#n e ways we have had our doubts for a while but I think it’s time to dump my therapist. for multiple reasons
lawbloodfreak · 2 years
no ocd 😎 knew it (80% but was semi convinced this was me convincing myself I don’t have any problems)
#personal#n e ways we have had our doubts for a while but I think it’s time to dump my therapist. for multiple reasons#ahaaa but first give me the documentation I need#please please please#btw she said she was ‘pretty confident’ in the ocd categorization of me and the screening I took (online#adaa screening) was for my own benefit (bc I’m a data grl) n then when I took it it came back NO OCD n she said she talked to an ocd#specialist n they also said yeah not ocd. my slay !#and THATS why we love tests girls ! and ppl who know what they’re talking abt#guess u shouldn’t have been so confident girl !#also she’s rescheduled me and been late so many times. bc of other clients or her own inavkity to schedule herself apparently#she told me she has severe ADD n I’m like ok girl! well I don’t wanna suffer the consequences from it#Also doesn’t think sex (or porn? i forget which) addiction is real n the way she talks… she DEF judges issues unless they’re#directly brought up to her by the client. like ok girl u just said x udgemental thjng that’s like 2 steps away from one of. my probs that I#haven’t told u yet… hmm maybe this ain’t a good fit#also my most recent session w her#was talking abt my friend who has BPD n a tough night I had w her n she was like “’o she’s manipulating u that’s what ppl w BPD do. it’ll#forever be tumultuous’ like ok first of all … might want to approach that more sensitively to ppl w bpd#it was judgement . it was ‘ppl w bpd r bad’#n considering she told me she was considering a bpd diagnosis for me a while ago (LOL) … girl what were u gonna do#refer me prob but god if she’s treating someone w bpd and I didn’t misinterpret her statement… gl to that person#also. like. maybe I have some knowledge u don’t. yk based off the things I HAVE told u#anyways.
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kimpossibly · 1 year
THE CHAIN -> e. roundtree PART ONE: drummers' curse
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PAIRING: eddie roundtree x fem!reader WARNINGS: mentions of minor injuries (NOTE: some warnings for this story include MAJOR spoilers for this series down the line, so I'll put those beneath the cut. If you don't want to get the story spoiled, then just ignore it ― but I did want to provide the chance for you to get an idea of how the story will go later down the line if you have any sensitive topics you'd like to avoid. please prioritize your mental wellbeing!)
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Apologies in advance for making Y/n the drummer and putting Warren on rhythmic guitar. I just loooooooove female drummers. Also can you tell that I love Karen and Camila? Because I love them with alllllll my heart and soul. Another sorry in advance because this one may break your heart a little ― it sure broke mine. NOTES ON THE WORK: I used the timeline from the book, mostly because I couldn't keep track of it in the show haha. I read the book twice before watching what episodes of the show were out, so the lines may blur between the two. For your convenience (and mine, tbh), I'll put the year all the characters were born underneath this note so you can reference it when you need to. I just couldn't keep track honestly. I think in the show they start the band when Graham is fourteen, but in the book he's around 18 when they add Warren on, so it's kind of confusing?? I decided to stick with the book because it was a more physical timeline. Anyways, enough talking, here's your guide! ― YEARS BORN (in order of age) Billy Dunne -> 1947 Camila Dunne -> 1949 Graham Dunne -> 1949 Warren Rhodes -> 1949 Eddie Roundtree -> 1949 Daisy Jones -> 1951 Y/n L/n -> 1951
WARNINGS (SPOILERS INCLUDED): reader has a terminal illness. Discussions about death and loss, depictions of grief, hospitals
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It's no secret that the renowned 1970s band Daisy Jones & The Six went through its fair share of ups and downs. Until their inexplicable split on July 12, 1979, they were undeniably one of the biggest bands in the world. While a more detailed account of the band's history will be recounted in a more thorough transcript, this advanced edition will focus specifically on two of the band members: Eddie Roundtree and Y/n L/n. More specifically, it will focus on their individual and combined roles they played in the band's eventual downfall.
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THE RISE OF THE SIX (1965 - 1972)
GRAHAM: Y/n grew up next door to us. She was a little younger, two years or so, so we never really gave her a second look. Until the day she wandered into our garage during band practice out of nowhere. She practically ripped the drum sticks out of Chuck's hand and just started...wailing on 'em. I mean, she could make your head spin. Here was this thirteen, fourteen year old girl next door, this kid, and she was the best fuckin' drummer we'd seen. I mean, in the neighborhood. She wasn't Mitch Mitchell, but she was the closest thing we had. And she was too good to be shoved in the back with a tambourine. But we couldn't just take Chuck's spot away and hand it over to the new girl.
CHUCK: I knew right then and there that they wanted to give my spot to the new girl. There was no doubt in my mind. And, you know what? I got it. This chick was good. Way too good. Did I feel threatened by her? Hell yeah, I did. And at the time I probably wanted to tell her to screw off, but now...now I get it.
EDDIE: She was good. Amazing, actually. Graham and I looked at each other and knew that she was something we'd be stupid to pass up on.
BILLY: When Chuck told us he wanted out, we were pissed, of course. We were heading off to open for Winters that week. It felt like things were going to look up, just like I always knew they would, and he was ditching. I know now that that wasn't really what it was ― he'd gotten into college, fan-fucking-tastic. It was a good opportunity for him, a sure thing. But right then it felt like a betrayal.
WARREN: So he ditched, and Billy just turned right to Eddie and said, "Go tell Y/n she's in." And he was just...terrified.
EDDIE: I said, "why me?" You know? It wasn't my band, it was Billy's. And here he was, ordering me to tell some new girl she was in. I was fifteen and could barely ask a waitress for ketchup. At the time, that was probably the last thing I wanted to do.
GRAHAM: He asked why it had to be him, and I told him the truth: he was the least intimidating. Billy, you know him. He had a tendency to get too focused on the task at hand and could get a little...harsh. And Warren? He had one of the biggest personalities you could find. He'd scare her off before we had a chance to offer her the spot...[Pauses] I probably could've done it, in all honesty. I just didn't want to screw it up. Eddie was better with words than I was, and we needed her in our band. Badly.
EDDIE: And I remember thinking, "Here goes fucking nothing."
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The doorbell ringing was what got her attention. No one ever used the doorbell. It was always a knock ― that, or someone just walked in. The L/n's front door was hardly ever locked back then. Y/n's mom was a nurse, formerly a school nurse. She didn't want to risk the chance that some kid took a spill and had to limp home on an injured leg. So all the neighborhood knew, if you got hurt playing outside, you could march on over to Miss L/n's place to get yourself fixed up.
Y/n had her own share of walk-ins, too. By the time she was ten, she had seen her mom help out enough kids that she was practically a nurse herself. She could disinfect and bandage and stitch up any old case that walked through her front door. And if someone who was too busted up for first aid? She knew where the keys to the family Winnebago was and how to drive herself and them to the local hospital. She was only fourteen and didn't have a license, but it didn't matter. She was a safer driver than most everyone else on the road.
So when someone rang the doorbell, she assumed that it was someone too injured to knock. She grabbed the car keys and made sure her suture kit was within reach.
When she opened the door, she didn't see the blood and broken bones she was expecting. Instead, Eddie Roundtree stood on her front porch, hands shoved anxiously in his pockets. He looked all right, but that didn't stop her from asking: "You're not hurt, are you?"
"Um. No," Eddie said quickly, taking his hands out of his pockets.
"Okay," she said slowly, eyes narrowing. "Do you want to come in?"
"Yeah, sure."
Y/n turned and walked further into the house, prompting him to close the door and follow her. She led him to the kitchen. "Lemonade? I made it this morning," she offered, already opening the fridge.
EDDIE: That jug of lemonade was bigger than she was. [Laughs] I could barely watch her get it down. I was afraid she'd drop it on her foot. But she just took her time getting it from the fridge to the table. I found out later that her mom bought a pound of lemons a week because Y/n wanted something to offer every kid that came through their front door. [Pauses]. She was just like that.
He gave a nod. Y/n stood on her toes to grab two glasses from the cabinet. She poured one glass, hands shaking from the weight of the jug, and Eddie realized that this awkward silence was probably the best time to transition into his real reason for visiting.
"Chuck left the band."
"Oh," she said simply. "Sorry."
"Don't be."
She paused, looking confused. And Eddie, who's will to live was slowly draining from this conversation alone, raced to finish what he had (awkwardly) started.
"I just mean that...you're in. The band. If you want to be our drummer, you're in."
Y/n paused mid-pour, setting the pitcher down on the counter carefully. She turned around until her back pressed into the kitchen counter, arms crossed over her chest. "And you thought I'd jump at the chance to join?"
"No. No," Eddie said quickly. "We just wanted to offer you the spot if you still wanted it."
"Did I say that I wanted it?"
"No, but―"
"Okay, just making sure," she handed him a glass and hopped up onto the counter, crossing her legs underneath her. "So you need a drummer?"
"Yes. Badly."
She took a sip from her glass and paused, as if weighing her options in her mind. She swallowed. "Are there any other girls in the band yet?"
EDDIE: Yet. Like she knew it was going to happen. It was just a matter of time.
"No, not yet." he replied.
"Then be honest with me: are you guys sleazeballs?"
EDDIE: Sleazeballs. She didn't sugarcoat things. She wanted to know if we were creeps or if we'd let her play drums in peace. I get that, one hundred percent. but back then, it felt like she was trying to accuse us of something.
"No," he said quickly, "Well...Warren can be a little much, but he means well."
She took another slow sip, once again weighing her options in her mind. "When's your next gig?"
"We play pretty much every night, wherever we can find. It might take us a bit to teach you the songs, but―"
"I can learn them," she said confidently. "How soon do you need someone?"
"Soon as possible."
EDDIE: By then, I was terrified she'd say no. All these questions and never once did she seem really interested in joining. I was already trying to figure out which of us would be the least shit at the drums.
"Okay. I'm in."
EDDIE: And that was it. She said yes. I didn't appreciate how much she'd saved our asses right then, but I was relieved. That was for sure.
GRAHAM: Eddie came back, told us she said yes. She couldn't join practice until her mom got home ― she didn't want the house to be empty if some injured kid wandered by ― so we had about an hour and a half to teach her every song.
BILLY: She picked 'em up like [snaps] that. Never doubted it for a single second, either. Once she knew it, she knew it.
EDDIE: She showed up to the first gig in overalls and sneakers. She let Camila put a little makeup on her, too, but we could all tell she hated it.
CAMILA: She was sweet. And, surprisingly, a little shy. I could tell she was a little scared of the boys. That's why she was a little cold to them at first. But she was just the coolest kid. I mean, fourteen years old and joining a rock band? She was a little rockstar, right off the bat. She asked me to put some makeup on her before her first gig with the band. When I gave her a mirror after and asked her what she thought, she said, "I like it, but it makes me feel like a doll. Not a drummer." She liked the glitter the most, though. It became her trademark. She put it on her cheeks, in her hair, everywhere that would catch the light. She'd come off stage and you'd see a little pile of sparkles behind the drum set.
EDDIE: Right off the bat, first gig. It was enough to freak anyone out. She joined the band six hours ago, learned the songs three hours ago, and now she was playing in a club to a couple dozen people. It seems so small now, but back then? It was like starting at Wembley.
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Y/n shook out her hands for the eighth time. It wasn't about loosening up for the gig anymore, she just needed something to do that didn't involve throwing a punch or screaming at the top of her lungs. She looked up at Billy, standing at the front of the group, cool and calm as ever, and she had the distinct urge to kick him in the shin. Why did he get to be so calm when she was right behind him, on the verge of throwing up?
She turned to anxiously twisting a single drum stick between her fingers, around and around, faster and faster. Eventually it became so mindless that she barely noticed as the stick slipped from her fingers, clattering to the floor. She bent to retrieve it quickly, hoping no one had noticed.
But, of course, someone did.
"Hey," Eddie said, looking back at her.
"Warren knocked it out of my hands." she said quickly.
Eddie glanced over at Warren, who was a solid two feet ahead of her, physically unable to have knocked a drum stick out of her hands. Y/n knew from that glance that he could see right through her lie. Now she really wasn't in the mood to talk.
EDDIE: She was terrified. And she was lying her ass off about it. I didn't want to run the risk that she choked up in the middle of the show and screwed up our set. So I figured I'd just, talk. And if she wanted me to screw off, she'd tell me. She had a way of saying exactly what she wanted.
"You've heard of the Drummer's Curse, right?" he asked.
She frowned in a way that told him no, she did not.
"First, there's the obvious stuff: drummers have to lug around the most shit out of anyone in the band. Drums sets are heavy and expensive, so there's that. But the worst part is that they're easy to overlook, you know? They're at the back of the stage behind all this shit, everyone stands in front of 'em. Drummers can fade into the background real easy. The best drummers can outshine anyone else onstage. You'll do that one day, but if you're freaked out now, just let yourself fade a little. You'll play better than anyone up there and the crowd'll know it, but you can let them focus on someone else if you want. You get what I'm saying?"
EDDIE: For a second, I thought she was going to punch me.
But then she nodded, wiped off some of the pink lipstick Camila had put on her with the back of her hand, and pushed her bangs to the side. "Drummers' Curse, huh?"
"Some people believe in it, some don't."
"And you?" she asked, turning to him. "Do you believe in that kind of stuff?"
Eddie paused. Shrugged. "Sure. Seems true enough to me."
Y/n nodded. "I don't. It sounds like bullshit to me."
Eddie frowned. She looked up at him. "I'm not going to let myself fade because I'm scared. I signed up for this, you know. The least I can do is own my place. If I outshine you, it's just because I'm that good," she said matter-of-factly. "I will need help carrying the stuff, though."
EDDIE: I didn't know what to say. I mean, [laughs] what the hell do you say to that?
He felt like he'd had the rug pulled out from under him. And then, he surprised himself: he laughed.
And Y/n surprised herself then, too ― she smiled.
EDDIE: That was just...[Shakes head. Smiles.] I don't know.
"I think we can manage that." he said with a smile.
"Ladies and gentlemen...The Dunne Brothers!"
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WARREN: If I were still the guy I was back then, I would completely undersell her to you right now. I'd tell you she was an average drummer who was more in it for the thrill than the craft. But that wasn't it at all. She got up there and she just...shined.
GRAHAM: We all knew she'd be scared before the first gig. In fact, she looked about ready to throw up when they announced us on stage. But the second she hit those lights, it was like she was a different person. She waved and smiled like she'd done it a hundred times. The only other person I'd seen do that ― I mean really become another person on stage ― is Billy.
BILLY: That first show with Y/n was a little bit of a trainwreck. We were at least a half beat behind the entire show. And I'm not saying I blame her, but she was new and shiny. We got through it just fine, but I think we all felt it wasn't our best show.
WARREN: That show was bitchin'.
GRAHAM: It was a great show.
WARREN: Back in those days, we'd get off stage and start cheering for ourselves like we'd just won the goddamn lottery. Somewhere along the way, that stopped. We'd just pat each other on the back, say 'good job,' and that was that. But when Y/n got backstage? She was screaming and yelling like it was the best night of her life. And all of us joined in without a second thought ― well, maybe all of us except Billy. He was kind of a hard ass, even then. None of us had ever heard this girl talk louder than a glorified whisper, and then she came out of nowhere with this full-body scream. And who did she run to? Well, I think you can guess.
CAMILA: She just about jumped into Eddie's arms.
Adrenaline is a funny thing. For one, the effect is had on different people can be vastly different depending on who it was. Some people mellowed out, some people amped up. Y/n fell into the second category.
The second she got off the stage, a giddy laugh ripped from her chest, turning more into a scream of triumph halfway through. She was buzzing. Literally. Her hands felt numb ― or, more accurately, they felt like they felt more. Everything she touched was sharp and blinding.
The next person to join in on the screaming and jumping around was Warren. Then Graham. Then Eddie. And then, reluctantly, Billy. Eddie was the last to come off stage, slinging his guitar off his shoulders, and Y/n, without thinking much about it, ran straight to him, leaping directly into his unsuspecting arms.
The others were too hyped up on their own adrenaline rushes to notice that anything out of the ordinary had happened. She wrapped her legs around his waist hanging onto him like a koala. And Eddie, who couldn't deny adrenaline, held onto her back without a second thought.
After a moment, she leaned back, arms still wrapped around his neck, faces inches apart. "Drummers' curse, huh?"
EDDIE: She didn't fade. She couldn't, not even if she tried.
Eddie just smiled and shook his head. "Sounds like bullshit to me."
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holdmytesseract · 4 months
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moodboard by @chennqingg <3 | divider by @jiyaxedits <3
Through The Years
Jotun!King!Loki Laufeyson x fem!Æsir!Queen!Reader
Summary: This story takes you and Loki on a journey through the twins life. From their first steps all the way to their first time falling in love.
Warnings for this Chapter: bit angst? sad/slightly desperate Loki, drama, yelling? fluff
Word Count: 3k
a/n: This chapter is a very important one, I'd say. After all, we are going to find out who is going to be the heir to the throne! 👀
Also, I thought I post this today, because it's Tomathy's birthday! 🥳🥰
Tags: @eleniblue @muddyorbsblr @mochie85 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jaidenhawke @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @multifandom-worlds @huntedmusicgardenn @lokiforever @captain-camille @lokisgoodgirl @smolvenger @hisredheadedgoddess28 @glitchquake @chennqingg @icytrickster17 @princess-ofthe-pages @crimson25 @buttercupcookies-blog @elegantcheesecakecrown @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @loz-3 @herdetectivetheorist @simping-for-marvel @km-ffluv @stupidthoughtsinwriting @jennyggggrrr @lady-rose-moon @salvinaa @lovingchoices14 @irishhappiness @sheris532 @princessdragon23 @xxannyxx
❄️ Chapter Three ❄️ Chapter Five ❄️
Ice Flower AU Masterlist ❄ Loki Masterlist ❄ Masterlist
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Chapter Four - The Crown Prince
"What bothers you, my king?" You asked your husband in a soft, hushed voice - not to startle him. He was standing on the big balcony of your shared chambers, gazing into distance. Loki and the landscape to his feet were bathed in bright, soft blue moonlight; illuminating the dark. Summers on Jotunheim were beautiful, you learned. Some might would not expect this, but it was true. It wasn't super warm though, unlike on Asgard. Warm enough to grow crops and such, but that was it. Certainly not warm enough to run around naked - at least for you. While Loki stood there in nothing but his sleep loincloth, you were tightly wrapped up in your Asgardian dressing gown - plus some warm fur slippers. The nights were colder anyway.
