kirbyfigure · 1 year
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edge-just-edge · 1 year
Not me getting back into my #spiderman phase slowly 😂😂😂
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corinthianism · 7 months
corinthianism's fic recs
here are my personal favorite fanfics! idk how often i'll update this, but i hope you like them as much as i do :) *indicates smut
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last updated: march 26, 2024
loki laufeyson - from the void, with love — by whirlybirbs (my fav fanfic of all time!!! i think about this fic several times in a day bro) - riptide — by starks-hero - the tailor* (series) — by birdofhermes (ao3) - time after time (series) — by goldencherriess (ao3) - a friend from work — by cozy_the_overlord (ao3)
thor odinson - god of fertility* (request) — by charnelhouse - highway don't care (but i do, i do)* (part one, part two, part three) — by spacelabrathor
peter parker (andrew garfield) - agree to disagree — by delicate-dorothea - nerdy peter (request) — by webslingingslasher - good boy x bad girl trope (request) — by webslingingslasher - hold you here, my loveliest friend* — by p3mybeloved - your friendly neighborhood sensitive spider* — by jin0 - glad you're home — by withahappyrefrain - the mechanics of a soul — by irndad - 3 is the magic number* — by withahappyrefrain - crush — by ptersparkers - as it goes — by forever-rogue - here comes the sun (part one, part two, part three) — by withahappyrefrain - stability, reciprocity, and a romance for the ages (series) — by privateanxieties (ao3 - need an account to read)
steven grant (moon knight) - hold me close — by stormkobra-5 - gift of min* — by astroboots - puzzles* — by stormkobra-5 - first time* — by luvpedropascal - domestic adonis* — by peterman-spideyparker - where it starts — by silversweetpea - fallen from heaven, grown on earth* (series) — by davosmymaster (ao3) - call me poe* — by kittyfandom (ao3) - elemental — by batsingotham (ao3) - the boy with the thorn in his side — by eating_flowers (ao3)
marc spector (moon knight) - not him — by loud-mouth-loser - it's worth it, it's divine* — by the-archxr - i'm getting to know someone — by davosmymaster (ao3)
wade wilson (deadpool) - tea and sympathy (series) — by bucketsoffrogs (ao3)
sherlock holmes - your hidden strength — by okay-j-hannah - sublime dexterity* (part one, part two) — by daydreamtofiction - literally everything by starks-hero
sam winchester - playing house (part one, part two) — by uncouth-the-fifth - baby i'll stay (heaven can wait) — by uncouth-the-fifth - move over.* — by ggwritesstuff - where's your head at?* — by beau55515 - birthdays: sam winchester style* — by karleekarma (ao3) - the comforts of home — by zepskies - under the hood* — by shawslut
dean winchester - whether you like it or not — by kbeautimous (ao3) - reading you wrong — by zepskies - cherished — by thatonewriter15 (ao3) - soft touch — by wearywinchester - i love her, that's why* — by kaleldobrev - drivin' me crazy* — by lis-likes-fics
castiel - salt n' lick* — by aperfectgrace (ao3) - a bite of apple pie (series) — by ac_deanc (ao3)
the corinthian - bring me a dream* (series, ongoing) — by placeinthemiddleofnowhere - nihil — by lis-likes-fics
dream/morpheus - sweet dreams (are made of this) — by stranger-nightmare
aaron hotchner - from eden — by heliotropehotch - gold star — by honeypiehotchner - love, an abstract concept — by luveline - honeymoon phase* (series) — by hotchsbitch (ao3)
soldier boy (he's absolutely horrible but so. so. hot.) - break me down* (series) — by zepskies (go read their other stuff too!) - talk to me — by zepskies
homelander (also absolutely horrible. would sleep with him.) - if i can't have you — by watchstarscollide - milky white* — by after-witch
jaime lannister - i'm not made by design — by ichorai (this legitimately changed my brain chemistry)
