#one of the best pjo headcanons ever
cynthiav06 · 28 days
Listen, I read your post about Percy's strategic genius and I thought something.
Percy, Sally, and the entire Jackson family are descendants of Odysseus.
Sally is also damn smart, just look at how she competently got rid of Gabe and remained in full advantage.
And that is why how Athena treats Percy in this way.
He is a descendant of her beloved mortal, so similar to him in his mind and the son of her sworn rival, who tormented this very mortal and prevented him from returning home.
You seriously have no idea how GENIUS that headcanon is like holy hell the sheer depth it adds to everything is insane.
1. Athena begrudgingly guiding Percy in Titan's Curse, getting extreme deja vu (God's probably get that a lot) from the situation and how conflicting she gets over the mortal that is Perseus Jackson for his uncanny resemblance to Odysseus when it comes to his wit and his personality minus strangely the hubris.
Despite her disdain for him out of some strange loyalty, she tells him of his fatal flaw and how it would endanger him.
She let's her loathing for Poseidon get the best of her in Titan's Curse and votes to kill Percy and Thalia but Percy like Odysseus has both the wit and achievements she can't overlook despite her desperate intentions to and hence in the Last Olympian she acknowledges in her own subtle way that Percy is the greatest demigod of this age. That he's saved both the world and his friends.
2. Annabeth proud and confident as ever would be flabbergasted that Percy who she despite her supposed love for him undermines him almost always when it comes to his intelligence finds out that her mother has acknowledged Percy for his strategic mind and that he is the descendant of her mother's most favored mortal ever. (Maybe just maybe it will tone her hubris down a notch and then some, and if we are really lucky, a reality check)
3. Percy would laugh, probably shrug at the revelation. After all, stuff like that makes no difference to him.
4. But I can imagine if Sally knew beforehand about it, then how much hell must she have given Poseidon over it and probably still finds it to be a hilarious coincidence .
5. To Poseidon himself, it must have struck as an agonizing coincidence, but for the better, because for all of Poseidon's flaws, he loves his own intensely. His godly children, his monstrous children, his demigod children, and Percy, he loves most out of them all by his own words and he loves him so in some strange manner for the same humanity he scorned Odysseus for having.
Sally must have made him see the error of his ways, and even Poseidon for his quick temper would be loathe to not change his opinions on mercy then. (If the Queen among mortals tells you, you listen)
All in all, everything that happened in the Odyssey with Poseidon Odysseus and Athena would have come to a good closure with this.
That a millenia later by strange set of circumstances Athena and Poseidon begrudgingly acknowledged the folly in their perspectives from the times of Odyssey all because Poseidon met Sally Jackson and sired a demigod child who by a twist only the fates could make up turned out to be the descendant of Odysseus himself. (I reckon the fates must be cackling in glee at the whole thing)
PS: Hermes is having a blast with this news of Percy's ancestry.
No, but seriously, you have given me more pjo brainrot. (Now I hope this keeps you awake like it does me)
And on that note, Percy would totally canonly be the biggest fan of Epic the Musical, lol.
I have a feeling I am not going to stop talking about this now.
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infin1ty-garden · 5 months
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꩜ summary: headcanons of dating superman! jason grace ꩜ pairing: superman! jason grace x gn! reader ꩜ warnings: none ꩜ word count: 246 ꩜ author note: i got back into the pjo fandom and had this idea for a while
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꩜ The relationship between you and Jason was a complicated one
꩜ He was a really caring and thoughtful person, he did his best 24/7 which left him exhausted. He barely remembers to take care of himself
꩜ You would have to remind him to take a break or relax. Usually the day would end with the two of you cuddling
꩜ Plan the best dates. Makes sure everything is to your liking
꩜ When he inevitably misses a date or event because he's saving people. His guilt will eat him alive and won't stop until he makes up for it in some way
꩜ One of the most supportive people ever. Celebrates your success but also comforting in time of loss
꩜ He loses his glasses like all the time, he knows he needs them. Leaves them somewhere and forgets where
꩜ When a supervillain decides kidnapping you is a great idea, Jason drops everything to save you. He doesn't care if it's a trap
꩜ Due to his superhuman senses, he could tell that your heart rate sped up a bit when he was around. Which game him the confidence to confess
꩜ He remembers every detail about you and tries to make time for you
꩜ Throwing him a surprise party or surprise of any kind is the most difficult thing ever due to his heat and x-ray vision, and the last time you were kidnapped
꩜ He took you flying once. It was terrifying and then it was stunning the view was magnificent
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Thank you for reading!
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audreyscribes · 5 months
⚒ HEPHAESTUS: God of Forges, Fire, Sculpture, Metalworking, Stone Masonry, Carpenter, Metallurgy, Artisan, and Volcanoes 🔥
author's note: I had a sudden idea about writing some headcanons Camp Halfblood demigods being claimed and what it's like for each respective god and cabin, followed by a small blurb afterwards. Thank you for reading and please like and reblog! The order is not in order of the cabin numbers. [PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST]
When you get claimed, there are a bunch of cheers and impromptu fireworks from your half-siblings. You watch some unfortunate individuals near your siblings jump feet in the air with hands flying to their ears, and some people diving for the ground. 
When you get introduced to your new living arrangement, there is a spillover from the Cabin and the Forge & Armoury; where there are just random parts in the Cabin and cots and bedrolls next to the Furnaces. You didn’t know where the living quarters or the forges began and ended. 
There is an initiation at your cabin where you introduce yourself to your cabin mates with your craft. It could’ve been the first craft you ever made, your favourite invention, or make it an entirely new thing. 
You get your own little workspace and for some hint of cohesion, your workspace is assigned a category; based on your craft. If you’re an engineer, you’re put with the other engineers. If you’re an artisan, you’re put with the other artisans. 
You’re constantly surrounded by people sharing their ideas or inputting, even at dinner and during bed times. But careful saying which stuff out loud lest you get a complaint from Chiron when you and your siblings have a debate on the best way to make something.
Because of the furnaces, you are shown how to keep the furnaces running when it's technically bedtime; one the exceptions given to your cabin for curfew.  Because even though they have magical means, you can’t let the furnaces die out or you have to spend three days heating up the kiln all over again. And no, you’re not allowed to use Greek Fire or later, the dragon around Thalia’s tree to heat up the furnaces if they die out. Don’t ask why but all you know is the Ka-Boom incident. You can imagine why.  
A perk with being on duty is that you can stay up later than everyone else and get to sneak in some late night meals; your seniors treated you to stuff from s’mores, roasted potatoes, and other foodstuffs by using the furnaces. Just don’t make too much stuff or you’re going to have a bunch of campers at your cabin asking for goodies.
Work hazards are always around and while there are preventive measures in place, things happen. These range from inventions going haywire, exploding fire, or just normal accidents. Don’t feel bad if they happen, everyone immediately jumps in to help out. You learn how to move fast and think fast. 
Being a Child of Hephaestus and being part of the cabin have their overlaps with the Athena, Apollo, and Hermes cabin.
If you don’t have the power to manipulate fire, as a child of Hephaestus you still have a higher immunity of fire and heat. Paired that up with the engineering, your cabin is also the unofficial fire station. You jumped with the fire alarm went off in the cabin and everyone got up to grab gear to put out the fires at Camp.
There were exploding multicolour lights that were going off in the air. Some were like the regular fireworks you’ve seen, but then there were fireworks that reminded you of that scene in the Lord of the Rings movie: where the fireworks seemed to not only come alive but move like they were. The smoke of gunpowder filled the air and you coughed. Fireworks were still going off as the children of Hephaestus were still cheering.
You then saw a large burky boy step forward and you knew he was one of your half-siblings. He looked very imposing but as he looked at you with a smile, all initial fear disappeared and you saw the warmth behind his smile. He then grinned at you and held out his hand, “I hope you liked the fireworks, we do this all the time when we welcome those into Cabin 9. I’m Charles Beckendorf, Cabin Counselor.”
You took his hand to shake and you instantly could feel the calluses on his hand, and how comforting warm it was. He clapped you on the back as he led you towards your cabin, as the others followed.
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sunflowergraves · 1 year
Unpacking Will Solace’s Character
I’ve seen a lot of Will Solace hate since TSATS and it’s really starting to bother me. As a person that relates heavily to Will’s character, it’s upsetting to see him get bashed across the internet, especially considering we’ve never actually gotten to know his character. Personally, I feel like a lot of people are basing his character around headcanons and fanfiction (which I am guilty of) and were disappointed when he wasn’t who we saw him as. 
