#only the very best for you gacha
sekaitransparents · 29 days
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Only the Very Best for You! Gacha : the feelings that have piled up ~ minori hanasato (submitted by @/kanasakiis)
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koinotame · 4 months
For the event! Could I send the Lab Experiment a box of treats? Like, one of those with cookies and candies and all sorts of stuff. I wanna let them know that all the coddling and gentle treatment towards them is something I do because I enjoy it. <3
when i saw this request i was like ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧ i'm gonna write something super sweet for them. ehem. this did not happen, but i did try to keep the spirit of the request in mind so i hope you enjoy anyway <3 cw for semi-graphically described crying and a... not quite panic attack
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your face twists when they start crying.
the box of treats in your hands remains outstretched, their shaking too wild for them to be able to accept the gift without dropping and spilling its contents all over the floor.
they’re know they’re an ugly crier. snot drips down their nose, their eyes are wet and sting, their face is sticky and hot, and their chest hurts and wracks with each sob. the uncertain grimace on your face makes them wail even louder.
a couple maids passing by look at the two of you in alarm and scurry away quickly.
uncomfortably aware of this, they crouch down and try to cover their face. "I’m never going to—" a sharp inhale while they nearly choke on saliva, "I’m sorry."
they feel you crouch down beside them, not too close in an attempt to avoid agitating them even further, but close enough they can sense your presence even without being able to see you.
"hey, it’s okay." your soft tone doesn’t match your earlier facial expression, but they refuse to look up to check. another sob wrecks through their body. "what’s wrong? do you not like sweets? there’s some cookies in here too, if you prefer those."
they shake their head furiously, still refusing to even glance at you. when they speak, their voice comes out so small and shaky even they can’t tell what they meant to say.
some shuffling follows. tentatively, you reach out your hand. their whole body flinches when you make contact with your pinky, but they don’t resist when you cup your hand over theirs and inch a bit closer.
a small pause passes before you hesitantly open your mouth again, your fingers tightening their grip on their own hand but not moving otherwise. "don’t apologise, okay?"
the shaking gets worse.
terrible. they feel terrible.
you’ve given them a gift—something they could never deserve, especially not one so heartfelt from you—and this is how they thank you. they’re already disgusting and sickening enough, for you to be forced to see them like this because you tried to be kind… you deserve better. you must think they’re so repulsive. you must think this is a waste of time.
this must be making you hate them even more than you already do.
maybe this is where you decide you’ve had enough. maybe you’ll finally stop pretending to care about them now. of course you would. it must be nauseating looking at them like this.
when you speak up, your voice still sounds much too soft. they don’t know how much time has passed, for how long you’ve been just watching them be this revolting. "you don’t have to accept the treats if you don’t like them. I want to give you something you like."
you’re so kind. that’s all they can think about. they don’t deserve it at all.
there’s another small pause, like you’re mulling something over.
the tin rings when it’s set on the floor gently. it’s only then they notice your hand has disappeared from on top of theirs. a flash of panic hits their chest, as if they haven’t been ready for you to turn around and leave at any moment the entire time now.
"can you look up at me?"
you still sound way, way too kind. it’s not like they could ever say no to you. it takes them a moment, and they end up scrunching their eyes closed, but they manage to lift their head up.
"thank you."
a whine leaves their throat, but they refuse to open their eyes. even when you’re thanking them even when they’re misbehaving like this, they can’t stomach the disappointed look that has to be plastered all over your face.
immediately, a soft, warm cloth makes contact with their face.
it takes another couple of seconds for them to realise you’re wiping away their tears and snot. they make some sort of pitiful noise. you continue, undeterred, until their whole face is more or less dry. everything feels hot, especially when your other hand comes up to cup their face.
"there. isn’t that better?"
your voice is much too close. they can feel your breath hitting their face. the quivering gets worse. they didn’t realise you’d come that close to them.
but it does feel better, and they realise then they’ve mostly stopped crying.
your thumb gently brushes over their cheek and they whine pathetically again.
"I’m sorry."
the cover of the treat box they’d forgotten is removed rather noisily, then set aside on the stone floor. something soft makes a sound as it’s dropped into the tin. the hand cupping their cheek doesn’t leave, and they can’t help leaning into it a bit more.
in response, you give an approving hum and press further into them.
"shh, it’s okay. do you want some chocolate?"
they sniffle.
"there’s some hard candy, too. or some cookies, if you’d prefer those. or if you really don’t like any of these, I can get you something el—"
"I don’t deserve any of this." they cut in before they can think twice about it.
regret immediately seeps into their bones. now they’ve done it. you somehow weren’t angry before, but you must be now. you’re really going to abandon them this time. you—
but you don’t seem fazed.
"okay." they flinch. "but I want to feed you, so you’re going to have to choose something."
that makes open their eyes abruptly. it’s bright in the hallway and the light makes the biting at their ears and forehead worse, and it takes them a few seconds for their eyes to be able to find and focus on you.
you’re smiling.
patiently and sweetly, you’re smiling at them.
before they can ask, the hand cupping their cheek moves up and stats petting their hair. "it’s 'cause you’re my favourite. that means I like you, and I like taking care of you, and I think you’re worth all the effort in the world. and I don’t like it when you talk like that about someone I care so much about."
despite everything, they can’t find it in themselves to disagree.
"so," you smile wider, pushing their head a bit closer and holding a chocolate treat up to their lips with your free hand, "which do you want? this is your last chance to back out if you really don’t like chocolate."
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animeweeb115 · 28 days
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“Yet... I was happy.”
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qqchurch · 1 year
ngl tho, much as the FGO gacha is hell, at least the only thing you're missing out on from dupes is the NP levels, which is like raw damage boosts or painfully not worth it numbers boosts on non-damaging NPs, so at least if you get the first copy you're pretty much 'done'
same thing with Arknight's dupes only giving tiny boosts that don't matter that much unless you're chasing for that clutch super micro-second clears that can't be done without those boosts
Epic Seven's imprint thing is a bit more controversial since it gives substantial boosts either to building the character in question (more passive crit% so you need less crit to cap) or letting you get that edge you need to win in pvp (party speed boost to win the speed rng contest in pvp), but it's a game catered to pvp minmaxing so it's 'less' of an issue if your goal isn't to chase leaderboards
but there's something specially evil with how certain newer and more popular gachas are basically chopping up a character's kit and distributing them in a way that you can only have the 'whole' character if you've spent like $2000, maybe even $3000 if they have a 'signature item' that lets them actually work as intended
the fact that it actually does rake in billions of dollars because of that tactic is just.... wow.
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chuluoyi · 8 months
Could you do a brother’s best friend!Megumi x reader?
like her brother being overprotective, but being oblivious of his best friend’s crush on her sister?
(not the) best kept secret
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- fushiguro megumi x reader
cool, brooding and handsome. your crush on your brother's best friend is a secret you only keep to yourself. little do you know, he too feels the same. and so, your love story—and the trials and tribulations that come with it—begins.
genre/warnings: college au, reader being yuji's little sister and him and your family being protective, fluff, mutual pining, tiny weeny angst if you squint? with happy ending ofc!
notes: awww anon, this ask is so cute and so hidden love-coded! did you watch hidden love too? because this piece draws inspiration from that ehe. and uh it turned out longer than i expected and i haven't proofread it but pls enjoy!
series masterlist | oneshot masterlist
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You have had a crush on your brother’s best friend, Megumi, for a while now.
Actually, scratch that. For a long time now, since you were in middle school, in fact.
In your eyes, he was really cool. He was reserved and not very talkative, which was a stark contrast to your brother Yuji, who could talk a mile a minute every day. It always baffled you why the two could be bosom friends.
And he treated you well. Megumi may have bonked Yuji’s head at any given chance, but with you, he was different. He was gentler, kinder, and overall just considerate. Sometimes he would even pick you up in your brother’s place, and your heart would beat out of your chest from sheer giddiness.
Little did you know, he too didn’t quite see you as a mere sister of his friend.
It started with head pats. You heart would flutter and he would be more conscious of his actions. Yuji had furrowed an righteous eyebrow at the sight.
“Oi, Fushiguro, that’s some favoritism there!” he whined. “I helped you with homework and what did I get—”
“Shut up, Itadori.”
And then the text messages. You didn’t know how or why you ended up texting him on daily basis. He was the one who texted you first a few months ago, having obtained your number from a mutual friend in your circle to ask about the best gift for Yuji’s birthday. And somehow up until now, you found yourselves telling him how your day went, and he the same.
you: i've just finished my class today. so tired megumi: oh? mine is still in session. quite boring you: i see. well, ganbatte!
Those little interactions made your day, and for now, you were quite satisfied with them. But when your phone buzzed once again, signaling a new text, you couldn't resist the urge to swiftly open the messaging app to expect the expected.
megumi: wanna grab lunch later?
It was so incredibly childish, but you felt like winning.
Lunch invitations were often. You spent the whole duration of lunch with him almost every day at this point. The two of you talked about many mundane things, and he would have this small smile whenever you griped about your hard tests or annoying classmates.
Head pats. Texts. Lunches.
And then there was Nobara.
Now, don't get me wrong. You adored her—she was a fun person, pretty and you even looked up to her as your role model at some point. If Yuji somehow ended up with her, you were sure to give them 200% of your blessings.
But seeing her with Megumi was another story. Sometimes you envied your brother's close knit group of three. They had been friends since middle school, and it was granted that Nobara would spend a whole load of time with both your brother and Megumi. With Yuji, she was harsher and didn't take him seriously, but you couldn't deny what your peers had been whispering and what you yourself found very plausible—she and Megumi would make a fine match.
It wasn't your intention at all, but ever since you saw him and Nobara at the toy shop together, pulling for popular merchandises in gacha box, you started losing confidence in yourself and inadvertently put this distance between you and him.
At first it was subtle, Megumi didn't even realize it. But when your replies were few and far in between, he decided it was time to address the problem.
"You don't answer my texts," he stated one day, barely catching you at campus during the lunchtime. Now that he thought about it, you kept denying his lunch invitations too. "Are you avoiding me?"