obi-wan kenobi - like turning on the light* — by full-time-make-believer (deactivated acc) (this also changed the trajectory of my life) - where it wasn't* — by 221bshrlocked - your thoughts are loud — by spidersbane - empty me out* — by 221bshrlocked - house of memories* (series) — by meshlasolus - bad idea, right?* (series) — by mischiefling (ao3) - you make me feel like dancing — by saradika (ao3) - it's a wonderful lie — by firstofficerwiggles (ao3) - temptation's kiss — by karasong (ao3) - you make my dreams* — by wickedscribbles (ao3) - like a living mirage — by karasong (ao3) - broken drought* — by rosalindbeatrice (ao3) - never grow up — by doihavetoloseyoutoo (ao3) - never ending story — by kybercrystal (ao3) - volveré* — by kxnobi (ao3)
din djarin (the mandalorian) - the savior* (part one, part two, part three) — by dindjiarin - significant — by softlyspector - touching din — by archieimagines - uncharted territory* — by pedrito-friskito - creed* — by wheresarizona - home is wherever i'm with you* (part one, part two, part three) — by saradika
count dracula - the székely* (series) — by theplumsoldier
thranduil oropherion - a boon* (series) — by inksplots (ao3) - beauty and the beast (series) — by tamurilofrivendell (ao3)
dan torrance - of monsters and men* — by helaintoloki & obitwo - domestic life (headcanons) — by thornsinmycrown - smut alphabet* — by daincrediblegg
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myficreccs · 8 months
Marvel fic rec masterlist
Updated 9 October 2023
Matt Murdock
care packages by @chvoswxtch
Horses and Zebras by @peterman-spideyparker
Notre Dame by @theetherealbloom
Wake Up by @sunflowersandsapphires
One shots
A Matter of Opinion by @courtforshort15
Corduroy by @peterman-spideyparker
heartbeats by @talesofesther
Intricacies of Identity by @courtforshort15
Lie Detector by @ellephlox
red tinted by @little-miss-dilf-lover
You Are The Best Thing That’s Ever Been Mine by @farfromstrange
Peter Parker
Anti-Hero by @spider-stark
In Case You Don’t Live Forever - rewrite by @waitimcomingtoo
Secret Identity by @sunny-reys
One shots
Arachnid Starvation by @jotypes
crush by @ptersparkers
excuse me, could i get a picture? by @biblio-smia
Ice Cold by @spideyanakin
Interception by @waitimcomingtoo
Private Story Predicament by @shmaptainwrites
push and pull by @literaila
Take A Hint by @waitimcomingtoo
[Unnamed one shot] by @fallinharry
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shayyprasad · 5 months
midnight sugar | peter parker
tw: none. mentions of sex? dirty jokes? tony? there's a bit angst... if you squint. mostly fluff, because i need this for my mental health- (668 words)
summary: you can't sleep, so it's only right to pull peter into this. at least you've made a memory you'll never forget.
you rolled around in your bed, now finding comfort with your head dangling off the end of the bed, hair flopping around. insomnia was getting the best of you, and there was nothing to be done. you knew peter was at the avenger's tower, and the urge to pull him into this mess was irresistible.
so you did what any girlfriend would do.
hey petey
are you sleeping
well now that i've texted you i know ur awake
and that's ur fault for having the world's loudest ringtone
meet me in the tower kitchen
love-bug boo-boo bear mc-muffin
oml y/n ily but wth r u dpoing at 3 in thw moning
love-bug boo-boo bear mc-muffin
i also lobe u ans evry part of u but i dnt feel uo to habing sex in the kithcen at 3 in he morning
love-bug boo-boo bear mc-muffin
love-bug boo-boo bear mc-muffin
where teh hell u go
love-bug boo-boo bear mc-muffin
fck fine im cumming
love-bug boo-boo bear mc-muffin
shit i ment comig
love-bug boo-boo bear mc-muffin
love-bug boo-boo bear mc-muffin
do u expect me to b abl to tyep at 3:32
he huffed quietly and tossed his phone onto the dresser. normally he'd be at home with aunt may, but he had a late shift and just decided to stay here, too lazy to make the swing back. peter stumbled out of the room, into the elevator, and onto the 7th floor. he tried not to wince too bad as he walked in the kitchen that conveniently had all the lights on.
