#its just such a nice fast way to express tone ...
rafyki · 2 days
Goth! Nico/ Surfer! Percy AU Part 3!
Here, have some awkward flirting by two absolute lovestruck losers (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Oh how I love writing them being absolute disaster around each other asdsgsdhdff
@neo-kid-funk I managed to finish this part before I thought, I hope you like it!!! And I hope it fuels your inspiration for new art *evil laugh*
(For everyone who hasn't seen it yet, go to Neo's blog and enjoy her beautiful art!! This fic was inspired by her perfect design of older goth Nico <33)
Part 1, Part 2
Nico didn’t expect it to become a habit. He expected it to be a one time thing, the kind of thing that turns your world upside down for a while but doesn’t really change anything in the long run. 
He expected to go back to work the next time for his shift and to not exchange more than a couple of words with Percy.
Even in his wildest fantasies he had not expected Percy to actually go and make conversation with him. 
“Doesn’t it drive you crazy? That you’re always on the beach so close to the ocean yet you can’t go in the water?” 
Percy had his usual drink in his hand, and Nico had been ready to wish him a nice day and watch him walk away as it always happened.
That was how things usually went. Not this.
Nico could feel his world shift around its axis (a little dramatic, yes, he knew, and he also had no doubt that Leo would tease him nonstop if he told him), and an annoying blush creeping up his neck to his face as Percy looked at him with a curious look.
He looked away, trying to find something, anything, to do that would make him appear busy and give him an excuse to avoid those way too perfect eyes.
He had not been prepared for this.
“Uhm”, he started, remembering that he had been asked a question.
He could almost hear Jason’s voice in his head yelling at him that it’s your chance, it’s your chance, talk to him!; together with Leo’s voice screaming go make him fall for you, goth boy!
Shaking his head a little, he tried to shoo them away.
“I’m not a huge fan of the ocean”, he said in the end.
And, well, that had been perhaps the wrong thing to say, judging by Percy’s horrified expression. Eyes wide wide and mouth hanging open there where he had been about to take another sip of his drink, he was looking at Nico like he had just admitted that he liked to kick kittens in his free time. It was equal parts comical and mortifying.
Before Nico could decide if he wanted to laugh at that expression or regret every life choice that had led him up to that point, Percy let out a shocked “What!?”
And for some reason, that made him chuckle, left him smiling behind his hand.
“Was that the wrong answer?”, he asked, trying and probably failing to keep the teasing tone out of his voice. 
Percy took a moment to answer. He was looking at Nico carefully, a weird expression on his face now that Nico couldn’t read. It made Nico feel a little unstable on his feet; he didn’t even realize he was staring right back at Percy until he noticed the slight red on his nose and cheekbones and found himself thinking that it was cute how Percy still got sunburn even when it seemed that he basically lived on the beach under the sun.
Percy cleared his throat, and the world started moving again around them.
“Yes!”, he said. “How can you not like the ocean?”
Nico shrugged, and threw a glance at the immense expanse of water before him. There were a lot of reasons he wasn't really fond of it, but he wasn’t sure Percy would appreciate them.
“It’s not that I don’t like it, I just don’t like getting in the water”.
“That basically means you don’t like it though”.
Nico rolled his eyes. His heart was beating a little too fast, his hands were sweaty, and he kept playing nervously with the rings on his lips. And he wanted nothing more than for this moment and this conversation to stretch on for as long as possible.
“It seems you’re taking this pretty personally”, he said, smiling. 
Percy smiled back, and Nico’s heart replied with somersaults. “I am, I take the ocean very seriously”.
Nico had guessed, but it was nice hearing it directly from Percy, adding this information to his mental list of things I know about him. For some reason, he had the feeling that that list would keep growing from now on.
His eyes fell on the trident tattoo on Percy’s left bicep. It made Nico feel weak in the knees every time he saw it, his mind immediately offering him the haunting thought of what it would feel like under his fingers. He sort of wanted to bite it.
No, not the time for this kind of thoughts!
He was definitely blushing now - he just hoped that the shadow of the kiosk's little roof was enough to hide it. 
You’re the worst, Nico di Angelo, shame on you.
Percy must have noticed where he was looking though, because he glanced at his tattoo too. “Yeah, I guess it was pretty obvious”, he laughed. 
Oh he had such a nice laugh. 
“You’re a big fan of the Little Mermaid?”, Nico asked, because for some reason that was the first thing that had come to his mind.
It made Percy laugh a little more though, so Nico counted it as a victory.
“That’s definitely part of it, I think I must have watched that movie a thousand times when I was little”.
Nico mentally added that new information to his list.
“Maybe you were a mermaid in your past life”, he suggested. “Or some sort of sea god”.
Those last words escaped his mouth before he could hold them back. He had not meant to say them out loud - damn his brain and his too fast mouth and his stupid huge crush. Percy did look like a sea god but that didn’t mean Nico had to say it out loud and expose himself like that. See, that’s why he didn’t want to talk to Percy, he knew he would make a fool of himself. Maybe the ground would be so nice as to open up and swallow him whole right now.
(Oh, he knew his friends would laugh at him like crazy for this later).
When he found the courage to look back at Percy, he found him still smiling, an amused look in his eyes. 
Nico’s stomach curled painfully on itself in a mix of embarrassment and stupid fondness. He was so weak for that look.
“In that case that would mean you just told a sea god that you don’t like the ocean”, Percy said. “That could be a problem”.
“I never said I don’t like it”, Nico pointed out, surprised at himself for how he could still speak despite his internal turmoil. “And also, I said you might have been one in your past life”.
Percy waved a hand. “That doesn’t matter. You know gods aren’t that reasonable”.
“Are you saying I should apologize?”
“Precisely”, Percy said, nodding solemnly.
That was such a weird conversation to have with someone you barely knew. Yet Nico couldn’t hold back the smile growing on his lips. Despite the continuous maelstrom raging inside him, he probably hadn’t stopped smiling for a second the whole time; it made him feel like a fool, but it was alright because Percy had been smiling for the whole time too.
“And how should I do that?”, Nico asked. 
Percy seemed to think about it for a moment. “You could let me teach you how to surf”.
Nico stopped. Time stopped, the whole world stopped, even the waves of the ocean itself probably stopped moving.
In the least useful way possible, his mind conjured the terrible image of himself on a surfboard in the water with Percy wet and handsome next to him, holding him to show him what to do.
No, nope, no way. He would end up drowning after two seconds, either because surfing was definitely not his thing, or because letting the ocean swallow him would be the less embarrassing option.
“Uhm”, was the only thing that came out of his mouth“I… don’t think that would be such a good idea”. 
Why is he asking me this though, oh my god what’s going on here.
His embarrassment must have caught up to Percy, because suddenly his smile turned awkward and so was also the short laugh that escaped his lips.
“I was just joking of course!”, he said quickly. Nico watched the way he rubbed his neck, the way he wasn’t looking at him anymore. “Well, then-”
“I mean!”, Nico cut him off without thinking. 
That well then sounded way too much like Percy was about to leave, and Nico didn’t want that.
The relaxed feeling from before was gone, replaced with awkwardness hanging heavily in the air around them. If he had let Percy leave now, Nico was afraid he wouldn't see him again.
Don’t ruin this! It’s your chance!
This time, he tried his best to listen to his friends’ voices in his head.
“I- I mean”, he said again. “I’m really not good with water”.
He hoped his smile came out more apologetic than absolutely mortified and embarrassed. The pounding of his own heart was deafening almost, he could feel it in his throat, making it hard to breathe and push the words out. “Thanks for the offer though…?”. It came out more like a question than anything.
Idiot idiot idiot.
“Ah- uhm”, Percy, said, letting out an awkward laugh. He wasn't looking at Nico anymore, his eyes fixed on his still half full drink. “Yeah, sure”.
You have to fix this!
“I'll just- look at you surfing and enjoy the ocean from afar for now”.
Weird, that was weird! Had he really just admitted that he would just stare at him? Maybe drowning in the ocean really was the best case scenario for him. No way his blush wasn't visible right now. 
Percy must be thinking that he was the weirdest and creepiest guy right now. Nico wanted to die.
But then, Percy looked back at him, and the look on his face wasn't creeped out or uncomfortable - just surprised, eyes blinking slowly and mouth hanging open like he wanted to say something but didn't know exactly what. Nico watched as a small smile made its way back to his lips. The red sunburn on Percy's cheeks was mesmerizing.
“Sounds good to me”.
And okay, perhaps he hadn't ruined everything completely. Perhaps he would get to talk to Percy again.
Someone cleared their throat behind him, making Nico almost jump out of his skin. He had forgotten there was a whole world outside of himself and the man in front of him.
“Nico, we have to switch, it's time for your break”, Jason's voice reached him, bringing him back to reality. His friend was looking at him with a clear question in his eyes and badly veiled excitement - Nico knew he would want to hear everything about his conversation with Percy later. 
“Yeah, right”, he replied, half relieved and half disappointed that the moment was over.
He turned to Percy. He couldn't read the expression in his eyes. “Well, I have to go”, he said.
Percy nodded. The soft smile was back on his face, and Nico felt his heart melt at the sight. “It was nice talking to you Nico”.
“You too. Have a nice day, Percy”.
It was the first time he called him directly by his name, he realized. It sounded way too nice ok his tongue.
He kept staring at his retreating figure as he walked away, feeling unstable on his feet like someone had suddenly changed the gravity on Earth.
“You okay?”, Jason asked.
“Uhm… I think so? I'm not sure what just happened”.
Jason laughed and put a hand on his shoulder in comfort.
“You can tell me everything later, alright? Come to my and Leo's place after work”.
Nico grimaced at the prospect - he could already feel the teasing that would come of it. But he did need to talk about it, so he nodded.“Yeah, alright”, he agreed. “But I really need a smoke now”.
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martyrbat · 4 months
i love you emojis im so sorry i ever thought you were cringe... 😔🦖🫂
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sparklz02 · 9 months
Is He Gay?
[Lyeny x fem!reader 🪄]
part 2
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“Have you girls heard of the new gossip going around?” Your friend—Alice—asks excitedly.
Another friend—Maria—responds with equal energy, “Are you referring to that gossip?”
Alice squeals, “Yes! That new gossip!”
You look between your two friends with concern but also curiosity, “Did this gossip by chance erupt from the Steambird again?”
Maria shakes her head and tuts, “No, no! Though it might actually catch a publisher's attention soon enough. It is strange how they have yet to write about it though…”
Alice nods her head in agreement, “That is very strange. They are usually very fast when it comes to trending gossip.”
You huff in frustration, “Ok we get it, the Steambird is behind for the first time since its founding days. What’s this gossip???”
Your friends giggle at your frustration before looking at you with excitement. Alice quickly responds cheerfully, “This new gossip is about whether or not the Great Magician Monsieur Lyney is gay!”
You deadpanned, “This is the new trending gossip???”
They gasp in surprise at your lack of surprise. Maria asks in a concerned tone, “Aren’t you even slightly curious yourself Y/N?”
You cross your arms and ask seriously, “How the heck did this even start??? What about him began this whole circulation of his sexual preference??”
Alice grabs her fan and begins to fan herself quickly in disbelief, “Oh my archons, it’s everything about him of course!”
You raise a brow, “‘Everything’ you say? Enlighten me.”
Your friends look around before leaning over the table in a totally not suspicious manner. Alice whispers quietly, “Have you noticed the way he behaves? He is very friendly with the male audience during his performances!”
Maria also quietly chimes in, “His outfit is also very…interesting. No man in Fontaine dresses as exotically as he does!”
Alice adds to her previous comment, “There have also been rumors suggesting that maybe he is bisexual. He may be nice to the male audience but he is also quite suggestive with the ladies!”
Maria nods enthusiastically at Alice’s claims. She adds on to her comment, “Or maybe he is being suggestive with the ladies to hide any evidence that he is gay?”
Alice squeals, “Oh my you are probably onto something Maria! Don’t you think Y/N?”
You had a look of disappointment and deadpanned, “Is he not allowed to be friendly with the audience he is entertaining??”
Your friend's excitement was now washed over with an unamused expression. Alice whines, “Why can’t we be allowed to entertain the possible idea that he could be gay!”
You shrug, “I just find it disrespectful to make assumptions about someone’s preference without gaining confirmation from them.”
Maria pouts, “You know very well that we are unable to approach him! Security is too tight and surely he will run away from us thinking that we are deranged fans!”
You mumbled quietly, “I wouldn’t blame him for thinking that…”
Your friends gasp and Maria cries, “I heard that! Oh you wound me…!”
Alice pretends to wipe away a tear, “And here we thought you would understand us Y/N. How dare you make fun of your dear friends!”
You chuckle at their antics, “You girls can stop exaggerating now.” You place your hands on the table and quickly change the topic, “But seriously how is his attire and behavior weird? He is a Magician after all. He is supposed to be ‘other-worldly’ or ‘magical’.”
Maria replies, “Ok that is a very fair argument.”
Alice nods, “I also have to agree that you made a very fair point.”
You hum happily knowing you managed to win, “Shall we continue with our tea time?”
Alice looks at you curiously, “Before we do that, are you . you're not even just a little bit curious—”
Maria gently slaps Alice’s head, “Ok maybe we should actually drop the gossip for the day~.”
You all chattered and had a wonderful time and began to part ways, promising to schedule for another tea time whenever time permits. As you walk around the streets of the central city, you begin to see many people huddled together whispering among themselves.
You could make out bits and pieces of their conversations as you were casually walking around…
“Hey have you heard…”
“Well he does have an exotic attire…”
“I heard that he gave the traveler a rainbow rose!”
“He is very touchy with the audience…”
“I saw him giving a lady a hug…”
“Maybe he…”
You begin to zone out and walk aimlessly as you begin to process the conversation you had with your friends and what you are hearing from the people around.
‘Is he gay…?’
You quickly caught yourself and shook your head furiously and mumbled, “No, no. Don’t let the gossip get to you. Lynette would be the first to know then me and Freminet…”
‘But what if…?’
You grab your head and groan, “For the love of the Hydro Archon! Ughhhhh! Don’t let their gossip get to me, I beg of you Hydro Archon!”
‘Then again, Lady Furina would absolutely love this gossip and also demand answers….’
You quickly left the city, unable to handle all the crazy variations of gossip being spewed at every corner. You find yourself outside the walls of the city and sit by a ledge and admire the view of the open waters.