It doesn’t help that the only time we got to see Will’s POV it was short and through the eyes of others. He’s also not this big hero like all the characters in the PJO universe. His powers aren’t that strong, he’s not a prophecy child, and his talents are mediocre. Will is the most human demigod we’ve ever been introduced to. I can understand why his character doesn’t feel multi-dimensional compared to everyone else, but in my opinion, he was fleshed out very well. 
Yes, there are a few things I was disappointed by. I wish they talked about Will’s past more and his grief over his dead siblings. I wanted him to have his own weapon, even if it was an old bow he never used or a lyre like Apollo used in TOA. But I will always love that they changed him from the calm, collected counselor healer to an anxious, depressed, self-doubting person because it fits him so well. How could he not feel these things after losing friends and family? After being abandoned by everyone around him? Or being forced to take on the caretaker role of the entire camp because he was the only one left? 
I’m going to continue this down below, so if you don’t want major spoilers for TSATS, don’t continue reading. Also this is long as hell in case you just want to skim. 
Every time Will was mentioned in the books, it was from someone else’s POV and it was a few lines at best. 
Will has always been described as the cool, relaxed, go-with-the-flow type of guy. He was the person with a level head and knew exactly what to do. But guess what? Underneath that cool exterior was an anxiety riddled people pleaser who threw himself at every problem because that’s what he was told to do. The Apollo cabin was always the head medic team. After Lee and Michael died, Will was basically thrust into that position of power. He was trusted to take care of his younger siblings, trusted to take care of the entire camp. If he let them down, it was going to cost lives. Of course he’s going to be scared and nervous, but he can’t show that. Would you want a doctor with shaky hands and sweat running down their neck? Would you want to be taken care of by a person who doubted and second guessed themselves out in the open? 
As someone who was given a lot of responsibly and forced to grow up at a young age, I completely understand this. You want to try to make everything better for others around you, you get scared when you fuck up, and you HATE when people can’t rely on you. That’s why you will never show how scared you are to fuck up. You will never let people get inside your head because if they can’t rely on you, what good are you? Breaking out of the role that everyone else gave you because they trusted you is scary and hard. 
Nico is probably the only person who knows what Will really thinks. Will trusts Nico with his anxiety and overthinking because he’s comfortable enough around him to show that side. He knows he doesn’t have to Mr. Hero in front of Nico and that’s such a precious and important bond to make with someone. 
Will was valid for being whiny and irritated for most of the book. 
First, Will has ANXIETY. If you don’t know what it’s like to live with anxiety, count yourself lucky. It feels like your thoughts are attacking you constantly. It’s like an uphill battle between rational thought and absolute chaos. I can’t get in my car without thinking of all the ways I could die before I buckle my seatbelt. Imagine going to SuperHell for the first time in your life! Not only that, but people told Will constantly that as a child of Apollo he was basically fucked. The three strongest demigods that made it back almost went insane! Of course Will is going to be upset, irrational, irritated, and uncomfortable. 
In TOA, he voiced several times how he thought it was a bad idea and that he really didn’t like it. This is not a new thing for Will’s character at all. For him to be willing to cross a line he had made concrete shows that he loves and cares for Nico. But that shouldn’t mean he isn’t allowed to be uncomfortable. 
Second, for anyone saying he could have stayed at camp instead of going has never sacrificed their comfort for someone else. There are so many instances in my life where I went way out of my comfort zone because I knew my friends/family wanted me there. Did I complain? Hell yes. Did I still do it? Hell yes! If Will had said, “Nico, I can’t do this and I refuse to at least try,” I would have lost so much respect for his character. Instead he sucked it up, even when he was already practically dying before they got there. 
Three, Will was worried about Nico. He’s never experienced Tartarus, he’s never been to the Underworld. While Will has definitely faced his share of demons, he’s never stood in Nico’s shoes. So when his boyfriend is having vivid nightmares and hearing voices, he’s going to try and rationalize it for Nico because that’s what he has done his entire life. Will is the “healer.” He is supposed to fix things, not let them traipse off to hell like it’s a vacation spot. 
Four, this is a 15 year old. Fuck, even now at the ripe ole age of 20, I’d still be shaking in my boots terrified at the thought of going somewhere that is practically a jailhouse for the worst creatures in creation. Will has little to no experience on the field (He ran from six guards without even trying to pull out a weapon. The worst thing he’s ever said to his enemies was “anemic loser” and didn’t even want to kill Octavian. Every battle before that he had an older sibling to look up to and care for him). So yeah, I’d just be a tad bit nervous and annoying.  
Will asking Persephone how to love someone from the Underworld was honest and raw. 
This scene broke me in ways I can’t even describe because of how real it felt. If you’ve ever been in a deep and caring relationship (friendship counts) you should understand. Like Persephone said, love is something you choose and it’s complicated and messy even for people who were practically made for each other. For Will to ask how to love someone from the Underworld shows that he is actively choosing to understand and love Nico. 
I get that most people interpret Will’s lines as “How do you love someone so filled with death?” but really he’s asking how do you love someone who acts like he doesn’t want to be loved? How do you love someone that pulls away from your light no matter how desperately you try to give it them? How do you love someone who hides parts of themselves from you? 
Will is a healer, he fixes things. It’s not until this scene that Will realizes the only thing Will needs to fix is his perspective on Nico. That darkness and hurt and trauma is okay. It’s also a scene where Will realizes he doesn’t have to force down his own trauma anymore. 
Will loves Nico and it’s so obvious he scared to lose him. He thinks he’s weak and broken and incapable of helping Nico escape his trauma. His insecurities shadow him and he’s confused about how to navigate this relationship because he thinks he needs to be the leader. How can he lead if Nico won’t let him? How can he help when he doesn’t know how? Persephone’s scene was Will’s chance of finding guidance from someone who could understand exactly what he’s thinking
People in their late 40′s still can’t get relationships down. Why are we pushing unrealistic relationship ideations on a 15 year old who doesn’t even know who he is yet?
Will was not useless. 
Sorry that the relationship duo isn’t Mr. Badass and Mr. Badass 2.0. Will not being a fighter is refreshing to see because honestly I’m quite tired of seeing badass couples in every book/movie. Not everyone is strong and powerful and super awesome. Will is a nerd that likes healing people. Why isn’t that enough? 
“He’s described as having muscles,” “He’s a field/combat medic,” “He fought in the wars,” “He carries people all the time,” “He trains with the Apollo cabin.” Okay and? I was raised to work hard and protect myself. I work out and I know how to use a bow and knife. Does that mean I want to? No. 
I’d also like to point out that almost everyone in camp is described as having muscles. You kind of have to when your life motto is Try not to die or get eaten. Also they train on lava walls, jump eight foot pits, and weapons. I get a little bit of muscle going on my silly little walks, I’d be fucking jacked if I was actively training. 
Second, Will has never once been described fighting monsters/demigods. I don’t doubt that he’s had a few encounters, but the boy practically specializes in RUNNING AWAY. He’s a feral little animal that finds injured demigods and sprints them away to the medic center while occasionally bashing monster heads in. He’s strong because he needs to be, not because he wants to be. Strength also doesn’t equal battle prowess. 
Not to mention, he hates killing! He didn’t want to kill Octavian despite Octavian being the actual worst. He runs away as a distraction even though he had weapons on him. He got upset when Nico threw Sherman Yang out of the chariot in TOA. Monsters are different, but monsters are also scary. Will is terrified of demon pigeons, you really think he’s willingly gonna go one-on-one with anything bigger than his pinky? 
I’ll admit, I hated that he didn’t have a weapon in Tartarus. I thought it was really stupid and out-of-character because my anxious ass would have loaded up. Still, it was kind of funny when they described Will bashing rocks over monster’s heads during their fight with Nyx. 
My final point for this: Will was Nico’s support system and that was the point. Will knew he wasn’t going to throw hands with anyone. He went because he knew Nico needed him even when Nico told him to stay. Will was going to trek through SuperHell with the love of his life and hold his hand to remind him that he was loved. Will wanted Nico to know that he’d literally go to Hell and back for him and that’s what mattered. 
Nico didn’t ask Will to be the Hero. Nico states several times that the reason he loves Will is because he wants to heal and he’s so stubborn to find the good in everything. And that’s exactly what Will did. He offered support, care, and reminders. He was going to understand and love Nico, even through the darkest parts of his life. 
Will is one of the best support systems in a PJO couple duo. 
It makes me incredibly sad to see people call Will toxic when he gave his entire life to support Nico. I won’t deny that he complained a lot and said hurtful things and that he occasionally belittles Nico’s feelings. But Will didn’t know he was doing those things. He thought he was helping Nico navigate his PTSD. How is someone who is still emotionally developing his own character supposed to know how to take care of someone else’s? 
