#composite notes
flodeshe ยท 1 year
Synastry/composite notes ๐Ÿ’•
Hey,hereโ€™s my third astrology observations.Hope youโ€™ll like it! Iโ€™m not a professional astrologer.Keep in mind that these are just observations and may not apply to everyone.Take what resonates.Thank you ย 
- -Planets in 5th/8th house overlay in synastry= ย SEXUAL ATTRACTION๐Ÿ’˜
- If your partner/crushโ€™s Vertex is conjunct to your Venus or vice versa , you may feel like your meeting is fated. You might meet the person out of a coincidence annd feel like even if you were not likely to see each other, you still did.There is a lot of attraction, you may feel like you already know the person even if you never met before.If you two, get into a relationship you are very likely to learn a lot from the relationship.๐Ÿ’
- Moon in 11th house overlay is such a great placement! Both fantastic for friendship and romantic relationship! You two feel very accepted by the other and feel like you can tell the other anything and they wouldnโ€™t judge you.You could start off as friend and then get into a relationship.You feel at ease with each other,you laugh together. Basically, you are having a great time together ๐Ÿ˜„.This overlay might indicate meeting through social medias or long dstance relationships.I really love this placement, certainly one of my favorites๐Ÿฅฐ !!!
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- I have Mercury conjunct Mercury with 2 people ,and I feel that we have a very similar type of humor, and anytime I am with them, we usually laugh a lot.I donโ€™t know if thatโ€™s a thing but if I see or hear them laugh, I would automatically start laughing too.Lol.Very contagious.However, I can become annoyed at them quickly.I guess, it might be due to the conjunction cuz it can go either way.
-Check each partnerโ€™s natal chart! Because I noticed that for example if you have Jupiter/Sagittarius dominant within your chart, you might enjoy having 9th house overlay with someone.Let me take another example : if you are an Mars/Aries dominant person, you may prefer having 1st house overlay with someone.To sum up, check both personโ€™s dominant signs/planets in order to find what house overlay they might be the most comfortable with!
Aries โ™ˆ /Scorpio โ™ - Mars - 1st houseย 
Taurus โ™‰ /Libra โ™Ž - Venus- 2nd/7th house
Gemini โ™Š /Virgo โ™ - Mercury-3rd/6th house
Cancer โ™‹ - Moon ๐ŸŒ™ย - 4th houseย  ๐Ÿ 
ย Leo โ™Œ - Sun โ˜€๏ธ - 5th house
Scorpio โ™ - Pluto - 8th house
Sagittarius โ™ /Pisces โ™“ - Jupiter - 9th house
Capricorn โ™‘ / Aquarius โ™’ - Saturn - 10th house
Aquarius โ™’ - Uranus- 11th house
Pisces โ™“ - Neptune - 12th houseย ย 
- Having Sun in the 11th house in composite is a fantastic placement for friendship!!
- Chiron conjunct IC or in the 4th house in composite can unfortunately indicate that one of the partnerโ€™s family doesnโ€™t approve the relationship.This may really hurt you and your partner.It could also means that you two might have issues living together.Remember,this is just a placement so it doesnโ€™t have to be this way.Each relationship is different and this is only my experience with this placement.ORย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย it can also means that one of the partner has traumas due to their family situtation,(or mom) and the other person might try to heal them.
-Sun conjunct Uranus in composite can mean that both of you are part of LGBTQ community.๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆYou might have a unique type of relationship.Both partner may value their freedom and independance.
-I have seen a LOT of couples having Saturn trine Venus in composite being in a long-term relationship.Makes sense with Saturn being usually considers as theย โ€œglueโ€ in relationships and Venus being the planet of love.
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Thank you for reading! Please tell me if you liked the post and if you have experienced any of these placements! ๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ’ฎHave a nice day!
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holywizardheart ยท 1 year
๐Ÿ’ญMy thoughts about synastry aspects๐Ÿ’ญ
This is my personal experience in relationship and friendship with people!
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๐ŸŽต12th house synastry is a karmic placement. At first, you will spend a lot of time with each other and then this person just disappears from your life. Like it never happened. Also, it can mean that you often see them in your dreams. For me, it feels like this person understands you and you can show your true self without expecting criticism from them. It just feels like heaven and a dream that doesn't last long forever. But guys don't forget that the 12th house can represent your hidden enemies. Just be super careful when sharing your deep feelings and secrets.
๐Ÿ’‹Mars/Moon negative aspects can be really good, especially in sexual life but not in a relationship. You'll definitely argue a lot. Hurting each other's feelings and there may be a little jealousy :)
Mars person hurts Moon person's feelings. Sometimes Moon person may be scared of the Mars person. It also can mean physical violence. I'm sure that Mars person wants to have sex with Moon ;)
๐Ÿ’ฆMoon opposite Moon aspect is such a good synastry in my opinion. Like there is a quick understanding of each other. I know that it's not perfect for EVERYONE but in my opinion, it works if you're determined to adapt or change. I'm a Pisces Moon and I like Virgo moon and other Virgo placements. For me, they're the most beautiful and kind people I've met in my life. Sending my love to Virgo placements.
๐Ÿ’ŒVenus opposite Mars aspect I was Venus person and the other person is Mars. Honestly, I was so scared of this person because they were so aggressive and argumentative. I just didn't want to have a bad relationship with this person. Like never ever. I felt that I have to be more careful and mindful when it comes to this person. Because the aggression of this person is so terrifying and threatening to me. But maybe the reason is that they have moon mars opposition. Because it literally means emotionally expressive and violent. But right now our relationship is going well and I don't find them life-threatening. We sometimes talk to each other but it's on a very superficial level.
๐Ÿ”ฅ5th house synastry is just about having fun with each other. Like it's so entertaining and awesome being together. Dancing and singing and having a great time. It's funny and enjoyable being with them because you are never bored when you're with them. And dating this person is like being in an adventurous fantasy book. You can try new things together but when something doesn't work out you'll just laugh at each other. Sex is gonna be fascinating and unforgettable.
๐Ÿ’•Venus conjunct Descendant is a great placement in my opinion. You'll feel attracted to this person because this person has the same traits that you want in your partner. It means their personality and their looks are literally a perfect match for you. It gives me a lovely couple vibe. From my experience, I was just attracted to them but we couldn't have a relationship with each other. Because I always had bad aspects with Moon and Mars. Yeah, it's killed the connection and we said bye to each other. It was really hard to deal with it and left without any words. But if you have other good and harmonious placements then it's gonna be an amazing romantic love story.
๐Ÿ€Mars/Saturn negative aspects in this synastry I was Saturn and he's Mars. You know this guy was so annoying and irritating like I just want to throw myself away. His behavior and actions were irrational and chaotic. Like Jesus Christ please save me from this person. I just can't stand near him and I always want to be away from this person. Like, don't touch me keep your hands away from me. It reminds me of being with a child who is constantly crying and annoying me.
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astroballin ยท 1 year
Contextualizing aspects in synastry
I've read a lotโ€”quite a lotโ€”about textbook interpretations for certain synastry aspects. A lot about Sun conjunct Moon, Moon conjunct Mars, Moon conjunct Venus, etc. Of course, there's nothing wrong with it, although something irks me with how this information is presented: it's cherry-picked. When looking at synastry, you have to look at the individual charts first and the significance of each planet (positive or negative) concerning the rest of the chart.
I'll give you an example: Mars conjunct Moon is an exquisite aspect for attraction in synastry and composite, especially if at angular houses and if it occurs in a tight aspect. However, you have to examine the relevance and influence of each planet with respect to the rest of the individual charts.
If the Moon person has a natal T-square involving the Moon, Mars, and Uranus, with Moon at the apex, a Mars conjunct their Moon would also mean a synastry aspect of Mars square Mars, and Mars square Uranus. All of these aspects may point to a fantastic initial reaction that very quickly turns into intense aversion toward each other due to the overflow of energy.
Another thing to examine when looking at relational astrology is the tendency of the individual to react according to the aspect. A Virgo Moon-Mars synastry conjunction is different from a Leo Moon-Mars conjunction. Virgoans are known to be quite reserved when in pursuit, as opposed to fiery Leos in love.
Separately, a person with a natal chart full of squares may be comfortable with a Venus square Uranus combo as opposed to a person with a natal chart full of trines and sextiles.
Last but not least, add the factor of growth and character through time; say, "how much did this person develop that they have already overcome the challenges in their natal chart?" You would be surprised to know how far individuals with Grand Squares have evolved through the challenges life casually throws at them.
Truly, astrology is just a guide. There are people with whom you will have the worst, sound, and best synastry and composite, but ultimately, maturity and commitment will trump any adverse aspects, however many those may be.
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plutoswrath ยท 2 years
okay so I want to breakdown the โ€œkey placementsโ€ that can save a relationship from breaking. you know any relationship can work regardless the synastry/composite, and also even with the best interaspects a connection can still fade, right? My question rises from my observation of finding moon-sun conjunction en synastry/composites which have other chaotic placements, as well as beautiful love-stellium that did not maintain the union due to falling into the โ€œwrongโ€ house. So what for which case?
โ™ก ๐•‹๐•™๐•– ๐•˜๐•๐•ฆ๐•– ๐•š๐•Ÿ ๐•ฃ๐•–๐•๐•’๐•ฅ๐•š๐• ๐•Ÿ๐•ค๐•™๐•š๐•ก๐•ค: ๐•’ ๐••๐•–๐•–๐•ก ๐••๐•š๐•ง๐•– ๐•š๐•Ÿ๐•ฅ๐•  โ€˜๐•œ๐•–๐•ช ๐•ก๐•๐•’๐•”๐•–๐•ž๐•–๐•Ÿ๐•ฅ๐•คโ€™ ๐•š๐•Ÿ ๐•ค๐•ช๐•Ÿ๐•’๐•ค๐•ฅ๐•ฃ๐•ช ๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•• ๐•”๐• ๐•ž๐•ก๐• ๐•ค๐•š๐•ฅ๐•– โ™ก
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Disclaimer: same can count for friendships ofc! Also, I don't want to give a 'text book answer' here, because I feel like the dynamic between two people and what brings them together and makes them stay is far too complex as to simply name a few aspects. So I hope you are open for my 'discourse' approach I have here!
Question: So which exact aspects/placements/overlays can tie a connection together?
First off, the basics: you have to look at all the charts together
-> yes, when we want to look at significant themes and the overall quality of a connection (especially if we want to make some sort of a forecast) only looking at one chart or one part of synastry will not be as effective as putting it all together in a bigger picture! This might sound a bit exhausting at the beginning, but doing the extra work will help you finding actual patterns in the dynamic of two/multiple people!
-> So you always want to look at the two individual birth charts, synastry, as well as composite (but remember that composite charts are representative of connections that existed for around a year already). Overall compatibility is not unimportant, but only gives you a little glimpse of what you can actually discover between people.
