#sokoviansimp requests
sokoviansimp · 8 months
Hey i saw you wanted two prompt ideas, so how about
"I can't protect you."
"I don't know how much longer I can do this."
With Wanda saying both lines and if you could add a 'both' after you in first one.
And maybe its wanda being worried for yn who's pregnant with their daughter about whether she's strong enough to protect them both, and contemplating turning herself in to protect them. Or being retired but still being called. Something along those lines of whatever takes your fancy :D just happy ending tho lol
Thank you
Love's Triumph: A Maximoff Miracle
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✒ Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
✒ Summary: Wanda almost loses you in battle and then finds out that you're pregnant in the hospital while you fight for your life.
✒ Tags and Warnings: angst and fluff
✒ Author's Note: Hope you like it Twilight! Thanks for the request :)
✒ Word Count: 1487
✒ Read Time: 7 minutes
Masterlist : Socials : Part 1.5
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The Avengers had faced countless battles, but this one was different. The enemy was more formidable, and the stakes had never been higher. It almost seemed as if all those previous fights led them to this one. After years of searching for leads and extracting moles from their own organization, they knew the new information that they extracted would lead to something big. 
In the midst of the chaos and devastation, a blue streak appeared rushing past the front lines. Too quick to even make out anything, but before anyone could even react, a powerful blast struck the battlefield, sending shock waves through the Avengers' ranks. Wanda, not having time to notice the action, was thrown to the ground, her world spinning. She desperately looked around for you, panic gripping her heart.
It took agonizing moments for Wanda to locate her wife amidst the smoke and rubble. You lay motionless, buried beneath a pile of debris. Wanda's heart nearly stopped as she rushed to your side, using her powers to clear the wreckage as quickly as she could.
When Wanda finally reached you, you were pale and unconscious. Fear coursed through her like a tidal wave. Desperate, she cradled your limp form in her arms, her voice shaking as she called for help. 
The battle raged on around them, but Wanda was oblivious to it all. She focused all her energy on protecting you, her mind consumed by the thought of losing the love of her life. Her emotions got the best of her as she sat there helplessly by your side. In an explosion of her power, the battle wrapped up instantly. Her only thought was to get you somewhere safe. 
In the aftermath of the battle, you were rushed to the hospital, battered and bruised, but miraculously alive. The relief that washed over Wanda was almost unbearable, but it was short-lived.
Read here for part 1.5 (takes place here)
As Wanda sat by your bedside, days passed before you regained consciousness. On the third day, you groggily opened your eyes as you gently rubbed your thumb against Wanda’s hand as she held yours tightly, you looked up at Wanda with a weak smile. "Detka, oh thank god." she let out relieved to see your eyes again as she smothered you in a tight hug. Never wanting to let you go again. Tears welled up in Wanda's eyes as she leaned down to kiss you's forehead. "I thought I had lost you," she whispered, her voice trembling.
You reached out to cup Wanda's cheek, her touch gentle and loving. "You'll always protect me, Wanda. That's what you do."
But Wanda's relief was tainted by a new fear that had taken root in her heart. She had been so close to losing you, and now, as they faced the reality of the situation, she couldn't escape the overwhelming anxiety that had been building inside her, “I don't know how much longer I can do this." Wanda whispered, almost ashamed. The last thing she wanted was to lose you, but somewhere in her heart, she truly felt you would be safer without her. 
“What? Wanda, what do you mean?” Still a bit groggy, you weren’t sure where this was coming from, what you had done to make her feel this way. 
"I can't protect you both," Wanda finally admitted, her voice barely audible. She placed a trembling hand on your stomach, her eyes filled with fear and uncertainty. 
Your brow furrowed in confusion. "Wanda, what are you talking about?"
“It worked. We’re pregnant.” Tears streamed down Wanda's cheeks as she tried to explain. "I'm scared, Y/N. Scared that my powers, my life, will put you and our child in danger. I can't bear the thought of losing you both." She rambled on as you were still processing the new information.
Your expression softened with understanding. She reached for Wanda's hand, intertwining their fingers. "Wanda, we'll face this together. We always do, and little Benji will be even stronger for that." 
At the sound of the name you had chosen for your child, Wanda perked up as if instantly forgetting all the fears she was harboring, “Benji?” She nearly snapped, “What are we giving birth to, a dog?” 
You knew the name would get a rise out of your wife, and just as you expected, you were able to distract her from the fear she was spiraling into as you pondered on a name, “Oh, you think you can do better, Ms Maximoff?”
“Eh ehm, that’s Mrs. Maximoff to you, and yes absolutely. What about Tommy?” she reasoned. 
“Hmm, I like Timmy better.” You didn't really, in fact, you loved the name Tommy, but you just liked to get under Wanda’s skin a bit in any playful way that you could. 
The night that you were released from the hospital, you had both decided to spend a quiet evening at home. Wanda had ordered your favorite takeout, and the cozy aroma of food filled your living room as you snuggled up on the couch, blankets draped over your laps. 
Wanda leaned into you, resting her head on your shoulder. In return, you wrapped your arm around Wanda, pulling her close. You both let out contented sighs, reveling in the comfort of each other's presence.
As the two of you ate, Wanda couldn't help but steal glances at you. You were radiant, the soft glow of the lamp casting a warm light on your features. Wanda reached out and traced a gentle finger along your jawline, her touch feather-light.
You turned to look at Wanda, a soft smile playing on her lips. "What's on your mind, love?"
Wanda blushed, her cheeks turning a faint shade of scarlet. "Just how lucky I am to have you."
Your smile widened, and you leaned in to place a sweet kiss on Wanda's lips. "The feeling is mutual, baby."
They continued to eat, their conversation drifting from the mundane to the profound. Wanda's fingers found their way to yours, as you interlocked them, your hands fitting together like pieces of a perfect puzzle.
After you finished eating, the two of you were sitting on the couch snuggled in each other's arms when Wanda decided now was a good time to bring up something that had been bothering her, “Y/N?” 
You leaned into her further in response, “Hmm?” you acknowledged. 
“What do you remember about the battle?” she wondered. 
“Oh, uhm. I think I remember it all. We were fighting the soldiers at the peak of the hill when there was an explosion.” You explained from what you could recall, “After that, I woke up with you by my side.”
“Do you remember what caused the explosion?” Wanda pushed. 
“I don’t, oh! I remember something weird happening. Like a light or something.” You tried your best to give her the answers that she was looking for. 
“There was a blue streak of light and then an explosion before we knew it. It was him.” She softly said, knowing you might think she was out of her mind for thinking this, but if anyone would believe her, it was going to be you. 