Will also clearly showed love and affection towards Nico. He met all his friends and was polite to them even when they looked scary. Will risked his life several times before they got to Tartarus and still insisted on continuing. Built a Minecraft house for his boyfriend and left him a KitKat bar because he knew he would feel fatigued (also Will brought KitKat bars, meaning he was already thinking of Nico’s health beforehand). He tried to be useful by scouting ahead because he felt like he was being a burden on Nico. He kissed him, called him silly nicknames, hugged him, respected his boundaries (asking to hold him instead of trying to comfort him immediately), and oh yeah, went to Tartarus when he was obviously quaking in his flipflops. 
He also helped Bob when he had no idea who/what he was, comforted Nico when he was beginning to lose hope, acknowledged his mistakes and admitted he needed to try harder, realized he didn’t need to fix Nico and that his boyfriend was perfect the way he was, and learned that Nico wasn’t going to leave him. 
Love is complicated. Love is something you choose. And Will chooses to love Nico. Also for everyone saying a year is long enough to learn/realize these problems already and have them solved, you need to take the rose tinted glasses off. I’ve been with my partner for almost four years, and I’m still learning things about our relationship. We argue, we don’t always meet eye-to-eye. Our own trauma and experiences surface and it gets difficult. But do we just call it quits and throw everything into the trash? No. We talk, we problem-solve, we come back and try to understand each other even if we don’t know how to do that. A year is nothing. A year is puppy love and excitement. It’s like your favorite movie on repeat. All the problems are ignored because you don’t want to see them yet. 
So for a pair of 15 year old's who just came to terms with their sexuality, I think that they are doing pretty damn good at this love thing. 
Anyway, that’s all I really wanted to say. Even though we’ve had Will for years, we’ve never gotten to know his true character until now. It’s raw and weird and doesn’t fit the mold of Will Solace, son of Apollo we all created him to be. You can still hate his character or whatever, I’m not going to try to change your mind. But don’t hate on everyone else who loves him and loves this book. 
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guhmshuda · 5 months
Disclaimer: this is not era-typical. this is strictly subjective, this is my way of projecting my delusions and hoping I meet someone like James Potter some day!!
James craves parental and academic validation.
Now before I get jumped, lets all be real for one second. You are telling me James Potter is a desi first gen NRI and he does not crave validation? I refuse to believe that!! And it was not that Effie and Monty pressurized him... it was the opposite actually. they did not say a thing and my boy just felt he had to be the best because he has such nice parents who never ask for anything how can he ever live up to it??
He was the kind to lose sleep before important days. Right before the big matches and papers you would find James F. Potter roaming the halls of the school in the wee hours of morning, hands tightly clutching onto a mug that says, "You are ENOUGH" (his parents gifted him this in 3rd year when they noticed he was not doing well). The mug is obviously filled to the brim with either masala chai or cold coffee (the indian one).
2. He smelled like cloves
now this is something I have observed in my day to day life and feel like James too, would partake in. He would be the kind to use "spicy" toothpaste. simply because he thinks they last longer or smth. Effie also makes him homemade oil that has cloves (idk what they do I just associate the spice with him OKAY?) So basically when his partner(s) kiss him, they taste and smell clove. And it is not a comforting spice like cinnamon but imagine a whitewashed Regulus getting used to the sting of cloves and the horrible dant kanti-esque taste because the boyfriend uses them. There is a point when Regulus just starts carrying around a small bottle of clove oil or a box of clove and elaichi daana because James smells like cloves and Sirius like cardamom (FIGHT ME.)
3. Resident Problem Solver
Was he mischievous? Hell yes. Did he still make efforts to make sure everyone was okay? Duh.
James would be the kind to ask everyone about their day at the dinner table and be actually interested in what they have to say. He would notice when one of his friends were having a hard day and just drop a ladoo on their plate or ask them if they would like "non-spicy" chai. He would be the peacemaker. ALWAYS. He DID not like conflict. It hurt his soul to watch his friends fight or give each other a cold shoulder.
4. He LOVED being Desi.
he had the diaspora issue, obviously. But Effie and Monty came from the pre-partition India and tried to hold onto their country as much as they could. So James was super used to all the desi things. He had a head full of thick luscious curls because his mother massaged oil and gave him champi every week. When he moved to Hogwarts his hair suffered a little before the Summer when Sirius visited the Potters. Effie taught both of them how to apply oil onto each other's scalps and then it became their tradition at Hogwarts.
5. When Sirius returned bald.
there is a very popular HC that one year Walburga shaved Sirius' hair off because he was being disrespectful or smth. That year, James developed a variant of Indulekha x Parachute Coconut Oil (come on Desis i know you know what I mean) and made sure Sirius had his long hair back before Christmas. He would personally look after his diet, forcing amla tea down his throat or making sure he is eating 3-4 meals that consist of healthy things and not just meat as Sirius would otherwise have it.
Regulus fell in love with James around this time because he did smth he could not, protect Sirius. He went as far as daring Walburga to try to do it again, James would make sure Sirius grows his hair longer than ever.
ps. he was the one who came up with curl-care routine for the marauders and all of them had PJO cast like hair it was so cute jadfiqgfuiwgiuu okay
6. He did not practice any religion
James was not religious, he was spiritual. He did whatever his mum, who herself practiced two religions, told him to do. Both Effie and Monty believed in giving back to the society more than giving to some religious institute, so imagine a first year James rushing into Poppy's wing with an injured bird in his hand begging her to save it.
7. He was the people's princess.
fight the wall. everyone, even the slytherins, secretly LOVED him and the gulab jamuns he would give out on Diwali every year.
8. Enjoyer of classical music.
I have said it before, I will say it again. MY MANZ LISTENED TO GHULAM ALI. idc if he was muggle or what, he loved his music, language be damned.
he enjoyed urdu ghazals more than anything else tbh.
he was trained in sitar and he could sing as well. he was basically an in house singer. He learnt electric guitar in his 2nd year and then there was no looking back. If he would not have been a professional quidditch player he would have been a musician or a music teacher or smth.
10. he was a STEM student.
okay this is non-canon but comp sci major James? who also happens to enjoy botany? yes. just the best.
11. James who would slip into Urdu when he was overwhelmed, who loved when people played with his hair. James who wrote letters in Urdu or Hindi or whatever regional language his parents spoke and wrote.
12. James potter who hated how his eyes were brown, just brown, growing up. but then one day his mother told him it is what she loves the best about him.
13. James Potter with bitten lips, he does that whenever he is nervous.
14. James Potter who was born during sunrise, his mother believes he is the sun.
15. James who would lay his life for his friends. James who loved hugging Peter, James who committed crimes for Remus.
16. James who adored and admired Minerva so much that he would try everything to get her attention, except he was her favourite student after Lily and Remus (Sirius was her son, let us all be honest).