"I, um," you stuttered. You didn't anticipate running into him, to be honest, and so you were at loss of words. "It isn't like that..."
Megumi figured that he had done something to make you feel like you should avoid him, but he didn't want the two of you to be in this awkward situation any longer, so he led you away from the crowd to your usual place of hanging out after lunch—the rooftop.
"Have I done something?" he asked warily. "It's okay, you can tell me."
"No, Megumi, I—"
"I don't want us to be like—this," Megumi said, his face contorting with a deep frown. "I don't like it at all."
Typically, he regarded friendships as a pain, but not with you. Not with the girl he had been pining over for who knows how long now.
Yuji's sister. He had to remind himself of that fact so many times and yet his heart didn't seem to get it. You were his best friend's dearest sister, and yet he fell for you regardless. If Yuji knew, he would definitely had some opinions on this.
And so for the last few months, he kept it hidden under his sleeves. He approached you, befriended you, took you out on lunch dates—acting on his growing feelings for you and yet he didn't have the courage to confess still.
But enough was enough. If not confessing meant losing you altogether, then he was willing to take the risk. At the very least, if you did reject him, he would have gone down with a fight.
"Y/N, I don't know if you're already aware of this or not, but..." he gulped. Apparently this wasn't as easy as he thought, especially when you met his gaze with your cutely confused ones.
"I have feelings for you. I... like you, quite much."
His voice was clear, without any hint of doubt. You were taken aback and widened your eyes out of surprise.
"You do...?" you shyly asked him back, finding it hard to believe. Fushiguro Megumi, the boy you've been crushing on since you were 15, when you were only able to hide behind Yuji and saw him from afar. The boy who once was indifferent to you, was now confessing his feelings for you? He liked you back in the same way you liked him?
"I do," he replied with clarity, and then a smile. That small smile that always made your insides do somersaults. "I want to ask you out for a while now, but since well... you know... out of consideration for your brother, I felt like I couldn't simply whisk you away."
To his surprise, you laughed, and Megumi found himself breathless. The way you laugh was so mesmerizing in his eyes, reminding him why he could fall in love with you in the first place.
"I like you too, Megumi."
And that was all he needed. Apparently that confirmation was enough to forget that you were the sister of his long-time friend, and that it was fine even if you were. After all, since when was it a crime to romance your best friend's sister?
Still, you two decided to keep it under the wraps first. Springing this on Yuji would startle him, you reasoned, and he agreed. It was more convenient this way anyways.
Your relationship with Megumi was a happy one. He was curt, but never failed to look out for you. He remembered things you liked, and would take you out on places you wanted to go. Arguments were there—granted, sometimes he was just too stubborn, so you may have a clash of opinions—but in the end, the two of you always managed to work it out.
But there was always something melancholic in Megumi that you weren't sure you could touch at all. Perhaps it was due to his upbringing—his incomplete family. You tried to fill that gap, giving him many fun and happy memories, hoping it would replace his sad ones. He was grateful for that.
Nonetheless, the reality persisted that your brother, Yuji, remained completely oblivious to all of this. Yuji still thought that you were his innocent younger sister, and Megumi was his best bro. Sometimes you felt bad to do all this behind his back, and yet you made no move to rectify it.
“Hey, let’s ask Fushiguro to join too!” Yuji would say, and you would agree. And then, in front of him, you and Megumi would refrain from being too friendly, and he would be none the wiser.
All things have karma. You have built your karma too, for deceiving your kind and sweet brother.
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"Fushiguro! How could you?!"
When Yuji's fist collided with his jaw, honestly Megumi had given up on fighting back, because one, there was no chance of winning against him, and two, your scream pierced the air, filled with worry for him.
You two just had to be found out in the worst way possible—while making out. It was wrong in so many levels in the first place. Why and how did you even initiate making out in your house that you shared with your brother?
"It could've been anyone," Yuji fumed with anger, his teeth clenching. "Anyone at all! And yet it has to be Y/N—my own sister! Fushiguro, have you ever considered the magnitude of betrayal this is to me?"
"Yuji! Please stop!" you tried to intervene. "He's not at wrong—it was me who—"
"No, you don't get any say in this!" for the first time, you saw your kind brother got angry and it made you quiver in fear. Yuji had never been angry, not to you. "You too, Y/N. How could do this behind my back? The least you could do is telling me!"
"I'm an adult!" you stressed, now irritated at this display of protectiveness from him. "I can date whoever I want and you can't just punch the man who happens to be my boyfriend!"
Honestly, if asked, Yuji wasn’t like 100% against your relationship with Megumi. He and Megumi practically grew up together, he knew the best and worst parts of him, and overall he still considered him decent.
But what made it hurt was that the two of you decided to leave him out. It made him doubt everything he knew about his best friend. How could he trust his sister to someone he found hard to trust?
He turned to Megumi, who was still slumped on the floors of his garage. “No. If he really likes you that much, then he will willingly accept this.”
Megumi understood, if his own sister was dating… let’s say, someone like Gojo, whom he trusted but not at the same time, he too would definitely beat the crap out of him.
And so he willingly endured all the blows. Yuji had to let off steam, and this pain was worth everything if it meant he would give his blessing for you.
Yuji was taken aback that his friend actually let him do this. When Megumi got thrown one last time and almost passed out, Yuji finally decided that it was the end.
His best friend and his sister… it was almost laughable if he didn’t feel like the biggest fool between the two of you.
He saw how you immediately sauntered towards him with tears in your eyes, muttering several apologies. Yuji wanted to snort, but then Megumi took a hold of your hand that was on his bruised cheek, and smiled, saying that it was okay.
And despite himself, his heart felt warm. Seeing the usual gruff and cold Megumi be this… soft with you seemed to open his eyes to something more.
Looking back, he could’ve had realized it when Megumi started to get touchy with you. He completely missed that the head pats were actually his subtle way of expressing his fondness for you.
Yuji decided to leave you be. At least he had made his point across, and he hated to say it outright, but perhaps, it was okay after all for you to be with him.
Okay didn’t mean you two had obtained his full blessing, though. But another event soon changed his perspective.
“Itadori,” Megumi’s ragged breaths was what he registered first through the sudden phone call. “Please come here—Y/N—she was—”
It was Yuji’s first time to witness pure panic from Megumi. He proceeded to tell him how you had been in pain and then collapsed, and that he had brought you to the hospital.
When Yuji arrived at the hospital, he once again saw how restless his friend was over your wellbeing. He could no longer deny it—the sight moved him.
“Hey, you awake?” Megumi’s face was the first you saw when you awoke at the hospital bed. He looked so concerned, a frown creased deep in his face. “Are you not in pain anymore?”
No, not quite much anymore, you wanted to say, but your throat felt so dry and you only managed to shake your head lightly.
“That’s good,” he let out a relieved sigh, and that was when you notice your brother at the corner of the room, looking at you two with a somewhat exasperated expression, but then he smiled.
Who knew a severe case of appendicitis would lead to Yuji giving his complete approval for you to date his best friend, huh?
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But life is nothing if not full of obstacles. The next obstacle you faced after Yuji’s finding out was your parents.
“Look Y/N, we know. Megumi is a good guy,” you mother started. “We've known him for a long time, of course, personality-wise, we have nothing against him.”
You bit your lower lip in frustration. Beside you at the dinner table, Yuji kept his silence, but listened attentively too.
“It’s just… the matters of his family,” your father added, carefully choosing his words.
“His father is never in the picture, is he? And there are also rather unsettling news about him too.” Your mother was always the one being more straightforward.
Both you and Yuji knew it already. As of now, Megumi only had his stepsister, and last you heard, his father was gambling somewhere and then became a convict. Megumi said he had cut ties with him, but there was no such thing as an ex-father. Until forevermore, Fushiguro Toji, a criminal, was his biological father.
“Mom, I know your concern,” Yuji had finally decided to step up, and you were grateful for that. “Fushiguro won’t end up—”
“Yes, we know,” your mother emphasized, letting out a sigh. “But we are your parents, Yuji, Y/N. If there’s even the slightest chance, we worry. We want the best for you. Always.”
You were at a loss.
You were young, and yet you already saw him in your distant future. Being with Megumi felt so right and comfortable. He was your safe space as you were his.
But you also understood where your parents’ concerns came from, or at least tried to. At least until you found out how your father approached Megumi to talk him into thinking your relationship over.
"How could you, Dad?" you asked, aghast. "You're... practically intimidating him into breaking up with me!"
"Y/N, listen—I never meant it like that," your father tried to explain himself, and yet you were already too heartbroken to hear him, and so you shut the door to your room, not giving him any chance.
Why did your relationship suddenly become everyone's business? Why couldn't they just let you be an adult?
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Megumi could still hear your father's words rang in his ears.
"Y/N... we raised her with love and care," your father said with a forlorn expression. By all means, Megumi knew that he meant well. "She's always spoiled, my only daughter... Megumi-kun, you must understand, it's not easy for us too."
He knew that his rather colorful past would get in the way one way or another, and he had come to accept it. But it still stung, because of course, he wanted full blessings from the family of the girl he fell in love with.
You were like a ray of sunshine in his dreary life. Like Yuji, your presence had made an impact on him. Your cute smiles, pouts and vulnerability around him... he loved them all.
He would get upset when you looked sad, just as you were now.
"It's really okay... Y/N." He swiftly wiped your tears with his thumb, as you sniffled. "I didn't take it to heart. Your father is just worried about you... I can understand that."
"But still—h-he shouldn't do that," you replied amidst your small sobs. Above all, you didn't want your father to have spooked him. "Megumi... I don't want to break up with you."
And honestly he didn't expect that. You were afraid of him... leaving you?
He, who did everything he could, just to have you to be by his side?
"Sir, I know where you are coming from. As of now, I don't have much. But I can say this with confidence—I... love your daughter very much, and I will do everything in my power to make sure that she is happy."
"Stupid," he huffed, putting a hand on your head, before messing up your hair. And gosh, you were so cute, glaring at him through your lashes.
"I won't. I've told your father that too actually."