You felt at peace and in control. The wind gently swayed your hair and provided a comforting chill that you gladly welcomed while watching the birds play and fishes swimming about. The quiet noise of the waters rushing ashore then back to the ocean was also another relaxing variable.
You leaned over slightly to see your reflection in the water and admired it momentarily before your attention was snatched away by a fish that poked its head out of the water before quickly hiding again after being caught by you.
You giggled at the sight before heaving out a long sigh of relief. You had failed to notice someone approaching you with mischievous intent.
The figure slowly crept up behind you and gently tapped your left shoulder. You were caught off guard and quickly looked back to see who disturbed you.
“Bonjour mon ami! Enjoying the peace and tranquility?”
You sigh and go back to looking at the open waters of Fontain, “Mhm, I just needed to get away from society for a bit.”
Lyney tilts his head before asking, “Why is that? Anything unpleasant happened today?”
“Mmmm, I wouldn’t say unpleasant. It’s just ridiculous gossip going around and it’s just…”
Lyney hums, “it’s just…?”
You shook your head, “Really just dumb gossip that I could not handle. If I were to stay any longer, I too would’ve been part of the mob.”
He chuckles, “Was it that bad?”
You looked back at him with the intention of answering back but you zoned out very quickly. You began to wonder,
‘Do I tell him about what people are saying about him?’
You could see that Lyney gave you a concerned look.
‘Maybe I shouldn’t. It’s his life, not mine.’
“Are you ok?”
“Are you gay?” You blurted out.
Lyeny now had a very shocked look and you watched as you slowly began to process what you had just said.
Your face becomes flushed in embarrassment and quickly defend yourself, "Please ignore that! I didn't meant for that to come out, I–"
"So you were thinking if I was gay?" He asks in an amused tone.
"No-! I mean yes–! Wait no I–!"
You covered your face with your hands in shame. You groaned and refused to meet his mischievous gaze.
Lyney laughed heartily to your embarrassment. He wrapped his stomach with his arms as he hunched over, "Where did you get that assumption from~?"
You groaned, refusing to face him and tell him how you even stumbled upon this idea.
His laughter finally dies down. He wipes away a few tears before placing himself next to you on the ledge and grabs your left arm gently, "Look at me please~?"
You remain stiff and mumble quietly, "No…"
He sighs before removing your left hand from your face and cupping your face with his hands, forcing you to look his way.
You kept your eyes shut, stubbornly refusing to see his face. Lyney chuckles, finding amusement towards your behavior before he leans forward slowly…
You felt something soft touch your forehead which made you flinch at the unexpected feeling. You slowly peeled your eyes open, wondering what was touching your forehead and why Lyney had become quiet.
"Hey, what are you–"
You see Lyeny leaning over to your forehead giving it a gentle kiss. You quickly pulled away and your face immediately plunged into a deep shade of crimson.
You place your right hand onto your forehead and attempt to form a normal sentence but ultimately fail miserably.
Lyney flashes you his signature charming smile, "Does that provide an answer to your question~?"
He pouts, "Seems like I need to be a bit more upfront about this. Hmmmm, what to do~?"
Your mind was all over the place trying to make sense of the whole situation. Lyney could tell that you were caught off guard and still processing everything.
Lyney smirks and removes his hat and places it in front of you, "Look inside my hat, it's empty right?"
You snapped out of your trance and looked inside of his hat. It was indeed empty and you nodded silently.
He flips his hat before placing it upside down again and peering inside, "Oh it seems like there's something inside!"
He quickly places his hand inside and pulls out a bouquet of rainbow roses. He offers it to you and winks, "Let's go out on a romantic dinner date at Hotel Debord. You'll find the answer that you seek there~."
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gracejh08 · 17 days
Breaking the media
Chapter 2 -breaking the news
Surprisingly, the transfer between arsenal and Barcelona had been relatively fast arsenal were quite happy to send you to Barcelona due to the opportunitys it was going to give you. Now here came the part you had forgotten about you had to say goodbye to the people who have made you the player you are now and how well they have took care of you. The group had decided to have a get together in the holidays and you knew this was the only time you could tell them otherwise they will find out about the transfer pretty quickly due to social media. There was definitely some speculation of you moving as you saw the rumor posts on your Instagram feed which made you giggle to yourself knowing they were right but you can't interact with them otherwise your cover is blown.
It was they day of the event and now the nerves had really hit you, you had managed to convince beth and viv to take you because you knew you couldn't face your 'parents' yet. They picked you up and you hopped into the back seat of the car "you all good there y/n " beth asked with an unreadable expression one of worry yet it not slipping over her smiling face. "Yeah im good just jealous that all of yous got a nice tan and ive been stuck here" you remarked half sarcastically but also with a tone of seriousness you were a bit jealous that you couldn't go on holiday. "Yeah yeah well in two years we will bring you with us" viv chimed in smiling at you. The pwang of guilt hit you hard they didn't know you were about to tell them you were leaving the club and now it felt like you couldn't bare the news. "Yeahh that would be nice but i don't wanna be pain on your holidays" you say back "no no you'd never be a pain" beth responded. Yous continued to chat in the car and as every minute past the pit in your stomach grew deeper and was a lot more noticeable.
You walked into the venue to find it nicely decorated and privately booked. Thank god you thought to yourself just incase the tears came along with the news. The night was going well until leah came and sat next to you "hey y/n you've been awfully quiet tonight" she said "yeah im all good just got stuff going on at the moment" you replied not even trying to hide your emotions with leah "what stuff?, better not be you leaving us for barca like the rumors" she said jokingly not understanding that was exactly what was happening. That comment had sent you in a spiral though you couldn't cancel the deal now but your team mates will be so disappointed in you and disgusted that you left them.
You were lost deep in thought until you felt tears on the verge of your eyes "im going to the bathroom" you said standing up dismissing leahs comment. The speed you walked away at was fast but wasn't fast enough to contain your tears to the bathroom you hands wiped across your face as you made your way to the bathroom. You slammed the bathroom stall door with some force and then you let the emotions hit you your legs gave in as you slid to the cold tiled floor and it felt like the walls were caving in and you couldn't breath everything was overwhelming.
Meanwhile leah was sat in confusion and also a hint of panic and she got up shortly after you hadn't returned from the bathroom after a couple of minutes. She hadn't made it into the main area of the bathroom when she heard your sobs through the wall it was heart breaking to hear and yet she didn't know what to do. She knew she couldn't deal with this it had to be beth and viv they had been the people to take you under there wing and look after you. Leah almost legged it to beth and viv who were stood next to eachother in the busy part of the room "beth viv i need your help" leah said so quick that it seemed like she needed the help "whats up leah" beth asked worry knitted through her eyebrows "its y/n she.. i dont know what happened.. i said one thing and she was fine the next minute she stormed off to the bathroom.. and then.. i" leah was rambling her head full of panic and it was viv who took charge of leah. " leah i need you to calm down for me and i will get kim to sit with you but i have to go deal with y/n" she said dragging her to a couch in the bar. She got kim to sit next to her and left them be while her and beth charged to the bathroom.
As the door opened you still hadn't got any better from when leah had checked on you infact it had gotten worse. You suffered from anxiety but it was never this bad well not for the past while it hasnt been this bad. You were so trapped in your own head you had forgot to lock the door properly so here it was beth and viv stood above you staring down at your body crumpled into a ball hyperventilating with your hands over your ears and your eyes clenched. It was a sight neither the older girls had expected to see but both knew what they had to do to hopefully fix it and know what was the reason for it. It was viv who had taken charge of the operation and she sat next to you on the cold tile floor beth followed quickly after. "Hey y/n love its viv, can i touch you" she asked gently after no response viv knew it was worse than she thought and she's going to have to do what she thinks is best.
She reaches for your hand which you grab as if it was your lifeline and this begins to draw you out of your mind "hey hey love look at me" beth said looking at you with the most empathetic look in her eyes her face knitted with worry. You look up at her your face puffy and red from the tears that still poured down your face "oh love its okay" she said as you basically threw yourself at her sobbing into her shoulder drenching her jumper in tears "im sorry, im so sorry" is the only thing you could muster up into beths shoulder "you have nothing to be sorry for love" viv said rubbing circles on your back with her hands "yes i do you're all gonna hate me and its my fault i should have been more responsible" you said this time sniffing the final tears away. "We wont hate you love but you need to tell us whats going on" viv said this time a lot more serious in her tone. You took a deep breath "im.. im going to Barcelona" you said waiting for the wrath of the two of them to tell you that they hate you "omg y/n that amazing, we're so proud of you" beth said pulling you in tighter.
You were shocked they were proud of you, they shouldn't be they should hate you "you're proud of me?" You questioned them looking up with glassy eyes "yes of course we are but we need to tell the rest of the team to celebrate" viv said standing up and dragging you up to your feet. You slowly crept out the bathroom where beth and viv sat you on the nearest seat away from the rest of the team. You had essentially begged the two of them to tell everyone else as you couldn't do it especially after having a panic attack in front of beth and viv. Luckily they agreed but you had to be in the room with them you trundled behind the couple like a lost puppy when they made you sit on chair next to them the suitation almost felt like an intervention "right so y/n has so big news to tell you all but she has asked us to do it for her" beth began to start "so for next season y/n is moving to Barcelona" she said with a smile on her face "omg you're joking y/n thats amazing" russo said to you "well in y/n" said katie following.
You felt positive about moving to Barcelona now and you had plenty people who backed you from a few thousand miles away you felt like this was the right move.
Your life was at peace until it hit the media...
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aajjks · 1 year
Fa(i)lling (JJK.)
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synopsis. He’s so embarrassing, pathetic, super bad at lying and hopelessly in love with you.
pairing: secret soft yandere simp!jungkook x barista!reader.
warnings. Soft yandere, fluff, manipulation, obsession, lying, mentions of stalking, he’s such a pathetic fool in love 😭, fluffy fluffy fluffy!!
note. happy late Valentine’s Day 💌 share ur thoughts & ENJOY! HAPPY HOBI DAYYY! 🥹🫶💌
part two of CRUSH.
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Jungkook doesn’t like you.
And maybe the why his heart is pounding so abnormally fast is because he just wants to get over with this, he’s trying to convince himself; that,
That’s the reason why he is feeling all of these sickly feelings in his stomach.
But he knows in his heart, that’s not the reason.
The reason is you.
You, you who he wants to hate so bad.
But too bad that he’s so obsessed with you.
Jungkook taps his feet on the marble floor, his fingers bounce on the black table as he waits for you to come.
God, he’s so pathetic.
Why is he like this? And the biggest problem was? He needed to think of an excuse.
He obviously couldn’t tell you that he was here stalking— no, he wasn’t stalking you! He was just…. watching you,
No, that sounds even more creepy.
He is chewing on his lower lip, he’s biting on the meat so hard that it feels painful, “Jungkook?” He almost feels startled by your voice.
But the man immediately fixes his posture and clears his throat. You give him a sweet look as you sit down infront of him, the coffee’s in your hand.
Jungkook can’t help but wonder what you like? What if you guys have similar tastes? That would be nice— no, he stops his thoughts from getting ahead.
He should stop being so delusional.
Stop thinking, idiot.
“So here’s your coffee…” you begin the conversation, he notices the cold brew as you pass it to him, his cheeks tighten when he realises that it’s the same for the both of you,
And he likes it too. He can feel he’s blushing, your eyes are looking at him, you can sense his flustered state, just by his expressions.
Shit, I’m so fucking embarrassing!
Jungkook wants to drown in the ocean. He’s sure he’s having heart eyes like in the cartoons.
“I hope you’ll like it, what did you want to talk about?” You cross your hands, he sighs, he can’t bring himself to calm down, its like his body is on fire.
Why do you make him feel so helpless?
“U-Um..” he avoids your e/c eyes, he hates your eyes, so much, they’re so hypnotic,
and he can’t afford to speak the truth so he needs so focus.
“Can you..” he’s thinking so hard about it, Jungkook is the biggest idiot in the world, if only he could slap himself.
He can’t come up with anything that sounds believable.
Well it’s too late, now or never.
“Can you tutor me?”
You almost choke, he closes his eyes so you don’t sense the nervousness, “i-it’s just that I really can’t stand physics… I fuckin’ hate it.” He almost doesn’t stutter.
He is getting good at this.
“Because I’m almost failing it.”
He wants to see you often, more.
“Look yn you can’t refuse!”
“Ex-Excuse me?”
“Be my teacher I mean! J-Just agree already please!” Jungkook’s eyes are now open and wide, his tone is borderline desperate but yet he sounds so demanding.
Way to go jungkook! He thinks to himself. He leans closer to the table, “please?”
“U-Um okay, I guess?” You reply, you’re so confused. “But I can’t give you much of my time.”
He’s confused too, but he doesn’t regret his lie.
“What do you mean?”
“… I tutor a guy in my calculus class so… we need to discus and adjust on the timings.”
Jungkook’s jaw is clenching, he feels his skin itch at that, he needs your time only on him.
Fuck that dude.
“But I need you- i-i mean your attention- tutoring wise more!” He argues. “I think I’m failing calculus too!”
Another lie. What the fuck is wrong with me.
“Please agree yn… I’ll pay you double! I need you-your time! Ditch that guy!”
He’s so fucking pathetic.
“Umm… Jungkook okay?” You nod, seemingly in deep thoughts.
He finally sighs in relief and takes a sip of his coffee, it’s hard for him to contain his growing smirk but he can’t let you find him weird.
“Thank you! So… you like whip cream on your brew?”
He’s so dumb.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
*explodes into your request box*
HEY HEY HEY, im back.
Came to ask an platonic Child!reader with the rest of the gang.
Child reader is like an wolf in sheep's clothing, like reader has an cute expression on their face but when someone tries to touch them, they'll go like: "touch me and ill rip your hand off" in a full innocent voice and that cute smile.
And child reader has shark teeth.
- 🦭
The cast x child!reader (platonic)
throwing this together after waking up from a really nice nap! i still have the kinger request to work on but my brains still stumped.. sobs.. requests are still open by the way! you can find the link to my rules in my previous post, or you can look in my pinned! :O apologies if some sections for the characters are a little short, my brains still a lil okfvokffvovf from waking up TToTT
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a child? in the circus?
he doesnt quite know how to make of it, i mean... its not like he has to make any accommodations, the circus is a place for all ages afterall!
i give you this new concept: dad caine
lightly scolds you when you threaten someone, bad manners!
i think he would be like a stereotypical eccentric dad
in house adventures seem to tone down just a touch so theyre not too intense or dangerous for you, keeps an eye on you to make sure you dont get stuck anywhere or flung across the room
rip bubble, you probably pop them when theyre within a foot of you
pinches your cheek only to have his hand comically chomped off ("now now (reader)! what did i tell you about biting! time out!)