17. James who played Carnatic Music while studying.
18. James who would wear short kurtas. james who is obsessed with shawls.
19. James who carried a bag full of supplies his friends might need. Like imagine a pouch filled with hair elastics for Sirius and the girls, painkillers for Remus, fidget toys and stress ball for Peter, and cloves for Regulus.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Related to my prev post:
I don't give two shits if Bruce is written like a bad dad if it means we get good writing for everybody else since i think minorities are more important than a white cishet male nepotism baby unlike his butch lesbian counterpart who's judaism is an actual fundamental part of her character and since he's been written as abusive so consistently over the years it's in-character anyway
Dick can be both bi/pan and demisexual and there's more evidence for the latter than the former so making him be sexually loose is aspec erasure and mspec stereotyping and he dosen't have a thing for redheads,he has a thing for black women and to me the only guy he seems to like romantically is Roy and that adds on to his demisexuality since they're childhood best friends
'Catholic guilt Jason' is a shit headcanon that misses the major and critical part of him being Red Hood that he didn't feel the slightest bit bad about killing people and the point of his redemption was learning remorse,afrolatino Jason isn't based on stereotyping but him filling out so many black and latino cultural aspects and if any hcs for him are stereotyping it's the one that he's a slut because he's a very handsome and hot and cute goth punk man
Tim is perfect the way he is and dosen't need power ups or to get 'punished' for the oh so horrible crime of being a realistic teenage boy,he's not JUST huge a loser or a super cool dude but both at once and it's bad writing and fetishistic to ignore his wide range of relathionships that consists of mostly of women to make him a 'guys guy'
Stephanie is heavily autistic and bpd-coded so she's far from a 'normie',much less an 'it girl' but people see blonde hair and blue eyes and throw away everything else about her because that's all she's worth to them or call her an abuser and a pick me just like they do irl bpdtistic women and she's also canonically pastel/indie punk and a Team Mom but gets her presentation switched to basic and made out to be a womanchild instead
Cass had a million times more moral conflict than Jason ever did,would never in her LIFE wanna be feminine even in the chinese way and would be butch in it instead,turning her scattered speech into sign language is ableist not unlike(but not on the same level as)changing Babs' type of wheelchair disability and she'd be a better Batman than any male character in existense
Duke is only a golden child in the sense he has a yellow motif and is as disruptive and authentically quirky as his siblings,We Are Robin is a better team than the canon Outlaws,his powers are cooler than any Al-Ghul ones you could come up with,he has more femme energy than Tim does and Carrie Kelley ain't shit and only gets brought back to replace him because DC is antiblack
Damian's introduction mentality was a result of not only child abuse but also psychological grooming to get him to dehumanize himself and all his bigoted comments are explained either by him being like 12 or his writers trying to demonize brown people and anybody who thinks he's a bad person is a super-sized pissbaby with no sympathy for kids of color,shipping him with Jon is making a bisexual man into a ped0phile and Jay is good even if aging Jon up wasn't and he should be friends with Maya,Suren,Nell,Colin,Kathy,Maps,Tai and Miles,Gwen,Peni,Pavitr,Hobie and Margo from Atsv and Nico and Hazel from Pjo instead of Billy Batson or Danny Fenton or ANY Mcu characters
Talia is super hot but should be drawn in accurate arab clothes instead 'sexy assasian gear'(not that these two can't co-exist but you get what i mean),her personality is extremely rich and her stories are mega interesting,she's a good mom to Damian and literally never 'took advantage of Jason' seeing as That Scene In Lost Days was decanonized by it's writer who said it was ooc for her on his part,she should've been a mom figure to Stephanie in her Robin Days too since they would get along and she deserved her own run where she takes over Lexcorp to transform it into a force for good and become Superfam-adjacent to free herself from having only male connections
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writingmia · 10 months
i really liked your pjo headcannons post. i thought it was interesting, since most people always put physical touch as some of the main ll for the characters, esp leo n percy. do u have any other headcanons for either of them? it can be generic things, like what they would do with a s/o, or it can be weird shit idc? i swear ive read lit every single post to exist on tumblr n i need more
Oh my god thank you so much! This is so sweet. I'm surprised my first ever post is doing as well as it is. I expected to pass as pretty unnoticed in the beginning. I do have a lot of headcanons for the characters, but I'm going to do Leo in this one since he's my absolute favourite
Note: I haven't read the HOO books in a while, but I just finished my reread of PJO, so if any 'headcanon' is actually canon, please just pretend that I'm Uncle Rick himself.
Warnings: none
Leo Valdez Headcanons - loves sweet&spicy. If that's an option in the menu at the restaurant he went to, he will absolutely get it. He's kind of obsessed with it to the point where one might get worried about his taste buds
- if he had to choose between sweet and sour, he would absolutely pick sweet any day. That's not really the best considering he's very ADHD, even for a demigod and his intake of sugar doesn't really help much, but he just loves sweet. He doesn't care if it's chocolate-type sweet or sugar-sweet, he just likes it. You can bet that when he comes out of Bunker 9 after a long day, his tongue would be all types of colours because his 'meal' for the day was whatever candy was in his stash of sweets
- now if you made the choice between sweet, sour and spicy, he would struggle to pick
- he hates coffee. he's simply not a coffee guy. he thinks it tastes nasty, since we established he loves anything sweet and coffee is definitely not sweet. and he doesn't need it anyway, he's hyper as is. if anything, coffee makes him more tired
- i feel like he would get pretty into anime if he tried watching it. from the trending shonen, chainsaw man would be his fave, but in general he would be such a fan of one piece imo. he is that person who has unironically watched the whole thing like three times - he feels guilty when he isn't doing something productive since he feels this need to constantly be creating something, but he also loves to just get distracted by something and do his own thing for hours, even if there's no 'productive' outcome. so he 'wastes' his time and feels guilty the entire time, but the enjoyment he gets out of it evens out the guilt (what do you mean i'm not projecting on my favourite character... at all...)
- secretly a good singer. piper once caught him singing in the shower and then dragged him out and forced him to sing out loud because she was not expecting such an angelic voice to come out of him
- his go to karaoke song is 'cake by the ocean' by dnce
- i feel like he would learn how to play the guitar and he will be shockingly good at it. like he learns a song so fast and because his fingers are always doing something and tinkering with things, this is the perfect way for him to get his energy out while also having lots of fun
- i also feel like he would purposefully not tell anyone he learned the guitar and one day he just whips out this new talent of his and everyone's like '????'
- honestly, leo is just good at everything. if he wasn't a hephaestus kid, he would be a son of hermes, because he is such a jack of all trades. he is incredibly intelligent (which is canon, btw, and if it's not yes it fucking is have you seen the guy, he is borderline as smart as Annabeth, if not smarter, just in another flavour), but also anything he attempts to do, he succeeds in. he can draw, he can play the guitar, he can sing, he absolutely is a great dancer. you would expect he sucks at cooking but nope, there he goes, making a gourmet meal like it's nothing. he isn't much of a fighter, but if he needs to hold his ground, he can. he's just so versatile, you can barely catch him off guard with something he can't master in a few hours
I fucking love Leo, can you notice this from my post?? Anyway, I got too lazy to edit this after I wrote it, so if it's not grammatically perfect or things don't make sense, apologies and please let me know. I will post more headcanons because I frankly have too many. And a lot of AU ideas. I'm preparing one rn actually so... stay tuned? Maybe follow if you're interested in seeing more shit by me. - mia
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raphael-angele · 3 months
Part 3 of:
Questions I have for PJO readers so I can verify if my headcanons have some accuracy in them:
Sorry. I'm having a religious identity crisis right now.
Did Bianca and Nico ever show sign of being Catholic/Christian?
There are a few things I know about what happened. I know that they moved from Italy to America to get away from the war. I know Hades was present in their lives for some time. I know that he offered Maria to keep them in the Underworld despite Persephone. I know how Maria died. I know they drank from the Lethe to forget what happened before they lived in the hotel.
I ask this question because I headcanon Bianca to be nonchalant about a lot of things.
I know that they were raised Christian because at the time, religion was a big deal. And I headcanon that Maria was a very religious woman and taught her children about religious teachings.
When Maria died and they were basically abandoned, Bianca questioned her faith in God and why bad things were happening to them. She ended up losing her faith and started to see things as if they weren't a big deal at all. Like she couldn't give less of a fuck about it if it didn't impact the whole of humanity.
Let's say that for some reason her faith didn't wash away when she drank from the Lethe.
If she lived, I think she would have refused to believe that their father was a God because then her suspicions would be true that everything she's been taught about God would have been a lie. Because instead of the loving God described to her, this God of a father they have abandoned them. She refused to believe that it was "for their safety" because she thinks that if their father really wanted them safe, he would have thought of another way.
"Bianca, please." Hades begged but Bianca turned her back and refused to listen. "I wanted to take you. I really did. But your mother..." his voice cracked at the thought of Maria di Angelo. "She wanted you to live up there. She wanted you to be able to live a normal life." he explained. "When she died, I couldn't risk you and your brother dying as well"
"So you left?" Bianca faced the God. "You thought it would be best to just drop us off to a hotel like you could just hand us over to someone else to take care of?! No one was even looking after us there! I had to look after Nico. I had to RAISE Nico to make sure he was healthy, and happy, and that he didn't feel alone!"
Hades looked at his daughter as tears brimmed her eyes, threatening to roll down her cheeks. "You call yourself a God when a God is supposed to look after you, and guide you, and love you!" She yelled "WHERE WERE YOU?"
"Bianca, I left you at that Hotel because it was the only place where I knew your safety would be guaranteed. Zeus wouldn't have been able to find you there, you'd be safe, and you'd be well taken care of. I couldn't bring you to the Underworld because it's not what your mother would have wanted."
"What she would have wanted was to have you raise us"
"I couldn't." Hades cried. "I couldn't have looked after you here in the Underworld. You would've been unhappy, and lonely, and depraved. You wouldn't have wanted it" he said. "This" he gestured to all around him. "This is Hell. This is what your mother was afraid where you'd end up. And she was right about how terrible it is and how terrible it would have been if you stayed here."
Bianca stared her father right in the eyes just as a tear rolled down her cheek.
"Then what difference would it have made?"
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kazoosandfannypacks · 4 months
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summary: percy and annabeth reminisce on memories of the feelings they had for each other in their years as friends. word count: 1427 words a/n: this one's based on a headcanon i have about the moment annabeth realized she had a crush on percy, but because that moment seems too small to write into an actual fic, i decided to build this fic around it as, like, a memory. taglist:@laughingphoenixleader@jedi-nurse {if you’d like to be added to my percabeth/pjo taglist, let me know!}
also on ao3!
But When Did You Know?
 "When did you realize you liked me?"
 It was a simple enough question for Percy to ask, and a simple enough time and place to ask it.
