#personally picturing him at 16/17
ladytauria · 6 months
kissing in a stairwell, giving them an artificial height difference with jaydami <33
*puts on clown nose*
reverse robins, anybody? xD
thank sm for the prompt maya <3 i knew p much immediately what i wanted to do with it, but it took a bit for the fic to actually take shape, lol.
i hope you enjoy!
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>> AO3 <<
Jason’s life would be so much easier if Damian wasn’t so damn pretty.
Every so often, Bruce is expected to host some of his peers for dinner and drinks—some long-standing tradition that Bruce can get away with skipping out on sometimes, but too much, and people will start to talk. It's stupid, but part of the cover.
If you ask Jason, they're worse than galas. He misses the days he could duck out after dinner. He guesses he still could, but— Now that he's older, it's a little more expected for him to actually participate.
Jason would rather not. He knows plenty of Gotham’s upper crust would rather he didn’t, too, no matter how well Jason has managed to assimilate. But… he has plans, and unfortunately, he can acknowledge that they’ll be raised if he’s in somewhat good standing among the folks with the money.
Doesn’t make attending any easier.
At least he only has to worry about attending the ones Bruce hosts. Eventually his peers will start inviting him to theirs, but for now, he’s still being very quietly snubbed. Which—for the moment at least—suits him just fine, plans or no.
Damian showed up this time, an hour before dinner started; wrapped in green and gold and looking like he just stepped off of a magazine cover. Jason barely paid attention at dinner tonight—too busy trying not to blush anytime Damian sent him a sly smile, or covertly rolled his eyes, or signed something discreetly across the table. He knew it was hardly private—Bruce had been there, he’d surely caught every one—but. The attention—
It made him feel… special.
Stupid, of course. Damian hardly sees him that way. He’s… To Damian, he’s family, and that’s all he’ll ever be.
But it’s kind of nice to pretend, when he gets the chance.
Bruce’s final guests are finally on their way out the door. Jason sits, chin in hand, at the top of the stairs, watching as Damian and Alfred see them out. He thinks the whole house breathes a sigh of relief when they finally leave. Alfred excuses himself to the kitchen, likely to oversee the temporary staff Bruce hires for these things. He’ll have them out the door as soon as possible, too, and then Jason will finally be able to sleep.
Damian lingers by the door for a moment. Then, finally, he begins to ascend the stairs. "Jason," he says. It’s a greeting and a question all in one.
Jason stands, smoothing the wrinkles from his slacks. “Can’t sleep until I know everyone’s gone,” he says. He knows they’d never be able to get into the family wing, not with Bruce’s security, but—
Old fears are hard to shake. Jason never sleeps well when there are strangers around, no matter how many locks Bruce gives him for his door.
Damian nods, like this is perfectly reasonable, and not a weird hang-up of Jason’s. ‘Course, considering... Damian probably feels the same way. That— It’s not comforting, ‘cause Jason hates to think of why he might, but… At the same time... it's reassuring to know he’s not alone.
Damian stops a few steps down from him. Like this, they’re almost at eye level; Damian’s eyes just past Jason’s nose.
“Thanks for coming tonight,” Jason says. Mostly just to say something. Keep the conversation going, even if just for a little while. It’s not often anymore that it’s just the two of them. He can’t begrudge Dickie the comfort of Damian’s presence, nor would he ever want to lose his time with Tim, but—
He does miss, sometimes, when it was just Damian and Jason—and sometimes Steph or Cass.
Damian hums. “Father is not as unbearable at these as he is at other functions, but. I’d still be remiss in my obligations if I left you to deal with him alone for too long.”
Jason knows his ‘obligations’ are purely platonic. He knows. His heart flutters, though; the traitorous bastard putting a more romantic lilt on the word. “Well. I appreciate it,” he says, softly. He bites his lip. “I… It’s nice. Having you around.”
Damian smiles. It’s small; mostly in his eyes, the way they upturn at the corners. “It is nice to, ah, ‘be around’,” he says. He reaches up to smooth down the lapel of Jason's blazer. Even through the layers, his touch burns like a brand. “You’ve grown up well, habibi.” His mouth curls up, just a little bit more.
The compliment is unexpected. The smile even more. And the touch—
Jason flushes scarlet. Every blush he’d fought back at dinner hits him now, and he feels a little lightheaded with it.
That, he decides, is the reason he leans down, foolishly, and presses a kiss right against one of those upturned corners. “Thanks,” he breathes—and then, heart threatening to beat right out of his chest, he flees to the safety of his bedroom, leaving Damian alone in the stairwell.
[ 50 Types of Kisses ]
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lesbxdyke · 13 days
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I could think of no better way to share the news than this!
So when I was 17, my cat went missing and I'd given up hope of ever seeing him again.
Until on Monday, 27th of May, 2024, my friend sent me a FB post asking 'isn't that your mother?' about the person named on the microchip.
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Here he is! 16 years old, and found safe, twelve whole years after he went missing!
Yesterday (Tuesday the 28th of May, 2024) I went to the rescue that had him, and I reclaimed my boy, renaming him Artie! (He'd originally been called 'Cat' because my mother and I couldn't decide on a name)
He's home safe with me now, currently inhabiting my bathroom and purring up a storm every time someone goes in there!
I'll be doing slow introductions between him and my current cat to give them the best possible chance of living in harmony!
Here's some pictures of Artie once we let him out of the carrier:
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nocreativityfornames · 4 months
Everything we know about Michael so far, lore wise.
➤ He's an high-ranking angel from the Celestial Realm, more specifically a Seraph. (nb: 18-2 and nb card: Luke - "I can do it too!")
➤ His love for sweets is the reason Luke took interest in baking. (swd: 5-12 and 23-5)
➤ He and Lucifer were equals in the Celestial Realm and no other angel shared the same status as them. Simeon referred to them back then as "the two great leaders of the Celestial Realm's legion of angels." (swd: 23-7) But currently Michael carries that position alone. (swd: 23-5)
➤ He was supposed to meet MC when they visited the Celestial Realm with Solomon but couldn't because a secret spring suddenly started drying and Michael had to go there to investigate the situation. (swd: 23-7)
➤ He used to be Mammon's mentor and tried his best to train the white-haired brother while in charge of him but wasn't able to figure out how to handle him and eventually went to Lucifer asking for help. And since Lucifer was somehow able to get Mammon to listen to him, he ended up taking over Michael's role and became his mentor instead. (swd: 27-19)
➤ He was originally the one in possession of the Ring of Wisdom but gave the ring to Solomon at a time when the human was feeling "lost" and Michael wanted to help him. (swd: 29-5)
➤ During MC's 2° stay in the Devildom when Diavolo was keeping secret from everyone that their powers had become a threat to the three realms, Michael sent the prince a message through Simeon, warning him that if whatever he was keeping a secret affected the Celestial Realm, angels wouldn't hesitate to intervene. (swd: 31-16 Hard Mode)
➤ He's the one who found the Ring of Light, counterpart to the Ring of Wisdom that Lucifer had lost during the Great Celestial War (swd: 37-9), and quickly noticed it was missing when Simeon stole it to give it to MC ( since it was the only other way to control their powers ), shooting the other angel a text stating that they needed to have a "good, long talk" and that he wanted to see him as soon as possible. (swd chat: M, "untitled")
➤ When MC was given the Ring of Light and fell unconscious because of it, Michael appeared to speak with them. And during their talk, the seraph told MC that he had pictured them to be truly wicked person due to being so well-liked by the brothers, but that he had been proven wrong after meeting them. (swd: 38-17)
➤ In that same conversation, Michael confessed to being jealous of MC. He told them: "I must admit that I'm jealous of you, MC. I wish I could have been more like you. Because I loved Lucifer and his brothers, and I lost them. Perhaps things could have been different..." (swd: 38-17)
➤ When asked, Satan explained to MC that Michael was the opposite of Lucifer appearance-wise but that they felt like twins at the same time. And when Mammon brought up Michael's adoration for Lucifer, Satan chimed in saying that in his opinion the reason Michael liked Lucifer so much was because he was the embodiment of everything he wanted to be but couldn't. (swd: 43-19)
➤ He would be the one having meetings with Diavolo when the prince took over the kingdom if he hadn't thrown the responsibility onto Lucifer in the last minute, making Michael in a way the stepping stone that led Lucifer to question his faith and start having doubts about God and the Celestial Realm in general. (swd: 44-15)
➤ When MC ended up in the past Celestial Realm through a dream Solomon sent them to accidentally by feeding them his food, Michael was the one to bring them back home. The angel told MC that they and the brothers would likely forget what happened in the dream but that it would still have an effect on all of them and he would keep an eye on them to make sure that said effect didn't have negative consequences in the future. (swd: 44-18)
➤ Luke told MC that he often found Michael in the hall where the brothers' portraits used to hang staring at the empty space, lost in thought. According to the small angel, Michael to this day still deeply misses the brothers and has regrets about the war. (swd: 49-15)
➤ He was the one to cast out the brothers from the Celestial Realm and send them to the Devildom. (swd: 50-7)
➤ According to Mammon, Michael and Simeon must've pulled some strings behind the scenes to get Luke to participate in the exchange program and be able to visit the Human World with Simeon because, with his low ranking, he'd never be the one chosen for those sorts of things and the Avatar of Greed is convinced that they're doing this because they want Luke to experience life outside the Celestial Realm, see that there's more out there than heaven, and stop thinking that angels are perfect beings who can do no wrong. (swd: 50-10)
➤ He's knowledgeable on constellations and likes them so much he had Raphael rebuilt a whole room so Human World constellations could be seen even from the Celestial Realm. (swd: 52-7) He also taught Mammon about them when he was still in his care, and later on taught Luke as well. (swd: 50-12)
➤ It was actually he who went into the Devildom and told the brothers that they had been forgiven by God and had to choose between staying in the demonic kingdom ( and making an enemy out of heaven ) or coming back to the Celestial Realm and leaving Satan behind. And in a conversation with Raphael, Michael said the reason for his disguise was that he was worried about what could happen if he showed up as himself. But Raphael quickly rebutted that by saying that the true reason Michael didn't go as himself was because he wouldn't know how to act around the brothers. (nb: 20-14 Hard Mode)
➤ Still disguised as Raphael before going back to the Celestial Realm, Michael told Luke that he wasn't surprised that the brothers didn't accept his offer to go back to heaven and actually knew that would be the outcome of it. He was also surprised not too long after when Luke, not knowing it wasn't Raphael who he was talking to, pointed out that Michael seemed sad and lonely whenever he was staring at the wall where the brothers' portraits used to be. Michael's exact response to the younger angel's words was: "...I didn't realize that's what people thought.” (nb: 20-A)
➤ When asked by Raphael if he planned to attend RAD in the future, Michael avoided giving an direct answer and left. (nb: 20-14 Hard Mode)
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myalvmss · 1 year
CHARACTERS. aquamarine hoshino, ruby hoshino, ai hoshino, akane kurokawa mention
MISSION. headcanons ; adventure mission, silent yet shining
WARNINGS. mentions of pregnancy & sex? this is mostly just me digging into aqua's character more and more, ANGST will most definitely be in this, but dont worry!
