#it’s always quite the fun time when your parent makes you remember why you never discuss your health with them
kissed-by-miserae · 1 year
Me:*literally in the middle of dealing with a migraine*
My mother: you need to come take something so you can get back on school!!
Me: >:|
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goresuki · 4 months
my thoughts on Charlastor and Alastor calling Charlie "the daughter he never had"
this will be a very long rant/vent/whatever. also, a kind of... agressive one. if u wanna read, read it, if u don't, don't, idc and idm. I don't know if some antis take things for convenience (that way) or if they really are naive, because the fact that a manipulative guy like Alastor, whose intentions are unknown, tells Charlie that he sees her as "the daughter he never had" DOES NOT SOUND as CUTE to me as many DO seem to think it does.
I don't know if they don't realize the relationship Charlie has with her parents and how Alastor seems to take advantage of her.
From the pilot we realize that Charlie has no contact with her mother. In the series it is established that they have not seen each other for 7 years.
The first episode JUST talks about Charlie having so called "daddy issues" as her father, Lucifer, is an absentee father.
Charlie appears to NOT have had a close relationship with ANY of the two for some time (or quite some time).
The only person Charlie has is Vaggie, to protect and care for her (here's why Vaggie is so "boring", as some people call her, as she is acting as a guide/parental figure for Charlie, even though their relationship is romantic).
Where am I going with these points? That I think it's complete nonsense for people to take super-literally what Alastor has said: "you're like the daughter I always wanted to have".
Isn't it convenient for the most feared overlord (not the strongest) to approach Charlie and find that she's not as vulnerable as he thought (because Vaggie is there)? Isn't it convenient for Alastor to make a very absolute polarity between Vaggie and him in the pilot, where Vaggie comes off as the "bitter one" and he as the "fun guy"? Isn't it convenient for Alastor to PROVE to Charlie over and over again that HE knows what SHE NEEDS by pulling his tricks? And, oh, surprise… Isn't it even more convenient that when Lucifer arrives, who has a lousy relationship with his daughter, Charlie, Alastor rubs it in his face that he is doing everything that he (Lucifer) is responsible for, and furthermore, hits him right where it hurts, manipulating Charlie so that she seriously BELIEVES that Alastor REALLY sees her that way, and thus making her STILL not have a GUIDE other than HIMSELF?
I'll make it simple for you. You know how narcissists work? They will make you believe that YOU are special, and at the same time, they will ALIENATE you from your loved ones to keep gaining whatever they need from you. Charlie is, literally, his supply.
Alastor is a psychopath and narcissist. Do you really think that someone who can't genuinely empathize and love is literally going to feel affection for a grown woman who is very naive and doesn't even have power over her kingdom because she is so immature? Don't you think it is VERY OBVIOUS that he has literally said to her face: "I'm going to manipulate you in my favor because thanks to me you have all these upgrades in your stupid hotel"?
Alastor hasn't as such made a deal with Charlie, but he's winning her over in HIS way.
And I don't know who's crazier: charlastor shippers like me, who don't give a damn about canon and want to enjoy shipping WITHOUT bothering ANYONE (and don't come out with the stupidity that it's a "proship". Proshipper doesn't even mean "problematic ship", it means that you are FOR shipping whatever you want, living and letting live, without HARASSING others. Let's remember that Hazbin Hotel characters DON'T. FUCKING. EXIST. Alastor is not going to come out of the screen to say: "omg, user, thanks for defending me from those evil shippers uwu", or Charlie to say: "thanks for defending me, you're so good, user…. You're such a good person". Pro: "in favor of", shipper: "shipper, ship", however you want to call it. Don't modify terms to suit yourselves because you can tell that many don't even know how suffixes and prefixes work in words. Neither Charlie nor Alastor are going to die because someone shipped them. They are FICTITIOUS characters. The FANON is not going to change the CANON. Learn to sepparate stuff, ffs. Go out and touch grass once in a while) or antis who put on a pedestal what Alastor said, believing it as a justification to ATTACK people in the fandom who shipped something different, according to them, "problematic".
There they do forget that Alastor is a manipulator, that he is a person with a LOT of arsenal to get his way. There they forget that he IS a guy Charlie should NOT trust. There it DOES count because IT CONVENIENTS THEM. That's when the canon MATTERS to them. There it COUNTS. It doesn't matter if Charlie gets hurt because of trusting Alastor, they only see what they want to see. If you guys are going to humanize this fucking characters, at least be a little bit logical. Got me? Remember what Viv said?: "ship whatever you want, JUST DON'T HARASS ANYONE". These people say: "fuck what Viv says", but on this occasion, since she DID say something convenient for them, it DOES matter what Viv says now, doesn't it? Hypocrites.
Charlie has no one beyond Alastor, and I don't remember where I read that theory, whether it was here or elsewhere, where they talked about Alastor looking for a way to alienate the hotel itself in one way or another. That's why he doesn't use very flashy technology (Vox can travel through the latest electronics, and the hotel has an old box TV), nor does he go out of his way to provide anything of good quality (like the video camera). The hotel has its own power supply (we see this when the blackout occurs during the song between Alastor and Vox).
Alastor DOES NOT WANT Charlie as his daughter, he's just taking advantage of her to get whatever he needs to get out of her.
Charlie doesn't even seem to know exactly how her powers work, and the only person who can teach her is Lucifer, her father. And if Lucifer is out of the equation, Alastor can do whatever he wants.
He's hit Lucifer right in the jugular, and Lucifer knows that all the power in the world can't make up for the wrong he did to Charlie.
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darkwolf989 · 1 month
Can I request a girl dad Vox where his teenage daughter is going through her emo phase. at the same time going through puberty, and she's just at that stage where she's like "I hate you all" and it really hurts Vox because she's always been her little girl and maybe it ends with them making up and just being goofy like watching her favorite movies. Like super daddy's girl esk until then and his world just stops when she starts pulling away. I LOVE GIRL DAD VOX.
This was such a fun request! Thanks for sending!! <3
The attitude shift came overnight. Vox couldn’t pinpoint exactly when his daughter changed her nail polish from pink to black, or when she started to wear only the black pieces from her wardrobe. But he could absolutely remember the first time she snapped at him over a simple question. As she left the breakfast table and slammed the door shut behind her, Vox looked to Valentino and Velvette for guidance. 
“She’s growing up,” Velvette said through sips of her coffee. “Just be patient. Let her come to you and give her space.”
And so, Vox tried. I mean, honestly, he really did try. He let every snarky response, every too loud blast of music pass. Hell, the morning she woke up and poured herself a cup of coffee he almost blew a gasket. She was sixteen, she didn’t need coffee, he started to say, but Valentino cut him off and guided reader back to the kitchen. 
“Cream and sugar, little princessa, will help you get used to the taste,” Valentino said gently. 
Vox heard her mutter something he couldn’t quite make out but her tone certainly sounded rude. He stood up to scold her but Velvette grabbed his hand. 
“Pick your battles, Vox. This isn’t it.” Velvette said. “It’s only a phase.”
And so he gave her as much freedom as he felt he could while still being an active, involved parent. He kept on top of her grades and gave her the space she demanded and he thought for sure that respecting her privacy would get at least an “I love you Daddy,” on occasion. The most he got from her was a slightly less intense look of disdain every time he asked a question or a task of her. It seemed to him Daddy’s Little Girl was no longer. 
The hair dye was the final straw. Pretty brunette turned box dye black in a matter of hours. A bathroom splattered with splotches of black and a sink stained so badly Vox was sure it would never come out. Her beautiful brunette hair was now an odd shade of gray. He felt his anger grow as he saw the remnants of her activities and with a yell, he grabbed her by the hand and pulled her downstairs to Velvelettes studio. 
“Where did you even get this?” Vox asked in frustration as he watched Velvette’s assistant try to scrub the stains from behind her ears. “And why? You had such pretty hair!”
“Why does it matter?” She snapped. “I can do what I want with my body. You can’t stop me.”
“I never said you couldn’t! But you have an entire salon two floors below your bedroom, why didn’t you just say something?” He asked in exasperation as Velvette walked over. 
“Because it’s my body! I just wanted to do something on my own for once without everything questioning me!” She screamed. 
And then she burst into tears. Vox could feel his heart breaking at the sound and pushed the assistant away as he pulled her into his arms. He expected her to push him away, but instead she leaned into his shoulder and cried.
“And now I’m ugly, and my hair sucks and I just, I just…” she let out a hiccuping sob. 
Vox recognized that noise. Even in her teenage years, that cry hadn’t changed. He pressed his hand to the back of her head gently, ignoring the leftover streaks of dye that stained his hands. 
“Hey, hey baby girl. It’s alright, Auntie Vel will get your hair fixed up,” he said as soothingly as he could. 
Velvette glanced up from behind the counter and took her place behind the chair. She gave Vox an encouraging look. 
Vox took a deep breath. Pick my battles, he thought to himself as he held his not so little girl anymore. 
“And I’m sure she’ll dye it black if that’s what you really want,” he conceded finally. 
Another sniffle from the face tucked into his shoulder. 
“Really, you’d let me do that?” She asked as she leaned back and rubbed at her eyes. 
“Only if you promise never to use box dye again,” he replied lightly. “The bathroom is a mess. We might have to repaint the entire thing.” 
She let out a ghost of a smile and he gently dabbed her eyes.
 “There there. No more tears. It’s okay.”
“Daddy? Can I ask you something?” She asked as Velvette quietly took her place behind the chair and began to work her way through the half brunette streaks of hair. 
“Anything, sweetheart.”
“Can…can we redo my room? I don’t want it pink anymore.” She said softly. “Please don’t be mad.”
He could feel his heart breaking for the second time that day, this time for an entirely different reason. She thought he would be mad at her? He tried to think back to when she would get that idea and quickly concluded now wasn’t the best time to analyze his own behavior. Not when he had those pretty blue eyes watching him, waiting desperately for a response. 
“Sure baby girl,” he replied with a kiss to her forehead. “How about we get your hair fixed up and then you and I can do some shopping and redesign the whole thing together tonight? How’s that sound?” 
Her eyes lit up. “That would be amazing! Thank you, Dad!” She stood up from the chair threw her arms around him. 
Velvette gave Vox an approving smile.
“Alright then you two, let's get to work so you guys can go have some fun!” She said cheerfully. 
A few hours later, Vox watched as reader admired her reflection in the mirror. Somewhere, it pained him that she wanted to run so far in the opposite direction. He wondered what he had done to lose her trust.
“Don’t take it personally,” Velvette said softly to Vox as he watched reader run her fingers through her hair. “She’s just trying to find her place in the world.”
“What do I do about the bedroom? I can’t have it all black, it would look awful.” He replied, “but unless I give in…”
“Boundaries, Vox. It’s a reasonable give and take. Sure, painting her entire room back would look awful. And It’s okay to hold an expectation and come to a compromise. Some part of her still wants to know you care about her. She’s just testing her limits. All teenagers do.” Velvette added. “But I would start with designing together on one of you computers and go from there.”
Several hours, zero tears and one phone in pizza order later, Vox and reader sat on the couch. For the first time in a long time, reader was in hysterics as they watched her favorite movie together.
“Hey, Dad?” She asked once she collected herself enough to speak. “I love you.”
Vox tried to keep his cool, but his heart soared. “Love you too,” he replied. He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “No matter what happens, I’ll always be your dad.”
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differenteagletragedy · 6 months
swap au: the boy across the street is Baxter, the boy who lives far away but is still your friend is Cove, and the boy who comes for but one summer is Derek.
When I tell you the powerful and immediate urge I had to rewrite the entire dang game with this ... this is so much fun, thank you!!!
You could hear the new neighbors moving in at your spot behind your house. You'd thought about taking a peek to see what kind of people they were like, but decided to stay out of the way, watching clouds on the poppy hill instead. With how nosy your moms had been after the "for sale" sign disappeared, you'd be learning about them soon enough.
After a while, the clouds stopped holding your attention and you stood, looking for a new activity. Before you knew it, you were making your way to the shore -- there was always something to do there.
When you arrived, the typically empty beach wasn't quite as empty as it usually was. Up near the path, away from the water but still on the sand, was a boy. He looked to be your age, maybe a little older. He hadn't heard you approach, and was instead staring straight ahead at the ocean.
"Hi," you said, and you quickly broke whatever spell he was under. "I haven't seen you around before."
"That would be because I just moved here," he said. He pulled on the hem of his shirt, then smiled at you, extending a hand. "My name is Baxter Ward."
At the time, you thought it was weirdly formal, something grown-ups did to greet each other, not kids. But over time, as you got to know him and all his quirks, you looked back at the moment fondly.
That summer, he became your best friend.
You took to each other immediately, and if you had it your way you would've have spent every waking minute together. Sometimes Baxter couldn't hang out though -- he didn't talk about it much, but he seemed sad sometimes when he talked about his parents, and the few times you spoke with them you got the feeling they didn't like you very much.
But Baxter, as oddly formal as he was, wasn't afraid to break rules. And after a meeting between his parents and yours that didn't seem to go so well, your moms were quick to welcome him whenever he wanted to come over. You were able to get close.
By the time the summer was over, you could hardly remember what life was like before he came into it.
Five years later, you were 13, and Baxter was still your best friend. He went to a private school while you went to the public one, and from what little he told you about it, he didn't really have friends there. It was a boring place to be, he told you, and he'd much rather be spending time with you than with those spoiled rich kids.
He never bothered noting that he was also a spoiled rich kid.
One day, the two of you were in your bedroom, wasting away a day together. He was lying comfortably on your bed and you were sitting at the foot of it, leaned against the window he regularly used for secret visits -- when he didn't want to hear his parents complain about him spending so much time with you, he found it easier to just slip away unnoticed.
"There's a boy coming over today," he mentioned, ending a comfortable silence. "I think you'll find him interesting."
"If you think he's interesting, then I'm officially scared," you teased.
He smirked in response. He was proud.
Over the past few months, Baxter had started getting more experimental with his fashion. He'd always dressed a bit preppy, and that hadn't changed much, but now he was moving towards clothes that were only black and white. He'd shown you a few more alternative pieces he'd ordered, things that matched the color scheme but were a little more out there, but he hadn't had the nerve to wear them out yet.
"He's the son of a business partner of my father's," he explained of the mystery boy. "I've met him a few times before, he's very shy."
"Then why do you think I'll think he's interesting?" you asked.
"He's also very cute."
You blushed, and he laughed.
You'd had a crush on him for a while, and you couldn't tell if he knew, or if he might like you back, but it was certainly clear that he enjoyed teasing you about anything even remotely related to dating. It always flustered you, but he enjoyed that, too.
He opened his mouth to say anything else, but before he could, the door to your room opened and Liz popped her head in.
"Some kid is at the door asking for you," she told Baxter. "I didn't realize you'd officially moved in."
"Thank you for the warm welcome, sis," he said easily, then stood and looked at you.
"Let's go," he said. "That would be the boy of the hour."
He held out a hand to help you off the bed, and, blushing again, you took it. There was that smirk again, but this time he chose to let it go.
When you went downstairs and to the door, you saw the boy had retreated back towards the street, looking uncomfortable. He was tall and gangly with bright green hair and glasses, and Baxter had been right -- he was cute.
"Cove!" your friend called out brightly, leading you over for an introduction. The boy, Cove, held up his hand in a slight wave. He was nervous.
But as awkward as Cove was, he managed to work his way into your cozy little friend group of two, turning it into a trio.
At one point during the summer, you and Cove had exchanged phone numbers. His father -- his parents were divorced and he lived in another neighborhood with his dad -- was much more easygoing than Baxter's parents, so you were able to visit him quite a bit.
You were even invited over for a sleepover, which Baxter had been surprised about. He'd reacted strangely when you told him about it, it seemed -- you weren't sure if he was upset that his parents had never let you stay over, or if it was something about you getting close to Cove. But in the end, he'd put on his old friendly smile and told you to have fun.
When your moms dropped you off at Cove's house, he greeted you at the door and invited you in, as awkward as the day you had met.
"It was my dad's idea, to ask you to stay over," he explained as you made your way to his room to hang out. "Not that I don't want you to stay over! It was just his idea is all."
"Why would he want me to stay over?" you asked.
He turned to face you as you came to a stop in his bedroom, but he kept his eyes down. He started rubbing his arm, a nervous tick you'd picked up on pretty quickly.
"I don't ... I mean, I don't really have many friends, I guess," he said. "My dad wants me to have more. I think he worries about it."
"Why didn't you ask Baxter?"
"My dad doesn't like his dad," he said.
That made sense to you. You didn't like Baxter's dad either.
Cove didn't live in your neighborhood, but he still lived near a beach. You walked there together and spent most of the evening there, and when you went back, his dad had cooked you dinner.
Throughout the day, he had loosened up, but when it was time for bed, he started getting shy again. His father had laid out two sleeping bags side by side on the living room floor, and after you both got into them, he didn't say a word.
"Cove?" you asked.
He didn't say anything. You turned to face him, sure he hadn't been able to fall asleep that quickly. In the faint light coming in from the kitchen, you saw his eyes wide open, and maybe a tiny bit of color on his cheeks.
"Are you all right?"
He turned his head toward you slightly, not enough to make eye contact, and said, "Yeah."
It wasn't very convincing.
It was your turn to stay quiet -- you weren't sure what to say. Then, without further prompting, he turned to face you too. He met your eyes.
"I get nervous around you," he said plainly. "More than other people. That's why I don't say stuff sometimes."
"Oh," you replied. Then, "Why?"
He shrugged, a decidedly non-romantic gesture, but it still tugged at your heartstrings.
He ended up changing the subject, and you laid there together for a long time, whispering about what you'd done that day and what you wanted to do tomorrow, what you wanted to do with your lives. It was nice, and when you finally fell asleep, you thought maybe you could see Cove being in your life for a long time.
Five more years went by, and more big changes came with them.
Baxter was your best friend and still your neighbor -- for the time being. You'd graduated high school and were now adults, and you knew he was desperate to get out of his parents' home.
Cove was still important to you, though you'd been seeing him less and less. His father had cut professional ties with Baxter's, and there was a bit of bad blood there. He'd also decided he wanted to go to college to study marine biology, which was no big surprise, but it did mean that a lot of his free time went to studying.
You weren't sure what exactly you wanted to do, but at the beginning of the summer, an opportunity for a quick adventure before diving into real adulthood presented itself, almost literally on your doorstep.