“Who?” you weren’t sure where she was going with this. 
“My brother.” she said just above a whisper, “I know it was, you have to trust me. I could feel it. When they said he was dead I- I never believed them and you knew that.” She tried to get the information out as quickly as she could, worrying you were going to cut her off and dismiss her like all the other Avengers often did. It was easy for them to chalk her feelings up to denial, as it was just a part of the grieving process. 
You weren’t like the other Avengers though, you trusted your wife, “You really think so?” you said pulling back and catching her eyeline. 
“I know it was him.” She said confidently. 
“Where do we go from here?” you asked. Not knowing what she had in mind, especially with a baby on the way, “Why was he attacking us?” you wondered further. 
“I’m not sure. Do you think they’ll believe me?” she asked, wondering how the rest of the team would react to her theory. 
“If you’re sure it was him, they'll come around. I’m sure of it.” You matched her confidence. Knowing that even if they dismissed her, you would be able to persuade them. 
Wanda nuzzled her wife's neck, breathing in your familiar scent. "You know," she whispered, "every moment with you feels like magic."
You chuckled softly, your heart swelling with affection. "You're the magic in my life, Wanda."
As you gazed into each other's eyes, Wanda pressed her lips to yours once more. This time, the kiss deepened, a gentle dance of love and devotion. In that quiet, intimate moment, you found solace, knowing that your love was the most precious magic of all.
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sokoviansimp · 10 months
Package au 🥺
In the last fic you said about the habit of sucking her thumb. Maybe you could do something of wanda and Nat trying different things to get her to stop, pacifiers, chewies, ect and end it how you want
Bad Habits
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✒ Pairings: Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff x Child!Reader (platonic)
✒ Summary: Wanda and Nat try different techniques to get you to stop sucking your thumb.
✒ Tags and Warnings: thumb-sucking, stubbornness, fluff
✒ Author's Note: I really appreciate the request! Sorry, it took so long.
✒ Word Count: 1815
✒ Read Time: 9 minutes
Masterlist : The Package AU : Socials
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With all of the trauma that you had gone through thus far, one thing that you clung to like a security blanket was the habit of sucking your thumb. Wanda saw this as it happened but she acknowledged that it was normal for children your age to take part in such a coping mechanism so she didn’t bother interrupting your actions until now. She wanted to give you other ways to draw comfort from so that you wouldn’t become dependent on the action for so long that you can’t break it when you begin to lose your baby teeth. 
Natasha and Wanda brainstormed different strategies to help you break this habit, knowing it was important for her dental health and overall well-being. Their first attempt you could call the gentle approach. Together they agreed that the next time they saw you take part in the action they would try to talk you out of it. 
The opportunity first presented itself to Natasha as she was sitting with you in the common room watching cartoons. She sat next to you, her voice filled with warmth and understanding. "Sweetie, sucking your thumb isn’t healthy.  We can work together to break this bad habit. How about we find a special toy or stuffed animal to cuddle with instead? Whenever you feel the urge to suck your thumb, you can hold onto your new friend."
You nodded, your eyes bright with enthusiasm. Together, you searched for the perfect companion—a fluffy teddy bear named Benny. You clutched Benny close, finding comfort in his soft embrace. Though the thumb-sucking lessened, it still lingered as a deeply ingrained habit.
Sometimes it happened without you even realizing it, and other times, well, you just couldn't help yourself. Whenever Wanda or Nat noticed you sucking your thumb, they gently reminded you to take it out and explained the reasons why it's important to stop. They spoke about how it could affect your teeth and shared stories of other children who successfully stopped thumb-sucking.
“Y/N, detka, come here,” Wanda cooed as she gently took your thumb from your mouth and cuddled you into her side, “Do you remember what Nat told you about sucking your thumb?” 
You nodded, recalling your earlier interaction with Natasha, “Natty say, no good” you answered
Wanda confirmed your answer, “That’s right, what can you do instead of sucking your thumb?” 
You thought long and hard trying to remember what Nat had suggested, “uhm- OH! BENNY!” You exclaimed as you scooted off of the couch and darted over to grab your cuddly stuffed bear and then return to Wanda. She couldn't help but smile at your excitement to substitute Benny for your bad habit. 
Some days it wasn’t that easy though, you preferred sucking your thumb over any substitution that Nat and Wanda offered up. Despite Wanda and Nat's best efforts, there were times when you became particularly stubborn and refused to stop sucking on your thumb. They had tried other things like pacifiers and thumb guards, but eventually they always found you using your thumb instead. 
One evening when Wanda and Nat sat down with you to have a calm conversation about the habit. They explained the reasons why it was important to stop and how it could affect her teeth and oral health as they had before. Their strategy was to help create awareness for you anytime you had fallen back on the habit. Nat had read in a parenting book that increasing the child's awareness of the habit can help them recognize when they do it unconsciously. 
However, instead of listening attentively this time, you crossed your arms and stubbornly shook your head, "No, I no want stop," you declared defiantly with your thumb firmly pressed against the roof of your mouth.
Wanda exchanged a concerned glance with Nat, realizing that their usual techniques might not work this time. They knew they had to approach this situation differently, with a balance of firmness and understanding.
Wanda took a deep breath and knelt down to your level, gently taking both of your hands into her own. "Y/N, we understand that you enjoy sucking your thumb, but it's important for your teeth and overall health that we find a way to stop. We love you so much, and we want to help you grow up strong and healthy."
“NOO, MAMA!” you screeched as you ran away from both Wanda and Nat and headed up the stairs to your room, quickly scurrying under the covers to provide a barrier from eyesight when they inevitably would follow you into the room a few moments later. 
The two women could tell that you were overtired and lashing out because of it. They debated whether the fight was worth it or if they should just let you sleep it off. In the end, they decided to give you time alone to cool off before they trailed upstairs behind you. Gently knocking at the door, they entered the room to find you passed out under the covers in the fetal position with your thumb in your mouth. 
As adorable as they found you, It was time for them to come up with a new plan, instead of making you aware of the bad habit and hoping you would break it purely by recognizing it, or distraction. It was time to turn it into a game. 
During breakfast the next morning, Wanda and Nat brought up your poor behavior the night before. It was important to them that you were aware of when your actions were inappropriate, and instead of scolding or grounding you, they simply spoke to you about it. It was a constructive conversation to help you learn that even though you feel tired, lashing out is not the proper way to handle things. 
Of course, it’s expected at your age and they don’t fault you for it, but they know how smart and well-behaved you are typically. Wanda wanted to start nipping bad behavior in the bud as soon as it showed its face so that it didn’t end up spiraling out of control in the coming months. 
