#n i didn’t know if they were friends or a couple at da time but both of em were kinda bein veeeeery subtly flirty
bimiio · 3 months
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hwaflms · 2 months
round & round! ★ [ l.dh ]
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{💭} hyuck : i suggested playing spin the bottle because i wanted to kiss you, but now everyone’s kissing you except me :/
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[☆] pairing. haechan x reader, slight jaemin x reader ft. 00’ line, chaewon of lesserafim and sieun of stayc
[☆] genre. smut + fluff | stoner!nct, pwp bc it’s me
[☆] wc. 6.1k
[☆] warnings. explicit content (mdni), weed/marijuana use, lots of making out, slight choking, dirty talk, fingering, sexual stuff in a semi-public place, use of the word ‘slut’, very slight degradation, not very proofread, pretty tame tbh
[☆] notes. my first time writing again in like??? two years???? istg i didn’t mean to abandon this acc 😞 pls be nice i haven’t written in a while and this is not my most favourite work but i’m warming up for more stuff in da future i just wanted to post a lil self-indulgent smth abt hyuck bc bf☝️ idk how active i’ll be because of uni and other things but i missed u guys!!! any feedback is appreciated enjoy :p
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even through the clouds of smoke engulfing the little living room of jeno and jaemin’s shared flat, your hooded eyes still met.
today was an important day amongst your friend group; it was chaewon’s first time smoking up with everyone. your friends weren’t really the type to pressure anyone into doing anything they weren’t sure about, but considering the astounding majority who enjoyed smoking some variation of weed, group sessions were a frequent occurrence. you either joined in or didn’t, chaewon being the latter until she decided of her own accord that she was going to try it with the people she trusted.
you sesh with jeno most often, seeing as he was the one who introduced you to weed and taught you everything you know about it. after weeks of listening to you complain about sleepless nights, jeno suggested you try smoking a joint before you go to bed, especially since it was starting to affect your attendance. (“i can’t keep attending these zoology classes without you, y/n. every time something stupid happens, i laugh and make a joke out loud because i forget you aren’t there, and now i’m pretty sure people think i’m either insane or just really fucking lonely”.)
now, smoking up has been a pretty regular occurrence, especially since jeno introduced you to a bunch of his friends and vice versa, all of you making up one big, happy group of stoners. chaewon and sieun were your friends who got along with everyone else just fine, and though they didn’t hang out with the others as much as you did, they were still welcome whenever.
presently, you are leaning back against the couch, all the way on the end, because jaemin is sprawled out alongside you, opting to rest his legs on your lap. haechan makes a joke that you don’t understand, but you laugh anyway along with everyone else, except renjun who covers up his laugh with cough.
“you can never let me have it, huh?”, hyuck scoffs, narrowing his eyes at renjun who’s mouth forms a thin line. “i know for a fact you find me funny.”
you hear that he makes a remark back at haechan but what he says doesn’t register in your head, everything sounding far away. remembering the special occasion, you turn to face chaewon and sieun, who are giggling away on the floor about something between the two of them. you don’t know what they said but you smile anyway. she clearly seemed like she was having a good trip, and so was everyone else.
swallowing nothing, you realise how dry your throat feels, and with that realisation came this undeniable desire for some form of liquid. “jen,”, you tilt your head back and call out to the boy who was already rolling another joint on the table behind you. “did you end up buying more coke?”
“check the fridge”, he mumbles without looking at you, tongue poking his cheek out of concentration as he focuses on what he was doing. with a groan, you heave jaemin’s legs off your lap, muttering a couple ‘sorry’s when he starts to complain about the change in position.
you all but float to the kitchen, heading straight for the fridge and spotting the fresh cans of coke placed neatly in the overcrowded appliance. the first gulp feels like heaven against your parched throat, taking a few more while standing there.
“you gonna share or no?”, a voice startles you, turning to find haechan’s figure looming right behind you with a dopey smile on his face.
“god, we need to get you a bell or something. i never hear you coming”, you roll your eyes before grabbing two glasses from the cabinet. you’re disappointed to see that there was no ice in their freezer, but you pour the drink into the glass anyway.
“why are you pouring it into a glass?”, haechan furrows his eyebrows, looking pointedly between the glass and the literal can in your hand. “now we have to wash two glasses when we could’ve just drank it from the can.”
he’s right, of course, but you’re not gonna tell him that. instead, you pretend that you were planning on adding some lemon juice to the drink because you saw it on instagram. while you figure he doesn’t believe you, he humours you anyway and tries your little concoction, which ends up being pretty damn good.
out of all of jeno’s friends, haechan definitely stood out to you. you didn’t really understand why, you were just drawn to him, even way back before you met him, when jeno used to tell you about his friends. “loud and annoying” were the words he used to describe him, but the smile that appeared on his face anyway let you know that he was someone special to jeno. this was not to say his other friends weren’t special, you got along incredibly well with all of them, meshing right in with their group.
as of right on cue, jaemin’s voice loudly sounds out from the living room, “are you guys fucking in there or what?”.
sighing, you pick up your glass and begin to walk out of the kitchen, but not before purposely knocking haechan’s shoulder when you walk past him, hearing him snort before following you out as you exit the room. perhaps if you had lingered in the kitchen for a couple seconds longer, you would’ve heard haechan muttering something along the lines of “i wish” under his breath.
“jeez, took you long enough, can i have some of that?”, renjun drawls, lifting himself off the armchair with a smile, to which you roll your eyes but pass him your glass anyway. you sit down on the floor opposite the couch and he looks as if he is about to compliment your drink-making skills before haechan cuts him off.
“dude, chaewon and sieun look like they’re about to fall asleep, let’s do something”, he half yawns out, opting to stroll over to your spot on the floor and sinking down next to you.
“not…sleepy…”, chaewon murmurs, but her voice is muffled because her cheek is pressed against sieun’s shoulder, both of them sprawled out on the floor like it was a comfortable bed.
“sure you aren’t…”, jeno chides with a smile, getting up from the table to walk over to where all of you were situated. he twirls his newly rolled joint between his fingers, finally holding it out in his palm as if it were some magical gadget, and if you were being fully honest, you were sold. “round 2? or 3, I can’t really remember…”
some words of agreement were muttered across the room, chaewon and sieun even groggily getting up from what looked like a very comfortable napping spot. another rotation began, and you made sure to blow out your smoke directly into an unsuspecting haechan’s face when it was your turn.
“let’s play a game or something”, jaemin suggests, taking a long puff and passing it to jeno who sat beside him, and soon the room was hazy once again, the smell of weed infiltrating your nostrils.
“like what?”, chaewon coughs weakly in between her hit and renjun pats her back before he hands her your coke that you hadn’t received back after you gave it to him. so long for that.
“monopoly?”, jeno offers with a shrug and haechan lets out an obnoxious snore as a reply, making you laugh but you cover it up with a cough when you meet jeno’s playfully narrowed eyes. “okay then, big guy, what’s your incredible idea?”
haechan appears to actually think about it for a moment, looking around the room for some sort of inspiration maybe, until his eyes land on you.
“okay jaemin, get that empty wine bottle from last week, we’re playing spin the bottle”, he is grinning from ear to ear, wiggling his eyebrows even though all his suggestion receives is a bunch of groans and sighs.
your eyebrows are raised however, and you try not to let your reaction show too much on your face. spin the bottle? you hadn’t played that since you were maybe fourteen, but that was the least of your concerns at the moment. haechan wanted to play spin the bottle? who was he hoping to kiss? or was it just a whimsical little suggestion that was more of a joke?
it didn’t fully seem like he meant it as a joke, judging by his expression as he awaited some actual responses from the group. “what are we, fourteen?”, renjun might as well have read your mind, but he soon joins you and haechan on the floor, the others following suit. jaemin presents the empty bottle and places it in the middle of the little circle you have formed, everyone seeming slightly more keen as the joint runs out.
maybe it was the thc talking, but it didn’t really seem like a bad idea to you anymore. you were all single, attractive and close enough that it wouldn’t make things weird, and most importantly, you wouldn’t mind getting more familiar with haechan’s lips.
you shocked your own self with the sudden lewd thoughts in your head about the male sitting next to you, squirming in your position slightly. he turns his head towards you like he could hear your thoughts (“shut up, y/n, he can’t hear your thoughts…right?”) and you swear his eyes soften a bit. “are you sure you wanna play?”, he asks softly, mistaking your tenseness for discomfort, but you shake your head a little too quickly for your liking.
“no, no, let’s play, it’s not like we have anything better to do, right?”, you feign indifference and after everyone else agrees, the bottle is spun for the first time by haechan.
much to renjun’s dismay, it lands on him, and it’s almost comical the way he looks at the bottle pointing at him before slowly looking up at haechan. “renjunnie, let me kiss you”, haechan whines in a high pitched tone while drawing out the “you”, puckering his lips expectantly. the next three minutes consist of renjun listing every single person he would rather kiss than haechan, and you’d have half the mind to volunteer yourself if you weren’t clutching at your sides laughing at the whole exchange, slapping at both jeno and sieun who tried and failed to dodge your waving hands.
renjun finally relents when chaewon suggests he lets him kiss his cheek instead, but haechan is no quitter so he makes sure that he plants the loudest, most wet kiss on his face before sighing in victory when he sits back down. renjun is not the most happy with this, and he tells jaemin to take his turn instead while he rushes off to the bathroom to wash his face. hyuck looks indignant, calling out behind renjun, asking if he wants another one.
taking the turn instead of renjun, jaemin spins the bottle harshly, and it spins and spins and spins for what seemed like an eternity. your eyes are so focused on the way the bottle looks as it spins that you don’t even notice that it has stopped, until jeno nudges you with his shoulder. it’s neck is pointed directly at you, and you finally look up from your trance at jaemin, who wears an undeniable smirk on his face.
while you didn’t exactly see him that way, there was absolutely no denying that jaemin was a very attractive man, and he was no different presently, the sleeves of his hoodie rolled up as he propped himself up with his arms, looking at you expectantly.
you don’t want to look at haechan right now, because you can see out of the corner of your eye that his face is looking straight forward, not at you or jaemin, just forward. you wonder what is going through his head, but your thoughts are cut short when jaemin scoots closer to you in the circle.
“are you okay with this?”
and when you think about, you are. “yeah, i mean it’s just a game”, you reply, not wanting to ruin the fun or raise any suspicions, to which jaemin agrees and inclines his head towards you.
he kisses you, more fully than you were expecting, but you had no complaints really as you kissed him back, titling your head in the opposite direction to slip your lips over his. you wonder if your lips were as dry as they felt, and in the back of your mind it registers that your friends are watching you kiss your other friend because they hoot and giggle, but you can’t really bring yourself to care.
jaemin’s lips taste sweet and he smells sweet, his touch soft as he brings a hand up to your cheek, gently holding it while he continues kissing you. it probably wasn’t as long as it felt, but jaemin finally pulls away, the remnants of his sweet chapstick lingering on your lips. you are aware of how hot your face feels when you pull away and return to your spot, tucking your hair behind your ears.
“dude, what chapstick do you use?”, you ask after clearing your throat, and jaemin rummages in his pant pocket for a moment before whipping out a cute pink tube, holding it out in front of him. “strawberry dream, baby”, he winks, reapplying it on his lips. “never go anywhere without it.”
renjun returns after god knows how long, stating that he had to re-do his skin care routine because haechan had completely thrown off his skin’s ph balance, and is saddened to hear that he missed witnessing you and jaemin.
the game continues in a steadfast manner for the next couple of rounds thanks to haechan insisting we play one more round, though it doesn’t exactly go in the manner you were hoping for. the group is practically in tears after watching jeno and jaemin share an awkward kiss, chaewon arguing that they can’t claim “no homo” because it was the most homo thing she’d seen in a while, and that was saying a lot because she was, in fact, gay.
you have now kissed sieun, jaemin once again and an especially endearing renjun, who’s cheeks and tips of his ears are painted a bright red after you plant a full peck on his waiting lips. haechan grumbles something about renjun not having kissed anyone besides his mom to explain his reaction, but jeno is quick to cut renjun off before another argument ensues.
“i don’t know about you guys, but i think that’s enough exchanging of saliva for one day”, he all but sighs, lying down on the floor dramatically. while you do agree, you’re disheartened, because not once has the bottle landed on you when spun by haechan, or the other way around. it feels like the universe is fucking with you, because really how many times can you spin a bottle between a group of seven people and not have it land on the one person you want to kiss even once.
haechan looks like he wants to say something, but appears to decide against it in the end, stretching and standing up. it is then mutually agreed by everyone that it was time to watch a movie.
“super bad?”, jaemin proposes, and even though most people had already watched the movie, no one argues against it and jeno starts setting up the movie on their big screen tv.
settling into the couch, you glance over at haechan and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t feeling a tad bit disappointed. this whole spin the bottle thing makes you wonder about all the other times where you could have had an opportunity to make a move on the brown-haired boy.
you’d gone on long drives together, gone partying, even drank with just each other a couple of times. the closest the two of you had ever come to crossing that line was while you where dancing at a party and his arms were looped around your waist from behind, slowly swaying to the beat. you’d danced with him tons of times before that but you recall thinking the air was a little different than normal, more heated, but you also recall mistaking renjun for your professor, so you didn’t trust yourself. the moment came and went, and neither of you ever had the balls to address it, and now it had been way too long since to bring it up.
“this seat taken?”, haechan snaps you out of your bitter thoughts, jerking his head towards the spot on the couch next to you. you clear your throat and shake your head, scooting over slightly so he could sink down next to you. “what’s up, y/n, you look a little…not present. you still high?”
it’s funny because your mind certainly wasn’t present, it was in the gutter, but you choose to blame the weed. “yeah, i’m still high”, you answered truthfully, and so was he, his red, hooded eyes a dead giveaway.
“okay, perfect, i wanted to show you this stupid tiktok i saw”, he’s pulling his phone out of his pocket and leaning closer to you to show you some video of a cat, or maybe a dog, you weren’t paying attention. he laughs at whatever the animal did, the corner of his eyes crinkling as he does so, and you observe him instead of watching. when he doesn’t hear you laugh, he peeks over at you but you’re quick to turn your head back to his phone, letting out a very late giggle at the video.
if he did catch you, he doesn’t mention it, continuing to scroll and show you more videos. jeno finally gets the movie set up and turns off the lights, taking up the final seat left on the couch. the movie begins, and everyone falls into a comfortable silence bar hyuck, who makes the occasional comment that earns him a snort from you each time.
at some point during the movie, haechan stretches his arms out behind him, placing his arm on the head of the couch directly behind you. glancing at him quickly, you can’t tell whether the action was purposeful or not, because if it was, he was doing a very good job of looking nonchalant. you try your best to ignore it, but his hand is resting directly above your shoulder, inches away from touching you- but it never does.
you had never noticed what nice hands haechan had before. long and slender, nails clipped short and clean, his middle, ring and index finger adorned with various silver rings. you note that he wears three rings on his left hand, but none on his right. his right hand sits on top of one of his thighs, two of his fingers drumming against it following some rhythm going on in his head. his fingers are long, and the only thing you can think about is just how nice they would feel inside–
no, no, no, stop it, since when are you this horny?
you realise stressing out about how horny you are all of a sudden is just going to lead to a bad trip and you don’t want that, and you want to clear your head. even though you’re feeling a different kind of thirsty, you figure a distraction for a couple minutes would be helpful, so you excuse yourself to go get some water, jumping up from the couch and walking towards the kitchen. unbeknownst to you, haechan’s watchful eyes follow your figure as you exit the room.
finally away and in the kitchen, you fill up a glass and lean over the sink, closing your eyes to collect yourself. you can finish the movie without driving yourself crazy over haechan, right? tonight is no different than any other hangout and you don’t want to weird haechan out with your unnecessary staring and poorly concealed thirsting. you just need to stop thinking about his stupid hands, his stupid thighs, his stupid hair and his stupid kissable lips. “kissable? lock in, y/n, lock in…”
“who are you talking to?”
you wince but don’t turn around, eyes screwed shut tightly. you’ve been gone for a couple minutes and you don’t know when he left the room, but you put down the glass and turn to face him.
“what’s got you so jumpy?”, he questions, leaning against the counter. his arms are folded and his gaze is piercing, face tilted slightly to the left as he observes you. this is the second time he’s startled you in the kitchen today and also happens to be the very reason you’ve been so jumpy.
“nothing, i just…god, you need to starting announcing your entry into a room, dude…”
he furrows his eyebrows but lets out a chuckle anyway, slowly sauntering over to where you stood. eyes never leaving yours, he now stands directly in front of you, caging you in between the sink and his body. the closer proximity and dim lighting isn’t helping your case in the slightest, feeling all hot and bothered as if there was a sudden change in temperature. “what’s happening? you’re usually never like this, we’ve smoked up together so many times. are you having a bad trip?”
you understand why he might think that, what with your jerky movements, dazed staring and just overall disconnected demeanour. while you were wound up a little tighter than usual, you weren’t having a bad trip, your mind was just very slightly preoccupied. “no, hyuck, i’m fine, i just…needed some water”, it’s a half-lie you tell, choosing to not tell him the full truth for the sake of your own pride.
“you just seem…off”, he seems to pick his words carefully, eyes roaming over the expanse of your face. “no, i just…”, you trail off to try and find the words to explain this situation away, but he’s just looking at you so intensely. it’s so silent in the room and the air feels all too still, and you swear you’re trying to speak coherently but haechan switches his weight to his other leg, wetting his lips with his tongue while he awaits an answer and you just freeze. “i…”
“‘i’ what? see? you’re doing it again”, he starts, running a hand through his hair, and the muted light that leaks in through the window illuminates only one half of his face, but you can see him so clearly that even the way his pretty eyelashes brush against his cheek when he blinks doesn’t go unnoticed by you. you’re subconsciously chewing on your bottom lip, feeling a little like a deer caught in headlights. “you have this look in your eye. like you wanna…”
everything is still and unmoving, until your eyes zero in on haechan’s hand as he raises it, slowly bringing it to graze his fingers over your cheek. his touch leaves a burning hot trail on your skin and using his thumb, he releases your bottom lip from under your teeth, hand lingering cautiously for a fleeting moment before he drops it.
“like what, haechan?”, you repeat yourself, urging him to just say whatever it is he has to say, getting tired of this back and forth. you could sell a kidney just to see what was going on in his mind right now, because he looks torn between speaking his mind and just staying silent.
“like you want to kiss me.”
a few beats of complete and utter silence pass, not even hearing the dull sound of the television in the living room anymore over the thudding of your heart in your ears. haechan takes a small and tentative step towards your frozen figure, gripping the counter you’re using to lean against with his right hand, effectively trapping you in your place. now you really are a deer caught in headlights, because he’s spoken what you’ve been thinking about for the past couple hours into existence and he is absolutely correct.
“am i wrong, pretty?”
judging by your sharp intake of breath and open-mouthed expression, you’d have to be a fool to think otherwise. he looks as if he’s waiting for you to answer him regardless, giving you a chance to get out of this, but your voice is no longer functioning, and it takes all the strength in your body to shake your head ‘no’.
his eyes flicker between your eyes and your lips, tongue peeking out to lick his lips again. “i suggested playing spin the bottle because i wanted to kiss you”, his voice is strained as he admits this, quiet and careful like he’s holding back while his eyes are trained on yours like he’s daring you to break eye contact. you don’t. “but then everyone else was kissing you but me.”
normally you would giggle at his little frown, but all you can muster up is a whisper of his name, finally breaking his all-consuming eye contact in favour of looking at his lips again. you don’t know who moves first, but the next thing you know is your lips are pressed together in a fierce kiss, your hands tangled in his soft, brown locks while he grip your waist and pull you into him.
he kisses you like a man starved and you do the same with equal fervour, not even being able to process that your little daydream is coming true. his hand comes up to caress your cheek, soon moving down your neck after stroking your face softly, using it to tilt your head for you. the position of his hand is very purposeful because his thumb presses into your throat ever so slightly, but his grip is still tight enough that you couldn’t break the kiss (not that you wanted to, anyway). the other hand snakes around your waist and pulls you impossibly closer, pressing his hips into yours.
you’re positively drunk off the feeling of haechan’s lips molding over yours and you think you might just ascend when he tugs on your bottom lip with his teeth, using the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. body on fire, you mewl against his lips, swirling your own tongue around his while he slowly but surely bucks his hips into yours.
no wards are spoken while your hands thread through his hair, pulling on it and letting out a sound of surprise into his mouth when his hand trails down to your ass and grips it harshly. he finally releases you from the searing kiss, but he doesn’t let you catch your breath, instead spinning you around in his hold so that his front presses tightly into your back, hands slipping around your waist from behind. this feels like a déjà vu kind of moment because you are reminded of the time when you both were dancing in this exact position, except this time you were getting exactly what you wanted.
“you know how bad i wanted this?”, his voice echoes your thoughts and breaks the silence, hands running up and down your front in a teasing manner. lifting your shirt up slightly, he trails his fingers over the exposed skin of your torso and the action makes you squirm in his hold a little, and much to your surprise, he groans lewdly against your ear. “fuck, i’ve been thinking of this for so long. kissing you, having my hands all over you…”
you get the sense he’s talking more to himself than you, but you revel in it nonetheless. his hand grips your jaw and squishes your cheeks together so your lips form a pout, forcing it to the side where he plants one, two, three kisses to your puckered mouth. his other hand slips further up your shirt where he brazenly cups your boob through your bra, fondling one of them while his tongue peeks out to flick at your bottom lip.
you’re putty in his arms, all gasps and squirms and whispered ‘haechan’s. “what, baby?”, he mumbles into your cheek, the hand gripping your jaw letting go in order to slink down to your hip where it lingers for a moment. “what do you want?”
your lack of answer doesn’t bode well with him, earning you a tight squeeze to your hip as a kind of warning. “need you to touch me”, you whisper out defeatedly, and you feel haechan laugh mockingly against your face.
“yeah? need me to touch you?”, he mimics your voice while tutting, letting his hand slip further down to where you needed him the most, but not letting you have it just yet. “think you can be a good girl and keep quiet for me? we don’t need everyone outside hearing what a little slut you’re being in here.”
everyone outside. the fact that you were just a room away from all your friends who were sat watching a fun little movie together had completely slipped your mind, but if you were being honest, you couldn’t find it in you to give a shit. everything about your current disposition was so dirty. one hand under your shirt, the other about two seconds away from fingering you right in the middle of your friends’ kitchen, while said friends were sat outside, unaware of the goings-on under their own roof.
though you didn’t think actually getting caught in this position would be the most pleasant experience, the idea of it dampened your panties and caused you to whine out loud, tilting your head back against haechan’s shoulder. you receive an immediate hand clamped over your mouth in return, haechan tutting in your ear condescendingly. “looks like the little slut can’t follow a simple request.”
even though he reprimands you, his hands begin fumbling with the button of your jeans anyway, undoing it and pulling the zipper down. one hand comes up to wrap around your front and rests on your shoulder, holding you in place, and the other he sticks down your pants and cups your heat but makes no effort to move, chuckling when you try to move yourself against it. his crotch ruts against the swell of your ass and for you, any friction is better than no friction at the moment. with one hand gipping the arm around your shoulder, you slip the other behind you to palm at his hard cock over his pants, making him let out a sound of approval.
“please, hyuck”, you shake your face free of his hand and turn to look him in the eye, and he grips your throat and presses a chaste kiss to your lips.
he seems to accept your plea, finally moving his hand against you and you breathe a sigh of relief, lost in the feeling of his fingers rubbing circles on your clit over your wet underwear. he’s quick to slip his hand inside your panties, cold fingers pressed directly on to your bare pussy, spreading your wetness all over you. when he ultimately slips a finger into your tight, waiting core, you moan but it’s cut short when he slaps his hand over your mouth again. “keep. quiet.”
if someone were to walk in, the two of you would be a sight to see. you writhing in his tight hold while his hand is stuffed in your pants, two fingers pistoning in and out of you at a fast pace as his forehead is pressed against the side of your face, releasing short breaths. you look positively fucked out, and you’re both in a state of complete bliss as you grind against each other in a timely rhythm.
“my pretty girl. if i had known you wanted this too, i would’ve just grabbed you and kissed you like i wanted, in front of everyone.”
his voice is honey-like and sultry, and his fingers are nothing short of heavenly. they pump in and out of you, and he still manages to use his thumb to toy with your clit in this position, leaving you breathless and on the edge. “can’t believe jaemin and renjun got to kiss you before me.”
you’re so wet that your cunt makes downright sinful noises as he fingers you and you’re hoping that it isn’t really as loud as it seems. “you’re so wet, angel. so this is what had you all jumpy today”, he laughs like he’s stating the obvious, and you’d have half the mind to feel shy if his ministrations didn’t feel so fucking good right now.
you’re aware that you’re close and so is he because you’re clenching around his fingers, so he quickens his pace both inside you and against your clit. “you gonna cum for me, baby? right here, in the middle of kitchen, while everyone’s outside?”, he purrs against your face and you grip the part of his arm that isn’t shoved in your pants, digging your nails into his skin in a way that’s sure to leave a mark. his words make you feel dirty in the best way, not even knowing you could feel this turned on.
he peppers kisses along your jaw and neck, sucking here and there, and through the pale moonlight bleeding into the room from the window, the red blemishes that begin to bloom on your skin are visible to hyuck, and he seems pleased with his artwork. “that’s it, sweetheart, let go for me.”
your moans are muffled against his palm when you finally come, the orgasm ripping through you so strongly that you go limp in his hands, legs almost buckling at the sensation. with the added boost of the weed you smoked earlier, your orgasm is immense, feeling it pulse through your body until it’s too much, whining and wriggling in haechan’s firm hold. he holds you still and helps you ride out your high, whispering utterances of “that’s right, baby” and “my good girl” into your ear while you throw your head back and try to regulate your breathing.
in a moment, his hand slips out of your pants, turning you back around so you’re now facing him, grinning down at you from ear to ear as if you both hadn’t just defiled jaemin and jeno’s kitchen. “you feeling okay?”, he mumbles, tucking your hair behind your ear with the hand that wasn’t soaked, pressing a number of kisses all over your face as you nod and giggled, trying to evade his attack. he lets you go just to wash his hands, and it’s when he dries his wet hands on the material of his pants that you notice his raging boner, immediately feeling bad.
“wait hyuck, let me–“
as if he’s reading your mind once again, he shakes his head and takes both of your hands into his, wrapping them around his own waist while pulling you into him. “we can save that for another time, pretty”, he insists, his expression turning shy when he realises the implications behind his words. “that is, i-if you want another time, of course–“
it’s your turn to cut him off this time, but you do so by leaning up and connecting your lips again, bring a hand up to stroke his cheek. “of course i want another time, hyuck. i want this. i want you.”
your assurances do good to bring a smile to his pretty face, taking ahold of the hand on his cheek and pressing his lips to your skin gently, lovingly. “so, so, perfect.”
taking note of the prolonged amount of time the two of you had been gone, you skulk back into the living, but this time, hand in hand.
the scene you’re greeted with is a surprising one, because you find every single one of your friends to be sound asleep, much to your amusement and hyuck’s dismay. “so you’re telling me i could’ve been hearing you moan the whole time and none of these idiots would have even known?”, he is appalled, a hand coming up to rub at his face out of frustration. “i did all that for nothing?”
