pcbbles · 2 months
@vxlleyborn asked: “Why did you bite me?!”
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A blink. Then another blink as his hands draw up to his chest, wings draped down like pitiful little curtains. A blank, uncertain look.
He didn't really know why. It just felt like something he ought to do — The deer's fur looked pretty soft. Nice to chew on.
"...." He didn't reply, sheepishly looking down and shuffling a foot uncomfortably.
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ableplay · 6 months
How Adorable Are You?
Batley is 10000% adorable. Can i squeeze your cheeks?
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The baby bat claps and flaps his wings together with an excited squeal, mouth agape with a visage of excitement and wonder.
"Adorbable!" He exclaims in triumph. Does this mean he gets extra snacks at snack time, too?
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🎶 mr bonzo’s on his way 🏃he wants to stay 🎉 he wants to play 🛝 mr bonzo’s on his way 🥳 he wants to stay 🤡 he wants to play 😃 mr bonzo’s on his way 🎵 he wants to stay 🌈 he wants to play 🎭 mr bonzo’s on his way 🚗 he wants to stay 🎶 he wants to play 🎠 mr bonzo’s on his way 🛩️ he wants to stay 🎪 he wants to play 🎡
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ittybittyteddie · 3 months
🌤🌷☔️ Small Spring Things! ☔️🌷🌤
🍼 Having a yummy picnic in the park
🧸 Cuddling with stuffies during rainy days
🩷 Soft and soothing colors
🌱 Watching new plants and buds grow
🌧 Playing outside in the rain
🐦 Listening to birdies in the morning and evening
🐇 Baby animals
🌈 Spotting rainbows in the sky after rain
☀️ Enjoying the warmer weather and sunshine
🪁 Flying a kite on windy days
🎨 Doing fun spring crafts (often found on Pintrest)
⚽️ Getting to play fun outside games
🛝 Playing at the playground
🐛 Cool buggies
🌷 Really pretty flowers that smell really nice
🍓 Yummy fruits and berries
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 19 days
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Hey everyone! I have starting working with Apollo on all of my readings. Also come join my divination discord. Take what resonates and leave all that doesn't behind. Enjoy the shadow work 🩵
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Crystal: Smokey Quartz
Astrology: Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Sagittarius
Vibes: 💘🌎💙🧿🩷🧠🫐🛼💎🎀♿️🏳️‍⚧️💗💦🎟️🪼🦋🌸🌷🧵💅🏽🥶🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💕🌊🛝🪬
Hello, pile one. You have a considerable rocky relationship with love. It’s pretty obvious you have been taking a major break from romance all together. Your efforts towards loving yourself have not gone unnoticed by the universe. You have slowly been building up your self confidence. Unfortunately, I also see you still long for the old relationships you used to be in. This person you are longing for has some scorpio placements. My dear when you were with them it was you who was doing all the loving. You held up a two person job by yourself. Why do you think you were so exhausted after it ended? You were doing everything for this person. It’s going to take a while for this to click in your mind just how dependant this person was on you. That’s perfectly alright. Take your time with this healing. There is no need to rush your progress. Take a deep breath and acknowledge your progress so far. You are strong and have been persevering without that person. Look at how much more peaceful it is without them. Once you have fully realized your worth I see something wonderful being your reward. I see this probably having something to do with a career you want deeply. I wish you luck on your self-love journey, friend. The universe will support you along the way.