"Y/N, we know change can be hard, and it's okay to feel unsure. But we believe in you, and we know you're capable of breaking this habit. Let's work together to find a solution that makes you feel comfortable." Nat said genuinely as the two of you chomped on pancakes. 
Your expression softened as you looked into the caring eyes of Wanda and Nat. They had always been there for you, supporting you in every step of your journey. Slowly, you let out a sigh and nodded, signaling your willingness to explore alternatives. It’s not that you didn’t want to try for them, in fact, you have been, but bad habits are just so easy to fall back on. 
Throughout breakfast, they explained a new system that they would implement. Wanda and Nat created a special "Thumb-Free" chart for you. Every day that you refrained from thumb-sucking, you would earn a star sticker. Once you collected a certain number of stars, you would receive a small reward or a special outing with Wanda and Nat. There would be different options of rewards that you could choose from and this made you excited for all the possibilities.  Through patience and understanding with you, Wanda and Nat helped you realize that breaking the habit was not about taking something away but instead, about gaining control and embracing new experiences.
In the weeks that followed, there were still moments of resistance, but Wanda and Nat continued to provide unwavering support. They reminded you of your own strength and encouraged you to persevere. With their love and patience, you slowly began to let go of the thumb-sucking habit, replacing it with healthier alternatives and finding comfort in their embrace.
It was a journey that required time, understanding, and a deep bond between the three of you. Through your collective efforts, they overcame your stubbornness and nurtured your growth and independence, reminding you that they would always be there to guide you through life's challenges with love and support.
As Wanda was organizing some books in the living room, she stumbled upon a stack of parenting books on the coffee table. Curiosity piqued, she picked one up and flipped through its pages. The book was filled with insights, advice, and practical tips for co-parenting.
Some of the pages were marked with highlighter and notes were written about your behavior in the margins. She immediately recognized this as Natasha’s handwriting. As Wanda delved deeper into the book, she couldn't help but feel a growing sense of admiration for Natasha. It wasn't just the fact that Natasha cared enough to educate herself on the intricacies of co-parenting, but also the realization that Natasha wanted to be the best guardian she could be for you. 
A smile tugged at the corners of Wanda's lips as she thought about Natasha's dedication and the countless hours she must’ve spent studying those pages. She found it incredibly attractive to see someone so committed to their role as a co-parent, taking the time to understand and navigate the complexities of raising a child. Co-parent. Is that what they were? They hadn’t made it official but they sure were acting the roles. 
In that moment, Wanda's heart swelled with affection for Natasha. She admired her friend's determination, compassion, and unwavering love for you. It made her see Natasha in a whole new light, awakening feelings that had been igniting more and more lately. 
Unable to contain her excitement, Wanda hurriedly made her way to the kitchen, where she found Natasha preparing a snack for you. With a twinkle in her eyes, Wanda held the parenting book behind her back and teased, "Oh Nat, guess what I found?"
Natasha turned, curiosity evident in her eyes. "What is it, Wanda?"
Wanda grinned, her voice filled with affection. "I found these parenting books you've been reading. I had no idea you were so invested in co-parenting Y/N"
Natasha's cheeks flushed, a mix of surprise and sheepishness. "Oh, those... Yeah, I've been trying to gather as much knowledge as possible. I want to make sure we're doing everything we can for her.”
Wanda stepped closer, her gaze unwavering as she spoke slowly, "Natasha, your dedication to Y/N's well-being, your commitment to learning and growing as a co-parent—it's incredibly” attractive. She wanted to say it, but she swerved at the last second, “thoughtful” she blurted out and released eye contact as she internally scolded herself for almost going too far. 
A moment of silence hung in the air as Natasha could tell that wasn’t the word she wanted to say. Figuring that the other word would be something along the lines of teasing, Natasha chose not to pry it out and instead took the compliment with a smile.
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Taglist: @mymommawanda@livslifeonline@reggierizzoli@mythixmagic@lesbicentism@marvelogic@katethewriter @inluvwithfictionalwomen @spooky-reader1 @marvelogic ​@kissforvoid
220 notes · View notes
sokoviansimp · 10 months
can you please do one of wanda and nat x child reader and getting them to do homework and eat hahahahah i love ur fics btw it makes me feel so warm
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✒ Pairings: Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff x Child!Reader (platonic)
✒ Summary: Wanda and Nat try to get you to do your homework and eat your vegetables.
✒ Tags and Warnings: Homework, stubbornness, fluff, anxiety, making friends
✒ Author's Note: I really appreciate the request! I thought this was such a good idea, hopefully, I did it justice! Sorry, it took so long. To the other requests in my inbox, I am sorry I am so slow but I will be getting to them, they're all so good :)
✒ Word Count: 4744+
✒ Read Time: 24 minutes
Masterlist : The Package AU : Socials
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“It sounds like a good opportunity, I don’t think it’s ever really too early to start” Nat urged. 
“I guess, but she’s just so young,” Wanda claimed as she moved to join her friend on the couch. 
“They’ll all be her age, it’s just for a week,” Nat insisted. 
Nat had found a program for young children to learn science and math for a week, it was kind of like a day camp. The parents would drop off the young children daily for 4 hours of hands-on learning. She thought this would be good for you since you have been following very closely in Peter’s footsteps when it comes to his interest in math and science. It would also introduce you to a school setting so that it isn’t so far out of your comfort zone next year when you go to attend preschool. 
To be truthful, you and Wanda were all Nat could think about lately. She wanted so badly to be there for you two, to help you achieve success and be given opportunities that she could’ve only dreamed of at your age. This sent her down a rabbit hole searching for events or activities you could take part in. Most of them were geared toward older children, but the science camp stated all ages so she jumped on it. 
Wanda was hesitant about the program, she didn’t want to push school onto you too early. You should be able to enjoy the time before it completely takes over your life for 14+ years. Nat had a point though, it’s only a week and you would probably really love it. She wasn’t sure how you would react to being left without her all day though, hopefully, now that you have been coming out of your shell the process would be easier but it was hard to say. 
Though, it’s inevitable that this will need to happen eventually. One week of practice would be helpful to smooth out the process once it's mandatory. Wanda really admired the way Nat was so enthusiastic about this program, like the way her voice became more animated and expressive. Wanda could hear the slight rise in her tone as she described the activities that you’d get to experience, and the way she leaned closer in proximity to show off the different amenities on the webpage had Wanda holding her breath and overthinking every little movement of her body. As she got lost in the sparkle in Natasha’s eyes, she couldn't help but scrutinize herself for making everything so awkward, ‘don’t move, don’t breathe. Okay, breathe but slowly. Does she notice? why is this making me feel this way? It’s not like we’ve never been close to each other before.’
