#octomer x male reader
ashensgrotto · 11 months
The Sea's Sacrifice (Part 3)
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Characters: Azul Ashengrotto / Jade Leech / Floyd Leech x F!Reader
Total Word Count: 14.7k+
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (You are Here) Part 4 Part 5
Synopsis: A potential job as a marine biologist’s assistant leaves (Y/N) feeling something fishy going on behind the scene…
Author's Notes: Original Idea came from @merakiui 's annonymous ask with a short story / headcannon -> https://www.tumblr.com/merakiui/684490143936167936/ooohhh-i-love-those-writing-ideas-you-had-for-sea?source=share
and I absolutely love this concept and wanted to take it a step further. I don't write yandere nor fanfiction as much as I did a few years ago. However, I do hope I do this piece justice; I will had links to the next part once it is completed and ready for viewing.
Also, this is a work of fiction. I disagree with anyone that justifies the following behaviors which are represented in this fic (if I think of more, I will add them as I go):
rape/non-consent/dub-consent, possessive/controlling/dominating behaviors, and manipulation
Play the song you sang long ago
And wherever the storm may blow
You will find the key to my heart
We'll never be apart
“...And how is everything going with our trio?” Mr. Crowley had called both Trein and Crewel into his office along with Grimsley for a meeting that night after the rest of the staff had left for the day.
“Absolutely swimmingly,” Professor Crewel answered with a psychotic grin on his face, “Only nearly got my head bitten off by two mers today, but other than that, we’re fine!”
“You weren’t even near the pool,” Professor Trein let out a sigh, rolling his eyes heavenward, before turning toward Mr. Crowely, “The subjects have allowed test number 03182020 to interact with them as well as talk with them. We know that both of the morays see 03182020 as a match, we are still waiting for the octopus to make the decision as well.”
“I heard about that attack,” Mr. Crowley leaned forward on his desk, elbows resting on the surface as his long fingers criss crossed each other, “and the morays’ first instinct was to protect, not only the octomer, but 03182020 as well?”
“Yes, sir,” Trein answered.
“Hmmm…” Crowley shifted, fiddling a contract in his hands before one nail tapped against the desk.
“Whacha thinking?” Grimsley asked, a dark brow raised in question.
“We don’t have much time left before the contract is up - I had sort of hoped it wouldn’t come to this, not yet at least,” Mr. Crowely stood from his desk, moving toward the window and looking out into the courtyard behind the office, “When was the last time they went into heat?”
“All three had experienced their urges around September last year,” Crewel answered, pressing his hands into his pockets, “Now, normally for moray eels, their mating season runs from July to September - and octopi fry are typically hatching at this point.”
“And if they are anything like their counterparts,” Trein mused, “The twins and the octomer will likely die following the mating process.”
“Hold on, these things die after mating?” Grimsley cocked a brow at the two of them.
“Unfortunately so,” Crewel answered with a nod, “Octopi will mate somewhere between November and early February - following that process, the female will eat the male before she goes into incubation. The few lucky males that are able to escape their mate’s hungry clutches eventually succumb to death a few months after the mating process - some male Giant Pacific octopi have also been known to get dementia before passing. As for the females, after they lay their clutch of eggs - which can be roughly around a hundred thousand, they starve themselves and sometimes tear themselves apart piece by piece. After the eggs hatch, she succumbs to death as well - leaving all of her fry to the current of the sea and one can only hope some of the eggs make it.”
“As for morays,” Trein answered, “depending on the type, males and females will travel to a particular spot and breed there, the males - exhausted from the travel and mating - pass away. The female will incubate her clutch - which is about ten thousand eggs - before laying them in the rocky beds among seaweed before passing away as well. If the water is warm enough, the eggs will only take about 30 to 45 days to hatch - sometimes sooner depending on the temperature of the water.”
“Sheesh, talk about a sexual turn off,” Grimsley crossed his arms over his chest.
“But, we don’t know if mers act in the same fashion,” Crewel answered, “I’m guessing that they follow some of the same mating habits as their counterparts, but not all of them.”
“And we won’t know anything unless we try something,” Crowley spoke, turning toward the duo, “We can't wait seven months, it's now or never. Speed the process up - add about three degrees to the pool each day and try to see how the mers’ attitudes change toward 03182020 in the coming weeks. I want to see some results before the end of next month.”
“Consider it done,” Crewel and Trein smiled as their hands rested over their hearts, a sign of their understanding.
"We've got one last shot - do not fail me."
Floyd and Jade greeted you in their usual fashion the following morning, with chirps, clicks, and echoes of ‘Hello’ and your name.
“Good morning,” you smile with a soft wave at the duo, “Are you guys hungry?”
“Hungry!” Floyd shouts, back flipping into the water to toss it in your direction before reappearing on the surface again.
You only snort, pulling the buckets from the freezer before strolling toward the edge of the pool, kneeling down to deposit the contents into the murky depths. 
Before you can do so, however, both of the twins pounce. Jade had shifted so his upper body laid behind you on the edge of the pool, his long tail still draped into the water with your shoulders trapped between his webbed hands as his face buried itself into your hair, cool breaths tickling your nape; Floyd, on the other hand, had attached himself to your front - arms wrapped tightly around your waist with his head tucked under your chin as he rested against your chest. Soft clicks and coos came from both brothers as they twisted their bodies closer to yours, noses nuzzling your warm skin as the slippery film that coated their bodies clung to your skin and clothing.
“Safe?” Jade had asked after a moment, pulling away and looking directly at your face.
“Safe?” you ask, confusion slowly writing across your features.
“Shimpy safe, Jade,” Floyd grinned, sharp teeth on display.
“Wait a minute, who are you calling shrimpy?!”
The twins only clicked and chuckled before removing themselves from you, though each still clung onto each of your hands, sharp nails tracing the smooth skin of your wrists as the two brothers chattered with each other.
It was then that it dawned on you.
Following the arrival of Crewel after the first encounter with Azul the previous day, the twins had believed that you, maybe even Azul, were in danger - hence why Floyd had acted like a guard dog most of the day, even going so far as to refuse to return to the water. It had been yours and Jade’s gentle urging that allowed him to submerge under the water, allowing the gills behind his ears and on his sides to breath again; now, Jade - on the other hand - had paced the water, keeping one eye on the set of glass double doors and growling any time someone walked by it. When you set out to leave for the day, both of the twins had let out ferocious growls that you jumped in your skin - but seeing you frightened was the last thing they wanted. You had made it clear that you were going to be careful and that you would return in the morning like usual - the two could do so little as they watched you leave, worry filling their brown and gold gazes.  
You shouldn’t have been surprised since the two were likely very apprehensive about you and maybe had been up all night, wondering if or when you would return - and when you did, they wanted to make sure that you were safe; no injuries or pain on your body from the other humans that had made appearances prior to your arrival.
You smiled and patted both of their heads, trying to show some reassurance, “Don’t worry, guys. I’m okay. I was just a little nervous from that incident yesterday.”
Jade growled while Floyd hissed in agreement.
“I swear I’m okay,” you sigh, dipping your hands into the water as you lay on your stomach before the duo, “I wasn’t attacked or anything, I don’t have any bruises or cuts - nothing worth reporting. So, please be a bit more gentle when the others come in. I know you guys like me and all, but you also have to work with them too - after all, they brought me here to look out for you and vice versa.”
The twins looked at each other before clicking in agreement, although Floyd looked dejected - likely hoping you’d allow him to do more than splash the intruders during your time together.
You could only chuckle before standing and taking the knocked over bucket of seafood and depositing it over the side, “I hope you guys are hungry. You look like you both deserve this one!”
The next two weeks pass by slowly as you continue your interactions with the duo - now turned trio.
Azul made his appearance again a day or two after the Crewel incident, but only stayed and watched your interactions with the twins for a few minutes before disappearing beneath the surface again. Every time you saw him, you waved at him - trying to reach a hand out to accept your presence into the group, especially since Crewel had interrupted that near precious moment between the two of you; Azul was always shocked to see you wave at him and slowly began copying the movement with the tips of his fingers peeking out from beneath the water. He began to grow bolder, appearing closer and closer to the pool’s edge with each passing day until by the end of the second week, he was greeting you with the twins as you walked in - clicks and coos higher pitched than the twins'.
“Hey guys!” You grin, setting your bag down and heading over to the freezer, “And I see Azul decided to join us this morning! Nice to see you again!”
Azul ducked his head down, but you had seen the blush slowly creep up his face - turning his face and ears a deep shade of blue.
You giggled, setting the buckets down before them. You had stopped dumping the contents into the water earlier last week, instead handing out the food to the hungry mers as a way to continue to build trust between the four of you. Azul was far too nervous to approach you at the time, so you had tossed what he was interested in eating towards him - allowing you to get a good glimpse at his tentacles for the first time. They were long and black with a purple underbelly and multiple suckers that appeared to be the size of quarters and half-dollar coins. Whenever you tossed something in his direction, one of his appendages would shoot out of the water like a snake launching at its prey. It was fascinating to watch the tentacle curl around the meal, nearly crushing it within its grasp - the dozens upon dozens of suckers clutching it tightly as if it was afraid to let go.
 After giving the impatient twins their choice of meals, you smile at Azul, “What would you like? I still have some crab, shrimp, some fish, and a few snails left over…”
Azul looks into the bucket that is turned on its side before several tentacles reached forward and pulled several pieces of fish and crab from the container before dipping below the surface to eat.
You take the remaining contents and dump it over the side before standing to get your notes. You flip through the filled pages as you take a seat on the edge of the pool, your shoes discarded so you can soak your feet in the water. You absent-mindly begin to hum, your head swaying with the tune that had been trapped in your head for a few hours at least. 
Something slimy touches your foot, causing you to jerk slightly before you realize Azul had attempted to touch you. He looked broken as he regarded you, moving a bit away from you.
“Hey, it’s ok,” you offer your hand out, palm upward, “you just startled me is all.”
A soft click comes from the octomer as he comes to your side again, slowly.
“There we go, I won’t hurt you.”
The scene plays itself out how it should have been the first day Azul approached you; his hand slips into yours, allowing you to feel the surprising smoothness of his skin. One tentacle slips around your ankle, squeezing slightly as his gaze remains on your smiling face. You recalled reading somewhere that octopi used their suckers to help them travel along the ocean floor, but they were also used to taste by touch. Azul was likely testing to see if you were good enough to eat - maybe.
"Am I tasty?" you joked, which earned you a disapproving grunt from the octomer.
You giggled and reached out with your other hand to touch the top of another tentacle that had made its way up the side of the pool. It felt like a soaked piece of gummy candy - slimy and smooth - before lifting the edge and admired the pale lavender-colored suckers, rubbing your thumb slowly around the inner edge. Azul squeaked slightly, the tentacle around your ankle squeezing tighter and causing you to wince.
"Hey, not so tight there," you pull your legs up from the water and away from Azul’s grasp.
The octomer whined, his hands reaching out and clutching the ankle that had been in his grasp. Your eyes widened at the sight of multiple little circles that surrounded your ankle - deep blue in color and slowly turning darker to a dark purple. Azul releases you and ducks down so you can only see the top of his head and his eyes as they shift nervously between you and the marks in your leg. You offer another smile and reach out, stroking the top of his head, offering words of kindness and support - letting him know you were okay and that it didn't bother you.
One finger traces the outline from one of his suckers - a strange feeling settling in your gut at the thought that this was more than just a mere marking.
As time goes on and you interact with Azul more and more, you realize that he was touch-starved to an unhealthy amount.
He enjoys wrapping his tentacles around your legs when you sit on the edge of the pool before him, his head on your lap while you hold your notebook above him and jot notes down about your experiences with the mers. Jade and Floyd often attempt to sneak in for what you've deemed as a "cuddle session" - but Azul often growls at them with a few clicks in their direction before his arms wrap around your waist tighter. The trio do switch things up eventually, with Jade and Floyd both curled protectively around your form as Azul keeps a set of eyes on the glass doors.
Whenever someone attempts to enter the enclosure, all three go into defensive mode - Azul now taking a stance in front - or rather, over - you as the twins shift to lean over the edge of the pool, all three growling frighteningly and baring teeth at the intruders. It was also during the last week you noticed how their touches would linger longer on your skin, Azul - on more than one occasion - wrapping his tentacles around both your ankles, wrists, and your waist multiple times, leaving marks that had many of your coworkers arching brows at you.
"Not that I mind the interactions between the four of you, puppy," Crewel comments when you meet up with him and Trein at the end of the second month, two notebooks resting before you on the desk as Trein goes over them, "but the results we've seen are… kind of startling."
"I've noticed the trio has been a bit more aggravated than usual, as well," you answer.
"How so?"
You press your lips together, trying to think of the best way to describe the events of the previous week.
It wasn't uncommon for the trio to touch you - especially Azul, who seemed to now dominate the spotlight - however, those touches that had shifted from curiosity to protectiveness had now shifted to what you thought was longing. The trio's eyes would watch you intently when you were away from the edge of the pool - either as you were entering, getting their food ready, or preparing to leave - their gaze not once shifting away from your form. As soon as you had taken a seat at the poolside, all three were upon you in the same fashion following the "Splashing Crewel" incident. The twins would pull themselves up to sit behind you, pulling you into their arms while each of them grasped one hand to keep you still, as Azul would launch to lay on top of you with his tentacles curling around your legs and thighs. They would coo and click softly at you, noses running along the column of your neck and into your hair. It would take hours just for them to let you go, even with your soft pleading - only releasing you when you mentioned food. You also notice how the trio enjoy hearing your humming - it may have been the reason why they nuzzle at your neck, wishing to hear your voice bring whatever tune you happened to be humming out of your mouth.
As you explained this, Crewel’s and Trein's expressions turned dark.
"That is… unsettling," Trein answered after a moment.