“i wouldn’t say for nothing”, you reveal, biting your lip and smiling up at the boy shyly. “i might have woken them up.”
“oh yeah, well now you’re going to”, and with that, he’s dragging you back to the kitchen while you giggle, nearly tripping over your own feet before he all but scoops you up in his arms, muttering to himself about having left something in the kitchen that needed urgent fetching.
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luvonmes-blog · 10 months
warnings/labels - MINORS DNI! fem! reader, there a little plot, reader walks in on satoru and suguru, fingering, oral (f and m! receiving), doggstyle, full nelson, there’s sm more but idek tbh just be warned, this is absolutely filthy it came from the depths of my mind.
authors note - based off a picture i saw on tiktok and i’ve been horny since.
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this picture btw.
you hadn’t meant to walk in on the scene that was unfolding in front of you.
all you wanted was a break from the pestering that came from yaga. “y/n do this.” “y/n do that.” “y/n you’re slacking off.” “y/n pay attention.” “y/n you’re better than this.” while you knew he meant well, your body was so tired, absolutely drained from the nonstop hours of training. every time you took a step a sharp pain shot up your left side and your hips hurt from every movement. you tried to explain it to yaga and how you needed a break but he was adamant on continuing to train. (muttering to himself about how if you tried just a bit harder you could be just as good or even better than satoru gojo.) you never paid much mind to it, you knew satoru gojo was the absolute best of the best and with his best friend, suguru geto, beside him. you had no chance of surpassing them, not fully understanding the extent of your own power yet.
so, instead of showing up to your training session with yaga today, you skipped. choosing to wander around the halls of your school. you had been transferred in only recently, yaga had found out about you through the grapevine, hearing people whisper about the weird girl who could do strange things and he eventually convinced your family to let you come back to Tokyo Jujutsu High with him. claiming it would be better for not only you, but them as well. you hadn’t gotten used to your new surroundings yet and barely have gotten to know the people.
exploring your new school was much more fun than being pushed to and over your limit by yaga, you saw other students training, teachers you hadn’t seen before and even spoken to a couple of classmates! it was exciting… until you saw yaga down the hall, fuming and doing only what you could assume was looking for you. you ran the opposite direction, sprinting down the halls until you came upon an empty hallway. you slipped into the first door you could. pressing your back against it and breathing deeply, happy you escaped yaga. but what you hadn’t expected was the sight in front of you when you opened your eyes.
the familiar white hair had another persons fingers buried in them, tugging on the white tufts. that hand belonged to the other man, black hair out of its usual bun. satoru gojo was on top of suguru geto with his tongue shoved so for down his counterparts throat you were honestly wondering how he hadn’t choked. you let out a squeak and the two men separated quickly , suddenly on opposite sides of the couch (it was then that you noticed you slipped into the common room.) both of their faces red in embarrassment and an obvious bulge in their pants.
“i- i’m sorry.” you started to apologize profusely. “i didn’t know you were in here. i didn’t mean to. i’ll leave. i’m sorry- so sorry.” it was nothing but word vomit spilling from you lips. you went to slide the door open but paused. you knew if you went back out there yaga would find you and you don’t think you could handle any training today. with your body so sore and the heat building between your legs, you didn’t think you could handle anything today. before you could move any further, one of the men from behind you spoke.
“it’s fine.” satoru. “it’s our mistake we shouldn’t have been doing that in such a public area.” he reassured you. “how about you just come and take a seat?” he looked over to the stare he felt coming his way, suguru looked at him questioningly, the distaste at him inviting you onto the couch all over his face.
“no! um- no. i sh- should probably go. yaga is probably looking for me.”
“you would rather spend the day with yaga?” it was suguru who spoke now, his voice deeper and oh so smooth.
“well, no but i- i have training to do and stuff so… yeah.” you laughed awkwardly.
“join us.” satoru said, the statement sounding much more scandalous than it should have given your current position. “we insist.” he added, motioning to the space between him and suguru. you look between the two, satorus hands still gesturing to the spot between them and suguru giving you a nod. you make your way over slowly, giving them the chance to change their minds, to kick you out so they could continue about their business but as you sit down next to them you have still yet to realize, satorus gotten you exactly where he wants you. he slides closer to you, so close his thigh is pressed up against yours and you can feel his breathing in your hair. “you’re y/n, right?” you give an affirmative nod.
you feel something shift behind you and look over to notice that satoru is poking sugurus cheek and then waving his hand. motioning for him to come closer as well. suguru slides next to you and now you’re trapped. trapped between the two giant men who are overwhelmingly close, so close you can smell them. satoru smelled fresh, like just out the dryer laundry and linen on a breezy day while suguru smelled warm, like honey and vanilla on a freshly baked pastry roll and the two mixed together had your head reeling. you felt so dizzy from just being between the two and your mind wandered. you wanted them on you. in you. you wanted to drown in them.
“y’know i’ve heard rumors about you.” you looked at him, bright blue eyes that were usually covered by dark glasses staring right into your soul. “i’ve heard you’re strong.” his lips tugged upwards into a small smile. “isn’t that right, suguru?” the way the other man’s name fell from his lips should have been a sin, drawn out and damn near a whine. you wanted to moan just from his voice.
“mhmm.” the dark haired man slid closer, closer than you thought was possible, pressing himself against you. “we heard yaga thinks you could be one of the best. right up here with me and satoru.”
“do you think that’s true?” saturo questioned. you shook your head no. “oh, that’s sad. thought i’d actually have some competition here besides suguru.” he pouted, plump lips pulled down into a frown and you wanted nothing more the to kiss them up into his dazzling smile. his beautiful eyes staring into yours made you more nervous than you’d like to admit so you turned your head forwards, looking at your hands placed neatly in your lap. the boys’ bodies pressed closer to yours, smushing you but you hadn’t thought anything of it, they had been doing this for the past ten minutes. but that had changed when you heard the familiar sounds of lips smacking behind you. your head shot around so quickly you swore you felt a crack in your neck. there they were, making out right in front (technically behind) you.
satoru now had a hand buried in sugurus hair, fingers pulling the dark strands. their tongues intertwining with each others. your eyes were wide, mouth agape as you watched. a hand tracing up your thigh drew your attention between your legs. that hand being satorus and his fingers disappeared into your skirt as the digits pressed against the fabric of your underwear, soaked through with your arousal. his fingers rubbed your clit through the fabric and you moaned. another hand cupped your face, large palm nearly engulfing it before it turned your head. your eyes met with brown ones before his lips were pressed against yours. sugurus lips were so soft and warm against your own. satoru rubbed your clit just right, a moan escaping your lips and suguru took that as a chance to slip his tongue into your mouth. with both of the men on you your mind was so muddled with thoughts. what they could do to you what they would do to you. the thoughts that plagued your mind caused a visceral reaction, you keened into sugurus mouth as your eyes rolled and closed.
satoru was mouthing at your neck, surely leaving marks everyone would see. his hand that was rubbing your clit pushing you towards climax as suguru swallows any moans and mewls that escaped your lips. all too soon, both men pulled back. the orgasm satoru was building you up to fizzled away and you could still feel the electricity of sugurus lips against yours. “why- why’d you stop?” you panted, eyes wild as you looked between the men.
“oh~, you want us?” satoru mocked. you nodded your head enthusiastically.
“words.” suguru growled. one hand wrapped around your neck while the other pushed strands of hair out of your face.
“please. please want you. both of you. so bad, please.” you begged unabashedly, no shame in your tone. satorus hands made their way back under your skirt, slipping into your underwear as well. his fingers traced your swollen clit before making their way to your entrance. he rubbed feather light circles around it, making your hips jump, before pushing a finger in.
“she’s so tight suguru.” he giggled. “can’t wait to feel her around my cock.” you moaned aloud before sugurus hand lightly slapped your cheek.
“you should keep it down. you don’t wanna get caught, do you?” your pussy clenched around satorus finger, thighs trembling and suguru laughed. “i bet you do. you’re a nasty little slut aren’t you?” his tone was sarcastic but the words went straight to your cunt. satoru pushed a second finger in, stretching you open. “i bet you want someone to walk in. seeing you cream all over pretty boys fingers right. hm?” he was directly in your ear, his breath fanning over you. “want everyone to see how much of a slut the new girl is.” you clenched so hard around satorus fingers he had to stop moving. your eyes crossed and rolled back from the effects of your orgasm. your chest heaving as the two men watched. a smirk settling onto sugurus lips as he looked at satoru, his eyes gleaming as he felt you pulsing around his fingers.
“aww, look at you pretty girl. cumming so hard jus’ cause of some fingers. aren’t you sweet.” you could hear the smile in satorus voice.
“more.” your voice was so small you weren’t sure they heard you but they did. their eyes locking with each others and it’s like they could read their minds. suguru shifted you so your back was now against his chest. his own legs spread yours apart as satoru got on his knees. he pushed your thighs apart more before suguru cupped them with his hands, lifting them up and open for satoru. he pulled the gusset off your underwear aside and you squeaked as the cold air of the common room met your pussy. you felt so exposed in this position, legs spread wide and unable to move as suguru locked his hands against your stomach. a yelp escaped you as you felt a stripe being licked up your pussy. your cum and arousal gathered on the tip of satorus tongue before he gulped it down.
“she tastes so good, suguru. you gotta see for yourself.” satoru traced his fingers along your slit, collecting your wetness before lifting his hand beside your face, to sugurus and putting his fingers into his best friends mouth. suguru sucked your essence of satorus fingers greedily and you mewled, a low whine escaping your lips.
“he’s right, princess.” suguru muttered into your ear. “you taste delicious.” before you could respond satoru had buried his face into your pussy. lapping at you as if it was the last thing he would do. you moaned so loud you were sure you would get caught. satoru sucked on your clit as he pushed two fingers into you, curling them just right to meet your sweet spot. you keened and suguru groaned into your ear. “as much as i love the way you sound, pretty girl, you gotta keep it down.” satoru heard the conversation above him and pulled back, you whined at the loss of contact. satoru sat up and tapped his hands against sugurus, suguru let go of your thighs and satoru took the chance to slide your panties off. the garment was quickly shoved into your mouth.
“he said you have to be quiet, right? i guess we’ll just have to teach you to listen.” he gave a quick kiss to your cheek before making his descent back down. suguru held your legs back up. satoru nipped at your clit and you jumped, yelp muffled from the underwear in your mouth. satorus lapping at you a like a man starved, tongue buried in your pussy as his nose rubs against your clit. he’s breathing you in and he feels that if this is how he goes - suffocating in your sweet pussy - then he’s fine with that. he moves his face back up, licking at your clit as he pushed two fingers into your tight walls. your cunt clenches around them, wordlessly begging him for more. he pumps them slowly at first and speeds up at he keeps going. your back is trying to arch but failing as suguru holds you snugly against his chest.
satoru is jamming his fingers against your g-spot and spreading his saliva and your wetness everywhere. your cries are muffled due the the panties in your mouth and tears are leaking down your face. you’re stiffly humping satorus face, movements restricted by sugurus strong arms. the movement not only has you grinding on satorus face but also sugurus cock confined in his pants. sugurus panting in your ear, face flushed as you move against him and it takes all his willpower to not cum in his pants. he lets go of your legs and starts pushing satorus head. as he comes up for air from your pussy, looking at suguru confusedly, the dark haired man starts roughly rubbing your clit. his fingers and moving fast and as satorus fingers are pressing into your sweet spot, they send you hurtling over the edge. you cry out so loud you’re not sure the soiled garment that was shoved into your mouth is doing it’s job. what the two men don’t expect is when your pussy drenches satorus face as you squirt all over him. the white haired males face is soaked in your arousal, it dripping from his chin, as his counterparts pants are completely wet through.
“didn’t know you were a squirter, baby.” satoru says as he wipes his mouth with his sleeve. “it’s ok though.” he eyes are dark as he forces you to look at him, his hand has an iron grip on your jaw. “because we’re gonna make you do it again.” the underwear that he previously shoved into your mouth was pulled out and thrown into the distance somewhere. you’re pulled off sugurus lap and he’s pushed back, laying along the couch as you’re on your hands and knees now. satorus quick to unzip his pants and flip your skirt up, rubbing his tip up and down your slit. you stare at suguru in front of you, the large bulge in his pants directly in front of your face. you move your hand up to paw at his clothed cock, cupping him through his pants. you lick a strip up his pants, wetting them as you go.
“please. take them off.” you mutter against him, his cock jumping. suguru hands rush to unzip his pants and slip them down just enough for his cock to spring free. your mouth is immediately licking a stripe from base to tip up his length. he’s so thick, so very thick and you wonder if you’ll be able to take him all. the answer might be no but you won’t stop yourself from trying. just as you take sugurus tip into your mouth, satoru is pushing his cock into you. you moan and your eyes cross as he pushes in inch by inch. he’s long, you can feel he’s not as thick as suguru but he makes up for it in length. when he’s finally all the way in his zipper is digging into your ass and his cock is pressed so deep into you, you swear you can feel him in your throat.
“pay attention to what you’re doing, sweet girl.” satoru whispers in your ear as he hunches over you. “it’d be a shame if you accidentally bit such a pretty cock. trust me, i’d know.” he sits back up and spreads your ass cheeks. watching as your pretty pussy clenches around him. his first thrust is harsh. the wet sound of his cock in you has you moaning, the vibration from the noise has suguru grunting. you start sucking him off slowly, working your way down his cock. satorus face is flushed behind you. red all the way up to his ears as he thrust in and out of you. you’re clenching around him so tight he’s truly wondering how he could go this long without your pussy.
“fuck, just like that pretty girl.” suguru let’s his head fall back as you suck him off. you look so pretty with such a fat cock in your mouth but he’s fears that if he watches any longer, he won’t be able to stop himself from cumming down your throat so soon. “you’re so good with your mouth.” he moans and he sounds so good. if this is how he sounded with his dick down your throat you wonder how he’ll sound buried in your cunt. satorus no better behind you. his head is thrown back as whimpers escape his lips, he sounds so fucked out and you’ve barely started.
“you’re so tight, y’know that?” he whines to you. “squeezin’ my cock so good. gonna milk me for all i’m worth.” he watches as you suck of his best friend and his hand slips into your hair. “you gotta go faster, sweetheart. you wanna get him off? suck him harder.” you obliged hollowing your cheeks around sugurus cock and as you did so, satoru moved you up and down his best friends cock. pushing and pulling you by the hair as he taught you how to suck suguru just right.
“f-fuck slow down!” suguru cries out. you’re moving too fast and he barely has time to announce he’s cumming before long thick ropes are being pushed down your throat. satoru pushes your head all the way down your nose meeting sugurus pubes as he cums down your throat and you moan around his cock. the vibration has sugurus hips jolting from overstimulation. you’re clenching around satorus cock so hard his eyes cross and whines so loud.
“keep going baby, keep sucking him off.” suguru looks at satoru, panicked. you already got an orgasm out of him and such a strong one he’s not sure he can cum again but you listen and you keep going. sugurus whimpering above you and he tries to push you away but satoru slaps his hands. the hand that he was using to guide you on sugurus cock is now between you legs as he rubs your clit. he’s trying to get you close. he knows you are but you just need that extra push, he needs you to cum before he does. his cock is pressed into your sweet spot and his fingers are rubbing over your clit. he bends over to speak to you, his chest pressed against your back.
“baby, i need you to cum for me. please, need it so bad. wanna feel you squirt around me. please.” he’s desperate and his words are just enough to send you over the edge. you do exactly as he says, squirting around his cock, making a mess all over the couch cushions. crying out as he continues to fuck into you. your orgasm triggers his own and presses so deep into you when he cums you swear you can feel the thick ropes entering your womb. you’re panting over sugurus cock and he twitches as your heavy breathes are on him.
“more.” both the boys’ ears perk up at the simple word uttered from you lips. you crawl up suguru, sitting your soaked pussy on his cock and he flinches in over sensitivity. “wanna be full.” you grind on him rolling your hips oh-so slowly and you reach behind you blindly for satoru who lets you grab him a pull him forward. “want to be full with both of you.” the two of them moan in unison wasting no time in lifting you up. your legs are spread aside sugurus hips and he drags his cock up and down your slit. he pushes in slowly, letting you get used to his girth and you moan into the open air. suguru sits up onto his elbows and quickly unbuttoning your shirt throwing it to the side and taking a perked up nipple into his mouth. he leans back down taking you along with him. with your back arched and ass up in the air satoru can see suguru slowly thrusting into you. his thick cock stretching you open.
the white haired man watched you suck sugurus cock into your tight pussy. you’re moaning as suguru sucks your nipple swirling his tongue around it and nipping it lightly his other hand pinching the other. you push back, taunting satoru with a shake of your ass and suguru groans at the friction. satoru presses up against you his cock rubbing against sugurus as he slowly presses his tip into your hole that was already spread by suguru. he pushes in slowly stretching you to your limit and rubbing himself against suguru.
“fuck.” you whimper as he slides all the way in. with him and suguru both sheathed deep within you, you swear you’ve never felt this full. one of them moves and you squeak. “wait! wait, please just give me a second.”
“it’s ok.” suguru rubs your hair. “take your time, pretty girl.” you nod against him, the stretch of the two of them inside burns but eventually fizzling out to a pleasant sting.
“ok.” you whine. “you can move.” suguru thrusts up first, the friction of his cock rubbing against satoru has the white haired boy moaning above you and he starts moving too. the timed difference in their thrusts never leaves you empty and you swear you see the pearly gates. they’re both pressing into spots you hadn’t known existed until now causing your body to tremble, your moans are so loud they’re drowning out satorus whines and sugurus groans. “faster. faster!” they oblige to your commands their hips moving at godspeed.
“she’s so tight isn’t she, suguru.” satoru whines as he fucks you.
“so fuckin tight.” suguru agrees. you’re to blissed out to actually comprehend what they’re saying but you eat it up anyway, nodding as if to agree.
“i’m gonna cum!” you cry out. the two of them pushing towards your orgasm.
“you better fucking hold it.” sugurus demands but you shake your head.
“i can’t!” you sob. fat tears rolling down your cheeks. “i can’t! i’m gonna- ah~” you meant it. before the words leave your mouth you’re squirting all over sugurus stomach, clenching tightly around the two. your vision turns white, eyes unfocused as you have the most earth shattering orgasm of your life. by the time you gain control over your body again you’re still letting out small spurts of arousal onto the dark haired man and his counterpart is rubbing your clit. this brings another orgasm or maybe the first one is drawn out, you couldn’t tell. your face falls onto sugurus neck and you feel the two men’s cocks throb before they’re both filling you up. suguru cums with a low grunt while his toes curl and satoru keens into your ear and feels the orgasm in his spine. your thighs are trembling as they pull out, quaking uncontrollably and your cunt clenches pushing out fat globs of their seed.
“fuck, is that a sight.” satoru chuckles as he watches the globs of his and sugurus mixed cum spill from your cunt and drip onto sugurus balls. “i didn’t really think this through because who the fuck is cleaning all this up.” he looks at the mess you three made of the common room. your clothes everywhere and pools of mixed arousal on the sofa.
“i don’t know.” suguru says dumbfounded and you mutter something sleepily before burying your face into sugurus neck and breathing deeply. as your breathing evens out and gets deeper the two quickly figure you’re asleep. suguru sits up finds your top and covers you back up and pulls his pants up - struggling just a bit with you on his lap. satoru dresses as well and takes you from suguru, wrapping your legs around his waist and holding onto you tightly.
“how about we take her to her dorm.” he rocks you gently as if you’re a toddler in attempts to wake you up. “where’s your room, pretty girl?”
“don’t wake her, satoru.” suguru grumbles before standing up. “i’ll clean up around here.”
“ok so… i guess i’ll take her to my room.” he makes his way to the door already having made up his mind.
“hey,” suguru calls for him “don’t try anything, let her rest.” he warns.
“yeah, yeah i will.” he rolls his dazzling blue eyes. he carries you out of the common room hearing suguru grumbling to himself about the mess and makes his way to his dorm. eventually ending his trek by placing you in his bed and he watches you get comfortable before pushing some of your sweat soaked hair off your forehead and as he noticed your cunt was still uncovered he looked back up to your face. he couldn’t wait for you to wake back up.
he wasn’t done with you just yet.
i’m literally feral.
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sugrhigh · 4 months
FIRST OF MANY - ( m.s )
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summary- you and matt have been dating for over a month now, and you’ve never had sex. his curiosity gets the best of him while you’re watching a romcom, and you find out he’s actually a virgin.
warnings- swearing, virgin!matt, technically unprotected sex, smut at the end (lmk if i missed shit)
virgin!matt x fem!reader
a/n: this is my first req that i’ve ever done, so THANK U TO THE ANON WHO LEFT IT i hope it lives up to your expectations ❤️ if u have ideas drop them in my inbox ! all da love
there is literally nothing matt likes more than spending the night in with his girlfriend, as corny as it might sound. it’s been well over a month of dating now, and he still can’t get enough of you.
the warmth of your body is comforting as you lay beside him on the sofa, dressed down in sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. he has one steady arm wrapped around your shoulder so he can hold you against his chest.
he breathes you in as his fingers skim absentmindedly up and down your exposed bicep, a familiar mixture of laundry detergent and citrus shampoo.
“that feels nice.” you mumble into his shirt, eyes still glued to the tv.
you’re forcing him to watch friends with benefits, since he picked the last movie and you were in dire need of a romcom fix. it’s one of your favorites, mainly because you loved mila kunis so much in that 70s show.
it’s only been on for roughly thirty minutes, but matt’s been enjoying it way more than he expected considering this genre is not his norm. he’s even let out a couple laughs at the scripted jokes.
the main characters are in bed together again, rolling around as they banter back and forth about sleeping with each other. it sparks a fire of curiosity inside of him as he continues to stare at the screen.
“is this really what it’s like?” he asks without thinking, and he immediately regrets his words as you tilt your head to look up at him curiously.
“what, the sex? don’t act like you don’t know.” you say, playfully smacking him with the back of your hand.
matt isn't sure why he brought it up, but he figures now is as good a time as any to have this dreadful conversation.
“how could i know if i’ve never done it?”
he feels you tense up slightly under his arm, which scares him. the last thing he wants you to think is that he’s some sort of loser. he just hadn’t found anyone that he really wanted to be intimate with before he met you.
it’s not like you guys don’t fool around sometimes. he’s perfectly capable of using both his hands and his mouth; this is a fact you’ve been made well aware of.
you two just haven’t gone all the way yet, especially considering you hardly ever get real alone time together.
“you don’t have to lie about the girls you’ve been with just because we’re dating now.” you finally respond, quieter than before.
“oh my god, i’m telling the truth, so please don’t make me say it again.” he can’t look at you anymore, because he’s too embarrassed.
this makes you fully sit up in shock, no longer focused on the premise of the film. he can feel you staring at the side of his beet red face, clearly confused by this revelation.
“wait, are you seriously telling me that you’re a virgin?” you question.
matt glances back at you and crosses his arms defensively, because it suddenly feels like he’s under attack. “you’re making me seem like a freak or something.”
he watches your eyes soften as you put a tentative hand on his shoulder, trying to let him know that you weren’t making fun of him.
“shit, i’m sorry, i swear i didn’t mean it like that. it’s just…really surprising, that’s all.”
“surprising how?”
you pull your lips between your teeth, exhaling through your nose as you try and find the right words.
“well we’ve done stuff before, and you were just naturally good at it, so i assumed you’d learned from hooking up with other people. and i know girls must have liked you with a face like that.”
this boosts his ego, and he’s already in a much better mood knowing he’s at least made you feel good in the past. that doesn’t mean he’s not still terrified, but he’s a little more confident than he was before.
“nope, not really. you’re the only one i’ve ever done that kind of thing with, aside from a little making out.” matt admits with a shrug.
your lips part, and it’s making you feel all fluttery.
he smiles a little bit. “i don’t know what that means.”
“it doesn’t mean anything really. i’ve only had sex a few times, and it doesn’t change anything either way.” you move your hand up and down his arm a little bit.
the tv plays in the background, and your mind flits to his original question.
“are you curious? is that why you asked?” you tilt you head toward the screen, though you keep your focus on him.
his eyes go a little wide, and the feeling of your hand on his arm suddenly becomes overwhelming.
“yeah, i—uh, i guess i am.” matt stumbles over his words, and your fingers travel higher to run through his hair slowly.
“you don’t have to be nervous. you can ask me anything you want, i’m not gonna judge.” you say softly.
your fingernails raking along his scalp makes him shudder slightly, a response that you both enjoy.
“i’m…more of a hands-on learner.” he rasps.
you let your fingers travel to rest on the back of his neck, drawing him in for a soft kiss. it’s short and sweet, and his eyelids flutter a bit as you pull away.
“what do you want to do?”
he pauses for a moment before deciding to give in and say what’s on his mind. “nick and chris aren’t home. maybe we should go to my room?”
you grin, nodding your head like you’re in a trance. you’re both trying to hide your giddiness as you scramble off of the couch, carelessly tossing the blankets aside.
you can feel him staring at your ass as you lead him through the hall, and he gives it a little smack of appreciation.
“matthew sturniolo!” you laugh, turning the doorknob to his bedroom.
it greets you warmly, and you always love it because the whole place smells like him. the overhead light is off; it’s just the singular lamp casting warm rays across the mattress.
“couldn’t help it.” he says, smile prominent in his tone as he locks the door behind you.
you slow to a stop at the foot of his bed, and he stands at your side, hand intertwined in yours. it makes your heart swell as he admires you with those charming eyes.
“are you sure? we really don’t have to, there’s no rush.” you squeeze his palm reassuringly.
matt lets go just so he can hold your head, kissing you hard as an answer. you literally can’t help but beam into his lips, and you put one hand on his chest to push him against his silk sheets.
he falls onto his back, propping himself up on his elbows so he can keep looking at you. you crawl on top of him, slowly settling on his hips.
he sucks in a shaky breath as you shift against him to get comfortable. you can feel matt growing harder beneath you as you lean down to give him another swift kiss, letting his mouth melt against yours.
then you move to his earlobe, pressing your lips to the hollow part of his neck. you swipe your tongue against his skin, biting down just a bit so you can suck on the area slightly.
he groans, laying down now so he can move his hands to grip your ass, pushing you against him harder to feel a little more friction. the thin material of your sweatpants doesn’t hide a whole lot, and he’s straining against you now.
“you’re so cute, baby.” you say against his skin, and his hands go to the bottom of your shirt, pulling it up over your hips.
you lift your hands from his chest so he can fully remove it, leaving you in your stretchy black bralette.