“What do you think?” Nat jolted her from her spiraling thoughts, both mentally and slightly physically as Wanda startlingly looked at her. Of course, she hadn’t been paying attention to a thing Nat was saying, but she couldn’t know that. 
“Hmm, yea that sounds great,” she admitted, hoping she hadn’t just agreed to send you to a shield boot camp or something that only Natasha would find fun. 
 “Really?” Nat was beaming at the fact that Wanda liked her idea and genuinely hoped you would have a great time. 
“Ye- yea, I mean, it’s just a week and she’s going to have to get used to spending time without us.” Wanda went on to explain.
Natasha's heart skipped a beat. Us. She knew what Wanda meant by it and even though she recognized it wasn’t anything that she should read into, Nat couldn't help but analyze it. Such a simple phrase, but it had the prospect to hold so much meaning. Wanda had included her in her vision of your future, as a unit, as us. In reality, Wanda knew Natasha would always be there for you, but Natasha couldn’t help but feel a wave of warmth and happiness wash over her at the thought of it meaning something more, causing her cheeks to flush and a smile to form on her face. 
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When Wanda and Nat told you about the camp, you were initially really excited, until you found out that you’d have to go alone. Sure, they would drop you off, but then they would leave, and then, who would protect you if something went wrong? Who would be there to hold you when you got nervous around the crowd of unfamiliar faces?
“Mama?” you broke the silence as you sat snuggled into her side on the couch of the common room, enveloped in mostly darkness except for the soft glow from the television. 
“Yes, detka?” she glanced down at you as your head tilted up to meet your eyes with hers. 
“Do I have to go to da sciewence schoowl?” you asked softly, just barely above a whisper, not wanting to make trouble but you couldn’t get the fact that you would have to go alone out of your mind. 
Wanda immediately shifted her full attention to you in an attempt to create a safe and open space for you to express your worries, “I thought you were excited?”
“Well, I am- I was, but, I don't want to go wiffout you or Natty.” you admitted as you translated your fears from thoughts into words. 
"I see, I understand that you're feeling nervous about going without us, and that's completely okay, my love. It's natural to feel a little anxious when we step out of our comfort zone," she said as she gently rubbed your arm in soothing motions. She wanted to help you work through these feelings instead of blocking off new opportunities due to fear. In the end, she wouldn’t force you to go, but she would do everything she could to get you open to the experience. 
“You know, even adults get feelings like these when they're about to try something new or go to unfamiliar places. I remember when I first joined the Avengers, I felt a mix of excitement and nerves. But you know what?” 
“It turned out to be an incredible journey filled with wonderful people and unforgettable adventures. I got to meet my two favorite people in the whole world"
“Me?” your expression shifted from nervous to curious, as you wondered where Wanda was going with this. 
“Yes you, and Nat,” she says unable to mask the smile that forms near automatically from the mention of her best friend.
“What if, der is no one der for me?” you wonder 
"You will have so many other kids there that are your age that you can make friends with, malysh"
“What if dey don’t wike me?” You were genuinely worried about meeting other kids your age. You’ve only ever been around adults and you weren’t quite sure what to expect. Would they all already know each other? Would there be a certain way you were expected to act around them? 
"What’s not to like? You have the kindest heart and the most beautiful spirit of anyone I know.” she was speaking from the heart as she genuinely believed what she told you. Wanda watched you go from this scared little girl who was being held captive in a Hydra base to a kid who gets excited to talk about the solar system and wildlife habitats with Peter. She watched you open up and accept these people, even the men on the team,  into your life despite your wariness. She’s sure you are capable of anything you really put your mind to, “Making friends has one simple rule and if you follow it, it's practically foolproof, do you know what that is?”
You just shook your head in response, waiting for her to continue.  
“Just be yourself. If you do that you'll attract real friends who appreciate you for who you are," she said as she tapped your chest, pointing to your heart. 
“Be myself?” you wondered what it meant as you repeated the words on your own tongue. You don’t recall ever acting like someone else. “Who else would I be?”
Wanda couldn't help but chuckle at your innocence and how cute you were, “Some people try to change for others. They change their personalities, their opinions, and sometimes even their looks just to fit in with other people.”
“Oh. so, wike, pwetending?”
"Exactly! You are capable of so much more than you realize, my little one. Have faith in yourself."
You thought over her words as the show continued to play in front of you on the TV. You were so close to being on board with it, but you couldn’t get over the possibility of being stuck there without a way out. The way Wanda spoke so highly of you, gave you the confidence you needed to believe you could make friends, but what if everything really did go horribly wrong, would you be stuck there all day? 
“Mama?” you continued the conversation after a few minutes of watching tv had passed. 
“I want to go to da sciewence schoowl, but what if I need you when I der?”
Wanda thought about this for a moment, You're far too young to have a cell phone, but a communication line wouldn’t be such a bad thing for you. It could help calm your anxiety and in her line of work, anything could happen so it would make things safer. 
“Well, if there is something really important, you can tell your teacher and she can get ahold of me,” Wanda explained. You didn’t seem too satisfied with that answer though as you gave a somber acknowledgment. What if you weren't able to get the teacher's attention, or the teacher just plain refused, the plan just didn't seem very solid. 
Wanda could see that you weren’t content with her solution, “Or I can show you a trick,” she offered. 
Your face perked up, immediately intrigued, your little hands clutching a stuffed toy tightly, gazed up at Wanda with wide-eyed wonder, “a trick?” you asked
“Close your eyes, my little one,” Wanda explained and you did as she instructed, “now, take a deep breath. Imagine a warm light surrounding us, enveloping us like a soft, protective blanket. or a big fluffy cloud”
As you sat with your eyes closed, a serene smile graced Wanda's face. She concentrated, allowing her own powers to flow through her, and extended her thoughts toward you. With a gentle touch of her mind, she created a bridge between your thoughts, a telepathic connection unique to you.
"Now, detka," Wanda whispered, "I want you to think of something you want to tell me, but without saying it out loud. Just focus on the feeling and the words in your mind."
Your brows furrowed and your face scrunched in concentration, your little face reflecting the effort of trying to convey your thoughts through this newfound connection. Wanda could feel your tiny mind reaching out tentatively, like a fragile thread stretching between the two of you.
With each passing moment, the connection grew stronger, and soon your eyes fluttered open, revealing a mixture of surprise and delight. "Mama, can you hear me?" your innocent voice echoed softly between your minds, blending with the quiet hum of the room.