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similar confusion that caine has, but like, more so
how did a kid even get their hands on one of the headsets??
honestly i think pomni might be the type to be uncomfortable around kids; she doesnt hate them she just doesnt know what to do with them
also kids can possess a different kind of cruelness when they really put their minds to it and shes already in a mentally precarious position as it is
she doesnt avoid you though!
was bitten a grand total of one times, she made the mistake of trying to take you somewhere during an IHA and she didnt make you aware that she was going to put her hand on your shoulder
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okay you cant swear in the circus, but i feel like jax has some very creative ways to work around that, making these new colorful euphemisms that dont skip out on the crudeness. he teaches you some of his favorites just to watch the world burn
lightning fast reflexes, should you try to bite or hit him; not that hes going to try to put his hands on you
i can see him picking you up via scooping his hands under your arms, or literally just holding you up by the scruff of your next
congrats theres now the image of jax holding a flailing sheep child in our heads. his shins will be kicked in the second you get put down
thinks its funny when people have to do double takes when you let out a threat or say something dark
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i think she would be a cool babysitter, or big sister figure to you
similar to caine she will lightly scold you when you're being 'rude'
doesnt try to figure out why you dont like being touched, also respects it. respects your space as well, she doesnt totally baby you
she is a little sad that a kid so young got stuck in the digital world, though
even if you could remember things, i dont think she would ask out of fear of possibly upsetting you
likes making you little things (small pillows, plushes, ect) since i can see her being into sewing.. might be because shes a doll, though
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i said it once and ill say it again, kinger is dad. like i already hc he had kids before getting stuck in the digital world, but i also like to hc that he and gangle have a dad/kid relationship, at least when kinger was less... paranoid
like he still has the capacity to be a father figure to you, but i think with you being a little... ermrmfl.. he might be a little put off
tells you stories about "being a king" (ie embellishing the one time he was put in charge during an IHA ages ago) and tells you about some previous in house adventures
youre so short he genuinely doesnt see you approaching sometimes so he either gets jumpscared by you or literally trips over you on accident
is so so apologetic once he gets over the initial shock of suddenly meeting the floor
really if you follow this guy around and show interest in his interests hes gonna adopt you
he knows your threats arent empty, even if they arent hes not going to try to find out
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zooble seems like the type of person to find some vague amusement in kids swearing or saying out of pocket stuff, i cant explain why
cant teach you swear words thanks to the censoring of the digital world but hey... they can still spell it out...
honestly i hc that zooble themselves doesnt like being touched so hey you dont have to worry about that, they personally get it
cool older sibling energy. while ragatha gives off sweet n caring older sister, zooble gives off the energy of a cool older sibling who like. idfk skateboards or something
zooble skateboarding real
not much else to say here
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similar to pomnis but this is more so because gangle is intimidated by other people thanks to her shyness!
i think gangle would be in the same boat as you and zooble, in terms of touching, but in gangles case its because shes made of ribbon and thus can be pushed around very easily
would cry on the off chance you snap at her :(
she lets you into her room sometimes to let you draw with her! kids like drawing right?
thats her reasoning, at least
i mean hey, it gives you something to do and gives you a break from all the chaos
actually pretty okay when her comedy mask isnt broken, actually makes an attempt to properly get to know you and crack a few jokes
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majorproblems77 · 4 months
You know what that means! It means a long post by me! :D
Cant wait to be excited about my blorbo for like 30 minutes, so sit get some popcorn and like some earplugs cause i will try to contain my screaming but I've been waiting for more Sky stuff and I'm so excited!!!!
For point, and because I keep forgetting, all the panels I'll be talking about belong to JoJo and @linkeduniverse
Let's do this!
Alright lets get this out of the way first, I love some parallels right, So as per usual, if I need a panel from anything prior I'll let you know where it's from!
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So what do you think he asked him.
Hey sir! Have you seen a guy with a big flag on his back going way to fast come through there?
Man is just like, oh yeah he went that way past the forge that your other weird fellows were at earlier.
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He run, Then he hero stop. Power pose activated, target acquired. Then he run some more
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Run my blorbo run!
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Genuinely interested in what exactly this is, Is it a map? Is it a list of places? Is it a paper with time shift shenanigans in it?
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I'm not versed in the postman, Is this normal, or did he do this cause he heard Sky and wanted him to think he was waiting?
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This face has be dead. (/pos) I love him so much my dear blorbo its been too long since we saw you last.
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Putting this together for 1 reason
Postman is a dick, Sky was so close, That can't be more than 10 or so metres at most. Poor man ran across Town out of town to catch up to you for you to go sprinting off into the woods, and my man is full on Olympic sprinting to deliver this mail geesus.
Also, the compulsory return of the king 🧍, Sky is the king of this pose and will not be beaten. Although Legend comes pretty close.
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God the expressions in this update are top tier, Sky is just so expressive. Right now, Man is thinking why he does this to himself.
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I'm fucking cackling, this art is amazing and Jojo's sister did an amazing job. Like I feel like I can hear this picture with that teasing tone that my siblings would use on me when we were younger. God I love it.
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So even though Sky is looking towards Legend here, so I'm totally under the impression that Legend said Wahhhh, and Hyrule said I cant run. As Hyrule was with wars When they got split up initally. Poor Sky, man has become the butt of jokes. Im glad Four is giving them a look, He doesn't look impressed. Its okay Sky, you've got a friend in Four behind you. :D
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War's is the real MVP of this arc in my opinion, Man has been in charge of the ragtag chain while Time has been out of action looking over Twilight. He's at the end of his tether.
Part of me wonders if this is going to impact his fighting going forward? Maybe he'll slip up because he's so stressed. He knows not all of them are knighted. These heroes he is with are NOT soldiers and he can't treat them as such.
And this sentence. Don't Interrupt! sounds like he is scolding rowdy recruits, rather than fellow heroes.
Which if you think about it, Sky is giving essentially a scouting report here, He scouted ahead and has returned to speak about his findings. War's is a captain, in his era he's a commanding officer. He's taken reports of this kind before.
Having a panel with Time, Wild and Twilight in Gives me more life than i think i give it credit for. (I am in the crowd that there's a family connection between these three.)
It's also nice to see Wild, like genuinely smiling.
Moving on
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Hero pose again! :D
I love this man
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These panels are very important to me so give me a moment while I explain.
Sky probably has her words engrained in his mind. You can see the questioning look, and thinking. "Is this going to work?"
That eternal dream That he's talking about, he knows her power is faded, but he's going to try anyway. I just didn't think he would use it to track what I can only assume is the postman.
It's really nice to have Sky's relationship with the master sword put on display. It means a lot to me and has brought me great Joy through this update.
He cares about her. And even if she can't talk to him anymore. He still trusts her to lead him true.
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And this panel breaks my heart! Something inside of him probably really hoped Fi would speak to him or give him more of an indication. Sky looks so sad.
I just wanna hug him, and tell him it'll be alright. He's probably thinking about turning around at this point. Maybe he's thinking about how some members of the chain perceive Fi.
A soulless weapon.
(Or maybe im thinking too much into this)
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The way his faith is restored!
Fi did lead him! She did! She's still there somewhere, and his shock! Oh my boy. My sweet blorbo,
And having used like super zoom on that last panel, MY BOY IS SMILING! :D
(Also appreciation for the full body shot's we've got of Sky from this update, I love it so much I love him so much.)
Did I go hunting for the references, Yes I Did.
I think the following area is the area where they pull Twilight too, rather than the battle field and he then moved on from here to get to the battle field.
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From sunset pt4
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The pillar behind Sky has the only slant I can think of. It looks to be the same angle, but that could just be me.
If it is that location, it might be closer to that battlefield than we originally (Or at least I originally) assumed.
(If you've got any other places let me know!)
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God i love him
Blorbo beloved! Is about as shocked as i am with the whole Mailman thing.
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The confidence of this man is unreal. He's ready, he's moving he's going. He's going and ain't going to stop.
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Me absolutely yelling at how this portal looks, it so ANGRY, But we know the Shadow is pissed right now. And if the shadow is making these portals and he's angry. I think the chain might be in for a surprise as they move on to the next location.
Which if I have to be honest. I think is going to be Skyloft. I think we are moving into a Sky arch, having had a Twilight Arc. (I also really want to see Skyloft in this universe, and there's an opportunity here. We've had more master sword things. We've had Sky content. who knows where Jojo will take this next, but I'm excited either way.)
Finally back to the chain! :D
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The gremlins return :D
Wind's little 3:< face as he's thinking is giving the energy of an upcoming detective arch, He is thinking and he is thinking HARD okay.
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Poor Sky. Man has been running around doing all the hard work while the rest of them just enjoy themselves. Hyrule especially is kinda like 'Ohhh... our bad...'
It's actually a kinda guilty look, maybe he feels a little bad about the teasing from earlier?
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Now i gotta mention the potion thing, cause its just so damn funny not too. Sky my blorbo slow down you are gonna choke on the stamina potion.
I want to focus on War's here.
And Wild too.
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These two. These two are important.
Wild has gone from happy and chill vibes to Oh shit real quick.
After everything he put into the Shadow, while the shadow was injured and watched as the thing exploded. It just decided to come back or something. And Wild, here I imagine is thinking, "How was that not enough..."
Now Wars.
War's is Stood not looking at anything, In fact, I think he's looking past Time. The last thing he said was a two word scolding but apart from that he's been awfully quiet. Now he looks like he's thinking. He's closed off, protective.
The only time I can see where he does this is when he's in what I'm going to call, 'Captain mode.' So, When he's flicked something in his head that tells him he has to be a knight.
He dosent do it often, in fact from what I can see he does it 4 other times.
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In order
Devine dark reflections pt 8 - when he's talking about knighthood with Sky and Hyrule
Sunset pt11 - When talking about Wild, and the fact that he's left
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Sunset pt13 - When speaking to Twilight about pulling his own weight
Dawn pt 2 - when Twilight is talking about the team they are.
And now here in Dawn 7 - Where they are discussing the fact that an enemy they fought escaped or survived.
All conversations I would assume a captain would have to have with his men at one point or another. I wonder what He's thinking here. It's got me thinking.
Woah, So this took me longer than I thought. I am on the 4-hour mark now. Lmaoooo
Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for listening to me ramble for like 20 minutes.
And just remember
Sky is the sweet bestest blorbo beloved and I love him. :D
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
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kristinamae093 · 8 months
Ghosted - Two Steps Back (Chapter Ten)
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Series Summary - Prince Liam fell for Riley Brooks hard and fast. A marriage filled with love and devotion was within his reach. But everything changed when she vanished just before the end of the social season. As everyone voices their concerns regarding her scandalous departure, a confession from an unlikely source turns Liam's world upside down and makes him question everything around him.
Book/Pairing - TRR - Liam x MC (Riley Brooks)
A/N 1 - This AU starts right before the beginning of the engagement tour. There is a two-month lapse between the coronation and where we pick up, but we will stray from canon. Please excuse any errors found.
Characters belong to Pixelberry.
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After the Regatta
Penelope hobbled to her room on a sore foot and a painfully bruised ego. This wasn’t going as expected; advisors told her toward the beginning of the season she might stand a chance, but after only the first few events, they hastily changed their tone. Between Madeleine, Riley, and Olivia, they knew Penelope would not be the new king’s choice.  
Regardless, Penelope was enjoying her time away. The friends she’d made were irreplaceable; she and Kiara formed an everlasting bond. Even Riley was incredibly friendly, despite her commoner status. Penelope was rooting for Riley to win it all because she was genuinely a nice person, and Penelope was looking forward to what Cordonia could look like with her as queen. 
Penelope approached her door whilst humming to herself. The day was long, and she was relieved to be in the comfortable solace of her own space. She planned on calling her parents for their daily video chat, and to get some doggy face time to tide her over while away. Her anxiety was through the roof without having them close, but the friendships she’d made were a momentary distraction. She was glad the ladies were nice enough; otherwise, this experience would’ve been a nightmare. 
Penelope entered and made a bee-line for the bathroom. She did her business, washed her hands, and bounced her way over to the dresser to get more comfortable for the evening. Just as she opened the drawer, a stern knock sounded on her door. Penelope scrunched her face; she was expecting no visitors but thought perhaps Kiara wanted to hang out. 
As Penelope opened the structure, a thunderous force shoved through her and entered, slamming the door shut. Penelope stumbled backward but caught her footing. She could only stare at the person in front of her as panic flourished through her body. She didn't recognize them, but the death glare plastered on their face told her that notion was not applied on both ends. Her instinct told her to scream for help, but the visitor addressed her before she was given the chance.
They spoke in a low, raspy voice. “Have a seat, Lady Penelope. We have a lot to discuss.” 
“W–who are you?” 
“You need not worry about who I am, only what I know.” 
“What do you mean?” 
The person clasped their hands behind their back and stalked around Penelope; like a vulture circles its prey. “Everyone around you thinks you're the sweet, poodle-obsessed Penny, but I see otherwise. I know all about you… The things you’ve done… What your daddy tries his damndest to hide…” 
Penelope’s already increasing heart rate spiked. “I don’t understand.” 
“Of course you don’t. It’s alright, I wouldn’t want anyone to know, either.” They dismissively shrugged.
“Know what?” 
The person snickered at her attempts to deflect, but they could see the panic rising in her eyes. “It’s quite a common expression — young and dumb. But, when you’re in the nobility, there are no secrets unless you know the right people.” 
Penelope thickly swallowed. “I don’t – I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Really? So, then you’ve never been — joined in holy matrimony, right?”
Penelope’s eyes widened. “I–” 
“Enough with your attempts to feign confusion; that will only prolong this process and I am not in the mood to play games. I know of your estranged marriage; how your father pays plenty of hush money per month to keep his mouth shut. I imagine it would be fairly difficult to talk yourself out of that situation if the press were to catch wind; considering Portavira continuously requests the Crown’s compensation. And I do believe the monarch would not be happy to learn your family has developed a slush fund, either.” 
The intruder gave Penelope a wicked smile and added, “Not to mention the — fatality that was caught amid your poor life choices…”
Penelope visibly tensed. “That’s not – I didn’t–” she stammered before snapping her mouth closed; her flustered state prohibited her from forming an argument.
