#if you’ve used him and I didn't go ''hey don't'' then you’ve got the green light sjdhdh
purgetrooperfox · 2 years
How do you feel about other people writing Nocte into their fics or narratives? Like, is that weird since he's your original character or?
well there are two ways I've seen this. sometimes my friends and mutuals pepper him into their stories and ocs' arcs and I love it so much :') like if I know you at all then you're pretty much welcome to borrow him, he can be buds with your blorbos, I'll babble about him with you anytime. if you have a corrie medic oc then odds are I want to rattle them like barbie dolls until a dynamic develops
the other way I've seen, which is v v rare, is people I don't know at all using him like he's canon? it's a little weird? I'm pretty damn lenient with how people characterize him since the only material source is my brain but some of the things they wrote were way out of left field
so idk if you want to borrow him, I'll probably be cool with it but if we're not mutuals or friends or mutuals in law then dm me first? I'm usually happy to collab <3
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Solar Opposites: Unleashed Episode #24: “A Monstrous Birth”
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Bat King Stephen snarls as he looks down at the city in fury.
Bat King Stephen: This town will pay for what it's done.
Bat King Stephen then looks at the photo of the Solar Opposites
Bat King Stephen: And I won’t let that monster alien family stand in my way!
The scene cuts to Korvo and Terry at a lamaze class.
Terry: *groans* This is so boring.
Korvo: It’s a Lamaze class Terry…
Terry: Yeah and it’s a real snooze fest!
Korvo: Ter-
Terry: Also Susan brought whole wheat doughnuts and they’re super gross… like who does that?
Korvo: Well, you’re right about that, it is an odd choice.
Terry then gets an idea and tries to seduce Korvo.
Terry: Commooon babe… Lets just ditch class and go to that new cajun restaurant down the street, they already have a five star rating. Also heard their bathrooms are nice so y’know we could always put the invisibility ray to use again-
Korvo snaps as he pushes Terry’s head away from him.
Korvo: ugh is that all you can think about?? NO! We aren’t leaving right now…
Terry: No head?
Korvo: *sighs* Terry we are in the dark here. There are no records of this ever happening on shlorp, who knows how this works… I hate it too but I'm at my wits end. *begins to cry* M-maybe the humans know more than I give them credit for… Its just … *chokes a sob* Fuck, what if we mess this all up? Hurt them… or worse..
Terry: Korv…
Korvo *breaks down in tears* I- Im terrified! Just please don't go okay!
Terry gasp and pulls his husband close to him from behind his back.
Terry: Hey ya goof I wasn’t going to leave you here all alone. I’m sorry didn't know this meant that much to you I really thought you felt the same. way you never told me any of this before.
Korvo: *sniffles* Because I’m trying to stay rational but this is all still so hard to grasp. Aren't you even just a bit jaded at how little we actually know about our bodies? Just left to the unknown? Its driving me crazy Terry…
Terry looks at his husband sadly.
Korvo: *tearfully* I’m sorry I’ve been so on edge, I’m really trying to be less mean but this situation hasn’t been making that easy Its not your fault anyway, you’ve been rather helpful… you doing your own thing makes sense.
Terry: *smiling* Don’t know how to tell you this babe but it takes two wheels to make a bicycle this is on me too. And yeah it’s pretty bonk that we had to find out this way. But its of not to big deal me I usually just take stuff as they go.
Korvo smiles at Terry tearfully as Terry laughs.
Terry: Heh okay okay thats a lie… I almost goobler’d my brains out when Aisha told us. But then thought how tight it would be to have a tiny us around And to do it together… That made it okay for me.
Terry then cries in happiness as he hold Korvo close.
Terry: Neither of us knows what this is going to look like But I do know there’s no one else I’d rather experience it with. We’ll get through this together.
Korvo: *smiling in tears* Okay.
Terry: It’ll be alright.
Korvo: I love you.
Terry: I love you too…
Terry and Korvo kiss as they moan lovingly. After the two pull away, Terry clears his throat.
Terry: Well, uh…that escalated quickly…
Korvo: chuckles Yeah. I guess so.
Terry: So, now that the drama is out of the way, we can continue this Lamaze class if that’s what you wanna do. I’ll stay right here to keep you company. wipes away Korvo’s tears as Korvo laughs
Korvo: Oh yeah. The class. thinks of something else You know what? stands up We’ll just reschedule it!
Terry: Huh? What made you change your mind all of a sudden?
Korvo then tries to seduce Terry.
Korvo: Let’s just say this fine green daddy of my four and soon to be five kids just got my mind cleared.
Terry laughs
Terry: Anytime, mi querdo.
Korvo: sighs lovingly I love it when you speak Spanish, mi amore.
Terry: And I love you when you too.
Terry and Korvo kiss.
Korvo: Shall we had to head that Mexican restaurant?
Terry: Of course, you beautiful blue shimmering study
Korvo and Terry kiss as they moan lovingly then got up as they leave the class. Korvo then smiles as he rubs his pregnant belly and then looks at Terry as he smiles. Later at Taco Bell…
Terry: *eating tacos* So what should the baby’s name be?
Korvo: I...don't have any ideas yet. You?
Terry: Oh! What about Megatron?
Korvo laughs in amusement
Terry: What? What's so funny?
Korvo: Oh I just your enthusiasm and optimism. It makes me feel necessary like a hunk it sexy Shlorpian!
Terry smirks
Terry: *laughs* You got me! But still, it’s okay if you don’t you want our baby’s name to be that.
Korvo: *smiles* Thank you, Terry.
Terry: Anytime boo.
Meanwhile, Janiz is training Yumyulack and Jesse
Janiz: Nice going guys! You’re doing great!
Mundane Jesse jumps on some of the rockets before kicking a cardboard cutout of Godzilla Sisto
Mundane Jesse: Sweet!
Korvo and Terry come home with takeout from Taco Bell and gasp
Korvo: *calling out to the kids* Yumyulack! Jesse! Sonya! Pupa! We’re home and we got takeouts from Taco Bell!
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: TACO BELL?!
Sonya: YAY!
Mundane Jesse: Alright!
Pupa: Taco!
The kids come up to Korvo and Terry.
Yumyulack: *turn back into his Shlorpian form* Aw sweet! Thanks dads!
Jesse: *turns back to normal* Yeah!
Sonya: Thanks guys!
Later, Korvo and Terry are in bed. Korvo is rubbing his pregnant belly.
Korvo: *to his pregnant belly* Hey there little sweetie. Can’t wait to see you soon.
Terry kisses Korvo's pregnant belly.
Terry: I know. Me too.
Korvo giggles.
Korvo: Oh Terry, this new baby is gonna be amazing.
Terry: I know. The best part is we'll be the best dads ever.
Korvo: *laughs* We already are, thanks to us raising 4 wonderful little rascals.
Terry smirks
Terry: Yeah. Yumyulack and Jesse were very cute when they were babies too.
Korvo: Yeah… Yumyulack was an adorable little sprout when I raised him that day. He was very adorable. He even loves the lullaby Janiz sang to me when I was a sproutling too. He even loves it when he snuggles next to me.
Terry laughs
Terry: Jesse was adorable too when she was a sproutling. She laughs when I play with her with that little Shlorp sproutling shaker. And whenever she gets fussy, she would it when I squeeze her teddy bear.
Korvo: Yeah, raising my son was a bit tough ever since Janiz transferred to another part on Shlorp. But it was worth it because Yumyulack has grown up into a brave replicant.
Terry: *laughs* Same with mine.
Terry kisses Korvo on the lips
Terry: *sighs* Then Pupa. I remember he was pupad. He was very adorable and couldn’t stop smiling. And finally we adopted Sonya, which became the greatest impact on our lives. And I bet #5 is gonna be amazing too.
Korvo: *giggles* It's hard to believe we've come so far, huh?
Terry: Yeah it was worth. *kisses Korvo on the lips goodnight* Goodnight Korvy…
Korvo: Goodnight.
The two alien husbands then fall asleep as Korvo rubs his pregnant belly. The next morning, Korvo is throwing up in the toilet
Korvo: Damn, I had no idea pregnancy can still make you throw up. *throws up*
Terry rubs Korvo's back
Terry: Sorry Korvy.
Korvo: *barfs* It’s okay Terry. *barfs*
Korvo: *feeling better and sighs* Well, now that this thing is out of the way, *rubs his pregnant belly* I think I have to time to finally come up with the perfect name.
Terry: But we don't know if it'll be a boy or a girl...
Korvo: Don’t worry Terry. We’ll come up with the perfect name. Eventually. *then looks at a lovely lily flower*
Terry: What is it?
Korvo: It’s that lovely lily. It looks beautiful, like it’s sprouted with hope for the future
Terry: Wow...
Korvo smiles at he looks at the flower.
Korvo: I guess we have our baby name.
Terry: You do? What is it?
Korvo smiles tearfully
Korvo: Lili.
Terry: Wow. That name is beautiful.
Korvo: I know...
Korvo smiles as he runs his pregnant belly.
Korvo: I think that is a wonderful name
Terry: Oh Korvy...
The two alien husbands kiss as they moan lovingly. That night, Korvo was asleep until he sensed something with his Super Shlorpian senses
Korvo: What the hell?
Korvo looks outside and gasps
Korvo: Stephen!
Korvo puts a hand on his pregnant belly
Korvo: *whispering* I hope he’s not after the baby… I have to make sure he isn’t… or worse!
Korvo's eyes turn aquamarine
Korvo: *skin turns black as he grows bigger and muscular and rips apart his night gown* Ooooooooh fffuuuuuuuuck yyyyyeeeeeeeess! Soooooo gooooood!
Korvo then develops horns on his head and wings pop out behind his back as he roars. Super Shlorpian Korvo chuckles.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Even when I’m pregnant, *rubs his pregnant* I’m still feeling sexy and hornier as ever.
Super Shlorpian Korvo hears screeching and gasps.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *whispering* Oh shit! Bat People! Better move fast. *looks at Terry* Be back soon my darling! *kisses Terry on the forehead*
Super Shlorpian Korvo roars as he flies through the chimney while holding his pregnant belly:
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *snarling* Let’s hope I can stop Stephen on time!
The scene then cuts to Mutant Bat King Stephen laughs evilly while plotting.
Mutant Bat King Stephen: That’s right. As soon as those Solar Beasts get here, I’ll give them a piece of my mind-
Suddenly, Super Shlorpian Korvo flies in here while roaring.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Not so fast!
Bat Mutant King Stephen: Grr! You again?!
Bat Mutant King Stephen then notices Super Shlorpian Korvo's pregnant belly and exclaims in horror
Bat Mutant King Stephen: Oh God! Is the Super Shlorpian pregnant?! WHAT THE FUCK?!
Super Shlorpian Korvo growls
Bat Mutant King Stephen: Well, you won’t be able to defeat me! Bat People, attack!
The bat people attack as Super Shlorpian Korvo flies into action
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Time to for you all to chill out! *breathes ice from his breath*
The Bat People are frozen as Bat Mutant King Stephen growls
Bat Mutant King Stephen: Stupid savage bitch! Why must you ruin everything?!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Because I- *groans in pain as his water breaks* Please tell me my water didn't just break! Fuck! FUCK!
Bat Mutant King Stephen: *laughs evilly* I think you must be going into labor now!
Super Shlorpian Korvo flies and goes to somewhere to hide
Bat King Mutant Stephen: *laughs evilly* Better follow this weak bitch!
Super Shlorpian Korvo finds somewhere to hide and groans in pain
Super Shlorpian Korvo: No! Not now!
Super Shlropian Korvo cries out as blood spews out from under his Shlorpian vagina. Bat King Mutant Stephen is still looking for Super Shlorpian Korvo as he chuckles evilly.
Bat King Mutant Stephen: You can’t hide from me, Opposites!
Super Shlorpian Korvo breathes heavily
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *crying as he kept pushing* FUCK! OH GOD! *cries out in pain*
Bat King Mutant Stephen hears Super Shlorpian Korvo and smirks
Bat King Mutant Stephen: I got you now!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Shit! I gotta-
But Super Shlorpian Korvo keeps crying out as he is the close to giving birth.
Then, suddenly, a cute baby Shlorpian girl with the same skin color as Terry is born as she starts crying. Super Shlorpian Korvo gasps and sheds tears of joy.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *tearfully in happiness* Oooh my sweet little sprout…
Bat King Mutant Stephen suddenly appears
Bat King Mutant Stephen: Ah-ha! Got you now!
Super Shlorpian Korvo gasps.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *grabs Lili and hold her safe carefully close to him* Stay away from her you bitch!
Bat King Mutant Stephen: *laughs* I don't plan on hurting you...yet.
Lili: *cries*
Super Shlorpian Korvo: What are you talking about?
Bat King Mutant Stephen: You and your family will meet me and my people here for a battle tomorrow at dawn!
Mundane Terry: *offscreen* My Korvy!
Super Shlorpian Korvo turns around and gasps. He then sees Mundane Terry, Super Shlorpain Yumyulack, Mundane Jesse and Were-Kraken Sonya and are relived he is okay. But then, Mundane Terry bites Bat King Mutant Stephen on the arm to get him away from husband as he snarls.
Bat King Mutant Stephen: How dare you?! I am a king! You will respect my authority!
Mundane Terry punches Bat King Mutant Stephen, who snarls and flies away from the family. The monster Replicants and Werekraken Sonya run up to Super Shlorpian Korvo and are overjoyed to see their new baby sister.
Mundane Jesse: Is that our sister?! Korvo, how did this-
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *shedding tears of joy* It was some kind of miracle. Your new sister is born. Kids, meet Lili.
Lili: *coos*
Werekraken Sonya: *smiling and softly doing a nose kiss on Llili* Hello baby sister…
Lili: *coos*
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: *shedding tears of joy* Aw she looks so cute.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Yeah..she is... *starts weeping*
Mundane Terry: Oh honey… *holds Super Shlorpian Korvo close* Shh… *smiling at Lili* Hey there sweetie… I’m your daddy…
Lili babbles and touches Mundane Terry's face as Super Shlorpian Korvo laughs.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: She really likes you.
Mundane Terry chuckles
Mundane Terry: Hell yeah she does. *tickles Lili’s chin softly as it makes her giggle*
Super Shlorpian Korvo: You know, she almost looks just like you.
Mundane Terry: I know. Look at her beautiful green skin. Welcome to the world Lili…
Super Shlorpian Korvo kisses his Mundane husband on the lips.
Lili: *babbling*
Mundane Jesse: Hey, Lili...
Lili touches her father’s face as Mundane Terry chuckles. Lili then yawns and falls asleep as the two monster alien husbands smile at their new baby.
Super Shlorpian Korvo then weeps as he holds Lili close carefully.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: I'll do everything I can to protect her...
Mundane Terry: *puts his hand on Super Shlorpian Korvo’s right shoulder* Us too. Because remember what I said. We’ll get through it… together.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: We have to face Stephen tomorrow at dawn.
Mundane Jesse: What?!
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Why?!
Werekraken Sonya: Why does Stephen want us to face him?
Super Shlorpian Korvo sighs
Super Shlorpian Korvo: ‘Cause if we don’t, I’m afraid he’ll come after Lili and worse of all kill us.
Mundane Terry gasps.
Mundane Terry: *grows determined* Don’t worry! We won’t let this happened!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: You're right. *looks at Lili and tickles her chin*
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Good. Because, we won’t let Stephen get in the way of the best thing that ever happen in our lives. Right, sisters?!
Mundane Jesse and Werekraken Sonya: Right!
Lili: *babbles*
Later at home, Janiz is watching TV
Janiz: *sees the news about Stephen* Stephen? Oh my God!
Korvo comes downstairs holding Lili
Korvo: *sing-songy* Oh Janiz!
Janiz: Korvo? What's...*looks at Lili and gasps* Did you...
Korvo: Yes. She’s here. Janiz, meet your niece Lili.
Janiz squeals with happiness
Janiz: *tickles Lili on the chin as Lili giggles* Hello sweetie. It’s me your aunt Janiz. Your daddy’s big sister.
Lili babbles and touches Korvo's face
Janiz: Oh she really love you Korvo.
Korvo: Yeah. I know. *looks at the news and gasps* Shit!
Janiz: You ready for this lil bro? *eyes glow icy pink*
Korvo: Oh-ho-ho! *eyes glow aquamarine* Hell yeah I am!
Later, Mutant Bat King Stephen and his army are wreaking havoc
Bat King Mutant Stephen: *laughs evilly* Yes! Yes! Soon enough all of Earth-4 will bow to me!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *offscreen* STOP RIGHT THERE!
Bat King Mitant then turns and growls as he sees Super Shlorpian Korvo, Mundane Terry, Super Shlorpian Yumyulack, Mundane Jesse, Werekraken Sonya, Super Shlorpian Janiz and Aqrabuamelu Phoebe standing in a heroic stance. Lili is also seen in a baby hangar held on Super Shlorpian Korvo.
Bat King Mutant Stephen: Seriously! How many more of you freaks do I have to fight?!
Mundane Terry: Well I believe you met our daughters, huh?
Bat King Mutant Stephen then recognizes Mundane Jesse as Jesse as he snarls.
Mundane Jesse: Remember me, bi-atch?!
Bat King Mutant Stephen: You too? *growls* Bat People, attack the Monsters!
The bat people attack.
Super Shlorpian Korvo nods and the Monster Solars starts fighting the bat people. Super Shlorpian Korvo uses his ice breath while Lili babbles in joy. Mundane Terry then uses his lava powers that burnt the bat people. Super Shlorpian Yumyulack then combines his fire ice breath with Super Shlorpian Janiz’s ice breath that restrains the bat people. Mundane Jesse uses her pink magic powers that causes her fizzy rocks to hit the bat people. Werekraken Sonya uses her laser eyes to blast the bat people. Then, Aqrabuamelu Phoebe uses her stinger that stings some of the bat people.
Bat King Mutant Stephen: GOD DAMN IT!
The Monster Solars cheer while Lili babbles in joy.
Bat King Mutant Stephen: You haven't heard the last of me! When I-
Mundane Jesse and Super Shlorpian Yumyulack combine their powers with Werekraken Sonya as they blast Bat King Mutant Stephen away as he screams. Super Shlorpian Korvo and Mundane Terry smiles with tears of joy in their eyes because they are so proud of their kids blasting their enemy away. So are Aqrabuamelu Phoebe and Super Shlorpian Janiz.
Lili: *babbling n joy because she proud of her big brother and big sisters*
Super Shlorpian Janiz: You two were very brave. I see the training's paid off.
Mundane Jesse: So was Sonya! I had no idea we had it in you!
Werekraken Sonya: Well, I guess I learned from watching you guys.
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: That and you were always brave ever since you became half-kraken. We’re so proud of you sis.
Werekraken Sonya: Thanks!
The three monster siblings then get into a group hug. Lili babbles in joy as she reaches to her siblings.
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Hey, Lili.
Mundane Jesse: So happy to see you!
Werekraken: You proud of your big brother and sisters?
Lili touched both of her siblings’ faces as she coos in joy. Super Shlorpian Yumyulack, Mundane Jesse and Werekraken Sonya smiles at their baby sister. Super Shlorpian Korvo laughs.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *hugs the kids* Come here, we are so proud of you.
Mundane Terry: Nice job Yumyulack, Jesse and Sonya! We’ve never been so proud in our lives that our three wonderful kids combine an awesome attack. We’re so happy for you three.
The kids smile tearfully
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Thanks dads…
Mundane Jesse and Werekraken Sonya: Thanks daddies…
Mundane Terry picks Super Shlorpian Korvo up and spins him around
Mundane Terry: Woo-hoo Korvy.
The two monster alien husbands embrace in a kiss as they moan lovingly while Lili giggles as the kids hugs their dads. The scene cuts back to the Solar Opposites’ house where they wonder where Pupa is.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Pupa?
Mundane Terry: Pupa? *suddenly hears a gunshot* Oh shit! Was that the Pupa with a gun?!
The family gasp in horror.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: That's not good.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Oh crap! No no no! *heads upstairs* Something’s wrong!
The Monsters Solars open the door to Korvo and Terry’s bedroom where Pupa is in and gasp.
Mundane Terry: Holy shit. The Pupa has killed a bat mutant!