One of the most important things when it comes to synastry readings: your own birth chart and its themes
-> I really, really want to empathize this point. One and one makes two, not two people are one. That means, you gotta figure yourself and your birth chart out first (and the one of the other person ofc) and see, what you two as individuals carry into this connection and what will be themes you will be individually put a big focus on, what exactly is it that the two of you individually need the most from a connection and the partner in order to feel content and form a healthy union?
-> While it's generally good in text book theory and definitely feels very nice to have the Moon and Sun in a positive aspect to another, or your Venus in your partner's 7th house, you can see couples having a loaded 6th house, harsh aspects between the personal planets, lots of Saturn aspects in synastry and they are still going on strong. Why?
-> It depends on what two you are made of and like (despite the fact that astrology doesn't limit the possibilities of forming a healthy connection with someone). Example: If you were to be a Cancer sun with a Virgo moon and Aries rising, already by the position of your big three, there is a strong empathize on the position and well-being of your Moon sign and Mars sign in synastry. Having your Venus in a bad aspect to your partners Venus def sucks too, don't get me wrong, but the comfort of your Moon and Mars in Synastry will definitely be a top priority, and something you'll notice the quickest if it were to be in a rough (or good) position, next to Venus . Therefore, a good position to the Moon and Mars can make one overcome incompatible Venus. Same would be for a person who's Taurus Sun with a Sagittarius Rising. Jupiter plays a crucial part too, next to Venus, Moon, Mars, Mercury, or any love/relationship/friendship asteroids.
Just as people who natally have their Venus/Mars in close aspects to Saturn (doesn't matter if they're good or bad) often report that they can endure heavy Saturn influence in Synastry and Composite way better or don't mind it that much. They are not only used to it, but can also want and need it. And to expand the example even further: people who have strong Saturn influence in their birth chart - specifically if it's close aspects to the inner planets - can seek out people with Capricorn/Aquarius placements as well, as Saturn's influence ties them together and brings similarity. Even if they don't have lots of placements that are overly compatible with these signs, the aspects can really make the difference in the end.
-> Regarding overlays, this can be the same theme. If you're someone who has strong Mercury/Gemini influence in your chart, and your partners planets fall in the third house (which is usually considered less romantic) this can be just perfect for you as you actually need lots of communication/social interaction and value it on a daily basis! (Because the 3rd house and Gemini/Mercury can have overlapping themes, not because I think Gemini is the equivalent to the 3rd house!). So don't be disheartened if your partners Venus doesn't fall in the 7th or 5th house, when their Venus might fall into a house of your chart that is already very prominent and thus significant to your overall themes and patterns of your birth chart!
โ†’ what to look at generally when it comes to qualities we seek in close connections to others/relationships (specifically long term):
We all know it's important to look at Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury, all together, but never leave out the importance and impact of your chart ruler!! Your chart ruler directs your chart after all, someone generally vibing with the way you navigate your life/being will be important! Also, for additional depth, look at the planet that rules your sun sign, e.g. if youโ€™re an Aquarius Sun your Saturn and Uranus m might play another big defining role in compatibility to others.
Jupiter: shows us the qualities we seek out/need in others in order for us to continuously grow and self-empower, basically someone who doesn't hinder us from forming our own 'luck'. The person who represents our Jupiter qualities can help and inspire us on the long term.
5th house, 8th house, 4th house, 7th house/Descendant/1st house/Ascendant (look at the planets in the houses/the houses rulers in order to get more info on the overall themes of these houses)
Juno: what we need in order to stay committed, how we continuously commit and show commitment
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แดษด sษดสแด€sแด›ส€ส แด„สœแด€ส€แด›s:
-> now that we figured out the significance of our own birth chart at first, we look at Synastry itself, and before we start getting into aspects, let's focus on overlays:
โ†’ not every overlay is for everyone, hence why there is always a pretty heated debate about which overlay is the โ€˜holy grailโ€™ in close connnections. It's important to recognize that. Overlays can be pretty hit or miss depending on how you handle the houses themes in your own chart and/or how much they are represented in your natal chart. You can have lots of 8th house influence in your chart and thus really crave that 8th house synastry, but if you haven't at least started working healthily/progressively on your 8th house themes (yes I'm specifically talking about the negative ones), every 8th house overlay can be a pure pain in the ass and trigger the hell out of you to be fair. Likewise, you can have lots of 5th house overlays, but maybe the overall focus on pleasures and fun, can create a rather short lived connection, that lacks groundedness and substance for some people. You can have lots of 7th house overlays, but that doesnโ€™t mean the person will be your long term companion if you still have a very hard time integrating the 7th house signs energy in your life/recognizing the Descendant in yourself. Itโ€™s important to put overlays in the context of the whole synastry chart and your individual charts and to not exclude them too much.
โ†’ You see, it's also about how we handle what is given to us and eventually comes down to what we want. This brings us to the 'wrong' overlay:
โ†’ First and foremost, yes: there are houses with inherently darker/tougher themes and that won't change in Synastry either. Doesn't mean your connection is doomed, it just means that the themes of a house and its meanings can not be changed in any context, but that it takes two individuals that will have to figure a way out to deal with said themes accordingly.
โ†’ For example if you'd have a Venus in the 12th house nataly, your partners Moon falling into said house and conjuncting Venus is still a generally positive aspect to have (especially long term), but that won't erase the 12th house themes that color said aspect for you two.
โ†’ So I want to give a quick rundown on the house overlays that can generally harder to deal with due to the themes they represent! Again: doesn't mean they signs of doom in a synastry chart! This also applies for the composite chart!
-> 8th house: I think the reason why the 8th house is hard to deal with is because people often forget about the theme of it in your own natal chart. The 8th house shows us where we need to take responsibility for all our own issues that prevent us from deepening a connection. On a more surface level, the 8th house shows us where we share and sacrifice our self with a partner: all that belongs to us, like our money, but also our emotions/soul, mind and even body. The amount of trust and growth the 8th house requires in yourself in order to willingly trust your partner can be quiet difficult to obtain for some. Furthermore, the 8th house is activated by closeness with others: only by being close to others, you get triggered and can pin point to your own 'trauma/inner shadow' that you experienced in close intimate connections that you haven't progressed yet. It's a house that requires lots of maturity but also bravery and honesty. Having 8th house overlays are therefore not for the faint of heart. Can be soul-crushing beautiful when two people dare to trust and face their devils and be honest, or will simply crush your soul if it's negative, and cause lots of projection to be fair. There's little room for anything in between here.
โ†’ 12th house: The 12th house forces us to give up control: that's the part that comes with self undoing. It's all we can genuinely believe, that is not part of us, that is absent in our life, or we wish we had, but remains a daydream. Itโ€™s also the house of isolation, and this theme can still be apparent even if weโ€™re in a relationship. Therefore, the 12th house overlay needs lots of trust and with that, bravery. In a former post of mine I talked about the 12th house being a possible indicator for unrequited love, since it's not only indicating an 'on and off' energy, but often times one doesn't even dare to make the first move. It's watching from afar. Seeing and feelings things the other doesn't, or at least yet. The 12th house is the house of self-undoing: it's the last house and can therefore symbolize an end, but not a foresighted one, it most likely feels sudden, even if the signs were visible all the time. Therefore the 12th house can evoke fear for those who can not build this almost telepathic connection and strong trust and intuition with another, but also in oneself.
โ†’ 6th house: Ahhh.....the house of daily crisis lol. It symbolizes routine and health and how we overcome crisis, so yes, whatever happens between two people, if it falls in the 6th house it'll need to adjust to some sort of routine or becomes automatically practical, which is not a bad thing in itself, but to say so much, whatever planet/point/angle lands here needs to withstand the test of life or better said how we construct life. The 6th house points to our health, because the way we manage our life and construct it will play a big part in our physical and mental health. Therefore, anything in the 6th house will have to prove itself if it's healthy enough to fit into the house personโ€™s routine. Therefore this house is often frowned upon as so 'unromantic' (which it honestly really doesn't have to be) and sucking the 'feelings/excitement' out of any connections (apparently for some, I'm a Virgo rising, so I like someone who can fit into my schedule lol).
โ†’ And yes, you can find cons and pros in every house, I could list the pros and cons of the 3rd and 9th house for hours, or the 10th house creating lots of inner and outer pressure for the planet and house person in synastry, but the 6th, 8th and 12th house are definitely the houses that can carry the most grim undertone.
โ†’ Okay, and before I list a few aspects regarding synastry, I have to play the armchair psychologist for a few seconds. The question from OP was regarding committed, long term connections (doesn't matter of which kind), so we generally want to look at aspects that bring a very foundational understanding of one another, as well as devotion/responsibility for the connection. These are general aspects I'd see as beneficial for every connection, but again, as I've mentioned in the previous part, depending on the significant themes in your chart, other aspects can definitely be more important.
Moon to any personal planets and AC-DC contacts: conjunction, positives, oppositions, semi-sextile mainly. I mention the Moon because this is the most vulnerable part of our chart, physically as well as emotionally. The Moon has to feel understood, or at least with negative aspects, two people should really focus on making the other feel safe and emotionally understood. Saturn and Jupiter can work out too, but it'll be easiest with positive contacts, conjunctions or oppositions, the square or incojunction can be pretty tough, but I've seen people work these out too.
Saturn contacts to personal planets or AC-DC/IC-MC angle: Saturn naturally works like a glue because it creates responsibility, but this doesn't have to equal in it feeling nice, it can actually feel pretty suffocating, so make sure that you don't stay for wrong reasons. Pluto can also work like a glue because it creates unspoken loyalty and depth like nothing else between two people, but can be more explosive than Saturn. Can also make you stay for wrong reasons.
Mercury in neutral/positive contact/opposition to Moon/Sun/Mercury/Jupiter/AC-DC axis: Communication is key, I think I donโ€™t have to elaborate on that too much, lol. But Mercury in Synastry having at least somewhat of a shared basis of understanding or even similarity between two people can ease any other tension a lot! Comfortable/easy communication adds to things running a bit smoother.
Sun in positive/neutral contact to Venus or Jupiter: awakening the strive to grow and search for something beautiful and meaningful in another, the self and the world. Jupiter is a very empowering planet, so I think it's definitely worth including
Venus/Mars in positive/neutral aspect, opposition to Venus/Mars/AC-DC axis: A strong indicator for finding what one craves and dreams of in a connection. Good at keeping up the excitement and feelings in a connection too.
North Node in conjunction to AC-DC angle, personal planets: I specify on the conjunction because it will be felt the strongest. North Node contacts can feel extremely significant, it does create the feeling of 'we were meant to meet/soulmates', if one believes in these concepts ofc. The planet person usually is seen as very valuable/mentor like for the NN person.
