#ply het
xxcalicofemmexx · 3 months
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ply straight wallpapers!
Ply Straight: Someone who identifies as poly(sexual, romantic, etc) and straight. An intentionally vague term, for a broad umbrella that community can gather under. Mostly used by multigender, genderfluid, and otherwise nonbinary individuals, though it is not a closed label. Also known as ply het.
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pollydolly · 1 year
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hit the quan - dont tag as ship
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siverdotheart · 1 year
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SO i have just got past the part with future Lita in the comics and i enjoyed it and i was like damn, i should do a rise-inspired design for Lita, forgetting that i am NOT GOOD at using the colour pink!
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celestialprincesse · 4 months
how about a reader x simon riley but reader has a big family. im talking 4 brothers and 2 sisters type shit. loving parents and a pet dog or cat for whoever still lives in the house. i already planned out backstories and stuff but i wanna see your take on this
this is so cute baby, but I'm like the least qualified person to write this I've got no siblings, although I do have two dogs, a cat and a horse.
I feel like, for Simon, he really doesn't want to meet readers family at first. His own were ripped away from him and he still struggles to accept that he'll never het them back.
But, for his partner, he'll do anything, even if that means going and staying with their family at their massive farm for a week, then that's what he'll do.
Obviously, they warn him well in advance of their hectic family, tell him that if it gets too much at any point to just tell them and they'll take a breather, maybe book a hotel for the night, or hell, even sleep in the barn like they did when their siblings fought.
Upon arrival, Simon's first thought is just how homey readers childhood home is. A big converted barn with a wraparound porch and a woman sat on the swing in the shade with a baby on her hip and a collie at her feet.
Reader perks up immediately, running to their sister and their niece, being wrapped up in a huge hug, the type that Simon (although he'll never admit) will always miss.
Reader will give Simon, who looks like a lost puppy, a little nod to join them, and readers sister already has him in a bone crushing hug, surprising for a woman of her size, and one holding a baby at that.
"Si! This is my sister Cassie, and her daughter Emmeline." Reader'll muse, squishing the tiny toddlers cheeks between their fingers, before pottering inside with an "We're home!" We're.
Reader's parents are equally as welcoming, and their two brothers also take a total shine to Simon, asking if he's ever Benn quad biking or if he wants to play paintball.
The lot of them come in covered head to toe in fluorescent blue paint, all except for Simon, who just stands there smugly, giving reader a little wink like his paintball skills are some strange attempt at wooing them.
Mealtimes are always wonderful, despite the ruckus of all - however many there are - of them.
Simon also learns where reader got their cooking skills from, and their mom is constantly plying him with inordinate amounts of food.
He also perpetually has to look at where he's walking, lest he step on a cats tail or dogs paw or kids toy.
He and reader spend their days laying in the sun and picking vegetables for their mom to cook with, taking the dogs for a walk or babysitting their siblings kids.
Simon realises, perhaps for the first time in his life, that just because he had one family taken away, it doesn't mean that he doesn't deserve another.
⊹˚. ౨ৎ
Did not mean for this to go in the direction that it went in but oh well !
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Merrascic Pride Flag
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Merrascic or merascic/merasscic: an umbrella term for those who are not attracted to men anymore; a label in which one's mascic attraction has partially or fully vanished.
Examples: errasexual or asexual folk who once was attracted to boys; taken/monofidelitous pluralians (i.e. bi/pan, ply/omni, tri) partnered with non-men; a straight guy/darcian who used to be attracted to guys, but realized he is het after all; a lesbian who has gone through comphet; an enbian/cenelian, enboric/teramoric or feminamoric/trixamoric folk who used to be pan; an abrosexual or sexually fluid folk; or otherwise nomascic person who once experienced attraction to men.
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mutt-the-punk · 2 years
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My nAme is River, I'm a scemo (Scene & emo)person who luvs new friends (Including you!! <33)
I use tUmblr as a kewl (cool) & fUn way 2 find new friendz and to find peOple whom have the same interEsts as mE (Interests later listed)
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Oh no.. your computer has a virus! I'll help you out but you gotta listen first.
