#like yeah weirder things have happened but this is definitely a bit weird
jeennieluv · 1 year
Literally giving an idol encouragement to shower rn I love Bubble <3
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v1smokewife · 7 months
i see you
day 28 of a very zosan centric kinktober - mirrors
Zoro makes Sanji watch them have sex in a mirror and Sanji gets a nosebleed.
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“I want you...to watch us...”  
It seemed like such a simple request, didn’t it? Zoro had suggested they done weirder stuff before, so this seemed such a normal and simple request. They way they had it was Zoro was sitting on the edge of the bed with Sanji on his lap with his cock buried in him. They had a mirror next to them. This should have been easy.  
After all, it was not as if Sanji really worried all that much about his looks. He wasn’t self-conscious about how he looked. He liked to try and look his best, but he knew he wasn’t a bad looking guy and neither did Zoro. But Zoro straight up didn’t care. Zoro could wear the same t-shirt for two weeks and only take it off because Sanji is sick of the smell of it. Sanji should have found this a really easy and simple task. 
“Keep your eyes on us...” Zoro mumbled, shuffling himself to get comfortable. 
Which is a very simple task obviously but clearly the simplest one’s are the one’s that need a bit more time. Sanji kept his head slightly turned so he could watch them in the mirror before he started moving his hips. He was currently holding onto Zoro’s shoulder’s as he pulled himself up and then back down on Zoro’s cock. It was hard not to admire how they looked in the mirror together. Zoro was at the peak of his physical performance and as much as Sanji says that Zoro is just a second rate swordsman, there was a level of respect behind the jabs that Sanji did hold for Zoro’s ability.  
Sanji knew that Zoro felt the same way...but mainly because he admired Sanji’s lower half so much. Sanji was well built all over, but his legs were stronger than most people’s. It had some side benefits...such as being really good at riding cock as he can rely on his legs a lot more and having a really nicely shaped ass...but enough about that because Zoro also knew he was a good fighter..it’s just so happened that Sanji’s lower half was built for his pleasure too. Two things can be true at the same time and all of that. 
It was weird seeing how well they fit together though...but seeing himself so vulnerable with Zoro was also something that was a little bit strange to him. He never saw himself from the outside looking in and this was one of the first times he considered what Zoro actually saw when he looked down at him when he was fucking him. It made his mind wonder... thinking about if that’s what Zoro liked about Sanji the most...seeing him vulnerable, all red in the face from flushing and looking so fucked out of it and- 
“Oi...cook,” Zoro’s words snapped Sanji out of a daydream. A daydream in which he became transfixed on how he was seeing himself from a different perspective...like a spectator almost and how...weird that was to see him looking so vulnerable. So, you would have thought that Sanji would have noticed the little trickle of blood coming from his nose. 
Oh. That’s what’s going on. 
“Cook!” Zoro grabbed his hips to stop him and then grabbed his chin and jerked his head back towards him. Sanji was brought out of his day dream and was now painfully aware of the blood coming from his nose. 
The pads of his fingers reached up and touched his upper lip. Yep. Definitely blood. 
“Oh.” Sanji finally says in response, “That’s never happened before...” 
“Can you stop it?” Zoro asked, not knowing that’s totally not how that works.  
“Oh yeah asshole. I can totally just tell my nose to just stop having a nose bleed,” The blood was just very slowly dripping from his chin to his chest and believe it or not, this wasn’t rocking Zoro’s world at all.  
“Why are you having one now? I thought it was only when you were being weird around women,”  
Sanji chose to ignore the being weird around women bit and shook his head, “I don’t think it’s like that...I think it’s just when something or someone is really attractive... I don’t often watch myself having sex,” 
Oh. It finally clicked for Zoro. 
“You think we look good together?” God this was a weird conversation to have with a cock buried into your ass. God this was so strange. 
“Yes. I think so...” Sanji said, trying to wipe his nose of some of the blood but he ended up just getting it on his hand instead which was...good. However, Sanji thought that Zoro would just let Sanji get back to it but Zoro did something else instead. He suddenly pulled Sanji back into the bed so he was on his hands and knees in front of the mirror before Zoro came up behind him. Sanji had literally no time to respond to it because it just happened so fast. 
“Then keep watching as I fuck you myself,” 
So, Zoro slid his cock back inside and grabbed Sanji by his hair to force him to continiously watch himself being fucked from behind by Zoro while one hand was tight on his waist. Sanji could hardly hold back the cries for Zoro as his pace was brutal and fast. The thing was that it was making his nose bleed even worse too...as blood now pooled onto the bedsheets. 
“Look at you. Do you see how pretty you are when you’re being fucked like this?” Zoro gave his ass a slap which got yelp and a small spurt of blood. He could hardly say anything as he watched himself in the mirror, bright faced and looking so vulnerable under Zoro...and he’d never seen himself like this before. “You’re even pretty when I have you like this...”  
It wasn’t much longer that either man could hold up any longer. Sanji didn’t know if it was the small amount of blood loss but when that blinding pleasure hit him and he clenched hard around Zoro’s cock, he saw flashes of blinding light. Due to the clenching, Zoro had no choice but to follow suit and emptied himself inside the blonde. 
Both men were there panting. Not saying anything until Zoro shifted himself, he smacked Sanji’s ass again which got an annoyed gasp before Zoro spoke, “You got blood on my bedsheets. Nosebleed pervert,” Which was met with a small kiss on the cheek...so Sanji didn’t mind the taunting. 
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whxre-bxby · 8 months
The recoms x reader with competitions sounds hilarious
I can totally imagine them having weird ass competitions Lol
Can't wait for that one
Yeah, this has been in my inbox for ages so glad to finally post it
"Pecking Order"
f. Y/N Recom x Recom Quaritch /Lyle /Prager /Mansk /Brown /Lopez /Ja /Walker /Zdinarsk
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Summary: Being a recom soldier is difficult. Especially when dealing with the new instincts and needs the body requires. To keep his team sane, Quaritch comes up with a solution in which Y/N is shared with everyone.
Warnings: indication of smut, little bit of fluff, depressing ending, outrageously minimal wordcount (my apologies)
Word Count: 1590
(I'm sorry about how short this is, but I'm really struggling to write at the moment because I have so much going on)
(Once again I am pretending that Warren and Zhang don’t exist, I am sorry to those who like them but I really don’t.)
Being on Pandora is weird. It’s a whole new planet. But what’s even weirder is being on a foreign planet in a foreign body. Another human’s body wouldn’t have been so bad, but no, you’re blue now. You and your squad along with your Colonel have all permanently become Avatars. It takes a lot of time to get used to the changes. It seems like you discover something new about yourselves every day. Luckily it’s been almost two months since you woke up from criyo. 
It seems as though the foreign environment and new feelings have almost strengthened the connection of the team. You all got along when you had to before but now you feel like they are all close friends to you. 
One evening at dinner, Lyle had brought up how most soldiers used to have fuck-buddies to get through life on Pandora. Most of the team did back then too. Now, it seemed as though no one had even thought about it. You and the others didn’t exactly know how everything worked so the subject was ignored and brushed off. But it was definitely not forgotten.
It had quite literally been years since any one of you had experienced any form of sexual pleasure. That was suppressed in the beginning but the Avatar’s body language was more visible than a human's and it was more difficult to control and suppress emotions. 
At one point in time, all recoms including you were constantly tense and distracted. No one was able to fully focus during training anymore and Quaritch noticed this. He himself had the same problem and he knew he couldn’t send his squad out into the forest like this. You would die on the first day out. The Colonel would rather solve the problem in any way possible than explain what is happening to the General. The recoms are meant to be reliable and professional. What is happening to all of you is getting in the way of both those things. 
The Colonel forced everyone to attend his ‘emergency meeting’ even though you all had the rest of the day off. The atmosphere was thick and you found it hard to breathe even though the room was ventilated. 
Quaritch had made you all sit down to listen to him but your attention was barely on his words. Instead, you were subconsciously studying Mansk. He was calmly fiddling with his fingers but you noticed how strained his arms were and how far back he had his ears pinned. Nobody was relaxed. 
You also realised earlier today that you basically lost control of your tail. It’s just doing its own thing at this point and there is nothing you can do about it. 
The Colonel started explaining his recent observations of our behaviour and you immediately thought you were all being scolded. But you were wrong. 
“The only option I see te’ help us with our probem,” Quaritch says, inhaling deeply as if he were not sure how we would react. “Is to fuck it out.” 
Lyle snorts, thinking his superior is joking but Quaritch is dead serious. 
“Suggest otherwise, Corporal Wainfleet.” The Colonel says, sternly glaring at Lyle. I stare at both of them with wide eyes. No way is he suggesting this. 
There was some kind of argumentative discussion between the two but you have tuned out, blankly staring past Quaritch and at the wall behind him. This room had no windows, so no one could see or come in here because it was a recom only area. 
“Y/N.” Quaritch’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. You glance up at him while Mansk shifts his gaze to you. 
“You’re with me.” he orders, watching your surprised yet innocent face process the information. 
“No fuckin’ way.” Mansk interrupts. You stare at him now, completely surprised by his words. Mansk never objects or argues with people. He’s the best soldier when it comes to following orders. This is out of character for him. 
Quaritch doesn’t seem pleased by his words but once again to your surprise, he doesn’t put Mansk in his place. Since this isn’t a professional environment anymore, it seems as though the ranks between the soldiers don’t play such a big role. 
A few other recoms back Mansk up, not liking that the Colonel wants you to himself which still baffles you. 
But it turns out, they all seemed to have taken a liking to you. Most soldiers were ignorant and self-centred. You weren’t. You seemed almost naturally submissive to the others, especially as an Avatar. Something about you, perhaps your scent of strong pheromones, drew them to you.
So that evening, while you were being eyed hungrily by every single one of your teammates, they made a fair plan. In their free time, they would hold weekly competitions to figure out the order of who gets the most time with you. You were included and nothing was forced on you.
Since life in the RDA was really dull and colourless, these planned activities and competitions amused everyone. 
To keep it fair, it wouldn’t always be the same task to win, it would be changed so that everyone gets a chance. Otherwise, it would always be the same people with you. 
The first and most obvious challenge was a physical strength competition. This one lasted a long time and it went all the way from who could hold themselves in a plank position the longest to wrestling in the gym. In the third week, things took a drastic turn when Lyle decided to time himself to see how fast he could make you cum. Any technique was allowed and on the same day, everyone had their turn which had you not only fucked out but completely dumb and tired for the rest of the day. 
Z-Dog won that one and right behind her was Walker. Lopez was next and all three of them took great pride in it. It seems as though oral sex was the way to go.
Quaritch was always near the top and most often the first on the leaderboard in the physical challenges. Which meant you spent a lot of time in his room, which you honestly didn’t mind. While he was a brutal and cold-hearted man on the outside, he took care of you behind closed doors. Miles picked you up and walked you to his room when it suited the two of you. There, he took his time with you. Nothing was ever rushed because he wanted you to enjoy it as much as he did. 
Let’s just say, you always slept well after having sex with him and he took care of you in his bed, letting you sleep in it. You always left his room feeling satisfied in the morning. Lyle, Mansk and Prager were also usually quite at the top so when you and Quaritch would finish, they would get a day of the week each to spend with you. Sometimes, you had a few of them at once. 