"Just give me two years," Megumi added with unwavering voice, staring at your father earnestly. "After graduation, I'm getting my life in order. I'll secure a stable job and do my best. I'm... going to prove it to you, and you can be the judge if I can finally deserve Y/N or not."
He was 16 when he knew you, seeing you as nothing but a little girl too timid to approach him. And he was 19 when he realized that you were everything he wanted in a girl of his dreams.
At one point in his life, Megumi thought it was okay to be alone. But ever since getting to know you, he realized that loving and being loved by you were the greatest happiness of existence.
"Thank you," he muttered afterwards, as you were still starstruck that he apparently had the balls to declare something like that before your father.
"Thank you for giving me so much love. Because of you, I realized that I too deserve to be loved."
You could feel tears glassing your eyes once again. “You are. I’m glad that you finally think so.”
And that was it—your love story. Something that had started when you were 15, and ended ten years later when you were 25, with swearing your love for each other in front of the sacred altar before your closest family and friends, and Megumi by your side.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
sagau with the language barrier issue except... the creator is sick and tired of trying to ask for things so they do everything themself.
and it gives their followers mass anxiety bc they can't even ask what you're doing... bc they know they won't understand anything...
Like, that's literally how I feel like I first played Genshin LMAO
Also this has a cont. Part 2 at the bottom bc tumblr fucking hates me UPDATE I FIXED IT THANK FUCK
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Also warning this is ROUGH in terms of spelling and editing and im so sorry abt that! I have my art show today so you're welcome to come back if you want to see it a little more readable tomorrow lmao
Edit Update 4/6/23:
Revised and fixed all the bad spelling and grammar (hopefully) so make sure to give another read if you havent read the cleaned up version lol
I dont have a beta reader so its just me trying my best ok-
Everything was like kinda chaos tbh at first
WOW- MY FIRST 1,000+ NOTES POST??!?! U GUYS, WHAT ARE R YOU DOIN??!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! IM GLAD U GUYS ENJOYED IT SM!! Also look out for more encoded stuff in the future since i mentioned wanting to continue stuff like this + ARG stuff :) <3
Edit 9/7/23: 2,000+ NOTES?? THANK YOU???
Like u wake up under the Irminsul, and u think ur hallucinating a goddamn gacha game for like a solid 5 minutes, or ur lucid dreaming, 
but once u actually took what felt like hours to process that u might actually be in fucking Genshin Impact-
Nahida came running from, somewhere?? Its kinda just very floaty dreamy in here so, unclear, she’s beaming with a giddy little smile (💘)
It’s… so much more than what her game model could manage.
I mean, you knew that, of course you did, but- to see the tiny goddess smiling in person, her cute chubby arms waving in the air, her cheeks all plump with baby fat from her excited smile, pretty green eyes that sparkle only in the way excited toddlers do-
It was just…wow. 🥺
You can’t help it, her sheer carefree excitement, exactly like a child but you know that she must be really overwhelmed with joy if shes letting herself act like that so blatantly, you feel ur muscles tug gently into a smile, you try to muffle it but ur happiness leaks out anyway
She's panting as she stumbles on short chubby legs to reach you.
After just staring at you with those big green clover eyes for a few seconds, she physically shakes her head to knock herself out of it,
Nahida places her hand over her heart, and bows elegantly, going back to looking at you with a small but bright smile, her voice is kind of quiet, muffled in a soft way, much like her game depiction,
“Hzozn! R'ev yvvm dzrgrmt gl nvvg blf! R wrwm'g gsrmp blf dlfow wvhxvmw fmgro R dzh zg ovzhg z uvd gslfhzmw bvzih low!” *
…Nahida begins to look a little concerned… her eyes get impossibly bigger.
…Oh no.
Nahida had apparently quickly spread the news that you can’t understand them, but luckily it seems like all the characters still know you!
Alhaitham is pretty much a constant by your side, you knew he was vaguely studying linguistics in the akademiya… but that knowledge still didn’t prepare you to be intensely stared at with his diamond pupils for hours. 💀
Then he’d tap your shoulder or something, and you quickly picked up that he wanted you to just try and say something.
Then he would scribble for hours.
Turns out they can understand you about as much as you understand Teyvat language (s? You can’t even tell if there are multiple languages, that’s how unrecognizable this language is, damn)
The more extroverted or friendly people, like Venti, Yoimiya, Kazuha, Jean, Noelle, Amber, Xingqiu, Hu Tao, Zhongli, Ganyu, Barbara, Beidou, Collei, Ayaka, Gorou, Nilou
At least attempt to talk to you, and try very hard to watch what you gesture with your hands or body language
They're pretty much ready to play charades at all times for you lol
Interestingly enough, they only ever understood you when you typed in the chat (with other ppl)
But even then not immediately, 
Sumeru scholars basically had to make a whole new department (regardless of how much you play with others) to decipher your ancient language (to them) like those old clay tablets with cuneiform we’re still translating?
Like that, your words appear in elemental magic heavy places (so like that abyss lang. It’ll appear on walls or structures, so like Andrius’ stone colosseum? in Wolvendom gained some of your chat replies inscribed and glowing a rainbow of colors on the top edges of the walls)
Much like the abyss language you see throughout genshin, most Teyvat scholars (across nations/internationally) agreed your language is the oldest form of language known!
It’s like modern languages having roots in older ones, like English with Latin, greek, or German roots, or Sanskrit and the Prakrit for Hindi language today
…so of course no one really speaks the root languages anymore, because they’re so old, so those ancestors who spoke those languages would have little to no understanding of their modern counterparts…
Occasionally if you turned your mic on for whatever reason there would be a gentle whisper on the winds in Mondstadt of your voice,
or your laugh in the waves washing ashore in Inazuma and Fontaine,
your startled noises or screams from battling bosses mixed with the landslides in the mountains of Liyue
So they know what you sound like, but that doesn’t mean they understood your language :/
Nahida had been hoping that you’re actual physical form being here would help improve the language barrier
But unfortunately, those things remained the same, but at least you were physically here to talk to now and give more content for the scholars to study rather than them having to make do with your snippets of language from chats
…so needless to say, it took you a long time to realize they viewed you as a god of sorts.
You kind of knew something was up when at least two allogenes were by your sides at all times, or eremites would replace them if they really couldn’t stick around
You figured they knew you weren’t nearly as combatant-ready as they were at all times, hell you obviously didn’t have a vision hanging off you somewhere, and you only really had a knife strapped to a belt, courtesy of the Thirty Corps
You are still kind of convinced that the people of Teyvat, or Sumeru at least, are just pretty polite (and in the allogenes case, very kind or friendly, even people like Alhaitham or Cyno, resting bitch faces they have, seem to soften a little when they’re walking around with you… maybe you’re just imagining it…)
And as much as you would love to wait until they understand you to do something more fun, as you can see the frustration on Tighnari’s face (and his ears try to flatten back hehe) as he looked like he was debating heatedly with some of the Sumeru sages who insist you stay in the city
…so why not go?
It’s not like they’re going to get it anytime soon, and it’s still too frustrating for yourself to charade things or draw things for them because you can’t even hear their guesses 💀
You can totally handle being like the traveler too, 
You still have access to your inventory afterall! Plus, lucky for you, you still find a pass for the Serenitea Pot in your little pocket dimension!
So now you have somewhere to sleep at night, and while most of your stuff went to the traveler’s pack, the things like Primogems
(which.. Okay now you really want primogems bc theyre so pretty and shiny irl)✨️
And other high-level things, or just objects of no use for the traveler (so basically all your hoarded level up stuff and infinite amount of weapons lol) came along with you
So you did have to wander the first week or so around the city and even commission the Adventurer’s Guild to grab you food supplies to cook with
Filling up, along with a few big waterskins, you’re off!
...and everyone collectively has a heart attack!
When you show up in Ghandaraville essentially all “✨️💖☺️✨️” on Tighnari’s doorstep-
He chokes on the tea he’d been sipping on before he opened the door lol
He looks a little frazzled so you try to just gesture with “calm yourself small animal” energy with your hands
“Tivzgvhg Oliw! R'n- R- sld wrw blf-?! Mvevinrmw, xlnv rm, xlnv rm, ivhg! ...R mvvw gl hvmw z nroorlm ovggvih mld gl ylgs gsv vmgriv xrgb lu Hfnvif, gsv Zxgrmt Tizmw Hztv, zmw gsv Nzgiz nlhg orpvob…” he began out looking at you and talking and gesturing to his small dining table (the game sucks, his house looks great and has lots of cool rooms filled with interesting plants… oooo…so pretty...) 
But then he kinda just devolved into rambling, no need to understand, you can read the vibes and just know that's what he's doing lol
Collei eventually ducks in, and she looks a little panicked?
She’s quickly followed by Cyno, pushing past her to call out into the house,
His voice seems hard and stressed, looking at Tighnari, “Grtsmzir, szev blf hvvm gsv Tivzgvhg Oliw zmbdsviv, gsvb dviv hvvm xlnrmt gl Tszmwziezeroov ozhg-” 
Cyno stops and blinks.
Collei’s mouth is slightly dropped open, she also just, blinks.
You blink. 
Tighnari blinks tiredly, he looks like he’d rather be done for the day, you think.
The doctor sighs, and moves his head to nod towards the other dining seats.
Sumeru foods are so much better looking in real life, and they’re so good too, your practically bloated by the end of dinner, 
As a thank you, bc u cant say it obv, you just gesture for Tighnari to stay sitting, and he gives you a raised eyebrow and a suspicious ear twitch
But stays still, and you reach out to finally hit the eight-pointed star hovering over his, and all playable characters chests at all times.
Like you suspected, it brings up a holographic character menu, but rather than his full model, it kind of hovers in front of Tighnari’s face, replacing his old 3D model self with framing the real thing for a portrait just in front of his face
The poor Denro user nearly jumps a foot out of his chair as he looks in shock at your screen, you do the same “chillll boy” gesture with your hands and press his shoulders for a second to remind him to not run off or panic
Cyno and Collei had done the dishes and put up leftovers, and are now standing behind Tighnari, watching with equally wide eyes,
“...Dszg ziv gsvb wlrmt gl blf?