Dni: Homophobic, Transphobic, Racist, Ablelist, pro overturning of Roe V Wade, -12,+21, Andrew Tate watchers, Msi supporters, falling in reverse supporters (basic Dni), Cringe culture, mean, rude, anti tone tagsif you are &/or support any of the following:
* racist, anti-black, against blm, support alm/blue lives matter, against police abolition & acab. xenophobic, antisemitic, islamophobic, nazi, zionist, assadist. don't support land back. alt-right.
* pro-life, anti-abortion. map, nomap. use/say slurs you can't reclaim. aren't critical of interests.
* romanticize or glorify abuse, and/or mental illness. trauma invalidation. think [emotional] neglect isn't a form of abuse.
if you are &/or support any of the following queerphobic beliefs:
* radfem, terf, swerf. transmed, truscum. against neopronouns, against xenogenders. against lesbians who use pronouns outside of she/her, and gays who use pronouns outside of he/him.
* fetishize mlm, fetishize wlw. think mlm are inherently 'less oppressed' by society, oppression olympics in general.
* believe aroace people aren't inherently lgbtq. mistreat transhets due to them being het. think polyamory is inherently sexual, think you can't cheat on your partners in polyam relationships.
* think bisexuality is the 'default' to being mspec, think pansexuality is biphobic, think trans people aren't included in bisexuality. treat pan/omni/ply/etc. as micro-labels under bisexuality.
if you are &/or support any of the following radinclus beliefs:
* pro-ship, anti-anti, pro-fic. think fiction has no effect on reality. pro-para (pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia, etc.).*
* mspec 'lesbians', mspec 'gays', and mspec 'straights'. lesboys, turigirls, 'male lesbians', 'gay women'.
* transabled*; endogenic, xeno-origin, any non-traumagenic 'systems' are included. 'systems' caused by disorders outside of DID or OSDD-1, like 'bpd systems', you get the gist; think you can have any trauma disorder without the trauma.
* this doesn't mean the support for the people with disorders that cause these thoughts and feelings. this means the anti-recovery sentiment of identifying as 'pro-paraphilia' & transabled- whether or not you have said disorders- and the worsening of symptoms.
if you are &/or support any of the following ableist beliefs:
*accuse people of faking their disability, also known as fakeclaiming. exclude the experiences of physically disabled people when talking about ableism. dismiss the experiences of chronically ill people due to the fluctuation of severity in symptoms.
* think allistics can say the r slur, think the infinity symbol is for all neurodivergent people rather than just autistics. against informed self diagnosis.
* think people with cluster b personality disorders are inherently abusive, or that people with DID, schizophrenia, psychosis, ASPD, etc. are dangerous or violent. 'narcissistic abuse' truther.
* misuse mental health terms, like naricissistic, psycho[path], psychotic, delusional, schizo, etc., especially in a derogatory fashion.
If you are any of those, I can't help you! Srry, not srry..
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There we are, I just changed your computers oil out!....
Your computer doesn't take oil? Oopsies..
Wellll while you're contacting tech support, let's talk about a few of the things I like!
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Interests: Monster high (Mh), My little pony (mlp), Invader zim (Iv), Ruby gloom (Rb), Waffles (no really, I love them), Tone tags, Swag new friends, Slushies (SO YUMMY!!)
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My favorite characters: Derpy (mlp), Gir (Iv), Discord (mlp) Draculara (Mh), Ruby Gloom (Rb), Skelita (Mh), Sarah Scare (Mh), Clawdeen (Mh), Lagoona (Mh), Bender (Futurama), Ghoulia (Mh), and a few OthErz
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Other: My dms are open but I don't respond often, my notifications are off.
I luv 2015
I REALLLY like neon (Mainly Green & Pink)
I watch REPOSTED Shane Dawson vidz, Markiplier, and Brandon Ferris!!!
LVL 14
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You managed to get on the tech support line but you're on hold? Hm.... let's play my favorite song!!