Normally, you would feel bad about yourself for sleeping around so much but they made you feel like you are all that matters to them, so you rarely worried about that. You didn’t feel used, you felt loved. Something you had been deprived of since you left Earth years ago. 
Once everyone had a turn and the feral instincts calmed down, the competitions continued but they became more funny than serious. At this point, you were all just doing it for shits and giggles because there really wasn’t anything else to do. Except for finding Sully but that mission wasn’t ready yet. 
So the subjects of the competitions started to change along with everyone’s behaviour. The lust has been brought under control so you weren’t as tired anymore and only occasionally had sex with the recoms that needed it. 
A cooking competition was held which turned into a completely messy disaster. Mansk won it by far but at what cost? The oven had exploded because Ja refused to take the food out, claiming it wasn’t done yet. Lopez put metal in the microwave which really damaged the machine and you can’t quite remember how it happened but Z-Dog and Walker had accidentally set a curtain on fire. Instead of trying to put out the flames, they got angry because “What’s a fuckin’ curtain doin’ in the kitchen anyway?!”.
Another one was who could breathe oxygen for the longest because we were now adapted to Pandora’s air. Prager won. He said he used to dive regularly back on Earth so he was able to hold his breath for a long time. 
Brown and Walker almost lost consciousness. 
It kept going on and on like this because it was all the fun you had. Even when the mission started, the challenges were who could tame their Ikran the fastest, who could guess the Na’vi words correctly and who could properly land a fall from the Ikran. You started taking part in the competitions just for your own fun. It really had brought everyone together but eventually, all good things must come to an end. 
When you started encountering Sully, you began losing soldiers and once some teammates were gone, no one was feeling good enough to even suggest anything fun. From that point of, you all just wanted to finish your mission and end this.
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Enjoy the bunnies instead of the abrupt ending :)
Tag List: @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @jatwow @numarusworld @number1gal @ikranwings
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hey!! you don’t have to answer this of course, but i was just wondering if you could give me some advice for kissing… and like how on earth it works??
my girlfriend and i had our first kiss yesterday and we were really confused as to how you actually do it…..
thanks!! :) :) :)
So, I will start off by saying that every person has their kissing preferences, things they like, things they don’t like, so feel free to pick and choose what you’d want to try.
• go slow, don’t rush. You’re having a moment, not competing in a race. Personally, too fast feels like someone’s trying to eat your face (weird visual, but yeah 😭).
• if your jaw is straining when/if you open your mouth, your mouth is open too wide.
• if you haven’t done the open mouth kissing yet, but want to try, just open your mouth a bit, you can let your tongue kind of fill the space. At first, it can be just a little tongue, just just out of your mouth to theirs. Then when you get more confident, you can use more tongue. And please, move your tongue 😭 nothing weirder than someone just sticking their tongue in your mouth and staying still.
• when I say moving your tongue around, it kind of rubs against the other person’s tongue. You guys can find a rhythm/movement that works for you.
• some people enjoy lightly sucking the tip of someone’s tongue while kissing. It isn’t too long, just a few seconds. You can try that out once you’ve both got the hang of tongue kissing.
• this might be personal preference, but between kisses, you can suck their bottom lip, or tug it between your lips/lightly between your teeth. A lot of people go feral for this.
• throw in a few light pecks in between before a deep kiss and resuming making out.
• if you feel like they might be getting bored, the next time you switch to pecks, kiss from their lips, to the corner of their mouth, to their cheek and down to their neck. If they tilt their head to give you more access, that’s typically a go ahead. You don’t have to give them a hickey (us working adults especially can’t be walking around with hickeys all over our necks), just plant kisses down their neck, maybe throw in a few ‘nips’ with your lips. Do what feels right, and watch their response too. Eventually, move back up to their lips, either kissing your way but up, or just moving straight there.
These are just some things I’ve enjoyed or people I’ve kissed have enjoyed. It’s really about preference and communicating what you guys enjoy.
Half the people I’ve kissed only enjoy a little tongue, while the other half will put their entire tongue in your mouth if they can.
Most people I’ve kissed get turned allll the way on with the neck kisses, while some just kind of freeze like, ‘uuhhh… what are you doing…?? 😳’
I guess the most important thing to remember is to try it different things and communicate with each other while you figure things out.
go slow at first, tempo can increase if that’s your thing, and also remember that you’re kissing, not trying to eat the other person’s face. I have yet to meet anyone who likes that completely open mouth with teeth kind of scraping the other person’s lips.
Story time I guess 😭:
There was this three-way kiss happening, and one of the girls was practically eating our faces. The other girl and I gently explained that it was not enjoyable, and gently helped her kind of correct that.
Another time, this person cut my lip with their mouth open too wide and their teeth knocking my lips each time 😭
If anyone else has something to add, please do ❤️ I have plenty experience, but I definitely don’t know everything.
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augustjustice · 1 year
i HAVE to go with steddie bodyswap 👀
I'm so glad you asked about this one! Bodyswap is one of my favorite tropes, so this fic is a bit of a pet project for me. It's set post-S4, around April. Eddie is still trying to finish up his final senior year, and the boys each get a taste of each other's respective struggles with school/parents/chronic pain, etc while their friendship is still somewhat new but they're already steadily growing closer. There's also a lot of silly shenanigans with the rest of the ensemble figuring out what's going on with them along the way, and a little bit of plot explanation for why exactly this happened.
A decent-sized chunk of shenanigans below the cut:
It's not his finest moment. 
Because Eddie is only half paying attention when Robin turns pointedly to Steve, frowning as she gives him a curious, probing look. 
"Hey, Steve," she starts slowly, a questioning lilt to her voice, "did you hear about Tammy Thompson?"
Steve snorts, shooting Robin a coy, teasing look. 
"What, is Muppets Live back in town?" he asks expectantly, like he's waiting for her accompanying cackle of laughter. 
It never comes. 
Instead, Robin's eyes widen as she breathes out, "Holy shit."
"Holy shit, I'm not crazy."
Then she wallops Steve hard on the arm. 
"Ow!" Steve shouts, clutching Eddie's shoulder a tad dramatically as he pouts at her. "What the hell was that for?!" 
"That was for lying to me, Steve Harrington," Robin snaps pointedly, and Steve's eyes widen as the penny drops. 
"Oh, shit."
"Oh shit is right," Eddie agrees from Robin's other side. 
Robin turns and smacks him too. 
"Damn, Buckley, put those guns away," Eddie complains. 
"I'm mad at you, too, Dingus #2."
"I think, technically, I'm Dingus #1 right now."
"Hey," Steve protests with a laugh, "You can't steal the top spot from me, Munson. I'll always be Dingus #1."
"You're damn right you are," Robin interjects. "And also, can I just say…what the fuck, you guys?!" 
"Steve?" she confirms again. 
Steve looks sheepish, giving her that awkward little wave he sometimes does, wiggling all of Eddie’s ringed fingers in a way Eddie really doesn’t think he should still find endearing when Steve is wearing his body.
“Hey, Rob.” 
She whips back around to Eddie, looking almost bug-eyed.
He gestures to his own borrowed body with a dramatic flourish.
“In Harrington’s handsome flesh.”
“Oh my god, that really is you inside of there.”
“‘Fraid so,” Eddie tilts his head in acknowledgment. “We’ve gone full Invasion of the Body Snatchers on you, Buck.”
Steve’s brow creases, face screwing up in genuine confusion.
Eddie definitely shouldn’t find the way his nose crinkles and mouth goes all crooked, the way they always do, cute. At this rate he’s gonna develop some kind of a complex. 
“I thought it was Freaky Friday?” Steve says quietly, like he’s talking more to himself than he is to them. 
The back of Robin’s head hits the wall with a thud, like she’s been physically hit full force with the reality of the situation. 
“And here I thought alternate dimensions beneath our feet waiting to swallow us whole was as weird as it was gonna get around here, but, no. We’ve officially found a weirder place. Somebody alert The Weekly Watcher.”
A moment passes, and then her eyes widen in what looks to be slow dawning horror. 
"Wait!” Robin jabs a finger in Eddie’s direction. “I told you about–but…oh, god, it wasn't you."
While Eddie blinks owlishly at her, she jerks her head around to look at Steve, doing that thing they do where they have a whole silent conversation with just their eyes and eyebrows. 
"God, this is weird," Robin confesses when they seem to have settled whatever just happened. 
"Yeah," Steve agrees with a sigh, "tell me about it."
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baura-bear · 1 year
can u pls talk some more about ryan kopel’s davey i am Begging (thank u for all the posts about uksies it is keeping me sane)
um. i wrote a lot.
"For me I think he's just gotten weirder and weirder as time goes on um, just, yeah, all his quirks and everything have started to come out much more than they were in December. Hopefully he will just continue to get even stranger" -Ryan Kopel about how Davey has changed as time goes on (from Wednesday's Q&A)
Thought that quote was fitting to start off with. Like I said, I saw the show in March so I definitely got a "weirder" version of Davey than I might have if I'd gone in December. I've listened to audio boots from pre-March and I can tell just from his line delivery how much his character has changed and it's incredible. (I would like to say I am interpreting "weird" as autistic because I say so). He is constantly stimming and his acting is so physical he's always bouncing around, limbs flailing about in such a cartoony way it's amazing. Rocks back and forth on his feet a lot, hugs papers, fiddles with strap of paper bag, taps thumbs together and wipes hands on front of his pants regularly. He also has a habit of clasping his hands together in front or behind him and it makes him look really sweet.
Even his growth from act 1 to act 2 is so fun to watch. When he first meets the newsies they ALL seem skeptical of him, Crutchie gives him BOMBASTIC side eye and Race is very snarky with him. You can see him get more comfortable with them, but there's still a bit of that hesitance which is so interesting to watch. He also gets much more comfortable around Jack which comes across in Watch What Happens (Reprise) and Jack's betrayal scene.
He also is very good at making Davey gay in a 1800s closeted young queer boy sort of way. Javey is strong in this production (if you hadn't figured that out from the numerous backstage pictures). Lot's of the lines he delivers towards Jack are very much Boy-Who-Is-In-Love-But-Very-Bad-At-Hiding-It. He gets SUPER embarrassed about Les looking at the bowery beauties and when he sees Jack's backdrop he very eagerly jumps forward and says "Thats!!- I mean. Uh. that's... really good."
Les and Davey's sibling bond is also so sweet, it's just as strong with every Les (I saw 3/4 of the original Les's). He's always got a hand on his shoulder or his arms wrapped around Les from the back. 99% of the show is Davey looking at Les with absolute astonishment at what he's doing "Buy a pape from a poor orphan boy?" "Oh- no he's not an orphan!" *cue Jack pulling Davey away*
Speaking of which. When Davey's trying to hawk his paper it's to the audience and the last thing he says before Jack cuts in is "Paper? anyone? Not for you"
There are so many good moments in act 2 good lord. I love Watch What Happens (reprise) because Ryan's version isn't so much that David is trying to convince Jack of anything, but rather that Davey already knows he's won the argument and he's being so cocky about it. ALSO THE WAY HE DELIVERS "we are INEVITABLE" is amazing.
