poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Knowledge Revenge.
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ash-rigby · 6 months
"We need more unapologetically weird folks!" you guys can't even handle furries
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teaboot · 1 year
Thinking back to the good early days before my skin grew back when people could shake their heads at me and say "masks are a government conspiracy" and instead of navigating the bullshit like a normal person I could pull mine down and say "I have chemical burns on my face"
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staff · 2 months
Tumblr Tuesday: Day of the Mushroom
Happy Tuesday, and a happy Day of the Mushroom to all who celebrate those delicious, brainy lifeforms. Whether you love them or loathe them, please feast your eyes on these delightful depictions of all manner of fungi—many but not all of which were created during @feefal's #funguary art challenge.
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ditzybat · 2 months
tim with a knife in his hands: damian, step away from the computer
damian reading superbat fanfiction on tim’s personal laptop: i wanted to play roblox, but this is adequate writing, are you in need of a beta reader by chance?
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gambeque · 1 year
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i made a spidaman (theythem)
edit: their name is Sumo (jesús contreras)
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danidoesathing · 1 year
J.K. Simmons playing J. Jonah Jameson in every timeline has to be one of the funniest running gags ive seen in a movie. anyone can be Spiderman but there can only be one J. Jonah Jameson
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mag200 · 11 months
(me on a first date) and what do you think of the inherent intimacy of surgery? have you considered the love someone must have to put their hands under your skin and hold the most grotesque parts of you and put them back together nicely? is anyone really closer to you than that? we all get uh a little enamored on the surgery table don't we haha. wait come back
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ghost-bxrd · 5 months
Instead of Dick or Tim, Red Hood straight up goes for kidnapping Bruce Wayne and keeping him hostage just to see how desperate the birds get in trying to find him.
It’s a foolproof plan. Batman won’t blow his cover unless absolutely necessary, and “Brucie” would never know how to slip away from a crime lord of Red Hood’s caliber. It’s foolproof. It’s perfect. Jason can keep dropping hints and make threats towards the birds and watch Bruce squirm without consequences if he plays this right.
But then “Brucie” keeps begging him not to hurt his kids…
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naomistares · 5 months
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harrowhark has suffered more than jesus
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I personally headcanon that the reason that the townsfolk all unquestioningly accept the farmer despite them being the weirdest person (?) alive is that they've all lived in the same tiny, rural, seemingly isolated town for most of their lives and have no real experience with someone from outside it. They probably just accept that that's just how cityfolk are, and it would be rude to question it. Like yeah, they sometimes barge into their bedrooms wearing a trashcan lid as a hat, present them with their favorite meal, and then fuck off to fish until they pass out at two in the morning, and routinely take one-way trips to Calico Desert with no way to get back, only to be spotted heading into the mines early the next morning, but they're from Zuzu city. Besides, that meal they pulled out of their backpack was pretty damn good
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ash-rigby · 5 months
*kisses you while you're in the middle of infodumping* Sorry, you're just being really sexy right now. Continue.
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rumov · 29 days
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my favorite scene from HoO
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voltaical-art · 3 months
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do you guys ever think about how Wyll is introduced as an archetypal fantasy hero, but then it turns out he’s a warlock, who made a pact with a devil. Do you ever think about how Ansur is described as this fantastical dragon of myth, but then when you find him, he’s turned into an undead monstrosity. Do you think about how when Wyll does the right thing, he is punished to become more monstrous. Do you think about how as Wyll’s warlock powers grow, his spells get more horrific. Do you think about how Ansur was killed by his closest friend. Do think about how Wyll was cast out by the most important person in his life. do you guys ever think about Ansur and Wyll.
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ghouljams · 16 days
Simon Riley who settles his full weight on you when you open your arms to him. Who, without fail, will shove a thick thigh between your legs as you try to adjust to his weight. Who pushes said thigh just that bit harder against you when your hips shift, when you try to find a comfortable angle with your newly, forcibly, spread legs. Who curls over you like an animal, who makes sure you feel each little shift of your cunt against his thigh as you try to push him off. The layers of clothes you're each wearing mean nothing when you can feel the hard press of his cock against your hip, the aching needy heat between your legs. You may think you're being sneaky when you finally start to rub your clothed cunt against his firm thigh, but he can feel every little twitch from you.
"That's it," he'll tell you, "rub yourself dumb, wanna know that pussy's nice and wet before I break it open."
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sbeep · 9 months
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I was drawing characters during enemy turns in the final battles of my 2nd run of the game, and one thing led to another. I've fallen in love with the whole cast. 🫶 Ft. my paladin Dark Urge and bard Tav.
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