Gossip spread easily in Sunset Bird, and your moms had heard that the newly vacant condo next door to Baxter's house had been rented. They were eager to see who was coming into the neighborhood, but because they had to leave for work before anything happened, they asked you and Baxter, who was almost always over, to keep an eye out.
Baxter agreed before you could say anything. He'd always done anything your moms asked. You thought it was because he was thankful that they'd unofficially adopted him as their third child.
The two of you settled outside on your front step, waiting and chatting idly about some nonsense he'd made up about who the new neighbor would be. He was really getting into the details when a cab pulled up across the street, and a guy who looked to be about your age stepped out.
"This is not what I expected," Baxter whispered to you before letting his mouth hang open.
You watched as the newest resident of your tiny town moved to the back of the car, opening the trunk and easily pulling out a suitcase. He was all muscles and tan skin and had such a big smile as he tipped the driver. The cab left, and the stranger must have felt your eyes on him, because he turned to you then and smiled even wider.
"Hey, neighbors!" he called out, sounding as friendly as he looked. He started making his way over, and you saw bright green eyes twinkling at you.
Baxter stood, sticking his hand out to help you up. You took it, and he used his other hand to smooth his black and white hair.
"My name's Derek," the guy said holding out a hand to you the same way Baxter had when you first met him ten years before. You shook it, and he smiled directly at you before moving to shake your friend's hand as well.
You and Baxter introduced yourselves, then Baxter asked, "So, Derek, what brings you into our tiny neck of the woods?"
"I'm on vacation," he answered. "Well, kind of. I play college soccer, and there's a coach in the city that's really good, I'm going to work with him this summer. My parents wanted me to have an actual vacation too though, so ..."
He finished his thought by gesturing to his condo.
"I see," Baxter said, and you could hear it in his voice already -- he was turning the charm on. "Well, you know what they say about all work and no play. If you ever feel the need to play, don't hesitate to find us."
Ten years of friendship, and Baxter could still make you blush. If Derek was taken aback by his forwardness, he didn't show it -- instead, he laughed openly.
"I'll keep that in mind," he said. You thought you saw him sneak a glance at you as his smile turned smaller, but you weren't sure.
You learned quickly that Derek was serious about his work. He left for long stretches to go into the city for his private training, and you frequently saw him out for runs around the neighborhood.
But he also, it seemed, had taken a liking to you.
One evening, he knocked on your door. You were home alone, so naturally you were the one to answer, and he was there, as always, with a big grin on his face.
"Hey!" he said. "I totally get if you have plans, but if not I thought I'd come check to see if you wanted to hang out?"
"I'm free," you told him.
"Cool. Do you wanna come over?"
When you paused, he quickly continued, telling you, "Oh no, I'm not ... I'm not trying to ... do you like video games?"
A few minutes later, you were sitting next to Derek on his couch, starting up a game of MarioKart.
His composure regained, he said, "I hope you know I'm not going to take it easy on you."
"Why would I think you'd take it easy on me?" you laughed, looking at the tv to choose your character.
"Pretty people always think they can get their way."
That stopped you in your tracks. You glanced over at him, and he was smiling at you.
"You would know," you replied, trying to return the compliment.
As you played, you both found little ways to get closer to each other. Once he scooted over to show you which button to press to do a certain move, and soon after you'd done the same, pretending like you'd forgotten.
After a particularly intense race, it happened -- you finally beat Derek. He'd stayed true to his word and hadn't taken it easy on you, beating you time after time, but now, you'd bested him.
You stood up enthusiastically, cheering for yourself, and ever the gentleman, he stood up as well to cheer along with you.
The next thing you knew, he had his strong arms around your waist, and yours had gone up around his neck. He leaned in a bit, then paused.
"I like you," he said softly, "and I think it would be nice to kiss you. But I'm going back to college in a couple of months, and --"
"A couple of months is enough for me," you told him.
He smiled again, then kissed you. It was gentle and sweet, and over far too soon.
"I'm thinking I should probably make a little bit more time this summer for playing," he said, giving you a smirk that could almost rival Baxter's.
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anantaru · 1 year
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featuring: heizou, childe, xiao, albedo, diluc, itto, scaramouche, al-haitham x gn! reader
genre: fluff, crack ૮⍝◠ ·̫ ◠⍝ა | event.
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decorating the house
for heizou and you it was important to decorate and celebrate a warm and warm-hearted christmas vibe, the atmosphere being filled with both kindness and compassion, symbolizing your love to each other and the new season.
"how does this look?"
heizou held a dainty figurine in his hand, symbolizing an angel, wrapped in a white little garment as he held it on to the drawer next to the big christmas tree, being unsure if it would fit.
"I love it! it fits the white ornaments on our tree."
your glowing face was definitely better than the wintery season itself, the sides of your lips were split in an enticing smile as you walked towards him.
"i love the sound of 'our' tree."
flabbergasted with joy and delight he put the small figurine on the desk so he could place his hands on your waist, drawing you closer.
a kiss, only one, saying more than one thousand words, that threw you off reality, feeling like your feet barely touched the ground anymore.
upon pulling away, you held his cheeks in your palms, continuing, "we should continue to decorate." grabbing the silver ribbons and glitter off the table you tried to pull away from his grasp as he hooked his hand into you.
watching him with a confused expression, you continued, "there‘s still things to do on the tree."
"OUR tree, don't mess it up now."
ice fishing
with ajax having an immense advantage surrounding this particular hobby— due to his father and him spending lots of time ice fishing together when he was little, he made it his duty to show you all the little tricks he had up his sleeve.
"wait, hold it like this."
your fingers were desperately cramping around the fishing rod, your hands struggling as he took them in his palm, wiggling you into the right direction.
"see, isn't that better?" his warm breath on your cheeks surely made you experience another familiar feeling, your smile being wide as you drew your eyes to him, thankful. "you're right."
"father and i always came here on the exact same spot, he showed me everything I'm showing you right now."
of course, you knew ajax was a big family person, his family was everything he had with you counting as a member of it as well.
the first time you met his parents you could still remember how excited he was, contentment warmed him from within when you were gradually opening up to them, laughing at each others jokes. He was so proud.
proceeding to let out some line from the fishing rod— so you could set the hook much further, you eagerly listened to the stories ajax would tell you about his childhood.
between the physical cold of the wintry day in snezhnaya, you shared each others company. An icy beauty was roaming, gently, a white sparkle as fine as any crystal would be when it began to snow, making the day very much more beautiful.
with a puffy winter coat, xiao and you decided to go out sledding, well, not quite.
you actually had that brilliant idea and xiao followed suit, he wanted to make sure nothing was happening and that you weren't going to catch a cold, as if he could prevent that in the first place.
"are you sure you aren't too cold? we can still go back."
there it was again, your laugh echoed through the icy area as you turned around to watch xiao place the sled on the ground, his brows being slightly scrunched together in thought.
"i'm fine, are you ready though?" obviously, teasing him was one of your favorite things to practice, xiao never went sledding before and he was quite fond of the idea to share a new experience with his s/o.
"why shouldn't i be?" embarrassingly shifting his weight from side to side, he crossed his arms over his body, the cold air continuing to color his cheeks in a red hue.
"nothing nothing, we should start the fun!"
sledding every cold season comes and goes, but doing it with your s/o sure leaves its own impression, one that will always be remembered within high esteem.
with the sled down, you could feel the spine chilling wind run across your bodies when you sank onto the ground with xiao following suit.
you were sitting right in between his legs, he wanted it that way even though you had suggested to change positions, xiao still wanted you to sit particularly like that so he could drape his body over yours.
upon sliding down your faces changed with yours glistering in joy and excitement, you were pretty high up the hill, meaning that the sled was far faster than you had expected.
screaming and laughing you snuggled into xiao who held his breath because he didn't know what to do or what to say, nuzzling himself into your body and watching you well up with happiness.
it brought him a ray of happiness as well, seeing you like this.
ice skating
you were moving in tandem with the crystal cold on you, albedo holding your hand as the both of you skated over the frozen lake in mondstadt.
if there was beauty in teyvat, it was here, in this moment, together with every weight lifted off your soul, it felt as if you were floating with him by your side.
"how are you so good at this albedo? you said it's your first time."
it was somehow hilarious how your boyfriend seemed to literally know everything by heart, even hobbies he had never tried nor thought about before.
"it is actually quite simple, the mass of the ice is nearly perfectly constructed to hold the people of mondstadt." yeah, that wasn't what you meant but you decided not to press the conversation any further, more so would he end up telling you all about the mass and construction of ice.
either way, those little quirks surely made you fall in love in the first place, albedo's fluffy hair was engulfed by the icy air, hiding significant features of his handsome face.
with your hand tightly shut around his, you continued to dance around the ice and albedo was barely able to conceal his delight. Of course, he was always itching to learn and experience new things and now, doing that, together with you?
truly the best way to greet the cold season.
wrapping presents
every year, gifts were an exchange being made by friends and family, naturally diluc and you were quite entranced by the idea of sending various little goodies to your close ones, or at least, you were.
truth is, he could be a bit overwhelmed with it, when it came to gifting someone something he wasn't the most creative one either, really, he was struggling his butt off so he was happy to at least have you by his side.
"jean will love this homemade bread and hand written letter, I'm sure of it."
with that you looped a golden and red string over the packaged gift, placing it to the other already done goodies you had been working on earlier.
your eyes next, fell to diluc who was surprisingly struggling, his fingers were clumsily squeezing the wrapping paper over a dusty notebook.
"who is this gift for?"
curiosity caught the best off you as you rested your head against your palm, watching diluc add an ungodly amount of wrapping paper to the small book.
how emotionless he let that name out, maybe he was too focused or he didn't want to talk about it. "you're gifting kaeya an old notebook?"
"it was my fathers, he should have it."
the next sight was adorable in your eyes, whenever diluc would get embarrassed his cheeks would flush red, sometimes the color would fade incredibly strong that it rivaled his hair.
"aw, that's so nice of you master diluc."
laughing and smiling, you rose up to wiggle yourself into his lap at last. Your boyfriend of course, let you, adoring nothing more than being close to you as you continued to watch him finish up kaeya's gift:
the gift he told you he wanted to wrap up himself.
building a snowman
"this is stupid."
lets be honest here, you knew scaramouche wasn't fond of the idea of quote on quote playing in the snow, yet you still desperately wanted to build a snowman right in front of your home to uplift everyone's mood on the new developing season.
"come on, don't be a dealbreaker, you promised."
his eyes rolled in the back of his head as you spoke, but he didn't say anything, an annoyed groan was the last word you could perceive as he nearly finished the bottom of the snowman.
you could swore you saw a tiny sprinkle of a smile on him, maybe you were delusional but there was something that made it difficult for scaramouche to simply walk away or complain to you more.
"I'm only doing this for you so you better be thankful."
his focus was completely on you now, crystalized eyes watching you and waiting for some sort of reaction, or answer.
"i know and i‘m grateful for you."
knowing full on well it will make him flustered, you added a small giggle to your words as you brought your attention back to the headless snowman, attempting to grab onto the finished head.
"wait, let me do this." every person needed a harbor, a secure attachment and for scaramouche there was never a person like this, before you.
so even though he still despised the idea of building something as time consuming and stupid as a snowman— which will melt anyways, he wanted to at least try and show you that he was serious about another thing.
with a tiny bit of your help he settled the snowball on top of the body, you came prepared and added a tiny red scarf and a hat with scaramouche holding onto the carrot and two buttons.
in an attempt to give them to you, you turned away, beckoning him to do it himself as he followed with a deep sigh.
he was a bit rough at first so you had to make sure he wouldn't destroy the head of the snowman with his brute strength, but after careful guidance the both of you backed away to watch your craft it its full glory.
"our own creation."
with that, you wiggled your fingers into his. This sentence meant a lot to him, reminding him of a string of pain, with his eyes holding something akin to freedom.
baking cookies
your screaming fell on deaf ears as itto grabbed onto the hot plate on the kitchen counter, squealing out upon making contact with it and almost throwing all of the cookies on the ground.
"ow, what the fuck?!"
with the way he was smacking the plate away, some of the cookies broke into tiny pieces as you sighed out at what your clumsy boyfriend had just did.
"noooo, we need to do it again now."
you weren't getting frustrated that often with itto's little schemes, in all honesty, you were used to it and quite accustomed to whatever measures you had to take to bath out whatever he would do or let happen.
"i didn't mean to, i swear"! worry was written all across his face with his brows being tightly scrunched together, anxiety wrinkles tickling on his forehead.
"i know, i know, lets do it again."
rubbing your eyes you walked over to your boyfriend who had an expression akin to someone who just saw a ghost as you placed your hands onto his cheeks, playfully squeezing the flesh.
"you need to concentrate."
his lips trembled as happiness threw itself at him like a comet, nodding frantically at your words as a newfound dedication swelled within him.
"okay, lets do this!"
breathing out a long sigh while shaking your head, you grabbed onto the big bowl from beforehand to start over, itto following your every step like a lost puppy who didn't know any better.
with being already familiar with the recipe, it didn't take you long to finish the dough, just a few ingredients being missing before you could go on to prepare them for the oven again.
"you know." he suddenly spoke, taking the sugar off the counter to hand it over to you with a overly confident smirk on his lips.
"what if i *did* do it on purpose to spend more time with you?"
stargazing + winter camping
under the darkened sky, between the clouds, in their usual mesmerizing appearence, the glow of the stars were prancing through the transparent clouds and illuminated the world within.
al-haitham and you were nuzzled together in both heavy winter coats and a couple of blankets, sipping on a cup of tea he had prepared as you gazed away.
it was intimate, but not in a sexual way, simply in a pure, soul blooming way you sadly weren‘t able to experience all the time with the both of you being busy on a daily basis.
"did you hear about the story of teyvat and their three moons?"
his warm hand was seeking you as he looped his arm over your shoulders, drawing you close.
"no, what is it about?" even though he would deny it, al-haitham had a way with words and on how to explain certain things, quite contradicting as the akademiya‘s scribe, yet it made him the perfect story teller in your eyes.
"once there were three moon sisters, named aria, sonnet and canon living in a lunar palace."
"sounds like a fairy tale." raising your brow with a giggle you nudged yourself closer to him with al-haitham‘s eyes glued to the sky.
"it might be, but who knows? the sky is endless."
you could see the stars twinkling in his unique colored eyes. No words have been spoken for a while, the proximity filled with pure calmness as the cold air was signifying the start of a new season.
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©2022 anantaru do not copy, share, translate
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skzhua · 1 year
you are my safe haven ('your eyes' series)
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♡ "You were the first person I thought of at the moment."
pairing: lee minho x reader.
genre: fluff, angst.
word count: 10,529
warnings: swearing, suggestive, unrequited love mentioned, minho being minho (savage and flirty).
summary: your relationship with minho has always been tricky. either he was roasting the shit out of you, or he was flirting with you shamelessly. when things start to get complicated with your childhood friend, chan, why is he the first one who come up in your mind?
a/n: this one took me so long to write, but it might be my favourite one ever. i just fucking love lee minho, lmao. i'm so sorry for not posting as regularly as i used to, i'm very much struggling with school and other, but i'm trying my best! anyway, enjoy~
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You and Chan met when your parents used to live across from each other. Being a year apart only, it made things easy for the both of you to get along. You had gone through everything together whether it was growing up, changing schools, making friends, etc. The last big step you had taken together was moving on your college's campus. You roomed with a nice but shy healthcare student, Youngmi. Although she wasn't a social butterfly like Chan was, she grew more at ease with you as time passed.
Another semester starting meant more homework and less free time, and that involved no more nights out with Chan at the local diner. Over the holidays, his friend, Minho, had started to come to your usual hangouts. Nothing against him, but his presence did affect your relationship with Chan. Your crush on him had only been growing since college started and Minho's presence wasn't much of an help if you wanted to confess at some point. Anyway, it's not like you could tell Chan that his friend was causing you problems when really he was doing nothing wrong.
Your first day was finally over. Checking your message app, you saw nothing from Chan. Weird, since he would always answer you. Your last class was with Minho, and after you had put everything in your bag, he was still at his desk, not having moved a bit other than jamming to his music.
"Minho, can you not?"
The man acted as if he had heard nothing and went on with humming happily to the song he was listening to. Despite how much your friendship with him had improved, he remained one of the few people you would give away to Satan to save yourself with no hesitation.
"Min." you tried again, but you were left with no response.
Out of impatience, you snatched his earphones out of his ears, resulting to Minho spatting out one insult after the other. "I was vibing, you moron! You're seriously no fun, weirdo."
"Wow, I'm so affected by your lame insults." you rolled your eyes.
"I'm going soft on you, kitten."
And here it was again, the sudden shift from insults to flirts. Quite honestly, you never understood how he managed to pass from one another so smoothly, nor could you comprehend how it took you by surprise each time. But that's what Minho is, a flirty jerk who loves to provoke.
"Why are you so pressed, anyway?" he asked as he lazily followed you out of the class.
"We're going to the diner, remember?"
"I forgot, actually. See, that's why I need you around." he winked, but you dismissed his antics.
"Chan hasn't replied to my messages yet, it's not like him."
"It's the first day of school, I bet he has hundreds of meetings."
He was surely right, but you learnt with time to not base your thoughts off of Minho's because he never cared about anything other than himself. And right now, he didn't give a damn about Chan not replying to you.
"I don't know, should I call Bin to see if he's with him?"
Minho deadpanned at you. "Are you his mom or something? He's fine, probably just busy. Plus, I'm here. Can't you enjoy my company for once?"
You sent him a disgusted look, unimpressed, as you went outside. That's when, from afar, you saw your best friend. He was as handsome as ever, still wearing his oversized black clothes, and laughing cutely. And he was laughing with a girl. You had literally never seen her before, though you were convinced to know everyone in Chan's social circle.
"I told you he's okay." Minho huffed.
"Sure." you replied, unfocused. "Wait here for a moment, will you?"
You passed your bag to him, not letting him protest, and you ran to Chan to hug him from the back. He was startled for a bit, until he realized you were the one who took him by surprise.
"Hey, there!" he smiled widely before hugging you back tightly, ruffling your hair in a sweet manner. "I haven't seen you all day, where were you?"
"Class... And the best out of this is that I get to finish the day with Lee Minho." you fake-gagged.
"He's not that bad, just a bit annoying." he chuckled. "How was it, other than that?"
"Fine, I suppose. I just really don't want to be back in class. The teachers went over their planned projects, and I wanted to shoot myself just then."
"Don't say that, you'll do just fine. I know it." he said, rubbing your back.
"Thanks, Channie." you blushed a little.