“god, you’re unreal.” he breathes, and you guide his palms to cup each of your breasts, still rocking against him slightly as you straddle him.
you can feel him squeeze your nipples between his middle and pointer fingers, whimpering below you as he starts to get worked up. you’re growing wet by the second, the delicious feeling of his clothed dick rubbing against you sending shocks of satisfaction right to your core.
“do you wanna keep going?” you ask, just to make sure he’s still on board.
“please.” he begs.
you move his shirt up his chest, and matt sits just high enough to rip it over his head. you trace the tattoos on his arm faintly, trailing a finger down the center of his stomach till you hit the waistline of his sweats.
“you’re terrifying.” he smiles as you slip your hand under the band of his boxers, slowly scratching the area gently.
“why?” you ask.
he grabs your waist and flips you so you’re the one on your back, feet hanging over the edge of the bed as he stands.
“because everything you do is perfect.” he says, and this time he’s the one that goes to your pants, grabbing the soft material and looking at you for permission.
“that is so not true.” you grin as you lift yourself up to help him.
he strips them off your legs and tosses them away blindly, so you’re left in your matching thong. the spandex-like material hugs your sides, the last layer standing between what you both truly want.
“i mean look at you.” he sounds dumbfounded as he gazes at your body, and you feel your face flush from the attention.
“trust me, i’m the one who’s punching.” you reply as he strips down to his boxers, dick clearly pressing against the plaid cloth. you’ve seen it before, on two occasions to be exact.
both of those experiences were great, and you didn’t know that was the first time a girl had ever given him head. now you know this is the first time he’s having sex, and even though it’s not the same for you, you’re still a bit nervous.
matt’s a little above average, and the last and only person you’ve ever done it with is your ex, so it’s been a minute. even so, you’re so enthralled with your boyfriend that you can’t help but pulse in excitement.
he pushes your legs apart with his palms, and air rushes across the wet spot that’s already formed over your panties. two fingers press against the fabric covering your heat, which shocks a gasp out of you. he moves them in a little circular pattern, applying more pressure so he can really feel you.
“love your fingers,” you rock with his pace, speaking through a moan, “but i wanna make you feel good too.”
“oh, okay. so i should…” he stops his motions to go for his own underwear, finally sliding them down so his hard length springs free.
you’re already working your own bottoms down your thighs, and he finishes the job for you once his hands are free.
“do you have a condom?”
“uh, shit…” you can tell by the solemn look that crosses his face that he doesn’t, and you let out a short laugh.
“it’s okay, it’s alright, i’m on birth control. we’ll be more prepared next time.”
his eyebrows shoot up before he can help it. next time. just the confirmation that this will happen again makes him disgustingly happy.
you wiggle up on the bed a little bit, so he has enough room to hover on top of you. he leans down a few more inches to give you a kiss, and you can tell he’s unsure what to do next, so you take control.
“don’t put it inside yet, just slide it against me a few times.” you try and instruct, and he follows well, dragging the base of his shaft up and down your wet cunt.
you let out a little noise of pleasure, and he wants to save it as a sound bite in his memory.
“okay, slowly, go ahead.” you say after a few more seconds spent enjoying the feeling, and both of you make sure he’s lined up properly.
matt looks you in the eye as he pushes inside, taking his time as you adjust bit by bit. he lets out a moan when he’s fully filling you up, shocked by how fucking amazing you feel.
you know he’s stretching you out, but the small pinpricks of pain subside as you get situated.
“you can start moving now, just keep it gentle at first.” you guide him, voice all choked up.
he nods, his long hair almost tickling your forehead as he starts to pump in and out at a leisurely pace. you’re both groaning messes, and your hands go to claw at his back as he keeps pace.
“fuck, you’re doing so well matt.” you mutter against his chest, pressing open-mouth kisses to his collarbone.
he’s getting into it now, finding a good rhythm and relaxing his hips slightly so he’s not as stiff. your bodies are molded together as you move back and forth, and matt can feel you clutching against his cock with each stroke.
“m’not gonna last much longer, angel.” he confesses, clumsily stumbling over his words as he tries to calm himself down, to keep it in just a bit longer.
“that’s okay, babe. tonight is all about you.”
he’s growing sloppier, and matt leans in to kiss you passionately as he gets closer and closer. surprisingly enough, you can feel the pressure building in your own stomach, and you’re both whining into each others mouths as your tongues mesh together.
“right there baby, i’m close too.” you breathe, and you can feel his body trembling against yours, one hand slipping underneath your bra so he can run his thumb over your nipple.
matt holds it all back, drilling into you as hard as he possibly can with the energy he has left. he loves the way you’re scratching at his back, pulling him as close as possible as you both reach your peak.
“i’m—fuck, oh my god.” he tenses up, and you feel him twitch inside of you as he comes undone.
his own reaction is what sends you over the edge, and you ease into the high, letting yourself finish all over him as he slows to a stop.
“yes, matt, holy shit.” you sigh, and he pulls out carefully moments later.
matt flops down beside you, rolling to press his lips to your cheek. you turn your head slightly to look at him, capturing his mouth with yours for another real kiss.
“i think i could get used to that.” he says with a small grin as he pulls away, and your ruffle his hair lightheartedly.
“lucky for you that was just the first time of many. so how was it?” you ask him.
he’s just opening his mouth when a loud pounding erupts on the door, and you both nearly jump out of your skin at the disturbance.
“hey! open the fucking door, we brought you guys mcdonald’s!” chris screams through the barrier.
you both look at each other, still grinning, and matt can’t help but roll his eyes.
“well, being alone was nice while it lasted.”
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greynatomy · 4 months
da da da n da da
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leah williamson x reader
what can she not do?
literally didn’t know what to title this
whenever i hear this song i think of the princess diaries
“Hey, babe!”
“Yeah?” You hear her call out.
“Can you come here for a bit?”
Leah comes into the room, sweat dripping down her face.
“Whats up?”
“I’ve got this song I just came across after how long and honestly I forgot about it.” You grab a guitar from the wall. “Would you like to hear it?”
The team was out and about the training center doing their own thing. Leah, not knowing what to do this on pastime, spotted Jen’s guitar at her cubbie. Carefully picking it up, she sits at a her spot, remembering what you taught her.
You and Leah were sat in your backyard seating, enjoying the fresh air.
“This one right here is a C chord.”
You each had a guitar, Leah asking you to teach her not long after you’d played the song for her for the first time.
“Like this?” She asks, eyes concentrated on her fingers.
“Move your middle finger down a string. There. Now strum one time for me.”
She strums, the sound was a bit choppy, but not bad for the first time.
“Hey! That’s wasn’t bad at all. You’ll be a two instrument playing girl in no time!”
A blush creeps up on her face, the compliment making her feel a bit giddy.
She starts strumming the guitar exactly like how you taught her, stumbling a couple of times.
Da da da n da da, Da da da n da da
Da da da n da da da
You were in your studio, finally recording the song that’s been in the archives for so long. Leah wanted to come along to see the process. Intrigued, Leah asked what it felt like to be in the booth.
“Why don’t you find out yourself?”
Leah comes into the booth with you, helping her put the headphones on and giving her forehead a kiss. Exiting the booth, you take a seat next to your producer.
“Try the intro for me, babe.” You press a button, talking to her through the headphones. Turning to your producer, you talk to him on mute to Leah. “Record this for me, yeah. Might come in handy.”
“Hey, what song is that?”
“Fuckin’ hell Jen! Scared the shit out of me.” Leah flinches, placing a hand on her chest.
“Sorry.” Jen winces. “But what song is that? Never heard of it before.”
“It’s just something the missus wrote.”
A few days later, the team was over at your’s and Leah’s house for a little listening party. You never liked to do the whole extravagant listening parties that most artists do and wanted to keep it intimate with your friends and family. Ever since you met Leah, the Arsenal team became your family too.
“Alright. So this song has been in the back burner for quite some time and recently rediscovered it. So without further ado.” You click play on your laptop.
You have your eyes on Leah the whole time. From the first note, there’s a recognition in her eyes, eyebrows furrowed trying to figure out what it is. She listens to the song intently, as do the others, mouthing the words.
As the song ends, everyone was saying their praises, cheering you on, but Leah, Leah had tears in her eyes.
“Was that- was that me? Did you put me in it?” She stutters, using the sleeve of her jumper to wipe her tears.
“Well, yeah. You’re my muse so why not add my muse to the song.” You shrug, heat creeping up your face.
She gets up from where she sat, grabbing your face to bring you into a kiss.
“Awww- Ow.”
“Kyra don’t ruin the moment.”
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99k4manii · 5 months
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Ony x black!f!reader
Sooo basicallyyyy fem reader who lowkey strong asf get jealous but like she little bitty like literally 5’1 while ony a whopping 6,4 everytime YALL argue you give him some rough bruises then y’all fuck it out
Warnings: nsfw! P in V, jealousy, toxic relationship, idk what else tbh
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You and Ony were cuddling on the couch watching “missing” for like the 100th time, he half sleep half woke and his phone started dingin’ at first you didn’t really pay attention. But then it started getting constant so you picked up his phone and put his passcode in to see messages from instagram? but you was pretty sure you told him to delete that shit!
Next thing you know you scrolling through some texts from a bitch named “Ri’hna” it’s like they were texting non-stop yk damn well he aint drop sum off for her ONE time you was finna wake his ass up and slap him in his shit but something told you too see what this bitch look like so you know who you finna beat tf up.
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after about like 35-40ish minutes of checking her socials (off of his phone) the bitch texted talkin’ bout’ sum “mmm why you looking at my page sm?? You obsessed aint you 👅👅?” First of all, the bitch was ugly asf and built sloppy second of all, the bitch knew he had a girl! Thats what made you aggressively wake up ony.
“Hmm..? What ma-“ he said sluggishly and he was tired but once a hard ass slap hit him across his face he woke up right away “y/n what the fuck?!” He said like he didnt know what was going on (he didnt) “now who tf is ri’hna?” You said calmly but in a minute you was finna go off “what is you talkin’ bout?!” Ony looked at you with a confused faced then you punch him in his nose, “nigga stop playing dumb with me” you said tryna keep yourself from hitting him again “y/n you ain’t gon keep hitting’ me!” “NIGGA JUST ANSWER MY QUESTION” you said finally gettin loud after that Yall started fighting not just yelling but fist fighting
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Ony ended up spendin’ the night at armin and his girls house (your friend) “damnnn she fucked yo shit up!” Armin said feeling bad Ony had a couple bruises over his face nd a somewhat black eye “what did you do fa ha do dat?” F/n had asked with a concerned look, “ion even fuckin know! She just started asking me who Ri’hna is..” “well who is she” f/n had asked “she a regular drop off but she got a crush on Ony” armin and had said “well if yk she gatta crush on you.. why don’t you block ha or sum’ ?” F/n had asked a good question “because she a customer and y/n shouldve look at the messages better I don’ t respond unless she ask for a drop!” Armin and f/n look at each other “welllll—“ armin said “how bout you just go talk to her yk Yall gon end up back togetha’ anyway” he was right no matter how many times y’all “broke up” or fought y’all ended up fuckin’ it out nd being lovey doves again
It was about 2:23 am you heard a knock at yo apartment door you was confused asf because why somebody at your door at 2 somthing in da morning? You looked through da peep hole, suprise suprise it was no other than ony
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“Ngh~! Ohh~!” “Fuck-fuck-fuckkkk” here you two are fucking like animals on the living room floor, that’s how terrible it is y’all didn’t even make it to the bedroom! “Mama, you better not beat me up like that again understand?” Ony said somewhat outa Breath while in missionary still pounding tf outa you. “Don’t make me want~to beat you up aga~in” you said with moans interrupting your words. “You didn’t even let me try to explain myse-“ you shut him up with a French kiss “that’s the past this the present forget about that”
After a couple days the same thing happened which ended up in you two fucking YOURE problems out again this relationship was not healthy at all.
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Heyyy y’all! so prob tmr ima do the thing cuz gojo won the poll! This is short so hopefully in the future I make longer ones but I ain’t good a typing for a long time.. but anyways yup bye love y’all😘
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255 notes · View notes
close to home | chapter four
close to home | chapter four
plot: Daryl and the reader get to know each other in the gray hours of the morning, and he needs to decide whether or not she's a good person and someone he can trust around his family.
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 2,530 Warnings: violence, blood A/N: thanks for reading!
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The rain had dulled into a softer downpour, and the thunder echoed in the distance. Still, you decided to fill every possible container with rainwater. You insisted it would be less work cause it wouldn’t have to be boiled. 
Daryl couldn’t exactly get a read on you. Anyone out here alone couldn’t be in the best mindset, and if you were telling the truth and you had been out by yourself since nearly the beginning, well, he couldn’t imagine the toll it had on someone. This world was hard enough without having to go at it alone. 
Despite that, you seemed decent enough. He didn’t believe you to be a threat, at least not while he was awake. And he couldn’t figure out why you didn’t shoot him back in the woods when he pulled the crossbow on you. He believed any sane person would’ve. But then again, he didn’t let the arrow fly either. 
The treehouse seemed okay enough, and he didn’t miss the stockpile of ammo in the room. You had quite a collection of ammo. You were just missing something to shoot it with. You had plenty of knives, though. Enough to gut someone ten times over. But you didn’t have one on you. You’d set it down. Did you trust him? Did you not care if you lived or died?
Waves of frustration rippled off him; the thunderstorm and walkers had ruined what was supposed to be a simple run. And hell, Rick wasn’t even supposed to have joined them. Not with Lori due in a few days, and the group barely has control over their cell block. They barely had enough food to keep them going, which was the only reason why they were out there in the first place. The food they got from the prisoners wouldn’t last them long, and they needed real meat. 
He looked up and glanced at where you were sitting. You’d moved over to the window and pulled back the makeshift curtain, the breeze flowing in. Each time the distant lightning cracked, he could make out the features of your face since you’d moved away from the fire. 
“You said you went to medical school?” Daryl asked you. 
It took a moment before you realized he’d even asked a question. “I did. I was about to start my residency. Why?”
He hesitated for a moment. “You know anything about delivering babies?”
This captured your full attention, and you looked away, “Why? You due soon?”
Daryl didn’t sense the sarcasm in your tone, “Ain’t for me. Got a friend. Due in a couple days.” 
You shook your head, “I don’t know much. Besides, you said you wouldn’t tell me about your group.”
Daryl snorted but didn’t say anything as he leaned back against the wall. Bringing her back, someone with medical training, that would be big. Hershel wouldn’t be alone, and you might know more about humans. Still, it’d be a risk. He didn’t know if it was worth perusing. They’d been okay with just Hershel…
“I have a group,” Daryl said, “There’s eleven of us. This is how this works. You tell me your story. Tell me who you are and what you’ve done. Maybe if everything’s good… maybe I bring you back with me.” 
You continued looking out the window, and Daryl started to think you hadn’t heard him cause the silence stretched so long. But finally, you turned to look at him, “Why?”
“Why what?”
“Why would you bring me back with you? You don’t know me….”
“You coulda shot me in the head, coulda left me to die in the woods. I mighta survived, I mighta. But you helped me. Even now, you sit with no weapons. You ain’t even lookin’ at me. I don’ think ya dangerous.” 
You smiled sadly, “No, I’m not dangerous.” 
“I tell ya what. You tell me what I wanna know. We pack this place up and go when the storm clears.” 
“You just want my supplies and medical help with that baby,”
Daryl shrugged, “Maybe. But ain’t that the way the world works now.”
Again, you were silent and you looked out the window for a few minutes. Finally, you took a deep breath and looked at him. “How about this. We tell each other what we both wanna know, and I decide if I wanna trust you.” 
Daryl nodded slowly, “Aight, that’s fair.”
The wall was cold against your skin, and the rainwater splashes made you shiver even more. The fire was dying, and the treehouse was growing darker. You slowly moved from your spot and put more logs on the fire. Then you went to grab an old can of peaches and gave Daryl another can of food too. 
“I was up in Atlanta when everything happened. Liam was one of those survivalists, always thinking about the end of the world. He wasn’t crazy about it. I mean, hell, he was right. But he knew things, and he knew how to take care of himself. So when the world went to shit, we got the hell out of Atlanta. He said that if there’s a cure, he will wait it out,
“So we took off, headed down south. His parents lived around here. They didn’t make it. But this treehouse was his. He and his dad built it years ago. It used to have stairs, but we knocked them down when a dead one got up on the porch. We fixed this place up together. I’ve been here since.” 
“Winter musta sucked,”
You laughed and nodded while taking another bite of your food. “It did. There’s no insulation. I got snowed in a few times. But Tora and I… we managed. It’s been just us since October, I think. I don’t know,”  You shook your head, “I had some family down here too, but I checked their place out, burnt down and overrun, just like every other shithole.”
“And before? Before all this?”
“Why does it even matter? I was just a normal person. I was in school, engaged, and living the dream in Atlanta. It doesn’t matter.”
Daryl nodded, “It’s easy to think that way,”
“Not sure there’s any other way to think,” You said, “So what about you? Your group, been together before?”
He shook his head, “No, we met each other on the road. We’ve lost a few people, gained a few people too. We’re holding up nice now if we can make it work. Our leader, Rick, and his wife are pregnant. Abouta pop. We have a man that can help, but I don’t know. I figured someone else might help too.”
You nodded and looked around the treehouse. This was a place you knew before and after. A place that you loved and hated. It was home and a prison, with memories that hurt every time you stepped in. And you were alone. And you were tired. 
“Your leader, Rick… will he take me?”
“He will. You helped me, you coulda killed me, and you didn’t. Plus, you got medical supplies and ammo. Our group needs both.”
You glanced at your stockpile. Your lifeline. Could you trade that? What if they took it and killed you right after?
Daryl seemed to sense your hesitation. “I could kill you right now if I wanted to. I coulda killed you too, back in the woods. Woulda been real easy to just pull the trigger. But I didn’t. I’m taking a leap of faith here, too, (Y/N).”
“Can Tora come?”
This made Daryl laugh, and he looked at the giant cat stretched out by the fire. “Yeah, yeah. We probably got a rat problem. We’ll keep her busy. Everyone pitches in. Besides, we got a kid. He’d probably love an animal around.”
You nodded and tossed the empty can aside. “I’m really familiar with the area. Been here before and after. You tell me where your camp is, and I bet I can get you there.”
“We at a prison,” 
Your eyebrows rose. “I know what one you’re talking about. About twenty miles north of here, right? Liam and I saw it a while back. It was full of walkers.”
“Not anymore.”
“Big group,” You said, your stomach tight with nerves. “If they kill me, promise me you’ll make sure Tora lives.”
The archer chuckled, “No one’s gonna kill ya.”
“I have a car. About two miles north of here is Liam’s parent's house. I keep some stuff there sometimes. If no one’s broken it, we can get to it once the storm clears and the sun’s up. I’m not walking twenty miles again.”
“Me neither,”
Sometime in the early morning, sleep found you. When your eyes opened a few hours later, the sun had been up for at least an hour. It took a few seconds before your memory came back to you and you jumped up, looking for the stranger from yesterday. 
The treehouse was empty, and your stockpile was gone. And so was Tora. “Son of a bitch,” You muttered, getting up. You grabbed your matchete and ran to the door. It was slightly ajar, and you nearly fell over when it opened so easily. 
“Jesus, you tryin’ wake everythin’ up around here?” Daryl stood by the balcony's edge, lowering the baskets with some rope. 
“I thought….”
“Yeah, I know what you thought, but I didn’,” Daryl said, “I was gonna wake ya up soon. Your cat brought a rabbit back.” He nodded his head behind you, and you looked back. It had already been gutted, cleaned, and cooked. You stood in disbelief for a second. 
“Oh… where is she?”
“On the roof,” 
You grabbed a few pieces of the tender meat and looked up to where she was gnawing on some bones. You couldn’t help but smile and shake your head at her. 
“Your bag, the one you dropped by the lake. Anything important?”
“It was just water. And some clothes. Everything else is damaged from the water.” You said, going back for a few more pieces. After yesterday, you were starving. 
“Good, didn’ wanna walk all the way back there,”
You nodded and took one last piece before disappearing back into the treehouse. It seemed Daryl had grabbed everything. Except on the table were a few of your personal belongings. Your gun, leg holster, ring, and a photograph of you and Liam together. Your still-wet shoes were on the floor next to the table. 
Taking a deep breath, you took a photograph from the frame and folded it, then put it in your back pocket. Your attached the hostler and then looked at the ring. It wasn’t anything crazy, but it was a beautiful ring. Still, it ached your heart, and you couldn’t bring yourself to put it on. It didn’t feel right. Liam was gone. You weren’t. And you needed to think of a future where you survived, not memories that would hold you back. 
After pressing a quick kiss to the ring, you laid it gently along the small fireplace’s mantle. It was newly built. It wasn’t there before. But now, the ring would sit in the treehouse where it belonged. Where it could stay forever with Liam’s spirit and memory. 
“You aight?”
You looked back at Daryl and nodded, “Yeah. Let’s go.”
“It’s been quiet this morning. I think the walkers followed the storm south. The cat doesn’t seem worried.” 
You nodded and walked past him. Everything you needed to bring was already on the ground. “I’ve been here almost a year. Kept me safe. It feels so final.” You said. 
“We goin’ someplace better. Don’ got the time to be all wishy-washy about it.” 
You chuckled at his bluntness and walked towards the rope. “Yeah, I know.” 
Carrying all your supplies was much more difficult, and the two miles seemed to stretch forever. Each of you had bags on your shoulders and were carrying boxes of supplies. But finally, the yellow house came into view, and you sighed with relief. 
You didn’t need to say anything, your reaction alone told Daryl you were there, and he felt relief too. When you approached the garage door, you looked through the glass window and banged a few times before opening it. 
“I’ve picked through the house a few times. There’s really nothing to take. Anything worth taking I already did,” You said, walking over to the boxes of old Christmas decorations and donation boxes that never made it out. 
Underneath a Christmas tree box were the keys to the white Jeep Wrangler, and you unlocked the car quickly. It only took another minute to get it loaded up. 
“We lost the soft top a while back, left it at a storage unit in Atlanta, if I’m being honest.” You said. Suddenly your eyes widened, “Hold on, I gotta get something from the house.” 
“I’ll come with ya,” Daryl said. 
You glanced towards Tora, who happily sniffed all the boxes and other crap around the garage. “I’ll only be a second; watch her.”
You disappeared into the house, banging on a few walls to ensure no dead ones were around. You and Liam had locked the house up pretty tight. Just as suspected, there was nothing. And you quickly grabbed what you were looking for. On your way back, you passed another few boxes of donations and paused. 
In the garage, Daryl was getting antsy. He checked the supplies and then rechecked them. He wanted to get on the road and get back to his people. He wanted to know if Rick, Glenn, and Maggie had made it. He didn’t wanna wait any longer. 
Just when he was about to go look for you, you walked through the door carrying a bag in your arm and a cat carrier in the other. 
“I don’t trust her not to jump out of the car,” You said, shoving the carrier in his arms. “And I got this. Figured they shouldn’t be wasted, and I didn’t know how many baby supplies you got. It’s just some clothes and a few toys. Nothing else, sadly.”
“Lori will love this,” Daryl said quietly, setting down the carrier and taking the box from you. “You might be her favorite person after this.”
You laughed as you grabbed Tora, earning a few hisses as you tried to put her in the carrier. It took two tries, but finally, she was sitting rather unhappily and a bit overstuffed. “It’s only for a little while, baby,” You said, putting the carrier in the back seat and strapping it in, all while ignoring the few hisses she gave in displeasure. 
“Here,” You said, tossing the keys to Daryl. “This way, your people don’t think I got you hostage or something,”
Daryl only nodded and opened up the garage door, taking a quick look around before climbing it. You were just buckling in when the car roared to life, and he took off.
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sokoviansimp · 10 months
I don’t know if your requests are open, but if they are I was wondering what if hydra tried to take y/n back, and like tried to hurt her again and Wanda being scared and protective? What do you think? And Nat being her rock while they try to get y/n back if hydra takes her away again? Idk anyway I love your writing
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✒ Pairings: Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff x Child!Reader (platonic)
✒ Summary: Wanda and Nat attempt to get Y/N back after she is Taken back by Hydra.
✒ Tags and Warnings: kidnapping, fighting
✒ Author's Note: This was so much fun to write, hope you enjoy!
✒ Word Count: 3750-ish
✒ Read Time: 18 minutes
Masterlist : The Package AU : Socials
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“Y/N, get your stuff together, sweetie.” your teacher instructed once she hung up the phone with the main office. You were over at your desk practicing your vocabulary words with your friend Matthew, “Am I in trouble?” you wondered. Was she kicking you out? Did you do something wrong? You’ve never had to pack your bag in the middle of the day. 
“No, no, of course not,” your teacher assured, “Your guardian is here to pick you up early,” she explained 
“Early?” you weren’t told anything about this before you were dropped off, “Yes, she’s here now, better not to keep her waiting.” she urged. 
After getting your things together you hurried to the main office to meet Wanda, or at least that’s who you were expecting. Your confusion continued when you saw Natasha waiting for you alone, “Natty? Where Mama?” 
“Hi, Y/N. Oh, Wanda is just waiting for us at home, no need to worry,” she informed you with an eerily wide smile as she ushered you out of the building. Everything felt off, Nat always picked you up into her arms as soon as she saw you after camp. Maybe she was just in a hurry, so you stopped walking, “Natty, uppie?” you suggested with your arms up. 
“Oh, sure come here,” she responded as she took you into her arms. The closer the two of you got to the parking lot, you could feel her rustling around in her pockets for something but you ignored it as you rested your head on her shoulder, “Guess what I learned 'bout today!” you offered, since usually, that was the first thing Nat would ask when she picked you up from camp. 
“What?” she responded distractedly, not really interested in what you had to say.
“You s'posed to guess,” you urged. 
“Ugh, I don’t know kid, 2+2?” she snapped back. You weren’t expecting such a negative response, usually, Natasha was so happy to see you. 
“No, I a'ready know dat. I learned dat water uhm, can go from being water, uhm, den it can go into da air and up into da sky and den it comes back down when it rains from da sky. OH and when it gets cold, like really cold water turns solwid like ice and if it's raining den it’s snowing.” you explained with lots of excitement and exclaimated expressions on your face. 
“Cool,” Natasha replied unimpressed. As the two of you got closer to the car and further from the school, the parking lot became more desolate. Once you were in a spot that was tucked away and out of the public eye, you noticed that she finally pulled whatever she was looking for out of her pocket.
“Natty, you ok?” you wondered if something was wrong since she seemed so off and uninterested in you.
“Hm? Oh yea, everything is fine,” she assured as you felt a stabbing pain in your left leg causing you to jolt slightly in shock, “OW! Natty, wha's dat?” almost instantly you felt your muscles relax so much that you no longer had control over them, “Na'y?” you fought out as you slumped over. Trying to focus on anything proved to be a challenge as you struggled to keep your eyes from closing. It didn’t take long before it was too much to fight and you slowly drifted away into unconsciousness in her arms. 