"Perhaps those puppies should be put in place," Crewel thought aloud, crossing his arms and tapping a finger against his bicep.
"Why are they acting this way is what I'm concerned about," you answered.
"We couldn't be sure," Trein explained, "Personally, we've never had a keeper get this close to them, never mind see them react in this fashion."
"I would venture a guess as to say they might see you as a member of their 'family' or 'school'," Crewel answered, "Given the circumstances of your arrangement, I wouldn't be surprised if the reason they cling to you is primarily due to their worry when you are away from them."
"That’s what I was thinking as well," you nod in agreement.
"And as for the humming," Trein spoke, "Sound travels faster in the water than it does on land. Legends of merfolk often indicate that they are attracted to music - though it's typically the mers that use it to lure in unsuspecting prey."
"Do you think they were interested in my humming because of their love for music?"
"Perhaps," Trein nodded in agreement.
"I also noticed when they are, well, clinging to me, they also seem… warmer than usual?" You ask, trying to think of the proper terms, "I also noticed the water seemed visibly warmer too. Do you think their change in behavior may have something to do with it?"
"We'll have one of our men check it out," Crewel nodded, "If someone messed with the thermostat, we'll know."
You nod and leave the office, the door closing behind you.
"Think she's onto us?" Trein asked 
"Never trust anyone, Trein," Crewel pulled a cigarette out of its case, "even your own coworkers."
"I suppose with all of those hints we've dropped, if she hasn't figured out what our plan is yet she likely never will."
"The only thing we can do now is wait for the right time. Hopefully this will satisfy that crow's interest."
Unbeknownst to the world above, the waters of the enclosure shifted as the twin mers lounged about outside a built cave.
"Jaaade! I'm boooored!!" Floyd grumbled, shifting his body to drape over one of several rocks that lined the entrance to their dwelling, "I wanna play with Shrimpy!"
"In time, Floyd," His twin shifted, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned against the rocky walls, "Azul has to finish up the final piece. Besides, our little pearl isn't around right now to play with."
"This suuucks! Why couldn't we just pull her under when we had the chance?"
"She would never survive if we did that, Floyd. You know humans can't breathe underwater, nor swim like this. We need to bide our time, just a bit longer."
"Luckily we won't have to wait too much longer," Azul appeared in the entrance, his tentacles swaying with motion as he moved to greet his friends and fellow captives.
Both twins perked up, shark-like smiles appearing on their features.
"Did you make it?" Jade asked.
"It's almost complete, I just need scales from both of you," Azul answered.
"Sooo, what does our scales have to do with a mer potion?" Floyd asked.
“It will make our mate more compatible,” Azul answered, “In order for us to successfully, one, produce fry, and two, live with us, she needs to be our equivalent. A human mate isn’t a bad thing, we just need a bit more… well, given that those other two-legged monsters have been observing us for the past two years, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were planning on using her for something.”
“Hence we need to take precautions to make sure she’s safe and comfortable,” Jade followed through.
“Does that mean we can eat them?” Floyd asked.
“When the time is right, you’ll be able to squeeze those beasts who’ve harmed our mate to your heart’s desires,” Azul grinned, “Personally, I don’t think they would taste good, but if you want to eat them, by all means help yourself.”
Floyd grinned, all teeth and gums as he bounced giddily in the water.
“How long after the scales are added will we need to wait?” Jade asked, turning toward Azul.
“At least one week.”
“What’s the plan for our Shrimpy, then?”
Azul grinned, indicating for the twins to follow him into the lair, explaining things as they moved, “Our home here will only be temporarily. Once they realize their precious little angelfish is one of us, they will try every means to get her away from us to revert the process. When they make their move, we’ll be able to shift our focus to breaking out. I’ll need several things to create a temporary transformation potion that will allow one of us to move about the surface to transfer us back to the Coral Sea. And we’ll need to work fast - once (Y/N) lays those eggs, she’ll need to be protected and guarded at all times. I’d rather not have her lay them here - hence our haste to get her out of here.”
“And then the big family we’ve always dreamed of!”
“Indeed - so, two weeks?”
“Two weeks. When the moment is right, (Y/N) will be ours…”
320 notes · View notes
twstedwriter · 11 days
Dom Male Reader x Azul Ashengrotto
Minors DNI
(Requests are Open)
The Monstro Lounge was quiet tonight, the usual bustle and chatter replaced by an almost eerie silence. The lights were dim, casting long shadows across the polished tables and luxurious decor. In the center of the room, a single table was occupied, though not by the usual patrons.
Azul Ashengrotto, the meticulous and cunning manager of the lounge, was currently in a compromising position. His boyfriend, (Y/N), had him in a full nelson, his strong arms wrapped around Azul's slender frame, holding him securely in place. Azul's legs were spread wide, his back arched as (Y/N) relentlessly pounded into him.
The octomer’s usually composed demeanor was completely shattered. His glasses had been discarded somewhere on the floor, his silver hair a wild mess around his flushed face. Each thrust drew a helpless moan from his lips, echoing through the empty lounge.
"Ah... ah... (Y/N)... it's too much..." Azul panted, his voice trembling with a mix of pleasure and desperation. His hands clutched at (Y/N)'s wrists, trying and failing to find some semblance of control.
(Y/N) smirked, tightening his grip around Azul's shoulders, pushing him down further onto the table. "You love it, Azul. Look at you, completely on display, taking me so well."
Azul's blush deepened at the words, his head lolling back onto (Y/N)'s shoulder. The sensation of being filled so completely, the overwhelming pleasure of each thrust hitting just the right spot, was driving him mad. "I... I can't... everyone could see..."
"Let them see," (Y/N) growled, his pace unrelenting. "Let them see how perfect you look, how much you love being taken like this."
Azul whimpered, his body quaking with each powerful thrust. The combination of being so exposed, so vulnerable, and the intense pleasure coursing through him was almost too much to bear. His legs wrapped around (Y/N)'s waist instinctively, trying to pull him even closer. "Please... don't stop..."
(Y/N)'s grip tightened, his breath hot against Azul's ear. "I wasn't planning on it," he murmured, his voice low and filled with lust. He increased his pace, each movement precise and powerful, driving Azul closer and closer to the edge.
Azul's moans grew louder, more desperate, his body trembling uncontrollably. The table beneath them creaked with their movements, but neither cared. All that mattered was the intense connection, the overwhelming pleasure that bound them together in this moment.
With a final, powerful thrust, (Y/N) pushed Azul over the edge. Azul cried out, his body convulsing as he reached his climax, the pleasure washing over him in waves. (Y/N) followed soon after, a deep groan escaping his lips as he buried himself deep inside Azul, filling him completely.
For a moment, the only sound in the lounge was their heavy breathing, the air thick with the scent of their passion. Slowly, (Y/N) loosened his grip, allowing Azul to collapse forward onto the table, his body spent and trembling.
(Y/N) leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of Azul's neck. "You were amazing, Azul. So perfect." Azul turns his head away blushing.
23 notes · View notes
loousir · 3 years
[Merman] From a Distance
Popular Octomer Male x Photographer Male Reader Part One
Warnings: Octoboy flirting
2 of 7 The Seven Sins Series
Masterlist | Part Two | Part Three
The snap of a camera lense sounded as you took one of soon to be many pictures. The breeze blew gently, ruffling your clothes and getting some loose strands of hair in your face. Even though it was early in the morning, the coast line shops were pretty busy. You walked down the street, snapping the occasional picture here and there.
"Oh, um, excuse me!"
A shy voice called out. You turned back to see a short brunette with soft freckles littering their face. "Were you calling for me?" They nod as they stop in front of you. "Yes, s-sorry for stopping you but... Are you a photographer by chance?" They asked softly. You smiled a little and nodded. "Yeah. Need me to take pictures of something?" You asked with a small laugh which made the other smile.
"Actually, yes. Our photographer cancled last minute and we have a shoot in 10." They started to get a little frantic, trying to convince you to take photos for them but just the chance to take pictures had you hooked. "I can take them. And if we need underwater shots I can do those. The camera's Mer-tech and I was planning to do some later."
You smiled more and the other was beaming. They grabbed your hand and shook it. "You're perfect!! Thank you so much! I'll pay you double for this!" They said before pulling you towards where their photo shoot was.
"Hold on a second." You said as you readied your camera. The other looked back at you, about to ask what was wrong when you took a few pictures of them. They seemed shocked and a blush covered their face. "Sorry, we can keep going." Their blush didn't let up but they kept a hold of your hand none the less.
The photo spot was a beautiful cove cave that was one in a million. Your photographer instinct kicked in and you saw so many photo opportunities as you walked deeper into the cove's cave. "Is this where we're taking photos?" You asked as they let go of your hand. They nodded. "Yeah, have you ever worked with a Mer before?" You shook your head when they looked back at you.
"We're taking photos of a Caribbean Reef Octomer for the Mid-Human Monthly. He's gonna be on the cover page and have two dedicated to him so we need a few different pictures." Your eyes widened slightly and you nodded. 'He must be impressive then...' You thought to yourself.
A few moments had past which let you get introduced to the crew that you would be working with. A blonde pygmy satyr woman came up to you and slapped a hand on your shoulder making you jump slightly. "So you're our new camera guy." Her accent gave away that she was from the south. You nod and she has a grin on her face for a moment before getting semi-serious.
"Can I see some of your pictures." "Oh, yeah," You said pulling out your phone and opening up your "portfolio" folder. "I can also show some of the ones I took today." She scrolls through the pictures and has an impressed look on her face. "These are really well edited." She commented as you pulled up some of the pictures on your camera. "Oh they're not edited or anything yet. That's just the camera and some setting tweaks." You mumbled out mindlessly while scrolling to the cameras gallery.
She looked back up to you and you looked to her. "You got these pictures, with that camera?" You nodded and showed her some other pictures but also the best one that you took of the one who recruited you to be a stand in photographer. "I'll be damned. It really is unedited." She hands you back your phone and you close out the gallery app before turning it off and slipping it back in your pocket. "I look forward to working with you and depending how this shoot goes, working with you in the future." Your eyes widened slightly as you shook her extended hand.
"Well I sure hope it goes great then!" You said as she guided you over to the deep pool in the middle of the cove. There was a deep river/crevass that lead out to the open ocean which allowed merfolk to make their way in here as well. "Do you have a change of swim clothes in that bag?" She asked, referring to the bag over your shoulder. "Actually, yeah, I do. I was planning on going under the pier later today. Is there somewhere I can change my shorts?" She nods and motions towards a familiar nb brunette who was fiddling with some papers. "Dakota can take you over to our temp makeup room. It'll give you some privacy to change."
You nodded and thanked her before walking over to the other who you now knew as Dakota. They looked up to you when they heard your footsteps crunching against the gravely ground. "Oh, um, hi." They still seemed nervous from when you took their picture. "Could you show me where your makeup room is? I'm gonna change so I can take pictures." They blushed softly and nodded, leading you over to a curtained, box like structure. "I'll wait outside so no one comes in." They said softly as you stepped into the box.
"Thank you, Datoka." You said as you disappeared behind the curtains. After a few minutes you re-emerged and walked over to Dakota. "Could I also ask you to watch my stuff?" They looked up to you and nodded. You bowed slightly out of habit and thanked them before going over to the director. "I'm ready when our model is." You said, holding your camera close. She nodded and motioned for someone else to come over before walking off to do something.
A tall guy with what looked like a bottle of alcohol came over to you and cautiously poured a glass. "Don't worry, it's not what you're thinking. It's so you can go take pictures easily without drowning. I'll drink some too of your worried about it." You looked at the glass he was holding out to you. It was a light blue drink with some bubbles in it. It looked and smelled like some sort of tropical soda drink.
"Plus we are a professional company, we have rules and regulations to follow regarding things like this. But once you drink up and sign these papers," He said while handing you two pages and a pen, "You'll be ready to go get started with Cassian. He should be here..." He said, dragging his words a bit as he looked around the water. You scanned over the information and it was a simple agreement term for taking the potion.
After confirming there was no sketchy things, you signed and drank the potion. It was like a tropical drink.
Before you knew it, right when you had handed the stuff back, a tan muscular torso with long blonde hair, breached the surface not too far in front of you. You watched as he brushed the lose, wet hair from his face, making a few people in the crowd blush.
'Lucky bastard. He's one of those guys that can do anything and make it look hot.'
You thought to yourself before the guy standing next to you started to talk. "You'll be good for about 6 hours and you'll be able to communicate like on land. Oh also, that, is Cassian." He said, referring to the blonde that you were looking at. Cassian was making casual conversation with some of the group before the same Satyr lady came and talked with him.
You watched for a moment longer before the two blondes looked over to you, making your heart jump slightly. Before you knew it, the tall guy had left your side and the blondes were making their way over to you. You walked a little to meet them halfway.
"I don't think I properly introduced myself!" She said looking up to you. "I'm Siv Penningfon. I mostly do freelance director work for Mid-Human Monthly." You bowed to her slightly. "(Y/n) (L/n), I just moved here but I do freelance photography. If it's a gig that pays I'll take it." You said with a small laugh, making her smile more.
"Of course we can't forget who we're here to take picture of. This is Cassian. I'm sure Dakota told you about him so I'll spare you the details." You smiled, laughed, and nodded before walking over to Cassian to shake his hand. His hands were strong and callous, clearly saying he did some sort of physical work. "Nice to meet you, (Y/n)." He said with a soft smirk. You instantly knew what he was playing at and simply brushed it off with a soft smile and nod.
'I know how to play that game Cassian. Don't go getting full of yourself now.'
"Right! I do believe you are ready to go take pictures right?" You nodded again as you pulled your hand away from Cassian's and looked back to Siv. "Yeah, where are we gonna go first?" Siv thinks for a moment. "I have some spots but it's still a bit early for them. How about you pick the first spot?"
