#look at me trying to sum up her personality as if she hadn't changed personalities like three times in her life --- I --
rollercoasterwords · 10 months
rae give us your thoughts on taylor swift more specifically her rich white feminist thing she’s got going on and her influence on the current ‘girlboss’ trend and the current perception of women in media today???? asking bc i love reading your opinions on this stuff 💕
it sounds like u have some opinions of ur own lol but sure i can talk abt taylor swift! will be putting it under a cut bc i love my swiftie mutuals tho...swiftie mutuals look away im going to be mean sorry....
i mean yeah overall u kinda summed it up lol. i don't think i'd really care much about taylor swift were it not for the way she's been branded as some sort of groundbreaking feminist and subsequently played into that perception to profit ("the man" makes my eyes roll out of my skull sorry...)
i think my dislike of her was first seeded when "you need to calm down" came out--before then i just hadn't really cared abt taylor swift, knew a few songs but wasn't crazy about them, etc. but then she dropped "you need to calm down" and suddenly she was getting TONS of praise for doing SO much for the queer community and i was like. well first of all the song is bad second of all she's literally comparing her online haters to violent homophobes as though those two things are in any way equal or similar experiences third of all she's getting praised for profiting off positioning herself as a #ally. like this song and music video are not some sort of feminist praxis they are a way to funnel money into her already bulging pockets.
but because literally everyone around me (many swiftie friends) was gushing over how amazing she was for hiring all those dykes + faggots to dance behind her i felt like i was being gaslit + the fact that taylor swift was just happily accepting the money + accolades at the same time made me dislike her
when folklore came out i actually did enjoy the album which was. the first time that's happened for me lol i usually like maybe one or two of her songs and think the rest are mediocre at best but i was like huh maybe she's like changing as an artist and sort of settling into a new groove that's kinda cool. and then i didn't like evermore as much but i was still like okay cool new sound new vibe. and then she dropped midnights and i tried really hard to like it for my swiftie friends but...honestly i was shocked by how bad it was lol. just felt like a new level of low in terms of bad lyrics and the music was incredibly bland and boring to me, nothing new or interesting going on there. and then i felt gaslit again by all the swifties raving abt the lyricism of lines like "draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man" like!!! babe that is a tumblr post from 2014...
but aside from finding it genuinely incomprehensible that she gets so much credit for being an amazing writer or lyricist when the bulk of her discography is simply incredibly mediocre or straight-up bad imo (bc honestly that alone wouldn't be enough to make me dislike her; ik these are all subjective measures so even if i find it annoying to hear people rant + rave about music i think is bad it's not gonna make me dislike the artist or the people raving necessarily) what bothers me more and solidifed my dislike of her is the continuation of the way she acted when "you need to calm down" dropped. which is to say, it's infuriating enough that her fandom has sainted her, but what's more infuriating to me is the she seems inclined to play into that sainthood.
she often leans in to portraying herself as either a victim of misogyny or a #girlboss feminist. and like--this isn't to say taylor swift hasn't experienced misogyny, or that she shouldn't talk about those experiences, or that rich white women are exempt from sexism. but her feminist consciousness seems to begin and end with her own personal experiences of sexism, with no effort at a deeper political engagement made. she flies her private jet around and poisons the environment and when people try to call her out for it she sits back and lets her fans accuse anyone that criticizes her of being sexist. in fact, it seems that any criticism of her is met with accusations of sexism, which is an infuriating obfuscation.
at the end of the day, her politics such that i have seen are incredibly liberal and toothless, and her feminism seems largely focused on making herself more money ("the man" being about "getting ahead" faster, the whole thing with that one guy owning her masters centering around a dispute over property + who gets to make money, etc). she is a capitalist first and foremost, and because of that her feminisn kind of sucks, so i hate seeing people treat her as a Feminist Figure. i also think the gaylor thing is sooooo stupid and annoying and reinforces the concept of identity first and foremost as a discrete ontological category rather than something socially constructed + materially rooted. like the idea that taylor has some mystical gay Essence inside her that exists regardless of how straight her music + lifestyle is, the makes her Queer--sorry but give me a fucking break lol. i don't give a shit if she kisses other girls, taylor swift is not a Queer Icon, and i don't understand why people desperately scrabble to find proof that she is when there are already plenty of openly gay pop singers!
in conclusion taylor swift is the epitome of #girlboss liberal feminism to me and her supposedly genius music being aggressively mediocre is just the icing on the cake lol
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mimisempai · 7 months
His smile
Struggling with a desperate situation, O.B. never expected to meet someone who would change the course of his life. 
All it took was one smile.
I don't know which POV is more enjoyable to write, they're both so adorable.
On Ao3
Rating G - 995 words
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"Hey, O.B., this is Casey. I thought he could help."
O.B. recognized Hunter B-15's voice, but couldn't remember ever seeing a man named Casey before. In any case, there were more pressing matters to attend to.
He shouted at Hunter, "We're all gonna die!"
She called to him, "O.B.?"
He ran up the metal stairs, repeating, "We're all gonna die!" and then stopped in front of the man he didn't know, probably Casey, held out his hand and said, "Oh. Hey, nice to meet you. We're all gonna die." 
Then he quickly walked over to the desk where he put his things down as Hunter B-15 asked, "What do you mean?"
He turned to them and said in a voice of panic he was trying to control, "The blast doors won't open."
Casey interjected, " Did you try the C-12 bypass?" and leaned over the console in front of them to put what he had just said into action, barely giving O.B. time to reply.
"It won't work."
In fact, O.B. was surprised that someone from the administrative side of the T.V.A. would know so much.
Casey continued anyway, a smile on his lips that annoyed O.B. as he asked slightly mockingly, "Are you sure?"
O.B., not one to let things get out of hand when it came to his abilities, replied calmly, or so he hoped, "Of course. I wrote it."
He saw the man freeze, staring at him in amazement, his mouth hanging open, before he straightened and muttered, "Wait..."
Then he reached into the back of his pants and, pulling out something, asked O.B., "You're Ouroboros?"
O.B. recognized the orange booklet in his hand and answered a little surprised, "Yes?"
So what?
But O.B. wasn't done being surprised, because the man turned the book over to him and said with a big smile on his face, "You wrote the TVA guidebook."
Someone he'd never seen before in his life, someone who, judging by his outfit, spent all his time in the offices above him, knew his name, knew his book.
Someone had read his book? It couldn't be, could it?
He couldn't help but smile with pleasure and ask cheerfully, "You've read it?"
He almost fell over in shock at Casey's reply, "Read it? I practically memorized it." 
O.B. couldn't believe his ears as Casey looked proud as he turned to Hunter B-15 and couldn't hold back a laugh.
Then the other man turned to him and asked, almost shyly, like a child, "Will you sign mine for me?"
Oh dear, if that wasn't lovely. 
He hadn't just thought that, had he?
Casey had approached him with his book, and of course O.B. wasn't going to deny him that, so he said joyfully, "Of course I will. Happy to do it."
Casey had opened the booklet where his picture was next to the introduction and handed him the pen, saying, "Yeah, right next to your picture.
"Hold on."
Hunter B-15.
"You just said we were all gonna die."
O.B. couldn't believe he'd lost his priorities over a smile.
No, he hadn't just thought of something like that again.
Not now.
He regained his composure and replied, "Oh, right. The containment doors are locked, and only the person who designed it can open it with a live scan of his temporal aura."
Hunter understood immediately and commented, "He Who Remains."
O.B. could only reply, "And he's dead. So without Miss Minutes to help us override the lock, we're stuck."
"So we have to convince a rogue artificial intelligence to come back to work?"
Casey had summed up the situation perfectly.
O.B. replied, unable to hide the concern in his voice, "Whatever we're doing, we gotta do it fast. The more those branches grow, the closer this thing comes to melting down. I'll build the device, but you need to find a way in or it won't matter."
The three of them stood in silence for a few seconds, contemplating the inextricable knot they found themselves in, then B-15 shook her head before heading for the main door, and Casey hurried after her.
Despite the urgency of the situation, O.B. still wanted to talk to Casey. For once, he'd have a chance to talk to someone who understood what he was saying. 
For the first time in a long time, his body reacted faster than his mind and he found himself following Casey, stopping him with a hand on his arm.
The other man turned to him in astonishment and O.B. asked a little shyly, "If you don't mind... uh, Casey. I'd like you to come and talk to me about what you learned in my manual. That is, if we can get this mess straightened out. You're the first person to talk to me like this in... I don't know how long, and since I've never had any real feedback, I'd love to hear yours."
As soon as he said that, O.B. felt like taking back his words. He was about to do so when Casey suddenly held out his hand and smiled broadly, "It's a deal!"
O.B. almost didn't believe it, but he took Casey's hand and this time he was fully aware of it. Aware of the gentle pressure and warmth of the hand in his. Aware of the open expression on the man's face and absolutely aware of his smile.
As he watched Casey's silhouette fade away, he couldn't help but look forward to seeing the other man again. Even if it was to discuss their common interest, for whatever reason. 
He would do whatever it took to save the current situation. He had a job to do and he would do it to the best of his ability. He always did.
Even if a tiny part of his eagerness was due to a certain smile.
His smile.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story 🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
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iezeradd · 1 year
One of the recurring themes in my story, one of the things that is extremely important to me to get across through the narrative, is how we are all connected, how everything matters.
I have other important recurring themes as well like othering, generational trauma, inner conflict, fear of being irrelevant, addiction, healing, found family, personal growth, self-sacrifice, and finding yourself through others, to name only a few.
But to me, the most important one is this connectedness and it's something i think about a lot. It's not one of those "everything happens for a reason" "god works in mysterious ways" type things. It's simpler than that, but still infinitely more complex. It's a tightly woven web of cause and effect.
Everything my characters do or say, everything that happens to them, every choice they make or have taken away from them... it all has an impact somewhere else down the line. Nothing is in a vacuum. It all matters. Everything matters. And there's no clear cut good or bad in there either. Real life isn't all black and white and neither are my characters' lives.
One small (haha right) example, one single thread in the web:
When he was a child, Nèceù had an older brother who died trying to save a dhole pup from a mudslide. Since he was now the eldest son, Nèceù was the one who received the old family razor when he came of age, an old family tradition passed down from father to eldest son as a way to say "You are a man now." This enabled him to give it to Nuallef when he left home to find someone who could permanently alter his body so he could transition. His uncle's gesture convinced Nuallef that he was on the right path and strengthened his resolve to keep searching even though he often wanted to give up and go home.
When he found what he was looking for, Nuallef also found Namr'qu. He befriended her, learned her language, and eventually traveled to her country to let her family know she had died. He stayed in Onsharhe because he knew the language. That's where he met Takka, and the two of them changed each other's lives in about a million ways but most importantly, their relationship saved Takka's life.
And now Takka is helping Kurun make corrupt cops and fascists disappear, potentially impacting millions of lives and shifting the political landscape of the entire world, but also impacting those people's families. And this wouldn't be happening at all if some random person hadn't shared Nuallef's art with Kurun while he was in a state that allowed it to resonate with him, which led to them becoming friends which meant that Nuallef was able to encourage Kurun to use his fortune for the greater good, a fortune he wouldn’t have if he hadn't had help recovering from substance abuse...
And so on and so forth.
None of the threads can exist on their own, independently from one another. None of them appear linked, but they are. Like we are. We never know how far our actions and words can reach. And I think that's important.
I think it's important in the face of a system that's collapsing violently, of a world that's burning down around us, of a society that's so painfully individualistic and nihilistic, to remember that everything matters. In real life it's a lot more mundane and less grand than in a dark fantasy plot of course, but it still matters. The choices we make or don't make never happen in a vacuum.
I'm writing a 10k page epic about queer monsters that could be summed up as this:
Be kind to yourselves and each other because everything matters.
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darthkvznblogs · 3 months
Did you ever get the chance to watch Wakanda Forever? If you did, what was your verdict on it?
I hadn't, but your ask reminded me to and I had some free time this weekend, so I finally did!
I think, for me at least, every opinion I have about this movie comes with the big asterisk of "considering the circumstances". The loss was conveyed very well, and the resulting grief and revenge-centric plot was very effective. But it was also forced to be that by the aforementioned circumstances, and you can tell this isn't quite the story they wanted to tell, but rather had to.
Anyway, I enjoyed the movie! It was pretty good. I'll give you my positives and negatives list.
-I really liked Shuri's journey as the Black Panther! It did retread similar territory as T'Challa's Civil War storyline, but Shuri's path was a lot more wrathful and morally dubious. Her suit's cool, but sometimes the CGI made her look shockingly thin - as in, more than she naturally is, which was a bit distracting.
-Riri's suits are cool! I think the only part I would change is the helmet on the Mark 2 - just looks kinda generic android-y to me. Personality-wise she felt a bit all over the place - I think of her as a very headstrong, reckless, and kind of arrogant character, and there were shades of that but not enough - but she did make me laugh a couple times.
-Everything Talokan was super cool. I can't believe they gave them siren powers, I didn't know about that! I do feel like they kinda nerfed Wakanda just to make them more of a threat, when they didn't really need to. Namor was pretty fantastic, too - true to form, an extremely powerful and dangerous bastard you love and hate to see in action, and definitely a guy you want to try and keep on the good side of whenever possible.
-I didn't really care for the CIA storyline but Martin Freeman's character was nice to see again
-Killmonger in the Ancestral Plane was pretty much perfect. Love to see him call out the flaws in the royal family while remaining blind to his own - good stuff for Shuri to recognize, but not the mentor she needed. Michael B. Jordan continues to kill it - really most of the cast was great!