"y/n?" he asked in a raspy voice, one the you obviously found attractive.
"angel," he murmured, leaning against the counter, "what on earth are you doing?"
peter woke up a bit more when he saw your beautiful figure, coated in... flour? there was some in your hair and on your nose. you were wearing nothing but one of his sweatshirts, and no shorts, at least none that he could see.
not that he was looking or anything.
"baking! i was thinking, like, cake," you grinned, still stirring the batter.
"i- okay," he shrugged, remembering it was best not to question these things. peter figured you were having one of those nights, and the best thing he could do was to be there for you, even if it meant participating in these antics. he made his way over to his love, snaking his arms around your waist and burying his nose in your neck.
"mmm... you smell good, pretty girl."
"thank you, pretty boy. now help me! chocolate or vanilla?"
"chocolate, duh."
"i figured."
he pulled away, but didn't leave the embrace, "if you knew, why'd you ask?" he snorted.
"courtesy. also, i need more milk."
"what do we say when we want something?" peter teased.
"please let me have the white liquid, you kinky bastard."
he groaned loudly, and begrudgingly went to retrieve the item. "you're so dirty, y/nnnn."
"don't act as if you aren't horny 90% of the time."
"hey- i-... that's not true!" he spluttered out.
the two of you spent the rest of the night giggling and making messes, enjoying a semi-burnt chocolate cake. it was nothing but wholesome when the avengers walked into a doughy mess, and you two curled up in each other, snoring quietly with plates and spoons on the side.
"as long as parker wasn't fucking my daughter, i don't care. cute, though," tony snickered.
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plzshutup · 1 year
🖤favorite 💞 fluff 🥀angst ❤️‍🔥smut 🩸dark
Steve Rogers
His Koala Bear Series  ❤️‍🔥 🩸
Mud  ❤️‍🔥 🩸
devil steve
Eye for an Eye series  ❤️‍🔥 🩸
Touch  ❤️‍🔥
size kink
Slow like Honey Series  💞 ❤️‍🔥
Bucky Barnes
your teeth in my neck   ❤️‍🔥 🩸
vampire buck
walk your talk   ❤️‍🔥
sub 40s bucky
Just a Little Taste  ❤️‍🔥 
Sweeter than Sugar  💞 ❤️‍🔥
It All Belongs to You  ❤️‍🔥
Netherworld  🖤 ❤️‍🔥 🩸
slow ‘n steady  💞 ❤️‍🔥
Method Acting Series  🖤 💞 🥀 ❤️‍🔥
fratboy Steve and Buck
The Meeting  ❤️‍🔥
ceo au
Let Us Take Care of You  ❤️‍🔥
TASM Peter Parker
hold you here, my loveliest friend  🖤 ❤️‍🔥
sex pollen
your friendly neighborhood sensitive spiderman  ❤️‍🔥
drabble  ❤️‍🔥
drabble  💞
in the real world  🥀 💞
who is the lamb and who is the knife (2 parts)  🖤 ❤️‍🔥
mob au
Matt Murdock
Make the World Quiet  ❤️‍🔥
coughs mommy kink
Adore You  ❤️‍🔥
Loki Laufeyson
Ravish me raw  ❤️‍🔥
Can I drink from you water?  🖤 ❤️‍🔥 🩸
Author Rec
p3mybeloved (TASM PP)
luvline (PP)
fettuccin-e (Matt, Peter, MK)
kinanabinks (Stucky)
sweeterthanthis (stucky)
angrythingsstarlight  🖤
divine-mistake (sam, steve, bucky, loki)
buckyalpine (sub buck)
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pedrito-friskito · 2 years
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it’s been a hot minute since I did a celebration/sleepover/whatever you wanna call it, and it’s almost my BIRTHDAY so I thought I’d do a little something just to spark some joy (and some thots 👀) and just generally drool over my favourite characters (and maybe explore some new ones!!)
