#literally everyone on that show is dating you can't change my mind
going through the loki tag after finally watching the season 2 finale, I'm starting realize that the Merlin and Doctor Who fandoms are the only ones that understand the true power of poly shipping
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weeknd-ogoc · 6 months
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SUMMARY: in which lando knows it’s not fair to try to change your mind about pursuing your dream! (inspired by jack & jack's song, lotta love)
FACE CLAIM: cindy kimberly
CONTAINS: artist!reader, fluff, breakup & angst!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: don't know how euros work that great lol so bare with me and maybe i could turn this into a part 2??? alright so i’m back in my jack and jack era and i thought this song would make a good imagine :)
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liked by landonorris, alexandrasaintmleux, and 764,432 others
ynusername today's art exhibit was a success, thank you to everyone who was able to come and super thankful for those who bought my paintings! 🪴
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landonorris FIRST!!
username when aren't you maxfewtrell ^^
landonorris you're so beautiful 💚
ynusername thank you my love 🥹
username 💘💘
username i showed up a bit late but she was literally so nice and lando was there swooning over her talking about her paintings!
username omgg i love how he's so supportive of her! username at the beginning i saw lando arguing with max over a painting but y/n told him she'd make him another one and he was pouting for a good fifteen minutes 😭
alexandrasaintmleux i had so much fun so proud of you babe!!
liked by ynusername
username ugh i wished i lived in monaco!
before entering this two year long relationship with you, lando knew your dream was to open up your own painting studio to be able to teach children how to open up their creative side — the first time you guys had met was when lando accidentally bumped into you in front of your old art class that you were temporarily teaching at.
"oh i'm so sorry, my friend here is a bit clumsy sometimes." max apologized as lando helped you pick up your art supplies while giving him a glare.
they had both seen you every morning for the past week and max noticed lando's eyes lingering on you for awhile so he had this grand idea to finally make lando talk to you and this was that grand idea.
"yes i'm very clumsy." lando nodded and went along with it. "your board thing broke too, i can pay for your stuf-"
the three of you looked down at your broken palette and you shook your head picking it up. "you know what lando and..."
max gave you a cheesy smile and a little nod. "oh i'm max."
"well lando and max, you guys could come to my art exhibit tonight to make up for breaking my very expensive palette." you knew that it was just a cheap one that your sweet old boss had given you to work with but they didn't have to know that.
max quickly nodded and agreed for the both of them which earned another glare from his best friend. "we'll be there!"
later that night after going through half of his wardrobe and a few of max's shirts, lando finally chose his black button up shirt and his khaki colored jeans.
"if i was that girl i'd totally slip right out of my clothes for you." max joked. "oh by the way i can't make it, have a date with pietra in an hour."
so on the ride to the exhibit lando found himself going through most of his pickup lines and jokes in his head and when he found a parking spot right in the front his eyes landed on you.
he kept his eyes on you as he walked over to where you were, you had been wearing an orange dress with your hair curled and for a moment he felt speechless and all the things he was going to say just slipped out of his head.
"lando! i'm so glad you made it!" you gave him a quick hug and handed him a last minute portrait that you decided to add. "this thing is about to start so please be a dear and hang my last painting up in that corner there."
while you ran off to talk to an older man he stood up on a little stool and put your portrait up, lando wasn't interested in art but something about your painting was kinda calling to him.
€ 453.52
yeah he was definitely buying it.
when you made your return back to the table you saw him fixing the labels on the bottom of your paintings.
you couldn't lie he looked really good.
as the night went on he was really intrigued by all the art that others made, your boss had pushed you to go hang out with lando while he stayed behind to watch your stand.
"you need a life outside the art world so now go talk to him!"
lando listened as you talked about what you've been doing for the past few years and when it was time to talk about his work, you found yourself amazed by it.
your dad had tried getting you into formula one for years but you just couldn't find yourself interested in it. "over 200 miles per hour? pretty dangerous."
"i actually have a race in two weeks here in monaco, maybe you can come? i could give you passes of coarse." he said with a cheesy smile.
you nodded and let out a laugh. "sure, i would like that."
before you could continue talking your boss called you over and as you walked over there max had called him about a forgotten reservation they had planned a few days before.
"i'll be right back."
he looked over to you and saw there was people interested in buying your work so he wrote a little note to you and left it with your boss.
dearest y/n,
sorry i had to go in such a rush but i had a lot fun tonight.
i can pick up the beautiful painting tomorrow and maybe we can get dinner?
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liked by ynusername, maxfewtrell, and 867,434 others
lando.jpg the true masterpiece
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ynusername ugh i love you!!
lando.jpg i love you more maxfewtrell love you guys the most 🥹
username my favorite couple
username please adopt me!
maxfewtrell it should've been me
ynusername but it's not :)) maxfewtrell 🥱🥱
lillymhe my love (her) with her love (him)
ynusername miss you sm 😭 alex_albon 🤨 im getting real tired of you guys lando.jpg ^ me too
lando recalled being excited to finally make it to the third date because everyone knew what happens after it — it had already been five months of you guys talking but because the both of you always had busy schedules it was very hard to set up this third date.
my boss is leaving to new york on tuesday so i'm available!
if you can make it you can totally stay over my apartment for a few days 🙂
as soon as he read your messages he booked a flight over to monaco since he had a free week off. "you should bring her to another race, i really liked her!" daniel told him as they left the cooling room.
he arrived in monaco just an hour before your shift ended so he made sure to get you some roses and when it was time he made his way over to your job where he saw children saying goodbye to you.
look outside!!
when you were finally able to look at your phone, you looked up and saw lando standing outside giving you an excited wave.
as you waved back at him your boss called you into his office.
i'll be out in a bit
your boss had called you in telling you he was going to sell the studio in a few months and move over to new york. "trust me y/n, i will call you as soon as the place is up and running..." he said as he fixed a few papers up on his desk. "you are my favorite worker and i would love to have you as a temporary teacher again."
"i know i have told you about becoming a full ti-"
"i just don't see you ready for that right now..."
you had told your boss time and time again that you wanted to become a full time teacher but he always had excuses for it and as he used another excuse you looked over to lando who was swatting something in the air with the roses he had in his hand.
"thank you for the opportunity but i think i'm going to take a break from the art world for a good while."
so after getting your stuff together you made your way to lando.
"finally, there was this huge bee attac-" he was so caught up in looking for the bee that was just attacking him a few minutes ago that he almost didn’t feel your lips place a light kiss against his cheek. "oh um..."
you pulled away with a smile on your face and let out a little chuckle at how red lando's face was turning. “c'mon my house isn't that far from here...”
he handed you the roses he had bought you, some of the petals had gone missing due to all the swatting he was doing with them but you still appreciated it.
"they're beautiful lan."
he smiled and nodded, face still red. "not as beautiful as you." he noticed his voice crack due to all his nervousness. "wow that hasn't happened in awhile..."
you intertwined his fingers with yours and began walking in the direction of your house with a smile on your face.
when the both of you arrived you gave him a tour of your apartment and he loved everything about it due to it giving cozy vibes as he said and when you guys finally made it over to your room he saw the vision board that you had hung up on your wall.
"i want to open up a studio in new york one day..." you told him as you took down your board just to show it to him. "i kinda quit since he wanted me to become a temporary teacher over in new york and that's not what i want so maybe later on i'll be able to do it but for now i think i'm just going to take a break."
he slowly nodded — he knew that you guys had been talking for only a few months but he really wanted to help you out with this, maybe even help you open up your own studio one day.
ynusername & landonorris recently added to their stories
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you remembered the first time your parents were going to meet lando and you were freaking out because you had never introduced a guy to your parents.
when your mom found out you were finally seeing someone she got excited because she was starting to think you were never going to give her grandchildren.
when your dad found out you were finally seeing someone he was suspicious of the guy but when you told him it was lando norris his mind completely changed — he had watched formula one for years now and even tried getting you into it when you were younger but you found it boring.
"he's here! please be nice and do not bring out the baby pictures!" you told your parents before opening the door.
"we'll be on our best behavior, promise."
and even though they had promised you, you knew they were still going to embarrass you by the end of the night.
just last week you had met lando's family and they adored you.
lando knew your parents meant the whole world to you so he made sure not to goof around too much and by the end of the night your parents loved him.
"this is the greatest day of my life!" your father had said since lando had promised your dad some vip passes for next week's race you figured that was what won him over.
when your parents decided it was time to pull out the baby albums you decided to go into your old bedroom to change out of your dress and quickly update lily on how the night was going.
as lando looked at the pictures of you he saw one of you around the age of eight maybe, painting a wooden dollhouse.
"she's always loved doing art projects when she was younger..." your mother had told him. "has she told you anything about maybe looking back into teaching again or maybe opening her studio?"
he shrugged. "i think she's been looking for a spot here in monaco since i just moved here but she hasn't said much."
your mother had worried that being in love was stopping you from doing what you love the most so she could only hope that it wasn't that. "my y/n has always been independent so this whole relationship you have going on, i hope you're truly taking it seriously because she has never introduced us to anyone so i think that says she likes you a lot." your mother told him which he nodded and just before he can talk your father spoke. "you hurt i promise i will hunt you down, that's all."
lando saw you returning back to the table with a fuzzy orange blanket and he smiled at the sight of you before looking back to your parents. "trust me, i'm not going anywhere for a very long time."
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liked by landonorris, lilymhe, and 932,984 others
ynusername frosted ❄️
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landonorris the future mother of my kids everyone
lilymhe y/n asked when landonorris tell her very soon 🤫 landonorris and bring her back to me rn lilymhe gtg
username please get married already
maxfewtrell sorry about pushing you into the snow 🤭
ynusername next time i'm going to push you off the cliff
username i miss when she used to post about her art!
username me too she needs to bring it back!!!
username if you look closely you can see me throwing myself off a cliff :)))
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liked by ynusername, maxfewtrell, and 889,563 others
landonorris snow days ⛄️
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maxfewtrell now hold on why didn't i get a good picture
ynusername because you pushed me into the snow and didnt even help me up landonorris ^^ maxfewtrell i apologized, let it go!!
username tell y/n to post her artwork again!!
ynusername ☃️❤️
liked by landonorris
carlosainz55 im assuming it was y/n's idea to make cookies
landonorris yup
finally two - almost three years into your relationship, the both of you were already moved in with each other and lando was thinking about popping the question to you since everything was just going great with the two of you.
he already knew he was going to propose on christmas day.
"almost all gone again!" you smiled at him, seeing that one painting was left on your stand.
"well your work is amazing." he said as his chin rested on the top of your head as you looked towards your stand.
you had been close to purchasing a studio here in a monaco but you still had doubts and lando wasn't sure why that was so when he saw your old boss entering the exhibit and you running to hug him it all came back to him, your dream.
"i'm so glad you're still here! i have something to tell you!" your old boss said as he gave you a big hug and lead you towards the buffet table.
lando stayed behind by your stand as some people were asking him questions about your art work and while he was answering them, he kept his eyes on you who jumped up with excitement but then looked back to him.
yes you had been painting and doing side jobs in art classes, constantly talked about opening your studio even sometimes doing modeling gigs but lando had thought you'd be doing it here in a monaco so you could stay with him.
"you're not going to believe it!" you said with the biggest smile on your face, he stared at you in silence fearing what you might say "lan?"
"y-yeah sorry, what did he say to you baby?"
you explained to him that he was now selling his studio to move to paris and before he could sell it to someone else, he recalled you wanting a place in new york.
"that's amazing! what did you tell him?" he asked trying to sound super excited about it but deep down he was a nervous wreck.
you smiled at his excitement. "that i would think about it..."
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liked by landonorris, alexandrasaintmleux, and 1,222,221 others
ynusername finished 🎨
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username ah the art content is back!!
username beautiful as always 🥹
alexandrasaintmleux a true artist 🤌🏼
liked by ynusername
username surprised lando didn't comment this time
oscarpiastri picasso
liked by ynusername
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liked by francisca.cgomes, alexandrasaintmleux, and 1,932,984 others
ynusername oops
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username she is GIVING
landonorris like a renaissance painting 😚
ynusername ❤️❤️ ynusername im surprised you could spell that landonorris oh i struggled a bit
username 🤤🤤
francisca.cgomes i have something inappropriate to say...
pierregasly well don't say it
username MOTHER
alexandrasaintmleux 😍
lilymhe so hot r u kidding me rnnn
username we must stay focused 🧎🏻‍♀️
username in another universe i go home to this girl & give her my undying love & affection
landonorris im with her in every universe, sorry mate :)
oscarpiastri i'm so scared right now
maxfewtrell me too landonorris both of you leave and never come back
lando had stayed over max's house the next night and max could tell something was wrong with his best friend — he was way too quiet which he never was and looked like he had a lot on his mind so when he asked lando about it, he told him the whole story including the part of wanting to propose to you tomorrow.
"she's going to chose to move over there mate..." he told max making his voice crack. "it wouldn't be fair of me to beg her to stay but i can't make her stay if she doesn't want to, i mean this has always been her dream!"
he knew this would be simple, just move over there with you but that was not what he wanted.
the both of you had been good twenty-four hours ago but you felt something different between the two of you, he felt distant like he had something in his mind but he couldn't tell you what it was.
"i don't know lils, i know he won't want to come with me and it wouldn't be fair to ask him to come with me, he hates new york."
you knew this would be simple, just stay over here with him but that was not what you wanted.
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liked by ynusername, maxfewtrell, and 1,385,361 others
landonorris after some time and consideration, y/n and myself have mutually decided to end our relationship but we will always remain good friends. i wish her the world over in new york and have so much respect for her and all she does as an amazing and strong woman. ❤️
please respect our decision and respect our – but more importantly and especially her privacy moving forward.
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, and 1,443,343 others
ynusername after some time and consideration, lando and i have mutually decided to end our relationship but we will remain very good friends. i wish him the world have so much respect for him. ❤️
please respect our decision and respect our privacy moving forward.
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you were having a small art exhibit for the the first time in your brand new studio and had a few friends travel over just to visit, you had been hoping lando would show up but as time went on you figured he wouldn’t.
“i’m sure he’ll show up.” alexandra told you as she gave charles one of your paintings to hang up on the wall.
the both of you still texted a few times throughout the week and even facetimed whenever you guys were available.
“hey y/n, someone called in wanting to buy whatever portraits are left by the end of the night!” alexandra said as she held up an unknown address somewhere in monaco.
you smiled as you nodded, the extra money would help out so much with new supplies and just before you could help charles hang up some other extra things you saw max walking in.
“he wanted to but something came up…” max said as he took a look at your new portraits, noticing that one looked a little like lando. “but he did give me this to give to you.”
a note.
my dearest y/n,
i’m sorry i couldn’t make it out today on your grand opening but i just wanted to congratulated you on opening your shop! there was never a doubt in my mind these past three years with you that you ARE the most talented artist in our generation.
i promise to make a trip over to new york sometime soon!
with all my love,
by the end of the night only a few portraits were left and as max watched you pack them up into a box to ship to the unknown address in monaco, he got on the phone with lando who was currently curled up in bed thinking about what to say when he decided to call you later that night. “so what are you going to do with all those paintings now?”
he looked around at his now empty walls that once had your paintings hanged up. “place them around the house.”
his eyes landed on the little red box that held the ring that was supposed to be yours on his nightstand and thought about maybe going to travel to your place tomorrow morning as a surprise. “actually max, i think i’ll be seeing you tomorrow morning.”
ynusername & landonorris recently added to their stories 24 hours ago
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my f1 & f2 masterlist!
© weeknd-ogoc, 2023
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fatecantstopme · 1 year
Fake It Til You Make It
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Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Summary: You’d just broken up with your boyfriend of 2 years after he cheated on you. Chris Evans, your best friend since childhood, suggests pretending to be your boyfriend to get back at your ex. You execute the plan flawlessly, but it has unintended consequences that threaten to change everything.
Warnings: RPF. Cursing. Fluff, angst, SMUT! Oral (F receiving), unprotected sex (P in V), dirty talk, over-stimulation.
"There is absolutely no way I'm going to this damn party."
"Aw, come on, (Y/N/N)," Chris chided. "It's Saturday night. What else are you gonna do?"
You sighed. "Sit in my pjs on the couch, watching a serial killer documentary, obviously."
Chris laughed and threw a dish towel at you. "As fantastic as that sounds, you're single now! You have to actually go outside and meet people."
You tossed the towel into the washer and grumbled, "What if I don't want to meet people?"
He rolled his eyes. "If you don't come, then I'll have no one to gossip with."
"As if I'm your only friend."
"You're my best friend, and as such, you have a very special role to fill. It's required."
You groaned, back leaning against the front of the washer. "Chris, I have nothing to wear." He was about to respond, but you continued. "Besides, he'll be there."
Chris's expression changed, anger darkening his features. "Who cares about him? He was never good enough for you anyway."
You crossed your arms over your chest. "You literally introduced us."
He threw up his hands. "Mistakes were made."