Super Shlorpian Korvo smiles tearfully
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Bravo Pupa! *hugs Pupa* I am so proud of you!
The family hugs Pupa as he smiles. Then, Pupa notices his new baby sister Lili.
Pupa: Who's that?
Mundane Jesse: Pupa, this your new baby sister Lili.
Pupa gasps
Pupa: Sister?
Lili babbles as she touches Pupa’s face, as he smiles and falls in love with his new baby sister and hugs her carefully and gently.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Yep. She's your sister. Isn't she adorable?
Pupa smiles as he tickles Lili’s chin softly as Lili giggles and coos.
Mundane Jesse: Aw, she likes you.
Pupa: I wuv you Lili.
Lili coos. Pupa smiles as he watches his baby sister fall asleep as she sleeps. The family then turns back to normal as they sit on Korvo and Terry’s bed with Pupa and smiles at Lili.
Phoebe MacCarthy: So, now you guys have Lili, now what?
Korvo: I think our news lives have just gotten better. Welcome home Lili.
Cue “Today” from Brad Paisley in the background:
Terry: Welcome to the Solar Opposistes sweetie. *kisses Lili on the forehead*
Lili giggles. Cue good times montage after Korvo and Terry kiss while moaning lovingly. The scene then cuts to next day where the Solar Opposites in their human forms, now with Lili in her own human form as she babbles head out the door to spend time with each other. The scene then cuts to the family at a picnic where Human Pupa is playing with human Lili. Then, it cuts to a skiing lodge where the family are having skiing then it shows them having hot cocoa. Then, it cuts to the park where the kids are playing while Human Lili babbles as she and Human Terry head down the slide and Human Terry lands safely while holding Human Lili safely as she babbles in joy once Human Terry lift her up. The episode then ends with the rest of the family having dinner at Lawry’s Prime Rib and Human Korvo and Human Terry kiss as they moan lovingly.
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delphi-dreamin · 2 years
(Avoid Him) Like the Plague
Delphi is Pissed. And the demon prince can't take a hint. Or, how Delphi falls out spectacularly with Diavolo. (Spoilers up to Lesson 48.)
A/N: Well, now that it's been almost a month, here's that fic @scarlett-vixen ! This took up soooo much emotional energy to write, that's the only reason it took so long. But I got a burst of inspiration while shopping at 10PM last night, so...Here it is. Only barely proofread.
Of course Diavolo wanted to speak with her. Of course he did. It wasn't bad enough that she'd had to go through that ridiculous karaoke ordeal with him there almost the entire time, no. She'd just gotten all of her pact demons back together under one roof, all of them in one piece, and she couldn't even make sure that they were all okay before he just had to take up more of her time. Hasn't he done enough? Hasn't he put her through enough in these last few months?
“Solomon will be in charge of performing the ceremony to sever the ring,” Diavolo says, the finality in his voice leaving no room for argument. Of course, it doesn’t stop Mammon -- her first demon, her first friend in the Devildom, her first pact mate – from trying.
“Hey, whoa. You mean you’ve already made up your mind to do this? Just like that?” the white-haired demon objects. Delphi pretends she doesn’t hear the crack in his voice, the desperation. She pretends it doesn’t break something inside her own chest.
Diavolo gives a pitying frown as he replies, “There’s simply no other way, Mammon.”
Then he turns his golden gaze to Delphi. She’s become an expert at making her expression unreadable since first coming to the Devildom so long ago. Unless she wants to show what she’s feeling, she makes herself a vault. It’s what she does now as the prince searches for any sign of anything in her face. Any trepidation, any fear, anything at all that would show that her armor was falling. But she shows nothing.
Diavolo opens his arms and approaches her, half an apology tumbling from his lips before she takes a sharp step back, eyes flashing green with Wrath.
“Don't touch me!” she snaps, recoiling like she'd been bitten. “I don't want your apologies! You and Solomon have known about this for months, and didn't tell any of us!” The tears flow freely down her red cheeks now, her breath catching around the lump in her throat as she tries so desperately to hold on the scream that's building within.
“You could have had nine more minds thinking about this -- because I’m assuming from the look on Simeon’s face when you mentioned the Ring of Light that even he didn’t know – but instead you two conspired together, kept the people whose lives it impacted directly out of the loop, and now Lucifer has amnesia! And we don’t actually know if he’ll get his memory back if we sever this ring of yours! Oh! And on top of everything else, you’re saying this could kill me too!”
She rounds on Solomon now. “Beel almost died today. But going to the reaper’s cave to save him was just a convenient pretense for you, wasn’t it? Now you have the Night Dagger, and you two can keep up your research. And sever my pacts while you’re at it. I’m glad we actually managed to save him.”
While everyone in the room stands in stunned silence, Diavolo looking properly chastised and Solomon as unreadable as ever, Delphi turns on her heel and heads back toward Lucifer’s room. With as much venom as she can muster, she yells over her shoulder, “I hope you’re happy with your decisions!”
She doesn’t allow herself to wipe away her tears until she’s halfway to Lucifer’s room. By the time she enters to see Luke sitting at his bedside, she’s mostly composed herself. But seeing Lucifer’s sleeping form almost rips the scream that was still building in her chest from her. Instead, she quietly pulls Luke into a hug.
“Thank you for watching over him,” she whispers to the young angel.
“He’s been saying your name in his sleep,” Luke admits, his pale cheeks flushing pink. “Try to stay by his side as much as you can, okay?”
“I will,” she promises, fresh tears pooling on her lower lashes.
“Isn’t there anything else we can do?” Delphi pleads. The only thing she can think about is her date today with Lucifer and how she desperately wants to keep the promise that they made at the end of it. Next year.
Solomon sighs, remembering the initial reveal of this mess and the verbal lashing he received that night. He hasn’t stopped feeling guilty since. He’s spent nearly every night locked away in one library or another researching every avenue he can possibly think of. But…
“Naturally, I looked into other means of dealing with our problem,” he starts cautiously. “It was clear we weren’t going to be able to use the Night Dagger as we’d hoped. But even so, I couldn’t think of any other magic item that might be able to sever the ring. So I looked into whether it might be possible to restore the Night Dagger’s power. This brings me to my second piece of bad news…”
The sorcerer sinks into one of the chairs at the table Delphi uses to study with everyone, looking as though the weight of all three worlds rests on his shoulders. Looking up at her with weary eyes, he sighs, “There’s only one way to restore the Night Dagger to its former state…It must be thrust into the body of a powerful demon, whose power it will then absorb. I suppose that’s how it gained its reputation as a dagger ‘with the power to kill even demons.’”
Delphi feels her stomach drop and her heart pounds in her throat. “You have someone in mind, don’t you? Who is it?”
The sorcerer hangs his head, unable to even look at her as he says, “It would have to be Lucifer himself.”
Delphi collapses to her knees, eyes glazing over with barely held back tears. The rest of Solomon’s words fade into the background as the roar in her ears grows louder. Her heart hammers in her chest and she finally realizes that the roaring in her ears is the rushing of her own blood. Her hands tremble, her skin feels like static. She doesn’t know how long she’s there, shaking while her entire world crashes down around her, but eventually she looks down to see Solomon pressing a heavy knife into her hands. The Night Dagger.
She looks up at him, sees his lips moving, but can’t hear what he’s saying. All she can do is shake her head. He’s still kneeling in front of her when the door opens and Lucifer strides in. The sound returns to the room and Delphi releases the breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding.
“Lucifer…” she breathes.
Solomon turns, standing. Lucifer takes in the two of them, frowning.
“I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was going on here that I wouldn’t like, so I decided to come see what was up,” he explains, moving to help Delphi to her feet. He wraps a protective arm around her shoulder as he looks back to Solomon as asks, “Is what you just said true?”
The sorcerer looks at his feet. “Yes…I’m sorry.”
Lucifer pauses for a moment in thought, ruby eyes trained on the faintly glowing Dagger in Delphi’s hands. He turns his gaze back to Solomon, eyes narrowing.
“I want to talk to Delphi alone. Go home, Solomon.”
“Now, hold on just a minute,” the sorcerer objects. “I’m not going anywhere until we figure out what we’re going to-“
Solomon stiffens, frowning. “All right, fine. Delphi, we’ll-“
“Go, Solomon,” Lucifer snarls, his arm wrapping ever-so-slightly tighter around Delphi’s shoulder. “You’ve done enough.”
Though she feels Solomon’s eyes on her, Delphi turns her face into Lucifer’s chest until she hears the sorcerer’s footsteps retreating and her door close behind him.
“We’re GOING to find another way,” Delphi insists, drawing back to look up at her demon. He brings a hand up to stroke her cheek, smiling softly.
“I may have lost my memory, but you and my brothers are still dear to me. That feeling remains,” Lucifer says, bringing his other hand up to cup her cheeks with both hands. “Even now, I still want to protect all of you. And you most of all, Delphi…more than anyone or anything else in this world. So if my power is what it takes to ensure that you’re safe, then take it.”
The tears flow freely down her cheeks now as she tries to shake her head, but his grip holds her firm.
“Without this blade…without the Night Dagger, it’s possible that you’ll end up getting hurt, right?” He dries her tears with the pad of his thumb. “So it’s okay, Delphi. If it means saving your life, then it’s worth it. Now take the dagger, point it at my chest, and thrust it forward as hard as you can.”
“Lucifer, I can’t,” she pleads, placing her free hand over his and gripping it tight. “You’ll die and…I can’t…I couldn’t live in a world without you in it. Not now…”
Lucifer only smiles at her, gripping her hand that’s holding the knife and raising it level with his chest.
“No! Lucifer, stay!” Delphi sobs, attempting in vain to pull her arm away from his grasp.
“You’re too distraught to focus, love,” he murmurs. “You can’t command me like this.”
Her heart races, feeling like it’s going to gallop right out of her chest. But she also feels like she’s moving in slow-motion, everything razor sharp and focused. In a last ditch effort, she twists her wrist, pointing the tip of the blade toward her own chest.
“Delphi, no!”
There’s a blinding flash of light and a gentle voice says, “Don’t worry, there’s no need for that.”
A gloved hand comes to rest over both of theirs. Delphi looks up to see Simeon smiling down at her.
“My, you really are brave. I can’t imagine how hard this has been for you.” He takes the Night Dagger from her hand and tosses it aside. “Now then, I have a little something here you should have…”
The angel slips an impossibly old opal ring on her finger. It’s the ring finger of her left hand, and Delphi chuckles at that before she loses consciousness.
Still feeling a little weak, Delphi leans against one of the many buffet tables in the grand ballroom and watches with a fond smile as all six of Lucifer’s brothers stand around him, laughing and joking. It warms her heart to see them all together like this, able to let loose and actually be brothers even for just a moment. It’s all she ever really wanted for them.
Briefly, Lucifer looks over Mammon’s and Asmo’s heads and meets her eyes, giving her an exasperated look. She finds herself giggling, covering her mouth with her hand and peeking at him through her lashes. He gives her a gentle smile, warmth filling the ruby eyes she loves so much. She starts to walk over to him, but is stopped by a solid wall of demon stepping in front of her.
“Delphi,” Diavolo greets her with a warm smile that reaches his glittering golden eyes. “I was wondering if perhaps I could have the first dance of the evening?”
Delphi shifts uncomfortably, the corseting on the black sleeveless gown Asmo had put her in suddenly feeling excessively tight. She looks anywhere but at Diavolo. She knows that if she does, she may just lose her head. Her heart is hammering against the boning in her dress, her mind racing to come up with any excuse as to why she can’t dance with the prince.
“I dunno,” she mumbles, trying to put on a friendly smile. “I’m not a very good dancer.”
“Don’t worry,” Diavolo chuckles. “I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”
And with that he sweeps her onto the ballroom floor, Delphi only able to shoot a single pleading glance in Lucifer’s direction before he’s out of sight completely.
The demon prince’s hand is firm on her lower back, holding her tightly to him as he leads her around the dance floor. Delphi tries to keep her expression neutral, tries not to betray how uncomfortable she is, how little she wants to be here doing this right now. But still, she does her best to keep up. Her hands rest lightly, one on Diavolo’s bicep, the other in his hand. Her feet are quick and precise, barely meeting the floor before they’re moving again. Of course the first dance of the night had to be something this quick.
Diavolo looks down at her with a fond smile, musing, “You’re a better dancer than you used to be, Delphi. I suppose it just shows how much more at home you are in Devildom culture now.”
“Living with Lucifer will do that,” Delphi replies, giving him a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes.
Diavolo chuckles good-naturedly, but Delphi sees the discomfort in his golden eyes. Good.
He waits for a moment before beginning, “I know I’ve said this already, but I want you to know that I’m truly grateful to you. My dream is to strengthen the bonds that unite the three worlds. And as the living embodiment of these bonds, you are a very, very important person. Watching you gives me courage, Delphi.”
“Don't do this,” Delphi pleads, trying and failing to break free from Diavolo’s iron grasp.
“My goal is to create a state of peace and harmony between the three worlds,” Diavolo continues, seemingly oblivious to her plea. “Considering our history, it’s clear this will be no easy task. However, in the future, no matter what difficulties lie in store, I have a feeling I’ll be able to look to you as my guiding light…showing me the way forward.”
Diavolo looks down at Delphi, candlelight glimmering in his bright eyes. “That’s what I believe. I feel as though I can place my trust in you. Delphi, from now on I hope that you will stay by my- Ah…”
Delphi sighs in relief as the music stops and the prince stills. Still holding her close, he sighs, “That was fast…”
Before he can say or do anything else, Luke bounds up, grinning. “Delphi! I call the next dance!”
Diavolo sighs, shaking his head. “You certainly are popular, aren’t you?”
Delphi shrugs in response, allowing the young angel to take her hand and pull her away as another song starts up.
“Come on, let’s go!”
“Ah, Delphi!”
Diavolo grips her hand tightly for a moment. Tightly enough that she feels the bones shift and nerves pinch. She’s certain it’ll bruise.
“Ow!” she yelps, jerking away.
Diavolo releases her hand quickly, stuttering, “Oh dear, I’m sorry! Never mind. It’s nothing.”
Delphi spares him one last glance before allowing Luke to pull her into an awkwardly paced waltz. She looks to the angel she’s come to think of both as a brother and as her guardian angel and smiles.
“Thank you, Luke. You really saved me there,” she breathes.
Luke gives her a puzzled look and asks, “What do you mean I saved you? Was Diavolo hurting you?”
She laughs, “No, Luke. You just saved me from a conversation I really didn’t want to have.”
“What kind of conversation?” the angel persists, still twirling her around the dance floor.
“I’ll tell you at our next sleepover, okay?” Delphi sighs. Right now, she just wants to forget about the almost-confession. She wants to forget Diavolo’s hands on her and the way he’d nearly broken her hand when Luke tried to pull her away.
The music slows to a stop and Delphi isn’t surprised to feel a set of hands gently but firmly pry her away from Luke’s grasp. One strong arm wraps around her shoulders and pulls her into a familiarly broad chest. A voice like warm velvet says just above her ear, “Thank you for bringing Delphi to me, Luke. I’ll take care of her from here.”
Luke huffs, but nods and leaves the dance floor. Delphi smiles, turning around in the arm that held her captive.
“Hello, my darling,” she sighs, wrapping her arms around Lucifer’s waist, carefully holding him between his upper and lower wings.
Lucifer chuckles, “Hello, love. How was your dance with Diavolo?”
Delphi groans, “I’d rather not talk about it.”
Lucifer sweeps her into his arms, leading her into something akin to a foxtrot. Somehow, though this dance is even quicker than the first dance, Delphi keeps up better with this one and even enjoys herself.
By the time the song’s over, she’s laughing and breathless. She lets Lucifer guide her to a table where Mammon, Beel, and Satan all sit. He pulls out a chair for her and helps her to sit, then bends to whisper in her ear, “I’ll be right back, love. Would you like a drink while I’m up?”
“Yes please,” Delphi smiles up at him, accepting a chaste kiss before he goes. She sighs and looks at the others. “He read my memories, didn’t he?”
Satan nods, “Most likely. He didn’t seem very happy when he left.”
“What did he see to make him so mad?” Beel asks around a mouthful of food.
“I’m pretty sure Diavolo tried to confess to me,” Delphi groans, dropping her face into her hands.
When Delphi had agreed to go to the Demon Lord’s Castle with Luke for a baking lesson with Barbatos, she thought that maybe she’d get to actually be involved in the baking lesson. She knew there was a distinct possibility that she’d run into the demon prince, but she didn’t think he’d actually seek her out after the lecture Lucifer had given him the night of the ball. She didn’t want to talk with him alone, and she certainly didn’t want to leave the parlor Barbatos had left her in, but here she is, strolling beside the lake in the garden with the last being in all three realms she wanted to see.
“Being here with you right now reminds me of the time we ended up at the colosseum,” Diavolo begins, hands clasped behind his back as he meanders the trail at the lakeside. “Do you remember? I’m afraid I said some things that were quite negative…I was feeling unsure of myself and a bit defeated. I’m embarrassed just thinking about it. I’d appreciate it if you could just forget that ever happened.”
“I’ve already forgotten,” Delphi mutters, voice dripping with barely veiled sarcasm.
Diavolo looks over to her, golden eyes wide. “I’ll go ahead and assume you’re saying that to be kind. Thank you, Delphi.”
They walk in silence for a long few minutes, Delphi refusing to say anything and Diavolo not knowing what to say. Delphi finds herself enjoying the silence and the cool evening air. The breeze blowing in off the lake is refreshing after the sweltering day. Then Diavolo clears his throat.
“The truth is that I don’t want to send you back to the human world,” he starts, then stops, snapping his mouth shut. “Oh, um…Sorry, that’s not what I meant. What I was trying to say is…I simply think it’s a waste to lose a person like you. A true loss for the Devildom.”
Delphi tries not to roll her eyes. She really does. But she can’t stop the annoyed sigh that escapes from her lips.
“Actually, I’m not being honest,” the prince admits, scratching at the back of his neck, cheeks flushed. “Its not really about the Devildom. I don’t want you to go.”
Delphi clenches her jaw. Here it comes. Again.
“I’m not speaking as the next king of the Devildom, or even as a demon, I’m speaking as myself.”
“Okay…” Delphi responds, unsure of what else to say. She doesn’t want to encourage him. She’s still furious about how he and Solomon handled the ring and her pacts, still raw from having to cope with Lucifer not remembering her like nothing was wrong, still traumatized from nearly killing herself to save him.
Taking a deep breath, Diavolo starts, “Delphi, there’s something I need to tell you. I-“
“So this is where you were!” a high voice exclaims from behind them. To Delphi’s relief, Luke comes bounding up to them with a basket full of steaming muffins. “Check out these muffins! It’s my first time making them. Barbatos just taught me! What do you say we all have tea together? We can do it out here!”
Following behind the young angel is Barbatos, who places a hand firmly on his shoulder. With a tight-lipped smile, the butler says, “I warned him not to bother the two of you until you had finished your conversation, but I’m afraid he wouldn’t listen. It’s impolite to interrupt others while they’re talking, Luke.”
Luke frowns. “But if we wait around, the muffins are going to get cold, right?”
He turns to Diavolo and Delphi with his eyebrows knit together. “Just out of curiosity, though, what were you two talking about out here?”
Diavolo gives him a smile that feels more menacing than friendly and replies, “That’s private.”
“Hmph. I see the future demon king isn’t fond of sharing, is he?” Luke huffs, and Delphi has to stifle a laugh.
“That’s right,” Diavolo practically sneers. “I’m not fond of sharing. Are you just now realizing that?”
The group do end up having tea and enjoying the muffins Luke baked, but the tension in the air is nearly suffocating. Delphi and Luke leave fairly quickly after finishing their muffins and tea, Delphi dragging Luke along behind her as quickly as she can. When they finally get out of the castle and a good distance away, she releases his wrist and sighs.
“You saved me again, Luke. You really are my guardian angel.”
“You keep saying I saved you, but you still haven’t told me what I’ve saved you from!” Luke complains, poking his lip out in an exaggerated pout.
Delphi smiles at him guiltily. “I’m sorry, Luke. It’s not that I’m trying to hide anything from you, I just don’t want it to get out. If I tell you, can you keep it a secret? Just between us? No telling Simeon or Solomon or Barbatos?”
Luke nods dutifully, his blue eyes wide.