You finally got ahold of them? SWAG! Well I've gotta go, byeeee
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bi-lesbian · 3 years
i love when i see people being loud and proud with identities others find "contradictory." i love seeing people expressing their unique complexities in whatever way feels best to them. keep on being you, lovelies~ 💖
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britneyshakespeare · 6 years
i wish the rest of the lgbtq community understood that when bi/pan women love men we don’t love them w the same set of standards that straight women are expected to have for men
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bop-culture-is · 2 years
Men-leaning ply culture is feeling ostracized by cishets for having any non-het attraction and feeling ostracized by the queer community for liking men.
unfortunately, i can’t change the ways of assholes out there, but i can safely say that you are valid asf and 110% welcome here!
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mueritos · 3 years
agh tbh it’s a little disheartening to see u against mspec gays :[ i’m aspec, nonbinary, and a ply gay man, and the points u were makin don’t really say much? like, u used the recycled argument of “oh [microlabel] will make our oppressors hate us more so don’t use it,” if i read that right??
and bi lesbians aren’t a new thing, and they aren’t a singular phenomenon; pan lesbians, omni gay men, abro lesbians, etc though small in numbers we do exist. and as someone who uses the SAM in relation to being aspec, all the points u made against non-aspecs using it actually support them using it imo? (although not all mspec gays use the SAM at all), sexuality can be just as nuanced, complicated, fluid, and personal as gender. i get it doesn’t make much sense to you just lookin at it, but the same could be said of men who are also women, or people who are agender and pangender.
and ofc, just because some people using a label could be uninformed or “wrong” about themselves, doesn’t mean the label itself should be dismissed as a whole. you end up casting doubt on anyone who self-identifies in that way, which leads straight to identity policing. again, a lot of these arguments are the exact same ones used in anti-trans, anti-nonbinary, and anti-apsec circles. (and sorry if this is worded rudely, or just incomprehensible, writing isn’t always easy for me.)
hey! honestly thanks for this message, it has helped me sort thru my thoughts a bit. I will say that I never said that I think certain microlabels or identities will make our oppressors hate us, in fact thats the exact sort of rhetoric I work against. I also do want to say that I do understand and support folks like you mentioned, like those who are agender (I ID'd as agender for a time!), pangender, he/him lesbians, and she/her gays!
I suppose most of my hesitance for non-aspecs to use SAM to describe their experiences comes from what I have heard from fellow aspecs and even non-aspecs, and what I've heard mostly is that non-aspecs using the SAM model could perpetuate a lot of transphobia and homophobia, whether that is internalized or projected. I've listened to folks' experiences being non-aspec using the SAM as a way to justify comp-het (folks dealing with internalized homophobia), and also experiences of uncomfortable trans people being pursued by individuals who were non-aspec using SAM as a way to also display their attraction (examples I've heard were pan lesbians, a transman being pursued by one may feel particularly uncomfy because he may wonder if she views him as a woman). These are the examples of why I've just been hesitant for non-aspecs to use the SAM, and even then I do recognize that lots of. peoples' attractions and genders are complex, but I also feel they are all connected, and I'm just not completely convinced that one cannot influence the other. I am aromantic, but I am also gay and trans, and my attraction and perception of gender would not be the same if all 3 of these identities were not acknowledged. My attraction to men is heavily influenced by my aromanticism, and thus also influences my gender.
The thing is not that I don't understand it, I really do! The SAM is a great way to describe a complex relationship with attraction and sexuality and gender, I just worry that the need to label every single aspect of discomfort/comfort in terms of sexuality and attraction can lead to MORE confusion...I love that we have terms and labels to name what we are feeling as queer people but...I also worry it may just complicate people's journey with their gender/sexuality/attraction. There's a great video essay that explains what I mean better and uses mogai as an example. This is not me saying folks shouldn't use it, because to be honest, at this point I don't care. It's not affecting me so its like whatever. But I won't deny these are the thoughts I have when in context to non-aspecs using SAM.