-Like I said, most of the CIA stuff wasn't very interesting. I get the feeling Valentina's supposed to be some quirky flavor of Amanda Waller and she's just not doing it for me. (kinda made me miss Victoria Hand and Rosalind Price...)
-Killing off Queen Ramonda felt like the wrong choice to me. Flooding the capital and destroying who knows how many livelihoods with the threat of taking his violence worldwide is more than enough motivation for a revenge trip, IMO, if not as personal. It's not like Shuri fully loses her moral center when she dies, either - M'Baku's there and she obviously chats with Ramonda herself in the Ancestral Plane - so it felt more cruel than necessary to me. Then again, you know me, I don't really like character death 99% of the time.
-While I did like the design overall, I feel like it was a big mistake to have Riri make her first proper suit in someone else's story. It's not like T'Challa or Peter in Civil War, who are already established heroes (in a sense) and whose origins can get neatly summed up - you really need to show how this previously unknown teenager can go from 0 to reverse-engineering the Iron Man suit. Feels like they robbed her of her moment a bit.
-Just like Black Panther 1, the CGI was sometimes distractingly noticeable (not as bad as that Panther v. Jaguar battle though, that was a pretty atrocious point in an otherwise great movie).
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meera000 · 1 year
Happy mother's day (late)
Graduated college this week … it's Over but also i felt so disconnected during the last semester bc i was only on campus 2x a week for 1 class, my other class was remote and i was filling credits w an internship. so it's been a soft landing. however i have cried a lot over the last 3 days.
sam called me and was like i cried for the first time in 2 years and i was like holy shit and we talked about our friends we love our friends and how we wished we had been different for a lot of the four years. personally i was just annoying as shit the first three years, but then again i might find my current self annoying next year. he was like "i wish i hadn't been so hell" which sums it up pretty much. but we've both come out of it better and with a clearer understanding of who we are and what we want. no more hell.
went to my last college party last night because i stopped going to emerson stuff. at emerson i felt like everyone thought i was a close friend — that's so not trueee. and so my friend texted me last night and was like where are you you have to come tonight. i said OK. apparently my acquaintances at emerson have started asking where i went. it has gotten to the point though where even kitty and dev my best friends will thank me for going out with them.
on that note: i don't like feeling like i am disappearing, but i am happier just keeping things quiet and close. i know who my friends are (best ppl in world), i am experiencing a healthy relationship for the first time with someone that i care about deeply, i've got a new job that makes me feel excited and treats me well, and we have a perfect cat. and my family lives close by. there isn't much else i can ask for, or room to split up my time anyway. no point exhausting myself so i accidentally disappeared (?) whatever i'm cooling. at least i popped my head in to say hello and goodbye last night. i have a habit of stretching myself too thin so i can please everyone, but i think i'm well on my way to kicking it completely.
the party was shut down half an hour or so after we got there, so dev kat and i went to the bar. we ran into graysen althea ryan and rebekah which was so crazy because i love them all and was trying to catch althea before she went home (we are also seeing each other next week in london but like, that's such a different context). when we all realized the other group was there we were like oh my goddd screaming and jumping up and down. althea and i hugged for like 2 minutes straight and i thought i might knock her over or break my back because we were hugging so tight. and then we walked out when the bar closed and found lily and jesse!!! so fun and cute surprise. being able to feel that sort of excitement when i run into people is so important to a good life AND being able to express that appreciation……… i think graysen and i were like "i love you so much" like at least ten times.
i love my friends. what can i sayyy lol i literally spent my teen years wanting to d*e because i had never felt that sort of platonic love, but all of that changed once i got to college. likeee i am so grateful for my life and everyone everything in it. tacky but true xo
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(me holding graysen, althea at the sil, jesse lily dev and kitty outside the salon)
(what's the thing carrie bradshaw said about how in new york you're always looking for a job, apartment, or boyfriend? and that you can't have all three? welllll i got all three in boston #Love)
(i haven't seen sex and the city also i just have heard that quote numerous times. this is totally taken out of context soz)
Edit: althea's post about the same night. i make an appearance! she's not on tumblr but she is on blogspot, and i love her dearly.
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Due to popular demand of one whole person (@land-of-diesel-10), the first of many OCs, Ella! My beloved axe-wielding shortstack, her In The Sky!design specifically :D
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Since she's an OC, and I haven't talked much about her, here's a little rant about my girl:
Her backstory, summed up as best to my ability (that is to say, ya'll are in for one hell of an angsty ride):
Ella, with her fleet of siblings (364 of them to be exact, reference to the MÁV 424 class of steam engines she's based on) worked for the AU's equivalent of MÁV, high up in the sky. Nothing special there. Well, working for this shitshow of a company is a nightmare, so Ella, along with her siblings, tended to try and fly as far away as they could. Unfortunately, they aren't able to get very far.
After literal decades of the roster's shenanigans (one of which resulted in Ella getting the axe she's holding in the drawings), staff decide they have enough of their antics and chain and lock them all up in an old, abandoned station with limited supplies.
They planned to come back for them, planned being the operative words here, but times change, as do people in charge and eventually, they're all forgotten.
Days turned into weeks, months, years, the weakest of the bunch dying in what ended up being a decade-long "adventure". Out of the 365 siblings, 19 remain, Ella being one of them.
As the last 19 tried passing the time, hoping for someone to find them, or death at that point, Sir Topham Hatt, with Edward came to Hungary for some sort of meeting I haven't completely fleshed out yet. The latter ended up hearing the remaining few trying to get themselves noticed by singing songs as loud as they could manage.
Since this post is already very long, let me summarize: Edward checked the old station, just to make sure he hadn't gone completely nuts, while STH did his own thing. Finding the sight of his chained up bretheren, he stood still for a second, then ran for STH, who, along with whichever executive he was talking to, was shocked, to say the least, to find 19 workers chained up and locked away from the outside world.
One thing lead to the next, and now those 19 live their happiest lives on the Island of Sodor, free from the figurative and literal chains of their home country.
Ella is a sassy goofball, always down to pull a prank. She's actually not very social, tending to spend time by herself if given the option, but she gladly chit-chats with her coworkers-turned-friends during the day. She's also very observant, reading anyone like an open book. This caused her to not be approached often by many, mostly those who tried to fake something about themselves to her.
She loves to read and draw, and she's not a stranger to writing either, stories in general being something that she's living for. Gardening is another hobby of hers.
As for things she dislikes, there aren't many actually. One of said few though, is tight spaces. If you read her backstory, which I hope you did if you're this deep into the post, you know why (-> why she has cieling-to-floor windows in her room).
What does she think of her new coworkers?
Thomas: He's a tiny gremlin child and she loves him like a son.
Edward: She and her siblings literally owe him their lives, so immediate respect. Ella in particular sees him as a father figure.
Henry: They're both introverts and have many things in common. From their dislike of tight spaces, to their interest in gardening. She looks up to him like that one cousin who always seems to have an answer.
Gordon: She sees him as a brother, something she'd never admit to his face. That in all senses of the word: she'd try to beat him up in a heartbeat, but will also do anything in her power to make him as happy as she can. They're both fucked up and vibe in peace.
James: She thinks he's annoying as fuck, yet also very fun to be around. His apparent obsession with his clean, pristine uniform never fooled her, thanks to her ability to read anyone like a book. Overall fine, can be a bit much at times.
Percy: "My caterpillar son :)" that's literally it. She loves him like a mother loves her son.
Toby and Henrietta: they're like grandparents to her, they're normally the ones she'll go to rant about her day, or James.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
Brooklyn strolls up to her sister, says nothing, for the moment, but simply wraps her arms around them - tightly. Well, as tight as Brook can. She holds on for a while, much longer than needed, before finally explaining why she's clinging to Nina,
"I'm not letting go until you realise you are loved, and more than good enough," She declares, "I'm gonna hug you for the rest of time if I have to Nina."
| Muse interaction [start] [ part 2] [Part 3]
Nina had thought that was that Brooklyn said her own piece, and Nina went and explained her own side of it all. Hoping that is enough maybe they could just well drop it, for the time being, At least Brooklyn was still hanging around Nina. Good thing everyone else was asleep two Rogers in the kitchen after all was not something anyone wanted to deal with. It was a wonder JARVIS hadn't outright set off an alarm the moment they had stepped foot into the room. Nina thought eyeing the ceiling where one of the cameras JARVIS could see from was positioned. Pretty sure the AI didn't sleep? did he get shut down at night? or was he simply leaving them be until he had to step in?
She soon just shrugged her shoulders uncaring of the reasoning behind his quietness as she went about looking through the kitchen for stuff to snack on for the night. Well also hoping this wasn't going to be one of those times Brooklyn had some sudden weird craving for an unspeakable food combination. But they seemed quite maybe cause of all they had been talking about. Not that Nina was one to talk she had been pretty quiet herself as well. She was still weighed down by everything. Still thinking over everything Brooklyn had said to her. Just because she wanted to hurt someone didn't make her a bad person. That they all have wanted to hurt someone before and it didn't change a thing about any of them so why would it be for her. Was the sum-up version of all that from before. Nina had started to speak but she wasn't all too sure where she was going with her thoughts before. Her thoughts were just running rampant in her mind at the moment. not much connection there is a jumble of random thoughts, making it hard to even just focus on food. So ahead ready in and pulled out from mango cut into spears, and a lime.
Setting both to the counter she simply stared at the fruit for what seemed like forever. Before her attention shifted over to her sister once again. "I don't disagree by the way." Nina finally said being the one to break the silence between them gaining her Brooklyn attention right away. "I don't think really said I get what you were saying before." no she hadn't she was pretty quick to just change the topic the first chance she could todo so. "I Never would think dad or you or anyone else was in the wrong. Sometimes things do get personal in what we do. Any time that fucker Skull hurts ya I always wanna give him a taste of what he causes. If anyone ever hurt dad I do the same. And I know dad is just as bad heck you even hate Jaz simply cause I can't stand her guts. I don't have such a black and white view of things." Nina went on to try and explain. Gripping the lime in her metal hand enough pressure causes it to break and it just leaks out to pour over the mango. But she didn't go to eat it after she set the lime back down on the counter she found her words she guessed. "it's just.. the idea of wanting to hurt someone for such selfish reason." Selfish to Nina at least. "When I was just this sad hurting kid I fell in love with the idea of being a hero of doing for others. Pops was the one that when I learned about heroes made something pop in my mind and ignite something in me. My love for captain America was all I had then. That bastard on the other hand? was meant to be there for me but he wasn't..and he knew it as well as I did. I know compared to a lot of things it may not matter but having someone so openly leave you in your life when you expect them to be there. I just never wanted to be like him. I Wanted to so desperately be someone better...I wanted to be like my hero. I know pops ain't perfect he hasn't ever had to be perfect he was just something I could have as hope for myself. Sure I got into trouble cause of it, getting into fights, disrupting classes, you name it. But It was always because of my drive to be so separate from him..."
Moving to rest against the kitchen counter now. "He claimed to want to give me all the things a dad should to thier kid but he ran all the time. I never wanted to run away, like him. Never wanted to be a coward like him, someone who saw someone who needed them and just did nothing. I wanted to be like Steve Rogers, I loved hearing how he was this small little guy not suited to be in a war yet he kept trying. How he picked fights and stood his ground on want he wanted to do and be. The fact that's the kind of person who became this amazing hero we have now too? Then I did get to be like him. Expect now? I guess family lines are harder to break than I thought before." Nina quirked her mouth and let her brown scrunch up, thought getting even more knotted up than before. "I ran away scared, yeah i yelled at him and sure I didn't hit him..but I did what he dose I never run! I didn't run on the bridge and look!" She expressed throwing her metal arm out in front of her. "I didn't run then so why did I run then? How am i meant to be Steve Rogers daughter, or your sister even when I can cause my own arm to get janked up but can't even stand my ground in front of the one who hurt me the most? I have jumped out of planes, trained with Black window, stole from Hulk, and earned a fucking degree in engineering science yet in front of him I was five years old again. I have faced some out there things like the fucking Vampire mule and yet I run from him?!" Even if she dislikes Drac she never even ran from an actual monster. Nina just dropped her head into her hands she hated feeling like this being vulnerable it sucked.
Brooklyn hadn't spoken a word maybe letting Nina let things out again. Instead of words this time Brooklyn seemed to opt for a hug, making her way over to Nina as she wrapped her arms around her and hug tightly Nina did lift her head a bit so she could look over towards Brook, confused for a moment on why they were clinging to her so tightly right now.
"I'm not letting go until you realise you are loved, and more than good enough,"
Nina was about to speak up yeah she was kind of maybe making it out like she didn't think those things, but ..okay now Brooklyn was hitting the nail right on the head actually. Abandonment issues she likes to pretend aren't there clearly had a source after all.
"I'm gonna hug you for the rest of time if I have to Nina."
Nina just sighed and muster a smile, Brooklyn was one of the more stubborn ones in the family so that little claim may seem like an exaggeration but Nina was pretty sure they make it happen. "estupido" she said under her breath. But it wasn't towards Brooklyn it was towards herself. Se was being so stupid right now, putting in so much thought over the one meeting..for no reason at all. She managed t shifted a bit here and there before moving her arm to warp around Brooklyn in turn. "I think I'm gonna need that..just for a little long alright?"