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When dismissal time rolled around, Wanda and Nat were there 5 minutes early like always. Your teacher was quite concerned to see them there waiting for you when you had already left for the day so she immediately approached the couple with a perplexed expression adorning her features, “What brings you two back here today?”
The two werent expecting to be questioned for something so mundane, “What do you mean? We’re here for Y/N, of course.” Wanda politely chuckled, hoping the teacher was just joking around.
“Y/N already left, you were were here around lunch time to pick her up for early dismissal,” Your teacher informed as she motioned towards Natasha. 
Wandas, heartbeat immediately picked up as she began to dial in on her senses, “Early dismissal? This is the first time I’ve been here all day,” Natasha answered and Wanda could see that the teacher wasn’t lying, but neither was Natasha. 
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You began to stir slowly, thinking you were down for a nap in your bed. It wasn’t until your eyes fluttered open and you began to focus on the details around you that you noticed you were back in a cell. Once you’re fully awake, you stand up to inspect the door holding you captive. In an attempt to break out, you try to concentrate your powers and quake the door open even though didn’t have high hopes as you have never had full control of your powers, but you figured it was worth a shot. Unfortunately, your captors were one step ahead of you. Instantly you fell to the ground with an intense pain emanating from the inhibitor they had placed around your neck.
Memories from earlier quickly flooded back to the front of your mind as you quickly jolted yourself into the corner and curled your body into the fetal position. Tears began threatening to spill from your eyes as you remembered who was responsible for your trip back to the cell. Natasha. How could she do this? One of the people you trusted most just betrayed you so easily. Though, that wasn’t anything new for you, in fact, you think to yourself that you really should’ve seen it coming. It’s what they all do. Seems like no one is ever really on your side.
Your spiraling thoughts are interrupted when the door to your cell swings open and 3 people flood in. You try to fold in on yourself and become as small as you can but you're already tight-knit in the corner.
As if your vivid memories weren’t enough, Natasha Romanoff stands before you, and you see every detail in her face with your judicious eyes, “Oh good, étoile, you’re awake.”
The nickname caught your attention. Étoile? Nat never called you étoile. You haven’t heard that nickname since hydra had taken you away. Still, you stayed silent. 
Noticing your silent demeanor, the women in front of you continues, “What’s the matter, y/n? Aren’t you happy to be home?” 
“dis not home.” you shakenly spat out, “Where's mama?” you cried out. 
Squatting down to your level, she peeled the digital cloaking device from her face and sinisterly said, “Don’t worry sweetie, mama is right here.” 
You were nothing short of shocked as you saw the true face of the person that took you. To be truthful, you never expected to see your birth mother again, “Ma?” you mumbled unsure of your own eyes.
“It’s me, Étoile.” she assured, “Now be a good girl and behave while they administer your tests for the day,” she instructed. 
“We go home? No Poke, please!” you cried, remembering how tortuous your experience was last time you were in a cell. 
“Oh, Étoile. You are home. Don’t you understand? This is what you were made for.” she said with a cheeky grin as she waved over the 2 scientists. 
Made for? You didn’t understand, you always thought that Hydra stole you away from your mother. Everything you remembered about her was positive, but you didn’t have much time to reflect before you were being tied to a chair and then poked and prodded with needles. Your mother left the cell swiftly before the process began, not to be bothered by your screams of torture. 
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Wanda's heart pounded in her chest as she stood in the dimly lit briefing room, empty to everyone but her and the one she called her best friend. Her hands trembled, anger and desperation fueling her determination. You, the child she had accepted wholeheartedly as her own, had been taken by Hydra, and Wanda was consumed by an overwhelming sense of fear, anguish, and guilt. How could she let this happen? She was supposed to be there to protect you.
Tears streamed down her face as she turned to Natasha, her eyes pleading for strength and support. In that moment, Natasha knew that she had to be Wanda's rock, the unwavering presence by her side, offering solace and steadfast determination.
Natasha stepped forward, her voice filled with conviction and a touch of tenderness. "Wanda, we will get Y/N back. We won't rest until she’s safe with us again. I promise you that." she assured as she took Wanda into a sturdy embrace, letting her sob into her shoulder. 
Wanda pulled back once the tears began to slow and looked at Natasha, her eyes filled with gratitude and a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. She clung to Natasha's words, finding comfort in her support. "How?"
Nat thought for a moment, “Tony’s got the team on it, once they have a lead we’ll be the first one’s out of here,” she explained, but that wasn’t good enough for Wanda, “No, I- I can’t just sit around here and do nothing.” she sobbed until it clicked, “Wait- let me try something.” she said as she took a seat and closed her eyes to focus her energy on you. The two of you had never connected from this far before but anything was worth a shot if it meant getting you back safe and sound. 
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Once the tests were completed, you were left in your cell alone to recover. The dimly lit, virtually windowless chamber located deep within a hidden underground facility was a chilling embodiment of Hydra’s sinister intentions and scientific pursuits. The walls are made of reinforced steel and painted in a lifeless gray color. There are no windows or openings to the outside world, reinforcing the feeling of being trapped and the cell door is heavy and secured by an electronic lock, with no visible handle from the inside. It has a small, reinforced window that allows guards to monitor the occupant. A place where the subject’s powers are studied and manipulated, and the surroundings are deliberately designed to break their spirit and hope.
The only furnishing that adorns the room consists of a worn-out mattress on the floor, a small table with a basic chair, and restraints that are attached to the bed and the chair. The table is usually cluttered with scientific instruments and notebooks. Not to mention, the air in the cell is perpetually cool, contributing to a sense of discomfort and unease.
As you’re laying there drifting in and out of sleep, you hear Wanda’s voice and immediately wonder if you’re dreaming, “Y/N, can you hear me?”
“Mama?” you answer back telepathically, “detka, oh my god, are you ok?” she was so relieved to solidify the connection with you.
“Mama, where are you? Wanna come home” you answered back, wanting nothing more than to be back at the compound with Wanda. Safe with her. 
“I know sweetie, we’re going to come and get you, I promise. Are you hurt? Do you know where you are?” she tried to assure you as much as she could, maybe even believing her own words more as she said them. 
You explained everything that you had gone through today and tried your hardest to describe where you were being held but you didn’t know exactly where they were holding you. As Wanda's determined thoughts intertwined with yours, she was able to take in all the information you had. In the midst of darkness, your telepathic conversation became a lifeline of hope and reassurance. Wanda's thoughts were a beacon of love, guiding you through the darkness and fear.
“It was her birth mother.” Wanda uttered to Nat in shock once she concluded the conversation with you. 
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With a better understanding of what they were dealing with, the two of them went to brief the team on their new findings. Everyone in the compound worked on overdrive to try and find a lead as to where you were being held. Days turned into weeks as they chased leads, infiltrated secret hideouts, and fought their way through Hydra's defenses. 
Through it all, Wanda would reach out to you every day to check in, update you on their efforts, and try to provide any sense of comfort that she could and Natasha remained Wanda's constant pillar of strength, offering a reassuring presence in the face of adversity. During sleepless nights and moments of doubt, Natasha was there, holding Wanda close, reminding her that they were in this together. "We're going to bring Y/N home, Wanda. She’s our family, and nothing will stop us from finding her."
Their search for the Hydra base was a strenuous journey through a web of secrecy and deception. It began with a series of covert operations, hacking into encrypted files, and gathering intelligence from their extensive network of contacts. The leads were scarce, but their determination was unyielding.
This night, in particular, the weight of the situation finally became too much for Wanda to bear. She had retreated to her room, her heart heavy with a sense of helplessness that she had become far too familiar with from the loss of her parents and her brother, except this time, it felt different. This time, she had the chance to save you, to protect you and she just kept failing. Sitting on the edge of her bed, her hands trembling, she buried her face in her palms and let out a choked sob. The frustration, fear, and guilt that had been building inside her finally erupted in a torrent of tears.
She cried for the innocent child who had been taken, for the suffering you were going through, and for her own inability to bring you back. Her breakdown was a raw and cathartic release of emotions that she had been holding back for far too long, unintentionally expressing her powers in a way that could be felt throughout the whole compound. Instead of trying to calm her, the team thought it best for her to let it out in that moment instead, and if it got to be too much they would intervene. Truthfully, Natasha would've been right by her side in an instant if she didn't feel like she was on the cusp of important intel.
As the tears flowed, Wanda's mind raced, and in her anguish, she began to replay every detail of the situation, every piece of information they had gathered, searching for something, anything that they might have missed.
It was in this vulnerable moment, as she let herself fully feel the depth of her emotions, that a small glimmer of insight emerged. Amidst her tears, Wanda's mind began to connect the dots in a way it hadn't before. She realized that the clues they had gathered pointed to a location they hadn't considered – a place that she had heard whispers about during her time at Hydra but had never been to herself.
Wanda's breathing steadied as she wiped away her tears, her mind now focused and clear. She knew what needed to be done. Without wasting another moment, she rushed downstairs to find Natasha
Meanwhile, Natasha managed to intercept a coded message from an anonymous source containing coordinates and a cryptic message that hinted at Hydra's involvement in a desolate region.
As Wanda rounded the corner to the lab, the two of them locked eyes and from the look on each other's faces, they could both tell that they shared a similar realization, "She's in Norway!" They both shouted in unison, "How do you know?" Wanda questioned, wondering what led Nat to the realization, "Come, look at this," Nat waved her over to show her the intel she had intercepted.
Without hesitation, Wanda and Natasha gathered the team to follow this lead, their hope renewed by the prospect of finally locating the hidden base.
The coordinates led them to a remote forested area far away from populated regions in Norway. As they cautiously ventured deeper into the wilderness, they discovered signs of recent human activity that didn't match the surrounding environment. A faint humming sound filled the air, a sign of advanced technology hidden beneath the surface. 
Using their combined skills, Natasha and Tony uncovered a concealed entrance to an underground facility. The entrance was camouflaged to blend seamlessly with the natural landscape, a tactic Hydra often employed to evade detection. The two Avengers shared a knowing glance, their determination solidified as they realized they were closing in on their target.
With stealth and caution, the team navigated through the dimly lit corridors of the underground base. The air was heavy with tension, the walls seemingly holding the secrets of Hydra's sinister operations. As they approached a heavily guarded door, Wanda’s telepathic connection proved invaluable as she sensed the presence of minds within, confirming that they were on the right track.
Tony's hacking skills came into play as he disabled security measures, allowing them to breach the inner chambers of the base. What they discovered left them both horrified and fueled their determination further. Among the confidential documents and experimentation records, they found references to you, confirming some of their worst fears.
“This is it, I know it.” Wanda confirmed, feeling it in her gut that you weren’t far. 
Once they breached the main door, there were several hallways that led in different directions, so they set off in smaller groups to cover ground. 
In the dimly lit corridors of the Hydra base, Wanda and Natasha's hearts pounded in unison. Their steps were silent, every movement calculated to avoid detection while they closed in on your location. As they turned a corner, they encountered a group of Hydra operatives standing guard outside a reinforced door. Wanda raised her hand slightly, gesturing for Natasha to stand back.
Wanda’s telepathic powers allowed them to communicate silently, sharing a plan without a word spoken. Natasha nodded in agreement, her eyes narrowing with determination. With a focused look, Wanda unleashed her telekinetic powers, sending nearby metal pipes hurtling toward the operatives. The clang of metal striking metal echoed through the corridor as chaos erupted.
Startled by the sudden assault, the operatives scrambled to defend themselves, drawing their weapons in an attempt to fight back. On cue, Natasha emerged from the shadows, her movements a blur of precise strikes and calculated maneuvers. She incapacitated one after another with her lethal grace, using her combat skills to disarm and disable the threat swiftly.
Wanda's crimson energy flared as she repelled bullets and incoming attacks with a deft wave of her hand. The walls themselves seemed to respond to her power, creating barriers and distractions that kept the Hydra agents off balance. As she engaged in the battle, her mind remained focused on the task at hand: reaching you before it was too late.
The sound of a distant alarm reverberated through the corridors, signaling the base's heightened state of alert. Wanda's determination burned brighter, her powers intensifying as she fought to clear a path toward your cell. Natasha's acrobatic maneuvers and sharpshooting skills cleared the way ahead, allowing Wanda to push forward without hesitation.
As they breached the inner chambers of the base, they confronted a larger group of Hydra operatives led by Brock Rumlow. The stakes were higher, but Wanda and Natasha's resolve remained unshaken. Wanda's hands glowed with raw energy, her telekinesis and telepathy intertwining in a symphony of power that left Hydra agents disoriented and vulnerable.
Natasha's movements were a fluid dance of combat expertise, as she used her environment to her advantage. She disarmed opponents with precision, her strikes quick and lethal. With every enemy she incapacitated, her gaze remained locked on Rumlow, their silent exchange a testament to the intensity of the battle.
Amidst the chaos, Rumlow's laughter rang out, confident that his forces would overcome the duo. But he underestimated the strength of their bond and the depth of their love for you. As the battle raged on, Wanda's emotions ignited her powers to unprecedented heights, causing the very walls of the hideout to tremble.
With a fierce cry, Wanda sent a wave of energy surging towards Rumlow, disorienting him long enough for Natasha to close the distance. Their combined assault was relentless, their every move coordinated and precise. In a final, climactic clash, Wanda's telekinetic force collided with Natasha's formidable combat skills, overwhelming Rumlow's defenses.
As the dust settled, the once menacing Hydra operatives lay defeated on the ground, and Rumlow himself was immobilized. Wanda and Natasha shared a moment of exhaustion and triumph, their breaths labored and their bodies battered from the intense battle. But their relief was short-lived, as their focus turned towards the reinforced door that separated them from you.
With a shared nod of persistence, they approached the door, and Wanda shattered the barrier with her powers, revealing your cell. The sight of you, fragile and weak, ignited a plethora of emotions within them.
As they reunited with you, tears of joy streamed down Wanda's face. She quickly scooped you into her arms, holding you tightly, apologizing profusely, and promising to protect you from any harm. You clung to her as tightly as you could, still slightly out of it from all of the physical torment you've been through but her presence was enough to soothe you. Beside her, Natasha's eyes filled with unshed tears, a silent testament to their shared triumph and unyielding love for you. You were so happy to see Wanda, feeling like you could finally relax again in her arms. 
In that moment, as they held you close, Wanda knew that she owed a debt of gratitude to Natasha. She had been her guiding light, her unwavering support, throughout the harrowing fight to get you back. They had fought side by side, risking everything for the sake of their family.
Once they were safely out of the base and back onto the jet, Wanda looked at Natasha, her voice filled with love and gratitude. "Nat, you've been my rock through all of this. I-I really couldn't have done it without you.” she said sincerely as you layed asleep in her lap, “Thank you for always being there, for fighting alongside me, and for reminding me of the strength we have together."
Natasha's eyes softened, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she gently puts her arm around Wanda, "Wanda, we're a team. We always have been, and always will be. Y/N is our family, and we'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe."
Natasha's words hung in the air, a powerful reminder of their shared commitment to you and maybe even each other. Wanda met Natasha's gaze, her heart pounding in her chest as the intensity of the moment settled between them. There was a noticeable connection, a current of unspoken emotions that surged between them, binding them even closer together.
In that charged moment, Wanda's hesitation melted away. She leaned in without another thought, her lips finding Natasha's in a gentle and tender kiss. It was a kiss that held years of unspoken feelings, a culmination of shared experiences, and the promise of a future filled with love and support. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in that moment of intimacy and vulnerability.
Once Wanda's inner anxiety caught up to her, she abruptly pulled away, "I-I'm sorry," she blurted out so afraid that she had just ruined one of the best things in her life.
Natasha's fingers brushed against Wanda's cheek, her touch gentle and reassuring, guiding her to meet her gaze "Wanda," she whispered, her voice a soft murmur that sent shivers down Wanda's spine. "I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."
Wanda smiled, a mixture of emotions flooding her senses – happiness, relief, and a deep sense of rightness. "Me too."
Their lips met again, this time with a hunger born of years of suppressed emotions. The kiss was deeper, and more passionate, as if they were pouring all their unspoken words and desires into the connection between them. It was a kiss that spoke of understanding, acceptance, and the promise of a love that had always been there, just waiting to be acknowledged.
As they pulled away, their foreheads still resting against each other, Wanda felt a sense of completeness that she had never experienced before. She had found not only a partner in Natasha but a kindred spirit, someone who understood the complexities of her heart and the depth of her emotions. And in that moment, as they sat in the aftermath of their kiss, Wanda knew that their journey together was just beginning and for the first time in her life, she felt excited to see what her future would hold with her chosen family.
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Once you all returned to the safety of the Avengers compound, the atmosphere was a mixture of relief, exhaustion, and an overwhelming sense of triumph. They had faced down Hydra, rescued you, and emerged from the battle victorious. But the emotional toll of the ordeal was palpable, especially for you who had endured the trauma of being captured by the enemy. It took about a week once you arrived home to be discharged from medical. 
Wanda and Natasha’s first priority was ensuring your physical and emotional well-being. They took their time comforting you, understanding that the scars of the experience would take time to heal. As much as they wanted to explore this new chapter in their own relationship, they both agreed that you came first. Once things felt normal again, Nat already had a special date planned in her head.
Until then, Wanda used her powers to create a warm and comforting environment, conjuring a soothing atmosphere that helped you feel at ease. You spent hours in the living area, surrounded by blankets and soft lighting, engaging in gentle activities that would help you transition back to a sense of normalcy. You played games, shared stories, and simply enjoyed each other's company.
However, the effects of the traumatizing experience couldn't be ignored. your sleep became troubled by nightmares again, and both Wanda and Natasha tried to take turns staying by your side, offering comfort and security during the dark hours, but you only wanted Wanda. It was hard for you to look at Nat the same after she kidnapped you. Even though you knew it wasn’t actually her, you were still having a hard time feeling comfortable with her. 
This gutted Natasha, every time you shied away from her or asked for Wanda instead. She was worried that she had lost you forever and things would never go back to normal, but Wanda was there to assure her that it would just take you some time. 
As days turned into weeks, the wounds of the past began to mend. With their loving guidance, your smiles returned, your laughter grew more genuine, and the light in your eyes rekindled. You engaged in activities that brought joy, like exploring the compound's gardens, conducting science experiments with Peter, and even embarking on imaginative adventures that only a child's mind could conceive.
One night after a long day with Wanda, the three of you had decided to watch a movie before bed and instead of sitting on the end next to Wanda, you climbed in the middle of Wanda and Nat, snuggling up to them while the movie played. That small action meant the world to Natasha, as she could finally see things were getting back to normal.
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Taglist: @mymommawanda @livslifeonline @reggierizzoli @mythixmagic @lesbicentism@marvelogic @katethewriter @inluvwithfictionalwomen @spooky-reader1 @marvelogic ​@kissforvoid @pono-pura-vida
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 7 months
The Kind Of Love You Only Find Once In A Lifetime - Steve Rogers x Reader (Prologue)
A/N: This whole fic is dedicated to the wonderful @anika-ann because she was the one who reblogged the wartime footage gifs that inspired all this and I promised I'd write it 😉
Summary: Tony finds some old war footage of Steve which features someone very special to him
Word Count: 892
Warnings: Angst! Flashbacks!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
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The Kind Of Love You Only Find Once In A Lifetime
Steve took a deep breath, screwing his eyes shut as he waited for the most recent flashback to leave his mind, but it just seemed permanently seared in his brain, tattooed on the inside of his eyelids. Clenching his fists he threw his first punch at the bag, the satisfying crack making his eyes snap open as he continued to throw punches. Praying that with every punch the pain would just stop.
Steve had been living in this new modern world for just under a year now, his new friends had tried to help him adjust some more than others, but settled was not the word he would use. Frankly, he didn’t think he’d ever feel settled in this new life. How could he when everything and everyone he had was back in the forties?
With his last punch, he spotted a small droplet of blood running down the leather of the bag. He paused, brows furrowing as he watched the droplet work down the bag before dropping onto the floor. Looking down at his fists he saw the wrapping around his knuckles was soaked with blood.
He needed to stop, he knew that. He could practically hear that voice in his head, the one that he simultaneously wished would stop and never go away, telling him to stop. He gave into that voice, knowing it was right, it was always right. He stepped away from the bag and began to unwrap his hands, seeing just how damaged his knuckles were. They would heal up perfectly fine and quickly on their own but that voice told him to go clean them properly so he did.
As he made his way back to his room he heard the rest of the team talking in the cinema room, as well as a voice that did not belong to this time period. Curiosity got the better of him, as he walked in he instantly recognised the footage on the screen. It was all the old footage from his time in the war.
“Where- where did you get this?” he asks, clearing his throat when he feels it begin to break.
“Dad’s old archives, it proved useful in the past,” Tony says tapping his arc reactor “So I thought I’d go through everything else see if there was anything important” he explains “found all these old reels, some said unusable on them but I asked JARVIS to compile it all together and Ta-Da” he says gesturing to the large screen.
Steve just hummed with a small nod of his head as he stared up at the screen. His heart was pounding in his chest and his mind was telling him to leave, save himself the heartbreak. But his heart kept his feet firmly planted where he stood because only it knew the connection Steve had to this footage.
The first reel with the narration ended and there were a couple of seconds of a black screen before it came back to life with more footage of him. However this time almost every clip had him looking towards the camera. To begin with, it was only for a split second but over time the gazes became longer and a smile would form on his face.
“No wonder they couldn’t use this footage, Cap keeps looking into the camera! You’re breaking the number one rule!” Nat laughs shaking her head at him.
“I wasn’t” Steve mutters.
“Yeah you are look at you” Nat argues pointing up at the screen.
“I wasn’t looking at the camera” Steve states quietly, unable to say it any louder with the lump in his throat, looking down at the floor so they wouldn’t see the tears in his eyes.
When the screen went black again Steve cleared his throat and went to leave, he was by the door but he froze when he heard Clint say “Who’s the girl?”
Steve didn’t even need to look at the screen to know exactly what girl it was and it was not just some girl. It was the owner of the voice in his head that he couldn't help but listen to. His body operated on autopilot as he walked back into the room and looked back up at the screen.
His breath caught and the lump in his throat doubled in size. There was no sound but Steve could hear the laughter so clearly, there was no way Steve would ever forget that laugh. He had no clue this footage even existed, his heart ached as watched as the girl on the screen laughed and tried to push the camera away.
Eventually, the screen went black and remained that way but Steve could not take his eyes off the screen praying that it would restart and he could see it all over again.
“Who was that Steve?” Nat asked her voice softer than before.
“It… it uh was someone very special to me” Steve manages to say, he quickly sniffles before glancing back at Tony “Can um… is there a way I could have a copy?” he asks.
Tony shifted in his seat “Sure, JARVIS can you get on that?”
“Already did Sir” The AI responded.
“Thank you,” Steve said quietly before quickly turning to make his way back to his room so he could go rewatch the footage of you over and over again.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
I don’t have a taglist so follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary​ and turn on post notifications to be kept up to date!
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
You had one job Weasley!
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Fred Weasley x fem! slytherin! reader
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Summary: Fred and Y/n are on opposite sides of the war, engaging in a dangerous game of sneaking around, but will their luck run out when the final battle is upon them?
Warnings: swearing, angst, sad and happy fluff, mentions of war, death, murder, injuries, blood, grief as well as Greyback and Bellatrix being ruthless, established relationship, secret relationship, hurt/comfort, kissing, remus lupin lives, only proofread once x
A/n: 6.5k words, Timothy Greengrass and Joey Taggert are my OC's, wolfstar implied but if you ship remdora it's written neutral x thank you for the request, as you can see I missed writting for freddie and hence wrote alot, please enjoy xx
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Navigation | Fred Weasley Masterlist
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Your leg bobbed uncontrollably, paranoia seeping through your brain at every small noise you heard, even the wisp of the the wind had hairs standing up. This wasn’t how you pictured your late teens, you expected some drama sure, maybe some minor life threatening when your original plan to run away with your boyfriend was discovered, but a war, becoming an order spy, having to shield your thoughts constantly from the darkest and most powerful wizard of your generation? Yeah…maybe paranoia was an understatement
Currently you were deep down a lane off diagon alley yet you could just about see the orange hue of your boyfriends shop shining down the far end. You checked yours…well actually Sirius’ pocket watch, it was 4 in the morning. Fred was likely not awake yet you hoped the light of your patronus was enough to wake him through the window. 
There was a risk George or Lee may see it, but they wouldn’t connect it to you. Deatheaters were known to be unable to cast them, only exceptions were you, Timothy and your late friend as you highly doubted a man like Snape could do it. On top of that there was no words, no message with it, because Fred would know it was you, just like he always did
“Please come” you whisper, hugging yourself as the winter cold cut straight through your jumper and jacket
You probably should have worn something more, but you loved this jacket, it was cool, Sirius wherever he was now would totally approve. In fact the jacket was his, given to you from when you did run away. Yet less than a year later you would lose him and be forced by Snape and Dumbledore to return to your parents and the dark wanker himself. You would go on to convince them you were only doing as the former told you in order to gain their trust and to do that you had to make it completely believable.
Your parents were typical slytherins, yet even though you pretty much knew most slyhterins were arseholes you were proud to be one. It took a while for people to trust you.
Sirius trusted you the moment you arrived at his door, you’d later understand why as he did the same thing when he was your age. Remus followed his friend's suit and Harry trusted his godfather. 
The Weasleys were cautious and all but Fred remained so, his trust grew quickly much like your crushes, to the point you were a couple by the time your final year began. 
Hermione never trusted you, to the point you and your friends weren’t invited to the DA, even after Fred went off on her for it. You didn’t blame her, nor argued your way in, yet you felt sick that she was probably revealing now about how she was right. How everyone would say you were this monster just like Peter. How Sirius would be so disappointed in you now. How you…
You dart around, extending your wand
“Just me love” Fred lets out a chuckle
You let out a shaky breath, heartbeat returning to normal 
Lowering your wand you took a second to admire him, he looked the exact same. Same light in his eyes, same goofy smile…same terrible colour scheme…orange and blue fred? What are you an Irn bru can?
Fred may have looked like he was joking, taking things slow and letting you come to him. Yet in reality all he wanted to do was take you in his arms and never let you go. He was constantly worried, to the point that not even George knew he was meeting with you, everyone in the world saw you as a traitor but not him.
“You just gonna drool over my banging physique or are you gonna kiss me?” he gestures to himself
He watches you let out a small laugh at his joke and it kills him. The light in your eyes had almost faded into nothing but a mere sparkle when you looked at him. The girl that was his underground agent back in his last year of hogwarts was now in the major leagues, risking her life more than he or most of the order were, his radio and missions child's play compared to you
Snape had tried to break his heart, told you there could be no loose ends but you refused. Instead you told him everything and offered to obliviate him if he wanted after, giving him the choice. That choice made him love you all the more, he knew remembering was dangerous, but in no world he wanted to forget you, hate you, if not for himself but you as well.  