BUTTERFLY'S NOTE. special thanks to my friend named Ryu I guess LMAOAOAOAO. THIS IS SHORT??
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⌗O1: when I tell you, this man makes me frustrated every two seconds of reading the manga, I have a love and hate relationship with this man that not even scaramouche can compete with, BECAUSE RIGHT OFF THE BAT, HE'S A RED FLAG. BAHAHAHAH 😭
⌗O2: when you two first meet, he barely does effort in the so called friendship, or what he thinks of acquaintance.
UNLESS you are of use to his plan, so he'll probably use you, sorry bitch </3
⌗O3: this mf's ideal type is just someone like ai hoshino (imo NO ONE can replace her, not even akane sorry not sorry) and what makes you think you can pull off an ai?
i suggest you CHANGE him, not change yourself for him honey
⌗O4: this depends on your personality, but the relationship might be a sunshine reader while aqua's the grumpy one LMFAOAOAOAO
⌗O5: aqua doesn't engage in social media much, unlike his twin sister ruby. in other words, he's a boomer yet I'm not surprised so it's mostly you who takes pictures and videos of u both
⌗O6: you and aqua often go on dates at the cafe, park, or mostly private places where you two can get alone time with no interruptions
⌗O7: he's SO OVERPROTECTIVE ABOUT YOU. imagine yandere aqua omfg, he even makes sure that you're safe and doing well everyday
A caring boyfriend but a red flag 🚩
⌗O8: In the song, "MEPHISTO" I think there's a lyric where "I'll bet my life, I'll give it to you" would imply that to the people he cares about, aqua WILL risk his life for you. THOUGH this song probably directs to ai, or ruby? but either way, he still cares about you if you were actually his girlfriend. not just for his revenge plan, but purely his own love for you.
yet sometimes I think, "would aqua even bother asking you to be his girlfriend at a time crisis like this?"
It's a possibility he wants to keep you safe and unharmed from danger, so he'll probably lock up his feelings from you and keep it a secret so no danger will come for you, but it's not guaranteed </3
⌗O9: in an au where ai is alive, I wouldn't say that ai would straight away approve of your relationship with aqua. she's a mother, yes but not those kinds who don't give a fuck abt relationships ykwim?
when she first met you, she's a bit suspicious of you, especially if you're someone who's young, but your mind is well beyond your age.
It took a while, but she got used to you around with aqua and genuinely loves you
“you two aren't getting a kid, right?” just a few reassurances that YOU BOTH AREN'T GOING THE SAME ROUTE AS WHAT SHE DID.. “mama! don't ask questions out of the blue like that!” ruby come rescue us both PLS
“mama.. cut it out please,” insert a little bit of a flushed red aqua PLSS
⌗10: honestly, taking back the topic where you change aqua actually would work, because this man is wanting revenge and is willing to kill his father.
you can't be the one who helps him, that will end up ugly if he does succeed, because let's not forget how aqua can get arrested despite being a minor, yet he's 17 (currently in manga) and he might turn 18 soon enough
so you have to BE THE SAVIOR who changes aqua to be a better person and set aside this revenge
honestly. it's not worth it, I KNOW this is about ai hoshino getting her justice, but would she wanna see her kids in danger like this??
DON'T go off like "aqua this isn't like you 🥺🥺" NO LMAO. you knew aqua when he was 16, that's a super high possibility on who you met him, and the person he is now is just the same aquamarine hoshino you him at sixteen
just imo, you need to convince aqua that his revenge path won't do anything better for anyone's lives, because correctly he's ruining everything — the man probably doesn't care but you gotta make him care and move on for the better like how ai would want for him and ruby
⌗11: if you're smaller than aqua, then he'll probably use you as a head rest
lay his head on your shoulder
rest his head on your lap
place his head ontop of yours
⌗13: whenever aqua is jealous, he always keeps it a secret from you so that you won't tease him about it
think of a scenario where you're talking to some guy on the street, a fan or an old friend;
aqua would slowly wrap his arm around your waist and pull you towards him WHILE giving the guy a very overprotective look
⌗14: he can't help it but aqua always compliments you in his mind, like how cute or gorgeous you are
⌗15: i like to think you both started getting together after his so-called revenge plan for his father
⌗16: aqua's careful around you, by that I mean when it comes to sex. he doesn't wanna end up being a replica of his father.
by that I mean, he'd ask for consent first for sex ( aqua's not entirely that kind of person who doesn't ask for consent )
and also would not have sex during his teenage years, as he prefers to have it at adult years ykyk
⌗17: you're a pain in the ass for him, gotta say that BAHAHAHHAHAH
⌗18: since in aqua's past life, he was a doctor ( bro's a DOCTOR. ) that took medical education, it's a high chance that he still remembers a few things
probably trauma from learning all that pain of a education lmao
⌗18: so whenever you get hurt, aqua's always the one who bandages you :))
⌗19: since aqua dislikes bell peppers, you probably shove those in aqua's mouth for shits and giggles AHAHAHA
⌗20: he acts like 'himself' (or the past him) when you're around, and you're the only person who could do that
“i noticed that he's like how he used to be when he's around y/n..” ruby spoke to herself, watching aqua and y/n from afar as a small smile appeared on her face. “I'm happy for them both.”
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moonshynecybin · 7 months
if you have the time or inclination, can i ask what the deal with motogp/those boys is about? i don’t mean that in a mean way btw, im just curious and i love drama
i will try to be brief (1/4358)
SO! valentino rossi (born 16 February 1979, aquarius. italian.) is one of the most iconic people in motorsport, CERTAINLY in motogp. he's a 9 time world champion, your favorite driver's favorite driver, and is generally credited with revolutionizing the popularity of the sport by: a. being insanely good at motorcycle racing, and b. in general having a lot of fun about it. lethally charming and charismatic. all time active listening face. just a fun and funny dude that everyone pretty much likes and MANY younger riders idolize. VERY good at handling the media and his legions of cult-like fans. sometimes treated more like a god than a person. i was in the store yesterday and saw one of his themed monster energy drinks despite him retiring two years ago. his fun retirement activity is racing BMWs and running his own motogp team/training facility/cult for young italian racers. (this is where cele and bezz and basically every italian rider not named enea bastianini come from!)
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so in 2011ish valentino had won 9 titles, and he decided to leave his current manufacturer and move to italian manufacturer ducati where he generally had a stone-cold terrible time. EXTENDED flop era for a couple years. any time ive watched content that covers this period everyone is so sad. so sad. anyways he GOES BACK to his old manufacturer in 2013 and is much more competitive. kind of just happy to be winning sometimes and be on the podium. 2013 is also where marc comes in. what could go wrong.
marc marquez! (born 17 february 1993, almost exactly 14 years after vale which i'm sure means nothing. also an aquarius. spanish.) childhood sports idols include: dani pedrosa, VALENTINO ROSSI.
marc carved his way up through the feeder championships until casey stoner unexpectedly retired at the end of the 2012 season leaving a seat empty on a VERY good bike for his rookie season. rocked up and was immediately VERY good at winning and very good at being a crazyinsane person on track that made people mad at him lol. hilarious habit of pissing people off via on-track crimes that i really enjoy. motogp riders are already crazy (they do death sport) but marc is famous for taking risks no one else will. basically if he's not winning, he's crashed out or he's maybe crashed YOU out. he wins the championship as a rookie (insane) and the next year's championship as well. heir apparent to the throne. sweet and goofy but is now known as one of the more reserved riders with the press. probably because of all this drama tbh. undisputed GOAT of acting like a slut on camera
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throughout 2013-2014, marc and valentino had a good relationship! marc very clearly idolizes him and is like. bowled over completely with delight every time valentino looks his way. vale likes him! theyre buds! truly an endless well of pictures of vale explaining something with his hands and marc babygirling at him. highly recommend checking out @pgaslys every rosquez podium tag for contextual brain damage. insane times.