Cyno’s voice is even deeper and quieter than usual, you feel goosebumps run up your spine
“Ziv blf tvggrmt yovhhvw, Nzhgvi Grtsmzir?!” Collei’s sweet voice is also hushed like she’s witnessing something sacred, Tighnari gently shakes his head negatively in response, his shoulders shrugging,
“Nzbyv? R uvvo... z orggov hgilmtvi, zmw nb Erhrlm rh zxgrmt fk zh dvoo…”
Though he’s replying, Tighnari’s eyes haven’t once left your ancient magic? technology device? hovering in front of him,
and as he crosses his arms and squints to try and look closer at everything floating in front of him, you can see the childlike gleam of awe in his green eyes, (so cute) in fact, now that you glance up and look, both Collei and Cyno have the same quietly excited and fascinated sparkle in their eyes too
With a displeased sneer, you chuck his old level one bow into the material grinding spots, hope he wasn’t attached to that…
Oh well, he’ll like the new one better, afterall, with no characters, all your best weapons and artifacts are ready to use!
With a small smile of reassurance, you finally finish gearing Tighnari up, tap a miniature version of that 8-point star in the corner like an “X” button, and it retreats like a classic TV set📺 turning off into his chest, he startles but then carefully stands
You decide to just start making decisions bc its worked out so far ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And grab his hand and haul him out into the forest, Collei letting out a surprised squeak, her and Cyno hurrying after
You reach the nearest clearing, and gesture at Tighnari like a bow and arrow firing, he gets it, and your glad he already trusts you, because he doesn’t take long to summon his bow
He takes aim at a smaller tree about two cars length away
You can feel them all holding their breathe, as Tighnari charges it with Dendro, the arrowhead glowing, (it looks so cool and badass irl god you feel envious even tho ur already here-)
The ranger lets it fly, it streaks neon green, whistling through the air, it hits the tree-
and it fucking explodes.
Vines and leaves and the trees roots all rapidly swell like theyre filled with water, like it literally got hit by a superhero with plant powers, which, not that far off actually.
The green floating Dendro seeds make a ring around the tree its so full of elemental energy-
You give a wild grin, you still got it, hell yeah. >:)
Your grin widens as you look over at Tighnari, Collei, and Cyno
Cyno has a smirk lighting up his face, eyes eager, Collei’s jaw has dropped and she’s just frozen staring as the tree finally settles from the burst of the dendro powered arrow
…Tighnari has lowered his bow, and his mouth is only slightly open, his ears perked straight up into the air, shaking with excitement? Happiness? Interest? You don’t know how peopl-animal-hybrid ears work,
and you STILL cant talk to any of them to ask what they thought, so looks will have to do >:/
Tighnari is the first to move, his head snapping over to look at you, the brightest, kinda feral tbh, smile taking over his face-
“Blf pmld, dv xzm'g fmwvihgzmw blf, zmw blf fh, bvg R xzm'g dzrg gl hvv dszg rm gsv dliow blf'iv tlrmt gl wl mvcg. Blf'iv znzarmt."
… and you just 🙂? Cool!
And give a thumbs up👍LMAO
Alhaitham was literally running around Sumeru City trying to find you when you left, tho you did try and leave a translatable-in-3-to-5-business days-note, he didn’t have time to translate that because you were gone.
Or worse, lost in the city, and he would never forgive himself if he lost you, esp as Acting Grand Sage-
Kaveh got a letter a day and a half later from Tighnari letting them know you were having a sleepover in Ghandarvaville lol
Kaveh also had to hunt down Alhaitham to give him said news, then force his roommate to go sit or lay down for the rest of the day to recover lmao
(Haitham honestly kinda freaked Kaveh out bc he’s never seen him that... desperate, it was like seeing a statue emote lol)
Bro has anyone else had this problem???
I literally had to switch from PC to mobile and copy and paste it there to get all my shit in and tumblr not throw a hissy fit???!!!
And started doing ciphers for when you dont get teyvat’s language! I meant to do something fun like this for awhile but I wasn’t sure if that would be kind of annoying, but if you’re interested in learning what they actually say (which the whole point of this is that dw it doesnt rlly matter lol) here’s a hint:
*hint = Atbash
:> good luck!
Wish me luck on my art exhibition today!! Then I’ll be homefreeeee 😭
Safe Travels,
♡ the beloveds ♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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harfanfare · 1 year
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I like to think that romance with Idia widely differs depending on the time you’ve been in a romantic relationship.
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1. “Just started dating” stage.
If you're reading Idia fanfiction, there is an 80% chance this is the stage your relationship is on.
Idia is… treating you like a very precious stranger. He's on his toes and seeks your approval in whatever he's doing. He is going to great lengths to understand the theory of dating and your hobbies - so you can maybe share even more interests - but won’t really act on anything.
He’s constantly surprised by every romantic move you make and you have numerous occasions to adore his cherry blush and various puckles of hair igniting with pink and red. He stutters a lot and can’t focus on anything in your presence.
Idia will outright reject any suggestions for bolder moves. He’s unprepared, and although guilt is eating him from the inside, he is not up to anything you two weren’t doing as friends. Well, maybe handholding, kissing, and cuddling get a (hard) pass, but you are the only one initiating these things.
He will try his best to reciprocate effort, though.
2. “Have been dating for a while” stage.
It’s an interphase between two very different stages, so he’s a funny mix: a very shy outsider and a cocky genius at the same time.
Gaming sessions will be the centre of your couple's time. Idia regularly invites you to his dorm, sometimes even on spontaneous sessions when a new event comes up or he has found a new game that looks very cool. You share snacks, drinks, and clothes (read: you have unwritten permission to claim his blouses).
This boy would be dead without you and Ortho, and with that knowledge, you make it your mission to (somehow) tidy up his room, buy some cosmetics, healthier food, etc. If you are up to organizing a “self-care evening”, he will be hesitant at first but will be looking forward to it after a while, with some older anime. (I like to think it would be a magical girl series like Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew or Chobits, or some shoujo).
In exchange, he might construct some little gadgets (maybe anime-themed?) for you, helps you get the merch you want, and supports you in your games.
At this point, he doesn’t weigh his words much. He’s still easy to fluster, but he comes with comebacks right away. The most flirty he gets on the phone when it’s late at night and you are using a chat to talk, especially when you are not in the same room. 3. Long-term relationship stage.
He knows you are doomed to him and shamelessly takes advantage of that.
He has no claims against calling you in the middle of the night to watch him sharing his screen when he pulls for a character he wants to get in the gacha system. He believes your presence brings him luck, so he must have you when he does crucial things!
Idia disses your taste in fictional men. Sometimes, he reads the dialogues out loud from the otome games you play. He may alter them, which can make you either huff or laugh. If you read or write fanfiction, he might read them too, giving you an out loud commentary on some fragments and asking you if you are that desperate for dates so you are sending fanfiction to inspire him. If you say yes, he will hum and return to whatever he was doing before, but he might plan something out that you will preferably be able to do in his room.
Chatroom with him and Ortho is quite calm, almost polite, but your private chatroom with Idia is the most chaotic one you’ve ever been. You learned to not leave your phone openly if you don’t want to explain some inside joke with a layered backstory. An app you use to chat with Idia is the one your screen time is counted on most, and writing with Idia is your guilty pleasure.
If you are interested in IT, he might program you an app or something to help you with it! He will give you the best feedback ever, and although it may be harsh, the last thing he wants is to discourage you from learning further.
On one anniversary of your dating, he will gift you this kind of couple bracelet which lights up if the other person touches it. He created them himself. When he receives signals throughout the day, he thinks of them as a promise from you, that no distance can sever your bond.
If you bring up some serious talk, you will be bullied with memes. It’s Idia’s coping mechanism. He will plan his future with you, don’t worry, but wait for him to muster up the courage to get on one knee and ask the question.
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noxinara · 2 months
Obey Me! Brothers and what kind of games I think they'd play
this is a very biased list (and long post) based off of games that I've played before :) (jk its really not biased, just games I think they would play!) I made this because I couldn't sleep last night and had brain worms-- Will probably make one for the dateables sometime soon, but this list is just the brothers!
Traditional Board Games.
There have been MANY times where he's been playing various board games with you, Diavolo, and Simeon.
Gets VERY competitive over games like Sorry!, Monopoly, Trouble.... Candy Land???
Will only let Diavolo win.
Shows no mercy to anyone else, including you. Sorry, love.
Card Games.
Particularly amazing at Poker. He would not let Mammon know this... until you guys have an in-house Poker night and he literally takes all??? Has the best poker face you've ever seen.
Won't even let you guys beat him at Uno or Go Fish. Boooooooo.
Puzzle Games.
I could see Luci being very good at Tetris for some reason?
One time Levi challenged him to the game to try and get out of going to RAD one day...
Let's just say he had to go to RAD that day and also had to stay over on cleaning duty. Courtesy of getting absolutely DESTROYED.
Controversial Pick: Rhythm Games.
I could 100000% see Luci tearing up some OSU! But only when all of the brothers are asleep and he's completed most of his work.
They help him unwind.
...Was that rhythmic tapping you heard when walking by his office late one night..? Interesting.
You saw him wearing Levi's VR headset playing Beat Saber one day.
No, you will NOT bring it up and you will NOT let him know of that video you took.
Oh. You posted it on Fab Snap?
Good luck. You're gonna need it.
Gambling Games/Apps.
Where I live you can just gamble from home because it's legal to have and play gambling apps?
He would have SO many on his D.D.D. They're taking up so much of his storage space.
Plays them a lot when you're around because he thinks that you're his good luck charm.
He also goes on a lot of Horse Racing and Sports Betting sites...
It got so bad that Lucifer had to figure out how to IP block him from these. it doesn't stop him--
Gacha Games.
Has absolutely insane luck for some reason??? Only on gacha games, tho.
Has definitely played Genshin Impact and Honkai Starrail because of Levi.
He got those 5 star and Ultra Rare pulls he wanted in his first 1-10 pulls? But you? It took you over 100 pulls to get what you wanted. WTF?????