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starting NOW until Friday August 19th @ 8PM EST you can submit (anon or not, but minors GTFO this ain’t for u) a character and a prompt (one of your own OR check my prompt lists tag for some inspo)
can be smutty or fluffy or both, if you want to submit more than one prompt at once then BY ALL MEANS, but please limit it to two per submission
fics/blurbs/headcanons will be posted 8PM ONWARDS (until I’m done lmfao it’s GO TIME)
I have TEN SLOTS for pedro characters, TEN SLOTS for marvel characters, SIX SLOTS for stranger things characters (maybe more depending on what submissions I receive!) and FIVE SLOTS for other characters
this post will be updated with how many slots are remaining as I receive requests (updated as fast as possible but I am only human so bear with me) BUT if there are any left over that I vibe with I’ll keep them and post after Friday!
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pedro - 0/10
marvel - 0/10
stranger things - 1/6
freebies - 2/5
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as a quick refresher, I write for….
pedro characters - mainly din djarin, frankie morales, marcus pike, javier peña, dieter bravo, but if there’s one not on my masterlist you want, shoot!
marvel characters - bucky barnes, steve rogers, matt murdock, frank castle (also willing to chat peter parker!!)
strangers things - mainly eddie but will also indulge some steve harrington and jim hopper
other characters I’m open to: lloyd and six from the gray man, a good chunk of chris evans characters, the witcher, oscar isaac characters (mainly santi/poe but I’ve got an open mind!), benny and will from triple frontier, rooster from top gun
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these will be MUCH shorter than the fics I wrote for my 300 follower celebration (like 1000 words max if I can handle it). it’s a challenge for myself!! I’m a sucker for detail but I want to explore my writing and try some short and sweeter things!!
tagging some of mutual because I do this all for you and I love you all to PIECES 💕
@saintmurd0ck @prolix-yuy @pedropascalsx @mindidjarin @itwasthereaminuteago @iamskyereads @splendiferous-bitch @peterman-spideyparker @mandoblowmybackout @e-dubbc11 @allfoolsinluv @mattmurdocksscars @jazzelsaur @ezrasbirdie @steadyasthe-flowers @littlemisspascal @phoebe-danvers @mandosmistress @stxrrylunatic
there are more of you I know and truly, I never thought I’d come back to tumblr like this (I know I say this all the time kay c’MON) but HONESTLY I feel like the luckiest gal in the world to have connected with so many of you and to be able to share my writing (and fan-girling and general dirty mind LOL) and make genuine friends on this app.
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jayankles · 6 years
Bailey’s Quotes Challenge
You don’t have to follow me, but it would be great if you did.
You can either send me an ask with your prompt choice (and a back up) and pairing; reblogs and comments will not be counted. - or you can add yourself to the doc here
You can choose up to three different prompts (for three different fics) on the list - how awesome is that?
1 person per prompt
You can write anything; fluff, smut, angst but tag it correctly.
The prompt you pick must be included in your writing…
They will be due in 20th December, if you need an extension just message me.
Tag me (@jayankles) in the A/N.
Put #Bailey’s Quotes Challenge in the A/N and the within the first 5 tags.
The minimum amount of words is 300 and the maximum is 5k.
Please add the ‘Keep Reading’ button.
It can be a drabble, one shot, or the start of a new series.
If I have not liked your fic within 24 hours please send me the link because I don’t always get a notification
All fics submitted will be added to a masterlist
If you have any questions then don’t be afraid to message me
Dean / Jensen x Reader
Sam / Jared x Reader
Castiel /Misha x Reader
Gadreel / Tahmoh x Reader
Ruby 2.0 / Genevieve x Reader
Jack / Alex x Reader
Steve McGarrett (Hawaii 5-0) x Reader
Danny Williams (”) x Reader
Finn Balor (WWE) x Reader
Seth Rollins (”) x Reader
Sonya Deville (”) x Reader
Killian Jones x Reader
Rosa Diaz x Reader
Jake Peralta x Reader
Go to @peterman-parker​ for MCU/Actor pairings
@super100012 @plaid-lover-bay25 @atc74 @fandomoniumflurry @docharleythegeekqueen @poukothenerd @grace-for-sale @supernaturallymarvellous @roxyspearing @iwantthedean @luci-in-trenchcoats @attractiverandomness @my-people-skillls-are-rusty @deanssweetheart23 @percywinchester27 @becs-bunker @torn-and-frayed @faith-in-dean @bringmesomepie56 @dean-the-smol-bean @queen-of-deans-booty @impalaimagining @impala-dreamer @dancingalone21 @winchester-writes @supernatural-jackles​
idk I just tagged some writers
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So Sam and Bucky start checking up on Peter after his identity is revealed
Cuz fuck it, he’s just a kid, someone has to
Aunt May takes a while to get used to the new captain America and an ex-assassin sitting in her kitchen every week.