 Less than a week had passed since his sixteenth birthday, which he was pretty sure was the best day of his entire life— not just because it was his birthday, or he could finally legally get away with driving, or even because he'd defeated Kronos and saved the world.
 No, it had been the best day ever because it was the day he and Annabeth had started a new chapter of their relationship, this one as boyfriend and girlfriend. He'd gone to bed that night with a smile on his face, whispering the words "Annabeth Chase is my girlfriend. I'm Annabeth Chase's boyfriend" a million times, like it was the most incredible thought in the world.
 Though Percy was certain the novelty of this relationship would never wear off for him, he couldn't wait until the rest of camp got over them. As nice as it was that "Percy and Annabeth are dating" was as accepted and celebrated a fact at Camp Half-Blood as "our t-shirts are orange," there was a part of Percy that didn't appreciate the eavesdropping, the constantly being approached by other campers saying how long they've "totally shipped them," or the numerous bets that Cabins 10 and 11 had placed about the progress of their relationship.
 But, at the very least, until they went from their camp's "one true pairing" (a phrase that one of Aphrodite's red-faced daughters had explained to them in detail) to that annoying couple everyone always rolls their eyes at, they didn't have to worry about other people at camp complaining about how mushy they got around each other in public.
 Which meant nobody would complain as they sat together on the steps of Cabin 3, holding hands and smiling at each other like nobody else mattered.
 "I've liked you from the beginning, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth answered.
 Sure, it wasn't the most endearing pet name ever, but it meant all the world to him.
 "Yes, but when did you know?" Percy asked, then continued with a sarcastic fake confidence, "were you watching me fight some monster or fury and thinking 'I need him as my partner on more than just the battlefield,' or listening to one of my genius plans and absolutely smitten with my intellect and cutting wit, or," he noticed how she giggled and shook her head, "or laughing at my stupidity as I made another one of my pointless rambles?"
 He raised an eyebrow. She laughed a little more. He rolled his eyes.
 "You weren't even there when it happened," Annabeth finally said, "it was while Clarisse and I were trying to figure out the labyrinth."
 "Really?" Percy asked.
 "Don't get all conceited," Annabeth said, "but I might've mentioned something you'd said once. In fact, I might've mentioned you a lot more than I thought I did."
 "Something about my good looks and charisma?" Percy asked.
 "I said don't get all conceited about it," Annabeth nudged him, "it was usually about your stupid jokes, and your plans that always looked like they'd failed right before they succeeded," she bit her lip, "and then Clarisse's eyebrows wrinkled, and she scowled at me, and she said, 'you have a crush on the little runt, don't you?'"
 "How charming," Percy muttered, this conversation with his girlfriend not nearly as romantic as he'd hoped.
 "I don't know which offended me more," Annabeth shook her head, "the idea that even Clarisse thought I liked you, or her calling you a little runt. I told her no, but the thought didn't leave me."
 She closed her eyes for a moment, then looked right at him, with that little laugh she always used when she knew that she was happy but couldn't figure out why.
 "That night I realized that the reason I was so upset," Annabeth sighed, "was because I knew Clarisse was absolutely right."
 "What a horrible realization," Percy rolled his eyes.
 "What, that I liked you?"
 "No," Percy smiled, "having to admit that Clarisse was right about something."
 "Okay, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said, "your turn."
 "When did you realize you liked me?"
 "That's a tricky one," Percy said, and though he'd been thinking about the answer for a while, he still wasn't sure how to say it, "it, I mean, it's like. One minute I thought maybe I might actually be friends with you, the very next minute I was in love with you— and looking back, I realized I'd loved you all along."
 "Are you always this cheesy?" Annabeth asked.
 "You bring out the best in me," Percy said, "but really, I think it was sometime after we found Nico and his sister, when you got taken by one of Kronos' minions."
 "Distance does make the heart grow fonder," Annabeth offered.
 "Yeah, well the distance made my heart a worried mess, Wise Girl," Percy said, "and I suppose it was obvious— obvious enough, at least, to attract the attention of a certain goddess."
 "Was this when my mother told you she doesn't 'approve of our friendship?'"
 "Before that," Percy said, "different goddess— Aphrodite. She wanted to talk to me personally, about you, and me. Something about my story— our story— having a lot of exciting twists ahead," he sighed, just a little, looking deep into her eyes, "and something about true love."
 Annabeth blinked, her eyes a carefully calculating storm of blue and gray.
 "I didn't believe her at first," Percy squeezed her hand, "but by the time we got you back, I knew, deep down, that she was probably right."
 "The goddess of love," Annabeth blinked in disbelief, "said that you and I are true love?"
 "Yeah," Percy said, and he leaned a little closer to her, studying her face carefully. Hers was a face she knew well, and this was an expression he could read better than any of his own— she was trying to figure something out, and double-checking the conclusion she'd already come to.
 "I don't know Aphrodite very well," Annabeth reasoned, her tone one of annoyance masking worry, "but I know her type. What do you think she meant by 'exciting twists?'"
 "Let's see," Percy said, letting go of her hand so he could count out some examples on his fingers, "following her saying this, your mom told me to stay away from you and I responded by dancing in the streets of Olympus with you, a girl I didn't even have a crush on yet got in the way of us going to see a movie together, you kissed me and I blew up a volcano, you thought I was dead for two weeks while I was marooned on Calypso's island, you didn't give me a good luck kiss before the battle for Manhattan, you almost died, my other almost-girlfriend took a job of lifelong singlehood, you and I became the first Camp Half-Blood couple in decades— if not ever— to get away with making out at the bottom of canoe lake..."
 "That's enough," Annabeth nudged him, turning away a little so he wouldn't see how hard she was blushing, but he noticed anyway, "at least, I hope it is."
 "What do you mean?" Percy asked, noticing a shift in her tone.
 "What if that's not all the twists the gods have in store for us?" she asked, "what if it's all only the beginning, like we're still in the set-up of some sick joke?"
 Even painted with worry, her face still had Percy smiling.
 "If there's more twists in store," Percy said, "then this is what's gonna happen. I'm gonna take your hand," and he paused, and held his hand out to her, and she took it, "and I'm gonna stand by your side. Because no matter what twists they throw at us, I won't walk away from you."
 Annabeth looked like she was about to interrupt with logic, but Percy caught her off guard by kissing her hand.
 "I'll always be by your side," he whispered, "after everything we've been through, I won't let anything come between us again."
 He couldn't tell if she believed him— he couldn't even tell if he believed himself— but the look in her eyes said that for now, this moment together was enough.
 She nestled closer to him, and he let go of her hand so he could wrap his arm around her, holding her closer as they stared up at all the stars in the heavens.
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someones-dads-gf · 18 days
This is basically a frank Zhang fan account so here’s some more head canons for him 
I swear I’m doing fannart and writing fic of pjo stuff, and doing clown art and actual stuff this is just what has taken over my mind lately. 
First Like a lot of the fandom I Think it’s kinda silly that he’s randomly neurotypical. 
Like why him specifically 
So uhh…. autistic/adhd headcanons for him! not specifically either because I’m diagnosed with both and most of my family is undiagnosed with one or the other so i could not tell you one from another’s symptoms 
Frank is what is called hyposensitve. Like he doesn’t feel things correctly. It takes more Pain/pressure/sensation for him to feel something than the average person. He probably gets injured and doesn’t realize it until later when the swelling sets in or he’s finally sitting down to relax. He probably sleeps with a weighted blanket. He likes extremely soft stuff too
He loves the Olympics. Loves loves loves. Ask him a year and what country won the archery gold that year and he’ll instantly tell you. He likes archery the best but I think he just loves the entire Olympics winter and summer. Idk why but I feel like he likes the men’s gymnastics too. (My favorite sport in the Olympics, I love watching gymnastics)
Frank likes sports and sporting events but he brings noise cancellation headphones because otherwise he get’s a overwhelmed and when he’s overwhelmed he gets snappy and literally nothing feels worse to him then yelling at a friend just because he was in a bad mood from hearing others yelling at a hockey game.
He’s canonically clumsy and poor awareness of where one’s body in space is literally a symptom!! Him and being aware of his body, pain or location wise is just not very good. It’s part of why he likes archery so much archery unlike sword fighting or knives or spears etc isn’t close range he doesn’t have to be constantly aware of where he is and what ever part of his body is doing in space 
I will have a Leo headcanon list soon
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iamaweirdbeing · 2 years
One of my favorite pjo headcanons:
Luke Castellan and Hera murdered Beryl Grace.
Luke’s in California on his way back to camp half blood after failing his quest, and he sees Beryl Grace.