“It’s a matter of opinion, I suppose. Regardless, I attained the records from your procedure.” They waved a piece of paper in Penelope’s face, and recognition swept over her instantly. She released a shuddered breath as the document came to a stop, her tearful eyes centering on the text. 
Despite Penelope’s panicked state, the aggressor continued, “Tell me, do your parents know of your aborted fetus? I mean, I saw you on security cameras entering the clinic alone. It was smart of you to use a fake name, but unfortunately, that was not enough to cover up your mistakes.” 
Penelope never answered, but the assailant watched her swallow thickly with shame etched in her features. She couldn’t fathom how this stranger had found her deepest secrets that she was certain would never see the light of day. 
Penelope found out she was pregnant the day after her annulment was discreetly settled. Terrified wasn’t a strong enough word to describe how she felt, as she stared down at the positive test; she went to the clinic in disguise to find out about her options and decided abortion would be the best solution. Being only nineteen years old, Penelope was practically a child herself and didn’t believe she was at a point to care for a baby like they deserved. And she was alone; when she dreamt of this moment, it happened completely differently in her head. She longed for the fairytale love, where they would start a family together; not single and inevitably disgraced.
Her parents didn’t know, she was too afraid to tell them — especially after her father agreed to pay a continuous hefty fee for Guy’s silence. Penelope was always well-behaved; the perfect trophy daughter. The look of pure disappointment held in their eyes when they found out about her marriage haunted her; she never wanted to do anything out of line again. All Penelope desired was to move on from her mistake, but life had other plans.
Panicked and ashamed, Penelope made the impossible decision alone, not wanting anyone to know of the stupid decisions that led her there. Her fear and guilt only increased after the procedure, but she grieved what could have been and pushed it into the deepest pit of her mind.
She never told a soul – nobody knew – or so she thought.
“All it would take is a small whisper to the press and it would destroy not only you, but your fraudulent parents as well…” 
Penelope gasped as her tears freely flowed. “No! P–please, don’t!” 
The person laughed; the sound sending an involuntary chill down Penelope’s spine. They stalked forward until her back hit the wall and they breathed over her. Penelope squeezed her eyes closed, but felt them draw nearer. The tangy scent of alcohol mixed with cigar smoke filled her nostrils, as they whispered in her ear, “If you want my silence, you’re going to have to earn it.” 
Penelope’s eyes shot open as she frantically nodded her head. “Okay, j–just tell me what you need, and I’ll do it.” 
“I knew you’d see reason,” the unknown presence spoke while taking a small step away. They produced an envelope from their jacket and handed it to her. 
Penelope opened it and started skimming over the information; it was an email address with a set of instructions and a few other notes. She didn’t understand what it all meant; the main thing that stuck out was the location of where they wanted the photographer to be. 
“Why are they going to be outside Riley’s room?” 
“The less you know, the better.” They once again reached into their jacket, this time pulling out a small vial and handing it to her. “You need to give this to her beforehand. I do not care how it happens, just make sure it gets in her system; the earlier, the better.” 
“W–what is this? Is this a drug?” Penelope stammered as she stared down at the bottle in her trembling hands. 
The person smiled; a dark, wicked smile. “You don’t need to worry about that; just make sure she ingests it at an early enough hour.”
Tears once again streamed down Penelope’s cheeks as she frantically shook her head and tried to hand the items back. “N–no. I can’t do that, and I won’t. I would rather disgrace myself than–”
“You’re going to do it.”  
Penelope stood a little taller and yelled, “No, I won’t! I–”
Penelope received a sudden, sharp backhand to her cheek. She fell to the floor cradling her face but was soon flipped over onto her back, her aggressor pinning her to the ground. She opened her mouth to scream, but quickly closed it as she saw the gleam of a blade in the light right in front of her face. 
“Make a sound and I’ll kill you right here, right now.” The attacker moved the knife to hover over Penelope’s throat, applying just enough pressure to keep her subdued. “You have two options — you either comply and do as you’re told, or this is where your life will end. If you refuse to cooperate, you already know too much, and I will ensure you don’t live to tell the tale personally. But I won’t stop there, no – I’ll ruin your parents as well; the entire world will know what a fraud you and your family are.” 
“No… P–please. I – I can’t – I –” Penelope frantically stammered, trying to develop a coherent sentence. 
“You can, and you will. Otherwise,” they leaned forward, close enough to touch noses with Penelope. “I’ll dig your grave myself and throw those mangy mutts in with you after. Perhaps we can make it a family affair and shove your parents inside, too. After all, being exposed to the world and losing their only disappointment of a child would leave them with nothing left to live for; especially once they know of your treacherous sins.” They sat back with a vile chortle, letting the words linger.
Penelope cried harder, her breathing rapid and erratic as her panic boiled over. She opened her mouth to shout for help despite the blade at her throat, but a firm hand abruptly pressed against her lips. “I think I’m being very understanding, actually. I could just end you and move on to the next useless suitor, but I’m allowing you to make the correct choice; to answer the call of service for your country. That commoner has no business being here; you know it, I know it, everyone knows it! We have to deal with her!” 
After a tense moment of silence, her intruder grew restless. They rolled their eyes and huffed, “You’re running out of time. I’ll gift you ten seconds; agree, or...” The blade on Penelope’s throat suddenly held more force; hard enough she could feel her skin being lightly pierced. “I don’t think I really need to finish that sentence, do I?”
Penelope subtly nodded her head, afraid to move too much. Although she didn’t want to betray Riley in that way, she saw no other way out. Not only was her own life being threatened, but her parents as well; she was not willing to let them die because of her secrets they knew nothing about.
Her attacker soon chortled and sat up. “I had a feeling you would see it my way.” They patted her cheek, hard, before they stood and adjusted their clothing.
The intruder walked to the door and turned back around to address a whimpering Penelope. “As a reward for your service, I will make you a lady-in-waiting for the soon-to-be queen. I’d suggest you take the position and use discretion whenever necessary from here on out. If you do anything to compromise this operation, you will be sorry. Am I clear?“
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The following afternoon, Olivia met with Liam, Leo, and Ray as they discussed the events of the night prior. The court just arrived in Portavira, although there was a break in events until the polo match in a few days. They gathered in Olivia’s room, as that’s where Ray set up his equipment and continuously ensured the area remained free of compromises. 
Olivia told them about Penelope’s involvement, and Liam was certain Olivia was lying or playing some kind of sick joke. However, after seeing the proof himself, he knew it had to be true. He wasn’t close with Penelope by any means, but still felt betrayed. Riley was kind and warm to those around her, not a malicious bone in her body; what made Penelope want to get rid of her?
“We have to question her. I can’t be sure, but she might know we’re onto her. The look in her eyes –” Olivia shook her head with a heavy sigh. ”– I can’t explain it, but I don’t like it.”  
“I agree,” Leo interjected. “We need to know why she did it, man, because this makes absolutely no sense. I mean, Penelope – of all people? Did she accidentally eat some dog food or something, and it made her go kookoo?” 
Despite his overflowing anxiety, Liam laughed. “I really don't know. But we’re not all going to question her. I think it’s best if myself and Leo did this, so we don’t overwhelm her.” He spoke to the entire group. 
“Are you… okay to do that?” Leo tentatively asked. “I can take Olivia — or hell, even Maxwell or Drake, if you don’t think you can keep your cool. We can’t really risk her shutting down and withholding anything important...” 
Liam remained silent for a long moment. Honestly, he didn’t know if he could control himself. The selfish side of him wanted to confront Penelope face-to-face and demand answers. However, he knew he was teetering on a dangerous ledge, and her confession could provoke several different reactions. 
He didn’t remember the last time he’d slept or ate a full meal. Days were molding together, and he had no sense of time unless it pertained to the tour. Liam was simply muttering through, doing the dutiful checklist a monarch should on the daily and trying his hardest to stay afloat; even though in all reality, he felt like he was drowning in a sea of uncertainty. No amount of training could prepare him for something like this; he was simply in limbo until one of the many open ends finally led them to something of importance. As the King he held mighty authority; yet, he’d never felt so powerless. Every second of not knowing something was torture; he just wanted to see Riley with his own two eyes. 
“I… don’t think I can, actually. If you wouldn’t mind questioning her, I would very much appreciate it, Leo.” 
Leo patted Liam on the back with a reassuring smile. “No problem. Care to accompany me, Livvie?” 
“I suppose if we want some kind of answer, I’ll have to, won’t I?” Olivia smirked. 
“Are we doing this now, or?” 
“Yes. The sooner, the better.” 
“And we’re certain she’s here?” Liam asked. 
“She was out earlier with her dogs,” Olivia answered with an eye roll. 
Liam nodded as he rubbed his palms together. “This is a decent plan. I have a good feeling about this, guys.” 
For the first time since he opened his eyes to the truth about the narrative against Riley, Liam felt like this could take them somewhere relevant. This was a solid lead and although he knew it probably wouldn’t provide him with all the answers he was seeking, it was a damn good start. 
Liam spoke again, “Any other updates?” 
“I received the diagnostic report on Lady Riley’s dress on the way here." Ray explained. "The blood was mostly Riley’s, but traces from Tariq were present as well. There were a few hairs and skin cells noted, but the DNA only registers those two.”
“Oh… okay…” Liam quietly responded. He hoped deep down the mess was from someone else, but immediately felt foolish to let himself believe such a thing. Hearing it confirmed out loud made his stomach burn with anxiety; this is what he blinded himself to, this is what he ignored. The overwhelming guilt Liam was fighting momentarily took his breath away. 
“Otherwise, there are no new leads.” Ray briefly met eyes with Olivia, the both of them having a silent conversation; unbeknownst to Liam. It wasn’t technically a lie, but not the entire truth. Ray found something — interesting, but Olivia decided now was not the time to bring it up to Liam, at least until after they learned what exactly Penelope knew. “Where Tariq is concerned, I’ve hit a complete brick wall; there’s absolutely nothing.” 
Ray shook his head. “Not a trace. His accounts show no transactions, and his family has not heard from him in months. I’ve checked every mode of transportation available to leave the country and he wasn’t on any of their databases.” 
“How is that even possible? There has to be something, somewhere. Seriously – Tariq has the IQ of a fucking peanut.” Leo interjected. 
“It could be a collection of reasons,” Ray answered. He suddenly stopped typing on his keyboard and took in everyone’s curious expressions. “Either he’s just incredibly clever and has an immaculate ability to cover his tracks, has hired someone to do that for him, or…” 
“He’s dead…” Liam quietly inserted, just above a whisper. His palms started trembling in his lap, and the only thing he could feel was his heart erratically thumping.
The deeper this web went, the further Liam felt himself slipping from reality. All he wanted was a sign, a concrete clue, anything to put him one step closer to finding Riley. The longer that time passed, the more he believed there was a grim reason they couldn’t find them. Just when the light at the end shined brighter, Liam was suddenly drug further down into the abyss of questions, making him doubt everything. 
“We can’t confirm that right now, Your Majesty. I’ve searched hospital records and there are no reports of him checking in at any of them and nothing solid to point to that conclusion. There are a lot of open ends regarding his whereabouts, but I have a couple more places to look before we should start truly discussing that possibility.” 
“Right…” Liam quietly responded as his mind raced. If Tariq’s DNA was on her dress, does that mean he’s the one who injured her? They already knew he was close to Riley; the pictures obviously showcased them together, but was Tariq responsible for attacking her, too? Those thoughts created a storm of rage he’d never felt before; just when he thought the fire had sizzled out, another splash of gasoline was poured onto the diminishing coals. Liam may not have felt a lot of hope, but he sure as hell felt the rage consuming his entire being. 
Leo noticed Liam's forelorn expression and reassuringly gripped his shoulder. “Don’t worry, man. We’re going to get an answer — soon.”
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A short while later, Olivia, Leo, and ‘Harold’ walked the halls of the Portavirian estate, searching for Penelope’s room. Liam opted to have a drink with Drake instead of being alone, as his already overflowing anxiety seemed to increase with every passing second. 
They rounded the corner and Olivia tapped on Penelope’s door, but received near silence; muffled barks rang out beyond the structure, although seemingly at a distance. After a few moments, she stepped forward and repeated the process, but again, no answer. Leo knocked a few times a little louder, but heard nothing — aside from the dogs. He reached for the handle and tried to turn it, just to see, only to find it locked.
“What should we do?” Leo asked Olivia. 
Olivia tapped her index finger against her chin. “I don’t know…” She furrowed her brow and stared at the door in front of her. “The poodles are inside, so she shouldn’t be far… Maybe we search around and see if we spot her anywhere? It’s still relatively early; she could have stepped out for a moment.” 
Leo and Ray both agreed, and the trio began their trek. They started outside by the pool and checked the lounge area, but Penelope wasn't located anywhere. They searched nearly every floor, even the roof, but found no signs of her. Everyone else was already in their room for the night, the estate nearly deserted as they scoured the abandoned hallways. After a while, everyone agreed to take their chances and return to Penelope’s door, as a good hour passed since they last attempted. 
A voice called out to them as they made their way up the grand staircase. They turned around to see Landon making his way to them with a grin on his face. “Good evening, Your Majesty, Duchess, a pleasure to see you both. Are the two of you just strolling, or have you been out on the town?” He chuckled with a playful side eye directed at Leo. 
“You know me,” Leo smirked, “but actually, we’ve been looking for your daughter.” 
Landon’s smile faded, instead replaced with a perplexed expression. “What do you need from Penelope?”
Leo and Olivia shared a hesitant look. “Actually, it’s confidential… Do you know where she is?” 
“She said she was retiring to her room earlier.” 
Olivia spoke next. “We checked there. We checked everywhere and we have no clue where she’s at.” 
“Perhaps she’s already in slumber; she is quite the heavy sleeper. How about I come with you? I was headed there anyway, as she was acting fairly strange earlier.” 
“Strange how?” Leo asked. 
“She kept hugging her mother and me, and told us how much she loved us. She just seemed — sad, as if she would burst into tears at any moment. And she asked me to ensure Merlin and Morgana get plenty of treats.” Landon furrowed his brows and shook his head. “I asked her what she meant, and she just gave me another hug. Emmaline thinks she’s getting ready for her time of the month, which is why I came prepared.” He held up a wad of chocolate bars and laughed.
“I take it Merlin and Morgana are the poodles?”
“Oh, yes. They’re practically her children. It’s been hard on her to leave them at home, but she’s done fairly well. The unexpected route changes actually ended up being very beneficial to her, since she gets to be with them for a few days. I’m certain she’s going to have a hard time leaving again, but I know she appreciates getting to see them. When it was time to leave for the engagement tour, she was practically inconsolable; she didn’t want to leave, to the point we weren’t sure she would attend at all.” 