This discussion in general is just also. A chronically online discussion and I doubt in IRL queer spaces it would be a problem because when you're IRL and queer no one gives a fuck what you do. So I use that to put this all into perspective and can just say now that I don't care what non-aspecs do, but again, I won't deny my hesitance as someone who is aspec and uses the Split-Attraction-Model, and who recognizes that it is something that mostly exclusively is used and created by aspecs. But yea, thanks for the ask! helped my brain work thru stuff <3
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helmarok · 2 years
Y'know what? I like you *sends you a nice ask to counteract all the hate you get because you're cool and have a massive brain*
1) Honestly, transfemme James is one of my favourite interpretations of them! Like... look at them and try to tell me they're cis. I personally headcanon they're genderfluid with he/they pronouns, but she/they James is such a godtier headcanon I love her
2) Ngl, I feel like all the people saying James is gay and thus can't be with Jessie are just Woke 90s Kidz who watched Indigo League when they were young and make FaceBook posts about how much Ash sucks. Obviously James being gay or Jessie being a lesbian aren't bad headcanons, but getting upset over someone else seeing them both being bi/pan/ply/omni and shipping them romantically together isn't very cash money of these folks. The only bad Rocketshipping is cishet Rocketshipping /hj
3) If I'm being honest, you should make James (and by extension Jessie) even more LGBT than they already are!
4) Being a bit more serious for a second, as a femme lesbian whose fat and has hairy arms, seeing you draw Jessie like that and still portray her as being kind of feminine means the world to me. I rarely see hairy or fat women portrayed in such a positive way (much less femme woman), but seeing one of my favourite characters of all time with those characteristics makes me incredibly happy!
In conclusion, you're a fantastic artist with stellar headcanons and you don't deserve all this hate you get
i try to go for that a lot im glad you like my art! i really want other people to see the characters looking different from usually and feel good about it, cuz thats a feeling thats hard to get when fandoms are just a white, skinny, cishet mess.
I ALSO AGREE WITH YOURE HCS FOR JAMES TOO!!! i hc them to be genderfluid as well, though i usually just keep it broad when talking about them by just saying transfem or nonbinary cuz the amount of labels that mf has needs its own wikipedia page... thats why its weird to see the woke assholes being like "it's homophobic to draw james with jessie when james is gay" my guy theyre licherally nonbinary and bisexual but ok 🙄 and dont even get me started on how a weird chunk of rocket fans or generally anyone who likes them thinks jessie is like... cishet i guess. i hc to be cis, but as for the het part????? if you dont see the history she has with cassidy or wendy the Juice Girl, you're just straight up STUPID. jessie loves women and is proud of it and if the writers had balls, she'd go crazy over some fucking rich chicks in canon and you know it
its also a very rare case i see people draw women with body hair, even when they are a progressive artist or whatever. as though hair is the one exception? artists who draw fat women and woc and all that seem to either avoid or forget that many women have body hair and arent shaved clean every waking moment... anyways little rant over, its just really nice to draw jessie being fat and hairy and still just jessie. none of those things makes a difference on attractiveness or femininity, like shes still very much a woman and a beautiful one at that
so thank you for this, anon 😭 at first my heart dropped when i saw the notif cuz i was wondering what hate i was gonna get this time, and this made my week to get something nice for once 🥺💖
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
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Latias from Pokemon is a het-oriented bellusromantic aroace agender faesari Pokemon who’s in a QPR with Grovyle, a transhet asexual demiboy! They’ve both adopted Eevee, a trans gay boy with a crush on Skitty, a bisexual demiboy!
dni transcript under the cut:
dni: racist, sexist, ableist, islamophobe, antisemite, anti-mogai, truscum/transmed, t(w)erf/swerf, aspec exclus, anti-pan/ply/omni, anti-mspec lesbian/gay, against men/nonbs using femme/butch, pronoun policer, map or supporter, pro-ship/anti-anti, gendercrit, nonbinary skeptic, anti-queer, anti-endogenic, anti-self dx, autism speaks supporter, anti-blm/acab, cringe/flop blog, or nsfw blog. thank you!
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sapphicsinthecloset · 7 years
me: so my girlfriend --
me: ...anyway
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thegreymoon · 4 years
Salty Ask list: 9. Most disliked arc? Why?, 20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?, and 27. Least shippable character? The saltier the better!!!
Thank you for the ask, anon!! 💜💜
OK, I will answer both 9 and 10 (because the most disliked arc is no. 10 😅) I have already answered some of these earlier, so I will copy/paste those, if that’s OK! 
