#dc comics imagines
dccomicsimagines · 3 months
Shattered - Batfamily Imagine
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Warning - Abuse, Abusive Behavior
Requested by Anon -  Can I request a batfamily x reader where reader is very quiet and one day Bruce pushes too hard and reader runs away. Then reader is missing for weeks and they find her badly injured and Bruce is feeling bad
Author’s Note - This took me forever to finish. Also it spiraled into it’s own thing, but hope you enjoy it!
You felt your father watch you from across the cave. The punching bag swung back to you. Your fists cracked against the bag, echoing in the silence of the cave. The bats screeched in the distance. 
Out of the corner of your eye, Bruce moved toward you. The tension in his shoulders, firmness of his jaw, you knew he was in a bad mood. You sensed it was caused by Damian. Damian and your father hadn’t gotten along well ever since Bane took over the city and Alfred died. Then again, Bruce hadn’t gotten along well with anyone since Alfred died. You swallowed back a lump in your throat. It hurt that you had to force yourself not to tense up when he reached you.
“Too practiced.” Bruce crossed his arms. His cowl was off. You caught the bag when it swung back to you, peeking at him shyly. “A live target won’t wait for you to punch them.” His eyes were ice cold steel. You wondered if your eyes were like that. Dick claimed you had Bruce’s eyes, but you never believed him. 
You opened your mouth, but nothing came out. Bruce’s lips formed a hard line. “Sorry,” you whispered finally. Your hand trembled slightly. You shouldn’t be nervous. He won’t hurt you.
“Sorry won’t save your life. Sorry will get you killed.” He turned and walked off to the sparring mat. Your eyes widened, blood draining out of your face. His hand gestured for you to follow. 
Your feet moved without you realizing. Suddenly, you were on the mat and facing your father. He took off his cape and tossed it to the sidelines. “Attack,” he ordered. You blinked before running straight toward Bruce. 
It occurred to you to surprise him as you flipped forward and sprang up to aim a kick to his jaw. He blocked it, pushing you away. You rolled with the push and landing safely on your feet. 
“Predictable.” Bruce threw a punch your way. You barely dodged it. He was so fast. “You need to be unpredictable.” 
The sparring session lasted a full hour. You had been thrown to the ground too many times to count. Your body ached, knowing you’ll have bruises the next morning. 
Bruce offered his hand. You took it and stood up. “You’ll need more training if you’re going into the field alone.” He glanced at the batcomputer when it beeped with a message. “Shower and get to bed. You have school tomorrow.” 
“Yes Dad.” You mumbled, holding his hand a moment longer. He allowed it and you felt comforted by it. You couldn’t remember the last time he hugged you. 
Bruce pulled away too quickly for your liking, heading to the batcomputer. He joined a call with Jim Gordon. They were discussing the murder from the night before. Bruce believed it was a serial killer, thus why you weren’t allowed to patrol with him until the killer was off the streets. 
You limped toward the showers. Your eyes burned with tears, your heart aching so bad you thought it was ripped from your chest. It confused you. 
After your shower, you slowly walked up the stairs. Bruce was still at the batcomputer. You knew better than to bother him. 
The next night, you sat by the batcomputer and organized files. You were still banned from patrol. The serial killer still on the loose. Your father was getting more and more unbearable. Biting your lip, you wished Alfred was here. He’d know how to get your father to stop and take a rest, but Alfred died a year ago. 
A little bit of anger sparked in your heart. Why were you left to deal with your father alone? Why could all the others run off? You cursed your age, wishing you were eighteen or at least well trained enough to join the Teen Titans or something. 
However, you took a deep breath, letting the anger go. You learned a long time ago that being angry with your father didn’t do any good. It was almost like he wanted your anger, so you didn’t give it to him. 
The file organization was mind numbing. You peeked at your father’s tracker to see him at GCPD. He was probably talking to Commissioner Gordon about the serial killer. You wished you were with him. 
Suddenly, the computer beeped that the batcave allowed access to someone. You opened the cameras to see a motorcycle flying down the tunnels. Excited, you got your feet to greet the motorcycle. As it came closer, you recognized the dark blue paint. 
“Hey,” Dick greeted, parking his bike a few feet from you. “How you doing, kiddo?” 
“I’m okay.” You crossed your arms tightly across your chest. “What are you doing here?”
Dick climbed off his bike. “Just visiting. Is Bruce here?” He came over to you, ruffling your hair.
“No, he’s out.” You bit your lip when he frowned slightly. Dick hummed, resting a hand on your chin to inspect the bruise on your cheekbone. You had washed off the makeup you used to hide it at school. “I’m fine.”
“You sure?” Dick pulled away. He took off his mask, looking you directly with those clear blue eyes. You avoided eye contact. 
You didn’t answer, simply turning to point at the tracker on the screen. Dick went over to look. You sighed in slight relief. 
“So a serial killer is on the loose huh? I saw it on the news, decided I should stop by,” Dick said, studying the screen to see all the files you were organizing. 
You swallowed hard and took your seat back by the computer to continue your work. Dick watched you for a bit. “I don’t know when he’ll come home. You should probably go meet him,” you said after you heard Dick sigh.
Dick leaned against your chair, resting his arm on the headrest. “I was going to borrow some surveillance equipment. I want to stake out a few of Blockbuster’s operations.” Dick smirked when you looked up at him. “Wanna tag along?”
Your heart skipped a beat in excitement. It wasn’t until now that you realized how much you missed going out. Two weeks of only the cave and school was restricting. “Dad wouldn’t like it,” you said, biting your lip as you glanced at Batman’s tracker on the computer. He was driving through the city now. You assumed he was going to check out the next crime scene.
Dick followed your gaze to the screen before looking back at you. “Kiddo, we can leave him a note. He won’t be upset if we’re in Bludhaven.” He ruffled your hair. Your lips pulled into a smile.
“Are you sure?” You jumped to your feet. 
“I’m sure. Go get your suit on.” Dick tapped your nose, grinning. “Heck, even pack an overnight bag. You can just stay over at my place.” You turned and ran off to gather your stuff. 
Dick frowned as he watched you hurry away. You were limping. If you had been in the cave for two weeks, where would you have gotten hurt? The limp could have been a sprain, but the bruise on your cheek? Dick shook his head, swallowing hard. “Bruce, what are you doing?” he mumbled, eyeing the tracker. 
Dick glanced over his shoulder to make sure you were out of earshot before tapping the comm button. “(Y/N), I don’t have time. If you’re done with the files, go to bed,” Bruce said harshly. 
“It’s me, Bruce.” Dick pursed his lips, holding back a scoff. “Is that how you talk to her?” 
“I’m in the middle of an investigation. (Y/N) knows not to bother me.” Dick shook his head. “Why are you there?”
“I stopped to borrow a few things and to check in on you and (Y/N).” Dick ran a hand through his hair. “Bruce, I’m taking (Y/N) with me for a few days. This isn’t good.”
Bruce didn’t respond. Dick knew what that silence meant. “Keep her safe,” he finally said softly. A moment of vulnerability.
“Always.” Dick held back the words he wanted to say. “I’ll talk to you in a few days.”
Bruce grunted and shut off the comm. Dick sighed. He would need to talk to the others about this. Dick felt responsible. He should have checked in on you more. He should have taken you with him once he first suspected. Dick swallowed hard as he heard you come up behind him. Forcing a smile on his face, he turned to you.
The weekend with Dick was a lot of fun, but you weren’t an idiot and Dick wasn’t that subtle. You knew Dick was concerned about your welfare. He had several calls during the weekend, calls you overheard when he thought you were asleep. 
It was a relief to be home. Bruce seemed happy to have you back. Well, as happy as he could get nowadays, which wasn’t much. However, you did receive a shoulder pat before he sent you off to train. You practically melted at the touch. 
You were on the balance beam, training in the balanced combat that Dick showed you. Bruce was at the computer, still going over evidence for the serial killer. He still hadn’t caught him. You were greatly concerned by the fact, but stayed quiet. 
“I don’t have the time for this,” Bruce said suddenly. You glanced over at him as you practiced landing a kick without losing your balance. Bruce got to his feet. “(Y/N), come here.” You blinked before hopping off the beam and running over. He gestured for you to go to the changing room. You frowned, confused. Bruce growled. “Get ready for patrol,” he said sharply.
“Really?” you asked, voice barely a whisper. He narrowed his eyes at you. “Yes sir.” You swallowed hard and ran to get changed. Bruce was already in his batsuit. 
You ran back out a minute later, strapping on your cape. Bruce marched to the batmobile at the sight of you. You jogged behind him. “I need you to stake out the other location.” Bruce hopped into the driver’s side. You got in beside him, holding back a smile at finally being in the batmobile with Bruce again. He drove off at full speed toward Gotham. “I have determined that the killer will strike in one of two locations. He leaves clues, a Riddler copycat.” He glanced at you. The hint of approval appeared in his eyes when he saw you were listening attentively. “He will strike tonight, so I don’t have the time to narrow it down.” 
“Yes sir.” You bit your lip to hide a smile. He was treating you like he did Dick or Tim or Damian. An equal. You couldn’t believe it. 
“I don’t want you to engage. If you see him, call me and stay in the shadows.” He suddenly stopped the batmobile by an old apartment building deep in the city. “Tracy Apartments. Watch for a man in a blue coat.” The hood opened and you hopped out. “Do not engage.” Bruce narrowed his eyes at you.
“Yes sir.” You nodded before grabbing your grapple gun and flying up to the rooftop. The roar of the batmobile sounded behind you almost like it was lifting you up and away. Landing on the roof safely, you sat on the edge of the roof, determined to do your very best.
Nothing happened except a few random people walking home from the bar on the corner. A homeless person entered an alley. You sighed, resting your elbow on your knee and your chin in your hand. Your father hadn’t messaged except to say he arrived at the other location. 
The clock tower, only two blocks away, struck two. Your eyes grew heavy. Slowly, you drifted off only to be jerked awake when your elbow relaxed causing your head to fall. Panic filled you as you checked the apartment building. Nothing change. You relaxed, heart pounding away. 
Another half an hour passed with you pinching your arm to stay awake. Just when you were about to fall asleep again, the man with the blue coat appeared. You tapped your comm. “Batman, the man is here. He is entering the apartment building.”
“Good. Don’t move until I arrive. ETA five minutes.” Batman’s comm clicked off. You got to your feet, staying in a crouch as the man entered the building. Tapping the side of your mask, you turned on your thermal camera to watch him move through the lobby. Strangely, the man took the stairs.
You traced him through the building, grateful for the building’s thin walls and the man’s gait. He stopped at an apartment on the far end of the third floor. You moved to the other end of the roof to peek in the window. There was two women inside watching TV. Two glasses of wine and bowls of what looked like ice cream sat on the table in front of them. 
One of the women stood up and went to the door. A scream came from inside. The other woman on the couch stood up, grabbing the lamp next to her and throwing it at the attacker. You hesitated a moment. Bruce would be very angry. No more patrols for a long time. However, when both women disappeared out of your view, you pushed that out of your mind.
Leaping into the air, you used your grapple gun to accelerate toward their window. Using your feet, you broke through the window, somersaulting into a kick to the man’s face once you were able to pinpoint where he was. The two women cowered in the corner. 
The man fell back against the door with a shout. “Stupid kid!” He struggled to his feet. You wondered if that’s why he attacked women. A inferiority complex with a dash of psychopathy. He held a knife up. You smirked at the knife, shaking your head. He came at you, but you dodged it easier and disarmed him. The man screamed as you put him into a hold and knocked him to the floor. 
Curses sputtered out of his mouth as you quickly handcuffed his wrists and feet. “Robin.” You looked up in surprise to see Batman at the window. His jaw was a mask of pure fury. You swallowed hard and quickly got to your feet. “Go wait in the car.” He moved toward the man. You hurried to the window. The two women thanked you as you grappled down to the waiting batmobile. 
It slid open as you approached and you hopped inside. Snuggling into your seat, you felt sick to your stomach. You knew that look your father gave you. A shiver ran down your spine. It was a look only Damian and Jason got when they disobeyed him. 
“Disobeying direct orders!” Bruce grabbed one of his spare gloves and threw it across the cave. You flinched at the movement, putting your hands behind your back so he couldn’t see them shake. After changing out of your suit, you were told to stand in the middle of the changing room as your father let loose. “I expected more from you, (Y/N)!”
You opened your mouth, but a glare from him had you closing it again. The cave was colder than normal. You wondered if it was really colder or if it was just you. “I’m sorry, but I needed to step in,” you whispered, unable to speak louder. “He would have killed them.”
Bruce spun to you so fast that you flinched. “He could have killed you!” You looked into Bruce’s eyes, seeing the fear mixed in with his anger. It hurt.  Bruce spun away from you, running a hand through his hair. Curses mumbled from under his breath. You watched him.
It was so tiring, so painful to live here with him. He was hard on you, mean even. You understood he cared about you, but did he love you like a daughter? Or were you just his child soldier? Tears filled your eyes as your heart ached for Alfred. Alfred would make this better, reason with him or at least be a comfort to you. You couldn’t remember him treating any of your brothers this way, but then again, they always had Alfred. You had no one.
“I’m taking you off patrols indefinitely,” Bruce said, his frown deepening when he turned back to see your tears. You quickly wiped your face with your sleeves. “And I think...you should go live with Dick, (Y/N).”
“What?!” You gasped, hands shaking violently. “Why?!”
Bruce took a deep breath. “I’m not...I’m not the man I used to be. You aren’t getting what you need from me.” He crossed his arms. His face was a steel mask. You wondered if he actually cared. 
“No.” You shook your head before turning and running out of the room. Bruce was right behind you. Your chest tightened, suddenly you felt trapped. You failed to help him. You failed as a Robin. 
“(Y/N)...” Bruce reached out to catch your shoulder, but you shook him off. Each breath hurt. You ran up the stairs of the cave and burst into his study. There was no footsteps behind you. Funny enough that was what hurt most of all.
The next morning, Dick ran up the steps of the manor. Bruce left him a message to come collect (Y/N). Is your daughter something to collect? Dick wanted to argue with him, shout at him, but Bruce wouldn’t pick up the phone. He tried calling you, but your phone went straight to voicemail. 
Dick turned the knob, eyes widening when it opened. It wasn’t like Bruce to leave the door unlocked. Security risk and all. Dread festered in Dick’s gut. Something was wrong, he could feel it in the air. 
“Bruce? (Y/N)?” Dick looked around. The manor looked the same except for the dust and stale air.  He swallowed hard. Alfred would have been so upset seeing the manor this way. The only response he got was silence. 
Biting his lip, Dick ran up the stairs toward your room. You were probably packing and couldn’t hear him. 
Dick stood outside your door. It didn’t have the drawings and stickers like it used to. He wondered why you took them off. Alfred hated them, but never had the heart to force you to remove them. Dick ran a hand through his hair, knowing he just answered his own question. His heart sank to his feet. 
There was a lot Dick regretted. He regretted not being around enough after Alfred passed. Too absorbed in his own grief and his own problems. The others were strong, but you were so young and Bruce was so...Bruce.
“(Y/N)?” He knocked on the door. Silence followed. Dick took a deep breath and tried the doorknob. It turned. Dick’s eyes widened slightly as he peeked inside your room. 
Your room was barren. He almost didn’t recognize it. You used to have toys around, pictures, posters, things that made the room yours. He remembered how happy you were when Tim gifted you several posters of your favorite actors and actresses to put up. Those were all gone. Just the bed, dresser, and partly ajar closet. 
The bed was neatly made except for the note on the pillow. Dick sighed. He should have came as soon as he got the call the night before. Grabbing the note, he opened it. I’m sorry. Dick blinked, turning the note over to see no other words. “Fuck.” He bit his lip and stormed out of the room. 
Bruce’s rooms were as empty as was the kitchen and the study. Dick went to the grandfather clock, turning the hands to 10:27 before sprinting down the stairs. 
He saw red when he found Bruce sitting at the batcomputer on a conference call with the Justice League. Bruce had his cowl on, acting like the stoic, coldhearted asshole that he always was. 
Dick marched over. “He’ll have to get back to you,” Dick said sharply as he reached over to end the call. The surprise on the League’s members’ faces did nothing for Dick. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” Bruce pushed Dick away from the batcomputer. Dick stumbled, catching himself on the edge of the computer. 
“Did you even bother to check?” Dick threw the paper in Bruce’s face. Bruce caught it and crumpled it in his hand. “You told your daughter you were sending her away and you didn’t bother to check on her?!” Dick threw his hands in the air. “She’s gone, Bruce! All she left was that note saying she was sorry!” It was selfish, but it felt good to yell at Bruce. Dick only hoped his words sunk in.
Bruce tensed. He took off his cowl, revealing the new lines on his face. A bit more gray in his hair. Dick’s shoulders sank in relief as Bruce smoothed out the note to look at it. 
“Damn it.” Bruce set the note on the computer before sinking into his chair like all the bones left his body. Dick’s anger cooled at the sight. The reaction is what he needed to see to know there was hope for Bruce, but a minute passed without Bruce moving. 
Dick tapped his foot. “Well, are we going to look for her?!” Dick crossed his arms to stop himself from reaching out to shake Bruce’s shoulders.
“You have custody now.” Bruce turned away, running a hand over his blank expression. “It’s best you handle it.”
Now Dick was a bit of a hothead in his youth. It took him years to cool his anger, but it took that moment alone to strip all those years away. In a blink of an eye, Dick’s fist flew and sucker punched Bruce in the face. 
Bruce took the hit, probably because he wasn’t expecting it. In a flash, Bruce was standing, fists flying toward Dick. Dick ducked. “Yeah, that’s right. I can take your hits,” Dick spat. “Is this what you did to (Y/N), Bruce? Swung at her without warning.” 
“I never hit her!” Bruce dropped into full Batman mode. Dick dodged, flipping out of the way of every hit, playing the defensive. The reasonable part of Dick knew that he threw the first punch, but Dick at this moment didn’t care. 
“Sure you didn’t. Where’d she get those bruises, Bruce? You grounded her from patrol.” Dick didn’t duck fast enough and took a hit to the side of the head. He saw stars, but quickly spun out of the way of Bruce’s right hook. 
Suddenly, Bruce grabbed the front of Dick’s shirt and held him very close to his face. “I wouldn’t hurt my kids. We sparred, she didn’t block. I didn’t go easy on her because going easy means death in our line of work. You know that, Dick.” Bruce shoved Dick to the floor. Dick grunted, his back hitting one of the crates. 
Bruce turned away, grabbing a taser from one of the tables and threw it across the cave. It shattered with a boom that echoed. Bats screeched. Dick slowly got to his feet. He was going to feel it all later. “So help us look for her. If you love her and care for her like a father should, then you need to help us find her.” 
“She doesn’t need me.” Bruce turned to give Dick a pained look. “I make her flinch.”