"Is it what I think it is?" You questioned him further; now wrapping your hands around his strong torso; hugging him from behind. "The announcement?" You felt how Loki took a deep breath and sighed, "Yes, my queen." before he put his big hands on your smaller ones. "I... I am afraid I made the wrong decision and..." You ran your thumb in a caressing manner over the bulging muscles of his abs. "And?" He swallowed. "I never wanted to choose. I knew from the moment they were born that I had to one day, but... I never wanted to carry this burden. Why cannot decide someone else? The people? Or our advisors?" You sighed as well, knowing how bad he felt. "I know, my love, I know, but... Unfortunately, it's the king's decision. It always was; always will be." He scoffed, clearly affected by all this. "I remember that day... Clearly. Father chose Thor. Being the first born was to his advantage, but... Nevertheless, Odin would've chosen my brother. He believed he was the better king. Wiser. More mature. I accepted it - and in the end, I'm glad he didn't choose me. Because if he had, who knows if our paths ever crossed? I doubt it." The king squeezed your hands gently; loving - bathing in your embrace. "Well, I am glad, too, love. I am lucky to call you my queen now - and wife. I wouldn't want any other princess. Just you. Always you..." He muttered, pausing. "But this is different... Our boys are twins. No first born. No one of them has an advantage. By the norns, I wouldn't even want that... We always treated them equally - how it should be and now... Now I am forced to favour one of them. As a father, this is cruel."
Your heart broke at his words. You knew very well how he must feel. It wasn't fair - but that was a burden of being alive... Sometimes it was just not fair. "I know, my love, I know," you whispered and pressed a lingering kiss on the soft skin of his bare back. "I find this just as cruel as you do. Parents shouldn't have to ever put one child over the others and it's just not fair, but... Life unfortunately isn't fair..." You spoke the words on your mind, but stopped to press another reassuring kiss on his skin. "You need to remind yourself that this is a decision you make as a king. Not as a father." You could hear your husband swallowing again, before he turned in your embrace and lowered his upper body, in order to press his forehead against yours. "Should I mirror your words in front of them? Tell Áki and Váli that I'd never make this decision as a father, but have to as a king?" You nodded. "Yes. I think it would be important for them to know." Another deep sigh left your husband's lips. "I hope they'll understand... I don't know what to do if they don't."
You loosened your grip around his torso and lifted your hands to cup his cheeks; giving Loki a soft smile. "They'll understand. I know they will." The king nodded, squeezed his eyes shut and held you even closer. You let him, of course, enjoyed the tight embrace you were in.
"Let's go to bed, my king, shall we?" "Yes." You led Loki back to your marital bed then, sunk together with him in the sheets and held him close. It was just what he needed that night. The undying, unshakeable love and support of his wife.
Nevertheless, didn't have Loki a restful night. He tossed and turned from time to time; thoughts running wild inside his head. That was the reason why he was up quite early; watching the sun rise over Jotunheim.
You woke up with the sun as well; sleepy eyes searching for your husband. "Loki?" "Over here, my love." Your eyes followed his voice. He was sitting on the settee in front of the empty fireplace; gaze settled on you. "Good morning, darling." You smiled sleepy; stretching your limbs. "Good morning." You could feel his beautiful ruby eyes on you; watching you with an overwhelming amount of love and gentleness. But when your gaze met his, you could also see how troubled he was. Still. Your expression softened. "C'mere, my love." Reaching out your hand towards him, you waited for him to take it.
It only took him a few seconds to bridge the distance between the settee and bed; eagerly taking your hand into his and intertwining your fingers. You pulled him gently closer, until his legs hit the edge of the bed and he had no other choice but to lean down. With a soft, loving smile, you caught his lips with yours; kissing him lazily. Loki's eyes fluttered shut; heart beating faster. He'd never get tired of kissing you. Never.
"Have you decided yet?" Your sweet voice urged to his ears; pulling the king down on the harsh reality. Perhaps he got lost in your eyes for a few moments... With a deep sigh he nodded, "I have, yes." and told you this important decision.
"What do you think of it? Do I... Do I make the right choice, my queen?" Loki was so uncertain and troubled. You'd even go as far and say that he was afraid. So, you tried your best to comfort him. Just like you did last night. "I'd say you do, yes." You said honestly, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "He'll make a great further king. I am convinced by that."
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Mere hours later, the king of Jotunheim was in his throne room, sitting upon his throne. His leg bounced nervously up and down; he definitely felt the burden of the upcoming event on his shoulders, weighing him down. Like hypnotized, he stared on the big doors, waiting for them to open - which they did only a few minutes later, revealing two guards and his twin sons. The guards let them in, took a bow and closed the doors again, leaving the three men alone.
"You wanted to see us, dad?" Áki was the first one to talk; being definitely the braver twin. Puberty changed the young men, of course, but not their characters. Áki was brave and talkative, while Váli was shyer and more reserved. Not that Váli didn't have braveness within him, but not as much as his brother.
Loki nodded, took a deep breath. "How to begin with?" He muttered to himself, before standing up and stepped closer to his sons. "I have to talk with you both about something important. But not here. Let's take a walk, shall we?" Said and done. Father and sons left the palace only minutes later. "Do we have to be afraid of what you need to tell us?" Váli asked, eyeing Loki with a slightly worried gaze. "No, it's... It's..." The king took another breath. "You are now 20 years old. You've grown into big, strong and wise men - without a doubt. And I couldn't be prouder of you. I really am - and so is your mother." The twin brothers exchanged a sceptical look. Not that they never heard those words from their father before, no - quite the opposite, but... Something in Loki's voice was different. Áki and Váli could tell. "You learned so much in all those years. About Jotunheim, about your heritage, about how to act as princes - and you're doing it to perfection." Loki paused. "It is time for me to make a decision. I avoided it for a long time; tried to escape it, but... I can't do it much longer. Our people, the advisors - yes, the whole kingdom expects from me to finally decide. And I have. I had to."
Váli frowned at his father, while Áki already had a guess. "What is this all about, dad?" Loki sighed. "The throne. My successor." Váli was definitely more surprised than his brother. "T-The throne? You are telling us who the crown prince is going to be?" "Exactly, my son." Áki just nodded. "We're ready for it. I am ready for it." Loki smiled at his sons. "I know you both are. I just don't know if I am ready. Well, I guess I'll never be - but that doesn't matter." The king swallowed hard. "But before I am going to tell you this, I want you both to know that it wasn't an easy decision for me. I thought long about this. Mostly even at night. I want you to know, that I made this decision as a king - not as a father. I never would. My love for you is equally strong. It always was and it always will be. I love you more than life itself, my sons." Áki smiled, just like his brother. "We love you, too." Váli agreed. "We do - and we know that you'd never favour one of us above the other as a father, but have to as a king."
Those words meant a lot to Loki; helping to ease his fear and worries a bit. He stopped and turned to place a hand on a shoulder of each twin. "This means a lot to me. I'm glad you understand. Now that that's settled..." Loki swallowed hard. "Váli, Áki... Each of you is perfectly qualified for the throne, but... I'd like you to be the future king of Asgard, Váli." The young man's eyes widened. He absolutely hadn't seen that coming. He always had expected his brother to be the future king. Áki was stronger, braver - a warrior and a true Jotun, while Váli was... Just himself. A bit dreamy, quiet and had his nose always buried in a book. Despite that, he looked like his mother - an Æsir. Not Jotun. Was that really what his father wanted? What the people wanted?
"W-What? M-Me?" Loki nodded. "Yes, you, Váli." "B-But... Why?" The king smiled softly. "Because you are smart, wise and kind. You always make the right decisions. You are well-read and know how to rule." Váli was literally speechless. His lips moved, but now words left his mouth. "And I am not?!" The angry, clearly jealous voice of Áki cut through the air. Loki quickly redirected his attention, looked his other son in the eyes. "I never said that, Áki. You are smart and wise. You have a lot of kindness in you as well, but-" "But what?!" The furious prince literally spat. "You're a bit hot-headed. You have so much passion and energy flowing through your veins. You, my son, are the greatest warrior I have ever seen. Even greater than I am - which is why I believe, that it would be better for you to defend our home. Make sure it's safe. I want you to stand at your brother's side as his first advisor and leader of our army."
Unlike his brother, Áki rather had expected to be crowned future king. He always found himself perfect for this. Worthy of becoming a king. He didn't want to be jealous of his brother. He really didn't, because he loved Váli dearly. But the heat of the moment and his slightly hot-headed nature blinded him.
Áki answered nothing to his father's almost desperate try to explanation. He just scoffed and stormed off, leaving a distraught Loki behind. This certainly didn't go as planned. That was exactly what Loki always wanted to prevent... What he was fleeing from...
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It was already quite late, when Loki decided to approach his son again, in order to talk to him. The king knew, that he couldn't spend the night in peace without having talked to Áki. You told Loki to give him some space, which he understood - but he couldn't wait any longer. He had to talk to him. So, Loki went to his chambers, but found them empty. Áki wasn't there. It didn't stop the king, though. He had a guess, knew exactly where he would most likely find the prince. While Váli preferred to escape into the secret room in the library, whenever he needs to be alone, his brother fled to the training grounds. That's where Loki went next - and he was successful. Áki was there, letting out all his anger and frustration on a Jotun sized target. His sword beat down on it, over and over again; abusing the wooden surface and causing it to splinter. Loki took a deep breath, feeling his nerves again.
"Son..." Áki immediately stopped at the sound of his father's voice. Breathing heavily, with his chest rising and falling quickly, he turned around to face Loki. "What do you want?" "I want to talk with you." Áki released a breathless, derisive chuckle. "Didn't we already talk enough?" Another deep sigh left Loki's lips; desperation crawling up in him once again. "Please, Áki. I know this frustrates you, but-" "No!" The young prince cuts him off. "I don't understand your motives, father! We both know I'd be the better king!" Áki insisted; fury ruby eyes meeting his father's identical ones. "I never denied that! I know you'd be a great king!" "Then why I won't get to be king?!" Loki inhaled sharply and closed his eyes for a moment. "Because of your temper and hot-headed nature. Those aren't exceptionally bad characteristics - and you know that, but-" "But what?!" The prince spat. "Let me finish my sentence, young man, and you'll hear!" Loki had a short fuse sometimes as well. Like father, like son... Áki clapped his mouth shut at Loki's small outburst and took a submissive step back; turned into a little boy again within seconds. "A-Apologies, father." Loki gave him an intense look and crossed his arms over his chest. "I believe that you can use those... abilities of yours way better in being the leader of our army. You fit perfectly in this role. You were always destined to be a warrior. Just like I am. Just like your mother was." The king's anger deflagrated quickly again, when he saw the hurt and sorrowful look in his son's eyes. A little boy once again, indeed.
Loki sighed and stepped closer to his son; placed a hand on his bare shoulder. "Look, I... That is exactly what I always wanted to prevent. What I always was afraid of - since yours and your brother's birth. I knew I had to choose someday - and it scared me to death. Because of that. Because I had to disappoint one of you. I am sorry, son. I truly am. I... I hoped I would be able to compensate your loss of the throne with the position as the leader of our warriors and first advisor, ruling at your brother's side and supporting him like nobody else could..." Loki swallowed, "But I'm afraid, I failed." and shook his head. "But my decision stands. My offer stands." He sighed. "Again, I am truly sorry, Áki. I hope that one day you can wrap your head around this and forgive me - and perhaps accept my gift for you. You can be angry. You have every right to be angry, but please... Don't blame your brother for this. Don't let him feel your wrath." With those words Loki let go of Áki and stepped back in order to leave. "And please... Don't let me lose my son. I couldn't bear it." The king knew when he lost - and that was the case, so he turned around and walked away.
What he didn't expect, though, was Áki's voice, holding him back. "Dad, wait!" He almost yelled, before adding in a quiet voice: "Please..." Loki stopped dead in his tracks. "I... I didn't mean to react the way I did. I shouldn't have reacted that way. It was... inappropriate." Loki swallowed and turned around slowly to face Áki again. "You're right. I have a temper... And I am hot-headed as well. It took over. I got lost in the heat of the moment. I should be grateful for what you're giving me... Not angry." Loki's words hit the young prince; cleared his foggy brain. He could see straight again. "If anyone should be sorry, it's me. Please forgive me, dad." Áki lowered his head in shame and regret.
The king couldn't believe his ears. His son's opinion changed within seconds. His heart skipped undeniably a beat; hoping for an immediate reconciliation with his son.
Loki stepped closer again - and once more found his hand the young warrior's shoulder. This gesture caused him to lift his head again; looking straight in his father's eyes. All Loki could see now in those pools of red was regret and pure honesty. He smiled softly. "Apology accepted." Áki's eyes widened. "W-What? Really?" Loki nodded. "Yes. Like I said... You had every right to be angry. I often acted the same way when I was your age." "Really?" "Really." "S-So... You're forgiving me?" Another smile grazed Loki's cerulean lips. "Of course, son. You're forgiven - but... Apologise to your brother as well. He's blaming himself already the whole day... He even thought about refusing the throne, handing it over to you and learning to fight...." Áki's eyes widened. "By the norns... Of course, I am going to apologise!"
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praisethesuuun · 1 year
Hi. I am not sure if you open the request, but if you open the request, can I ask for NSFW alphabets for our thunder berserker Thor from Record of Ragnarok? Thank you 💕
This big guy is one of the softest out there, I was so happy while writing this❤️hope you like it!
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A: aftercare <what they're like after sex>
Thor always, ALWAYS, worry about you: he's a big guy and he knows it. He loves massaging every sore spot on you, then going to get you something to drink, something fresh and cool usually.
B: body part <their favourite body part on them and you>
His favourite part of his are his eyes: he can't ignore the way you get lost in those golden pools, the expression of wonder you have when you look at them makes him feel proud of his appearance. Plus, Thor absolutely loves your cheeks, because he likes to pinch them and kissing them while he pounds into you.
C: cum <anything to do with it, really>
On your face, without a doubt. He gets over heels when he sees your eyes slightly closed so as not to risk blinding you when he cums...it's just so hot for this god.
D: dirty secret <a dirty secret of theirs>
He doesn't want to admit that he has a lactation kink, like, he feels so loved when he drinks your milk (especially because he never had someone to care for him so much or a mother, if we have to say it all)
E: experience <how experienced are they>
Thor doesn't have much experience, like I said before, he's kind of a loner. Please, teach him how to make you feel good.
F: favourite position <self-explanatory>
Leap frog, he feels like he has control over the situation without risking of hurting you still remaining the dominant one. Sorry, but I don't think he'll like being the bottom.
G: goofy <would they use humor in the moment?>
I mean, have you seen him? Thor is serious, BUT every now and then you can see a small smile make its way over his usual bored expression.
H: hair <how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the courtains?>
Thor is really well groomed, everything is clean and shaved. The carpet match the courtains, red as ever.
I: intimacy <are they romantic in the moment or they do not care?>
This big god of thunder it may seem cold and detached to you, but it's quite the opposite! He's the sweetest lover ever, always asking you if he's hurting you and kissing you all over your skin. Such a sweetheart!
J: jack off <...self-explanatory part 2>
Well, not gonna lie, I thought he was the type to not even think about it. That time you caught him masturbating with your clothes in his hand may tell you otherwise. You know how they say: the silent ones are always the kinkiest-
K: kinks <their kinks>
Beyond the lactation kink that I named before, I see him as someone who has a hidden daddy kink. And, why not, he likes seeing you as a prey, while Thor is the scary hunter that wants you all to himself. Good luck with him, it will be difficult to tame this beast.
L: location <where they usually do the do>
The bedroom and the temple's garden. We all know that Thor likes gardening, so just imagine: him sweating under the sun, with all flowers around him and his long red hair up in a ponytail. Girl, I will be horny if I were you, it doesn't surprise me the fact that you two won't always keep your business in the bedroom.
M: motivation <what turns them on>
You two sparring is incredible for him, especially when he makes you think you can overpower him and then roll over, pinning you under its weight. You're too cute under him, he can't help but being all horny and nervous.
N: no <things they refuse to do>
Trying something that could hurt you too bad. Thor doesn't know how to control his power and he's madly nervous about doing anything bad to you. You'll have to work on that.
O: oral <do they like giving or receiving?>
He prefers receiving, mostly because he wants to feel loved and appreciated. Give him all you got and please him like you never did to another, he's a lot touch starved after all.
P: pace <are they slow and sensual or fast and rough>
Thor wants to go slow thanks to his dimension (which are very remarkable, if we have to be honest). Take all your time in taking him, you're there for a good time, so no need to worry about time: you two got plenty of that.
Q: quickie <would they fuck you for five minutes or wait until you wait home?>
He's doesn't really likes quickies. This big boy wants to feel the full experience of fucking you: admire all your movements with attentions, the way your eyes look at him with love and the way your little hands grip the sheet.
R: risk <...DUH>
Yeah, Thor is okay as long as it's not extreme for any of you.
S: stamina <how long can they last?>
Oh, boy! All day if he could! This god is strong, I mean, have you seen his muscles? And his fight? He will stop only when you pass out from pleasure.
T: toys <do they own any? do they use them?>
Naaaah, he doesn't even know what they are, he won't mind trying one of them out on you tho, if you know what I mean-
U: unfair <how much they like to tease>
Not so much, the only tease he does is when you're attending a meeting and, totally out of nowhere, he decides to bury his thick cock in you. Making you stay there without moving and with a throbbing pussy. A total torture, indeed.
V: volume <are they asking for a noise complaint, or are they quiet?>
Only groans leave his mouth as the god thrust into you like a mad man. You will never hear his voice, that means that his shaky breath and soft groans are the only things that tells you if he's enjoing himself or not.
W: wild card <a random headcanon☆>
One time, you decided to suprise him by putting on some cat ears and a butt plug with a tail shape. Turns out he loved it and actually asked you to do it again.
X: x-ray <what to they look like under there?>
Now, you're a really lucky one because this god is large, like very large. The tip is #edadab and has some vein here and there.