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Crystal: Yooperlite
Astrology: Cancer, Gemini, Pisces, Aquarius
Vibes: 🤎💚⚰️🪚📻⏳🕰️📗🏈🍺🥜🥥🍐🪴🍂🪵🏔️🦇🧳🍀👩🏾‍🦳🍩🪲👒🇮🇪🥾🍈🍾🌰🧋🥝🟤
Hi, pile two. Welcome to your reading. You got an extra card which tells me your messages are a bit complex and should be read with nuance. Love is a daunting task to you. Your relationship with love has been heavily affected by your childhood. Your parents were not kind to you. I see you were often treated as a scapegoat. Which has convinced you that you are this awful monster who can never be forgiven. At some point it looks like you claimed this role that was forced upon you. Started wearing it as a badge of honor and playing the part along with it. I understand this perspective a lot myself. What confuses me is you are actually a really sweet and compassionate person underneath all that. You don’t like playing this mean role that you were taught to be. That’s not who you are. Until you were taught to embody the shadows of others you were as harmless as a kitten. I still think you are as harmless as a kitten to be honest. The cards tell me even when you put on this persona you are just showing off your bark. You would never bite. You can talk a big game but you hate doing it. I have some really good news my dear. You don’t have to play anymore. You can drop the act. You are completely capable of cutting out this persona and getting to know your true self. Once you accept this love will not seem as scary. You will feel more capable and vulnerable with your partners. I wish you luck in love, my friend. I’m rooting for you!
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Crystal: Quartz
Astrology: Virgo, Leo, Aries, Scorpio
Vibes: 🖤💛🔏🔑🌻🏁🕷️🐝😎🍯🎱🍳🌤️🌼☀️🍌🥥♟️📣🔌⚱️💣🔔🗝️⚜️♠️🎷🏆🚧
Hey there, pile three. I’m so sorry you have to feel this way. Your relationship with love is hard to describe so bare with me a bit. You are a wonderful lover. When you love someone you would do anything for them. I am not exaggerating when I say ‘anything’. When you find someone you deem worthy of loving, you will give everything you have just to see them truly cherished. However, when you deem someone unworthy of love you are just as excessive with your reaction. You will be outwardly mean to them out of a sense of justice and this sentiment unfortunately applies to yourself as well. You believe your judge of character is unbias and therefore makes you the best one for the job of delivering this justice but then you judge yourself unworthy so you treat yourself horrendously. You skip meals to spite yourself. You refuse to shower because you think you just arn’t worth the effort or time. You need to pump the breaks on that behavior and reflect a little bit. If you are capable of loving someone so deeply you would conquer any obstacle in the name of that love? IM PRETTY SURE THAT MAKES YOU LOVABLE DUDE. Perhaps, just maybe, your criteria for judging peoples character is a little more bias than you originally thought??????? And, just maybe, you justify your self-hatred with zero logical evidence. You are worthy of your own respect. I am not telling you to stop delivering justice just to be clear. I’m telling you to think a bit more about why you deem yourself unworthy of love but worthy of delivering justice to the people you hold to be unworthy. Isn’t that a little unfair? I’ll let you answer that yourself on your own time but either way. I wish you luck on your journey of self-acceptance. The universe deems you worthy and it would be healthy to start seeing that perspective.
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doghowto · 2 months
"No playpen can hold me!" 🛝 Follow me for more puppies who want the whole world to play in!
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lets-try-some-writing · 9 months
For the record, I blame TikTok for this idea.
So I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen or experienced one these godforsaken kiddie Jigsaw traps, but in the US we have these fucking metal slides 🛝 that are literally death contraptions on some of our public playgrounds. It’s basically a Canon Event for everyone, doesn’t matter if you’re a kid or an adult, to get their shit absolutely wrecked (and their asses and the back of their legs burned if it’s summer) on the way down these slides crafted by satan himself for character development that spit you out at Mach Jesus speed and quit literally skin you a new one during the process.
How would the TFP Autobots react to their humans going down a metal slide and just being shot out and tumbling out of the end like a can of coke in a vending machine?
Or better, what if the TFP Autobots (as holoforms) went down a metal slide? Possibly acting as a gigantic bowling balls and slamming into some poor unsuspecting human children like they were bowling pins? 🎳
Back on Cybertron, before the war, did Cybertron have their own equivalent of the notorious metal slides on their sparkling playgrounds?
I have indeed felt the wrath of the satanic metal slides. I've lived all over the globe and it seems like every country has their own lovely rendition of the terror that is the human grill disguised as playground equipment. Many a childhood memory has involved being chucked around on one like a bowling ball. I love this idea so thank you for coming up with it for me.