Dick pursed his lips. He sighed, taking out his phone to message the others to get the search for you started. Most of his anger faded, but his disappointment remained. “Well, we’ll be on the comms. Join us if you want.” Dick turned and started up the stairs of the cave. He stopped after a moment and turned back to Bruce. “You know, if you believe she thinks you don’t love her, then maybe being the one to find her would be enough to prove otherwise.”
Bruce didn’t reply. Dick sighed and turned away, calling Barbara to start the search.
You sat down on the sandy beach, dropping your backpack next to you. The sun was warm. You closed your eyes, enjoying it’s shine. The last time you had been to a beach was...you couldn’t remember.
When you slipped out of the manor about an hour after your father told you that you were being sent away, you didn’t know where to go. You didn’t want to go to Dick or the others. They’d say you were a failure. They were all good partners to your father. 
You swallowed hard, opening your eyes to watch the families on the beach. Some kids were playing in the water while their parents watched. You wondered what that must be like. Your heart panged. 
It wasn’t your plan to come to the beach, which is why you stuck out like a sore thumb wearing jeans and a sweatshirt while everyone else was in bathing suits. All you wanted was to get out of the city and the first bus out of town was to a beach town in North Carolina. 
You laid down on the sand, taking a deep breath of the salty air. It was only a matter of time before one of the family found you. You didn’t cover your tracks well, using a credit card to pay for the bus ticket and a snack at the station. 
The sand was so soft. You dug your fingers into the sand and let it fall through your fingers. 
Footsteps approached you. You tensed, reaching to hug your backpack to your side tightly. A shadow blocked the sun from you. “So you ran away from home to lay on a beach?” 
Your eyes flew open to find Jason Todd staring down at you with a smirk. An ‘eep’ escaped you as you scrambled away from him. Jason’s smirk fell into a frown. 
“What’s wrong with you, kid? I got Dick telling me that you’re missing.” Jason sat down next to you, keeping his distance though. You forced yourself to relax. “I caught you walking through Gotham on your own while I was heading home from a...meeting.” Jason cleared his throat. “So what’s going on?”
You pulled your knees to your chest, looking out at the ocean. A father held the hand of his young daughter as she walked in the surf. You swallowed hard, trying to remember if your father held your hand like that. Probably not. 
“Kinda a long way to follow me, isn’t it?” you whispered. Your throat tightened, taking your voice with it. 
Jason shrugged, stretching his legs out in front of him and slipped off his leather jacket to reveal his black t-shirt under it. He looked as out of place on this beach as you did. “Not every day you find your youngest sibling walking around on their own at four AM only to see them go to the bus station and buy a one way ticket.”
You curled tighter into yourself and rested your cheek on your knees to look away from him. Jason, for his credit, waited for you to speak, people watching. He didn’t usually have the patience, which meant he probably already knew about how you failed your father.
“He’s sending me away,” you finally whispered after swallowing past the lump in your throat. Jason studied you, shifting closer to you. Your eyes burned. A tear slipped out your cheek without warning. “He said he wasn’t the man he was and he can’t love me anymore.” 
Jason was quiet. You sneaked a peek at him only to see his mouth a firm line. His eye twitched, barely concealing rage. “He told you that?” 
“Basically. I could see it in his eyes.” It felt like you opened the flood gate and it all spilled out. “He hasn’t been the same since Alfred died. I try to do my best, but he never finds anything I do good enough. He hits hard when we train and doesn’t seem to care if I can’t dodged his attacks or not. We never stop to rest until he’s done.” You wiped your cheeks with the back of your hand. Your eyes stayed on the sand in front of you. Jason probably thought you were weak. “Then last night, he let me on patrol for the first time in weeks only to yell at me and send me to live with Dick because I disobeyed his orders.”
You looked up at Jason fast, worried he would yell too. “People were in danger, I had to go in. It could have been too late for them.” However, Jason’s eyes shined with emotion. You knew it might not be anger, but that’s what your mind only saw. “I’m sorry. Don’t yell at me.” You covered your ears and rocked yourself back and forth. More tears slid down your cheeks as you mumbled sorry over and over again.
Jason sighed before you felt a heavy arm fall around your shoulders. He pulled you into his side. The touch surprised you. You melted into him, filling a hole you didn’t realize you had in your heart. 
“You did nothing wrong, nothing to be sorry about,” Jason mumbled, resting his chin on the top of your head. His hand rubbed your arm. “You’re okay.” 
It felt so good to be held. You didn’t realize how much you missed it until now. A sob slipped out of you as you buried your face into his chest. Jason hummed and wrapped his other arm around you. 
Jason’s heartbeat was soothing in your ear, better than the ocean only a few meters away. “Is she okay?” A stranger asked Jason.
“She is now. Thank you,” Jason said to them. He tightened his arms around you. His lips pressed against the top of your head. “I love ya, kid. Even when you threw up on me when you were a baby.” 
You laughed softly, hiccupping. “Jay, you never knew me as a baby. I was three when you came to live with us.”
Jason chuckled. “I think you don’t remember.” He pulled away to look you in the eye. His smile reached his eyes. “I was spinning you around. You loved it until I went too fast and you just upchucked all over me.” 
“No, I didn’t.” You shook your head, wiping away from your tears. Jason’s shirt had a damp spot on it. Your face burned at the sight. Glancing at Jason in worry, he just grinned and brushed some of the sand out of your hair. 
“You did. It was terrible. Alfred was so ticked, but I heard him laughing in the next room.” Jason bit his lip, eyes softening. Your heart sank. “So let’s go get something to eat, maybe get a place to stay.” Jason stood up, brushing the sand off his jeans before offering a hand to you.
Sniffling, you took his hand and got to your feet. “Okay.” You grabbed your backpack. Jason snatched up his jacket and wrapped his arm around your shoulders to lead you off the beach and toward the boardwalk.
His phone beeped with a text from the family group chat. Dick was asking everyone for an update. Jason stared at the text, watching the others respond. They knew you bought a bus ticket, but weren’t sure what bus you got on. Bruce wasn’t part of the search.
Jason didn’t think he could be this angry at Bruce. At this point, he was back to ‘just back from the dead to find I wasn’t avenged and replaced’ stage. He took a deep breath before texting he didn’t find anything yet. 
You sighed in your sleep and rolled over in the hotel bed. Jason looked up from his phone. He was lounging on the armchair in the corner with his booted feet up on the end of the bed. Once you had a full stomach, Jason got the room and you went to bed right away. 
Bruce didn’t deserve you. You were so sweet when you were little, back before he died. Besides the vomiting incident at least, but to be honest, Jason always smiled when he remembered. 
Of course, he knew he shouldn’t worry the family. He would be pissed if he knew that any of them knew where you were and didn’t tell him, but Jason couldn’t. 
Bruce needed to suffer. He needed to feel the guilt and the pain that he had put you through. Borderline abuse. If Jason had known, he would have gotten you out of there. 
Jason sighed and closed his eyes. Dick mentioned something about being concerned in the group chat, but Jason had muted it. 
His mind went around and around for a long time. He opened the chat several times, but couldn’t make himself type the message. 
A whimper came from you. Jason dropped his phone and instantly went to your side. He sat on the end of your bed, gently carting his fingers through your hair. Your eyes squeezed together. A soft ‘I’m sorry’ slipped from between your lips. 
“Hush, you’re safe. No one is going to hurt you. Big brother is here,” Jason whispered. He took a deep breath to still the rage that bubbled up inside him. You relaxed, soothed by his touch. Jason’s heart swelled and in that moment, Jason decided a little vacation away from your father and the rest of the family was just what you needed.
After the first week passed and you weren’t found, Bruce started his own investigation. He was impressed by how fast you disappeared, but he felt sick knowing you were out in the world somewhere alone. 
By the second week, Bruce followed leads only to find dead ends. None of the family found anything. Bruce had concluded you had to have been kidnapped. There was no other way you would be gone without a trace.
Third week, Bruce tracked down Ra’s al Ghul, Deathstroke, and Lady Shiva. None of them were part of your disappearance. He did checks into Task Force X and the government, but those were dead ends as well.
Bruce marched through the watchtower. It was the fourth week and no sign of you. He knew he looked rough from how Fire and Ice looked at him as he passed. A month old beard on his face. You would have left a razor by his suit in the changing room by now. There wasn’t time to eat or sleep, not when he needed to find you.
A flash of you as a little girl, running to hug him when he got home from patrol. You had a big smile on your face. He realized he couldn’t remember the last time you smiled. 
Bruce shook his head. Focus. He marched into the meeting room to find Diana, Clark, and Hal waiting. 
“Woah, Bats. Have you showered recently? Sheez.” Hal held his nose and waved his hand in front of his face. 
A growl slid past Bruce’s lips. “My daughter is missing. I don’t have time for you, Jordan.” Clark and Diana shared a worried look. Hal just whistled.
“We know. Nightwing asked for our help,” Clark said, getting to his feet and reaching out to touch Bruce’s shoulder. Bruce flinched away from him. “We couldn’t find anything, Bruce. I’ve been sweeping the globe every few hours.”
Diana stood up, studying Bruce carefully. “When the last time you slept?”
“Let me know if you find anything.” Bruce turned sharply and started out of the room. He stopped when a green wall appeared in front of him. 
“Nah, we can’t let you go like this, B. You look like you could collapse at any moment,” Hal said. Bruce spun to face him, glaring darkly. Hal was straight faced. Both Diana and Clark took a step toward him.
“Let me ask you.” Bruce held up a hand, stopping all three. “If it was your daughter, would you stop to rest?” He jabbed a finger at Hal. “You don’t have children, so you can’t understand, but I will only ask once for you to let me leave.”
Clark sighed. “Bruce...” He took another step forward. “Just sit down for a minute. I’ll do another sweep. Hal will too. Please. You passing out won’t help (Y/N).” 
Bruce took a deep breath before melting into one of the chairs. The three heroes looked surprised. Clark and Hal flew off while Diana sat down beside him. “We’ll find her, Bruce,” Diana soothed. Bruce rested his head against the back of the chair and closed his eyes. He remembered the look on your face when he told you he was sending you away. It sent a shiver down his spine. He needed to find you soon. That will not be his last memory of you.
Jason laid back in his lounge chair, watching you and Artemis walk along the beach. Bizarro laid on the sand next to him, snoring away. After you had woken up, Jason offered to take you to the Outlaws’ Island. You happily agreed. It had been four weeks now, and Jason could see the changes in you. You smiled more, laughed more, your confidence and sense of self blossomed. Jason chuckled, watching Artemis and you race down the beach. 
The island was off the grid, had protective shields that blocked it from radar and anyone with super sight or hearing. Jason still didn’t tell the family he had you. He hoped Bruce was suffering, sick with worry. Jason only felt a little guilty.
“Superman didn’t fly by again,” Bizarro said, waking up with a jerk. “He’s not looking.”
“I know.” Jason crossed his arms and relaxed. “But we’re not going to worry about it.”
“Bizarro is worried.” Bizarro laid back down and quickly went back to sleep. His snore shook Jason’s chair. Jason snorted. Superman was probably looking for you. 
He smiled when he saw you and Artemis diving into the water for a swim. Spending time with Artemis was good for you. Jason knew from the first few days how much you craved attention from anyone. He closed his eyes, listening to the sound of you and Artemis joking and laughing at each other. 
“I got information about an ancient Greek artifact being auctioned off in a week. Maxie Zeus is planning on buying it,” Artemis said as she walked into the den. Bizarro sat cross-legged in front of the tv, awed by The Lion King. A movie Bizarro picked out. Jason was reclining in the armchair. The chair was big enough for you to lay beside him, fast asleep and snuggled into his side. 
“Good, we’ll make a plan in the morning,” Jason said softly, glancing down at you when you shifted closer to him. 
Artemis sat on the couch. She raised an eyebrow at the tv before studying Jason with narrowed eyes. Jason ignored her gaze, watching the tv. 
You woke up once the movie was done. “I’m going to bed,” you yawned, stretching your arms. Jason put the footrest down and helped you up. “Good night.” Jason ruffled your hair, Artemis patted your arm, while Bizarro waved wildly.
“Bad night, (Y/N).” Bizarro smiled big before turning back to the tv as the credits rolled. 
Once you were out of the room, Jason turned to look at Artemis who was still staring at him. “Okay, what is it?”
“We can’t keep (Y/N) here forever.” Artemis crossed her arms. “Superman flew over the island fourteen times today. They even officially announced her disappearance with a million dollar reward for her return.” Jason pursed his lips. Artemis stood up as if her height would make her point. “You have to at least let them know she’s here. I understand your cause. Her father doesn’t deserve her, but I think he may have suffered enough, Jason.”
Jason stood up, puffing his chest out a little as he looked up to meet her gaze. “He abused her.”
“A man who doesn’t love his child wouldn’t spend four weeks running around the world, pulling favors, attacking super villains, and who knows what else just to find them.” Artemis smiled rather sadly at him. “I read the reports you’ve been keeping on their search for her. She needs to go home.”
“(Y/N) said she not homesick.” Bizarro turned to look at the two. Jason bit his lip, backing away from Artemis. He ran a hand through his hair. 
“Bruce hurt her, Art.” Jason’s eyes burned. He turned away quickly before they noticed the shine in his eyes. “(Y/N) is the sweetest kid. She didn’t deserve to feel like nothing, to feel like no one cared about her. When I found her, she was craving for attention, love. That bastard didn’t even care she was gone. He didn’t start looking himself for a week.”
Artemis sighed. “I’m not saying that we just hand her over.” She laid a hand on Jason’s shoulder. “But they need to know she’s safe. Jason, they already may not forgive you for this.” 
Jason groaned, rolling his eyes and running a hand over his face. Part of him refused to do it, wanting to keep you here and safe, but then he realized, he was acting a bit like Bruce. Locking you away on the island forever wouldn’t be possible. 
His shoulders dropped. “I’ll talk to (Y/N) after the mission. It has to be her choice.” He looked at Artemis. “Not anyone else’s.”
Artemis nodded. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.” Bizarro grinned and gave Jason a thumbs down. 
“We might as well start our plan to get that artifact since you’re all bleeding hearts right now.” Jason straightened his shoulders and gestured for them to follow him out of the room. Bizarro pouted, but got to his feet. Artemis just rolled her eyes.
“Hey Jay?” you asked, peeking into his office to find Jason sitting at his desk, studying a set of building plans. “What are you doing?” You opened the door wider when he looked up and smiled.
Jason chuckled. “Going over the plans of the auction house for the mission.” His eyes stayed on you as you wandered over to pull Mansfield Park out of his bookshelf. 
“What mission?” You hugged the book to your chest and joined him at his desk. He tugged on a strand of your hair. 
“Right, we talked about it after you went to bed.” Jason rubbed his chin. “Artemis found out a Greek relic is being auctioned off and Maxie Zeus is planning on buying it. We’re going to get it first.” He crossed his arms, frowning slightly at the plans. “It’s just...this auction house is very old and doesn’t have the best layout for an escape.”
“Why don’t you go in quietly?” You studied the layout. “Go in disguise, buy the artifact, and get out of there before Maxie Zeus knows what happened.”
Jason hummed. “That’s a good idea. Just that Artemis and Bizarro can’t do undercover work. Maxie will be looking for anyone looking like an Amazon or a Super.”
“I mean I could.” You bounced on your toes, looking up at Jason with sparkling eyes. “He wouldn’t be looking for me.”
Jason’s eyes widened. “Now that’s a thought.” He looked back at the building plans. “But you can’t go in alone. You’re too young. It would raise suspicion.” Jason sat back in his chair. “But if I came with you...” He chuckled. “That could work. If you’re up for it, (Y/N)? I don’t want to push you.”
You grinned, leaning against the desk. “I’m game.” You bit your lip. “Dad wouldn’t be mad about it, would he?”
Jason paused. “Kid, we don’t have to worry about your dad. It’s just a mission.” He reached up and ruffled your hair. You batted his hand away, giggling. He looked down at his copy of Mansfield Park. “Really? You chose that one instead of Emma?” 
“I already read Emma.” You put a hand on your hip. “And you said Mansfield Park is one you have to read once in your life.” 
Jason scoffed. “I guess I did, but be ready. It’s got nothing on Emma.” The two of you fell into a book debate. You admitted you hadn’t been this happy in a very long time.
You stepped in front of the mirror and wrinkled your nose. “Are you sure I have to dress like this? No normal rich kid dresses like this, you know that.”
“But it fits the type, doesn’t it?” Jason said as he leaned back against the chair in the dressing room. You spun around, hating the outfit. It reminded you of what Vickie Vale wore at the last Wayne Tech party when she was trying to get your father’s attention. Too fancy and the cut on you was awful.
Jason put on his sunglasses and adjusted his suit coat. He looked like some trust fund baby. Of course, you were pretending to be his daughter. You pointed out that you would have been a teen pregnancy. Jason thought it was funny, and said it frankly worked with the part you were trying to play.
The store attendant came in and poured her attention over Jason. You listened in, pretending you loved the clothes. Jason played the part well. You wished you got a video of this, maybe to use as bribery in the future. “I think that’s all, but is it okay for my little bean to wear this out? She just loves it so much,” Jason cooed to her.
“Of course, I’ll have everything else bagged up and sent to your hotel as promised.” The woman almost drooled. 
“Thanks Daddy.” You had to swallow a bit of vomit. Even Bruce was only Dad, you never called him Daddy ever. However, you forced an adoring smile on your face as you skipped over to kiss Jason’s cheek. 
“Anything for my baby.” Jason patted your back before turning to the attendant. “We must be on our way. I have an auction to get to.” 
The attendant saw them out, continuously talking even when you both were out the door. “Can I never call you Daddy again?” you whispered as you approached the Red Camaro. 
Jason got in the driver’s seat. You hopped in the passenger side. Once the doors were closed, Jason turned to you. “Never again. It was weird, but fit the part. Good job.” He winked at you.
Turning on the Camaro, Jason zoomed down the street somewhat recklessly. “Is this really going to work? Us pretending to be rich dummies and outbidding the artifact from Maxie Zeus? I thought we’d take the smart museum curator approach.” You bit your lip and adjusted your outfit. 
“Do you think I could be a museum curator? Maybe Tim could, he’s boring enough.” Jason smirked. “Besides, Art and Bizarro are already in position. It will be fine.” 
You hummed, closing your eyes. After a moment of silence, you dared to speak. “Jay, have you heard from Dad or the others at all?” Your heart ached slightly. No one tried to contact you in the month you’ve been gone. Jason would have told you if they did. 
Jason flinched, glancing at you before focusing on the road. He worried his lip. “I didn’t tell them you were with me.” Your eyes widened in surprise. Jason blushed. “I wanted you to have time to figure things out, to heal, but they’re all looking for you. Even publicly announced your disappearance.” 