Your eyes lit up, knowing the perfect place for an early morning picture. "Yes! I know somewhere."
A few moments had passed of you leading the other two over to a place near the entrance of the cove. "The way that the sun shines through the water is perfect. It'll frame his figure nicely and offer an enhancement to his already strong contrast to the waters colour." You mumbled out to yourself before stepping into the water. "Well, I'll let you get to work. You've got an hour in this spot but if you're done before then, we can move on." You nodded to Siv before going under.
It was a weird sensation. You hesitantly took a breath, not inhaling water but oxygen. Carefully, you got used to this whole underwater breathing thing before swimming over to Cassian who was messing around with the kelp. You snapped a few pictures of him as he was distracted by something on the floor before noticing you and looking up, half smirking, showing off his sharp canines. You took some more pictures of his little show before guiding him on what you wanted for the pictures.
'For being so full of himself, he listens well. Kinda shocking.'
Cassian looks to his left, holding out his hand as if to hold some of the sun's rays. His hair was floating beautifully around him, the sun framing his facial structure. You snapped a bunch of pictures of him as he continued to pose. You stopped for a moment to mess with some of the camera settings and Cassian saw this as an opportunity to mess with you. He carefully made his way over to you, gently wrapping one of his tentacles around your ankle.
You looked down to his tentacle before looking at his octopus half. It was gorgeous. The way it faded from his tan skin into a much darker brown that steadily spotted and faded out into a bright blue that still held heavy contrast to the more greenish blue water behind him. His tentacle slowly moved up your leg to your thigh but before it could get any further you slapped it away, looking up to him unamused. "Let's maybe wait until we arent working anymore." You said to him with a small wink before going back to what you were doing. Cassian blushed softly and pulled his tentacle back close to his body.
The two of you were under the water for the rest of your hour time limit, racking up hundreds of pictures before you decided to head back up to the surface, Cassian following you. Once you got to the sunny surface, you moved your hair from your face and looked around. You weren't too far from the cove, being on the outside of it just past the entrance on the opposite side of the first photo spot. "I just noticed, I don't think you've even said anything to me since we met." He shrugged and thought for a moment. "I guess I haven't. Not much to say I suppose."
Right as he finished his words, Siv came over to the both of you to show the spot she was talking about. "Cas, if you need a private area I can get you one." Cassian shakes his head. "Don't worry about it, just give me a few and I'll meet you over there." He said, knowing which spot she was talking about. You followed Siv over to a small, foliage covered area. You were confused as there was nothing more than a small pond that Cassian would definitely overflow. Siv seemingly noticed your confusion and decided it might be a good idea to explain the situation. "Cassian is one of the lucky mer-folk that can shift. So he should be getting changed and heading over here soon." You nodded your head and messed with the camera settings again.
A few moments had passed by and a quite tall, yet familiar blonde came over to the two of you wearing a white button-up shirt that had the top three buttons undone, a slim pair of nice dress pants, and a pair of simple leather slip-on dress shoes. His hair was still loose but he had a hair tie around his wrist. "Good lords." You mumbled under your breath before looking away with a blush. Siv seemed to have heard you as she gently pat your back. "This is the last spot unless you wanna take some more pictures. I'm sure the two of you got more than enough pictures while you were under." You smiled and nodded.
"I'd say that's up to Cassian. If he wants to take more pictures somewhere else then I would be down to do it." You said turning back to look at him, only to lock eyes with his bright blue ones. Cassian smiles. "I can't think of anywhere off the top of my head, but if I do think of somewhere while we're taking pictures, I'll let you know." You nodded and looked back to Siv who waved to the both of you as she walked away to leave the two of you to synergize.
He looks at you with furrowed brows for a moment before asking. "Why didn't you change?" You looked up to him and responded, "I'm gonna dry off before I change. I kinda have to put these back in my bag and I don't wanna do that if their wet." Cassian nods and hesitates to say something before changing his mind and not saying it. "Let's go over to the gazebo first."
You followed him over to the gazebo where the two of you took many pictures before moving on to some other spots. After 30 or so minutes, Cassian had stood up and walked over to you. "Are you not wearing sunblock?" He asked, looking at your shoulders. "I was but I guess I have to reapply."
"Well how about you sit in the shade and I go grab a shirt and some water for you." He said with a handsome smirk. You smiled cheekily back to him as you sat in the shade before watching him walk off. A few moments later he returned with a seemingly large shirt and two bottles of water. "Dakota was being protective over your bag so I just grabbed one of my shirts." You nodded as he handed you the sunscreen he pulled from his pocket and the water.
"Do you need help putting the sunscreen on?" You thought for a moment before shyly nodding. "I would appreciate it... I put it on before I left this morning but apparently it wasn't very well done..." He smiles and takes the sunblock back. You sat down on a rock nearby and he popped the cap and put some on his hand before asking you to hold the bottle for him.
He started with your arms, going shoulder to wrist. His hands, though calloused, were soft in rubbing the sunscreen into you skin. You blushed as he continued on and put some on your face, starting from your forehead and moving down. His hands cupped your cheeks, rubbing gently under your closed eyes. "Can I tell you something?" He asked quietly.
You looked up to him and tilted your head slightly. You may have only known him for a few hours but the fact that the confidence he carried so boldly had disappeared had you confused. "Is it odd to say I've never felt this way before? I've never had anyone treat me the way you have." You furrowed your brows after he said that. "What do you mean?"
Cassian shakes his head. "Sorry... I don't know what I'm saying." You didn't press him any farther so you decide to just nod and let him do as he pleased. He put on a smile and said, "Let's keep taking pictures after you put the shirt on." You nodded and slipped the shirt on as he drank from his water bottle. The shirt was much bigger than your frame, going down to about your mid thigh.
The two of you continued the photoshoot without incident. About another hour passed before Siv came to grab the both of you. "That's just about all the time we have for now. Cas, you've got some interviews as well soon. And (Y/n), I'll have you go over some documents for both pay and legal permissions. I'll let you head back on your own but just be back before the hour is over." Both of you nodded and you looked up to Cassian. "Hey Cas?" He looked down to you, cheeks flushing slightly when he did.
"Would you wanna come to the festival this weekend?"
3050 not proof read
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monstersandmaw · 4 years
Well, g’night folks!
Thanks for an absolutely awesome Skyrim stream today - I’ll definitely be doing another one soon!! It was too much fun with our kitty mage not to!
I hope those of you on Patreon enjoy changeling boy Dunnock’s part three which went up this evening on early release - Part One, Part Two  (Tumblr links)
Coming up for Mermay still we’ve got Viggo, the orca mer mentioned in shark boy Tai’s story (yes Tai’s like King Shark - Tumblr link to his story), and last of all in Mermay 2020 we’ll have a leopard seal selkie boy in a high fantasy setting this time, rather than modern.
Previously for Mermay we have:
male tiger shark mer Fáinn,
nb octomer Mottle,
female kelpie Jonna, which amounts to 22,118 words so far!!!
Plus separate art and bio posts for Fáinn and Mottle.
There’s also a male vampire story Chpt One going to go up as a WIP on Patreon soon on the $1 tier. Busy busy!!
Anyway, thanks for being sweet and awesome and supportive and engaging!
Take care of yourselves as best you can, stay shiny, and may all the right monsters bite.
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
Hi! Can I request all the dorm leaders confessing to their male crush who is their first male crush? Maybe some panicking about reader not accepting his feelings but he does?
I hope this is good… some bits are intense
may have gotten very carried away writing this... be ready for some angst
-- -- --
Some boys get over the initial shock sooner than others
Others take a while to fully work out their internalized problems and doubts
Vil and Kalim are ones to settle with their feelings quickly (though Kalim does have one doubt cling to his mind)
Followed by Riddle and Leona, both had a realizations that made them snap out of their doubts
Malleus struggles more with understanding that what he’s feeling is love more than struggling with how he likes a guy
The two who struggle the most are Azul and Idia
Azul due to the past bullying he sustained, and how he feels he isn’t being honest to the boy he fancies because his personality isn’t exactly his true self, but one built to appear powerful and capable
Idia… Idia feels this is some sort of joke fate threw at him. His self hate and internalize prejudices make it hard for him to accept his feelings
🌹 Riddle Rosehearts 🥀
The moment Riddle realizes he looks forward to have this boy present in any future Unbirthday Parties, and how the dorm head tries to show off when tutoring him, is when it clicks
And he feels such an immense happiness, feeling like he’s floating on a cloud, while his face develops a bright red flush paired with a soft smile
But it crumbles when one thought haunts his mind: “What will mother think?”
There’s a mess in his mind and heart, and a heavy feeling in his chest that makes it hard to breath
“What mother thinks… what she would say…” Sudden unadulterated rage fills his body, “What mother has said and done until this day led me to Overblot, to almost lose my life…”
It’s between tears that he decides not to give a single care about what his parents think of his feelings. It’s his life, time to finally live it as he sees fit
What were those tears of, sadness or happiness? He knows not, but most probably it was a mix of both
Sadness for letting go years of strictly following his mother’s rules and fulfilling her expectations, and happiness to finally fight for what he wants
Still, Rosehears will make sure to eventually speak up to his mother about this and reach middle ground where both are happy (she’s still someone he respects and wants approval from)
You know this boy take to research in order to understand his emotions better, and learn ways to approach his crush
Understanding and considerate to the other boy’s feelings, will approach him when he thinks it’s appropriate
“[Name], I have something to confess. First off, I want to tell you that you’re a dear friend and I understand if you wish for some distance.” The redhead would take a deep breath before looking deep into his eyes, “[Name] [Surname]... I… I’m in love with you and… and I want to fight for our feelings, in case you feel the way I do.”
“Riddle..! That’s- I- Woah, you really-! I-It’s just..!” The boy babbled, brows furrowed at his own nerves.
“Ah! Uh… Don’t pressure yourself, I understand.” Rosehearts put on a strained smile, “If you need distance, I understand, as well.”
“No no, Riddle! What I mean is that-! I-...UGH! I LOVE YOU TOO, YOU LITTLE QUEEN!” The [hair color] blurted out, blushing furiously once he realized what he did.
Riddle himself blushed, too. “Oh? O-OH!” He snickered adorably, “So, uhm… How about you pass by Heartlabyul for a cup of tea? Maybe… we could schedule a date?”
🦁 Leona Kigscholar 💛
We all know Leona respects women and sees everyone for their potential, disregarding prejudice
At first, the beastman thought this was an amazing friendship. Both making each other surpass their previous accomplishments, become better
One day, when that huge dumb happy smile was directed at him, his breath hitched
“What the fuck?” (yup, this was definitely his first thought)
Leona isolated himself for a good while, and every night he would remember Fereena’s tales of how he fell in love with his wife. All those mushy feelings and tender words… it all made sense now, as much as it irritated him to admit
A single laugh tore through his throat. Man, what a life, huh?
But it’s exactly that what helped him say Fuck it and push through
They made him a second son, unworthy of the throne, even more so now that there was his brother’s brat as future heir
He was not about to let his family ruin this for him too
If there’s anything lions will always have is their pride, and Leona would proudly show his crush off to his whole dorm… in his own way
Everyone at Savanaclaw was surprised to see their dorm head share food with this one boy, even allowing him to disturb his sleep and crash with him whenever
Ruggie caught up rather quickly and got to investigate things behind Leona’s back
“Hey, Leona-san, why don’t you just come out and tell him?”  “Huh?”  “He doesn't understand your courting, go on and spit it out already.”
“Stop it.”
“W-What?” [Name] asked in confusion. He just wanted to share a tonkotsu sandwich with the lion. Seems like waking him up this time was a mistake, he had you pinned under his tall frame.
A growl rumbled through the 3rd year’s chest, “Stop… Looking so stupidly cute.”
[Color] eyes widened, “Huh? What do you-?” His inquiry was cut off by a pair of rough lips on his.
Leona smugly smiled down at the stunned boy, but the silence quickly made him roll off. “Shit… I’m sorry, just… go, leave me alone.”
“...Leona” He tried with a firmer voice this time.
With a roar, he tried to intimidate, “Just go already! I don’t want to-!” It was the beastman’s turn to be silenced by a kiss.
They looked at each other for a few seconds before [Name]’s face colored red.
Leona snorted, “Feisty little herbivore, I see… Not bad…”
It felt nice to feel his own heart beat rapidly after such a long time of feeling numb.
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto 💜
Oh, he knew the feeling well
He had it a couple times before when young, albeit more airy, not as serious.  Still, the fear of rejection and mockery led him to forcefully remove the emotion from his repertoire
So, once he felt the tendrils of love grace his heart, Azul panicked
Completely isolated himself from everyone, pretty much. Piling as many mountains of work as he could onto himself so he had no real reason to leave his office or room.
“How will [Name] love someone as fake as me? As pathetic as me? As-” The flashback of his compliments in the underwater museum interrupted his train of thought. Tears fell down his cheeks as he coughed up ink from the stress.
Then he realized how much he missed spending time with his crush. How the buy would occasionally visit Mostro Lounge to share a drink and catch up… How those [color] eyes remained trained on his, how close he would sit to him, how the [ x ] year would accidently sip the mermen's drink--
Wait… “Does he like me back…?”
That’s when he slowly tries to interact with the object of his affections again
When one tries to act suave and flirty with the other, an accident happens
Be it spitting a drink on the other’s face… or ink
That, or it completely flies over their head (both their heads, the nerves are too much… I’m sure they could power the whole Isle of Sages with their anxiety)
“You’re leaving already? Aww, I wanna be shellfish and keep you to myself~” Azul sighed dramatically, playing his typical theatrics.
“Oh, worry not! For you octopi my thoughts all day, Azul~!” [Name] answered back.
Azul choked on his drink (while a pair of twins snickered some ways away at the awful flirty puns). “Wha-wha-wha-wha-! What?!” This was the first time flirting was return when either party started it.