Chan soon realized he had been ignoring his new friend since you appeared. "Y/N, this is Eunhee. She's in my sound art practices class. Eunhee, this is my best friend, Y/N."
You ignored the pang in your heart from the label he used for you, but still greeted the girl sweetly. "Hi! Happy to meet you!"
"Likewise." she replied, seemingly uneasy by your presence despite her polite smile. "I can go find my dorm alone if you two want to hang out."
You turned your attention to Chan expectedly, but his answer crushed you a bit. "No, no. I'll show you." he hurried to tell her, before looking at you sadly. "Do you mind going without me for today? I'll join you later."
You tried your very best to hide your disappointment, but let's say it wasn't much of a success. "Yeah, sure. Do you want Minho and I to order for you?"
"It's fine, thanks. Later?"
He brought you in his arms again, kissing the top of your head as some sort of apology. You felt down enough, you didn't want to break your façade in front of him. So you hurried to join Minho back, who had patiently waited for you at the same spot. He frowned upon seeing your glossy eyes, but you didn't let him question it. You took your bag from him and started to walk to the diner immediately. However, Minho was stubborn. He sped his pace up to catch up with your own and fixated his gaze on you. You attempted to ignore it, but he can be very intimidating when he wants to be.
"What?" you snapped at him, annoyed.
"You like Chan."
You stopped on your tracks and looked at him incredulously. "You're seeing things."
He scoffed as he stopped walking as well. "Please." he elongated the word. "You're almost drooling at the sight of him. And when he's not with us, you only talk about him."
"I don't drool! And I talk about him because we barely have anything in common."
He smirked. "Now, now, kitten. You barely know anything about me, how can you be so sure?"
"You're a pain in the ass." you groaned, starting to walk again.
He followed closely as he laughed alone. "This is a fact, though. We barely talk about anything else than Chan. You must like him, then."
"Then talk about something else, if it bothers you that much."
He paused for a second, trying to think of any moment you two had without mentioning the older man. He could not think of a single one. He had tried to get to know you on many occasions, but Chan would always end up being the main topic. He had noticed way before today that you had a crush on Chan, but he thought it wasn't his place to bring it up. However, today was different. He was sick of seeing you check him out from afar and do nothing about it, so he thought of giving you a little push. Clearly, you were more stubborn than he initially thought.
"Do you actually want to talk with me?"
You let out a chuckle. "I mean, sure?"
"You don't seem sure."
"Like you said, we don't know much about each other, other than our mutual friend."
You reached the diner and opened the door to let Minho in first. He didn't wait for you to sit at the usual table you would be at with Chan. You joined him quickly, and he sent you a sly smirk.
"What is it now?" you breathed out.
"I want to talk."
You shrugged your shoulders, acting uninterested. "Please do."
"Do you even remember my cats' names?"
The question was unexpected for your part. In all of the things he could have brought up, you expected school, life experiences or hobbies, but certainly not his cats.
"I do, actually." you proudly responded, and he quirked an eyebrow. "I'm telling you, I remember!"
"What are they?"
"Soonie and Dori."
He gasped, putting a hand on his chest to enhance the dramatization of his reaction. "How dare you forget about my beloved Doongie?"
"My bad." you nonchalantly shrugged.
"You're such a bad friend."
"Are we even friends, Min?" you huffed.
"I only allow certain people to call me Min, actually."
You wanted to ask him what he meant by that, but Chan entering the place interrupted you. For the first time in your life, you wished he hadn't come join you so soon. He said hi to Minho briefly, before coming to sit down next to you. The server soon came to take your orders, and you asked for your usual burgers.
"Who was your little friend?" Minho asked Chan on purpose, resulting to getting a death stare from you.
"Eunhee. She just tranferred here, so I was showing her around. She's very nice, actually. She even writes lyrics like me! I read some of it, and she's got some talent."
Hearing him talk about someone else with so much praise did not feel good. Nonetheless, you smiled along Chan's talk and pitched in the conversation from time to time.
"I'm sure the two of you would get along well." he finished his monologue about the girl.
"Yeah, she sounds fun."
The night came to an end quickly, and Minho insisted on paying for the food, despite Chan's protests. You were walking to your dorm, when Chan had to go a separate way since he wasn't living close to you. He hugged you good night, and was off to go home.
Minho kept quiet as he walked you home. He didn't mind since his building was next to yours. Although the silence was enjoyable, he felt like something was off. You were acting as if he wasn't there and he couldn't help but notice when you sniffled discreetly.
"You like him that much, uh?"
Not in the mood for his teasing, you groaned in annoyance. "Shut up, Min."
"I'm genuinely asking." You hesitated, not sure if you should be telling him about this. "Hey, I'm serious."
He stopped you and put his hand on your shoulder. While Minho was never one for physical contact, you did know he would not think about it twice when it comes to his close ones. Apparently, he did care about you more than you thought. For some reason, you trusted him enough to tell him. Probably because it was becoming too much of a burden that you needed to confide in someone.
"I'll always be a little sister in his eyes, right?"
He didn't actually expect you to say anything, but he was pleasantly surprised you did. "Depends, things like this can change, you know."
"You don't get it. I've tried for years to get this man's attention, and the moment he meets Eunhee, he seems infatuated with her..."
"For years?"
You nodded your head slowly, ashamed to have been looking at the same man for that long. It's not like you did not try, you actually dated here and there. Nonetheless, Chan was always the one to pick you up after each breakup.
"Rough." Minho simply said.
You ended up changing subjects, as he started to spill out about his cats. He said he rented a dorm for himself so he could have his babies with him, and that he did not think it through when bringing in his third one. Especially because Dori has so much more energy than the two others.
"Thanks, Min." you said as you came to the front door of your building.
"I don't know. For being there."
"Sure." he shrugged his shoulders. "Good night, Y/N."
"Good night."
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You really tried to make Youngmi feel at ease around your friends, and mutiple times. The girl had not much interest in coming out of her shell. You understood that, but her having been in college for a year already, you would have expected her to open up more. Still, her befriending you was already a success.
"This is, like, the only free break I have this week, so enjoy while I'm here." Chan laughed out as he headed towards the cafeteria.
"What if I don't?" you joked.
"Then you are revoked from any bestie privileges. No more driving you home after a night out."
You gasped as to seem shocked. "Who would tuck me in and treat my hangover, then?"
"Youngmi can do that." he shrugged as he nodded his head towards the girl walking next to you.
She didn't say anything as she looked at you in confusion. "What?"
"Nevermind." you sighed.
"Hey, Y/N, look." You followed to where Chan was pointing as he tugged your side, and your eyes landed on Eunhee and Jeongin sitting at a table. "We should join them."
"I don't think we should do that." Youngmi spoke.
"I thought you knew Jeongin and get along with him well."
"We don't want to impose ourselves." you added.
"It can't be too bad. Plus, Eunhee is very easygoing. Let's go."
No matter what you were going to say, you knew Chan was not going to change his mind. You forced yourself to follow him, and Youngmi had the same expression on her face. When you reached the two others, Jeongin's face turned red as his gaze stuck on Youngmi.
"Hey." she waved at him shyly.
"Do you mind if we join?" Chan asked, although he was already sitting down.
"Go ahead." Eunhee replied kindly.
Hesitant, you still sat down and started to eat. Chan began to discuss with Jeongin while the remaining three of you kept quiet. You and Eunhee exchanged some glances, and you felt bad for being so on the edge around her. She hadn't done anything other than being friendly, and it wasn't fair from you to give her the side eye.
Looking around, you tried to find Minho in the crowd. You spotted him quickly, but he did not see you as his eyes were set on someone else. More specifically, Byeol, his ex-girlfriend. He was sitting across from her and they were exchanging obvious glares. You were starting to wonder why he even sat with her, since he had previously told you he doesn't like to think about her. You observed the two of them for a bit, until they shifted glares into smiles. What the hell was happening?
"Youngmi." you turned to your friend. "Don't you think it's weird he's hanging out with her?"
The girl shrugged, since she didn't know them that much. "It looks normal to me."
You then heard someone choke, which turned your attention to Eunhee, who was coughing like crazy. As Jeongin attempted to make her feel better, you took out a napkin and wiped off the water she had spilled. She gave you a small smile, thankful.
"What do you mean, me? What did I do?" she said after she stopped coughing.
"She asked me if I'd be interested in tutoring you."
You hadn't noticed that Chan was the one she was talking to, until he answered. Tutoring? Wasn't he busy enough already? You chuckled as you thought this was an horrible idea, and Eunhee did the same, visibly seeing this as ridiculous as you were.
"What's funny?" he asked Jeongin, not sure to have caught on what made you two laugh.
The young man shrugged, not very interested in the conversation. "I mean, do you even have time to tutor? You barely have any time for the guys and I."
"It would be during the class period." Eunhee groaned at Chan, seemingly not happy with what she was hearing. "She said you're going to fail if you keep going like this."
“Come on, Chan. We’re barely halfway through the term. I can manage myself.”
“Not sure about that. You have halfway left that you can use to actually get better instead of barely passing.”
She gave you a look, almost pleading for your help, but you really didn't know what to tell her. So you shrugged your shoulders, and turned back to Youngmi to continue chatting.
“I’ll think about it…” you heard Eunhee say.
Lunch time went on pretty quickly. Youngmi had class, so you walked with her to her course. Your day was pretty much over, and you were planning to hang out with the boys for the evening. But nights at the diner shifted to you and Minho being alone while Chan needed to attend the student association meetings. Either that, or he was too tired and wanted to rest.
Unlike what you would have expected, it didn't affect you as much. Minho was much different than your best friend, there was no doubt. His weird behaviour, though, was odd enough to make you forget that Chan had pretty much abandoned you. He was still consistent with his texts, but you barely actually saw him around, today being an exception.
You joined Minho in front of the restaurant, and didn't bother waiting for Chan since you knew it would only be the two of you. He started to talk about his day and other fun things. But honestly, your focus was not cooperating as you were mostly in your thoughts.
"No, but can you blame anyone? Hyunjin's butt is great." Minho went on with his story-telling.
You mixed your milkshake with your straw in boredom, as you nodded along Minho's talk. "Yeah yeah, Hyunjin's butt is nice."
He raised an eyebrow, offended by your lack of commitment in this one-way discussion. "You're not listening."
"I am! I just told you Hyunjin's butt is nice!"
"Y/N, you've never seen the guy." he rolled his eyes at you.
"That is untrue!" you raised your finger to point at him in defense. "He's the one looking like he was made by angels, right?"
Minho scoffed, a smirk forming. "That would be me, princess." His cockiness almost got to you as you were at loss of words. "And we both know my ass is cuter."
You snorted at his statement. To be fair, you had checked his ass once, and there was no denial that he had a good one. You were not going to feed this ego of his, however. Just then, a ping was heard from your phone.
Chan: Hey! Changbin and I would like to have a little gathering with the others tomorrow. You in?
Y/N: If that means I can finally see you, yes!
Chan: I'm so sorry about that! I had so many meetings and so much work to do. It's supposed to be mostly done, though, so hopefully we can see each other more from now on.
Y/N: Otherwise, I'm complaining to the school that I want my best friend back.
Chan: Stop, you know I'll never leave you.
Chan: See you tomorrow?
Y/N: See you tomorrow.
"Something tells me Channie's the one you're texting." Minho teased.
"Shut you. I could say the same with you texting Byeol earlier."
This spilled out of your mouth without you thinking. You did not understand why it bothered you this much when he was chatting with his ex-girlfriend at the beginning of your night together. It was surely because it was impolite to be on your phone when you're hanging with someone already. Though, you just did the same and he was not bothered at all.
Minho blinked a few times as his eyes were set on you, before he breathed out a huff. "What do you mean?"
You stuttered as you tried to explain yourself. "I-I... She and you were- I meant, earlier today-"
He grinned at your sudden change in attitude. He rarely saw you shy or embarrassed, because you were rarely in this kind of state and also because you were good at hiding your emotions. To say he didn't like it would be a lie. You were damn adorable with the flush on your cheeks, and he had to suppress himself from slipping out a comment about it.
"You were definitely not listening to me earlier, then." You frowned before gesturing for him to continue. "The whole butt thing was because Byeol had accidentally texted me instead of her friend, and she was complimenting Hyunjin's ass in that message. That's why I was laughing then."
"Oh." you breathed out as you nodded your head slowly.
"If it makes you feel any better, I smile much more when you're texting me." he winked.
"Now, for real, you need to shut up."
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Being the first one to get to Chan's dorm, you made yourself at home as you sprawled across his couch, scrolling through your social medias. Chan had plans with Minho and would be coming home with him later, so you hadn't seen him yet. Changbin, however, was there.
"Do you think this is a good plan?" he sighed loudly.
Frankly speaking, you had not listened to one word he said since you were too focused on replaying the cat video Minho had just sent you. "Uh? Yeah. It's an excellent plan." you replied nonchalantly, before chuckling at the video again.
"And, you were not listening." Changbin let out a sigh. "Is this Minho's cat?" he asked, upon seeing the ginger feline on your phone.
"Yeah. Soonie fell off this morning while he was filming him. Poor kitty, but this is quite hilarious. Especially Minho panicking and running to save his child." you went on to explain, a smile still on your face.
"You have it for Minho, now?"
You froze in action from his words. "What?"
He realized that, maybe, he shouldn't have said anything as he scratched his head while awkwardly chuckling. "Forget it."
The doorbell rang and Changbin almost ran to the door to open it. He let Chunhwa in before giving her a big hug. She had brought drinks for the evening, so she straight went to put them in the refrigerator.
"Hey, Y/N!" she waved at you.
"Hi." you smiled. "What did you get for us?"
She raised a pack of beer and a bottle filled with a dark-coloured liquid. "Beers for the guys, and I found this fruit punch thing. I thought we could try it out." she shrugged as she put them down, and pulled a Fanta out of her grocery bag. "And I got this for our Jisung."
"About that." Changbin started. "He won't come tonight. He said something along the lines that Hwayoung was out with some guy and that he didn't want what happened last time to repeat itself."
Last time you hung out all together, Hwayoung had went on a date before joining you and was looking like a wreck. Jisung had to comfort her in Chan's room, and let's say some stuff happened.
"Oh well, I'll have the Fanta, then." you said as you got up to take it from your friend's hand.
Soon enough, the guys came back after they stopped by the convenience store to buy some snacks. While Changbin had already placed the board game on the table, Chunhwa took the time to help Chan out with preparing the ramen soups he bought. Minho sat next to you and thanked the girl as she gave him the food.
"Where is Jisung?" he asked as he started to dig into his soup.
"He's probably comforting Hwayoung again." Changbin answered, which made you feel bad for him.
"If he keeps doing this, he'll end up in a deep depression." you breathed out before the entire room nodded in agreement.
"You're one to say that." Minho said as he nudged your arm.
You glared at him before hitting his arm playfully. You only hoped Chan didn't get what he meant by that. The evening continued as you all picked your pawns to play. You conversed simultaneously since it had been a while since you saw each other. Changbin and Chunhwa were being painfully obvious about their crushes on each other, and Minho kept on bugging you, claiming you were cheating.
"I talked with Eunhee." Chan said, clasping his hands together which took you aback.
"And?" you frowned.
"She accepted my offer. I told you she would."
Your heart sank. No matter when you would talk with him, he always brought her up. Even if you took your feelings out of the situation, it almost looked as if he wasn't your best friend anymore and it hurt. You felt Minho putting a hand on your thigh, probably to bring you some kind of support.
You forced yourself to smile, before managing to say a small "That's great."
You could see that Chan noticed your lack of enthusiasm, but he went on nonetheless. "Yeah, I'll text her the details later. It'll probably be once or twice a week. Depends on her level, honestly."
"Right." you coughed out as you felt a lump forming in your throat, and Minho was quick to notice as he tightened his grip on you slightly. "Sorry, I have a headache. Minho." The boy shot his head up immediately. "Do you mind helping me get some medicine?"
"No, of course." he assured before standing up and offering his hand to help you up.
He gave you a worried smile as you came face to face with him. You didn't know when it started exactly, but he had started to let himself be more vulnerable around you. You almost never saw him having any sort of emotions. Seeing him care this much about you made you feel both weirded out and safe.
Chan watched the scene happen in front of his eyes and frowned in confusion. "Are you alright? I can help if you want and-"
"No." you immediately shut him up. "I'm okay, really. Thanks."
The poor guy was left even more confused when Minho took you away, bringing you to the bathroom. You both closed the door and you stood in front of each other for a moment without saying anything. While he was waiting for you to talk, you genuinely just wanted to enjoy his presence. But as the silence grew, Minho finally decided to break it.
"You could have asked Chunhwa to help you." he said, since he didn't why exactly you chose him to comfort you.
You shrugged, not too sure either. "You were the first person I thought of at the moment. I mean, you had a pretty strong grip on my thigh."
He coughed awkwardly, his ears turning red. "I see. And yeah, sorry about that.
"It's okay. It kind of helped, actually." you admitted.
Another silence took over, but he was the first to speak again. "Do you want me to talk to him?"
Your eyes widened at his proposition. "Are you crazy? Don't do that."
"No, I won't tell him about your crush, or whatever. I can mention to him that it's annoying that he only talks about her." he shrugged his shoulders.
"Min, we both only talk about Chan whenever we are together." you stated the obvious. "I bet you are more annoyed about that."
"Fair enough, but you don't bring up how talented and amazing he is every two seconds."
You laughed at this, and it visibly made Minho relax. If he managed to make you smile a little, that was good enough for him.
"Still, you don't need to do that. It's just as if I'm losing a friend, that's all."
"Do you want to go back home? I can walk you there."
You hummed quietly while nodding a yes slowly. "Actually, yes, that would be nice."
He took a step closer before rubbing the side of your arm, not forgetting to replace the hair that had fallen onto your face as well. "Then, we shall take you home, princess."
You hoped he didn't feel your heartbeat fasten its pace, nor your heavy breathing. He was never a physical person, and his touch felt electrifying. You knew damn well he was only doing this for you to feel better about your whole situation with your best friend, but you were starting to wonder if a part of him actually enjoyed these kinds of moments.
Your train of thoughts was stopped when he let go of you to open the door again, letting you walk out first. As you joined the others, you saw Changbin and Chunghwa being in their own world, and Chan giggling at his phone, most likely texting Eunhee. Oddly enough, it did not pain you as much as it did earlier. Somehow, feeling Minho's body hovering behind you in a protective way compensated.
"I'll go home, if you don't mind." you said to nobody in particular.