“Is that why you had me change my hair color?” You touched your hair, feeling the cheap dye that hadn’t been all washed out. Dyeing your hair in an airplane bathroom hadn’t been easy. 
“Kid, they have a million dollar reward for your return.” Jason sighed, clenching at the steering wheel. “Listen, I was going to tell you, but I wanted to wait until after the mission. You don’t have to decide anything right now, because it is your choice. I’m happy to keep you with me forever if you want.” 
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as you grinned. “Thanks Jay.” 
Jason relaxed with a chuckle, looking at you. “You’re welcome, kid. Now let’s just focus on the mission for now. Hakuna Matata.”
“Sure Pumba.” You bit your lip to hold back a laugh.
Jason gasped as he stopped at a stop sign. “Hey, I’m Simba if anything. Prodigal son and all that.” You both laughed hard enough that Jason missed his turn.
Dick walked through a homeless shelter in Coast City. He saw several young teens. His heart ached for them, but none of them were you. 
A beep came from his phone. ‘Call me. We have a sighting of (Y/N).’ Dick hurried out of the shelter, tapping Barbara’s name as he walked down the steps. Damian was waiting outside, tapping his foot impatiently. He opened his mouth to speak, but Dick held up a hand to stop him.
“My program caught her face on a security camera in a boutique in Greece. Jason was with her. Her hair was different, but it was (Y/N),” Barbara said, not bothering with a greeting. 
“Jason? I should have known,” Dick said. Damian’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “How long ago was the sighting?”
“Twenty minutes. I’ll send the jet to meet you. ETA ten minutes.” Barbara hung up. 
Damian huffed. “Todd had her this whole time?” His fists clenched. Dick laid a hand on his shoulder, rubbing gently as if to take away the tension.
“Let’s just focus on the fact (Y/N) is safe.” Dick took the car keys out of his pocket. “We got a jet to catch.” The two men headed off.
Bruce stood up so fast, his batcomputer chair flew back and fell onto the floor. Barbara’s message was loud and clear. Bruce had hacked into her system to monitor their progress on the search. The tension in his shoulders drained out of him. He dwelled in the moment, knowing you were safe.
However, rage filled him at the thought of Jason keeping you from him. Not letting anyone know where you were. Irresponsible. Selfish.
The computer beeped with the location of the sighting. Bruce grabbed his cowl and ran toward the batplane.
You swung your legs as you sat on one of the hinged chairs in the theater-like room of the old auction house. Jason was off getting a drink and mingling to learn the lay of the room. You were taking mental notes of your own. There was a hidden door in the bottom of the stage, but the quickest exit was the door on the left. If you remembered the map Jason had you memorize, that door would take you down a long hallway toward the kitchens.
The entrance doors banged open suddenly. You spun around in surprise. Maxie Zeus announced himself with a booming voice as three men dressed like gladiators carried him in on a throne that looked like clouds. “That’s insane,” you mumbled. 
“I know everyone needs a theme, but it’s stupid,” Jason said, appearing beside you with a glass of whiskey in his hand. He handed another glass to you. You raised an eyebrow. “It’s just a coke. Calm down.” He sat down next to you, eyeing the room. 
Taking the glass, you sipped at it to confirm. “He’s got plain clothes men in the corners,” you said softly. The men all had lightning symbols on their ties. Not subtle at all.
Jason smirked. “Good catch. We might have a hard time leaving if we outbid him.” Jason downed his drink. “I have Art and B moving to interfere. Unfortunately, this won’t be as quiet as we wanted.” He handed his glass off to a passing waiter who was relieved to have a reason not to approach Maxie Zeus. “I want you to run if this becomes a fire fight. Put on your suit and follow Art’s lead.”
You blinked. You assumed you would be told to run, not come back. “Will do.” Take a sip of your coke, you hid a smile. Your heart lifted. Finally, you were trusted in the way you always wanted. People began to take their seats as the auctioneer took the stage.
Dick and Damian skydived out of the jet, parachuting toward the auction house. “You have company,” Barbara reported quietly. “I got Batman on one of the cameras inside.”
“So B does care.” Dick pursed his lips as he and Damian floated down to land on a roof about a block from the auction house. 
“Father is here?” Damian unclipped his parachute, letting it collect itself back into the pack. 
“Yeah, so we’ll have to stay sharp.” Dick put his own pack together, dropping it on the roof for pickup later. “(Y/N) and Jason are in a tight situation.”
“TT.” Damian suddenly tensed, grabbing Dick’s arm. Dick looked at him in surprise. Damian was looking up. Dick followed his gaze to see Bizarro floating above them with a smile on his face.
Dick pursed his lips, fighting the urge to attack. Bizarro was on Jason’s side, and Jason was on their side. Hopefully. “Red Him said you were coming,” Bizarro said after a moment.
“He knew we were coming?” Damian hissed, reaching for his sword. Dick gestured for Damian to stop.
“No, Bizarro speaks in opposites.” Dick smiled. “Hi Bizarro, we’re looking for (Y/N).”
“(Y/N) isn’t in auction house with Red Him. We aren’t on a special mission for Red Her.” Bizarro landed on the roof with a thump. Damian eyed the roof nervously before checking to see if they had been seen. The streets were busy this time of evening. Lots of tourists. “Bizarro wasn’t ordered to help little people when nothing happens.”
Damian snorted, crossing his arms. Dick held up a hand. “Let us help. Can you take us to Artemis?”
Bizarro shook his head with a big grin. He grabbed Damian by the back of his cape. Damian grunted in protest, but stayed quiet. Dick just grabbed Bizarro’s other arm and they were in the air, heading toward the auction house. He updated Barbara as they flew.
Bruce frowned from his position in the rafters of the auction house. You were in the middle of the room, in the direct line of fire if Maxie Zeus broke the peace. He swallowed hard. His comm beeped. Bruce answered without thinking.
“Batman, Nightwing and Redbird are here. They are assisting the Outlaws in taking down Maxie Zeus and retrieving a Greek artifact. Can I connect your comm with theirs, so you can coordinate?” Barbara’s voice startled him only slightly. Dick and Damian were here too. Bruce frowned, too many risks here.
“My priority is (Y/N). Nothing else.” Bruce’s voice barely above a whisper, knowing sound would travel. He frowned when he saw how badly your hair was dyed. The clothes you were wearing were so unlike you. 
Barbara sighed. “Please, Bruce. We’re more likely to get (Y/N) out safely if we’re all working together.”
Bruce knew she was right. He had more children here now. “Fine, patch me in.”
Jason grabbed your hand, squeezing gently as the artifact was brought on stage. It looked like nothing special, a simple wooden box. However, inside was a old arrowhead. The auctioneer said it has the arrow that killed Achilles.
You leaned over to him. “Really?”
“Art says so,” Jason mumbled, frowning slightly. You remembered he had a comm in his ear. The Outlaws only had three of them, so you didn’t have one. “We have company by the way.”
“What company?” You glanced at the doors, but they were still closed. Maxie Zeus still had the same amount of goons as before. 
“Your father is here along with the double Ds.” Jason pursed his lips. “I should have known they had face recognition software looking for you.” 
You tensed, a shiver running down your spine. “He’s going to be mad.” Your heart pounded so hard, it could have burst out of your chest. 
Jason grabbed your hand. He squeezed tight. “He can’t hurt you. You are Robin,” he whispered in your ear. “You earned it and that can never be taken away from you.”
Blinking, you felt blood rushing to your face. “Really?”
“Really.” Jason smirked, kissing your cheek. “Now let’s focus.”
You nodded, watching the stage as the bidding began. 
“A hundred thousand Drachma, young mortal.” Maxie’s voice boomed throughout the room. You glanced back at him. He was brimming with confidence. 
With a shit-eating grin, Jason raised his hand. “Two hundred thousand Euros.”
The air was sucked out of the room. You forced a smile on your face. 
“You dare?!” Maxie waved his bolt of lightning around. “Foolish little nothing. Three hundred thousand Drachma.”
“Four hundred thousand Euros.” Jason took your hand. “My baby wants it, so she gets it.” He threw you a smile. You acted like you were excited, hopefully others will not notice you were shaking with fear.
“One million Drachma!” Maxie screamed, pointing his bolt of lightning toward a empty chair. Electric energy hit the chair. You could smell the smoke. Some people screamed. You only flinched. Jason just hummed.
“Actually sir.” The auctioneer cleared his throat. Nervous sweat dripped down his face. “Drachma is not one of our accepted currencies.”
Several people quietly began to move toward the doors. Maxie’s men blocked them from leaving. “Okay, this is about to blow,” Jason hissed. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “Bizarro is going to bust through the far door.” Jason nodded toward the door. You eyed it.
“He can’t. It will hurt civilians.” You pursed your lips. 
Jason let out a slow breath. “Fine, but move once he strikes.” 
Maxie Zeus raised his bolt and aimed it at the auctioneer. The auctioneer held up his hands, knees quaking. “No one defies the King of the Gods.” 
Time slowed. Jason pushed you down. You heard the crack of energy from Maxie’s bolt. The auctioneer cried out as a familiar black form soared from the rafters and tackled him out of the way. The bolt hit the curtain behind where the auctioneer stood and it burst into flames.
“Go,” Jason said. You sprinted toward the door as Maxie’s guard pulled out their own lightning weapons. With no hesitation, you leaped at one of the guard blocking the door and kick the weapon out of his hands. 
You heard gunshots behind you, but you ignored it, punching out the guard. Civilians ran through the door. You disappeared into the panicked crowd.
Bruce moved off the auctioneer. “Run,” he whispered in the man’s ear. The auctioneer didn’t need to be told twice and joined the crowd leaving the room.
You were safe. Bruce caught a glimpse of you in the crowd. He relaxed slightly before standing up to face Maxie Zeus.
“Aww, Hades. Why are you here? You never did care much for weapons,” Maxie said, studying Bruce in his full batsuit. 
“I don’t.” Bruce growled. “Stand down Maximilian.”
Jason hopped on the stage next to Bruce. His red hood suit was on along with the helmet. He picked up the box with the arrowhead inside and slipped it into his pocket. “Tell your demon to put the box down. He is unworthy to touch it,” Maxie said, aiming his bolt at Jason. Jason dodged to avoid the blast. The fire began to spread. Smoke filled the room.
“We need to get him outside,” Jason said into the comm. He coughed. Bruce grabbed Jason’s jacket and pulled him out of the way of another blast from Maxie. “Bizarro, put out the fire, will ya?”
“We’re going to have a long talk after this is over,” Bruce snapped, throwing a batarang to knock Maxie’s bolt out of his hand. Maxie scrambled after it.
Jason hummed. Bruce could feel the iciness of his gaze even though his eyes were hidden under his helmet. “We do.”
Bizarro burst through the far wall and shot ice beams at the flames. Bruce’s mouth twitched as Jason suddenly ran forward to attack Maxie. Maxie’s men swarmed, firing wildly. Bruce dodged and joined Jason in the fight.
You hid behind a corner in the chaos, changing into your makeshift Robin suit.  Tossing the ugly outfit into the flames nearby, you helped some people out of the building. 
“Robin, keep helping with the rescue,” Artemis ordered once you met her outside. You nodded. She patted your head and sprinted inside with her battle ax. 
You guided people out. A young woman ran out, sputtering in Greek. You grabbed her when she stumbled. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked, mind swirling as you tried to remember what little Greek you knew. 
She gestured back inside. “Papa...he’s...”
A boom echoed from inside the building. Parts of the roof collapsed. People screamed in horror. The woman burst into tears, mumbling incoherently. 
Your stomach sunk to your feet. You told yourself that your family all knew what they were doing. They were experts.
“I’ll go get him.” You helped the woman to lean against an emergency vehicle. She collapsed against it, sobbing. 
Time slowed. You eyed the building. Artemis told you to help with the rescue, but you knew she meant for you to stay outside. Your blood ran hot. A flash of Bruce’s angry face appeared before your eyes. 
“You’re Robin.” You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Pushing yourself forward, you sprinted into the building. 
Bruce ducked another blast from Maxie’s bolt. “Red Hood.” Jason’s head tilted slightly, glancing Bruce’s way. Bruce gestured to his forehead then chin. Jason nodded and slipped out of Maxie’s sight.
Dick and Damian were evacuating Maxie’s unconscious men. Bizarro and Artemis were attempting to prevent the building from full collapse. However, given the amount of debris falling, Bruce knew it was only a matter of time.
“Maximillian, you’ve lost.” Bruce stood tall, straightening his shoulders. 
“Zeus never loses!” Maxie aimed his bolt at Bruce’s chest. Bruce held out his arms and waited.
The tip of the bolt glowed. A smirk pulled at Bruce’s lips as he saw Red Hood jump out of the shadows and struck a nerve strike to Maxie’s neck. Maxie fell like a ton of bricks. 
“The building is going to collapse, there is nothing we can do,” Artemis said through the comm. “We need to get out now. Are you done toying with Maxie Zeus?”
“Yeah, we’re good.” Jason grunted, picking up Maxie’s bolt and tucking it in his belt. Bruce came to his side and picked up Maxie. Jason quickly supported the other side and both men dragged him out. Damian and Dick led the way, carrying the last of Maxie’s men between them.
The building groaned around them. Debris fell from the ceiling. They made it to the lobby. 
“You’re going to be alright.” Your voice drifted from somewhere off to Bruce’s right. His blood ran cold.
“Who’s got eyes on Robin?” Bruce demanded into the comms. Jason grunted, Bruce took more of Maxie’s weight as they neared the entrance.
“Robin was outside, helping with the evac,” Artemis said. Her voice cracked. 
Dick cleared his throat. “No sign of her out here.”
“Civilians last saw Robin going into the building.” Damian’s voice sounded very young. A lump formed in Bruce’s throat. 
Bruce felt Jason’s gaze on him as they paused just inside the doorway out. Jason sighed deeply. “I got Maxie. Go get her,” Jason mumbled softly. 
Bruce carefully shifted all of Maxie’s weight to Jason and sprinted off toward the direction of your voice. 
The man’s leg was trapped under a piece of the roof. You knelt down next to him, trying to soothe him as you assessed the damage.
Dust showered from above combining with the remaining smoke from the fire. You coughed, glancing around the hallway. It looked like it led toward the backstage of the main theater where the auction was held. You wondered if the roof debris fell on the man when Bizarro broke through the building. 
There was a big hole to your left, leading through another room, then to the lobby. 
You swallowed hard, taking out a flashlight to study the man’s leg. It looked like it wasn’t wedged, which meant you could move it off without causing him pain or life threatening injury. 
The man tapped your arm rapidly, babbling on. He pointed to the ceiling. The building whined around you.
“You’re going to be alright.” You took his hand and squeezed it gently. The man relaxed, still mumbling what you couldn’t understand. He closed his eyes. 
You gripped the side of the roof and pulled. Your arms almost came out of their sockets. You bit your lip, using all your strength, but the roof piece didn’t move. 
“Damn, I wish I had a comm,” you mumbled, letting go. The man looked at you with a scary look of acceptance. He spoke and pointed to the exit.
“No, I’m going to get you out.” You tried to lift it again. The man just closed his eyes again. “Come on.”
More dust fell. You coughed again, but you kept pulling at the roof piece. Suddenly, you felt the roof move.
You almost laughed, watching the man’s eyes widen in fear as he slid out from under the roof. 
“Robin.” Your heart stopped. You turned to find Batman holding onto the roof piece. “Let go. I’m going to drop it.”
You jumped back. Bruce dropped it. The bang echoed throughout the building, kicking up more dust. It went straight into your lungs.
Coughing hard, you swore you saw the man ran out of the building after a sharp word from Bruce. 
Bruce’s arms wrapped around you and your face was shoved into his shoulder. Your legs left the ground. Air rushed around your ears as you heard the crack of the building’s walls giving out. 
You couldn’t get air in your lungs. Black swarmed your vision as the sound of shattering glass filled your ears. Bruce’s arms disappeared from around you and you felt a flash of pain before darkness overtook you.
Pain flared through your body. Your ears rang. You lifted your arm only to feel someone touch it and gently guide it down. 
Suddenly, you were weightless, pressed against a warm mass. It was hard to breathe, your lungs heavy as two stones in your chest.
A mask was placed over your mouth and nose, fresh air filled your airways. You coughed, reaching up to pull at the mask only for another hand to hold it there.
“You’re okay, you’re okay,” Dick’s voice broke through the ringing. Your eyes felt sealed shut. You reached up to rub them only for someone to push your hands down again.
Suddenly, you were laid down on a hard surface. “Relax, kiddo. You’re okay, we’re all okay,” Dick soothed again. A hand held yours, you squeezed their fingers. “Good kid.” Lips pressed against your forehead before pulling away.
Voices bubbled to the surface. The panic in them made you shiver. A blanket was laid over you as Dick continued to soothe. The edge in his voice scared you. 
You forced your eyes open, blinking at the bright lights. A dark shadow hovered above you. Your head hurt as you focused enough to see Dick’s head was turned.
“Straight to the Watchtower. Damian, call them, have the med team ready for when we come in,” Dick said. His hand tightened around yours. “Jay, take B off first. He’s worse off.”
Your heart stopped. Ice cold sunk into your body as you turned your head to follow Dick’s gaze. 
Blood dripped onto the floor from the tip of a gloved hand. You choked when you realized it was Batman’s glove. 
You gasped, causing pain to flare in your chest as you tried to sit up. Dick’s attention was back on you as he held you down.
“(Y/N), you’re fine. Bruce is going to be fine too, but you need to stay still and calm for me, okay?” Dick looked into your eyes. His mask was off. You knew it meant something was very wrong. He never would have taken his mask off in the field. 
You fought harder, ignoring the pain. Dick swore, holding you down rather roughly. Artemis appeared beside him with a needle in her hand. You screamed through the mask as you felt the prick of the needle. 
The strength seeped out of you like water down a drain. Black swarmed your vision. “Sleep now,” Dick whispered, running his fingers through your hair. The last thing you saw was the tears in his eyes.
You woke to a loud snore. A dull pain throbbed in your head as you opened your eyes. The lights were dim. You reached up to rub your eyes only to feel the pull of an IV.
Another loud snore. You blinked to find the snore coming from Jason, who was fast asleep in the chair next to your bed. 
You took a breath, feeling the itch of the oxygen tubes in your nose. The heaviness in your lungs was still there, but the oxygen seemed to lighten it somewhat.
The walls were the familiar dark grey of the watchtower and a viewport to your right showed the stars. You swallowed hard, your mouth suddenly very dry.
You couldn’t remember how you got here. The last thing you remembered was...Greece. The building was about to collapse and you were trying to save a man who was trapped. Did you save him?
The door opened to your left. You flinched to find Damian in the doorway, wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. It would have alarmed you to see him in such casual clothes on the watchtower, but the domino mask over his eyes reassured you. 
“TT.” His shoulders relaxed as he came to your side.