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แด›สœแด‡ แด„แดแดแด˜แดsษชแด›แด‡ แด„สœแด€ส€แด›:
-> now, here is where it gets spicier! This is the natal chart of the connection itself, and how this connection will feel to you/the other one specifically on the long term can be answered by looking at the individual birth charts of you two (again)
-> for example: next to repetitive themes/patterns in your own birth chart, you can look at the overall relationship indicators in your chart (Venus, Jupiter, 7th house, 5th house) and see how these energies are represented in the composite. Example: If you have Aries in the 7th house, with Saturn being in it too, and your Neptune and Uranus are in Capricorn in the 5th house , generally speaking a composite with stronger Aries/Capricorn energy in it, or having a relatively strong influence of Saturn/Mars and moderate + good (the combination of these two adjectives is important here lol) influence of Uranus/Neptune can feel especially nice to you in a long term connection.
-> But it doesn't even have to be that complicated. Take your personal planets + Rising sign as the basic component here, I'll give you a personal example of my chart:
I'm a Cancer Sun, Scorpio Moon, Virgo Rising, Cancer Mercury, Libra Mars and Leo Venus. The strongest connections I have are evident of having these signs strongly represented in personal planets or the Ascendant/Descendant in the composite chart. I also have very strong Saturn, Mercury, Neptune and Uranus influence in my natal chart, so whenever there are significant aspects of these four planets (or the zodiac signs they rule) it feels familiar and welcoming to me in composite. That doesn't mean overly negative aspects of Neptune, Uranus and Saturn in composite won't feel bad for me lol, just that it's a theme/pattern that I can work with well
-> Caution: You can subconsciously seek out partnerships/connections that have the same negative aspects/themes representative in composite/synastry as you have in your natal chart . If you want to 'prevent' anything, look at any possible repetitive themes.
There are definitely certain thumb-rule answers we can look at when it comes to synastry/composite, but I highly advice everyone to analyze their natal chart thoroughly (and the one of your partner(s) too), in order to see where you add your own individual flavor and needs to it! And tbf, I also think the way you are socialized (for example gender roles and gender expectation) plays a huge role in synastry/composite as well, so keep that in mind too.
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Credit! text: plutoswrath, 2022. Please donโ€™t copy/rewrite my work, ty! dividers: silkholland on tumblr.
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d4rkpluto ยท 1 year
icl the best friendships/relationships i had were with people i had 1h chiron composite/synastry with
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l8dyvenus ยท 6 months
I have my planets in 10th H synastry with my Lover and this year in my solar return I also have a Leo 10th H stellium, and in our composite together we have Leo 10th H stellium as well as a Aquarius 4th H stellium what does this meannnnnnn?????
I need to get our chart reading done ๐Ÿซค
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starastrologyy ยท 1 year
Heya star ๐ŸŒŸ
Can I ask what would 12th house Saturn in gemini of a composite chart mean? This thing is really intriguing and i wanna know your take on this.
Tysm <33
Hi there !๐Ÿค
I would interpret that as the potential for there to be certain subconscious blocks between two people in the relationship. To the outside world you may appear as the โ€œperfect pairโ€, since the 12th house is a hidden house, and thus your difficulties are not always apparent to the outside world. However, because it is in Gemini, there may be some sort of unconscious mental or communicative blocks between you two. Saturn is also the planet of karma, so perhaps you both have some sort of unresolved karma from a past life with this placement. Itโ€™s not always a negative thing, as Saturn in a composite chart will tell you how two people are โ€˜boundโ€™ together in the relationship. In this case, you may both be fond of the esoteric, spirituality, issues surrounding mental health etcโ€ฆ thus, at times you may both feel as if youโ€™re tied together for reasons or by sources unbeknownst to you. I highly recommend looking at the aspects that Saturn makes, in order to determine how this will play out!
I hope this helped ๐Ÿค
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zachthehopelessromantic ยท 2 years
Hi!I love learning and discovering insights from your blog!!What about erato trine adios, asc conjunct north node ,venus sextile union,juno trine moon and jupiter in a composite chart?Take your time โ˜˜๐ŸŒธ Thank you!
๐ŸŒธErato Trine Adonis: This is a pretty cute combination, there is just general harmony in this relationship. There might be love poetry exchanged between you two.
๐ŸŒ AC Conjunct North Node: The relationship is open to growth. There is a lot of learning in the relationship, not because of harsh lessons but because you two are aware of your own's behavior in the relationship. Try not to get too caught up in what other people think of the relationship though.
โœจVenus Sextile Union: You two got together because there is genuine love here, maybe a little passion too.
๐Ÿ›ก๏ธJuno Trine Moon: You two are dedicated to keeping each other emotionally stable in the relationship. You two defend each other's emotions to the grave and there isn't anything can do to pull you two apart emotionally.
๐Ÿ’ซJuno Trine Jupiter: Now, I don't usually predict marriage in astrology, but this, is among very little, few aspects that can indicate marriage in astrology. Jupiter is the planet of marriage in relationship astrology and Juno is dedication, so take that as you will.
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snek-eyes ยท 6 months
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The fact that Aziraphale emerges from this flashback
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Makes this face
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and then with a ginormous gap on the right side of the screen, proceeds to be like "I must call Crowley right now immediately."
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theoccultz ยท 5 months
Some Fun Sextrology Observations :
All in one observations tbh-
There will be a post 2 about synastry ,degrees, asteroid ,draconic and composite , the post is already very long with deep analysis
Its an 18+ observation i hope minors follow guidelines .
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- i tried to keep my words safe for tumb!r policy .
Pisces is where people tend to be inspired by you or idealise you its a creative sign which expresses its creative nature the best , Pisces is one of the kinkest signs of the zodiac as much as these people come across as childlike, innocent pure its the opposite they have a lot of ideas , where you have pisces is where your gifts are admired and why you have most out of the box, never done before fetish.
A lot of piscean authors first book genre is erotica , the most common kinks i have observed in piscean people through houses :
Plus it can apply to how will you lose your virginity (its personal observations) + (remember pisceas holds 12th house energy its subconscious and early experiences , its those memories which is trapped in the subconscious either they're traumatic,rememberable or forgetful)
Note:its based on authors , movies ,some real life example , books , songs ,artist .
1st house: kidnapping , worshipping , physical position power
Please me type.
2nd house: breathe play , masochism , breeding
You're mine type.
3rd house: enemies to lovers , hand-foot kink(soft kink)
in the moment type.
4th house: sadism , overstimulation , in most weirdest places
I may hurt you type.
5th house: ex to lovers , sneaky link connections
No one can resist my charm type.
6th house: experimental , prey-hunter
Lets try everything type.
7th house : switch , tamer, teasing -choking.
Worship you type.
8th house: rigger , dom-sub , pet play .
Finally got you type.
9th house: degradation, submissiveness, vanilla .
Chaser- runner type.
10th house: Role play , voyerism, dom-sub .
Beg for it type.
11th house: partners with benefit , phone sex , power play .
I wont give in type.
12th house: sloppy - hard , anal , masturbation .
Cant wait type.
The most overly sexual people on planet is
Leo mars- man they just never stop , they wanna try everything, they want experiences and they dont settle for less they have high standards , you can learn from them , they are the best in pleasuring.
cancer mars - their imagination is so wild its insane , they know what you want , they are calculated ,they carefully evaluate what you like what you don't. They are not soft bunnies although they can be depends on the person and their mood , they mostly seek dominance .
Scorpio mars - they wanna explore each body part they get their hands on ,they dont give in easily , their hands ,their intense star ,their voice , their aura can posses you, they believe in their supremacy , and no they wouldn't leave you until they are done ,they sure are slow in taking actions but you can never rely on their actions its multifaceted.
taurus mars: what to say abt them , they strive for excellent in whatever they do , a night in their embrace is satisfactory and desirable , they have this appeal you cant ignore , they dont even need to do anything people are aroused by them in no time . These people are the most random fr , they can discipline you in seconds .
Gemini mars : these people are so sensual gosh they own their sexuality ,they can charm your pants off they know they have you and Arent afraid to show it through actions , these people hold bunny energy.
Balasmic moon energy:
Is it just me or Capricorn moon rage is the worst , i have seen cap people have the worst breakup ever like people use them and they overgive but it just doesn't end well. I love how they always rise like no other they usually make it big after tough time. They dont let it get to them its impressive how strong their inner belief is abt themselves.
Saggitarius moons are the most indulgent people ever these people want to seek knowledge in every corner of the world , you can always trust their wisdom these people are very good in recognising human emotions they are very practical in their plans ,on the flip side its very hard for them to rest they are obsessive with their wishes and hyperfixated on things .
Libra moon when in blasmic energy can go into people pleasing but its just not that , these people can read the energy of the room , they are well aware of peoples intentions, they know they are THE balance between groups , they can easily manipulate others and shift others perception.
Cancer /aries moon : as much as these people cultivate and establish things if you get between their goals or have any bad intentions that they know of they can turn off in the worst way possible they don't care about you anymore, they dont care about your secrets , they can only see how you treated them they withdraw completely,they turn venegful with their words and harsh in their actions , they get really irritated and take things to heart , its not very wise to be on their bad side cause even other people dont see them act up so "easily" on "others" . Its possible you wont be trusted by others as well .
Scorpio/aqua moon : emotions are overflowing and they dont have any control over them its energy is so strong that others can feel it too , these people are giver they are never those people who drain others cup and fill their own ,equality holds a different importance in their life and they can go to any length to defend and protect their peace. Scorpios/Aqua are often ridiculed yet desired ,considered as the black sheep , weird ,hard to read yet known , confusing, emotionless , mysterious sensitive,harsh ,etc , these people are very good in reading others and keeping everything in , even the things that can destroy others peace .
Neptune is where people are highly observant of you and have weird sexual thoughts about you .
is it a universal Neptune 12h ,7h,3h ,1h? experience where others even mistake your name constantly for no freakin reason? But they remember you for very long term even if your interaction was just for a moment?
Who says libras have soft aesthetic,mind you it depends on their mood and the occasion they can do both and mostly they have gothic style .
Neptune 12h and pluto 12h often feels familiar to people like i have met you or seen you somewhere but still cant recognise where? Its cause 12h is secrecy/past and pluto reserves + Neptune creates mystery.
V.v. common but nobody can match the eyes of scorpio and libra moons i'm sorry .
Pluto in 7h: others often feels overprotective of you if you cant figure out why others tend to obsess over you its really simple : pluto has this energy of revelation and reaching the core of things .
Lets talk about synastry:
Everybody talks about pluto venus synastry?
But hello mars-pluto aspect in synastry
no matter trine or square both parties cant figure out why tf there is infatuation developing for someone who i just met .
Saturn- venus aspects in synastry is so slow burn typa love goodness...
the feeling of lookin' for someone in the same place constantly, obsessively thinking, worrying if the person likes you , ignoring the signs , frustration , feeling of being impulsive its funny to assume that others have no idea as if you guys aren't the most obvious with each other and the STARE counts too , Saturn person wont make a move until they are sure of their partner on the other hand Venus hesitates and waits until saturns intentions are not clear this also a creates push and pull dynamic , a never ending struggle.