Especially because they seem to be bullying her nephew?
But she notices that peter smiles so much more on days where they visit and its been a while since he’s done that
MJ is trying really really hard to stay cool when she meets sam for the first time. (She fails miserably because holy fuck that’s captain America). She’s convinced she pulled it off
Ned and Peter 100% geek out over Bucky’s arm.
(Bucky is trying to process this)
Peter and Ned 100% geek out over RedWing
(Sam misses no chance to rub that fact in Bucky’s stupid face)
Bucky naturally falls back into his oh-my-god-this-small-child-is-trying-to-fight-everything-i-have-to-stop-him routine. (There are days where he accidentally calls him “Steve”).
When Peter tries to break curfew to stay out late and fight baddies, Bucky just drags him back to his appartment by the collar of his suit (no i don’t want to hear it Ste- Peter! It is past 1am on a school night. You can fight more criminals tomorrow after your maths test)
Sam and Bucky still bully Peter mercilessly in front of his friends, family and strangers. Bucky throws a brick at a reporter trying to call Spiderman a “teenage menace” one time (Sam pretends he didn’t see it).
Peter makes one of those “using my scary dog privilige to walk the streets without being harassed by paparazzi” tiktoks, and the camera moves to reveal bucky walking next to him. Murder in his eyes. (Come on. Try. Harass the kid. I want you to do it. I’ll stomp you to death with my hooves)
MJ still fails to hide the look of total admiration and excitement whenever she walks past Sam, responding with a high-pitched “whatever” when he says hi.
And Peter thinks this could work. It’s small but it’s good and it’s in these moments he thinks he’ll be okay.
Then one night Peter is watching the news. His new found fame after his identity-reveal has prompted some journalists to do their own research.
And that’s how he learns that his parents were SHIELD agents
And that’s how he learns they were murdered.
By the Winter Soldier
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r-jay-official · 2 years
i’m just gonna post my tiktoks here too
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fagdyk · 3 years
Hey. Spider-Man stan here. I dont like this trend where the mcu puts peter in this broader universe where he is essiantially the foreground for a lot of mcu worldbuilding. They did this with tony stark first (have peter essentially becoming something for tony to manpain on. And then build the entire second movie around tony's death). Now they are doing it with the multiverse stuff. That combined with stealing stuff from miles world. It all comes at the cost of peters world
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funnyincorrectmcu · 5 years
Avengers: We’re not letting you jump out of this plane without a parachute. Peter: *wearing a propeller hat* Just trust me.
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Writing Challenge!!
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Hello, everyone!! I know people usually do writing challenges when they hit certain follower counts as celebrations, but I figured that since I always seem to hit milestones at inconvenient times and can never really celebrate them with you guys, I might as well do one to kick off the new year!! I’ve been wanting to do one of these for a long time, and it feels great to finally put one together!
The Rules:
-You don’t have to be following me, but it’d be cool if you did (yay new friends!!)
-It would be great for you to reblog this post to signal boost it so this doesn’t totally flop!
-Send me an ask with the prompt you want and who you plan on doing it with. Right now, I’d only like one prompt per person to be taken so there’s enough for other people to choose from. If I need to add more, I will, and if there are ones left over and no one takes then, snatch them up!
-Please, only take what you can do!
-Write for whichever MCU character your heart desires! Please no RPFs (real person fictions), no Thor x Loki, Tony x Peter, etc.