Another snore burst from Jason. Damian sneered in disgust. “Let me guess, his incessant snores woke you,” Damian said, glancing at the monitors above your head. 
You followed his gaze.“Wh...” You paused to try to wet your mouth. “What happened?”
A frown flickered on Damian’s lips. His dark eyes turned back to you. “You don’t remember?” You shook your head. Fear crept up your spine.
Jason snored again. Damian grabbed a cloth from your bedside and hurled it at Jason’s face. Jason sputtered, choking slightly as he jerked awake.
 “The building was going to fall...and the man...did he make it out?” you asked, studying Damian’s steely face. Damian pursed his lips. 
“He made it out,” Damian said. 
You blinked. “But I didn’t make it out?” Damian glanced at Jason, who held his gaze. The silence was heavy.
Jason sighed and reached to take your hand. “You made it out, kid, but...Bruce didn’t.”
Images flashed before your eyes. Bruce beside you, holding up the piece of roof. The feeling of his arms around you as your ears hurt from the noise. Dick’s face sharp with fear. The blood dripping from Batman’s glove.
Suddenly, you couldn’t breathe like your lungs had been transformed into thin paper straws. Black crept into your vision. 
“Woah, hey.” Jason grabbed your shoulders. His eyes looked directly into yours. “He’s alive, just hurt. Calm down.” He took a deep breath. You struggled to copy him. 
“You’re an idiot, Todd.” Damian’s voice somehow made you relax.
“Shut up, demon-brat.” Jason sent a glare Damian’s way. You felt your lungs expand, letting you breathe normally. Your heart slowed. 
“I’m too old to be considered a brat,” Damian retorted.
“That’s what you think.” Jason smirked as he released your shoulders and sat back down. “B is stable, but he’s got a long road ahead, even for him.”
You relaxed, falling against your pillow. “Can I see him?”
Jason raised an eyebrow. “TT, of course, but later though,” Damian said, sitting on the edge of your bed. He sent Jason a glare, which he met with one of his own.
“Rest now.” Jason reached over to squeeze your shoulder. “You hungry? Thirsty?” He got to his feet. You shook your head. “I’ll bring you something anyway. You need to eat.” Jason left the room, stretching his arms above his head. Damian watched him go. 
“You’re not mad at him?” You shivered, pulling the blankets tighter around you. 
“I was, but...well, it doesn’t matter now.” He patted your knee. An odd sense of affection from him, but it felt nice though. “Go back to sleep. I’ll stay with you.”
You felt the exhaustion deep within your bones. Slowly you drifted off. “Damian?” You yawned.
He hummed, watching you with a shine in his eyes that you weren’t sure you ever seen in him before.
“Dad isn’t mad at me, is he? I failed him as Robin.” You opened your eyes in time to see him flinch. 
“No, he’s not upset, nor did you fail.” Damian took your hand, squeezing it tight. You smiled. The last thing you remembered before you fell asleep was how rough the calluses on his hands were.
Dick’s arm was around your shoulders, very warm in comparison to the cold air of the watchtower. Even with Damian’s sweatshirt, you were cold. You leaned into him as you both walked down the hall toward Bruce’s room. 
“Just remember he’s got a long road ahead of him. He got out of his last surgery about three hours ago.” Dick smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. 
You nodded. “Thank you.” Your throat tightened, heart skipping a beat. It was all your fault. You should have been stronger, faster. A better Robin.
“We’re here.” Dick kissed the top of your head. You looked up at him to find him studying you. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” You swallowed against the lump in your throat. “I need to see him.”
Dick ran a hand through your hair. “Yeah, okay.” He opened the door, gesturing for you to step in. 
You took a deep breath and stepped inside. Superman was sitting by the bed, looking up with a friendly, tired smile. You smiled back before focusing on the bed.
It didn’t look like him. 
You bit your lip, stepping closer. He was covered in casts and bandages. Monitors beeped around him. An oxygen mask was over his mouth and nose.
“He’s awake,” Superman said, getting to his feet. “Still groggy from the anesthesia.”
“Dad?” His eyes flickered open. You rushed to his side. Your hand floated above his casted arm, not sure if you could touch him. “I’m so sorry.” Tears filled your eyes. “I’m sorry I wasn’t good enough and got you hurt.”
Bruce’s eyes widened slightly. His arm moved into your hand. “Don’t.” His whisper barely escaped the mask. 
Superman removed the mask and stepped back. Dick rubbed your back, making you jump slightly because you had forgotten about him.
“Don’t cry,” Bruce rasped, coughing slightly. 
You wiped your eyes with your sleeves. “I can’t help it.” Your lips trembled.
“So strong, so brave.” Bruce lifted his arm. He winced, but kept moving until he could touch your cheek. “You didn’t fail me. I failed you.”
The breath left your lungs. “What?” 
“I wasn’t the father I should have been.” He brush away a stray tear with his thumb. You leaned into his hand like it was the most natural thing to do. “I’m so proud of you.” He choked slightly. Superman stepped up to try to put the mask back on him, but Bruce shook his head. “You are good enough, always were.”
“Don’t say that.” You took his hand in yours and rested it back on the bed. His arm shook from the strain. 
“I’m not angry at you or Jason.” Bruce gasped, blood draining out of his face. He turned his head toward Superman and let him put the mask back on. His color came back with a few breaths.
Dick grunted, stepping to your side and pulling you against him. “Well, I’m sure he’s still a little upset at Jason. I know I am.” Dick smirked when a snort came from Bruce. 
A smile tugged at your lips at the sound. “I’ll have to ask him and Bizarro how I couldn’t hear you or them for the month you were missing,” Superman said, crossing his arms as he retook his seat by Bruce’s bed. 
Bruce squeezed your hand. You met his eye, seeing the love in them for the first time in months. A love you wondered had always been there, but just hidden.
 You perched on the side of his bed, careful not to hurt him. Bruce’s eyes closed as Dick and Superman made small talk. You kept your hand in his, feeling so small and safe at the same time. 
“You want some more, Dad?” You asked, holding out the pitcher of lemonade. Bruce shook his head, shifting in the lounge chair to find a better position. He still had his casts on, but he was healing. 
You took your seat next to him and sipped from your own glass as the sun shined down and warmed your skin. 
The gardens at Wayne Manor were a bit overgrown. Bruce had hired a few gardeners, but it would take time to reshape it to where Alfred had left it. 
A month had past since Greece. Bruce was living at the manor with Tim and Cass taking care of him. You lived with Dick for now. Eventually, once Bruce had healed both physically and mentally, you would move back with him.
However, you made sure to visit a few times a week. Recently, Bruce insisted on sitting with you outside as the days turned sunny and warm for Gotham.
“How’s Bludhaven?” Bruce studied you. You kept your eyes on the gardens.
“Good.” You glanced at him. His lips were pursed, he turned back to the gardens as if to avoid your gaze. You smiled. “Not as cool as Gotham. I can’t wait to come back.” 
A hint of a smile pulled at his lips. He sipped at his lemonade, wrinkling his nose. His jaw was relaxed, something you couldn’t have imagined seeing months ago. 
“Jason wants me to spend the week with him,” you said. You almost laughed when Bruce narrowed his eyes. “With permission this time. He said I had to ask you and Dick. Dick said it was fine, but what do you think, Dad?”
“As long as you have your phone and you check in every day,” Bruce grumbled, crossing his arms. It was hard to do with his casts, you were impressed.
“I will.” You bit your lip. Your heart felt full. “I love you, Dad.”
Bruce looked at you, eyes sparkling slightly. “I love you too,” he mumbled after a moment. A lump formed in your throat as you felt yourself almost burst. You finally had your father back and nothing could have been better.
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raes-writing-space · 24 days
Dick Grayson X Hero!Reader *Comfort*
Warnings: Mentions of body aches and fighting, but no actual action scenes written. Kind of written in a way that might make it seem like reader has PTSD. Not beta read.
Summary: Sometimes being a hero is taxing, and when your body is trained to handle blow after blow… sometimes a hug is enough to make you release a lot of feelings you didn't know you were even holding in. Dick Grayson notices your change in demeanor, and just does a simple act of giving you a long hug and telling you it's going to be okay.
Word Count: 672
A/N: This is part of my comfort characters with comfort prompts, I'm actually doing these characters based on who was my first comfort character to my most recent comfort character. So to kick things off, Dick Grayson! He was one of my first ever comfort characters, since I was about ten..!
Your body ached as you finally were able to take a seat. You and Nightwing had made it to the closest safe house, as you had taken on more injuries than you realized. Adrenaline had really come in handy sometimes, but not when it wore off, and hit you all at once. Typically you could take more than just a hit, after all, that's what you were trained for. But tonight felt different, tonight it was more than just a simple mission. Tonight was a reminder that you're alive, and how that could easily change in an instant. Memories of your life until that moment had started to run rampant through your mind, you tried so hard to push them away, but it only started to cause a headache. Or maybe you had gotten hit in the face a little harder than you thought. Dick had noticed how you seemed to zone out while you sat, your body was here, but the rest of you felt entirely somewhere else. He grabbed the medical kit that was previously using on himself, before crouching down next to you. You didn't even seem to notice how close he had gotten until he put a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"(Y/N), what's wrong?" He seemed to ask you, thinking this had to be far more than just physical pain at this point.
"I don't know…" You answered him honestly, trying to tune back into the reality you were in, but everything just started to feel like too much.
Your body started shaking, as you tried to find a better answer to give him, but truly you didn't understand what was going on with you. At this point, you couldn't even tell what was real, everything just started to blur. You wanted to reach out to Dick for him to help somehow, but as you reached towards him, you pulled your hand back. You just wanted to feel something real, but you didn't even know how to ask for it, or if you even deserved it. Dick noticed the action immediately, and how your eyes seemed to ask for help in a way that your words couldn't. All he could think to do was wrap his arms around you and pull you into his chest. It took you a moment to realize what was happening, but the feeling of his arms around you with just enough pressure on your body seemed to ground you back in the moment. You let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding, as you soon wrapped your arms around him in return. You couldn't help but hold onto him as if your life depended on it. When was the last time you got a hug from someone? When was the last time your body was used for more than just violence and pain? When was the last time you just simply wanted to use it for an act of kindness or love? You found yourself crying without even meaning to. Dick pulled you back with him to sit more comfortably together, expecting to be there for awhile. You followed him with ease, as you kept your arms wrapped around him. He knew this life wasn't always easy, and sometimes all he wanted was just a little moment like this himself.
"It's going to be okay… Even if it might not feel like it right now, one day it'll be okay…" Dick spoke, not exactly sure what you must be thinking of at the moment, but hoping his words could help in some way at least.
When you were ready, maybe you could try and explain to him what happened and he could patch you up. But until then, he could only hope that a hug will do. He began to rub your back gently, making sure to keep enough pressure to feel as if he was suffocating you somehow. But it was enough to make sure you knew he was there, and he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.
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spidey-x-male-reader · 9 months
DC (Comics) Masterlist
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Roy Harper / Arsenal
You and Roy have to go on a fake date for a mission. It ends up being a bust but you two still have fun.
Jason Todd / Red Hood
It's full moon and Jason is there to comfort you (werewold reader)
To be continued...
Click here to find my Blog Guide and Masterlists for other fandoms
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powpowstuff · 1 year
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citrinesparkles · 1 year
hot cocoa
tim drake x gender neutral reader. 987 words. notes: secret santa gift for @glorified-red! five times hot cocoa with tim went awry, and one that didn't. (check out the other gifts from @unmotivatedwrit3r, @quillsareswords, and @birdy-bat-writes!) warnings: n/a!
♡ tim was a wonderful friend to have. this was doubly true when it was just shy of freezing and he greeted you with a smile. "i brought hot cocoa," he said, gesturing at a thermos sitting beside him on the fountain's ledge. "want some?"
an easy yes.
(you did question the wisdom of sitting by a fountain when you were trying to stay warm, but decided to keep your doubts to yourself.)
"so- look out!" he pushed you to the side, and a frisbee between the two of you- striking his bag, sending it tipping over towards the water.
the ploink of his wallet falling in would have been comical, if it weren't so unfortunate.
♡ a few weeks later found you and tim getting into his car with two more cups of cocoa, laughing about the little girl that had been in front of you in line.
"she was so cute!" you said, setting your cup into the cupholder between you. "did you hear her ask her mom whether marshmallows grew in marshes or trees?"
he chuckled, turning the key. "i missed it." the choking sound of the engine brought you both to a stop, both slowly looking up at the steering wheel. he cleared his throat and tried the key again.
another choking noise, and silence. he tried a third time with similar results.
"i don't think she likes the cold," you mused.
tim dropped his head forward to rest against the wheel and groaned.
♡ an hour late.
and he hadn't even texted until twenty minutes after you were supposed to meet up.
he had no idea how lucky he was that he was cute- because had the apology and offer to take you to get a proper meal not been accompanied by the most adorable grimace you had ever seen, they may not have been enough to keep you from leaving him standing with just a cup of cold cocoa to keep him company.
the two of you turned, moving towards a restaurant (your choice, as he had insisted), and you noticed a stiffness in his step. "are you alright?"
"aw, you still care," he teased, easily sidestepping your attempt to playfully smack his shoulder.
"obviously. i'm mad, not heartless."
"good to know."
"i'm fine. i just, uh, slept wrong," he said sheepishly. "my knee aches, is all."
you hummed noncommittally, not buying it- but also knowing that when tim dodged a question, he was fully committed to dodging the question.
♡ "where do you want- woah!"
before you could even turn to look, you heard the tell-tale sound of something hitting the ground, followed by tim groaning.
"i'm starting to think we need to avoid hot cocoa," you quipped, staring flatly at the soda bottle rolling on the floor and liquid dripping from your cabinets. "how did that even happen?"
"i was opening it, and my hand just... gave out," he grumbled, flexing his hand with a grimace. "i'm sorry."
you set the two mugs of steaming cocoa you had just made on the counter, stepping carefully around the pooling cola. "at least it wasn't eggs."
tim sighed, tugging his coat off and rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. "where do you keep your towels?"
even with the entire kitchen smelling like soda, you couldn't really bring yourself to be upset. tim's help and half-annoyed-half-resigned jokes about a sticky situation made the clean up go by much faster than usual, and soon the two of you were admiring your handiwork.
"i think it's even cleaner than it was before the incident," you observed happily. "you can practically see yourself in the tile."
"i'm not sure it was bad enough to warrant being called the incident-" you raised a brow, and he raised his hands in surrender. "okay, maybe it was."
you scooped up your mug with a hmph, confidently taking a sip- only to sputter at the temperature of the no-longer-hot cocoa.
♡ you were officially convinced that hot cocoa was a perfect way to ruin a fine day.
"in my defense-"
"please don't," you all but whined, almost laughing at the sheepish way his mouth clamped shut. "can you go see if any of these stores have managed to stay in one piece and will sell you a sweatshirt or something? this whole cocoa-soaked-hoodie situation isn't exactly comfortable."
tim nodded, making his way through the crowd of celebrating gothamites and leaving you by a blinking happy new year sign.
twenty minutes later, with you in a fresh (and hideous) gold sweatshirt and tim's coat, you found yourself watching him instead of the countdown on the screen in the coffee shop's window.
he was somehow coated in glitter, but the shine of his skin was nothing compared to the sparkle in his eyes as he glanced over at you.
"happy new year," he mouthed through the cheering racket around you.
you grinned at him, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "happy new year."
♡ "i thought we decided hot cocoa was cursed?" you asked, carefully taking the warm paper cup he offered and cradling it close to your body.
"lots has changed since then," he shrugged, taking your spare hand in his, intertwining your gloved fingers.
you sighed playfully, taking a sip of your drink. "i suppose it has."
"for the better," he added pointedly, squeezing your hand. "because now, i can do this." he leaned in to kiss your cheek, making you roll your eyes fondly.
"i'm still waiting for the disaster, tim."
"see?" he asked, stopping in front of your building. "home safe and sound."
"mhm," you hummed dubiously. "maybe-"
he tugged you forwards suddenly, and you heard something hit the ground behind you.
"do i-"
"you do not want to know that the light fixture you were standing under suddenly fell, no."
you pulled out of his hold to throw your to-go cup in the trash.
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Imagine Damian coming to his senses and ending up apologizing to you after everything with Superman.
I'm Sorry ,” Damian sighs.
What ,” You said as you turn around and look at him.
Y/n. I'm here to apologize for everything. Including turning on you and father. I should have believe you about Superman but I was under his spell. I understand if you don't forgive me,” Damian said with a sad smile.
You look at him with your green eyes before you bite your lips as you get up from your seat and walk over to him.
I forgive you Damian. But I want you to work on your relationship with Bruce ,” You said as you smiled at him.
I will. I'm hoping that he will forgive me,” Damian said as he gave you a sly smile.
He will. You are his son,” You said with a smile.
Damian glanced at you with his brown eyes.
Can I hug you,” Damian asked with a awkward smile.
Yeah ,” You said with a smile.
Damian glanced at you before he wrapped his arms around you and pulled to his chest.
You wrapped your arms around his robin suit and lay your face against his armor shoulder .
Both you two didn't notice Jason look at you and damian with a little jealously in his blue eyes.
Both you and damian pulled back and look at each other .
Ik that I was the reason for our break up. Ik that you had moved on after the breakup and we can just be friends,” Damian said as he gave you a sly smile.
I don't want to be just friends. I want to be with you. I want to be married and have kids with you Damian. I learn that there is no life after you. I understand bc I tried and I'm still in love with you damian ,” You said as you smiled at him.
I thought Todd liked you more then a friend ,” Damian asked as he steps closer to you .
He does but I don't feel the same away bc I'm still in love with you damian ,”You said as you smiled at him.
Damian look at you before a small grin came upon his face .
I'm glad bc I feel the same way ,” Damian said as he grinned at you .
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niphredil-14 · 2 years
Hi! Could I request headcanons abt Dick Grayson and touchstarved best friend! (gn)reader? Where reader really aprecciates Dick's comforting hugs, reassuring pats on the back and etc, but is too shy to admit that? Thank you in advance!
Hi! Yes, of course you can! Thank you so much for sending this in, I have been very patiently waiting for some DC requests! I hope you enjoy!
There is not a doubt in my mind that out of every member of the batfamily, Dick would be the absolute best with a touch starved friend! He, by nature, is a very affectionate and touchy person, so I don't think that you would ever have to ask for a hug or some cuddles, because he would already be touching you. He is very observant, so I'm sure that he would very quickly pick up on how much you enjoy his touch, and would most likely a p his level of touchiness for you even more.