“You want me to come to you?” he offers and you nod, upper face scrunching like you want to cry but have no tears left to fall, the war had sucked you dry
He wraps his arms around you, nose nudging into your hair. It was greasy and tangled, swept back in a clear attempt to hide it. He didn’t mind. You still smelled like you, the same thing he breathed in every night as he kept your scarf, well his old scarf that you stole, on the pillow you should be sleeping on. It was even charmed to hold your scent, and above all your place until you could return to him
“Hi” you mumble into his jacket, arms clutching onto him like he’s going to disappear
“Hi” he whispers back, holding you that little bit closer before he pulls back
Your hands still cling onto him but your head tilts up so you can see his face, leaning into his hand as it cups your cheek. His eyes flick over your face, lips parted as his thumb glides over your cheek
“What are you doing?” You ask softly, a little shy under his gaze
“Memorising every inch of you….just in case” he answers truthfully, you both knew by now it was likely one or both of you may not make it through this so you savoured every moment like it was the last
He leans in and kisses your forehead. It’s lingering. His heart aching that this was the way it had to be. That everytime he sees you he tries to remember every feature, blemish, indentation, that little hue of colour in your eyes you can only see up close. When you leave it’ll replay in his mind every night, hoping, praying to gordic himself that he won’t be replaying it for the rest of his life and he’ll have a chance to see you once more
You find yourself doing the same, eyes tracing over trying to remember every detail, the slight wrinkles caused by laughter, every freckle that scattered his face, the shine of his hair…
“I love you” are the first words that escape your lips, hands trying to pull him just that little bit closer
He melts, but it’s in a soul crushing way. Your voice is beautiful, the one he heard late at night when he purposefully stayed up too late, his over tired mind finding it easier to imagine you beside him, assuring him his family and friends would make it. That you would make it. Return to him. Start a life together. Grow old together
Fred’s eyes are watery when you meet them “I love you so much” he says earnestly before cupping your face and leaning in to rub his nose against yours “How long do we have?” he whispers
“10 minutes” you give him a sad smile
“How would you like to spend them?” he asks, trying to smile as crying together would a waste
“Hold me”
He manoeuvres backwards, sitting down on a small ledge and gently pulling you onto his lap to hold you. His arms hold you securely, heads tucked into the others necks, your arms wrapped under his arms, clutching his shoulders. The ground is crisp, his arse soon growing numb as do your knees yet neither of you care, all that matters was these few minutes. They would pass slowly and quickly, there would never be enough time, even forever would never be enough
“You think he’ll be proud of me?”
You don’t have to say his name and Fred knows, pulling back to look at you, one hand moving to fiddle with your jacket 
“Yes” he nods firmly “And if he was still here he would be proud to call you his daughter” 
“A few more weeks and I would have been” you look down “I still have the papers hidden under the floorboard” you confess
Fred presses a kiss to your hair line “You could always change your last name to his” he offers and you look back up, nodding with a mournful smile
“Or become a dog” you let out the smallest of laughs
He joins you “You’d make an adorable dog” he nods
“Imagine the mischief” you laugh again, its freer and Fred’ heart swells
“We’d be unstoppable” he chuckles
The giggles soon die down, the cold alley quieting again as you pull a small bit of paper from your pocket. Fred watches you fiddle with it for a second, before you open it up and smile. He can’t see the contents until you turn the paper around, his hand coming up to take it
“You drew this?” he asks as his eyes trace over, instantly recognising himself
You nod, eyes growing glassy again as you talk
“You know Joe used to give me and Tim these stupid sketching lessons back at Hogwarts” you let out a breathy laugh “We’d always fluck them, drawing silly things instead” a tear falls “We found all his scetchbooks after he…” you can’t say it “Me and Tim decided to continue filling the two he had bought for us but never had the chance to…” you look back up at Fred I’ve drawn lots of you, and Sirius…and him from memory” you sniffle “That ones my faviourite” you point to it
Fred stares down at it before looking up again “Why give it to me?” he asks, heart heavy that this was you saying goodbye
“Because then you can give it back to me”
He folds up the drawing, carefully placing it in his inner pocket before bringing your lips to his. The kiss is slow, made up of multiple little kisses with whispered ‘I love yous’ slipping out in between them. 
The kisses last a while, until your both hugging each other close, noses buried in each others neck
“I need to go” you murmur, placing a chaste kiss to his skin
His heart drops but he nods, letting you off of his lap and accepting your hands as you hold them out. Even after he’s stood up his hands never leave yours, neither of you can let go. 
Not just yet
“I’ll see you again” he says, holding your hands tighter, nodding
I’ll see her again
You smile as much as you can, nodding as well “Until the next time”
There will be a next time
“Until next time” he repeats your words, reluctantly letting your hands slip away
You turn away, beginning to walk when you look back, staring for a moment before running backup for one final embrace
“Next time” you whisper before pressing your lips to his
“Next time” he kisses you once more but a little harder, thumbs caressing your face
You kiss him one last time, softly, before parting and walking off quickly, knowing if you look back again or stay you would never leave. 
Fred watches you walk away, taking his heart with him while yours remains here with him. As his hand moves to wipe the tears that fell the moment you turn the corner he feels something sticking out of his jacket pocket
It’s a piece of paper similar to the one you gave him earlier. Opening it the years fall harder, it was a drawing of you while you’re laughing, it’s so beautiful, and in the corner is your writing
Joey drew this the week before he died. I want you to have it. It's been six months since I last saw you. I don’t know how long it will be until we see each other again, if we see each other again, so I want you to remember me like this. Happy.
I love you Freddie
“She’ll come back” he holds it to his chest “She going to come back”
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The next months were hard. In fact hard was an understatement when yourself and Timothy were paired with Greyback and his snatchers. 
During that time you met Ted Tonks once more, a man you respected, yet you couldn’t let him go free and that was a decision that would haunt you and Timothy forever. Greyback was the one that did it, something that was so cruel, so horrific it was beyond words. He waited until the full moon, set Ted free and hunted him like it was a sport. Bellatrix arrived the following morning but only to cackle over his body while you and timothy watched
You saw many things that made you lose faith at times. Timothy was always there though, and although Joey was gone you had his drawings, even the ones which held old conversations from potions. You would talk to them sometimes, perhaps it was on set insanity but it helped.
It kept you going
Now you were back at Hogwarts, shaky hands as you waited for Snape to give you both instructions that weren’t a vague be within the castle walls as soon as you can
“Where have you been?” You ask a little on edge Tim as he enters your old common room “Oh no what?” you notice his face
“It’s happening, Harry’s here and the order has arrived too” he replies, looking beyond nervous "I think they've taken over the great hall but I didn't stick around to check"
You nod slowly taking a few breaths, heart racing that Fred was so close “Guess that’s why he wanted us here” you take a seat on your old spot on the couches and Timothy joins you, leaving a space in the middle for where Joey once sat
You both look at the empty space and then each other
“He should be here” he whispers
“Yeah” you nod “Though if he was he’d tell you that shirt looks terrible” you can’t stop the giggle
He scoffs “Well fuck you too” he starts chuckling too, looking down “Salazar it is terrible isn't it…why'dyou let me wear this?” he shakes his head
“You didn’t wash any others” you shrug
“Can you transfigure it?” he pleas “I can’t die in this”
You let out a shocked laugh “I can’t believe you just said that!” 
“What it’s true! Doesn’t matter if both sides are gonna try and kill us, when they see this monstrosity they’ll be like let’s kill the wanker in the shit coloured shirt”
You giggle at him but then your face falls a little “You aren’t going to die…we’ll make it out” you say, looking serious before you crack a smile “Cause Joe will never let us live it down if we die”
“Yeah" he laughs "He’d rip the pish out of us the moment we got there, wherever there is”
“And say that shirt is a crime against fashion” you giggle, taking your wand and muttering some spells to change the shirts colour
“Much thanks” his fingers fiddle with the soft green material “Matches my eyes…well one of them” 
“I’m not making the other half blue Tim. Then you would look like a right wanker”  
You both chuckle for a little while. Enjoying the small bit of normal you always found in each other. That was until you spot a bright light out of the common room window. Standing, you both make your way over, watching the light stretch down through the water to the bed below
“It’s weirdly beautiful” Timothy notes watching the shimmer
You hum in agreement “I know it’s always been real. The war I mean. But now it feels…”
“Really real” Timothy takes your hand “Like it’s the beginning of the end”
"Yeah" you squeeze his hand before looking up at him “Just hope it’s the end we hope for”
“It will be” he stares out of the window for a second and takes a deep breath, then he turns to you “Love you” he gives you the best smile he can muster
“Me too” you nod
“You love yourself?” he teases earning a playful hit
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Fred made his way up the stairs, following Remus, Tonks, and the elder of his family, George walked beside him but it was quiet. Air feeling so thick it was almost suffocating. Everyone he loved was here except you, he had no idea where you were. Where are you in the castle? Outside the barrier? Worse?
“You alright?” his twin whispers as they get to the top
He wants to say no, I’m not okay, I have no idea if the love of my life is alright, but he can't, instead he lies
“Yeah…you?” he asks, walking outside towards the balcony of the tower
“Yeah” George gives a firm nod, hands finding the wall “Nice view”
“Seen better” that makes George chuckle
They watch the spells hit the barrier. It was beautiful in its own way, like the calm before a storm, yet the storm is always inevitable and rips away everything
But you can only hope its not everything
Georges drift to the side “Looks like someones trying to cheer us up” he chuckles drawing Fred’s attention
“Wha…” he starts to ask when he sees it, a patronus, your patronus
He smiles
“Kinda looks like Sirius’ in his dog form” George notes “Think it’s Remus’ they were thing once weren't they?” 
“Could be” Fred shrugs “I’ll go see, be back in a jiff” Fred pats his twins shoulder as he passes, walking towards the dancing light, following the dog as it patters back into the tower and down one flight of stairs, eventually disappearing behind a tapestry
His heart does a little skip wanting nothing more than to run in but he holds himself back, glancing around to check no one can see him before he enters slowly
“Love?” he whispers looking around until his eyes fall on you, leaning on the small window as you stared out “Love” he repeats a little louder
That gains your attention and you waste no time making your way over to him “Hi” you greet, trying to stop your hands from shaking
Fred takes them in his “Hi” he says, thumbs smoothing over your knuckles 
“I love you so much” you can’t stop the tears as they were already falling, your hands slipping out of his and cupping his cheeks shocking him a little but then his own chase yours, grasping your wrists
“I love you too” he squeezes them, worry swarming in his stomach at how broken you look “What’s going on? Do they know you're a spy? They get Timothy?” he asks mildly frantic
“No nothing like that they have no idea…although they’ll know soon enough” you assure him before taking a breath
“Then what is it?” he asks softly
“You know when we said no promises? Because life's so unpredictable there's little chance we’ll be able to keep them” he nods “I need you to not to necessarily promise, but tell me you won’t get yourself killed. That we’ll make it out and we’ll get married and have a life together. A beautiful messy, chaotic life together” 
He can feel the tears hitting his hands as he answers “I promise” his own eyes watering 
“We’re so close to the end” you say with a shaky voice “We’ve come too far to lose it all now...I can't...” you take a sharp breath trying to compose yourself
“And we won’t" he wipes your tears and cups your face "When this is over, I'm going to ask you to marry me, and you’ll...hopefully..." you giggle "...say yes, and then we’ll move into a weird and wacky cottage, raise children if we want them and then grow old and grey together”
“Good” you smile at him, nodding as your hands fall from his cheek and wrap around his torso while his slither around you, holding you tight
You held each other for less than a minute but it felt like a small eternity. The first and last promise you would ever make to each other spoken in that little hideaway, and when you parted, watched Fred walk back up the stairs and you headed down to meet Timothy again, you both hoped it wouldn't be broken
Because if it was, neither of you would survive it
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“Tim!” you shout, flicking a spell towards one of Greybacks snatchers
Running down the hall you found yourself near Gryffindor tower once more, yet you couldn’t worry about Fred. You had to find Timothy, Fred had the order looking out for him while you and Timothy only had one another. Everyone was out for you. In fact you had saved Remus from a death eater only to be spotted by Tonks soon after and almost killed whilst trying to slip away
“Tim” you say mostly for yourself, frantically looking around when you see a flash of red hair
He was fighting death eaters who had forced their way through what must have been one of the not so secret passages. He hadn’t seen you as you continued down the corridor towards him, hoping Timothy was just behind or in front of you.
You couldn’t head back now there were too many looking for you
You movements stopped though when you saw him “Fred” you see him join Percy's side
Of course he’s laughing, you think as you draw closer…then you see it
A death eater pointing his wand towards Percy and Fred through the windows of the corridors. You didn’t think just ran towards them. Percy was a little closer to the impact zone as the spell hit the wall, blowing up the bricks and sending most of it down and towards Fred and you guessed now, yourself
They hadn’t noticed your approach, reactions delayed until Percy was flung backwards and down a flight of stairs when you were a mere metre from Fred
You turned your body towards the falling wall yelling “Retcuto!” the spell vaporising the wall and the impact of which sending you and Fred flying deeper down the corridor, landing next to one another as smaller debris lands almost softly around you
“Fuck” Fred groans, wand still in his hand as he processes what just happened “Percy!” he shoots up, ignoring the sting as he looks to the side, not seeing his brother but you wincing on your side “Y/n…Y/n!” he says the first in shock and the second in alarm scooping you into his arms
Fred ignores the calls of his name from not only Percy but Ron and Harry who seem to have stumbled upon them, the small well of rubble blocking their view. Your eyes open, panting heavy and he thinks you’re going to say something sweet, maybe a cute a hello, but instead you hit him multiple times in the shoulder whilst sitting up as best you can with his help
“You had one job, Weasley!” you scold him, earning a shocked laugh
“We almost die and you’re shouting at me?” 
“Yes, you complete arse” you were laughing now as well hitting him between words while he just chuckled "You promised"
“I know my snake in not so shiny armour” he quips even if his heart hurts that at the idea that without you he would be dead
His joke earns another nudge but then you wince again, face scrunching
“You okay?” his brows knit, smile dropping to concern as his hand moves to your side only to feel some wetness “Merlin” he gasps looking down, realising some of the glass from the window had hit your side
“That isn’t good” you press your hand to the area, feeling the blood seeping out too quickly before looking at him “Freddie I…” the adrenaline was wearing off now, the pain was searing and you were quickly feeling faint “...I feel a little…” you can’t finish but he understands
“Stay with me okay?” he cups your cheek, some bloods smearing across it
“Fred when we call you…answer” Percy starts a little intense and finishes with a whisper “Who?” he can’t quite see your face
“Fred we…” Ron and Harry jog up after throwing a few covering spells “...is that...” Ron trails off
Your head falls into Freds chest, unable to hold yourself up “Y/n love I need to you stay awake” Fred was panicking now, still ignoring his family as tears stream "Please we promised" he whispers kissing your temple when your eyes won't open
“Fred we need to go!” Ron shouts in an almost uncaring manner
“No!” Fred bites back with a tone none of them had ever heard, scaring them “Help me get her somewhere safe”
“Shes a death…”
“One more word and I will never speak to you again” he warns his younger brother while Percy has already moved to help
“If you can carry her I’ll defend you. We can hide behind one of the statues until it dies down enough to go to the great hall, okay?” he says softly, kneeling down
Fred nods, lifting you up with a little help from Percy
“Got her?” he checks and Fred nods
“We’ll help” Harry chips in, earning a thankful look from Fred, a nod from Percy and a baffled look from Ron
“Harry” Ron shakes his head shrugging
“Just come on” Harry doesn’t bother to argue just follows “We’ll talk about it later”
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Fred was in the great hall now, crouching by your small bed on the floor and watching Madam Pomfrey work. His family were slowly making their way in, all in sheer panic for a moment until they see him and Percy who was sitting nearby
“Will she be okay?” he looks hopefully at the nurse when she stands
She nods “Yes, the wound isn’t magical nor was it deep so she will be fine. Normally I wouldn’t say she shouldn’t walk when she wakes up but given the circumstances Mr Weasley if she wants to fight she can” the older women tells him before taking her leave, answering quickly as she simply didn’t have the time
“Freddie!” his head shoots up at his twins voice, clambering to his feet to hug him tightly
“Thank merlin” Fred breaths out, pulling back and cupping his brothers face “Thought I'd lost you in chaos”
“Can’t get rid of me that easily” George chuckles, pulling him in for another hug before Fred parts and bear hugs Ginny, followed by Charlie, Bill, Fleur and his parents, whilst percy does something similar
The reunion however is cut short when Tonks approaches with Remus not long behind her
“Why is she here?” the small group looks towards them, the pink-haired women looking rather upset while the ex professor seemed sad
Remus had regarded you in a similar way to Sirius, even if he had grown disappointed in you since your ‘betrayal’, he still felt sick to his stomach seeing you hurt
“She’s a death eater…she has the mark” Tonks points towards the peaking of black ink under your scrunched sleeve
“Dora” Remus says lowly, looking around as the word must draw attention yet no one is looking their way, instead they're looking at some members of the order pointing their wand at Timothy Greengrass
“Lower your wands there is a brief truce” Kinsley commands to which their wands are reluctantly put away “You try anything and Imean anything, I will not be as understanding” he warns
Timothy nods wearing a thankful smile as he walks deeper into the hall. Eyes searching the room before the fall on Fred, making his way towards him quickly to ask if he had seen you when he sees your body laying there
“No” he whispers to himself, eyes widening and not caring about his knees as he hits the stone floor beside you “What happened?” he looks around but mostly towards Fred looking beyond worried
“She saved me from being hit by the wall but a shard of glass was embedded in her side”
Fred glances at his family, few seemed between sympathetic at Timothy and surprised you saved him, Remus evening wears a tiny twitch of a smile. Yet the ones he wanted to be wore no such thing. His mother and twin’s expressions remained hard, although they did waver a little upon hearing the first half
Timothy's face is still painted with worry “Will she be okay?” he asks, relaxing when Fred nods
“She saved your life?” Bill is the first to speak, most level headed as he wraps his arm around Fleur, holding her close to him
Fred nods “She did” 
“Why?” George asks a little sharpy 
“Because she loves me” Fred answers like it was obvious
Again his elder brothers and Remus seem soft towards it, like they can believe it, his father does as well but he remains neutral due to Molly who scoffs along with Tonks and George. Ginny seems somewhere in between and partially in her own world, her mind most likely preoccupied in worrying about Harry
“No she doesn’t. She broke your heart and ran off to join the death eaters. Since then I have watched you for the last two years mope around over her. She’s a traitor Freddie...please” George pleads like he thinks he doing the right thing but it only makes Fred upset
Fred shakes his head “She isn’t” he says shortly “Neither is Timothy” he adds, earning a grateful smile from the boy as he holds your hand, thumbing circles in it to comfort you but mostly himself
“You’re mad” Tonks states “They’re traitors plain and simple, you’re just blinded by your misplaced affections”
“No” Fred glares at her “They’ve been…” he stops himself, glancing at Timothy who nods, letting him know it's alright to tell everyone now “They’ve been working undercover”
She scoffs along with Molly who seems to only be quiet due to Arthur's hand in hers, while George’ head tilts and the rest of the weasley, plus Remus, listen carefully
“Undercover?” Tonks crosses her arms looking sceptical, while his mothers is closer to disappointment “Didn’t feel that way when their other little friend came after me and your younger brother” 
Timothy grimaces at them mention of his late friend, more so at the question thrown towards him 
“Where is he anyway?” She looks right at him “Almost killed us along with my crazy aunt”
Timothy sighs, heart aching “He…he didn’t make it” he looks away from them and to you
Remus watches the boy carefully, as does Fred’s elder brothers, Fleur and Arthur, all noting the grief and how he holds your hand just that little bit tighter. Tonks however flushes slightly, guilt beginning to swarm her stomach as she thinks back to the blasting spell she sent his way before she and Ron used the port key
“Who knew you were undercover?” Remus asks calmly, recognising something he felt all too well in the boy before him
“Sirius knew we were to gain info in our final year, but when he died Dumbledore and Mad-eye sent me, y/n and…Joe uncover. Our mission was to imbed ourselves along with Snape, feed the order information and when the time came, turn against them”
“You caused the death of my father” Tonks interjects “If you were really on our side why would you…how could you...” she can’t finish, trailing off but the boy understands what she’s asking
“I’m sorry about your father. Truly. It’s something I can never forgive myself for, nor do I even deserve it for playing a role in it, and I’m so, so sorry” he says so genuinely they all believe it, at least on some level “Not that it helps but Greyback…” Remus grimaces at the name “…the one that murdered him, won’t be hurting anyone else ever again”
“He’s dead?” Remus asks, eyes wide and lips parted
“Yes. I checked myself when he fell during mine and y/n’s tussle with him…but then I lost her in the chaos that ensued afterward. The other snatchers in his pack sought revenge ya see” Timothy explains and Remus looks like a weight has been lifted off of him “There’s no proof besides Fred and of course Snape's knowledge with Mad-eye and Dumblerdore dead. But if me and y/n were being honest we have no idea what Snapes mission really is...was? He was always so...cryptic. We had no idea he would kill Dumbledore, nor that we would be forced to fight against you all in the battle of the potters, or work with the snatchers and that monster”
They all nod slowly, taking the information in while George turns to Fred whose now moved to sit beside you once more, taking your other hand and stroking your cheek gently
“You knew the whole time?” he asks and Fred turns to his brother, his whole family and his friends awaiting his answer
“Just after Sirius’ death and before she 'turned', she sat me down. Explained the mission and everything she had been doing at Hogwarts while we were all off playing hero with the DA. After which she offered me a choice. She could obliviate me or I could remember but never tell anyone”
“Do you have any idea how dangerous that was!” his mother finally speaks up “You could have gotten yourself killed!” Arthur wraps his arm around her, rubbing her back to try and soothe her nerves
“I know but I didn’t mum” he answers simply, calmly, a stark contrast to his usual demeanour and it makes his mother listen “I love her, really love her. She’s the bravest person I’ve ever met” he turns to Timothy “As are you, and of course Joey” he turns back to the other while Timothy smiles “They were the ones leaking information, information that saved more than we lost. They risked everything to help us even after Mad-eye died and they were all on their own, merlin they all were forced to get the dark mark…” his eyes trail down to it, fingers glazing it
“She might have been lying” Tonks says but her voice is softer, less angry than she was before
“Maybe but I believe it” Percy states “I believe you” he says meeting Fred’s eyes
“So do I” Remus adds, earning a quizzical look from Nymphadora before she says a quiet ‘Me too’
“Me Three” Bill winks 
“Four” Fleur adds cuddling into her husband
“Five” Charlie says with a nod
“Six” is from Arthur
“Six and a half” Molly grumbles lowly, earning a small chuckle from the small group
“Seven” Ginny smiles
“Eight” George finishes “I believe you” he kneels down next to Fred taking his hand “I always believe you” his head taps his twins
“Thank you” he says mostly to George but then turns to the others "You won't regret it, believing" he smiles and they smile back
Your whine however brings his, and Timothy's attention back, their grips on your hands tightening while the rest of the small crowd step back and sit among themselves, except George who stays by his brothers side and Remus who takes a seat on Timothy's other side
“Y/n love?” Fred calls softly as your eyes flutter open
“Yeah?” your head turns to him, not really aware of your surroundings just yet
“You had one job future Weasley” he scolds lightly and you giggle
“Well if you had done yours I wouldn’t be in this predicament” you clap back before your eyes widen
“What?” Fred asks but your already sitting up way too quickly, side stinging but you couldn’t care less
“Tim! I need to find him” you say trying to stand up when the boy your looking for places his hand on your shoulder stopping you
“I’m here” he assures you “I’m alright, I'm okay” 
You sigh in relief, leaning into him a little bit “I couldn’t lose you too” you breath out
“You didn’t…you haven’t lost either of us sunshine” he gives you a smile and then looks toward Fred
Your boyfriend smiles back at the boy before his focus returns to you “We’re keeping our promise don’t you worry love” his nose nudges into your hair
Timothy lets go of your hand then, letting Freds arms engulf you as your head buries itself into his chest “I love you” your murmur so only Fred can hear
“Love you too” he whispers as he pulls back, digging into his pocket and bringing it out just enough for you to see “I’ve carried it everyday. And when we win I’m going to give it back ask you something very important” he tells you
Your heart flutters “Yes” you whisper to which George, who could totally hear everything, lets out a small smile
“You’re supposed to let me ask first” Fred scrunches his nose at you
“Freddie it’s been a yes since we were 17” you inform him, placing a sweet kiss to his lips
“What’s going on here?” Ron asks approaching with Hermione, both staring at your and Fred as you part
“Y/n’s injured” Remus answers for you
Your head whips around to him, surprised “Hi” you whisper, wincing at the idea of how disappointment he must be in you
“Hey” He gives you a warm smile “He’d be really proud you know…I’m proud” he tells you, eyes a little glassy
You nod, heart warming as you turn back to Fred and Timothy, both helping you stand up as they know there would be no stopping you from continuing the fight 
“I know she’s injured” Ron replies a little mumbly “I mean why is everyone okay with her...and him here” he motions to you and Timothy, Hermion nodding next to him
“Y/n and Timothy have been working as spies little brother” Bill states, the whole clan turning to look at two thirds of the famous trio
Hermione and Ron look at him baffled, and then eye you and Timothy for a second. They have questions, of course they do, a boat load in fact but their was no time for that right now, their were more pressing concerns
“Has anyone seen Harry?” Remus’ face instantly pales “He went up to Dumbledore’s office but he never came back” Hermione asks, looking concerned as her hand finds Rons
“You don’t think he turned himself over do you?” Someone asks, and while everyone looks at each other in a quiet worry all Remus can think is that’s exactly what James would do
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Thank you for reading ♡ I will fix some of the links up top tomorrow morning xx
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rowdyhughesy · 1 year
Back to you - Jack Hughes
Summary: Y/N moves away, thinking that she will never see Jack Hughes again but Ellen Hughes has other ideas.
“I need you to know. That I'd come back to you, I'd come back to you. If you were a thousand miles away. With your new friends in a new place, I'd still come back to you. “
- Back to You, Jake Cornell
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May 2018
Making the decision to break up after Y/N’s exchange year was over and it was time for her to fly home was hard. Neither of them wanting to make it but what choice did two 17 year olds have? Jack was staying in Michigan and Y/N was flying back to Germany. Tears rolling down their pink cheeks as Jack hugged the girl tighter against him. The Hughes family and Y/N’s host family behind them, looking on with sad eyes at two kids in love. No pain is greater then being in love with someone you know you can’t be with in this moment of time. This was a perfect example of right person wrong time. “Flight 195 gate 2A to Hamburg Germany from Detroit Michigan is now boarding.” The announcement feels like it echoes inside their heads, leaving nothing but more sadness and heartbreak behind. “You have to go.” Jacks voice cracks at the end, it’s small barely above a whisper and if Y/N wasn’t currently standing with her face buried in his neck she wouldn’t have heard him. Pulling away but only so that she could look into his eyes they force out teary smiles. Standing on her toes Y/N rests her forehead against Jacks. His breath fanning her face is shaky, like he’s forcing everything in his power to not break down. “Das ist kein Abschied. ich liebe dich Jack Hughes.” And with that she was boarding the flight and leaving Michigan, Jack, behind.