I have so many thoughts about the stike rally. First of all when Davey goes up while everyone's chanting for Jack his reaction to the crowd is very much "Oh my god there are so many people here what do I do" rather than Ben Fankhauser's take of a more confident Davey. Multiple times Davey goes over to Medda like a proud little kid showing their mom what they did. When Jack enters (and starts suggesting they disband the union) Davey asks Medda if she knows what's going on and she looks so confused and heart broken by Jack's actions she just shakes her head at Davey. While everyone is yelling at Jack Davey tries multiple to get him to stop by stepping forward and touching his arm or shoulder and even saying "Jack, stop, please Jack stop?" and he actually tries so hard to be understanding. Of course all hell breaks loose and Jack ends up pushing Les to the ground which is what finally breaks Davey he says "What are you doing Jack?" and gestures to Les on the ground before helping him up and running off stage.
Before they print the Newsie Banner Katherine hands her notebook to Davey and he reads it over and writes something in her notebook before handing it back so they can print it.
"People like Joe don't talk to nobodies like us" Davey and Jack both smile sweetly and lean their heads together
I hope this was sufficient :)))))) it was very fun to write. If you made it this far I have one more message: go Listen to Ryan Kopel on Spotify
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imsodishy · 2 years
Harringrove Week Day 2
Drowning is a lot different than Steve expected. There’s way more sunshine for one thing.
Not that he's spent a lot of time thinking about how he might plausibly drown, but there were moments (drunk at the quarry, or drunk at lover’s lake moments mostly), where it seemed like a possibility. So, stone cold sober, on vacation in California is a bit of a surprise.
Not as big of a surprise as the mermaid though.
Or merman?
Or… is it a merman if he’s got legs? Legs, but also fins? Long graceful fins and dizzying whorls of colorful stripes and spots, like the exotic fish Steve saw at the aquarium in Indianapolis on a school trip when he was twelve.
It’s definitely a man that grabs him around the waist and hauls him to the surface. And it’s definitely a man that deposits him, sputtering and coughing back on his rented surf board (that probably should have come with more lessons). A distinctly fishy man.
Chest flat to the board, legs dangling in the water, Steve just clings for a minute. Trying to get his body to believe that he's not going to die today after all, and steadfastly ignoring the bright blue eyes, with weirdly shaped pupils, starring intently at him from across the board.
Until a jet of water hits him square in the face.
“The hell? Did you just spit at me?” Steve demands looking fully at his rescuer for the first time. It’s disturbing honestly, to see a face so obviously human while simultaneously so obviously not.
Steve doesn’t know why he's surprised when the fish man talks back, it’s no weirder than anything else that’s happened so far. “No one ever taught you manners, pretty boy? They don’t say ‘thank you for saving my life’ on dry land?”  He pulls his long hair over his shoulder and twists it into a thick, blonde rope. Steve notices there’s a pointy little shell dangling from his left ear. The merman has an earing, why not.
“Sorry, Mister Merman. Just trying to process a lot of stuff all at once right now, but yeah, sure thank you.” Steve checks his knee-jerk sarcastic tone, “I mean, yeah. Thank you, actually. Thanks for saving my life.”
“Not a merman,” he mutters.
“Excuse me?”
“You see a tail?" He kicks a foot up briefly above the water. His toes look webbed, but it’s definitely one of a pair, "I’m not a merman.”
“Alright, what are you then?” Steve asks skeptically.
The not-a-merman scowls at him and snarls, “A person.”
Steve fights not to roll his eyes, “Fine. We're both people. But if I'm a human, what are you?”
“A siren.” He swings his hair back over his shoulder so it smack Steve in the face with a wet thwack.
Steve freezes halfway through trying to haul his sorry ass up on the surfboard. “Uh, don’t sirens usually, um, drown people?” Steve forces a laugh, like maybe it’s a laughable thought.
The siren flicks a translucent lid over his eyes and, Steve not sure how he knows this, but he instinctively does know, that it’s a gesture of annoyance. A fishy roll of the eyes.
“Sirens do lots of things. You know, like people do.”
Steve nods, finishes his very ungainly scramble up onto the board and straddles it. “Well, lucky for me you were around.” Steve looks down at his rescuer's face, and it’s still alien but it’s undeniably a beautiful kind of oddness, with his strange eyes and warm, tiger stripes on the highpoints of his anatomy.
“You’re a terrible swimmer,” the siren says and any warm fuzzy feeling Steve was starting to feel evaporate. “Maybe you should practice in one of those,” he draws a little square in the air, “Artificial pools you guys build, until you get better.”
“I’m an excellent swimmer,” Steve protests, “I’m a certified lifeguard.”
“What’s that?”
“I save other people from drowning!”
He does that weird blink again, slower. It comes off as less annoyed, more sarcastic.
“I fell of the board, okay, it was very disorienting.” Steve huffs.
“Whatever you say, princess.”
“Steve. My name is Steve.” He extends a hand, the siren stares at it, “Do you guys not do handshakes?”
There’s a long pause before he pulls a hand out of the water and presents it to Steve like he’s expecting a kiss on the back of his wrist. His fingers are webbed like his toes, and tipped in little, needle sharp claws. Steve grasps his hand and gives it a firm shake, “And your name is?”
“Billy,” he says, observing their joined hands like a foreign object.
Harringrove Week Day 2: Sirens, “It's poor judgment', said Grandpa 'to call anything by a name. We don't know what a hobgoblin or a vampire or a troll is. Could be lots of things. You can't heave them into categories with labels and say they'll act one way or another. That'd be silly. They're people. People who do things. Yes, that's the way to put it. People who *do* things.” - Ray Bradbury, The October Country
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imtooscaredforthis · 2 years
Chapter Fourteen: Odd Occurrences
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Mentions of: Stalking, Gaslighting/Manipulation? Paranoia, Anxiety, Sleep Deprivation and Danny being a little shit and fucking w mcs head
A/N: Poor, Poor, Reader…Unfortunately Ghostface is just getting started.
Tags: @mama-miya @vandeaad @moonshineinasippycup @dead-bxxxtch-walking @stwbwwychan @the-fandoms-georgie @froegis
Weird things have been happening. For the past couple of weeks, you keep on getting these strange occurrences in your apartment. You didn’t notice it at first, but when you did, you assumed it was typical forgetfulness.
You’re busy and stressed from work. You’ve lost things and found them in different places plenty of times before, and that’s what you assumed it was.
But then things got weirder. Your shoes, which you would normally take off at the front door, would be found in the bathroom. Your clothes would go missing, especially your underwear. Your books and journals would be moved to separate shelves, and so would the photos of you and your family.
No one had the keys to your apartment, besides the landlord. Considering the fact that she’s sixty-five and is never around, you doubt that she would come into your place and move your shit everywhere.
There were no signs of a break-in, and you had no idea how anyone could be getting into your apartment. For a moment, you almost thought it was haunted. But then, you knew you were being ridiculous. There’s no such thing as ghosts.
But you can’t find a rational explanation for what’s happening, and you’re getting…scared. You feel like you can never be alone anymore, having Jesse drive you to and from work. Most nights you barely get any sleep. Sometimes you don’t even want to leave the Gazette, because that’s the only place where you feel safe.
“______, ______, Hello?” A familiar voice called your name, causing you to flinch. Your bloodshot eyes snapped up from the monitor, spotting Jed standing in front of you.
“Are you alright there? You seem….jumpy.” He asked, a look of concern dawned on his features.
You glanced around, seeing that it was five minutes before closing time and everyone was packing up. You flashed him a small smile, sighing softly. “Yeah, I’m fine, just tired.”
“Jamison’s working you to the bone, huh?” He leaned over your desk, grinning at you. You nodded, letting out a small giggle.
You turned off your computer and grabbed your purse and jacket, preparing to leave for the day. Jed followed after you. “Do you want me to walk you out?”
“Sure, that would be nice.” The two of you exited the building together, making some brief small talk as you left.
You barely know how to make conversation right now, and you can’t focus. All you ever think about is your apartment, and what’s happening. But it’s not just at your apartment.
You’ve also been feeling very paranoid. There’s been this nagging feeling that you can’t explain. It just feels like you’re being watched and followed wherever you go. Even when you’re in public, you don’t feel safe.
You’re hypervigilant, jumping and flinching easily, and frantically searching for anything and everything. A loud noise, a shadow creeping in the corner of your eye, a hooded figure following you..
“Are you sure you’re okay, ______? Lately, you’ve been really out of it.” Jed placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. Your body immediately tensed up, his touch burning against your skin.
“Uh yeah, I’ve just been a bit stressed from work and all. I’m fine, I just could use some rest, is all. Thank you, for your concern though.” You rambled nervously, trying your best not to stumble over your words or stutter.
You haven't told anyone about what’s been happening at your Apartment, and you’re definitely not telling Jed. He’d think you were crazy, and at this point, you wouldn’t disagree with him.
Suddenly, there was a beep of a car horn, making both of you jump. You turned, spotting Jesse pulling up to the curb. “That’s my ride. I’ll see you tomorrow, Jed.”
“See you tomorrow.” With that, you hopped into Jesse’s car, buckling yourself in the passenger’s seat. “Seems like I witnessed a pretty steamy moment. Hand on shoulder? Wow.”
“Just drive, dipshit.”
Letting out a long sigh, you pulled your keys out from your purse, fiddling with them briefly. You were so swamped at the restaurant that you completely forgot about what was happening at home. But now, when you stood in the empty hall of your apartment complex, all you could do was think about it.
Might as well get it over with.
You thought to yourself, twisting the key a few times and jiggling the doorknob before it finally opened. As usual, your things had been moved. Just when you thought you could get a break.
One of your favorite blouses was on the kitchen table, its eggshell white colors now being stained bright red. Upon closer inspection, you realized it wasn’t blood or wine, it was your lipstick.
On the back of it, there was a smiley face drawn on it and a heart. You felt a sick sense of deja vu.
That night at the diner, someone had drawn a circle on the sign in paper. You assumed it was Nate pulling a prank on you, but now you’re not so sure.
Someone or something is fucking with you, and you’ve had it. You panicked, impulsively grabbing your phone and dialing 911. “911, what’s your emergency?”
“This is going to sound crazy, but I think there’s someone in my apartment, or breaking into my apartment when I’m not there. Every time I come home, things have moved around. Like my clothes, my books, and stuff. But there’s no sign of a break-in or anything.” You ranted.
“Has anything been taken from your apartment?” The operator asked.
“Yeah, I think. My Uhm, my underwear. I’ve been losing pairs left and right and I- I don’t know where they went.” You felt your face flush with embarrassment. God, you sound insane. You couldn’t believe you were saying this.
“Is there anyone you know that would do this? How long has it been going on for?”
“No, and that’s why it’s so weird. It’s been happening for a couple of weeks, I think? Maybe more. At first, I thought it was my doing, like I would just put things in other places and forget about them, but it’s getting really strange. Tonight, it was the worst. When I came home, I found this shirt, stained with my lipstick, and there was a smiley face and a heart drawn on the back.”
You paced around nervously, walking over to the kitchen to find the shirt. To your surprise, it was gone. Like it was never there in the first place. You didn’t hear anything or see anyone-
What the hell is going on? Am I going crazy? Is this all in my head?
“What’s your address, ma’am? I can have a car over and have someone check it out. Is there somewhere else you can stay? Somewhere you feel safe?”
You couldn’t answer. You didn’t feel safe anywhere anymore. You didn’t even know what was real.
The last thing you wanted was to waste any more of the police’s time just because you were having a mental breakdown. “I-It’s fine. Nevermind. I’m just being crazy. Thank you, but forget it.”