━━━━━━ ⊙ ❖ ⊙ ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⊙ ❖ ⊙
The team were well aware that the humans had to keep their young entertained. Cybertron has its own rendition of the human 'playgrounds' to keep rambunctious sparklings from getting into trouble. Thus they were not at all surprised when the children one day asked to stop and check out a playground on the way back from school.
Optimus and Ratchet had been out taking a drive together in order to take a break away from it all, but quickly decided to come park with the rest of the team while the children played. Ratchet would die before admitting it, but watching the children play brought him a degree of comfort. There had been no sparklings amongst their kind for centuries, and so seeing the young of another race play so freely was a minor comfort. The team shared the same sentiment as they watched Rafael go up and down on the swings and chuckled at Jack doing his best to keep Miko from fooling around and possibly breaking something.
Of course the moment of quiet joy came to an end when Miko, in all her infinite wisdom, declared that going down the slide was in their best interest. By that point Ultra Magnus, Smokescreen, and Wheeljack had parked as well, each wanting to see what had the attention of the other members of the team. They too were quickly drawn into watching as a rather spectacular scene played out that brought forth old memories in all of them.
Jack had opted to go first down the metal slide at the playground, curtesy of Miko calling him names. He seemed to contemplate the universe at large as he patted down his trousers, pulled up his socks, tucked in his shirt, and laid his arms across his chest. He looked to the team almost pleadingly before he sat down and very nearly threw himself down the slide as an unfortunate hiss echoed from where the sweat from his play was turned to vapor. The team collectively watched in horror as Jack was thrown off the end of the metal abomination and sent careening into the wood chipping that made up the ground around the playground. Arcee very nearly transformed to check on him but remained still at the prompting of the rest of the team and in response to Jack groaning and getting up, albeit with a lovely red mark on his face from where his cheek unfortunately hit the edge of the slide on the way down.
The team were still reeling when Rafael was forcefully pushed down the abomination as well, not having been given any time to prepare for the trial ahead. The small child stood no chance as his tiny body was bat around like a ping pong ball and promptly shot off the end of the slide as well, joining Jack in his misery. Ratchet almost burst a wire as he watched the two boys compare burns and cuts from where the wood chipping got them. Optimus and Ultra Magnus both were trying to comprehend what the point of going down was. Wheeljack and Smokescreen were stuck trying to understand why children would go down a grill like surface. Meanwhile Bulkhead struggled alongside Arcee to not transform and check on their charges. In the end the team remained still, each keeping their disguises in place as Miko prepared to go. However due to her cruelty toward Rafael, Jack opened up his water bottle and dunked her with it just as she was going down.
Miko screamed as she slowed down to a horrible speed on the abomination. There was not enough water to make her go faster, and so instead she got stuck, forcing her to roll the remainder of the way down to avoid burns. She tumbled off the edge like a bowling ball and careened right into the wood chips. The team were left in absolute shock as she got up, looked over her burns, and called it a day. Seeing the children's reaction toward it all had Smokescreen breaking cover somewhat to call out with a question.
Smokescreen: Why do you do that? Doesn't heat hurt you squishies?
Miko: Yeah, but this is a coming of age thing.
Smokescreen: How? This doesn't seem like a useful ritual.
Jack: Every kid goes through this Smokes. Out here where its hot, you must learn the wrath of the metal slide.
Smokescreen: But... it hurts right?
Rafael: Yeah, that's why I don't like going on them. But like Jack said, its just something you do as a kid. Its a rite of passage of sorts.
Miko: YUP! You didn't have a childhood if your legs weren't skinned by one of these bad boys!
Smokescreen: It can't be that bad. Its just a slide!
In large part due to morbid curiosity, Smokescreen took what the children said as a challenge and hurriedly formed his holoform. Before the team could stop him, he stood at the top of the slide, smiling as if he weren't about to face agony. Miko grinned, Jack groaned, and Rafael looked away as Smokescreen who with no idea how the survival strategies of metal slides worked, threw himself down it. The rookie screeched as he got stuck halfway down due to poor momentum and hurriedly scrambled to get off in time. He grabbed the edge of the slide, ignoring the burns in order to hurl himself into the bark below. He laid on the ground groaning as the children laughed and winced. The team were shocked for the most part. Smokescreen was a trained soldier, and while certainly not the most experienced, he was no weak link. Pain was not unusual for him to experience on the battlefield.