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sihwa · 3 years
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.  𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠
&&. ( kwon sihwa ), the ( 23 ) year old ( daughter ) of the prime minister of ( south korea). she is often confused with ( moon gayoung ). some say that she is ( resentful & dishonest ), but she is actually ( responsible & loyal ) 
biography. profile. pinterest .  kwons.
( template credit: @lubsofrph )
♡ .    *cowboy vc* howdy and yeehaw, i’m nai ( but you can call me whatever you like, i also accept the nicknames clown, cowboy clown, naicha ( bcs milktea is life) and i’m bringing you kwon sihwa for some juicy drama and petty girl energy dsdndns i haven’t joined a rp for quite a while, so i apologize if i’m a little slow with some things. ( grandma needs help .... ( i am grandma ) ) 
anyway, i’m super excited to be here, bcs you all seem to be such lovely and sweet people and i’d love to write and plot with all of you bcs i’m a greedy bitch dndnssn ! if you are interested in plotting 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄  this post ( do ppl still do this ??? ) or simply shoot me an IM ( if u prefer discord we can also plot there ), below u will find a short summary ( if i manage to write one ) and some hcs ( or u can read her bio, but also don’t bcs i wanna rewrite it snddsdd ) !  i love u muahh 💕
♡ . sihwa is the second and youngest daughter of the south korean prime minister and has been pretty much ignored like half of her life ( if not more -- )
♡ . sihwa likes to blame that on her older sister yihwa. blame it on her being insanely jealous or just starved for the recognition and love of her parents but this is probably the main reason sihwa started to grow apart from her sister ( and might as well resent her ... sometimes ... often ...)
♡ . in fact there wasn’t much of a sibling rivalry when they were young. quite the contrary was the case and sihwa adored yihwa. ironically, she loved to be called the shadow of her sister because naive little sihwa thought it was meant as a compliment, meaning that she was always by her sister’s side - 
♡ . when she grew up, she finally noticed that being called the shadow of her sister, was never meant to be a compliment. and finally the realization set in that her parents favored yihwa over sihwa ( big yikes ).
♡ . truth to be told, sihwa used to be a pretty confident kid. honestly, she knew her worth and was always proud of her academic success. that is why she jsut couldn’t grasp the fact that their parents were pushing yihwa while completely ignoring every of her achievements. it did not only hurt her ego ( buhuuu ) but also her (coughs) feelings.
♡ . consequently, she tried to be even better. perfect to be precise. however, nothing she did seem to satisfy their parents and she pretty much gave up the idea on being the perfect daughter.
♡ . here comes her rebellious phase. if she couldn’t get her parents attention by being perfect she did the opposite and rebelled against everything her parents wanted her to do. it was a silent cry for attention no one seemed to notice.
♡ . she pretty much continued being this way until yihwa left and the veil over her parent eyes had been lifted and suddenly she wasn’t so invisible anymore.
♡ . she barely had time for feeling betrayed by her sister. in some twisted way she felt like yihwa left sihwa for her passion ( although their relationship had been pretty bad since long time ago )  but this thought was put aside pretty quickly as she grabbed the opportunity right in front of her. replacing yihwa but also proving that she can do better than her. 
personality ( this is me somehow trying to sum up her personality
although sihwa doesn’t appear to a particularly emotional person, her actions speak louder than words. despite, being pretty calculated when she wants to, knowing what to say and how to act in order to get what she wants, her actions are all fueled by her emotions. she had pretty much remained her vulnerable core ( which she likes to deny ), however, as she grew up she learned to hide it.
sihwa had always been pretty opinionated ( which probably disrupted the peaceful family dinners quite often ), it’s is difficult if not impossible to change her views on something. if she had formed an opinion about something or someone she won’t let anyone convince her that she is wrong ( don’t even dare to mutter that she is wrong - ). however, this is probably what also makes her loyal and if someone is on her good, side she won’t give up on them ( since her opinion rarely changes ) and rather believe her self than the opinion of some random person. 
headcanons/ additional info bcs they’re fun and i want to show how petty sihwa can get ....
- sihwa attended cheong-a art school, a prestige music school known for producing several well-know musicians. due to her stage fright, sihwa messed up her audition and several points were deducted. however, kwon yijeong made sure that no one would know about his daughter’s imperfect auditon and made sure that every video material would be deleted and that sihwa would enroll.
- sihwa had often been labelled as a gifted kid due to her acadameic performances. this led her to believe that she had to be good at everything else as well. it made her impatient and she often gets frustrated if she isn’t good at something immediately. which is also the reason she almost gave up playing the cello
- sihwa is petty. really really really petty. especially when it comes to yihwa. it was only because of her sister, that heels became an essential piece of her wardrobe so she can be taller than her sister to assert her dominance or whatever she is trying to do. although, she is naturally taller than her sister without heels, she has that irratonal fear that she might encounter yihwa when she is wearing heels but sihwa isn’t. so she has no choice but to wear heels all the time.
- sihwa owns a black cat. she called her milk because she thought she would be creative by calling her the opposite what she looks like. however, many people seemed to have thought the same. this realization is something which sometimes keeps her up at night.
- talking about her cat. at first she wanted to adopt a white cat. but when she heard that black cats are not as often adopted as other cats she felt bad for the cat bcs somehow she related it to herself and her own experiences ( rip ).
- sihwa had some kind of emo/goth/scene kid phase ( reference: pinterest board --> back then lol ). it was her own form of rebellion and in fact she managed to annoy her parents with it. rumors among the staff say that rarely any family portraits of the time sihwa went to high school exist because it was also the time she had her ‘rebellious phase’. some even claim that if there are some photographs, baek shikyung had hired a professional to photoshop a smile on yihwa’s phase as she looked pissed in every of the portrait.....
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caffeineforbucky · 3 years
As Time Goes By...(Chapter One)
Post-blip (five or six months later)
A/N: This is my first time writing on this website or anything public really, I usually just write for me, please just bear with me if it looks or sounds janky. Also, thanks for taking the time to read. I deeply & wholeheartedly appreciate you. Enjoy!
Summary: I suck at them but, I'll give it a shot. You- the reader, are surprised by 'old' friends when they show up out of the blue, asking for your help on a mission. (This is just the sum for chap. 1)
Word count: 2,760
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem! reader
Warnings: Angst, swearing, ex-boyfriend jealousy...
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The day was coming to an end, a small heatwave conjuring up a sweat as you wiped down your last table for the night. You blew out a breath, brushing back a sheen of perspiration with your forearm, watching the last customer walk out of the restaurant as the bell chimed above their head.
You never understood why people chose to sit inside when there were tables out on the sidewalk. It was hotter in here than out there, especially since the air conditioner had gone out just a few days prior and the fans above the tables were only circling the air inside. It was an actual oven, but they contended.
Your hightops heaved across the tile, dragging yourself with the sufficiency of a person who was only working because they had to. You kicked up the doorstop, pulling the door towards you with a small amount of goodwill and vigor to finish locking up, flipping the paper sign over from open to closed. It wasn't as if you hated your job. You thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere of it all. It was the only person working the night shift job you hated with every fiber of your being. You weren't completely alone in the restaurant, having a few cooks and the owner to keep you company, especially on busy nights like the one you just had.
"I'm clocking out, Mrs. Turner!" You call out, reaching behind your back to untie the knot of your apron, pulling it up and off your neck once the ties came undone. Trudging back to the table, you picked up the disinfectant wipe and toss it in the bin, making your way to your boss's office before hanging up your apron on the hook. "Mrs. Turner...?" You murmur softly, poking your head in through the doorway, only to see her counting the profits for the day. "I'm heading home," You chime, pointing behind your shoulder with your thumb as she glances up at you.
"Alright, Honey," She beams, a bright smile pulling at her lips as her eyes meet yours. "I'll see you tomorrow then?"
Working for the Turners wasn't supposed to be a permanent job, in fact, it wasn't even your original plan, as opposed to the small favors you would complete now and then for the people that were willing to pay a pretty penny for your...services.
But you figured having a stable job was smarter and safer than the alternative. And the help wanted sign was very persuasive, due to the pretty colors and splashes of glitter. It looked like it was made by a child, which you later found out, was decorated by Mrs. Turner's seven-year-old. "Always." You accede, tapping the doorframe as your goodbye before parading into the breakroom to gather your things from the lockers.
You take your backpack off the hook and swing the strap over your shoulder before time punching your card and going straight through the back door. The sounds of the city hit your ears as the heavy door slammed behind you. Traffic honks and tires treading against the grain while you walk further into the busy streets of San Francisco.
As you were about to turn the corner, you were met with the sight of your friend's van, followed by a trumpet rendition of La Cucaracha. You grinned widely, gripping your strap tighter as you jog up the 1972 Ford Ecoline, aka Big Bertha. At least that's what you called it. "Luis!" You rejoice, resting your palms on the ledge. "What are you doing here?"
"Scotty sent me out for a few things," Luis answers, his hands gripping the steering wheel, his head turned to you. "I was just about to go when I saw you. Thought you might need a ride." He shrugs, a cute smile playing on his lips.
You nod, reciprocating the smile at his answer. "Yeah, if it's not too much trouble..." You drag, your voice hesitant, as if he didn't offer at all.
"Nah, get in." He gestures, beckoning you with a wave of his hand. "Your place is on the way," Luis loosens his seatbelt, reaching over to the passenger side to pull up the lock, opening the door for you.
You climb in, plopping down on the tufted leather seats as you pulled the door towards you, closing it shut. "Thanks, Lu," You breathe, dropping your backpack below your feet, then you fasten your seatbelt. "How is Scott, anyway?" You ask as Luis changes gears and presses the gas, the van rolls onto the street.
"Ehh...he's...he's alright, know what I'm sayin'?" He answers, glancing at you before focusing back on the road. "I mean, he missed like five years of his daughter's life. He's just trying to spend as much time with her to make up for years they both lost."
You nibble at the inside of your cheek, nodding softly in agreement as the city lights passed you by. There wasn't much you could say to that, having lost so many people yourself. People you considered family just...gone.
"Yo!" Luis pipes up, snapping you out of your train of thought. "Didja see the news today?!" He shakes his head, whistling at the thought. "I can't believe they would just give some random dude the shield like that, ya know?"
You drew in your bottom lip in contempt, nodding once again at Luis. You had seen the news, and they couldn't have picked a better time to broadcast. If it hadn't been for Mrs. Turner asking you in, you would've hunted Sam Wilson down and kicked his ass yourself.
The van rolled to a stop, brakes squealing as Luis pulled up beside your apartment. You sighed heavily, glancing at the small apartment you shared with your Ex-boyfriend. By the looks of the living room light illuminating behind the curtains, he was home, and you absolutely dreaded when he was. It wasn't as if you wanted to live with him, but you had no other alternative. Ever since dropping your side job, money was tighter, and he was kind enough to let you stay, just until you found a place. "Thanks again for the ride, Lu." You mumble, unclicking your seatbelt as you took hold of your backpack. "You didn't have to."
"Don't even mention it, Y/N," Luis reassures, watching you as you pull at the door handle, opening it to get out. "I know how hard it is to get back into the norm."
You shut the passenger door, shooting him a sympathetic smile. "I'll see you around?"
With a smile, Luis waves goodbye and drives off into the night, the exhaust pipe blowing smoke as he rode off. You shook your head, cracking a smile at the honk of his horn. You turned towards the front entrance of the apartment, your stomach twisting as your smile dropped completely. You swallowed thickly, rolling the tension from your shoulders to prepare yourself before jogging up the small flight of stairs.
You fished your keys from the front pocket of your backpack, taking a breath before shoving the key into the lock, twisting as you pushed the door open with your shoulder. "Joshua?!" You voiced, calling out your ex's name to make sure it was him. You dropped your belongings beside the door, pushing your sneakers off before kicking the door shut with your foot.
"Yeah, in here!" He responds quickly, a slight tremor to his tone.
You frown softly, tossing your keys into the bowl on the console table before sauntering to where his voice was emanating from. "Josh, are you...?" Your voice came to a halt, your footsteps stopping altogether as you walked into the living room.
"Hey!" Joshua exclaims once your figure comes into view. "You wanna explain who they are?" He presses, his face crossed with fear as he gestures to the two men sitting calmly on your living room couch.
You remained quiet, your body tense, eyes wide as your focus shifted between the men on the couch and your ex.
"Well...?" Joshua demands, crossing his arms over his chest, shifting in his stance at the unsettling glare one of the men was sending his way. "I was in the middle of hosting game night-as you can see, when they showed up," Josh drops his arms, hands splaying out to gesture to the coffee table consisting of five different dips, two bulk-sized bags of tortilla chips, and a twenty-four pack of Blue Moon beer. "The guys were just about to come over."
You take a deep breath, closing your eyes to refrain from any and all insults towards your ex. That explained why he was home. "Um..." You utter, pinching the bridge of your nose, "Fucking hell," You curse under your breath, eyes fluttering open to look at Joshua. "Josh," You begin, clearing your throat as you start with the man on the left. "They are Sam Wilson and..." You hesitate, eyes settling on the man to the right, his sight alone bringing back the memories that you swore you didn't want to remember. "James Barnes," You finish, ripping your eyes away from his baby blues to look at your ex. "Aka-"
"The Falcon and The Winter Soldier..." Joshua finishes for you, his eyes flashing with amazement, head whipping towards the guys. "Shit!" He curses, smiling widely like a kid in a candy store. "Can I get you guys anything? A plate? Beer?"