“Ahaha… Well… Haven't you been flirting with me?” He looked at Octavinelle’s dorm head with a light blush and worry on his face. Maybe he was interpreting his comments incorrectly?
If Ashengrotto doesn’t take the leap here, he will lose the chance. “Have been… for a while now, yes. Ahem, thank you for noticing.”
“So… Does that mean we can-?” “Stop with the sea life puns, yes”
The boy pouted, “I mean...sure, but that wasn’t what I wanted to say.” (No, he was definitely going to say another pun). Regardless, he threw a soft smile at the octomer, “Can we go out some time? I enjoy your company a lot, Azul. Let me see all different sides of you, yes?”
☀️ Kalim Al-Asim 🦂
This is one thing he need no help with. Once he felt that distinct fluttering in his heart and how his whole body buzzed after his crush touched him, he knew
Laughed the merriest laugh, danced around the entire room (or all of Scarabia, if they were at the dorm), and hugged everyone in his path (first victim being his crush, followed by poor Jamil)
I can see him blurt out his feelings right then and there
“Kalim, Kalim! What is wrong with you?” The [color] eyed boy snickered. Kalim could be so cute~
“[Name]!! Do you- Did you feel it too?! The sparks?! The butterflies?!” The white haired male held him by the shoulders, bringing him so close to his face.
“It feels...magical! Like I-! I-.! [Name] can I… c-can I… kiss you?” Round garnet eyes shone with intense happiness, the [ x ] year found it difficult to speak (his breath was stolen away~).
At that, Kalim gasped, letting go of his friend. “Oh, sorry! That was p-probably very, uh, sudden.” He chuckled awkwardly.
“No, you dork! Please!” Now it was [Name] who brought the 2nd year closer, “Kiss me!”
And so the Asim heir did~! The blushing boys shared their first kiss surrounded by high energy and happiness.
Otter boy would want to tell his parents as soon as possible of his fortune, but one though stopped him on his tracks
As the first son of the Asim family, his parents will surely want him to have a kid, a future heir
“I know they will be happy for me, but… Will they fully accept the relationship?”
No one has ever seen Kalim so determined to study the Land of Hot Sand’s history
He was set on finding an example for his parents to understand that, regardless of who he chose as his future spouse, their family can have a future heir
There’s many ways to bring children into the family! Why only be tied by blood?
Whatever their answer to his relationship and example is, Kalim is fully prepared to push on and not give up on his love
They make it together or they give it up together. Kalim knows the implications of this, of probably being disowned and whatnot; while it breaks his heart, he will want to go on with it. “What’s the point of being with them if they won’t accept and love their son for being happy with who he loves?”
Kalim’s love for his boyfriend runs deep, and his for Kalim runs equally as profound
They will make it through any hurdles and obstacles in their path
👑 Vil Schoenheit ❤️
The one that takes it most calmly
Sure, he’s happy and excited there’s someone he fancies, but he’s Vil Schoenheit: Cool as a cucumber, elegant always, rising sta; a crush won’t make him lose his composure, in public
In private, though... boooyyyy you bet he’s dreamy sighs and fantasies, love songs and talks with the pillow
It doesn’t fully shock him to like a guy. Love is love, there’s nothing wrong in loving someone with your whole heart, outside opinions are irrelevant
Maybe he’s delved into what the LGBTQIA+ community is due to fellow actors and people in the industry he looks up to, one or two (or more) identities called out to him in his research
(can totally see Vil as an Ally that later on discovered his own identities the further he advocates for the community’s rights)
Still, he will take his time to fully register and unravel his feelings towards the guy. He would absolutely detest getting both their hopes up when no real feelings exist between them
Will occasionally throw coquettish comments and carefully invade his crush’s personal space with playful touches to see his reaction.
I believe he knows how to read people well, so this is a key element for him to know if the boy’s interested too or not, and Vil’s next plan of action
Don’t think Vil tells anyone about his crush, but the ever observant Rook catches on and encourages him to pursue his feelings
If they get in a relationship, it will become public only after approval is given by his partner. Privacy should always be respected
“Vil?” [Name] poked his head through the door after knocking on it. The letter said to meet him here, along with other very sweet and heartfelt words.
The blond signaled him to come closer, “Do close the door behind you. Take a sit.”
“Vil, I-” The words he practiced so many times failed to come out.
Pomefire’s dorm leader smiled into his cup, “Don’t worry about it, [Name], I understand. However,” Amethyst eyes look into deep pools of [eye color], “I hope we can remain as frien-” A folded piece of paper slid his way interrupted Vil.
Eyes shifted from the hastily made card to the student across him. Slowly, Vil took the paper and read the words inside.
A gentle smile shaped his painted lips, “Aren’t you the sweetest?” Giggling lightly, Schoenheit took the other’s hand and placed a tender kiss on his knuckles.
💀 Idia Shroud 💙
Alright, take it as you will…. but I think Idia would have some internalized homophobia problems
With how into anime, manga and games he’s into, of course he’s heard of same sex couples and the like
Doesn't react much to them, but maybe the parts involving them he passes quick in his media & games
He’s sorta indifferent to them
The typical boy that imagined his future with a nice girl that loves him as he is, but
The way this one friend of his makes him look forward to his next visit, how he interacts with Ortho and the way they play together, the gentle way he coaxes Idia out of his room to share a meal or drink in the cafeteria or Mostro Lounge
Then they accidentally brushed hands. Idia’s face flared up and his heart did a somersault
“I liked that” followed by “But [Name]’s a guy”
His brain is very much confused, and so is his heart. He believed himself straight, and very not attracted in other irl people, to have this revelation has his world made a mess
At first, he’s denying it, telling himself it was an overreaction… But that breath stealing sensation happened again once the guy smiled at him in greeting
Proceeds to isolate himself and fall into a hole of self loathing
“This can’t be happening”  “Humans are disgusting”  “Same sex couples are shunned, looked down upon”  “I knew fate wouldn’t let me be happy ever in my life”  “I have a prestigious family’s image to uphold, what will everyone say if they see me with a boy?”
“Love is disgusting”
His world is even more shaken after that thought crossed his mind… Is love disgusting? Up until few days ago, he was hoping for a future with love in it…
It then morphs to “I am disgusting, for feeling this towards a boy”
Doesn’t help when said boys actually shows up on his dorm and (quite literally) kicks down his door to know what is going on (Ortho helped with the door thing, after all, he’s also very worried about his brother)
“What are you doing here? Came over just to mock me, did you? Yeah, of course you did.” Idia immediately began his attack.
“What? Idia, what the hell is wrong with you?! I’m here because I care about you and I’m worried! It’s been more than a week! You haven’t even attended your classes through the tablet!” The [color] haired retaliated.
“I don’t want you here, I don’t want anyone here,” There was a strange glint in his eyes, “Especially you.”
“Idia, what?!” That hurt.
“I want to forget, I want to get purged from you!” His flaming hair bursted for a second. “I want you out of my life, out of my mind! Out of-! Out of my-!” Words choked in the older Shroud’s throat.
[Name] was scared, and very much hurt. “Idia… what is going on? Why are you saying such things?”
“Because I-! I-I..!” The 3rd year student felt like throwing up, this sadness, anxiety and unjustified rage did not sit well in his stomach. “Because I don’t want to feel this way! I-I don’t want to be in love, not like this!” Panic rushed through his blood, making his breathing erratic and vision blurry with tears.
The [hair color] rushed over to his friend’s side, carefully taking one of his hands and calling for his attention. “Idia, Idia, let’s do this together.” He placed the hand on his chest and took deep breaths. He kept repeating the breathing exercises until he saw the sapphire haired male repeat the motion, albeit shakily. “Now, tell me, what do you see on my jacket?”
“A-...A-A color… [fav. color]”
“Keep breathing, don’t stop.”
“I see… a white shirt… a-and [color] skin...warm…” Idia continued describing, until his eyes crossed with [color] orbs. “A-And I see…” More tears welled up, pointy teeth biting harshly on his bottom lip to muffle the sobs, “I-I see… The friend I love most… The friend…. I love… love…” He finally rested his forehead on the other’s shoulder, silently letting his tears fall.
Shroud cried until he could no more, voice hoarse and head pounding. “I… Sorry, [Name]... I fell, fell for you and… don’t know how to… what to do…”
Gentle hands lifted his head, “It’s fine, it’s fine, Idia… If you allow me, we can work it out.”
🐉 Malleus Draconia 🖤
He took it as calmly as Vil, but with some bumps in the road (by bumps I mean long periods of time for him to realize what was happening)
All this time, he thought the feelings he held for his friend were purely that, platonic
It wasn’t until he spoke out to Lilia about how his insides tickled curiously whenever he walked under the skies with the boy that Lilia made him realize what it truly was
“Young Malleus, I do believe those tender feelings are a sign of you falling for the male”   “Fall? No, We walk carefully through school grounds.”  “No, Malleus, not literally.”   “Ah, could it be the famous expression used when describing love? I’ve read it before in novels.”   “Indeed, My Lord, you’re falling in love with [Name].”
Silence…. “Hah! Oh Lilia, your jokes are ever hilarious.” He just brushed it off, and continued to do so for a while.
While novels and books described the magical feeling in many different exciting ways, love wasn’t exactly something Malleus sought in his life
What he wanted most was company, friends, to never be alone again
And he certainly never felt alone when with the boy he fancies
Many months passed by rereading romance novels and reading new books for the little seed to sprout… maybe he was indeed falling for his friend
“Lilia, I have a question.”  “Yes, My Lord?”   “Why are same sex couples so rare in human literature?”  “That, Malleus, is something not even I can fully comprehend… Humans can hold senseless hate in their hearts, and these couples are unfortunate objects of such hate.”   “...They should learn from faefolk”  “Indeed they should, indeed they should.”
He prods Lilia further to quell his curiosity and learn more, but the old bat eventually gets tired of it and leaves him with a   “Dear Malleus, just explore the emotion you’re feeling right now. That’s better than asking an old man like yours truly to answer your questions. Explore and enjoy life!”
And that he does. His night walks with his crush become more frequent, he invites him to his dorm room to enjoy tea, info dumps about gargoyles, and starts his courting
Little useful (and random) gifts, Malleus even gives him some pieces of jewelry and gems from his own treasure (the biggest show of respect and affection between dragon fae)
“[Name], I have something special to give you.” Malleus broke the silence.
They had been sitting, looking at the stars for some time.
“Oh?” The boy outstretched his palm, where the taller male placed a single object.
[Color] eyes examined the smooth, dark object, awed at the hardness of it.
“It appears my previous gifts have been misinterpreted, so I will take to explain this one.” The crown prince began, “That is one of my very own scales. For us dragon fae, gifting jewels, precious metals, and scales is a great show of respect.”
“Oh! Well, thank you for thinking so highly of me! I certainly hold you in high regards, too, Malleus.” A bright smile appeared on the [ x ] year’s face.
“And they are also great displays of affection… tremendous, I would say.” Draconia added.
And then…
“Oh my! Malleus, I am…!”
Silence once more.
“I see....” The dragon exhaled, “It is fine, apologies for not explaining things earlier. You’re, of course, welcomed to keep the gifts… They are gifts, after all.”
“Malleus… I’m just… Blown away-!” Shining eyes looked into his lime ones, “All your gifts… You were courting me without my knowledge… Sorry, I-I promise to make it up to you! If you allow me, of course…”
“Oh?” Shock and excitement pierced the dorm head’s heart, “Very well. Next time, come out in your best drapes. I wish for us to dine the finest of meals.” He could feel the tips of his fangs poke his bottom lip from how wide his smile was at that moment.
-- -- --
Sorry if spelling mistakes sneak here and there 🙇‍♀️
Hope this was enjoyable! And sorry if I strayed from the original request (bc I definitely feel like I went in a tangent orz)
Thank you for the request!! This was very fun and interesting to imagine :D
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love-and-monsters · 5 years
Love-and-monsters Masterlist
All the stories I’ve written for this blog will be listed here. It should be updated as I write, so if you’re looking for something, check here. 
One-off Stories:
Parensile- Centipede monster, male monster X female human. 