Uranus- moon aspects in synastry
is so cute lmao you both have this "idea" in the air that you like each other , you know you are in situationship but nobody is communicating about it cause both parties are in state of assumption that we can ruin things by confessing WHAT we have for what you already WANT.
Mercury - jupiter aspects in synastry
both are playing who's chasing who , both are trying their best to impress the other person , but still won't admit to themselves only . Its trying to attract the other person through various techniques lmao , Moon-jupiter synastry is the sweetest both are trying their best to let the person know that they care about them and doing big favours just for them . Its literally reading what's in your heart , its kind of made for each other aspect .You guys balance each other out despite having distinctiveness.
Neptune -uranus aspects in synastry
literally where did you come from? Its in my sight AND on my mind... both parties are attracted to each other even if the other person is not what they usually go for , its literally where do i go from here , what actions do i take , how do i know the other person ,you know what you want to do but you are not sure what you want to do ....its that sudden and daily realisations haunting your mind . Usually there's a lack of action here and more flirting here ,its i do like you but idk what to with it .
Moon- Mercury aspects in synastry:
is one fun synastry you are in love with moons layers , moon loves how witty and Caring mercury person is , you both love how analytical or deep your person is , you want to be near them ,feel them but at the same time this persons too witty too chatty for the moon โ˜ ๏ธ they can talk abt everything and anything while moon person is alrdy out of their daily battery life , meanwhile mercury person is on a soul mission to analyse the moon person + stalk them+ get them to come out of their cocoon of 12years in one day . Both parties are open and vulnerable with each other you know things about each other like you have been married with 3 kids and have recently celebrated 40 years anniversary -both are dramatic ..."& my man ...thank you to my man"... typa people.
Saturn- mars is honestly smth :
you both are opposite yet have something similar you both want to learn about each other , you love to spend time , the attraction is strong, the infatuation is strong, the curiousity is strong, the tension is strong, you both are sly with each other you both tease each other *staring counts* yet you both the most confident the most toughest people on the planet is shy as fuck to even start a convo both are intimidated +infatuated+ curious + opposites attract+ and the most fun thing is misunderstands are common in this relationship - you get each other , even if its mistaking your partners curious question for a dad joke โœ‹๐Ÿผyea its really that typa unpredictable mess ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Moon- pluto synastry is not always bad tbh
As someone who always had synastry of moon-pluto in square with my closes one's - the best way to know if it will work out or not is by recognising if the person is willing to work through disagreements & if the person is immature or mature . This synastry is best for people who are willing to learn from each other and heal each other in the best way possible, both parties have been through similiar experiences and share a lot of things in common. Both are protective of each other and get each other like no other , its triggering only when when the other person is triggering you with their behaviour remember that , most of the times its not a good aspect to have in synastry its a long-term relationship synastry aspect only if the other person is as gentle and as mature as you otherwise it turns obsessive and abusive if only 'one' person is not the best person alive.
Lets talk abt composite:
Composite Lilith expresses more of "unconcious desires" that unspoken dynamic of the couple its between you two that others dont see or get it /we'll see the flip side as well
while pluto express that hidden desires slash kink its instant attraction / what you two cant keep from each others , how has the relationship progressed/ we'll see the flip side as well .
๐Ÿฅ€Composite Lilith 1st house :you are my home placement, you are not on edge with this person , this person makes you feel safe , you dont need to be on guard with them you may see them through rose coloured glasses , you guys see through each other nothing is hidden , you guys are each others support system , your feelings are validated when you're with each other . There's a need to posses one other however it can turn into guilt tripping or being overly demamding with each others its put me before anything else .
Composite Pluto 1st house: its hard to not show it but its there , its i cant keep my hands off of you , its i need you alone , there's this forever attraction , there's no replusion you guys are free with each other , there's this kink of powerplay the need to be dominanted , its others dont understand but we do . The couples gaze doesn't go unnoticed here . On the flipside its i want you and you should only want me too , insecurities and not giving the relationship genuine interest rather its too on the surface level because i need to hide from you . You dont respect me .
๐Ÿฅ€Composite Lilith 2nd house: you guys want security and stability , you guys are super private with your relationship you only show what needs to be shown , there's no room for assumptions or worries it has took long to create safety . Its my partner knows everything abt me , its my partner trust me the most with anything. It can turn toxic if there's a need to appeal to everyone around you , to be on the top regardless of what's not happening in your relationship it can go into pretend and play and it can turn into i don't trust you but you know a lot about me as well .
Composite Pluto 2nd house: dom -soft sub dynamic , the only time where you guys want to hurt each others , bondage , chaining everything should be tried out , nothing should be left , its i know you to the core and i get you off of your highs like that too . There's this need to be valued its the fun in desperation . On the flip side , You guys know what the other person want but who's gonna break the tension first its my ego matters too . Its i wanna put myself first too i dont wanna get lost in you , you guys dont wanna be co-dependent or a mess so you keep your distance as well although there's no need to do so but still its needed to feel "safe".
๐Ÿฅ€Composite Lilith 3rd house: you guys wanna give in , you dont wanna hide you dont wanna play , its i want you and let me be clear about it with right actions , its you may like me but i do more , you guys love each others traits, this relationship did took time to reach where it is now , you guys are open with your heart , you wanna do everything together its more fun with you , you teach me so much and heal me with each step , you guys get each other like no other the, inside jokes , the safe words is definately the interesting part for you guys , you guys value each other so deeply that you see them as a part of you Someone you'd want in every journey you begin . On the flip side there's jealousy streak where you guys are sure of each other but there's a worry of others you dont wanna be the talk of the town because its your relationship not everyone elses to meddle . Its i feel like my frnds want you too ,its i feel like people dont want us together and we must stick with each other without getting carried away by these things .
๐Ÿฅ€Composite Pluto 3rd house: you guys have created an intimate relationship not only with each other but with yourself as well , you started to love yourself more deeply , you got interested in things you didn't thought you would be in , you are slowly but surely transforming your personal growth to next level , in the admist of this you guys have each other yes you guys are the fun couple but that doesn't mean you and your partner against the world isn't there , you guys are each others greatest strength and thats why your relationship is bonded the strongest of all Roleplay is the theme , you guys dont need a set or a proper play its everywhere and anywhere but with you , you guys love to frustrate each other until you cant anymore, you guys explore each other fantasies as if its yours to own , there's festish with your body that i cant hide and a need to be just in the moment or just between you , blindfold sex the stimulation , there's i will do stuff to you but you have to beg for it . On the flip side , its hard to get each others attention all the time this couple want their partner to be with them a lot but when it doesn't happen there's issue that takes home here , there's things i could never say but i do feel a certain way , there's issues of self sabotage and a need for constant re-assurance its i want my time too but i dont wanna hurt you .Only we gotta deal with it maturely but it stays on the sideline , there's unnoticed efforts.
๐Ÿฅ€Composite Lilith 4th house: ofc you guys didn't trusted each other , ofc you guys were dropping signs but didn't know when is the right time for action , you guys respect each others space, you guys are each others newfound home , you guys love to spend time with each other you guys notice what goes unnoticed by others thats how deeply effectionate you are with each other. You guys are needy with pride that this is your person , you waited long for this and its here now , you guys are constantly taking action so this relationship lasts you guys are responsibile and caring with each other there's this need to protect the other person. On the flip side , its i do so much for you but i feel unappreciated cause you lack actions to show me the same , its i can feel things deeply and it effect me too but i dont wanna share it with you cause it can break things not realising it can build it stronger , its i acted up and behaved aggressively but i was just hurt than mad or angry , its i didnt wanted to let you know because i care abt you but it came out in other ways that it shouldn't have . Its i dont want you to hate me but i'm scared to apologise for the things that happened its i wanna sweep the issues arising under the rug cause i only want to show you my best part .
Composite Pluto 4th house: Worshipping cause you just cant get enough of each other , each time you want each other you wanna know your partners turn on and turn offs , you guys are very precise you wouldn't do or say things which the other person doesn't appreciate, you guys treat each as your equals there's no difference, you guys are obsessed with weird things but hey no one's judging each other instead you guys understand where is it coming from , breeding kink and obsessive interests about exploring the other person doesn't seem to leave a mind , its slow deep passionate lovers in the night , its arousing each other by being sneaky the whole day and now giving in to your desires , its i didn't knew you can do that too or let me do that for you , its i wanna do so much for you and i dont have all night to express it because i cant wait . You guys heal each other you have been through similiar experiences you guys dont wanna fall into harmful tendencies or be restrained by your circumstances or people anymore, you guys just wanna be immersed in each other and you don't leave a room for other people to chim in , its i'm secure with my partner and i wouldn't believe until i hear it from them.
๐Ÿฅ€Composite Lilith 5th house: its i can go any length to make you mine , its i dont fall in love easily but something's happening, there's nervous excitement which keeps happening when i see you i wanna be with you but i dont know where to start , its i'm not possesive over you ,i just wanna show you off , want others to know you're mine , you guys are indeed each others and its very evident in your nature , you guys just care abt each other its with you others fade away , you guys click on so many different things that its insane , you guys love to present each other as the "poised made for each other couple" yes you guys do have disagreements and there's this maturity to recognise and solve what should be solved , you guys don't desire stability you bring it into fruition, you guys make things work , you guys are highly motivated and observant about your relationship you don't wanna loose each other to some petty arguments , On the flip side the feelings can overwhelm you , you guys always wanna move it to next level not being able to fully embrace whats happening in the present making each other feel ignore and heartbroken by your perceived " selfish actions " you guys need to work in unity but its not always possible as you guys do posses your own individuality so it can get a little tough to blend in,agree or be interested in other person's interest, you guys may have different plan and you cant always satisfy the other person , there's this need for clear cut communication and commitment to move your relationship to safer grounds .
Composite Pluto 5th house: you guys reminicise and remember a lot abt each other ,you guys are each others sweet distraction thats needed in the hectic life , you love each other so much to the point you guys are afraid to ruin each other a little too hard, its i go by your demands , its we'll try everything everyday , its pulling you in my office , kissing your neck in my car , and having quickie in restroom you guys do desire the best and wants to give each other but its not always possible as the lust over powers ,you want the person to just satisfy you in the ways they never thought of . On the flip side , there's a hangover with things , its hard to leave behind the things that happened ,words that were spoken in pure anger , you guys cant always understand each other and you need to work through that only .
