#mspec straight positivity
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chaos-in-one · 1 year
i use bi straight bc i’m bi with a strong preference for the opposite gender
🤝 shakes ur hand in bi gay solidarity
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fixed some mspec mono exclusionist posts
inspired by @fixing-bad-posts
(1) Truth be told, you are radical, cool, and inclusive for being mspec lesbian. You are literally good man.
(2) Important reminder that contradictory labels just means you're so hot!
(3) being mspec gay makes me gay
(4) Just a reminder that mspec lesbians exist and are lesbian. Happy Pride Month!
(5) mspec lesbians interact with me <3
(6) It's exclusionist to hate mspec lesbians
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zootzbootz · 7 months
"you can't be bi and lesbian!"
"you can't be straight and gay!"
"you can't be allo and aspec!"
"you can't be a lesbian man!"
"you can't be a vincian woman!"
"you can't be cis and trans!"
multigender, abrosexual, and varioriented people have left the chat
In all reality, "contradictory" labels and the people who use them are wonderful/gen
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bisexualsafespace · 7 months
solidarity symbol between misunderstood and complex labels.
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bi straight, bi gay, bi lesbian, gray asexual.
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gloaming-sometimes · 10 months
dear transhets, mspecs who are mlw or wlm, aspecs who are mlw or wlm, straight lesbians/gays/mspecs, polyamorous straights or any other queer person who is attracted to the opposite gender i wish you a wonderful day & you are awesome & you belong in the queer community just as much as the rest of us & i hope the next time youre in a fast food drive thru line the orders get mixed up and you get more than what you payed for and its your favorite foods on the menu.
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fixing-bad-posts · 2 years
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[ID: A tumblr post edited blackout poetry style, with a purple floral overlay. The resulting text is below:
You are one of our own
Bisexual lesbians are lesbians Period.
It's about dating women. lesbians have dated men in the past n they were lesbians. Lesbianism is wlw.
Lesbians are attracted to women and non-binary people (they can be male-aligned).
I support bi lesbian/pan lesbian/straight lesbians
please. Go outside, read queer history, you can be a lesbian and still be bi. End of story.
/end ID]
It's about loving women.
Submitted by Anonymous
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haunted-thing · 6 months
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Image id: rectangular flag with seven stripes that are, in order, : medium purply magenta, pinkish purple, lavender, pale reddish orange, orangy red, medium pinkish red, dark redish magenta/end id
pt: metian/end pt
being both an mspec lesbian and mspec straight for whatever reasons .
taglist: @puriette , @jiiamp , @squidedibles , @idolkisses, @ithriel
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xxcalicofemmexx · 3 months
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bi straight wallpapers!
Bi Straight: Someone who identifies as bi and straight. An intentionally vague term, for a broad umbrella that community can gather under. Mostly used by multigender, genderfluid, and otherwise nonbinary individuals, though it is not a closed label. Also known as bi het.
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sirenium · 10 months
You're a lesbian if you feel like one. You're a lesbian if you also like men. You're a lesbian if you ARE a man. You're a lesbian if you're also aro. You're a lesbian if you're also ace. You're a lesbian if you're aroace—
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starberry-skies · 2 years
maybe it's just me, but i feel like conflicting and obscure labels are actually pretty understandable if you just think for a second.
if someone's a straight lesbian, they are either multigender/bigender and are attracted to women regardless, or are heteroromamtic homosexual (or vice versa). of course, there can be more options as well, and it's so easy to just... ask! they'd probaby be happy to tell you. if not, just don't worry about it, because it's probably none of your business anyway.
same thing with mspec gay men/lesbians, xenogender folks, neopronouns users, almost anyone. it's not that hard to reach out and offer kindness instead of immediate disgust and rejection. we're a queer community, and the last thing we need is to fall to infighting.
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hoolay-boobs · 2 years
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A PSA by me 😌
(photo credits to @giu on Pinterest, whom I contacted and received permission for photo usage.)
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isopod-chan · 4 months
Hourly reminder that mspecs are real, valid, and not confused.
Mspec lesbians. Mspec gays. Mspec straights. Every other mspec.
We're real. We're valid. We've existed forever. And we don't GAF what you think.
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joestarkisser · 5 months
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tw// gender dysphoria mention.
Are you a transfem/transmasc selfshipper who doesn't have dysphoria?
No genital dysphoria?
No chest dysphoria?
No hip dysphoria?
No body dysphoria at all?
No voice dysphoria?
No behavior dysphoria?
No social dysphoria?
No dysphoria at all?
Are you a transfem/transmasc selfshipper who has a 'bad' identity?
Bi/pan/ply/omni/etc lesbian?
Bi/pan/ply/omni etc gay?