Y: yearning <are they in the mood to fuck or are they tame?>
Thor is pretty tame, he will start to feel more horny every time you two fuck. So yeah, just give him a bit of time and he will get the hand of that.
Z: zzz <how quickly they fall asleep afterwards>
He doesn't necessarily fall asleep: if he has something to do after, then he will wait for you to fall asleep to then kiss you softly and tuck you in before leaving; if he has no commitment, then he will fall asleep slowly while watching you sleep on him.
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wonderbreadbucky · 2 years
Autumn Brings Change
Steve Harrington x F!Reader
Takes place post season 4 -- Best Friends to Lovers -- Slow Burn -- Angst and Happy Endings
Description: You and Steve have been best friends for years, growing together through everything Hawkins had to throw at you. There's just one thing, you're in love with your best friends and try your hardest to move on. Little do you know, your best friend feels the same way. (yes there is a little women reference in here)
warnings: Violence, mentions of insecurities, swearing, assault (guy tries to get reader to sleep with him and reader says no, screaming match ensues)
word count: 9k
a/n: guess who's back, back again, E is back. Hi guys, I know it's been a while since I've written something, and I really wanted to make this worth it as a comeback post. life is weird right now, and i'm handling a lot of weird things happening in my life, and I've used this fic as a creative outlet. this is by far my longest fic to date, so I really hope you guys enjoy it! This fic is dedicated to @foreverindreamlandd for inspiring me to write a steve fic, to @florestmoon for inspiring me to write a slow burn fic, and to @cevans-is-classic for being my dear friend and beta reader. Enjoy!
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“Oh my god! You’re in love with him!” 
Robin’s voice echoed through the quiet of the Hawkins bookstore, the very few customers scattered through the shelves glaring towards the two of you as you hastily shush her, reaching over the counter to place your hand on her mouth. She rambles on, voice muffled by your hand as you continue to whisper “shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” at her. 
“Robin please keep your voice dow- EW!” You rip the hand covering her mouth away at lightning speed, staring at the now wet spot on your palm, brows pulled together in disgust. “You just licked me?” 
“You wouldn’t move your hand,” She shrugged. “You taste like old paper.” 
“I just reshelved some of our used books.” You frown as you wipe your hand on your jeans. “Robin, I have no clue what you’re talking about.” You grab the box of paper bags and move down the counter to the register. 
“Oh come on!” Robin moves with you. “I see the way you look at him, I listen to how you talk about him. I always thought it was some weird best-friends-through-shared-trauma connection you guys have together, but after that pretty decent guy gave you his number and you waved it off and- and I just told you about him putting the moves on Gina during our last shift. It clicked! You love Steve Harrington!” She whispers the last sentence, leaning across the counter so much that her toes lift off of the ground. Your silence is enough for her and she starts to vibrate in place. 
“Robin, please, do not say a single word. Please.” You sigh, leaning onto the counter.
“How long?” Her voice loses all teasing tone as she tilts her head. 
“About two years.” 
“Oh, sweetie.” Your head drops to the counter, body fully slumped over, cheek pressed against the scuffed wood top. 
“Ish humiliating.” Your voice comes out muffled. 
“It’s not humiliating. Have you talked to him about it?” She places a hand on your hair, brushing it away from your face. 
“Of course not.” The heat builds up in your cheeks as you go on. “He was with Nancy, and then Nancy broke his heart and then he liked you,” You miss the confusion on her face at these words. “And then you became friends, and now he’s on this serial dating rampage and I just can’t take that anymore.” You drag the last syllable as a groan. 
“I think you need to talk to him, Y/N.” Your head shoots up at that.
“No, no, no. I can’t, I can’t risk it. What if he’s actually disgusted by me and is just pity friends with me? What if he’s just friends with me because I’m a vacuum for him to tell me his feelings?” You ramble out. 
“I seriously doubt that-” 
“But what if he is, Rob? We’ve known each other for over a decade. He could very well only be friends with me because he feels obligated. I was just his weird new neighbor that his parents made him befriend when we were 8.” Your head smacks right back down onto the counter, the dull thud echoing through the quiet front end. Her hands move right back to smoothing your hair as you whimper pathetically.
“Y/N, I really think you need to talk to him about this. I think… If you did… you may be surprised at the outcome and see that-” Robin’s dulcet tone is once again cut off, but instead of you being the culprit, it’s the bell above the entrance. At the noise, you don’t move. To hell with professionalism. You’re sure your aunt, who owns the shop and gave you the job, would understand when you inevitably sat down with her and a bottle of wine to explain if a complaint was made. 
“Woah woah, why so solemn? It’s starting to feel like a funeral home in here.” His voice makes you tense, Robin feeling it immediately. 
“Solemn? Was that your word of the day today, Harrington?” Robin diverts his attention instantly, and you make a mental note to thank her later. 
“Actually, Robin, today’s word was ‘Nebulous’, thank you very much.” Steve shoots back, looking out among the shelves. You finally decide to lift your face off of the counter, squeezing your eyes shut before finally looking at him. 
He looks good, when doesn’t he look good, of course he looks good. The fall air has settled on Hawkins, the leaves tumbling through main street and past the shop showed you how much temperatures must have dropped since your shift began. He donned his regular jeans, but instead of his usual polo and windbreaker, he stood in front of you with a loose button up and jean jacket on. The mustard color of the button up worked for him, you thought. He ran his hand through his hair before turning to face you again. 
“Why the dramatics, huh? Did they delay the shipment of the new Stephen King books again?” He reaches a finger out to poke at your forehead, no doubt red from where it was squished against the counter just moments prior. You kick the newly delivered box further under the counter at this, willing to take the out he presented you with. When you open your mouth, though, Robin cuts in. 
“Actually, our dear girl here is having some boy troubles.” You and Steve both snap your heads to look at the blonde at that. Nope, not going to thank her anymore. You, again, go to say something, but Robin continues. “See, this guy gave her his number yesterday and,” Robin leans over the counter to dig a hand underneath the register, pulling out the crumpled paper you stuffed there, flashing it to Steve. “She doesn’t know if she should call him. I was talking her through it.” 
“Oh.” Steve’s eyes are wide as he looks at the number and at you. There’s something different in his tone. “Well… who was the guy? Anyone I’d know?” 
“Just some guy from the college a couple towns over…” You mutter, picking at the roll of packing tape on the counter. He tenses, but you don’t catch it. “He’s been coming in a bit lately, always asks me what books I recommend, actually read the one book I told him about.” Robin's head nods fast enough that it gives you a headache. 
“Yeah! He listened.” Robin looks pointedly at Steve, who bristles and quickly brushes off the look in her eyes. 
“So, was this guy bothering you? Do you need me to set him straight next time he comes in?” Steve is serious as he leans on the counter. You shake your head. 
“He’s harmless, and anyways, I don’t think I’m going to call him.” 
“Yeah?” Steve’s tone was almost… Hopeful? No. 
“Not sure if it’s worth it…” You avert your gaze again, moving to a cart of returns and go backs at the corner of the counter. The bell rings again, and you glance over to see Dustin and Mike enter the store with Holly, Mike’s 6 year old sister. Holly’s face lights up as she sees you. 
She was a sweet girl, and her mother brought her in frequently for the children’s reading time offered in the store weekly. She had grown fond of you, and you her. 
“Y/N!” The blond pulls from her brother, rounding the counter before launching into your legs. You let out a laugh at this, hugging her back as best as you could. 
“Holly!” You mimic her tone. “How’re you doing, pretty girl?” 
“Mom made Mike bring me to town with him and she gave me ten dollars to get a book!” She beams up at you with a toothless smile. You gasp in amazement. 
“Ten whole dollars? What’re you going to do? Buy the store from me?” She lets out a belly laugh when you poke at her sides. “Here, why don’t you sit up here for a minute, and I’ll help you find a book soon. Okay?” She nods excitedly as you lift her to sit on the stool before turning back to your friends. 
As you focused on the younger boys, you missed the fondness that filled Steve’s eyes as he watched how you interacted with the young girl.
“What’s going on, guys?” Dustin questions. You go to answer, and once again Robin butts in. 
“A guy gave Y/N his number yesterday and we’re talking about it. She doesn’t want to call him.” 
“Robin I swear to God, I am going to kick your-” 
“Ah ah! Child present!” She jumps away from you, half hiding behind a frowning Steve and pointing at where Holly sits occupied by the price gun, giggling as she covers her leggings in stickers. 
“Why not?” Mike speaks up for the first time. He leans on the counter, looking down where the crumpled note sat before stealing a lollipop out of the penny candy jar. “I mean, it’s not like you have to marry the guy, right? A date wouldn’t hurt.” He shrugs. 
“Yeah but-” 
“Worse comes to worst, you get a free meal out of it.” You sigh at this, looking at Steve. His eyes don’t meet yours as he scuffs a toe on the worn wooden floor. You swallow back the bile that rises in your throat before looking back at Mike. 
“I guess you’re right. I’ll give him a call once I get off, but right now,” You force yourself to plaster a smile on when you turn to Holly. “We’ve got an adventure to get to. Right?” Holly nods her head at a speed that rivals Robin, and lets out a loud laugh as you pick her up and jog to the kids section, ‘whooshing’ as you pass the group.
“You are…” Robin reaches up to whack the back of Steve’s head. “Such an idiot!” Her words are hushed, but carry a heat as he cups the sore spot. 
“Ow! What did I do, dude?” 
“She was obviously waiting for you to say something! How can you be such a moron?” 
“No she wasn’t.” He scoffs. 
“Steve, I love you, man. But, Robin’s right. Grade A Moron.” Dustin shakes his head as he slaps Steve on the back. 
“Hey, hey! Listen, if anything it’s Wheeler’s fault.” The group flits their gaze to the lanky teen, who’s hunched over the counter, digging in the candy jar again, eyes wide as he’s caught.
“What did I do?” 
“What’s the worst that could happen? Free meal! Bleh.” Steve mocks him as he slumps against the counter. 
“Hey, hey, Wheeler’s an idiot but he doesn’t know about how pitiful you are for her.” Robin steps up beside him, leaning her elbows on the counter as she follows Steve’s eyes to where you are. Crouched down beside Holly, you hold a book in front of her, the other hand waving wildly as you are no doubt explaining the plot in a way that has her completely hooked. 
“Your time is running out, my guy.” 
The day dwindled on after the visit from your friends. You helped Holly, and promised her you’d see her at the next story time to quell the tears welling up in her blue eyes. She is sure to wave at you all the way to the door, and even as she walks down the sidewalk, disappearing from sight. You sigh with a smile, turning to face the counter and begin your closing duties before it’s too late, squatting down to grab the cleaning spray and rag before hoisting yourself back to standing with a grunt. As you finally straighten up, you come face to face with those honey brown eyes that have frequented your dreams more often than not. 
“Ah!” You jump back a tad, stumbling into a cart, a stack of books tumbling to the carpet. “Christ, Harrington. You trying to kill me?” 
“Shit,” He stifles a laugh. “Sorry, I thought you heard me.” 
“I swear to god, I’m going to put a bell on you.” You sigh, looking down at the discarded books before moving to grab them.
“Here, let me help.” He jogs around the counter to where you’re squatting, stacking the hardcovers off to the side. You reach your hand out for the final book, and as you grip the leather cover, so does Steve. You snap your head up to look at him, and find his eyes already on you. 
You can’t seem to bring yourself to pull away from him, choosing to let your eyes wander from his own and trail across his face. Scattered with freckles and moles, you trace them up to his eyebrow, where a faint scar sits on his brow from a particularly bad night years ago. You were there when the wound happened, desperately ripping at Billy’s arm to pull him off of Steve before he actually killed him. Something Steve always chastised you for, because when you were able to pull him off even a tad, Billy whipped around and landed a punch squarely into your stomach. Winding and effectively sending you into the side table, you had a scar on the back of your forearm to prove it.
Steve is the first to break the silence, pulling you from your memory as he clears his throat. 
“Is this- Uh, is this the book you recommended to me a while ago?” He pulls the book from your hand, flipping it over to look at the back of the cover. 
“Uh, yeah. It’s Jane Austen.” You busy yourself with straightening the stack of books, focusing everywhere but him. 
“Here, ring me up then.” He pushes the book up onto the counter before grabbing the stack of books from the floor, and reaching out to help you up. 
“You’re going to read it? I thought you weren’t really into reading-” You slide your hand into his warm one. 
“Yeah well,” He hoists you up and you have to brace yourself on the cart before you slam into him. “If it’s important enough to you to recommend it to me, then it’s important to me.” He shrugs, looking far too casual for the way his words set your skin on fire. 
“Really really.” You can’t help the smile that blooms its way across your face at that, nodding your head far too many times as he moves around the counter to stand across from you. You ring him up quickly, sliding a complimentary bookmark into the front cover with his receipt, and pushing the book across to him. 
“I expect updates on where you’re at in it, okay?” You point at him with a mock scowl. 
“You’ll be the first one to know, okay?” He holds his hands up in surrender as he laughs, backing up toward the door. “Get home safe, Y/L/N.” 
“You too, Steve.” The bell dings as he pushes it open, still facing you. You finally turn away from him once he’s out of the door, taking a deep breath before moving to wipe down the counter. You’re stopped by the bell ringing, and when you turn around you quirk a brow. 
“Steve? Did you forget something?” You move to stand in front of him, crossing your arms against your chest. 
“Yeah- I mean no, but I meant to ask you if you wanted to come over for a movie night tomorrow night?” He stutters over the words. Heat blooms in your chest as you look up at him. 
“A movie night? Just us?” Your voice feels tight in your throat, the last word coming out a little squeaky, and you struggle to mask it with a small cough. 
“Yeah. I thought it would be nice, like how we did when we were kids? I just…” You can’t look away from him as he talks, have his eyebrows always furrowed like that when he talked? “I miss my best friend.” Just as quickly as the heat came, it was extinguished. He reaches out a fist to lightly punch your shoulder, and you feel a piece of you crack away at that. 
“Oh… yeah, definitely. I should be free.” You swallow the lump that’s grown in your throat, and force a smile. He doesn’t seem to realize how he’s affected you, his face lighting up in a grin. 
“Great! What’re you in the mood for?” 
“Whatever is fine with me.” You’re silently pleading for him to leave before the burning behind your eyes culminates to actual tears. 
“Good, great, okay.” He nods, that smile still plastered on his face, so unknowing of how much you truly care for him and how much you wished best friend meant more. 
You couldn’t continue on like this anymore. 
As he said his final goodbye, you chose not to watch as he made his way down the sidewalk. Instead, you made your way past the cleaner bottle and rag, past the cart of books, and to the phone. Reaching into your pocket, you pulled out the crumbled receipt paper, and held the phone against your ear with your shoulder as you typed in the messy scrawl of letters. The ringing from the receiver only echoed in your ears as you waited. 
“Hi, is this, uh, Vincent?”
“Yeah, who’s this?” 
“It’s Y/N, from the bookstore? I wanted to see what you had in mind for that date.” 
After you closed up, you packed yourself into your car as quickly as possible, all but peeling out of the alley where you parked, and heading directly to Robin’s house. You were certain you had broken several traffic laws on the way there, but Hawkins Police cared little about anything nowadays. When you finally pulled out in front of her house, nearly forgetting to put the car in park and actually take the keys out of the ignition, you jog your way to the door. It only took a few seconds of incessant knocking for someone to answer, Robin’s mom smiling at you when she opened the door. 
“Hi honey! We weren’t expecting you.” 
“I’m so sorry to interrupt your night like this Mrs. Buckley. I need to talk to Robin, is she home?” She nods, inviting you in with a small hug and allowing you to take your shoes and coat off. 
“She’s in her room. Are you hungry? Thirsty? I can bring some snacks up if you want.” 
“I’m fine, thank you though.” You give her a smile as you make your way to Robin’s room, knocking rapidly on her poster covered door. Robin whips the door open, and her eyes widen. 
“Y/N? What’re you doing-” 
“I called him. I called the guy.” You don’t let her finish her question, pushing into her bedroom and flopping almost violently onto her bed. 
“The college guy? What? When?” She goes to sit by your limp body almost immediately. 
“After you left.” Your voice is muffled by her comforter.
“I thought you were just saying that to get Mike off your back. I didn’t think you wanted to? What about Steve?” Robin reaches a hand out to rub your back soothingly, confused as to why you were so upset about this. Scrambling, you sit up to face her. 
“He stayed, after all of you left.” You began your ramble, words tumbling out so fast that you sounded like her. “We talked a bit, nothing really noteworthy at first. He helped me pick some books up, and I thought we had a moment, y’know? He touched my hand, and he didn’t pull away, didn’t flinch, and he was looking at me with those stupid eyes of his, and it felt like a moment. He bought the book that I’ve been talking about for years, said ‘if it’s important to you, it’s important to me.” You put on your best Steve voice to paint the picture for her. 
“And then he left, I was going to clean up a bit, and turned around and he came back! He came back, and he asked me if I wanted a movie night tomorrow. I thought wow is this it? Am I dreaming? And because it’s me, I obviously was wrong. He said it’s because he misses his best friend. Because I’m only his best friend, Robin. I was so stupid to even think, to even imagine that Steve Harrington would even think of me that way in the slightest.”
Robin goes to say something, but you stop her. 
“AND!” She jumps at how loud your voice is. “He punched me on the shoulder. Like a dad telling his son ‘good game’! God, I could have died right there.” You slump into her shoulder, exhausted from the rant. “I decided I couldn’t go on like this, y’know? I can’t keep waiting for him to see me, Robin. So I called the guy, Vincent, and we set up a date. It’s on Saturday.” 
Robin had talked you down from the ledge fairly quickly after that, comforting you as best as she is capable of doing, even taking you to the kitchen to give you some of her mom’s pumpkin bread. Though her and her mother insisted on you spending the night, you had to make your way home before your own parents began to wonder where you were.
Despite the late hour, neither of them seemed to really care that you were out later than you planned, and before long, you were in bed, staring at the ceiling, desperately avoiding looking out of your window. You could tell Steve’s bedroom lamp was on, meaning he was up, and you couldn’t face him right now. All you could bring yourself to do is roll over, and finally let the tears you’ve been holding in fall. 