For him to scream and panic? What started as concern turned to similar morbid curiosity as one by one the team formed their holoforms to attempt the trial of humanity's children. Other children came to the playground and began to giggle and laugh as the team lined up and watched as each made an attempt to best the rite of passage for human spawn. Smokescreen only managed to drag himself to his feet after a toddler stepped on his fingers. At that point he joined the rest of the team, forming an odd line of strange adults all waiting for their turn to best the slide, or at least attempt it.
Wheeljack, in his similar infinite wisdom, opted to go next. Having seen the children's attempt and Smokescreen fudged one, he was ready. Ensuring his holoform had gloves, he prepared himself to go. However he he forgot about the benefit of having long sleeves as he threw off his jacket in a celebratory manner and plopped down on the slide, arms crossed over his chest like Jack did when he went. Unlike Smokescreen, he did not scream when the torture that was the blazing hot slide hit his bare arms, but he did make an undignified sound as he was careened off the end of the slide and sent tumbling out of the bounds of the playground and onto the cement. He proceeded to scramble to his feet to get off the cement only to promptly trip into the bark, face first. Miko laughed herself half to death, and seeing Wheeljack's attempt, Optimus, Ultra Magnys, and Ratchet raised their metaphorical white flags and sat back, none wanting to be involved.
Wheeljack and Smokescreen, both having been defeated quite brutally, sat beside the Prime and medic, both grumbling at their loss. Ultra Magnus sighed and returned to his vehicle mode as Bulkhead, quite sure of his ability, decided to be the one to go next and test his mettle on the human torture device that even children could overcome. He took great care ensuring his holoform was covered head to toe, and he even went so far as to add goggles to his outfit just to be safe. He was ready, and so he threw himself down the slide with even more aggression than Wheeljack. He did actually manage to survive the slide itself, but he ended up flying off the end of the metal abomination and skidding across the wood chips, right into a group of children. The children rightfully began crying and parents quickly hurried to chastise the wrecker. Sensing the situation was about to become worse, Bumblebee, not wanting Smokescreen to have one over on him, decided that sliding with Arcee was the most efficient.
Thus just as Optimus and Ratchet got up to try and deescalate the situation at the foot of the slide, Bumblebee with his spectacular planning ability, plopped Arcee down in front of him and sent them both sliding down the metal abomination. They screeched as they sped up, losing control about halfway down and spinning a bit. Optimus for his part hurriedly gathered up the human children and pushed the parents away in time for the duo to go flying off the end. But Bulkhead who was receiving a lecture from Ratchet, happened to see the flying set of mecha in their holoforms, and barely moved aside in time for Ratchet to get the brunt of the crash. All three were left groaning as they were skidded across the wood chips, with Ratchet cursing up a storm in Cybertronian and Bee hurriedly rushing back to his vehicle mode so as to hopefully speed off before the wrath of the resident medic could reach him.
At the end of it all the children were laughing so hard they could hardly breathe and Optimus could only sigh in the manner of a truly tired parent as the led his team back to base. Upon arrival, the children only had one thing to say aside from their mockery.
Miko: Did you bots not have slides on Cybertron?
The team fell silent as they absorbed the question. The younger members of the team looked to the elder who gained a haunted but wistful expression on their faces. Swiftly speaking in Cybertronian, Ratchet moved forward to reply.
Ratchet: We did have 'slides' in a sense. There were ramps where young sparklings would test their ability to transform and either launch into the air if they were fliers, or fly and flip if they were grounders.
Rafael: Then why do you sound so afraid of them?
Ratchet, two seconds away from cursing: Because child, much like your human rite of passage nonesense, every single sparkling with access to such a ramp tested their skill against it-
Bulkhead: And every last one of them ate slag at least a dozen times before getting it right.