"I know it's been a couple months, but it's just...I don't know. I don't wanna see him. Especially if he's with one of the girls he cheated on me with."
"Even if he's there with an entire brothel, you can't let it bother you. You deserve so much more than that."
You sighed. "I know, I know. I just don't wanna go alone."
"You'll be with me!" he insisted.
You laughed. "Not exactly what I meant, Chris."
"Oh. So you'd rather go with some lesser man?" he teased.
"Oh stop," you said with a chuckle. "But seriously, he's gonna be there with a girl and I just don't wanna be the loser ex who shows up without a man on her arm."
"Since when do you care what other people think?"
"I don't...I just--" you sigh. "I wanna make him jealous."
Chris raised his eyebrows. "Well then...I have the perfect plan."
"We go together."
"Yes, you already said that."
"No, you misunderstand," he said with a quick shake of his head. "You and I go together...make everyone believe we're dating. He'll be out of his mind with jealousy."
Normally you wouldn't have considered his suggestion...the deception just wasn't your style. But your ex had really fucked you over and you couldn't deny that getting back at him was very appealing. Especially using Chris...your ex always thought you and Chris were too close, that something was actually going on between the two of you.
"So we just pretend to be dating to piss him off?" you asked.
Chris nodded.
"Okay," you say. "Against my better judgment, I'm in."
He grinned ear to ear. "I'm brilliant, aren't I?"
You rolled your eyes. "Shut up and help me find something to wear."
He laughed and followed you to your bedroom closet. "There's gotta be something in here you can wear."
Your closet was packed with clothing, but you didn't really see anything that appealed to you. "Nothing looks good."
He rolled his eyes and grabbed a dress off the rack. "How 'bout this one?"
"Too trampy."
"This one?" he asked, pulling out a different dress.
"Too formal."
"Maybe this?"
"Doesn't fit right."
He groaned. "Then why do you have it?"
"Because it's cute and I'll get it altered at some point."
"Women are so weird," he grumbled as he dug through several more dresses before pulling out what he deemed to be the perfect one. "This has to be it."
You cocked your head to the side as you looked at the dress. It was cut just above the knee, jet black, form-fitting, and all around beautiful. Plus it did accentuate all of your assets. "Hmm. That might actually work," you said thoughtfully. "I'll throw it on, you go find shoes that'll go with it."
You walked back into your bedroom to change as Chris dug through your massive shoe collection in an attempt to find the perfect pair.
"Heels, right?" he called.
"Obviously," you yelled back.
"Just pick something sexy, Christopher! We're trying to make someone jealous here."
You heard him laugh and mumble something you couldn't quite make out. You shook your head as you started changing. Chris had been your best friend since you were little kids...you'd known each other so long neither of you actually remembered meeting. Even after he became a famous actor, who he was never changed. He never pulled away from you or made you feel inferior. He never stopped being the person you loved, your best friend in the world, your solid rock. You were more thankful for him than you would ever admit to his face...mostly because he would tease you relentlessly for it for the rest of your lives.
You'd managed to get the dress on, but you needed help with the zipper, so you called for Chris to come help you.
"Whatcha need?"
"Zip this for me?" you asked, turning your back to him.
He froze for a moment, but recovered quickly, thankful you hadn't seen his reaction. He quickly crossed the room and slowly zipped your dress up, trying very hard to not linger against your skin.
"Thanks," you said warmly, completely oblivious to the change in his demeanor. "Did you find a pair of shoes?"
The question brought him back to the present, eyes shifting back towards the closet. "I found two that could work."
You picked one of the pairs of shoes and finished getting ready. Chris needed to change his clothes before heading to the party, so he drove both of you back to his place so you could arrive together. He was quick to change into a laidback black suit with a white button up, top buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up. Even you had to admit he looked damn good.
"Ready, buttercup?" he asked teasingly.
"Oh god, please come up with a different pet name."
He slipped his arm through yours and dragged you towards the door. "How 'bout 'snookums'?"
The look on your face told him exactly what you thought about that particular name.
"Okay, okay. Maybe 'peach'?"
"I'm not a fruit, Christopher."
"Oh come on, that one's sweet!"
"Was that a pun?" you teased.
"Wait, I've got it. Sweets?"
You paused for a moment, mulling it over. "That one can stay."
"Brilliant. But fair warning, I'm totally gonna squeeze a "googely bear" in there at least once."
"Isn't that from Monster's Inc.?"
He grinned. "Yup and I have no shame, smoochie poo."
You groaned. "God, you're the worst."
He gave you the biggest shit-eating-grin you'd ever seen. "You love me and you know it."
You laughed. "Yeah, yeah."
Chris opened the car door for you and helped you into the vehicle. As he was walking around to the other side, you thought about what you were about to do. You knew this could end very badly in more ways than one, but for some reason, you were positive it was worth it.
When you arrived at the party, people immediately took notice that the two of you arrived together. Most people made the obvious assumption: you were best friends and both single...so why not just go together?
But some people's gazes lingered longer, whispers passed amongst each other, the gossip mill already flowing.
"Damn they move quickly," you mumbled.
Chris chuckled. "Welcome to Hollywood."
You knew he wasn't wrong. While you weren't famous, you'd been dating a celebrity for the past two years. Plus, Chris was always dragging you to movie premieres and red carpet events, so people knew who you were by association. As such, you were no stranger to the rumors and the gossipmongers.
Chris spoke softly, leaning into you so only you could hear. "How far do you wanna take this?"
"What do you mean?" you whispered back.
"Do I make out with you in a corner or just hold your hand like high schoolers?"
You laughed lightly. "Let's just play it by ear, you weirdo."
He grinned. "So that's a yes to the make out?"
You smacked his arm affectionately.
"I think that's considered domestic abuse."
You were about to respond to his joke, but a deep voice from behind you sent a chill down your spine, silencing you instantly.
"(Y/N), Evans. Surprised to see you here."
You turned around slowly, Chris directly beside you. "Andrew," you said, trying desperately to sound normal.
"Why so surprised?" Chris asked in his best 'fuck off' voice.
"Well, (Y/N) hasn't exactly been a socialite in the last few months. I assumed she wouldn't want to show up to a party like this."
"I'm literally right here, Andrew," you said, annoyed.
"Yes, I see you, (Y/N)," he replied, turning his attention back to Chris. "How'd she coerce you into bringing her?"
Chris looked surprised, but his expression quickly changed to anger. "She's my best friend. She'd never have to coerce me." He turned to you with a smile. "Besides, we're together now, so you'll see us out together a lot more often."
You returned his smile and stood on your tip toes to place a soft kiss to his lips, which he returned in kind.
You could feel the annoyance and anger rolling off your ex in thick waves. "You were fucking him behind my back weren't you? I fucking knew it, you slut," he hissed.
You felt Chris's body tense and knew he was about to take a swing, so you grabbed his arm and did your best to cut the fight off before it started. "No, Andrew. Unlike you, I know how to keep it in my pants."
A couple people had gathered close to the three of you to eavesdrop on your conversation. Several "Ooo"s and an "oh damn" came from the group.
Andrew's jaw tightened and he clearly wanted to say more, but thought better of it when he noticed the group of onlookers quickly enlarging.
Chris, however, wasn't quite finished with the conversation. He leaned forward, face a mask of unreadable emotion, and said firmly, "If you ever call my girl a slut again, I promise you'll regret it."
Even if you hadn't known the man your entire life, you would have known he was deadly serious. Every single one of his words dripped with animosity and his eyes burned with an intensity you had rarely seen. To your surprise, the way he called you his girl had your body reacting in a way you didn't expect.
You gently pulled on Chris's arm, dragging him with you and away from the conversation, no longer wanting to talk to the man you used to love. "Let it go, Chris," you said softly. "He's not worth it."
"You're right," he murmured, eyes still burning like the sun.
You managed to get him to follow you into another room before turning to him to inspect his expression. He was fiercely protective by nature, but you didn't want him to feel like he needed to protect you. You could still feel the remnants of his temper festering beneath his skin, so you gently pressed your hand to his chest, bringing his attention back to you.
"As much as I appreciate you defending my honor, you don't have to," you said gently.
"Of course I do."
You smiled softly. "You and I both know that's not true, but I appreciate it nonetheless. There's no need to hold onto your anger, though."
He realized you were right, your hand pressed firmly against his chest somehow grounding him. He took a deep breath and placed his hand on top of yours, giving it a little squeeze. "You're right," he admitted. "Thanks for keeping me from punching him right in his smug face."
You chuckled. "As much as I would have loved to see that, I figured it wouldn't be good with so many witnesses."
"Smart," he said with a wink. "Now that we've made it clear we're together, I think we'll need to up our acting a bit...ensure he knows how badly he fucked up by losing you."
"And how exactly do you propose we do that?"
He grinned. "I've got some ideas." He grabbed your hand and started to pull you towards the main room of the party. "Step one, we dance."
You groaned as he dragged you onto the dance floor. "You know I can't dance."
"That's not true. You have excellent rhythm. You just need to get out of your head for a second and let the music guide you."
You stared at him in silence, but finally succumbed to his silent pleas. "Fine. You can put the puppy dog eyes away now," you teased.
He shot you another wink. "Works every time."
"I hate you," you grumbled as you allowed him to pull you closer.
"No you don't." He started to move to the music, hands traveling down to sit on your hips.
Your cheeks burned and your body reacted to his touch in a way it hadn't in a long time. You'd thought those feelings were long-since buried, but the way he was looking at you brought everything you'd ever felt for him back with a vengeance.
"You're right, I don't," you whispered.
"I know, baby girl," he said softly. "Now, dance with me."
You tried to ignore the feeling in your stomach when he called you 'baby girl', choosing instead to focus on the beat of the music. Your hips started to move, his hands helping to guide you in time with his own movements.
"See? I told you you could dance."
The song ended and switched to something a lot more sensual and your body immediately froze. "Not to this I can't," you insisted.
Chris laughed and quickly spun you around before pulling you against his chest. "I'll teach you," he murmured against the skin of your shoulder.
You didn't know if it was the song, his voice, or the way his arms wrapped around you, but your body responded to him instantly. Your breath caught in your chest and wetness pooled between your thighs as Chris moved behind you in a shockingly sexual manner. Your normally stiff body loosened up in his grasp, moving to the rhythm he set.
"Perfect," he whispered breathily.
You moved with him, body acting of its own accord. You looked up, gaze landing on Andrew, who stood fuming on the other side of the room.
Chris seemed to notice him at the same time. "You see how angry he is, sweets?" he said softly.
"Mhmm," you hummed.
"Keep staring directly at him, okay? Keep your eyes on him as you move."
You did as he said, eyes never leaving your ex's, even as Chris's hands began to wander, moving around your body in the way only a lover's would. His lips placed soft kisses to your shoulder, neck, and ear, hot breath leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake.
You couldn't help the reaction you had to his touch, it was as if your body was no longer your own. It was obvious to anyone who bothered to pay attention that you were aroused, and Andrew was definitely paying attention. You could see his anger from across the room, but more importantly, you could see jealousy in his eyes.
You'd gotten what you wanted. You'd made him jealous. For some reason, however, you couldn't find it in yourself to care. The plan had succeeded, but it had also had unintended consequences. You didn't give a shit about Andrew...all you wanted was Chris.
The only problem was, Chris was an actor. Every single tiny thing he was doing was an act designed specifically to elicit a reaction from Andrew. He didn't want you, he never had. You'd always known that, so you had always been careful to hide your feelings from him, pushing them down so deep inside of you that you'd almost forgotten they'd existed...almost.
With that painful realization, your brain overpowered your body, allowing you to pull away from Chris. You turned to him without making eye contact and mumbled a quick excuse about having to use the restroom before bolting from the dance floor.
Chris was very surprised by your sudden escape and he quickly chased after you, calling your name.
You found the nearest bathroom and rushed into it, slamming the door behind you with force. Your preoccupied mind neglected to remind you to lock the damn door, so Chris came barging through moments later. His brain, on the other hand, appeared to be functioning just fine as he locked the door behind him.
"Why'd you run off?" he asked gently.
You shook your head, eyes looking anywhere but at him. The bathroom was small...there was nowhere to go, no escape. You were trapped in this tiny room with the man you'd loved your entire life and you suddenly felt like you couldn't breathe. The walls began to move in, within moments they would crush you to death and this pain would be over.
In the same way you knew Chris like the back of your hand, he knew you, so he could see the distress you were in. He grabbed your hand and squeezed it tightly, a reminder that he was there. "(Y/N), you need to breathe."
This wasn't the first panic attack he'd witnessed you have, but it had been several years since you'd had one this bad. "(Y/N/N), breathe for me. Come on," he said again, voice gentle but firm. "In, 2, 3, 4. Out, 2, 3, 4."
He continued breathing and counting as you began to breathe with him, heart rate slowly coming back down, body relaxing, his warm hands grounding you to him.
"That's it. Good." He took another deep breath. "I've got you, (Y/N/N). You're okay."
You took a shaky breath and closed your eyes, the panic subsiding. "I'm sorry," you whispered.
"Hey," he said softly, reaching up to tuck a hair behind your ear. "You don't have to apologize. I just wanna know what caused it."
You didn't want to tell him the truth, so you said the first lie you could think of, "Andrew."
He looked taken aback, almost hurt, by your statement. "Andrew?"
You realized that may have been a big mistake, but it was too late now. "Yeah, I just--it's hard to see him."
Chris looked crestfallen. "You still love him, don't you." It was a statement, not a question.
In truth, you didn't love him. Perhaps you never really had, but that didn't matter now. What mattered is whether or not you were going to choose to break your own heart. "Chris, I--"
"Never mind," he said, cutting you off. "I don't wanna know." He spun around and unlocked the door, storming out before you could say another word.
"Chris, wait," you called as you chased after him.
He moved through the crowd quickly, cutting through the throngs of people like he was parting the red sea. He moved so fast that you actually stopped and took off your heels so you could run to catch up with him.
He made it outside before you finally caught up. "Chris, wait! Please!"
He stopped and turned towards you. You caught a glimpse of a mixture of anger and pain etched onto his face for just a split second before an emotionless mask slid into place, his acting instincts taking over. "What, (Y/N)?"
The coldness in his voice stopped you in your tracks. It was almost enough to make you stay silent, maybe even walk away, but you'd made a decision in that bathroom and you'd be damned if you backed out now. "You didn't let me finish."
"Answering your question."
He couldn't help the look of intrigue that crossed his face even if he'd wanted to. "Go on, then."
"When we were in high school, I--I made a decision--a choice--to protect myself."
"How is this an answer to my question?"
"Would you just shut up and listen to me?" you snapped.
Surprise lit up his handsome face, along with the ghost of a smirk. He always loved it when you stood up for yourself, even if it was against him. "Okay, I'll be quiet."
"Thank you," you exhaled slowly. "I wanted to protect myself from pain, or heartache, or whatever you wanna call it. I pushed every emotion, every feeling, so deep down inside of me that, for a time, I forgot they were there. It was safer that way. I could go on pretending, and we could go on being best friends. It was worth the pain."
You could see the confusion on his face, and realized you needed to be more straightforward. Before you could, he interjected again. "I don't understand. What were you pretending?"
You closed your eyes for a moment, picturing the girl you were at 16 when you realized you were in love with your best friend. You knew it had been the right choice for you at the time, but it hadn't been easy. You opened your eyes again, gaze falling on that same man, now all grown up. You couldn't help the tears that welled in your eyes nor the ache that blossomed in your chest, the years of bottling up your emotions finally taking its toll.
"I pretended I didn't love you, and I've been pretending ever since."
Whatever he thought you were going to say, it sure as hell wasn't that. His jaw went slack and his eyes widened, body completely frozen in place. He recovered quickly, but the shock of your words was still evident on his face. "You--you love me?"
You nodded. "Since I was old enough to understand the concept."
He ran his hand through his hair. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?"
You were surprised by the annoyance in his voice. "Well, I--I umm...I didn't want to lose you."
He looked exasperated. "(Y/N), you're telling me we could have been together for years, but you didn't want to tell me how you felt because you thought I would leave you?"
You were stunned silent, so he kept going.
"I've had to watch you date so many men that weren't good enough for you--for years--because I thought you didn't feel the way I do. You never once let on that you wanted more--not once."
"So..." you began, trying to find the right words. "Are you saying that you love me too?"
Chris seemed to realize what he'd essentially just admitted, and immediately calmed down, eyes softening significantly. "Yeah, sweets. I've loved you my entire life."
For a moment, the world stood still. The two of you stood there in silence, staring at each other, the shock of your admissions still sinking in.
Then, just as quickly, you both came alive, bodies coming together, lips colliding in a passionate, searing kiss that would live on in your memories forever.
When you separated, breathless, your brain finally caught up with what was happening. You held onto his neck, almost afraid to let go.
As if he sensed what you were thinking, he pulled you even closer. "I'm not going anywhere, baby."
You looked up at him, eyes swimming with emotion that matched his own. "Will you take me home?"