Delphi sighs, “Diavolo keeps trying to tell me he loves me.”
“Fuck, Diavolo! Do you ever think about anything other than yourself?!” Delphi cries, yanking her hand away from the prince. She storms over to the edge of the pool and stares into it for a moment before rounding on him again. “I have seven demons in that house whom I love and care for deeply, and because of you, I thought I’d lost six of them today!”
Diavolo winces at the venom behind her words. But he lets her continue.
“Those seven demons in there are my world! I almost killed myself just a few months ago to save them! From a problem that, had you shared, we might have been able to solve before it got to the point it did! Lucifer lost his memory, Diavolo! He forgot his brothers! He forgot me! And I had to just listen while you and Solomon talked about severing my pacts, and then again when Solomon told me I’d have to kill the love of my life!”
Tears flow freely down her face as her eyes flash with the colors of her pacts. She can feel all of her pact marks tingling and burning and she’s sure they’re all glowing brightly.
“You toy with people’s lives without considering how it will impact them, and then you expect them to just be okay with it! Well those seven lives in there aren’t yours to toy with anymore,” Delphi growls. “They’re mine. Lucifer may have pledged his absolute loyalty to you, that’s fine. That’s a pact I can’t break. But beyond that, no more! I’ve played along so far, but I’m done. I’m not your subject. And I will ensure that your exchange program fails, that the fragile peace you’re trying to build crumbles, before I let you hurt them again.
“Now, please, I’d like to go inside and check on my boys,” Delphi finishes.
Diavolo only nods curtly just as Barbatos opens a portal a few feet away. Delphi turns around as they leave, not saying a word to either of them. She hears Barbatos begin to ask what had happened as the portal closes and she drops onto one of the deck chairs to let her sobs wrack her body. She wraps her arms around herself, clutching at her sides and curling in on herself as hot tears burn her cheeks and she begins to shake.
Warm, strong arms wrap around her and Delphi leans into their grasp, recognizing Lucifer’s scent immediately. He squeezes her as tightly as he dares.
“How long have you been here?” Delphi sniffles.
“Long enough,” Lucifer murmurs into her hair. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but Barbatos finally reached me and let me know he’d be coming to collect Diavolo. I was coming to let you both know.”
“Are you going to lecture me about disrespecting and threatening the prince?” she asks, hiccupping lightly.
“No, love,” Lucifer sighs. He strokes her hair softly. “I’m going to take you upstairs and put you in a warm bath. And then if you want to talk about what just happened, we can.”
Delphi nods into his chest. “Thank you, Lucifer.”
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poptart-artt · 8 months
so I guess I’ll ask you about FNAF AUs that you’ve maybe wanted to write or draw for but haven’t yet?
*rubs hands together*
I have one major one, and a side one.
The major one is the one I mainly focus on and that I involve one of my friends with. I always hesitate to share my ideas online because people can be...well...people, and often my ideas are angst landfills because ~why not~.
So in the main one I've tweaked around the time line to fit it, a bit. Usually I prefer to stick to Canon as close as possible but it's FNAF. (RIP Matpat's and other theorists sanity - including my own). So I feel I have a bit more flexibility to mess around with it all.
You have my sona/YN 1 and my friends sona/YN 2, of course, but most importantly, you have the core four: Roxy and Chica (who are dating in my au), and Freddy and Monty. Of course, we also include Sun and Moon, as well as DJ MM.Bonnie is decommissioned, tucked away and waiting for someone to come help (as we know) but later is brought back (and has amnesia for a while).
It's hard to describe the personal au because I don't want the trolls after me. But it's a dash of War Games (the movie), angst, peepaw and Vanny being themselves only harder to kill, a rival company with animatronics that led to what amounted to a bar fight in the Plex after hours, love, self-development, reminders of why its a bad idea to explore the basement alone, "Oh hey, so experimenting on people is bad...who knew?", CSI (working our tails off to prove Monty is innocent because he is!), missing 411 the Pizza-Plex version, and a jumble of other things.
I tend to go for many themes that become intertwined. But I also like to focus on the animatronics themselves. Especially Monty, because I adore him.
So with Monty, for example, he's a bit complex as we know. I always interpreted the bit where Monty is trashing his green room after Freddy takes a nose dive on stage is actual concern and frustration that he doesn't know how to get out or express (plus ~the Corruption.Glitch and its effects). I'm a bit of a hot head myself, I admit it. But personally, when I do get THAT upset, there is a REASON behind it. That, and I believe Monty is PASSIONATE. He's got HEART. And he's got a big one. When it's misdirected (the Corruption.Glitch in this au) and corrupted, passion can cause damage. That combined with the idea that sometimes he just doesn't know HOW to deal with or express the emotions that are too "big" and bottles it up until it's like a shaken bottle of pop.
The way I have the Corruption is that it dulls logical imput, and twists what's good, and targets what your weaknesses are to use them against you in a form of mind-control. A disease that changes you fundamentally and makes you a puppet on the strings.
I also believe that Monty has some form of anxiety and perhaps even PTSD, especially with "The Bonnie Incident". He didn't even do it, but people want to blame him because he's an easy target and he can sometimes loose control. And because of an arcade game he didn't even make, and a few vague notes made by the staff. But no one listens, and he withdraws. Tries to isolate. Bottles it in until it explodes. In turn, that feeds the cycle of self hatred and anger and frustration because he sees himself in the aftermath of an outburst and realizes he's just adding fuel to their fire. This is doubly frustrating. And when he overhears the children inquire about Bonnie, it makes him tense up all the more. He didn't do it, and he has no way to prove his innocence right away.
And when Freddy or Chica, especially, mention Bonnie (which doesn't happen often) around him, it makes him worry if they blame him for Bonnie being gone and for him being pushed by the company to join them on the stage. People are far more willing to look at Monty and just see an angry, hot-headed brute, and that's not who he is. But it's what people see. And when you just want to be accepted for yourself, and want that connection, what people say really tends to get under your skin even if you try to block it out. Monty is constantly tense and on high alert, of course, he snaps. If you're cornered, you are either gonna do a fight or flight, and people blame him that his response is "fight". Monty isn't dumb either, he's well aware of how thin a line he has to ride. Constantly knowing that one slip up could mean either being decommissioned or something else just as bad. He's got a big heart but doesn't always know how to use it. And he's got a lot of people viewing him as little more than a stand-offish punk with anger issues. Our man here has a lot of pressure on his shoulders.
In this AU, she's sweet as pie but also notices a lot more than people give her credit for. She cares deeply for her friends and, of course, misses Bonnie, too. One of her friends just upped and disappeared, and there are rumors that another of her friends is at fault. She can be a bit of a people pleaser, but she genuinely just wants everyone to be happy. Her response to "The Bonnie Incident" and magnified by the Corruption.Glitch, is she is a binge eater. She eats her emotions. Wants to distract herself and feel something akin to those good feelings she had when everything wasn't as bad, and her old friend wasn't missing. She's high energy and up-beat by nature, and tries to remain positive in front of everyone. She doesn't want to be a burden or be the one to start a fight (she's been known to finish a few though). She has one part she shows to everyone else and another part she hides away, leaving herself alone to deal with everything by herself.
Roxy- In this AU, Roxy puts up a wall. Those she cares about, she cares deeply about. Those she doesn't like...well, you'll know she doesn't like you. And she's quick to protect those who need it (such as the children). She's got this 'elder sister' vibe. In an effort to hide her own insecurities and her reach for perfection, she hides behind a barrier of prickly self-confidence and sometimes harsh behavior. She expects a lot from herself and being newer to the group, she doesn't want to let anything she does reflect badly on herself or them. She has DRIVE. (I may or may not have a scene where she does end up driving during a high speed chase. It's for good reason though. If it wasn't for her - RIP us). She's not afraid to call others out on their bullshit and not everyone likes that. She has pride in what she does and if she messes up as everyone does at some point, it's all she replays in her head- self-critiquing every little thing even after others have forgotten it or moved on.
Freddy- in this AU...I admit, I kinda wanted to see more of Freddy go off the rails..but it's not come into play yet. (The guy was ready to burn everything down. Come on now.) Laid back, kind. Pretty much how we see him in the game. But not as naive as he may come across. He's seen so much bad and has so many suspicions about everything going on that he has made a conscious decision to try to see good in everything and everyone he can. He mourns the absence of his best friend and yet is aware that it's a sensitive topic to those around him. He doesn't view Monty or Roxy as mere replacements or new comers. I have this thing where in this AU he doesn't quite trust the staff. Because despite his desire to see good in everyone there, he's well aware that shady things are going on behind the scenes. They just have to be. Because he doesn't see Monty as the type to have done what others claim he has. But because he's trying so much to be sensitive and cover all the bases when the subject does come up, sometimes words get misunderstood or come out wrong. He feels like he has to protect everyone. He lost his best friend, how much more easily could he lose someone else? That's not going to happen, not on his watch. Because of this, sometimes he can end up coming across as controlling or overbearing. He doesn't mean to, he just can't lose anyone else. He feels guilty that he let his best friend disappear. Right under his nose. He was supposed to protect everyone! Hold the group together and be strong for them. There's also this side arc of healing to the way I have him in this AU. He's got pressure from the staff, pressure to be the star that he's expected to be, pressure to do his best for the children and protect themtoo, etc. He's got to deal with mourning his loss and helping his other friends through that loss as well, or other complicated emotions they're dealing with. He makes it all his responsibility. He's been through truama and he's surrounded by those who need him. He's guilty of not making himself a priority. Can't rest if he knows something is wrong. Also believes he's got to fix every problem.
I could go on and on about every character but this is already super long and I'm afraid of boring people, haha! So it's a bit hard for me to summarize the entire AU. And as I said, I do try to stick closely to Canon but I'm not afraid of a bit of artistic liberty here and there!
Bonnie does end up coming back into play in the AU so that's one bright spot!
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anonofseasons · 1 year
I’m sorry if you’ve been asked this before, but what level of technology would you say your story is at?
Like personally I’ve been picturing 1930s-1940’s ish. Trains n cars are a thing. Land line telephones. Probably no moving pictures just yet. Etc. etc. but what were you going for??
Hey, thank you for your question! Definitely don't worry about asking something with the chance that it was already asked, I don't mind. I can't expect anyone to go poring over my blog history, for one, and secondly, it turns out one of my blog settings disables the archive feature. There are countless similarities to the 1930s-1940s, but some similarities even to the 50s and 60s. While I pick and choose a lot of technology for aesthetic reasons, I still do research to see how far I can push the belief that certain things exist or don't exist. (Then I have to factor in what the Liddell family knows about, often on an individual basis, i.e. El generally knows what a telephone is because of books.) I downright break the rules with photography. For plot-related reasons, I wanted there to be photos from the kids' childhoods. But photography that's 250+ years older than modern technology in our world is pushing it. This isn't modern tech in Seasons, so yeah, I bent the rules a bit. I like to think they were eager to have photography developed early to use it to capture proof of the supernatural. ...Now I'm imagining Vivian avoids letting anyone take photos of him at work. Haha. As for moving pictures, I recently have wrestled with myself on that one! I think humans would want them once they imagined them existing, so they actually have some early ones after countless attempts. It's catching on. That said, they're new enough that the Liddell family is fairly ignorant about them. Vivian doesn't attend work-related dinners and functions, and he's not the sort of man who gets invites to bring his spouse out to dinner and a movie with his colleagues. He's a closed book as much as possible. So even he probably has yet to pick up on theatres offering more than just stage performances. Vivian's car is a clunky old thing before heat and air conditioning for cars was invented. It looks similar to a 1940s Cadillac, with gold paint and camel-colored interior. So ultimately, 1940s-1950s is the closest, with some rule breaking. No subways yet, maybe for superstitious reasons. Water and electricity are a thing, and some modern improvements to the Liddell estate include radiators in many of the rooms, while some rely on fireplaces. Graham's study is a newer room (third floor is recent in general, as are the solarium and library that are attached to the house via the main floor) and has a fireplace because he's so used to it. Honestly, I'm all over the place with technology in Seasons, but I try to restrain myself. If I adhere to historical accuracy, I might as well have set it in our world, and I like coming up with new places. I have matcha tea in this, for instance, and it probably wouldn't be called that if I didn't need readers to know what I'm talking about. :') (And it's far too wordy for me to call it by some process, given what it takes to make matcha as opposed to typical green tea.) Technology also comes up later in another chapter, because... Well, spoilers. But let's just say there are some fierce environmentalists who've made sure some technologies never progress... :') Sorry this got a bit long!
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regenderate · 1 year
15 and 31 for the fic asks :)
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written?
ohhh my god unfortunately my favorite aus are all still wips. like i love tattoo au but like. well i think as far as concept goes my favorite au is the 90 day fiance au where jack, rose, and thirteen are stuck in england and the tardis is stuck in the us and instead of like. doing anything that makes logical sense they're like "okay well we're immortal anyway so we might as well take our good sweet time" and they do a series of green card marriages (jack poses as a us citizen, he marries rose, rose gets her citizenship and divorces him and then marries thirteen) and they go on 90 day fiance. the story is told through episode transcripts and news articles and such and i haven't figured out how to execute it yet but i want to show the audience like. slowly figuring out that these guys are weird. (i also want to set it like. just after covid lockdowns start to ease up so i can have an exchange in one of the episodes like "how were we supposed to know there was going to be a pandemic? it's not like we're time travelers" because of course they are time travelers and they just didn't remember)
my other favorite au (also a wip) is this like. thirteenyazrose thing that started as a fake dating au where rose is like. being hit on at work and thirteen is a new hire who comes up and is like "hey get away from my girlfriend" but like she does her threatening little growl But Also rose and yaz have been dating for years and so when rose tells this to yaz yaz is like "okay well if she's pretending to date one of us she's got to pretend to date both of us" and everything snowballs from there. this one also involves the pandemic because i was thinking about how canon yaz and rose both spend a lot of time away from the doctor and i think it would be interesting to adapt that to a human au by having the doctor be doing some kind of study abroad and not be able to come back on time. but this one has like a ton of prequel material of yaz and rose getting together but all of it is like. really rough around the edges and self-indulgent and not really like. in good shape yet to publish. and i'm having to rewrite the single chapter i had of the main fic because i remembered about making rose a mechanic. so now it's going to be where rose and human thirteen are mechanics and yaz is an emt. but like this au is my favorite because it's like. a comfort fic at this point it just is like a little home to me so i don't know when i'll ever post it but i do love it
31. What’s your ideal fic length to write?
ough this has actually changed in the last year! i used to mostly write shorter stuff, but lately i've had a ton of trouble keeping anything short, everything i've written has expanded a ton. which i think is a good thing, i've been adding a lot more depth and detail to my works. like at one point i looked at like. a first kiss that i wrote when i was fourteen and compared it to a more recent one and literally the more recent one was like. whole paragraphs longer. which might also tell you how many people i'd kissed at fourteen but anyway. i've been enjoying the really long fics, my current long wip (tattoo au, aka when i run away (you're who i run to)) is at 75k and counting. but those fics do require a lot of commitment-- i love writing that length but i can only sustain one at a time and there's always a risk that i'll lose interest in it or ability to write it partway through. i've been trying to finish stuff or at least write super far ahead before i post too. so anyway i think my ideal length for like. regular posting is somewhere in the... 7-20k range? long enough that it feels meaty but not so long that it takes a huge commitment to write.
huh these were long but in my defense if you've read my authors notes you should expect me to be Like This
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natsfirecat · 3 years
Hi I hope you’re having a good day, I want to request something but idk if you’ve done something like this before. So can you do reader having to come out as asexual to some of the other avengers and maybe someone makes a rude comment and reader gets comforted by nat after? However you want to do it is up to you of course :)
(sorry if not of that makes sense i’m running on no sleep lol)
word count: 2k
pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem asexual!reader
warnings: mentions of sex and sexual attraction, acephobia, lmk if i need to add any more!
A/N: hey so i changed this up a little cuz i refuse to imagine any of the avengers saying something bad, hope that's okay with you anon! ALSO YAY I GOT THIS OUT DURING ACE WEEK! technically the last day, BUT STILL
You woke up to the softest pair of lips gently pressing down on your forehead. Smiling, you rolled over to be met with green eyes staring at you.
"Hi," you greeted your girlfriend.
"It's 10 AM, detka," she told you, leaning down to kiss your forehead. "We should get ready sooner than later, Tony's doing a tour for that potential business associate."
"As if you care if Tony catches us in pajamas,"
She scoffed, rolling her eyes playfully.
You grinned, reaching up to wrap your arms around her. As you pulled her down, she kissed your forehead again. You hugged her tight, not wanting to get out of bed. She noticed, then leaned up close to you.
"You know this is giving me zero motivation to get up, right?"
She laughed, rolling over. Before you knew it, she grabbed your wrist and tugged gently. You resisted, determined to stay in bed.
Natasha resisted the urge to laugh as she tugged your wrist again. Eventually, you let out a loud huff.
You rolled to the edge of the bed as slow as you possibly could. Your girlfriend had to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing at this point.
Finally, you managed to pull the blankets back and crawl out of bed. When you managed to stand up, you noticed that in this time she had already managed to get ready for the day. Sighing loudly, you followed her and got ready yourself.
You followed her out of your room, and downstairs where almost everyone was already there.
After eating breakfast, the two of you made your way to the couch. You leaned in close to her as she pulled a blanket up.
"Took you two long enough to get up," Sam teased, sitting on the chair across from you.
"Oh shut up," you retorted. "There are morning people, and I'm just not one of them,"
"And what about Natasha then?" Bucky asked. "She used to get up before 6AM for training,"
"I am a morning person and I'm perfectly capable of getting up early, I just choose not to."
You smiled, shifting yourself so you were leaning onto her now.
She wrapped an arm around you as you looked up at her, grinning. Meanwhile she didn't break eye contact with Bucky, despite you nuzzling your head into her chest.
"So what are you guys watching?" She asked them.
"Halloween, we're just starting it,"
"This early in the day?"
Natasha looked down at you, seeing you make yourself even more comfortable against her. She smiled, placing her hand over yours as she leaned back.
So they un-paused the movie, seeing as you and your girlfriend would be joining them.
She kissed the top of your head as you held onto her hand tightly. Even this early in the day, the theme music still made you anxious.
When they showed the two people making out right away, you made a grossed out face as they hinted at what came next.
Rolling your eyes, you felt yourself hoping this part would go fast.
"What?" Bucky asked, pausing the movie.
"What do you mean?"
"Why'd you make that face?"
"I dunno, these kinds of scenes are annoying."
Sam turned around to face you. He tilted his head to the side, confused.
"Why?" He asked. "Don't act like you and Romanoff aren't banging every chance you get,"
At this point, you and Natasha both scoffed at him. Now both men were even more confused.
"Alright, I never imagined I would do it like this but here we go; no, that's actually not happening. I'm asexual,"
Sam thought for a minute, looking at the way you were snuggled up to your girlfriend. Bucky looked even more confused. He had never heard the word before.
You sighed, standing up.
"I don't feel sexual attraction," you started. "But I do feel romantic and aesthetic attraction, hence, why I'm dating Nat,"
"Then what was all that noise coming from your bedroom last night?" Bucky asked, still confused.
Your face turned bright red as the memory came back to you.
"Natasha, stop!"
"Not until you admit that I was right,"
Just as you opened your mouth to say something, she began moving her hands again. You were unable to stop yourself from screaming as she kept moving.
Once she stopped again, you let out a long breath, practically panting.
She smirked, waiting for you to surrender.
"That is something I will never get used to," you said between breaths. "But no, you were still wrong,"
She raised an eyebrow, then did the same thing as before. Once again, you screamed as she moved her hands all over you.
You couldn't take it anymore. Sure, you were stubborn and didn't like admitting defeat; but this was pure torture.
"Alright!" You said, holding your hands up. "You were right! I was wrong! Just stop tickling me!"
You looked over, seeing her bright red race as the two men questioned you.
"That wasn't what you thought it was..." you mumbled.
"Alright," Sam replied.
You felt a small smile growing on your face as they slowly started to understand what you told them about yourself.
"Cool," Bucky said, giving you a smile.
Just as they were about to play the movie again, Wanda, Carol, and Steve made their way into the living room.
"Hey," Carol said, waving to everyone.