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
For Merlin:
Agravaine. He’s just the worst. So greasy and sleazy and just, yuck. Yuck, overall. He’s not even one of those characters one can love to hate, like, for example, Uther, who is also simply the worst, but who will preoccupy you in ways you never saw coming! When it comes to Agravaine, everything about him was so thoroughly hateful, frustrating and unenjoyable, the highlight of the entire season was finally watching him go splat against the wall! The second most hated is that girlfriend of Gwaine’s at the very end that was plying him for information. That entire sequence is just so mind-numbingly infuriating, I can’t even think of it without getting angry. It almost ruined Gwaine for me entirely.
For The Untamed:
Oh, finally an easy one!! 😂😂 Wen Chao, Wang Lingjiao and Wen Zhuliu are in a tight race for the first place here and who is winning depends entirely on who I’m looking at in that precise moment! Of course, Wen Ruohan and Wen Xu can get into the hate bucket too, but they were so bland and boring, they cannot really compare. Jin Guangshan is also the worst, I can’t stand him. The only reason I hate the Wens more is that Jin Guangshan is actually a competent villain on a higher scale of villainy than the previous lot. Jin Zixun is also awful, a ridiculously unredeemable character on every front and Su She can also have an honourable mention.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
For Merlin: 
Oooh! There are so many!! But I think the ones that I rant about the most often are those related to Gwen! Everything about Gwencelot makes me rage! I dislike him and how he treated her and just do not see this epic ~love~ there, at least not on his part, yet they kept bringing him back to mess up her life over and over again. 
Mind you, I am not the biggest fan of Arthur in this context either, he was a terrible boyfriend (though a somewhat better husband because Merlin picked up the slack), even though Arwen >>> Gwencelot by miles and miles. I hated how he would break up with her every five minutes over nonsense and then come crawling back. I hated how she always immediately forgave him, all grateful and relieved, and I always felt like she didn’t really have a choice because the power imbalance between them was staggering. Plus, the fact that she was the one who nursed Uther in his last months after everything he had done to her, and that Arthur had let it happen, infuriates me to no end. 
My loathing for that whole cheating arc is infinite. I hate how the writers could not make up their minds about what they wanted to do with her. On the one hand, they were such cowards in their attempts to keep her ideologically pure, they had already sacrificed a lot of her quirkiness and character to suit Arthur’s needs and wants and to make him look good, so they were reluctant to have her actually cheat because it would undermine him. I don’t understand why they even had to have that entire arc if they were so afraid to go there. She was supposed to be under mind-control, and then they pointed out that the spell works by bringing suppressed emotions to the forefront! Why was that necessary? I mean, you can’t have it both ways! Either do it and own it, or just leave it alone! It would have been so easy to have her choose Lancelot and develop a proper romance there, and then to have Lancelot die, and Gwen fall in love with Arthur afterwards, as he supports her while she grieves. But, no, they had to take this cheap shot at her and humiliate her and have her cleaning pigsties just so that Arthur can angst about it for a few episodes. I am forever mad. 
I also dislike the whole evil!Gwen arc (though a part of me did enjoy watching her go apeshit after quietly swallowing so much injustice throughout the entire five seasons of this show). I feel like they were intentionally undermining the character and her entire relationship with Arthur. The whole cheating nonsense so late into season 4 had already done so much damage, then they went and pulled this poorly-thought-out crap in the second half of season 5, when emotions were already running high and nobody was in the mood to be forgiving of someone trying at and almost succeeding in killing Arthur, who was so much more beloved among the viewers than her. Just imagine how much better spent that time would have been if they had... oh, I don’t know, developed Mordred more and given him a proper reason to turn against Arthur! 
Ugh 😒
For The Untamed: 
I dislike the whole Yanli/JZX romance. I don’t know what he’s like in the novel and the other adaptations, but he gets on my very last nerve in the drama and I never actually saw him do anything meaningful to redeem himself for all the crap he pulled and all the humiliation he piled on to her. I also don’t like the whole Yin Iron nonsense. It just doesn’t tie in properly and the plot holes and inconsistencies it leaves behind are gaping and huge (but, happily, nobody is watching this for the Yin Iron plot 😆). There had to have been better things to do there, especially since it is something that does not exist in the source material. The worst parts of the drama for me somehow always tie back to the Yin Iron. 