"That depends...whose home are we going to?"
"We?" you asked in a teasing tone. "Isn't that a little presumptuous of you?"
"We just admitted we've been in love with each other since we were kids. I'm pretty sure that means we have a solid 15 years of missed sex to make up for."
You laughed lightly. "As crass as that was, I actually agree with you." You pulled him down for another kiss. "Your place is nicer than mine."
He grinned. "You've got it sweets."
He practically dragged you back to his car, body in overdrive, the need for you so overwhelming he could barely think. Your own desire was so intense you were quite certain you were going to die if he didn't touch you immediately.
Your friendship had always been an open one...which meant both of you had shared your fantasies (most of them, anyway), as well as your sexual escapades. You both knew what the other person liked...so you were both confident the sex you were about to have was going to be mind-blowing...and boy, were you right.
"Chris!" you gasped loudly.
The man in question simply moaned in response, not moving from his position between your thighs, tongue and fingers assaulting your pussy in the most pleasurable way possible.
Your fingers dug into his thick locks, tugging slightly as the pleasure continued to build within you. You weren't surprised by his skill, but you were surprised at how he played your body like an instrument he'd been playing all his life. Every touch, every movement, every sound, sent waves of passionate fire flying through your veins.
When you came for the second time, you tugged at his hair with more force, body squirming from sensitivity. "Too much," you whispered.
Chris finally relented, lifting his head up to look at you, grin etched on his handsome face. His beard was coated with your slick and he licked his lips with a moan. "Sorry, baby. You just taste so damn good."
You laughed lightly, breathing still heavy from the intensity of your orgasms. "If you're a good boy, I'll let you taste me again later," you teased.
Chris laughed and crawled up your body, pressing his lips to yours in an adoring kiss. Whether he intended to or not, as he leaned forward his cock pressed against the entrance to your core, eliciting a gasp from each of you.
"Fuck," Chris groaned. "Baby, I don't think I can wait much longer."
You reached up and pushed his hair back, the tousled locks having fallen onto his forehead. "Who said anything about waiting?"
His lips fell against your neck as he started to push into you. You gasped at the feeling, his large cock already stretching you more than you'd ever been stretched. Your nails dug into his shoulders and he groaned against your skin.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I know it hurts."
"It's fine," you murmured. "Please don't stop."
He raised his head to look into your eyes, worried that you didn't mean it. When he saw no reservations and nothing but lust, he continued to press into you, moving a little more quickly this time.
Once he was fully seated within you, he gave you a moment to acclimate to his size. You swore you could feel him everywhere, every part of your body was completely filled with him. The sensation quickly turned to a burning need and you begged him to fuck you.
"Anything for you, baby girl," he murmured as he began to move.
If his neighbors hadn't already been awoken by the sounds of your moans, they would be now. You'd never felt so good in your life, the way his body meshed with yours was as if they'd been created for this specific purpose.
"That's it, baby. Let me hear those pretty moans."
"Chris--it--it feels so good," you moaned loudly.
He moaned as your pussy clenched around him. "Fuck, sweets. This sweet little pussy was made for me. So tight and warm."
He leaned back, tilting your hips up to give himself a better angle. He began hitting your g-spot with each thrust, and you cried out in pleasure, fingers digging into his biceps. "Chris!"
He placed his hand on your lower belly and pressed gently. "You feel that baby? You feel how deep inside you I am?"
You whimpered in response, voice reduced to nothing but sounds.
"Aww, is my sweet girl too cock drunk to talk?" He began circling your clit with his thumb as he taunted you. "Pretty little thing turned dumb by a big cock."
"Please," you begged, not sure what you were begging for exactly.
Chris smiled, movements never faltering. "Yeah baby? What you begging for?"
You didn't respond--couldn't--whimpering moans and heavy pants all you could manage.
"I know what you need, sweets," he whispered, thumb speeding up against your clit, keeping time with the rhythm of his hips. "You need to come, don't you?"
You nodded vigorously and you dug your nails more deeply into his biceps.
He groaned at the sensation, his own orgasm mere moments away. "Then come for me, pretty girl. Soak my cock."
As if all your body was waiting for was his command, you came with a cry of his name. Your hips jerked up, body spasming beneath him as he helped you ride out your high.
Your pussy was pulsating, clenching and releasing his cock rapidly, quickly pulling him towards the edge. "Fuck, baby, I'm close," he gasped.
He was thrusting more quickly now, chasing his high. He wanted to fill you up, needed it more than he'd ever needed anything.
You knew him better than you knew yourself, so you knew exactly what he needed to get him over the edge. "Chris," you murmured. "I need you to fill me up." You clenched your pussy as tightly as you could to punctuate your words.
Chris came with a shout, hips jerking wildly as he spilled inside of you. "(Y/N)," he gasped, hips faltering, and slowly coming to a stop as he pulled out of you, collapsing beside you with a groan.
"Holy shit," he whispered.
You laughed loudly. "My thoughts exactly."
He grinned. "I always could read your mind."
You turned your head to look at him, taking in his love drunk appearance. Somehow, he was even sexier like this, completely fucked out and satiated. You could have stared at him for hours.
"You're staring. It's kinda creepy," he teased.
You laughed. "Oh shut up. It's not my fault you're so pretty."
He groaned. "Did you just call me pretty?"
"I did and I will not take it back."
He rolled on top of you, covering your body with his. "You better take it back," he warned.
"Or what?" you challenged.
He didn't say a word, choosing instead to kiss your neck, mouth sucking and biting at your most sensitive spot. He knew exactly what it would do to you and he wasn't disappointed.
"Chris," you whispered.
He grinned against your skin, ignoring your warning tone. "Are you gonna take it back?"
He moved with the speed and agility of a panther, settling between your legs before you could even register what was happening. His lips were mere inches from your core, his hot breath making your body shiver.
"What are you doing?"
"Giving you one last chance to take it back."
"And if I don't?"
He grinned like a Cheshire cat. "If you don't, then I'll make you come until you cry. The choice is yours."
Your eyes widened in surprise, and maybe a little bit of desire. You weighed your options, but you were too damn stubborn to take it back. "Try me," you challenged again.
"Oh, baby...you're gonna regret that."
He dove into your pussy with the hunger of a wild animal, completely unleashed, unable to stop himself from enjoying your delicious taste. He didn't stop until he saw tears sliding down your pretty face, and even then, he made you give him one more orgasm.
Once he was done with your 'punishment', he carried you to the shower where he gently washed you before taking you back to his bed and laying you down beneath the covers.
He crawled in beside you and pulled you close, lips pressing soft kisses to any skin he could see.
"Thanks for tonight," you said softly.
"For what?"
"Ya know...for everything."
He understood what you were trying to say, a small smile playing on his lips. "I love you, (Y/N)," he whispered.
Those four words said so much more than just 'I love you'. There were promises, hopes, and dreams all wrapped up in a beautiful bow. There were years of things left unsaid, feelings and emotions hidden beneath the surface. And of course, there was the true meaning of the word 'love', a word neither of you had really understood before this moment.
"I love you too, Chris," you whispered back, your own words laced with the promise of tomorrow and forever.
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pitchsidestories · 9 months
Girls like girls like boys do II Kyra Cooney-Cross x Reader
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a/n: The tiktok video was our inspiration for this oneshot. We hope the person who requested a KCC oneshot ages ago likes how it finally turned out. ❤️
arsenal women masterlist I word count: 1965
"Saw your face, heard your name Gotta get with you Girls like girls like boys do, nothing new Isn't this why we came? Tell me if you feel it too! Tell me, girls like girls like boys do Nothing new"
~ Hayley Kiyoko, Girls Like Girls
Three beaming australian players were strolling along at London Colney while you were busy preparing the set up for the upcoming tiktoks.
You really enjoyed your internship in the social media departement of the Arsenal Women Football Club. It was a joy and pleasure to work with such a talented team off and on the pitch. Moreover, working here really sparked your creativity which you thought you lost a bit during your studies at university.
With a bright smile on her lips, Steph Catley was the first of the three players to greet you: "Hi, y/n got a new aussie to work with you today."
"Hi.", Kyra Cooney-Cross waved at you. Her cheeks were slightly blushed as she took a closer look at you. "Hello, nice to meet you, Kyra.", you said in a warm tone, trying to make her feel comfortable and less nervous about her first days with a new club.
A real smile appeared on the young australian midfielder's face: "Nice to meet you too."
With a cheeky grin Caitlin Foord striked different silly poses in front of you which made everyone laugh: "So what are we supposed to do ?"
"No, worries Cait, I already have an idea how to introduce the newest aussie member to the Arsenal family.", you told the striker before you winked at the latest addition who came from Sweden.  Curiously Steph glanced at you:"You do?" "Yes and it goes perfectly with Caitlins goofy mood.", you replied. "That’s the best videos.", the striker declared. Excited Kyra was clapping her hands: "I can't wait." "Yes, let's go.", the defender announced equally motivated.  "Great, so let's get started.", you nodded, ready to show them the ideas you had in mind for them.
After all the filming was done Kyra was nervously licking her lips as she turned her face to the fellow Matilda teammate:"I don't know how to, Cait." "Don't know what?", Caitlin asked friendly. From afar she spotted you, so the young midfielder mumbled blushing: "Doesn’t matter."
Later in the evening Kyra arrived at her new flat, which was still relatively unhomely with all the cardboard boxes still being around, that was the moment when she started missing her former Hammarby teammates.
The ache intensified, as she saw Katrina Gorry video calling her, while taking the call the young player could see the older Australian woman’s face lighting up: “Hi, little one.” “Hi Mini.”, Kyra replied softly.
Smiling brightly Katrina told her: “Harper and I saw the Tiktok Arsenal made with Cait, Stephy and you.” “You did? Tell Harper I said hi.” “I’ll, she loved it, the woman who lived in Sweden admitted before changing the subject with a bright grin on her small face, But now back to you, you wrote something about a cute girl.”
A nervous cough escaped from the younger midfielder’s lips: Yeah…” “Tell me about her.”, the older player encouraged her, looking very cozied up in her chair.  Slowly Kyra opened up: “She’s the social media manager?” “Means you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get to know her.”, Katrina winked at her. The tease was enough to make the new Arsenal player blush: “I can’t.”
“Why not?”, the young mum asked slightly irritated. The response came quickly from the other side: “She’s working for Arsenal.” “So do you.” “Yeah. Isn’t that a problem?”, Kyra played with a loose string of her hair to calm down her nerves.
Empathetically Katrina shook her head: “Not at all. Oh my god, you’re literally so cute Kyra. You know that you’ve players in your team who date each other, right? So that’s not much of a difference, you see.” Mini as she was lovingly nicknamed by teammates and fans felt the motherly urge to hug the younger woman, but was kind of sad about the fact that she couldn’t do it in this particular moment.
Kyra frowned; “I do think that’s very different.“ Katrina on the other end just sighed; “Okay.“ “You don’t think that?“ “No, you should give it a try.“, replied the older football player sternly. Kyra bit her lip; “Seriously?“ A small smile appeared on Katrinas lips; “Only if she wants to too of course.“ But not even that wiped the doubtful look off of Kyras face; “But I’ve never asked a girl out.“ “Oh, trust me, it’s not very different to asking a boy out.“, Katrina laughed. With a shy smile, Kyra admitted “It does feel different. Actually, boys used to ask me out.“ Her team mate sighed; “Yeah, I know. But fuck the patriarchy.“ Katrina barely finished her sentence, when her eyes went wide. She turned to her two year old daughter; “Shit, Harper, you didn’t hear that!“ But it was obviously too late. “Fuck the patriarchy!“, a childs voice repeated enthusiastically. Now this finally made Kyra smile brightly; “At least this time, it was you and not me.“ She thought about the world cup and the times she had to swallow the swear words she was about to say because Katrinas daughter was around.
“Do you want to hear about my first time asking a girl out?“, Katrina asked, obviously interested in changing the topic quickly. Kyra nodded; “Sure.“ “Alright. So, I was so nervous I stumbled over my own words. I couldn’t get out a full sentence. But the girl knew where I was trying to go and said yes anyway. What I’m trying to say is, you probably won’t be as awkward as me. Or if you are, it might just run in our family.“ “You know we’re not actually related, Mini.“, Kyra snorted. Katrina smiled softly into the camera; “I know but we’re found family.“ “Thank you. That means a lot to me.“ “You’re welcome. Call me after you asked her out, okay? I have to take Harper to bed now.“ The toddler was currently trying to climb onto her mum’s lap, rubbing her eyes, so Kyra waved into the camera; “Good Night, you two. Love you.“
With a bright smile on your face, you greeted the newest Australian signing on the next day: “Good morning, Kyra.” The grin intensified as you followed her gaze, catching her looking at your sports bag: “Oh yeah, I’m playing too, amateur football tho, later we do have a game, that’s why I carry this around.” “You’re playing too?”, Kyra asked, her mouth feeling suddenly dry from that unexpected but equally lovely news. “I’m a midfielder just like you, but not that good.”, you answered, your cheeks turning red. The arsenal player replied warmly: “Oh don’t say that. We all started there.” “I guess that’s true, and I really like my team, you stopped before suggesting boldly, Maybe you want to watch a game of mine someday so you can judge for yourself.” “Really? Yeah, sure. I’d love to.”, the young midfielder was clearly delighted by that opportunity to see another side of you. “Cool, when do you think you can make it?” “Oh, probably not today.”, Kyra nervously licked her lips. Quickly you reassured her: “I did not expect you to that’s why I asked.”
Later the young Australian player was sitting next to Caitlin in the changing room after the training for the day was done. The older attacking player raised up her eyebrows: “She invited you to watch a game of hers? That’s almost a day.” “That’s not a date..”, Kyra whispered. Meanwhile Steph joined them and suggested: “If you want to we can go to the match together. What do you think about that?” “Really? You’d come with me?”, the youngest of the three looked very relieved by that prospect.  Encouragingly Caitlin nodded: “Of course.” “How about next week? Before the season starts?”, Kyra asked them excited. Smiling Caitlin promised her: “We’ll be there.”
The next weekend, when Arsenal had a free day, Caitlin picked Kyra up to go watch your game. “Let’s see how good our content creator is.“, she said excitedly as they entered the football pitch together. Kyra was trying to find you, so she only realized that Steph joined them when Caitlin added; “Oh my god, you brought Calvin with you, Steph?“ “Of course I brought him. Couldn’t leave him at home.“, she laughed. Kyras face immediately lit up as she crouched down to pet the dog; “Hi cutie!“ “He says Hi, auntie Kyra.“, Steph replied for her dog who was trying to lick Kyras face.
But as soon as the first whistle was blown, the attention of the three Australians shifted towards the game. “She’s really good.“, Kyra noticed after a few minutes of watching you. Caitlin sighed dramatically, eyes wandering over the pitch; “God, I miss this.“ “Me too. I think I’ll try to go here more often. It’s fun.“, Kyra grinned. Steph nudged Caitlin with her elbow; “It’s so cute, Cait. Kyra is crushing on her.“ The younger player shot them an offended glance but Caitlin didn’t take her eyes off the grass; “And I’m crushing on this grassroots football, Steph. Don’t you ever miss playing like this? Just for fun?“ “I do. But look at Kyra.“ Arsenals newest signing was back at watching you, ignoring her two team mates. “She’s enjoying this.“ With smirk, Steph nodded; “Not only the game.“ “She said it’s not a date but it basically is a date.“, Caitlin agreed, laughing.
As soon as the final whistle blew, you walked over to the side of the pitch to hug your visitors; “Hi, my three favourite aussies.“ “Hey, great game.“ “Yes, it was great to watch.“, Steph and Caitlin offered their compliments. “Thank you.“, you smiled gratefully, before turning to Kyra who went suspiciously quiet, “Did you enjoy the game too, Kyra?“ “Oh, yes, I did. You were amazing.“, she answered fast, almost stumbling over her own words. Your smile only got brighter; “I’m glad that you did.“
“Caitlin, let’s go. Calvin needs a walk now.”, Steph dragged the forward with her, feeling you two needed time to talk alone in peace. For a second Caitlin gave the defender an irritated look: “I thought he just was on one!, when she realized her teammates plan behind that move and added quickly, yeah, okay, see you two tomorrow.” “Bye girls.”, you waved at them, still smiling while shaking your head at them. Nervously Kyra went through her hair with one hand: “So…” “Yes?” “I know this is weird but.. would you go out on a date with me?”, the Australian midfielder asked, her cheeks turning pink. Immediately you tried to calm down her nerves by saying: “Kyra it’s not weird at all. I’d love to go on a date with you. Do you want to get something to eat with me after I changed into normal clothes`” “Yes sure.”, Kyra nodded happily. A huge grin appeared on your lips as you said your goodbyes for now: “Perfect, see you in a few minutes.”
From afar Caitlin and Steph were watching you two. The forward turned to the defender visibly amused: “So I guess we don’t have to take her home now.” “Right, come on Calv, time for us to leave.”, Steph said, the dog himself could not wait to get back to his place after this adventurous day for him.
