowledge leads to confidence. If you put effort in your studies, every little thing in your life will slowly fall into place.
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✸ ꒰ workout routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
First, set healthy goals, like toning up your body or building muscle, try not to make ‘just being skinny’ your goal.
🧩 second, don't measure yourself with a scale or measuring tape and focus on how you look in the mirror, are you satisfied? if you are then you are done with the intense workout routine!
Liz goes to the gym and has her own personal training program, but here’s some kind of exercises she recommends; weight training, pilates and dancing with her main focus being toning up her abs and butt.
🏄‍♀️ Remember to drink water and that consistency is more important than perfection, go at your own pace, it doesn't matter if you can't do a 2 hour workout and look snatched in 3 days and you can only do a 5 minute workout, every little effort adds up!
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✸ ꒰ shower and self care routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
Before showering, do dry brushing to exfoliate your skin and increase circulation (1-2 times per week). Then use shampoo and conditioner, research to find the best one for you, what may help others won't help you. Liz also uses a hair mask 1 to 2 times per week to get that shiny silk hair.
🎾 After showering take some time to shape and pluck your eyebrows depending on your face shape and what impression you want to give! 
Liz uses face masks 1 to 2 times per week to cleansing her face deeply, then she does her skincare. After applying all the products do a lymphatic massage on your face and neck, you can also cool down your face with massagers or cold spoons for an extra depuff.
🍾 For self care, you can journal again, search for shadow work prompts, think of what things you should unlearn and relearn and don't forget to practice gratitude. Or you can take time to clean your room or house, you deserve to have a clean safe place! 
Oh! and don't forget to drink water again.
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✸ ꒰ night routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
🧃 Time for dinner! (only if you are not full yet), again, make sure to focus on nutrients rather than calories. Don't forget to drink a glass of water with your dinner. You can watch a documentary while eating to keep gaining even more knowledge.
Now, do your oral hygiene routine again. Also, put on eyelash conditioner and serum to wake up with perfect lashes! Then wear a silk cap or do a protective hairstyle to protect your hair from getting damaged while you're sleeping.
🍵 Then get in bed and drink a cup of tea with collagen to start relaxing your body. and it's finally time to manifest! watch your mind movie again and use your most useful method (affirming visualizing, subliminals, etc.), don't forget to ask god, the universe or whatever you believe in for signals and help!
Afterwards, you can read an inspirational book like ‘atomic habits’ or ‘the art of thinking clearly’ to keep nourishing your brain. keep a reachable goal like reading 5 pages everyday and then decide if you want to continue reading or not.
🥬 Before sleeping listen to a guided meditation, liz have one to be more confident and one to attract money, choose one that aligns with your goals!
Finally fall asleep in a healthy sleeping position, Liz sleeps in her back looking at the roof, but you can choose your favorite position, don't forget to get a pillow that fits the position (example: tall and lofty pillow -> for sleeping on your side)
🍈 Good night!
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Woah second request done!! hope you liked this one was pretty fun to do and I might add some of these things in my own personal routine so I don't fall back into laziness, anyways how about you guys??
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Like a month or so ago I had a dream where Griffin McElroy died and so they stopped doing MBMBAM but they started a new series of The Adventure Zone where Travis was the dm and Justin and Clint were the players. The dream consisted almost entirely of listening to this new series where Justin and Clint were clearly very sad, uncomfortable, and not really into it but Travis kept trying really hard to make it work by being obnoxiously positive. Each week it got worse and worse, they kept bringing on guest stars for a single episode but they never had any chemistry and it made it even more awkward somehow. Travis was still just as bad of a dm as he was for Graduation. Then, a few months into the podcast, doing the only thing that could possibly make it more awkward, Travis introduced a new player character that was clearly just an ai voice trained to sound like Griffin that he was controlling. The next like four episodes of the podcast were about Justin, Clint, and False-Grifin’s characters trying to steal a wall mounted tv stand from a target while Travis changed the rules to make whatever they tried fail over and over.
I think the dream ended there, but I didn’t really think about it at all until today when I remembered something funny from Monster Factory and thought “man, Griffin McElroy made a lot of funny stuff when he was alive, shame he died” before realizing that that only happened in my dream
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valtoybob · 2 years
David Edwards: 10 Values and Surprising foundations to get more done, feel more connected, and stay balanced in a rapidly changing world - New You! Who Knew?
“You are the captain of your life - Connected, effective and balanced.” In this episode, David Edwards shares values and principles that would help us on our journey toward becoming new and better beings. He shares surprising foundations to get more done
Kindly support our podcast by subscribing, leaving a review, commenting and sharing with your loved ones Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on iHeartRADIO Listen on Google Podcasts listen on GAANA.com listen on RadioPublic listen on Podchaser “You are the captain of your life – Connected, effective and balanced.” In this episode, David Edwards shares values and principles that would help us…
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