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
For Merlin:
Hmmm… when it comes to the most popular ones, I think none of them, because they all get complicated and dark to some degree. But on a platonic level, when it comes to friendships, I would go with Merwen, Merlance and Merwaine. Merlin and Gwen are delightful together, but I have a hard time shipping them romantically without Arthur, there is just no path forward for me there that does not involve him too, and that tips the dynamic into something much more complicated (but still happy for all three of them because I am so not down for jealousy and competition between Merlin and Gwen, Arthur has two hands and he can damn well use them). 
I also think that Lancelot’s love for Merlin was pure, but I just don’t ship it at all and think that there was never anything there except for friendship (I can see Arlance going sexual, though). The same goes for Gwaine, I think that he loved Merlin unconditionally, and as far as friendship goes, it is pure, but if I ship them sexually, then all purity goes out of the window, not just as far as the sex is concerned (because the sex they would be having would be positively filthy) but also because I just can’t imagine a universe in which Merlin does not love and desire Arthur more. The angst, the pain and the darkness are off the charts.
As for the less popular ones, I think the purest is Percival/Elyan regardless of whether you see it as romantic or platonic. There is just so much mutual love, admiration and respect between them! No angst, no lies, no triangles, no drama, just taking care of and supporting each other and living in domestic bliss.
For The Untamed:
WangXian, no contest. They fell in love as kids and continued to love each other for the rest of their lives, even beyond death. The way they love each other is so absolute and so selfless! They both respect and admire the other, they are so supportive and accepting of each other, quirks, flaws and all, and they kind of set the gold standard as far as relationships go!
27. Least shippable character?
For Merlin: 
Eh... this is a tough one. I actually had to step away from this question and think about it and I didn’t come up with anything because the entire main and recurring cast is very shippable. There are, however, characters that aren’t shipped as much as they could be (Elyan, baby, you deserve better 😢), and then there are also characters that result in unsavory ships that are best left unmentioned (but because these are salty asks, I am going to mention them anyway). 
The first one that came to my mind was Gaius, but he is actually very shippable because there is no rule that says you have to ship him in the canon timeline. He has a serious canon het love interest, and a crack one as well. Also, let’s not forget Uther. I’ve seen the fandom float this one as a crack ship, but it is actually very serious and plausible. There is so much complicated history there, decades of it, and definitely a deep, albeit toxic relationship that can absolutely be (and likely even was) sexual. If I was less busy and more inclined to get anon hate, I would totally be open to writing it myself.
I have seen a lot of people list Uther as an answer here, but Uther is very, very shippable! Anthony Head is handsome and charismatic, and he has so much presence as Uther, he could have chemistry with drywall if the script called for it. Again, there is no rule stating that a ship should be wholesome and happy, so let me go over the most obvious ones. When it comes to m/m ships, I already mentioned Gaius, plus I definitely felt it whenever the neighbouring kings came over to visit Camelot (my personal favourite was Lord Godwyn). Uther also has three canon het ships (why, yes, I am counting the troll), most notably Ygraine and Viivienne, and he is 100% shippable with Nimueh (though I prefer Nimueh with Ygraine). Last but not least, there is Morgana. It is squicky incest, yes, but it is also very obvious, if you have the inclination to go there. My jaw was on the floor on my first watch when he confessed that she was his actual biological daughter, because up until then, I totally thought that things would get sexual between them in canon. 
Agravaine is also an obvious (I would even go as far as to say a semi-canon) ship for Morgana. Do I hate it? Yes. Do I think she slept with him to get him to deliver her Arthur’s head? Again, absolutely, yes. Even Kilgharrah is very shippable and he is a giant firebreathing lizard (obviously, laws of physics require transmorphing him into something smaller and (hopefully) human-shaped for the p0rn). 
For The Untamed: 
Jin Zixun and Jin Zixuan. I am forever mad Jin Zixuan (somehow) ends up having sex in canon anyway. My first thought for this was Wen Chao, but no, he is absolutely shippable. Like I said, the ship does not have to be nice, and Wen Chao is very nasty, but also very sexual (plus, there is always Wen Zhuliu).
