#jaime reyes/bart allen
mlmshipbracket · 3 months
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everything in this chapter
Jaime Reyes/Bart Allen:
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Also they're called Bluepulse and I think it's beautiful
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writing-with-rain · 6 months
Bluepulse Week 2023; Day 1
Dec. 10, 2023
"Young Justice"
Summary: Bart is more than excited for the night ahead, practically vibrating through the floor with every passing second – very slow seconds, he unfortunately laments. This evening, at 5 on the dot, Bart is expecting a knock on the door from his favorite hero in Blue. Sure, his feelings had been conflicting when he had first arrived, Jaime was cute, but Bart had a mission, one that centered around blue and black clad hero he stuck so close to, but dangers had since past, and Bart had found it harder to ignore that gnawing thought. And finally, finally, Bart was going to be going on his first date, both in general and with Jaime. 
Time moves quicker than his own internal clock. 
Bart knows this. Every speedster knows this. Even Don and Dawn, in all this small toddler minded glory, are grasping at the concept that time just moves differently for them. After all, super speed was never just that. 
But this was getting ridiculous. It was as if the world had caught a whiff of his excitement for the night and personally pulled on the reins of time to slow it to less than a trickle. He had been staring at this clock for the last two hours (it had been 2 minutes), and still he seemed no closer to the hour hand landing on the 5 as it was supposed to. 
Jay, who had been all too amused with the situation, had left the doorway he had been standing in – so when Bart let out another over exaggerated sigh there was nothing but a laugh from the older man two rooms over. 
“The clock isn’t gonna get to 5 any faster.” 
Bart’s face scrunched at the comment. “It will if I move the hand.” 
“Don’t you dare, besides,” Jay chimed as he entered Bart’s line of sight once more, “it won’t make Jaime get here earlier.” 
Bart didn’t give more than another annoyed huff, rolling over on his bed and facing the wall. 
“You’ll mess your hair up, Bart,” Jay called, walking back to the kitchen. “Again!” 
He couldn’t help but laugh at that, sitting up and glancing in a mirror to run a hand through his hair once more in a half-hearted attempt to tame it. As unruly as it could be, he did want to look presentable for his first date. Especially when that date was supposed to be with Jaime. 
It was a lulling thought for the moment, a flash flood of memories and emotions in quick succession. 
Too skinny Bart Allen had managed to get to the past, with the sole mission of stopping the Reach apocalypse at any cost. And then he had been face-to-face with The Blue Beetle and hadn’t even realized it at first. His one-track mind had been faster than he was and soon enough Bart had been spending as much time with one Jaime Reyes as he could. But then things had gotten a little complicated – Bart had never let himself become too comfortable with the past, not until he was sure it was fixed, but that hadn’t stopped those little budding feelings from taking root in his brain, deeper and deeper, every time he was around Jaime. 
Small things he did, the way he laughed or the way he rolled his eyes and looked away to hide his smile every time Bart cracked a particularly bad joke were imprinted in his head. And then the speedster caught himself doing it on purpose, just to try and get one more smile or one more laugh out of his friend. 
Surprisingly, the first time he had caught himself calling Jaime his friend, the realization didn’t set him on edge. It had felt completely normal. All of it did, along with those little nudges of protectiveness that he embraced in full force. 
It the Reach was going to take Jaime from him, or even Khaji Da, they were going to have to take Bart out kicking and screaming first. 
And nobody could say that the speedster hadn’t stuck to his guns the moment he decided he was going to pour everything into protecting Jaime – throwing those (now not so reasonable) alternatives to the wind. 
He had. 
He had given every bit of himself to making sure he brought Jaime home. And Jaime had been there for him just as much when Bart was left reeling at the sacrifices it cost. That the Reach had cost them. 
That was how things had stayed for a time. With everyone just figuring out how to heal, and how to navigate a new kind of normal. 
But caught up in his own world and stretched like a starfish across his bed, Bart hadn’t realized that father time had finally gotten around to granting his wish, with the hour hand finally ticking gently over the 5. His mind was still a mile away before he was jolted back to the present by a swift knock on the front door. 