A few days after your first real date Kyra decided to video call her national teammate because she could not wait to tell her the great news. Curiously Katrina glanced at the younger footballer:“ So, what did she say?” “She said yes and she’s my girlfriend now.”, the Arsenal midfielder confessed. Excited Katrina lifted her arms up into the air: “I fucking knew it.” Her swearing made her wife looking really annoyed at her, so she tried to defend herself, sorry love, but thank god, Harper is asleep so she could not hear me using those words to express my excitement.”
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justwonder113 · 6 months
Showering Felix with affection
Bang Chan; Lee Know; Changbin; Hyunjin; Han; Seungmin; IN;
Summary: Even though you feel more than secure in your relationship with Felix you still can't help but feel possessive sometimes...
Warnings: Slightly suggestive; Reader is whipped as always; Reader is slightly jealous/possesive; Reader is feeling like a mess? Half naked Felix(that needs a whole warning as itself); Felix being himself making reader lose their mind(from love? Idk it's like 3 am brain is not braining)
word count- 1.7k
A/N- I'm alive!!! This one took me way more time than I intendet to. But I'm glad how it turned out to be. I really worked my butt over it so I really hope you'll like it. Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated I'm really curious to know what you think. Thank you so much for all the support and kind comments, they mean the world to me and give me the biggest drive 🩷 I'll try to write and upload next part as soon as I can
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This was too much! Like way much more than you could handle! You didn't know if you felt was extreme pride for both your boyfriend's achievements and overall amazingness and the fact that he was, in fact, yours, or the bitter feeling of jealousy, because your boyfriend basically stripped in front of thousands, no, millions of stays. There was no way in hell this clip wouldn't blow up the whole internet in minutes!
Being in a relationship with an idol sure came with a lot of challenges. You felt secure in your relationship, Felix, despite having millions of fans thirsting over him, never gave you any reason to doubt hiis love and sincerity. Sometimes the fact that Feliz had so many admirers made you feeel so much pride and boosted your confidence so much, the Lee Yongbok Felix, the man who could have literally anyone in the world, the man who had so many admirers chose you and stayed with you. The feeling was surely something else. You wondered what changed today. Was it because so many people saw him shirtless? The jealousy was gnawing you from the inside. Maybe it wasn't jealosy and rather than that you were feeling possesive. You didn't want to word this wrong, but you guessed that you considered Felix as yours, just as he percieved you as his, you were sure of it, you weren't really posessive and you would rather die than make Felix uncomfortable with an ugly feeling like that, it's just seeing that so many people saw him in different light you only had the pleasure of seeing really rubbed you the wrong way.
You kinda felt bad for feeling like this. Felix was the boyfriend one could only dream of. He only did his job as an idol and entertainer so why were you sulking like this? You knew that dating an idol was like. But for God's sake you were only human! Hearing other's thirsty comments nade yiur blood boul. Others were trying to watch the show! You also almost had a cardiac areest watching your boyfriend, but you still contained yourself (your panties were most likely(certainty) ruined)! You didn't make thirsty comments and disturbed others. Oh how you wished you could just walk up on the stage and really show them who Felix really belonged with. Oh to see the jealous looks on their faces, but no, you couldn't do it to Felix. He told you that he was ready to tell the world about your relationship countless times but you knew it could affect him as an idol a lot so you told him that you knew he loved you and appreciated the gesture but he didn't meed to do that. Also you were talking out of your butt as if you had any chance to go up on the stage with heavy security like this... You could still out your relationship! You just couldn't do it to Felix. He didn't deserve to be in scandal because your pride was hurt.
Even after hours went by the bitter feeling didn't go away, and you were afraid Felix was starting to notice your absentmindness. As you thought the internet was blown over it. Everyone kept gushing about Felix, and you felt both immence pride and bitterness.
Huffing out annoyed you got up from the bed to drink water. You were in your hotel room with Felix. Others went in their own rooms to sleep. You were waiting for Felix to finish his shower. It was quite late, but you felt nowhere near sleepy.
You took a sip from your water and almost choked to death when you saw Felix emerge from the bathroom, towel hanging low on his lips. His waist and uppeenbody glistening from the water, hair srill damp and dripping. What was in the air tonight? This boy was going to be the death of you. He had to be crafted from the God's themselves because what the heck?! Most men you knew had either decent personality or decent looks and in most cases neither, and then you had this specimen. What the hell, how? He was also next to you softly patting your back the second you started choking on water. Like man pick a struggle it's unfair to be perfect in every way.
"Are you okay angel?" Felix asked with his deadly beautiful voice after you calmed down. You had to be thankful if you survived this day, or this boy generally.
"Yeah, I'm fine." It took you a few seconds but you managed to answer. God your heart was jumping out of your ribcage. Felix looked at you for a second then shook his head.
His warm hand engulfed yours, "You've barely spoken the whole night, talk to me love, did something happen?" His thumb never stopped rubbing small circles on your hand. He always had such a calming effect on you and, usually, the second he touched you became so putty and melted like a puddle, but today it didn't seem to work. You were too on edge.
"Did I upset you with something?" Felix asked looking unsure yet remorseful, you felt guilty, too caught up with yourself you tuned out Felix, making him believe he was in the wrong. You straightened up and stood in front of him, his gaze carefully examining your every move. Normally, whenever he looked at you like that it made you shy away, but now you were feeling rather bold.
Not breaking the eye contact you got closer and closer slightly pushing him back so that in the couple of steps the back of his legs met the bed and it only took you a slight nudge to push him on the bed.
Not wasting a moment you straddled his lap. He didn't hesitate and put his hands on your waist. His thumbs slowly rubbing circles to soothe you into talking. He looked at you with wide eyes, he clearly didn't expect you to do something bold like this, but he didn't seem to mind it, quite the opposite, actually. You knew him too well to miss the mischevious glint in his eyes.
"Can I kiss you?" Felix quickly nodded his head. He leaned in pushing on his elbows and met you halfway to a kiss. His lips were soft as ever, you immediately whimpered at the touch, already feeling weak in the knees. Sometimes you felt as if Felix was some type of drug. There was no way the attachment and constant longing you felt towards him was normal. Especially his kisses. If you could, you would spend eternity carresing his soft lips with yours. His soft lips gliding over yours had you feeling euphoric. Mere brush of his lips against yours made you feel alive. You wondered if he knew how much you loved him.
Felix returned the kiss with just as much love and passion you put into it if not more. Once soft and slow kiss was now hard and passionate and was igniting you from inside. You didn't even want to lean back for air despite your lungs already starting to burn. He must have realized you actually needed air to breathe so he leaned back, but he still held you close. His lips now softly carresing your neck while you regained your composure. You were sure your neck would be a sight to behold in the morning. But to put it quite frankly, you didn't give a damn.
Your eyes met, he tried to say something but you didn't let him. God, you felt awful. But you didn't know what to do, what to say. You were in an emotional turmoil. You were a mess. All you knew was that you had to show him how much you loved him, how much he meant for you.
Moving from his lips you started to litter his bautiful face. His pretty nose, his pretty eyes, his forehead. You made sure to kiss his cheeks as many times as much freckles he had. The way Felix squirmed beneath you, the way he was all flushed up and embarrassed, how he couldn't hold the eye contact and the way his red and swollen pouty lips kept mumbling that you should kiss his lips instead was driving you crazy.
After placing one last kiss right beneath his jaw, you leaned back and took the sight in. Your heart was about to burst out of your chest. How did he look ehetheral every given second?
"I love you so much, you know that, right?" You slowly muttered after a few long seconds of debating how could you force yourself to talk, or just simply what were you going to say. Felix looked at you for a second before suddenly moving you two, so thay now you were beneath him, and he was on top. The sight of him hovering above you didn't really help your situation, like at all! Because now the light was hitting him from the back just right, and the shadows made his features look more defined and sculptured, and you were not feeling good at all.
"What are you doing?" You couldn't help but ask, you couldn't tell what his blank face meant. Felix smiled and your heart melted yet again. "Showing you just how much I love you. Also, I have to pay back for all the kisses you gave me, so brace yourself love." He winked at you and you couldn't help but giggle. What a dork. You were about to make a clever remark, but he shut you up by connecting your lips once again. His one hand sliging through your hair while the other arm wrapped around your waist drawing you closer. You've never felt more safe and loved. And you felt silly for ever worrying. This man loved you just as much as you loved him.
You smiled into the kiss and just let yourself go.
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ambassadorarlert · 7 months
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toxic!armin head canons
author’s note: this fr has been a long time coming. it took a while to gather my thoughts lmao. he can’t be sweet all the time, right??😭
warning: modern au. toxic characteristics — obsession, jealousy, possessiveness. gaslighting.
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we're not gonna look away from armin's whole underlying character trait of being a known manipulator. he is going to gaslight you.
armin starts his mind games as a last resort. when he's desperate to have his way. when he's being back into a corner, and you're holding your ground in an argument or disagreement. when you're winning and he's losing. he'll play into his unfortunate-baby face-sweet-boy persona and say, "i'm only telling you/doing this because i love you!" armin slaps, "I don't know what you want me to do." at the end of most arguments because he knows it will make you quit arguing out of pure frustration.
we can all agree armin goes through your phone
he immediately clicks on iMessage to see who you’ve been texting. snoops through everything. pictures, contacts, notes. all of it. armin goes all up in your private dm’s, discord, looks through your snapchats. who you’ve been sending tiktoks to. he’s so extra, he even scrolls on your social media timelines. your dash. your fyp. just to see what you’re always looking and giggling at bc who is making you laugh if it’s not him ? arminknows he won’t find anything and that you would never do anything behind his back. but he looks anyway and holds his breath just in case. and, if he does find something he doesn’t like, he will confront you about it and not even address the bigger question
major attachment issues. in bold, italics and regular size font.
the root cause being his parents died when he was really young and was only raised by his grandpa who worked all the time. /: armin definitely has mommy issues. he's very anxious to pleasure you and do everything you want him to bc a.) he's hopelessly devoted to you b.) for some reason he think it'll make you love him more. armin will get really attached to you after the first date, and everything in your relationship moves quickly. he says i love you first. 3 months into the relationship you’re moving in together. engaged after 1 year, married 6 months later. he’s sensitive and in tune with everything you’re doing and feeling and saying. the slightest change in your voice, oh you must be mad at him. when you're literally just tired and have 0 energy, he must be annoying you. armin needs regular reassurance and validation. he will straight up ask “do you still love me?” at least once a day.
armin gets jealous so. so easily.
armin thinks he's not good enough for you and that you deserve someone who can do the things he can't, while simultaneously not being able to bear the thought of you being with another man. he views other guys as a threat and is off-putting on purpose. he goes through your followers and interactions daily and reports guys who leave compliments and thirsts. he gives guys dirty looks when he see's them obviously looking at you. will ask trap questions like "would you still be with me if you could start your life over?" armin is well liked among your girlfriends but makes no effort with your guy friends, and has succeeded in distancing you from a few of them. he disguises ultimatums as open communication. armin's jealousy is a delicate spectrum.
he's very possessive of you.
you're his everything and he wants everyone to know that. you're so gorgeous, he's not gonna hide you away. armin recognizes that you're your own person, and you can show off however you'd like. as long as he's somewhere in the background. he encourages that you tag him in all your posts. he fights for his life trying to convince you to let him come with you while you go out with your friends and he wins most of the time. but when he has to stay home, he stays up and waits for you, he double/triple texts and asks when you'll be home even though you made a point to give him a timeframe. and don't even be 5 minutes late because armin already has seventy-five questions lined up. if he's feeling extra silly, he'll start a fight over text. 🤪
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2023. do not copy or repost any work by arlertwitch on any other platform. violators will be prosecuted. 🪼 — @artsyblkblocked / @sleazymac-n-cheesy / @arlerts-angel / @chiinni / @aegonslawyer / @stoned-eren /
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aphroditelovesu · 8 months
can you please write gender, neutral, reader, who has ADHD and the yandere Bat boys from ACOTAR react to reader having ADHD I’ve been waiting for your request to open to request this can’t wait to read it ❤️❤️❤️
❝ 🌹 — lady l: i hope you like it, anon! As a person with ADHD, I wrote it based on my experience and things that happen to me, but I know not everyone is the same, but I hope you enjoy it anyway! ❤️❤️
❝tw: overprotective behavior, ADHD, unhealthy romantic relationships, messy writing.
❝🌹pairing: yandere!bat boys/azriel, rhysand and cassian x ADHD!gender neutral!reader.
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Azriel deals with your ADHD however he can and tries his best to be understanding and not stress. He doesn't like it, but he can't do anything to change it. Don't get him wrong, he doesn't have anything bad against you having ADHD, as he knows it's not your choice, but he hates that ADHD has you.
He hates that he worries about you so much because he's afraid you'll end up getting hurt because of your lack of attention. He has never met anyone who poses as much danger to themself as you do and it irritates him profusely.
Azriel gets tired easily and to try to have some peace of mind, he will always have a shadow with you, to look after you and report any movement of you and others. Even if you get angry about this, he won't see it as anything wrong since he's just looking out for your safety.
He has always been very protective of you since he has never cared for or loved anyone as much as he loves you and when he finds out that you have ADHD this protection becomes unbearable. Azriel doesn't want anything bad to happen to you and will make sure of it.
Azriel hates it when you cause yourself harm and scolds you vehemently and when you are hurt by his words, he mumbles an apology and pulls you into a hug. He can't stay mad at you.
He tries to be as understanding as possible, like when you forget something or even a date, he tries to think about your well-being and doesn't schedule another date again until he's sure you're okay. Azriel will make sure you are always comfortable with something and, if you take any medication, make sure you never miss it and you will always take it.
If Rhysand could remove ADHD from you with his daemati powers, he would have done it a long time ago. But that's not possible, so he tries his best to take care of you and make sure you're well, fed and safe.
He doesn't like being ignored and when he talks to you, he expects an answer, but he tries to act indifferent when he realizes that you are lost in your thoughts and aren't listening to him. Rhys can't blame you for this, so he always brushes it off and says it's okay when you realize what happened.
Rhysand understands you and is as caring and gentle as possible. The way he talks and acts around you really shows how much he cares and wants you to feel comfortable around him, so he will never say or do something that makes you uncomfortable.
He was always overprotective and that didn't change at all when he found out about your ADHD, but it did increase. Anyone who looks, who thinks, wrong about you will be torn to pieces. Rhysand will not allow any harm to be done to you and any attempt will be dealt with slowly and painfully.
Rhys tries his best to look out for you, writing notes or sending you literal mental notes when you forget something, and, depending on the situation, he will have someone look after you so you don't get hurt. He leaves little notes around the house with simple reminders and some more romantic ones, reminding you how much he loves you and cares about you.
He loves you and is protective of you in the same way he always was, the only change will be that Rhysand will become much more suffocating and will invade your personal space more frequently due to your ADHD, constantly fearing that you will get hurt. Rhys values ​​you a lot, but he doesn't trust you completely and so he has to make sure you're okay and he'll do it his way.
Cassian loves the fact that you have ADHD. He knows this may seem strange and insensitive of him, but he can't help but be excited because it makes you more dependent on him in his eyes and he loves taking care of you.
He always loved taking care of you as if you were a child, especially due to your size difference. You will almost always be hidden in his wings and he will be looking at everyone with suspicion. Cassian had become even more protective due to your ADHD.
Cassian tries his best to be understanding and he is very emotional and puts your feelings above him and will take great care not to make you upset, as he hates seeing you mad at him. He is constantly hugging you, because he knows that in his arms you will be safe from all the dangers in the world.
He will always remind you of your chores, leaving notes around the house in places he knows you will look at and will always accompany you wherever you go, to make sure you don't get hurt or end up tripping over something. Your safety always comes first.
If you allow him, Cassian will become your personal bodyguard and follow you around like a puppy. He wants you to depend on him, he needs to protect you, be your hero and he will die inside if he can't do everything for you. It will get to the point that Cassian will offer to carry you anywhere.
Cassian knows it's wrong to think that way, since he knows that having ADHD isn't something easy or cool, but he likes having you dependent on him. He wants to be the only one to watch over you, to protect you and knowing that you have an extra vulnerability makes him ecstatic. He has to take care of you, that's his duty as your mate and as your protector.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Don't mind me, everyone, just gonna slip on my Tedependent conspiracy hat for a bit...
Okay, for real though, can we talk about how Trent's backstory in 3x06 completely re-contextualizes his dinner with Ted in 1x03? Based on my own interpretation, the implied timeline is that Trent was married to a woman, attempted to come out to her and was dismissed (perhaps in large part because they were married: what do you mean you're gay? You can't be. You love me, etc.), either having his daughter forced Trent to become more honest about what he and his family needed, or they had her in an attempt to "fix" the marriage, she gets caught in the crossfire of all this, Trent comes out again, this time his wife believes him, they divorce, are still good friends, and their daughter is happier than ever because she has two loving parents who are now living their best lives.