Even Ultra Magnus and Optimus seemed haunted as Ratchet played a video file, one showing a young unnamed sparkling standing at the top of a ramp. The sparkling smiled, seemingly confident while others watched on and observed. Within a moment the sparkling had transformed as much as they were able considering their youth and skidded down the ramp. Only instead of performing gracefully, the young Cybertronian flew through the air, flipping and careening until they returned to root mode just in time to hit the rubbery looking ground with a thunk.
Seeing the image has the elder members of the team nodding as if it were normal while the sparkling in the video wailed in a strange mix of static and binary until their Caretaker came to soothe them. It was not the same, but Cybertronians had their own sparklinghood rite of passage.
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ink-flavored · 19 days
🧑‍🍼100 Question OC Family Dynamics Ask Game👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Get into the weeds of your OC’s family relationships with this game! Can be applied to blood, adopted, and found family dynamics. Remember to send an ask to the person you reblog it from to make sure everyone gets to play!
🔢How many parents/guardians did they grow up with? How many do they have now?
🤝Did they get along with their parent(s)/guardian(s) in childhood? Do they now?
💞If they had more than one, which of their parents/guardians did they get along best with in their childhood? Is that still the case?
⚠️Do they go to their parent(s)/guardian(s) for advice regularly? Only in emergencies? Never?
📞Do they speak with their parent(s)/guardian(s) regularly?
🪢How did they bond with their parent(s)/guardian(s) in childhood? Do they still bond that way?
🏈Did they pick up any hobbies or interests from their parent(s)/guardian(s)? Which ones?
😤Did they ever intentionally go against their parent(s)/guardian(s) in a fit of defiance? What did they do?
🫵Were they often grounded by their parent(s)/guardian(s)?
📖What values did their parent(s)/guardian(s) really drill into their head?
🤔What are things they picked up from their parent(s)/guardian(s) that weren’t intentionally taught?
✂️Have they completely cut off one or more of their parents/guardians? Why?
🚼How many siblings did they grow up with, if any?
🛝Did they get along with their sibling(s) in childhood? Do they now?
📅How far apart in age are they and their sibling(s)?
😡What’s the dumbest sibling argument they’ve ever had?
😇What’s the fondest memory they have with their sibling(s)?
😋Do they have any goofy inside jokes with their sibling(s)?
💝What do they like most about having sibling(s)?
💔What do they dislike the most about having sibling(s)?
👍What’s a situation where they really appreciated having their sibling(s) around?
👎What’s a situation where they wished they’d been an only child?
1️⃣If they’re an only child, have they ever wished they had siblings?
⚔️Are they protective of their sibling(s)? Are their sibling(s) protective of them?
📢Do they speak with their sibling(s) regularly?
🎹Did they pick up any hobbies or interests from their sibling(s)? Which ones?
🙅‍♀️Were they the type to do the complete opposite of whatever their sibling(s) did? Why?
🚩Have they completely cut off one or more of their siblings? Why?
⭐Did their parent(s)/guardian(s) show favoritism between siblings? How did that impact the siblings’ relationships? The child-parent relationships?
🫴Did they have trouble with being asked to share their friends with their sibling(s) growing up? Vice versa?
2️⃣Are they a twin/triplet/etc.? Identical or fraternal?
🌍How did being a twin/triplet/etc. impact their relationship to their parent(s)/guardian(s), their twin/siblings, and the world?
♊If twins/triplets/etc., did their parent(s)/guardian(s) obsess about making them exactly the same? How did that impact their relationships/personalities?
🧓Do they have living grandparents? Did they ever meet their grandparents?
🫂Were their grandparent(s) a big part of their childhood?
🏠Did they go over to their grandparents’ house often?
🪑Were their grandparent(s) regular caretakers when their parent(s)/guardian(s) weren’t available?
✨Did their grandparent(s) show favoritism between siblings? How did that impact the siblings’ relationships? The child-grandparent relationships?
🌪️Did their grandparent(s) show favoritism between their parent/guardian and one of their siblings? How did that impact the family?
⛈️Have they completely cut off one or more of their grandparents? Why?
🤯Do they have aunts/uncles/piblings and/or cousins?