He has so many ways of being affectionately touchy, you would never starve for attention with him. He will stand behind you and rub your shoulders if he sees you're stressed with something, and will plop you into his lap where he will press your face into the crook of his neck where he soothingly rubs his hand up and down your back as he rocks you back and forth if he sees that you're feeling sad or insecure. Any moment of celebration with him would include a double high five and him picking you up and spinning you around as if you weigh nothing, because with how big and strong he is, you practically do. Cuddling together either on the couch or bed with a movie on and some popcorn whenever he notices you're excessively tired. But the thing Dick is best at? Hugs. His embraces are just magical, not to firm or loose, and oh, so warm, the side of his face pressed into the crown of your skull, your head leaning against him at the perfect angle that you get no muscle aches, and a slight sway side to side.
Overall, Dick is the ultimate big brother figure, and can always tell what you need, when, and he is more than willing to comply.
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happyimagines · 2 years
DC Comics: Dick Grayson/Reader
This was not requested, but either way I hope you like it!
There was a crack in the curtains wide enough to let in a stream of sunlight. And that stream hit me right in the face. I put a hand up to block the light and groaned at the pain in my chest. The previous night my chest was met with flying feet. While there weren’t any major injuries, there was still some nasty bruising.
My back was pressed against Dick’s bare chest and his warm breath hit the back of my neck. His arm was draped over my waist keeping me close to him. Carefully, I rolled over and came face to face with him. Despite the fact that he sustained some rough injuries, he slept soundly, his breathing even.
The two of us got in late, or early, since it was morning when we got in. After our rough patch ups, the two of us were tired and passed out in his room. Under normal circumstances, Dick would have gone out on patrol with one of his brothers. But since I was in Gotham rather than Metropolis, I volunteered.
“Hold still,” I told Dick as it tried to clean the wound on his back. There was a gravel embedded in his skin and a knife had slashed him. The slash wasn’t deep or too concerning, but it would better to clean it out. There was a clink I pulled out another piece from his shoulder. We both were sitting on the floor of his bedroom taking care of each other.
“Are you done?” Dick asked looking over his shoulder at me. There were bags under his eyes and they were becoming glassy.
“You keep moving, of course I’m not done.” I chided.
“It hurts.”
“I know.” I yawned and winced at the pain at my mouth. While Dick got stabbed in the back, I received hits to the front: the chest and lip.
“Okay,” Dick turned around to face me and gently took my chin to lift my head. “Let’s see that lip and you can give my back a break.” Dick sucked his teeth when he saw how bruised and busted it was.
“Aside from the lip, there’s a bruise under your eye, but it doesn’t look like anything is broken. Your eyes, they’re still pretty.” Dick smiled and I rolled my eyes.
“Just take of my lip, please.”
“Only because you said please.” Dick smiled and shorted the gap between us and gently kissed me careful not to hurt me. I winced. “Sorry,”
“It’s fine,” I assured him. I put my hand behind him where my cloth with rubbing alcohol was sitting in a bowl. I closed the gap between us again, this time as a distraction to clean a wound I noticed on his shoulder.
“OW!” Dick pulled away, his bright blue eyes wide in shock and betrayal.
“I didn’t notice you got hit in the shoulder!” I grabbed his shoulder and turned him so I could get a better look.
“It’s fine, let me check on you,” He moved my hand and brought it to his lips, gently kissing the scrapes I accumulated over the night. I laughed but couldn’t help feel fuzzy at the touch. The two of us spent some more time on the floor as Dick helped clean and dress more of my wounds. In between each dressing, Dick pressed a kiss to my head leaving me lightheaded.
“I think I’m good, how about you get in bed, and I’ll put a bandage on your back.”
“You could’ve just told me to get into bed,” Dick smirked. I rolled my eyes and let him help me to my feet. He raised his arms over his head in a stress, and then his face twisted in pain.
“Go,” I gestured for him to get into the bed and waited for him to lie down on his stomach. I smiled and walked over with bandages and some tape. Without shifting the bed room much, I knelt next to Dick, careful not to breathe too deep.
“How’s your chest?” Dick asked, his voice half muffled by his pillow.
“It hurts, the painkillers kicked in, but I’m going to be bruised for days.”
“I can imagine,” He kissed as I lay the bandages down and smoothed them over.
Once everything was secure, I lay down next to Dick. He smiled and draped an arm over my chest keeping me close to him.
Careful not to move the bed, I gently slid out and made my way to the bathroom. Once I was finished, I opened the door and saw Dick laying on his stomach on his phone. His hair over the night had fallen on his forehead and was falling in his eyes.
“Hey,” I said lying next to him.
“Hey, how’re you feeling?” He propped himself up on his elbow.
“Rough, but I’ve been worse. You?”
“Rough, but nothing this can’t fix,” The bed shifted as Dick put a hand on the other side of my body so that he hovered over me. Slowly, he kissed me. Before I could deepen the kiss, I pushed him away.
“Go brush your teeth,” I told him.
“Seriously, otherwise I’m not kissing you.” I smiled as the bed shifted and Dick made his way to the bathroom. He returned back quickly and lay next to me the same way as before.
“See, minty fresh.” Dick pecked my lips in proof.
With a laugh, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close. Then someone knocked on the door.
“We know you guys are awake! Do you want breakfast?”
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DC Masterlist
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Arthur Curry | Aquaman
Sweater Weather - Fluff
When it gets colder outside, the king of the sea loans you his sweater.
Rain Makes the Flowers Grow - Fluff
You’re Persephone’s daughter, which gives you a considerable advantage in combat, even against the king of Atlantis…
Fish Jesus - Fluff, Platonic
You’re the youngest member on the Justice League, and because of this, Arthur becomes something of an uncle to you. He has found your nicknames for him a little strange, though…
Diana Prince | Wonder Woman
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2021
Digger Harkness | Captain Boomerang
He’s a Challenge - Fluff, soulmate au
In all your years fighting crime, and specifically, Captain Boomerang, you never knew his actual name…until you found out it was the one written on your wrist all along.
Stealin’ Hearts - Fluff, Soulmate AU, sequel to He’s a Challenge
You’re a superhero and you just found out your soulmate is the notorious diamond thief, Captain Boomerang. You want to trust him, but you’re not sure you can just yet, so…now what?
Garfield Logan | Beast Boy
Deep Breaths - Comfort
When your anxiety acts up, you know you can always go to Gar to make you feel better when you need it most.
Botanical Gardens and Butterflies - Fluff, Soulmate!AU
Your soulmarks, a series of green animal prints scattered down your wrists, lead you to the zoo to find your other half…
You’re Green??? - Fluff, Soulmate!AU
When you discover your powers and move into the giant T-shaped tower, you find that the people around you are a bit more colorful than you thought.
Healing Touch - Fluff
After Gar takes a beating, he knows he can always come to you to patch him up.
Snap Out of It - Fluff
Mad Mod, the renowned trickster, has a way of putting people under his spell, and it’s up to you to get Gar to snap out of it.
Green Cuddles - Fluff
When the power goes out, you find yourself seeking comfort in all sorts of places.
Beauty and the Beast Boy - Belle of the Ball - Fluff, Prom
When your prom date turns out to be an asshole, Gar makes sure you still have a good time.
Jaime Reyes | Blue Beetle
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2023
Nice to Meet You - Fluff, Identity Reveal
You and Jaime have been kicking ass together for years, but you’ve never seen his face before. Hell, you don’t even know his name. That changes one night when he shows up on your doorstep, injured.
Jefferson “Jax” Jackson | Firestorm
When I Fall - Fluff, Mermaid!Reader
When the Legends rescued you from an evil lab, the last thing you ever expected them to give you was your legs back.
Victor Stone | Cyborg
Midnight Snack - Fluff
Late at night, Victor finds you in the kitchen whipping up something delicious.
As Long as You’re Mine - Fluff, bionic!reader
You thought you’d lost Victor years ago, but you’re in for a great surprise when he shows up backstage.
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writtenfangirl · 2 years
Angel of Love
A/N: I’m back! Sort of. Life’s been kind of messy lately so I haven’t really had a chance to write let alone get to my requests. I’ve been toying with this idea for a while now and finally got around to finishing this fic so I hope it’s good. It’s my first DC fanfic so I hope it does the characters justice. This is as much a Sandman fanfic as it is a John Constantine fanfic. Maybe a part two if anyone’s up for it. Hope y’all enjoy
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“I think, it’s human nature to be corruptible. I mean, you and I both know that God is real. And yet it always bothered me that He made it so easy for humans to be tempted. Corrupted.” The words that exited Y/N’s lips blew gently into the world, following the gust of wind that had been ruffling her hair since she sat down on the lip of the rooftop. “Humans were meant to be his greatest creation but put humans next to Kryptonians and they’re mush. Not to mention the fact that evil, human beings like the Joker exist. These were meant to be God’s greatest creation?”
“That’s a very bleak way of seeing things,” John Constantine’s accented voice was as deep as a thunderclap as he spoke beside her. She’d been watching his dangling feet sway into the open air since he first sat down next to her and with the hours they’d spent sitting on the edge of the rooftop, Y/N had slowly begun to memorize the scruffs on his well worn shoes.
“I never took you for an optimist.”
John shrugged. “Humanity is a blight in the universe but we do have our moments.”
“Yeah. Moments. Fleeting ones.”
“For an angel, you sure like to be the devil’s advocate,” John said with a snort.
“Archangel,” Y/N corrected. “And Lucifer has always been my favorite sibling. We were thick as thieves when he was still around the Silver City.”
“He’s the archangel of desire. I’m the archangel of love. Those two usually go hand in hand.”
“So you doubt your father’s creation?  I didn’t think angels were capable of doubting their Father.”
Now it was Y/N’s turn to snort. “Us angels practically invented doubt in God. I haven’t seen my father in several millennias and that’s not likely to change anytime soon. But that doesn’t change the fact that I love him dearly. I may doubt His creations but I do not doubt Him.”
Y/N turned to John and found the human with a contemplative look in his face.
“Besides,” Y/N continued with a soft smile, “without my Father’s creation, I wouldn’t be able to count you as one of my friends.”
At that, John’s lips lilted. Y/N would’t count it as a smile, not really. John Constantine didn’t really smile. He smirked, he grinned, he frowned but he never smiled. Not in the way other humans smiled, unguarded and without constraint. His smile, if it could be called that, was less a smile and more sardonic quirk of his lips.
“You and I both know I want us to be more than just friends,” John said ruefully.
“And you know I don’t dally with humans,” Y/N countered. “Not in that way.”
“I’ve had dalliances with demons, love. If you think I’m fragile, I can assure you I’m not.”
Y/N rolled her E/C angelic eyes. She really was beautiful and not just in a subjective way like most humans were to John. Y/N’s beauty was an absolute truth. The sun was a ball of gas that provided light, the sky was blue, humans breathed oxygen and Y/N was beautiful.
Well, in truth, all angels were beautiful but none could quite compare to Y/N’s beauty. It was as if she’d taken the supernatural beauty that angels possessed and multiplied it tenfold. There was a loveliness to her that not even Lucifer, the second most powerful being in the Universe and supposedly the most beautiful of all the angels, could recreate let alone possess. 
The wind whipped against her H/C hair, carrying with it her sweet, heady scent that had John taking deeper breaths than usual. Her smile, warm and kind and lovely, sent jolts of electricity running up his spine, spreading all throughout his body. Her beautiful wings, colored like burnished gold, seemed to glow with an impossible light, bathing John in a warmth that should have been impossible in the middle of winter in London. She was love personified, the purest kind of love, the kind of love people could only dream of, let alone hope for.
“It’s not that I think you’re fragile, John. I already know you’re not. But as the angel of love, I am meant to give it away, not take it for myself. If you’re worried you’re somehow going to die alone, I am telling you now that you’re not. You’ve had a very hard life, John. A life that other beings, human or otherwise, wouldn’t have been able to survive. You can be rest assured that you are going to find your soulmate, I’ll make sure of it myself. I’ll even make sure it’s easy for you. That you’ll suddenly know and they’ll suddenly know too. I won’t leave you out in the dark by yourself.”
“But I don’t want them, love, I want you. Bollocks, Y/N, I can’t help it! I have loved you ever since I met you. I know you think that the way I feel isn’t real, that I feel the way that I feel because of who you are and maybe you’re right. Who am I to tell the angel of love what love is? But I know my love. I know how I feel and I have never felt this way about anyone and I doubt I will again.”
Y/N didn’t turn to look at him. The wind that had once been gentle grew restless as Y/N fluttered her golden wings.
“John, perhaps it’s time to wake up,” Y/N said, her voice kind.
Wake up? What did she mean? 
Her beautiful face began to turn sad, her angelic E/C, shifting into a molten gold as shiny as her wings.
“John, I have indulged you far too long, my friend. It’s time to wake up.”
“What?” Panic began to rise within John, lodging itself into his sternum. His heart beat wildly, his body beginning to thrum with a nervous energy and John couldn’t understand why that was. What was Y/N talking about? This wasn’t a dream. This couldn’t be a dream. It felt too real.
He grasped her hand, warm and solid and real beneath his own.
She pulled away gently, her other hand grazing the skin on his face. “John, this isn’t real and this has to stop. I made a promise to you, remember? I intend to keep my promise.”
Memories began to flood through John’s mind, images he wished he could throw away into the fiery chasms of hell.
“John, I can’t keep meeting you like this. I must leave you.”
“No, Y/N, you can’t. Don’t leave, please.”
Her beatific smile was so glorious it hurt John to see it. “John, I swear to you, you will find love. The kind that most people couldn’t even fathom and the person you love—“
“I don’t care about them! I only care about you!”
Her once angelic features shifted into that of a thunderous expression. Her once kind E/C eyes turning into a lurid red, her face twisting into a sneer. “This will be the last time I see you, John Constantine. Seek me out again and it will be the last time you breathe.” Her voice was as deep as a clap of thunder, her fury making the hair on John’s skin stand on end. 
This was the love that had people running for the hills, the kind that usually ended in bloodshed and murder. John had nearly forgotten who Y/N was, what she was. She was an archangel, God’ first herald, his right hand woman. She was the kindest of archangels but she was an archangel nonetheless. It was she who doomed humanity in a flood, she who brought down locusts and hail at God’s command. John never understood why it was Y/N who brought forth some of humanity’s greatest blights when archangels like Michael and Raphael existed but looking at her face now, he understood. After all, God did all of those things for the so called love He felt for humans. And who was Y/N if not God’s love personified? 
With a blinding light that had John shielding his eyes, Y/N was gone, taking his heart with her.
“You remember now, don’t you?” Y/N, the one from his dream, said kindly. “I’m not really here, John. I did this as a favor to Dream but that’s it. This is truly the last time you will see me again.”
“No.” John said firmly. “I am not letting you leave again.”
“I’m afraid it’s not your choice.”
And with a shuddering gasp, John awoke.
He wasn’t sure what time it was but the slit of light that filtered through his curtains and into his dark room was blinding as his eyes struggled to adjust. He was still wearing his clothes from the previous day, his brown trench coat rumpled, his slacks and dress shirt covered in creases. He could only assumed what he looked like after he woke up, his hair as rumpled as his trench coat, his face covered in creases from his pillows but he didn’t care about any of that. 
Instead his eyes were focused on the figure sitting on the chair in the corner of his room. Even in the darkness, the man’s eyes seemed to twinkle, as though he had all of the billions of stars in the universe contained in his eyes. His dark black hair stuck up in odd angles, his lean body seemingly relaxed, his pale face trained on John. When he spoke, his voice was soft but deep, the velvety voice of a person lulling you to sleep. “Good morning, John Constantine.”
“We had a deal, Dream,” John seethed, throwing the covers away from his body as he stood up and flicked the lights on to better see Dream of the Endless. “I held up my part of the bargain, why didn’t you?”
Dream’s eyebrows slowly slid up his forehead, the only sign in his face that he was surprised by John’s words. “Have care how you speak to me, Constantine. I will not have my honor questioned by the likes of you.”
Some rational part of John tried reeling him back from starting a fight with one of the Endless but after the devastating emotional loss he had to go through, John couldn’t care less what he said to one of the most powerful beings in the Universe. He’s had his fair share of dealing with monsters and aliens and demons and angels and he was not afraid of some skinny, emo looking git who thought himself to be important.
“You promised me I could speak to her, you right bloody twat,” John accused. “You swore to me you would let me speak with her.”
“And you did speak,” Dream said, his voice steady and deep and so otherworldly. “You were asleep for 14 hours. Enough time to say your goodbyes. It is not my fault if she wished to cut the conversation short.”
“Let me see her again.”
A savage desperate desire seized John. “You—“ A fit of coughing interrupted John’s train of thought, an invisible fist curling tightly around his lungs. He tried gasping for air but he could already begin to taste the blood rising from the back of his throat.
“Your archangel wants nothing to do with you, Constantine,” Dream said, not unkindly. He made no move to help John, seeming content to sit in John’s chair, watching him. There was pity in his eyes, the kind that had the taste ofbile rising at the back of John’s throat. He didn’t want Dream’s pity, he didn’t want anything to do with him if John was being honest. Just to dream, to see Y/N again before John began to forget her face in the delirium of his disease. 
“You don’t understand,” John said desperately. “She doesn’t know about me. About the cancer and the sickness. She doesn’t—“
“She knows, of that I am sure of. Archangels are omnipotent and Y/N guards over you. She knows about your situation.”
That was so much worse. For Y/N not to know about the cancer was one thing but knowing about it and not coming to visit John was another thing entirely. He wondered how long she’d known about it, how long Y/N’s kept her distance from him. His heart lurched in pain and it took nearly everything John had not to double over and scream his lungs out. Instead he focused on one thing, the anger that radiated in him. Dream was keeping Y/N from him, and he’d be damned if he let her go again.
“Is that suppose to comfort me?” John spat angrily. “To know that Y/N watches over me? I just want five more bloody minutes with the woman I love!”
“She is not a woman, Constantine. She is not human like you. She is a a being of unfathomable power, the kind that can bring even creatures like me to their knees,” Dream said patiently. Almost as if he’d expected John’s tantrum and was fully ready to comfort him if the situation called for it, which meant only one thing.
“You’ve spoken to her, haven’t you?” John said, realization dawning to him. “You were never known for your patience and yet you have let all of my disrespect slide. What did she say to you?”
“Noting you would like to hear, Constantine,” Dream said gently. “If you know what’s best for you—“
“I don’t care! Tell me what she said to you!”
“She wants me to tell you that she’s spoken with my sister, Death. Your death will be peaceful and you will feel no pain. Not in the months leading up to your death and not in they days before, she’s made sure of it. That’s all she wishes for you to know. Good bye, John Constantine.”
Dream of the Endless made a move towards the door, his hand reaching the door handle of John’s bedroom. There was a joke in there somewhere about Dream of the Endless using a door to exit a room but John couldn’t find it in him to make light of the situation.
“Wait!” John demanded before Dream could leave him. “Y/N made a promise to me once, about finding love. Did that mean nothing to her?”
Dream turned back slowly, his pale skin seeming even paler against his dark clothes. He gazed into John’s eyes his shiny eyes gleaming with unshed tears that had John staggering back in surprise. “Her promise meant the world to her, Constantine.”