๐Ÿฅ€Composite Lilith 6th house: you guys want to be on the best behaviour when you're around each other , you dont want the person to go through hard times alone you want to give your all to the relationship you guys go through ups and downs but still come back to each other on a healthy note , there's no toxicity or impulsion or out of my mind behaviours that would hurt the other person , you guys are careful with a good balance of your needs + practical plans and emotional needs , you aren't afraid to put each other on top and appreciate the effort it took , you guys share an old couple bond that is hard to break , you dont want the person to have no power in the relationship you guys are secure individuals who realise a persons importance in life , you guys dont want to leave room for insecurity you talk things through and are very active with your actions and self service its an equal give and take relationship. On the flip side, its hard to be away from the person or ask for support you cant always be on your own and its hard to ask for help cause the other person is alrdy doing so much right? Why bother as if you didn't invested the right amount of energy , there's a grey area which creates s gap between you and your person , its i cant share with you because i'm afraid of your reaction or to which Length it can worry/anger you of what i'm thinking abt or going through. Its coming off as disinterested or aloof in a sudden manner when you need each other the most .
Composite 6th house: bet it feels lively to show other persons through actions FINALLY on the face how much you have the same sexual frustration as the other person ,yes you are into each other and you can finally show it in practical ways roughly on bed . You guys hold onto each other as if your partners embrace is the only thing that matters and you both can sense it , its vanilla sex with your lace panty in my hand ,its i was distracted by your thoughts but from now on i'll be more open .
Stay tuned for part2
Natal aspects:
Lilith/ Mc Aspects- i have always seen these people influence other people like no one , people always know of them ,they are the tallk of the town in reality these people usually keep it to themselves they speak when its needed , i have seen these people come out tough after any situation that dragged them down , specially Lilith square mc are mostly in controversies people want to get dirt on them these people have power over people, people dont hate them but they're suspicious of their endeavours.Usually these people are hardworkers and nonchalant. There could be some issues from their younger self which keeps them tied to their mysterious persona these people are very giving, talented , sharp and witty . They attract people like no other , it gives bad repuation is still reputation. You cant get through them until you know them . Young influencial celeb and celeb kids have this placement usually they are admired , people are curious abt what they will do next ? But still they're looked down upon in some way or other by a different group of people who don't accept or trust them easily thence they need to prove themselves to the public celeb or not .
Lilith / pluto - person seems like they have been through a lot of struggles to be where they are now , they wont settle for less and they need the best , these people seems unattainable you have to be something to stand beside them , these people are constantly changing their appearance until they find their signature style . There's a power imbalance in their relationship or with the people they surround themselves. These people will have to learn that making yourself inferior wont make others acceot them instead they'll bring them down more so you level up and be with the people who are willing to adapt and develop with you ,these people can attract envious people too , they're seen as a the villain and their hardwork is undermined , people dont respect their space but these individuals learn with growing time how important of a person they are .
Apologies for any mistakes!!
Thank you for reading ๐ŸŽˆyour likes , reblogs, comments feedbacks are appreciated!!!
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notedchampagne ยท 1 month
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you want to be seen and understood specifically for what you sacrificed. thats why youre mad
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elysiansparadise ยท 3 months
Composite Chart observations
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๐ŸคJupiter or Part of Fortune in the 1st house not only indicates that you feel more joyful with the other, but that when or after being with the other, many opportunities of any kind can come to you. The relationship will bring with it a lot of self-improvement for both and a feeling that things in life become simpler.
๐ŸคWhen Sun it's in the 7th, 8th or 12th house we find ourselves in a mirror relationship, in which you will show each other the other sides of yourselves that you had never been aware of. They will be more similar than they look, because in terms of core they can be very alike. The other will openly display behaviors that you repress.
๐ŸคA peculiarity of Mars and/or Mercury in the 11th house is that both are likely to have very different personal opinions but very similar goals. They may be very different at first impression and even have very different ways of behaving, but they can understand each other well and go after what they want as a team.
๐ŸคI have noticed that when Saturn is making just positive aspects on a composite chart, it is capable of helping the tensions that some squares can cause, as it adds stability and durability to the dynamics of the relationship, but above all the willingness to solve problems by fact that both see in this relationship something to maintain in the long term.
๐ŸคThe Moon-Venus conjunction gives us that relationship in which if one of the parties is moody and the other enters the room, their day immediately brightens. It seems that they only need to see each other to be happier. They evoke a lot of sweetness and tenderness in each other. They will love to take care of each other in every way, from the most practical to the emotional side, without forgetting to mention how comfortable they feel simply being by each other's side.
๐ŸคJupiter or Saturn in the 10th house cause there to be a mutual and very strong admiration for the person the other is, what they achieve and their ambition. If these planets positively aspect the Sun, Venus or Mercury will constantly let each other know, and even other people.
๐ŸคHaving a Stellium in the 11th house makes the dynamic lighthearted, fun and very pleasant for both of you. You will feel that you can be yourself uninhibitedly and be able to express your ideas and emotions without being judged. Likewise, they will have a great willingness to help each other and will awaken the empathetic and altruistic side of the other. They can have very similar worldviews despite differences in temperament and attitude.
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๐ŸคVenus in Aries allows the duo to spend many moments of joy and laughter. They may have many similarities between them and love to joke with each other. It is an indicator of playful teasing, of a lot of enthusiasm and fun. They really love each other's company, even if it's just few minutes. They highly value being authentic and transparent with others.
๐ŸคWhen the Moon or Venus is in the 12th house, it shows us a duo or a couple who is affectionate or more affectionate in private, they may prefer a moment of greater intimacy since it makes them likely to be very reserved people with their feelings but, surprisingly , very open between them.
๐ŸคNeptune in water houses favors emotional connection and the ability to intuit the feelings of the other, also giving the sensation of understanding each other without words and without much difficulty. They can have a very great feeling of adoration and fascination for each other, as well as devotion.
๐ŸคThe Moon-Neptune aspects make them deeply connected to each other on an almost inexplicable level. Both not only read and understand each other like no one else, but they seem to quickly feel what the other feels. They can infect each other with their moods. It is even likely that, for example, if one is thinking about the other, the other will send a message or call them on the phone. They absorb each other's mood and can quickly adopt their usual behaviors or phrases even without realizing it.
๐ŸคWith Pluto in the 9th house, both will profoundly change the way the other sees things. Being together and having a regular conversation with each other entails many epiphanies, seeing things from other perspectives and feeling that things finally make sense. Both have the goal of teaching each other a lot and fully trust that the other positively influences their lives. They simultaneously add depth and fun to the other person's life.
๐ŸคHaving Mars in the angles makes both of you motivated almost instantly. Being next to each other makes them feel energized, motivated and they easily make the other feel capable of achieving and going after everything they want. They can bring out the confident and sociable side of each other.
๐ŸคWhen you have Venus or Moon in the 10th house, the duo shows others, consciously or unconsciously, the high degree of affection and appreciation they have for each other. People tend to see them as very similar and compatible like each other and they tend to provoke adoration in others. It may even be a couple or pair of friends that others find admirable or your dynamic may be something that people would like to have in their lives.
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arcadia345 ยท 3 months
Sextrology notes๐Ÿฅ€
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Not a real astrologer this is just my observations and experiences โ€ผ๏ธ
Book a readingโค๏ธ
Aries/1st house eros composite- couldโ€™ve gotten into the bedroom quicker than expected(or at least tried to), if not then regardless the sex is ROUGH. Lots of sweat and friction burns, bruises from the night before ๐Ÿฅด โ€œEveryone KNOWS that he f*cks you.โ€ Vibe you canโ€™t hide behind the tension with this one lmao. Could be your first time in a way? I had this with the first yt and the first black girl Iโ€™ve been with
Taurus mars/eros- kiss/rub their neck and see how quickly they fold๐Ÿ˜Ž they adore nice smells vmuch bad smells turn us off so bad but if you smelll good I swear weโ€™ll remember you and your sent FOREVER. We also love physical touch we love a good body rub we like all our senses to be aroused. I try to at least keep one hand on my lovers/ vice versa๐Ÿ˜ญ#clingy weโ€™re also possessive of our partners to a extent
Gemini/3rd house eros esp in composite have the most fun in bed. Usually a short term relationship doesnโ€™t have to be tho. You two will try new things together sexually. Theyโ€™re very lighthearted and curious and down with whatever๐Ÿ˜Œ theyโ€™ll try anything at least once๐Ÿ˜. Mental and oral stimulation is a must here. Definitely prone to sex with more than one person at a time
Eros in Aquarius/cancer,4th/11th combination in composite every time Iโ€™ve had this with someone they changed my perspective on life/sex I swear๐Ÿ˜‚ the sex was so mind blowing ๐Ÿคฏ just thinking about it got me stuck. Me and the first girl I did it with have this in composite and omg I did not know I was THAT into girls till she popped up(even tho Iโ€™m pans)๐Ÿฅด my first time feeling sparkles during sex โœจ(a man could never ๐Ÿ‘Ž)you might feel emotionally vulnerable with them and they might not be your type fr thatโ€™s why the sex is so shocking like dang I didnโ€™t know youโ€™d have me feeling like this now Iโ€™m stuck. Unforgettable. We also used toys
Cancer eros/mars have a creampie obsession or they lovve boobs ofc, they tend to match the same energy as their partner sexually wise but they can get really really freaky if you ask them nicely ๐Ÿคญ
Leo mars/eros- they love to put on a show in bed, they could be really playful/teasing/loungeful before the act. Itโ€™s like they love to tease you until you canโ€™t take it anymore forcing you to make the first move( you need to show them how badly you want them) They look so hot all the faces they make๐Ÿฅต esp when ur taking a quick break in between and they look so effortlessly good, if the chemistry/sex is good theyโ€™ll probably ask if they can record cuz theyโ€™re not gonna waste storage on some wack ๐Ÿ’ฉ you can definitely learn something from them
Iโ€™ve had Leo in Eros in composite with someone and theyโ€™re the only person I needed to take a plan b with after the deed๐Ÿง๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ
Pisces eros- likes to dive into the taboo side of sex, sex for them could cause them confusion instead of clarity most times. They like to fulfill their fantasies I feel like they have more opportunities to do that than others. The only guy I know with this said he had like 20 bodies??๐Ÿ˜Ÿ but Iโ€™m pretty sure itโ€™s only that high cause they never come back for seconds๐Ÿคฃ perfect example he needs to do some healing before he tries to sleep with someone ๐Ÿง๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ
Neptune aspects to eros like to be under the influence while having sex. They get really sleepy also
Just like Aquarius eros they like to record/ have cybersex/have a audience
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I love how everyone always says scorpios are the freakiest ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚(theyโ€™re up there tho) and us cancers/virgos/taurus just chuckle ๐Ÿคญ
Cancers literally speak to ur soul in the bedroom. We bring out desires that you never knew you had. Weโ€™re literally the sign of the motherrr like we really know whatโ€™s best for you (us). Thatโ€™s why they always come back for more๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ and plz donโ€™t let them have mommy issues theyโ€™ll be stuck for life
Virgos๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ nobody talks about how the โ™๏ธ symbol looks just like โ™๏ธ (aka they hide their crazy/freaky side very well) theyโ€™re adaptable and they aim to please, if youโ€™re satisfied then so are they. And theyโ€™re sooo good with their fingers and mouth like Geminis.