Chan let go of his phone, while the two others simply gave you a thumbs up before going on with whatever they were doing. "This early?" Chan asked.
"Sorry, I don't feel so well." you attempted a smile.
Chan stood up and joined you at the front door, concern all over his face. "Let me walk you to your dorm, at least."
You shook you head as a no before gesturing to the man standing behind you. "Minho's coming with me already. Thank you."
"Alright." he trailed off before he gave you a tight hug. "Let me know if you need anything."
"Always. Good night Chan. Bye, guys!" you addressed to the others.
You were quick to leave, and you felt bad Minho had to keep up with your fast walking. Nonetheless, he didn't complain and you found yourself outside of the building soon, breathing in the fresh air.
"What are you going to do for the rest of your night?" Minho asked.
You pondered for a minute, trying to figure out the options in your mind, but nothing came up. "I don't know. Knowing Youngmi, she's already sleeping. That means I can't do much other than sleep too."
"Are you tired?" he asked, and you answered with a no. "My place is close to yours, if you want to hang out."
You never went over at his, meaning you never met his cats. This was a good opportunity to get some cuddles with them, that only if Minho allowed you.
"Do I get to snuggle with Soonie, Doongie and Dori?"
He frowned. "Who do you think you are? Some privileged woman? The cats are off-limit." To that, you pouted at him. "Y/N, no."
"You want to me to feel better or not?"
"You seem to be doing good, now."
"Min, pretty please." you whined like a child.
He let out a sigh, deadpanning at you. "Fine. Not more than an hour of cuddles, though."
Feeling victorious, you took his hand and dragged him rapidly to his dorm. He almost fell from your sudden excitement, which took him by surprise. You were especially strong for someone who barely did anything else than study and work. At his building, he took the lead since you didn't know where he lived exactly. He let you inside first, being the well-mannered man he is, and you were greeted by an orange ball of floof who was visibly confused upon seeing someone who is not Minho.
"Doongie." he said before pointing to the other orange cat who was sitting on the cat tree in the corner of the room. "Soonie. And I have no idea where Dori is."
"You sent me so many photos of them, I would have recognized them without your help."
He sent a glare your way. "Just be grateful you get to meet them."
"Yes, thank you, Min." you laughed before crouching down to pet the cat. "Hello, Doongie." you cooed at him.
Minho huffed at the sight. His cat seemed to be liking you a lot. He went to Soonie, only to see Dori jumping on the cat tree to join his brother. He patted their heads lovingly. At least, he still had those two who didn't betray him. However, he realized he spoke too soon when you joined him to scratch the cats' bellies.
"You traitors." he muttered at his children. "It looks like they love you more than me."
"I'm just that much likeable." you teased.
"Sure you are, kitten."
Your eyes widened as realization hit you. "You call me kitten because of your cats?"
"Why else?" he shrugged as if it was nothing. "I like cats and I like you. This is only logical."
Your eyes went even wider, your heartbeat pacing faster. Did he just tell you he liked you? The Lee Minho who was known to be the most detached person on Earth, the one who never showed his true emotions?
"You like me?" you breathed out.
He rolled his eyes at you. "You're my friend, of couse I like you."
Oh. He meant that kind of liking. You were not certain on why it disappointed you so much. You thought you liked Chan. Well, you did, but ever since Minho came in the picture, you didn't know if you were starting to lie to yourself about your feelings for your best friend.
"Wow, Minho is finally admitting he actually likes having me around."
"Don't let it get into your head too much. This only happened because Chan's busy." he scoffed as he walked to the cupboard in his kitchen. "Now, do you want to feed the kitties?"
You didn't think twice before hopping to join him. You helped him serve the cat food and put it on the ground. You observed them eat together, as you petted their backs. He was babying Dori and Doongie, while you were spoiling Soonie with scratches. Needless to say, you felt like you were two parents watching over their children. And it felt strangely comfortable. If someone told you months prior that you would be in Minho's apartment, feeding his cats, and feeling like you wished it'd be like this all the time, you would not believe them. Because you couldn't quite believe it at this instant.
"Did you want to do something in particular?" you asked after the cats were done eating.
"Hmm." he hummed, thinking for a moment. "We could watch a movie. I have some drinks if you want to do that while watching."
"Sounds good to me."
You opted for a comedy movie while Minho prepared the popcorn and the drinks. You both had already drank a little when you were at Chan's, but some more couldn't hurt. Mid-way through the film, you were already feeling tired and tipsy. Way more than tipsy. Of course, Minho noticed since you were starting to lean on him. He tried to move away, but it was like you were trying to absolutely have some sort of physical contact with him.
"Bruh." he spat out when you were now full on laying on him.
"Uh?" you said as your eyes fluttered opened. "Ah, sorry, Min. I'm just very tired."
"Yeah, it's fine."
"Do you mind if I sleep here for tonight?" you mumbled out and Minho froze.
Normally, he would have kicked you out at that point without any second thoughts. However, your pleading eyes with your tired figure did something to him, and he couldn't just say no to you.
"I'll take the couch."
You pouted before shaking your head violently. "Sleep in your bed. I'll stay here."
"Y/N, you're not okay. Sleep in my bed."
"Or we can sleep together."
You took his lack of answer as a yes, and stood up on your feet clumsily. Luckily, he caught you in time before you tripped on yourself. You grabbed onto him to find some balance as he led you carefully to his bed. Once he tucked you in, he was about to leave, but you took his wrist to stop him.
"I said we can sleep together."
"I'll just wash up, I'll be back."
"Do you have cucumbers?"
He looked at you weirdly. Sure, you were drunk, but this was so random. You explained briefly it was for a skin care routine you wanted to do to relax. Although it now made sense, he didn't quite understand why you wanted to pamper yourself while being so tired. Nonetheless, he obliged and brought you sliced cucumbers.
"I'll go shower while you do your thingy."
"I'll wait for you."
Your behaviour was strange, but you were awfully cute and you smiled widely at him, hurrying him to go wash. He absolutely adored it, but he knew this was only because you drank. He beat himself up for wanting this to be genuine. The picture of you waiting for him to go to bed and falling asleep together was more than appealing to him. However, he had to remind himself that you liked Chan, and that you'd known the latter for years. He could never do that, come in-between the two of you. He finished his shower thoughts by simply telling himself to get over it. He didn't like you. He couldn't like you. Not like that.
When he came back in his room, he was met with the image of you watching a kids show on his personal TV. Some people would act like horny jerks when drunk, but you were a total child. Alongside with you was Dori, whom you had somehow managed to kidnap to cuddle with. Minho loved it. But he couldn't.
"You didn't use the cucumbers." he pointed to the plate, still full of the vegetable.
"I told you I'd wait for you."
He quirked an eyebrow, starting to see where this was going. "I am not doing some self-care shit with you."
"Min..." you pouted.
You patted the empty side of the bed and, lazily, Minho sat down as he was still glaring at you.
"I'm going to sleep."
You huffed. "You're no fun. Chan would have done it."
Oh, how wrong was it of you to say that. It awoke something in Minho. Whether it was jealousy or pride, he didn't know, but he knew he didn't like it. Instantly, he picked two cucumbers and placed them on your cheeks.
"There. Happy?" he grumbled.
"Very much." you giggled. "Your turn."
You spent the next hour or so playing with cucumber slices, either throwing them at each other, eating them, or shoving them on Minho's eyes. It might had been the first time you saw him genuinely having fun. Not cocky or insufferable like he usually was. He was at ease, and so you were.
It was around 1am when you both grew too tired to continue your self-care session. You snuggled into the blankets and brought yourself closer to the man laying next to you. He stood still as he looked right back at you. He didn't stop himself from reaching out to the side of your face, patting your head.
"Thank you for tonight." you mumbled tiredly. "I think I like you too."
He immediately caught on that you were referring to your previous conversation. Fortunately, because otherwise, he would have went on full panic mode.
"That's good, pretty. Sleep well, alright?"
"You too, Min."
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You and Minho were definitely no longer friends after that night, but nor had you stopped speaking to each other. Quite the opposite, actually. Think of any act of affection a couple would do, other than kissing, and there you got what was happening between the two of you. Chan had almost disappeared, now spending most of his time with Eunhee. You did visit him occasionally to make sure he wasn't exhausting himself too much but it never lasted more than five minutes. That also meant your crush on him had completely vanished. It couldn't have stayed for long, anyway, after you woke up in Minho's bed that morning, realizing you had fallen in love with him instead.
"Strawberry." Minho said, standing up firmly for his choice of milkshake, as he nudged your arm.
"Chocolate." you said, coming closer to his face.
He sighed in frustration. "We had chocolate last time."
"If you're so pressed with your strawberry, just order one for yourself."
He smirked. "But you want us to share, don't you?"
It was annoying how right he was, and you huffed in defeat. "Strawberry it is."
"There you go. I knew you were going to give up."
"Shut up."
He took you by the waist and brought you closer, as if you were not close enough already on the small cushioned bench. You continued to bicker playfully, when you heard the front door's bell. Turning your attention on where the sound came from, you easily spotted Chan. He stood still, baffled at the sight in front of him. He started to question himself mentally, wondering if he had really cancelled on you two that much that he didn't notice you were dating. Coming back to his senses, he walked to your booth and sat in front of you.
"Hey, guys. Am I interrupting, or..?"
"Of course not." Minho exclaimed. "Glad to see you after, I don't know how long."
You could hear the pettiness in his voice, so you hit him slightly with your elbow before speaking. "We've all been busy, it's okay." you smiled. "So, what's new? How are things with Eunhee?"
"It's good, I guess. We had a... moment, and she is pretty much ignoring me since then. You know, when you came over the other day." he explained, while looking pretty clueless.
"What kind of moment?" Minho asked, stretching his arm out to wrap it around you, which earned a look from Chan.
"Uh, I'm not too sure. We danced in my room-"
You cut him off with a laugh, and he glared at you. "That's the cheesiest thing you could have done. No shit you were acting weird when I came over." you snickered, and Minho soon joined you as he tried to ignore the slight jealousy he felt from learning you went over to Chan's recently.
"Yeah, you two are no better. You were all over each other when I walked in." he rolled his eyes.
That was enough to shut the both of you, knowing well this was an unspoken thing you had going on. You never brought it up, and didn't intend on doing so anytime soon.
"So." Minho coughed out awkwardly. "Your moment?"
"Right." Chan nodded. "Well, we were dancing in my room and, I don't know what happened, but I almost kissed her. And, I don't know, she didn't look like she wanted to, so I back off. And now, I'm lowkey stressing out about it because I surely didn't want to make her uncomfortable."
"She wanted you to kiss her." you responded without hesitation.
"You think so?"
"Chan, I know so." You hesitated to continue with your point, but feeling Minho's hand rubbing your arm let you know it might be time to tell him. "I'm convinced she likes you, because she acts the same way as I did with you."
He frowned his eyebrows. "You like me? Aren't you and Minho... well, you know?"
"I used to, and that's not important." you dismissed the topic. "What I'm saying is she keeps sending you memes to make you smile, she gets shy around you, she said yes to your tutoring..."
"And you told me she even bought you coffee for one of your lessons with her." Minho added.
He looked at you both, still uncertain. "Should I invite her to my party, then?"
"What party?"
"My end of the school term party. In two days."
"Go for it, yeah." Minho encouraged. "Are we invited?"
"If you promise to keep it in your pants, yes."
Right. A party. With girls. And Minho. The guy who hooked up here and there after his breakup with Byeol. The same one you were currently in love with. Great.
"You know me better." he laughed with Chan. "I'll behave, I promise."
Later, on the walk back to Minho's, since you had planned to stay at his place, you were more quiet than usual. You were holding hands, but your grip was loose, and you couldn't focus properly.
"What's wrong, kitten?" he asked worriedly.
"What do you think of Siyeon?" you said, mentioning a pretty girl in your common class.
"What is this question?" he chuckled, not sure in where you were going with this.
"She's cute, has good grades, is nice to everyone. And Chan is going to invite her at the party, probably."
He raised an eyebrow at you. "Your point?"
"You could ask her out." you shrugged.
With that, Minho let go of your hand. "I could, but I won't."
"Why? Sorry, but it just hit me that you haven't gone out with someone in a very long time."
"I don't know. I suppose I'm not very in the mood of fucking around anymore. You also stopped talking about Chan with me. I'm not the only one acting differently." he pointed out.
"I said it earlier, I don't like Chan anymore." you rolled your eyes.
"Well, then. Our romantic lives are bland."
"They are."
The conversation was cut short as he didn't have anything else to say. He took your hand again, and led you to his dorm. You got there pretty quickly, and you still hadn't said a word to each other. It didn't mean you didn't understand what was happening, both of you implying the lack of love you had could only mean one thing.
The moment he closed his front door, he grabbed you by the waist to pull you closer and crashed his lips onto yours. You were taken aback at first, not sure on how you should be reacting, but it quickly faded as you melted into the kiss. While he was needy, he was also being extremely gentle with you, making sure he didn't hurt you in any way. It didn't take long for you to get to his room, and he pushed you down gently on the bed. Now hovering you, he deepened the kiss before moving down to place small pecks on your neck.
"Min." you mumbled between heavy breaths, and he hummed against your skin. "This is not a joke, right?"
He separated his mouth from your skin to look at you curiously. "What do you mean?"
"You used to be very... physical with other girls. I just want to make sure I'm not some doll you're playing with before throwing it away."
He looked at you with fondness as he stroke your cheek softly. "I thought I made it clear I've wanted you for months, now. Not just physically, like you said." He pecked your forehead. "If I can have you." Kissed your cheek. "I don't want the skin ship only, this time." He stopped as he glanced at your lips. "I want all of you."
You were the one to initiate this time when you brought him closer, kissing him hungrily. The unspoken tension there was before was no longer there. It was like kissing each other had dropped all of your walls, and you were now fully exposed to one another.
"I fucking hated it when you cried about Chan." he said in-between the kisses.
"Fuck, yes." he said, going back to sucking your neck.
"I hated how much you flirted with me, knowing you weren't sincere." you admitted.
"Trust me, kitten, I was fucking sincere."
You started to play with the hem of his shirt, tugging in a few times. He backed away and smirked at you before leading your hands to help him take off his shirt. The sight in front of you was mesmerizing. You already had the idea that he had a good body because of his dancing, but you certainly did not expect him to look this hot.
"Damn." you let out without thinking.
"I know, I'm hot." he winked at you.
"Of course, you know." you rolled your eyes.
"I'm joking." he chuckled as he pecked your lips. "Are you okay if we continue? I want you to feel comfortable."
"I'm more than okay."
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The party started out well. You had come in advance to help Chan with the preparations, but mostly to help him calm down. The poor guy was so nervous, not knowing whether Eunhee was going to show up or not.
As people kept coming in, you kept on looking out for any signs of Minho. He texted you he had some errands to run for the cats before coming, but you just wanted to see him. After your night together, you spent the next two days doing finals which didn't allow you to meet up again. The morning after, however, he did ask you out on a date to which you gladly said yes. Although labels were not discussed, it wasn't necessary because you both knew you wanted the same thing.
"Hey, Seungmin!" you welcomed the man as you opened the door.
"Still acting like Chan's place is yours?" he joked.
"I've come here so much, it's like my second home." you laughed with him. "Come on in!"
You joined Chan back in the kitchen as he was starting to prepare the snacks. You started helping him out, though you were very much distracted. Looking at your phone every minute or so, Chan pointed it out, making fun of you.
"You tell me to stop doing that with Eunhee, and you're doing the same with Minho."
You froze in place before slowly turning your head to him. "I never told you I was seeing Minho."
"Y/N, you two have been eye fucking each other for weeks. It did surprise me, but I'm not blind. You love him."
You blushed, as shyness crept over. "Yeah, he's really great."
"I can see that. I haven't see you so happy since, well, since forever actually. I'm happy for you."
"Thank you, Channie."
You exchanged smiles before going back to preparing the food. It felt great to spend some quality time with him after such a long time.
"You two fucked, haven't you?"
Your eyes widened from his words.
"What?" he said innocently. "You have dark spots on your neck, that's all."
You grew embarrassed, but couldn't help but laugh. You haven't noticed until now that Minho had marked you that much. You thought he was being gentle enough to not have done so, but it was visibly the opposite. Just then, you noticed a familiar figure appear in front of you, which made the both of you shut up.
"HI! Eunhee, um, wow. You made it! I mean, I didn't expect you to be here. I should, uh-" Chan spilled out, straightening his posture.
Trying to prevent him from embarrassing himself any further, you hit him slightly with your elbow to shut him up before turning your attention to the girl in front of you. "Good to see you."
"You too. I hope I'm not interrupting." she flickered her gaze between the two.
"Of course not!" you both denied, not wanting to give her the wrong image.
Chan stood there awkwardly before starting to walk away. "I should go greet the others. Talk to you later?" he told her, and you gave him a look as to ask him what he was doing.
You didn't know what to say to her. Seriously, it was Chan's responsibility to talk to her and fix whatever happened between them. You just kept on pouring bowls of chips, but ended up speaking.
"I really didn't expect you here. Chan had kind of given up after you ignored him."
It came pettier than what you had intended, but at least the message was there.
"It wasn't intentional. I mean, I did purposely ignore him but I had reasons." she justified, but you shook your head for her to stop.
"I'm not asking you to tell me why, you must have had good reasons. I just..." You hesitated to keep going, afraid you would be saying something you shouldn't. "He told me about how you almost kissed and I'm just letting you know that Chan is not someone to play around with. I don't know why he likes you so much while barely noticing me, but I'm warning you. You don't know him like I do and I know Chan is going to prioritize who he loves first. I don't want this thing going on with you two to be hurting anyone."
Her silence was torturing you as she was processing everything you told her. You replayed the scene in your mind, trying to spot anything you could have said wrongly. But nothing came to you.
"I came here to fix things with him." she finally spoke. "I don't know the history between you two, and visibly you are closer than anyone here. If I hurt you in any way, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to pass my class, that's it."
You had definitely fucked up by indirectly mentioning your former crush on the guy. This was obviously not the outcome you were expecting, you simply wanted to let her know that Chan was precious and needed to be taken care of even when he didn't want to.
"No, I-"
"It's okay, Y/N. You two clearly have something going on. I know for a fact Chan doesn't like me like that and he's way better off with you."
She left before you could explain any further. You cursed under your breath as you tried to catch up to her. However, you were stopped when someone brought you into a hug before familiar lips met yours.
"Hey, there." Minho grinned at you. "You're looking beautiful."