“So, she didn’t want to return, then?” Olivia inquired, hanging on his every word. 
Landon sighed and looked away. “I don’t believe so, no. But we made sure she knew how much of a tremendous opportunity this was for her. She was incredibly reluctant, but finally agreed. In all honesty, I think most of her reservations were regarding the fact that she was going so far away. Penelope is a very timid girl; she doesn’t particularly enjoy the crowds or being away from home. I’m confident staying in Cordonia where things are a little more familiar will turn things around for her; perhaps she will enjoy herself a bit.” 
“Right…” Olivia trailed off, as her mind swirled around these new little bits of information. She questioned if Penelope's reluctance to come back had to do with Riley's disappearance. The haunting look in Penelope’s eyes as that cab drove away told Olivia she could be correct. 
“Lead the way, then,” Leo inserted with a forced smile, as uneasiness crept into the pit of his stomach. The hair on the back of his neck suddenly stood at attention, an involuntary shudder traveling through his body; he shook it off and politely smiled at Landon, who returned the gesture before starting the journey.
Everyone strolled through the halls together and within a short time, they were nearing Penelope’s room once again. Leo and Landon made small talk along the way, but Olivia didn’t listen most of the time. A bad feeling rapidly grew as they walked; why, she wasn’t sure, but it was becoming impossible to ignore. As they got closer, the air suddenly felt cold, raising goosebumps on her skin and sending a shiver down her spine. The hallway had an eerie aura to it that was beyond explanation; judging from the cautious expressions of everyone around, Olivia knew her feelings were not in her head. Landon appeared to be the only one who didn’t notice the atmosphere shift, although he hadn’t stopped talking long enough to take in the environment. 
Just as they were about to arrive, they heard muffled voices speaking not far away. Olivia furrowed her brows and started walking faster, practically running, with Ray and Leo not far behind. 
She came to an abrupt stop as she saw a litter of guards standing outside of Penelope’s room; dressed in full riot gear with what she assumed to be loaded assault rifles, all appearing to be awaiting instructions. Standing toward the back of the mass of people was Liam, who was speaking with Bastien in hushed tones. She could tell even from afar he was talking sternly; his angry demeanor instantly drew Olivia to him. Drake lingered close-by, wearing an expression of pure confusion.
Olivia approached them and inquired, “What’s going on?” 
“There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you,” Liam replied. “Did you question Penelope?”
“We were looking for her, that’s why we’re here, now.”
“But you didn’t find her?” Liam snapped, not even trying to hide the annoyance in his tone. 
“Not yet…” Leo answered as he took in Liam’s tense shoulders and ticking jaw. “Liam, what is going on?” 
Before Liam could respond, Landon interjected himself. “What is the meaning of this?!” 
Liam took a deep breath to calm himself and spoke in a calm, yet authoritative voice. “Duke Landon, I understand this may be hard for you to hear, but we have to take Penelope into custody.”
“Custody?! On what grounds?!” Landon hollered. 
Liam swallowed down the ball of anger and agitation lodged in his throat and spoke in a flat voice. “She is the prime suspect in the murder of Rhonda Floros.” Everyone’s eyes widened as their jaws hit the floor. “We will investigate further, but she has to be detained until we can–” 
“I – what?! You have no proof! This – this is an injustice!” Landon yelled as he frantically paced in front of Penelope’s door. 
Leo hesitantly spoke in a hushed manner. “Li, all we knew about was the photographer. How can you jump to that conclusion?” 
“The forensics came back and Penelope’s prints were all over the murder weapon. Her DNA was on everything else as well, but I’m focused on that knife.”
“Impossible! There has to be some kind of mistake!” Landon pleaded. 
“I’m sorry Landon, but the forensics does not lie,” Liam replied with a sad smile. “Trust me, I don’t want to believe she could have done something like this and I intend to figure it out, but we have to locate her first!"
Landon quickly stepped toward Penelope’s room and pulled a set of keys from his pocket. “She is in here — I know she is; she’s sleeping. I’ll wake her up and we can figure out this mess together, because I know for certain she is innocent.” He spoke as he unlocked the door and turned the handle. He entered and flipped the switch on the wall, the area becoming illuminated. 
Liam motioned for the guards to stay outside and followed closely behind. Olivia entered next, followed by Ray. However, a stern hand on Ray’s chest halted him in the doorway. 
“You are unauthorized personnel,” Bastien snapped.  
Liam quickly intervened. “No, he’s not.” 
“Your Majesty, with all due respect, I entered his credentials myself. I know for a fact what clearances he has and doesn’t.” 
Liam stepped up to Bastien with narrowed eyes. “Poof.” He snapped his fingers. “I just gave him access. Now, step aside.” He growled through clenched teeth, the vein in his neck profusely popping out.  
To be honest, Liam was stalling until he found Ray and Olivia; the three of them were going to question Penelope together. His earlier worries about keeping his cool were well out the window; now he was simply confused. Why did she hire the photographer? Did she really kill that maid? Did Penelope know they had spoken to her? Every piece of random evidence found had Penelope’s DNA – and only hers – on it in some fashion. Although the legitimacy of the scene was still in question, her fingerprints on the murder weapon were more than enough to detain her for questioning. 
Bastien never once took his eyes off Ray during the entire interaction. Ray observed Bastien's face crack slightly and saw him swallow and clench his jaw when Liam commanded him to stop. He finally moved his hand to allow Ray entrance, but held his intent gaze for just a moment too long. Olivia watched and noted how she wasn’t stopped, nor Drake or Leo — only Ray. She couldn’t help but wonder why Bastien didn’t want him specifically there. 
Liam glanced around as he entered and saw no signs of Penelope and nothing raising any kind of alarm. He’d never been inside this room before, but to the naked eye, not a thing was out of place. However, Liam couldn’t deny the sudden chill he felt as he stepped over the threshold. His skin instantly clammed up, and his heart rate increased substantially with every tense second that passed. 
Everyone else followed behind and did the same, but Landon circled the room while frantically calling Penelope’s name, only to get no response. He ducked into the bathroom to check there, but saw no traces of his daughter. Everything appeared just as it was earlier that morning when he personally prepared everything for Penelope’s arrival.
“This doesn’t make sense,” Landon huffed as he reemerged. “She said she was coming to bed. Where else would she go? Should we contact Lady Kiara? They had grown quite close.”
Liam sighed and ran a hand down his face. “Bastien, send someone to Lady Kiara’s room to check.” His patience with this situation was dissipating. An answer was right there dangling in front of his face; he could practically taste it. Even if he had to turn the entire continent upside down, Liam was going to find Penelope and make her answer for her part in this mess — whatever that could have been. 
“Yes, sir.”
Olivia glanced at the dresser and saw a jewelry box. Something on top of it quickly caught her attention; it was a piece of paper neatly folded with the words read me written on it in red ink. Her breaths immediately stopped as she stared at it for a long moment. Goosebumps raised on her skin as she realized the penmanship was strikingly familiar.  
She slowly reached out and brought it closer; Ray noticed and came to stand beside her to see what she had found. Liam and Landon continued to speak on the other side of the room, completely unaware of their discovery. Olivia carefully unfolded the sheet and quickly scanned over the contents. As she started reading, the color suddenly drained from her face, her hands trembling, and even tears were forming in the corners of her eyes. Her mind instantly started spiraling, trying to decipher what this meant.
Olivia and Ray stood gawking at the paper in a trance for an unidentified amount of time. The sound of Landon’s thunderous voice suddenly brought both out of their dazes. “This is absurd! She did nothing wrong!” 
“I understand your frustrations but as I said before, the forensics does not lie,” Liam answered in the calmest tone he could muster. “I have questions about all of this, Landon! But one way or another her DNA was littered–”
“Bullshit! Run the tests again! Something is going on here!” 
Liam winced at Landon’s volume, but shook it off and stood to his full height. “Duke Ebrim, you’d do well to remember who you’re speaking to and watch your tone. While I understand why you’re upset, I’m only here to figure this out. If you want to clear her name, help us find her so we can speak to her!” 
Landon frantically looked throughout the room, desperately trying to make sense of what was happening. At that moment, they heard a bark, followed by another softer cry; everyone suddenly stilled and an eerie silence took over, as they glanced at one another with furrowed brows. It sounded undeniably close, but there were obviously no dogs in the area. The silence in the air was deafening, but then it happened again and Landon finally pinpointed the location — the closet. It would make sense; Penelope heard the commotion and retreated in there with her poodles to hide because she was afraid. 
Landon made a bee-line for the door and wildly swung it open. He took a step back and two fluffy dogs slowly came out with their heads down, causing Landon to take a few steps back; they laid at Landon’s feet and whimpered. 
“What is it, Merlie?” Landon asked as he rubbed one of the dogs’ heads, their howls intensifying. 
The room’s air suddenly felt incredibly thick at the interaction. Liam felt physically sick to his stomach as recognition swept over him from head to toe — something was waiting for them in that closet. His hands shook at his sides, his breathing shaky and uneven as he stared into the dark, open doorway. 
Landon stepped over the poodles, who went and lay on the bed, but continued whining. As he entered, he ran a hand along the wall until he found the switch. The small area came to light, and his worst nightmare suddenly became reality right in front of his face. 
“NO!” Landon wailed at an ear-piercing volume as he dropped to his knees near the doorway. 
“What’s wrong?” Liam sought, but Landon broke into a fit of sobs and crumpled to the floor. 
Liam swallowed thickly and took a couple of cautious steps forward. Olivia suddenly appeared and tried to redirect him, but Liam was steadfast; whatever it was, he needed to see it for himself. As he got closer, he could see a chair lying on its side. His eyesight started on the floor and slowly traveled upward. He hadn’t made it very far before the color drained from his face with sweat immediately beading his brow at seeing a pair of dainty feet dangling in the air; one heel on, the other nowhere to be seen. 
Liam looked away but with a shuddered breath followed the body back up to the face, and sure enough, it was Penelope.
Landon suddenly shoved Liam out of the way. “MOVE!” He rushed over and held Penelope’s lifeless form, lifting her easily with one hand; the other quickly moving to remove the belt from around her severely bruised neck. Her limp body dropped into his arms and he cradled her to his chest as he rocked back and forth, making cries that would haunt Liam until the day he died. 
Liam regained his footing but remained cemented in place. This was it; this was their big break, but they only received more unanswered questions. Hopelessness flourished, as he saw no other solutions in sight. He felt like a mouse, mindlessly running through a maze just trying to reach the end for the reward. Penelope's testimony was that reward, but instead of finding the end of the maze, he encountered a sudden, abrupt wall.
Regardless of their actions, they faced a grim reality where a devastating setback countered every advance they made; one step forward, only to be met with two deadly steps back.
Liam suddenly couldn’t breathe; his lungs felt like fire with every rapid, hollow breath. The room started spinning, his vision hazing at a rapid rate. His heart pounded mercilessly, the sound overpowering Landon’s continuous wails filling the room. His hands flew to his chest and he stumbled backward, Leo and Drake quickly moving to catch him before he hit the floor. 
They lowered him to the ground and sat over him as Liam’s vision slowly faded out, their faces disintegrating into a pixelated, blurry image. He blinked his eyes a few times to regain himself, but found the rapidly spinning room made him nauseous. He felt Leo lightly tapping his cheeks, but when he tried to open his mouth, only an anguished cry escaped. 
Liam stared at the ceiling until the bright lights suddenly dimmed. His eyelids grew incredibly heavy until he succumbed to the weight of the world forcing them down. Darkness consumed him as he slipped into unconsciousness, a still silence overcoming his being. 
"Goddamn it," Leo grumbled to himself, as he watched Liam’s body relax. "Get a fucking ambulance! Now!" He hollered over his shoulder before his teary vision centered on his brother again. "Cummon, Li..."
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Tags (if you'd like to be added or removed, please let me know): @choicesficwriterscreations @ao719 @txemrn @imashybish @queenrileyrose
@kingliam2019 @riseandshinelittleblossom @dcbbw @tessa-liam @amandablink @cordonia-gothqueen @sfb123 @jared2612 @harleybeaumont
@bebepac @charlotteg234 @busywoman
@malblk21 @angelasscribbles
@bascmve01 @iaminlovewithtrr @hopelessromanticmonie
@mysticalfangirl @umccall71 @fuckitweball0000 @differenttyphoonwerewolf
@lovingchoices14 @emersyn-in-cordonia
@karahalloway @aussiegurl1234 @the0afnan @nestledonthaveone @gabesmommie1130
92 notes · View notes
danddymaro · 8 months
Handsome | Revenant x Reader
Based on one of his new skins
Word count: 981
He'd caught you by surprise, your eyes skimming over him at first before they took a long pause, one that lasted long enough for him to notice and feel tense.
He's always been one attentive to his surroundings, - having so many enemies did that to him.
And as the assassin he was now and had been for centuries, he couldn't overlook the feeling of being watched.
Much less, with the intensity in that look directed at him.
"What are you staring at?" said his artificial voice, the underlined threatening tone always present in it, even if you two were fairly accustomed to each other by then. 
It's not like you were friends, but you did say hi every now and then, to which he occasionally offered you a dismissive wave, a little acknowledgment that encouraged you to keep greeting him.
It took you a moment to answer, and during that short pause you continued to stare, your eyes wider than they'd ever been as they resumed staring at him and his new attire, which wasn't a simple paint job. 
There was a more human touch to his appearance this time, even if it was the smallest bit, and for whatever reason it had you staring. 
Slowly, your eyes trailed down, skimming his entire form before your sights fell to your hands and the over-excessive way your fingers toyed with each other, which further surprised you. 
You hadn't even realized it. 
 'Do I always do this...?' you wondered idly before you remembered he'd asked you something. 
Shaking your head fast, you choked out a response, "Nothing!" you insisted, peeping out the response. 
"I was just...thinking," you added and before you could finish he was already on his way, brushing past you with something close to a grumble, an annoyed one.
After all, idle chit-chat wasn't something he was accustomed to.
His clear bother made you feel somewhat guilty because you weren't doing it to be rude, and you wondered If he got the wrong idea.
You could feel a thick lump in your throat as you swallowed down and he continued on his route, leaving you staring at his back. 
'That's not what I wanted to say,' you lamented as you trailed behind him, something he noticed. 
Your mirroring steps had him seconds away from snapping at you, from asking you what had gotten into you because it wasn't like he invited you along.