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(IT SHOULD BE NOTED: before the 2015 season marc visits valentino at his practice track in italy, where they compete to break the track record and almost kill each other bc they are so pathologically competitive. APPARENTLY, marc showed up with some official mechanics and valentino was a little pissed off because it was supposed to be a like. fun thing. and to marc winning is the most fun! if you dont come to win why come at all! anyways marc breaks the track record and credits that to cooling their relationship a bit. good post about it here.) here they are that day:
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so what could go wrong, right? WELL. valentino has a chance to win his tenth title in 2015. marc is on a flop bike and crashed a bunch so he's not in the championship conversation but vale is leading the standings from the jump, with his main opponent being jorge lorenzo. i think he really wanted that tenth, and dedicated himself to the season in a way he hadnt really ever before (he was a very effortless competitor when he was young. gym-adverse. king).
marc and him start to get into some scraps along the way, notably in argentina (where they made contact and marc crashed out), assen (where they made contact AGAIN and vale won the race), and phillip island (marc won. GREAT race available here for free). phillip island sees vale finishing P4 and jorge lorenzo finishing ahead of him in P3, reducing his championship lead by quite a bit. no real indication of any tension during these races, and they are asked about it!
this is where valentino's delulu era begins! basically, ahead of the next race (🔥🔥SEPANG 2015🔥🔥) in the pre-race press conference, he goes after marc, saying he was deliberately sabotaging valentino in phillip island because marc wanted jorge to win. in valentino's mind. marc wants jorge to win because a. they are both spanish (??) and b. it would mean marc has to win less titles to equal valentino's total. record scratch. freeze frame.
everyone (including marc!) thinks valentino is joking at first bc that is bananascrazyinsane. he was not joking. (it should be noted valentino STILL thinks this lol.) anyways marc is completely blindsided. he thought they were good! yeah they've been chippy on track but that's racing!! truly like. 22 years old and your friend (AND CHILDHOOD IDOL.) is calling you a snake in front of your face with NO prior warning to the entire motogp establishment writ large including your coworkers and REPORTERS. valentino wont even look at him the entire time. the press conference is available here on vimeo. excruciating gifsets of marc's very stiff bewildered PR smile found here.
anyways so. the race. marc is uh. pissed off. he's stuck to valentino like GLUE the entire time and they trade places a bunch of times. now marc is kind of famous for being a little asshole on track anyways, but its not like he's gonna get out of valentino's way and just let him pass after what he said in that press conference so. hand in unlovable hand <3. truly very fun to watch imo even with the sword of damocles hanging over them. marc is fucking on one the entire race and basically refuses to give valentino an inch until vale gets so fed up with his antics that um. well. it certainly looks like he kicked him. vale says he didnt, and that his leg accidently made contact with marc's bike. marcs says. he fucking kicked me. judge for yourself here!
so valentino gets hauled in front of race direction and penalized for the next race (the deciding race for the championship). he has to start from the back of the grid and it kills his chance at a tenth title stone dead. vale places the blame squarely on marc's shoulders and his legions of fans decide marc is public enemy number 1. him and jorge have to get security at the next race because of death threats, someone tries to break into marc's childhood home back in spain, marc's mom throws away all of marc's valentino merchandise from when he was a kid. vale says nothing.
but the thing about marc. is that he loves very hard and chooses his people pretty carefully. didnt really move out of his tiny hometown until he turned 30 and also made his baby brother move in with him kind of guy. so all this is not really enough for him to let go of vale entirely! 2016 is where the pain lives! bc marc is still reaching out and vale himself stays pretty cold for a couple years. they seem to faintly reconcile for a bit but its not anywhere like it was before sepang.
the real nail in the coffin is argentina 2018. another insane race where marc has to start from the back and goes on a rampage through the field and crashes out like three people. i cant remember. this race is also available on youtube for free its very entertaining. every five minutes marc does something insane. vale is one of the people marc crashes out and afterwardshe goes on a big rant about how marc is destroying the sport and is actively dangerous. marc goes to valentino's garage immediately after the race to apologize and vale doesnt even look at him. he gets turned away at the door after vale's best friend/assistant/henchman yells in his face1!!! and thats kind off all she wrote in terms of reconciliation
anyways that's where we are! they are both very much not over it. vale goes on podcasts and is like. in 30 years i will still be mad, im literally never going to get over it it was such a big and unfair thing and i think about it all the time like it was yesterday. and marc (lying) says as time goes by i dont even think about it :) and i care about valentino less and less :))) but yes he hurt me deeply lol. CANNOT stress enough how much this entire thing is now inextricably liked to both of their legacies. the two arguable GOATs of a sport had an epic fleetwood mac-style beatles breakup divorce and everyone wants to talk about it allllll day long including me :)
additional context! really recommend checking out marc's little docuseries he put out this year about his recent struggles with injury. he is so not right in the head and it goes over the valentino drama in ep3. theres also hitting the apex (2015) which goes over the 2013 season (marc's rookie season) and is a really good introduction to all the major players at the time. its like less than 2 hrs long so its not too much of a commitment
also recommend following scholars @babynflames, @its-always-silly-season, @baking-soda, and @f1vegas as well as many others im forgetting rn bc its 2am!
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bentwolioo · 1 year
Ok so why did Gerard wear the same costume for 6 shows???
Like a lot of people, I noticed the Aotearoa (NZ) & Australia tour drum head messages seemed to be about 9/11. The costume also tells a very specific story that lines up with this--and there was more to Melbourne Night 2 than Gerard deciding it was casual Friday. I'm gonna go through my personal interpretation and explain why I think MCR did this at the end of their tour. 
TLDR: This Is Not The End.
I will include image credits in the reblog since there are a lot!
AUCKLAND, March 11 2023
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Based on the skirt suit and drumhead ‘FIX FAX FUCK YOU’, Gerard is dressed as an office worker. For simplicity I will refer to the costume as the Secretary, I see it as both a character and a metaphor. Auckland establishes the monotony and repetition of daily life prior to 9/11, ‘FIX FAX FUCK YOU’ showing an attitude of boredom unaware of the events to come. 
BRISBANE 1, March 13 2023
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The main difference between Auckland and Brisbane 1 is the briefcase. This indicates the point in time--Auckland is the days before 9/11 and Brisbane 1 is the morning before the attacks begin. The secretary travels to work, thinking ‘Everything under Control’.
BRISBANE 2, March 14 2023
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The drumhead message ‘Here Comes the AIRPLANE’ marks this as minutes or even seconds before the towers are hit. Brisbane 2 is the first time Gerard wears the coat, representing everyone taking cover. 
MELBOURNE 1, March 16 2023
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I unfortunately could not find a good photo of Gerard wearing the coat from this show but you can see it on the floor behind him!
The Melbourne shows are as the towers collapse. Pretty straightforward from the Melbourne 1 drumhead ‘TERROR’. This show also had the only appearance of the umbrella, which I interpret as representing the rubble and destruction raining down. The umbrella is closed, showing the secretary is unprotected and ultimately killed when the towers fall. 
MELBOURNE 2, March 17 2023
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It seemed odd at first that Melb 2 was the only show that Gerard didn’t wear a costume for, but I actually believe he still did. This is the key to my interpretation: Gerard is dressed as himself witnessing the towers collapse, on his way to work at Cartoon Network. This the only show on the Oceania leg where they played Skylines and Turnstiles*, the song Gerard wrote immediately after 9/11. The drumhead ‘BARK BARK BARK’ makes you picture, a chained dog, representing the powerless horror of only being able to watch as the destruction unfolds--the deeply personal experience that drove Gerard to form MCR. 
SYDNEY 1, March 19 2023
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Blood!!!! At Sydney 1, we see the continuing aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. The secretary has died but keeps moving, picking up her briefcase and carrying on. This could be showing how a lot of people’s faith in the US government and in the world died, but life had to find a way to move on. 
SYDNEY 2, March 20 2023
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At Sydney 2, the addition of Gerard’s white contacts shows the Secretary decaying--but she has not stopped. Frank changed the drumhead message from ‘UNKILLABLE’ to ‘UNKILLABLES’, expanding the meaning from the context of his accident in Sydney to include the band, the fans, and on a wider level everything MCR represents. 
I think all of this is a metaphor for the band’s career in multiple ways. Firstly, the Secretary being undead of course reflects MCR’s return, and her zombified appearance aligns with the imagery of their new era (decay, swarm, the destroyed buildings of the stage set). Secondly, it is very interesting to me that they did this sequence of costumes and drumheads at the end of their headlining tour, rather that at the start. The story they told seems to imply a rebirth--MCR was ‘born’ out of the trauma, pain and confusion of 9/11, so the fact that they represented the start of the band on stage signifies a second beginning. 
(Thank you for reading to the end and if I got anything wrong please let me know!)
*EDIT 1 (23/03/23): They actually also played Skylines at Brisbane 2. I do think the position of Skylines in the Melb 2 set is still significant. They played it as the first encore song which mirrors it being the first MCR song and written shortly after 9/11.
EDIT 2 (30/03/23): So actually 8 shows of Secretary Gerard when you include Japan! Tokyo and Osaka analysis here
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gentlyweeps-world · 4 months
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boy next door
summary: He always comes around when you least expect him.
pairing: logan sarge x reader
warnings: none
genre: angst/fluff-ish | childhood friends-crushes | lowkey toxic
You had always known Logan, growing up with him until him and his family moved away, at the time you didn’t know why.
When you were younger you knew he had taken some sort of interest in motorsports. When him and his brother got karts Logan invited you to watch them race around.
You both were young kids and had crushes on each other. Your parents loved it, especially since you were neighbors.
You couldn’t count how many backyard barbecues you were invited to, or how many times you were brought out fishing.
But it all had stopped one summer, you were 16 almost 17, you and Logan had still talked, still hung out when he was in town, but then he “ghosted” you.
You were heartbroken, your parents were concerned. Neither they nor you understood why. In fact his parents didn’t even know.
You tried to move on, even dated a few people. None of them ever stuck.
Suddenly one day you saw Logan on TV, a race in Monaco, you were stunned. “Is that him?” You asked yourself. He had gone for it, he actually achieved his dream.
You remember countless nights when you two would sneak away, whispering to each other about how Logan would become a world renowned formula one driver and you’d be there right alongside him.
Was it naive- yes, but you were kids, at the time it all felt so real, so believable.
Then you saw him later into 2023, maybe a month or two after the Monaco race, at a friends wedding, a close friend, a mutual friend of yours and Logan’s.