While your heart wanted to stay with him and melt at his compliments, your mind knew you had to make things right with Eunhee.
"Thank you, Min. I have to do something real quick. Do you mind getting me a drink in the meantime?" you pecked his cheek. "I'll be right back, okay?"
"Alright." he nodded before bringing you into another hug. He leaned on your side so his mouth could be next to your ear. "I'm sorry about the hickeys, by the way."
And he left. He was surely making you feel things, but now was not the moment. You walked through the crowd of people, trying to find Eunhee, but you simply couldn't as there were too many people. Looking behind you, your eyes laid on Chan, alone in the kitchen. You went to him as fast as you could.
"Chan!" you exclaimed out of breath. "Have you seen Eunhee?"
When you took a better look at him, his face had nothing but confusion, sadness, and pure anger.
"What did you say to her?"
And, you were fucked. You shut your eyes closed, taking a deep breath to prepare yourself for the argument that you felt was coming. Chan was rarely mad, but you did not want to be around when he was. Now that he was actually pissed, it was even worse that it was at you.
"So you saw her."
Chan rolled his eyes, as if it was the most obvious thing. "She said you were waiting for me in the kitchen. What have you told her?"
"Nothing untrue, I swear." you breathed out, trying to be careful with your words. "I think she misinterpreted a lot of what I said."
"What did you say exactly?" he asked again, growing impatient.
You took a deep breath in, and searched for any help around, but everyone was having fun and Minho was nowhere to be seen. "I might have spilled out I had a crush on you, but she took it as if I still do." He groaned in frustration, passing his hand through his curly locks. "I also said you like her, and I might have mentioned that you two being together could potentially end up hurting the both of you..."
If you thought he was furious earlier, now he was on full rage mode. Honestly, you had never seen him so mad, and it frightened you quite a bit.
"Why on Earth would tell her that?" he almost growled at you.
"Why? For fuck's sake, Chan, how was I supposed to know what to tell her? You left me there because you were too much of a baby to face her yourself." you snapped at him, which he had seemingly not expected.
"You know me enough to not say shit like that! And I am hosting this whole thing and I saw people coming in. It was the least I could do."
"Fuck off with your lame excuse, because we both know Changbin was already doing so. And for your information, I don't know you as well as I used to because sir decided to disappear out of my life."
He huffed at you as he looked around. He was lost and didn't know what to do now.
"Yeah, I told you already that I'm sorry. But if you love me so much, you wouldn't have told her off by saying you have a crush on me." he yelled out, being heard by almost everyone in the room.
Behind him, you spotted Minho's eyes already staring at you. He was fuming too, walking towards your direction. You didn't know whether he was angry because of you or Chan, but you were definitely worried at that point.
"Y/N." he called out.
"Minho, can we not-"
"So it's Minho, now?" You exhaled loudly, wondering how the night had even taken this turn. "I thought you said you were over him."
"Minho, stay out of this." Chan put his arm in front of him to prevent him from approaching you any closer.
You recognized the protectiveness Chan had of you within his tone, which reassured you a bit that he still cared, at least. Minho didn't fight back, but sent you a disappointed look instead.
"I'll leave you to it, then."
With that, he stormed out of the apartment, not looking back. Meanwhile, the tears you had been holding back until then flooded out and you broke down as Chan held you.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm sorry, it's my fault."
The softness he had after being so enraged took you by surprise, but you truly needed your best friend at the moment. "I'm sorry." you sobbed out.
"Y/N, it's okay. Don't be sorry. You know I can be pretty stupid, right?" he pat your head, and you nodded as a small laugh left your mouth. "I'm the one at fault, here. I should have talked to Eunhee myself, and I shouldn't have yelled at you. Minho is very sensitive, you know that, right? He'll come around, I'm sure of it."
It amazed you how he was still able to find the right words for any circumstances. You loved him, for real. But not that kind of love. This one was reserved for Minho. The only thing on your mind was to run after him. You hurt him, and you couldn't bear with the thought.
"Thank you, Chan. I'm also sorry."
He shook his head. "I told you to stop saying that." It made you chuckle.
"Do you think I should go after him?"
He smirked. "Go get your damsel in distress."
Still sobbing, you snorted at his words before you hurried to get out of his apartment. You felt grateful to have went so many times to his place to know his dorm number. Otherwise, you would have given up much quicker. You stopped in front of his door and knocked softly. You heard someone moving from the other side, and heard a sigh.
"Min." you called out.
To your shock, he opened the door, only a bit, and looked at you. He looked tired, and you noticed he had changed into his pyjamas. He hummed as a greeting, obviously still mad at what happened.
"Can we talk?"
He really didn't want to, but your puffy red eyes and simply the sight of you was enough to break him apart. So he let you in. You smiled widely when you were greeted by your favourite cats. You scratched their heads briefly, before turning your attention back on Minho. He was leaning on his counter (which was hot, let's be honest) and crossed his arms as he waited for you to talk.
"I really and certainly do not like Chan."
"Reassuring." he commented, but received a glare from you to tell him to let you speak.
"What happened was he left me alone with Eunhee and I said some things to her that she interpreted as if I still liked him. Chan got mad and he impulsively said that. I told him about us already, he knows."
He frowned at your words. "Us."
"Yeah, us." you repeated, taking a chance by walking up to him.
Thankfully, he let you place yourself right in front of him. He uncrossed his legs so you could have some space, and you approached him. You took his face in your hands, looking at him lovingly.
"What did you tell him about us, precisely?" he asked, placing his hands on your waist.
"I told him that you're great."
"Just that?"
"He knows we fucked."
He raised his eyebrows as he looked up. "Should have expected that."
You slapped his cheek playfully as you pouted, and he chuckled because you were just adorable. "Shut up."
"Sorry. Go on?" he laughed.
You got closer to him, your lips lingering over his. He would have kissed you, but he wanted to hear what you had left to say.
"And I admitted that I might love you."
He backed away, not having expected this. "Love?"
You sighed. "Dude, we've been acting like a couple for months, and we see each other pretty much every day. Don't act surprised."
He frowned even more. "Dude? Really? I call you princess, kitten, or pretty. And I get dude."
"Min." you whined, but he could only laugh.
He loved messing around with you, but he knew when to stop. "I'll be dude if that's what makes you happy, love."
You grinned from ear to ear. "Shall I take this as you love me too?"
"Don't make me say it, kitten."
You chuckled and played with his hair. He adjusted his posture and was now the one hovering you. His eyes went straight to your lips, and he didn't ask to kiss you before doing so. You smiled and kissed him back, not forgetting to hold him close.
"I fucking won over Bang Chan." he bragged after pulling away from you.
"That was an easy win." you snorted.
"Ah yeah? Am I that irresistible?"
"You know you are."
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @fairywriter-oracle | @xhazmania | @taetertotsv
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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euphoricimagination · 2 years
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It's not often that Sakusa feels alone, but when he does, it hit him hard. Thankfully for him, you are there to help him out whenever it happens
[Part 2]
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Sakusa is looking at his phone, his messages to be exact.
“We just won the preliminars, we’re going to the Nationals” reads the message. He sent it about 10 minutes ago. It wasn’t even opened.
‘They don't care’ he thought. He was alone; his parents couldn’t even bother to congratulate him over text for something he was proud of; his brothers think volleyball it’s stupid; plus, Komori was recovering from a minor injury, so he wasn’t here either. He was alone, nobody was there to celebrate with him…
“Kiyoomii!”  he hears from behind him, a familiar voice calling his name.
You met Kiyoomi last year, in your first year of Itachiyama. You, for some reason that he didn’t understand, decided to become his friend after your first day, when he was sitting on the gym floor. He remembers that you were lost, and you found your way into the gym. He helped you, of course he did, and since then he couldn’t get rid of you even if he tried, not that he wanted anyway.
“You were soo good today!” you exclaim as you get close to him, big smile on. He looks at you with slight confusion, why were you still here?
“Your color match is terrible” he says instead, looking at your outfit. The red pants with white letters from your new school match with the bright yellow-green jacket.
“Don’t judge me or my clothes” you hit him slightly
“What are you doing here? Nekoma match was over a long time ago” he says in an attempt to forget his previous thoughts
“I’m here to support you silly. I’m always going to be here for you” you tell him like it was the most obvious thing ever.
He looks at you with wide eyes, suddenly feeling an emotion that he doesn’t remember feeling before. But you were an expert when it comes to bringing emotions he thought he never had.
Like when you told him that you had to move to another city in Tokyo, and therefore, change schools, making him feel an emptiness in his chest.
Like the amount of rage he felt when you told him about the constant teasing you suffered with your old classmates just because you weren’t rich like the rest, rage that turn into feeling useless for not being able to protect you.
Or when you told him in one of your many calls how happy you were at your new school and how much fun you were having being the manager of the Nekoma High Volleyball team, when you made him feel sick of his stomach by the mere thought of you replacing him.
And like now, when you made his eyes watery by just saying something so simple.
“Omi? Are you ok? Did I say something wrong?” you ask before he pulls you into his chest, hiding his face in the crock of your neck.
“Thank you” he simply states, but he knows that you understand exactly what he means. You always knew.
“Of course. I’m so proud of you, Omi” you told him caressing the back of his head, which just made him tight his arms around you even more to contain his sniffles.
He completely forgot about every one of his thoughts, the screams of his school suddenly disappeared, he ignored every muffled comment saying how surprising it was that someone like him was showing emotions; because he wasn’t alone, he was with you, the safe place that he didn’t knew he needed.
“Better now, you cry-baby?” you say teasingly, earning a chuckle and a playful pinch in your waist “wanna go and eat dinner? I can go with your team…or you can come with mine, I’m sure they would love to meet you”
“What about my place? I can ask the chef to cook us your favorite” he asks with his normal self back on track, not quite sure why he feels happy that you want him to meet the team that you hold so dear to your heart.
“Oh yeah, I forgot that Mr. I-have-people-that-work-for-me doesn’t like the food of the peasants” you joked, this time receiving a small flick on your forehead
“If you don’t come you’re not eating pasta ever again” he says chuckling again as you protests about how mean he is with the smile that he grew to love “make sure to schedule a practice with your school before Nationals, they will be a good challenge”
“Eh? The great N°1 ace of all Japan wants to train with a normal high school instead of the university clubs?” you ask with full sarcasm, making him roll his eyes before starting to walk towards the exit.
“Forget it then”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding, of course I will. I can’t wait for you to meet them” you say holding his arm, making an bunch of fireworks explode on his stomach.
You made him feel so complete ever since you enter into his life, so it’s only logical to take the next step. Hopefully he can present himself as your boyfriend when he meets your team next time.
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deebris · 1 year
Todoroki Clan x Todoroki reader
Synopsis: You're the twin sister of Shoto and save him and Endeavor from Toya.
Warnings: violence, profanity, unstable family, trauma.
Words: 2k
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Being the daughter of a superhero came with a heavy burden to carry. But being Endeavor's daughter was what made it that much harder. The ambitious and hostile man managed to destroy the mentality of almost the entire family.
Your deceased brother, a psychologically unstable mother, and even the insecurities created at home were his fault, and his alone. But even knowing that, all the cruelty he did to you and your siblings, even after all the horrors, all you wanted was to see him proud for just a moment.
Your Quirk gave you the ability to control and create water. And to say this was a surprise was an understatement. You remember well when the first traces of your powers started to show, you were only 4 years old at the time. A brief trip to the doctor had made everything clear, it was as if her parents' powers had merged into one. While his twin brother Shoto had the ability to control both ice and fire, in you they manifested together. The heat of your father's fire nullified the ice of your mother's power, resulting in a Water Quirk.
Your father didn't meet many people with quirks similar to yours during his lifetime, so his ignorance of your powers allowed you much more freedom than Shoto to explore your abilities on your own. As he didn't understand, he preferred to leave you aside, focusing on training Shoto.
Your father became completely obsessed with making your brother a hero that surpassed All Might. The little attention you received from him in childhood, in the first few years after discovering your powers, is totally gone with the passage of time. You suspect he was only interested at first because he was perplexed by your quirk, it was pure passing curiosity.
The memories you have of your father are mostly painful. You always tried to maintain a relationship with him, to get closer to him. Even when everyone was revolting against the man, you kept your criticisms of him to yourself and stood by him. Sometimes when you had your moments alone, you felt terrible for trying to defend him, when all your dad did was look down on you. You were stupid, he was right about that.
You always dedicated a gift to your dad on his birthday, Father's Day, Christmas. On all the damn dates, but he didn't give a shit about you or your birthday. You don't know why you care so much about pleasing him, about making him proud. It didn't make any sense. Your rational side told you to ignore it and move on, but your emotional and dumb side told you to try. Trying to be the child he wanted so much, but you never quite knew how to do it.
08/08, 21:47 - Enji's birthday.
You were in the living room watching TV while waiting for your dad to come home. You had spent all morning preparing his birthday present.
At the age of 8, your grammar was not the best, so you asked your older siblings to help you write a letter. Natsuo scowled and strongly refused to help you, which made Fuyumi scold him for the way he spoke to you.
But your sister, sweet and kind, sat with you at the kitchen table to help you write. At the time you noticed the sad looks she gave as you put the beautiful words addressed to Enji on paper.
Shoto didn't mind helping you color a drawing that went with the letter, he even had a little fun in the process and made you finish the gift faster. You thought your dad would be sad that no one got him a present, so you did your best to make one.
You went over your bedtime just to hand him the gift. You've been waiting for him to walk through the door while watching a show on television. And as soon as you heard the lock on the door being unlocked, you jumped off the couch in excitement.
You ran up to him and stopped in front of him as you held out the gift.
"Daddy, look. Happy birthday! I made it myself!" Fuyumi gave a slight smile upon hearing your little lie, but she really didn't care. She thought it was cute, actually.
Enji took a good look at what you had and took it out of your hands. You watched excitedly as he opened it and skimmed through the contents in silence.
"So this is the kind of crap you waste your time on, y/n?" you immediately got scared after his scolding.
"While you could be training to get stronger, would you rather distract yourself with crude drawings?"
Natsuo bristled with shock upon hearing his father's words. And your brother was very, very furious, but remained silent, just like Fuyumi. He mentally thanked Shoto for already sleeping. Both your siblings were so sorry for you. How dare he say those things after all the dedication you've put into it? Fuyumi felt terrible remembering the words full of love you wrote in the letter.
"Don't give me more stuff like that again. Don't waste your time with trifles, that makes me waste my time too." He crumpled up the drawing and letter in one of his fists and threw them into the kitchen wastebasket.
By this time the tears were flowing freely from your eyes. Were you a waste of time? Is that what he said? When the first sobs were heard Natsuo took one of your little hands and decided that it would be better to put you to sleep, he imagined that this way you would forget and wake up better the next day. But he knew it was going to hurt you for a long time.
But right now, at this very moment, you've seen an unseen version of your father. Dabi's revelation caught everyone off guard. Was he Toya? Was Dabi your brother that everyone thought was dead? Endeavor always saw you and your siblings as a mere enterprise, but you noticed he didn't look at your big brother like that now. You saw in his startled look that there was feeling there. He was always such a serious and intimidating man, that seeing him completely frozen hit you hard. You thought you'd never see him so vulnerable.
"Toya!" You screamed and cried for him to stop. You were a baby when he left, but remembering the pictures of him as a child in the family albums and seeing him like this now, a murderer... He didn't deserve this, nobody did. You begged, but he wouldn't stop. "Please!" You wanted him to look you in the face, you wanted to stop everything to hug him. How was it possible to miss someone you barely knew so much? He was your family, your brother. He was alive, this was supposed to be a happy moment, it's not fair.
And as Toya leapt up in a rage to attack Enji, to finally get his revenge, you just wanted your father to move.
"Daddy!" Your hoarse cry was chilling. Bakugou and Deku immediately looked at you in your chaotic state, completely desperate. Meanwhile Endeavor felt his body turning cold, his heart stopping to pump the blood to the necessary places, he didn't want to believe that that was Toya. Alive. It seemed that there was nothing around him, he could only focus on him. He couldn't hear anything else, everything was muffled.
He's going to kill Dad and Shoto.
He's going to kill them and I can't let him.
Move on! Move, dammit! You wanted to move so badly, but your legs wouldn't obey. You wanted your father to do something, but even you can't move your fingers.
Weak. You were a disappointment. You can't do anything.
But then your body decided to take action. And you started to run to them, to save them. You felt your breathing fail and your diaphragm lock, your lungs no longer moved, only your legs. All your energy had gone into your feet. You can't pass out, it's such a short race. Just get out there and help them. And as you ran to your brother and father, Shoto noticed you coming closer with tears cascading down your cheeks.
"Y/n!" Your twin screamed angrily, but you knew he wasn't mad at you, he was scared. "Get away from here!" Both of your hearts fluttering. Him fearing for you and you fearing for them.
Shoto had already given up trying to make Enji react and when he was going to try to stop Toya on his own before you reached them, it was too late. Were you that close? How did you get there so fast? It was the adrenaline speaking for you, taking over your body and giving you strength you didn't know you had. For just a second he looked away. For a second he took his eyes off yours, and when he was about to look at Toya in front of him, he was already seeing you again. You two.
Shoto and Endeavor saw Toya being enveloped by a large wave of water that pushed Dabi back and protected them from the attack.
You made the water come together in a big bubble that enveloped you and Toya. You wanted to break out of the bubble and leave him trapped until him passed out without air, but you felt afraid to pass out first with the panic you were feeling. You tried to take the bubble away, but he was getting close to you. You tried to reduce the bubble's diameter to escape and get some air, but it seems that you didn't have the strength to do that anymore. You can only hold the water there.
Toya watched you. Silly little sister, he thought sadly. why would you do that? After everything Endeavor has done to you. After everything that monster did, what were you doing here? He needed to escape, he needed to breathe. He was going to get his revenge, but you were standing in his way. And if he needed to step over you to get to your dad, he would. He let the blue flames flow through his hands, the heat boiling the water, and both you and he were going to suffer for it.
"Father!" Shoto yelled at Endeavor, rousing the paralyzed statesman to see his two childs struggling. "He's killing her!"
You didn't resist the high temperature for a long time. Toya was already used to the burns, it wasn't even a pinch for him. You weakened and the water dissolved all at once, and you both stumbled gasping for air. Your skin was red and burning like hell. You wanted to scream in pain.
You were weak. You couldn't even do a simple thing. You just needed to hold it for a few seconds and get out of there.
Your breathing hadn't worked for a long time, it was a surprise that you managed to make all that effort in this state. What a horrible time to have an anxiety attack.