"Actually," You grunt, interrupting before Sam or Bucky could answer. "Can you give us a minute, Joshua?" Insisting while your foot tapped impatiently against the hardwood floor.
"Should I be worried?" He inquires, eyes filled with confusion as he looked between the three of you, trying to piece together the situation at hand. The main reason you and Joshua couldn't work it out was that you kept a lot of secrets, mostly from him. He didn't like the fact that you wouldn't let him in. Sure, you lied to him, the biggest lie being that you were an Avenger, but that was just to keep him safe. There were other reasons why you decided to split up as well. Joshua knew...he knew deep down you were just with him to pass the time. He could see it when he looked into your eyes. There was someone else in the reflection and it wasn't him. If he was honest with himself, he could admit that it did hurt him. That he wanted a chance to make it work with you, but with the way you were staring at James, he finally recognized that reflection.
He should've noticed it early on-like that day he had somehow convinced you to take a trip to D.C for a tour of the Captain America museum. You were hell-bent on not going, trying to make up some elaborate excuse or an alibi of sorts, but alas, you still went. And for some odd reason, you couldn't stop coming back to the Bucky Barnes portion.
"No," You reply, keeping it short to dismiss him.
Joshua's mouth set in a hard line, a foreign feeling forming in the pit of his stomach-jealousy. He never had to worry about it before, especially when his friends used to come over, back when you were still together. Except for that one time, but how could he blame them? You were the kind of person that listened, laughed at the jokes being made, could lend a hand when needed, and your looks were just a bonus in his book. "Uhm, yeah," He coughed, frowning softly while nodding his head at you. "I have to go pick up the pizza, anyway," Josh brushes past you, fetching his keys from the bowl while slipping on his Vans that sat up against the wall ledge that separated the front door from the living room. "Are you going to be okay?" He mumbles, glancing over his shoulder to look at you.
You shoot Josh a smile, nodding reassuringly, his footsteps approaching closer before stopping in front of you, the palm of his hand landing gently on your shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. "Let me know if you need anything, m'kay?" Josh's voice is soft, the concern in his eyes making you feel guilty. You knew he cared about you, and there wasn't a time where you'd catch him staring at you for far too long, but you were well past that. "I'm just a text away," He notes, waving his cell in his hand.
"Josh, I'll be fine," You sigh, stepping away from his touch, the sound of his hand hitting his jeans as it dropped from your shoulder. "I always am."
"Right," Josh nods, looking over at the men on the couch before gazing back at you. "I'll see you in a bit, bug." And with that, he turns, opens the front door, and steps out, shutting the wooden door behind him.
You close your eyes, the pet name Josh had coined for you making you sigh. He agreed to stop calling you that all together and it only made you feel that more guilty for ending things. "So..." You pipe up, opening your eyes as you turned to look at the guys. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"
Bucky is the first to speak, his jaw clenched at the mere sound of the word. Indignant at the way Josh had touched you, even if it was just your shoulder. "I didn't know he knew you like that," Bucky flashes you a taut smile, nodding softly as he shared a look with Sam, but the falcon only shook his head. "How long have you been..." Bucky couldn't even finish the question, his glove-clad hands tightening at the thought of you being with somebody else...someone that wasn't him. Though, it was his own fault. If he hadn't done what he'd done-you'd have never found another.
"Wow," You scoff, padding closer to where they sat. "You don't miss a beat, do you? Just..." You sink into the sofa adjacent to the one they occupied. "-Right into the big stuff."
"I didn't bring you here to question her about her love life," Sam voices, his scolding eyes on the man beside him. "And she sure as hell isn't obligated to answer you, Bucky."
You smile gratefully at Sam before glancing down at your leg that had begun to bounce in anticipation. "What are you guys doing here? And how'd you find me?" You ask, tilting your head in curiosity as you look up at the guys. "When I resigned from the Avengers initiative, they ensured me that I wasn't able to be traced, not by your or any other remaining member. I was supposed to be scot-free," You declare, hitting your thigh with your fist.
"Oh, come on, Y/N," Sam chuckles, shaking his head at the naivety. "We both know that's a bunch of bullshit. The government is always going to have its eyes on us. Especially free agents like you and us."
You draw in your bottom lip, biting down, eyes flickering between Sam and Bucky. You knew it was too good to be true, and part of you sensed the bullshit when the government explained it to you. You just didn't want to believe it.
"You were an ex-assassin. How could they not keep tabs on your whereabouts?" Sam recounts, emphasizing that it was in the past. At least, that's what they thought. "And I had some help from Redwing as well." He shrugs nonchalantly.
You choke out a laugh, shaking your head at the smug demeanor emitting from Sam. "Redwing," You whisper, smiling thinly. "Of course, nothing could ever be hidden from your personal P.I, huh?"
"I hate that thing," Bucky grumbles, folding his arms across his chest. in annoyance. "Invasion of privacy, I'm telling you."
"You love redwing," Sam jokes, playfully jabbing Bucky's arm with his elbow, "It's okay Bucky, you can admit it."
"Can we get back to the issue here?" You interject, "Not one of you has explained the reason you're here. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's great to see you...one more than the other," You whisper that last part but, completely aware that Bucky could hear it. "But, you both showing up out of the blue...? That's almost a bad omen."
"I didn't ask him here, by the way," Sam acknowledges, raising his hands in defense, "I just want to get that out of the way. Bucky came because he wanted to. I'm here," Sam gestures to himself, "-For one reason and one reason only..."
"And what's that?" You ask, leaning forward in your seated position.
"I need your help, Y/N."
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mrsamaroevans · 3 years
Fandom: Mayans M.C.
Pairing: Miguel Galindo x Female Reader. This follows from: Tightrope.
Request: Yes!
Words: 4,052.
Warnings: English is not my first language, so, sorry if there are grammar mistakes or if the redaction is poor.
A/N: Guys, without joking, I’ve been writing this since the first part was posted and that was nearly a year ago lol. But it’s finally here and I hope you like it! *Gif is not mine*
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“Never sure, never know how far we could fall”
The past eight months, Miguel never felt so out of place like he was feeling by day four you were out of the house. He’s been feeling so bad not only emotionally because you were not with him, but physically ‘cause he started to catch a cold. His meetings with Potter were frustrating him even more and he was more tired than ever to have meetings with Los Olvidados or the MC.
He took a look at the last months of his life and he knew he had screwed everything up. Miguel hated himself for that; not Potter, not Los Olvidados or the MC. Him. He was the only one to blame for the situation his marriage was in.
That night when Cristobal was sick, he told you how sorry he was and promised you he would make an effort to be more at home. Two months ago, he had the chance to change the way your marriage was going and he didn’t do anything.
You’ve been together since you were sixteen. He knew about the loveless marriage your parents were living in because that was the reason why he had to work so hard for you to accept the first date. Miguel remembers how much you tried to avoid your feelings for him, how careful you were with every step of your relationship. He promised you he wasn’t going to hurt you and he didn’t. When he had to go to Cornell? You tried to break up with him, arguing about all the time he would be away with those pretty New Yorkers but he assured you, you were the only one who he could want to be with. Miguel did everything he had in his hand to make your long-distance relationship work, and instead of feeling away from him, you felt like nothing was different.
He did everything right back then, so right that when he proposed in the winter holidays of his fourth year in Cornell, you accepted without hesitation.
Why couldn’t he be like the twenty-two-year-old Miguel Galindo?
Miguel saw your face appearing on the computer’s screen and suddenly, he started to feel better. He texted you asking you to do a video call and felt relief when you accepted.
At least you didn’t want to avoid him the two weeks you were going to be away.
“Hey! How are you?” He asked and you smiled. Miguel loved seeing how passionate you were about your job, so he smiled for the simple fact of seeing you smiling.
“Fine,” you said “And you? You sound different,” you asked, a bit concerned.
“I’m catching a cold, but I’m fine,” Miguel said nonchalantly.
“There’s medicine in the cabinet of our bathroom,” you told him “You should take some before you feel worse”
“I’m better now that I’m talking to you,” Miguel said and you chuckled immediately “What?”
“You did it too soon,” you said and added when he frowned: “Trying to make me fall in your arms again”
Miguel laughed. He wasn’t trying that, he was just being honest, but now that you touched the subject…
“I know you said we’d talk about it once you come back, but…”
“And we’ll do it” you interrupted him and Miguel understood you didn’t want to talk about it at that moment “I had an interview earlier, that’s why I’m all dressed up,” you said, changing the subject.
“I think you look gorgeous,” he said, and when he saw the look you gave him, he laughed “And how did that interview go?”
Miguel and you talked about a bunch of stuff. You told him about the process of publication of your book and he listened to every single word that came out of your mouth. He didn’t realize how much he missed hearing you talk until now, and when you least expected it, you and your husband talked for three hours straight, something that hadn’t happened in so long.
“You know? This takes me back to those four years you were at Cornell” You said and Miguel nodded.
“Yeah… our old computers didn’t have this quality but, yeah, they helped us,” Miguel said and when he was about to say something else, he saw you turn your attention somewhere else.
“Oh, hi baby” he heard you say and Miguel knew immediately who was the person that walked in the room where you were “Just be careful, Lucy, please”
“I’ll come back as soon as it ends, Mrs. Galindo,” a feminine voice said and then he saw Cristobal in your arms.
“It’s okay, have fun” You smiled, and then the door got closed “You wanna see daddy? Look who’s there!” You pointed to the screen and Cristobal looked at it. A smile appeared when he saw his father and Miguel smiled as well.
“I miss you two so much,” Miguel said, feeling tears in his eyes at seeing you both smiling so wide, but, a thought he didn’t like at all came to his head.
You seemed happier now than in the past eight months and it broke his heart because he felt so alone. Every night he expects to walk in your bedroom and see you sleeping, kiss your head, —kisses you never felt— and lay at your side. But all that he finds is an empty and cold bed.
Miguel didn’t want a future without you and he knew he had to work really hard to keep you in his life.
“What are you thinking, Mickey?”
Miguel looked at his friend, he didn’t even realize he was that quiet and thoughtful. Nestor sat down on the stool next to his and looked at him.
“You miss her so much” Nestor teased once Miguel didn’t say anything.
“I do” Miguel nodded, he had a glass of scotch in his hand and when he took a sip, he realized it was already warm, so he left it aside “I fucked it up, hermano. We never had this distance before, not even when I was at Cornell… and it’s all my fault”
“Well, it’s a progress that you already accepted it,” he said and Miguel scoffed.
“At what damn moment” Miguel sighed and leaned his forearms in the bar “I feel like I’m losing her”
“She thinks the same about you” Nestor confessed, making Miguel look at him.
He should have expected it. You and Nestor started to spend a lot of time together since he was your driver. You met Nestor at the same moment you met Miguel, you were friends, it was obvious you would talk to him.
“You can’t lose her, Miguel,” Nestor told him “(Y/n) and Cristobal are the best things that have happened to you, not the cartel, not the protection you’re having from Los Olvidados… your family”
Nestor was right and Miguel knew it. Not anyone would stand his life and everything that comes with it, but you? You were there since the beginning, you never judged any of his decisions. He was so lucky to have you in his life, ‘cause people could talk shit about him, the cartel could be crumbling down, but at the end of the day, when he walked through the door of your home, you were there, welcoming him with a smile and a kiss. You were all that he needed.
“I know,” Miguel said, immediately “I have always known that, I just… I don’t know what happened, I’m trying to remember but… I can’t. I thought we were fine, I thought I was just working like before and then my son got sick and if I hadn't woken up in the middle of the night, I wouldn't have even noticed” he sighed again, summed in frustration “I didn’t want to be the absent father and husband my father was and here I am. My wife is miles away from me and she looks happier”
“Don’t you think is because you’ve been talking every day?” Nestor asked, raising an eyebrow at him “She loves you, Miguel. Never doubt about it… I’m going to the airport tomorrow for her, you wanna come?”
Miguel nodded. He would do all that it takes to bring his family back.
You had your son in your arms as the babysitter helped you with your suitcase. You missed so much your home that you were so happy that your days in New York came to an end, and for the giant smile Cristobal had, you knew he was also happy, even if he didn’t understand what was going on.
“Let’s find uncle Nestor, you’re gonna help me?” You asked, looking at your son’s face. He smiled at you and wrapped his arms around your neck.
“Over there, Mrs. Galindo” Lucy said, pointing away and when you turned around, you froze for a moment.
Miguel was there with Nestor, and when he spotted you, he started to make his way through the crowd to reach you. You didn’t know what to do for a moment, he surely surprised you ‘cause Nestor told you he had a meeting with Los Olvidados that day. You definitely didn’t expect him to be there.
“Look, baby… it’s daddy” you told Cristobal and he looked at where you were pointing “It’s daddy, baby…”
As soon as Miguel reached you, Cristobal stretched out his arms to his father, and being as happy as never in the last eight months, Miguel took him out of your arms.
You took the chance to turn to the babysitter “Lucy, thank you so much for helping me… we drive you home?” You asked, but she shook her head no.
“My brother is picking me up,” She said.
“Are you sure?” You asked again but she only nodded, “Thank you so much again… Cristobal, say bye to Lucy,” you said, grabbing your suitcase and caressing Cristobal’s back.
The babysitter smiled when Cristobal waved his tiny hand at her, and then she started to walk to look for her brother.
As soon as she walked away, Miguel used his free hand to cup your cheek and kissed you before you could object. You pulled back, frowning, and with a small smile on your face “Someone is too affectionate today”
“I missed you,” Miguel said “And I’m not talking only about these past two weeks…”
“It’s not the place, Miguel,” You told him, but stood on your toes to kiss his lips again “Let’s go home…”
Miguel held your hand the whole way home, he asked you about the flight and about your last two days in New York that you couldn’t talk.