You both had made eye contact after the reception, exchanging awkward yet eager smiles. Then it occurred to you- you had brought a date.
Your date was a recent rebound, you liked him but didn’t feel that same spark. You excused yourself from your date early as if on cue.
You move past some people at the after party, everyone was up and talking, drinks in hands as they share stories.
You finally lock eyes with Logan again, he was sitting at a table by himself, sipping on what looked like some soda.
He stood up as you approached. A familiar look of regret on his face, he stepped toward you and embraced you tightly. “It’s been too long.”
“Hi- hi..how have you been..” You say, pulling away from him as you look into his eyes- those blue/green eyes you fell in love with.
“Not all that great actually.” He said with a sheepish smile, clearly wanting to explain himself but unable to.
“Yeah uh..I heard, I’ve been keeping up to date with formula one..” You say with a soft smile.
“I’m glad about that…” He said trailing off. He was unable to continue, it was clear he wanted to explain and clear the air.
An idea suddenly comes to you, grabbing Logan’s hand you lead him through the crowd and outside, thankfully in Florida it was nice and warm out for the night.
You spot a bench nearby, walking over to it you sit down, patting the spot next to you for Logan.
Gratefully Logan joins you, taking a deep breath before finally letting it out. The air between you two is tense and awkward as Logan finally begins to speak. “There are some things I should’ve said.”
“Definitely..” You say, looking over at him.
Logan lets out a deep sigh before continuing. “You have every right to be mad at me for just disappearing on you like that. I had a dream…I didn’t think you’d understand.”
“Logan- I have known you since we could walk..your dream- we shared that..I wanted that for you, and I was apart of it..”
Logan’s expression softens slightly as he looks into your eyes and it becomes clear just how badly he wants to hold you. “Maybe not all dreams come true, but I thought you might have given up wanting me to come back to you. I have a lot of regret about that night, you were the most important person in my life, and I walked right out of it.”
Your eyes go wide as he mentions that night.
Soooo maybe he didn’t exactly ghost you out of nowhere- he really didn’t, you just didn’t want to admit that.
It happened when you were both 16. You had agreed to go to a friends party, together. Key word being together.
Everyone knew you and Logan had something going on, but they also knew it wasn’t official.
But you were strictly known as Logan’s girl.
That’s why you had the argument- you hated being known as Logan’s girl- because you knew the word had no meaning behind it.
“I like you Y/n! Just I don’t want to be with you!” Logan shouts, throwing his hands up.
“Then why did you say all of those things? You can’t just play with someone like that?!”
“Well maybe you’re just easy to play with!”
You had gone silent as soon as he said that, you could hear your blood rushing, you could feel your heart break, and you could see Logan instantly regret his words.
“That’s not what- I’m sorry Y/n..” He says, reaching out towards you.
“I hate you Logan”
That was the last thing you had said to him before he went back to Europe. He was your first everything, and it had hurt.
“Yeah that night…” You mumble out, looking into his eyes, “that night was something..”
“God, that was the biggest mistake I’ve made in my whole life…” he says before letting out a long sigh.
He reaches out to touch your face but hesitates, then lets his hand fall to his side. “I knew that once you left my life there was a chance I’d never see you again… I was devastated, there was nothing I wanted more than to see you again but I was afraid you hated me.”
“Let’s just enjoy this moment..” You say softly, reaching for his hand to place it on the side of your face.
Logan’s expression softens as you take his hand and rest it against your face. He looks down at his hand, tracing his fingers across your cheek and gently brushing his thumb over your lips.
That night of your friends wedding- you and Logan had connected again, some would say you both “connected” in a different way..
But then he left again, without a word. That time it hurt, but not as nearly as bad, you honestly kind of expected it.
This time you were back from university to visit your parents, you were outside helping your mom with her flowers when you heard the wheels of a suitcase on pavement.
Looking up you spot Logan, sunglasses on adorned with a smile.
He looked good, he always looked good.
“He’s here for a few days” You hear your mother say. She knew, she knew you two still loved each other, but she also knew you two would self sabotage.
“Oh right right..” You mumble out, looking away from Logan just as he notices you.
A few hours had passed, your parents were out for dinner with a few friends. You opted to stay back, working on some online classes you were taking.
Sitting in your childhood bedroom you click away at your laptop until you heard a tap..tap..tap at your window.
Getting up you go to look who or what it is, and to your surprise, it wasn’t actually a surprise, it was Logan.
He gives you a small smile, you return it, starting to open the window for him to come in. Once it’s opened he pulls himself in, awkwardly standing there.
“Uh- hey..” He says with a small smile, shifting in place where he stands.
“Hi..” You say softly, admiring the way his eyes crinkle and the cute little moles on his face. You could feel the tension in the air between you two, the same tension from the night of the wedding, the same one from that night.
Inching toward you Logan closes the distance between the two of you. “Is it okay if I…” He starts to ask, letting a breath out as he moves in closer.
He rests his hands on your hips, inching closer. In a whisper he asks “Can I?”
“Of course Logan..” You whisper out, reaching up your own hand to cup the side of his face.
Slowly Logan leans in and kisses you. His lips meet yours and the tension that had been hanging was completely released. Your lips fit together like a puzzle piece, it felt so natural with him.
That night was wonderful- even better than the one of the wedding.
You were invited to a cookout the next day by his parents- and you didn’t hesitate to say yes.
You talk and catch up with some Logan’s family and closer friends, a smile etched on your face the entire time- you felt complete, like that emptiness you had was filled.
You hear Logan’s name be called, glancing up and around you spot him.
You feel your heart drop, a sudden wave of sickness washing over you.
His arm was wrapped around a girls waist.
notes 🪩: Oops? This was supposed to be a fluffy rom-com type fic but obviously I didn’t follow that 🤗
I am working on the next part to rookie days so look out for that!!
send in requests or comments, and ask to be added to taglist if wanted! 💙
permanent taglist: @cixrosie @amajixi @i-wish-this-was-me @nelly187
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epilary · 7 months
Hello, idk if you accept request but Spencer and reader ig acc where they are parents (first time parents au) and its like the time line of them as parents through their posts and their baby growing through the photos.
your instagram watching you and spencer raise your first baby masterlist | part 2 | requests open
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Liked by Rossi and 45 others
y/n  the best christmas gift i could've asked for ft. young spence
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→ sweetums this is probably the best thing i've seen all day
     → y/n same here D: she's just so sweet
→ Dr.Spencer.Reid Definitely the sweetest girl I know (mostly cause you shared a young photo of me)
     → y/n i can't believe you've done this
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Liked by sweetums and 51 others
y/n  hot chocolates and baby kisses (which are unfortunately covered in spit up)
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→ Dr.Spencer.Reid No amount of reading prepared me for the amount of spit up
     → y/n jennifer warned you, she warned both of us. we were fools
     → jareau.j I've had two kids, y'all should've trusted me 😭
     → y/n i realize that now (you should totally come and see her sometime)
 ��   → jareau.j Oh I totally will 🤭
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Liked by y/n and 12 others
Dr.Spencer.Reid  Couldn't ask for a better partner than @y/n (4/21/2022)
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→ y/n aww, you're the best husband i could've ever asked for
     → Dr.Spencer.Reid Thank you, I try my hardest
     → y/n i know.. which is why we're watching frozen again tonight
     → Dr.Spencer.Reid This doesn't feel like an award
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Liked by Dr.Spencer.Reid and 47 others
y/n  i love the flowers, best mother's day to date
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→ Dr.Spencer.Reid I figured you'd like them, they're nearly as beautiful as you
     → y/n you're killing me here, i love you so much
→ jareau.j Better send this to Will 👀
     → y/n oh you absolutely should, make sure to tell him i said i expect full love for you today
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Liked by jareau.j and 16 others
Dr.Spencer.Reid  Can't believe she'll be one soon (10/18/2022)
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→ y/n time flies so quickly when you have a baby girl 😩
     → sweetums She's as cute as she was the first time I saw here ☺️
     → y/n aww thank you!! you should come over next weekend and see her again!
     → sweetums Oh I totally will
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Liked by Dr.Spencer.Reid and 49 others
y/n  she's pretty much better at walking than spence... (feat. spence taking another picture of her)
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→ derekmorgan I knew you taught her well, already outshining pretty boy there
     → y/n she takes after her mom ;)
→ Dr.Spencer.Reid I know this is a personal attack, but I love you, so I'll let it slide...
     → y/n i love you too!! 🥰 enough to make fun of you a little bit
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Liked by prentiss and 36 others
y/n  first birthday of our first baby @Dr.Spencer.Reid
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→ prentiss That's so exciting!! Congrats you too, I can't wait to see you at the party!
     → y/n we can't wait to see you guys either!! she's so excited to see you guys
     → jareau.j I know the boys and I are excited too, such a huge milestone
→ AaronHotchner. Can’t believe I got to watch Reid grow into such an amazing father and husband. So happy for the three of you
     → y/n thank you so much Aaron, i couldn’t agree more!
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Liked by y/n and 17 others
Dr.Spencer.Reid  First trip without the little one.. it's weird (but lovely cause I have my wife) (3/12/2023)
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→ y/n it’s insane how much i miss her, i can’t wait to see her again
     → Dr. Spencer.Reid Me too, she’s such a sweetheart
→ jareau.j She’s doing well right now!! Definitely missing you guys, more FaceTime calls for sure 😄
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Liked by jareau.j and 41 others
y/n  so happy to be with my baby again 
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→ Dr.Spencer.Reid I love the two of you so much
     → y/n i love you too babe
→ prentiss Sergei wants to see the three of you again, he absolutely loved her
     → y/n i honestly can’t believe how well they got together, best of friends at the age of 1
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Liked by sweetums and 49 others
y/n  her first word was very surprisingly 'book', seems we've created a future reader
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→ sweetums Next you have to work on Penelope, maybe even Pen
     → y/n i don’t know why i never taught her that before she said her first word, i’m so sorry
     → sweetums I accept your apology, it’s okay, just make sure it’s on the list
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imfinereallyy · 9 months
It took Robin three years to get her license. Which all things considered, the twice apocalyptic experiences, and, ya know, being poor, wasn’t too bad in her opinion.