Jay hadn’t even moved from his spot to answer it, knowing Bart would be there faster than a heartbeat. And he was, swinging the door open with a smile bright enough to put the sun to shame. 
For what it was worth, Jaime returned the look with upmost adoration, taking a moment to just look at Bart before the speedster was nudging them out the door; he knew full and well Jay was going to try getting photos for Iris, Bart had heard the conversation earlier over the phone. 
Thankfully Jaime let Bart drag him along without a fuss, following in quick step next to the younger of the pair. “You look good.” 
“Don’t I always?” 
Jaime could only roll his eyes and scoff, “let me compliment you, chiquito.” 
Bart shrugged, looking away as the two made their way down the street and headed further into the city. “It just feels a bit different now, you know?” When he glanced back over to Jaime it wasn’t hard to miss the soft smile on his face. 
“I get it,” he cast a lazy glance over at Bart, meeting his eyes for the first time. “I spent two hours picking my clothes before Mils started making fun of me for worrying.” 
That was an easy scene to picture, Milagro sticking her head into Jaime’s room or sitting on the bed and poking fun at him before he chased her out of the room, or his mom can up to collect her. It was endearing either way it would have played out. 
“I would have thought you looked good either way?” 
“Sure, but you dressed up for our date,” Jaime chimed, knocking shoulders with him for the moment. 
“I had Iris to worry about.” Instead of pulling away, Bart slips his hand into Jaime’s to intertwine their fingers. 
“You’re doing it again.” 
“What?” Bart asks, genuinely puzzled. 
Jaime swings their hands absentmindedly as they continue, taking the lead. “Your nose is scrunched up again, you’re overthinking.” 
Bart hums in acknowledgment. “I’ve been thinking about it since you asked me out -” 
“Since you almost jumped me about it,” Jaime corrects with a sly grin. 
“Since you asked me.” He huffs. “But are things going to change between us? Like, a lot - because what we have is pretty crash.” 
Jaime was quiet for a moment, tugging Bart closer until he was tucked comfortably against his side. “I don’t think it’s going to change as much as you’re worried about.” 
“Good, because I like us.” 
Jaime couldn’t help but smile once again, his hand slipping from Bart’s to tighten around his waist as he dragged him forward for their date. “I like us too.” 
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lordartsy · 9 months
i remember seeing someone bring up adding Blue Beetle to the League, and a comment saying he belongs more with either the Titans or Young Justice. wonder how that'd go 🤔
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incorrectbatfam · 1 month
What's your most basic ship and what is your rarepair/crackship (if you have any)
At the likelihood of peeving off the Arrowfans, my most basic OTP would be Jayroy because they kinda give "I found them in the trash" except they both think they found the other. I have drafts saved for them but I haven't been able to complete anything (yet!).
My rarest one (I posted about them a few times in the past) would be Bart Allen and Jaime Reyes from the Young Justice TV show. Its popularity tapered after season 2 and I haven't been as engaged just because of time/energy, but it's still fun to explore different AUs with them since it's easier than working with big casts like the batfam.
My crackship is Billy Batson and Colin Wilkes. I made a brief mention in a fic years back but I just love to imagine the comedic potential.
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devine-fem · 3 months
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I just found out that Jaime Reyes most popular mlm ships are literally:
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He might have a type…
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puppiesandnightlock · 8 months
thanks to jondami I started reading Timkon and thanks to Timkon as of three hours ago I fell into bluepulse help me people
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sosoribro · 10 months
dc can give jaime all the girlfriends they please.
but nothing can change the fact that they literally advertised blue beetle with the bi colors.
also young justice invasion
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plutonicbees · 5 months
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a graveyard of 2023 wips that are NOT making it to 2024
(+ silly doodles and things I made for friends, mutuals, and cool ppl on the internet)
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spxrw · 1 year
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blueinkjpeg · 6 months
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I’m so sorry I forgot about the sillies @bluepulse-week ! A day or so late for day 7 but here they are!!!