Across the hedges, Steve sat in his bedroom, back propped against the headboard. His eyes were moving quickly across the pages as he read. He hadn’t stopped since he had gotten home from seeing you, hell bent on finishing the novel to get a leg up on this college guy you talked about today. That, and the fact that he was actually loving the story. Eight years passed, and the two characters were still obviously in love with each other. He thought of you with every passage. 
The next day came and went much faster than you would have preferred, your shift moving by quickly and soon enough you were standing outside of Steve’s door. Your fingers gripped at the paper bag from the grocery store, no doubt squishing the bag of gummy bears in a vice grip as you knocked. 
He had a shift at Family Video today, so he hadn’t stopped by to visit you at the store. He did, however, call you there to confirm that he had a film picked out and to come when you got off. You hadn’t gotten the chance to tell him about your date yet, Keith cutting the phone call off as he chided Steve for personal calls. You didn’t know whether to thank or curse the cheese covered man for that. But, you have to do it now. You had no choice. 
Steve opens the door soon after your knock, a smile on his face as he props his hand against the door frame, leaning casually. 
“Welcome, Y/N.”
“Steve.” It’s the only thing you can bring yourself to say, trying your hardest to avoid his eyes. 
“What’s in the bag? I told you I had snacks covered.” He rolls his eyes at how full the bag actually is. 
“Yeah, well your taste in snacks is awful.” You scoff, ducking under his arm to walk into the warm house. You kick off your shoes, before walking toward his kitchen. “I mean, you prefer Red Vines over Twizzlers, what kind of monster does-” You freeze as you finally see the island, its marble countertop covered in your favorite movie snacks rather than his own, a bottle of your go to movie drink sitting next to a cup beside them. You turn around slowly, looking up at Steve’s nervous expression. His entire demeanor changed during the walk from the door as he nervously scratched at the back of his head. 
“What… What’s all this?” You keep glancing back over at the counter, convinced you imagined it all. 
“I had to grab some groceries today after my shift, so I, um,” He walks past you to grab your glass, moving to fill it with ice. “I just grabbed some snacks. I figured I’d grab some of your usuals.” 
“What’d you do? Run over my Nana?” You joke, trying to swallow down any of the feelings that are desperately trying to claw out of you. You sit the bag down on the stool before reaching over to grab the Twizzler bag he has laid out, and pulling the licorice from the package. 
“You got me, I’ve been meaning to tell you.” He throws a small ice chip at you, and you throw your head back in a laugh. 
“Alright, Granny Killer, what’s on the Roster for tonight?” You grab the snacks off of the table, balancing the bowl of popcorn on the stack of sweets to move to the living room. You hear Steve make some panicked noises at the unstable stack in your arms, before rushing over to grab the popcorn. You scoff at his lack of faith in you, moving to sit the pile on the coffee table. 
“Well, I grabbed two. We’ve got Labyrinth and The Shining, so it’s your pick.” He holds up the VHS cases with a flourish and you look at him confused. 
“What, no Tom Cruise? You lose your crush on him or something?”
“Shut up. Pick the movie.” He rolls his eyes. 
“Labyrinth,” You nod and plop yourself onto the couch, pulling a pillow onto your lap. The opening credits begin to roll, and Steve settles in next to you. 
As the movie plays, you feel Steve squirming in his seat. It’s incessant, he shifts every few moments, adjusting the pillows, crossing and uncrossing his legs. You can feel him looking at you in between his movements, and you can’t stand it anymore. 
“Everything alright, Steve?” You glance over at him finally, and he tenses. 
“Ye-,” he coughs, “Yeah, I’m fine, I’m good. Why?” He shuffles his body to face you, feigning confidence. 
“Steve, you haven’t sat still since the movie started.” You give him a firm look that has his resolve breaking in a second. 
“I just… It’s been so long since we’ve done this, does it feel a little weird to you?” Your throat burns at his words. 
“If you’re uncomfortable, I can leave, or we can invite Robin or the kids over?” You try to hide the disappointment that laces your tone. 
“No, no! It’s just different, I think. Back then, we had no clue what was going to happen, and life was easier. Y’know? My parents were around, kind of. All we had to worry about was homework, and the Snow Ball. And now? The world is kind of falling apart and it made me step back and really see everything around me. See who and what really matters. It just feels different.” Steve rambles out. You give him a soft smile, and it reminds him of the times that you would help clean the scrapes on his knees and elbows when he would fall off of his bike. Always so soothing, and gentle with him. 
“Steve, listen. Yes, things are different now. We have seen things people never should, dealt with things no one ever should deal with. We’ve loved and we’ve lost people, and things will forever be different. But, that doesn’t make it a bad thing. Change doesn’t need to be bad, change brings people together, brings the close even closer, and it makes us stronger. It’s made you stronger, Steve.” You reach out to hold his forearm gently. “You are so strong. You were given the option to run, to not take on the shit show that Hawkins has become, but you didn’t. You could have let Billy go after Lucas, but you didn't. You could have taken the easy way out in the tunnels, but you didn’t. Hell, you could have avoided everything that happened during spring break, but you took charge. You got us out of there. You saved Eddie’s life by getting him through the gate. Life will never be the same again, but it’s important to see the good that’s come out of this too. If you let the bad take over, it’ll swallow you whole.” 
Steve can’t respond. He can feel his eyes start to burn at your words. He wants to blink, needs to, but he doesn’t want to stop staring at you. His throat is thick, and this is the closest he’s been to crying for the first time in a very long time. You can see him trying to keep his composure, and your grip tightens slightly. 
“Do I miss your mom’s movie night cookies?” You scoff. “Of course I do, that woman knows how to make a mean dessert.” He lets out a watery laugh at this, and you feel him relax at the break in tension. “But, I’ve got my best friend, I’ve got my Twizzlers, that is the good for me.” You reach forward, grabbing the package off of the coffee table and pulling out a piece to hold out to him. Slowly, he reaches out to grab it, fingers brushing yours slowly as his eyes stay tracked to yours. 
“I don’t deserve you, Y/N. You’re too good to me.” 
“I don’t want to hear that kind of talk, Harrington. You deserve all the good the world has to offer, and I am the barest of minimums in that department.” You shove at his shoulder, turning to focus on the movie again, but he has you look at him again. 
“Hey. If I can’t talk that way, you can’t either. You are too good for this town, I don’t think I could have made it through all of this without you.” 
You lean toward him slowly, before whispering, “Ditto.” He throws his head back in a laugh at this, pulling you into a tight hug despite the awkward positioning. 
“Now, Bowie is about to come on. Shhhhh.” You settle into the couch again, shoulder pressed against his.
The movie passes by, a few interruptions from Steve confused about the storyline, and you look up at the digital clock beside you on the table. 
“I better get home. My parents are leaving pretty early in the morning to visit my Nana in Indy for the week and I’m helping them pack up the car.” You stretch in your spot, groaning as your joints pop. 
“I’ll walk you out.” Steve stands with a stretch as well, his sweater rising on his stomach showing the taught and scarred skin on each side of his waist. You have to look away when your eyes travel to the trail of hair visible just above his waistband. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He helps you up, and together you walk to the front door. 
“This was fun, Steve.” You smile up at him as you step out of the house into the cold autumn air. 
“It was.” He leans against the door frame, arms crossed. “Hey, since you’ll be home alone tomorrow, do you want to come over again? I can order out, maybe we can watch The Shining.” He shrugs, grinning down at you. 
“Actually, I can’t tomorrow.” You fold yourself into your jacket a little tighter. 
“Oh. Why? Have a hot date?” He jokes, and you miss the way his tone is clipped at the thought. 
“I wouldn’t call it hot, but yeah. I called up that guy yesterday, and he wants to go get dinner tomorrow.” You can’t bring yourself to meet his eyes as you speak, so you kick at the stray pebble that made its way onto the welcome mat. 
“Well, uh, have fun I guess. Be safe.” His words catch in his throat as he straightens up in the doorway. 
“Always am. Uhm,” You cough awkwardly, quickly looking up at him, and then back down. “I’ll see you later, Steve.” 
“Yeah… See you later.” He can’t help but stare at you as you make your way back down the pathway to the sidewalk, watching you until your figure disappears behind the hedges. 
Steve slouches into the empty entry way of his house with a sigh, heading to the phone to punch in Robin’s number, waiting impatiently for the girl to answer. 
“I think my time has officially run out.” 
“Maybe not, my dear dingus.”
The following morning, you kissed your parents on the cheek as they got into their car. They left with a promise to give your Nana a kiss for you, waving as they pulled out of the driveway and down the street. The morning flies by after that, your brief nap on the couch assisting in that because anyone who willingly gets up to function this early on a Saturday should be arrested. You keep looking at the clock anxiously, the minutes and hours ticking by far too quick for comfort. 
You should be excited about a first date, shouldn’t you? You were moving on, you were taking initiative to move forward and get over the pain of an unrequited love. Vincent seemed nice enough at the store and on the phone, albeit a little forward, but you brushed it off as being inexperienced in this department. Deep down, you couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to go on a first date with Steve. 
In your fantasy, he would knock on your door, flowers in hand and that eye-crinkling smile on his face as he told you how beautiful you looked. He would walk you to the car, refusing to let you open your own door as he did it for you with a wink. You’d drive to dinner, a fancy restaurant or a diner, you wouldn’t care. Time alone with him would be enough. You’d share a dessert even if you were full, wanting to drag the date on as long as possible before you inevitably ended up driving through the abandoned main street of Hawkins. 
Music on the lowest setting, you would talk, before he would ask to hold your hand. The two of you have held hands before, but there’s something different this time. You’d let the warmth of his hand heat yours up, the grip sweaty, but neither of you daring to pull away because you would miss the touch. Eventually you’d end up in his driveway, him walking you to your front door, hands swinging in between you. You’d stand at the door, just staring at each other because you didn’t want the night to end. He’d smile as he steps toward you, whispering Can I kiss you? And you’d nod, because why wouldn’t you want to kiss him? And finally, it would happen.
You shake your head almost violently, wanting to rid those thoughts from your brain. You looked at the clock, knowing that even though your date wasn’t for a while, you needed to distract yourself. The best way to do that is just to get ready early. You needed help, though. You couldn’t handle being alone with your thoughts like this, scared without other distraction you would fade back into that fantasy world that was so far out of reach to you. You jog to your bedroom, grabbing the handle of the green phone your parents gave you two Christmases ago with your very own number attached to it. 
“Hello?” You hear Nancy’s voice over the receiver. 
“Nance, I need your help.” 
Within the hour, Nancy and Robin stood at your door, following you to your room quickly. 
“I don’t know what to wear, I don’t know how to do my hair, I don’t know what to do with my face. I’m losing it here.” You throw yourself down onto your bed, heat crawling its way up your face. 
“Okay, okay. Wait a second. You’re actually going on a date? Mike wasn’t messing with me? What about Steve?” Nancy asks. You groan almost gutturally at the mention of his name, pulling your pillow to cover your face. You can hear Robin’s whispers, too fast for you to understand at your distance, but you know she’s explaining the situation you had told her not even two days ago. It’s quiet for a moment, before you feel the bed sink beside you. You pull the pillow down slightly, glancing at Nancy through the mess of hair that's fallen into your line of sight. 
“Let’s start with an outfit, okay?” Her tone is gentle as she brushes the hair out of your eyes. You nod pitifully as she pulls you up and she goes to raid your closet. 
Over the course of a few hours, the girls were able to help you find an outfit, figure out what to do with your hair and make up, and help you forget about Steve, even if it was just for a little bit at a time. 
It was about half an hour before Vincent was set to arrive at your house to get you when Nancy and Robin left, and yet again you were left with your thoughts until you heard the honk of a car on your street. Looking out of the window, you could see Vincent sat in his Camaro. 
But, Nancy and Robin weren’t gone. Beyond the hedges, Nancy’s car was parked and hidden away as she stood with Robin and Steve as they watched on. 
“Asshole didn’t even get out of the car and walk to the door.” Steve scoffs, annoyed with a man he’s never met. The trio watches as you lock your front door, and make your way down the path toward the car. Steve’s breath catches in his throat when you turn. You look beautiful, the green dress you’re wearing fitting you perfectly, a blazer tossed over your shoulders to protect you from the harsh autumn air. Your legs are hugged by black tights, black heels adding a couple of inches to your height. He only looks away when Robin elbows him in the ribs, cursing and rubbing at the sore spot. 
“He didn’t even open the door for her!” Nancy whispers, annoyed in her own right at the guy's clear lack of manners. Steve watches on as the two of you talk in the car for a minute before driving off, and Steve has to bite back bile at the thought of you going off with this stranger. 
“Did you get the stuff, man?” Robin pushes away from the hedges, nodding toward the house. 
“Yeah, I’ve got it, I was able to find the recipe in a box under the sink.” 
A few miles away, while Steve executed his plan, you sat in a booth at a restaurant across from your date. 
The talk was dull, to put it simply. He hadn’t really asked you much about yourself, opting to tell you all about his fraternity at school, and the wild party they had held earlier in the week that got them put on probation from the university. He talked about baseball, his sport of choice that gave him a full ride.
You tried to talk to him, even just comment on his stories, but everytime you began to speak, Vincent would talk over you. 
Or should you say Vinny. He was sure to correct you when you got into his car at the start of the evening, claiming that ‘Vinny is way cooler, goes over better with the chicks too.’ 
The food came, and you were thankful for the distraction, swirling the watery spaghetti onto your fork and hiding your grimaces by chewing. God, he even chewed with his mouth open. The disgust settled in even harder. 
“So,” He’s smacking his lips as he talks around his food. “You should definitely come to a party on campus sometime. None of the parties go quite as hard as ours, but I’m sure I can find something close enough.” 
“Yeah…” You shove another fork full in your mouth to keep from saying something snarky. 
“You’d get me some great cred as well, you know?” You hum, trying best to focus on the bead of condensation on your glass rather than the way he chews at you. “A babe like you on my arm would be pretty great.” You swallow down your food, as well as a tad bit of vomit that felt like working its way up your throat at his tone. 
“So, uh, Vinny. I’d love to hear what you liked about the Stephen King book I told you about. You said you read it?” You politely sipped your water, desperate to bring the conversation to something a tad more civilized and to something more your speed. 
“Oh, yeah, that was some book.” He nodded, scooping another over-piled fork of spaghetti into his mouth. 
“What part did you like most?” It was clear he had lied to you about reading it, but you tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. This is about moving forward, Y/N. Expanding your horizons.
“That, uh, part where she, uh, kills her shitty mom. The knives? Absolutely insane.” Your grip tightens on the glass in your hand at the lie. The bastard was trying to pass off the movie as the book? You have to calm yourself before you can bring another forkful of spaghetti into your mouth to yet again bite back a remark. 
“You can really put it away, you might want to slow down there.” Vincent says, attitude in his tone as he drinks from a backwashed glass. 
Fuck expanding horizons. 
You’re able to make it throughout the rest of dinner by focusing on the water glass, not needing to speak much due to Vinny’s ever exciting life that he just can’t stop talking about. The bill comes, and surprisingly, he pays for both means, and you head out to the car. 
The drive home is yet again him talking, and you keep glancing at the clock, counting the minutes that it takes to get to your house. When he pulls up, you can taste the freedom on the tip of your tongue as you turn to thank him. But, you’re cut off by just how close he is to your face. 
“Vinny, um, what’re you doing?” 
“It’s been a really good night, doll.” Your body shivers at the way the name rolls off of his tongue, his hand coming up to tuck your hair behind your ear. He takes your reaction as an invite to lean in, his nose touching your cheek as your body tenses. “I’d really hate for it to end without a little...” He caps his sentence off by leaning down and trying to kiss your neck. At this, you snap out of it, pushing him off of you and back into his seat. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Your voice is loud, furious as you rip the seatbelt off of your body and get out of the car quickly, slamming the door with enough force that it echoes through the trees.
“What?” He scoffs, getting out of the car as well, and jogging over to you. 
“You spend the whole night talking about yourself, being a dick and you really think that is how the night is going to end?” You don’t even try to keep your tone down, despite the late hour. You are enraged. 
“Now now, doll.” He steps closer to you, his gait cocky as he approaches you. He reaches a hand out to hold your chin. “There’s no reason to play hard to get-” You slap his hand away from you, fuming at this point. 
“You are a fucking pig! God,” You laugh bitterly at him. “Get the fuck away from me.” You reach into your coat pocket to dig for your keys and start walking to your door when he grabs your arm and whips you to face him. 
“Are you kidding me? I paid for your meal! You owe me.” He leans down to try and kiss you again, but you’re able to pull out of his grip and your hand whips back before your fist lands with an echoing smack that has him stepping back. 
“I don’t owe you shit.” You spit at him. He’s holding his cheek, swearing as he looks up at you, rage in his eyes as he starts to storm toward you. 
“You fucking-” 
“Woah woah woah!” A new voice enters the conversation, if you could even call it that. 
Steve was in his kitchen when he heard the door slam, pulling the tray out of the oven with a proud smile. He sat the oven mit down on the counter, wiping his hands on his mothers waist apron before grabbing the tea towel to start drying off the counters. He heard your voice, loud and angry, and his blood ran cold. Throwing the towel onto his shoulder, he jogs to the door, opening it. Your voice is clearer now, the fury palpable, and he’s quick to move to where he can see you. 
The guy you went out with tonight is grabbing at you while you scream at him. He feels his own anger bubble up at the way he’s speaking to you, and when he grips your arm and starts to lean in, he balls his fists up, straightens his back, moving quickly to defend you. He freezes again when your hand lands a solid punch across the prick’s cheek, sending him back a good few feet at the impact. Steve can’t help but feel a little surge of pride. He was the one who taught you to punch after the run in with Billy in the Byers’ home. His proud moment is cut off my the way the guy starts to advance on you, and he’s quick to step up. 
“Woah woah woah!” Steve steps in the path of Vinny, holding a hand up to keep him from getting any closer. 
“Who the fuck are you? Betty Crocker?” Vinny spits out. 
“I think it’s time for you to leave, buddy.” Steve ignores his question, hand still inches away from the guy's chest. 
“She fucking owes me!” Vinny goes to push past Steve, but Steve is quick to grab his collar and pull his face up to his. 
“You touch her, and you’re dead.” At that, Steve shoves him away, watching as he stumbles down the path. Vinny assesses the situation, looking between you and Steve before finally yielding and stepping back. 