"Did you know that the noises we hear coming from Y/N and Natasha's room were more PG than we thought?" Sam said.
You scoffed at them.
"It's not my fault you guys are so dirty minded,"
Steve looked really uncomfortable by now, which prompted Natasha to laugh. She found it amusing how everyone seemed to interpret the noises.
You sighed, making your way to the middle of the room.
"Alright, now that almost everyone is here I'll say it again; I'm asexual. So I don't feel sexual attraction,"
You were preparing yourself to answer a bunch of questions considering the fact that most people had no idea what you were talking about.
Before they could ask any questions, two voices coming from the hall slowly began to grow louder.
No one said anything as Tony walked in side by side with a tall, ginger man.
"This is Owen," he introduced him to everyone. "And we were just about to conclude our tour,"
"Stark, you've got a great place here with the Avengers and you've got a great business," Owen said to him. "But I couldn't help but overhear one of them saying something about being asexual, I'd like to ask for an elaboration on that,"
Tony was confused, but he shrugged and turned to you all.
You were confused too, and you saw Natasha sending him a threatening gaze. But since you had already told the others, you figured it couldn't hurt to talk about it,
"That would be me," you said. "I was just telling everyone about my asexuality,"
Owen turned his head to the side, almost staring you down.
"That's not normal," he said, then turned to Tony. "Stark, if we agree to this partnership then I could do this treatment on her that would definitely fix that right up, no cost at all,"
By now, Natasha stood up too. She glared even more intense as she wrapped an arm around you protectively.
"I love Y/N just the way she is and she doesn't need to be fixed,"
"Well it's sweet that you do that, but you don't have to anymore. No one should have to suffer a sexless relationship,"
"I'm not suffering," she said, wrapping her arm even tighter around your side. "I'm the happiest I've ever been with her."
"Owen," Tony said, glaring as well. "I'm beginning to rethink the idea of a partnership with you,"
"Oh come on! I'm just trying to help,"
"Yeah well, we don't want your help,"
Everyone was sending him glares as he took a step back. He held his hands up, still convinced that he was doing the right thing.
"Your loss,"
As he walked out, you ran out the other side of the room. Tears were swelling in your eyes by the time you made it back to your room.
You lay down on your bed, hugging a pillow as you let out small sobs. You didn't even realize someone else entered the room until you felt a hand on your back.
"Love," Natasha's soft voice said.
You kept crying into the pillow as she gently stroked your hair as a silent gesture to let you know that she was here.
It took all her effort not to go after Owen and yell at him for saying that, but she knew it would be better to be with you instead. Plus, she knew that everyone else was already yelling at him for what he said.
After you let out a few more sobs, you rolled over to face your girlfriend. You sat up as she pulled you into her.
"Y/N/N, I need you to know that nothing he said is true, okay?" She told you, gently running her hand up and down your back. "You don't need to be fixed. You're perfect the way you are,"
You pulled back, staring at her through your tear-blurred eyes.
"I guess, but still,"
"Still what, my love?"
"Are you sure you're not miserable dating someone like me?"
Her heart broke at how his words affected you. She let out a long sigh, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as she stroked your cheek with her thumb.
"Detka, I could never be miserable with you," she told you. "You love me for who I am, and I love you. That's all that matters,"
"Of course,"
You hugged her again, burying your face into her neck. She kissed the top of your head as you held onto her; there was no way in hell she would let someone else's words make you think that she wasn't happy with you.
She loved you more than anything, and she truly was the happiest she had ever been with you.
A few days later, she led you out of your room with a blindfold covering your eyes. You were confused, but chose not to argue as she led you through the halls.
You held onto her arm tight, anxiously anticipating what was happening.
Eventually, she finally pulled the blindfold off.
You let out a gasp at the sight; standing in front of you was the team all wearing variations of black, grey, white, and purple. There were balloons, and even a cake on the table. It looked just like a child's birthday party, and honestly you couldn't be happier.
"Since your coming out experience got ruined because of that man, we decided to throw you a coming out party so you could think of this as your experience instead," Bucky said.
Your heart melted at the gesture, so you ran up and hugged each and every one of them. You turned back to Natasha, who was smiling almost as widely as you.
You ran back into her arms, your cheeks beginning to hurt at this point.
"I love this," you told her. "And I love you,"
She blushed at your words, giving your forehead a quick kiss.
As you returned back to everyone else, they all seemed eager to celebrate you. You smiled again, taking in just how much you cared for everyone on the team.
They were your family.
Once everyone got ready to eat cake, you couldn't believe when Steve told you that they all had to hold Wanda back from using her powers on Owen for hurting you.
You felt nothing but happiness as you took your first bite; you were loved.
It didn't matter what anyone said, Natasha loved you and so did your family. As far as you were concerned, that was all that mattered.
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Promises (Jason Kolchek) Part 3
Summary: You were a DIA Field Agent working with Camp Slayer when a certain with a southern accent caught your attention.
Words: 3.6K
Requested: Yes/No.
Warnings or A/N: I figure y'all deserve another part.
Tag list: @house-of-kolchek @fruitcup4prez @thefictionalgemini @renplup @shinydixon
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Nick looked at you then back at Jason. “Then who the fuck was it?”
Jason shook his head. “You really don't realize, do you?”
Nick didn't answer.
“You and Rachel? You two didn’t keep it hidden that well. Everyone at Camp Slayer knew. We fucking heard you, man,”
Nick’s eyes went huge. “Why did no one say anything to us then?”
“Yeah, it was no one business,”
“Well fuck me. But I don’t know and don't care if he knows,”
Nick turned around and started walking towards where Eric was but Jason wasn’t done talking to him. “Cut the bullshit Nick. I know you and I know you care,”
You walked up to both of them. “I’ve had this exact conversation with both him and Rachel. They just don’t care,”
“What do you think’s gonna happen when Eric finds out you’ve been sleeping with his wife?”
Nick turned around and looked at Jason. “Wife? You think what they had resembled a marriage? No, that shit was way over before I was on the scene. Anyway, if he doesn’t know, he’s playing his cards pretty damn close to his chest,”
Jason’s face filled with worry. “You make sure that Eric does not find out. Last thing we need is more fucking drama down here,”
“I ain’t having this conversation,”
“He can’t know, it’ll break him. He’s still hurting bad about what happened to Rachel,”
You never saw Nick turn around that quickly. “And you don’t think that I am?”
With that Nick turned around and headed back towards the temple.. Nick had no right to be upset over Eric. He was the one in the middle of a marriage. Yes, a marriage going south but he still didn’t have a right to hold an attitude with Eric over Rachel. Everything else, yes. Rachel, no. You warned Nick countless times not to get involved but he never listened. He was just as much at fault as Rachel for putting himself in this mess. You stopped when they stopped to look at the relic. “This is something else,”
“Ya think?”
“Wonder how many places like this we’ve bombed without a second thought,”
“This relics are better off in the dust,”
Nick turned his body to face Jason. “What’s your problem? These people didn’t ask for this war,”
“Why are you defending the enemy, Sergeant?”
“You and me both know they’re not all our enemies. Fuck, Jason!”
“Is this about the girl at the checkpoint? Shit Nick! How many times? We thought she had a bomb!”
“It was just a bag of groceries. We fucked up,”
“That girl’s death is getting under your skin, buddy,”
“Yes, as a matter of fact, it is. Isn’t it getting under yours?”
You knew that it was. When it happened Jason came to you and told you all about it and how he knew they fucked up. He was second guessing his orders. Before Jason could answer Nick. Eric came over the coms. “Mailman. Two-One Actual. This is Dropkick. Request update. Over,”
Jason touched the com. “Two-One Actual, receiving. Cameras are green and the holes have been demolished. Over,”
“Good work, Lieutenant. Sweep through the eastern corridor and be on your guard. Over,”
You three started walking over to the eastern corridor and Jason called it over the coms. You looked up at the doors. So did Nick. “Christ. These doors took a hammering,”
“Those things must’ve come through here with force. Whoever maned that weapons took a stand and held them back,”
“Before they got massacred from behind,”
“These creatures aren’t dumb. They’re predators. Bet your bottom dollar, if they came this way before, they could come again,”
They started to climb over the rocks and you grabbed a hold of Jason’s sleeve. “Hey, I’m okay to stay with Eric if you want me too. I don’t need you worrying about me,”
Jason looked at you with concern and shook his head. “Doll, if you’re not with me, I’m gonna be more worried than if you are with me. I wouldn’t trust him with my toothbrush. So I definitely don’t trust him with you so you’re staying with me,”
Nick was already over the rocks when Jason got over and he helped you over them. You walked down the stairs and into a room where it has another giant ass hole. You stayed away from the edge but Nick and Jason went straight to it. “This is the closest to hell I’ve ever been,”
Jason walked away from the edge and started walking around. You came across a woman with a stake in her. “Fuck she’d do to deserve that?”
“Killed by a stake through the heart,”
Jason pulled the stake out of the body. “Pretty sure these creatures didn’t do this. Who did?”
“I don't know. Buffy?”
You chuckled at that reference but Jason didn’t get it. “Who?”
Jason would be the type of person not to watch Buffy. “It’s a character from a tv show. When we get out of this mess and out of Iraq. You and I are sitting down and watching Buffy. No ifs ans or buts,”
Jason smiled at you. “I’d like that,”
Nick ignored what you two just said. “Maybe, you should keep that,”
Jason put it in his weapon holster. “You never know when you’re gonna need a sharpened stake, right?”
You three continued to walk more up. Nick looked down at the floor. “Y/n, here’s another note,”
You walked up to it and started to read it outloud. “It’s basically picking up from where the last note left off. Blowing a hold through the rock face, we found a gateway to a strange world below. A phosphorescence emanated from beneath, casting its eldritch light over us all. Lady Bradshaw insisted that we descend further. Perhaps Mary is right and Bradshaw is becoming reckless and uncontrollable, but I can’t stop thinking about what’s down there. I am now working with Crowe and Pulman to set up a winch and elevator to descend into the shaft. What mysteries lie below, I wonder, undisturbed by the world above?”
You put the note back down on the ground and looked back up at the guys. You didn't trust this Lady Bradshaw person at all.
You three continued on looking through this circular room. You came across another body but this time it was drained of all blood. “Looks like he’s been drained dry.”
“It’s gotta be one of those explorers,”
You guys finished searching that room, you went into another corridor. You saw something, a tube of some sort on a crate and picked it up. “What is this?”
Jason took it from your hand and placed it back on the crate. “Nothing that is gonna get us outta here. Right now, I wouldn’t give a crap if it was the crown jewels of England,”
You three walked a little ways up and almost close to the door. “Perfect. This looks like a good choke point. Any of those freaks coming up from below are sure to pass through here,”
“Set some charges?”
“Yeah. Rig these pillars for maximum coverage,”
“They’re more likely to see the tripwires though. You think those things can tell the difference?”
“We shouldn’t underestimate them,”
“We mine the side, we’re more than likely to catch them out. Smaller spread but the explosives are better hidden. What do you think?”,”
You have no idea about how to set up explosives or anything about them. That wasn’t your area of knowledge, so you just let the boys decide what to do. Jason shook his head as he barked an order. “Let's go for maximum coverage. Wire up the middle of the corridor,”
“Let’s do it. We gotta make each one count,”
Jason asked if you could lend a hand and of course you said yes. You set the ones towards one opening while Jason and Nick set from the middle and the other opening. You heard Nick sigh and saw Jason look over at him. “I can hear your brain ticking a mile away. What’s on your mind?”
“We should’ve giving her a second warning,”
“Fuck, I wish I hadn’t asked. I’m through talking about this,”
“What’s left to say? You know that checkpoint was a prime target for suicide bombers. We had to act in the moment. We had to make a cal,”
“It was the wrong call. Why is it that no one ever tells it straight? Everyone just makes up bullshit to get by. That’s why we’re in the sandbox in the first place, right? I just want the truth, Jason. Shooting that woman messed with my head. Are you seriously gonna tell me it didn’t mess with yours, man?”
Jason turned and looked at you and slightly nodded as a way to tell him to tell him what he told you. “We fucked up. If we make it out of here, we’ll face up to that. If we die down here? Maybe it’s what we deserve,”
That last line made you wanna cry. He never told you that’s how he felt and it broke your heart. You looked over at Nick who was looking down at his feet and he looked at all the pillars. “Its armed,”
You three walked to the door and opened it to reveal a staircase . “Dropkick. This is Mailman, Two-One Actual. We’re at a stairwell leading down into a maze. Please advise. Over,”
“Acknowledged. Pull back now and secure the perimeter. Dropkick out,”
Jason pointed at the top of the doorframe. “Mount a camera up there and lets head back,”
You three were outside the temple securing the perimeter and what you thought looked like a telephone pole. Jason was super close next to it. “It looks like a line out,”
“Maybe we can get the radio working and send a signal out. It’s worth a shot,”
“A long shot .We don’t even know if there's a transmitter working on the surface. Those wires got to go somewhere though. You think they still work?”
You shrugged. “There’s only one way to tell,”
“It looked like they are just snagged up,”
“Just as well. I don’t feel like climb-”
Jason was cut off when something tackled him onto the telephone pole thing. They did a couple of somersaults before Jason finally got this thing off him. You sat and watched in horror as you could finally tell what it was. Who it was. It was Joey. “What the fuck. Joey?!”
But this Joey was not our needy looking boy. This Joey was absolutely terrifying. He was all gray in color with sharp teeth and horns going out of his forehead. Jason scooted back as Joey let out a god awful screech. As soon as Jason sat up, Joey tackled him again. Jason was struggling to get him off him while trying to reach Joey but it wasn’t working. He grabbed the stake from his holster and stabbed him in the arm, which stunted Joey a bit. Jason put the stake through his heart but which made Joey go backwards a bit. You and Nick both took this moment to grab Jason to help him up. “Oh my god!” You heard Eric as Joey started walking towards you again.
Eric shined his UV light at Joey which caused Joey to burst out in flames and he eventually fell into the abyss.
You were watching the camera as the boys including Eric were talking about the radio that is just right outside the temple. Jason wanted to tell you no but you just wanted to sit for a bit so he didn’t say anything. “Y/n. Can I ask you a question?”
You turned around and looked at Eric who was also in there. You had your back to him while looking at the same things you’ve been looking at.. “What’s up?”
“Should I let go of Rachel?”
You turned and faced Eric. “Do you feel like you should?”
Eric just looked at you and didn’t say anything for a good minute. “She’s sleeping with someone,”
Your heart dropped. How did he know this? You know you didn’t tell me and Nick didn’t tell him. You knew Jason definitely didn’t tell him. “How do you know?”
“She told me minutes before we were ambushed,”
“Just tell me, do you think I should move on or keep out hope?”
“Eric, this really isn’t my place. Whatever that mind of yours is telling you, you should probably listen to it,”
Eric placed both his hands on the table and shook his head before pushing off the table. “I need to go check on Kolchek and Kay,”
He turned around and by the way his face looked, that man was broken, completely. Your heart ached for him. “I’m fine. Are you okay being here alone?”
He wasn’t. Eric wasn’t always this much of a jackass. He used to be one of the sweetest people you knew but after the accident that caused him to lose his leg. He just became guarded and buried himself into his work. You sighed and nodded. “Yeah, I’m okay,”
He nodded and walked out of the temple towards where Jason and Nick were at. You went back looking through the archeologists' things for the third time, just to make sure you didn’t miss anything else. When you felt something being pressed against your back and you froze. You knew that it was a gun. You also knew that it wasn’t one of the guys. “Slowly turn around. Keep your hands where I can see them, ,”
The thick accent just confirmed what you thought but you raised your hands up and slowly turned around. He had his gun pointed at you and he looked you up and down. He noticed your gun in its holster and he quickly took it out of its holster and tossed it somewhere. You let out a squeal when you heard gunfire. “You’re coming with me. Get in front of me,”
You slowly nodded as you walked in front of him. “Go,”
“Go where,”
“Where the others are,”
You nodded and still with your hands raised, you walked towards the chasm. You could hear someone talking in Arabic. You knew the boys couldn't understand what this person was saying but the shooting continued. The Iraqi stopped you right before you got past the door and waited till the firing stopped when the Iraqi pushed out of the doors.
Jason’s POV:
The enemy had ambushed Jason and the others, he silently thanked God that you were in the temple. He wanted to yell at Eric for leaving you alone in the temple though but he knew that you would scream out for him, if you needed him and you were a short distance from him. When the gunfire stopped, he saw a body move out of the doors of the temple and his heart dropped when he saw you coming out with your hands raised and an Iraqi behind you pointing a gun at you.
He was definitely going to kill Eric if you got hurt. He didn’t care if he’d lose his rank or get discharged. That girl was the only thing that mattered in this moment and getting her out of this. Her eyes landed on his and even from way back here, he could sense that you were terrified. Jason hadn’t even realized that he was moving until Nick grabbed his arm. “Jason, what are you doing?”
‘Gonna go save her,”
“You’re gonna get yourself killed,”
“I don’t care," Jason said, pushing Nick slightly back. "The only thing that fucking matters if getting her out of that situation,"
He turned and slightly walked up to face the two Iraqis. “Let her go,”
The man yelled in Arabic. Jason didn't know what he said but he watched you say something to him and he yelled at you. “He said that why would they give up the only safety net that they have? If they let me go, you shoot and kill them,”
Jason was getting more and more pissed. “Tell that fucker, if they don’t let you go, we’ll shoot them anyways,”
You translated it and the Iraqi that was talking to him, grabbed you and pressed a gun against your stomach. Jason was about to give in to his anger as he took a step closer to you but you held a hand out which made him stop. The Iraqi spoke again and he waited for you to translate it. “He said that by the time the bullet got to him, I’d already be dead,”
Jason was frozen with anger at that point. Before Jason could say anything you and the Iraqi were tackled. Jason couldn't make out who tackled you but he was thankful for them. There was a single shot that was shot. Jason looked for you and saw that you were scrambling away as far as you could while kicking someone away from the Iraqi. He waited till you were in a safe spot. "FLANK THEM!"
While Jason and the team were shooting them, they were walking closer and closer, the more the Iraqis pulled back and the closer Jason got to you. When Jason finally got to the steps, he looked over to the last spot he saw you and you weren't there. He started freaking out but Nick looked at him. "She's in the temple. Eric helped her in,"
Jason looked over to where the Iraqi had you and there was a dead body and it was Merwin's.
Jason sent a thank you up to Merwin, hoping he could hear him. Before Jason could even think about making sure you were okay Nick and him were pushing the doors shut.The radio had a loud god awful noise that stirred up the creatures. "Wait!"
Jason looked up and saw Rachel running in with Clarice.
Rachel, who was covered in what he guessed was blood, stepped through the door and Nick swept her into his arms. “You’re alive,”
Jason finally got the door shut as Nick and Rachel let go of each other. “Have any doubts, Marine? Where’s Eric?”
Nick turned to face Eric and he went up to Rachel and hugged her and Jason could tell that she didn't want to hug him. “I held on as long as I could but the rope but it snapped. I-I didn’t cut it. I wouldn’t,”
Rachel hugged him this time and gave him a quick kiss. “I know,”
When they pulled away Nick shifted on his feet. “We good?”
Eric looked between Rachel and Nick. Jason watched Eric's face twisted into anger. Eric knew. Jason knew what was about to happen. "It's him, isn't it?"
“I tried to wait, Eric, I really did but all that time apart didn't do us any good,”
You can tell Eric really didn’t care and Rachel looked the same. “How long did you wait?”
She didn’t answer. “Rachel, how long?”
"Three weeks,”
Eric looked over to you. "Did you know?"
Jason saw the hesitation in your face and so did Eric. He stepped up to you and got in your face. "You did. You were a bridesmaid in our wedding. You were always a hateful bitch,"
Jason let out a forced laugh and saw Eric look at him. "Remember you rank, Lieutenant,"
Jason was tired of this prick throwing his rank around and tired of people getting into your face for something that wasn’t in your place to talk about. Jason walked up to you and grabbed the back of your shirt and pulled you back from Eric. He got in between you and Eric and got in Eric's face. "I don't give a shit if you're the commanding officer or not. You can threaten to discharge me or what not but you're not gonna get in her face because your wife was sleeping around on you. It’s not her fault. Maybe ask yourself why Rachel was having an affair. Are you as much of a shitty husband as you are a shiity commanding officer?"