Marine Biology- Orca mermaid, female monster X female human
Lionfish Merperson- Lionfish merperson, agender merperson X gender neutral human
Kaleb the Harpy- Harpy, male monster X male human
Rowan the Naga- Naga, female monster X female human
Thalia the Naga and Damien the Drider- Naga and drider, female naga X male drider
Eldion the Fae- Fae, nonbinary monster X gender neutral human
Keela the Centaur- Centaur, female monster X gender neutral human
Vampire Boyfriend- Vampire, male monster X female human
Willow the Moth Fae- Moth Fae, male monster X gender neutral human
Juniper the Winter Fae- Winter fae, female monster X female human
Reindeer Centaur: Christmas Vacation- Reindeer centaur, male monster X female human
Sylvester the Robot- Robot, male robot X gender neutral human
Drider Husband- Drider, male drider X gender neutral human
Norek the Naga-��Naga, male naga X gender neutral human
Quarantined with a Tiefling- Tiefling, male tiefling X gender neutral human
Emery the Incubus- Incubus, male incubus X gender neutral human
Dryad Girlfriend- Dryad, female dryad X trans MTF human
Arunio the Merman- Merman, male merfolk X gender neutral human
Okara the Mermaid- Mermaid, female merfolk X gender neutral human
Estran the Demigod- Demigod, male demigod X gender neutral human
Guardian Angel- Angel, male angel X male human
Siren Song- Merman, male merman X female human
Unicorn Centaur- Centaur, male centaur X female human
Faerie Circle- Fae, male fae X gender neutral human
Harpy Rescue- Harpy, male harpy X female human
Vampire Transformation- Vampire, male vampire X gender neutral human
Cold Sea Monster- Sea monster, male sea monster X gender neutral human
Mermaid Girlfriend- Mermaid, female mermaid X gender neutral human
Cavern and Foe- Elf, male elf X gender neutral human
Harpy Model- Harpy, male harpy X gender neutral human
Merman Rescue- Merman, male merfolk X gender neutral human
Starfaller- Tiefling, agender tiefling X gender neutral human
Jackalope Fae- Fae, male Fae X gender neutral human
Vampire Squid Octomer- Octomer, male merman X gender neutral human
Polyam Alien Merfolk- Alien merfolk, gender neutral human X male merman X female mermaid
Awaken the Vampire- Vampire, female vampire X female human
Alaris the Naga- Naga, agender naga X gender neutral human
Deluges and Droughts- Water elemental, male water elemental X gender neutral human
Sasiel the Cupid- Cupid, male Cupid X gender neutral human
Sauriosapien- Dinosaur folk, male sauriosapien X female human, not reader insert
Halloween and the Full Moon- Werewolves, male werewolf X female werewolf
Dryad Goddess Girlfriend- Goddess, female goddess X female human
Rescued by a Fae- Fae, male fae X female human
Feathered Dragon Partner- Feathered dragon, nonbinary feathered dragon X gender neutral human
Mermaid Girlfriend- Merfolk, female merfolk X gender neutral human
The Imposter- Alien, male alien X female human
Halloween Poll Story- Eldritch god, nonbinary eldritch god X gender neutral human
Fallen Angel- Angel, nonbinary angel X gender neutral human
The Pit and the Serpent- Naga, male naga X gender neutral human
Lich Girlfriend- Lich, female lich X gender neutral human
Fortune Falls:
Werewolf Girlfriend- Werewolf, female werewolf X gender neutral human
Demon Shopkeep- Demon, male demon X gender neutral human
Armon the Aqrabaumelu- Aqrabaumelu, male aqrabaumelu X female human
A Selkie’s Coat- Selkie, male selkie X gender neutral human
Necklace for a Dragon- Dragon, male dragon X gender neutral human
Duthal the Orc- Orc, male orc X female human
Demon Summoning- Demon, male demon X female human
Vampire Commission- vampire, male vampire X female human
Necrovember- Awakening, Hunger, Trust, Shadows, Light, Decay, Family, Monster, Sanctuary, Loyalty, Fashion, Hobby, Faith, Sleep, Fear, Amusement, Love, Childhood, Living, Disease, Necromancy, Moments Before Death, Revenge, Celebration, Injustice, In Another Life, War, True Death, Dreams, Future
Stolas and Corvain- Demons, monster male X monster male X female human (part 1) (part 2)
Alien Encounter- Alien, monster male X female human (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7) (part 8) (part 9) (part 10) (part 11) (part 12) (epilogue)
The Wyvern Prince- Wyvern, male monster X female human (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7) (part 8) (part 9) (part 10) (part 11) (part 12) (part 13) (part 14) (part 15) (part 16) (part 17) (part 18) (part 19) (part 20) (part 21) (part 22) (part 23) (part 24) (Epilogue)
Talsim the Fae- Fae, male fae X female human (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
Caged Fae- Fae, male Fae X female human (part 1) (part 2)
Faebruary: Fake Dating- Faerie, male faerie X female human (part 1) (part 2)
In the Woods- Forest creature, male monster X female human (part 1) (part 2)
A Bartered Wedding- Faerie, male monster X gender neutral human (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (Epilogue)
Dating a Hive Mind- Alien, male/gender neutral aliens X female human (part 1) (part 2)
Nuclear Spring- Harpy and sea monster, female and male monster X gender neutral reader (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
The Warlord and His Lady- dragonkin, male monster X female character (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7) (part 8)
The Ship and the Alien- Alien, male alien X gender neutral human (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4)
Magical Desires Series
Mephisto- Artificial intelligence, male AI/demon X female human 
Yacariel- Artificial intelligence, male AI/celestial X gender neutral human
Anthoza- Artificial Intelligence, male AI/merman X gender neutral human
Cherise- Artificial intelligence, male AI/dryad X gender neutral human
Ophion- Artificial intelligence, male AI/naga X gender neutral human
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600 Follower Milestone Acheived!
So, after circling between 597 or so followers, today I've finally reached that magical number of 600!! Huzzah! I'm not sure how I'm gonna be celebrating this time around as I still owe some drabbles from the last milestone which was forever ago.
I'm actually thinking of taking a page from my good friend Rachel over at @singergurl91 and doing a poll regarding some fic ideas I have and see what you guys might be interested in. The one with the most votes will be written in celebration of the milestone.
SO, here are the ideas I've got on deck:
1. Octomer!Prompto x Reader 3 Part Series (Will probably be NSFW) (FFXV)
2. Fae/Fairy!Nyx Ulric x Reader (Not sure if will be SFW or NSFW) (FFXV)
3. Older!Noctis x Fairy!Reader (NSFW) (FFXV)
4. King!Leo x Reader (Not Sure if it will be SFW or NSFW) (Fire Emblem Fates)
5. Male Corrin x Summoner!Reader (NSFW- would feature of Default Male Corrin with his taller body type that's available in Fates) (Fire Emblem Heroes)
6. Seliph x Summoner!Reader (SFW) (Fire Emblem Heroes)
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loousir · 3 years
[Merman] Close up Shots
Popular Octomer Male x Photographer Male Reader Part Two
Warnings: Tentacle boy do be flirting again, some physical affection with said tentacles, nakey Cass for a little, talking about how he shifts from octo to human
2 of 7 The Seven Sins Series
Masterlist | Part One | Part 3 |
About a week past since you had last seen Cassian. The festival was coming up tonight so as a mental preparation, you decided to go for a walk along the beach. You had your bag and camera with you as you walked along the coast line, snapping the occasional picture here and there.
Before you had even realized it, you were at the place where you had first met Cassian. That same gorgeous cove cave now lay silent, hosting only a couple gulls and some sandpipers. You decided to go into the rather large area and simply take in the mid afternoon atmosphere in peace.
The waves crashed against the shore gently as your shoes crunched through the sand. You found yourself watching the water which nearly tripped you. A heavy glass tinking sounds filled your ears for a moment before you looked to the bottle you kicked. It was very clearly a message in a bottle but as you approached it to open it, you realized it was filled with water.
"Well fuck." You sighed and sat down in the sand next to the bottle. The most confusing part about the whole things is that the cork was really on there so you didn't understand how water got into it. Once you managed to get the thing open, you dumped the water out along with the letter. When you picked up the rolled paper it felt dry. That's when it clicked.
"Oh! That makes a lot of sense now." You said as you unrolled it. In absolutely gorgeous script, a still very readable letter started out by addressing you. You blinked a couple times, staring at your name on the paper before continuing.
I might be silly for trying such an outdated way of messaging but as I didn't get your number I figured this would suffice. That is to hope you get this before another does.
Let's meet here on the night of the festival around 6. As a confirmation of sorts, I ask that you leave the bottle underneath the wall tree. You'll see it.
You smiled and rolled your eyes before glancing around for said tree. It was very close to the water and you decided instead of just leaving the bottle, you would wait as well. You carefully made your way over to the tree and sat criss cross on the rock underneath it. Your wait was only a few minutes before you noticed something shifting in the water.
The familiar blonde octomer breached the surface and looked over to the tree. His face held one of shock. "(Y/n)? You're here?" You smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I didn't bring a pen and paper to respond so." Cassian smiled and pulled himself into the shallow parts of the water.
"Its about 3 right now so we have a few hours before the festival." Cassian said with a smirk. You looked at him with an unamused face. "Don't smirk at me like you're gonna get something, we barely know each other." Cassian smirks again and pulls himself up onto the rock you were sitting on and ploped himself down next to you.
One of his tentacles gently coiled itself around your showing ankle before giving it a gentle squeeze. "Then let's get to know each other." Your cheeks flushed at the proximity and he laughed. Good gods... Cassian looked to the bottle and paper you were still holding in your hand. "Keep it." You furrowed your brows and looked over to him. "Huh?" He motions to the note and bottle.
"Keep it. As a memory of our first date."
You did that thing where you smiled but tried to hide it making Cassian laugh. "You invited me!" With an exaggerated sigh you nodded. "Yeah. I guess I did." Cassian smiles and wraps an arm and a tentacle around your waist. He was a bit damp but you didn't mind. "I have a question." He said, pulling you close to his hip. "What's your question?"
"Have you ever dated a non-human before?" You shook your head before tilting it to say kinda. "Well, I've only had two boyfriends. One of them was a half elf but I'm not too sure if that really counts." Cassian shrugs. "So I would be your first non-human AND octomer then." You blush softly and nod before looking up to him confused. "Wait who said we were dating?"
Cassian laughs again, making you blush more. "You definitely enjoy seeing me flustered." He nods confidently. "Yes I do indeed." After that, the two of you kept chatting about various things in your own lives and Cassian paused the conversation every so often to soak up the salty ocean water to prevent himself from drying out.
Apparently, Cassian used to date a sharkmer and at one point a naga. "The only reason me and the naga broke up is cause of when he learned I was an octomer. Apparently tentacles are an innate fear of his..." You told him about how you only moved here a about a month ago which prompted the question, "How do you like it here so far?"
You shrugged at the question. "Its a lot nicer than the last place I was living. Loads more places to get pictures." Cassian seemed to forget you took pictures for a job and you could tell by the look on his face. "Oh, I wish I could make photography my full time job but I just don't get enough gigs. I work part time in the little Cafe downtown."
"Oh! The one run by the Gargoyle? Tea and Stones right? His name slips my mind." You nodded. "His name is Xavier." Cassian nods. "We met once but it was long ago. I love going there when I do work on the land, especially after a long day." You nod and laugh. "Thats the best time to go." You pause for a moment. "I met Xavier when I first moved in. We're neighbors and as we were chatting it just so happened I was looking for a job and he was looking for people to hire."
Cassian smiles a little more, "Lucky timing." You nod and check your phone, it's just turning 5:10. "It's getting close to when we were gonna go. Did I tell you what it was?" Cassiam shakes his head. "No but that's OK. Let me shift and get dressed. Would you mind walking to my house with me?" You tilted your head and watched as he made his way back into the water.
You watched as Cassian went into the water until it was just above his chest that was showing. You could still see him with how clear the water is and you watched as he put his tentacles together to form two leg-like figures before they melded and fused together to form actual legs. You watched his face and he made it look way less painful then it probably was. And sure enough, he was buck naked, all proud and presented. Your cheeks instantly flushed once you noticed and you covered your eyes. Cassian walked up and smirked at how you weren't looking, taking pride in the fact he flustered you so much. "I went into the water to save you from the sounds as it's utterly disgusting." He said, walking up to you.
"Thaaaaanks..." Cassian chuckled and grabbed your hand away from your face, holding it in his own gently. You locked eyes with him when he did, you wanted to look out of sheer curiosity but your subconscious won't let you. "My place is right up the hill." He said, helping you off the rock. You thankfully avoided getting your shoes soaked as the two of you walked along the empty coastline.
It was maybe a 2 minute walk to his house and you recognized it. "Cassian you live there?" You asked, shocked slightly. Cassian laughs and nods. "Yeah, why?" You blinked and looked down the street as he quickly made his way into the house to avoid an indecent exposure charge. He pulled you inside and shut the door behind you.
"Cass I live down the street. I'm in the corner house. My only neighbor is Xavier." Cassian smiled and looks back to you when he let's go of your hand. "Then that means I get to visit whenever I want right?" You looked at him through squinted eyes. "No, at least text me first." Cassian smirks, "I'll need your number for that. But before, let me actually go get my phone. And get dressed." You blushed and nodded, forgetting he was naked for a moment.
You decided to make yourself comfortable on his couch and scroll though your phone, periodically checking the time. You were too engaged on whatever game you had opened on your phone to hear Cassian sneaking up behind you. "Boo~" He purred into your ear as he wrapped his arms around you. You jumped slightly and tensed heavily, dropping your phone in your lap. "Cassian please don't do thaaaat..." You whined out with closed eyes, leaning your head against his shoulder.
Cassian reached around you and snatched your phone from you lap before pulling away. "Cass, give-" He cut you off by handing your phone back. "I was just putting my number in, relax." Cassian said before going over to the door to put some shoes on. You looked at the new contact on your phone. "How cheesy are you?" You asked, looking up to him as he pulled his hair back into a low ponytail.
"What? It's true." You glared at him before he grabbed your hand and lead you out of the house. "We'll be late if we don't get going. I wanna spend as much time with you as possible tonight."
1639 (sorry for cutting it short, just felt like making another part :>)
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Bad Influence
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Octopus Merman x Reader
Part 2
“You know,” you drew out gently, your languid eyes gazing towards the cool water that rippled below, “I will get in trouble if they find me here.”
“You work here, don’t you?” The teasing voice came from the one in the water below, and a dark purple tentacle affectionately slipped up the side of your calf, stroking the material of your wet suit. “I'm sure they won't complain."
A small chortle left your lips, staring down at the lilac skinned male as his human top part sat as if floating in the water of his tank; his ink-black hair cascading down his back as he stared up at you with yellow sclera-blue eyes. 
“You’re such a bad influence, Tullius.” You grinned, going to bend to his level. His large dark tentacles slinked up around your ankles and he rose himself up with ease to be at your eye level. Not missing a beat, the Cecaelia rose to press a cheeky kiss on your lips; too swift for you to react in time or reciprocate.
You blinked owlishly as you stared back into his eyes, watching him lean back with a broad cheeky smile, winking to you. “I know, but I know my favourite trainer will always come and see me, no matter what.” 