With that, you hung up the phone. You groaned to yourself, hiding your face in your hands.
What are you going to do?
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discotreque · 2 years
hey amy.txt, i just watched the finale of lower decks. if you feel like it, would you share your thoughts on it? the action was great and the payoff of a whole season of little bits of foreshadowing very satisfying but Mariner forgiving everyone so easily felt a bit iffy to me. also... oh jennifer. i liked you. you feel like there's any future to their relationship?
Aw, thanks! I'm flattered that you want my opinion! Short answer: I basically agree with you. Long answer: well, it's been a while since I talked about this show...
I really enjoyed Season 3. I even liked that I didn't like the Peanut Hamper episode, because it was a truly authentic Weird Bad And Slightly Too Horny Episode Of Star Trek, and those are part of the experience whether we want to admit it or not.
And I certainly didn't dislike the finale—as you said, some supremely satisfying payoffs in there. I especially felt like the climax was a beautiful and crystal-clear execution of Mike McMahan's own personal vision of Star Trek: a bunch of smart people who like each other, solving hard problems together for the greater good (plus jokes). I think they're 3 for 3 in absolutely slamming it home.
Now here comes my great big but, lmao. The S3 finale was also the first episode of this show that felt too ambitious for a half-hour. Dare I say "overstuffed." They had so many things to pay off and so many threads to pull together, and while I think they did a good enough job... again, as you said, some of it felt pretty rushed.
I personally didn't have a problem accepting how quickly Mariner forgave everyone, because I was satisfied (...enough) with the explanation: she had a pattern of impulsive, destructive behaviour for a long time, and while she's turned over a new leaf, she recognizes it was recently enough that she still has trust to rebuild, and she's grown enough to look past her hurt feelings and commit to reconciling with the people who are most important to her—who, importantly, all just almost died, which tends to put things in perspective.
But that explanation I just wrote is three or four times more detailed than what's actually in the script, and what's there goes by very fast. (And, to be fair, efficiently! It's not bad writing by any means.) Especially compared to how long Episode 9 made us sit in the awful stomachache of everyone wrongly judging her... yeah. It doesn't feel balanced, emotionally, does it?
As for Jennifer... idk, I never got that attached. I heard an interview with Mike McMahan right after S2 in which he said (in so many words) that Lower Decks isn't a show about romance, it's about Mariner's personal growth and her friendships, and Jennifer's role in the story would mainly serve those purposes—and he said it with a real "yeahhh, don't get your hopes up" tone, lol, so what we got is about what I was expecting. (I also pretty much stopped caring about Jennifer as soon as Petra Aberdeen showed up, but that's just me being a shallow lesbian, ahem.)
I guess if Lower Decks has a "problem," it's that it's a very good Star Trek series, and a pretty good sitcom, and when it drifts too far away from the latter and towards the former, it's bound to collide with the strictures of TV animation, where 30 extra seconds in your episode adds an actual million dollars to the budget, minimum.
Now, it's not like CBS isn't shovelling more and more money at this show every year. A whole season of hour-longs is never gonna happen—so they'd better git gud about colouring inside those lines—but adding an 11th "episode" to the order, for a double-length season finale? Purely wishful thinking on my part, sure, but weirder things have happened in TV.
So yeah. No major complaints from me, but they definitely need to get this under control:
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Thanks again for asking! This was fun!
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aeoki · 1 year
High and Low: The Centre of the Earth - Chapter 8
Location: ES II Lobby Characters: Hajime & Midori
Season: Autumn Writer: Akira
TL Note:
Tokusatsu / 特撮 (lit. special effects) refers to Japanese films and dramas that make use of practical special effects. Examples of these kinds of works include Godzilla, Ultraman and the Power Rangers.
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Midori: My ears kinda hurt… It’s only natural, though. Only those who put in the effort win in the end.
If anything, it’d be even weirder for someone like me, who isn’t motivated and doesn’t put the effort in, to win.
Hajime: Ah, I didn’t mean to criticise you or anything, Takamine-kun.
I’m sorry. I know I should get my act together but I might still be feeling a bit insecure. So that’s why I’m probably not very considerate right now.
I’m getting a little scared. It feels as if I’ve been dreaming this whole time. It doesn’t feel real.
The first idols I saw when I was younger were the kind of performers who sang and danced on TV.
But the social status of that mere artist grew bigger bit by bit and they’re attempting to take over the entire world now.
It sounds crazy, doesn’t it…? It sounds like something straight from a fantasy novel.
But the world we live in is most definitely gradually being repainted the way ES wishes.
A world of idols, by idols, for idols… It’s the perfect place for us who are idols.
But it seems somewhat scary.
I think it would make a lovely storybook, though.
But I’m not suited in becoming one of the characters in that story.
It feels as if I’m adding on to something bad, something that mustn’t exist, and that scares me.
Midori: It scares you, huh. I kinda get what you mean.
What you said was pretty outspoken but there’s no point in us thinking about big stuff like that, right?
We’re powerless… We’re just kids who, surprisingly, can’t do anything.
Someone out there is writing a story and making idols the protagonist.
They’re probably someone you’re close to like a bigwig from StarPro or CosPro – Someone who has the power to change the world.
We’re powerless within that “big wave” those people have created. No matter how much we kick and struggle, it’s no use.
Even if we frantically fight against them, we’ll just end up like how “Crazy:B” was in summer: squished like a grape and put an end to right there and then.
Hajime: They looked like they were defeated but they were oddly still full of life, though.
Midori: But, in the end, nothing changed even after all that ruckus they made. They did manage to slightly change ES and their idols’ way of thinking, including us.
But “Crazy:B’s” buzzing wasn’t enough to reach very far.
That hasn’t affected anything overseas like this “ES II”. ES is still working to achieve their initial goal to “create a utopia for idols”.
No one can stop them now… At the very least, it’s impossible for us.
The world isn’t so conveniently built just for us and I’ve got no reason to stop them, anyway.
The career path and the line of work I just happened to choose, in order words, idols will just continue to grow and expand. To be honest, that’s a convenient turn of events for me.
That’s why I don’t feel the urge to stop that “big wave”.
Hajime: I-It’s not as though I’m dissatisfied with how ES does things.
But it feels somewhat obscure and scary.
The world I once knew is changing bit by bit… That’s something very, very scary.
Midori: Yeah… I know what you mean. If only time could stop while we’re content and happy with our ordinary everyday lives.
I’d be surrounded by mascot characters in my bed back home and sleeping without a care in the world.
Every morning, Morisawa-senpai would come and wake me up.
I’d complain while we head to school together, talk about trivial stuff with my friends Tetora-kun and Shinobu-kun in the classroom…
After school, we’d meet up with our upperclassmen and Shinkai-senpai would kindly teach us how to do stuff while Morisawa-senpai shows us some weird tokusatsu[*] video…
I’d go home exhausted, have a delicious meal with my family and fall asleep without dreaming.
If only those days could go on forever and ever.
Hajime: …………
Midori: Our upperclassmen graduated and they started working towards their goals to resolve their personal issues or to chase after their dreams.
Shinkai-senpai went to settle his issues back home while Morisawa-senpai became the hero he always wanted to be.
They left “RYUUSEITAI” to us, Tetora-kun became the new leader and we started our new activities together. We messed up a lot, had a million problems and were just fumbling in the dark.
We still managed to adapt to our surroundings and change a little bit while desperately moving forward. 
But the path we were walking on wasn’t connected to anything.
We ended up at a wall and unable to climb over, we just kept stomping in place.
It’s no one’s fault. That was the path we all wanted and chose of our own accord.
But that was a dead end… Tetora-kun and Morisawa-senpai would say it was their fault we got lost and apologise.
They would slam their bodies against the wall with all their might, try and find other paths and push aside bushes full of thorns until they ended up drenched in blood.
I’m just watching the people I care about hurt themselves.
Tokusatsu shows aren’t real. We’re just normal people with no special powers. We can’t pass through time and space.
We can’t go back to how things were. Even if we turn back, it’s just a void; there’s no way to go back.
We’re standing still at a dead end, slowly crumbling down.
I don’t want that to happen but there’s nothing we can do… We’re being washed away by the “big wave” and we’ve reached an inescapable abyss.
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your-sweet-cookies · 1 year
how about: 💝 a kiss on the inner thighs but you choose the muse? bonus points if you choose someone other than niragi and make it a little spicy!
(( OOC: Oh anon, I like this little challenge you are giving me and I shall accept it! :> You are in luck, because I happen to like Chishiya too, so for non-Niragi ships I like to ship Kukki with Chishi, canon characters wise. I haven't written any sexy scenarios yet for a Chishiya x Kukki drabble, so this should be the perfect occasion! Also, the Chishiya in this short story is like a generic Chishiya, so no specific Muse used for this lil one-shoot (unless any of them would like using this as a starter, in which case I won't oppose, but be ware, this is a loooong drabble!). It's just so happens that I borrowed the engagement idea from a joke I have with a friend for our crack ship, in case anyone wonders what's up with the weird marriage topic, it inspired me, so I went with that. So without further ado, I hope you will enjoy this! ;) Also, expect much fluff cause I am a very fluffy kind of writer.))
Obligatory kiss meme 2.0, saucy edition
💝 a kiss on the inner thighs - Ship used: Chishiya x Kukki (Chishiya being the one giving the kiss, while Kukki is the receiver)
(TW: The following contains slight NSFW content)
Engagement and marriage... Two things that for the most part hadn't crossed Kukki's mind in a long time, the only time being maybe once or twice during her very young childhood years. Just like any little girl, she dreamt of one day finding a Prince Charming of her own, whom will ask her the big question and make her his beautiful bride and princess, but other than that, she never thought about this topic at all. That was infantile day dreaming after all, an aspiration long gone once she grew up into her teenage years and then into her young adulthood, and she was still unable to find that 'someone' she once dreamt of. Plus, Kukki was yet to experience her first love and first intimate experiences, so marriage was definitely a foreign topic to her mind.
Yet somehow, strangely enough, she ended up finding both the long awaited 'Prince Charming' and true love she once fantasized about in the one man who also happened to end up becoming her fiancé through a series of weird, unexpected and rather stupid row of events. Even weirder than that, it all happened in a place like the Borderlands of all places! Yeah, destiny sure works in some odd ways sometimes...
Okay, maybe 'Prince Charming' wasn't the best way to describe Chishiya, since even if he was handsome enough to fit the bill, his personality was utter crap. Yet somehow, Kukki still managed to fall in love with him, even with that shitty personality of his; made him fall in love with her (although at first what he loved was only her freaking baking) and finally, she got the blonde to also agree to marrying her (again, the little rascal made it be all about her baking, but in the end, he did say "Yes" to the fateful question...). And now there she was, waiting in their now shared room, as an engaged couple, for Chishiya to be back from the executive meeting of the evening, while she sat patiently on their bed...
It still felt soo freaking odd calling the room and bed 'their' shared property, but since Chishiya agreed to the marriage deal, he had to also accept that now everything he had, as well as everything she owned, was going to become their shared assets and it was only normal for them to cohabitate in the same space. But the sharing part wasn't the thing that got Kukki all worked up. No! What made her heartbeats increase to newer speed limits and her face to become all flustered up was the idea of actually sharing intimate moments with Chishiya, uninterrupted and unbothered for the entire night.