Before Jason could realize, Eric had thrown a punch hitting him in the cheek which only made his face turn. Jason let out a laugh. "Is that all you got?"
Before you knew it Jason and Eric were fighting and Jason was on top of Eric throwing punches while Eric was dodging them. "You are solely the reason. The only fucking reason. The reason why I almost lost the girl I am so fucking helplessly in love with. The girl that makes me feel like I can fucking breath in this world,"
Your POV:
The girl I am so fucking helplessly in love with. The girl that makes me feel like I can fucking breath in this world.
You watched as Jason stopped punching Eric and got him. You watched in as he turned and looked at you. You watched him start walking towards you. You took steps backwards until your back hit a pilar. Your mind was going a mile a minute and you didn’t know what to think about this and you didn’t have time to think about it as when Jason got to you, he placed a hand on your cheek and pressed his lips on yours.
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takamishinko · 3 years
footprints and doubts
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this is the longest piece we’ve written so far and it drained the living crap out of us :,D but hope u guys enjoy !
pronouns: gender neutral 
warnings: nothing really other than jealousy, angst, and crying, self thought cheating
a/n: r/n is region name btw
honestly you found it hard to believe that little ol’ you from r/n could befriend let alone become someone important to ajax. the great tartaglia, 11th of the fatui harbingers, his name itself could strike fear into anyone. yet here you were, standing next to him with your hands intertwined with his at the lantern rite festival. you would give the world to him if you could, you loved him so much. he was so different from your last significant other who had been unfaithful towards you. 
‘you’re just too boring.’ they had told you apathetically. you frown thinking about it.
you felt ajax gave your hand a small tug, "hey y/n why don't we go over there? looks like chef mao is cooking up something good." he spoke with a cheery grin on his face.
you snap back into reality as you felt his hand pull you out of your thoughts. you gave him a terse nod and the two of you made your way to wanmin restaurant.
after waiting a while in line, the two of you were next. chef mao looked up and practically shat himself at the sight of the male next to you. 
“hello y/n! i hope you’ve been enjoying the festival, " chef mao spoke nervously, his eyes gliding to the male next to you, “y...you too sir childe.” he sputtered out. right, ajax was the one who tried to destroy liyue not too long ago after all. you shook your head, right now you were with ajax, not childe.
"woah woah woah. calm down chef, you know that’s history now. besides, i’m just here to enjoy the festival with y/n." ajax assured, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.
you gave the chef a slight smile and spoke,"don’t worry chef. i’m sure he doesn’t have plans other than being with me tonight." you teased. 
the chef sighed in poorly concealed relief and returned to his usual self as he took your order. ajax ordered the specialty for today, the crystal shrimp. after a small wait, the two of you waved chef mao goodbye after he gave you two your food. the warm dish let out puffs of steam and glistened under all the light of the lanterns due to it's crystal clear skin, there were 4 in total, the wrapping for each was folded into the shape of a flower. they were so pretty, you almost felt bad for eating them. 
sitting down on a nearby bench, the two of you enjoyed the crystal shrimp while making small talk. the crystal shrimps were delicious themselves but it felt better to enjoy them with someone you loved. 
after finishing the food, you and ajax had a great time. you guys played a few rounds of theatre mechanics, ruijin was pleased at how skilled the two of you were and rewarded both of you with hefty prizes. upon bumping into zhongli, the three of you decided to enjoy some tea with him. after bidding farewell to the funeral consultant, the two of you released some xiao lanterns and watched as they floated into the night sky. 
feeling a bit tired, the two of you then decided to relax and take a walk instead of participating in games. as you and your boyfriend were strolling around the harbour, something, or someone caught his gaze. you look over to where his eyes were trailing to.
a beautiful young lady dressed in a white dress with a cecilia tucked into her golden blonde hair and a puffy companion floating by her side waved at ajax. her smile brighter than the sun and her movement as graceful as the moon. her honey glazed eyes shone with familiarity and glee at the sight of him.
of course you recognized this girl. she was none other than the otherworldly traveler, lumine. she fought alongside the liyue qixing and even the adepti to defeat the great osial. the people of liyue spoke about her often, everyone knew how she had also earned the title of honorary knight in mondstadt and defeated one of the four winds despite her young age. 
you were once again brought back into reality when ajax spoke, "hey babe ill be right back okay? i wanna catch up with lumine real quick." 
you felt his hand leave yours, the warmth dissipated with it. you felt an uncomfortable feeling bubble up as you watched your boyfriend run to someone else, leaving you alone by yourself to stand in the sea of lanterns and people. 
it didn't feel right.
you stayed in place with a dejected look for a while waiting for ajax to return but he was taking a while so you decided to go check what was going on with him.
"-but then teucer decided to do it anyway!” you hear ajax’s boyish voice ring out with amusement.
as the blond and the redhead laughed together. you couldn't help but think about the two looked enchanting with each other.
you shook your head and decided to make your presence known. "ajax-" 
ajax perked up, "oh! babe sorry to keep you waiting let me introduce you. lumine this is my partner y/n!" ajax exclaimed with a cute grin.
you gave lumine a small wave and spoke with a polite smile, "it's a pleasure to meet you lumine." 
"it’s nice to meet you too y/n.” lumine replied cheerfully.
now that you’ve got a better look at the blonde, she's so much more beautiful than you could have ever imagined. 
her velvety blonde hair fell gracefully, her porcelain skin was practically glowing without a single visible blemish, her golden eyes shone with beauty that rivaled cor lapis. to wrap it up, her short stature was presented with grace and poise. all in all, everything about the blonde was nothing less than perfection.
everyone loved her and you could understand the reason behind it very well. gorgeous, kind, and righteous, the hero of every region everyone respected. you couldn’t help but wish you were like her instead of your boring self, without a vision, without any standing out achievements either…
you started to space out while the two started up a conversation again, thinking about the feelings you were currently having. why were you feeling like this?
"hey babe we should get going! it's getting late." the voice of your lover broke you out of your thinking.
you were overthinking a lot today huh. "oh. we probably should get going then." 
"bye ajax! bye y/n! it was really nice meeting you." lumine said with a pearly smile gracing her features. she then walked off to find her floating companion who was near a food stall inhaling dish after dish of food.
ajax..? he wasn’t childe or tartaglia to her, but ajax. you didn't know how to feel upon hearing the real name of your boyfriend slip out of the blonde. you knew how secretive ajax could be when it came to his family and personal life so the fact that lumine knew his real name put a feeling of unease within you.
the way home was pretty quiet, you didn't want ajax to notice that you were feeling off. you felt so guilty for having these feelings about him and lumine but you couldn’t help it. your last relationship had practically trampled on your ability to trust others, you could never tell if someone was lying to you or being truthful. you contemplated telling him how you felt but you decided against it, you’ve never been great at expressing your feelings after all. however, after a while of him blabbing about random topics, you couldn’t curb your curiosity any longer and realized you wanted to know more about your lover's relationship between him and lumine.
after a while of peaceful silence, you let out a small breath, "hey ajax?"
“yes y/n?" 
"who is lumine… to you?"
ajax perked up at the sound of the blonde's name, "lumine? she's a good friend and a formidable opponent of course. it's been a while since i’ve fought with someone who could keep up with me on the battlefield!" ajax spoke with enthusiasm.
you felt a twinge of pain shoot into your heart at the tone that your lover used when speaking about the blonde. did he speak like that when he was talking about you? 
"oh… i see. she must be a very powerful person then." you replied with feigned glee.
ajax noticed that you were in low spirits, "why? is something wrong?" he questioned with slight worry.
"no! i'm alright. i was just curious because you two seemed… close." you lied. you weren't ok, but you didn't know how to tell him. probably because you didn't even know why you felt such-
that was what you were feeling. not petty jealousy or sadness, you were envious. envious of lumine. her beauty, her strength, her personality, everything. the feeling consumed every inch of your body and dyed you green. your insecurities swallowed you up and spit you out, rendering you vulnerable against the little demons that poked at your thoughts.
when the two of you got home and freshened up, ajax practically passed out the second he lied in bed with you. on the other hand, you stayed wide awake, stuck thinking about the way lumine and ajax interacted. the smiles, the laughter, the fond looks they gave each other plagued your mind, rendering you unable to sleep. after a while of staring blankly at the ceiling, you groaned and carefully lifted the sheets to not wake your lover and got out of bed to make yourself a cup of tea. you used the tea leaves you bought from pops kai, the calming properties of the tea always helped you when you felt down. 
"they're just friends, don't overthink it, just friends, just friends." you whispered to yourself, trying to give yourself a sense of reassurance. after finishing the tea you got back into bed,  it was hard but you eventually fell asleep next to your lover.
next morning, you were woken by the sound of your boyfriend walking around in the living room doing something. it was only around 7am so you were wondering why up so early as he usually woke up at 8. you groggily walked out of the bedroom.
ajax noticed you and smiled fondly at the cute sight of you rubbing your eyes. "good morning babe, did i wake you up? sorry about that, i was just getting ready to go train."
"oh. by yourself?" somehow, you had a feeling of where this conversation was headed.
"no, with lumine, we made a deal yesterday to go to yaoguang shore today to fight some ruin guards and hunters for materials!" he chuckled.
lumine. lumine
the name echoed in your mind like a mantra. you were aware of his weekly spars with the blonde but today would be the second day he went out with her this week. a part of your heart told you to stop him, another part told you to let him go. in this internal battle, you chose the latter and let him go. after all, who were you to stop him? it's not like you could be the one to satisfy his thirst for battle, only someone like lumine could.
you were having a day off due to the lantern rite festival, but to be honest it's not like you needed the money. with the amount of money ajax had he could probably support you and your next 4 generations. with your spare day, you decided to clean up the house because it was a bit messy due to teucer playing around the day before. 
while cleaning up you found a spare xiao lantern that teucer was supposed to release when he came over. since you had spare time you decided to set another lantern yourself, it would be a waste to not use it after all. as people say, during the lantern rites, put your wish into a lantern and set it into the sky for it to become true. 
"i wish to stay with ajax, till death does us apart." 
you only hoped he felt the same way about you.
you put the note in the xiao lantern and set it off into the sky, you watched with sentiment as it floated away towards the clear blue sky.
you had a hard time focusing on the task you were doing for the rest of your day so you decided to take your mind off things and go take a look around liyue harbour to see if there was anything worth checking out, or buying. 
liyue harbour contained the usual, the fragrance of grilled tiger fish wafting from the stand next to where you would usually buy your groceries, the kids messing around near the boats, and you even met xiangling who tried to offer you her new recipe of jade parcels but you kindly refused. 
after that you went to give the adorable little pharmacist, qiqi, a visit. she was under the  cashier stand like usual, you gave her a little pat on the head and asked for the usual medicine you buy for ajax. 
you then bumped into zhongli, who was also strolling around. the two of you chattered about the festival and other shenanigans before bidding each other farewell. the amount of history about liyue and its traditions the man was familiar with would never fail to surprise you.
there wasn’t really anything left for you to do in the harbour so you started to head back home. not far away from the liuli pavilion you saw a familiar redhead talking to the owner of mingxing jewelry with a shorter figure standing beside him. 
upon closer inspection, you noticed it was ajax with someone else at a jewelry shop looking at the items. it was none other than lumine standing next to him. you watched as lumine picked out a piece of jewelry from the stand that would look so well on her. the gem glowed it’s colour under her smile and looked more fitting than ever. weren’t they supposed to be at yaoguang shore?
without second thought ajax bought the jewelry in lumines hand and put it in a gift bag with a look of tenderness. your heart dropped to the pits of your stomach, you felt as if the world was crashing down on you. your breathing quickened and your heart palpitated at alarming rates. every little insecurity that was planted in you had finally finished blooming. was this really going to happen to you a second time? was once not enough for the entertainment of the gods?
that was when he saw you, standing only a little bit away from him holding the items you purchased for him and the fresh groceries you were going to use to cook dinner for him.
ajax’s eyes widened in surprise upon seeing you, “y/n!? why are you he-” he was tense, you noticed, just like your ex-lover when they were caught.
you tried to regulate your breathing and spoke, “stop.” you managed to say, cutting off ajax before he could finish his sentence. he flinched at your dull tone.
“y/n! i know what you’re thinking but i promise we were just-” ajax hurriedly tries to explain.
“don’t. i think i've seen enough childe.” he frowned at the use of his moniker. 
your lips trembled, water collecting at the bottom of your eyes. ‘don’t cry. don’t cry, don’t cry.’ you repeated in your head, you didn’t want to appear weak in front of the two. your ajax who you loved so much, who you cared for so much, who you were planning to spend the rest of your life with, is now buying jewelry for someone else after lying to you.
“i was foolish this entire time, of course. instead of someone like me, a visionless nobody you would choose her over me. you’re just like-” your voice cracked as you forced the words out of your tightened throat. 
“y/n it’s not like that! please just let me explain!” ajax pleaded urgently. he hated that you were talking bad about yourself.
after gaining a smidge of composure you decided you couldn’t be near the two, “no need childe, i understand. now if you’ll excuse me, i'll be on my way.” you muttered and brushed past the two. 
“wait y/n!-” he reached out to grab your arm before the blonde next to him stopped him.
lumine sighed and spoke up after staying silent, “let them go for now. leave them alone for a bit, they need some time to think. it’s understandable why someone would be upset if they saw their lover with someone else like this.” she comforted before patting him on the back.
“yeah. i guess you’re right...” ajax murmured with a crestfallen look. he regretted not communicating with you, otherwise this wouldn’t have happened. he should’ve cleared up any suspicions you had and reassured you. he knew about how you weren’t confident due to your last relationship. gods, he felt like he was worse than your dirtbag of an ex.
you walked towards your home slowly trying to process what just happened. your tears already ran dry and you didn’t think more were able to escape from your eyes. the fading sunset seemed so blurry yet peaceful. somehow, instead of walking home, you ended up near yaoguang shore which happened to be the spot you and ajax would go to often. his name brought bitter feelings back as you remember the events that just happened but you took a deep breath and sat on the sand across from the shore. you listened to the sound of the ocean, the waves dousing the sand it touched. you took notice of the starconches laying on the sand. 
feelings of melancholy welled up inside you. these are ajax’s favourites. the blue shells reminded you of his eyes. his lovely eyes were the blue of the waves of the sea, they crashed into you and pulled you into them. you could spend all day swimming in the infinite hues until you drowned.
you buried your head onto your knees and let out a pained cry you’ve been holding in. here, where no one can find you, where no one can hear you. only the ocean will hear your troubles and worries, you hoped it could wash them away and you could forget about them forever. you sat there in peace by yourself for what felt like hours.
you sighed and decided that you should get going, but to where? you didn’t want to see ajax if he’s even going to be there at all. maybe you could crash at zhongli’s place…
 just as you were about to leave you heard a familiar voice behind your back. “y/n!” it was the man you loved, ajax, sprinting to you with the same gift bag he was holding in his hands at mingxing jewelry. 
you turned around to look at him. your hair was flowing in the wind with the sunset behind your back. to ajax it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen in his life. 
“i knew you’d be here.” ajax spoke with relief.
you looked away from him not knowing how to feel right now about your “lover” and stayed silent.
“y/n. i swear it wasn’t what it looked like, i would never do that to you. lumine and i really don’t have anything going on in between us, i chose you as my partner and i plan on keeping it that way for the rest of my life. in fact,” ajax murmured while opening up the gift bag he was holding. it was a bracelet with a fine piece of noctilucous jade in the middle with cor lapis fragments decorating the border of the blue gem. the jewelry wafted with fragrances, the morning dew smell from a qingxin, the classical smell of the harbour from a silk flower and lastly the everlasting aroma of violet grass.  
“do you like it? lumine and i picked it out for you at mingxing jewelry for our upcoming anniversary. i just wanted her opinion on what to choose for you. this was one of the most beautiful pieces that they had. i heard it took a super long time to make, oh! the jade in the middle will also make the bracelet glow in the dark! pretty cool huh?” ajax smiled as he lifted your wrist to put it on you.
at a loss of words, you lifted your head up at the male and gave him a soft smile, “thank you ajax… i love it, it’s perfect in every way possible.”
“just like you.” the redhead spoke fondly with a grin on his face while softly stroking your hair.
“oh shut up you flirt.” you tried to hide your smile as you both giggled on the beach with the sunset dripping behind you two. 
after a while of being engulfed in ajax’s arms you spoke, “ajax, i want to apologize for jumping to conclusions about you and lumine. i..you know about how i find it hard to trust people sometimes but it was unfair for me to do that to you, i know you would never cheat on me.” you spoke, hugging him tighter as if he would leave if you get go. 
“y/n. don’t you dare think for a second that i’ll leave you for someone else ok? you’re the only one in this world that i want and it’s staying that way. i don’t care if you’re visionless, or if you don’t have any achievements whatsoever. i still love you so so much.” ajax exclaimed as he buried his head into the crook of your neck.
you felt a certain warmth as your face flushed. how did you end up with someone as perfect as ajax. you lifted his face with your hands and pressed your lips against his. he deepens the kiss and your heart melts.
“thank you ajax. i’ll always be by your side too, no matter what happens. my love for you has no ends.” you speak with pure affection as you nuzzled your face into ajax’s soft yet firm chest. 
ajax feels his face heat up and he quickly speaks, “c’mon now, let’s go home, i can’t wait to taste your cooking after running around all day today.”
the two of you walked together on the beach, hand in hand, leaving footprints and doubts in the sand.
special msg from my dear editor: hey lol - @kamihara​ , my works wouldn’t be nearly as good if it weren’t for them so go give them a follow please :)!
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bakugohoex · 3 years
“really, again?”
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pairings: atsumu miya x female reader, hajime iwaizumi x female reader and tetsuro kuroo x female reader
cw: aged up, language, nsfw (breeding kink, nipple play, hair pulling, fucking (obvs), slight expeditionist)
word count: 1900+
a/n: i promise, my requests will start being done soon, i know i always promise this, but i had this idea cause i found it funny sorry
summary: in which you find yourself being fucked senseless by your favourite boy, an interruption occurs to you never gaining the release you need
↞ back to haikyu!! masterlist
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atsumu miya
“Such a good little cumslut for me.” He groaned into your ear; your day had blurred into this one single moment. How you had come to see Atsumu whilst he was at practice bringing cupcakes you had made at work and here you were in the MSBY changing rooms being fucked onto the lockers.
“Atsumu.” You moaned as his thrusts became quicker and harder. Almost being able to see him indent his lengthy cock in your stomach. “I need to cum.” You moaned into his ear, your legs had been wrapped around his waist, your shirt unbuttoned, and his shirt being chucked to the side.
Maybe a quickie wasn't a good idea, especially with the threat of his team mates coming in at any second. “Come on slut, let me cum with you.” His thrusts continued, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt him grip your ass. You knew you’d be able to see the indent of his nail afterwards, which would make him horny and fuck you again.
“Such a dirty little thing, coming here wearing that for my teammates to see.” He muttered in your ear, leaving breathless kisses along your neck. It felt intoxicating with his hand massaging your nipples that he loved so much, in this short time, Atsumu had already sucked on them and left bites all around your breasts. You could feel your cum coil up inside of you ready to cream all over his cock, but the sound of chatters had gotten louder, and the sight of the door opening had made the situation a lot worse.
“Yeah, i saw Y/n and Atsumu come out of the gy…” Bokuto trailed off seeing how your whole body was practically on show and Atsumu’s cock had been stuffed inside of you. 
Sakusa looked between the two of you shrugging and spoke, “really again?” He had caught you multiple times fucking and had gotten used to it going to his locker and grabbing some wipes and spray to clean the surface. He had kept some not only for his own hygiene but for moments like this. 
“I’m so sorry.” You whisper trying to cover yourself with Atsumu who had stopped thrusting and had a grin on his face. 
Hinata and Bokuto both looked between the two of you, Atsumu’s cock just being out without a care in the world, “if you guys wanted to watch we’d have let you.”
“Atsumu.” You scowl as you try to find your clothes, seeing the discarded bra and shirt, you wear it trying to find the skirt that had been thrown away. 