“He’s the reason you won’t put out, huh?” He tosses one more snark in your direction that has your body ignite. 
“I don’t owe you shit for paying for the date you asked me on! You fucking expired coupon of a human being.” You move forward to get one last hit in, but Steve is quick to stop you. 
“Hey, hey, hey. Let it go, let’s go.” He’s backing you up to your house, and after a moment of struggling against him, you push him away with a huff and rip your keys out of your pocket to unlock your door. You kick the heels off almost immediately, going to slam the door but Steve catches it before it can close. 
“What happened?” He was concerned, eyebrows furrowed in a way that usually made you want to kiss the crease it made, but this time was different. Your adrenaline skyrocketed, breath coming out in shallow puffs as you threw your blazer down on the couch. 
“I had it covered, Steve.” You spat. You were turned away from him, missing the way his eyebrows shot up in surprise at your tone. 
“What’s with the attitude? He was coming at you, what was I supposed to do?” He follows you into the kitchen, running a hand through his hair. 
“You could have let me handle it.” Your tone was clipped as you pulled out a glass and filled it with a bit of your dad’s whiskey from the counter. You threw back the amber liquor quickly, ignoring the burning that rolls down your throat. 
“Yeah right.” He scoffed. “I wasn’t going to stand there while that douchebag was trying to-”
“I’m not yours to save, Steve!” Your voice is loud, and it cuts him off immediately. 
“What? I wasn’t trying to-” 
“Yeah, sure.” Your tone is clipped.
“I wasn’t going to let him hurt you, Y/N! I don’t see how that makes me the bad guy here!” He throws his hands up in exasperation. “You said he was harmless! Why would you ever go out with someone like that?” He raises his voice, but you stand your ground. 
“It’s none of your business!” You step up to him, nostrils flaring as you glare up at him. 
“It is my business! You are my business!” Your voices rival each other in volume. 
“Like hell I am!” 
“If someone tries to hurt you, it’s my business too!” 
“Why! Why do you care so much about what happens to me Steve?” 
“Because I’m in love with you, you idiot!” 
Your mouth immediately closes, and you feel like time has frozen as you stare up at him. He’s breathing heavily, the air puffing out and hitting your cheeks, and you can’t bring yourself to say anything. All you can do is stare for several moments, taking in the way he’s looking at you. He’s got his hands on his hips as he looks at you, and if the gravity of the situation wasn’t so heavy, you would have laughed. 
“Steve…” Your voice cracks, the previous screaming adding onto the tears that work their way up and out, finally falling for the first time in so long. 
“What?” His voice is soft as he sees your expression. 
“No…” You back away from him as he reaches out to hold your face. “No, you’re being mean.” 
“What do you mean?” He steps toward you again. 
“Don’t lie to me, that’s not fair. I’ve gotten my hopes up so many times, you’re being mean.” The tears are rolling down your cheeks in hot tracks as you shake your head at him. “I’ve sat by and watched you choose everyone over me, Nancy, Robin even. You can’t keep dragging me along like this.” Your voice cracks as you close your eyes, your resolve finally breaking. 
“What? Robin?”
“I heard you guys in the bathroom, I heard you trying to ask her out and then she came out to you, I heard it Steve.” Realization falls across his face. 
“No, no, no. Y/N, I was talking about you. When she asked me if I liked anyone, I was talking about you. You missed that part, baby. It’s been you for a while now.” His hands come up to caress your cheeks gently, thumbs moving to wipe the tears off of your cheeks. 
“What?” You mumble, finally looking into his eyes. 
“I realized it at the Halloween party, when Nancy and I broke up. She said some things to me that made me realize that I have loved you for so much longer than I thought. It’s why I worry so much. When you got hurt by Billy? God, I hated myself for not being able to protect you. I will always protect you, even if you think I’m being an asshole, I will always keep you safe. I love you too much to do nothing. I was just afraid-” 
Steve can’t finish his sentence. Your lips slanted over his own as you spring fiercely into his arms. Your arms are wrapped around his neck, squeezing him to you as if he were to fade away in your grip. He seems to snap out of whatever stupor he was in, as he brings his arms around your waist just as tightly. Your lips move in tandem, years of feelings finally bubbling to the surface. 
His lips were soft, almost saccharine as you opened up to him. He moves the two of you backwards, not breaking contact as he hoists you to sit on the counter. If air wasn’t a necessity of life, you don’t think either of you would have pulled away. 
When you do, you’re both breathing heavily, foreheads pressed together as you take in what had just happened. 
“If, uh,” You mumble between pants. “If that wasn’t obvious, I’m in love with you, too. Just thought you should know.” Steve lets out a laugh at your comment, tossing his head back and pulling you into a firm hug. You tuck your face into his neck and breathe him in deeply.
“Y’know, there was a little bit of gray area there so thanks for clearing it up.” You laugh into his skin, hugging him to your body tightly before pulling away. You finally get a chance to take in his appearance and look at him in confusion. 
“Why are you wearing an apron?” You tug on the ribbon that sits on his hips and his face flushes. He backs up a little bit to look down at the floral fabric. 
“You mentioned those cookies that my mom made when we were kids, and I was able to find the recipe. So, I made them tonight for you.” You bite your lip to keep from letting out a laugh at how wonderful he is. “They’re over at the house cooling down right now, if you want some.” 
Instead of an answer, you simply grab his collar and pull him into you again. His hands brace themselves on your mesh covered thighs, pupils blown in surprise and love. Pulling him in to kiss you once more, you smile against his lips. 
“You’re much sweeter.” 
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genevievemd · 1 year
A Conversation With His Father
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey, Alan Ramsey, mentions F!MC (Genevieve McClure) Word Count: 954 Rating: G Category: Fluff Trope(s): and they realize they’re in love
Summary: While visiting his father, Ethan comes to a realization. 
A/N: Just some fluff to end your week. Set somewhere in September of 2020, so 3 months after E and G become official af! Enjoy. 
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The sun begins to set as Ethan walks into the deck of his childhood home, smiling down at his phone as he texts Genevieve back. The plan had originally been for her to join him on this trip to Providence, but she’d been held back at the hospital, with concern for her new patient. She didn’t like the idea of being an hour away should something arise, which Ethan understood. Even if he was a little disappointed. 
Not just because he was excited to finally introduce her to his father as his official girlfriend, but  also because he loathed being away from her. Over the last year, Gen had become, not only his romantic partner, but also his best friend – as juvenile as that sounded – and the person he wanted to spend all of his free time with. It wasn’t something he’d ever had with a past girlfriend, and seemed to reinforce the notion that what he had with Gen was one of a kind. 
“For someone who hated texting…” Alan joins him on the deck, sitting at the outdoor table with two mugs of after-dinner coffee. 
“It’s Gen.” Ethan shakes his head, joining his father at the table. 
“Oh, I had no doubts about who it was.” His father gives him a knowing smirk, causing the tips of Ethan’s ears to turn red. 
“Right.” He clears his throat, putting his phone away and taking a sip of his drink. 
“How are things between the two of you?” 
“They’re great. Better than great, honestly.”
“That’s wonderful to hear. It’s nice to see you so happy.” 
“She’s amazing, Dad,” 
“I could tell that from the first time I met her. Genevieve his a rare bird.” 
“Mhm.” He hums in agreement, letting his mind drift for a moment and think about all the little quirks he’s come to know about her.  
The way she’s always humming some song and that more often than not a Taylor Swift song. How she dances when she eats something she loves, shifting back and worth in her seat and bobby her head with a soft little smile on her face. How free she is with her emotions, not embarrassed to cry at a commercial or tv show – how even a simple song can bring out such deep feelings. 
She was so kind, full of so much empathy. Even for those who have wronged her. 
The more Ethan has come to know her since that first meeting in a waiting room, the more he realized that Genevieve was truly one of a kind – a rare bird as his father had said. 
“So, you two are official?” Alan raises an eyebrow, eyeing him as he takes another long sip of his coffee.
“Yes.” He smiles back, happy. “We have been since June, so it’s been a couple months.” 
“About damn time.” 
“I know.” Ethan laughs, but then sobers up, looking down at his coffee. “Can I be frank?” 
“Of course. I’m your dad, you can always be open and honest with me.” 
He nods, still looking down for a moment before lifting his eyes back up to his father. “There are days when I look at her, and hate that I pushed her away and kept things platonic for so long, but… I realize that, had I not, I don’t believe if we’d have the friendship we do, outside of our romantic feelings.” 
He feels a slight sliver of anxiety, being so open and honest with his father after years of hiding his true feelings. But the only way forward in life, the only way to becoming whole and healed was to be open and honest. First with himself, and now with those he cares about most. 
So Ethan allows himself to feel that anxiety, that fear of letting others see the truest version of him, but he doesn’t let it stop him. He barrels through it, knowing the end results are worth the risk. 
“It feels juvenile to say, but, Gen is my best friend. I tell her everything– she knows my every thought and feeling, we joke and laugh and, it makes being with her all the better. I’ve never had that with anyone else.” 
“Not even Harper?” 
“No.” Ethan places his now empty mug down onto the glass table, leaning back in his seat.  “Don’t get me wrong, Harper has always been a friend, but this relationship, with G, is so different.” 
“You’re in love.” 
Ethan freezes for a moment, a heartbeat of fear at the thought, running through his body. But it goes away as quickly as it came. A smile spreading across his face. 
“I am.”
“Have you told her?” 
“God, no.” He laughs nervously. “The thought alone is still incredibly jarring. I’m not ready to tell her yet. Plus, I’m not sure if G is at that point with me, and I don’t want to put undo stress or pressure on her.” 
Though, his father may not know the secrets of Genevieve’s past, Ethan does. The heartbreak and struggled she’s had to endure. While he’s honored to know she trust him with that part, Ethan is all to aware of the wall that’s still around her heart. She is still cautious with him, and until Ethan knows that Genevieve realizes and trusts that she is undoubtedly safe with him, he will keep the depth of his feelings to himself. 
She was willing to wait for him, and now it was his turn to show her that same patience. 
“Well, from what I’ve seen,” Alan smiles at him, resting his elbows on the table as he leans closer. “I feel confident in saying that Gen loves you just as much as you love her.” 
“I hope so, Dad.”
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A/N: Little does he know G’s had almost the same conversation with her sister lol Thanks for reading!
(tagging separately) 
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alj4890 · 1 year
Love Drabble
(Liam x Riley) along with their daughters from this drabble
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A/N Yes, I couldn't stay away from this story. I thought it would be a good time to return to this to show how Liam and Riley are doing along with Charlotte and Hope. Romance is in the air for not just our main couple, but for their daughters too 🥰 On a side note, I started this before Valentine's Day, then writer's block struck in the middle, LOL! Hopefully I can finish up this two to three part miniseries soon.
@gkittylove99 @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @yourmajesty09 @mom2000aggie @ofpixelsandscribbles @twinkleallnight @lodberg  @amandablink @neotericthemis  @mm2305 @sfb123 @tessa-liam @thesvnsins @krsnlove @choicesficwriterscreations
Rating: G for major Fluff ☺️
Song inspiration:
L-O-V-E (part 1)
"Purple is Hope's favorite color." Charlotte explained. "So I think we should change some of these landscape paintings to highlight the new bedspread and chaise lounge."
Liam watched with a smile upon his face as the servants eagerly began to do as the princess suggested.
He wrapped his arm around his daughter and squeezed her in a side hug.
"Hope's going to love all the ways you are trying to make her first visit here special."
Charlotte bit down on her bottom lip. "I hope she does. I want her to feel at home here."
"So do I." He led her out of the bedroom towards their informal den. "How are the ball preparations coming along?"
"Everything is set." Charlotte scrolled through her tablet for her to-do list. "I went with a red theme since it is so close to Valentine's Day"
"Perfect." He replied. "That should put everyone in a more romantic mood."
Charlotte nearly tripped over that observation.
"Dearest?" He stopped her. "What is wrong?"
"Nothing's truly wrong." She sighed. "I've been so focused on discovering I have a sister that I forgot about choosing a suitor."
"You know I'm not going to pressure you into naming someone." Liam pointed out.
"I know." She slipped her hand in his to gently squeeze. "But the public is anxious for me to do so." Her nose crinkled. "As are some of our nobles."
"I see." He could very well remember all the pressures of that nature. "Perhaps this ball will be the one to eliminate that worry."
Charlotte began to smile. No one could be more optimistic about her uncertain future than her father.
"You come from a long line of Rhys who have found their significant other at a ball." He wrapped his arm around her as they continued down the hallway. "I have no doubt you'll continue that tradition."
"I'm so nervous." Hope quickly buckled her seatbelt. "I don't know if I'm ready to meet a whole country."
Riley laughed as she buckled her own. "You're not having to meet everyone in Cordonia. Just most of them."
"Not helping, Mom." Hope grumbled.
"Do we have to stay by your side while you greet everyone or can we go on to the palace?" Her best friend, Sean, teased.
"Don't make me regret forcing you to come." Hope playfully pushed him. "If you do, I won't introduce you to my sister."
"Just as I thought." He settled back in the plush leather seat of the private plane. "Already acting like a spoiled princess."
He clucked his tongue in disapproval.
"Ms. Brooks, what are we going to do with Hope?"
Riley studied her daughter for a moment. "Only one thing to do, Sean."
Hope's eyes widened. "No! Please! Not that! Anything but--"
They both began to belt out Don't Worry, Be Happy.
Hope covered her ears to the song she'd always despised.
"Alright!" She yelled out when they got to the chorus. "I'll introduce you to Charlotte!"
"Thank you." Sean's unrepentant grin appeared on his face. "I can't believe I missed all the excitement of a king and princess appearing on your doorstep."
"It was crazy there for a while." Hope motioned towards her mom. "She was speechless for a good ten minutes."
"In my defense," Riley softly smiled over the memory of seeing Liam again, "I'd had a very hard day and was not suspecting to see any former flames of mine."
"Former flames?" Hope chuckled. "I don't think my father really fits in that category anymore."
"Hope." Riley shook her head.
"He calls you, my love." Hope reminded her. "I think he is still in love with you."
Riley tried to dismiss that.
"He did fly all the way to New York for you." Sean added.
"He came to see the child he'd unknowingly fathered." Riley reminded them.
"He came for you first though." Hope argued. "You were the one he went to first to explain everything."
"It doesn't matter." Riley ended the conversation. "He's a king and I'm still that same girl I was twenty years ago who was nowhere near a part of his world."
She closed her eyes and tried to stop her own butterflies in her stomach from fluttering too much. Too much time had gone by for her to begin to hope for another chance with Liam.
He and Charlotte remained in New York over the holidays. For nearly two weeks, she'd had daily contact with the man she'd thought she had gotten over. Seeing him be so open and happy over finding out he now had two daughters made her want to melt.
Deep down, he was still that shy prince who only wished for a family of his own.
Why was he the one man she could fall in love with each time she saw him?
"I have to hurry!" Charlotte held up two dresses. "I don't want their plane to land and not be there to greet them."
Lord Bartie Beaumont sat on the edge of her bed, head tilted in thought over her choice of clothing.
"Maybe you shouldn't go with a dress. How about something a bit more casual?"
She dropped the dresses on her floor and rushed back into her closet.
"I can't wait to meet your sister." Bartie said a bit louder so she could hear him. "After all that Uncle Max told me about Riley, I bet Hope will be just as much fun as her mom."
"She is!" Charlotte responded excitedly. "You're going to love her!"
His dimple grin appeared when she came back out to talk about her sister, forgetting the need for the perfect outfit.
"Lottie?" He interrupted her descriptions of Hope. "Aren't you forgetting something?"
He motioned toward the pile of clothes she'd yet to choose from.
He laughed when she squealed and ran back into her closet to find just the right outfit.
"They're here!" Charlotte nearly bounced in excitement. "Hurry, Father!"
Liam chuckled as he followed his daughter out to the tarmac. He couldn't help but feel excited himself. He'd been just as anxious in welcoming Hope to Cordonia. He was also just as nervous to welcome Riley back.
The time he spent with her in New York was perfect. He loved every moment being with the ladies who held special places in his heart. Seeing his two daughters grow close and his former love embrace Charlotte as a member of her family made him, for the first time in his life, wish he didn't have to return to Cordonia.
He'd wanted to remain in Riley's small apartment forever.
He couldn't stop his imagination from thinking that this is how it would have been. The two of them watching their children enjoy the holidays together, sharing a bond he knew so well. That bond had been what had made his marriage to Madeleine more easy to endure.
Yet, he felt so much more for Riley than his late wife. He always had.
Liam wondered if this could be his chance at the love he'd lost twenty years ago.
"Hope!" Charlotte hurried over and hugged her sister the moment she stepped off the plane.
Hope hugged her just as tight.
The two began to talk over the other, laughing and answering each other's questions.
Liam looked up at Riley standing on the next to the last step of the plane. Her delighted smile over the girls' greeting made his own appear.
He edged his way around them to offer his hand to her.
Riley's fingers fluttered in his hand at the contact.
"How was your flight?" He asked.
"Perfect." She responded. "You didn't have to send a private plane for us."
"Nonsense." He glanced up at the young man who followed after her.
"Oh!" Hope exclaimed. "Sorry. This is my best friend, Sean Yeoh." She waved towards Liam. "That's my dad and this," she kept her arm around Charlotte, "is my sister."
Sean chuckled as he held his hand out towards Liam to shake. "Hope hasn't stopped talking about either of you. I feel like I know you already."
Liam shook his hand with a welcoming smile. "She did the same with you while we were in New York."
Sean turned towards Charlotte to shake her hand and stilled for two heartbeats.
A slight blush covered her cheeks from the way he stared at her as she held her hand out.
"Welcome to Cordonia." She managed to get out.
"Tha--thanks." He stuttered.
Hope only smiled over the way they were reacting to one another.
She'd planned for just this reaction to the two finally meeting.
"This is my room?"
Hope's jaw dropped over the immense size of her bedroom and bathroom. The closet alone was bigger than her bedroom back home in New York.
"And this is your sitting room."
Charlotte opened a hidden door to reveal a room filled with plush furniture, a large flat screen, and a wall covered with bookcases.
"Holy crap!" Hope exclaimed.
Riley snorted in amusement.
"If you want to change anything," Charlotte said quickly, "please let me know and I will have it done at once."