20 was as good as any age to get behind the wheel of a vehicle.
Okay, if she was honest with herself, really honest, maybe her calculations were off. It wasn’t three years exactly. She could have gotten her license at 16; hell, she could have gotten her permit at 15. So it quite honestly had taken four, five years max to get her license.
But the first two years didn’t count to Robin.
She didn’t even give a thought to driving until she was 17, and Steve was driving her every day without question. She hadn’t thought about it until Steve threw his keys at her, telling her to drive, that Robin realized he was driving her every day because he wanted to, not because she was a license-less loser.
It cracked Robin open when she finally had time to think about it. After all the blood, and gore, and almost losing Steve several times, it hit her that this dingus really wanted her by his side.
So, Steve was really to blame if she ever got into a car accident. Sure, he didn’t push her to get behind the metal contraption, but Robin wanted to pay him back somehow, for all the rides and love over the years.
That was how now, Robin was seething in regret as she drove the rest of the way home, in the dark, from their road trip.
See, when Robin had pictured them doing things like this, it had just been the two of them. Steve in the passenger seat, arguing over music and the best car snacks. Windows down, yelling about who fucking cares, and just laughing their way through different states.
Robin hadn’t taken into account there might be other people involved in her bestie road trip fantasies. No, instead, it wasn’t the terrible two, platonic soulmate extravaganza she pictured. Instead it now involved them, Steve’s ex-turned-best friend, whom Robin had a horrible crush on, Nancy Wheeler, and a sweet metalhead who Robin saw as a brother, and Steve had a huge soul-consuming crush on Eddie Munson.
Robin begrudgingly would admit the additional two had made the trip better, so she didn’t have too many complaints. Actually, in reality, Robin only had one big hang-up about the whole thing.
Steve was in the back seat.
Which would have been fine if Robin had been there too, but she wasn’t. It was her stupid turn to drive in the home stretch of their way home. Instead, Robin had Nancy beside her. Which should have brought her joy but instead made her nervous and clammy and not at all suited to be behind the wheel of the death contraption they called a car. Plus, Nancy was asleep.
Her snores were pretty cute though.
Robin seethed silently; it was Eddie’s fault. He positively insisted on sitting with Steve in the back. Something which Robin would normally tease the both of them for, the oblivious idiots that they were, but Robin was a possessive little creature. It was a trait of hers she tried to bury deep down. She knew people didn’t like that; they didn’t like when people clung. Didn’t like that she felt like baring her teeth, even sometimes wanted to actually bite at people who tried to pry her people away from her.
It was funny, really; the only person who understood that part of her was Steve himself, which made her possessive side come out even more. Like seeks like, and crazy seeks crazy.
God, if she was every lucky enough to get a girlfriend, she was screwed.
Robin had resisted looking in the review mirror for twenty minutes. Probably not safe, but driving angrily wasn’t either, and if she saw the two of them giggling like school girls, she was gonna flip the car.
But Robin was never good at resisting temptation. She was most definitely the child who would touch the plate after someone told her it was too hot. So Robin took a glance, shoulders tense and mouth dry, and saw—
Well, shit. Robin melted. There in the back seat with their heads leaned against each other were Steve and Eddie, sound asleep.
The edges of Robin softened; she remembered Steve pinching his nose earlier, eyes squinting on his turn to drive. She had been in the passenger seat then. She had wanted to ask but instead said nothing, knowing he would wave her off. So she claimed her turn to drive, and then Eddie had been insistent that Steve come in the back with him and—
Robin was getting it now. Although Eddie had a big fat gay crush on Steve. That wasn’t why he wanted to be with Steve in the back. He had noticed, too. The edges of sleep deprivation creeping slowly into an oncoming migraine for Steve. Eddie had seen Steve pushing himself, and somehow also knew that if Steve stayed in the front, he would feel obligated to stay awake.
Robin hadn’t realized that, Eddie didn’t just want Steve; he paid attention to him. Eddie noticed Steve the way Robin noticed him.
Robin spared another glance at the two of them, wrapped around each other like vines snaking up an old oak tree. The last of her anger seemed to fade away. Even after all this time, none of them got a lot of sleep. Steve, most of all, seemed to run on fumes. Robin knew he couldn’t sleep soundly alone, but also couldn’t fall asleep around just anyone. For a long time, Robin had been his only cure for his insomnia. Steve never dared to fall asleep in front of strangers, afraid he’d scare them with his screams.
But here Steve was, in the arms of the man that he loves, not a single worry line on his face as he slept the rest of the trip away.
Robin knew, with certainty, Steve felt safe.
And because of that, Robin thought wistfully to herself, if Eddie Munson ever wants a turn at being a passenger, she wouldn’t mind taking the wheel for him, too.
a short lil thing to get me back in my writing grove. Is inspired by a friend of mine who is in her 20s and doesn’t drive. It’s totally okay and everyone moves at their own pace! And also I’m definitely a person who likes to drive others around as a sign of love (I am Steve coded I am beginning to realize)
Sorry if this isn’t any good, or seems rushed. Writers block is a bitch.
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holylulusworld · 2 months
Indecent Proposal (17)
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Summary: Your boyfriend wants to be part of their empire. You are the pawn he’s willing to sacrifice.
Pairing: Mobster!Stucky x fem!Reader
Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Jake Jensen
Warnings: established Stucky, caring mobsters, pregnant reader, fluff, implied needy reader and Bucky, candy theft, polyamory
Indecent Proposal (16)
Indecent Proposal masterlist
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Two months after Bucky and Steve found out about Rumlow’s plan to get information about them using the nurse, said man disappeared.  
No one cared about Brock Rumlow's disappearance. One day, he left town and never got seen again.
People may think Steve and Bucky took care of the annoying thorn in their flesh, but the truth is that they didn’t touch one hair on his head.
“Still nothing?” Bucky watches Natasha stuff the money he brought to her into her bag. Another good investment for the mobster, money for her retirement to Natasha. “Be honest, Nat. Did you take care of him?”
“I told Rumlow that his little stunt with the nurse went too far. He had the order to stay away from your…” she wrinkles her forehead still not understanding your relationship with the mobsters. “Fiancé.”
“We didn’t kill him,” Steve pushes off the wall to look at the pictures on Natasha’s desk. “Even though, we planned on taking him down. Rumlow had it coming.”
Natasha frowns deeply. “If none of us took him down… What happened to him? This doesn’t make sense at all.”
“What if he fucked with the wrong people over?” Bucky scratches his scruffy chin, wondering if the man obsessed with him and Steve annoyed the wrong person. “We can’t be the only people he messed with.”
“I don’t know,” Natasha sighs and rubs her tired eyes. “He’s a good cop.” She rolls her eyes when Steve makes a retching noise. “Believe it or not, he’s not a complete psycho. Rumlow is good at his job. I don’t know what you did to make him lose his mind.”
“We did shit to your little buddy,” Steve grunts. “If someone made him disappear, I owe him one. This way, I didn’t have to get my hands dirty.”
“This must be very funny to you, Rogers,” Natasha wrinkles her nose. “He was a good man and a good cop. It’s too bad he got lost in your web.”
“We didn’t lure him in,” Bucky snaps at Natasha. He glares at her, making sure she knows they did come here to chat. “One day your friend decided he must bring me and Steve down. Does he even know that we maintain peace? No one dares to harm citizens since we took over the throne.”
“I get it,” she huffs. “You are the kings of your kingdom of shit.”
“Careful—” Steve snarls at the redhead. “Our fathers build this kingdom with blood and terror,” the blonde steps closer to Natasha, sizing her up. “Bucky and I changed the old ways. We took their empire and changed it for the better.”
“What do we do about Rumlow now? If he’s dead, people will start asking questions. It’s no secret that he was obsessed with us.”
“I will try to keep you out of this,” Natasha steps away from Steve. She doesn’t want to rile him up even more. 
“You’ll keep us up to date,” Steve points his index finger at the redhead. “We need to know every detail of his disappearance…”
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“Doll, what are you doing,” Steve laughs. You threatened to cut Bucky’s cock off because he dared to steal a chocolate bar from your secret stash. 
“He stole from me!” You pout. “Bucky stole my favorite chocolate bar. It was the last one with hazelnut.” Faking a sob, you look at Steve. “You should scold him.”
“I was hungry after you wanted a taste of Bucky,” the brunette grins. “And you got a whole drawer filled with the sweets. Candies, chocolate bars, all the good stuff. Steve, she’s got a sweet tooth.”
“Not only a sweet tooth,” Steve smirks. “She’s a naughty little minx too.”
“Hey! I’m not little,” you kneel on the bed to glare at Steve. Not months ago, you trembled in fear in front of Steve, and now you talk back and tease the mobster. “You better watch your tongue, or I won’t show you the latest ultrasound picture!”
Bucky watches you and his husband bicker. He smirks and chuckles. The brunette leans back and enjoys the show. “Steve, she’s getting cocky. What will you do about it?”
Steve cocks a brow. His features darken and he smirks at you. “I will spank her cute ass if she gets even cockier.”
You laugh at Steve’s words. He wouldn’t dare put his hands on you. Both men are deadly and strong, but with you, they are soft and gentle. Even if you are a brat and a needy slut sometimes.
“The doctor will be here in half an hour,” Bucky stretches his legs and yawns. It was a long day. Jensen and Bucky tried to find out more about Rumlow’s disappearance over the last hours. “Let’s not fight over stolen candy.”