🥳Do they get along with a particular aunt/uncle/pibling best?
🙋Do they get along with a particular cousin the best?
👋Were they close with their aunt(s)/uncle(s)/pibling(s) in childhood? Are they still?
🫰Were they close with their cousin(s) in childhood? Are they still?
🤪Do they have a “fun uncle” type family member?
❌Have they completely cut off one or more of their cousins? Why?
😵Have they completely cut off one or more of their aunts/uncles/piblings? Why?
📏Do they know their extended family well? Are they basically strangers?
👀How often do they see their extended family members? Which side of the family do they see most often?
💗Do they prefer one side of the family more?
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦How would they define “family”?
‼️What’s the most important part of having a “family” to them?
🙏Are there things about their family they wish were different?
💪Do they identify strongly with any family terms? (i.e. big/little sibling, a parent, Aunt/Uncle/Pibling [name])
💒How do their cultural values inform their relationship with their family?
⁉️Do they have a family relationship that’s considered unconventional in their culture?
🫄Do they want to start a family of their own one day? Have they already?
📝Do they want to emulate their family’s dynamics? Do they want to avoid it as much as possible?
🏫What would they teach their kids about what family means if/when they have any?
🚸Would they want their kids to be involved with their other family members, or as far away as possible?
🎭Are they worried about “becoming like their parent(s)/guardian(s)” as they age?
🤐Are they keeping any “family secrets”? How serious are they?
🙊Are they keeping any secrets from their family? Why?
🔮Do they have any “family curses”? Are they real?
😉Did they have any family friends growing up that they saw regularly? Do they still?
🏆Is their family well-known where they grew up? For good reasons or unfortunate ones?
💊How much caretaking did/do they do for their older family members? Is it more or less than is expected of them?
🧼How much caretaking did/do they do for their youngest family members? Is it more or less than is expected of them?
🩺Do they expect their kids or other family members to take care of them when they get older?
😱How would they react to being asked to care for an ill and/or elderly family member long-term?
🏡When did they move out of their childhood home? Have they moved out? Do they plan to?
🏢Would they ever want to live in the same house with their family members long-term? For their whole life?
📌Do they live close to their family? By choice?
🗺️What’s the maximum distance they’d ever live from their family?
🦺Can they count on their family members to help in an emergency?
😢Have they ever disappointed any member of their family?
😔Have any of their family members disappointed them?
🎖️What’s a time they felt extremely proud of their family?
🎉What’s a time their family celebrated one of their achievements?
💢Do they argue with their family a lot? About anything in particular?
🙈How many embarrassing stories would their family be able to tell about them?
🗣️How many embarrassing stories could they tell about their family?
📚What’s a family story they always tell people?
💛What’s their favorite story that their parent(s)/guardian(s) have told?
🪦Were any of their partners given the “if you hurt my kid, they’ll never find your body” talk from their parent(s)/guardian(s)? How embarrassing was it?
👌Were their parent(s)/guardian(s) accepting of their partner(s)?
✌️Did their sibling(s) accept their partner(s)?
🤗Do they consider their partner’s family to be their family too?
🤢What kinds of traits in other families are they jealous of, if any?
😄Is there any trait they particularly appreciate about their family?
🫡Are they proud to talk about their family to other people?
👂Do they enjoy listening to other people talk about their families?
🎳Are their friends welcome among their family? Only certain friends?
🎈Do they celebrate any extremely specific holidays that their family pretty much invented from scratch?
🐕Did they have any family pets growing up? Do they have any now?
🐈Were their parent(s)/guardian(s) opposed to having a pet? Did it ever change?
🐸Did having a family pet encourage them to have pets if/when they moved out?
🐭Do they consider pets to be a part of the family?
🃏Wild card! Ask anything you want!