"Change anything?" Hope's eyes widened. "I wouldn't change a thing! These rooms are gorgeous!"
Charlotte visibly relaxed in hearing her sister gush about how much she loved it.
"Charlotte's been working ever since we returned to make sure you felt at home here." Liam gently placed his arm around Hope's shoulders. "We both want you to feel like you belong here."
Hope hugged him before pulling Charlotte into the hug.
"Thank you." Tears of joy sparkled in her eyes. "Both of you."
"We'll let you get settled." Liam pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Once you've recovered from the flight, I would like to introduce you to Regina and a few other close friends." His smile was warm. "I managed to keep the other nobles away until the ball, to give you time to adjust."
"Right." Hope paled some. "I'm still not sure how to act as a princess."
"Just be yourself." Charlotte told her.
Liam nodded. "I only want everyone to meet my daughter. Nothing else is expected of you."
Hope tried to smile at that.
"We'll be right by your side the whole time." Charlotte promised.
"And you've got us in your corner too." Sean reminded her.
Riley slipped her hand in her daughter's. "You'll do great."
They all filed out, leaving the new princess alone with her thoughts.
"Charlotte, would you mind showing Sean his room?" Liam asked. "I need to have a word with Riley."
"Of course." She smiled at them both before leading Sean away.
"What's wrong?" Riley asked once they were alone in the hallway.
"Nothing at all." He opened the door to her room, following her inside.
She paused at the sight of the room she'd been given her first visit to Cordonia.
A reminiscent smile graced her lips as she thought back. The flood of emotions swept over her. Excitement over being in a palace and being a suitor for a handsome prince. Delight in making new friends. Hopefulness in a future with the man she'd fallen in love with.
And then sadness when he chose another.
"Riley?" Liam cleared his throat. "There will be a ball while you are here."
"Yes, I heard about that." She turned towards him. "I hope Drake, Hana, and Maxwell will be there."
"They will be." He chuckled. "The moment I told them about Hope, they insisted I allow them to visit you both first."
"Good." She sat down and motioned for him to do the same. "I take it no one has objected to Hope once you received the paternity test results."
"You were right to make me go ahead and have that performed before I left New York." Liam sighed. "I suppose it was naive on my part to assume they would accept Hope without question like I did."
Riley felt her heart she had tried to protect from him grow softer with remembering how he didn't see a reason for a test. He'd accepted her explanation without a shadow of a doubt. After all these years, he still believed the best in her.
"Then again," she smiled at him, "perhaps that simply makes you a good man."
"I hope so." He dropped his gaze to his clasped hands. "I have a request."
"You do?"
He nodded. "Would, would you allow me to escort you to the ball?"
Liam's bashfulness flashed making Riley melt even more.
"I'd always wanted to escort you to one when you were last here."
He swallowed a touch nervously.
"Are you sure you can be seen with such a scandalous woman?" Riley halfheartedly teased.
"You aren't a scandalous woman." He argued.
"I am." She pushed out of the chair to stand at the window. "I was caught with another man and managed to have your child." She snorted. "If that isn't scandalous with a capital S then nothing is."
"Riley," he got to his feet, "I know you were innocent with Tariq." He rubbed the back of his neck when she remained silent. "And I am just as guilty for Hope's creation."
When Riley remained silent, he took another step towards her. He wanted to hold her in his arms and take her mind off the past. If he could only redirect her thoughts to the possibilities the future held for them.
Liam instead reached for her hand.
"I won't pressure you into allowing me to be your date for the evening." He lifted her hand to his lips. "But I do hope you allow me the pleasure of your company."
He bowed to her and left.
Riley softly groaned as she sank down onto her bed.
It might as well be twenty-one years ago. She was more than ready to be with Liam as much as he wanted her to.
"Thank you, Charlotte." Sean said. "Er, I mean, your highness." He flushed when she smiled at him. "Your majesty?"
"Just Charlotte." She insisted. "If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call the staff or myself."
She waved towards a phone on his nightstand.
He walked over to it, reading the various extensions to the kitchens, housekeeping, and stables.
"What's your number?" He asked.
Charlotte brushed past him to reach for the notepad and pen.
He stilled at her being so near.
She quickly wrote her number down.
"Here." She looked up at him with a shy smile. "Just in case."
"Just in case." He repeated with a grin, trying to summon his usual confidence around beautiful women.
"I'll see you soon, I hope." Charlotte said on her way out.
"I'll make sure of it." Sean promised.
The moment she shut his door, he collapsed face first on the bed.
"I'll make sure of it?" He groaned into the mattress. "Brain, you failed me again."
An hour later, Hope peeped outside her room. She'd been unable to get ahold of Charlotte. She knew her mom was probably napping. Sean most likely was too since he didn't respond to any of her texts.
Her curiosity over the palace had grown to the point where she didn't think she could wait any longer without doing a bit of exploring.
Once she saw that the coast was clear, she slipped her tennis shoes off and padded silently down the hallway.
Bartie Beaumont was walking past a connecting hallway and saw her creeping further away from where he was, holding her shoes. Grinning, he took his own shoes off and tiptoed quickly until he caught up with her.
Hope didn't notice him behind her as she paused before stepping out in the open area of the second floor. Glancing right and left, she softly huffed over not knowing which way she should go.
Bartie was about to whisper a suggestion when she suddenly threw one of her shoes in the air.
When it landed the toe pointed towards a little to the left. Swiping it back up, she dashed over toward that hallway.
The young lord covered his mouth. Tears of laughter filled his dark brown eyes as he realized she'd used her shoe as a substitute coin. Shaking his head in wonder, he followed her on to see what other mischief she'd get into.
Voices could be heard further down, causing Hope to freeze in uncertainty. She spun around and crashed into Bartie.
Her eyes widened as she looked up at his smiling face.
"Hide me!" She pleaded in a breathless whisper.
He quickly unlocked his bedroom door and shoved her through, closing her in there.
"There you are." His father, Bertrand, grumbled. "Your mother and I were wondering if--why the devil are you not wearing your shoes?!"
Bartie dropped the objects and did his best to appear innocent.
"Your uncle perfected that expression." Bertrand softly groaned. "I don't believe I have the stomach to hear what you've truly been up to."
Savannah laughed, looping her arm through her husband's. "Knowing Bartie, he's probably helping Princess Charlotte entertain her sister."
His dimpled smile appeared. Bartie could always count on his mother believing he was doing something worthwhile. Even if he occasionally, on a regular basis, got up to trouble with the crown princess.
Bertrand merely humphed in response. "Do try and keep the Beaumont name free of ridicule this time."
"Yes, father." Bartie promised.
Once the couple disappeared, he collapsed back against the door in relief.
Bartie tried to catch his balance when his door popped open. With arms flailing he crashed back into his room, landing on a soft, definitely feminine figure.
Hope's muffled cry of surprise turned to a painful laugh.
Bartie quickly rolled off. Worry clouded his features when she flopped her arms weakly over her face. Hope's entire body trembled violently.
"Where are you hurt?" He pleaded. "Did you break or--"
She lowered her arms to reveal how hard she was silently laughing. Unable to hold it in any longer, she released the biggest guffaw Bartie had ever heard.
He joined in, delighted to finally meet a lady able to truly ugly laugh without worry over how it appeared.
He got to his feet and offered his hands to help her stand.
She grasped them with one more giggle and allowed him to pull her upright.
She slid in her socks, crashing against his chest.
Bartie's arms instinctively wrapped around her to keep her standing.
"Thank you." She smiled up at him.
"My pleasure." He smiled back. "I'm Bartie, by the way."
"I'm Hope." She responded.
"I guessed as much." He chuckled. "My uncles were friends with your mom."
"They were?"
"Drake Walker and Maxwell Beaumont." He added. "Given how much they spoke of her, I believe we are destined to be friends too."
"My first friend in Cordonia." Hope said with a great deal of relief. "I can't tell you how grateful I am that you aren't pompous."
She realized she was still in his arms.
Breaking away with a blush, she held her hand out.
Bartie took it. Instead of shaking it like she intended, he swept an elegant bow before her and kissed her hand.
Her lips parted in a delighted surprise.
He winked at her. "Shall I escort you around the palace? Or would you rather continue to sneak about?"
Another giggle escaped her.
"Sneaking is more fun." She pointed out.
"I couldn't agree more."
Bartie kept her hand in his, and tiptoed the two of them further into the castle.
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sejanusbaby · 2 years
Eddie Munson NSFW Alphabet…
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A/N: i’m so sorry for being inactive recently. my mental health has not been it’s best. :3 here’s some eds for you guys, though!
Warnings: 18+ (minors, dni) heavy sexual content.
to be added to my taglist…
a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
personally, i feel like eddie is a great lover, especially when it comes to aftercare. eddie seems all mean and tough on the outside, but there is truly nothing more meaningful to his soul than having your wrapped up in his arms. it’s just as intimate and important as actually having sex with you. he wants you to always feel reassured that you are appreciated and loved tremendously.
b = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
his favorite body part of his would have to be his hands or his, let’s be honest, his dick. he never really thought too hard about how nice his hands looked until you pointed it out to him. of course, he started to take notice of what you meant, as his hand was wrapped tightly around your throat. and we all know eddie is a cocky bastard, so yeah, he likes the way his cock looks. almost as much as he likes to see it buried inside of you.
on you, i feel like he loves every single part of you. every crevice, mole, freckle, birthmark, scar, you name it. however, if he had to pick one, i have no doubt that eddie is ultimately a tits kind of guy. sure, he likes a woman with some ass and thighs. but there’s something about the way your breasts look, moving as he relentlessly shoves himself in and out of your cunt.
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
b r e e d i n g k i n k. now, hear me out on this one. eddie is not particularly fond of the idea of you getting pregnant. however, there’s just something about being able to fill up your cute little pussy with his cum. of course, only with your consent. i feel like he would only be willing if you are, and maybe if birth control is being used properly. i think we can all agree this man is nowhere near ready to even fathom having children. i just think he likes the idea of his girl, all full of his cum. (a/n: please be safe when practicing unprotected sex, like this. i always think you should wrap it before you tap it! just take care of yourself!)
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he has many, many fantasies of being a cuck. though a fantasy is far from reality, so realistically, it would take him a lot to actually feel comfortable with it. it would definitely have to be someone you both trust. (…steve) i think this is more of an idea that crosses his mind while he touches himself, just because the thought turns him on more than anything.
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
i wish i could say this man is a virgin, because i love the thought of innocent little eddie. but let’s all be truthful here; this man fucks. i don’t think he’s ever had a sexual relationship with someone who means something to him, like you do. more hookups with random people than actually intimate relationships.
f = favorite position (this goes without saying)
call him boring, but missionary is the way to go. your wrists, cuffed to the headboard, a pillow underneath your ass, his fingers and rings digging into the flesh of your hips while he fucks you like an absolute animal. there’s something about looking into your eyes and watching you fall apart that he loves more than anything.
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
our boy is definitely goofy, when it comes to intimacy. i can see him cracking a few jokes, just to ease any tension in the beginning. anything other than that is just side comments and in the moment jokes that come up.
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he definitely keeps it trimmed up down there, out of respect for you and just because he prefers for it not to be so messy. but he definitely doesn’t go full brazilian on you, though. he wouldn’t like the way it makes him itch as it grows back, and he knows you don’t care all that much, so he keeps it neat as possibly, just not bare.
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment?the romantic aspect)
i made a post previously about how eddie cries during sex, and it is absolutely true, to this day. i will die on this hill. we know he likes to be rough, but there’s some moments when he just wants to be gentle with you, caress your cheek with his hand, and press loving kisses all over you. he tears up almost every time, mumbling about how lucky he is to even have you in his life, let alone in this way.
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
this is pretty obvious, he jacks off a lot. that’s no surprise to anyone, i think. he’s a horny mother fucker and when you’re not around, he has to take care of himself, right? it’s probably a lot less now that he has you to take care of him. but it still happens a lot. let’s not even get into the time you two were still just friends, and you walked into him, cock in hand, head thrown back with a blunt between his lips, calling out your name.
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
bondage, spanking, sonmophilia, mommy kink… the list could go on and on.
I = location (favorite places to do the do)
he will get down with you literally anywhere. in the back of his van? absolutely. the school bathrooms? 100%. during a d&d campaign? without a doubt. his own bedroom? for sure.
like i said, anywhere goes with eddie “the freak” munson.
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
literally just seeing you gets him going. the way you smile and laugh when you’re with your friends. the way your jeans fit you in just the right way, making his own jeans tighter in the process. hell, even the way you smile up at him gets him hard as fuck. the way your voice sounds, and the little noises you make when he’s feeling you up.
bonus: if he’s having a rough day, fully expect him to fuck you into next week.
n = no (something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
i know he’s open to pretty much everything, but i truly think that anything that risks genuinely hurting you is too much for him. he’s okay with choking, slapping, maybe some knife play. but anything involving something beyond that is too risky for him.
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
eddie could literally eat you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. he would never get tired of your taste. this is why i fully believe he prefers giving. i think he gets off more on making you feel good, rather than himself. however, he’s not going to turn down one of your amazing blowjobs, i can promise you that.
p= pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
99% of the time, he’s absolutely manhandling you all around the bedroom. he might not look as strong as he is, but he can easily throw you onto that bed so fast. don’t expect to be able to love much either, because he’ll hold you down until you can’t take it anymore.
long story, short. he absolutely goes to town on you, hard and fast. there’s a few times where he just wants to feel you and be gentle with you. either way, expect your pussy to be completely raw when he’s done with you.
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
i think he’s definitely into it. maybe not as much as you’d think, but there’s definitely many times when he literally could not contain himself long enough to wait until you’re both home.
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
eddie is totally into the idea of getting caught, and this plays into his cuck fantasy i mentioned earlier. any of his friends or yours walking in, while he has you on top of him, bouncing on his cock. he lives for that.
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for how long do they last?)
realistically, he can only last one or two rounds. but they last for a pretty long time, so he makes up for it in that way. it all depends on his mood and energy. most days, expect two or three hours of your day, solely dedicated to letting him have his way with you.
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
you better believe he uses toys on you. whether it’s dildos, vibrators, gags, etc. unlike other men, he isn’t insecure about using toys on you at all. if it enhances the experience for you, then it makes it better for him too. he’d literally do anything you ask anyway.
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
of course eddie is a huge tease. he knows how much he can get you going, just by light traces on your sensitive skin, the way his warm breathe and lips feel on your neck as he tells you all the vile things he wants to do with your body. he knows you’ll get him back for it eventually too, and that’s part of the thrill for him.
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
we all know most men are too silent when it comes to sex. eddie definitely isn’t a screamer or anything, but expect a lot of whimpers, small growls, and lots of groaning. he likes to be vocal about how good you make him feel. it honestly makes you so much more aroused.
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he likes being pegged. there, i said it. he likes your more dominant side, and there’s something about the way you look, with a strap tightly fastened to your waist, as you push slowly into his right hole. it drives him crazy.
x = x-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
i’m not going to over-exaggerate what he has going on, so this is what i think. he’s a solid 6 inches, with a little more girth than normal. it’s just enough to be slightly painful when stretching you out, but not enough to be annoyingly hurtful to you. he doesn’t need some giant dick to show you a good time. he knows how to work with what he’s got, babe.
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
is this even a question? his sex drive is SKY HIGH. expect to get railed at least once a day, if not more. the only exception being that one of you is sick or genuinely not in the mood. you’ll be waking funny every day for the rest of your life, babe.
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
i feel like most people would think he would pass out pretty fast, but i think he’d rather smoke a blunt and watch a movie / show with you afterwards. that is, unless we’re talking about super late night sex when you both literally have no energy for anything else.
@feverdreqmz @asiagiuliasofia @aaaaslaaaan @miloistired @imnotabitch-imabadass @plant-hoe69 @hello-100 @frankie-mercury @ofherscarlettwitchways @katsukis1wife @littlebitchsposts @sshaggysstuff @nadinechalamet
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Perhaps this is a controversial opinion, but I was thinking about glips nsfw exposure to children. 
I don’t think it’s inherently wrong when kids find porn on their own. I’m aware is not good for any child to find porn and I firmly believe theres an epidemic in my and the latest generation of porn exposure/addiction at young ages. I was underage when I first saw porn, I knew I wasn’t supposed to look at such content so I tried to avoid it, when I became I late teen I’d seek it out more on my own. No adults were apart of that experience of mine, same can’t be said for many of my friends and other young adults. I think Sex Ed also plays a factor, learning that stuff early can avoid so many problems.
The thing I take issue with is when adults participate in that porn exposure to children/teens. Glips PMD, and floras AD site is what I take issue with. The Floras AD site doesn’t even have “are you 18? Y/N” and it’s right in their Twitter bio. Glip in the past having a blog answering sexual questions and giving advice to children. Minors still being present in both servers to this very day, when time and time again it has been proven to not be a safe place for them. Especially given that glip has defended a predator in the past, and keeping harmful people around.
I do believe that as adults, we do generally have some responsibility to keep children out of pornographic spaces - not just for their sake, but for our own. Dead of ass it's fucking weird to be okay with having kids in pornographic chat rooms! There really is so much that we as individuals can do, but a little effort goes a long way. There additionally needs to be zero tolerance for adults exposing kids to this sort of thing. Who made the decision to show Japhet forbidden flora content? Are they still in the community? The only reasonable response Glip could have to that knowledge is to permanently ban whoever showed Japhet that content- but not only does that seem to not be the case, no one in the call seemed to be surprised or call it out. It seemed to me like, for all of them: this was normal.
Glip apologized to Japhet for seeing cropped porn in Insomiacs video, but for all we know- Japhet could have already been shown the full explicit image by someone else in the community. To Glip, it's fine if [someone they presumably like] sends a minor uncensored NSFW content, but it's not fine if [someone they dislike] has censored NSFW content within a video and a minor watches it.
This grandstanding hypocrisy only shows that Glip only sees Japhet as a tool to dig at Insomiac, and doesn't really care when someone in their own community does something way worse to him.
Idk, maybe I'm wrong and the person who exposed Japhet to that content was immediately removed from the community for it - I hope I am wrong here! But. I doubt it.
Edit: Hey! Good news, Japhet has contacted me and confirmed that the individual who showed him this content was not someone in the floraverse community. So I was thankfully wrong about this. Glip does have cropped porn as their twitter banner, which still feels a bit hypocritical for them to call out Insomiac for doing the same, but it's not nearly as bad as I was previously presuming.