Nor did he imply you were welcome. 
Meanwhile, you struggled, wondering Why it was so difficult to offer him a simple compliment. 
Sometimes you even stumbled to thank him for proper teamwork, which hadn't happened with anyone else, even when you'd been new.
It's not that he terrified you, entirely, that is. 
There were other Legends that sometimes intimidated you, all for different reasons, and yet you remained composed.
"-I meant to say, you look nice," you corrected yourself, your voice softening down right from the start of your praise. 
Slowly his steps stalled before he took a pause, while you felt your heart pick up its pace, suddenly feeling excited. 
Why? You weren't sure.
But it was enough so, that you hadn't had much time to really think over what you were saying as you stood right behind him, at arm's length. 
"You always look good, but today, it's diffrent. Today, you look..."
'He looks...' So many words hit you at once, but only one left you. 
"- Handsome," the single word escaped you, and when it did, he finally looked back at you from over his shoulder. 
You watched as he looked back at you, the bot taking in the slow realization that shifted your features to a more timid expression that reflected your immediate regret. 
Your hands had even moved up, fingers brushing over your lips as you covered your soundless gasp. 
Beneath the digits, your lower lip found itself captive between your teeth as he continued to look at you and that endearing face you continued to make.
Were you teasing him?
He wondered if you were, but judging by the way your eyes looked over at him with helplessness, the consideration didn't last long. 
You wouldn't do that, even if you had decided to tease him in some way, it wouldn't be like this.
This wasn't planned at all.
"Is that so?" he asked simply, and you nodded shortly, 
"Yeah," you breathed.
Even if it had been so sudden to say so, it was true.
Even if you felt your face nearly melt, you owned up to it.
It took him a while to respond with anything more, inwardly musing over all the diffrent things he could say, ultimately deciding that he'd leave it at that for now. 
Mercy was his form of gratitude, and as amusing as it was to watch you look so helpless, he'd grant you that.
Much more, he wouldn't put you through hell for complimenting him. 
He'll take the praise, and with a bit of satisfaction too considering that you weren't hard to look at.
'I suppose... there's something about her,' He thought dismissively before he dropped his shoulders with a bit of defeat as he corrected himself on the matter because you weren't just easy on the eyes. 
He actually viewed you as quite lovely. 
He rolled his shoulders back and he stood tall before quietly turning back with a little, amused hum. 
As you watched him leave, you felt your body shrink with relief, your hands slowly falling to your side as you let out a tired sigh, 
"What was that about?" you wondered, asking yourself what had gotten into you. There was leftover tension in the air and you sighed at it.
And his response was just as questionable.
Which, while it had been nothing but a simple glance and humored sound, left you feeling nervous, the knotting in your stomach unbearable. 
101 notes · View notes
ougougougoug · 10 months
this is a haiku that uses just two symbols.
so, let me explain:
(while editing this post i found out that a few emojis i use are not supported on certain browsers. clearly im being silenced.
if you paste them in discord, then they should display, otherwise, suffer?)
haikus are simple, but have a rigid structure, which is why they’re fun. just five syllables, then seven, then five again, arranged in three lines.
what I think is fun is what I like to call a ‘minimal haiku,' which is where you try to use as few symbols as possible to write all three lines of a haiku. so, for example, we start with numbers.
7 is so cool everybody likes 7 7 is funky
in this haiku here, although '7' is only one symbol, it counts as two syllables, because that's how it's pronounced. so, obviously, we can just kind of run with that, right?
so here is the smallest haiku i think you can make using numbers in this way.
here is the haiku:
77 707 77
"seventy seven seven hundred and seven seventy seven"
this haiku uses (fittingly) seven symbols, but it kind of sucks. we're playing fast and loose with what we're calling a haiku, but it would still be nice if the minimal haikus we wrote kind of, at least, sort of made sense, i think.
so here's the smallest haiku i have written so far using only numbers and letters.
alright, here is the haiku:
33 x 3 funny 700x 69 ha ha
"thirty three times three funny seven hundred times sixty nine ha ha"
its not exactly high art, but it's technically comprehensible as a series of words that express a full thought, and that's good enough.
obviously, you can go further than this, and the next logical step is ascii. I don't think there's any ascii symbols that can be pronounced as seven syllables, but there are a few that can do five.
so here's the smallest haiku i could make using just ascii symbols:
) :) !
"close parentheses colon, close parentheses exclamation mark"
wow! just four symbols, which tell the relatable story of a guy who wakes up and sees that he's slept through his alarm. (it conveys this thought pictorially, but it does convey a thought.)
of course, we can go further.
our next stop is emojis.
now, one thing that's problematic about these is that not everyone might agree on how they should be pronounced, but i say we just play with this, and use whatever makes our haikus work, because, well, it's more fun that way.
so, here's a fun haiku:
🌑 🌓 🌕
"new moon emoji first quarter moon emoji full moon emoji"
wow! just three symbols.
here's a haiku about a working class trans girl:
🧑‍🏭 👩‍🏭 ⚧️
"factory worker woman factory worker transgender symbol"
so, we've managed to make some haikus with just three symbols. but i think we can go smaller.
ive been limiting myself to writing haikus with three visible lines when written down, but you can't do that with just two symbols. so we're just gonna forget about that from this point on.
(as a quick little aside, i said before that, using just numbers,
77 707 77
was the best i could do, but if you ignore how it is written down,
"seventy seven thousand seven hundred and seventy seven"
is a haiku in just one number. anyways, back to emojis)
😵‍💫 🤢
this is a haiku. let me explain to you why.
most emojis are single unicode characters. but some of them are secretly just combinations of two other emojis with a symbol called a 'zero width joiner' between them, which means, although they're displayed as just one symbol, you can break them up into three. here's the wiki page for 'face with spiral eyes', which lists the three unicode symbols that make up the emoji. with that knowledge, you can pronounce this fun haiku as:
"face with crossed out eyes zero width joiner, dizzy nauseated face"
which is a haiku about a person who's sick and might just frow up.
one common type of emoji sequence is for modifying the skin tone of certain emojis. for these, we won't think about what the zero width joiner is doing (in fact, i think some, but not all, of these don't even have one? it's unclear to me, but all the more reason to ignore them.) what we'll do instead is just use the 'CLDR Short Name', which you can find listed here and here on unicode.org. These are about as official as you can get with emoji names, and will cover the emojis i'll be using for the last haikus.
so let's look back at the haiku at the top of this post, shown again:
"grinning face with sweat backhand index pointing right medium skin tone"
this takes advantage of the skin colour of the pointing emoji.
so that's another haiku that uses just two symbols, which depicts an anxious person doing finger guns (perhaps they're anxious because they spilled some yellow paint on their face. who knows. like any great artist, my works are up to interpretation.) so this leaves us all asking...
is it possible?
we've done two symbol haikus, but what about...
any emoji which shows a person can be modified both by skin colour and by gender. if there is more than one person in an emoji, then each person can be given their own modifiers.
This means it's just a matter of going through the list of emojis and hoping that you can find one that works.
and, well that's just what i did:
couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone
this is the smallest haiku possible to write. it's just a single symbol.
and it's two gay men. a wonderful queer couple. and i think that's great.
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starliights-shining · 8 months
hello star queen. can i ask for prowl dating hcs...? (is this an ok prompt? if not ill change it) anyway, ill doabythinf, anything , what is it that you want name it and its yours. is it my kidney? do youwnst my kdiney? you can have iy. please.
Hello Dundeey, Of course I can do dating headcannons for Prowl. I do hope this is enough for your daily Prowl intake! I generally like writting Prowl, so I do hope I do him justice. Also heres some NSFW one too! Enjoy :)
Dating Prowl would be like dating that awakward guy at work. You like him yes, but theres moments where youre like 'yeah hes def awkaward all the time' at least the first time you meet.
He's trying to grasp the situation around you, making sure he doesn't 'fuck up' whatever he has with you, which leads to his fear or you not liking him anymore
he's not annoying and like 'are we breaking up' because you guys haven't spoken. He's more 'did i upset you, im sorry' he's a worried guy.
I do think Prowl takes your comfort extremly serious, at a party and you wanna go home, he's got you out of there. Hungry? don't worry lets go get your food. Feet tired? He'll carry you. He just cares for your comfort because at the end of the day, you are his girlfriend.
I do think Prowl trys to enjoy your interests with you. He wants to know what you enjoy doing in your free time thats not him *wink wink* He also wants you to enjoy his interests too, table flipping. He'll get you a smaller table, light enough for you to easily flip with him.
I like to think is soft spoken with you, never raising his voice and always asking your questions in a super soft tone. I think he does it automatically as like a nice thing for humans, that is if youre human.
If youre not, a human and a Cybertronian, then I still think he speaks softer around you but its more often done in private or to catch your attention. He has to have a distince and sure fire way to get your attention NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like Prowl also get frustrated when you don't listen to him. He gets a little burn or sizzle in his prossesor when he obivsiously warned you about something happen and you listen. I feel like he thing where he gets upset at you for it as well, but like in a 'im upset because you could have gotten hurt' way
Prowl is a switch, he has his moments where leadinng is his. BUT LIKE if you can top him in just the right way, he's folds and can't say no.
He ABSOLUTLY LOVES when you give him a hand job, the simple fact that you can control him with just a hand, or both, is enough for him to fold. Servos trying to find a way to get to you, trying to find a way to have more of you in that exact moment. He's in love with your hands.
He def loves being praised, a 'good boy' or 'well done love' can get him over the edge so fast its impressive. Praise him while he finishes and its over, his servos will grab at anything he can get and his optics will roll into the back of his helm. he's almost embarassed by it but maybe thats part of the kick
When he's in charge, call him sir. If he ask you a question you answer with respect. "You like when I touch you like this?" - "Yes sir." "Yeah, you enjoying this, riding my spike like that." - "Yes sir." You much always respond with respect, no matter how fucked out you feel.
I do think he enjoys Cowgirl or anyhting he can see your face during. He loves your little fucked out of your mind expression, and he loves when you can't speak more. It truly gives him a sense of power.
I also think Prowl likes fingering you as well, either from behind or from below you, his digits will be buried in your pussy either way. The idea of your riding your high on his servo is just tooo good for him to pass up and he will let you know.
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twistedroseytoesy · 1 year
Octatrio with a vampire squid reader
Just pulled through for 3rd place on the poll! Nicely done guys! Picture of the squid at the end! Waning y’all in case it might upset someone cause they are kinda weird. I like having fairly realistic pictures to spread what they look like! They are really cool! Fun fact! to blind and disorient other deep sea predators the tips of their tentacles emit a little cloud of glowing mucus. another fun fact is that they aren't a squid or octopus, but it has features similar to both species, so it kinda sits between the two.
Azul: Was a bit amused at your shyness and how amazed you were about the world and all of its colors. Knew you were a deep sea mer pretty quickly from those observations. Wasn't sure what kind of creature due to how little you showed of yourself due to being shy. You always wore a strangely red cloak with a black underside. Tries to warm up to you and get you interested in making a contract with some things from home, since he too was a somewhat deep sea dweller.
When he sees your mer form, whether from the potion wearing off or you were swimming to take a break from being human, he was surprised that you were an octo like him. He assumed you were an octopus mer due to the many arms and webbing since most cephalopods have that. When he approached you immediately hid by wrapping the webbing and tentacles over your head, small and sharp-looking spines on display as a warning. He was a bit unsure how to calm you and just quietly talked to you as you slowly unraveled.
If you say anything about him running away because you're an ugly red monster with spikes, He will shut you up so fast with compliments. He thinks your cape is lovely and he understands why you are so shy now. He'll keep your secret for a small favor. You both become close friends cause cephalopods, or close to ones, need to stick together.
Jade: thought your shyness and strange cape were rather funny mimic of a land vampire. You did prefer darkness over the light of the day. would just stand behind you and chuckle as you flip the cape over your back to try and look bigger while moving away from him. He just LOVED your reactions. Sometimes if he scared you enough you would start wiggling and waving your hands in odd ways. Were you trying to cast some sort of spell~? asks you some uncomfortable questions since he finds your reactions just too much fun to no mess with.
Probably was coming back late after a hike to find you in one of the octavinelle pools. Was interested in your more red and peach toned skin coloration and realized you were a cephalopod mer of some sort since he saw the multiple arms. He smirks as he carefully slips into the water in his eel form and dashed toward you. You notice him and immediately curl your tentacles and cape above your head, spikes out and defensive. He circles around you a few times and laughs at your interesting defense mechanism. He mentions how he’s heard of a vampire squid but never met one.
He’s asking more questions and scaring or making your uncomfortable more often now that he knows. He finds it cute how you curl up under your cloak when on land to mimic your mer counterpart. When he is feeling nice he’ll show off his more colorful mushrooms, he loves your awed expression at the colors in the world above the sea.
Floyd: honestly found you to be SO much fun. Poor you, cause' now this menace eel is on your tail all the time. Squeezed you and is surprised and very happy at how you handle the pressure of his squeezes well. Called you “little snail” at first since you always hid inside of your cloak when he scared you.
The day he finds out you’re a mer, is one of his favorites and one of your worst days. You were just relaxing at 3 am in the dark swimming pool, just being your true self for a bit. Happy to stretch your tentacles a bit. You hear a loud and excited gasp before you hear fast-approaching footsteps. You don’t even get to fully turn around before you’re tackled deeper into the water by a large and excited mer-eel. You quickly hide within your cape and he giggles at that asking if you really think that would stop him. He would poke and swipe at the glowing tips of your tentacles since that’s another way you try to distract from your main body. He wraps around you and squeezes you close now happily calling you “vampire squid” or “little vamp” for short. Your spines/spikes don’t actually do that much damage, they’re more for intimidation than actual damaging defense. Floyd just laughs at the little poking he gets from them.
teases and plays with you a lot. When ever he flusters you in some way he just coos at you and says you now look just like your usual mer self! Will defend you from others if they try and bully you though. Only he’s allowed to do that! Also is glad you don’t mind hanging around him, and that you sometimes like his crushing hugs!
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the-kinnie-in-me · 1 year
Okay, well then I hope you don’t mind me returning with yet another request. I can’t help it, I just really love your writing <3
I would love some headcanons for tasm Peter falling in love again for the first time since Gwen (god, just typing that made me tear up lmao)!