Given her age - 3 at the start of the series, about 6 now - that means there's a decent possibility that Trent was still married at the beginning of the show.
And that his dinner with Ted is one of the things that pushed him to try coming out again.
As his core Ted is someone who is authentic and that authenticity is what catches Trent's interest. He's dismissive of it at first, literally thinking it's a "fucking joke," only to later end up with the revelation, "You really mean that, don't you?" - that Ted honestly enjoyed spending time with him. AKA, Ted says and does what he means, even when it seems completely unbelievable. How freeing must that be to see? I'm just imagining this interview-turned-dinner through the eyes of a man who is still unhappily married, mostly closeted, and struggling to help his daughter through the stress of that dynamic. Then he meets this sunshine of a coach who is so authentically himself that it initially comes across as an act, an exaggeration, a joke. But Ted never wavers, simply refuses to be anything other than himself. Soon he's doing even more than that, breaking down gender norms by characterizing the masculine, aggressive Roy Kent as the "little girl" from A Wrinkle in Time, burdened with the responsibility of leadership. He turns what should have been the end of a horrific day of shadowing into a dinner date and Trent finds himself answering the hard-hitting questions instead of his interviewee. Ted brushes off his accusation of greed with, "Wait, I'm supposed to be getting paid?" but Trent is completely caught off guard by Ted's "What do you love?"
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The textual answer is "writing" and the fun fandom answer is "you," but if this is a Trent who still hasn't fully come out yet that's! A hell! Of a question!!! A closeted, queer individual's mind is going to jump to their biggest secret and, when offered an out, they're going grasp at it, so Trent eagerly agrees with Ted's guess of "writing" the same way Colin eagerly pulls the 'This is a gay bar? Haha, my mistake' card and makes a run for the door. Reading this interaction as Trent not just being gay, but potentially being closeted and unhappily married makes it less about the journalism (this strange coach likes me and thinks I can be a good person despite my invasive career choice) and more about his sexuality. Oh, no big deal, just having an intimate dinner with another good-looking man who's questioning me on love of all things and slowly inspiring me to be the best version of myself, which would require coming out to my wife again. This is a totally normal and not at all life-changing night! I definitely don't need to run away now!!
Via this reading Trent's article feels so loaded. Ted is "out there in the community" either "bravely or stupidly facing the music." That sounds a hell of a lot like a parallel to literally coming out and facing the music of a community's potential rejection, with Ted's American background/inexperience/unique personality acting as a stand-in for sexuality; the reasons he's labeled a "wanker" before anyone actually gets to know him - as the pub trio does while those very words are narrated by Higgins.
And then we have this:
"If the Lasso way is wrong, it's hard to imagine being right.... and though I believe that Ted Lasso will fail here... I can't help but root for him."
There are other elements at play here, like the football's celebration of ego and the threat of the club being relegated, but underneath it really sounds like a still-cynical Trent wanting to see the kind of changed world that those like Ted could bring about, but not really believing that it's possible. Given his history, is he really just talking about football when it comes to "the Lasso way"? I doubt it. Trent is potentially feeling trapped at this point in time, pessimistic to the point where yes, he still thinks that Ted will fail at football and creating a more inclusive, accepting community... but even still, Trent can't help but root for him. Of course he can't. He wants what Ted is offering. He needs it.
But then, of course, Ted succeeds! Not just in doing well by the club, but by the community as a whole. He maintains that inspiration and hope until, potentially, Trent felt like he could do something about his own situation. He found the nerve and strength to try again. So he comes out to his wife, they divorce, their daughter is happy, he goes on a date with a mustached man at the local pub, ditches him to try and 'interview' Ted, blows up his career because he realizes that his job is undermining the very thing he's been rooting for and he can't not give Ted a heads up, begins shadowing Ted as he looks for something "deeper," and then comes out to Colin, gazing wistfully across the water as he imagines being able to kiss a man after a win...
I'm not saying Ted Lasso is going to go there - and I'm DEFINITELY not saying there should be ANY accusations of queer baiting if/when they don't, because we've absolutely built the majority of this ship in fandom spaces - but I AM saying that if Trent's potential intersection of his history with Ted's influence and Ted's desire to shake things up while imagining bisexual triangles actually led to something... it would be a damn well done setup!
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holywizardheart · 1 year
💭My thoughts about synastry aspects💭
This is my personal experience in relationship and friendship with people!
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🎵12th house synastry is a karmic placement. At first, you will spend a lot of time with each other and then this person just disappears from your life. Like it never happened. Also, it can mean that you often see them in your dreams. For me, it feels like this person understands you and you can show your true self without expecting criticism from them. It just feels like heaven and a dream that doesn't last long forever. But guys don't forget that the 12th house can represent your hidden enemies. Just be super careful when sharing your deep feelings and secrets.
💋Mars/Moon negative aspects can be really good, especially in sexual life but not in a relationship. You'll definitely argue a lot. Hurting each other's feelings and there may be a little jealousy :)
Mars person hurts Moon person's feelings. Sometimes Moon person may be scared of the Mars person. It also can mean physical violence. I'm sure that Mars person wants to have sex with Moon ;)
💦Moon opposite Moon aspect is such a good synastry in my opinion. Like there is a quick understanding of each other. I know that it's not perfect for EVERYONE but in my opinion, it works if you're determined to adapt or change. I'm a Pisces Moon and I like Virgo moon and other Virgo placements. For me, they're the most beautiful and kind people I've met in my life. Sending my love to Virgo placements.
💌Venus opposite Mars aspect I was Venus person and the other person is Mars. Honestly, I was so scared of this person because they were so aggressive and argumentative. I just didn't want to have a bad relationship with this person. Like never ever. I felt that I have to be more careful and mindful when it comes to this person. Because the aggression of this person is so terrifying and threatening to me. But maybe the reason is that they have moon mars opposition. Because it literally means emotionally expressive and violent. But right now our relationship is going well and I don't find them life-threatening. We sometimes talk to each other but it's on a very superficial level.
🔥5th house synastry is just about having fun with each other. Like it's so entertaining and awesome being together. Dancing and singing and having a great time. It's funny and enjoyable being with them because you are never bored when you're with them. And dating this person is like being in an adventurous fantasy book. You can try new things together but when something doesn't work out you'll just laugh at each other. Sex is gonna be fascinating and unforgettable.
💕Venus conjunct Descendant is a great placement in my opinion. You'll feel attracted to this person because this person has the same traits that you want in your partner. It means their personality and their looks are literally a perfect match for you. It gives me a lovely couple vibe. From my experience, I was just attracted to them but we couldn't have a relationship with each other. Because I always had bad aspects with Moon and Mars. Yeah, it's killed the connection and we said bye to each other. It was really hard to deal with it and left without any words. But if you have other good and harmonious placements then it's gonna be an amazing romantic love story.
🍀Mars/Saturn negative aspects in this synastry I was Saturn and he's Mars. You know this guy was so annoying and irritating like I just want to throw myself away. His behavior and actions were irrational and chaotic. Like Jesus Christ please save me from this person. I just can't stand near him and I always want to be away from this person. Like, don't touch me keep your hands away from me. It reminds me of being with a child who is constantly crying and annoying me.
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grvyrd-drms · 8 months
Any hcs for female Creepypastas?? 🫶
the girlies 💞💞💞
A/N: i chose just a few off the top of my head, if you want specific characters don't be afraid to ask <3
characters: nina, sally, natalie, zero, nurse ann
CW: some of these are so angsty for no reason lmao sorry guys
-nina 1000000000% bisexual you literally cannot change my mind at all. girls are too pretty to ignore and jeff. exists.
-i like to think that nina has slightly gotten over jeff, but not completely. its like that one ex that you just can't get out of your mind no matter how long ago it was. she's still obsessed with him but doesn't make it her whole personality (she is in fact a human being with her own thoughts and feelings).
-sally is afraid of men. people love to show her being friends with E. jack or toby or ben, but i guarantee she's still petrified of any and all males in her life.
-not to feed into the fanon family idea but all the girls of the manor 100% understand sally and let her linger in their rooms when she's upset or frightened. most of them haven't been treated right either.
-natalie is like that one cool older coworker thats incredibly intimidating but incredibly cool at the same time. you wanna be friends so bad and she's like a fucking rabid dog.
-but nat can braid hair like a fucking PRO. she'd NEVER admit it but she would kill for a classic girly sleepover where they all do each others hair and nails.
-every single crp girl is sickly jealous of 'normal' teen girls. they want the relationships. the high school experience. the makeup. the gossip. the boys. the girls. their first car, their first job, research colleges. go to football games, get fast food late at night with friends. first dates to the movies, sleepovers with friends, all nighters binging netflix, shopping at the mall. all of it. every single crp girl dreams of it all.
-kate is selectively mute. in the time that she's been a crp she's only spoken a handful of times. she's just in a constant state of stress and fear basically.
-zero is SO ANNOYING and SO LOUD. she's like ben on steroids. she needs to make her presence known and you WILL acknowledge her (this comes from a deep down fear of her being forgotten and left behind but we don't have time for all of that).
-nat practically lives on a steady diet of beef jerky, red bull, and doritos. she has the cravings of a teen boy and it's petrifying.
-nurse ann is a WOMAN LOVER. have you SEEN those boobs and thighs. those are FOR WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! duh!!!!
-kate does and will bite. toby has the battle scars to prove it.
-sally is such a brat and everyone fucking loves it lmao. she guilt trips and throws tantrums and she'll swear every other sentence just because it's all things she's picked up around the manor.
-nurse ann's voice is like melted caramel and velvet. that shit is smooth and silky and she literally could seduce anyone without even trying (me).
god i love women
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Kinda sick of the racism from nonblacks (i say nonblacks because it ain't just the whites tho it's mainly them!) in the spiderverse fandom because why does black ppl centering themselves in fiction (you know cuz we never can have ANYTHING) bother them so much??
"Hobie would choose a white girl over you" "why does miles have to be with someone black" "why does he always have to have a black reader" like Ummmm DO Y'ALL NOT HEAR HOW DUMB AND IGNORANT YOU SOUND?
We gotta gatekeep the black characters in this fandom until ppl know how to act right and stop getting besides themselves
PREACH!!!!!! CAUSE LIKE -- People out here are really disturbed that they *checks notes* were reminded black people exist? black people being found specifically attractive in a way whiteness is CONSTANTLY.
Anti-Blackness, Hobie, & The Black!Reader -
[A SHORT rant about people who have an issue with Black!Readers]
I ALWAYS find it where when people beef with Black people who want to date other Black people.
Because it's 100% racism.
If you think that a Black person dating only Black people is wrong - Anti-blackness is probably the root.
Just kidding it is the root its literally the only solution and explanation hehehe
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Because as a trans person - when someone says they're T4T, everyone is fine with that.
Cis people can understand that they will never understand the trans experience, and that trans people may be attracted and want relationships with people who can understand on a personal level.
But when a Black Person say they're 'Black4Black' suddenly that's wrong?? We can't do that??
It's like non-whites cannot grasp that anti-black racism is a very VERY specific experience that we deal with all our lives and we may want partners that can not only support us but relate too. Partners we don't have to explain race shit too.
No- blackness is an experience that HAS to be available to them. Black people's experiences, minds and bodies HAVE to be available for there consumption or we're in the wrong.
We are either there to be consumed (like Hobie is) or ignored (like the Black!Reader is).
All my life I've seen the default OC and default reader be a white person. Readers that don't speak AAVE, that show no attempt at culture outside the 'normal' heteronormative American family.
And suddenly we try to change that for ourselves and that's not cool.
Also - people who say that about Hobie are just outright uneducated.
Hobie is from 1978.
Racial Discrimination in the UK was outlawed in 1965. Regardless of whether you think he's 16 or 19 - Hobie Brown grew up under racial segregation from ages 3-6.
He grew up seeing it - experiencing racism. Living with and being raised by and surrounded by a community of older black people who lived under segregation.
And even after the bill - Racist attitudes would still be surrounding him realistically speaking.
Acting like Hobie has no opinions on that, or experiences, or coping mechanisms or TRAUMA from that - is fucked up.
That's black trauma LOOK AT IT.
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So YEAH, A guy who grew up under segregation and a police state would have trauma from it.
But they (racists) wanna sidestep that.
They'll talk all day about Hobie's police related trauma - but not the race thing......okay. Okay, no it's fine. I'm fine.
The idea that Hobie might have unsavory experiences with race makes them uncomfortable. The idea that Hobie would seek out Black Spaces to GET AWAY from white people - makes them foam at the mouth.
Not all white people are racist - but a white person can never understand anti-black racism from a personal view the way Hobie or I or you do.
That's just a fact.
But the idea that there's a special outlet we alone understand about Hobie, and connect with him through, they dislike that.
Anti-Blackness. It's everywhere.
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164 notes · View notes
eddiemunsons80sbaby · 2 months
Never Say Never
Chapter 16
Pairing: SingleDad!StevexReader
Summary: You are a 32 year old single mother, raising your seven year old son on your own. After being widowed at 30 and going out on awful dates with disgusting men for the past month, you have decided that you're giving up. You already had your great love. One person can't possibly get lucky enough to have two in their lifetime. But then your son starts playing baseball and the coach might just change your mind about that.
No posting schedule.
18+ only for eventual smut
Word Count: 7.9K
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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Two weeks later found you at the baseball diamond for the boys first game of the season. Your group took up an entire section of the bleachers, everyone had showed up to cheer the kids on. You were squeezed between Robin and Janice, Matt on Janice’s other side. In front of you were Dustin, Lucas, Max, Nancy, and Jonathan. Behind you was El, Mike, Will, Nolan, Joyce, Karen, and Hopper. Jeremiah had a literal cheering section that was there for him and it hit you that now, so did Eli. Somehow, the two of you were not only lucky enough to get Steve, but also the entire family that came along with him. 
You caught sight of Judith out of the corner of your eye, walking up, looking more out of place than a string quartet at a toddler’s birthday party. Who showed up to a baseball game in heels and a pantsuit? Judith did. You fought the urge to roll your eyes or hide. Judith’s eyes darted over the bleachers, looking for you, wincing at the raucous ruckus the dad she was standing next to was making as he loudly bragged about his son. 
“Uh-oh…the she-beast has arrived,” muttered Janice, nodding in your mother-in-law’s direction.
“I saw,” you sighed, rising to your feet, waving your hand to make it easier for Judith to find you. There would be no hiding. Sometimes being the responsible adult sucked.
Judith somehow managed to look both annoyed and relieved at the sight of you. Sending one last scathing look toward the oblivious father, she made her way to your section of the bleachers. 
“Judith!” exclaimed Karen, climbing carefully down, opening her arms in welcome. “You’re Eli’s grandmother. I’m Jeremiah’s grandmother. And so is Joyce.” She pointed to the petite woman who was currently holding onto Jonathan’s head to step down.
“So you’re Steve’s mom or are you Steve’s mom?” questioned Judith, her eyes roaming over the two, judgement evident in her eyes. You didn’t have to try too hard to imagine what she must be thinking. Joyce standing there in her baggy jeans and oversized sweatshirt and Karen all done up with bright makeup and a dress that, gasp, stopped above her knees and even showed some cleavage. Oh, the horror. 
Karen laughed, her hand coming to her breast, Judith’s eyes about popping out of her head at the amount of bosom on display. Because heaven forbid a woman had the audacity to dress however she wanted, to be proud of her own body. And honestly, Karen had every right to show off. The woman was stunning. 
“Oh no. Neither of us are. Steve’s parents aren’t really in the picture sadly. I’m Nancy’s mom.” She turned, pointing to the petite brunette who waved with a smile. “Nancy is Jeremiah’s mom.”
“And I’m actually Jonathan’s mom,” Joyce explained, pointing to her son who simply lifted his hand. “He’s Jeremiah’s stepdad but I’ve known Steve since he was just a young kid in high school and he’s practically a son to me. So it feels like I’m his mom, too.”
“Yeah, and I’ve known him just as long because him and Nance met in high school so he kind of feels like a son to me too. The poor boy went from having no mom to multiple moms who are always in his business whether he wants us there or not.”
Joyce shrugged, “Honestly, everyone here is family. Everyone you see behind you are Jere’s aunts and uncles.” They all waved, Dustin and Max a bit more obnoxiously than the rest. “Well, except for Hop. He’s my husband. So I guess he’s kind of like Steve’s dad for all intents and purposes.”
Hopper snorted and then shrugged, “I’ll guess I’ll claim Harrington if I have to.”
“How…unconventional of all of you,” Judith managed, her teeth gritted in a tight smile.
Your eyes slipped closed in frustration. Of course this woman had to show up and ruin what was looking to be a perfect day. She couldn’t fathom something like found family. She believed blood came before everything else. The very idea that all of these people could come together and be more important to each other than the family genetics had stuck them with was inconceivable for a brain like hers. 
“Well, come on up,” Karen invited, giving her a wave. “We can all scooch and make room for you with the grandparents.”