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Happy Mother's Day
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gemini-sensei · 9 months
Y'all I've already shamelessly fancast Jacob as Bart Allen
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dccomicsbracket · 3 months
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Batgirl (2000)
Perhaps my single favourite piece of writing in the comic book medium. This was my introduction to Cassandra Cain, and is the perfect place to get into her. Everyone should read Batgirl #19, and bask in the way it lays out the core of Cass' character with surgical precision. Puckett's Cass is fascinating: a fine balance of absolute confidence in her ability, crushing guilt about her past, a desperation for redemption and to see others redeem themselves, and a fundamental belief in the preservation of life. 1st batgirl on going, very good overall run, do it for Cass everyone its quite literally required reading for cass, babs, and steph. the way kelley puckett is able to explore cass’s character through her relationships with the other bats and the parallels between her and bruce is actually insane. theres so many little details in the visual story telling as well that just make the experience that much better. the fluidity and expressiveness of the art also adds on to the overall experience. it is literally DCs magnum opus Life changing series.
Young Justice (1998)
It's 6-8 fifteen year olds living in a cave, and their only adult supervision is a robot wind machine one of them graffiti-ed all over within the first five minutes of meeting him. The only two with anything even RESEMBLING normal childhoods are the demigod and the son of two billionaires (literally just some guy). They have an alien motorbike and at one point they save the world from aliens by playing baseball. Everyone in it is just so stupid all the time and I love that for them (god bless 🙏) Never has a comic quite that batshit and quite that sincere graced my presence I just love it and I enjoyed reading it
Blue Beetle (2006)
Just a good introduction to a character with a satisfying conclusion. I love you, Jaime, a guy who's just trying to do his best for his loved ones and his local community. I love you Khaji Da, scrungly lil dude speaking in glyphs. I love you, Brenda, and your complicated relationship with your aunt who adores you, but is also a crime lord. I love you Paco, a genuinely good friend. I love Jaime's family and the way they all adjust to Jaime being a superhero. I love the effort made to portray Jaime as a person with community and connections. i looove jaime sososo much he's such a fun protagonist and the developement of his character + his relationship w khaji da is sooo interesting and well written. i love seeing him bond with his little alien bug parasite !! all of the side characters are also so great like brenda and paco are so fun and la dama is suuuch an interesting character. jaime's family is also so lovely they clearly care abt jaime so much and its nice to see a kid superhero with parents who respect and also deeply care abt their kid. the art is also very fun overall its just a really stellar run Quite honestly one of the best written comic runs I've ever read, DC or otherwise. It flips so many standard comic book tropes on their heads and does it well. The main character is the epitome of just some guy and he is my favorite of all time. AMAZING characters. Fresh perspectives on comics tropes that are so overused it's hard to imagine comics without them. Everyone is worthy of respect and treated with dignity, even the villains. Khaji Da's character arc is amazing. And the adults make me laugh so much. Guy and Peacemaker as mentors who IMMEDIATELY recognize this kid is FAR more emotionally mature then they are, so they're not going to bother with that side of mentoring!
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sandersgrey · 6 months
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[ID: A digital drawing rendered w a pencil brush. Bart, whose colors are pixelated, is tackling Jaime. Jaime's hugging him to himself and putting his face in Bart's hair. Jaime is fat. End ID.]
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devine-fem · 4 months
the perpetual ping-pong game i’ll put myself through with “reject canon, embrace delusion” and “you guys need to reread the source material” cuz listen in order to transform any piece of media you must know what you’re transforming in the first place. passive fans be WAY TOO loud and intense comic book fans don’t know how to let people have fun. its so annoying.
i can’t even be mad at passive fans because honestly i WISH I COULD UNDO BEING A COMIC BOOK FAN!! I AM EXHAUSTED! i wanna go back to not really caring about the source material and liking the idea of something in my head that got there from one cameo i liked. that was a blessing in disguise
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vintosik · 7 months
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My boys
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