“You’re too affective today” You whispered, looking at him and grinning when he caressed the back of your hand with his thumb. He smiled and turned to you “How’s your mom?” You asked to change the subject.
“Happy ‘cause you’re coming back,” he said “She also missed you two… I think Cristobal helps her with her treatment”
You looked back at Cristobal, who was busy playing with a stuffed bear in his car seat “I also noticed that… what did she say about the psychologist?”
Miguel sighed and you half-smiled, you didn’t need more to know what your mother-in-law thought about that idea “You know her, she doesn’t want to go to a loquero”
“Well, we knew she’d say that” Miguel nodded at your words “Maybe Dr. Kamen can convince her… I’ll talk to her, don’t worry”
Again, Miguel realized he didn’t deserve you. He didn’t know what he had done to have you in his life, you were too good to be true ‘cause even after all that distance, you were there for him, having his back like you had done since you were sixteen.
So he kissed your hand and you smiled.
When Nestor parked outside your house, Miguel leaned to the backseat to take Cristobal as you jumped off from the SUV and smiled when you saw Dita in the front door.
“You’re finally here, querida,” She said, walking to you and hugging you “How was your trip?”
“It was great,” You said, and as soon as Miguel appeared with your son in his arms, Dita’s eyes sparkled.
“Oh, mijo, I missed you so much” Dita smiled and Miguel let her take Cristobal in her arms “You must be hungry,” Dita told you and you couldn’t hide the fact she was right “Let’s go inside, lunch is ready”
That night, even though Miguel wanted to be with you when you bathed Cristobal, he received a call and couldn’t make it. You weren’t mad. You understood that besides his family, he also had other important things to take care of, also, you saw in his eyes that he wanted to fix things up. He didn’t want to lose you and you also didn’t want to lose him.
“Sorry for that,” he said as soon as he crossed the door of your bedroom. Cristobal was in his bed already and you knew he wouldn’t wake up until the morning arrives “I went to see Cristobal… he looks tired”
You smiled.
“Yeah… he was,” you said, taking your earrings off and leaving them on your bedside table. You were tired as well, you would put them to your jeweler tomorrow.
“You also are... We can talk tomorrow”
“No. I promised we would when we had time alone” You said, turning to him and patting the bed for him to sit at your side “What did you want to tell me?”
“I’m sorry” It was the first thing he said “I know I haven’t kept all the promises I made the day we got married. You’re the most amazing wife and mother out there and I haven’t appreciated you the way I should” he shook his head and leaned his head back looking at the ceiling “I used to say that I work a lot, but now I know that’s not an excuse. ‘Cause, you work a lot too and you haven’t neglected our son, our house, or our marriage… I can see it now”
Our marriage.
Those two words made you shiver. You have confronted him about Adelita’s baby and you were afraid that the words he used just confirmed your biggest fear. But he could see that in your eyes, ‘cause he started to shake his head.
“I swear to God, amor, that between Adelita and I never happened anything,” he said, grabbing your hands. There were tears in his eyes, afraid of you not believing him “I can see why would you think that and, unfortunately, I have nothing else than my word for you to believe me” you looked him in the eyes, you wanted to have proofs but how could you have them? You had to trust him “You’re the only woman I have ever love and that’s how it’s gonna be forever. You can trust me”
“I do,” You said after a few seconds “If you say nothing happened, then nothing happened”
“Nothing” Miguel insisted, sitting closer as one of his arms landed on your shoulders and kissed your head.
“Thank you for not ignoring my feelings,” you said with your eyes closed. You missed having him so close, the smell of his cologne taking you to all the happy memories at his side.
“I’m sorry it took me too long to finally see it” he got a few inches apart from you, so you opened your eyes and looked up at him. You couldn’t deny it, you were a bit disappointed for that action “And… I know this is not romantic but…” you leaned back to see him better. Miguel was nervous and the only times he was like that were, when he asked you for the first date, when he proposed to you and when your son was born “We’ve been married for ten years now, and if you want… I want to renew our vows”
You were surprised.
You didn’t know anyone who wanted to renew their votes. The only thing that you heard of marriages when you were young, was that they were so tired of being in them.
“Miguel…” you barely whispered when he got on one knee in front of you. His hand grabbed a small black velvet box from his suit coat and opened it.
“Would you like to marry me again?” Miguel grabbed one of your hands as you were still trying to find your voice “I can’t promise you I won’t make mistakes again because I’m not perfect, but I promise to always put you and my family first”
You smiled. Your eyes getting watery as you nodded.
Miguel sighed in relief and took your engagement ring off your finger to place the new one “I love you” he told you as he stood and the next thing he did was cupping your cheeks to kiss you.
You accepted his lips, leaned back, and held from his dress shirt where you looked for its buttons as the kiss went from sweet to passionate. It had been so long since the last time he touched you like he was doing it at that moment, and your heart melted when you realized that his touch felt the same as always.
But, of course, the moment was interrupted by Miguel’s phone.
“Are you kidding me?” He said, irritated at whoever he was talking to “Potter wants to talk now? Does he know what time is it?”
You sat in the bed and looked at him as he walked around the room. You bite your lower lip as you recognized Alvarez’s voice coming out of the device and from what you could hear, you knew Miguel had to leave.
“No… tell him I won’t go anywhere”
You walked towards him and stood in front of him so he could see you. Just by looking at your face, he shook his head, but stopped when you placed one of your hands on his chest “Go. They need you” you whispered.
Miguel covered the microphone and shook his head again “I got it, amor, they won’t interrupt us”
“I’ll be here when you come back,” you told him with a smile as you wrapped your arms around his middle and left a soft kiss on his chest. He didn’t understand how he could deserve someone like you “Go. It’s okay”
He sighed and gave in “I’ll come back as soon as I can,” Miguel said kissing you, before walking out of the room as he buttoned his shirt.
Your eyes stayed at the door for a couple of seconds and when you looked down at your left hand, you smiled at seeing the new ring on your finger. If you wanted a proof, that could be. The butterflies in your stomach made you giggle while you made your way to the bathroom to take a shower.
Half an hour later, you were doing your skincare routine. You had a small smile while remembering the past weeks and how you were feeling things were changing just stepping into Californian ground. It all started to feel like before and you were not even afraid that things could change for worse. What happened today was proof enough for you to be sure that you could overcome anything.
You turned to your left when you heard the bedroom door being closed. After placing all the products where they belonged, you walked back to the bedroom just in time when Miguel was about to call your name.
“What happened? Potter just wanted to say hi?” You asked and Miguel chuckled at your joke as he was taking his coat off.
“I was in the car and I realized that I didn’t care what he wanted, so I asked Alvarez to come back,” Miguel said, unbuttoning his shirt and looking directly at you “I want to spend this night with you and nor Potter nor anyone is gonna interrupt”
“Amor… I was being honest when I told you it was okay” You told him smiling once he reached you.
“I’ll deal with him tomorrow” Miguel smirked and pulled off the strip from your robe “I love you”
Your hands cupped his cheeks “I love you too”
The sky was bright blue. There were no clouds and the weather was perfect. Miguel and Cristobal were in the pool while you watched them from the bed in the tent Miguel asked to be built. They were having fun until the little one wanted some cookies from the kitchen and as demanding as his father, he wanted to go for them.
“We have fruit here,” You told your son, pointing at the bowls on the table as Miguel helped him to take his blue lifejacket off. Cristobal pouted and shook his head no.
“I want cookies” he insisted.
“Fine, just two,” you said and your son nodded. he grabbed his father’s hand and dragged him all the way to the kitchen.
You smiled watching them going inside the house. Their curls and swimsuits dripping water as they walked. There was no doubt that Cristobal was looking more and more like his father as the days go on.
The giggles of your son became louder as they approached the tent. You looked up from your phone and saw your son with two cookies in both of his hands. You turned to Miguel, questioning him with your gaze.
The expression on his face was saying “I couldn’t do anything”
“I said just two cookies, hun,” you told your husband once Cristobal sat near you.
“I told him so,” Miguel said quickly “Tell your mother what you told me”
Cristobal smiled when you ran your fingers through his hair “Two for me and two for little brother” he looked at you and then turned to the bassinet at your side. You couldn’t stop your laugh and neither did Miguel.
“But little brother can’t eat cookies yet,” you told him.
“Can I eat them for him?” Cristobal asked looking up at you with a big smile, trying to look as innocent as he could.
You looked at Miguel who didn’t even try to hide his smirk. Like father, like son.
“Fine,” you told him “but you’ll have to wait an hour before you go to the pool again”
Cristobal nodded too eagerly probably not knowing what an hour meant, and when Miguel was about to say something, your youngest son started to whine “Hey, little man. What’s wrong?” he asked taking the baby in his arms and trying to coo him, “I know, I know. You don’t want to see me now; you want your mami”
You smiled when Miguel kissed his forehead to place it in your arms so he could eat.
Miguel laid on the bed with Cristobal, they were close to you but not enough so they wouldn’t get you or the baby wet. He was having a conversation with his son, at least, the kind of conversation a three-year-old kid could maintain, which soon started to fade away and when you looked at them, you saw your oldest son sleeping on Miguel’s chest.
“He gave up,” Miguel said with a smile when he noticed you were watching them. One of his hands was on Cristobal’s back and the other in his hair “You want to try for a girl?”
You chuckled while patting your newborn child on the back “It’s been only six days since this little one came out of me… give me two years to forget the pain and we can talk about it”
“We have a deal here” He smiled at you and then kissed his son’s head “I think he likes being the big brother”
“Yeah, he gets extra cookies” you both chuckled at that “Today was wonderful”
“Every day at your side is wonderful”
“Ugh, cheesy” you laughed and Miguel looked at you pretending to be offended.
“I’m not taking it back, because it’s true” Miguel shrugged as best as the kid in his chest let him “I love you, you know it”
“Hun… I love you too”
Miguel stood there, lying in bed and looking at you and your sons. He was thankful that you had given him another chance, ‘cause he realized by looking at you three, that he couldn’t see his life without you.
“Hand in my hand and you promised to never let go”
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Tags: @luckyharley1903​
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manikas-whims · 3 years
Troublesome New Girl
Sequel to A Place Good Enough
[Read on AO3]
Characters: Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey, Kaz Brekker
Summary: Inej has newly joined the Dregs. She goes to return Kaz's coat in the presence of many members. *cue the teasing & jokes*
Jesper meets Inej & evidences of Jesper's crush on Kaz (tiny bit of angst).
Kaz is his usual self & sets an example. A violent one :)
I just noticed this complete written fic has been sitting in my drafts for a month now. I'm so dumb 〒_〒
Hope you guys enjoy!
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The constant noise of banging against wood rouses Inej from her sleep. She looks around haphazardly only to find herself lying on a cot in an unknown room, her torso covered by a grey coat. Sun's rays blind her eyes momentarily as she turns her face, an open window staring back at her, not the daunting walls of the Menagerie. Memories of the previous night flood back and her shoulders deflate in relief. She takes a long breath to calm her rapidly beating heart. She doesn't need to endure Heleen's beatings or sell her body anymore. She is free of that life. Free.
“Oi new girl!” a voice calls, followed by more knocking at the wooden door to her small room. “Brekker told me to bring you some clothes. I’m leaving a pair out here.”
Right! Kaz Brekker had promised her better clothes. She leaves the comfort of the cot but by the time she unlocks the door to thank whoever was on the other end, the person is gone. She catches a short glimpse of a feminine figure with blond hair at the stairs and vows to thank her later. Picking up the clothes, she closes the door.
When Jesper had heard his fellow Dregs gossiping about Dirtyhands bringing back a girl with him late at night, he hadn’t given it much thought. He had ignored Anika when she had said that she was literally asked by Kaz himself to provide the said girl with some clothes. In fact, he had completely shooed away anyone who came up to fill his ears with rumors about this unknown Suli girl and the bastard of the barrel. So when a small, bronze-skinned girl bumps into him on the third floor of the Slat, he's stunned.
"Ohhh—", The girl waves her hands frantically, her pupils dilating in concern, "I'm sorry."
But Jesper doesn't bother with apologies for he's too busy appraising her. Now she does match the rumored descriptions and is even donning Anika's lame clothes. But what actually piques his interest is a neatly-folded coat in the deepest shade of grey held between her dainty hands. He doesn’t need to think long to guess who it belongs to. There’s only one person who doesn’t indulge in the colorful fashion sense of the barrel— Kaz “Dirtyhands” Brekker.
He feels his insides fuming. But no way is he going to act like an idiot and jump to conclusions. Just because here's a girl he’s never seen before and she happens to have a coat, doesn’t mean that every single narrative he's heard about this whole situation is true.
He narrows his eyes in what he assumes is his best look of suspicion as he towers over the girl. “Where did you get that?”
"Um", she looks down at the piece of clothing and mumbles in the most innocent tone, "Mr. Brekker lent it to me."
Mr. Brekker!? The hell kinda way is this to address a man you slept with? Or whatever the heck it is that Dirtyhands prefers to do with girls..
"Why?" he asks. From Jesper's experiences, the young lieutenant of the Dregs isn't big on kindness. "Why did he lend it you?"
The girl's brows narrow in thought. It seems she herself is unsure of the reason. Her left palm clutches her right forearm in apprehension. "I guess..because I wasn't in a very decent attire."