Wanda's heart swelled with joy as she nodded, her eyes shimmering with pride. "Yes, dorogoy, I can hear you!" she exclaimed, "Our thoughts are connected now, and no matter where we are, we can talk to each other like this. Whenever you need me, I will be there for you,” she explained.
In that magical moment, your minds intertwined, You two shared a connection that transcended words. With telepathy, you could communicate your deepest thoughts, dreams, and feelings, strengthening the unbreakable bond between mother and child. Perhaps most importantly to you though, you were able to reach Wanda without the confines of distance. 
As you sat there, immersed in your newfound ability, Wanda couldn't help but marvel at the wonder of it all. She knew that this telepathic connection would serve as a source of comfort and reassurance for you, a constant reminder that you were always connected, even when physically apart.
With that, you were content with the decision to attend the science camp. Not only that, but you were excited again. Instead of focusing on the parts that worried you, you were able to shift your focus onto all the exciting things you were bound to learn and discover. Your mind ran wild with outrageous theories, like discovering fossils or trying to figure out the speed of a flamingo by simply racing beside it. 
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The first day of camp approached rather quickly. In the days leading up, you would often use your new ability to have silent conversations with Wanda. Sometimes you would do it to practice and make sure that you still could when you needed to, and other times you did it to express feelings and emotions that you had trouble translating into words. 
Wanda and Nat were both there to drop you off on your first day, you were less nervous than they expected you to be which they were grateful for. Now that you were able to contact Wanda you felt safe in exploring new experiences alone, and maybe that's because you never felt alone, because she would always be there for you if you needed. 
The camp was divided into different age groups. The majority of the kids were 4th and 5th graders, but there was a small group of children your age. Wanda and Nat were grateful that you would have enough children to socialize with but not so many that it would seem overwhelming. Hopefully, with the smaller group, it would be easier to make friends. 
In fact, you didn't even get to the classroom before you made your first friend, “Hi, I’m Matthew, what's your name?” you turned to the voice that spoke behind you, “Hi! I’m Y/N” you greeted. “Y/N! Dat’s a cool name! You wike space too? I wove space!” he mentioned as he noticed your shirt that showed a playful astronaut floating in space, holding a slice of pizza in one hand and giving a thumbs-up with the other reading Pizza Planet Explorer, “Wanna be fwreinds?” he asked. 
You were caught off guard by how quickly he spoke and became distracted, but of course, you wanted to make friends and you already had something in common, “Yes, we can be fwreinds, I love space too. My favowite planet is Saturn” you enthusiastically replied. 
“I wike Jupiter da most cuz it’s da biggest,” Matthew responded. 
The two of you sat next to each other throughout the demonstrations and even shared a table at lunch. Wanda had packed you a container of yogurt, sliced strawberries and baby carrots, and some Mini turkey and cheese roll-ups which were basically just a turkey sandwich rolled into bite-sized pieces for easy eating. At the bottom of your lunch box, there was a note that read, 
My Dearest Y/N,
I hope you're having a wonderful day at school! I am so incredibly proud of you. Remember, my little superhero, you have the power to do anything you set your mind to. Each day, you're growing stronger, smarter, and more amazing. I can't wait to hear all about your day when you come home. Keep shining bright, my sunshine.
With all my love,
You couldn’t help but smile as you attempted to read the note, you still weren’t really able to read but you were able to pick out keywords like love, smarter, amazing, and superhero, so you got the vibe and felt comforted by it, which is all Wanda had hoped for.
 “What’s dat?” Matthew asked as he saw you set the note down next to your baby carrots. “Oh, my mama wrote me a note” you explained. 
“Oh wow, she must really love you,” he stated as he wondered why he never received any notes with his meal. 
“Yea, she does,” you said with a gleaming smile. 
You managed to survive the entire day without contacting Wanda at all. She hoped it was a good sign as she and Nat headed to pick you up. They were made sure to be there 5 minutes before pick-up so that you wouldn’t have to wait, knowing you’d be excited to see them and tell them all about how it went. 
As soon as the door opened for dismissal, you immediately found Wanda’s green eyes and ran full speed with your arms stretched out reaching for a hug. She enveloped tightly you as she lifted you off the ground for a long embrace. The two were happy to see that your face was filled with nothing but joy. 
Wanda continued to carry you as the three of you headed toward the car. Wanda ducked into the driver's seat after getting you settled into your car-seat and Nat took the seat next to you in the back so that she could hear all about your day. 
“Sooo, how was it? Tell us all about it!” Nat insisted. 
“Was so fun! We learned bout uhm- OH! JUPITER HAS A RAINSTORM! And Mafwew said dat if we went to space, der wouldn’t be any noise.” 
“Matthew?” Wanda asked as she caught glimpses of you speaking through her rear view mirror. 
“Yea mama! My new fwiend! He wikes space tew!” you excitedly announced. You went on to tell them all about the things that you learned and how much fun you had with Matthew. Tomorrow couldn't come quick enough. 
“Did they give you any homework?” Nat asked once you had finished. 
“Oh yea, is in my bag” you answered as you showed Nat where it was in your bag. She read over the instructions and mentioned that you could do it right when you got home. The assignment wasn’t anything too difficult, but it sure was time-consuming. 
The project was about energy and showing how much we consume every day. The worksheet was laid out so that all you had to fill in were blocks of color. You were given a piece to plug into your outlets and once you had the item mentioned plugged in, it would show an amount. Then you had to fill in the bubble that corresponded with the range on your outlet. 
Nat and Wanda both helped you through this but you soon became bored and no longer wanted to do it. It was so repetitive and your toys were sitting right there just waiting to be played with. Eventually you got through it without making too much of a fuss and you could finally get on with what you wanted to do, except that didn't last long because before you knew it, Wanda was telling you it was bathtime. 
“But mama, I just stawrted pwlayin” you said somberly. 
Wanda wanted to give you more time to play but it was already getting late and you had to be up early tomorrow, “I know, I’m sorry baby, but it’s late and you need a bath before camp tomorrow.” Without a fight, you reluctantly followed hoping that tomorrow would be better. 
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When you arrived home from camp the next day, the same dreaded question was asked, “Do you have any homework today?” You remembered how long and grueling your homework was last night, and instead of showing them the papers that your teacher gave you, today, you simply shook your head. Of course, Nat, the trained super spy, noticed the hesitation in your response as the gears turned in your brain and saw right through you. Deciding that she would look in your bag herself once you all arrive at the compound.