Straight lesbian?
Straight gay?
Trans man lesbian?
Trans woman gay?
Use pronouns aligning with your AGAB?
Anything considered 'atypical'?
Are you a transfem/transmasc selfshipper who's more comfortable being trans then they would be cis?
Who's still comfortable with being called a man or woman?
Are you a transmasc selfshipper who wants surgeries like breast augmentation, yet still are trans men?
Are you a transfem/transmasc selfshipper who has no desire to pass?
Are you a transfem/transmasc selfshipper who has no desire to transition, be it medically or otherwise?
Everything about you is valid.
Your F/Os love you.
Your gender, your identity, is a personal and unique experience.
No matter if you're 'bad' for all this, or if people blame oppression on you...
Your F/Os know you. They understand you. You are loved.
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bisexualsafespace · 7 months
veganism and sexuality have nothing to do with each other and using veganism to explain why homoflexibility isn’t valid is dumb af
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genderstarbucks · 1 year
Coming Out Post Ig?
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I don't really know where to start with this so I'm just gonna get into it
Cw for a bit of a long rant, no triggering topics but just read with some slight caution
I think I'm bigay? I've been questioning my sexuality for about 4 years and I could never find a label that stuck. I started with bisexual, then pansexual, then throughout the years my sexuality has changed but it's been mostly been between bi and gay. I've used homoflexible a few times, and it felt right, but something felt off. I felt it didn't completely cover what my attraction felt like. It's been hard for me to differentiate between romantic and sexual attraction, so I've just been using non-sam labels, and just saying I'm bisexual with a lean. Recently I've used abrosexual and that felt right too, but not completely. I've tried abrogay and abroachillean because I am mostly gay but it just didn't feel completely right, I didn't feel complete. I used to be an exclusionist (ew) and against mspec lesbians/gays/straights but luckily I've had friends and this wonderful community to educate me. I think the only reason I was an exclus was because I had internalized bigayphobia, as soon as someone taught me what it was, it really wasn't that hard to understand. Some people are on the sam and some people are fluid between 2 labels. I also think it was because I was with a toxic friend group (who I've since dropped ((thank god)) who was VERY against mspec lesbians/gays/straights. I mean, I also used to be anti-mogai because my ex gf was pounding it into my head how "bad" it was (she was literally cis too lmao) I'm glad I've met and am in such a wonderful community that is accepting of all good-faith identities. Anyway, earlier today I started researching bigay more and kept re-reading the description as to why someone might use the term bigay and then I realized. That's me. I am bigay. The term that actually resonates with me is the thing I've been avoiding the most. I was literally TERRIFIED about adding bigay to my prns page (ik I don't have to but I just want to) even though I know the only people who are gonna see it are my friends (who are accepting of it) and anybody who clicks on the link in my pinned post (which is most likely gonna be an inclus) I've been thinking about if I'm bigay (or just mspec gay) for a while now, but I refused to even accept myself of the possibility of being an mspec gay. I genuinely don't understand exclusionists, I used to be one and all I did was do a little research as to why someone might identify that way, and I changed my views. If you can accept things like nonbinary boy or agender girl, then you can accept mspec lesbians/gays/straights too. I'm glad I've cut off those exclus friends, now I can finally be myself. I think my sexual journey is over, I think this is the label I've been looking for, for so long. Ykw I'm proud to say I'm bigay, I'm proud to use contradictory labels. I'm a nonbinary boy AND a biromantic gay, and I'm god damn proud of it. If you're questioning whether you're mspec and a lesbian/gay/straight then it's okay. Those labels aren't "bad" or "invalid", if it describes you, then use it. You can use "contradictory" labels if you'd like, don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. All that matters is that you accept yourself, all that matters is using the labels you want that make you feel comfortable.
My identity has come a long way over the years, but I think I'm finally happy to say I'm comfortable where I am. I'm an agender boy, enboy and a demienboy, also bigay, and exclusionists can fuck off!
I didn't mean to make this that long but oh well 💀
TLDR; Sexuality confusing, omg I'm a bigay. Fuck exclusionists.
Edit: I think I'm just like every label besides wlw/lesbian, I'm gay, bi, pan, EVERYTHING
Edit 2: Okay nvm guys 💀 Charlie, one of my alters is a transbian and I'm transgay so collectively we're a lesboy, turigirl, gaybian and literally every other orientation
Edit 3: Okay I figured it out, I'm omnibi gay (as in general bi gay) and an omnibi gay man
Edit 4: I'm just every sexuality besides wlw/lesbian labels and I'm also multivelfluid
Edit 5: nvm I lied I'm just bigay
Edit 6: I'm such a fucking liar I'm actual bigay, abrogay and pomogay
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