“I did not forget you stole from my stash, punk!” You poke your index finger into Bucky’s thigh. “You are on thin ice, Sir.”
“Sir, huh?” Bucky licks his lips. “Steve, how long until the doctor arrives.” He looks at his husband.
“Buck. No,” Steve shakes his head. “Last time the doctor almost caught us red-handed.”
“Hmmm…good times,” you nod and sigh dreamily. “Very good times.”
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“Your fiancé is healthy,” the doctor murmurs while scribbling down a few notes, “everything looks good. There is nothing to be worried about.” He looks up from his notes. “We should talk about the results of the ultrasound we took today now.”
He clears his throat and looks at you. The elderly man gives you a soft smile. “Can I tell them?”
The doctor chuckles now. “Of course, my dear.”
“Alright,” you clap your hands before grinning at Steve. “I will blow your mind.”
“Please tell me she’s not pregnant with a Tasmanian devil,” Steve mirrors your smirk. “I bet she is. It would explain her bratty behavior.”
“Stevie, let Y/N talk. I wanna know what she wants to talk about,” Bucky grabs your hand. Anytime you have an ultrasound examination he turns into a softie. “Go ahead doll. We are listening.”
You take a deep breath. Suddenly you’re a little nervous. “I-doctor can you tell them?” You chicken out and drop your gaze.
“Fuck! Is something wrong with the baby?” Steve presses one hand to his heart. “Please tell us.”
“Doll…” Bucky holds your hand a little tighter. The usual tough man looks helplessly at his husband. “Stevie?”
“The baby and your fiancé are healthy,” the doctor hastily says. “We got no bad news for you. It’s rather, good news for you and your fiancé, gentlemen.”
“Good news,” Bucky nods at Steve. “Did you hear…good news. Phew.” He sighs deeply. “Thank fuck.”
“What is the good news?” Steve rumbles. He stares at your swollen belly, awaiting an answer. “Doctor?”
You take a deep breath and look at both men. You don’t know if the news is good to them or not. “We—we are having twins!”
Part 17.2
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Leaving out how shitty of person Sakura is and how she literally never grows up. She was nasty at 8, nasty at 16, and continued to be nasty in her 30s when she became a parent...
People who genuinely don't like Sakura aren't sitting there disparaging her body, hair, or forehead. They're calling into question how her one goal in life was to become the wife of a boy she continued to disrespect for years. How she didn't take her job seriously and put her team in danger because of it, despite no one forcing her to become a ninja. How she continues to treat her own friends and even her daughter terribly.
You mean where she consistently invaded someone's personal space, refused to take NO for an answer, and then made his trauma about her contrived feelings?
Or how she invalidates everyone else's feelings in favor of her own and manipulates even her child's father, so he won't learn the truth of her behavior at home?
You mean the obsession with her looks and not training until Sasuke and Naruto almost die in front of her?
Or how even after that she didn't start taking things seriously until Sasuke left?
Or what about when all her character growth vanished because she got the chance to see Sasuke again and just stopped being helpful in the canon story and went back to being selfish and rude?
Dreams & Goals?
You mean the desire to be Sasuke's wife regardless of how many times he's pushed her away, told her she was annoying, and avoided her?
Or how her obsession with him was so intense she had to try and guilt trip him in the middle of a war for the sake of the world, into confessing non-existent love to her all because SHE claimed to love him?
Or how she was so attached to being an Uchiha wife that she wears his mon like a badge of honor on all of her clothes when he can't even force himself to wear it or even return to the village to see her and his kid.
You mean where she got the guy in the end, but still decided to be a sob story who did everything alone and then complained about getting no help?
You mean where she was hoping with everything in her being, that her new teammate would insult her supposed best friend too so she would be just as hurt?
Or is it how her obsession with a guy was so intense that she drugged her entire team and left them unconscious in enemy territory just so she could go off to see him to 'kill him' but still needed her drugged teammate to come and save her from being killed by him instead?
Or what about when she broke off her first ever friendship over her obsession simply because of hearsay?
Or what about when she taped her picture over the picture of her husband's friend, and then got angry because her daughter found out and dared to ask questions about it, so she threw a super punch at the space by her kid's feet and took the whole house down in the process?
Or what about that time where she was heavenly pregnant and decided to charge into a very dangerous situation, all for the sake of pride and not being left in her teammate's shadows as usual, and then literally put herself and her unborn child at risk?
Abilities & Strengths?
You mean how her stans try to act like she's surpassed her master by 17, and is better than every other woman in the series when she keeps getting curb-stomped and still needs to be saved by everyone else?
Like, no one is arguing that she hasn't improved as a ninja, cuz it's pretty damn obvious she did, but when y'all sit there being like, 'she's a goddess and Hinata sucks!' are you really being truthful? The enhanced punches aren't helping her all that much so all she's got is healing and even then, she's still not the best at it by adulthood. And she hasn't exactly made a name for herself as she never got out of her teammate's shadows... because she wasn't serious when it mattered.
Y'all brag about how 'Sakura won' when comparing her marriage to Ino's as if Ino isn't in a happy relationship. As if Ino doesn't have a good family unit and that Sai isn't a good father. Sasuke won't come back to the village and only talks to Naruto. Sasuke has never kissed Sakura but HAS kissed Naruto and a Dinosaur of all things. Sasuke didn't even know what his daughter looked like when he met her. When Sakura got stabbed while standing beside him, he didn't care, but when it happened to Naruto he asked after Naruto's well-being. Sakura got the guy she always salivated over, but she didn't actually win anything.
Your consistent need to degrade Hinata and Ino as characters to 'prove' that Sakura is somehow better than them, is also sus. Objectively, they have more character growth and better motivations, and while they might not be super strong and can't punch a house to smithereens in a tantrum, they're far better characters and have better relationships with the people in their lives.
But yeah. People not liking SH for all of these things that make up her character, means they are misogynists.
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boyfhee · 2 years
⌕ TAKE TWO ━━ n. riki
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PRECIS. while riki constantly assured you that him being an idol under a different label wouldn't be an issue in your relationship, you start getting second thoughts when fans start shipping him with his co-mc at music bank. COMPLETED
GENRE. fluff, humour, major angst
WARNINGS. mentions of cheating, lots and lots of insecurities, arguments, kys / kms jokes i'm sorry, do not expect a lot of humour tbh + tba in respective chapters
BEFORE YOU READ. ok so the reader is initially a trainee and will debut later as the plot proceeds ( in first 2-3 chapters ) this takes place after the iconic jangkku mc era, riki and reader are in an established relationship. slow / irregular updates
NOTE. i see my jake smau straying further away from me and the readers but i can't help bc it's plot doesn't feel right to me :( like i have a rough chapter plan but it sounds so lacking, i'm afraid i'll encounter some major plot hole after posting and will have to put it on hold / discontinue it, which i don't want to happen :")) have fun with this smau till then, i'm trying my best to come up with a solution for my jake smau ^◡^ happy reading !
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PROFILES . . . !
one | two
CHAPTERS . . . !
all the pictures used are only references and are not supposed to depict reader's appearance in any way ! the chapter titles and number of chapters are subjected to change accordingly !
01 : bitchless, 22 and counting
02 : our secret romance
03 : delulu engenes
04 : third person
05 : the art of ignorance
06 : deleted instagram account
07 : breaking up on the tl
08 : fuck shit up
09 : the line between friends and more
10 : miyaki tag
11 : do what you can
12 : riki redemption arc
13 : unauthorized investigation
14 : last chance
15 : silly little feelings
16 : we're in this together
17 : good at this
18 : media left and right
19 : all you want
20 : who's the real cheater
21 : how are you so sure
21.5 : extra ! the miya scandal
22 : no regrets
23 : leaving for good
24 : an odd solace
25 : take two — epilogue !
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SERIES TAGLIST. ( open, please note that permanant taglist won't be added in every chapter ) @mosinterlude @tnyhees @bigtoewinwin @chaeryoungsredhair @lockburn-castle @potaeto-writes-on-wp @highlightsonmyheart @gothhyucks @softiegukk @lcv3lies @cosmicwintr @prettysung @luvdokja @w0nnielov3 @indelicate-macalino @enhasengene @faelyncore @yooonz4u @binsoomi @wondering-out-loud @jihyoscrown @captivq @meiiiwa @myjaeyunn @jeongintwt @seventeeneration @nomurahayami @ilovewonyo @duolingofanaccount @notdrunkbutdazed @luredher @artstaeh @moremilkforkags @lalalalawon @mylobae @stevesdick @arizejkt19 @lix-freckle3 @arusio @iamminnie @yongboksfreckles @sd211 @strwberrydinosaur @sunshine-skz @anik-4 @m1kotsu @kokoiinuts @stopeatread @adajoemaya @nyfwyeonjun
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hoejosatoru · 1 year
Got Game?
Ranking of Tokyo Revengers men based on how much game they have. Basically does your fave has rizz or nah.
20. Kisaki
Kisaki is dead fucking last I’m sorry. I really can’t picture him being flirty at all. He kinda has bitchless vibes, which is maybe why he is so trifling. 
19. Hakkai
Bro is just too shy. He really struggles to talk to girls, especially the ones he is attracted to. The only reason he is not dead last is because I think it could unintentionally work in his favor in some cases. Like some people may find it cute, but he is not really doing it purposefully, so it doesn’t really count as having game.
18. Takemitchy 
He is just a tad awkward. I think he would try to approach girls to impress his friends but then when he’s actually there in front of you he doesn’t know what to say. I think he could work his way into someone’s heart over time, but does not have a lot fo success trying to pick up someone he just met
17. Shinichiro
Pains me to put him so low but he has canonically been rejected like 20 times sooo. He definitely gets better over time. I think his problem would be he’s not good with his openers (I could see him doing corny pick up lines half ironically), so some people don’t even give him a chance. But if they do, he can be pretty endearing and end up getting numbers. But does strike out quite a bit. 