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monstersandmaw · 4 years
Wow, somehow it's already the second Friday in Mermay! How did that happen? I hope you're all keeping safe and well, and that our little trips to the beach for Mermay are bringing a little fresh air if you're unable to go out and enjoy it. Don't forget that there's the Discord server too, which should join you up automatically if you have your Discord linked to Patreon. No obligation to take part if you don't want to, but it's there nonetheless, even if you're not intending to stay a patron after Mermay is over.
Now it's time to meet Mottle, to whom you were briefly introduced earlier in the week. Next up is a female kelpie with a male reader, and she's not your average shy and retiring forest spirit...
In this one we have a gender neutral reader, but there is penetrative sex, though anatomy is left vague as usual. The reader has had a rough breakup in the relatively recent past, and is struggling with the aftermath of being treated badly, although no details are mentioned. Eli, our tiefling best friend, wants to use the power of the Starfall Coven to bring some good into your life, but you're a little reserved about the idea to begin with...
I'm inluding a bit more in the content because someone asked me to (so that they know what kind of nsfw it contains), so I hope that's ok with everyone. I usually put anything I feel needs a warning in there, but they asked for a little more detail.
Content: fluff, magic, talk of love potions, alcohol (not drunk sex though), nsfw, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, tentacles, and some tender aftercare Wordcount: 5451
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“What you need, sweetheart, is a fucking love potion,” Eli grinned, drunk as anything and listing perilously to one side. The tiefling meant well, you knew that, but seriously? A fucking love potion?
You rolled your eyes and leaned back in the creaky pub chair. The Inglenook Inn was about as traditional a pub as it was possible to get, with dark, scuffed, slightly sticky wooden flooring, a few old horse and centaur brasses nailed to the wall, heavy beams, and of course, the eponymous inglenook fireplace, large enough to hatch a dragon.
“I don’t need a love potion. I’m not going to trick someone into wanting to go out with me. That’s not the point.”
“I didn’t say what kind of love potion,” the tiefling said, leering playfully across the table at you. “There’s more than the nasty old ‘date rape’ ones, you know? No one uses those anyway now - no one will brew them either. Well, maybe only douche bags.”
“Only douche bags say ‘douche bags’,” you grunted, but Eli just laughed and lounged back in his chair, sharp chin raised as he closed his eyes and chuckled softly.
There was more than one set of eyes on him that night, you noticed, but then again, there always was. His skin was colourlessly white, with snaking black tattoos up his neck and just sneaking up onto his striking face over his jaw, with blood red eyes, and massive ivory horns like a ram’s that curved through his long, dead-straight, white hair. He was also one of the most powerful witches in the Starfall Coven, so you supposed he probably knew what he was talking about when it came to the love potion thing. It did still just felt like a cop-out to you though.
As if he’d read your mind, he turned serious and said, “Let me help you. Seriously, I think I know something that will help nudge things along. It’s not fake, it just… expedites circumstances.”
“Eli, I…”
“Think about it,” he said, backing off. “I won’t push you, and I won’t do it without your permission, but I know what I’m doing. It’s how I got Martha and her beau together after all…”
“You’re a meddling little busybody,” you said without any sting.
“You love me,” he smiled and you nodded.
“Gods help me, but I do.” He had been your best friend for almost as long as you could remember and there was almost nothing you wouldn’t do for each other. That, apparently, included getting each other steaming drunk on a Friday night.
“Another?” he asked, standing and somehow managing not to look the least bit unsteady. His white cervine legs and long, feline tail kept him balanced all the way to the bar, and he ordered you both another round, returning without spilling a drop.
It was a fortnight before he brought up your love life again.
The pair of you had met up after you’d finished work, but instead of heading to the pub, you went for a walk along the harbour wall since it was such a beautiful evening. Fishing boats bobbed and rocked in the late spring breezes, and the salt air was stronger here, more potent and somehow even fresher.  It blew the cobwebs away almost instantly, and you paused with Eli at the harbour railings, leaning your forearms on the metal and sighing.
That familiar, aching loneliness threatened to choke you and you bowed your head.
Eli, perceptive as ever, rested an elegant, tattooed hand on your back and rubbed circles between your shoulder blades. Down below in the water, a pair of selkies coiled around each other, splashing and yipping, and you turned away. “I don’t want to be some bitter old arsehole about this, Eli,” you said. “I just…”
“You went through one of the roughest breakups I’ve ever heard of,” he said gently. “The way you were treated…” His solidly red eyes flared and glowed as his own power rumbled inside him and he let sparks dance along the fingertips of his free hand. “Seriously, it’s alright to feel so rubbish still. I just wish I could help.”
Sparks continued to fizzle along his fingers for a while and you stared at them, thinking.
“You know, I think… I think I’d like to try that love -” You didn’t get to finish your sentence because the sea frothed and bubbled beneath the harbour wall, and your joint attention was caught as another of the merfolk surfaced.
Read the whole thing right now, and have access to a story every Friday during Mermay 2020, as well as everything that’s gone up on Patreon before, and join our Discord server!
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monstersandmaw · 4 years
Stories from 2019...
Here’s a list of all the stories (40!) that have gone up on my Tumblr long stories masterlist since the start of 2019. There may be more bits that I’ve missed, but here’s what I found. Feel free to browse in case you missed something! Don’t forget that there’s also the short stories masterlist too!
Thanks for making it a great year and for inspiring me to do more and be better all the time!!
Male orc (Dragh) x female reader (nsfw)
Deaf male tiefling x female reader (sfw) Part Two (sfw)
Male scarred werewolf (Rhett) x female reader (sfw) Part One, Part Two, Part Three (nsfw), Part Four
Male minotaur x female reader *commission* (sfw + fluffy)
Female space pirate x female reader *commission* (nsfw)
Male minotaur x female reader (sfw and disgustingly fluffy)
Male gnoll (’Poodle), precursory drabble prompt (sfw)
Lich, no gender mentioned, monster’s POV - prompt “Housekeeper wanted; living or dead”. Sfw
Male orc dom x female reader sub (sfw, early stages, meeting up and working it out) Part Two (sfw) *ko-fi commission*
Homeless male merman x reader (sfw) Part Two (nsfw), Christmas Special (nsfw)
Non-binary trickster spirit x reader (sfw)
Poly male minotaur x male orc x female reader (nsfw)
Male dom orc (Bresz) x female sub reader (nsfw)
Male changeling/fae (Mhorrin) x male reader (nsfw)
Male orc (Dhurak) x reader (sfw)  *Starfall Springs*
Male tiefling (Killygren) x male reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male orc (Noah) x reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male reptilian fae (Adan) x female reader (nsfw) *commission*
Female selkie (Bess) x female reader (nsfw) *Mermay/Starfall Springs*
Male merman (Connor) x male reader (nsfw) *Mermay/Starfall Springs*
Male octomer (Caspian) x reader (nsfw) *Mermay/Starfall Springs*
Male hermit crab mer (Leo) x reader (nsfw) *Mermay/Starfall Springs*
Male selkie (Dennek) x reader (very light nsfw) *Mermay*
Male each-uisge/sea kelpie (Rhion) x reader (sfw) *Mermay*
Mothman (Fitz) x male reader (sfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male vampire (Ruben) x trans male character (sfw) Part One, Part Two and a slight AU feel extract (reader insert, sfw)
Male white tiger rakshasa x female reader (sfw)
Male scarred fae (Winter) x female reader (Violet from Brenn’s story - see above) (nsfw)
Male samebito (sharkman) (Tai) x male reader (sfw)
Male centaur (Jaime) x reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male lizardfolk (Bik) x female reader (nsfw) (commission)
Male lich (Rhae) x reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male half-orc (Tamas) x male character (Josslyn) (nsfw) *Orctober*
Male orc (Arikh) x male human (nsfw, D/s) *Orctober*
Female orc (Rakasha) x male character (Virion) (nsfw)
Male ice orc (Reshi) x female reader (nsfw) *Orctober*
*Male triton Fae (Kaerio) x female character (sfw) *commission*
Male fae (Winter) x female character (sfw) *modern policeman AU for Winter!*
Mute male siren x female reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male Uruk-hai x reader (nsfw) *Orctober*
Patreon - Browse my Masterlist here
More stories below the cut to save scrolling thumbs... 52 stories and drabbles in total... plus all the Discord drabbles which aren’t listed on there.
Monthly exclusives
January - male kelpie x female reader (Dolen) (nsfw)
February - male living armour x female reader (Berion) (nsfw)
March - android x reader (Iru) (sfw)
April - non-binary alien x reader (Mith'in) (nsfw)
May - male shark mer x reader (Requius) (nsfw)
June - male naga x male mummy x reader (Vashett & Akah) (nsfw)
July - male naga x female reader (Nila) (sfw)
August - male minotaur x female reader (Will - *Starfall Springs*)
September - non-binary demon x reader (Ilya, *Starfall Springs*) (nsfw)
October - non binary leshy/leshen x reader (nsfw)
November - patrons not charged, no story
December - interdimensional eldritch entity x reader ('the Dark' *Starfall Springs*) (nsfw)
Weekly Episodes of Embers, a dragon shifter romance (x reader)
Orctober specials 2019 - using the Inktober 'official' prompts
1. 'Ring' - male orc (Liam) x plus size female reader (very light nsfw)
2. 'Mindless - female orc (Khara) x male reader (nsfw)
3. 'Bait' - male half-orc (Tamas) x male character (Josslyn) (nsfw)
5. 'Husky' - female orc (Renasa) x female reader (sfw)
6. 'Build' - male half-orc (Tamas) x male character (Josslyn) (sfw)
10 'Pattern' - male orc (Arikh ) x male human (Kit) (D/s & nsfw)
Giveaway drabbles *New Category*
#1 - male orc x f/nb reader (domestic, nsfw fluff)
#2 - Male naga x female reader (sfw)
#3 - Storniel x Rashel x reader (nsfw)
#4 - male hellhound x reader (sfw)
#5 - Astriah (arachne) x male reader (nsfw)
#6  - male reader x male centaur (light nsfw)
#7  - female reader x male gnoll  (sfw)
#8 - male shadowborne fae x female reader (nsfw)
#9 - male mershark x female reader (nsfw)  
#10 - female banshee x male orc (nsfw)
#11  - male mothman x male reader (sfw and fluffy)
#12 -  genderfluid demon x reader (hurt/comfort nsfw)
#13 - male shadowborne (Shaer) x female reader (sfw and fluffy)
#14 - non binary shadow monster x ace female reader (sfw)
#15 - shy male scholar x female albino dragon (nsfw)
#16 - male orc x female reader (sfw/comfort)
#17 - male werewolf x female reader (sfw/fluff)
#18 - male naga x nb reader (sfw/fluff)
#19 - male drider x reader (sfw)
#20 - male melanistic chimera x female reader (sfw)
and a few more doodles and drawings and character profiles, plus endless polls etc. which I didn’t pop onto this list!!
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monstersandmaw · 4 years
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This is my doodle for Viggo, in preparation for his story going up (for all tiers) tomorrow. He's from sharkman Tai's story (Tumblr link to mlm story), but he wasn't really mentioned much in that one, other than that the setting was modern, he was friends with Tai, and had lost his arm in an accident involving a boat. He's a guardian for an island nature sanctuary (a bit like the Farne Islands in the UK), and meets his reader when she comes to take over the post of ranger for a week during the summer, monitoring the birdlife there... 
His story will be available to all tiers ($1+) tomorrow (Friday 22nd May).
Previous Mermay stories on Patreon:
1st May - Tiger shark merman x gn reader (nsfw) (8685 words, $1 & $5 tiers) + artwork
8th May - NB octomer witch x gn reader (nsfw) (5451 words $5 tier only) + artwork ($1)
15th May - Female kelpie x male reader (nsfw) (7982 words $5 tier only)
If any of that tickles your fancy, along with anything else on my extensive Patreon masterlist, you can sign up to the $1 or $5 tier today and have instant access to all of that tier’s content, going back 2yrs now!
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monstersandmaw · 4 years
Right folks, I’m off bed-wards now as it’s been a long day and it’s 11pm ish now. Thanks for all those monster rating asks - it’s reminded me of a few monster friends that have been a little overlooked on here, so that’s always nice! Any more that filter in overnight, I’ll answer tomorrow in a batch, I think.
Tomorrow is also the last day of my Mermay feature over on Patreon! So far, exclusive to Patreon, we’ve had:
1st May - Tiger shark merman x gn reader (nsfw) (8685 words, $1 & $5 tiers)
+ artwork
8th May - NB octomer witch x gn reader (nsfw) (5451 words $5 tier only)
+ artwork ($1)
15th May - Female kelpie x male reader (nsfw) (7982 words $5 tier only)
22nd May - Orca merman x reader (sfw) (5334 words $1 & $5 tiers)
+ artwork ($1)
+ extra orca merman short ($1 tier)
as well as male selkie x reader (sfw short)
female goblin x human (sfw short)
and a 3k nsfw ghost lover story! (all on the $1 tier)
29th May(going up tomorrow) male leopard seal selkie x female reader (nsfw) ($5 tier only)
So yeah, that’s been Mermay 2020 for me!! My Patreon supporters also filled out a feedback form and gave me lots of helpful bits of advice and things to think of, so hopefully there’ll be more to come in the future over there!
Anyway, take care of yourselves, and may all the right monsters bite! x
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Male octomer x reader (nsfw) - Mermay story #3
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
This has been up on my patreon now for a little while, and folks seemed to like him a lot over there, and the preview I posted got some excitement too, so I hope you’re ready for Caspian!
As first days went, this one wasn’t necessarily a complete disaster.
However, walking into the specially-designed meeting room at the aquatic and oceanography research station in Starfall Springs with a very suspicious looking (and entirely innocent) wet crotch, you did feel your cheeks heat up. The room itself reminded you strongly of a beach hut or the like, with scrubbed and white-washed wooden floors, and white-painted, ship-lap walls, and a wide window at one end, overlooking one of the sandy beaches of the wider curve of coastline that was Starfall Bay itself.