Tauruses they need to be satisfied before anything like being fed and taken care of before the deed, but once they see you deserve their time or loyalty they turn into a demon for you๐Ÿ˜ˆ drunk and love vibes buss the windows out ur car then have makeup sex yk? But ngl if their underdeveloped they may give โ™๏ธ vibes to their partner instead
Libra Mars/Eros Iโ€™ve only had bad experiences with this one but they were sags so plz understand where Iโ€™m coming from. They love the IG baddies with the bubble ๐Ÿ‘ and cute aesthetics. They love โ€œplastic barbiesโ€/ dolls . Theyโ€™re in love with the idea of love. Definitely have more than one person on their roster. They LOVE lingerie and pastel laces esp the men yk they fw it when they donโ€™t take the panties off just pull them to the side๐ŸคฃDepending on their chart I wouldnโ€™t associate with this eros/mars their standards are unrealistic and problematic :/
Now composite libra in eros is a different experience for me, it feels like a romantic comedy, the head over heels vibes before you even make it to the bed๐Ÿฅฐ. These two could enjoy being in each otherโ€™s presence more than having sex? Like they genuinely enjoy eachothers company sm they kinda skip over that part sometimes lol. Also other people could try to intervene with you two?? In a sense ๐Ÿ‘€
Also most every Virgo/libra/sag guy (except 3, I think itโ€™s more likely to happen if theyโ€™re underdeveloped signs)Iโ€™ve fw never liked to give head??? But it was mandatory that they received some???๐Ÿ˜ƒ the excuse was always theyโ€™re not in the mood/ thatโ€™s dirty/ their mouth hurts??๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ so my ๐Ÿฑ is too dirty to eat but clean enough to f*ck? but ur ๐Ÿ† is clean to do both???๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ neverrr again this why Iโ€™m gay asf now Chile
Sag mars/eros ๐Ÿ˜‚ good luck trying to tie them down. Theyโ€™re the most promiscuous/adventurous when it comes to sex. They love trying new things really down with whatever! Car sex, or just sex in public in general ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ I promise yโ€™all they dgaf. Also these people will change your way of thinking, a catalyst of self development. For me they were always the fboy that made me learn my lesson ๐Ÿ˜ญ. They push you to evolve.
Capricorn/10th Eros composite- sex definitely isnโ€™t something you two rush into. Could be more on the reserved side at first. It may be mandatory that you build a deeper connection/commitment before anything sexual happens. It could be a while before anything sexual happens. There could be an age difference here as well. One person could be unexperienced. If you have this with someone and the sex isnโ€™t that great the first time please donโ€™t give up on them ๐Ÿ˜ญ the more you get to understand eachothers bodies the better the sex will be. Bdsm could be a thing here. The type to tie you up/restrain you/ f*ck ur brains out and call you out of ur name but have mini wellness checks in-between. Edging and age play could be a thing. You two could start a OF๐Ÿ‘€
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๐Ÿ† indicators
Look at their mars aspects itโ€™s very important. Iโ€™ve seen a lot of ๐Ÿ†s yall so ik what Iโ€™m talking about ๐Ÿ˜‚ the biggest one Iโ€™ve ever seen had Mars โ˜Œ Jupiter like HUGE๐Ÿซฃ๐Ÿ˜ฐ harsher aspects to Jupiter is what you want to look for. Now if he has aspects to Saturn but none to Jupiterโ€ฆโ€ฆ itโ€™s probably on the smaller scale ๐Ÿ˜ญthis could also mean good stamina/ hard to climax.
Mars โ˜Œ Uranus surprised me which is on point ๐Ÿ˜‚ very freaky placement uhm their ๐Ÿ†s look pretty most of the time usually has a curve, definitely gonna hit you with some unusual positions that all feel weirdly good๐Ÿฅด
Mars โ˜Œ Neptune is a less common aspect Iโ€™ve seen could have more length than girth but theyโ€™re really long. I feel like this is the unsolicited ๐Ÿ† pic sender๐Ÿ’€ the ones that think everyone needs to see their๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ™„/ people could fantasize on how they are in bed
๐Ÿฑ indicators
Honestly idk any I feel like every ๐Ÿฑ is good if you know how to please it right๐Ÿ˜Œ but the ones that donโ€™t need any assistance is 8th/12th house placements fs esp Jupiter/Neptune/mars. And prominent water signs in the chart
Pisces/12th house Eros in composite โ€ผ๏ธโš ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธ definitely not something to take lightly. The energy you two share is sacred. Very spiritual experience I donโ€™t recommend this placement if youโ€™re not aligned on a spiritual level. Lies/hidden motives could be involved. The f*ck you back to sleep placement. Sex so good you both sleep like you work 3 jobs after. I swear he put me into a meditative state while having sex I had to snap out of it ๐Ÿ˜ญ also he was only person to make me orgasim ever to this day our bodies just blended so well together like water๐Ÿ’งalso he loved my feet?? Bon appetite!
Just experienced this composite again and itโ€™s literally the samee feeling omg the discreetness and blurred lines/taboo feeling, the way our bodies just work so well together ommmg๐Ÿ˜ฉ we love to watch eachother? Sexting/stalking placement. And he loves my feet too๐Ÿ’€. Sleep is really prominent here.
Thatโ€™s all for now๐Ÿ’‹ just wanted to post for my 3year tumblr anniversary ๐Ÿฅนโค๏ธ
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the-moon-devi ยท 9 months
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Hey ya'll! I've missed posting and hearing from you guys so much! It feels like I've been gone forever. I've been dealing with the tides of life, and in my Solitude I've been studying and learning more about astrology! I hope you all enjoy this post and you all are well, happy & healthy! I wish abundance to all of you! ~๐“’๐“ช๐“ป๐“ช๐“ถ๐“ฎ๐“ต๐Ÿ’‹
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The Purpose
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This can be a great sign of longevity if you or this person happen to have Juno,Jupiter, Moon, Venus,Mars ; in gemini or the 3rd house from my observations.
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3K notes ยท View notes
1111jenx ยท 1 year
โ€” synastry & composite charts notes๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’˜
navi: masterlist I โ€” masterlist II hiii angels๐Ÿ‘ผ๐Ÿปit's been a while since my last astro post on here, thought I'd drop by with a lil surprise:) enjoy babes๐Ÿค
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๐Ÿ’˜ 8th house synastry: A deep and mystical connection, a dance of two souls intertwined. Undoubtedly, this has to be some of the most intense relationships I have observed, yet not necessarily in the way people might think. It goes beyond the surface, beyond the mundane, beyond the small-talk. Sex, death, and other's resources are only the tip of the iceberg. This is about transformation, rebirth, and regeneration. The 8th house is a place where secrets reside, and the planet person might unknowingly tap into that well of darkness within the 8th house person. It's a profound and sometimes frightening journey, but it's also one of the most transformative. The planet person, depending on which planet of theirs, entering the 8th house person's life can open them up like no other, exposing them to their deepest desires, fears, and longings.
If 4th house synastry is referred to as each other's soft spot, then 8th house synastry is each other's weak spot. Romantic or platonic, these relationships are often karmic, acting as a bind between the two individuals, for better or for worse. There's an unspoken depth that pervades the connection, a knowingness that transcends words. It's the ultimate "one stare is all it takes" kind of placement, where even a simple glance can send shivers down one's spine.
In the end, the 8th house synastry is not for the faint of heart, but for those who dare to delve into the mysteries of the soul, it's a journey worth taking. For it's in the darkness that we find the light, and it's in the intensity of these relationships that we find our true selves.
๐Ÿ’˜ Moon-Pluto aspects synastry/composite chart: If you've followed my blog for a while, you'll know that I don't strongly dislike any placement or aspect, for I believe we must observe the entire charts to draw conclusions before anything else. Yet, there is one aspect that leaves me in awe, time and time again: Moon-Pluto aspects in relationships. They speak of a connection that goes beyond the superficial, beyond the ordinary, beyond the mundane.
In the depths of their intimacy, there's a touch of mystery, a hint of secrecy, as if they share a bond that's known only to them. In the composite chart, this aspect can be a blessing, for it allows both parties to bare their souls in front of each other, to be raw and authentic, to embrace the vulnerability that comes with true connection.
But there's a caveat, for softer aspects such as the trine and sextile can approach this intimacy with a gentle touch, allowing the connection to grow slowly and steadily. Whereas the harsher aspects, the conjunctions, squares, and oppositions, may ignite a fire that burns bright and hot, causing one or both partners to be wary of the immense intensity that they feel.
Moon-Pluto aspects in relationships are definitely not for everyone, but they can lead to a transformation that's both profound and life-changing. These aspects symbolize a journey towards embracing one's innermost fears and desires, facing the shadows within oneself, and coming out on the other side with a newfound sense of strength and authenticity.
While it may be challenging, the rewards of such an experience can be tremendous. Through the intensity and rawness of the connection, one may find healing, growth, and a deep understanding of the human experience. It's a journey that requires courage, vulnerability, and a willingness to confront the unknown, but for those who embark on it, the rewards can be truly magnificent.
๐Ÿ’˜ Venus-Pluto aspects synastry: When Venus and Pluto align, their love burns with a fiery intensity, drawing them ever deeper into the mysteries of the heart. Pluto, with its insatiable hunger for truth and transformation, brings a potent energy to the table, stirring up a storm of questions and revelations.
Their relationship is a journey of discovery, a never-ending quest to uncover the hidden depths of each other's being. They crave knowledge of the past, eager to explore the shadows and secrets that have shaped their lives and their loves.
For them, love is a drug, a heady elixir that leaves them yearning for more. Their passion is all-consuming, a fierce and unyielding force that binds them together in ways that defy explanation.
Their obsession with each other is both beautiful and terrifying, a force that drives them to explore the depths of their connection, even as it challenges their preconceptions of what love truly means. But with every step they take together, they discover new facets of themselves and each other, delving ever deeper into the mysteries of the heart.
๐Ÿ’˜ Sun-Mars aspects synastry: The moment they meet, the attraction between them is electric, a spark that ignites a fire in their hearts. Soft aspects between their Sun and Mars create an effortless harmony, a sense of deep understanding and mutual support that draws them together with an irresistible force.
But for those with harsher aspects, their connection is a battlefield, a clash of egos that sparks tension and desire in equal measure. Sun and Mars are like two lions circling each other, each daring the other to make a move.
Their competitive spirits are brought out in full force, as they push each other to new heights of passion and desire. For Mars, the Sun is the ultimate challenge, a force to be reckoned with that can bring out the best - and worst - in them.
But through it all, there is a deep sense of respect and admiration, a recognition that they are two sides of the same coin, bound together by the fire that burns within them. Their love is a force to be reckoned with, a connection that challenges them to be their best selves and to embrace the full power of their passion and desire.