Alarms go off in Jesper's head again. What exactly happened between her and Kaz? His heart needs answers yet he knows that its none of his business so he suppresses the unease welling in his belly.
"Well Kaz is up there." He gestures in the direction of the attic. "I'm headed there right now so I can give it to him."
The girl frowns. "I can't let a stranger do that for me. Besides," she twirls a strand of her hair, her eyes alight with some indescribable emotion, "I must properly thank him myself."
Jesper is familiar with this look. It mirrors his own when he was still a newbie at the Dregs and wanted to prove himself, wanted to repay Kaz for saving his ass. And not just by helping him pluck stupid pigeons but also by adding extra sums of profits to his ledger. Jesper can empathize with her on this.
"He saved you too," The Zemeni asks carefully, "didn't he?"
She stares at him, gauging the understanding in his expression and simply nods.
He rubs the side of his neck awkwardly. "Well, wanna go up together?"
Her eyes widen and she involuntarily takes a few steps back. Distrust. Fear. He can empathize with this action as well. In the barrel, it'd be foolish to believe a complete stranger within few moments of the first encounter.
"Then," he smiles the smile that many have called charming and starts his ascend upstairs. He only looks back once to wink at her, hoping it'll quell her anxious mind a bit, "follow my lead?"
"I can do that." she mumbles, more to assure herself and takes the first step of many that will become the foundation to their sibling-like friendship.
When it comes to change, development and fresh ideas, Per Haskell always cowers and dismisses the topic. People like that will never achieve anything if they aren't willing to take risks. The restoration of that abandoned fifth harbour would already be in motion if Kaz hadn't chosen to waste another of his precious mornings trying to convince his boss that investing in it may prove fruitful to the Dregs. And so, after a pointless argument he had had earlier with the old man, he's decided to take matters into his own hands.
Huffing audibly, he continues explaining every member present in his room their respective job for the day. The boisterous throng huddled around him, begins dispersing all of a sudden. Curiously, Kaz looks up to find his faitful right-hand man Jesper Fahey walking in, a mischievous glint in his silver irises.
"We bumped into each other on our way up here." Jesper gestures behind him.
And it is then that Kaz notices her presence— Inej Ghafa, the strange Suli girl he had brought back from the West Stave. Oddly, he had felt her presence moments ago but had brushed it off as a mere byproduct of his rest-deprived mind playing tricks on him. Turns out his intuition hadn’t been wrong at all.
"Its that Suli girl."
"The one that Brekker took up to his bed?"
"Who would've thought Haskell's rabid dog had such exquisite tastes."
The one that Brekker took where? Haskell's rabid what? Kaz isn't sure which remark he finds more insulting towards his reputation. Although he does realise he has no one except himself to blame. He should'nt have let the girl follow him up to the attic last night. As usual, he'll have to cover this small err with fresh tales about himself that are even more gruesome than the previous ones. But for now he must find out why the new girl is here.
Anika’s clothes are baggy on her small frame— a deep green shirt so loosely-fitted that she has tied its ends into a double knot just above her belly-button whilst the fawn-colored trousers hang tastefully around her hips. He watches her long, silky hair sway behind her as she walks gracefully in his direction, determination glimmering in her dark brown irises. Shock briefly flits across his gaze but before he can even think of stopping her, she shoots out her hands in which he (dreadfully) recognizes, she’s holding his coat. He can feel all eyes in the room already settling on him. They collectively stare in a mix of shock, curiosity and..is this jealousy he's witnessing on a few faces?
"What do you think you're doing?" He grits out. He hears a muffled snickering which he's sure is Jesper's and wonders if the two somehow managed to become friends in the short span of their climb up the stairs. And that they both planned this prank together on their way.
However, Inej only furrows her brows, debunking his ridiculous theory. She seems to be wondering what she's done wrong as she answers confidently, "I forgot to return it last night."
More interested staring ensues. The new pen in his palm snaps.
Is this girl serious right now? It took him long, unrelenting years to rise to the position he's at. He's spilled his blood, sweat and tears to scatter the seeds of terror about him throughout the expanse of Ketterdam. Even people who come across him for the first time, visibly shiver and turn pale. So what part of their last conversation has given her this courage to approach him so casually? She seems to have forgotten the fact that he’s an infamous barrel thug, feared by merchers, stadwatch and gangsters alike. She isn’t supposed to saunter up to him and return his coat, making this whole exchange appear to be a scandalous affair to the curious bystanders. She isn't supposed to crumble Dirtyhands' hard-built reputation with just a few words!
"Stand aside, I'm busy." He mutters, because he truly has no idea how to get out of this predicament and hopes that his caustic tone will get the message across just like it does with everyone else.
To his utter dismay, Inej seems to be far more tactless than Jesper, who still hasn't stopped snickering. She tucks the coat back in her arms and bites her lip as if suppressing herself from saying something mean. Her eyes quietly regard his own, an unspoken understanding settling between them. She is aware that if she doesn't wish to be thrown back into the Menagerie, she must behave properly with him. And yet, her nostrils flare as she responds, "I just wanted to pay my gratitude-"
"You can pay your gratitude," Kaz hisses back, glaring up at her from his perched position, "with your services." And its only after uttering those words does he realise the ambiguous implications hinted in them. Jesper's shoulders are shaking uncontrollably now, his palms tightly clamped around his mouth to muffle his laugh.
"Slow down, Dirtyhands." comments someone from the back and the whole room bursts into a howl of laughter. Inej brings a palm to her lips, gasping in mortification.
Kaz massages his eyes. Dealing with these ruffians has already been a headache. Now this new girl just walks in and takes the cake. She's proving to be far more dangerous– scratch that– far more more troublesome than he had expected.
He lets them have their fun as he pulls out a knife from his coatsleeve and gets up. He ambles towards Dirix, his steps slow and deliberate. He's sure it was Rotty who'd made the joke but Dirix is standing closer and it doesn't really matter who said what. Dirtyhands just needs to set an example.
The young boy is suddenly looking very pale. Kaz grabs his right hand, the dominant one and digs the blade along the joints of his fingers. The knife easily tears through his skin and goes deeper into the muscle beneath. Dirix is now screaming whilst everyone else hold their breath. From his peripheral vision, he catches the horror on Inej's face and rolls his eyes. Surely she must've heard of his violent endeavors at the menagerie. She shouldn't have approached him in the first place if she's going to be so shocked everytime he spills someone's blood.
He roots out the knife before it can completely sever Dirix's limbs. "Get 'em patched up." The boy is already running out.
He walks back and tosses the knife to the desk, its loud clang making everyone flinch in fright. "Pipe down before I actually start chopping tongues."
The threat silences everyone.
"This is Inej Ghafa." He points at her and the girl cowers slightly. Not at all the abrupt attention on her, he notices, but from him. "She's to be a new spider."
This one simple statement seems to piece together everything for them. Though he has an inkling that his previous act of brutality also plays a major part. They nod and whisper amongst themselves. He almost scoffs. Of course its easier for them to believe that Kaz Brekker took up a girl to his room for information. Not some spicy dalliance.
"Now get to work." He orders and one by one they shuffle out of the room, Rotty nodding respectfully. He knows he was spared merely by luck.
Jesper is the last one. He winks at Inej before taking his leave. "See you around, new girl!"
And with all of them gone, Kaz turns to Inej. She inhales a breath in anticipation.
"Let's start your training."
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So hopefully that was as fun reading as it was for me writing :3
Coming parts will have Inej's training and ofc her picking her canon outfit.
SoC Masterlist
( divider by @firefly-graphics )
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latent-thoughts · 3 years
The Himalayan Refuge
Chapter 1: To Safety
Summary: When Loki poofed with the Tesseract after the attack of New York, he desired to go to a safe place, somewhere he could recover and plan his next move. The Tesseract took him to Palampur, India–a sleepy town in the lap of the Himalayas. There, he indeed got the refuge he needed in a British era cottage, but his entanglement with its caretaker caused his plans to change…
Authors’ Notes: So, we (me and @emeraldrosequartz )wrote a new story for @allaboardthereadingrailroad 's​ Diversity Challenge. It features a POC Original Female Character (from India) and Loki. There will many references to the Indian culture and Hinduism (since the OFC is a Hindu) throughout the story, not to mention, a boatload of yummy Indian food. Enjoy these delicacies vicariously through Loki. :D
We'll try to update this story on a weekly basis, since most of it is already written. It's gonna be SAFE SUNDAYS!
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Bold Text = Loki's POV
Normal Text = Maya's POV
The glowing blue and white smoke cleared around him, and Loki landed in a crouch, catching his balance somewhat precariously as his hands were completely occupied with grasping the Tesseract while his wrists were attached by the manacles. He hadn't had the time to remove them before that miraculous moment, where the Tesseract had skidded up the linoleum to come to rest right at his bootheel. He hadn't even taken a moment to think, he'd just acted , grabbing the glowing cube, closing his eyes, and commanding it to take him to safety.
And now...here he was. Safety , apparently. Though, to say where exactly "safety" was left him with a mystery to solve. He appeared to be on Midgard still, but somewhere rural, quiet...bucolic. Rolling green hills, terraced for what appeared to be some kind of agricultural reason, stretching back for miles before serving as nothing more than a verdant carpet for the colossal, snow-capped mountains in the distance. And in the foreground...a small grouping of simple homes with slanting roofs, connected by dirt paths and interspersed occasionally with scruffy, hearty trees.
Seeing the signs of human civilization, he changed his leathers and the metal atrocities that were "imprisoning" him into clothing that would be less suspicious to a Midgardian--a simple white collared shirt and black slacks. He had just cast the Tesseract into his interdimensional storage when he felt light droplets upon his face, and he turned his attention to the sky. Storm clouds gathered overhead and thunder rumbled softly, more of a gentle warning than a crashing, angry noise. It would be raining heavily soon, within minutes--he could feel it in the air. Loki began to look around him, seeing if any shelter could be found nearby.
But before he could turn around completely, he heard a voice directly behind him.
Maya was running late. She knew that she had to get to the cottage as soon as possible. She had received a message from her employer and landlord that there was a guest coming.
It had been a month since anyone had arrived here; she had gotten a bit too used to the peace and quiet. And now some rowdy guy from the foreign lands would arrive and ruin it. They always did. They came to the Himalayas to chill, but they did everything but!
Due to its proximity to Mcleodganj and Dharamshala, Palampur saw a lot of foreigners. Not that Maya minded it. She only minded the so-called friends of her landlord--Mr. Ajay Raichand. After all, she had to be the caretaker of not just the cottage, but she also had to look after their needs.
All this, for a measly sum of Rs.8,000 per month. Oh well... at least she could avoid paying rent by staying in the attached cabin, which Mr. Raichand had offered for free. It was not that bad a deal, she had to remind herself. She could always have it worse, considering her heritage and notoriety in the village. Mr. Raichand was at least kind enough to ignore the local superstitions…
As she ran up to the cottage, she suddenly felt a weird sensation run down her spine. She shivered but kept running, holding her long skirt up to avoid the puddles in the road. She didn’t have the time to stop and observe whatever was going on with her. She had a job to do...
Running down the road to the cottage, she saw a tall figure standing there, looking uncertain. Something about him was very... unsettling , so she approached him slowly. She was certain that he was the person who she had been notified about.
"Hello?" she called, coming up behind him just as it began to pour. Goddamn rains... "I'm sorry you had to wait! I just got here. Please come with me before we both get soaked."
She jabbered on as she waited for him to turn around...
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buddha-in-disguise · 4 years
I'm not going to review the season finale in quite the same way as I've usually written something afterwards. I'm ultra tired due to distinct lack of sleep. So it is more truncated than I'd intended. Also unedited so advance apologies if something makes no sense or is misspelled etc.
The episode was facing the challenge of not only being edited after COVID-19 shut down production, but what was intended to be the penultimate episode became the finale. So I'm trying to take that into consideration.
First part in Kara's loft. It was choppy. Don't get me wrong, I had nothing against the humour, or the scenes in general. Although they missed the glaring opportunity to place a "flew here on a bus," moment! It felt pretty disappointing they didn't recognise what has become an iconic line within the SG fandom, and made it even more iconic.
Before the bus though, back at the loft, considering that Lena had literally only just arrived at Kara's, with all that entails, it felt completely out of place for that context. Did it have been overwhelming heavy at that point? Absolutely not. But it was too close to slapstick at times for me and internally I was cringing. I admit, I'm not sure where they could've put it in, but perhaps if they'd just lowered it a fraction, made it a little more subtle a couple of times, it would've helped for me.
Some of the dialogue (especially early on) was also all over the place for me. It did get better as the episode wore on, but I wonder how much was the need to redo parts of the episode because of COVID-19? Unless they think to put an episode as intended in a future season DVD (perhaps S6 DVD), or someone gives us full details via an interview we will probably never know.
Which brought me to one piece of dialogue that I wish they'd not put in at all!
In 5.18, as I've spoken about a lot on Twitter especially, the way Lex screams into Lena's face, and Lena's flinch, and how that had been me 20 odd years ago. They then had the line as Lena talks to Kara; "Go ahead. Scream at me if you have to, I know I deserve it."
I know for many, they'd just see it as a line to use, but .... for many of us who have suffered abuse, who recognised (& in some instances were triggered) by last weeks episode, to not have acknowledged why that line was so problematic is worrying. It heavily suggests they're not going to address Lena's trauma and abuse because they really don't understand it (& again, if anyone believes she didn't suffer trauma and abuse, but accept others in SG do, go away with your bias from my page), but considering they haven't addressed much of Kara's trauma, particularly watching Argo destroyed again, being stuck for months during Crisis like they were, etc - then I guess it isn't a surprise.