Everything was going dark and the last thing you saw was a burning Toya coming at you with a murderous glare. Enji couldn't believe it, all this happened right in front of him, and he didn't do anything. He let Toya hurt you and did absolutely nothing.
As soon as Endeavor saw his son come to you, he prepared to face Toya. Shoto immediately rushed to attack him and get you away from him. Enji wasn't going to allow you to die, he wasn't going to allow Dabi to kill you. For your and Toya. For his children.
Toya grabbed Shoto and started to increase the flames around they two.
"The favorite son killed by the loser!" Dabi laughed like crazy as he held Shoto tighter burning them both. But someone stopped Dabi before he committed a greater tragedy.
Best Jeanist immobilized him and took him away from the twins. And Endeavor, even though he was no longer paralyzed, did nothing.
You protected him and Shoto. That was the last thing he remembered as he opened his eyes and found himself face to face with a white ceiling.
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rozxii · 5 months
don't say you loved me when you hated me (yourself) this much
sana x reader
wc: 1.2k
angst, extremely messy writing
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it's a pity.
life moved along and you get swept up in the process, never being able to truly understand why or how you fell so hard, never being able to stand up on your own two feet again. never able to keep up with the current.
minatozaki sana was that current.
she was the end all, be all. she was the epitome of perseverance and hard work. she was the spitting image of persephone herself. and you'd never be enough for her, no matter how hard you tried to convince yourself you were.
because opposites attract.
though you're not sure why because how could you be her better half when you were undermined by such a huge gap between you and her? sana was surrounded by glitz and glamor, surrounded by fame and fortune, cameras in her face with blinding flashes.
her life was eventful and fun.
and yours was not.
she went on variety shows, talking away about her dream vacation out in the bahamas while you were talking away about why you chose this company to work for, bouncing from building to building. she spent her days trying to make this world a better place through any way she could, sticking out her neck for people in need like the philanthropist she was while you were just sticking your neck out on the chopping block, waiting for your corporate hell incarnate of a boss to slice it clean off.
your head rolls while sana watches.
she's unhappy and hates you.
or at least that's what you perceived it as.
but she bears witness to it all first hand. the rise and the fall of what you two were. what you became in face of her.
when you two met, you were the sweetest thing. you never forgot to compliment her on the days she felt at her worst nor did you ever forget to say good morning and good night, even when she was half way across the world on a business trip.
you even remembered to gift her parents an anniversary present before you had to leave for a week in a business trip. she fell for you as you did her because these were the parts of you that she absolutely adored. how could she not?
but maybe she was blinded too much then to see all of you.
your mouth runs, harping on about some random minute detail that you just can't quite stand after your trip and sana sits there, smiling and pretending she understands what you mean.
yes, your coworker sucked. should you have started some stupid argument and yelled at her though because of some minor inconvenience at work? that's up for debate.
sana cries that day on your couch for the first time, though you don't know it.
you were long out the door, too focused on yourself to realize what you've done. you refused to change your ways and she never stopped you. she couldn't change your mind and rather trying to no avail, she would let you be, waiting for the day and possible chance that you would realize that you were wrong.
and sana waited for a long time.
a whole year passed with you on the sidelines, bouncing from job to job as sana takes on the world. sana makes time for you, as she always would've, and wishes a long time with you though you're grumpy and unbecoming of someone celebrating their first year anniversary. you're distained at the thought of sana coming back to your quote on quote "shoddy" apartment just to celebrate when she could've 'been doing better things.'
she recognizes the looming thoughts playing around inside your pretty sweet mind, poisoning it and tainting it from the inside. she tries to ease your worries though it's not in her power to do so.
you lash out at her again during the following christmas in front of all her friends, even if it were just a spur in the moment. why was the star placed on the side of the tree instead of the top? that question sana couldn't have answered herself, because she wasn't the one who put it there. you did 4 days prior and you forgot, but you're too lost and irritated to understand that.
nayeon's distraught at the fact that sana has stayed with you for so long, all things considered, and sana tries to convince nayeon (and herself someway through the discussion) that you're worth it. though her beliefs waver.
it's three years too late before sana can even realize how superceded and twisted your mind has become. you're lost in whatever deep-rooted delusions and worries that have implanted themselves in your head. she can't go a moments notice anymore without a text on her phone, asking where she was, checking her location and prying in her affairs whenever you you had the time.
you had work, she knew that, so why were you constantly wondering where she was? why couldn't you have just trusted her when she said she was at a modeling gig? instead, you barrage her phone with a series of phone calls and messages, ones that could have people assume she was in a relationship she couldn't get out of if anyone heard.
she calls you back immediately the second she has the time to rush to the bathroom and pick up the phone, but you're tearing her ear off the second she does. she shouts over the phone, her voice bouncing off the walls. she doesn't get it. she doesn't understand why you do it. she maybe never will.
she cried for the second time in that restroom stall, covering her mouth as you rattled on about you're scared that she might cheat on you.
but she wouldn't. never. she loved you too much.
it's the new year and you look happy, though that's maybe because everything is going your way so far. you're having the time of your life with your newly made friends at this massive opening event as nayeon tries to get into a conversation with sana, dragging her to a nearby corner.
she's worried, but sana tries to ease her worries, pointing at you and saying that you're fine. the both of you are fine. nayeon doesn't pry though she's definitely still worried for her as she lets her go back to your side, where you're all up in her face again, wondering what nayeon said to her.
sana promises it was nothing though you don't believe her. you haven't believed her in a while because at this point, you couldn't believe in yourself anymore. your mind is a cluttered mess, filled with situations that even sana herself couldn't believe. you harp on about how you knew she was cheating on you, with nayeon of all people, her best friend, in front of everyone there at the party.
she slaps you there and then, leaving a red mark on your face and standing firm in place as she cried for the third time, letting these tears be the last.
she's had enough. she can't wait any longer. she absolutely couldn't. cameras flash all around her as you laugh in disbelief at sana's next 5 words, your hand hovering over your cheek.
"fuck you, y/n. we're done."
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jackiepackiee · 3 months
Hello, I hope you're having a splendid day!
If your requests are open may I ask for the flags x single parent reader romantic headcanons? I've seen the other one with the mad scientist and I just found it so amazing!
But of course, only if you are comfortable, I don't want to pressure you.
I shall say my good byes now as I have to leave.
Take care of yourself and rest.
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓕𝓵𝓪𝓰𝓼 𝔁 𝓢𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓵𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
Warnings- parent struggles
Type - headcanons
Of course I added Chuuya.
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Albatross -
Did someone say the fun dad?
He admires how responsible you are
Quite literally watches in awe at anything you do
Making a snack? Wow. Hushing your kid from crying? He’s shocked by your skill
Your kid likes cars? He will have an entire lot for them.
Trains? Look, now the port mafia has a and it’s trained named after your kid
Almost like a brother, sorry
He’s immature and has never been around kids
So so gentle however
He’s not dumb, just eccentric after all
You’ll definitely walk in on him covered in paint by your kid, laughing and letting it happen
Tea parties? Tea parties.
7/10, congrats, you have a second kid
Pianoman -
Thinks the absolute highest of you
Will never pry on what happened to the biological parent
But if they hurt you? He’s pulling piano strings
The kid is babied, no matter the age
He’s a leader, and a protecter
The port mafia doesn’t even know you have one
He likes a quiet personal life
No nanny’s, he will clear his schedule if needed
It’s his kid now, and he’s ready to try his best
Smart man, makes sure to let you get plenty of rest
Knows it must’ve been hard being alone
So he wants you to recover from however long you missed the rest you’ve needed
You kid wants a new toy? He will counterfeit money and buy hundreds
9/10, a great dad
Lippmann -
Why the hell is your kid suddenly speaking other languages?
It’s Lippmann. He’s too smart and will make sure to compliment you in French, or Spanish, or German
Your kid becomes so well mannered
“Look, daddy is on TV!”
It’s always fun to have a movie night and watch his newest film
Your kid is an actor now, yeah
Expect many private shows staring your lover and your child
His favorite? Princess/prince with him as the knight
Such an incredible comforter to both you and your child
You’re stressed? He’ll make sure you’re okay while also dealing with whatever’s freaking you out
10/10, just perfect
Iceman -
So goddamn gentle
Your heart will melt, watch out
He’s soft spoken and it must be magic at how well he can console your kids whines
You may know of his work, but only what he does
Not the victims, days, times, anything
But you kid? Doesn’t know a single thing
“My daddy is a superhero”
Yeah, depends on who you ask
He is technically killing bad guys (bad guys to the pm that is)
When you lay down your kid he’ll pull you to the kitchen and play a record
Slow dancing and lifting you up with immense ease
9/10, you may have death of a overheated heart
Doc -
…kinda awkward
He is good with kids, of course
All his years in med school? He had to have seen some children
He’s shy with you, but not shocked you have a kid
Will never judge you, not for a second
Makes sure your body has healed correctly
Back pains from pregnancy (if you are the mom)? You don’t know how but he will heal it
Your kid is like a walking dictionary, muttering words that would only make sense to a surgeon
For a doctor, it’s ironic how much he offers candy to them
“Be good and you’ll get a lollipop from daddy.”
7/10, your kid is always healthy, but he’s a bit childish too
Chuuya -
if you’re a teen parent he won’t care
Supports you and your child with his new pm check
Remember that one wan episode when he said that he would spoil a puppy if he had one?
That’s how he is with your kid and you
You want to take the kid to a new amusement park but the lines are too long for the kid to wait?
He will rent the entire thing, boy has connections
A lot of the sheep were young, so he is good with kids
Won’t be great as a role model, but an amazing protector
Nothing will ever hurt you or the child
If you want, he will definitely let you move in
Warning, the house will be filled with toys that the two of you won’t know what to do with
Overall 7/10 his heart is in the right place but he’s so young
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
I hope you are having a good day. Could you write a platonic concept for Glamrock Freddy sharing reader with Glamrock Bonnie? I replayed Ruin and seeing Freddy's poster again made me think that those two friends (or more, if you want to see them that way) would be a great team and work together to keep the reader to themselves.
Yeah I can do that, was not entirely sure how to write Bonnie so I winged it.
Yandere! Platonic Glamrock Freddy + Bonnie Sharing a Darling
Pairing: Platonic - Sharing
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Overprotective behavior, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Isolation, Forced companionship.
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There's no canon Glamrock Bonnie personality but I'm going to make a new version compared to my other one.
We can assume Bonnie is very caring as Eclipse's line was meant to be for him if I remember correctly.
As a result, both bots are very caring to guests and STAFF.
We can assume this whole concept took place before Monty breaking Bonnie and the missing kids.
Bonnie is probably a little arrogant but not as much as his other counterparts.
For the most part he'd probably be similar to Freddy.
Although I also imagine him as carefree and fun loving.
You are most likely close to the two as their mechanic like I do in most fics, or at the very least you work at the Pizzaplex somehow.
I think you're right to assume the two would share a darling.
They're best friends and nearly inseparable.
I can't imagine the two fighting so they'll have no big problems sharing.
You often visit Bonnie Bowl and the Main Stage to see the two.
Unbeknownst to you, you're their favorite.
The blue bunny and orange bear often meet up to speak about their best friend.
They see you as part of their duo now trio.
They only bond even more when they realize they have a shared connection with you.
I imagine they'd gush about you to each other and are very excited when you stop by.
The two are no doubt your biggest fans and hope you care for them too.
Of course these two are going to be a great team.
They both keep track of you and share information about you with each other.
You always have a pair of eyes on you as you work.
At this point they know what you bring to lunch, where you frequent, what you like… they have a lot more information than they should.
As your friends… they have to learn everything, right?
That's what they tell each other as they pry into your personal life.
Obviously you'll notice you see the two everywhere.
They are the bots you see most often.
I imagine they'd both act as parental friends or dads at times with you.
They have to watch you for overworking, right?
Oh! Can't have you getting hurt, either.
Care for an ice cream? You can hang out with them at Bonnie Bowl!
You try not to feed into their behavior as you don't want to be fired for slacking off.
Such information makes the two upset.
Their friend can be taken away from them that easily?
Hm… that won't do.
They definitely act like robot caretakers at times.
If you express any emotions that aren't normal or have any injury, one of them is checking in.
Bonnie will have you follow him to Bonnie Bowl for a couple of games.
Freddy's checking you over and even passing you a plush toy.
It's nice they care but they make it difficult to get them to do their job.
The STAFF members keep giving weird looks.
Honestly, if you ever felt like quitting or were told you were being fired, you'd end up disappearing.
Why? Well, your two “friends” ended up taking you away.
Oh, they never liked the other STAFF around you anyways.
They also didn't appreciate you ignoring them.
There's no need to worry! They'd never hurt you.
So there's no need to look so scared as they stare down at you from the darkness.
They made a little room for you in the maintenance tunnels.
They'll feed you, care for you, and be your best friends!
Don't leave your little room… they made it just for you!
They filled it with merch of themselves, there's an old arcade machine, a collection of blankets and pillows to be your bed….
They couldn't just let you leave!
Now you won't have to…
With them… you'll have endless fun!
So please… stop crying… give them a smile!
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dragonsarecool123 · 4 months
I went to the pride club at my school for the first time today and although it was a wonderful group of people it really forced me to confront just how isolating it is being aroace, because how the hell am I supposed to relate to other queer people when the main conversation is about things that I personally can’t feel? Not to mention the fact the I was the only A-spec person there and I ended up having to explain what my identity meant several different times. Like the first few times it’s fine, but you can only here so many “what’s that?” , “that can’t be a real thing!” and “so your undecided/pan” before it starts to feel a little dehumanizing or like people are mocking your identity. Looking back on my entire life and all the different times I’ve come out to people, I’ve come to realize that it doesn’t matter how hard you try to fit in or be “normal” being A-spec will always isolate you no matter how old you are because you see the world differently. The oldest memory I can think of where being aroace isolated me is from kindergarten when my whole class was on the playground and people were getting “married” and my little kindergarten self didn’t understand why it was such a big deal and why we were doing it, I ended up leaving my classmates and going to play in the sandpit all alone simply because I was bored. I still remember the first time I came out to my cousin (keep in mind that this is a cishet white man who’s parents are quite well off) and his immediate response was to tell me to “come back in 5 years” and tell him the same thing before he proceeded to make fun of my identity and how I’m a queer woman, and I was just kind of sitting there trying to figure out why he would do that and that’s when it hit me: this is a man who has never been made fun other for simply existing.
It infuriates me that even in queer spaces I am constantly isolated and mocked for being aroace and that the spaces that claim to be welcoming to everyone still don’t welcome Aspec people.
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Neteyam X Reader: Reckless behavior
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Warning: talk of death (nothing to bad),fluff
Summary: Neteyams desire to rush into danger got him hurt and made him realise how much he matters to you
You should have known. Even after knowing him for years you still managed to fall for his tricks. You felt like an utter fool. He’d told you he wouldn’t do it but you should have known better, after all Neteyam had never been one to stray away from an adventure.
You’d met when you were both no taller than a tree stump. The people were a great big family and you certainly acted like it. You’d often see children running around the tribe, laughing and playing with each other. The adults always kept a careful eye on the younglings, even if the kids weren’t biologically theirs. You’d been one of those children years ago. You could remember it like it was yesterday. 
You remembered running through the trees, Neteyam hot on your trail ever since the two of you had managed to learn how to take your first steps. It was traditional for the kids of the people to coexist with each other quite closely since it built a deep bond, which was highly valued by the tribe. Due to this you and Netayam became attached to each other fairly quickly. Your bond with the boy became even stronger when you lost your parents to the Sky people. If the two of you had been inseparable before the deaths after them it was almost impossible to see you two apart. The Sully family had accepted you with open arms and you’d forever be grateful for their kindness.
Despite all those years Neteyam had somehow managed to trick you. 
Jake and Netiry had gone out to do surveillance in an area that supposedly had been taken over by the Sky people. Before they went they’d given you all very clear orders to stay on the ground and far away from their destination. But of course their two sons chose to ignore their orders completely. The second their parents had made it out of view they were racing over to their own Ikrans to take flight. You rushed to where they had mounted the animals, wasting no time to stand in front of Netayams Ikran, your hands wrapping around its nose as you let out a small hiss. Netayam started at you from his position
“What are you doing?”
“I could ask you the same.”
“Oh come on, don’t be a buzzkill. I know you're dying to go check it out.”
“Why would I put myself in harm's way for no reason? Plus your parents said not to go.”
“They always say that. They don’t trust us.”
You turned to the younger boy as he spoke
“Maybe there's a reason for that Lo’ak.”
You snapped your head back to look at Neteyam.
“Maybe it's because it's dangerous and there is a high risk of ending up hurt.”
The eldest son let out an annoyed sigh causing you to frown lightly. You knew how much he loved adventure and as much as you hated having to be the boring one someone had to make sure he lived to see another day. What made it worse was seeing how much it annoyed him. You hated feeling like you caring for his well being was something that irritated him. Actually, you hated feeling like you irritated him. After all, your feelings for him weren't exactly small. Sure you saw him like a friend but there was something else mixed in there. Something you weren't sure you’d ever be able to admit. 
Neteyam could tell from your expression that he’d hurt your feelings. His eyes softened as he looked at you. He knew you meant well no matter how much of a fun killer you were being. Neteyam got down from his Ikran, his hand soothing the animal's skin until it came into contact with your own. He pulled your hands away from the animals releasing your grip on its nose. You didn’t fight him, allowing you to move farther away from the animal.
“If you're worried we won’t go.”
“But you-”
“Shhh Lo’ak.”
The younger boy bit his tongue as his brother hissed at him, the look on Lo’aks face made you want to laugh.
“I don’t want you to worry. We’ll go somewhere else okay?”
You gave Neteyam a smile. He was acting rather rational for once. It was usually a lot harder to change his mind. You should have seen it coming but the desire to trust him was so strong that it blinded you to the mischievous glimmer in his eyes.
“Thank you.”
“How about we go to the ponds today?”
“Yeah that’d be nice.”
You turned around, Neteyams hand on your back guiding you to move forward. Everything was fine and then somehow, at the fastest speed you've ever seen him move, Neteyam had raced back to his Ikran and jumped off the ledge. You ran over just as he shot up into the sky and made his way over to his brother.
“I’m going to kill you Neteyam!”
“You’ll have to catch me first!”