June 2019
She should probably be nervous, scared. This is crazy even for her but she can feel it in her bones that she has to be here. This is Jacks draft, she knows how much this means and even if they’re no longer together and haven’t been for over a year she needs to be in the same building even if it’s for a night. He doesn’t know that she’s in Vancouver, they haven’t spoken since last summer. The pain of timezones and distance became to much. Ellen and Jim knows though, Luke too. Y/N has talked to the youngest Hughes a couple of times since she went back home and Ellen constantly keeps in touch with the girl since she became Jacks ‘other half’ as they call her during that year. She didn’t want her to disappear just because life got in the way so she kept on calling and texting when she had the chance. That is how Y/N ended up in Canada. After much debating with the mother she decided. She was going.
Thumbnail between her teeth she paces back and forth on the sidewalk. Is this a good idea? What if Jack doesn’t love her anymore and doesn’t want her here? What if... A hand on her shoulder makes the anxious girl jump, startled she spins around coming face to face with Jim Hughes. “Jimmy!” Wide smiles are exchanged as they wrap each other in a hug. “Come on we gotta hurry before Rowdy notices I’ve wandered off and starts freaking out.” Jack. Ever the one to act like he isn’t freaking out on the inside because he knows that there is a chance for him to be picked number one when in reality he’s probably going crazy inside his mind. Following Jim like a lost puppy she can feel bile rising up her throat from the nervousness. That all goes away when she sees him, or rather his back as he’s talking to Ellen and some others from the Hughes-Weinberg fam. She can see Ellen mumble something to Jack that makes him freeze mid-sentence, body going rigid before slowly turning around. Eyes glossy, expression shifting between confused, sad and happy as they meet Y/N’s equally tear filled eyes. “I told you it wasn’t goodbye.”
Those few words seem to make Jack get in touch with reality as he takes off sprinting towards the girl standing beside his dad. Cradling her face in his hands he lets the tears fall. “Baby what are you doing here? I can’t believe you’re here. I’ve missed you so much.” His words jumble together as they fall past his lips getting a laugh out of Y/N. “I wasn’t going to miss your draft Jack. Besides, I will always find my way back to you. I’m not leaving this time. I’ll follow you to the end of the world if that’s what it takes.” Standing there with giddy smiles on their faces Jack finally leans in capturing Y/N’s lips in a kiss for the first time in a year.
They kept their promise, it wasn’t a goodbye just an I’ll see you later when the timing is right again.
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Always There - Chapter Thirteen: S.Snape
Summary: Y/N Potter was left with a baby to care for after her brother and sister-in-law were murdered by Voldemort. One person was there for her, a person she didn’t expect but soon became her comfort person, Severus Snape. During Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and her third year as Herbology professor, a few old friends come around again. Y/N has to handle the feelings of these old friends being around again as well as handle her feelings for a certain potions master all while she tries to hide these things from her godson.
Series Masterlist
My full Masterlist
Pairings: Severus Snape x Female Professor Reader, Potter!Reader x friend!Remus, Sister!Reader x James Potter, Potter!Reader x Friend!Sirius
Chapter Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader(No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, Harry growing up in a loving home, food consumption, Umbridge, not proofread
Series Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader (No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, OOC Snape, Harry grows up in a loving environment, mentions of death and murder, poorly written angst, Remus is a shitty friend, poorly written pining,
Please let me know how I can improve my writing and being more inclusive to POC as I am whiter than white. Please also let me know if I have to add more to the warnings! My messages are open as well as my asks!
I am starting a taglist so leave either a comment or something in my asks if you would like to be tagged in any of my works or just this series!
Author's Note: My favorite character has finally been introduced in this chapter! As a Ravenclaw myself, I find so much joy in Luna's character so I'm very excited to write her into this series!
Please let me know how I can improve or if you find any errors! Correct me, don't be afraid to! I want to improve my writing and become a better writer so any feedback or advise is welcomed!
Word Count: 1573
My asks are open for questions, suggestions and feedback!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
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After Y/N had a good crying session with Harry by her side, she felt much better and more prepared for the year to start. It had taken her some time to work her way into going back downstairs and apologizing to both Severus and Remus who of course both held no grudge and forgave the woman rather quickly. Severus had made her sit down and gave her a plate of only her favorite foods, chatting with her as she ate. She hadn’t realized how hungry she actually was until she had finished her whole plate and still wanted more, so Severus refilled it and handed it back to her.
“You have a good talk with Harry then?” Severus finally asked her after she finished her second plate of food.
“Yeah, I told him a story about my days back at Hogwarts and how Sirius and I had that bet, do you remember that?” She replied, finally looking her partner in the eye.
“I do, you were going to let that dog take you out on a date before I ever did,” Severus replied in a sour tone.
“You know Pads and I never went on that date. They were all too busy teasing me about my crush on you that Sirius had forgotten. And by the time he remembered he had dropped the straight act and started going out with Remus,” She rambled.
“Back it up a minute. You had a crush on me in your fourth year? And you never thought to tell me?”
“Well no, I thought you had a crush on Lily so I just kinda left you alone with that and kept it to myself until my brother found out and in turn told all of our friends about it.”
Severus took to teasing her stating that he too had a crush on her during their time at Hogwarts together but he thought she had a thing for Remus. The couple shared a laugh over their shared obliviousness before going off to bed, where for the first time in a while, Y/N had slept through the whole night without waking up once. The next morning, the two professors had to leave for Hogwarts, they were both needed at the castle the day before the year began. As they bid their goodbyes, Y/N pulled her best friend aside. 
“Look, I know it’s only one day, but can you please keep a close eye on Harry? Even send Sirius to tell him stories about Jamie or something, just keep him occupied until tomorrow where he can be with me again. Please, Rem?” She asked the werewolf.
“Of course Dove. Don’t even worry about it, I will keep an eye on him and so will Sirius and Molly and Arthur. All of us will keep him safe until he is on the express on his way to you. I promise,” Remus replied.
“Thank you Remmy. You truly are the best. Love you.”
“Love you too, dove. Now go before you guys are late. I’ll send an owl in a few days.” Remus sent her off with a kiss to the head and watched as her and Severus left the Black residence hand in hand.
The pair had gone to the nearest floo network and flooed into the Hogwarts castle. There were a couple new professors starting for this school year and Dumbledore had wanted them to get acquainted with the returning professors before the students arrived. Y/N and Severus walked into the headmaster’s office where a majority of the other professors were waiting. The two stood towards the front with McGonagall. 
“Have a nice summer Miss Potter, Severus?” Dumbledore asked the pair.
“Just fine, how was yours, Albus?” Y/N replied.
“Wonderful, thank you. We are just waiting on one more and then we can proceed.”
And so they waited, all of the professors that were punctual talked amongst themselves, some sitting on the floor, others finding an empty spot to sit. This went on for nearly 2 hours before the last professor showed up, a short woman dressed in all pink. She looked like a toad in Y/N’s opinion. Finally, Albus could start his usual spiel, telling the professors what to expect for the year and introducing them to the new professor for defense against the dark arts.
“This is Professor Umbridge, she will be the new defense against the dark arts teacher. I wish everyone to give her a warm welcome. Good luck this year, it will be a great year,” Albus explained before releasing all of the professors. Y/N and Severus officially shared their quarters this year so both of their belongings were in Severus’ quarters. 
Y/N wished it was her quarters from the year before but because Severus was the head of the Slytherin house, he had to be close to the Slytherin common room. She had been in the dungeons before and had stayed in his quarters but she couldn’t get used to the constant darkness and cold that ran through the air. It would take her some time to get used to but as long as she had Severus she would gladly go anywhere with him.
It took them no time to get unpacked and settled, going to the Minerva’s office when they were done to catch up. They’re first night back at Hogwarts was uneventful, spending most of the day catching up with the professors they liked and considered friends. Y/N even taking time out of her day to chat with Professor Binns who droned on about the history of magic and Hogwarts itself. She had willingly and actively listened to the ghost drone on until she checked her watch. It was nearing midnight.
“Oh my, would you look at the time? It was lovely talking with you professor but I should go to bed. Have a lovely night!” She excused herself before rushing to the dungeons and back to her quarters. Severus was fast asleep on the bed, hugging her pillow tight to his chest. She tiptoed her way to the bathroom where she changed into pajamas consisting of one of Severus’ shirts and a pair of sleep shorts. She made her way back inside the room and to the bed where she had to gently pry her pillow from his grasp and replace the pillow with herself. 
The second her body hit the bed, his arms wrapped around her, pulling her straight to his chest. “Where were you?” He mumbled sleepily in her ear.
“Got carried away with Binns. I forgot how much that man could talk,” She whispered back.
“He’s a ghost, not a man,” He corrected.
“Whatever, goodnight, honey. I love you.”
“G’night, love you too darlin’.”
The couple slept rather soundly that night, both ending up sleeping in later than usual, waking up close to noon the next day. Y/N rushing to get ready so she could see her nephew again even though it had been only a day and Severus taking his sweet time getting ready. “I’ll meet you in the great hall for the sorting. I want to make sure Harry was okay last night,” Y/N told Severus as he was getting dressed and she was putting on her olive green cloak. 
“I’m sure he was fine but go. I’ll meet you there,” Severus replied, walking over to plant a kiss on her cheek before going back to getting himself dressed. She made her way to the great hall to greet the returning and the new students. She was extra excited when she saw her nephew rushing towards her with a smile on his face. 
“Aunt Y/N, they’re amazing! I never thought the carriages were pulled by anything but wow! Can you see them too? The thestrals?” Harry rambled as he hugged his aunt tight.
“I can see them too, they’re pretty cool huh?”
“Hello professor Potter, have a good summer?” An airy voice asked from behind Harry.
“It was okay, Luna. How was yours, dear?” She smiled at the blonde.
“It was magical, I’ll see you later professor.” Y/N giggled a bit at the girl as she skipped into the great hall. She held a deep appreciation for the girl, no matter how much she was picked on or how much she had gone through, she was still such a positive person. Someone she wanted Harry to be around and hoped that the two would become friends at some point. “Okay love, you go in, I’ll see you in a few.” Harry walked into the great hall and took a seat with the rest of his house. Y/N going in once Severus had met her by the door, both going in together and sitting together. 
It was the beginning of another year at Hogwarts. Yet another new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, the rest of the professors staying the same except for an interim Care of Mythical Creatures professor filling in for Hagrid until he returned from his mission. She was looking forward to this year, hoping that it would be better than the last few. That Harry would be safe for once this year but she knew deep down that it was another typical year. It was going to be another year of trials and tribulations, another year of hardships, she just hoped that they would be able to power through them.
taglist (if your user is crossed out it means I can't tag you)
@acupnoodle @chxelsxaa @fluffyrat365 @fanficwriter5 @atanukileaf @v3lv3tvampir3 @jspidey5 @mija-novella @leo4242564 @crazyunsexycool @livillain00
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karatekels · 6 months
TIGmas Day #1 - Person of Interest
Happy first day of TIGmas everybody! I’m so excited to finally start this off! This fic is for @virgo-mess, whose own writing has made me so happy! Thanks for being such a great part of the TIG community, virgo, and I hope you enjoy!
TW: semi-public sex (people definitely know what’s going on), graphic sex, gagging
Person of Interest
Reader’s POV:
“Turn right at the light,” you dictate from the passenger’s seat, and the driver nods, following your instructions. The two of you are on the way to your precinct’s annual Christmas party, and you have been really looking forward to it – it’s been months since you’ve seen your coworkers.
You and Jacob, your chauffeur for the evening, had been undercover for the past nine months, acting as a betrothed couple and scoping out jewelry stores that were part of an underground smuggling network. Jacob was from a neighbouring precinct, and you hadn’t known him before your assignment, but you had quickly become fast friends – and convincing paramours, though you were glad the latter part of your relationship could be dropped now that the necessary arrests had been made.
Jacob was tall, blond, and classically handsome, so it wasn’t that it was difficult to keep up the pretense of being attracted to him for that reason. But he was head-over-heels for his actual girlfriend, which had made things awkward more than once during your time undercover. You weren’t involved with anyone romantically prior to your assignment, and were almost grateful; you’re not sure it would have been possible for you to be so convincing if your heart belonged to someone else.
“What do you think your coworkers are going to think about our big news?” Jacob jokes, and you groan, trying once again to get the engagement ring off of your finger. It fit you a little too perfectly, and you had been trying in vain to get it off of your finger for days now. You really didn’t want to have it cut off – Jacob had been planning on proposing to his girlfriend with it on New Year’s Eve – but at this point you’re running out of options.
“I would hope that these people know me well enough that they won’t assume I disappeared for almost a year to go run off with some guy,” you reply, sticking your tongue out at him. “It’s the third house on the left.”
Jacob is still chuckling as he pulls the car over, parking across the street from the house – there were vehicles parked everywhere, letting you know that the party was likely in full swing. You’re feeling rather nervous as you exit the car; you’d only told the hostess of the party – the Captain’s wife, Charlotte – that you and Jacob were coming tonight. Everyone except the Captain still thought that you were away on your assignment, and hadn’t even been told what it entailed when you had left.
You approach the front door with Jacob, a few giftwrapped bottles of liquor bundled in your arms, and Jacob rings the doorbell. You take a deep breath, hoping that you’re welcomed back into the group with open arms.
Cash’s POV:
He’s already on his sixth beer… he thinks.
He wasn’t even planning on coming tonight, but Charlotte had cornered him a week ago and bullied him into accepting her oh-so-gracious invitation. He hadn’t been able to think of a viable excuse at the time and reluctantly gave in to the demands of the small, older woman. Just as well – he didn’t want to get on the Captain’s bad side anymore than he already was by upsetting his wife.
But truly, what was the point in having him here? He wasn’t particularly sociable amongst the other officers in the precinct; he had only been somewhat close with his partner, Y/N, but she had disappeared on some assignment ages ago without so much as a heads up to him.
His hand clenches his bottle tightly, to distract himself from the way his heart mirrors the action.
Cash knew that it was wishful thinking, hoping that you would show up here tonight, but he hadn’t been able to help himself. It’s been 273 days since you disappeared, and he’s missed you every single one of them. There had been other feelings, too – anger, hurt, and rejection among the most prominent – but he always went to bed praying that you were alright and would be back at your desk, right next to his, the next morning.
He takes another sip of his beverage, trying to wash the bitter taste from his mouth. Surely you could have told him something before you’d left, at least… but you hadn’t, and it stung.
He’d become something of a loose cannon since your abrupt departure. You’d always been the more level-headed one between you, and without you by his side to keep him rational, he’d gotten himself into trouble more than once, ultimately resulting in a brief suspension that hadn’t helped his brooding surliness.
The same brooding surliness he was displaying now, leaning against a wall by himself in the middle of a lively Christmas party, surrounded by lights and decorations and happiness.
He was starting to sound like the Grinch, even to himself.
There’s a knock at the door, and Cash briefly contemplates how many more people would need to show up for him to be able to slip away unnoticed. He couldn’t stand being around all this merriment, not feeling as low as he does.
“Y/N! You made it!” Charlotte’s voice is clear over the din of the party, and everyone seems to fall silent, surprised by the announcement of your arrival.
Cash’s heart leaps into his throat, but he doesn’t move from his place on the wall as the entryway is immediately crowded by others wanting to greet you. And why wouldn’t they? You possessed a downright magical degree of kindness, the type that was normally squashed out of everyone in your line of work relatively early on. But no, not you. You were the department’s shining light, always willing to go the extra mile for anything and anyone.
“Will you all back up already and let us breathe?!” he hears you snap at the throng of people, and he can’t help but crack a grin. Kind but cutting; just as he remembered.
The crowd parts, and as it does, Cash seems to replay your words in slow motion. Let us breathe, you had said?
And then he sees you, your sparkling dark green dress revealed as a lanky blond helps you remove your coat.
Cash sees red at the dazzling smile you give the other man, immediately forcing himself to move out of your line of sight, recognizing that he needs to get himself together now, before he puts a hole through one of the Captain’s walls.
You found someone?! he thinks to himself in anguish, downing the rest of his beer in an attempt to swallow the lump that has formed in his throat. You disappear out of the blue for nine months, before he can work up the courage to ask you out, and then come back with some moron wrapped around your finger?
He knows the sense of betrayal he’s feeling towards you is unjust, but he also knows that he doesn’t fucking care.
Whatever. You showing up with your boy toy gives him ample opportunity to slip away; you were perfect… the perfect distraction, that is.
He moves to loop around the lower level of the house to the front closet, looking for his coat.
“Hi, Cash.”
He jumps despite himself at the sound of your voice – how long has he been waiting to hear it, to hear his name coming from your lips? – and whirls around, looking down at you.
How dare you look up at him with such happiness in your eyes when you belong to someone else?
And you have the audacity to look radiant, too. He’s been wanting to see you for so long, thought about you so often that he notices every difference about you. You’re a little thinner after your time away, your hair quite a bit longer, but you’re still you, albeit dolled up and wrapped in sequined fabric that makes it even more difficult to look away from you.
“Y/N,” he replies to your greeting in a hoarse voice. Your smile fades for a moment, your brows creasing at his less-than-enthusiastic response, and he pushes past the pang of guilt that rings through his chest. No, this was your fault, not his.
“It’s so good to see you again!” you bounce back from his sour reaction quickly, all smiles as always. The honesty in your voice hurts him and leaves him confused.
“So you’re back, then?” he asks curtly, turning back to the closet to grab his jacket, throwing it over his arm. He can’t even look at you without getting butterflies in his stomach, for Christ’s sake…
“Yeah, the undercover part of the case is over. I’m back on Monday,” you offer weakly, clearly still perplexed by the way he’s acting towards you. “Are you leaving? I was hoping we could catch up…” your voice is sad as you reach up to put a hand on his arm. He tenses at the contact, abruptly turning to face you once again, and that’s when he sees it.
A fucking engagement ring on your finger, the large diamond at its centre practically winking at him as it sparkles in the Christmas lights.
He has to get away from you, right fucking now.
“Yeah, I am. Just need to thank the hosts,” he says abruptly, brushing past you without another word. He moves through the house, opening a random door tucked under the stairs and disappearing behind it, needing to calm down before he hits the road.
Reader’s POV:
You tamp down the hurt you’re feeling at Cash giving you the cold shoulder, returning to Jacob’s side where he’s talking to Charlotte. Sure, you had expected him to be a little mad at you for disappearing all of a sudden, but for him to be this upset really takes you by surprise. Cash was always a bit standoffish, but never cold, never cruel…
You try to push the thoughts of him aside for now, telling yourself you’ll straighten everything out come Monday.
“Y/N, there you are!” Charlotte exclaims, giving you another warm hug. You can’t help but give her a smile – she was like a surrogate mother to everyone in the precinct, occasionally doting on you all to the point of being overbearing, but always well-intentioned in her efforts.
“Here I am!” you reply cheerfully, trying to get back into the festive mood. “I see you’re getting to know my fake fiancé,” you add with a giggle, and Jacob preens at the title. He would be coming by regularly over the next few weeks as you worked on the reports and filing of evidence for the upcoming court case, and you figured this would be a good place to introduce him to your colleagues.
“Jacob is lovely; he was just telling me about Emily,” Charlotte replies with a fond smile for the younger man before she turns on you. “And when exactly do you plan on getting yourself a real fiancé of your own, hmm?” she teases, giving you a stern expression.
“I just got back after nine months, mom,” you respond, sticking your tongue out at her playfully. “You try finding a man who’s okay with this kind of work!”
“I already have,” she replies, looking across the room to her husband. You see their eyes meet; they still looked at each other like they were falling in love all over again, even after decades of marriage, and while the sight is heartwarming it also leaves you feeling empty. Would you ever have anything even close to that with someone?
“I don’t mean to pester you with favours on your first day back with us, Y/N, but could you head into the basement and grab a couple more bottles of red for me?” Charlotte asks with a pleading expression.
“Of course, ‘Lottie,” you reply with a friendly smile, heading towards the door under the stairs that she had pointed out to you. You open it, the stairs dark but the basement light on, and head down, hoping to avoid any spiders.
Instead, you find something much worse: Cash, looking furious.
“What the hell are you doing down here?” he demands, scowling at you, and you find your hurt at the way he’s treating you quickly being burned away by the anger you feel at his childish behaviour. You didn’t often lash out at people when you were frustrated, but Cash Ewing was well on his way to testing your patience and being on the receiving end of your ire.
“Charlotte asked me to grab some more wine. What are you doing down here? Get lost trying to find the front door? I thought you were leaving,” you sneer at him, walking past him to the wine rack and selecting a couple bottles of merlot. You don’t notice the intense way his eyes track you across the room.
“Why do you care whether I leave or not?” he snaps back, raising an inquisitive eyebrow at you. You roll your eyes at him dismissively, moving past him to head back upstairs. You’re not sure what had happened during your time away to make Cash so dismissive, so angry, but you aren’t going to let it get to you tonight.
“I don’t care, Cash. So sorry for interrupting your little brooding session; I’ll leave you to it,” you say with a sigh, marching up the stairs. Someone has closed the door to the basement since you’ve opened it, so you readjust the bottles of wine in your arms to grab the doorknob.
It doesn’t budge.
You try again, and again, eventually setting down the bottles on the step below you so that you can grab the knob with both hands, pulling and pushing and twisting to no avail. Frustrated, you start pounding on the door angrily with both fists.
“Hello?! HELLO?!” you call, trying to make yourself heard over the din of the party.
“What’s wrong? Can’t even open a door?” Cash’s amused voice cuts through your screaming and punching at the door. You whirl around angrily to face him, having forgotten just how quiet he could be, frustrated that you’re still having to look up at him even though he’s standing a couple stairs below you.
“Hey genius, it’s locked. You try to get it open, if you’re so smart,” you snarl at him, gesturing towards the door and pressing yourself against the wall to give him space to get to it. He takes care to elbow past you anyways, even though you had given him more than enough room, and you glare at his back as he tries the knob.
You bite your tongue to hide a smile as it doesn’t open, smugly enjoying Cash getting frustrated, pounding on the door himself. There’s movement at the door, and someone slips a folded piece of paper underneath the crack at the bottom of the door. Cash, tall and distracted by trying to break the door down, doesn’t notice, so you reach past his feet to grab it.
“Excuse me, Detective,” you say sarcastically, trying to get his attention. “We’ve been given a message,” you add once he turns, waving the piece of paper at him. His forehead creases in confusion, and you open the note, recognizing Charlotte’s handwriting and frowning at the words.
“It just says ‘Talk to each other – Figure it out’,” you inform him, growling when he snatches the piece of paper out of your hand to read it himself. Had Cash always been such a self-important, pompous asshole?
Ignoring him, you stomp back down the stairs, throwing yourself onto the old couch. You know enough about Charlotte to know that she’s serious about her meddling, and stubborn enough to not let you out until she was satisfied that you and Cash had… what? Mended your friendship? You don’t even know why he’s being so rude in the first place!
You hear Cash start to pound on the door again, grumbling curses to himself, and roll your eyes, crossing your arms over his chest and waiting him out.
Unfortunately, you imagine at least ten minutes have gone by, and he’s still trying to get someone’s attention. Clearly, your hopes that he would independently come to the conclusion that you both needed to listen Charlotte aren’t going to come to fruition.
“Are you really so scared of having a conversation with me, Cash Ewing?!” you call up to him mockingly, grinning to yourself when the banging immediately stops and you hear him start to stomp down the stairs. If there’s one thing that Cash hated, it was being called a coward.
You manage to rearrange your features into a neutral mask before he comes back into view, looking down at you on the couch with a severe expression.
“I would’ve thought you’d be more bothered, Y/N,” he hisses at you, his blue eyes bright in his anger. “It’s not exactly a good look, being locked away at a party with another man while your fiancé is in the next room.”
Your mouth falls open, and no sound comes out; all you can do is gape at him.
He makes no move to break the silence, glaring down at you, arms crossed and jaw clenched.
You burst out laughing, unable to help yourself as the reality of the situation hits you. Cash was acting like this because he thought you were with Jacob? Because he was jealous?!
Cash leans down, caging you against the couch with his strong arms and getting in your face.
“And just what exactly is so funny?” he snarls, his eyes locked with yours. Your laughter dies in your throat.
You shove him away from you angrily before answering; you had never let Cash intimidate you before, and you certainly aren’t about to start now.
“Jacob and I aren’t engaged, you moron,” you inform him coldly, crossing your arms again. He stares pointedly at the ring on your finger instead of offering a response, not denying that the issue of your relationship status is the reason why he’s acting like such a big, dumb baby.
“It’s stuck,” you admit with a chuckle. “We were undercover as a couple during our assignment, and I can’t get it off.”
Cash stares at you in silence, and you know him well enough to tell that he’s angry at himself right now, both for jumping to the wrong conclusion and for making his own feelings apparent in the process. Well, you certainly aren’t going to coddle him for it; he’s made you feel horrible all evening, when you’d been so excited to see him.
He’d been the first person you had searched for tonight, looking for him the moment that Charlotte had opened the front door. You’d missed him the entire time you had been away; you’re sure you talked about him to Jacob at least as much as he’d brought up Emily, maybe even more…
And when you had seen him tonight, all brooding good looks, the butterflies that you’d always felt around him came back tenfold. To know that he clearly feels the same way for you is such wonderful news.
But he’s made you feel like garbage tonight, and you don’t plan on letting that go lightly, reciprocated feelings be damned.
“I can’t believe you, Cash Ewing,” you hiss, glaring up at him defiantly. “You’ve been pissy with me all night because you’re jealous of Jacob? What gives you the right to be upset about me being in a relationship, huh?! We’ve been partners for years, and you’ve never said anything, but the first sign of me being with someone else and suddenly you’re acting lik–”
“Don’t,” he snarls, interrupting your rant, and your jaw snaps shut. So much for not letting yourself be intimidated by him…
“Where do you get off, speaking to me like that?” he seethes, his hands clenching into fists. “You disappear without a word for nine months, and then come back out of the blue with some random guy and a ring on your finger, and act like I’m not supposed to have feelings about it?!”
The jealousy looks good on him, especially when he’s dressed up for the party and out of his regular uniform. Dark dress pants, a crisp white shirt, and a blue tie that matches his eyes hanging loose around his throat… you feel yourself getting hot and bothered.
“And why, exactly, should you feel any sort of way about me being with someone else?” you snap, intent on getting a confession out of this stubborn, stupid man.