So far, the damn tease kept everything PG-13 between them, the most he ever gave her being cuddles in terms of spending time together in his room and bed, while making out for a little bit. But now, given their new relationship status, Chishiya sure was going to want to do much more than just fall asleep on her, while she brushed his hair and sang him lullabies... And even if he wasn't thinking about it... She wanted it!
Well, Kukki wasn't opposed to the idea, considering that ever since she's gotten the hots for the cynical blonde genius of The Beach, she's had a few 'exciting' dreams of 'what if...?' scenarios involving herself, Chishiya, and the bedroom. But now that things got serious and they were finally going to try the 'real thing', she was a bit (actually extremely) nervous, since it was also going to be Kukki's first time ever.
Unlike her, Chishiya had his fair share of booty slapping, which happened to be quite a lot given his flirtatious behavior (how in God's name she'd even managed to convince him to settle down to only dating and wanting her was still a mystery for Kukki, but she wasn't going to complain about it), so the girl couldn't help but wonder what if he'll find her unexperienced self to be boring, unattractive and unappealing? What if he'll be soo disappointed in her performance in bed that he'll want to dump her then and there?!
But there was no room nor time for this kind of worries. Kukki had to keep her composure and calm and trust her guts, instincts and the knowledge on the matter she'd acquired from the romance novels she's read over the years. There was no point in worrying over pessimistic 'what ifs': she wanted Chishiya, Chishiya wanted her back, so Kukki was going to give her best and get what she wanted in return.
For the occasion, the young woman even went an extra mile, by finding some sexy lingerie, fake cat ears and a fake cat tail, in the hopes that maybe that'll turn him on real good and distract Chishiya from her awkwardness. Now all that was left was to wait for her hubby to come back and see where things took them...
Footsteps echoing down the hallway outside the room signaled that the meeting must've ended and judging by the particular familiar sound pattern of the steps, the one headed towards their room was none other than the person whom Kukki was eagerly waiting for. Three more minutes and the door finally opened, the handsome lean and confident figure of the Diamonds expert genius of The Beach now standing in the doorframe.
Chishiya wasn't expecting to find Kukki already nicely settled in the room, since he'd imagined the process of moving all her things between the two rooms would take a while. But as always, the silver-haired woman managed to exceed his expectations, and he wasn't going to complain about it, especially with the enticing sight sitting on the bed, that greeted him as soon as he entered the room. "I see you've already made yourself comfortable around here." The man hummed, as he closed the door behind himself, setting the inner lock in place before taking a few steps into the room.
"Welcome back from the meeting, Chishi! I am doing very well, thank you for thinking about my well being! I hope everything went okay and well on your end. If you are hungry, I've also made you some delicious shushi and cookies for dinner." Kukki smiled at him and pointed towards the table Chishiya was currently standing next to, two plates with the contents described resting in the middle of it.
"Eh, the meeting was fine... The usual bullshit, Niragi bickering with Hatter, Aguni standing passive in the background like a statue, Kuzuryu licking up Hatter's ass... I guess you can imagine." The blonde chuckled, waving his hand in dismissal at the memory of the meeting. He didn't really comment on the food, but even if he were to be hungry, he was more interested in the 'desert' waiting patiently on the bedsheets.
"But enough about that stupid meeting. I think we have better 'things' to talk about or even do than bother ourselves with Hatter's dumb shit, don't you think so, dear?" Chishiya's tone was suddenly much softer and a note deeper, huskier, as his gaze continued to move up and down Kukki's body, 'eating her up' with his eyes. If he hadn't thought so far that she was sexy, now he definitely considered Kukki one of the sexiest women he's ever seen, and himself a very lucky man to have her all for himself.
"Looks like you've got yourself all dolled up for me. I like that. I guess this whole ordeal with making you my wife doesn't sound soo bad all of a sudden...~" The blonde then smiled and his hand raised up to his hoodie's zipper in order to undo it, to take the material off of his body, action which made the silver-haired woman blush even more intensely now, and not only because of his words.
"Though, I will have to comment on the fact that I thought I've made it very clear that I am NOT a cat, my dear!" The man continued on with his rambling, a smirk replacing the soft smile from earlier as he pretended to be scolding her. "But I won't complain too much about that... You do look rather sexy with those ears and that tail on! Maybe e nice collar would work too, in order to complete the image!" This caused poor Kukki's face to become soo red that she could rival a tomato or strawberry. The young woman felt so shy that she could barely look him in the eyes anymore.
"Maybe we could add that the next time... Right now I don't have any collars available on hand, unfortunately..." Kukki finally managed to blurt out, her voice stuttering a little bit from her nervousness, rendering Chishiya to snort in amusement at her silly cuteness.
And finally, after that long waiting, he'd finally reached the bed, sitting down next to her. In the dim light of the nightstand lamp, the only light source in the entire bedroom, Chishiya's hair, face and body had a different glow and vibe to them, one she hasn't really seen before... He looked soo alluring, so hypnotizing, with the way his light blonde hair reflected in golden hues, how his darkened eyes glistened in the low light, his beautiful lips curled in that soft smirk that for once didn't seem that condescending, and the slight shadows contouring the fine lines of his upper torso and muscles... What a sight! Chishiya was a damn sexy man, and he knew it too!
By now Kukki was probably staring at him, wondering if this was real or just a figment of her imagination, reaction that made the blonde snort once again and lean in to grab her chin between his long slender fingers, forcing her to look him in the eye. "Judging by the lost look in your eyes, I assume you're probably wondering whether or not this is actually real, hmm?" His thumb brushed over Kukki's lower lip, making her shudder a little. "Well, then, allow me to prove it to you that I am as real as can be." The blonde finished whispering in her ear and shifted his attention fully onto her lips, which he captured into a soft light kiss, that he then deepened and slowly turned into a passionate one.
They've kissed many times before this, so the sensation and taste of Chishiya's lips wasn't something unknown to her, but this time around it felt somewhat different... Maybe it was her excitement or the heat starting to rush through her body in anticipation for what could follow next, but this one kiss felt so new and better than anything she'd ever experienced before... It was intoxicating!
Kukki closed her eyes and leant into the kiss, allowing herself to come closer to her lover, timidly resting one hand on his chest, to feel his warmth and beating heart, before pulling him closer by the neck with the other, to which Chishiya obliged like an obedient boy. In just a few moments they changed positions, both now laying down on the soft mattress, the blonde on top of her as they continued what had become a passionate French kiss.
Her body was filled with a new wave of electrifying shivers, heat and arousal at the sensation of the blonde's hands exploring the exposed skin of her body. Each and every piece of skin his fingers caressed felt as if his touch left a burning fire behind, making Kukki tremble and shudder in anticipation and desire, slight soft moans escaping the silver-haired's lips here and there, muffled by their heated kissing.
Oh how much she wanted him! How much she's waited for this moment and the fact that she could call him all hers, knowing fully well that he would not ever leave her side, filled Kukki's heart with so much more love for the man she was crazy about. She felt a sudden urge of telling and showing Chishiya how much she loved him, but the blonde seemed to be one step ahead of her, because as soon as they had to break their kiss for air, he pressed his forehead against hers, and said:
"I know that so far I've always made it be all about your cookies and how good they are, but I don't want you solely for your baking skills. I want you for who you are! For all of you!" He took a short pause before delivering the final line. "I love you Kukki!" His words were still breathless from the intense make out from earlier, yet they managed to reach Kukki's heart and pull at its strings in an instant, making her feel happier than she ever felt because she knew that he really meant it. "I love you too Shuntaro! And I really want you!" The last part was whispered seductively into his ear, resulting in an amused chuckle from the young man.
"Aren't you the sweetest, kitten?" Shuntaro propped himself up on his elbows, staring down at her. "Let me take another look at you! Because my word, you look absolutely ravishing in this lingerie!" He then purred, his smile turning into a smirk he then licked like a starved man who was finally getting a feast.
"Like what you see, my love? I picked it out especially for you... I wanted to please you in every way I could!~" Kukki smiled at him again, gently brushing his face with one hand.
Kukki really looked both adorable and sexy in that white laced lingerie, a subtle flowery pattern covering both the bra and panties, giving it an almost elegant look too. And the white fluffy frills... How could women's undergarments looks soo darn hot while also being so simple in their details? "You are darn lucky I am not like Niragi, otherwise I'd be tempted to rip this cute lingerie off of you this very instant! But, I am not a brute..." He snorted at his own comparison. "I might want you very much right now, but I still want to take my time and make sure that you feel good." Chishiya hummed softly and leant into her touch, kissing the palm of her hand.
"Also, you'll have to tell me the name of the store you picked this up from, because I might want to look what else they have in stock for our future... Activities. You look simply stunning!" When did he turn into a praising machine? He'd never known himself to have this kind of kink, but even so, he didn't really mind it that much, since his compliments seemed to have very positive effects on his partner. Maybe love really has the power to change someone...
Another kiss, down her forearm. "Mmm... That does sound nice of you and because I enjoyed your compliments so far, I'll tell you a little secret... I already took an entire stock worth of various models and types just for you, since I intend to make each and every night of ours unique..." Soo much sudden boldness on her part too. It was rather entertaining for the young man to listen to her and watch her every move and reaction, being very aware too that behind all her boldness, Kukki was really nervous. But it was okay, he was going to take good care of her.
"I don't doubt it and I can't wait to see them all... But for now, I want to really focus and take my time with this moment..." Chishiya finally reached her shoulder, planting a kiss there too, as he then moved to her neck. "I'm going to make sure that this will be absolutely perfect for you..." One kiss to her neck. "...Perfect for both of us..." Another one. "...And unforgettable." A third, followed by a bite, yielding the man a beautiful moan out of his partner's mouth.
So he knew? He was fully aware that she was still... Kukki was a bit surprised, but at the same time, it was to be expected that she couldn't hide anything from him. "Chishi..." The young woman whispered his name softly. "Hmmm? You want to know how I figured it out?" He snorted slightly and placed another row of kisses and bites on her soft skin, leaving a wet trail of hickeys on her neck.
"You reek of virginity, so it wasn't that difficult to figure it out, silly! But don't worry, just relax and leave it all to me, okay?" Chishiya's tone was surprisingly gentle and caring, and most importantly, very understanding, which reassured her. She could finally allow herself to relax and entrust things to him, for Chishiya seemed to know what he was doing and he wanted to make everything worth it for her.
"A-Alright, I will leave it all to you, because I trust you and I love you with everything I have, Shuntaro!" Kukki's words were soo sincere and filled with love for him, that she could barely contain her happiness. Chishiya smiled at her and gave her another peck on the lips, before taking her by surprise, switching his attention to her lower region, getting between her legs.
"And I will also make sure that you'll feel the greatest pleasure that you've ever felt in your whole life! Since you're now my wifey, that gives me more the reason to want to drive you crazy with pleasure!" The blonde smirked seeing her confusion and embarrassment and went on to place a kiss on her inner thigh. "I'll make you feel soo good that everyone in this goddamn place will know that you are mine and mine alone!" Another row of kisses followed. "I can't wait to hear you scream my name... It makes me hard as fuck just thinking about it!"
Yup, Chishiya knew exactly how to play his game and what to do to arouse her, and that was a good thing, because one of the main objectives was to get her very aroused and hot for him.
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a-flux-uchiha · 1 year
Two Definitely not Sheikah and One Actually Sheikah
Teen or Gen, will have some violence soon since...Hyrule Warriors. Includes Sheik of both Hyrule Warriors and Ocarina of Time, and also Impa. Mentioned Darunia and Ruto for now.