“Oh, that’s alright. There will be no need for any…scooching. I’ll just…” Her eyes quickly scanned the bleachers. “I’ll sit right here. I’ll be fine.” Before anyone could argue with her, she dropped down in front of Max who turned, giving you a, can you believe this woman, look. 
You rolled her eyes, letting Max silently know you could not believe her but honestly, you could. You'd learned to expect nothing less than constant judgement and absolute disdain from that woman. No one was ever good enough in her eyes. Judith raised her bar so high that no one, who wasn’t Justin, could ever manage to leap over it. And even he’d struggled to make that jump sometimes.
You zoned out as the boys began talking about their latest D&D campaign in front of you, your eyes drawn to the sight of Steve out on the field with the team. He stood, surrounded by boys in baseball pants and white shirts with green stripes. And god he looked good, fitted jeans that showed off the muscles in his strong thighs, a moss green short sleeved shirt, his rounded biceps peeking out from the hem as he leaned forward, hands on his knees to talk to the kids. A baseball cap sat on his head and she didn’t know what it was but you loved him in a ballcap, all those beautiful locks spilling out from underneath. 
It was difficult to wrap your head around the fact that it had only been two weeks since you'd both been brave to utter those three little words, three little words with an impact big enough to change the trajectory of your lives. Two weeks of you feeling like you were walking on air, like nothing could possibly go wrong, floating in your own little bubble of bliss. It felt like so much longer. You couldn’t even remember what your life had been like before Steve had become a part of it, the endless days of just trying to make it through, and you didn’t want to. 
The two of you had spent nearly every night together since that moment on the beach, much to the boy’s excitement. Not sleeping over, that was still something you were trying to move slowly with for the boys’ sake, particularly Eli. Steve had been incredibly understanding about you wanting to wait a bit before you took that step. But almost every evening the four of you ate dinner together, sometimes at your house, sometimes at his. You played board games, watched movies, went for a walk down to the local ice cream place or rode your bikes over to the park for the boys to play. 
Steve had surprised you twice at work, showing up with lunch for the two of you. Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Will had invited the boys over one night for D&D last week and Robin had offered to take them to a movie last night to allow Steve and you some alone time. It was incredible. You hadn’t just gained Steve but an entire village of people who just showed up and were there, ready to help at a moment’s notice, and you were so thankful for every single one of them. You'd never had anyone but Janice and Matt and having so many people who were willing to pitch in, who enjoyed your kid enough to want to spend time with him, well it meant more to you than you could possibly express to them. 
Your attention on Steve broke with an elbow to your side. Looking over, you found Janice grinning wickedly at you, “What were you thinking about, huh?”
“Probably last night,” teased Robin. “I took the boys to a movie so she and Steve were all alone. Replaying the highlight reel of naked time in your mind?”
“Eww! Can we not?” Mike asked. 
“Oh please.” Robin rolled her eyes. “Maybe I had to censor myself when you were thirteen but you’re twenty-six now. I think you can handle knowing how babies are made.”
“Babies? I didn’t know we were talking about babies.” El’s face lit up. “Are you going to have a baby? Oh, I miss babies. Jeremiah was such a cute little baby.”
“No one is talking about babies,” you replied, noticing how stiff Judith’s posture had suddenly gotten. She was only sitting a couple rows in front of you and there was no doubt she was listening to every word being spoken, stocking up ammunition for later. You did not need that woman to have one more reason to come at you. “Jeez. You guys are being ridiculous.”
“Not yet anyway,” teased Nancy, turning around. “But I heard the ‘l’ word has been spoken so you never know…”
“Oh my god!” Max shrieked, spinning completely around in her seat, Judith doing the same, her eyes shooting daggers at you. You braced yourself but Judith quickly spun back around as Max continued gushing. “Are you serious? You’re using the love word? I knew you were in love. You got all red faced at the coffee shop that night when the word was even mentioned.”
“When’s the wedding?” Lucas wiggled his eyebrows. “Because I look like a million bucks in a tux and the way Dustin is going, I might never get to be in another wedding if you two don’t tie the knot.”
“Hey! I will have you know that Heather and I are going on our third date tomorrow night,” Dustin stated, folding his arms. 
“Ohhh…” Will crooned. “You convinced her to go out with you a third time? What’d you bribe her with? Oh, or is it blackmail? You got something juicy on her that she doesn’t want revealed?”
Dustin chucked a piece of popcorn at him and Will caught it in his mouth, grinning triumphantly as he chewed. Dustin shook his head in disgust.
“I don’t think Dustin needs bribery or blackmail. Heather has been talking about him nonstop at the office,” you told them, sending a wink Dustin’s way. “She really likes you. She said she had a blast at the Science Museum with you last week.”
“Oh yeah? I had a lot of fun too. What else has she said about me?”
“Hmm. Let me think,” you taunted, tapping your finger against your chin, relieved to be talking about someone that wasn’t you with Judith sitting and listening like a hawk. “That you’re adorable and funny. She thinks you have the best smile. She told me you’re one of the nicest guys she’s ever met and that you’re super smart. She says your big brain is one of the sexiest things about you.”
Mike, Lucas, and Will began gagging on cue, perfectly synced as if they’d rehearsed it first. Dustin glared at them all but you could see how pleased he was at the information you'd just relayed to him. And it was all true. You'd been teasing Heather all week about what a smitten little kitten she was. They were awfully cute together.
“And speaking of new romance,” you sang, bopping your elbow into Robin’s side. “How goes it with the lovely June?”
Robin’s face flushed a brilliant shade of scarlett. She grabbed onto a piece of her hair, toying with it, a coy smile lifting the corners of her mouth. Clearly Heather wasn’t the only smitten kitten around here.
“June?” came Judith’s voice loudly. “That’s a very strange name for a man.”
“Well, that would be because June is, in fact, a woman,” Dustin stated.
Judith made a sound like a throttled gasp, her eyes going wide, “A woman? So…you’re…one of those…?”
“One of what exactly?” challenged Max, leaning forward, elbows on her knees. “A human? A woman? An American? An Earthling? What exactlt are you asking, Judith?”
Your hands clenched at your sides, bracing yourself for an ugly scene. A scene that could destroy this beautiful thing that had been building around you. Why would any of them want you to be a part of their lives when that would mean this awful woman would be a part of it too? Judith’s mouth went tight at Max’s confrontation and you braced yourself, waiting for the nasty thing that was about to come out of her mouth. 
But Judith simply stated, “Never mind. It’s none of my concern,” and turned back around. Huh. She must have realized she was outnumbered and didn’t like her odds. 
“So anyway, back to the matter at hand,” Max said loudly, turning to Robin. 
“Yes, we’re all dying to know,” Karen exclaimed, leaning into Robin. “Are there sparks?”
“I wouldn’t say sparks…” Robin began and when they all looked crestfallen, she grinned. “More like massive explosions that could level an entire city.” She giggled. “She’s amazing. I mean, we went to the movies and it was fun, but you can’t really talk much at the movies.”
Nolan snorted, “You? You talk through movies all the time.”
“With you guys,” she huffed. “But she doesn't even know me yet. Not really. I didn’t want to give her the full dose of how neurotic I am right out of the gate. I have to give her small doses until she’s just acclimated to it and doesn’t realize the extent of my craziness. Anyway, I thought that would be the end of it. You know? I told you guys it went well but I didn’t really expect anything to come of it. Then she called and asked if I wanted to go to dinner. So we went out Tuesday night again and we were sitting in the restaurant for six hours! Six hours! Can you believe it?”
“What in the hell do you do in a restaurant for six hours?” Hopper huffed. “I mean, after you eat what else is there?” Joyce swatted him and he looked over at her, bewildered. “What?”
“Just because you have no conversational skills doesn’t mean others don’t. They were obviously talking.”
“I have conversational skills. I am very eloquent with my words, thank you very much.” He grinned when you all laughed because nothing about this bear of a man screamed eloquent. “But six hours? What could you possibly have to talk about for six hours?”
“Everything,” Robin sighed dreamily. “She was asking me all kinds of questions and she didn’t even seem to mind when I rambled. She said she thought it was cute! Can you believe it? And I learned so much about her. She loves cats. She has two of them, Hoggle and Ludo.”
“What kinds of names are those?” Judith piped up and you fought the urge to throw one of your M&Ms at the back of her head. Hadn’t the woman said enough already? Why couldn’t she just shut up?
“She’s a Labyrinth fan!” you squealed, choosing to ignore your mother-in-law completely instead. “Great taste in movies.”
“Yes! And music…she loves Blondie, Bowie, the Beatles…”
“All solid choices,” Joyce replied. 
“I don’t know,” Hopper mused. “I didn’t hear any Zeppelin or Stones mentioned.”
“You’re showing your age, Hop,” Will teased.
“The game is starting,” Judith interrupted loudly. “So maybe the inappropriate talk about love lives could finish now.”
“Damn, she’s really not any fun is she?” Robin hissed in your ear. 
“You have no idea,” you mumbled back with a groan. You had to keep reminding yourself that Judith was Eli’s grandmother. No matter how frustrating she was, you were going to have to deal with her but only as much as absolutely necessary. Hopefully she would just head home after the game and save you all from her unwanted presence any longer.
The game went far better than you had expected for it being the boys’ first time. Eli actually managed to hit the ball and made it all the way to third before the other team’s player managed to throw it in. Matt may have cheered the loudest, jumping out of his seat, proud of the kid he’d spent so much time in the batting cages with. 
Matt’s cheering had not come as a surprise but the way the rest of them all cheered for your son did. It wasn’t just a casual, yay Eli, an obligatory cheer because their friend was dating the kid’s mom. They seemed genuinely excited, celebrating his moments of glory just as loudly and proudly as they did Jeremiah’s. When Jeremiah ran into home, breaking the tie and winning the game, you leapt from your seat, you and Nancy high fiving and hugging, two moms sharing your pride in your boys. 
Both boys came racing off the field, their cheeks bright red, flushed from both the excitement and the exertion. They were swept up in a flurry of hugs and high fives from the crowd of people who had shown up just for them. 
“You boys were amazing!” Hopper yelled, pulling both boys in for a bear hug. Yeah, you could definitely see where Dustin got Smokey the Bear from this guy. 
“Did you see me slide right into home, grandpa? I saw that kid grab it but I just knew I had time! Daddy says to take chances!” Jeremiah beamed, the smile on his face so wide it looked painful. 
“I saw it, kid. You did real good. You took the chance and it paid off. You’re going to be the next Barry Bonds, just watch. And you!” He turned his attention to Eli, his massive hand ruffling her son’s hair. “That was a hell of a hit, kid. Making it all the way to third before they could get it. You gave them a run for their money. They were scrambling after that ball.”
Eli looked so proud that your heart could burst. Judith stepped forward. She’d been keeping to the outside of the group, clearly uncomfortable, uncertain how to make herself known. You had no doubt it was killing her to see Eli receiving so much positive attention from so many people that were not her. To see that he had other people in his life that were important to him, to not be the first person that had congratulated him on his game. 
Just as she stepped forward and Eli spotted her, running into her arms for a hug, Steve was making his way over from the diamond, a large bag slung over his shoulder. When his eyes found yours, he gave you one of those smiles that came with a side of a very flirty wink that he seemed to reserve just for you.
“Good game, huh?” he commented, a quick kiss planted on your lips. “The boys did a great job.”
“That’s because they have a great coach,” you replied, your arms slipping around his stomach, smiling up at this man who always had you in a state of complete awe. 
“Everybody still up for burgers and shakes at Benny’s?” Hopper boomed out over the cacophony of noise. 
You glanced over to Judith who was purposefully keeping her eyes off of you and Steve. You really didn’t want to invite her but it would be the right thing to do. She’d driven all this way for the game. 
“Judith, would you like to join us?” you asked, keeping your arms firmly locked around Steve because who cared what Judith thought. You had made it clear to her that this new future with Steve did not erase your past with Justin. The woman was just going to have to get used to it.
“Oh. I…no, I don’t think so.” She shook her head. “Henry is supposed to be getting back this evening and he’ll need dinner.” She looked around to the others, feeling the need to explain, “Work trip.”
Yeah. Henry had an awful lot of work trips. Justin had confided in you that he wasn’t so sure they were all for work but he could never prove it. And Judith chose to go through life blissfully unaware. As far as you knew, you'd never confronted him or questioned him. But the two of them had never exactly been the warm and fuzzy couple. There weren’t those moments of tender touches or warm glances ever. Their relationship seemed more like a business transaction, something that was mutually beneficial to them both. 
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah grandma. Benny’s has the best shakes!”
Jeremiah nodded his agreement. “Eli and I both love strawberry! And Benny always brings me ranch to dip my fries in.”
“Oh, that’s nice.” Judith smiled down at the boy, seeming surprised that he was taking the time to talk to her. She jumped when Joyce came up next to her, placing an arm around her shoulders. 
“Come on Judes.” You brought your hand to your mouth to cover the snort that had slipped out at Joyce’s choice of nickname. Robin clearly found it just as amusing as she shoved her face into El’s shoulder, her body shaking with laughter. “It’ll be fun. And if these two crazy kids are going to be doing the family thing, then that means we all need to do the family thing, right?”
“Yeah, Judes,” Max agreed, grinning as if this were the best moment of her life. “We’re all one big happy family now. We all love Eli and he loves us. Right, kid?”
Eli leapt from the ground as he proudly exclaimed, “Yeah!” He turned to Judith. “Dustin and Mike and Will and Lucas all play this really cool game called Dungeons and Dragons and they’re teaching me all about it. And Robin took us to see this movie, First Kid. It’s about this kid who is the president’s son and he has a bodyguard. It’s so funny and she got us popcorn and Skittles because she says Skittles are the superior candy. And Max is teaching me how to skateboard! I fell off a couple times but I’m starting to get the hang of it. She says I’ll be a pro by the end of summer. And El came over and helped us make slime when we spent the night with Nancy and Jonathan. They let us stay up until midnight and we got to do s’mores over the fire in their backyard. It was so cool. And Hopper let us ride in his police car! He even turned on the lights and the siren for us and he brought us one of those pads to do fingerprints! And Joyce makes the best spaghetti. We went to her house for dinner and Will is an artist and he showed us all these cool things he drew when he was just our age!”
Judith looked a bit taken aback as Eli kept rambling, caught off guard at how large a part of his life each of these people were now. You almost felt sorry for her, the sadness in her eyes, knowing how she wished she was closer so she could be a bigger part of Eli’s life. Almost but not quite because the woman was her own worst enemy. 
“I don’t know. Henry…”
“Is a grown man who can fend for himself,” you reminded her. “He’s fifty-six Judith. The man should know how to at least make a sandwich.”
Judith’s hands wrung together, an internal battle playing over her face. Damn. Was she really that programmed by that man or was her uncertainty coming from all the new people, the fact that she would be the one outside looking in instead of at the center of it all?
“Come on. It will be fun,” Karen urged. “My husband, Tedd, isn't here either. We’ll be two crazy ladies without their husbands. I mean, who needs them anyway, right?”
Judith laughed, her hand flying to her mouth, eyes going wide as if she couldn’t believe she’d just done that. You pressed your lips together in amusement. So there was a woman desperate for fun in there just waiting to break free. You could see it in the sparkle of those ocean blue eyes, so much like her son’s. 
“Are you sure you want me to come?” she asked, the question directed at you. 
You smiled, stepping forward, placing your arm around Judith’s shoulders, “Of course I do.”
Maybe this could work out after all. Maybe Judith wasn’t as awful as she seemed. Perhaps all that bluster and rudeness came from a place of deep fear. Fear not that her son would be forgotten, but that she would. Fear that you would move on and in turn, so would Eli, and she would be left with nothing after losing her only child besides a husband that was more boring than watching paint dry. Perhaps all of this had simply been because no one but Justin had ever really thought she mattered.
Judith’s mouth lifted at the corners, her entire demeanor changing with that subtle smile. It made her appear far more approachable and soft. She nodded. 
“Okay. I haven’t had a milkshake in years. Do they have malts? Oh, malts were my favorite.”
“Mine too!” Hopper bellowed. “And you won’t find a better malt than Benny’s. Come on. You can ride with us old folks.” He pulled his keys from his pocket. 
“Oh! That's quite alright. I don’t want to inconvenience you. Then you would have to bring me back here. I have my own car if you just want to tell me how to get there.”
“Nonsense!” Joyce looped her arm in Judith’s, tossing you a wink. “You are not an inconvenience. Us grandmas have to stick together. Come on. We’ll let the young ones be. We’ll have plenty of time to tell you all sorts of juicy stories about Steve this way.”
Steve groaned, his head rolling around his shoulders, “Or not!”
“You’ll love this one, Judith,” Karen laughed, taking her other arm as they led her toward the parking lot. “One time I found Steve climbing up the trellis of our house to sneak and see Nancy…”
“Great,” muttered Steve as their words faded, shaking his head. “Your mother-in-law is never going to like me once those three fill her head with every screw up I’ve ever made.”