๐Ÿ’˜ Gemini Rising composite: Gemini Rising couple is a true delight, their energy infectious and their presence enchanting. They radiate a lightness and joy that fills the room, sparking lively conversations and bringing smiles to the faces of all those around them.
Their connection is a deep and profound one, built on a foundation of trust and open communication. They tell each other everything, sharing their hopes, dreams, fears, and secrets with a fearless abandon.
With their 3rd house in Leo, they embody a regal energy that commands attention and respect. Their style and energy are often very similar, a reflection of their deep connection and shared perspective on life.
Their reunion feels almost spiritual, a cosmic meeting of two souls destined to be together. One partner may take on the role of protector, fiercely guarding the other with a love that knows no bounds.
Despite their occasional heated moments, they speak of each other with the highest regard, always fearlessly protective of their partner's honor and dignity.
๐Ÿ’˜ Cancer Rising composite: This is one of my favorites, whether it's a romantic or platonic connection! They have a way of making it seem like they've known each other for ages, their bond so deep and comfortable that it feels like home.
They may bicker like siblings, but it's all in good fun - and it's clear that they love each other deeply. There's a sense of ease and familiarity that just makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
They can be in each other's company for hours without saying a word, content in the quiet and the simple pleasure of just being together. And when they do speak, they offer each other advice and guidance, especially when it comes to style and aesthetics.
There's something so special about this connection, something that just feels right. They may not have known each other for long, but it feels like they were always meant to be in each other's lives. They are the ultimate squad, the perfect team, and they bring so much joy and fun wherever they go.
๐Ÿ’˜ Leo Rising composite: This connection is fiercely possessive in the best way possible. They love to show their affection publicly and make it known to the world that they belong to each other. It's a feeling of pure belonging, an unbreakable bond that just feels so right.
It's one of the hardest relationships to let go of, a connection that just feels too good to be true. They radiate an air of perfection, and those around them can't help but be captivated by their dynamic. They may keep their relationship private once they've settled down, but when they're together, it's electric.
Their pain and struggles may be hidden from the outside world, but within their bond, they find solace and comfort in each other's arms. With Leo Rising in the composite, they were made for each other, their love a force to be reckoned with. And they love to spoil each other, showing off their love for the world to see.
๐Ÿ’˜ Libra Rising composite: This is the couple that everyone assumes has had a crush on each other since the day they met. There's just something about them that makes it so easy to tell that they were meant to be together. They have a natural ability to enhance each other's aesthetic and just make each other look even better.
When you see them in public, they come off as very friendly and approachable. They love to flirt with each other and with others, and they just exude a harmonious energy that draws people to them. They're like the parents of their group, always there to lend an ear and offer sage advice when others need it.
With Libra Rising in the composite, this couple radiates a unique energy that's impossible to ignore. People are drawn to them like moths to a flame, and they just look so good together. Depending on the composite Venus sign, they may have a more refined or eclectic style, but either way, they're always turning heads and making others green with envy.
๐Ÿ’˜ Leo placements composite: This is the ride or die couple that everyone wishes they had in their life. When I see this placement in a chart, I know that with time, there will be an unyielding loyalty between them that's hard to come by these days. Whether it's a romantic or platonic relationship, they exude confidence, playfulness, and above all, fun!
They're not afraid to argue or stand up for what they believe in, but what I love about Leo in composite is that they always have a deep respect for each other. It's almost like they know that at the end of the day, they're on the same team and nothing can break their bond.
For the platonic ones, they have a sibling-like energy that's just so endearing to witness. They'll have each other's back through thick and thin, and you know that they'll always be there to lift each other up when times get tough. Whether they're out on the town or just chilling at home, they radiate a sense of loyalty and camaraderie that's truly exciting to be around.
๐Ÿ’˜ Taurus placements composite: This placement evokes a sense of earthy Venusian intimacy, where mutual reliance and devotion reign supreme. They are like two rooted trees intertwined, weathering any storm that comes their way with steadfast support for each other. The sensuality they share is a true feast for the senses, with each touch and embrace sending shivers down their spines. Their connection is a thing of beauty, a symphony of love and sensuality that fills their hearts with warmth and contentment.
๐Ÿ’˜ Uranus 7th house composite: Long-distance and medium-distance relationships often display this pattern. While there is no set rule, this relationship style can be quite distinct. Depending on other astrological factors, they may contact each other spontaneously after long periods of silence. It is not uncommon for these relationships to have an undefined label, but the connection remains strong. This relationship is often characterized by a sense of telepathy.
๐Ÿ’˜ Uranus 5fth house composite: Couples with this placement breathe freedom. Their love is like a wildflower, unconfined by societal norms and conventions. Each partner allows the other to thrive in their own social circles and cherishes the moments of intimacy that come in unexpected bursts. Though their relationship may seem unconventional to some, it is a beautiful and unique expression of love that blooms and flourishes in its own way.
๐Ÿ’˜ Mars 12th house composite/synastry: This placement can be a bit tricky, as it can swing between playful banter and a more serious, spiritual connection. In the former, the couple may have a lighthearted approach to disagreements, perhaps avoiding confrontation and maintaining harmony. However, in the latter, this placement can signify a soulmate bond, a deep and meaningful connection that transcends the physical realm. Despite the challenges, these couples are able to navigate their differences and find a sense of peace and understanding in each other.
๐Ÿ’˜ Mars 8th house composite: Passion ignites and they are drawn to each other like a moth to a flame. They long for closeness, craving the touch of the other's skin, desiring to be in each other's embrace constantly. A fiery, intimate connection that is hard to resist. Beware of the green-eyed monster that may rear its head and cause strife in the relationship. But with the right alignment of Mars, a healing energy can emerge and transform the bond into an unbreakable bond of trust and devotion.
๐Ÿ’˜ Mercury 3rd house synastry: This is the kind of couple that is always laughing and having fun together. Their sense of humor is unmatched, and they just get each other on a whole different level. They can spend hours talking about anything and everything, from the trivial to the profound, and they never seem to run out of things to say.
Their intellectual connection is truly amazing, and they just have a way of understanding each other's minds that is truly unique. From discussing aliens to politics, they can handle any topic with ease and always keep each other engaged. It's a match made in heaven, and it's so much fun to watch them just enjoy each other's company.
๐Ÿ’˜ Mercury 5fth house synastry: Ah, one of my favorites! There's nothing like seeing two people who can laugh and have fun conversations with each other. It's like watching two stars colliding, creating a beautiful display of light and energy. The Mercury person is especially enamored with the Fifth House person's mind, finding it special and unique. They can't help but give them starry eyes as they speak. In turn, the Fifth House person finds Mercury's communication style to be very slick and attractive. It's a cosmic connection, a meeting of minds that is both fun and exciting.
๐Ÿ’˜ Mercury 8th house synastry: An intriguing and intense dynamic, often marked by a deep understanding and emotional support between the partners. The Mercury person has a unique insight into the innermost thoughts and desires of the 8th house person, particularly when it comes to matters of intimacy and vulnerability. There's a magnetic quality to their conversations, as they both crave depth and substance in their interactions. In this relationship, superficiality is simply not an option. Over time, the 8th house partner is drawn in by Mercury's irresistible charm and wit, and is willing to reveal their deepest secrets and desires. Mercury's words have a profound impact on the 8th house's psyche, making this placement a powerful indicator of a potential soulmate connection. And let's not forget the dirty talk potential, which adds an extra layer of seduction to this already alluring combination.
๐Ÿ’˜ Moon 4th house synastry: In each other's arms, they find a sense of peace, like they've finally come home. While their connection runs deep, they may also awaken memories of past hurts, drawing them closer in empathy and understanding. These are the ones who care for each other's every need, nurturing each other's physical and emotional well-being. In this loving embrace, they share both joy and sorrow, weaving a bond that feels like family and lingers in the heart forever.
๐Ÿ’˜ Moon 9th house synastry: Under the stars, this placement sings a love song of faith and trust, a bond that's hard to sever. Moon person's intuition finds a home in the open-minded, philosophical 9th house person, who in turn feels seen and heard in the presence of the Moon's nurturing embrace. Their love transcends boundaries, be it geographical or cultural, and their connection is not just supportive, but also unconditional. It's a love that validates and accepts all the thoughts, feelings, and ideas of their partner, a love that's both inspiring and uplifting.
๐Ÿ’˜ 5fth house stellium composite: This placement is known for its potential to bring some baby fever to the table! When these two come together, it's like fireworks exploding and they can't get enough of each other. The relationship exudes a playful, childlike energy that is infectious to those around them. But be warned - this can also mean that their fights can be just as intense as their love, often stemming from their deep-seated jealousy. All in all, this is a pairing that's sure to leave a lasting impression.
๐Ÿ’˜ 1st house stellium composite chart: Time seems to stand still as they hold each others hands. A union that feels like destiny, a long-awaited reunion of two halves of a whole. They speak a language of their own, finishing each other's thoughts and sentences effortlessly. Every touch, every caress, feels like a deeply profound connection. It's not just about physical intimacy, but an understanding that transcends the superficial. This is the soulmate energy, the kind of love that leaves them wondering, "Where have you been all my life?"
๐Ÿ’˜ Venus 2nd house synastry/composite: A romantic dance of give and take, this placement sings of love that is nurturing and indulgent. There is a deep need to shower each other with gifts and care, but caution must be taken not to let materialism overshadow their connection. They find joy in providing for one another, and both are lifted up by the other's affection and attention. Behind closed doors, their passion blossoms into a slow and steady burn, where sensual touches and intimate moments reign supreme.
๐Ÿ’˜ Venus 6th house synastry: Intriguingly, couples with this synastry seem to be entwined in a tapestry of love and affection. They have a knack for creating beauty in the mundane and infusing everyday life with romance. Their love story is not a fairy tale, but a practical one, with the two of them seamlessly integrating into each other's daily routines. They may even find joy in doing chores together. The 6th house partner adores Venus' constant mindfulness and dedication to them, making them feel appreciated and cherished in every moment.
๐Ÿ’˜ Venus 10th house synastry: In this synastry, a beautiful harmony blooms between two souls. They are each other's pillars of support, always standing by each other's side in times of success and failure. The 10th house person, taken aback by Venus's deep understanding of their goals and dreams, finds solace in their unconditional support. Venus, in turn, cherishes the 10th house person as a prized possession, basking in their admiration and attention. The house person's serious and committed approach to life appeals to Venus's heart, allowing them to thrive under their care. Together, they build a love that is grounded in mutual respect, support, and admiration.
๐Ÿ’˜ Scorpio Venus composite: In the realm of love, Scorpio's traditional Mars energy now meets the enchanting grace of Venus. A potent mix of complexity, passion, and challenge, this placement creates a bond that is both powerful and mysterious.