You immediately ran to the common room to play with your toys. Natasha, in the kitchen with Wanda, investigated your bag as Wanda cleaned your lunch box. “No homework huh?” Nat muttered as she held up your papers for Wanda to see. They shared a knowing look as Nat mentioned she would talk to you while Wanda finished cleaning out your lunch. 
Natasha entered the common room, a concerned expression on her face, holding your backpack in her hand. She had a feeling something was off when you claimed there was no homework. She sat down next to you, as you played with your toys.
"Hey, sweetheart," Natasha said gently, placing the bag on the coffee table. "I happened to find something interesting in your backpack. Do you want to explain why you said you didn't have any homework?"
Your eyes widened, realizing you had been caught in your little white lie. You fidgeted with your toys, avoiding Natasha's gaze. "I... I didn't want to do it. It- it takes SOO long, and den I don’t get to play." you admitted. 
Natasha reached out and gently turned your face towards her, meeting your eyes. "Sweetheart, I understand that homework can sometimes feel dull, but it's important to be honest with us. We're here to help and support you, but we need to know what's going on."
Wanda entered the room once your bag was all cleaned. Sensing the tension, she knelt down beside Natasha and spoke in a reassuring tone. "Y/N, we want you to succeed in everything you do. And that includes being honest, even when it's hard. We're a family, and families trust and support each other."
A family. 
Natasha noticed the term and felt elated that she was included in the phrase. The three of you were a family. It didn’t matter whether Wanda and Nat were best friends, or something more than that; the three of you were family. You felt their endless love, even if they hadn’t figured out that part of that love lay within each other. 
Your lower lip quivered, realizing the weight of your actions. "I'm sorry, Natty. I didn't mean to lie."
Natasha's expression softened, and she pulled you into a comforting hug. "It's okay, sweetheart. We all make mistakes, and the important thing is to learn from them. Let's work on being honest with each other, alright?"
Wanda joined the hug, enveloping you both in her warm embrace. "We love you, Y/N, no matter what. And we're here to help you with your homework too. It doesn't have to be boring. We can find fun and creative ways to learn together."
You sniffled, feeling a mix of relief and remorse. They were right. Lying wasn't the solution, and you knew deep down that they were always there to support her. You nodded, determined to make things right.
“It can be fun?” you wondered how they planned to turn such a mundane task into something, fun.
“We can turn it into a special challenge!" Nat chimed in
You looked up, curious about the proposal. "A challenge?"
Wanda chimed back in, joining the conversation. "That's right, sweetheart! We'll create a reward system for each task you complete. Once you finish your homework, we can all have a movie night or make your favorite dessert together."
Your eyes lit up with excitement. "Really? We can have a movie night?"
Natasha nodded. "Absolutely! But first, we need to get those homework assignments done. Let's break it down into smaller tasks, so it feels less overwhelming. We'll be right here with you, cheering you on."
Wanda took your hand and sat beside you at the table. Nat and Wanda each took turns reading different questions out for you. 
With their gentle encouragement and the promise of a fun reward, you felt motivated. They both stayed by your side, offering guidance and praise as you worked through each task. They made the process enjoyable by adding some playful moments and even turning math problems into little games.
As you completed each question, you couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. With every finished task, you grew more confident and proud of yourself. By the time you completed your last assignment, you practically beamed with joy. Almost as if homework was just as fun as playtime with your toys. 
Natasha and Wanda gathered around you, excitedly applauding your efforts. "Great job, Y/N! You did it!" Natasha exclaimed.
Wanda hugged you tightly. "We're so proud of you, sweetheart."
You grinned, feeling a sense of pride and happiness wash over you. With your two favorite people by your side, even homework could turn into an adventure filled with love and support; and as promised, you all enjoyed a delightful movie night, celebrating your achievements. You had shocked both Wanda and Nat with your choice of movie for the night, Planet 51, purely because it was something other than Frozen. 
For the rest of the week, Natasha and Wanda made it a point to create a positive and engaging homework routine for you. They turned studying into a fun activity, incorporating games, rewards, and plenty of encouragement. You learned that honesty and open communication were far more rewarding than any short-lived escape from homework.
Together, you tackled assignments, explored new concepts, and celebrated each milestone. You discovered that learning could be an exciting journey, especially when shared with your favorite people.
A few days later, the aroma of a freshly cooked meal wafted through the air of the kitchen, tempting your taste buds and filling the room with mouthwatering scents as you sat patiently at the table. Once Wanda had begun serving up plates of food, you noticed that the meal was something that you had no interest in eating. Your once adventurous appetite had transformed into a discerning palate, making mealtime a challenge for your loving guardians, Natasha and Wanda. 
"Come on, Y/N," Natasha coaxed, her voice gentle but firm. "You need to eat your vegetables. They'll make you strong like a superhero."
Your bottom lip jutted out, and you crossed her arms, proclaiming, "I don't like vegables, Natty!"
Wanda, with her patient demeanor, joined in, her voice filled with warmth. "But sweetheart, vegetables have magical powers! They can give you energy to run fast like-" Wanda abruptly cut her sentence short at the sudden realization that you had never met her brother. Pietro never had the chance to become an uncle before his life was tragically taken from her, him. She struggled to come up with a new comparison, as her mind was scrambling to revive her sentence. Nat immediately picked up on Wanda’s distress and quickly put a reassuring hand on Wanda’s shoulder as she took over, “They can make you strong like Mr. Bucky and Peter,” Nat concluded. 
The presence of Nat’s hand on her shoulder quelled Wanda’s mind from running in circles trying to backpedal as she focused on the way it felt to have Nat soothingly move her hand from her shoulder to her back in a messy circular motion, subconsciously leaning into her ever so slightly.
You glanced skeptically at the colorful array of vegetables on your plate. "Really?"
Natasha nodded, a playful sparkle in her eyes. "Absolutely! And if you eat your vegetables, you might even develop some superpowers of your own."
You carried the skepticism into your look back to Nat, “I alweady hab powers!” You said as you called her out. 
Nat’s eyes widened ever so slightly as she remembered that little detail but you didn’t catch the slight crack in her resolve. She was so used to treating you like a kid, like a normal kid, that she began to suppress the fact that you are in fact enhanced yourself, “New ones,” she responded as she covered up her slight oversight.
Wanda smiled as she watched the interaction, her voice filled with excitement. "Perhaps you'll develop the power to talk to animals or create beautiful flowers with just a wave of your hand."
Your imagination ignited, and you tentatively reached for a small piece of broccoli, eyeing it with newfound intrigue. Hesitantly taking a bite, to your surprise, a burst of flavor danced on your tongue.
"Yummy!," You exclaimed, a hint of both shock and amazement in your voice.