You swear he must be cheating the system somehow. There is NO WAY.
Racing Games.
Particularly the ones that you can have a full racing setup for.
He's splurged thousands of Grimm on this.
Gran Turismo? Forza? F1? iRacing? He has them all.
He is VERY picky about who he lets touch his decked out setup... He'll let you use it any time you want, though. :) You're his treasure, ofc
Controversial Pick: Old School MMOs
Definitely played Old School RuneScape or Black Desert Online or Classic WoW and created gold farming empires.
Doesn't even do end game content, he's just a guild leader making bank off the work of his members.
He probably hosts fun events though.
Would definitely be the kind of guy that makes up scavenger hunts/fashion shows/trivia nights/etc. and gives out sick prizes...
Might also rig these to make sure you or his officers win the best prizes. How sweet.
He is literally THE gamer.
There probably isn't a single genre of game he hasn't played.
His favorite games are definitely MMORPGs and Visual Novels/Dating Sims/Bishojos/Gal games.
Could see him as a raid lead in all of the biggest MMOs like WoW, FFXIV and GW2.
He also 100% visits the degenerate RP server places like Moon Guard's Goldshire and Balmung's Quicksand.
He's definitely not a BLUSHING MESS and rushing to close his game if you catch him in one of these places!!! He would never go there!!! Oh... you want to join him? DEFINITELY NOT.
He would get too jealous of anyone daring to look at you to even let you breath in the vicinity of these degen realms.
He's also done plenty of MMO Ironman challenges and was one of the first people to complete Classic Hardcore WoW entirely solo. Didn't even group for dungeons. What a MAN.
Bishojo/Gal games are his guilty pleasure, how could they not be?
He gets all the waifus with none of the jealousy, right???
What do you mean he picks the same one every time? He can't just cheat on them MC!!
Loves JRPGs and Soulslike games.
Has definitely beaten Elden Ring more times than he can count. Knows literally all of the ins, outs, and secrets and is eagerly anticipating the DLC.
Has probably played every single Final Fantasy game and beaten them all. Would very much have a soft spot for FF4, FF7, and FF9.
Could definitely see him playing MOBAs and 4x strategy/Grand strategy games.
He's not the Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy for nothin'. He knows strategy games like the back of his hand.
The only brother that ever rivals him in strategic knowledge is Satan. (and Lucifer, but we're talking about GAMES here.)
He spends countless hours on League of Legends.
He mains JG/Mid and gets very toxic.
Has favorite characters, but honestly just plays whatever is in meta.
Owns every skin for Ahri, Lux, Katarina, Evelynn, and Akali.
He's definitely in Challengers.
Would 100% make a Smurf account if you wanted to play and would duo bot with you.
He'd play ADC and do anything to protect you, his loving support.
Would not be toxic in your games (unless you are too).
Faker who???
Controversial pick: Casual Mobile Games
Played Flappy Bird all the time when it was popular, still has a cracked copy on his D.D.D... I don't think anyone is beating his high score.
He's got a ridiculous amount of hours on Candy Crush, Angry Birds, and Fruit Ninja.
Would throw his D.D.D into his fish tank and have Henry 2.0 guard it before he'd ever let you catch him on one of these 'normie' games...
But... he secretly likes them so much.
Hear me out, Satan would be a SUCKER for CYOA (Choose-your-own-adventure)/IF (Interactive Fiction) text games.
Would have Choice of Games, Hosted Games, and Heart's Choice hidden on his D.D.D.
He LOVES immersing himself in story games and creating various MCs.
Oh, look! An RO that reminds him of you? Don't mind him self-inserting.
Probably has character sheets made for his favorite MCs. 
Will play through his favorite stories many, many times.
It all started with Choice of the Deathless and now he owns every game on each platform? (I'm jealous)
Also goes on Dashing Don... What do you MEAN author hasn't finished this story yet? AAAA-
Detective/Mystery/Escape Rooms Games.
I don't think any explanation is needed here. It's just who he is.
Would definitely get all of his brothers (minus Lucifer) together to do a virtual escape room... Unfortunately, it became so chaotic they never finished it. Oh well.
Once played Phasmophobia with Levi, Beel, and Belphie. Was very proud of himself for figuring out the ghost... Definitely did not sacrifice his brothers for the info.
Life Sims.
Specifically ones that let you own or are centered around cats.
Has played every single Sims game and bought their cat and dogs expansions.
Definitely did NOT recreate you and himself with 6 cute cats!!!
He did NOT get the mod that extends household size so that you two could own 97 cats. He wouldn't do that, no way!!!
...Was there actually a baby in the household, too..? Why did it have his hair and your eyes...? SATAN?!?!
you know the Catz DS game? He owned every single version and will NOT let you touch them... Okay. Maybe he gave into letting you touch them, but ONLY when he's supervising!
Very much enjoys RTS Games.
He's scarily good at games like StarCraft Brood Wars/2, the Age of Empires franchise, or Rise of Nations.
He's also gotten into 4x games like Stellaris and Civ. Thanks, Levi.
Don't try and challenge him, he can beat the hardest bots and WIN... THE BOTS LITERALLY CHEAT.
Controversial Pick: Fighting Games
Specifically games like Guilty Gear, Street Fighter, Tekken, BlazBlue, etc. Courtesy of Levi again. Thanks, Levi.
It helps him temper his wrath.
He'll sometimes play Mortal Kombat just for the finishers?? Why is he this way?
He could spend hours learning all the combos and tech of his favorite characters.
Has created himself some tech books and would only show them to you, esp. if you showed interest in learning the games with him!
I could see him and Levi settling disputes by doing best 3 out of 5 1v1s against each other.
Could see him maining Giovanna or Leo from GGST? Tends to prefer rushdown characters. (this one is completely biased, i named my cat after Giovanna from GG--)
Dress-up/Fashion/Stylist Games.
SuitU, Love Nikki, Covet Fashion - you name it.
He has all of them on his D.D.D and will shell out major Grimm to get any outfit he likes.
Might try to make the outfits he gets in these games for himself and you, because you're the perfect model!
Has a lot of fun with it and might try and talk you into playing with him.
Will definitely post amazing outfits he makes in-game on Devilgram. Will also post countless photos and videos of you two modeling those outfits he brings to life.
...NSFW/Eroge Games.
Not gonna go into detail on these ones because you already know what I mean.
Enjoys playing those games that haunt the front pages of my Steam.
Would proudly play them in front of you to laugh at how ridiculous they are sometimes (as long as you're 18+)
Like Satan, I could see him enjoying Life Sims...
Unlike Satan, it's not because he wants animals.
Plays games like the Sims, Stardew Valley, and Sun Haven.
Self-inserts himself and will romance EVERYONE.
Has the mods where you can marry every single villager and the bed mod that makes your bed MASSIVE so all your husbands and wives can sleep with you.
Made a Sims save with just himself romping around town... No sim is safe from Asmo.
Also has a Sims save with you and him that he openly enjoys more. It has both of you enjoying that Sims Nightlife as celebrities and living in a MASSIVE mansion he custom decorated.
Will also play any Visual Novel/Dating Game that is recommended to him by Levi.
Bonus points if it never shows the MC so he can self-insert himself.
Controversial pick (in this case, not really): VR Games
Specifically things like VRChat or Chillout VR.
Would be extraordinarily popular and have custom avatars of HIMSELF made with so many toggles that it'll make your head spin.
He would always be hanging out in night club or bar worlds.
Occasionally Mammon joins him.
Sometimes he also invites you to join him~! (Would not like it if people started hanging all over you, tho, and would probably bring you to a hot home world with just you and him if that happened...)
Sports games.
No doubts about this one.
Could definitely see him playing FIFA or Madden.
Levi thinks these are SUPER normie games and is offended to have them in the house.
Beel doesn't care.
Ooo, they made a game of Fangol?!?! He becomes an expert so fast, you have no idea. Would 100% teach you how to play with him.
Loves Cooking Games or Food-themed Games...
He just can't play them for long, however.
One time you got him to play Cooking Mama with you, Luke, Simeon, and Solomon but you had to stop because he got so hungry that he was trying to eat the television????
Would have to bring in MANY snacks and vow to make dishes from the games if you wanted to play these with him around... Which is a shame because he genuinely enjoys them. 
I could see him loving Multiplayer Party/Minigame Games like Mario Party or WarioWare.
You mean he gets to play silly mini games with all of his favorite people?
He doesn't care if he wins, he just loves having you guys around.
Almost always comes in last place when he's playing with you, Belphie, and Levi but that's okay. The faces you guys make when you get your stars are worth it.
Controversial pick (and I mean this one is VERY controversial): FPS games
Now, I know what you're thinking. Beel is a gentle giant and wouldn't play these types of games...
But! I could see him forming 5 stacks with you and his brothers in games like CS2 and Valorant and being scarily good because of his amazing hand-eye coordination and reaction times?
Like he and Levi could easily carry you guys to high Asc/Low Immortal lobbies.
He would just play fill when everyone's around, but his mains would be Kay-O and Breach.
He would always be the initiator in Counter-Strike, following Levi's IGL calls perfectly.
He would also probably love playing games like Squad or Modern Warfare or Battlefield with all of his brothers, you + the dateables.
Our resident Horror Game lover.
They give him ideas on how to prank his brothers dreams.
Once made Mammon go through Outlast in his dreams (nightmares??).
You better run, little pig.
But he genuinely enjoys them... When he can stay awake through them.
Hey, you, why don't you just play for him?
Loved playing through games like Amnesia... Unfortunately for you, his love for puzzle psychological horror probably contributed to how he acted in Act 16 OM--
Loves Psychological Dramas and those Interactive Media Games.
You know. The ones where you're combing through footage or watching videos and making choices to find out the hidden/deeper/darker meanings?
He LOVES those.
Usually has you or his brothers playing for him. It's most likely Satan.
You all get equally invested.
Idle Games.
He can run these while he's asleep.
There's nothing more to be said. 
These are the simplest type of games there are....
He's probably got a cookie empire.
Has a soft spot for Kart Racing Games.