16. Kazutora
Kinda shy and similar to Hakkai in that talking to people he finds attractive would make him super nervous. However, Tora is a sneaky, smart dude. I think he would be aware that his (let’s be honest femboy lmao) look can really work in his favor. If he finds someone who is into that, he does pretty well, but if not he doesn't alway get them
15. Taiju
He’s low just because he comes off super intimidating. People will avoid him or get nervous around him in a bar or wherever, so he isn’t always able to strike up convo. I feel like he is not self aware enough to know if he toned it down a little he’d have better luck. Definitely gets a decent amount of pussy, though, because the size kink girlies love him.
14. Sanzu
He also loses points for being intimidating. Not for his size, but he just has an unnerving aura about him at time. He is fearless, though, and will walk up to anyone he thinks is hot and is not deterred until he finds someone who is into him. His confidence definitely is what helps him get laid.
13. Koko
He flirts by being mean, which sometimes works really well and sometimes it does not at all. He’s like 50/50 on success rate.
12. Takeomi
Another guy who is like 50/50 on success. I think he likes to play into the older guy thing, which, when he finds the right person, works super well for him. However he is definitely been called a creep on occasion lol. 
11. Izana
Definitely another one who can intimidate people off the bat. He is a lot smoother with his words and can easily talk your walls down if you were nervous about him at first.
10. Mikey
He’s such a flirt oml. He will flirt with people just for fun and the attention. Does pretty well though like if he intends to hook up with someone he almost always can. Only turned down on occasion and it’s usually because they see him flirting with everyone
9. Chifuyu
Chifu is really good at charming people. Also very fun with he is flirting, but is better at directing it than Mikey. He’s the guy you don’t expect much from when he approaches you but by the end of the conversation you’re asking him for his number.
8. Kakucho
He is the shyest guy this far up because I do think he’s nervous around people he’s attracted to. However, he’s so sweet and genuine that it works in his favor almost all the time (plus being fine as hell doesn’t hurt). He’s good at making a joke at how nervous he is, which breaks the tension for both of you.
7. Baji
He also flirts by being a little mean but he is better at it than Koko. He knows how to work up to it and make it like fun banter. He’s very bold and can come on too strong for some, but for the most part he is getting laid as much as he wants.
6. Rindou
He’s really laidback with flirting. I feel like he is the type to buy someone a drink from across the bar and like get you to approach him. Not because he’s shy but because he likes the power trip. Sometimes it doesn’t work but when it does, he almost always goes home with that person that night.
5. Mitsuya
He’s so fucking smooth but in a subtle, natural way. He’s super genuine and is the best at making whoever he’s flirting with feel comfortable. He is a great conversationalist, so there are never any awkward silences. He’s the type of flirt that you don’t even realize he’s flirting with you. Not because he’s bad at it but because he’s so good.
4. Hanma
Hanma has cornered the market on crazy bitches. He knows his brand and the type of people who go for that and can sniff ‘em out anywhere. Because of that he has a super good success rate. He can come on a little strong at times and sometimes has crazy vibes (because look at him), but again he goes for people how are into that so it usually doesn’t hinder him.
3. Draken
Draken is such a good flirt oml. Similar to Mitsuya in that he doesn’t come on strong and it feels like that’s just his natural personality. He is not shy at ALL like if he thinks someone is hot he’ll find a way to approach them. But also makes it seem super nonchalant??? He definitely likes to use teasing a little bit. Not a softie at all (at least not right off the bat). He can come off a little gruff, which on occasion works against him. HOWEVER, most times if he’s chatting up someone he’s into he knows how to work it in his favor.
2. Wakasa
Just look at him. That should tell you why he is number 2. But fr he is super confident and sooo good at the approach. He also likes to play a little hard to get, but knows how to execute it perfectly. Has never struck out once. It’s a gift.
Again, just fucking look at him bro. Could charm the skin off a snake. It’s so easy for him. He’s interesting because I think he could easily come off as sleazy or laying it on too thick but somehow never does?? He’s so good at getting even the most sus people to put their guard down. Will have you blushing and giggling and handing over your number before you even know its happening.
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05/16/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings: David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Leslie Jones; Con O'Neill; Trends; National Forest Service; Watch Party Reminders; Fan Spotlights; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== David Jenkins ==
As you probably heard, Chaos Dad was really out and about today. He did some polite menacing (regarding Zaslav) Src: Djenkins Twitter
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And checked in and sent some love for this artwork of him on Ed's Arm. MerJenks! Great work Lucia! (@ citrussyndicate)
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Source: David Jenkin's Twitter
= Rhys Darby =
Rhys and Rosie several days back at the Bag Pipers Ball <3
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Source: Heidi Miller's Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika out and about with some colleagues at Chateau Marmont!
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Source: NevakRogers Instagram
Taika and Rita attending Netflix is a Joke Fest
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Source: RitaOraHun Instagram
== Leslie Jones ==
Leslie Fucking Jones out on The View!
Source: Leslie Jones Instagram
= Con O'Neill =
Quick sighting of Con!
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Source: Nick Hayes Instagram
== National Forest Service ==
Many of you probably remember this post from the National Park Service a while back regarding moonglow, well, our friends at the NPS are back at it again with the Rosie Maple Moth! Which one of you is the sneaky NPS social person, hm? Thank you @ adotzimm!
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Source: @ adotzimm's Instagram
== Trends ==
Thank you @ NeverLeftPod for catching these trends!
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Source: Never Left Podcast on Twitter
== Watch Party Reminders ==
Series Finale of Wrecked today over on the RDF Server.
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Wrecked S3 WP May 13-May 17 - 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30pm BST! If you need access feel free to dm me here at @gentlebeardsbarngrill or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
= OFMD Season 1 Watch Party =
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Next week May 20-26, RDF will be starting up a rewatch of OFMD season 1 with two episodes a day. Time: 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30pm BST! If you need access feel free to dm me here at @gentlebeardsbarngrill or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Today's cast card is Geoff Dolan, otherwise known as the priest to whom Ed said "I'm the fucking devil". Thanks @melvisik!
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Source: @Melvisik's Twitter
= OFMD Colouring Pages =
Thank you @patchworkpiratebear for these new pages! I am going to be sketching.... quite a few things in there.
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== MerMay ==
== SpencerDoesArt ==
Our crewmate @ spencerdoesartt on Instagram was kind enough to let me share some of their MerMay Posts-- they've got some pretty cool stuff over there for MerMay, feel free to check the out!
= Snejpowa =
This one really struck me today @snejpowa, it's really gorgeous.
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Source: SnejPowa's Tumblr
== Love Notes ==
I really wish I had words today Crew. I feel a lot of the tension going on as I'm sure you do too. Things are tough right now, but even within close knit groups we run into struggles sometimes, it gives us a chance to grow.
I hope we all can take the time to regroup and do what we need to for ourselves to feel safe again, and maybe one day everyone will feel more comfortable again, or maybe not. Whatever happens, do what you need to do crew, take care of yourself. If you need to chat let me know. Somewhat related today is @ thelatestkate's new picture with the cute baby otter. Hope you have a good start to the weekend Crew. Sending love.
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Source: TheLatestKat's Tumblr
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Gifs Courtesy of @agaywithcoffee and @aplaceofgreatersafety
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k4zushi · 5 months
status : unedited, written 01/17/24 ☆ word count : 1.3k
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the days leading up to the next play practice had been pretty normal which had you on edge.
life had ways of making you miserable and you were at your limit from the events that had taken place 2 weeks following today.
there were many things that made you nervous about attending play practice but the main one was a certain grey haired male who recently become the one most frequently occupying your thoughts.
even if it was just a cat reaction picture, you managed to muster up the courage to reply to cyno’s sudden confession.
however, you still felt awkward and it didn’t help that the simplest of things would make you think of him.
posters about the play while walking to your next lecture of the day? your mind drifted off to visualize him in the costume you had sketched the other day.
hearing someone mention the compsci department? you would wonder what he would look like wearing blue light glasses.
making eye contact with someone with a familiar red gaze while walking to the costume room?
wait a familiar red gaze? oh fuck no please no—
“—y/n? hi?? hello???” cyno said, slowly waving a hand in front of your face.
how you managed to disassociate for so long, you had no clue but that was an issue for later.
“y/n…?” he asked again.
cyno was now looking at you with a worried expression on his face.
he looks pretty even when he’s worried.. god definitely has favorites….
you quickly snap back into reality and focus on the man in front of you.
“i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to ignore you or anything. i’m just really out of it today i swear,” you frantically explained while nervously fiddling with a measuring tape.
when did i pick up a measuring tape…??
cyno nodded understandingly at your reasoning and started to speak again.
“so… my measurements..?”
“oh you’re right, i’m sor—” you started to apologize again.
“you don’t have to keep apologizing.” cyno interrupted.
you immediately shut up. cyno in person is so much more intimidating than the cyno who called you cute last weekend…
his face immediately contorted into a slight grimace.
“sorry… i didn’t mean for that to come out so harsh. tone is hard”
that made you giggle in amusement. there was the same feeling you had felt when he messaged you.
“slash gen?” you said while biting back a smile from overtaking your face.
cyno’s eyes seemed to lighten up at your small joke.
he was such a dork, you almost swooned right then and there.
he let out a small chuckle and nodded. “yea..”
the nervous knot in your stomach unraveled and you finally felt at a feeling of ease overtake your senses. that was the first time that had happened in a couple weeks.
“hey cyno, are you okay with standing still for me for a couple minutes? i swear i won’t take too much time” you asked, holding up your measuring tape.
“it’s fine, take as much time as you need,” he said stepping towards you.
you tilted your head in confusion at his words and he’s quick to explain.