This is the woman who made life hell for his best friend. She’s the reason Thalia had to run away, she’s the reason Thalia suffered so much, if she had done things differently Thalia might still be alive. Luke, already angered by the failure that was his quest, is enraged that this woman gets to live while Thalia is dead. So he cuts her brakes or does something else to cause the car accident that Beryl died in.
And if Hera, who already hates any woman who catches Zeus’s attention, sees this happen and fixes the car to make it seem like Beryl was the one to cause the accident, then it’s not like anyone ever needs to know. After all, she never directly interacted with the mortals, Luke did that, she just fixed the car and maybe put an encouraging whisper in Luke’s ear. Who really knows?
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newromesweirdest · 7 months
Octavian Relationship Headcanons - PJO/HoO
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Yep, we're going *there*. I suddenly had some inspiration and decided to go for it. You can either interpret this as general headcanons or as a x reader, whichever you prefer!
Headcanons below the cut :)
Octavian has probably never been in a relationship, so once he does get into one.....oh boy......prepare for the awkwardness. He doesn't live under a rock so he knows how flirting works in principle, but he's rarely done it, so he's definitely awkward and I can almost guarantee that he stumbles over his words a LOT at first.
Has Octavian ever kissed anyone? Probably not, unless it was a game of Spin the Bottle and he entered on a dare or was forced to be there. Considering this, I feel like he would be over the moon when he finally gets to kiss his s/o for the first time. He is also probably bright red throughout the entire thing, but that has nothing to do with the kiss and it's obviously just due to the heat or the cold, or so he would say....
Once Octavian and his s/o have their first kiss, I feel like he goes a little feral. I'm talking constant kisses when they're in private. Octavian is in the temple and he has just finished reading the auspices when his s/o walks in? It's time for kisses with a side of polyester stuffing. Octavian and his s/o take a rare trip away from Camp Jupiter to go on a real date in Oakland? Citizens of Oakland, prepare to witness PDA. Octavian and his s/o find a moment of peace after a war game? Roman armor kisses.
However, does PDA occur in the eyes of Camp Jupiter? Absolutely not! I think that Octavian would be too skittish for that at first, and then soon it morphs into a habit, and later it becomes a sort of "professionalism" thing. However, Octavian totally goes to his s/o for comfort throughout the day, whether it be after a stressful Senate meeting or a draining prophecy.
A personal headcanon of mine is that Octavian occasionally sleeps in the temple, especially when New Rome is facing conflict and the prophecies and omens are rolling in. Octavian is essentially a divine mailman, and sometimes the mail gets a bit overwhelming, so I can totally see him camping out in the temple in case a late night "message" comes in.
After Octavian and his s/o have been together for a while, his s/o sometimes joins him in his "temple camping adventure." They probably store a few folding cots or an air mattress in a quiet corner of the temple, and they camp in the shadows close to the altar. His s/o definitely gets some weird looks from the other campers after that, so they had better be prepared to face the camp at the next meal or training exercise.
I feel like despite Octavian's wealth, he probably takes his s/o on "cheaper" dates (fast food, movies, beach trips, zoos). Octavian gave so much of his childhood to the legion, and I feel like he would yearn for "teenage" experiences, so he and his s/o go on a lot of cutesy, silly adventures.
However, if his s/o did want a fancier date, Octavian definitely knows the nicest restaurants in the area and will 100% book an expensive reservation at the drop of a hat.
I have a very specific idea of what Octavian would do for an anniversary, and I feel like he would take his s/o to a fancy restaurant, followed by something simpler like a trip to the San Francisco zoo. Fancy and simple! The best of the both worlds!
If they are both able to get away from their duties in New Rome, Octavian and his s/o occasionally borrow one of the legion's SUVs and go on a joy ride around Oakland. It drives Reyna up a wall, but she does allow it on occasion.
Overall, I think Octavian would be awkward but very sweet in a relationship. He can be a manipulative public speaker and a vicious politician, but he does have a heart and I think deep down he yearns to have someone who understands and truly supports him. Octavian is 100% a mushy romantic at heart and I will take no criticism on this one.
About a month into the relationship, Octavian is obsessively reading auspices while trying to figure out if he and his s/o are soulmates. 100% makes sacrifices to Venus before going on a date, and he's definitely putting all of his hope into this being a long-term thing.
Octavian believes in soulmates
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tsukishimasbaby · 5 months
hunger games/tbosas agere headcanons?
A/N: Omg yes. I’m gonna turn this into like. A mini series like my PJO headcanons I think. I’m gonna start off with TBOSAS.
Characters: Coriolanus Snow, Sejanus Plinth, Lucy Gray Baird.
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Coriolanus Snow:
He is a caregiver. I don’t think he would ever allow himself to be emotionally vulnerable enough to age regress. And also he just. Doesn’t want to. Doesn’t interest him.
He doesn’t care what age you regress to, he’ll take care of you and love you no matter what, and he’s the same amount of strict no matter what.
He likes being called “Coryo”, “Dada”, or “Daddy”. He thinks it’s really adorable and he likes hearing those names from you. Only you, though. He would punch literally anybody else so fast lol.
He is strict. Very. You have a set bedtime, set meal times, don’t talk back or else you’ll be put in time out, he’ll talk sternly to you, and you have to hold his hand whenever you go outside.
If this takes place after his peacekeeper arc, then he’ll SPOIL you. Mainly because that’s the main way he knows how to show affection. Buys literally anything and everything for you, age regression stuff or not.
Surprisingly, he plays with you whenever he has time. He likes doing puzzles with you and reading you books. He’ll put you in his lap while you do a puzzle and he’ll give you a little kiss on the cheek when you finish it.
He calls you pet names a lot. “Little girl/boy/one”, “baby”, “sweetheart”, and “darling”. He sweet talks you so much.
He’s not very good with temper tantrums or comforting you, but he tries his best. He tries to be gentle and patient with you, because he loves you, he really does.
Sejanus Plinth:
FLIP. The biggest flip I have ever seen. He wants to love you and take care of you but he also needs to be loved and taken care of sometimes.
When he’s a caregiver, he does well with younger regressors! Like 0-3. He loves taking care of baby/toddler regressors. He thinks they’re adorable. :)
When he’s regressed, he usually regresses pretty young himself, around 2-3. He babbles and toddles and it’s really cute! He also really likes pacifiers and stuffies.
He has a favorite stuffie. It’s a stuffed lamb named Gallus and he loves him very much.
When he’s a caregiver, he likes being called “Dada” or “Daddy”. He likes being seen as a parental figure and he loves that you trust him so much. It makes him feel so loved and appreciated.
When he’s regressed, he’ll love and cherish any nickname you give him, but one of his personal favorites is “baby boy”. He doesn’t know why, but it makes him all giggly and happy.
He isn’t a very strict caregiver, only has set bedtimes and meal times. He plays with you and rarely ever puts you in time out. He doesn’t like rules very much himself either when he’s regressed. Just make sure he gets into bed and eats on time.
He has loads of money, and he loves spending it on you, as a little or as a caregiver. He’ll buy you whatever you want or need, no questions asked. Especially stuffies. Both of you have an absurdly large collection of stuffies and it’s all his fault.
He plays. This boy PLAYS. Whether it’s letting you dress him up when you’re little or making you play pretend with him when he’s little, this guy loves playing with you. It’s a bonding activity to him and he sees it as special. He loves you so much and he wants to spend time with you.
He’s really good with comforting you and handling meltdowns or temper tantrums. He knows how to comfort you and he often tries to make you laugh to calm you down.
When he’s regressed, he’s extremely emotional. Biggest crybaby ever, but in a good way. He doesn’t know how to regulate his emotions and has shocking low self preservation skills. The only person he’ll allow to comfort him and make him feel better when he’s little and having a meltdown is you.
Lucy Gray Baird:
Little. Sorry not sorry. She’s the biggest regressor ever. Her age regression is voluntary and involuntary. Primarily involuntary after The Hunger Games. She’s so traumatized and desperately is trying to cope. :(
Her little age is usually slightly older, like 5, but if it’s a bad day it can be as little as 2.
She really likes playing with stuffed animals and coloring. She sings a lot too. Often times she’ll ask you to sing with her or at least listen to her sing. It’s really cute.
She gives you all of her drawings and the things she colors. You save it and put it in a drawer or something because it’s so cute.
She likes pet names a lot, mainly “Sweetheart”, “Darling”, and “Songbird”. They make her giggle and kick her feet lol.
She likes being spoiled. Please buy this girl new clothes, toys, pacis, etc. She’ll start crying, but in a good way. She loves it so much and it makes her feel so loved and appreciated.
Doesn’t really like it if you’re too strict, but you do need to set rules for her like bedtimes and meal times. And also you do have to make it a rule to hold your hand whenever you guys go outside, or else she will run off because she gets so excited and curious.