Will regularly be in the room when you, Levi, Beel or Mammon are playing.
He's honestly pretty good at them??
When he's not falling asleep behind the wheel that is.
Controversial pick: Auto Battlers
These are games like TFT, Hearthstone Battlegrounds, and DOTA's Auto Chess.
He naps in between rounds and wakes up in 20s increments to prepare for his turn... Why does he have the timing down to a tee???
You're sure you've even seen him pick perfectly in his sleep??? How does he do it?????
Regularly comes in the Top 4, usually first or second. 
What do you mean he's a Challenger TFT player??? Wtf how???
Will not coach you if you ask, but you're free to watch!
Will definitely cuddle with you the whole time he's playing these.
All Brothers, with a bonus YOU!
I could honestly see them ALL enjoying CRPGs as a group.
They always get the mods that let you increase your party size.
Went through Baldur's Gate 3 with you on your recommendation.
They all fought over who would get to play Astarion and Mammon won?!?!
Satan got Gale
Beel got Karlach
Levi was Laz'ael
Lucifer was Wyll
Belphie got Shadowheart
And Asmo made a Dark Urge Bard that looked exactly like himself????
He literally doesn't even make any Dark Urge decisions.
He doesn't want blood staining his clothes. 😔
You got to choose whatever you wanted though!
You took the Dark Urge from Asmo and he just played a normal, flirty bard with impeccable fashion sense.
This playthrough took MONTHS and MONTHS... but you all had a blast!
You cannot count the number of times Satan 'accidentally' hit you with fire balls. (He claims he was aiming for Lucifer.)
Lucifer somehow ended up getting you all the luckiest ending? How did he roll 3 nat 20s?????
You're on to play Divinity: Original Sin II next...
Satan has already claimed Fane.
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koolades-world · 4 months
Hello, I hope this is not a bother, but can you make the brothers react to a Mc that is half demon and half human? Or that Mc is like Michael's child and the brothers react to that?I know they are strange ideas (especially the last one) but I hope you like them.
But the way english is not my fiesta language so i'm sorry for any mistakes.
Have a nice day/night ♥️
hi!! omg both of those concepts are so interesting so I had a hard time choosing which one to write ahhhh
your english is pretty good so no worries! I'm always so impressed by non-native english speakers because english is such a difficult language to learn
if you want, I can write both just in separate posts. hope you didn't mind that I picked just one, so just let me know
please enjoy :)
Half demon half human Mc
quick to ask who your demon parent is so he could find out more about you and them to better accommodate you
he's a little relieved because he knows he'll be able to meet your needs better since he didn't know shit about humans before the exchange program
he would never say anything about it, but was pondered your mortality a few times
do you have the demon lifespan, a human lifespan, or somewhere between? does which parent is which affect that in any way? he doesn't like to dwell on that
thinks that you're so cool since you can have the best of both worlds
you know all the human stuff AND you can do cool demon stuff?? AWESOME
asks all sorts of questions, even dumb ones that he should know the answer to
smack him with your tail or wings if he ever asks how you were born or something like that
unironically refers to you as the main character
both of you giggle over the fact that you're just like the gacha life youtube protagonists
henry? more like the half demon half human alpha wolf abandoned genius princess
but in all seriousness, he thinks you're so cool but he would never admit that because he would keel over and die afterwards
since he's the only true demon, the two of you can bond a little over that
finds it very interesting to see where your demonic heritage comes in
helps you out with learning to control and maintain whatever power you inherited
tries to find other half demon half humans to set you up on "playdate" lol
asks all sorts of questions to see if he's ever gotten down with your parent (lol)
loves to talk with you about wing/tail and horn care
exchange all sorts of tips for party tricks that both of you love
since he knows you're a little stronger than a full human would be, he's willing to take you out to more places and do more fun stuff
one of the only brothers who's also interested in your human side
while wanting to meet your demon parent, he also wants to get to know your human parent
your human parent loves him <3
however, he does take this chance to introduce you to some demon exclusive foods or experiences that he's like 75% sure won't kill you
he doesn't care too much but he knows he doesn't have to be as careful with his antics around you
your strength always amazes him since sometimes you pick him up with one hand since sometimes he forgets
often has you help out with his anti-lucifer league pranks since he's not as afraid of you getting strung up
less afraid of you being alone in the devildom since he knows you can protect yourself <3
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dsknsk · 2 months
I love how PM keeps playing with tropes. We've seen the tropes that they deconstruct within Limbus (in fact, it is a theory of mine that each Sinner is based on a stereotypical character from gachas), the way that they pick up the cyberpunk trope and basically throw it across the room, but another huge one is...
Look. I think that Carmen was and is based on the traditional 'Mary Sue'. Because...well, some traits that are said to belong to the 'Mary Sue', are turned brilliantly on their head by PM. So, for typical 'Mary Sue' traits, there's:
Pretty in the traditional sense. 'Mary Sues' always look perfect, peerless and never have to work hard to maintain their image. While, as far as I know, there hasn't really been made an in-universe compliment on Carmen's physical appearance...you'd rather stop and listen to someone who at least looks like they can be trusted wouldn't you? She's likened to the sun, as Oswald called her that, and is inside the light. (Also, out-of-universe: she is certainly pretty in my eyes. She adheres to the modern beauty standards at the very least).
Related to the above: charming. The 'Mary Sue' often has an innate charm that attracts others to her. The way that Carmen has this is through her voice, which already was powerful enough to let her traverse the dangerous Backstreets unarmed, standing out from all those other Backstreets preachers somehow and draw in the most cynical noblemen, but is even more charming after death. She doesn't even need to give a breaking speech or anything, as we've seen, she just gives you questions and comments on things. Which falls in line with...
Powerful, yet without having to break a sweat. Even before dying, she was already drawing in people without having to get physical (at least, none we know of). The only time we fight her as of yet (Kether realisation), Angela needs to use an attack that depletes all her HP to win, after five phases have already passed.
The 'Mary Sue' is often a so-called spotlight stealer. She will have a major role in the story, inexplicably, at least one other character will fall in love with her and she will overall have a large presence. So far, Carmen is the only character who has appeared in all three of the games, and if you count the Distortion and the Library, she has influenced WonderLab, Leviathan and Distortion Detective as well. She was also relevantly connected to the main cast of LobCorp and has influenced most of them in some way (i.e Ayin, Angela, Giovanni, arguably Kali, etc.). She remains to be relevant to several major story turns and has left her mark in them, in some way.
Unusual eyes. It's a stereotype that 'Mary Sues' always have unusual eyes. A common type is heterochromia (which is why I often jokingly call Hong Lu a 'Mary Sue'), but other types exist like sparkly rainbow or them changing like a mood ring or something. Carmen has red eyes, which are a common side-effect of body enhancements (Vergilius had them and the R Corp pack leaders too)...except, as we said, for as far as we know, Carmen hasn't had any. They are also a trait of Bloodfiends, but she isn't (yet) confirmed to be one. Either way, red eyes are a sign of the not-weak in the City.
Oftentimes, 'Mary Sues' are referred to as divinity, as pure grace from an utmost high all-powerful deity. They may or may not even be that deity. With Carmen, she practically had a cult of personality around her when she was alive...and she also had an analogue in another pale-skinned, red-eyed being that is also treated like this. She was described as this paeon of altruism and someone who genuinely wants the best for humanity.
Meaningful name. While not so immediately on-the-nose like 'Flowersparkle', Carmen's name can be seen as a reference to the infamous prototype of the femme fatale, once again hinting at that charming quality of hers.
Perfect. A 'Mary Sue' never fails at what she does...and that's where PM shows through that...
...Carmen is a parody on the 'Mary Sue'. A so-called 'Parody Sue'...but not played for laughs. The thing is that she is described as being all this...by those she already has enthralled. Those that aren't really involved with her - Hokma (was more loyal to Ayin), Binah (who wasn't in the picture during Carmen's life), and Roland (a stranger to LobCorp to begin with) have their say during Ruina and offer us another view at Carmen, our first, and one thing becomes clear:
A real 'Mary Sue' would be weird as fuck.
Carmen shows us how weird a 'Mary Sue' would actually be in a world that isn't sunshine and rainbows - an extremely uncanny, severely misguided being who nonetheless draws people to herself, who show a creepy amount of belief and devotion to her. Carmen thinks that the 'be yourself' message - so omnipresent in media - should prevail...in a world where the majority of people are either pieces of shit or are living such a dreary, miserable life that they just give up all hope.
But all of this is only revealed in the second game and pulls the player out of the dream. And so, Carmen does end up failing to convince some people like Dongbaek and Dongrang who manage to develop E.G.O instead.
Because despite what she was painted as in the past, in reality, Carmen is not a 'Mary Sue'. And she is not perfect.
That's why she's such a great PM character.
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sekaitransparents · 1 month
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only the very best for you! gacha: received hope ~ haruka kiritani
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dotster001 · 2 years
Twisted Earth
Summary: What if we are the game characters in Twisted Wonderland? Gn!reader x Crowley/Crewel/Vil/Rook/Malleus/Idia
requested by @stygianoir
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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He plays your game instead of actually doing his work, but he thinks no one knows. (everyone knows)
You're his favorite character. He relates to you, (or he thinks he does, but he's a little delusional). If you got transported to your world, he thinks of how he'd treat you to whatever you want, and then you'd stay with him forever, constantly praising his generosity. Ah, bliss.
Despite you being his favorite, his gacha luck is very bad, and he only has two or three of your cards. He has a lot of your best friend, and even more of that one character that the game devs keep alluding you have a history with, but only a couple of yours. It drives him crazy. He's very pouty at the end of an event period.
He wrote one self insert fanfiction. Except it was the kind of self insert where the author gives the reader, a name, a personality, and a physical description. So it was just for him in the end.
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He got the game because he saw Crowley playing it in a meeting (again), and he became curious what the big deal was.
You're his favorite because you have the best color scheme and design.  He has an SSR from an event of you, and it made him like you even more because it gives him a major power boost.
He has that event SSR, and all your regular cards. He doesn't mind what he's got, he can just see the rest on the internet.