You watched the two boys begin to fly away. Realizing the only way to keep them out of trouble was to follow them, you called your Ikran and jumped over the edge. You flew through the sky faster than you ever had before, your eyes constantly searching for the two boys. You started to think you’d gone the wrong way when you heard gunfire. Your eyes fell on a clearing in the middle of the forest. The ground was covered in pieces of the Sky peoples ships and weapons. You scanned the area from above before finding what you were looking for. The moment your eyes found Netayams Ikran your heart calmed down a bit but it didn’t last long. 
You watched as Neteyam went to grab one of the weapons on the ground just as one of the Sky people fired in his direction. He was too far to hear the scream of warning you’d let out but it was enough to make your Ikran begin to fly his way. You hopped off the animal before it had even made it completely onto the ground. You stood over Neteyams body, your eyes looking for the shooter anywhere near you. Once you were sure there weren’t any you kneeled down next to your friend. Neteyam looked up at you and coughed. You could feel the anger bubbling up inside you but that would have to wait for later. For now, you had to focus on getting out of here before anyone noticed. You pulled Neteyam onto your Ikran and jumped on. Just as you were about to call Neteyams animal you heard a voice you recognized. 
“What are you-”
Jake had seen you. The man stopped his question once he saw his son draped behind you.
“You can chew us out later. I need to get him back home.”
Jake stared at you, he wasn’t used to people talking back to him but given the circumstances he’d accept it.
“Go, I'll cover you.”
You nodded at him before taking off.
Once you’d arrived you rushed to drag Neteyam up. He swatted at your hands, saying he could do it himself. You shut him up with a hiss as you supported him by holding his waist.
“You utter skxawng.”
Neteyam let out a grimace as you placed pressure into the wound on his back. Kiri came out from the tent being followed by Tuk.
“What happened?”
“He’s hurt.”
“I’m fine, it's not a big deal.”
“Tell your grandmother to bring the herbs.”
You watched as Tuk and Kiri raced over to one of the tents opposite your direction. While the girls went to get the medicine you made your way over to your tent, guiding Neteyam to lay down.
“I can do it-”
“Shut up and let me help!”
Neteyams eyes widened at your behavior. He’d never seen you get angry before. Well, he’d seen you angry but it was always easily fixed with some dumb joke or a funny face. That wasn’t the case this time though. He could tell that you were pissed and it didn’t take a genius to figure out why.
“I know your upset-”
“I thought I told you to shut it.”
“Yeah but-”
You looked at Neteyam and that was enough to keep him quiet. He had to make it up to you but now wasn’t the right time. The girls arrived with the plants you’d asked for and you started to work on patching Neteyam up. Every time he winced you put more pressure. It was with the intention of cleaning him up but you couldn’t deny it felt a bit like payback. You want to put yourself in danger? Deal with the consequences. Neteyam could practically see the words forming in your head as you placed the last leaf on his wounds. You dismissed the girls once their help was no longer required. When you got up to leave Jake and Netiry entered the tent.
“Sit.” You did as you were told, finding a place as far from Neteyam as you could which didn’t go unnoticed by his parents. You listened to Jake speak, your mind numb to the words. The tears you’d been holding for a while were threatening to spill out the longer you stayed still. You wished Jake would get on with it already so you could leave. Neteyam watched you as his father spoke, the emotionless expression on your face concerning him.
“And you.”
You raised your head to look at Jake as he referred to you for the first time since he started to speak.
“She had nothing to do with it, dad. She tried to stop me. I should have listened.”
Neteyam looked into your eyes as he uttered the last part. His dad could tell he was being sincere so instead of giving you a row about your behavior he got up and made his way to you. You raised your head so you could look into his eyes. Jake placed a hand on your shoulder before he kneeled down and spoke.
“Thank you for watching over him. If you hadn’t been there it could have been… a lot worse.”
You watched as Jake gulped before speaking. Despite everything he had been scared to lose his son. You felt the same way. Not that you’d ever tell him that. Neteyams parents went away, leaving you alone with the boy. You hurried to get up and leave but before you could Neteyam had gotten to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind fully stopping you from being able to walk away. You tried not to think about how warm he felt. You were supposed to be giving him the cold shoulder but the proximity was making it very hard.
“I’m sorry.”
You kept looking forward, not daring to show any emotions other than rage. 
Neteyam moved your hair so it was behind your ear allowing him to rest his head on your shoulder.
“I’m sorry I acted like a skxawng. I should have listened to you.”
Neteyam brushed his nose against your neck. It was something you’d do whenever he’d hug you but he didn’t know what it meant. Your body shuddered at the action, the tears you’d been putting down finally breaking through. No noise left your lips as you cried but Netayam could feel your breathing against his chest as you sobbed.
“Hey…it’s okay I'm right here.”
He turned you around so that your face was buried into him, his hands holding you as close as he could. It hurt knowing he was the one causing you pain. He was sure he’d remember your reaction whenever he thought of doing anything reckless.
“I can’t lose you too.”
Oh Neteyam you idiot. He hadn’t even considered how his actions would affect you. You’d lost your family to the Sky people and for a split second you thought you’d lost him too. Neteyam cursed himself for being so inconsiderate.
“You won’t. It’s alright I'm here. We're okay.”
The blue boy wove his hands into your hair as he tried to soothe you. Your crying stopped after a while. He wondered if that meant you’d forgiven him but then you gave him the strongest shove you could manage.
“You are an idiot Neteyam! I told you not to go but you always have to be the warrior. What's going to happen when I'm not there to save your sorry ass?”
The tears started to well up again as you spoke.
“You can’t do that to me you can't just-your not invincible, you know?”
“I know that.”
“You don’t act like you do! Every time there's danger you're the first to jump at it. You could have died today.”
Neteyam stayed quiet, there was nothing he could say to make this better.
“I could have buried you today.”
Your voice was so low it was a miracle he’d heard you. The words felt worse than any of his wounds. For a moment you’d thought you lost him and that hurt more than anything. Neteyam made his way to you and kneeled down, his hands wrapping around your legs as he rested his face onto your stomach.
“I'm so sorry. I won't do it anymore, I swear. I'm sorry I scared you,flower.”
You closed your eyes, trying to focus on the feeling of Neteyams arms around you. He was alive. He was here and alive. If there was a good time to do it, it was now. You sank down to your knees, allowing you to rest your forehead against Netayams.
“I see you.”
Neteyams ears perked up at your words, his eyes opening to look at you.
“You don’t have to say anything I just wanted you to know since…well since i’ve loved you for ages.”
You lowered your eyes to the ground. Neteyam noticed how nervous you were so he grabbed your chin, guiding you to look up. He placed his head on your shoulder repeating the motion you’d begun doing everytime the two of you hugged. Your very own way of saying ‘I love you’ without uttering the words out loud.
“You know what it means?”
“I figured it out a while after you started doing it.”
A blush creeped onto your cheeks.
“Gosh I feel ridiculous.”
“Don’t, I think it's cute. Our own way of saying we love each other.”
“Does this mean you feel the same?”
“Does this answer your question?”
Neteyam leaned down and placed a kiss on your lips. Your hands weaved into his hair as you deepened the kiss and Neteyam could swear Euwa had made you for him herself. He swore to himself he’d stop with his reckless behavior. He had everything he needed right here and he couldn’t wait for the great adventures the two of you would have together.
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wildsupernova · 4 days
summer, sun, and a smoking engine.
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summary: when your car breaks down on the side of the road in Hawkins, Indiana, you don’t have many options other than try walking and find help. Thankfully, Steve Harrington is here to help.
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
warnings: strong language, no use of y/n, little bit of mechanic eddie thrown in there (not really a warning but i have nowhere else to put this)
a/n: hello! this fic is a bit self indulgent, i guess you would call it. my love life has been quite terrible pretty much all my life, and i’m the kind of person who can’t help dreaming about a movie cliche type meet cute, so i wanted to write this fic to help quell my insatiable desire for a rom com romance. this is part one of what will probably be a three part series, so i hope you enjoy! :)
if you’d like to make a request, my inbox is always open. i also have my prompts list linked below so you request one of those as well.
part 2 (coming soon) | masterlist | prompts list
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Stranded on the side of the road in Hawkins, Indiana was not the way you wanted to start your summer vacation. 
You should be in Indianapolis by now, lounging by the pool at your best friend’s house, raiding her parent’s liquor cabinet and getting drunk off your asses until you can’t remember anything the next morning. Not here, pounding against the steering wheel of your shitty rustbucket of a car wishing you’d actually remembered to do what your dad told you and take it to a mechanic before you made the trip. The horn honked as you slammed your forehead into it, but it was quickly swallowed up by endless fields on either side of you. 
The universe had a sick sense of humor when it came to you in particular, and it seemed the jokes never ended. Some vengeful god or cosmic plan had singled you out as the sole outlet for their aggression; just a girl with a particularly unremarkable life, desperate to escape the world just for a few weeks and forget about her ridiculously non-existent love life and only slightly above average academic career. 
Lately, your life has felt like one big joke. Everyday seemed to be the exact same mind numbing routine; wake up late, rush to make it to your 9 am lecture that left you falling asleep halfway through, eat the same shitty college cafeteria lunch you always did, spend three hours cramming for a test you know you’ll fail anyway, and go to bed at 2 am just to wake up and do it all over again the next day. You watched everyone else around you do something with their lives, whether they were partying all night or getting married. Everyone seemed to be having ten times more fun than you, and you were starting to think that you were just destined for a lonely, less than exceptional life. 
By the time you hit 20 with no long term relationships ever (none that really meant anything, anyway), you’d begun to think it was all futile. Maybe you were destined to be alone forever, maybe you just weren’t looking in the right places, maybe it just wasn’t the right time, but whatever the reason, it had you banging your head against the wall every time your roommate gushed about how sweet and sexually adept her boyfriend was. 
That’s why it really shouldn’t have surprised you that today of all days would be the one where you end up stranded in a town you’d never heard of until you saw the ‘Welcome to Hawkins’ sign a few miles ago.
You’d seen a few cars coming this direction before your car had broken down, so you knew there had to be some sort of civilization not far from here. You’d considered standing by your car and waiting in the hopes that someone would stop to help you, but the sun was already beginning to set and it didn’t really seem like the safest idea to be alone in your car at sundown, especially in some place you didn’t know. That’s what pushed you towards what you were doing now, walking down the long stretch of road and hoping that you’d find someone who could help you not too far down it. 
Somehow, it seemed to feel hotter now that the sun was beginning to set, blistering heat causing sweat to begin forming on your skin almost the minute you stepped out of your car. You’d chosen the wrong day to wear a sundress and sandals, the arches of your feet burning more and more the longer you walked. You swatted at probably thousands of mosquitos that began to swarm you as you walked, and by the time you finally saw the signs of the city, you could feel your hair sticking to your forehead from the thick coating of sweat collecting there. 
The sun was about halfway set by the time you reached the parking lot of the small strip mall, and when you looked at the watch on your wrist it blinked dimly at half past 5. Every store was closed already except for one, a small Family Video store with a single maroon BMW parked outside the door. Finding it the only option you had other than to keep walking, and hoping the AC inside would be working, you pushed your way through the door and hoped someone inside would let you use the phone. And the bathroom. 
“I’m telling you, Robin, I’m hopeless.” Steve struggled to hold the stack of tapes in his hand, almost sending all of them tumbling to the floor when he tripped over a bump in the carpet. 
“You’re not hopeless, you’re just looking in the wrong places.”
“The hell does that mean?”
“Maybe stop looking for the type of girl you had in high school? You’ve matured, so start looking for something new.”
“That's the problem, I don’t even know what my type is.” He placed the stack of tapes on the counter, picking up a few that fell over. Robin came to stand next to him, taking the tape off the top of the stack and starting to rewind it.
“I don’t know what to tell you, figure it out. Who knows? Maybe your dream girl will come walking right through that door any minute.”
The universe has one sick sense of comedic timing, doesn’t it?
Steve opened his mouth to offer up a rebuttal but was cut off by the chime of the bell above the door, hinges squeaking at it flung open then shut rather harshly. He turned towards the door and prepared to give his stupid, fake customer service greeting, but was cut short when he saw who it was that had just come through the door. 
He had never seen anyone like you. Hair a mess as if your hands had been running through it for hours, covered in sweat and rocking back and forth on your heels to stop your feet from hurting, he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen anything more beautiful. Wearing a black sundress covered in white daisies and flat brown sandals, you looked like something out of a rom com cliche, damsel in distress stumbling into his life at just the right time. You looked around the store almost frantically and visibly irritated, but the second you laid your eyes on Steve on the other side of the counter you breathed a sigh of relief. 
He had to snap himself out of whatever trance you put him in when you started walking towards him. 
“Hey, do you guys have a phone I can use? My car broke down like a mile from here and I really need to call a mechanic.”
“Uh, yeah, there’s a phone in the back you can use.” A stray strand of hair fell into Steve’s face as he physically shook himself back into reality. “My friend’s a mechanic, I can give you the number to his shop if you want.”
“That would be perfect, thank you.” The relieved laugh you let out made his face heat up a bit, and he quickly grabbed a piece of paper to scribble the number to Eddie’s garage down on. He ripped it off and handed it to you, nodding towards the door reading ‘Employees Only’.
“Phone’s back there, take all the time you need.”
“Thank you so much,” Your eyes flitted down to the name tag on his vest, flashing him a soft grin. “Steve.”
Once you disappeared into the back room, Steve leaned forward against the counter. Robin let out a whistle and hopped up to sit on the counter next to him, kicking her feet back and forth. 
“Man, I was kidding when I said she’d walk through the door any minute, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen you that starstruck by a girl you just met.”
“She’s probably just…passing through town. Who knows if I’ll ever see her again after this.” Steve popped the tape out of the machine and put another one in, trying to occupy himself with anything other than thinking about you. 
“So? When has that ever stopped you before?”
“I don’t know, Robin. It’ll probably end in disaster just like every other time.”
“I don’t care. If you don’t take your shot with this girl, I might just kill you.”
Almost on cue, the door to the back room swung open again, a visible shift in your demeanor than when you’d walked in. You looked far less tense, and Steve found it hard to keep his eyes off of you. 
“You are truly a life saver. With any luck, I’ll be out of here and back on the road before sundown.” 
“It’s no problem, really.” Steve turned his head away to hide the blush on his cheeks. He gave Robin a look as she silently pushed him to keep the conversation going, eventually holding his hands up in surrender. “My shift’s almost over so I can, uh, give you a ride back to your car, if you want. I’d hate for you to have to walk all the way back in this heat. Plus it's almost dark, I wouldn't want a girl like you wandering around out there alone.”
Steve pressed his lips together tightly when he realized what he’d said, but the smile on your face let him relax. 
“I’d like that, thank you.” You rocked back and forth on your heels while you waited for Steve to gather his things, dress swishing back and forth against your thighs. You laughed a little to yourself while he scrambled frantically, muttering something to himself while he flushed red up to his ears. You flashed him a sweet smile when he finally had all his things, following him out the door and into the beemer you’d seen parked outside when you first arrived. 
Steve was handsome, there was absolutely no denying that. Sunkissed skin that was likely the result of hours of relaxing by the pool, fluffy brown hair you couldn’t help but want to run your hands through and the kindest brown eyes you’d ever seen. You were sure that at one time in his life he was a heartbreaker with all those good looks and boyish charm, but the way he got flustered just talking to you made you believe that he had put those days long past him. 
He seemed almost nervous sitting in the car with you, doing his best to keep his eyes on the road while stealing a few quick glances at you. He adjusted himself in the seat and cleared his throat, trying to break the tension in the air. 
“So, uh, what brings you to Hawkins?”
“Just passing through on my way to visit a friend in Indianapolis.” You smoothed down the skirt of your dress to find something to do with your hands. “Was hoping I’d get there by nightfall but, unfortunate turn of events I suppose.”
“Where are you from?”
“Out of state.” You kept it vague, still not quite sure if you could totally trust him. “I go to school in Indiana though.”
A few seconds later, your car finally came into view, seemingly in much worse shape than you left it. White smoke now billowed from underneath the hood, and you leaned yourself against the dash to try to get a better look from inside the car.
“No, no no no.” As soon as Steve made a U-turn and parked his car behind yours, you opened the door and ran over, running a hand through your hair in a panic. 
“I’m sure it's not…that bad.” Steve tilted his head as he came up next to you, scrunching his face as he looked at the smoke continuing to spill from your engine. “Yeah, I don’t think it's supposed to do that.”
“Yeah, no shit.” You let out a groan before collapsing to the curb, head in your hands. “I should have listened to my dad when he told me to get it checked. Now who knows how long it’ll be before I can get back on the road.”
“Look, Eddie’s good at what he does.” Steve sat down next to you, nudging his shoulder into yours to offer some comfort. “He’ll have her back up and running in no time.”
“Yeah, well, it’ll take a miracle to fix all the problems with this piece of shit.”
Steve’s small chuckle was drowned out by the rumble of an engine, raising your head to see a tow truck traveling down the road towards you and your still smoking car. The red, hand painted detailing stood out against the black body of the truck, and as it got closer, you could hear the rumble of metal music blaring out of the open truck window. The driver, who you had yet to catch a glimpse of, backed the truck until the winch was close to the front of your car, the truck letting out one last puff of smoke through the exhaust as the engine shut off. 
“Always picking up strays, aren’t you Harrington?” The driver called out at Steve as he opened the truck’s door, a soft thud sound following after as he hopped out of the truck. Steve rolled his eyes. 
“I’m helping someone whose car broke down.”
“Mhmm. Bet you wouldn’t be helpin’ em if they weren’t so pretty though.” The man that had stepped out of the truck was the last person you’d expect to run a mechanic’s garage. Long, curly black hair down to his shoulders, arms covered in mismatched tattoos, and a cocky smirk on his face while he chewed on a toothpick. He looked to be only a few years older than yourself, and while you could tell that his disposition was likely off putting to most people he met, you found it oddly…comforting. Better a charming metalhead than a greasy bald guy drenched in sweat, you supposed. 
“You gonna get her car down to the garage or what?” Steve put his hands on his hips, earning a laugh from the other man. 
“Lemme assess the damage man. I gotta see what I’m working with.�� He walked to the front of the car, playfully shoeing Steve away from it while he popped the hood. As soon as he did, smoke puffed out from around the engine, causing him to cough and wave it out of his face. He let out a whistle, leaning over the car to get a better look at the engine. “Good news, probably just a busted radiator hose. Easy and cheap fix, no biggie. Bad news? I won’t be able to fix it til’ the morning.”
“What?” You stood up from where you sat on the curb, leaning against the car. “I’m supposed to be in Indianapolis tonight. What am I gonna do?”