You also have to make it a rule to not go around touching random plants or putting unknown berries in her mouth lol.
She’s very emotional, like I said, she mainly regresses because of trauma. She’ll get really bad PTSD attacks, especially after nightmares, and she desperately just needs to be held and cared for. :(
She’s also very hyper, excited, and energetic! She gets happy and excited about things easily and she’s always quick to show you new things she’s found or things she’s made. She wants you to be happy and proud of her.
She’s such a sweet baby. 😭
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rainbowfroots · 1 year
I’ve had this headcanon stuck in my head for so long, I just had to share it.
Kuroko: Is definitely a son of Hades (the god of the underworld) like do we even need to ask ourselves why? Kuroko literally talks non-stop about how he’s a shadow in canon. I can already see him shadow travelling everywhere just to jump out and scare Kagami half to death. Being a son of Hades, he would get along with hellhounds too which makes total sense as he has a pet dog (Nigou) in canon. He would also have the power of summoning skeletons and speaking to the dead which I think would be AWESOME.
Kagami: Would probably be a son of Ares, the god of war and bloodshed. Children of Ares in PJO have mostly been described as taking action first and then facing the consequences. Kagami very much fits this bill. He is extremely passionate about what he does and is fairly competitive, which also makes him the perfect son of Ares. He would love the thrill of battle and would spend most of his time in the sword practicing arena in Camp Half-Blood. He also picks fights and gets riled up quickly, which is a very Ares trait to have. Also his hair is RED so he’s practically MADE to be an Ares kid.
Kise: Is 100000% an Apollo kid. There is no question about it. Apollo is all about radiance, being the god of the sun (also archery, medicine, the oracle, poetry, etc). His kids also have a tendency to be good at multiple things, which is a trait Kise shares. He is confident, the ladies love him and he loves to show off (All things Apollo admires). He would have fun practicing his archery, and though he may not be the best healer, he would be a pretty decent one. He’s also blonde which seems to be a common Apollo kid thing.
Midorima: Is probably a son of Tyche. She’s the goddess of fortune as well as chance. Midorima is obsessed with his horoscope, makes sure he has his lucky items and believes in superstition to a certain degree. These are things Tyche would appreciate. Midorima would be skilled in archery, preferring long-ranged weapons but also would have the power of cursing people with luck (whether that be good or bad would remain unknown until it would come into effect but it would give him a chance in the most hopeless of situations).
Aomine: Probably would be a son of Ares. This was difficult but after a lengthy deliberation, Ares it is. Though not as rash and reckless as Kagami, Aomine is still pretty reckless when it comes to proving himself. He lets anger drive him at times, which would prove useful in a fight. He’s skillful at what he does, which would make him a versatile fighter. He’s overconfident, almost to a fault and like Kagami, would never back down from a fight. Ares kids are passionate and that’s something Aomine definitely is.
Murasakibara: Could be a son of Hypnos. Murasakibara gave me a hard time, because he seems to fit everywhere, yet nowhere (sorry Murasakibara). But out of all the cabins, he seems like he would fit in with the Hypnos cabin. They are a slow, purposeful bunch. Hypnos is the god of sleep, and so his children spend a lot of time asleep. This could explain his laziness when it comes to most things. They also have the power to walk in peoples’ dreams which I think is simultaneously the coolest and most terrifying power ever!
Akashi: Is definitely the son of Nike, goddess of victory. Nike kids don’t know when to quit. They do not stop until they win and are crowned as the victor. They almost always want to be right (and usually are). They are very competitive as well. Akashi fits this to a T. He would probably make sure his cabin would win capture the flag. Every. Single. Time. The other campers would be tired of it.
Momoi: Is the daughter of Athena. Are we even surprised? Athena is the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. Her children always have a plan, know how to do their research and come up with solutions. If you thought children of Nike were always right, then the children of Athena are ALWAYS right. She’s smart, resourceful, witty and loves making plans. Momoi would fit right in with the Athena cabin.
Nijimura: Would be the son of Iris. Iris is the goddess of the rainbow and Niji literally means rainbow so, talk about being fated. Nijimura would look intimidating but would be the biggest softie. The Iris cabin get along with pegasi really well so he would spend a lot of time at the stables. And yes, the entire camp would have a crush on the man.  
Haizaki: Is a son of Nemesis, the goddess of revenge. Haizaki is a person fueled by spite and revenge, which would make him the perfect candidate for a son of Nemesis. Though not the most forgiving of parents, she does try and keep the balance in things, even if that means doing things that may not be the most moral. Haizaki would grow up hearing the phrase “an eye for an eye” and it would become the motto he would live by. He would be a great fighter, though maybe not the best example of someone with a moral compass.
Himuro: Would probably be a son of Hecate, the deity of magic, pathways and the mist. Himuro comes off as very mysterious. He keeps to himself mostly, but if you get on his bad side, he isn’t very forgiving. This seems to be what the children of Hecate are like. In canon, Himuro is known for his Mirage shot. As a son of Hecate, he would actually be able to cast illusions. He would also be able to curse people (Kagami has been turned into a toad more times than he can count) and can manipulate the mist.  
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kittybloy · 2 years
talk about your rtc headcanons please.
i have a note open on my notes app full of hcs >:]
(some of these will be pretty ship centered, but they could probably be seen as platonic!)
• bites people. out of love. i think
• autistic because i said so
• new special interest every week
• long-term hyperfixation on doll collecting
• like girly has a terrifying amount of dolls
• she/they/it/doll/star pronouns fuck you
• forgets what her own voice sounds like sometimes so randomly she'll just.. start talking to himself.
• has a pet axolotl
• queer platonic relationship with ocean
• has an old galaxy note phone but it's kept it pristine condition
• can beatbox
• has really good rhythm!!
• soprano 1
• devilishly good at escape rooms
• along with mishca, the choirs bodyguard
• isn't allowed in the kitchen without supervision
• stims by just... riffing
• yk that riff in tbojd? that.
• favorite time if the year is Christmas, specifically for the carolling
• takes the choir to carol with it all the time
• cannot spell for shit
• cosplays with ricky constantly
• had a nightcore phase
• makes the most killer hot coco ever
• teached the choir asl after the accident BCS THEY ALL COME BACK IN THE END FIGHT ME
• every year for the different choir members birthdays she draws them as a cat. (he gives them fursonas i dont make the rules here).
• uses all pronouns
• named a cat after each of the choir members but refuses to tell them
• genderfluid as fuck!!
• has one of those samsung phones that can fold
• makes cat stickers for fun
• her mobility aids are covered in stickers and has little trinkets that dangle
• had a warrior cats phase
• got noel into warrior cats in middle school
• has 3 hairless cats
• obsessed with the Labyrinth
• gets high with mischa weekly
• fucking pro on an electric guitar
• has a baseball cap with cat ears attached to the top
• jazz hand stims
• makes the choirs halloween costumes every year
• excellent seamstress
• also loves tf outta Halloween
• she gets to dress up as a swinging space age bachelor man and wouldn't get judged, ofc she loves it
• stims by.. meowing and purring?? for fun??? its fun try it
• has a lifetime pass to any cosplay convention that happens in Uranium ( idk if thats a real thing but it is now )
• horrid asthma
• avarage glee watcher
• IS gossip girl
• they/she user
• neurodivergent as hell but is undiagnosed because their parents SUCK and don't believe in that stuff
• asexual lesbian real
• has to use either Constances or Mischas washing machine/dryer to wash her clothes.
• hates the beach
• they sunburn so easily
• sibling relationship with both mischa and noel
• has a yellow iphone with an otterbox phonecase
• keeps little Polaroid pictures of her and the other choir members in a journal she has
• she likes taking pictures I said so
• was the last one to grasp asl, but she is trying!!!!
• cuts her hair themselves and as genuinely good at it
• soprano 2
• has horrid OCD
• loves deer sm
• loves Christmas time <3
• hot mocha enjoyer
• her and noel have kareoke night every friday
• vocaloid enjoyer
• pumpkin spice latte drinker
• mom friend. keeps bandaids, candies, an inhaler, toothpicks, waters, and koolaid packets in her bag at all times.