And Dream of the Endless vanished into a puff of smoke leaving John with a gaping hole in his heart.
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bbbbbbbbatman · 3 months
My take on the whole 'the JL gets mad at Batman for having a child soldier when he gets robin' thing goes like this:
The League is having a fight with Batman saying it's wrong to bring a child, especially with no powers, into fights with supervillains and it's irresponsible to put children in danger
And Batman interrupts with "so you take him then"
And the League just kind pause, like "huh?"
"One of you can babysit Robin for a week and then we can revisit this discussion."
They're a little confused but eventually Wonder Woman agrees to take him in.
She returns with him a week later. "I apologize Batman, we have misjudged you. I adore him but please take him back now."
(she couldn't get him to stop sneaking out to fight crime without physically restraining him)
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dccomicsimagines · 1 year
Hello There - Jon Kent x Reader
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Requested by Anon -  hello! i love your works, you are an excelent writer :D! Can i request an one shot were batsis (from fitting in) and jon fall in love? she highkey deserves a fairy tale romance and i think bruce and damian reactions would be very funny haha
Requested by Anon -  I know you basically just finished one big Jon x reader, but do you think could please make another fic or headcannon with him? It could about anything you choose. 👉🏼👈🏼 (P.S. - it's been said already but I'll say it again; WILIF is m a s t e r p i e c e ✨)
Author’s Note - This took me a year to write. Happy Holidays!
You bit your lip as you left your biology lab and headed outside to the sprawling campus of Metropolis University. The air was crisp and fresh as it always was late autumn. It was warmer in Metropolis than it was in Gotham. You theorized it was because the sun shined more here. 
Your phone beeped. Your next class wasn’t for another hour and you planned to use this time to finish your paper for Medieval Literature. A sigh escaped you. You pulled out your phone, looking at it as you walked. 
‘Are you coming home this weekend?’ You held back an eye roll. Your father couldn’t leave you alone, could he?
‘No, I have plans here. I’ll be back in a month for winter break.’ You looked up to avoid walking into a group of women exiting the library. A smile pulled at your lips. You could show him your medieval lit paper then. Your plan was to write how Beowulf's preoccupation with glory led to the current glorification of superheroes. The look on Bruce’s face would be priceless.
It took him a long time to answer to the point where you were expecting a call from him. However, you only got another text. ‘Be safe.’
You snorted, smiling. That was as close to I love you that Bruce Wayne got. ‘Love you, Dad.’
Just as you hit send, you ran straight into what felt like a brick wall and toppled back to land hard on your butt. The jolt went straight through your bones painfully. You grunted. “I’m so sorry,” a male voice said. A hand appeared in your vision. You eyed it.
“No, I’m sorry. I was texting and walking.” You took the hand after a moment and got to your feet. Your butt hurt a lot. It was going to bruise. You finally looked at the man you ran into. Your breath vaporized from your lungs. 
He had the prettiest blue eyes with rich black hair. His smile was big, head tilted like a curious puppy. You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling back at him. “Are you hurt?” He kept your hand a second too long. You felt your face burn. 
“No, I’ll be fine.” You pulled your hand away and brushed off your clothes. He looked familiar for some reason. “Have we met before?”
It was his turn to blush as he flicked his head to get the hair out of his eyes. “We’re in the Physics of Star Trek class together.” You bit your lip. Right, that class you took because Tim saw it when you were picking classes and begged you to take it for him. At least it counted as a general course and to be honest, it was pretty cool.
“Oh, you were the one who tried to argue that Superman’s laser eyes were basically the same concept as Star Trek’s phasers.” You shook your head. “Who would have thought that would cause a debate that took the entire class period?”
“I know, right?” He grinned brightly, shifting on his feet. “Well, I was about to get some food from the cafeteria? Would you like to join me?” 
You thought about the work you were going to do, but then you remembered how you promised Alfred that you would try to enjoy yourself. “Sure,” you said, turning to walk beside him. “What was your name again? I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” Luckily, Bruce let you enroll under your mother’s name to keep you safe from the dangers that came with the Wayne name.
“I’m Jon Kent.” He held the door to the cafeteria for you. “It’s nice to meet you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” 
You laughed, heading inside with Jon right behind you.
The next day in the Star Trek class, you found Jon sitting next to you with that same dopey, puppy grin on his face. Your heart fluttered when his arm brushed against yours by accident as he raised his hand to start another controversial debate. Jon got a kick out of it. You felt it was some kind of inside joke for him. Maybe he’d explain it to you some day.
After class, Jon walked out with you. “So that was my last class for today. What about you?” he asked, looking at you with his full attention. 
“Oh, well it’s the last class for me too.” You smiled when you saw his eyes sparkle at your words.
“Great!” He blushed when he realized he was shouting. His voice softened. “Would you like to go downtown with me? It’s student night at the movie theater. Five dollar tickets.” He chuckled nervously. “The new Transformers movie came out or if you wanted to see something else, I’m game.”
You eyed him, feeling lighter than air. Why did this feel so surreal? Like you were in a movie and this was a classic romance. “Sure.” Your heart skipped a beat when he practically exploded with energy. 
“Awesome!” He hopped over a crack in the sidewalk. You swore he floated for a second before he landed. 
“I want to drop my stuff off first, so I’ll meet you outside Gnanatti Hall in a half an hour?” You turned away from him, headed toward your dorm. 
“Yeah! I’ll see you there.” Jon waved happily at you. You waved back, blushing when you saw people were watching you two. A girl laughed with her friends that Jon was like a lovesick puppy. You felt a wave of doubt flow through you. Could Jon like you like that? You shrugged, deciding not to focus on that right now. 
Your roommate lounged on their bed, watching you primp yourself in the mirror. “You have a date or something?” 
“Maybe? I don’t know.” You shrugged, finishing the last touches on your makeup. It did feel like a date, didn’t it? “I just want to look good anyway in case.”
“Well, if you need the room, just text me. I can go hang out with Taylor in her room, but just don’t be all night,” your roommate said, getting up to grab their laptop. 
You wrinkled your nose. “I don’t think it will come to that.” Your heart sank about the idea of being so loose. Besides, you didn’t think Jon was just trying to get into your pants anyway. “But thanks.”
“Sure.” Your roommate opened their laptop and started working on homework. You gathered your purse and phone. “Call me if you need an out.”
“Thanks.” You waved at them and headed out. To think, your dad almost insisted on paying for a private room, but you wanted to have the full experience. Alfred agreed with you. Bruce couldn’t do anything after that. 
You glanced at your phone as you headed down the stairs to see a text from Damian. It was a photo of Titus. You sent him a heart back and told him to give him a pet for you. Damian always reached out with Titus as an excuse as if he couldn’t handle missing you himself.
Jon was outside the dorm, bouncing from foot to foot. He grinned when he saw you, nervous energy bouncing off him. You waved and went to meet him. “You look beautiful,” he said, eyes going from your feet to your face several times. 
“Thanks.” Your cheeks burned. “You don’t look bad yourself.” Jon blushed and offered you his arm. “Are we walking or taking the bus?”
“I was thinking we could walk. It’s a nice day.” Jon led you down the sidewalk and off campus. You relaxed, letting yourself enjoy.
“So I didn’t think you’d be an ice cream person?” Jon teased as he handed you a cone. You smiled, accepting it.
“Who isn’t an ice cream person?” You took a lick, savoring the taste. It reminded you of the rare times your dad would pick you up from school. He always took you out for ice cream after you swore not to tell Alfred. 
Jon hummed, taking his own cone. “Lactose intolerant people.” He chuckled, holding the door to the ice cream shop for you. You stepped out into the cold night air. The person inside the shop thought you both were strange for getting ice cream on a chilly night, but Jon was so excited. You couldn’t say no. “My mother doesn’t like it because it’s too cold.” 
“Really?” You laughed. “To be honest, my...” You had to think about what to call Alfred. Butler came with it’s own impressions. You didn’t want Jon to know. “Grandfather doesn’t like ice cream either, but he always keeps some around for everyone else.” 
“So you have a grandfather?” Jon nudged your side. “Did he raise you?”
You raised an eyebrow at him. The two of you walked slowly back toward campus. “Somewhat. My dad was there too, but my grandfather was the one who was always there.” You smiled, making a note to yourself to call Alfred. “What about you?” You side eyed him with a playful smirk. 
“Well, I have a mom and a dad.” He didn’t meet your eye. You caught the slight downturn of his lips. He was holding back something. “I’m not close to my mom’s dad, but I know my dad’s mom pretty well.” 
You wrinkled your nose slightly, sensing his discomfort. “I never asked what your major was.” 
Jon accepted the subject change with a smile. Funny, was Jon hiding his family like you were hiding yours? “Oh, I’m undecided right now. I have a lot of interests.” He nudged your arm and licked his ice cream. “What about you?”
“I’m majoring in business,” you said, smiling at him before taking a lick of your ice cream. “But I might just switch my major over to classics and minor in something else. I want to do something that interests me instead of what will make me a career.” You bit your lip. Of course, you were set for life simply because of your father. You knew it was a privilege. 
“Classics?” Jon blinked. “Wow, that makes a lot of sense.” 
You elbowed his side. “What is that supposed to mean?” You narrowed your eyes at him while he smirked.
“I just meant I noticed you were carrying a textbook of Greek lit when we met, so now it makes sense.” Jon took a lick of his ice cream. “I kinda thought you were an Amazon or something.” 
You snorted. “Just because I study Greek lit doesn’t mean I’m an Amazon. Are you an alien just because you are in the Star Trek class?” You laughed when Jon choked.
“No.” He chuckled nervously, stumbling over a crack in the sidewalk. You grabbed his arm to steady him. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. Sorry if I hit a nerve there.” A flash of guilt filled you. You wondered why he seemed so taken back by your comment? 
“No, you’re fine.” Jon looked at you. “You just took me by surprise, I guess.” He smiled. “By that logic, would the whole class be Aliens including you?” 
“I suppose.” You laughed, finishing your ice cream as you both reached campus. “We should bring that up in class next time.”
Jon laughed hard. You liked the sound of his laugh. It was so open and free. You and Jon kept walking past your dorm hall and doing loops around campus, not wanting the night to end.
Weeks past, you and Jon were inseparable. You did your homework together, went to movies, had lunch and dinner together and a billion other things. If this was what falling in love was, you enjoyed it. 
Two days before you were going home for winter break, you and Jon were at the Metropolis Mall. It was a huge place and you had to take two buses to make it there. The entire mall was blaring Christmas music and decorated to the nines. Jon was bouncing on his toes like an eager child. You were glad that you had already gotten his gift. He was too excited to not notice if you picked up something for him here. 
“So where should we go first?” Jon asked, reaching to take your hand. You smiled at how warm his hand was in yours. It had gotten colder in Metropolis the last few weeks, but Jon was always warm. You don’t know how he did it. 
“I don’t know. I need something for Cass, my sister.” You bit your lip. Jon squeezed your hand, pulling you along toward the Cinnabon. “What about you? I mean, besides Cinnabon for yourself?” 
“Cinnabon for you too,” Jon chuckled, getting in line. “We need food before we walk around this place anyway.” He squeezed your hand again. “I need to get something for my mom and dad.”
You hummed, distracted by three kids running by. They were clearly high on sugar as their parents chased after them. “This is so strange. We never went to malls when I was growing up.”
“Well, you did live in Gotham. Do they even have one?” Jon teased, letting go of your hand to slid his arm around your waist. 
“They do. We just never went.” You avoid telling him how Alfred thought it was an indecent place and refused to allow you to go there. The first time you went was when you were sixteen with friends. So far, you avoided mentioning you were from the Wayne family. Cass was the only name you dared to voice. 
“We came every year. My mom loves the decorations.” Jon blushed slightly. “Plus we always went holiday shopping for my dad together.”
You smiled, leaning your head against Jon’s shoulder. “That sounds nice. My family didn’t really have any traditions except for Christmas dinner and presents afterwards.” 
“That’s kinda sad.” Jon rubbed your back. You got to the front of the line and Jon ordered for both of you. It’s amazing how well he knew you in such a short amount of time. Then again, you knew him quite well too, which is why you slipped the clerk your credit card before he could give his. “Hey, I got this.”
“Nah, my treat.” You winked up at him, taking the card back once it was processed. “Besides, you need to save your money for nice things for your parents.” 
The two of you got your drinks and cinnamon rolls and sat down at one of the tables. “Are you sure you have to go back to Gotham?” Jon asked, frowning slightly. 
“Yeah, I promised my family. They’re even coming to pick me up.” You blushed as you tried to take a bite of the cinnamon roll, but it was too big. Jon just went into his, getting frosting on his nose. You laughed, reaching over to wipe it off with your finger. 
“So I’ll get to meet them?” Jon asked once he swallowed, smiling when you licked the frosting off your finger. You froze.
“Maybe not.” You bit your lip. “I’d rather they not know about you yet. Keep you to myself.” Your heart sank when you saw his face fall. “Not that I’m trying to hide you or something, it’s just my family is overbearing. I want us to be just us until we add them in. Don’t want to scare you off.” You laughed, smoothing it over.
The sparkle came back to Jon’s eye. “Really?” He took another big bite of his cinnamon roll. “You’re just going to have to go for it, (Y/N).” He nodded to your roll.
You sighed, picking it up and taking a big bite. Frosting got all over your chin and nose, but the taste was worth the mess. Jon reached over to wipe frosting off your face with his finger, copying what you did to him. It made you laugh. Your laughter triggered his too and soon the people around you stared wondering what you two were laughing about.
It took several walks around the mall for Jon to find a present for his parents. You finally convinced him to get one of those engraved glass figures. He gave the man a photo of the two of them, and you had to wait an hour for it to be processed. 
Meanwhile, you looked for a present for Cass. She was the hardest to shop for. Jon gave his opinion and eventually found you a super soft sweater that you knew Cass would love. 
“So we got another half an hour until the glass thing is done.” Jon put his hands in his pockets. He held his elbow out, so you could hook your arm in his. “What should we do?”
“I don’t know.” You laughed, leaning against his arm. “We could...” You frowned when Jon suddenly stopped, tilting his head to the side as if he was listening to something. “You okay?” 
“Yeah.” He smiled, pulling away from you. “I just need to use the bathroom real quick.” He blushed and ran back the way you came. You watched him go. It was very odd. He never did something like that before except for the time you maybe got him too excited. 
You walked over to a coffee place and ordered yourself and Jon a coffee. You heard the girls’ behind the counter talking about a bank robbery stopped by the young sexy Superman. They must be talking about Conner. You met him once at the manor when he stopped by for Tim. He was very cute and knew he was. Actually, you were sure he was probably the only non-family hero you met. Dad always made sure you were kept out of the way of his night work.
“Hey, I’m back,” Jon said suddenly, appearing behind you. He was out of breath, hair disheveled. 
“You didn’t have to run back so fast.” You reached up to adjust his hair. Jon blushed slightly, eyes widening. “I got us coffee.” 
“Cool.” He smiled sheepishly, picking up the order once they called your name. He handed you your cup. “Thanks babe.”
You raised an eyebrow at the new nickname before you decided you liked it. “Now what should we do?” You hooked your arm with his and led him away. 
“I think we should check out that arcade.” Jon pointed across the way to the brightly lit arcade. “Let’s see what we can do.”
“Alright, but I’ll warn you. I’m pretty good at these.” You nudged his side, laughing when he looked at you in surprise.
“Really? Oh please, I’d like to see that.” He smirked. The two of you wandered inside. You kicked his butt at every single game you played.
“(Y/N)!” You jerked awake only to see your disgruntled roommate hovering over you. “Your boyfriend is here. Can you tell him to only come at decent hours next time?” They went back to their bed. 
“Sorry.” You yawned, sitting up to glance at your clock. It was six in the morning. You were supposed to get up in an hour to pack and meet Alfred at eight in the parking lot. Climbing out of bed, you slipped on a pair of slippers and shuffled out of your dorm room to find Jon standing nervously in the hallway. He was fully dressed for the day. Probably doing his morning jog that he told you he did every morning. “What’s up?”
“Hey.” Jon looked you up and down, smiling at your pajamas before taking your hand and guiding you down to the lounge. It was empty at this hour. “I wanted to see you before you left.” 
“Jon, we said goodbye last night.” You squeezed his hand, taking a seat on the couch. He sat down right beside you. His thigh brushed against yours. You yawned again, noticing he was wearing the sweatpants you got him. 
“I know, but I had to give you my present.” You blinked at him.
“You gave me a lovely bath bomb set, Jon. I can’t wait to use it when I get home.” Leaning over, you kissed his cheek. “You don’t need to get me anything else.” 
Jon shook his head. “No, I needed to get you something more meaningful. I talked to one of my friends last night. He told me I was an idiot to give the girl I love bath bombs.” He blushed so red that his face rivaled the poinsettia in the corner of the room. 
Your jaw dropped. “Love?” Your mouth went dry, heart spasming. “You love me?”
Jon nodded. “I do.” He smiled shyly, taking your hand in his. “I couldn’t let you go without telling you.” 
“I’m coming back, you know.” You laughed nervously. “But I love you too, Jon.” You met his eye, seeing the joy sparkling in his eyes. Slowly, you leaned over to seal a kiss to his lips. Jon melted into you, his arms wrapping around you to pull you against his chest. He was so warm. 
Jon started laughing. You giggled along with him, pulling away to gather yourself. Your lips tingled from the pressure. “I wanted to give you this,” Jon said, swallowing back his laughter as he pulled a jewelry box out of his pocket.
“You didn’t have to.” He placed the box in your hand.
“Open it.” Those puppy dog eyes were on full power and you opened the box. Inside was a golden necklace with a tiny star pendant. 
A big smile pulled onto your lips as you took it out, noting the tiny designs etched in the star. “Wow.” You took a deep breath. “Can you put it on me?” You turned, handing Jon the necklace. 
“Of course.” Jon chuckled. His fingers feather-light on the back of your neck. “I’m glad you like it.” He kissed the back of your neck once he closed the clasp. “I wanted something you could remember me by while you’re at home.”
“It’s not like you won’t be able to call or text me.” You turned to face him, touching the necklace. It made your skin tingle when he gave you that puppy dog grin. “It’s only three weeks. I’m coming back a week before everyone else to set up my internship at the Metropolis Library Archives.” 
Jon leaned forward and stole another kiss. “You’re so smart and beautiful. I can’t believe I met you sometimes.” 
You smiled into the kiss, pulling away when you caught the time on the wall clock. “I have to get ready to leave.” It hurt to stand up, knowing you wouldn’t see him for three weeks. “But we’ll text.” 
“We can even zoom call too.” He got up, frowning slightly. “I love you.” 
“I love you.” You took a step toward him. Jon wrapped his arms around your waist. You pressed against him as you slowly kissed him one last time.