I agree, it's not about preventing kids from outright learning about this stuff, it's about ensuring they learn about it safely and in a good environment. If my home had better sex-ed besides 'lol watch this lady give birth', and I got that sex-ed before my exposure to pmd-e, pmd-e probably wouldn't have traumatized me as much as it did.
Glip is not only outright incapable of fostering a safe healthy community, they're especially incapable of fostering a safe community for minors. It's downright insane that they still have the audacity to allow minors within their community after how many children they traumatized while proclaiming to be different now.
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teenagedirt · 1 year
kissing in cars (2)
Vic x female reader
Chapter 2- feelings
I watch her as she sets down her bag and steps out of her shoes "Hey vic?" She asks looking at me as she walks into our kitchen. "Yeah?"I call out from the couch "do u want a snack, you didn't eat at the Cafe" she asks and I smile to myself. I love how concerned she us about me,how she thinks about me all the time. "Nah,I'm good" I reply. I hear he laugh, I love her laugh I always have. She is so insecure about it but honestly it's one of my favorite things about her. Apart from her eyes. The way she looks at me makes me melt,the way her y/e/c (your eye color) eyes sparkle always makes me smile, even when I'm at my lowest. I snap out of my thoughts when she sits next to me with two personal sized goldfish bags. "You need to eat sir, and I don't want to hear that I'm okay shit" she says playfully shoving the goldfish in my hands. I laugh quietly. "Thank you darling" I see her. blush. I am so in love with her but I feel like she doesn't feel the sam about me. "hey,Vic can we talk" she asks bringing her legs to her chest. I take a deep breath and turn to face her. "Yeah of course, what's up" I ask, hoping that she hasn't suddenly has found someone for her and doesn't want me to call her darling anymore. "I, uh have a question. And when I ask it I need you to promise me you will not question why I ask until you answer it." She swallow hard and her eyes are clouded with tears. "I promise, I could never do that,you mean everything to me. You've been here for me since highschool,you've helped me through the hardest breakups,I doubt a question will break our bond" I grab her hand. A tear slides down her face. "Why do you call me darling? It's killing me Vic" she says as she breathes heavily and she starts to cry Gcold icy tears. "I don't know,it just feels right" I reply staring into her eyes. I squeeze her hand so she's knows I won't leave her, I will never leave her side I love her too much for that. "Vic" she whispers as she starts to sob. I pull her into a tight hug while rubbing her back softly. "Shhhh baby it'll be okay" I whisper,burying my face into her neck. Her breathing slows and she pulls away from me. "I am so madly in love with you" she pauses "you mean so much to me, Vic, please tell me you feel the same, please don't tell me I've just made a fool of myself infront of the man I'm so in love with." She chokes out before closing her eyes and letting her tears leak out slowly. "Darling, I love you too but I'm not sure if I'm ready, I'm so in love with you but I'm so worried I'll disappoint you, my love please don't be upset with me" I say before breaking into tears myself. "I could never be upset with you" she says cuddling up to me. I sit there trying to process what just happened. When I hear light snoring. I look down and see she has now fallen asleep. I smile to myself. I try to shimmy out from beneath her but she grabs my shirt and mumbles stay. So I then close my own eyes and hold her close and drift into sleep. *time skip* "HEY GUYS" Tony yells waking me,and making y/n stir in her sleep a bit. I rub my eyes. I give Tony a tired smile, then I point to y/n to signal not to yell anymore. "Shit sorry dude" he says running his hand through his hair. "It's fine" I say back. Y/n wakes up and smiles at me. "Hi" she says before snuggling back into me. Tony mouths to me that he will leave us alone, then leaves the apartment. The only thing I could think about was y/n and how she said she was so in love with me. If only I didn't feel the way I do about myself. I know deep down I will not disappoint her but, it's a fear I've had for a very long time.
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azxremoon · 1 year
alr alr drop the promell & gladiell lore !! who made the first move? who said the silly three letter word? WHO MAKES SURE THE OTHER IS OKAY?
i've been hoarding this for so long i'm so sorry hdfjshckc N E WAYSS
There had always been something lingering between me and Prompto. Something on the tip of our tongues and promptly bitten back by our respective insecurities and interruptions. It was always written off as us simply being affectionate childhood friends who bounced off of one another, but the yearning to become something more intensified. But how could I, the fake that I am, call someone so great "mine"? They deserve better. It didn't help that Prom didn't want to go against the Bro Code silently established by dating his best friend's sister. Even if Noct assured him that he trusted him, his insecurities continued to stand in the way.
Our shoulders pressed comfortably together while we overlooked the world beyond Lestallum in a comfortable silence for...well, I lost track of time long ago. My mouth moved before I could process the weight the words carried, only for his words to hear in the open night sky. I couldn't imagine a life without Prompto and even if it was merely as friends, that would be enough. His face lit up with a smile and rosy cheeks that had me melting in his hands palms while the distance between us closed and everything felt so undeniably right. It wasn't until the next day that we looked at each other while we were getting ready, memories of the night before flashing in our minds.
A romantic relationship with the Lucian princess treads a complicated line that makes him wonder where Gladiolus Amicitia ends and the Chosen King's Shield begins. Everything about us is different from your normal friendship, from who we are down to our titles, that starting something so intimate isn't that easy. At the end of the day we were still friends and that was enough, that should have been enough. But each lingering touch reciprocated, the sweet nicknames, the inside jokes, the security his presence brought, it all felt like so much more and ignited hope. It was like a key to a door we both refused to acknowledge.
The confession is as abrupt as mine was to Prompto, only a bit more emotionally-charged. Zegnautus Keep is cold and oppressive and I have little recollection of winding up in an unfamiliar room hen we were just on the train. But Gladio isn't. He's warm and the epitome of safety as he holds me close like I'll disappear (again) if he lets go. Each word is so passionate and devoted that it clears any insecurity and doubt, only heightened by the way his mouth moves against mine. It's too chaotic to really establish what this means for us now, but the heart in my hands like the one in his may just be enough.
As the team support, I usually check over everyone first and supply first aid as needed post-battle. I usually initiate it by asking how everyone is and if there is anything I can do to help, fretting over everyone and caring for even the smallest physical or emotional wound. Noct says I worry too much, but I don't think so. It comes to naturally to me. I have a habit of prioritizing others before myself, so Prom becomes a bit of a mother hen and makes sure I take some time to myself as needed. Gladio checks in with a keen eye and question of how I'm holding up, all with a tone that dares me to try and lie through my teeth as if he wouldn't catch it.
Emotionally, Gladio is a bit more gruff and will call out my shit if I try to brush my own pain away, especially if it's to focus on someone else instead. It hurts in the moment, but it's definitely helpful in the long-run and I know he just wants to see me as my best self. But he does lend an ear, or a fist if someone was the cause of my tears. Prompto, meanwhile, is a lot more gentle and less confrontational. He lends good advice and a has a very comfortable presence that keeps me grounded. He reassures me that he'll always be around to listen and assures me that none of my worries are silly, and that they're all valid.
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twyz · 2 years
Random chiffany headcanons before I go to bed <3
These are a mix of angst and fluff just because I can literally never have one and not the other (hurt/comfort basically)
Starting off with angst,, Chucky is a very messy crier. Like full force bawling with occasional snot and a VERY flushed face. He doesn't cry very often and usually isn't provoked to cry either (happy tears don't count),, but if he gets stressed out enough, he will let you know by doing this.
It's kinda distressing,, especially when Tiff is an empath jejwnwn
"Tiff why are you crying..?"
"Cuz you're crying and now I feel bad!"
A fluffier headcanon is that Chucky's love of sunflowers has manifested into some of the cutest things
When he was still human, he'd have a yellow
sweater that he'd only wear if he was doing something special
That and he's constantly munching on sunflower seeds
Tiff finds it endearing! but the twins get lowkey weirded out (now that they know who Sarah is sjsjns)
Another kinda angsty headcanon;; Tiffany had really bad self doubt/self confidence issues
Sure! She definitely knows how to strut her stuff but she also happens to be a master at fake it till you make it
You can thank mother valentine for that
Anyways,, she'd talk down about herself when she thought Chucky couldn't hear her
Oh but our homeboy could hear her loud and clear
So you know what he'd do? He'd call her job (somehow he always got the number) and call her out sick for a day or two depending on how bad she was feeling and schedule a self care day for him and tiff
Does he know anything about self care? No,, he just cracks open a beer and paints and calls that self-care
But he learns!
He cooks for Tiff and coddles her for the entire day,, and generally makes her feel special
And he successfully makes her forget her insecurities for a long while
like as a human obviously cuz the strength of some of those things could literally pull out a staple or two
And that shit would probably hurt
BUT ANYWAYS,,, he would always get confused as all hell
Tiffany managed to sit him down and put it on him once, but he squirmed a lot when she put it on him jsjsne
"Sweetface,, please just stay still"
"but it's fucking cold"
"I know but p l e a s e,, if I fuck up it could get in your hair and I don't think you'd like ripping off your hair when you this off"
He'd groan and stop squirming eventually
When it'd come time to take it off, however, he'd get cold feet
Tiff would be able to just rip hers off no problem but him? Mr.sensitive-skin-king? No fucking way
"no tiff- can't we just wash it off? getyourhandsawayfrommyface"
"no, we can't wash it off"
"what if I just keep it on forever?"
"baby just lemme-"
"n o." And he'd swat her hands away
Eventually, he fell asleep and tiff took her chance to rip it off of him
She didn't think he was gonna make it honestly
Homeboy didn't handle it well, as he, quite literally SCREAMED like a little girl
Whether it was from surprise or pain is unknown
But tiff thought it was the funniest shit for like three days
She of course apologized for taking a layer of his skin off and he just grumbled
"you know how long it took to grow that skin? 31 years >:("
And tiff would laugh again, still trying to apologize
He eventually got over it
But never again did he trust a facemask
Okay I think that's enough for now,, sorry about rambling about one headcanon for like a billion years LSNKSKWKA,, I thought it was a cute concept. I might write about it actually! Only the future shall tell
This was also embarrassingly long oh my goodness gosh :;:sob:::
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writtenfangirl · 2 years
Angel of Love
A/N: I’m back! Sort of. Life’s been kind of messy lately so I haven’t really had a chance to write let alone get to my requests. I’ve been toying with this idea for a while now and finally got around to finishing this fic so I hope it’s good. It’s my first DC fanfic so I hope it does the characters justice. This is as much a Sandman fanfic as it is a John Constantine fanfic. Maybe a part two if anyone’s up for it. Hope y’all enjoy
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“I think, it’s human nature to be corruptible. I mean, you and I both know that God is real. And yet it always bothered me that He made it so easy for humans to be tempted. Corrupted.” The words that exited Y/N’s lips blew gently into the world, following the gust of wind that had been ruffling her hair since she sat down on the lip of the rooftop. “Humans were meant to be his greatest creation but put humans next to Kryptonians and they’re mush. Not to mention the fact that evil, human beings like the Joker exist. These were meant to be God’s greatest creation?”
“That’s a very bleak way of seeing things,” John Constantine’s accented voice was as deep as a thunderclap as he spoke beside her. She’d been watching his dangling feet sway into the open air since he first sat down next to her and with the hours they’d spent sitting on the edge of the rooftop, Y/N had slowly begun to memorize the scruffs on his well worn shoes.
“I never took you for an optimist.”
John shrugged. “Humanity is a blight in the universe but we do have our moments.”
“Yeah. Moments. Fleeting ones.”
“For an angel, you sure like to be the devil’s advocate,” John said with a snort.
“Archangel,” Y/N corrected. “And Lucifer has always been my favorite sibling. We were thick as thieves when he was still around the Silver City.”
“He’s the archangel of desire. I’m the archangel of love. Those two usually go hand in hand.”
“So you doubt your father’s creation?  I didn’t think angels were capable of doubting their Father.”
Now it was Y/N’s turn to snort. “Us angels practically invented doubt in God. I haven’t seen my father in several millennias and that’s not likely to change anytime soon. But that doesn’t change the fact that I love him dearly. I may doubt His creations but I do not doubt Him.”
Y/N turned to John and found the human with a contemplative look in his face.
“Besides,” Y/N continued with a soft smile, “without my Father’s creation, I wouldn’t be able to count you as one of my friends.”
At that, John’s lips lilted. Y/N would’t count it as a smile, not really. John Constantine didn’t really smile. He smirked, he grinned, he frowned but he never smiled. Not in the way other humans smiled, unguarded and without constraint. His smile, if it could be called that, was less a smile and more sardonic quirk of his lips.
“You and I both know I want us to be more than just friends,” John said ruefully.
“And you know I don’t dally with humans,” Y/N countered. “Not in that way.”
“I’ve had dalliances with demons, love. If you think I’m fragile, I can assure you I’m not.”
Y/N rolled her E/C angelic eyes. She really was beautiful and not just in a subjective way like most humans were to John. Y/N’s beauty was an absolute truth. The sun was a ball of gas that provided light, the sky was blue, humans breathed oxygen and Y/N was beautiful.
Well, in truth, all angels were beautiful but none could quite compare to Y/N’s beauty. It was as if she’d taken the supernatural beauty that angels possessed and multiplied it tenfold. There was a loveliness to her that not even Lucifer, the second most powerful being in the Universe and supposedly the most beautiful of all the angels, could recreate let alone possess. 
The wind whipped against her H/C hair, carrying with it her sweet, heady scent that had John taking deeper breaths than usual. Her smile, warm and kind and lovely, sent jolts of electricity running up his spine, spreading all throughout his body. Her beautiful wings, colored like burnished gold, seemed to glow with an impossible light, bathing John in a warmth that should have been impossible in the middle of winter in London. She was love personified, the purest kind of love, the kind of love people could only dream of, let alone hope for.
“It’s not that I think you’re fragile, John. I already know you’re not. But as the angel of love, I am meant to give it away, not take it for myself. If you’re worried you’re somehow going to die alone, I am telling you now that you’re not. You’ve had a very hard life, John. A life that other beings, human or otherwise, wouldn’t have been able to survive. You can be rest assured that you are going to find your soulmate, I’ll make sure of it myself. I’ll even make sure it’s easy for you. That you’ll suddenly know and they’ll suddenly know too. I won’t leave you out in the dark by yourself.”
“But I don’t want them, love, I want you. Bollocks, Y/N, I can’t help it! I have loved you ever since I met you. I know you think that the way I feel isn’t real, that I feel the way that I feel because of who you are and maybe you’re right. Who am I to tell the angel of love what love is? But I know my love. I know how I feel and I have never felt this way about anyone and I doubt I will again.”
Y/N didn’t turn to look at him. The wind that had once been gentle grew restless as Y/N fluttered her golden wings.
“John, perhaps it’s time to wake up,” Y/N said, her voice kind.
Wake up? What did she mean? 
Her beautiful face began to turn sad, her angelic E/C, shifting into a molten gold as shiny as her wings.
“John, I have indulged you far too long, my friend. It’s time to wake up.”
“What?” Panic began to rise within John, lodging itself into his sternum. His heart beat wildly, his body beginning to thrum with a nervous energy and John couldn’t understand why that was. What was Y/N talking about? This wasn’t a dream. This couldn’t be a dream. It felt too real.
He grasped her hand, warm and solid and real beneath his own.
She pulled away gently, her other hand grazing the skin on his face. “John, this isn’t real and this has to stop. I made a promise to you, remember? I intend to keep my promise.”
Memories began to flood through John’s mind, images he wished he could throw away into the fiery chasms of hell.
“John, I can’t keep meeting you like this. I must leave you.”
“No, Y/N, you can’t. Don’t leave, please.”
Her beatific smile was so glorious it hurt John to see it. “John, I swear to you, you will find love. The kind that most people couldn’t even fathom and the person you love—“
“I don’t care about them! I only care about you!”
Her once angelic features shifted into that of a thunderous expression. Her once kind E/C eyes turning into a lurid red, her face twisting into a sneer. “This will be the last time I see you, John Constantine. Seek me out again and it will be the last time you breathe.” Her voice was as deep as a clap of thunder, her fury making the hair on John’s skin stand on end. 
This was the love that had people running for the hills, the kind that usually ended in bloodshed and murder. John had nearly forgotten who Y/N was, what she was. She was an archangel, God’ first herald, his right hand woman. She was the kindest of archangels but she was an archangel nonetheless. It was she who doomed humanity in a flood, she who brought down locusts and hail at God’s command. John never understood why it was Y/N who brought forth some of humanity’s greatest blights when archangels like Michael and Raphael existed but looking at her face now, he understood. After all, God did all of those things for the so called love He felt for humans. And who was Y/N if not God’s love personified? 
With a blinding light that had John shielding his eyes, Y/N was gone, taking his heart with her.
“You remember now, don’t you?” Y/N, the one from his dream, said kindly. “I’m not really here, John. I did this as a favor to Dream but that’s it. This is truly the last time you will see me again.”
“No.” John said firmly. “I am not letting you leave again.”
“I’m afraid it’s not your choice.”
And with a shuddering gasp, John awoke.
He wasn’t sure what time it was but the slit of light that filtered through his curtains and into his dark room was blinding as his eyes struggled to adjust. He was still wearing his clothes from the previous day, his brown trench coat rumpled, his slacks and dress shirt covered in creases. He could only assumed what he looked like after he woke up, his hair as rumpled as his trench coat, his face covered in creases from his pillows but he didn’t care about any of that. 
Instead his eyes were focused on the figure sitting on the chair in the corner of his room. Even in the darkness, the man’s eyes seemed to twinkle, as though he had all of the billions of stars in the universe contained in his eyes. His dark black hair stuck up in odd angles, his lean body seemingly relaxed, his pale face trained on John. When he spoke, his voice was soft but deep, the velvety voice of a person lulling you to sleep. “Good morning, John Constantine.”
“We had a deal, Dream,” John seethed, throwing the covers away from his body as he stood up and flicked the lights on to better see Dream of the Endless. “I held up my part of the bargain, why didn’t you?”
Dream’s eyebrows slowly slid up his forehead, the only sign in his face that he was surprised by John’s words. “Have care how you speak to me, Constantine. I will not have my honor questioned by the likes of you.”