• pansexual queen <3 i love her
• she/her pronouns, but doesn't mind they/them
• her family has threatened to adopt literally every single one of the choir members - noel and ricky
• listens to 90's rock music
• love language is physical touch!!! she loves holding everyones hands and gives the best hugs imaginable
• wrote pjo fanfiction in middle school
• it's still on ao3
• fandom junkie
• has a dark green motorola phone with a pastel blue case
• alto
• really good at crochet and makes sweaters for choir during their birthdays
• makes small sweaters for rickys hairless cats during winter
• K-pop stan
• has asked noel to dress up as a k-pop idol before
• adhd haver
• has hundreds of little lists for random things
• favorite holiday is Christmas and she loves giving the choir gifts
• giving love language is giving gifts fight me
• has a pet frog named Jeremy
• sometimes she just spins around as a stim
• HATES coffee, claims it tastes like dirt
• languages master ( teaches noel french bcs duolingo isn't helping at all)
• dad friend
• menace in the kitchen
• talia is real and they're in love... fuck you
• mischa "two hands" bachinski
• is the reason the choir room has a swear jar
• loves bearded dragons
• unreasonably terrified of snakes
• bisexual king
• He/They supremacy
• can and will down an entire bottle of straight vodka
• very proud of that fact
• transmasc real!!!!
• talia helps pay for their T shots and after hearing about noel being trans too she buys her a binder <3
• so in love with noel and talia both he has too much passion
• brotp with ricky they're brothers your honor
• only one besides noel that can drive
• made vines
• works at a haunted house with penny during halloween
• his adoptive parents are rich as fuck
• can tell you the history of rap if you asked him to
• love language is words of affirmation bcs i said so
• sometimes he just carries around the other choir members (usually ocean) on his back for fun
• body heater
• has a red iphone with a clear case
• it has so many cracks
• godly at stick n pokes
• has a pet hampster his adoptive parents know nothing about
• has gotten a lightbulb stuck in their mouth twice
• has the most batshit insane ideas
• really into pop music but will NEVER tell anyone
• he has autism btw
• really good at critiquing movies
• baritone/bass what's the difference
• carries ricky up and down stairs even if it isn't needed
• giving love language is physical touch fight me ( him and constance are always touching eachother in someway, either by holding pinkies or leaning in eachother. platonic or not, take it as you please)
• its a real struggle with talia but they make do
• movie nights in his basement happen every Tuesday after choir rehearsal, usually only him and noel are there but ricky and penny join every so often!!
• the choirs bodygaurd
• he's friends with the detention teacher
• has the second highest gpa out of the choir
• special interest: RAP
• listens to imagine dragons unironically
• halloween enthusiast
• always dresses up as some cheesy horror movie villain
• sometimes, mid conversation, he'll just start speaking in Ukranian. he won't realize until the person he's talking to mentions it.
• has a pretty bad lisp
• flappy hand stimmer fight me
• ambidextrous
• starbucks employees know him by name
• stereotypical gay tbh, he drinks tf outta iced coffee
• tries to learn french through duolingo but fails miserably
• he/she noel supremacy
• always steals food from taco bell before a performance to give to the choir
• introduced rocky horror picture show to the choir and now they all wont stop quoting it
• mlm/wlw hatred solidarity between her and ocean
• but in a sibling way
• unreasonably obsessed with peacocks amd doves (specifically white doves, they're so pretty)
• literally so oblivious to mischas crush its hilarious
• hates his job. so. much.
• her favorite stim is just repeating lines from the Blue Angel in a french accent. she knows it's a german film, but french accents are just too fun man
• she's autistic too btw ive decided
• hyperfixated on french history
• and scented candles
• holy shit she has so many scented candles
• has those fake candy cigarettes but absolutely hates how they taste
• has a notebook of little shirt stories of moniques life
• absolutely has thought out entire movies with Monique as the main character
• really really bad abandonment issues
• love language is quality time <3
• she is genuinely so angsty i have so many sad hcs for her
• has terrible eyesight but refuses to wear glasses
• instead, wears shitty contacts
• musical theatre nerd
• paints his nails so he would stop chewing them but it doesn't work
• purple iphone user, has one of those square cases with the gold accents please know what i'm talking about
• has an old cat named Nyxl and she is treated like a got damn queen
• token tenor
• has a notebook full of poetry
• has a book full of edgar allen poes stories
• she loves them
• picky eater picky eater picky eater picky eater
• has to be chewing on something to even exist
• usually a toothpick, since she got scolded by ocean once because she bit a hole in her lip
• favorite holiday is valentines day
• he'll say he hates it but absolutely loves the romantic aspect of it
thanky ou for indulging me i needed yhis <3
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chasingpj · 1 year
𝕩𝕖𝕟𝕚'𝕤 𝟙𝕜 𝕔𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟☺
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Thank you so much for the support all of you have given me since the beginning of my blog. It’s been so crazy experiencing this account grow and knowing my writing has been enjoyed by so many of you. I put off this celebration because I was debating if I should do one but I miss interacting with you guys and you all deserve it! You guys are the best and I'm excited for the fun we'll have! ♡♡
this celebration will go on from Friday, 3/24th to Sunday, 3/26th
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🎁 personalized letter from your favorite character (you can tell me about yourself and/or a situation and i'll write a short love letter for you from your favorite character. things to include: preferred pronouns, name, cabin, hobby, interests, personality, scenario, and who you want the letter to be written by!)
🏹 tell me anything about yourself (be sure to include your preferred name/pronouns, cabin, preferred weapon, your powers, personality type, your favorite characters in the series: romantically and platonically, literally any aspect of yourself or your personal ocs), and I'll give you a brief summary of what your years at CHB look like.
⭐️ send me a personal headcanon (it can be about a character, a concept/au, pjo as a whole, or my fic yg and i'll add on to it!)
✒️ ask for a blurb: (send me one of the prompts provided or an idea and i'll make short headcanons or write a 200ish-word blurb)
🎬 ask for a director's cut (ask me about anything I've posted! what inspired me? i can elaborate on a headcanon or one-shot, give sneak peeks, and answer questions about young god)
🍄 get to know me more! (feel free to ask me anything)
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don’t know what to request? here are 30+ prompts you can use!
disclaimer & reminder: i will cross out the quotes that have already been requested so just check back before sending it in. I will add more if i get lots of requests. i write romantically for percy, leo, jason, connor, and travis and platonically for annabeth and nico.
Dialogue Prompts
"If we lose this-" "It's just a game of Capture the Flag honey, it's not that serious-" "If we lose this, I'm divorcing you."
“I feel like I’ve stepped back in time.”
“Please tell me that we’re not stuck out here in your piece of shit car.”
"We can't take care of a baby."
“Don't even talk to me about this because I won't remember.”
“What is worse than death?”
“In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you.”
With time to kill and entertainment to have, you lay your hand on his and the new waltz commences.
“Tell me, what will you do when this is all over?”
“Do you ever think about what life would be like for us if things were different?”
“C’mon, we don’t really need to get up yet.”
“Can you remember how you died?”
“Act natural.”
“Is that blood?” “No?”
“Mom says if you blow up the house, she’s gonna put you up for adoption.”
“how is it that you always manage to look so handsome, even in [insert not-handsome looking clothes?”
“Excuse you, I am great at being a third wheel.”
“Apologize. Right now.”
“Don’t let this one go. he’s perfect for you."
“Pass the binoculars. Hurry!”
“Why did i have to end up partnered with you of all people?”
"Why are you wearing my skirt?"
"You're not getting sea sick, are you?"
"We're way too drunk for this."
"Watch how a professional does this."
Lyric Prompts
Photo album on the counter; Your cheeks were turning red. You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-sized bed and your mother's telling stories 'bout you on the tee-ball team /// All Too Well by Taylor Swift
I've been watching' you for some time. Can't stop staring' at those ocean eyes. Burning cities and napalm skies, fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes. Your ocean eyes. /// Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish
What if I told you none of it was accidental and the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me? I laid the groundwork and then, just like clockwork the dominoes cascaded in a line. /// Mastermind by Taylor Swift
Then you're drivin' me home and I don't wanna leave but I have to go. You kiss me in your car and it feels like the start of a movie I've seen before /// Ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine
I'm playing hooky with the best of the best. Pull my heart out my chest, so that you can see it too. I'm walking the long road, watching the sky fall. The lace in your dress tangles my neck, how do I live? /// Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At The Disco
Recount the night that I first met your mother and on the drive back to my house, I told you that, I told you that I loved ya /// Still into You by Paramore
In the car, I just can't wait to pick you up on our very first date. Is it cool if I hold your hand? Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance? Do you like my stupid hair? Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear? I'm just scared of what you think. You make me nervous so I really can't eat. /// First Date by Blink-182
Remember when you hit the brakes too soon? Twenty stitches in a hospital room. When you started crying, baby, I did too but when the sun came up, I was looking at you. /// Out of the Woods by Taylor Swift
And if you have a minute, why don't we go talk about it somewhere only we know? This could be the end of everything so why don't we go somewhere only we know? /// Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
I have kissed honey lips, felt the healing in her fingertips. It burned like fire, this burning desire. I have spoken with the tongue of angels. I have held the hand of a devil. It was warm in the night. I was cold as a stone but I still haven't found what I'm looking for. /// I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For by U2
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