His latest fashion line was a collaboration with the game devs, specifically for your character. The devs are also thinking about having an event with his outfits. He is patiently awaiting the start date.
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He found the game when they reached out to his manager for an endorsement on his magicam feed. He played the game a little, and got your basic SSR in his first pull. 
He plays on his free time (which isn't very often), and mostly focuses on the main story, and your side stories from your cards. Like Crewel, he has an okay collection.
You just live such a different life from him, it's fascinating to see!  He likes to think about how much you could teach each other if you were real. He also just wants to pamper you, especially after that recent angst arc.
He may be lined up as a celebrity voice actor for season two of the game's plot, but we can't discuss that at this time.
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He has two best friends now. Gao Gao dragon kun, and you. 
Got the game after Lilia told him "all the cool kids are playing it". He plays it every day, multiple times a day.
He finds your character to be an endearing human, and thinks your adventures are cute. He likes you a lot, because he thinks if you were real you'd be his friend, and maybe something more? Oh! He gets butterflies thinking about it!
He doesn't have very good luck getting your cards, but he's fine with that! He takes good care of the ones he has.
He discovered fanfiction! He is the biggest fanfiction reader on any platform, and is single handedly funding all of his favorite writers. Has made many requests, from various authors, for y/n x lonely fae prince. He cries for angst, and giggles like a kid for fluff. Lilia has read all of his favorites.
He may or may not be working on a spell to make you real.
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If the Great Roi du poison endorses a game, you can bet that Rook will be playing it.
That said, he only opens the app once a month. He's too busy and distractible to remember to play more often, but you're definitely his fave character.
He likes to imagine just watching you. Seeing you explore a magical world after coming from a nonmagical one. He finds you to be a fascinating character, and is an avid theorist for all the lore!
He's a fanart drawer. You cannot change my mind. It's mostly of you, but sometimes, if he's feeling generous, he'll draw other people's favorite characters, or draw ships people have for you. But  he has to grit his teeth the entire time he does the latter. He'd rather draw you and him.
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He's been playing the game since it came out. He was on the developer's hype train months before the release, and downloaded it the second he could.
He has average luck, but he's also spent real money on the game just so he can have the entire collection of your cards. He's only missing one, because for that event he had worked himself into a gamer coma, and now he'll never forgive himself. He's waiting impatiently for the revival of that draw.
He simps for your character so hard. You have all the traits he's looking for in a significant other. Although, he is one of the realist gamers, who worries that irl you wouldn't like him. But he likes to pretend anyway, hugging his body pillow of you, and imagining you both cuddling every night.
He has bought every bit of merch he could find. He has read every x reader fanfic of you on the internet. He has commissioned several fan artists for pictures of you, him, and Ortho as a happy family. He has paid your voice actor on Magicameo terrible, I know I'm sorry to wish him a happy birthday in your voice. He's unstoppable.
Tag list- @shytastemakerthing
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animeweeb115 · 28 days
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“Well then, I'll try and touch it.”
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shuttershocky · 6 months
There's a thread on the arknights reddit asking why is Eyja so resistant to powercreep. About half the answers were because the devs virtually give no other casters the amount of res ignore she has and she was just made right from the start and casters past her are either meh or Goldenglow.
It's a fun problem to talk about and these answers are correct, but I would argue that fully understanding the issue of Eyjafjalla's effect on Arknights' design and why she's so hard to powercreep comes down to understanding the combination of four things:
Arts damage is calculated by reducing the initial damage by a percentage given by the target's RES
Arknights is a Tower Defense game
Eyjafjalla was first and with a very overloaded S2
Closely related to #3, Arknights is a live service (gacha) game
I'm not sure if I can explain this very cohesively, but I'll try. This is going to be a very long post going over all 4 points in detail, after the cut
I'll go over info you definitely already know to explain Point#1, but please be patient.
Arts damage in Arknights is calculated like how Magic Resistance works in many games—it's reduced by a percentage of the target's RES, vs Physical damage being a flat reduction by DEF or ATK - DEF. Let's explain Physical first.
The flat reduction from DEF means that while Phys damage does almost nothing if it's below an enemy's DEF, slowly slowly increasing the phys damage being outputted will get over the enemy's DEF until it starts being effective. The higher you boost the phys damage over the initial DEF, the more effective the attack becomes. 2000 DEF may be extremely tanky, but if you deal 10,000 damage per hit in one second, you're still dealing 8000 DPS. On the other hand, if you deal 1000 damage per hit 10 times in a single second, you're doing basically nothing (a minimum of 5% damage per hit) to a 2000 DEF target despite having the same DPS.
Meanwhile, Arts damage being reduced by a percentage dictated by enemy RES means that the actual damage per hit doesn't matter. If you make a 10,000 damage Arts attack hit an 80 RES target once per second, you do 2000 DPS. Do the same thing where an attack does 1000 damage Arts hits 10x in 1 second to the same 80 RES target, and you do 200 x 10 or 2000 DPS. This means Arts damage ultimately only cares about DPS, no cares about whether it gains it from boosting ATK or ASPD, it will be the same in the end.
Moving on to Point #2, other games that calculate magic resistance in this way aren't Tower Defenses, but Arknights is. Being a tower defense means that the objective in any stage is to beat all AI enemies in a stage before they finish their set path to your goal, and no matter what strategy you go with the only approach to victory involves killing all enemies in some manner. This foundation means that DPS is inherently king (as in many games, but with Tower Defense's especially), as your only form of gameplay involves destroying the AI enemies with set patterns, everything else only serves that purpose. The hypothetical ultimate Arknights unit is not the one with the best utility or versatility or strategic potential, it's the unit that can kill the most number of enemies onscreen more efficiently than everyone else. So when it comes to units that deal Arts damage, Arts units that can kill the most enemies the most efficiently are the most valuable.
In other games in completely different genres but with the same approach to magic resistance (a very big logical leap I know but hear me out I swear), DPS numbers cannot be the end all-be all. For example, Dota 2's magic resistance works the same way, and they even have heroes with similar approaches to the game, but being a human player vs human player game and actually being unable to win by killing all enemies alone creates nuance.
Lina and Skywrath for (an extremely simplified and obviously overlooking many, many more nuances) example, are both squishy magic damage nukers whose goals are to surprise one enemy and then destroy them as fast as possible with very high magic damage. However, they are usually incomparable, because they're not just fighting set AI enemies walking on pre-determined paths, but human players who will react in different ways to the smallest differences between the two characters (ex: Skywrath has no way to completely stop enemy movement so he'll have a partner nearby to watch out for, Lina has a stun so she's more likely to be alone, but there's no dodging her homing Laguna Blade like you can with Skywrath's ground-targeted Mystic Flare so kill her before she fights back). Also, you can only win in Dota by destroying the enemy's base, so a team with 100 kills can actually lose to a team with 30 kills if the team being beaten up constantly dodges fights but manages to destroy the enemy base still. The ability to kill your enemies must actually be in service of your ability to destroy buildings (which are normally magic immune), meaning a caster that can annihilate enemy players is the blink of an eye but is useless at breaking buildings or defending may become a liability if they don't help their team at pushing faster than the enemy or can't help defend their buildings. To put it short: in other games, the non-linearity of both the objectives and combat encounters means increasing raw magic DPS cannot always be a solution
So now we go into Point#3 and 4, Eyjafjalla was the first 6 star Caster, and Arknights is a live service game meaning it must change over time.
Eyjafjalla having an automatic and powerful skill with RES shred, multiple charges, and even AOE on her S2 spelt doom for the entire Caster class, even more than her infamous S3. With S2, Eyja was cheaper than Casters with AOE, dealt more DPS than them while having their AOE, didn't require any manual input from the player, and even shredded enemy RES.
Now Eyjafjalla's S3 could be competed with, as it was a long cd multitarget DPS skill. Ceobe came with her own machine gun on S2 that could scale off enemy DEF, while Carnelian came with true AOE rather than a 6 target limit (though Eyja's S3 was still better in the end lol). However, her S2 being so easy and so powerful in a tower defense where efficient and strong DPS is the most valuable trait you can possibly have means HyperGryph either have to directly powercreep it with a similar skill, or work around it, which is where Point#4 being closely related comes in.
HG's approach was trying to work around it, which is why other Casters have clearly tried to stay out of her way either via utility or new features. Goldenglow has global range, Ebenholz sacrifices DPS for instant burst (but then eventually got a DPS module anyway), Mostima has big slows, Dusk creates summons to block enemies, etc. But even with all the utility or features being put into other Casters, if Eyjafjalla kills enemies just as quickly and easily as she did at release, then there's no real reason beyond your own fun to use anyone else. Eyja's S2 is still killing everything. That means enemies also have to change.
If Eyjafjalla killing enemies so easily with either S2 or S3 is a problem, then the only solution without being able to nerf her is make enemies harder for her to kill alone. This is why Patriot Phase 1 had 90 RES, so Eyjafjalla couldn't just kill him like she did all other bosses while Amiya's S3 had True Damage. Later enemies would also try other gimmicks, like the enemies in Lonetrail starting with very high DEF and RES that would lower after multiple hits, so strong DPS casters like Eyja can't instantly kill them with S2 (although her S3 will kill them from rapidfire lol).
However, unlike someone like Exusiai who had low ATK but monstrous DPS from multihits and ASPD, simply raising the floor of enemy RES will negatively affect ALL Casters, because of point#1— Arts only cares about DPS because of how it's calculated, damage per hit doesn't really matter. While Exusiai players can still play around with her by attempting to boost her DPH above the enemy's DEF threshold (and run the math on whether they should just try to lower enemy DEF instead), Casters will react the same to boosting ASPD and ATK, while lowering enemy RES will become more and more efficient the higher enemy RES gets, and hey, guess who comes with a RES shred? Eyjafjalla's S2.
Eyjafjalla trapped Hypergryph's design team. Keep raising RES and other Casters quickly become more and more useless without RES ignore / RES shred of their own, becoming a second support class when Supporters already exist for the idea of "Casters but supports". In fact, as RES gets raised, Eyjafjalla and other casters like Ifrit become more and more valuable as DPS units (in a tower defense where DPS is king), since they can ignore / shred RES when most cannot. Keep the game playable for other Casters however, and it means Eyjafjalla will continue to reign supreme.