Natasha and Wanda exchanged triumphant glances, their plan unfolding successfully. They knew that sometimes a dash of imagination and a sprinkle of superhero magic were all it took to conquer a picky eater's heart.
Encouraged by your enthusiasm, Natasha and Wanda continued to weave tales of vegetable-powered adventures, turning each bite into a step closer to unlocking extraordinary powers. With every vegetable conquered, your confidence grew, and soon the plate was empty—a victorious battle won against the picky eater dilemma.
As you savored the last bite, you looked up at Natasha and Wanda, a bright smile lighting up your face. "I did it! I ate all my vegebles, just wike a real superhero!"
Natasha and Wanda shared a proud glance, their hearts brimming with joy. Together, they celebrated the triumph of a small victory, knowing that love, creativity, and a touch of superhero magic had transformed a picky eater into a courageous little hero.
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Taglist: @mymommawanda@livslifeonline@reggierizzoli@mythixmagic@lesbicentism@marvelogic@katethewriter @inluvwithfictionalwomen @spooky-reader1 @marvelogic ​@kissforvoid
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sokoviansimp · 1 year
I have an idea for The Package au series!
So, Peter Parker wants to bring reader to hangout with him and his friends. Even though reader and Peter both really want to go, Wanda says no. Maybe because Peter is young and so she doesn’t trust him like she did with Bucky and Sam? Anyway, Peter decides to sneak you out when Wanda and Tony and everybody else is sleeping. What’s the harm if he brings you back before anybody notices you were gone right? Reader has a great time with MJ and Ned.
So what’s the problem? You and Peter accidentally fell asleep at Ned or MJ’s house. The next morning, Peter wakes reader up and is rushing to get back home, freaking out the entire time. When you guys get back, everyone is already awake. Peter gets in trouble by Tony for sneaking out and by Wanda for bringing you out without permission. Wanda is so worried but reader is just like, “I had so much fun last night :)”
I can’t wait to see what happens next in The Package au!!!!! <3
Mission: Sneak out
✒ Pairings : Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker x Child!Reader (platonic)
✒ Summary : Peter wants to take you to meet MJ and Ned but Wanda says no.
✒ Tags and Warnings : none?
✒ Author's Note : My first Anon request!! I was so excited to write this, it really came at the perfect time as I was losing inspiration for writing since I used to bounce ideas and brainstorm fics with a friend that I no longer speak with. Anyway, thank you! And I’m so happy to hear you’re enjoying the series, I hope you like this installment. I am so sorry it took so long 🥲
✒ Word Count : 2299
✒ Read Time: 11 minutes
Masterlist : The Package AU
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”Come on, Wanda, please!” Peter pleaded
“No, Peter. It’s just not safe for her to be out of the compound alone. She’s still adjusting to being here and she doesn’t have her powers fully under control yet” She stated, shattering Peter’s plan of bringing you to build legos with MJ and Ned. Though MJ had no interest in the legos really, she would just hang around to banter and spend time with the boys. “Why don’t you have your friends come here?” Wanda offered.
“Mr. Stark won’t allow it” Peter dropped to the couch, defeated.
Wanda didn’t take any joy in seeing Peter this way but she had to stand her ground, it was just too dangerous for you to be out of the compound with a bunch of teenagers. You just weren’t ready for something like that yet. 
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Eventually, Peter had to break the news to his friends. The next day, they were all sitting together at lunch so he decided that was as good a time as any. Ned was bummed you wouldn't be able to tag along, but MJ didn’t bat an eye, “so, sneak her out.” she said like the answer was blatantly obvious. Ned and Peter were both equally taken aback by this, “what? No way, I- I couldn’t I mean Fr-” Peter begins to ramble and gets cut off by MJ, “It’s simple, tell her you’re going on a secret mission and then return her before morning, Wanda would never even know. You’re Spider-Man, what could go wrong?” 
“No, I couldn’t” Peter mulls it over in his head still. 
“I knew you two were losers,” MJ quips as she walks away. 
The two boys are left sitting in silence at the lunch table for a bit before Ned speaks up first, “I mean- she does have a point, you are Spider-Man”
“Ugh, not you too Ned. Wanda would kill me if anything happened to Y/N, have you ever seen Wanda angry? The last time I saw her angry, she threw a car at Mr. Stark.” Peter frantically explains
“Ok, ok. I’m just saying, nothing would go wrong. We’re just building legos.” Ned rebutted. 
“I guess.” the web-slinger considered. 
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After mulling it over in his head for a few days, he decided to go with MJ’s plan. They were just building legos, it’s not like they were traveling to another state or something, and deep down Peter wanted to impress the girl. So he crafted up a convincing-looking letter, convincing enough for a kid anyway. The letter was a creative way for Peter to convince you to keep the plan a secret. To you, this was a stealth mission that you were hand-picked to complete. If Peter had just asked you to sneak out with him and not tell Wanda, he knew you’d either crack under the pressure or feel too guilty. 
With the letter hidden in one of the lego sets you had already built with him, the plan was in motion. Later that day he asked you to play with the set and you stumbled upon the crumpled-up piece of paper. 
“What's dis?” you ask tugging on it until became free. The note had a large red stamp that said Top Secret in the upper right corner. Peter put on a stellar performance as he investigated it with you and read it aloud. 
“Y/N: Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to evade detection while leaving the compound premises tonight at 8 pm EST with Agent Parker. Once clear, proceed southbound toward Main St. Await further instructions. Tell no one.”
“A mission?” you were both excited and confused.
“What do you say, Y/N?” Peter asked with the note still in his hand. 
“Why us?” you wondered. You’re just a kid, why were you being recruited for a mission? Maybe this is your Harry Potter moment. These thoughts kept swirling around in your head.
“I don't know, but it was even hidden in our legos, whoever sent it knew how to contact us secretly, seems important.”
“Okay, I’m in” you smiled excitedly.
“Great! I’ll come get you after you go to bed tonight then, and we can’t tell Wanda,” he explained. 
You nodded in agreeance with the plan, “When will we get more notes?” 
“Probably after we finish this one.”
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Wanda puts you down for bed around 7 and you end up dozing off before Peter comes to retrieve you. He shakes you gently until you start to stir. 
“Y/N, it's me,” Peter whispers, “are you still up for the mission?”
You jolt up excitedly, nodding in response, whatever drowsiness sent you to dreamland before is immediately wiped away as you are ready to embark on your adventure with your friend. The two of you sneakily start to make your way out of the compound, making sure that every room is empty before entering. Once the two of you successfully navigated to the door, Peter directs you in the correct direction. 
“We made it!” you exclaim.