Some rational part of John tried reeling him back from starting a fight with one of the Endless but after the devastating emotional loss he had to go through, John couldn’t care less what he said to one of the most powerful beings in the Universe. He’s had his fair share of dealing with monsters and aliens and demons and angels and he was not afraid of some skinny, emo looking git who thought himself to be important.
“You promised me I could speak to her, you right bloody twat,” John accused. “You swore to me you would let me speak with her.”
“And you did speak,” Dream said, his voice steady and deep and so otherworldly. “You were asleep for 14 hours. Enough time to say your goodbyes. It is not my fault if she wished to cut the conversation short.”
“Let me see her again.”
A savage desperate desire seized John. “You—“ A fit of coughing interrupted John’s train of thought, an invisible fist curling tightly around his lungs. He tried gasping for air but he could already begin to taste the blood rising from the back of his throat.
“Your archangel wants nothing to do with you, Constantine,” Dream said, not unkindly. He made no move to help John, seeming content to sit in John’s chair, watching him. There was pity in his eyes, the kind that had the taste ofbile rising at the back of John’s throat. He didn’t want Dream’s pity, he didn’t want anything to do with him if John was being honest. Just to dream, to see Y/N again before John began to forget her face in the delirium of his disease. 
“You don’t understand,” John said desperately. “She doesn’t know about me. About the cancer and the sickness. She doesn’t—“
“She knows, of that I am sure of. Archangels are omnipotent and Y/N guards over you. She knows about your situation.”
That was so much worse. For Y/N not to know about the cancer was one thing but knowing about it and not coming to visit John was another thing entirely. He wondered how long she’d known about it, how long Y/N’s kept her distance from him. His heart lurched in pain and it took nearly everything John had not to double over and scream his lungs out. Instead he focused on one thing, the anger that radiated in him. Dream was keeping Y/N from him, and he’d be damned if he let her go again.
“Is that suppose to comfort me?” John spat angrily. “To know that Y/N watches over me? I just want five more bloody minutes with the woman I love!”
“She is not a woman, Constantine. She is not human like you. She is a a being of unfathomable power, the kind that can bring even creatures like me to their knees,” Dream said patiently. Almost as if he’d expected John’s tantrum and was fully ready to comfort him if the situation called for it, which meant only one thing.
“You’ve spoken to her, haven’t you?” John said, realization dawning to him. “You were never known for your patience and yet you have let all of my disrespect slide. What did she say to you?”
“Noting you would like to hear, Constantine,” Dream said gently. “If you know what’s best for you—“
“I don’t care! Tell me what she said to you!”
“She wants me to tell you that she’s spoken with my sister, Death. Your death will be peaceful and you will feel no pain. Not in the months leading up to your death and not in they days before, she’s made sure of it. That’s all she wishes for you to know. Good bye, John Constantine.”
Dream of the Endless made a move towards the door, his hand reaching the door handle of John’s bedroom. There was a joke in there somewhere about Dream of the Endless using a door to exit a room but John couldn’t find it in him to make light of the situation.
“Wait!” John demanded before Dream could leave him. “Y/N made a promise to me once, about finding love. Did that mean nothing to her?”
Dream turned back slowly, his pale skin seeming even paler against his dark clothes. He gazed into John’s eyes his shiny eyes gleaming with unshed tears that had John staggering back in surprise. “Her promise meant the world to her, Constantine.”
And Dream of the Endless vanished into a puff of smoke leaving John with a gaping hole in his heart.
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@advnterccs​​ sent: ❤ { for the Ricks 😊 } Ultimate ship meme
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Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection “A-Any excuse to touch Rick is a fuckin’ good one for me. I-I don’t really care how we touch, a-as long as I can make him feel good in some way. M-Make him laugh, too. An-And I just like keeping him close. F-Fuckin’ sue me.”
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car spaceship | BDSM | No sex “T-The same shit I said about being affectionate goes for sex. I-It fuckin’ helps that we like almost the same shit, s-so there’s almost nothing we can’t do together. An-And Rick is a fucking sex god, s-shit, he’s the best I’ve ever had, an-and damn, I’ve slept with almost literal deities, pfffft. I-I guess it comes with knowing someone’s body as your own? L-Literally, in our case.”
Dates; Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates “I-I’m honestly not too pick when it comes to dates. An-And the two of us? W-We always have a great time together, n-no matter what we do or where we go. S-Sharing a meal or a drink is good enough. E-Even if I like it best when we go on some alien planet, e-especially if it’s just the two of us. T-There’s some really cool places out there, an-and I want to share them all with him.”
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No “T-That’s...a complicated question. W-We talked about it, he knows that I-I have some...reservations when it comes to it. An-And he respects my opinion on the matter.”
Have sex on the first date? Yes | No “W-We started to fuck way before w-we started dating, s-so you can fuckin’ bet that I’d have sex with him on our first date. E-Even if...in truth we didn’t. W-We made is special in plenty of other ways.”
Confess their attraction first? Yes | No “D-Damn, yes an-and no? W-We didn’t exactly confess our attraction, w-we just started to fuck an-and went from there. B-But I was the one to say the L-word first. E-Even if it was bu fuckin’ accident.”
Have children/adopt? Yes | No “I-I think that we’re already past that, f-for more than one reason. An-And we have the Mortys. T-They are the only kids we need, pffffft.”
Die for your character? Yes | No “Y-Yeah. Without any fuckin’ doubt. R-Rick is one of two people I’d fuckin’ die for, n-no hesitation. I-I can’t imagine life without him. N-Not anymore. An-And I don’t fuckin’ want to.”
Cheat on your character? Yes | No “N-No fuckin’ way. C-Cheating is something I wouldn’t do in any case, with anyone, an-and with Rick even more. He...He’s the love of my life, he g-gives me everything I need an-and more. I-I have no fuckin’ reason to cheat. W-We had a...an episode, b-but shit was complicated.”
Lie to them? Yes | No “I-I try my fuckin’ best not to. T-There’s some stuff I end up keeping from him...b-but only for a while. I-I end up telling him everything. J-Just...some shit, it takes a while t-to me to get it out. O-Our relationship is made of trust an-and that’s too important to fuck up. I-I’d lie to his face only i-if I wanted to surprise him with something or-or shit like that.”
Cuddle after sex? Yes | No “A-As I said before, e-every fuckin’ excuse to touch Rick is good enough for me an-and after a couple of rounds of real amazing sex? D-Damn, I can’t think of anything better than cuddling t-the shit out of him.”
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allylikethecat · 2 months
Omg ok this is probably going to be a rlly long ask my bad but I just read the end of the Christmas fic and then the new chapter of All the Kings Horses so there is a LOT to unpack..
Okkk The Christmas Fic first…
It was the absolute PERFECT ending honestly it wrapped it all up so well it was soo nice to finally see them just be able to spend time with each other and be comfortable for once without fictional George’s family somewhere in the house. The proposal was SO good oml it was so sweet and how he’d had the ring for like ten years ?!!!!!!! Also so nice to see it end when they’re both finally going to get the rest and happiness over Christmas that we’ve been waiting for the whole fic! Honestly the perfect end to such a good story.
And nowwww - all the kings horses bc I always have too much to say on it
-I was NOT ready for them to move onto the properly friends stage so quickly omg???? A jump scare (but an AMAZING one) !!! Their dynamic is soo percect and I’m so glad fictional Matty finally has a friend!!
-The show omlll I was so happy that fictional Matty got to actually compete w his horse like he’d been wanting too and the way you described it was soo perfect. It’s soo good reading it more from fictional George’s perspective as we don’t rlly know exactly how fictional Matty is actually feeling about the whole thing since he’s obviously got his past on his mind but is also happy about sally.. (but it looks like fictional George can read him pretty well already)
-And George asking him to COME OVER??!??!???!!!!!!! Omg I was not prepared for any of this so soon. And you wrote it soo well it was so sweet. And it’s amazing to finally see fictional George being the properly awkward one and fictional Matty having a bit more control!!!!
I know you mentioned this chapter didny quite read like you want it to but personally I thought it was PERFECT (as usual) and I can’t waittt to see what happens in the next chapter omg :)
Ok that’s all!! Hope you have a great day
AHHH I want to start by saying thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to send me such a long and lovely thought out ask! I apologize that it has taken me a few days to respond!
The Christmas Fic!! Ah! I'm so happy that you enjoyed the ending! I was also very happy with it - I know it wasn't really the *big dramatic ending* but it made me happy writing it and felt like it fit the characters I had created. Like of course Fictional!George would propose to Fictional!Matty while they were sitting in bed on Christmas Eve and then Fictional!Matty would blurt out that he has a stomach ulcer - like it was very on brand for them I think lol and YES Fictional!George has had the ring for ten years - it's actually something I came up with while working on the A&E Fic (and how Fictional!George very much notices which hand Fictional!Matty is wearing rings on when he breaks his wrist)
Now, on to All the King's Horses!
Yes! We wasted enough time we are moving onto FRIENDSHIP (also this chapter is implied to take place a few weeks after they all went to dinner, friendshipping has happened just off screen lol) now if Fictional!George can just get it together enough to admit his actual feelings...
Fictional!Matty is having some complex feelings thanks to some complex trauma and Fictional!George doesn't even know the half of it! We might learn some more about this whole situation though in the next chapter... might also find out what The Accident really was 👀
Fictional!George is ready to actually be friends! And that is NOT going to happen if they try and do it at their place of work lol Who knows maybe they'll even get to have a little snuggle lol
Also thank you so so much! I think I've written maybe four different versions of this chapter and none of them really ended up *exactly* how I wanted. BUT it did move the plot along which I am thankful for, and also so appreciative to hear that despite my own self doubts you enjoyed it!
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy our next visit into the Infection Verse and the next All the King's Horses chapter! I'm so grateful for this lovely message and the support! Thank you for the well wishes and I hope you have the BEST week as well!
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zawazawanightmares · 2 years
Selena Recital & The Rolechat Kink Rater
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You, Selena Recital, are connected to The Rolechat Kink Rater Your partner selected the 18+ server.
Selena Recital: Kink Rater?
The Rolechat Kink Rater: That'd be me
The Rolechat Kink Rater: I see kinks, I rate them, sometimes I rate them so highly I want to see them for myself.
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Dandy little way to have a kinky chat with people online wouldn't you say?
Selena Recital: Hm...well, I would score pretty low because I'm a pretty vanilla gal.
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Well some gals manage to carry it over line with charm
The Rolechat Kink Rater: I don't doubt for a second you'd be able to too
Selena Recital: Oh, you're the sweet talker! Guess I'll have to try my best...
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Mmhm, and I can't wait to see.
Selena Recital: So I suppose I should start with my femdom kink. Big, take-charge men are fun...but I often prefer to choose what happens next in the bedroom. It's just a preference!
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Well, you're already much different than most ladies on this website then.
Selena Recital: I suppose...I guess that's the difference between "women" and "girls", hm?
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Confident too are we?
The Rolechat Kink Rater: You know, for a vanilla gal you're doing a pretty good job at making me rate you.
Selena Recital: I do try! Can't be a charmer without charm, can you?
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Definitely not, though I'll have to warn you
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Too much charm and you'll have me melting under you by the end of the day.
Selena Recital: Aw, and I didn't even have to get on top of you to do it! *winks*
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Dorky.
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Please, do continue though.
Selena Recital: My next kink is even more simple: a good kiss! With tongue, preferably. And it's better if the person's breath is sweet-tasting or, if I'm even luckier, it's a girl~!
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Well you aren't as lucky to have me as a girl.
The Rolechat Kink Rater: I do care greatly about dental hygiene though. Mint?
Selena Recital: Love it! Looks like you're a contender...
The Rolechat Kink Rater: I'm glad to hear!
The Rolechat Kink Rater: You're always invited and welcome to the Kink Rater's quarters, you know.
Selena Recital: And the Kink Rater is more than welcome to mine...but don't you want to hear the rest of my kinks?
The Rolechat Kink Rater: I'm eagerly waiting for each new one, in fact!
Selena Recital: This one is something only you can help me with...but you're probably not going to like it...
The Rolechat Kink Rater: I'm all ears...
Selena Recital: It's P-E-G-G-I-N-G! I love to make men squeal and make them feel good while they do it!
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Well you're right I didn't like it, *however*
The Rolechat Kink Rater: I am known to squirm slightly even if I get my balls sucked.
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Imagine if you, the hottest and most charming lady around, did get around to pegging me.
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Imagine the sort of sounds I'd make.
Selena Recital: I'm already imagining it. It's making my spandex rather awkward to be wearing...
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Imagine how much weirder it'd be to wear had I been there
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Had I been pushing myself into you...
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Had you been feeling me on your body through both our clothes...
Selena Recital: I don't have to imagine because I've done it. Spoiler alert: things get sticky, slippery but VERY good partway through.
The Rolechat Kink Rater: And to think you thought I wouldn't rate you very highly.
Selena Recital: I suppose we're both full of surprises, aren't we? Do you want to hear my last two?
The Rolechat Kink Rater: You should already know I do.
Selena Recital: The next one is unisex but tends to be more of a deal breaker than the pegging: I love tasting women's starfishes...and I adore it when men taste mine!
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Starfish being...
Selena Recital: *grins* The asshole~!
The Rolechat Kink Rater: I thought you weren't kinky.
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Been lied to by the "vanilla gal"
Selena Recital: Ah, I've been found out! It's my only real kink and the only one that tips into the "extreme" scale but it's so vanilla compared to what I've encountered that I've come to consider it kind of tame!
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Well, why don't you lay the last one onto me before stalling too much then?
Selena Recital: You've got it! It's the simple, humble act of facesitting! Either sitting with all my weight on a man's face or letting a woman with a big enough caboose sit on mine. It's sensually exquisite!
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Ding ding ding ding ding!
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Believe it or not you've gotten to by far my favourite thing.
Selena Recital: I can't think of a single person who doesn't like facesitting. Even those who are turned off by rimming have said that they would never turn this down.
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Exactly!
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Especially for someone as hot as you..
Selena Recital: Really? You know, I get a lot of compliments about my chest but not as many about my bottom. Makes me kinda sad...I work hard on that part, you know?
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Having not seen either yet, I think I'd have to see the two up close to judge
Selena Recital: I suppose you've earned a photo...
Selena Recital: https://superrobotwars.fandom.com/wiki/Selena_Recital
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Cute.
Selena Recital: Just cute? I'm disappointed.
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Again, haven't exactly seen it up close
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Haven't seen your ass on my face yet
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Data limited.
Selena Recital: Then maybe we should fix that? Right now?
The Rolechat Kink Rater: I am inclined to agree.
Selena Recital: Then take me to these fabled quarters...
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Come right this way then will you missus...
Selena Recital: *throws her hair back while smiling* Very well. *follows*
The Rolechat Kink Rater: *grabs you by the hand and leads her to a large bed*
Selena Recital: Very nice...would you lie back for me? *begins to unzip her suit*
The Rolechat Kink Rater: *does as she says, clearly hard through his pants at the thought.*
Selena Recital: *pulls it down to reveal her large sweaty ass* I'm sorry but it gets hot in this suit and I've been moving around all day! I shower often so do you forgive me?
The Rolechat Kink Rater: *smiles* We'll get to forgiveness if you taste well enough.
Selena Recital: *crawls over and turns around, her wet ass above his face* I guess that depends on you, doesn't it?
The Rolechat Kink Rater: *Grabs her ass from both sides and eagerly pulls her towards his face without saying a word.*
Selena Recital: Oh wow! You know how to get to work... *blushes as she twerks on his face*
The Rolechat Kink Rater: *Pushes his tongue against her wet cunt and pins her ass on his face* Mmmh...
Selena Recital: *softly moans* You're really good at this...I can tell that I'm not your first!
The Rolechat Kink Rater: *He gives her a soft spank and starts licking across her slit*
Selena Recital: *her pussy drips onto his tongue* Such a bad boy! I know why you started judging kinks now...
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Nnh~ *He's visibly excited at being called a bad boy, and starts gripping at her thighs while eating her out*
Selena Recital: I'm so close...keep going and I'll give you a treat~!
The Rolechat Kink Rater: *He continues eagerly licking her out, pushing his finger onto her "starfish"*
Selena Recital: *lets out a squeal as she cums, leaking onto his tongue*
The Rolechat Kink Rater: *He keeps getting faster even as she cums, trying to taste more and more of her sweet juices*
Selena Recital: *keeps leaking on his tongue while she goes for his pants, unzipping them*
The Rolechat Kink Rater: *His cock pops out of the pants as she opens it up*
Selena Recital: *she immediately sucks on his tip before taking in more of his shaft*
The Rolechat Kink Rater: *He pushes her ass down on his face as she takes him in her mouth*
Selena Recital: *deepthroats him, leaving lipstick marks on his cock as she blows him*
The Rolechat Kink Rater: *he licks his fingers and starts prodding her butthole with his wet fingers while licking her*
Selena Recital: *moans on his cock while her asshole puckers, her pussy still wet*
The Rolechat Kink Rater: *He keeps pushing his tongue into her pussy with her slutty juices running down his chin*
Selena Recital: *fondles his balls while sucking him off, her pussy squirting on him as she continues*
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Mmmfff, nnnh~ *He starts humping up at her mouth as she sucks himk
Selena Recital: *takes the rest of his length down her throat easily as she grinds on his face*
The Rolechat Kink Rater: *He grips at her ass as his cock starts twitching in her mouth* Mmmnn, nnnnh!
Selena Recital: *keeps blowing him, letting him fuck her face with reckless abandon*
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Mmm, haaaaah~~! *He starts cumming in her mouth as he tilts his head back to breathe*
Selena Recital: *pulls away to swallow all of his cum, wiping her mouth with a smile* Well, whaddaya know...minty~!
The Rolechat Kink Rater: Mmmh, yeah? *pushes you off to the side to look at your face* You don't taste half bad yourself.
Selena Recital: You're such a sweet talker. Is there any other kink you wanna help with?
The Rolechat Kink Rater: I thought minty breathing got rewarded with a sweet tongue kiss.
Selena Recital: It was just your cum that tasted like that but...*leans forward and kisses him deeply*
The Rolechat Kink Rater: *He lets her clean all her juices off his lips as they kiss*
Selena Recital: *pulls away after a few minutes with a spit trail* I might have to keep you....
Your partner timed out
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