“Well, I’m sure ole Stevie over here can help you figure something out, can’t you Harrington?” He clasped his hand on Steve’s shoulder and gave him a rather rough shake. Steve sent him a glare before turning back to you, trying to offer up a sympathetic smile.
“There’s a motel a few minutes into town. Nobody ever stays there, so there should be room. I can give you a ride over, if you want.”
You took a second to take in your surroundings. Here you were, stranded on the side of the road in an unfamiliar small town, with a car that had no chance of working until morning and no way to tell your friend you wouldn’t make it to her house tonight. Your only other option was to start hitchhiking, so staying in a dead end motel sounded good right about now. 
“I guess I don’t really have many other options.”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, Eddie’ll take good care of her.” Eddie winked at you playfully, bringing a small smile to your face. “And Stevie here will take good care of you.”
“Eddie, come on man.” Steve hid his face in embarrassment while Eddie snickered, clapping him on the back when he went to hook up the winch. You hide the redness in your own cheeks behind your hands.
“Sorry man, couldn’t help it.” Once the winch was hooked up and the front wheels of the car were off the ground, Eddie hopped back into the truck, leaning out the window to call down to you before he left. “I’ll get to work on her first thing in the morning, promise. She’ll be good as new before you know it.” 
He flashed you another smile before starting up the truck again, driving back towards town while you stood there watching your car get dragged along behind him. 
“Sorry about Eddie. He can be…alot, sometimes.” Steve leaned on the hood of his car, crossing his arms over his chest. You shrugged.
“S’okay. He reminds me a lot of a few of my friends back home, actually.” Steve chuckled a bit and nodded towards his car. 
“Well, you’ll be able to handle him better than me then. Come on, I’ll take you over to the motel.” You climbed back into the passenger seat of Steve’s car, sending him a quick thank you before he drove off. 
The sun was almost fully behind the horizon when you finally pulled into the parking lot of the ‘Stop Inn Motel’, a small, two story collection of motel rooms with a main office smack dab in the middle of it. There were only a few other cars in the parking lot, and the flashing neon ‘vacancy’ sign above your head almost made your head hurt in the dimming light. 
The girl behind the counter only looked up from her magazine after you rung the bell, rolling her eyes as she stood from her chair. 
“It’s $10 a night for a single, $15 for a double.”
“Just a single for the night, please.” You went to reach into your wallet for cash but Steve stopped you, handing over his own $10 bill to the desk attendant. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“You’ve already had a shitty enough day. It’s 10 bucks, no big deal.” Your shoulders relaxed at the soft smile on Steve’s face, kind eyes softening when he saw the way your mood rose a little. The girl behind the counter dangled a set of keys in front of you, which you took quickly.
“Checkout at 2 tomorrow. Stay after check out and it's a $5 fee per hour unless you pay for another night.” You gave her a nod and a thank you, which she ignored before heading back to her chair from before and flipping through her magazine again. 
Steve helped carry your bags from his trunk up to your room, standing outside while he passed you your bags over the threshold. You thanked him one more time before going to close the door, but he cleared his throat nervously to stop you. 
“Hey, uhm, you’re probably starving after everything today and I thought maybe I could…show you the best places to eat around town while you’re here?” The nervous wringing of his hand had your heart swelling in your chest. You were usually the one nervous around guys like Steve, and you simply couldn’t find it in yourself to turn down his offer. You’d always wanted to take more chances. Why not this one?
“I’d like that.” He raised his head as if he’d expected you to say no, smile curling his lips upwards. “Just give me an hour to get changed. I’m, like, drenched in sweat and dirt right now.”
“Yeah, yeah of course. I’ll be back in an hour.”
“Good. See you then.”
You watched Steve all the way back to his car, closing the door behind you once he got out of your view. You leaned against it for a moment and took a deep breath in, then frantically began opening your luggage to find something to wear. 
Hey, maybe your piece of shit car was good for something after all. 
⊲Part 2, coming soon⊳
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sunricecake · 2 years
pretty in pink
tutor!robin x bimbo!reader
synopsis — in which robin is tasked to help you out with your grades, something that proves to be challenging as you subvert her expectations.
cw : nsfw 16+; fingering, praise kink, inexperienced reader, slight dumbification, a bit of degrading cos robin can be a meanie when she gets carried away :(
a/n : this is one of my fave pieces ever i love love love the idea of tutor robin it was so much fun to write i hope u all enjoy <33
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when robin was asked by your professor to help you out with your grades, the initial thought that popped up in her head was that these tutoring sessions were gonna be a pain. 
you had quite the reputation; being part of the clique who walked around the school like you owned the place, always dolled up in coordinated outfits and never seeming to think of school as more than a fashion runway. you, the most clueless one in the group, who was notorious for borderline failing your classes if not for the support your parents give to the school.
everyone (except for you, probably) knew that there was no helping you, and that it would take a miracle for you to even comprehend first grade math. robin found more hope in teaching a cat to play dead than tutoring you.
this led her to two hypotheses — either you were going to be an insufferable popular girl who would make fun of her the whole time for being a nerd, or you wouldn't take anything seriously and just end up wasting her precious time.
but that all flew out the window when you came up to her with a doe-eyed gaze instead of a scrutinizing look — for the first time in her entire life, robin felt like she was wrong. you weren't snobby, no mean words came her way, no malice in your tone as you greeted her warmly.
with her assumptions debunked, she suddenly didn't know how to act around you. not with you sitting so close to her that at some point your perfume was all she could inhale and the twinkle in your eyes each time you batted them was all she could think of and her own thunderous heartbeat was all she could hear.
this was nothing like she prepared for.
“...did i finally get it right?” the tugging of your fingers on the sleeve of her dark denim jacket pulled her from her thoughts.
“robin, is there anything distracting you?”
uhm yea, just you being practically pressed against me that all i can feel is your body heat and your face is merely inches away and i can't stop looking at your glossed lips—
“no!” she'd blurted out a bit too loudly, her hand immediately coming up to cover her mouth in embarrassment. “everything's —uh — i'm good.”
“what were you saying?”
“here,” you reached out a manicured finger to point towards an equation, the one robin remembered you'd been stuck in. you extended the hand opposite from robin's side, the action causing your arm to press against your chest and emphasize your cleavage in the low cut pink shirt you donned. robin swore the room just got smaller. 
“is it correct?” you asked in that sweet tone, brows furrowed delicately and pen resting between your teeth as you waited for her approval.
the paper sat on the polished wood of your study desk, a glaring reminder of the reason why robin was in this situation in the first place. your answer, a bunch of numbers boxed with a glittery inked pen, was painfully wrong. so far from the question that robin had no idea how you even came up with it. the poor girl, however, didn't have the heart to tell you that and risk seeing your pout at the disappointment of your effort going to waste. she'd just have to ask for your homework later on and change the answer herself, not like you'd notice it anyway. plus she was in dire need of a moment to recollect herself.
“good job, you got it!” robin said rather stiffly, voice high-pitched and squeaked, but that didn't stop the proud giggles that filled the room from her praise.
the tension in her shoulders melted away when your laughter resounded in her ears, a heavy breath she didn't notice she was holding puffing from her lips.
“i think we can take a break now,” she mumbled incoherently like the words were bricks weighing down her tongue, picking at her nails with the most concentration you've seen on her face that day.
“sorry what did you say?”
“let's take a break. we've been at it for too long and that's not good because you're probably overwhelmed by now and you won't be able to retain any of the information.”
“finally! i didn't know if i could take another second of staring at those numbers any more.” you sighed happily, clapping your hands together softly before placing them down on your lap.
robin only hummed in response, still focused on her nails like she was a spy set out on a mission her life depended on. you both shifted in your chairs at the uncomfortable silence. figuring she wasn't going to speak any time soon, you decided to shoot your shot, however in the dark it may be.
“so i thought of something, uh, fun we could do to pass the time.” you paused hesitantly when all you got was a noncommittal nod. “i mean, only if you want to.”
it's taking everything in robin to distract herself and keep her mouth shut, knowing herself enough to be sure that uttering even a single word would lead to her ruining her life, so she simply turns to you and raises an eyebrow. what she doesn't expect to see is you chewing your bottom lip and fidgeting with the hem of your skirt nervously.
you could barely look her in the eye as you continue but you muster all the courage you have, “i've seen the way you look at me.”
“what? what do you mean? i—”
“i know i can be a little slow sometimes—more than enough people have told me that— but i'm not entirely stupid.”
you place a hand on her knee tentatively, and the simple action almost makes robin stop breathing entirely and combust on the spot. she finally got your message, but she was still too unsure to act on it, afraid she might overstep a boundary.
you take the next step, moving closer to her til your legs find their place between hers. 
“can i kiss you?” 
robin's eyes flit down to your lips at the question before she whispers a soft “yes please.”
you place your glossed lips on her slightly parted ones, staying still for a while as sparks literally erupted in you. 
robin sensed your hesitation in the way you meekly moved your lips against hers, barely even kissing her, so she grabs your hips firmly and moves you onto her thighs, turning her head sideways to kiss you properly. your arms wrap around robin but in your flustered state flail helplessly, not knowing where to hold her.
god you were a pretty thing, but it was painfully obvious you had no idea what you were doing. 
robin's lips never leave yours, stealing your breaths and tasting the sticky sweet gloss on your lips til all you could think about was her tongue sliding against yours and her grunts and hums as she tastes you. she pulls away when she realises how lightheaded you became from the kiss, only clumsily moving your lips and letting her do all the work, still not used to it all. a soft smile graces her lips, covered in spit and gloss, when you look into her eyes with little hearts taking the place of your pupils.
“so pretty,” she speaks against your mouth, eyes half lidded and breath erratic. her thumb rubs across your swollen lips, the coldness of her rings on your heated cheeks causing you to shiver. a tight knot had begun coiling in your stomach, the feeling unlike anything you've experienced before. it was foreign, you couldn't name it, all you knew was that it felt good and was making your body heat up.
“more,” you whimper impatiently as you grab her hand and lead it down to your throbbing pussy, over the place you needed her most. 
“are you sure about this because—”
“please, robin. touch me.”
she didn't have to be told twice, her hand immediately sliding under your skirt and feeling you through your lace panty. you gasp and writhe in her arms, legs wrapping tighter around robin's hips as she draws circles over the cloth on your sopping cunt.
she moves your underwear to the side, muttering a so wet as she feels your slick on her fingers before finding your clit and flicking it slowly, the waves of pleasure making your hands tangle themselves in her dirty blonde hair to ground yourself. she groans deliciously in your ears as you tug on it, reveling in the way you react to her touches.
she readjusts her hand so her thumb can continue playing with your clit while her finger prods your hole, eyes scanning your face for confirmation. you allow her breathily, nerves tense in anticipation.
robin pushes one finger into your fluttering cunt, planting kisses on your throat as she waits for you to get used to the stretch. 
“you're taking me so well,” she speaks against your skin, the tightening of your hole causing her to chuckle. you were practically an open book in her hands.
“robin,” you rut your hips in desperation, wanting to feel her fingers do magic once more. “do something.”
“alright, i've got you.”
she curls her fingers and starts slowly, ingraining in her memory the way your eyes glaze and your lips fall slack with each thrust. not feeling satisfied with the pace, you grind your hips on her fingers and nearly jolt off her lap once she quickens the pace and fucks you harder with her fingers.
“ssh, you're too loud,” she says, reminding you of the compromising position you were in. but honestly, you could care less when she was making you feel this good.
despite being in the privacy of your study room, robin still wasn't one to take risks, and the chances of someone else hearing your sounds stirred something in her. she brings three fingers to your lips, and your mouth is quick to open and accommodate them. you gag lightly on her hand, the cool feeling of her rings on your tongue making your eyes water.
“you like that, don't you?” the blonde taunts, not missing the way you clench. you try to respond, but her fingers in your mouth only muffle the sound. not that your mind could come up with a coherent thought anyway.
“bet none of the words i'm saying right now are getting through your pretty head, huh?”
robin's eyes darken at the sight of you grinding on her fingers while you look at her with glossy eyes, never in her wildest dreams imagining you like this; a writhing, oversensitive puddle on the palm of her hands. 
you grip onto her shoulders for dear life as you feel yourself getting closer, the bright color of your gel nails glowing in contrast to the dark denim of robin's jacket. the band in your abdomen snaps, white stars flashing in your eyes as you bask in the pleasure. she pulls out her fingers as you come undone, letting you take in the air you very much needed. 
robin's pretty sure she'd just literally emptied your brain as you slumped in her arms, burying your head in the crook of her neck while you tried to steady your breathing.
“you were so good for me,” robin whispers against your head as she holds you close, rubbing circles on your back soothingly. a hazy smile beams on your face.
this wasn't the way robin planned your tutoring sessions to go, at all, but hey, she could get used to this.
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
hii! i really love your airhead s/o series!! especially that ging one, perhaps can you make a part 2 of airhead s/o x ging? i really love it😭😭
You know what, why the hell not. There simply isn't enough of this stinky man out there and I truly do love him. He's cute in the feral rat kinda way 🥺
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Like a thorn in his side, you simply won't leave
He doesn't recall how exactly he met you, but he does remember what he said that started all this.
"Keep up with me if you can."
And keep up you did. A little too well. And now he was stuck with you.
Buys plastic plates and Styrofoam cups because you can't break them.
Seriously, every good dish he had is shattered in the trash somewhere.
No plastic spoons or forks though
He tried that once and you had broken them, unawares that the extra crunch to your cereal was plastic
Is amazed and a little curious to find out you set the sink on fire.
Like honsetly, what the fuck???? Should he be impressed or scared.
Ging is a lazy stinky man
He has you in one of those backpacks with leashes when you go out in crowded places.
Cannot be bothered to go looking for you, so the next best thing is to leash you so you don't wander far.
You'll see something you think is cool and rush off, only to be stopped by a small tug pulling you back.
"Can you focus for one second?"
And for the first time he actually looks the part of a parent as he tugs you back towards him.
"Quit running around, pup."
God forbid the leash is detachable and you find out how to get free
"Yes, I need some help. My idiot got loose and I can't find them."
"Sir this is a Mcdonalds."
The one thing he made sure to tell Gon atop the Great tree, was to make sure he found somebody who always kept him on his toes.
"Life is better when the person you're with makes it interesting." Completely unaware you were only a few branches down listening.
Panics when you leave for hunter business because of that one time.
"Pick up your phone, idiot!!!! Damnit! How many times have I told you not to go by yourself!"
Waits for you like an upset parent that just caught their kid sneaking back in
Arms crossed, sitting on your sofa style
Waiting impatiently as you bump into the vase by the door after breaking the lock to get in.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"
And you stare up at him with puppy eyes holding out a small box.
"I got you a souvenir." 🥺
And it's most likely broken but he appreciates it anyways.
All great hunters are liked by animals.
You get adopted by nearly all the apex predators you come across
And Ging is distressed because 'That is a fucking lion, Y/n. You can't just cuddle it.'
He tries to take you away from it, only for whatever creature had you hostage to growl at him.
Then it continues licking you and eventually whines when you get up to follow a very perplexed Ging.
(He secretly thinks it's cool)
Ging knows you're stupid, but that you're not an idiot
He knows you get lost on missions frequently and for the life of you can't not break something for five seconds.
But he also knows that you can tell when people are lying and being disingenuous
You hate Pariston for a reason
That and he lied to you once about something which resulted in you refusing to talk to him for weeks
He totally didn't care
Totally didn't try to send you a message only to see you'd blocked his number (how you accomplished that, he'd never know)
Totally didn't ask Kite to check up on you and make sure you hadn't died or something
What him? Never
And he also totally didn't swing by your apartment to leave a box of your favorite snacks on your doorstep
Couldn't be him 🙄🙄🙄
Yeah, he never tried to lie to you after that.
He refuses to baby you, but if someone makes fun of you for not being able to do something, he's kicking their ass
Makes you teach Gon some of your nen tricks
Just because he knows you're capable enough to do so
You're not a two star hunter for nothing.
Plus it means you two get to bond. Which is something he'd deny to his grave
Him, wanting his partner and son to be close???
You're delusional, he doesn't care 🙄🙄🙄
Yes he does and what he lied to you about was having a kid in the first place.
He just knew you'd spill the secret on his whereabouts is all
Gon thinks you are the coolest person he's met so far.
Alluka, who can grant wishes? She's cool
You, who took him fishing and caught an alligator by wrestling it????
You're his idol 🤩🤩🤩
And Ging is so damn proud because the next day his son brought home this huge sea monster he caught with your help.
"Why wouldn't I settle for a capable partner," is the biggest compliment he'll give.
He is a man child who fights for your attention with anybody. Not even poor little Gon is safe 😞
The barista's hand brushed against yours while handing you a drink?
Ging is dragging you out by your hand, glaring behind at the confused worker.
You're catching up with an old friend?
Okay, but they're clearly not that interesting if you ditched them for him. So quit wasting time and follow him to this cool thing he just found.
Gon wants you to teach him and his friend a new ability?
It's a family event now
Physically cannot say he loves you
He's just not used to it
And he can't even hint to it through romantic gestures because you don't understand subtlety
But, he's more physical with you than with most people
You get to jostle him around in your excitement and pull him everywhere you go
Doesn't mean he won't complain about it
He just won't push you off
"That's enough, pup. You'll make me dizzy."
"But I haven't seen you in a while, don't be all mean."
And he regrettably lets you keep your arms tight around him
You can't read maps and he's so surprised you accomplish anything that requires travel
He showers with you or he doesn't at all
He just wants to make sure you don't fall in there okay. 🙄You already trip on dry land, so imagine the wet tile.
It's because he likes the way you're so gentle when you wash his scalp. And because you always have the best scented soaps.
Kissed you one time and collapsed from embarrassment
Like a real kiss, not the little forehead ones he gives when you've been good.
Red in the face and unable to look at you properly
All because he said he stole your favorite sweet and taunted you for it.
You'd tackled him down and kissed him, swiping your tongue on his lips.
And he was 😳😳😳
And when you pulled away with a triumphant smile on your face, he actually did faint.
You were so confused because he didn't taste like your candy??? Did he lie to you again???
Gets flustered if Gon asks him when he's gonna marry you.
Like c'mon kid, don't say things like that!!! They're literally right there!
(Doesn't want to marry you because he couldn't take it if you decided you couldn't stand him after all. But he also really does because you keep his life interesting)
"I want what I can't have."
Didn't know he wanted an idiot until trying and failing so many times to get you to see he actually does care
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