For March of the Zeldas day 4
Sheik was under no delusions regarding their own skill, and knew full well that barging into the goron home area and demanding Ruto’s return on the grounds that they had been having a tea party and he’d very much like to go back to doing that, was far out of their skill range. 
However she did seem to have luck on her side, given the fact that a fairly large army that definitely wasn’t from around here had shown up. Not that he was planning on outright approaching them, that would be far too dangerous and risky. Instead, they’d recruited a nearby fairy to go find the leaders and tell them the current situation. Namely that Darunia had gone weird and kidnapped Ruto. The weirder parts had honestly been that A, he hadn’t even bothered with Sheik himself, and B, that he’d mentioned something really weird about Zelda telling him to do it? 
That was particularly weird since Sheik was Zelda, and she definitely would have noticed if she told him to kidnap Ruto. Which he hadn’t. So it was time to try and investigate. 
Sheik had been planning on just sneakily helping this army do the thing, just planning to send the fairy to warn them, then jump in and out if he saw someone in danger. And maybe sneak out with Ruto if possible. 
Of course, given Sheik’s luck, that wasn’t what happened. The fairy came back, flying a circle around their shoulders and chiming something that sounded like an apology before disappearing into a nearby patch of grass. The reason behind the apology quickly became obvious when two people, one a white-haired Sheikah woman with an absolutely massive sword, and a second Sheikah wearing an outfit with a lot of odd similarities to Sheik’s own outfit. A white head thing, blond bangs covering one eye, the red eye in the middle of the primarily blue and grey outfit, plus the lower face covered by a mask and scarf combo. The Sheikah’s outfit was definitely more complicated, and far more armored, 
“Are you Sheik?” The second Sheikah asked incredulously, pointing at them. 
“Yes?” For some unknown reason, as soon as Sheik replied, the woman with the giant sword sighed and put her head in her hands. 
“Why are there two of you?” The woman asked, and Sheik’s gaze immediately swapped to the other Sheikah, who was apparently also Sheik? He pointed at the other one in confusion. How were there two of them? 
“I’m not sure we have the time to question it too much,” the other Sheik said after a minute, arm dropping. “Were you the one to send the fairy?”
Sheik dropped his arm as well, crossing both across his chest. They were feeling a bit self-conscious now, especially with how armored and protective the other one’s outfit looked. “Uh, yeah, I was there when Ruto was kidnapped.” She decided not to mention that they had been having a tea party. 
“Did Darunia give any sort of reason?” 
“Didn’t the fairy tell you? He said something about Zelda.” 
The woman frowned deeply, almost looking like Impa. It was a slightly terrifying comparison. Sheik was rather glad Impa didn’t have a large sword. “She did mention that, although I admittedly hoped it wasn’t true. We’re currently looking for the princess, but I hadn’t thought we’d find her like this.” 
Sheik, extremely confused, glanced at the other Sheik and opened his mouth to ask if the woman was sure they didn’t have Zelda right here when the other Sheik did a quick head shake. 
Oh, so the woman wasn’t aware. Okay. Was there a reason behind this? Was it dangerous for this other Zelda? Was there a problem? Maybe she shouldn’t mention her own identity. Just to be safe. 
"Were you planning on trying to confront Darunia?" The woman asked, coming across as vaguely judgemental about that.
"Uh, not really, I think he'd be too strong for me if he was trying to kill me. I don't feel like biting the dust yet." One hit from the hammer would definitely take out at least her ribs, possibly breaking every other bone in his body at the same time. 
"Reasonable," the other Sheik agreed, nodding. 
"Did you have an intention in sending the fairy out to us?" 
"An intention other than asking you to help rescue my friend? Uh not really. I was going to help, even if probably just a little bit." Sheik shuffled their feet, not meeting either Sheikah's eyes. "Wasn't trying to make you do anything bad." 
The woman still seemed skeptical, but nodded anyway. "We will help. You two stick together and stay where I can see you." 
It felt a little bit like a walk of shame, going back to the rest of the people, who were still walking towards death mountain when they got there. There were only a couple of confused looks, but no one dared outright ask. 
Eventually they ended up at a somewhat fortified area, which they set up in. Sheik wasn't sure why they stopped here at all, although it made mildly more sense when he realized some of the people with them were doctors or other non-combatants, so having a spot for them made sense. 
"This will be our home base," the woman declared to the waiting men. "Take other fortified areas if you can, but if this falls we will lose." Sort of made sense, given the presence of non-combatants. 
She continued into some tactics, which mostly went over Sheik's head. He really hoped that the other Sheik knew what was going on. 
The woman shouted something that sounded vaguely battle cry-ish, and people started scattering. Sheik had definitely missed all of that. Oops. 
The woman came over to them, looking quite intimidating. “Did you catch all of that?” 
“Yes General Impa,” the other Sheik said formally, inclining her head. Sheik copied her automatically, processing that bit of information. This was Impa? Impa was a General in the army? Their own Impa was just their nursemaid and protector, and definitely didn’t have any sort of hand in the military. 
The General Impa pointed off behind her. "You two start over there and work up the right side. We don't know how this will go, if they'll try and go for our base first. They have the home territory advantage, so I'll be staying here to make sure our base is protected. If you have an issue, send a fairy then wait for response before pushing on. Cover each other's backs and anyone near you. Keep track of enemies and don't go haring off if someone runs, stick to the line and your allies." 
Was General Impa trying to encourage them? 
There was a pause, then, “should we have nicknames? Given there are two Sheiks, trying to specify who goes where may be a slight issue.” 
Oh that was a good idea, Sheik didn’t want to accidentally do something that was supposed to be done by the other Sheik. Or just generally mess with anything. 
“What are you proposing? Since you suggested it, I assume you have some in mind.” 
“Rho and Iris.”
Impa just raised an eyebrow, and Sheik shot the other Sheik a very confused glance. Why those? Iris was a flower, but Rho? Cute, and short, but why? And was Sheik supposed to be Rho or Iris? 
Impa watched the other Sheik for a bit longer, then glanced at Sheik, then just shrugged. “Alright. Iris, keep an eye on Rho. I’d rather avoid casualties. Move out.” 
Oh, so Sheik was supposed to be Rho. Okay. This was fine. Probably.
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definesanity · 2 years
Going down in Flames as Two Worlds collide.
Squinting at the light, Luz Noceda closed her eyes, waiting for them to adjust.
Chrips of birds and the sound of the sea greeted her ears.
The sea.
Eyes now open, she gazed around her. It was the forest near the Owl House, as it was months ago when she first came to the Boiling Isles.
...But wouldn't it be different? The Collector did rearrange everything, but...
...No, there's no point thinking on that stuff yet. Everyone probably got scattered, and made their way to the Owl House. With that in mind, Luz got herself up, dusted herself off and began walking.
Luz Noceda gave a shuddering breath, rubbing her eyes in the bathroom.
She thought 'The Owl Lady' was just a nod to Owlbert, not that she could literally turn into a giant Owl Beast.
It was cool, she won't lie! ...Just, you know, when it isn't trying to hunt her down.
After the events of yesterday, she was still feeling jittery, which led her to breathing in and out slowly.
'Okay Luz, I know you had a near death experience yesterday, but you need to calm down.' she thought to herself. 'Sides, it can't get weirder, right?'
Turning back to her mirror, her eyes widened.
She looked at herself, but... her reflection looked tired. Like, hasn't-slept-in-days tired.
Tilting her head to the side, her reflection followed, with Luz noticing a few more details; the reflection wore a jacket with a star on the right and a large 'E' on the left, baby green pants and a red beanie with a eye and... a Bi pin?
She means. It isn't a secret, like, but still, she'd never have the confidence to wear it in front of Mamì.
She wouldn't be mad! ...It's just that, Luz doesn't know how to approach it.
She blinked. Then the mirror blinked a second later. She paused. The two stared at each other.
"...Hi?" she greeted awkwardly.
"Hey." her doppelgänger replied, and Luz yelped.
...The kid was weird. The other kid just as.
Eda sat down, a massive headache going off like fireworks when she visited the Human Realm on November 5th (a celebration of some kind?), and even more confused at the sight in front of her.
On the left: Luz Noceda, the happy-go-lucky girl with an ambitious will to become a Witch despite being human.
On the right: Also Luz Noceda, but looking like she just watched the most disappointing Grudgby match ever.
Trust her, she's made that expression enough as is already.
And, most glaringly of all, wearing her Grudgby jacket.
"...So, am I drunk? Just want to ask that."
"Nope; I mean, maybe a bit... you know, from yesterday, but definitely not drunk!" Happy Luz replied.
Eda turned to face Tired Luz. "Well, getting to the point: who are you?"
"Luz Noceda." she replied, then added, "From like, a few months into the future."
"...What on Titan happened?" Tired Luz didn't answer that. Happy Luz, however, turned to Eda.
"Wait; time travel is real?!"
...Yeah, Eda admits: that's equally as important.
"Time Pools." Tired Luz answered first. "Although, I didn't use one to get here. I don't even know how I managed to get here..."
"...So, you're Luz from the future." a nod. "Who traveled through time to get to the past." another nod.
"How can you prove it...?" Happy Luz suspicious looked at her, then snapped her fingers. "Alright; what happened earlier this night?"
"Eda's Curse acted up, and you--I--learnt how to use the Light Glyph." to emphasise her point, she took out a piece of paper with the Glyph on and tapped it. The paper then went in onto itself, and became a ball of light that hovered over Tired Luz's hand.
"...Eh, good enough for me." Eda shrugged, then turned serious again. "Alright, kid. I'm not as heartless as I'm made out to be, but I am very good at not thinking things through without Apple Blood. Soooooooo..." she turned to Luz. "Mind keeping yourself company until we can send her back?"
Happy Luz's smile was radiant. Tired Luz also smiled, but perhaps from relief that Eda wasn't thinking things through probably.
Ah well. She can worry about that later.
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
i genuinely think that that last ask you got showcases PERFECTLY how fandom has gotten too close to the creators of their shows. im not saying its necessarily a bad thing, but like the assumption that whats good for the Story thats being told MUST be what is "good" for the fandom (ie what the fandom wants to see) is so...yeah there are definitely creators who knew that what would be a good ending for their story would be what fans wanted most and purposely spited their fans (sobbing in s/pn fan rn lmao) but like... ultimately a story being told is always at the whims of the storyteller, not the audience.
anyway neo fan 🤝 cinder fan: people want my fave dead for hurting their ship even though narratively it makes no sense and would provide no catharsis/genuine development of the story for them to be violently murdered/redemption via death'd.
love u seraphina i finally got a day off again tomorrow so im gonna read more skimming eye and try to get into my drawing headspace bc i wanna draw cinder cradling jaune for you <3
Yes, the anon ask in question. I just want to clarify for other people reading your ask and my response here, I don't believe that anon intended it in the sense that they agree with the conclusion that fandom catharsis is predicated upon the fandom getting exactly what they want. Obviously what we discussed there and now here is that popular notion. I also think, given that it's a popular notion, people are not at fault for believing it, so I hold no ill will (even if the anon asker in question did mean it in the way they agree with it, or the ask was a gotcha of some sort). It's still worthwhile to talk about.