-OFCs welcome! But if you want to do character x reader, go for it!
-Go for any genre you like, just give proper warning and tag appropriately.
-It can be a one shot, series, whatever. If it’s over 300 words, I ask that you use the reed more insert, please.
-Please make it known when you post what your prompt was. It can be a mention with an author’s note or in bold italics in the fic.
-Tag @peterman-spideyparker and use #peterman-spideyparker2020 and #kristen2020 when you post please!
-I don’t really want to set a deadline cuz I know things can happen and throw people off, but if all the prompts that get taken could be posted by June 13, that’d be nice. (Yes I picked June 13 on purpose, whether I did it for Chris Evans’ birthday or my half birthday, that’s for you to decide).
-HAVE FUN!!!!!
“No, I’m not letting you go. It’s too early to get out of bed.” @lovesmesomehiddles​ w/ Loki x OFC
“C’mere, you can sit in my lap until I’m done working.”
“Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go.” @agentdaisyj​ w/ Karolina x Nico (Runaways)
“Old age seems to get the better of us.”
“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.” @wordynerdygurl​ w/ Loki x Reader
“I’m not going to leave you. You’re never going to have to suffer by yourself again, I promise.”
“Look, I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’m still worried about you. No one deserves to be alone.” @he-is-chaotic-she-is-psychotic​ w/ Clint Barton x Reader
“If I could, I would kiss away all of your scars.” @catsladen w/ Stephen Strange x Reader
“I think I might be falling in love with you.” @brekkingthebedwithbuckybarnes​ w/ Bucky Barnes x OC
“Everyone deserves a second chance.”
“You can’t keep it all inside, you know? Bottling it up won’t do any good.” @randomparanoid​ w/ Bucky Barnes x Reader
“Hey, I know you’re hurting . . . but, you’re not alone, okay?” @nekoannie-chan​ w/ Brock Rumlow
“I hate you! I’m sorry it took me so damn long to realize that.”
“You lost your chance.”
“You can’t just lose your temper like this every time you get a bit upset!”
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“Were you ever going to tell me?”
“I hope someday you get a taste of your own medicine.”
“Go on then, tell me. Tell me you don’t love me.” @from-hel-i-with-love​ w/ Tony Stark
"I wish I could forget I ever met you.”
“I think you’ll be happy to know that I’m not wearing any underwear.”
“Oh don’t mind me. Just enjoying the view.” @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ w/ Bucky x Reader
“It’s like you want to ruin men/women for me.” @justkending​ W Bucky x Reader
“Did you just . . . finish?”
“I don’t like being told what to do unless I’m naked.”
“Damn. You clean up good.”
“Did I just say that out loud?” @just-the-hiddles​ w/ Loki x Reader
“Did I stutter?”
“Did you enjoy yourself last night?”
“Don’t give me that look.”
“Who said we were pretending?” @hopelessromanticspoonie​ w/ Loki
“Did you just . . . moan?”
“I suggest you wipe that grin off your face.”
“Get over yourself, you’re not that great.”
Tagging some people who might be interested: @just-the-hiddles​ @vodka-and-some-sass​ @captnrogers​ @connerkennt​ @sociallyawkwardbeanwhowrites​ @omg-imagine​ @majesticavenger​ @blacksuitofdoom​ @stuckonjbbarnes​ @lady-loki-ren​ @scottishaccentsareawesome​ @captain-rogers-beard​
Just because I tagged you doesn't mean you have to participate! If you can, please spread the word!
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marvel-af · 5 years
Accident (Peter Parker x Reader)
Sorry @unleashthebeees that this took so long, but here it is! Writings been hard lately but i finally pulled in together for a moment to finish this! 
Warnings: Car accident
Words: 812
Screeching tires. Bent metal. The airbag burning her wrist. 
That’s all that stuck in her mind. 
Her ears ring as she sits on the side of the road as the other person cries and begs Y/N for forgiveness. She can recognize the words of apology, but she can’t bring herself to respond. The gravel digs into her legs and the palms of her hands, but she eyes stay glossed over and unfocused. 