It surprised you when you got a text from Dick telling you he’d meet you in the parking lot. You went out with your bags, slightly confused. Alfred said he was going to pick you up. Worry nibbled it’s way inside you. Was Dad hurt? Was someone dead? You hated your family sometimes. It was very much like them to not tell you something like that until you had to find out.
Dick leaned against the car with his arms crossed, looking around the campus with interest. You noticed two women were eyeing him, checking him out from afar. You had to hold back the eye roll. 
He perked up when he saw you. “Hey kiddo.” He opened his arms for you. You reluctantly gave him a hug. “It’s been too long.”
“Who’s hurt?” you asked. You felt him wince in your arms. 
“Why does someone need to be hurt?” Dick pulled away and took your bags to put in the trunk. You noticed he must have borrowed one of Bruce’s cars. It was the Porsche. Dick basically had a claim over that one. 
“Because Alfred was going to come pick me up, and the only reason for Alfred to not be here is if he’s needed elsewhere.” You frowned, narrowing your eyes at him when he closed the trunk and allowed you to see him again. He bit his lip, running a hand through his hair.
“Okay, you caught me.” He held up his hands. “Bruce may have taken a bad fall during a recent ski trip.” Your eyes widened. That was code for broken bones or more. You swallowed hard.
“Is he okay?” You asked, a lump forming in your throat. Dick gestured for you to get into the car. You did and he quickly joined you.
Dick turned on the car, turning up the heat. “He had a bad fall when he was chasing Firefly the other day. Broken leg, concussion, and some internal bleeding. He’s fine now though, just has to recover. Alfred needed to stay home to make sure he actually rests.” Dick patted your hand. “Don’t worry, kiddo.”
You felt tears burn in your eyes, but you blinked them away. Dick’s hand squeezed yours. “Why can’t you guys tell me these things?” 
“We didn’t want to worry you during finals.” Dick leaned over to kiss your temple. “Bruce asked us not to.”
“Jerk.” You crossed your arms. Keeping your gaze forward, you thought about Jon and felt the weight of the necklace around your neck. You suddenly felt better. “Well, I guess I appreciate that.” 
“I did disagree with him, but he didn’t listen.” Dick pulled into traffic. His hand stayed on yours. “How was school?” He grinned, switching subjects. “I heard you changed your major.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Yeah, I finally decided to do it.” You sighed. “School is fun. The people are nice.” 
Dick hummed, glancing at you as he got onto the freeway. “I’m glad you’re doing what makes you happy.” He squeezed your hand. “Now tell me everything.”
You began to tell Dick things, but avoided mentioning Jon. He was your secret for now. The last thing you wanted was your family to find out about him. 
Jon floated above the city, depressed. He laid out on his back, looking up at the sky with his cape floating below him. His fingers itched to grab his phone to text you, but he stopped himself. “Give her a chance to get home,” he mumbled to himself. “Don’t want to be clingy.”
He heard an burglary alarm in the south side. Flipping around, he zoomed to that end of town and flew right into the jewelry store to grab both robbers and bring them outside. Then he grabbed some chains from the back of a nearby pickup and tied them to the light post. Both robbers blinked in confusion before swearing at him. Jon just smiled at them and flew away. 
He did several more good deeds before sitting on top of the Daily Planet. Closing his eyes, he focused on the sound of your heartbeat. Your heartbeat was unique. He remembered when he first heard it in class with you. Then he was lucky enough to actually meet you. 
“Jonathan Kent, what are you doing?” Lois Lane said, coming out of the Planet’s roof door. “Aren’t you supposed to be studying for your last final?” She pulled her jacket tighter around her. Jon got to his feet, blushing. 
“I wanted to take a break.” He smiled sheepishly. It’s not like Lois knew what he was doing. He made sure to keep you his secret. The last thing he needed was the famous Lois Lane and Clark Kent to scare you off. 
Lois hummed, narrowing her eyes at her son. “Right.” She reached to adjust the cape on his shoulders. “Well, Damian stopped by and told us we’re invited to the Manor for Christmas. With his injuries, the family wanted more people around to keep Bruce occupied.”
“Oh yeah, he told me about that when we met up the other night,” Jon said, remembering Damian mentioning that before he told him off for only giving you bath bombs. Lois narrowed her eyes. “It wasn’t long. There was just a concern with Kid Amazo or I guess Man Amazo now?” He chuckled. 
“Well as long as you pass your finals.” Lois crossed her arms, smiling at her son. “I haven’t seen you in a while. You missed all our family dinners.” 
Jon blushed and glanced over his shoulder. He spent those days with you. “Sorry, Mom. I’ll be there this week.”
“Of course.” She reached up to brush a strand of hair off his forehead. “Now you better go study before the world explodes again or something.” 
“Yes, Mom.” Jon kissed her cheek. He floated up into the air. “Tell Dad I said hi and that I’ll see him at dinner this week.” 
“Tell him yourself.” Lois waved as Jon flew off into the city. He headed back to Metropolis U, wishing you were there to study with him. Maybe he could text you now? You had to be home by now, right?
“Wow, Dad. You’re in bed. I thought you never used it,” you teased, stepping into his bedroom with a big smile of relief. Dick said he was okay, but you couldn’t relax until you saw him with your own eyes. 
Bruce grunted, setting his paper down. He was sat up against the pillows with his cast covered leg propped up. “Har, har.” A hint of a smile pulled on his lips as you came over to him and sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m glad you’re home.”
“Merry Christmas, Dad.” You kissed his cheek and took his hand. It was rougher than it used to be. More nicks and calluses. 
“How was school?” He squeezed your hand, studying you with that vigilant gaze you used to hate when you were younger. Now you enjoyed it. It was the way he showed he cared. However, his eyes lingered on your necklace and suddenly you changed your mind about that. 
“Good. Aced all my classes and changed my major officially. I’ll go for classics with a minor in linguistics instead.” You shrugged your shoulders as you reached up to hide the necklace in your shirt. 
Bruce hummed. “Good, I want you to do what you want.” He squeezed your hand again before wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his side. “I’m proud of you.” 
Your heart warmed. “Thanks Dad.” You eyed his cast. “How long will you be out?” 
“Six weeks.” He frowned. “But the boys and Cass have it covered. No need to worry.” He rubbed your shoulder. “Now do you have that paper you wanted me to read?”
You smirked, pulling it up on your phone. “Yeah, I do. Aced it, and it sealed my internship with the Metropolis Library Archives too.” You handed him your phone. Bruce started reading, snorting at the title. All you did was pray Jon didn’t text you while Bruce was looking at your phone.
Days later, Jon was laying on his bed in his parents’ apartment. His phone was in his hands. You were about to call him. It took a while to schedule a time. You said your family was nosy. Then again, so was Jon’s, but luckily Clark just left for the watchtower. Out of range. 
Your ringtone echoed in his room. He grinned, answering it. “Hey beautiful,” he whispered when he heard his mother turn on the shower. He relaxed, knowing he was in the clear.
“Hey yourself, handsome.” You laughed. Jon’s heart ached at the sound of your voice. “How are you?” 
“Good. Just finished family dinner. Now I’m in my room.” Jon stretched his legs, eyeing the old Overwatch poster on his wall. “At my parents’ place.”
“I figured.” You sighed. He heard you moving around on your end. “Well, home has been interesting for me.” 
“Really, why?” Jon put an arm behind his head. 
“My family is a little crazy.” A dog barked in the background. “Okay, Titus. Come on in.” A door opened and closed. “Sorry, my dog wants to be in my room with me. He gets attached.” 
Jon smirked. “Titus huh? Can I see him?” 
“Maybe when we zoom call tomorrow? I’m not presentable.” You coughed. “I have to go with my brother to a party and I’m getting dressed.” 
“Ooo,” Jon bit his lip, daring to ask the question. “Can you send me a picture of what you’re wearing?”
You hummed. He heard you brushing your hair. “I can, it’s a nicer party. My dad can’t go, so I didn’t want my brother to go alone.” You laughed. “You can’t make fun of what I’m wearing though.” 
“Never.” Jon imagined what you could be wearing. He had to shake his head to stop the dirty thoughts. “Whatever you wear is beautiful.” 
You laughed again. Jon couldn’t get enough of the sound. “You charmer.” You sighed softly. “Promise you won’t laugh or make a joke?”
“I promise with all my heart.” Jon pulled the phone away from his ear when it buzzed with a text from you. His breath caught in his throat. You were drop dead gorgeous. Jon’s mouth went dry. He coughed hard. “Woah, babe. You’re stunning.” 
“Thanks.” Your voice sounded faint “At least you won’t have to worry. My brother will keep people away from me.” 
“Thank goodness.” Jon sighed in relief, zooming in on the photo to look at your face. You were blushing. “I was worried I’d have competition.” 
“Like any of them would stand a chance.” You blew a kiss into the phone when a voice echoed in the background. Jon swore he heard a familiar ‘TT’ in the background. He shook his head, must be imagining things. You didn’t have anything to do with Damian Wayne. “I got to go. Let’s zoom call tonight, okay?” 
“Okay.” Jon grinned as he saw you were wearing his necklace too. “I love you.”
“Love you too.” You hung up the phone quickly just as another voice spoke up. Jon set his phone down and relaxed. He eventually fell asleep, dreaming of you in that beautiful outfit. 
“TT, what is with the necklace?” Damian demanded as he handed you a drink. The two of you were at the Wayne Foundation Christmas Fundraiser. Since Bruce was out, you and Damian were forced to attend in his absence. 
“What?” You blinked, taking the drink before glancing down at Jon’s necklace. It matched your outfit. You hoped he wouldn’t notice anything about it. 
“The star?” Damian nodded toward it as he sipped his drink. “It’s cheap.”
You wrinkled your nose, grabbing your necklace in your fist. “It’s not cheap. I happen to like it.” You let go of the necklace and flicked his nose. Damian narrowed his eyes dangerously at you. “Knock it off.” 
A few businessmen approached. You and Damian dropped your conversation. Damian mumbled under his breath, but you talking over him. Soon the men moved on, leaving you and Damian alone again. 
“You smile more than you used to.” Damian crossed his arms, rolling his shoulders in his nice Armani tux. “It’s disturbing.” He took a drink of the champagne, wrinkling his nose at the taste. 
“Just because you rarely smile doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t.” You rolled your eyes, watching the people start to dance not so far away. It was only a matter of time before someone came over to ask for a dance. “I’m enjoying school, Damian. Nothing else.”
Damian hummed. He tensed when he saw Bambi King striding over with her eyes on Damian as if he was a delicious piece of steak. You smirked at him, panic brightening his eyes. “Dance with me now.” He grabbed your hand and dropped his drink on a waiter’s tray. 
“Okay, okay.” You laughed, stumbling after him. “You don’t want to be devoured tonight, huh?”
Damian spun you in his arms and started to waltz. “Stop it or I’ll call Zeke what’shisname over.” 
You just laughed, dancing with your brother. “How about two more dances and we ditch this place?”
“Excellent.” He spun you around and brought you back to him. “We showed our faces.”
“Alfred will just be happy we stayed this long.” You winked at Damian, catching the sparkle in his eye. He was enjoying himself, even if he wouldn’t admit it.
You walked into the kitchen in your pajamas, yawning and giving everyone a lazy wave. It was Christmas Eve morning and the entire family was home. Most were already eating at the table. You stopped to kiss Alfred’s cheek as he flipped pancakes on the stove. “Thanks for breakfast, Alfred.”
“You’re welcome, Miss (Y/N).” Alfred nodded for you to go eat. You went to Bruce next and maneuvered around his elevated foot to kiss his cheek too. 
Bruce hummed, watching you as you took your seat next to Tim and across from Damian. Tim eyed you carefully. “What?” You asked Tim after he didn’t look away.
“You are the last to breakfast.” Tim looked around the table before looking back at you. Dick, Barbara, and Cass were chatting among themselves at the other end of the table, but Jason and Damian had their full attention on you. Bruce just went back to his paper, but you knew he was listening. 
You shrugged, helping yourself to pancakes and eggs. “I was up late.”
“Talking to someone,” Jason mumbled, smirking when you glared at him. “I heard you giggling when I came in last night.” You and Jon finally got to zoom call each other. It left you giddy, missing him so bad that it hurt.
“I was talking to one of my friends from school.” You kept your head down, knowing you were blushing. “I didn’t know that was a crime.”
Damian snorted. “Is that the person who gave you that cheap necklace?” 
Your hand shielded the necklace as if to protect it from his words. “Why are you so obsessed with my necklace? I bought it myself if you must know.” You took a bite of your pancake, suddenly losing your appetite. It was like you were reliving your high school years where your brothers tried to involve themselves in your social life. 
“Boys, leave (Y/N) alone,” Bruce said, folding up the paper to take a sip of his coffee. “Your sister is an adult and can talk to whoever she wants.”
“Thank you, Dad.” You smiled smugly at your brothers. Jon was still your secret, but you vowed to be more careful. Last thing you need was your brothers tracking down Jon to give him the ‘shovel talk’.
Tim hummed, poking at his food. “How did that Star Trek class go?” he asked after a moment. You laughed and easily fell into a conversation about the class. 
“Hey Bruce,” Dick said as he got up to get another pitcher of orange juice from Alfred. “Are the Kents coming to Christmas dinner?”
You almost choked on your pancake. Kents? “Yes, they are coming,” Bruce said as he poured more coffee into his cup. 
“TT, at least it will be somewhat enjoyable with Jon here.” Damian narrowed his eyes at Tim. “Even if we have to tolerate the clone.” Tim glared back at him, but didn’t reply. 
Meanwhile, you forced yourself to swallow your food. Your brain rushed at hundred miles per hour. Kents? Jon? Jon Kent? Could there be that many Kents? That many Jon Kents? The blood drained out of your face. You quickly took a sip of your drink to hide it, but Bruce noticed, frowning slightly as he watched you.
“The Kents are always well mannered. Perhaps some of it can rub off,” Alfred said pointedly as he added another plate of pancakes to the table. 
“We’re not that bad, Al.” Dick chuckled. Jason was looking at you too, eyebrow raised in concern. 
“Maybe Cass, (Y/N), and I aren’t, but you boys...” Barbara said, rolling her eyes.
You finished your glass and carefully set it down. Your hand was shaking so bad that it clattered against your plate. “(Y/N), are you alright?” Bruce whispered as Damian and Tim started arguing.
You licked your lips. “Are the Kents from Metropolis?”
Bruce raised his eyebrows. A hint of a smirk pulled at his lips. “They’re the Supers, sweetheart. Superman, Superboys, Lois Lane.”
“Superboys? Like more than one?” Your eyes widened. Suddenly flashes of Jon quickly leaving you with excuses of bathroom runs only to come back completely disheveled. How sometimes he seemed to almost float. The look on his face when you joked he must be an alien for being in the Star Trek class. You could be wrong, hoped you were.
Bruce chuckled softly. “Yes, Conner was the first and still is full time, Jon is the second, part time due to college.” Bruce took a sip of his coffee. His eyes studied you as the world’s greatest detective only could. “Jon goes to your school.”
Your stomach dropped to your feet. “Oh no.” You pressed your hand over your mouth and jumped out of your chair. The chair clattered to the ground as you ran out of the room to the nearest bathroom. 
Slamming the door behind you and locking it, you slid down to the floor. Your chest tightened. 
“How the fuck did I happen to meet Superboy and fall in love with him? Oh my god, I’m going to die. Jon’s going to die.” You pulled your knees into your chest. “How could I be so dumb? Why didn’t I pay more attention to other heroes?”
You touched your necklace, clutching the star so tightly that it embedded into your palm. 
A soft knock on the door made you flinch. “(Y/N), are you okay?” Cass asked softly. You reached up to open the door and motioned for Cass to come inside. She slipped in and quickly closed the door behind her. 
“Cass, I’m screwed,” you whispered softly, grabbing her hand and pulling her to the floor with you. You tensed when you heard the boys outside, loudly eavesdropping.
She blinked in confusion. Cass clicked her tongue, settling down beside you. “Why? You’re not pregnant.” 
“Of course you would know that.” You groaned and rested your forehead on your knees. “Damn it. I was so happy, but now I’m screwed because I’m so stupid and I didn’t even realize who he was.”
Cass hummed. She wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “You are dating someone?” You sighed, nodding your head. It was nice she could read you so well. You didn’t have to say anything. “The family won’t approve?”
“No.” You swallowed hard. A lump hard in your throat. “And they are going to find out so much sooner than I wanted.”
You watched her frown in thought before her eyes lit up. “Oh no.”
“Yes.” Tears filled your eyes. “It’s going to be so bad.” A sob slipped out of you. You pressed your hand against your mouth to silence it. 
Cass rubbed your back, kissing your temple. “We will get through this, but first you have to call Jon. He needs to know that you know and if he doesn’t know about you, then you need to tell him.”
“But then what? He’s going to be here tomorrow. I don’t know if I can act like I don’t know him.” You bit your lip hard to stop another sob. 
“No, but we can get allies.” Cass smirked. You looked at her confused, but she just hummed and pulled you into a tight hug. “Trust me.”
The kids at the children’s hospital laughed and waved as both Jon and Clark flew away. Jon had a permanent smile on his face. This was one of his favorite part of the holidays, being able to visit hospitals and children’s homes on Christmas Eve. It made their Christmas. His heart felt warm.
“Having a good time, son?” Clark asked once Jon and him were far above the city.
“Yeah, I love doing this sort of thing.” Jon wished you were here. He knew you would love this as much as he did. Closing his eyes, he listened for your heartbeat. It was still in Gotham and faster than normal.
“What’s wrong?” Clark asked, tilting his head to listen too. 
Jon swallowed hard, opening his eyes. “Nothing.” Maybe you were working out? Or just having some fun? He shouldn’t be worried. 
Clark hummed, studying Jon. “We should head home. Your mother probably has some cookies made already.”
Jon licked his lips. “Can’t wait.” Clark flew toward home, but Jon stopped when his phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket, almost dropping it when he saw it was you. Clark paused, watching Jon curiously. Jon smiled sheepishly before putting the phone to his ear. “Hello?”
“Hi.” You sounded off. Jon’s stomach dropped slightly. “I don’t know how to say this.” 
“Babe, are you breaking up with me?” Jon chuckled humorlessly. Clark flew a little closer, pretending that he wasn’t eavesdropping. Jon couldn’t find it in himself to care. 
“No, but it might be easier,” you muttered almost under your breath. That was like a knife in Jon’s heart. He felt so confused. “Jon, do you know who I am?”
Jon blinked, flinching slightly. Clark tensed at the sight. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N), what’s going on?” Jon said. Clark’s eyes widened at the sound of your name. Jon frowned at Clark, wondering if Clark knew your name for some reason. Could have been from the internship you scored? Would Clark know about that?