“i’m not really needed until the scene 5. they’re going over scene 2 right now and it’s going to take a while since it’s technically the first official practice,” he rambled.
his behavior suddenly become more and more visibly nervous. the way he was tightly wringing his fingers looked painful.
you smile at the sight; not because you enjoyed seeing him like this, but because it reassured you that you weren’t the only one who felt nervous interacting with the other.
“you don’t have to explain yourself, just focus on standing still,” you said while extending the measuring tape and wrapping it around his bicep.
you see cyno tense and stiffen in place and while it was extremely amusing to see him act so out of character, you still had a job to do.
“cyno you can relax, i don’t bite you know?”
“i apologize i don’t—“
“why are you apologizing?? i said you can relax..” you sigh, retracting from him and folding your arms.
this only seems to make him even more nervous.
he can’t even look at you properly and this makes you think about what could make him feel less awkward.
it didn’t take long until you thought of something. sure, maybe you could possibly make a complete fool out of yourself but you didn’t have any energy left to face the wrath of ms lisa.
“knock knock”
cyno looks at you confused.
“i said knock knock,” you repeated.
“who’s there…?” he finally responds back.
“boo who?”
“don’t cry, it’s a joke”
cyno freezes at this and looked away again.
you start to contemplate if it was really worth your last sliver of dignity trying to get him to become more comfortable with you until you saw the hand that was covering his mouth, the way his body trembled, the soft giggles that escaped, and the slight flush of red creeping up his neck.
“cyno??” you shifted to get a good look at his face.
he turned his head and you made eye contact.
that was when he burst out into full blown laughter.
it was your turn to freeze now; you didn’t know how to react or what the appropriate reaction would even be.
was this really the guy who had you nearly shitting yourself from getting cornered against a wall just a week ago??
his laughter was pretty, something you couldn’t find yourself ever get tired of listening to. unfortunately, but also not so unfortunately, it was just as contagious as it was pretty.
you found yourself laughing along with him and now the two of you were leaning on each other trying desperately to regain your composure.
except the two of you kept failing because you’d make eye contact and immediately get thrown back into another fit of mutual laughter.
this cycle continued another 4 or 5 times, give or take and by the end of it, you were gasping for air.
cyno was the first to recover and had taken it upon himself to hold onto one of your arms so you wouldn’t collapse.
“it was,” cyno shook his head in disagreement, now rubbing circles on your back in an attempt to help you.
“are you sure?? it was so corny,” you said, now feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over you.
before he could answer, you had pulled away from his grip on your arm and began to search the floor for the measuring tape you had managed to drop.
cyno frowned a bit but shook it off.
spotting the measuring tape, you grabbed it and approached him.
“i hope that was enough to help you relax,” you went to wrap the tape around his wrist. “i’d be kinda disappointed if it wasn’t”
cyno mumbled a small apology to which you let out a small hum in response.
you tapped one of his arms, gesturing at him to lift them so you could get his torso measurements and he complied.
you took the tape and wrapped it around his waist, tightening it till it was snug against the fabric of his oversized shirt.
cyno shifted a bit and you almost instinctively went to grab his wrist to warn him from moving; something you had picked up since your friends had a habit of running off in public.
with one holding the measuring tape in place and your other one wrapped around his wrist, you heard cyno’s breath hitch.
you pulled away from him and decided to busy yourself with “writing down his measurements” in your notebook that was already filling up with nervous scribbles.
cyno let out a nervous cough and then turned to look away.
perhaps the lack of air ventilation in the costume room was getting to both of you.
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AUTHOR’S NOTE : y/n’s secret spam is inspired by those indian men spam accs ppl use on insta to avoid getting caught stalking ppl😭 i saw a whole comment section full of them and immediately started laughing bc i had no idea how common it was???? on another note, my recent emojis are DESTROYED… it’s tragic and i never want to see the eggplant ever again
☆ backstory on y/n’s priv and why it’s like that — they originally were using it to troll ppl from their school and then ended up using it as a priv bc no one suspected it would be them behind the acc cause it looks like a bot LMAOO
— TAGLIST : @ioveaether @otomegame-oneshots @ashyiiy @mafuyuslover @yuminako @waengyknow @sharkdays @tikitsune @jihoonotes @gallantys @keiiqq @ashhh-14 @keqingily @wisheslost @sandwicz @epiclese @yoyo-yui @fyodorisbbg @kamikokii @swivy123 @ell1e2010 @morgyyyyyyy @tokkishouse @kyon-cherri @xiaossocksniffer @vio-venus @17visage @kookiibun @calypsodustt @yuu1ji7n @ashfrommars4 @kaibloom79 @jadelynnrr @mochiboo123 @lambcandle
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I made a tier list...
please make your own!! I need to see boomer nations opinions on our man!!!! I know the tiers are actually so vile so change them if you desire :)))
OK so my quick blurb on why they are their!! (working worst to best)
28. Identity Crisis #5 - HE WOULD KILL ME FOR THE FUN OF IT. It did bring about the most random rivalry between Tim drake’s fandom and boomer's which is very funny
27. Black Lantern - Oh no… he's back… like a boomerang. Ate his own son... RIP…. L skill issue
26. Sliver Age - Would actually call me a slur and say that I don't deserve rights. He would hate crime me and then solicit me for sex. He looks like he's wearing a dress… what a pretty lady.
25. Flash TV Show - EWWWWWWWW, he though he ate...
24. DC Online - He looks like he would punch me in face at a NYC bus stop
23. White Lantern - Don't look at me like that… stop. He's back from the dead like a boomerang?? Something about most of the New 52 boomerangs don't hit the same. the bride all in white :’)
22. Young Justice - Gave me the ick. You might be thinking... he looks identical to SS hell to pay, why is he down here?? Great question… HE WAS SO CREEPY TO ONE OF THE GIRLS IN YOUNG JUSTICE….. WHO IS A MINOR!
21. Injustice Movie - Just because your in the background… doesn't save you from this list!!!
20. New 52 - Ok he's kinda hot if you look through your peripherals…Why are you wearing skinny jeans… you millennial
19. Harley Quinn TV Show - He's fine… just fine. “We’ll stack out bingo… Boomer loves an older woman” NO HE MUST LOVE ME! I AM VERY VERY MATURE FOR MY AGE
18. Flash: Sins of the Father - Can you please stop talking in the 3rd person… you are starting to sound crazy.
17. Most Wanted - I know jack shit about him. That's probably because he is barely in a comic issues THATS NAMED AFTER HIM!
16. Flash Point Paradox - His fight scene actually ate. I'm a sucker for Boomer being with the Rogues. If cyborg can take his belt off… so can I
15. Suicide Squad 2021 - Wow they somehow gave him even less lines than his first movie. 1. He doesnt look like boomer. 2. His accent is so bad… and hes AUSTRALIAN 3. His acting low key kinda mid 4. They killed off two of the only OG suicide squad members they had on the cast 5. He dies in the first 20min and in the most disrespectful way
14. Suicide Squad 2016 - The only good thing to come from this man is the fanfiction he brought. THIS FUCKING MOVIE MADE HIM A CANON BRONY WHICH I CAN NOT FORGIVE. GET THIS OUT OF MY SMUT BEFORE FREAK THE FUCK OUT >:( Fuck him and pinky too, you son of a bitch!!!! (its not that serious lol... i just want him to stop fucking a toy horse... please guys)
13. This Goober Alien Guy - I know nothing. He just kinda showed up… and I'm not mad just a little confused. He looks like he needs a hot chocolate and a hug :)))) 
12. Lego Batman Movie - Low key an icon. What I would do to get my hands on one of these sets… I would come close to killing someone for it
11. DC Lego Super Villains - If he wasn't Lego I would propose (Shane Dawson style) Once again what I would do for the very discontinued Lego set tie in…
10. Batman: Brave and The Bold - Those cheekbones could cut someone. Why are you wear a mini skirt… take it off ;)
9. Suicide Squad (comic) - Yes I know he was drinking and driving but he's not real so it doesn't count!!! The beginning of the Boomer Mobile! THE GAP TOOTH DUDE!
8. Justice League Unlimited S1 - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Ok the hairline is… bad…. But so is mine twin!! I LOVE THAT THEY GAVE HIM PROPER CLOTHES AND NOT RAGS DUDE
7. Agent of Oz - is this picture is my school profile pic...yes… and??HE'S COVERED IN BLOOD AND IM GIGGLING!!!!!!!!!!!
6. Stjepan Sejic's Boomer - Choke hold and choke me...  I want to hear his voice but he can't break his mewing streak…The ungodly things I would let him do to me
5. Dark: Apocalypse War - Constantine! Boomer! GIRLS! GIRLS!! ILL SLEEP WITH BOTH OF YOU!!! I was not expecting him in this movie so I started to freak out when he showed up DUDE. PLEASE LET ME SIT ON IT
4. Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay - I'm a ride he wouldn't survive… I DONT HAVE WORDS TO DECRIBE HOW I FEEL DUDE… I WOULD DO ANYTHING HE ASKED FOR NO JOKE. Dead on the floor
3. Justice League Unlimited S2 - The glow up in REAL... had me on my hands and knees as a 3rd grader… and still on my knees today. I have never wanted someone to fuck me in the back alleyway of a shit bar so bad in my life
2. Batman: Assault on Arkham - The one that started it all… he is the reason I am this way. no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom BUT GREG ELLIS IS PUBLIC ENIME NUMDER ONE. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!!!!
1. Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League - I AM GNAWING ON THE IRON BARS OF MY ENCLOSURE!!!!!! He has it all, the face, the VOICE, the look, the character!!!!! It is hands down the most consistently good representation of captain boomerang out their… and its canon that's he has a big dick :D I would sell my first born to get one night…
Thank you all for reading this word vom, I am sick in the head <3
if any of the comic issues are off or something please let me know :)
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make your our and tag me!! i need to see them <3<3<3
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