She sees the lights of the police cars and ambulances before she hears the sirens. A quick glance over her own body tells her that a few bruises will be the worse of her problems. 
She should call her mom. Her phone is still in the car though, and not even a million dollars could get her back into that hell machine. When a police officer walks up to her slightly shaking form, her attention is barely grasped by him.
“Ma'am?” The officer asks twice before Y/N reacts. 
“I need your license and registration.” He states, eyes softening when he sees the panicked look in her eyes. She quickly fumbles with her coat pocket and pulls out her license, handing it over. 
“My um, registration is in my car.” Y/N says, slowly getting up and nervously eyeing the car. 
“I’ll get it for you.” The cop says noticing Y/N’s wariness about going near the car again. 
“Thank you.” Y/N says, eyes welling with tears. The officer must take pity on her or something because he places a comforting hand on her shoulder and asks, “You need anything else from the car?”
“Just my phone. I-I need to call my mom.” She says. The officer nods and quickly gets the items from Y/N’s totaled car. Y/N’s heart races as she pulls up her mom’s contact and presses call. 
“Hey honey. I just got home, thought you’d be back from school by now.” Her mother’s calm voice says.
Y/N opens her mouth to tell her mom what happened, but all that comes out is a choked sob.
“Someone h-hit me, my car, it’s totaled mom.” Y/N cries. 
“Where are you? I’m coming now.” Her mom says and Y/N hears her shuffle around before the slam of a door. 
“I’ll send you my location.” Y/N says, gasping for breath. 
Once her mom showed up, Y/N let her take complete control of the situation. Apparently, there had been more than one car hit by the other woman, who was currently pacing on the phone. Y/N sits back on the road where she had before and silently watches the chaos.
Her phone begins to ring, and Y/N goes to decline it until she sees who it is.
Peter. Shit.
With all the panic and sickness of the accident, Y/N had totally forgotten that she told Peter she would be at his place by 4:00. That was a half an hour ago.
“Dude! Where are you?” Peter yells through the phone.
“Uh, I was in a car accident.” 
She can hear the distinct sound of a phone dropping to the floor. After a few moments Peter speaks again. 
“A-are you okay?” He asks. Y/N gives herself a quick look over again. 
“Physically yes. Mentally? Can you come, please.” Y/N whispers, her voice cracking as tears threaten to spill over. 
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a few.” Peter says before hanging up. Thank God for location sharing. 
“Y/N!” Peter yells as he runs from the alleyway near the scene of the accident. She whips her to face him and gives him a small smile. Peter quickly pulls Y/N into a hug, resting his chin on her shoulder. 
“How are you?” He asks. Y/N sniffles in his ear and he can feel his shirt grow damp.
“My mom is gonna make me get back in her car. I-I can’t Pete.” Y/N cries. 
“I’ll walk you home babe. No cars yet, okay?” Peter says, pulling out of the hug and holding Y/N by the shoulders. She nods limply, and Peter turns away to tell her mom. 
The walk goes quickly and quietly, the only sound being Y/N’s sniffles. Once they reach Y/N’s apartment, Peter gently leads Y/N to the couch. 
“You okay?” He asks quietly. Y/N snorts. 
“No. But thank you for being there.” Y/N says, picking on a loose thread on her jeans. 
“Yeah, of course.” 
Y/N only smiles in response. Slowly, she lays her head on his shoulder, clicking on the T.V. 
“Thank you.” Y/N repeats as her eyes slowly close. Peter runs his fingers through her hair as her head falls off his shoulder and lands in his lap. 
“Goodnight Y/N.” Peter whispers, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her temple.
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lotusarts · 5 years
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*spider-man theme song plays*
ugh i actually love this so much??? I played around with my style and ugh i love it
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i remember reading an interview with tom holland about a scene in FFH that he said something like, “people are gonna hate this, is this okay?” and the response was basically “yeah people are gonna hate this and its not okay but its good” and i wanna know what that scene was!!! was it the scene where he’s trapped in illusions? was it the scene where happy picks him up? was it the bar scene? there are so many scenes that that reaction would make sense for!
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