The research station was built right at the end of a rocky cob; a curving, protective wall which jutted out into the sea. A section of the floor of this room at the furthest end of the station had been cut away to allow a kind of trap door to be opened into the water itself, allowing for merfolk of all kinds to be present at meetings and consultations, without running the risk of drying out on land.
The merman who was currently resting with his huge, bulky, tanned arms on the lip of the opening took one look at your soaked jeans and hitched a lopsided, cheeky smirk. Your feet faltered at the sight of him; not only was he incredibly handsome, but he was also massive. He had dark hair that was cropped very close to his skull in a side-shave that revealed tapering ears which were attractively tinged with an inky purple tone at the tips, while the rest of his hair was longer on the top. Sections of it flopped into his warm, cocoa brown eyes, and your heart definitely lurched in its regular rhythms.
Below him, visible through the rippling water, you could see glimpses his lower body. He was not like the other merfolk you’d met so far since starting work at the station. Eight muscular tentacles billowed gently in the washing currents, the skin a rich, mulberry purple with paler, lilac undersides. You tried not to stare or flush any hotter.
The only other person in the room besides the two of you was Garreth. When the leader of the Starfall Bay Conservation Society saw the slightly soggy state of you, the werewolf tipped his head back and laughed. “I see Naomi forgot to warn you about the tap in the kitchen…” he chortled.
The octomer in the water chuckled softly to himself, a low, amused rumbling, and you rolled your eyes, shaking your head.
“Yeah,” you sighed. “Not my finest moment. Is everyone here?”
Garreth shook his head. “We’re still waiting on Elliott. He was supposed to have brought me the report on the plastic survey for this quarter, but he didn’t show up yesterday.”
The octomer snorted. “Probably forgot… or got distracted by pearl diving or something…” he said dismissively.
“Let’s hope he brings it with him today,” Garreth said. “Now,” he added, turning to you, “Let me introduce you properly to Caspian. He’s the newest of our three representatives and mediators between the merfolk and the land-folk. He’s also working on a joint project at the research laboratory which is measuring ocean temperatures and the effects on the coral reefs just offshore.”
“Awesome,” you said, stepping over hand holding out your hand. “Pleased to meet you.”
Caspian’s upper body was tanned a deep, nutmeg brown, and as you bent down, you saw a smattering of darker freckles across his cheekbones and down the length of his straight nose. His eyes were dark and kind, and they sparkled when he smiled. He really was huge though, you realised as you got close; had he been a human, he might have been pushing seven feet tall, with the broad shoulders and muscles to match.
His hand engulfed yours as he shook it, and his palms were rough and hard as a life-long sailor’s might be. “Looking forward to working with you on this project,” he said. “If our fourth member ever turns up…” He cocked his head slightly and you watched his tentacles tuck in so that he didn’t occupy quite so much space in the hatchway. “Ah… speak of the devil-fish…”
The final arrival shot into view with a stream of bubbles, a splash of water, and a burst of bright orange colour. He stuck his head above the surface, grabbed onto the side, slipped off, waved his long, floaty tail to bring him back to the edge and tried again. “Sorry I’m late!” he gasped. “I didn’t realise the time…”
Garreth laughed. “It’s alright, Elliott. We were kind of expecting you to be late.”
Elliott’s pale cheeks flushed almost as scarlet as his fiery tail, and he looked away. “I did bring the report this time though,” he said, shyly bringing out a clipboard with the report filled in with special pencil on waterproof paper.
The mer looked to be barely into his twenties, with long, flame-orange hair that was currently tied back with a length of seaweed at the nape of his slender neck. Sections of it had come loose, however, and they had plastered themselves to his alabaster face, half covering bright green eyes. Beside Caspian, he looked like an ornamental koi or betta fish, more suited to the safety of a secluded pond than the rough moods of the open sea.
Caspian, however, looked like he could weather anything the sea threw at him.
Your first assignment on the new project - monitoring the health of the reef, including pollution levels in the water - took you out into the field with him as your partner. You, of course, took the small RIB that the organisation owned, and Caspian had promised to meet you out there. True enough, as you slowed the small boat, he popped his head up above the water and grinned at you.
“You made it!” he called, waving.
“There was doubt?” you chuckled, cutting the engine and dropping the boat’s small anchor.
He only laughed. “You want me to check the anchor’s set ok?”
With a smile, you said, “Sure, if you wouldn’t mind.”
When he’d re-emerged, you passed him the various bits of equipment for data and sample collection and he dove down repeatedly, breaking the surface with minimal splash each time before handing you back whatever it was he’d collected for the project.
After the last sample had been stowed safely, he clicked his tongue at you and you looked round, puzzled. “Did I forget something?”
Caspian flashed you a broad grin. “Not exactly. Here…” and he handed you a shell.
At first, it looked like an ordinary scallop shell; pretty enough, but nothing special. Frowning with mingled confusion and curiosity, you turned it over and saw that the shell had a strange, dark colouring to it. The natural discolouration, however, resembled a little smiley face, with two eyes and a little curving, slightly wonky mouth that very much reminded you of someone… You held it up next to his face, laughing, and snapped a picture on your phone. “Looks just like you!” you said. “I didn’t know scallops painted portraits…”
Indignantly, Caspian cupped his hand and slapped it into the water, sending a large wave spraying straight at you. With a shriek, you lurched away from it, caught your calves on the side of the RIB, and fell backwards into the water.
Panic flared instantly and you flailed and sucked in a mouthful of water before you could stop yourself. In a rush of dark tentacles, Caspian grabbed you and practically threw you back into the RIB. Coughing violently, you rolled over onto your hands and knees, and he cursed.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean… I didn’t… Are you alright?”
You couldn't answer immediately, and when he got no response, he started to haul himself up onto the boat to get to you. The flimsy thing rocked alarmingly and then began to tip under his enormous weight, and you flapped your arm at him to try and get him to back off. It wasn’t going to sink, but he could still roll it enough that the contents - including you - might very well all roll out. You hadn’t the breath spare to tell him you just needed a moment.
He seemed to get the message and flopped disconsolately back into the water, still clinging to the side of the boat and staring at you with wide eyes.
With a tentative croak, you said, “I was not ready for that…!”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think that… Well… I guess that’s it: I just didn’t think.”
You turned to look at him, your eyes stinging from the salt water, and still streaming from coughing so hard, and you saw the worry in his big brown eyes. You pushed yourself upright, sitting back onto your knees to catch your breath, and ran your hand through your dripping hair. “Good thing I dropped my phone into the boat when I fell,” you said wryly. “If I’d have lost that, you’d really be in trouble.”
His lopsided smile flickered back into life across his face as the worry receded, and you shook your head. “Are you alright?” he asked.
You nodded. “If you were a landfolk guy, I’d at least make you buy me a drink for that,” you grumbled. “Jeez, now everyone’s going to think I’m completely incompetent. Can’t work a simple tap on my first day; can’t stay in a simple boat on my second… ugh.”
“You can tell them I did it,” he said.
“Yeah?” you snorted, raising your eyebrows. “And who do you think they’ll believe? The handsome genius researcher, or the clumsy new kid?”
Caspian blinked at that. “What?”
“Yeah. Just what I thought. Look, I’m going to get these samples back to the station before they all get cross-contaminated or something, and get me into some warm, dry clothes. It might be summer, but the wind is freezing out here. I’ll… see you back at the station when the results are back, I guess.”
“Wait,” he called as you started towards the outboard. “Wait… are you angry with me?”
You’d started to shiver with the windchill on your soaked body. “No,” you sighed. “No, I’m not angry. I’m just… cold. And embarrassed, I guess. I’m not a very good swimmer and I panicked. Look, forget it, ok? I’ll see you soon.”
And with that, you just left him and turned the RIB back to the station.
Garreth was standing on the jetty, watching you come in, and when he saw the state of you, his eyes widened. “What the hell happened?”
The head of the team scowled. “What? Are you ok?”
“Fine,” you snapped. “Just cold.” You tossed him the line and he secured the RIB for you.
“I’ll sort all this,” he said, gesturing at the samples. “You go inside and get dried out.”
With a watery smile of thanks, you brushed past him and headed inside.
But of course, you had no spare clothes with you because you’d left the bag - which you’d deliberately put out that very morning for just such an emergency - in the hallway of your apartment. “Fuck!” you cursed as you realised where it was. “Fucking perfect.”
It was only then that you noticed that you were not alone. A very sheepish and unusual-looking creature was standing at the research station’s main entrance, staring straight at you. “Hello?” he said in a quavering tenor.
He was one of the strangest mer you’d yet encountered, with a large, orange shell behind him, and crab legs sticking out the bottom of it, while a humanoid torso rose out of the opening so that he looked a little like the mer equivalent of a drider or arachnid.
You turned to him and said, “Can I help you?”
“I… I’m here to talk to Garreth about some activities for the children’s summer camp… but if this is a bad time?”
“It’s a bad time for me, but not for him. He’s just tying up the RIB out back. He’ll be here in a moment, I’m sure.”
A second or two later, Garreth’s heavy boots on the wood announced his return. “Leo!” he grinned when he saw the hermit-crab mer standing there awkwardly, blushing and trying not to stare at your chest where your t-shirt was now plastered to your skin. Garreth turned to you and said, “Did you have some spare clothes?”
Miserably, you shook your head.
“Hang on. I’ve got a t-shirt you can borrow at least. You can hang anything else over the chains on the jetty. With this breeze and sun, they’ll be dry in no time. Just… tie them down well, ok? No need to lose them and have you going skinny dipping…”
You all snorted a laugh at that, and in no time you’d put on one of Garreth’s huge t-shirts and had hung your shorts over the little safety chain along the jetty. It felt a bit indecent to be sitting there in the sun wearing only your underwear and a colleague’s t-shirt, but there was no one there to gawp.
At least, you had thought you were alone until you glimpsed the smooth, billowing movements of a now-familiar octomer swimming through the waters of the harbour towards the station.
You’d been trailing your toes in the water, leaning back on your hands, but as he changed course and swam directly over to you, you sat forwards, hunching a bit and tugging the t-shirt down as far as you could. It still only grazed the top of your thighs. You felt the heat flushing from your face all the way down to your collarbones, even before he surfaced.
Caspian, for all his rugged size and good looks, appeared even more flustered and awkward than you as he stared at you. He couldn’t take his eyes off your bare legs for a very long time, and when he did, he swallowed thickly and took a couple of goes at speaking before anything actually came out. “So… uh… I… I hoped you’d still be here,” he finally said.
You just raised your eyebrows. He really didn’t deserve to be given such a hard time over this, but you were embarrassed.
The octomer smiled sweetly and said, “I… I had hoped our first job would go better… You see… I’ve never worked with a human before.”
“I thought you were doing a joint project with the research lab in town?” you asked, surprised.
He nodded. “I am. The team is composed of non-humans.”
“You said… You said if I were landfolk you’d make me buy you a drink…”
“Huh, I did, didn’t I?” you smiled.
Caspian’s chocolate coloured eyes drifted downwards again and you watched the thick tentacles writhe below the water.
“Look, it’s fine,” you chirped before he could speak. “I fell overboard, I got wet, no harm done. Let’s put it behind us. But next time I’m definitely not standing up at all in that thing.”
He hitched a lopsided grin, conjuring a dimple in one tanned cheek. “Listen, if we’re starting over, I want to ask you a question. Do you know about the Moonlight Festival?”
You frowned and shook your head. “No.”
Caspian swallowed and licked his lips nervously. “Ok, well… it’s… it’s a long-held festival in the bay. On certain summer nights, the sea glows. Way back when, we used to think it was magic, but now we know it’s actually just bioluminescence caused by a species of dinoflagellate called Noctiluca scintillans…” he broke off at the slight smirk of amusement growing on your face. “Fuck. Way to take the ‘magic’ out of it. Look, it’s a big festival, and the sea glows, and the landfolk like it, and the merfolk come and piss around in the water, and it’s pretty. I thought maybe you’d like to come. With me. But…”
“Caspian,” you said, laughing softly. “You’re not at all what I expected, you know that?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, a touch defensively.
You took a deep, slow breath and shrugged. “I went to college with a lot of guys who looked like you.”
“There were octomer at your college?” he blurted.
“No!” you laughed, tipping your head back and cackling at the thought of a bunch of eight-limbed octomer flip-flopping down the corridor of a very human-orientated, landlocked college. “Oh man, I wish there had been. No, I just meant there were lots of big, handsome, sporty-looking guys who relied a lot on their looks and ‘charisma’ to get what they wanted. I honestly thought you were one of them… Clearly, I was very wrong.”
His face was a mask of confusion. On the one hand, he looked pleased, and on the other, somewhat deflated. “So I’m just a huge nerd?”
“You want to know something?”
“Go on then.”
“I’d rather go to a festival about bioluminescent plankton with a nerd than with one of those guys…”
Caspian bowed his head and rumbled a laugh. “Alight then. And I promise to behave this time…”
You stood, self-consciously holding the hem of the over-sized shirt close to your thighs, and looked down at him. His jaw was ever so slightly slack, and his eyes shone. You bit your lip, unwilling to entertain the idea that the huge octomer could be attracted to you, despite the evidence to the contrary. Deciding to be a little braver, you let go of the fabric of the shirt and let it blow about a little in the breeze.
Caspian’s throat bobbed and he ducked a little lower in the water. “I’ll… yeah I’ll see you then,” he mumbled, and then he vanished.
With a boost of confidence like that, you felt a little bolder about your choice of outfit for the festival. When the evening came round, it found you wandering down through Starfall Springs towards the beach wearing loose summer clothing and simple sandals. Little lanterns had been lit all along the beach, and you were astonished to see the sheer number of merfolk in the water. You’d not known there were so many who were willing to interact with the landfolk.