“It doesn’t matter if she likes you,” you reminded him, rising up to your tiptoes to press your lips to his. “Because I do.”
“Besides, she’ll figure out for herself what a dingus you are before too long,” Robin snorted, yelping when Steve shoved her backward. 
“So, how do you think this is going to go?” asked Janice who had always chosen to keep her distance. After one meeting with Judith, Janice preferred to not deal with her at all if she could, always saying she was going to open her mouth and piss the woman off if she said one more negative thing about you in front of her. 
“With Judith…who knows…”
But it went far better than Steve could have possibly imagined. He’d pictured Judith sitting there stiffly, staring them all down as she judged every single word they said. Or possibly offending every single person at the table with her words at some point. Or announcing to the entire table why Steve shouldn’t be with you. However, none of that happened. 
Sitting between Karen and Joyce, the woman had loosened. As if the two others had slowly unraveled the strings that had been knotting her up for years and she could finally breathe. She smiled. She even laughed. And even though he’d only known her a very short time, it had even shocked him to see. He hadn’t been sure the woman was capable of frivolity of any kind. Forget actually enjoying anything. 
And the best part of it was that you seemed to finally be relaxed. You sat at the other end of the table, Steve on one side of you and Janice on the other, keeping your distance from Judith. But every now and then you would look down at the woman and smile. Your two worlds were coming together and it wasn’t the horrendous clash you’d expected. They were actually appearing to meld quite seamlessly. 
By the time dinner was over, everyone was heading out full and in good spirits. Judith had even smiled politely when Robin asked if Steve and you would want to double date with her and June soon. She swallowed down any bullshit bias she had. If she was going to be ignorant, at least she was following the golden rule and keeping her damn mouth shut if she had nothing nice to say. 
After saying your goodbyes, Steve drove you and the boys back to his house. You fed Miles while Steve headed out back to get a fire going. The boys raced upstairs to play on the Nintendo 64 for a while. You stepped onto the back deck, sliding the door shut after Miles raced out behind her, instantly doing zoomies throughout the yard. 
God, you were pretty. Even weeks after meeting, he still found himself in awe of you. Jeans that wrapped around each and every curve in a way that had his hands twitching at his sides, wanting to follow those familiar hills and valleys. You hated shoes and socks, lost them as soon as you could, something he’d learned about you over the past weeks, so bare pink toes peeked out from beneath the flared denim. The Bowie shirt you wore was cropped, a sliver of your soft stomach exposed. Your hair was up in a high ponytail, only accentuating your neck which was just calling to his mouth.
You tilted your head, those perfectly pink cotton candy lips pursing in a way that had him thinking so many thoughts that were not anywhere near the ballpark of holy. You were the most beautiful creature he had ever seen and he fought the urge to pinch himself, to prove these last weeks weren’t some fever dream that he was going to wake from. 
“See something you like?” Your tone was light, playful, as he slowly made his way up onto the deck until he stood right in front of you. 
“I most certainly do.” Fingers gripped your hips, tugging you into him until you could feel just how much he liked what he was seeing. “You have no idea the effect you have on me.”
“Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea right now,” you chuckled, hands tracing over his chest and shoulders to loop around his neck. “But sadly for you, there are children afoot so there is not much I can do about that at the moment.”
“You simply existing does it for me. You don’t have to do anything but appear, honey. That’s it. You laugh. You smile. You cross your legs. You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. You take a sip of coffee. It all does it for me.”
“Yeah? Well, same for me. I swear I dreamed you into existence, Steve Harrington. I didn’t believe guys like you existed. I thought they were meant for storybooks and movies.”
Heat rushed over his cheeks at your compliment. “I’m no fairytale prince, honey but I promise to try to give you a happily ever after.”
Your teeth pulled at your bottom lip, your eyes widening just slightly at his words and he was doubting himself all over again. Should he not have said that? Was that pushy? But hadn’t you said forever? Hadn’t you said it just a couple weeks ago? That if you both were all in then you had to be planning on forever?
“Happily ever after? That sounds nice,” you murmured, pulling him in until your lips met, all his doubt vanishing like vapor on the air with your words. 
His arms wound around you, lifting you up onto your toes, crushing your bodies together. You moaned softly, the sound swallowed by his lips, and his jeans felt painfully tight. You tasted just as sweet as you looked, chocolate milkshake met with cherry lip balm, a combination that had his head spinning.  
Everything else ceased to exist for him when your lips were on his. Your tongue parted his lips, slipping along his own, and he couldn’t have told you what color the sky was or what month of the year it was. There was only you and him, locked in this moment that he wanted to make last until eternity. If this was how he would spend the rest of his days on this Earth, he could be okay with that. 
But you did manage to think, pulling back, your lips now slick, curved into the prettiest smile, your eyes heavy with the desire that was racing under his skin. He wanted you. He always wanted you and with the boys, he never had you nearly enough. But the boys were right upstairs and he knew you couldn’t risk it. Those kids could be down and out the door before they even heard a sound. 
“Thank you.”
“For what?” he asked, your questioning barreling through his brain fog. “You don’t have to thank me. I’ll kiss you anytime you want.”
“No,” you chuckled, swatting at him. “Thank you for today, for dealing with Judith. I know she’s…difficult. But I don’t know. She seemed a little different today. I have hope. It's a very small hope but hope that maybe she’s coming around. But I know she wasn’t very nice to you and the fact that you are willing to put up with her…I’m just really grateful because you don’t have to, you know.”
“Of course I do.” Steve slid his hand down your arm, locking your fingers together. He led you to the lounger, sitting and pulling you down in his lap. His nose traced your jaw, nuzzled into your hair. “She’s a part of your life and she’s a part of Eli’s life. If I want to be a part of your life then that means she’s part of mine too.”
“That’s…very kind of you.”
“No. It’s not.” He took your chin between his thumb and forefinger, turning your face to his. “Look. When I said I was all in, I meant it. I don’t get to be all in and then pick and choose what I am willing to handle. Anything that comes your way comes my way now too. Anything that’s heavy for you, you got me to help you carry it. Anything that’s hurting you, I will step in front of. That’s the deal. It’s not just you anymore. It’s us. We’re a team.”
“Okay coach,” you beamed, teasing but your eyes betrayed your lighthearted tone, shimmering with emotion at his words. 
Wasn’t that what a relationship was supposed to be? Two people against the world? He loved this woman. He wanted to be in your life. He wanted to crawl inside your skin and live there the way you did in his. You had managed to slither your way inside. You were in the blood that ran through his veins, in every single beat of his heart, in the very cells that made up his skin. 
Yeah. You came with baggage but who didn't? And he was more than willing to help you carry that load because you were more than worth it. You were everything he hadn’t even known he’d been searching for. He’d looked for so long, in all the wrong places, never knowing that the one that would finally fill in all those hollow places inside him already existed in the same town as him. 
Maybe it was wrong, maybe it was an awful thing to think, but it felt like fate had brought you together. He was so sorry that your husband had died but maybe this was the course your lives had to take for you to find one another. He’d thought about what if he’d been first. What if he’d stumbled across you when you were out with your friends thirteen years ago? It had made him feel like an absolute piece of shit, but he couldn’t help but wonder what life would be like if he’d been the one.
But then there would be no Jeremiah. There would be no Eli. You wouldn’t have known the love she already had with your husband. He wouldn’t have gotten the thump on his head that he needed for him to see you, truly see you, to understand how lucky he was to have you. Maybe the two of you had to go through all that heartache and disappointment to come to this place, where you could truly appreciate what you had. So you would never take it for granted, never throw it away, or treat it carelessly. 
So yeah. Maybe Steve hadn’t been your first but he had every intention of being your last. Your last boyfriend, your last love, your last kiss, your last everything. Because he’d chosen wrong so many times before, yes, but he hadn’t this time. He knew it like he knew his own name, like he knew the sun would rise tomorrow, like he knew the beat of his son's heart. He’d chosen right this time and there was nothing that would make him walk away. He would spend the rest of his life showing you just how much you meant to him. He would never take for granted this amazing gift that had somehow walked right onto his baseball field and into his life. 
“So, can I ask…I think you were going to tell me that day at the lake but we got a little sidetracked. What is the deal with you and Judith?”
Your head tipped back, eyes tracking the stars as you inhaled deeply, “I don’t know. There was never a specific moment or an event. It’s not like we had a falling out. She’s just always been like that with me. From the moment Justin introduced me to her, she treated me like I just wasn’t good enough. I was never enough for her precious son, you know?”
Steve snorted, “She’s nuts. Has she met you?”
“You’re sweet but I don’t think there’s anything I could ever do that would be enough for her. She always wanted to be the most important to him and I feel like she saw me as a threat. I mean, it’s insane. Isn’t that how it’s supposed to work? You raise your son to be a good man. You hope they find someone who will see that and love them. They choose their person and that person should come first. I mean, it’s the logical order of things. But she never saw it like that. It was like she always had to find a flaw in me to prove that she was better, that she loved Justin more, that his love for her outshone his love for me.”
“Did he…”
“No.” You cut him off, shaking your head. “No. Absolutely not. He took off as soon as he could. That’s why he joined the Marines, to get away from her. He told me he felt like she was smothering him and he couldn't breathe in that house anymore. He also didn’t have the best relationship with his dad. I think Henry cheats on Judith all the time. I’m pretty sure that’s why he goes on so many ‘business trips…’” You air quoted the words. “I think they’re far more pleasure than business. Justin thought so too. He just had to get away from it.”
“Well, I understand the need to get away from toxic parents. Mine weren’t smothering…quite the opposite actually. They just were indifferent unless I was disappointing them. Did you two even see her very much if their relationship wasn’t the best?”
“Not really.” Your fingers trailed along his hand, running over his knuckles. “Holidays, birthdays…you know, the required stuff. But she would be Judith and Henry, well, when he was actually there, he would pick apart Justin. He thought he was a waste, going into the military instead of going to college. Justin was always in a horrible mood when we left. He would put off seeing them for as long as he could.”
“What about Eli? Did they want to be around when he came along?”
“Oh yeah. Well, Judith did anyway. Saw him as her second chance at getting someone to love her best. But Justin kept her at arm’s length as much as he could. He hated seeing what having her around did to me. She questioned everything I did, judged me, picked me apart. She always made me feel like an awful mother. When Eli was first learning to walk, he fell. You know how they are at that age. Their heads are too big for their bodies and they’re like a weeble wobble. He fell and smashed his forehead into the corner of the wall. He had a huge goose egg and I was panicked that he had a serious brain injury. We took him to the E.R. Judith showed up and immediately started telling me what an incompetent mother I was, questioning what I’d been doing when he fell, why I wasn’t watching him. Justin lost it. He blew up at her right in the middle of the hospital. That was the moment he told her that if she couldn’t respect his wife and the mother of his child, then she was no longer welcome to be a part of our lives. I’ve never seen her so put in her place. She had no idea how to respond. Anyway, we didn’t hear from her for about a month after that. It was a bit better then but things with her and I have always been a bit…precarious.”
“Jesus. She sounds awful. And she’s clearly no fan of mine but that’s alright. I don’t need to impress her. The only person I care about impressing is you.” He wiggled his eyebrows, planting a soft kiss on your lips. 
“Oh, I am very impressed Mr. Harrington. Very impressed,” you mused, your arms winding around his neck, nose nuzzling gently over his own. 
Steve was overcome with the desire to keep you there, to never let you go. Every night, when he would have to gather his things or watch you gather yours, it left him with a hollow ache. Maybe it was soon but who decided how soon was too soon? Was it too soon when all he could think about when you weren't around was seeing you again? Was it too soon when he laid in bed, inhaling the scent of vanilla and pear that you left behind, craving the warmth of your body curled into his?
“Stay,” he whispered, a plea sent on his breath to your skin, his nose tracing your cheek. 
“Stay. Stay the night with me.” His fingers wrapped around your biceps, holding you against him, willing you to agree. “I know why you’ve wanted to wait. I understand your reasons but your reasons aren’t really reasons anymore.”
He was losing you. You were going to rationalize your way out of this and he couldn’t let you. He was overcome with an irrational need to get you to stay, to sleep curled up in his arms, to cement the decision that you were real, that this was it. That he was enough for you. That you wanted this as much as he did. He was pushing and he knew it but he couldn’t stop himself. He needed to know. He was in so deep here. He needed to know that you were in it too, barely keeping your head above water, sinking into the depths with him.
“No. Look, the whole reason you wanted to wait was because you didn’t want Eli getting his hopes up just for this to all end. You didn’t want him to see this as serious with him already assuming things. But this is serious and this isn’t ending. Right?”
“I mean, I don’t plan on it but…”
“No. No buts,” he insisted, hands sliding down your arms to wrap around your hands, holding them against him. Bowing his head, he brought your knuckles to his lips, brushing a kiss over them. “This isn’t ending. I’m not going anywhere. Do you plan on going anywhere?”
“Well no…”
“So then why not?”
“I don’t know. I mean, do you really think it’s appropriate for us to share a bed with the boys in the house?”
“Did you share a bed with your husband when Eli was home?”
“That’s different and you know it.”
“Why? Because we’re not married? Marriage is a piece of paper, honey. It’s a piece of paper that doesn’t mean anything because it can be torn in half and discarded so easily. I love you. You love me. The boys want this to happen. I’m not saying let’s get down and dirty.” He grinned devilishly, his cheek running over yours. “Not that I don’t want to. But would it really be inappropriate to sleep in the same bed? When we move in together, we’ll be sharing a bed, right?”
You pulled back, a look of sheer anxiety across your face, “When we…when we move in together?”
“I mean, eventually, right? That would be the logical next step. It’s silly to keep two houses when we spend most of our time together. I mean, whenever we’re apart all I can think about is the next time I get to have you in my arms. I know it may seem soon but really, we’re the only ones who get to decide what soon is. And the way I feel about you, I know it got intense pretty fast but…”
His word died in his throat as he felt the shift in you. Your chest rose and fell rapidly against his, your heart beating a rapid tempo against his skin. Releasing your hands, he grabbed your face, attempting to get your eyes to focus on him. But they were glazed, wide, staring off into nothing as you descended into a full blown attack, an attack he’d caused.
“Hey, hey…you’re okay, baby. Look at me. Come on. Just breathe with me, honey,” he urged. 
You were gasping, small little squeaking sounds emitting as you struggled to take in air. Jesus Christ. What had he done? Exactly what he’d sworn he wouldn’t do. He’d pushed you, ran up behind you and shoved you off the ledge before you were ready. And now you w were free falling as he ran underneath you, trying to catch you but failing. 
“Shit! Baby, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. You don’t have to spend the night. We’re not moving in together. It’s okay. I’m moving too fast. I do it all the time and I’m sorry. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Just breathe for me, please.”
But you wouldn’t. You couldn’t. He grabbed onto your hands again. They were ice cold. Your skin was damp, clammy, a sheen of sweat coating your forehead and upper lip. And then you were shaking, trembling and he grasped your arms, pulling your body against his but it wouldn’t stop as you wheezed. 
This had gone on for too long. It wasn’t stopping. You weren't coming back down. Your breathing was only getting worse if that was even possible. He had to do something. 
“Boys!” he screamed as he cradled your quivering body against him. “Call 911!”
Chapter 17
Taglist: @katethetank@roxiehorrorshow@sapphire4082@bakugouswh0r3@frostandflamesfanfic @mix-matchsocks @mushy-mushroom04 @palmtreesx3 @littlebookworm86 @eddies-trailer-babe @cheesewritings @emilyj444 @daisyhollyxox @angelbabyivy @the-fairy-anon @loritate7311 @k-k0129
Thanks so much for taking the time to read my little story! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist. If you want to be added please make sure your age is stated on your page somewhere. 😊 And replies and reblogs are always appreciated if you enjoy it. I love to hear what you think! ❤️❤️❤️
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charmixpower · 9 months
So I've been asked what my ideal relationship timeline is winx would be like for the canon relationships (on discord), so here it is!!!
This fucking relationship was a mess! Not even a mess in the way Rivusa was a mess, I mean them both imagining a kiss at the end of s1 fucking mess. Help what is wrong with them
For them I would like them to get in a relationship before the Trix try and convince Bloom that she was made by the ancestral witches (Valtor foreshadowing?) and then they break up during the Diaspro event. He gets his ass DUMPED!!! Consequences for your actions you little asshole!!!