Couples with this placement share a deep obsession, not just on a physical level but also an emotional one. Their desire for each other is all-consuming, a deep-seated need to connect on every possible level. Eye contact is a potent tool for them, a way to communicate their desire and passion without saying a word.
Their love is shrouded in secrecy, a relationship that's known only to the two of them. Their feelings run deep, but they may not be expressed at first, requiring time and patience to unfold.
As their connection deepens, they become more and more entwined, their bond unbreakable and unwavering. For both parties, this love will challenge their preconceptions of what love truly means and requires, but the rewards of true connection are worth every step of the journey.
๐Ÿ’˜ Virgo Venus composite: Their love is a journey of growth and self-discovery, a path that's filled with endless possibility and wonder. They are both committed to learning and evolving, constantly pushing each other to be the best version of themselves.
Their love is reminiscent of Scorpio Venus, with its unsaid feelings and profound depth, but it's also uniquely its own. For them, love is not just about passion and intensity, but about the simple and peaceful moments that make life worth living.
In their relationship, they discover that love can be found in the small things, in the gentle gestures and quiet moments of connection. They remind us that love is not just about the grand gestures or dramatic displays of affection, but about the everyday acts of kindness that we show each other.
Their love story is one that's hard to forget, a testament to the power of gentle love and the beauty of finding someone who truly understands and accepts us for who we are. They remind us that love is not just about what we say or do, but about who we are and how we show up for each other, day after day.
๐Ÿ’˜ Cancer Moon composite: Their love is a haven, a sanctuary in a world that can often feel chaotic and uncertain. They create a space for each other that's safe and secure, a place where they can be vulnerable and authentic without fear of judgment or rejection.
In each other's presence, they find solace and comfort, a feeling of coming home that's both familiar and reassuring. They understand each other on a level that goes beyond words, their hearts and souls intertwined in a dance that's both beautiful and sacred.
Emotions are shared freely in this space, for they know that true connection requires the courage to be vulnerable and the willingness to listen with an open heart. They hold space for each other's pain and joy, their love serving as a beacon of light in the darkest of times.
For them, love is also an anchor, a tether to the world that keeps them grounded and centered. They remind us that in a world that's constantly changing, the one constant we can rely on is the love that we share with those closest to us. It's a love that transcends the ordinary, a love that's both unique and eternal.
๐Ÿ’˜ Sagittarius Moon composite: They are more than just lovers, they are best friends, their bond rooted in a deep and authentic connection that transcends the ordinary. They share a rare and beautiful kind of love, one that's built on a foundation of laughter, growth, and exploration.
They are each other's biggest cheerleaders, pushing each other to become the best version of themselves and encouraging each other to explore the depths of their potential. Together, they find joy in the pursuit of higher learning, embracing the world with open hearts and curious minds.
Their love is a journey of discovery, one that's filled with new experiences and adventures, one that makes you feel alive. They indulge in the magic of the world together, savoring each moment with a sense of wonder and excitement. Despite their need for individual freedom, they never tire of each other's company.
They remind us that the best kind of love is one that's rooted in friendship, in a deep and authentic connection that goes beyond the superficial. For in the heart of true friendship lies the key to unlocking the full potential of the human experience.
๐Ÿ’˜ Aquarius Moon composite: Their relationship is built on a foundation of mutual respect and understanding, a deep appreciation for each other's unique qualities and preferences. They're both highly idealistic emotionally, driven by big dreams and a desire to make a difference in the world.
In their partnership, they recognize each other's potential and provide unwavering support and encouragement to help each other achieve their goals. They approach matters of the heart with a sense of clarity and precision, able to articulate their emotions in a way that's both logical and deeply felt.
Their love is a journey of discovery and growth, one that requires patience, dedication, and a willingness to see the world through each other's eyes. They understand that a healthy relationship requires a deep sense of empathy and the ability to communicate effectively, even in times of stress or conflict.
For them, love is not just a feeling, but a choice, a commitment to each other's growth and well-being. They remind us that a successful relationship requires hard work and dedication, but that the rewards of true love are worth every effort.
๐Ÿ’˜ Ascendant 10th house synastry: Mutual admiration is the foundation of their connection, a deep and genuine appreciation for each other that goes beyond surface-level attraction. They may have met in a public setting, amidst the noise and chaos of the world around them, but their hearts were drawn together in a way that felt inevitable.
Perhaps they had heard about each other before their encounter, but it was in that moment that they truly saw each other for who they were. Two individuals, each with their own unique qualities, coming together in a way that felt natural and effortless.
In each other's presence, the world falls away, and they're left with a deep and profound connection that speaks to the power of true chemistry. They remind us that sometimes, the most meaningful connections can be found in the most unexpected of places, and that it's the quality of the connection that matters most.
๐Ÿ’˜ Ascendant 11th house synastry: There's a magic that surrounds them, a feeling of ease that envelops them from the moment they meet. Conversations flow effortlessly between them, like a gentle stream meandering through the forest, each thought and idea sparking a new connection. They find a friend in each other, someone who understands them on a deep and profound level.
In the 11th house, they find a higher ideal, a connection that transcends the ordinary and reaches for the stars. They've found their "ideal type," a partner who shares their values, their passions, and their dreams. It's a feeling of coming home, of finding someone who sees the world through the same lens.
This placement also signifies the power of online encounters, a reminder that connections can be made in the most unexpected of places. They may have met through the digital realm, but their bond is as real and tangible as any other.
Together, they embody the beauty of true connection, of finding someone who understands and accepts them for who they are. They remind us that the world is full of magic and wonder, and that sometimes, all we need to do is open our hearts to find it.
๐Ÿ’˜ Sun in 1st house composite: Their love is a force of nature, a vibrant and pulsating energy that radiates from their very being. To them, the relationship means everything, and they pour their hearts and souls into tending and perfecting it. They're like two flames dancing together, their attraction burning brightly, igniting the world around them.
In each other's embrace, they find a home, a place of safety and belonging. They bring out the best in each other, inspiring and motivating one another to be the best version of themselves. They're like two sides of the same coin, perfectly complementing each other, and yet each unique in their own way.
In the presence of this couple, others cannot help but feel the intensity of their love. It's a love that's all-encompassing, leaving no room for anyone else. They are inseparable, two halves of a whole, their energy intertwining in a dance that's both beautiful and mesmerizing.
They're a super expressive couple, unafraid to show their true selves to the world. Their love is unapologetic and raw, a testament to the power of vulnerability and authenticity. They remind us that love is not just a feeling, but a choice, a commitment, and a journey of growth and self-discovery.
๐Ÿ’˜ Sun in 7th house composite: Together, they are a symphony of souls, each note blending seamlessly into the other, creating a melody that resonates with the universe. It's a rare and beautiful thing to witness, for they complement each other in ways that go beyond words. From what I observe, these couples see a future with each other, a future that's intertwined with love, trust, and commitment.
Even if they don't express it outwardly, there's an unspoken bond that ties them together, a feeling of wanting to keep the other close that's ever-present. Publicly, they strive to be the "ideal couple," one that's admired and emulated, and they're often sought after for their relationship advice.
But there's a seriousness to this placement, a need to formalize things with time, to solidify their commitment to each other. They understand that relationships are not built on fleeting moments, but on the foundation of trust, communication, and dedication. And they're willing to put in the work to make it last.
In this partnership, there's also a desire to grow individually, to bring more to the table, to be the best version of themselves for each other. For they know that in committing to each other, they're committing to a journey of growth, of becoming, of evolving together.
The themes of commitment and trust run deep in this placement, anchoring them to each other with an unbreakable bond. For they know that in each other's embrace, they've found a home for their hearts.
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aestheteangel ยท 5 months
Venus in the 6th house adore animals, they might be also a bit of a freak about health.
Iโ€™m not 100% positive of this but I can tell Neptune in 6th house natives suffer from compulsive disorder about health, on a daily level. I know a person that has this placement, and they overthink about every detail they about to do. ๐Ÿ’”
Mars in the 8th house or in Aries OR in Aries degrees tend to have anger issues, they have a hard time dealing with anger when things donโ€™t go the way they want.
Jupiter in the second house have huge appetite, they are obsessed with food and love to try new dishes, even if they are thin.
Moon in the 3th house think with their heart more than their mind. they take everything to the heart, sadly they get offended easily. they are attached to their siblings๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’œ they also overthink about every little thing. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
Venus in the 8th house get males attention easily,kind of giving the vibes of โ€œthe most attractive and mysterious in the roomโ€(do u guys want me to do a post about Venus in the houses? )
Taurus in the 9th house is a super lucky placement for the areas the house rules , people with this placement are nerds, they get good marks, they lowkey love studying, they travel all over the world , they-
I saw a post the other day and it was about how weird Virgo risings smile in pictures and itโ€™s TRUE ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ they tend to awkwardly smile while staring when you get them a picture๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
Iโ€™m sorry but obviously Virgo Venus, Capricorn Venus, libra Venus are the hardest to impress, but when they fall in love, they fall HARD. ๐Ÿฅบโค๏ธ am I right?
As someone who has the Saturn in 11th house.... I have nothing to say but itโ€™s never fair. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ like no matter how nice I am I get misunderstood and everyone being rude for no reasonnn??? Such a unfairness placement. ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”
The intimidating energy lilith in first house gives ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ–ค.
mars In Leo could be the funniest to be around , but donโ€™t try to disrespect them in front of anyone, their mood could switch in a second and get back at you right away ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ๐Ÿคฃalso with Scorpio mars, they are not the type to shut down when stuff like these accrue to them๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ”’.
Neptune in the 6th house makes the native think like โ€œwhat if - what if โ€œ a lot in a DAILY routine lmao. Sorry I know not funny.
Venus in 10th house are ATTRACTIVEEEE they have a lot of admirers, also a stellium in such a house with positive aspects surely indicates the same thing. Could be also in 5th house. LIT ๐Ÿ”ฅ.
Venus in 1st house gets people to like them for their mesmerizing beauty, innocent like beauty,the vibes they give in fIrst impressions are ADORABLE ๐ŸฅบIโ€™m not sure but they could use that to get away with things. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’—
Are Pluto in the 5th house the obsessive one or the ones who attract obsessive people? ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ(I know the answer lmaoo)
Mars in the 9th house have passion for travel, they are so strict in religious matters, they could find what makes them happy in what the 9th house representatives areas
Moon in the 11th house is such a cute placement , I wish I have it ๐Ÿฅบ.
Letโ€™s just agree that moon in libra is such a infinite beauty indicator? Madison beer has it, should I mentions more? justin Bieber , and ME. srsly every libra moon I met have some type of beauty in them wether itโ€™s physically or in the heart, even both! I mean after all their heart is ruled by Venus ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿ’—.
Well this is a quick random one, I wrote this in less than 10 minutes cause Iโ€™m bored lol so ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ’œ(comment for paid chart readings ๐Ÿ’•$)
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