Like a pod of beached dolphins, some had even hauled themselves up onto the sand and were laughing and chatting with the landfolk, while others played about in the water. You could see a faint blue glow as they breached and splashed, but the sun was still up, and the full effect of the bioluminescence was not really visible yet.
You hadn’t been in Starfall Springs all that long, so you didn’t really know very many people. In fact, you didn’t know anyone outside of work at the research station yet, and that job was only a part time one that you’d secured until you could find another that was full time. Following your instincts, you headed away from the crowds and towards the research station at the far end of the bay.
You’d not arranged a place to meet Caspian for the festival, and since your fateful first trip, your schedules had not actually aligned. You figured that without having organised anything, the station was the logical place to go. Plus it stopped you looking like a lemon, standing on the beach on your own.
All was dark and quiet inside the station, and you didn’t even bother going inside. Instead, you made your way round the outside, following the boardwalk until it became the jetty, and sat down to watch the sunset with the curving wall of the cob behind you.
Time passed, accompanied by the rush and hiss of the sea, and of the laughter and music of the festival in the bay beyond the station. There was a lonely kind of peace to it, and you took your sandals off and trailed your toes in the water again. A silvery blue shimmer rippled through the water as you moved, and you smiled at the sight of it. You’d seen videos of the phenomenon before, but had never experienced it in person.
A shadow moved in the water and you instinctively recoiled, drawing your feet up. Sliding his head out of the water, Caspian looked up at you, his handsome face highlighted with blue and white lights as the bioluminescence ran off him. “Sorry,” he said. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
You lowered your legs back in and laughed. “It’s fine. I was a bit lost in thought anyway. You found me then…”
He smiled and swam closer, the water flashing in mesmeric pulses around his body. “I figured you’d come here,” was all he said in answer. He raised his hand and the plankton flashed across his fingers. “Isn’t it gorgeous?”
“Mmhmm,” you nodded, swinging your feet back and forth and watching the lights dance.
Caspian watched your movements as though captivated.
“Can I ask you something?” you said after few moments.
“When you said you’d never worked with a human before, does that also mean you’ve not really been around many humans at all?”
He flushed and looked away. “Is it that obvious?”
“You’re staring at my feet as though they’re something… alien.”
“I can’t imagine what they’re like, that’s all. What it’s like to have only two limbs… to walk… to… yeah. I’m sorry.” He broke off, scratching the back of his head.
“You can touch if you want,” you said, perhaps a little coyly.
He turned in the water and looked up at you with eyes wide and alive. “Are you sure?”
“Of course. Just don’t tickle me. I don’t want to kick you in the face.”
“You’re not that angry with me then, or you wouldn’t have warned me,” he grinned as he swam even closer and raised his hands in the water.
He slid his cool fingertips over your ankle and the top of your foot, and the moan you let out was not a sound you’d expected or intended to make.
“Is that ok?” he asked, touch faltering.
“Mmhmm,” you said. His fingers were surprisingly gentle, if tough, and as he closed his fingers and thumbs around both ankles and gripped experimentally, you inhaled sharply. If he’d wanted to, he could have dragged you off the jetty and into the water in a flash, but instead, he simply explored you with a stunning degree of reverence and delicacy.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmured, pulling himself slightly closer to you through the water. His limbs trailed behind him in the water, but you could see they were all flared wide, like an open parachute.
“So are you, Caspian,” you replied. “And you’re the most beautiful colour… you know that?”
He smiled and ran his palm up your calves.
You’d parted your legs before you knew what you were doing.
Caspian’s touch faltered and he looked away. “I…. probably shouldn’t…” he whispered.
“Yeah?” he said, his rich baritone hoarse and rasping all of a sudden.
“Can you… I mean… Can octomer leave the water at all? I know octopuses can, but… I actually don’t know all that much about your kind…”
He nodded. “Sure we can. Not indefinitely, but for a good amount of time. Why? You want me to come up there and join you?”
“I think it’d be easier than me trying to tread water…” you smiled.
“I’d hold you up,” he said, but he made his way towards one of the sturdy pilings which supported the jetty and latched his limbs around it. They were as muscular and powerful as the top half of his anatomy suggested, and with relatively little effort, he hauled himself up with a rush of glittering water.
Once he was on the wood of the jetty, with phosphorescent lights running down the lines of his bulky yet sinuous body, you felt your own mouth go very dry. He loomed over you while you remained seated, and he used his tentacle-like legs to pull himself towards you.
“Not too freaked out?” he said.
“Not at all.”
You turned to face him and he settled himself down beside you. You raised your hand and tentatively traced the lines of his collarbones and down his pecs, almost testing to see if he were really there, and not some salt-water hallucination. Caspian sucked in a breath at your touch, goosebumps prickling all across his torso.
He shook his head, drops of sparkling water scattering around you.
“You like that?”
Mutely he nodded, and, feeling emboldened by his reaction, you continued to touch him, working lower and lower until you came to his hips. The skin at the transition between his human upper half and his octomer lower half was a bruised, inky purple, and the texture of it changed too, from smoothly human to a thick, tough sensation, almost like wet leather. His breathing hitched as you passed on down and shyly ran a fingertip along the top of one of his massive tentacles.
It coiled tightly and then went slack on the wood of the jetty. He started to keel over to one side, as if he were melting under your touch, and he barely caught himself on one arm. “Fuck…” he gasped. “Fuck, that feels so good.”
His head lolled backwards slightly and his lips parted to let loose ragged breaths.
You glanced down at his body and saw between his limbs that something else was becoming visible. When he saw you looking, he huffed an embarrassed laugh. “Look at the state you’ve got me into,” he snorted, and he started to pull back, pull away from you.
“Caspian, don’t…” you said. “You don’t have to… I… I want this… if you do…”
He fixed you with an unreadable look. “You mean it?”
You nodded. “You’re gorgeous, and funny, and intelligent… and… I trust you.”
He let out a shaky laugh and bit his lower lip hard. He put the flat of his hand gently onto your leg and began to slide it upwards, pushing the material of your clothes up with it, never breaking eye contact with you. He shifted closer on that writhing mass of limbs until he was rearing up above you. He let one tentacle slide around your ankle, and another began to creep up your inner thigh.
You tipped your head back and closed your eyes at the strange sensation of it. When he discovered a moment later how aroused you were, he moaned and rumbled something that might have been a half-swallowed curse. “You’re so warm,” he said, letting the tip of that tentacle play over your skin.
Fire shot up your spine the moment he began to circle and nudge you, and you arched your back. He caught your face tenderly in his hands and kissed you. His lips tasted of salt, but as his tongue found yours, you suddenly didn't mind. He continued to play with you while he kissed you, teasing you with the smooth, cool tip of his tentacle. When he sought out the heat of you more deeply, you felt yourself clench around him as he pushed gently inside you.
“More,” you gasped, loving the stretch of his tentacle inside you. “Please…”
He nodded and eased you down onto the jetty behind you so that you were lying flat on your back. He used two of his tentacles to undress you and then spread your legs, and once you were open for him, he began to squeeze around you, coiling and covering you with four of his limbs around each of your legs.
“Gods, you look so beautiful,” he said, face alight with wonder as he gazed at you. “You’re so beautiful…”
In the soft light you could see his cock now, flushed purple and fully hard, and weeping a pearly pre-come profusely down its length. It was shaped like a smaller tentacle, thick and ridged towards the base, with a more pointed head, and it coiled lazily in the summer air, drooling drops of his pre-come down onto your thighs. “Are you sure you want me to do this?” he asked.
You nodded.
With the highlights of bioluminescence in his hair and on his body, he looked incredible, and it was hard to believe he wasn’t some sea god or something, come ashore for the night as if out of a fairytale. As it was, you didn’t have time for any more lust-filled musings. He slipped the tip of his cock inside you and you gasped as he stretched you. The stretch grew until he filled you utterly, and as he seated himself fully inside you, he bowed his head over you, his whole body tense and taut.
“Gods, you’re so hot…” he hissed. “I mean… the heat of you is… it’s…” he shuddered and then began to move with an embarrassed chuckle as you grabbed his hips.
He started slowly, but soon his rhythm picked up pace. The tentacles that were wrapped around your bare legs began to grip you more and more tightly, each of the suction cups forming a delicious counterpoint to the intense pleasure that the ridges of his cock gave you as he pistoned in and out. His breathing deepened, quickening to match his pace as he lost himself in the feel of you, of being inside your heat. He used his hold on your legs for leverage, and tilted his own hips a little until he caught that spot inside you that made you see stars, and you yelled with pleasure.
“Yes! There… don’t stop… please don’t stop…” you whimpered, and he obliged. He fucked into you hard, the tip of his cock catching you over and over as you felt your orgasm building.
The white hot heat of it rushed up for you and as he squeezed your body just a little tighter with his muscular limbs, he grunted and tipped over the edge first. As the heat of his release filled you, you followed him a second later. Clinging to him, you felt yourself clenching around his cock, drawing his release from him. Caspian’s eyes rolled closed and he bellowed as he emptied himself into you in a series of powerful thrusts.
When he finally finished, he suddenly went limp, his tentacles losing all their strength and sliding off you, unfurling and falling to lie weakly on the jetty. Occasionally one would spasm and then lie quiet again. He just caught himself from crushing you completely, and propped himself up on shaking arms.
“Caspian?” you whispered, still dazed and still clenching around his cock whenever he shifted.
“You ok?”
“Mm.” He swallowed. “You need me to move?”
“Not just yet.”
“Good, because I’m not sure I can… That was… That was incredible. You’re… You’re incredible.”
You smiled and kissed his forehead since it was all you could reach. He responded by nuzzling gently at your neck and kissing you there.
When he’d recovered, he rolled off you and lay on his back. You turned and watched him for a moment or two, enjoying the sight of his spent, glistening cock still lying openly amongst his limbs.
As you glanced down at your own body, you laughed and groaned at what you saw.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, cracking one eye open and looking at you.
You pointed at your legs. “Either I’m going to have to wear jeans tomorrow, or I’m going to have to say I’ve got chicken pox or something…”
He squinted, and when he saw the spiralling patterns of circles that the suckers of his tentacles had left on your skin, he laughed. Some of them, the ones where the tops of his limbs had been, were almost as big as the palm of your hand. “Sorry.”
You shrugged and lay back down beside him. “I might feel differently about them tomorrow, but right now, I couldn’t care less. You know, for your first time with a human, I’d say that was pretty good.”
“Being a scientist though, I can’t just rely on one experiment.”
You elbowed him hard in the ribs and he grunted. “I’m not a curiosity fuck, you know?”
“I know,” he replied, turning more serious. “But would you like me to do it again anyway?”
Turning your head to face him, you saw the way his eyes glittered playfully in the dark. “Yes,” you said very quietly, and you were met with a broad, happy smile. “Would you?”
One hand moved down his body to take his hardening cock in his fist. It writhed gently in his relaxed fingers, still covered in his come and once again leaking everywhere in anticipation of more. “Very much,” he said, and this time, it was you who straddled him.
For all early releases, character art and bios, upcoming story info, and much, much more, join me over on Patreon!
You’ll have access to stories before anyone else, and you’ll get instant access Patreon-only content as well, including polls and an exclusive monthly story for those on the Pixies and Goblins tier or higher!
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monstersandmaw · 4 years
Right, the queue is stocked up again for the week with the #old stories reblog (that link will probably only work on desktop) tag. I’m sorry I’ve been relatively inactive on here (apart from the male ooze x reader Pt. 2), but my creative energies have just been so low really, and socialising has just seemed utterly overwhelming lately, even fleetingly online.
I’ve got plans afoot for all sorts of projects, both physical and digital, but I’ll let them get a little further ahead before I announce them, although one is connected to the sticker and Ko-fi grab bag announcement post I put up a little while back.
Patreon has been a bit busier lately though:
1st May - Tiger shark merman x gn reader (nsfw) (8685 words, $1 & $5 tiers)
+ artwork
8th May - NB octomer witch x gn reader (nsfw) (5451 words $5 tier only)
+ artwork ($1)
15th May - Female kelpie x male reader (nsfw) (7982 words $5 tier only)
22nd May - Orca merman x reader (sfw) (5334 words $1 & $5 tiers)
+ artwork ($1)
+ extra orca merman short ($1 tier)
as well as male selkie x reader (sfw short)
female goblin x human (sfw short)
and a 3k nsfw ghost lover story! (all on the $1 tier)
29th May male leopard seal selkie x female reader (nsfw) ($5 tier only)
Male orc x male reader - surprise chunky WIP (sfw), 1st person narrative
A Door to the Past - male vampire x female character (WIP) - Chapter One 
Court of Winter - Artwork for Winter Solstice 
Winter Solstice - Chapter Five (sfw)
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Right, that’s my inbox cleared of those dialogue prompts from a while back. Thanks, I hope you enjoyed them, and I’ll see you for more stuff soon, hopefully. If you missed them, you can find them dotted around my short stories masterlist.
Exciting things on Patreon for December too. Last year I did the Twelve Days of Monstermas, with a full story every day for 12 days over the festive period, and this year I’m aiming to do Exo-mas. Stay tuned for what that will involve...
Here’s last year’s line up for reference:
Day One: (male reindeer cervitaur x reader - NSFW)
Day Two (female gargoyle x male reader - NSFW)
Day Three (trans female tiefling x female reader - NSFW)
Day Four (male alien x reader - NSFW)
Day Five (male octomer x reader - NSFW)
Day Six (female demon x male reader - NSFW)
Day Seven (male orc x male reader - NSFW)
Day Eight (male minotaur x female character - SFW)  
Day Nine (female rakshasi x reader - SFW)
Day Ten (non binary avian x reader - NSFW)
Day Eleven (female banshee x reader - SFW)
Day Twelve (male yeti x female reader - NSFW)
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