But it is uncomfortable as hell to watch a line like that glossed over.
Overall though, I did enjoy the episode. Once that 1st half was over, especially (baring a few moments, including watching Alex do her badass Mission Impossible meet Cirque du Soleil moment because that was awesome) it felt much more like SG of previous seasons. So that was great.
Watching Lena as she watched Alex and Kara hug behind her was so emotional. Watching siblings love unconditionally. Something she thought she had with Lex, only to realise he hadn't changed at all. Lena didn't need to say anything, as once again Katie's acting brought all the emotion Lena was feeling to the fore.
Having Lena and Alex mirror they choice of words in regards Kara was pretty iconic. Then having Alex whisper, "Jinx." really made it work.
Seeing Dreamer in her element, including some great lines again. "I can't believe you left to fight Earth, Wind & Fire without us." "Guess they didn't take the bait? Maybe you should've been meaner?" As they begin the fight with J'onn, M'gann Alex and Dreamer - Alex to Dreamer: "You ready?" Dreamer. "Nope." Alex. "Me neither." Dreamer at her best imo.
Kelly going all, damn my girlfriend is hot & I want sex right now despite the circumstances was pretty cute and funny.
The Kara and Lena monologues being in unison. Now that was pretty amazing and one of the best parts of the whole episode imo.. But again, you feel as if they're matching Lena and Kara together with those scenes as a couple.
Lena not only protecting Kara, but stopped Andrea from going down a dark path as Acrata. Was also great.
Last frame of Lillian. Does it turn out she is the head of Leviathan? Because again they laid out more than once the leader was a woman. It has been noted several times now in different episodes. I was hoping Lena's biological mother, considering she knew of the legend of Acrata, but it is now looking more likely this reincarnation of Lillian is who it is, unless it is a character we've not been introduced to, but I highly doubt that.
The 2nd half of the episode was what we missed so much this season. In fact aspects throughout the episode were missing for too much this season.
This includes the women being the focal point of it. Brainy though absolutely rightly taking a strong subplot to what else was going on. J'onn ably supported by M'gann. M'gann who managed to advise Nia on embracing her dreams and not trying to avoid part of them. Dansen actually working together and both being badass in their own way (after all, this is something I've advocated for much of the season, & while fantastic to see, it never should've taken this long. Now where have we heard that before?)
But we still have glaring unanswered questions that I can't imagine would've been answered in 5.20.
Every indication since 5.17 is Kelly knows Kara is Supergirl. Yet we don't know for certain, because they've failed to show us how or when. I've said before, considering every other person who knows Kara is Supergirl, we had them tripping over themselves to explain to the audience how it happened. I'm pretty annoyed that we as the audience don't get given the same courtesy with Kelly. This is why so many of us feel short changed on some characters this season. The really aggravating thing is would only take a few lines to clear it up!
Now onto Alex. This ties in with J'onn. Where are they getting the money to survive? Did J'onn manage to accumulate enough over all the years he was on Earth to finance everything & pay Alex a wage? No clue.
Also, are Kelly & Alex living together? Or do they have keys to each others apartments? Yes, Kelly was at Alex's in 5.17 so the answer is pretty much yes, but nothing has been said! We knew more about Brainy & Nia's living arrangements from 5a than we do Kelly & Alex.
Kara's trauma. Lena's abuse & trauma. See above.
Lastly, the one most I know want (except a few vocally against), leaning towards Supercorp becoming canon. Again for another season, we end up with the, 'Maybe they'll do it next season.' being said. Particularly as in 5a they really went all out on Supercorp parallels to Clois and at times Dansen, plus even a little on Brainia. But unless something pretty fundamental changes behind the scenes, they're going to recognise what their biggest draw is, keep baiting but never fully go into it. And that is what I fear the most. When you've got media, even non-Supergirl fans saying it, but the show refusing to acknowledge it - that could be their legacy, and it will not look good or have a lot of fans look back kindly on them for it.
The 4 seasons it took for Lena to find out Kara was Supergirl was, in the end, terribly executed. This waxing and waning as well of; is Lena good or bad? Will she follow in the Luthor footsteps?
She is flawed. She's made some pretty awful mistakes. But now they're said she is good. She isn't evil or a villain. So now that line they've drawn needs to stay there! No more ambiguity on her character being a villain.
But you know what's not good? Feeling you can't trust the show to draw a line under that aspect of the character. That doesn't mean you have to have any one of them not be flawed, or to even cross some lines (they've all done it at some point, some moreso than others, but not one character is innocent).
When the show is now generating that level of mistrust on how they could handle future events, that is a problem.
Season 5 overall (particularly 5b) was absolutely horrendously bad. It had some moments of sheer brilliance (either individual scenes, or some episodes), but the rest was just flat out awful. Irrelevant. Messy. No cohesion. 5b became too much of the Lex Luthor show. Certain character additions were vastly unpopular and definitely caused down turns in viewer numbers (& again, from far more than a section of fandom). As did keeping Lena away from everyone for so long.
To sum up. Season 5 was a disaster.
Season 6 needs to have considerably different direction to even try & pull back some viewers (if they can at all). Distrust is rife.
The worst is no-one in the cast deserved this, especially as they're so talented. Some of the performances, even with how poor much of the season was, have been magnificent. But as the saying goes, you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear.
I've never been so relieved a season is finally over. We'll watch our favourite episodes for sure, of which there aren't many, but a full rewatch of the season we normally do will not be happening. Some episodes were better off consigned to the trash.
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afrodeitiess · 5 years
Wedding Bells
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𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: Tony Stark x Black!Oc
𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 1780 Words
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          THE CREAMY WHITE wedding dress seemed to become tighter with each growing second, constructing her breathing and pushing her chest together so that her breasts had no other direction to go but up, up, up.
         Topanga Woods has never once imagined that she'd be here. She'd never thought that she would ever choose to spend the rest of her life with one person and she remembered being quite averse to the idea of marriage. She was as stubborn as they came and that she was no picnic to be around. The idea of marriage has always felt very far away, like some inevitable fate that would one day catch up with her and drain all of the light from her life.
          Every single time that her father had brought up the topic of marriage before, she'd always said that she'd die all alone and surrounded by a million cats and while her stance on the cats still had not changed, it was now hard to imagine her life without Tony Stark. It was difficult to say exactly when her feelings for the millionaire, playboy genius, philanthropist - his words, not hers - had suddenly morphed from hatred to mere tolerance and eventually to love but she'd never imagined that she'd be so excited at the prospect of walking down the aisle and becoming his wife.
         Despite all of this, Topanga felt an iron grip over her heart, squeezing and wrenching until she felt as if she could just crawl into a hole and die. She'd known to expect this as she'd lived her entire with anxiety and she was always second-guessing her decisions and sweating the simple things but all of her fears and doubts were bubbling over inside of her.
          What sort of wife would she make? She wasn't the most accommodating person and she required her standard eight hours of sleep to function. Topanga had a tendency to self-destruct, to simply give up or ruin something before she could end up hurt and alone. Being with Tony made her happy and she loved being able to wake up next to him every morning and being able to make him smile with a simple corny joke. She loved him and she wanted the best for him but she couldn't shake the feeling that he deserved better. Somebody else.
        Besides, the title of Tony Stark's wife would definitely be different from all of the ones that she'd occupied previously. They'd started out as enemies and rivals and with time, they became friends and eventually, she was his girlfriend and then lover. And in the sum of a few years, she'd managed to add fiancée to the list and now, she was taking in the title of his wife.
         What sort of mother would she make? She hadn't known her own mother as anything other than the woman had left her father soon after she was born. All that Topanga had ever had was her father and a letter from the woman who had birthed her. She didn't particularly care for her mother. What a pair she and Tony made with their various mommy and daddy issues.
         Topanga allowed herself to chuckle at her own thoughts and shift ever so slightly. The little movement was enough to catch her seamstress' attention. "Stop moving. You're going to mess up your dress and then you'll have to walk down the aisle looking like a mess." Topanga adhered to her instruction and resisted the urge to retort that stating all of the things that could go wrong was not helping her anxiety at all. She was already singing that song to herself on repeat.
         Within half an hour, her makeup was all done and Topanga was grateful, although she couldn't feel her face. She sat in front of the mirror and glanced over her shoulder to make sure that her makeup artist wasn't looking before she wiped furiously at the vivid red lipstick that she'd painted all over her lips. "Are you decent?" Topanga heard a voice call from the door. She could recognize her best friend's voice anywhere.
         "Decent," she called to Alex and she heard two sets of footsteps from the door.
         "It's nothing I haven't seen before anyways," a voice called and the words were followed by a low chuckle. Topanga could hardly stop the smile that perched itself on her lips, despite her upset feelings. Her husband-to-be. She turned around to find Tony stumbling into the room, hands over his eyes.
         "I found him outside straight up freaking out," Alexis explained as she led Tony by the arm further into the large room.
         "I was not freaking out. Tony Stark doesn't freak out."
         Topanga scoffed underneath her breath as she could recall several times that he'd done just that. She smiled at him, although he couldn't see her and picked up the bottom of her dress and she waved off the makeup artist to give them some time alone. "Hey baby," she greeted him.
         "Hey," he returned and despite her closed eyes, she could hear the smile in his voice. "I wasn't sure if it was seeing the bride or talking to her on the wedding day that's bad luck."
         Topanga chuckled at him and turned around before instructing him to do the same. "What's wrong?" she asked, taking a step in his general direction and she heard him do the same. "You're not going to disappear on me, are you?" Her tone was joking and for the most part, she was but she couldn't help the fear that crept into her mind and her moisture that seemed to materialize on her palms.
         "I would never. Besides, I highly doubt that there's any distance that would stop you from hunting me down and making my life hell," he said, laughing lightly as stepped to the right in the direction of her voice.
         "True," Topanga admitted with a shrug. She took another step back, using the sound of his voice as a guide. "All of these preparations are getting to me. It would be much easier if we just eloped."
         Tony's answer came far too quickly for her comfort. It seemed that he, too, was second-guessing everything. "We still could. We could run away from here and get engaged in Vegas. It's really nice there this time of the year. I know people there that can marry us for little to no money - I did that once, true story - and then we can honeymoon around the world and come back and show off the tan that we don't have."
         Topanga's brow jutted up at the insinuation that Tony had been married once although she was sure that it was another story from his crazy life and she wasn't all that excited to hear about it. She lifted her feet back one step towards him. This time she was sure that she was close. She could feel it. She lifted her hand to grab his and was met with cool air. "To your left, Tony. No, not my left. Your left."
     This time she reached back and her skin made contact with his and she wrapped her hand around him and exhaled quietly. She rested her back against him and their hands intertwined behind them and suddenly, nothing mattered. Not the doubts that she was having or the too-tight dress or Tony's Vegas story. All of her doubts were reduced to whimpering whispers at the back of her mind. She felt Tony exhale and slump a bit. "Where is all this coming from, Tony?" she asked after the silence became too much bear.
         "I'm not sure," he whispered to her as they both sunk to the ground, not caring that it would be really bad if her dress was stained. "You know that I never really pictured myself getting married. Commitment? Gross, right. But I always figured that I would eventually and I love you. I absolutely want to spend the rest of my life with you but I don't know, I just always thought if I ever did get married, that my mom would be there."
        Topanga couldn't think of anything to say. They talked about everything but while they'd talked about his parents before, she knew that it was a touchy subject for him. She wasn't sure that there was anything that she could say that would fix it so she didn't say anything. She simply rubbed circles at the back of his hand. It wasn't much but to Tony, it was everything. She was there and that was all that mattered the most. Still, he couldn't stop himself from voicing his fears to her. "Do you think we're making a mistake?"
         Topanga sighed. "I really don't know." There was something quite daunting about having to voice her worried out loud. Even if it was to the person who knew her best. She got the sense that she didn't have to say it anyway. He already knew. "I hope not but we're human and making mistakes is what we do best. We're all too skilled at shattering but we're together, right? And we'll always be able to put the pieces back together."
          Topanga wasn't sure if she believed it or if she was simply trying to convince herself but she really hoped it was true because she'd found something great with Tony and she wasn't willing to give it up. Not now.
         A beat passed between them.
         "God, I really want to kiss you right now," Tony commented, his fingers playing with hers. "You know that I'm absolutely in love with you, right?"
         "You've said it once or twice," she laughed at him and she was surprised to find that she didn't feel as awful as she did before. If anything, she was in a hurry to put a ring on him and officially make him hers. "I love you." She leaned back against him and he squeezed her hands tighter as if she was his only tether to the world around him.
         Topanga couldn't help but think that everything would be okay. They were only two people and they were, by no means, perfect but they were together and they were in the eye of the storm. It was quiet and perhaps that was all they'd ever have but it was them against the world and that was more than enough for the two troubled souls.
━ So that was the first chapter and it’s kind of tame and not nearly as emotional as the rest of the story will get but I hope you enjoyed it. Like and reblog if you did
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mads-maddie-madison · 5 years
Antithetical -part 2
//NOTE// I hope this part is more fulfilling than the last. It is slightly edited, but it was done in the middle of class so we’ll see how that goes, lol.