“You’re mine,” he growls possessively. You bite your tongue to keep up the façade, managing to keep your face neutral as you raise an eyebrow at him, though you’re sure you’re blushing terribly and giving yourself away.
“Who the hell do you think you are, Cash? I’m not yours; I don’t owe you anything!”
You’re intent on continuing to argue with him, but you notice that he’s stopped listening, his gaze on the ceiling above you. Irritated at his lack of focus, you tilt your head upwards to see what’s distracted him, and notice a wreath of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling above you. You fix him with another glare.
“Even now, you’re still looking around for a sign or for ‘the right time,’ instead of just being upfront and honest with me!” you scream incredulously. “You’re still scared of just acting on what you feel!”
You stand up, intent on moving away from him, from the mistletoe, from the whole situation, but he grabs your arm, pulling you against him firmly, his other hand grabbing your jaw and pulling you towards his face as he lowers your head to yours.
You make a half-hearted attempt to protest, but abandon that pursuit the instant his lips touch yours. His kiss is dominant, all-consuming, aggressive, and it makes your head spin and your toes curl. His hand moves down your arm to wrap around your waist, clutching you to him possessively, his other hand moving from your jaw to the back of your head, tangling his fingers in your hair as he turns your head to the angle he wants.
You’re briefly embarrassed by the desperate moan you let out from the intensity of the kiss, but Cash’s growl of approval makes you move past it quickly. Your hands, still crushed between your bodies, manage to grab hold of his shirt, pulling him towards you as you pour your heart and soul into the kiss.
You’d been attracted to Cash Ewing from the moment you laid eyes on him five years ago, and the crush had begun not long after that, but never in your wildest dreams (and there had been many involving him over the years) had you imagined that kissing him would feel so incredible.
Eventually, you two pull apart to catch your breath. The moment you do, you smack him in the chest, pushing him away from you.
“What makes you think you can just grab someone and –” you begin angrily, but Cash’s hand grips your chin and forces your jaw shut, his thumb over your lips.
“Shut up, Y/N,” he orders, eyes glittering down at you. “Just shut up for once. You want me to confess to you? Then you let me talk, and you listen.”
You blink up at him mutely, surprisingly even more turned on by him talking down to you like this.
“Y/N,” he begins, his voice husky as he murmurs your name, and you suppress a shiver at the sound. “I’ve wanted you from the moment I laid eyes on you. I’m crazy about you. I love the fire in your eyes when you tell people off, and how you somehow still manage to be the sweetest, kindest person in the precinct. I love the way you bite the end of your pen when you’re thinking hard about something. I love the way you’re not afraid of anything, and the way you call me an idiot when I rush into situations without thinking. I’ve loved you for years, and all that’s been keeping me going while you’ve been gone is the knowledge that I was going to finally work up the courage to tell you the minute you got back.”
He takes a couple deep breaths once he finishes his confession – Cash rarely spoke so much all at once – and you’re completely speechless, even after he releases your face from his grip. He takes the opportunity to kiss you again, your body immediately returning the gesture, but as he guides you back towards the couch you force yourself to pull away so that you can push him down first.
Kicking off your heels, you climb onto his lap, your knees to either side of his hips. Cash purrs approvingly, his large hands coming up to your hips, but you slap them away until they lay obediently at his sides. His gaze is intense as you wrap your arms around his neck, resting your forehead against his and looking deeply into his blue, blue eyes.
“I love you, Cash Ewing, I have from the moment we met. I love the way you correct typos in my reports when you think I don’t notice, and the way your tongue sticks out when you’re upset. I love that I can read you like an open book even when you try to close yourself off from the world, and I love that I always feel safe when you’re around. I thought about you constantly over the past nine months, and dreamed about finally being with you as soon as I got back. Please don’t make me wait anymore,” you whisper the request needily against his lips, kissing him fiercely.
His hands are on you again immediately, gripping your hips before moving back to squeeze your ass. You roll your hips against his encouragingly, whimpering into the kiss, and bring your hands from the back of his neck down to his chest, immediately fumbling with the buttons of his shirt. Cash leans back, watching you undress him with a great deal of satisfaction, shrugging out of his shirt the instant you finish with the buttons.
You’ve never been particularly kinky, never even considered having sex where anyone could walk in on you at any moment – your coworkers, no less – but with Cash you find yourself wanting to do anything and everything. You pull him back towards you by the loose knot of his tie, kissing him hungrily as your fingers explore the hard contours of his chest. He responds with just as much passion, kissing you like he wants to swallow you whole, his hands everywhere as he feels you up over your dress.
You reach behind you, grabbing the zipper and pulling it down, the top of the dress falling to your waist. Cash’s blue eyes darken even further as they take in your cleavage, your breasts pressed together invitingly in a black push-up bra. He slides the straps down your arms, immediately pulling the bra down, the rough pads of his fingers immediately teasing your nipples. You toss your head back, moaning wantonly, and hear him let out a low chuckle before his mouth closes around a nipple, his tongue toying with the sensitive bud in a way that has you writhing against him.
He releases you after a moment, pulling you back towards his chest, a smirk on his face from the way you’re responding to him. You glower at him, and he offers you a pleased smile in return.
“Why’d you stop?” you demand, your voice whiny with need.
“Because if you moan any louder, someone will hear and come check on us,” he says smugly, his grin widening as you blush bright red. Huffing, you slide off his lap, trying not to pout as you tug your bra back into place. You reach behind you again to pull up the zipper on your dress, but before you can Cash has pounced on you, turning you around until you were on your knees, body pressed against the back rest of the couch. He presses your face against the cushions before pressing himself against your back, leaning down to speak in your ear.
“Are you going to be able to keep yourself quiet, or do you need my help?” he asks mockingly, pulling your bra fully off you this time. You shiver against him, already breathless with need, your hands coming up to grip the back of the couch tightly. You feel Cash still behind you, before he grabs your wrist, peeling you away from the back of the couch. You look up at him questioningly.
“I’m not fucking you while you’re wearing another man’s engagement ring, even if it’s all pretend,” he tells you in a low, gravelly voice.
“Then I guess you’re not fucking me at all,” you grumble, glaring at him. “I’ve tried for days, but it won’t come off, and I can’t cut it off – Jacob wants to give it to his girlfriend.”
Cash growls at the mere mention of Jacob, and you smirk at his jealousy rearing its head again. In response, he snatches up your left hand, staring at the ring on your finger intently for a moment. Between one blink and the next, he’s taken your finger into his mouth, his tongue swirling around the ring, and you gasp at the sensation. He locks eyes with you, his gaze heated as he sucks on your finger in a way that makes you whimper, feeling filthy from the depraved act.
With one last hard suck, his mouth making a lewd, wet noise that makes your clit throb with need, Cash pulls the ring off your finger with his teeth. Not moving his gaze away from you, he spits the ring into his palm and places it on the side table. You swallow, your mouth dry, unable to say a word. Instead, your hands dart out, sliding your fingers through his belt loops and tugging him towards you by his hips. He obliges, coming closer and wrapping his arms around you, slowly laying you down on the couch and covering you with his body.
You lift your head off of the cushions to kiss him, coaxing him with your tongue to get even closer, your hands reaching between you to remove his belt, a thrill running through you as your hand brushes up against his erection through his pants. Cash hisses into your mouth, his hands moving down your body to the hem of your dress before snaking their way up under it, his fingers squeezing your thighs possessively and making you squirm underneath him. He hooks two fingers into the waistband of your panties, tugging them down your legs and off of you. In an act of pure depravity, he holds them to his face, breathing in deeply through his nose, his eyes locked with yours, and you groan at the sight, your eyes fluttering closed. You’re not sure you can take anymore of this…
A scrap of silk and lace, damp and musky, presses up against your mouth, and as your eyes snap open in your surprise, Cash stuffs your underwear into your mouth, gagging you with it. Rather than spitting curses at him the way you both likely anticipated you would at the action, you go limp, laying back against the couch without complaint, gazing up at him with wide, pleading eyes and your mouth full of your own underwear. You pant through the fabric, completely wild with lust, and Cash licks his lips, leaning back to unbutton his pants and free his hard cock. Your eyes hone in on his long, thick member, slightly curved and leaking at the tip, and let out a muffled moan of desire. You’ve never felt lust so intensely before; it feels like your body is going to burn up if you don’t get him inside you now.
Without a trace of shame or embarrassment, you spread your legs even wider to either side of his, hooking your feet around his butt and trying to pull him towards you, reaching down to pull up your skirt to your waist to join the rest of your dress. You absently notice that your vision is blurring with tears, both from the way your breathing is constricted and from your sheer need to have him.
“Fuck,” Cash breathes, leaning down to kiss your neck passionately, his hands running lightly up and down your sides. “I’ve thought about this moment for years, but never were you looking up at me as desperately as you are now.”
You give him another insistent moan, your legs fully locking around his hips and your arms thrown around his neck, stroking the short grey hair at the nape of his neck as you beg with your eyes. He looks deeply into your eyes, and you see nothing but lust and love for you in them before he moves to guide himself into you. The head of his cock slips through your slick entrance, stretching you out, and he buries his face into the crook of your neck, laving your neck and shoulder in kisses as he thrusts himself fully into your tight, wet heat.
The sound of his groan of pleasure in your ear sears itself into your memory, echoing your own muffled cry of soul-deep satisfaction. And then he starts to move his hips, and all conscious thought leaves you as you surrender yourself fully to just being in the moment with Cash. It’s the most all-encompassing feeling you’ve ever felt, the sense of completion you feel as you make love nearly overwhelming. It’s sweet and passionate, it’s quick and dirty, it’s perfect.
“Y/N,” Cash moans in your ear, the sound of him saying your name like that almost making you come undone. “Finally. You’re finally mine,” he whispers, nuzzling into your hair as he moves above you, hips pumping a slow deep rhythm as his hands roam your body greedily, possessively. You tighten your hold on him, wordlessly letting him know that you feel the same way as you whine through your makeshift gag, clinging to him desperately as you move your hips to match his thrusts.
He lifts himself off of you enough to rest his forehead on yours, staring deeply into your eyes as he quickens his pace. You notice a wicked gleam in his eye, and brace yourself for some evil trick.
“You’re gonna come for me, sweetheart,” he hisses against your lips, eyes bright as your body clenches around him in response. “You’re gonna come so hard around my cock, and then I’m taking you home with me so I can make you do it again and again, without you needing to be kept quiet,” he teases, roughly inserting a few of his fingers into your mouth, choking you deliciously with your panties. The dirty talk and rough treatment make your eyes roll into the back of your head, and you fight your body telling you that you were getting close. If you let him win now, this first time, you’d never hear the end of it.
With strength you didn’t know you had, you throw yourself off the couch, rolling onto the carpeted floor and bringing Cash with you, managing to get him on his back underneath you. His surprise is evident on his face, but his expression immediately morphs into one of pleasure as you sink back onto his cock, riding him hard and fast. Lifting one hand from his chest, you pull your underwear from your mouth and press them to his lips with your fingers. He lets out a groan of arousal as you take charge, looking up at you with fascination and awe.
“I’m going to ride you until you can’t remember your own name, Cash Ewing,” you tell him in a husky voice, gyrating your hips in circles and making his grip on your waist tighten as you hit an angle that has both of you moaning. Keeping yourself there, you both work to bounce your body up and down on his cock, you covering his mouth with your underwear and him reaching up to cover your mouth with a large hand, muffling your noises of pleasure as you try to get the other to reach their peak first.
In the end, it’s pretty close, and you already know that you’ll both go to your graves swearing the other person came first. Either way, your orgasm washes over you like a powerful wave, Cash pinching your nose as the rest of his hand clamps over your mouth to try to keep you relatively quiet, even as he lets out a loud grunt as he releases deep inside of you. Once you both manage to keep quiet, Cash releases your mouth and spits your panties up at you, giving you a sinful smirk before guiding you to lay down against his chest, stroking your hair gently. As much as you would love to relax and curl up with him, the thought of getting walked in on post-coital and spread out on your boss’s basement floor has you fighting temptation and forcing yourself up and off Cash, batting away his hands as they try to keep you in place.
“Where are you going?” Cash asks, a twinge of vulnerable desperation in his voice that makes your heart melt. You’d apologize for not telling him about going undercover eventually, but not now.
“We have to get out here,” you explain, taking in his nude form spread out on the carpet with an appreciative gaze. He sighs, looking up at you wistfully before sitting up, making a show of pocketing your sodden underwear. You roll your eyes, pulling your bra back into place and zipping up your dress, trying not to appear too dishevelled. When you turn back to Cash he’s fully dressed, fiddling with his tie. You walk up to him almost shyly, reaching up to fix the knot until it’s laying properly against his shirt. He smiles down at you fondly, trying to smooth your hair down before giving up and settling for giving you a sweet, (relatively) chaste kiss.
“I just have to give Charlotte the wine and get Jacob his ring back, and then I’m all yours,” you promise, bending to put your shoes back on. These heels were already hard enough to walk in, but now you have to deal with being weak in the knees on top of everything.
“I’ll give loverboy his ring back,” Cash says, snatching it off the table before you can grab it for yourself. “Time to introduce myself and let him know where he stands,” he jokes, giving you a wink and heading for the stairs. You snatch up the bottles of wine and hurry after him, trying not to trip.
“You better be nice to him, Cash Ewing!” you hiss up the stairs at him, hearing him chuckle in response.
“The door’s open; you should wait a couple minutes before coming out or it’ll look suspicious,” he offers in reply, slipping out before you can protest. He did have a point, you suppose…
You give it a couple of minutes before sneaking up the stairs, trying to blend into the party without looking too guilty… or rumpled…
You find Charlotte right where you’d left her, and place the bottles of wine on the bar behind her.
“Thank you, Y/N. I hope they weren’t too difficult to find – you were gone for quite awhile,” she says knowingly with a bright smile. You force yourself to return the gesture, feeling your face flush. Nosy, manipulative woman… but you suppose you should thank her.
“No, the problem was that sticky doorknob,” you reply with a frown.
“Ah, well… things like that can be stubborn, but eventually they open up. Wine?” she offers innocently, positively beaming at you now.
“No, thank you. I’m actually going to head out, Charlotte – it’s still a lot for me to be around big groups of people after my time away,” you say, the excuse only partly a lie. You are finding it difficult being in a crowd without feeling the need to constantly look over your shoulder.
“Alright, dear. Well, it was lovely to see you again,” the older woman says kindly, cupping your cheek fondly.
“Do you think Cash would want some wine?” A voice chimes in, and Jacob appears suddenly, joining your conversation. You don’t say anything, but your mouth falls open as you watch him and Charlotte looking at you with identical wicked smiles and laughter in their eyes. So, they had been colluding, working together to lock you and Cash in the basement… this was a dangerous pair that you would need to keep an eye on.
But not tonight.
You scan the room, finding Cash standing head and shoulders above most everyone else, his blue eyes already on you. Flashing him a shy, flirty smile, you tilt your head in the direction of the front door, and he winks at you, immediately moving to the foyer. You bite your lip to keep a smile from breaking out across your face, looking back to Jacob and Charlotte guiltily.
“I don’t think so,” you reply to Jacob’s earlier question, and he rolls his eyes.
“Ugh, get out of here already! If I have to listen to you talk about Cash Ewing one more time…” Jacob warns, shooing you away with a wry grin. You dodge his hands, darting past them to wrap him up in a quick hug before doing the same to Charlotte.
“Thank you, you meddling little jerks,” you tell them both earnestly. “I’ll see you Monday!”
You move through the crowd, waving at everyone that gives you a friendly nod or greeting, eventually making your way to the foyer where Cash is waiting, your coat over his arm. He helps you into it, bundling you up quickly.
“What’s the rush, Officer?” you tease, doing up the buttons on your coat. You bite back a gasp as you feel his hand slip beneath your coat and dress, wandering up your thigh. “Cash!” you hiss, your eyes darting around to make sure that no one is watching.
“There’s a person of interest I’ve had my eye on for awhile,” he replies cheekily, patting his pocket where he had put your underwear. “I believe I made her some promises earlier in the evening that I intend to make good on,” he leers down at you, his gaze heated. You find it hard to breathe.
He takes your hand in his, the gesture as comfortable and natural as breathing to you, and pulls you towards the front door and out into the cold night.
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[Just FYI, it’s canon that Cash bought the ring from Jacob and kept it to propose to you with when the time came; it meant more to the two of you]
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anarchy-n-glitter · 1 month
Bring the Pain
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Summary: Daphne Napier used to date Charles Lee Ray when she lived in Chicago... or at least he told her they were dating. He taught her everything she knew, helped her become the person she is today, and she truly believed he loved her. Then he died. Alexis Quinn lives in Hackensack, New Jersey with her girlfriend Tess Monroe. (Chucky/Charles Lee Ray x OC/reader) Words: 4,480
A/N: I have finally finished chapter 1 of Daphne's fic thank u chucky season 3 <3333
Chapter 1
She was cleaning their apartment when she found it. 
Alexis had a nice apartment. It was larger than most Jersey apartments, with nice hardwood floors and four bedrooms. It was on a higher floor of a very nice building, in an even nicer part of town that made her question why Alexis hung around people like her and her friends. The furniture inside was older and made of dark oak wood, with deep gem colors and a velvety texture, and in the center of the living room was a large rug made of white fur - she still wasn’t sure if it was real or not. The kitchen had marble counters and stainless steel appliances. 
When she had been invited over for the first time a couple of months after meeting Alexis she tried not to show her shock and awe. After all, she never would have guessed Alexis was rich just by looking at her. The strawberry blonde woman often dressed like one of the local goths: all black with fishnets and touches of her favorite color, which was pink, and darker makeup. Alexis described herself as punk, though, and some outfits of hers fit that description, but the moment she saw where she lived she dismissed the idea of Alexis being anything other than a young woman rebelling against her rich parents. 
That night, Alexis confessed that she had a crush on her, smiling bashfully yet hardly hiding that seductive look in her emerald eyes under the low light of her fireplace.
“I like you.” She said so casually as everyone around them chattered amongst themselves. There were probably twenty other people there that night, Alexis called it a small house party, and she secretly wished she went there alone. The music was blaring. Her dark eyes widened with shock as she leaned forward. 
“What?” She choked into her red cup. 
“I said I like you, Tess.” All the brunette could do was blink in shock. The admittedly intimidating woman smiled widely and dropped her head as she laughed, her strawberry bangs covering her eyes. 
“You don’t do this often do you?” She chuckled. Tess’s face grew redder than a tomato as she stumbled over her words, trying to regain her composure and save her dignity. “Tess.” Alexis’s green eyes shone with amusement, like a cat that was playing with a mouse, but her tone was serious. 
“Shut up and kiss me.” 
Her tactic seemed to work though, it got her into bed, and it was the start of their relationship. 
Three years passed and now Alexis was out every night doing god-knows-what and she was stuck at home cleaning. Her mother would laugh at her, remarking that “she always knew Alexis was the man in the relationship” in her usual spiteful tone before lecturing Tess on how she was right and she needed a real man. Her mother never was too supportive of her or her relationships. Alexis was not the first woman she loved, and - while she was sure they’d be together forever - if it didn’t work out Alexis wouldn’t be the last either. Her mother never seemed to understand that. 
Her mother’s opinions were incredibly outdated for the year 2021.
But part of her was growing resentful of her mother’s words, not just because she was not-so-vaguely homophobic, but because she was onto something. Tess stayed home all day and all night, not having to work because Alexis had it all covered somehow, and she cooked and cleaned and took care of everything around the apartment - Alexis’s apartment - while her girlfriend was out all day, sometimes all night too. She never signed up to be a housewife, and while staying home all day was nice at first, she had things she wanted to do and achieve eventually. Not to mention the fact that their relationship was supposed to be built on equality.
Make sure you get under the couches, you always forget under the couches. Her mother’s voice echoed in her head even when she didn’t want it there. Even though she hated to admit it, the disembodied voice of her mom was right, she did almost forget to clean under the couches. She started with the deep magenta one against the wall closest to the entrance, moving it onto the white rug before pausing.
There were magazines and newspapers underneath. 
Each one was clearly old, with the edges of their pages bent and creased and frayed. They looked well read, with creases on the spine of each magazine. The images were faded, but she recognized the face on each one. Emerald eyes stared back at her, and the usual mess of curly hair was pulled into two low ponytails, though it was a much darker auburn color than the rosy blonde she usually sported. On her lips was a dark red lipstick, and around her neck was the same choker with the magenta gem in the center…
The title of each magazine was relatively the same, something along the lines of “I secretly dated a serial killer.” There were a few mentions of a man, Charles Lee Ray, a familiar name to anyone who lived in Jersey or Chicago. She looked on with horror but also skepticism. They all looked like tabloid trash, and she was sure her girlfriend couldn’t have been in a magazine from over 30 years ago. She became more concerned about why her girlfriend would photoshop herself into a magazine claiming to be a dead serial killer’s mistress…. but the magazines felt old… too old to be faked. 
She pushed a strand of thin, brown hair back behind her ear as her hand shook.
She placed the magazines to the side and looked at the newspaper. In big, bold letters it read: 
with a picture of the same woman walking down the steps to a courthouse. On either side of her were her lawyers and a security guard, and she was dressed like Marissa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny, with a sleek black dress and a baggy leather jacket. She was hiding her face from the people who waited outside, flanking either side of the barricaded steps, flashing cameras and hurling words at her from the looks of it. She seemed to be the same age as Alexis. 
The article inside mentioned a slew of things she’d never read up on before. She was familiar with Charles Lee Ray, and the events in 1988, but she’d never heard of Daphne Napier. She supposed if she was acquitted most people didn’t find it interesting enough to talk about her in podcasts or discussions online, and she wasn’t really into true crime so she wouldn’t have known either way, but something about this new story kept her wanting to read more. The article said she claimed she had been in a relationship with his other accomplice, Eddie Caputo when she was only seventeen, and when she realized what exactly her boyfriend was doing she tried to get away. She then claimed the two killers held her hostage for four years, and while she said she never did any of the killing herself, she admitted to being forced to help them get away and clean up their messes. 
The images made her sick to her stomach. They were uncannily similar to Alexis in every way, and for some strange reason, deep down she feared the woman she’d come to love was not who she claimed to be. She couldn’t bear to look inside the magazines, wondering just what Daphne might have said to those publishers as opposed to a judge and jury. She supposed it wasn’t good. 
The sound of keys jingling in the hallway and the door unlocking startled her.
“Tess? You up? I’m home!” Alexis’s (or could she even call her that anymore?) thick brooklyn accent sounded from the hallway. Tess froze, still holding the newspaper in her hands as large, black boots with pink laces came into view. Her gaze traveled up the length of her fishnet-clad legs and the rest of her body, where she met that same emerald stare from the cover of the magazine. Tess’s eyes filled with tears as Alexis tilted her head like a curious dog. 
“What’cha got there?” She asked with no hint of malice or even nervousness. Tess looked down slowly at the paper, then back at her girlfriend. She had no idea why she felt so frightened. She opened her mouth to speak and found it hard to put the words together. At worst, her girlfriend is somehow much older than she looks and claims to be, with a different name and a past filled with serial killers. At best she’s just a true crime nut who has the hots for Charles Lee Ray. She honestly hoped it was the second option, that was much easier to deal with.
Her mouth was dry. “I don’t know what this is” was all she could muster. Alexis took another step forward, looking over Tess’s shoulder with that same look of innocent curiosity. She furrowed her brow. 
“That’s me.” She stated simply, as if the very idea that a picture of a woman 30 years ago was actually her wasn’t earth shattering for Tess. The brunette let out a small whine.
“What?” Emerald eyes met her brown ones. Alexis smiled again.
“That’s me. Daphne Napier is me.” She doubled down in a completely serious tone, pointing to the newspaper and magazines. She must have lost it, Tess thought, or maybe I have if I’m starting to believe her.
“Daphne Napier was twenty one when this article was published. You’re almost twenty five.” But you haven’t aged a day since we met. Alexis, or Daphne, smiled to herself, the look of innocence gone. Her smile seemed malicious and bitter. She put her hands on her hips and began to pace the foyer. 
“You weren’t supposed to see that.” The way the cherry blonde laughed sent shivers down Tess’s spine. “Look, Tess, there’s a lot that you don’t know about me, there’s a lot I haven’t told you.” She stopped and gestured between the two of them. 
“I thought we had something special.” She sounded heartbroken. Tess stood, grabbing Alexis’s (Daphne’s) hands in hers. 
“We do!” Tess exclaimed, bringing Alexis’s (Daphne’s) cold fingers to her lips. “We do.” She reassured her, whispering against her flesh. “I just don’t understand.” There was a change in her girlfriend’s eyes, something more sinister replacing the sorrow. 
“I really liked you too, I was hoping we could keep doing this for a few more years.” She was laughing but hardly smiling. There was something deep down that told Tess to run - to get out of there before she got hurt. But Alexis would never hurt her… right? 
This wasn’t Alexis though, and Tess could never be sure Alexis ever existed. This was Daphne Napier, a woman who was most likely a monster in her own right.
“We can.” She ignored the warning signs, that feeling deep inside, to appease the woman she’d come to love. She hoped there was some truth to the Alexis persona, and she hoped there was something to save here. “I’ll forget I saw it, I promise. Your name is Alexis Quinn.” Tess muttered. She wasn’t sure if she was saying to appease the erratic woman in front of her or if she was trying to convince herself.
Tess could feel her heartbeat in her throat as her stomach turned uneasily. She couldn’t hold Alexis’s emerald gaze any longer. Who are you, Alexis? She thought to herself uneasily. Who am I? What are we doing here?
Her name is Alexis Quinn. Her name is Alexis Quinn. Her name is…
“I’m sorry.” Tess could barely react before something was smashed against her head, and she fell to the floor. Daphne stood over her, watching silently to make sure her (soon to be ex) girlfriend was truly knocked out. She glanced at the old, iron doorstep in her hand and sighed as she dropped it. It collided with the wood floor with a loud THUD!
Blood began to pour from the large gash in the back of the brunette’s head, like the crimson halo of a fallen angel. Daphne sneered at the girl, Fallen’s right, don’t know about any angel though. She knelt down and felt at Tess’s pale-growing-paler-by-the-minute neck, cold fingers searching for a pulse. Weakly, the brunette reached out for her wrist, for comfort from the person she once loved so dearly. Daphne pulled her hand back quickly. 
“I hate it when they don’t see it’s over.” She huffed, sadistically mimicking the cadence of a valley girl in a high school drama. “The best exes know when it’s time to move on.” She whispered, her voice shifting to something more soothing as she tauntingly ran her fingers through Tess’s thin strands. Her other hand reached for the doorstep beside her. 
“Take a few notes from the other guys and drop dead already.” The iron struck the side of her head quickly and without mercy - the cracking sound her skull made would be sickening to anyone less than a pro, but luckily Daphne was just that. 