The one character that I personally am the least inclined to ship is Wen Ning because he is so childlike and it feels like he never mentally developed into an adult. 
Salty Asks
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bizexuals · 7 years
mmm, pride month. 
aka, the return of straight passing privilege discourse TM 
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oryx-and-thickney · 4 years
What “Monosexism” really means
I’ve seen a lot of debate lately over the word “monosexual” and the concepts of “monosexual privilege” and “monosexism” etc. and one post that sticks out in my mind was by a lesbian who wrote “monosexual privilege isn’t real because even though bisexuals do get asked ‘are you sure you’re not secretly gay/straight?’ We also get asked by straights ‘are you sure you’re not bi?’ in the hopes that we still experience some attraction to the opposite gender so that argument doesn’t work.”
And I just want to say first of all, not only is that a false equivalent because the experience bi (or mspec) people are bringing up there is about people wanting them to be monosexual and the experience this woman was bringing up was about people wanting gay/lesbian people to be capable of same-sex attraction (which btw, straight people wanting gay/lesbian people to be bi just so they can end up in straight relationships is not actually an example of straight people accepting bi people)
But also...that analogy doesn’t work. Because when mspec people bring up monosexism and monosexual privilege we are not discussing how straight people treat us vs how straight people treat gay/lesbian people. We are well aware that in the eyes of straight people neither is preferable to the other and both are equally discriminated against. We know that.
What we’re talking about is how gay and lesbian people treat multisexual people. We are talking about discrimination within the community. Nobody has a problem (okay some people have a problem but no decent person with half a brain who is not a TERF has a problem) pointing out that cisexism and transphobia exist within the queer community. But for some reason, if a bi person points out that biphobia exists within the community, it makes us homophobic.
But listen, bi/pan/ply/omni people don’t ask a gay or lesbian person, “But are you sure you’re not bi/pan/ply/omni?” either in hopes you secretly are or because we don’t believe you’re actually what you say you are.
And bi/pan/ply/omni people don’t refuse to date gay or lesbian people because they’re only attracted to the same sex. But gay and lesbian people refuse to date mspec people all the time for their attraction to the opposite-sex. Sometimes our opposite-sex attraction is insulted. Mspec women in particular are made to feel -with no exaggeration- ashamed for opposite-sex attraction.
That’s not all of it. I’ve seen gay and lesbian people get mad at their same-sex partner for not wanting to refer to their relationship as a gay or lesbian relationship even though their partner is multisexual.
I’ve only ever seen gay and lesbian people get uncomfortable or offended when someone describes themselves as queer, and it’s almost always followed up with something like “lesbian is not a dirty word” without even considering that the person might be mspec and not a lesbian. In fact, it’s almost always assumed unless stated otherwise that you’re gay or lesbian (if it first can be assumed you’re part of the lgbt community) until stated otherwise. And it hasn’t escaped my attention that if someone says they’re queer to a gay or lesbian person, that person is going to ask them to clarify “But are you gay/lesbian?” Because it matters to them. It matters whether or not you’re monosexual or not. And not only that, but it isn’t multi-sexual people who have made gay and lesbian people feel like they’re not queer enough or lgbt enough to be queer/lgbt with “bi-het” and “gold star lesbian” and “bi people don’t belong in lgbt spaces if they’re in a het relationship” (again with defining the relationship by the sexuality of one-half the couple).
Plus gay and lesbian people kind of look at us exactly the same way straight people do: we’re all cheaters, confused, interested in group sex or have had a lot of sexual partners or want an open relationship etc...
I’m not here to say that monosexuals are “privileged” but it shouldn’t be erased that how monosexuals treat multisexuals and how multisexuals treat monosexuals is not the same. Not that mspec people have never done any of the above ever...but for the most part, we don’t. Not that all monosexuals have done the above, but that many do. Enough that every mspec person has been affected by it at some point or another. And we should be allowed to share our experiences and voice our concerns and ask you to unlearn your behavior without getting vilified on the internet for homophobia. Us pointing out your multisexual-phobia does not equate to homophobia. Please understand this.
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