I should note that it can be really hard to tell the agenda of an anonymous asker, for good or ill. I know myself, having sent anons, there have sometimes been misunderstandings. I usually try to assume the better, though sometimes that is a task and a half and I want a fucking medal for it. On the upside, when you get a really good anon and I get to write something interesting (even if it's someone ticking me off), the experience can overall be very positive. So if someone has an issue with me and sends an anon ask, I'm still usually happy to answer it.
I draw the line at people not reading what I say and wasting my time or me not having personal interest in responding to something. It's otherwise a lot of fun. I love being a full-time diva.
Back to the question at hand: the intimate relationship between fan, work, and author is a bit weird to me overall. It gets weirder when the work acts as personal pleaser or personal insult. I mean, storytellers have outright come and said they've changed story direction based on Redditors figuring out the story, or because they don't want to give an obvious ending, or they don't want to give fans what they want purely on the basis of not wanting to give fans what they want... it is totally bizarre.
Then in the reverse, we get the sense of ownership - rather, entitlement - fans have over the way a story should be told, and that the authors should be directly addressing them. I don't think ownership over a story is necessarily bad... copyright has completely transformed the way we think of our relationship to stories... it's entitlement and personal insult that's more the issue. I love R/WBY. I love the way I interpret R/WBY. I like writing about it. My emotional response to belongs to me. No matter what happens, what I invested was meaningful. But that doesn't mean I control the creators. In fact, I think that in itself is the death of art... isn't art a doorway to other minds and worlds?
To speak frankly, I don't necessarily know what Cinder's redemption in canon is going to be characterised like - I can only draw that from other redemptions and make attempts at guessing the overall tonal feeling.
I have some idea of one storybeat we might hit (confrontation between Jaune and Cinder over the Relic of Choice). That's the last Relic and will be when some of the cast returns to Vale, well after Vacuo. I don't know what subsequent development is going to look like. Volume 8 was essentially the Cinder Volume when Ruby had the Ruby Volume of Volume 6. I expect that means things will be lighter in Volume 9, unless Volume 9 involves Jaune development in respect to Cinder. At the rate the story goes, I think we may not get more Cinder interiority for some time. Then again, I'm basing this off of the V4/V5 -> end of V7/V8 development pattern.
I'm not exactly busting to see Volume 9 in this respect - I want to see how they characterise katabasis for sure, and I really like the show lol - but I know we're still a long way off from when we get a definite answer for her redemption, and I don't know what it's going to look like in the meantime.
I hope to be surprised in a positive way. I was seriously shocked they went as far as they did with her (in a good way) in V8. I never would have expected they'd go so far as to make direct cinematic parallel with the Byronic hero painting of Byronic hero paintings with her.
anyway neo fan 🤝 cinder fan: people want my fave dead for hurting their ship even though narratively it makes no sense and would provide no catharsis/genuine development of the story for them to be violently murdered/redemption via death'd.
I laughed aloud, truly. Even if you're arguing from the point of catharsis, I don't think the case is that it is cathartic (in either the tragic or satisfying sense), and then to further that I don't think fans who avidly want her dead would, er, feel satisfied. To do so, we'd need to rewrite the story rather early on.
I didn't get into it in that post or other posts, but I have sort of gestured at the idea that Cinder is more personally offensive as a villain because she killed Pyrrha and not the other characters she has killed, despite the Pyrrha kill arguably being more 'just'. That's interesting! I obviously think Pyrrha is meant to be the symbolic representation of Cinder's misdeeds up to that point (and overall is in the entire story), that's why Jaune's tied to her. So it's doing its job.
It's just that Ironwood is more excusable for point-blank executing an unarmed councillor than the natural result of combat between Huntresses (and the final fight of the Vytal Festival, really). Or like, it was totally out of character or something. That's what I mean about what you're willing to extend towards the character and your perspective. Even seeing that act through Winter and Harriet's eyes doesn't convey the proper perspective conflict to people who are willing to overlook everything Ironwood does altogether. Wasp nest! Wasp nest! I kicked it!
The interesting thing about Cinder's redemption arc is the context it takes place in. Ironwood's corruption arc, chiefly, but we've also got the loaded tragic context of Pyrrha. It's not that I think 'revenge bad' is the ultimate takeaway. The ultimate takeaway is much more complicated than that, and if you validate Cinder's perspective - as I have said over and over - then she was right. She was right to kill Pyrrha. It really is kill or be killed.
The ultimate takeaway involves a much more complex upheaval of the relationship of the characters... and the ideals of the Huntsmen and Huntresses... and everything. That's why it's interesting. Part of the issue with the 'Cinder should die' statement is that the loaded thematic gun in the Maiden power which Cinder carries is waiting to be fired, and when you overhaul/redeem through her, you overhaul/redeem the story by extension. Things mean things!
It's not just coming from a place of, 'Me like Cinder me no want Cinder die', it's coming from a place of serious narrative consideration. Lol
So the more interesting question is how do you answer Pyrrha's tragedy in an interesting way? R/WBY is not a tragedy overall. Pyrrha's sacrifice in the story and the symbolic things her death represents (the death of innocence, the death of childhood) are very interesting. That these are pertinent themes in Cinder's own story is suspicious.
Pyrrha's death means something, Cinder's life could mean something. Come on!!! Life, death, and rebirth!!
Is it 'fair' that Pyrrha doesn't get that? I've seen this opinion expressed. It's not really about fairness because Pyrrha isn't real. It's a story trying to say something. From death comes rebirth, it's why Pyrrha's Fall Maiden candidacy is linked to Cinder. It's not tragedy all the way down forever. The character who believes that and perpetuates that perspective bringing down tragedy on other characters needs to be proven wrong.
love u seraphina i finally got a day off again tomorrow so im gonna read more skimming eye and try to get into my drawing headspace bc i wanna draw cinder cradling jaune for you <3
Love to you as well! I hope you have a lovely day off and my fic is a nice accompaniment to that! That's so kind of you as well, I hope you have fun drawing. I know the scene you're talking about; that's very choice. (o:
Hope you have a good evening and take care! Thanks for your ask. (:
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howlingday · 2 years
Jaune’s day has been one of questions. First he woke up feeling like someone lit a bonfire in his skull along with the vague recollection of a party the night before. Must’ve been a big one for the mess outside. Then in an odd bout of awareness, he started taking note of how different everyone was acting and how they were treating him, including the students from the other academies. Some guys are giving him death glares while others are thanking/congratulating him. Some girls are stalking him, a few catcalled him, he even recognized the looks on some as the look Saph gives Terrra, among many other things. Glynda seems shy! His friends aren’t much better either. Weiss is calling him by his first name and weirdly friendly, Blake is doing the whole ‘I’m going to pretend I’m aloof but I really want your attention’ clingy cat bit, Nora looks wore out, Ren looks smug, Yang is blushing, Pyr is near glowing, and Ruby is stuck in la la land. Ozpin is the only one who seems unfazed. Is anyone going to give him any answers? Probably not.
Ozpin: Mr. Arc, how might I help you?
Jaune: Hello, Professor Ozpin. Um, I was just wondering what happened last night?
Ozpin: I see. Please, take a seat. What do you mean by "what happened last night", Mr. Arc?
Jaune: Well, I woke up this morning in the arms of the statues, and my head felt like someone poured fuel onto it and just tossed fire dust on top.
Ozpin: I take it you've already seen the nurse?
Jaune: Yes, sir, but my morning only got weirder from there. I was in the waiting room at the nurse's office when some guys I never met threatened to break my arms!
Ozpin: Oh my. And what did you say to defend yourself?
Jaune: I didn't need to say anything! Some girls I never met came by and threatened them, and they took off. Then the girls looked at me, and, well, I didn't feel any safer.
Ozpin: How so?
Jaune: Well, it was kind of like... Did you ever have a cat, sir?
Ozpin: A long time ago, yes.
Jaune: Well, it was like pointing a laser pointer on the ground. Like something clicked inside them, and now they're hungry for something!
Ozpin: The thrill of the hunt perhaps? And what next? Did they sink their claws into you?
Jaune: Very funny, sir, but no. They got scared away by someone else.
Ozpin: Oh, and who might that be?
Jaune: Well-
Glynda: I'm sorry I'm late, Ozpin. I had a difficult night last- J-J-Jaune?!
Jaune: Hello, Professor Goodwitch!
Ozpin: Ah, Glynda! Perfect timing! Perhaps you can help Mr. Arc? It seems he's having trouble remembering the details of the previous night.
Jaune: Do you know what happened?
Glynda: What... happened? (Blushing red, Looking away) Oh, where to start? Perhaps... No, it's too soon! I-I apologize, but I must attend to my class!
Ozpin: It's Sunday, Glynda.
Glynda: (Laughs hysterically) Yes! Papers to grade! Assignments to, uh, assign! (Leaves quickly)
Jaune: Aw, I wanted to thank her for helping at the waiting room.
Ozpin: Ah, so she was your savior?
Jaune: Yeah, but then she got red in the face and ran off. I guess it wasn't serious enough for the nurse to look at.
Ozpin: Was this previous encounter like the one just now?
Jaune: Yeah, it was actually!
Ozpin: Interesting... Speaking of waiting rooms, I take it you were able to see the nurse.
Jaune: Yeah, I did. Apparently, it was a hangover. She said she wasn't surprised after what happened last night.
Ozpin: Ah, that explains the initial problem of your headache.
Jaune: Yeah, but then it leads to more questions! What happened for me to wake up hungover on the statue?!
Ozpin: The plot thickens yet, Mr. Arc. Perhaps if you explained what happened after you left the nurse's office? Did you come straight to my office?
Jaune: No, not yet. I had to head back to shower, so I went back to my dorm. On my way, I ran into Team RWBY.
Ozpin: Yes, and how is Team RWBY?
Jaune: Weird. Really weird.
Ozpin: More so than usual?
Jaune: Yeah. Definitely more.
Jaune: Hey, girls!
Weiss: Oh! Good morning, Jaune!
Jaune: Uh, good morning?
Ozpin: Hardly cause for alarm, Mr. Arc. Ms. Schnee was greeting you.
Jaune: Yeah, with my first name!
Jaune: What, uh, are you guys up to today?
Weiss: We're going to Vale later.
Blake: If you want to come, you can. I mean, n-not like I care.
Jaune: Uh, I'm gonna be here all day.
Blake: AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, really?! Have fun!
Jaune: ...Thanks, I will.
Ozpin: Ah, this is starting to make sense, little by little.
Jaune: Really? Because I am so lost!
Ruby: Eheeheeheehee...
Jaune: You okay, Ruby?
Ruby: Heeheehee! Mmhm!
Jaune: Is she okay? Yang?
Yang: (Ducks behind Weiss)
Ozpin: Rather uncharacteristic of Ms. Xiao Long.
Jaune: Oh, good, so it's not just me. Like, what was wrong with Ruby?
Ozpin: Perhaps the answer lies just a little further?
Jaune: I sure hope so.
Weiss: They're fine, Jaune. We need to hurry before the bullhead leaves. Good-bye, Jaune, and thanks again for last night!
Jaune: Last night?
Ozpin: Last night seems to be the catalyst of these events.
Jaune: If only I knew what what happened. Oh! What about the cameras?!
Ozpin: Cameras?
Jaune: The security footage of last night!
Ozpin: That seems like an excellent point to start. I'll just turn on my computer.
Jaune: You leave your computer off?