“Here.” Sakusa wearing gloves had picked up the skirt and passed it to you. You could feel the heat rush to your face, this was embarrassing, it had been fine when Sakusa had seen it because he genuinely didn't care but Bokuto and Hinata were another story. They were like brothers to you and now they had seen you stretched out by Atsumu’s cock how would they ever forget that.
Bokuto was the first to pipe up at Atsumu, “I always thought you were lying about doing it in here.”
“That’s what i was going to say.” Hinata happily remarked, they really did share one brain cell. “I totally thought he was lying; she’d never do it here.”
“That must mean he was lying about doing it in the airport then.” Your eyes widened having remembered having done it in the airport. 
“Atsumu what the fuck?” You scowl at the boy who had composed himself putting his clothes back on. 
He gives a smirk before speak, “I may have told them that we fuck...a lot.”
“Stupid brat, we’re not fucking anymore if you think we do it too much.” You grab your bag having left the cupcakes about to walk away.
Atsumu spoke lowly a fuck even though he knew that in a couple hours you’d be in bed in those pretty laced lingerie he had bought. Waiting for him to fuck your pretty little cunt into you cum moaning his name. 
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hajime iwaizumi
Your legs were pushed against your frame, his cock thrusting back and forth as you could feel how your slick dribbled from your cunt. Iwaizumi had just come back from training the national team and he was stressed. Being the amazing girlfriend you are, you’d sit waiting for him in nothing, but a skimpy green lingerie set, at the sight of you he had grabbed your wrists taking you to your bed.
Here you were, in a mating press as you could feel his cock go even deeper inside of you. “Hajime, c...cum please.” A soft moan came from your lips as you felt his body press against your own, every deep thrust making your mind go wild. 
“Come on baby, let me go deeper.” He whispered his mouth on your nipples, sucking and biting at them. His tongue swirled around the tit making a heavy moan come from your mouth. 
It was supposed to be simple, a quickie before he would go shower and then join you on the sofa to cuddle. But the more his cock felt your velvety walls the more he needed more, one more thrust kept going through his head, one more and then he’d let you cum, but it kept occurring. Every thrust increased in pace, before the sound of something was heard behind him.
“Surpr…” The sound of a glass dropping startled both of you, “Iwa-chan.” Oikawa shouted, turning around to not see him take his cock out of you.
“What are you doing here, Shittykawa?” You knew Oikawa was coming back from Argentina for a short visit, you both had even offered your place for him. 
“I caught an early flight.” He muttered and still turned around. You quickly got up wearing a hoodie and trying to find your underwear. Iwaizumi passed it, giving a small scowl at how Oikawa had ruined the moment. “Really, again.”
You were confused at the comment before he continued, “Hinata told me about how you two can’t keep your eyes off of each other, it’s eye fucking in his eyes.” 
“Maybe if you had called before you wouldn't have seen it.” Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, putting his clothes back on.
You laugh at the two of them, “don't be mean Hajime, where’s your stuff Oikawa, I'll show you to your room.”
“Always the nice one Y/n-chan.” You laugh as you step over the broken glass, “fix that for us Iwa-chan.”
Oikawa pointed to the glass, you laughed before dragging him away before Hajime threw the boy out of the apartment. “How did you even get inside?”
“The door was unlocked; you should really lock it when you’re fucking.” You shook your head; Iwaizumi had been in such a hurry to take you into the room that he had forgotten to lock it.
You shrugged at least knowing that you had a very big impact on the boy to forget something as trivial as that, “how was your flight?”
“You're going to ask me that when I just saw your boyfriend balls deep inside of you.” He mocked as you pushed his side.
“I’m being nice.” He pouts but it seemed like he was enjoying teasing you. 
“Shut up Oikawa.” You mutter as he drags his bags along.
He laughs before seeing Iwaizumi come beside you having cleaned the glass. He watches how you touch his fingers making sure the boy wasn't hurt and if any glass had scratched him. “You both really are in love.” He almost says it in disgust but with a tone of admiration, it was a love he admired about the two of you, having dated for years now you both were destined to be together. And he knew everybody could see it. 
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tetsuro kuroo
The sound of the moans came from inside his office, the way the papers he had been stapling were now discarded on the floor and on his desk were your breasts pushed against the wooden top. His cock deep inside as his hand had wrapped your hair to make a makeshift ponytail for him to pull.
“You didn't expect me to not fuck you.” He toyed, you had only come to ask if he wanted to get lunch, but Kuroo had other ideas, having pushed everything off his desk for you to be pushed against. 
His cock thrusted back and forth, a quickened pace to get you both to cum, “Tets…” You could barely breathe as each jolt brought about a moan and muffles from your mouth.
“Look at you, a mess just for me.” He pulled at your hair, making you look up at the empty chairs in front of his desk. His jacket lay on the floor as you knew his trousers and belt were to the floor. He had seen you in the tight dress that made your breasts spill out and had to ravage you at that moment. “You gonna say something then, whore.”
“Sir, please...let me cum.” You could feel yourself build up the liquid ready to gush right onto his blushed cock. 
“You’ve been a bad little slut, coming in here wearing that.” His thrusts had gotten deeper with every word. You moaned his name loudly, wanting to feel him breed your body till you were filled up with him.
“Hey Kuro…” Kuroo’s eyes had widened, in an instant he let go of your hair, your body pressed against his desk hiding your sore breasts. You saw Kenma having walked in with his game in his hand, he was able to see the curve of your ass and Kuroo’s cock right between your legs. “Really, again?”
Kenma had seen you both sneak off multiple times to fuck in the years he’d known you. He turned around going back to his game without a word. “Kuroo get out of me.”
“What? I can’t finish in you.” He smirked his hand grasping your ass.
“Mood’s ruined.” He took his cock out, feeling your slick drip out from your cunt and off his cock. Finding your clothes, you quickly wore it as Kuroo sorted himself out, “I’ll see you at home.” You went to kiss his cheek, but he moved for you to kiss his lips. His soft plump lips that you had missed so very much, but in again Kenma interrupted the moment.
“Get a room you two.” Kenma had returned his eyes still fixated on the game, he moved further inside as you rolled your eyes going up to the boy. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll see you at home, bye Kenma.” You touched his shoulder as the boy smiled at you before he turned back to his game. He was always a sweet kid, having watched the two of you form a relationship, he was always glad you were the one to have taken Kuroo’s heart. Even if he hated seeing you both want to fuck each other 24/7, it was love, obsessive love, but love.
Kuroo watched you leave, if only you had arrived a couple minus earlier, he would’ve been able to cum right inside of your pretty little cunt. “What are you doing here?” Kuroo spoke, collecting the papers that had flooded the floor.
“You said to meet you here for lunch.” Kuroo had forgotten the invitation to go to lunch with his best friend, you had preoccupied him, and he had become unaware of what was even occurring. “Lunch?” Kenma questioned not caring about the previous events anymore.
“Yeah, yeah come on.” He muttered grabbing his jacket and leading the boy away from the sex swept room. 
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daegall · 3 years
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↳ where donghyuck develops habits after he meets you
pairing: lee donghyuck x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: frozen ice cream >:(
word count: 2.6k words
a/n: Hi! Okay i know he ending is literal shit, but please bare with me 😭 i will do better i swear! I have lots planned and if yall are patient, then it will come in no time (thats a lie :(( ) OKAY IM SORRY BYE
networks: @neoturtles
description: There are certain amounts of things you have done that affected Donghyuck, you changed his attitude, the way he sees things, he even likes Pizza because of you. But one of the things that stood out that you have done to him is make him adapt habits. Of course, you didn't force him to, it just appeared one day and Donghyuck didn't seem to mind them. So here are some things you he has grew onto him because of you.
Buying an extra cup of coffee
This particular habit grew on him before you two started dating, one morning when you sat sluggishly next to him in history class he couldn't help bur notice how dead and tired you looked.
The moment you trudge into the room, Donghyuck couldn’t help but wince at your tired face. Your eyes heavy and steps slowed as if there was a whole boulder in your bag. “Dude, you look like you have Mark’s schedule.”
God knows how you would deal with that packed of a schedule, you’d die. Mark Lee is really something else.
You begrudgingly flopped next to Donghyuck, sighing out a breath of exhaustion, "Goddam Mr. Kim had to give us a 5000 word essay on climate change," you groan, slapping your face lightly to try and wake up, "Who the fuck had the idea to invent plastic?"
Donghyuck only chuckles, grabbing his coffee cup from his bag, beginning to tale a swig. He stops halfway when he notices you banging your head continuously with the thick history book, sticking out his hand with the coffee in between your forehead and the hard book, just before you slam your head on it again. "Take a sip," he urges, lightly tapping it on your cheek.
You don't remember, but you think you grinned, because Donghyuck is laughing at your eagerness. "I'm taking a huge gulp!" You half tease, knowing you were actually gonna take about 3 of them. Donghyuck hisses, flicking the side of your hand momentarily, before sighing, "Just take the whole thing."
You did so gratefully, even if Donghyuck thought you were gonna give it back. After that, he would pay attention to your responses to his texts, seeing wether you're in a good mood or not.
If you reply with an 'okay bob, pick me up in 20' then there's no need to buy an extra cup, if you reply with quite a dry text he's bringing one just in case and giving it to Mark if you don't need it. However if you're responding with swear words and angry emojis it's time to rush and get that coffee you need.
It became like this for a while, that is, until exams started. He noticed how moody and tired you got, constantly buying coffee without even having to see or ask. But now that you're a lot busier he's picking you up and giving you coffee and a grilled cheese, having a donut for himself.
Ever since then you two would just spend breakfast in the car, talking while eating and maybe even getting up earlier to just chill in the school parking lot to eat before class started, but only if you two are feeling extra energized.
This is a habit he realizes he has, and he actually likes because it reminds him of how he asked you to become his girlfriend in his car one time when you went to the school parking lot at 5 in the morning. That's a hour and a half earlier than you usually go to, and you two watched as the sun raised in the trunk of his car.
At that time, you decided to get grocery store ice cream tubs instead, you had a sudden crave that Donghyuck agreed to. You got a bit of ice cream at the corner of your lip, and Donghyuck decided that was the perfect opportunity to pull a clique little ' "you got a little bit there" and then proceeds to kiss you.' Yeah you failed your Math test that day because you were so distracted.
Your coffee felt warm in your hands, but the cold early morning wind nipped at your skin at the same time, urging you to take a sip from the paper cup once again. The only thing warm besides the hot coffee in your hand was Donghyuck, who sat close next to you to produce some warmth. Which was dumb because you had ice cream waiting to be devoured handing in a plastic bag in front of the semi-broken air conditioning to stay cool.
Donghyuck glanced behund him to see how the ice cream was doing, sighing when he sees no changes in the ice cream, the AC must’ve broken already. “Hey, ice cream’s melting, better eat it now before you have to drink it from a plastic bag.” He nudges at your thigh.
You nod, hopping off the trunk to go get the ice cream. Quickly stealing ut from the driver’s seat, you hurry back to Donghyuck for warmth, handing him his own ice cream. “Thanks,” he takes the cold treat from your hand, opening the cap open and sticking his spoon into the tub. He had a napoleon flavored tub of ice cream, while you got Rocky Road.
Though the AC of Donghyuck’s car was broken and some of the ice cream melted, the closer you get to the middle the more you realize it’s still frozen. “Damn dude, that’s a whole glacier.” Donghyck commented, eating a spoon of his own ice cream. You suddenly stop trying to destroy the frozen block of ice, “Yo have you heard how David Attenborough says glacier?”
“Dude we’re gonna watch ‘our planet’ later on today, I can’t believe you haven’t heard him say glacier!” You say as you stab your spoon into your ice cream, successfully breaking the bug block of ice. You scoop a big spoonful and shove it messily in your mouth, slurping when some dripped down your lips.
Donghyuck pursed his lips at the sight of the sticky treat stucking to the corner of your lips, putting his tub down, “You got a little bit there,” he points to yor mouth. Eyes widening, you blinly search for the ice cream around your mouth. Donghyuck stops you from wiping your mouth with your sleeve, taking it to his lap.
You’re about to protest, when Donghyuck catches your words in his lips. It takes you a few moments, but you kiss back, tasted the slight strawberry ice cream that stuck to his lips and tongue, and you’ve never loved how it tasted as much as this. He quickly pulled away, licking he remains of your ice cream off his lips.
“The fuck was that?”
“I really like you.”
Waiting for you to dry his hair
This habit came about one night when he came put the shower in shorts and a big t-shirt, his towel plopped lazily on his hair. He came back home from working out with Renjun, and he subconsciously layed down on the couch right next to you.
He shoved his wet hair with the towel on your lap, and you being you, you stared to dry it for him. At that time Donghyuck felt great, it was like you were some kind of human form of a hairdryer.
Donghyuck plopped doen next to you in the couch, water dripping onto the couch. You purse your lips, looking up to Donghyuck’s wet hair, “You gonna dry it?” Your boyfriend nods, patting the green towel on top of his head. You laugh when observing the towel, it’s the one you giften to him for his 18th birthday. There was a small frog peeking out at the corner and Donghyuck adored it.
The boy sighs, suddenly resting his head on your thighs. You assume he wants you to do it, so you gently start tot rub the top of his head with the material. Donghyuck peeks one eye open in surprise, humming im delight when you start to run your fingers through his damp hair. You grin at his reaction, bringing the towel uo to dry the ends of his hair.
You carefully dance your palms against his cheeks, making sure you don’t press too hard. Donghyuck turns his head to the side, placing a peck onto the pad of your thumb, as a gesture of thanks, you guess, and you kiss his cheek in return.
It’s evenings like this he longs, just calming moments with each other before all the stress comes and drowns you two. Just the most simple gestures warms his heart and awakens the knowledge that everything is going to be alright.
You continue your work peacefully, soon massaging his scalp and fluffing his hair up. Donghyuck let’s out a breath of relief, burying his head to your stomach. The material of the sweater you use is somehow so comforting, almost lulling him to sleep.
You run your hands through his head one more time, before grabbing the frog towel and ruffle his hair softly, “There we go, all nice and fluffy.” You mumble, fiddling with the short hairs on the nape of his neck. Donghyuck looks back up at you, a little smile soon appearing on his lips. He reaches up, pecking you shortly, before completely falling asleep on your lap.
Since then Donghyuck has always waited for you to come find him with damp hair and the frog towel, innocently asking you to dry it. Unbeknownst to him, you absolutely adore drying and taking care of his hair, it showed that he trusted you enough to let you do whatever you wanted. And plus, his hair was just really soft and you love playing with it.
There was this one time you came back home after a long day of hanging out with your friends and as soon as you opened the door Donghyuck attacted you with hugs and shoving his wet hair into your neck, inviting you to come in and dry it for him. As much as it was a habit, he likes to say it’s a silent agreement, which you agreed to as well.
Going out with comfortable clothes
When it comes to Donghyuck, he used to want to go out looking extravagant and show stopping, with style that wpuld have everyone staring at him, but after hanging out with you countless of times, he soon chose to wear sweaters and sandals when going out with you.
The first time he went out in comfortable clothes he felt more confident, which he thought was really strange because if you look better you should feel better as well, right?
“Hyuck have you seen my-“ You walk into Donghyuck’s room, surprised to see him wearing skinny jeans and a leather jacket, your cheeks slowly heating up. “Seen what, babe?” He asked, adjusting the collar of his jacket. He turns in confusion when you don’t reply, eyes widening when he notices you’re only in leggings and one of his hoodies.
“What?” Donghyuck asks, tilting his head at your flustered form. You snap out of your daze, meeting Donghyuck’s eyes, “H-huh? Oh- no- uh you just seem really dressed, I mean we’re going grocery shopping, right?” Hyuck nods, shrugging, “Yeah, that’s why I’m all dressed up... do I not look good?”
You shake your head, and point a finger at him, “No, you look really good. It’s just- what’s better than feeling confident comfortably? And besides, you’re already hot! What’s more boyfriend material than the classic hoodie and sweats?” You reassure, patting Donghyuck’s cheeks.
The young adult smirks, reaching out to catch the swinging hoodie drawstrings on his hoodie you wore, “Should we match then? Wearing my hoodies?” You look down and recognize the piece of clothing as in fact, Donghyuck’s, sheepishly looking up and mumbling a small apology.
That afternoon Donghyuck didn’t think abour how he looked, he didn’t care what people thought, he was confident comfortably next to you, he felt like he was the luckiest person in the world just because he had you to reassure him and hype him up.
After that, whenever he goes out, whether it’s with you or with his friends, he goes out in comfort and not quality, why would he want to attract attention when he has endless amounts right at home where you were?
In the beginning that was the reason, but after some time being comfortable brought out his true personalities and he became so much happier. He was often self conscious and insecure, but his friends and family, including you, were always there to stop him from doubting himself. And now he feels carefree and unbothered to the worlds opinions, which made all his loved ones proud.
Good morning and good night kisses
This habit developed after you craved a good morning kiss one day, which made Donghyuck completely melt and give you multiple morning, afternoon, evening, and night kisses. It was just one whole day with Hyuck’s lips either in yours or your skin. Very blissful and has to be your favorite part of the day.
When you wake up, the first thing you see is Hyuck’s bare and beautiful sunkissed face, and you couldn’t be happier to wake up to this. He seems to be scrolling through twitter, one arm thrown under your head. Your arms looping around his waist informed him that you were awake, and he smiled at you dearly.
You lift it, so then he can retract his arm comfortably, but instead Donghyuck bends his elbow and drags you closer. You smile and stay right there, savoring the moment as it is rare, Donghyuck usually has to go to work really early in the morning.
Nothing could be more perfect for you, his smiling face, the peaceful morning, warm atmosphere, it just couldn’t get any better than this. But there was one thing you really wanted to try with Donghyuck.
You pucker your lips out dramatically to him, which grazes his cheek and jaw, “Good morning kiss,” you mumble through pulled lips. Your boyfriend laughs at the sight, throwing his head back into the headboard. You stop puckering yor lips, eyebrows furrowed in frustration, “What?”
“You’re absolutely adoreable!” Donghyuck cooed, squishing your face with his hands. You grimace once he doesn’t give you a kiss, turning around turning away from him pettily. Your boyfriend laughs at your disappointment, climbing over your body and flopping to the other side, “Hello,” he mumbles right into your face.
You grumble back a greeting, closing your eyes and pushing your face into the pillow in hopes to make Hyuck feel guilty. It obviously doesn’t work, because a smile is itching to pull your lips up when he glides his finger’s up your shirt to tickle your sides. You stifle in a scream of giddiness, and grab Donghyuck’s hands, and then fail as his fingers graze your stomach.
“HYUCK! OKAY PLEASE HYUCK STOPPPP!” You are now pushing Donghyuck’s shoulders away from your body, but keep going down to your body to shield it, you don’t know what to do, push or defend. In the end you only laugh and giggle, screaming Donghyuck’s name.
He eases down the tickling when he sees tears streaming down your pulled cheeks, his own smile shining. You stop laughing, your cheekbones sore frim all the smiling, and yet you still muster a small smile to Donghyuck. He aoftens and melts when you start to play and run your fingers through his hair, leaning into your touch.
“So are you gonna give me that kiss or not?” You ask quietly. Hyuck smiles and lowers his head to lean his forehead oto yours, “Only if I get to give you afternoon, evening, and night kisses as well.” And with a lift of your head your morning wish is granted, and a bad sleep schedule for Hyuck is born.
That kiss changed his routine completely, wasting arohnd a total of an hour just for kissing you. Which actually resulted into a really bad sleep schedule that even you comolain about, but despite loosing sleep, it’s worth stealing a lot more kisses from you, and he’s a lot happier.
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hazbbyhaz · 3 years
sleepless || harry styles
twenty six
pairing: harry styles x OC
synopsis: an emotional night
disclaimer: nightmares, child abuse, blood, descriptions of child abuse, kissing
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The mind returns in dream
-Amy Bonner
"Did you know that Queen Victoria had a 14 year old stalker who broke into Buckingham Palace at least four times?"
"I didn't know that." Harry mumbles, turning himself on his side to look at Avery. She is lying on her back, eyes trained on the ceiling, saying anything that comes across her mind.
"Apparently he even stole her underwear once!"
"Avery, we’re supposed to sleep." There was a small bat of silence after Harry’s statement. In truth, Avery had been doing everything she could to avoid sleeping, despite agreeing to rest.