They make up during the s1 finale and Sky is like "can we start dating again 🥺" and Bloom is like "No💙". The imagined kiss can still happen, it was so insane, you can keep it
Then s2 happens and Sky is trying so hard to be a good bf "plz take me backkk" and then hes like "I hate Avalon. I'm not even like doing this bc I want you back, that man is CREEPY. Riven agrees and we had an entire civil conversation about it. Baby plz." Bloom is not listening 💙💙💙 and then the dark Bloom thing happens and Sky fights tooth and nail to save her and they make up form like everything from s1 and s2!!! Yaya
After all that they are dating now, good for them, good for them. WAIT? WHATS GOING ON?? ITS VALTOR WITH THE STEEL CHAIR!!! SKLOOM IS ON THE FUCKING FLOOR!!! God they are such a fucking mess goddamn
Riven very quickly points out that Sky was under mind control and Bloom feels bad and she goes to save him and they talk about it and they're fine mostly. They talk about it, it hurt them both but it doesn't fuck them up completely
The first movie is the same except they don't get engaged, please calm down both of you, think about this for a little longer, but they're happy and good for them
Literally the only thing I would change is that they are obviously in a relationship early in s1 and they DON'T break up after the reveal, even though Brandon thinks they're broken up
That's it, aside from that no notes
The show ends after the first movie, the later seasons don't exist and can't hurt me (<- are currently hurting me)
In season one it's established that Musa and Riven met before the season and Musa remembers the interaction a better than Riven does, instead of her seeing Riven act like a dick and then suddenly liking him. She's already seen the soft side of him and she wants the "mean to everyone but me" relationship bc Musa is insane too ❤️
S1 and s2 should vibe most untouched aside from this and Riven and Musa should both acknowledge that they like each other at the beginning of s2 but don't get in a relationship bc Riven isn't emotionally ready 4 another relationship so soon after Darcy and Musa is nomral about it (she's not).
S3 except the golden Kingdom is slightly different, the worry Riven is feeling is shown over anything else. Yeah I'll keep the motorcycle thing in, Riven can't communicate and Musa has a mood disorder they're gonna get into a couple dump fights at first. That's just being mentally ill they're fine. They should like immediately make up tho, like as someone who knows people like this the apologies for being insane bc you had a mood swing or can't read social cues are like so quick
Keep the first movie but Riven doesn't have to relearn any lessons, he is simply vibing and in love with Musa and breaks out of mind control bc of his resounding guilt after being forced to hurt her
Okay and Tecna doesn't explicitly state she doesn't want a relationship bc then it feels weird when she gets into one
But like in s2 when Tecna gets pissed at Timmy for not intentionally picking a fight he can't win that could get him killed?? She's treated as the one in the wrong and has to learn to be more chill than Timmy having to do anything, he literally wasn't in the wrong
S2 was so disrespectful to Timmy I SWEAR
Flora stops having a personality after this, please let her yell at people in begging you. Give Flora a character arc I'm begging you
Helia doesn't have a personality!! He has a bunch of implications and he's literally never around in s2 OR s3!! So often it's the winx and specialists except Helia!!
Let them like express different sides of their personality and give Helia more screen time, that's all I ask
I'm on my knees begging you
I can't even say anything because there's literally nothing to go off of
Take the shab stone comic and put it into the show
Please imagine a world where Aisha is arranged to marry someone and that person and her love interest are two different ppl
Keep it the same except Nabu isn't her arranged partner, they meet while fighting on Andros and Nabu keeps showing up because he ran away from home and has no idea what the fuck he's doing without all his servants and he's asking Aisha for help djwbdbwjsbwnwbs
That would be MY ideal for them but if have to keep the large plot points the same I wouldn't change anything, like my problem is the inciting incident of their relationship the development itself is cute, but id want them to become official in s4 instead. Only Florelia (sane people) and Brella (soulmates) can get away with the one season romance and make it feel natural, Aisha would not get into a relationship that quickly, but that's a nitpick if anything
No other Aisha relationships exist and if they did they'd be with Roy and not Nex shut up
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polaroidbills · 1 year
something great.
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"i want you here with me. like how i pictured it. so i don't have to keep imagining."
genre! - angsty, fluff too, mega slice of life
paring! -non-idol!beomgyu x fem!reader
synopsis! - these days, love is always glorified in movies and books. but it's not always like that. sometimes it can be amazing and instant. other times, love can be damaging and complicated. but is it ever too much to ask for something great? - inspired by something great by one direction -
warnings! - not proof read, kiss (kinda), teeny tiny swearing (lmk if i missed anything)
word count! - 1 572
author's note! - first little imagine after my hiatus!! this is literally me rn (minus the dream part). he literally has a bird too and he doesn't play basketball but hockey. anyway hope you enjoyed!
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i've always been into romantic-comedies. whether it's books, movies, or shows. they're my favourite. they allow me to get away from reality and slip into my imaginary world. a world so great, filled with love and joy. it's like an over powered hide and seek spot.
but sometimes i get fooled. sometimes the love shown through these films and novels aren't real. love in reality is never how they are in the movies.
boys don't fly across the world to see you. boys don't put on a musical performance as a way to apologize. boys don't join the drama club just because you did.
i just wished he did.
choi beomgyu is his name. he's been my crush since kindergarten. i'm im grade 8 now. soon i'll be graduating into high school. he doesn't know. he's never known. and i don't plan on letting him know. how could i?
he charming, funny, caring, and so much more. the way he rakes his hands through his hair, the way his laugh is contagious to everyone around him, the way he can always lighten up the mood, the way he isn't only socially successful but academically successful, and the way just his presence is comforting.
my feelings for him never leave. even if i try my best to force them out, even if he's dating someone else, even if we go on summer break. they never leave.
it's now friday, 10 days before graduation. i sit myself next to him because my teacher changed the seating arrangement.
"hey y/n!" his cheerful voices rings through my ears.
"morning beomgyu!" i respond.
"did you do the math homework?"
"i did yeah. you?"
"uh nope," he scratches his head.
we often have these small conversations. just short and casual. just a hi and hello. usually it would end here. i guess not this time.
"haha do you need help with it?" i ask.
"actually yeah. i don't really get it," an embarrassed look plays on his face.
"you know, i could help. i don't really mind."
"really? you would do that?"
"of course, i have nothing else to do anyway."
"okay sure! how about after school? i have to carpool with soobin and yunjin though, if that's okay with you?"
soobin, beomgyu, yunjin, and more of my classmates live on the same street. so they often carpool together.
yunjin is one of my best friends. she's one of the only one's that know about my crush. but ut weirds her out because she has like a sibling relationship with beomgyu.
"sure let me just text my parents!"
and just like that i have plans. plans with him. i know it's just studying, but it's something? i mean, i can barely look him in the eye, let alone help him with math.
the school day goes by in a blur. i can't get my mind off of what's happening after school.
its 3:15, 15 minutes before school ends. i go to the bathroom to freshen up a little, bringing my emergency bag. in which holds a hair brush, mascara, blush, bronzer, highlighter, and a lip gloss.
i go back into class, as everyone starts packing their backpacks, getting ready to leave. i too get ready to leave.
3:27, 3 minutes until the bell. we're already lined up waiting.
"hey y/n!" soobin call my name. i walk over to them.
"you're coming with us?" soobin asks.
"yeah, is that okay?"
"for sure we have an extra seat anyway."
"okay cool," i smile.
the bell rings and we walk out into the parking lot.
"hey mom! um y/n is riding with us, is that okay?" soobin asks his mother.
"of course! come on in sweetie!"
beomgyu gets in first onto the far left seat.
"sorry y/n, you're in the middle," beomgyu says, as they already have assigned seats.
"thats fine," i climb into the middle and soobin gets in too, closing the door.
the drive is quiet, with only the low radio playing. but uts a short drive.
i've never been this close to beomgyu. it's quite awkward but also comfortable in a way.
the car halts and we climb out of the car, walking over to beomgyu's house.
"i'm home!" he unlocks the door. and his mom hurries to the door.
"hi y/n! come in, come in," his mom smiles.
as we walk in, i notice the lovely furniture and layout of the home.
"you have a very nice home mrs. choi!"
"thank you! but please call me diana."
"okay mom stop mingling, let's go upstairs," beomgyu interrupts. and we make our way up.
i notice all of the family and chcildhood photos on the walls and tables. cute.
"no funny business!"
beomgyu rolls his eyes and shuts his bedroom door.
"okay so where should we start?" i ask.
"well i couldn't really understand question 1?"
"okay we'll start there," we set down our books on the foors and start studying.
a couple hours later, dinner is called. we walk downstairs to a neatly setted table and the smell of delicious food.
i sit next to beomgyu and diana serves the food.
"thank you! this looks delicious."
"of course! cooked a special dinner for a special day!"
"mom!" beomgyu makes a weird look to his mom.
"oops- anyway, y/n what wer eyou guys studying up there?"
"oh beomgyu needed help on some math."
the dinner goes by really well. i feel like diana and i have a connection, as we were talking the whole time.
we go back upstairs to continue our work.
"hey don't you have a bird?" i ask him.
"yeah, his name is toto."
"can i see him?"
"sure but be careful, he isn't good around new people."
we go into the birds room and there's toto in his cage.
beomgyu slowly takes him out.
"here put your finger out, like this," he demonstrates the movement. and i follow. "toto up!"
toto moves onto my hand carefully.
"woah! toto's never good around new people! he must like you! toto kiss," he point to my cheek as toto places his beak on it.
it's a fun moment. laughter and smiles. this is why i like him.
he puts toto back into his cage and we go to his room.
"hey i'm tired of studying can't we stop now?" beomgyu says after a few more minutes of studying.
"yeah sure what do you wanna do?"
"hmm i don't know? we haven't really talked all lot, i wanna get to know you more."
"oh well what do you wanna know?"
"do you have any hobbies?"
"yeah, i love reading and watching movies and shows i guess?"
"oh cool what kind?"
"mainly rom-coms. what are your hobbies?"
"well i play basketball for one. i also really love music and playjng the guitar."
"oh cool i love music too! who's your favourite artist?"
"i love taylor swift and seventeen."
"me too!"
silence falls between us, but it's not awkward. i make eye contact with him – something i never do. the tension between us is strong and the space between us is small. i can slightly feel his breath on my skin. his eyes travel to my lips and back to my eyes, and the same thing goes for mine. his moves in closer, now the space is really small. i can definitely feel his breath on me. he moves in even closer.
"i really really like you, for soo long. i like you y/n."
"y/n! y/n! y/n! wake up! you're gonna be late for school!"
i awaken by the sound and nudging of my brother.
"you're gonna be late come on!"
of course it was just a dream. it always is. just my stupid imagination and mind. he would never like me. his way out of my league. why would he even like me? there's so many other girls too.
my mind is occupied with these negative thoughts, untily brother yells once again.
i shake my head to brush the thoughts away and quickly get ready for school, walking straight out the door.
the whole walk to school my head is filled with these thoughts and reminders.
love isn't real. it never was. i was just to delusional and blind to know it. true love is just in the movies and books. those scenarios never exist in real life, only in fictional films and novels, of course. no matter how much i imagine and hope and dream, nothing will change. it's just something i ask and beg for.
but is it ever too much to want someone with me, like in the books and movies, like how i picture a true love is?
when will i be able to stop imagining?
why do i still have to keep imagining?
is it too much to ask for something great?
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@1-800-143 please DO NOT copy, plagiarize, or repost any of my work.
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z0r0z · 1 year
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Back at it again with the small titty reader headcanons, this time for my most perfect specialest boy. The Ace brainrot is SO strong right now, he's literally the prettiest boy ever and he's on my mind 24/7 these days. Hope you all enjoy ♡
Content: afab flat chest reader, s*x mentions, groping mentions, slight exhib, mention of dirty pics
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⤹ Ace thinks you are literally perfect- like, an actual angel sent to him from above. From the moment he saw you he knew he wanted to be with you. After a long day of doing important commander things, you're his much needed little treat. Every inch of you is just a little slice of heaven to him, and of course that includes your boobs.
⤹ Wasted absolutely no time trying to romance you, always finding an excuse to get you away from everyone else to have some one to one time with you. Whether it was overly cutesy picnic dates or simply a stroll with you on an island you'd stopped at. The guy was TRY HARDING sooo much, but it worked!
⤹ He just can't hide how much he loves you!! He's very physically affectionate so you can expect lots of hugs and smooches no matter where you are. He wants the world to know you're his. Also has lots of cute little nicknames for you and gets pouty as fuck if someone else uses them.
⤹ When you're feeling insecure about your chest size he almost wants to cry cos how can you not see how beautiful you are? In private he'll tug your shirt up and kiss your titties, showering you in compliments. 'You're so sexy, cutie,' he'll tell you, gesturing to the growing mound in his trousers, 'see? that's proof.'
⤹ He thinks your tits are just as perfect as you are and he wouldn't change them for the WORLD. Not only just because they're attached to you- he does really love how perky and cute they are. He also loves that you almost never wear bras cos he likes the easy access.
⤹ Doesn't care what people say about him but will literally go on the WARPATH if someone is rude to you. If he doesn't fuck them up then and there, they can say goodbye to their house because Ace is probably going to burn it to the ground later. He always wants to protect the people he cares about, even if he takes it too far sometimes.
⤹ Gets horny way too easily and has absolutely no qualms about playing with your titties at any time, any place, with permission of course. You'll be sat in his lap at a bar, and when everyone around is too drunk to notice, his hands will slither up your shirt. He'll take your petite breasts in his large hands, rolling your nipples and leaving sloppy bites on your neck as you whine. After a minute he can't stop himself and he has to take you somewhere private to fuck you dumb.
⤹ LOVES LOVES LOVES when you send him naughty photos of yourself. Sometimes he has to go away for a while, being a commander and all, so having some quality content to enjoy while he can't be with you is absolutely a must have. When he comes back he's gonna make up for all that lost time in the bedroom, show you how much he missed you.
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Anti Bucktommy
Eddie deserves better than that raggedy storyline he was handed.
Don't read below the cut if you ship bucktommy because this is an ANTI-BUCKTOMMY ZONE!
Full Disclosure: Eddie is my favorite character and IMO the way he was charcterized in 7x4 was horrifically horrible.
It's been a few hours since the episode aired and I believe I'm finally at a place where I can articulate how damn angry I am about the way EDDIE DIAZ was treated throughout the episode.
Before it aired, I was still on the fence regarding if I should watch live because I didn't want Buck and Eddie to argue/fight but I sure as hell didn't want either of them to get injured. I really tried to keep an open mind about Buck’s storyline but I'm not sure how to process the fact that they made Eddie out to be the villain for the third time. First it was the lawsuit, then it was Buck's coma dream where he was charcterized as "Angry" and now this. He was the one injured but Tommy had to tell Buck to call Eddie and he was just like "ok" when pre-Tommy Buck would have taken Eddie to the hospital and stayed with him until he was better. But it appears everyone forgot how Buck dropped everything to take care of Eddie and Chris after Eddie’s breakdown since Buck finally kissed a guy.
So... first things first. Eddie FINALLY ADMITTED HE'S TAKEN but when did that happen because Marisol has been on screen for like 5.098 seconds in 4 episodes. Second, why didn't Eddie ask her to babysit Chris? I mean if they're in a committed relationship or whatever, then shouldn't he have asked her? That would have made more sense but if he had then he wouldn't have been able to ask Buck to do it. And finally, why was his actions towards Buck made to seem like he was intentionally being mean? The pre-7x4 Eddie Diaz wouldn't have done that because he knows how self-deprecating Buck can be. Reminder he called Buck Evan first and it wasn't like he was trying to put him in his place like Tommy was and will do. Tommy's actions towards Buck didn't show that he even liked him since he was dismissive but this isn't about that, it's about Eddie.
Now, I still can't tell if Eddie's actions were supposed to be funny or WTF but the way they had him acting like he was inconsiderate towards Buck’s feelings was just WRONG! Furthermore making it seem like he was using him and rubbing his nose in it since he had a new friend was NOT OK! FYI, the way everything played out validated some of those Facebook moms' thoughts because they've already posted that they believe Eddie uses Buck to babysit for him so he can go out and have fun 👀.
Additionally, Eddie was shown to be the one Buck’s affection... no fuck that, LOVE was directed towards only for Buck to literally injure him and ACT like he did it because he wanted to be with fucking Tommy Kinard? I call BULLSHIT and at this point I don't like Buck very much right now because of the way he acted in this episode.
Showing Eddie using Buck to babysit Chris and talking at him and ignoring him while he was hanging out with the guy who basically called Buck stupid and unbelievable to his face was just bad writing. Of course there will be those who say, "Let the story play out because it was just one episode" but the audience has been here before waiting for Buck to finally get it and nothing changed except he's dating a man now. None of this was ok and even though Maddie told him don't do it again, that was fine I guess but what in the actual fuck was this raggedy ass storyline? There was a better way to handle this without making Eddie the villian.
If all Tim Minear wanted to do was set Buck up with someone other than Eddie, then he could have picked a better character than Tommy. Also, there's an article that indicates he was planning to bring Lucy back for this storyline and it's ridiculous. She already put her lips on Buck without his permission and Tommy did the same thing and so did Taylor.
At this point, I don't know how to feel about Buck. But I do care about Eddie who was called "Angry" in Buck’s coma dream and who Buck actually fucking physically injured during a basketball game because he's jealous that Eddie was hanging out with Tommy.
I can't support a toxic relationship and that's what I saw happening between Buck and Tommy in 7x4.
IMO, The math ain't mathing and this is... not good storytelling.
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