Summary: After Robichaux's supreme, Cordelia Foxx, allows Hawthorne's own Boy Wonder, Michael Langdon, to attempt the test of the Seven Wonders, y/n has a problem accepting that. She will stop at nothing to prove he is anything but the next supreme, even if that means attempting the test herself.
Warnings: Light Angst, sexual tension (?)
Word Count: 1.8k
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I groaned, slamming my laptop shut. My eyes were throbbing, dry. They felt like they were ashes left by the coals of a burning fire. I had been studying for three days now, no break in sight, at least not until after Sunday afternoon. I rubbed my eyes, looking at the time. Eleven-thirty-two, I had been at this for almost four hours. Shuffling out of my chair, I made my way towards the door. I at least needed something to eat before I spent the rest of my day head deep in grimoires.
"And where do you think you're going?" I internally groaned at the malicious voice, words dripping with arrogance. "And why do you care, Langdon?" I refused to stop, continuing my strides down the white hallway, trying to focus on the photos of past witches rather than Michael's presence behind me, following my every step. "Well Miss y/l/n, I'm only looking out for your well being, seeing as how you'll need every moment of studying you can get if you want to even have a chance against myself." Every moment I spoke to him, it felt like his ego inflated. I didn't believe I could feel so much resentment towards another human being, if that's even what you'd call him. "You're so confident that you'll succeed, what makes you think I won't?" I cascaded my way down the stairs focusing myself towards the kitchen, glancing back at him. His posture all the same as it was three days ago. Hands held behind his back, chest broadened to show dominance. His blonde hair swept to the sides, and the same black uniform that all the Hawthorne warlocks wore. I made a mental note to make sure I looked as prepared as he does on Sunday. "It's blatantly obvious y/n, I've seen your reports. You're mediocre in all your classes. Not to mention, you've shown no abilities that even begin to compare to mine." That damn smirk spread across his face again, oh how badly I wanted to smack it off. "Just like how it's blatantly obvious that you're a self-absorbed, conceded asshole?" He chuckled, knowing he was getting a rise out of me. I reached over the counter, grabbing a red apple from the bowl in the center. "I can assure you, Mr. Langdon, that you most definitely have competition this Sunday. I would jump off of that high horse of yours before you fall." Biting into the apple as I made direct eye contact with him, his ice blue eyes staring straight back at me. Had he not been such an arrogant, self-centered jackass, I may even think he was beautiful. He said nothing, just continued to look straight through me. As if he was reading everything about me by a simple look. "I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to discourage me, you want me to question myself and my own abilities. I can promise you it's not going to work." With that I walked out of the kitchen, the feeling of his eyes glaring into my back as I left the room.
I knew what he was trying to do, if he discouraged me it was likely that I'd do worse in the seven wonders. I sighed as I looked back towards my desk, the mountain of books and papers spread across the surface. I had already mastered telekinesis, having had been one of my original abilities when I first arrived at Robichaux. Concilium followed, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a challenge. I decided I needed help, so I texted Mallory asking for her to meet me in my room. "What did you need help with?" I looked up from my book as Mallory walked through my bedroom door. "Concilium, I need someone to practice on." She nodded in understanding, sitting across my bed. "Alright well before you do anything, just please, nothing embarrassing." I chuckled at her, "Agreed." I turned my chair, focusing on Mallory. I focused my thought on making her stand, grabbing the random shirt that was thrown onto the floor and imagining her folding it. I had stared at her for what felt like forever, nothing was happening. "This is ridiculous!" I sighed in frustration, "You're thinking too hard y/n. Don't stress it, let your mind flow freely." I let out a deep breath of air, I knew she was right. Maybe Michael had gotten to me earlier, this shouldn't be so difficult. I reverted my attention back to Mallory, "Alright, let's try this again." I freed my mind of any thought of Michael, of the test, any worry I had to think of. Slowly, I watched Mallory stand and walk towards the corner where my shirt resided. Picking it up, she walked towards the bed, folding it neatly and setting it down. "See y/n, you just have to be stress free."
Pyrokinesis was next, I grabbed the candle that sat on my nightstand. Running my hand over the wick, I watched the flame ignite. I smiled to myself, I had succeeded in three of the seven wonders, at least I was getting somewhere. "Alright Mallory, I need you to help me with divination." She agreed and walked out of the room, not returning for what felt like five minutes. "Okay, you need to find something that once belonged to Cordelia." I nodded, I closed my eyes, focusing on the energy that engulfed the rooms atmosphere, I allowed my thoughts to bring me towards the object of my desire. I stood up, walking out of my room and down the hall towards the end where a pot full of decorative wooden sticks rested. Reaching out I grabbed Cordelia's old support cane, from when she was attacked by her father-in-laws pets. "Is this it?" I questioned, facing Mallory, "yes."
Transmutation was anything but a challenge, so far I had this under my belt. The ball seemed to be in my court. Now I had to focus on Vitalum Vitalis, I grabbed the dead rose from my bed that I had gotten from the garden earlier. It just so happened to be one of the unfortunate few that didn't get enough sunlight. I bent over the rose, leaning my head down towards the red flower. I lightly blew onto it, attempting to transfer my own life force into the unlucky plant. I watched the petals slowly rejuvenate, lifting themselves up from a crippled, dried up mess to a soft, delicate rose once again. The shriveled up brown stem became a vibrant shade of green again, full of life. Now I could focus on the most challenging task; descensum.
This was the one I feared, the thing that would determine life or death. If I fail, my soul would be stuck in my own personal hell for eternity, whatever plan for a life ahead of me gone within the blink of an eye. I considered pushing it off for Sunday, if I were to die, then I could die attempting to save my coven. But if I attempted it now, and failed, I could die in the comfort of my own bed, quietly and peacefully. Mallory sat on my bed, silently watching me as I practiced. I glanced towards the clock for the second time today, four-fifty-seven. I inhaled a large sum of air, before slowly exhaling as I made my final decision. I would be no coward, I will practice descensum, but I won't attempt it until the day of the test. If I'm going to die, I'm going to go out proudly instead of hiding out behind the confinement of my own four walls.
It was nearly one-thirty in the morning now, time had gotten away from me. The only thing that mattered was my passing of the test. The test that was in two days, I should be resting, knowing every minute of sleep was a gift. Every moment of peace mattered, in two days my life will forever be changed. For the better or the worst, I don't know. I had been laying here, tossing and turning for the majority of the time I had been in bed. Thinking of the different possibilities as to how this could end. If I passed, Michael wouldn't, if Michael passed, then I wouldn't. Each thought raking my mind, one right after another. I turned, facing the window, staring at the front yard. The thought of how Zoe had failed transmutation, ending up laid out across the forks of the gate. Suddenly it occurred to me that I was not the only one risking my life to complete this task, Michael was too. While I had hoped that I passed, I became worried at the thought of him failing in the worst way possible, my heart dropped to my stomach. ' Why do you care about him y/n?' I thought to myself, 'You barely know him, he means nothing to you.' I still thought the worst, Michael may be arrogant, but I surely didn't want him to die. Did I?
'No of course not! You'd never wish death upon anyone.'
"Thinking of me?" My head snapped to the doorway I hadn't noticed was open. My eyes met the tall dark figure that was Michael Langdon. "What are you doing in my room?" I immediately sat up, suddenly feeling exposed due to my sense of vulnerability. "My dear y/n, your thoughts are consuming." He urged forward, coming closer to the end of my bed. "So you're clairvoyant as well? Good to know," I huffed, pulling my blanket up to cover my tank top adorned torso. "Well I tend to listen in when I'm the main topic. Worried for me are we?" Even though I couldn't exactly see it due to the darkness of the room, I could practically hear the signature smirk on his face. "Why would I worry for you?" I attempted to rebuttal, trying my best to hide my thoughts, not wanting him to learn anything further. This time he sat at the edge of my bed, slowly leaning over me. His face now lit by the light of the moon shining through my window. "Don't deny it Miss y/l/n," he slowly reached his right hand up to push a strand of hair behind my ear. "I think we both know I mean a little bit more to you than you'd care to admit." He was so close I could smell the mint on his breath. He leaned a little bit closer, mouth resting over the lobe of my ear. I could feel the heat of his breath as he spoke, "Good luck Sunday." Suddenly I was alone again, the ghost of his words haunting me to sleep. Did I care for him more than I'd care to admit?
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bgrobinson78 · 2 years
Something New
Someone To Talk To
Chapter Five, Part One
The Main Hall was abuzz with activity. Students rushing around trying to get ready for the afternoon. Teachers and kids lining up to hear the school's only student band.
Adam walked into the Hall, closely followed by Ellie. They'd just come from the library where they'd been hanging out. Ellie tapped Adam on the arm. "Why are we here?" She sounded as if Adam had dragged her there, which of course he had.
"We're watching the band."
"But why?"
"Because I promised Gray I'd be here."
"You're friends with Grayson Dent?"
"Yeah. And what?" Adam said, defiantly. Ellie shrugged and sat on the back row. Adam stood beside her and watched as the band set themselves up.
Mr Ward was fiddling with the sound desk at the front of the stage. He looked up and gestured for each player to test their instruments. He adjusted the sliders as they played, so he could get the levels where they should be.
He looked at Kieran. "Where are Jordan and Gray?"
"I don't know sir. I think they might be backstage. Do you want me to look for them?"
"No its okay, I will. You keep setting up."
Kieran watched as Mr Ward walked off and through the door at the side of the hall. He too wondered where his friends were.
*  *  *
Gray sat in the PE changing room behind the main stage, tapping his feet. The lead up to this had been stressful but now he was on the verge of panic.
What if I mess up? What if I choke? What If people chase me off stage just cause they don't like me? Everyone will be watching.
The thoughts were quickly spiralling out of control. He wished he hadn't peeked at the crowd waiting to watch them.
The door slamming shut made him jump. He looked up and saw Jordan, standing with his arms crossed. "Thought I'd find you hiding," Jordan said in a half sneer.
Jordan looked haggard, as if he'd spent the night crying. He watched his friend with a steely gaze, but inside he felt like he was about to break. He couldn't keep up the act any longer. He sighed and crossed the room, sitting next to Gray.
Their eyes met in a moment of reflection. Jordan wanted to be the first to speak. "I'm-"
"I know." Gray interrupted. "I am too."
"I wish you'd told me."
"From what I could see, there was nothing to tell."
"Do you have a crush on him?"
"Yes. No. I - I don't know. I like him, he's a good friend. But he's not my best friend."
The pair shared a hug. It was deep, heartfelt, like they were saying a thousand apologies in a single embrace.
When they pulled apart Jordan looked at his friend and asked, "Are you okay? Where were you yesterday?"
Gray shot him a look of surprise and regret. He wanted to keep his own act up, but this was his best friend, the one person he couldn't keep secrets from.
"I was with Adam, we were talking."
"And that's why you missed practise?"
"I was kind of on my way when I bumped into Chris."
"God! What happened?"
"He kissed me." Gray shuddered from the look of horror that he got from Jordan. A look that quickly gave way to anger.
"I pushed him off and then he went to punch me..."
"And Adam stepped in."
"What do you mean?"
"Did you see the bruise of Chris' jaw?"
Jordan thought back to seeing Chris wander the playground with his mates. His chin was a sickly shade of deep purple. He'd just summed it up to his usual dickish antics
"So not his friend then."
"Friend of a friend apparently, but that went sour. I spent that lunch telling him about me and Chris..." He breathed a heavy sigh, trying anything he could to dull the inaudible screaming. He looked right at Jordan. "...and I'm not sure I should have."
Jordan looked into his friend's eyes and saw that they were filled with regret.
Jordan felt a lump in his throat as he was about to offer some words of encouragement. Instead, he wrapped Gray in a tight hug. Gray sniffed as he felt his walls cracking. The tight bubble of secrecy about his history with Chris was starting to crumble.
Jordan pulled away from him and slapped a hand on his shoulder. "If it helps, you could sing the song to him." Gray could've slapped him for that. "Hey I told you I'd get you back for teasing me about Amy."
Gray burst into laughter, pushing Jordan away playfully. He felt a weight lift off his shoulders.
"Come on Denty, let's give em hell."
"With you all the way, Madz."
"Oof that was an old one," Jordan pointed out, wincing a little. Gray laughed again. Jordan jumped up from the bench and held out his hand. Gray grabbed it and yelped as he was pulled to his feet.
They were heading for the door when Mr Ward burst in. He breathed a sigh of exasperated relief, "There you two are. I've been looking everywhere for you."
"Sorry sir," said Gray with a sheepish expression, "Just working through last minute nerves."
Mr Ward gave an unconvinced stare. He studied the boys before relenting and ushering them towards the stage.
The rest of the band smiled as Gray and Jordan walked onto the stage, arms over one another's shoulders. "Good to see you've made up," Harry pointed out handing Jordan his guitar. Jordan chuckled as he put the strap over his head.
The noise of the main hall grew as the band were getting into their places. Finally, the show was about to start. Maddie sat on front row with a group of girls all cooing and smiling at Harry and Shawn. She gave a timid wave. Shawn waved back, blushing a little.
Gray froze as he saw just how many people would be watching. The seats were full and the the tables at the back were crowded. Staff were piled at the sides, squeezing themselves against the walls. Was the whole school here? His heart began thinking and his breathing getting shallower. Kieran's hand on his arm pulled him from the brink.
"You'll be great. Just pretend they're not there."
"Easy for you to say."
Kieran winked and tapped him on the shoulder.
Gray stepped to the front of the stage and looked out over the hall. He placed one hand on the microphone, took a breath and got ready to sing...
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