Ozpin: It saves on energy bills. There. While it's warming up, continue with your tale. I believe you entered your dorm room?
Jaune: Yeah, and I couldn't believe what I saw when I got back.
Jaune: Hey, guys, I'm back.
Nora: Mmmmmmm...
Jaune: She was just laying there. Not doing anything.
Ozpin: And that's terrible?
Jaune: At ten in the morning? Yeah, it is. Nora's usually up and in everyone's face before seven, but here she was, unconscious on her bed, groaning and mumbling instead of talking.
Ozpin: I suppose it is uncommon for her.
Jaune: I've never seen her like that. Or Ren like he was.
Jaune: Everything okay, Nora?
Nora: Ugh... Mm... Pluh...
Jaune: Uh, okay?
Ren: She's just tired.
Jaune: Oh, morning, Ren! Tired, though?
Ren: It happens. Not often, but it's never unwelcome.
Jaune: I guess. It's weird, though.
Ren: I suppose... if you don't have the stomach for it.
Jaune: Huh?
Ren: But I suppose you don't have the stomach for much, do you, Jaune?
Jaune: What are you-?
Ren: But I digress. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must shower before Nora awakes. (Steps into the bathroom)
Jaune: ...What just happened?
Jaune: He just got all smug, like he was king of the world, and I was some poor country he just conquered to get there!
Ozpin: That is a bit unusual. One would almost say it was out of character for him.
Jaune: You're telling me.
Ozpin: How did your team react when you told them?
Jaune: Well, Nora was still on the bed, half-conscious, and Ren just went into the bathroom. As for Pyrrha, well...
Jaune: Pyrrha? (Nudges her) Pyrrha? It's time to wake.
Pyrrha: (Mumbles, Stirs)
Jaune: Good morning, sleepy-
Jaune: And that's when she punched me.
Ozpin: I take it she apologized?
Jaune: Yeah, or at least I think she did. I don't know what happened, but her face got all red and she started babbling something I couldn't understand.
Ozpin: What did you do?
Jaune: I apologized, and told her that if she needed her space, I would give it to her.
Ozpin: And she calmed down after that?
Jaune: No. If anything, I somehow made it worse. She passed out, so I brought her down to the nurse's office. When I came back up, I told Ren and took my shower.
Ozpin: I see. Well, according to my messages, she was released just a few minutes ago.
Jaune: Phew, that's a relief.
Ozpin: ...
Jaune: ...Wait a minute.
Ozpin: I could wait more.
Jaune: You got a message from the nurse's office! That means your computer was on!
Ozpin: It always was.
Jaune: Why didn't you tell me?!
Ozpin: Two reasons. The first was because I wanted to know your side of the story.
Jaune: Okay, and the second?
Ozpin: The second is this.
Jaune: Ow!
Ozpin: Was for your participation in the party last night, of which my school's destruction is primarily your fault.
Jaune: What?!
Ozpin: See for yourself.
Video 1: The boys of Beacon gathered around a large table, various alcoholic drinks in front of them. Jaune looks nervous, but gains more confidence as the drinks diminished. Eventually, the final four were Jaune, Cardin, Ren, and Fox. Fox then tapped, followed by a puking Cardin, leaving it to the JNPR boys. With a final swig, Jaune set his glass down and stood up. He wandered off-screen, where he never returned. (TIME 8:15-8:27PM)
Video 2: A DJ blasts music in the ballroom as students dance with one another. Jaune stumbles into view until he reaches the DJ. He belches away, then loudly whispers something. Jaune then makes his way to the dance floor, patting his face to ready himself. The song, (Later revealed as "Boiling" by Shelly, based on the DJ track recording) begins to play, signaling Jaune to start dancing... provocatively. He then slips out of his shirt, his body glistening with sweat as if the song was boiling the student. Other students joined in, most noticeably females in their undergarments. One Yang Xiao Long pushed them away, pressing herself into him. He responded by pressing himself into her. As the song ended, Jaune shoved himself into a kiss. The Blonde Brawler became limp and fell to her knees once released. He walked away, leaving her to reach out to him as he tossed his shirt over his shoulder. (TIME 8:30-8:35PM)
Video 3: In the library, Weiss and Blake are sitting at a table, quietly reading. Jaune stumbles in, where he beelines for the water fountain, chugging as much as he can. He then collapses into a seat between the two. The two look at him, then Weiss points her finger at him, clearly shouting something. Jaune nods, then says something. Weiss jabs at him again, but Jaune grabs her arm and pulls her in for a hug. She struggles, but then relaxes into it as Jaune strokes her hair. He looks over to Blake, offering to make this a group hug. She refuses, to which he shrugs. He then walks away, waving goodbye to them. Weiss excitedly waves back, while Blake shyly waves with a blush. (TIME 8:49-9:08PM)
Video 4: In the courtyard, Ruby and Nora are throwing toilet paper around, laughing as they do so. Jaune shows up, wearing his shirt again, asking to join. They pass him a few rolls, with which he covers everything from benches to trees to lampposts, and even over the roof at one point. He covers a camera, mostly obscuring the vision. From one side, however, comes a livid Professor Goodwitch. She, too, then becomes obscured. (TIME 9:30-9:56PM)
Video 5: In a hallway, everything is quiet. No students approach from either direction. No toilet paper thrown. Nothing moved, until a door swung open. Leaning against the doorway was a panting Jaune Arc, shirtless with his pants around his ankles. His body then lifted off the ground a few centimeters, before flying backwards into the closet. The door came shut soon after. (TIME 10:15-11:45)
Video 6: Outside the teacher's lounge, there were also no students. However, this changed when Jaune walked into view, carrying a surprisingly affectionate Professor Goodwitch in his arms. She opened the door, allowing them to enter. Much later, Jaune would exit alone, leaving Glynda inside. (TIME 11:59PM-12:30AM)
Video 7: Jaune stumbles out to the statue, looking up at the heroes of Beacon. He walks around to the front, where he is not seen again for the rest of the evening. Later, Pyrrha runs from the front, her face red from who knows what. (TIME 12:36-12:45AM)
Jaune: Wow...
Ozpin: Indeed. Now, I ask you; what do you intend to do to clean up your mess?
Jaune: Well, I think I'll start with the benches, then work my way up.
Ozpin: The emotional messes, Mr. Arc. My students, and one of my faculty members, are in disarray after your actions last night.
Jaune: Oh, right. Well, I'll just have to talk to them.
Ozpin: Anyone in particular?
Jaune: I think... I'll start with Miss Goodwitch. She's the most mature of the hearts I broke, so I'm hoping we can talk this out like adults.
Glynda: I'd like that. (Jaune whirls around) And please, call me Glynda.
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tons-of-vball-huns · 3 years
could u maybe do a post thats kenma x male reader (or gender neutral, whatever you’re comfortable with !!) where the reader and kenma are hanging out together at kenmas house, and the reader realizes they like him bc he asks to hold their face bc their eyes are so pretty <3 idk just rlly wholesome cutsey affectionate non sexual face holding
like hand on ur cheeks <3 and like kenma asks to hug the reader bc they get really uncomfortable w hugs but they feel okay to get hugged that day
i hope youre having a good day, and if you’re not, hopefully you find time to do something u enjoy :)
sorry my brain is scattered 😭/gen
[a/n: wait that sounds so cute! i have to do this asap because Y E S. thanks for the request, anon! also, i’m making it a gn!reader because that’s kinda like how it usually go about it and i changed it a tiny bit. btw, sorry for being late! love you, keep being you <3]
requests are open! i might be a bit late with the posting because my sat is coming up this saturday.
request is below the cut!
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starring: k. kenma
type: fluff. fluffy fluffy fluff
warnings/others: unhealthy sleeping habits. weird formatting. commas galore. intended lowercase. use of “heck” and “hell”.
wc: 793 words
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fun fact: kenma gets clingy and weirdly cuddly when he’s feeling tired or sleepy and even sleeps while cuddling a large dog plushie. he also takes the brain filter out and just says what he says without a thought and, in his opinion, acted like a drunk person.
fun fact: he would rather die miserably than let other people know about this. he hides the dog inside a suitcase whenever he leaves his room and has even made an elaborate plan to escape to brazil and start his life over if anyone gets even a single clue.
and if we extrapolate this data and think with common sense? you didn’t know either.
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after a long day of school, you decided the best course of action was to just follow kenma home and hang out. it was a friday, and your family went out of town for the weekend, so you didn’t have to worry about returning home on time. besides, you’ve been hanging out forever, you knew no one would even bat an eye.
the two of you decided to play some video games to pass the time.
and that is how you ended up staying up until 7:37am.
one thing about kenma is that although he can easily get up at 2am to play, he has almost zero experience of staying up that long in at least 5 years. and coupled with the day before being an extra-long day — you had to write over 3 pages of notes for one class, had to run 5 laps for pe, and volleyball practice was extended until 5:30pm. he even woke up at 3am the night before to play on his console. he was rightfully more exhausted than usual.
kenma seemed to be weirder than usual to you now. he could barely keep his eyes open now, but neither could you, not after staying up for longer than 24 hours, so that definitely wasn’t it. was it the way he-
kenma placed his controller down and moved a bit closer to you, “wanna hug. can i hug you, (name)?”
you stared at him for a second. yeah, he was definitely acting strange, but he looked absolutely adorable in your opinion. his hands were outstretched, his eyes bleary and barely open, slightly furrowed brows, the tiniest hint of a pout on his cute, pink, kissable li- huh? no. where was your mind going to? you shook your head, “sure? i don’t really mind.”
“i’m happy you said you didn’t mind,” kenma muttered, nuzzling into your neck. “you always said you didn’t really like them so i was a bit worried you wouldn’t wanna.”
you awkwardly patted his back once, twice. this felt like a hallucination, what the heck was even happening? kenma never seemed to be the type to ask for hugs — usually, it was kuroo who was the one who asked for hugs. and you usually weren’t entirely comfortable with hugs, so why the hell did you say you “didn’t really mind”? and why was your cheek a little… warm? the ac was on full-blast, it doesn’t make sense! staying up for 24+ hours does some things to you.
beside you, kenma had stopped snuggling into your neck and moved a tiny bit farther, “hey hey (name)? is it alright if i… hold your face?” he noticed the puzzled look on your face, “it’s just that… your eyes look pretty, like super pretty. i wanna take a closer look. so can i?”
you tentatively nodded your head a little, still super confused. kenma’s face broke into a cute little smile as he shuffled closer to you and put his hands on your cheeks and pulled your face closer, his hands squishing your cheeks in the process. his hands felt incredibly cold against your warm, warm cheeks. you let out an involuntary shiver at the different temperatures.
“woahhh. so pretty, (name). your eyes look really pretty. i wanna keep looking at them forever,” he said, transfixed by your eyes.
you honestly thought your eyes weren’t all that special — you saw them daily so they kinda lost their appeal to you. maybe that was why you felt that feeling in your chest and stomach — fluttering, fluttering, fluttering like pretty little butterflies —, you never thought they looked pretty so maybe that’s why felt so flustered, your cheeks turning warmer, warmer, warmer? or maybe — you looked into kenma’s warm, excited eyes as he was squishing your cheeks and giggling and rambling about your “beautiful eyes” and how much he loved them — was it because it was him?
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three months later, you still loved to tease him about that moment, watching his cheeks turn scarlet in an instant. but however embarrassing it was for him, he was glad it happened.
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