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pcbbles · 2 months
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🪹Left the nest • OOC.🪹
📬Special delivery? • ASKS.📬
👤Talking to strangers... • ANON.👤
🧸I like to pretend! • IC.🧸
📸That looks like me! • VISAGE.📸
🌐Aloha cousin! • EXPERIMENTS.🌐
🪁New friend! • PROMOTIONS.🪁
🛝Let's play! • THREADS.🛝
🧮I have an idea! • HEADCANONS.🧮
🫧Pretty days • AESTHETICS.🫧
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ableplay · 7 months
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0:00 ─〇───── 0:00 ⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
Stickin' With You (Gabby's Dollhouse) - Batley & Crayon.
Chili Dog Hands by Robert Benfer - Happy.
Jamie by Starfucker - Casen.
Slide into the Void by The Stupendium - Percy.
Have You Got It in You? by Imogen Heap - Conficker.
Tagged by: No one
Tagging: @vendettavalor, @plasticsouled, @vibrantsouled, @fairestmusesofthemall, and anyone else who might be interested!
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pochitot · 2 months
A regressors guide to big feelings
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I have recently lost a very close friend of mine to cancer and here are some self care tips (that are more regression based)
⛱️ health care is self care! I know this may be very difficult but please try to continue to brush your teeth and maybe even shower if you can, if not, if your bed is next to a window try to let in some fresh air and open the curtains! Eating is also very important - if you don't think you can get out of bed to eat see if there is someone that can bring you food, and if you can get out of bed, please try to eat and drink water - it doesn't need to be a gourmet meal, a microwaved meal or leftovers is great too!
🛝 try to play! You may feel ridded of creativity but who says you have to be original? Re-enact a scene from your favorite show/movie! If you don't know how to play here is a good video by @angellimbed that teaches you! I also understand many people - especially autistic people such as myself - struggle with make belief but your regression is yours! If the way you play is by lining up your toys or even just holding and appreciating them that's wonderful!
🔱 write down your thoughts! Writing can be tricky and challenging for many like myself but you don't need to worry about how accurate your spelling is or how neat your handwriting is! "Oh but it looks like just a scrawl all over the page when I don't worry about my spelling and handwriting..." You're only little! And big feelings are often private feelings so it isn't like anyone's going to read it! And if you do want people to read it then maybe try typing with autocorrect, whatever works for you to get your feelings down into words! It's also very useful for if you don't want to speak to someone wich is the trickest thing of them all - or if you just need to brain dump.
⭐️ just indulge in something that makes you happy! If being happy means running a marathon - go run that marathon! If being happy means laying in bed with your comfort food and a kids show - go lay in bed with your comfort food and a kids show! Personally I love drama/acting and a really good way I can let out my emotions without feeling silly or overdramatic is to shout lines from plays where people are angry or upset - it makes me a better actor and it's a good outlet! If you like role-playing then you can try it yourself even!
🎠 (this one is mainly about coping with losing someone) let yourself process or "dwell" - this one probably sounds confusing but dwelling can be good! Sure dwelling on all the negative emotions and the bad situation isn't good - but you can dwell on the good times you had with that person, as long as it won't prevent you from creating more good times with other people, and you can dwell on them to keep their memory alive. You don't have to dwell on the fact the nice experiences are over now and rather be happy you had them and now you can make even more happy memories with new and exciting people! Just take 20 minutes out of your day to think about the person you lost, you may cry and feel even sadder than before but it's better to let yourself feel all these emotions along the way rather than block them out and then break!
I may add even more to this later 🪶
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craftlands · 3 months
Reverse 1999 OC Ask Game
i feel like we could maybe use some conversation starters? so here's an ask game!
📅: What time period/where are they from? How do they feel about that place of origin? 🧠: What was their original character concept? Do they have any specific theming? 🏛️: Are they aligned with any specific groups? If so, why? 👾: What would their Udimo and/or casting medium be? 🌠: What is their Afflatus? Why are they associated with that Afflatus? 🎮: How would they play? What canon units would they synergize well with? 📖: What would an event/story featuring them be like? 💭: What is their Insight 2 costume like? Is there any significance behind that change? 📞: Are they associated with any canon characters? Who and why? 👥: What units would be featured alongside them on a gacha banner? 🛝: What do they do in their free time, if they have any? 💕: Do you ship them with any characters, canon or otherwise? Who and why? 🎉: What thing(s) in the 21st century would they really like or enjoy? 🎶: What's a song you associate with them? (And why?) ❓: Free space! Make up any question you want, or just say a fun fact about them!