“Alright, Damballa, this one’s a little early so you gotta work with me, here.” She muttered as she gripped the pink gem on her choker. She swore it glowed ever so softly whenever she did this, though she could never prove it. With one hand raised to the sky, she spoke with conviction. 
“Ade due Damballa…”
Chicago, Illinois
It was true. Daphne felt sick to her stomach. 
Her emerald eyes were locked on the man in front of her; disheveled with stubble along his chin, tousled dark hair, and a brown coat wrapped around his wiry form. The black fingerless gloves on his hands almost completed the look. He looked like a bum. 
“You left him there?” Her voice was weak and shaking, hiding the anger and sorrow that lurked beneath her porcelain skin. Dark eyes looked her up and down, which only served to fuel the fire that raged in her gut. She wanted to drive the screwdriver that laid on the dirty, broken counter into his eye. The hideout was a mess, and she assumed it was because neither her nor Tiffany had been around in some time. From what she heard, Chuck seemed to have found someone new.
She would be lying if she said it didn’t hurt. 
“I haven’t seen you in god-knows-how-long and this is the first thing you wanna talk about? Anyway, what’s that around your neck? You get into gaudy jewelry lately?” Was all Eddie could muster. Daphne glared at him as she clutched the pink gem on the golden necklace she had bought from some lady. The gem was valuable, the necklace itself… not so much. She would have to make something more suited to her style. 
Everything else was the truth, though, he hadn’t seen Daphne since she stopped seeing Chucky. Part of him thought she was dead - thought Tiffany had gotten to her or maybe Charles got bored before…
Either way, Daphne stood before him, dark lines of mascara running down her tear soaked cheeks with smeared lipstick upon her perfect, plump lips. Her dark apparel seemed appropriate - he guessed she saw the news, though she always dressed like that. It was part of the reason Tiff stopped dressing like an uptown brat. Daph’s auburn hair was as fiery as the day she left. Winter fire… 
Fire was all she was as she seethed in place, clenching her fists. Large, black boots stomped on the ground, taking Eddie out of his thoughts.
“No. No, you are not changing the subject. You left him there!” She screeched. She was so angry she could tear him apart with her bare hands. She fought the urge to wrap perfectly manicured fingers around his thin neck. “You have - no, had - one job! One fucking job, Eddie!”
“The cops were closing in on us, Daph.” He began, taking that same patronizing tone he used to use when they argued when they were dating. It only made her angrier. Made her heart ache more. 
“Oh wait, I forgot, you only care about him, right?” That was the last straw. Her fist pounded on his chest.
“He was our friend you fucking asshole!”
Eddie grabbed her wrists, pulling her even closer. Daphne felt like she could collapse then and there. Her legs felt like jelly, her head heavy and hazy as she tried to focus through the barrage of tears that flooded her eyes. She had never felt so many emotions at once before… it was terrible and smothering. “He was a bit more than a friend to you, though. Isn’t that right, Daph?” She pushed herself away from him and stumbled backwards before collapsing to the ground, heaving. 
All she could do was wail, feeling the rawness in her throat and the heaviness in her chest. Every move she made reminded her she was still here, still breathing, still alive. 
She was alive, unlike Chucky, and that was what hurt the most. She thought the worst thing he did to her was leave her… she had a whole other thing coming. 
“Shut the fuck up.” She muttered through the tears, wiping lamely at her cheeks. 
“Tiff put an end to that one, didn’t she?” She bit her tongue at that one, glaring up at the cowardly man in front of her through blazing bangs. 
“I didn’t know about that! He insisted they weren’t together anymore, he said she was crazy!”
“He was only half lying, then. What a good guy!” Eddie spouted sarcastically. Daphne rolled her eyes. 
“What we had doesn’t erase the fact that I still care…” She trailed off, biting back the tightness in her throat and tears that swelled in her eyes as she realized her mistake. “Cared about him.” She choked. 
“I cared about you, Daph.” Eddie crouched down beside her. Daphne scoffed and crossed her arms, scooting away from him ever so slightly as she fought the urge to laugh bitterly in his face. “No, really, I did. I mean, Charles had a point, dating you when I did was bad news but he was only saying that cause he wanted you for himself. I thought you were beautiful, intelligent and so wise beyond your years.” 
“C’mon, Eddie, we both know that’s bullshit.” She sniffled, rubbing her slick nose with the sleeve of her magenta cardigan. He knew she was referring to his accusation.
“Is it? He tells me to dump you, and I send you away cause of it. You turn nineteen, start coming back around, and suddenly he’s all over you.” He would be lying if he said he wasn’t still a little bitter. 
“I was almost twenty.” Daphne exclaimed with conviction, ever the naive teen he met all those years ago. He rolled his eyes at her. “I didn’t just turn nineteen when I got together with Chuck. Anyway, it’s not like you’re much better.” She got to her feet, towering over the gaunt man in her platform boots. 
“Don’t try to take the moral high ground when you dated a goddamn seventeen year old!” She continued, rubbing in the little fact Eddie conveniently left out of his manipulation. Daphne was sixteen when she met Eddie, and she was indeed seventeen when they decided to make things official. 
She thought she was so cool back then. Now she knows what happened.
“Jesus…” Eddie muttered as he stood. 
“At least Chuck had the decency to know that was fucked up! He respected me.” Daphne crossed her arms and looked away, her eyes focusing on the screwdriver again, if only for a moment. She thought of Chucky in that moment - thought of the way his sky colored eyes seemed to soften at the sight of her, the way he would smile at her and guide her hand while he taught her to slit someone’s throat, the way he corrupted her in the sweetest and most sinful ways and the way he whispered loving words in her ear, holding her closer and closer until…
“He loved me.” She stated in a voice no louder than a whisper, and in her heart she knew it was true. 
“You’re fucking delusional.” Eddie spat, throwing his hands up in frustration as he pushed past her. “You sound like Tiff.” 
That was the last straw. 
Daphne was quick to grab the screwdriver from the counter and plunge it into Eddie’s open palm, ripping through the cheap cotton blend and tearing through his flesh. He pulled away from her grip, her hand still firmly wrapped around the tool as she withdrew it, blood dripping off the rusted metal and onto the dusty floors. Eddie cradled the wounded hand close to his chest, his dark eyes wide and focused on her as he monitored her closely, making sure she wouldn’t drive the rusty tool into his neck next. 
“Don’t you ever compare me to her! I’m my own person, Eddie!” Daphne screamed before turning around. She felt the anger bubbling in her chest again, the red that blinded her vision. She could kill him right then and there, and she felt she would be justified.
After all, he did kill her best friend.
(Her best friend who hadn’t spoken to her in a year. Her best friend who basically pumped and dumped the moment things got too complicated for him, regardless of how she felt.)
“I’m not some bumbling, insecure psycho idiot who tries to be someone else when my man loses interest! I at least know when to take the hint and walk away!” Spoken like someone who wasn’t completely and utterly insecure - no, not at all, she thought to herself. Daphne’s feelings toward Tiffany were complicated. She did feel bad about what she inadvertently did to her, yet part of her was still angry at the woman. After all, had she not threatened to kill Daphne, her and Chucky would still be together. 
Would being the other woman be enough for her, though? Would she truly be happy with the small stops and little visits that resulted in sex and not much else? 
She paced around the kitchen like a caged tiger - unpredictable and dangerous, as usual. Eddie missed when Daph wasn’t so comfortable with killing and maiming. 
In many ways Chucky changed her for the worse.
A sudden calmness came over her eyes, practically glazing them over as a smirk made its way to her smudged lips. She dropped the screwdriver.
“Hope you got your tetanus shot, babe, you’re probably gonna need it.” She began as she turned on her heel, leaving Eddie trembling in the corner to watch her slink out the front door. 
Along the way, Daphne seemed to miss a little boy walking down the street alone, hugging his Good Guy doll close to his chest.
Hackensack, New Jersey
Daphne was tired. Things were starting to get a bit desperate now that it had been two whole years since she killed Tess. 
A soul can only last as long as the amount of time she spends sweetening them up. Unfortunately for her, she was beginning to run out of time with no one new lined up to take Tess’s place. Sure, a one night stand here and there could give her a few more days, but the amount of people she would have to sleep with in order to stay young for another year while she lines up the next poor sucker would be too damn many.
The amulet of eternal life was complicated like that - it needed a soul to sustain a soul. 
God, it made her sound like a vampire.
Spiritual vampire, she used to muse cheerfully to herself as she would consider taking another life for her own. The souls would keep her young forever, or at least that’s what she thought. It took only a few more wrinkles near her eyes for her to figure out she needed a connection with the souls the amulet collected.
Now she was a fucking black widow. 
She was grateful for a few of her exes, though, like the older rich man Boris. He’s the reason she didn’t have to work anymore, and the reason she was living in the apartment she was. Once she got rid of his brats, and sweet talked him into putting her into the will, she killed him. Best three years of her life, though. The gowns and gifts were to die for!
But Tess was different.
Daphne hadn’t felt so alive in a long time. In a lot of ways, Tess seemed to fill the hole Chucky had left over thirty years prior. She was wonderful and kept her on her toes, even if it wasn’t in the usual exciting way Chucky used to. She managed to make Daphne laugh, made her appreciate life again…
And she supposed that was why she struggled to find a new victim. No one was Tess… or Chucky for that matter. 
Her apartment was dark and empty, with no one around to liven the place up. Daphne was out all day and night searching for someone… someone to love, someone to hold, someone to consume into her own being when the time was right. 
God I hate dating! She thought frustratedly as she slid down the surface of her front door.
Then, in the darkness, she heard something drop. It sounded like one of her books, but she couldn’t be sure. She pressed her lips into a thin line and straightened up, feeling irritation and anger in her core. Oh, whoever decided to try and rob me tonight is in for a bad fucking time. She thought bitterly. To her right was the iron doorstep, the same one she used to kill Tess, and though its metal handle burned her skin with the thought of what she did with it, she still crouched down to collect it. 
Its weight reminded her of her sins, but it excited her all the same. 
Daphne cautiously moved into the living room, where the blaze of a small fire illuminated the area and she saw the silhouette of what looked like a child sitting in her armchair. Confused as to how she missed the light from the front door and why a child would even be in her apartment, she wavered in her stance, lowering the iron. 
The tableside lamp clicked on, and before her sat an aging Good Guy doll. 
Red hair tousled and ragged, with smile lines around his thin lips and bags under sky blue eyes that used to stare at her lovingly, Daphne knew exactly who this was. 
“Hiya doll.” Chucky greeted in his usual raspy, sarcastic tone. “It’s been a while.”
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imdoingsortagay · 2 years
Hard Day’s Night
Summary: After a long and grueling day from working, you are excited to get home to your girlfriend but not before getting a pretty funny text from her friend about how her day seemed to be going. 
word count: 2k
a/n: the gif is my favorite thing ever and this was so fun to write too enjoys besties because i know i did. that episode was fun ask
warnings: fluff and Jen throwing it back, mention of Dennis ( for like a bit it’s fine ), cute jen.
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You knew that ever since Jen got turned into a hulk, like her cousin, she’s always come home with interesting stories involving her new job, hero duties, and so on. Way before she even turned into the hulk, both of you made it a tradition to make each other dinner/order food depending on who gets there first. A nice hot meal with your favorite person while she gets to hear about how your day went at work and you get to hear about her whatever the fuck Dennis said at work again that made her want to punch her. 
So after a couple of weeks where both of your schedules never seemed to match due to her new job with GLK/H while you had to turn in many presentations, both of you were excited to get to talk about how the day went for each of you, Jen most of all. 
Jen ❤️❤️❤️: Getting home @ 8 pm babe, can’t wait to tell you about my day. 
While you had been preparing a simple dinner for your girlfriend, Jen never knew that Nicki had sent you a video of her and what seemed to be Megan thee stallion dancing in her office. Not like simple dancing but throwing her ass back. 
The caption only read “ MEGAN “ from Nicki and nothing else. No explanation to it either and you have to know what the fuck happened there, compared to your day of getting a free coffee. If you think about it kind of flex. 
The lovely y/n: okay babe 🥺🥰🥰 can’t wait to hear what happened during your day. 
30 minutes pass by and after completing your nightly skin routine, you hear the front door open and are met with Jen who looks super tired but also very excited at the same time. She immediately runs up to you to hug you, Jen was always a sucker for a good hug that’s for sure. 
“ you ready for dinner Jen? I found a good recipe online and decided to try it,” you tell her and she nods with enthusiasm, waiting for the right time to tell you how her day went. 
It’s no secret to anyone ( even her bartender knows) that she’s a big Megan Thee Stallion fan. The number of times you’d walk into her office at the da’s office to see her laser-focused on some papers with some of her songs in the background for motivation, Drunk Jen attempting to throw it back to some of her songs
And failing ( not to you though cause girlie could get it) or even her motivation playlist she’ll blast when she gets ready for work. She is the biggest Stan and you honestly find it funny. 
You decided to let her tell you first how her day went while the both of you ate dinner. Of course, Jen let you talk about your day, how you got the free coffee, your coworker talking about her cat having babies, and even the orange stray cat by your apartment which you named cheddar cheese of course making an appearance when you got home from work. 
“ out of all the things you name the cat and you choose cheddar cheese babe ?” She says trying to best to not laugh and you try to slap her lightly but she moves away in time for you to miss. 
You’ll get her next time. 
“ meanie,” 
“ says the one who made fun of my name choices,” you say back to the brunette.
“ cheddar cheese for a cat? I beg to differ “ 
“ lame, but let’s move on past that babe, I would like to hear about your day,” you say as you put your attention on her and after a couple of seconds she realizes Nikki must have sent you the video from the office that she thought would be funny to film. 
“ y/n did Nikki send you the video ??? “ she says with a pout on her face, a bit sad that she didn’t get to break the news about meeting one of her idols herself. 
“ I need more explanation to that video because I don’t know what the fuck is going on with just Megan with full caps as the caption,” you tell her and she spills everything about her day. 
How she went into the office trying to deal with all of Blonsky's stuff, Wong being late to the hearing and almost thinking of fighting him herself because he literally portal why the fuck would he be late? You never hear about traffic in portals. 
“ Like the man portals???? I’m no scientist but does he not have an assistant to help him or someone to remind him of stuff to do,” she says as the both of you sit on the couch, watching whatever tv show rerun is on. Thank fuck for the dishwashers because neither of you was in the mood to clean dishes. 
She continues about the rest of her day, going to testify for Dennis as to whether he believed he could pull off a woman like Megan thee Stallion, then finding out that she was in the courtroom as the hearing was going on!!!!!!! 
“I understand her being there since it has to do with someone impersonating her but she got to hear me talk and must have been interested in my job as a lawyer,” she continues to speak about the goddess that is Megan Thee Stallion, her words not yours.
She continues about how Megan had asked for her specifically because it would help her with the current problem she had been having, which you aren’t allowed to know of for legal reasons of course. She even had a game plan of how to win the case for Megan.
Either way, you can’t help but look at your girl with love and affection at how excited she was for this.
“ and then I told her that I’d ‘ kill for you Megan thee stallion’ which now that I hear now is a bit weird and OH MY GOD BABE WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING, “ she says as she covers her face in embarrassment, shocked that it took her til she got home to realize why the woman had told her to dial back but then again, if anyone else was in her shoes they’d just be focused on her and now think before the spoke. 
“ Jen,” you say as you remove her hands from her face,” she’s probably heard weirder things so I doubt that she’d remember it and just your sick-ass dance moves,”. Jen then covers her face again in embarrassment that Nikki filmed her dancing to Body and not caring who watches. Something that she’s only been told happens when she’s super drunk. 
“ Can we talk more about Megan y/n? I have so much to talk about like the fact that Pink is very much her- 
“ Jen,” you start which shuts her up,” I promise not to laugh if you tell me how you ended up dancing and how you very much failed to notice that your best friend was filming you” 
‘ Will she make fun of me? like I know that she’s seen me do some stupid asf stuff but even Nikki tried her best not to laugh. Shit even if I heard the story I’d laugh too’, Jen thinks to herself and you poke her side to get her attention, wondering what’s taking her too long to tell the story. 
“ Jen Honey, I promise not to laugh,” as she sees you cross your heart, even though something tells her not to say how it even happened.
“ so she wanted to see some of my sick-ass dance moves, as you say and I just gave her what she wanted in my opinion,” she said. 
“ there’s more to this story I need to know Jen” you beg. 
 “I’m not lying “
“Bullshit, Jen! please tell me I won’t laugh I pinky promise,” you say trying your very best to put puppy eyes, something that she can’t say no to. She gives you one of her many savage Jennifer Walters looks to counter you and again, you pucker your lips. 
Jen knows she’s close to winning this match against you, no way in hell that she’s gonna lose this one. 
“ Pookie,” you tell your girlfriend as you pout your lips for added effect. That last move made the brunette immediately give up, sad again that you’ve somehow beat her again. 
“ Why is it that you know the right time when to use that nickname on me y/n?” she asks. She really needs to work on that when she has the time. 
“ Just me being a silly goose is all Jen,” you saw with an innocent smile.
Damm you and calling me that nickname,’ she thinks to herself as you laugh in defeat that she’s gonna be able to tell you the story in full. 
And she does as she tells you how she came back from the courthouse to Holloway asking for her in his office to see the woman in an amazing pink suit, serving as always, asking for her, so she sends Megan to her office while they discuss detail. Jen goes to her office to see Megan looking amazing, they sign some papers then Megan says that she wants to see some of Jen's dance moves and after not even half a second of seeing the tall green woman dance along to her song, she had to interject. Jen failed to see you hold in a giggle because her moves when she’s happy or in a good mood never seem to be the best but you don’t ever want to hurt your feelings. Being that she’s probably on a high, best to tell her another time. 
“ so that’s the complete story of how my day went,” she says with a smile, again very much on a high and excited for what’s to come.
“ How about you show me some of the dance moves she taught you, babe? because that video that Nikki sent me earlier does not do justice,” you say to her. 
After a bit Jen gets off the couch, ready to show you some of the moves that she got taught. Lucky for you, Jen had her Megan playlist pinned to her Spotify so that she’d easily find it so she immediately went to that and played Body, which was the first song on the playlist. 
Not even 30 seconds into the song, Jen’s easily throwing it back, as if she’s been doing this for years and you start to laugh right because you couldn't not do it.
“ You know if you find this shit so funny y/n how about YOU come over here and show me some of your dance moves too?” she asks you. 
Oh? Is Jennifer trying to challenge you to a dance off ? 
Looks like she’s chosen the wrong opponent to go against meaning this should be very fun for the both of you. Jen’s smile as she looks at you proves to be true. 
“ Show you how the pros do it out here babe,” you tell her. 
“ Sure” 
“ i was fine watching you comfy on the couch tho Jen” 
“ that’s just you can spend all day staring at my ass and you know it, babe” 
“..... shut up and watch me dance Jen,” you say back to her who only stands quietly as she watches you dance in her opinion so much better than her. Looking at you with such amazement and adoration that makes you a bit more confident for the night. 
“ You ready to come and join me, Walters?,” you ask her and she comes right away. 
For the rest of the night til both of you had to sleep( work of course) you dance along to all of Megan Thee Stallions' music, enjoying the company of each other, and are just happy to be there with Jennifer Walter, your favorite person, and the best girlfriend.
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i-am-baechu · 1 year
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Chapter Six: The One About Breaking In 
Summary: “Did you just ask me if I sell coffee in a fucking coffee shop?” And with that, Taehyung was smitten by the Barista in the crazy flower sweater vest. Friendships will form but most importantly Taehyung will finally meet his soulmate. 
Genre: Idol au, strangers to lovers au, barista reader!, slow burn (friends with benefits to lovers kind of), semi-short storyish format, friendships, romance, angst, comedy, and smut
Main pairing: Idol! Taehyung x Barista! Reader 
Side ships: Hoseok x OC 
Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, homophobia, smoking cigarettes, drugs and alcohol usage 
⇜ Masterlist ⇝
“Taehyung said the guys are waiting in his hotel room.” 
Today, Taehyung invited Y/N and her roommates to hang out with everyone. He also wanted to introduce her to the rest of Bts. She saw this as a big step for their relationship (?). He was also meeting her friends and even though she talked about them a lot, it was his first time meeting them. She was so excited but also very nervous. Nikki and Julia are...unique to say the least. Marie sadly couldn’t make it because she had a doctor's appointment. Something about being sore. 
Last night, she watched multiple interviews to give somewhat of an idea of who they were and what to expect. She knew that a clip on the internet wasn’t the best research but she really didn’t want to read the interview (she was in a lazy mood). As she did this, Nikki was looking up their net worth and Julia was texting Hoseok. 
“This sounds like the start of a porn, Y/N.”
“Nikki, can you not? It’s literally ten in the morning.” 
Nikki shrugged her shoulders and ran her fingers through her curls, “That doesn’t mean anything to me. I can’t wait to beat your boyfriend.” 
“You're not going to beat him up...fucking hell.” 
The girls entered the hotel and walked straight into the elevator ignoring all the rich looking people. When the doors closed, Julia let out a loud sigh making Y/N look at her with furrowed eyebrows, “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m so hungry. Why couldn’t we stop for breakfast?” 
“I told you Julia, they have food for us and I want us to eat the food they paid for.”
“I really wanted that muffin...”
Y/N rolled her eyes at Julia and stared at the silver doors. She was still irritated at Julia for ruining her date a couple of days ago. She really wanted it to happen because it would be a step in the right direction of being his girlfriend (well soon enough). When they came home that night, Julia tried acting like nothing happened but that just made her more annoyed. Nikki told her that at least Taehyung took her away to spend time together but that wasn’t the point. Hoseok sent her text saying he was sorry about everything and she didn’t know if she should blame him or Julia. 
When the doors opened, the girls walked through the empty and Y/N was praying that her annoyance would disappear the moment she saw his chocolate eyes. They went up to the door and she thought it was weird that there were no bodyguards but maybe they were on a break. She knocked on the door and she looked at the wooden door with a confused look, “That’s weird.” 
“What’s wrong?”
She turned towards Nikki with furrowed eyebrows, “I don’t hear anything on the other side...he said that they were waiting for us.”
“Maybe you should call him.”
She nodded her head and walked away from them. She pressed his icon and she was shocked at how fast he picked up, “Is everything okay Y/N?” 
“I knocked on the door and no one came.”
“We didn’t hear a knock...”
“It's the hotel next to the Italian restaurant, right?” 
“Baby, it's the Japanese one...”
“Shit, I’ll call you back.”
She hung up and stared at the carpet with a blank face, how could she get the hotels mixed? She was usually really good at remembering things. The nerves probably got to me...She was annoyed at herself but she shook it off, this wasn’t going to ruin her day. She was determined to make this day good. She turned around and walked back to them to tell the girls that it was the restaurant on the other side of the road. When she walked back before she could process anything, Nikki kicked down the door and Julia clapped her hands. 
Her mouth dropped at this and ran towards them with a shocked face, “What the hell!?” 
Nikki looked at her and shrugged her shoulders, “No one was answering.”
“So you kicked the fucking door down?”
Y/N slapped her forehead and stared at the door with a blank expression, “What the fuck are we going to do? We can’t pay for this shit. Oh my god.”
Julia let out a small laugh and looked inside the room with curious eyes, “I wonder what they have.”
“We need to leave now.” 
“Wait, that dress is really nice.”
Nikki walked in the room and looked back at Y/N, “This is the wrong hotel, isn’t it?”
“Yes, now get the fuck out.”
“But Y/N this dress is nice.”
Nikki picked up the dark blue sequin dress and placed it on top of her body, looking in the mirror. Julia walked in and looked at the mirror with her head tilted, “I like that color on you.”
“I know right, it's perfect for my skin tone.” 
Y/N shook her head and looked around the empty hall with a panicked look before sending a glare at them, “Guys, we need to go.” 
“Y/N look, this is your size.” 
Y/N raised her eyebrow and bit her lip, “I don’t care...this is wrong.”
“It’s your favorite color.” Nikki picked up a lavender mini dress that was a deep v-neck that had ruching at the hip. The dress was really nice and Y/N kept looking at it. She shook her head at this and turned her back towards the girl, “Guys this is trespassing. This is wrong.” 
“I think Taehyung would like this dress. Don’t you think Julia?” 
“Yeah, it would make your boobs look great.” 
Y/N glanced over her shoulders and saw that Nikki was holding up the dress still. She shook her head and looked at the cream wall, “Guys we can’t....” 
“I know you want to...”
“Nikki, don’t gaslight me.” 
“Just look at the damn dress on.”
Y/N sighed to herself and turned around to walk into the same room that she was scolding them for. She snatched the dress from her hand and put the fabric against herself. She raised her eyebrow and the dress would look great on her, “It's pretty but we're leaving now.” 
“Y/N...you should take it.”
She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Nikki with a shocked look, “I’m not stealing this dress.”
“I mean, is it stealing?”
“Yes, yes it is.” 
Y/N’s phone started ringing and she took out phone (she sent a glare at Nikki who was looking through the person’s make up bag), “Hello...”
“Baby is everything okay?”
She glanced up to look at the two girls who were trying on jewelry and shook her head, “Yeah, everything is okay.”
“I was just missing you. Where are you?”
“I’m making my way there right now. Sorry we got sidetracked with something.”
“Okay, just let me know baby.”
“I will baby...i’ll see you soon.” 
“Okay bye.”
“Bye, bye.” Y/N sighed at her phone and shook her head. She put her phone in her pocket with a blank face, Why me? She tossed the dress on the bed and grabbed the back of the girls' collars, dragging them out of the room, “We are leaving and I swear to god if you tell the guys what you did, I will kill you.”
“You won’t break in and steal but you will do murder. What are your morals?”
“Nikki, shut the fuck up.” 
Extended Ending: 
The guys were really easy to talk to and they kept giving her compliments, something that made her blush. Taehyung had her sitting on her lap while Nikki sat next to Jin and Julia next to Hoseok. Nikki and Jin got along great (maybe too great) and Jimin thought Julia was funny. There were two people that were keeping to themselves, Yoongi and Namjoon. She kind of felt bad that they didn’t seem included with everything. She leaned forward to whisper in Taehyung's ear, “Are they okay?”
Taehyung glanced up at his two hyungs, “They’re observing everything. They like you guys, I’m sure.” 
“They do?”
“Yeah, if they didn’t like you guys then they would’ve said something.”
Y/N let out a sigh of relief and smiled at this, “That makes me feel good.” 
Taehyung smiled at this and his fingertips touched her clothed thighs. Just the small touch from him sent a shiver down her spine, “I can make you feel better if you stay over tonight.” 
“I-Is that a promise?”
“Oh princess, it is.” 
Y/N nodded her head and she glanced at Nikki to see her taking out a gold ring out of her pocket. She showed the ring to Jin and Y/N mouth dropped when she realized that Nikki stole from the hotel room. She shook her head and hid her head in Taehyung’s neck, “Take me away from them, please.” 
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