“We did, now we just have to find the next note” Peter explained.
You continued southbound from the compound with your eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary. As you passed an alleyway, you glanced down it and then thoughts of all the different things that may lurk in the dark corners quickly took over as you hurried toward the brightest part of the sidewalk. 
About a block later, you come across an envelope taped to a tree. Immediately, you run up to the tree and tear the envelope off, “Found it!” you exclaimed holding the note high in the air for Peter to see. 
“What’s it say?” Peter asks as you hand the note over to him to read. 
“It says we have to go to this address” he points out
Peter’s place isn’t far from the compound so it doesn’t take long to get there. The trip there was pretty tame, except you noticed a rat scurrying across the sidewalk on the other side of the street and then seconds later a grey cat scurried out from behind a bush as it played the game of chase with the rat. 
“What do we do now?” You asked as the two of you walked up to the door to the address on the note. 
“We go in” Peter states
“Are you going to climb in a window? OH, or climb onto the roof?” You brainstorm ways that Spider-Man could get into places as Peter unlocks the door and walks in. 
“I was thinking of using the front door” he states plainly as a joke. 
“How- how did you do dat?” You asked wondering if all superheroes just had universal keys to the city or something. 
“I live here,” Peter explained as Ned and MJ shouted “Suprise” 
You’re visibly confused as Peter takes you over to the dining room table with the legos, “There’s one more note here, Y/N” he points out for you to read. 
You take the note out of the envelope to find the word “Build” written on it. You understand it immediately as you turn to the three others in the room for an explanation, “We’re building legos?” you question. 
“Yea, I wanted you to meet my friends. This is MJ and Ned.” Peter introduces. 
“MJ? And Ned? Da ones you always talk about?” you wonder
Peter blushes, “I- I mean I don’t always talk about them. But yea, this is them.” 
Ned and MJ make their way over to the table with you, “Nice to meet you, Y/N.” Ned offers.
“You too”
The three of you are engrossed in the lego building for a couple of hours as MJ plays on her phone and keeps the boys on their toes as they miss build steps. Once 10 o'clock rolls you start yawning enough for Peter to realize he should probably bring you back to bed. 
“Are you ready to head back, Y/N” he asks
You thought about it for a second, you were so engrossed in the legos that you didn’t even realize how tired you were. Once you realized you were ready for bed, you nodded in agreeance. 
Before you knew it, you were headed back to the compound. 
“Did you have fun?” Peter asks as you continue your trek home.
You nod in response, “I wike your fwiends” you noted, “especiawly MJ, shes rewly pwetty”
Peter smiled at your response, “She is really pre-” he’s cut off as you’re both startled by the sound of a gunshot coming from a store that you're passing by. Peter immediately jumps into action as he finds a place for you to hide, “Stay here, I'll be right back” he mentions as he runs toward the area of the gunshot. 
You stay put for a few minutes until you remember that the whole reason you were out with Peter tonight was for a mission. Maybe it was all leading to this, or maybe you just wish it was, after all, you came out tonight to be a hero. So that’s exactly what you plan on doing, you and Peter are partners in this mission, and you’re not going to let him sideline you, so you move toward the store. 
When you walk in, you see Peter fighting 4 different guys at the same time and you try to find something that will allow you to help him. There are products scattered all over the ground from the men being knocked into the shelves. You pick up the nearest item and throw it at the bad guy closest to you. It wasn’t until then that anyone even noticed your presence. The man laughs and immediately grabs you, “What do we have here? Is Spider-Man sending kids to do his dirty work now?” he snarks. 
“Let me go!” you struggle
“Y/N! I told you to stay put!” Peter scolds as he continues to kick everyone’s ass. 
“We’re partners, I help” you defended.
As you tried to justify why you came in to help, one of the men motioned for your captor to leave through the back with you in tow. He scurried out as quickly as possible while you thrashed back in forth in his arms to try and break free. Once the black-haired man had you outside, all the courage you had built up to go and help your friend quickly turned to fear. Your courageous yells soon became cries for help as you could no longer see your friend, Peter. 
Before the man could get you into a van, the fear took control over your body to unleash a shockwave, breaking you free from his grip. With the man unconscious on the ground, you ran as fast as you could back to the safe spot that Peter had left you in. Minutes later, after Peter finishes up with the men inside the building, he rushes to the back to look for you. Relieved is an understatement, he sees the man lying knocked out on the ground and he knows you must’ve gotten away. The only issue now is, where did you go? 
“Karen, are you seeing any traces of where y/n headed?” he inquired to the artificial intelligence in his suit. 
“Size 3 footsteps indicated on the infrared scanner show that she most likely headed northeast,” Karen informs as she overlays the infrared scanner into Peter’s field of view. 
“Perfect! Maybe she headed back to the spot I left her in earlier” 
Once Peter finds you, he checks you over to make sure you’re ok; and while you are very shaken, physically you are fine. “You could’ve gotten seriously hurt, Y/N.” Peter scolds as the two of you begin walking back towards to compound again. 
“I sorry, I- I just thought dat I should help cuz we’re on a mission togeder” 
He can’t help but smile at that, “You’re going to be a great Avenger one day”
“I am?”
“Yea, but listen, no one else at the compound can know what we were up to tonight” He reminds you
“Right, right. It’s a secret mission. I renember.” you state nodding you head in agreeance. 
When the two of you pull up to the compound, Peter scales the side of the building with you on his back, until he reaches your room. His plan, however, is ruined when your window is completely locked from the outside with no way to get in. Karen can’t even get it open as there is an override to keep it shut from F.R.I.D.A.Y.
His only other option is to take you back in through the front entrance. That should be ok though, after all, that is the way that you two escaped in the first place. The entrance is clear, all is looking good until they reach the common room. Tony and Wanda are just sitting there waiting for you. Peter stands there frozen for a second until Tony finally breaks the silence. “You wanna tell me where the two of you were or should I ask Karen?” he states dryly as you leave Peter to run with your arms toward Wanda. She stands from the couch to engulf you in a comforting hug as she lifts you up, “Hey, detka, are you okay?” She says removing the strands of hair from your face to thoroughly look you over. 
You nod as you nuzzle into her shoulder. It was far past your bedtime and it only took a slight bit of comfort from Wanda to remind your body of how exhausted you were. “I’m going to bring her up to bed. I’ll deal with you tomorrow.” She says as she shoots a glance laced with daggers at the man of webs.
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Taglist: @mymommawanda@livslifeonline@reggierizzoli@mythixmagic@lesbicentism@marvelogic @katethewriter​ @inluvwithfictionalwomen @marvelogic ​
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