"Oh right" She murmurs, closing her eyes before opening them again. "I’m sorry. What time is it? Is it morning yet?"
"It must be around 1am."
"That's not close to morning at all," Her lips start to quiver at the realization. He watches as she takes two deep breaths, shuts her eyes, and turns to face him; the quivering coming to a stop.
"can't we drink a cup of tea? I always sleep better with tea."
Harry can hear the desperation in her voice. He can see her clinging to any possible scenario that will keep her awake. Every possibility that will prolong the inevitable. She needs sleep. At this point, more than anything.
“You’ve had more than enough tea for the night. We can make more in the morning. But first, we have to sleep." Right outside the window streetlights cast ambient light upon Avery's bedroom. The golden rays dance across her face so elegantly; so gently.
Her eyes are trained on something Harry can’t see, but he is acutely aware of her. He can see the three freckles that have made themselves home on her nose, the heart shape of her lips, the cerulean blue hue of her eyes. He’s never seen anything more beautiful in his entire life.
If only he could take a photograph. Try to capture this moment in its entirety, in all of its beauty. Show them how amazing these small, intimate moments are. Or maybe he didn't want that. Maybe he just wanted to keep her close. Keep this for him, and only him.
"What about my Valerian pills? They help me fall asleep."
"Love, don’t they make it worse?"
"Sometimes, but at least I'll be asleep." Her eyes finally trail up to his own. While his are calm and reassuring, hers are filled with fear. Fear that runs deeper than he could ever imagine.
"What do you dream about, Ave?" His fingers caress her cheek, he can feel her breath hitch as he gently brushes her hair behind her ear.
"I’ve never told anyone," She mutters, her eyes never leaving his own. Not for a second. "not anyone I cared about."
"Then let me be the first" With his hands on her cheeks, his eyes fall to her rosy lips. The familiar urge to kiss her resurfaces, flowing from his head to his toes. But he can’t, he knows he can’t. What they have is too delicate to risk.
From the moment that he had met her, he knew that she was alone. He has never seen her with anyone else, never seen her receive a text message or a phone call. To his knowledge, she doesn’t step foot out of her flat unless something important warrants her to do so.
Deep down, he knows that he is all that she’s got. The only person who is there for her in any true sense. The last thing he wants to do is ruin what they’ve created by giving in to his own urges.
Regardless of Harry's string of thoughts, their eyes meet. Sky blue on forest green. As Avery's eyes trail down to his lips, he slowly leans forward, pressing his lips to her own. The kiss is delicate and soft. With his calloused hands gently cupping her cheeks, Avery feels like that of porcelain. Like a fragile piece of glass someone is terrified to drop.
His hands drop from her face to her hip, pulling her impossibly closer. She grabs at his shirt, heavy breaths escaping as their lips briefly part. They are so close to one another, entangled with each other in every way they could, but it isn’t close enough.
His lips taste like earl grey tea and peppermint gum, a blend Avery didn’t know could be so addictive. Her lips taste of bitter coffee, but he doesn’t mind. They’re hers, that’s all that matters.
A few moments later Harry pulls back. He rests his forehead atop her own, leaving a gentle kiss to her nose as they both regain their breaths. Harry's thoughts diminish as he focuses on what’s happening now. The present. It’s only now that he can really see just how Avery is reacting. Her hands are latched tightly to his shirt, desperately trying to pull him closer. Harry's gentle call of her name does nothing to aid in her growing frustration.
He lets her pull him in once again, their lips reconnecting in a more heated kiss. She bites down on his lower lip, letting him know that he can continue. Harry slowly turns them over, leaning up with his elbows on either side of Avery's head, Avery laying on her back. And they kiss. Averys lips continue locking with his own because this feeling is so different from how numb she has felt. How she has been feeling for far too long.
For the first time that Avery can remember, she feels alive. Feeling Harry's lips on hers, feeling the warmth of his skin underneath her touch, it feels like home. Like comfort and safety, like last minute trips to the beach and drinking tea at house parties. It feels like everything finally coming together.
If only she could stay here for the rest of her life - stay right here, in this moment. Forever. Then everything would be alright. No worries, no mean girls, no nightmares, no sleepless nights. None of it. She would be okay. She could handle every thought spiral, every mean word, every single doubt, if she knew that she could come home to this. Know that she could feel Harry's lips on hers at the end of the day.
The small sounds Avery is emitting make Harry slow his movements down "Ave..." he mumbles in between kisses. “Hey hey hey, it’s okay… slow down, love. It’s okay.”
She can’t look into his eyes, he sees the tears welling up in them. Her whimpers only grow louder once she knows that he is aware of them, worrying him even more. In an effort to calm her, Harry starts trailing kisses down her face.
“I’m not going to hurt you… I am never going to hurt you… I don't ever want to do that.” She hasn’t said a word to him in an alarming amount of time, not letting him know what is going on in her head. His kisses trail down her jaw before pressing softly into her neck, right above her pulse point. “Talk to me, love. Please say something…”
“You will leave…” She says it so quietly that he almost misses it. But when those three words hit his ears his own eyes begin to water. He immediately stops his actions, softly cupping her cheeks in his hands. Her lips quivers once again before she whispers “I don’t want you to leave, Harry.”
"I won’t, Avery. I’m not going to leave." He reassures her, pushing another strand of hair out of her face as a few tears roll down her cheeks. "Look at me, please... I know you’re scared, I know. This is something new for the both of us, and new things are always scary."
"God I'm pathetic," Harry wipes the tears away from her cheeks, looking down at the girl below him with empathetic eyes. "I'm sorry"
“It’s okay. You’re not pathetic. If anyone here is pathetic, it’s me because I am just so smitten by you!”
Avery giggles as Harry presses one final kiss to her lips, both of them smiling into it like lovesick idiots. His arms wrap around her before turning them over, settling into a comfortable silence.
“Are you going to be able to sleep?” Avery nods her head, looking up at Harry.
"Do you promise you’ll wake me?" Her head is lying on his chest, right above his heart, and his arm is tightly wrapped around her petite frame.
"I'll wake you, I promise."
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“Mommy!” I cry, hitting the cellar door with my fists. I can see a little bit of light from under the door, it shines on the staircase all the way down to the floor. I’ve been trying to get her to come here for a while, I don’t know if she can hear me.
“Mommy! it’s really cold…” I still don’t hear her. Hitting the door that many times makes both of my hands hurt. I sit up against the wall next to the door, shivering. The wall is just as cold as everything else. The stones in it hurt my back as I sit.
I got to talk to Daddy on the phone a couple days ago, and he said we would go to the park today. I really want to go, but I don’t know where he is. I don’t want to be here anymore, not with Mommy. I just want to go upstairs to my room. Sleep in my bed with all my stuffed animals and my blankie. Maybe I could stay with Daddy after the park.
“Can I please have my blankie?… Please, Mommy. It’s really really cold!” Sheepy is sitting against the wall opposite me. I grab him and hold him close to my chest. “Are you cold, Sheepy?” I pet his fur, but it’s not as soft as it used to be, and he is missing one of his button eyes. It fell off earlier today.
“Don’t worry, Daddy is gonna take us to the park soon. He promised, remember?”
There is a very loud noise and I scream as the door slams open. Before I can move out of the way, I am falling down the stairs. My head hits the wall and all it’s stones many times before I hit the bottom. I open my eyes and see the bottom of the staircase, my eyes all blurry as I cry out to Mommy. She is standing all the way at the door.
“Mommy!” I try to walk towards her, but my head is so dizzy I can barely move. As soon as I stand I fall back down again. “Please let me out… I know i’ve been bad, but Daddy wants to take me to-“
“Your Father isn’t coming today, so be quiet! For god's sake, how many times do I have to tell you to stop screaming!” She starts walking down the stairs.
“But he promised he would…” All of a sudden I can hear a loud slap, Mommy’s hand hitting my cheek really hard. My ears start to ring as my head hits the hard concrete floor. She stands over me as I keep crying. I can see Sheepy laying on his side not far from me.
"Listen! I don't care what your father said, I need you to be quiet. Understood?"
"Yes, mommy. But can you fix Sheepys eye? Please? It fell off earlier and I can’t put it back on." I grab Sheepy and hold him out to her, she takes him out of my hand. I pull his button eye out of my pocket, keeping it in my hand. "Here's his eye."
Mommy huffs, looking at Sheepy but then she turns around and starts walking up the stairs, his eye still in my hand.
"No! NO! Mommy, the button, you have to take his eye to fix him! He can’t see without his eye! Please don't take Sheepy away from me, please!" I stand up super fast, still very dizzy, and try to walk to the stairs. But Mommy is too far away to hear me and I can’t reach her anymore. I can hear the door close; leaving me down here all by myself.
I lay back down on the floor, it feels even colder down here now. My whole body hurts. I am cold and all alone.
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Avery wakes up without a sound. Everything is silent; impossibly still. The silhouette of a tree looms over the room, encasing the space in it’s dark, sinister shadow.
Hot, heavy tears stream down her face, her breath beginning to quicken. Every inch of her body hurts, every movement awakening an ache she didn’t know was there. But of course it hurts, the fall just happened yesterday. How couldn’t it hurt? No body could heal after only a few hours time from something like that. She can feel bruises beginning to bloom beneath her skin, no doubt covering most of her body.
Her anxious eyes roam over her surroundings. She is not locked in the cellar, but sitting atop a bed. It is still cold, so very cold, but comfortable and familiar. She can’t quite place it. Only now is the body laying peacefully by her side of notice to her. Harry is still asleep, his head resting mere inches from her thigh. Harry… where did he come from? Has he just arrived? Did he see the bruises?
The sound of a car backfiring rang through the silence, making Avery jump and her head shoot to the window overlooking the London street. her motion startled Harry awake, he began to stir beside her.
His eyes opened slowly, his gaze falling upon her figure. She was visibly shaking, tears streaming down her face. She looked terrified. At this sight, he was wide awake, quickly sitting upwards.
"Oh Avery, I'm sorry I-I didn't hear you-"
"My arm hurts really bad, Harry." She whimpers, cradling her left arm to her chest. "It hurts so much."
"Where does it hurt?" He carefully reaches out to her, his fingers softly brushing over her skin. To the touch, she was ice cold. No wonder she was shivering.
"Everything hurts…" Harry slowly pulls her towards him, encasing her shivering figure in two blankets before settling her body between his outstretched legs, wrapping both of his arms around her. His hands are rubbing up and down the expanse of her back, the motion attempting to soothe all the distress. Her head rests between his neck and shoulder.
"Yesterday... she pushed me down the stairs," Her cries grew to hiccuping sobs, her breath irregular and too fast for her lungs to process. Harry freezes at her words.
Yesterday... she pushed me down the stairs.
"And now everything hurts, Harry. Look at all the bruises." Her words are spoken through heartbreaking sobs. He looks over her, searching for any evidence of the fall, but nothing can be seen. There aren't any bruises on her, no visible ones anyway. Just her cold, pale, flawless skin. She's hallucinating, she thinks her dream happened yesterday.
Yesterday... she pushed me down the stairs.
"It's going to be okay, Ave... just breathe" Harry murmurs into her hair, his hand resting gently on the back of her head, lightly pushing it farther into his neck. And as Avery concentrates on her breathing, tears fill Harry's eyes, quietly running down his cheeks.
Yesterday... she pushed me down the stairs.
"Look... the bruises are already gone." He lifts her blankets ever so slightly, letting his fingertips run over her skin. Harry delicately lifts her arm to his lips, pressing soft kisses to it. Starting at her hands, he trails them all the way up to her shoulder before moving to the other arm. "No more bruises, angel. See?"
Yesterday... she pushed me down the stairs.
She nods slowly, pressing her head against his racing heart, her tears now beginning to dry on her raw cheeks. After a few minutes, Harry can feel her stable breaths against his neck. The small puffs of warm air signalling that she has fallen back asleep.
Yesterday... she pushed me down the stairs.
Harry looks down at her, replaying what has just occurred over in his mind. He leans his head down, Kissing the top of Averys head as all of it catches up with him. He can’t help the sob that escaped his lips, the weight of it shaking his chest, tears falling from his eyes.
At the sudden movement, Avery shoots up. Raising her head to look at him, her eyes meeting his own. A worried expression plastered across her tear stained face.
"What’s happened?" She exclaims, her hands coming up to rest on his cheeks, eyes searching what could have caused him to cry. "Harry, don't cry... is everything alright? Please tell..."
Yesterday... she pushed me down the stairs.
That's enough for him to know that she doesn't remember waking up. Doesn't remember crying to him about all the pain. Telling him what happened. "It's nothing," He manages to let out, leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead, then her nose, before leaving a lingering one on her lips. "I'm just so happy that you're here with me. That you’re safe."
"I'm happy too." She smiles softly. She wants to press further about what has happened, but she knows now is not the right time. Harry laces their fingers together before bringing their joined hands to his lips, trying his hardest to push all of this out of his mind.
It takes half an hour for the both of them to get settled into bed again. Harry leaving Avery's side only to steep her a cup of peppermint tea. With time, she fell back asleep, this one being dreamless. With her finally at rest, Harry was left awake, watching over her carefully. His hand rests atop her cheek, his thumb carting over the soft skin, letting her know that he is right by her side.
Yesterday... she pushed me down the stairs.
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So I was showing my sister your amazing Q-A posts, when I came across Peter's. I realized that you just keep mentioning the incompetence of the Order, and how they're just a bunch of babysitters who don't do anything throughout many posts, but never actually wrote a rant about them and their members. Can you do that, while stating all the things they did/didn't do and their uselessness to the Order? What can I say I love your rants!
Caveat that it has been a while since I’ve read books 5, 6, and 7 of Harry Potter. I have a fantastic memory but some things may slip my mind. If I grievously offend anyone and it turns out the Order does actually do something, anything, of any vague importance then feel free to let me know and shame me on the internet.
With that, the story of why I think the Order of the Phoenix is a ridiculous organization that was mostly there because Dumbledore felt the need to have a guerilla resistance group (you’ve got to have a guerilla resistance group! Or, if Tom has a secret cult, I must have one too! BUT WITH BIRDS! COO COO KACHOO TOM RIDDLE!)
First, let’s look at our lineup.
Yes, we have a few aurors in the midst, but even with them the lineup is... worrying. In the first war we knew that key figures had presumably just graduated Hogwarts and joined the Order (James and Sirius). For all we know, they were recruited even before graduation. This makes sense as James’ is a big financial win for Dumbledore and was probably, perhaps with Longbottom, in charge of funding most of their operations. That and he and Longbottom give Dumbledore a voice in the Wizengamot (which so far as I can surmise is the only real governing body in the country, the ministry exists, but it all boils down to the Wizengamot). 
The point being, James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, and Lily are all barely squeaking out of Hogwarts not only when they join the Order but also even by the time they die. More, it could be because the books are from Harry’s point of view and he has a serious thing about worshipping James, but James in particular is made to sound very vital to the Order’s operations. A twenty-one-year-old who charged Voldemort without a wand (I really shouldn’t give James shit for this, it was a desperate situation, an attack they had not anticipated, he’s young, and panicking. I will still give James shit for this.)
Otherwise we have Mundungus Fletcher, who gives strong vibes of being an alcoholic and is just a generally unreliable, shady, dude who will steal your silverware and pawn it on the black market when you aren’t looking.
We have Molly and Arthur Weasley, whose only use I can possibly think of is being moral support and... I don’t know... providing safe houses maybe? Seriously, we have no indication they’re good at dueling (less so as Harry’s shocked when Molly takes on Bellatrix and miraculously wins). We know Arthur’s not a very intelligent guy. Arthur and Molly have no sense of... Well, suffice to say, if Dumbledore gave them any real information they’d run away screaming. They throw Percy out of the family for becoming Fudge’s secretary, I’m sure Dumbledore was just internally screaming and begging them not to do it so he can make Percy a spy. But he can never say as much as such a notion would horrify Molly and Arthur. Molly and Arthur are also presented as vital members of the Order by the way. Molly and Arthur. ARTHUR.
We have what remains of the Marauders in the second go around: Remus and Sirius. Remus, while a competent wizard, nobody can quite trust for the reason they couldn’t quite trust him last time: he’s still a werewolf and has no reason to support the current government. Sirius is recovering from ten years in hell and is in no condition to do anything, knows it, loathes it, and is clawing at the walls of the safehouse he was pretty much forced to provide the Order.
We then have the aurors. Kingsly seems competent enough but more than him we have Moody and we have Tonks. Tonks is young and seems very very green, she was a good enough duelist to get into the auror corps but we know she’s dreadfully clumsy and often seems to treat Order business as this very exciting super secret mission she’s on. Moody, is a paranoid wreck who is almost comical for his utterly ridiculous skepticism of everything and seems incapable of making any true plans or taking any real action.
Looking at the Order of the Phoenix is kind of like watching “Dodgeball”, you just have this really weird collection of people who try to dodge wrenches, only the Death Eaters aren’t much better, so it kind of evens out. 
But onto why I think they do nothing... It’s because we see them do nothing.
We don’t get much information on the first war but at best it seems like there were a few minor skirmishes in the street now and then. I always imagine something like the Sharks and the Jets in Westside Story. They’re walking along the streets, spot each other, dramatic music ensues and a rumble begins, then they scamper away when the aurors come in.
Remember that these guys aren’t a legitimate organization and really don’t have the structure of one. Back in the day they were probably, essentially, a street gang.
We get a little more evidence of what we see them get up to in the later books. And it’s all just kind of sad.
Remus is sent on the world’s most ridiculous and hopeless quest to recruit werewolves. Why do I say ridiculous and hopeless, what the hell does Remus have to offer these guys? Werewolves are ridiculously oppressed by the current government, they cannot obtain an education, they cannot hold jobs, they’re desperately unemployed and people routinely talk about wiping them out. Remus comes up to them and says, “Hey guys, come support the guerilla movement that supports the government that talks about killing you all the time! It’ll be great!” They’ll either put Remus’ head on a pike or if they’re nice just laugh at him until he leaves. I’d say it’d be worth it, except that it’s an exceedingly dangerous task that probably would end with Remus’ head on a pike. As it is, it ends in embarrassing failure. And this is one of the more legitimate Order missions.
Hagrid, similarly, is sent to talk to the giants and it ends in equally embarrassing failure for the same reasons (why would the giants ever support the ministry and or Dumbledore who promises them nothing). Also, sending Hagrid to talk diplomacy, with anyone, ever. Surely, there’s no way that could possibly go wrong.
Otherwise their big task seems to be to babysit Harry and transfer him from the Dursleys to the Burrow/Grimmuald Place. The first, they fail at, Mundungus gets put on the job the one day something actually happens and it’s a complete disaster. The second, they also fail at, as I never understood why they couldn’t just portkey him where they needed him to go or at least closer by. The polyjuice flight across the sky was... really unecessary. 
You can tell by the seriousness with which most Order members, i.e. Tonks, take the babysitting Harry duty that this is a very serious task for very serious people. Given this, Tom’s lack of overt action in the fifth and sixth books, the fact that we don’t seem to see them do anything even in the seventh book... Yeah, this and keeping an eye out for that prophecy are their most exciting jobs.
Remember that rescuing Harry from the Department of Mysteries wasn’t really Dumbledore’s idea. That was an emergency situation where he had to pull out the stops, more, I suspect Sirius went “CHAAAAAARGE” and gleefully rushed out into glorious battle with the Order directly behind him and Dumbledore going, “Well, shit.”
I guess the last thing I’ll say is that we also see that Dumbledore has very little confidence in the Order. He gives them nothing important to do and, more, gives them virtually no intelligence.
He never tells the Order about the horcruxes (their existence or Harry, Hermione, and Ron’s super serial mission to track them down and destroy them). He never relays to them that Harry himself is a horcrux. He never reveals the suicide ploy with Snape or that he was in fact dying before that point. He never reveals Malfoy’s assassination attempts. Dumbledore doesn’t tell them jack shit.
If he relies on anyone, usually when he’s forced to, it’s Severus Snape. This I think is not only because Snape is forced in a way to be loyal thanks to the life debt to Harry as well as his own overwhelming sense of guilt but also because he’s the only really intelligent and competent one there.