You sighed. Jon heard someone talk to you. “Yeah, he doesn’t have a clue either. I’m not the only dumb one,” you said to them, voice fainter as if you covered the speaker of your phone. Jon clenched his hand around his phone. It took all he had not to just fly to you and demand answers. “Jon, do you really not know who my family is? Like at all?” you asked him again. 
“Your family doesn’t matter to me. I love you, damn it,” Jon snapped, blushing when his father face palmed. Why did he feel like he was missing something?
Something almost like a sob came from you. Jon tensed at the sound. “Jonathan Kent, my father is Bruce Wayne.” 
Time stopped. The blood drained out of Jon’s face. His phone slipped out of his hand. “Oh my god.”
The next thing Jon knew, he was sitting on a rooftop with his father talking to you on the phone. Jon tried to wet his mouth, pushing aside all the images of Damian and Bruce murdering him for dating their (Y/N). Damian mentioned you once or twice, but Jon never met you or even seen a photo of you before.
Jon watched his father blankly. He felt numb. How could he have been so dumb? All the signs were there. You even looked a bit like Damian when he thought about it. 
“I’m on board with your plan and I’ll update Jon once he recovers from the shock.” Clark chuckled, watching Jon with a teasing expression. “And it’s nice to finally meet you, (Y/N). Your father always spoke highly of you.”
Jon stumbled to his feet, reaching for the phone. Clark shook his head before hanging up the phone. “Jon, my sweet boy.” Clark pulled Jon into a hug. “I love you so much, but you get into so much trouble.”
“Are you saying that because I’m going to die tomorrow?” Jon mumbled, resting his chin on Clark’s shoulder. “I really love her, Dad.”
“I know.” Clark pulled back to look him in the eye. “We got a plan. You’re not going to start World War Three when Damian and Bruce whip out the kryptonite. (Y/N) is just as smart as her father bragged all these years.”
“Of course, she’s smart. She’s amazing.”  Jon grinned, thinking about you. “I can’t believe I was so dumb. I should have known.”
Clark chuckled, ruffling Jon’s hair. Jon groaned at the touch. “To be fair, I don’t think (Y/N) knew about you either.”
Jon sighed, taking his phone back and shoving it in his pocket. “So, do I get to know more about this plan?”
“We can discuss it when we get home.” Clark floated up into the sky. “I can’t wait to tell your mother.” He flew toward home.
“Hey!” Jon flew after him, but Clark just flew faster. “That’s not nice! At least let me tell her! Dad!” 
Later that day, you and Cass slowly recruited Barbara and Steph. Barbara was on board with little convincing, giving you a big hug. Steph on the other hand...luckily she was spending Christmas Eve with her mom.
“You’re dating Superboy?! Oh my god, oh my god. Damian’s going to freak! Can I be there when he finds out? Oh, please, please, please,” Steph shouted through the phone. You, Cass, and Barbara were in your bedroom, strategizing. 
“I mean you’ll be here tomorrow since your mom is working Christmas Day, so you’ll witness,” you said dully. Your heart pounded like a sledgehammer just thinking about it. Even with allies, you weren’t sure how it would go. You kept seeing Jon’s death, Damian losing his only friend all because of you. 
Cass clicked her tongue. She held her hand out for the phone. You handed it over before covering your face with your hands. Cass talked quietly with Steph. Barbara rubbed your back, giving you a sympathetic smile. 
“It’s okay.” Barbara whispered in your ear. “It’s all going to be okay.”
“How do you know that?” You looked up at her, tears burning your eyes. 
Barbara smiled. “When they see how happy you and Jon are, they’ll have to accept it. Damian loves you both. He wants you to both be happy. Bruce wants you to be happy.”
You groaned, flopping down on the bed. “I don’t know.” You grabbed your pillow and pressed your face into it. Barbara patted your knee. You always had a close relationship with her. She was the one who told you about the internship at the Metropolis Library Archives and the first one you told about getting it.
“You do know. Now stop moping, we got a plan to form.” Barbara pulled the pillow from your face. Cass hung up the phone and set it on your bedside table. “We need to get some of the boys in on this.” Barbara crossed her arms. 
Cass clicked her tongue again before leaving the room suddenly. You and Barbara shared a look. “I don’t know. The boys never keep things quiet,” you said after a moment. 
“True, but the more allies the better in this case.” Barbara smiled. “We’ll have to bring in Alfred for sure.” 
“I’ll tell him later. Alone.” You blushed. Alfred might have been your confidant when you were younger, but the idea of telling him about Jon...it made you wince. Alfred wouldn’t judge you though. 
Cass reentered the room with Jason and Tim behind her. Tim looked confused, sipping a cup of coffee while Jason seemed slightly concerned at the sight of you. You realized you still looked like a mess from all the tears you shed earlier. 
“Okay, what’s going on?” Tim asked sharply. Cass closed and locked the door behind them. Jason sat next to you on the bed, eyeing you carefully.
“We need you to be understanding and willing to support (Y/N),” Barbara said, glaring at Tim then Jason. “No matter what.”
“Don’t tell me you’re pregnant.” Tim ran a hand through his hair. “Because I don’t want to be anywhere near the manor when you tell Bruce.”
“I’m not pregnant. Why does everyone think that?” You blushed, wiping your eyes with your sleeve. 
Jason cleared his throat. “Well, that’s the running theory downstairs.”
Barbara rolled her eyes. “You’re all idiots.”
Cass held up a hand, silencing the room. “(Y/N), tell them.”
You hugged the pillow to your chest. Your blood turned to ice. If you felt this bad telling Tim and Jason, how was it going to be with Damian and Bruce. 
“We won’t judge you, (Y/N). We’re worried about you,” Jason said, putting a hand on your shoulder and squeezing gently.
“Honest. We’re here for you, even if you’re being a little overemotional,” Tim added, sipping his coffee. Cass punched his arm. Tim yelped in response.
You took a deep breath. “I’m dating Jon Kent.”
Silence followed. You glanced between Jason and Tim. Both were froze, eyes wide. Barbara smirked at the sight while Cass just rolled her eyes.
Finally, a chuckle escaped from Jason before spilling into full out laughter. He rolled off the bed, holding his stomach as if it would burst from the laughter alone. Tim slowly blinked and downed the rest of his coffee in one go.
“It’s not funny.” You nudged Jason’s side with your toe. 
“But it is.” Jason choked, still laughing. Barbara sighed, reaching down to pinch Jason’s ear. He yowled in pain as she drag him up and onto the bed. “Ouch, okay. Not funny.”
“How? Why?” Tim asked, setting his cup down before sitting on the other side of you. 
“I didn’t know it was him. We met at school, and fell in love.” You touched your necklace. Both of your brothers watching the movement. “It wasn’t until this morning when you all mentioned Superboy was Jon Kent that it hit me.”
Jason chuckled, holding up his hands when Barbara threatened his ear again. “So Bruce and Damian don’t know yet?”
“No, but we need you with us and to go with our plan.” Cass straightened, glaring at Tim and Jason. “For (Y/N).”
Tim sighed. “I’m always on your side...but I get to bring Kon in on this.” He smirked, nudging your side. 
“Kon already knows. We already informed Clark and Lois. They promised to tell him,” you said, smiling at Tim’s surprise. You turned to Jason. “Jay?”
Jason rolled his shoulders. “Well, I guess I can help, but I reserve the right to give Jon the shovel talk.”
You groaned while the others laughed. “Please no.” 
“Nope, I got to hold over my big brother rights.” Jason held up his hands. “Right, Tim?”
Tim shrugged. “I don’t care as much, but sure.”
You laid back on your bed, slapping a hand over your eyes as everyone laughed. It felt better, knowing that if you got through telling Jason and Tim, the rest will be not as challenging. At least you hoped.
When Jon landed outside of Wayne Manor on Christmas Day, he closed his eyes and found your heartbeat. Your heart was music to his ears. He grinned, running a hand through his messy hair to get it back to normal.
“He’s love sick already,” Kon chuckled, bumping Jon in the back as he jogged ahead to knock on the front door. Jon glared at him. 
“You’re not going to fool anyone for long,” Lois said, reaching up to fix Jon’s hair again. Jon groaned, gently pushing Lois’ hands away. 
“I’m not that bad, Mom.” Jon crossed his arms as the front door opened to reveal Damian Wayne himself. 
“TT, Kents.” He stepped aside let them in. “Father is in the den.”
“Thank you, Damian.” Clark and Lois headed toward the den, knowing the way. Kon was jogging up the stairs. Jon stayed next to Damian. 
Damian eyed Jon carefully. Jon swallowed hard, biting his lip. “So how are things?” Jon asked. Damian raised an eyebrow in response. Jon blushed. Lois was right, Jon wasn’t going to keep it a secret for long. He listened for you again. You were in the kitchen. It sounded like you were peeling potatoes.
“Good.” Damian stalked toward the den. Titus ran out of the kitchen, tongue wagging, tail thumbing as he jumped on Jon. Jon laughed, petting him. Damian pursed his lips. “Titus, down.”
Titus obeyed. “It’s okay. He’s a good boy.” Jon laughed when he heard your laugh from the kitchen. Everything in him wanted to go see you, but it would ruin the plan. 
Damian hummed and stalked off toward the den. Jon followed with Titus beside him. Bruce was in his armchair, his cast resting on a stool. The Kents were on the couch. The conversation was light. Bruce was even smiling slightly. Jon let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad?
“TT, Father, are you comfortable?” Damian went to Bruce and stood beside him. He folded his arms, glaring slightly. Jon blinked. Maybe Damian knew something was up? He swallowed hard and took a seat next to Clark. Jon’s stomach flip flopped. He felt like a bomb was ticking down in the room and he had to sit and wait for it.
After a few minutes of just the parents talking, Steph, Cass, Tim, Kon, and Jason walked into the room all together. They were all smiling oddly. Steph gave Jon a big wink. Jon flinched and blushed when he saw Damian’s frown at the sight. 
“Hey Mr. Lane,” Steph teased, taking a seat on the floor by the Christmas tree. “Mrs. Lane.”
Clark just hummed. Lois kissed his cheek. Cass joined Steph by the tree. Tim, Kon, and Jason sat on the other couch. Jason put his feet up and smirked over at Jon. Jon narrowed his eyes. He hoped they wouldn’t give it away. Damian was watching his siblings with suspicion already.
“Merry Christmas, everyone,” Alfred said. He stepped into the room with a tray of appetizers, coffee, and hot chocolate. Clark got up to help. 
“Aww, you must be (Y/N),” Lois said suddenly. Jon jumped to his feet, spun to find you behind Alfred with another tray. His heart fluttered as you smiled. You were wearing a red sweater that looked amazing on you. 
He shot forward to take the tray from you. “Let me help.” 
“Thank you.” Your eyes sparkled. Jon lost himself in them until someone cleared their throat. Your eyes widened along with Jon’s as you both turned to look at the rest of the family. Damian and Bruce were frowning while everyone else just smiled knowingly. 
“We’re dead,” you said under your breath, biting your lip as Damian tensed. Jon saw Damian connecting the dots. 
“Trust in the plan,” Jon whispered back. He walked over to set the tray on the coffee table. 
You stayed by the door. Jon took his seat again. Lois patted his knee and leaned closer. “You blew it, sweetheart,” she whispered. Jon swallowed hard.
Dick came in with a third tray with Barbara right behind him. He stopped when he saw you huddled by the door, Damian and Bruce’s stony expressions and everyone else’s knowing looks. “What’s going on?” Dick asked. Barbara hushed him.
Damian looked from Jon to you several times. Jon kept his eyes on you. He hated the scared look in your eye. Slowly, Jon stood back up. The room went silent as Jon walked back to you. 
“Let’s just do it. He’s going to figure it out in a sec anyway.” Jon took your hand. Your lips trembled, squeezing his hand like he was your lifeline. He kissed the back of your hand. He heard a few ‘aww’s and ‘ooo’s behind him.
“No...my sister?!” Damian snapped. Jon stepped slightly in front of you to take the hit of a hot coffee cup against his chest. It shattered. Jon felt the heat from the coffee soaking into his clothes. “You mean all this time?! That harlot you were talking about constantly was my sister?!”
Jon bit his lip. “Well, yeah, but to be fair, I didn’t know she was your sister.” He held up his hands as Damian grabbed another cup. Alfred clicked his tongue and took the cup from Damian’s grasp. The others were watching like it was the finale of their favorite series. Your entire body shook, pressing yourself against Jon’s back. 
“How didn’t you know?! Her name is (Y/N)?! You have seen her pictures?!” Damian stomped toward Jon. Luckily, Clark stepped into his path.
“Calm down, Damian. I can vouch that neither of them knew who each other were until yesterday,” Clark said, putting his hands on Damian’s shoulders.
“You’ve seen pictures of me?” you said to Jon, peeking over his shoulder. 
“I must have.” He bit his lip, racking his brain. Maybe? Then again, you were probably too beautiful in person that a photo wouldn’t have done you justice. He looked at Bruce. Bruce’s expression hadn’t changed. 
“Damian, I love her,” Jon said when Damian jerked away from Clark. Jon’s eyes flickered to Bruce. “Like a lot.”
You stepped out from behind Jon. “And I love him.” Slowly you walked past Damian and went to Bruce’s side. “You’re not mad, are you, Dad?”
Bruce looked at you. Jon swore he saw Bruce’s lips twitch. A lump formed in Jon’s throat. “Damian, relax. I understand this is a shock, but keep your head,” Bruce said, focusing on Damian before turning back to you. “As long as you’re happy and he treats you well, I will be fine.”
Damian crossed his arms, huffing before storming out of the room with Titus behind him. Jon watched him go and sighed. He knew Damian would need to cool off before he could patch things up. 
“Wait a minute? Did everyone know, but me?” Dick asked the room after he saw no one else was startled by the news.
“Sorry, Dickhead, but you can’t keep a secret,” Jason said, laughing when Dick pressed his hand against his heart like he had been shot. The tension eased in the room, everyone laughing and teasing. Everyone began to drink and eat. Alfred slipped out of the room and came back with a broom and dustpan to clean the glass on the floor.
Jon knelt down to hold the dustpan for him. “Thank you, Mr. Kent,” Alfred said. 
You appeared at Jon’s side. “We should change your shirt. It’s going to stain,” you said. Jon looked down. He grinned, having forgotten about it. 
“Probably.” He let you take his hand. Alfred raised an eyebrow as you both slipped out of the room. “You know this probably isn’t a good idea for us to go off by ourselves.”
“We’ll be fine.” You smirked at him, leading him upstairs and toward a bedroom he had never really noticed before. It was across from Damian’s. Jon felt so dumb. There was a sign with your name on the door. How could he not have noticed?
Your room was clean and was very much you. Jon hummed, stopping to look at the photos on your wall. Most were of the family, but there were a few with people he didn’t know. He wondered if you had a photo of him to put up now that the secret was out.
“Here.” You came from your closet with a shirt. “This is one of Dick’s old shirts that he gave me. I usually sleep in it, but...well, it’s clean.” You handed him the shirt. A slight blush came to your cheeks. “I’ll put your shirt to soak in my sink. We should be able to get the stain out if we act now.”
Jon took off his shirt, smirking when he caught you staring. “Thank, babe.”
You snorted, shaking your head. “I missed you.” You stepped forward and placed a kiss on his lips. Jon melted, drinking in your scent, the softness of your lips against his. Your hands rested on his chest. The warmth of your hands made him shiver.
“I missed you too.” Jon smiled, pulling away when he heard several heavy footsteps on the stairs. He heard them stop by Damian’s room to collect him. “I think your brothers are coming to give me the shovel talk.”
You groaned, rolling your eyes as you took his soiled shirt. He slipped on the clean shirt, loving that it smelled like the laundry detergent you always used. “I can’t stop them. I promised Jason and Tim that they could if we had their support.”
Jon bit his lip, listening to some chuckles from your brothers. “I’ll see you at dinner. Don’t worry.”
“I’m not.” You kissed his lips again just as your brothers knocked on your door. “They know I love you, so they wouldn’t kill you.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that.” Jon hugged you tight before letting you go. You sighed and opened your door. Jason looked gleeful, Tim seemed bored, Dick was worried, while Damian had a particular devious look about him. “So, I know you want to talk to me,” Jon said, sending you a wink. You frowned slightly. “But you’ll have to catch me first.” Jon ran toward your window, opening it smoothly and flying out. 
Over the shouts of your brothers, Jon heard you laughing. It was best sound he had ever heard and one he wanted to hear for all the Christmases to come.
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c1nnam00n · 1 month
how it feels trying to find a fanfic/imagine about a fandom that’s dead and dry
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frownyalfred · 17 days
Bruce Wayne has to be remarkably handsome if random muggers/villains keep calling him “pretty boy” well into his forties, just saying.
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powpowstuff · 13 days
Hiya !
It's been a while since I posted anything here, and I want to get back into it. However, I want to write something that you would enjoy reading. If you have any specific story requests or characters in mind, please feel free to ask or submit your suggestions. You can reach me through my ask ! Thanks, and have a great day!
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citrinesparkles · 1 year
worth it
barbara gordon x gender neutral reader. 367 words. notes: my first take on babs for @batwngs birthday (a few days late 😮‍💨). hope it was incredible and this year is a great one!! warnings: n/a, as far as i can tell!
this part was easy.
you watched barbara turn the page of her book, a calm focus evident in the way her eyes raced across it.
she was a world away, but she was relaxed. her shoulders were loose, her brow furrowed in curiosity instead of the stress that so often- too often- found a home there, and her right pointer finger trailed down the edge of the page ever so slowly, prepped and ready to flip it as soon as she finished scanning it.
you were pretty sure it was a murder mystery.
the fun kind, with fictional homicide.
you were very sure that watching her was more interesting than the story itself.
the fun kind, without the strain of oracle lingering in her features.
she handled her work well, carried it with grace, but the stakes of it all got to even the great, battle-hardened barbara gordon. who could blame you for enjoying the sight of her enjoying a morning off?
you watched as her eyes sped across the page and back again, over and over, as though the words may escape before she could get to them. as though anything could escape her pull.
you sighed quietly, happily, and she glanced up at you in that very barbara way that convinced you she was an oracle, that she could predict your next moves.
"can i help you?" she asked, fond amusement thick in her voice.
"i just love you, is all."
she chuckled. "oh, that's all. a small thing."
"you know what i mean."
"i do," she said, her smile crinkling her eyes (and sending warmth to your heart like an arrow finding a target). "i love you too."
every moment of stress and exhaustion and worry was worth it, you decided. every single one. you would relive every single stressful night her "job" had brought her, if it brought you back to this.
she hadn't dropped your gaze yet.
you wondered if she knew what you were thinking.
it must have shown on your face, because her smile softened and she set her book down. "come here."
you did, and found yourself being kissed with a warm hand on your cheek.
yeah. worth it.
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