Take your time, have fun with it, and have a lovely day/night :)
A/n: This has been in my ask box for so long holy shit- I'm so sorry about that. I was on an intense writer's block and I think the fact that its Valentines' Day where I'm at kinda inspired me. This is not my best work since romantic writing isn't my cup of tea 😭 But I still hope you enjoy this-
𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐌! 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐰𝐞𝐧:
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(I’m basing this off before he met the other Peters btw)
Let's start with some pre-relationship stuff-
I don’t really see it as love at 1st sight
It might take some since yk- his ex died because he couldn’t save her
How much time it would take would depend on how persistent you are in befriending him 1st
 There's definitely some remaining guilt and self-loathing so please be patient with him
He’s still a nice and friendly person so it isn’t that hard to befriend him 
In other words- You’re gonna have to buckle up since you’re about to experience the slowest slow-burn friends-to-lovers in history (Tho the fluff post and pre-relationship make it worth it)
Now onto the relationship itself
Aunt May adores you
She saw how you make her nephew happy after what happened with Gwen and approved of you immediately
“I saw how that boy mourned Gwen. I raised him for most of his life and it was devastating for me to see him like that. Then he met you, it was like it never happened and he was as happy as he was before. And I can’t express how thankful I am to you.”
We all saw how much effort he put into his and Gwen’s relationship- He would do the 1000% same thing with you
This is a bit angsty but- It just doesn’t feel the same?? THO IT DOESN’T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH HOW MUCH HE LOVES YOU- When he was doing that stuff for Gwen he had a lot more self-esteem if you get what I mean?
There have to be a lot of words of affirmation in this relationship homeboy needs it
After he gains his confidence it's mostly rainbows and sunshine
The reason why I say mostly? The topic of Spiderman.
I mean- He would tell you but he doesn’t want you to get involved 
He is very much persistent about that
He will give you every reason to not  get involved 
There’s honestly no win in this situation
If you don’t get involved you worry about him daily
*Peter enters your bedroom through your window*
“The hell happened this time?”
“They um- got me pretty bad”
You rush to grab the First Aid kit
“Yeah. I can see that.”
“Are you mad at me?”
“I’m not mad.”
“Are you sure…Because your tone kinda says otherwise”
*Sighs* “I’m not mad. Just stressed and worried because of you.”
If you do get involved he worries about you daily
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be out doing Spiderman things?”
“Yeah about that- Whatever I was fighting got away and it seemed pretty pissed. I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t gonna be petty and go after you”
I just realized the majority of this has been angst or about Gwen’s death in some way-
He doesn’t confront people when jealous
Poor boy just wants to leave with you beside him
He tries to hide it but it's kinda obvious
Tease him about it and see how long it takes for him to admit it I wanna test a theory
He is a total softy for you
Why can’t I find a bf like that on E-bay
A sane amount of PDA
Like hand-holding, falling asleep on him (albeit accidentally), and kissing on the cheek
He likes cuddling in private tho
Everything he does for and says to you just seems to be genuine-
A gentleman that was raised well fr
He will do so many things for you that it's concerning how fast he agrees,
“Hey Pete can you-”
“Of course”
This is entirely my opinion/ idea of him- I don’t see him calling you any pet names besides the occasional “babe” 
BUT- the amount of love and emotion traced whenever he just simply says your name makes up for it completely
Before I end this I just want to make 1 thing clear-
You are NOT a rebound 
He will do anything to prove that he never considered you a replacement for Gwen the moment he senses you feel that way
In his eyes, Gwen is his past 
In his eyes, you are his present and future
In his eyes, you are his everything.
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starstruck-flames · 10 months
The Room - Overhaul
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Trapped. Your mentality draining, maybe he’s… not so bad?
A/N: I haven’t… been doing so well. Paranoia and dissociation but it’s nice to use it as some inspiration in my writing. Hopefully you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed indulging in my feelings.
Content includes: descriptions of dissociation, implied Stockholm syndrome, reader has been experimented on, reader has had their quirk removed from them, it’s overhaul it’s OVERHAUL, manipulation, once again it is overhaul.
Song for your mood?
The room is blank, white. The only stimulus being the clean sanitised tiles that surround a small, helpless form. Your eyes flicker between the walls, begging for something, anything new. There was no passage of time, no day, no night; only fluorescent lighting and a slightly warm room. A small door off to the side for your bathroom needs, a small privilege allowed to you by Overhaul.
You sit, simply, quietly with your legs crossed. Basic clothing covers you, a slightly uncomfortable texture. Well. It was actually unbearable, but your skin had settled with it. It’s grating, only white noise in your skull. A bleak reminder that you’re still existing, despite the little amount of life you were living.
Is it even life?
What life is this?
You don’t feel in control of this body, everything felt disconnected and lagging. The body moved practically on its own as it took to a more self soothing position. The only sound in your vicinity was your own pulse against your ears, and even that almost felt like a lie. Feeling… uncomfortable. Like something is wrong, like everything is wrong. Living in this blank room had become second nature but there was always an impending sense of anxiety.
The only time you felt alive in any regard was-
The door quietly clicks, head whipping behind you to see who intruded your pure silence.
“…Good morning,” Comes a bored tone, Overhaul’s head tilting slightly as he takes a slow stride towards your wilting husk. “How are we feeling today?”
You remained silent, simply watching him quietly. Knowing full well that even if he asked, he more than likely didn’t care to acknowledge an answer.
A moment of silence before Overhaul looks over his shoulder to one of his men by the door. “Make a note: Subject has become mute. Most likely by choice,” Piercing gaze returning to you. “You’re not a fast learner but you learn. That’s more than most who’ve been here.”
A blink.
A nervous exhale.
He can read you perfectly, but that’s because you’ve put your psyche on display for him at this point.
Overhaul. The one to fear, the one who holds your life in the balance. That uncomfortable feeling? It becomes screaming fear in his presence.
However, it’s time for the same daily interaction you’d always done. Time for the one piece of a routine you had.
He extends a hand, reaching for you. “Now…”
There had been an established dynamic so far, on his visits you’d practically leapt away from his touch. It’s understandable really, considering how long he’d kept you captive, how long Overhaul had been running tests on every single part of you. However, he couldn’t help but test that line on these days. The days he’d left you waiting, fearing what he’d do next. It was all an experiment realistically, and he had many plans for you.
Quirkless, helpless, and weak; you’re his to poke, prod, and cut, and most importantly? His to observe.
However, today, something new happened.
His hand makes contact with your chin. No flinching, no crying. Just… hesitant obedience.
There’s nothing between the two of you. Pure silence as your face grows unsure, had he wanted a response?
Unable to read his expression, you can only pray you made the right choice. His gloved thumb absentmindedly pressing against the skin.
“Hm. You’ve grown to be…” Tilting his head in thought, he can’t seem to find the word. “Not trusting. Certainly not trusting, I can see your doubt. There’s a change either way.”
He holds it, waiting patiently for anything to change.
Your hesitant lack of resistance persists.
His hand moves, the soft texture of white gloves running over your cheek and up to moving a lock from your hair. He’d made sure that out of everything, you’d be cleaned. You’d have a clean space.
Not for your own sake of course.
“You know…” Overhaul’s tone suddenly turns soft, his hand a reminder of that even now? You’re in his hands. For better or worse. “You’ve been very brave. You know this, yes? Your sacrifice, losing that quirk of yours? It’s all to help everyone.”
Remaining silent, your eyes widen, just a little. So simple, just like clay.
“You’re one of my best test subjects.” A small coo as his hand caresses the hair he took care of. “It’d be a shame if I were to ever lose you. I need you. I need you to make a safer world for everyone.”
With that he stands, smiling to himself under the intimidating plague doctor mask. “You’re a smart one, I’m sure you understand.”
The disconnected body… reacted with something new. A harder thud, a new chill running up the arms as Overhaul tilted his head with interest. What is this? A new response? A new interesting development for Overhaul to look into.
He silently decided to keep you around. For now.
If only to discover what he could do to keep more of his experiments around and… capable.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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Pairing: Sirius x f!Reader/MC Rating/Warnings: NSFW; fluff and angst; insecure Reader/MC; suggestive/non-explicit sexual content Word Count: 3100 Summary: Let me show you (spending the holidays with Sirius)
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When you first came to Bound Arlyn, you were scared of a lot of things: the rifts, the monsters, the different skies and the unusual sounds this world made. You had no idea what to think of the Guide sorcerers who took you under their protection: Spica was confident and imposing; Arcturus was eager and always willing to help; Alpheratz oozed disdain for nearly everything going on around him; Pollux was always finding some sort of trouble to get into; and Vega seemed withdrawn and unapproachable. Sirius was a weird combination of all those things. He teased you mercilessly, but he seemed to find you when you least expected it, popping up out of nowhere to steal food off your lunch plate or drag you along on some errand he was assigned.
You spent more time together, not always by choice, and you started to regard Sirius as a friend. When he went out of his way to invite you on a shopping trip in town, or to see him perform in one of his plays, you started to see him as something more. It was hard not to get lost in all the things that made him so different from anyone you knew now or in your life before. He was breathtakingly beautiful with his expressive eyes and dark hair that reflected all the brilliant colours of the world around him. His height compared to your own should have been intimidating, but you were comfortable in his shadow. He was slender, but his arms that tightened around you in an embrace felt strong. He could protect you, and you appreciated that part of him. He seemed like he wanted to protect you too, and at some point you realized you were falling in love with him.
Those new feelings threatened to undermine the life you were trying to build here. Sirius intimidated you with his cocky confidence and ethereal looks, and you felt so plain and small next to him. You sometimes wondered why he bothered spending time with you at all. You hoped he had the decency to ignore the way you blushed and stuttered and looked away from him when he paid you too much attention, or when he brushed against you when you walked together and his fingers grazed yours. Small gestures were easy to overlook; you refused to believe they meant anything more.
One day you were visiting the marketplace together. He was browsing a stall with sparkling jeweled accessories. He held a mirror in one hand while he examined earrings and necklaces with the other, resting them against his skin and judging them with a critical eye. You weren’t sure what he was looking for, but you didn’t want to rush him.
You went to the next stall where beautiful scarves and hair accessories were displayed. You picked up a soft, silky scarf with an abstract rainbow pattern; it reminded you of something you used to wear back home. You must’ve gotten lost in your memories because you heard a throat clear behind you. You spun around, heart pounding, and you were greeted by a familiar face, his grin wide and full of teeth. He was holding the mirror in front of you. You saw a glimpse of your red cheeks and wide eyes before you turned away from the sight.
“That would look lovely on you,” Sirius said, voice tinged with just a hint of laughter. Teasing you delighted him so much.
“I think something this nice would be wasted on me,” you muttered as you put the scarf back on its display.
He let the mirror fall to his side. His eyes were swirling a dark, murky blend of colours shifting too fast for you to follow, and he frowned. “I meant it,” he said. The amusement from his tone had gone but his voice was gentle.
“I know.” You gave him what you hoped was a convincing smile but you knew your lip trembled and your eyes were burning as you desperately tried to hold back tears.
He wrapped an arm around your shoulder and drew you to him. He led you away from the bustling crowds and down a quiet path that led back home. A welcome detour. Soon, all you could see were fields of luscious grass and flowers waving in the breeze. The weight of his arm around you and the warmth of him calmed you.
He broke the silence first. “I wish you wouldn’t do that,” he said quietly.
You knew he was looking down at you, but you stared at the path ahead of you. “Do what?” you asked.
“Talk about yourself that way. I don’t know what life is like on Mid-Eartheim, but I don’t think I like it very much if it makes you doubt yourself like this.” He stopped walking and waited for you to look at him. “In fact, it’s probably for the best that you stay here. There’s still so much I want to teach you, and I’ll never get the chance if you slip away.”
Now it was your turn to be confused. You frowned when he took your hands in his. “What do you want to teach me, exactly?”
He raised your hands to his lips. They brushed against your fingers as he spoke. “All the things I love about you, and why you should love them too.”
You were stunned by his confession. You didn’t have a response for him; what could you possibly say to such a bold declaration? He didn’t seem to expect a reply either, but when you allowed yourself to slip your arm through his for the rest of the walk back home, it felt like something between you clicked into place. When you returned, he walked you to your room and his eyes were filled with promise. The smile he gave you before he left was small but genuine, and it felt truer than any smile he had shown you before. 
The other sorcerers started to notice things changing between the two of you. Sirius used to drag you along on visits when he was able to before, but now he all but refused to go if you couldn’t be there as his support. When you used to find yourself sandwiched between Arcturus and Pollux in the cafeteria during mealtimes, Sirius made them fight over the remaining empty chair by your side. You noticed Vega frowned more than usual these days. Spica’s only comment to you was that he’d never seen Sirius so motivated to be involved on campus and was glad something (or someone) was having a good influence on him. When Alpheratz dragged you away for a midday nap, Sirius wasn’t far behind; sometimes he would even lay beside you while you dozed off.
He courted you slowly, surprising you nearly every day with some sort of sweet or romantic gesture. It no longer surprised you when you woke up each morning to find a warm cup of tea on your nightstand, or a new book on your desk, or a vase of fresh wildflowers on your vanity. When you went into town together, he held your hand. If you were seeing a play together, he draped his arm across your shoulders and drew you as close as your seats allowed. He liked bidding you good night personally, walking you to your bedroom door and exchanging one last quiet touch or compliment with you before departing.
One night after seeing a new comedy production together, he leaned against the wall next to your room while you rummaged through your purse for the key. He ran his finger over the neckline of your dress and sighed happily. “I love this colour on you. Did you know that your eyes sparkle just a bit brighter when you wear it?”
You glanced at him. He had a dreamy smile on his face, and the syrupy words made you giggle despite yourself. You felt your face heat up. “You have excellent taste in most things.” He was with you when you found the dress in a quiet shop not too long ago. He insisted you try it on, and you remember his stunned silence when you stepped out of that changing room for his opinion. You would wear the dress every day if it meant he looked at you like that more often. Even if you didn’t see the beauty in yourself, you were slowly learning that he did.
Tonight was a good night. Your insides were warm from his company and your wonderful date together. He looked particularly handsome this evening. When he leaned forward to kiss your cheek farewell, you turned your head and caught his lips with yours. You felt more than heard the surprised sound he made, but after a moment he relaxed into the kiss. It was soft, barely a gentle brush of your lips together, but your eyes fluttered open and you both smiled.