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littlelordpaws · 4 months
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little rabbit playing in his manor 🧸🛝♟️🐇🦋🗝️
‎✩‧₊˚⋆ ࣪. ₊˚
‎〜☆ 🎼🏰⚰️
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swamprosemoon · 7 months
House of mirrors 🪞 🏡 Axis lines:
Aries ♈️ ~ Libra ♎️
•your self identify & knowing who you are ~ and the relationships 💁🏽‍♀️🪞partnerships you choose from the relationship that you develop with yourself 👰🏽‍♀️💐🤵🏽‍♂️
Taurus ♉️ ~ scorpio ♏️
• your values, your money & other material possessions + resources you obtain vs ~ other peoples money that you inherit & receive via court systems or from your family bloodlines 💰⚖️🩸
Gemini ♊️ ~ Sagittarius ♐️
• how you communicate your thoughts and feelings in the world - your morals & beliefs and your relationship to the spiritual world 💬✝️📖
Cancer ♋️ ~ Capricorn ♑️
• the family you incarnate into and the karmic inheritance that comes from them ~ the family you create via the 7th 🏡 partnership and the legacy & gifts you leave behind 🎁💍👨‍👩‍👧
Leo ♌️ ~ Aquarius ♒️
• your self confidence & inner child at fun & play ~ the friendship and groups you join the cosmic tribe ~ community you find in the world 🌎 👯‍♀️ 🤩🎨🛝
Virgo ♍️ ~ Pisces ♓️
• physical wellbeing & self care routines ~ your mental health and developing your imagination, intuition, subconscious thoughts and dreams
By: Swamp •rose •moon astrology 🐍🌹🌚
Natal soul mapping 🧚🏾‍♂️🌀🦋
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pcbbles · 22 days
@redemn (continued):
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he’s  the  only  one  that  hears  it  . or  maybe  he’s  the  only  one  that  spots  it  .     he’s  sure  he’d  seen  kieran  glance  over  toward  the  barrels  and  boxes  full  of  fruits  and  sliced  meat  ,      but  that  boy  wouldn’t  say  a  word  about  it  unless  he  was  asked  .      arthur  ,      who  seems  to  be  the  only  other  person  who  notices  the  rummaging  ,      doesn’t  take  to  bothering  him  .      curious  ,      he’s  heading  right  for  the  edge  of  camp  to  check  it  out  .      it’s  clear  pearson  is  either  on  a  break  or  busy  with  something  away  from  the  butchering  table  ,      if  this  hasn’t  been  dealt  with  .
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there  it  is  ,      that  raccoon  .      except    …    it’s  not  any  shade  of  raccoon  arthur’s  ever  seen  before  .      maybe  gus  has  missed  this  particular  species  .
❝        what  the  hell  ?        ❞        a  step  closer  .        ❝        what’re  you  supposed  to  be  ?      ❞
It takes only an instant for the creature in question to look up, its eyes large and deep with intelligence. Oversized ears slowly perk forward as it blinks innocently, chewing on a tin can with rows of needle-like teeth.
There's a hesitation to its answering, it seems, perhaps processing the world around him as he finally drops the can to discard it and instead actually reply in garbled English,
"I'm a boy." He answers.
At least, that's what he's been told by his previous caretaker. He's just a little boy, like many other boys. A good little boy, with a lot of love to give the world.
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ableplay · 7 months
What's Your Place in the Royal Court?
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The King.
You hold yourself above the rest; a heavy crown on your head, you consider yourself a step above, the sole decision maker, the one in control. But, is your power only an illusion? Take heed, your majesty, the crowds would cheer your beheading fervently as they cheer your speeches.
Tagged by: @plasticsouled (thamk u,,,)
Tagging: @advnterccs, @alm1ghtysea, @khaloymes, @fedoraspy, @dogtccth, @wildkaart and whoever else would like to participate / hasn't tried it yet!
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