HG tried to do a balancing act. This is how we got enemies start to get more RES over time, which weakened Casters overall enough that HG made a module for Core Casters to ignore 10 RES (that Eyjafjalla also got LOL). This is also how we got into the current state where Eyjafjalla is still comfortably killing 90% of the game and seen as near impossible to powercreep, because if she can't then people without her (and there WILL be people without her, because it's a gacha game and she's not guaranteed) would be totally screwed. Try to directly powercreep her by making a second Eyjafjalla with bigger numbers, and not only will you be pissing off people that rolled for Eyjafjalla, but you'll be creating an even bigger problem instead of fixing the first one.
So to tie it all together
Point # 1 means that Arts damage is a lot less nuanced than Physical damage, leading to raw DPS by any means coming out on top
Point # 2 means that if the only way to win is to destroy all enemies, then the ability to destroy enemies with damage faster and more effectively will always be the strongest solution
Point # 3 means that since Eyja was first and also very overloaded with features, everyone else was created with the knowledge of that they'll be competing against her, meaning you either had to directly powercreep her, or stay out of her way. HG chose the latter
Point # 4 means that while Arknights tried to address her, by either making tankier enemies or by event game mechanics, they were trapped by their own design. Because of Points #1, #2, nullifying Eyjafjalla too much would be screwing over everyone else because of the end result of Point #3, which is everyone tried to stay out of her lane when it came to DPSing. Not everyone can have Eyjafjalla because it's a gacha game and who you get is all RNG, and while you want new units to be attractive to make money, directly powercreeping old characters screws over your own players and makes them angry, while powercreeping Eyjafjalla directly will not even fix the problems created by points #1 and 2, it just makes an even more problematic, second Eyjafjalla.
Thanks for reading this far! If anything wasn't clear just ask and I'll try to explain it again
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yuurei20 · 1 month
Hi! This is a bit of an odd question, but if anyone would know, I assume it would be you after all of your character info compilations. What all do we actually know about summoning as a subject in Twisted Wonderland? Thank you!
Hello hello! Thank you for this question! ^^
From what I can tell, I think Idia's third birthday vignette is the most information we have ever received about the subject of summoning!
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Riddle describes it as a difficult magic (Idia is the only one on the cast who considers it his best subject), and Idia compares it to playing video games: inputting commands within a time frame, completing objectives in a certain order, making trades with faeries and dire beasts, etc.!
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An unnamed student mentions that summoning classes involve some manner of equipment, but not what, exactly--things seem very vague as of this post!
While looking for more insight I found a couple twstsoku threads from back when this card was first released, where commenters brought up some interesting points:
Does this include things like summoning souls from the Underworld? Summoning Cerberus? Will an ability to summon faeries tie into Book 7?
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And what does this mean for Lucius? Trein introduces him as his familiar--is keeping Lucius in this dimension a constant drain on Trein's magic reserves, or does he not require any magical support once he's here? And how specific is summoning in this universe? Is it something like a gacha system? Does Deuce's cauldron ability count as a summon, or is that more of an apport?
We seem to have more questions than answers at the moment, and it is exciting to look forward to! :>
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akiology · 9 months
Phantom Thieves who has a favorite gacha character (it's you)
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Summary: What if you were a character in a gacha game that the Phantom Thieves are currently raving about? Note: Got this idea since I am getting back into gacha games after a month-long hiatus from them. I was like... what if its THEM spending their time on thinking about a fictional character... Also this includes Sumire!
Futaba has been hearing about the talks of a new gacha game, and realized it had a fun multiplayer aspect to it. The game didn't demand much time in their daily quests, and can be played casually. She sent an invite to the Phantom Thieves, since there's a reward if a friend starts playing the game.
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He decided to check out the game after a busy day. He did not feel like doing anything productive, and thus proceeded to click download. He went through the introduction and through the list of characters available in-game. He landed on your page, and found you really adorable and interesting.
It was currently your banner, so he decided to try his luck on pulling for you. Unfortunately, he is very unlucky but he proceeded to grind through the game's content to get you. He got you at hard pity, and proceeded to spoil you with the best gears he could get his hands on. He really likes the story and finds the other characters interesting. However, he is at full focus when you are on the screen and only uses you during combat.
If you have a favorite food/signature dish, he would most likely try to recreate it. Futaba and Mona (if its safe for them) are his taste testers. He also has a figurine of you placed on the shelf with the rest of the souvenirs he got from his friends.
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Sadly, he also wanted to send out invites for pulls but was bested by Futaba. He actually heard of the game before, and he already had a favorite character: you. Before the game was released, he was closely following updates, teasers, and trailers. He probably found you very cool either because of your role in the story or your move set/skills.
If your character is not a healer/shielder, he will almost always play you with one of those. Makes sure you are well-protected, and if you are near fainting, he will exit the area right away. Also, his plans to acquire new characters revolves around you now. When a new character comes out, he will be thinking if said character could benefit you somehow.
Most definitely has posters of you in his bedroom, and a keychain of you in his phone. If ever there's a plushie/gachapon of you near the arcade he hangs out at, best believe he will be there!
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A bit of a gamer herself, she was actually familiar with the game and only got around to downloading it when Futaba sent the invite. As she goes around and explore the world, she met your character. Either you remind her of one of the heroines she admired, or she finds your strength inspiring, (maybe even both!) you quickly became one of her favorites. She really loves your story and always pays attention when you are in the spotlight!
Ann's luck is... alright. She's not blessed like Yusuke, but not so unlucky like Akira. Even so, she managed to get you and your weapon pretty quickly! Since the game is not that challenging, no matter what your role is, she will bring you with her in the journey. Even if the team had no synergy whatsoever.
She likes thinking up of clothes/accessories inspired by you. She incorporates some of this in her daily life. Like maybe you have a unique headpiece, then maybe she will find an equivalent and start wearing it daily.
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He got dragged into it, and decided to give it a chance. He greatly appreciates the game design, and environmental feel. As he meets all sorts of characters, he gets inspirations for each and every one. When he meets you, however, he admired your design for a moment before continuing. He really likes your overall aesthetic, and he can either relate to your experiences/or find you fascinating.
When he pulls for you, it was pure luck because he got both you and your weapon in one 10 pull. Futaba was jealous, Ryuji was stunned, Ann wished it was her, and Haru congratulated him. "This is not normal?" He asked, and it got mixed reactions from the crowd.
He rarely picks up the game, but when he does he always makes sure to set you as the character to greet him. He sometimes find inspiration/ideas after playing, and you have been the subject in a few art pieces of his. He realizes that whenever he is stuck in an impasse, sketching you or playing the game helps him get back on track. He also liked seeing fanart of you that were made by other fans.
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Also got dragged into it, and decided to check it out for Futaba. Might ask for help for the terminologies used in game, and the group chat gladly supplies information. She liked the storytelling of the game, and then she met your character. You quickly became a favorite because you were admirable.
In terms of merch collection, she goes for the ones that are useful like her Buchimaru-kun pencil case. If you have merch like a coffee mug or binder, she will go for that instead of a huge plushie or poster. She cherishes it just like she does with Buchimaru-kun.
Even if she does not drop the game because of her responsibilities, she still rarely plays it. Despite that, she might login if you have an event or role in the current story. Keyword is might.
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Truthfully, she only sent the invites out to get more of the currency used for pulling. While she already had you, she wanted to get more copies to make you stronger, or wanted to pull for a weapon that will greatly benefit you. Although, before that she made multiple accounts just so she can get you on the first ten pulls. It was quite an arduous progress.
She is very active in the fandom, and is probably a well-known figure within various social media. Most definitely runs an account dedicated to you, and also posts various headcanon/character interpretations of yours. She also gives the best advice on how to gear you up, and could be good with advising on how to build others when asked.
She has a lot of your merchandise, and is one the reasons she sometimes goes out. If you have a favorite food/signature dish, she might ask Sojiro or Joker to have it made for her. She also tends to talk about you a lot, either with Sumire or Joker. They start liking you through osmosis as well.
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She was already playing the game when Futaba sent the invite. You were her favorite character because of your view on justice and/or you feel like someone she would get along with! She is cheering for you when you fight, her heart aches when you're sad, and she smiles when you triumph!
Safe to say that you are already maxed leveled, and fully built with the best gears. She also has quite the collection when it comes to your merchandise. She is a lurker in the fandom, she likes leaving likes or a few short comments on certain fan arts of you. Sometimes when she feels sad or feels like she needs that extra push, she will login the game quickly just to hear your encouragements.
Even when she's no longer as interested on the game as she was before, she still logins every once in a while just to see you. It was as if she was checking in on a friend; you hold a very special place in her heart.
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Futaba accidentally sent him an invite, but he decided to check the contents anyways. He was mindlessly exploring the game's mechanics and storyline when you caught his eyes. Your character probably had a compelling philosophy, or your outfit/moves reminded him of Featherman.
He doesn't have time to grind through the content, so he probably spent money to obtain your character and all the gears you need. You are severely overpowered compared to his other characters. He does not have the time every day to login, but usually when he does it's mainly to listen to you. He really likes hearing your voice.
Outside of the game, he collects your merchandise diligently and displays them next to his Featherman figures. He also has some of your more 'discreet' merchandise on him at all times. He has a coffee mug with your symbol on it, and/or a keychain of an iconic part of your outfit connected to his phone.
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Futaba finally convinced her to play, so she decided to check it out! She heard a lot about your character through Futaba, so you were the one she was most interested in. When she finally sees you in-game, she was smiling. You became a favorite because of your kind nature, and/or your talents are similar to hers.
She plays the game casually, so when she finally got you, she does not bother getting the limited gears. She just enjoys exploring the world with you, and sometimes with Futaba and Joker.
It is unclear whether she continues playing the game, but she likes hearing updates about your character development, and your overall progression through the story from Futaba. She is cheering you on, from a far!
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