Your first kiss seemed to be another turning point in your relationship. Once he knew kisses were welcome, he seemed more than happy to kiss you whenever he felt the urge. Sometimes he couldn’t resist the temptation no matter where you were. One day he leaned over and kissed your cheek while you were all having lunch together on campus. When Arcturus started “awww”-ing and Pollux started gagging across from you, Sirius kicked at them underneath the table. After a meeting with the other sorcerers, Sirius stayed in his seat and pulled you onto his lap once the others had left. You murmured disapprovingly that it wasn’t the best time, but you tilted your head to give him access as he kissed down the column of your throat. You jumped when you heard a throat clear; Spica stood there, a slender eyebrow raised, and all he said before leaving you alone again was a reminder to lock the door. You buried your head in Sirius’s chest while he shook with laughter.
You weren’t a virgin but you didn’t have the confidence to initiate physical intimacy with him either. You were shy, and you didn’t see the appeal of your naked body. What if he didn’t like the way you looked? Next to him, you felt lacking. If you were alone in your room, or in his, he unbuttoned his shirt while you kissed and encouraged your hands to roam across his skin. He never took more than you were willing to give. He pulled your shirt over your head one day and saw you shake your head slightly when his hands hovered over the hooks of your bra. He didn’t miss a beat as he gathered you in his lap anyway and let his lips and tongue tease you through the thin fabric. 
Time passed and seasons changed. A couple months after you started dating, he started talking about celebrating the winter holidays of Bound Arlyn together. He mentioned going out for dinner, and you agreed that it was a lovely idea.
“Your gift should arrive sometime that afternoon too,” he said nonchalantly while he picked at his dinner plate. 
You glanced up from your own plate. “Wait, delivered? What did you buy?” You were still debating what to get him, but you didn’t anticipate buying anything that needed special delivery. 
He smiled that mysterious smile of his and didn’t respond.
You were reading in your room the afternoon of your holiday date when you heard Pollux’s muffled yells outside your door. When you poked your head into the hallway to see what was happening, you saw him and a few other sorcerers carrying a large wooden crate. You swung your doors open wide and moved out of the way while they dragged it into your room. The others left and you and Pollux investigated the mysterious package.
Pollux’s brow was sweating but he smiled at you. “Sirius left the mail sorters a very strongly-worded note that this should be brought to you as soon as it arrived.” He walked around the large crate. “Any ideas what it is yet?”
You shook your head. The box was a bit taller than you were. “Can you help me open this?”
Pollux used a knife he carried with him to help you cut away the binds that kept the crate secured. Once those were removed, it was easy to pull the packaging apart. Pollux stood beside you with his hands on his hips. “A mirror, huh? Looks like an antique, too.”
It was a full-length mirror. You weren’t sure what type of brushed metal the frame was made of. The clawed feet held it upright and it was decorated with intricate patterns of vines and flowers. It looked expensive, and it was heavy; Pollux helped you slide it into place against a wall near your bed.
“I appreciate the help,” you said apologetically when you walked him to the door. You saw him wince when he flexed his hands.
“Hey, it’s no problem! What time are you going out tonight?” Sirius must have told the others about your date.
“Sirius said reservations were for 6:30, so I think he’s meeting me here at 6:00.” You glanced at the clock behind you. “I should probably get ready.”
You planned out the timing in your head: it was five now and you’d be finished showering in thirty minutes; another fifteen minutes to dry and style your hair, then fifteen minutes to dress and add a bit of light makeup would have you ready for his arrival at six. Perfect.
You were sitting at your vanity towel-drying your hair when you heard knocking against your door. Your panic turned to confusion when you realized you weren’t running late, but he arrived early. You pulled your bathrobe tight around you and tied it closed while you walked to the door. 
“You’re a little early, aren’t you?” You pulled the door open but couldn’t help but stare. He stood in front of you in a bespoke black tuxedo. The jacket glittered in the dim lighting of your hallway. You’ve never seen someone pull off a sequin suit jacket before, but he stood there looking like the brightest constellation in a dark night’s sky. His smile widened as you trailed your gaze up and down his body. You looked away embarrassed but moved aside and closed the door behind him.
He looked around your room like he was looking for something. “Ah, so you received your gift as I requested. Excellent. Do you like it?”
You played with tendrils of wet hair that fell over your shoulder. “Yes, it’s lovely.” You cleared your throat. “I’m sorry, but I still need to finish getting ready. Did I mix up the time?”
Sirius was standing in front of your mirror and smoothing down the front of his suit jacket. You saw him smirk in the mirror and your eyes met briefly in his reflection. “Not at all. I simply realized that I had to be here early so I could see you when you’re most beautiful.”
You looked down at your fluffy bathrobe. Your hair was still dripping wet from your shower and you hadn’t put any makeup on yet. “You must be joking,” you scoffed.
Sirius nodded like he expected you to say that. “Let me show you then.” He walked behind you and put his hands on your waist. He urged you forward until you were both standing in front of the mirror, him behind you, and he placed his hands on your shoulders. You tried to look away from your reflection, but he tsked under his breath.
“Look at us, my darling.” When you looked forward, cheeks pink from his pet name for you, he smiled. “Don’t you realize how lovely you are? Don’t you know how desperate you make me feel?” He bent his head and you felt the barest touch of his lips grazing the skin of your neck. One of his arms wrapped around your waist and the other reached up and slowly slid the bathrobe off your shoulder as he continued his exploration.
You gasped and instinctively pressed your back against him when he undid the belt tying your robe closed. The sensation of cool air against your warm, naked skin felt electrifying. In the mirror, you could see glimpses of your naked body underneath the robe that fluttered open. His fingers traced along the visible patches of soft skin, between your collarbones and further down still. You tilted your head back and leaned against his chest. He seemed perfectly happy to support you if it meant he could touch you like this.
“I’m going to ruin your suit,” you protested weakly but you made no effort to move away. You knew his clothes must be getting damp from your robe and hair.
“I would ruin everything I have if it meant being close to you like this,” he murmured.
His sincerity had you blinking back tears while you stared at the ceiling. “I don’t deserve you,” you whispered.
He drew away from you suddenly and reappeared in front of you. “Look at me,” he said. His voice was soft but the tone was firm.
When your watery gaze met his, you could see the fractals of colour in his eyes brighten while he looked into yours. He took a step forward, and you took one back. He kept walking you backwards until you felt your thighs bump against your bed. He had his hands on your shoulders and pushed down gently, urging you to sit. You didn’t expect him to fall to his knees and shift forward til he was resting between your legs. You caught a glimpse of your flushed face and dark eyes in the mirror’s reflection before you looked down at him.
“Let me show you a taste of what you deserve,” he whispered against your thigh.
You were laying naked in bed together afterwards, your head resting against his shoulder while his fingers traced lazy patterns onto your back. His eyes were closed, but he looked utterly content.
He hummed in response, not bothering to open his eyes. He was always listening.
“I’m sorry your dinner reservation for us got a bit…well, side-tracked,” you said with a blush. You saw him smile. “Maybe we can reschedule for another evening?”
He opened his eyes, warm like molten gold, and he nodded. “Of course, darling. Whatever you’d like.”
You closed your eyes and let yourself relax in his embrace, the beat of his heart lulling you to sleep.
The next day, Sirius “rescheduled” the dinner reservation he never made.
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peach-the-owl · 3 months
First post of NPC month! Woooooo!!! Let’s hope I can keep the ball rolling 😅
Avantica & Child!Reader
For anyone familiar with the Little Nightmares games, reader is somewhat similar to Six from the first game
Ability gained: +1 to Strength
Fire spread fast across the village, you paid little mind to the distant screams while you stare down the parasite that thought it a good idea to cross you… well more like former parasite, as the man’s corpse still stares at you with terror in its dulled eyes while you wiped the blood off your mouth. You weren’t the cause of the fire, as much as you would’ve liked to, no, someone else decided to cause havoc to the village and you were sure you’d take advantage of the opportunity. A shadow looms behind you, slowly you turn to face its owner, not a shred of fear present on your face.
“My my, well aren’t you just the savage little monster.” The woman smirks at you.
“I’m not a monster,” you state blankly, “I’m a kid.”
“No child I’ve ever seen can rip a mans throat out with their teeth so easily.” She points out before adding. “Nor has anyone ever been so calm in my presents. Do I not scare you?” You raise an eyebrow at this.
“Should I be?” You answer her question with your own. Her smirk only grows at this.
“I think you and I are going to get along real nicely…”
You did what you do best below deck, pest control, chasing down any pests and reaching into the smaller nooks and crannies to get at them. It was easy work for you by now, having been stuck with Avantica for about a year and half now, going along with her delusions of power. You didn’t care much for the patron she worshiped, this Uk’otoa creature not really striking your interest despite her obsessive ramblings over it, sure you’ve been play along, but that doesn’t mean you had to like it. The cellar door opens and several sets of footsteps are heard making their way down, you hear Avantica’s voice amongst them and you knew what this meant, she wanted to make an example to whoever these, possibly newcomers were. You’re theory that they were newcomers was proven correct, you’ve never seen a group so colourful and odd before, but curious of them as you were you sat back and waited for your cue, perfect timing too as that familiar gnawing in your gut makes itself known.
“If I may be so kind to ask, why bring us down here?” The half-orc questions
“Some have come to me with… ill intent. I wish to show that I myself, as well as my crew are not people to be trifled with.” Avantica explains, giving you the small signal to make yourself known. You step forward, close enough so this group could see you but keep enough distance away from them to stay out of their reach. You stare them all down, taking in the shocked expressions, sizing each of them up. The blue one steps towards you, her first mistake.
“Oh my gosh, hi! Are you okay? Are you hurt?” She asks, looking at you concerned, she misjudges and underestimates you, her second mistake.
“I’m hungry…” You say blankly, noticing the goblin stepping closer as well.
“Here! It’s a bit crumbly, but I have this pastry you can eat.” She says cheerily reaching towards you, her third and biggest mistake.
“That won’t be good enough.” You say, tone never shifting away from being emotionless. “You’ll do just fine.” She barely processes what you said before you bite into her shoulder, she screams in shock and pain the others with her prying you off of her, but not before you rip off a decent piece of her flesh. The tiefling stumbles back, clutching at where you bit her, a look of horror on her face as you stare back at her while swallowing the fresh meat, wiping some blood away with your wrist. There’s a surge of energy that courses through you then out of you, you look yourself over for a second before looking beside you at the darkened and slightly unstable silhouette of yourself, guess with a lack of a deity this new ability couldn’t reach its fullest potential, not that you cared so long as it still does it’s job.
“What did I tell you,” Avantica laughs, “not to be trifled with.”
Ability gained: Invoke Duplicity
Evening approached which meant you were free to roam the ship without the crew getting in the way, though with the gnawing coming back, this being the fastest it’s ever re-emerged, you wished at least one forgetful soul stuck around. But then again you had some new treats, and a new skill, to play with…
The ship creaked as it swayed with the waves, the eerie silence otherwise didn’t sit well with Beau as she sits up from her sleeping area and surveys the room. Something about the atmosphere felt off as she gets up, the floor boards creaking under her as she shifts and moves around. She carefully steps as quietly as possible to the door, poking her head out into the hall, where upon sensing no immediate danger she fully steps out of the room. The boat sways subtly against the waves almost like it’s trying to lull her back to sleep, the harsh creak of the floorboards pulling out of such a mindset. To her left the hall was dark and empty, to her right what little moonlight shone down the hall was partially blocked by a figure standing as still as a statue.
“Damn kid…” Beau mutters under her breath, wanting nothing to do with whatever they were doing. She stares at the silhouette feeling them stare back at her. “What do you want, you little freak.” She hisses through clenched teeth, that’s when you let your little illusion drop, the duplicate’s silhouette shattering into pieces as you approach.
“I’m not a freak,” you say, as monotonous as ever, “I’m worse.” You manage to step back and avoid the strike Beau throws, using the moment to grab her arm and bite into it. She shouts in pain, reeling her arm away from you and quickly clutching tightly to the wound, but you already got what you needed, feeling a surge of energy rush through you, jabbing it out at her sending her to her knees. You disappear into the darkness down the hall as the others from her group stir to investigate.
Ability gained: Stunning Strike
“How lucky you are.” Avantica chuckles ominously. “You finally get to relieve your sea legs for a bit.” She was, of course, referring to your mission on Urukayxl. You knew the only reason she even wanted you there was to gain power for her advantage, at least that’s how she worded it. She was never one to tiptoe around her true intentions with you, your purpose, the reason she decided to keep you alive was solely to benefit herself, and you fully knew about it. On the other hand, you yourself had secret intentions you kept quiet about, just waiting patiently for the perfect moment, and if you were being honest, since the arrival of this Mighty Nein group you’ve felt that perfect moment drawing closer and closer.
“Can’t wait to get started.” You say as blandly as ever.
“Good. Now why don’t you go inform our new recruits we’ll be arriving soon.” You nod and turn to make your leave. “One more thing,” she quickly adds, “while you’re at it, if you could tell their ‘captain’ I’d like word with him.” Again, you nod in acknowledgement and leave her quarters to find said group…
“How exactly do we plan on dealing with that psycho child around?” Beau paces the room, unconsciously touching the scar you’d left her.
“With Avantica watching us like a hawk, can’t say there’s much we can do.” Fjord sighs, glancing over at Jester who, while was doing better, still shivered at the thought of their first encounter with you. “We’ll just need to tread carefully.”
“Who’s treading carefully?” You ask suddenly appearing behind him, causing the half-orc to jump away from you with a yelp of surprise. You look at him unfazed. “You’re not planning against the captain, are you?” You give a slight tilt to your head in minor curiosity.
“W-what? No! We were just saying how it’s best to tread carefully… around the crew. You know, s-so we don’t get in anyone’s way. Right guys?” They mumble rather unconvincing responses but you could honestly care less what they were doing.
“Captain says we’ll be arriving soon, and for captain Tusktooth to see her.” You deliver the message and leave before any of them have a chance to respond. You make your way down the hall when you hear someone approach from behind making you pause to turn towards them. “Can I h help you?” You stare down the goblin woman.
“I got my eye on you, kid. So you best watch your back if you try hurting anymore of my friends.” She threatens, you simply give her a hollow stare.
“Okay.” You start, a familiar gnawing beginning to form, it has been a few day since your last… episode. She turns to leave, her mistake. “Maybe you should be more concerned watching your own back.” She whips around at this but you’ve already disappeared from your original position, watching as the goblin panics while looking every which way. You felt the gnawing grow ever so slightly but held off on the urge, you’d have your chance soon. Urukayxl was going to be quite the interesting trip…
Haha! Cliffhanger! I’m so evil 😈 In all seriousness I will, eventually, get to making a part 2. Anyways, hope you still enjoyed, let me know what you think 😁
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