The Order’s just... if you need someone to pick up Harry or else keep an eye on him when Mrs. Figg is busy: they’re your guys. Otherwise, they make Dumbledore feel good about himself?
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glitterge1pen · 3 years
You Only Water Plants With Cool Water
Rukawa Kaede x reader, sfw, fluff, word count 1,435
reader is a painter 
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Rukawa and you both had practice. Studio sessions, gym time, he needed to go to the store for new basketball shoes, you needed new paper or canvas. He knew when you had had a bad day. When every stroke of pigment was wrong, when you had to change water too many times. You knew when he had messed up his scoring percentages, or when he’d landed a shot not to his liking.
You also had good days though. Ones where you would be electrified, dragging Rukawa to the tiny bedroom studio in the apartment, excited to show him a new piece. He tried to be subtle about sharing his smaller successes with you. Quietly asking to go on a walk to the park on weekend mornings, picking up a basketball before heading out the door.
While Rukawa couldn't exactly understand painting, or art, he did understand you. He saw how hard you worked, the same as him. You too were striving for something. So he lets you ramble on about new art books you had bought, different painters you admired, ones you hated, an art supplies store you wanted to try your luck at. This was also how you understood him. You saw how at home Rukawa watched all the NBA games, kept tabs on different players.
The two of your respective passions consumed lots of your life. Which is why he didn't mind when you had the door to the studio closed when he got home from the gym. You didn't bother him when he was watching a game. He would sleep on the small couch you had tucked in the corner of the studio, the radio giving a play by play of some game. Legs hanging off the arm rest, simply enjoying being in your presence. Some days you would go to his practices, half watching, half sketching out ideas for a new chunk of canvas. This was one of those days.
Looking up from your lap you see that practice is almost over. You set aside your work to focus on Rukawa completely. He really is something else on the court. Brash, aggressive, and still sly. Those parts of Rukawa were the same. The part of him that bluntly told you while out shopping what did look ugly, that way you swore he moved stuff around in the fridge to mess with you, or how he shoulder checked people a little too often. When he was playing basketball it was like the various gears and screws that made up Rukawa were perfectly made to play, like it was the only that life made sense to him. It added something to his outward psyche, a fire of energy that exuded from every pore.
You watch as the team starts to wind down. Shooting from various points on the court, running sprints from one side to the other, to end practice there was a complicated passing drill that you couldn't follow. You were prepared to leave, grab some take out on the way home, but when Rukawa came over to you he flopped onto the bleachers.
“Hey! Come on you can't sleep here”
With a sweat towel covering his face he mumbles,
“I can sleep anywhere, just give me a couple minutes”
But you know with Rukawa that a couple minutes can range from thirty minutes to hours. You pull on his arm trying to get him up, his eyes are stubbornly closed though. You poke, you blow air on his nose, you ruffle his hair and pull on his clothes. When that doesn't work you try threats.
“I won't pay for dinner”
“I was going to pay”
He says, words muffled by the towel. Exasperated you sit back onto the cold bleachers. You reach into a plastic bag you have settled down by your feet. It's from the craft store, new paint, new brushes, you had stopped there on the way to see Rukawa. Cautiously you pull out some paint and let it rest against Rukawa's skin.
“If you don't get up, I’m gonna paint you”
“I dont care”
“Why would I care?”
Before you two had been playful, teasing, but when he asks that he is genuine. Like he couldn't possibly comprehend why that would bother anyone. He has one eye open now, peaking at you, seeing that you are considering it now.
“I don't care, go ahead, just let me sleep”
At first you're still a little apprehensive. You are slow to fill up one of the paper cups from the players bench with the water fountain. You use the colors little by little. Mixing them in the palm of your non dominant hand. You start with his arm. The paint moves differently on his sweat tinted skin and you have to adjust.
Rukawa floats in and out of sleep. Lazily watching your concentrated expression move expertly over him. He likes the way the brushes feel, the cool of the paint. He notes that you're holding his hand differently, it's deliberate, your fingers not laced with his but clasping onto him. You do this so you can twist his arm this way and that. He can see blues and greens mixed onto your own skin in puddles. Then he’s back asleep.
You are no longer paying attention to Rukawa, or the dance group that came to use the gym for practice. You like working here. The gym lights are bright, the AC blasting cold air. You were originally only going to do something small. But now Rukawa's entire right arm has been consumed by paint. You are putting the last few strokes of detail on his arm knowing that you aren't done yet. You are afraid to dab at the paint to see if its dry, you blow on it and Rukawa gives a small smile at the sensation.
You pull the towel off of Rukawa’s head and lay it over his chest, placing his arm there too. You grab your bag of supplies and move to the row of bleachers below Rukawa. His left leg your new target. This is harder for Rukawa to sit through at first. The bristles of the brush more ticklish, but it is soon calming once again. He wants to see what you’ve painted on his arm but his eyes are still so heavy, he so tired.
“Wow you're really good!”
“Thanks! He’s a pretty good canvas!”
Rukawa wakes at the sound of your voice.
“Oh sorry I didn't mean to wake you!”
It must be one of the girls from that dance team he decides.
“It’s okay he sleeps plenty”
You tell the girl, she laughs a little before waving herself away. You're packing up your things, swirling brushes into the cup of water, twisting paint tubes closed. Finally feeling satisfied with his nap, Rukawa slowly gets up. Used to sleeping wherever he pleases the dull ache from the bleachers doesn't bother him much. He rubs the sleep from his eyes and sees it.
You've painted a river. From his right shoulder to his left ankle is a river. Patches of grass and flowers growing along parts of it, stones, clouds, waterfalls, waves of water. It’s dynamic, twisting over the grooves of his muscles. You are surprised at how gentle his fingers move along the outline of the water, tracing it down his whole arm. In between his knuckles the water fades off his hand in droplets. The red flowers a bold contrast to the cool colors of the water. Fish leaping in and out of the water, some not even breaking the blue surface of paint, shadows of warm color beneath the water.
“You like it?”
You ask, he only nods, still admiring your work. You get him off the bleachers, once standing the daze he was in wears off. He grabs his duffle bag and the two of you head out. The night air is refreshing, the sky dark blue but bright like how it is in the summer. The street is still buzzing from the dusk. People on the way home from work, light traffic in the street, store and street lights flickering in the newness of the night.
“I’m sorry”
You don't know what Rukawa could possibly be apologizing for.
“I’m gonna have to take a shower and the paint will wash off”
“That’s okay I knew that when I did it”
Rukawa seems discontent with this answer but you aren't sure how to help ease him. At the next block Rukawa turns the wrong way.
“Where are you going the-”
“They have disposable cameras at Walgreens.”
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  
A/N: If someone made a bingo chart of my writing Walgreens would be on it. Will post this on ao3 later today :) Also no :) I did not :) edit this :) 
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reindash--yuri · 2 years
Stampy's Lovely World Toddler AU one-shot.
Fanfiction summary: Hit the Target leaned against the wall, watching Stampy set up the Christmas tree.
Word Count: 815
Warnings: Warnings: Light paranoia (?), light swear words. If I need to add more warnings then don't hesitate to send me an ask or message.
Snowflakes fluttered downwards under the sparkling sunlight. Snow piled high on the ground making it nearly impossible to use the Clubhouse door leading to the outside world. The already bright room was lightened up even by the sun’s raising that was trickling through the roof. Hit the Target leaned against the wall, watching Stampy set up the Christmas tree.
With being toddlers- Polly, William, and Veeva helped with the best of their abilities. Which was just placing ornaments on the lowest part of the tree. Fizzy would normally have joined, but he was taking a nap in the toddler designated area of the Clubhouse.
Target briefly glanced over to said area. It was newly built and was decently sized, a little bit larger than the bar, though the ceiling wasn’t as high as the rest of the room. The alcove had what most adults (or maybe just him) wanted to have as toddlers: stuff animals out the ass, blankets, pillows, and most importantly, toys. Toddler safe, of course. Afterall, what kind of parents would give their children inappropriate stuff to play with– Hit the Target went back to watching Stampy and the others.
Discomfort swirled in Target’s bones and he fidgeted with the edge of the red and green sweater that Stampy lent forced him to wear.
Target let out a huff and walked over to where the youngest toddler slept. Following the walls was not to disrupt Stampy and the others. He stood at where wood met colorful carpet. The small elephant was curled up in a ball wrapped in a yellow blanket and was snuggling a cookie plushie. Barnaby was also sleeping next to Fizzy.
Fog swirled in Target’s skull, blocking out the sounds of talking and laughing.
There was a pressure on his shoulder. “-Target?” Stampy’s voice sliced through the fog like butter.
He flinched and let out an uneven breath.
“Did you’ve to come up all sneaky like?” he asked as he flicked Stampy’s paw off his shoulder (he couldn’t stand the feeling of being touched despite craving it) and took a step backwards.
Stampy gave him a look and chuckled. “I wasn’t being all that sneaky.”
“Sure.” Target crossed his arms.
Stampy looked over his shoulder. “So-” Stampy drew out. “Are you going to help?”
“No? The fuck would I?”
Stampy gave him another look. “Hey, language–” Target rolled his eyes as Stampy gustered over to the tree– “Do you not want to hang up some ornaments? Well, and I actually got some of your and Veeva’s tree decorations from your fortress.”
“You did what?”
“The chest was labeled, so I didn't go through any of your personal stuff.”
Irritation bubbled in Target’s throat, but when he glanced down at Stampy’s face, it died as quickly as it came. “Whatever.”
Stampy stepped closer, tail swishing. “I need a little help with reaching the top of the tree.”
He let out a scoff, “course you do.”
Target tensed when sounds of movement reached his ears. He spun around to where the sound came from and relaxed when he released it was just Fizzy moving in his sleep.
Stampy let out a quiet chuckle as he appeared next to Hit the Target. “We should probably move away from the sleeping Fizzy.”
Target only nodded, though he was reluctant to move. He knew Fizzy was fine, but there was a part of his brain pulling and tugging at the idea of something bad happening. Besides, even if something did happen, Fizzy would be safer with Barnaby than him. Especially since he constantly fucks–
Stampy putting his hand into his own hand pulled him away from his thoughts. He pulled Target away from the toddler alcove and closer to the tree, stopping in front of one of the tables. Stampy loosened his hand, however; Hit the Target tightened his hand (did he actually hate being touched or was he just not used to it?). Stampy smiled slightly before reaching out and securing his left paw on Target’s other hand.
“You don’t have to put up any ornaments, but could you possibly help William, Polly, and Veeva put them up at the top of the tree?” Stampy glanced over to the tree and let out a chuckle. He looked back up at Hit the Target. His green cat eyes, large and round, and full of joy, yet if you look close enough you can see a lingering tiredness. A tiredness that is never too strong, but is constant.
For some reason, those same eyes also made his cold, dead heart skip a beat.
“Sure, fine, it’s– if any of them wants me to.”
Stampy released Target’s hands and walked over to the tree, rehoming some of the ornaments to higher parts of the tree. Hit the Target walked over to the Christmas ornament box and grabbed a faux candy cane, placing it onto the tree.
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runwithwolvcs · 3 years
You Know I'm No Good - t w o
Temptation vs Freedom
Warnings (future chapters): Drugs/Alcohol, Sexual Content, Sexual Tension, Jealousy, Mental Health, (Mentions of SA, but no details)
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I don't like memories because the tears come easily, and once again I break my promise to myself for this day. Its a constant battle . A war between remembering and forgetting.
Back in her darkened bedroom, Tallulah still couldn't wrap her head around her current situation. The rest of the night consisted of her being introduced to people who seemed to know more about her then she had wanted, clearly word spreads fast around La Push. Josie had introduced her to some of her friends that had arrived later, after the tribal stories. Clearly only there for the party. They seemed nice, but they were definitely not the type of people she would choose to be friends with herself.
Lenna had made herself scarce throughout the entire, to which her twin stated was typical behaviour. But Tallulah figured it had more to do with her presence than anything else. Tally couldn't help but look for the tan boy she had locked eyes with, something about him was so alluring. It was almost frustrating, Tallulah Forester doesn't get captivated by anyone, not ever. She was the captivating one, at least that's what Xander had always said. “You're like a tornado, with pretty eyes and a heartbeat. Luring in bystanders until you’ve ruined their lives..That's what I enjoy so much about you”, that was the last thing he had said to her before she had left his house party the night she had been caught. Their relationship was a mess, both of them struggling for control, even if it meant hurting each other in the process. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, but it was all she ever had. She craved it in an almost masochist way.
Tallulah's phone had been off all night, not in the mood to deal with the onslaught of messages she was sure to get, now that she had a moment to breath by herself she figured she may as well read them, 1 5 messages from Lina and 3 missed calls, her best friend, was more than likely freaking out, consumed by guilt over the fact that their lies to their parents had been crossed. 7 messages from Kit, who she figured was already trying to plan how to spin this to make herself the victim, as Kit does, and 1 lone message from Xander, the only one she read before she shut off her phone to go to sleep.
That sucks :(
Was all that it said.
After a lot of tossing and turning in the bed that was almost too soft, mixed with the pillows that weren’t soft enough, Tallulah drifted off to sleep. She dreamed of the boy who had taken her by storm, his smile seemed brighter than the sun and the way he laughed was like music to her ears. They were on a cliff overlooking the ocean, she could see that he was talking, but couldn't hear what he was saying, she watched as he stood up and walked towards the edge of the cliff, looking as though he was about to jump, she stood up in a panic--
Tallulah startled awake to Kira shaking her shoulder gently, a soft smile graced her face. It was raining, but Tallulah could tell it was early morning.
“Tally, sweetie, you’re dad and I would like to speak with you before he goes to a meeting” she said quietly, “Get dressed and meet us downstairs in ten minutes,” she spoke, the smile never leaving her lips. Tallulah groaned, not one to be a morning person in the slightest, she swung her legs out of bed, toes touching the cool hardwood floors. She could hear low murmurs outside her door as she heaved herself out of bed, still not used to her surroundings she walked to her two duffle bags and sifted through the clothes before settling on an oversized, green long sleeve to cover the stick and poke tattoos that littered her arms, with ripped, loose, blue jeans. One disappointment at a time, she thought to herself as she got dressed. She grabbed her hairbrush from her bag and ran it through her hair, leaving it to lay in its natural waves down her back before quietly heading downstairs to whatever talk she was awaiting.
She was met with Kira and her father sitting at the kitchen table next to each other, and as they beckoned her over to sit, she noticed the thin, blue rectangle laying in the middle of the table. The same blue rectangle she had so carefully hid in her room back in Seattle, or so she thought. She could feel anger begin to bubble in her belly as realization dawned on her, her mother had been through her room.
She sat expectantly, waiting for her dad to chastise her for using drugs, or even alcohol, as a minor and how that could affect her future, but he looked to Kira to begin. The gentle smile that was near permanent on her stepmom was almost comforting in the moment, almost. “Tally”, She starts, “We are aware of your.. pastimes, in Seattle, however, we will not be encouraging that same behaviour here.” she sounds like a damn counselor, Tallulah thought to herself. She’d honestly prefer being yelled at. “We have a few ground rules that we expect you to follow, as we do Lenna and Josette.” Kira continued, “Under no circumstances, will we allow drugs under our roof, including nicotine,” she says referring to the vape sitting in between them, “Or alcohol that does not belong to your father and I. If you are to partake in these activities and are caught you will have consequences.” She looks at Joseph, as if they had rehearsed their own parts, looking towards her dad expectantly, “Secondly,” He speaks up, “As we expect with the twins, any boy, or girl, that you are,, having relations with, we expect to meet, no sneaking them through bedroom windows.” Tallulah cringes internally, it was one time, she wanted to yell. “Curfew will be 11:00 pm on school nights and midnight on Fridays and Saturdays, no exceptions.. Understood?” he asked, looking at his eldest daughter. She wants to argue with them, tell them that policing her life won’t make her change, not the way that they wanted her to at least. That was something her mother learned the hard way. She had taken the door off her bedroom when she had found out she was sneaking out in the night, which only caused Tallulah to start sneaking out the front door instead, right in front of her.
“You done?” she asks, yawning, this wasn’t new to her at all, and she really didn’t care to be frank. The two adults look at each other, Kira nodding her head in Tallulah's direction, Joseph sighed before tossing a key chain on the table next to her vape. A small house key was connected to what looked like a car key. “Choose one.”
Temptation or Freedom?
Tallulah spent the rest of the day running errands with Josie, who had offered to show her around the reservation. They had stopped at Monets, the local cafe, run by the Littleseas, its the go to hangout spot, according to Josie. Who happens to be friends with Colin Littlesea, the eldest son of the owners.
Tallulah picked at the half eaten muffin sitting in front of her as she waited for Josie to return with a refill of both of their coffees. They were so different from each other, Tallulah drinking hers black, while Josies consisted of mainly cream and sugar, just like their personalities, but for some odd reason they clicked.
The car her father and Kira gave her was originally supposed to go to Josie, so that the twins no longer would have to share their current one. Finding out that alone made her reconsider her choice, at least a nicotine addiction only really affected her, but with a lot of reassurance from Josie, and the simple ask that Tallulah help run her errands eased her guilt. She didn't want to upend the twins' life, it wasn’t their fault her parents decided to force her to move to La Push. While Josie seemed to enjoy her presence, Lenna did not, and it's clear now she was avoiding her.
Tallulah gazed around the quaint yet homey cafe, its hand painted walls consisted of the same trees that surrounded the reservation, it was peaceful. She looked towards the door as it chimed, alerting the staff of new customers entering, a group of extremely tall, good looking men walked through the door, causing the calm energy to shift with their booming laughs, everyone seemed to be used to this behaviour, considering she was the only one to look in their direction.
Her eyes followed the group of boys, taking each one in, by the time she reached the last, he was already looking at her. Paul Lahote. The largest of them all, in height and muscle, she thought to herself as her eyes raked his body.
Josie setting her coffee down in front of her broke her concentration on the boy, her attention fully shifted to her half-sister. “What do they feed the men here? They are all so tall” Tallulah asked jokingly, to which Josie laughed, shaking her head. “Not all of them. Just the ones who hang around Sam Uley. Some people say he's giving them steroids but dad swears against it. So does mom.” She watched Josie grimace, and cut her off before she could correct herself, “--I’ve seen boys roided, they look nothing like them.” she spoke before taking a sip of her coffee. Josie nodded, an almost fascinated look on her young face, “So it's true then..” At this, Tallulah raises her eyebrows, “ what's true?”
“Your mom sent you here because you got mixed up with some guys who did drugs or whatever. At least that's what Lenna said she heard dad say”
Of course she did, so much for a fresh start, she thought.
Tallulah rolled her eyes, “Sort of, I guess --”
Now she was being interrupted, a large looming figure was now standing at the edge of their table, greeting Josie, she watched as the younger girl blushed in response, before saying “Hey, Ethan. Uh, this is my older sister, Tally or um, Tallulah,” Josie fumbled over her words as she introduced her. Tallulah looked up at the towering boy with a half smile, nodding her head as a way to say ‘hey’ , Ethan nodded back before asking, “I didn’t realize you guys were sisters. Do you go to school off the rez?”
Tallulah shook her head, “I did but I just moved here from Seattle. I start at the rez school tomorrow.”
He nods before engaging with Josie in conversation about some project they were working on and she can’t help but look over at the boisterous table in the far corner, she can see Paul and another boy glance at her as they talk, she excuses herself from Josie and Ethan, the coffee in her mug no longer appetizing and itching for her little blue rectangle in that moment.
Tallulah makes her way up to the bar-like counter, the waitress coming to take her order almost immediately. She orders a sweet tea, hoping to wash some of the lingering bitterness from her mouth, hoping it would help curve her cravings. She can feel someone come up next to her but doesn't bother to look who it is as she fiddles with a napkin, the waitress comes to take their order and their voice sounds like velvet in her ears despite the hint of gruffness to it.
“You're Joseph Forester's daughter, right?” She hears him ask, she looks in his direction to see he's already looking at her, a small cocky, smirk toying on his lips. He already knows the answer clearly. She wants to roll her eyes and tell him to fuck off, but she can’t bring herself to do so. So, she nods and softly says, “Yeah, Tallulah.” This causes him to actually smile, like he's thankful she didn’t just blow him off. That hot, cocky persona is nearly untraceable now,
“I’m Paul Lahote.”
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